C 11. GRANT oft , 420 E.eas 'en riem coffee 72 do hlk Pepper, 200 pkg. Y E , G P and 's*. Teas; 20 hblot crashed and pul verized BorTJ 27 do N 0515,7 k ra ilLea_tdo; 2 cuks Madder, 2 cement Indip, 10 bk. ground Pepe , ' 1 casks E BaIR I bags Rue Wager, 6 do Allspice' 60 mans cionsmoa, 70 bra 151'4' ite a 6 d 126 Tollaceor b " b and qi= .thd I° k tXt TehtMeo 60 bids No 3 large omek em, 75 htids N °Sugar, W 9 kap ipere mp ) white Lead i 1 cask La tAn Ib. AWED and ßlack; cast Steel; 'funk: subscribe— •r sale on •eeemmodiung 93 ble Aural Ax.: 3 do Halm.' dcr, 23 teams Tote Wrappio, • Paper, 160 do state dodo; 60 dos Hemp cords; II collo aware Rope; 4910 lb* cotton Var.; 3,603 lb. No 1 & 2 Batting-, bxa Ratio Soap; 10 do rare drr, ! •30 Obis Rosin; 93 east* Tarnow's doable refined Sods Ash; 35 his 10112 Glue: 64 do 8.210 do; 103 do pint Flasks; 15 do *do dot, 133 14 do WA' quart Battles, Lime, 113 kg" Demurs Bite Poe. der, IMO do do Rock do; 14 tidies 140 24 Sheet Iron; 20 Peacock 'end Patent Laver Phinsits, sepl receiving and offer Cot sale lows, sir at low rates,aa folL teS blebests V fi, Imperial, P and bilk Teas 80 bia do do 4IV bags. Rio and Lagoira Coffee lb bbgg.tlid do, Java do 160 boa snautffpciured To. 50 bills No 3 Mackerel half bbis do 75 bra white Scull Sugar US bu Bening, No 1 15 bb Bordeaux Almonds 35 " E Walnuts 35 " Mons 33 " Warn Nuts 30 " Tens Ord Nuts MO boa W H Raisins Di eases Tomato Clump 50 drums Figs 7 mats Dates Illoasks Zelda Correros ED has Shelled Almonds leases Liquorice 33 bus Rock Candy 70 hi. Sardines 75 " • Fire crackers 0 " spiced Chocolate eases STOW. 55 bus, Lemon Syrup t ease mewed Guicer 7 gross Blacking 1 3 ,500 Princlp Regalia, C Ca ig ndo, and Havana ars GILLSH & BENNET), , opposite St Charles Hotel 141 mp , It" 5s Span do bbl Nutmegs 96 bag. Pepper 2 eeroone ladle° 10 2 t b lf: . Pim v en: 16 bbl. ehlp'd lA:Tweed casks bladder bx.• No 1 Chocolate 2 emirs Epsom Salts bbl. Tanners' Oil Semite Lamp Oil 15 hes Sperm Candles 43 bee White Pipes 5 casks Riee 77 bags Dairy Salt bble refitted Sager UNDRIES-75 dos Corn Brooms; 10 kegs Maple Molameg 60 bio Uoal Soap; 60 kers ass'd NM* Straw Wrapping Paper, cotton Yarn, candlewick, / 34,- 1131 r, 10D dor %Orem; 6 do Tubs; 10 mom pint Flasks; 30 bible Vinegar; 16 boa Starch; 46 do Star Candle; ground Spices of all descriptions; fine eat cheering Tobacco. ' Ilappee and Scotch Sant Whiting, chalk, copperas and Alum; in gore and foi sale loin by ENGLISH k BENNETT, 37 Wood es, opposite SI Charles Hotel TEAS packages, comprising Tonna Hyson Teas, ballet.. told catty boxers Gunpowder do do do do Imperial d 6 do do do Hoodoos and Powchong, in half cheats, of various Qualities and late importations, in store and for sate by lIAGALEY lc SMITH, 1S and PO wood st T EAS -40 bf chests and bee fine to ex= Y. Hymn; " Imparial; lu " " " " Gunpowde; " " " " Dowel:tone, J D WILLIAMSON wood .z For sato by ..Ir2t n HMIS. N. 0. Sugar to alma consignment, 33 bbl. 11.1 No, 3 mackerel, half Ws do, 151rall bble shad, 15 btda S. How's molasses, 150 has window gig., axed nixes, 20 bac beet Y.H. Tea, 5 do Imperial do, 5 do than Powder do. aced. S. 11. BUSHFIELD. 011.8-3,soolEitriztter bleached Wlule Oill 100 do do do SperaCdo 15 bbl. do Racked Male do 5 do brown Thanets do 5 do g3l SpLrita Turp 0 BLA CKBU e-atiae; lettere RN & Co tad au REFINED BUOMI-S-5 bze Ufl large Loan GIL bbl. 4. 6, e, 7 and 8 small de; MO do crushed; NO du powdered; in store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON& Co, 1124 • , ts or St. Loots Swam Storm Refine TIULVERCZED SALERATUS-14 bra, a veu art perior article, packed in pound and half pound Papers, for retailing; for sale by WICK & hIVANDLESS pULTERIBING SALERATOS-4 task% a very yr penor article, jut reed and (or sale by auirM • WICK & IirCANDLESI3 OATS -011 Lamb, Just reed and tbr sale by L 9 IVATERMAN, 113105 31 W.A. and di Crow at SOAP —LW bill No 1 Rosin; 10 do CaafilN 10 do Staz • Candles; in atom and 63r aide by. mglo 0 BLACKBURN & Co GROUND PEPPF.R-30 bxs prime Gromid Peppe for sale by gee WICK A APCANDLESS GLASS PAPER-250 rearm Smith's Patent Gls. Paper, als'd sans, on hand and for sale by autM • J {LIDO A Co MANNER'S OIL-1140 galls Brown's Tanners SAO in casks, just ran d and for Bole by 31ILLF.R to RICKETSON 10 - 13.412117813.0 MI for ludo by su tlrasU bug. ta. tee ' MU I Fa & li/CILIZSON PRODUCE, —OO bis Cheese; I bbl Butter, 9 bu. Ba. con; just received on consignment and for sale by hni.Lea a. RICKY:MON I'ONEY-20 bx. White, stiperfor, for sale by pl D WILLJA3I9, yrood 11800MS-50 dor assorted Corn, for e ,El/ Sept Jowl D I'ARY APPLES—rO bbls Dry Apples, • good snide 1/ lust reached sod for sale by 8 & W HAMMED:I VEATISPR.--M0 lbs prime, for sale by • ang3l 3 P VON BONNEIORST & Co E haerived a carefully ieleeted stock macutfactand Tobaeno, of choice brawls, which we are offering low, cow:lamer of Pound Fives Lump, Prue lip. Melts, Twelves and Tinny ang3) . lIPGILLL P. ROE Q UNDRIES-20 bbl, N C ao Roo* 60 do No AD 3 Alarere4 largo; 15 do TIMM'S Oil. Ws Rice. aEg2O AVGILL & ROE 10 COFFEE-30U bags, pet Union Line. aag3o & ROE FRE:4ITT:AS-4d half chests. itnet rerei•da. angdO MALL is ROE GBEEN APPL Wits assorted Green Apple., in morn and for sale by mad S & W HARBAUGH WOM WANT D -2,000 lbs Cacomori — artd Tub Wool wanted, for which dm itUTit" prier. will be paid by .o p) & W pc METAL—SO 8 ; 1 1 ; 0 1 1TOVI }TM ra d : b .ulOl ZS front at SODA ABH-18 cut• doubt. nellocd Bode Aah; do -- do do Warranted equal to any in the city. For sale by .W 4 H GRANT, 41 water st FEATFIERS-l0 sacks s a lefor F , 1., sup; REMY & Co POTASH -4 casks just 'red and for sale by ..tr7s WICK & WCANDLFISS SALAD OlL—tl baskets fresh, just ,Ce'd dud fix. =is LI A. P&HIVESTOCIE & Co, CA8: 423 1A-200 mails just reed and for sale by B A FABZWMCB & Co MIXTBACT LOB WOOD-60 eases just MN and for J:J sale by aura B A FAHNESTOCK EAD-750 pig. of Lend, for side by stegZe JAMES DALZELL MO 10 METAL-90w. Cumberland:Sleet rig Metal, in store and for sole by .m 4,29 JAMES DALZELL • WOOL -12 sac k • Wool, be sale by • 1011W29 AGS-41 awr29 sacks emuury pxixed y Azlas bxs Chasse, nua rabq CA N DLE by WICK & h 8 CIiKIIZSE-12 casks Wa Cheese, lass teed and for We try an WICK it ArCANDLI22I T EATHEIL-6CO aides eed Luther recedyieir by es-. jj nal, and for de by JAI DALZELL, Dk. 7.2 SKIN&-5 boodles deer Odes In store =I for sale by on • .1A3.1.1113 DALZUL ARD OIL-101)6ln Brown's marueneutre in acne /A and Ex by lie • LIMN MILZEIA. QUlZ:[,' We .bile rasind fileQYilp -s 4 (or sENNA-0 bales India Just reed a.A for Bala by sepl If A FAME:NOCK & Co CAMPHOR—did Ma Jaw received and for sale by adPi 8 A PAHNI29IMIK t Co HOUCIPSPANACEA-4csoes icon 'waived aoa tor sale by Sept B A WAHNEUTOCK &Co GOLD INK -10 do gold ink for writing, paintln, and gilding, at d 5 emits and 81 per bonny rim mi.. eared and for sale by _ .14 B A FAHNESTOCE tr. Co QUsale C by ARD. SODA-10008 A FIINEB ce IOCK & lb. jun reived and for kJ Dept HEAT STARCII.-10 bis for male Wsepl P VuN BONNLIOAST A Co (TOFF .—N bp St. Domingo Coffee; d 0 LakaTr. AI do, Am recem.l on corungumeut, aud.for as by sep4 n 4 W HARIMUUH SUGAR. 34 Ws sever 20 do prime do in MT. 'and (or sale by sep4 s & W BARESAIJOH QTARCII-20 strob'.. in gam ILnd nle by cep4 BROWN & CULBERTSON INDOSV GLASS-200 tan &In and 10-1 Y for sale TT by .0 BROWN & CULBERT:SUN TALLOW.-4 bbs i.alevr last reeeived and (o r sale A. by . 0 1 B it W BAR/MUGU C 1113131311-13 0 bss western cream cheese Jut MIA and tor We by B & W HARBAUGH se LMtn OlL,—yobbla lard oil, Miteliner'a, in store and Clin_Ln l y i by arid 8& W HAHBAUGH OIL-2 esLs But received mdr sale by 0 094 B A FAHNESTOC ' &Co SICILY LIQUORICE-9just received slid for sale by ..P4 B A FIHNESTOCK &Co VA P " - ' 3 3l*OfitHl 64-4 0c - K d kre': l ° - DICE. , --0 tierces fresh hating". received and for sale „Ll 6 by C H GRANT, seed Na CI water street rrEAI4-20 bolt chats Powder Tea; 10 do do li - re• quiet do; 20 du do Y Bison do; 16 do do Pow thong do. Also, 2lb and 6lb estrys, of superior qt.d. ity, for family owl, u, store sod (or sale by not 0 BLACKBURN & Co UTHITE BRAZIL SUOAR-400 bags IV Elflogars, gg raperior quanty, now landing and for age by aagl BAHALEY & SMITH N UTMEGS I cask Nutmegs, 200 maw 6 balm c oyes, landing and for sale by aepl %%HALEY& SMITH bOAP SUGAR NDL WILMS/13-3SO Mkt LuSi Bogus, assorted Lumbers; SRI do - Sugar Raise twee, An sale by meg DAGIALEY & SMITH COTTON —7O bale, in store on conaigamenlaad for by C CHANT, se • 1 41 water ei LIABLE CHAIN—A large Cable Cban suitable for V steamboats, near WO teat in length, for sale by L 8 WATERMAN EIB7I-197 bbl,No 3 Mackerel, (Mitt) do herd. No do, ItMt Sardo do No I do do; j ue e ra by au A) MILLER k RICKS SON Rler,-4e dere= prime red and for.ale br, AVM OLTAN CEMENT—Abbta for sale by R pen ••19 P VON NONNEHNIST kCo 11.12LABIAM. — 11342 - 1 Baa itarirldoooF - 11aim's SP.PTESIBI3II. 1 rises. I sat. 1 ri•as. 1 phases*. 9 Nuurday, 10 2anday, 25 $ 5 lb '2O 31 93 11 Monday, 25 33 934 1 19 Taelday, f 9 31 941 13 Wednellia— y, 30 30 10 4 14 Tharaday, 31 22 11 50 15 Friday, 23 27 mom. PITTIWORGII BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR REMEMBER. JOSHUA HAMA. W. ROM= J . CLIMMIII23. 0771 CZ 1:11719romill GA =TM Monday Morning, September 11, 1848. The markets on Saturday mere generally very doll, and very little defog in any branch of bnsi• lieu The weather was cool and pleasant for out door transactor's, and the small amount of bust. mess done, allowed no important variation in yr& COL FLOUIL—There were Co arrivals on Saturday by river, and we could hear of no first !mad sales, er "On a few small kns from wagon at 4,90 p. bbl. The sera from @lore were very limited, being con fined to dray load lots at $ 5,12 s an in quality. In Grain, nothing worth noticing is doing. Sup. plies are limited, and prices are altogether nomi nal, and without change from previous days quo. micas. The Otociety market Is quiet, and miles, whin i are light, show not the slightest change in any at. Provisions me unchanged. Supplies of bacon me light, sa prices remain very firm, as last quo ted. In other articles under this head, we notice no change. DRIED BEEF'—Regular sales are effected from stole at 8 Bopm BEESWAX—The market is inactive and very little doing. We may quote nominally at 19020 e ib• EOSIN Saltaof erode N Cat 11. 3 053,12ic bagel. RAGS—SaIa from fiat hand. at 31a3ie for geed mixed rigs. SALT—Selis et the eine at 81,25, delivered L' $1,30 ♦ ma. HONEY—Regular sales of a good quality in comb at Nano p lb fmm store. OILS—Of linseed very little is left In the mar bet, and mks have beau light at 51855 e. Sales oi,lard at Sane as gall. Of Tanners' at sl6alB pbbt , • The rive-ilia down to 21 inches, and freights Ile up to SIOUX fivat this point to Cincinnati. thy Goods are beginning -.to pour in plentifully from the east, and all the lighter draught steambotits, with their lighters is attendance, have as much as they can do to carry all that is passing to the va rious points below. In addition to these, there are • number of keel boats being brought into requii sitton to meet the emergency. So that goods now arriving fin shipment west, need not be delayed here kr the want of shipping opportunity, although the rates of freight must of consequence be high in proportion to tha dificulty consequent upon so low a stage of the water. The splendid light draught steamer, Visitor, Capt Jacobs, will leave for Cincinnati and intermediate ports ibis day. See advertisement The fine light steamers Hudson, Lewis Wetzel, and Highlander, are up kn. Cincinnati, and will leave as per advertisement, this day. Tuz Wars= Boszuxu—We received from the publisher, Mr. D Embree, the Bth No. of thin stile,pal.Lication. It is neatly printed by Messrs. McMillen .3c Shryook of this city. The number Ireive us is the Bth, and contains among many in teresting articles, the killourinip—"P,,..,.....diugs of the Pittsburgh Engineers' Society," "Evans' safe ty Guard," "Explosion of the Edward Eater; • Monongahela Navigation,;' " Manuficturing 01 Boiler Iron," &or dtc. The work is calculated to do much good, and we hope it may be libcally patronized by the boatmen of the West. Mr. Jame_ Patterson, jr., corner of Ferry and Front streets, is the agent Es Piesbargh. The Moacasaismu.s WILY!' —Mr. McFadden, our excellent wharf master, is exerting himself in good earneat in the improvement of the wharf— He has a number of bands engaged in the work of repairing the lower edge of the whag which is to be thoroughly repaired from one end to the oth er. We are glad to see this, or the work was much needed, and when finished it will add much to the beauty of our extensive wharf, as well as to the general convenience of all concerned. The steamboat joiners, and carpenter; and en gine bulldogs, have no lack of business on hand.— We counted yesterday, at the different fictiattiog yards, ten new gammeta in rapid progress of com pletion, mainly designed, when finished, for the Pittsburgh trade. There are also some five or six teats on the stocks at the difrenmt yards in this vicinity, which will won be brought here for coca , pletioo. kuitots Cam Lime—The Chicago Journal of the 26th oh, save—We learn that efloirti axe betas made to have the aale . of the Farming Lands along the line of the canal, postponed until some time in October, to give the farmers an opportuaity of re. Mixing from their crops to better enable them to purchase. This no doubt would give general sat isfaction, and not only that, but work to the ad- vantage of all males concerned. The 'meant of land to be offered is about 230,000 acres, and its estimated value, according to the price set upon tt by the apprahscrs, will not vary much from 000. Thu of come include, town lots and wa ter Flowers. Commouirra--The Norfolk Herabd says that a gang al countetfeitera are on their way from Shel by county, Kentucky, to Virginia, with a large amount of counterfeit bank noun, SIMIO of which are said to be of the denominating' of 5100, of the Exchange Bank of Va. Cox:macs ;17TTIZ---'lfarnTr— ing is • avitement ethlhiting the value of foreign merchandise Imported and exported annoally from 1817 to 1817, ineltutive, embracing a period of 31 yeah, and also the intotun which remained ktr consumption atonally daring the same period: Years end. ing Sept. 3. Imported. fie.earported. Columned 1817 99,250,000 19,359 1 069 79,891,931 1818 121,750,000 19,426,696 102323204 1619 87,125,000 19,163,683 87,939,317 1820 74,1503000 18,008029 58,441,971 1821 63,593,724 21,302,488. 41.263,236 len. 63, 35 241,511 82286,202 60,956,309 1623 7779,267 0, % 4 40602 50643615 1624 80,549,007 237,157 55,211630 1825 96,310,075 32, 33 590.613 743 , 132 1828 __ 84,974,477 24=1,612 60, 23, 431665 1827 79.184669 23,403.136 06,020,322 1928 88,509624 21,595,047 66,914,601 4829 74.492,527 16,659,476 457 634,049 1830 70,676,920 14397,479 53469.441 1831 101,191,131 20,033=5 .93,151,599 1832 101929,266 24,039473 76960,793 1833 108,118,311- 19.822.735 82,295,578 1634 126.521,332 23.312,812 loucres .521 1835 1496113,742 22,504.495 129.391.247 1036 169,280935 21,746,360 188233,673 1837 140,969,217 21,624,862 ,119,134 255 1639 113,717,404 12,452,795 101,264 608 1839 162,092,132 17,491,525 .144,597,607 1640 107,141,519 16,190,312 68.951,207 1811 127 , 9 463 77 15,499,081 112,447996 1642 100,162.027 11,731,638 66.440,519 1643 64.753,799 6,352,707 3001.092 1614 102,435.035 11.494147 86.250,166 1845 1 1 7 ,251,561 15,315630 n 6997,734 1916 121.691,737 11.316.623 1 / 06133 71 5,838, bAir,los 12021000 1847 146,54 CiLantassmu.a. Logan so y July 27r 1918 . Mr. 8. E. nellers—D ear Sir: take pleasure in eel. dfying_ the Pod efferits of your valuable Verso gage. My chi/dren being sir kAnd our Uptight be aroma, tri e d several kinds of Vermlfuge, Without any edam. I coneloded 7 our Vermilage, which I dad with t e ar .• SO that my. little daughter, near three years 0, Caned larnething near One hun dred worms stone time. then meeoOztneniled to my neighbors, woo f h tried it with meow; so much so that we sold oa bat two Tweak, the eupply which was laid In fords moliths, an d nearly every day mime per son is coming to the stor e for Seller. , Vermifutre. B. 8. CHM. MAN. Respectfully yours Prepared end +old b', B. E. SFLLEIII3, 57 VOned st. and sold by druggists;messily, in Pittsburgh + D Als legheny. UT The wft, Amp she expression aflame fraud es ta Putcfiti to new, unit de the repulsive, coarse, me, tdy yellow faces of ethe ra, excites disgust—the same sub males. Could such people be induced to try a cake of the true Joss* iusLisia Chemical Soup, they would .S 0 cmuldurod w.rith Uto chatty,. They would have • este, clear, white skin, While every disfigurement or or...would be rammed and cured. ustrtouLsa Itcd ILlL—Persons who have pot ght che no et , „ tut , erfelts nod imitations of this, and have badso et ,prodeeed, =let try this, Me miginaL ••k Jottes' Soap. Far Sala al Wet . JACIZOIN, W LA.''- '.y surest. anti ED" Galt Binesun, N Scurry, Old Berms, Erysipelas B. &wig Itch, Chips, Bore Needs, Bore Beards, Pim plea. Jones' Soap fie awed by =ay physicians in this city in corm` the Abe , * and we would net connelentlansly sell anima we knew it to be all we nate. As • comae tic, sha true James' Beep is perhaps the only article ewer known that removed impurities and cleared and bean/Sal the akin, making It soft, clear, smooth and w but.es an Whin's. Bold by WM. JACK SON, ES Übe otystreet. marall alto Ladle s who use Jones , Bpatush While, hare s • fine white transparent akin. Of this • trial will wialY say ace. Bold only in Pittabargh, at 19 Marty at novilintandwiya rorEDeet lave • Poe Oreatb—lf yo bays, me a hillin• bade of Joao' *mbar Tooth ram. Th.. =Om) tau loath nom., orePth Vow mob, eo• — tled lothartroL naltiorly PORT OF TSBURGH ARRIVED, LoulsMeLane, helmet, BreamsmLk. Genesee, Hunter, Illinois river. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Skipper. Stoop. Beaver. Arena, Gob, Beaver. Star, —, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Freedom. Visitor, Jacobs. Cin. Lewis WettelL Thompson, Cin. Highlander, Parkinson, Cin. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atiantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caroline, Day, Freedom. Skipper, Stoops, Beaver. Arena, God, Beaver. Star, —, Beaver. Genesee, Pilot, —, Cin. Umpire, Young, Cin. Financier, Koons, Cin. Caroline, Murry. Freedom. The river has undergone no perceptible change since Saturday. At dusk tut evening it stood at 1 foot 9 inches in channel. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1848. For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets. °dice opposite the United States HoteL Stele:throat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 A. is. Passenger Packet via BRIWIIIIVine to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 s. ter and 0 P. mt. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. at. and In a. a. Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 8 A. at. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. a. Erie and Western New York, daily, 9 A. n. North-Eastern tniladelphia, daily, except Sundays, ♦ NE. ARRIVALS AND DErARTURE OF ALAILa Eastern Mail via Philadlphia, due 3 A. ut., climes 19 y. AVesre Mail, einem. ix Louise, due Br. sr, closes A. st. South. vialialtimote &Wasidtigton, due 8 r. M ers 5 s. North Western Aria Cleveland, due 10 , AL, closes 0 A. it Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. rv, closes g A..' QT Dm:mu cured by Wense of Dr. hl`Clatufs Liver Pills —No disease, with perhaps the single ex. caption of consumption., is so much dreaded in the DO- W &Mrs dyspepsia. 0114Enathg 1.0 • diseased state of the liver, it is mien con unded wild consump tion itself by the unhappy sufferer, who pines away un til death releases him from pain; yet a remedy is within the reach of all, which will relieve all cams of the kind, and work a speedy and effectual mare. Dr. Oliver Morgan, a distinguished physician of Vie. Oils, with a very extensive practice, has used these pills to all cases of dyspepsia and in all eases with complete success. Ceruticatm in abundance ore in the hands of the proprietors of thin invaluable medicine, KUM & CO. Wood street, corner of Fourth, Pitts burgh.) The followi ng , however, from Ohio, will speak volumes to those eling under any of those diseases which arise from a diseased liver: RICHMOND, Jas.. Co. Onto. hicsasalveßnea & Co: This ts to certify that my wife has been aCticted (or several years with the fol lowing 17. th% at rrir i s, mo t e or les*: Pain le the stold a er : U NA: in ge o lfee: 'l pa ' r 4 t b theTe g mr nod lh above the eye, accompanied by weakness, loss o( ap petite, and aerated constantly confined to her botl.— Since Aninst she hulloed three boxes of Da hrLaires Lavica Pixta, and I have now to state, that by the one of these pills the has been benefited in no ordinary de re., Under the providence of God she now c opsz geed health; and I. able to auond to the domestic on cerns of my family. JAMES STEWART. 'For sale at the drug store of J. Kidd & Co.. corner of Wood and Fourth sta. nept The exceseave or morbid secretions of bile ie well known to cause violent disternmice of the diger ties organs, and bniii on malignant and unmanagea ble (even, which alma pot an end to lila The stomach must be cleansed of these foul mere:Sone, and this can most readily be accomplished by the use of 0 A Fahn estock's Astl-liillons Pills, which are • most valuable family cathartic. They can be gmen with safety as all Um., and afford relief in • very shoo ume. Prepared and sold by dA PA HAMATOCK Co, earner let and wood, and corner Oh and wood PA. a.gss. iv° Worms, by them Irritation, augment the secre tion of mum. or sliate in the stomach, in whlch, alj so, they involve themselves: and a ie mid they feed •ppaon it, and tf deprived of it they die. The celebrated Vern:Wage prepered by iL A. FAHPitIiTOCK, Pittsburgh, Pa, a admintbly adapted an it. operation; first, to mammy the protecting MUM; and secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by be teg thus denuded. It is • remedy In which every eon fidence can be planed; and that at Wu answered the purpose as meatiest from the headrests of centimetre given min favor. icy Mr Yellow. Teeth and pound hreatn . , Atangy hka rotten death,. Is repulatve and thaguawg. AU could have teeth as white ay pearl, hwcet breatb--nard rums—roan or gwt. • Wby delayt--nay quickly haute And use . boo of Janet' Tooth Past, 14: F oucc Wt ZS rents, and u reap y • 07aaufu/ article li t i t i ca , d4 t. teete •Am enamel. 9 0 1 4 u.orvrtnit:::7 .That wan, akln of boo, than snow, And pare at M.111.111:13Lai Mebane... , All females !Ave aktn like Use ebove, who use Janes' Bpudeh I.lly %Veit, It maleth pare anayvy, yet note rally white. Sold at €l9 liberty atreeL jyll mErDon'thave yellow dart Teeth—they tan ha pearly white by one UM< eased a box of Jones Amber Tooth Paste It hankm the dams, swamis the breath. Le bold at 89 Liberty at. neeladawly RATES OF DISCOUNT net f E.O trfr 1.884. A., NT—Ctradect EL H. 1101.11E8 & BOND, Exchange Broker., .o. 118 Almaet sires, sear the El Passnayrivawlia. laidiassa. Bank of Punibmgh •--Par Same B'k k Branches • I Exchange Bank P.r 8 - areBerip • • • • • " March. k Ater. Bank • Par Vies/tsars. Bkaof Phdadelphia • • • •Par,Exchange Bk. of Va.. I Girard Bank pariParreess Bk. of Vs. - • • " Bank of Germamown • wink. of the Valley,— " " Chester County • • • par Bk. of Virginia• • • " Delaware Co , • •par M.& Id Bk., Wheeling k " Nontgonstry Co.. •par do Alorganiown • • • i " Nonhitmberlard• • par N. W. Bata Va Colombia Bridge Co. • • par, do Wellaborg• • I Doylestown Baal Par! do Perkershark• " Farmers' Bk. Re.iilg•par' Tasanaarasi. Yemen' Bk. Bucks Co. par' Bk. of Tennessee. • • • - 5 Farmers B'k Lancas'r•parlPar. k Iderch'ts Bk • Lancaster Co. Bk• • • .pariPlarners. Bk..— •• • • " LLUICULtI Bk. parlUtion Bk —• " - - . U. Sauce But• —•—3 O 1 Ifflasoart Boortortlle Bk.• .... Bkottioaorn•— I Wtidueeto t Uk.• • • •§1 North Carolina.. Getrysburghßk.. • 1 Bk. of Cape Fear I Chamberrburg• • • —• • • Nerch's Bk., Newborn • easqvietants Co Elk. • 3 hue Benk.• 3 Lek ugh Co Book , South Ciarollso. Leohnown • • • • • •-• • Cturier Bk . • I lagig I 31. of COarleston•— • • II " .Coookseekv.al Bk ..... —• - - - - Else Bk. ...... • • 4U Bs. of tiesarketosre•—• * Farmers' and Drovers' .Bkaa liassiessi• •• • • • 2 Bank, Waynesbovg• • I Idesehasos Bk ..... —• aj Harrybanr . Meatus bllecks's Bk. Honeadalv• •-••---- • I Ilk. of South Qualms • • 9 Lebo.= •••• • ..... •pr- 1 / 1 1AL , laxid. Wyomin ....... t &.0 RE9crip •10 Yolk Bk. Auld Ilk. or Alie. West Branch Bk. I glumly ..... • • •••. • I Balla Notes . 4 Far. Bk. of Claryland• • " Mk ?el Bk. Pitts.4o• w•F o!Fors' tiloetkanico " City k. Costrity Scrip• " Bk. Frederick Ohl*. IFrederiek Co. Bk. • • • " BPte Bk • end }hawks. I ,I . l . lgerslazik_ Bk Atomt Pleas= ...•• • • " hfineral Bk. •- • 1 i ft iimv ,, • " Bk. Mamma • • --- " estml.tef • • . • •• itt=tl OW,— • • af River Ral.en— Chmobom do =Xi= =DM 7,.......w,... —" iPST.IC Mesh's Bk A p. 0 u ,y, ....... •• ••••••......... • . • " , Wisconsin Territiy. vv. O . T .—.—.—. - UiPdar.aFiro I D.CialdilnPo 6 Idasail:ok - ^ -•—• • 1 Osnodos. si . dt . k. _... .... - all.olvent Banks II 0..... 0 L.......... •• • . 1 !Bank of England Not. Norwalk • ••• • - .....---..4 70 ip 1.. v. cn e ,,,,w i a .......-...-......1 - - 04 & Specie Its!nii. a iiapa l lea — oa - 3 ll* Th rrto . Duets 11160 gee Weaens Reserve. • " EOOlO, old• •• • 10 00 Firanklin 'Pk Wombs' " 1E4 10 , new •• • 10 00 Daublaons, BPOO.IO. 10 00 - • 10 &lour, • • ••—• Sovereigns ..... • • 4 83 Lancsatar • •----10 Galtteas El • —•l3 Preder15.1501 , 545.—.5r, sg. Oranvilla _ 50 Ten Dialers • •• •• 710 Ten Chaldtro • •• • • 710 Pan:WT . llM' Caamm---10 . Urbana —• 60 Louis/Pore. • •• • • • tie Kentucky. gzehange. dit of Kentucky Now York pm fla.of Loaiecille Philadelphia •• • • •-• pm •Norbern Rt. Kowa • " Baltimore •-• ••• • ,pre New Task-Cat r. Intent,' Wks— I ----- - - - • °Kee af_Amerteas Parelin Patents. JANIES GREENOUGH, of the late firm of Keller • Greenough,. continues the bustriele of Consulunr }Veer and relent Attorney, al his office in the cit 3 of AttHINCITON. He may be consulted and em ployed In making eraminatione in marhinery in the Patent Office and elm.. here, In furnishing drawing• and epecifications of ma• binge, and all papers neeesm• ry, transfer, amend, re issue or extend letters patent in the Vatted Pram or Europe. He can also he canna, ed professionally on all questions of litigation ail. leg ender tbe Patent IAVI, and willargue gee.. tioul before the Paten, Office or an epreal therefrom for which his our experience In the Patent Office end In his proftssiou, - have peculiarly fined ban. The pro th.sional Inteiness of the late Dr T. P Jones haste, been placed in hie band., all lettere in relation theren should be addre.sed to him pore paid. ang3o-dhartiorP -- Admatal•trator4 Notice. THE subscriber having taken out letters of Adel:nata tration upon the estate lend effects of Charles Bru ton, notice Is hereby given to all those persons having possession of his properly affects orotherwise, to de liver them to the Admirustrator, and theme owing to, or having claims upon said estate, to present them do. 17 authenueated. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Adm`r upa °Mee Fifth At. near Wood. Wrought and Ceti UOll Balling. THE rubseribers be 5 leave to Infomt the public that they have obtaine from the East ell the late and Cashionable design• for loon Railing, both for hotter. and cemeteries Peru., erishtner to procure hand .me patterns will pleat, rail and examine, and judge for themselves. Ruling will be tarnished et the short est notice, and in the beat manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. aug2O-dtf A LAmoriT & KNOX - . • • Trask - Pound. AHAIR TRUNK, &Weaning some clothes, and pa pen valuable to the owner, was left at our store soma mouth. ago. It seems to be the property of a dis charged soldier. The owner is requested to Identify and prove his property, and take It away. MILLER & RICKE'ritON EGK/7Warohouoe. fPHE highest price in cuh paid for good clean rags A. also, convexly, bole rOpei genOO . en rags, &c., by ape wet, et bet peon k liNeyt• GEO. W. SMITH & CO, rNPOELII Getz friends and the public that they have j, no longer any connection with their late establish. earnt in Penn street, known so the Pittsburgh Brewery, havim removed their entire business to the POINT goLgwERY, in Pitt Wen ntythal Le— - Tobacco. 0 do viper, ln BIS 54, pima articlo ; 0 do Mt, do ; 19 do b bo noel Pobirs ; 10 co 1 d 1; lamp, uzdque ; 0 do fl do, ; ga note an for We by oop4 0 BLACb:BUHN & CO WANTED, A PEBSON with a awl capital, and acquainted ja. with the boaluesta o to . a re an Interest m an Iron rog " tt om be etend Rh:yPnr_ AP. sep2 GEO. FUMY._ TIOTAt3H-410 duki, Ent son, in lion, and for salt r by mpg ISALUI DICKEY Ca, floats* OBILLARDS FINE CUT CHEW MO TOBACCO. 200 aalJuf newel =4 for sal. by KIDD 4 CO by II AiAETH TELFAiKAPH. torrettresulenee al:Pittsburgh Gazette. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. PIIU.ADELPILL4. Sept. 9,184 S. The unsettled state of the markets produced by the steamer's news, std! (matinees, and I find no change in soy of the leading articels of trade worth noticing. Correspondence oi the Plasborgh Gaze.. Nsw You, Sept. 9, 1848. As in Philadelphia en in New York; the effect produced by the steamers news still continues, and the market presents no material change since Fri day. 1 hear of further sales of Flour. in limited lot., at 1.6 121 per bbL °nun—baler of Red at 116 cents per bushel; of Prime Yellow Corn at 70c, and Prime While at 62 to 68 ct Proviniona—No change in peaces, the market being inactive. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Casette. BALTIMOBJ., Sept. 9, 1849. The market in every respect continues inactive But little disposition to operate Is manifested, either by sellers or buyers, and the prices of every thing remain as yesterday. irrrttl, CLIYATI Is strangely QINIMIOUVO to tee hu man cuticle, (or skin) the sudden change from heat to cold, and the smoke causes yellow, dark, coarse cent plait... Then it is requisift that the pores of the skin should be kept open—that their months should be (reed from impunty—'twas thus the ancient Hinman Plulowsj phere cured all diseases—they computed that more an vapor. diseases d unhealthy led through th the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body It I. necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—ail humors are dispelled from the akin (nun the pores, when they wash unth Jones' Italian Chenueal Soap. I have seen it cure the worstand oldest cases of tail Rheum, Erys i pelas, Old Sores. Barber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm.when every other internal and external remedy had holed—its effect rendenng the skin white, clear and soft, though it be yellow and coarse, is won detful-11 removes Freckles, Tan. Sunbunt, Itiorphew, and disfigurement of the skin—but person. mutt be particular and ask for limns Soap—to be bad in Pittsburgh Ol WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Big Dort, 89 Liberty st. Nit., SU cents. novilkltron I yi,) Qj Citizens are honorably twinned that this follow hag are the actual qualities of a Is bottle 1.1 Joaas• Co ral Hair Restorative. If they doubt out word, they cannot these highly respectable citizens, who have tried it, Mr. Oro. Beckett, 41 Elm at, New York. Mrs. Mauls Beeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. Wt. Tompkins, M King st, New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, Montour's Island. H. E. Cullen, late barber ateamboat S. Amer/ca. And more that/ a hundred others stole, though this must suffice, than will force the hair to grow on the head or face, stop it 1.1.4111 oil, strengthen the Mots, removing scarf and dandrut from the roots, and making light red or gray hair suume a fine dark look, and keeping dry, hush or wiry bur mist, soil, Clean and beautitul, a very, eery long lime. Sold at WM. JACKSON'S ry Liberty at. /Yl9 - [l77*Yon foolish, silly old fellow, read this, and pe no longer bald, whisieriems and hairless. Mr. NV Jack son, of tal Liberty atreo, Pittsburgh, Pa, Cf RA. on the 3d or February, IsO that .flr. Jackson's bead, on the top, was entirely bald for IS years, and that by luting two 3s honk. o fJones' Coral Bur Reaturaurt, the law is 4Tagrittig fast and dock. Sold in Newark by S. OLDS & SON, 77S Broad at, R VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nantucket st. marPO BELLIIIO OVVI LINNtEAN 1301 AN IC GARDEN AND NURSERY, 2 LATE of William Prince, deceased Flushing, L 1., near New York. 11 . 1.za & Co., ?room," tors. In commons:ce of the decease of the motor and a We advat.ced age of the surterrtutc panne:, the enure mock of thts estabbshment, comprisina every It tlo2l, isielodmit the newest and choteest v•rieues of FRUIT AND . ME/l ENTA I . REES, istirolFll, Vines, PIMA., Rose hr wig be dmposed ot at very reduced pnees. In order to close the Oustticas u speedily as _. possible. Orders accompanied with the c.h. to the amount of A pm.out n. A MA.°' ACo L. Asruost A Nest Tort Ten 'Sollars, or upwards, well be supplted at • reduc WHOLESALE DRY 000006 non of -*per tent front the usual pi ice• Nurserymen, Venders, roil omers, ishit, to pt. A. A. MASOA & CO. chase by whole. ale th he supplied at such reduced No. Cu), North, barmen Third and ItrettJ, once, aceoretna to Mild and quaitUty.•s and probabl, Pitalnsrgh, Pa prov• satisfactory to them :IMF'S the ol all Merchants so their ex• Dvt'eftPtlv• - ent•loattes gr.. , on •PF"tcstroo post ti .conic stock. Icoinstrtsient more the ,t.l Hundred paid. Martmgrai of Fait and th inter (meats, *hies will ..• (tree , . tsed sod ...Maims odered by the o r or pscasar, at Me lowest Eastern WICKEILsdr t.ll. Corner of 55 itort and eta sts ht. Whoiroste pitet-• 11•••• tnti.te Lae rc•ter Nee: ott burgh •self.. - tott.et I our I,Xteursuc (eutatis, on coi.g• mem :root It,. M•ou VER. - TAR LEAF —I- Li" James tn... °". l at V•1.21/(tltatrottah out Now York Itouse s we tee , assured 11 leaf to ;11.4 teen red tool for .ale ity 5" Ii Sl't 'A NIII./2•ttt tn.. , ore shall be enabled to AU, was soy }louse to the Ct . tittri Our coma in part dt I n Cases Cashew," and Lie Lams 11 - and iteneltatus. Al Alpatt•ss end L., one, tttt h • Ts Hates Bed. bite and Yellow roam, • •• Tielongs. I hi brow 17.. Caro, Bleached - In Colored l'ashortc. Apron and tstorong cen-t. 211 • Cotten Flannels au I and Satunetts, V Tweeds •sti Jens, TOGI:THEIt with a aenerel assortment et Dress and Cloak Gonda Slits and Shawls Rikbnoe end Laces Face) Goals, Trona:nue. le.. ke "alak toe to ail,one of themost comp:etc as weli N exteusiTe Mot k• to be round 10 the country 55 • will Iv ..41,1iti V lllreceipt 01 ibe lotett stile nr I of w brcit we shoth., ts••la tt St, ' ‘,131 rrteerni•ssont to oder at •ro r :n tube clout, parchastng East. are Sat.?, eti to • tannest oar usoirtenent. and sates toe to retry of our ecasls tero-claw - -lor A A .11A tst of Co marked. wtt, eon 0 •ui I lobb. blr We by lIRAINA nErmit L A r K ee p eiv ° C l 4l .nd jc•l J Al La) A en CAT}ICHU-6,oLv,ust teretvvd ti 11 A le IVSLN'IYA:k BLACK tIII..X.S—A A. Mason & t o have just rer'd per elpres., 15 ps sap black s ot s fo r saanti:las, elan!, drre!es.. sePO U tttG A R .-100 had. „, . for sale by J ANlt-S A (II U. ACo bags Rin colfre rr - r . tl lo' Tit ' ale N../ by "pi JA3ll.> A 111 Co 1111 0 Cln-1 , 1-7c ree nr”,; • .1.1 tar ‘••- Ml 1/Ro , ‘ uLttsE2L„ r bbls plavuoloa nolar• •t0r m .., 1 wP 3 JA.11k.13 A 111 TC111509 A Co OIL --20 Obis tanner'. oil fen reed and. (or we by seps E .57 srood n QM'S. TURPENTINE—X be.. isz prune order ion 0 reed and for side by iwps K E SELLERS vaiNut. - s. AND GIMPS--A A Milton Co.M Mari .1; kel at. bluntly. reed Sin do. 0 1 fi.e lit cud roi .d bilk Emirs. of all w eifili• Arno, ...fop. of every ea. r . ietya!nd color attar.' . • Ler RECEIVEL.—.Staf p. Merrimack. Hamilton and Corpora Pnou. of yrs desirable style. aura A A MASON & la LANNEI-S—Broorn and Red on ennui'. moot and for sale by anal° LiEt/ COCHRAN. *I ...A a. Ad 61118-01 , i• Co, an 6-4 am 1 W whecung, DUGS' RrOtr--4hle bale ut Rugsjiiet received, of I‘, bcanttru. atyte• sind nob colon, for sale al WCLIIVINICFI4, 75 Fourth •1 SR BESHEIF.LD—WhoIesaIe dewier an dry good.. . grooencs, boom. shoe.. Paamburgh matioranitarnd axon tea, ko., No. tio, La hefty taro., Ptitatorrgh. mpg LOURING--60,(40 fem. prime article., kr We at the Chal Lea Bair sad Planning AGM, Allegamof Clty. aep.sll NEVILLE U CRAIG I WAL BOAT PLANK.-75.000 feet ordry loot k..r for sale at thoeut Let Saw and Planning AIM, Allegheny city NEVILLE B CRAIG I SON mpAdu C.:ODA AS/Vat/casks coda Ash, for sale by k:OHD1711 & DCNCAN .OFFF:E—X,O balys prime Run U U do do Laguays& ki in Nose and for sale by aural U BLACKBURN & Co ErI:SE WHITF: FLASTF:R—A few bbl,, sortable for JU stucco work, for solo by &apt N F TUN: LIONNHORST k Co AHROAIE CiREE.Ni-0 a past received and for We by •epl J KIDD 3 Co fiHßoluE YELLOW -5 come* pat rece4,24l and for 8.1.3 by sepl J KIDD & Co ARBIBNIC-700 IW jart received and tor 1 - solo by B A FAHNE-110CK & Co soot cor first and wood slit D R !INS WICK OBEEN-4 be We by sep4 U A FAHNEYSTUCti &Co Cll b V y • 11 TA:T o Alt—g i n j t . A m i tie r r if for role REPINED Ca.. FM reed and for tale by aepa 11 A FALCVLYTU,Ii h Co CASTOR OIL— bbla Bo IBM we'd and for inda by B A FA HNEYITOCK a co Q UGAR I.EA U-100 lb* psi received and fer sale by rp4 _2l A FAHNUfIOCK & Co SAL SODA-5 v•sks English at received and for rale by eey4 B A PAsls , lk—SlOeli & Co SAL AfillUON.--1 500 !basest reel! and lor We by acpt Li A FA H &STOCK & Co - - TV EW PALL GOODS--A A ble.ou A Co, W k. /1 arm. Are 110.• opening IS CYO. tith .Wits Or Jt• rriakatk hatiatkon ar4Vochoto Yritta. wag:N. Nlif HAIINK—S4O be. hunch ram..ln fine 1..) order for we u) ISAGALEY a mairru sep4 LACK TE.A.9.-11 dal( coests fine Powebous tea Jost reeeired and fur sale by srys4 IIesGALEY k .MPH UPS-10 bale. In .on &warn, a fr••ilTupply. last reetPrell stiall for oak lbw by 1111044 N & CULB hoe de•len, 145 wood st .±_!t , _ _ . TLEL— A general/ alfOrtnif at of Cast, shear, Shiner, German, .Bpring and A flannel. 111 store and or sale by *boa L 8 Si ATERaIAIa IA NKR Al. WATER CON N-3 bales for solo by 111. augia BRAUN A SHIER lil./SPISORUB-100 lbs for sa/e by •ffm _IIINSENG— 3 sacks now landing; for sole•by LI /Y l5 NAM /I LiICKEY &Co D OTT ON --50 bales instate and for male by Srla ISAIAS RICKEY & Co LiASILEY MALT-300 bush pawns and unground for ludo by ouirto DROWN A. CULDKIVINON CORN BROOMS-50 dos for sale by augln ' BROWN dr. CULBERTSON . METAL-00 tons Cumberland Riser . Held, Ylanding from sun. American Star and L. Welml anglo JAMES DALZEILL, 24 water st LARD, Ae.-- 8 1 kegs No 1 Lord ; 9Ws Bacon; Isl log Dom stmr Cushier, and (or sole by 00,10 JAMES DA LZEI .1. R/0 COFFEE-100 bags prune Rio, Just receiving and for sale by augl4 BROWN it CULBERTSON ULOIJR—Ye bbl. choice fresh Family Floar,jum eared and for sale by angl4 BR OWN & CULDERTPON ( 3 IL ORIOANUM—BA , reed and for anie by B A FAIIINIBSTC/CK k Co. corner ❑t and wows n• DLEX. SENNA—MO lb. Just reed and for sale by .uviS B A FAUN ES rib-lK a Co SWAIN'S PANACEA-0 eases just reed and for sala by a 0613 B A FAHNESTOCK &Co Sugar and Molasses. I'4B 1 4 1 6 bbishoste ß N 0 ,Bma.r, 1,6 and 7, 141 do Prime New Orleans Medusas, 27 do " Sugar House do lo store and for sale by W k 11111tHELTREE, je33 160 liberty at Q UNDRIES-30 casks s.do eab, branded al Steele & 800, Livorpoe4; 30 do do do James Muspran Buns, dot VOD bags Rio Coffee; 3011 boxes 719, 0110 and Rena W Glass, for sale by JOHN GRIER, my2s lattliberry BBALSAMCOPAIVA-1017 lbs Just ree'd'ussi for nig by alga A FAIINESTOCK & Co MR. AND &IRS. AR'S ACADEMY FOIL YOUN G LADIES, No. 40 Lunorron sraint, lisainsonic TNE PRINCIPAL S OF THIS ACADEMY announce that amix..32 =anal term will commence on the I3ST MONDAY DirSEPT/4.IIBREL Under their direction extensive improvements and additions are now being made in the Academic build ing, which will add greatly to the comfort of all eon, rented; and to secure this, Ton PAILITCCIALLY nark that they will receive so kolDrelnmitt pupils beyond their usual number. The locauou of this institution gives it advantage.* which perhaps could not be combined elsewhere. The number ofpupils, for the last six years. ham avenged shoot one hundred yearly, and during the last acade mie year, it is not remembered that there was one C.< of indisposition, worthy of note, In the family; this goes to show Its perfect healthfulness. It is central. and easy...id convenient of access, to all one of the South and West. The best Profession, of all the useful and ornamental branches of education, are at hand. Pro. lesson of Music, of the first in the country, are enga ged. It is honored with the confidence of individuals of the highest standing in the community where it ei• ists, and below there will be found the names of many ht distant parts of the country, who have, or have had. daughters in the school. The French department will be in charge of a highly educated Parisian lady. of several years experience teaching, who will reside in the family, and to i it, nsure the advancement of the pupils speaking it is designed to use it entirely in conversation. A Professor 111 the department of Physical Science will deliver a course of lectures, during the term, illus trating with complete apparatus, all she most useful and beanufuloxpertments. Ur. and Mn. Archer will be present in some one of the school rooms during every hour of reettanon, and besides taking chines far instruction, they will have a superintendence of the whole estuolohment. The extent alike luslithdron enables the Principals to afford these advantages beyond a school of a smell number of pupile,while they void the evils of an over grown estabffshment, by not receiving more that, eighteen pupils to rash Instructor. The wins for the scholastic year, for board and En g• limb education, are 1120 C ,, no extra charges being made. but for ornamental branches and foreign languages. The terms in the day school are BIS per gunner for the advanced classes, and Ito for thepatitor classes. Refer to Mai Gen. Scott, U. S A.; Bishop Johns, Richmond, Va; Rev. Dr. Wyatt. Rev Tinos. Atkinson, D. U. Rev. J. M. Dtmcem, D. , Rem J . G. Hamner, D. D., Italtimore; J H. Remand, Esq., Va„ Dr. II IV. Tubb, Va.; Hon. A. P. Rugby, Ala.; Hon. W. L. Sher key, Miss.; David Hunt, Miss. nog:I-Gown Jr. Archer is a graduate of NVest Point Academy. feITTIIDUROM FEMALE INSTITUT E. frillB Insusuuon , under the rare of Mr. and Mrs. Coulon; will re-open for the recepuott of pupils. In the same buildings, No. 11l Liberty street, on the tat Monday of September. Arrangement. have been mode by which they will be able to furntsh young ladies facilities equal to my , a the Vest, for obtainnig a thorough Englirh, Classi ral, and Ornamental edueatton A full cane of Phi. sopttical and Chemical Lectures will be deltvered during the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de. payments of Vocal and Instrumental hlualc. Modern Language., Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of. competent Professor. Hy close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Pt - inmost!. hope to merit conunueuon of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms. see circWar or apply to the Pruicipal, suir23-de YOUBICI LADIES' SEMINARY, A CMT. lil£ Autumn Semen( this Inatituton will com menoe on the Era! Monday In September. Rooms on Federal mewl, to neolonade Row," td door Dom the bridge , The course of tostrucuon and the rates of woman are the same as heretofore. For more minute mformation. see circular or apply to the nunruclor, Mr. N W. Altroaht. Reference may also be mode to the following gentle. Ire men: T F Dale, Allegheny.l llon. C. Shale, Pittsburgh Rev. D. hlhoth Rev D H Riddle Mr It. P Swam, Rev. If. Dyer. W ratinn -- Young Ladles' Elentrn•ry. PROF. Tuottapsoat has retort., atom toe en. and harm, secured a compete, t a.st*lntat from the Brooklyn Female Institute. vr,ll Le reads to open I,a• School for Young Lado, at Its• room. an Irvin • How, Ltber , y on Monday the Ilth t w. He lust ho seen trom the hours 0(0 A AI to It) at tho school,. rrem. ,dal other hue, ill permanent arrangement. ere made at Mr. lirtggs', Penn ...et. ...et., hop I,llw DRY GOODS. CARPETING, OIL CLOTIIS, ay. W N.FCI.INT4och $ CARPET ,TOR • • • so 75 }'aware S-rcua ot the .ameet aud wr tuo9l ..114,re stork of lj CARPETING la the market, embrurits; all the qualthes (rota the Moat appeared inaatilarlortea, that Il•re Men tevied for duritht 11, ,r 1 tat,rte and to Tape•tryloot Carpeting. du lira•...• Ja Bros. • rdepeurtg, Fates inip dpir do Sup Ingrain du Fine do do ronacoon do do Mantoactured to order in Neve patterns. adaptod to baaemenea and clialato,ra Puttied On I.latble. (or dining room, entnea, ovito butts. kitchens. • e Strew Alaittog, Stair Rada. Niltodow Sbadea and F:ztra Cheno!r. R. Tuf.rd do do GM.] mod Woollen Bock sot,. from on• intrd w Mr,. }anissews Door at., le tr.o., to 'eaten tn.. non porchuers al wholesale and retail is respect folly Invited. Woreroom, one door nom Wood a. 0000 W Dry Goods .1 Whol.sal•. .F . I nd M , LHPIII informs hts b re l lgtnar costumers ,7 all •ut'P u ')7 " Tjt . e .. l:•%l.l7i ' r e . aa " ati n".. tto7l ` o7 stock He le deternotned to odor ban good. LOW and to present e•er• tndoeement bu)ers the amp of price. and • choler of good, Wholesale rooms cur jab •nd Marker •ta, yd .wry, enmence from fourth. aepa I rt nohOng Fourth corner of Four and rT . Market sr., Ishow OpClll/11,1 In. early tall nook AMerie and imported Dry Iscoods Buyers will please look before making their purchase.. (Open hol morning. a beautiful assortment or Plum black Alpaca., .up'r Brocade do, do satin Wiped do, do barred do Betides a large tmorunent of new Cl st) la prints giughattos,„mosliia, Irish liner,,. de., very Upr - Wholesale rooms on second sorry. Goods to cash buyers at about Eastern prices. hlerchaor• wail do well to call. sep( NEW FA LL GOODS . . . mme et. W M t; 0 1 1 . 101 . 1 \ i" L' Ill a G e 4 114:17: st:it e :4 Sole t.eo. ther. Morocco Tanner'. till. Shoe 'I hr. ad. eons, toting • very general aosortrnent of clods in their line of tAignett, of of Whiett has Leen seteeled .01111 treat care In the Lanern Iron Is now affertnl t ti pure ratare Sial reduced price. An eagnirtattoo of their stock is Inpeetfally niteverl. nag, Sew Pall Ribbons. S MITIf k JUtifstiuN, vu, Market at, hone lost re. rowed toyeiproas. a grievant uswltsient of fa rib.... to w soh they would pattleulatly. Inglis lie attention of purchaser.. sept W 'engirt A. Mason a r a thr Market slier t, baye lust open erl ltri sup wrought eollare tug reeenvro per a.' 800 12111.:NCH MERINOS—Sam& & Joisissoa, No, On U Marker strrsi. have Out day opened a case 01 I reueh AIM.. of 101 colors, .I.o l.yoreas sloth• rI. way. 0110..1 de c•shoirc Claws. Or lai..s. •i:k Amid, woollou do, which will Us sold szirrowy srp4 RECF.I VEI. this torquing at AA. Mason & fir Market street, 0d pa supenor psi ted e.stsinen, and roods de 1/1,13.11, 10 ps rich Mohan lustre, nod due dos enthro•deeed divesee anion elegant style. A A. MASON di Co have just received another PI • large assortment or leedui. cheap bleached Aist. nos, at 11 n and 7 rent Also. a eases of those set) superior Bleached Musings, at • e.. auger I Art,: CAPS—A A Meson & Co, tin Market week /LA have lust opened Hal Luce Caps, of venous pore. AlsO. • In •••• oast runent of asserted it rentha Coninta tine Wool fi ..... •. lithooo liossitts &e. 00040 71 S . -A A I. use &10 Iles 'tor roc d per Erpre.s inc dot of ite mon innalre styles of Gimps and Fringe•, of limit.. aeon. and colors sag __----- A ivv4.Dill:...,FL/itNN.EL.ll—teWbßmh,turplty,dhabrarred No.atiliada Flautiorg ee. A so w , flogne•At u ado ' BLAN- K ers, . good •retele, and at a low prier, we northewst corner ith and Marken. .n.magi • imPs AN .6 JohnuTo. No. if I,T Market tercet, have jute received end invoice 01 point and fringe. volumed colon and atylew some m mastery new patterns. to which they would invite the attention of purchaser. .eP4 CAPES AND COLLARS--A A Alison & Co. have rust ;we'd Gite moru at ;hove •ery cheap thought Collars, al lclic. hlourntog do, new style, :WA, ht Stundatg do, Lot. very vunertor, also, 5.0 Wrought copes ol warm. prsee. wolt2-e SA Mason & odengd 1M its of Tissue .d Swim. Marlins. •tarig DRE73S & Co. have ruse reed apt glad vilka of - beautiful fall styles, also 20 no of I roy dream andlltunsilkesend ri t illWittornutg onetterll.{ — A.A. & Co's No, GO I Market stree,, Aa emelts, alro some fine mourning. .tending c 0... weinl AA. Mason & Co. hove ;Osi received onotlipr lot of colored atilt fringes and gimp. ol I EW FALL GOODS—A A NitlYloll A Co, rxl Mark, want are now opening an taxes nod poe k new P.ll (Jowls compritAng In part now atyles kaiak, French, .Filigimh mid American Ptinta, tiwta. and Book klusiins, Callus, Capes, Laces. _niglo AWES STANDING COLLARS—A A Meson 14 Co, 00 Markel st, lowe lust opened 40 do: of the most fashionable styles of Ladles Statuhug Collars. Al., IN dm Moon -nog do; ItO doo Wrought do. lyg7 DARUM COV ( TABLE COVERS—A A ilatnin & Co. have opened a most extensive assortment of Un mask Table coven, comprising fine medium and low priced, of all lam au,oo HEAP CALICOI,I3--A A iTILIIO — J; & Co have rod ootitar large lot of Calleems, at 21 yards for One Dollar. Also, good - yard wade brown Musana at be. Alan "might Collar*, auxl4 M _ ORR CREAPCALIOC A A Mason& Co have received another lot of those fen cheap Calleocs, VI yards for one dollar. T ACE dos Amoy Lae. Caps, J ust trec'd a larl7 , A A MASON k Cda ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 13r ' , tr.e of.n order of the Orphans' Court of Alle gheny Couty. Pennsylvania, in No. 64, Jane Tdrm, P-43, I wi ll expose to sale, by public vendee or ontnry, the Court Boon, in the city of Pittsburgh, on (Trawler 2d. 184., at 10 oelerek, A. AL, being the Ist MorldtlY of (tootle, 1642, all that vermin Lot or Piece of ttround. situate Mile rary of Pittsburgh, beginning on Pe. street at the distance of 21 feet westwardly from :Barbary street, sod running along Peen street westwardly as feet, thence soutbwardly, • parallel hoe with Marbury street, 110 feet to Brewery alley; thence along eald alley eutwarstly 39 feet; and thence northwardly. a parallel tine with !Barbary street, 110 feet to the place of beginning—with all the appurte nances; on which is, ratted three 11=11 Frame and one smell Brick Dwel ling /louses; the same being sub ject too early ground rent Slone hundred and eight dollars. payable Num - telly forever, to Allthney has burs .d usigns. Tuns or S....t.a—One third cash on the delivery of the deed for the preraisea, and ona third in one year, with interest from the day of sale, and thoother one third in two years. with nacre. from the day of vale,to he secured ley bond and niongage on the premises. MARGASL'T SLATES, Lam Tlargaret Thompson, Admintstratrts of Wil l/ran l'hompeott. deed. ing23-dta Cambria Furnace tar Bala, 11 , [.. n. u e n , deg:If undersigned Lit e ° trh in d r . sal o e f at c z . utc aisc. the finlowntg property assigned to tl r em by the la'senfininn' of Vinton, Lewis, to it Co.. tor the benefit of the creditors of cud firm, to svin—The Furnace erected by said company. with the steam ensine and fixtures, and hot blast apparatus; the tools used about the furnace; the lot °C laud on which the Pounce stands,containing about sheen acres of land , and the interest of the said firm in filly acre. ofland bnught of R K. Do Bois. The sale will be held on the premises, In the town .hip of Tall niogigh. Summit moray, Ohio, nod will mom =ace at I u o'clock, A. Totes or SALE—One-fourth cash, and the butane in four, eight and twelve months. W. S. C. OTIS. angl4-ds W. II EPSON, / ' Assi g nees ' 17.0Tal a 161 7 -, L oTa for aT: subscriber has laid out eleven Lots on the I south side of the Fourth Street Road, and about two and one quarter miles from the Court Hon.. These loss contain each from owe to two and a half acres of land. and will be sold on reuonable and se trrunthlating terms. It is deemed annecethary to en tt into any explnnanon of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this city, and to the line of the Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very desirable country residences. irlie subscriber also offers for sale about seven hun dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county, about seventeen miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine building lots in the borough of Birmingham. augla-dim NEVILLE B. CRAIG. VXErilrfl. Z — VitiniErti•le Pea CIELIC. ATHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, Fag., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city. will be sold on accomniodsting terms. The lo: 51 lent 4 inches on Craig street, running through to the Canal 150 feet There u a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises. lately built. and the Ist is well improved. containing a variety of choice fruit trees, imp, shrubbery, aa. Thu property is conveni ently Cituateal lot persons doing law:lies. in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny. and is a desirable residence. Tido indisputable For tenon apply to Will BOYD, Attor ney at Law, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ap4-dtf - 206 Aerea - ebarriiiirrforTi ITC ATF.I.) on the klnnong•fielsi river, about 16nbles L (min Pittsburgh and J mites above thin! Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Measr• Lyon k Short, and Mr John Herron'. purchase Thin fine body of loot told be .old at the low price of Rklper acre—one third tit hand. balance in five equal mutual poyments, without nacre.'. 'Fitle indisputable. Location very Road—ent.not br surpaased For further perucolan enquire Of S FLA who ho. • draft of said pro perty. fle.i.b.iwe :n1 .1, below Ferry, Mr Adams' Row. IN. R 't her , 14 number scorn of coal on thin tract, about lee: above the lower, or excellent quality di, S. R =i=lZ - • . • • A TRACT o , land, 4 , 0 acre.. tu Harrison, Po maige Co., 0.1 Ihr Cut...bora Hurt—about 3U acres under un plovemrot Iwo anunproved lots to the village of It 1.1,, ./ . 1,1/11)1:Iii Co., GU fern br DO. Also a lot of grow“! .n to, r.ntrr of Hanford, Trttroball Co., vial a Ulte and store.--oor of the best stand. for tocrrns..t on use %recent Reserve. Any Or all t h pisroperty tmil be soil on very accommodating tern]. I9AIAIIIDICKEY & Ca., feblo Water and Prone eta. . FACTORY FOR SALE. rpFIE le rge and well built Factory, erected on Reber -1 es Forel. nneglieny city by R. S. Casson. Earl_ ts offered Mr .ale at • beige., and on coy terms. The lot on witch the Factory is erected. fronts WO feet on ache. ca creel, and runs bark Ilu feet to Park trees. re It, MAO' building is of back, the stones hi and al fret log by a? feet wide The If oats Dose is 'urge and commodious, with an engine, boiler. stack, Se., al: in completi order The property will be mold tow, and on adranlageous tern., For price. teems, tee, cog tura at this dace. cur V .ttf • • • • . TI IA T vonuncelious brtr dwelhng house and e oa. In. restdenee ( hew' Of tkorell Airs Jane Marne, on eu•ter ear the th ittreel, of en, area P.t•toe sad carnage house, out houses, lode r a r et,. of shrub* and grape vines. ~,, A vcri on the at of Oetot,e r, or soon er It re, u /red I .nytnre on toe prconeee, or on Wylie, neat V. soothoon Wert. or AI B LOWRIE. z I.thr . . erre, sttua .l, Hr tu,..4 county. trete. 7 miles from Sr. .• e.,, , • , tb of the Neuonal Road. and In one 1n me tne.,,t re ,c neighLorncods in the coun• ty te . Alien about ninety acres,ereb wren...lr Al rof terms and other panne uler, ot DILWoRTII. rely e: wt.! et Tra , t of Lin - di accommoduning term, a dvaadou.,r. frm , l o u uhotomw n n ,erd nt ad, abomegn ethe min. from htt. , igiren. and mt.:an sight mile* tenon the freedom an the (Onto neer The tract con lOU. 4..4 a, re. •,,n 2.1 perenea, stn. measure The Sun 19 n• eaeeoer,l quu,ty, about DO re• eleored, water. et. pol,l etther in whole or at Law ..th-e one2 , noillanteial, Pittsburgh. Property to Allegitenfeiii& - i oottbren,r• ea, •eue • number 01 choice •ituage 1,, tn. Ferond NVord, (routmg on the Coma. ~,round, on ea.,. germs Inquire of W 10'11 RtkRIN,ON. Att y at Law. St Clair at nrail IA, ItOIitNSA.N. on the premise.. IA), &lan, =MII2I . . CONTI, \I PLA l'lNt. a removal from Allegheny city, oael , my reoveore t. eretor sate The prenuee• arc in hriol order, and every way worthy the at t.-oz.°. ot per.on ....atone ouch property. R W POINDEXTER 11.4.1 ICAtate Io Ileireer CounAj: A LOT, 1t0r1110.0.0 auc ()Welling, situate on the /1. Erie 11,14,510/1 Cann , . to the •illaare of Went Ntd dieaex, t deunedc 1.-Itl.ol . for a tocreltant Also, a LIo, and Bowl Derclong l lo,ua ve.. .toted fora Tavern Stood, as the •Mege or Or..ogevale. on State line of Ottie Tern.. easy. ISAL'LLI DICKEY O. CO. feel° Water and Front stn. int near T/IRS:F. dwelling house, sttuated on 4th street canal nrnilr,an the city of,uraburgh Al so. • rorno 73 1.,y feet, with onvenient cr. init., on .3th li. urar senor.' Also, a trestle dwelling, two .101111, •vath an acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation, situate an Ohio lane. in the ctry of Alleghe ny Irodzre of J D WILLIAAIS. Jahr 110 wood street. tl3:=o AFOR 'All Olt I(ENE, the linaborgh Brew ore. with ii• brewingapparatus, mum< on re,ll.trre. and Barker's alley.and now occupied Sv (,:co \V South S. Co ?mat sawn green on the firm day of Ai,. ensuing. For tins, he. encifure of BROWN & CULBERTSON, febtg&T 143 &bony al COAL.LAND FOR SAl.ti—e.even acres cued land fu, .ate Meate in Send of the Monongahela }Byer, shove Mow meal, hn•otg • 7 foot vem of coal whs.: wi'l I, .1.1 111 exelmoce for good. For pal-Mu t, 400 in t1•IIA RIO Uf wont] at w A It}:1101. SE FOR SALL—The sobecnber ode r. tor tbo three etory brick Wareboitec on ood wort, oc.tpied by R. Tumor di Co. It routs hew ior Sit= per yen, •pl 7 WM WILSON Jr. The oatliscrtliort. will rent part of the ware. Ammo now oet.opled by them. Apply to IYiiiiiYYSYSSYLILLL LENVItt4. DALZELI, R Co., tont!) 64 water Meet For Note. A Fuer Iwo story brick house, on aulln street, Aiierheny city, lira( the upper bridge. The lot is sD feel In from by Mt deep For terms Inqulre o( delAtt A %V ASIIINOTON, 4th at. . _ - - - Vor — Fre — trats Ark THE large um 111'001 warehouse * foot front 15) NANO (not oltrop, on •ecu..d st, near wo:ott. Co,d Import. co J SCHOONMAKER & C tri wood at For Rent A Smolt , ilou.e. wooled on Plum alley, for of DALZELL k CO, ••••••tn tai h h HUSSEY, LIABINA t CO., DAN ti, BROKERS, and deafen DiiiForeign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates o , Deposit, Bank Notes. end Specie; Fourth street, near ~ opposite the Rank of Pnutburgh. Comm atone) received on d.pointe—Sight Cheeks for sale, and col. Lennon. made on nearly oh the poncipal points in the United Stuns Mii=l radrance. rondo on cor.signmenia of Produce, ship veal Pas. on liberal terms mehl3 R. HOLMES 4 Emig, DA:OO:R,, and Dealers in Exchange, Corn aro 0 Bank Nmes. No ab, Market Meet, Pittsburgh. Senora Rates Raebenne. Buying Rate. New York, pr C.romnnan, 2 dl, ebtladeurroa, Ido Lou:sville, 2do 'wilco", do hi Lours 9 do Its•er. RANK NOTES. Ihrylog - Rarer. eu."• 2 die Co. .1. Scrip Ciders,: di._ do Rellef Notes, "do y, do reansylvanor Cy "do 2lrvgdo: do New 'ork tit; °do do 111.. , r;d1g, do SrPl. Or lentos, • "do fdono•ir , , 2do hlnrylond, "do FO up. cat • tiTX usi t:iiciand, Ireland, and Scotland bought to any CITIC the l'orrent Rale. of Exchange tlo. than. pat tole in anx„part of the Old Countrins, from 2.1 to IWO°. at the Tate of 115 to the Stiterllng, without deduction or discount by JOStILIA ROLM/S -SA IN, European and tterientl Altarcill, office sth at one door wet] of wood. ixt1111( .11.011.1 HILL W.I. C. Cusp. HILL, & CURRY, I) ANN S and Farlistisa Broken, Denim in FOY. eign 11114 Bono. sod Tone and 73101 Bills of L. i.tificatre of Deposita Bank Notesand Com. No V. °rid sitter, triad door below, pour-th, .Ides I 1.1.1011 X MI NI KO. K II a ILAIIM mw'' "'" AN faIFIKS AND EXCHANGE LIROWERS, dealers m Foreign )110 Domeeuc Rills of I.:senator., Cep. (MoutonOf iltrOgOO, !tank Notes and Corn, earner of 3tl and Wood street., directly opposite Bt. Mattes Ho tel 11 . 11_,Ldl W et &I C , FUNDS— Indiana, Keritucky, Missouri, pores ailed at the lowest rates, by Sank Noses; N. 110LhIPS /a SONS, dchi 3.5 Market sweet. BILL. . _ L 8 OF KCYCLIANOF.,;:-Bight Cheeks on New Vint., Philadelphia, and :nom, Constantly for :AS Sant by N. HOLMEZ & SONS. dew 33 Market rt. C?e l ta E ySTr i i?a N n a r — part f .L"d 'L II c:LP:r ate most favorable term:. ' N. HOLM% & SONS c"' drlo 30 Market IA BACON -67 peer; bog round, for sale by Bogle WICK & SVCANDLESS B ACON-103 peers prtuta country num; Baer., Just recavod gad for sale by WWI WCAMDLESS MISCtLLA NEOUS. Conanltlng iltaLglneersa. Counsellors for Patonteass Mice (or procurinfr and defending Puente, froparthl information on Mechanics and the applicatitin of Sa uce to the Arts, widen American and Foreign Lain of Patents. PROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON, hue of Philadel phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS a Washington city, (to be sided by Huard Knowles, Km, late Etehinest of the United States Patent Office,) have emaciated themselves together for the Prosecution of the above branches of professional business, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or betbre the Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the Inter est of Inventors and others who may consult theca or place busmen in their hands. Alr. Knowles hm for the past twelve years bald the post of Machinest in the United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part in the present undertelmng. His:talents and peculiar fitness for the Importuntoffico so long fill ed by him, have been holy recognised by Inaction wherever the office dell as known. The office of te 8.. i. on F . sweet, oppoei the Patent Office, Washington. D. C., where common cations, post paid, swill be promptly aUended to; exam Mations made, drawings, spec ific anoint, and all ream/. ins papers prepared—and models procures? he xpect red—on reasonable terms Letter. of enquiry, xpect ed to be answered after examinations bad, man be ae companted by • fee of five dollars. In the duties 01d... office which pertains t - t the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J & R. will be assisted by . a legal gentlemaivolthe highest professional character, •nd fully conversant with Mechanics and other Selentifli subjects. mrffittd.- HYDROPAILTH/0 ESTABLISHMENT, — rnmurtraza¢, 111..VM• TIR. EDWARD ACKER, take, this means of re turning his thanks to his fnends and the public for the extensive patronage he has raccsved, awl of in forming them that ha has lately erected a large and well constructed building. for the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE ABLISMENT, all his old location, at Plidltpsburgh, Pa, on the Ohio river, oppm. Me the steamboat landmgat Beaver, where he is ready to receive patients as boarders, and treat them es Hy dropadm principles. In addition to his long eXperi race, and the greet success which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committed tshie care, he has now the additional ft.-eines afforded by an ei- Mealy* buffeting erected exprewly for the puepose, con mining commodious and airy menu, and fitted up with every necentary apparatus for bathetic, and ddsunie tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the patient. Plullipshorgh is • moat delightful tuni healthy village, easy of access by 11.1.11th011111, and al , fords fine and wholesome sneer. Dr. Acker assures those afflicted persons who may place themselves un der his care, that every anenuon shall be mud to their comfrt, and as an assurance of the substantial benefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun thesis who have been permanently cured at his estab- j lishment. The Water Core leaves no eminent effects ! beheld, 11.• i• too o ft en the ease with those who have I been treated on the old system. It removes the ilia ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dmigete incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural and active appeutc, and impart. 'lgor to the digestive powers. Terms of treatment and board' ag refuel:table. Per farther paruculars inquire al the calishmertt, or addle. the propnetor at Phillipsburgh. au rk Maaltmsa 11.1Parva TT is a great wtisfution to w to be able that publicly to announce, that the great demand for our superior and splendid preparations of our "FAMILY AMDI CINFS," far exceeds our most sanguine expectations, particularly our Indian Expectorant and Compound Carminative Balsam, which for beauty of appearance, superionty of ingredients, and the compodbding of them, together with the Immense disparity in the sire of our bottles over any others—the beautiful and orna mental engravings, and the lute displayed in the put ting of them up, is a further incitement to the purchas er. And as any /limy old friends who knew me DB. Guns, Locum") when in the employment of Dr. . Jay ne, , I now beg leave respectfully to inform them that am one of the firm of LOUDEN & Co, No SI Arch street, below Thud, PAlllal.l-PRIA, where Lahall be happy to see them; who, uded by his brother, regular graduate of the *Philadelphia College of Phar macy,* make, put up, and compound, with our own hands, every article compriaing our "Family Medi cines," visi Indian Expectorant. Compound Carmina tive Balsam, Compound Tonic Vermifuge, West fmilan Sanative Pills, and Oriental Hair Tonics. We further beg leave to remark, land we do It with a confnienee that cannot be shaken,) that we have diss covered and mad, en improvement on our Oriental Hair Tonic, that far exceeds any thing aver adored to the pubfic. Dive as a call at No. tel ARCH street. Oar terms alone are an inducement, and we are sore of the result. •uglianx THE STAB. OF THE WEST 4*.VENITI AN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the lharnond, where Vennian Blinda of all the differein sizes and colors are kept on hand or made to order idle r the latest and most approved Eastern rash• mew, at the shortest notice and on the Ems *weenie terms. Also, the .heap Boston roll or split Blind Tradspa- Macy and Paper Curtains of all the different etses and patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Year n. Blnals painted aver and repaireVr taken in part payment (or new. R WESTER ELT, Pro'pr. N. B —All work done with the beat material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas uthoua auglO-tily Allegheny rity. Aug le, IR4B. Choeisiii - te r tissioa, ke. W. Baker's American and French t_hocolate. Pre{ a d Cato., Cocoa Paste, Brown. Cocoa Shell, Sr. I'omerchant.and conwnacra, who would ph robs.. the beat products of Cocoa free from adulteration, more menus>us than tea or coffee. and to quality unser. roused, the subscrther recommends the above at - titles, manufaetured by tumult and stamped with his /lime. His Brame and Cocoa Paste.. delicate, paiatable, and salutary ttnnks nye arralids, convalescents, end ether., are pronounced by the most emarent melons supenor to any other preparations. Ms manufactures are always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re. son-table grocers at the eastern eines. and by their agents, Hawes, tway & co , of Bosom, James NI Bunco al en. Hanford. Conn; Huasey & Murray, New York; rant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomo V 13rundige, Hal. umore, and Kellogg & Bennett, Clncinnau, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester NI ass. For sale by auga BAG ALEY & SMITH. Alkts PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. T H E undersigned tenders his services in the above rapacity to the mercantile. manufnettinag and mechanical ,iorbon of the community. He will devote las tina and auentioa to the po•ung and adjusting of Books of Ace..., seating penitential accounts with all cionlideocc, opening new books. dO. also /II preparing young mat for the Counung House. Res titmice Northeast corner of the Diamond, Allegheny city. JoHN FLEMINU, A. and SI, Author of National System of Book Keeping. Rama To Messrs Johnston & Stockton, NlTonaid & Beeson, W Heil & See, Spang & Co. J. Ken, Jr. &Uo, John Finney, Jr. John Arthur., %' A Hill & Co,. W Latimer. Jr atitbli-dgw t AN DICK Irom Frankton, tliernavotilirie- UT. spectfully adorn the public. of Pittsburgh and vicinity that he trill give nostructiona an the Piano Forte, at his own or the residence able patrons. lEr Terms, SW per quarter Address can he found at Mr. F. Starks, Third street. Raswarscsa—notessor Henri Hem, New York; Professor Henry Rohboek, Professor H. Eicher, Mr. John H. Mellor, Rev. W. Pantarant, Pittsburgh. auct,dtlsr. _,ney • are, egth rum arope. — MHE subscribers have bow store a very eithealthe assorimeut of Furs foe ladies weer. which have been purchased iu Europe by one of the firm, at very low once..• during rile aiouetory crises succeeding the French Revolution! This advantage, which they possess over any other house in the waxie r will enable them to sell a very - ex= cel lent aruele much below the market price. Err alershattis and others will advance their own interests by examining this extensive assortment. SOLIS, BROTHERS, Importers, Ed Aene (Mulberry) between WI and ad street!, ang7-dam Mulndelible. COPARTNERSJIIp. I HAVE thin day dispeard of part of any Waren in the firm of Lorena, Sterhog & Co. tomy gobs. Li. and Samuel F. Storting'. STERLING. NG. Actonling us the above arnuigement, we have this day assoemitsd with as to partners ihe above named ROBERT B. STERLING, and SA AI EEL F. STEALING. The business will be conducted as heretofore, under the name of LtIENZ, STERLING & Co Pittsburgh, August 14, 1,14 turgid -diesel inT 11.0.-6/11 Trarlvoiranouume-q (NONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Raffia Vaults, Tombs, Heed Stones, Alatitil Piece., Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at • regular and fair priee. N. a— Drawings for monuments, vaults, &c. furnish ed, of my descripuon He solicits a share of public patronage TEW ARTICLE OF STEAM PACEINO- -7 371 — s re l.\reined by ekpresa, lb. India Rubber Steam Packing, for cylinders of steamboats, &e. Tbis article being much we best kind that has ever been °tiered for the purpose, we call the attention of our meamboat en o gineers to it It will save them le Trent mount of labor, fr when • cylinder la once packed it will not require to be pinked again before making one or two trips to St. Louts and bock. For sale at the India RubberDe- Pot, No 6 Wood st. Iyl3 1 & H PHILLIPS WTLLLLAhI SMITH, Manufacturer of Cotton and colored Linen, Fringes for Ihreses, &et Sewing dk and colored Cotton Frunge• for milk and gingham Parasol& Utnap, Moltalt, anal Silk Hulliou Fringes. mule to order on the ehertest notice. Stmts., corner of Maiden Lane and Williamentramee No b 3 William sweet, third floor, over Abner & lays' .tore, No IS Maiden Lan ork O 0 . _ _ Li L FA.rritic MACHIN tzt. at Irom e. 5 ilte h.lecaro• hlagnettc Machine., from different eastern manu facturers; Marine Clocks for steam boat•, email haat. and factories. Also, Chemicals, Thermometers, &c tar sale by BLAKE & Co, corner market at and the diamond N. B.—FJectricity of either Mud admbusterad at the d recann of nhvisictans. Jyl7 C.14.115.1551W tH3IIA HD10.1 1 4 S. VISITEsS TO THIS RETREAT con be furnished wall a Lunch at all boors of the day; also, Ice Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &c. The SIe , MICI Circe, wood makes her regular tripsas to.. leavitighet Put arret landing at r 1 A. hr., and at halt past taco hour ,except li, until 114 F. AI —leaving the Garden at lu PM. tor her last trip to the Orly. • A moonlight 'new of the Garden is indescribable in as beauty. AIITHURS &. NICHOLSON are now selling off at moderate prices the followit g oracles: Platform Scales (Walt kind., weighing mom 100 to lotto pounds of superior workmanship. Assorted Hollow Ware, light patterns, Coal Cooking Stoves. Wood do do, Coal LiirLlC Balloon Stun.. for einirche. warehouses, 2. Ac. Orates and Grate Fronts, for parlors, chambers, kitchens, he Ploughs and Plough Castings of venous kinds. A RTHI'RS A NICHOLSON, iyl7al2xo Liberty. Jihad of Wood et , TJAVING sold our en., rock to C 11. Gass - L.with. J.l . a •iew to doting our old Luting., we hereby so licit for him the Nor...he of all our' friends and cu.. 1.00:1Cf. RU. W. POINI , KxTua, THE POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. Ith, 1019. CH. GRANT, Wholesale, Grocer,' Commisaionr and • Forwarding Mere haw, No. 41 %Voter at. atria I\ ALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, at eve ales from the note tit its application, remove the tuna from the severest bun,., scalds or Water., and will heal wounds, ulcers and sores of eny kiind without war. This valuable Pain Extractor can be had of JlitiN MORGAN, Druggist. No 1131 Wood street,. mix2l Sole Agent for %Veritern Perna.L. M. M'CLINTOCK'S, No. 75 Potinh street. e. be seen a splendid variety of sup Ho nll el • vet and Tapestry Carpets, late. styles Also, UNA trill, 3 ply. and sup and fine Ingrain Camels. of sup styles and qualities, and in tonocetion rat, ales, yr; !a foul. Table Lawns, Crashes, Diaper. li...nuvi men. Oil Cloths, &c. Ac., to all in whit . omenuou of tha public. mig23 YAPER-6o roams extra large Sumo Pa par very heavy and strong, far hardware. &c. YS bundles Flat Cap, for confectioners; cheap Pun nod cap Payer, for sale by J sciioorWAKEß a. co, II wood In augll THREE FINE DRAUGHT HORSES.— nree fine Draught Burma for sale, was ble for drayingake. Er,,,, oi . . GFORD Co, • auet7 mud burin, liberty at (Cry E SKINS--31 — sow I , lou . l%rteh CiGraltitie, • very fine article. A few dozens Phlladelnia S from the manufactory of H9O Crawl° to which the attention of boot maker. la invited. ow received and for eagle by W YOUNG k Co, 027 143 liberty or I 4 EMOVAL—F H Eaton & Co. will remove to their FL New Store, No 02 Fourth inset; between Wood sad airmailaCtama, the I.llli day of fibotesaber..; . MR . THE ONLY REINEIDII trearrs VEGETABLE EXTRACT is an tread.. n ble remedy for Epileptic Flts or Palling thane. „,_Cm'snisionr, Spasms, ha. It la "mil known, that from phyeiclans have pronooneed Epilep tic Fits incurable. It has baffled all their and dm hawed power of medicine, and thou sande have suffered through a miserable meetezn, and at lam inelded up their Lim on the altar of insanity. With all deference, however, to the opinions of tL great and learned, sve no that it has ben awed. HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT, For rateen Years, has bean teased b many penmen nrho have suffered with W. disease, and in every ease where It has had a fair trial, hoe sleeted • permanent cur, Pus of 26 years and 6 months, amid by the n.eof this truly uronderfal medicine. .Read the following remarkable ease of th e ma of Wm. &Tore, Em., of Phithdelphia, adhered with ES. kph< F.t. 27 years and 6 months. After travelling through England, Scotland, Germany and Prawn, eoW nittatht' m'edicnaritt'"hn't.kier!ratrill,44"three'dingt sand donara, returned with his sou UP tom eetalltry in November last, without receiving any benefit wham. er, and was cured by ming HART'S vEcierstax EXTRACT. Mr. William Senore's Letter to Drs. Ivens and Hart I have spent over three thousand dollan the reedy eine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a tour to Europe with him, et eh I did. I Era. visited England. I conralted the most eminent physicians there in respect to his case; they examined him end prescribed accordingly. I reasalned three moths without perceiving any change for the better, which coat me about two hundred and fifty dollars pecked by the physicians, and the most that I eeealseddwas their opinion that my son's case was tamales. and peal. needy incurable. I accordingly left England, and tree. ellMf through Scotland. Germany and hence, and re. turned home In the month of November last, with my con as far from being cored as when I le& I saw yew advertisement in one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract, memis year statements and certificates of so many mama mime a twenty and th irty years' abrading, and I cementer@ you I am not sorry I dui so, as by the use of Hart'. Vegetal ble Extract moue, he war restored to peribet health His reason, which arm so far gone as to unlit hint dm business, is entirety restored, with the prospect now before him, of life, health and usefulmss. He is now tiyears been age, and 97 years and 6 months of dos ne has afflicted with this most dmadfal Ma es•<•; but thank God he is now enjoying sued health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works don't belle,. tn. To ;ay that I chall be ever granted toau is one thing, and as I here meths., yon one defiers, I have no doubt bat that you swill think this Is another - nd quite a different thing. The debt of gratimde I sill ewe you, but please to accept the present M 120•2 1. I interest on the debt in advance. Yours very respee l eld.V, ys_ t ,. Am nom TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of tido invaluable modulus was afflicted an several, yam with Epileptic Pita The disease hod produced the 11•0111 effect his system, rim Lou of memory, imbecility of and • perfect proatranou of the nervous perfect had triad the skill of the best physicians for mew years, and grew worse under Men treatment, and he Imam that thti medicine wan his only hope for health and life, and was thereat., detered to glee it • (Lie trial; and to persevere in iv use, which he di ,d and the result ' was a perfect resonation to health, whims was Wild, aed tommerropted for nearly sine. years We would refer to the font:arms mecum who hairs been cured by using Hart's Vegetable Emmert Col E Boneless'. daughter wee afflicted ulna year. residee at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, eine years, 171 Grand at • J Ellswor,b, seven years, 12 Dover it. Joseph M'Dmgal, clue years, East Brooklyn, la H W Smith, New York Cumin Henna S Kelly, twenty years, &awn lel Mu F. hPßeef, twenty years, Ya n a.; Miss E Crane, twelve years, 112 Hammeral7 sy Wm H Parson, twenty-three ) ears, 73 Nralblkat Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney M. Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, Orem:mast* glif Jadge Randall, 24 East Broadway, New Yep: ' Thomas 11 Jones, of the U B Navyg Capt Wm Jennings, State sa Bridge . Refersnce also suede to Dr W L Monroe, Guilfmt, O. Res Richar+i West ove n, Drt N Rey T Bean Baltimore, hfd Mr Joseph Bradley, U 3 OrchardN Y. Cll Donation, 2121Egineerah N Mrs lames Bertholf, Chester, oran kr , se . N John Faber, 1.7 P fdisabeth do D A Richton, RIB Delaney 1, James Smith, 130 Buffett s; 4 Cherie. Brown, 100 Watetet„ do All of whiub may be Called awn, or oddment, psi paid tEr ?revved b 7 Dr lir" Rate Ivan at Han, New York. 0 2' THOMAS & Co, HO Main 04 between 3d are 4th ate, and 169 Main at, between 4th and Irk meth Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail sorts fee the moth and west. L WILCOX. Jr, comer of Market a and the Dia md, only art in Pitrib's Pa liWavriy MEDIC/ - & SIIRGIOAL OPIPIOS ~ i, - - . No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a k 1 . fear door. below Wood etreet, to „,ty market. tf.....:it. DROWN, hieing beau i- . 11 ; . •, 1,,, regularly educated to the medical ~.....14, profession, and been for want thine ; - -.F. , • ..„,...' ~.' in gene pranet now confines ...; • =,-.'": ;...- , his reattention totlee, e tb% w t;eannent of e., . „. -, .* those private sold delicate coml y' ."!'s,,. . 'I, plaints for which hls opporunnuei ri . ...-.; , and experience peculiarly qualify ',' •"e,,, , ss• • him. 11 years unctuously devoted to study & treatment of those complaints,(dunny which tune he has had more practice and has eared more pa• tient. than can ever roll to the lot of any prima prac titioner) amply qualifies him tis offer assurances of speed). permanent. and satisfactory cum to all afflicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases mising the. trout. Dr Brown would inform those alticord with private diseases which have become chronic by time or airl gleamed by the ose of any of the common twatratta at • dm day. that their complainui can be radically and that. ouglay rated; be having given his careful abandon to the tfratairta of such cases, and succeeded in hundreig of iltatance. in curing payee= of ballmaambin of the 'leek of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often result fro rn those ease. where others have consigned Mem to borates. despair. He pattleularly Invites such as have been long and ...easefully treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will be them. and thew eases treat hr a careful, thom and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience, study. and investiganon, which it is impoimible for those engaged in general practice of mediebse to give any one class of amass. Mr/Jenne or Roptum—Dr. Brown also invitee par. sone alluded with Hernia to call, av he has paid party ; nlar attention to this disease. Skin diseases; also Pi' s, Pairs, eta, speedily eased Charges very low, N. B.—Patients of rub sex living at a distance, by stating their ilisease In writing, jiving all she map) toles, roe Martin medicines with directions for sum, by addresg T. BROWN, , post paid, anti imams ;n7Eirce".sin AL 11X No. fa, Diamond alley, opposite the wady R nerwsrucc—Dr. Brown's newly dam:veered reme dy Mr Rheumatism is • speedy and certain remedy fin that painful trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 65 Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always as home. I.la - tto cure no pay. decl9. A STRIA, OR DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING.— /1. This disease is canted by a=TA l eeeetroe -lon a die air cells; Ills very deb , alynost eau. • piroctuon. DR. BWEETBER'S P ACEA L ths onll a c cre. Hoas num ehr, rim be entirely cured by a free use 04 Di. Sweater's Panacea. Catarrh. or common cold, which, if neglected, will terminate in Commutation, is effecteelty relieved and cured by Dr. Sweever s Panama Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effeentally lead es Bronchial Consumption, but • timely cue of Dr. Sweat ier'. Panacea will effectually one a.; Inflammation of the Tonsils or Bore Thrrwm—This disease often leads to serious consequenem (rota neg lect, sooh as ulceration of the throat On the first tam., Dr. Sweetser's Panacea should be p and cued freely. cough.and Colds and a meensign remedy in De, Sweater's Panacea Pneumonia Nothri.—A very anal disease., making from a stolen cough and cold on a debilitated or bro ken down constitution; aged persona are subject to it. Or Sweeter's Panacea should be used on the lines symptoms, which are acen=cold. plight Sweats.—This deb' complaint will meet with a timely check, by using Dr, Elweetaer's Panama. Consamption—[f on the art of consarup :lye symptoms, which are • pain in the siik and brassy : 3011gh or spitti ng of blood, if Dr. Sweetser's Pumice., !Feely used, danger need be apprehended. When 'the Longs, the Windpipe, or Drone:Mal Tates mama clogged up with phlegm so ea to impede respi ration or breathing, Dr. gamine'. Panacea, which la t powerful F.rpectonsm, Mould be taken aeconiing to the Mrecturna Influensa—Thle distressing epidemic, so prevalent oar climate, is speedily eared by Dr.- 81stowerht Pane Price SI per bottle, or az Wales Orr ICI For bale by WM. /AMON, Ea Litany a.. Ebro 01 be bag boot. anv54,,, 50,000 PERIN° at HAVE used Dr. Toy lor's Holum or liverwoo been cured of diaetases that would have prourd f tat, but for the use of this extroonfi,,ary ,n ave do,Otal have been awed of conanzopuon ru tow rni Ws* been been cured of Dypepsle. Cones-Aptlou and liver Complaint 7,uno have been eared of the asthma 3.000 have been cured of general prostrauon of the Nervous :System 1000 have been enred of Rheumatic P.n.s. "mat the tendency of diseased hangs. have been eared of Liver Complaint • 2.600 cured of &minions complaints 50,000 more have been corset of coueb...o In t e side end them, night sweats. wont of Ins. of voice. whooping conga debi Ity , sod .. er comnlatnut which I•ring on those donee.. • •• which so often prove few Dr Taylor .P -.• liverwort a the only enecessful remedy to •,« Of the above complaint. -My son, bovine a violent cold amid .• • ,ugh an' rot, thick putrid matter, and finally smoin no .asn nem in bed from weakness. Ha •n eve, df ronmonntton His pbyrietatic Lics vein, L. k An. emon. smd he was Locution. Tel strong, s • •noy appear, this medicine fully restored his baton SOPHIA HALLON, I I Norrallt.r. , Feu, s Of ratan OF Cos.sas—`Hieing teepee], ffl the atrol pmth.„tho• 1 determined to consullitheartn• tit preference to uong what an called, •littent, No e%) lint fur several months I have Moo tritiebe.di with Ago.. winch belted the 'rowdies of my :Orli , clan our medicine I hare Morayr believed nary beneficial in such earn. Finding the Hallo( my met- , ad t off —unbeknoorn toLeny one, t.reeto red your bloom or Lieererort, which I d e . th , milnable remedy—as it h. had • • most wonderful's:l f upon me, completely apsootitv my eon:talcum, uld rests 'lug me to perfect health. on may refer to me vithen.ver deuired D. J. D. Sold in Pittsburgh by 1 D Herm, e 3 w w .th Townsend. I.sslarket at; H Elloyaer, ear Marline mid sm, Henderson a. Co, 5 Liberty st. Price reduced to $1,5 5 bottle. Dal SELLER'S FAMILY MFIDICINEA !Mould be kept by every_ Panttly. LOGAN COURT Horn, Vo. Aug. • 19 C R. IL E.SELLERS :—I first introduced your Va. I torsos in this place, at a time when a prep. non call,' The Dead Shot was very popular, and hound it very difficult to sell , bat it an. gained for Itself. pop ularity that hasawallowed ttpallothera !could pm. cure you any number of sultanates, but I do not think it necessary. That your LIVZI Paste ore preened to all others to this region I kn., to be a fast. Yesterday I sold to a merehant two boxes for Ida own um, although be Pm on hand a supply of Dr. blitLane's. Twelve months ago, 1 saw, ins distant part of this Country, a most disconsolate looking lady, who hod bag warmed from Inver Complaint, she had twice aunt • peat =mu toe a physician, bat found no penasuant retie; was almost in a hopeless condition. On Mr/unbend% km ems to our town he bought two boxes, and promised, should they benefit his wife, to perohme mono A. he never called I supposed they bad not been of service, bat on pooling by his house short Ume shies, I found the lady in comparative good health, cheerful ao t j con tented Your Pills always relieve persons who have Agee and Chian The Cough Syrup has never failed to my knowledge; in every ease of poducing a good result, and giving enure satisfaction. Very respectfully, Prepared and sold by E. WA SRLLERR RD. IL It No. SY Wood meet. !old also by dzogibdo Pbstaal 16IhR rinfOdwit ,4,==:=; 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers