=NB iROcERIs '& C• R. GRANT offers 52 9, do Ik'PP o te eppere; -- 72 SOO pkg. Y,16 P and Im perial r, • 30 bbl. CTsuhrd and poi. verized SugeM 97 do Mk 5,7 & BLoard& 2 teaks Madder, 2 cordons Indigo, 10 bus ground pepper, I cult. E 3 do 22 bar B B onnet ' d oas ex a. ec • 35 reams Tear Wrapping p aper, ISO do ease, dodo; 50 dor Harp eordr, toile ulardita 'Rope; 4000 Rai eorton Wear, - 3,913 t a 2 Batting; 33 bra Roan &MN • - 10 do tare do; 09 bbis Bare 20 casks ?names double refinai Bodo Ash; 06 bra 10.312 Glue: 6 bags Rue Oingeri 6 do : A74p100, 60 Matti 411116= 3 1 70 bog I;dar B. and Tobacco, Tsai*" Mei and qatie and Va to kegs CAIMUILS. n . 10114 62 bbli No dinsde Mack era, 7.5 hbds ° rsTi r tilicad Trip_ Black; 2,221 lbs A D end casti Steel . • e• cnbers are non J. l l ow rata, as 101 l nS Wagons k" P stud eas 20 bxs do dn On tags Rio and Legal= Caen 16 bgs Old Govlasa do 160 bra mannfactizred To baceo, Es, 16a, 225, 1 lb and i lb itempi Ids and 6s Bp. do 320 mats Cassia bi Nutmegs 22 bik b e Peppee ' 2 moons Indigo 10 bags Pimento 2 boles Cloven' 16 bbis obl 'd Logwood 2 casks ?Odder Oi b. No 1 Chocolate Si casks Bp.= Baba 22 bbls Tanners' Oil S enski Lamp Oil 16 boa Sxrto Candles 43 bra White Pipcs 6 casks Bice 37 bap Dairy Salt 20 bble refined Saga/ I 14 iTt - eiiii - ire 109 do pint Flask; 15 do e do do; 14 do gnarl Bartle., 130 bids Lime, 115 kgs Beat Ty's 'Rifle Pow 109dedo to Rock do; 14 Wiles No 44 Sheet Iron; 1M Peacock and Patent Lever Plou • --- cocci viz: [5O bbla No 3 Mekong half bbl do 75 bgs sidl s. e Braid Einar lig to:l:rens, 141 1 1 .1.1 35 " Wa nd lnuts "F E e 30 — " Brazil Nuts 30 " Tema Ord Nom 'lOO bgs 91 - 11 Raldos 90 eases Tomato Camp 50 d m flgs 7 mats Dares 14 easko 2ante Currants. 40 bis Shelled Almonds 5 eases Liquorice bon Rook Camly • 7 40 0 boa Sardines • 75 " Firs crackers 8 " spired Cbocolato 9 eases Prows* 45 bra Union Syrup I ease preio'd (linger 7 gross Blackingl°43 Lter P ana' HT " ' _ ..., lA .r an o GLIBEI IL BENNETI, t, opposite St Mules Hotel sug3o __L..37 Wood Groeeries riker. QC 500 R k `o V L , 4P lit e ef e t[ii rial teas • 1 14 ' 1 N.. 0111 -1. pr . 150 bbl. inoWies; 100 brs aasorted tobacco • M kgs O sides N. Y. sole leath er; 100 rock powder ; 300 reams wrapping p; paper ; 50 " foolsca 60 bbls N 0.3 large mackerel ; " NoohCanallna tar; " &wowed loaf mos ; 60 " chip logwood ; 25 " Cowie; 10 " ground earcrwoo6 ; 2 Mils prime madder; 3 ecroons B.F. ; 20 bbls copprars ; 15 " alum; 10 " aderams; 75 dos bed cords; with r general assortment of Pittsburgh manuaGrirea receiving sad ter sae on secornincaleang terms by J&R FLOYD, - sera _ _itotmd Chard; -- - To W a Plerehonta. TASSET ik BEST offer for ode az 35 Wood ogee Pidadocrati, on accommodating farms 100pcita ff. H, Impl and Gan Powder Teas; 300 bps RIO Coffee; 10 Pepper; 5 " dictate; 100 b 351 1b Lamp, 511 and Bt Tobacco; 20 kg+ 0 twist; 30 libda N. 0 Sugar; HO Rd. Molasses; 55 0 Nall and 3 Metatarsi; HAW do do 50 Mils N. C. Tar' 10 ° Tuner% 00; 25 has Chocolate; 52'. Raisins ; 25 . White Pipes • 1120 Ass•d Wirtiqw Glass from 152 to 24-20; 40 eska Soda Ash ; 20 !MR 8. Salts ; 10 elks Pearl A.sb ; 12 . Baleratos• • 20 . Penman ditty; 1500 kgs Apy nails, withal genera] asiortment of all MusD( iron, attd Piustmrgh mannfaetared &Males at low • cal. • ee Grapartikft Le. 350 808 Orem Rio Corm 150 kg. Y. H... 6. P. sad Imperial Tess; 205bb10 N. 0. Molasses; CO /Ads N. 0. Sagas 140 bre Zdarosfaetaied Tobacco, G., en LSO 32a and 1 pair e d lw&L 100=1=4 • 43b114 is• . L,„ SI Berea= P....g0; - 1 bbd bladder ; CANA N. C.Tar ; 20 " No.S Largeblaekeral ; VD has No. Cbonolate • 100 Reams Wrapgang Piper; PS to Whheilhpa; II eases Liquo ri ce ; Willi a general aseorunent of Pinsburgh Manufaetares reed and for sale by GEO. A BERRY, 19 wood at , -• GROCEIHES--600 bags soperionllio Coffee 110 hf chests Y 11, 0 I', and Imperial Taw 50 caddies do do do do 160 bids N 0 Holman 46 bhds do hamar 60 has Hawn do • 05 Nils Loafdo, 6, 7-and 8 116 brs Tobacco, IL lb.*, Wand 16 60 kegs 6 twin DM mats Cassia 60 bbls No 3 Marge Na.ckmel 2 !Md. Madder' 3 ceroons 8 F fodigo =PWIT. 10, Sauna, No 1, 4 and 3 po bags Conon Yam. 6 to 10 60 bin white and stow Pipes • 10 bbis Tar 100 kegs abocubergees Nais.ynrted 40 dm good anew-Bag, 60 bits =ID and mot Glass 30 dos Buckets 6 do Tubs Also, Pittsburgh manufactured articles of all kinds, tor solo low hp -20 RN B DILWORTH, sepla V wood n UNDRISS-75 dos Om Brooms, ICI kep Maple S laolasicrs NI lac Ron Sottx DI lags aced N. Straw Wowing Paper,eattonton, candlircrick,Bat dam dlos Bnclteu; sdo Tab% 10 gook pint Fltoks; .21 Vincipar; 15 boo Starch; 255 Stu Candles; =c1 .5 1 Spices of all descrip= lfro mg chasing 0 . 4 Scaw-h , cloak, cOpperds and Aka% in stare salcn i crga, ENGLISEI fr. BEN anal 27 Wood st, oppcnito St Chitties Nmel re' —"t om V i st= 4 " MIL mai catty bes; Clunociardor do do &a do X . Imperial do do do do Bounbong mad Pcnacbong, in bill chests, of "axiom quatitics and lant isoportattooa, in gore and for sale by BACIALEY & irog4El 113.d2=at RE5 7 125141) SIICAEL-r-1.0.624 a R. lame loat soga 1000 Obis ms a, 5,6, e d 7 and 8 =all do - 200 do mbe do SOO do perardened do do do clarified do in sore and (or sale by _ IMMO A LIUTCIiiI3OI2/6 Co, Agte Br. Laois &A wry. • . -, YDFAYI-4 Valetta and bz fo " "n to ems Y. Hymn; ImPerw , 10 " u o un poolor, . 103 " " " Foochow, Sot tab try aneil 31) W1LUM414,11.0 wood • MUM N. 0. Sugar to eloon 1, 33 MAI AU No, mackerel, to half bats .dr e =bla shad, 1610 8. Rouse molasses. 150 tassrindow glass, ass'd kets. best .FL Tea, do 6do eon POWder do. seatt S. FL I =FIELD. 011.8-3 • 600 gals wieder bleached Wttalo Oil; • 10A to bi. vnTuna do 6do brown Tautest do -6 do . Sphits Turpentines ht stare and °I Ws meat 0 BLACKBURN a Co • ,••,' ED BUIIA :•••-• •II DR Imp Loaf; 800 4 bb154,8,11,180418 dw CC do embed; 180 • • powdelvt, in Com and far Tale br • . •••• of ..:771114! SUGARBOUSEMOLI-1401ibis sow haus masses in aim sad tank. • " • • 111.1:1 • • fl OLDEN SYRUPe-10 bbb goklan syrup ,• 10 half la do do de; 90 lye 4io n rem and ter fah. by A. A ItCYCHISON &Co Ara St. Leads Refinery .AD,-70 Miens led in store and for sale JAMBS A 1117TC11190N Co - J - 47 tio43 wain sc. and 99 (mat a nakdelpso4 Sept. 12-Beever--1850 in market Sales at 4,75 to 8,50;' 100 IDs 1150 driven to New York, and 60 head unsold. Cows and Calves-220 brought in. Sales at $1 to 514 for dry; $l2 to $2B for springers, $lB 10 6 30 far Seib cows. Swine-600 in market, mad sales at 5,25 to 5,15 10015. awn and Lambs-'1650 brought in, and sales si $1 sheep, nd $1,50 to 2 2 5 for fklu bs as is mislay. Baltimore, Sept.ls, 16.03. Cable - Tba 'prices or beeves have declined ~___ _this day 'week. The offerinp at the deities on owo•V arr smelted to 925 bead, :of which .'O5 wkm. TM; C 65 were driven to Philadelphia, sr id 35 Imo re.mateed over, unoold. Prices ranged from 2 4 2 1 02,87 i p 100 ths, on the hoof, egnal to 4,2525"0 net, and making an ayeerfe of 2,50 gross. Brighton. Sept. 14, Isis.. Ak market, 400 beef .Ih, 600 stores. 11 pans working oxen. 44 cows and calves, 3000 sheep arid lambs, 1000 wine. Pricer-Beef Cattle-Fie t quality, 6,50, 2d do, Et, 3d do ;15. Stareir-Yearlings from $ll a 59, 2 years old $l2 to sl6. Working Oxen-Sales et $B7, $93 and $lOO. - Cows and Calver-$l9. 821, $3O, $3B and tn. SITISITE. BRAZIL 8 , 60.111 . -40Obus V 7 Hawn, Sheep and lambs - 5125 , 151,50 ; old sheep, superior qaaiity, saw landing p,.o_krr srdelyi _ us 4 likakliE 2 P ar.e-dt wholesale. Bei retail 5 1 c. ' ' I D I ArIII REANDS- 1 bbls Zaate, lot oda NJ se pl T.17111,113Ls ORICS-13 Wee miners!, la do boa% 51 by vi a l C 447 pots Long Vislit E st ree'd and for sale try at se .1 gEg, d 7 stool p i lr= " bbl a s ,r fiteh;a s do Nat* Carolinsun In " o =awns Co ------- - - SAD -60 half barrels for isle to %_ ' rep{ . 8 P VON sor mossr &Co fIOFFES.-459 tir d SL . t.ii , go_Cojr , mat t LA I r neanAlla QIIO&6.-3 1 . 1 hds N. O. Sugar; Q7l &prime 4oist • • 1.7 and for sale by 8 & W HARBAUGH STARCH-0 ht. StrubV , in acne and Mr tile by sepi BROWN t CULBERTSON W OLASS-9 00 bin &10 awl 1045 Gar sale apt BROWN k CULBERTSON Wow ass reeesved and fin 111 , ri i" :7 ...Pi S& W lIARBAUGH hal( et ens 0 Powdoo Tom; 10 do dc, dO do do Y Hysoa do; 16 do do Pow. do. Aso, 12 Itr sada lb Mirky( mortar goal i9, family am, in sate, attd lot otad bY soot 0 BLAcKetniN •43,a • M &b.-1 bask Nutincirsi IS) =Ms cue; Nrble. okrres, landing aid kg ale by owl DAGALEY &MTH lOAF fitIOAR AND MOLAB9ES-350 bbte Loaf • ignore, aesorted namberr, 494 do Sugar House ohainta, fa. We be woe' DAGALEILIt SMITH COTTON-7° bales In runs on refrainment and for IWO by C n GRANT, sepl 41 water (NALE CHAIN —A hop Cable Chain nimble fear IL, meambom, mu. 61A feet in I.RRth for de WATERMAN bbls No 3 rilackerol, (19 4 / 9 ) GO haird o N o ' 1 3 d o , SIN 20 do do No 9 do 0.:5 Just reed and fqr .0430 MLLES 1 RICKEIN3t4 RICR-80 tiere rime by = AI p bu M t t i ; , seß:tCXMl 13 OMAN CF.llo4lsbbit kale by -Lk 1S IF VON BONNUOBST k Co bbis N. C. r tale by scp6 F VON BONNHOEST k Co W it= jlitEß-41) mu medium and amen mlufiß Y VON BONNHONST & Co C ffEESS-48 bile cream ellen* Just received • -tor sale by sepll WICK .L BIVANDLESII EITCE BEANI3-32 bb •small Whit° beans • "eY se C ' • kiliturittOtilli:Oltiw 11 iTh2TENBER. . 1818 . 7 3 4x - - - - I.lliiday, 661 Sanday, 15 Monday, 5 61 15 Tam!day, 3 55 VlManaday, 565 21 Thunday,_ 5 69 22 Friday, 569 PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE COIMITTEF. FOE SEPTEMBER. =LIM TIMM. WE. IGULIMEL J. CLELDTBICILS. Omen Prrrantmort Gamerrn, / Tuesday Morning, September 19,1676.$ The markets on Saturday were generally very quiet, and sales mainly confined to limited trans actions to the trade, with no material change in prices. FLOUR wing to the rise in the river, prices have partially declined. Receipts continue very tight as yet, with limited sales at the river, at 4,50. Supplies in store are comparatively Light, with regular sales in dray Joel lots at 4E7, and for small lots of extra brands, 55 is obtained. RYE FLOUR—We note males in limited lota tram stare at 2,871:31.3 bbl as in quality. and oiler Or sale ' CORN MEAL—With light aopplies in atom we may quote nominally at 45c p bu. . GROCERIES-Then seems to be a better fixling in the racket, and prices are looking up. We quote farther limited sales of N 0 sugar by the hhd at 5051 for fair on short time. Molasses is Linn, with regular sales in small lots of 24 0 at 29030 c, and of sugar house at 400450 p Sales of Rio coffee at italic p lb. Sales of rice at sin by the tierce. In other articles under this head, no change. ' PROVISIONS—We find no material change in the market. Supplies of bacon are very light, and sales in limited lots only are effected from smoke house at, for shoulders 44, aides 44(3440, of hams at 616/c, and of canvassed hams at 74c p.— Very little of western cared invent is found in market. In lard little is doing, and prices may be, quoted nominally at Nano p ltt Of butter, sup plies are light, with small sales of keg at Pte9tc. p lb. Cheese is arriving slowly, and supplies are not fall. We note sales of good quality W It at 5036 e, and of an article slightly inferior at he y pound. MN—Sales of No 3 Mackerel et 6,25 4a bbl kid of herring at $6• Of other kinds of fish the market is nearly bare. FEATHERS--Regular sides in limited lots a 333:34e TAlL—Sales of N Cat 4,25 a. bbL &SHE:3—The market ectutinues quiet, with small sales of pearls at Slat of sideman at 51-0 51e, of pots at 4aitll, of somuldnfie nt 3 10 1 n, end of soda ash at 4alto 011S—Sappliestare moderate,with limited sales of linseed at 624i83c, and of lard at 5... An ge gall. Sales of Tiiiiner's ad at 8176119 p bbl. FLAB SEED--Small sales at 930 ♦ ba. The inspections of the week ending on Thurs- day evening comprise the following kinds and qualities: bbla. half bbl. 4. Howard Street 1 2 , 944 32 City mai 6,025 14 Family 452 00 Sasquehmuza 000 00 19,421 46 Besides '7l bbl, Rye Flow, and 656 bbl, Corn BAND 017 Naw Quatro—The following vas the situation of the Banks of New Orleans on the 26th August, agreeably to the official publication of the Ilklard of Currency: Circulation, Deposits, Other cash liabilities, Specie, ,5 7 , 59 5, 315 Foregn and Domestic exchange2 ‘ 327,3 93 Other cash assets, 377,506 $10,301,574 Beadier thepraneding, al Ban bold discount ed papa payable let fell at maturity, 86,401,2 4th ban. onMang4 ol 4- 13,396,497; loam on stock, It, 366,9401 and oral estate, 141,544.115.--[ldercury. . - U.S. Masson Mori—The carnage of the U. S. Branch Mint in New Orlasuas for the month of Angast. was 318,000 half dollar., making $lBB, 000.—{Mercury. Comm Gum op mrs Ilan= Stam—The fol liming is a statement of the Crop of 18.17 and IS, compiled from the New York Shipping List Exgu. bales Ifirig, 9 6l parts—Fami Coastwise, '728,765 Stock an hand la Sept, 1E47, Total, Deduct—Receipts at New Orleans, Mo bile, &a Born other pods, 47,251 Stocks on band Ist Sept. VMS, 113,371 Burnt at Charleston, 1,392 Taken by Manufacuwers, 7,560 169,130 =6212 Total crop of 1848, do 1867, • Increase this pear, Expona—To Gent Britain, Prance, North of Enmpe, Other Foreign Port►, option—Total supply It all the ports 99 7, 471 Dechice—Exporta, 1,857,869 Shacks, 171,412 Burnt at Charleston, 1,39 e - 9030,fri3 Amount taken for courampticm COMER= or Mosnx—Value of kireign expo Ka hem the Ports of htotrile i kir the 3d and 4th quit:- tors in 1847, and the first six months in 1848: 1847-3 d ginner, 81,860,801 1847-4th " 1,171,269 1848-Ist " 5,137,269 1748-2 d 3,759,388 M 1,927,747 The 6allowing ism abstract of the foreign mer ehenchse Imported into Mobile in 1847: _ _ Total, Pint six months in 181& Datable, Free, Caarguminum, LOira• co., Va., J.ly mtg. Mr. R. E t o Sim I take pleasure in cet lifrink, the, tell abets of your valuable Verranhge. 11 7 end& en log siek,and Winking it might be WM... I tried so send kinds of Vermiloge, without any effect. emnitS Jell to try your Verotifoge, which I did 'M. h emitter,' bry elect, so Enoch so that my little daughter, near 160 years old, passed something war one hut,- _' o .d„w ottus Mona time. I then recconmended tong 4111,11rtio have tried it with success; so moth that v le sold out In two week. the supply which was o I fordo Months, and neu e t e t every day some per .ll! cad= 10 the store for eV' Vennifugo. yOl4, B. E. S. CH s7 AP vi kLall oed at el sold by druggists generally, In Pittebargb and A ti &al. • angle .1:T Men cover sctempt to Coctatorfett • worthless t el., hence ealuabla medicines are freguelnlY tad. The knees who counterfeit. a t calcine commits as great a crime as if t were a bank I tote or the coin . -of the United States. U A Fahnesto ere Verudfage, Which is the only safe and certain care for worms, bas been counterfeited in many sectioas of the country, aud Duteous should be on their guard whe. e purchasing to • lot tralCattimr Exile. prepared at Pin ,burgh P. Otr Don% have a Foal Breath—lf iv ex hae, use a tote slalluirhoUla of bones , tuabel Tooth Paste. Tim will makeyour breath tweet, orbital your teeth, fro. .ea; Iteniba4 a g7tB,iswiy ARRIVED, LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville. Caroline, Day, Freedom. Arrow, Nelson, Buronsville. Arrow Brownville. Cinderilla, Calhoun, Cia. nom I rise. 9 6 15 B 723 9 34 6 941 4 10 47 2 11 69 1 morn. Ip h • snet'lt.— • DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Dolphin, —, • Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. At dusk last evening, there were 2 feet 10 inches water in the channel, and at a stand. The we. then was cool, clear and pleasant Svriannosr Exriosma-The Mobile Herald learns by telegraph that the steamboat Olive burst her boiler on the evening of the 2d inst, near King's Landing. Captain Miller had his leg broken, and was severely scalded. [Thin is the second acci dent this gentleman has suffered by within a short period. He broke one of his legs in the explosion of the steamboat Kinney.] The other sufferers were Mr. Allen Coleman, of Cahawba, and !moth er gentleman, who were both severely scalded.— One negro was killed, and eight men of the same color were scalded. We learn, since the above was in type, that a passenger named Evans from Georgia, had died, and that Captain Miller was in so low a condition as to render his life quite doubtful. STI.A.VER Cownissicit Smin—Yesterday morning about 3 o'clock, as the Edw'd Bates was descend• ing the river, when about two miles below Hom burg. she came in collision with the steamboat Confidence, which was ascending the stream, and striking the latter it few feet forward of the main hatch, on the starboard side, she immediately sunk in three feet water. Her cargo consists principal ly of groceries, and will be WI or more less dam• aged. The Confidence was owned by Mews. Miller at Bower, of Hannibal, Mo. We did not learn whether she was insured or not. She will no doubt be raised in a few days. . . The passengers of the Edw'd Rates unite in es honensting the officers of that boat from all blame they having done all in their power to avoid . collission.--(St. Louis Reveille. Mynas—We learn from the Captain of the steamer Heydee, io last evening from St. Joseph, that the Missouri is falling, with 311 feet water in the channel, and is in very bad boating order.— The Illinois is falling, with di feet water on the principal bars. At Keokuk, the river is at a mod and last boats report scant 3 feet water on the Re , Aids Here, the river is steadily receding, and there is now from bin Si feet wstcrs on the bars hence to Cairo. 11:7 - Yellow Teeth and putttd breath,. ;Spungy gums like rotten death,: Is repulsive and disgusting All could have meth as white as pearl, Sweet breath—hard gums—man or gu . L Why delayl—ttay, quickly haute And use . box of Jones' Tooth Paste. Elf .coms but ES cents. and as really a beautiful article lexes the teeth n fine exams!. Sold an Pittsburgh 69 Lib° rry:st. noy Igd&tir al “That whiter skin of hers, than .now, And pure as monumental alabaster.” All females hove .kio like the above. who use Jones , ISpaniab Lily AVbite. It maketb pare snowy, yet naro rally white. Hold at 89 Liberty street. /9,8= Baltimore, Sept, 15, ISt& nrODon't have yellow dart Teeth—they can be pearly whim by one tune nong . boA of Jones Amber Tooth reset It hardens the gums, sweetens t h e breAth. &o. Sold at FO Lawn,' to. no•lfldAwty .o.rßk OF DISLYJUNT—CORLikSJTED BY N. HOLIIIIIS Ili 808 B, Exchange Brokers, No. 55 Market street, pear its of Pennsylvania. Indiana. Bank of Pittsburgh • • -•Par,State B'k P. Branches • • I Exchange Bank PariWaterlerip - .• - • " Merck. fr. Man. Bank .Pur l Virginia. BkaofFhiladelphus• .••par£2chastee Bk. of Va.. • 1 Girard Bank •• • -• •- • • Par 'Farmers Bk. of Va. -. • " Bank of Germantown •par Bk. of the Valley,— " 1 " Chester County •• • par Bk. of Vinimia •••• • -- " " Delaware Ca. • . • par M. kB. BE., Wbonliint i " Montrocriery Co- • • par do Morkantown• .• • l " Northumberland • • par N. W. Bank Va • 4 Colombia Bridge Co.• • par, do Wellsburg •- • • 1 Doylestown Bank par, do Parkersburg---- " Fanners , Bk. Reading • par! Tenn...... Fosters' Bk. Bucks Co. par. Bk. of Tennessee- • • • 6 Farmers B'k Lanesu'r•parFar. k. Merehits Bk • - " Lancurer Co. Bk.• • • • porPlanters' Bk.•-• •• • • 0 L.aneaster Ilk.• • • par Caton Bk 11. donee Book. -30 , Missouri . ^ Brownsville Bk. par'State Bk of Missourn•- 1 Wostongum Bk.• •--• • • i North Cat•olloo. Gettyaboryhßk.-- • I lßk. of C. pe Fear 2 Cbarabersburs• • • •-• • " a ble Bk., Neareern• 2 Buseinekansta Co. Bk.• 1 :dote Bank. • • 2 Lehigh Co Bank, -: Beath Carolina. Leanstoarn• •-•-• • - !Camden 8k...... •• • • 2 Middletown —• 1 :Bk. of Charleston• •• • • 2 Carltale " 'C ommercial Bk - I Fore Bk. ...... • • • •-- 40 - Ba. of 8eetr00t...... 2 Fanners' and Drover.' Fik.of liarrleorg• •• • • • 2 Bank, Waynesburg • • 1 !Wareham , Bk ••• • • 2 Baniabont " Footer. a.iiicekuis Bk• 2 Honesdale- •-• -• • 1 Bk. of koolk C-notina • • 2 Lebanon pr Morytorad. POTLiTilla ..... —••-- Baltimore Bks.• --• • • par w mn ipg.. ..... .. .. 1 8.11UT1 . 0 k 0 RR Serlp •10 York Bk. • 1 :Cumberland Bk. of Alla- West Branch Bk. 1 . ebony .. 1 Relief Notes " Far. Bk. of Maryland- • " Mk 51Bk. Fitts. do • " .Farmers' k Mechanics " City &COMIICT Scrip •- " Bk. Frederick Ohio. •Frederirk Co 8k...-• • 800 Bk. and Branches I 'Hagerstown Bk ..... bloontPleaaant•—•• • • " 'bimetal Bk••-•---- 1 Bmoberwalle ........ . 1 1,...nm.,,,, Bk .._ 1 Mamma-• • " Bk.ofl est:waiter ••• • 0 Nave Lisbon • ...-• ^ “, Ilff lohlg Cin einnau Banks- •—• • ”. Bk. of tic MUT •-- Columbus do• " Bk. of Rivet gallica. Cuoleville • —• " : Mulligan Inc Co••• •• I z.,,,Lb, ..... —. " 'Fat.ll. Meek'. Bk 5 .... ... .—.-- —• •. " Wtheonsta Terrier $3,866,734 7,020,491 59,182 510,945,407 151,513 1,354,265 219,172 120,34 9 134,476 Wl' OF PITTSBURGH St. Louis, Sept 12, 184 S. The weather was quite warm yesterday. RATES OF DISCOUNT._ . . _ Wooste, . -••-•• 75 Illar.6Fireln.Co..l.lll.* 5 Maasillon ——•-- .. 1 Canada.. .. 10 All solventßank . I Smashnk7 - 0v....5. •-• • • .• • • I Bank of Fin land Notes Clovelarid.-....-- 1 Gold &Bina* Value. x.p L ig. .... -. • • .... . . 'Napoleons 3 16 NV. . Ducats 9 13 0 91i0 Wescern Reserve • • ..-- " Eagle. old • •• • 10(0 Franklin Bit Columbus . , Eagle. ne w - ••• • In re chaliesgus • —... ..... " ',Doubloons, Spanse 16 to Lake Erie " 'Do. Patriot ..... -• 13 te 8otot" lstovereigns • • • • • • 4EI Lannaster.• • ----IC 'Guineas 5 I. Flaaulton. —• •• • ...- .13 Fredeneksd'ors.-• .07 Et Granville 30 'Ten Tbalers • -• • • 7in Farm'ts WI tantnn• -.50 Ten Guilders •• • - 3po Urbana —5O llsmisdlor. • •• • . 150 Hantssieley. It ..... ge. Ok of Kentucky I New York •• • • .... 1 p En.of Louisville 0 'Philadelphla • • •-• p • Nortiern Ills Ken nets • "'Baltimore Neva York-Cav Bank.. one. Inters , Wks. • - I Dr. Taylor's Balsam or Ltrersrort. For Confunsigian, and all aftrnans of the Clue, Lungs and Lee,. 'pins nine 1113gitrt bah been tented for thirteen j. years, by thousands of persons, atirlimedninth every variety of diseases of the Lungs • who are indebted for good health in the see of Mu truly valuable medicine Yes, this medicine has effected more cores, and done more good than any other medicine known. It is Un filldled for its peat and astonishing efficacy. Its co nnive power over diseases of the Lungs thineiverully es:UW.4 by physicians, clergymen, and nds who have tried it. Sri =NM= IVIII2M-Ova intuitionists have been pubtharied within the last year, compnung acme of the t and roost wond•rfn I cures ever heard of =every paper in the Union has spoken editorially ache mime effected by this medicine. Ileum:gm mum , eon be given of its meccas in all Consumptive clues. Gaye ago encase are the forerunners of Conning,- do. For effecting a qmek earn dus medicine is inlet- Convincing evidence in favor of Da. Tastoa's I 11. Of insgurroar, from the Wholesale Depot, No. 23 Beekman meet Alex. Smith, 161 Forsyth street. Sex ton of Rev. Zig Matthews' Church, Chrysue street, fur mere years afflicted with a bad cough; raising blood d matter hen the lungs; mean pen in the chest; and tweet. For meek long years he uffered, and at length, rescued as it were from death by the use of this almost magnet medicine, he said . Truly could trot have lived to this urne, hut for thM medicine and Divine blessings !" We roam on to toner cures Mrs Fowler, LOD King met, for many years had • dime.- leg cos, one bottle cured her. In Heed, lied , son street, cured In a week of • violent cough end cold, with pal. in the side. Elias Lewis, 19 4/rand street, having taken a dreadful cold on the medici n e COIII - to leave hie business; this yJ cared him, uit does WI who use it. He works at Tit ad- Well's }Limy, corner of Women and Wuhington sts. The B . Dr. 1. D. Vlutraing, 26 Welnut street, New ark, bas used this medicine in his praeuee, and recon cilers& It highly. Sold lo Filial . ..ugh by J D Nora., 93 Wood it ; J Townsend, &Market ; tilmyser, cor Marker and in are; Uersderson Ss Co, 6 Liberty st. Prier reduced to g 1,69 _per boule. secl4 To Flour Dealers. WAKE NOTICE That William Illentoungra Iny, of the 1 city of Pinsbureubaving been appointed speouir at Floor by the Governor of the Commonwealth, under the diet of Assembly of the 16th day of April, IRIS, or and for the city of Pittsburgh, and the counties of Alle gheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Fayene, Green, Indians, Jefferson, Armstrong, lintler, Beaver, pler mr, Crawford, Ene, Warren and Venango, will dos day enter Kan the duties of his office under his corn norminden. ofi Vat k g r a ° n U d n glllllll7l :11 % ; e l I G re en' s Z n e W P dim e ry --. Athalnas rrrrrrrr Hottee. THE mbeeriber having taken out letters of Ade:tants. Minion upon the C•Latt 0)10 eITCCUI 0( Chad. Blo wn, node." is hereby given to all those permits having posse Won of his property cffeetkor o , ti h teranse, i to de iver them to the administrant', Ind ose ow hem to, or having clainie open YOl ratool, to present them du ly sothentiented. JOSHUA gOBINSON, adm't sep2 °thee Fifth at. rte. Wood. Wrought and Coat Iron Railing. HE subscrtbers be leave to Inform the public that Tthey have obtamed frmn the East all the late and hionnbla designs for Iron Railing, both for houses and cemeteries Persons wwhing to procure hand some patterns will please cull and examine, and judge for thenttelves. Railing will be furrushed at the short est Douce, and in the hest manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebems streets, Allegheny city. •ug32-dtf A. LAMON _T & KNOX. 400 IT 1.";.'.`,°.`",„`: b4N5b0L. 1 ,:. 1 71`,,1.`. - .°;`l! 10.10 do; 25 do 7-1) do; 25 do 10.14 ;35 ithds N. 0. Sur bids No. 3 mackerel ; bits rosin soap No, I,, , ,c. r:d d o o d p ip , r c e . d si cendl e gn r, s t ; 125 to d e Clne t t , nnsu mould do, ._sepl4 and 13 lON IiARBIIU G fl /tog Wore !Mane. PRE highest pneo in cosh paid for goad clean raga also, canvass, bale rope; gran lope; beating, wool. mg. ea , ke, by W. calaD VICK. warns et. bet. perm fr. liberty AL SODA- 6 cults Engllsh lust received and tot 0 auk by sep4 B A FAHNESTOCK &Co SAL AMAION-1500 Ita =pi! Co ...r4 SUGAR LEAD-40 0 RA Ann ,neelved And fn :thy B A Fik. G DUN by'EPP:r7.l)ZirbitgillPAr BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. arresposdenee of:Pattatiargh %mile. Correspoudenre of the Pittsburgh Galena. Pututost.r me, Sept. 18, 1848 The City Councils received General Smith at Independence Hell, and complimentary speeches were interchanged. The Union publishes a notice from the Poet Of fice Department, that the, mail steamer California. which sails from New York on the 2d October. will take letters to Rio, Valparaiso, Callao, Moote• `rev, Francis., Astoria,--inland postage prepaid. The Free Soilets of New Jersey have nomina ted a fuU electoral ticket. We learn from Wilmington that a collision took place on the Rail Road between the Phila delphia and Baltimore trains, by which Michael McDermott, breakman, and a German, name un. known, were killed. No injury was done to toy others. Correepoitdenee of the Plusbwith Gazette. CINCINNATI, Sept. 18, 1848. Mr. Clay has authorized the publication of a paragraph, in which he says, that while he feels deeply and gratefully affected by the desire to which many of his friends cling of electing him to the Presidency, he cannot accept a nomination for that office, should it be tendered to him. Feeling bound by the decision of the Philadelphia Conven tion, he does not wish, and cannot consent that any further use be mode of his name in connec. non with that office. CAlniesrwodence of the Pittsburgh Gagette. Putt.nDstrltu,, Sepi 18, 1545. Flour—This has been the quietest days of the season. Small sales of Western at $5,500502 pe bbl. Sales of choice a shade higher. The whol , amount of sales did not exceed 3000 bble at tho-- figure. Grain—Wheat is firm but not active. We not. sales of 2000 bush Prime Red at 110 c per bu. Prime White Corn at 59a60c, and of none Yel low at 63c per bu. Whiskey—Sales in bbls at 29c per Provisions—There is no activity in any article Quotnuons are steady. Correapondonce of the PoOtburgh Gate.. New Yoee, Sept. IS, 6 P. M The Steamer has not yet arrived. Flour—The market is firm, with good eastern and borne demand, and some shipping inquiry. Grain—There has been no sales of Wheat wor thy of report. The market for Corn is heavy. Whiskey--Sales to a moderate extent at '29c. Cotton—The market remains as last quoted. There is no change in other arsieles usually re ported. Correspondence of the Pntsburst Gazette aturtltone, Sept. IS, 5 r. x. The market, today, was qmet, •nd prises have undergone no change lance last report. The next steamer i• looked for anxiously by Produce deal Correspondence of the New York Ttlbutte Our New Frontlers—ttorrtble Outrages— Texas. Motern OP TUC Rio Ga.usnu, Aug. 12,164 n. • • • • Speaking of Texas and Texeana reminds me of tidings that reached here, a few days ago, beyond doubt substantially true. Some seven ty five or eighty of the Texan Rangers, officers as well as men, discharged from our service • few weeks stove, at Camargo, have banded together for the purpose of robbing the defenceless Mexicans this side the mountain. Last week they made a descent upon the town of Sebums, situated near the Mot of the Cierralvo Mountains, between them and the Rio Grande; and after various mut dery and other outrages, they demanded a coraris tuition o, a large sum of money, threatening in the alternative, the total destruction of the town and its inhabitant. The =beetle inhabitants actually raised and paid over the earn of 814.000, with which the villians decamped. The next day they obtained of the town Ville A Idamas, by a like levy, $ll,OOO. This town in in the vicinity of Sabana. These desperadoes are well organized, well mounted, and t, ell armed with the fornudable “five.sticoters, - which they know so well how to wield. They can defy quadruple their numbers of the Rancheros on a fair field, and in any event can make end their retreat to the Texan borders in the face of twenty times their numbers, by reason of the superiority of their horses over the Mexican Mus tang. The facts here stated are denved from an intelligent American gentleman Just arrived from Monterey. All the upper towns arc represented as in a state of alarm and preparing hit defence. Unless stringent measures are taken by our au. thormes to suppress this species of banditti. they will become a much more tumble scourge to this frontier than the dreaded Camanche or Small In thane. We have now but a handful i( troops in thin cone. try, not a file of cavalry. and if our military bad the adthonty. which they have not, to pursue these parties, they would be perfectly powerlesn without efficient dragoons, all of whom have been sent from this line to Santa Fe and California. Their depar• tees from this neighborhood has no doubt been the signal for the Texas chivalry to commence their professional operation. Should perchance any of these cutthroats be ar reigned before a Texan Court, who, that knows anything about the country. believes that a COOVlC uonpotald be had upon Mexican testimony , lam well - assured that a Mparcan witness, or one of Mexican Wood, bas no more influence to work the conviction of a pre wits. Maws for high mune, in a Texan Court, than the testimony of the most obtuse nosed neves* of a Louisiana plantation would have to convict her white mailer of a rape. The Mexican men are trencher ii.s mud .~ artless enough. made so almost neer wanly by the endless corruption and oppression tit their Government , and priesthood. But the Texan stork of Amen cans, such as I have writ thrown upon the sur face in this war, no tar suryrnsa in brutality and universal scoundreilem all Mexican examples as to act at defiance any attempt at comparison. There are exceptions to ibis as to all general rules. I have made the intimate acquaintance of a few Texas gentlemen whose fnendship and good opinion I value beyond pncir--men whose virtues and intelligence would command the esteem of any people in any country. It u from frank converse. tons with such as these, as well as from observa tion, that I have learned to estimate the true value ofTexas and as population. and I noi forced to ex claim, in prophetic dread of the consequences of Annexation -Wo to the evil day that gave to the Lora Stoma place upon the tdue ground of our glancing ensign' If it do ant wipe from din canesss the bright galaxy, it will at leant SO bedim its bril liancy and mar its beauty that patnots will have cause to weep at the conournmaion. and honent men, who have contributed to bring it shout, wtll have need to call upon the mountains to fall upon them, that their sin and their shame may be hid den from the gene of a reproving world:' Rhetonc aside . —Texan is a miserable country and its inhabitants a miserable population. She and the newly acquired terntory west are destined to be an interminable source of turmoil and expense to the nation. They will cost the Government in current expenses far more then all the rest of our vast frontier, without taking into calculation the prime cost of annexation—the hundred millions expended in the late War. Their resources tomer. !Wisely overrated and exaggerated) will never in all time contribute to the Union a tithe of the bene fits which the false statements of interested parties and their continued cost to the General Govern ment would give the nation to expect. ()rain, Ten. as cannot grow to any extent. Her Cotton trade must ever be next to nothing, and her sugar trade literally nothing. Her grazing facilities are incom parably inferior to those of the whole Weatern re gion north of latitude 361 deg. fr.. the Allegheny to the Rocky Mountain. Except a small patch in Eantern Tense, she has no producti ye soil, because she has no seasons. Like most o(bits:ice, the rains of heaven are scarcely vouchsafed to her at all, and never in seasonable regularity. He who sews has no confidence that he:will,ever be permitted to reap. Not one season in five is profitably productive to the laborer. Inn gation:can only make the soil yield a wire return, and so anal) a proportion of the whole is susceptible of this artificial and expetwlve adjunct, that it is mere trifling to consider it. The name is true of New , Mexico and California. Texas is hopelessly bad, New-Mexico, if possible, wont!, and California worst. But those who calculate the moral evils of inner: posting with ourselves such a population, comPo spd an it is of semicivilized Mexicans, a VICIO I .Ia conglomerate, by interbreeding of the dregs of Spanish Europe, the wild Indian tribes, and the negroes; and wone than these, the cut-throat ren egade American and European whites, who are wont to congregate where population is sparse, and where the prompt administration of wholesome lawn is impracticable, Can in some measure esti mate the knuful result of "extending the area of freedom" in this direction. This latter claw of citizens have none of the virtues of the former, have all and more than all, their vines, with a au. perior sagacity and boldness in the exercise of them' And these 0 korribile dicta! are our brethren— they to whom we have said: "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God!" I had no desire, when I commenced this letter, to ran into this philippic on the beauties of Texas; I have discursively wandered upon the subject; but as I verily believe I have told nothing but plain tenths, in a plain way, I hope they may at least in terest you, if they do not, in some slight degree, afford you instruction. I have not spoken of the much vaunted advanta. gen to our commerce, whale-fisheries. Ate. from the pmsension of the newly acquired harbors on the Pacific coast. Of these lam not capable of judg ing; but I very strongly inchne to the opinion that. as in the case of all the other benefits named in.the bills, "the play is not worth the candle." P. S.--Since writing the foregoing, all the facts relating to the outrages and depredations of the Tex an banditti have been more than confirmed by the publication of the official statement made by the au. thotities of the towns named to the Governor ofNe w Leon. These documents are published in the Mex ican paper issued et Monterey; a number °fit was received yesterday at Matamoros by an officer of the Army, familiar with the language with whom I have thin moment had a conversation. Severed cold blooded murders were committed on the occasion. Among the murdered is the Alcalde of Babbles. SUP. FRP.NCH CLOTHS—A supply of srupenot blk French Cloths for dm. coats, just rec'd sod offbted very low for quality at the stOte of W 6 MURPHY sopt4 HATS, CAPS AND BONN FASHIONABLE HAT& THE sobseriber in addinon to his own iiian nt nfacutringiof F iats, has made arrange meats with bfeursßeyee & Co, (the most fashionable halters of the city of New York,) for a reg • alar eapply of his extra fine Silk Hate, and having test received a few ease., gentlemen eats be mated woh a 'very rick and bearnifn that by calling at his new Hat mtd Cap Store, SmithLeld street, se and door south of Fourth, where may be found a great variety of 1111. and Caps of his own manufltentre, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to order on short notice. apM JAMES WILSON. EIENCORD & CO 14 (Successors to APCoott & King) Fashlon•ble H• ' OIL Corner of Mod and Fifth Streets. ARTICULAR atmntion paid to our Retail Trade. P Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our entablishment of the Ban mans.. and WOIII31.1.4111), of the Lama mum, and at the towns, later. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, am respectfully Limited to call and examine our Stock; as we can oay with confidence that os regards domino and rates, it will touffer in a comparison with any house in Philadelp • febl7 _ _ Fan Fashions for 1848. ri moco&D & 4111. !LATE ■'caan & ma,) ~.. lATILL introduce on Someday, August Wtbi tiro TV Fall style of B ats , just received from New York. Those in want of a neat and beautiful hat. are invited beau at their store, comet of Fifth and Wood streets. autr24 STRAW GOODS . . .& 10 • DEALERS are Owned to examine R. H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the spring style, composed . patt . of BONNETS—Florence Braid: English Dan stable dOLAmerican do do; Clams Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do,• Franc. Lace; Fancy Gimp,dx. Sm. HATS—Leghoro, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rutland!Braid, Pedal do. Al., Artificial /Flowers, Rib/twos, Esc. Straw Bon uot Warehouse. OS market st. marll iILITILED B. ELESECVIL, fa h, CHEA PEST Fashionable Hatter in APitubur g h. Principal Store, Bi Fourth street. Manufacturing and accommodation Store, cor ner of Wood street and Virgin alley. Highest prices always paid for shipping Furs. rnyilit y DRY GOODS. M=lM=l TIEI= EitMRMEMI A. A. MASON Ir. CO No. GO Maria, netuyert Third and Fourth stretrs, Pittsburgh, Pa. I.liVernti ale atteutton al all Merchant& to their ex tensive stock. (comprising more than tit: Hundred Packages) of Fall and Wittier Goods, which will be offered try the piece or packagt the lowest Fasten Wholesale poem). Receiving Me greater portion of our Domestic Goods, on consignment from the Alan.. factuters, std being possessed of every faculty and ad. vantage through our New York Mouse, we met assured that we shall be enabled to fully compete with any !louse in the Country. Our stock in part consists of Cases Cashmters and De Lams, Llieos and llanghansa ; Alpaeeas and Lynne. Cloth.; Red, %Vint< and Yellow Flannels 1212/130111 175 Cove• Blenched " `' Colored Cambriem p - ron and ' Shining Check. tEM2I=I Canimer and Saltine. • Y. `. Tweeds and Jeans, TOGET(I.I2 with a general assonment of Dress and Cloak Goods, Silks and Shawls Ribbons and Laces..... Fency Gs. Trunnungs, be., be Making in all. one of Me m ot e omplete, as well as extensive stocks to be found in the country . We will tie constantly in receipt of the latest style of Goods. many of which we Shall ha able by having them on commission) to offer. at better advantage, than ould possibly be atolled by Eastern Jobber.. Mer• chant. purchasing Rut. are solicited to examine our assortment. and learn th e low price of our goods nip& dee w Ina A A MASON & Co Cr Papers to whom this is sent marked, will copy mod take out former advertisement. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, Ar. W. M•CLINTOCK'tI CARPET STORE No. Is Fumed rime:, ONE of the largest and the most ehotre ...mit of CARPKTINti in the market, embraring all the thatqualitles from the most approved tatamilactonr. that have been mated for durabinty to labor and co. Tapestry Velvet Cdrpeung, do Brussels do Brussels earpetubg; Extra Chenille Rosa Kelm sup 3 ply do Tufted do Sup Ingrain do Wilton do Vora do do Brussels do Common do do Manufactured to order in new patterns; adapted to parlors, bodement, sod chambers Painted Oil Cloths. for dining rooms, entries, vest. bule,kitcherts. fte Strive Mature, Stair Bola Window Shades and Fi 4 a re • Jotter, and Woollen Borking. from one third m three yards wide. Ooor Meta tte ear .to which the scion ttoo of puretiasers at sebolesale and remsl is reeperb full, incited. Waremood one door born Wood at . aura W St CI.INTtiCk i)-v Shacklett & White . . N VITF:S the out-titian of Western Merchants to their I ;attic and fresh stork of I A 1.1. AND t% INTIIII IJRV I:in 00. to. h they •re now . icerivinif direct from the I'Asterti , Manufacturers and Important. and which they will ite!: . at Eastern inhoing price.. /laving every facility for the purchase of coals to the bet advantage, and the lowest possible prices, Ihey confidently Wylie Merchants to atamine the nun flies and pores of their good...feeling sansfled they , aa sem. pi, favorably to any manes mtnet East or I% cat Thou su..-It will compose • full assortment of is, goods usuany kept in any Goods, Donee, and will he i rOnstarail ieceisitig . isthisthelis , hi all th e new and dew , rabic IA) irs of goods of 4.10610•11 C . Of fOrelfl [011.101 1,1 " • lure, and will onfy irquire an examinationto be Op- preetated septa_ — Vhe Kew Caoldeli Bee - Hive •saln. Net, Fall and irtnan (hp Goc.d... JI:!..T recall - mg and none opening,. the alga of the Ito Bra Tine on Marko anent. betweculhird and Fourth streets. one of the largest, etteapeo and bee t •••ortell at of Full and NS inter Dry (mods ever ot. feted in Pittsburgh The alienist:on 01 am; hussies - ohs customers td th e public generally. is resperuudy. tn. ' v:lfed in this LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK. 1 being confident ae can sell roods cheaper than any noose In the en, Among thn. !relit arrival 1.11 tie found the moat fashionable and newest styles of FALL AN D W INTER IA KIM., Pot Ladies' wear, and at pn res that will astonish all. the subserther being deter mined to sell CIIF.A PER THAN TITE CHEAPE. , r, at No el, Market eve._ seon-tf Mf'sl L RUSSF.LL - - yV" R MURPB northessi coraer o( Fourth and . Market ale,. now opening to. early 101 l elect Am erlean and imported Dry Gouda Buyers will please lent before making their purchase. (pertlos looming, a beautiful assortment of Plain I.Laell Alpacas. super Brocade do. do satin .toped do. do barred do Besides • large 1•11.4/11113ell lof new si .1) le pr... glnghsins,mosiins. Insh linen.. de ..very low [Er IVhole.ale room. on seeo.l atorY . rash buyer. at about Eastern peerslllerehsotA will do well to call •op 4 - - A CARD. TOHN KELLY & Co., Isuceessers to Robb, Mitne• al tartlet h MERCHANT TAllAtßts, lOt Chest net street, Fhtlarle'peta, beg leave to ,nforni the friends and patrons of the late hero. and strangers ',mama tht• city, that they are now tit receipt at the Spnog and ;sum me r Fashions Also choice and select assort. stem of West of Hnelond sad French Cloths, (ass,. mere. Yesttngs. to which the) respectfully Invite the , / sttentton. siartaaas HAWI.S.—AIe gander ak Day bare received thrret 0 from the trnparter In New York. an enure rue of peptone Can Crape Shawls, coutattung a complete .nrlment nl embroidered and plain ohavel., of all r lon and qualities, from Ban to ilk The lad,. art res. peettutly Invited to examine three .howl., bettering Thal some of them •re superior to any before offered in this market The) will he .old remarkably cheap Also, Salk Thibet and Ilerage Shawls nod Scarf. • full .•.oriment. at remarkably mw prices. • • INr M. VOL Nti & Co • 141 Laterty street.invite at tention to their very extensive stork of tt.ole Lea ther. Stott:wen. Tanner's 1111. Shoe Thread. Ac. tonal, toung a very general naaortment Kood• in itteir nn; of bo•tnes. al. oi ha. heel, telected wait trem rare in the }'astern e.t.a. and it now odered In pur chasers at reduced price. An ex.iontatton of titbit atoek . rc.. ctiollyaolacited totiP-", Dry Goode at Wholeaale. WR MLKNIY informs his regular cuattanert nd buyers generally: that he has nowopen his first Fall !amply, and in .nd vites their ex•nunation of his stock. He is determined to oiler his goods LOW, and to present every inducement to huyem in the army of pces and a choice of goods. Wholesale rooms nor 4th and Market .u, 2d story, entrance from fourth. impitt LEMEZIME:= SNIITH edtr.h JOHNSON, 46, Madirkd et assu v.. age havn.en l t jers ,„ ! vi express, a splen l ribbons, to w irh they would parneularly inttle t he strenuou of purchasers. sep4 Wrought Collar*. AA. Mason k Co ,1141 Market street. here lust open, • ed CVO sup wrought collars just received per las IMO 12RENCH MI:11.11608.-13arni k. Jonsson, No, 16 Market sweet, have this day opened a .ease of French Merinos of all colrs, abto Lyonese elotha al pacas, oriental do, cashmeres, Woos de lama, calk plaids and woollen do, which will be sold extremely low. wpb Fancy Dress Good.. . Iy F i this ri=tA rnt ., 4 l f nrt ereet.p.nor painted an ous d'sine, 10 pa rich mohair lustres,•iind one dor embroidered dresses of moot elegant style. „ . IMPS AND FRINUF.tI —tintith h Johnson. No. 46 kJ Market street. Wow Just received and Invoice of Ramps and Imps assorted colors and styles, sonic at ...rely new patterns, to which they would invite the attenuant of purchasers. sepl I lAPFJ AND COLLARS—A A Minion & Co. hey° just reed 55) more of those very cheap Wrought Collars, at 121 c; 2.0 Mourning do, new style; RIV V r't Standing do, some very superior; also, 60 Wrought capes of various priers. S%VIPS MCSLINS—A A Mason & Co hero lass', opened MI ps of Tissue and Swiss Muslim, RomIRESS - ..4 - Irigr , —A A !Owe. & CuTFave Just rre'd eps gleci sulk. of beautiful styles, also nu ps of fancy dress and plain silks 101115 morning opened at A. A. Mason & Co'. No. 64i Market street. :SU viscus, alto soma fide mourning, stand colors. selel A. Mason & Co. have just receis tor lot . of colored silk fringes and gimps. sepr ‘TEW FALL tiOGDS—A ?nraTo & co, Market „LI street, are now opening trk eases and packages or new Fall Ormds, comprising in pert new styles Minis, French, English and American prMis. Altar Swiss and Rook ?dusting, Collars. Capes, Laces. angle ADIEti. STANDING COLLARS—A A Nlaron & w Co, 80 Market sh have just opened re doz of iliv most fashionable styles of Ladies Sianilihg Colter• Also, .20 din 'Mounting do: 00 dor Wrought do. DAMASK TABLE COVE:R:4—A A Meson & Co. have opened a moor extensive assornwent of Da mask Table covers, comprising fine medium and low priced, of all sixes. maggo COMAE CALICOFS—A another large lot of Cr Dollar. Alto, g e m ysnl More Wrought Collars i L2*. FEANNFI.B.- th. ob.„„ washing, at the northeast c l orner of Fourth and htarket streets.. . sep9 Ta i s . regesed Ran a omen nf t avrf u.. 'sl ig yre r ef h c } :f goods for boys' wear, plan, and boned, stumble for all and winter. sopa • EENGLISHI.IIINI'it.—A farther supply of newest styles, and finest qualities, just received at the dry goods house of sep9 W H MURPHY HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, lcc, ORPHANS , COURT BALE. D'l inn. of an order of the Orphans' Court of Alle gheny County, Perinsylunia, In No. 54, J 545 m, 1848, i will expose to tale, by public rendue or ornery, at the Conn House, in the etrty f Pittsburgh, on October at, 1848, at 10 o'clock, A. AI, being the In Monday of October, 1948, all that germ. Lot or Piece of Ground, situate in the etty of Pitoilsurgti, begnining on Penn street at the distance of 52 feet westwardly from Marbury • sweet, ard running along Peen street westwardly 38 feet; thence southwardly, a parallel fine with Marbury street, 110 feet to Brewery alley; thence along gala alley eutwardly 38 Den and thence northwardly, a parallel fine with Martinry street, 110 feet to the plane of begtnning—with all the appurte nances; on which is retried three small Frame and one small Bock Dwelling Houses, the same being sob. tent to a yearly ground rent of one hundred and eight dollars, payable quarterly forever, to Anthony Dram°, his heirs and assigns. Tom. or Sena—One third cash on the delivery of the deed.for the premises, and one third in One year, with interest from the dey of sale, and the other one third ni two years, with interest from the day of sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the = ,, nnisea ALARGARET BLA Late Margaret Thompson, Admoustratri; c7f . 13711- ham Thompson, deed. nwr23-d. Cambria Furnace for Salo riIHE undersigned will offer for sale at public ace don, en Thursday, the fifth day of October next, the following :mope ny assigned to theta by the late firm of Vinton, Leath, Reese & Co.. for the benefit of the creditors of said firm, to wth—The Furnace erected by mod company, with the steam engine and fixtures, and hot blast apparatus; the tool. used about the furnace; the lot of land on which the Furnace Stands, containtnK about fifteen acres of land, and the interest of the said firm in fifty acre. ofland bought of R. K. Du Bois. The sale will be held on the premises, in the town ship of Tallmadge, Summit county, Ohio, and will com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Tiaras or Sams—One-fourth each, nod the balance in four, eight and twelve month.. W. B. C. OTIB, augl4-du W. H. UPSON. S thisiroble Lois For Salo. . - - - THE subscnber has laid out eleven Lots on the Muth side of the Fourth Street Road, and about two and one quarter mdes from the Court House. These lots commit each from one to two and a half acres of land, and will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. It is deemed unnecessary to en ter ;too any explanation of the advantage; of these lots. Their vicinity to this city, and to the hue of the Central Rail Rood, recommend them strongly m very desirable country residences. The subsenher alw offers for sale about seven hum tired acres of land to Franklin township, Allegheny county,. about seventeen miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine betiding lots to the borough of Birmingham. augt3-dtm NEVILLE B. CRAIG. V NYLSPAPI:E PEOPERTY lIKOA TAL'isCs THAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, Foq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny en'', will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot 33 the Cis feet 4 imhes on Craig street, running through to anal lie feet There tan goodtwo story frame dwelling house on the premises. lately bulk, and the lot is well improved. containing a variety of choice fruit trees. grope, shrubbery, tee. This property to convent- ' ently ablated for persons doing business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable restdence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor ney at Law. office on Fourth street. above Smithfield. apt,-shf ROA Acre • Coal - 15"17 , fromS lUm PiU ATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 miles ttsargh and 3 =les above third Lock, In the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon tk Shorh, and Mr John Herron's purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of IEI3 per acre—one third in band, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. Title Indisputable. Locatton •ery good—Cann. Iwsurpassed. For further particulars enquire of S. LIALSLEY, who has a dealt of said pro perty Reside:teeth:l it. below Ferry. Mr. Adams' Row. N. tt. There is another seam of coal on this tract, about Si feet above the lower, of excellent quality. yietiltf S. B. Real Estate In Ohlo. ATRAM' of land, 90 acres, in Hama., Po tttfu Cu, on the Voyn.bog• nver—about a 9 acres under im provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the rillage of Warren. Trumbull dli feet by DO. Also, • lot of ground •the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co.,with a fine dere:ling bonnie and store--one of the best stands for a merchant on the' Wasmrn /Leanne Any or idl thts property rill be sold on veryaccommodating farms ISAIAH DICKEY Co., feblo Water and Front sta. . - - • lIE large and well built Factory:, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny city. by FL S. Caa•all.. Essi i t. ; "re d for wile at a borKntn. and on easy terms. be lot on which the Factory is erected. fronts PM feet on Rebecca street. and runs Leek 110 feet to Park street The main budding is of bock. three stones high and Go feet long by 17 feet wide. The Engme House is large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, mark, ice- all to complete order. The property will be sold low. and on adventagmhua terms. Fo :a p ir la tr rins, ik.e.,ernitnre at thin office. - - For Rent. THAT commodious brick dwelling house and large lot. the residence of Mrs. Jane Magee, on Webster street. near the bead of Seventh street. on which are a stable and carriage house, out houses. bake oven, and a •anety of shrubs and grape Tams. Posseamon will be given on the let of October, or soon. required Enquire on the premises, or on Wylie, n ' ear Washin ' gton street, of 51 B L.OWEUE. aug3-dif Tract of Land for Sale. subscriber will well on accommodating terms. a valuable train of unimproved land. situate an the road leading from Brighton to Franklin. about eighteen nines from Pittsburgh. and about eight moles (rum the town of Freedom on the (lino river. The tract con tains 402 scre• sod 21, perches strict measure The laod Of PA excellent quality, about SO at rent cleared, end wen watercd. and wt.! he weld either in whole er in farm. of tont elect. sire, in suit purchasers For further particulars enquire of V. 51 BOYD. Any en Law. ether on 4th st. shove Sianhheld, Pittsburgh. inygn.ilkortt T Property in Allegheny City for T' E subscribers oder Mr sale a number of choice Lets wean. in the Second Ward. frentin,g on the Common ground. en easy terms Inquire of W 014 RoItINSO \ . Any at Law. St Clair at or of .IASSIOBINSoN. ou the premises. mylldhwa T FARM FOR BALE. V ALL A 11l A. FA It NI conounto• LIO acres, aunt.- led ot IL-ICU/11l roomy, t itoo, 7 miles Mom St lanrs•lno atot morY north ot the SaUonal Road, and an one or the moat dr.orable neigh.rhoods in the coun ty There s• nude, runty noon about ninety at roaaryth • yonoc orchard.n.c Or For terms and other partic ular.. ID tile or JOHN S. DILWORTH, nu R 7 wood st Business gland. () N ARKFr sTREIT 1-141 SALE—The st tr.serit occupted toy Mr John Thompron. rti.trkts street. two doors tskteve Is offered A.., a ‘,..11 handrome .ocallon at Manchester. co tainnog trout .la, re, ad% ratng house and oth. improvomen.. formerly the residence of Rev 31r M. Cur. , Apmy to GEO. aep4-d ' m 94 wood .veer Valuable Residence In Allegheny for gale. lONTEMPLATINU • remora; from Allegheny city. I offer my residence there for mile The premises are to delightful order. and every way worthy the at tention Of any person wishitig such property. R. W POINDKXTF.II_ Boat Estat• In Mercer Cloounty. ftLOT, Storehouse and Hwelltng. situate on the line Estrosion Canal. in the village of West ?did. dleset a desirable location fora merchant Also.. Lot and goal Dwellisir House stood for • Tavern Stead, in the village of Orangeville, on Stain lota of Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH HICKEY /a Co to In 0 Water and Front M. in.TURFS. dwelling houses mutated on 4th street neer canal bridge, In the etty of Pittsburgh. Al so, a room 73 by 110 left, with a convenient en tennee on 3th •t pear wood Also. a frame dwelling, two storv.s. with an of ground enclosed and under coluvatton. sane. on Ohm lone, in the etty of Alleghe ny Inquire of J 1:1 Air) 110 wood street IIiFOR BALE OR RENT. the Pittsburgh Brew ery. with .11 its hresong apparent. situate on Penn street and Barkers alley.and now oeettpted by tied \V 'south h. Ca Possesuon green on the first day of apnl ensuing For term.. he. enquire of BROWN es CULBF.RTSON, 11.)Al. I.AND SALF.-4.4-ven acres eo;I Inud for sale..llll2lr in bend of the Monongahela R.Jver, above Ilruernavtil.. I`a. baring a 7 foot vein of coal which .111 he sold .n errhange for goorls. For partten. sr. applr to A MIA I 4:11 alsrorsl st - - . W A R.Eilt Ftlit SALF- —The sobsenber offers for sale the three story brick Waxebouse on W.... 1 street. rweopted by FL ToAller dr. Co. It rents HOW for 81000 per year. sot, IVII.SON. Jr. To Let. The aulArriberu will rent part of Na ware, houue. now occupied II them. Apply to & Co., anti) 54 weer street. For Sale. A Pule two story hrlel‘ houst.on mem street, Allegheny ory. near U. upper bridge. The lot Is YI legit in frtnt by deep. Fur terms inquire of de1.51( A WASHINGTON, 4th st For Rent. At, THE Mtge fire proof warehouse, 24 feet from by 111,0 feet deep. on second t. near wood. Rent mod- Inquire of J SCHOONMAKER tr. Co., YI wont For Rent. A Smoke (loose, situated on Blom alley, for ent. Ingo. , of ROBERT DALZELL tr. Co, I.tberry •treet. deel3 T/IF. warehouse at present occupied by the subscr bets. Possession given on the Ist ot October. se 7 FORSYTH k DUNCAN EXCHANGE BROKERS, &G, HANNA & BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Elehnnge. Certificates of Deposne. Book Note, and Specie Fourth suer, near ly opposite. the Bank of Sntshurgh. Current sidancy received on deposito—Hcht Cheeks for sale, and col lections wide on nearly ell the principal points in the United States . The highest premium paid for Foreign and Am:aerie. Gold. Advoneen made on consignments of Produce, ship ped El., on :Metal terms mehl3 BANKERS nod licalen tn Exchange, Coinand Rank NM!, No. .15, Market street. Pittsburgh. Selling Rata. Fscharign. Buying Rates. New York, Ipr Otnetonau, 2 dis Philadelphta, ido houlsvtlio, 2 do Baltimore, Ido St. Louis, 2 do Buying Rotas, BANK NoTEs Baying Rates. Ohio, I a. co. h. Scup Ordera,ll die Indian, -do Rebel' Note., "do Kentucky, "do Pcnnsylyanta Cy "do "do New York do °do VUltima, d o Whenlyng, ido New Orletum, "do Tennessee, 2do Maryland, . " au, febtlitf _ - __ FORZIGA EXCHANGE. 11..1....4 on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange A co. Drafts pa) ahle in .y part of the Old Countries front LI to X.lOOO, at the rate of PS to the I Sterlitth without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. European and lienernl Agent, office 3th at on. door erect of wood octlstf 10.PN LL. MIA HILL dr, CURRY, BANKERS and Esehangs Brokers. Dealers in F. etgn and Domestic Tune and Bight Bills of If hange, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes mud Co No d Wood street, third door henna Fou mullsrth, w. • ...1.1.03 1.1.211i163, [IOWA. aka AIMED. 4 RAHN, DAMBERS AND EXCILANDE BROOMS, deale in Foteign and Domestic Bills of Fachangn, Co ates of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin, corner 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite Si Charles H. mayEdly BULLS OF EX.OIIANGE.—Sight Cheeks on New York, Milo&lph.to, and Hohimore, Constantly for lode by N. 110L.W3 & SONS. septa 4.5 Market at. ViOLLECTIONII.—.Drafts, Notes , and Accep ces, payable u Roy part of the Union, collected • the moat favorable terms. N. HOLMES & SONS. dell) Mast it I MISCELLANEOUS. Consulting Engineers & Counsellors for Pateratrifeatt Office for procuring and defending Patten., Imparting Informant. on Mechanics and the appllcatiou of ence to the Ana, and on American and Foreign Laws of Patents. P ROF. L ' HTZ I t. :01383IIFS°c7Pir' of Phil"'l p a, to c&y, Ito be aided by timed Knowles, Esq., late Machlnest of the United Stales Patent Office,) have st atedo themselves together for the prosecution of the ove branches of professional business, either m their offiee, al the Patent Dilute, or beforethe Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Invemors and others who consult diem or place busineu in their hands. Mr. Knowles has for the past twelve yews held the.post of hlachinen in the United Stales Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part in the present endertaian_g. His talents and peculiar firma , for the Important office so long fill ed by him, have been fel=grused by Inventors wherever the office itself is The office of Messrs. J. tr. Ft.. is on' F street, opposite the Patent Other, ‘Vaahlarrion, D. C_ where coraniuni canons, post mud, wlll protriptli attended to; exam inations made. drawings, specification., and all mums- Ite papers prepared—and models prOcureri when desi red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examinations had, must by ac• eompanied by a fee of five dollars. In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J 3 R. will be nsusted by n legal gentleman of the highest professional character. mid hilly conversant with Mechanics and other Sciontific subjects. - tnyt.Mdkwlytt DILOPA WHIG EST& SLID ILMEHT - - 101,11141.14011. lI.V. CA PA. DR. EDWARD ACRES, mites this means of ra tumlog his thanks to his frmnds and the public for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in formant; them that be has latelyerected a large and well constructed building, for the exclusive purpm , c. of his WATER CURE ESTA.BUS/IMENT, at hm old location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat handing at Beaver, where he is ready to receive patients as warders, and treat them oh Hy drop.. pnnctples. In addition to hi, thug experi ence, end the great auecers which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committed is his care, he has now the addinoual facilities afforded by n t ex tensive hulking erected expressly for the purpose, con. taming commodious and airy rooms, .d fitted up with every neeesaary apparatus for bathing, and ddminis tenng the treatment to the utmost benefit and cornfort of the patient. Pthllipsburgli m a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine .d wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures those afflicted persona who may place themselves an der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their comfort; sad as an assurance oftee substantial benefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently eared at his estab lishment. The Water Cure lemvai no incurious effects behind, as is too often the case with those veto have been treated on the old system. It removes the 41.- ease, Invigorates the system, protect. from the danger. in ctdent to changes of the weather, creates a natural and active appeute, .d imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms of treatment .d boarding reasonable. Por further particulars inquire at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Phllbpshurgli. aug26,l VENITIAN BLAND 3LANUFACTORY Fast side of the Diamond, where Vbnittim Blinds of all the differant saes and clors are kept on hand or made to order s aner the latest and most approved Eastern fash ions's.. the .hottest notice and on the MOll reason. le terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa. rency and Paper Curtains of all the different sites and pattern., on hand and for sale low for cash. Oid Vera nen Rhoda painted over end repaired, or taken in part payment for new R M WESTERVELT. ?roll, N B —All work done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to Plea.e the most Dth uchous. auglo.Dy ' '• • Allegheny city, Aug. 10. ISIS. Covoa, W. Baker's Amcncan and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocos, Cocoa Paste. Brows, Cocoa Shells, Ac. th e erchants and consumers, who would purchase j, best products of Coco. free front adulterauou, more nutritious than tea or coSee, and in quality unmr• passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself and stamped with his name. His Bra ma end Cocoo Paste. es delicate. palatable, and salutary drinks for invalid. convalescents, and other., are pronounced by the most eminent physicians supenor to any other preparations. H. mannfactures are always on to any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the eastern clue. • and by their agent. Hawes, Gray &co., of Boston; James M Bonne & eo, Hartford, Conn; Hussey A Murray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomas V Brundige, umorc, nod Kellogg & Betuien,Cineinnat. Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. • For mile by ang3l BAGALEY A SNItTli, Acts PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. PHIS larutution, under the care of Mr. and MT. G. 111013, will re-open for the reception of papas, in the salve buildings- No. B Liberty street, on the Ist on Mday of September. Arrangements have r r made by which they will he able furnish young lathes facilities equal to -illy in the West, for obtaining a thorough English. Clnut eal. and Ornamental educatmii A full course of Phi lisoptucal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered daring the winter. illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Language., Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of • competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils. the Prlnespals hope to merit a GOlll/1111.1011 of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see ctrcular or apply to the Prinmpals. augSS-dtf MEMIMUJ =am =lll M. HOLMES -.11,-.liON-ii; THE STAR OF THE WEST Furey Furs, fresh from Enrope. - rpHE subscrthers have now iii store a very extensive assortment of Furs for ladies wear, amen have been purchased in Europe by one of the firm, at very low pricer during the monetary trues succeeding the French Revolution' This advithtare. which they possess over any other house in the trade:will enable them to sell a very a/- celled article much below the market price. Ur Merchants and otheik will advance their own interests by examtriniF this extensive tuwirtmerd. SOLIS, BROTHELS, lmpanrr.. 5.6 Astir (Mulberry) between and ltd streets, aug7-thlm adelphia. °Mee of American a Foreign Patents. T AMES M . the late litui of Keller & J Grecnonch. c 111,111 ., ths butane. of Consultino Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his office in the ci , y of WAttHINGTON He may Le consulted and en, pinned to making examinations w machinery in the Patent Office and eisewhcre. u, turnishing clrawinge and specifications of machines. and ell papers necessa ry. truss:ler, amend. re or extend letters patent lit the United States or Europe_He can also be consult ed professionally on all questions of litigation am- Leo under the Patent Law. end will argue. clues none before the Patent Office or an appeal therelrom, for which his long experience in the Patent Office and to hie profeuion. hare peculiarly fitted him. The pro tessional business of the late Dr. T. P. /elms having been placed to his hands. all letters to relation thereto Leonid le addressed to bun post paid. angJO-dfroulmXl MiLIO3LE WORKS ON W0015,3T.. E. WILKINS, ONTINUFS to 111IIDLIf8LIIIIt Monuments, Banal C Vault., Tombs. Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Ceti. lee and Pier Tops of foreign and domesun marble, at a regular and fair price. N. B.— Dravrlngs for monuments, vaults, te.e. furnish. ed. of any deacnpuon. yie elicits a shareo d f public su gD-t1 patronage ' VFM ARTICLE OF STEAM PACKL'O—Just ref 1.1 cat ved byexpress., lbs India Rubber Steam }acklog, for cylinders of steamboats, &e. Thu article toeing much the beat final that has ever been offered for the purpose,we call the attention of our steamboat en xtneent to It. It will save them a great amdont offeror, for when a cylinder is once packed it will not require to be packed again lmfore making one or two trips to St. Loots and beck. For sale at the India Rubber De in 5 Wood at. iyl3 I & H PHILLIPS WII.I.IANI SMITH. Malll2facturer of Conon and colored Lunen, Fringes for Dresses, ite.; Seering Silk and colored Cotton Princes for slit and Longhorn Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bunion Primp's, made to order on the Mahe. nonce. Stoat corner of Maiden Lane and William, entrance No SS Witham street, third door, over Abner A Fly: store, No 63 Malden I.an • York DIO LECTRJC M ACHIN ES. at from dSto St% QteDo jj Marrnefie Machines. from different eastern manu facturers; Marine Clocks for steam beats, canal hoots and factories. Also, Chemicals. Thermometers, Ac fur ride by BLAKE & Co, corner market at and the diamond N. D.—Fleetricity of either ktial adnuniriered at the direction of phTmetanit iTI7 G /UMW • 60 r . •a. . . . . 17 - ISITEIr.4TZ THIS RETRF.AT can be famished 1 with a Lunch at all hours of the day; also, Ice Creams, Fruit Confectionary. Ac. The steamer Green wood make. her regular trips as usual, leaving her Pitt street landing at Si A. NI., and at-half past each hour mcept until It/4 P M.—leasing the Garden at In P. s NI. uir her last trip to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden is indescribable it its beauty. Ely 15 A RTHURS mi nce are uota - Telltng otT 1 - 1 „ moderate prices the following articles: •ll ' " ' " l-• eistform Se es of all kinds, wetrming from 100 3000 pounds, of supenor workmanship. Assorted Hollow Ware. iiiht patterns; Coal Cooktni , , Stoves. Wcad do do; Coal Ulric and Balloon Stoves, for churches, warehouses, At. a c. Grates and Grate Fronts, for parlors, chambers. kitchens. Sc. . • . Ploughs and Plough Casings of raucous kind% ARTHCRS & NICIIOLSON t jyll",dthn Latterly. hand of Wood st NOTICR. AVING .1d our enure stock CH. G sum yeah JLI. view to cloung our old bustrutsa, wur hereby w belt for turn the patronage of all our friends turd cos tomer,. RD. Vi POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. Pulaborgh, Aug. 4th, 1845. GRANT, NVholesole Grocer, Commlesion .nd Forwardoor Merchant. NA 41 Water nu le JLlFJ ., ll. , E .,,, Cp fb VF;D ., :t c llo e '..l l p l"Clintov k's, No. 75 Fourth 3 p. no sup Zphy carpet, new style ; 10 do do hoeing. do do, some very elegant 5 do do do do do do 5 do cot. do do do as low as 20 cents; 5 do do Pen. do rich style; I ease of Thompsouv Ole rugs. unsurp.sed in style Persons purchasing for dwellings, hotels and swami boats would do well by calling and examining our sock heron , purchasing elsewhere . .epll To the Public. W};, the subscribers. respectfully solicit the oiler. chants and public. to call upon to and porch..< 35 Mils mackerel. which we will sell low to close signment. prior to the Indignation mocting, to he held at the old coon house to-night. /11:0 MFADEN di Co .op 7 Transporters. easel Basin AT W M. M'CLICK'S, N 0.73 Fourth can NTO gum be seen tt splendid vanety of sup Royal Vet. vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also. Mus sels. a ply* and sup and flue Invests Carpets, of sup styles and qualm.; and it cam<cuon can always be and Table linen., Crashes, Ft...pets. Dotromk, Nlo rel`lll, Oil Cloths, he tr.c.. to all et which ore coil the atteuttoti of the atte?.: GEO. W. SMITH & CO., INFORM their Blends and the public Mat they ha • - no longer any connecuuti with their late establlM meta In Penn sired, known .. the Pittsburgh Brewer baying removed their enure business to the POIN tiAB WIKIIY. in Pitt street. mylatil E=l:2 A . WoMAN to do house work warre hheral god work Itght , good retereure required Apply to 1 H stF:t.t.out..l c 4 5:c...N TIII11.:1: FINK lALAIIGIIT 11r/RI+F.S Three fine Drartellt Horses. t'orurle. sum, blc for dray nig. Ice lityttlre of W.kI.I.INGFOIip & Co. taln ar Loasau, liberty et IALF SKINS.-410 doe penutnc French Calf Ski.. a J very fine article. A leer dozens Philndera Skins, from the manufactory of H AI eraser° , to which the attention of boot waken is united. Just received and for sale by W YOUNG & Co, . leV7 163 liberty .t , 1 - 3 FAIOVAL—F H F. 61011& CO will rentove toibew 11, New Store, No 63 Fourth street, between Wood and Market etrects, the nth day of Septeniber.. aura FLOORING- 00,600 feet, pnme article, 6:)r sale at the Out Let Saw and Pluming Mina Allegheny city. sepstf NEVILLE II CRAW k SON COAL. BOAT PLANK.-73,0004ht oissi boat plank, for sale at the Out Let Saw and Mincing Mills, Allegheny city NEVILLE B CRAW & SON se/kith( Engine far Sale. 'FHB eagle. of Ma kale steamboat o Plymouth" wig be I . sold at a bamaut. Apply to J. K. Loch, or of C. E. Clark on board steamboat "Sewer." arm MEDICAL. TELE ONLY itsmEDlnt. ART'S VISir:LABLE EXTRACT' iv an inve.l. , a A hie remedy for F4lfleptie V. or falling Steltnew. CaIIVIARIOUS, 9psama. AC- It is well known, that from time immemorial, phyaicians have premonneed tic Elm meurable. It has baffled all their stilt and the bon.ted power of all medtcine, and romeg.:er.tly thou aands have antlered through a ranwral.te ezwurn.te- and at last yielded up their lives on the attar ins,atty. With all deference, however, to the optmons of tha great and learned, we vay that it hay been eared HARTS YU/F.:TABLE EXTRACT. For sixteen years. has been tesmd by many persons who have suffered with this dreadful disease, and in every case where it has had a fair trial, has effected a permanent cure. Fits of al years and 6 months, cared by the ore of this truly wonderful medicine. Read the following remarkable ease of the .0 of Wm. Senor, Esq., of Philadelphia, with EN leptic Fits 27 years and 0 months. After travethog through Eng:and. Scotland, Germany and France. con tutting the most eminent pity sietans. and expending its medicine. medical treatment and advice, thr-e thou sand dollars, returned with his son to trtis c .Inm to November last, without receiving may benefit atm.. er, and was cured by Ilotng HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. Mr. William Sceore's Letter to Dra Ivan toil Hirt I have spent over three thousand dollar. for meat eine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a tour to Europe with him, an eh I did. I hart visited Ragland. I consulted the most emment physician. there in respect to his ease; they exanuned laim and prescribed ncrordingly. I re wined three months without perceiving any change for the better, ah,ch cost me about two hundred and fitly dollars pocketed by the physicians, and the most that I received woo their opinion that my son's ease was hopeless nod post lively incurable. I accordingly left England, nail unv eiled through Scotland. Germany and Prance. and re turned home in the month of November last, with my son as far from being cured as when I left. I sat' your advertisement in one of the New York papers. tird concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Krim.. seems your statements nod certificates of so many cures, some of twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can assure you am not sorry I dui 1.0,ns by the one of Hart's Vegum4 ble FAtruct alone, he was restored to perfect luatito His reason, which was so for gone as to unlit lum gar bowies, is entirely restored, with We prospect now before hum of life, health and usefulness. Ile is now ml years of ago. and 27 years and 6 mouths of taus time has been afflicted with thin most dreadful of dis eases; but thank God he it now eruoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't bellev• in. To say that I chilli be ever grateful to you is ono thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt but that you will think this is another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I still awe yea, but please to accept the present ...noun its interest on die debt in ritimmee. Yours very respectfully WILLLAM SECORE TOTHE AFFLICTED. - - - One of the proptietors of this invalstsbio medicine W. .Ahmed for several years with Epticptic Fits. The disease had produced the worst effect upon ids system, viz: Low of memory, imbecility of mind, and • perfect prostration of the nervous system. Ile hod tried the skill of the best physicist. for seven seers, rind grew worse ander their treatment, and he knew that this medicine woo his only hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to give d n fair :melt and to persevere in us use, which he did, and the resul was a perfect restorauou to health, which Wag run LI: nod antrimtrupted foe nearly sixteen We would refer to the following persons v. ho here been coved by using Nan's Vegetable Estrtet: Col E Denelowls daughter was illitiCLed 11t111 yam, resides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand at. J Ellsworth, seven years, 12 Dover it. Joseph M'Deal, nine year., East Ilrooklyn, 14,11 H vp sjmna, New YdCastom ileum B Kelly, twenty year, Staten Islandt Miss E twenty yearn Vortvllla: E Crane, twelve yearn, 112 Hammrtelv cif Wm H Parnell, twenty-three yearr. 71 Norfollaid Jacob Petty. four peers, 174 Del..cy .t Mao Johnson, twenty. eight Senn, Greerleant.* Pt! Judge Randall, ett Eaet Broadway, Now Yore, Themes Ft Jones, of the U S Navy. Jentungd, Sub Bridgepar_ Ao made in (Apt Wm Reference - Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, Rey Richard Temgett, West Daveupor,jl T Res T L Bushnell, Baltimore, MO Mr Joseph Bradley, 115 Orchard at 0 Y. C H Doughton, 'MI Eighteenth st N Y Mrs James Bertholf, Chester, Oranym eo. !' 1". John Faber, re nizAbeth sr, do D A Richton, 216 Dele.ney nt, do James Smith, 138 Sturolk et, Charles Brown, 100 Water at, do All of which may be called upon, of tddreused, post paid Frequed by Dr B MIR, (lota brans ts Har,) New York. O F THOMAS tr. Co, 116 Main et, between 4th eta, and US Main et, between 4th and 515 istreeto Cirminnoti, Ohio, wholesale and retail agents for the south and woo. - L - WILCOX, Jr., cornei of Mazket sr and the Dial mond, only met in Pitts Pa ly MEDICAL & SVROICAL OFFICE, p. No. 615, DIAMOND ALLEY, a m reaL t d . o L ora bellow Wood are., to' DR. BROWN, having been f regularly educated to the medical profesin, and been for same time in general practice, now confines . ..," 4 "...0?-4,X , f'5,c.%,11: his attention to the treatment of those private and delicate corn: planits for which his opportunities ' .. n`e„tf..t4. L e . ..... and experience peculiaris qualify It years asaidoousli devoted ro•tudy & treatment of those complaints.; cluen.c wluch :me he has had mory practice and has cured more pa tients than can ever fa.. to the lot of ens pnval. once utioner) amply qualifies him to offer assort., es of speedy. permanent, and satisfactory mire io aillicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising were from. Dr. Brown would inform those ntilict , l with orlys• diseases which have become chromic by tone ag ernvated by the use of any of the common nostrums 01 the de y, their complaints can be radically and titer ougidy cured, he having given his careful anclitipti to the treamaent of such cases, and sunceeded iii hionl reds of instances in curmg persons of inflammation the neck of the Madder, sod kindred diseases winch often result from those eases where others have them to hopeless despair. lie pernebinrly Invo, s such as have been long and unsuccessfully treatis I I t him to consult tu, when every satisfaction w,., be mycn Mein. and their cases treated lo a emend. btorouen nbd intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience, sLudy. and investag ti aon. which it is impossible for those engured in general practice of medicine to giv:L . 2 . 1 . 91 one class of isease. 1:17 - Hernia or Rupture.—Dr. Drown also Invites pm miss afflicted With Hernia to call, as he has paal partic ular attention to this disease. Skm diseases; also Pt' s, Pnlsy. etc., speedily r trod Ch v ssr ery N. 13 . —Patle lo n w ts . of cob err liVirlZ ilistence. by staung their disease to v. ruing, giv...g all the sytopj toms, can obtam medicines with directions for use. hy addressing T. DROWN, 5L D., post pant, and encidss mg a fee. Office No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the eerily House. RTIECIIATIBIL —Dr. Drown's newly discovered reme dy for Rheumensm tea speedy and ceruon remedy for ,at painful trouble. It never foils. Lace and Pneate Consulting Rooms, No Cu Din id alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is idwuys set e. decta. (17 - No cum no pay. ExTH3IA, OR DIFFICULTY OF L3RFATIIINCL— A. Thi• disease Is caused by a paroxysmal conitruc one el tl!e nir relic it is very detail... Wag, almost roar- Ing tudorn..en SWEETSER'S PANACEA is the only certain cure oarsene•. can be enurely eared by a free are of Dr Sweetser's Pelmet.. or common cold, which, if neglected, will imitate Consumption, is effectually relieved and • cured by Dr. Sweetrees Dimucca, 13ronchitia. if unchecked, anti effectuaily lend to Bronchial Conaumpuon, but a timely unc of Dr. Sweet - seer panacea will effectually mire tt. In damnation of the Tonsils or Sore Throw—This disease often leads to mimes consequences from neg lect, such as ulceration of the throat. On the 'Lest symp toms, Dr. Saceetser's Penneea should he procured and used freely. Coughs and Cold. and n sovereign remedy to Dv: Sweeter's Panacea. Pneumonia Notha.—A very fatal discus, ulung from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro ken doom constitution; aged persons are subject to ti— Dr. Sweeter'. Panacea should be used on the tint syumturns, which are a cough or cold. dtght Sweats.—This debilitating complaint wlll‘raect with s tamely check, by using 1)r Sweetser's Panacea. Consumpuon.—lf on the first appearance of consonm nw symptoms, which are a pain to the lade and incest, cough or spitting of blood, if Dr. Sereouteris Panacea. fissely used, no danger need be apprehended. When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Broach al Tubes become clogged up with phlegm so as m Impede crept ration or breathing. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, winch is e powerful Expectorant, should be taken acconifing to the directions. . . Influenza.—This dietressine epulerrue, so precedent 111 r climate, u epe eat' y cured by Dr. Sweets...a Puna- Price Sigel' hook, or six hiotilea for 6s. For tale by WM. JACKSON, tO Liberty sr., rico or he big boot noyAinlyr SELLER'S FAMILY MF.DICINES Should be kept by every Family. Loots Covet Houle, V.. Aug. W.,' {R. R. K SELLERS :—I finn tittrotut 45 your Vim, I.IIIICOe in this place, nt a urge when a pre:para. non caPed The Used Shot was very popular, and found It very difficult to sell; but It has gained for itself a pop ularity that has swallowed up all others. I could pro ure you any number of certificates, but I do not thitik at necessary. Thai your Lion rasa are preferred to all others in this region I know to be a fact. Yesterday I sold to a rthant two boxes for his own use, although he has n hand a supply of Dr. AVLane's. Twelve months aro. I RAM), in • distant part of this country, a most disconsolate Inking lady, who had loag stufered from i aver Complaint. she had twice sent a great distance for a phystetan. but found no permanent relief, and was almost in et hopeless condluon. tin her husband's fir. , visit to our town he bought two boxes, and promised, should they benefit his wtfe, to purchase mom As he never called I supposed they had not been of service. lint oh passing by his house a short nine since. I found the lady In comparative good health. cheerful and con. tented. Your Pills always relieve persons who have Ague and Chills. The Cough Syrup has nester intlmt nmy knowledge, In every case of producing a good result, and giving enure •anstaciuon. Very respecuolly. Prepared and sold by No. 57 Wood street. ; , did also by chump , . generally in the two cities. mod. Pinltx;nl - I Parvo. T is n vest satisfaction to us to be able that publicly to announce. that the greet demand for our imp-- r and splendid preparations of our "FAAIILX MEDI CININ.- far eseeeds our most sanguine az/seems, partneolarly our Indian Eshectomnt and, Compound comonouve tlaisain. Whieh for beauty of appearanne, o f ingredients, end the compounding of tloin, together with the immense driparty to the aim of our bottles over any others—the licautuul and °nr ce,rairlititsh and the taste displayed in tao put ting of them up, is a further incitement to the purchas- And as canny of my old friends who knew me r . r . ll Guess Lot:m.l,l when in the employment of G. p /Dyne, I now beg leave respectfully to inform them mat I tarn one of the firm of LOCDPN k Co. No '4 Arch Street, below Third, 1 . 3114•021.1•111 A, whore I 4,3•1 be happy to see them; who. aided by his brother, a regular graduate of the -Philadelphia College of Phu ciaryi. make, put up, nod compound, with oar ow n ,ruis, every emole comprising our "Family Medi ines," six: Indian Expectorant. Compound Camino live Balsam. Compound Tome Vermithige, West Indian Sa ve Pills, and Oriental Hair Tunics. %Vet further beg leave to remark, (and we do it whin a confidence that cannot be shaken,) that we have dis covered and made an improvement on our Orteilial flair Tonic, that fat excerias any thing ever ode red or the Give as a call at No. N ARCII street. Our terms alone are en inducement, and we are sure of the result_ CIELLERS VERMIFUG Pi—. No fun': 3: should be without a Loos.g, C. H. Aug. 24 t ML K Elathritst I cheerfully certify that I have Car some years past used your Vermitutre in my (avid and universally with success ' I decidedly prefer it to y other preparation I have used—amovast these IMO y be named the celebrated medteirre railed Dead:dot. Fahnestock's Vern:Wage, and a preparation called Worm Ten. In a recant ease a satyrs dose brought from my little boy nee bemired and sta lave stemma No faintly certainly ought to bewsthout Yours &e JAH. LAWSON Prepared and sold by 13. SUlers, N. 57 Waaallsz. and raid by Dramas dadarajly iu both cities, sepU 131=13 CUM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers