THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE.' PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO. PITTSBURGHi WORMY MORNING, SEPT. 19, Ism 13 PHILADELPHIA NORTH ARIEBIGAIL Adverilsemerns and.Subseriptions maize North Arne can and United States Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from thisoffies. MIEW YOUR EMPRESS. We will receive and forward free or expenee,ad vnPosemears and subseripdoos for ado paper. CORDERCLILL LIST AND PERLADEI. 4 PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Subscriptions to this rideable paper will be received and forwarded ftrm thia office_ EZIPITMEItrIaII DAUS GLZITTZ is Washed , l l 'rTAVeekly, and Weekly.—nre Daily t. deer. Dollars per acme; the Tri-Weekly liVeve Dollars pert annum; t h e Weekly in Two Dollars per ardna, luadoossra. 17•Ainntretwea are eameatly mutated to hand In their favors before 3 P. PL, andas eazly in the day tie practicable. Adveniscoancp4ipliserted fora spec. fled dnite grill Invariably be until ordered out. Mar Fob tar= Commercial brigree_,Domestie., bets, River Neon, bnponsA Mon y Mart..o. bird p.g.• • Desaiseratle Whig Iffs:nadtanais, FOR PRESIDENT, ZALIMARY TA.ItLOII, 01 FOR VICE PRINIDINT lIILLARD PILL ORE. 07 JEW TOIL BILECITOILAI , SENATORIAL ELM TORS. Taints, T. AV .I=lo4, orWashington. - Joan P. Sorrassion, of Lelia= las Ta - mEcroai. L Joseph 0. Clarkson, 13. Henry Johnson, 2. John P. Weiherill, 14. William Colder, Sr. 3. Janses H. Davis, 15. WillLsm I. Thor, W. Duffield, 16. Charles W. Fieher, 5. Deniel 0. Hitner, 17. Andrew G. Curun, a. Joshua Dimon, le. Thos IL Davidson, 7. John D. Sele, IV Joseph Markle, S . John Landis, RA. Daniel Anew, V. Joseph Selimneker, 21. Andrew W Loomis, • 10. Charles Snyder, IR. Rieharil • 11. Wam 0. Hurley, 23. Thomas Sih, 64. Francis Tyler, , Seal A. Pervisne POE GOVEILNOR, WILLIAM V. JOHNSTON Of ASTISCIDNO COCP3Tir •• - - WA CANAL OOMMISSIONEEL AER .1111DDLESINAUTU, Antimansasle end Whiff Neadant.lo,2ll. FOR ccrbta isosins OW 31112:110110 1 . 101 •61111L111111. LEWIS C.J. NOBLE, of Indiana. CHRISTIAN SNIYMT, of Within. IL SWARTZ VVELDE.of Fiurthurgh. HENRY LARGE, of I•rs. lISCOILDVS. • HEZEKIAIi NIXON, of Lower St. Clair . anotreca, • JOHN SCOTT, of Rosa. CUR% OT Tin COMM - DANIEL tirCURDY, of Elizabeth Borough. .• • • • x coommooss, WILLIAM B Fo ENSON, of Allegl.nY cirf worm, 30 N a. Korot, of BR Birmingham Bough & Beady Binh. A meeting of the Birmingham Rough and Ready Club, and all friends of Old Zoe's, Fillmore and John ston, will he held at the Public School HOLLIIIS ill at i d d boroogb, on NVodoesday evening, Sept. gOth, o'clock. The Giza Cgoss of the city are also invited to extend. Omnibuses run from the Monongahela bu ralte v r ' P ' orat half r u 4 - . J. 13'gham and othersare ex penal to lams the meeting. sepls-.% See swat page far Telegraphic New ARE YOU AYSICEISEM AD persons who nut not assessed ten days be. fore the election, are deprived of • vote- Let ev ery Whig voter am to this at once. He can exam ine the lists pot up at the places of election, and aseettain whether his name is do nomot. We lose several votes every year Wards, from this,cause, and a friend from the country in- Sums as that the same is the case there. Louis. lerLane"a Resignation. The letter of resignation of the Hon. Louis Mi. lone, of the Presidency of the Baltimore rind Ohn. Railroad, is priblishaiin the papers. It is truly a document hard to be understood,' and requires no little examination to find out the wri ter'. meaning. The substance of the epistle, if we understand it correctly, is as follows:—Fussthat he has long contemplated relinquishing his post. lion. which he has only held for the purpose of givieg his assistance in extending the road to the Ohio River, tint that he cannot consent to await longer the C01161.11=11111011 of such a project by the resources contemplated in a resolution of the Board. Second—that, notwithstanding the extraordinary diligence used by the present Board, since the ac-; ceptance of the Virginia law, the .urveys and es timates indispensable to a safe and judicious edop lion of any part of the route are yet only so fir advanced as to admit of a final selection of not, more than twenty seven miles of that line, which be presumes the Board, in the course of a few days, will proceed to invite proposals for its con. On:sedan, to order that it may be pat under con tract and prosecuted with all the despatch their re sources, including such amount of revenue us may be at command, will allow. Third—be states the Board has been under the necessity of usieg and anticipating all the revenue of the Board, for some months to come, in repairs and in the purchase of new machinery, and that unless other moorse, can be devised, he considers it unwise and imposa ticable to divert the revenue of the road to extend it westward at present. Raving laid down these, and other premises, of a like discouraging nature, he mms up as Ottawa: 'On the whole, therefore, notwithstanding the abiding confidence I pomess in the practicability and the expediency of the general rime as heretofore 'determined; in the ability of the Company by some or.all the resources contemplated by the policy al. Beady adopted by the present direction, and in the certainty tithe early commencement and season.. ; - able eautpletiort of the road, I cannot conceal na apprehension that without greater peceni conoaryarn- ostance from thintommunity, so vitally ed in the enterprise, than I have yet reason to ex pect, it would not be in my power, satiafactorily to myself, to extend the work tui expeditiously no would seem to be demanded. Under—such circumstances, it its only natural that the purpose I have so long wizened; shcold, in my own mlnd,,become thn more cog eat; and it would appear us be incumbentulon me et the pre sent last stated meeting of theßoard,previous to the annual meeting of the Stockholders, publicly nod definitely to announce it. I have, therefore, to acquaint you, gentlemen, of -my determination not to continue in the office of the President of the Company; and to request that you would make such arrangements as would ad mit of my retirement at the earliest period, coasts. teal with the baldness of the current year, out sus would, in your opaline, produce the lean who', ranunent to the intereqt of the Company and your own duties. ". Tendering yea, gentlemen, my wishes for the anew of the great enterprise committed to your tranegement, and fin the provenly of the city in which you have so deep a iftke, I remain, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, LOUIS McLANE. • Pram nil which we infer that the prospect of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad reaching the Ohio River in any early period, its exceedingly faint Hon. John Pratt is spoken of as Mr. M'Lene's enceesear. ,The Baltimore Sun states that a report has been received from foe surveying party of Mews. Latrobe, Knight, and Oa, upon the pro . jetted line to Wheeling, recommending a route considered good and practicable, the grade of which veal emceed bat a unction Its feet per mile. Seventy nine feet to the mile we should consider • prosy ;steep grade. It is not said how many trutriels and deep cuttings, and how many alma wren will be necessary in gain even this grade. We now predict that the cars will be running FromPhibulelphia to Cincinnati, through Pittsburgh, keg before the Baltimore road reaches Wheeling. Gl= TATUM'S second Allison Letter, which we give in fall today, is greeted with hearty satisfac tine by the Whig press of thecountry. Its expli citness and manly tone have put to silence any disposed to cavil concerning his Whigima, or, to find fault with his position. It troubles ?tidier Rstetne, of the Union, however, no little. The old man is horrified at what he calls "Gen. Taylor's fall and unqualified approbation of the amfassed Piluzartn Futents, as worthy of the Presidency!" The Union says this Is a betrayal of the rights and interests of the South, and that--"af ter the expression of such an *Mon, it is a shame to the South if den. Taylor receives a single South- ern electoral vote" Never did the editor of the Union display • more pitiful, narrow, mean, and contracted spirit. How noble, and enlarged, and lamed, does Gen. Taylor appear beside such a .secv don& and peat up soul as Mr. Batchie'al Every enlightened Southern man will scorn such senti. manta. Hultaan wiz filnammitnitm—We lawn them was • large and spirited Whig meeting at the flourish. ing to= of iiituurbsugh , on Saturday evening, which was addressed by Mr. Hampton. We are promised a good account from that place on the day of the election. Honor to the Shmpaburgh Whip! A telegraphic despatch from New York reports that Commander AmaJP Sumas. Maemanue at the U. S. Navy, 'attend. He died at Sitg Sing o q Tmeaday, of heart &seam --- ••• ;:„ dorreipopieF , it de* • ! • Ns* You.. Sipt:l4, The &twin EurnFier arriv 3 e4 thin main ag daylight, in leas than tnrelve &tip from /4cel , waking the abarteat . pataageupon record between the tw o , points. All the world was asleep, and al = most the first notice merchants had of her arrival, Was the reception of their letters from the Post Of. five. The Comniercial nears Ortottr and grain is unfavorable, but the fell erect has not been seen • ea yet upon our markets. The iron market look, better which is indeed good news.. Prices continue steady, with a tendency to improvement. Staffordshire the workmen have only been cau dally employed the last two months, and there has I been considerable demand: the makers, consequent -Iy,ale not anxious sellers, and many of them re- Ifilse orders unless at higher prices. With an av erage harvest a general advance would most Ile. Iv take place. Present quotations in Liverpool— Scotch Pig, No. 1,1/ 16;_ Mercan Barbest ' rolled .£7 10; Hoops .03; Sheet £BlO. Every ad ' vanes ill England to a benefit to us, and were the prices teadvance to the rates of ISO, we should be the gainer, inasmuch as we should be left to I supply our own market. From Maine the news looks favorable. We have probably gained a member of Congress in the Lin.l coeu district, and perhaps onein te' ashington. We have gained largely in the popular branch of the Legislature, and have defeated the Governor on , the popular vote. Free Soil is troubling the Casa 1 and Butler party, and their organs rally the people of Maine to prepare for the November election with the energy of desperation. The Whigs car ', ried the State ml/340, and with fair success cart ' do so again in November. Gen. Taylor's letter published in Neter Orleans, has canoed the greatest malefaction here, and shows that he writes as ably upon political affairs as upon his deeds in the field. The old Hero is indeed a Whig, all over , and the doubtful have I grown wonderful scarce since the letter woe pub. I fished. To day our State Convention meets. and you may be prepared tar a declaration of Whig lotticiPlete upon the old broad basis,' and upon I which the State can be triumphantly carried for Taylor and Fillmore. The State Convention of , ' Mtursachusetts, is also in session to day, with an', attendance numbering thousands. The old spirit is abroad, and the Whig line here at the east ready ' for action. Gen. Casa will get New Hampshire, I and nothing on the seaboard except that, until he gets to South Carolina. The Money Market, for the past two days, has been tight, and paper that sold fur ten per cent. per I annum, has eon up to twelve, and higher, and' say en per cent is the cheapest price at 'which money can be had, well secured. The banks are not dis counting much, dad needyglerrowers are suffering much. Some nddaional lot are spoken of, but they ore small affairs. All kindd of smelts are down, and Treasury Notes close at 1031—a fall of ic. The fancy list is even more depressed, and all speculative Meting has vanished. The frigate Cnraberlmd, from Vera Cruz, has been ordered down to quarantine, on Dement of Yellow Fever supposed to be on board. She had been lying quietly at the Navy Yard for some days, and was about to discharge her crew, but thanks to the Mayor, even the chance of their communi. rating the fever is avoidal. Lieut. Bissell, from', this ship, died a few days ago. Dysentery is ye- ' ry prevalent here, and as fatal as the Cholera, the approach of which alarms so many. but the city I health most soon be as good as usual. A cold, rain dorm is just upon us, to clear the atmosphere and revive the hopes of the Girrnere, whose crops ere suffering from a protracted drought. Messrs. Pillot LLe Barbiere, a highly respec. table French house, which went down in the storm of the French Revolution, have paid all their lia bilities, and show a very large surplus remaining. WM, Fox S' Livingston will pay every dollar of the claims ageing,. them. Other houses whose means wets locked up and depreciated by the French trouble., sac getting out of their troubles, and will soon declare handsome dividendi. The French mercbanta have acted most honorably, and find friends in all quarters to help Mem on. Breadstu ffs in utter nonfusion. Flour down 121 Whent x; Corn ilkise ; Oats 2(43c; and Rye 3a. The telegraph azys Hamilton Fieh has been nominated for Governor, aug that the Convention is getting on with great spirit. C. An KIDUIVICS Lir.—A gentleman of distinguish ed attainments, who firmerly conducted a weekly paper with much ability and success, but who is now unveiling in Europe, writes teL a friend in this country, who has recently assumed the charge 01 n Moly paper as follows: `-You must live in and for the paper. There is no escape from this voluntary, and yet life-long slavery. For now nearly ten years, I have known the willing, voluntary, unbroken service which the true servant of a free press must reader. My weekly charge has been roorethan 1 can bear. and often, like tim slave desenbed with such name., eloquence by Job, I have Llonged for the shadow' which tells the hour °freak Feeling thus with res pect 0 the weekly press, how can I but fear for you, my brother, my friend, when you bind your self in six-fold bonds ? How little does the majority of readers ot=newspapers know of the expeoditure efthought, of the lain: of the head and brain, and 'hands, which goes to mske up that which min isters to their highest wants' and also, how runny truths, thought out with brairrthroen, pass usnoted unobserved, even if not received with relentless t I hostility 'O.—Nevertheless, the roux MAN must work, 1 and more, too, in the martyr spink contended even with the thought that his mere relics, when he has laid him down in the dust, will constitute n kind of superstructure and basement upon which the glorious and eternal temple of truth shall nand." Another writer makes the following remarks. -In the estimation of alinost everybody who Imo. gin. himself somebody, while everybody else knows he is nobody, an editor is supposed to be an automaton, to do and any whet everybody else en. cept what he himself thinks proper. In short, he to is expected be everybody 's body, and in trying to please everybody who wants to be somebody, he is sum to please hardly anybody, except the indivi. sal nobody, who thinks himself somebody. In or der to satisfy everybody, therefore, he ought to be, like the people who arc most likely to criticise his labors, which nobody understands better than himself, nobody. Having no ambition to imitate the man with the ass, whose story is recorded in the fable, we have resolved hereafter to any Lele• gard to the contents of our paper, 'Whatever is. is right." • XLll.l$ll4l ELECTION—AUSPICIOUS. Sarrom, Thuradny, Sept. I I There is no choice for Governor. Dana Lem, has in 189 towns a plurality of 1.03, showing a lossof 4,000 from last year when he was elected by 1,650 over all The Free Soil gain so far upon the Liberty vote oflast year is apoo. Congress.--Goodenow, Whig, is almost certain ly elected in the Lincoln District—is Whig gain. He is 1,880 ahead so far as heard, which the Ga ford towns to come in canna overcome. Gerry. Loco, is unexpectedly hard pressed in the Ist, York. District, but in itiollaili to be elected. Otis, Wing, has a very large majority in the 111 d, Kennebec. Lis. uict—no change. George Downes, Whig, is run ning well up to Faller, Loc T o, Vllth and the result is considered doubtful he lid, Flb and Vlth have elected the Loco-Foe° candidates,as already reported. The Legislattire is Loco Foco ofcourse,as it has been ever since 1840. P. S.—Not a shadow of doubt of Goodenow's election, nod it is eves probable that Washburn. Whig, her beaten Stamm in the Penobscot Die. triot. He has gained 680 on the vote of 1906 In seventeen towns, and has but 500 more to gain in fifty to elect him. Vsamoirr.—The Boston Atlas has returns from 184 towns, leaving 59 small towns to be heard from, or about'one-eigth of the State. Chitteoden, Caledonia, and La Motile Counties only are rem. plete. The Whigs gain a Senator in Grand Isle, and the Van Buren party oae in La Motile, both from the Casa men, who have but Ito 22 Whigs, counting Caledonia .electing two Casa Senators, which IA doubt. The liotise steads 109 Whop, 58 Visa Buren, 36 Casa, with 20 towns to conic in, which last year chose 7 Whigs to 3 Luc° V•eos. The New York• Evening Post makes merry over the'"heroisne r of some of the candidates of the ri• val wing of the party. There is bitterness endigh Locofixtoism when its elements become ilisjolut ed. "Hants—The Hunkers have a most; heroic set of managers and candidates. They have now be tire the bonnier. Cass—the Hero of the Broken Sword. - - Coaking--the Hereof the Broken Leg. Crorweil—the Hero of the Broken Bank. iVilloortk--of the broken down Court of Ch Sensvoir. Harwooo.--The last Wilmington, H. C. Chronicle, says: "Some weeks ago we men tioned that Ex-Senator Haywood, of this State, had deeclared that he could not support Ctrs for the Proaidency. Since then we have been informed that Mr. H. has openly avowed himself In favor of Van Boren and Mee Sol" It mill be recollected that Senator Haywood resign. ed his neat In the Senate, rather than vote for t he Tariff of ISO. Teo Mom MELTING AT MONOIMAIISLA CITY. The MARMOT Atlantic will leave the Lock Dam No. 1, on Wednesday morning, at 5 o'clock precisely. All who are desirous of aiding the Whigs of hip nongaheln sky in their efforts to obtain the trium phant success pith° Whig CAM , 111 Washiugtoo county, should by all means attend this mass meet ing, and should be on board the Atlantic at the hour Needled. Returning,they can take the eve tang burg, and towns in this city by 12 P. X The fare for the round trip Li only $l. Let all wand who can. One of the Glee Clubs is expected to go up. If the Committee should make their arrange meals, doe notice mill be given in handbills. The pressure on our columns has crowded oat some articles which will appear in our next-- Among others, the report of the late exhibition of the licatkultural Society. Th anyl.Bditorseftlea t Pittallergh Gumtree. Allil—Pereeivinglet a notice in your paper, of thiiiinctereing, that atifttoceediags of the meeting of September,' at the house of Stephen Shepherd, Seteickly Bottom, ere to be published I in your paper to morrow, I beg room in your co- I lomns Mr a fete remarks in reference to the doings I of that meeting, in order that the public' may be simultaneously posted up 'stub regard to the rev,. I lotions and the influences which were brought to bear upon their passage. The meeting was called by a written notice, signed David Shields, Mr the 26th of August, to which the following communication was address.' ed, mad, and noted on the minutes. To the Meeting of 2&A Atertzst, at Stephen Shcp horde, ,5...-idfry• Gavrutauct—A notice signed by David Shields, inviting the land owners. house holders, and all others along the line of the road, as now travelled between Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, and Bea ver, to meet at the house of Stephen Shepherd, on the 26th August, to consult on the subject of a projected rail road between Pittsburgh and Beaver, was handed to me a few days ego. From the ten or of this notice—being a property owner on the travelled road—l would feel myself at liberty to attend and participate in your deliberations, and would gladly . do so, with the view of making such ' explanations as my relations to the company char. tered by the join AGM of the Legislatures of Ohio and Pennsylvania, for the purpose of constructing the mid rail road would enable me to set forth, at your contemplated meeting. But lam under an engagemeat on the day named, to meet the Board of Directors of the Rail Road Company at Woos ter, Ohio—l meat, therefore, ask your ,indulgence to present such remarks for your coutuderationin writing, as suggest themselves as applicable to the subject. I proceed, therefore, to state that the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company was chartered by the joint acts of said States, and invested by law, under certain restrictions, with full power and , isullwruy to construct a and road horn the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny to the State Line of Oh o and thence to the western line of that State. The company, therefore, possess certain legal and reseed eights, sacred and invierlable, within the scope of their charter, as any other citizens enjoy, and as it is by no means the wish or intention of the comps. I ny to exceed the privileges granted to them by a solemn law of two great States, they trust that no interposition will be thrown in the way of carrying out the duty assigned to them, in the construction of the great work, which sooner or later is destined I to be completed, and when so completed, as all experience proves, is also destined to confer impor. tent and lasting benefits on every foot of the coun try traversed by mid road. The charter grants the power to make all necessary surveys and explore rations. The Engineers employed by the comps. ny are and have been for some time engaged on other parts of the line, and due notice will be giv en, before they proceed to that portion of it be. tween Pittsburgh sad Beaver. Alter the location of the road is fixed and determined, and its exact rout designated by the Engineers, the law specifies the mode and manner by which the company is bound to make compernumon for all damage., which may be, sustained by land owners along its route, as well as to reconstruct a common mad in place 01 any portion of the old one which shall be occu pied by the rail road. Every land owner, through which it may pass, is therefore fully protected in in all his just and equitable rights; and whilst the law secures to such their immunities and pnvil, gee, the company have also us protease's, within the sphere of its chatter. This explanation ought to satisfy every reason. bld man. But it is not only the disposition of the company to fulfil the law, by a just compensation for damage. if any should be sustained, but they are anxious to satisfy you that the construction of a rail road to the Ohio State Line, the Lakes, and, the great West, will promote the interest of every land owner, lot, and householder along its whole route—especially will it advance the interests of the small farmer, the tenantry, the lot holders in the towns and village. Would not any advantage be derived, by bringing the neighborhood in which your meeting is to be held, within thirty minutes' ride of Pittsburgh? or, in point of time, as near as Manchester , It may he that persons holding im mense tracts of land, embracing miles on the river, view thin subject is a different light They may suppose that this great work wittild give facilities to small lot and house holders, and opportunities of procuring their supple, of rigriiultural products at other places, and favor other quarters, than from their large domains, and render all such men in dependent, and less tributary to them, than they arc at present. But as regards that class who do not raise sufficient fir their own wants—mechanics. house holders. and email farmers, there cannot be a doubt. but the rail road will greatly promote their interests. Such has been the uniform experience in every country traversed by sorb great works. that the large laud holders have objected, whilst all others have been largely benceitted by their eonstrlietiOn. • It to eartrstly h, re.!. thereibre, that no measures will be adopted at your meeting, of a hostile char. eater to the contemplated work. It in confidently believed that you will all be greatly benefited.— That this road will be made sooner or Inter, no one can doubt for a moment. It is behind the spirit of the age to oppose such undertakings, and wltili•t all other sections of the United States ere anxious to have such roads passing through their neighbor hood, it is painful to learn, that in your enlighten ed section. there is one SO blusii..or so selfish, ns to cr.7.ate difficulties. It is Ai eerely to be hoped. t here- I fore, that volt; q:eetiog will flown upon any attempt I of the kind, let it come from; any quarter, however powerful by wealth or position. Your obedient servant. WM. ItOBINSON, Jr. August 21, 1548. After the reading of tins communication, th meeting was adjourned to the t(th September, and the resolutions adopted, nn set Math, after calling the names of those v'otine-for and against their adoption. and it is to the fraudulent omission of the names of the persons who voted Or and Nisi. these resolutions that I desire to call public att. tion, as going to show the comp.sition of the met ing,chietly Maths ap oldie members of the Econ. my Society, and the tenants and retainers of thi same David Shields, including his miller, black• smith, tavern keeper, and others, representing but two inurmAs. whilst they all voted per capita, and making nearly, if not the whole, majority which passed the resolutions. in the shape offered hy one of the chiefs of the Economy Society. The public will therefore readily undenstand the whole force of this demonstration against a great public work, destined ultimatety to connect the great States of Ohio and Pennsylvania. They will not be sarpris ed, however, when they are informed that this same David Shields, on a former occasion, gave notice to the O'Reilly Cornpeny of telegrephic I not to place the poets sad atlres on his premt and that he was opposed to all such tianoration ONE OF THE MEETING. For the Pittsburgh Gard PUBLIC /MEETING. Pursuant to notice, an adjourned meeting was held at the house of Stephen Shepard, in Sewick ley Bation.;'4llegheny County, Pennsylvania. on the 9th day of eepternher.. /Eig, and wee orrrnnlz- ed by appointing Liartd Shelia and R L Baker, Secretary. _ • On motion—the Chair stated the motives and object of the meeting, explaining the utility of the present road from Pittsburgh to Beaver. and the objections to the construction of a rail road on that route. Several gentlemen spoke in favor, and several against the making of o rail road between Pitt. burgh and Beaver, after which the following me°. lotions were offered, twice read, discussed, appnr red, and adopted, and ordered to be publiahed at Pittsburgh and Braver Pu.sulml, That this meeting have beard with surprise that the Leguilature of this Common wealth hare passed a law authorizing the construction ol a rail road from Pittsburgh to the Ohio State Line, and that the rsons interesting themselves in that object, re le I X as of our long vested rights, have expresso an Intention of locating the same along the northern bank of the Ohio River, trout Pittas burgh to Beaver. that the law referred to was not petitioned for by this community, whose interests are vitally affected thereby, won passed without our knowledge, and has not,as we are informed, been published with the other laws of the State. Rewired, That the road from Pittsburgh to Bea ver, need and occupied as a public rood for a pen od of nearly fifty years, has been made at an Im mense expense, by the property holders and rest. dealers along its route, with several costly bridges, made by the counties of Allegheny and Beaver, would by a railroad be rendered useless for all the usual purposes of that ordinary travel and trans. portation, which is best suited to our habits and oar wants. Re.tolved, That (root a perfect knowledge of the ground ou which the wagon roa,d is now travelled, from Pittsburgh to Beaver particularly of that gor tion of it, commonly called the narrows, of some miles in extent, there is not room between the river and the bluffs, for more than one road; and that, should a roil road be constructed along side of the carriage road, the latter nutria not be used but with positive danger to the rash traveler that should place his life and property in contignity with a locomotive and train of cars, and as to.droving it will be utterly impossible. Resolved, That having made this road as now travelled, at a great expense, we are not willing to give It up to any company for rail road purposes, and do hereby enter one protest in advance, de, daring our honest intention to frustrate the loca tion of a road which would to on be an evil of the ' greatest magnitude, destructive of Life and proper. ty, which every day's retorts attest: and that how. ever advantageous to a few .111MerCitlimpitslios at the terminating towns, would be to all the inter mediate country, an evil of the greatest Magni. rode. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting that the Ohio River affords a cheap, and suf icient. ly expeditious communication between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and the ports and places westward, at all times, except short interruptions from ice, and render this communication from Pittsburgh to Beaver, by rail road, entirely dispensable. - • • •• • • - Bas aced, That these proceedings be published at Pittsburgh and Beaver respective y. N. B. The foregoing resolutions mere paused by a vote of 40 eyes—ll naya. DAVID SHIELDS, Chairman. IL L. Bum, Secretary. 'Prom this New Orletis Pleayune of Scpu!mber 6. ORKERAL TAYLOR'S SECOSO ALLI- The following letter has been prepared by Gene cd, Taylor to correct any misconception which might possibly be produced by the recent publication of extracts from his private conespondenee, and the ' appearance over his signature of replies to single and detached qoestions relative to his position be fore the public. The letter is a connected narra tive of the series of circumiaae , , which resulted in hia becoming a candidate. It presents, in o com pact form, all the matters bearing upon the subject , and exhibits Gen. Taylor in his proper character —true to himself, to his friends, and to his coun try- East Pasca.ota.a, Sept. 4. ISIS. • Dear Sir—On the 22d day of May into, I address ed you a letter explaining my views in the regard to various matters of public policy, lent my fellow. citizens might be misled bytbe many contradictory and conflicting statements in respect to them which appeared in the journals of the day and were cir culated throughout the country... , I now find my. self misrepresented and misunderstood upon anoth er point, of such importance to myself personally, if not to the country at large, as to claim from me a can . dl d and connected exposition of my relations to the I public, In regard to the pending presidential can. The utmost ingenuity bas been expended upon several letters and detached sentences of letters, which have recently appeared over my rgnature, to show that I occupy an equivocal attitude towards the various parties into which the people are divi ded, aria especially towards the Whig party as re presented by the National Convention which mem bled in Philadelphia in June last. Had these letters and scraps of letters been published or construed in connection with what I have heretofore said upon this subject. I should not now have to con• plain of the speed with which my answers to isola ted questions have been given up to the captious criticism of those who have been made my enemies by a-nomination which has been tendered to me without solicitations or arrangement of mine; or of the manner in which selected passages in sonic of my letters, wnuen in the freedom and carelessness Ma confidential correspondence, have teen core. umnicated to the public press. But riven from the context, and separated from a series of explanatory facts and circumstances which are. in do far as this canvass is concerned, historical, they are as decep tive as though they were positive fabrications. I address you this letter to correct the injustice that has been done me and the public to the extent that I am an object of interest to them by this illiberal process. I shall not weary you by an elaborate reeds• of every incident connected with the first mewl. taboo of my name us a candidate for the Presidency I was then at the head of the American army rn the Valley of the Rio Grande. 1 was surrounded by Whigs and Democrats who had stood by in the trying imam of my life, and whom it was my destiny to conduct through scenes of still greater triaL My duty to that army, and to the Republic whose battles we were waging forbade my assu ! ming a position of seeming hostility to any portion d of the brave men under my command—allot whom 11 knew 1 was a Whig in ritimple, for I made no concealment of my political sentiments or predi lectiona 6 Such has been the .violence of party strong • during our late presidential elections, that the at ceptance efa nomination under the various line pretattons given to the obligations of a candido peesented to the public with a formula of politic principles, was equivalent almost to a declarau of uncompromising enmity to all who did obscribe to its tenets. I was unwilling to banned the effect of such relationship towards any of the soldiers under my command when in (root of an enemy common to us all. It would have been unjust in itself, and it was as repugnant to my own feelings as tt was to my duty. I wanted unity to tae army, and forbore any art that might sow the seeds of distrust and discord in its ranks. I have not my letters written at the time before rue, but they are all of one import, and in conformity with the views herein expressed. Meanwhile, I was solicited by my personal Mends and by strangers, by Whigs and Demo cents, to consent to become a candidate. I was ' nominated by the people in primary aesembliee— by Whigs, Democrats and Natives, in separate and mixed meetings. I realued them all, and continued to do so sold led to believe that my op position was assuming the aspect of a defiance of the popular wishes, I yielded only when it look ed like presumption to resist longer, and even then I should not have done so had not the no• 1111138L1011 bees presented to ma in a We= unlike. ly to awake the acrimony, ur reproduce the bit terness of feeling which attends popular elections. I arty it in sincerity and truth, that a pan of the inducement to my consent, was the hope that by going into the canvass it would be conducted th candor, d Dot with kindliest. It has Dee fault attune that this anticipation has pnived Alter I permitted myselite be announced fir the Presidency, under the cirminastances nbove notic ed. I accepted nomination alter nomination in the spirit in which they were tendered. They were made irrespective of parties. and so acknowlged. No one who joined in these nominations could have been deceived as to my political views.— From the beginning till now I have declared myself to be a Whig on all proper occasion. With this distinct avowal published to she world, I ihd not ' think that I had a right to repel dominations from political opponents any more than I had a right to refuse the vote of a Democrat at, the' pulls. and I proclaimed it abroad that I should not reject the proffered support of any body of my fellow muse.. This was my position when in November last I scummed to the United I>Lites, long before either of the greet chvisionl of the peopie had held a nation al convention and when it vies thought ikaibtful one of them held any. Matters stoodin this attitude till spring, when there were so many statements in ciretllntion ono cerning my views upon questions of national poll 6 , , that I felt minstratited to correct the errors lid. which the public mind was falbag by a more en plied enunciation of principles, which I did in in letter to you in April last. That letter, and the foci which I have detailed as briefly as a proper look, standing of them would permit, developed in whole position in relation to the Presidency, at Ili time. The democratic Convention met in May and yin, posed their ticket to suit them. Thin they hod a right to do. This National Whig Convention met ininnr, and selected me as their candidate. I accepted the nomination with gratitude sod with pride. I was proud of the cOnadence of such tt body _of men. re , promoting such constituency as the Whig patty of the United Sister, a manifestation the more grate ful because it was not cumbered with exactions in compatible with the dignity of the presidential office, and the responsibilities of its incumbent to the whole people of the nation. And I may add, that these emotions went increased by associating my name with the: of the distinguished citizen of New York, whose acknowledged abilities and sound conserva tive opinions might have justly entitled him to the first place on the ticket. `.The convention adopted me as it found.jue—n ' WiaiyrdarJrJ 614 L not ultra in my optimAr stud I would be without excuse if I were to shill the relationships which subsisted at the time. They took me with the declaration of principles I had published to the world, and I would be without de fence, if I were to say or do anything to impair the films of that declaration. "I have said that I would accept a nomination Goo the Dernocnits; but in so doing, I mould not abate one jot or title of my opinions as wntteo down. S d mh 4 nomination, as indicating a emu oidence of 'opinion on the put °ldiom making it, should not be regarded with disfavor, by those who think with me; as a compliment personal to myself. it should not be expected that I would re:poise them with insult_ I shall not modify my views to entice them to my side: I .ball not reject their and when they join my fnends voluntarily. -I have said I was not a Party Candidate, nor am I in that straitened and seetnimo wnse :which would prevent my being the President of the whole people IA Case of my election. did not regard myself as one before the Convention met, and that body did not 'seek to make me different from what I was, nor did they fetter me down to a series 0 pledges which were to be an iron rule of action in all, and in spite of all, the contingencies that might arise in the course of n Presidential term. (am nos engaged• to lay violent bands, indiscriminately, upon public officers, good or bad, who may digir in opinion with me. I am not expected to foroe Congress by the crier. Mao allies veto, to pass laws to suit me or pass 4130 C. "This i* whet I mean by not being a party can didate. 4a4 I understand this is a good Whip doctrine.--I would not be a partisan Prdeddent, and hence should not be a party enndidate in the Genre that would make oniy, This is the sum and pub. stance of my rneaniall, and this is the purport of the facts and curcuenstanoes attending my nomins lion, when considered in their connection with, sad dependence upon one another. "I refer all persons who are anxious on the sob ject, to this statement, for the proper understand ing of my position towards the Presidency and the people. lilt is not itnelligible, I can not make it so, and shall cease to attempt it. In taking leave of the subject, I have only to add that my two letters to you embrace all the topics I design to speak of pending this canvass. If I am plepted, I shall do all that an honest zeal may els Teri to cement the kinds of our Union, and es. baldish the happiness of my countrymen upon an enduring basis. To Capt. J. S. Auasom. [Er Usa roe Priam filarina—lf you wish to he pound in any underrating, you must always 'use the °ropey spempr."l'hereleire, a you have a cough, um Jai - 11341 Farveroaaor and be cured, for it is the proper means, Voce you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only efficient means to cure you is to use Jayne's Expech3rant, which will itOMedilnirly O•orcorae the spa Stu which contracts the diameter of the tubes and loosens and bong. op We mows which clop their up, uhd thus removes every obatracriost In a free hile at the same tone all inflammation is soli dued, and a rims is certain to be effected. Bronchi.. Am Among of Blood, Pleurisy, or is Pulmonary Adertron, then um Jnyrr'• and relief is rrnain, and you will find rim unri the proper means. For sale to rinsburgh al the raki , . row Slots, 11 416 street near VVood. Ant? Jaraa's Egrackumm.—We would call attenuant° dux 0/COll.l remedj for Coughs, Colds, Comma:mum, Asthma, and all •&etions of the Throat and Limns Having several times within a few peon put had occa sion to use a medicine of this kind, we hava,by cape, coca tested its ezeellent qualities, and are prepared to recommend it to other.. Ministers or other manic speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will feel great benefit hem ha ase. It is prepared by a saloon fie physician, and all clones will And it • safe and effi cacious imunlicine in the diseases for which it is re corameridect--iColtanbus (Ohio) Cross arid foment For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 711 Fourth street effitf The Metes by the Elmore The substance af the foreign news brought by the Eutope, was given inourtelegnphiedespatcts es. She made the quickest trip on record, from Liverpool to New York, having accomplished it In something over eleven daps and a half She brought news one week later, and we select such items of Interest as we can find man for. FRANCS AND HZ& 111,17013:1 The most canons circumstance of the present week has been the arrival in London of M. Louis Blanc Exactly tax months aflerehis own expul sion Louis Philippe has the satisfaction, if such it may be called, of seeing the man upon whose them nee the revolution was proßmsedly hounded, iv:im pelled to follow ham in his exile. The flight, too, Is not a precautionary one, as in the case of the king, but an absolute escape front the law. On a motion in the National Assembly to prosecute Louis Blanc for having been implicated on the din. turbances of the 15th of May last, when the As sembly was mended by the mob, the votes were sat for the prosecution and 252 against it, and that in a similar question as regards Caussidlere the votes were 477 against 209—a result which was to be followed by their arrest, but that purpose they battled by their immediate disappearance. Against Caussithere n vote was demanded, pronouncing him to have been concerned in the insurrection of June, which would hove bad the edisa of deliver. log him over lo a council of woe, but that this was negatived by a Inalority of 68, the votes against him being 370 and those in his favor 128. The circumstance, however, plainly shows that he is the man who is regarded as the prime anarchist, and that his life was consequently in no small Jeo pardy. Whether his escape has been as complete as that of Louis Blanc in not known. Louis Blanc, by a letter to the Journal due Lk/err and the lin forme, contrived to give his adversaries a parting word and a hint that another chance may yet turn up for him. His flight, be says, is merely a mith• •lrauw! •the better to protest against a state of siege and the empire of force." When the "day of trial" shall arrive he promises to be present once again. KNOLL:M. Parliament is to be prorogued on the sth indent, oiler the longest session on record. The most int portant of its transacuous dunng the week have been the final passing of the bill for the establish. of diplomatic relations with Rome, and the rig announcement of the Chancellor of the Ex. finer no to his tinancial wants for the remainder e year. His statement was in conformity with t hod been anticipated, and the country bas ,equently been informed that a new loan to the if .t 2,000,000 will be necessary. The method proposed by the Chancellor is, not raise the loan immediately in one sum, hut to issue stock front time to time, in such rlolollolll as may be required. I need hardly say that upon our stock market an issue to the proposed extent will be wholly without any perceptible effect. Un fortunately we have got into that state in which the terrible magattude of our expenditure serves SA a plea for not being particular in making "small" additions to it. 'rho interest on the present loan will merely amount to between .000,000 and 570,000, and what is that upon an expenditure which, including pour rates, county rates and pu trid taxation, amounts to upward of E. 70,000,00 0, TIIR ocesx sonata. The total number of passengers and crein board this vessel is ascertained to have been di, of whom 210 have been saved, and 179 are mis sing. The subscriptioes ip their behalf already amount to about .02200. The captains of the Cambria and of the Orion steam vessels. who are supposed to have passed the burning ship without a desire to render assistance, have conclusively shown that they could not have gone to her with. out placing thew own passengers in imminent peril, which would have been wholly unjustifiable, an they were ignorant of her being an emigrant ship. and the assistance near her was such as would have been ample under all ordinary circumstance. The Canihn• had 200 passengers on board. She is a local steamer, and•not the Cambna belonging to the Cunard American line. -ran WEATHER Jinn COMMERCIAL PROSPECTS. A letter in the New York Commercial of date .ndmr. Sept. 1, remarks ea follow. At the commencement of the week a consider.. e improvement took place in the weather, and r the first time for a long period two or three Jaya wed over without any heavy rain. Yesterday, erybody in London imagined that the season as about to'take up, but in the afternoon, one 0 the most tremendous storms of thunder, lightning, and rnin, suddenly came on, and continued for about three hours. To day again the weather is fine. and the glass high, but after the expenence of yesterday it would hardly be sale to rely upbn its =Won once. I have often mentioned that, whatever may be the ac..inaitib. of the potato rot, it is impossible to round any definite calculation upon them, sinco.the ffrease is so carmen:to. in its maniktuanons that I should never be eurprised at reports of utter ruin one week being followed by accounts of general recovery in the neat. Something of this sort has actually been shown already. from the elects of a day er two's essat cion of me. since the statement from Ireland this morning is that the failure is • on ly partial; and that In many quarters good hopes are now entertained where a little while hack the crops were green o ns wholly lost Still I do not laee le nny tai mor l e , reliance .h, uponthis htw. than ded upon the ° The ". safe " view Y to be taken in, I think, that, look ing at the crops generally. there will be a deficienl ey, such as to lead toe considerable importation at remunerative prices, but not to warrant any mord, nate speeulation Front the Continent the accounts are very favorable. and therefore we shall possess abundant sourema of supply. which, even if our de ficiency should prove greater than it threatens, would altogether preclude the posatbdity of nay permanently high prices being reached. On Mon. day there was a rise in out wheat market of 2s to Ss_ pet quarter for old wheat, while neyr_wbeut, in vonsequence of its. bad • condition . . en Fa•rienced fall in that relent. (ho Wednesdny there wan a re. action of Is. in theprice of old wheat, and to day (Friday) a further full has thrown the price entirely back to the level of last week. Consols at last date were :sr.. They are now 83i. 1212123=12 RIxORTRD FOR TUB PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZWTTI. 'A general row, or somthing like it, careered in ihartiond Alley, on Saturd4 afternoon. The dial • cult) origidated in a quarrel between John Shep pard and John Sheppard Jr., father and eon, and a Dutchman, very much inferior in sire and strength, to either of hit assailants. The Dutchman had purchased a collar front the Sheppitat, which not fining his nom, he refused to take. A quarrel en. sued, anti the younger Sheppard struck at the Dutchman with n pair of htum sticks, but fortu nately must d his aim. The two Sheppanle then both assailed the Dutchman, when an athletic Irishman named Craig, considering it a 'free tight," took part with the weaker party, and considerably worsted one of the Sheppard. The Dutchman meanwhile. got into his wagon, and retired from the scene of conflict m Sot as possible. The spec- town then InterfpreAl and put an end to the eon• tliet—Cratg eat:taming a great deatre .•to Whip every thing by the name of Sheppard, - aet be mild very ecophancally. Ara meeting of the Fire Wardens held on the Ittb, the following committee was appointed to solicit donations from the citizens for procuring fire capes for the Fire Wardens Int ward, Jacob My era; 3d ward, lames Montooth; 4th ward, B. F Patterson, sth ward, Tilly Potter, tah ward, A Kelly; 9th ward. Mr. Early. The public should not be tndilrerent to thys r. The Wardens should have capes at 41east protection doting the approaching winter Accancrr_in MA.Nclumplat.--4amss boy of about ton years of age, was run over on Friday evening, in Manchester, near Hall's Plough Manufactory. He was standing amid a crowd, looking at a procession of the Sons of Temperance, when a carriage approached, and he was in some way knocked down under one of the wheels which passed over his kirekead. He was not sup. posed to be dangerously injured, but the inflame• tion had settled in one of his eyes. Aansaren Pon STHALINc .—John Chapman was arrested on Saturday night, for stealing clothes from Jacob (tree!, of the tgh wart}, ltrtelunekar.— The Mayor sent Chapman to ja4L ANOTHER. CLOTUN'a MINN.—Oro. Marks wall arrested on Saturday night for stealing a new broad cloth coot, worth $2O from Mr. John A. Thompson. The coat waa taken from Mr. Thompson's room at Hutchinsonle tavern, Penn It. near the Canal, and had been thrown down into a canal Wet.— Marks was committed by the Mayor. Wrno Metric.—Tiro Whigs had another great meeting in Allegheny last evening. Walter Forward was there, and everything went oir glu nasty. Allegheny will be found net, with her aeoustomed sweeping maturities @e the Whig candidates. 7. TAYLOR. JOkiri VAN 8111121 will visit this city about the first of October—so the Reading Delegates in li3rm us. lie iutends making a stumping tour through part of the State, and could nut exactly fix the time of his arrival hero. Tem/3101v In favor of Dr 111`Lean'a Liver Pd./ —(I would cagy to 611 a volume with eertiftraie• We elite/knee of tht• methetne Where•er it It. ha a triallt ba• made it f red lf popular the tWe have t a our W e... hundred% o °re. like ollowing • Vaavotesult, N. Y., Dee. lb ! .47. 511 , MY. KIDY & Your trliVelllng agent t ry wt shun some stare a tptantay of I.ll'Lnutt's lav Pill• . lite whole lot sold very rapidly, and ita•e II latglieat ...faction Indeed it to etattnlereit the he do- tor of the lima eve offered tor te Please .el ow -uppl) o • .4.4.,” W II AINSW,,RTH A gnsusine sitirle of the above valuable tro.ahrorr ran be had at the shrug •tore of .1 Khld re Cu., No. fill Wood street *spit [Er Sall Rheum, Scurvy, Old Sono, Erysipelas harbor'. itch, Chaps, Sore Heads, Sore Wards. Pun plea. Junes' Soap Is axed by many phyaictuns in tho oly in curing the above, and we would not conscientiously sell unless veer knew it to be all we state. Ast a cosmetic, the true Jone.' Soap Is perhaps the only article ever known that removed imptnities send clearest and beartutled the skin, making it Loft, clear, smooth and white as an infant's Sold by WM. JACK SON, (19 Liberty street. rtuutig A FIAA ART or Tarn roe VS Cana—Yellose Teeth, titer being slues es twice clean ed sill=l.mher Tooth PesteSbLee ' ll6 loot and " dur oft or 7, and at the same time is so athoeent arid fine, that in daily use is advantageous even to these teeth that are In a good condition, giving thorn a beau ;With dud prevering dent,.nous thOWyed it prevents from . beetexu ang sone— also fastens such ss are becoming loose, and sill render the Imbed tooth d.heetelV stew and make the breath delielottsly • ee , Price 25 or 371 eent a box. For exile by WM. JACKSON. 22 Liberty street alga the Big Boa_ eepl6 rr Fun M., Warm." sea 38eutWtris.—Rea der—tbe real quality of a 3s. bottle of Jones' Coral Hair Restor•uve is to force the hair to grow on the heed or face—or wherever nature intended hair to grow. For gale by WM JACKSON. No FA) Liberty street, a:go ofrSo bkg Boot. sspiti W. EL Wright, M. D., Dentist. Orme: and residence on Fourth street, opposite the Putsburei Bank. Other boors from P o'clock to L A 51- and mom a o'clock toy P M. etickhDr. 0. 0. Stearns, Dentlst, gAFFICE at bliss Fourth street. a w k... 1 doors above Wo Wood sheet. until the completion fe of the house nearly opposer. Teeth in blocks, with arti ficial gums, after the manner now universally prefer red at the east. manufactured to sun each particular case. Teeth, from a full set down to a single one, in serted on suction plate. thus avoiding . tueiry to the natural teeth. Specimen. of blocks ot suction plate may be examtned at the other. All operation. incident to the profession performed web care and fanhfuluess. augel-fim DR. BAIIINING, CIE NEW YORK, may be cousultesl. gratuitously. N.J for a few days, at the Exchange Hotel, in refer ence to the application 05 his -body-Brace:' for the re lief of Chronic Weakness in general, Debilitated public speakers, Pull:twine Dyspeptics, weak and delieate and children, and those with wreak spine, and one prominent hip and shoulder, will find immediate com fort by the application of this perfectly easy applica tion, which is a substitute for the cornet, and acts (un like other supports) by supporting the small of the back, and biting and not compressing the sunken abelomiiie nt organs—fully expanding the chest through the aupport of the internal organs, and correcting • stooping form by balancing the body on do axis. and not by restr ing the motions of the shoulders. Ladies will be fitted by NI es. Cartwright. No. 'Si Wood street, or waited upon at their dwellings. Office hours, from lb to 12 A NI- and 2 to 4 P The Illedical !Profession arc invited to call and el- mine. The subsonied Medical expression render further ommeut nanseessam. IRON! Pi D a 6000•10, POttxnxbrnm. I have examined Dr. Banning's instrument for relict f weakness requiring support, and have made pinch al experiment of the saPAUme, and tun astonished Si the emits L P GODDARD, IR. D. Philadelphia, Feb 29,1947. - Flora Pear. Dtcoasou, CHAILLIINTON, S. C. The pi inetple which Dr. Banning has so ingeniously ownedseems to me widely applicable to large lass of cases of suifering and debility In both sexes. Feb. 5, '47 SAM'I. HENRY DICKINSON, M. D. FAUN PROD Mors, Us NEW Von, AND MINIM The underlagned have examaned Dr Banning% novel owl on tha inachanic al pathology of many affections the cascara, and believe them to he highly Interesting nd worthy the serious mammon Mahe medical profes- Valeunite Mott, J Kearney Rogers, Alcxander Stephen W. Kirby, iStepiteri 13roiria, H. hicLean. Pm-auction, May 4., IdM. We. the undersigned, having used in our practice, Ilituntng's Patent Lace,.' for the relief °Ceases of 'tul le Instrumenttri cheerfully testify ID Its being the est we base met with to fulfil all the tad, aliens required in the case, which can ha required min an external support. A N. M'DOWELL, M. D. T F DALE., M. D. JOS I' OAZZ AM, M D. IRVING ROUSE, SICIW ZVI C14•1101[2.1 SOD B.H.LOZ STIOLSIS, BROADWAY, NEW YORE. j U HOWARD. formerly of Howard• Hotel, begs 11. to announce to his friends and the public, that to• has last completed one of the largest and most co modious Illdels in the Union. replace with every mod improvement improvement and furnished to a style that wit compare with any other establishment in the country No pains nor expel se shall be wanting to render en tire satisfaction to those who may favor him with Mei patronage. seplf-det U pilose wanting bargmns to Boots and Shoes, will hod it to their ads allude to call upon A. Met:AM MON. A portion of his stock having been slightly In jured by water, on the latt ,he is determined to sell them at prices that cannot foil to please. A. IdeCAMMON, No. 117 Wood street, opposite Jobs D. Davis' Atte bun Rooms. seplSAt itAWl—s—Just received, a large stock of Shawls , 0 consisting to pan of Printed cashmere, Brooke , .vy Maim French Wool. Tanare, Square and Long wls, and for sale by !pl. SbLITH St JOHNSON, 46 market st He WANTtu DIM EDIATELY-50 buebels Temoth. Seed, by 6 T LEECH, Jr, 133 Wood en ELT A roan of gcnal sturdy hatette, who can cool Vl,ll r,onicurndrJ. nayobtain n gammon by applying tat above eveel9 YOH S.U.I.—An excellent Family Hon Kennon of REEN half chests fine fresh Y HY. kj Teas. per 3.111 p. Sunsuci 1411.1.1,111 e. dv Ito..ling and ior .ale toy / UN POW DUI AND IMPERIAL TEAS—Sid elan kJnaa U P and Irnpenal Tau, •ust reed and for sal by .09 BAUALEV & SMITH TAN N Elkt , OIL-100 bbls Tanners' Oil. $n fine or Jar, lanZifirettont al. day. lot sale by scplU 6ACiALF:I" & SMITH b ln;ge pi,. 3 Mackerel, sl,ln, sepl9 BAC:ALEN' la SMITH vour ASH—tl casks prune Po, Ash, landing fro stn. Camden. tor sale by sepl9 lIAGALEY & - - /INDBACCO-317 bait itaohnton4 manufactured . 18a J. baceta Y, cm, 10.1, and pounds, rill a favorite .1111 well knows, brands, landing and for sale by veplB 13AGALKY a 1011TH, 18 and 810 wood at MQRCH,FO By:LTS--!) ) . dos Ladles eol'd Ideas; 41. . Z ( )N 24:1 07 market EMI • - • - `ILK FRING ,- ds, —A very large arsons:nem of black 0 Silk Fringes, of latest styles. Also, blk Silk Lace, ofcanons mines and pnces, Jost reed at septa ZEIIIILON KINSEY'S NULLECTIONtA—Note., Oran. and Aceemance. k payablo nt the Western eine.. collected on Ni most favorable terms by aepin 13 Ar*Nait'l thgehtee::ei'OrthwTlatil of 1% aysler, by ...pH/ N HOLMES A. S e ONS . • _ Valli HANK NOTES for sale by scpl9 N HOLMAN& SLLNS _ . . "reek:Ts—v. , doe liesses &twits, for sate by seblt WICK & NI`CANDLk.S 41L1.L. , :- . IJ Larder patent tubs fur wale by I scot %VICK & ArCAN LILES:3 'DIG IRON-_`w lona Allegheny, aotriona brignia,f. ante by sepll J & R FLOYD G UM COP A L-4 caeca receered and for sale by 4403 BRAUN te. RE/TER L'll TRAOACANTH—I ease reed and far syd by seplY BRAUN & REiTER 1.T31 ARABIC (Turkey ease teed and for yin ey replS BRAVA( ik f(x..rria C LOVER SEED-5 bags clever seed for We by WICK k III'CANDLESS I) EP NED BORAX'-12 rues AIM reed and tor e• .L. 16 by sep4 B A FAIINk.WOCK A Co CASTOR 01 1:: -25 bbls Not tint ree'd and for sal. by sep4 B A FAHNESTOCK & Co _ F dES E H TAS-40 hal( chef., just receLved. & ROE tkuga, _ . _ GREEN bids ',monad Omen Appl in store and tor sale by aug3O A%V HARBAUGH 110PS-7 betel to store, and wlll be sold low I, elope conoliroment by set ISAIAH DICKEY & Co SALERATUIS tons in casks end boxes in store wtd for sale by ROBERT DALZELL &Co. sepll Liberty stimt__ 121 ElLth WATER COPE B-5 for sale by sepl2 /MAR. & REITER /3 10 L4CIC half chests One Chnlaa, " " Oolong-, just reo'd Ingo J It WILLIAMS, HO wood st :d lot sale o Snto bbl Cloves, jdo Nutmeg., YY k Mace. 6 cues superfine Mustard, Mt doz soperfut Rice Flour, 3 bat. Genoa Citron, 5 do Rock candy, I d Macaront, 6 do Vantrucellt, (or Bale by sepin J D WILLIAMS Q OAP-30 boo Crompton A. Co". Palm UV lb. Hyde's, 0 OM do Candim Am do Coble, 50 do Almond, 100 do Vartegmed: 10 doz White Winds j ol i f ,, , , , , ri, by_ _ scpti 'JAMS__ COME:SE—IOW lb. r p m , : Cromm i i r4,o ,7A zr \ _, for sale by O L o l ol V . I'.. O y IL —3 doz . l opertor: I do i , lo v, t i b i l' i lls i l a itor sey . tr P Q ALMON—t bbl nor, very fide, or femil, 0 lrqtrS. , J D WILLIAId 6.'PARCH- 5 boo Pearl, for sale by 0 oeflll' . 1 D WILLIAMS _ _ _. . BIIOOMS —75 dor now corn Broonw, for sale by 'coin WILLIAMS BATTING -400 It 2• Nor I rod 1, for sale by cplB J U WILLIAMS cobFyFEE—Lsopit6,.g. ruld for 1:21e BUTTE.R--3 blob, and la kegs; 1 bll Roll, mc'd dap day and for ash, by aaplO TASSEY & FIST I3ACON-7,2W lb., a Hullo arnclo, on band and for main by geplll TASEIIIY & lISST A _ A bbl. Green Apples, in store and for _A. !Ale by scpo TAEltlEri & Dan_ 50 v E e N t i lose, PI L O pre n i res in " :Zate l' l n y th f" tale sepia J SCHOONMA " KER &Co A A oI.ASsEB-25 libls Sugar House Alolasses, ju.l received and for sale by sepia BROWN A CULIJERTBOI.4 - - ToBACCm—t b.s . s tit t s . ns „ , Thomas' Grupe, 5. Mmhng and for sole by .11i SIM DALZEI.L - • - UC R-- ININIUS ounces josr reed oust for sale by sezl.l It I. SELLERS, 67 eroo , Aat EXTRACT LOGWOr , I)-2O ruses lust reed nod for sale hy .cpCl rWI rlts . IA YF: A Lors— I cam. dryjnal teen and for / gale IFy R E SSELLF:an N t.TNI 4Wju•t rce dand for sate by kt SU,V,1,11NI011iall..1;\01:!,-- re ounce. `ALT .. 1.1. 1 7. 3 R1.1--750 Itet just reed vd.foj! GLAss-113 bxs 6411, tu-DI and 10-14 eroadow gime ram reed per magnet Arrowline, arid for role by .03 FUR YT d. DUNCAN G li b h y l UN I U I.ol.ff p u i t a ken—l rie,Vzolly_fil sale -- QUININE-100o 3 t reed and for utle by oeyl BRAUN ot REITER IKEEN APPLES-161 L 44.143.44 .4 forsra;le; ‘3( eoplA ROBERT LIALZ ELI. & Co. /Abort) , sr AUCTION SALES. Ity Jobs D. Dais, AMetleadier.. Portorptory Solo of Dry Goods. • On Thursday monung Sept Pl. at 10 **Jock, a; the Commercial :Wm; Room, corner of Wood sad will be sold, for cash currency. on .00001 whe:lilt may concern, en azuresisa assortment of fancy and staple foreign and domestic dry goods, eronsuting of sup. rich style prim. Manchester gingham., alpacas., mom de len.,wp. drew saktblack smut and tangy vestinge;superline cloths, mummer., uninet. Leo- IWAV "'"'t Humela ,checks, blenched and brown masa., menno, cashmere, terkeri, slid bratty shawls, silk Mk. woollen and cotton hosiery. Puts. sag, damask horn table clo th s., sum and fancy 'wirings, gala plaids, bloc, black and plaid dress silks, de lance mhos, is. At SI o'clock. GrlXeridt, chmertsmme, Furniture, orG A quantity of groceries, chins, glass sad queens. ware, non safes for eonnung houses and steamboats, Vgumlan amltrimulewent smithy blinds, table cutlery. A general assortment of new and second broad mouse , hold fannure, tuamcg which aro mahogany hair spring sot solos, dressing and common bureaus, settee, teary and common chairs, tables, bedsleedr, moult cases,..- dies work stands, looking gbures. mantel clocks, Ike. Also, a quantity of keys, lock knobs, ac, +usable for locksmiths. At 7 o'clock. Vanety goods, fine cutlery, hardware, guns, pistols, gold and ulver watches, German fancy good. shaving eeses, ready made clothing, fine nese style shirts, boots and shoes, umbrellas, whip., trunks, blank books, letter and rap writing paper, quills, steel, pens, ate. septa Gnaw Safe of Dry Goals at Autism. W. A. ItI`CLUR4/ being about to close his auction and commission business, the consignments nos on hand willbs , sold at public sale by the subscriber; on Tuesday, 26th inst., commencmg at 10 o'clock, at Na il3 Wood street The mock comprises one of the lar gest and best uteri o n of fancy and staple Dr, Goods offered to minden In Pittsburgh for a number of years, embracung in part— Blk, blue Idk and blue broadcloth.; plain blk, SMUT . and doe skin cassimeres; blue and grey lnat 1 0 ..1 Beaver cloths and coat feltings; cloak linings; red flannel 5, blanket, shawls, silk pocket Was . bik and cold,elifd and plain Cosecs"; ennter plaids, Cash meres, de lames, gingham., prints, pies and needles, Irish Miens, blue and brown niusluts; salt sada . 3 9 worsted vetungs, vest padding., brown Holland one Siltetans; table Intent, linen and table cloths, napkins, bib kid gloves end book runts, ...nog silk, palest thread and spool cotton, gum suspenders, cotton lidkfs, fee. ft.c. The good. will be arranged for examination on the day previous to the sale, in lots, and ourribeted; and all goods offered will posnwely be sold, as the con signment wail be closed without reserve. Tenns—For all sums over 11101, three months credit over MU, 4 inns; and over SOUO, 6 mos; tor apprOveo endorsed times. tepid JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt Largo Sale of Pook.analdo Muting. • On Tuesday morning, Sept linh, at he Commercial Sales Rama, corner (Wood and Fifth sui„, will his sold without reserve, on a credit of 60 days, for approved endorsed paper. Ninecases first quality ready made clothing, just received from New York, consisting of the following, 200 dot fine new style shirts , Inn pair plani, gold mired and plant satinet pan, loons. bU pair fiIIICT CA!Milner pantaloons; 53 cloth over coats ; frl fancy satin and cassonere vests; IS dos pair drawers assorted, together with a variety of other clothmg, which may lei examined on the mot [nag of the sale. JOHN D DAVID se .16 AUCtiOrleat M ' W I I . I7VI MCIEZI At the solicitation of numerous parties, and as the Heron Family does not leave Plusburut till Wed nesday, they will have the honor of appearing for ONE NIGHT MORE. TUESDAY EVENING, SUPT. 19, villl be present ed dl. ANGEL OF THE ATTIC. John Dun • Miss Crui • Magnus • Marlene To be followed with a PLEASANT NEWHBOIL Strap Little Ague. Nancy Kass Heron After which ahlttitcal Olio, by the Heron Family. Highland Stag Master Wood. To conclude with the IRISH TUTOR. •Pdhet Heron. .Lisle Arne., .Miss Panay. Macbeth Lady Maebetb•-- Andrews/ liClagle Saloon, Wood Street. 1)130UL/of the cordial gleeting of over one thosonald Blends, and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon as since we re-assumed the control of this estate Itshenem, we beg leave to Inform our friends end pa trons that no exertion be spared tiso promotethe com fort, pleasure and titian ty of our vitors, nod to make the `• Old Eagle" stand foremost. and lead off all similar establishments in the west. Ire cream, (unrivalled) peaches, oysters in season, with all other delicacies wdl be found et this establishment and served up i • a manner without precedent. Balls and parties the nwhed a, usual. se. AN DREWB. R T LEECH, Jr, 133 Wood s To Lb. Medical Prof n and Public. ITECKF.R'S FARINA, now in nse at the Hospitals, JOU, As) luau, and other public establishment., and recommended by ,otne or the moo) distiniptished phy lum.= anti chem., sus so article of Met for children and invalids, mach superior to arrow root, sago, etc., far more strengthening, pleasant to the taste, and easy of digestion. Pot np to 24 lb. boxes of half 11. papers, o f =communed with printed directions for cooking, de. Lacing, in his Agricultural Chemistry, p. 48, Phil. ed., observes: “Chi'di - en fed upon arrow-root, mdep, or indeed any ofantylalacdins food, winch dims contain ingre dients fitted for the formation of bones and muscles. become fat, and acquire much casoarorsr, their limbs appear full, but they do not acquire Strength, nor are their organ properly developed , ' In the analysts of the Farina - made by Prof. Reid of Near York, among other - 691:will:mu; he gives 16 per cent of glutten and altninten; end minarlut that the chums of the Farina upon the Medical Profession and the public will ma upon its containing in the gluten and albumen,vnetable fibrine and other nitrogertized bodies not found in arrow root or similar substances, and which male= chemistry has pointed ore as being neeessary to the formation of human fibre, and by means of which nature makes up for the constant waste that takes place to the hum. body. For sale wholesale or retao, by R E SFIS.FRS, Id , 8 67 wood a mar can moratho mom .... 136 tare rm.,. rPnapristat of the abeWs establishment would r E espetfall. intro= his numerous friends and mato mm, that he las jaw received his first supply of felt sod winter golds. which it nonet comprises every thing that ts new, feshromble, handsome and good. adapt ed: to gentlemen) we.; and as,he has been particularly fortunate le making purchases, he is determined to of fee everrtrisg in ha line oftminess much eheaper than tram ever oared In Pittabargh befsre; and es some are very hard A awrinee. that Pittsburgh manufaemnsa can go ishiad of the Eastern cities, be would invite all such to Maxine the followtog list of prices. and then "Be not the first by whom the new are trim, call and Pe his stock, after doing which, he feels con tililOragalSt to h COO ar r L:td ro v. p. ." . the Went 1 ( V will have their doubts removed, as well h., Tfollowing eavehtelreel—The neon i' ...n .n 'Y Eked strill " ; coars, '"n'Y vations colors, from 20 00 supplied with pure hot air, rendering the opimation of ( s ithe e . thithere pen . , fee. 5 55 baking as perfect as when done to a bnek ow.. Clotbend over coats 7 00. It h. a Chamber exclusively for Routing meth in great variety 73 um with a spit, thus doing aw ay with nil the weed-P.2 "'' &solemn& cloth cloaks, barge ham. Bto tachments m the shape of "tin kitchen.," ' Lad.' cloak., splendid statu=s. 300 It has a buge cooking capacity, with an mobstroct- .del nook . 250 ed Clot surface on the top, which all housekeepers can 8 . , ,,i. g 0,„,, sow 2 RI appreetate.. Rath. over coats 3 NJ It Co be set up without mason work, in any online- s very large stork of shirts, under shirts and dress er fire-piece, or th the "teat ee e hovel enabling those en; silk handkerchiefs, meats, suspenders, to. Or who occupy hired houses to hare the adimmge of a dm in the Tailoring line execumd In the best manner range at the coot of a stove. And lastly, ad et the shortest notice sepl4-52m0 ~. tt been . 'e". coalthan"‘ T other coo king `PP ° "'"'UE cparmemhip heretofore existing between not excepmg the F.mptre Cooking Stove, winch Werth T John Farren and Samuel Wighman, under the for sale at wholesale or retail, at GILBERT'S Empwe StovaDelpol, turtle ofJohn Pomo tr. Co., is this day dsssolved by mu tual consents The business of the laze firm will be se. 412 M.ket street, Ro Philadelphia. tied by John Farren at the warehouse of the Boatmen's JOHN PARR 222 Extract from a recommoudati. from Henry Beek. - L'''''' SAMUEL WIG HTMANI man, Esq., MN Market suseu--"You can use ne terms in recouunen3atioa of it, which I will not endorse if The busmea of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter be referred to" seplo.deodtlleeP2tiforne i conducted by Fusee tr. Lowry, at the SAJDO Ph.....- -.---- Thankful for peat favors, we solicit a eontimanee of the some. JOHN FARREN septs L li LOWRY DENBY RORDOCK, Professor of hluic and Organist at Trinity Mardi ITIN CIES to eve icatruction on the Piano, Du j me, and Vtual Moue. Thoaa popila Wkt , 4 Odart , to take lessons at his house, have an opportariny practising a suffudent tenthof ume, before leaving to B. the instruction imputed figmly on them:intl. Thee most excellent Pianos are kelp Ida that purpose, pieced in rooms where the pppiks can prettiest entirely turhed. Wriptnecli to take only a limited numbr of pupils, those who wish to be tutracted should nate early apphcauon. Tints-415 per quarter of 24 lessons. Resdence, Penn street, nearly opposite Dr. Herron. sed-lin A CARD . . . Trr HE subsertler begs &ave to info.. his &ends that he enll open (D. V.) the PORTORA IN irITUTE, to at Wellsville, Ohio, oit MondAY, Octo ber. Any additional information Twisting& may be obtained by applying the institute, to Ike Principal. W. COPELAND,A. 8., Of Trinity College, Dublin, R.l . :Sisal. sot Queen . , Scholar, from the Royal School of Sihnislibea td Gentlemen's INarstishinis. MITEi d JOHNSON , le " 1 =rs,";:lierl," stock., fancy and Wads silk .rusts, scarfs, bowe ry, beam kid 4 gloves, he. Getylest.. arc melted to cell and imamate them, es they are supposed to be septa ftECK'S DCMANY—Rotany of de United State walk of Virgisda; comprising inscriptions of the t ering and fern-hke plea hltheto found in those State.; atrwiged according to the enteral eyries& With a synopsis of the Genera aeoralmg toile Lia nte. system • sketch of the marinas of and a glossary diem*: by Lewis C. leek, M. D., Prot Chemistry and Natural History In Rower , . College, New Jersey, ku. Seeond edithn, revised and en wrd. Fq,r ciao by JOHNEMN & STOCKTON LOITERLNOS IN EUROPE; Jr sketches a travel in France, Beldpam, Austria Switzerland, Italy, Prussia, Ireland and Great Britain with as appendix, containma observations on Eiropean charities end medical instructions: by John W. Canals, KT\ A few copies for>rde by sepin JOHNOVIN & fIT9TETON DTOTT X ILLEI SLABS WORKS, m sabeeribers msaufscatre and have on hand, 1 Carboys for Acids; Demijohns, covered In a moo ned' manner, and of ;Jeweled. ems; Wine, Porter and Pdineral Water Brutes, tied all kinds of Bottles and Vials, de., which they will, rteki,!=w t. - est prices. Orders udil Beet, TO *rapt ettenuou, if addressed to mr.r.mgo, awn! CAMPBELL 354 Bekth Front Street, Philadelphia TO LET. istTHREE new brick I.7wellirog Houses, mantalo• ing seven TOM., with upper kiteheos sodasllsrs under each of the houses, In a good neighbor. hood, on Clark street, Bth ward. Frepure of the mt.. ri b. ' on the premffMS Go et Ilia Methodist Hoek Store, 4th street, or of Co]. Trovine. Possession given km mecustaly. seplB-dlw J L READ 500 R."lglbte:'"4:, tl.ll.: 6 NY(Phinfi d aile G at,P So do S Moisases, ;ttees SO kegs Kenuicky Twist, Go halm Pepper, 6 do AllspKv, 230 matte C 111.16, SU Idols ,Loaf Surd, tino keg. Ned., oAllt iouterot oe eontneet Lt‘teette. and Pittsburgh menet . ..B.l Articles for sole low by mein JAB_L3ALBEL.L M A IM; ?AA eep Skin ” /11 -4 oll.7lsitt ' reed' L a d for " o ll ife ' t sepia' yV 61'CLINTOCICS, 76 fourth st 5 HON SA P —6 Magnet]. We.; Y Salamander do. i n storesad for sale by .146 JAATtIi BALK KLL, 24 weed st I) 11 . 1 y ED A PP.44B,—A te!..sele S .Al2;,;(:,;tra: by " ca p . k k , . kinter 1V IC .. ClemBrA lust reed _ bbl; large No), (1945,) just so. OTcraved and for sale by septet - 11111 - SSE—E O bit Kigm Western Rtsarve, reed nod for *ale by {epO _WICK & ISVCANDIAS "lICKEKEL-2 bbls pion and fresh, }on ,reed end ' mle by sepW WICK & M CANDLEBB P",,r - M. ULVEILIZED 010.LEHATUI1-60 bit coper Mer, rlb papers. do do 10111 k• do, ree'd nd for tale by septh WICK it WCANDLI3B9 SOAP -30 b=• No I flotio; 10 do Catl/je; 10 &Stu Candles; o more and for sale by auglo 11 BLACKBURN lc Co NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 18 4 . nu= (na al..asoovr,) Lams Pittsburgh daily, at o'clock, d DI., and ar at Glasgow, (mouth or the Sandy and Beaver Ca mad at 3 o'c leek, and New Lisbon at 11, tam lasses Near Lisbon at 6 oßlock, P. M., (akku4S trip canal to thc nver &Irina the night,) and Glasgow at g o'clock, A. DI., and arnves at Pittsburgh at 3 P. hi.--dins making a continuous tine for cartyntkjat. gangers and Omen between Near Lisbon and ruts bu.rgli, In shorter time and at less rates than by any other MUM The proprietors of this Line have the pleasure of In forming the public that they have fitted up two first elites Gnat oats, for the accommodation of passengers and freight, to run in emmection with the well known steamers CALEB COPE and HEAVER, and connect in, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Chant. and other duly lines of steamers down thee Ohio std Mississippi rivers. The propmetors pledge them dyes to spine no expen. or trouble to insure nom in, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public it share (Men panonage. AUTHORIZED Ali ENTS. G N. BABIES, S. &W. HARRAUGH, PMebe 'le h. R. HANNA. & Co. J. HABIL& UGH & Co. piety L'ebee' NOVICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. K. Clarke, ma,- ter, will leave after Mos notice, for Wellsville punctw ally, sa 9 o'clock in the mormnE lel3 1014.8. -- 1 - 1114 I PITTSBURGH f. BROWNSVILLE Dully Packet Lb.. FEBRUARY Ist, 1848 FEBRUARY Ist, 1 84 LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. M., AND 4 P. M. The following new boats complete toe line for the present season: AT LANTIC, Capt. James Parkinson; TIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and LOUIB M' NE. Cap 13 Bennett The boats are entirely new, and We fiued up without regard to expense. Ea ary caution that money can procure has been provided. The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf WWII 11.1 the foot of Ross st P.a.-wen trill he Feminist no board, as the beats will certatinly leave at the Adam , deed hears, 8 A. M . an 4 P. M _ _ d jatiM •• • FITTSBUILC I I4 b. WHEELIPiti The swift steamer corista., Dorsey P Kinney, master, will leak* ularly for Wheeling, on Monday, Wednesday .d Frulay, at 10 o'clock precisely. Le.ILVO Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Sa usrday, at 7 o'clock, • Si, The Consul will land at all the uttermedsate ports.— Every accosoodotion that CaO beprocured for the com fort and safety of pmsengers has been provided. The boat u also provided with a self-ening safety guard to present implosions. For freight or passe 0 . board or to DAVID C HERBST, feb4 cower of Ist and tSunthfield _ _ _ • SEWICKLY, ECONOMY, ik FREEDOM PACKET Miatil The splendid tight drught atesniet _ CARoLLN 1, D' y , PamcirettebetwiwenerAt”thil7gr and the .. above ports, regularly landing on the Allegheny neer opposite the mouth of Yin street. The Caroline will tooth at all the landings between the above ports, for the accommodation of the market people and the tra velling public. Leaves Pittsburgh every day at hall. past two o'clock F. M., returning leaves Freedom eve. ry day at 7 o'clock A. M. The proprietors of this Line hove purchased end fit ted up the Caroline hi a superior manlier at • consider able expense, expressly for this trade. They pledge themselves that the boat shall remain In the trade, and hope, by strict attention to the wents 9( the corrdnunk ty, to receive their suppon. LIX Fare 25 cehta. ang4&detker3lT FOR CINCINNATI. maim The new and subsuMal steamer HUDSON. will run during the low water between Pittsburgh and the Wove place, her befog upon being earned through without delay. She will leave for Mu mma this day at 12 9'l:leek M. For freight or passage, apply on beard, or In D WILKINS, Agent trLutaa • To-morrow, MACBETH M. Ozlpy. Mn. lltAiwna STEAMBOATS. - . - _ „ The splendid Oita draught steamer, n COMPANION. (12 similes draught,) Tontitown meter, will have (or the ove and all Intermediate ports this day at 10 o'clock, AM. For (Policia or possage - apply on board. _________. se .113 LAkt (ANC! NATt A 1.. The fine stra HR3i rr ADm Parkinson, Raster, will leave for the hove and Intermediate ports &LORI. For freight or p j astioo s rp . 2 , l3 l l s ioard. • arty The fine new eght drug. stem:ear LEWIS WETZEL, Momper., muter, will leave for the ve aul letermediareatorta this day For freight or peewee, apply on hoe aepIIY FOR CINCINNATI. The tight draught steenier SHE. ANDOAH, Rouen. muter. will leave for the 1.-• ye and inter mediate ports repass CPCIOCk. POT freight or apply on boar& aept.7 FOR CINCINNATL The seloodid nlealler FAIRMOUNT, Ebbert,moner, mil Intro for mho*, loormedinto prom rovolarly. . . suerrAlPPl7 ADS CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. - a iEggl iu. The elegant simmer RINGGOLD, Cor .., z , ..,,, leave for day the a110in0 .,9 ay +nor freichr or palave r apply on board. Sepr4 KIR GINtINGATI APD ST. LOUIs. - • Thesplendle new steamer VISITOR, Juan, tearer, will leave for above mil intermAiere posts this day, at EMMI!SMNI New, Fa.Atonable, and Peirewviarly Charp Good, Isss arrived al DIGIBY9I3 Eurpratt As Bone Patent Bode. Ash.' /VEIL subscribers inform their customers and duelers generslly, that their but shipment for the fall be anie. of the above article, has arrived at Philadelphia per ship Juniata, direct from the manufacturent in Liverpool, and will be here 19 a few de) a ?bey havers several other shipments on the way—two of which, vie: par ships Medallion arid Lydia, am nearly doe— they are therefore prepared to receive °Men, Besides the large quanuues they have miming WINS minent cities (to be forwarded here by canal) they grill receive daring the winter and spring. regales supplies eta New Orleans. W h M ItIITeIIELTAM sep4 E=l:3 Yonglilogheny Navigation Co. HE stockholders of die Youghiogheny Navigation T Comproy are bomb/ notified that an olection be held at the borne of David Shrader, In the borough of West Newton, Westmoreland county, co no toe Tuesday, al day of October next, for the purpose of elecung by ballot, to be given to person, One Prendeat_ Four Managers, a Treasurer and a Seeretary, to con duct the basbness of the .mpany Costae en yes, seplldavrtifs ouviat,ftey xarrerar CDWAIIIDS, Vonm, Trus exiStare,s lama roen, /WA son, 1•1.11 a LW., , REMOILAS/CIO GLASS wortir.s. BIMPSON,LEARE, STANGER & Co, menesetto. rent of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glees, keep Constantly on band a general assortment of the above artidea. Also, make to order n supotier article of Mien' qr Sodk-Water Bottles, of colored glass.' No. Id Wood at, PinsbnPa. Regal -hen APES-ILIXO bd. tingle Ceowr Bug and atm" Wirapparag Paper, 1,1100 bells Medium Rug and Stow Wrapping Pap e r, &V bills double emery nig and strateWrapping paper; 100 bdls 57. 34 Inch heavy barderanhP•per, 60 bills g3MIS loch beery barderare Piper, US seams ruled nap and Letter Paper, annual - RUN IMO gross white Bonnet Boards; Mu reams Ohio Factory Paper; In store and for sale low try REYNOLDS & SHED, our peon nod Irwin Rn DD. D. WONT. — nt C.-Za=l:6`kr, Dentist. Corner arroerrth and Deearor. Inotorcern rep&dlyin hintket end Fe AthlUllelllS VH.F. lease of the Saloon, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof are ode red fin talc. Enquire 3 PECK, Jrl Ming, or a the Saloon wpp-as, W iosTsiqux Itentneky, hhasouri, Bank N. pared... Nod at the lowest saws, by N. 1101.14/oMBoris; ses3 3.5 Market street Tobacco. 20 nx.32, prime ankle ;* do 15i, do; 19 do be small pekgs ;10 o IL; lump, unique ;0 do do, do ; do riper, - in more an d for sale by L. 0 BLACKBURN to . Co • WANTED, APERSON with • smell capital, and aeqedthited , with th e intaineas, to lake an interest to en Iron Foundry, to be located on the Postage Radrdail. Ap ply at th e office of Fitend Rbey & Co. G KO, RHEr. Plitabsergh andpale Royale Capper lila ag Conaparayv THE Trustees of Me Pittsburgh ondle Royale CoP -1 per Muting Company Lave Ow day red an aareumant Of tWeDly-five emit• per char, prble ro John Irwin Treseurer, cot vi before the dal , 01 October nem. Ity order J A FORBYTH, cepa-dim Bee'y Einaggatt Ai Bone• Bleaching Powder. 18 C&$X of the above suisenor tonele—lmported from the manufacturers threes—for We el an art amally low price Car cash or approved bills by R „ w a. M MITCHELTREE I 037=1 . . APPLICATIONS wit% be 'attired by the Di:recto of tha 9th Ward Public Schools up in the 211 Met, for two le.iren, one male and one female. B • !MN al • Groat Bargain. WWI SAILY.--Aa Mr Furnace for henry[ biomes =oz.r woof wri , l be sold very cheap % Caott moire at No. lei, Liberty sow, Pitt. oeple.c3l SHOT -60 kegs stied wbs kw sale by eep6 g 3 F PON BONNHORST k Co
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