• • vit • • . . . .• 11 444.:: ... . ; I __-..m.• - ........___ VOL. XVI. NO. 37. BUSINESS: CARDS. AN HON LAPIIA2.I Co.—lfiderand Lealkorpre. .erygl3 Ferri M. New York. ilorporsom--4oho Grier littitregt., Levirk Consign:cots °Mums Leatoit solleitodend tib e.aoar.m.sn.l—relL k l:dam A:PVIDOTA JONES & Co- Costuaosson cod Fo waWlog Mreton% have mama to their old stood, Water and Front ante% Pitubargb. ocl2l 11.1151=1 BRAUN, _ IICIRAUN REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag ") psis, tomer of Libeny and tit. Qat streets, Pius buena. Ps. streets LOLSIXISOL I 11.-11111.111. DROWN CULBEICIWN, Wholesale Grocer., and Commlasion Maraud+, No- MA Meiji . 4 11bl/rah. Pa. A. FAHNICITOCK & Co, Wholesale and Re dl, tairDraggista, corner Wood, and Mb ats. jai 3. D AGA LEN' & SMITH, Wholesabs Oftwers, IS and D Yu Wood street Pittsburgh. A. hle &NULTY & Co., Forwarding and Cons Gs mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburg ldPa. - me WM COMDR., It, 10811 1. 1 us. ir;)itTLIUIG OLMAN BAU MAN, fro CO, higlientllM it CCarriage ..tiogs and: ' Azin A. U. Ind Wing Steel, and de en in Cosieh 'rw::llr , riVr of 'every de..• seriptiory raasidnuiry Guilt. D ais W i n ker= ia WOOd %mon:polite PA Charlesotel. • nna2 IL VALLS. "EIWALT & GEBTIART, Wholesale Grocers, deal ersSa IProduee Iktu Panstoogh nnhetares,,ear a sr of Liben • • and Hand s • .h, Ida? WA. S. =143115L1, 1•111120 I. -,-- • . WNOLLtiII .17. BENNETT, (late English, .oallas_ter .r, k co.) Wbotesale Grocers, Cortsonalcal and F. warding lile re h sma, and dealers in Trainee end Pitts burgh blanufastures, No. 37 Wood at, between id a nd. 38 streets. ts se _ • . s " !. • L 11,111TS010. 110" UNZI W.OD. IFRIEND, RUBY It Co., Wholento Grocer! and Connawdon Metetrants, and Agents for BliAtall Conan Yarns, Nos. 67 Water, sad Ws Front eta,Yttut. by 11, , teen pitALLAQuER,- LONG & MILLER, Bell and Dean rs Voemde arid Gas M 3.1 0 Froem, nt, between iod and Smithfield moms, Pittsburgh, Pa Ea- Highest peke given for old Copper and Brun _ • - deity, eIkINIGE COCHRAN,' Conunlosinn and forms/ing idetehant, No. MI Wood street Pittsburgh. myl7 T-1146.1fiVTIGGINOT, Nhlm and Bed Lined Mum. Mauer, Paint and Oil Neechcoe, comae of 65 en and and OGlnta sta. ?Mob 1 101 W =Mr 11 1 2'l" 18"ZT C153Y a ca.,oax com . 4 • . • •••,. - . so JOHNEL.R&NION,Ainrrney and Counsellor at Lam and Commissioner for Use Stare of Penn.) , 'vends Sr. roulaikenktlate or Pinsburgh.) Rarml—Pittsbangin Hon IP ronnini t Sam} lOU hlTandbiss & ISClone,.John k. Parke, Mantis &Seraph', kl , Ccird & Sing. jeltly . - • TWIN SCOTT a Co-, wholeerdn 'Noma, Forenud tr ihg exut Ideretwx4jeeer• 4A Poo. date and 11=1=0 MllatifiletlLlSS, No, 7 Commercial Roar, Mom sued, near Pinsbargh, P. reryNll JBRYAN..Rcitifyring Diatillet, and Wholesale desk, to Forr-gn and Domeaur Wines and Li gnats, N 0.114 Libary great, and 63 Disnsand Alley Fite nl6. Pa. Jyl7-diy TAMES 8 aleGlllllE, riatis of Aram( Alpo and EfeCrairenitersarn Tailor. fia.42iarlas Barldiaga, Thad weal war Wool, Piusandt. • TAMES A. HITYCHISON, Ca.-.7Seensssore ta LaWl• 11110.13.1 mm & Co., nt end Agents of tbe St. le Stem Sugar Seiner!. No. CS waticeni92 frcreenireets, Pi tts bu r gh. • .11411-CS, Marches Tailor, Saalmits . dings. IS Char Pitabeagit • - AOC.' TOHN S. DIDWORTH—Wbokeale Grocer, Pal e-due° and Consoiallon lambent, No. 27, Wood er., Pittsburg?. putt - 10/11 , 1 MORIMIN, Wlu4sale.Manidasiil et in Dye Sueffs,Pitista,•o 3 , T N 0 .113 Wood gam, one-dsoi Sena Diantoth. h. TAMES KEBB, Lift. Co-, anecessorto Joseph G. VI I:WNW IRO M.WWqI.I6 Weiler arcs. oc3l TOM MELLOR, Wisid.dir and -IWO dealer tO Music stulldusiesl Instritiseuts, Selma Boots, Pdrri Stea Pdds, Quills,Prisuars, Cards, arid Pasidousry gunersdly4No.6l.Woodst., Pittsburgh. (12 . Rugs bunts or taken-bit:rade.emu- - - TOHN D. DAVID, Maim:leer, con:m.sth lad Wo. V streets, Flusblrgb.. TOIINSTON 810C1TON, Booksann, Psinterns eI and Paper BlaWancereni, In. 44 *taker at., Pius- BN e,, C a l tsb E t JO rgh 212 Liive st, Piusb JO= MID, IMMOZ. mom & IL FLOYD,' ljale J. FT•pi • Omen., No.ifra Liberry +rued. • - •"- • sePs' DALZELL, Wholettakt Grocer, Cell:lol6SW] Merchant, and *dealer - in Yrakee and Pats • • • tea. T:liublusll.2ll.ad "UTEILIE. JONEM, Matartadkag and *emission - Mar MIL Owns, Dealers trreagurenad mane r awriutiron 'Works. m. g T i t at, Plate; Botkir ROO Ud'lctiLs Co., Tifolf all li heiii- quality. Waltham, DI water atul 1115 Aunt at. . • ~ k ot 8 WATERMAN, Wind=le 6 1, 1=1 Famrd• . ins anti Conuniadan Iditrehanii Dade: in Pins- Idanufantates and Prznince, Nos. 4. Wales el IMMIX,- . 1 2, , - Tonor Loa AMBEBTt BUNTON, Wholesale Green, For- Podre=frius d g , == s,l l ir a turg; ' , Nod Piushiugh. ' - LIPAITHEILS Co. Coronlanisi Ws- Au chants, PluladalPhist for she -sale of melee r 4 aerallY. Liberal advances made eriszessilprneda Cabs-m JAL - , eGILL it ROE, Wholesale GTOCUSIMMITAX!OIis sion blerehopts, No. 191 Liberty Pitsocngh. • large and conswairapply of tae following descrip tions of Tobacco, erhieb anti be sold upon ma accom. madnring terms as any other house in this city or else- where, and all goads ordered from them will be war need equal to reprerentanarn ilasee•N St• Lk....k*: Cone.; Vora: PM:. Rico; Pann'a.; }deed Leaf to- Ivied; & F10,a111; haw); ranch's celebrated Aromatic Bug Caven dish, with • large awernatenn of ether popular brands, [ and =Willem of pounds, _ Is, ha, Eta, le and :r2o, Lump; sd, 11, h• and to Plugs I . •-s' Twist, Virginia T.l.t, t it.e., to and plain in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, together With every variety of article belong -AT 11,CILMEN & BON , No. rid .Market at, seecla Lag to the trade- ielddly _ . XI, door from center of Founts daslati in Foreigh , A .,,,, n ..,, ~ , .. a 0.......1 1015 . awl Domestic Mlle of Exchange, Cerrificatesof Depts., ' iiiitairer, Nista= ii GiAtizz,,,,,, is, Bank Notes and Specie. EX Collections triad. on all the priacipal, atom • ' FLOUR -FACTORS, --.116.6t in. L Uniu , d bow, dy Itrodsee, Clemsalost and Forwarding DIERCIIANTIS, 'Nu et NO/M1 MIAMI, ASP 10 WATER ST. PHILA.DELPIIiii. L 2 M. ALLII3, LULL RIXICIL, VIM IL EMU, "ALLEN Or Co, Cotamiadon and Porwarrine Mere:Lama, Water and Front auk, beoliett oraand Market ma. irrd Ma:ILLERt. ItlCKElSON,WbotatiiloOrizers silt I Commission Mombasa, Tim /7 0 , LibMW WI rill.' Pa. janl.4 McCORD & Wholesale and Henn Natm Cap MantifoomniS, and dealers in FaxicyFiq earner et ROBERT MOOIIE I Wholesale Omer, Beetifyino Dli ad ' ail i d = ForeibnT fur Le ~lr : t rillsto c rs, No.ll Liberty stmt. On band any 100 s kof superior f oldnongthela whiskey, which will be sold low 8;4347 • ICAAHD T. 14FX/10 r Rod=r a 1,.,.,*701 2 ., 153 Wood Conn. Pituddup. ICIieRD AMID, Wholesale sad Retail D es k le R, Loather, hlorocao,-2110ealakers' Tools and Mali lags, Taansts' cad:Colleta , Tooh , , sag Taal:ors' Oil, No. 10G Wessel sr, Pioshargh. • . • • ICPLa Max= Div •Xt ROBINSO fr: te Co,Wbolesale Oroeen, Preda . told Cenirittiseioe Merchants, seed Deslereiti VW orgl btamtfacianni, No.LVO Liberty It, PlitsbuggL Oblb DALZELL & Co.; KUleggin Proems, Commission and Forwarding alambants, Prcatuee and Pittsburgh binnufmgmres, Liberty al • .urgh, teb3l , • t •1' r 'EV " 7.1 r mea Deslar PrOdllee Pitistnzrgb Makiifactures, 'o. 144 Liberty ot. tramr... g___ZZIMOUN> 4 1) swamps &MEE, rdkLand Cinsuniodsur Merebszna, for the Alkew Fonun, ktlYer ea la La Groceries, Produen, nunnrl4 hbuturnettires mild Chloride of Lime. foreooo Tbe highest pricey in cash, paid az an don Como" r of Penn ang Irwin W. inn 23 a U. DUSHFIELD-Wholearan denier inpilj . I eticebbelit.bnAbbbelr Pi b . " r Web I chke, 2 20 ) burr subeit__— scan . - - ---- - - - MTH lc JOHNSON, Witolesiliroz4 Rena Dealers a in Winery (roods, I.nee_nr 'Hccbar 1 4_ 1 !"4 4 . Y Articies,Na. Waukee street, ad door above 'nun st, Vittsburgh. .. wa,.. IL C. CUM IL - trane. faoIInCILLEIT t Whatadda es( In 'Foreign and Demesne Dllf 43004LNIVOOcd t.t.TCh. _ fe,tAN `♦ & lIARBAUGII, Wool Alerchnorsi Dealers CP. in Flour and Produce generally, Weer.g Ma Commission liferensmis, No. , poi& butch. Q! Pmd QMITIL, %%GULLE & Co., Whole sala Grocen en Itj Produce deaden, No. pa Markel Street bd1 77 . 4 . 6tb and Mb, North aide, Plifladelottba' , • 4 111r_tri. rrrourraon. JOYIN WEE Mb; 111.111•LiD• & NICOI4I, Produce sad General Cool -1515 BhutanMerchanu,Liberry u' Pittaburgh. licrtt Linseed nod Lard Oils. El4'. VON BONNIIORST, & Ca, IVbaesato Oro , ns Forwarding rnsa and Coirsion Merchants, la Pittsburgh M/1111factures and Western no dace,thave reonovad to their tuna wareboase,(old sand) Hp corner of notit st: rad Chancery Lan& 50 Soeas.P.N & Wholesale (Inucers and Coreada sem lierehauta and dealers lo Produce. No. 26 cal sc. Pittsburgh. pa2i 'WU 8. FOSTER, Agent for Mexican soldiors and Pr ooo nn Pollwous, at theorßeostWoo. bur l b, Esa., 13arIt's Woldings,4th st,?ittsborgls. MY sea ',to the general land awe at 1111 will /Mewl to .37 WM:was there Co. of expellee to spy east. worl4-dly Ye 11121 1 ,. Vrta ANDLa 13•11 TO WWiCkj tex Wbolcsale Groe m en, Colliiii on or aad U gly mi Yam', M andP y. a d g aeinl. l N) "% r o , ofMod and Wes, Ranl l.a-lalYa,, 710M11--Cammuldos Merchant, N. 90 front li'et.yiro;:l - 0 feb24 et w• IvetcAtm,Abar,4l4P.l- eang. Ruuts ° N. • GARRARD, ain Fan c 7 210.7 Y Market strea77lll Nur 1a aoral r'v" • W WILSON, _Del@ U Watahasil Jerwe2y, Silver Ware, Military Weds, kg* MLR Max, . but nov7 MT It IdUSPIIV. Wholesale ant WWI dide! to. TV Folmis and Doolo•dis Thy goods, myth Ault comer • of Marto awl Fourth au.; worn CARDS. won. TOMS, INO. IL 'TIM YOUNG & 1n lecher hides, e V 143 Lawful. - , yev:& 11IPTCHELT " Wholesale Groom, . RmtifyiuEr wine .a, Liquor zehsansi *lmo, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleaching PoardeT, No.l6olAberly at. Pittsburgh. Ph Wad,/ 01.1.111 111•CILIMU, onus IL /0!113. BLACKBUBN., - tr. Co, Wholesale Grocers ad • d " l6r • I. Oila, Boat Stare, Ma ad ar& Ma- Quad aniclea, have on hand, 14 all dna, • fall ad general amortment of goods in taw hoe, Wale* weal, near Cherry .Alley, Potahorgh. ant 3 TOWN. TOWNSEND, Druggist Old Apothecary, LP No. 4.5 ?dukes it, three doors above Third et. Pius burgh, will knee ennsumtly unhand • well selected as wittment or the best and freshest rif edicinesorhich ha will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders, will be promptly trended to, and sup plied with articles they O ily upon as genuine. Physicians Prescti will be accurately sad eikorepared from the est roaterlals, at any haw of yor u t. the e Also fot s, • late stock of fresh and good Perlfu me • Mu llinsiongal_iele , Livery Stable. HOBERT H. PATTEBS opened dso lanse table, on Finds; m,mlog through ft p to Second st, between Wood and Smithfield sts„ in, the rear of the Monongahela House, orlth anendreir now maths'' . Homes and Calliagell of die le:ull:14u waisted styles. Horsei kept at bee ry in the beitneinner. /Yrdli RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 11001/11:11 AND DOOMS IN tiddlers! Iranniangory, llamas and Coach Trimmings, • Moss, Doer Halm Varnish, Ito. ace., Ott No. 153 WooD Sr. Prmunon. H. EATON, Healer in Trimmings end Variety . Goods, Tortots Ivory' and Horn Comb. 'Wooten Yarns . and Worsteds,Burions, Needles, Pins, Tapes, Braden, to.; No. 63 Market istreet, bemsen Dia- Mond and 4th •ti burgh. .11.25d1y trITT'SBURGIS STEELX LE WORKS AND SPRINO AND A FACTORY. MAO roam, 1011$ F. QVICIas JONES s QIIAOO, . MANDFACTURERS of *mug and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip arino, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mal qemble essungs, fire engine limps, and comb trimmings de rally, corner of Ross and Front ma., Piusbah, TEA STORE.—No 72 Fourth , rt, near Wood—All quanuties of Green and Mack Thus, done up in qttarter, half, and a...5.4A panes, ratan from 50 eta. per pound jyt A. JAVN Agi for Pekin Can Co INSURANCE. DEL ARS 1110TISA.T.. IMBLOIANCE co. 1 URN FIN Y, Jr,Avnt u Pinsburgh for the Dol t/ aware Mutual Safety. lmuninpa Gornotny of Phila. adelptdo.. Fire Risks upon buililloga and meschandire or every description, and Marine Risks upon bulls or cargoes of mauls, taken upon the most Msorublo teram. Ur. (Ace in the Warehouse of W. 11. Holmes & Bro., N 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh N. 3.--The success of this Coinpany sines the estab lialsatent of des ,Agens7 in this eny, with the prompt ness andliberality with which every eland upon theta for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage °flit friends unit the coulasanhy at huge to the Delaware M. S. Insu rance Company, While B has the additional advantages as an malt /anon among the tenet llourishing in Philasiel phia--as having an ample paid.in capital, which by the operation of its charter w constantly mereuing, cc yielding to each .person manna pmfint cf; the company, without inv o lvi n ghim in any responsibility whatever, and therefore possecuilug the Mutual prinmple dictated of every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive form. uov4 , FIRE AND RIAJUNE INSURANCE. MUIR Insominee Company of North America, mrough us duty authorised Agent, the subscnber, oden to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in Mt. city and hs vicinity, and on shipments by the Cu-.teal Rivets. DIRECTORS. LiStur 0 WU, Charles Taylor, kinut l i W. Rates, Ambrose White, : Eihntrilfunidt , Jacob Dl.Thornas, 'John .A.ltroorm John R. Ned: Joba Whit. Richard Richard D. Wood, TheorniP. Cope, Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. South, Frames iloskens, Samuel Brooks, 8. Austin Allitionc, ARTHUR O. COFFIN, Prest. • Moro A Basimmon, Seel. • Thin is the oldest Insurance Company in the United ' Suites, having been chartered in MC Its charter is ' PorPe. Taal, warfare its high standing, long experience, ample smitinerand *Wilding 1.4 risks of an extra baz • anions character, it may be .conshicred so odering am plc security to the mate. W. P. JONER. ' At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., We t ter anti ntn ontroem Ematoush. mays 111PRAINKLIN VERB IRIBUILLOCE CO. rflHE'FrinkllnFiw Immune* Company, of Philadel phia, will make Insurance, pen:comma and lunited on every doimiption of pre9erty, Pittemmiti and Um. aarroanding country, on favorable hem • perpetual y am, cha rter.Cap 8400,000 po im Contingent, POohl 851aMMO Often corner of Thild and Market stream, entsborilk. WARRICK MARTIN, Ape, T H i E cx lc i ersi g ned,dulysaboeiscdt, p tttcrz eosttindes ereet irtsdrattee mom loss or datooge spinet Fire • ea boildtuge, roorchroulax, ftmumre ood property, uol extra borooe, to trus city era incinsy. apt{ • 6EO C0CH11104,26 wood et. Te.BUBSCIUSER b. been appointed Agent pro n. of the hISOMILO Company of North .amertee, and will lawn Politica and attend to the other boamese of the Agency, at the warehoime of Atwood, Joao& Co. apla WM. P. JONEI3, water la 110 Witl 3 artilllllll3lßM "litsitt. TOBACCO CUB . 410 A BIBBCILIBTS, No. NI South Wham& 0...1 No. 117 South Water et. •• PHII.AIJI - 1.1 . 1116. pEGS to Warns the trute. and dealer* generally, of Pittehurgla,Staz duty nave made such arrangement• ill the Virgonat mamma:went and the o[o.. the West, .17 . treat Indent, .at other place!, ae enll i• Izm to—John& Brown & Co. Robert &men k Co. Harcroll, Heaver k. Co. Philadelphia Heath, Ragaley & Co. Allen & Paxton, New York. Walters & Harvey, Balumora Bogal4 Wi genith, Barb Wilson & Co Pittsburgh. Bailey, ware & Co. Kier & Jones, to :Abend cash advances on consignments to al rein =eau:do . , r. & norms cocas =T. soar. 0..11.1. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., v Lova FACTORS, And General Conussission Itersharata Ne. 13 Sol= WAssa Sans raLLOELPH I A. REFRIOTCFZ—Herdy Goff A Cop Patobtulh. Rodprs ar. Sherlock, i ci . cum , s....iey & son, A. M. January, !dam le. Charles Boshsm, Jr., Louisville. '"Odilh, Humphreys A Mercer, Bro. A Co. Co.) Ptdisd' Reed & Brothar, 'ISO DORS &Coudnery, New ort. tozon,az COCKFAH. CeramistLoa and Forwarding Marobani. aw. WS woos sa,mnosnoten, (11DMINIaZin transact a genendCommission ban nces, ear-tally in the purchase amt sale of Amon eut Zdanufsemns and Produce,. and in receiving and forward= Goods consigned to hie care. As Agent for the Idandectuses he will be constantly supplied With the ernwipal artidei of Pittsburgh hlaatiftiontre at the loarest 'Wholesale wines. Orden and COII6ICUWW. atie - sciwited. 197 I. D Lamm, Loot of Pittsburgh, E Low of Nashville, OM, LEHMR., ANDERSON, DEALERS-IN COTTON, _FORWARDING . . & COM MIRROR MERCHATS, 8.8 V 7.3 T EfsPaltAort szoomoro.r,otworsort, corEo. - _Refer to Mamma, 1 g00m,04, - toploottorgb. GEORGE A. BERRY, • • wnoz.I:IIALE surcocaaus, FORVIDIMI AND GOISIBISION 111110&197, AND DEALER - 1N Iron, Salle, Cotton Yarande:Pittsbnrin Alanataetures generally, ao. 10 Womb mrn , rrmaczfan, - - - Ii111.11.1:11A11.11., Voirwardlag Itlerahmag, Deawapville 1. Anon& particallatly to tho Forwasdiug of Ptlquee As. && ~ } . Ol , no famm, apply,to FORSYTH & CV CAN, Water st,.._ *cum _ _ . ISAAC CRUSE 42/11NILBAL COEIIIIBBIONaLEB.OHANT, IVRTHIESALEOF PRODUCE & PROVISIONS, . los and RR Siaul Plean neuraidaE, aumaco—isuretaa. of linoborg&. joUnliß. n" [to & Co. _lnor2n-dem SOTIOE TO SOIPPELIS. E have %Uen an office hiortediately opposa,,, NY- our hand warehuse, for tie present, where we wi transact hant. es 1110.11 it awl a new boom con be erected, IttnAFGMOLIU belong already t.een made far that purpose. Boats will always be to Madill.* at our wharf to receive freight. 0 A tir&Nvury & Co, arol Canolßuin. Liberty WOOL. LYMAN, REED A. CO. Mammon to Read, Hard do C.') GIMERIL Col9llllBloli BOSTON. Particular attention paid'to on sale of Wool, and Übe - advances made on eonaignmenta - Ttemovah QELLEIL9 & NICOLS taro roomed to No. Ifs la door above their old stead. A'CHOICE assortment of bisulnfacturea Tobocw .conipasinglinpoll & Robinson's nin Waboos old W N Ones 6s; Pries & Harwood'. kr, Barrows' 1 1 1 , and oiler popular brands, just rsed and.for sale by angl3 BROWN & CtILBERTSON, 146 libly LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa WI LL alto attend to collections and all other boob oem entrusted to dim in Butler end Armstrong eounties, Pa. Refer to J. & B Floyd, Liberty at. `as h W.lace, do ` James Marsall do \ Pittsburgh. dly Kay k Co., Wood at. j tau 7 JR. WEIMER, Attorney at Law, office ill at.. • opposite St. Charles Motet, Pittsburgh, office also attond promptly to Collection, in Washington, Fayette and Green etranties, Pam TO Blacketock, Dell & Co., Church & Carothers, I.Patsburgk. D T. Morgan, fortadly EJ. HENRY. Attorney and Councellor at Law, . Cincinnati. Ohm. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indians, and in Kentucky. promptly mid care fully attended to. Commissioner for the Stale of Penn eylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, &e. fte. Marna to--. Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curti, Church & Carothera Wm. Hays,Wrnoek & ena U. W. WII.IIAUL Ll. MINN. WiLuAns & SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and =ltems) Attorneys and Counsellors at hew. Office North side or Fourth street, above Sniithheld. febl.7d/tury_ JAMES F. KERB, Attorney at Law, Ill:AeonIre Building, Grant greet, nearly oppoote the Court • • augO4.lm • man DONLON I. 11 ./ 81 . 1 . D1.1_! . 4 LOP &SEWELL, attorney at Law, OrSees on nmithfield, between 311 and 4th eta. OSWARD h A uomeye F o f Law, hare removed their other to tbe South yule o Fourth at., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. aped. wO. H. ROBINBON, Attorney at Lnw. hes re . stored his office to the Exchange Buildtngs, Claw rt. next door tn Alderman M,. enITIr BOOK TRADE To Country norohants. ABrauA LARGE MC/CH of !School Books, Paper, on ary, hc, suilable for country Weir, &mongol:l=h rs Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common qtelt`s Letter Paper de do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelope.. Slams, Pencils, Wafers, godly and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different qualities; Blank Books, in great variety; Family, School andPockertliblerg Crown. meditmi, and double crown wrapping paper; MeGulfie's Eclectic Svelter. and Readers; Bars Eclectic Arithmermc Cobb`. Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithmetic', by Adams, Davis,Colburn,Smith,Stock "telogva""p 'n tl d =Tell Gine Smith, Morse,Ciald rich, Parler IL/others. Grammer., by Smith, Kirkham. Brillion., Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by I it ateLLos, 81 wood st, 5 doors above 4th. The highest market pride paid foe good mixed rags, in cash. apt/. Maw Publications. lill-11.113MS POEMS, illustrated. Harper'. new edition of the Poetical works of John hlilton, with memoir, and critical remarks on his geoid. s and wri tng., by James Montgomery; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawing. by William Harvey. In two volumes. Brascital Gams Timrssum.—The four Gospels and Acta of the Apostle., in Greek, with Ibiglish notes, critical, philosrmlucsi, and exegetical; map., indexes, etc, together with the F*lstles and apocalypse; the whole forming the New Testament—For the um of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. By Rev. J. A. Spenear, A. H. A Naar Novsx—Midsommer's Eve.—A fairy tale of love. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. Jaw' 11.1r* IV.—The if, of Henry die Foarth, king of Prance and Navarre, By G. P. R. James Compl o c r in four potri/ c mer s - q o v N oisi }sag ILksellers, corner of market and ;Ls 1111 LANKPARY & STELLAR WORLDS.—A popu lar exposinon of the great discoveries and theo ries of modem astronomy: by 0 M Mitchell, • Is, rector of the Cincinnati Olsservatory. Ileadley's Italy. Alps and Rhine.—Letters from Italy. the Alps and the Rhine: by J T H adley, anther of Na poleon and hi. Marshall., Washington and Na Gencr• isla,&e. New and revised cdiunn. Statistics of Coal—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinctions of Mineral Combusubles or fossil feel, including also, notices and localities of the various mineral bituratmons substances employ ed in B.ll + and manufacture*: • illummted by Map. awl ae comparded by nearly 4w statistical tables, and lOan alyses of mineral combustibles, &ci, prepared by Bich ard Croveling Taylor. Just received a few copies clench of the above work• —for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. /Ye Booksellers, ear market & 3d eta_ IV/CARLY lIRLDIt FOR PUBLICATION by J. L.& U. P. JAMES, Cincuinatt, the following tamv and valuable Works—, Honiphan's Expedition—Containing a sketch of the hfe •of Col. A. W. Boruphan, the LOuquest of New Maxim Gem Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cal.- forma; Doniphan's Campaign agmust the Navy., sod his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, rad the Operations of Gen jr at Same Fe, with Mg , and Engravings, by Sao T Hughes. A e t the Let Regiment of tibramin Cavalry History of Kenmeiry—lts Antiquates and Natural Curiosities; Geographieal Statistical and Geological descripuomk with attend.. of Planeers Life, anti Mort Man one hundred lihographical Sketches of di...us-emb ed Pioneer* Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyer* Di ' rtnes, &a; illustrated forty crigricrings; by Lowt. Col hits, I voL octavo. Pn- The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Me in the Tennessee Regtment of Cavalry, in the Cemparsn of Mexico, durtng . Loßl-47,con.ailting an ac count of the March of the Regiment to Vera Crass, deaanpnon of the Country passed ever ' meaner., cus toms, ice. of the people; !ketches of Caen, Lek; so counts of all the actions of other Volunteer and a WI Maury of the Mane. War List C 11.., KR led and Wounded, Re, illustrated by a carp !number o correct Mears and plans; by Cleo. C. Ferber, 1 vole • . dect '• New Paper •nd Book icalUallillita 76 Wools Sr, artwaan Fourth son DlsaEoNn Athak. flPHEsubscrthers hale la s t opened, at tin shove stand, a large stock of chlferent qualities, ra led and plain whit. and blue Wraing and letter Papet , com mercial and packet pow Flat Cap, dewy and t nedtant smiting papers, for thank Looks; mminsm and rn yal co lored Printing Paper.; medium, demy and ety Pay Books and Ledgers, superior aper and beat In otter° biuding; School Hooks of all kind.; standard wig Its lit Theology and Setences; litulla gold and steel Peng, Waders, Wax, Bill Files, fr.c. Blank Book. of all sizes ruled to pattern, and Mama in the most substanual manner. Gauntry Merchtmth supplies; at lowest wholesale pri ces for caah, of rags at cull prices. JOB PH.LYTING.—IIaving a lob office in connection with our esuthilialuncrit, we are prepared to execute ail orders for plain and fancy Printing--book.. pamphlets, circulars, business cards, bills Mho ding, is , with des patch and at low pnees. ELLIO - sT & mra Ti wood st, between 4111 and di•mond aboy. AT OUR STORE on Market street, No 56, between 3d and lth ; may at all trines be found • large •Lock of Theologthal and Miser llancous lonia. New hooks receored as soon as pub tithed, and sold at low est pried. The publicuttons e f the American Sunday School Union and Maltsachaiwtts Sabbath Soh 00l city, always on hand. Car alogue• (unmated on a r . plication. ELLAUTTi ENGLISIJ I mytt 56 marlssed st, between 3d and g th = 2 HOBART'S BUTLER'S ANALOGY—lloban's akyais of banop Bodo, '• Analogy of Religlon, tural and ant' Cal.( ' 03 . the consnanuon and now .are, with notes. Also, Cranfurd's questions for e Jannatiom revised and adapted to the use of school s, by Charles E. West, Principal of Burger's laminae, the city of New York. ANTHON'S DE SENECITTE, DE AMICITIAS, Ac.—The de :dances-um, do Amienias, Femme., and SOIIIIIiUM Scimons of Cicero, and the Las of Amens, by Cornelius Nepos, with English Notes, Crittcal and Cap` lonatory, by Charles Antbon, L.. D. THE BOY'S SPRING BOOK—Description of the Seasons, Scenery, Rural Rife, and Country Amuse ments, by Thomas Miller, with 3b illustrations A NOVEL NY MARRYAIT—The Childrs u of the New Forest; by Ca pc Marryalt, R. N. SIR TWADDLE BROUGHTON, or Lamm' Wm. , ' by O. P. R. James. The above worksreceived this day, and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK'DJN, myld Booksellers, cor. market and. 3d Its XTEW WORKS.—Vanity lair, anovel without a j' Hero: by William hlnkepeace Macke ry—with ill.trations by the author. The Tenant ofil author h Hall: by Acton Bel], thor of “Wuthering Height." The Young Schoolmistress: Ly Joseph Alden, D. D. Part 6 ; of Harpers' Illustrated edition of dia Arabian Nights' Rritertantmcns. New translauon, arranged for family reading, with explatuttory notes: by E. W. Lane, Issq. Loomis' Logantoms—Tables of Logarithe . num bers and signs and Tangents for every ten t wunitis of the quadrant, with other useful tables: by Ohs Lamas, A. Id., Prof. hltabernatirs and Natural Philosophy to the University of New York, author of a "Tzeauso ou Algebra . &e. &e. The sovis works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON S STOCKTON, turgid Ilooksellers, roe market and 3tl am_ New f'wblleatiorts. (STORY OF' CONGRESS, Biographical and tical, compriang memoirs or the membeim of the H Congress of the U. S.: Hy If (1 Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, Sc. ha. Vol. I, octavo. The Writing. of C. Al. Clay; tacluding speeches and addresses, with steel portraits: Edited by 11 Grimly. 1 ' 10:1 Saw in California: fly Edwin Bryant. Bermes' Notes, Vol. 111, gri James, Peter, John and Luke. Charism and Counter-Charms: By Mil Poh, thor of 'To scent and ID be," -Co inquest,' frr/ 1110So. !so. au- Mary Grover, a Dotnesue Temperance Tido: By C. Burdett. Kings and Queens, or Lila to the Palace; consisting of historical sketches of Into and reigning sovereigns: By 1.13. C. Abbott. A First Book in Spanish, or a practical introduction sti the study of the Spanish Language: By J. Selkeld The Dying Robin and other tales By Rev. Dr. Alston Just reed hy 'fL HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings4th sL (=Sleet , utor to Read.) NEPoweOr of W B--Life of finer Headley OKIS the Pulpit, by 6 rd ine Spnag, D. D. Bethel Flag, d o do Jacobus on Cospels, Matthew, with Harmony; Lectures ou tlbekspeare, 2 vo l e; P.M of idie, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and tumor - twiy; Footsteps of klesstalt; The Consent; by author of School Girl 10 France; Now and 'll,OO, by Warren, Sketches of Lemons, on Parables and .111iracies; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Heaven upon Earth; Ilawkaum, a MIAS of and for England: d. kola For sale by ELLIOTT a n d GLISH, jell/ 7el wood and 0.1 market sot ykTEW BOOKS---Juin rec.ved from the pi 111 mid for .ale at the Methodmt Book .'Store near Wood . . Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, styles of Wading; • beautiful book for • pr moat. Preparation for the Pulpit Sketches of Sermons on the Parables • ad Aft of christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—cm .ketcbcs, ke. The English Pulpit; colic ctton of ser mons by the most etainent brio g divines of kihyriand. ]Wausau Vota—Wing Good, Chrstlan Lase, Lov tet thou me, Sured Mediuttioi a.irrX 1113t111111Z1DIRIIIIiiii CO.PARTNERSHIP. 1 1. 0 GAN & KENNEDY hove this day associat ed with them in the Hii Hardware business, Philip W• KU and Edward Gregg. The style a firm Va lli here ofteratie Logan, Wilson k Co. This arrangement ren ders it drawable to close the old busmen es won as possible. All persons whose liab I mmediate have motored, ore especially requested to mate payment Pittsburgh, Jan I, Id4k OGA & COs—lmrte and I A Wholesa lL le De WILSO N alers in Foreign and Dome po stic rs Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, leg, 129, Wcmil street, Pius burgh,lare now (ally prepared with a reeently impor ted slock.of Hardware, Cutlery, km, to offer very great inducements to western buyers, being damn:weed to compete in priers with any of the Atlantic Cdie. Al so on hand as extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ric Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes, times, dn. Mich will be sold at the lowest rammfacture l rs san CO-PASTNEU.SUIP. ATIIE submobers having recently enmred into partnership under the name of Onl agher, long, k. Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell end Snots Founding and Gas Fitting business in oil its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu pied by 11. Gallagher. No. UM Front street, between Wood and Southfield sts., where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bell., Brans Castings, of every descripuott, sod Ga. Fittings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly G attended to. 11. ALLIA:IIBR, S. A. LONG P. 11. mlLLiat_ N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Boy:leers is svned to v tr anti-attraction metal, for a reduced price, 'lnch hit been pronounced superior to Babbst's by I have used tooth. Steamboat builders and aridl y , are at requested to roll and ex ...i. superior double beuoti Force Pumps lot about and domestic u.n. GALLAGHER, LONG, I- MlLLER deelydly _ =ICE Mao°halloos. lEpartnership so long extsttng ander the firm 01 ltreord Jr. King, tires ng , by mum remount dissolved the lot mot. The Impute. will be rlooed at the old ad by tuberof qo, wring the prune of the 1170 flit it purpose. Being desirous to bane our butane. ised with as little delay as pomade. we would re eetfully request those indebted to mill arid the thew accounts. JOHN D. ILL'CORH, ja29 It. D. KING Co-Partnership. JOLIN D. Nrcoao having assocusted anth him tea brother James hl`Cord, under the style of 111'Cord tf. Co.. will eortunue the Hat, Cap and Poe Waimea m oil no venous branches, wholesale and retail, al the old stand, tanner of Wood and 61. b streets, where Meg solicit a conneuatien of the p J tronage so Iltiendly be to a d the old firm. OHN D III'CORD. JAMF N. lIN retiring from the old and well known firm 111`Ccod it King, I moot respectflly recommend the peoonage of the public my SUCCeitaOill, Mese Mleord & Co. non+ D. FIND. Dlsaohation. • ililF. copurmerslup heretofore costing between the subscribers, owl." We style of Bustifield & Roe,expired Was day by liontatien. The business of the fir e m *al be settled by IWGill & Roe. . JMES D. AVO S A . R. BUSLIFIE I L.D, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh, July 19, 184.9. COP A lITNERSIIIP. The underrigned will eonunue the whouluie cery and Comoustuon boa:nano, under tha firm ArG and Hoe, at then old stood. No. IL4 I...itxtty street. JAMES D. NM:IM, WALTER C. ROE !laving sold my interest in the bon of MUM Bosh field tr Roe to my former payment. Hoe, I take pleasure an recommending them w i rl i f t t=r2 i Vni Vo-Parts.• sshlpp Nola W STEPHENS 00KM-cling, F. F. Shcenherger Ea of Juniata, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh. have tins day entered mime cA.1..1131 , ender style and amt of Stephens, Shoenberger b, Co, at the Anchor Iron teeneing VA purrrese of =RP. factoring and nails of every dcunpuon. a. W. sTwelicut - a. P. snowntrainara 1. A. rthehrtha. STEPHXBISs BUOICABILILOZII & CO. ANCHOR IRON WORTS. Vo. NlAnnfacture all kind of latter, ahem, bar won and =ha, A. U. awl cpucrings hoe .les. lining con nected with tthoenlibergapee• old Juniata works, we ran oder en arucie of Juniata won thrunded Stmealserger) equal to any mute in Nr oumry. All of widen will be sold at the Pittsburgh 'lnce*. WarehOuSe of the works corner of Reyna and Water sta. myll R W ISEIOL lITION —The partnership iltitirio °Ma- Ing ander the style and firm of ightman & Dal is thts day dissolved by =mad contrant, Jobe Mi zell ham dispose° of his enure anemiaWheat man. The busmus of the late firm will be settled by H. %Tighten., who is wthonzed to use the name of the late firm for that purpow. 11. Will lITMAN. .pr 3w [Poly 1 IT] J DALZEIAs THE. Subscriber is row prepared to trianoLsetunt all Ulnas 01 Cotton and Woolen blactuneg, at the shortest notice- Orders left al R. W iglarnauS Eugltle Shop, cor er Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt antuttion. 11. WIOUTMAN, Leacok st, between Federal and Sandttaky gattly Allegheny eit7 spl ICI/TlCE—James M. Burchfield has an interest di the 1 , 1 Dry Goods Business enuituried die tonne of Ilia undersigned, coiner of Fourth and ?dark. Pm*. liurgh, commencing Feb 4, I 544 The business for the prevent will be conducted under the former stile of W x nu{IMF (10-PAllTAlEllllll l P — Wm. outa rr havin g t wu Y ‘,..) day associatedwrith buss, John R- 111Nlitire, ther Lusinose will !wrestler i.e conducted under the Ono of Ves. Young is Co WILLIAM YOUNG, JNO. R MEDICAL. _ Jaren.' Expectorant. Columbiana co., Apr..l4, leg). 1 LE JAYNEIS: Uses. eta-1 feel bound to you and the animal public, to mead myself of this op portunity °Calving publietry to the extraordinary Ms ce. of your ?a:peeler:lst au myself. Huang been eructed for sever. )ears n severe cough, hecue (civet end its• co:tenement &wawa and seemed only doomed In imam out • •hort Gat enweraile examen,. moil the tan of e lagt. when, bona more severeli d And havnt taloned to all my former remedies, old Wu pe ...MM. at two of the 140.1 respectable phy swissu to the neurtila•rhotat Wililol.ll denang any benefit, or the eonsolamon of suravma but a tow du). or weeks at tarthest—when the lasi gleam of hope wu about to vernal, 1 had recommended to me yous blspectorant— and blamed by Mat Beim; who do•• all Mums in the uw of the mean.--and contrary to the axpeetatrons of my physicians and (bends, I was to a few days famed Gom m bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to y my business, enayting nonce boner health Man I had for mu years Ur previous. s. J. y ye he, W. gram- Put sale PlLLAbtirgh, alto Pekin Tea Store, 11 Fourth meet. mart& str It. A.lirtittimaira, A. ll:Hebb, N. Y Coy. 14. le Pastaiornam, Pittsburgh. U. W. Parinirrog, Wholesale Drmg Store In the Ctty of i'issr York. lE aridersieed are extensively engage d in the e Wholesale Drug business al No. 42 John street, in the ctry of New Sorb, and are prepared to supply Druggists and country Merchant' with Drugs Paints, Oils, Dy e.stulfs, Foreign and Arne neon Perfumery, Slander, Weaver tr. Manglers Chemicela, (of their own importation) and all odic articles in their linc of hi.- .., of a sispenor qua! • low as they can beim , chased in this or any ewe. city. New York, FebtO D. A. PAIINESTOCK & Co. — lltue - 640 i'• Chrome Oreio: ---- rpo PAINTERS, BLIND ALAKEKS, &e—We, the 1. undersigned, Painters .d Blind Make., of Om city of New York, have used and tested, and are now using K, new article of Chrome Green, manatee tined by Geo. K. Marcher, of this city, and find it to work well, pre ducing a fine brilliant l'arts Green lippearance, with It very supenor body, and recommed it to our brethren in the trade as in every particul n ar the hest Chrome Oreen we have ever used. New York, June 1,'47. Sign. by 24 firms of practical painters of the city of New York. This nnequiclied Chrome Oreen may be had of H. SELLFRS, No 57 Wood street, who has the exclusive agency for Its sale in Pittsburgh. marl 3 A Floe Set of Teeth leci9ll7ents. WHITE TEETH, FOUL IiREATIL HEALTHY 61:MS.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, once be tug once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber T.th Paste, have the appearance of the most nennuful ivory, and at the memo tam um so perfectly innocent and ex quisnely foie, that its constant daily use is highly ad: emnageous, oven to those teeth that are in a good con dition, giving thEm a beautiful polish. and preventing a peemarttro decal. Those already decayed it prerveale from beCOraing worse—a also fastens such . are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de "measly sweet. Sold by WM. JACKSON,Liberty marKi . A. F•HBIESTOOK ( S A FEW weeks smee, one of my children, aged about A..five years, was unwell for several days, and the illness increased so alarmingly that I leered death would be We result. gloving heard of the good effects of Fahnestock's Vern/tinge when adminietercd to the children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might have worms, from WOE. of the epitomes., gave it one sad a half teaspoonfuls of We Vermauge, a soh my great awenistunent it almost immediately thged between V , and IMO large worms. Its health wee soon I restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vermtlage, the N.M. would occasionally rise in its throat, and I often feared it would die from strangulation. JAS. 4. DAWSON. Tionesta, Venango co, Pa.., April 3, 'MA arfl LOOK HEBEI—Read the following centfieate: rd'Coattatdevrkka, Ohio, May 0,1848. This is to certify that my Inds daughter was atilteted with worms, and that I tried several remedies, so cal led, without any apparent effect. I.lcmg Informed by the agent ii this place of the success of Seller.' Venni fuge, I was induced to give it a mud. After giving was a few doses according to directions, my daughter relieved. , 1 have no hesitation in giving It as my opin ion, that Sellers' Vero:tinge is the best extant. bIeTTFIKW WILEY. Prepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. 57 Wood Sold also by Dr. Cuswel, fins Ward,O. hi. Curry, Alle gheny, sad Wm J. Smith, l'umperancoville. /13_ Popular, because Good! SELLERS' FAMILY MEDICINES. Coot. Srawo Jofforooo Co, Ibt, March 1, lira MR R E SbILLEILS-1 have nearly sold all tbe Ye, mifuge mid Cough Syrup you sent me. Your Ver t:Lange is without exception the hest ever offered inane neighborhood, havmg proved good wherever use Th. Cough Syrup and Llver Pills have also given eat- Israel:on. Your ob't servt. J SCOTT, POst.tenSter. Prepared and sold by R I3ELLERS,S7 Wood at.; sold by Dr Cassel, ash Ward; D DI Curry, Allegheny; b. W J South, Teniperanceville. marti FAUN'S CELEIJR.ATED ricti ANL) TETTL.,),R l OINTMENT is the most edectual remedy bennee the public for the cure of inner, itch, dry and watery pimples of the lace, neck and body, senly eruptlODS, mid all other diseases of the Aut. This (liniment warranted free nom mercury, is perfectly safe, and may be used at all tunes and under ctremustatiees. A fresh supply of this valuable FAlremedy received and for sale hy A lINMTOCK Co, corner of Ist and wood; also, corner of 6th and wood lel treetS. `f1:0 ~" FOR INvetars AND llSFANTS.—Whitney's Az row float Rusk POVldal, a delloons wad highly nutritious food, which never turns acid on the stomach, and as now aniversalty recommended by e faculty m preference to °mol t Sago Tapioca, or p lain Arnow Root, as better suited to the 'debilitated stomach f t tn . Taints, and a more by mad wholesome ood for linnets. For sole by SF:U. S7 Lt . rattan . . . ItE t ' s r a . ll. ' ‘ iV rirr ' ettaz t' llt? P t f : 9' : " su ' p ta:Ten will keep to on hand s hags supply,whieh they will furnish to dealers .1 the lowest morket pace for cash. J•~ 1 KIDD G, SEPTEMBE HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT 13THEET BALTIMORE roost ASV 711,11.03, TIORLTRIVICI. esmblishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of Bal.:tore, his recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleemegamertments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been comaetely reorganized and Cued op in a most unique end atm fal style. In feet the labole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with n single eye on the part of the proprietor. towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with my }lntel In the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub. manna and luxury which the market elCords, served up to a nutmeat style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be Sell undone on their part, and on the part adieu assiotanta, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The unrest for board have also been reduced to the following retest .Ladies' Ordinary, $1,75 per day. Gentlemen's a 1,50 N. B. The Baggage Weston of the House will al- ways be found at the Car and Miamian. Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free filch& . rnaysl: EXCHANGE HOTEL, COSOCCO OP aND rt. cents O.* PrrITO.GII, Pa. itThe submrther 'limns summed the manage ment of this long established sad popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to accommodate theta in all things desirable ni a well regulated Hotel. The House in now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, end no pains will be spared to make the Fixchtmge one of the very best Hotels In the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a eontinuance of the very jibentl patronage the House has heretofore received. 4 THOMAS OWSTON. febOild Proprietor. TUROCEMORTON'S GIAla HOUSE, WCISVILLY, XT. aARTS Tit ROCEMORTON begs to acquaint his friends that he . again lessee of the OALT HOUSP. Louisville, Ky., where he hopes to rant all his old friends, assurtng them and the public, that no effort shell be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with the. patronage. jantldly - -UNITED STATES nOVRI., CIEZYNI T T ST., BETWYSLN TOClilillt AND lilliTilt ors. 0 PPOC‘ITE late Bank of the United States, Phila delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL, ISSWW Propnetor. MISCELLANEOUS , NSW COACH FACTORY, 118 rrTE, BROOKS k CO., would respectfully in y y form the public. that they have emoted shop on Lacock, heti:seen Federal nod Sandusky street. They ore now clinking and are prepared to receive order, for every description of vehicles. Conches, Chariot's, Mt much., Buggies, Pliwtons, he.. which from their long experience in the trinnufueture of the above work, and the facilmes they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their Ime. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. bye therefore auk the attentive of the public to this molter. N. U. Repairing door in the beet manner, and on the most reasonable torrns. jra:tr Stockholders, take Notice. PKIK Stockhold hereby Youghiogheny Navigation Company are notified and required to pay to , r. James Hamilton, the Treasurer of the Company, Mosul:no( Ten per cent on each share of their stoek, on or before the Ith day of July next, and a further sem of Ten pee cent. on or before the loth day of Au gust nest The stockholders will also take notice. tha the law authorise% the collection of One per cent he month, on instalments not punctually mole, which. I foiled necessary, will beenforced. Uy order of tit. Board. ALKX PLLMER, Brest. J B OLOT., _ lend • _ virerctiEs k JEWELRY—Jost recency! at Nu vy 67 Market gamete:lS Gold Lever Watches; 9.5 d0 detached do Edo Lepine; 19 Skiver Patent Lever dot 32 do detached do; 6 do Silver Gold Gaud Chains, bYrt quality. Alm, • good u.sortment of Prerwt Pin, Ear limas. lb RINI', Gold Pens and Pencils. The above good.. have been received with the I.( five week, and will be sold c! reduced prices. Pey sons wishing to purchase • eyed and cheap W Ruth, would do wall to call preemies to plushy...lF is%) ZEBULON lONSEN. er`i FOREL% NANICINN, lc —W RMurphy has with in a few das received an adtional su Lansdale Hankin y s. Odd style.) hoe di bleashed pl/nll.( pm do, unbleached do, fine Long Cloth Shirting o , fruit Linens, (evil lour,) whim Cotten Hose, lend do, Paper Cambnca, at the Dry lioais Houle, N E comer lth and Market streets. IN Mamie..le Rooms up stains . ---- McLane In Tema • Tuus 6wo comfy titst I parch-veal owe Anal of D. J. blaLande Wm. opertfk, none two months ago and pro m n ma ofnone, Some seven year. old, two langOlnoe &U, and although the annoat 1 may appeas Yugo, /al 1 bare no doubt NA there was upwords or IWO TIM.= swoon passed from boo, menurring team ono manor of an inch to two inches long. W lIOLI.IDAY. Rote • Cruet, Carmi co T. , Dec V, 1+47. Leeching, (apping and Blooding. KNORMA, (Successor to hi. R. Deluny s No h Filth street, between Wood and Smith helal. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance rill hours Reference, the physicians of Pinsburgh, Alle iletrl and lihroungtarn. I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians, nun tires end ail my former friends and patrons, Mr. B. Nor ns as being thoroughly acquainted with the busi ness and worthy of patronage nuartibly - Manufactured Tobacco. 4 Q MICR Gentry t lloyster's snpertor sweet 3 Ips. - 20 25 do Al A Rutlitr's 19 hf do Price A Rararood's " " 5 16 . 11 do do do 25 do do Pearl a. Harwood u 3 lb &alb 14 do 1 Robinson 57 ht do do 271 do do Wm thorium Si do T Wright . . 37 do U Anderson 1l do L T Dude. 3 do B Macon's In 9 do Rawliff mutt landing from steamer and e neketa. and for sale by HEALD. kIUCKNOR A. Co, 41 north waters and lb north wharves, Phtladelplua l ANUFACTURE3J Tt/BACCO- - .V bg h(o' s/ones ISA Ran'. superior sweet lumps 73 half his Webster Old super sweet 3. lum mr ps 34 " Lawrence Lotuer 5a 25 " Uentry & FLOYeer •• 3s it 29 " lAipoitt ple la Rare) fia 16 Mel cod • Lawrence Lower " i A 6. plug Just landing from steamer, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR Co, 41 N water st and lON wharves, Philadelphia: PA PER-2000 straw AVrapputtp Paper, all uses; 4UO means ruled Cap Wriung Paper, jl/0 - ruled altd plant letter do; all qualities; lott " Flat Cap; aSO " medium Tea Paper, HO gross white and bloat vebtte Honnet Beards; 100 teams :dandle FAvelope Paper, SU - Hardware Paper, just we'd and for sale love by REVH6I.I)S, SHEE, rayTatln corner petal and Irwin sts 1.. D N.I. MUCCI i--In store and to ar • A44 rtr U e, F te - t i dlio a ta inflow brnmils of Tobacco. conglgn manta from manufacturers of Richmond and Lynch. Mag i which will be sold to she tragic at reduced rates Iti Lim liamartine 6.; • ou do John Rucker Ss; 00 do Henry b. Jame. Is, fa and St, 3l do L Junes as; 16 do R. If. Wartmck gni It/ do J. M. Steward kg and rte; 27 do imam Madmon rm. I. S WATERMAN 31 grater and MI from gts angl - -DR.mi:.):BIADDIII.A, Dentist. OFFICE on Smithfield *treat, 'ld door ......----.- north of Third went. Dr. Madeira ra il' 4 ,. apectfully molders his erofessunial se r• vices to dm mucous 01 Eittgburgh, Al . leglieny and 'totally. Rarnamtess—Dr. P. Dr. A. N. McDowell; Fahnestock; Dr. Robert Simpson; James N. Craft ; Esq. Mr. 'IT Mr. W* Weaverorn; . sp27:dgm SULPS , PATENT BLOCKS. TtiF. subscriber offers for sale a full assortment of his Stops' Patent Bkmka, Shims, &a, adapted to the trade. Also, complain setts of Blocks, adapted to vessels of any capacity, put up and tomtit - de& to any past of the Union, without delay and at the lowest pri ces. LIONUM VITA for sale In quandtim to sun purchaser& GEO W KrAPLES, itp4-15ro.2mwT&S N 3 Burling Slip, New York Patent Soda Ash. 44 CASKS /ea. Muspmtt & Son`s brands, just land from steamer Northern Lifl c q, and too sole .. W fat lIELTREE, IGO liberty at Blospratt , s Patent Sods. Ash 11F, CASKS pm landing from mcantor North Caro aJal na, and (or sale by W & M MITCHELTREE, je7 frOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA --30 he. of Ott. I great spnng and internee medicine, this day reo'd and for sale wholesale and mall, by If E SELLERS N. G —As IL E. S. is Dr. Townsend's only agent for Potsborgh, the genuine article may always In had at No 67 Wood anent. toy 13 DITTPONS FOR LADIES' DRF.511.12 4 , of the follow. _LP log kinds, vim—Silk graduated leaf jump buttons; Brandenbourgh do; Dustman do; Candi. do, 'Fusel and Drop do; Nett and Plain do, together with whin and coed Limo, for sale at F H EATON A Co's toil? Tramming Store, 63 market at f 1,06i11313-4Thsillittasell's/r. Robtrison's 51 hoop ..I_ Tobacco, 15 do tillyers's do do do; to do Ira Harm. do do do; : 10 do Myer's lb do do,• .25 do Unions' honey dew A. plug; 12 casos,o6 dworf hoses Flyer's superior A (atonic do; 50 do, 40 do do Thomas' Nectar Leaf do, just receive d nod (or "dc b NIILLER & R.ICKETSON 11 t 1 1 Doll Corn klns, 4 casks Pot An doe Vt./ Tow _ ti WO lbs Revues; 5J bin No I Soap; kb do sun Candle, 15 do Pull Flasds; 20 bbla tou'd Nos Loaf Sugar; for sale by rayll ENGLISH A BFINNETT . . _ Co—Partnership Notice. Htd Kbeen ALD, RUCKNOR A CO. assocut withF:ALD, h them to their Tobacco nod Corromaston tautness, Edward Heald, Ilate of Jacob Heald A Co, Baltimore,) Dand C. FloCamoson, soul John A. Warner — tuyl3 (10LT MANTAIJ 1111/BONS—An usortment of blk l_.l and coed Mantou nod Sum Ribbons, opened yes. unday, and offered low by the piece, at wholesale rooms of W 11. MURPHY, il'2l northeut_ ior 4th and market at. tel story , BACON -10 b a ds yellow eismasseel Harm; 11l do,. Stde, 25 do Shoulders, all of pnme quail), '7 IMO SELLERS & NICOLS . . FMS AND PRIME PORK-1 0 this Mess Park; 5 Mdo prune do; (Insole by SELLERS A NICOLS jela rrARTARIC ACID-4 lb*, of • attpetior quality, ro. 1 ooyed and for sale by QTEA3IIIOAT INTEILET FOB. BALE—Una half Mule foto warner Wyoating for sale on arcom maiming tram. For particulars enquire of ti W 63 Wawa and,Fzeat sta • • 19, 1848, U, i : 'ol3B 10611M3 txplemem. LIPPIGNCOTT BUM, (Late J S Strickler .& A C NUFACTURERB of PhileniK .fire proof safes, 11-A- aide , second street, between Wood fad Smithfield Pittsburgh. J S Strickler having deceooft• and the surviving partner Mr. Jos 1.49..w t4 ...enclosed himself with file. Wm Cll&rr, the heather.a will hereafter be conducted under the style of LIPPoll coo& Barr. Trial of a safe in Cincienati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one di S Strickler ft Co's improved Phrenix fire-proof safes. The safe eras placed to a furnace on the public landing. sad SableCted to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three boors. In one boor and a half the safe came to bright red heat; the door of the (ornate ores then chivied, which caused an Increased and steady beat the the balance of the time, until the east tree wheels vane partially melted of, the (ornate was then thrown down and the sails cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect no when ,laced there, the binding only of the books being In jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in re.eccomending it to the public as a oafs superior to any we have ever seen united, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced, zeept a heat which would melt it to a solid moss. Springer & Whiunon, I. Worthington, Kellogg Kennett, Bent. !freer, W P Breese, Moms Smith, T S Dungan* Co. Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Manse, Mead & • ••• • .. W. the untlervignerl, selected the sags spoken o above, from a lot in the store of Truber & Aubery, the Agents C O SPRINGER, S .1 ICEILLOI3. Refer to Cook lc. Harms, Hr.:ccraPaulil:ugh; Hussey Ilimna k Co, do do LialdtrvalyS SAL Lamm:or, man 0. La. 111.0661• X. LIPPENCOTT & CO. M A 'rbovet C and Sp F ad M es o f , trod d Cast llat rcd a a n heta, M I Cut, Circular and Gm :lima Hay and Menem Forks. Hoes., Mattocks, Picks, having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machmery, and in curing the best workmen from the most vele twitted establishments of the Fast are now manufactur ing and will keep constnntly on hand and for sale all the above 6rtteles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and arc determined that in work manship and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce articies equal, if not superior, to any that can be hod in the East They invite the amen lion of dealers to an examination ot their amok before purchniung elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to 611 all orders to their ime to the entire sallsfartlon of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors IVest !Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N B —ersons hewing huAiness WWI Win Lthpen cott k Stu n nell W please call on Lippenmxtt Is Co JASIVR W. WOODWEI.I. Plttsbargh PUTllittLlra Ware Rooms, iii, 111100 arena. ZilA large nod splendid usortment of Furni ture, stumble for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on hand and made oorder. The present stoek on hand cam* be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. remns wislung to purchase would do well to give me a eall, an I ant determined my paces shall pleue. Pan of the stock consist. in -50 sofas with Plush and Heir-cloth cavern • 2 dot Mahogany Nurse Chair.; 14 pair thymus; 12 doe fine mahogany Chaim, 12 mahogany Work Standn 3 don mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; . pair Ottomans, 9 marble top Work Stands; IS cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all desertpuons, and a lance assortment of ems.= furniture and.cduirs, too numerous to mention. maad . . LA.DIi ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PREFABS') CHALK. Tlll7l - are not aware how frightfully injurious it is to the skin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yel low and unhealthy the skin appears after using prep.- pared chalk! Besides it ts kowtows, contairang • Large mummy of lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of ell deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, lint white: sit the same time ..ring as a cosmetic on the Gam, making it softmut mouth. Ur. lames Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massar tts, says: "After an alyzing Jones' Spanish Lily WWhile, I had it possesses the most beautiful and natu ral. and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I rerimuly en emismenuously recommend its me to all whose skin requires Iteamuying." Price, 21 cotta a Loa. Sold by WE. JACKSON, SD Libeny at. mar 4 31aahlno Works and Foundry. PITTADVADII, PA. JOIN RI h Co , are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery ol'everr deuripuon. such ss Carding Machines, Spurning Frames, Speeders. Drawing Prams, Railway Dead', Witmer', sportier', Dresslng FrOSICA, Looms, Card Grouters, ete. Wrought Iron Shorting turned; oil sizes of Cut Iron, Ponies and Hangers of the feint patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Casungs of snotty desonpuan tarnished on short nonce. Patterns made to order for Mill tiearnig, Iron Runup. he. SWAM Ptpe for heal ing Futons.. Cast Iron Waldo.' Sash and fanny Cas grnertily Orden tell at the NVuebouse of J. Palmer Co, Liberty stlVel., w t have prompt atten• 110 . 11. Refer to ltinekstotk., & Co., J. K. Moorehead & Co, \ Vernet. John Irst in & SOnA, P,usburgh C & 1. If Werner, Steam-or:Ile. lanl9 Spring, Axle, Steel and Iron Works. 10 LEM . MAILMAN . Co having completed .j then new works, arew prepared tomanufac ture -every descnpuon of C oach and Ilhpue elpranga, Iron &Ales. Antrum., 81,otar. Spring and Plough Steel...loll beset of small. equate and round Iron, winch they oder for sale on liberal terms, at their ware house, No tl Wood etreet. where they also keep on hand a complete and handsome wieonment of Coach 'natl. - rungs. Carriage Hardware, Malleable Casunga Natl. and Ire!, C. II d Co.. have mule...arrangement.% watt Mellars. I/a) & Crone. manutacturer• of Shovels, Spades. Forks, . and wdl keep constantly on hand every asucle Made by them. Dealers are respectially solsmted to ail. as pores and term. w.ll be made !them!. 1r25 MEEZIM New El•rd7wTiia--114;e JOSEPH NVUODW ELL. corner of Wood and Id .ts., Pittsburgh Hay • the withdrawn from the firm of Wel et and Vuod well, an the let of January, ts 47, I take pleasure in announcing to my friends in the city and country, that I have opened my new store at the shove named place. Having purchased my goods for cash. and made arrangements wide manufacturers in this country and in Europe to be ea.tantly supplted, I ant rally prepared to furtisse Hardware of all kinds, on ne good terms and Its low as soy house East at West. Merchants and others are respectfully melted to call and examine thy stock, before purchastng else where. The follo omprwes a port of his smock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun trusteatn,gs, Naylors steel, cutlery, edge tools, anvils, vines, lurk, latches, scythes, butt hinges. screws, Union Fac tory plellea, sawn, mahogany boards and Yemen, and all other arunleic consoected with the; hardware bum. nese mchlltf • City Itagaierriata 0•11•ry. roanllT.6l, POST OlVt. 111:1.010. 110 GE beg" leave to inform the ciusens of Pitts t. burgh and eternity. that he hes taken the Degocr ruth Room. lately corrupted by Mr. Porter. The pub lic am mow mil that ell the late improvements are secu red. and will be brought into operatton by Mr. Hoge, who has been a eutistaat operator mace the art was first discovered. Enure sausfnction is guaranteed to all who may become hispatrons. Mr. H. will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter, in whose estahltehment he has operated for the 1 t tartly< mouth. Family Por e., Engraving., Daguerreotypes. ac., accurately noted. Likenesses taken in any weather, and satut elan, tunnel plus, resew and auction' mica iu everybranch of the art, and ap icirtf rpc, DR'S GOODS AIERCILANTS—A A Mason b. I Co, 60 Market at. have received 6 cases of clasp prudent Lawns sod Moslins, h camsf French do, of every vat miy of style, In canes of good style CL.1.0,5- hams, 4 do new style Prin., 4 do blue and orange Cal icoes, do bleached Muslin', all width. Aln cams bleached, brown and blue Drills, Cottonades, Cheeks, Ginghams, all of which will be offered at the lowest Eastern wholesale prices.myl6l _— Penn MaohlareShop. WiGirrMAN—blianufacture r ufall kinds of coin la. ton :old woollen nanehmery, Allegheny city, Pa 'rile above works being :Low in lull said successtul - ration : l Lini prepared to execute orders with diapatc op h for all kinds of tri.initery in my line, such as willows, pickers, spreaders„ cords, grinding machines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thronsils, looms, woolen cards, doable or angle, Mr merchant or country work, mules,:ac it a, de., shde and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shading made to order, or plans giv en for gearing fat:tones or mills at reasoruable charge Russo ro--Keimedy, Childs to Co., Blackstonek, Bel to Co., King, Pennock b. Co., ins. A. Gray. DELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. ALA FUL'PON, Bell and Brims Founder, h. r... built and commenced husioess at ha old mand, where he will be pleased to wee es old ensuita: - ers imil friends. Church, tileamboat, and patternsevery ince, free In to Iti 3 OW pomuls, cast from of the toed approv ed models, and warranted to be of the bent nom nai a. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Bailing, &a., toge ther with every variety of Bras. C.Ungs, if required, turned and tincihel in the neatest manner. A. F. is the solo proprietor of lisham's ABrrt-Arrae -no&M/erst, at Justly celebrated for the reduction of (notion in tunchlnery. The Boxes and Compcoution can be had of him at all times. RILL_ Ploughs, Plough Costlii - gs,Wirg — os Borso, tr.. BilliblßT HALL, of the old firm of B- & B. Hall, is manufac turing huge qu•ntlties of Ploughs, Plough Casungs, Wag boxes, he., with the improvement. of the Leaver Peacock, Illinois. and other Ploughs, of the latest and best patterns now in use. NV arehouim, Br Liberty street, Phlsh.gh, oppos. Lottoay Beide, Factory, In Allegheny city near the n Factory of Messrs. Illackstock, lien & Co. detail W. & J. GLENN, Book Binders. Irgrl.: are Nall aniragal in the above bumness, corner TT oi Wood Stild l'h,rd streets, Patsburgh, where prepared to do an) work in our line with butch.des- We attend to our work personally, and soli. locum , will he given in regard to its neatness and die rabtlity. Biont Books to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books innumbers or old books bound care lull yOr repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. 'rho. Mut hone work in our line are invited to call. rriCe* IV.myllktf— 'Sandy mad Be alma. 1 'f ct *. ..:4°. ' „ k , h , 0 11. 1 % 71 c a re t :; e notfic a i trat d . 8' ' L e e r tia L" fo 'l e LateCtars at sr. Company will he holden on Wednes day, the :eh day ofAugust next, at the Canal Other, in New Lmean, i icio, between the hears of to o'clock, A. M., and I o'clock, P. M.. C ot said day.' ' OP& D. IR/STETTER, iyredul becretary S. & P C. Co Cost and Wrought Iron Rolling. 11eK au.enbers are prepared to execute enters up. on nevoranie tartms the every description of Iron Hailing, or Balconies, Cemetenes, Churches, &a. && A. LAMONT lk KNOX, Craig an, Allegheny city petArdllnt To Contractors and Handers. FOR NAI.E. very low, to aloes the easiness of the late Etna of Constable S Strickler, 3 pau of Vault Doors, of .aperitif manufacture , Apply to CONSTA ISLE, BURKE ft Co., aleNrf Yd .y Ist door nom 'rood • JU RECEILVED--A large mid zpleadbl 141/311.inVilt of Cloths, Casstmeres, Vestingsi Cravats, &0., and for sale. by L wILLIAms, Illereant Tailor myd under Nottougultola House. simitellea at BRAUN 3 REITER P`°PIRL/N-1130 loon Ohio Pomace Brookly n Hot Mt, nacrri• 'hog ne, Ringgold; 6tl ton. Fure, Maul 1.. b. Pa.) ti ot Waal, tocsale by ICSILLDUE, WILSON & LITERARY. The Beakers, Blagesilko. TBig,MAGAZINE. and State Financial I Register, devoted to the diasembunion a Rena Baligtiey wand principle. of Banking, utility and prin ciple,. of fife lasnrance Ms! Se. ..rinto Ranks, Engliab and American Law Deeilliall• In reference to basi n., of Banks md Sankt" an. Edima by J. to Smite CZCE=I Horan.. Particular olfaction will be given $o heretofore to the compilation of remmrdecisirans respecting Hunks, Dm ki=l3,4lll: of Exchange, Proonsfi c l = t h a ut 4 o 2: sachnsous, 13oLeettunt., el; " York, Peansylv ' sais, Idaryland, Vininda, South Carolina, Ohio, Leaudena Teoneeette, =Sather State.. This will lxi ono of tie itiord important features °film work, and will in itself cop the emotion of Presidents, debits., Tao.. Hope* and others. Among othoridetails of =port inert OP bankers Bad others, Um work wil contain sta dia% at Sot Henke in every. State of the Union_; sketches cn prominent Bankers of Enrepo CZVetitai OffiCial Tables showing: the . debts, bum was, expeadthstee, sad Sonnet - el oottdo of the Des, rat Mt= of the trehtto Publlehed monthly, 64 •pages octavo, at Three Dol lars per 81100.11. ELLIOTTk ENGLISH. 713 Wood in, au 3 Agents for Bankers' Idscaritie. Berber & Seribner's PUblleations. r TILE subscribers having been appo the above the agents for the sale of the publication. of known publishing house, have a fall supply of their books on hand, which they can sell at the emnern pri ces, wholesale and retail. Among Ma works winch have been recently msned by therm which have been highly Momedecrided at. eammilingly intercming and valuabla may be found—The ever ; Ms Court and Peo Om Ireland's Welcome to the Su-angel; Bethel Flag, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Marshals; Washing ton arid his Generals; The Sacred Aleentainig Orators of ?ranee; 'paching a Science, the teacher an Artist; Charlotte Busei's Uniform Works; T. S. Arlhor's %taking lisite to be Rich, Riches h . l i fiW/rig - s , IgcePlbg op Appearances, Debtor and Credit c6.4.c. Also, the works from the p ation. a well known. ress of 1.11 Carter, TIM the character of whose public retina's Theology, in 4 vols.; litddmae on Romans; bile k=worksi rbe Cannon, by author of School Oirl e, Ac. New books received no soon 69 as published. ELLIOTT Ic _rny9 7d wood and 6.3 niertet sts XTEN'ir BOOKS—History of Contss—Biog - mplucal 1.1 and Political, comprtsing Me its Members of Membe of the Congress of the United States, wn from oath, ue soarcest embracing the -prominent events of their lives,. sad their conoccuon with the political history of the omen by Henry G. 1117 heeler. Illustrated by nu merous steel portraits and fse-sintileioutographs. Kings and Queens; or, Life in We Palace—emulating of litsminced Sketches of Josephine and Mario LOUiSti., Louis Philippe, Ferdivaad of Austria, Nicholas, Isabel la 11. Leopold, sod Victoria: by John S C Abbott. Harow Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude.— Notes, explanatory . and practical, on the and <w iles of James, Peter, John and Judo; by Albert Harem Mial. Grover, or, the Trasung Wife—a Domestic Temperance Tale : by Charles Burdett, umber of the 'Convict's Child,' Au. Harold, the Last of the Sumo Kings: by Sir Edward Bulwer Lyme, Ban. Complete Ln two WIS. Part V. Harper's Illustrated Edition of the Arabi. Nights' Enteroutuncitts. The above works received this day, and for salejiy JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, j • 10 Booksellers, cm Market and nasts STEW BOOKS—The Writings of Caa.lua Meleellus Li Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a preface and memoir, by Horace Oreely. The First Book in Spenteir, or, a practical introduc tion to the study of the Spanish Language: containing full 111StrUCII0611 in prominciatum, a premolar, exercis es on the 011endord method of constant imitation and repetition, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. The whole adapted for the use of private learner, or for clesses under an instructed. By Joseph Salkeld, A. M, warm. of "A Compendtum Clemsteel Antiqui ties," etc. Brothers end Sisters, a tale of domestic life,• by Fredesike Bremer. Translated from the original un published manuscript, by Nary Howitt. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Aide. D. D. Jost received and for sale by Jrn JOHNSTON & STOCKTON XTEW BOOKB-atures on Shikspeare, by H N .1.1 Hudson, in two volmaes. The Power of the Pulpit, or plash though. addressed to Christina stammers, and those wire bear them, on the influence of a preached tiospel, by die Rev. liardmer Spring, D. D. The Peasant and his Lmndlonl. by the Baroness Knomng. Translated by Mary llow,tL L.1.131.411C'S Litrondlsts. Vol. ILL History of the Gi rondist, os personal memo. of the pamo. of the French Rev 0112111.4 from nopebliahed sources—try A. de La rnartino A few copes of each of the above works received thus day and for ado by lotiNsTori s IJAKTON, Boolo.e/ 10 .1 30 corner market and 3d sts - NEW BOOKS. PIONEER. HISTORY .. Being an account of the first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Nordivicst Territory, chiefly from original manuscript, contammg the papers of Mr. George Morgan, those of Judge Burk, the diaries of Jo seph Buell and John Matthews, the records of the Ohio Company, Be.. rec., with numerous plates and reap. By S. P. }Hideaki. Orators of The American Revoluuon, by E. L.. Ma goon. With portraits of *anal. Adams Jas. Warren, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fisher Amen and John Randolph. I voL cloth. Retiring from Business, or The Bleb Alen's Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few coptes of of the above works received WA day and fur sale by .1011NMN B STOCKTON, se .4 booksellers, cor Market and Thud NEW nooxs. 0 RATt]RS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by F : L. Magoon, Mutes otNml. Adams, Joseph Warren, Patrick Renr7, Alex. Hamilton. VIM., Ames and Joholtandolch ; dedicated to students who are not drones, amazing who are not Wain., and citikens who are nof demagogues Reunng from Business, or The Rich Man's Error by T. 8. Arthur. For sale by. EtLIOTF a, ENGLISH, se I 78 wood, and 56 market ms Boots 1 Books I I T AMARTINE'S OVEDISTS, complete, WendelPs Blacks cc's Coaseatartes, What I saw Caltfo a, by Brytust, Tile Czar bit coon and people, Including a tour Norway and Sweden, By Magoon. Rcdnog from Business, or . the }Leh E • By T. S. Arttntr. The Battle of Buena Vises. By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Deltas Tyler's Tac ues. Sehraits's Ro A general wtsortment of School and College to book. for sale by IL HOPKINS; sep2 Apollo Buildlngs, Foprth 1,1. near Wood DOORS! BOOKS''—Lectures on Theology: by the BID late Rev. John Dick. I). 8., published under the tupenntendenee, °ibis eon, with a blographteal tna-o auction by an Antencan editor—complete in one vol• •• • Dons ht's Theology, 4 vols. Edward's Works, 4 vols. Chalmers.' Works, 4 vols. Neonder's Church lbstory, Ist and 141 volsa hilt:wen ooho TTpes of Chnsi, ijoskssubllshotl4 Also, a tome and well selooted stock of Thoologo Miacelloneoua, aud School lloOka, ktt Mie , tow b' ELLIorr 2r. ENGLISH, 78 wood and 69 mark. et au FW bII.7SIC—Ott Susannah; Rosa Lee: fade .1.1 Ned; What must a Fairy Dream be; The Watch. or, Men; Boatmen Dance; Blue Juniata; Harmon. 's Carolina Melodic, 0 Nos; Life is big a Strife: TM Deam is Put; The Mountain bfaiirs Invitation; Sleep- Inn I dreamed, Love; Agsnam quickstep; reon quickstep; May queen, complete; quaker Dill iu Spring Wank; Jenny Linde Songs, Alvarado quickstep; I've Reason to be Sad; Ethiopian Airs, variation s; Hours of Leisure; Sylph Quadrilles, by Hunter; Kate O'Shane; Be Kind io Each other; be no Submissive Wife; re ceived by kapress and for le b say aurbi II MELIA/IL:4 aro." st ffin9llON hand and for sale, the following Piano Forte. direct from Me manukto toren, end at or prices: No. I. An elegant rosewood, six oc •rea iron framed Piano Forte, made by Chickerai Roan, No. 2.. Same as the above, 3. Rosewood, Chmkenng • . " 7 " tittle Jr. Co. . • e - tletekermg, 4 U 0. " Marthettarr Company, 1 '• 10. •' Brand 1140r,1 4t - It." 'Second Plano, Item, Old Pianos oaken m part payment for .0 oft. almye, by JOHN IL NIi..I.IJOR, al Wood et, S Plano _tole Agent for Chiekering's Forte.,for W. ern Pennsylvania. aug2l Splendid New Pianos. rag subscriber, previous to leaving \for the East to replenish his stock, will . of len stock on llRPf . dTsposa of the barance of ai halal at reduced prices, and on i tile terms. It eonsww ea choice selection of Pt. , .. made by Nunns & Clark, N. N'., and Jonas Quake nug, of Boston, Mass., of from 6 to 7 pctaves, of rosewood anti mahogany, of different styles and price. H. KLEBEII, lvd4 At Woodwell's, 83 Thud at CIE.N. ZACHARY TA YLOIL-Portrtin 131 Taylor, by N Coffey, under the numedi_ _ intendance and ihrecuous of the undersigned offn _ . _ froin :se original sketch taken from life, at Oareargo by Captain Eaton, A D C. D Connor, I; S Navy; Georg.? A AFCall, A Gi Georg, Meath Lacut Topographical Edtgincer, Harry Inger soil, 11 S Navy. JOHNSTON & SIWKTON, tat Booksellery cor 31 and market Stil LOVER'S SONGS-Watch you will by Daylighi Widow Machree; Rory °lime; Indian Summit. Slaying the Deer; Gondolier Row; The Two Birds; Fairy Boy; Ask me not what I am Thinklnsr, Low Banked Car, My Mother Deur, 0 do not say I love thee not; Forgive , but don't Forger, The Cearnehon; Angels Whisper, Morning Dream; Street Jessie was Young and Simple; The Northland for Me; Molly Dawn. For sale by JOHN II MELLOR, ick4 81 wcod Si - "'DST PUBLISHED-An illustration of the Types, 0 Allegories and Fropkacies of the Old Tutantetth By WWl= ld'Ewea, [Main er Of the Gospel at Dundee. The above popular work, which treats of the Typical Persons, Things and Place, of the Old Testament , which has been out of print for some time, and for which there has been a great demand, we have boo republished in a neat wie-26 9 p+4.*, ~,..- P . " Su cents. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, augll76 wood and 541 market at NEW WORK BY HEADLEY-The Life of (Myer Cromwell, by J T Wadley, author of .. t . .d.fdtin ,, and Ina Ainrahala." " The :,acte d Mountaine," ••%Vowh• mgmo and his Generale," etc etc Reemved b ony aria for sale by JOLlN,yrup: ..t. STOttki 11 , V., Jct. poutaallers, cor market sod II sin uItANCE--Outtince of the Motor) • fin if the ruttiest times to the Itevoutuoa Di 1-4, - !or schools and farailiesi-with numerou• engrasi.lbs, and hueauona fur the eillMnialloa of pond.. Jett JOIINSTOtt la STOCKTON - - - COUNTING HOUSE SANIO.l O dos in a sneand for sale by augi_ o i sAlviTl/5-14 hga a very *a bound and half pound pc o ill,fi,r pea ke d _ 6..... 121:1, , v ,_ ER.1 , :F4: aq, P.P7:,4rir Vvai fr. MVANDLFS9 pULVERVING EALERATI./13-6 casks, a very so „,, . r ucte, Just tee A and for tale by ; „,, z WICK &_NPCANDLESS 01,D., -..m bush, plat reed and for sale by LB WA:FERMAN, aogen v 31 water and el trout et r r etalrt il iy -3° c”" pure potash ''' d 7.171ra0r DRY & VARIETY A. A. MASON it. CO., 60 MAKE.F:Ib ST, BETWEEN THIRD k rourern, EING desirous of reducing their stock previous to B the commencement of the Fall Trade, llotfer their extensive and fashionable assortment (or v few weeka at givatly reduced prices- Amonkst their P arturient may be found excellent styl es of Bares-es, rissues, Grenadines, annyrinines, Pod dChoee Dress Silk., Lawns and Muslin., ke. ke-• . 11 0( winch are reduced in price fully one third. Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and com prises every known style. A few carious of crape and silk Shawls jllBl received will be told extremely low. 4 C.C. reel Scotch Gingham, will be sold at 11l els., moral price 45 cent. good English Calicoes Ine, Amer tem do as low. 3 and 4e - wrought Collars 15e; Moo hill the 'alines 12&e; good:Alpaca lnict Bonnet Rib Pins lee. Their stock of dark green pure Bann Parasols and Purasolettes, consprwmg upwards of 54111,aevery style and quality, will be °tiered at very low rates. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting; also, ell kind* of summer studs and Cottonadea llousekeeTriug and dotnesue Goods of every descry - ; sate Merchants Toth always End at .r whole.le rot.. lame and desirable an assortment of goods as L. ;ovally found in castern houses, and at equally low NEW BUMBLER GOODS sena rite MCW so. arm ettuaner-rins steno.. WE We now opening • fine stock of fresh Somme, goods, direct nom the Now York and Phtlattei. ' dot., where they have been purchased with. t two week, 111 a very peal sacrifice, therm tog us to oder far better bargains than we .r done before In calling the attention of do ten. of Pittsburgh and its vrclult7 to our assort ., we do so testa - die confidence our prices being h as will ensure perfect satirtfacnou; end to all boy . either by wholesalc or remit, a fine chance La now 'red for proeunng greet bargains. Among thorn t received 61C-- k int of very cheap cord and Mk fig'd & &bird Stifle - Light and dark Lawn% Chnghams; of extra fine blk fig'd sod striped Lterege, which c a v 7 great bargain. A lot - . of handsome Cote Partys, for lathes dresses; do light colored and black lierege, very cheap, do new style silk Vesting do do very handsome Barege Shawls, do very cheap blk do do do fine Mk silk :Mantilla Scarfs do handsome Parasols and Paresoletts; do do Artificial Flowers do very cheap Linen Lustre. ALSO—A fine stock of super French Cloths and Cat - mecca, wale. end colored Linen Drillings. Cesium's, Its, Summer Casstmeres, Drop d' Ete, ticr .hr. A tare awortment of Flinn of all prices; 'Pickings. Che g cks, Muslina, tf.e., to which, as well as other aru m, we invite the special attention of cash ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 market., N W cor of the diamond . NEW sad splendid variety. at .. • ZEBUI.ON KINSEY'S, 67 Market • street. SO gold lever Watches; 41? silver lever matehes, English; lb saver deumhed lever watch es; 20 silver Lthpine mulches; YS silver guar., matches; 111 fine gold chmarx 1 dos new style ear rings; 5 dim plain pad hoop rings; 6 dos .owned rums; Y mu meal boxes, playing a variety of popular airs, PA glass steel slides, all sizes. FANCY GOODS - - _ 5 do. fine Fans, silk and paper, SO do. common Fans; doz fine velvet bunt bags, new styles; 10 doz fine crotchet bead bags, new styles; 5 doz fine crcachet purses, new styles; doz fine paranoia, assumed• Stun, nassela, fringes, gilt and silver, for regalia.; 10 do. fine. flower vine*, uncoiled; 1 doe fine steel screw pin cush ions; I doz fine ivory screw pin cushions; I data fine wood screw pin cushions. A fine assortment of new manil NEW FALL GOODS. SMITI! tic JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have Just recemed, and will be constantly deceiving through the season, from the East. a general assortment of Sta ple and Fancy Do. Goods and Millinery mimics, adap ted to the fall and winter trade, to which they would particularly invite the attention of purchasers: A variety of Scotch timghams; 'Pwalleil do; French do; plain and limey cord Alpacas, cotton and silk warp do, Mohair and Oriental dot Calicoes of every style; dot linen coml.. Mkt's; cle. lawu do; Re. not do; cord border do; 5 cartons thread Laces some to low as 61 ets; 10 do cotton dof French work capes and collars; do do standing do; Mourning do; crochet do; 10 cartons ladies mid gents llama Kid Gloves; 25 dor ladies silk lisle thread and cotton do, luu do du cotton time, all colons 10 do do whim and silk .k Jo; judo gents 1 do; Combs, Buttons, Threads, !cc, to great variety, which will be sold extremely love. aur.ls WI R. MURPHY has opened this morning,is on ca. Umbrellas, melodtng American and Scotch gingham, cotton and steel frame gingham One ease Parasols, Including green satin Turk, hlk silk and brown silk. ; of extra sixes. Alio, one case bleached Drills; also. Martian Rib bons black and colored; white Saun do, Linen Chag non., and various styles of summer Goods, seUtim at duced pr ea. A lot of super Manchester Gingham., god styles, also lately received. CHEAP IiONNEIB—A lot of braid and other Bon nets Rif IttO winter's shapes) selling off at from T4e to 151, at the corner 014th and Market sta. 15Molesale rooms ou id story—entrance from lth st. DERAGEsk, &C.—Alexander & Day have now open 1,3 a beautiful saws sunnui and plaid Iterages, of the finest qualities and newest Crier, aported; also, sine n id plant and brocha black !Images and Philtres, spended French Lawns, L i mn I.ustrea mad Uinghams, a tun assoroneld plain and seas stripe de Laines and tine Alpaecas., All these goats &are been purchased at the use per. emptory auction sales in New York and Philadelphia, & will be sold at a great redifeuon from regular pnees. ALEXANDER & DAY, in 4 corner diamond and market st LACE CA I . 73—is A Mason & Co. have psi rechl 1_ dirt Ladies Lace Caps . IliAo new Lyles Cisenc• ‘V rougla Gapes, Head Ihr..;es, Lathes Bel., &c. &c. .R E. N " ta N rlC ' e .\ t S " t, a o re l e t io Ali g et' ottt . a — lar A - r o lot of ' re ' ec' ts ' lr ci m telly half the usual price--good fast co lored Prints at 14c. magi BLUE AND OIaiNGF: .. PR.I.N - TS„ cod Idea lien, meek do, constantly on hand at lowest prices, et wholesale mom of W It MURPHY, angt roe 4th and market sta ad story 13 L e e a 'r8LlN t A et ''3i4r. kt st, hvelestooeted cheap bleached Muslin. al Sc. Alen, 4 more eases et the 44e do. Also, another large lot oi the remnants of Cube°, at die. nugl4 irrE PORCKLAIN BEADS—Tnc subscrtber 1y Ituvolg meet vett the ulle Agency or eelo 01 Jones, 2e. CoNs riote, liuto, Enrol, Molar nod Base asp, dittoes Teeth, inViles DellUsts special attention. JOEL MOIILER. Druggist and Apothecary, apt. cor wood mid sth sts STEEI. t.t gicet 13ag Clasps, the best assort. 1.1 the rap; Steti Steeds, do Hag 'Muses, do Verse do; do Parse Range, do do Clasps' do &tiles, do Key Rings, do Top Combs; last reed at the haw Etna. y Nora It Market street hula RINSE}' b. KNOX NV il aUs U tnped C r i its, ll. pTii 11:1tre;l ' ;?r i lrm n ;C C O li ll k lw, " Swiss and deotch Mull, Book !dusting, Bishop Lantos, Nansooks, spotted Mo ll s, Victoria Lawns, Taricion Mullins, together with a fall Illissorrosent of Bolduc., plant and fancy Netts, Laces, Edglngs, luserungs, he. &c., all of which have Just armed trash from the nu poncia, and Inc sale low to tint trade, hy inyl7 SHACKLEI . I . & NIIITI icif &CHINE iIiiNDISIL-11'e have now on hand a ICI full asiwruninu of Vulcanized India Robber Sin. chine Banding, oil widths, front 11 imbue to 10 ill Che. in wtd'h, which we will sed nt manufacturers rices, end carnage saved to the purchaser at Nod View! si. J h 11 PIIILLIPS SILK GIMPS AND FRINUIS—Just reed Zebu lon lintecy's, \o. f 7 Market :acct. dl dui yards black cut Silk Fru:sc, of various widths, patterns and prices, suitable for Manna., &c. do: yards Gimp, all widths and styles, for cape he 41 pus fig'd silk coat alluding. innytal PIA SOB - - LtANS AT CO r, BY WIIOL.PALE oa RETAIL -12 The witomnbers being desirous of clueing out their present stock of Trimmings and Fancy (towm uctore removing to their new store, will sail their large asmrunent of Fans at cps; from and after Mrs dat e e tile assortment comprises 1011. thirty ditierens styles, and at prices from 4 eta to 83 each. ttl F II EATON k Co T WELITT—FmeOoId autumn, Cases; do do Look ')rts for Haw, do do Breast Pms; do do Edo Bulks; do do Finger Bangs, do do Guard Chains; do do Fot, do, do do Penctls and Pens; do do Bracelets and Clatsps. 'Moue tit waut of fine Jewelry wdl do well to call on ne before purchatarm. myld KINdEY of KNOX., market .t_ - - VINE SHIRTING MUSLINS—W R. Murphy bas E opeo this mornsug a further supply those very supenor Unuth long Cloth Starting !duellist also, hue Lansdale do, and has constmuly on hand an /assort mem of every grade of duality,at low cash pncea. Also, Irish Linens for atartings and bosoms, of pure daa, and very cheap, at northerael corona of 4th and Market streets jel4 ‘7,2 lIEKTINGS AND SIIIISTLNGS—AIczauder A Lay 0 have susi received a very semenor assortment of brown and bleached Shootings, of most celebritied usanufacture,of all widths and q.t..; also, bleached end brown Sheetinga, of Into gmdi.a, w die per yard, GOODS. price, loom which no deviation can be 1.22 BM= =healWNS, yr.R.Y hlurphy L.l nort corner of 4th and market sta, bus reec.- ved large lot of Lawns to 12a rt. per yard, ti.reto, tore eold at [uglier omens.) Summtior (koala generab) alw opeettug at reduced pnces.__ r11101C1: DRESS I.:OODS—A A Marlon tr. Co. ar closing off d porno: conetatt 01 Lle• ood ges, Tissue, Greasidines, Grannea, Pldl d ug e Cheve, Lawns and Musbas. Mack 11.01 i (army Silka, rce. mug] Y 1 , i ,Ae- - 4 11 / yards heav Lace , wide, for Mosquito Base,novrope " o o a2 tot sate y iLS lir AND LY -2U U krt 4t, bare just recd 4(41 dos of fine blk and col d v,ik Fringes, of alt widths. Also, limp. of every k nett' and color. J RECEIVED—WO ps Merrimack, /limolto rola Cocpeco Vn ta, of verydcstralle styles. nark! A A ILAZON & Co Itroser b i y aisd Hal Flannels, ime c „,,,,„, meat and fur sale apglo tiEO COCHRAN, 26 wood As A. MASON ft Co, ore now °reruns 11 e t a,. 9.±, fs.l and 10-4 Sheeting', very desirable (Or fanu, y UAW- • angtl ItIlkiliS!!—Ooe bale of huge lust recelyed, of bestowal styles and ncla colors, for sole at a u \V 111'CUNTOCK".A 73 Fourth el „ . - AI A. MASON & Co, have Just received at 0 inile assortment of those cheap Bleached :It " W., at 41,6 and 7 cont. Al., 3 eases of those ' Very .upertor Ificached Musrins, at 8 eta. f ACE CAPS—A AMa 6O Market oar IA have juncopeoed Itai Loco Co* CV*, Of Parlous priee '' Alen .1,.,..,,, ...meat of assorted Wreaths, Corona ' non !lead Dreises; Ribbon IRosett. An . An .' 6- lttigi4o - - -- . . GIMPS AND_ZattiCiE....—A A .13aeon te Co have G to,t reed per Express, 200 dol. of the most fene• tenable styles of Gimps ml reales, of wastone wohies and color.. .03 _______ • - Tir OME.IIIADE FLANNELS—IV S Murphy has m juL celved few pieces while, brawn and bard Home-Alone Flannele• A 00, Home-Made 111../Cio IiI•CTS, a good oracle, and ai • low price, al northear rn coer 4‘ll aud Markets a.. - • I -- • one - - VFW FALL GC/CMS—A A hituott & 0 . 0;60 Market street, ye openrog ., l . s Caste a nth style of AleTriOlaSk, tiatalltOo tend e h•co PAWL - r --- '1 , to ?i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers