-,,ESTABLISHED 'IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS A c &M,—lllide tad Leather Dead- Th ee imartrariol. ' Gr ier * Pittsburgh, E. Levitt h Co. p4iladelphia. C o o trenenta of Weatern Leather solietteel, and lib .erat advance, made if required. fat:deka - TWOOrt, JON EeI & Co- Camanzatoo and. For ta'attatding biarettannt, bins roamed to their old ':iltandnYater and Front aroma, Piusbnagd. ont2l p.Ik&UN & Whale:gala and Renal Drnk ea& comer of Liberty and Si. Clair stria*Piu. - 101, Pa. =mail X, 6. sumrs. !tows I CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Commission Illerchanu, No. 1.45, Libeny st., DROWN Po. dc3l ly. 110 FARNIM'OCK h. Co., Wholesale and Re. •.xi. WU Druggists, comer Wood and 6th sta. jyt .AGALEY 8 BMITH, 'Wholesale timers, 18 and 20 Wood streei Pittsburgh. 11. Meta:llLn( !a Co., Forwarding and Con. . missanalderchanta, Quaid jtuia, Filtsbdqh • r'•; ILp-ua. ious ointm. ,:1611VALT k. °EMHART, Wholesale Graters, deal ,Ja.enrin Produce and Pittsburgh histtufaeuires. cor ofLabert and Hand Pines , Ps., te4l7 Vim a. saaras LON= 3.:Sinnilizez 'VriNLISH & BENNETT, (hdo With Golinem F Co.) Mamie Woo era, Conamsaion and roc wording Matehuna, and dealer. in Produce and Pin.. btitibidanufacturas, No. 37 Wood m, baraven rd and meets. nod :.'l. MIMED, - DUN ItIRT, Ma* WOOD. TRW. RHEY & Co, Wholesale GrOCCID and r - Conualstion Merchant& and Agents for 1 /1 1° ' Cotton Yates, Nos. 17 Water, and it Prom sts, Its. ho . Pa. feb9 ALLAGHER, LONG & t Gaged W en G - Foundent and Gas Plum, 100 •nont„ between Witod ontreutiihileht aquae, Pittsburgh, P. 47 - piglicsi pike given for old Copper and • - . GEORGE COCHRAN, Cotomiadon and Forgrardint Morehani, No. 20 Wood wool. Pittsbuogn : _myq • ILLLARY BRUNCTA Mate and Red Lead Mimi. Idolater, Pond and Oil Moreliaza i tamer of Lit. au • and O'Hara ma, Pitiabarati. lea laatail eit, • 'seam mart, nt. SALMI DICKEY & CO. 'indadssle eniallon Alereheints, and dealers ist Produce, nles;s6 star, and 107 Front streets, Ftwi4urgl6._ . noo3 'TIAN H. RANKIN, Attorney andeoarwollor at Law wid Conuntaioner fin dm Slaw of Penurytrania Bt. Lorda, blo., Saw Finsbargh.) Rirtalsosa-..Fittsburgli: Hoo V Forward, Hump. son &. /dinar, ISTlaudless & /dClunr, John E.Parke, arca. & Scruple, MVord &.,_ja.tatly • - ---- 'lolllll3Cank Ca, Wholeu r. la Groce, Forward .) Lot and Comuilawou ISlerrtmets, Dealer. in Pro dder sad,Piasburghblannfaerams, No, 7 Cosarwreaal Savr,laborty sired, near dm Caaal,,PaWburgb, TAMES 9 MeGUERP., Ibuttaithe finn of blgoo sad blethstro,) lerubsut. WIC?, St. Charles Butidings, Thud areet, near Wood, Pittsburgh. TAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Sitemsors to Ir Lewis lietehison & Co., Conurdssion lambs/tub MI Agents of the St Loam Ste= Sag& litiShery. Ho. 43 sexier and IN front streets, Pituborgh. !aril • t,R. BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Buil -I..dlOri, Eli Clair it, Piinbargh.. paw TIMN N. 8. DlLWOHall—Wkolesale Grocer, Pro dpeo sad Commission lilerchant, NaB7, Mod •t, Pittstaagh. itio3 TOSS D. MORGAN Wltolcsale Druggist, sad dent er In 14e Studs, Paints; Oils, Varnishes, N WW2 street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts. Walsh. TAMES Kenn, Jr., is Co., (anceessor to Joseph G. 11,11. Dasis,)Ship Charallers,Sd Water street out. ry mix IL'MELLOS, Wholesale and Retail dealer is Ithisle end Musical Instruments, Same) Paper, Slates, Steel Pens,' Quills, Printers , sand l t4l.% Sertiontry reneralli,No. el Wood rt., Pitubwrwh. • w • ka or taken in trade. '" imp= T „13C4400NMAKER & Co, ,WholuiLle. Divan s. 1i0,.24 Wood street, Pittsburg& 1F MIN -D. D - A - VLS, Apeticistear, earner WI ,d Wood t P Emu; Plutbu b oetl - TOHNSTON & SIOCKDON, Bookselleis, Piinteus U and Paper 31 and tio. 44 tdartet al-, Pm.. OLIN GRIER, Whohmala GIOCGT, dealer in Pro , duce, Pittsburgh Manufactures, To> Pla.a.,/". Nto• t2lLiberti is4s icanoniorn, slots= rum, T aB- FLUI - 11, (late I. Floyd k C 0.,) Wholesale V a Grocers, No. len Libeny sweet. •seps .T. 61,113 DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission dieretiont, and dealer in Produce and Putsbargh bianailetures. N 0.114 Water or., Pirtsburgh. lurid VIER a JONES, Forwarding andwr chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh menu -I..etured articles, CAnal Basin, bear 7th st. Vesuvius Iron Works. lEWIS, DALZELL a Co., rannufacturers of all si i sea Rai, Shoot, Iltoiler Iron and Nallo of the best qoality. Warehouoe, b 4 Islam. and 105 front at. WATERMAN Wltolearde Grocer, Forward. • • j, !ialg addCononiaearn 2derc4ron, Dealer in :Pia► fiorstl'plgtoi Produce, Nos. 21 tenter et, and-69 Front 1r jD - EUR LAM , B,F,RT teSHIPTON, Maolerale Grocers, 144- wardtwasul Commis.= Meacham, dcalurs In 'uod Pittsburgh Manufactures, ti0..17 and tl5 ivoa at, Pittsucrni4 WCEIt, BROTHERS & Co, Ceirmatastoit Ales bbaau; Plaladelphia, for tee sale o! Me.late gel Liberal advemeas made on tonnisamenni - ..• . • . _ _ ltireG/LI. It ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis -4111,,5i0u Alerehants, bi0..194 Liberty sr, Pidsbdrekt. ,1741, t, . _ . LLia3 7 ALE. NOMS, VIC V- SKIM ALLEN tr. Co, Commission sad Forwarding • idesehants„ Woes and . Front ma, between Dowd Markel ms. }and , . ;,teMi. zucKersoNovnoii,Lr'l ,- commiaion Meadows, No. 170,1,140rty.0t., " Pat0• P.o. lonl.ll NT HOLMES & SON, No. 53 Martel at., recand .gavtoelaniirio=uFort=ecrs mol'&reyrn ftinanYllotea and Specie. " W." Collection. mad on all Ma principal miss eiron..arn OM United Sums, deci7 • --- $, Distiller Grocer, Rectifying .111, Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pitasburgb Manatee- Ittld kladf of Foreign and lktoxsue Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty sireet.. On hand very largo . stock of superior old Idoritmgahela Whiskey, which will be sold low forces& apl&.ty IDWAL6IIII I T. LEECH, Jr.,_ In:Tomer and Deader Yoreigo end Domestic Haddlm - y Hardware and •Csmisge Thmsaings, of s.II descriptions, Na. UZI Wood at., Pittsburgh. apMS 731 ICJIAJW DASD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In 116 Leather, Morocco, shoemaker' Tee. and Find. mrs, Tuners' and Cutlers' Too* and Tanners' Olt, No.loo Wood at. Pinanurgta. heidd Swum aosnoon, wry= IL 1101 , 12010 A. PROBINSON & Co, Wheless& Unseen, Produce o lt and Counaismon Merchants, and Dealers Pitts urs blaunfacnucs, No ISO Ldberty Pituthosts /shit) FCIEBT DALZELL & WMlmals Grocer. omdmion and Formmtmg htm.hmak dealers Produce and Pircemgh Pktanatmantes, Libmym Plastrmgh, P. fMI4 OBT. A. CUNNINGHAGi Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce and Pruablugh Gesurierioroe, 0.144 Liberty ar. , 11EYNOL1*3 k SllEE,Foranstaling and Ca Al, Merchants, for the Allegheny Meer Trade,teal ra in Grandees, Produce, Pittsburgh Mantitaetures %lad Chloride of Una, The highest prices, in cash, paid at all times for coin. try ntga. , Carnet of Perm and lnrin eta jand3 CI B. HUSHWbolesalo deader In dry s, A. grocerany MLlN boos, shoes, Pitiabarab snanntwnr odd rio. VD, Liberty meet, Yeasborgts. CIMITH & JOHNSON, Wholesale and !retail Dealers lip in Millinery beads, Laces, Hosiery sad Fancy Ardelca, No. 401darket street, 3d door above 'Third Msbargh. arra • §:7I,S.LETT WIMTE., Wholesale Dealers. In „Fe= and Demesne Dry Deeds. No.ga Wood sa. RAIIBAUDH,' Wool Mervin,lda la. Flour and Produce generally, and Porsranting , 'Warnlesion . Merchants, NO. pi n ,. bomb: .42,111ITH,c.aeoALEY..., CoAW.boleselelhoeer. .41 6 11 6116;i4nika sae, 1ita.:41.1.711'"44b'4"."511' rErsousetb mut tumour., lialtbAXD. & NICOLA, Produce and Generic! Cont.S talon blerehaais, No. 17 Liberty n ' Pimburgh P. •• Linseed and Lard Oils L.:VON BONNHORST, fr. Co., Wholesale Oro eon, Forwildiug a n d, Com mo sion Mere, En Pittsburgh Mll¢fltalltell and %Yeomen I' &above removed to Moir new orarehonte,(old sum NS carom of Front et and Chancery Lana. rams o. O P, Wholesale Waren and .ormle. Merck:sou, end dealere 4n Produce. No. 35 ear ;m24 iou AL IL FOSTY.H., Agent /or Mexican acddiera and TV procuring panttona, at the alien of W. E. Ana ., iturk•• huildniga, 4th at, Pittsburgh. my *an lathe general ladd office aulliatihington, willAuend to lay trauma. there free or exp.nec w uppiCana. marl4.3ly KM a. trunt, ----'------- =MID srwsnLiss ICK t. ht , CANDLESS, (success= to L. & J. II Wick,) Wholesale flrocers, Forsrardiug and °MMUSIasi Merchants, deidetu 'in Iran, Nails, 61,..4 (mum 'Yams, .tut Pittslmrgh Manufactures gunerallY, owls. of Weed OM Wolro meets. Mubarak. WEST SOWEN—Comnosion .and Foramktio. Merchant, No. CO From sr. bapareen Wood • Market meet. falai VirW. WALLACE, Mill stone and MIII Furnuih „ tog establishrernt, No. 244 Liberty at, near the Metal mae2.s GAEILA RD, Dealer in Fancy and imple WDry' DoodyNo. n Meter street, Pinshazgh. novl34lr WW -WILSON, Dealer Wet a, Jewelry, , Silver Ware, D.Litt., Mods, ke:N o , a 7 Alv ►etat. 16r L DlUBfll=do aa }kw d.d., la Farcign and eonj of Alarkat and Founh stsr Gaca""th one. Tonna_ n'ectirr. — Tun YOUNG & Gm—Dealers in Lead= bklee, 143 Liberty et. yra. M. MITCHELTREM—WboteseIe Growls, Reeufying DistMem, Wt W_ina and mantic Mee, Warren orSoda Mk end Poiret+ No. tem Liberty st. Plustratirb, Pt • eekil OW= BIACIAMILIS_ , S. MN= Ch. • BLACKBURN & Co., Wholesale ()racers amt in Oils, Boat Stars, and Plusburgh Alan. wasinufad ankles, have on Wind, as all filmy a full and ipnedidassuswand of goods la ;hair tins, K Uhf Street, ross Chewy Allah Pinullunea anla 11 • CARDS. JOHN M. TOWNEIII.ID,DreggIst ad apothecary, No. 4.3 Market et, three doors abaseThirJ at Pia borgh, wOl have constantly on hand • omit selected as so anent of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most Tameable terms. Physicians wading orders, will be promptly mended to, tel plied with articles they may rely tro gerotOZ Ctd no il oTY Ple Y lted from anr =Vas ' =yaws M the dayor nMht. Also for sale, a law six! of Creak and good Ant lgoriottlat Livery ' Fl. PATTI.n:OI , I has opened h the Wrice stable on Pint st,munti4 • Iti k W Second ft, between Wood and Nmithfie l it the rear of the Monongahela [louse, *Wan entirely new !non of Mom and Carriage. of the best duality and latest styles. Horses Iript at Irre- Dd the best manner. IT 2 MY halitifErredDXB ON WOOD ST, MT/OMA CONTICONTINUES manufacture Monuments, Swint NUESto Walt% Tombs, Head Stones, /dame! Piccek Den ise and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic mashie, at a regular and fair price. N. IL— Des/minus for monuments, vaults,h.e. famish ed, of any desenpuon. Ile solicits a share of public Psteonage ilf WILLIAM SBITTR, Mancitacturer of Cotton and colored Linen, Fringe. for Thema, &e. Sewing Stlk and colored Conon Frirges for silk and'i=e Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk • Bullion made to order on the shortest notice. Baal; earner bf Maiden Lone and William, entrance No BS William 'street, third door, over Abner & Fife , nolo, Pp 65 Maiden lon New Fork jjlo N.A.MIIIII CDINI,2IIII, 3C.CI C. r0C1311., JACOB CPC., /ULU ■OB, /AM. M. LOSS), • • . NECHANICW,GLASEI WORKS. SIMPSON, LEAKY:, STANeiVift . A. mantifeketu• rent of Vial., Limnos, and Window Glass, keep constantly on hand • general assortmes.t of the above articles. Also, make to order o superior article of Mineral or/Soda-Writer Bottles, of colored gins.. No. to Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa. ou,Si.Enn RICHARD T. LEECH, JR y "' adders' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, No., Deer Hatr, Varatutt, &c. dt..l Mt. Ixl Woob ST. Prrnaveau H. EATON; Dealer in Trimmings and Variety Goods, Tortois 'Worstedsory and Hem Combs, td. Wen Yarns and liuttona, Needles, tins, Tapes, Wades, dr.e., No. a 7 Market street, bettiren Dm mond and 4th et, Plusbargh. Jyttgdly PRIECIN TEA STORE.—No. 14 Fourth near Wood—AU quantities of Green and Blank' Tons, done op in quarter, half, and W 3 Pl,3'llrAßK ll 4.lnaktn Prl.` patod INSURANCE. DEL A.W ARE 111 VDU A.L I66ijE.A3CE CO. I URN .FilsiNEY,. Jr, Agent at Patsburgh foi the Del. V tissue Mutual Safety Insurance Oompanyof odelphia. Flreßisks upon buildings and merchandise of every description, and Mvine Risks upon hells or cargoes of vessel., taken upon the most favorable terms. • 00Iee 6t the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., No. SI Water, near Markey wry., Pttub.,gtt. N. B.—The seeress of this Company once the eastb• lieherent of the Agency In the city, with the prompt- Urea and libemallty with which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the neat m Inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. 8. insu. ranee Cm/pasty, while it has the additional advantages ea ening:hue:on among the most flourishing in Philadel phia—es having 111.11 ampleperd-in capnal, which by the operation of its charter is erestrunly u increasing, as yielding to each persOn insured' his de share at the profits of the company, Ingham Involving him in soy remonsibiLtry glummer, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every oionisiortsga. tore, and in Its most attramive form nov4 ~:- :~ ,: quiz lusanno4c Company of North Amencs, vuough j us duly astthenxd Ageui, the subsertber, Mier. to make permanent tut& hunted Jammu.. au property, ut -this euy mat usodeihity, and on shipments by the (.114 as! and Risen, DIRECTORS. Anima, G Carla, Saixil W. lone •s, Edward Emig. • John EL Ned, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Francs Wrath..., S. Austin Alßhone, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, PIVICI. John O, Brown, John WlLite t Thomas P. Coe, Samuel F. South, Sasuuol Brooks, Haan D. Suzann, Seery. Tam is the oldest Iminrance Company in the Caned Smn, having,lmen canned a, 1/91. DJ charter is perpetual, and tread its high mandiug, Mug experience, ample means, end avoiding al. mks at an extra. ardent Clinton, it may be considered as cdering am- FM security urthe p bho.. \V. P. PUNS& At the Contieg Room of Atwood, Jones kCo. Wa ter and From Meats Peralmrgit. may 3 FRANK-LIN .FIHIC 1 - 10311RASCE CO. 11E Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Pluladel. T phis, will 'make Insurandn, permanent and mailed on every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding reentry, an favoralue terms. Thin Cum pony - Mut r petitrinal rearm, I:2 4rtet , Fund 8400,00:1 paid its eIYALCOO otf t c. n p n nt of TtsPd Mer. 10.4 apn9tr ::WAigticirintero., THE undessigned,doly authorised Agent Mlle Anmt teari COMplanT of Philadalptua, continues to erect IturlarillCEl= lOss or &cairn. Fite, on buildings, me re se,. furniture and property, not satin iltattniOLlA, Na• MIT and vicinity. npl4 talti vsani •1 T - tiF......BIJIISCMBER has been appointed Agent pm tethrof the Issuradee Compiihr ofliorth America, and will issue Policies and atiend en the other twain., of tho Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jones tc Co. apt* WM. I' JON water rt FORWARDING & COMMISSION 'titsTu.n7A.. Diaricarno4alirelr" TOBACCO CoIOLLABOI 11311CLAILIB, NO.ASSouth Wharves.„, ,l/Vo. 1.1.7 • South Water at. •PHIL ?. EM tiform the ,e,oe and deakn generally, of B Fatiburgt, plat thereat arcade enchanting , mints with the Vitale maravactmars and the Growers of the West, t lathe.. entireties places, as will Insure • large and Mantuaof the following descnp uo. of TobaCeo, which ant , be sold upon as accom modating wren as any &be, house In this city or else where, and all goods ordered from deem will be was • rented Neal to represenumort: Hatimat Bt. Domingo; Coda; Yam; Porto Rico; Penntal }Seed Leaf to- Cuba; & Plorida Lemma ALSO—Bratteb's celebrated Mountie Btag !Caven dish, with • large essonment of miser popular brand., and ritmlides of pounds, Cta 60, Us, to anti Ur, Lump; Gs, 6, F. and 1111 Plug; ladle& Terme Virguna Taut, meet sad plain, to whole and half boxes, wood lelletbet with e•ery valet,. of vuel• belong ittg to n ate trade. ;Oddly a. noon. 6111/111110X. BARBS% NESBIT GARILIG/PBON, FLOUR FACTORS, Prodwee, .Coenes.lsola= eland Porwardlna No. CZ No= Wnairvia ann IZI Wawa Sr PHILADELPHIA. Exinaro—John H, Brown & Co. Robert Breen & Co. .} /lemon, Buyer & Co. Itagaley Co.& Pazion, New York. Walter. & Hervey, Baltimore. Begaley & Rani* Brobridge,Wilion &Co • Bailey, Browo & Co. Pn ' bmlb. Viet & Janet, f r Liberal crash wire:wee on consignments to out ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., PLOURVACTORS, End General Commission Mereb.skto, 13Soora WArzo emorr, PIIILADELPHIA. REFERENCES—Henn Graff & Co, Plostotrett. - - - .• - - MAI." •. Sherlock, S- Schooley & Son, A. M..Jaanaey, May le. • Charles Basham, h., Louisville. Doillh, tioniliducC.. , Diereini are. & Co. it ~.Plithaira Reed terolber, aplally Dab &Coast:levy, Neve cit. LEHNIER4, ANDERSON ) FORWARDING lc • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 'OO7TON PACTORS'. AND AGENTS . FOR THE BMX OF NADA AND W. GLASS, 7 & 8 P1e0.171/i, ISNALIAVAT, cumsiasi, am. °SORGE COCHR&S CommWion and Forsvardlng Elerehasil. Iso. Lel wools Er, rerlastraun, CONTINUISIO transmit a general Commission busi nen especiallpla iha porettase andaale Ameri ca tdatinfactures and Produce and in receiving and forwarding Goode oonsigaid to Ls rare. ass agent for Wo fdtumfactarea be will , be constantly supplied with the prinespal articles of Pittsburgh Manufactnre at the lowest wholuale price a. Orders and conaignatents are reaptietfutly witched. i 97 • GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALES 6ROcsllls, FORWallthu eaDIOOI3IBbION 614 D WALES IN Iron, Nails, Cotton - Yarns & Pittsburgh .11:110nial&eture• generally, 10 wood rram, -•---. - WM. 11. OLABK, Forwarding Merchant, Brawitsville, Aueede perticWllly to the Forwarding of Produce, &c. &e. • . •- . For aoy Information, apply to FORME! N CIJN CAN, Water at. octla ISAAC CRUSE orarzrua,OOBILBILIIIIIILON 1 1 / 3 13.011ANT, FouTHEPALEOF PRODUCE & PROVILBIONS, Nes..loo and W 7 tiscom'lVaisss gragaph—blarehauts of Pittsburgh. *IA Whr... . • • Crang . _ls A Co otart..4lgut OIOTIOI I TO ISHIPPOIIX. NIFII, Wel taken anytime immediately our beral archouloofontbe prewm, wher e wa vni trans.) bounce,. LS pawn, uouttionownon.e be erected, trranpmente having IllreedrZo made roetho Putt*. Woo will eivruyabergr our wharf up receive frolght. C A hrAtiimitta • • WOOL. - LYMAN, REED'ir , C O 6)lMalr e" Millib TON th IitgIANTS, _ BOSTON. Particular attention paid w the sale otWool, and Ulcer al 'advance* made on consieamenna • miteAtarli• • T.bacco. • 20DIEllks, rime snide ; B do 13s, de rl2 do 5s small pekge 1I• lump, uniqu e; 6do 1 1 ems do I •k/ do spar, al state and lamb by 0 BLACKBURN 6s CM {1 LA9B-,013 nun $40,1041 and 1044 ;window sis Ur just fou'd per 11{011IDAT Assowling, and OA sure, . • • • sepli FORSYTH..k. DU14C.47 le .4101 • • ?•• x kG • BIRGB 1Y! .GALZ . . WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .Butler, Pa WILL also attend to collections and all other Loaf , y ness entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong comnies,Pia Eider to J. t R. Floyd, Liberty si W. W. Wallace. do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. tar Hay t co., Wood at. ) mn7 • T BWEITZER, Attorney at Law, office 2.d opposite Bt. Charles Boal, Pittsburgh, will al e J promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green mimics, Pa REFER TO Binekstock, 801 l d. Co., Church k Carothers, IPntsburgh. D T. Morgan. __ye I3dly - - _ - EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at Low, Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indians, end In Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for tho State of Pena sylmmia, for taking Deposition., sekneneleMtments, Itxrmi To—lion. Wm. 801 l & 800 Curtis, Church & Ctlombers, Wm. Heys, Eq.. W lloek & Deis. n 25 Wi LL IA M S SHINN, (Successors to Lowrie and Wallowa) Attamers and Ca:LT.ll°n at Law. Office or* aide of Fourth street, above Enithfi , let TAM F. KERR, Attorney at law. BakewelPe efi Boilding, Grant street, nearly oppoute the Court Moose. ouga-ana UM. DONUIP. 1. 11,111Mbott fr1N.1.4 ThUNLOP & SEWELL. littorcey at Law, Offices on 11„.4 Smithfield, between 3d and 4th ma ORWARD & SWARTZWELDES, Attorney's at/ F Law, have removed their office to the South side o Fourth sti, between Cherry Alley and Omni street afar. VET O. IL ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hes re- T - moved his ode , o the Esehange Building - , S. Clair qt. pt.. clonr men To Country Merchant. A LAROB STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station- AM, no, /cc., ignitible for country sales; among wbich are — writing Papers, of fine, medium and common gull's Letter Paper de do do do Note Peper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, Wafers. Quill. and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different quanties; Bina Booka, in gross variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and delablO 0001.1 wrapping paper; McGulfle's Eclecue Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eslean° Arithmetic.; Cobb't Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arid:mimics, by Adams, Davis,Coiburn, Smith. Stock• tort, Emerson, and others. Heographics, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Morse. Goo drich, Porky, and others. Drummers, by Smith, Kirkham. Bulbous, Weld, and other. For ~to at low prices. by I H NIF.LLOR. 81 wood st S doors above 4M. The highest market price paid for good mixed rags, in cash. spin PLANETARY & STELLAR WORLDS.—A popo ler ezpo•ition of the great 'lwo:peen.. sod Oro rie• of modern ostronomyi by 0 N fititchell, • rector of the Cincinnati (Steel-vowel'. . _ lleaeley's Italy, Alps and Rhine .—Letten from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine; by I T Handley, author of Na poleon and his hlarshalls. Washington and h. Gener als, &n. New end revised edition. Statistics of Coal—The Geographical and Geologi enl distinedons of Mineral Combustibles or fossil luel; including also, notices and localities of the various mineral bitumimous substances employed in arts and Manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diagram. ac companied by nearly 40t1 statistical table. and Ile. an alyses of mineral combustibles, !cc; prepared by Rich ard Crawling Taylor. mum mem v ed a few copies preach oldie above works --tor sale by JOHNSTON & STOCATGN, //1 3 Bookseller. roe market & Ju in. EARLY READY FOR PUBLICATION VI by J. A. e. v. P. JAMES, Que...., non now and valuable Works—, Charlea Taylor, Ambrose 4.F ob El.Tboo o, Doniphan's Experbuon--ContaitunF • ••.,.• .1 the Inn of COI A. . Doruphen . the Longue., of Nev. Me: trot Um Kearney`s Overland Ezpevirtont tu Can tonna; Domphan's Campaign tuounat the :s:evuov, vnu tn. unparalleled :damn upon Chihuahua and Durango. and the °pennant. of lieu. Pflen Cl Santa Fe, um. tit P. .nd Evtg..vtntre. by John T !lushest A U n , th e r meg - anent co: Minicar: Cavalry History of Kentuety—its AltUqutues and Natural CumlsMes, Geourayttnesl .titatuoyeal and IseMopes. de.crlptions; watt secadoms of Pm:mots Lae, and more tbau one hundred Ellograpmcal +\ etc he. of dloymyttyd,. ad Pioneer. Soidter. buttes:nett, Janata, Lawyer, 'toes, dlastruted wllb forty eagraykags, by Lesv.s voL octavo. The Twelve Months , Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate us the TClrlt•Ste Reqtment in t avalry, In the Campanrn of htesmo, donee 1,40-47, c-nt awns an s count at toe &larch of the Refitment to If era Crua, a demnpason of the Country pasaed over; manners e touts, he. of the people, Ssetches of Cam, counts of all the croon. of other Volont,er Re..qt t and a full Hustiory of the htezi ,an War, lcst of Kil ted and Wounded, he; dlustmand by alert. number of corrcet vicars and plans; by taco. C. Farber, l volume ocmvo. deer 2 Pew Paper mud Boot 7e lVoon Sr. erne., Fourru ase 11sataoso „,„„„,,, and blue Writing enad Lamer Pao., dota• !rearrest and packet post 1.1. Cap. denoy and rurdtuto venttrig papers., for blank b.oks; med., en and royal co lored Printeng Papers, medium, damn and rap Da) Books and Ledgers, superior paler and brat Lastern bendmg; School Books of le,seds, stundurd em ks in Theology and ttesences, Arad and Intel Pena Wafer*, Wax, 11111 File., ac. Sa Blank Books of all suss ruled to pattern, and lound irk the most substanual manner. Country Merchants suppllcd it leery. whole mie ptt ces (or cash, or rage at cash price.. JOB PRIMING.--Hanng is Jou ochres con.are teal with our establtslnnen, we an, prepared to car,. orders for plain and fancy Pruning—noose. p.o air s. circulars, Wanness eanis, lilt. of lading, he ...0 de. paten and .1 low pnees El .uorr um! . P.l wood at. boturcen attt and tbamond "MEW WbllKtt —Vaulty F4l, •v./was a 1.1 Hero: by Witham M.tkopeace T novel hackary— arab ttluslrationa by the author. The Truant of Wlldtoll Flak by Acton Bell. author of vlVuthertrair liwgra " . . The Young Sc bnotastre.: by Joseph Alden, D Part 0. of Harpers' Illartrated erhnon of the Arahrui •ISlarbts' klatertammenut. Near t arrange tor Wady trading, .taliexplanuory antra: raaaration, by L. t 1 Lane, Esq. Loon.' Logarithms—Tables of Laguna funs or nadt • Len NM signs and Tangaths for every te,l acemds a( toe Quadrant. wtth caber useful tables: ay h has Loomis. A. Al.. Prot. Illataellashur and Natural P.kflosopay the enrverstty of New 1 orb, author of a - Treatise ou Algebra, he &a. 'ft, shore works reeeiged thus day and rot sale by JOHNKTON angld Ltookaellens coo market anal .k 1 ate COMSEI.k.Its, itioyraptucal atid II heal, eososinstos memo,rs at the MEl4lb us so the t.iouvess of the I, By It t. Wbeeter. Illus.'s's,' by Jurnerous steel portraits, kr.. tar Vol I, octavo. The Writings of C. SI. Clay, ineladatig spear... and sulareesea, with steel portraits: &hied by II (lively vol, b vo What I Saw to Califonuat By Edina Bryaot. Barbee , Notes, Vat. 10, ~ .112 James, Peter, lobo and Lots. Charms and Counter-Cizarms: By Mum 3notoeh, au thor of -T. teem and to be, "Coati nest," &G. &o Mau drover, • Domdeue Temperance Tale: By C Burdett. Kings and Queens, or Life an the Palace; et:naming of Insbancal sketches ill . lute and ITI/Lltng eavereign.: By J.ll. C. Abbott. A Fast Book in Spanish. or a praeneel introduetson to the stady of We Spanish Language: Hy J halkeld. The flying Hoban and other tales: By Bee. Dr Alden Juan reed by IL HOPKINS, Apollo Balldange, 4111 . t, wag' IS...masa, J L. Head.) I=2l= NEW 13001{2--Lifo of Cromwell, by I T fir/MAI Power of the Pulpit, by Uttrdtner eprlng, U. Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus ou hovels, Matthew, with Harmony, Lectures 00 Shaltspeare, 2 rola; Path of Wife, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and [lmmortality; Footsteps of Messiah; The Convent, by author of Sohool Utrl to Prancer, Now and Then, by Wmren, Sketches of Lemons, on Parables and kltracles, Irelandi Welcome t o the Stronger Heaven upon Earth; Hawkston, a tale of and for England: Y vols. For sale by EGLIOTT & ENGLISH, lel° 70 wood and 2.6 market sut NEW 130!)1(!}-Jost tecemed from the publisher, and for sale at the Methodist Book More, 4th near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, ui three styles of binding; a beauulul book for a present. Preparaium for the Pulpit. Sketches of Sermons on the Pr:relics and Abram:es of Minim, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—LW. sketches, Sc. The Engilah Pulpit; collection of ser mons by the mom 11 eminent living ~10C• of England. bllstamas Vois.—Doing Good, Citation Love. lov. oat then me. Sacred ittedundons. trivet_ or the lbstf;ii and r i li k elrg A m . n ra o i 2ll - U 1 s:1 1 1:•d A fr " otn . the Creation to the death - of 1/111.let Deduced num tt,ci wettings of filmes and other insfured autbccis, and illustrated by comous references to the a• cient records, tradmons, - thology of tile Heathen V .•orld—by Deo Month, F. 9. A. 1 vol., octavo. Charms end Counter-( ;harms, by Miss Mitimsh. A fresh supply of nits very poguls, hole work. Orators of the American Revolution, by K L. Ma goon, with Portraits. I vol, ir MO. . Parley's t ebteet l...ihrary, for Inmates or schools, 2.1 volumes, 12 ma, wt.h engravings. This is a new work. For sale by HOPRINS, m • r 2o Apollo Untidier, 4th st pEL.If'S Bar ANY—Bolsi:lr a( the tinted Stare. north of IP,rginta; comprising descriptions of the wavering and ',em-like plants blamer. bound In those States;meat 47.7 P g od o ' re '' lie n tL •c to th c e o g m ura l t sy stem. Ldn mean system .; • sketch of the rudiments eg si.y, and • glossary I A' terms: by Lewis C. Beck., M. IS, Pmf. Chemistry and Natural History to But e vise Jon' ry, Sc. Sc. Second edition, revised. and en larged. I f o r sale by septa JOHNSTON & STO( ;ITN LAM ARTINFTS GIRONDISTS—Ifistory If die . ndists or, Personal Memoir, of the r •Iflots the F. ;and, lite•olution—from unpuhlu6.J wutrees: Mph on. de LAlNlOnille. COMplell, in Over volume RY , a's translation A hash supply of this PoPt+ll tiro rk_reect•ed this Joy win for sale by JoliNsToN k trfOCKTO N. Booksellers, CO( mar stet and its k:TiRIN6B IN EUROPE; or h - .etches of travel in Franee, Belgium, Austria, Sod iserlOnd, Italy, n, Ireland and Great Room; 'rob an appetidtc icoutatiiudy oto.natious on European charities and medical instructions: by John W. Crown, M. U. A icor Copses for>nie by rplu JOHNSTON A STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Market creel, No bb, between -AIL 3dand 4th , may at CI uraes be found a large cock of Tbeoloreal and Miscellanea. Books. New books received as won ns published, and sold at low. / est prices. The pubbesuons of the American Sunday School Union and Massaeboacts Subbath School So cial, always on band. Catalogues fartnehed on ap plicatton. Et.uoi-r & ENGLISH, I I sera yd rocket at, between 3d and 4th GVNIOPIUM (Torkey)-1 cue reed and fur sale by sept 3 SHAUN MITER PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1848, LAW OFFICES, BOOK TRADE. Near Publications. COPARTNERSHIPS. r.r. J.l j OGAN & KENNEDY have Ws day usociated with them in the Hardware business. Philip Wil son and }Award Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan, Wilson IL Co. This awangentent ren ders it desirable to close the old business as soon as possible. All persons whose liabilities base matured, are especially requested to make immediate payment. Pittsburgh, /an t, 1.1449. I. DOAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and 1..4 Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Hard warn, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ire.. IHS, Wood street. NM 01,11n re now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, at.. to offer very great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with any °rifle Atlantic cities. Al so on hand an extensme assortment of thusburah Hand- ware, lux: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoe-, Vices, he., all of whit, will lie sold at the lowest manufacturer's pores rani rd.b Mk:subs...hers having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal agher, long, & Id filler, for the purpose of eaming on the Bell Pod Brass Founding and Gu Fitting business in an its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu pied by H. Ciallagher, No. EH Front street, between Want end Smithfield sw., where theyare prepared to execute all orders Inc Bells, Rows Castings, or every des -option, and Ga. Faunae emit neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG, PH. MILL 7t. . N It —The attention of Machinists and Engineers is Invited to our anu-attraction metal, for a reduced price, sibtch has been pronounced superior to Hobbit's by number. who have used both. Elleamboat builders and the Nilotic, generally, are also requested to call and et, orator our superior double benon Force rumps for steamboat and domeatio use. (1. - t - GIIRR, LONG, k MILLER. Dissollatlort. m: k annership so long ezmung under the hl4l Oi T SMOra & King, woo by mutual consent dissolved on the let mot. The business will be closed at the old stand 1 either of us, using the name of the firm fur that purpose. Being desirous to bane rut business closed with so little delay as possible. we would re spectfully request those indebted to rail and the their accounts. JOILN D. ht'CORD. itofil li. D. KING. Co-ParOaershlp. TOILN D. nrcoaD havung msoetated enth him hm EP brother James IWCord. ander the style of M'Cord Pe Cu . will eeaunhe the Bat, Cap and Fur buunou in all It. various branches, wholesale tad retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and Bth streets, where they count a conunuabon of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old lima JUICE D id'COHD. Jam JAMES B. M`COOD. IN reurtng from the old end well butertru Et= of Sl'Corti 1c King, I most tespeoftly redigureend 10 the patronage of the public my succesnids, AI. M'cord tc Co. jOIN H. D. KING. ri , lll,leopanneratup heretofore exlittiug hey:reels the 1 subsgrthers, mules the style of :I'Gtll, Itushfield & Roe, exptred this day by Imitation. The !nuns. of the fires Kill he settled by ?WWI & Roe. JAMES D. M`GILL, S. IL BUSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh. July 15,1646'. COPARTNER3IIIP - - The understgoesl vrtil cootrotte the Wholesale Gro cery mat Commtvaton busatesa, under the firma:III:all and Roe, at thew old stand, No. 104 Lsberty street. JANES D ILL, WALTER C ROE. ffitiong sold my interest 111 the firm of 111'6Ill, Rush• field elt. Rot to my former partners, All.:111fr. Roe, I take pleasure tu recommending them to my friends and the itt, IY2O S. R. BUSHFIKL.D. . . Ortia• rehip 'Notice. - E,, W. STEPHENS of Wheenng, E. F. Stwenberger of inmate, and I. A. Stockton of Putaburigh. here ilia day entered intoe co-partnership ender style sad firm of Stephens, Shoentterfer & Co., at the Anchor i work, wheeling , V., for the purpose of menu - fuoiur tug iron and nada of every deaeriptton. L wettL, sunixsza.... I. STE rrr PHENS. 1111103ENBERGER & CO. - • Witeclang, Va. hlanufactare al! kind n(hoiler. sbset, bar von and ails. A /4 steel ettpue .prinksmid axies. Ifrotr. tieeted Shoontremer's .d Juniata works, we eau otter . ar,c,e of Juniata iron (brandedShoettherttrrt rqual to any inacle the country All of whirn wdl he sold at the Pcl..burgh prices. IA archon. , of the k • tOr nee of Nl° roe and Water sm. myll ISSOL UTIO IN —The partnership blutt.rto exisi- Litok under the stye andhria of Wtchllll6/Ik. Dah ts taw day dtssolved by mutual consent. John Dar. sell havutg thsposed of Ms eulh - e otterestto ft. ,Vteht man. The tumour.. of the Mu firm wth by Ile Wirrhunsit, who is autltonsed to use the name or the abe firm tor mat purpose II W 1(1 tam AN spesixtclur Ltuly 1 . 471 J IJALZ ELL. Bute rarer IA now prepared to manufacture all k.!.d, of cotton Rad Women .11u.ctuncri, u Ure .tone.. ....rec. Order, left al It Wtg/11.611111 S I,llglne Slaty. co, r Litrerry sod W.Ct la/Cets, wdl 1211 .14 prompt ateratton 11. Wl(iirrmit.N. L.teok .5.. between Federal and ..,,ndu_sa) •puMity Allegheny area' _ _ `IO.P ART Young AA. ,g tine uswwiainl v Lib n n. Juan 1t Ni lone. tAe ica tiler Itu•nnes. will hemline, be coodueie.l under .he lirtu of SS la. Young tx Co WILLIAII Yl/LlS.(i, • " • • - intts /NO. R. II'CUNE. — Co—Partnerihip Settee. LITALD, UUCILNOR a CO. have aawetate4 jj them m Men. To.eco and Commission bustnet.. VAlward Reap. (late of d.rob Heald Jr. Co. klahmunr,•l %I.Cstntnnn n“.I 1,, a MEDICAL. ==Ei= Paso C 0101111.14112 CO., . APT. ri, ami li ß ott?l . t ) o A e ' lSllittsl U ou n tri . tet 4 Z:T l. Y ' SOS ' o7l 4 l 't o d ( portootty of gtvlng poollesty to the eittroordlostry tot your Fareetoroot • nil •c Ilestrtatg leeest Islatc, ter ...venal years with severe oto;O, nee u[ levet ~...t• cotteorottattt 01 •nd seettxd only doomed , mger nut ',Mort hot mmerable nstenee. 1, to 1,010. IN ltrn. iming more 34,51 f 5 3 ..ee• J. . . hay tog resorted to all my Water tem.-ow,. smi tea pre tip... of two of them ost respectable pay...a In the net(hborbood unthout deroving atty teencht, or the roosolltmrt of itoreiv!na but a low days or weeks at I.3lllkr•t—.4rll the ,a•I Venll3 of hope sr. about to raotstt, I bad recommeodoil to me poor Ex - pecioraot mat blessed by that Befog 1.1110 doe• tILIng• an the use of the tneann--and contrary to the •xpeemooos of at) playstcmus and Cncodn. lay to tome day. ralsed my tied, and wan U) me use of a I.ottle, to attend to my business. enioymng unee boner health than bad for tee year* pre•MuS Ilaspeottallyyour. Ate /as W Eartu_ For .ate to Nuaturrah, at the Pokot T. :r re, 71 Fourth nreet. ammo A. FA HN rxrtwcs. ANTI•BIL101.6 Vll.l, Thi• Cathartte compound combines statsitnessof bunt with ethriciscy and comp:lash,- =Mae. of phn. pattec action. and having a peruh•f iendeot, w tbe intmry organs, Is extremely v•lottnie in dm. coosir). in which bilious levers and other complaints In ttEuded with congest.. of the Lire, so morn aLound I' bane now stood the test of VU years. ,d exaerieore Las proved theth to he • sure and •antaule remedy an I„ 'emitzieni, Rentstlent and Winn. Fever, /sundae, 81... cone, Indtge•bon. [)ropey. 1)1 h orn . 'togs, colds. and all con:vaults In an oulammato• s h s racier. not completeand umser.al aati•tac• n o . w t o etz ha. beengrrrn by the.. tu i• to all who buy< use.: them, renders the put...tang of the humer• ,•os cerbbeate• thea faror onnece•sary. pre• v.ot " to o t ", lollingthey at, now put up to re{ 5) to grahic r ) p ne e ce p n t, for o box corn:stamp ptlls. Prepared and void 0) B A FAIINVeaTUCK A Co, career lot and wood. and also corner ath and wood .trect.. SeptAl It. A Ftnacrtoca, } A. II Held., N. ldty. ar LI. L. Fabaact. Irlosborgh. W FOO 0l ontroc, Wholeee Drog Sthe City of New Tort. tore i n THE anderstitrted aro evens/rely engaged In the Wholesale Drug N .oun, at No 49 Joon street, in the csly of New or., and are prepared us supply D i rogiosbi and country Merchant. wi th Drugs, Palma O ls, - Dye-atutfs, Fore go and Amerman Pe foolery, laander, WeA blander'. Chermeals, lot ILCIf own smportanou/ and all odAer articles In their hue of boo ' now, of a soperiorNuality as low as they Call I...pur chased in this or any eastern city New York, Fable B. A. FAB:It:STOCK I Ca. - Maretter'• Chrome Green. rim, PALNTERb; BLIND :WAXERS, he—We, the undersigned, Painters and Blind !tinkers, of the city of New York, have used and tested, and are now uung et new article of Chrome Green, manutaetureul by lieu K Marcher, of thus city, and find 0 to work well. pro ducing a fuze brilltant Pane Green appearance, watt a very soften°, body, and recommend it to our brethren the trade as in every particular the bast Chrome Green we have ever New Yoh, June Is '47 !Signed by 1t Lirrhs 01 privetmal panders of the city of New York This unequalied Chrome Green may be hod of It E. SELLFIttt N 5 Wood street, who has the exclusive agetir y nor its ode in Pittsburgh marl) EI.I.S.HS' YURNIIFUtig — ` . No fornily should be without it Lwan, C. 11., Va , Aug 24.'4. ]ln 11 IL Sat.Ura4: I cheerfully In that 1 have fur quote gran pat urmd)our Vertu/Mr,my family. and tiniveraally am:cella I decidedly prefer to any other preparnuati I hove uactl—taroungot these am) be tiatncd the Celelanled InethCilit called lhatirmut, h im Vermtfuge, arid a prepartMon called oful 'le. In •recent recent ease • single dorm brought Iron: nil rule boy one nundred and six large Worms NO fatally ccruottly ought to be without it Vouro do JAS LAN r.ON Prepared and cold by R R Sellers, NO 57 N and •1. urid and Druggmt. generally 10 both etnr• sepi I ••• A Fine Set of Teeth for S 3 Oasts. Winn: TEKni, FOUL HIIKATII, HA I.TIIr VT 61-'III.S —Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be ing once or twine cleaned with Jonen . Anther rooth Marne, have the appearance of the most neauutul ivory, and at the same tune it is so perfectly innocent and utsttely fine, even cotant daily use 111 highly ad antavenu, k to those n• teeth that arc In a good con dition, twang them a beauniul polish, and preventing • from decay. 'No. already decayed It proven. becoming Worse—it also (wen* such us are he coining loose. and by perseverance it will render the widest teeth delicately whne. 7 and make. the breath de• henrualy sweet. Sold by Nk hi JACKSON, eV Liberty street. raiirdd B. A. FAIINESTOCK'S VICBDIIPBBE. A FEW weeks since, one of my children, aged about difive years. was unwell for several du s, and the tibtem increased so alarimitgly aim I (oared death would be he result. Having heard of the good eller. of Panuestock's Vermituge when administered to the children of my ite.glihors, and °asthma my child 'night bare worms, trim some al the ay isipanus, I gave it one mud a halt teaapoolinas of the Vermaugeotod to my great amottnalment it almost munediately discharged between 22t , and W V large worm. ha health was soon restored, and a u now remarkably well. Prevlolla to taking the Vermifuge, the worms would occutonally rim in a. throat, and I often feared it would die from sualmulation. JAS. 0. DAWtSON. Tionesta. Venango eo, _April split CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTER LOINTMENT ts the most effectual remedy before the public for the Cure of letter, IlCh, dry and Watery gunnies of the taco, neck and bmly, scaly erupbous, and all other duce.. of the skin This &hutment ta warranted free trona mercury, is pertectly safe, and may Im used m all times and under all circumstances. A trash supply et thts valuable remedy received and aor sale by D A FA YIN NOTOCK A. Co, corner of Isi and woodi Mao, corner of 6th sod wood 41,Crento.. L e !, __ 4 . 11;M COPAL-4 si .by HOTELS POITHT AIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE TOGO LTG TOTOVITON, TIOTOTTOM. • . .. • . • - Tllll3 establishment long and widely known no being one anus moat commodious in the city cf Balumom, ban recently undergone very exten sive altenations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and any sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department bee Ono been completely reorganised and fitted np in s a most °num and beano- Cul style. In fact thn wholeUornagement of the House has been remodeled, with oink, eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the• comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which the confidently assert will challenge compariso an Hotel in the Union. Their table will arms be supplied with every sub swainl and luxury whi the market afford, served up inn superior style ; while in the way of Wines, kn., they will not be su rp assed. lit conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be len undone on then pan, and on the pan of their Maalitallts, to render Wia Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pnces for bond have also been reduced to the following ratan Ladies' Ordinary, 91,76 per day. Gentlemen's a LSO N. Ll—The Baggage Wagon of the Hansa will el ways be found at the Car and Steamboat landings, artuela will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of cha . mayld I:4 F.l.'iti qdtiVall COMM of rltsi.ll AND TT rirriontrarill, rt. jaThe subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Traveller, and the Public generally. thnt he will be at all times prepared to aecommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is ,now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Punuture added, and no pasts will be spared to make the Exchange one of the Very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House bail heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, febedtf Propretnr. TEIROCICRIORTON'S CULT 11008 IE, IaARIA THROCKAIOKTON begs to acquaint his (Aeons that he ut ague lessee of the GALT HOUS , , Loui. ilI ,Ky, where he hopes to meat all hi. old (muds, assuring them and the public. that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with thew Estrum., --oriavirm CILIZNITr IST, •ITIAMEN VOC.II AND 1 - 171,1 NT. OPP:Jsrri: late Liank la o . f po th i e .e l: : l , v=at i el , l'tula . / 2 1stua. Proprte.r. MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Cocoa, /se. W. Baker's American and French Choeolate, Peeper ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Bromn, Cocoa Shells, &a. frO merchants and consumers, who would purchase .1_ the best products of Cocoa, free from aduneration, more uutnuous than tea or coffee, and ut quality unsur passed, the subscriber recommends the above Irlmies, manufactured try himself, and stamped with his name. His Broma and Cocoa Paste, as debrate, palatable. and salutary dnnka for royalists, convalescents. and others, are pronounced by the most EIDUItIII ph) sic inns superior to any other preparations. Hts manufactures are airways on sale, In any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the 'anent ernes, and by then agents, Hawes, Gray &co . of Boston. lames 111 Bunco & co, Hartford, Conn, Hos.T a Murray, New link, Grant & Sum, Phtladelphis, Finial. V Brundige, Ltal• umore, and Kellogg & Bennett. Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER. Dorchester Maas For sale by augal RAGALET & Arts NEW COACH FACTORY, I.I.LINIFENT Wfirm. BROOKS it CO.. would respectfully In form the putthe that they have erected a shop on Laeoek, between Federal and Sandusky street.. 'they are now malty(and are prepared lecels eor de" fur sry decrtption of vehtcles. Cone he• l'hor.ot . o. Be- ron •e ehs•. Nuke'ss. Plumons r bcwhlrlL tmm Weir long experience in the mantgurtil, ofwork, and the tactitues they hare, they Ire, ..onfident .I,y are enabled to do work on the moot rtasonal,, term. with those` Ong ann.'s. , them line Paying parurutar sttestuon to the selernon of mate rial, and haying none hat competent ,vorkmen. they hoe no heettononwarranung 00, therefore ask the anent,. of the to t h e nano, N II Repairing don, in the heo ma 1 noer, and o the most rea•ouable Mrllll. Je To Flour Dewier* TA KF. NOTICE That /1,11111,,,1} of the cll . ! of Flnshurah.hay.n2 n^ nppn~o rd Inap«-Inr of Flour by the l.overlda o. the Conatoonweadh. under the Ae.t of of Or ISO. day nt Apr. 1.1,5 tn •nn for the. env at rittsburt,n. .o 4 the r Ist A Ile. gheny, Weaworeland. "Flog - ton. Ft pet, tren. In.han. Jederson, Anedrone. Mer' .Il an. Crawford. Erie. Warren nod Venanao. dn) enter upon the dant, of ht. orb, udder h.* c0m m....0n. He moo he found at Mr ,Ve•iev t.reen ••or, vor• ner of AN ate, end •Wn.lhbrid 'tree. ====! 'put: mluerther ha•tne Mken out letters ot Atiroint.i tration upon the estate and etifert•ot Cherie. Bru ton. none, to hereby given to all ltiofte pertions hectar( poracestort of his property effects or other's., to dr livcr them to the Adituncitrator. and those owl ut or having elnons upon mid estate. to present theta du ly authenticated .1( Itf)lllNik Aditt r sept office Firth .t near hr Out. Wrought and Cost Iron R•11Ing. thbncrthen, beg len• e o tthorm the pt.a that din, have othath.l !ram the Eat u;: the .nLe and innithineble dea , Kne Iron Loth Int Louses and [...nen Per.lollo wm th Cod e pataerns plea... ca., awl ea ne na judge tat thcannehrea Ranth nrn.:l be furni a thenl n• the Ihnrn• rlbt 1101. e. and w the nianurr at az< corqrr l'r.g anti Reltecca Ax-ty.01_,,51 SI asps.. t a Acon•• Patent Soda A eh. tisiiii.rit.er• rii•tonter• davvin aeneraliy. rhat lacer liv•t vtitniuent to r trie t•u peeaa of Mr atvive na• f c•I al PM imulpiOr• r ship Juniata. ii.iret Irvin the rnanafaciiiror• Liverpool. and u.re Lai a few day. iiry have reveral other atirpniiiii, oil the wad—lwo or setireli •I 7 per ship. Me-Jail:tin and Lytle, are near!) doe— they are therefore prepared to receive order.. linaodea the large guarnntra %he, have connne In the ehmeqn I.e iorwaNrd here by Mircans. kh-) freelve dortng the velmnr awl army re:war New. tir caw, W & M rep{ Posey Furs, fresh from Europe THt:sub.crihers A•ve 004 10 *tore very eltelliVet 111Ru:fro:neat 41 I . \lts tor :actir• ane - n nave beeu porehaskvd iii Europe Lf 01, DI It, firm al verV low prices . during the ina ll ielar, eer+ nucceett.ng t, Frew, Revolution' 'rata advantage, which ihey poover ahv tat, houm tae trade.7arni anat. e them to ...11 a vet) ex ee ient ante,' mach below the m•Met prme Mrretaants mutt otter. gar. a.lvan , e thea our inlereots DT exammlng ins. even...ye rt••ormeitt 11.01.1 3 . II RI rrliEßs. Importer.. VI A NVII i Mulberry 4 lw twee. Al wrd .141 auK7-41. I•ltitadriptu. 11115 ta to certify that 1 purt.hesed one v.al o( Dr. IdoLagee• Worm Speed... tome two gnougha ago .n 4 Ogee to a son of nunr aome aevett young old. two **spoon') 1011, and although the /M n M. mey appear ante, yet I have no dont. but there Was upwerda of tag elgoegaaire MOW. paa.ged (gum Mort, Ineisaunug . 1961 Ma quarter of an mrh to twonfehea long. G W 1101.1.1n/a. Leeching, Cupping end Blooding. V B. NORRIS, tSuree•sor to M. R- 15 , 00 y No 55 FUlla street. hetweon Wood and held. Fresh Fresh leaches reeet•ed gnotith,y—atteadunre etl hour. Reference, the ph> .ielan• of Pittsburgh. A,- sheny and Birmingham I moat cheerfully recommend to the phyurtans. snit all roy forrnir friends sod patrons, Mr. K. U Norrot as being thoroughly acquainted senn umbusi ess and worthy of patronage mnrYthly __ _ R DELANY. RUnnuewctured — 'i;baecci 4511X5 Gentry & Royster's suportor sweet s Ipa, 21 do hi A Butler • 12 hl do l'r,er h 21 do do do 25 do do Pearl A. Ilarwo.l 14 do J Etolonson hf do do 2.1 du do Wol Dasrunt XI do T Wright's 37 do U Anderson do LT Ikades 5 do FE Maeon's 9 do Itateldf Just 'rustling from steamer and parsers, and for sale BUCKSUR & Co, II north water at •nd Id north wharves, Phtlodelphia je24 MANUFACTURED "I'IJBACet /-20 ba hi S A Sou 'open° r sweet lb lumps 75 hal(ba. kVebater old superior sweet 5. lumps 36 " Lawrence Lenuer 25 " Gentry k Rovs'er as k 20 " Dupont ide lu 2-Ince) " 5. " 10 " 31eLeod 25 " Lawrence Lottier •• 51. k. plug Just landing from steamer, and for .ale by 111-1A1.4 HUCKNOR A Cl 5, 41 N water st and 10 N wharves, royal TAPER—.I.4NO 191 a Straw Wrapping Paper. all sites, J[. Hal reams ruled Cup Writing Purr :410 ,• ruled and plum letter Ao, all qualities, Inn plat Cap. 251/ medium feu Paper. 1511 ern.. white and blue A white Bonnet Board. Wo reams klanilla khiveiope Paper, 50 •• Hardware I.rtper, Ju..t recd and for sale low by RFAINOLDS k iny3uh4m corns r pcnu mid trIN in sts 4 ANUFACIC REID TUBACCU—In store and to a r. 01.5 r ] ye, the Milownig brands of Tobacco, coning], men. from manufacturer. or Richmond and Lynch burg, which will be sold to the trade. 11l reduced rates: Z 1 boo Lumartine ss; 60 do John Rucker sa; 110 do Henry k. James 1., fur and cs, at do 1.. June. ss, 16 do It H. Warwick as; IV do .1 St. Steward 5s and as, 47 do J ame. Madison A. 1, 6 WATF.RSTAN 'at 31 water and rhg trout sts Dlt. W. J. MADEIRA. Dentist, OFFICE on Smithfield Btrrrt, '4l door north of Third atreet. Dr. Mad,rn re r. II ia.aaa . 7: " l " ltl? ' ci d t4Tn i . "' org:ll i a7gl. l ...t I. lete . z . ky and,. Fahnestaak; Hobert Signpsoni James 8 Craft, Esq. Mr. Witham Thoru; Mr. Ban/ Weuver. apV:dtirn 1 ( I : it t 1 : 1 , nit ~RANrte . rr th 11' h ti .‘ o , 'e i . , , a . ; :r ho , n . :e .. a ti r y n: o,, nr: a: o w n::: k ... ,„ Fora ardind new hunt,:so. 41 Water at. ante Itogine for Silo: SHIPS' PATENT BLOCKS. o le a Cull ea...uncut ot ; I . and at a Lewin,. \t , o,tO .1 A. f • r .l. '" h t. i ' a s itip s nd r e o nt r lrot.t. so tehive.. &e., adapted in ; ; ~,,, „,, ~;;;,,,, ..,..„,; ,,, I, iie.,. ... , .. , -nr h. or of C. t ‘i I : a u fs :i.... d o e. ,...: A ,y laci ,.a , p e . o ,. tnr y le , t p e o .e . t pu ts: ll,l lil mo, o o e rs,, k . a r. , : a r. d i.. : l. l , i : ::l .,, tr; ti::„ . „. , ~ , ,, .: .:±, ...: ..;5, , ,,_ , ,,,,nr,:,::::,,,,,,::,:;:144,::p.cfr,::,,,,,,:::,,T.::::,:: . ,71 : : :nd, part a th- u..., hout delay and at the lowest pri• , ~.. ~_ ~. 1, MI-1.1.1515. Ale rcant 'Fodor, era LIONEM VlTi€ for sale in 4 illunt/lles to sun I ' .7 . ` ' 1 ap4-Gruitraw&S 36 Burling Slip, Now York I DKr 1110N—Itai tuna, oil,' Furnace Ili, Islas, ern _ ___.. • -- 1 .I. volg per 1-110ggod, :AI ttifts Brook') n Furnace, FIIOWNSEND'S SASPARILLA -30 bas of this ' 01121 m Co Pa., Hot Rhin. for a ce by 1 great spring end summer modteino,tble day rec'd , BL 11 BRII, 1 , ... n 11. SON & Co, sad for Laic wholesale end ratan, byf' fivi WSW et R E SELLERS I ' -- - - N. B.—As FL E. S. la DT. Townsend'a only agent for , THREE PINK 1111.. i 1:1:111' HORSES.. Pittsburgh, the genuine article may always be had et. ! Tim, hoe Draught Horses for sal., mil:1 ! , , Lie for dray tog, Ento.tre of No 57 Wood street. _ ___. .._ W Se. & I .I.INrik'OHJJ & Co, canal basin, liberty st 400 d n o u s s L ß Dern 's " in ti g r o e d ' o ''' ; b atTba L Le gu lO n" gla l s . s o , do l ' o s Jo I ( JA o .l o .l! ' skiNs_ doedor. grannie French Calf Skins, a 10-12 do•, 25 do 7.2 do; 25 do 10-14 do, ao Obds NU. I very fine 001010 .1 tew doom. Phtladelphsa Sugar; 9ObtO3No. 3 mackerel; WO bo-tode“ .... R r''''' . ~ Skin.. nem the nixoufnctory of II II Crawford, to 1 ; luit do dipped candles; 125 do Cnieinnott would do, f which then ur... of hoot runkers is invited 1.1 received 00 conugament and for saie by , rect., ed nod for solo 1., W VW:4W & Co, 11,814 8& NV HASSULAIII . ~.., 144 liberty et MISCELLANEOUS, LIIPPEACOTT & BASHI (Late J S Pb , & A.NUFACIEURERSStri of Matadi fun eltWf safes, routh aide. second street. between . Wood Led Nthfield Pinata:l:Th. J S Snicklat . tumuli deceased and the summing partner Mr. Jos lalppeneret; hating tumociated himself (Nub Mr. Wm C Barr, the butane. will hereafter be conducted wader the style of Wyo.- matt & Tri•l of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—*ei, the nada:4p ed were present at the testing of one of I S Strickler fr. Co's improved Phmnts fi're-proof safes. The see was placed in a (enlace on the public landing, and wableeted to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to • blight red hem: the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused 11111 Increased and steady heat for the balance of the tn., until the east non wheels were partially melted off, the furnace was then Minton down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, parters and hooks which it contained were as perfat as when placed there, the binding onlyof the books being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have uo hesitation to recommending a to the public so a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which aught bet produced, adept • heat which would melt It to a solid ma.. . . Springer & Whitman, L Wonhington, Kellogg & Kenneth Beni. Liner, W 0 P Breese, 'Alums Smith, T S Bang. itiCo, Swam., Illatead & co, Wm Manse, Mead &Vilna., We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the store of Trober & Aulsery L the Agent. C G SPRINGER, B J SCELLOG. Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, Piusbusght Hussey Hanna & Co, do do tfe3d&.wlyta los: urea:wore. toss D. WICK. L. Z. 1100000. LIPPENCOTT & CO. MANEFAC I LTKERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Axes tied Hatchet+, Cul, Circular and Gin Saws, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Pick., ikc., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and in aecurlng the best workmen from the most eele. heeded establuthments of the East ate now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work manship and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce armies equal. if not superior. to any that can be had In the F.us , . They invite the attem non of dealer s to sat extrminauon oftheir stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced Mat they be able to fill all orders In their line to the entire satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. IL—Persons having business with Wm. Lipper cook Sou rail please call on Lappeucott tr. Co. oe y Plttsbartril Farnitnre WI WI, 11.00ma,71 d, cam mama. XA large and splendid assortment of Fhtni ture. amiable lin dtearnlamts, Hotels and pr. vete dwelllngs, constantly on hand and made to order The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory In the western country. Persons 'raking in pu rc hase would do well to give mea call, as I ant determined my prices shall please. Pan of the stock Collllllsl.l 111 -50 50 sofas with Plush and liatr.eloth conceal 2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chum; It pair throne; 12 dor fine mahogany Chairs; 1,1 mahogany Work Stands; 3 don mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top Dreamg Llstreausi Is pair Ottoman; e marble top Work Standsi; ithrry Work `stands, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all de•crtpuott• said a large assortment of common furniture and chairs, too numerous to menuon. margtf — LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. HEY are not aware how (rightfully injunous it la to T the .km---how coarse, how tough, how .allow, yet. low and unhealthy the ak in appears oiler wont prep.'s. pared chalk! Besides his injurious, coluainang • lam guimuty el lead! We have prepared a Leautlfhl getable article, which we mill JONFN• SPANISH LILY WHTI . E. It perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualm.; and It imparts to the skin n natural. healthy ala Laster, clear, living white; at the mule tune acting aa cosmetic on he skin, making it soft and smooth. lit lame. linden... Prnmacal Chenasst of Massa. chosen, says—After analysing Jones' Spumsli Lily White. I find it possesses the most bennunal and mow ral. and at the same tame innocent white l ever mw I r,111,) con con.mentionaly recommend tie nor to 101 alm a .k 11,111,. Ite.tultrying Price, ta emi.; a tios !tom by (t.,1 oN I.thertv et snarlil Pitt Machina N'orks and Pottnary• rrrrant eon. r•. 03. prepared to innid Cotton LP matt ootett Slat s afeser• det•crtptton. ouch a• Cartinke Sinttontg Frames, Speeders Drew,. Frames, IN'arpers, Spoolers. Hoissing Franke.. I.mttn•. tarn tin oder*, be Wroucht In Shan3nt turned •.m. Of ,- 14.1 Iron. Pallirs and 111, eers tif the t pitttern.. elide and hemd Lathes. and toot• 01 az, k,.,,. Canttne• 01 every description furnomed on •Ikort hour Pittter,. made to order for M ttl I.estrttm. Iron .. he Steam I'me for hem- P0C101,..5. et., Iron NVottlow Stun and fancy C.- ttag• •-ener Mier, left at the lVarehoom of J. Plattner A Co, 1.. hc tI .ieeei. m,:l Mara prompt attem :ton itrrr to 111..., .1. Co K & I: 11' r.o.r & Son, r I.l.urgh C. k II New Iliardwonre .111,F.1•11 11,11,11)Vi ILL. corner of •t4 , 4`.i.:r4r.....:1; It nod and :NJ sta. Patsburat, . wandrown (lora Ina firm u 1 11 al rr Rao ..,t 14,• I.t of January, 1 , 17.1 Ink.. ph-1...0re ou- , .0, to my Crtrud• tur ctty and I t s : 111/1 n., /,, , ,,dmv stew otore the al.ov. nalt.o,l pia, e lln TL..c t ,,, zru...*1 our co•a. , ta tnanularturera a • 0. , an,l.. 1 0 to V1311.1411tA, aupplted, I am ) pr. • Hardware of ail kuuls., r u a. • , •a• n• ad) lion, East or r.l Hr,• :1,• t• .•• t. aro roapertruliy 111011 ed trn:t and 00151,,, , 11/V term, purenastng rlow• wuoro. 1110 uu.l , • a;,, nepriv. a part at h/.. 100.1,.. //. 04' a hardworr. gun trunnungs, •:,••• ,: edtur n. 14. a , vll.. lora• •n. • I,uti la Union Fat ‘1 . 1.11, ,11,•. ndrilf and venerta. and di; 011 ICY art. .0. connollo4 10611 the hardware kit. City Dague rrion Gallery Ct . IP t•ec• • a•• to • torte the le. of Pitt.- Iturrti vn ,tia• lii.. taken the Hague t reit Itanan• oeup.ett a Alt Porter The pub- An 3.Jr LIM: 13,1 ale tate improvements are sera rvd. and ant hroug in tom °perinea Itt hit Hoye. amt heed •••• -Ina; operator place the art sena tiro din-ov•red 1.Z., aa•t•triettott i• guaranteed to all woo may hereon. In• mitre. Mr )1 .vin refer %Alb r.ranyrr to Mr 1 , 1 Wit., e•taitintement Ito .• operated to the .4.1 tam.e moat. Faintly Jar. Daduerretanwt, ,4e, accurately r nat tiett taletiel•. ta....1 la an) we•ther. and set to socket. hrean and name, cl •rn -ry ranch alb.. art. and ap t'glt i„ pa/ u. 1.111,11., Penn 31 ac LI rue Sla•sp. , tou It•MAN—Sla,•uarturer ktoda of cot tod •• a , lmrr) Allegheny ey. T:1 rl o .1 ru l op orallou. I rnr , par , l to r eeu, orders wall dt•porch for all loud.ot marhmery 4n m• ”ne, ruch as k wlllomrs, pw ers. •preuar I' a rt.. griod•ng machines...wars. dra•sti.g •p-ruer... tur•••••t.s, looms. woo ar se Card.. or •• in,. torn crehaot or country Work, k, .., ad hand:titheriaod tool. to gen ern! A.. 1•Ind. •`“•fttui, ma& to order, or plans gt, co tor grartng Inc tortr. or mdls st 'el...table charge Hares 1..-- i,.....ri1,. Clnlds & Co, kLueksbet, liell & t ... 6.. L.,. Pen..., t 2, Co . jay A Gray HELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. - - d a ti, A rcl.it.N. Bell and B lia4 Brass Founder. re t bunt and rounor.i.r,l buyinrs• st bss old stand, where ne l.i I, pie., to see hs. old Custom } cr and men, Church. y Menanuout. and Re.ol of every &me. from 10 to lutist pound,. cu., 1. ..In putter:l4 of the most approv ed models. and oarrtnu, td t.e 01 the best nmterml• , A Kier Null., toge ther NI.In every vtir etIItIOLIZ it required, turned nud eiy the nr.atest snauner. A F Inc ..ne props ernr BAD. 6 Axil-ATM TIIIN ,J•to er:ebrut,tl tor the r,luction of Inotioo inachnwt, The Bole, ankl , :ompuatuon ran Ire hod hnn• Ci timn• Ploughs, Plough Calstlngs, Viragon llosos, Ace. Rtll4.H r lIALL.. of the old hren to 12 & Hall. is manu(e, qu unt hies or 1 . 1011,115. Cuttogs, Wag on hoses, c., with the ouprovements oi the Leaver Peacock, I limo!, a ital other of the latest and neat patterna.,ow Ware hone e 106 I....erty ntreet. Pittaburgh, oppmits the Flay Sca,. Fariory. to Al,glieny city, near the Comm ' , actor) of N , .•ars. Giackstoek, Bel, 21, Co. DIOTTYILLE GLARE& WOURS, 'l'' subscriber.nanuhscture and have on hand, tarbo). UtMIJOIIIIO., coveted in a supe t tor manner. amd m•sorted suss, WM, Porter and uter Itot.le, and I lind• di DruKipsts' itottles and Vials, Se . which they will sell at the low est 1.11,4 Ordera will meet with prompt atteitOon, 11 addressed to N1.11l.S.:31 , 11'11 t CAMPBELL. 3.5 i Z , Olllll From ntreet. PhLintlelpfilm, W. a. J. GLENN, lloolL llitide c t:Tere art ; r ;tar Jo tit, ttrit Ili our Itue o ith des putt \ 4-.1c11%0 I,ut work iwraonally. and saw.- c:i irgard 11111. neatness and du• aiolny Blank Bonk. ruled 1,, any patiern and bound aub- I .talion.ly I{ook/ 1 1 1 1 /1111111 1 , 11 or old hooka bound caro -1 Wily or repaired \arnrn 111110/1 hooka in pit lettere. j lion. that I.•ve wort in our iinc are invited to call. In* ni) Yd -t( !II- IZI.TiII-AT can be furnished " "ITie%le ' line . r l (i o ; k e e wood makes her erg wr usual. leaving her strnei binding a Mand lit halt post each hour expq , L le) unit. 11.1 I. M the Garde. at 10 Al 101 her !am trip to tar. miy i A moonlight view of the Carden is indescribable in beauty. JYIS IMMO 11 AV1.N(: •oc it to C Giurr, with helt it hizu ihe 1.4 , r 4 ot: ' :g u u r o a ; d n ' ll ' Or tr " te w n r da b Tn t j ' e so us: kusttel•. RU \V. POIN 'lll POIN ukaTER. P,,,burgh, Aug, 41h. PAL,. LITERARY. The Banters' EllagiptalUlog THBegEIE BANKERS' ItTAGAZINE and Stale Financial imer, negrimer, devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, wand principles of Banking, unlit/ and prin. mples of Life Insurance and Savings Hanks, English and American LawDeeisions in reference to the bust. near of Bank. and Bankers, eke. Edited by J. Smith Romans. Particular mutation will be givenar heretofore to the compilation of recent decisionarespecting Banks, Bgp- Igt.raa..lNiLlsmorLEtehtuage,.. tottszyclon-tes.o;Jr.2 saehusetts, Commerical, Nevi York, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virginia, South Caroline, Ohio, Louisiana, Teauceigeta, and other States. This will be one of de most important features of the work, and will to melt' claim the attention of Presidents, Cashier., Triltlr.i Notmies and others. Among other details of ilepeel tore to bankers and others, ere moth will "- tisties of the Sank• la every of of the Union; bier. gra p h sketches ot prominent Bankers of Fmrope Americat Ckficial Tables showing - the debts, busi ness, expendtmres, and financial condition of the seve ral States of the Union. Published monthly, GI pages cwutvo, at Three Dol len per =Loam. ELLIGPI'd ENGLISH, !IS Wood at. .00 Agent. for Bookers' ?dagatina MEM Balser A. Scribner's Frallostlosas. 91111 E subsenbers having been appoguted agents for the sale of the publications of the above well known publishing house, have a fall supply of their taoks on band, whieh they can sell at the eastern mi res, wholesale and remit Among the works which have been reed y issued by them, which have been highly recommended exceedingly: interesting and valuable, may be found— as The Czar, VS -Court and Peo ple; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Marithala; Washing ton and his General.; The Sacred Mountains; On". of Prance; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist; Charlotte Elizabeilt's Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's Making Haste to be Klett, Riches liaveWings4 KeePiall up Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, &o. 84. Aloe, the work s from the press of Robert Carter, the character of vrtiose pubhcanotts is well knows Tar retina's Theology in k vols.; Haldane on Romans; Me- Chap.'s works; [ rho:Convnnt, by author of School Girl in Prance, Re. Az. New books ricelved as soon as published my 9 NEW BOOKS—History of Congress—Biographical and Political, comprising Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the United States, drawl, from authen tic sources; embrucing the prominent-events of their and their ennoecuon Ninth the Wawal history of the timer by Henry G. Wheeler. I.lbuitralixl oy steel portraits and fackimile autographs. Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace—consisting of Historical Sketches of Jostitne and Mans Louisa, Louis Philippe, Pezdinand of stria, Nicholas , Isabel la 11, L.eopold, artrictori. y John C Jilitatx Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude.— Nowa, explanatory and practical, on the general epis tles of lam., Peter, John and Jude, by Alpert Barnes. Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wlfe—n Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, ankhoroj the :Cony:let's &c. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by BIT Edward Batlvrer Lytton, Batt Complete to two por.• Pan V. Harper's Illustrated Edition - or the Arabi. Nights' Enter telnmenle. The shorn works received tills day, and d sale:by JOHNSTON & STOCK TON, iylo Booksellers, cor Market ru td alma I\TEW BOOKS—The Writings of Ciumlus !farcellus .1.1 Clay, inetudiag Speeches and Addresses. Edited ; with a preface and memoir, by Horace Greyly. The Ptrat Book in Spanish; or a practical iMxt , dl." non to the study of the Spanish Language: containing full instructions in pronunclauon, a grammar, exercis es on the 011endorlr method of constant imitation and repetitton, reading Imams, and a vocabulary. The whole adapted for the use of primate learners, or for classes under an inseructor. By Joieph Salkeld, A. H. author of "A C sospeniEum of Classical Ant.uph heft etc drotherel and Sisters, a tale of demesne life; by Frederika Bremer. Ts:maimed from. the ortrtual un putoltshetl manuscript, by Mary Hewitt. The Dytng Robin, end other tales. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just receivetfisnd for sale by 1711 JOHNSTON &STOCKTON KW BOOKS—lectures on Sbakspeare, by littattou, tit two connote. The Power of the Pulpit. or plain tnerights addressed to Chnsuan ranusters, and those was.' bear them, on the influence of a preached Gospel, by :1,6 Rey. Gardiner Spnag, U. D. The Peasant and leis Landlorl, by the Baroness Knorring. Translated by Mary Hewitt. Lamarune's Girondists, Val. 111. History of the Gi rondist. or personal memoir of the patriots of the French Rl,OlOlOll. from unpublished sources—by A. de Lts. marine A leo , rooms of' each &the above works recekved thls day and for sale by JOHNSTON .4 STOCKTOIsi, Booksellers. In - 30 corner market rani 34 sts NEW BOOKS . . Fill/NEER HIFFORV • Being an account of the host examtnadon of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from enamel manusertpt, contain/mg the papers of Mr. George Morgan. those of Judge Burk, the Mertes of Jo seph blued and John Matthews; the records of the Ohio Company, fr.e.. !re, with IMO:MUMS plates and maps By s Y Hildreth. Orators of Th., American Revolution/. by L Ma goon. With portraits of Stunt Adams Jas. Warren, Patrick Henry. Ales. liamtlton. Fisher Ames and John Randolph I vol cloth. Kenna!, from Hennes, or The Rich. Man's Error, by T. :4. Arthur A few copies of each of the above Werke received this day and (or sate Itv JUHNSTO'N A STOCKTON, sep-I booksellers. cot Mark et and Third . . . R IATI T Z. U T: )N di Warren, Patrick Henry. Ales lituntltOn itt.h . Ames and John Randolph dadicated to etudentit who are not drone.. Chr. on. who arc not lagots, anal clusen. who are not demagogue. Retiring from Busmen*. or The Rich Man'. Error, hr T S Arthur. For tale ht Hook.! Books II LANARTINF79 GIRoNDISTS, complete, Wendell'• Blacksone, Cotomentarma, What I saw In Californta, by Br) and, The Csat his court and people, Including a UM( to Norway and Sweden, By Magoon Reurtog trout Rumness, or the Rich Man's Error. By T. S Arthur The Rattle of Buena theta. By Capt. Carleton. Spencers Tyler's T. ore. Schmitz: Rome. A general astaurmtent of School and College text books for sale by R. HOPKINS; septl Apollo Budding,. Fourth at. near a t ood. 1300 E S. BOOKS'.'—Lectures on Theology: by the late Res John Dtelt, D. Lk; published mailer the auperittLelidenee. 01 hassou. with a biographic al nitro. &tenon by an Atnarteati editor—complete to cane rot 113111C Dwlght's Theology, 4 vols. Edward'. Work. 4 vols. Chatmers' Works, 4 vols. Standees Church lltsuary. tat and thi volt. 51 . Ewen on the Types bleb tttt t Oust published ) Also. a large and well selected stock of Theological, .111scellancous, and Sett.' Books, for sale low by 411.1..10T1' h F.NCILIeH, au.o4 774 wood and 55 market sts r, duet, Bosun eu Thancei Blue Juniata; Harmon.- . Carolina Melodies, 8 rgoa, Life. Is but a Stole. The Dream is Put The Mountaiu biro... Sleep ing I dreamed, Love; Agatoun gucktep, Bayeaug l( ick rep; 11ay 1j cart, 410, Hal Spring tts it Alvarado Quickstep; I've Reason to hr Sad; lilttdoptun Airs. van:atonal Hours of Leuure; Sylph Quadniles, by Hunter. Kate 01.lharte.; Be !bud to Each other, 11l be no Biubritiattive Wtte; re ceived by Ek.press and for sale by tingll J H MELLOR. 81 Hood et mirim llMillox haeta ottd for tote, the following Pi ano Fortes. direct from the Otartufac tUrera, arid at Eastern prices: No. I. An elegant rosewood, six 0- laves iron trained Vtano Forte, mode by Chlc 0 kertng, Boston. 8276 No. X Sanaa oo the above, tIS - 3. Rosewood, Chickenng, 350 " 4 3'75, " 7. - Gala ft Co. WO - Cnickering. 41.1 "9. " klanbonan Company, 301) " 10. " Grand Mem./ 90u "U. " Second Plano, Hqrx, 80 Old Plano. taken tn part puystteut for any of the above. by JOHN H MELLON, 4 1 Wood st, Sole Agent for Chickerines Plano Fortes, for West ern Peousyl•arda aura Splendid New Planns. Tit k: sub, miter, Pre smut; to leaving NWTfor the East to replenish his mock. w ig dispose of the balance of his stuck on band at reduced puma, and CM Mimi,- Me terms It coasts.of.a choice seleetion of Pianos made by Mumma Clark, N. V., and. Jonas Cluck entig. of Boston, Mass., of from 6 to 7 °els se, of 'rosewood and mahogany, of different styles and prices._ 1' EN ZACHARY TAYLOR.—Rortntn of Gen. Z Taylor, by N under the Immnliate super intendancy and threcuons of the undersignod officers. Irolll. original sketch taken froth life, at CM.lll2rg, by Captain into., A D C. N D Connor, C S say, I..eorge Asl'Call.A G. George Mean, I.lout Topographical Engineer; Harry Inger soll. C S :nary. JOHNSTON & sTucxroN, fit Book.cikr.. cor . ffil and market its OVk:11 , 8 SONGS—NV.Oh you will by Daylight; Widow Muchree; Rory LOMore; Indian Summer, Slut tag the Deer, Goddolier Row; The Two Blobs, FltllY WI; A.k rne not what 1 ton Thinking.,,Lerw Banked Curt My Mother Dee r, do not any I love Thee nob Forgive, but don't l'orgat, The Reonelton. Angela Wh.poe, Mornlng Dream, Sweet Jesem Vat Young and Snuple, Tha Northlund for Me, Molly Hawn. For sale by JOHN II Al lELLOR, toßt tit wood et usT PUBLISIIED—An illustmtion of Ilia Types, LP Allegories and Prophecit, of the Old 'Testament. By William hl'Ewen. mtuiste r 01 the Gospel at Dundee. The above popular work, which treats or the Typical Persons, Thum* and Place o(, the Old Testament. which hos been out or prin t for some time, and to which there has been a great demand. we have lust republished in a neat style —ton pages, a mo. Price 50 cants. ELLIOTT !a F.Pit t.ISH, ... • • • • Eb'. WORK BY If EAI , I.EY—The LA 10 co °over lr Cromwell, by J T Ilea they, aolbor or -Napoleon and hie Manhole," "The tl scred Aloothaia." -IVst.h ukthon and hi. tionetala,'etc Reerored do. du, and lot fain by J 014:::: I'l & roC roN• /oO Bookaetlers, COT snag,. nod of the lliruory of France. Irma the earliest t ato the fin volnuon 01 I-40—tor aeltoole and laminas—arab some rola. ene,raringla and b"'"'""" lna "'"'"7.lnn 4TOCKTON AIN. I J. a... le2l - 10UNTINri ell/VS.I. Si NUS -300 dos In store and tor sale 1/y asup2l ItIllYNC11.1):4 dr 811E8 • •• - - I)I2I,VEHIZED 8A LEA, Crli.3-14, bia • very so j per •rucle, pa eked m pound and half pound papers, ler ratarling. for us la lr r aurst '.V1e..1( .WCALIDLEKS _ . • p UL.VERISING R SLIM A'll.lB-6 ...aka& very au. luau race add for sale by .uos 'NICE tr. . _ . - _ 0 ATS. —.. .Y.SO hush. / rre 'll rind liar wale by 1,8 XVATERAI AN, It Water and to trout rt__ KYFASII-30 eat, to pore potash on eaasiguatant for gala by gepLt J a It FLOYD VOL:',XVI. NO. 47. RATS, WS' AND BONNETS. THE . ü b . acKber, in addition to his ovm jimarmfacturiniv Hata, him made arrange mentaarith Mean. Sebes !Leo, (Sot most fashionable boners of Ste eity of New York,lios • !ca ttier supply of his extra be Silk Hats, and kaoing.lnat received a few eases,gentleasen can be stdtildMa Very rich and beantifo‘hat toy calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, Sinithield steer, second door oytl of Fourth, where may be found treat satiety et Alma and Cain of his own manufacture, wholesale Cid to tail. His made to order on tbOet notice. JAMES WILSON. • 3VC01111& CO., Aft A (Successors to 11.PCord Rang) Fashionable Elatt•ra,1 11 1 11111 11i Corner of Wood tut,Afth &nista taARTICULAR attention paid to rkm Retail Trade. L Gentlemen cart rely upon gernAtheir Hatilind Caps from our establishment of the sarritoratarialltid wogs-susses, of the torrnSTTI.lll, andel theIINFIDT MT= Country Merchants, purchasing by whelevale, are respectfully invited to nail and examine our Stocks,. we can say with ccmfidertms that as revoisriusam and rm., it will not suffer in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. AM% I *dill Fall Vasbtons for 19 , 14. 'Ail BIeCORD & Co., (WIZ beCOILD fr. amo) alla NA711..L , introduce on Saturday, August 'RIM,. the 'TI Fall style of Hats, Just received from New look. , Thom in want of a neat and beautiful hat, am invited to call at their atom, corner of Fifth and Wood streets: * atia 24 — • • gTRAW GOODS. DEALERS are Matted to examine R. 11. .. PALMIER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the 1. " . 'Prin &V ' ""u Fr '"di e . VI Bab Ddb; %." . Stable do; American do do; Chiron Pearl dci n gsiburg do; nt l '-'5. Rutland dm French Lace; Fancy Gimp, /Lc. Sec. HATS—Legbam, Palm Leaf, Panama, Foocy Straw, ' do Staid, Itniluid Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flosses', Ribbons, At.. Strals lions net Wasehouse,9s market .t niar4S ALFRED B. KEEVIL, e t, CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in 11111Pinshisrgh. Principal Store, 72 Fourth street. litanobtentring and accoessondalion Store, cor ner of Wood street and Virgin Luny. Highest priors *wags paid for shipping Furs. mrdtly - - - ELLIOTT k ENGLISH, 7d wood and 56 market Its DRY & VARIETY GOODS. CLOPS:TING, OIL CLOTHS, &a. Iu•CLINTOCK'S CARPET STORE - - No. 75 Femme Svimar. ONE of the lurfest the most choice stock of CARPETING in themarket, embracieur all the Usual qnatiliee fiViSt the Man approved manufactortee, • that have been tested for durability ht fabric sod co- ,57' Tapestry Velvet Carpeting; do Brussels do Brussels carpeting; Extra Chemlle Rugs; Fktra sop . 3 ply do Tufted do Sop Ingram do Wilton Fine do do Brussels do do Common do do Manufactured to order in new pasterns; adapted to pas lora, basements and chamber. Painted Oil Cloths, for dining rooms, entries, vest, boles, kitchens, ke. Straw Matting, Stair Rods, 'Modes, Shades and Fisusrea Cmtoo and Woollen Docking, from one Mini So three yords wide. Door Mats, ke. ke., to twhieh the anon. unmet' purchasers at wholesale andretail is respect. fully invited. Witseroom, one door from Wood st. • urn W ItFCLINTOCH _ _ INVITES the emotion of Western Merchants to their large and fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS/ which they are now receiving direct from the Eastern Nlanufacturers and Importers, and which they will red at Eastern jobbing prices. Having every facility for the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and the lowest possible prices, they confidently invite Merchants to oxalate* the qualities and prices of their goods,feeling satisfied they ewe com pete favorably with any market either East or West. Their stock will comprise a full assortment of all goods usually kept in Dry Goode Houses, sod will be constantly lecetving additions of all the new and des, rattle styles of goods of domestic or foreign truinufac.. tare, and will only require an examination to be ap t cetated. _ _ se p ls - NEW . variety d splendid vaety. •t ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 07 Market 50 gold lever Watches; 49 elver lever watches, Ern[lish; 27elverdetached lever watch es 2f) tilver L'l..pine watches; 25 sliver quern, watches, 12 fine gold chains; 1 doe now style ear nags, 5 dos plain gold hoop mein 0 dos intrioned no" MU steel Loxes, playing a yarrow of popular Lars, 12 gross steel slides, all sizes FANCY GOODS. dor. fine Fens, oak and paper, Sid. common Funs; dos fine velvet bead bags, new styles; 10 do: fine crotchet bead bags, new styles; 5 do: fine crotchet purses, new 5ty121 , 4 YS doz fine parasols, assorted; Stars, tassels, fringes, gilt and silver. for regali.; 10 dos him dower yews, sorted; 1 dos fine steel screw pin cush ons; I dos fine ivory screw pin cushions 1 dos fine wood screw pin cushions. A fine assortment of new Toy!, ke. kr. marl 9 VWTi. YOUNG & Co., 143 l i berty .vat, Levitt, tential to their very extensive stock of Solo Leo- Orr, Morocco, Tanner's Oil, Shoe Thsced, tra y eanati itiong a very general usartment ltoOds the. line of business, all of which has been selected with crest cure in the Essiern cities, and is now offered to pot . - . ...721 at radne.l oe,,,es_ A. w. rcoae_tclitilly solicited. nor, Dry Goods at Wholemsle. ‘V" RPHY Informs lus regular .6toiners finu Pall 'd sutip u ry7alerl ' n ' v r‘ ste n} 2tti t r h e e s h all ow ateer I t h i t : iindk. He In determined to oiler his goods LAJW, and in present every inducement to ere an the stray of prides and a choiceof goods. Wholessde rooms cot. tit end Market so, ad story, entrance from fourth. •t'PG 1:1.1.1(Trr k ENGLISII, :e wood. and sdl market W . 11 ,;...,; N1JJELP ,„. 1 . 1 . - , 11:ts ,ci :pen g ed gingham, cotton and steel frame gingham. case Parasols, including green satin Turk. tilk slit and broontsilk, of extra sues. Also. one casebleathed Drills, also, Manual Rib black and colored; white Satin do. Lill. Guts. Lams, and VO3lOllll atiOVI of summer Goods, selling at gduceil pries, A lot of sayer .51.auchester Oinghams, d styles, also lately :neaten:l. CHEAP BONNETH—A lot of braid and other Bon net. lof lut winter's shapes) scuing oxf at from 'MU to SI at the corner of 4th and Market sm. Wnolosala rooms on tbi story--entrance from 4th st. pI.:RAGES, d‘C —Aleaander tr. Day halintiow open D a beantsral satin sniped and plaid Besagea, of the finest qualusesatut newest styles, unporwk also, splen did plain and brocha blank /dank.. and Xatacas, splendid French ',assets, Linen Laws. sad Obghains, tall assortmentbilk plain and wain stripe delsaines and fine Alp.mt. All these goods have been plunder.' tithe late per emptory SWUM We. In New York and rhiladelpturt, & will be sold at a great reduction from regular pnces. ALEXANDER & DAY, mph corner diamond and market at _ _ ATCHES & JEWELRY—Just received at No 67 Market street, So Gold Lever Watches' S.S do dciAched do; odo Leon.; 12 Silver Places Leier do; ;e1 do detached do; odo Lopme do; lel Gold Guard Chains, Lest quality. Also, a good assortment Of Breast Pins, Dar Rings, Finger Rings, Gold Pens and Pencils. The above geed, have been received with the Mel five weeks, and will be sold at reduced pnces. Pm , sons wishing to purchui a good and cheap Watch, would do well to call previous to purchasing. Ir=o ZEI3ELON KINSEY. PALL OF IEI4I. Ft. MI:BBB , nonteasi'corner of Fourth and . Markel st a ., is uow opening his early fall . took oWsnerreau and imported Dry Boods. Boyers will please look before making their pi:imbue. Opeu hts rooming, a beantifok usortment of Plain kind! Alpacas, scip'r Brocade do, do satin striped do, do barred do. Besides a large ossortnkara. of new tat IX,lstyle prom. yingharnaoruslittay Irish linens, de., very low. 10 - Wholesale rooms on second star. Goods to cosh boyers at about Eastern prises. Merchants will do well to coll. JOHN KELLY & Co, lsuetessiera to Rabbi Wm." brener & Co.) MERCHANT TAILOWILE Chest nut street, Philadelphia, beg leave to informihe . hienda and patrons of th e late firm, and strangers trislinLitile city, that they are now in receipt of theiliptieg and Summer Fashions. Also a ebbice and sel.WiL 444 . 6 " went of West of England and French Cleglityraial mines and Vesting', to which they respeeteilki.ktvite the r attOntio. 1,1 7,1" gORGLASARRINS;:i.e.:L , Wit In a few days received an addlttonal simply 'of Lansdale Nankin. bold siylso fine blimp/1M DIE) common do, unbleached do, fine Long Cloth Skirtings, lush Linens, ism , lowa white Cotten Ease, lead nord, do, Paper Camlines, &e at the Dry (sods Hoare, /4 F.eoroerstb and Market sweets. t r i - Wholesale Rooms u wain. 11'20 EMIMI L , l2KNell MV.ll.l.:StY6.—sitern & dodarnia, rem se r Market sweat, have this day opened t case of French Menne, of all colors, alim LYMO O I4 6 : 41 .•ab iniscs•, de, realm:lett', mous da lowaids n woollen do, which will be sold extremely lo seP-I Fanny rests r• • ECEIVED this mommg sd A- A. mason d Co'., R. At, Markel street, vo pa sopertor paroled, cashmere. a,,tl moo. de lames, ID ps net mohair lustre*, one dot embroidered dresses arm. bitgaliestyle. 11 EMNAN TS OF CA 1i00& , ...A A 111.0 a & A , Market sr, are elauag oat • larimlOtpf remnants an Calicoes, at fully hair We pratti—tood fast co toted Prikaa at Cofv. wag? I_,li - LCE AND ORANGE PRINTS, mob bliss Mein illftek do, constantly on band it iriliest .1 holesale recta of W MURPHY, •ok I cor 4th and market sea,ed awl Iff:D r ciuN—A C0:193 Meat. j_ p k et hove It opened Senora cap:sof shove Very' Olean bleached Madam at et. Also,t i gtOt. case. 01 the 4in do. Alm', another large of tosonatis of Col,no, •t 64c. • • nns44 W r k la i r r i k: ng F r ' e ' c ß efred . In l e N sole ß Ageticy ' tialr b orio n nes, While a. Co. Hate, Gum, Pivot, and Discus o dames Ts/nil, Invites Demiss' special atteuno¢. JOEL MOHLER, Druggtst am/ spir ern woad and 6th sts TEEL (:()ODS--Sleol Bag Clasps, the best wri S xn the city; Sicel Beads, do Bag Tassels, O. Pure do, do Pune Hangs; do do Clasps, Co Kilda.; do K • 11/11Fai do Top Combs, Just ree'd,at the new Fancy ~ v r• 5/..1 Zaket meet MOO li!E;Mr.11211M1;0 eagEloiwual days. Fall Dry Goo Sliwar.lett & White N 0.91) Woos) Saw, SEW FALL GOODS IiMRSEIf tr. KNOX as i sortzlt i g a sti j a;eberd Swags and Scotch Mull, B ' e7slf Bbtlog Nattsooks, spotted Vletotis' Laws., Taxle ss, ashes, together grids a WI usorasent of Dopine piaci end Caney Netts, Laces, Edguage, losertings, Sce., of which have lust arrived treat} ircua the Im porters, and lot sale low to the trade, by, toy 17 SHACKLLTTYV. to! “110ualtnp. oil widths, el l 11' chef in 10 inches 'Ouch ere will sell trulttufarto 'en purrs, cud Carnage Bayed to hot purchaaar at.tio 5 Wood ot. .lurch • _J k kl PHILLIPS ILK QIM PS AND FIIINGEZ.soIust aced at Zebu CI lon W.nory'•, No. 67 Mathes vireos. . al dos )arils bloc* rut eqit 4ru4c, of ohm. widths, paucrns and prices, IMII2I/10 for ataalillas, to. 10 dos yards Gimp, all osatUarand *plea, for cape tc. 44 p“ fled silt oast . .upia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers