r. - .:- ;:,-,,,,;,:?' ~'VSttp, .F" TUE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED IW WHITE & CO PITTBU O ILO ID FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER B, 1848, PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN: Adverascownts and Soeseriptione to the North AIDE,- can and United Staten Galena, PailaMpitta onnivnd and forwarded (ma this ewe. :,zw yonziExrazss. Wo will rwreire and forward free of expense, ad .rti.emeota and aibeeription. for d. paper. CODIXLIMCIAI. LIST MID PHIMADEI, PHIA PRICE CVELHENT. Sobscriptio. to Oda valuable paper will be received and (crannied from lid. other. PITTINVIOn MILT GAZZITI i publisbed Weekly.—The. Daily is Scrert Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Viva Dollars per annum; the Weekly is Tam Dollars per minus., ravel y in adoonta tirrAmrstreszas are earnestly requested to hand their favors before sr. M, and as early in the day practicable. Advertisements not inserted fora spool Bed time will invariably be charred aripi ordered od Democratic Whig Nominations, FOR PRDADENT, ZAOIIARY TAYLOR., FOR VICE PftIIDENT MILLABD FILLMORE, ELECTORAL TICKET. - SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Thom. M. T. 111 1 Kaiman, of Washington. Jona P. tA.TDIC.O3 ) of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. I. Joseph °. ClayWiwi, la. Henry Johnson, John P. Weiberill, 14. William Colder , 2. James M. Davis, la. William Al 4. Thos. W. Duffield, 10. Charles NV. Fisher, 6. Daniel 0. Moor, 17. Andrew G. Curtin, 0. Joshua Dungan, la. Thos R Dvidson, 7. John D. Steele, is. JOseph Markle, S . John Landis, Si , Daniel Avow, O. Joseph Sehmosker, 21. Andros , W Loomis, Charles Snyder, It Richard train, 11. William 0. Hurley, 22 Thomas H Slll 12. hyaena Tyler, el Saadi A. PLLTVIRSICO FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM P. JOHNSTON, 07 AllittiZONO CO.M. FOR CANAL COfdAUSSIONER, a Ica JIIIDDLESWAILTEI, antlseiresonto FOR wac o wß W E I' Nominations. sB,_ NOSES HAMPTON, or rrressonsu. tog silsgrisLi. LEWIS C:7. NOBLE., of Indians. CHRISTIAN STOVELV, Pittsbu of Wilkins. h. H. SW ARTZ WELDER. Of ENRYH LARGE, of Milian rg HEATER:IAI! NIXON. of Lower St. Clitif guritsgsrls, • JOHN SCOTT, 01 Roes. Rl= or MB Critnirs. DANIEL trI'CLIRDY, of Eliruhgth B oroug h, Wok crnotreannora, WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny ciry. sliblToll, JOHN - K. FOSTER, of Baldwin. "A Little More Grasper Gmpt. Braavi" 1100611 AND BEADY MEETINGS. In pursuance of an arrangement of a Committee ap pointed by the Rouch and Ready Club. in connection with the delegates of the late County Coirsenuou ap pointments Inc usenet of County Meetings were made as follows: ANTIMASONIC AND WHIG MEETINGS. At James Connor's, Upper St. Cleir township, Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 11 o'clock, P. M. At Noblertoorn, on Thursday, Sept. P. 711. At Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. a at 2 o'clock; P. 111 At James Philips', Robinson township, on .Friday. Sept. 13, at to'clock, P. M. At H. Rowell's, Hernotsville, on Monday evening. Sept. It, at 7 o'clock. Addremins may be expected from the Hon. Walter Forward, A. W. Loomis, Akers , Bemoan, Thos. Wil liams, emelt. Darragh. T. J. Bigharn, Geo. Dane. M. Swartzwelder, William Boyd, and others. M'Keesport t on Tuesday evening, September the 12th, at 7 o'clock P. H. ...At Henry WoliTs, Turtle Creek, on Wednesday. September 13th, at 2 o'clock P. M. At H. Reiter's, Plum Township, on Thursday Sep tember 14th, at 2 o'clock P. M. At East Liberty, on Friday September the 16th, at o'clock. P 111• At Wilkinetinrgh, on Saturday, September the 162 i. et 2 o'clock P. H. At Colebaugaa, Franklin Road, Ross Township, on Saturday, September 16th, at 3 o'clemk P. AI At Sew . cklyville, on Monday, September the 122 i. 01 7 o'clock P. Al. At Sheatfer'., Franklin Road. Pine Township, on Tuesday, September the 10th, at 2 o'clock P. M. At Bakerstown, West Deer Township. on Thursday. September the Hat. at 2 o'clock P. M. At Termite= East Deer Township, ou Friday. Sep tember the 23nd, at 2 o'clock P. NI, At Spang's Work. Snider Township, on Saturday. September 23d. at 3 o'clock P. M. At Sharpaburgit. on Saturday, September the 24th. at 7 o'clock P. 31. Addresses may be expected from the Hon. Walter Forward, Mows Heinpion, Cor. Darragh, Geo. Darer. htichl. Dan 3ilagehan, T. J. Bingham, U. Boyd. Semi. Palmer and others It is to be understood that the Heise arrangement is oot to interfere with special calls Want and Town , ship meeting. aug•M P. A. r ueEIRA, Preal. • Snowden Tovrmotalp. An Anu-mnsonte end Whig meeting will be held in Snowden Township, at the school house on the proton of Dr. Steven , on Thursday the hose inst. at 7 oclock P. M. The wings of Snowden Tp. are earoestly questedre to intend, Speeches will be delivered by Mo. Mammon. Walter Forward and others. sep7 Whig Sooting. A' meeting of the friends of Taylor, Fillmore & Joni, ston Rill be held atilt , ' public f l atsc room in the stL Ward, on :Saturday eferung Sept- 7 o'clock. &Lux! am.s !! RALLA!!! Addresses may be expected from omLg Palmer, M. Irssrucsvelder,xstl Chas. B. Scully, Esqx Notice A public discussion of the principles of the Wog and Dell2oeftltit parties will be held in the hou.e of Joseph . Alahoute , in Wilkinslnarg, on Saturday' the 16th atB o'clock P. M. Members of both parnes, as well we others, are especially requested to attend. sep7 I.• nett pogo for Telegraphic Herr.. Mr. Van Barest Opposed to Protection. The Chronicle labors hard to make Mr. Van Buren, with his opposition to Protection. and his Direct Taxation" Doctrines, palatable to the Tariff men of Pennsylvania. The editor admits that Mr. Van Buren Is favor of Free Trade, 'if he had matters preonred for the charge.' This prepara tion is, to gain a party oiling enough Co carry the measure. This is all the preparation Mr. Van Boren wants. The mwmfamorog interests of the countey • may be prostrated, and our workshops transferred to Europe, but this will not deter him from carrying out his favorite theory of • direr: tax. aim., whenever he can get votes enough. But, says the Chronicle, Mr. Van Baree's tbeyor will not be carried out during the nett four years, and a Tariff of Revenue, yielding $40,000,000 will have to be kept in operation, and this is more rev. cane than was raisearny the Tariff of '42. Grant ed. But is that any torment in favor of Protec tion! The present Revenue Tariff will probably yield more money to the Government, than the Tariff of 42, and yet it is ruining the manufactur ing interests of the country. It IS easy to levy du ties so as to discriminate against American mans try, as well as for it. Mr. Vim Buren it oppmed she doctrine of pnsertim, and the interests of Mi. country cannot be safely trusted to his hands. The Chronicle credits us with ingenuity for not alluding to General Taylor's opinions on the sub ject, and affirms that he has none! This is, indeed, surprising. It is the first time we have heard General Taylor's position doubted on this subject. It is se clear, so satisfactory, so conclusive, that his bitterest opponents have not dared to attack it. In this, as in every other subject of legislation, be is in favor of carrying out the exprresed will of tke rep& If General Taylor is President, and we secure a Whig Congress, we are sure of such a Tariff as will foster the industry of America. and protect it against foreign competition. .Who Sleeted Pella That the election of Polk has been productive or stupendous evils to the country—of war, a public debt, a lust of conquest, a deterioration of public morals—and that it has involved ihnceuntry m a serie►ot difficulties of frightful magnitude, every candid man must admit. The election of Polk se cured the annexation of Texas, the extension of slavery, the Mexican War, the public, debt, the destruction of the Tara and numerous other evils. Who are acronntable? The men who elected him. Who elected him! Let the Chronicle, Mr. Van Boron's organ in this city, answer. That pa. per, of Wednesday last, makes the following asser tions "Bsausiscri F. Buns, Msens Van Bead AND Silas Wri,ght, were the men who INSURED this man Folk's election to the Prepideucy--even afit'r Mr: Van Buren had been auassinated by Pollr's mends. Without these New York gentlemen's snomtv strermer, he would have been defeated." So, Mr. Van Boren, the chosen candidate of the Snaersohnee whose one principle is that of opposition to the extension of Slavery, knowingly, wilfully, premeditatedly "insured" the steak,. o f Mr. Polk, in view of the absolute certainty, that his election would secure the extenrion of Slavery' And this was only fitur years sgol—and strange as it may seem, there WO some Whip who pre al to trust such a man, all reeking with his late isubservience to Slavery, to that noble Whig par. ty 'which has always opposed Slavery extension. A correspondent says the present =image re. minds him of a celebrated race which came off on the Northampton race course in England, some twenty years age, between an old war hone, own ed by a gallant Colonel, wbo distinguished himself at Waterloo, and atoll blooded Jackass, belonging to agentleman from Scotland. All thing. WCre uranEed-rthe robstols started—each one was con Meat of success, but alas, the animals had scarce• ly started, till a pet foz„ belonging to one of the spesZtPts, rushed upon the Jackass, and so annoy ed him, that the war horse led him far behind. Ohio Interior—Corwin ninon. the 'The 01thic Agape the Illteinnati Gmeled are minr%fia — o — ving in the eat* of the country—the eause'of freedom, peace and puns perity--as,becoMenta, sa beWinel• lantrs of liberty, as beers:nes enemies of chicanery, migrate and arbitrary power. .Tiroxas -Oaswiri is among them, filling the appointments made for him by the State Whig' Executive Committee; snd although is feeble hestaat this time, he is a had, and the people go op be gunman& w bear him, to take counsel Of him, and to cheer him with their peek- ence and voices. He spoke a few days ago at Wit mington, and the citizens of Clinton cotinty moved en muse to the place appointa — tor the meeting.— He went to Xenia on Wednesday of last'week, and spoke there, and again thousands crowded around him. He proceeded that afternoon lulu on his way an Springfield, and inn few minutes the street in Goat of the hotel at which he stopped was crow• ded, and. poor as was his health, and jaded as he was with travel and a two houra' addreas at Xenia, he was obliged to ahoW himself Upon the porch and pass congratulations withlhe people, when he was permitted to retire, receiving as he did eo • repetition of the three hearty and prolonged cheers that had greeted his arrival. Of Mr. Corwin's speech at Xenia, the editor of - The Springfield Re. public, who was present, writes as follows: "In rising, he said that he bad jail risen from a sick bed—that he might speak five =haute*, per. haps ten, perhaps longer. He did ea know. how. ever that he could stand op that 1011 g. BM thew canton demanded that he 'should' say something, and tracing the principles ol the Whig party from their source, he asked the question : "la Hem Tay. I a Whig r "No, no," said a dosen voices. "Yes," shouted thousands. Mr. Corwin was now fully roused. He said he was glad to hear those noes. He wanted to know men's true sentiments, He told them they were wrong—that he could convince them of It. He asked but ten minutes to do it in. Warming in his subject he now swept on. All was lost in the irresistible tide of his eloquence. Hu arguments came down with a power which Truth alone can give. In short it was such a speech as Corwin alone can utter. Some of the earliest and warmest Opponents of Gen. Taylor's nomination, it is well known, wt.= in Xenia; and in consequence of their dissatisfacs tion and effou since the choice of the Phibadelphia Convention was made known, some little doubt has been expressed no to the vote of Green Coon. ty. But upon this subject the Republic holds a cheering language. It says ; "In this county Mr. Corwin had some of his most active personal and political friends—we had nearly said, most devoted. These were the men who had gone with him in his opposition to the Mexican war —who bed helped to cheer him on his manly course in regard to it—who were in favor of him for the Pro. sidency. But they lost their balance, and fallowing <lomat and honest, but we fear unwise leaders— when Corwin shaped his course for his country, they commenced a downward career of filly and madness; and gathering momentum and blindness in their worse, have at last landed in the arm* of the wily Magician of Kinderhook. It was among such men as these that Corwin must speak : once political friends, now enemies. We need not say, that difficult as might appear the tgsk, it was nobly done. Men who had gone there with a fiery rev. lotion in their breasts, not to be informed, not to be convinced, not to be converted—ewer; informed, convinced and converted. They fought every step of the way. most in thoughts, but many in words— querulous questions and bitter remarks. But in spite of their desperate resistance, we think we do them no injustice in saying that malty of them were vanquished. They will once more wheel into line in the glorious old Whigs column—the unconquered phalmx of days past We are not uttering idle words. We know what we are saying is the tenth. We know light is spreading, nod that the hopes of our old enemy when. in view of a mutiny in out camp on the eve of battle, those hopes are Wong.; are destined for disappointment." The Whigs of Greene were also addressed at Xenia by Gen. John L. Green, of RossCourity, and Gen. S. F. CARET of Cincinnati. Mr. Carey has been claimed by the Free Soden hereabout, as one of them; but inieis speech, the Republic says, "he reviewed the conduct of Martin Van Buren in past times with marching scrutiny, and having examin ed him, dung him away." Mr. Carey said "he had as yet made no declaration as to his vote. He would do 50 now. He should vote for Zachary Taylor, as the only man of the three who would carry out his principles: who would maintain the /Miions platform laid down at Butalo. He I elle, ed this, he sod , and Mould vote accordingly. Mr. Stanton and Gen. Greene spoke at Spring field on Wednesday evening. The Republic says 'The meeting was large, as well ris spontaneous, and was filled with the spirit of 1.830, 'nothuag less. l==:1 11L.QeArrlate, Arlie or Oct - I - ern.. hlatamoras. July 21.15 t Dna Sri—Bp yesterday's mail I received your letter of the 19th June, and have given the subject to which it refers some serious reflection and con siderate.. I feel very grateful to you, sir, and to my fellow citizen, who mita you have expressed American Are union. .i the very ilattenng desim to plus my name in nomination for the Presidncuateomes me All our readers may not aware the ' mu " I sincerely and frankly to acknowledge M you that for and design of tide nohle American Institution. It that Office I have no aspirations whatever Al in an inomporated institution, located in the cdy of though no tailitra, having always hell AM A New Incl. for the encouragement and promotion" WHIG, Ll.. " EI a 'EVL I TIrD h E -c V L OTED LN of the line one in the United States, eaPecta'q tNUIVIUUAji9PINION TO THE PRINCITLEZ Painting and Engraving. It is managed by gen- OE THAT RTY. d emee who are e r a ", annually by th e mer a..! Even if the Subject which ch you hav übla ein your let ters, but who receive - no compensation. Every r u : l 7r i th . th i 'ne:7 any I subscriber of fire dollen is a member for the on prosecution of the war with Mexico, on impor. year, and entitled to all its pnydeges. The mos , cant to the interest duly country, demands every aey o f obtained, is devoted-71yr; to the pro- moment or,f_ntl; present .wine,rper and d k it . 2. y an duction of a large, and costly original engraving, I " from as American Painting, a copy of which is for I With my best wishes krr your health and pros nished to every member. Semad—to the par. I puny, lam sincerely yours, Z. TA LOB, Major General S. A. chase of Paintings and Sculpture, by nail , e or res ident artists,: which are publicly exhibited at the Lima or AN Fauna.—A clever writer In the Gallery of the association, and_at the annual meet. New York speaks from ..pmn". ing December nrn diarthnual among We thus describes the habits and labors of an editor of members who hove paid five. dollars. Third. the association keeps a Free Pleural Gallery, always open, and well attended. The institution, to far, has been eery prosperous The number of subscriber for the year 181 1 , was 9,666, yielding 518,733 95, and the number for this year, it is thought, will be greater. Besides the engraving., 272 works of net were distributed last year, together with 250 medals in bronze, and 50 in silver. Each subscriber for 1817, received two engra. vinge—"The Jolly Flat•Boatmem," by Dorsey, from a painting by Bingham, and a "Sybil," by Casileer, from a painting by Huntington. The "Jolly Boat man" a a splendid engin - ring, and of itself worth nearly, if not altogether, the price of subscription. The engraving for Ib4b, is "Queen Mary Signing the Death Warrant of Lady Jane Grey," which each member will receive, together with *Hip Van Winkle" by Wiubington Irving, with six large original illustrations. There will also Le dm tributed by lot, .150 medals, &mil three hundred paintings, one of them alone valued at six thousand dollars. We have been thus particular beeausetwe wish to encourage this laudable institution, and hope to see Pittsburgh largely repress:tared. George W. Faitstestock, corner of Wood and Second streets, to suttionzed to receive subscription. Porrav —ll is not often we trouble our readers with any of the productions of the "Muses" Per haps we err in this reaped, but we so seldom meet with any fugitive poetry worth reading, that we have fallen into the habit of passing over an. noticed the 'poet's corner' in our various exchang es. If there is any thing we detest, it is sickly, senseless, soulless verses. But we hope our readers will not suppose that we have no sym party with the spirit of true-poetry. Though we are in the midst of party strife, and all covered with its dust, still we sometime!, retire from the noisy world, and commune with nature and ea tare's God. In such communion is the soul of poe try, and though we may not be able to dress our thoughts in poetic measure, still we lairs to find them so dressed by others. Below we give few verses from an unknown author, which con tain wine sound principles in ,philosophy, and breathe the spirit of a pure and elevated human ity-. HONE AND FRIENDS Uh, there's a power to make each hour As sweet as heaven designed it ; Nor need we roam to bring it home, Though few there be who had it! We seek too high 55r things close by And lose what nature found us; For life has here no charms so dear As Home and Friends around us' We oft destroy the present joy For future hopes—sod praise them; Whilst flowers as sweet bloom at our feet, 1.1 we'd but stoop to use them ' For things afar still sweetest ore, When youth's bright spell bath bound Racoon we're taughtrien Mat.esrth hath naugh Like Home and Fds around as' The Friends that speed in nine of need, When Hope's last reed is shaken, To duns us still, that, mane Whet will, We are not quite forsaken ! Though all ware night—if but the light From FrienrialliVa altar crowned us; Twould loose the bliss of larth was this , — Our Home and Friends around u! Arroarnmers Irr Tmr. PszranMer.—Ctutries Mo Venn Of New York, to he Attorney of the United States for the southern district of New York vice Beejsznin F. Butkr, removed. wan= A. Hell, of Idissotui, to het Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Unted Staten 6o the Territory of OregOn, vice i.e. Tenter. who declines to accept,—Uruirn. Mr. Webster's Speech...ZS rewlele the Dentismnesitss, Rte. Webideis speech is earning golden opinions from all sortie people, except those whose souls! are too confoo to appreciate • splendid intellect, when its Opinions are in opportition to pre-conald ered notions. It ought to be scattered broad east over the country, especially inevery Whig district; and our Rough and Ready Clubs cannot do better than to procure large numbers of extra copies for distribution. The Whig press speak of it in exalted terms The N. Y. Express says of it like all of Mr. Webster's speeches, this is char. actertxed by great good sense, sound argument,nnd patriotic sentiment. To the old Whig Guard, some of whom are among the disaffected Wins of the prow. nt day, it appeals, trumpet tongued, to stand by their allegiance. It confirms, too, all that the great body of Northern Whigs have said of the ,self condemnation and self contempt involved in the support of such a nondescript politician as Man. tin Van Boren,—a man who has devoted fifty years of his life to prove that black was white, and who now .wishes to improve the remnant of his exist ence by taking the back track, and proving that white to black. If there really be any Yee Boren Wirigs,(nameethat can no more stand harmonious. ly by the aide of each other, than honest men can keep company with rogues and fail to fall oat by the way,) we commend to them this speech; and we commend it to all third party men, in the usu. ranee that if not blinded by passion, they mast, in the wisdom of past experience, hear and heed such an ap eal. p The reason for supporting Gen. Taylor r -as a Whig, as the Whig nominee of the National Con. 'elation and as the man who could not have been nominated without a liberal support from Northern Whiga—arts unanswerable. No man who has any attachment to old party associations, or to old party principles, will attempt it. As every friend of Webster and Clay would have been justly in.' digitate had the friends of Gen. Taylor failed to support the one or the other, had either of the two been nominated, so the friends of Taylor now feel that they have a right to demand the union of the I Whigs upon the Whig nominee. We must then ask all men in whose vein. I mums one drop of Whig blood, or in the depth of ' whose heart there is one particle of Whig enthusi aim, if, in a crisis like the present, I they . can fail to rally around one whom Mr. Webster so justly char- 'Menses as an honest man and a true Whig'? The New York Commercial has the following I remarks noon a remarkable feature of this speech. The speech strikes us as remarkable in one rca pest—differing in that one from every other diiw course that we have ever known to be made by Mr. Webster with a single exception--a short ad• dress made by him to a private though political ss semblage in this city a s ho rt time before the last election kir Governor. The particular to which we refer is the entire absence of all oratorical an and effort. The speaker seems to have made it his especial aim to speak his thoughts in the aim. pled feasible way, without the slightest resort not merely to the devices but even to the most lege , mate usages of L ee rhetorician. There is not throughout the whole discourse, a simile, an dem- I native ornament, a kirmula of Malects in any shape or even any apparent allocation of words with a view to catch the ear or excite the fancy of the hearer. If Mr. Webster had been giving direc tions about the labors of his farm his choice of words could not well have been more simply p tical end direct to the purpose. There is neither 1 concealment or exaggeration; he speaks not as one I having a purpose to effect, but strictly as one who, having been desired to give hersapinions on a cer tain subject, presents those opinions merely, alto gother unaccompanied by attempt at pennalliOri or discouragement In a word, what Mr. Webster now offers to his Whig friends, is jest such advice as he would conscientiously give a cheat with ref erence to a case at law—the working of his intel lect alone, unaffected by any personal feeling what. ever. TAT 1012... Filter Paritorrnst. Lamm.— The first Letter of Gen. Tunas, in relation to his becoming a Candidate for President, was written to the Editor of the New Lisbon (Ohio) Palladiums and is one that seemed to commend him warmly to the Whigs of the Union. We re-publish that Letter now for the purpose of showing that when the idea of being a Cauthrlate for President was first presented to horn, he frankly avowed himself a WHIG who should "ever to deeat.d, sn Indirldual opemon, to tile Enna*, of that parry." Read this Letter, attentively, Vitttsts of the ion. It contains the frank avowals of an hones truthful, patriotic Whig. This Letter, with knowledge of Gen. TAYLOR'S character, is all tb. voucher we want for Gen. Tsvton'a What Pnite plea daily paper. As a general thing the babas of the Journalist are very regular--he being regularly employed till two &clock in the morning. and rising at ten the next day to breakfast on hard eggs and cold biscuit. As to "domestic felimty," "keeping wholesome hours," and all that rod of thing, he has read at them, to be sure, but iso he has of the diamond val ley in Sinhad—and that's all be ever knows about them. Hu wife and children get perhaps a glini of him, kir the dent time in the week, on Saturday morning—provided the foreign steamer doesn't (which it generally does) happen to amve on that day. His brain, from the elects of constant putip ing and squeezing, is very much in the condition of a well sucked orange, through which dribbles en ocean of the highly concentrated essence of old newspaper, in "one weak, washy, everlasting &est' Law, cookery, political and moral ethics, engineer ing, war, watermelons, tremendous squashes and farmers' clubs, daguerreotypes, washing machines —are all legitimate subjects of his pen; and some of the finest things he does are upon the metricu fable advantages of the baby jumper and the dan ger of & national debt. Physic., architecture, music and nallineryare also topics upon which he is con pletely et home, and as to reviewing books, claw voyance is no touch to tam. A CIXDID Ormio*-Tlfse following, (says the Petersburg Intelhgencer,) from the pen of the Editor °futile Union," in May,1846, before Gnu. Tramps wets thought of for the Presidency, will show the real opinion of Fsrirsm Rxrcats, and how little re liance ID to be placed upon efforts from the same quarter to disparage the Old Hero: THE PEN WORTHY OF THE SWORD." Nothing can he more happy, appropriate, mo dest, yet dignified, than the despaiches from Gen. eral Taylor. They are worthy of the man and of the occasion which has called them Garth. We thoroughly agree with the compliment that the New Orleans Courier pays to the general order of Gan_ Taylor, 'giving thanks to his troops far their bravery and good conduct: "The American reader MI di remark with ratan and *unite the striking contrast it exhibits to the tedious, extravagant, vatnglonous productions of the Mexican General. The neatuesa of t h e style is admirable—not a word too much or to the wrong place—all ia fine keeping with the energy and decision with which his mil i tary operations are conducted."—Aram the Semiweekly Union of May 30th, 1846. Orasnors 09 913,6 Toxin or '47.—A large lot of hum, received from New York, pursed through this city, a few days ago, tor Cincinnati. This Iron. was bought in New York at the rate of s.l2ths loos than the same description of ironic sold by our man. ufacturen. and cost the parchment, delivered in Cincinnati, one Munk lens then ha could have par. chased the same description of iron in the Western market. Foreign iron is thus, under the operation of our I.ocofoco Revenue Timid; passing right ung der the noses of our manufacturers, and driving them out of their own market. What will be the consequence! The American manufacturer must either quit making iron, or he must reduce the price of his later to enable him to compete with for eign iron. Thus American labor in made to coffer• by Locator* Legislation. The Chrome.la admits that Mr. Van Buren may not get a single electoral vote in the Union, but swats that he will get enough to strike terror into the Hunkers, fie. With what consistency then' can Whigs throw away their votes, under the plea of opposition to Slavery extension, and thus risk the election of Caw, the sworn opponent of their fa. vorite principle, indeed of supporting their own party, which has always been sound on the slave question By voting for the Whig candidate, they secure the success of their principle; by voting Ire Mr. Van Buren, they promote its certain over throw. At the municipal election hare bray, T. Seger Flutelinamt, Eaq, was re-elected Mayor of the eity,by 168 emority. The weather is vary warm. • Rattiestlow Keating In Plalladelplda-. Clardarnew \ Johnston's IlpwWfio , On Saturday evening last,. irtuletise Mass i tdeetray of the Whigs of pwade , p , im city and Pm - saurian Ann Mascurnrre.-It bee been pro oged to establish a line of omnibuses (rola the county, was held in the Chinese Museum,lo ratify ~...... 4 ; ~,,. city , t o ~... the aomlnsdion far Governor. The North Amen. ` ....u.u°°.. " ' n ''''' ."°•'' ".. the borough of Mwiche" ter, but th e demand on the old bridge h., so far, can says, that from all quarters gathered together i ' tn , mei tried Whip , with , bi , 0 ..., f . thra , the e' prevented the attempt. The toll asked on a four many a campaign, and the young, ardent, and en. I Lone wrl°lhms ' """°lthrile " P" ra ' als-°‘°°°M• thonnme arm . , who hate come tnto the annynth clig to Hoe bundled and fi lly dollar, per r, annum.- with an ardor that is eresistable. There wee but At this ruse, or any thing like it, the toll would at one me ent, and that of confidence in the roc- I sorb all the profits. Would it not be conducive to the interests of the company no less than to the cess of Taylor, Fillmore, and Johnston. In sue and ann . , the meeting haa been rarely the. citizen. that a rate of tolls be adopted, which WI I passed. Among the speakers were Governor W not entirely prohibit such enterpreel F. Johnston, of the State, and Governor Penning- ~ neonate° Anoraza MAN ' S VT -Mr. Cooper ton, of New Jersey. Col. loan Swtr-r presided, assisted by a great cavalier of Vice Presidents-- N w 7ll: m befo Pi. re 'ned of on Wednesday, AldermenStee Steel, for by marrying Jeremiahhl ar. Joseph R.. Chendler, one of the Delegates, made I 1 poet the wife of the said Jeremiah Nellis,while he, an ekslonot speech, V . " an account of the State 1 , her first and lawful husband . was in Mexico. Convention, and then introduced Gov. JOHNSTOIS, Cooper knew that Mr. Nellie was still living and whose remarks are reported in the North Amen- was the rightful husband, but persisted in marry can, as Slows I lag Mrs. N and ricking the consequence , " Governor Johnston said that when the Conven tion at Harrisburgh had selected him as one of its I standard bearers, the unanimity of the nodunation had been truly gratifying to hibi, but if he was gra tified then, he was overwhelmed with the recep tion be had met - with here in Philadelphia. But it was not merely the nature of the reception which was gratifying, it was the effect it would have on the national contest. He said that he had come to the conclusion that something must be done to ar rest the downward progress of our National Gov ernment and Institutions. He believed that the party now in power at Washington were cliqued together fir purposes of mere personal aggrandize ment, and who had made the Government their Prey The reparation of the power of the State Coy, ernments from that of the Central Government, was among the leading desagna of the early fathers of the Government. Bill the tendency of the pre sent governing; power at Washington, wag to ab sorb all power-to centralize everything in Wash . mg., The Constitution was as pure and ennui. , bed as It came from the handa of Its Gamete It was amply equal to every emergency. It was all suffunent, when rightly interpreted. And to sup pose that there were any compromises behind it or under ii, was an outrage upon it. The party he alluded to bad attempted to build up a power not in the Constitution, and it is this Which must be met and crushed . The administration had established in Washing ton a paper, which it esteemed by °thetal patron age, and which inbound to defend every act of the, Government, whether it be good or bad. This or- I „ _ - „ - _ M ANI. FACT!. RF: as D TOBACCO- 65 his Premon fir Ps, and rterolaffiliatedr....., .....d ineveeveryto I The election r art Alderman in the 2,1 Ward, is " do part of the country by trovemutent patronage, are Ito supply the vmancy occassoned by the resigner 50 C Roy s 55, constantly engaged in calling upon the people to 10 do ee , sustain those in power in all their acts, whether 1 ten of A.Miller, lleri , takes place to day. Mtnas all of good on „ lit , „ ns aa , law to close ao „,, trarn , o , constitutional or not He said that the Lomb. at and N . Buckmaster , Esq. ., are the candi- Iby imp° ISAIAH DICKEY ACo Front at party, in their Baltimore Platform, had set down as l dales. , curt - roN -se bale. Tenn rotten in store and for unoonwituttonatmensures which the Supreme Con rt I IV, sale by . ial ISAIAH DICKEY &Co of the United States had already decided to be I Smarter. COURT —Sept 7- Present all the Jud e lii,t. 1 LsL , t.t., xt. Hl'-to has this very superior constitutional. The character end judgment of es 1 I.d tobacco met received and for sale by WICK A NI`CANDLF.BB the Supreme Court had never been questioned and Graff et al Va. Bloomer-L/110.i Coon, argued i eeen _ yet the platform goes right iii the teeth of it. He by M'Candle. & NI Clore for Phi. in efflor,Shalerr, , I sACON -20uu lbs city cured baron, hog round, • spoke next of the views of Judge McLean against I for Dn. in error ig s p rime article Just "oat smoke boon. for sale by WICK h %I LANDLESS extending slavery into territories now free 11e I In the ma tt e r of Beeler 'e Ro o d--Quarter :-.es. I', ..__Le did not see how the whole bench could decide any ' c a bs pouch Just receu.d and for sale move, argued by T.Hamilton A- Looms fur appel- I Ty) rAsit other way.l.t, Washington for appellee / it) •eP6 1% I( KA. M'CANDLESS -7 The speaker then enlarged upon the Fee. Soil In the matter of the pennon of Thomas 11 lel re ell Fst..-67 b. W II cheese : 67 mks do lust ri question. He said that Pennsylvanian. should all -Common Pleas, argued by 17 It I It:ana. t for 1 ...red sod for sale by W stand together on this point . for it was here that the appellant . M Landless & Lontnia tor appellee . I rep. _ ICK & WCANDLESS ant slavery movement wasborn, long years ago. Church dr Garotter. v. s Untllth to Dixon-Din- '"k 4.CTAR LEAP -I- its James Thomas nectar It war here that the great Fmnalm find gave th. tint Court argued by Mellon fur appellant. Woods , ill b'nl tobseeo t o, received and Fur •nte by =pens to the movement Ever since then Penn • fo r appellee. anti 1% I. K A. Itd`CANDLF.Sw _ _ sylvanta delegauons in the national councils had , stood up kr freedom. He traced the movement 1 GEN. TAYLOR A WOIL• 110,1.,,,.;-7,„6,..1-e,sa„ii,,..i,obr; and 0111 be told low to 1811 All DICKEY & Ce down to two yearn since , when in the State Leg- I 1 ,, iii. Editor, i ,h, p,„,h„,,,j, G,„„„ ..pis inlature resolutions against the extension of slavery tY it t.s.o s.-toe bat good quality in more and for sale were passed by an almost unanimous vote- G only As some persons appear to hove doubts of en a ‘ ,by „ p a InAIAII Dilk4l ACo twu votes in the negative, and they are now Ca. Taylor. being a Wiog. for the following forts Igo • LT c j 1 LOGY% tilift-ISI bide m oaced and for sale by -men. But only last year mole.. of this char- you the name of one ul the most intelligent and re , mod R I SF 1.1.k.1is 57 wood Si aster failed to pass in the Locofoco House of Re. , opecUible ladies of the car whine husband, a tat. C' AL:StiDA -• cask. prime hag Just received and presentaUves, because then a Baltimore platform , cored .act"' R F Rt. Surgeon, woe stationed will, Ins family at 0 1 lot .cite was to be raised in favor , ti slavery. - - Had Pee ' . I Je ff erson Barrack. where I7en Traylor wa. also at ( ill. SASS YFRA.-16 tt. mo ...red and (or sale sylvan. uumtmously passed that resolution then I , that period. Al the time (WO. alatigUrat,on of Von iij iiii •.P. Rlt SELLERS he d el uee believe the naiteeere platform ''''''... I Buren, in L 1737 fen Taylor was asked by th is la- rg tOdA( ( ti-.... ties Na 1, 6 isnot IGedge brotudi tawd - have sustained eleven,. „.,. Idyif he intended being premat on the occasion. he 1 ,rig trout canny. teen,. and for sal* by The speaker said that th e re was no need ...`", a I answmed not at all that he was no adnorer al 1A•11 1DA LZELL, separate party to carry out these principle. a nere, ati Van iloceo or na to . tho p,ea. 'Ph Water street had !teenm e'sten'l' for Y ee " a pony who had i This lady al. elates that he w as w. d know 14 to I , OTTIi .., -.5... balm m are and tor aide by been nun in their opposition to the encroachments b. n Whig. sod a eohthed gentlemen , ~ a .,.., e , 1., ...,,/ JAMS-8 DALIF.I.L of slavery. But, that party would not interfere I reader, and a ripe ',hoist ono that h. extensive %1.., sa yy__ so ky a „,,, nos i , oo li e i t with the censtitithen md the vested nights of the 1 manuscript pt writings „„ 0 „„„,j iton h . nor only road ad ~•• soya '' n 1 MIN 110NN HORST it. Co I South. They would only say firmly to our South- I t much, but studied what he read. .d appeared 11 5 y - en fmede , ,l,he heree t _ertn e t. selueb ere, now free free from I conver.nt upon all !Objects nt the general history I' l 'H - to "" n' ( t. ' lt ' .(.I'N''phONNHOftsT A Co wpu slaver y she. ' never """ su "j eel t° ' ''''' us sa p t° a our and other t00...h a. toy g• U Man ,he • our Southern (needs ge, follow nibs keowePe I l ' eve , conversed wan,. WtiA IT Ili , l' API R- 40 ruse medium nod crow your own letterman We have pained our faith to i A C ity mit Teti..a O m.. f paper tor sale by „pri e It %ON BONSHORS7 A Cu his dons and we we determined to seen. his I pruicorles There was too need then of a ailed par- I The above corroborate. every , se, tuol we bat • I 4 NATO t _s t ,,,0,,,, my carry out these fflew. Our candidate tor the 1 ever had of Gen Taylor. potation and t oloral t II o ray sePO Pr...leery Zachary Taylor, bold. precisely these principle. The respect% at and ntelleent tad) I NL.LIN O -I groan hus , : , r , cc A eßr s ett i t l... ...4ffl itt , r ‘ 7 te L 2te views Gen Taylor, though a slaveaolder , his in ,. ... Ito haa .' added Mr tettanony has letters declared his me net to be those of Jeffer. • above ee ' ere L ''' C k 1., M A t,N 1.1 A . cane . ,no mete ,rd Auld Mr sin This rine matw..l wee received with trot to that of bon d *. tt ober. to the .a to inquiet • iia r I ...pi. UA I 1.11\0.0 ro, g& Co month:too and cal repeated cherry- The speaker If ther e s army per.. uli i nib" , 'in( i , iiii, I)i _A I k -.I ht... A 1 %lame Ala bare rust rte 0 said that there Wan one pant . winch he tbought , tr a)ka . „, a w a ,, ~, ~,,,,,,, an d f ee l mg a U t or. I_4 iet exprrt., i.t p. .up btatck iittls for manta.. the National Government had treated Pemiayeas ~ heartymitts A a All ._ •LiPh _ ma hardly-the e repeal of the protective tend at i seg. , VP itt 7 it. could not be eon` lel eo 1 %A'. • l 1:1000 , 11.5. 5 .—A A htmon &Lo ba s e 1842 He would not argue before a meeting of lon any of the twthunry ponetplet of en nista, r epett eo ,to p m , in, ~t t e.t sit. fairy dreg silk. Whkgs, for he knew them already to be in facer et I --- --- "P 7 _- I'..e nee i t 'd he ....Id refer is the 5t.....' t. I "Lit Cunturrn I -The \an Puren disorgan. 1)1 D I HAI K-11. .as i ts roc d and Mt tat e It> which the vote of Pennsylvania had been obtained sl, woe. LI A F AILS I.STOCK ACo for Polk and Dallas They left no stone untamed re.. the Wh g pact)', ' us]. n ' n ' Pre ' sum o ' oo t - `AND CRt CIBLEs-rtio at. mutated ose• Just to make the people of Penneylvanta believe that , thus sound reliable Whig Stain' The New Haven 0 r.i elf ed sod Jar sale by 11 A 4 Ale 4 I teTta Is Ain Polk and Dell. were as good proteettve trio men c. 0., spea k in g 0 , t h e lair ..,,,, t oe y et a,,,,,, anti LS Henry Clay. No sooner were they In power 44, I h i t l lt• It lit tl , t \ lin A , -I-_ , - 100 lo • tuga• I. four than President Polk commences to argon against ' i.-7 mutts.. ii store aid tar .a,a at J k‘11.2. , A !IL rctil , o's & co the ~..,d . of 42 through h is meetegen , and th r „,,,,,y, "But the facts a bad. were Lau, ng in upun ire sopa the long reports of b. Secretory of the Treasury i State - loco Convention tn. a ll roomers 01 ine 6. and George M Dallas gives the casting vote fur stated upon the highest authority, and entitled In ' I ° P o l d H Ol S' 2o a lt i. g P s - do mu do ' l ' a ". .to " r i e d' a n tid s t p o n' t sal " e to lly b'h the repeal of the tanff of 'l2 The same game ts, enure credit-prove beyond the shadow ot a doubt , JAMES A HUTC.illseiN &Co Acts St Louts Ilefinegy playing by the I.... e f e ees with regar d t ,, t h e r y e . that, Connseucut is sound to the very cam ' opt m eof the Wthaot Provso. They are electron. l and that unth proper achetty on they -art , , Whigs are ilestmeiLto , sweep the Stale re n on ) ( Ih' e ' Li.i!'D—M" pigs IA " Nt. " : I ,..;l d l ' l ' 'CllV4 l \ nd k i' t r „ eenng for theth candidates for sod against the Pro eiso and if th ey o . e l ee x e d, the rsomesi d o of ll, e ena to the other Wei question orbetner there was , . mP' No 45 water St sod vv fro. '•:' territory will share the fate aa. protective WS! eve , held • State Convention 64 the ur huts or t Lt Rol _ , tan that, at. d nornbees lik store and NW The speaker contended that the interest oltevery C".... 0 .. 1 whew' the =mot "f V... 1 7 - 1 ,.. 6 t•tt• l Ci____•.l..) ettps JAYIILS A lit ILIIISON &Co man depended upon the protection of m.ufac- of tu'en..-..n."" numerous, „.or u. „ .PI” t / tOFFES--outi bags Rro . eotimloal reed sad •or tale tures. It Increased the value of property , ( or .hog Thu mmatmsfflatt of .00roo , 'm. r , 0 , r0 boo I l i t by se fin JAM} ' , .} A lICTLHIeON &Cu embed r es e uee: t o the c.,,,,,,et t . e ',41.. rounded ciao dostA Frfrli of Van lir, rrt, party to ii,,, meat to the workmen and bounces to the trades. She. I N . `:„ S m i t i e '. o k t g - . l l l l\t ' '- ' '‘ ' 11 ) L7V1 ' . g 1;ISL/ '" 4 ` l ` c . l. "' _— people. All these were Jeopardized by the vote 1 113- i•. Till Pane. 51.7.-11 ton wish in be the •`'F 5 - *prep for Polk and Dallas Set a was weeo under ~,,a , a , .„) an d. r aa,ag, y ea mu. ~ways •u.e the •% a oh.sahS —Oll . 01)15 piantabon Moils*. toton the assurance of honorable men that in their hands crepe, Mean. Therefore fr' ),w hare a ough u.e In so d for sa le by it was ware. II the people are a wooed time dr- lavasts Errurroatto and be eared lot it o ther rr pule, ~,,,) JAME', A lICTCHISON ACu carved thus, they deserve to suffer In the hands ewe.. t o ter ,c i e, S , sdiree m or dt lll ett , ltt of tt ,. ±:thr. t --- , of Gen. Taylor the nfactrinag Interests were ;;;, th: 1 ....,4,,,,',..'„," w h; h Isa mu r,,,,, ‘ ",t at V e n t' t 0 „,,,;.:,,' i I /1 " -- 7;,, tibl. t "'"" . I .it,'";l ‘ .l,7l " Rrty " se r .,,a '"" %t b) safe He would never de alti Polk bad done. The speaker then spoke of the lever of Gement Taylor the Zest], u Loeb cotract. Al. thameter ni the tutie• , ‘I ' i P . N. TI.RPENTIN F :- 30 btil• In prime order )asst ' ''' """*"" ." t " . ""‘ " P "" ".'". '''"6.'"" them tS ram d end ter .et t.l ,east it t. st•lLLEits giving . sec-dent of the dek.ace 011'01,111am.° , re, and thm refflorer 'yeti' obstruction t. •it nip , - _ It we s said that Maim Bliss had written General ,irs,r.ntil,i.e:L.the,:an„.,,.t.L•e..%l tr,tltert,,,,,ntstlninut:,7,l..,.., R Et IN}.. . 1 , , ~,,,, ,(,-, 7.7.,yria..y.010a , u5 ., ;. ,, , , ,,, , ,,,,,,da ,, n. , ,0 , Taylor letters. This one, ti e m by Bliss, must th ,,,,,,,,, 0 „,,„,, cof too , pite „„ l , ~, fa ,., as . ..te hy pep/ it have been wsUen when quit • boy Yet it wan put..., Affecuiiii, th. as, sets ,-.,.. 1 ,p,,,,,,,,,, wnuen in the same clear perspicuous style as his sad rel.( . emtion and , you an i boo Wad too bare letters from Mellen. The speaker then gave in de "j"d ltor a' . ..tetT w Pe la l " Trtrg ' tz at the Pekin T eo s aa t e , , :• . 2 , th 1 g ARD 01L-IBurkhart go bblo no j e zn i d u tb:ls c j o ust s rrts.. ,,, T ii t. R PIA YIN! -2S bhl i s m fo A r It sa N ie .„. br aysn..B er - - Ltd the history of General Taylor's heroic conduct at that memorable siege, .d the recital Woo re , ."."' mt. ceiyed with great cheering. He concluded by say- Js,lltabt Fallectolmart -We would call attention to I lag that General Taylor had laid down his p ang I this excellent remedy for Coughs. Colds, Consumption, 1 CIIIRONIh GREEN-6 case. lust r j ece S t i v u ed u s & ad c. lot teir% f arm 1r was owe worthy o f w ee h e gt o e, en d /Latham anti alLztfectr th n , s , of f the Throat Ind L 00... 1,,r sale by every true pmr,a. ought to support a I.k would i i l i:0 " 1 " o g u " . ," ; *1 che7n7or it:: k e irid.c " e7,re a by e l sr n - ' ' C IIKUME SELWW-5 cases ii "‘ j - Ti'LjEt a ,=” sJe by • sept restore our Government to ite Poet.. purely.- sore tested I. excellent qualities, and are prepared to Governor Johnston retired anode naivete.' sp- recomatend it to others Ministers or other fll.. I . )OW'D A RSF-NIC-700 lbs lost reeetred and for plaum waiters afflicted wan brcmchml •frections will find f sale by 5 A FAHNESTOCK tr. Co _ great benefit from its use. Ii t* prepared by a semen 1 sect err _ first and wood .ts Yam Buren.-The *misted Noivereo,.. fie physician and all caste. well hal a e safe and efh. J. IA Adama. cemous medtrior Lo we diseases for ',bleb it Is re- bsftstal'l.s,,l,VlClL"lalLllNu—.3A k F e A g li si N ua wroc t reeerr K edr c d o for commended -IColumbus whim-Cross and Journal _ _Fa ___ Our readers are well advised of the general course For rain saute Pekin Tea Store, No. 71/ Fourth street. I f IREANI TARTAR-2. 1 s just received sod for sale of President Van Buren, te arrest and send,back ins myth k.d by aep4 ll A FAHNIESTOCK &Ca to slavery the rwenty-five negroes brought Into Tan f o llow.. named gentiernen were chosen mem- I 1140 EFINE.I) BORAX-I 2 cues? ust rec'd and for sale cep/ II A FAHNFSTOCK & Co New London, on the Amistad The following in ten of i tr ,, a b. F.a .,, e , tztoor c eof the Rooth and ... by puplished in the Portland Adverttser, . acopy of K rilleSsfalCic Long.NTZ iteliii a HANNA. la/C 15AL, JACOB PAINTER. CA4TOR 0 ., 11.-46 0 bbl ß s N A . k ill i st ri r ßs ec To‘ 'd and f & or L,, sale Mr. Van Buren* order to recapuire and return , JESSE CARUTHERS, 1.k.0N A IID w JOHNS, CI AR LEAD-(00 lbsjuet received and for .le to them to the Spanish claimants I WM .1 HOW ARII C 0 1.00511 e n S b se t U A FAHNESTOCK &Co All ine members of said Continuum am, requested to "The Marshal of' the Crated States for the Dte. QAL SODA-5 casks Engliela lust received and , . . meet at • room in Breed's built.. adsontng Me %lay. triet of Connecticut will deliver over to Lies Jelin or'. Otlica, this (Enda)) ere. . 7 oelock 0 sale by sera ll A FAIINF.STOCK &Co ___ J. Paine, of the United States Navy, and aid in “pa coveyang on board the Schooner Grampus, under ..---.--.----..-8 I LILNGIIAM, ca„ - Si command, all the negro. late of the Sperush (Er Ladies who use Jones' Spann. Lily White, have C - , 1ATEC ..0 1.1--6016 Ito m u st A ree ß et A v i e iN d t a. ,,Toc d forßsa..le Cob), Schooner Amisrad, in his custody, under process always wfine an tramparent skin Of this • trod nee , pee d., b e g, t h e c,,,,,, C oe n t ith e th a . will taller any one. Bold only in Pittsburgh, at E 0 Liberty at novladandorty led States, for the Monet of Connecticut For so - doing, this order will be has warrant. Kay Lost. "Given under my hand, at the city of Washing- O n Saturday even. , t6r last, on Second meet or Chan ton, the seventh day of January " A.D.1848 eery Lane, • large !MASS K } in finder void he "MARTINVAN BUREN suitably rewarded by leavtn E g aat this ogee - We annex the opinion of jehu ("tUmeY Adams Dr. O. 0. Stearns, Dentist, of Van Soren'. course us issuing thus order, and s'AFFICS. al Mo. Heuer., ou Fourth street, a few of his exertions to send these negroes unto slavery V doom above .00d Meek until the completiOn of for life. Read d carefully. and make your own ate house nearly.tlymeeite Teeth to block. wall ant comment. It speaks for Itself Mr. Adams .4 fi . ...i .u 5zt , ...,A.r.t ,, uf ,, n, ,, LT r .: ‘ , 1 .....17 , 7 , 7.11117 . t; “Th. order [to take t. neer. 0 was .it face . Cmc Teeth, from • full set demi to a smart. one, In positive, sweeping. unoondmonsL No spethica- mned On a sue. n plate thus mottling teJeet to the bon of persons, no names, net even their number, natural teeth. Specimens of blocks 01 santlon plate off the negroes, late of the Spanish Schooner Arnie may be elmuned at ita n‘ otfire pa , caoo 5a ,,, 0 ,„6„, b a All oparatztz u nt ~.t o Me profewton . p o e o. rf , o ,B, rrned tad, in his cuetody, under bre the Cirenit Court of the United State. W. the w n_h Ss' and ' " order given in a country where the Rghts of Per- TllO Rose Golden . Bee 111.• Again. N Fedi and It weer Di y Gtod.. nos were words antheat meaning! In the King- U receiving and now open.. rat the sign of the door of Dahomey! In the region where the Bow- J the ITT Una lin s lon Market tenet, et Weer) i ill rd and smog is the warrant of Execution I It was given Fourth streets, one of the largest, commis.t sad beat in the land of the Declaration of Independence-in ...led stocks of Fall and . niter Dry Goode ever of the rand of the Selfevident Truth. It was given fered in Pittoburgh The atlentroit ouerou. by a President of the United States' customer. and the public generally is or resp r num ectfully ist "It was of course null and void, and if, before the s e ed w th ' s LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK demean of the Court, it had been delivered to the hem; ete ed ee , we cam sell goo d s c h eo , than any Marshall, end he hod executed it, he would have boasts In the clip. Among dun fresh arrival will be staked not only the live. Of the negro..., but his found the most faoltionahla and newest style. of FALL own head, and that of Martin V. Buren, the alga- AND WIN MR 0001.1 S, tor Ladies wear, and at psi er of the order, upon the event." ces that will mtomsh all, the subscrater being deter muted to sell CP EA PER THAN TliF CHF:APE-SI, Cost. VeD OOLD.- -- A curious fact ts Sated in the 5 , N o us, Market street . Philadelphia North Amerman From the annual eefin•lf _ __WM 1....1U Report of the Director of the U. S. Mint it appears QUOAR fee -156 hhds bur by prune N O. sugar, 112 bbis bat and crushed - that the val. of ell the gold coined in the U.S. s '-' 125 '• mulmse. tur sole by Mints for twenty kur years prim to 1847 was $l2,- sere FRIEND, RIIEN &to, 57 water Bt 741,1E63, or somewhat exceeding the avenge sum COTTO y... N I Y BB AMB . l‘..c . .t di, 73,fflru k ltutu d i o 'd b r: Colton of half a millton a year-a very considerable addi on ~,r e e ,'earpet chant and coverlet yarn. for n ial7L lion to the Mock of American wealth, but it appearsrorintdaaturere lowest prates by FRIEND, MIRY & Co from the returns of the coal trade in Pennsylvania ''l4l ___ - that the value of this commodity brought to mar- COITGN -125 bales fr'" eh .. h) . FRIEND, IMEY & Co kat on that State is ...ally equal to the stove - large amount-that lam year, for example the val. p zee of her enthnnette coal brought down the tide QUrillaMs-feu lbs tier , 501.) yd. taw knee for sale water, nearly 3,000,000 erns, was actually equal to k) by __eq. _ ._-__ FRIEND, RIIhY &Co the value of all this gold dug up in the South dia. GL I A e r-4 ..a, ttu o bs i s .. s- m io , , 10 .50 d :1 216, , i t cli:t. , l;i, 35 do ring the whole 24 years. sep4 S t VON BONNHORST & Co Q H MOI.A.SSES-M 7 tads on consignment, for vale Toe Tarns sx Nsovoo.-We are pleased to Os tour m ob.. by .I', C H MUNI' leant, that an arrangement has hero, made with the -❑, - • Trustees, or three having clomp of the Mormon (...;' 1{ " : ' i '-' "" 1 "" *. '." 1 1.. 1 : . w 7 ILLIAms opt Temple at Nanvoo, by'which that splendid edifice -----------_ .. is to be devoted to a useful purpose. It has beau f lORKS---6 Wes mineral, to do bottles, 64 bg. Vial, leased for a term of fifteen years, and is to be at V .l. 447 gross Long Vial, jai reed and for sale by R E SKLLERS, 67 wood at once converted into a college building and to be .19: occupied ON that purpose. The institution lets' be I TCH--60 bbl. Pilch; 22 do North Carolina Tar, in under the patronage of the Rome Mission Society, 6.°d order, for "1" bY 0 13LACKBURN it Co and immediate steps will be taken to put it Into .91. ___ operation. A better location cannot be band in Q HXD-62 101 l barrels for sale by NHOSST a. Co the western country or such as institution. and it SD seD4 n F VON HON WA if uroparlq conducted . receive th e patronage TTEMP-60 bales Manilla Hemp, lust mo l d and Mr of all th e bordering upon the Idusaissippi.- ja ..k. b y St. Louie Repub. augt3 BMWS & dutueirrsoN, its liberty to Ciww=on, S. C., Sept. 5, *MR. AND MRS- ARCHER'S ACADSKY POR TOUPO isiiiiiiras Nti;-10 LaSlNGewe Irma, litairenntut.' CRS PRINCIPALS OFTIIII9 ACADEMY annomice that their next annual term will commence on the kasr MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Under their direction extensive improvemenu and additions are now being made in the Academic boil-' record;Band ill add greatly to the comfort er all eon, to secure this, vaxv raarcetazta nava that they will receive so semmonal pupils berond their usual number. The location of thus institution gives it advarauges which perhaps could not be combined elsewhere. The number apnoea, for the last six years, has averaged shoat one hundred yearly, and during the Mat acad., nue year. It is not remembered that them was one case of unimposmon, worthy of note, In the famtly; this goes to show its perfect healthfulness. It is central, and easy and convenient of access, m all pans oldie South and West. The best Promssore, of all the useful and ornamental branches of education, are at hand. Pro ' /Moors of Music, of the first in the country. are enga ged. It is honored with the confidence of inchteduals of the highest standing in the community where itex ists. andelow there will be found the names of many in distan apart. of the country, who have, or hove had, t daughters In the school. 10'he French deartment will be in chargehighly I educated Parisia n lady. of se•eral years expetience in ' teaching, who will reside tti the family, and to insure the advancement of the popes speakmg it, Ills dezigned to use it enurely in conversauo. A Professor m the department of Physical Science will deberr a course el lectures, during the term. Illus. t .n ra d tin b. g .o w . i f t u h , complete apparatus, all the most awful Mr. anti Sirs. Archer wall be present to some one of the school moms dunng every hour of rreitatton, and besides taking classes ler tostrucuon they will have a supenntendence of the whole establishment. Ile extent of the institution enables the Principals to afford these adruntages beyond a school of a small number of pupils,vrhife they avoid the evils of an over. grown establishment, by not receiving more than eighteen pupils to each instructor • The terms for the scholastic year, for board and Eng lish education. are S26P, no extra charges being made, ' I but for ornamental branches and foreign languages.. The terms in the day school •re 116 per quarter for the advanced classes, and 1110 for the meter classes. Refer to bibs (ten. Stott. U. S. A, Bishop Johns, The steamer Greenwood will be withdrawn from ' Richmond, Va.; Rev. Dr Wyatt, Rev. Thos. Adult., 11), Rev. J 11l Ih Duncan , D. D, Rev J. O. Hamner, D. the Manchester trade on Monday , and after dock. I d , Baltimore, ..1. 11. klernard. Esq., Va., Dr. H. VV. mg, repaulng, &c., will probably leave for the Len. Tabb, Vt., Hon. A , P Rugby , Ala; Hon. W. L. Shar key Miss • David Hunt, films. angs-lawfit l , r u h c e ky fio n ,,, v' t .: ffy ' to t."annt,the7p,dZyri:igk,th:wfu,illi e c : d ,th w n i u n :7 o . ' I •ilr. Areber is a gr.—senate of Weal Polio Academy. n ; 00PAI. VARNISH--e bbla New York quick drying run throughout the year, and with the numerous 1, ‘,.) furniture varnish, nisi reed and for sale by woof E SLER st omnibuses on the mod, will allord every caveni. I " 3 ' 7 1 A PAN VARNISH-1 bbls New York mat received ante lo travelers. lel and for sale by_ imp: R E SELLERS . _ . MI THE IPITEPTIEGII DAM Miran% EDITORS Stan roe Etas—Mr. Lewis A. Cleric, formerly of the Telegraph, wee held to bail by Alderman Steel on Wednesday, for a libel on Mr. Frederick Blume, piano manufacturer. The libel was uttered some time ago. Mr. Blume was not then aware of Mr. Clark's connection with the Telegraph. Mr. J. G. Backofen, one of the former editors of the city, wee a.•. , held to bail before the same magistrate, for a nn Barbara Miller. A Box or Ql,rnmo.--lniicer Richardson took I a box from one, of the Beaver Packets, yesterday, supposing it to contain part of the shoes stolen A (torn a store in the 9th Ward; but 0 was found, on „ p 7 opening it, to contain a quantity of partly morn cloth - IXT HITING-7 5 tibia pet received and Ins sale by g. There were several pairs at pantaloons B A PAHNE-13ThCK to Co ma. ASS.-3n lb. out received and ins sale by marled I Dickey.' j) _vep7 _l3 A FA HNESTOCK & Cu MeTAL--ISO tons :So 1 Foundry for solo by sep9 FRIEND, RHEY Ss Co . - - ] EATHER VARNISH—II Obis New York, a supe .l_4 nor article {.{ received stud for sale by vep7 E SELLERS SALTPETRE—Y3 kegs just received and for sale by 13 A coreFAUSTOCK Ist acid wood sts Pita" ju, retched Ri.416.1 13 A FAILNIISTOCK tr. co SAL. AMAION.-1.500 lb. just reed and for sea by A FALINCIL tr. Co VLIV FALL GOODS—A Mason & mark IA street, ara now opentoty 15 ses ot nob styles Mernmack. Hamthou and Coe beco Prints o 0 - - BENCH RAISINS —2W las bunch rin i s ms fin. order for sale 0) kIAGALEY SAIITII •dV 4 - - -• - BLACK TEAS.-75 half chests fine Powebong tea yard received add for sale by BAUALEY tr. SMITH 1101 . 1 , --lu bales to sort FAWforu, a fresh supply, Just R ceived and for rale low by BROWN fr. CULBI RTSON, svp4 hop deulers. I.* wood sr I . ,IIO .I C e ip;FF ; E:7O ) bss prrrue,iurlrlud a le v!nig and t, for Wi !MOWN 2. e u _ QTARCII—Zu Las "Strob l ." In store and roc sale 0 by ser4 BROWN & CULBERTSON IXTINDOW 61ASS--101bis S-10 and 10-1:1 for sole 11 by sop 4 BROWN tr. CULBERTSON rrALLOW .—.lllatli tallow reoervad for sale Icy W lIARBAU6III • falitiNE ipls wearers cream cheese reed and for sale by S W ILARIJAUGH so2/a ARD ()IL i . , --W Ibis lard oil,3lsebor , o .tore and 1./ for male y aop4 SA W HANSAtiIiH (ALIVEOII.-2 eras plat received and for idle by k.. 1 vep-! 11 A FAUNEUTOCK —& Cy SICILY 111141.10111e1:--, cases Nat received and for v.lO by cepa 11 A FAHNESTOCK la Co - -- • / 1./047'1LE just received nrid for sal. Nj by exy.4 LI A FA lINESTOCK G Co _ - - - 1)1CF..-13 1.: ream trash nce lust Rath and t'or gala 11 by GRANT, .14 No II water ...eat -.--- . 11 HATllktlt u sides red leather recetvlng by e a l, nal, and lor s—N ale Ity JAMES DALZLL, sep42l water street .. TIEER SKINS _.4 bundles deer sklnstn to .2 J 4 ), for sale by sep4 JANIF23. DAL/ELL I ARD 011.-10 bbls Brown's an mufacture In store A and for sale by sep4 JAMES DALZIILL_ S -- --- VUILI.B-20) lbs solu just revolved and for sale te by • isels4 B A FAHNESTOCK 2r. Co Q ENNA-2 bales India ju•t reed and for sole by 0 vep4 B A FAIINVTOCK I Co -- .—._--_-- .. AIaPHOEI-312 lbs just recetved mud for sa:o by rept II A FAIIINEFTUCK I Co I'd...N r it , .. i eErtr i Trl A ca r sc A urtjenelatlnd .,, ror CIOLO INK —IO tar gold and for writing, painting Ut and irsltlertg, at 23 and !!!! tint bottle, in..l Corned dial lor tale by B A - FAIINESTOCK A Co OUP. CARD. SODA-7000 Dm juat received end tor S by ierA - , 11 A FHNESTOCK ACo VirliliAT STARCH.. F .4u b. for sale by VON BONNHORST & Cc SY itepl fIoFFEF---69 *t. Domingo Coffee ;50 do Laoyro .4j do, Just reclined on comorrnmen N r, and for !fele BAUGH b 7 tep4 ti & V HAR I SUGAR. -30 bds IV 0. Stow; 1M do prima do in Moto bad tot solo by "p 4 AUCTION SALE{i. Doltlenore Dweltlon Onlee, 13 W. Q. Harrison, O'Donnell'. s : Saks of Wilmot and Bromine. • ON Wednesday 1 1 th inst. at II o'clock, at the Inn. houses, o•Donnel.Ps Whari 150 qr oaks Sherry Wine; 1111 Indian bbl. do! X half do do; 130 qr esks Cue Modena Wine . 140 do Lisbon do; 050 do po„, do, 150 do Burgundy Port Will', 101 do Tarrson& rel do • 50 do Sweet Malaga 40 Indian bbls do do, 50 qr eke Dry Malaga do; 00 Indian bbis dry MILIKI 23 hhds Rousinon do; Di do SL Julian do , 10 qr hhds Bonlea.s. Claret do , 900 cues St Julian do do, 50 do Maus do, 41 do Port do, 100 hit and qr casks Brandy, of mud 11= u g. , Co.. old Cognac; Gun., Napoleon and brands, of dfferelujradea and sintages. These Wines !bloodies an all pure in Custom House sto and entitled to debenture. and well wor thy the auenti res, on ofthe trade. Catalogues will be ready the day before sale. ' • 4 hhd. St. Croix Ram; do New Orleans Rom. WM 0 HARRISON By John D. Boots, Snettoneer -- ----- City Lot. for Bala. iaiSUANT to a reaalotion of Couneds will be of feted for sale by public outcry on the prams. on Wednesday the 13th day of September ' at 3 o'clock P. 111. of said day. Those two valuable City Lois, von , manly known as the Old Water WWI, Lots, bounded as follows; vis parts of lota N.. 33 and 31, in the plan of Pittsburgh, having a boot on Durincane Way of 130 feet, and extending back along Cecil's Allry 4 1 / 1 1 feet. Also, part of lot No. n said plan, having front OR Dui:l.cm Way 0,'50 feet, 3si and esteOding nod' along Cecil's Alley Du feet. On which are erected two large gut sunhat brick buildings. formerly used by the City (or Engine Hoes.. Terms One thousand dollars In hand, and the balance in three equal pay ments, at three, sht andnine yearst with interest pay able seint-anntially, at the alma of the City TroRSUrCI. to be )ecared by bond and mortgage. /AS. 11 MURRAY, Chm'n Cont. on City Prop. selind J. D. DAVIS, Auctions, • Stook of Dry (gods from the Shrives. Ott blonds y ning Sept. It. at to o'clock. at the Commercial Sales mor ROOM,corner of Wood and Fifth sin.. will be sold a large and valuable stock of fancy and maple dry goods, comprising sup. cloths, doastmeres, Sammons; tweeds, Kr Icons, block satin and fancy vent togs, damask linen table cloths, woollen and ootion ho siery, gloves, fancy cravats, silk hdkfs, cashmere, ter. keno, and broche shawls, mous de lain., sup. rich style prthis, gingham., blue black dress silk; white, red sod yellow flannels, checks, ticking., bleached and brown muslin.. sewing silk, colored cambric. /cc. At 2 o'clock. Gramm, Forndurr, gr. Young Hymn Tea, nor, 'sugar, mustard Virg ant tobacco; molasses, moon atone A quantity of chin glans and queenswate. patent beam and male, Ito safes. A general assortment of hoasehold and kitelte furmture, among which am mahogany theastrg reamt, sofas, chums, tables, settee, Look ease and • retary, bedsteads, seuotan and transparent manila blinds, looking gnomes. carpeting, /so. At 7 o'clock. Germ. fancy gads, fine cutlery ; gold and mice watches, mantel clocks, boots and snots, fine and • • hats, saddles, bridles, whips, fashionable ready mad , clothing, new style fine shirts, variety good's. ke. Catalogue Sale of Vaheale Boob. On Saturday evening the oth inst. et 7 o'clock. at the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and Fifth streets Among them will be found Prose works of John Milton, 2 volt ; Rollin's Ancient History, 4 cols. Scottish Gael, plates; poetical works of Kirke White., plates • 1772, on War of Independence, several hundred engravings; The Federalist, or New Commotion, by Hamilton, Madison and Jay; Kirby and Spencer's Natural History of Insects; ikazities of Flora., colored plate.; Grtydon's Memoirs of his own otnet . prose and poetical work. of 8. T. Coleridge Thompson's History of Long Islmd, 2 volt ; Curling on diseases of the Tesds Book of the Army and Nary, plums; SCOMI Life of Napoleon: Shakspetre't Plays poeueal Work.; Cmoptmoll's Poetical Works, fine illustrated edition; Goldsmith's History ofgry the Forth and commuted Nature. several hundred en inis 4 l etsc ; D'lsrach's sketches of English Literature, I complete works of Lord Byrm Ponfinal work , of Mary Hiramt hltlimen and Keats; Le Baum's oar noise of etniptuns of Napoleon ; Pollock's Coarse of Time, fine tiluttrtted edam, &o. Also family sad pocket bibles. An., km Caulogue. con be J buined lit the Auction store. sepiJOHN D DAVIS, Auctimeer Large Sate of Valuable Elcoka, Fo Engl. , . Ed, haw at Areettan. On Saturday and Monday evenings September 1605 and 1-th. at , he Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and F:fth streets. The collection embraces many rare. curious and valuable works in nearly entry department of litera ture, elegantly embellmhed with fine engravings. Cat alogues ear brained on alication (post paid) to the auctioneer The book• will be open for examina tion one 'seek pnor to the sale e pt JOHN D DAVIS, Auer AMUSEMENT& . . C S PORTER , .... •• .111/x4 Lutsopa but oae of tte Heron Family. I'ILIDAY EVENING. SKY W5l: he pre•enird (tree ranril 'he Two (ateiloroEs u 0., 1, a dramaot SCANIP. Joreph Miss Heron Mrs. Manly •— , Mud Fanny • • Mier which a musical oho by the Heron Faintly 'hiller. by Nia , tera 1 & W Wood. The whole to conclude with the , COTTAC/E. Corporal Mar • iwoh .ong) •Mias Heron. Nair Ilea , • • , • LASS e Agnes Lowtte .• Mu Fanny In which .he will sing My beautiful Mime," and "Liberty for Me Andrews( Engle Inloos, Wood Street. tIOL Li of the cordto rectum of over ono thousand Y mends, and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon us since we re-assumed the control of tlus esters. lishntent, we bet leave to Inform our friends and pa trons that no exertion will be spared to prornotethe tom hetdhilart ry of ea: umt to nusite pleasure Eagle" stand foremost, and lead off all similar estalslohments in the west. Ice creams, (unrivalled) peaches. oysters inwascon, with all other delicacies will be found at Sus establishment. anti *erred op in • manner wuttatt precedent. Balls and parties fun unshed as an./. se• ANDREWS' Patent Graduategifial , ;anic Hatter? and Patent outdated Pole+ for Mailed and atker • sistik: patentee mod respectfully informs the Lailie I and Ciendensen of the city of Pittsburgh and the public generally. that he is now to said city fee the per pose of disposing of patent nghts and privileges for dis triets, counuea 'States, de, of the above named apps rates. ?dr. Coad mtll swam on ph ysictans and others of . . _ business, and operate (or a few weeks his rooms at the Rachainge Hotel. from o'clock A. M. too o'clock P. hl.. to commence on Tuesday the sth Inst. Charge dollar for each operation, always path in advance Physicians who come wi th dime Oettenta will have e good opportunity to witness the effects produced on them by thepparatus, This is th e only tutrument of the kind that has ever been patented Ito this country or Europe for medical purpose, and is the only one ever known to man, by which the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the human eye, the ear, the brain. or to any pan oldie body, either externally or untruth, in • definite gentle stream, without shocks or pain, with perfect reFery, and often with the happiest elev.. This Important apparatus is now highly approved or by many of the most eminent physietang of this coon try and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom it may co nceth can be referred Reference will also be given to many highly respectable alumna, who have been eared, by means of this most valuable apparatus. of some or the mon inveterate nem°. disorders which could not be removed by any other known means. Among various others, it has been proved to be ad mirably adapted for the siredf the following diseues, viz nervous headache an other disordrs of the b rain. It is with this apparatus alone that the operator ran eye galvanic fluid with ease and ulety to the eye, to restore sight, or cure athaorosu; to the ear, to restore heating , to the tongue and Other organs, to restore speech; and to the venous puts of the body, for th e fare of chronic rheumatism, uthma, neuralgia. or tic doloureux, paralyse, or palsy. tout, chorea or St. Vitu's dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprains, wimp damson peculiar to females, contruffon of the limb, lockjaw. be: Pinsburrh. September 5, 11803, N. FL Physictans and other persons who wish to pur chase the instrument, with a tight for any particular F ace, will do well to call on the patentee forthwith. Full instructions will be riven by Itim for the various chemicals to be used for various diseases, and the best manner for operating for the cure of these diseases will also be fully explained to the purchaser ; and • pam phlet put thin his hands expressly for these purposes, carefully prepared by the patentee. sops-dtf Lectures on Galvanism. with experiments, will he delivered every evening by the Patentee, to ladies and gentlemen, at his room in the Fthehaure. Tickets 50 cents; to commence at 8 o'clock. . . TAKE NOTICE That William Hemdungray, of the etty of Pittsburgh, having been appointed Inspector et Flour by the Governor of the Commonwealth, under the Aet of As.exably of the lath day of April, MS, in and for the city of Pittsburgh. and the counties of Alb, gheny, Westmoreland, V ashlngton Fayette, Green. Indiana, Jefferson, ArlinnrOng, Ruder, Beaver, ?dei cer, Crawford, Erte, Warren and Veriutgo, ill thi. day enter upon the duties of has office under has coot. misston. •• • • • • . He may be found at Mr. Wealey Green's uer of Water and Smithfield greets. • • W E• cht,.. " . b .l ` , " =. p th :SeLl 35 hid. mackerel, winch we will sell 101 l ip close ccoo stgument, odor to the Indignation tueetlsLlo kw hold at the old court hoom to-night. JOHN M'FADEN & Co sep7 Th.l•Pollussi, Costal Basin inn y Dollar. Reward. __ — THE .bore and will be given for the reeoverfol the goods, •Ilti detection of thethiefor thieve. who broke into the nom of Ci. R. Adams, Allegheny cay, on haturday night last, end stole therefrom ► valuable lot pleads. sep7.l:ll G R ADAMS Engine ter Sale. THE tigine oldie lam steamboat. Plymouth" ask sold at a bargain. Apply to J. K Linen or of C E. Clark on board steamboat '• Beaver." dins A WOMAN to do house work • weer. Ithetel work light; good reference retrutred. Apply _"P 7 _ H MELLOR. al wood Warehouse to Rent. T HE, unroboune a present occupied b 7 th e subvert. n. Yonenton given on the let of October. sep7 roitsrrit A DUNUAN • —r------- CA REEN APPLES-3 bbls Mariana Apples waled l„T this day, and for .ale by aep2 TAS.SEP d BEST. _ _ PEARL ASH--10 casks received and for sale by sepi TAWSEY R Bn•r. riIIEAS-211 half ahem U Powder Tea; 10 do do be 1. oasis! do; SO do do Y 11ywn do. Id -do do Pow. shorts do. Also, Id lb and blb essays, of superior qual• iiy, for family aw, In store and o for sale by BLACK BURN k Co —•-- • • 11' lIITE 1111AZII. .9Ut , 11—` , 11 bavt.W B Sugus, .uperlor twiny.landlog 11. Sete by IiAGALEY x smrrii 1V l I' .1i FA.P.S. ILe —I czuk Nutmegs, 20U mutts ... VI 0 bales cloves, landing and for sale by stpl DAGALEY & SP,l3' I SUGAR AND L.4°E.AuFgars,- nett as l tys "B 4_ F l - diro "h lia l4 2 , Alolames, lot rale by seal BAGIALI:D2 AgrADTatin l'loTroN-7U bales in store consigasnent and los V sale by C ki GRANT, se • 1 4i rater sl CIADLE CHAIN—A Imp Cabie Quay, suitable fo ll steamboats, near .500 feat m Iralr= l4. . aal2s API M sNUFF—sou lb. ranaialld and kw Ws In?! limPa J uDD a Cp li & W ItARBAUOII y STEAMBOATS HEIR' ITABON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY Lail OP CABAL AND STEAM PACKETS, gat: 104 B. (ris gums:m(4 Lesser fittsbuigh tally, at Si n'clock, - A:. Pd, and at rims at Glasgow, month add *lay and Bassist a nal,) at 3 o'c lock. and New Lisbon at n, is t atm. Leavealiem Lisbon .t a Welosk, (disking** trip canal to the river during the ni.o2t,) and 9_ at 9 detach, A. M. and arrives at PribMMlntn n—ihun making a continuous line fore arryinifill.- *angers and freight between Near Lisban inn MCP burgh, in shorter time and at leas rates than by may other roam. The proprietors of this Lane have the pleasure of In foneloK the public that they have fitted tap two Ara etas Canal Boats, for the accommodation of PILLKOIIIOII freight, to run in connection with the well know& • steamers CALEB COPE and HEAVER, and esooMeg• ing, at Glasgow with the Pittsburgh and Cinder min aatul other daily lines of summers down the 01i10 and Mississippi aver*. The proprietors pledge thelm• • selves et spare DO expense or trouble to =PIO Can fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public • share of then. patronage. • AUTHORIZE:DACE:int. hl. HAR:II-N. &W. HA RBA UG H, I PiMbwilL R. HANNA, & Co. atyll3l J. HARBA UGH & Co. New 1-" ban" NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C Clarke, mas ter, will Leave after this notice, for Wellsville yruncte. ally, at 9 o'clock in the morning. $3 111611 PITTSBUB.OII BUOWNSVILLII Daily Packet Liao. FEBRUARY tat, 1848 FEBRUARY lin, 1 84 'LEAVE DAILY AT s A. IL, AND 4 P. ILL. The following new boats complete' tae line for the present season: AT LANTIC, Capt. James Parkins:nil ALTIC, Capt. A. Jaeobej ittal.Loolls hi'LANE, Cap; E. Bennett. The boats are entirety oe s, and are tined tip without regard to expanse. Ev or, 'c omfort that money can procure has been provide& The Boats will leave the kLattougabela Wharf Boat 51 the foot of How at. Passengers will be punctual ea board, as the boats will certiunly leave at the adver. used hours, Ei A. M. and 4 P. M PI rx utl'il(ill A. WHEELINU VACIM":; - The swill steamer CONSUL, jigai t Dorsey P Money,r, will leave & arty for WE 'on Monday s Wednesday and Friday, at 10 co . clock precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thandap sod do . torday, at 7 o'clock, a as, mid ' The Consul will land at all the intermediate porta,— Every aecomodation that can he procured for the mat fort and safety of passengers has been provided. The boat ut also provided with a selfacting safety guard le prevent explosions. For freight or passage ß ry oa boardnr DAVID C HER , feb4 Corner of let and Smithfie ld eta BEWICKLV, ECONOMY, tr. FREEDOM PACKET uisr The splendid light drught steam. CAROLINE. Day, Walter, will run es • regular dra y Packet between Pittsburgh and ilia above ports, regularly landing on the Allegheny rim oppoille the mouth of Pitt street. The Carolina mill touch at all the banduigs between the above Farts, for te the accommodation of the matket people and the Telling public. Leaves Pittsburgh every day at half; put two o'clock P. M., returning leaves Freedom ewe. ry day at 7 o'clock A.M. The proprietors of this line have purchased and Si ted up the Caroline Insupertor manner at a enaaldar. able expense, expressly for this trade They pledge themselves that the boat shall remain in the trade, sed hupd, by strict attention to the wants of the communi ty, toreceive their support fr , Fere 25eehm. mig2.l:46l.koraT - FOR The splendid itemsteamer Ok2YEVA., Alex Dean, master, will leave for dm Oer and intermediate ports is 21:13=1ZEI FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid steamer COMET, Boyd, muter, Will leave for above and intermediate port• on lids day Au For freight or pamage apply on board. 10 deloek. acptB ILFTWULAR PACKFfFOR SUNFISI The new and fast steamer •-• 11 4 WELLSVILLE. Barnes. master, will leave for above and all intermediate ports on Wisdoms days and Satordayi of each week. For freight on par sage apply on Is. .ro or In PUN. ci.staANATI. maim, The light draught steamer ft HMANDOAH, Siltiaman master, will lease Ihr the a otr and intermediate ports this day at 10 o'clock. for freight OT FOR CINCINNATI. • The splendsd steamer FA I RMOU NT • Ebben. master, tot!! leave for abase and intermediate ports regularly. apply on board. sepo For frei g ht • FOR C GINN AFt A LOUIS: The elegant step RINGGOLD, Co ye. ter, swill leave far the above d line senate port this day. mils= Tor freight or passage, apply on board. &opal lEt3:=l M=S=t= =M=M _ 5 114 , 11F1 b. T 0 .1)- o V7holele doe, 4 2 . = artl ' eles, 2tarl.it: e r4 .neat. Pin •ep9 I.ILOO anic—ocy co feet, prime •ructr urine"the O %Let SAW and Mar, ing 3101 , A legb 7y dl7. "rtsd. EV1:.1.1.: 11 CB .IU & 160 cUAL BOAT I' LA NE.-::tat, feel of .1 yboat Oka, for tale at the Out Let n•w and _•0 1 75- h 2l 64' NEVILLE 13 CRAW h SON I!=MIMS NEW 8001LII. REHONEER HISTORY: Being an aecoturt of the P first exastunanon of the Obio Valley, and thesis:ly settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly frog., original manuscript; containing the papers.of 110. Oeivge Morgan, those of Judce Burk. the diarbia of Jo seph linen and John Matthews: the records of the (Roo Computy, ke.. tee_ watt numerous Oa= and maps. By S. P. Hildreth. Orators of The Amerman Revolution, by B. I. Ma goon. With portraits of Sued. Adams Jas. WSMA, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Maher Laws and Jahn Randolph. I vol. cloth. Retinue from Business, or The Rich Man's Erect, by T. S. Arthur A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTO_ N seri{ booksellers, nor Market and Third NEW BOOKS . . RATORS OF THE AM C.RICA.I4 REVOLUTION, by K L. Magoon, plates of S.. Adams, /Ow* Warren, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fisher Ames and John Randolph, dedicated to students who are not droay Chririans who are not bigots, and citizens who are not demagogues Retiring from &mine. or The Rich M.'s Error, by 'l'. S. Arthur. For sale by ELLIOTT & F.NOLMIH, sep I In wood, and 56 market so Books 2 Book. I I ti,AMARTINE - 13 GIRONDISTS, complete, Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries, 'I 'bat I say in Caßreslau., by Bryant, The Czar his court and people, including a war in Norway Lod Sweden, By Magoon. Retinrig from Business, or the Rich Mares Error. By T. S. Arthur. The Battle of Buena Vista. By . Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Canna. Tyler's Tat tics. Schmitz's 11=e. A general assortment of School and College to n. books for sale by HOME% sepll Apollo Buildings, Fourth .t. new St sod. HENRY ROHBOOIF, Profeteor of M,usic and Organist .t Trinity March, (101UTINVESto give lestruction on the Piano, GM. t_r tar, and Vodal Music. Those pupils who defile to take lessons it Ms house, have on opportunity of ptacusaut a sufficient teeth of tuna before Wvin 10 In the instruction imparted firmly on the mit4 moat excellent Pianos are kept for that Purp ose. placed in MMms w here the pupils elast practice entirely [midis turtied. Determined to take only a limited number of pupils, those who wish to be instructed should make early application. Tama—ilk per quarter of 21 lessons. Residence, Penn street. nearly opposite Dr. Hermit. aep.l4m__ Ittnsprast i trouts' Patent. Sot& Ash. riiHE "them:there inform thet customers and dealers 1. generally, that their first rhipment for the fall bu siness of the above amens, has anhred at Philadelphia per stop Juniata, direct from the- manufacturers ha Liverponl, and will be hers to a few days. They have several other shipments ou the way—two of which, : per ships Medathon and Lydia, are nearly due-- they ore therefore prepared to receive order. Beside. the large gm:Lillie. they hove coming to the emtem Mica (to be forwarded here by moult they will receive during the winter and spring. regular =as via \.w Orleans. W Imp{ ILLSTUSIV MM.... Jos. C. TOCA, JS.COS soon, mix 15014 Jo 1113 r. MUM., SIVIVON. MECHANICS' GLASS WORKS. 11SIPSON, L.EARE, STANGER & , nusaufactis 0 rers of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glass, keep constantly on hand a general assorunets of the above articles. &Lao, nuke to nodes, a Bunt nor amide of Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colotcd Mau. No. I 8 .Wood st Ptusbn h, Pa an. -Cm YAPER—d.uO tells single Crown Hug and Straw Wrapping Paper, 1,000 tells Medium Rug and Straw Wrapping Paper, 60ftbdIs double crown, rug and straw Wrapping Paper, 10U bills 27x:31 inch heavy hardware Paper, 60 bills 93223 inch heavy hardware Paper, 603 reams ruled up and Lou.. Paper, allgoal -300 gross white Bonnet Boards; Ltro RUMS bias Factory Paper, In store and for wsin low by REYNOLDS k SHEEr to N-im roe peon sud irwia tur Sigma. ON MARKET STREET FOR SALE.—The rams at preseut occupiedbyr M . John Thompson, 00 Market street, two Joersnbure Fifth, offered for sale. Also, a very handsome locnuon at !drumbeater, Coo laining about .Incres, with • dwelling hr use and mbar improvements, formerly the rolodex.ee of Bee. Mr. Me• Cirrdy. Apply to OM BREED, OFD. Pitlabutsh anditalo Royala Copper MM.- In( Company. THE Trunee. of Mc Puttourgh and Ish. Royale Cop. per /limns Company have this day ordered ut nuessment of twenty-Live cents per rim, payable us John Irwin Treuurer, on or before the sth day of October stem. By order 1 A FoßS'iT See ki; sepdsdlm___ _ l - ---- Di••0111/1011 of Partnership. riSHE Partnership of SPCArsoiel, Peebles, Brown! Co., is duwilvad by the withdrawal of Pollard Tbo name of the new Gnu will he diem in a few days POLLARD !iffORMICK sep6-3t leapteniber 6 Bluspratt £ Bone , Dleachlog Powder. 18 icnt; Usually low prico for cash or approved fu,l. by pepd NV & .51:,MITI:11EILTELEE DEC. D. EIDININ •- Cerner of Poinlik and Devalur, between r=l2=l A CHOICE assortment a ma.a.aured Toboeco, 3 comptining Hopei' a Ilotinson's Sr; Webster Ss; W N Grant's .6m Price t Harwood'. Ssi Durum' 2s, and other popolar brands, jot reed and for kale by aura BRISWOII*. eii. ! FIERTSON. 143 st ItEFLNED SHOAL-10 bas D. 11.1aree loaf — sugar IWO-Obis nos I, 3,6, 7 and 5 small do 200 do rushed do SOO do powdered do 10 do clarified do in more and for sale by JA4102. A lIIITCHIroN Jr Co, Agra 81 Le, _ _ SODA 13H-9) outgo• Ash, for ode bf rDI = FORSYTH & DUNCAN CILFFRE—Aio bogs Immo km; NO do do Lagazyn; otwe and bar c.le by O BLAceoliari t a, F _ INE WHITE PLASTER—A few bbl., suitable Cr st u cco ewe, ter subs isug3l 43 P V I ZN EONNHORST & Co .. . LOORILLARIPSFINE CHEWIN G ToIiaCCCL zed.ord CHl. just reesiv wad far ybb, by i IDD a ese
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers