VIDLvi iniz3amltlV4Doo4 PUBLISHED BY WHITE 2 CO. PITTIIHORGIL MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. u, ma Plilltirairlili4P LILL nowr Advertisements iced Subseripticaia therienh Amer ces' and Milted States Gazette; Philadelphia, received and forsiardrid dram Ws aka. agar trona rarpv.sse. we will fee-viva and forward Ito ,of expense, ad- In:nisei:meat And sob3elipticas few 1 / 1 1, Piimr• COXCERCIAL LILT AND PHILADEL PHIA PRIM OWELEIEHT. Idebeetiptiona to this valuable paper win be received and nairanled from this oleo. igilPnismairDarga Gazerrz is published lin_ ni wyeekiy, and Weekly.—The Daily la Seven Dollars per mums; the TW-Weekly is Five Dollars per anzianti ilia Weekly Is Two Dollars pet ammo. odd; is *loom op -Ammo= are earneaq requesled to bout In their farm before .5 P. IL, if entiy the day as practicble. Advertisernesna not (asexual fin a speci fied sloe will invariably be charged mull ordered out Fba UM? Ca menial Imalllgeum,Dousestie, Mar taw, Raw News, Imports, Money Marksw, ice. we hird page. Domeeratle Wl'ls X oxednatJLons, FOR PRESIDENT, ZAOHAIOr TAYLOR, FOR VICE PRESXDWiT, MILLARD FILLMORE, ICLECTOII•L TICKET SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Tames IL T. SPHaretax, of Washingtort. Jams P. SAAmicosog, of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. .Toseph O. Clarkson, 13: Healy Johnson, *. John P. Wetherill, 14 William Colder, 3. Junes IL Davis, 13. BPllvatne, 4. Thos. W. Drat* 10. Charles W. Fisher, L Dardal a Hinter, 17. Andrew 0. Curtin, 0. Joshua Dungan, 19. Thos IL Davidson, 7. John D. Steele, 19. Joseph Markle, J_.d. Landis, Ilk Darnel Agnew, 0. Joseph Sehmanker, D. Andrew W-LSortur, 10. Ch o t o. Snyder, SI ftiebartl 11. William 0. Marley, 21 Thomas H Sill, IL Piaui" Tyler, 9L Sam'l A. Pentane. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM Ir. JOHNSTON, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, NUB NIDIELEBW A 13TH, Alaatlnasealle sad WMNemliaati • • FOR CONO 111011Z11 11•BW4015.: LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, of W.W . I. CHRISTIAN SNIVELY, AL SARTZ WELDER, of Within. of Pittsburgh. HENR W Y LABGE, of •to.' IliColol4 .11EMEIHAJI NIXON, of Lower SL Clair . 7LIA JOHN scow, of Ram tlrMl, • - -~ WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny cay JOHN IL FOSTlZ:Nialiflubs. THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM. "I bare no private putpases to seeompliab,no pony pluposett to build up, no enemies to punish—nothing to serve but my country." .. nllllponner given by the Constitution to the Steen ilve, to interpose his veto, ls a high conservative pow er, which alltmld never be exeremed except in cases of clear violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste and emu of consideration by Congres." "The penonal opinions of the individual who may happen m occupy the Executive chair, ought not LO control tlist action of Congress upon questions of do mestic policy, nor-ought his objectirms to be interposed where miestiona of eonnimtional insect have been settled by the various departments of government, and acclaimed in by the people. "Upon the subjects of the rant tha currency, the im provement actor great highways, rivers, lakes, arid hasbon, the will of the people, as expressed through their representatiVes in Congress, aright to be respect ed and carried out by thb Exectitive.'"' "War, at all times, and ureter all eirtunntances, is a national calamity, to be avoided, if compatible with national honor." "the prlnstples of our government, as well no its ova policy, are opponal to the subjuga tion of other nations, and the dienteetbetment of other countries by conquest, for, in the timplage of the great Washington, 'why should we qmt our own to nand on simian ground.'" Z. TAYLOR. ••A Little Moro Grape, Car; Bragg . ROUGH AND BEADY MEETINGS. persuanee of an arrameal of a Committee ap• pointed by the Rough and Ready Club, in connection orith the delegates of the late County Convention, op pointmentafor a series of County Meetings were made, as follows: ANThIASONIC AND WHIO NIESUNGS. At H. Remelt* lierriouville, on Manley evening, scpt. II .t 7 o'eloct dl on 9Lesday eeaaing , September the Lit i 0 ,7 irsX P. H. At Hew y Weirs. 'cloak Creek, on Wednesday. September MI, at o'clock P.M. At H. Batter's, Plum Township, an Thursday Sep tember 141b,..d eelock P. AL .1 At East Ltherry, an Ratty September the 12th, at o*eloeli.lst• • At Wilkinsburgh, on Saturday, September the 16th, at 2 otdank P. BY At Colelnue=Pranklin Read, Rota Township, on Saturday,. Mat b, 3 o'clock e,m. At Sam lls, =Monday, Seo..mb2rtSe }4th, at 7 &aback P.M.t At Elboafee's, Franklin Road, Pine Township, o Tuesday, September deo 19th, a It o'clock P. AL At Bakerstown, Wort Don Township, an Thursday Se ...panoteor the Mkt. u 11 o'clock P.M. At temb er o 'h ~1 1, ,,D eed 2 77. 7 1e on Fridley, Sep- At Tenrkz, Skater Towmhip, on Sawrday, at 1 o clock P. M. e 7 o'cloc Shamble: P. M.kb, on Saturday,, Scpteeriber SlUt, at k Addresses may be expected insm the Hon. Walter Forward, Moses Hampton, Cor. Darragh, G. Dania anal Dan Magehert, T. J. Bingham, 1.1. Boyd, Saml. it IA to be miermon thia the above arrangement not to interfere with special calla for Ward and To • NM meting'. augna P. A. MADEIRA, Preen. Ise siert page for Telegraphic News. PRICEII.OIT BBMAD STUFFS. Our telegraphic reports of the news brought by the Hibernia, show that the anticipations of a fail ere of the potato crop will be fially realized, and that en immense amount of bread stuffs mill be re quired from this country. This news commercial. ty, and to our armors, is of the very highest ins. pomace, as it will have the effect of equalizing exchanges, relieving the antl..iparvil pressure upon the tooneyervaricet, oaring to excessive importations, and of creating a brisk demand and fair prices for the great staple productions of the grain growing States. While en may therefore congratulate ourselves ttpon them improved prospects, we should not for. get that OM' Whit, men in Great Britain and Ire land, have a dreary prospect before them--that famine, with all its told andOntold hoirces, is about to vial! again the unfeminine poor of dame regions. If a beneficent. Panidesise has given us bad to arms, it is our duty, of oar abundance, to supply those who lack. We hope, therefore., there will be no specnalstive efforts to raise the price of grain beyond a living standard, that oar Carmen will not hold back far extravagant rates, but that them will be a &position manifested, on all hands, to embrace the market opened up, with promptness, and at remittable rates. Neither do we think there is any thing in the state-of the case. to justify a high price. All that can be expected, is a brisk de numiff, Er fair rates, and thin is all any one ought to &Mire The Alsruing Pert seemsdetermined to keep up its notoricasehumeter En. reckless unusimes. The editor, In his paper of Saturday, re-asserts that Gen. Cass •stands charred" in our colt:mos, with the commission of an act no better than swindling, Etc. We have once helm informed the editor of the Post, that we have given Mr. Cass ell the ten. a& of the Kercheval Letter, and since then have nevei adverted to the subject. Yet the editor of that paper in guilty of the contemptible meanness ofeadeavoting to create the impression, that we haTe tensed todo Mr. Cass joule.. This is done, iimOndy, more to do as an injury, than to help Cass,isnd ism act injustice, which none but one wimsesonl is too narrow to understand the ordi. nary moieties of editortal life could be guilty of The - Post editor also makes a great parade of denialabom the ' , Presbyterian Tract No. l," which we noticed some time mince. He says it was not got up in this city, inn in Cincinnati. by a ',Relig ions Tract Society Whether this is true or not, we moaner sq.:There are none of the usual sign about it to tell where it came from, nor by whom it was asoelTritclitinalts Tract Societies" we be- Have invariably put their own authority to their productions, as well as the place and prints* aunts: They are cot ashamed to huhu their pro. doctiOns. The tract in onestionlooks very much I ike mutant tricks of the Lcsofocoitsty here, which w e hive exposed before, and Willey are not guilty in enacts% they have no reason to complain be. cam they were anspectial. The editor of the Port is endeavonng to show that Taurus Junta= woe in favor of the B. twigs of .41trieryi This tithe same editor, who almost , dart everts with bitterness and tutu to the fact that dea Taylor holds ! He supports kw miter, rotic,ttleSaveholden Bodm,the Slave hoiden and drags in the name of Thomas Jean , son to pie glom, Extension, and by so doing Itisgrtm!to limb& ground he mad' upon, and in the sainehleath makes aboveholding an objection Co Boa pose ineonsisomMes ate almost tpopaliteMOWiff sates; .• _ • • EhrtiroiriTsiiittatl—Ntre eeknowhAte the re. . oef fit, can Ihnistranon Nursery, belonging to Mr. John I....l3nrier,nloi rood aplendM *Oar, of the &garland tnaat haulms greneona of them insuaMeglOinehOs afrounference, and weer overuight ounces Mr. Snyder is famous for the and variety or hispeschaa He hae .(2i6c,fW4e4ll' PEON% IiSW TOIDE. Corremendeneeaf the Piratiarp. °areas New Yea; Sept. 5, 1848. Another meeting of explosive Whip is to be held on Thursday evening, at Vauxhall, to thee into consideration the MSS proper measures for bring ing the MIMES of Clay and Fillmore before the pea ple, as the candidates of the Whig party, at the Presidential election. The meeting is nothing but the fag end of the Albany demonstration, and like that notable gathering, will end in nothing.— Gea. Taylor has too strong a hold upon the people of this city, to be at all weakened by such 111 ad. sired movements as these, which can never be sanctioned by the great Rim...mon, whose advance• meat they pretend to seek. A glorious rally of Whip was made at Brooklyn last night, where speeches were made by CoL Haskel and other soldiers, who have served under "Old Rough an. Ready." The old Whig fires are Witting brightly, and no Whig but texts confident of entire success. The ande sales of books are about ended here and in Batton, where prices were poorly sustained, and the trade large Items. Here the result was more favorable, and the sales, it is estimated, will foot op one million of dollars, at remunerating rates. he central portion of New York gives the book trade en advantage equal to that passeased by at& er trades who sell by auction. Large comPude* and the attendant competition advances prices. Another Ocean Steamer, of 1200 ton; will be launched to-morrow, to run to New Orleans via Havana, in congestion with the Crescent City.— She is of excellent model, and will, it is said, Our. pass the Crescent City, gad even she beats the mail a whole day. So rapid is the increase of deamattipsothat in a few years the demand for coal for their nee will be sro extended, that Penn soloania mines will find in them a source of rev enue as great as they now find in all New Eng land, in New York alone. The Washington steam. ship is still out, and making a long passage, but her owners care little for this. When she come., she will have one hundred and thirty pas wagers, and one million dollars worth of goods on board, an amount that does not look much like de• creasing imports. Another woollen mill at Barre, MAXI., and an ex. Lenitive bagging and bale rope factory at St. Louis, have yielded to the pressure of the times., and stop ped, fi nding it imposible to run at a living proth. The Perry Cotton Mill, at Newport, does not stop, as wasileported, but reduces the rate of wages, a remedy for small pmfitsat must be applied by all • • eficturers, if tM would keep the labor of ••• a at all. The trouble among the man. • of New England is seen, and justifies • . , made byte most prominent free trade • e United States, that all am losing morn • his writer has labored in seasottand out of season, through the columns of the -Union" and of the "Democratic Review," trishaw that the present tariff is adequate to protect our home labor and nap nal, bat is now nimble, in the freedom of private conversation, to deny that the manufacturing in. tercet is quite prostrated. A public admission of this fact is not needed; it is demonstrated too clear ly already by closed rectories on every aide. Sound monks remain without change, except Pennsylvania s's which have risen l per cent.— Fancy thanks are in demand, and there is a good deal of speculation done in the street. merchants' paper is not so active today, but no advance can be quoted. Money on call is sunerebundant and the brokers are unable to loan all they wish to.— Ship owners have put dour freights to Lie. erpool up to 3s per bbl, a rate that checks the dour market and puts down the price as there is no margin between Liverpool and New York upon the rise. The gallery of the "American Art Union" is get ting to be very attractive and is one of the notable places the stranger should visit. The gems for the season is the series of pictures by Cole of the 'voyage of life" which is valued at 96000. The pictures at a glance tell the history of man from infancy, playing with dowers to the period of e=• treme old age, when hope points him to the future world. [Manny, youth. manhood and old age are portrayed with a master hand and the gamer of this prize will be fortunate indeed. Nearly three hundred other pictures have been purchased'tor distribution, and the present year will the surpass the last. The plan of this Institute makes it a na• tional benefit, and it has already done more for art than all the importations of pictures, since the die• covery of the country. It is giving as a nation al school and fasters native art, making: us, as we should be, originators, and not mere copyists of Europeon models. C. The career of this gilled but 11.1.1ated man w fraught with much useful instruction. By reaton of his lastly connexions, he enjoyed everyadvan tage which our country alibrded. His natural en dowments as well as his attainments, were very great. He distinguished himself in the Amulemy—at College—at the Bar, and in the Councils of the Na tion. His accomplished manners—his fascinating powers of conversetion, and his Avail eloquence, placed him among the foremost in every circle mad sphere of life. But all thew graces were mar red bye narrow selfishness and a lawless ambition. He loved himself more than his race or his coons try, and sought toe Lime of this world, rather than the honor which cornea from on high. This was his gred &tat error. titushieded by higher and nobler principles, he fell before the power of temptation, and brought upon his name and Lime rain and disgrace. A life commenced with uncmumou promise was dosed in obscurity and neglect After the murder of Hamilton' and Ins trial Mr treason, he became a vagabond in the earth, going from plate to place, and from country to country, seeking rest but finding none. We give a brief account below of the closing years of his profligate life It furnishes n sad testimony to all, of the danger of possessing great powers, without the controlling influence of a sound morality and an elevated piety. Without fortune or reputation, for bur years he wandered an exile in Europe. He was imprison ed in England. He was forbidden by Napoleon to enter France, and when through the friendship of the French &maul at Hamburg, be gained ad mittance into the new empire, he was spurned by the Emperor, and treated with the meat insult. ing and humiliating contempt. Nearly perishing from starvation in the streets of Pans be was or. dered by Napoleon not to leave the realm. He begged, and fawned and cringed for months in vain, and when at length permitted to depart, the cannel in which he sailed was captured by an English frigate, and he was again forced upon that inhospitable shore whence he had been so lately ejected. After months of privation and want, he Jentebed Amanca. 'Butthe end sr unot ye.", His grandam, in whom, he had fondly cherished that his own blood would be handed down to posterity was laid in the ggrrnave. His daughter, the Immo pliahed Mtn A.on, for whom he had the intern scat erection, met with that sad fate upon the ocean, around which as much mystery still clings. The husband of his Theododa died with a broken heart. All those whom he had once loved„ who had enjoyed his confidence, were gone. Wtth no regrets for his past wickedness, but with a vivid remembrance of his life of iniquity, he survived them all. Nor did four score yearn bring repel, tenets and reformation, but he gloried in his shame to the Last In LEO autumn of 1836 Me died, and his body was placed at the foot of his father's tomb, and his neglected, sunken grave, speak. in tones of sohiime, moral eloquence, The name of the wick. ed shall rot : Near the grave of Aaron Bun is the tomb of his grandfather, Jonathan Edwards. But how differ ent the recollection of the two men. When Ed wards was in the zenith of his earthly honor, Barr was an innocent little boy. Edwards like Barr MU tar in advance of his years. Like Burr, he out stripped all his companions in his academic career. But here similarity ends. The mat of their lives are a perfect series of antitheses. No misfortune and calumny (although both arose against him) unnerved Edwards. Ha rose superior to them all, and in religion and philosophy be was a hero. His works written among the Stockbridge Indians in — the forest of Berkilere, were the first product°na that gave a literary fame to America. For profundity of thought and metaphysical ingeo. oity, he has never been surpassed. Three generations have endorsed upon it their panegyric, and truly did the eloquent Chalmers write of Edwards"depth of Philosophy,' his trims. ccudant ability for science.' And .gala, in Edwards we behold the most philosophical of all the theolo gians, and at the same time, the humblest and holi est of men.' And yet, 'he bore his honors meekly,' and when invited, thought himself unfit to fill the highest chair of Nassau Hall, vacated by the death of his son-in-law, President Burr. It was only in the earnest solicitations of friends that he accepted. His earthly career was soon ale, terminated by a triumphant death. The remembrance of him is embalmed in the hearts of Christians, and his name is added to those of the worlds great e, men. 'The memory of the just is blessed,' The tenants of the burial grirand of Princeton now sleep the sleep of death, but what Scene of awful mblimity will it present on the day of reeve reckon; 'when in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall soiled and the dead shall be raised.'—There will be thaw worthies of Nassau Hall; who repose In that long line of marble tombs. There will be the devoted President Barr and Jonathan Edwards, and there too, will be Aaron Burr!—the mention of the scene suggests Its own description. Dreurrnon or , Normast—tit the Donegal assizes, tho following humorous cross examination of a wimess occasioned mach Merifflent to the court : "Mr. Inherty—+What business do you Mawr' 'I am a chooNmaster.' 'Did you tern off you gaol. an, or did they turn you off!' do not wish to answer irrelevant questions' (Laughter.' Are you a great favorite with your pupils r 'Ab l truth urn I; a much greater favorite than you ue with the peddle When were you, sir, this night 'Thu night sale the warren; 'them is a ' man in yos—ths night is not come yell .1 sup. pan you mean that night. Olen the witness looked at the judge and nand bleep as if in tri. imiph.,l 'Lyman— me the schoolmaner was abroad that night doing nothing! inquired the alkntry.— 'Define no Ling arid witness Ifo Doherty did 0n100t0149, Welelll,, said the &ape whoulutawar,! ainlldehne it—it to a-foodeas stocking without a --fitolirsof laughter ha which - the judge join. ea, Ton may go down, air: Faith Iwe be. line you're tired enoughof me but it is my prim Inn to enlighten the public, and if you have any wore quad= to ask' will UMW Lwrrza PROM GOV. •DWLSD The Wowing letter eget this distinguished and able friend of the cause of emancipation and of freedom, in its most enlarged and enlightened Mlle, will fully repay a calm and careful perusal• We commend it to our readers for its sound sense and political wisdom: Atmoszt, August 21st. 1818. Cara Sur.--I am profoundl grateful to the Ce. trot Committee of Orleans Co y unty for the expres s . eonsof respect and esteem with which they urge me to accept their invitation to the Council They are co hold at Albion for the purpose of considering the Whig National Nomination. I have sunk Into profeasional enslavement so deeply that I scarcely retain an abiding place at home, and I am unable Co observe punctuality in my correspondence. These circtunstances must plead my apology, not only for my delay in an swering the invitation, but also for my declining to accept IL The party which is now administering the Fed eral Government is a party of inaction in regard to Education, Industry, Internal Improvement, ma. oration and emancipation. It is their creed that the danger of abuse of powers of goveromen is greater than the benefits of their paternal exercise —that the constitutional capacity of the govern meat ffir beneficent action is very limited, and that the moat benign and salutary function orate Eat, entire, is to defeat, and thus imapir the Legisla tive authority. At the same time they are ambi tions of military renown, and reckless an territorial aggrandisement by tared and vice. i judgment the type of Democracy should • be Peace, Moderation, Enfranchisement and Be-. • nfficence. No one is less opt a exaggerate the merits of the Whig party in regard to these prin ciples than I, who so constantly endeavor to aim ' elate it a greater enterprise. But after charging it with all the unfaithfulness of which it can justly be aceueed, it still stands before the country and the world, the American party, eminently devoted I to the great interests of humanity. No member of the party to accountable for the selection of its candidates, further than he may I have acted or refrained from acting in their sem i tion. When the selection hat been made, all that remains is to decide whether the party still de, nerves his support In preference to its adversary. I We cannot withhold our support without coda.. gering the present success and the ultimte useful, nests of the Whig party. If it be defeated, the policy of the present Administration will prevail, • not only now, but for an indefinite period. No Whig thinks for one moment of voting for the can didates of the Baltimore Convention; but we are tempted a cart our auffrages for the third Party. Is the third Party more pure, or more devoted a Human Liberty now, under the lead of Martin Van Buren, than it was four years ago, under the ban ner of James G. Birney? I confess I think it less so, for the life and conversation of Mr. Biroey il lustrated the unique and the enthusiatitio benevo. lea. of tha Liberty Party. Is the third party more likely to succeed now than it was then? I see no reason a expect that it can secure the electoral votes of any State in the Union. I honor Mr. Van Buren and his associates for their secession from • party which is false a freedom. But I regret their error in falling ina the ranks of a third pasty, whose services to the cause of Human Freedom ore counteracted and nearly balanced by then Cr. ror of indirectly giving strength and power to the great Slavery party of the Country. Every Whig vote cast for the third party O only a negative, a protest against the Slavery party. Beal friends of Emancipation must not be contented with pro. tests. They must act—eat wisely and efficiently. For myself, I shall cast my suffrage for General Taylor and for Millard Fillmore, freely and cons.. callously, on precisely the some grounds on which I have hitherto voted for waig candidates, because they are commended to me by the whig party. and their success is necessary for its continued and increasing usefulness. In the name and char. enter of the loner we have every guaranty that a wing can desire. In the moderation of the other, and his desire a administer the Govrnment as the President of the whole people, not for mere parti sans ends I recognise claims a public confidence, which I have no fear 'Will ever be diaappeinted.— am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, This mysterious and fearful disease is steadily marching westward, leaving desolation and woe su its path. The London correspondent of the Zia tional intelligencer remarks as follows conceru. ing is The Cfiblera is exciting much atterniou in this country. It is coming frightfully near our shores, for it has advanced tb Berlin. It seems to be making its periodical revolutions round the globe. and is advancing at an ascertained rate of mimeo males a day. It appears to be following. as hereto- fine, the lines of commercial communion; but there are innumerable exceptions to the doctrine that it is spread by contagion. It seems to jump, rather than to he carried, from place to place, and to he capricious to It. mu:einem, selecting some local ities and shunning others. The difficulty of recou• citing ha progreas with that of ordinary commons. cation, has led to the supposition that it la genera ted by • poisonous vapor forced from the bowels of the earth Some persons suppose that the pota to rot and the cholera have the same cause. Dr. Hawthorne, a physician of Liverpool, has publish ed an elaborate pamphlet upon the subject, and is one of those who supposes that the disease is caused by a specific agent forced from the bowels of the earth by sulnerraneou commotion. One reason for this opinion la, that it is tmintlit eaced either by seasons or by any other (percep tible) external muses. This, in fad, constitutes its alarming mystery. Unkinunately, we have not discovered either Its cause or us cure. Dr. flaw. thorns, recommends tionsontal posture of the body, opium, cordial stlmnlants, and perapirattots: Cho lets seems a disease of *suety. It smacks towns and gatherings of men rather than the sporadic dwellers m the wthierness, or the mutter congre gations of persona in villages and hamlets. From all that we have read ...a thought upon the sub ject, we should be inclined to join in the opinion 'that abundance of food, temperate and cheerful cleanlinesa, ' which is next to goalless,' free air and the light of the sun, nourishment, enjoy ment, and virtue ate amongst the best pnevenuvu of Cholera.' This disease seems to offer an ad ditional testimony against that humbled and de. graded portion of the masses of the people, which is tM by some persons to be the order of Na. true. Another thing in connection with this subject in the disease mitring!) , resembles the small pox, which has lately made such fearful havoc among the sheep is some pans of England. It has an. other striking resemblance to the small pox in the human being, in having yielded, or rather In bay ing been introduced, in a very mitigated Gum among sheep, by inoculation. For 4. Gazette. Ma. Wurzz—As the conductor of a free press, elk the insertion of the following: The writer, in passing up Wood Street on Thom day night, about half past twelve, and feeling chilly —being but lightly clad—was ambling along, intent on getting home, when he was hailed by the night watch. He stopped until they came up, when they - inerkintly inquired where he was going—to which he replied, home, and was proceeding on his way, when one of them told him be most stop lie told them he thought he was a person with whom they ought to have nothing to do—at which they seem. cal to become enraged, end violently seizing him— without permitting any explanation—told him he must go along to the watch house. He told them be was ready to so, if they would loose their natan hold of him—that lie wan no mammon. character, but a person known to many of the citizens; but it was of no use—so to that delectable place they drag. ged him—where, after a simple explanation to the presiding deity of the den—which could have been given in the street, to any save bullies or black. guards--he we, permitted, at once, to proceed on his way home. Nay more, he has been nightly pawing along the same street for the bat eighteen months; and if these men had had either observe. tloa, or been in the performance of their legitimate duties—they could not but be quite familiar with hie person. One of my eaptome smelled most abominably of liquor, and if Judged by his appearance and hm actions, might be set down as a devoted worship. per at the shrine of Bacchus. The writer has always been a law abiding man; and it is a mortifying arcumstance to one who has not in his whole life ever appeared before any legal tribunal, either in a civil or criminal capacity, to be so shamefully treated by men who seem to have no Just nations of the point where a citizen's privi loges end, sad their duties as public officers begin. And, allow me to remark, that I think it palming strange, that whilst intelligence and probity are no. seabed to afl the affairs of the day, so little mum. 'lon *batild be paid to the character of those who are put In charge of the lives and property of the citizens, when they are in a condition neither to see to the one, nor defend the other. No man is mom willing than I am to counten anm and sustain the public officers in the perform. .sacs of their lawful duties, but I can never sub mit to ■ violent invasion of my personal rights, without resenting it to the utmost of my abilities. J. Et S. •Tbia max I have learned is no amtelunan, but the keeper of a &Ivry seem place in i.. rily One. TAYLOR. In PICASOTI.V.IIII , —The Wash intrue.i correspondent of the Boni m .re Patriot : have been received Imie-from leading Quakers in Pennsylvania, which statee that the hottest broad brims are going en MUSS far Zachary Taylor, because he is a straight forward honest man, and a man of peace, opposed to war and car nage, although he kW the tattles of his country, when ordered by his Government to do so• where. en Gen. Can, he never fights hiloself, is furious for conquest and for involving the country in war! No doubt Gen. Taylor will get every true Whig vote in Pennsylvania, and a great number, which were in the last election cast Lorldr. Polk. 14 then, Willoofsdeclaration mares true, that Van Bonn wi l poll 25,000 Democratic VMS in Perm sylvania—end that he will all the signs indicate— how in the name of common mime, can the Old !Carton° fail of going for Taylor by an elegant ma • Bitthere is mare and farther proof! It has been said by the Locctfocos and repeated over and over *gain, that the two Penqtylvania Regiment which. have named from Mexico, are out and against Taylor far President, and will support Cara This is false. Ito pronounce it and can prove it to be Mo. There have been officers of these two memento hers in this city, who stated positi that 4 2 1 P, modunt, of the officer/ and me nd kith restatents am tor 2'w, and will vote iv Ect. Owl the Milani -..tarot, yesterday, ad. lip be a fact, and he said that he was himself as good • democrat as tiny body, and he should giro his rote toZechuy Taylor for President. Elo t re. peat, Who skies are brighter and Warr !" WALLY. The reveals of the lalenl piny to U,,y me painfull to rotary loam of hen= tmedoele. and to every well-wisher of that beantiftd, but utast tailor. tongue land. The fallowing extract, in relation to the capitulation of Man, will be read with interest: Very opposite acaronts have been given co the conduct of the America soldiery in Milan, after the capitulation of that unfortunate cimlitit it is now understood that the terms of surrender have been as faithfully abided by to was passible. It was hardly to be expected that such semi.barbe. roue troops as the Hungarian Crusts could be alto gether restrained Gem pillave and outrage. The principal mischief - Was caused by the lower ranks of Milanese theinaelves; the city was fired at eight different points, end a very considerable portion has been destroyed. thousand perames are said to have been renderedhonsidess. Mose than thirty thousand Austrian troops are encamped within the walls, and another numerous army mediatory without. With respect to future negotia. at seems to be generally admitted that Austria will probably not attach any very great importance to the Milanese , seeing that she catinot also retain the Mantuan but she will scarce. ly allow it to be annexed to the dominions of the King of Piedmont as a prize for his invasion of her territory. If Lombardy be detached from the Au. alien empire, it will probably become a mere puny Italian duchy, of no political importance whatever, and its independence will be Forehead at the en. pease of its prosperity. Tex Carirmsnon or bimin.—All doubt as to the fall of Milan is now at an end. At two o'ckick on the 4th the Austrians snacked the lines In front of the Porta Roman; and then retired. The King withdrow the whole of the Piedmontese army to the bastions which surround the city, and establish. ed his headquarters in the old citadel. At mid. night M. Rrosy, the Frennh Charge d' Affairs at Turin, and Mr. Campbell, the British Consul, ac. compeoied two of the King's Generals on a special maroon to the headquarters of Marshal Radetsky. The object of the consul was to demand time for the removal of their nationals, while that of the Generals appeared to be to prepare a capitulation. the sth, the population became at enraged on Inning that a capitulation bail been made, that they overturned the carriages of the King's suite, constituted him a nominal prisoner in the palace where he resided, and compelled him to promise to break off the agreement and give battle to the Austrians. The violence of the crowd was great; the moat insulting language was used towards the King, and several shots were fired at him Cries of "Deat Et to Charles Albert I" "Death to the traitor !' "We are sold r' "We are betrayed ." were heard on every side. The intelligence which has arrived say; that a large portion of the inhabitants had resolved to re. cast to the death, that they had thrown up lena mrdes. and had expressed their determination not to admit the Austrians until the city became • heap of rums, under which they were' content them. selves to he. A committee of Public Elaiety, it is said, of the Republican parry, had organised these desperate meesures. hen the King's resolution to capitulate be came know in Milan the rage of the Republican party exceeded all bounds. - Followed by the pop. since, they surrounded the Palasso Creppi, which was occupied by the King, seised his equipage and broke it in pieces, and fired • volley of mbaket• at the windows of the palace. The King presented himself to them in person, to remonstrate against their conduct, and to explain to them the real alto. um in which the city wan placed. They rushed upon him, attempting to seize his person, and to en. tarn him as a hostage. Being prevented by the Piedroontese soldiers present, they pelted Charles Albert with mud, uttered naiad hint the most gross language, and, finally, threatening his life, fired on his guards. The latter sacxeded in extricating the King without firing upon the People. ern the morning of the fith the gates of the town were opened, and liberty given to all who desired to leave the moat. Immediately the active body of the noblesse, the great majority Mlle bourgeoisie, and an immense number of persons of all ages, men, wastes, and children, left with precipitation, some following the march of the Piedmonts's., army toward Name, and others taking the road to Its hen Switzerland, by Como. On the morning of the tlth all the banatks and Foos within the city were occupied by the Austrian troops. The Piedmootese troops were arriving in scattered and disormused bandson the frontier., in a state of complete destitution and prostration, cursing their chiefs, and charging them with pets of the most culpable malvereauon. Charles Albert has addressed two proclamations, one te his soldiers, the other to his people, to ac count fir his reverses. In the (armee be attributes his retreat to the want of munition, bat he con soles them by lauding their bravery, and counting the cast to the enemy as having been very dear. le the latter he states that in the retreat of the ar my, "we were influenced by considerations for the beautiful capital of Lombardy, andinuaded that we should and it abundantly ed, we were determined te use all our ethuts in defence.-- AU our troops were brought under its walls, ready to make a vlrorou• resistance, when we learned uni Etc . ; one semi of money, provisions, and tiumni;itl:on. while Mini were neatly MI a:pealed' The Portage County Whig, is the name of • new weekly paper at Ravenna, just commenced to sustain the Whet cause in the place of the Ohio Star which has been placed in charge of a commit' tee. It is pubhatted by J. S. Ilernchos well pest ted, and w tilled with good master, and manfully sus. tams ogasernhvii Whig principle; sad Taylor; Fillinore and Ford. The Whig says .The nomination of Van Buren Is opening the eyes of Whims on the Reserve, and many of them ana cooing to the very sensible conclusion that of all the candidates up, the election of Gen. Taylor will best promote the cause of free soil, and our opinion is that he will get the largest share of the Whig VOWs of the Reserve." "Pmersstvasta.—This State, says the Washing. ton correspondent of the Balmams Patriot, has a tier of 12 Northern counties with a Lcsecifcco ma. pray of us or seven thousand vote. The BM* bortlely la this region—Van Bores rues who have not forgotten how he wu cheated by Cap and his friends to 1644--tire hard at work, Wihoot at their head. Sic hundred of them lu one of the.. counues—Bradford—have signed a pall (or a Suite convention, and it will be held, and a Van Boren etectorial ticket will be nominated. This ticket will poll more than votes enough to neutralize the Polk majority of 1514, and will givi the State to Taylor. New Smoot. ct Ausourm.—We take great pleasure in calling the attention of our reading to the advertisement of Mr. W. Copeland, which we public!, to-day. Mr. C. bring wrth hint the Might. est pomade teittmonudr of sound and extenzive scholarahip nod experience in teaching. The fam ily in well known to many of oar citizens, and from all we learn they are eminently deserting of success, and will prove a desirable sequizition to any community to which they may attach them selves. C A SIPS LA.I.2IANT Au— Drsw4, Jim of Caraints. Alas' Alan' I've beard of late, The Lams of the Empire State, Have nominated Many Van ; And suns as fate I'm a used up man. Oh' Rough and Reedy's all the go, The people have decided so, And in the White House never coo Sit Lewis Can of Michigan. 'Ti. very bard they use me so, To be knocked about by friend and km; But ill the unkindest cut of all: To be killed by a man smelt Rough and Ready's all the go, dte. In forty four I was a fool, To have Mat killed by the two thirds rule; NoW every thing Ise. du* as night, And (eel that I "can't come it quite: For Rough and Ready's all the go, &c. And now these Whigs ate making fun Of every thing I've said or done ; And when in the White House I would sit, Say "circumstances won't permit: For Rough and Ready, anc. When I sad my good Lazo friends The Whig Convention did attend, We thought some capital to make, By giving them our hands to shake. But Rough and Reedy, eke. But the Whiggies said it .wiu no go," And pot their fingers up just so," When "Petticoat" in quite a fright, Saya—"let's be ofir; this 'cock won't fight. For Rough and Ready, &c. I've tried in vain the North to plasm, And to the South went on my knees, Went first kir this thing then for that, And then denied them both right the. But Rough and Ready, &c. I voted all toplease my peers, To reduce the pay of Volunteers,. But it hurt me very much you see, For they hung me up in effigy Oh Rough and Ready, arc. For fillyloar and brty, too I went, or fight till all was blne, And when this would not suit theft minds, I then backed out to Gusty nine. But Rough and Ready, dee. My friends now coact with faces long, And my they cannot .go it strong," At firm they thought my fortune made, Till they found I'd worn the Black cockade So Rough and Ready, dre. This fact is very plain to see, There's not the slightest chance br me; So P 1! leave it all to nutty Van, And make my tracks br Yucatan. For Rough and Ready, dm. [l7' Hu ran Poem MamaHyou ad a a to be no- panful in any undertaking, _yea meat always hue the 3 roper means.' Theref . or: i. t o r e y:ai bre h a u tic e i:r. use m A erdr. Have yoo " lnhtua or cared, at inZtT i f , I then th e only efficient mesas to elm you Is to me ballwls Expectorant, which will itionedistely overcame the spasm which contract. the dianniter of the taws, e t ail tooseee and briar up the maces which clogs them ap, she thus removes every abstraction to a thee ninon, while at the mote Mae all lalbuomMan L. sub. deed, and a care Ii ceno l o to he erected. dim you Bronchitis, =mood, Pinrisy, or to am any then me bat a s &postman% LmPliin=ls Carib, and you mill lad that you tame mad the proper means. For gala In Pittelstuos alba Tana Too Baba, 7l won saar Wood. 7 Local 41.2111r5. IMP= Pal THI PIITISPICIEI DAZLY GAZITtI. Ma. Q u er n lo 'sCalaDiatai—Our notice oldie experiment made on Friday last, with this Impor tant invention bf oar fellow townsman, Mr. Craw. gad, was made, through an error of the compositor, tcrezpress exactly what we did not mean to say; and as the whole article was in like manner men , ad, we owe it both to Mr. C. and ourself, to make the correction. The experiment, Kt far from being unsuccessful, was perfectly rztetessful, so far as the adaptation of Mr. C's phut to the end proposed was concerned; but swing to a defect in the cast ings, the caffitrion was less satisfactory than it would otherwise have been. The inventor's aim was to combine the advantages of the high and low pressure principle—to condense a portion of the steam sufficient to form a vacuum, while the remainder would be applied to the heating of the water, preparatory to its being thrown into the boilers. In this he succeeded fully. Heretofore, in low pressure engines, when the preesura of steam exceeded that of three atmos pheres, or • certain number of pounds to the square inch, the vacuum w. lost. On this plan, no such cause can defeat the attainment of a vacuum,— the steam being so divided, as exactly to equipoise the atmosphere pressure, while the remainder passes off on the high pressure principle, and con sequently, the " head" of steam to be carried may be regulated without reference to the pheric pressure. In the expenment made on the Beranek, the fact was estaldisLed that the water could be brought to the same point in the heater an before the condenser was applied. The actual gain, it is supposed, will be about fourteen pounds to the square inch. The inventor estimates that the gain of power in cylinders ouch as those of the Beranek, with a pressureof steam computed at lOU pounds to the square inch, would be fully 2.5 per cent., while in a cylinder allowing melee the ex pansion with the vacuum, not less than 15 per cent. would be gamed. It is to be remembered that the day must come when fuel will be procured with more difficulty, and at much higher rates than at present; and even now a plan by which both weight of boiler and ex• pease of fuel could be saved, cannot be unworthy the &neutron of Pittsburghers and steamboat men, everywhere. Tex Barnhurners of Manchester had ■ very• en thematic meeting on Frtday night. Dr. Gassam, the first speaker, was even unusually animated, and did day General Cass and the Patent Democ racy most etTectual:y. General Taylor and the Whigs were dealt with much more gently, and the Dr. warmly eulogized Mr. Clay—decLanng that he had never consented to assail Mr. C., even while damping for the Democracy—although he had been censored by his democratic associates for re haling to do so. The Doctor's speech was a good one—strongly argumentative, and generally lair.— Mr. Wm. E. Stevenson, one of the free nod candi• dates for Assembly, next spoke. His remarks were plain, sensible, and methodical—indmaung sound and strong mind—accustomed to examine every subrect thoroughly, and capable of arriving generally Si correct conclusion. The last speak' er was Abel Townsend—and a niore ready wit- ted, 'cute, fats provoking Yankee we have never listened to. His honest hits at the Old Hunker,' were so amuaing, that the bitterest partizans were compelled to laugh, and some of the democrats actually groaned with stile ache, from laughing at hie portraiture of pro slavery democracy. He de scribed the evil effects of slavery on Inn mentrr the slave, and the Stain where it eaisled,mn way perfectly inimitable. Having 'maimed up the quit!n and enormities of the system, hr was about to utter some denunciatory epithets when meet letting tun interest in the manufacture of sugar lemmas, dee.. for the plantations, he dropped h. carts to whisper, and remarked —' thar now, I'd like to give a hard name to the hull on 'ein—but they 'II want some more wagons. The tone and manner were 90 irresistibly comic nn to produce e perfect shout of laughter The meenng edmorned at eleven o clock. Coaortrata irrt,t or.—Au 1111441,4 IV:. bold on Saturday morntnu. /n Ppettort n. on wt6//tdy Wtllituu ireyburn, 16r Ltd n d,totit. I,y Jroa It/ ing, was mentioned un Saturday. Two persons testified before the coroner's jury—the gentleman who found the body in the river, and the Loy who witnessed the law struggles of young Leyburn.— It appeared that he left school on Friday Memnon . and gotag to the river, with several onanrndes, Imd his books down on the Lmk, undressed, and at. tempted to scrfm to the km/ boat, then under u:ny. fie reached the boat, and endeavored to cstch hold of the rudder, but laded, besatme exhausted, and sank. The body was found on Saturday morn ing, nearly opposite the rolling cull, and above the gas works, on the Monongahela Ile was a fine boy. of about inateen---. the only um of hot mother, and the is a widow.' The Jury having tinanintously voted to offer their fees to her, the excellent COV.3 ner, Mr. Richardson, at once called at her residence. and placed the amount at her dtsposaL It was erroneously supposed on Friday evening that the accident had occurred opposite the gas auks, nod it was rammed that the lad had been suffocated by the impure gases from the gas hoar', floating on the surface of the tenter. A Vicicnsi. lioasa.—A gentleman passing along water auegat, near Wood, on Saturday morning was seemly bitten on lb° shoulder, by a dray horse which was standing beside the pavement. The appeared to be a stranger. and inquired if such tricks on travelers' were common among that clan of brutes here. We believe they am— having seen several similar attempts among the dray horses along the wharf to bite those who passed near them. Otra PROPHECY PEIZTLLZO — Tbe Dispatch states that the young couple from New York, whose dd. !faulty we alluded to on Saturday morning, have come to an understanding. They propose settling hem, .baby" having settled all the bad feelings be totem the party. N. B. CRAM, Esq.—The Free Soil Convention o Mercer county, instructed their delegates to the Reading Convention, to support Mr. Craig, of city, u the Gubernatenal candidate. T yLoillkffiO I A mecum; of the ROUGH AND REA DY CLUB, for the County of Allegheny, will be beld at 11.1'Pai Warehouse (Penn meet) on Tuesday evening, we p t, WM, at half past 7 o'clock. Wet,. FORWARD, Herr, and others will address the meeting. The different RO.lll too R... titan Cu-. are ear nestly requested to attend. The (nand. of. Ptotecuve Tuff and Free Sail are particularly invited, as well a. all oftuan favorable to tho clecuon of Tkvtoa, sou & Jotrxrron. P A MADEIRA. President. liVr- be in favor of Dr. Artesia's Liver Pulls. --It wunld be euy to fill a volume with certificate. of the eteellenee of this medicine. Wherever it has bed a trial it has made well popular. We have ni our pow mission hundreds of orders like the following : Vanvaaufion, N Y., Dec. Its ISO. MOW. Km &Co Your travelling agent lea with me • Mullins* since, a quantity of tillean's lever Pills. The whole lot sold eery rapidly, Said gave the highest satisfaction. Indeed it is cousudered the best medicine of the kind ever offered for sale Please vend me another supply as soon as possible W 11 AINSWORTH • enuine un of the above ble me can be hid at the frog store of J. Kohvalual a. Co , No d ne Co Wood meat. ftpi I tartan's Kimmerominx —We would call attention to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumpuon, Asthma, and all affections of the 'llroat and Lung. /laving several omen within a few years past bad occa sion to use a medico.. of that kind, we experi ence tested its excellent qualities, and are prepared to recommend II to others Illtrusters or other public speakers affl icted with bronchial affection. will find great benefit from Its use. It IS prepared by a scienti fic phrdetan, and all classes will fin d It a safe and etfi catkins medicine in the diseases for which It 0 no commended.—(Columbus (01.101 Cross and Journ.d. For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, N 0.70 Fourth street mrifil lEDoeur hair tall off, does your hair Tom gray harsh,. it dry, or dirty, I gray? Ulla thus, healthan male it son oak y and fine, Dark and eay, and beauteous as Unit boar of minel And to have thi Jones, have bat:three shillings to we Fora bottle of Half He Reader, if you have bad hair yon would really be arg kirdshed at the lovely effect a three rhilling bottle o? Jonas' ZOtlf Hour Restorative has on 14 o need', but on• Trial. Bold at ID Liberty in novinditerly CODIPLAMT.—The only remedy ever of:lewd to the poldm, which Das never foiled of workinga cure, io when directns are followed, a 111`Leue's Liver NIL It has now been several years before 11/0 public, and has been introduced in all newtons of the Union-- Where it has been need It has had the most tnumphaut success, and has actually driven out of use all other medicine. It hex been tried under nil the different Phase. of Ilepaue, and hu been found equally elfin. cleats In all. For We at the Drug Store of migg9 J. KIDD & Co, GO Wood at. rM to Men never attempt counterfeit a worthlam le, hence valuable medicines are frenuently =Ha ted. The knave who counterfeits a melamine commits M great a crime au if it were a hank noteor the coin of United Wines. H A Fehnestock's Venntlege, which it the only see and certain cure for worms, ku /seen counterfeited In many sections ante country, end parsons rhould be on Melt gunrd when purei,,,,m, to gal. the genuine article, prepare." a, pin,u. rgt, pa.. Dr, G. O. Stearns. Den tttt t at Miss Heller., on Fourth street, a few Odears 'above Wood 11 , 1.31. until the COMptelioo of Um house malty opposite. Teeth In blocks, with wi de/al gtuns, after the manner now universally prefer red at Meets, manufactured to stilt meth particular ease. Teeth, front a 11111 set down to a single one, m erited ea a suction plate, than atuldink Injury to the natant teeth. Bpeelmens of blocks of suction plate may be examined at the ofßee. 'ALI opera. Inedde .. . the profession performed with oare and Calthfolwees. iLalr2Cla PORTOILA INISTITVTII. Allitighe city. COMLAND, A. B., ay ofTradry College, Wal, . ex-filtu, and Queen's f3e.&dap, Dom the Raz e Schools of Enniskillen, respectfully axmounces to his, and the public generally, that he will open (D. V.; the above Institut= on Monday the 'id of Oetotsev, for the purpose of imparting a liberal said Waned edu cation to Tomo/ Ladies and Gentlemen. The female department will be unite distinct, as Mr. Copeland will, it conducting it, he assisted by the Mim es Copeland.. The Principal. from his experience as an Instructor, and by unremitting attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of his mil; ousts that be mere a share of public patronage. Terms {payable in advance) per *nut. of d months English Department—Junior Class Jumor Cleo, {including writing and arithmane(• 'Senior Class (embracing all the brandies of a finished English educalm 1315 In the Classical Department there will be an extra charge. vie Junior Clan (embracing the elements of the tierek and Latin languages. SG Senior Class (including Homer, Greek Te 11.12,11., Lariat,. Xelloollllll'. Analasis, Herodoms, select Trag• cities of .Eschylos, Sophocles and Euripides; Demos thenes, Cicero, T.eirua Virgil, Horace (Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare, Satires and liVisiles,)Sa Juven al, Terence. and Lxvy, prose and verse composuion, Euclid, Algebra, &e. 512 In the female department an extra charge will be made for French. music, drawing, plain and ornament al needlework, Ac. , For board the charge will be gar per session. The Prtnespal will glee .y additional information required at the tNsTiTuTE, corner of Robinson and Federal sts, Allegheny. Reference also kindly permitted to Re. Roy. Da. 111`1.besia. Bishop or Ohio al Cure:Ana, Rev. Da Hama New York, Roy, D. MOM.. Ray D. Parribargh. Rm. D. H MON, Rev. Coos. JI Rev. W. Pruarros, imp/ I.d7w The Lebanon Nursery and Farm for sale. nOur of the handsomest and best an Allegheis ny County, only five mile. from the city of Pittsburgh, on the new turnpike road, lead ing Iron Pittsburgh to Washington, Pa. .The term contains WO acres of limestone land, of which 10 acres are woodl.d, and all that is not in nur sery end under the plough. a in grass and clover, of which we cut this season 70 ton of hay; with running water in each field. The buildings are more extensive and commodious than usual, as I had fitted this for my permanent residence, but all my sons died, and ill health makes so large a business troublesome. The buildings are all new, and put up within three years. The mansion house is of brick, 24 by 40 feet, tenant house Id by 22., with a milk house to each, and running water in it. A bank barn 40 by 00 feet ; the out build ings area wagonhouth, eorncrib, granary, wash-house, coa/house smokehouse, beehouse, dryhouse, cooper shop and a pig stv. orchard. ate expenmenal—twelve years ago I Imported from the blut and West, at great expense, and set them out, and by th is time I have seen and tast ed most of their fruit ; 4no •pple trees are set out an randard of 59 varieties, IOW peach trees of EA varie ties, of all saes and age pears of At varieues, cherries 24 varieties, plums 20 varieties, apricots 4 varieties, almonds 3 vancties, nectarines 2 varieties, grapes 0 varieties, with strawberries, raspberries, crimberriu, currants. mulberries, gooseberries, asparagua, draw( pears. cherries and apples, rhubarb, serf/slier-ries, the Osiers or widows, most celebrated for baskets, shrub bei and evergreens of all binds. ie. The nurseries contain trom 40 to 50,000 fruit trees of all sizes and ages, fit to tmrisplasit this coming fall and spring, of the above standard, and may be seen and mapected. aid a descriptive catalogue may be obtained gratuitous. One bade( the purchase money may re main ou mortgage if desired. Apply perumally or by letter to J L SNYDER P. S. The nursery will be continued, and the propri etors will supply all with fruit trees this coming season that may gui. him a call I L 8 121131221 Toil BeSSIFiII, No. 27 South Wharves, Phila delphia, offers for sale 51g) Lis bunch Rums; 100 kg. .- 1n casks Zante currant., 21, rims fine Leghorn reran , Ott pruena In glass and fancy, 2b bales soil shell and paper shell almond., SO bug. cream nuts . wslouts 00 filberts. peal Mutt Airman ground nuts; Inn bags shelled - Ilk, bk. Sicily lemons in fine order ; 100 cases macaroni. lUU boa vermicllli. winta and yellow 151 lb. each) lIU bags canary and hemp seed , Ifss Las rock candy, lOU shelled almooda , lint bash.t, sand oil, squalls and pints) in crises preserved ginger. lOU Los castile soap fru caws rose orange flower and peach waters ; hn" cat swine 71 om en us stick liquonce , nderwood's pickles, esuup, same, he (agenc y) Wells, & Provost's do do (agency ) iirsvirs' family, palm and almond soaps (agency) Um hail No. I hre cracker . Fireworks or every demrsption constantlr on hand and made 1. , order at shorn notice mpll-d3l 51)1) `7," 1 / 4 7:; ,d 1 1 i1:7. 1.1.J4 N I 1 sugar, 61.1• anulaues • lUD Las assorted baba., , sades N Y. mlle leather IGO kas rock powder. :its, reams wrappola paper loolseap bbi. Ni.] !star marker, •• North Ca;/na ISt assorted ro p loaf scant , In Are ground rub:mood htals prnne madder; 3 ceroons a F indigo , IV resprrlli• 15 •,urn lo uleratus 75 do; bed cords, nnt, 3 general assortment or Pollsbargb manuLarna 're esving and for sale on ar.'onnbodanng terms by J k K FLOYD, Round Cbarab '-Re not the fir,' by Whom the new are 'visa, Nor 'et the lett to iny the old undo." 11'111:EMPIRE CAR/KING RANGE possesses the follow:nit advantages:—The oven ts constantly rupphed with pare hot aar, reudertng the operatiaa of bak,ng Its perfect as when done ton brtck oven It has a Chamber otelouvely for Roaming to. yoth a sp.. t h us doing avail arta, all the roasting barlaments In dm shape of •un kitchens." . It b. • large coolung eapacay, swab all anaLtstru , ad gm surakee on We top, all housekeeper.. r grp,g,g, Ii ray he set up welnatt mason work, in any online. rr tire-place. ur w the 1 . 00221 u a same, cum/ding those who°crap) hired Louses to have the ndvamage of a range at the eugt of a stove And lastly, It burn. less real Horn any other cooking apparent', no, seepung the Empire Cooking Stave, which a also tar gale as wholesale or renal, at wultacrs. 1-anpire Stove Depot, 412 hlarket street, liiranl Row Philadelphia. 111 tract from a remendation from Henry Bach man, I , Aq • Starter com street —••You can use no terms to recomrnentlannn of at, which I will not endorse if referred to '• scpll.deodtDcebfonw Q F.I.I4AS' VERllllMaili—'• No family Mould bie anthmit ti " Lassa C li, Vs. Aug. Hi, '4S. Na FL E. SaLL/M; I cheerfully comfy that I have for some years ;mar used your Verunfuse In my family, mid universally with surcess I demdedly prefer 0 to •uy othr raratio I bre used—amongs these may be nenri e p d lac ep celebranteda t medicine called Deadabot, Pohnesiocka Venn/foga and a preparation called Worm Tea. In • recent caws • single dose brought from my hale boy one hundred and us lar worm. ho tunny certainly ought to be without Your. e‘c .1 AS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by FL It Sellers, N 0.57 Wood et., and sold by Druggtsts generally 111 both emea genii JUST RF.CFIVED at W sTClintock's., No 75 Fourth street, and for sale cheap: 3 ps es sup Zphy carpet, new style ; In do do fine lug do do, some very elegant S do do do do do do • • .5 do cot. do do do iu low as 210 cents 5 do do Yen. do rich style; I cue uf Thompsonedla rugs, unsurpassed in style Persons purchasing for dorsi/togs, howls and steam boats would do well by calling and exanutung oar sleek before purchasing elsewhere sepal . . SCHOOL TEACHERS Isiah/nit* bee xanuned in Mani district, ant hereby nodied to attend atJohn J Buchanan'. church, on the third Monday of Septet:. her at I o'clock P. M.. when and where the eiuxens and teacher. of Riffle are respectfully invited to auerld. WHIGIUM, . ..., saplo.3lfrarat.S. Seely of Mira= 8... Boyd CLOVER SEED-..-3 bag• clover seed for sale by sepll WICK a AVCANDLLSS BUG/U.78-M dor Beaver buckets for We by ooPII WICK & 11.8CANDLESS TUBS-113 dos Larder patent tubs for we by 1. ...PI 1 WICK 1. WC-AM/LESS CKFF..—.4B ban cream cheese just received and for side by well WICK &. IWCAMILBS: lA/HITE DEANA—Mt bbl. small whim beans for V I sale by sepll WICK & bVCA.NDLLW3 plO IKON—am tons Allegheny, minus brand., for ..le by sepll I & K FLOYD PCYTASII-30 conks pore poumb oo consignment for by .colt J & R FLOYD _ WOOL -2i sacks common to boll blood on consign , Y moot for sale by 1 & R FLOYD melt pLITER--33 kegs and :1 bbl. (or sale by sepll J h R FLOYD DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT and lilalterNGiniveng Panecen (genuine) on band for .ale by sup!)KIDD & Co 3 _ JUDKINS' OINTAIKNT, Davi.' Sirup Wild Cherry g/ and Tar, and Evan.' Antidyspepuc Pill. on hand and for itale by ley!! J KIDD & Co isT ER V l l . Adi f. D r .t.Nbby: .epic J D tro z . r. s t Co if( C . 2 COAL BOATS Wu sale low by REYNOLDS A. SILFX, "PO so, rem and Inv. eta S EUAR &c r 2 tad: flu r f t . o2i i n c at m eLO. sugar, 1 11. 1 .11 mole.. for sale by sew,. FIUEND, RELY & Co 57 water st 101 - 11/5i YARNS de.--35,000 lb. us`d nos cotton yarns, Inn bales candle wick; 175 do boning, cot• on twine, carpet chain, and coverlet yams (or sale al Inanolacturers' lowest prices by aeon FRIEND, RIMY & Co I IOTTON-115 bales for .ale by FRIEND. RREY & Co pni AIb:FAL-1W loon No Foundry for ..J b top, FRIEND, &HEY & Q UN DRIFT- OOO IL. tlax . 510 yds tow linen for sale ID by FRIIII . 4IEY & Co fl I,ABO-400 L. 0-10; SO do 74 ; 40 do 10.12; 33 do .J 11/-14 ; 0.5 do it-10 1 10 do MI& for Bale by fteol 8 I' YON DON 2 Co Q H. MOLASSES-87 bbl, on consignment, for sale Si. low in close by sept C H ()RANT lALC hIAGNLSIA-3 case. just received and fUr V sale by sepo hi A FAHRESTOCK fr. Co • L , ANCY DRESS SILL.`—A. A. Dl awn & CO b VO r opened 26 pa of the Intriat atyle fancy dress Junta .l RED CHALK—WO lb. just rer'd and for gale by gepll U A FAIL\ EtilIA:K A Ca `"AND CKUCD.ligkY—au nests glaargrasd sixes jail A., received and far sale by sepo L A FARM:STOCK t Co SUfr•R HOUSE MOLABSM-100 bbls sugar bongs molasses io mom lord Co. sale by sepa JA 11. A HU'IVRISON A. Co - OLDEN SYRUP.—IO bbl, golden syrup; to lush do do do ;91 kg. do do IA story and sal. by WILI*) A HUTCHISON b Co Ague dlissesis arlueery LHAD. -7110 pip Galena lead in store and for Ws. by JAMES A HUTCIGE3ON I Co troll No 13 water et, and Pair= al AUCTION SALE& Bieliftman* Auction Batas,H W. 0. litarrLOaa. O'Donnell • Saes of Brines and Brandies. /IN Wedstnday 13th inst. at 11 o'clock, et the ware- A." houses, O'Donnell". Wtcalf. IBlqr csks Shen7 Wine; 100 'oda o bbls do; SO half do do; 841 qr oaks Cette Madam Vote , 140 do wb : doi t5O do Port do ; 15° d° A „ ~_B."Pnly Pon teem , .erragona tat , 60 do Sue,,, id.d. c . do 40 Lathan Obis do d o; qr eke Dry Malaga do; 60 Indian WA* dry Mallets Wines , 13 Ude Bouillon do; 5:5 do IL Johan do, 10 qr hhds Bordeaux Claret do 300 cue: Pr Johan do do, 60 do ?daunt .10 • ' 41 do Port 100 Wand qr cuk• Brandy, of thud= Co., old Cognac Cannon, Napoleon nod brands, of deferent grades and vintages. These Wows and Brunhes are ell puma Cust o m House stoma, and enuded to debenture, and , oe u wor thy the Kummer, of the trade. Catalosruos w,ll be renal. the day before sale. ALSO, 4 had. SL Cron Rum ; U do New Orleans Ram. , Gt WM a HARRISON By John D. Davis, Auctioneer City Lots for tale. PURSUANT to a resolution of Ccaneile <Bill be of. fered for sale by public outcry on the premises on Wedneada the 13th day of September , et 3 o'clock P. 21. of sai dday. Those two villuable ' City Leas, corn uton/y known ss the Old Water, Work. Lots, bonneted as follows; no: parts of lots No. 33 and 34,1 u the phut of Pittsburgh. having A tient on Duquesne Way of 120 feet, and extending back along Cecil's Alley' 30 feet. Also, part of lot No. 35- e plan, laving a front on Duquesne Way of 50 teet, and extending back tilmag Cecil's Alley Ito feet. On which ate erected two large ant standal brick buildings formerly used by the City for Engtue Houses. Terms: One thousand dollars in hand, and the balance to three equal pay ments, at three, six and nine yeani with interest pay able seau-annually, at the other of the City Treasurer. to be secured by bond and mortgage. JAS. B MURRAY, Chain Com. on City Prop. sepad J. D. DAVIS, Auctioner. Allegheny C.o. Stock of Dry Goode from the Shelt.. On Mondaying Sept. 11. at 10 o'clock , at the Commercial Salesmorn Room, crner of Wood and Fifth sts.. will be sold a large and v aluable stock of fancy and staple dry goods, comprising sup. cloths. cassimeres, unmans; tweeds, Ky.W ans,black satin and fancy 'sest inas, damask linen table cloths, Woollen and °mufti ho siery, gloves, fancy Cr.,..., Mkt's, cashmere, ter kene, and brach. shawls, lain., sap. rich style prints, medicos, blue black Mess silk whim, red and yellow Hannels, checks, cambric , che and brown mushns, sewing silk, colored he. At 9 o'clock. Groeeriet, Furvilitint, fa Young Hymn Tea, rice, ginger, mustard Virginia tobacco; molassea, rotten stone A quantity of china, glms and queensware. patent beam and scale, Iron safes. A general assortment of household and kitchen furniture, among which am mahogany diesslrg Im• mans, sofas, chairs, tables, mune, book case and sec retary, bedsteads, vennian and transparent window blinds, looking glossa% c 7 a o rli:e i til ho. German fumy goods, fine cutlery, gold and silver wate mantel clocks„ boon and maws, fine and wool bats, saddles, bridles, whip., froshionable ready made cloanue't new style Mde guns, swim goods, ho. Large Sale of Val:l42ls Boob, Ftrui English Edi. On Saturday and Monday evening. September 16th Eno letb, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and RAI mem.. The collection embraces malty rare, maims and valuable works in nearly every .department of tore, elegantly embellished wlth (inn engrarioga Cat alogues 0.0 bnobtallted on applicntion tflon paul to the auctioneer. The books will be open for chaminti- Min one week prior to the sale. sepg JOHN D DAVIS, Auc'r MilfZi%lMkl C H PORTER Maaracta Benefit of Miss Heron. • Immeoce attraction MONDAY EVENING, SEP. It, Will be •eted the ath muf sth .ts of Ml=l Rirhard .. . . Mies Heron Ebel:mond arse Fanny Dane—Pas Grotesque by Masters J. & W. Wood. To be followed with the YOUNG WIDOW - -. . .. . Mandevdle • • •• • Miss Heron Splash Little Agnes Ameba. • • At iss'Fauny • Mee. Heron Ater which a mowed oho by the Heron Family. Highlard Ming by blaster Wood The whole to conclude with the I=3=l Lm Mole Mrs Fttzgig Andrew.' Eagle 8.10011, Wood Strad. PROLLot the cordial grecung of over one thousand (nerd.. and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon us Slrler we re-usumed the control of this estab lishment, ere her leave to inform ant friends and pa tron. that no exertion will be spntied to promotothe com fort. pleasure and bilan ty of our limners, sad In make the Old Eagle , ' stand foremost, and lead remit similar esuilthithments to the West. let cream, (unrivalled) peaches oyster. In learnt., %%101 all other drheseim wilt he found at due establishment, and .erred up in • manner nrethout precedent 11•11 s and parties Me n/AMU as usual. ..4 ANDIIEWEI. The Sew Bolden Dew Hive Again. A'olo Fe!! tad Winter Dry Goods. JlieT recesolog and now orberung,al the Apt of the Bto Etta Wye, ou Market snow, between Thini and Foonh strecu, one of the largest, cheapest and best ed stocks of Fall and Wurter Dry tioodie meas./- ac! to Prusbarlyk. tan of oar tureserorte women and the public generally, I. reepectfelly Tiled to this LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK. being confident we can sell goods cheaper titan any home in the coy. Among this fresh arrival will be found the moat fashionable and newest styles of FALL AND 'WINTER GOODS, tbr Ladies' wear, and at pri ces that ill utonisit all, the subscriber being dem, untied to sell CHEAPER THAN THE EHEAP&qT, at No: 02, Market street. seseve To Flour Dealers. TARE NOTICE That Wi ll iam .Hennimagray, of the cm of Pittsburgh, basing hero appointed Inspector of Flour by the Governor of the Commatiwealth, ander the Aet of Assembly of the 11th day of April, 1825, in and for the city of Pittsburgh, and the COPlltiel of Alle gheny, Westmoreland. Wastungton, Fayette, (Amen, Irv:liana, Jet:lemon, Armstrong, Bailee, Beaker, Mer cer, Crawford, Eno, Women and Penang*, will this day enter upon the dimes of his office troder Me com miswon. He may be found at M. Wesley Green's Mom, c nee f Weser antl tbanelleld army. se•7-ell To the Public. - WWO a ulweitbers respeculnly soliett the cues chants and public, to call upon as and iturchue 73 bbls mackerel, which we will sell low to close coo s/meat, prlar to the Indiguanon meeting, to he held at the old coon house to-night. • /OEM bI'FikDIKN & Co 'O 7, canal Basin In the /tune In the Woods, wad Ptah In the lasers, T UST vatting for you to still al 131-sot g Co's, N 0,121 Wood weed, to /et the stseelsary equtioneros .to take thorn. Best quality reorder, percussion butts, 12 sires shot, F. vraddiog, every use; belts, pone isms, ash books, lines, rod, reels, tke.,2k.e., wholesale and rotor!. UTELCH FLANNLIA.—W. R Murphy hut lately ykt received a full supply of the du:Torun Bylines of the oboe. desirable goods, warranted not to shrink In viuditins, at the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. wept, WOOLLENS FOR BOYS' WEAEL—W. IL Murphy has received an a...resents( various styles of goods (or boys' wear, plea and barred, suitable (or all and wines, ENGLISH PRIN - 18.—A farthet supply of newest Lyle s and fumy qualittea, jaat received at the dry roods home of sepP W R MURPHY • lURRANTOr-4 bbl. Zone, for inie by /rept J D WM , teltiq CORKS --8 bales mineral, 10 do bottles, 54 by Vial, 447 gm. Long Vial, jaet meld mad Onside by soot R F. SELLERS, 57 wood et - DITCH—do bbl. Pitch; Side Non Carolina Tler: 1. good order, for .1e by sepl - 0 BLACKBURN & Co SHAD—.SO half barrel. for sale by .y.l 8 F VON BONNHORST S. Co II EA' P-60 bales Manilla Ramp, just reed by BROWN 3 CAJLEIERTSON, 143 tiben st • OPAL VARNISH-8 Lida Nov York quick drying ( vrniv.° vvf•bikk, Jut reed and for solo by orixol sr JAPAN VARNISH-2 bbl. Naas York pot received and for sale by sep7 R E SELLERS IEATIIER VARNISH - 9 bbl. New York, o rope 'nor aruels just received and for sale by sep7 A E SELLERS S ALTPETRE -25 tg A s 61;1 wised arl foz male by _s,op7 _ -- _ coninand woods_ W KITING-76111s lust received and for sobs by sep7 B A FAIINESIUCK tc co B"E . .6ASS.—,III lb. just received and for sobs by .ep 7 _ B A FAHKEinTtn.,K /6 Co lIOP9-7 bale. in .are, and will be sold lose to elose consignment by sopa ISAIAII, rucxxv 4 .. C.• 1 - '1116f:24E-100 Las good quality in store and for sale %_, by _ . _ —_ p 6 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co _ _...._ ______ CL'T LOG - WOOD-153 bbls just [lied and For aisle by sefs 3 a R SELLERS A 7 wood at LI AL:SODA-5 auks prime kk,g Mai eeeaived and 10 for gale by .PG R E SELLERS (bit __ ______ SASSAFRAS ha Act ree:eiveri and for gale V./ by aepri R E SELLERS _________ BACCO-23 1p No I, 6 twist IGealse brand) laud tog from steamer Geneva and for sale by JAMES DALZELL, Water Street --- t IOTTON--59 bales to store and for sate by ‘-' sepo -- M. JAF.S DALZELL QHOT--50 kegs ass'd nos for solo by kJ sepo 8 F VON BONNHORST &Co 1.41 R-10 bbls N. C. for nolo by imp! 9 I , VON lIONNHORNT k CO WRAPPING PAPKR-10 was medium and crown paper for sale by iltpo 8 F VON DONNHORIIT k Co ANATTO-4 baskets v Para - pia received arid For sale by svpO Id A FARNESTOCK tc Co - - _ INDEL. INK-1 grosS just reeeired and for sale by 61 A FAIINESTOCK & Co 1.2 1101•.-95 Yrs shot, ased numbers in store and far k..) wale by sep3 JANICS A HUTCHISON &Co IYI AN UFA CTU Rb.ll TOBACCO-66 bx Preston Ss ; is do ea, Go C. Itovs ; 11, • do ill or Good quality, for talc bow 10 elose roloodutnerat by ISA IA II tOCKEI Lo, Vront'st IerITUN —3B baloi Tout cowet lb store and (or %,./ sato by op 6 NAIAD DICKEY & Co LI.IBC/OUB LUXURY.—IO bltt this my superior tobeceo jag* received cadrer mici by eepa WICK d PiPCANDI BACON.—@I7OO lbs city eased bacon, bo g round , • Jl9l pnme article just hum smoke house, for sale by sepoS WICK A. ACCANDLMiIs "DOTASSIL-7 oaks potash Past received sod far saki by sopa MOE & .61PCANDLE88, CHEDM.-67 bib W. R chew.; 67 WEB do juin re eeired and for We by sep4 WICK & MVAIYDLESS" NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 184 8. pg4Lsa4 Ens cLue.ow,) Leafs , . Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and ar rives at Glasgow,lll2outti of the Sandy and Beaver fi nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at U. same night. Leases New Lisbon at B c'elock, P. M., (making the trip canal to the river during the night.) and Glue"' at 9 o'clock, A. M., and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 P. M.--thrm making a eontitanons line for earryi sengers and fret& between New Lisbon =- bur g h, In shorter tame and at lets tame than by any other route. The proprietors of this Ltne have the plensare of In forming the pob/ie that they have hued op twofirst dank Canal Bents, for the ueonerateinteen of passengers and freight, to min In connection with the svoi known steamers CALEB COPE and BRA VER, and eoannot• log s no Glasgow, with the Piusburgh nod aStebti. tuti and other duly tin. 01 steamers down the Ohio nod alt.sissippt rivers The proptietori pledge them selves to spare no expense or trouble to tutor, sum fort, safety and dispatch, sod nub of the public a shAni of these patroisage. AUTHOR I Z F.D ,I,NT!.t •. - . IL M. ILARTLN, S. & HARRA UGH, l'auLurgh. a HANNA, & Co. , myna( I. HABRA COH & ip 1.4.1"°. NOTICE—The steanterllKA YEE, C. E. Clerk's, mas ter, will leave tiler thus notice. for Wellsville pttneto• elly, al D o'clock in the 1-1148.7 I W ITTSBUROB 6 BROWNS VILLA t A FEBRUARY 10.71114 T P"kelt.F-14t RI . AnY I.l ' 1 84 LEAVE DAILY ATe A. 01., AND 4 Y. M. The following new boats eompleta tne fine for the present season: AT LANTIC, Capt. James Parkuncon . ALTIC, Capt. A. demobs; and 1...0U18 M`LANE, Capt E. Bennett. The bows are entlwily new, and are fined op without regard to expense. liv ery comfort that money can procure boa hero provided. The Boats will leave theAdonoducatola Wharf Boat al the foot of Boa Passeuger. will to punctual on board. as the boats will certainly leave at the advet. used A. M. and 4 P. NI Jam% I . llYBill.Tßitil & AYBLELIAL p keyarp . .; The avid roamer P Caney, router, rill leave ppilarly for NVheeling, on Monday, Wednesday and Frlday, at to o'clock prectsely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and S. t a play, al 7 o'clock rn, precisely. The Consul will Ltd at all the Intermediate porta— Every seeomodation that ran he procured Mr the com fort and safely of pmsengeni hue been provuled. The NUM to also promded with safety guard to fr en o t , e i i , cp , toluene. Forfreight game ß y t ply on feb4 corner of trend Sadddlela tax sEwiceaor, ECONOMY. A. PREEDCINI PACES? The splendid light droght stew. CAROLINE, payonnster, will run as • regalarda/- ,•. y packet between Putsburgh and the above ports, regularly landing ou the Allegheny opposite the month of Pitt street. The Caroline will touch at all the landings between the abort ports, foe the accommodation of the market people and the Ira velhng public. Leaves Pittsburgh every day at half past two o'clock P. AL, returning leaves Proedem em• ry day at) o'clock, A. AL The proprietors of this Line have purchased and lil ted up the Csproline In a superior manner at a consider able expense, expressly for this trade. Thiarsdast themselves that the boat shall remain In the and hope, by strict attention to the wants of the communi ty, to motive their support. Rjr . Fare 23 cehts. aag22-MtlikwaT FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The splendid new steamer L ° VISITOR, _W •:s;_ Jacobs, master, will (cave for above • --- and imennethate ports this day, at 10 o'clock A. 01 For freight or pasee,ge, apply on board FOR CINCINNATI. • Acs. t The new arid qubatnital steamer 111' DSON, Itgli . 44 t : will run during t4e low water between Pittsburgh and Ude alwv. place, her draught being so light >aascogers may rely upon being carried through without delay. She will leave for Oka eitmeti this day at 19 tieleck hf. For freight or passage, apply on board, .or to • R.StitILAR CINCINNATI PACKS . . • The Gee litentner 11.11:HLANDElt, Parkinson, muter, tel leave for the ove thud intermediate ports !Ma day. For freight or passage, apply on board. septil FOR ST. LOUIS. 'the 6nanew . liiit draught •1111111116 e LEWIS WETZEL, Thompson, muter, will leave for the 4 . '• above and tatermedtate:porta this day Of freight or pusage, apply on boned. Oeptid • - - MR CINCINNATI. The light dnittaht steamer SHENANDOAH, ~1"4.1..itit 4 Itowman master, will lenve for the a• _ Ave and inter mediate ports regular at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board _ ... . . sept.7 FOR CINCINNATI. ..istra•- The splendid steamer FAIRIdOIiNT, Ebbert master, will leave for above and Intermediate ports regularly. _For,_.,a , orsafe,apply on hoard. sept 7 FOR CINCINN All AND ST. 1.01.115. ~....._. , The shig.d. steamer . 1 RING/SOLD, Cope, master, will leave for the above d intermediate ports this day. adims nor freight or plumage., apply on board. Sepal - - - - NEW BOOKS. DIONEER HISTORY Being en account of the jj lhercilmoination of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from origtnal manuscript; .contsjnin4 the paper. of Mr. . so breorge Areoran, those of Judge Busk, theater:Ms OirJo k Buell and John Matthews; the records of the unto Oompuny, Au., with numerotm plates and !nap.. By S. P Hildredt. Orators of The American Revolotion, by E. L. Ma goon_ With portraitsof Sum!. Adams J.. Warrea_ Patrick Henry, Also. hamilton, Fisher Ames and Joke Randolph. I vol. cloth. Retiring from 8Y511.611, or The Rich Man's Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the above! works rectimed dos day sod for solo by _ JOHNSTON STOCKTON , WM L RUSSFLI• :wet booksellers, car Market and Third NEW 'moss. HATORB OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ki by E. L. Magoon, pLmes of Bml. Adams, Joseph iVarren, Patrick Henry, Mex. Hamilton. Fisher Ames and John Randolph; dedicated to students *ha am cm drones, Chrivians who coo not bigots, and citizens who sue not demagogues Retiring from BUSiI.III, or The Rich Man". Error; by T. 8. Arthur. For sale by ELLIOTT k ENGLISH, sepl Yh wood, and fin market sts Books I Books I I AMARTINVS 111110:111ASts, complete, ji Wendell's Blackstone's Commen lanes, What I saw in California, by BrY,nnl, The Czar his court and people, uncludtng a tour in Norway And Sweden, By 11Ingoon. Uy T. flenong A from Business, or the Rich Man's Error. S. rthur. The Battle of Baena Fisk. By Copt- CAtletsin. Spencer's Cssu. "Tkiess Tim um. Schmitz's Rome. A general assortment of School end College text books for coin by EL HOPKINS; cep2 A4olle Buildings, Fourth st. near %1 ood. H.EMILT 11 , 01180CH s Profeuor of Music and Orgarust at TilllarChillrit, CCONTINUEto give icsunction Me Piano, Chin tar, and Vocal Music. Those pupils who desire to take lessons at his house, have NA opportunity of practisimir a sufficient leuth of lime, before leaTifl l Ul he the instruction imparted firmly on the mind. most excellent Pianos are kept for that pu moire, placed in 'come where the pupils can practice entirely mai turned. Determined to take only a limited number of pupils, those who wish to be instructed should make early application. TarnBl3 per quarter of 21 lessons. Reaidence, Pena street, neuly opposite Dr. Herron. seplAin alusprats none Patent. Sod Ash.— ri 'HE subscribers inform their customers sod dealers generally, that their fast shipment for the fall bst- Somas of the above article, has arrived at Philadelphia per ship .111nitla, direct from the manufacturers in Liverpool, and will be here to a few days. They have several other shipments on the way—two of add* .is: per ships Medallion and Lydia, are nearly de they axe therefore prepared to reverse orders. Besides the large quantities they have exerting to the easlenl cities (to be forwarded here by canal) they will receive daring the winter sod spring, regular W it Mg. • & M hIITCHELT eta New Orleans. W sep4 Kannw EDWain!, lea. c.socare, nom. oranomalr. Aeon nom, IX= 801, hams a. 15.11, TM. •IXI9OI. AIECELANICS 7 GLASS WORKS. IMPSON, LEAKFe STANGER & =lamest/a -° term of Vials, Bottles, and Window Ulan, keep constantly on hand a general itssonmett of the slam articles. Also, make to order a superior Miele at Mineral arilloda.Water Bottles, of colored glass. Na id Wood at. PittahomiL Pa. au3t.ihn DAPER—gattill bills tingle Crown — Rim .1. Wrapping Paper; Liao/ bdls Medium Rag and Straw Wrapping Paper, Sad bdla double ammo, mg and maw Wrapping Papor; bills V 034 loch heavy hardware Paper; 50 Inv ouch heavy hardware Paper NV reams ruled cap nod Lauer Pap , r, all ana1...v.5 ...v.5 4 0 0 _gross white Bonnet Boards: 3ob reams bins Paper, fn stare and Ibr rata low by REYNOLDS & SHEIR, aug24-Int cor peon ann Irwin sm 'Valuable giiilineas Stand. ON MARKET STREET FOR SALE—The Mrs at mason occupied by Mr. John Thdrripson, on Market swam, two door. st ro ve is o ff ered for sale. Also, a very handsome location at Mane beams, turning about 3 acre.. with a dwelling house and other ouprovemenui, formerly the residence of Nev. Mr. Mc- Crady. Apply to UFA . bUtEEB, wept-d•m 94 wood street Pittsbargb wedge] e andilal a Hoyt.). Copper Mica Mg Company. till , : ' Trustees of the Pittsburgh mil Isle Ilayalis Cop n, per Mining Company have this day ordered as amessment of twenty-five cents par char,.. payable to John Irwin Jr., 'Treasurer, on or Leong Ito. &tit day of 0c...b., amt. By order J A FORS VTIIO sepadten Booty la zgapratt & Some Bleaolatn P owder. N CAnKS of the above auperlur am cl.—..poiu g s trom the manufacturers direct—tor in, at as alp suatly low pies for cashor approved sills Ly rept/ & Ist MITCH EI.TREE • D. ifulvir, Denust. Corn, of Fp,syst, and Decatur, between :Racket and Ferry wreets. sepeldlyin ,4 CHOICE 04 1 10411510111 of Dmufacturcd Tobocc :.y, ps comprufflykystilt & Robunton's Webwer old H Dram • • Price & liarworn 1. rs , lief Tow.' us, and other popular brands, lust rec'd sod for sale by _eug23 BROWN & CLTI, ItF.RTVON, IYi hbl7 at ---- - _R EFINED EIUGAIL-10 boa D. R. Dagr loaf sugar, 1003 GUIs twa 4. 5,0, 7 and b 'wan d 200 do orstthed, 200 do 60 do la store and for ule by sepa )AMI S S AA E tor Sala. •eirge °rule late aearnl rrtri rlytn.r. IC Will b.. T sold at a Aura., A trl K l.• :t, or of C. b. Clark on board Hearer." dim ANVOMAN to do tamme wora . , era.. Isberal luad wwk light good reference rettuttent. Apply ID .!.P7 J Alk:LleOth 81 wood sr Mr - orobetoot to Itent... - THE Warehouse u present occupies] bp th e satins/ - bees. Possession given on the lit 0 October. soy FORSYTH & DUNCAN ' R' APPLES-3a bbla Marietta &piles rece'd G Wu day, and for sale by sap TASSEY & BEST. y tio , &rim ABI4-10Tiaks necaiia - d — anTforrbi mpg! TASSEY & HESE D EFINED 80R,12-4 eons Eng. junt reed:and for 1 - 1, od ESe by gegd R 137,114 1, 37 wood st STEAMBOATS. =MD
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