ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS, A N 44(04 LA PHAN & 0.--Bida and Louden Deal ./-1. a rs, pa Fe m st. New York. Rantobn Grior Pitiabutp, E. Levi& & Co. Philadelphia. onoiponents of Weyer* bulbar antiolied, and lib end advances rands if required. ~. • febbidni _ ATPPPOIA JON & Co.. Catania-non and For warding Aleentodita, bane 'remand to WO old wind; %Taw and Front amen Picatiorgh. mail • ranorarea GLIM - 4 • • yeRAGIN & I at=ER, Vireolaaalro and Retail Drug ") gists, tomer of Liberty and St. Clair streets, raw burg& Pa. tasytti 1.151122203, IL 1- 'MOWS. PROWN * MILBERT3ON, Wholesale Oraeon, and Camialuion Moreharaa, No. 14.5, Liberty in., usbonrh. Pa iiA. FARNESTOCK & C, Who!code and Ba• . mil Druggiss, corner Wood and ddh WA ill Dm:ALEN & surya, Wholesale Orman, 18 and SM Weed stmet McANULTY & Co, Fermat& and Cow V. mlsalon Merchants, Canal WAIN Pittsburgh et&Pa. m WIC =WS Mil t. MOMS, ILL W. WASLIMAIL lOLMAN, h Co, .hiralrfasrarars of V Carriage Spnogs sod Alias, A. 11.. sad Spins Sisal, and dealer* w Comb Tritoraiop of mazy to sariptioo, talaufastory on a. Clair at. WillettWW&C Wood at, opposite St Charles LioteL /alai ff. MALI. 31M11 OZZILLICIt. WALT h GESUART, WholesaleOreeerslesl erss in 'Produce and Piustaurgh unfaeums, cor der of Liberty . Hand sus-, Eittsberfh. Pa. iebtr wit SI 1341.811, lAN= I. 101211XXLI. NGUA9tI & BEN NETT, (late English, Iliatihsr 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Connort and Par - sraeowgg Nemtwos, and deaden la Erodes. and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood at, between id and 2dstreeta P. It. MOW, 010. BEST, :IND IMO. WHIEND, NHEY & Co., Wholands °mows end t• Comattamon Headman, and Aram ko Beighton Cotton Tons, Nov. 57 Water, and tod Rota sta, mg* Pa. Abe • ALLAOHEB, LONO & bI.II.LEB,BeII and Riau • Founders and On Men, ldo Prow, between V and Smithfield swats, Pitubwgh, Ps. ex Highest rice given for old Copper and dela GEORGE COCHRAti v " , ood Onsuniaan .u.a. ri and u—abenti. E . Vly blatclx!nn, - ged L e ta ; Maty 1111"iliCanint'ri3Patailiii-NOT &DA OTh - rter 7 ciant, comer l' a L s ib• any and (Na zi' Ina, rilublargh• :mum Mearr, sonar =CM, ra t IHAIAH DICKEY 6 Co., Wholesale Grosets,Com mission Merthanis, and dealers in Pradatm,Hoe.6ll Water. and 107 Front streets, Piusbarwit. novK TOHN LL BANSIN,Auomay and Cowman !dm J andCmarainsionor for the Puna of Posurryhranin St. Labl, LW" (Ism of Pinsbaren) Rukurroa—Pluabrughl Lion ‘V Frovrard t Limp. ton & Miller, bPeandlesa tr. brans% Joan Ls Parka, Siaralla & Sample, Ilreord & King. gritty • 101 IN SCOTT' iten, Nl%Metal* Grocers, Fororaid -0 log and Conionanon Merchants, Dealers in Pro dace andPinabargh ribinniaoutreo, No, 7 Commercial Row, Liberty steel, near the Cand, Piunboogh, Pa. • - nryfray • JT BRYAN, Rectifying Disaller, end Wltelesale dealer In Foreign and DOIACaIt Wilt. and Li lars, No. 114 Liberty street, and Mltiontiond Alley Pittsburgh, Pe. 107-fdy Jtatit3 bIeGUIRE, Sate !ha gnu Algeglatuf MaGairb) ?drub= Tailor, Charhug ..ftllhsP,'• • - Thrthanst. mar Wood. humbug!. J AMES di. HUTCHISON, & Cortinectootu Lnuris Hutchison & Co, Cattunission Merchants, snd Agoras of the St. LAMAS Sava Suva. Haden, ho. stratei tad 92 front streets, Plusbergh. JK. BLACK, Alexcl,Al ibr, U . ding,, St Clair et, Plusburgh. JouoN 8. DlLWoBlll—Wbolloole Grocer, Pm. dace; d Coauldaidon Mordant, No. :7, Wood usburob. jand TOHN D. MORGAN, Whaieettle sad deal s) or is Dye Suds, PetioseoDsi V="th.b..r 5. 83 Wood street, Daisdoor Smith of Diamond Ailey, Pius . &SLESACEM, Jr.. & Co, Haeousor ta JasaptrO. 1/ Davis? Slue Chualless,3s Waorstron. Gal JOHN H. hlriiSlH, 'Wholesale and Recall dash:, blasiesuid hitaical Instssoaelos, School Boom, Papal, Slates, Steel Pons, Quslls; Prinz - He Cards, sad goosrally,No. al %Vocal at, Pixtsbusab: to • . bought of taken is Hada sepLS SCROONALASER & Co, Wholmola Drowsto, . No. *I Wood moot, Pitobutigh JOHN D. DAVIS, Auetierneer, corner sdi and Woad ti greets, Pittsburgh. ocrB ,_ . , TOHNATON & STOCKTON, No. Pruden 4/ and Paper ALanufaeuirers, No. 44 Market el-, Pius. I, . , . • ie6 OM GBIEB, Whalesain Grocer, deal. in Pro s" dues, Pittsburgh Manufactures, Tut Plurs,ir— to. isc EM Labe at.. Pittsb • • /0.101 OT T B - FLOYDO). ter J. Floyd 4 , ON) • GTOCCri I / 2 NO.= Lalelly street. seps Jems -DILLZELL 7 Wholesale Grocer, Cemmiasion Merchant, and dealer lei Produce and Piusbtagb idassa li tcumes. 0„24 ate, rautmcgh. joults V re,WEINIi2f, Fon:yarding mid Comaisidoa Met. ebauts, G Dealers Yrodo. and Fitssburgh man i...exued'arurlas, Canal Basin, neatZtlast.- 4.11 Vosnvins Iron Works. Is E ns i r ) , A M L eet, Boiler C I sad Nts .1.- qnsliry. Warehows, 64 anon sod 105 front O. *dr -- ki. WATERMAN, wham.k. Grocer, Forward 9111======terZ IN Prom s.l. AR ate sad Comausnon filereluutts, dealerdealer ln end Piusburgh ?dam:4=r., N cos.l3arta:LlTZ Pitto..gk4 lirElltite., BROTHERS a co., !der = alma% Philadalphis, for the MI6 o a f prod namiszion uce g 4 many. Liberal advances made on ransignmeata k & ROE, Wholesale Comma Ilk don Merchants, No. 104 Liberty it., Prnsburgh.; sn ' t l'n over `KCMarchanu, Water and Front sta., between d and Market sta. jane wa. LL} RICKETSON, Wholesale P sad Counlasakso Merchants, N 0.170, Liberty ~ Fins. jean' laciaJlLL , & KIND, Wholesale and Retail Hit and Cep Marafaetures, and dealers In Fancy Furs, comer in Wax! and Fah sta. , . - I\l' HOLMES h. SON, No. 55 Market M.,-metani and'door v a r r: f er of c Fot=ers eatnin► dmestie n. Bank Notes and Speeie. MT Collections mad on all the elder thmaghbot the United Stmt. eet7 UIS 1 rMQU %1, botanic Grocer,Rectifying Diciate ,r dealer In Produce, Pittrintrii Menem taxes,' and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines era% LlottoisMo. 11 Liberty greet. On hind a very hulF , mock of iropenor old gionongsbela reltiegery, winciteivill be sold tow for cub- w 1 T vtlc4eLact T. 11,12X1i, s tr.Lb d str y rr il dod .uthr. Dialc e l ag.:17=‘,411 descriptions, No. L1:1 Wood o.Piddtdugb• spa RICHARD BARD, Mole-silt and Retail Dealer In Lesiliee,lioroceo, Rhimaskers' TOOill and Find ingt,Tamien, atot Cutlers , Tools, ',WILMS/a' Oil, No. 100 - WOod su, • sepia SOIZEI WUXI.& ac=l , l 4r. co., Wholesale amen, Ptodace. Awl Cameo Merchants, tad Deaden in Pin. ars Mansamoses, No. LW Liberty et., Pillsbm Pe. h. janTrt ktoaror DALZELL & Co. i Whole:tide Orwell., Conuntittion sad Foneurdtag Merchants. theaters Produce urut PiUsbunth blenufaetures, Liberty et Pitutburgthlah Libert y p.200r.' A. CUNNIDUHAId, Whokagds ' 0r.c 4 3., Dealer lu Produce and Pittsburgh • • • 124 Libeny a. bl 2 o. aehnomd, WYNOLLIS &1311 PM, ForrearCrlKaad catt idambande, for the Alleal.erg lirra Trade, deaf en la °roadies ? Protium, Mahwah Idatrafaetana end Chloride of Lima. Theltigfurat prides, in earth pald at ell dem fert mad. tr 7 me& Comer of Penn and intria eta jug • QMITH R JorilahttN, Wholesale and Estill Dealers oodi, Laces, fitralul lwri Vaasa Anieles,lics 40 Market street, 34 door shelve Third et, Mudge ap2.l . • TSea 1311CCATX, L WM= HACKLENT k WISE, Wholesale Deakin Al V= And D:lolCslic Dry Goods. Na. OP febDi Wood st. f la a W., IiABBAUGH, Wool Me rc hants, Dealers 6,), Plots and Produce generally, and labraratding and Comalesion Merchants, No. NI Warns rt., Pltts. burgh._ LI AUTO, LIAOALEI & Co Wholesale Oroeets sad Cap Psectucello. t,r3 Market between 66 nod flakalbstb .ide. Philadelphia_ • rurrB • r • - , la maw etrnarozon. , • icon ALMA VaITIAND. W ' , MR% k NICOLS, Produce and General Com p Indiana Ideethanui, No: 17 Libeler,' ac, Flustriulia Bee • ' Linseed and Lard Oil. V. VON BONNIIORBT, /a Co.; Wholesale Om eoras Forwarding and Commission hleretroam m Finahurgh bl.efactereo and Weotem Yro• hale ttmored to their new warebetiseAtild No. *corner of Front at. and Chancery Lana. inlTT . ii'ltolosalo Wooers and Como:da da/1 httratolos, arAl dealers in Produce. No. 2.5 430 a w•atilsbortb, P.= Agent for Mexican Oldies. find 4=0=14 pen..., iu the ofElennt:Wet - F. Alts , do, ' bork , r, tnidlugs, , lth at, Pittsburgh. hij mon in the (enema hued office a Washington,will =end to burnest there free of expellee to grollesats. nutrl4-dly Jana O. vritii 11:LLVID.IIMULDLMI. iCK & 111 , CANDLESS, Witeessora ni 1.,,, & .1. D. wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding end Caiondasion hleretwaLs, dealers in inity.Nallatlleas, Won Yarns, and Pitabutgb Manufactures generally, von.. of W4xerfand " .', nvels. Pittsburgh E aim now&N—Comnosaton and Forwarding Merchant, No. tar From in. berworn Wood and ar Meet. fabd7 AVAILLACIL Mill Mow and Mill manueb. W. Ina establialtment, N 0.444 Liberty st, near itot mots wadi kI;GARRARD, Dealer la Fancy and Staple TV • Dry Goods, No. 79 Market sdnst, Pittsburgh. oeyyNallY 'UV W WILSON, Dada/ 10 Watebts, Amery, , Silver Wan, BlUitary Goads, Ike, No 67 kLar , ket a. nov7 vur ALIMPIII",_ Wholesale and Scup &GO/in VT • Forrito ordGt.& Dry Goods, north oast comer of !dada cod Feint, int us= WM. TOM., 11. WCOIIO., 101rtd. YOUNT) Co.—iialata la limber hiclos, &a 14211.1barry st. W 447 F r 111 0,, , „ D I AZ ".:'TTE. ; • • VOL CARDS. &14TIVIIELTREE—WtalesaleGroeere tifyi M Reeag alan, wad Wine =A Liquor YeiLl.m., Importen °Mods Ash and 111 -nr&IM Powder, No. IGO Liberty aL Pirrdburgb, Pa iwk&Di OLIVER ISLACIIIIMII LaCPU4D; a CO., VraDleSil7 " o7 67. eili iia unieinred:geres, have on 13. = at'llllltimebs,ll}ol and general assortment °foods In their line, Water street, near Cherry 'Alley; Pittsbargn. =l3 IOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist sad Apothecary, No. 45 Market sL, three doors above Third et. Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well seleeted as wrunern attire beat and freshest Medleinm, which he ill sell on the most reasonable tonna Phyaleians sending orders, will be promptly atanded to, and sup plied with anieles they may rely open as genuine. Qj Phyeicians Prescriptions ea be eoeurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any bear of the day or Also for sale? a law mock of Gash and good Perfa- Mary. liononglO_ials Liveryliktisbl. -a ROBERT IL PATTERSON has opened the large etebla on First el, running through a ., . 2 . c ond s s, between Wood Led Smithfield am, in the roar of the Mortongahelu Hone watmly pea stock of Horses :f the heer quality oral Mum styln. Horse. kept at hue -17 In the bell moues 172d1Y RICHARDT...LEECH, JR., Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Dorm, Deer Hair, Vara:ash, •e. jyp No. 141 Wool) So. PISISDIIIO. I:H. EATON, Dealer In Trimmings arid Variety Goads, Tenets Shell, Ivory end Horn (lambs, den Yams and Worsteds, Beams, Needles, Pins, Tisyres, Brades, &0., No. MI Market street, betarert Du "brand ;Lod 4th at., Pittsburgh. jyttAlly PITTSIDIEGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. 111110 =RI SOUS P. QIIIOO. JONES d %mach • . yeIitrFACTURERS of wag aid blister steal, plough steel, easel plough wings, coach sad slip sprints, hammered hoe saes, seri dealers is mal leable raalins, fay engine Isrops,antl conch umters K enny' earner of Buss sal Pratt as, Plush PEKIN TEA STORE,—No. 72 Fourth . at, nuninties or Green Kiel . • USigk Tess, done up in quarter, half, and * . pond paelnages, ranging (row SO ern Per pound 81,6 n lyi JAITZIA Ay, (or Pekin Tea Ca. INSUgANCE. DEL A W A.ILIC. VICTUAL INSURA NOE CO. J OHN FINNEY, Jr, Agent at Pinsbnlgh for the Del aware Mutual Safer: Lawrence Creamy of Phila. adelphia. 'Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandise so every dtheription, and Marine Siska upon bulls or cargoes of ruses, taken upon the most favorable terms. ID" Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., No. Warm. =as Mesita meet. Pittsburgh. N. memos of thin Company anion the web. Ilithment of 110 Agency in this city, with the prompt itessondlibaralio, with which every chum apart them , fircliese has been adjusted, fully warrant the anemia Making the confide.= end patronage al his islands and the commintnity at lam to the Delaware Al. B. insu rance Company, whiten has ohs additional ativa oo aa Mutt.oo among the moat floc Philssiel! phis—ea having an myth pardin cyclist, which by the operation of cla- charter ts constantly.. socreasum. : yteldbig to each person unwed b4s due share of the 'prof= of the company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, arid' therefore es possessing the Mutual mitten= divested of every oboe:tons to.. tern, and ut as most anmedve form- nova RISE AND moan= =osmoses. 'lmo Insurance Company of North America, through 1 Is dray authorized Agaoy the subleriber, erten to make permanent and limited Iniuruma . property, to this city and its vicinity, and ots shipments by the Ca. nal a. /USSR. DIRECTORS. Asher 0 Coffin, Sam , / W. Jones, Wm. Smith John A. Brown, John White, Thrclatia 1 . . Cope, Shuncl F. Smith, Smaael Moots, Charles Taylor, Pitatimee Whorl, Jacob Dl.Thomna, John FL Ned; Rmhard D. Wend, Wm. Welsh, Franke !lookout., Auffun ARTHUR U. Yr es l. itheler D. Ponatantn, This is the oldest Lamm.. Company in the United Stem., harms Wen chattered m Mkt Its charter it tepetnal, arrtona its high standing, long expeneoce, emote means, and avoiding al. nsks of an extra Mia ardotto character, astray be =metered as ogerlug aso ple a, emity to the penile. W. P. Jtrit.b.D. Al the ltheetthir ltoomd &mimed, Joe. & We. ter and Front melon Pinalmegh. may* VIRE ISIERTRA3OB. CO. Trill: Franklin - lire Insurance Company, of 1. phi; will =ate Inas ranee, permanent aud iththed un every descripdon of pcoperiy, !inlet:Lege end th e sumandinig canary, on favorable tem. 13L coin- MO4 has a perpetual charter. SIUM,OO3 paid Contingent. Riad *YAM • Orme corner of Mitt! and blarketaniais, apll.9lf . • AVAJLELICK. AlditELN, Agent - - -- • 1123==13 rrilE audergirnetl., duly authorised Ascot °Alto Amer ican Fire fuel:m.le r Corupaik7 of nutedeptua, continues to effect iusurahre aguntia loss or damage egaiest Fire, ou property, ant extra 6atuadoes, to this city sad vienuty. a•• 4 LaX14.13C11116141, wood U. Ty. SUBSCRIBER has bean grpnintad thirant pro tam. alba Insurance Campany atxorw cent.. and PSI issue Policies and mead to Ova oAer Wanness NMEMMIU FORWARDING & COMMISSION. 'C'ir'z7A. , ,szsmnitars TUBACCO COAX .Nioll REBORAIRTN, No- LS Sonth Whams', No. 117 Booth Water PHIL/. viiLFILLI. DEGS to infona the ,t,du and dealers generally, of .1.11 .I . `itethorgtt, thambey peso made each unzips:meta with the Vielaronasantam.orera and the °rowers of the Wen, Niresandis, mos other phthes, m will booze a largo sad constatit supply of the following norm of Tobemo, which Pftll be wild upon as aecum tttodwrmg as any outer boom in this elm or oleo where, mid all goods ordered from them will be Into rented instal to reprasematam: Nsrana; SL Domingo; 'Comm Vert; Porto aim Pease.; }Seed Leaf to. Cuba; tguilM tr. Florida; butte ALSO—Etraneh l s celebrated Aromatic Stag Green dish, with a large msormient of ether popular breads, and qualitim of pinatas, as, 60, lee wed they Lame; Bs, 6, fis and les Pin; UMW. Toe Virgin. Twist, A sweet and glaln, in whole and half bores, wood and tin, together wilh every vosiogy Of article belong ' ing so the nada letadly wusgc ms Baur. 11. Gamma DAILIMIT, NESBIT it lIMILILSTIIO6I. FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Coanisissiens and Forwarding CH I a RS , No 62 Norm WII.LIVII, wrs , ls9 Eh I,IIILADELriIIi- Rasa ro—John B. Ettorri it Co. Robert Steen & Co. p hand ,,, phi . Ramd., Beaver & Co. Smith, ro Dooley & Co. Allen! Pawn, Now York. Walters & Harvey, Baltimore. ABarb &Co I Bailey, Brawn & ittsburgh. Co.o. Kier & /ones, Q?' liberal cash advances On eoluiposeatll; our F. C. 1131.30.Z.131. ELLNIAKER =A E CKY &CO ., ROST. WAIZI.II. FLOWI PACTOMS,_ 1.4 General Conunlaalon Ifiershants, rite.= Scrtria WAITS Mawr PHILAbELPHIA. EtriTERENCES—Henry Grad& Co, Pandnugh. Rodgers fr. Sherlock, 1 0 ,, th ,„,, F i S. Schooley & Son, ) A. M. /armory, Maysville. Charles Boohoo, Jr., Louisville. Death; Hamphreys tr. Co. Mercer, Bro. t Co. Med% Seed & Mother, Ptah & Coualnerr, New 'ore. OZOROZ Coulanlealon adult Vorwardlng Iffereballe. no. re Woon er., nrralancon, VCIONTIRCIESM transact a general Ccaucdsrion bus/. =se, especially Ur the purchase and oda at' Antes/. eau illandoeurres and Pliable* and in receiving and do forelarding Hoods emisigned to his Ctn. Al Agunt for the litarefoeuncs, he milts conitandy dapped with the principal articles of Pistatuirgh Msaufacerue at the [ lowest wholesale prima Orders god consignment. re respecuidly waited. 197 I. D IIDIXI3, O. W. AEOLIS. Lots of Insburgb, . law of NashoilLe, Tam LEHMER 4 ANDERSON, 'DEALERS IN COTTON, FOR WARDING k CO3l MISSIONMEROILANTS, no. non "run Anovz isonnwia• mn° ' _ Heat us Abstain:ln morally, in Pi • • 1111Xn• .146 GRorkii..E.ta NAM: FORIVIDIMI aid) LOtuuithilldWlGHT, AND DEALER LN iron, Sells, Cotton Yarns & /Pittsburgh lgantrinstnres gszterally, Ira IN Wl.1) •113:17,31T1M1M1,2,4. L vows Wi' a v. tranii.7l.ll. ammo s LOVE, MARTIN Qr. CO., Products and Commission Rfforolisistst No, 6, Hop lia's Row, Fachnnze Place, Hem-mom Kneelneo-4/aeldeenc, Semen. & Co, Joffe, K. K,,,,,d,,,, Shack u & Wenn Hugh Jeatine,Baltimore; X Allen k Co, Sellers & cols, Smith & woo; A Wbeeler,T O 9hilughaes.7 & c o. a,„.. Frid. U. CILAILX, - —Forwarding Store bane, Hrownarnio.P Attends particularly to tho Forwarding of p n yd u , ao. &a. For any information, apply to FORSI7II & CUN CAN WY it OCUII ISAAC caus e GENERAL COMMISSION nERCMANT, FOR THE SALE OP PRODUCE & PROVISIONS, N 05.105 Lod to? SArcei ww, BAL W TIMORE, MD. Rxrco=sl—Merelutats of Pitubuzgh. %Pb o UoJ' V a.—L Co wßtt A Co. mte.-40T NOTICE TO ,6HIPPE&tt• E hays taken an office i/11011:11illtCly opposur to our bidet warehouse, Or the present, where we WE haloes. as usual, emit a now house can be erected, arnouremenw tomes already beau oracle for thatpurposa Beau will always be to mediums at oar wharf to reeelve freight 0 A BTANULTY t Co, .na Catuttlimin. Worn It WOOL. :LYMAN. REED & CO., Mumma. to lOW, Bald & C 0..) GERBAIL VAIMUS IBICUANT4 BOSTON. Panicadaz fiancesid to tne sale orNool, and Dor a! &ads tortnaanenus. sayltatsriv B•mohl• SELLERS & ice/ Save masoved to Na. za, deaf abirmstisit aid mad PITTS LAW OFFICES. WM. TIAMILIN ATTORTZT AT L ew, Pa INritalso attend to collections and all other hem- L ess maul:mad to hint in Butler and Armstrong counties, P. Baler to J. lc R. Floyd, Liberty at W. W. Wallace, do Jame. Marshall do pui s bu,k, dly Kay & 00., Wood st. ) pum7 JB. ErWEITZFIi, Attorney at Law, cal.. 3d .t., . opposite Bt. Charles . Bo el, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Owen counties, Pa. REFER TO Blackptock, 801 l &C.. Church & Carothers,l.lhttsburgh. D T. Morgan, P.13!1. EJ . HENRY, Auomoy and Commallor at Low, . Cincinnati Ohm. Collections fn Southern Ohio. and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn. sy/ranis, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, ii. 2 / 1 12 20—B011. Wm. eeu & Soo, Cards, March & Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq., W Mock & pasts. IL W. yrau.t.tacs, arm N. 11102114 AA/IELI*IUB & SINN, (successors to Lowrie and V V Anonsevs and Counsellors al Law. Wane North side of Fourth *ltem, abovoBmithislri. febl7d&wl TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law Bekewelrs tt, Building, Grant street, newly opposite the Conn House. _augS-an t. 11211 011/1101% 1. 1 13.1.. DUNLOP a SEWELL, attorney at La, Often on Smithfield, between fid and lth sta. "Cte&WARD & SWARTZWELDFIL, Attorneys a, Lam, have removed their office to the South side o' Fourth et., between Cherry Alley and Grunt street epdtf. to O. 11. ROBINSON, .Amonley at Law, h as rwe . moved his office the Exchange 131allzga, Bt. Clair R . neat Am. to Alillarrean Jnhn. atil7l, BOOK TRADE• To Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of &book Rooks, Paper, Station -11 ary, /cc, suitable fot country solo% ounons lobich ntihrpe*7"4 boa, mddium .nd eornmon o do " L W' Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slaws, Pencils, W odors, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bennatßoards, of different ql:Wittes: Blank Books, in great varietyi Family, School and Pocket lAbles; Crown, medium, and doable crown wrapping paper; Methane's Eclectic Spellers and Readers, Ray's Eclectic Arahmetica; Cobb's Printers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do - • Arithmeties, by Adams, Davis,Colbum,lli, Sloe k • ton, Emerson, and others. Geographies, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, blorms,Good ric 6, Parley , and others. Grammar, by Smith, Kirkham, "billions, Wahl, and others. For sale at low price, by J H MELLOR, 81 wood st, b doors shore 4h. The highest mutat prise paid for good mmed rags, in cash. spiel E===:= 11\ rg - ILTON'S ill.trated. Harper's near .U, edition of the Poetical works of John Milton, with a memoir, and critical remarks on hu genius and wri tings, by Jam. Montgomery, and one imitated and twenty engravings ham drawings by William Harvey. In two volumes. • • • •••• rdwavcoth Limsc Tarmourr•—The four Gospels mai Acta of the Apmil in Greek, aria. English notes, pinloseprocal, es, and egegencal; maps, isulex.4 etc.. together with the I.lusties and apocalypse; the whole Torsions the New Testament—lhr the me of Schools, Colleges, and Theologize! Seminaries. By Roe. J. A.Spencer, A. M. A New Norme.-blidwuninees Eva—A fath7 We of Ip.e. By Mn S. C. Hall. Jens' HLOU IY.—The life at Henry the Fourth, Meg of France and Navarre, By G. P. FL James. Complete to four pus, paper; 2 vols. cloth. For sale by JOHNSTON lc srocrroN, rand Booksellers, corner of market and 3,2 sat PLANETARY a STELLAR WORLDS.—A pope- Ita expiation of the great daseirrenes and thew nes of modem munnoury, by 0 M Mitchell, s st, th• rector of the Cincinnati Otieverasoor. Manley's Italy. A:in and Rhine —l.etters frnm lia'y the Alps and the Rhine, by J T Headley, author tif N•• polcon and h. Maralialls, Wastangton and his Gener als., &c. New and revised edition. Stamina of Cool —The Geographical and Geologi cal disuOCUOLS of Mineral Combuotitles or Raul fuel, including also, notices and localities of the various Mineral hiturrinuous salritances empl oy ed In ass and manufacture. illuotrattal by Maps and Diagrams; ae. compained by nearly 400 mitioneal tables, and Wm., alyaes of mineral eontbi.ubles, &C; Preparedby Wes Crowling J.tmer toed a few copies Meech of tbe above works —for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, jye Bookaellera, ear market A b sta. 10 - MAILLY azaDir PORP113111.1C•T10/ /I by J. A. b. U. P. JA-NitZ, maw and valuable Waits—. Dartiphan's Erpeditunn—Conlairom . isketsh of axe life of Col. A. N. Dotuphan; the vi nest of Nevi Mehl Gen. Kenruey's ()wetland Exp. non to Call. WLlontpßvtt Care avant. tne Nat's., and unparalleled March straro Clubnehaa oral Durango. and the OpulGions of GenWe at San. Fe, with . Map Elngravutia by Mtn T Hughes. A n dap let geriment of MO/1101111 Cavalry is Hlwoiy of Kentucky—la Antiquities and Natural ChidWidnes; Geographical St:writes] and Geological descriptions with sneadowe of Pioneers Life, and more than one hundred Biographical Sketches of cluninguish. ed Pioneers, Soldiers, Statessinin, Junsts, Lawyers, Di. vines, Ac.; illustrated with forty engravings; by LAW. Coniah t vol. octavo. The Tarelre Months' Volunteer. or Journal of • Pr,- vale in the Tennessee Regiment of SVILII7, In the of Mezteo, dorms luie-117,e,m a./ so =Ale llateh of the Reptnent to V era Cruz, desaription of the Connuy passed over, manners, co. uems, he. of the people; Sketches of Cat:Viet ne corms of 511 the tenons etcher Voltnneet rents, and • fall History of the Maxie. War, Lies ~0 gal led and Wounded, he; Mountain:l by • large somber of concert rawvn end plans; by Geo. C. Punter, I toluene dee 70 Wow kW., outwear Fouata aan Disarms Acilat (PIM aubseriilera have just opened, at the above J, mad. a large stock WWl:Brew entities soled and plain white andblua WOW; and Loner Paper, coin inertial and packet post Flat Cap, dewy and median, wrung papers, for blank books; medium and royal to- Bored Pritung Papers, medium, dewy and cap Day Book• and Ledger., sapenor paper and best bakers brain; School Books afall kinds, stanitard novas In Theology and Beieuessi gulls, gold and steel Pens, Wafers, Wax, Bill Ales, So. ke. Blank Books el all sizes rated to pauem, and hound in the moat substantial manner. Country lactobania sup ped li at lowest wholesale pri. cos for cask, ...ay as pric JOB PRlNTlNti.—Having a Job office incorrect= with ow es:at/Whine., wean prepared to execute all orders for plain and Intl Printing—hooka, pamphlets. cimalara, business cards, 011 is abiding, do-, with des patch and at low peke. ELLIOTT!, ENDIASH, owl Di wood et, between 4th and diamond alley. AT OUR s and z:"E may on . htllet strea tiara l 7e No between wee e n stock of Theolopeal and hltseellsneow Boots. New books received so soon ma published, and sold at low- • • • _ est pewee. The publloshons of t h e AMAInCIIt dozday &hall Union Lod !de:each/nous Bebush School 80. tell, atolls on hood. Candres &entailed on aft phesuzo. 13T3 ELLI & MULISH, BO marked es,termenn 3d aro! Ith HOBART'S BUT 'e ANALOGY—Hobaree ne strewed Melton Bottees Analegy anteligion, Ns mai and Revealed, m the eonsutation and canine of us i are „arith notes. Men, Cranfurdi gusedone for ea. eminence; rented and adapted to the tue of whoa* by Chart. E. West, Prinerpat t llenger's Intimme, t. the city of New York. ANTHOWS DE IMNECTISTE, DE ANICITIAA ke.—The de deneettne, de Amiens.; Paradoze, and Soannema Pnipions orees sun the LAN or Att.., tg . Cornelius Nepos, with Notch Critical and rgl i i47BPRINO CboNo 4. BUO hn I- 1. -Zietiptlen of the Seasons, Scenery, Ram Life, and Country Amuse. meats, by Thomas Minim with as illasuatlems A NOVEL 85 MARAYAIT—Toe Children of the Netsrailli=LßlLMtar Laurel Water, by D. P. E. Junes. Thesbove works undyed tWa dsy, and for sale by JOHNSTON k STOCZTON, *WS Booksellers, Co.. market and 3d eta lay BW WORKS,—Vanity Pair, • leave'ithout • Hero: by William Makepeace Thacke w ry—with 'Rearm:lions by the tuttior. 'the Tomo! of Wildtell HMI: by Acton Bell, author Wateeting HeighLu The Yowl dehotdotistrets: by Joseph Alden, D. D Part 0, of Harpers . Lll.trated edition of the Arrabiian Nights , Butertamments. New trenslauon, lee reading, rank explanatory notes: :MN! Lane, Nen. Lood.' Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of nam esn and sighs and langema for every ten teconds of Quedrata, with other natal tables: by Elias Loomis, A. M., Prot Matareaucs and Natural Philosophy to the Univenilty of New York, author of • -Trent., on 44g ra , lso. h b e abort, works received tins day arid for sale by JOHNSTON es STOCKTON, El_ Booksellers, <or maks& and tld ste New Publications. LI 'STORY OE CONtsithStS BtograPhical and 11 pr heal, comprising memoirs of the members of the tougress of tha : 1.1 Wheeler. Illustrated by 'tomato. noel porualte, ac. he. Vol. I, MIST °. The Writings of C. M. Clay; Inetudbm speeches and addresses, with stool pomade: Edited by H tireely. I v l l V " h v' l Spw in California By Edwin Bryant. ' Barnes: Notes, Vol. Hi, on James, Peter, John and Luke. Charms and Counter-Ch e, arms: BY MI. bilotosh, ato Mar ot . T ..o seem and to b" -Conti...," kr. he. 111. y (hover, a Domestic Temperance Tole: By C. Burdett. Kings and Queens, or Life in the Palace, consisting of tusuancal sketehn of lata and reigning sovereig.: By J. 0. C. Abbott. A Ytrst Book In Spenish, or • practical introduction to the study of the Spanish Language: By J. Salkeld. The Dying Bolen and other tale.: By Rev. Do. Alden Just ree'd try B. HOPKINS, Apollo 131,111thop, (lb cl ltlisecosoor to J: 1.. flood) _ _ N Erowlloo., of the p Lif uip e i4 of by Clo ci.viitw mwall i s by pnos lT , li v en u tiley Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony; Lemons 011 Shakspeare, 2 yols, Pant of Lite, or Sketches of the Way la Glory and Immonality, Footsteps of Alesstah; The Convent, by author of School Girl In France; Now and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, 013 Parables and Iktiraclea, Ireland a WEICOOIO to lila Stranger ; Heaven upon bar* Hawkston, a tale of and for England: 2 vols. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, PAO 78 wood and 26 morsel ton EW BOOKB—Just removed from die publisher, and for sales the Methodist Book Store, Ith .t, neat Wood. 'Tappers Proverbial Philosophy, in three ivies of bisollog; • beautiful book for • present. preparation for the PelpiL notch.* of 6011nOnS on tha Parables and Miracles Christ' by the author of the Palen Cyolopodie—doo amebas, • Eksuth Pulp* eection of ser• mons by the toms mamas living divines of raglan& ldtamfolta Vouk—DoLog Good, amain SG thou ea, imam atodniku.. not 'ITRGH, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1848. COPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PAILTIFERSHIP. T ociebt & KENNEDY base this day associated with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Otegg, The style of Arts will here after I. Logan, Wilson es Co. This arrangement me den it desirable to close the old business us soon passible. All parsons whose liabilities have metered, are eepecially requested to make tmesinbate payment. PiltsburAh, Jen I. 1849. OGAN, WILSON & CO3---Iminnters and LWholesale Dealers in Porehrn end'Ountestie Hard nre, CuUery, Saddlery, ac., ILD. Wood street, Now burgblare now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sc., to offer very real lnducemeuts to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices wah any of the Atlantic cities. Al to on hand an extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, via: Shovels, Epodes, Forks., lbw, Vices, Sc.. all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's prices taut ~v 7.•:+~~:1:4 Tail . ... ..... A THE subscr hers having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal agher, Waif , & litliller,frw the purpose of carrying on the Bell arid Brass Founding and Gm null% business in all its branches, have taken the stand formerly oecu pied by H. Gallagher, No. lOC Front street, between N Taxi and Smithfield stn., where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Brain Outings, of every dee-nptioo, and (tar Patinas with neatness end des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, B. A. LONG, P. 11. AM LE.FL N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is Invited to our Imo-attraction metal, for a reduced price, which bar been pronounced superior to Babbit's by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are al o requested to call and ex amine our superior double betion Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic tire. =23 biasolutton 1 1n R:r7;:t1Pn g ", c7n a :„` h ,.ll:.`T,:.l on the lot inst. The business will ba closed at the old stand by etcher of us, using the name of the fine to that purpose. being desirous to have .r closed with aa little delay as poseable. we would setitilly request those indebted to er.:l and .011 k their accounts. JOHN D. INVCOILD, Patti IL D KIND Co-Partmerahlp. JOHN D M'CORD baying amomated with him kus brother James 111'Cord, under the style of lll`Cord & Co, will comma the kiat, Cap and Fur busineu In all its venous branches, wholesale and retail, ut the old stand, some, of Wood and nth streets, where they witch a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old kn. JOHN Li M'CORD JAMES S. M'OORD. IN retiring from Me old and well known firm of M'Cord dri King. I most respected" reeommend to the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. M'cord h. Co. 1a29 11. D KIND. rrTr THE eopartnerstup heretutore ansaung between the subscribers, under the style ni Iluahfisla & Hoe, eireed this day by !mutation. The buomess of the Erns task bo routed by /WWII & Hoe. J D. N1'611.1.. S H. BUSIIFIELD, WALTER C. It PtUshorgh, July 19. Le In. COP). RTNERSHIP . - The undersigned .nu conhaue the Wholesale Oro- ry and Cournateston [tomes., ender the ft= of Sl.(ittl d Roe, at then . old stand, No. IU/ Utterly street. /AM 1.1 o. ALTER C twE. Having sold my' interest in the firm of Allllll. Dash. field et Roe to my tortuer partners, hFlitlits. iloe, I take pleasure on recoommudttut them to ray fronds and the putdie. B. 131'1411F1F.1.D. 04.Partne inhlis . Motive. 1.? W. STEPHE_NS of Wheetutg, K F Shertaterger ofJuntans, and J A Pm:Nekton of Pittsburgh. have Mt+ day entered mum eo-partnershtp amler style sad firm of htteratens, Shoenberger a Co., as the Anchor Iron marks, Wheeltnr. Va . for Um puns.. of Matta factsartme icon and netts of e, cry &seriph... M. R&M.. 1. t. 111{Ortlttu Mt. 1 a IttOCITOII. ST~PIIK s. SLICIENISKILOSIL ar. CO. mommaza .• . 11.4, A IS . -) not. aptoegs end .Le. Ikto; coo. netted with ,oennerFor , old Jontato work, we c. oder an Artie. of Itttti *brooded ethoeedeetgorl otlual aoy ututZe .! 1) All of wturh DD auto at the rt,••btir oh I, %V At chouse of the wOrtaroener of M. Lroe and \Valet aLe any 11 lISSOLVTI( N—Thr patutetatup ha/inn° eV.- If en, under the Ir al4 seat of lte v> htntno ft 1).1. tell, II thin dal .u.. _.led hr grottos.) conennt. John Dol. ten havtng diaposr tn enota tore .t to IL teVyht mart The boat)), OS tho tete hent senled Lj Whitman. who ea nathor»,l to ow Me narno of toe laze brat kw toot pu-pow 11 WIIIIII7 , OAN aptAll3w j,u 1 i 171 .1 DAL/F.ld- Sub.eTtlar, t. non pr-earrd to saanatartur efl tunas of Corson and Wrancu Niar14.11“..: s, at the Uterine; Caere Orders In at B Wtahuttatt • kaatrie Shop, ear ner Lawny and War= starts, artlt meet anth pr atenna. wIL.IIT3I.A.N, Leanak et. between Fainted and Seminal stay eptt2Odly _A Ilekhatty nay. OTICE—Jame. M. lturehle44 bag au akteragt WWI 11 Dry Goods Hamar.. conduetnt In the name co , the con,er of Fourth a..:d Vi argot prate. burgh, evanne,,,,,,g Fet. 4. 1.41 4.4”11f the previa ew .1 In- co...tut-1..4 L“alr I,lncr My le of Mar!. IS II MURPHY m Nouns haat , .. t Is %,„/ day saaamated ortth rum Joh. IL .111.haer, that • oher Ouatheas veal hereafter oI Conducted under the firm 01 Wm. Young 11. Co. YOUNG, mnS !NO II MEDICAL. Jwytweat klnpecterasha. Mnutu ....a . Apt lA, 1•41 I) JA YNE-I' , u :ua.--1 feel boom, to yob JIJ , awl Me alkliet.4 punt., to &vat, mywifof thm op. portmaty of gtvutg put tatty to the ~.z.oftituar) effect. of your r-opecsorauf on m 3 wit Ilaatnat been arSwied for wyeral years with a weere mewoh, bee. fart,' aml its conconotant dweases. and seemed only doomed to Imger out • Mort bat nrwera-We existence. atoll the fail of &KM. want., betna more eeverety stuneSed end harm, re.ortell t,, all mmootmer retw.l • 3 sr npoone of two of the st resi. We neighborbowl wAtbout denvt... t r coma:M..3on of ouretutng bat a I VIIC. • 111 farthert—artiets no. last steam of hope sru at of entomb. I hail recommended to me )our Kapectorant &Oa 1101. tkISLK who Itoc• all thongs in the ass of the means—and miult•ty to the •specistions of my phystetans and friends. I sras it • few days tamed nom my [med., and was enalomit by me ow of • bottle. to attend to my bouness. ctqcry oor store Inner health than had for ten years at presto.. Rs•peetfully 'vs, ie., 10 Erns.. For miel'amburet. at the Pekin Tea biota 72 fourth s tree t naran.V FAmatartocs.. U. L. Fmtamoch,legukburil.. 0. W Fs..nrroc. Wholesale Drag •tore la the City of Near York. . rrillE undersigned are e memil sell engaged In the Wbolemic thug moon , . at No 49 lotti mom. to Use cuy of New on, and are prepared to supply Drugpso and country Merchants an Wage, l'aino, Ots, - Dyeatulls, Fore rot end American Pe funiery, Mender, Weaver le Mender's Ctsnucula. lot their own Importation, and an other amens L. Mew /toe ot nomi nees, of asuperior quality as low a. they con he , purs chased In Una or any <morn city New York, Febl6 S. A. FARNESTOCK t C 0... --- Maieher . s Chrome Green. po PAINTERS, HUM/ NIAKEKS, die—We, the undersqgned, Punters and Mind Mazer, al the city of New York, have used and tested. and are now none a new ankle of Chrome Skeen, mann:emoted by boo. K. Maretim, of this city, and hod it to swath wed, pro- Moog a fine brilliant Paris Omen appearance, with a very superior body, sod recommend it to our brethren to the trade as in every parucular the best Chnnue (Steen we have ever used. New York, June t, Signed by n 4 firms of practical punnets of the city el New York. This khequalled chrome Omen may be bad of K. E. SELL.M.S, No 57 Wood street, who has the ezelusive agemy for Resale in I... Mores. snerl3 A ITlnas Bel of Tooth toe AO Comte. 117IIITE TEl:l'4l, FOUL BREAM, MEALTIII UUM&—Yetloee and unhealthy teeth, sifter mica or twine gleaned with Jones' Amber i moth Pale, Lave the appearance of the mom imam/MI ionly i and al the same Mon ills so perfectly innocent and en minutely fine, Mat to comitaut daily one is highly ad. vantageom, even to those teeth that are tu • good con dition, going them a beautiful polish nue preveuung a premature decoy. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming WOrser—c` also fastens such as are be- Munn loose, and by per woll reader the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de liciously sweet Sold by lA N. JACKSON, ell Labeny martS IL A. rAunisawroo •' 8 V' ILMIP AFEW weeks whee,oue of my chddren, aged about five years, was unwell for several days, and the ss Increased so alarmingly that I hatred death woald be the result. Hering beanie. the good <INC. of Pahnestock's Veradfuge when administered to the children of my noghbots, and thinking my ctald might have °roma, from same of the symptom*, I gave a one and a half teampootifuls of the V ermauge, and to my great alltolll4lMClll It almost imeradiately duel:verged between il3d 11111 i WO large worms. Pas health was soon restored, and it is now remarkably well Previous to taking the Vermauge, the worms would oceaslonady rue di as throat, and I often feared it would the from strangulation. JAS. DAWSON. Tionesta, Venting° co, Pa., April 3, '4n , spl3 r o. ilEß.E.—Read the followtog certificate: NlConkaddra3a, Ohio, play U, In S. This is to certify that my latar daughter was aillated with worms, and that I tried several remedies, so cal led, without arty apparent effect. tieing allorrned by the agent in Was place of the success of Sellers' Vernd. Alp, I was induced to give it a trial. After giving a few doses, according daccuous, my daughter w relieved. I have no at:motion in gang it myop i a ton, that Sellers' Vernatfuge is Me hest CXIII.III, hIATTIILW !LEY. Prepared and sold by It. E. Setters, No. 57 Weal Sold also by Dr. Cassel, 6th IVard, D. At Curry, Alla , ghmiy, and Wm..J. Swath, Temponmeeville. ;y3 Popular, Scones's BELLEKS' FAMILY MEDICINKS . Coot Serino, Jefferson Co, Pa, Mmch 1, 1040. lit Et It a SELLERS--I have nearly sold ell the Va. JAIL mintge and Coogh Syrup yea sent am Your Vet reuthge Is whiteout exception the hest ever offered in thi neighborhood, having proved good wherever used.— The Cough Symp and Laver Pulls have also given sat. isfuction Y our obit servt. J scurr, Prepsund and sold by a a SKIAXES, 67 Wood st. 4 sold by Dr Cassel, 6th Ward; D M Curry, Allegheny, & W .1 Temperimemeille, mord LEIDY'S CELE:SKATED ITCH AND TETralt OINT.MIINT is the most effectual remedy before the public for the cure of setter, itch, dry and wintery pimples of t h e Mee, neck end body, softly crupuons, and all other dooms. or the skin. This thlottnent It wouranied free from mercury, is perlectiy sere. and )be used at all tunes and under all 1 . 11 r VI/161.21... A fresh supply of remed this valuable y eceived mil for sale by 11 A FAENESTOCK & Co, comes of Ist and wood; else, corner of Oth and srood street*. tiolal - WfaiDs AND INFANTS.—Witaney's M- X row Root Knelt Powder, a &limnna and highly nutritious (cad, which never turns acid on the stomach, and is now umvornaloy recommended by the faculty in preference to Cruel, Sago, Tapioca, or plain Allow ROM, re better suited to the detillitated stomach of E in valtd. and 6 more szeingtlimung audwrlesomo food for i an ts. Far sale by IL • aL t,, LM it kill undersigned having been sppounk for dos we of Barektardi tr. Co's swoon. La._ will keep conslandy an hand a lamps supply,whick day will (smash to dealers at the lowast mutat Klee fel dials }CID_ J KIDD HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL LIOIIT BTREF.T BALTIMORE 1000 ♦aa rirrrevroa, IILDPITZI9I3. 2THIS esuibliahment long and widely known as being one of the moat commodious in the city of Baltimore, het recently undergone very exten sive alterations and Improvement'. An enure new wing ha. been added, containing noinereue and airy alceping apartment', and extensive bathing rwms , l department has also bees completely reoii.ii and hued up in a most unique and beam. fel style. In fact The whole arrangement of the Houw has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprieties. limeade the comfort and pleasure 01 their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Unita. Their table will always be supplied with every sub: stand and lenity which the market atfords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, he., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their assistant', to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and tlie public generally. The prices for board have al>n been reduced to the fallowing rates: Ladles' Ordina ry, 81,75 per day. Gentlemen , . 1,50 N. a—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found in the Car and Steamboat landings, which will mintwy baggage to and from the Hotel, free of oharin_ EXCHANGE HOTEL. COLT= Or PADEN airo al. can PlTrwir RAU, pa. 2 The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Publiegenerally, that he will be at all times prepared to accoutres:slam them in all things desirable in a well regubsted Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no paimi will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very_ best Hotels In the country. The undersigned respectful) solicita a continuance of the very liberal patronage e House has Leretofore PeCeWed. THONLAS OWSTON, febPdtf Propr clue TUROVICRIORTOWS GALT H.0178E, LOCO{ I. aADIS TlMOCiiiattVN begs to acquaint his i friends that he is again lesime of the GALT HOGS°, Louisville, 14., where he hopes to meet all his old friends, assuring them and the public, that no elicort shall be spared to make all comfortable who taco boo Prlalthar . Elyoll/10 , pin I Idt y_ - ----'-- — UN fridD litATikili -- 1-10 --- T - Isill,-- planet TOCHTII AAD 1/1,1,1m. nIi POSITE late Bank of the Unsted State., Plot& M. POPE MITCHELL. markt( Proprietor lIISCE LLANEO US. NEW COACH FACTORY, ‘II.3IIIIXT Ttr,IITTE, BROOKS h Co., 'would respectfully to• ; form the public. that they have emoted a shop on Lae k. between Federal end Sauttusky street, They are loy mak to.; end are prepued to receive orders or e•et doseripuen of vehicler, Coaches, Chariot e. Un- Tor es, Ituggies, Proctons, 3e.. Ike, which front their long erperience in the manufacture of threnbove work, and die meth.* they have. they feel confident they an. enabled to do work on th e most rensonabie terms won W wanting arucle in their hoc. Play mg parLediar nommen to the or lecuon mat, nals and havorg none bur competent workmen. they have. no heititation m ararrantine their work We therefore ask the attention of the public to this inciter 1k B. Repairing done in the beet manner, ins. tow tht most reasonable ert _ _ . J., it Stockholders, take Notice. TStoeSltoolcrs su tbe Itntgrooghent ttdal , oll Conapant hereby notified and required to pat to Mt. James Ha 111,, milton. the Trearm rer of the r mtquo y. the •ttro of Ten per cent on each •haer ot . their stock. on ni belle the 12th day of July nest and • lUrlllet Waal of Tea per Cant on or beiore the Idth doY 01 Au rust peat. The stockholders wtil aka , take notice. that tea antaetti Os the collection oil the per cca per snonrl,. on tnstalment • Idto punctually mud, tylncL. ii found necessary, Will Le enforced By order ol the Boartl ALEX PLUNIKIL Prem. 1 4 Our._ ryee'y. ,el-1 WtATVIIIEB k JEWELRY—Jost ?...erred at No TT 6 Market mean 10 Ilicklo Lever NVrdebee, db do dertadharl do, 6do Lepone; Id Sneer Poirot Lever de, el db detached do, 6do Ledo.. do, Is Gend trurnrd Choate, heat quality. AI.. a Rood aeaordoent of Brevet Poe.. For Rings Finn, Rum,. Gold Pell. and pencil* T:er ste,e goods hare been netted eeda the mei Lee Weeks. and end net 'old at raduccd I'r• tonsoatelantg to parehase a good and dneao %Vete, would do wed to call prevmue to ottrehaeinv 410 YE TI LAIN AIN4FI' ILORGIA I , :ANKINS, at —NV Q Murp a) 1,...,4 1,7 in • tear O•Ts received an innilitionn , •uppi) o: Langdale Nnnkine. fold sty., fine Weather! Deiii•. comp>, do, unbleached do. hoe Lao, 11.11 k 111.14 Lint,* 'very kuor,) IS Wt. Caketn Ifelee. roi do, Raper Carn , .nca, Ac . at tu , . h. ruturr 104 and Mark, .trert• 1:r Room. up •trur. =II==1:1 11 1 p,, Is to , c ‘ c y ru . ry toot t h lturzr . .. r .::-;+ .r t . .ut m t . ,a o : „ .:r , 1 „ ; ÷ IMO ea to • son el nun.. some gel eo , ear. old. two WI, ata d although the amount ma, appear WI gel I have. no daub! but 41, wax upward. ol rwo , 111.411MMISI urtucas unagetl fora tuna torikaurtog tottion• loaner of an /nen to rwo inches ',toot L. IV 11111.1.11: N Rare. ' , rat Carrol ro T-: n, lac -^, I-1 , ../l Leeching, Cupping and Illectiluth,. r: LI NORRIS. ..thtere... ,, r to NI It 1 , -thr..• ..- ~M.\ oIS rata rtreet, betwerc ldt and and 6,3- ftel m. :l } Ten kerne. rseetreO moot., y—aoes,daave . , Reference, the phis/thane of Ihttsbargu. A.,- gtteuti rind Ilumingl. 1 loaf cher:MILO r oomnd m the pity •,01/, (am ilJevaral all my former friend• and patron.. Mr Ii II fiords so too., thorougto) to - 0.5 n t - • nes. and worthy of patronage mat-Z.4.1y -• • liatiolactorad Tobacco. 4S HT& ba.ry & Ito,•tr. • •upe,lor •weet 5 do SI A nat.., lu bide Price & Harwood , • do du do Ib 1 , 5 do do Pcom h Ilarwood 14 do -I Rot,ll,xoo 57 hid* do • SI do do Wrn thoroon A 9 T nabCp 37 do 0 And... 51 do L f D . 5.1c • • 5 do R bacon'. do (Weld( /oat landing front 111.11.1301' and ?ache's, ant tor •a:e BLCKNOR k. 41 norm water •nd In north wharves. Phdadelpata . . M;4II.I.',FACTVIIED o alone & Soul surtenor .acct IL luny. 5 half bls Weboter Old sup,, liar 'Seer 15r lump. 34 Lawrence I.niner Oerary & FL, s-er • 3.5 bt, 4u • Dupont ide Is Bore, S. • 1 4 McLeod Irs Lawrence I..ottier sao Is plug Jam landing from montane, and or rale by 111..ALIt. IICOIiNOII. la Co, 41 N water in and Id N wharvea. or 31 Phoadelphia. I=l DA PER-1000 'Straw Wrapping Popov, ail sue, 41a1 Maass rated Lop Wrtung Paper, . 300 s . ruled and plan letter der equalmeg. 1013 ° Flat Cap, • tt.o nicdtion Tea Paper. 130 Rion orhste and blue k solute Bonnet WU ream. Mandl. Envelope Paper. 00 Hardware Paper, post ree,l and (or aala low by REYNOLDS & myldgna corns r peon end trusto Sc ‘l A n N v U e, F te l7T to l lbu ß eg E s D na T t ) ra U n ' d C e C .7 —, r l ol , . " -7. ' .. "!,d, : , z:: ,-. mesas (rem manufacturer. of Richmond and 1.1 nee 41.04 2 _1 , FM...0 will be gold so the trade at redueed rase 73 bi. Lamarune DO do John Rooter 5.: hill do Henry & James la, Oa and (sg. 31 do 1. James 6 do R . It. Warwtek cs, u do J M. Sdeward be and eg 17 do Jame. Mullion Sae LY WATERMAN aggl :11 demur and 02 tront D1L , 1717. J. IKADMIRA, Dentist. OFFICE on Smithfield street. nd door 4P-47."-- north of Third street. Ur nitineirk rr• speethally tendon citizen. Me professional se - ""'""'"' edges to the tizens of Pittsburgh. Alr l'l47e7arndete—'' \ Do .1 , 1, Dr. P Fahoestock - ; Urr. Hobert Simpson; James Craft, Key Wttliam Thorn; Mn Beth Weaver iWin SHIPS. PATENT IILOCKR. T I 1 11% Ship.' Paton { e r. t. 1 34: e t, " A: 71 ' t " :p7e ' d ' Um trade. Ala complete setts of Blocks, adapted to •estels of any capnelly, pot op and lorsrendett to no, port of the Un,on , withaut delay and at the lowest pn coo. Lair'slUlll YYTAS for sale in tioannues to son poryhasere Utit.) W STAPLES. syekillindlearTilcs 3k Utirlttig Shp, Now York . _ Potent Soda Ash. 44 CASKS Jae. Almapnau &Soles broods, pod Ise& Log Irma 'deluder Northern Lasko, and lot tale by W ft N MlTtliEl.rlll-I}.. myt9 MO liberty at ISnspratt's Pataat Soda Ash 1 : la b al ; ng !rum North Carol, nod (ur W b. M 160 lawny otreet \VNSEAD'S SAILSAPA.H.II.I.A—ZPJ b.ra Cl Wu 1e rent spring and summer medical°, Ws tiny rra'a and tam sale wholesale and retail, by ••, • • . It E SEL.L. EELS 15 —A. R. E. b. is Dr. Townsend's ou I y agent ler Ptliaburgh, the genuine article may alws7 s be land at No 07 Mood street myla DVITONS Full LADIES' DREASSES, of the follow. .17! nag kmds, vit.-0111k graduated leaf onto buttons, llrundenbourgh do, Esuntisel do, Casultan do. Tune; mad Drop do, Non nod 'gain do, together weal white and col`taLtuen. (or sale at F 11 EATON a. Co', My 17 Triton:nog Storey 11/ market at ttLkeLliat bos Kosull's llotensuit's 5s lump rebuceo; 15 do klyers's do do do; 10 do Ira Hurt. du dodo' an do Myer's lb do do; 25 do I.:lndef.' hour) dew 54 plug; le e asss, MI dwarf boles 31 yer's supertur Aromatic do; Coll do, 40 do do Thom.' Nectar Genf do, utst received and for .ale by Jet& MILLER tr. RICKETSON LOI Corn ttruras; 4 cask: Put Asb; stl dos 1..” J Tow Yarn; lUD Um klossw.: 112 . N. 1 soap , su do star Candles; 15 do Pant Fluds, :At latils ass d No 4 Loaf Sugar; foe sale by Myl3 EN01•11. 1 11 ,k BENNETT Co-P - artssoisidi kaaLD HUCKNOR tc. co. have ussousted with them In theirTobaceo and COSTIIIIiOIOII hUNIII,III. ,rd Heald. (late of Jacob Iloald A Co. Baltimore Duval C. Met:autumn, and John A. V 1 urner. my 15 (.1 11•1:1) NI ANTAL' RIBBONS—Au assortment of hlk , oni cord Mut. rod Satin Ribbons, opened ye•'tr ;old offered low lay the piece, or wholesale rooms of K MURPHY, Jrat northeut con Ith and market st. :al story BACON-10 hllds yellow asusreased la du Bide% I do Shoulders, all of pruao qualdy. /00 SELLERS lc NIEOLS DAB AND PRIME PORK-10 bbl. Mean Park; a 111, do Rims do; for sale by NIP SELLERS A NICOLA gua and for gala r/Lux ACLD-4 lbs, of a superior quality, re calved by n BRAUN & UTEAII BOAT INTERMIT FOR BALK One hall 0 of the tins 113P11161 Wyommg bra on aeoem modatinir tombs. Fa! particalara .qat B b. W HAVIAIIGH t Sr pa Wont sad.hona ELLANEOUS. :osßF£i i/jrmwm. _ . LIIPPRNOOTT At: B t&aFis (Late J S Strickler & Co) MANTI MT VARERP of Phernix fire proof safest south side, second strain, between Wood sod SuothfieW Pittsburgh. J S Strickler baring deceased and the .arriving partner Mr. Jos Lippencotk associated himself with Mr. C Bart, the business will hereafter be conducted under the style of Lippe.- con Eton. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—Wei, the undentign ed were present at the tooting of one of J S groggier & Co's improved Phoenix fireivrinf safes. The safe placed to a furnace on the nubile landing, and robjeeted the intense heat eta stone cod fire for more titan three hours. In one hour and a half the safe eater to bright red heat; the iloor of the furnace wits then closed, which caused an increased .d steady heat Coo the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted otfi the furnace was then thrown doves and the safe cooled and opened. The many, pup., and winch it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the tanks being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have uo hesitation in recommending it to the public 1111 n 2 niperior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand ony heat which might he produced, acept n heat which world melt it to a solid mass. Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett, Benj. Dotter, W P Breese., ',Monts Smith, T 9 Dung. & Co. Stedman, Mayan' & Co, Wm Manse, Mead & Winstor. We, the undertagned. selected the safe spoken of above. Irma a lot m the store of Truber & Aubery,the Agents , C G SPRINGER, S J ICPLLOG. Refer to Cook k horny. Brokers, Pitubtin3ht Iluatey Hanna & Co, do do Jte,ad&wlyS tie. LIPPANCOTT, MUM D _ 1. IL MADD.C., LIPPRIMGOTT m. CO. AT A NUFAC I URITLS of hammered and Cast Steel I. Shovels and Spades, Axes and hatchets, Mill, X Cut. Oracular and On Saws. hay anti ?datums Forks, Hoes, :Buttocks, Picks, fee.. having completed all their arrangements In the construction of new machinery, and its securing the best workmen from the moat cele- Matted establishments of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles. having eroded themselves of the latest Im and matartal a the provements. nd are anti determined ex that in work- y not be oelled. They promote to produce arrives equal, if not superior, to any that can be had at the Eas . They invite the atten tion of dealers In an examination of their stork before purchasing elsewhere.. they are convinced that they man he able to fill all orders to their line to tho entire satisfacoon of purchaser. Warehouse, Water 4 doors West Mottoognhela Hausa, Piasbn r j s Po. N Lt.—Persons having Mutates. with V, to. Lippen real & Son WI please call on Lippencott & Co. ociPtlty =lllll Pltt•burgb i'uniltareWare Roams, 'C., 711110 reamer. „aToA lam and splendid rialor.ent of Furni ture, minable far Stearoboam.llolllo and pit sale dseUmga, constantly on hand Ind made lo order. The proem .rack on blend cannot be exceeded by any manol:,etory to the western country. P•raona w.htne to purelmae would do well to gore ma a cull, ea I :on deterto.ned my pnces please. Yuri of the stork co!oust• o •ofaa won thoth end lion-cloth cavort; dor ?inhneal.y Name (vain, 14 on, Dean.; 12 due h a o nooiforany Chain; lbfoult.nrog.oly \lurk itato:si , t tho‘ Inot.ogany flocking t, Lain; lb -oari,le top Dr-=ring LtUrCI., •-• rut Mo.mane: top Work eltunde, le cater) tA of. Nlll./16i, Ntehogatt) itap, t:Jerr), nod Poplar ktedsteads of oil eel a!ar.te ne.eouto•ot = 0 .... 0 Corolla, an • too nomeroaa ownuon. nvoini I.Alry}v -- . :, 1 1 ;SZ I :PAI Li Tlll - :1 ore oat •wure aragallltldy nnurtouaa It la IC the alLio*.ow r 01,C, bow rough, how %allow. yel. tow 101 l unneri..hy the trot appeal% after pr par pared chalk' Ile.ider trijurious. containing a large nu aunty of lead , e have prepared a beaanfai •rartable artmle. which we en., JUNES' SPAN L 11: murk:. it perreet, ~..eept, being pa Ahead of dcleterion , atin•die•. Linpartt p akta a natural, healthy alaba•t, r.irtne white, at the same time acting a• r. coailielar ,hetaaan nlaYing It 11011 land anloolal. I/. Janie.. A.,der,ori. Pt:let/ea: Cucrotia of Mnata ritu.,,, .ays• . .Aner anal, xand Jone , Spanish Lily , hod it poi..eeeea the matt boaanfor and Mild. ra..•qoe. ~,, it.t white I ever ikaw I eer r,.5 irioee rerommend it• tree to ail I • It -,Lit,ert) .1 marl) . _ Pitt Machin. WeDrisand Flotry. ‘l 421,11 T ere prepared to bai;il Cotton 3.11 i ‘l,,torev Cl reel. deerrsphoil.•oeb ~ p oviing Frames. ,peedere Ora +.l, Frain. • Ktoway dead, Warpert,,pooters. I • Ia rd Utoidera. he, Wrought ;:..• 1 . : • :• • 11,1,1, und -r• La:e, to. And hand Lathee, ot every deeeripttoti nr.t•e.Var,en. Made to order for te,. r u l'ipe for heat. ..ash arid Taney CAI, , <• re, :I, orders .elt at the Warehouse of J. l'eLtarr & Co 1-Itert} 'tr.,. here prompt alien- K.., le I.l,ack ato..k. Mel; d J K. kleorche2.ll & aro..r Jonn Itu.:l o ..b.rKh U. a l l II , V ir.nl9 Olvt M prang. Axle, Steel mad Iron Worlra. MEM Ow/tag eouipo•ted prepa•ed uinanuiPt u and Kllptie zkprt‘op, Wi.n.r. Spring and Plrolzh ••• r,unre and roond Iron. oa .it•rrat /elms, at dint mute . •orr, ...acre they also keep On a••nr , mein of Coach • I , rot oar. Mo.;•••hie Castings. 4,, a • the n 0.,. C II S tl. a., ruade errast,inents with Moatn. Ihis t so ,Y 1,1 ~10% ..mpadea, Forks. o on band every aruele by thrtn 9,witer. are reapertioily eot.ieited to a. meet a .1 tt.llll. 1 4 /A 1, mode hb.eral. ,y 2.5 .14.1nbr11 Sl'4 nIVW KI.L. corner of 11 God sod t,l .0 . Ptustntrych Hay ing w td radn MAU the firm 0I . _ Ilb amer I,A ‘%oodwe.l. ou J.c Ist Cl January, 134:,1 mse pleasure atmminenm lo Ibmnds V,e rily and country. that I bare ray my new abbe mve named rimer m purchased mystore goads for rash. and inane surer with manaleeturera rn my, ilMrupc to 41 constantly supplied, I yrepated ,rnisn Hardware of all kinds, lb 3 . good term. am) Cs 1,1,1 11.4 any hon. linst or er hams and are respertfully invited in AL, LOW i'lunitke my meek. nelore purebemtim else. wherelnc bk ••,..prise• a purl of his stock :Mrs rr 4110 u.“O w are. Fun .1U141:1114S. Nayor •te-l. e,m. edge tool, a vile, vi at. Imicae• sclthes m bi d etw, i hi, scre Fa ce, r. inabes. saws. mmiocan, In nee innl• and veneers. and 5.1 omer articies canner tell with the namiveare haat. mehlltf 1101:1. b.-g. it cu tolurtn ciuzeos of Piot • th•t hc 4n•mien the DztAmer- nr Pa, ...tared that ell theintprovemesas art stru t., and Ns.. tat twouant into °pontoon by Mr. Hoge, who has^ ..atst.sni opwretor since Um art w. are: th.coverrd Jai sausf.cuott is guaruureed who my ,trorne cu pat Mr H. will refer won pi curare to Mr Porter. to whose establiehreent he opnggwn, the loot twelve months. Family Par ..., Ertgrevags. Daguerreotypes, de., accurately cop..' La, ...CI 1...11 us any weather, and set to toecu, breast pots cases and tram° .. Ins t. p,.rn UI ever) branch of the art, tatul apar pinatas iurtorherl tethtf '1 bit V A Mamm 1 . Cr. 00 Mareci st. have recetverl eases of cheep proved is end Olustrts, e cases ot French ao, 01 tiro vattet al rule. 10 crows ol goal style Wog - cant, 4 do, tww •t) w Iron.. 4 do Woe and onstage wdo Nen,. d wwillas. Also caw. la.a fled. Woven am I lalta , Cotaonadrw, Clock, t , w;nalns, 4r aka- . ell aaa wharta wall be offered al the aawrnkl , waatrna wttowwtaac I.r. 112,.2.1 _ - - Pe no Ma< Mao Shop. \ Ili —MU .macturer ni atl ktoda otal. ~ ton 0, 00....11 111,0 .0 lcry, mt), l'a I above ork• butt,: nom and am veutul op. ,allOl. I am preporril to onl,r, wok Mapalc lor all kmd• Omachtnerr m•orh as wlllowa, kr. rok, *prowlers, CAP,. artndma 0111,0111, railways,, tog tram., thro , ,,ots, boom, wumon r doul,:e or .10. 1,., merchant or vountry work, 0 , 14 and tools in gen r.,l. All Lou , *an ftl, 01/10e to order, or plans or Ge.arnm 11,0100, • or 11,1111,1 at reaaosmblo rhor,re It[. ILVAIII,IS, 111.011. a. CO., rilacketoek. Del/ I 0 , k, l ' t & • AA , in• A Way. AXD BRASS FOUNDRY. A I , and Wilts Fouuder, Gm re -1.11,1 cottuue,,ced I..iness to a.l old .and, wh,re sre plemed LO ROC ill. old cu... r. t karat, menonm.u. and Ikuis at ever) . mze. from 10 0 10,11/ 1 1 000 , 11. C.s.i 11010 puuerus ut the moat approv ed mmlci, and wart auted ,e at Me hest 1111111.10-111. .11,teral cater l'unrirrt.Cuurrters. he, tar— witn cryr tirry vat oh of lira.. ire,rtitip, 11 trquirntl 'Ls& aarl binaerl in neairrmi &pruner. , 01C. 1000 prrrp taa ririt, 10aar lif .IaTI-Arrel errortautcrl tor We reduction 0 01. 1 000 10 arid . .:oiripositiat rrrr h tri trim .11 ri,t trine. al IL_ Plough 6, Plough Cek•iiiiii.TWiii-on Et= notasti. tiALL, ul the old him ul et. r, maoulac- Luting iurgr quanto tte of ruu,lls.l . tuugh 12.lnovt, Wttg• 011. it.. tolvrovrotrtinn or the Leaver I'rtt stn.l ether Houghs. of the latest and beAtllu ,uvr 100 1,. Kreet. l'atehuruh, opposite Mort 1!? A:.rght.iny city, near the k "Ito Fnelur, Muck...wk. Beh & Co. dr -.y W • &;.. J. , Hook Illnller• \r ‘ 0 "t r:{3 ," : ' ; ; I ' l ' . " 117:1 . 1; Zll7, 1: 10 .2 Ml} Ni 00.. 111 .11 . Lula with dre tallh I ...ur tt prr•onalty, and xa.- Fl,en I.‘ Trvant to It. netttnr4.l and du kbt,lty Itirom P.ookr , ruirit to an)'pltttern anal I , oultd ft/Iti.‘ll) it. numbers ur old hooks t,ound c ore tu ii) urrr pe ed :snow. , put ort Lucke to gilt 1et4.1.k. I ho.- iOl Vi,Jl to our like are witted to call. l'r,c,tsukT:ll3l Suatdy amd 1k - ff W c owe .Itoleop tlte *otuly and flare. Canal ate O.IICII that alecttou for us/orig.. , of ...111 0)114,1111Y tetll be holden on Wettne. nny, th, c oh tiny of August next, at the Canal Office, in New 1.1.b0n, t IWO, between the hoar. of la :t1 . nod t o'cluek, I'. A 1... to sent day. I nOsTETVER, fruit) )4 es I' C Co Cast and {G foughtlran . /tailing. ! " . " o c „ " l ' ::.74l " :% P i . :37:7e d „! " :::::; " trtto u n nit .7l u Xt Itnihug. Craleturtsr.. Chu. enc. A, a.. A. 1.1010:i A A KNOX. 1.1"41; on, Allepcuy only To Contractors and Builder.. 1; UU iAI.K very luw, to reuse We ~urtucti of into finuutt;o Lwow, of cupanor tonputicturo. Apply to CONSTA ULF. BC aICE &Co., 1d Id dun nom wood JUST NEC El V Eli—A large ad splendid assortment 01 dkolLe, % and for rasa LY L ILLIAaIe, MOOOOOl 'railer, niyo yollor Muisotkozeln lloa.o. aumbfiew at 1)10 IRON—WO tufo. l/too Yana., Hot Slam 4 Per all loos brootlyti /13111.11.0, t Ma. CO. Y.) Hal Was lot saleby kIUSISHIDUE, WILSON & Co, • )W miler it HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS PAIMIONAIitEI HATS. ciaTHE subscriber, in addition to his °mul c t nmuutacturing of Hats, b. made arrange menu With Messrs Beets & (the mtist fashionable batten of the city of New Tork,t for a reg ally supply of his extra' hoe Silk Hata, and havit,• just received a few rases, gentleas. , can be suited u.itb a •cry rich and beautifu‘hat by rotting at Ksot and Cap Store, Smithj.eld stmet, se td door snoth H Fourth. where rm. be Mond assent vartetysit Hatt and Caps of hts own manufacture, wholesale add re tail. Hots made to order on abort non.. aarel JAMES WILSON. 31 , 001LD R. jit(Successors to AECOnI 2c King) lal b S'ashloststtlo 121•ttera,t Corner of Wood and Fifth Stmts. PARTICULAR attention paid to ourßetail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hatsand Caps from our establishment of the itarr suerawas and SVORKILVI6II37, of the t.a trmer immas,.4 MO Lon'as• CM= cite and nem it will not seer in o. comparison anth Ulu house in Philaxleiphit Ceol7 - - - A L Sall Farhtostir for 1848. 11o0ORDIL CO., ...wrz & [ INC) EILL introduce on Saturday',Akuritt Oth. the Fall style of ilinta,Jnet received from Now York. ine in want of a neat and ibeannfill hat, are invited io nail at their Store. earner of Fifth and Wood streets. angtit . are --- STRAW GOODS DEALERS invited to (moraine R H. PALMER'S snick of Straw Goods, of the spring stylg _composed in part of BONNETS—Florence Braid; Eriglishpon stable do; American do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French hoce; Fancy Gimp, Ac. &c. HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Faro* Straw, do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, &e. Straw Bon. net Warehouse, 05 market st. markS A A_LDRED D. KILEVIL. f lik b CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in Pittsburgh. Principal Store, 75 Foorth street. hiandsteturing and accommodation Stidre, er ner of Wood sweet and Virgin lasi. 'Highest prices always paid (or shipping Furs. s.' M 64 LITERA This Ilhunkarat Magazine. BE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, nod State Pittanein T . Regtster, devoted to the dissemination pi Bank Stattaties. sound principle. of Banking, utility and prin ciples of Life !swanned and Savings Banks, English and American Law DeeisioSs in reference to the busi ness of Banks and Bankers. /cc. Edited by .1. Smith Homan, Paruculsr attention will lie given as heretofore to the compilation of recent decisions respeating Banks, Bro.' kers, Mils of Exchange, Promientry Notes, Usury ; Bonds, Notaries. Damages. &e., in the Courts of Ma. suhusett., Connecticat, New York, PcnnitYlstmmi Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Louninna, Tennessee, and other States. This will he one of tt e most important features of the work. and will to itself claim the attention of Presidents, C”hierss Tellers, Notaries and others. Among other details Of import ance to bankers and others. the work will contain eta. italics of the Banks in every State of the Union; bio graphical sketches or prominent Bankers of Europe and America; Official Tables shosnog the debts, busi ness, expendintres, and financial condition of the seven rat ;States of the Union. Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, at Three /Dol lars per swum. ELLIOTT ENGLISH, 7S Wood st. sugl Agents for Bankers , bfigartne. Baker & Scribner'. Publientions. TE subscnbers having been appointed agents (or thela of the publications of the above well known pu wi bltshing house. have • full supply of their tacks on hood, which they can sell at the eastern pro wholesale nod rent° Among the works whichhaves. e been erecting issued by them, which have been highly recommended. exceedingly interesting and valuable. may he found—The Czar, h. Court mod Rea pie, Irett.nd's Welcome to the Stranger Bethel Flag, by Dr Spring', Napoleon and his Marshals; Winstaing ion nod his Dewitt., The Sacred lileuntainr, Orators of Fence 'reaching a Science, the teacher an A runt, Charlotte Elizabeth's Chaerin Works; T. S. Arthur's blaking Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping up Appearance.. Debt. and Creditor, kc. Also. toe works 1,0117 the .press ol Winer, the rase.... of whose publican°. in well kifoira. 'run ren ne's Theology, vol., Haldane on Romans; :dn. Chet nes worts. The Conn"), by author of (lid in Pro:ice, he Itr. New books received la soon as as puinstied (fI.LIUTF tr. FN IS 11, unTh 71 wood tad matket so- EW 11.00ES—Ilistory of Congresi—BiOgraphical and Polincal. Nlemoircof sleinherc of 'ta e Congress of rho Colsmi•Nuttes. thaws from nutben tic iientmeig embracing the eventli of Mem tom-. and 01 , li connection with the politica' history of the times: by 'Gory G. Wheeler. Illitstraled by 00- sUrrou...-ci porircuts and Ice-mile autographs. King. and Queciiii. or I.lie 13 si int- Palace—convicting of liisioriced Sketche• of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Lou. Philippe, Ferdinand bf Austria, Nicholas, Isabel la 11, Leopold, and Vieton, by John S C Abbott. Barnes Notes on Jumba. Peter, John and Jude.— Some, elplimatory and practical. on the general apt. des of Jame, Peter. John and Jude: by Abort Hanle, Mari Grover. or. the Trusting Wife —a, flomesut Prem. tuner re, hp Chnr.c. Mirdeti, author of the Harold, the Loa, 0( 1., omen King, by Sir Edward flulwer Lytton, Burl Complete in two pans. Part V Liarpees 'nonrated Ediuon of Or Arabian Ntghts• Kano , . lmmo, The chime work, receive , ' thin any. and for stein:by JhiIiNSTON & SIOCKTON, 1-In Bookseller, rot Market and Ains IV tVriungs of Cassius iiilarerllus LI Clay. ineluding rrpeec bee lad Addresses ridged. (Hill o prenme and rueinotr, by Horace tireely. The First Book 11l tf-pnitisb, or, a practical introduc tion to the study of Me Spminil. Language: containing full instructions to pronunciation, a grammar, exorm es on me ()Hendon( method of constant imitation and repetition, reading le and a vocabniary The whole adapted for Me use of private learners, or for enuses under an obstructor . By Joseph Salkeld, A. U.. author of "A Compendium of Classical . . Brothers and Sisters, a tale of dorbestie by Frederik a Bremer. Translated froth the Original nu pu bloated runt crept. by 'Mary lionoit. The L)) tog Rohm. vtd other tales. By Joseph Alden. D D Just received worth,. sale by )V2/ JOlChet s t>rocn'rl l RIEMMMEISI • • • The I . oWer of the Paint, or plan t - -ughts addressed to ettrtsurm 111111 Intent. and tno.e art boar them, on the undue of a preached Gospel, by . Rev. GardinerGardin er 'wrung, nee D D The Peasant and klln Landlor V by tan Baroness Knorruta Trashed by Muy ticrarttt. Lamartraes Utrondists, Vol. lU. khan/ of the Gt• fOnalst, or personal memoir of the patriots° the French lie vutuuoth from unpubbshed sources—by A. de La marune . . A leve copies of each of the above works received this day add for sale by 1031-NSTON Bookvillers. doKki comer market and 3d as DOOitk ROOKS!!—Lectnre• on Theology. by th late lira. John Dick, D. D.; pnoluthen ander tly topenntendenee, of his nt. with • blographseal nU thaehon by an American e.t..or—compiete tn one Vol Dwight's Theology. 4 111, /Award's Works. 4 vols. Cn aurae& Works, 4 vols. antler's Chorea History. let and tAI v.; s: APkturen on tU. rypea of Craw, W.. pub Also, a large and well selected stock orTheologie Nliseellsurous, turd Sclool Hooks, tor vale low b) Ei.t.tcrrr a ENGLISH, au 24 7a wood and SG market t\T EW MUSIC—Oh tiosannah; Rosa Loci What mast a Fatty Dream be; The Watch et, due.. Ilona:aro llaneei Wee ;looms; Hormone ntl's 0110i111,11 Melodies, 6 Nos; Idie is but .Sr;sie Tn. Ore am is Past, The Moantam !nail:mon, Sleep nig I drehmett, Love; Agana., tone Itstep; Bayeaux time astep: May ljueetl,complete; quaier Hill Spring alts; /away Lluds Songs, Alvan.. Quickstep; I've Kenton to Le Sail, Ethiopian Airs, emotions, /loins • 1.-isurei S Iph Quadth lee, by Ilunteri Kale (I'6ll In Lind to Loch other; 111 be no Submissive eived try Ilvpreen and Inc sale by augn4 J 11 NI ELI.OII, opal ON band and (or sale, the following 101911 Piano Forte, direct trout the manufac turers, raid at Easteru pricer No. 1. An elegant rorewood, ran oc tavea t teat fronted Piano Forte, utaile by Chiakering, itortnn, Ptl73 ]O•1.. Poore or the above, 275 OIJ litanna taken in part payment for any of lb tore. by JOHN H. E.I.LOH, el Rood et. State A pant for Clackeraiebt Piano Fortes, for He es in Pratte) , Hama. angel Bple!adild New Plano,. fil Tub; suloartbsr,provsous to leaving for Urn Edon to replenish his stuck. wtll dtspos• of the balance of Ins stock on hand at reduced prices, and on favors me term.. It cons.tu of a choice solocUon of rooms made by Sonata Se Clark, N. 1., and Jonas Cruckertug. on BoolOn, Mao., of Irons 0 lo 7 oclavoo, al rosevrosal and mahogany, °I Odomu styles and price.. _ _ f t EN: ZACHARY TA) LOH--Portrast of Geo. Z 'Feylor, by N Cod.: motor the iniructlinte super- Inteveture sod &ream.. the uudcrngued officer., teem on original sketch taken Iron life, at Camargo. by Csptuni Eaton, ADC. U Navy, George A Weal', A George Nicall Unit Topographical Eigtnecri flurry' lager soil, U S Navy JOIINSTON A SfIARKTON, eon and market sit 0 FRB'S SONGS—Watch Iho will by Daylight, Widow Mech.-co, Rory fr Wore, lodisit Summer. ...peg the Derr. Gondolier how; The Too Sad.. Ftury Boy: Ask rue not what I em Thinking; Beaked Can Sly Mother be.; odo not say I love thee Forgive, but dou'l Forget, 'rho Ceameliou. noti Angela Whisper; "tinning Drrang Sweet !sat. vv. 1 oung and eoplei The Northland for 31e. Molly Yawn For tale by JOHN 11 AIF iLIAMSeaI , r w rt . JUNr PUBLISHED—An tilustran t of the T)pes. Ailcgorto. and Proplace.c. o t Tenn... Coy Wtthass ot the el at nundre. the above popular work, which treats of the Typical Persons Thing% old HOC. of the Old 1....1uent, wlnrll 61111 been Got of print .r spine mm • t Whlcl.l.llCna been 1. great dons., ha• republished neat snle—rtai pages, a too. Puce 50 vent.. k.1.-I.lurFl• O IAN t:L.ISn, augll ye wood and market et . . _ Po eon by LI TH.F.IAH,,wiI)LJ;I — o,, Lte r til ot te .„A ric Or, end hi. Marshals,. - .The doer. AbaaniainEa and hu G „,,,,,, vg 1e,t to. etc. Received this day and for sale by A./kr:Y.5l'ON & STOCKTos, . Je9 Ilookeellers, cot motet and ad sta ritANCS,--Out l o oo of the Hhtdry dr France, fro.. the earliest mass to the finvolutiort .shoal. 0.04 fesetisca—with natnerout engravings, so. ...ins for the VllMlnaliol3 of pspilo. 024 JolitisioN & STOCKTON fIOKNTINO HOUSE SAND — ay 4111 stare an , ‘,./ ferule by ,anipti ,RE.YNOLIivt SLUM DRY & VARIETY GOODS. ran. Tilt XXI" 10. stn MILMILLAMIL ALCCT/03.. — UT F. are now opening a fine .took of hash Swoon Vl' Goods, direct from the New York and Philadel phia Auctions, where they been been pnrchased with. in the tut two weeks. ate very gnat filltlifibe. Ihrmn by enabling us to offer far better bargalna than we ease ever lee before In calling the artentiemof the cititen• of Pittsburgh and its vicinity to oar unit. moult. we do oo with the confidence Of OUT prices being such 1. trill ensure perfeet sainthedrun ted mall bay. en. either by wholesale or remit, a fine ehtnce is now offered for procuring great bargains. Among Mow just received are— A lot of very cheap colkt and blkk. wird Silkls t and dark Lamm aim • of emu fine bib fig'd and wiped Barer, which are a Ter - great barman. Ajot ol'handmree Core Pally", for ladin dresses; do light colored and black Bongo, very the do new stylesilk Vesting do very handsome Itarege fihawls; do very cheep elk do do do hoe bib silk Mantilla Searle; do handsome Parasol, and Parmoletn do Artifielif Myren: do verrehezp Linen Lmtrew A LSP—A fines le of euper.Fmrtelt Olotheang aimens, white and colored Lien Drillings, Cashiner , ens, Summer Comintern, Map 4' t.he, An' fee. A large woortment or Prints of all pleas; 'nekton Cheeks, Mashes, he., to which, as well as other uti elea in oar line, we invite thli i tAcial 'tendon of cash buyers. AMYX a DaY, 015 75 markets*, NW em.of the dllaiond • • CO hi AKKET ST, HETWBEN THIRD tr. FOURTH. EIN° desirous or reducing their meek previous to B the commencement orthe Pall Trade, will offer then! extensive and Pasluonable assortment fbr a few weeks. as greatly reduced prices. Autimpt their a. 1.0111:1CIII may he Found excellent styles Of &m, ese Tissues, Grenadines, Palmyrinines, Pell d'Chleve, Dress Silks, Lawns and Muelins, An. Ike, all of winch am reduced ht price fully one thud. Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and com prises ev known style. AlfewemUtused erapessni Shawl. just received will be wild extremely low. d eases real Scotch Gingham, will be sold at 1.24 era„ usual price 25 cents, good &mash Calicoes tOm Amer. tcan do es low as and de; wrought Dollars 15ej has de Lobes Isle; good Alpaeca lSlc Bonnet • • rie 12r. Merchants will alarsys find at our wholesale rooms as large and desirable an Newmann ofaoods as is usually found m eastern douses, um! at <locally low price.. Only one price, from which no deviation can be made. Jetta_ NEW PALL GOOD/. MITH A JOHNSON, 48 Market street. have just received, and will be constantly receiving through the season, from the East, a general assortment of Sta ple and Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery articles, adap ted to the fall and wittier trade, 10 which they would particonerly invite the attettUem o terehasers: A variety of Scotch Quk3idt h¢il ed do; French do plant and Gamy col Alpaehs, Milton and silk warp do, Mohan and Oriented do; I ftlicoes of every style; 25 dor linen cambric Hdklig clear lawn dal Ha rem do; cold bordor do; 5 caroms thread Laces, some ait low es la cis; 10 do cotton dm French work enwa nod colluts; do do standing dm Motueing deg crochet do; 10 cartons ladies and gents Batten Red Olaves g 5 doe ladies silk lisle thread and tattoo do; UM do do cotton Hose, all colorc 10 do do white and blk silk 50 dt, gents do; Comb., Illemens„ Threads, fers, in greed variety, which will be 'old extreme y low. . 4 .35 r R. MURPHY has opened this mormng, 00 Y V . case Umbrellas, including American and Scotch gingham, cotunt and keel frame gingham. One cue Parasols, including green satin 'cork, bib silk and browo silk, of extra sues. Also, one case bleached Drills; also, Masten ILl boos, black and colored; white Satin do . Lihen Gim bals., and Vll6otu styles of Slitilillbt Goeids, selling at reduce prices. A lot of super Manchester Giagbazna good styles, also lately received. CHEAP BONNErS—A lot of braid and other Bon nets (of last winter's shapes) selling off at from 771t0 to dl at the corner of 4th and Market Ea. MM=;=l ~, NEW and splendid variety, at - •N ZEBULONr KINSEY'S, 67 Market ' • street. -- 30 geld lever Watches; 48 silver eiretr watches, English; an Waist detached lever watch i; ti 9 silver L'Esnue watches; 2 silver quashes stitches; 1.2 hue gold chain; I dos new style ear rings; i Jor plain gold hoop rings; 6 del inserted rings, a an neal bear, playing ayanety el popular airs; Id greed noel slides, all sizes FANCY GOODS doz fine Fans, silk and paper, Si dos common Fan% 3 doz fine ye; set bead bags, new styles, tO dos fine :rote/let bead bags, new sty/e% 5 dos fine crotchet parse% new styles; :5 dos fine parasol.. snorted Stars, :ousels, fringe% gilt and savor. for regzlis% 10 dos finis dower vases, as.oned; I dos Sae steel screw pin cash on% doz fino ivory screw pin cushion% doz fine good screw pin ensbions. A fine usortonont of new roys, rec. dr.. margd JOHN KELLY & Co., isitecea4as to Robb, Wine bterter & Co.) MERCHANT TAILCHB, UM Chest out street, Plulodelpha, beg leave to oforoa tho friends ind patron. of the lota firm, and stronger. cisrtiorg thrs coy, that lbey an now to receipt of the Spring sod -hasher Fashions. Also a Choice and select micro. soca us West of Ragland and French Ciathl, Coast beres and Vesungs, to teldeh they respectfully hula :her alumnae. spttChleto )EILAI D__....aCES, &C.—Alexander it Day havesin; Open . U a beautiful satin stt tped and plaid Berates, of the 31<st qualities and newest styles, imported; also, splen tdMinn and brachia black Beragail and Pulastas, , pleadtd French Lawns, Linen Lames and (iingbaws, full assortnuat blk, plain and satin stripe de Llllll,ll tad fine Alpaecas. AU thee! goods have been purchased at the Lsum per emptory auction Wm in Now York and Philadelphia, t will be sold at a great reduction from regular ;ince. ALEXANDER A. DAY, my 4 __earner &mord and market at a„.. , HA Mad—Alexander ir. Day have received direct from the Importer an New Yana. an cation case of ,eamme Canton Crapellbawls, actniawingarcomPl.t. assortment of cmbroadered and plain armada, of all co op. mad quanues, from dfAl 'Pm ti tt n... - ,ctitilly minted to exit ne 'Oldie' gill a,' bell e ying nut e of them are ompenor to any before offered m nuara,t. They wall be sold remarkably cheap. Alan, dalk Ttatbet and Snap Shawls mad Scarfs; a ermartment, at remarkably , tow pnees awl ACC: CAPS-6 • Mason & Co, have Pen roe. 'd Jot Ludic. Lave Cope Aliso, now 'tries Chola. ,-or, Wrought Capes, Head ' bresues, Ladles Bolt; do. ) 1..11:in.T . OF C.:111:14JEZ—.2.4!) tuluou 60u,01.1 .t, ..; ),..1 AL a,e closing out a large lot of reumaatta 1 Wily half the Dualpnco--good fastco -11 I . (Lilla a. U:C. ago) '.I.;F: ANL, UR.A.,titil.•. ma[v..... ... L)LUE ANL, uR.A.,NOE PRINTS, and bl. Ale -171: manic do, constantly on band at lowest clan, at co sate room of W R 11.11.311" HY, BL EA CHED ESLlSS—A — A — niason & Mt , er ect st, have tart opened 6 more cam of 1110110 very . ,cap W llus euelmd Alua at be. Also, 4 more cases o f uc 4fe do. Also, another large lot of the remnants of az tt v. angt4 \IV I tt i a r vi rk.. ng i r ' e U c ji m e vett .. the so . le Age ' hoy for sa e le of b.o , on es a e Co. Pinto, (ham, enrol, Molar and lbschapi ,llJCS Teeny arrays ltehnus , apemat attoulienu ittEL 510lIkEtt, Ihuggtst and Apothecary, ay!? eor wood and sth ate 'C J C KL Hag lldanpa, the best as t to the rug; Steel beads, do Wag Truest do C.a. do; do Purse Wogs; do do Clasps; do Slides; do net' atolls: do fop Conan, tort rood at Mannar Fancy ,ore. Ott Market street. rapid KINSEY is KNOX PIA.NOI9 ILK IJINIP6 FILLNUL—N--Just recd ai Zabu- Ktaacy's, :No 67 Markel street. IL gut t ant.. blacil cut bas tnago r obrarualla ru•uatd pricer., oultabla for orautrllas, Sc. L . : dot yarusi litatp, W yrldrha and litres, !by cape &a , at pis agtl silk coal bradrug. arigt6l (Mk & Co Chmkerina, Manhattan Company, (211.141 Itcrso `Mama' Plano, Hers, KLEBER, At Woodwelits, et:11111rd a . XVI. NO. 30,' Ear gamma. a+xkns A. A. MASON & CO, ir stock of dark gra. Me Satin Parasols and •lettes, comprising rurds of SW, ofevasystits ality, will be offere dat very losoratos. Cloths, Cassimarea and Vastiorn eon, all of stall mad COllolllde. • us , knoping and domestin Goods of every descry- cor 4th nod m kirr."63 - ops--A fnu uaortmant of plain i chkcd and striped Camoriony plain and cherdJaconis, las and .torch Mull, klinrk Manlius, limner; Liaviina, spoileda t Viciona Lacirtia, Tarlatan chits, logclner wlwilt.all anaemia:Mt of Bobirionts, nulland mnnY Nona, Lanc., Eag=p, el which hare mat arrived ireati from Na m ania, nun tor anio low to ma undo, by rittIACILLEI* WHITE ACIIIN - IfiANDlSiii--We hare now on baud a lull ktonuttiacill ol • -- itorturUiacill ol ttlealuxed lotto Rubber Ma totthstK, ail widtas, outo if Caere. to L 6 mehes ottate, we will sell at Manula6turerts puce; ul cororoLe mired to we poreansos, &INGO Wood st. ttuge J a H VHILL.II.B L , ANS AT COST, BY IV kiCtikaALE RETAIL-- 1: The autumn.. being dun.. at Malang out mr ;mewl. nuek of rf =mum/ and Fancy tioodl reuumnsg . to ilea new mare, SW sell them large ..AoJ tine. ut r anu at can, tram and an. mu dam .IC u..atuneht eatupnws same nutty dufereut a.mJ a. yucca "It i Cl. 10 Si each. •••' \ kJ-—Floe Gold Ititruatuee k." Cas " es7do N do L Lete C° R V 1- - et. tor Hatt; do do kireael l'utsi du do f tt 1401101 du I . tutter ittnitet do do Guest law.; dm do Yon to Vette. and Pone; do du Bracelets add •00W tu went of tine Jewett7 wal do well to eeu vu ILS ttelore putr.nasuw. zn, t d aka' It 110*()X, market et H Murphy Uas openet further supply ut the. st ry .o,tustur brittsp Loup ukeh 41nt. 0 41 aue 6 e , s n4o, une Luilvdate Jo, and bus smut... 4 cut 6 ,0, 4 141 LasOrl weal 01 eVcr) grade of (Wanly, at los. cash pnces. 2vt•tr, Istsh laden. tor shindigs and bosoms, of puns 4,tx. a, a 1 Vet) uncap, at uartllsaist Maur 01 4th and talKtrt street. , fall _ 4 _ , tit:Ml - NOS AND @iiiRIINGS -- Alextuder Lk, ij nave just ;central Very Aupetlo( of utcacned rihceuuga, oi the most celebrated ...Ladsaatere,o( mail. qrtallties; b/taehed buccunga, 01 lur ctininien, u oko per pee. g 074 „, r _ds LAWS*, VERY CHEAP—%V H 3larpoy LA northeast comer of 4th and market as. 6a. react .,, • mile /01 el Lawry..W lyh cla pat yaid, ttle/OUI, lOrn wld t Idguer prldes.) rcurcurter tiouds rreuerally upeurug atreduced prices. HIS - - f muicE Ditais GOODS—A A alaasse .4. Co, are coutng od taw large afloat or faatitonably Urea. tuaalaet luta greater reduced price.. canauaLuus of ba re le. rt..nuea, lireerulines, Uranus., Pod de Caeae, La area talld Lud :um" max, &a. mug? chicti y ru LACE.--4011 yards deaf) , LasA, sss vti incbe. wide, for Montano Bass, noss , Nxn and b., :ale by man it ALTON & Co i♦ANSI ot.n.Letr4--A A Nauss & Co are .ow opsasny, LW Ewa Fir ash Wrougar Vap.• rtv.. goanons, and IWO Pied and lissiVraneh ern6r/s• red esandlnd Collars. at vary Sow • ones. as 7 - - to rrup. YARNS, 8.....-**01) Itel•a•onalkiaai Lia toLlea Candle t 3, ,ckt 150 do Batumi!, Campti Coimo, u, Taloa, for sala at saanufastatera pficas., aacg_i tub. crud., 30.4333,31 434 br 4,3 .arks ISAIAH DIM , / &Co (root .t C OPAL smi Vear4-600 ptllsor superior quallty, Rug& DICJCSY UNDEUE.--73 aatka Feather% 23 do pinuagi 9 toj las do; ylca Flazoaedi o ILITIVe for 11440 by atIgIN J)SIELNS—Fot We by angl7 ;WICKANCOUgagi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers