I.'! ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. t A TstsolltAPElJU N lat , l l .tue *".' Fe et Grier ° PiUsburgh, F. tartlet tOo. , Pidisdelidda aleusittelo.ts of Western Leather solicited, and lb w.' advances taada, if required. feblutrau_ „e.tr • • ensm • •r -iding Merchants, have returned to their old ansed,Wates and Pawn meets, Pittsburgh. octal " , I*tirlars saa • 61:0101 ea rn. bIIDUN & RA M iEII, Wholesale and /tooth Thug rlisp...eortior of Liberty arid SL Clair stree:alZ4ts. 1110W/I. inkltqwN ZULBPATSON, Wholesale Grocers, Wand COnnolssion Morel:mos, No. 1.45 Libe Pattsburgh. Pa. de3l y._ iovefirmrroclic k. Co, Wholesale and Re a tLilDroggista, owner Wood and ads. .to. • jy f AGALEY & SMITH, Nillmteulo Grocers, 18 a;1 ..:10 Wood stree.t,Plusburfit. ,C . bp,A muoon DUL.Z.Vu4k. Canal Asbanyd Inch 2 • Wile 020.4011.13, SWIM V. LICLAIXOS, US. W. 111•11.21... 12:LEMAN, ILAIL.MAN, tr, hlnnufneUmers of • Carriage Spring. and Axles, A. B. .4 Sprrne ~*1 :mid dealers in Coach Trim '••{Y evesy4.- Teenpuoups.undadou on.m. Clair rd. AVaregibset3, ••Woodat.,opposite St. Charles FlareL jan'a AR` & °EMHART, Wholesale Grocers, deal , ierain Produce and Pittsburgh Pdamilietures, cm oflAtud Hand sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. tabi7 WIC L. COXIS BINNICIT. • - 1 - ‘, Nol.lfli tnENNEPP, °me Runtish, (Walther, .Z 4 Co). Whohmale Grocers, Commission and Ver. rhierchants, and deadan.io Produce End Mts . daingtlistuttramums, N 0.37 Wood at, belerftutigd and - - - , 11: lhaifn, • new Km, ram 111110 D. _III4IEMD, RHEY & Co., Wholesale Genera and ,Comantalon Meacham; and Agents for Brighton tnizl,lte.pu, Non 67 Water, and 100 Front da.,Pat. •':-/iat fare ”911.1.:LAGHES, 'LONG 4k. MILLBB BcU ead Brest Fieatletra end Gu Fitter., 110 rum , . I ,4 twe'l ithd Smithfield emery Fituburgh, P. klielePt prim IMICIL for old Copper utd Bram delti cEORSIMXIBILAN, Commission an Foraimntirl ' t 'Witham; No,. 0:l Woonstreet. Pinsbargft. myl.7 MAHN BRUNOT,. WWI° awl ltdrLesd ?dim. XLfactorer, pont .na Oil Merchant, minter 01 Lit. so and O'Hara sts.., Pittilirwh. ~ jels issiaraidner; ' tow= mass ' IL " MOM' a Ow Wholesale Oroceets,Com. ~.,', W rit Passim:ma, an dealers is PinderAfka6 - 48 '-` itter, and 1117 Front streets, PinstddEls. _. nove _ . TWIN li.RAMlN,Allamey and Counsellor at Law LI and Cow:drawer for the mete of Penanylvantii a tta l =a b n .), A: Bramab... a. Vault; John . Fornard . -Pnrltd, dnyn, drcmd & iotly OLIN scoTr & Co., Wholesale Orocers, Forward. lag atel . CdormLuke Mere bents: Dealers m Pro - 'and' PiOsborgh Menerseares, Noy 7 Commode) ' 'ROO"; Liberty Meal, dear the Carm/,..Piasloisehi„-Ta; - , .myrely BRYAN, Rectifying Distiller, and WO:desalt J dealter ut rareign and Domestic Wines and 4,iberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley , jyl7-d/y ThalISM la MeGUIBE, Sate of the firma AMeound 4/3.lMcGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Chattel Uellldlnst. Thinlstreci. mac:Wood, Pittsburgh. TAMES A. HUTCHISON, S. On,—Suroeisara to 1111011 mm /c Ca., Cmamiaaion blerdmars, aad'ilta 'or tbe Lotus Steam Sugar Refinery. Mi. 43 arum. .4 la from mamma, Piusbarg h. .4uu T IILACE, ,Merchant Tailor, Exchange Bud. it. dings, Bt. Ow a, PinWergd__Tlnlou TOM S. DlLWORTH—Wholeartle 13tnehac'lier0. It/ tiv6i, and C.ennalresien Iderchast;No. 97, Wood at r , Pivaborgh. . 7an4 TORN 1I /1041C7AN,,,Wholosals Druggist, ind des - CS ia Dye 3iotTh;Patat's,:Oirs,llittaishos, tcc., No. 11:1 pod street, one dear South .of Diamond ' PO4- hiusot. • TAMMI Jr..• tr. (sveoeseor up Joseph 0. VDonole,)lShlp Ciandlers, 3111 Water street. oc3l /WIN U. MELLOR, Wholesale lad. 'Royal 11. ear .; and Atosical lastraments, ; School 800 Repay, Slates, Steel Pees, Qculls, Priatere Cards, arid ataticasnry generilly,No: Si Wood et., .Plosbuigtr. ; irru Np bom t ht Of tale, to trade. • sepl3l setwontataat a Wholesale Isrogipsca '11,s•;NO.211Wood anet,•Piargh. 1011 N A DAVIS, Aartionear.corttes Gth a 44 Wt.(ld tP •ureets, Pitiaburgh, octS --- • -. OIINSTOW & STOCKTON, Sookuellers, PruateO aud Paper Al4nufacturers, N 0,44 Market et, Wu.. 77 OLIN GRIER, I'Vbainsale Grocer, dealer in Fri. Pituburek Idanninctures, Tin Planes, OGlLiberiy Pithibugh. • pia , JO= !LOYD, FLOTD.• Jlb FLCIYD, (law L moss a cao whoiew. : Graters, N 0.1.92 Libeny Went. wPs JidlEl3 DALZELI, Wholesale Guam', eculassasoSa hieShislal?aska dealer is Produce and l'oulaap Namfitlnts .1 b0.'21 \Valor .I_, Yotaboret, jsola fEHt JONat, Pom ding and Conwimion in YrtdVca and Pittsburgh ata tssuired *rucks, neii7th Von: ins Iron Work.. LtkALZELL & enanutacturera of all Yi -21111 Bar, 81reet, Boiler Iron' and Nails of the Oda' QndjV;' Waydeotme, 64.aler and WS front al. 'fahlO• WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Foram ' lug and Cortuaissiort Merchant, Dealer to Pt arirkManuaretares and Produce, Nos. al Water it., and IR Front s:. v4l3Prr & Sitirrcei, wtotentcthocenlF r "oudnt Conitaission Marehants, dealers tali* Manutsetwes, Nos. 13 and 135 'Mosta., Pluo,orgh. . frb23 WM; BROTHERS & Commission chants, Pliiladelphiai for the sale of produce 114 . • Liberal advances mode cer axtrignsnerea. "' • - oQILL 3 ROE, WU,tem& Onacen;shiComss.i. Ncrel4ants, E l m 154 Liberrr at, l'imbursb-. • TS. AUX; Al= MULL WY Z. Koons. ALLEN 4 CO, CAZILItiiSIOLI Forarani ug Merchants, Water and Front de, bete en cod and Market eta . Jae} mnd. RicKgrsoN, Wholesale G or rocers dnd Commission Plarnbasna, No. Vti, Liberty . at, Pitta. Ig*Pa: ! inapt • ..4pC011.1.1 EMU, Wholesale and Retail Hat lind - Cap Manufactures, and dealers is Fanny Fdrd, damn al Waal and Pia ma . 11$ liol2dEt3 & SON, No. 65 Market et., sec end door from minter of Fourth A da alers in- Foreign a Donne Ur-Bills of Exchange., rtificate:Of Derk,s -,i4; Ind Spek- Irrtotlectiiiite mad on all the principal miles .Iksoughont the United Stems. dee;l_ •ItoRI3I2T MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Wearying Disialer„ dealer m Produce, Pluahargh blastulae ' "'apes,. . bed all kinds Of Foreign and Ilomeslie W. a i rkaers, No.ll Liberty' meet. On band a vbry I . stock-of emporia, old Monnagattela ...rhrsgey, ',, • Oda Weald low tot cash. , •PLk* , ,131C4AAI. LEEZU,A, Imporin and Dealer li 116 Wrelp. at . td,D9alegue Saddruy Hardwart and ~VarriiipTh=pgs, of 01 description!, Na.. ,13 Wood . 1 , FdlOnillk. ' NZ t r4l 1, 111:11 •• • les att. • . I: . *len in "Leattletildorcreen, Sboematera'Toeis and Find ' TannenVand Cutlers , Tends, and Tanners' Olt, No. /do Wood in., Pirtshirge. =OS 2O IR =EMI, IW A " ror . pad cpromouloa rilaws,and Real% in H u t .ManooAttozos, No. W Liberip it, littsb h. Ya ' ossarr.D.l , v 1 & Wlliotestate. Grixion, Cogoadslinixand Forwardul Mirshaou, despers , Prodso• aro Piusburp, Maimfactures, ,Liibe a rry l'ittoblinti tom 02T. 44.. eln4KlNGEtall, Wholesale Grocer, ' Dealer Produce mart Ritlabutgb htatetfacteres, :144 Liberty sr. IYIY . . . , ..... . .. 113EYNCILDS& SIIFL, Forreardinewul Cemm.rision 1310' hbuttaug., for the AlleghenY ttrvet.Talide, deel- Ars in Orreenes, Produce, Pittebrugheerores and Chloride of Liam 17eskiirirestprfeee4 le•eash, paid at ill times for cp.. • 47q1101. 'Carper of remand Imin la. 'T , jilra BUSHFIELD-,Wbolesslo dottier*dry rood., groonie_s, boots, shoes, Piusborghltasstufasbarod &a., No. t Liborty_tt tree Plosborgb . l,6l_ SMTH & JOHNSON, ITholaslo aSdHstitt theitlers in Milliattry.Ooods,Lsooi t Ho.i4r9 ..d nosy Ankles, No. 46 Market west, 3d door above Thiid 21, MC I err s wnrrr, whoimde Dealeh to P and Demesne Dry Goods. No 09 I . = Wool ramthuiu, Dealers Pgh is Mar and Produce generally, w tad FoT t.. atdieg p. wig Conaaraelou Merettants, Na. ~ SIMITO. MACIALEV tr. Co, Wholesale Procers and a denier., No.= Market street, between fun !4 , lfrPiettlf lode; ?hilt eAstied-•••• .oc6 ~7••••• • trossoa c ; jowl rumors, )14211..a5x I TO PrOduce and Ghticlelc..- .*.„, SfisaiotiMerehants. o. 17 Liberty at., Pitlab)mh. rohyinseed ond Lad Oils. § .1 1: . .. VON sommoßsT, I Co, Wholesale On. ~, Yen, Perynothoar enrS Cronmislion , Merebants, la-Plilibmb Manufactures and Western Pro ., ~Volt7ol Frontheir new urarehouse4old stand) _ „. comical' EL and Cluokery Ital. i .rIIN 4 1111:sft, Wholesali Unseen and Cowan.. lion Merchants, end dealers in Produce. No. 35 444 st. Ilitabantb. . pleM iu t r . u. U. JI„ Avail°, Mexican wadi. n and . tt .platentlaar penalous, at the ofßea E. Aba tis, Esq., Dusk'. buildings, Mb at, PluaLattitt. My sail ja.llo ge to htnal off at 'WaaltityrtOn, wilt atatna to lay baitiatarthere foto of eapente to applicasill. Istarl44ly 20•11 n. lanskcAN 151WiT lir Wirt) Wholes p ale ti ( . e 4 r% " ro " rtatkist ~a:braastaltarai -Morainal.. dealers in Iron, Nallg Wain, , L 40,,, yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures gr./saran It•flial 0( Wood and Wa.-1 tr7or. Foratruora. F2r BOWEA--Conuruutou and Itkglialtt, No. Yu Front at. between Wood '" iirket west& lati24 •I W. WALLACE, 8:1111 stane and AM %nub . .„ si bu t. b a i c No. 244 Liberty at., nem dm W GARRARD, Dealer In Fare) Tr Dry (koala, Na 19 Minket weft, Rthburglt. • IbnIIRAIY • .WILSON,DesIer In Watehe!, Jewelry,. Rhea Wan!, 11h11147 tloods,G. , 4 nasl L htlillPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealer Ls •• 'V a Foreign land Domestic 'Dry Dodds, north , Wrier ef bilk.bn sad Fourth stag algal 11. • - • • & I , .4, • .• • • • - _ • • CARDS, WIC TOM, ' IWCUIVIL Tart&YOUNG & Co.—Dealers is IMtbe hdee &e 143 Ltbeny st. SI. MITCHELTREF.--Wboletale GrOOMI, $ Reelitylog Distiller; mid WinMt sod „Liquor i l o r elmots, Mso, Importers of Soda Ash sad Blenching Powder, No. 160 Liberty et. Plitsberib. P. °taxa Basersoug, B. /MM. BLACKBURN & Co., Wholesale Marra ad .1a dealers in Oils, Boat Store, ad Pittsburgh Man fl'actured articles, have on had, at all cram a full and metal atuatment of goods in their line, Water alma near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. sar.l TWIN M. TOWNSEND:Druggist earl Apothecary, RP No. 4S Market at., three door. above Third at. Pin/l -b...8h, will have constantly on hand a well selected as commeat of the best aryl freshest hledicue.. which he will sell 011 the mom mu:usable terms. PhYRICIIIIIII sending ;orders, oral be promptly wended to, and rap plied with articles they may rely up as germane. rbywietans Prescriptions mullbe on accurately and the nontli prepared from th e best materials, at any bear of AlsMa h , L a large stool , of frosO and good Perfu mery. pm' Monerstgaiksela Livery Stable. AtiIROBERT 11. PATTERSON has opened the large stable on First st, running through to Second at. between Wood and Smithfield sta., in the rear of the Monongahela House, with in entirely nese stock of Horses and Carriages of the bat quality and West styles. Horses kept at hvei ry in the best manner. JYthllY .15CARRLE WORKS ON WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH E. WILKINS, CIONTINUIIS to tualtufacture Monuments, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, CV/ tee oud Pier Tops as foreign and domestic marble, il a regular and fair price. N.B.—Drawings for monuments, vaults, be. furniaki ed, of any desenptiou. He solicits a share of publil patronage augh-dtf WILLIAM SMITH Marmfaturer of Cotton an/ .th colored len, Fringes for Dream., be.; Scarlet 8 and eolored Cotton Pnnges for silk nod gingbas Parasols. (limp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringe", made to order on the shortest nonce. 5T13115., Itorner of Maiden Lane and William, entitle No as William an," third door, over Abner fr. Kitt' store, No d. 5 Maiden Lan , New York ivlo RICHARD•T. LEECH, JR .3 MITORTICI ANODIC/UM IN Saddlers' Ironmongery, liariessland . Cith Trimmings, Doss, Deer Bair, Varnish, *o c 4 jy II No. 1= Noon ST. Prrroursum_ 1.4 1 H. EATON, Deatr il Iv toed Vatie7 Voile% Vanui Ta ll/l i l;a l o ' nu ' r&Z Bottom H o dies, 0, Tapes, Brides, &e., No. Cr.l Market street, be-men a mend and Mb In, Pritsbnirgh. P,EKIN TEA STOILE.—No. 72 F.lll It., near Wood—AU quantities of Greco and Black Teas, done op in quarter, halt= rantar, from 50 eta. per ;1: 3 P 515. ° ry l l ack A- Ant fur Pekin 'Pe . INSURANCE. DELAW ARE lIIIMPTIALIBISTIRANCICCI• 'OM'S FINNI;y, Jr.,•Agent in Pittsburgh tor Lel. asntreldneotil Sisfery Insurance Company oilhila adelptriti. Piro Eisk• upon builihngs tnerobliibile oi teem. desenption slot Morino - Lists upon Ps or cargoes of vessels, iaken upon the moat teprable 015ce in the Waiebouse of W. allolmesk No. 3: Water, near Market street, Musburgb. • N. lk—The mecess of this company once Meslab ltshment of the Agenry m this city. with the pimpli ness and liberally with ...Mich every chum ugathem for loss has been edjulletd. tally A621'11111 the geut itit inatung tbe confidence and patrunage of Ins inP.tdclii l the community at largo to the Dolavelona , rat cc Company, while it hiss the oddinorialadfintagos an LIISIIMUCIII among the most tionnahlog tulhiladra phins---os having an ample paid-ui cupiml, rehtt by t <pennon of ..is chasm,. constaialy. yielding to each person llllllrd ilia due eh it P the profits to the entnpatin without .fittuPlvtog ll° l'lls responsibility whatever, end therefore as +rani g the Mutual prittrople divested of every obi. us te - ture, and in as mosCattrirthio Rion. tiov-il / 768 E C AST) MARINI& lifirllß -I E. i Tk,an.' l ,l7=o-217 °'; it'''''..t:',r o'hnTru.lho make permanent and bunted insurance en pony, in tins cur sod its inconty, and on shipments p' tlt tfit. tel and Myers. 4 , DI FM:TORS. Arthur li Coffin, . Charles Tin, basal W. Jones, , ' Ambrose ite, Fitwull Smith itcoli . ltl . , ma*, . . . .. ==l Mtn White, Thor.. P. C.OfMI, 11c1:a.rd4' %Va. Wel., Samuel F. South, Frs., 1 44 . n., S.suuell.lnooka, S. AustqlSbortr, ARTHUR U. IitSPIN, PretAi lizsal H, StlHlOll3l/1, Heel-. This it the oldest tiniustLtica 'Comp. - pa the United Htates, having been chartered in IW4.its charter it perpetual, and from H. highsucudiugl expertence, ample means, and avoidum ali risks i elllte bit ardou• character, it may be emmiderels offering MlL ple security -to the public. 1 P. JONETi: At the Counting Room of Atwood. I • & Co., Wa ter and Emet esntem Pittsburgh. ; tuayd T YRANILLIN FLEE LNSU CE Col rIIIIE Franilin Fire Insurance COM .• or Ellludel- I plus, will woke luso raiser, perui il sad limited oti every description of property, in l's iurtili land de ...) surrounding ism:wiry. on fitwasuble . llis coat psuy Itusisperpettrateburtitr: tlapittli-,.. , it . 0` -.; - ' 1:. paid in. Coutinggiscrund .. :i„ , :- ," ~ , , ::..ii7 oldie, corllierridT/dist Illtil Brigid ritisburgli. ito adliki :It? '" . xvitgaicx. TIN, Agent. V ' r- '''' • ' idllSkirssidi....' ---. T.,!o?oVo°.44'4olTOlnialriidd doitlie Amer lewd Aide •loguridivie- era! g Fbitadelplou, conlisidit` toredecy,bstionosels .. or dituiiige °L4 ,. ...ylfdifilli iildidllEvs Odle . pima stud P I satigwlEShigndmsilsrl pima vletzta) VA '''''''.,l".,..it%oCLlCEloo,-4lralutxt sr • ,Agent pro Notth Amer it I, • Other Wormer , . •'444. Jo . FORWARDDig-Vell., FMK L lafthe InstanneetrAl*lnl eu luld imillivi!olitleiroctui alund of the 4geney,4l.lM4riTeltoimen -•!-.{VbM, A10110...00 11.4111( 08ASLD8 B. DANIZINICWINatvaI. CO. TOBACCO COIIIIIIBAON EICHART.O, W~latl C.~LY L No. 01 Sooth Wharves, “..,d No. South Whet at PUILA L-lILPI • BEGS to inform the reds and Mars generallg, of Pinaburgh, that they nave such arrange mtmis with the Viwnia *miunitucturer d the Drawees of Me West, West lathes, and odic acev, as w il l i11411(15 IL large ancteonsunt supply of following desanp. now of Tobacco, which wall Id upon as accom modating terms as any other Ito in this city or aloe where, and all goads ordered 1r thaw will be war ranted equal to representatuint Havana; It Domingo; Cot; Vara, Porto Rico; Para,}Sued Leaf to. Cuba; Ignim; it Ply do; harem, ALSO—Elranch's celebrated fro "c Stag Clan dish, with a large assortment <pother popular lir übt, and qualifiei of poundx, fis, ea,t.s, 16s and blO, L. trip, hi, 6,1 s and led Plug. Lailie b , ‘ Tvist; Virginia Twat, &e..., meet and plain, iu w and half boxes, want and tin, together with every Wiety of article belong ing to the trade. _jelfigy -- ' ' - . A. slAssi E. autsrisux. BAIL/MT, NESBIT 1 GABEET SOS, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commludoi.antl Porlisirdlng I , .11 , .6 LC IL al I, No. 62 Norm Wasavora 115 Mar= ST., PHILADELPHIA. Kom ,o—John H. Brow* Co. Robert 810.0 ' C '''' Philadelphia. Harcroft, Den* & Co. Sant, Bernie* Co. 4 Allen &Pam : New Took Walters & II , Battimons. Britri la w B g fi,, g il ay .* t e C . ° I Pittsburgh. Kier & Jones De — Liberal stub advin ' res on consignments 14 oar address . mar.lo4ly . P. C. cuarkozo. eakake zeal. iota. w.k.... ELI.M4 6 ,Kga i t.CKY & CO„ ibsototraAiblims,_ • And Gaorol Co koslost norchakt to, Nei. tdSorraßlka Skexek, " ' PRILABELPMIA. REFERENCM—Hertry dor!' & Co, Ptueburghl Rodgelf & Sherlock, tclooionau. S. Sehdley & Son, A. M. Lowy, Narcotic Cherlelßeeham, Jr., Louleville DeddhAnmphreys & Co Nereerro. &Co jP13.0.4' Reed Brother, splo.lly Ranh Cooldnery, Near ark, /LICIA u. troors, 1 mason-0r...52E0M. "• ----- LEHNER 4 ANDERSON, FORWARDING & COiIItIFSSION ADERCHAINI'S, COTTON FACTO'S, AND AGENTS FOR THE PALE OF ANDW GLASS. sm. 7 k. N nun ,r, uont 1120•1/WAT, CMC•6031111, 0810. -• OEOliGt COCHRAN. Comm:o99ton .ad T091999d1ng llerehant. 80. 93 Iv* n. ITITIOSIMGIi, i . lONTINUM to tnunset a general Conunisistou busi- NJ "mi enPueially in he parehase And We of /overt enn blauttfactures artdProdnee and In receiving and forwarding GoOdx cat4gned to t. i . VW, As Agent for the Ahmufaetures, be will he constantly <sighed with the principal Boucle s( Pittsburgh rilannfactine at the lowest wholesale 1 res. - Orders and consiornenis are ryspentfally tti3ll rd. _ _ _ nr7 ._ _.... GEOR E, A. BERRY wrioL seidr. 011.00161111 1 FORWEDIMI 'AID tolllllBBlollllEdeliANT, Iron, galls, Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh Man Whet urea generally, in.. 10 WOW srasrr, rermusots, Pa. • ' Wll. 11. CLARK, Forwarding Mere hunt, Brown ovine, Po. Aneods port:calm - 4r to the Forwohltog of Produce., it. &C. For inf. infonnalion, opply to FORSYTH lc CIIN CAN, Water ot. cs.lll ISAAC CRUSE GENERAL. GOEGLIGINSION MERCIIA NT FORTHESALDOF PUODUCE&PROVISIONS, Nos. Mond 107 Sarnia ßA Wl.l/1, LTIMORE, MD. Rsaamenoll--Marchanta of Pittsburgh. Wheelintya—E. Cranglis& Co. mart/ Anon arosics TO Surerices. E has. taiga otEco iniirociltutely opposor our).ll,ehooee, for the preseni, w. transact limitless us wont, outil a 11CM hubsirsir ho erected, arratignowout having alrewly been wnd, for that purpose. Dams will always he to readiness a our wharflo receips freight. C A M'ANULTY A Co, apt Como' Bashi, Libertg LYMAN, REED & CO GEAB ls arearliTi d loN i"rd ilti k il e ilid MT& • -.. Pliri'cola} ottchtion rot 4 tollio add of Weol, and Ltb od•ronee* 'node on nomnirmaynna. Inylfed,tarly GIABB-4113b5.840,10.12 and 1041 window iglua nut reed per .learner A rrowlme, and lar sale by septa , FORSYTH 6 DUNCAN WM. TI NI BUN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hader Pa ..n r stt :: dtool ler ti3:•and other h urt . ri!.etru.thhim,n ; t,,,snd ~rm,4 counties, Pt Beier to 1. tc IL Floyd, IJl•erty et. W. W. Wallace, de James Marshall do Pstleberch. dly Way Cr. Co., Wood st. isn't JH. SWE Ptit IT/, Attorney et ellice 2d st atteopposite SL Charles llotel, Ptuseurslt. will oleo nd promptly la Concerto.. in Wash/noon, Faye.- and Green coueues, Pa. • • - REFF.R TO Bliwkstook, Bell Co.&, Church &Cawthorn, }Pmstiorgh. D T. Morgan. fee Bally 1 .. ;1 J. lIENR'i, Attorney and Conneellor at Low. Cloriminti, Ohio. CoPerilous to Southern Ohio and in Indiana, and in liontorky. moray and care fully tutended to. Commie for the State or Penn. sylvtutio, for inking Depositions, arknovrledgmenu, &c. &e. Reran TO—non. Wm. Bell & Son, Cunin. Clitireh & Cats:yers, Wm. Bay., EN, Willoek & Davin. teri It. W. WILL. 1•&& WW. X. !MIMI WILLIA.MI. 4 & SHINN, limeeessorit to lxiwrie and Williams:} Attorueys sad C.ounsellors at Law OlLee North ..de of Fourth street, above Smithfield. febt7dkaily . . . _ el KERR, Attorney at Law, Bakewelly. el Building, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court Roue. aust-din 1. &A.M. =W M, IUNLOP to SEWELL attorney at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between and 4th .1.. I,, I OIIWARD & SWARTZWE.LDF.R, Attorney. a, /2 Law, have removed their other to the South lode a' Fourth to., hewer.. Cherry Alley and Grant street. attellf. EO. H. ROBINSON. Aurceney at Law. ha. re moved his office to the Exchange Buildings, Si rin v•rt door to Alderman Johrtx anl7lv To Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ary, An, tunable for country mks; among which Writing Tapers, of fine, medium sod common qii'les Lenox S'apor de do do do Note Purer do do do do Note and Letter Envelopie Slates, Pencils %Waters-Quills odd Steel Pens Windows Patios (yard wide) plain and pruned; Bonnet Boards, of dolnrent quontics; Blank Books, in groat) •srmly; Family School sod l'ockot Bibles; Crow, medlar, and doable crown wrappwg paper, McCiadie'• Eclectic Spellers awl Renders, Ray's t;eleeue Arohmeou; _ - - Cobb's Pruners, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithmer re, by Adams, Daviaeolburn, Smith, Sloe k ton, 'bbnenato, and others. Ge.F; hies, by Alitchell,Olney, Smith rieh, rawly, and others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Millions, Weld, and others.. For mie at low prima, by J H MELLOR, 81 wood st, 5 doom above 4tb The highest market price paid ior good mixed raga, In cub. epic PLANJETARY & STELLAR WORLDS.—A us - position M tbn great discoveries and theo ries of moderaastronoiny; - by U 51 MitcJaall, • st, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. ' Headley. Italy, Alps and Rhine.—leitera frosalialy, the Alps and the Rhine; by J 7 Headley, aulhorof Na poleon and his Marshall., Washington mid hit Gener als, Ac. New and revised edition. Statistics of Coal—The Geographical ltd. Geologi cal distinctions of lilineralChirobustitilesim.lovill fuel; including alas, notices and localities of-thairarloos mineral bituntiniom Rabltarte. employed in arts and mmufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diagrams, dr coratianied by nearly MM statistical mlites. and 11011 an alyses of mineral combustibles, &e; prepared by Rich. and Crowling Taylor Jost received a few copies Meech oldie above works —Er ,TORNSTON tc S'l'P , 818.18. /to Booksellers, cot marks t tad sis. NEARLY READY FOR PUBLI oAiriON by J. A. & U. P. JA1111 , 5, Cincinnati, the following new and valuable Works-- • , Doniphen's rapeditiou--Contalning a sketch of the life of Col. A. W. lbouiphan• ' the tlonqueet co Nov Meshes; Gen_ Keemeyst Overland F.sperboon to Cal. forret.; Dontpinul`s thoupeige agauon We Nelms.. and his unparalleled Mare!. upon Cubes/tun and Iferungo. and the Opel - atoms of lien. ilptce ot Santa Fe; with a Map and 1-Ing•nsvolgy, by Shho Iluete, Ait ••• the Ist Regiment of Atirwun Cavalry I John .ril ki..- , t !Lawry of Kentucky-1 la Mutual:ie. and Natural C.11...40.1; Geographical Statintaral aml deseriptious; with sueridows of Pioneers Life, and more than ono hundred Biographical Skelvhe aofdtatinguisa ed Pirnatera, Soldiers, Slaws/lieu, Jurist,, Law re ra, illustrated with fort, eugrat twigs; by law o l vol. c.a.. The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or J. ournal of a Pr- Vale in the Tettneosee Regiment 01 •:avalry, 1/I ter Ceompun f Alcamo. durig 1e46-47,cc0 arain ar count 01 g the o &Welt el lb. n kegimein to Vera g tlrut. desenption of the Coeutry passed over; manses, sue- taros, the. of the people, Itketches o f Oar Ufa; tie eatims of all th e schema cd o th er Volusit,er 01u, stud a foll Ikaiory 0111 e klealeuk War; ldat or rotet.ll 1,1 and Wounded. ece. illustrated by • large7ramber ot correct views and piano, by Lien C. Farber, I total tra octavo. decl 711Wouo armlnaa Fount •ne DUlcollto )11..txT. T i l ll tin7,lllllge b*r :tOtiro e r plain wrate and blue Young •nd L l etter ea ruIW and Pap, r, coin tnereial and packet post Flat Cap, decoy and medium Writing Palm.. for Wank books; medittra and ratyal co. rated Pruning Papers; plethora. decoy cud c-op Day Books trail Ledgers superior paper and bet, I,:notern binding, Schad clo uts of all kraal.; standard work, in Theology and Sciences, guilts, gold and stood Wafers, Woo, 17111 FYIu, &c. &c. Black Books (Wall sues ruled to parer,,, a, id bound in the moot substantial mantic, Country Merchame nuppaed at butvest whole tale pot tee for cash, or rags tat cub price. JOB PRINT)N G.—Having aJob office in con Teciwn truh our establ shment. age ore prepared to roe rate orders for plant and lour) Pr...a—hooka, paa widen, dircularw business earth, bills uclading, /cc w, dee patch and at low prices. ta.uorr LINL LIS /I, nap 711 wood betwecii .14.1 0101 diartioud a nay. N - t.t'W WiAlgS.—Vanity Pole. novel wiilt - out - e Nene by Woltara Nlakepeare Thsekery illustrations by the author. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. by Acton Bell, author of . Wathering liraght. - The Young Seboolonstreaat by Jownli Alden, Part 6, of Harpers' Illustrated editthu 01 the •ralnian Nights' Entertaturaents New traJodattou, arranges! Or Gustily reading, with expl.atory macs: by E. (V Lorrems' Logaruhma—Tables of Logarahow of brs and sigos ooa T.geow for every LCII hVeOljal ita ttoadrazo, 'rob orber useful bad.: by Elle. 14rousia AIM., Prof. Mathematics end Natural Phdosoph) ro theliniversay co New York, author of a -- Promis oa Allebra.! , &a. &o. Ke above works received dna day and for .ale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, our mortal sort „Id su Ala -• New Publication.. irt , TURI" OF CONCSKLS.S, litoaorapincal and Bike compeeaog Memmsso.ll Use members of doe of the U. s By II ti Wheeler.. Hloctratied by stee onerous l portman. he. Vol .L. prune, ThilTritiont of C. M. Cloy; meladti speeches and , attrzes, wit!, ig steal portents: brinedby Gree/y I IAIIII Saw to CalifornM. By Ed w in Bryant. Harts" Noles, Vol JO, on James, Peter, John nod Luke. Chan. and CuunteriCharms: By Mot Mlntrich, an thor of Co seem sad m be, "Conquest," he. the. Mary'irover, a Deman° Temperance Tale By C Burdett. Kings ad Que ens, or Life In the Palace; eotinsung or ht.o7rai tkot. el late and reigning sovereigns: By2. 'inik A mtte n- A F Smatmsh, or a practical introduction to the and of the :Spamsh t ale.: By J. SaLkeld. The Dylit Ftobin and other tale.: by Rev. Dr. Alden Jmt rec. by R. HOPKINS, Apollo lituldinga, 4th at, augl Mucceneor to.J. L. Rear EW Bnlee--Lido of Cromwell. by J T Head try .11, Powell: Pulpit, by bard do iner Spun., D D. Bethel VI do Jacobus pole, Matthew, with Harmony, 1...t0.. Mai/Lapeer, 2 cols; Irtuno 1 7 . th of Libor Skstchea of the Way to Merry and rtality; The Comte, by author of School Cal in Fiance; Ne.ttodTti, by Warren; SWUM. oDumns, on Parables and hliraele.; Iteltietre WSome to the Strattger, Heaven upothird t , litreknon, ale of and for Enitlntid; M volv For talc by ELLlo'rr A ENGLISH. jet. 7t3 wood and merle( its N _ IRW 80 1 11L.Just 'eerier.' front the pubbsbre. and for sal.; the Methodist Book Store, 4th st. sty Wood. Taney Proverbial Phtlomplty , in three les of otudinic bermulul book tor Is present. Prepuratton loke Sketches. of Seluns on the Parables and klie owlet. of Chrtet, by the hot of the Pulpit Cyelopedia —WU sketches, he. Mtglish Pulpit; colter LI. 01 ser mons by the most anent being die - mes iltglan d. hlm.ro. B VoKkring flood, Claret.an i.e.., 1. wr est thou rue, kinerelledtuttionk ,aye TraHE PATRIAEVL A.15.1T r he 121.106. a,;71 Religion of haiind from 11 ic Creation to 11• e h of Lase, rimed from the wiing. of Mose. and other inspired klorie and iLloinrated comma. reference. to the ar al record., tradition., and nly Mology MM. treo S A I vol Charms and Comi4l,llerin., by Miss Minicisli A fresh .apply of flu. vgniguls r lode work Orator. of the Aoki. H erolotion, by E 1. bitt y., with Pomona. pl, lig 'so Parley'. Rabin. for families or seinvi., volume., 12 mu, with em brim Tlim is a ncw work. For sole by 110PEINS, seta/ Apollo Buildings. Oh *I EIeFAN'Y a - ny of the tinned State; north al Miming ileseripnatin of the dowering and torn-hke Inn huherio found in !hose Sines, arranged areos, m dm atonal ayrlem. Waft a •Yaa{aat of the lent are ending to the Lin n n a %ketch de, rudiments of b.", y, and a gloutarY by Ina C. lie., Za Frol ebernietry and Naomi tury in Enlaces 'College, New FentaY tn, revised and en layged. For sale by JCISTON re STOCKToN r AmARTiNrs GIROteS--ffislory of the or , 43011. of the Ninon" of the French Stevolottouso--foopu Washed sources: by Alphonse de Ltunsteme, 1 Seta in three volumes: Hyde's translation. A foil" p l y of this poiroler work reserved this day and by Jt T . Zs STOCKTON, .4 , 0 6 80b , 5 41144 r market and 3d sts _ 2_, OITY,HIIIIOO IN HUHU, m a k c oyh e y of navel ,n Franca, ReNtonto, Aust, so,,,serland, Holy, Pumas, Ireland nod Great Bro; wan r, sppeed,s. COMSJIIIIIg observattous on Oropeutt chromes and edlcal liostrurtions: by ol4° Carson, Al D. A few copies for:snle by seplo _JOHN y & STOOKT0:1 T OUR STORE on hlarke6et, No between 3d and 4th, may at all di be Mood to hops Block of Tiavalogseal Moms ow l Book. New books received as roots as pulA nod ondd at low est proem. The public awns of enewt Nooday School Usuon and Me ssarbost• bboth *Moot So y,ety, always on hand. Cll3ll famished ino EN(ILLSH, myYLH market •t, een :Id nod 4411_ Gr u b lt y l OPIUM.(4v;Irsr emilri:ldasyto.ll7l:;ls PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 18:48. LAW OFFICES. BOOK TRADE. COPARTNERS LIPS. CO.PARTNERKIIIIP T ()(AN & Ili:1-VNIRDY have *hin day esimeinted with Them La the Hardware buninewl. Phihp It it - .011 Pllll Ell word (irreg. The style to firm wall here altar be Logan, Wilson & lu. This arrangrineut ren ders it desirable to close the old bunnies. or soon an poinfible All persons whose liabilities hove matured, are eerreeielly twooreited to make immediate payment. Pittsburgh. Jan I. Lwlh. lOGAN. WILSON & CO.—lmporters and lVtioleimle ()eiders ni Form, and 1 , 0111G4111. Hard• ware. Cindery. Snchlfery, &e . 129. Wood sweet. Ph.- urghjre note folly prepared waft • reemuly impor ted smelt co Ilardwit re. Cutl e ry, kr to o ff" v , ry g sal ndureinein• to western buyers, being deierroorred to emopete , no per won rosy of We Aline. con, Al. so on hand au exesitsi nneortinent of Finshe Hurd. , Shovel..-.pude, Forks. line.. en- ea, /re , all at whore will Ine sold at the lowest ai.i iot.frturees CIa.PARTNEASIITi/K -- - Ttll.:aubeerheralwtog recently eat , i ed two partnership under the 1111111 G 01 Gal aglia I, lonic, lb ?Miler, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell and klauwa Fotatinutt and Ges Flame Waitress in all it.. ' , marline. have taken the stand formerly oee. pied by II Gallagher. No. lOU Front travail, between b and Smithfield so., where they are prepared to exetalc all order,. or Rea., Brame Castings, of every Ir.. .ravioli. and Ga. Fdtloga with neatness and des poteh Straunboal jol,bing promptly attended In. 11. GA/JAC:IIM S. A liliNG P. 11. MI 1.1.b11i ' - . hod N B—T ot he tennon ofhlaehintet. hlugtneues ed 10 0111 aotsutteueuon metal, ror redueed Imre, erfuell ha. ueen pronotsuced supertor to Bahl/tell Ipy 1011111. e hlOlO tp,J both. Stp.mhboal builders ind 010 1011 , 11 C. ,110 rulll, are ul•o reudelded to cull and ex• UMW,. our .upenor double Force rung. for steamboat mad • doine.ue u•e. LONU, d. NILIJ R. i , F1741y _ • Masailitlion. • • • • r 1 )11F. partnership so long exasung under the firm at & King, was by mutual consent dissolved on the Ist ins , The business will be e lased at the old stand ti i ir ether of us, using the nano. of the arm fiat that yrorpow. Being desirous in have nor Immune* closed with to hula delay as possible. wo wou re peutfully request atom tadoltual to roll and sauli, their acroutws. .101-4 , 1 D. ACCORD, jat2s 11 . D /HMI " Co-Partnership. JOILN lIIVCORD.hartug assocusted wi th hint ha brother /tunes Ala:oral, under the style of ltrt:ond es Go. will oessususe the Hat, Gap stud Fur.bussness in all its venous branches, wholesale nod retell, at am old stand, earner 01 Wood and fah streets, when they salient a .1111/114.10DU1 the patronage so Itberally be stowed on the old hr.; JOHN - 0 fd - CORD. relL-; JAMIIII S. h1N..1./RD. N j ' resirins from the old and well known flan ot Afrord fr. Kula. I most respectflly rcoommend \. o e rn".4.1?.,!"( the j ' at t'r ). t:. M. iHasellestione ri IHE eopertneralp• bet-en:ante estsbng between the I subscribers. under the .1) le n( Ilushfield fr. Hoe, expired this day by Innuenes, The bususess of the firm will he settled by is Hoe JAMES Li M'OILL, S. B. SUSIIILELD, WALTER C ROE Putsburyh, July DJ, 144.3. - . The undersigned will rontictor the Wholesale Una t-r) and eternmshion Its..es-sunder the Unto,' :1L1:111 and Rt.-, at thrsr old stand, No. IM Liberty tare-et JAhIEN D. h1'1111.1., IVALTER C RUE. Haring .old my onterest In We firms o( WEIL, Rosh. held St. Roe wmy on partners, MESA t Roe, I take plea.ure in r..coramendutg Wens to my friends wad the public S. B. HI SHEIELD, Ci.:Fixtne nattp Motto*. _ -L. W. STKPISEES of Wheeling, E. Y. tiluenberigre X4 e 01 Juntatta and J. A. Stock ton of ht.borgh, have 0118 day entered tome eo-pannership under style sod firm of Stephens, ShoenberuerLks.. to the .inettor . Iron works, Wheeling. Va, tor the puma., of nano. iscoolug iron and nailt of every desenpoon ir mrcriicmi. R. r 51.161101.14,,11. ) 'TACIT.. ST MIPILE PS. uoicaustratcascs & ca. M=l/=l=l IV,4Alresg, Va. Altusofacture all kvad of Loader, .hart, bar moo and souls, A. ti edpuo springs and at /es en% eon aertad "nth ,luxoSt 6 rlrer`s old Juni.ry works. we eau oderOW aruciu Jusuatas Iron tb5 . ...0wl Shoessberserl equal to stay ssuole..• rouittry All of wbsel. .1,11 be sold at the Pstbdurryth priers Wasebouse of the works cassias tel , 100 sad \ Yak, rt.. us) II IIISSOL OTION Tile partsu t•loy lotherto rxlst .l_,luse under the •Ltsle and lino of Wwhonats Lk, er t- thot day dot—arr.! tuotwu comwat. John Lhtl tell having diapersed to leis enure tob•re.t to 11. Wit-Va ts-Loa. Itattatta•. or too taro !trio wttl 1.0 settled by Il Wightstoso. Who I. atatioarttad to at., 11, ;mina of the late lira. for that porta)... IV ItrilThlAN apt...a/d3w Uuiy I '471 ) DALZEI.I.. Subsortbot a noor prorazoil to naLuutaolure all kolda 04olon atol Moo loner,' at the tlsorte%t notice. Orders lellat IL Wtglauwao'a Ir.gooste Stow, oor. .r I.ll4orty and \ Voter strooto, v,ll turet wtLli prompt alleroOlon 11 WIUITMAN. ',acct .1. between Fcc.'entrant' eistaluAy sta., apt:N.lly A Ilegbeny city. . • 10-PART - N Mk:SHIP - %Vol Voongloavip, Ihte ll day itmoo,iatrd wait him, I.lko ki- t:t.tor, the fra -1 Itervaitrr untlocted under the firm ot %%to l'oune to ro LI J.1A..h1 YOUNG, jans !NO. It. AfeLNE. C==o=2 KALI>, 131141KNOit b. CO. have 1.101.411,1 WWI 11 olegu.ig then Tohacco and CononafFson Edward Heald. (late of ]croft Ileafd & Co. Ballo:3.1re.) Died C. Aleentrannn. nnd Jol.n A A% .rn,r n.,13 MEDICAL. Jaynes . knit., (arrant. ".I.lutt ro .(1. Apr 2.1, li-11 11 2A 1 feel hound ) an Li awl the aalfctril putts. to naafi of 1110.0p ',Jr-foully of givbig publietly to the extraordinary edicts al )00r Kapeutorat, en III) PC/1. Having been a/Meted tar .Aired year. falfh efoUgh. hectic tdver . 01111111111 thseases, ono seemetl only doom.] 1,...er 0111 ra.10,1 butt iserable ext.heime. until the 1.111 01 . '.0.1 fatten, limo tour, v ft iffid vtog re...ord to all ru) former r.. 111, ., ....MI 14, .WTll.l.loll}of Iwo of the morn re•too-I e the neighborhood uoittout dertveng au> bettehL or the consolonoti or surviving but a lire Bars or weeks •t turthest—Wi/Cll the dart gleam of hope vas about to vontsh, I had recommended 10 1111 . yo, r Expectortun and bleseetl by dml Being who does nil dung, in the use of Ow means—and rory 10 iliesapeetanous of nty physician. mod ittensi, otoru sa in a tees d.>. rtused troth ray bed, and sus enuuten by mu use of a bottle, to our nd to burnous, cum, tug once Letter health than I had tor len >ears prey pus. Respectfully yours, ke Jo. o%'. Kant., For sole in Pittsburgt;, of the Prato Tea Store, 72 Fourth street. mar.:) 1 . ) A. FA li NESTOCKI4 ANTI-Etti.lous This Catalano , ...amount! ...tutus smoduess of bulk ' Ivan efheteucy uud compuruove mildness of por gat., action, and having a peculiar tetidency to the I•iliary organs, Is extremely valuable in this couatry. In winch ',thous fevers end °Aber complain. attended with congestion or the Laser. so Istucit abound. They have flow •tood Use te•t ot 00 ) Cll./.,1.11/ caievrfrove ha. proved them 0, he I .ale /1/tll valuable remedy 111 lutermlftcol. Remittent s.ol I.ltion. Fen,,. Jaundice. Ihliorolir, Indigtmon. Dropsy, *emery, 1 1 1111111. Vomttmga colds, and oil comp...tn. 01 au oftlAtataaio. eV character. The C I .It4I I ICYC Nat.' umvoraal oafish., tiun witch beau gt , en by these pt.. to all Who have a... 4 them, mut, re. the publishing of the numer ous eeruheatra in Iheir favor tint...me:err To pre gCOptoom...ruing they ore ,Into pool up at a red I y lo r wrapper. free 2:i rents tor a Loa efuttutfong ping . Prepared and sold by A l'AilhEz 4 TUt s s Co, corner Int anal , Atn.nl. und ttl.to rum, em and wood 0.11"CrIl nrp2.l B A FAHNOrrOtrl,• - A.ll N 1 flip. B. 1.. FaMturrael,}Pluabsrgb. F'Ammarroc, Wholes.le Drug Store la the City of New York. andersigned aro exthomsely engage./ tit the W holeolle Dreg .116 at :Nlo. 49 John sums, in the ea) ot New lurk, soil are prepare.' to .apply Druggists nod country Merchants with Drugs. Palms, (1.11, Dye-routrs, Yore go and Amerman Yeilionery, Manner, Weaver & Standees Chemicals, (of their own importation) nod all other articles in their line of hos, ness, ol a ibrierlor finality as low no they rail beim' , chased iii Bits or any easterri city. New York, Irehle B. A FA HNYBTOCK & Co. Marcher•. Chrome Green. PAINTERS. 11LINi1 111,1,KERS, ene--We, the nndenugned, Painters and tibial Makers, of Inc coy or New York, have used mai tended, mud are new wank • new notate ol Chrome Green, manulaetured by lien K. klareher. tht. city. and find It to work well. ro. daring a Lure lonnuun Pan• (Irene appearance, %Ir p k a very superior hotly. and recommend it to out brethren in the trade an la ever) par tkeular Ise heat Chrome ((Teen we here ever used. New loft. June 1,'17 Signed by 24 lugn• ul orecpcul pemter• ul the. ray of 'rho ow:quailed Chrornn Greco may be Wide! U. E. SELLFH:. Nu 57 Wood *tract, who hog the caeltoove ugeor) for its sale to PtitAborgb. marl 3 • FUliFb-- - No family sboold b. Lon•ir.o 14 , V• . Aug 24, '4, Ma RC. Sct.mot• I cheerfully ready Mai I have for mime yeam past used your Vematilige in my family, and llllV,rßally vrnti 1 , 11E,C. I decidedly prefer it to Any nth, preparun. I have imed— amongst them. 111/1y he named the relent - Med medicine milled Deaulalint • Palineelank's Vermiluge, and a preparation called Veurni Tea. 10 rancor ease a magic dose brought MAY III) Mile Id') nue hundred and air large venni. Nu Mond y cmiunily ought no be without it Vim, Sc EMESEGEI 1 . 2.-paurtl anti solol I, H F. 57 5 5 / 5 2221 • t r Kr-mg-ally lu both eine* u-p I I A Plate Net of Teeth Is for :IA TCSVnittl.. - 1(“ty RITE TEETH, iUUI. Illt}:AT11, GUAIS.--Vellow and unhealthy teeth. sib, be nig woo or twice cleaned will, Jones' A inber focal, Paste, have the appearance of the 11101 , i ucauriful truly, and um the same ante it u toot perfectly Innocent and e z autsstely flee, th.t as constant daily Ulan is highly a e. vatitugeous, even to thaw teeth tau see to a good can. dawn, tonna them a heath:nal polish, and preventing a ovenware decay. Thufc already decayed it prevents them becumiug amuse—it also fastens such As are he. Coating 'woe, and hy periteverance it will render the ft uls-. teeth delicate]) white and make the breath des. newest) , .weer Sold by V/M JACK3(O%I;VA Idberty went. markt U. A. PA lINKATOCK'N VIERMIIPUGE. A FED, wcet st ore, one of in y el. lu /en, eneal 111/0111 J - I,l,r.,•thrs. via, boned for several du's, and the Macs* increased as alarmingly that. , I wooed death would be the erode Haying heard ni the grand elfeets of rubliewrek s Verintfure when adminosherel In the ehildr• chbors. end thinlong my cloth torah. nave 000110, Irolu weene the symptoms. I gave It one 1/.01.1 1e thasputothuln 01 Iby ypirllll,oe. nod 10 toy great woorstodunent it almost tunnedtatcly discharged between Wth and 'tau lorge worms. 1410111411,000, 000/1 resmend, sad It o now remarkably well. Yrelllolo. to taking the Vortattuse, the wonns would ttheasionally nse in tts throat, and I often feared it would die from elteligtll.llloll. JAS.II DA‘VSON. Tionesta. Vett/sago co, 1'.., April 3,1 a. apl3 LCELE3IRATED rich! AND TETTEE OINTMENT is the mon effectual remedy berme the pub'' , for the cure of teller, itch, dry sod watery pimples ut the lace, neck and body, lowly eruptions, and all other diocese, 0( the skin Tins thouneat is warranted free from snereury, I. perfeetlysafe, and !any be used at all times and under ail eircllmstanees. A flesh supply of thw 'rateable remedy recereml and for sale by It A FA/INESTISOK a Co, rococo, of Ist and wood, role, comer of Clltt ccical wood Went, t_ tel GUM COPAL-4 easel received •od far talcs Icy s.plg BRAUN • & REITER HOTELS FONTAIOT. LIGHT ST U REET N B H ALTI N.L MORE •-- __-• - • . rm. see Teo.Ton. TlOleiniTh. irblfl9 establishment long and widely known as et ng one of th emort commothons in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very eaten. sive alterations and improvetneum do entire new rem, has been added, containt ng numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms 'rho Lantos' •dieparsme r n has also• been edlepletelly reorgemsze r tt end fitted up m a most aluque and bemuti ful style, In tact the whole arrangement of the House has been r 1,1 11 , 04011,d, with a single eye on the part of the prupnclats, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert trill challenge etkapanson with any Hotel In the union. Their table .will always be supplied with every sub.. mania' and lenury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; white us the way of Wines, fee, they will not be surpassed. In eonelnslon the proprietors beg 10 say, that nothing will be leikUndone on their part, sod on the mato( their assistant, In render this Hotel worthy the continued pairrniage elf their friends and the mthltegenendly . The prices for beand have also been radioed to the following rates: Larbee' Ordinary, 111,75 per day. Gentlemen's " 1,60 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will el. ways be found at the Car and Steembeett Landing., which will convey baggage to and from the lintel, tree of charge, marhf EXCHANGE HOTEL. cortex or rlntnr Aisti IT. et. Ant sn. errmacan, Ps. The stbscritstr having assume st d the anwthige• meat of this long established and popular Hotel, 111 respectfully announce* to Traveithrs pre and the Public generally, that be vril thhine l at all times pared to accommodate them In all gs desirable in a well regulated Hole!. The House in note being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will. be spared to make the Exchange one of the vary beat Hotel in the rrokmuy. The undersigned celiac ...dully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore THOMAS OWATON, feb9dt( Propnertor. TIIIIOCKSIORTONII GALT HOUSE, 1. 11 11,1t.1.1. KT. . . A RIO'PHROCK MORTON begs to aeuriaint his friends that he o again ieasee of thet tie LT iii Hi WS hi, Unmetlle, Ky., where ha hopes to meet all his old friend., assuring them and as public, that no eon shall he spared to make all comfortable who favor him with their patronage. lanlldle vArvrtr.ri ifTEVER •CrAlr.. coma •012 nlnt fit /APPOSITE line Hank of the lotted StateL delphia. H. POPE MITCHELL, marlitf Proprietor ii ; Xl9l Chocolate, Cocoa, lac. VP Baker., American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa. Cocoa Paste, Brom., Cocos Shells, b.c rrO mere hurts and conmmera, who would prorehase 1. the hem products of Shwa, iron from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality unsur passed, the subscriber recommends the above Anklet, nraufaemrad by himaelf, and stamped with his ninon. His amnia and enema Pute, as daheam, palatable, and ealatary tinnks for. invalid., convalescents, and ethers, are pronounced by the most eminent physic WU superior to any other preparations. Ills manufactures are always on sale, to any quantity-, by the most re rpeetable potters in she eastern clues, and Idy Weft agents, Ilaweat iroy &co, of Boston; lames Ai Buller it co. Hartford, Conn; Hussey I Murray, Neer Pork, Grant ic :Rona, Philadelphia, Tutus V Bruntlige, Hal mute, and Kellogg & Hannan. Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER RAKER, DUrrtiegler For sale by aught BAUALEV k ShIITH. Arm FEW COACH FACTORY, - . . WHITE, BROOKS & CO., would respectfully M YR form the public Mot they have erected a shop on Lague!, between Federal and Sanduoky street. They are now making and am prepared to receive orders for every deseripoon of vehicles. Couches, Chariot's, lia fondle. Suave, Fhatona. &e., ho., which from their long experience so die manufacture of the above work, and the isetlithra they hove, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their line. Puyuyl pnrtieular attention to the arlection of mate rial., and having none hut competent workmen, they have no helltation in warranting their work We therefore ask the antenna of the public LO this matter N H Rep nag done to the heat manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Jefl To Floor Dealers. MAKE NOTICE That William Bevortungray, of the J. city of Pittsburgh, having been appointed Inspector nt Flour by the tiovertiar of it, Commonwealth, under the Art of Assembly of the 15th day of April. Daly. to and or the city of Pittaburgh. and the counties 01 Alle gheny, Westmoreland. IN eshington, Fa) rue, Green. Indiana. Jefferson, Armstrong, Heaver. hlrr ecr, Crawford, Erte, Warren and Venango, will the day enter upon the duties of his other under hat cunt. trimairm Ile nmy fount, at Ur. Wesley 4,feen 's stare, ear ne cet Water and Smithfield streets. 41en === VIE ristaarriber having taken oot letters o( Adnitnis• tretion upon the estate .../etreets of Charles boo tan, notice is hereby greet t to all those in-r.thir having poseeasion of his property effects or otherwise, to de, lis.. them to the Admituatratot. and those owing to, or haven claims upon said estate, to present thew thi ly authenticated it rSIIVA ROISINSON, Astro r Whet. Filth pt. near Wood. • - 'Wrought and Cast Iran Walling. THE lobseithets bee ',eve to nitorm the patine that they hare obtained tens, the East al/ the Into and la.litonathe deomn• lOT Iron ll•titug. both for house* and rerueteithe Persoeu lo procure ha3id ..11.... Patt,tna, Railing/et :/ athi .thUthc- sod 1 0 0. e. tor 111V/lIACIVT, swill be turiumlird pi the short. ePt nonce. and to the Gest manner. at the corner of I', alp nod Retscre .reent, A Ilechen) eit y. nuct.*-41t1 A I.AbiISN'T X Ifaspratt & Bons , Patent 1%.1. K setweri hers Inform then customers and dealers ,a generally, that their 41,1 shipment (hr the tall ha unease or the above nritele, haa amved at PhtladelPhta per Amp 11.1143114, infect tn.:ft them anutartarers Liverpool, and will be hereto few days They have several other staptnestht on the way—two of which, vitt per chips:ll,ll.lllton and Lydsa, are nearly Jaw— they are therefore prepared to reeetve orders • • Ilestdcs the large nuassnuea they have roman's 10 the eastern eines (to Ise forwarded here by canal) they will faflorin; the winter end sprlng. regular suppben la New ()gleans. W MMI rentwrayll sepl - - pH .bsertbors bar. ,ow In.wre a very extensive easortment of For• for inalten w which have been purehewerd a Europe by one of the car, firm, at very law pneer donng the monetary ens. eneceedtni the Frrneh Revatunoo! fl advantage, which they possess user any' ether bons , to the tradn ' avoll enable them M well • very ex. etrneie much below the market pnee. QT Merchants and other* will 'brayer their own mMteats by citation this extensive assonment. SOLIS, BROTHERS. Importers. • , `el Awn (Mulberry) between rd and id streets, augi-ttint Phtlatle Dr. McLane In Tenn 1 . 'IIIS is to certify that t purrhased one vial of Dr. /Salaam. Worm Specibm some two months ago sod gave to • pan of maw, mote seven years old, two alumina fall, and although the amount mayET. large, yet I have no doubt hut there w. upwa sof rwo ram.. wl/1001 paswed from trim, me. ring Torn ace quarter at All inch to two Inches long, W HOLLIDAY. Rani Croak. Carrot co. Term, Dee D. 1.17. ran Leeching, Cupping said Bleedingy D. NURIUS, blucseetor to Id, R Delany t IX . . Nu bb Fifth .treat, between Wood and Smith field. Fresh leeeh. received mouthly—anendand• all houra. Inference, the phystmans of Patsburgh, abr. nod Hlrruhigham 111041cbeerfuliy recommend to the physit,ansiani dies and all my former friends rind patrom ' H. Norris so being thoroughly acquainted with the bun or,Z r. '" ;y d .i w y orthy _Ft! DELAI4T. [lilac tared - irairCra: BXS Gentry Rnyiscr • suposor roes. !psi " - YU 2.5 do ALA Butler, •• IV h(do Prier & Harwood's .21 do do do 25 do do Pearl & Harwood 14 do .1 Robinson 5: bido do 2:I do do Wm Dawson al do T Wnghtia 37 46 CS 9 do Andemon " 9 I. b do it MIMOSCII „ 9 do 'latent!' " "lb 6 Just landing from steamer and paekets, anidrot sale by HEALD, DUCKNOR. tr. Co, 41 north water st and 16 north wharora, Philadelphia M - APIUPACTDRED TOMCOD-20 bo hl9Jones tr. Mona superior sweet lb lumps. 75 halt bat Webster Old superior sweet 54 linlips " lAiwronee Lauer " In 25 " tientry & Rovsier " 34 & A. " Dupont !de to R..) 50. Bi " McLeod - al W " Lasartnea resin,. "54 &IS. ping Juan laadnig Bon steamer alai for mat by UEALi, BUCKNOR & Co,' 41 N water gland IG N arhargept, Inyal Philadalabia: ..,. Y .— A YELL— ZOO bala Straw Win rappg apes, al I s ms, 400 reams ruled Co p NN• ruing Paper; " ruled end Melo letter do; all qualities, lOU " rim Cop medium rem Paper; Uri gross white and blue & white Bonnet linards, 100 reams Aluulla Envelope raper, Jot L . }hardware Paper, just reed a for law by nEvNouht &IMF ' my , ld4ut COter peon nod mint l Its • NA4I 4 I.IFAErERED TOBACCO—Iit store . u..! to or e the tollowing brands of Tobaeco, cratgto meets (con, manufacturers of Richmond and rim's- Itrikwtucb wtU be sold to the trade at reduce rates 71 brs looinstine 5., N. do Jobn Rucker ho; I 111 do 'lvory tr. Janie. , la be and 31 do I, J amts.*. la do H. B. Warwick -a, 19 do I M. fitewead IS% and . A 7 do JOIIIt's Aludioun I. ti tv ATERAIAN ust 3l o and I.IY frur mo. — fitt.747 J: - .ldAilimat A , Dentist. OFFICE on Southfield went, I d door north 01 Third *tenet. Dr. 111Inagua re !NIA' ." apectfully tenders his profeesiodal ..r -n. to the etueena of Pattsborp, Al kfitY And etnuoty. noerrees—Dr A N. McDowell; Dr. P. Ishnettock; DT Robes Snsyssli luso S. Grail, Excl. Mf. Waltman Thorn, Benj Wearer iirr21,16.0 - MUTT'S , PATENT BLOCKS. sulnienber oder, for sale a and moor:them of plops' I . ollent lilork•. Nitres, he,, adapted to leads' Ado, complete sett. of Works .ildapted to afiyeapacity, put up mid foronSrdedfto auy rllti of lb, Union r _widioul delay end at the torero pry. reN. I.loldt/hi yrra. for 301010 90•01ilies •.I P Y.C1111.1111Cf..4 sTAPLEs, .r.t..a.atuver&S 36 Hurling slip, Now,vork . . pOWNsENIErs SABESAPSJIILLA—.IO bra of this I. great .pnng mid summer medicine, this dgy reed and for sale wholesale and retail, by ft Eska.t.e.R. 4 4 N. B.—As R. 4. s is Dr. Townsend's only vent tor l'inaburgb, the noble oriole may award be had al NOW Waal meet. 11113 To the subscriber., re ...trolly tbe niter ', chants and pablte, to call up.n on end purchase 441. mackerel, winch we trill .11 low to c Oise con mgamrsa, prior to die Indignation meeting, to be held al the old court house to-night_ Jollgl AVFADIFiN k Co 'O7 Transponerv, coos! dsnn MISGELUNEOUS. roe~rtLORRICSTI. WIC C EapplearcarT & &Mtn, (Late J Strickler ANIIFACTUREIL.4 of Merllit Edo south side. second street, bowl.. Wood N Smithfield Co/Ow:rob J S Strickler having deceased bad the sutrwmg partner Mr. Jos Lippeoroll. having aseociated himself with Mr. Wm C Elarr, the business ohlt hereafter be conducted ander the style of 1 417°. - eoute Barr. Tnal of a safe in fhacinnati, o.—We,the ..der.io- ed were present at the testing of one o f 8 Strickler & CO's improved Phcenix fire-proof safes. The safe was plaeral in a furnace on the public landing. and subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to • bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused an Increased and steady heal for the balance of the ume. until the east teen wheels went parthdly melted off: the (ornate we. then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, page m and hooks which it contained were perfect as .ann placed there, the binding only of the hooks being in jured by the water in cooling the aft. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, awl believe that it will annul any heat which aught be produced, wept a heat which would melt it to a solid mut. Spnnger lc Whattaan., L Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett. Benj. Plot, W P Breese, Maras South, T S Dungan /t Co, Stedman, Mayan & On, Wet Manse, Mead & Winner. We. the undermined, selected the safe spoken above, from a lot in the story of Truber A Anhery, th Agents C O SPRINCIM, sasses 4. Refer to Cook & Hams, Brokers, Punsbarghl Hassey Hanna & Co, do do [ll,llltarlyS JAIL LtrYl.lloll7, /01. D. WIC% L. S. IdDY.D.L3I. LIPPENCOTT Co. & ANVFACruREas of Hammered and Cut Steel 171 Shovels and Spades, Axes sad Hatchets, Mill. lq Cut, Cainerc and (fin Saws, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &e., having completed all thett arrangements to the coostrucuon of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the most cele brated establishments of the East are now manufutur. ing and will keep constantly on hand end for sale all the above articles, havutg availed thectselve• of the Latent improvement, and are determined that m work maeship and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce asocial, equal, if not ulterior. to any that can be bad in the FAAt. They invite the atten tion of dealers to an examination ol•their stook before wurchasing elsewhere,. they •re convinced that they ill be able kit all orders in their line to the entire 4atisfamion of purehnsers. Waretioase, Water street, doors (Vest Monongahela Howse, Pittsburgh, Pa. N • 8.--Persons having business with Wet Lippen ecru & Soo tall please call on Lippencott & any W Pittsburgh ) Furniture W NVOOTYVVELL. are Banims4l US, THIRD s.a.e. XA large and splenclul assortment of Furni ture. suitable for Kicamrsettts, Hotels and Pri vate dwelling", constantly on hand and matte to order. The present meek on band carmot be exceeded by any nmoulaomry to the western country. Persona enstung to purchase would do well to give me • call, .1 am determined my prices shall please.. Part of the stock consmul tit— an sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth ormerw, V dor Mahogany Nurso Charm II pair Levans; 1,1 dos fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Work Stutds, it dor mahogany Rocking Chaim Is marble top Dressing Bureaus; 8 pair Ottomans; a marble top Work Stools; lb cherry Work Stands, Mahogany, fitaple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all descriptlons, and a large assortment of common farm lure armchairs, too numorota to mention. maratf LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AIJAINST USING CORIIIION PREPARED CHALK. HEY am not aware how fraghtfully injurious it is in T the skin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yet low and unhealthy the akin impeata Mier naing peeper- PansdebMal- Besides nit infarionsieontaimag a large quantity of leadi Wit,loareLpirepared • beautiful ',meltable article, which we man JONES' BPANII3II LILY WIRITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purilled of all deleterious qualifier and it imparts to the Mon a natural, healthy. alabaster, clear, living white: at the mate titan acting as • cosmetic on the skin, mama st soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Mama chusetts, aaya: -After anal yznig Donee Spaniah White, I find it 1.1141,H, Ihe most beautiful and natu- Lily ral. and at the same tines innocent white ever saw. I (-comedy can comeimitious/y recommend its use us all whose akin requires beautify ing'' Prlee, cents • boo. Sold by WM J .W 1 0 ,4 ~9 Liberty at mans Pitt Machine Works and Fount JOIIN WRICi try co prepared to build Cotton and Woolen hlachthery of ever, demnption, such ai Cardang Methane.. Spinnt , Framer, Speeders. Druathig Frame., Ratlway Warpe Spoolors, Dreaaing Pram,, Loom, Card rtnedem, rm Wrought Iron Shading turned: all sue. of Cast Iron, Ptilhes and Hanger. or the tate.L panerria, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all koala Casulors of every desemption lurinahed on short notteet Patterns made ha order for Athil Gearing. Iron Rutting, !Cr. Steam Pipe for beat ing-Facto:let. Cam Iron Windom Sash and fancy CAA ting• gr....rally Orders led at the NVareltuum oil. ran. Palmer & . !alien) street, willbare prompt atten- Refer to Ellaek4.eic, 8.111 Co. J. K. Moorehead M'arner, John Ir.vnt S Son, P.tuburgh C Jlf Warner. Steubenville. Anti) DUtjUrISNE . Spring, Arle s Steel and Iron Works. (101.FMAN. lc Co. having completed every warts. are now prepared to misname ore derwripuon of Conch and Eliptm /*nags, Iron Ask, Amertenn, Ebner. Sporn , and Plough Steel. sod all 1 4 11-1,1 to ontaiL *quart and round Iron, which they °ln, or sale on I d terms, at Mea ware house, No 11 Wood wherd they also keep on hood a complete nod handsome armuctment of Coach Tratimangs. Carriage Hardware, Itlallestbie Natl. nod Iron. Day, II Co , hare made arrangements wall Means. & Oren Ea, racism.: wren. of Shovels, Spades. Forks, Are. and will keep ronstaroly on baud every article made y them Dealers are respertfully solicited ' , nee. anal tering will be [mule liberal 1y2.5 New Hardware JOSEPH Ve'UOLAVELds. corner of Wood and 2 , 1 ms., Pittsburgh. liar nig wiehdrawn from the firm of I', et ran Voodwell, ou the Ist of January, 1e47. I take pleasure in announcing to trey friends in the city and country. that I have opened my new more at the above named place. Having purchased tgoods fur rash, and made arrangements weal numutomurers en the+ rountry and in Europe to be nstam/y suppleed, I Min fully prepared to tarnish Har co dware of all kinds, on as good terms aid es low as any house FAA or West_ Merchants and othersare respecunlly invited to call and examinee my stock, heiore parrhioung else where. The f0110w.% mesmerises a part of his stock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, on trilniMngs, filn, Naylor's steel. cutlery, edge tools nulls, vices, locks. latches, scythes. butt hinge. screws, Utnoa Fac tory planes, saws. mahogany Wants and veneers, and all other arteries connected with Me hardwue base. emu. mehllu cityp•guerriAn gallery. Titian CriotlO., Mon nrvu r lIPLLIOnn. SL01:: beg. leileton/zndecnresof .4 . L o,i,lh.ehasta l . l e flan Rooms lately occuptol hi' Mr. Porter. The pub lic are motored that all the late mtprovementsans lea-a real, and will be brought 0110 Operelthill by Mr. liege, who low been a roomette operator since the art.'s.s bent diseovered. Enure saustnedort is guaranteed to all who may become his patron. Mr H. will refer with pleasure. to Mr Porter, in whew utablishment he operated for the lase twelve month. Family Por traits. Engraveug. Daguerreotypes, de, accurately copied. Likenesses taken in any weather, and set en locket. bream pens, eases frames. std Instruellus given in creel brunch of ho art, and ap paratus furnished. ee9etf Penn lilac Mae Shop. II ITIOirrmAN.--Nlanufacturcy of all kinds of rots lA. tots and woollen machinery, Alleheny city, Pa The above works beteg now tee full and s successeul op eranon, I sal prepaovl to execute orders with despatch for all kind. of machinery In tiny lute, such as willows, picker., spreaolert, cards, gruednig Inannine, reLOWayn, dram-lee frames, speeders, throssels, loon,. woolen card., double or weigh, for merchant or country work. mules, peeks. &e.; slide and hand lath. and tools in gen eral. All kends n: onani,: e rle to order, or plans giv en for gearing ad Its at rauonable charge. Riff. m—Kennedy. nide, & Co, Blarekstock, Bell & Co., King, Pennock &Co.. Jas. A. (fray. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY: — AL built A F mil rotenteTON, B need eastneell eild Brae ee . Fouteder. ens re at els old mend, where he will be pleased to sea eta old custom er,. ma trieudr Church,Stnaciaboal, and Belle of every size, from 10 to It itoo pounds. cast from patterns of the most appro, ed models, and warr.ted te bo of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Ace., toge ther with every variety of Brass Castinga, it required, Mental and Omitted in the neatest mauler. A F is the sole proprietor of ilstare's As-rbArral ms ponty celebrated fur the reduction of motion in nusehinery. The Boxes ruid Comp ositma can be had of bun at all times. Plough., Plough Wagon Bozo., Sc. 11.011 MIT HALL , of the old firm of IL ,k S. Hall, re manufac turing large qu ant.," of Plough, Plough Casonga, Wag on bormYfec., with the nnprorementa of the Leaner. Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the latest and hest pollen,* now In use. Warehouse, 10111,1berty street, Pittsburgh, opposite lito _flay Settle, Fsetury, 111 Allegheny city, near the Cotton Par tory of !Messrs liturkstoeir, C. drably - . . W. & J. G LIGNN, Book Binders. W r ;lnk 7 U ' t l t l sl e : g n a st g 'l e l d t. S .7l t e nela s h' lli b tusTu ' rgt7, Zh r" e ' re r . we art prepared tu do any work to our lose wilb deo- Ralrb. e attrud to our work personally, and rid will be tritest to rrzord te no Itemise. ttnd du robtlity. thank Booka ruled to otsy pattern and bound nub .tonttall y. loom ot toostosert or old book, bound rare toll) Or repatts,l N., ea put tut look, to gill kuera. Thus,: lbw boxy Ni 1.1 k in our bite are turned to call. Prices low. mrstOstf UREIC IV OOD BARDEAO. . . . . IrlSlTElittt TO THIS H.F.TICEAT ran be funtuthed v tth n Lunch at nll houra of the day; also, lee t • teem, Fruti Confeettoaary, Ate The simmer (liven. wood nmke• her regular taloa as usual, leartng her Pin street landing at ei A. Al., and of hall past each hour taaetitt 111 until 101 AI —leaving the Garden si lu I . Al. int bar last ttnt to the env • A fnoonhght view of the Garden is indeltertbable in its beauty. =am "LAVINIA .old our uudre stook to 0 11.0iudta, with a •trw to w dug out old bustueatt, are harotty ao taut tut bun the i.d.tuatagc of all our ftteuds cus• Eft. IV. Tilt: rtIiNVEXTER - Pnisburgh, Aug 4th, 1,44. I IL IS ILA NT, 4% Ito:castle ti timer, Coutu“ssion and %._/. Forwarding Mee chant, Nu. 41 Water ot aulY To COnirant'ors and Builder.. — Unit SALE, .cry low, to dons the business of the Ism limn of Colistablet & Strickler, 3 pair of Vann Doom, of superior manufacture. Apply to CONSTABLE, lIURKE et Cu., npT :If 211 sLlst door from wood Engine fin; gale. lenginc of the km stenntlroni Ilyrnooth" will be .old .1 n bargain. Apply to .1 K. Loch, or of C. K. Clark on board steamboat •• Hear dim UST J RIXII•4IVI4U--O. boot mudaplea er" dal awanostaut of Cloth., Coatis mares, Vesongn, Cravats Le, and Mr 1101 C lty L WILLIAAIS, - merthmt tort _nod, Monongahela lion., smith/laid at OH: tii.;l , urnsee Hot 1110811, con v,ug Ringo,id; 5. tons Weakly. nottate, 11'.Mill Co P. Ilot Wm., for .515 by 1.51.1111R11...E., WILSON it Co, LITERARY. Th•Ussakeo23_LOß.2lSho. Tiirs BANKERS' MAGAZ IN E, and State Financial Register, devoted to the diesemination of Bank Statistics, *mold principleainf Banking, =airy and pun etplea of Life Insurance and Savings Banks, English and Amen.= Law Dressier. to reference to the busi ness of Bank. and Bankers, he. Edited by J. Smith Homan. Particular attention ortlYire riven as heretofore to the compilation or moons decisions resisec Books, 11,0- =BilLs of Eltehange, . Promissary N otes, UsttrYi Notaries, Deuteron? ere., in the Courts of Mas sachnsetta, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South!Carolina, Ohio. Locuslann, Tenneesce, and other State*. 'Me enll be one of she wort important features ofthe work, atni will in lloe , f claim the attention of Preatdents, Cashiers, Tellers, Notaries and others. Airopir other details of iMport. once to bankers and others, the work will contain sia usu. of the Banks in every Stew of the Union; bto- I gtt i"i ricti et' EXVl VZIr efor k ero g de f t, ts.E"ritr um., expenditures, and fni.cial cinnamon of the seve ral States of the Union. . . . Published monthly, fd prhges 0, MVO, al Three Do Sr. per annum. ELLICYTT & ENGLISH, ti 6 %Veal st. rieg3 Agents Cur Bankers' Sla,gause. =2===l Tsubscribers having been appointed agents for I. the sale of the publleettons of this above well known publishing house, Pave a full supply of their books on hand, winch they can sellat Me eastern pri ces, wholesale and retail , Among the work. which have been recently issued b y them, whit have been t ins h u l a y b le r'c niTy m beVou 'a n TT:fret:Ms j' el ' aurTard g Feo d pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Straoger, Bethel Flag, br Dr. Apr W [ : Napoleon and his hillaralLM4 W'rrhing ton and his Generals, The Sacred Mettritsdnig Orators of France, Teething a Settnee the teacher an Areal, Charlene r i te Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's Making Haste to be Rink, Etches haveWmgs, EruiTing op Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, Ac. ibe Alas, the works float the press of Reknit Carter, the character of whose publacations is well known Tub reune's Theology , in 4 vuls4 Haldane an Rentamr, Chey ne's works, Th. Convent, by author of School DIII in Penner, Ac.Ac.New Woks received on soon 4. as published ELLIOTT ENGLISH, .torp 'Ye wood and 66 Market ate NEW BOOKS—History of Cougress—llliographical sad Pobucd , comprning Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the United States, drawn hoot authen tic sowers; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connection souk the polincal history of the times: by Henry O. Wheeler. Illustrated by ett. meroas smelortratts and fan-simile autographs. Kings nod Queers; or, Life to the Palace—consisting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Aline Louisa, Louis Philippe, Purl nand Of Austria, Nicholas, Isabel la 11, Leopold, antictorish by John S C Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John'and Jude,— Noma explanatory and practical, on the general opis ties of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Albert Barnes. Mary Grover; or, the Trusting VlTife—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Darden, author of the 'Convict's hr. Harold, the Lost of the thisonlfings: by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Complete m two parts. Part V. Harper's Illustrated Edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The above works received this day, and. for sale:by JOHNSTON & .4TOCKTON, ylO Bboksellera, roe Market and hdata XTF.VIr BOOKS—The Whinge of Cattalos ?damelliss 11 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with n preface end Inerrant, by Horace (timely. The First Book in Spanialb or, a practical introduc tion to the study of the Spanish Language: containing full inetruetion• htyrononeiarahn, a grammar, ekerci•- ea on the Mendota' method of constant imitation and repetition, reeding !moons, and a vocabulary. The whole adapted for the use of Er - irate learnera, or for classes under an instructor By Joseph Balkeld, A. M., author of "A Compendium of Classical Annual nee," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a Isle of domestic life, by Fredenka Bremer. Translated from the origmM 00. inonscrtpt, by Mary Flown, The Dying Robin, end other Wes. By Joseph Alden, D D. Just received end for sale by I> ll JOHNSTON & STOCKTON • - New BOOKS—Locumis on 9haksp•are, by H N Hudson, In two volumes. The Power of the Pulph,or plain thoughts addreused to Chnsuan ministers. and !bows wan Imar them, on the indumice of a preached Dosisel, by the Rev. Gardiner Spnng, D. D. The Petulant and his Landlord. by the Baroness Knorring. Translated by Misty 'Marin_ • Lamartine's Girondists, Vol. 111. History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of the patnats of the French Revolution; from unpublithed sources—by A. de La- trtarilne A fewcopies a oar+ of lha above irerk• received hilt day atld for .nla by JOHNSTON at SPOCKTON, Bookae niy3o 'conic. market and 3d sir NSW BOOKS DIONEER fIIOIN RPM skint an account of the I lino examinatron of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement or We Northusat Tr.-nary, chody from original mouterrpt, conrainurg the paper. of Air. (scow. Moripm, thos of Judge flareflarethe diaries of Jo seph and John e Matthews; the recited, of the Ohio Company, lee., arc , with numerous plates and tops Bye P liildreth. Orators of The American Revolution, by E. L. :Ba gman_ Wish portraits of Shad. Adams Jas. Warren, Penult Flory. Alec. Bonbon. fisher Ames and John Randolph. I vol. cloth. Rerinng from Borneo., or The Rich Manis Error, by T S. Arthur. A fewroptes each of . the above works recetred is day and Inc ink by JOIMEITON & STOCKTON, sep4 book sellers, nor Market and Tht rd MEW Itooll.B. . . . . RATOELS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, lJ by E. L Magoon, plates of Prot. Adams, Joseph Warren, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fisher Arnes and John Randolph, dedicated to siuderits Who are not drones, Chrisnan• who are toot bigots, and citizens who are not demagogues Retiring from Hosineas, of The Rich Man's Fzror, by T S Arthur. For sale by • EuLlorr tr. ENGLISH. sep I lt3 wood, and stl market az Books I Books S I ' TAMARTINES GIRO:OASTS, complete, lj Wendell's Blacksumeht Commentartee, %Vt.. 1 ma In California, by Brys-ub The Czar lus court and people, Including a tour in Norway and Sweden. klyagoon. R.wmf 'Pr the Rich Man's EiTor. By I'. S Arthur The Rattle of Buena Vista. By Capt. Carleton. Spencer'. Oscar. Tyler', Tac tics. Schennz's Ramr. A general asktannent of School and College tent books for .ale by R. HOPKINS; mot: Apollo Buddtne, Fourth at. near O ood. DOOKS! BOOKS.....—Lectures on Theology: by the lath Rev. Jot. Dick. El. D published under the superintendence, of bie son, with a biographical thiro. dueuon by Ameneau editor—complete in one vol- Dwight's Theology. 4 eats. gdwiLrd's 11'prk. 4 vol. Chalmers' Works, 4 void, Neanded's Church Honor", Ise and 2d cols M'Ewen on the Type. otChrut.lntal Pabn"ed Also, a large and well selected stoek of Theological Mircellancous, and School Hooka, far sale lota by xwarr & ENGLISH, aural • 79 wood and .91 market BA _ - I\TEW MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rosa Lee; Uncle 1.1 Ned, What inissi a Fairy Dream ha; The Watch. rr. dueW Boatmen Dance; Thus Juansia; Harwuue '. Carolina Melodies, 0 Nos; Life is but a hinfe; The Dream is Past; The Alouniain Invitation' Sleep ing I dreamed, Love; Aganaru tiniekstein tiayesue Quickstep; May Queen, eirinpleie; Qo kerliili Spring Walls; Jenny I.ind's Sono, Alvarado letunksiep; I've Reason lo he Sad; Ethiopian Airs, variatiOns; floury of Leisure; Sylph Quadrilles, by Hunter. Kale O'Shane; Be Kind to E.II other; 191 bet no Submissive Wife, re eved hy Express and foe sale by surJ.l • J H MELLOR. el wood si Era= ON hand and for sale, the following Nano Fonts, direct from the manofacv turves, and at Eastern prices: No. I. An elegant toAcuroal, sto or test.. iron framed Piano Ems, made. by Catekertng, Boston, 8..f>5 No. th Some a* the above IM;ME (iota & Co. Ctorkenng, hl•nhottao Compooy Growl (11. e..,) " Strand Plana, Fiery, 2,0 Old Piano, eaten in part payment rar.nny of the above. by JOHN H. HELIAJR., tll Woo-1 at, MMEIEIMSI ~.. . = fil THE selamnber, evert. to leavutg iffm for the Pasta° replerush his stock, will &lip°. of the balance of his stock on hand at reduced price-a, and on favora ble team It commas of a choice selection of Pianos made by Nunes & Clark, N. V., and Jon. Chtekerateg, of Boston. Mass., of from 8 to 7 octaves, of rosewood stud mahogany, Cl dnicront styles and priests U. KLEBER, » .21 At WOOdwell'a, 83 Third at _ .. . /1 EN. ZACHARY TAYLOR—Portrait of Geu. Z. 131 - Taylor, by N Coffey: under the tenntethate super- Intendant, and dtrecuotta of the underugned cement, rum an ongtual sketch taken from Lie, at Caotacgo, by Capuun Caton, A D C. U Connor. U S Navy; George A WORD, A(:; Cleorge Mesh, Ideal Topographical Engina•er, Harry Inger. soli, U S Navy . JOHNSTON Pt STOCKTON, 1021 lksoksellen„ nor ad and Ozark. .Is OVER'S WlNGS—Watch you will by Daylight; 1./ Widow lilarhreli; Rory Onfore; Indian Bummer; Slaying the Deer, Goodober,Rovr; Tile Two Buda, PIIBT BOY; Ask me not what I am Thinking; Low Haunt:4 Car; My Alother Dear, It do not my I love titre noLi Iforgtve. but don't Forget, Tbd Cromelion; Angela Whisper, Maiming Dream; Sweet Jessie was Young and Simple, The Northland lot Me; Molly Hawn For sale hy JOHN 11 lifELLOIL di weal at tltrKr PUBLISHED—An Maturation of the Types, Allegones and Prophecies ot the Old Testament: y W tlb.m APEwen, atintiterof the lionpel nt Dundee. The above impala, work, watch tream Of the Typical Parsons, Things and Places ot the Old Tentament, which has been out of print for Imam lime, and (or which there Lao been o great ,demand, we have But repuhltshed Ist a neat style-21AI page., b mo. Price MI coot.. liwort Et'vuusif, aunt& 7. Wood and SO market n_ _ _ XT KW WORK BY HEAHL.SIirLiE;i.f.: of Oh.ar JA Cromwell, by 1 T Headley, author of "Napoleon nd /US hlawthalh" “Tbe @unreal Mountains." -Wash impwo aud LICULLIIII," ECG etc Rocalved this day aim er sale by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON. J ,-9 Bookmetlers, ear marital and 11 •14 IL , ft Cl.:—Outliiine of the Wetory of Prance, irons r the e•ritrui WPCS in the Iteroluooniii tehoids and mailer.— with numnroini engravings, and hue... for lb. evniumation of rate JONINSIO & STOCKTON fIOUNTINti HOUSE doe in atnne and ‘.../ tor tale by ungul YULVERICEU SALEILATPS -14 Etui4 • very en:: yenta amnia, peeked In 'pound and hal( ponnd papers, for retailing; for sale V an y K (v. / 1 1 , 11ANDMIS UtivEtusi NU 8.4 I.ER.ATUtd--11 milks, a Very Y penal. •rue Ir. jum reed and for Wein- . . • %YAM . AVOIIiNDLaV,S OATS--ZAt teeth. Just reed 2211 tbr;t4;by - L WATLRMAN, 31 water antl &3 front at DOTASH-3 0 c asks pate pciusb toituKumeaL for by sett]. J FLOW) NO. 45 VOL. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. vairatoarAniaa HATS. IMF, Anbscriber, Adaiuda to b ua ovro ruo l fautatips a nus, ..hairmad. antngo-dit menu with Renee & Cn.__ltb• mos t fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) for a reg al. supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and basing SW , n ' c '" . • • f . 's.' mutes, gentlemen can be suited swill a very rich and benatifisthai by calling at bill new Hat and Qtp Store, Suuthleld mow, 'mond door south of Fe•whs Where may be found a great variety of Hats and Caps of his own troutufacutre, wholnale and re tail. Hata made to order on shoo notice. JAMES WILSON. - " WC ORD & C 0 Pa •h c sabl e an) t& tXtngt 1.10 Comer of Woad and Fifth Streelh. DAI27ICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen elmrely upon getting thetr Hats and Caps from our establishment of the am, stamtusta and wo711.• vn4. . of the times arrt.ha, and at the liturser mom. Country. Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to.aali and calamine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards QC•LIT y Y and mum, it will not snuffer in a compartson watt an tiouso in Philadelphia. rel; Poll Vastdons for 18411. noOORD di Co., e 'Crean & IILIO,) Itrif.r. iatroreo n Saturday , Aotoal 86th, the V V fall style of Hs,Just reeessed from New York. Those in want of a p eal and heatinful bat, are matted lo call at their store, corner of Filth and Wood Streets. nog% STRAW GOODS 10 DEALERS are invited to examine R. H. PALMER'S suck of Straw Goods, of the .P o.4•74EL °° X. — r. English Dun - stabled rlttnerican do do; China Pearl do; uo burg do; Rutland • French Lace; Fanny Himp, &a. Ac. HATS— shorn, Palen Leaf, Panama, Fancy Strata, do A ßraid, Entl e r . u i l Braid, Pedal do. Flower, bbona &a. Stro m Ron ss pi t ALFRED B. KEE: VII., 14 CREAM= Fashionable Haner in Pitts igh.' 'Principal Store. Fbonh , strati Manufacturing and ancomtnalanon Store, cor alr of Wood stteet and Virgin alley. Highest prices ernyipaid for•thipping Pura - myLly DRY & VARIETY GOODS, CARPS •O OIL CLOTHS, &a. w IS'CLINTOCK'S CARPET STOR No. 75 Fotrali Sown. (INK of the hugest and tho most choice Hoek of 1., CARPETING In this fottrket, embracing sti qualities from the most approved mannfacionet, the that have been tes ted for durability in fabric and co lors. Tapestry Velvet Carpeting-, do 13rossela do Brusael• carpeting, Erma Chenille Rune; Extra sop 3 ply do Tolled do Sup Ingrain do Wilton do Mae do do Brumele do Common do do Manufactured to order in new pattern. adapted to as lor. basements and chamber. wi rrpd9il , l l , Stair R , otis, Elhudeh and Cotton and Woollen Boaritipeora ono third to sure yards wide. Door Mats, kn. ~ which the auen• boo of purchannnn at wholanala and rat.' is respect fully invited. Ware 0r33 door from Wood auger W ACCLINTOCH Taltpey'Oritcii. Shackhitt *. White. No. OP Woo° Brant; tqviTzs the attention of Western it ord:ants to their I large and fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which they are now receiving direct from the Eliot..ro bluntbacturers arid Importers, and which they will sell •t Ensteni robbing prices. Having every facility for the parehue of good. to the best advantage, and the lowest possible prow, they confidently invite Merchants to examine the tontines and priers of their goodsfeeling satisfied they can rote pete favorably with any market either Ron or Webb. Their stock will compile° IL fill usortMent of all goods usually kept lb Dry Goods Houses, nod will IM constantly recdving adder,. of all the new and desi rable styles of goods of domestic or fbreign oranufse lure, and wilt only require an examination to be &p -redated. sepit tTICW3LLII.Y• t. • NEW and splendid variety, al KERMAN KINSEY'S, 67 Market vent. 50 gold lever Watches; 48 silver Inver watches, Enghsh; IS Slyer detached lever watch s; Rat silver L'Epine watches; 25 sliver gwirucr 'ratchet; 12 fine gold thaititc I do: now style ear nog.; 5 do: plain gold hoop rlnga; d dos assorted ring, 2 ton steal liosa, playing a variety OS popular airs; 12 gross steel slides, sJI sivss. FANCY GOODS. :idol fine Fans, ulk and paper; 60 do: common Fans; clOl fine velvet bead bags, new styles; 10 dor fine iirotehet bend bag, new styles; 6 dos fine crotchet maraca new styles, 66 do: fine parasols, usorted; Stars. mauls, fringes, gilt and sayer ; for regalia.; 10 .oz fine dower vases, auorted; 1 dos fine steel screw pin bush lons; don fine ivory strew pin ceshions; 1 dos fine wood screw pin cutuona A fine assortment of new Toya mar..l9 SEW PALL GOODS. 1. Y 0 0 . 0N ,,, (3 Sr i 143 r veryc.,leArteirvtlsLtrekchaici6tela,!-- ther;koriateo, Tanner's of eTread, *X . ., con., tiding very general assorunent goods in their lied a bouncer, all of which has been selected with smut care La the Eastern cities, and is now offered tO pur chasers at reduced prices. an examination of their mock is respectfully solicited. au _VT Goods at. Wholesale. lAT R. AIL RPIIY informs his regular customers . Rod buyers generallyithal he Ims now open ths first Fall supply, and hones then examination of h. stock. fie . deterndned to offer him goods LOW, sod to present every inducement to buyers in th e may at prices and a choice of goods. Wholesale rooms eon. 4th hod ?duke% eta, td awry, emratice from fourth. IA 7' EL MURPHY haa opened this morning, dn. I . ease Umbrellas, including Aiaenesn and Snatch gingham, emban and steel frame gingham. One case Parinsols, meludsng groan satin Turk, blk silk and brown silk , of extra lines. Also, one ease bleached Units; also, Mantau Rah bons, black and colored; abut, faun do; Lanes liing hunA, uul various atylea of summer GaAs, selling at reduced priees. A lot of augoer Alaaelteater Outakums, goal styles, also lately creased. CHEAP BONNETS—A lot of braid and other Bon nets (of last *marls eltapeal aelling of at front :Ale to St, at the anner of on and Market sta. %Cholesale MOMS on story—entrance from 4th at. Iyl EatAcv scc.— • .• .1-1 , —,..—Alesturder & Day hese now open a heal:lntel sat. striped and plaid Bcrages, of itio filwst qualities and newest styles, =ported; splen dui plain and broctin black licenses and Pertness, splendid French lawns, Linen Lustros and Ginshams, aII assorunenl I lk , plain and nun stripe del.inines and fine Alpaca.. Ail these good. hare been purchased at the late per emptory auction sales in New York and Philadelphia k. will he sold at • great reduction Leona regularre.. ALEXANDEII h DA corner diamond and merle; W A .7 l 7. k stfertlfl a ol i ri:e7e t r 7c'ste= et J douched do; 6do Lome; id Silver Patent Lever do, :sr do detached do; 6do Leonia dos to Gold (hunt Chains, best quality, Al., a good assortment or Brew Pins, Fear Finger Riogo, Gold Pens and Pencils. The drove goods have boon received with the lust fire weeks, and will be sold at reduced priers. Poi sons wishing to perches° a good and cheap Watch, would do well to call previous to purchasing. ir ,6 3 ZEDULON MINSKY. FALL OF IB4@ ArR. MURPHY, northean earner of Fourth and m ar Market sta., is now opening los early fall mock erican and imported Dry Hood.. Hayti's wtII pica. look belore making their purchases. Opeu morning, beattufol assortment of Plato Mack Alpacas, suplr Brocade do, do . svin &tripod do, do barr. do. Bead. a large assoßtaisot.grf new , si .ty le prints ginghamm u mushats, Irish hnerm, he. very low. • ED , Wholesale rooms on second awry. Goods to cash buyers at about Eastern prism. Merchants will do well to call. sep4 . . TORN KELLY K Co., buteeessars to Robb, Wine d 'metier & Co.) MERCHANT TAILORB,IO.i Chest. not meet, Philadelphia,beg have to Inform the Mende awl patron of the late fine, and strangers visaing this etty, that they are now in receipt of the Spring and , 31.11:11IIIef Fashion. Also a cameo and Delcot assort mem of West of Ragland and French Cloths, Cant , owns and Vesting, to which they respectfully invite them attend°. idim Ntirilif:=l - Virm.pn )4. with -4_4 In n few days ',YEW./ as eittlitiOtill of Lansdale Nankin's, (old style,' line bleasslied Dulls, common do, unblenched do, fine Long Cloth Shirting., Iron Linens, (very low,' whim Conan Una, lead col d do, o k' r .theth ms att ee' ansl el fgr ' ktis " theta. Coy ti:7 - 11,1tolessde Room. ep stales. 11 -0 . F R ALM " t hi a gi r !Ito 11 -6 1 " da le o .th" eri e lse. of preneh Merinos 01 all colont,ilso Y Lyt e n e ess cloths, at amens, oriental da, cashmeres, mous de .lik and woollen do, which will he sold esuomely low. krit4 __Parton' Dieitif E01741E1) lbw miming m A. A. Almon& Co's, ea A.L. Market street, uA ps supenor palmed eaihmeres and moo* de lanes, tO ps nob m4hatr haute, and one dot embroidered drenes of MOW L 1.71 D EAINANTS Of CALICOTS--A A .1 tc --- bit _XX Market st, tot drama out • large lot Of 6111.13 ants of calieoes, a folly half the 0.001 pilep—sood Intl co- lured 1.111,101 at 64e. ang? 151:.11 - E AND ORANGE PRINTS, aurtiVe Meru- Di mock do eemdsmaY on hood on I ...lllpTices, at wholesale room of PI,R DUMMY, auto cor 4th and market - n*9d story fiLE - ACIIEDITUSLIN/4= - -A — A: AlciiiiilarlATt3o Mer u, kat el , have mat ?paned srnore ewes of those very ~00 . 1 . bleaches' Moshm at ho. ALM, 4 ,doe cases at the 41e do. Alto, another lame lot of On rem.to or aegli YiirrE PORCELAIN BEARS--The subscriber oaring received the Bole Agency Ilk sate efJones, whim& Co . , Plate, Gam y Plan, Mdarchttd Swami dames Teeth, oanteLEß, aDentista' special attention. JOEL MOH Ornggurt and Apothecary, apt? eor wood tad fah sta - 0. TEEL Ii ropy. -Steel Rag Clan., IMay host aa.on 13 tof the city- Sleet Reads, do BagTaasels; do Pune do do Pont Rings; do do Clasps& do Slides; do hay /tingai do Top Comte' cow recant Rtestkow Fancy ?:Market street. A my It - • KINSEY & KNOX _ • _ _ wIITTI - :GejODS—Afrdi asiortmenrorptain, g g and striped Cambric., plain COQ ch l 4 l l..lnconea, Swims and Scotch Moll, Book Mnaltna, Ibbop Nwntooks, spotted 'Alai, Victoria Lawns, rraricton klusltna, together with WWI usatnaccu of. 80b.R.., plate and fancy Ni.,et Loma, Edgingi, Inierdtags, he. &..5„ nil of which have Jost *Mead Desh•froca the UM Nutcrs, and for sale low to the wale, hy inyl7 'SILIACK.U.TT WHITE ,I.ACHININDING—We nits on band s foil as nt of Volitanku4 Inds glabber 'F•itta:o 3 .nding, 4, a:tdawe from 14 incites to, pi wel.h, which ore will sell at inantlitchsrern prices, end 'eairiage saved to the parchtflalliet S,Wood t. sago nitturs ILK GIN'S AND IFBINOL.as seed at Zebu S lon KnoteY* No 07 Market It .ect. 01 don yards black cat Stlk Pre#:nrinam widths, 5000``00 and prices, sanablo r ur ton,l 1 I::, an. le do: rads Gimp, aL widdur and stYlea, far cape A c . 44 pea Sei silk cost Binding. , mer 43 -r.~ r,:'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers