MEEK to. ale on •eeommoduing It. GRANT offers o 79 T :1 VV I XIk R P 6 ppe F r ee ' p 9) pkgs H, 0P and leo- Wl i s .i crus T M =979- retired Soo 97 do Nos 5, 7 de El liesUM 9 casks Madder,, ceroons Indi x. - 10 Ems ground reppFrA 1 casks E Salt!, VS las Hunt's Au., 3 do Holmes' Vo. 36 reams 'Tow Wrapping 130 do rimer do do, 40 dos Has unds, 41 l b . cgs =wills Rope; 41316) coo n Yarns, 3,9X1 lbs No k 2 llausnr; 63 bis Rosin Soap, 10 do. rare do; 39 bbls Rosso; 23 cub Tennant's doable =Lined Soda Asb, I 30du WM Glass. 64 do 8310 do; 169 do ins Fluks, 1.1 do p do do, Illdequart Boulez, 1130 bOb. Lime, 116 k A s Besuy , s Rifle Pur rdo Pow der Rock do; 14 belles No 24 Skeet Iron; 20 Peacock sod Patent Lases Flo • h. se •1 6 bars dais. Gi441.4 6 do Allspice, 60 mans cioniumll, 70 bis 12, 6h 6. 1 " . Tobaccoeaciocel mid malido l l 10 Imp; b ' a ' CO bbls 3 I: l° Se Mack erel, . 73 hdlit 1% 0 Save, zpaw(pore)viliit•Lead eaik Lamp Black; 26131 lbsA B, Fp and east Sceel; receiving end offer for sale SO bbl, No 3 Mackerel half bale do 'EWE subscribers am uovr j at loss raies r us hfebests Y H;lurperial, O P anddo blk 'Peas bas CO bags 166 and do I.aguira Coffee 15 bp Old GoleJsulado I.9)bas msnufseurred To. h tft, 1 1.2 Ilb and i lomp; s and Sir Sp. do .7123 outs Cassia bbl Nutmegs . 25 bags Pepper,. I canons Indigo 10 bay Natant° Clovesi. 15 libls chip'd Logrood casks bladder , IP bus No t Cborolata casks Epsom Salts 90 bbls Tanners' Oil 5 casks Lamp Oil , 15 boa Spa= Candles 43 bis White Pipes 6 casks Rice 27 bap Dairy gall 20 bbls mimed Sum 75 Nis while Brazil 81411, 'll9 boa Herm& Not 15 biz Bordeaux Almonds 33 " Walnuts 1 ." Filberts .30 a Tema Ord Nuts 200 bits %V R Raisins .20 cases Tomato Catsup 50 drums rip ===l 12 casks Zama Curt-ants 20 bee Shelled Ahaoada 5 cues Liqporiee MEM .75 " Firecrackers 8 " *lced Chocolue 9 cases Prunes 95 ban Lemon Syrup case preir'd (Apgar 7 gross Blacking LO,OUU Principe, Regalia Camelia and Hass. Cigars 'GUSH &BENNETT, oppltraite St attics Hotel =tl Brooms; 10 kegs Maple Soavi W keg. aged Nal* • LI Yam, candlewick, Bat- Tabs; Marcs, pint Flasks; larch; 45 do Star C 666 1 .6.0; . 6114nzi , fi x n n krit che wi ng • • and for Web s t gT . OLISH & BEISINIT, oppwite St.Charies Hotel ITNDRIES-74 dos Corn tdoloracig bis Eosin Btnw WrappinTip,r, d C. ground do th i v 4 1',16 ground 4ices of all den Tobacco; SaPPeo sial Sec.' mpprlNl and Alum; in •• EN ,a 143111 37 Wood at, TEAS -450 packages., comprising Young Hymn Teat, half easy, and cony boxes; Gunpowder do do do do imperial do do do. do Sonehong and Poaeloong, in halt chests, of 'ranoua qualities and late impostanows its store and Lor sale by _ . BA GIALEY Jr. SIWITH, aug43 18 and2o wood n T EAS-4A hLebetis snd list dr cyra b j pe . arN 00 “• Ganpowdcr, 15 a " Powehong-, Fat ula by ... - WILLIAMS,IIO wthod at a.e 10 No, 3 ...Pl.°. hlttris do":=Ttil2' bbl. 16 Obis lionse ke tn " olasies.l 6o window . glass, itsl sixes, 10 !ma best Y. IL Ten, 6do Im,menni do, 6 do Om Powder da .apt S. IL BUSRFIRLIE 011;8111. minter bleated — Whale Oil; ICOdb Sperm do bbis do !inched Wlisle do ado Omen Tarim. do 6do Spirits Trypentine; in store sod ano3l 0 BLACKBURN & Co SEINED BUCIARB-11.bas D R large L COO able 4.5, ,? add 8 'small do; MD do crashed; 180 # n poordered; in sad* and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON 5. Co, jy24 MOWS of SL..Leuis Steam Sager Refinery rbtILVERIZEDSALERATUS-4 4 bra, a very u perior article, peeked in , pound and half pound Papers, for retailing; for sale by • .1.828 • NICK A TPCANDLESS lIL;ERISINCI SALERATUS-6 casks, a very SU padorr artiels,just sec'd and Cot sale by aat23 WICK & aI'CANDLESS noas--zio b.b, lust we ' d sad for sale by 0.-A• • LBA DTWdAN, AOllO5 . 31 water and IN Croat st go - LP—ZO brs No 1 Rosin; 10 do Casale; 10 do Sts; ( . .. , 8.0. Su stow add Gsr sale by 0 BLACKBURN b. Co GFIOUND PEPPER-30 Eli ptime Gronad Pepper, for sale by toe WICK & ANDLE3B ( - SLABS PAPER-00 mama Smith's Patent Glass ur,Paper, asedsises,on hand and for gals by / KIDD Zs Co DINER'S OIL,-1100 ralle Broank's Unnzr. Oil 1...L./110SM reesdand for do by , MILLER & RICEETSON rAwrcercft.!,4 •Mppi PRODUCE --00 bx..s Cbeear 1 bbl nutter, 2 bx. Da boa; just received:on bousigament and for .ale by • 19 • MILL - ER b. RICKETSON •-0D •is ' • superior, or sale by scot I D WILLM - 118, 110 wood st IMS—W dos waned CompsZbl , sot MS DRY APPLES-60 bbLs Dry 4pples, a goodattic! just receives' muffin sale by it Vir-BARBAUGH sc* • the pre, • r gale • angr3l S. V VON BONlikl. EST fr. Co Whave just reeetved a carefully . selected . melt al saaf . aemred Tobseeo, of choice brands, which vra are °Tenn low, emulating of Pound, Fives Lame, Fula Span Ei&s, Twelves sold Thitty-Toros. ang3o ArGILL & ROE SUAJRAW Phis iege , N C T z 6 a ► V - 4 1E . Edo Mar : a 4313 , WILL & ROE 10 CO • 100—..1011blrs,ser Unian hPGILL t ROB I'OMIITE&S-40 ball cheats, just received. angao - 11VGILL & ROE GymPPLIZt-O) tip la assorted (Jr rt Apples, and tor ode by au_ 8& W HARRAUGH AA/ OOL WANTED—RMCK)Ibe Common 'rub TY Wool wente4 for which the bletest attaket • • ea twill be paid by ang3O & F 0 r METAL. -- 9 ANTIOVITIZA I rr br ans3l 35 front at • S ODA ASH—LI czks double refined So a A d ak . ; Warranted equal to any the city. For gala by . • snarl C H GRANT. 41 amour on piT6IEBS-10 sacks for rayai , a}my o. • , TIOTABEI—dessIts just ree'd and for side by WICK & IWCANDLES.a9 au4r2s 4, ? : Q&LAII OLL-12 baskets fresh, just reel and for nab, 0 hy HA F . /OINK:0H & CO, corner Ist Arid mood us • irtassie—mo umem reed mad for sale, by %.1 mag2il • B A FARNENTOCK &Co sotZ) B .S. PAIBIEBTOCK le. Co EAD-750 plgsbf Lead, for see by aura IA3ItM DALZELL PiaETAL-0 um Cumberland Kiser Pig Mud, In stars sad Or sale by JAMES DALTELL r. sac col, or • y , or, 29• J A B DALZELL AGS-9 sacks country mixed Rags, for sal. by nog g DALZELL CHEESE—Mu Cheat% fa n reed sad for sale • ang29 & WCANDLEN3 :R-12 awake W R Obeese, Jura reed and for We by •ugA WICK & WCANDLESS Olt rm .Rr ••••-•-•••• T A.RD—S kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, just ree'd sal for L sate by • aug2i WICK M'CANDLFSS F.A.THER.S.4OO lb. prima Kentucky Featlmrs, for sale by asps virtcK & CANDI P:894 . M RENV-A cocatoodkot• tttree story Brick F Warchousb, on al atom- Possession even lame &zloty.. For terms apply to , 23 ' C B GRANT It valor at - A ELYLE , SFILEICH REVOLUTION—The French Itnichnion—A Hisiary: b 1 Thome Car . I. two wohnnee--cioth. For ealea cirm JOHNSTON e rropecco—ao - Ins In Hunt fa *lnn miring from canal sad DAI S by • • .24 • JAMES ZELL., macKrav-3.-100 DEL - No 3 filaeksrel, Immud - Inktoro and for by 3A-MES D . F EATHERS -10 bap Faailien, for sate by • JAMES DALEELL j GUMP/LUX LIME-onnantly on band and 1. .14 . _sala by • sairla C H GRANT fot sale by 111) - 0 rigl4 ~9 ; bb~ CCIALkW..-4trenstp Orem Rio, in awn sod for We to earatgareeta, 8 & W HARBAUGII G LASS -VI bit Erik and ItTiii—WbWriinaii, Jut reed per ll= Loutsfor salt by 8 & HA f o r salt MI6 .62611 .116 I 5, 6 of male bi tag! WICK & WCANLILIN-4 DEPPER474 bap on hand, and for sale wII.GBANTry low by saga 0 InAO now on dm ISAIAH DICKEY fr. T b y 011 0 -13OriOardes toot, jum ree'd and &muds 14 by .9[14 J KIDD SC° etOFTED:-TiFlko• prooxio 'di - li'iii 4..1 10 do old Gov. Java; an sale by . ITTi=nild J D WILLIAMS S" --A pi( bblaelailifietl;: Oda cooked tedrou voidzed; 25 do availed Loot for . 1 . 1 . , ' 4 7 , axial J D WILLI A .."- S 17, -... - - - b.l. Purcenus 6 do Pepper; I bid goers; 2 P 05125 6e5 5 ases Mustard, assorted Sloes 60 PAW Cassia; keg M c ate; ground Splets in great variety; for Mk , 16g2l DWILLIA.M lopeco'" gn .1100 u bltaon stare an • • Ws by TASSEY•HEST' EARL.ASH—bnelbs, a prime amen', In store and Y for *O. by : . 0 121 TaSSEV & HEST ne'd and rot s;a . la bx Ey Ben C o b mn r, • , c 1 p.lstm bLl :Ccu e lr C astle . b i ; anil39 . 13 a W mutt:Alma • • ARTINII Ot ITARS-4 supply of fdardn's eel*. LILL baled Spanieo Gilligan, pat reed mad for sale try es;l9 JO/H,iH HELLO!, Ea wood et A LUM -.20 lg." A lap p i gidi , i i ead to! errii ., angle . - fl wood at ST - CEH-CO bags': Seedf 21i btdo Clover dug fOr taleby one FLQYD BID EP-10 cadre clear Sidee,jurt reed cod e by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, 1114 Meaty er OlL—Warranted • • • • m4lB J fiCki ~~ :min•-~-+,iwxllta~ rH-4.97 bbl. No 3 Mackerel. (INN GO half do No d0,154/4 511 do do No 9 do do; join recd and for by aogBs MILLER & RICKCISON ICE--"tigen! rime IdUalli4elland DOMAN CEMENT —6 tibia for sato by .11.110 sagil .11F VON BONNUOTOFF kco COMMERCI A i RE4 ORD. I PORT OF-PITTSRCR6H IME :LEM Ban I San risen i seta. sci 6 711 L - 6- 6 20 6 34 723 621 6a 631 19 631 D4l 7;16 6 03 10 47 31 6 29 II 94 51 6 If - morn. 3 •Idnday , 4 hlawlay, 5 Tim Lay, a Wednesday, ESA PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER. ,• "mar* HANNA. WH. 8A.8.X101- . Chines Pirrataisoii Chrerra. t Friday Morning, Sept 8, ISt& The market yesterday was, if any thing a Mile more lively in the way of general sales to the trade, without however any material change In prices. The weather was cool and pleasant !or out door business. FLOUR—Receipts were very tilbt, ana prices show , a farther advance. Sales from store in dray load lots are effected at 4,83055 st bbl, mostly at the latter figure. Eales on the wharf of 300 bbls at 4 , 5 00: 04 ,83, and 50 bbls at 1,67 ip bbl. RYE FLOlTR—MOderste sales from first hands at 2,75, and from store at $3 p bbl. CORN MEAL—Very little is coming is at pre seat;'nnd prices are altogether nominal. Limited satestroni store at 405103 e I be. PIitQVISIONS--Tbe supplies df Bacon are becoming extremely limited, and Sumer prices are fully g l aiethined, with some disposition to a further advance. We knoarone large house whose sop plicaltre almost entirely cleared out, while none of the dealers are fully supplied. Sales of city cured ehonklers in small lots by hhd at 45, of sides at 4 t.„ (dull) and hams at Glerle p ID. Sales of vesture cared at 4ailic Sr shoulders, 4 1(i145 for sides, and flit for hams. Limited sales of lard at 8187 e as in quality. Butter is quiet with limited salea , in kegs at 9le yt lit Sales of W R Cheese at 58858, and of a fine quality of cream cheese at eligric IP Th. GROCERIES—We find no changes in prices— Of I 4 0 sugar, we note sales of 28 Kilda att sc, 90 dayst of 8 hhds at sc, cash, and of several other small lots at 60 days. Of molasses, prices re main, very firm, with regular sales at 28e sor which is the present ruling figure of the market.— Sales of Rio collee in limited lots to the trade at 71,4380, according to quality. Sales of rice by the tierce at kaSic p 11 FISH alesof No 3 mackerel at 6,25 by the lot, and 6,50 by single bbl. Sales of tackled her ring lil $6 p bbl. Of other kinds the market is al most entirely bare. BRAN AND SHORtS—Sales of the former from store at 9010 c. and of the latter, a common article, at 1210 Y bu. SOAP—Sales of city manufactured valiegated at 10S, and of rosin at 61 I{c p CANDLES—SaIes of star at 21, of mould at toisaa, and of dipped at 9c p th. Manson' &rum—Captains Carson and Cry sup:are engaged in budding a huge and fine steam• boat at the shipyard of Messrs. French et Co., ler kreonville. She — is tmo hundred and sixty feet tone, thirty-three ket beam, and eight ket hold.— The machinery of the Talmo is to be maul on her. Sho promises to be one of the finest betas on the river, and is to be called the '•Ocean queen:— (Lfinis. Joan lima—The Brady'. Bead Iron Company. which has for several yearn distributed immense some among fermata, mechanics, and labor. a, in our county, we understand era about carmulin g its ha ziness operations, and several hundred he Ids have been discharged. This company has bet in enga ged principally In making railroad iron, but since enr martens have become overstocked with the Cireign article, at poses less than 0 can be made fur here, under the “bleaed" free trade tariff of 1816, the demand has, ion measure, cease d, and taus crippled the operations of Shia, as of every other iron company in the country.-IKma nning Free Plea. : luntna Con. Itecum—Prom the following ex tract of a letter dated Pekin, (III.) Aug. ceDth, it wit be seen that Mineral walls growing into a a ant le of paramount importance In thnt aecOon "I take the liberty of requeatiol[ you to use you influence to induce to come to thin country, floe ten or twenty good coal miners—they will meet with ready employment. The prior given here for digging coal is 2lc per bushel; veins 41 feet .thick. I think the price would induce some good bands to come. All kinds of laborers are r mach ;iyanted. Send one hundred bands, and all will get good and constant employment. A large conl market has opened at, elnenito. Some 40 be zka are already in operation." COPT= Srsnirrics—The following Astern eel am ogae cons. us ed annually in the United Suites, from 1821 to 1841, end the amount of duty which accrued .on the mime hum 1821 to 1832, together with trio rot e of duty per pound on its equivalent ad vat ;rem during the years which the article war subj set to duty on importation. Years sod- moms come. 211. Quantity. V aloe. IDs 11 ,656,063 S 2 ,402,311 ... 18,505,1 71 3 ,899,042 ... 16.437,145 ' 1333.5.420 ... 20,791,069 2;51 3,950 1.995,592 2,110.535 ... 28,354,197 2,1 39,691 ... 39,1 56,733 3,695,241 ... 33,049,695 3,052,020 ... 39,363 697 3,180479 ... 75700,751 5,135,1 39 .... 36,471,241 2,516,1 20 ... 75.057,906. 7,522,610 ... 44,346,505 4,4 73,937 ... 91,753,002 9,351,659 ... 77,617,3,00 7,667,611 ... 16,014,071 , 7.335,506 . . . 82,872,633 7,039010 ... 99,872,517 9,006,965 ... 66,297,161 7.615,624 ....109,200,247 4 9 E g ,5 , 913 ....107,33,567 8,44 1,150 *Sept- 30 1821 r 823 1824 ..... 1827 1528 1829 1831 1832 1833......... I 1834 1838.... 1537 -• • ..... 1838.... 1839 1840 1841 9 months end ing Jane 30, Year ending June 30, 1844 1845 1848 Yearn end lag Sept- 30 1821. • .. , 1827 1829 1830 1831 1&32 Gaitle Markets. Bahimore, Sept. IL—Cattle—Pores are k shade highm to day. The offering. at the scales a mount ed to 800 head, of witich 550 were Odd, 200 driven Philadelphia, and 50 remain over untold. Prices ranged hom 2,2563113 ir 100 lb. °tribe luseC equal to 4,5005,75 net, and averaging 2 , 62 1 gm.. lingo--Sales of Ham are making at 5,2505,50. M = al ErDoes your hair to off, does your hair torn gray i; haral , ta it dry, or dirty, I pray! !TVs thus, you eau ma to it soft, silkrgtbd Dark and healthy, and I leaguetu as duo hour of moue' And to have this, you have licti:three ahlllinta os give For a bottle of Jones , Ho. Restorative. Reader, if you have bad hair you would really be .d Umig'd t the 1° • 01 of feet a three shilling bottle oi lors. , Coral Hair Reston kive lisa on it; it needs but oto trill Bold at au libertyo. novl9dtvot y u=iv Worms, by their I Mahon., augment the secre tion of mucus or slime the wog ., hi wh i c h , y i: so, Wet, involve Lb.... isms; aled it is mid they fend opon it, and if deprived It they die. The celebrated Verrnifee 11. PA NNE-STOCK, Pittsburgh, Pa., is admirably adao,Vd in its operanon: hest, to remove the pro Meting u nwc .s, .d secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless tender 11" in thus denuded. Ilia a remedy in w Leh every con fidence eau be placed; and that it has snmaered the purpose is manifest from the hundredscerlihrstes siren In its favor. leb lawn Cosirt.serr.—The Only remedy ever offeved to the public which van never (ailed of work Is 6 • 66, . l. when directions are followed, is Al'Lane's lr vcr snd It has now been several yeers before the pub 66 , hut been introduced in all seed°n of the 1, , hon- - Whore lilts. been used It bad the =Cerium, "boot success, and has actually driven out of use all Li 4:ice medicines. It has been triad under all the differ .4. , --e-- phases of Betted., and has been found equally elm., _ citrus in all FOf ule at the Druff Moro of u 5A1,1.1. Poplar f• I and 2in . and 4.4 attending, Rugg& J. KIDD Co, 00 Wood et I eer7, 2 sod 243 tn., and 4-4 scantling. Pine, II and u rat baud, aild grab rot.. at market prices. J. 11. MOW:AN, 2 , 0 bib Ward, bank of the river . !Sag W arehoutse. TI .11 cash paid for goal clean tags a i eo , bele rope; pre rope. wool. rage. . its CHA DWICK -.sue er, tie? peon litu,n, lir Balt Rheum, Scurry, Old Sores,rysipeles Rasher's itch, Chaps, Sore Heads, Sore Ikenrds. Pint plea Jones` Soap bused by wartyphysicians in this e,ty in caring the above, and we would not conrelenbou , iy sell unless we knew It to be ell we mate. As cosmetic, the true Jones' Soap le perhaps the only article ever knows IS et removed iinpurnies sud cleared and beautified the skin, making ti soh, clear, smooth and when as an infends. Sold by WI!. JACK SON, ES Liberty wen- mar4D Err Men never attempt to countertt it a wortithes aruelehence trainable median]. aro frequently lent se WI- T he knave who commit felts /I medicine COM.IIIIUI, eie at • crime as if It were • bank owe or the co au .19. United States. U A rahnedo - k , s Verntifogei which is the only sae and e ensue cure for worms, been etituttorleited hi many iteCtip. of the country, co id persons should be on end r guard when purchaerny -to get the genuinearticle, pr mend at Pittsburgh, P. Mar DooN'aspro a Ft al lkoaalk--If you nave, lase a twto shilltni Imola of / ones' Amber Tooth l'ase. TI as will make your breath was; wallop your wed ' Ac " — tiold al lINIUbsoVV. tylAnUss ny AHRIVEL, Louis McLane, bennett, Brownisvdle. Genesee, Hunter, Miming river. Atlantic, Parkinson. BrcrirturrWe. Skipper, Stoop. Beaver. Arena. Got]; Btaver. Star, —. Beaver. Caroline, Day. Freedom. DEPARTED. Mnonl Moon's rises. pit au es - - Louts McLane Bennett, trownsville Milton. Parkinson, Brownsville. Caroline, Day, Freedom Sapper. Stoops, Beayer. Arena, Goff, Beaver. Star, -, Beaver. The nver last evening at dusk was 2 feet 2 inches in channel, by metal mark, and falling. For Philadelphia every evening at fir o'clock, by Leech's Packets. (Ace opposite the United States Hotel. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati 10•. x. Primiender Packet via Brownirrille to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 0 A. x. and 0 r. rt. Moil Coach Line direst to Philadelphia, 9 L a. - - - and 124 r. ta. Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, a North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 .. a. Fzie and Western New York, daily, 9 A. IL North-Earterst todadelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, . as ARRIVALS AND DRFARTIIRE OF MAILS. Eastern Mad via Philadelphia, due 3 A at., closes 13 N. West'n Mail, Cinvin. & Liouniv. due 8 e. N., closes 5 A. at. South. vi.Halumore &Waal:dugton, due 8 r. r. c I's 5 a. al. North IVe•iern via Cleveland. duel° a. at., other. 9 a. to Lore and Western New York. due 8 P. sc., closes B a. ti DYSSRPSII. cured by the use of Dr. WClanels Liver Fills—No d ream, with perhaps the single ex ception of consumption, IS -SO much dreaded in the Uni ted States as dyspepsia. Originatingin a diseased state milli! liver, it aoften commanded with consuinp. non itself by the unhappy sufferer, who pine. away un til death te.enscs him from pain, yet a remedy is ...Whin the mach of nil, which will relieve all cases of the kind, and work a speedy and effectual cure. Lir Oliver &lorgan, a distinguished physician of Vir ginia. with a very extensive practice, has used there pills in ail cases of dyspepsia and in all cases with complete success. Certificates in abundance are in the hands athe proprietors of this invaluaale medicine. Lion & Co. Wood street, corner of Fourth, Pitts. burah I The Miaowing, however, from Ohio, will speak volumes to those suffering under any of those diseases which un-e from a diseased liver: Massa.. J. Fi o 4. CO : This is to certify that my wife has been afflicted (or several years with the fol lowing puns, at periods, more or less Pain it the right aide, about the edge nf the ribs. extending to the right shoulder; pain in the bark part of the head and above dm eye, accompanied by weakness. lon of ap petite, and almost constantly radioed to her bed— Since August she has used three hoses of Da. NFLsast's lava. Ptu., and I have now to state, that by the use at there pills she has Leen benefited in no ordinary de gree. (oder the providence of God she now ehjoys good health; and is able to attend to the domestic con cerns of my family. JAMES STF.WART For sale at the ding atom of J. Kidd & Co. corner of Wood and Fourth sts. aept 1171 . 111 CUIL•TZ Is strangely destructive to the ha man cuticle, for skim the sudden change from heat to cold, and the smoke causes yellow, dark, counie COll2- plexionts. 'llion it is regime that the pores oi the akin should lie kept open—that them mouths should he freed from impurity-Iw. thus the shale. Raman Phhoso.l pliers cured all diseases—they computed that more dt•e ases and unhealthy vainlett through th the owes of the skin, than why m.her outlet of the body I t If necessary. therefore. to keep the poses open--all humors are diopelled tram theslue trout the pores, when they wash with Jones' !Wien Chemical Soap. haveseen it cure the worst and oldest CILFCA of Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Old claret, Barber's Itch Sore Read, Ringworm, when every other intertwa and extents! remedy had faded—no elect rentlenag the skin white, clear and soh. though it be yellow and coarse, to won dertul--it removes Freckle, Tait, :Sunburn. llotphew, arid disfigurement of the skut—but persons must be phrticuiar nod ask for !oaks Soap—to he hod in Pittsburgh at W5l. JACK-0010'04 sign at . the Hn 1100 t, 09 Liberty at. Prtra 50 yenta novladkarlytil V o lO r Je m ll7 r tt ' t i lk d lll7l,ww t T ' o " f O th, f dtlgecsi: uve 0 bnng on malignant and unmanaget, We fevers, wb.tch often put an end to life The nontach mattt be eleuvoed these foal se rcuons. and this can most matbly accomphalted by the use of 1.1 A Vann estock's Ault-I.:thous kills, winch are a most valuable family catttarne They can be given with salety at all tunes and afford tenet In a very Siloll tune. . - cparcd and 'oldl. ti A iAtiN F,I'OCK k Co, cr 1.1 and wood, and corner 6th and wood na "That . - liter at hers, then snow, And pure us monumental alebuter All fewiales have ekiii like the above, who use Jones' Spanish Lily White It tneketb pure silowy, )et new rally white. ' , old nt , r 9 Liberty streeL lyli S-5 li.n Irk ANT—lk,fitt.P.N. I 0.1, n. N. HOLBIKEI dr. SONS, kicnanae Brokers. so. 55 Mn:krl sore. sre•r Its Pennsylvania.. Indiana. Bank of rat •• • -Par Orate B'k k 13rancne• I Exchange Bank • •• • • par S'ute cork p • • • • • .` Merck. A Stan. Bank -Par Virginia. Liks.of l'h.,s,lciptun • • •par Fletranee 03 of On. I 4: • ,,,rd Banc • • • •• • par Fanner. Ilk. e. Va• - • .• Bank of Gorrnxnwx.n •par Bk. of Inc Valley , " Chester ...Anti •• • par lik of Virgin", -• " Llelassurn Co. • • .par.lll Bk , heel .n• " Montgomery Co.. 'par; do Morgantown. • • I " Norphundoct land • purl V. IV Bank Coluoub.,, Brldge CO. • • par do W cif". rg.. • • Doylestown Bank • • • -par! do Park e . 0 ark • •-• Farrne,• I:.. Iteml.r •par . Tooneuzae. Fames.' Ilk Burks pur Ilk ,of 1. •••-e• 5 Farmers :I !Incas r• Fun S. ticr.Ll. Bk •- LCI.IC3AICI la. Ilk.• • . •pan Muller lc .. • •• • • ° 'Anne:Darer Bk. par, U • ion Ilk .• • • F. ..."•tares Bank. • --AI Missouri. Bk. ..... • •par , Stale B ollMr.souri• • 1 Bony ',burgh Bk.-- • 1 , ' Bk. of Cape Fe•r •• • • Choral, sraborg • . ...... • ;Morel , Bk.. Nevrvem . 2 Sur.c... snot , Co. Bk. 3 ,Stale i_lnr.k Le , loc.l. , • Bank, ..... • South Carolina. en • • • • • it Muld:otosvo d • • Erie• • • •• • • " Commer..., BY • ..... Ilk . ••-• 40 n. G.,or•crown •• • • 0 Farmer , and 'Rosen' Ilk of liuonDurA• • • • 0 Bank IN ay nes 0 . . ring •• I Meteha Bk ••• •• kt 1iant5........ • ,Planters & Meeha'• k ti.s•sdalc.• -• . —• I Bk. of hooch Carolina • 2 Lebow... •• • • ....... • Ffso Maryland. y om , o g -...... • 1 Barkul'd &.{) RR Sono ID York Bk I •Crunberland Bk.. A Ire % Vv.. Branch Ilk 1 grimly ........ ••.. • Relief None. —. 0 Far. Bk of Marylund• • ° M MBk Pm, .1c• " F•rmers' 51••chonfes " Cup &Count , ' .-•- Ilk Ervierlek •• rt.., 0 . Frederick Co Ilk .• —• • Stake ,•4 -.•••• Branches 1 I laserstown •• • • " M o urn pr e • so s•,, ..... . • " .Mlnen" Ilk ••• •- • •• Patapsco Ilk • Cl.otelfle•—• • Wrohlnpon Bk ..... —• 0 Marmara •• • ••—.• I% est.m.nnte I• • •• Nero Lisboa • ..... —• • ' 4O ; Michigan. Cincinnati Banks Bk. of St Clan Colombo. do. " Bk. of 11,ver irk ••• • Cireles.lle • • ". khehrgan In.. CA, • • • • Zanesville ..... —• ... 0 Fut.& Mech's Bk 5 Putnam • .. Wisconsin Terrier • Wooster ..-• •—•—• - 70.31ar.ri Fire I n.C0.51,..5ee 5 m.ssais. ---I Canada. Sandusky - All solventklank • Gesoga ••• • • • •• • • ,Bunk of Entl i and Notes Mold/Li/pen le Value. ..... . 'Napoleons ..... fro Dayton . ;Meats 2 13 if t 20 Western Reserve •—• ".Eagle, old • •• • 10 00 Franklin B'k Columbus " new •• • • • 10 DO Doubloons, Spa sash. 15 00 Lake tine• • • ..... •• " •Do. 0.1001. .... -- • 18 SO Sonora...........—.' , Sovereigns ••• • • • 483 Lancaster • •------l0 (Mine. ..... • •—• 5 00 Ham lion 1d , Fredeneksd'ors 57 80 Granville so ,Teo Thaler* • • • • • 7 EV FarmNs B'k Canton•—•s s Ten Guilders ••• • 3CO Urbana --50 !Leni•d'Ors• • •• • • 4SO Kentucky. Enchant/et. Bk of Kentucky . 'Now York i Pm Bk.o( Louisville ^ iindlarielpht• • • • • —• 5 prn Norbern Bk. Kento'ky•"'Baltimore . i.Pro Mew York—City Banks. par. Interior t 5.5,916,666 5,923,921 149,71/,520 9956,299 913,18919 5,390,532 124,336.054 7502.696 150,332,992 8,653,473 Ate ad v Duties of nuty. Du ce, us • CC 016 lee OfAMOTIEIILU & Foreign Patent JAMES GREk.NOUG /I, of the late hem of Keller k Greenough, continues the bootless of Cousulung Engineer and Patent Attorney, at Ws office in the nty of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and em ployed in making el0.11:1.111.11011•111 machinery iu the Patent Office and elsewhere, in furnishing drawings' and BiteCt6C•tiolle of =chin., and all papers IMMO.. ry, transfer, amend, fO-Isstle or extend letters patent in the United State. or Earope. He eon Ai. be .1.11111- ed prOtetelOrttlity on all question. of 114111100 111.1.- I.llg under the Patent Law, and will argue (loca tions before the Patent Office or an appeal theretrotn, for Which ins long experience to the Patent Office awl in Ws pfOree•1011, have peculiarly fitted him. The pro. lesstonal of the late Or. T. P Jones having been placed in his bands, all letters to relation thereto should be addressed to him, post paid__giOdern —_ ELECTION. k T a reecong of the st.kholders of the Potsbuigh ~:% Gas Cornp.y, held at the office of the Works on Manday the4th mat said the followmg gentlemen were re. elecod Trustees of Company: For ,:t yeare —Thos Bakeweil , Geo W. Jackurn. For 2 years—Christian Anshutx , Geo. Ogden. Toe 1 e ono—Jame. Thomson, Wilson 111Candlem. The fllow:mg named gentlemen are the Trustees elected by the City Councils: For I year —Alex. Black ; Morgue Robertson. Ford yew:iv—Joshua Man., James R. 1. array. Fort years.—Jos Pennock; it W. Caskey. S W CASKEY. Scc'y Board , 2 . lo______, Admtilitrator's Notice. TH,,..7o“,','Wobrthhe".2. - tnend Tg.let."excobfatlacenTZ: ton, non. is hereby gwen to all dross persons having possession of his property effects Of Otheleflue. 10 de. liver them to the Odillltileff•lnf,.ond those ownig ta le ham); clams upon said relate, toyremot diem d ly autheimeated. JOSHUA RORINSO, Adm 2 sep2 office Fifth at n N ear Wood. ----- Wrought and Cast Iron Rolling. rrIIE subacrthers beg leave thenfor Me puliftc thai j the) 1111VC obtained rootsruch t East all We late Mali taslllollobie designs ron Railing. botts Mr houses and ectneteues Persons wishwg to procure hand some patterns will plena calhead exanalne. and Judge for themselves. finding will untabed at the short est nouce, and in the best manner. at the corner of Craig sod Rebecca &Deem Allegheny city. n_ arm -. lii A. LAMONT & KNOX. ' ---- Aank Found. - AHAIR TRUNK, containing some clothes, and pa pers valuable to the OWllc, was left at our store • mote months ago It seems to he lie properly of a dm. t charged soldier The owner is mime.. to Wenn)) and ptialffi rove We property, an MILLER k R d take it away ICKETSON a 8594,30315 1, 7 . '24.74 925,763 55 .. 23 71 821.852 25 .. 28 98 1.039, 853 45 .. 41.36 1,033,903 10 01.80 1 ' 286,73 9 20 • . 47.47 1,417,709 85 .. 66.26 1,957,536 65 .. 52 98 .1,652,404 75 .. 54.14 .1,918,184 35 • . 60.31 .1,514,015 14 2 26.12 . .364,712 41 I 14.29 RICHMOND. Jon. CO. OHIO RATES OF DIsCOUNt ci I.IXB 5, prime ;8 do l.* do ; dog small pckBs , 1010 lump, ; ado l do ; 20 do viper, to 1•1000 ant, 0 5 Ude by 55241 0 OLACKBURN . W ANTIC Dr A PERSON with a stosll capital, and 5 .04 ,, nt" It, with the business, to s tate on trutrese .. " '" Foundry, to be logated on the Portage Rewind. ap. ply at the office ofFnend Rhey A Co. ai mpg Ofila w. _ GIGO. W. lIIIITII & CO.. TNFOFLNI their friends sod the public that theatre I no longer any connection with their late estitil . me n, ~, P e n t , ,g, :ea t e n nown as Ow Pimourgh !Iffy, Levin removed/ the enure business to the tfi.iT NREWERY, in Pin sweet. mytflut Li._ PoTAsti--0). casino, Ruttier*, to store and ettle by aut. fl ilktatii DIVICKY A c.., f.l BY MAGNETIC TELEGKAPIi pondenaa of :Pittsburgh-Ailamktite To PrebUshers of Western newspapers. hJwaa CART= dic Co., of Philadelphia, now haye complete arrangement made, and competent agents located in the principal cities, for the pur• pose of furnishing the Press with the latest impor tant Intelligence at borne and from Europe. Mr. Alexander Hughes is Pittsburgh at pre. sent, who is authorized to contract with western papers, for telegraphic despatch.. The following Card is o 8 red as reference for capability PIIIIADELPHIA, Aug. 26, LAi. Messrs. CAarra & CO. Goirlemen--The undersigned, proprietors alike papers to which our name, are respectively attached, take this method of making our acknowledgment. for the admirable arrange. meats made by you, for the transmission of the news by the Botannia tuns afternoon. We have frequently, on other occasions, been under obligation. to your extensive telegraphic or• ganization throughout the Eaat, nod VVent, and South; but the reception of the Britannia's newn deserves a special notice. By your enterprise, the news was transmitted by a pigeon express to Boss ton, some hours before the steamer arnved at the wharf, .thence it teas telegraphed to this city, and we. actually published here before it was armours• red in New lark, and perhaps : Vs early as it was in Boston. Wishing you continued success in your endeavors to furnish early intelligence, We remain yours very respectfully, CC3l3lThas & PLAWCZ., Evening Bulletin. Jowea HARDING, Inquirer. Taos.• B. Elamite; Times and Keystone. Goa:mut k Fm-rtue; of Dolly Sun. I'ucsos, SANDSRRCIII & KILLINIIBI, Daily News. Abduction of Slaves A.L'llstvilE, Sept. 7 Our cit) this morning experienced considerable excitement in I.VIIKIVICTICe of twelve slaves lav ing been seduced from • plantation in Baltimore county last evening. Up to ti o'clock this evening no trace had been discovered of their whereabouts. or the direction they tool in making their escape. Vermont Election ALBANY, Sept This Mate as usual has thrown the electh n Governor into the Legislature, which a Whig. a considerable majority. The Free Soil ticket polled a very large vote. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette PUII-61/11-PIIL4, Sept. 7. I‘J4B. The Washington's news has not had much ef feet upon our markets. The Cotton dealer. look upon the news as rather favorable, and have held that article a grade higher. How they construe it into favorable news Is beyond ow comprehension; but it is entirely their own business—not ours. Our Flour market shows no change, and prices are as ni the close of yesterday's_ transactions -06ra.56 50. In Grain, the news is favorable, and will have its effect upon Corn at le.t, and, in view of this, holders have advanced from 5 to 6 cts per bushel. and sales have been effected at that advance, viz 1U cts for prime yellow. Corn Meal has also advanced to S 3 3't $3 50 per bushel. Whiskey—Sales at 26 eta per gallon, which a an advance of one cent--caned by the demand being greater than the stock on hand. Corr eapondenee of the Yithbuoth Gazette Nsw Yam, Dept 7, 1519. Our markets have nut been materially affected by the news brought out by the C. S. Steam ship Wastungton. In Flour, the demand is limitzd, and prices firm at yeaterday'a figures—any bet Genesee, Se to 56 06 per bbl. Western la not worth, and has not brought over 5,5 5'7. Grain--Sales of prime Wham at 116 to 120 at.; and Southern and Western a. 110 to 112 eta per but hei. Corn-4 !r. rued hn d mime at 65 to Ot`J cu. and pnme 7eil,m at 70 to 7, rip per ittpthel. Provisions—Me.. stl .sp per tram'. and Prime SO to St' IS. Niers 1t...x.1, St:, i,. S per barrel. La In keg, at 911. to /0 per lb. iis cis per gaL The Weshincton's news has in a moans. dune away with that commercial anstetywinch pit ail ed to a great extent. Many dour merchants v e. preased a strung feeling fir a teavy advance le, bread mulls yesterdy: but it appears that the a • to rut has nut arrived to the extent that it was pre aumed it Lad, and consequently. pncea ttt bread iitutt• have not advanced in England to soy gloat extent, although the news is entirely favorable to that result. Com,, , nriden, of Ihr Sepi. The news of the Wash.hgton hae no t no r w i ll not effect our markets, when it is known that an% other - lurr heels. Corn has been uem metier Itn morning than -. prim of yesterday, fluters routed. Pnmr Yolhiw brought front 60 to 62 ms per bmiltel. and white re% ten() eta per bushel. We iti •no further i-ii.ineee to note. except in Fl• u, tad would refer ti I 'miner quotation% as the rol.r, pro et of to-day Provisions are r! re active MEIE CortespoodeDre of the Plusburgh liamte CISCINNArI. t'ert. 7. ISIS. Flour in active demand. Sale' N YU per bbl. Whiskey—Salsa of 190, , at 17; to 171. Pr...ow—There a a very active demand. and Sales to a large amount have been matte or Shout dere at 31e, Sadea at di. and Haunt at di cents per pounds. Lard-660 kegs sold at S. and 55 Ws at Ste ye pound.. Reef—Mess 54 labia at Pb.o and 51 for Frame. Groceries—Are in moderate demand. wail Ante. at, for molasses Yttc p gal. Sugar 4160 11. Coif• at 11 for Rio. Lead, sales at 44 p The steamer+ lank,. osratego, and Caledonia It for Pittsburgh tardily. The weather Min nal rag War cool, TWIIFILZ STO.I IN hdtartzatazt.—Tho Natchez Free Trader of the 22d nay.•-- - Thts beotloo ....... ..—. , the country Wa.• visited on Friday night last by one C MITI. k .t, , have roil re of the most violent rain .d wind storms we have Let velvet by express, a splendid assortment of tat e .parienced for many yen t a The rain fell in tors rt.t,ons. a w toll they would partnularly invite tin rents from dark to daylight, and the and blew a rte..... Ph!hhh•er.. sep4 gale from southeast the whole time. The crops. Wrought Collar.. cotton bane been materially damaged in every di. I ( A. M sown & Co. 60 Market street, barn lost 4,,,,, rection. Whole fields of 11 have been entirely pros- a.s edam sup wtought collars lust received per la, traced, much broken and twisted off, vast quantities , ' ..n.r . mini. of boll and !arms thrashed otr, and all the open cot. :1 . ,‘ it SIN :II MEH INth. 4 —.lsiah & .1011 N. N. No. ii. too stained and damaged. r Martel alre, bave ill,. Jay opened a 4 The quantity or weber that fell.during the storm. r7....:1::;.:,:.,:...hme.,17::.,a..1:),TZee ...... • . 1. according to the meteorological records at the Hai. -;,.:1,, woolen do, ~;,,L o. , ... di ~.., ood ~,.„.d:...;.;:‘ ' ,.". ' R. 4.411 e Barracks, reached the almobt incredible and ! se ps . ~, . . . Fancy Drs.. Goods. unprecedented measurement of fi re inchw aorta FA LI% ED this morning at A A...,dason & C 0 .4 10 e cotton crops in the V iciniiii of the }lams and ,1 1.. f.: 1 ;,... N 0b e 0 rie dd i . .. 1 i n r : 7 ,d ., ,,, it i p .s . ..g= hu p i iii r . L ts . d ,, e . s...h „ m d r:i:; , . near Port fludatin, will be equal to a loss 0f... fourth--same think two thirds—of the entire crop. '" . r'''''' °('''''-' '1 " " "Yl' A.. A. AlAtlol, A. Co. have just received another Thompson's Creek, and other streams alwve, were leer assortment or those cheap Bleached Mos two feet higher than they have ever been known n i , at •li. 0 and 7 cents. Also, 3 eases of those vet) to be by the .oldest inhabitant." suroot Bleached Musitua, a, rio. aug.2.4 ACE CAPS— 13h Mcc A A Mason & Co, - arket Lbare just opened I IX/ Lace Caps, of vanou• ,riees. d..... , a I,ge assurtirs eta assorted 1% resins, Corona not ileac!•. Rinnon hyaena. A, Ac auhlti Escxx's COMET RrruaNED.—The National In elligeneer says that the return of Encl..* Comet after an absence of about three years, was discos red on Prelay night, at the libber:awry in that city, by Professor Hubbard. On WI last visit (154.5) two observations only . 10. c . . 1 , 1 ' ,. :11A . D i t.: 2 :LtNN . k.'L w t , w b R !tlurpl7 o hn t s rr were had noon it, one of which wan at Rome, the ~,,,,.:,tO O O pl 0000 r„, " A so, 1 1.:4: 1 7": 0L ,..,,„ other at the Notional Observatory. This tone. r: , • . :` tt rir v i i. I r r i t . itt r i h e , :n . d at a low price. at tiollh[ftSl however, we learn from 13 °''.. it Was ° l ' cry ' d ' . ' ll.l'B AND riflNG.:'"i arni:h 44 Johnso ' n.7: l . 16 at the Cant , ridge Observatory early in the last Market street. ho .e Just recrived and Invoice o: Joys and Mattes ma colors and sty4,r, some n 4 week. nurely rrw patterns. to rimy totould melte the --.. .ttt alto•, of purchasers. .rl4 "Tim Wrisrgan BoApaar" aan excellent month.flArt's AVU CULLA HS--A A Ma.o„ & Cu. nave ly penance: tanned by Dr. Embrce at Cincinnati : Lj .„,,r,„: ,7,`,.,'' i bu ..‘ ' ....,7, c ; i 7,,, ° ,., l :,,1 1 1 u v . 7,,1,.. 1 . 1 7 3 °.!; . a . ,.,, 1 ,`:,11 1 ,", It gives a great decd of information itactul to pilotal' l la , dllu.•Ert , dc .nom verY *.panne, a.o. •5 0 \ 6 "...R. ettr. col •.myrirca. wig . , engineers, and boatmen generally. ~..,, WS 4,M Ug1.15.---AA — Ccalon & Co boo; p a Mr. Embree is now at the Virginia House On° opened o.lp* &Thane ad San. NlLlsuris. water street, end those engaged ou the river shrink ° "'! -.u ., ... i r ~.._ not fail to patronise Ste a-orb. D R , '-' s'in ' ael,itlia ol . b A "rllft - nova ' u .' ' ''' 'd ..„,.,L,.., and plat„ At ' ll: L a u" ul et) ", '" 2" " ♦ Ol aelel VI S a ;I m re Marker " II ' l ' r. ff ,• e t . " Vr vls o e 1 ta, A at . o N so l" rn . e n k k oe ' l o „ . u N t " „ . 6 g " on.a.odutg color.' .q'', AA Meson A. mo. have just received another ;01 . of colored (noires and gimp. ,epl Patuhcvau NoML,moee.—ln the 4th 'Nand the Whigs have nominated John S. Linen, Enq, lo Congremt. In the 3d astnet, the Whig, have notolnatd Henry D. Moore, end the Loco*, William S. Ho lowelL MURDER AT DETROIT A wan K u murdered in thatuty lett night. I throat WO cut from ear to ear, and ha was ca wuaho obly bruited. I have not yet lea nrd s e en hundred and forty.ox votes for Meat. and wenty-stx for REllt, w•ar she resat in the cute Shindy, North Caroline, at the late etrt"t'' . A Albemarle, the county teat. th• vote atm:, t9O. Hem 1 ' The Whist mojonty oilt ~only in 1 814 was 4611, In 1846 it wns 532."' now it is 7 . 20. Les &wily Iv retnensbered ass honored by the Whigoevery %Isere. / UPTON YARNS, 11,s, utcarted No. C Y e l;ql, C,rper Caual.L Wni, and Twine .nom Agellll for manufaccomn UST recerred at lye northeast corner of 4tb $1.4 Market streets, Ner.ile Worked Collars, Wronili Honker Rlbbons,verycliesP. auirg TEA B -154) pka Mom; Hyson Imperial. Crunpoe• der and Black 'ea, for sale bv BROWN a c'ut,BEurraoN, au624 145 libtreret_ DACON-10 coke Shoulders, landing from meaner JUS Pioneer aridfor sale by _au67 ROBREYSON & REPPERT, 100 second FrkAIILY FLOUR—Kept constantly on huld anifor ..1. by togg4 BROWN & CULBERTSOsi LITERARYNINSTITUTIONS i HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, -&. .UNIV/MRSITIf OF MASI - LAND FACULTY OF PHYSIC, W e th F:SION OF I-47-o —1 he Lectures will co mmnece e on MONZIa.S, 30th October, and continue until ladi of Mara, ensuing. Chemistry and Pharmacy—William F- A. Aiken, M. 1/, L. L. D. ' Surgery—Nathan R. Smith Therapeuries, Materia Niedien and Hygiene—Sturm I Cheer, .11. D. Ananzny and Physology—Joseph Roby. hi. D. Thor) and Proence ui hlerkswe—William Power. LD Midwifery and Duwates of VForaen and Children— Richard 11 Thomas. D. Lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator of Anato iny—lieorge Aithenberger, M Instructlon in Chnical Mcdmine and Clinical Surgery ,cry day at the Baltimore Infirmary.opposate the Metl teal College. The rooms for practical anatomy will be opened October Ist under the charge of the demonatra lor. Pees for the entire course SOU Comfortable oartimay be obtained ht the viemity of the Medical College, tor VIAL/ to CIAO per week. ILLIAM E. A AIKEN. s .. . _.. augt& , ...l2w Dean of the Faculty PITTISHVEGM FEMALE ISSTITVTE. rI , IIIS Insututtoh, under the are of M. and Mr. 1 Gottstmet, oaf re-open for the recepuon of pupils. in the sail)! holldituts. No. &2 latterly street, ou the Ist Monday of September. Arrangements have been mode by which they will be able to furnish young ladies faci:rties equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough linglise. Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi lisophwal and Chemical Lectures will he delivered donna the winter. illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Modern Languages, Drawing and Faulting, will each be under the care of o competent Frafesaor. By close encomia to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pu pils, the Prlncipals hope to went a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms. see circular or apply to the Principals. auctid tf YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY, ALLIGII6”. min: Autumn Session of M. Ineututton wdl COM• 1 menet, on the fir. Monday of /Monte on Federal street, In - CoMaude Row. - door trout the brtdre The mince of num:tenon and the rates of tuition are the same a. heretofore For more minute Information. seeotrehlor or applyto the Instructor, Mr. N METCALF Rciatenea may aim be made to the followtorgemle Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny. I Hon.(' Shale, Pulsburgh Rev. D. Killen. Rev. D. II litddle Mr. P. Swartz, '• Rev. R. Dyer. je2ltim Young L•elles' Seminary. pROF. 'Thump.° has returned !root the cant. and hoeing, secured a competent arontant from Me Brooklyn Female Inoutute. he read) to open hot School for Young Ladten at M. rooms 11l Irvin s Row-, on Utterly street. on Monday the lint t .ll{. Ile may be neon Intal the hours o(ll A M to Id at the. .018.11. room, mid at other tones, till permanent arrangementsarr made at Mrs. linggo . , Peon atm.. Pittsburgh. Sep. 5-Ular Allegheny School for Girl. THE Fifth Semon of 'WW2 School, wtll corn• Menet' o : , ionday, September Ith. Rooms zn Feder*: sweet. Allegheny, nett door above we P0..1 Office. Trams, lot semoon of eleven weeks. First Class Frene b • - -- • •0.5 Second • • • •P German .• 5 Apillteattom. may he made az her residence in An person greet, Allegheny. near the Hand Street Itrld,e nuglt , dlm• v DRY GOODS. A A NII.IN it CO C. I. Ann", dk. Co estteuurgh. New \ ork. WHOLESA LE DRY GUODDS A. A. MASON lc CO IZ=!l!!M==t=l2!EME!!!l Pataaargit, Pa 1 N VMS the cocouon of all 51erehants their el• teacup loork, (comp.-sing more than N‘i hundred IN:Lanes) of sod W :otter (roods, *Awe offered by the piece or par tug, at the lowest rosiera Wholesale prier. Heeeivinz the ,re•ter porvon al our Domestic tmods. on consurrnent nom the Menu mower. •nd betas p dor every feet, add ad- vantage throuah our New York House, we .re. isssueed that we .had 1.• enabled to MI, enmpeo. with any House in the th.untry Our itiork in part coast,. of • Case• Ca.hnsters and De Lam, .t 75 Calico. and Ingnains 21 A:miceas and 1., anew Corn., 2, , Bales lied. Whim and Yellow Flanuela • •' Tickluga. 15 0 Drown Muslim.; 175 Cases Bleached " In - Colored Cambric., Ad Apron sod :Muting Cheeks YJ h cotn Flumals, 50 to Caratroer and Sant:telt., • " Tweeds and Jean.. with • genersl I.4hrurient o( Dress and r.oods. SOks moo ch. Ale liihhoos and lace. Fs.) t•ood., Trinontria.. hr. 51.aine to ne of :he m comphrte Its well as Cllet/SINO found ost the country We will be constantly In receipt of the ottest of Goods. MI., mO5 we •bah • le , •7 th.m en.v.m , s , ..orli wader at hen,. ad . toad iwasti.l) be ado, n, .lohur.. chants purehasoilg ras e .e sohcord h. exam. usoraneoh via learn 100 ,ov. price to our a0...t. seri. tl..t wmr A A NI A,ON '!'.per • hoin tho se, ths:l, et! 15.. cop) Rwl Inke our iorerter advertisement CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, &e. P.' AI ' t: 1'; ; t•A It I' No 75 that 5111,21 (NNE not Inn ono., •n.• n• CAI:I . I , .CINC. market • nab rnelne .. u. tasantien thorn the mos& rthprervre manunanturn, tn.rn united thr duraLi:lil an th,rsc und •.0 Tape.o yv,,, t c.,et:nor. do } FT ' : . 73 :9;k ° ~„ Conamou Ai~nul~rtur<d n, , t_ patzrt.. ad•pord por Painted h: kOelnen*.S.o R OOMS. 111q1(1., Slatttria. Stair lit, 12..u0n and Woolien Rocking.. SI& Rule Door Mat, fr, purrniu, W r. wilolesale ems arrroomr doot r 'O.l T1(1 Dry Goods at Wheless/. ' • R RPHI mfornts . I 1 rr. gorerall) . a.. ha. 111,1• folnr I nut pi). mod IC their rx•min•Uort nI •tot drterrruned to nil,. to. good. LOW. II I Ino pres,t rrery inducement Inbul ro aMt as) pr oat.l • chOlre good. V. bolt - sale rt..nm• 4M .rd Markel os, ~.t1 story. entraurr from murth .p 6 R Mt RP 111 i nortlwaar of P., nn . Market ato , or now „pc...! ear'. of Amer...air and norxmed Dry I.o„ds „r P ar 1.,•0k l pact., *up. Urocadr do., aarLo strLy.. , l it Ur ..arrel doßesidr• a kat ,. ...0rm ,, 01 or eae Prima In. horn, low ICTWkolesmr rooms on second slur) limn:. rash lao. •t about Eastern inlet, Nlerchunt. w mean snr4 NEW PALL GOODS , "[UM ..OU c 0 ot Co.. 143 Lamm etre., 11 , 1vIte at- IT nem.. no thetr very eelrioove .rock 1,1 c o in tra• teer slutecro. Termer, (111. Seur 'r bread. tee . c01..1- ry gem,. I negro:a-et of good• in Inertr lint t o ' , " t:ll 2 .l " se:s. all of which ha. bren rr:•cled x nth erre, care II be Emden% eines. end no now °tiered toput Au - -eseert et reduced price. A clam/n.10,1 /nO,l m thett 0 itoct Is ierpeelfully riolic4ned rug,'., tl • Now Fall Ribbons, le ' ; p — I.CFPri AAIr gl sirEA .0 -A .1 Mo.l A I . IJ 11 .1 , reel o dper Egg/germ 2OU dog of the 1 loefile at) Jr. of (Amps and Fringe., of var 11 is . ad color.. FAI.I. rof* , —A A Mason& Co. 60 Niarket aur al. nrr now opening 6 . 0 cum.., and package , of ! now Fad (Jooda rompttiong In part or w •1)Ics b a rns, 'icor h. i.:nalnah and American Prin.. Mull, and (look Collars, Cope., I.acea. r, Sept. 4 ADDIS STANDING COLLARS—A A Mown A I, co. N. Markel at, hove )ust opened 40 duz 01 the mot arbtonable al)lca of Ladies Standing Collars Aka 51 doz Mourn.. do: ID do; Wrought do. 11AMASK TABLE COVERS—A A Moen. & Cu. L. hove opened amoot tow wove onoortmentM Dn. naalt Told. , cover., composing tow medlar n and low pared. of all ...ea. nag • - • WEA CALICOES—A Alllwon A Co have ree'd aootber large lot of ('MICOC, )nrd. i Ina r. Alar . good yard 'Ana: btu, n 3100:1110 at Zia ,i n , Wron,ht Can,. 101 2111,14 , RINOff• AND (;1311 . . , —A A Mason It Co. 1! tot a. have pad fec'd lOU duo ut liar blk ,L.lrniscs, of au %%LEl:lk*, , r) v.- :1M spa color. sus JUST ILECF.IVED-601 Mem:neck, Moulton and Coepeeo Prtots, of very destrable styles athr2.4 A A MASON & MORE: CHEAP CAUCOES—A A Alason Ato have ISI received another lot of those very cheap Cancoe, f.s . i.ardv fur one dollar IY 3, LACF: CAPS-5 dox fancy lAsce Cps,, just reed a augl7 A A MASON lt Co's --- T, , LAN:srFlß—Braysn and Red Flannels, on rosuagn. r meta and for sale by mll° GEO COCHRAN. 20 mood A A. MASON h Co, ate now . opening II rare. 0.0, 5-4 and 1104 Sheeting*. very deaf - dbl. for fertulf itur24 • • 1) rliS! RUCIII“.—One bale of Rugs Jo , recorr ed. of 1%, hourtiful styles and ilrb colors, for rale at garb W IId'CLINTOCICS, r ORPHANS , COURT SALE. BY VirtUr of an order of the Otphamti , Court of Alto. ); ) ghers County. Pennsylvania, in Na. St, lone Tdrrn, Ihie. I will es - pose to mi., by public ;vendee or outcry, at the Court House. to the city of Pittsburgh, on (ettaber 11345, at 10 o'clock, A. M. being the In Monday m. llctober. IM,, all that certain Lot oLPiece of Ground. situate to the city of Pittshorgh. I:throning on Penn sure; el the distance of MI feet westwardly from larlatry strees an d mooing akng Peen street wardwardly :La feet; thence sonthwardly, a parallel late steal !Barbary street 110 feet to Brewery alley; limner along raw alley castw•rdly MI fee; and thence northward] y. a parallel. rthe with hlarbury str ee t, 110 tel to the place of Imilnining—arith all the amturte stances on vellieh it erected three small Frame and Oct small Brick Dwelling Houses the same being sub ject to a tear!). ground rent of one hundred and eight dollars, payable quarterly ;meter, to Anthony Drama, nlr hears and a.Lies. Tonal,or SAL[ -011e third cash on Me delivery of the deed for the premises, and one third in one year, oath interest from the day of sale. and the other one third in iwo years, with interest from the day of sale, to tie secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. ALARGARFF SLA Late Margaret Thompson, Admitustratrtx of Wits :tam Thompson. ilee'd. ausra-dts Cambria Furnace for Bala , - TTOtt. s si s i S i TCr " l ' d d u ;le s t tt r li ‘s d ' ay 'st o s f at Oe ' t sb a s s ir the following property assigned to them by the Tate firm of Vinton. lA-wt., Reese & Co.. foe the benefit of the credit°, of said firm. to wit:—The Furnace erected by said company. with the steam engine and fixtures, mid hot blast ruin.; the tools used about the furnace, the lot of IasIST on which the Furnace stands, CORULIntng about fifteen acres of land, 111141 the interest of the said Len in fitly sews °fiend bought of R. K. On Bois. The sale will be held on the premises, in the town ship of Tal °nudge. Summit county, Ohio, and will com mence at lb o'clock, A. NI. Twaur or Sstr.--One-fourth cash, and the balance to four, eight and twelve month.. Desirable Lots fouls - THE subscriber hal/ laid out eleven Leid on the I South side of the Fourth Street Road. and about two and one quarter miles from the Court House luese loin contain each from one to tato and • half at res of land and will be sold 011 rea.onable and Ire rommodetnig toms. It is deemed unneeessetry to en or any explminnon of the advantages of these lot.. Their vietint) to till. city, sod to the line of the Cenital Rail Remit, rerommeild them strongly as very desirable country residencies. 1 he subserll , er al.° oilers for sale about seven hum dred act,. of land to Franklin township, Allegheny county. about seventeen from Pittsburgh. Also, I nine louthling ;mem the borough of Rtnningham. sugl2 NEVILLE'. B. CRAIG. V - ALU A - 11LE PROPEL3'tVOICEIGE: ATHAT property lately occupied by H. Ninon, EN., on Craig street, near Robioson. Allegheny ay, will he sold on accommodating terms. The lot ia :51 wet 4 lathe+ on Crelg street, mooing through to the Canal 150 feet. There us a good two story frame dwelling how, on the premises, lately built end the lot is well improved. et...amnia a variety of choice fruit tree, grope. tatrulthcry. he. This property is conveni ently slinaled lot per.On• doing buninew Ua in either Pi burgh or Allegheny end is a destrable residence. Title Indutputable For wrow apply to 'iVM. I.IOV - D. Attor ney at Law, other on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ap.1.41t1 965 Acres ersitiriruii for Solo, • • • L . , !TVA 11:1i on the Motionculicia river. about tan:dies from l'inshisr,th add :I miles above third Lock, in the iinnirduce nets hbortloal of Messrs. Lyon Jr Shorb, and Mr John Herron • purchase. Tistll fine body of Coal wilt be ...Id at the lno price of NM per acre--one third in band. haianee in five equal annual paymonui. wont - nil Interest Tide indisputable. Location Ten . cootl--erinuoi be surpuared For further particulars enquire of $ ItAl-SLF.I", who his a drab of said pro perty liesnlencr .1•1. below Ferry, Me Adams' no. 7S II There i• another seam of coal, on this tract, shout 1,0 irel above the lower, of excellent quality. n2n:dtl ATR AT of `and. on sere. in Harmon, Portage Co., ttir Cuyabo,s over—about ab acres under Sol proven,. tan nJumproved lots In the village 01 \tarren.'frumnoli Co .dl tees by VII. Also, • lot of gvouad !be rent', of Ilartfard. Trumbull Co., with • fine alwr. tog 1,41. e Rom! AlOtc—one of the best stands fors merenor. 1 the Western Reserve. Any or all t,os pfytrert) wal be sold on very secornmodattng terms ISAIAH DICKEY A Co., foblO Water and Front an. 6=M== rr it r. large ...dwell Loot rector), erected on Rebec es stmet Allegheny city, by FL S. Casso. Eani ts acted tor •a,e s Imrsatn. •nd on easy terms the IntOgi Wl.te h the Factory a creeted. trouts IMP feet on Re be on • • reet. and runs back IR, feet to Park sweet The emu mo.ding ta of wick, three stones high and no met tong by 27 met node The Engine Howe I. large owl roonnahous, with an engine. holler, &e all in romplete order The property will be sold wv. and on AO vanupous terms. For pram. term*, he., enquire at this dike. TIIA r r..tnoloomos uric, dweamg house and ss• laree re•itle,re of Mr. Jane Mageo, on SyL Web,ter wee, Isear thr head of tne•enth street, m nr.. n stn:,te and c•rrtagn house. out houses. !knit.. over. varket, shrubs and grape votes. .. e.. ton . Istof Oelober.or coon rromr...l re oct , ln prertoses. or on W2e, ,enr ne,tpaion street. of M ang.t, I .a lute A I . L I „ ~,,,, 11 ,.; % u i , • 1,•In of Nntlonal Road, and 1021.0rh4.c.41• in the C oil 11. ,111 .twat ntnriv sere. , with =MEE soung t,tt r. A^trrm. and pante „0,4,,,•tr J.. 11% Trace of Land for Male irad.lig :rum It/110,11;0 Franklin. about eighteen tr•qn utan. 41.0, eight miles from the le.w, of FE-..adon. E, :he Oluo river The tract eon attn. 4,1 re. .k.i ,en-het. loriet measure The ,arnl sa na axe.. qua. Lt.,. about 90 mere, eleared. .c. 41 w, l wkia.r owl '' 1 , .oirl erAer in whole or at I,w. ,krnitnua-ul, rlttakurgh. Kvr• rheni'!e EMEIPMM! ..•n.•:. r • number of rbolre lung on me l i " ra ‘ w. ° S roni Garret NERMIIIME V•lunble Re•ldence In Alleghenp CH,' for Sale. 10 NTFIMIIont Allegheny city I r ~• te tor ...le The Iretr,e• Fr to or evcry ws) The the •1 trtNi R. W PDIN DEXTER 1.1001 Estate In Itlere•tr County. t I,c,r. thvollnig, Futon. on the a ,Erie nmott Cam,. in the village of West Ittid• 1, 0 I, • dr.:mlon• :Of .10il fora merchant Al.. • good I,w,our !lour , 0...1..cnted to • Tavern o nto ltpt .re L.l ,ungevale.on State Line of in • rnsy 11+.klAH DICKEY a Co. Water and Front sts.. t , To Le, oaar go tinratcd on 4115trnot . 0, a room the eny of l'ittrhurgh. A.- „„„„ „„ v: „..0 20 irrt wt. a .nOO,llOOl en -1„,0 „,.Tood Al.. a (risme dwelling, cuius ,„„„,„„„„. „„ ground sod under Int, an, the coy of Allegt, Mu , I) WILLIAMS, To nr.w., 111 , srood street. AYOR 'AI.! . OR b RE Nl7 T. ,„ „ ,„ „„, p l . ltut.or;h Brcs.- • t r , rn am 4 Barter'. by LiCll :•111.1) & Co. POACIIIIIOII day of It pn: For term, & enqh." BROWN k 4 - I.I.IIKRVA.„ 145 larel'7,_ • lo.‘ I. I.A .1.T4,--74wen acre* COW kor 1 twod of the MortotTahela Rif ° zoo,. 11•• I'a o 7 foot vein of col, 11 ext. hong, for goods. For panic,. w•II A RBA wwl.l al WA It 1.1101:SF: FOR SA LE.—The rarer o tie n Inc I.ll l r . the three .tor)' brick ‘Vrtryhouse on Wood orret. occupied by IL Tonne. 2r. Co. rent. now for ;MOM per yew . api 7 W.I. WILSON, Jr. To Let. fp The supeerMere wilt rent part ( the gore joaneu.e new orrupird by them Apply to LEIN IS. DAI,ZEI... b. Co.. fall .1.4 water street For Sole. A.A, A tuo story bock house, on mom street, RkAllettheby eltt . near the upper budge. The lot is ll tret In n.. I.y Its , deep For terms inquire of dela! A W.ASIIINGTON, 4‘ll sL TI I tar, tire proof wnreliouot. 21 feet front by 1131,0 feet d,, p o and At. Iwor wood. Rent mod lorlarre of 1 SCHOONMAKER ar. Co., dein R wood st AA Soke Ho %molted on Plum alley, for rent m Hove_ 1,1,,01re of ROBERT DALZELI. N. CO, Lx! titiuhEtt6, HANNA & CO. lIR(JKERS, and dealers J) nod IMmeaue Exchange, Certificates of I,•pointe. La. at Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near. iy opposite the Bank of Ftokborgh. Current money received 0. doposue—S:rht Chocks for bale, and col• mutt nn nearly all the principal rants in the 11. e h. • • picfmum pmd for Foreign. and American Gold r. msdc 0,1 etma.grimenm of Produce, ship ped !Lost on 111.-rm trim, mehld 9. LioLdgEs as sorts, i ANN BRS I.) and , air,. iii Evehr.gc Coln mid 1 1I lines Notes. :so 53. Market street. Pittsburgh sn.:al Ra . , • Rxchunee Buying Rates. kpr 1;1110:111non, 2 the Naiad.- vh II I , i 0 Louisville, 2 do lin"nno-, . d At, Rt. Louis. V do Itu)., c r yes BANK NOTED Buying Rates. Ohio. Adis Co & Sens Orden,? dis _ Indtann "do Reiser Notes, do Kentucky, -do Pennsylvania Cy -do Virganin. "do New York do "do do Whetaug, Ido New Orleans, "do Telltn.. • os, /do Maryland, "do febViti FHILEIGN EICHANHE.' D 11.1.0 te. ',g d lued, Irelan, and Scotia:La bought to 1 . ) lin . , nraiii,d at the Current hates of Rschange Also, limns pa) able In any part of the Old Couittncs. front LI 1., Lido. at the rain ot Si to the I:Sterling, tvllh.ll.l 01101'1.1On or discouut, by JOSHUA ROBIN stiN, Europe :in and (levers] Age.. otheo sth 00 one door ws•i of wood. violin! 10.11 . 11 II 11,.1.WM. C Cthllti. HILL 6 OCHRY, 8A,..";'„"„E.1:,.',,;!,.:;.),...`,',h,.°.71,1eur5t.-F.ZII7:TE For t..c.,, Co rt.a,llleo of Lk.poni.e. sunk Nut find Colt; Nn ua Wood ntrt,l. third door below Fourth, west wile. _ _-_. marlitf II =WA. MAIM A NEER & RAIIIII, ) ANK ER, AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers I Frn.,gn and Dotnaatic I.lllla of Exchnogn, Ca, Own', n, Deposit, Rank Notea and Coin. corner of xd .r.. 1 Wood .nrreta,Sitectly opponwa IU Chaxlcs Ho- °2sYF:kur \ • C Ds-- - purchrmed r. toe iowest :ate, by N 11OLMFM h SONS, dein 35 Market street T)ILLS OF EXI3IIANGIE—SSIght Checks on - JD New York, l'lttladelploa, and Balmer., Constantly (11r sal , . by N . 110LA1E-S & SONS. dc lo 35 Market st. 101.LiRC1'IONS—Lhalii:Notes, and hectryitan &_mrs. paable in any pan of thetn Unron, collected on the .5 0 . 01y v” 11 . 11 ^ terms. N. 1101.-MES & SONS. delo 36 Market bog``l`e.Lit.; V'gSDL&RS Pl A ju e er ' re — eeera c n c tl ' af sed: br 'rY 00'd g".." ouggli WICK), WCANDI.ESS W. S. C. (Y IS ) WII UPSOI. A"4"e.' 01:!120=1!IC:M =ram NI in - , ttn, Lank Nov., r!mmrmo Coos...Wog Blaginoors & Cowlesflora for pataatooss Office for procuring Esd defendielgfatent. imparting information on htechaniu and dal; application of Ser ene* to the Arta, and on A 20071.4 and Foreign Lane of Patent. • -. ROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Phlladel phut, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington city, Ito be sided by Huard Km:runes, Eaq., Mitehnieel of the United States Patent Clawed have associated themselves together for the prouction of the above branches of professional busineu, either in their office. at the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who may uniting them or plate business in their hand. Mr. Knowles has for the put twelve yean held the postOf Machines in the United States Patent Orme, and tulips that sitnatiou to take part in the present udettaktog• Hie M•le'ae and peculiar for the important office so long fill ed by him,_ have been fully recognised by Inventors wherever the office itself is known. The office of ?deur. .1. a. R. is on . P street, opposite the Patent Office, Washington, D. 0., where comment eations, post paid, will he promptly attended to; e am inations made, drawings, specification. and all requis ite papers prepared—and 131041e16 procured when desi red—on reaunable tetras. Letters of enquiry. expect ed to be answered after exandliations had, must be ac companied by a fee of five dollar*. In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Levu Messrs. J. & R. will be usined by • legal gentleman of the highest profusion& character, and Idly eoncusant with Mechanic and other Scientific subjects. ritylffidleartyS HTDILOPATIIIO IC ST AULUIHMENT, Pllll.ll/1411traGT,P.Vall CO, PA. DIL EDWARD ACKER, taker this moans of re• turning ht. thanks to as friends and the public for the extenstve patronage he bat received, and of in forming them that he has latelyerected a large and well constructed building, forth delusive purposes of his NVATER CURE EBTABLISIikIENT, at has old location, at Phillipsbargh, Pa., on the Ohio over, oppo site the steamboat landing at kleages,tdere he is ready to receive patients as boarders., and treat them on DX dropathic principle.. In addidu to his long experi ence, and the great success which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committed ts his care, he has now the additional facilities afforded by as ex tenstve builoing . erected expremly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmlnis tenng the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the patient. Phillipsburgh ,is a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures those afflicted persons who may plaza themselves un der hi. care, that every attention shall he paid to their comfort; an d as an assurance oldie substantial benefits to be derived, be points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at his mud, bailment The Water Cure leavim no injurious effects behind, as is too often the case With those who have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease. invigorate, the system, protects from the dangers incident to changes of the weather, creates • natural and active appeute. and imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable. Per further particulars Inquire at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Phillipp.O. attg•arl IT is • great sousfaction to us to be able thus publicly to announce, that the great demand for our superior and splendid preparations of oar "FAMILY MEDI " far exceeds our most &linguine expeetatlouy panicularly our Indian Expeutbrant and Compound Carminative Balsam, which for beauty of appearance. superiority of ingredienG, and the compounding of them, together with the immense dispuity in the sue of our bottles over any others—Me beautiful and orna mental eitgravnigg, and the taste displayed in the put ting of them up, is a further incitement to the purchas er. And ma any of my old friends who knew me ("B. Gut.. Loco,") when in the employment of Dr. D. Jayne. I now beg leave respectfully to inform them that I am one of the firm of LOUDEN & Co , No. St Arch street. below Third, Prinkhzunua, where I shall be happy to see them; who, aided by his brother, a regular graduate of the "Philadelphia College of Phar macy," make, put up, and compound, with our own kenos, every article comprising our "Family Medi cines," vu: Indian Expectorant. Compound Grum.- uve Balsam. Compound Tonic Veculifuge ; %Tut Indian Sanative Pills ; and Oriental HaieTantea NVe further beg leave to remark, (and we do it with a confidence that cannot he snaked) that we have covered and made an improvement on our Oriental Ilair Tonic, that far exceeds any thing ever orerd to the public. Give us a null at No. ARCH street. Our terms alone are an inducement, an&are are sure of the result attallm THE STAB OF THE WEST S. VF—NMAN BLIND kLANI:FACTORY East ode Mille Diamond, where Venman Shads of all the different 1.. and colors are kept on hand Sr made to order aft r the latest and mow approved Emtern rash. tons,ai the .hottest rotted and on the mos reasonable term.. . . . Also, the . cheap Boston roll or . split Blind Transpa rency .nd Paper CCM.ns of all the different sixes sod patterns, on hand end for sale lov for rash, Old Veto ban Blinds punted over andrepairetiv o n taken in part M payment for new. R WESTER Pro'pr. N B —Alt work done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please the moat la, tedious. 11410-oily MS=Erl=ol ed Cocoa, Cocoa Poste, Bronsa. Cocoa Shells, hr. 9 , () merchants and consumers, who would purchnke tha beet products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more REII,IIIOLLI than tea or coffee. and in quality u passed. the subscriber recommends the above art i cles, manufactured by himself and stamped with his name. His Brenta and Cocoa Pule, as delicate. p•lntable, and salutary drink,. for invalids, COIITUIt and others. are pronounced by the most mimeo, ; !sietans supenor to any other preparations llts mat...tures are always on sale. In any quantity, by the 1110111 re , spertable grocer. in the Gligleril and by their agent, Hawes. tray & co.. of Boston. James M Butter & en. Hanford. Coun. lituisey & Murray. New York; Grant & Stone. Philail•lphia; Toomas V Brundtge, Bal umor< sod Kellogg & Bennett,Cmonnali, Ohio. WALTER BAKER Dorchester Moss. For sale by aug3l BAGALEY & SMITH. Ago, PUBLIC ACCOCITANT. THE undersigned tenders the services on the above capacity to the mercantile. manufactory turcbstochl pornott of the cmninuust). Ile WIO his tone add attention to themstmg and ruljust Hooka of Accounts, settling ptersuip accounts with all confidence. opening new hooks, /cc. &e.. and also in preparing hung men for ther,couttong llouse Rel- Ldence Northeast corner of die Diamond. Allegheny city JOHN FLEMING, A. and M. Author of Natter.' System of Book Keepmg. Roee, TO Nlessrs Johnston & Stockton. M*Don•ld & Beeson. W Bell & Son, Sluing & Co. J Kerr. Jr & Co. John Finney, Jr., John Arthur', W A Hill to Co, W Lorimer. Jr n0g:5.42w ANURF. MOM Frankfort, (Germany., would kj • spectiully inform the ns public of Yltuburgli and vicinity that he give itructions on the Piano Forte. at his own or the residence of his patrons. Terms, 812 per quarter. Address can be found at Mr. F. Stark; Third areei Rareaancsa—Professor Henri Hen. New York, Professor Henry Rohboek, Professor H. Meier, Mr. John 11 Mellor. Rev. W Pauavant, Putsburgh. augl,d2wv Faney"Furs, treskfrom 'Europe. rrHE subscribers have now to store a very extensive .1. assortment of Fun for ladies wear. which have been purchased in F:urope by one of the firm. at very loss prices. dun.!ir the monetary <ll.lll succeeding the. French Revolution! This advantage, which they posses over any other house in she trade:will enable-them to sell a vary e cetlent arucie mach below the market prier. rt . Merchants and others will advance their own Interests by examining Mut extensive assortment. SOLIS, BROTHERS, Importers, u 6 Alum (Mulberry) between 2d and ad streets, aug.-dant Philadelphia. COPAELTEIVELSHIP. IHAVE this day thapore of part of my interact in the firm of Laren:, Sterling & Co. to my mon, Rote. H. mad Samuel F. Sterling. HENRY STERLING. According to the above arrangement, we have this day um:misted arabus as winners the above named ROBERT B. STERLING, and SAMUEL F STERLING. The business will be conducted as heretofore, under he name of LORENZ, STERLING tr. Co " Onsburgh. Augusta ISIS. sAlSddialmT SLE WORKS ON WOOD STPITTS/le RUM E. WILKINB, v au lltiES to manufacture Monument,. Burial re and pl e Tornba, Head Stones, Mantel Places, Con. a regular a „,joys of foreign and dome,ue marble, at N. Drawit , deae ,l l. fo s r u monuments, •aulta , furnad,- gateaua4a He imlicus a share ao.fgrdb,lfte v A eo RTICLE PACKING—just ror oonaer . lbs India Robber Steam being much the best ki T t ti ‘ •ttt° l ° the purpose. we th e. neit °°° i. h uurt °tr..° 1 " glitters to It It del well-theesav them a i f gm' .tett -t °°° . ° °°- for when a cylinder is once if adiej.noora oflabo, to be packed again before making onT'ill out 'Otto" St. Lotus and back. For sale at the InX,"" t h l c s „. to pot, No 3 Wood st. jyl3 & H 1111:64, --- 11rILLLAM SMITH, Manufacturer of y y colored Linen, Fringe for Dresses &e" Silk and colored Conon Frijiges for silk ' andstny t . t. ,k . Pb la. Mohair, and Silk Bullion na made to order on the shortest notica. trorta i corner of Maiden Lane and William. entrance No CS William street, third door, over Abner it h7l' store. No AS Maiden Lan S or k jYK, EtECTRIC MACHOS ES, at from e 5 to Slit; Electro. :Baguette klaclunea, from differant easteni manu facturers; Marine Clocks for inaataktoats, canal bouts and (ammo Also, Chemicals, Thermometers he for sale by BLAKE ‘1 corner market tit and the diamond N B —kllecineity of either kind adramistered at the direction of physicians. GIME it. Ili WlTOZ — tiAlitlial lT 111- 71gstts TO Tais RETREAT can be furmsbust n with a Lunch at all balms of the day; also, Ice Creams. Fruit Confectioner, ' kc. The steamer Green wood makes her regular trills as usual, leaving her Fin street lan ding at ei A. NI., and at half past each holt (except il 101 P. 51....1eav1ng the Gordon at it) I' NI far bee last trip to the city A moonlight 'new of the Garden is indescribable in its beauty. Hyls — A 41TBUUd - it NICHOi..,‘ON are now welimg oi at I'l moderate pnces the frltown g ankle.: Platform Cosies of all kinds, we mom INI to 3000 pounds. of pupa rtor workmanship. Assorted Hollow Ware, light patterns; Coal Cooking Stoves; Wood do do, Cool Elm. and Balloon tituvos, for churches, warehouses, to he. , Grates and Grate Froms, for platers, chambers, the hens. Etc. Ploughs and Plough Castings of various kinds, ARTHI & NICHOLRON, Iyl7dihea Liberty, head of Wpad at T_TAVING . old our en.ire stork to C OILATT, with Ll_ a view to clonng our old business- we hereby su llen for him the pwroziage of all one friends and ens tome fa. RO. POIN DEXTER, 1!!!!!EM!!iiMail CH. GRANT, Wholesan• Grocer, Communion end . Forwarding hlerchnitt, No. It Water at_ saw DLLENI4PATN F..*FIACTORWiTi77 - Ive ere from the now of its application, remove the pains from the severest burns, scalds or blister., and will heal wounds, utters and sore, of any knid without into. Tins valuable Pain F.xtractor tan he hid of JOHN 1) hIORUAN, Groggist, No 031 IVood street, aug9l Solo Agent for Western Penna. — A 1' Foifith . street, can he seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpem, latest style.. Also, Ur-tt eels, 3 ply. and sup and fine Ingrain Cement. of styles and quallties, and in co Lion eon n I ways found Table Linens, Crimhes, Diapers I o teens, Oil Cloths. An. &c., to ell of wlu. n • can :be attention of the public, IDAPlift—Gl reams extra large Strew Paper. wry ,I heavy and strong, for hardware_ in. 01 bundles Flat Cap, for confeesonen; cheap pow aria x.P Fup ne for sale by /SCHOONPIAKER a C annul 94 wood or k s THREE FINE DRAUGHT HORSES.— Three fine na ught Hones for sale, satia ble for dray Enquire of iVALLINGEORD A Co, mgt:coal basin, liberty at ( IALE SE - 1 - NW-J39 dos gen7Ln Froneb Cbirilkirts, a V very fine article. A fear dozen. Pbiladellihis Slone, from the roanailletorl 91, G Ei Crawford, to which the attenton of boot =ten Is invited. /rut recetved and for ..le by W YOUNO & Co, 1e27 143 liberty st R EMOYAL—F H Eiden A Co. will rerrrovi69 irr Store, New S to , No 02 Posnh creel, between Wood sod Mueket, the 12th day of September erollO MEDICAL RC , Tar. ONLY REM - EDT! rEczTABLE rant m - r lac remedy, for Epileptic Fits or Father Pick etc. CtutmaWon, Spasms. rec. It t. welt known. that fro , time lmmemoetol , pityriettuts have pronounced Epile tie Fits incurable. it has baffled all their skill crud th boasted power of all medwine, and ronsequm tbn, Wad. hove suffered thronyh n lnimrathe ULM yielded up their lines on the aim, of With all deference, however. to the options or peal st.a learned, we wt . ?. that it has invez voeod HAETT V hkErABLE for sixteen years. has been tested by many peen: lithe have suffered with this dreadthi .itseuse. sml • every case where it has had a fair tea!, hat effected permanent Fos of yenta and 0 months, cured by the use thle truly wonderful medicine. ' Read the hdloorink remarkable ease or the o Scoots, Esq., ot Pkaindelphin, afflicted with Fp 'optic Fits di years mod 6 months. After irsieeni. throech England, Rolland, Germany and Franey, co tuning the trioin eminent physicians. end nzpendln,. Medicine, median' treatment and advice. three the sand dollar., returned with kw .nn to mi. country November last, without receiving Ally benefit seams er, and was cured by using tiArrs ITF.ITARL.F. EXTRACT. Ur. William Secore's Letter to Dr.. Is ens end liar I have spout over three thousand dollars for melt cite and medical attendant+ I was advised to take tone to Europe with him. wi eh I did. I firs vottm England. I consulted the most eminent physicist, there In respect to his case; they examined him an prescribed accordingly. I remained three month without perceiving any change for the better. whirl eost me about two hundred and fifty dollars pockete. by the physicians, and the most that 1 received we their ommon.that my son's case was hopeless and pool t rv i d Y Xro cu ulg l 79;co l tian " 7=7 .ft an i ri l' rs ' n d ;e " a d nr turneds re home in the month of November hint. with m' son as far from being eared as when I left. I saw you advertisement in one of the New York papers. am concluded to try liart's Vegetable Extract. seeing you statements and certificates of so many cures, some o twenty and thirty years' standing. and I cam assure ym I WTI not sorry I did en, as by the use of Ifitrt's Vegeta tie Extract alone, he was restored to perfect !meld Ills reason, which was so Or gone as to unfit him fo business,ts entirely restoreA with the prospect now before him, of life, healthard usefulness. He IS now 29 years of ago, and 27 with" and 6 months of titt time has been afflieted wit thin most dreadful of do eases; bat thank God he tallow enjoying gcsad health. Now, gentlemen, fait Avithout works I don't betiev in. To say that Ich be ever grateful to you in 0,11 damp, and as I here e lose ion one hundred dollars, have no doubt but t you will think this is soothe and quite adi eat thing. The debt of gratitude stillawe you, bat please to accept the present amp. as interest on the debt in advance. • Yours very respectfully, WILLIA-fd SECORE TO TIIE AFFLICTED. MME One of the proprietors of this invaioable atectie was afflicted far several yea. with Epileptic F The disease had produced the worst effect upon h rysteno, viz Loss of memory, imbecility of mind, and perfect promotion of the nervous system. Ile h. tried the skill of the best physicians for seven yea and grew worse under their treatment, and he kne that this medicine was his only hope beelth art life, and was therefore determined to ga,ii a fair Iris and to persevere in io. use, which he u-,11%.-. - . Was a perfect restoration o health, winch was coa tied uninterrupted for nearly Cite. ) ears. We would refer to the following periorts who ha been eared by tutus. Harr, Vegetable Estraet. Col E Denslow's daughter was elftiet,d :ur,e lea resides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet. nine yeirs,l7l Greed to. J EILCM74I, tenon years. 11! DON,/ a:. Joseph Al'Dougal, sane years, Foot Ilrec.tlyn, L_ll Co tinittb, Ness York Custom Lions, Kelly, twenty yearn. Staten island; Miss K twenty years, Yorky Miss F. Crane, twelve years, lig lianunaray wan Panel, twenty-three years. 73 Norfolk;si Juan Petty, (oar years, 174 Deianey at , Philo Johnson, twenty- eight yearn. P Judge. Randall, Er 4 Root Broadway, New York, Thomas K Jones, of the U S Navy t Crept Wm Jennings. :rum rt. B - !J;tpc.rt, Cr. sCerenee also made to Dr W L Monroe. Gut!ford, O.: Roc Richard Toggen, 'Wes! DIY , .por. en T Tev T L 'Joshua, klultimorn, MO Mr Joseph Brod.ley, 116 Orrh..l,i 3 Y. • C,ll Boughton, feW lighicenta . , :; Y.: . tdrs James Rertholf, Chen,er, Cr.c.. - .;c er 1 ,! •,7. Sohn Faber, 176 Enzahett. et, do II A Richton, 21F Del:ency el, do James Smith, L 36 Scull:elk 10., do Chaclef Brown, 100 Wooer st, ' do Al' of which u..r.y '...e coned 4,0.1, t • .::::. ..ea, pe Nag t„.7 Prcqued ly Dr 5 HAnc. I.!. !•Inc A Hart New York. O F THOMAS. tr. Co. It ida.ween ata, and 10 Main in, bemoan in inn tr.:cc Cincinnati. Oldn, i•nolestale month snit areal. L NILCOS, Ir. corm. r or Mari: mod, only aretin P.,s.Ve Pa MEDICAL 42 SURGICAL OFFICE. fe ....4k No 05, DIAMON W ALIA:: w doors oe!ow oD o, Lure:. e ~4...2, market. DR. DROWN, having tr regularly educated to nn.d , r prcnegsnen, and b,:Or F.., t: israg posettro nor. co att. his RIO, nUon In ',a:ont those private and dr tlc ni t . ptoutts lor w hlch hot ow:month and experience peen:tar) Audi e. I him II sear. 11,111fi1106151 • 11.1 . 0 l to stud). & treatment of those oortopho au.ut unlit av / time he has had more pra and nas currd m beau om Cra• e% et ctice tie lot o poyalc it tttioner) amply ounnun too 'a • ..ortincs, speedy pen:halter, aod •:01.taclor) oto. to t with delicate diseases, and a,. dt^,lo,l a. ,. Mc• from. Dr. Drown would inform those afflicted woo pot diseases which have tscome chronic by unie grauced by the use of any of the common :rostrums the day. that their complaints can be rmlicaby aid th nugh , / cured; he haVing.isol.en his careful anerinon oftreatment of such cues. and sir hundr. of inst./tees in Curing pernon.. of indiunntralon 0. neck of the bladder... Lid kindred cinch of result from those cuss where others hove coimigt them to hopeless despaur. portieuiark. invites . as have been long and uneueee.ifulty !resist otb to consult him, when every oatininctaa: nt:. them, and their cases treated In a cai , lorourn intelligent manner, pointedon, by a an,., study, and Investigation, which It l• ~,re ngaged in general procure of rumba-sr to ir one Clue of dinars. Dl - Hernia or Rupture —Dr. Brown olis isms. W. afflicted with Heroin to call, a. ne is• ram par alar attention to Mut disease. Skin diseases, also P 1 S. Palsy. rtc . •ri•eittly ru Ch o..— v P:le lo n ' ts .. of eta sex inithr stthstrwer. stating thou disease in si ruing. rivntri ail it sy toms, ran obtain medicines with it,ntot.s fir usr. addrommg T. BROWN, M. ; ..•; pmd. roc mga fee. Care rio. 1:13, Dttunond Wlep. opposnr the ar House. Ruaehromeat —Dr Brown's newly discovered re dy for Rheumatism Is a spee•ly and eerte:n remedy that pew.' trouble. It never (alb , Othee end Private Consulting Rano, N u 63 mond alley. Pittsburgh, Po 'no Doctor is alwas bome. do cure no pay. dee I a7111.1A, OR DIFFICULTY OF HRI:ATHIN , nue tirtease 1/ , caused by a •,varoxy.rne. court lon of the ea cells; it is very denntintlne. nlnto/4 r Ley sufroetthon. DR SwEEr,:r.R'ti PANACEA Ir o.ny CrIIID 1103.1.41”:;4 can be entirely eared by a free ere of Sweet., s Faneeen. Catarrh. or common cold, which, tr neglectrd, terminate m Consumption, is effectually relieved cared by Dr. Etwoctscr's Panacea Bronchnis, if riucheeked, will effectually le Ehouchial Consumption. but a umcly use of ldr . sees Panacea will effectually cure it,. Inflammation of the Tonsils or .wore Throat disease often leads to serious conaeguences from loot, such as ulceration of the throat On the first toms, Dr. Svrectser's Panacea should be procured aced freely. Coughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy in Sweeter's Panacea. - - - Pnenmont• Naha.—A very fetal disease, resit from a violent cough and cold on a debnitated or ken down constitution; aged persons are subjeun to Dr. Sweetee's Panacea should be used on the symptoms. which ore a rough or cold . Night Sweets.—This debilitating complaint wtil with a umely check, by using Do. liweetser's Pan. Consumption.—lf on the first appearance of eons nee symptoms. which ore a I , l‘lll in the side and by rough or spitting of blood. if" Sweetser's I'mum freely used, no danger need be apprehended. Mien the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Bronchial T tiaeome clogged up wlth phlegm_so as to impede r ration or breathing, Dr. Sweetsids. Panacea, wtti • powerful Expectorant, shoold be taken acconh the directions. log —This distressing erodem*, w Nova'. oar climate, is speedily cured Ly Dr Bwcebser s / se. Prier St.por bottle, or 111. x bottles (or Set. For sale by W((. JACKSON, bb Liborty st„ ho big boot. noel' 50,000 PERSONSI NAVE used Dr Tin) lora 1.14 1 • am ni Idvervort ~,..been cured of ilinconen that wount have p. for the nee of thin nalraordiurtry lo on., been cured vi consumption in v. d e ir ha ahen cured of Dyspeptic Cons rylll Gave have L'Zrared of the Asthma. -do( general proniranon • Nervous System 2,C130 have been core° tendons . ) of diseased lungL ith ''' ° " P." , ", ttfifei have been cared of Complaint A , 2.500 cured ot enri•l i ,:7 3COM more have been cured o7"''' to,r e ni nod chest. nicht n.sient * " •• ' Wm of voice. schooptitu conch, efeontrinints which • tine nil inn c ;S . " which so anen prove fun,. Dr I a, , r ° ,:",: Livernvort is the ouly . •LICCCD.fiII reined, of he above complaints. v. nnt havt, a violent cold anvil 01:011 cline thick putrid matter, and busily could u• over in heti from sreeltnens lie n,A eve at. of consumption tlis phy•letann. On. Vert/1,; • dernon. said he Wan incurabich let nicanes so appear, ads medienin folly restored Inn ,iesith =ZLIIM= Flu.t • Alregra or Com,ngss re•o the medical profcastrar I detsrem , stl to consul. in preference m using what me caned • rate. eines.' 13u: for several month. 1 hour bes, t • with Asthma, which boated rite remedies of my elan. Your medicine I hay; always hellece beuefictal in such caeca. Finding the skill of .• teal advisers at fault--unbe k poem to anyne. red your Salaam of Liverwort , which deemed valuable remedy—as It has hail a roost sconce feet upon me, completely uprooting nip cnmplw resits mg use to perfect health. You may refe whenever desired." D. Sold to Pittsburgh by J D hforgan. 93 Wo T o eepeend, 43 %Jacket Oh 41 Stoyeer, eor v. r k ast Bug Heederson 2. Co. S Liberty as Price r to SISSO p•lr bottle. )) SELLER'S FAMILY Al RDICINFS Should be kept by every F 111.2311/ LOOM. Loran Novas. A'•. Ang..4.1 R. R. E. SEI.LERS: I fins Introduced you arrros in this place, ut a unit wh,o p non coiled The Dead Shot WllJl•cery ~ ' puler. on it very datcull to sell; hut it nn gained ior staelf ulanty teat bas rwallovred up oil others. I row cum >nu any amber of ceruficates, but I do no it necessary. That your Una Pats aro preferred to oil o this reion I know to ho a fact Yesterday g morchmt two boxes for his own um. although on head .o supply of Dr. Twelve ego, t sam, in a distant port of Ihde country. disconsolate looking lady, who hod Meg ma., Liver Complant. She had meet gent a greet for a ph yi iman, but found no permanent rellef; almost in I boot less muctrisuott. On her bastion. visit to oar town he bought two boxes, sod pr • should they booobt his info, to purchase more never called I supposed they had out boon of but on passing by ins house a abort time since, the lady in comparative good health, cheerful tented. Your Pills always relieve persons who hay. and Chill. The Cough Syrup has never Wile( knowledge; In every , ewe of producing o, gi - and gibing enure satisfaction_ respectfully, Prepared sad sold by No.l Wand - Bold also by dna*, generally in ibe %vim MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers