MIMI ' " i5f01. ( 4:W . :70',' . ..036. A NSON,AAINHAML Co.-71441e acuA 4CLOWE aL Yark, „. , , • . • war. Pinsbuilitk,s.l.444 eriPP4Tits=lllle7tl4..i*P"l'' AMVl?eft• un't ; hires ' Tdnitiled to 'the= sumd, W. „ tiblVrtoot rittabtalik! "octru MDZIIICY au lIR,_ _ mama minim. 1407.1 Whelisala and Rani! Drag- T m l SL Clair creel' Pixu. '14744 DROWN If C , Vnio e .13 End CoutcomiclL nier.nat,us,,No.,l4; Hb.rrt pioth.rgh:Tt. dant. eromPT AOALEY enarrii; 1416 UAW dtddelf,lllealut I ED Wood reel riusbtrittl. '" ' CA. citfULTP & Co.; Pingranlias-iuld Cie; . winsiark Alertkants,Csaarklasin,,Pittsbargli "=4'otm.* it dux. iNp zoo c .11.„ dad Swal,. and_ Arkin *PLO TriEnpung. 'or *4 at- wipuon, oic,wcy Clan it. Watehotue wood a., oppitaiteln,CLuks jirea zwsz " WALT e *I3IO3IIIART, 'Wholesale Grocers, deal erss u Ptieleee and Pitisbergh blahafactnies, cor m of Liberty and-Hand sta., Plush:rah. Pa_ ans. I. mann, . . rye J. *. Erna UNGI.IBII,b.I3RINETr, Slits &mita, Gall 124 * VOA*** ameeratVantutinden as Iranhug efebants. and dealers lbPredate Wad burgh ManniseatrassMo. ;Mad st.,,lbetteeen 'aro 51d streets. p.' a. rammi " ' 01:0,111HIT, ' - 1.1=131 WM. EILISID,4tHEY* Cer, • Wholesale. arca:wand Commlidan bitten:inns, End dents ion Itriginan n Yarni;Noin e 7 Water, nal len , Pam nu, Plus Au...tones,uio 4, put i Prt WI and Brass Fosoders and flu Fitters, 109 From, between and and tinlithfiefd atm% Pituinntsb,•Pa. • • Illighettuptictr Wen. Ihr old Copper-and Brun dein caoxaiak....dForWwrnf' e t t, ~,pHAMOZ 'Mtn laiißd Leaildinc , •hreiiitorui Oalambent, corner W . Va. S . and o' l Pittstench. " ' eta - VAIAJI DIC a. Co., Wholesale It Otocarr, Com . and draten in - Produce, Nea-66 star, =el 9117} , mm straw, Pitiabargh. nov3 OLlNConmsoliodil Law. arid Commas/Mar for ausattua.M Petuzsgbriutia. at. Louis, Ma, (hus of Pittsburgh.) Itursasscits.—Piusburghi Boa W Forssard,.thina. tout Maim; Weasidless Zs- Jaliar parks, Missals t Sample, M'Fatika alas. jebbly OHN fCCPTI Co Whilime F ""riT :.V51=d12.1 .Itl,Dpikt. r o2ltn4h.m.l go., Lbe l itha, near the Calut . MYkly • TAMES A. lIUTCHMON, & Oa --Suctelsors to U Lands distant= 10.C0 7 Conunission Marahains, and Agents. Ulan St. LOSII•StIMECI Sagan Enfinary. No. 43 tataincondla bunt WICOLS, PistaltaraL Nal %R. BLACK, Merchant Tani, Exchange Bull . Aga. Bt. Murat, Pittabargh, • • julOtt OLIN' • Tali—Wholoss2., 0 moor, Pro-. deco p.ps224iicol 27HotAnt, No: 27, WOod-H.,; OHN D. MOROAN_ , Wboksale mad deal- Dye Stuffs, Paints e Oils, i er In ced moo; Dna door tkinth of Diamond Allay, Pins , • janl AMES . & Co., ineeessoncr S&P Its 99 Wino= men bat— TOM EL MELLOR, Wholesale and Una dealer it la Music =I hlosi;al lueosuaeuts, *heal Booze, P.M; BlatoM Sum' Pone, Pihaers' Canhaeuad .IPm.BY,No. 81, Wood ea, Piusbuoila • 112- Rao bought or Jetta le treila . esa BCtIOO243IiIiCEEL lk Co., Wholesale Drug-guts, No. A - Wood street, Phut, JOHNSPOITIh ITCPCIMIN, Booksellers, Prfratlll and Paptillithiuthiciturts, No. 44 lllvket it., Pith, JOHN =Hi, -Vilhotesale Grocer, dinkier in Pro. A P Tul PloaGel.r. screaneArvi ' rtorn. JT IL (Gala J. 116 y dic 3 =irbolesale . 0 • Nu- 92Libeny aueoL TAMES 'MIZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission u Moralisrivand. dealer in Produce sod Pittsburgh Mandstuares. N 0.21 Wales st., Ptusburgh.: nutiO VIER JQ LlEl,lFcitiiiiriling and Cotanailon &tar p.. otiortui t Alblz In'Produce andPinaborgh roans hatirsed Males, Canal Basin,naatZb a. dll QiF •.'irlias Iran Works. mErAlidaErd:/k Co.; ruoiotscoarers of all si• tOSIrt, Iton . sad Nails of me qu=. 61:f . alor and KG front u ' - I - B WATIMILIM, Ma!rule Grocer,' ForwrS• e a g rand C c o'''""u'l""b.' rl P u ta;h Front-C.i• - ainani ee Nov.rWse! and C - r 27 IAfriBERT PTON, Vilanhaale Grated; For warding :and Carnanostea !lerdhows, dna= in itdace and pinaborgh Illundaatarea, Now LT and 133 Wood 43” Pntabart=b- fel= Ilf EIECE4I,4I.ItOTHERS k CO.,'Cmisimisatos. chanM Philadelphia, for the sil e of prodizee gel or,V. Lthemilammeee made ou cemignmeam m Ifi - cOILL & RClFi q z Wholesale Grocers ma coamil. la &on bLisehanrs, No. UM Liberty st, Pitisbargh. MUCCI, ROC" n.14/in 'Co., Commission and Fortairding alettbintn — W ater and Front as., Women andandllMer anion • C. w. =Lam rf" A ' '" tiLICICETSOIV, Virbotesale Grocer. a m nd C.4.lllWkm Alwebants • No. 0.), Liberty cL, rm. jant4 eoruer cd Waal and Film as. Jand NHOLUM 4C-SON, No. a 5 Maxtor st. arreirod a door Cron comer of Vagnbt Bearers is Forei' aadDomeiU[3Llli of Excilartri A.crlincancso(Depos it, Hank NriaccandBperio . calierAcwas mind on all th e principal cities emu haulm United on dein; IDLI • • 'MSLIO Who • Grocer, RamOM it.lhif :ander in Pnadaca, Pittsburgh •• . and- Foreip and Damns:to Win.. and or k s_l f in.ll 7 d atroct. On hand ■ wry 1 2:h wilitta= for cash. apply° RIekIAHOMMECKAr, tvmv# tiesicr;[4 For dlid 'LlomeWk Saddlenr Madera= and Canine of ad deaeriptioos, No. 13J Wood Piusbutsl6 4 - , . dP23 RICHARD NARA Wholesale lid Retail Dealer in Leratheri hlowetat.ltßollatakreTeleissod Mad, Talusererazul CatlenCrools, i•Teeirand Taxman' Olt, N. WO Wesailts Pinto. to. . septa IWO= 4, 20211i11611: RORIrBOL7 &co Whdesale Orme* Produce and Coomisnion Aletchords, artdOeslers In EU.. Pdamaetwes, N. SW Llberty ac. Pitu64W~ Pa. ILOBEItrtaLIIII. & Wholesalet OroCei; Cr.mgras 6 fOitd&kir.UW 2 ;4lol l = l Pnotaeci.stiid ricu4..6b Vistabargla;,l&L,' po.our. vit • CUNNINGHAM, 'Wholesale GTOCCT, Dealer la Produce awl Pittsburgh Bleasfecturee, 144 Liberty • - 0. maw* ID.ouDs &sttEE, fbrosiabt A iisa BlenduddsTot the dllselany nlyarTradsoleti. as ln Groennwy. Prodnney Vlllsnulln • Ilansfarnwes and Chloride:sr LAM. Thebighes: • Wens, in rash, paid at all now for COWS. t. 7 man •• • of Pensrand Lrwin s:s. j.sa IQ MTh /tlO2iNBO N, Wholesale and Ea tell Deafen 143 In Millinera Coed., Laeen Hosiery sad , lrote7 ♦moles, Naafi Motel Weer, nd door Werra Third • Hush h. , & a caeciriesr, Ma i = t WM= Aygolssale Dealers In Forrtied.Domestia Dry Goads N 0.99 ArblWocel et. AC & WiWARDAUGII, Wool !Scram:we, Dealers 11,7 a in Floor WA Product generally', and Forwarding ConnalWitenqderchants, No. 63 Waxer at., Pius. bargl. wrrememn.... 43 MTh, SAOALEY & Cd., Matsuda Owens and Psodusee dealers, tracer, Isisslisdei usd Nes* sida Pidladelphla dersd 7121=1Mots. ' SO= laczbug, ■armen>. QELLEgirk NICULS, Produce end General Ccam. LienMese, ripol et; Finebergb. awl. Lard Chia. Q P. VON - SONNIJOBST, Co., Niliolosolo WO. J. , 11"1 , 1 -Forranituf and Coommlasion Mot - awns, fia k r_e_uiV.V now.ararohont (old ru stari P and Chancery. Lim. T o wujair, Melanie Groom 1414Voin mien Madan* and dealer. in Produce. ' No. 36 od mama.: pe2ll IDI 708T12, , C agentlirjdealcan soldiers and Prktfidllints, at the also of Wm. WA.. n o , Frs., WWI oKanshs, 4th 14, Mutat*. Sp son . the genus' landbildo at Washington, will attend to 07 bostasottitorn tole of camas to Applicants. - onsrladly . W r lairAk LEM lsoses"wtOTlTS. wiaj 417holssolo °mom, Forwraniint i smi Commission Merchants, dulets in Iron, Nag. .o, um in , yams,dnd Puth°o(<l hinnsfaciuses senerally, tonssr of Wood inn Pins WEST ASOWEPion end P wr ii ist o cc - . 9 !) prom betweet! Wwwaidibod rebs4 IYALVACI. 6SiU suiie •a ra y y y 441 übat7 n, mu th. tease . .a1115 W9 l -'990 1 . 9113) , Dealer In Fames and at il d. Drr Mods, No. 79 /Market street, Pluebtegu, WTW WILSON, Ikelar In Watches,. Jewelr t T y BUTet Wire.NUattfxr Goods, &e., No. 17 nov, i v IL. 'lstuiteity s l4 , ltolesate and Beall detterla L__ • POr•iis han d Furth Dry Goods, no out !wow of Mutat and Furth eta ••011 fIX7IO,__ MO. L. War= VinlL YOUNO it.Co..—Dmilipta La 'esti', hides, /cc. ICI Warr t radAr ....... - . . --,..1.5.02,,:: 1 1 0 .111 . „, 14:: : ~ .., , is „,....g...,.1,.. P. . 1,11 • ~.!{/ ,tI/. - ti , ... >ll • 1..1.,,, J.! • ,1.. • 'a . r Roc:tux, ai.” - gcr1—r.01,..1.31 or AO ~ ~ :1,111 ),',' ''' ' I ~.• ...,,„,..,„„,.. n .....", t T R .. . i• I. lc / ...., ..... d r -.I . 4 ir::-....;:',., er , ... 1 : ... ~ AILInO 11 • . i .. . .1 , ../ Is . • , . . . , , 1 . ~ ..y. , VW., 'I. I . . . I , I , s . . : . .. . .. CARDS: M. MrrCEIBINRME,L.WtMeIMIe Grocers,' ',Rectifying Miminett, and Wint 14 , 1 02, amok, &No, Importers of SodnAsh•stinnentnt4 • • No. IGO Liberty st. Phisbitri 'PIE jinongl 01-1.12 ittrACICIIVII3 (MO S= In . MA: , sad ( 1 ) :dew BL ' ,21,1 1 4 0 .1, ,, Wh0 m, Groans 'a silt= ortzlele,arrealland at 41.111istum • lOU aay gettetstiimmiment at goods*. atar.Ctiettr , /lndy,Patalsgmb., , . • And 3 JOHN M.,."l . ol.oll2,4yignestii .APOtheeaTY> No. 4$ tetiakel et; three doors abolrd •Id'at..,Pits. , ba.lrh, will have constantly on band • wan a<leatad a. sortment althe beat and (rashest atedlontearttiekt ha Trill *nil on the most reasons/do .telM4. 41tYaientno , f u,....7 .Pdlid eraotrila.baprornady,ld ended to, and top iilrl. Itttelalt they my miy-apon aa ge n a ,,,,.. . r hoscrjpaqwmU,bpJantrA , PlN "Pad - " 41 4P Pared rom die beat matenalkal any hour of thltia6367ala,h.ta,lanSkna4"-lag'l6'2 illth.. '.' elotkompiaela I.lrlarr_ _8 able HOBERT 11. PAWMI.4N tra; d thelego stable col• first Wood anin ;.in l e en vib pA i l toSetoild si, bEnreen ant ranhfie d dt.jo ltril tear of elm lifortortahalo House, witkart entrefrnehrstoet of Harsco-sad Canine. el( lbeleor tattlatest Horses kept %A hvo vy wthe ttitnner.•' jyYdly RiPF4 . ? . IRI , LT: I , . , EEC . Hc .1 R.) gaddigrie ironmolgtry, lißilltll'unii Coacti I Trimmings, foss, Dear }lair, Varaltsh p Ace. Jto., jyll lid ISIWoop Prrnotolam _ , li. T ON , D a e s al stw er i4 ia l T vo rienau ry,... nr u an bro d c Var om se t z caCii 'Las. sat Worsteds, Banana, Needles, Pips, .TiPCib B ko., No.o2,lllastei atecet„, Lemon. An, g t inontaad 4th.st.,Piuslaugh. . i r ,a d l y .-- --.,__ . PITISPIqRI4I " : ( .. WORKS MP lIIINP I 1 A.rUrAX.L, E . FACTO_ RV `mac ` tom - , roma 1. glacics. '-' t - JONESO. 44171910, . vrA FACTUREMS Or . _ cpcillg, aid Kmiec steel, ln, plo gkino3;,sicill 0340;1.4* coach 4. 1 OP' ue s x' heal:herd Irdii atlas, and dealers la sl ;le tings, Cue engine Ispii, sad coach Ira - innings metal! comer of Russ and FrOal sts., Paistm arla , Pe. , ..‘ilitZlit % n Fourth ty.neu W00d.—.411 quendineo of Croon !nut Tea., done up in. quarter, holt, end packages, rani:nor on On eta per pound Man Te. Co. INSURANCE, • otaksALIVTUALINSVELANCE CO. INNEY,Jc.,Agent suitinsburgh tor the Dol. • Mutual Safetylususouct Company of Pinta- Flue Risks apps tuuk: lings and Inerchnuthsc desonptino, and Marine - Maks upon bolls or • C TeSseisOstken Upon the most insomnia A a to the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes h. Dro , r, neat Market meet, Pittsburgh. I • e success of Mu Company same the estate. 1 f Ma Agency in Ibis arty, with the prompt herahty with which every claim upon them . been adjusted, (ally warrant the agent to • conftdeuce andpatronage of his (needs laud It canny at large to the 'Delaware M. S. luau. Vt•• • y, while it has theaddittopal advxmages . ut= irelong the mcetflourishing in Philadel -1 vmg an ample paid-In capital, which by the of Its chaster is constantly l• increasing, as each pennon teamed his due share o f the company, without involving him in any whatever, and therefore as possessing ;print/plc divested or every obnoxious Ica • its most anractive (qom . uov4 _- . • .lith3o= netaimad for loss umung natec Co] .._..... - Ott:fir-Ad operatio• I ytelding profits of I the Motu tura-And ''' s. : AND DADJIND .INSUELANCJN. - TIIP. lnintranco Company of NorthAmanca, °trough ma di...ly ntitnorined Agent, the subsenber, °damn, make pernaneal and limited insuramee on property,. in Mu ell)" Snit it viernity, anti oo shipments by the ca. maLand 4 em. }r ' 7- - - , .DIRECZORS. ..AlliDiors.CarEat, Duni. Taylor, Sato-7 W, Qcoss, Ambrose. Wbue, Edward StertSs Jacob ht. Thomas, - John A. Isrovim, John It. Nelf, John Whim, Richard D. Wood, Thomas W. Cope, Win Welsh, Sninliel P. San* Franks I Hask tn etts, one S. Attalla Alli, ARTHUR. U. COFFLY, resi. D. Sue seva, See'y. he alike lasuranee Company in the Unite.) ,vutg heat chartered in 1794. Its enlincr 13 en Stintannlanin2perierrec, shy and avoidmg idi.-rwoot au colt. no, omelet, it may be ernmblemotrmoterirg am ty to the petit. W. P. JUT ES. ottnting Hoocri of Atarood,Jorma A. Co, Ws mn meets Yrusbrugh. mays At the aT4 vnuc InsIIILLIACE CO. 141E19.41in Fire Ins u urance Company, of Pintas:al t and lonised o f. :.every w ese di riptio ' n of propen 7 y P T, Piusturgh and the s country, en favorable ten.. tlns e pany has perpetual charter. Can .406,031) paid in. Con Food ssl.lo,laki Offies nier tenth,' and Markel precut, Pittsburgh. - VAILRICK AIARTL'i, Agent. iIJ • - - - 12s, Is sod 321, Losup; icis n and ptsin, In shales and half boxes, stood ogether with sassy variety of article belong trade. jelddly ratier rand . J. L =arr. L GraalialloS. 13/111.11104 NESBIT & GARFETBON, FLOUR FACTORS, Panda es COULTIOSS/0111 and Forwarding ligitCll.llll'B, No. Noss WRuvse,aao 129 trans Sr PHILADELPHLL anti xi—John B. Brown tr. Co. Robert Steen &Co. Barnett, Bert tCri. alien & Partja, & New York. IWalters& Haney, liaitimorc. Ih i Vi7gUYilson . & Co l Bailey, *oars & Co. I • Kier It Jonas, . cash advisees on consigaransts hi our rearNtilly NI • CHAZLIM =T.. arxrics. MAKER, ECK , / & CO., , FLOVRIPACTOIIII, And General Commission Nlerchant.o, No. 13 Boos WA„na Bur= PLULAbELPIELA. ELEMIIitINCES—Nenry GrarfcCo, Paisakorgh. . . Red %: * akdpck, Cinchmaa. 8.33 c ley & Son, A. AL January, hlsprgillo. I Mark/ H Bashara, .1.. A ~ Loolvrille. ' Doak omphtoya Co. Idereel,lho. A Co. Moro Bard & Dzother, Dutlltat Coa.bany, New "ark. GEORGE COODIULIV. lea and Forwarding Eferchant. so. 28 WOO. in., ATTOMMUI • 10 transact lumen*, CitiittriMaicrmlnist. especially In Me yardage and sae of Amer. • fsetares mad Frothing, nod in receiving and Goole consigned to his earn As Agent for Izzsur di tly suppinid a giti ..01.1:4,erna o r d e rs. and consignment. • nalh, Nestiviile,Tenn. HM inrg Eß & ANDERSON, IN COTTON vt„ FORWARDING & COSI. t. Mg= . 1 10tikorrairia mon Blerebains generally, in IS „ itsbur • WO ILEO_RCIE_A; BERRY, wtiozardsmac catocms, yORDI NAG AAD LONSIDAIDA BERCDANT, ir0054.11., loottr1712:1 glitsbur g h Alouzufsaturas salteraltr, ' Do. ID . WOOD arum, mi.= noloCill Wri. C. r. Kurrot. IL IC 11.4211T0M LOVE, MARTIN &CO , Prod• and Qommlulon More;goasto, - No. 6j Nopkin's Bow, . . *o.—Davidsoo, Cowden &Co.,Jobn K. Randal, 41 0 .0 AtatAutorei !Oen &Co, Konen & AVIV: tt 7.Bl2 =Sly k Za t' rilt7 .a p, Ai "uesVdiy WM. 11. CLARK. Porsvardliaillerohiult.Brovra. , lll., P. 'Wands pareclilerly to the Forfoliewis of Poosocc &c. &e. For atey i 11152176.41014 apply to FORSYTH & CUM CAN, Water sl. . octet ISAAC CRUif GEN=COII3II2IIIIIO7 I. EIICILiVIT. FOR TUE13.41,k; OF PRODUCE& PROVISIONS, Nan. 106 and 107 flumes Wa.., BALTIMOHB, MIX Rimpol• Moichitatli of riusbugh- Whoeipyr, Crank & Co. •BIOTIC'S TO IIIIIPPEIII 5 • le knee taken m . oth, immediately opposite WY ar barn% vrareboam, aitMopresedt, was. we W bitnilWW u LLIMIW, WWI a paw 1 1 , 50. e :a: be craved, atraagemelas having already b een d for mat *MOWS. Boat. will always he In fatalities's oar wharf reeeiva freight. C A II'AIVULTY & Co, Ctuialßuin, üb.nr at • I.VM AN, . . BOSTON. attentioa paid b the sale OiWbol, and IRA's' advances wade on conAlgnineult. Wily . • • abovo‘ de.NICOLS have removed to No 16)01 ode dor thair aid need. W lL n L .. . e ls:nnend nsmd ict to h c i r i e:tig t s and fn .a: Th . er i bua- ir counties, Ps. '• Riley to I. it R. Floyd, Libarty st. W. W. Wallace, do , • Jones Marthali do itts t .b,,,b. ...dlr . __ Ear & Oa f Wood et ) AO J - 11. SWEITZER, Atto rn ey at Lass, [dime 3 4 at.., . apposite St. Charles Irnel_ Pittsburgh, will also Mme St. to Collections, to SVsalungurn, Fayette and Green 60131111614 Pal . .... . . • ....REFER TO . Blankatoek, Bell & Co., 'Church &Carothers, }Patuburgh. D T. hlo airLa„ . _ g0c1347_ EJ. HENRY, Attrimey and Cooocoltor at Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and td Indiana, and initentuety, prontptty and ear, fully attended to. COminhisloner for the State. of Penn. sylvania, for taking Depirsitioua, 'aeknoveledqnestu, R.vrd u. -1 1loa Wm. Bell & SOU, Curds, Church & Carothers. Wm. tiays,Vaq:, & Thvin. ess• • IL AV, lIIICLIANIc WIC M. KIWIS. Ar1i,11.4.1119 & SHI2IN, duseecasors to w , ii a. 4 AlltinktVet Mid COYA•CUOIA 14 Lew. Office onh side of Fourth street, above SoUthrihi. fehrdl&wly JTANIES F. KERR; Attorney al Laar, Bakevenll , l Lilting, Grottl street, nearly opposite the Court autrie-am . _ • /AY. 111 , 11 LOP. ~ HASS.= 111[14111L1.. 11 - 13NIA)P & SEWELL. nuoroey nc Law, Offices on bdtweed fid and 4111 uoRIVARD a SWART4WELDER, at. Law, have removed their office to the South aide o MaiMiMPM O. IL ROgONi Aturrney Lau, has re movedi ElTh i Game to th e I.:Schramm, Building., 8L C , net done it, Alderman Johns . aol7lv To Country : Nerahanto. A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ary, /Se., suitable Me country sales, among arbuds are Writing Papers, old., medium and common qu'lt's -Leaps Taper de do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Leder aivelopes; Slams. Pencils, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard an g e l plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different qualities., Blank Books, in great variety; School and Pocket Bibles; Croivia, medium, alai double crown wrapping paper; IVlcGutfie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers, Ray's Ecleciie AnduiteUcv, Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sondra' do do do Axil/tow urn, by Adman, Darts,Col burn, Smith. Stock ton, Emerson, anti when, Geogrspoies, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good nch. Parley, nod others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Helloes, Weld, and other.. roe sale m love prices, by J H MELLOR, 81 wood 4, 5 doors above 4M. aidghest market price paid for good mmed raga, aple Hear Publications. MILTON'S POEMS, illustrated. Harper's new .I[l. edition alba Poetica l works of John Milton, with a memoir, and critical remarks on bin !ening and wil ting., by James Montgomery} and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawimpt by William Harvey. In two volumes. Brintext. Gam Tx•rainran—The four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with English notes, critical, philosophical, and exegetical; maps. index., etc., together with the I..lninles and apocalypse; tIM whole - forming the New Testament—For the tisia. of School., Colleges, and Theological Senna.... By Rev. J. A. Elpen.r, A. Al. A New Noon,—Alidanntarter's F.vet.—A fairy tale of love. By Alm. S. C. Gall. Jams' Hatay Ilfe of Henry clre Fourth, king of France nod Navarre, By 0. P. R. Jamey. Complete m four parts, papet7 Y roll cloth. For We by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, lava Booksellent, corner of market sod :an ate PLAN - F. - TARP A STELLAR WORLDS - A popu lar expos...too of the great Mmoverms and theo ries of modern astronomy; by 0 M istiScliell, • n, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Ileatliey's Italy. A:ps and Rinoe.—Letters from Italy, the Alps and We !thrum by J T Ltendley, emitter of Na poleon and hr. Itlarshalls, Wastangton and hr. (Senor e. New and review! witnen. Staustics of Coal.—Tbe Geographical and Geolmp cal disunettons of !Mineral Combo. Mies OT fossil tuel, including also, notices and localities of the •artomt mineral linuminious substances employed in arts and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Mammal se mauled by nearly 4t mammal tattles, and 1100 an. Si pies of mineral combasuLlea, it; prepared Ly Melt and Crow ling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each orate above works —for we by Jf/lINSTON & itTOCKTON. iyS Ilookro/lers, cot market & 3d sta. ARLT READY FOR PUBL IC A TION II by J. A. & U. P. JAMES, Cmetnaau, the following near and valuable Works—, Wolohan's Eromution—Cootainumg a alictea of we life of Coi. A. W. lloolpitatt4 the Low/ cent M Neve alazieo. Gen. Keanmfa Overland Earedinon m Coln forma, Wolohan'. Campaign again.' tan Nairn.. ant! Ms imparalleied March noon Cluininaila d Oundmo. and the Opei.oun lien. .1K: T i altaum Fe: .3m o w. =7 d Conoiry 'ghc" H ' • aoneed Agem urine Amer un,oanyr PlulaJeddita, uga/aat loidt or darn agc !ream/ad."-, turuiwrc and cny and ,neiruty. I..X)Clikt,/,..)i, uth wood at. Mabry of Kentucky—Bs Antiquities and Natural Canoeluta; Geographical Stimmtcal and Geotome. desempuons; Inth anecdotes of Pioneers Lk, and more than oulehundred Biographical Sketches of 111.1w:tub ed Plorteem, Soldiers, eltionsinen, larmta, Lawyers, th• vines, ice, Illasumt.M fenly engravings ; by Leant L voL OCLZTO. boorcappolnted Alen pro Company of Nand Amens, 1 atomd to the mtet bosiocsa choose of Atwood, Jones & NAL JOttt,S. nod" Cct COMMISSION. The Twelve Month. Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in the T e nn.—, IL- T u.., or . Campaign of -Mexico, darling Istiti-47,et0 nung no ac count ol the March of the Regiment to Vera Crux. • deseription of the Country possed over, manners. ros. toms, be. d the people; !Sketches of Camp LOCI se counts of all the anions of other Volunteer Rem ecru and a full Illstory of the Memeu War, Lot of Kil led and Woutled. tu; illustrated by • large number of cement amen and plans; by Geo. C Fume, 1 volume octavo. deel !;fist Paper and Beak lietablciiiisene . , 70 Winn Pt, err Potarh IllaattLlD v. rirlfß atil.er,hc:-. have mat opened, at the above I.stud. :I large mark of dnlerent qualities ono' and pleat whim audible° W rtug and Lauer Pape, cut. mamma and packet post Rat Cap, dewy and mediums writing papers, for blank books, medium and royal co lored erbium; Papers; medium, duty and cap Day Hook, and Ledgers, superior paper and best blestern lundlug School Hooks of all lots*standard works in Theoloan and &lessees, Quills, gold aud steel Petm. Wafers Wu, Hill Files, dm. ht. Blank Books of an sues ruled to pattern, and bound to the myna submannal manner. :NUOWEII £ co. • NERCIAIIITS, 1. Watm ma, and &ales, .venendly, of a made such arraogiments arm and the linamen of older places, ea mdt Amore dy of Me follensing deserm .arin be aeld upon as seem. atter house in this city or else dered {mai them mill be war ned= - Corm; Petite.; }Seed Leaf to m Florida; bacem Mimed Aromatic Stag Caren -'at of ether popular breads, Catnap Merchants supplied at loweet erholeaale pa. cos for cusb, or nags at teala prize. JOB PRlNTleirre—illaving a Job office to connectioa with coo establishmen we are prepared to execute all orders for plum and fan t. cy Prolong—book • pamphlets, cirealara, business mods, bids of lading, ere, with des. patch an at lowprices. ELLiorr & ENI.4.ISkI, myn 7e wood at, betvreca ith mid d iamon d alley . , . AT OCR STOKE on Market street, No between &l ani 4th, may at all tanc• be fouled • large moat of Theo/ogiCal and Moltelluneotte goalie. New Looks received as moil as published, and sold at low• est prices. The pubneatioris of the American Sunday School Union aird 111thsachasens Sabbath School So rimy, always on hand.. Catalogue• furnish.' ott np plication. ELLIM7 it EsNULISJI, mytt 56 marked st, between 3d and lth H°BART'S LICTLER'S ANA.LOGY—Doban's An afros of Bishop Dittler's Analogy of RoLgion , Na tural and Revealed, to the comtiumon and worm of nature, with notes. Alm, Cranford'. Lynesuoits for es.. tionnailan; revised and adapted to the use of schools, by Charles IE. West, Priumpal of Ranger's Institute, in the city of New York. ANTIION'S DE SE.NECTVTE, DE AMICITIAS. Mc.—The de Senectum, de Ainicilim, Parealota, otid Sword= Scipio. of Cameo, and ine Lifeof ... Attune,. by Cornelius Napes, with English Nona, Critical and &planetary, by Quin, Atrihon,l.. L. D. THE DOI'S I:WHINE BOOZ E—Demnpilon of dm 13=1Scenery, Rural Life, and Comity Amu.- , Thomaslitilien 3dilhastrations ANO EL BY MAUILYATT—The Children of Um New Poretr f by Capt. Marryatt, R. N. SIR THEODORE IfIIOUWITOPi, or Laurel Water, by O. p. R. James. The above works received this day, and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, mykS Bookmflefs, cot market and 3d sts STEW WTHLIC.S.—Vanny Pair, • novel without a hero: by Witham Makepeme Thaekery—with ittintrulom by the author. The Tenant of Wildleli Hall: by Acton Lk-li, author of .Wolltering Height." The Yining ttclusolmlstrem: by Joseph Alden, D. O. Pan Qof Harper.' Illasinitad edition of din Arabian Nights' Entertainments. New trainiation, arranged for family reading, with explanatory notes by E. W Lane, Eaq. Loomis' Loyarithm•—Table. of Lagarithma of num bers and signs and Tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant, with oilier useful tables. by Elias 1•0011,111, A. It., Prot Matbewsucs and Natural Philtimphy ,A 1 We University of haw York, author of ..Tmatim no Mkc gr:Cor k : ' work. received this and fur $1 I JOHNSTON 6ex-r074:! . 1 06 BOOk/Oneeli, one 11/11/11.1 and ad al. IjISTC/ILV IJF CA.C.C/11111S, lionfroyalaleal end deal, coloprising Inflator& 01 OM Inftni.ft• $.7 th. Cougreao of th e U lly 11Ii Wnonioy laa a ., a nao,d y norotrous stool portrono, Sc Vui I. nvllaYl/ The Wilting* of C. M. Cloy; lonlaning ypannnoo owl addrenen, with .lees pwueu.. YdIW 14 vol, ye Winn I s.w an Colarurnlaa FAlran /if, Inn Ratan,' Dime., Vol. 10, htha owl Lake. ChirlllllllMllCOpillet•Gliatln. hy 144+ 11 5t0.4,., tbo of 'to seem and toV , - 1:4.04.41,'' g &Ivry Grover,. lltrote.LLerroopstsoi.. Burdett. Stags and Queens, or Llia in di. of hiatotical sketches id late and r•laidng •• By y . A. C. Abbott. A First Souk in Spanish, or • Pflt.o ,ry,/.1“.0n to it. study of the Spamsh Languasn lip I aidlial4 The Dying Robin and other taloa Ily 11. Sr Aldan lost reed Yy 11 NEW 1100104--Isifir of Crornwnll, by 1 T Iratull•y Power atria Pulpit, by Cardin, npnog, 11 11 irethel Ylag, do do Jacanno on Goapcia, Maltbrios, wlth Ira minor Lecture. on Shukapeani, J vuls, IN Patti of . ne or Skate/Ica uf Inc Way to irlory still y; • Fobtatcp.. of gleuiala Tbe Convent, by author of freltool (WI in Franco; Now and Then, by Warreig Sliniches of Lemon., on Parable.. and %mei., l i selint • Weic?me to the Swinger, en upon tint; 'grommet., a We ofand for England: 2 rola Yoe sale by ELLlarr & ENGLISII, job 7ri wood and to margin au Wow,. REED .4 00., NtI,PI SOUKS—Just reeetred From the publtshet, and for sale at the blethothst Book Ste., 4th st, near Wood. Tupper's Proverloal Phslosophy, m three styles of balding; a Imamate' book for o present Preparanan far th e Pulp= Sketches of Sermons ou the Parables and libraries a ch n ,o, by,,tta sunhat of the Paltof Cyclopedia- 3011 4, .„„„,b .....,: The Engluda Pulpit; eolleeuon of ser mons the Mat eta/semi lir um drones of Um land. Id as-Vots— })Drug biennt, Chrsosn Lore, LOY. en tho me, Sacred Ifledstanaiss. far 24 PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, . SEPTEIVIB'ER' LAW; OFFICE& Avm. TJmm IN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blab', Pa BOOK TKIDE. CC= Apollo Btuldogsd., 4th dlo Itludoe.... to .1 I. 1143•4 ) COPARTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTSERSIFFEP T. DOAN & KENNEDY berke title day emaciated wish them in the Hardware business, Yhihp 11'd sun end Edward Okapi. The style of.firin will here after be /mien, & Ca. This air angtment ren ders it denzabler se close Ma old butinem Fns awn as passible. All persons whose liabilities have mowed, are especially reqaestedto mote Intlnedtare payment. Pittsburgh, /an .1, Dila OGAN, WILSON & CO.—importers and Wholeaele Dealers in Foreign turd Domestic Hard- MUM Cutlery. Saddlery, &e., 120, Wood street. Pitts bergb, re la atm folly prepared with a reeently timers led. stock of Hardware, Cutlery, loc., to otter very great inducements to western Iruyeris being determined to eallnitele in prices with any oldie Atlantic clues Al . Oil hand en omemeveassorunmuof Pittsburgh Hasl e: Shovels, Spades, Forks, lloe•, Viers. de, 1TL.77 t: which will be sold at the lowest manna...trot , . price.s. Janl CO-PiIIITNERSHIP .uh.cr.Den having rehently entered into partnership ander the mime a 1 tial afflict. long, Or. Mil le r, for the purpose of carrying on We Bell and Brno Founding and Gas Fisting business hr all ire branch**, hove fallen the stand Ibrlncrly occu pied br H. (MIMI/her, No. RV From street, between %%Noland Stnithtleld 'where* they are prepared to execute all orders for Baths Brass Cortina, of every description, and fin• Bating, with neatness and des. patch. Steamboat fobbing promptly attended to. H. GA/Aoki:llFß, S. A. LONG, P. • N. 11.—The attenuon of Martinmas and Kugmeen incited to our mm-illlniehon Metal, fora reduced prire, winch has been pronounced superior to o:titbit's by numbers who have used both. titesualmotbuilders nod tbb Mll o e, generally, are aI.o reduetded to yell and ex aminee ur Superior double matron Fore, Itumpto for steamboat and dotursue ore Dissolution MIDI partnership so long existing under the brut ol IPeord & Ki teas I.y mutual consent dlseolved on the lot inn 'Me ng, butanes& will ha elosed at then' d stand by either of us, ustng the tone Of the firm that purpose Being desirous to have rue Lou, ••• closed wait as Utile delay as possible woutd pt-nullity request th ose indebted to ....II and settle thebrateounts. JOHN Jt. M . 0011.1), 1.3t9 11. D KIiNG Co-Partners . JORN D. M'COHD baco; assorsawd woh low his kWh. Jame. 111'Conl, under We style of hUeord & 1.15., will continue the Hut, Cap sad Fur business in all Is 01110e1 brunette& wholesale and row]. at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth street& where they when • eontinuanon of the patronage so Ilberolty be stowed on the old km. JQHN D hI'CUHIJ. JAMF-s S WCOHD. N rolinng from Me old Rod well known firm of 1 Areord & Kim I mom respeotflly recommend to the patronage oaf the pubis,: my suceeowk. Alcsgrs &Voogd & Co. I,lrrrrTlrr, rviin eopartneratop heretotore exoung between the subwolsars, uudcr the style of 3Ctoli, ISu.hfeld k Roe, expired day by liinitiman. Th e busineaa of the firer, will be settled by IYPOiII & Roe. I-1111EO 1k11; ILL, 3. R. BUSIIEIk:I.D, WALTER C. RUE. Pittsburgh, July 19, 1843. - - The Ylldersigned coat:nee the Wholesale pro r7 and CIAIMIL•1110“ under the firm of and Roe, at then. old stand, No. IW Ltherty street. .lAsl}° XIT/11.1,, ‘VALTEnt C. ROI, Hattnig sold my interest m the firm of )I'6lll, Bash. field &Roe to my former partners, Roe, I take pleasure m recoramendmg them to my fn eat and the pantie. /r2 O S R BUSIIFIELR. 1:14-Partise rialto Notice. tttV. STEPILENS ofWhecitug, L. F. &Isenberg& ..Ij/st nY / &nate, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have this day entered mute co-parutersam under style and firm at Stephens, Sacrouberper d. . at the Anchor maim:at., Wheeling, Va. for the purpose of mats fachutumg iron and nails of drossy den whom It. W. strew, 11. r. 1,110..3 . 32102.3., L. WXTI43 STEPHENS, SHOENBERGER 41,. CO. MM=M Whaling, Va. Mannfeer I nll kind orboiler, sheer, her Iron and .1111, A. 11.. •el ehpue rprrn•oami ailea Hang con nected with .noenberger'• cad /urinate work., we con offer an article et Juniata troll ibrutoded Shocui.erscrl Eno mad , in the an All el which sat. be sad at the l'ntrborgh prices NVitrehouse tithe workseci nee o(!: neoe and H mer ns,my II f ISSOL VTI • N—Tbe pariner..hap briber° nil.- ..Libor under the Fie and firm of ii ikhtinan h lino. roll, 01 this day dt. .24 Veld by nautua...oneent, Juan reit haring d.5pc....1 or Ins entire intereAt to H Waghl. H. The Lwoincre oi the lan. firm win be sewed I.y ft. NVlglattnan. wile as muitinrirtd to net me name ant, ink hem for tnat repose If NVIGIfTNI.I.\ spulat.tre lialyl'47J J. DAI.I.ILL. TUN ,lut.sentur ‘• flaw prepared manalartart all Linda ul eoturn and Woo.cu Mucatzvry at the *nom, nonce. Ordcr • IrilalK tV human • 1-:ognm t•hop, cur. ncr Liturty and Water atmeta will meet ••,th in•anapr WII.If rmAN. J.cacok at, between Federal and Sanduaky •ts apc..4ldly Allegheny ctly, VOTICE—Jana-• UMCiltlekl:ll tnteran In me Vry 1.o•als lhaunc in Inc name al Me a'alaell,:iscd;clone' of F. • Market •1., Plu fuurgh. Fan 4. •1- imatua•• socuo law". a I/I 1., et...d..‘csed uuo, ale runner al roaral W K Nit RPM' 10• PART ER S HIP— Wtn loug h.v, %./ dety usacetated erath hon. John IL 31.1 . t.tine. the lea sher Ithelnese hereeiter tM euneurted heck, the Jinn el Won. fount Wll.l.lAhl YOUNIJ, wet /NO It Wt - I NE. MEDICAL. - ;Z== i.04411.1.••••0. CC, 0 . Apr A, 1.41 Iy.a JAI NELN oound to ,n IL/ 4,1 Use alt.,. to ayul /10 •Cll porturtity of slrto•pu,netly to la ritraorthoar) ellects of lour Expectant. en trerweli. lineutg been atllicted fer never.] year. with a severe reagh, hecue fever and tificorteomstant dsset•eo, aud seetrell only deonne4 to Unger out a rhort but tutnerable a Xxstence. untti the foil of IRO. when. twos, TOOEV. .everel) mt., ten and harm, re.orieu to et, trty e , tr., • un rommts u: two 0, the M OM w e neighborhood thout den, nen. u the eotmolottoo of ttorets mg but aor week• at (animal—when the toss clemo of hope was about to vanmo, I had recommended to me your Kipeetortost mut birosed by that 'Scum who Joe. on things in the um of the mead-s--amt ...teary to the aapectoutms of my phyuctorts tool friend., I was ton few days nosed from my bed, and woo etto,led by the use of a bottle, to attend to my bosoms.. enjoy tog ..nee letter health than I had lor toll years previous. Respectfully your.. he , Fserth.t.. For .atou l'ilbibursh. at the Erato Tto :note 71 Fourth otter, roar& A.lTsua erroca. A. It 11711.., 1 Co) R. 1.. I's. mums.l'disborgh li. W. Fitton - m.O Wbflesale Drag Store In th• City of Sew liork. the etty 01 :Sew °Ur, Rod arr prepare.) to raptor Druggorta and 000011 Merchants woo Drugs, Valuta Call, Dye-slot/a Foreign aoll Amerman Un•fianer3, Maude', AVeaver Itlander'• Cantu...al, tot thew own lunirortorioul and all tabor an teing. to door nue col boor ., 01 a atipcttor quality as, low as tar, [MI Ip,pur ebuca this or any rattan, oily Nen. Yort, FeblO U FAIINE.WTOCK I Co Marcher , . Chrome Orson. PAlNTraus. HUSH NIA Keica, be—we, tin underaartiedi Painters and Mind Makers, of the City at New York, have used and levied. and arr now u•me a new article ul Chrome Wren, manufactured by lieo K. Marcher, of this city and find it to work well, pin ducitl a boa brill.= Pans Orman apperuaticei wan a •ery sopener Lady, and recommend 0 to our brethron la the trade as in every particular the hen Caroma °Ken we have weal usial. New York, Juan I. '47. Signed by 24 hems of praetacal reuniters or the city of N cs. Vtair This unequalled Chronic Green toolbe had of K SELLFILY, Pio 57 Wood street, who this tine exclusive agency Mr its sale in Pittsburgh. marl 2 A Vine Set of Teeth for WTEk:TH, FOUL !MEATH, HEALTHY TT Ilil;1118 —Yellow and unhealthy teeth, aver be teg once or twice cleaned with /Emcee Amber 'fowl Yute,have the appearance of the most octennial ivory, and at the same tune nits so perfectly innercent and r quo/hely hoe, daunts constant duly use is highly ad aznagroun even to those teeth that ate in a good co e d/t healthful ato, giving them a heahful polish. and preventing s premature decay. Those already decayed a prevents from becoming grease—At also Innen. such as are be et:axing loose, and by perseverance an will render the realest meth delicately white, sod male the breath de liriously tweet. hold by WM JACKSON, hit Later/4 street. mart b. A. wAnagsToows vuuniuTtig: AAJEW weeks since, one of my children, aged shout I five years, w. unwell for several days, and the tise increased so alarmingly that I feared death wodid be the result. Basing heard of the good acct. of FahnestmilL'a Versrufoge When affrimostered to the children of my neighbor., and Bunking my child ought h., worms, :born some ut the symptoms, 1 gave it one and a hod teaspoooluls of the Vertrufuge, and to my great astonistimout it almost immediately diselmrand botareesi (31 and Ito large worms. it, health was soon restored, and it m now remarkably well. Previous to taking tun Verznifugn, the worms would oecrisronally n.a la 11. throat, and I then leered it would die from strongulaUori AS. O. DA WSON Tionesta, Venango no, Pa., Apnl `IS, apt] LOME lIEREI—Read the loth/wing certificate: kl'Cimaamiivikka, Ohio, May U, 10411. hid In to cortify thus my little daughter wets aill/rted kwilli I.orhia, and that I ined several remedies, so cul led, Without any apparent effect. Being informed by agent m nue place of the success of Sellers' Verna logo, 1 was induced to give it a trial. After giving law dyers, according to directions, my daughter was 'snared 1 base Ito hesitation to giving It iv, my ppm -1611, Kellers' Vrnnifogri• the best ratans 11/ArrliEW lb II,EY. Prepared cud sold by R. PI sellers, N 0.57 Wood sL. ISoId also by Dr. 016.1, Mb Word, U. Pd. Curry, Aile• gn e rpaand Witt. J South, Temperance,lle. JO PoPilar, beeanags Good! '" FAMILY MEDICINES. Glom 61611.1110, Jefierson Co, Ps, Mardi 1, I-11. ESELLERS--I have nearly sold all the Yer• An allege and Cough Syrup you rent. Your P l. l 010; roe DI WllOOlO 6.2.411.1011 the best ever ofered m i nogg loAlarrod, haring proved scrod wherever used.- Pliri Lough Syrup and Liver Pill. bore also given sm. isroction Your üb't swim J SCOTT, Postmaster. Prepared and sold by IP E SELLERS, 57 Wood A., CVlry Dr Cassel, sth Ward, D AI Curry, Allegheny; k W Temporaneeville. mars I Pritrir"S CELEBRATED ITCH AND I'ETPER (nrcrum.r. the most effectual rentody belorn the pubis.. for 1110 cum 01 inner, igen, dry mid watery pouplas of thn I.ee, (tech slid body, seal> onto/ans. sol Inhat 11110.06 01 the .111. Phis Dintmem Is scurrontml Dee from mercury, i• ',urgently rule, and omy usong all nines and mid, all eirmonstuocc• A fresh supply ut dim valuable rnmedy rennivngl and fob sal , by 1.1 A FAJEN f• POCK A Cu, carom of 1.1 surd wood, also, corner of OM and wood lei nIORINPo.ernS AINUINFAN'II4.— , I bane y's Ar- row Root Kush Powder, • deltaic.. and highly nutritious food, which never turns acid lot tba moinach, and Is now universally recommended by the tenuity lit preference to tlruel, /Sago, Tapioca, or plant Arrow Hoot, an better suited to the debilitated stoinack of and a More strengtheuing and wholesome Mod for infants. Per sale by K 57 wood at Harm 11, "i tar i" the de m rs IT ' si e f i rrftlia b r e i7l " A n trs " Tu “ p s c il r l i r or " E ' r ' :l will keep constantly on hand o large soup' y.whleli they will furnish to dealer. at the lowest mart,et pilot, far cash. le4h I RI IIUL I:o HOTELS FOUNTAIN 'ROTEL. L • IG HT STREET.BALT,IIIOR.H. roma AND mrearns, raorantrosta ao THIS establishment •kmg and widely Imown o. being oat of the matt commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very esters. sive alternuons end improvements An entire new wing 'hay been added, mania lig numerous and airy *keeping apatimenti, and eV:entire bathing moms. The Ladies' department ha. also ,been completely reorganized and hoed up in a most unique and besot,- ful style. In feet the whole arrangement of the Honed has been remodeled, with rs single eye on tha penal the proprietor.. awards the eomfon and pleasure of MOT *West:, and which they confidently swan challenge comparison with any Bret in th e Then' table will always he app lied with every , suh 'hamlet and luxury which the marlat affo'nditl Screed up in a superior style; white in the bay of Winer, lee.; they will itorbesurpalowl. Im conclusion the proprietors beg to say, Bat nothing will he led Rations on their part and on in prim oftlicit asstsbmis, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the pulille'rene rally, • followi Th pi ice* for board have also been Tedueed to the g mem Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's " LS N. 8.--The Baggage Wagon of the lO iottse will al ways he timid at the Car end Steamboat Landutga; which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charge. • mayglf EXCHANGE .00 11301 OF ?FM. 10 10,16 111 . 1, PrITOIIIIIOII. The sabwnher harms assumed the manage ment of this Long established and popular liolo4 respectfully announces to Travellers mid the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to actommodate them in all dungy desirable to s well regulated Hotel. The House is istrw being thoroughly repaired throughout, mud new Furniture added, and no ,matuis will be spored to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels In the country. smderslgnrd respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the Honor boo heretofore received. 111011 LAY. OWSTiJN, febOdtf Proprietor. THII.OOELMORTO2II O B GALT BOUM, =MEI 2 ARIdTIIIIOCK . NIOICTON Legs to aequatut h. fetends that he I. again Irs•ee of the GALT IIIOUSP, Louisville. Fly.. where he hopes to meet all his old (mods, aasurtng them and the public, that no effort shall be ;muted to Duke all eamiortahle who (as - octant withdheir patronage. UDi'Yl'sD srAt-gt3 CIIVEWrIRAVCILY .C 4211 •I 4 /In. In. /APPOSITE, late Dunk of the roiled States, Philo delph/o. M POPE NIITCHEI.L. toorthe Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW COACU FACTORY., L `Z; HITS BROOKS &. CO., would respectfully in. TV form the rablie that they hove erected n shop on Iswoelc. between Federal and Sandusky streets. they metar nmking and ore prepared to receive orders for ever) desetiption ut vehicle, Coaches. chariot's, Ils ronehes, Buggies, Pha.tons. he.. he . which from that, long erperlente to the Illartutietttre or the above wort, mid this foram,. they have. they Wel confide ell !Ile err enabled to do ninth on the most rearm:inutile tonne wlrb Mose vesitung articles tn their lute. Paying parucular attention to the selection of mate rial, and having none but conipetent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting there worn. We therefore ..k the attention orate puttlie to this metier N. 13. Repaving done in the bells manner. and on the most reasonable terms. Je.hU FIORE Stockholders to the Youghtoghany Narmation IComp are heretly noUheil aud requtred to pay to Mr. Jam esHat:what, the Tfeyntrer of the Compant , the sum of Ten per cent on each share of theirst tch. on or before the 12th day of July next. and a farther mina of Ten pox cent. on or before the 11th day of Au gust neXt The stocitirolders will Men mite truniCe. that the law mahout. the collection al (Stte per cent per mouth, on instalments not punctually made. winch. ti litrond accessary, will be enforced. try order ot the Board. ALEX PLUbIER. Crest. J B ouscals,Screly. 1,14 . Vo A ina a rre tker' JEWELRY -- I2e7e t r r ar:t t r y tt ' be d s; ' ,gr r do detached dm do Lepine; Itt driver Patent Lever do, 11 do detached do, do Lepore do, le bald (Marti Chews, best quality. •laq a good awortment Brew Pin*, Ear Ring, Finger Ring, Gold l4u• and Penni* The •loos good• hare been received with the lan five werk, and vnll ba odd at relltired pin c• Per m 'nothing to purchatie • good and etienri l% net, would do well to cal. pre% Ina* tit porch/y..5 ZEIHUIA VSKY FORGIA NAS'lntss, a.‘ Ilurosy has vra/a• ‘n a few days rrerlved ansilditiona. supr'.) Lonsda.ll 7 . 4nnllns, fold ,434 e.) fine I.lrathe4 CIIRMIOI. 40, unbleat nod do. fine Long , loth Jrz‘n Linens, eery low 4 arbor On. raper Cambrsea, hr .•1 !fie Dry hood. N Prom/kr 1111.4 Market Wee.. Wholcule R11.(114 up at:or. jr -V =lE====! rt.: lo loce 17!purbao . r1omo1o . f Worn. : ,n z tad gay' to • son of nune some 51,,11 old. two lo naapocule fall, and although the anumnt may appear large, yar I have an doubt too deem was upwrodo al faro TIIMX•SO rams= radlleli Iron lo m, 111.44.1111, lona ono quarter of au welt too niche. long. G lIIILI.MAY _ • Letrelilin Cupping •i ml Weeding. L'" if NORRIS. 03Cle Cr.., to .ft.• No 33 Fifth at m, between Wood and httnith held, Freon leeches mooned shonto.y—uttondanco as houm. atletetite. the ptty.Lcsuu of Pili•Dtirgn. Athr corny rod Ilarralocharo. I raw etreerfaily recommend to the phymmarmlcan- Illes rod all my forma "lend% and patron*, Mr IC If . Norrt• as brine Mormachly acquainted wan tor ru.,- rer. turl worthy or pnuortage morC- I r NI It Dr:LAN V. /11manfactlareal Tobacco. I.ortin. & Ito, ster's oTenor .weet 3 Ip "TO do 51A Itutier'• IV h, I`n.+ & ilarwooal do 10 do do Pam: A ifilf WOOl 14 do J Rotonson 5, 1,1 do do SI do do %Vol 11/151.15.5,. 3/ do T ng111 . • r do G Andorwo 11 do 1. T Dade, 3 do 11 Maron's do Rolchtl /um Inadvw.t nom .teamer.asaLeacio*. and for *al.- Ll 1I UKAL,D. /11.4.:KN0K Co. north water *t :korai whorl. ea. Philadelphor 0-11 hi *Jon, 33 half bon 6‘ .7 t r t. " .i r e . r w (:l c d ' aup=r . ..eet Z.. mr. - Lawrence I.oitlei • lientr7 Rolv.er d. as 110 Laupunr ide la Eared ^ 6% McLeod Lawrence ',Muer .` 30 S. a. plug Jun landing from outliner. mad for sale by lIKA BUCKNOR k cab. 41N water nand lON wharrcs. mr3l Philadelphia. I,)A PEli-1000 bells Straw Wrapping Paper. all uses. JL . Mai ream. railed Cap W00,,i Pa Fa , - ruled aid plain in do all qualm.. 110 " Mal Cap, o " condlum Tea Paper; 1. - ru r roar white and blue k whom Bonnet Board., dui reOrlf Nau,lla F:nverope Paper. All Hardware Paper iust ree'd and for axle low 11" NOLIka k I.:E. ruy3nAni corner reran and Irwin sta 7t ANI FA cru . a p n , an d to a LVI. rive, me fullowitor brand. or Tobace.o, C 01.411. UM,. Ir.° manufacturers of Richmond nod Lynch. burg. a loth wtll nild to the trade at rctluer,l rate. 1.1 91•LomorMne Ss, 00 do John Rocker 3, ILO do Henry h. James I. 5. ond 3! do L. Dunn 19 do R R. Wonnek IS do J. 91 Sienrurd As and 77 do James 01nd1u.n 5. L 4 W.CITRAIAN '4l 31 water sod IN front DR. W.J. El ADE:IIIA, Dentist. OFFICE on thnitntko Id ...oat, 'l.l door ".r. 1 v north 0( 1 1%49 street. Dr. hleAloin re• speotfally tendon hnerofroluonal *er ne. to the aittnin,of POl.lough. Al. legheey end Asessisees—Dr A. N McDowell; P Peuleatoak; In Robert N.lospon, Jame. N. Craft, Kali. M. WOlotto Thorn. Mie=l2 lIIIPN' PATENT IILOOKs. frill.: subscriber oars Mr safe a full assurttnect ot ,I, Patent Blocks, Stoves, le., adapted to the trade. Also, complete setts of Blocks, adopted to VG4 Is of atty , espactor, put up and forwarded to our purl of tim llotou, without delay and at the lowest pn res. LitiNUM VIT.Iti for sole on tiouttottes to suit pu relicts-re. 011.)D lit I , 3TAI'LrA opliitnittowTAS :Pi Burling Shp, New 1 ork 12=dt111:03 44 CASKS Jas. Muspratt h Souls brands, pelt land ing from summer Northern Light, and for sale by %V lc M MITCHSLTILLE, aryls lfu liberty st RI cuspratt... Patent Sod^ Ash CASKS Jost landlitg tram Atoinior honk Curoo auJ for .ale Lq lV 44 At AlrrcuEurvwx, IGO lawny Wert , I'OW NSLND'S SARSAPARILLA-3U bea ihia r l great wining mid summer medicine, this duy reed and lot sale whaleauln sod retail, by K E SELLERS N B —As IL E. S. to Dr. Townsend's only agent tor Pittsburgh, the gm /Um artselei may always be had of NO 57 3% , ood street inyl3 liLlll l 7Nrl -7- hliftL.A -7- Dlk-Y DRESSES, ot We lollow. tug kinds. vir.,—Silk graduated leaf gimp Lotto., Drandenhourett du, lainamet do, Claillian do, Teasel and Drop to, Neu cod Plato Jo, together with whit,. and cola Linen, for sale et P II EATON & Co'. inyl7 Trtmming Store, all market .1 ADtACAAJ--out 4 ho. Bassein. & Robmit's 5s lump 1 Tobacco; 15 do Myers'• do do do' do Ira llorts. do do do, do 31yer's do do, ID do Eudra• , hooey dew 5s plug', eases, IRS dwarf boxes 31) er's superior Aromatic ilice,•so do, 40 do do Thorn. `lector Leal do, lust received nod or sale by ml 5 3111.LER & RICKETSON 100 {east. Sa dos Tow Yam]; liAllb• i1e0.w4%; SO hr. No I hknar, 11 do Id... Caution, IS do Plot 11.4., Al d No. 1..nal Sorar, for sale Iry iny 19 EN(i1.4 . 311 et BEN C‘Pariiiershly Notic e. .11. 1 1 1A W L M D 61: :1,T0. ) . 1 %.," 1 / 4 0 a C n O ti (. ' o ' n ' t t tO) 4 ss " o " o7: . .. l l n i g:s h , Id. Lime at Jacob !Iva,' A eo, 101‘,1 Meenitanton, nod Joh!, A Wiatier. toy IS . II MANTA IT RIBBONS—An u.."rmient of 'ilk roll Mamau utwl newt allaton, opened tt.• IL,' nod ulfi low I.) tiro porre, wholc.als Mont.` W la M h ~y2l northcast car 411 A and loalket 5t.1..k1 story B d 13 ' i gto , YlC l 7, 11 ' 747 1 d o NICOLIT Ess .A.NP PRIM}; PORK -10 bbL Mesa P.rk; 5 do pruoo do, for ulla by )9" SHI,LEHS & MICOLS run irrAitic ACID-4 Ilia, of s superior qualify, re crived end for sale by BRAUN it RFaTtlti 1 . F.1011130AT INTE: FOR SALE—One Lalf oi the flue steamer Wyoming for sale on accom mentaung tetras. For paruoulars enquire of W 11ARBAUElli, )3 Whim andFruni sts M ffiCELI:BEOUS. TOSartt r.. wlleckkirig ILP ktesPittliT 'O, Ai Aff 4 u i r (Late 1 S striskier & 11 - ANITPACTURBREt - of Phenix 'firle• - 1111 south m, second s treet, -between Woad Smithfield Pinnburgin S Stricklerliaintig . .cl the surviving pima. Str, Jos LiplwriCOM l ki&S' n*ltoniated hintself with Sir. Win C Barr, the will hereafter be conducted wider the style Of LIM.' • con & Barr: • - Trial ors/We in Cinoinnati, underdog.: ed were penitent el the testing of one on Si Strickler Si. •Cois improved Mamie fire-Proof easf.rr: The safe dam placed in furnace on the public landing, anditubjeeted' to the infenie heat of o mane coal 5e for more mon ' .throe booty. •In one hdur and elan-die astre came to -a (eight red • hem; she door of the furnace. vs. then tßored , which caused an Merearal ertnigleedY heat for he bilaace of the time, until the east iron wimple were partially incited of, the furnace ivita &Wait.. dot. , and the safe crated end' opened. The, money, papers awl book...telt it contained sec...perfect at when placed tbein, thelianding only of Me broke beteg ite tired by Me water 111 coorgag the eafh. Wok.° UO healudlon in recommending it to the public as a safe superior •to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that n• will stand any heal which might be produced, wept alrat which would melt It to••solid masa Springer & Whom., Is Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett, Ileol . Urner, W (i P l3reese, Mum Storm, T tti Dungan & Co. Sterifutrin, :Bayard h Co, Wm Manic, Mend It %Timmer. We, tee etudeznigned, selected the safe spoken of hove, (Mm a lot to the ehore of .Trither & Anbery,the Agente C G SYRINGES, JICILLOG. Refer to Cook t !Innis; tiroleini,l'ittibote;, Honey Mom & Co, do do ffeW6 - wlyfil LIPPICSMIT. • AKIN D. WiDID. L. Z. 1[014.1 . • . . L IPPENCOTT t CO. AM-TAU eGLERS of Hammered and Cast Steel 11.1. Shovel% and griatlee, Agee gad Hutchens, Mill YS Cot. tiltrotor and alit Saws; tiv•and 'Manure P.m., Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, he., Ironing completed WI their arrangement, in the COMMI/Etio.l of new machinery, and to sealant; the betW ,workmen front the =Nigel& heated establishments unlit Lost are mug lunitfiikelkli' log and will keep constantly on hand and for Wtle the stave ante:flee, having availed theroseleco of the latest =Movements, and are determined that in work mausitip and material they will not he excelled.' They promise to produce antetes equal. if not superior, to any that amt be Wad i's the HMI. MCI invite the atten tion of dealers to au examination of their stock before purchusing etsewhere, es they are concioced that they will b e Wile to fill all orders in their lime to the entire eatisfscuon of minium., Warehouse Water Street, 4 doors West llosiongahela House, Puribtirgh, hoptuess with Wm. ktlitP.rl con & Son wit please call on Lim:moron & Co. oemdly JAME: 4 W. it WOODWELL. Pittsburgh Furnure Wars Rooms, . miIEA hope and splendid .sorment of Parni tan, tamable for Steamboats, Hotels anditnit. cote dwellings, constantly on hand and mode to order. ... The present stork on hand cannot be exceeded by any manenctory in the western country Persons wialtum to porches< would do Well to give toe a call, as lam determined tny prices shall please. Part cd the stock CUII.IIII SO sofas with Plash and litur.eloth corers; 2 dos NI/thornily Nurse Chairs; 14 tertr Divans; 12 thus fin• mahogany Chains 12 tnahognny Work !farads; 3 dos mahogany klocko*Chursi 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus, 0 0,r Ottomans; et marble top Work Stands; In demo . Work Mama; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads al •M de•rripoutts, nod a large ussiortment of common funottrre sad chairs, too numerous to mention. nrarStr LADIES ARE r kJ:TN/NED AGAINST USING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. . • • - • '1 , 11E1: arc not aware bow trlghtfully injurious it um tue •kirr-120w coarse, how rough, how callow, yeF low nod unnea , tay the skin appears atter using prepar partal chair Ilesulea it Is 'monocle, cornaluing a large quatinty of lead: We boar prreparrd a beautiful vegetable article, which are call' JONI:rS' SPANISH LILA' WHITE, It ts periectly innocent, being penned Of all delet.llool ni.neklit,e., and imparts to the !Am a emend, healthy. th.h.o.r. e 1. . ., living whim; at th e same time acting as a cosinenc 00 me makom at sort and smooth. Itt J•tues Andersoa. Pracucid Chen:eat of M/1).1. chosen.. says: - Atter noel) tier Jones , Spanish Lily at'hitc. I and it possesses the most beautiful and tram' re:. and al the seine time oinoceet white 1 ever saw. 1 ,11.11,11\ van rouscwnueuely !pet:element! use tout' whose alo.. reapore• Pnre, 23 Cent. • Sool hv W , l JA e KSON. -1 1 / l ertyal mar/9 Pitt 9litchliali Worlltt and Poiatidiry. I IJIIN WR11.117 e. . ore prepared to build Cotton o) and %% ooien %Int-tner% oevtr• deaeripuon, mach or Confine 31acelue., Spnoung Frame., Speeders raw.ne rant., Radway Wads, lWarix,Spialer, Dea Fratne... Loortr.. Card Grinder, ha %Vronght Iron 5i00t..., nl 'A. Iron, Pille. and Ho. p.litern•...tc d Lathe, ond tool. oi tknd• Cason,. of ve ry devenpnon ti.tm.hed ... Ynnern. made to order for Mall (wen I. ~ t rekra I . 3pe lot hen, oaa Factor.r.. t a‘t Iron NVineo. Sash and fancy Car , tanv generally Orden. Mil an the Warehouse oil. I'mmea !e Co.. L4Lrrny street, rend Yave prompt atm.. :111.4 firrer m Blacksawk, Ikll & K. Moorehead A Co .1. E. ll'ar-ler John Tram & Sons, P.ttaborgh, G. & J 11 \Varna, STeul•-nall'e janl9 DI tjl ( Spri tar, Ale, Nicol and iron Works. 1411.1, lIMI,NI AN baring completed Inntr are ;tow prepared to manufac ture ev•..y ervr,priou Coach Eltptte Spnog• Iron Amcclean. Blotter. :awing and Plougt: sere, and all una,l. «loom .d round Iron, wawa they oder for anle oh Übe's] terms. •I the., ware- Nn 11 NV,,al .adet ...here they also keep on Imo.' a ...)unoir. and handsome fluor - anew of Coach rott, Na 4.1 t hardware, Malleable CaCasting.,t:- n II ACo h.tve n ade an - andements with Meson It yh t •m It 1114ITIV:t1, 1 1, oiShove Is. Spades, Fon A. keep eohatandy on hand every aettele t, t., !hem I tenter g ere respectfully eoltedted to a a. ,nnec. and terms v.til be made Itheral. jrti New Hardware JiLs4:lll WiN I DWEL.L. comas 01 w A d 2.1 w b. h. Ha Me g firm n o - I \ parr Owl oodwelt. on she Ist of January. 1 , 17 I Lair ineusare .11 4'1.14114,1,0 toy mend. in the rity aml counir), t..rst I have ..peord my new store al Me .•.a pot, bused eny goods Mr rasa and made et a Ile with manuMeturers in this 1,,0pe to Le constantly supplied,. I am la.. y I”...parrd hardware of .11 kinds. asrow sod • au) house East or Wes: .md ..thers are respectruny invited ..a.. and The my •ioeli. beforepoo l hwng ee w here The lohoaring rompriaes a of Ina smelt: Steamboat nod swid , r,hardware. gun trimmings. N v.. 0 • •to , ..i.roi.er). edge tool ' s. anvils, vices, ,os :hrs. bun hinge.. s, Union Fac tor) p..thr... saw, matioanor boards and veneers, and ali om.r art.eies OOliner 1,4 with be hardware best ial.. mehltti C I ty Dago. rrlao Gallery. Whti PO, .11.11.10. 111/1,1. beg. ienye to onorni the eitiaens of Pitts liorft4 and vicinity. Mot he ha. taken the uer rian Ro..m• Mts . !, ..ec opted by Mr Porter Thee . pub. arr nsaured Mat all the We improremenui are seru m.' an, &he iprouant into operation by Mr. Hoye. win., hos neon a constant operator suttee the art Wei brat di.....0ver,1 Lowe sait/Stawlloo giusthoteha ail Who may breathe his patroms. Mr. h. will refer with pie ore lo Mr Porter. In whose establishment he has 0pe1...4 for the laat twelve months. Family F L Otii Whitt. 1 - 44:raving*, Linguertemypes, ho. , aneumely Lakencsoes iasen in any weather, and sot m oefiets. Meant pm, case, Rod frame. • lastroeunim riven in every branch attic an, and ikp p aLacu • lurni.he.l jeLlf ri 'UT lilt lit/tilre lIANTS—A A Hawn l'o, lot Market st. hare rectuved 6 cases of cheap yenned I.norlis and Altmann. e caws of Pretwb do, of ever) earn,' or sit 1,10 cases of good style thug loons. 4 do it w .I) le Prints. 4 do blue and or 011/- 44/ do blenched Muslin, all widths. Also, cases 1,1-ached, brown am , !dun Couonades, Checks, traichions, e ou 01 Nhich will be, uttered at the , ow est 1 - a•ternholr•ialr prices y Penn Machine nholn lie eS'Ll'in"2.ll,;."l.l\e-0'110",".,',-„rT,T-Are',„°",:„°,i,',?..' /in. allot e works urine t o w to tall and OUCt<l.llll op eration, I arst prepared to ',reale orders with dtapcucla for itd Lied% ui in) line , such .. wallows, 'ache, spreaders. cards, a - nailin machines, rad way, drawl., trollie s. sptietters. throvils. tonal., Woolen cards, Joni,. or woe, r merchant or •country work, untie:,..,11.• Al .1111dr lid lanridltlthe•alld tool. /131 gen eral. Ali s ante ut shelling made to order, or plan* gdy n Inn getar., (11r1,1[ 1 ,• 110“• al reasonable charge. HMII,II. to—kennetty. Childs Co., In tack sloe k, a. I n.. Csi.Jas, A. limy. LINLL AND BILASS FOUNDR A in I.roN, Yell nod Wass hssundor, has re- Woo sod colllllmuced business at his old stood, where ho will lit plcuacd to soo his old Custom ' t.n and iris /Ids Mao a.Mlrnmlout. and 11,11. ol ovary mze, from IU 0 11).10*1 want,. iroon 1.311,11. alhe moat app.. n45n0,1.1. , , and arranted let (11 the W. umtermlz, ILLArwral \Va., rump•Xmlumln, Railing, ho., loge- Itlot w,,,110).1) runt() u, lim o. C.ungs, d requlrod, tUr.4I uud lun.ltell an the .ute,l manner. A I a the .01, prwrlelor of 'Luau's AsmArrst n MKT., w juAti) eelvi.ramd for the teductrou of inatton In suadonery Doze. still Compomoon CAI, WI had Ut lutu at all win.. ally Ploughs. Plough. enstlugs. - 117 - agim _ Uoses, limill:Ii I' HALL, of the old firm al 12 & GS t is ortufss Luring Isrge qu •OIIIIO• Or hough., Plough fo r Wag ou 1.1.,1, 0.., With We d im Or the Lesser I'm s o lilmott, add °dim Ploughs, of the lams, end bcal poOrril..l.. iin u.r illlld Lawrly street. Pittsburgh, ripposite the Ile)},taut), 111 etty, near ,l Ws 111nt) Illuek.nue Ikl. Co. . . W. 6, J. biLEhihr, vl • I. 111 thr above burn:mat, corner y rd torrel, nti d hargh, wh ere nir mgt."( to 110 any work to our hoe wtdt des pau.ll %ye mt.... 1 to our work verso...lly, arid natio -11011 tit ! ir give. to regard to it. noatneert nod du rtoo/tty HibJUL Flook• lob,' to any pattern and bound sub ' n) i) Llook •in lumber. or old books bound enre vi) or Mit. N4lllll, po, on books in . Len's. Those tit.. .14, , WOl5 in cm? clue nre Invaed enli. 1 . 3,••• mrkktf • -- halatly and u cwt n told Beaver Canal b) itoLtlied that an election tor emu. l'11111,11•11y will be holden on Wed.l.S. y, 40/ En August 11021, ut toe Cutal iu New I. 41,011.1.m0, between the hears of th o'clock, A. ll . o to, Y. 1' ,at .ast.l day. t!ltAti 110STIMTER, tltt , ' .1 tat.erentry ti. g Co Coat. Anal rought Iron 1C4,11... to. VIIIC 11 'lea, Cadre/tea, Ac, he A Alt/A - 1 KNOA, t...rtug at, Allegheny nay - vll To • Contractor, and litallttara, Contra to lose tha LUsollells otine 101.1 Colodublti Strickler, 3 pour of Vault l , ooyx, .upcs.og otoullicionl. Apply ItUltia: A Co., and , tf 211 , 5 t, lot door Irmo yowl I,Sl' IIECEI Innis and splendal assortment ot tledo. Cu.. oneres,eAtings, Cr, m Ms ax e and rnl.• t. 5. I. WILLIAMS, 11dereMOTs.11or, try:. utnl , r Mullonguts.tin I km., snothfield h Utt .N • 100 tn.,' Furnace Ilot 111.1, •rrl vto, liteggold. bu lout Mock]) n romkce trllilllto I. 0 llot 111/W., 'tole by k 1111 VI. . 11 AM, CM ANtr Banns • - ••• . 4 ,tp tsmrtmtotrin:,iSubicati,i,,,. trirge L If. ffteelllrr t _lthe ntm:l4 1 ,,,,... 1 iketerd :ribs 'city of Mete Volta fora tea •Mas=l bibiaartra km Silk Elats, anti tisyt am ju.t me kyr eases, aentlemea can be noted ,s - ith a IV/ ridyl . beentim 'bat by elating at Ins pat nd'Cap, .&nittd.erld wee thecomd door akoolb o( Vbili,* ere may be found odd variety onlata Yeti apt of his olirn • inamdletce, wholesald and' ro•• tail.' 'Hats made to order on shom node.. • I JAMES WILSON. 41011, meant, a cro, • Iftecasson io ?Mord*. Urigt .1111144ionable 11*tt•rX.L. 1 . 11111111 Conti> of' Wocorand rsfth &MAL IDIOARTICVLAR attention paid' to oar Retail mate. Getitissum can ,caly apart gettincibeir Ham and Caps flotanar establ,Eshment pt lte mu IliAmius and mcaumairmo, of the cniankrudM,- and ex Maus= MGM - Co.MUT hiercha n ii n 4ntehasing by inVoleiale, are re.pec Malty invited wall km emnseme Ernr 8 pat u are tan µp *ln ti r t 6enn, Inat a. kagutta Idourn and rucsd anll no tic's compute:x atint any imam Li &big I .Ip.o "sada= *or 10 8 . jt 44. . 11000 RD ire - 00, IL•121.4:0121 a Into;) introduce on Saturday, August Seth, thu ri e,. style of Hats, lust moored from Now York.. T ow d warmer a mat and bcancitl 4 M c n , incited to call at their store, corner at Fifth 1 streets. =O4l • STILAIN GOODS. : Ik e A.2:12E813 R-S stot " k i' M i tt:VP=7 of th e tLe L siirinlisr=rtitosed.is P l =l , ' D. stable do; Omer.. do-0o;-0o; China Pearl doViitsr d,... o; Gelland 0, - French Lax; Ps Lo i ouvvile• RC_ de l la/70 ' 2.. 1' ft Lit Pediddr 'S...Trnraw, Also. Fl A.E .4 • cial Flowers, Ribbons, Re. Straw Ben net Vim 9.3ertarketeL ~ mar& PEED Ss $.16141T14. sith Apg y vn rr . fr imo d c !u s able , Hotter In . street. Vs 0 wring sod accommodation Starry cor ner of WOod street and Vireo alley. Meted prfees alienis poi for shipping Font. I`. my rrh LITERARY. , The Bankers , Magazin. THE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, end BMus Mancini Resister, devoted to the disserninalion of Bank thatisuesomund principle. of Banking, utility and prin ciple& of Life 'isurance and Savings Banks, English and American Law Decisions in reference to the busi ness of Banks and Bankers, am. Edited by I. Smith Herman • • ••• ••• Particular attention will be given as heretofont to the compilation at recent decisionoiespecting Banks, Bro kers, Dille of Exchange, Promlinutry'Notes,-VoniT, Bonds, Notaries, Damages, Ad, th the Courts of Maw mkt:mutt, Connecticut, New York, Pumsgivanio, Mary/and, Virginia, Bomb Carolina, Obio, Lo lona, Tennessee, and other States. This %saki:n:l ooh of tke most important features of Mework, did ',BIM itself claim the attention of Preddents, Cadders, Tellers, Notaries and others. Among other Wails of import ance to bookers and onienx . thdorork will contain sta. Mates of she Banks in every State of the Union; bio graphical sketches at pion:anew Bookers of Europa and America; Official Tables shaming . the debts. busi ness, expanditares., and financial conthuon of the seve ral States of the Union. Published monthly, 64 page* octara.m.t Three Dol lars par wear. ELLIOTT & ENOLISI:O9 Wood mig3 Agents (or Bankers' Magazine. Baker £ Sertbetees.Publleaeloas. TvRE submnbers having be. oppotrued agents for theside of the pablications of the above well known publishing house, hate a fall supply of their books on hand, which they ca*siell .t the eastern pri ces, wholesale and remit. Among the works which have been recently issued by ahem, which have bete highly recommended to ezesieeingly interesting and v.natits, may be found—The Czar its Court add Peo ~ plei Ireland's Welcome to the Stringerßethel Plan by Dr. Spring; Napo.oo sod. his Mars.ds; Waahing ton and hi. Generals; The Snored himuitains; Orators of France; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist: Charlotte Elimbesh's Uniform Xiorka T. S. Arthur's Making Haste to be Rich, Riches haveWinga, Kcemng op Appearances, Debtor and Cveditor, rte. to. Al., the works from the p.m of Robert Carter, the character of whose publican°ns is well known. Tur retine's Theolory, in 4 vols.; 141darLe on Romans; Ale- Cheyne , • work The Conanot,tr author of School Dirt In Prance, to. be. New books received as soon as as publish.. ELLIOTT t ENGLISH, 7ti wood and 50 market NEW BOOKS—History . ( ongrew—Blowraptucal and Political, comp - Eu.lg *mows of Member. of the Catawba of the Untied n a drawn trot, tithen ue waxes; embracing the prominent eyente o f their lives, and thew connect/on with the pulideal history or the one by Henry U. Wheeler. illustrated by nu- merciessteel perverts end fee-unite autographs.Liags end Queens; or, Late in the Palace—ronsielleg liletoncel Sketches of Josephine euttliana Louisa Loins Philippe, Ferdinand of Ansa* ?Gehl,las, label- la u, Leopol4 .d vteton by.lobn C Abbott- Barnes Notes On James, Pp., Job and Jude.— Notes, expl.atory and praetital, . fW general opts. dee of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Alin Barnes Mary Grover, or. the Wlte—a Dunes. Temper., Pale- by Clkarles Mullett, author .5( the EMM= Hassid, the Last ord. Saxon Elmira air Edward Enlister Lytton, Ban. Complain in two-pans. Pan V Harper'. Illustranul Edition of the Arabian Einerunanients. Me above works received dits day, and for sala;k9 JOHNSMN & grocicrox, lylu Booksellers, err blanket and Maw XTEW BOOKS—The Writings of Curtin, blame Um. .1.1 clay, including Specehe, and Addkesses. Edited, until a preface and memoir, by Horsed Gree 'The First Book to hpaniett, or, tuathtical luttOduc hoe to the study oldie Spud.h Language: containing insuuctions tap ronunciation, a grammar, exam. m on the Otlendorif method of constant imitanon and repetition. sting, lemons, and a vocabulary. The whole adapted for the um of private learners, or for clame, under an instructor. By Joseph Salkeld, A. M., author of "A Compendltha of Clasideal het,. etc Brother, and Stamm a tale of domestic life: by Firderdra Bremer. Translated from the original tue , putoluthed manuscript, by Mary Roams. The Dying Rohr, and other tales ' By Joseph Alden. D li. .1.1 veer, red and for talc by- JOiINSTUN &STOCKTON BOOKS—Locturea on Shakspeare, by If N us two volumes. The Power Mate Pulpit meplain kbrnetw addressed to Chnsuan summers, and those wan hear them, on the tonne., of • preached Gosp‘l, by the Rev. Gardine r Spruig, D. D. The Peasant sad his Landlord. by. the Baroness Knorrusg. Translated by Mary Hownt. Lantnnines Girondists, Vol. 111. It/story of the Gi rondist. or personal memoir of the parrips of the French Revelation, from unpublulted sonrceo—by A. de La marune A few copies of each of the above works received thss day and for sale by JOHNSTON d OTUCKTON, Booksellers, my3o corner market and 34 Sta, DOOKS: BOOlOR"—Lecturra on Theology: by the .1) late Rev. John Dick, D. IL, published' under the superintendence, atm sole with a biographical Intro. ductilm by an Amerman editor--complete in one vol• unia. Dwight's Theology. 4 ye's. Edward's Works, 4 yob. Chalmers' Works, 4 vols. Neandev's Church History. tat and Si vol.' hi/Es/anon the Types oiChnst, Oust published.) Also, a large and well seleeted amok of Theological, Attlee/lateens, and School Books, for tale low by ELLIOTT it ENGLISH, ang24 7d wood and SO market ste I\TEW NIESIC—Oh Susannah; RC.. Lew tonic 111 Ned; What must a Fairy Dream be; The Watch er, duet; IMannen Dante; Bina Juniata; Hormone" on's Carolina Melodies, 6 Now Life is but a Strife; The Dream ut Past, The Monntaan Maid's Invitation; Sleep qul dreamed, Love; Aganam lAtilakstepi Bayeaux qickstep, May Queen, oomph:se; Quaker Hill Spring Watts; Jenny nod's Songs, Alvarado Quickstep, Tye. Reason to be. Sad. Ethiopian Airs, vuiations; Hours of Leisure, Sylph Quadnltes, by Hunter. Kate O'Shane; Be Kind to Each other, 11l be Submissive Wife, re ceived by Express and for sale no by ougiN J ii 3.IIiLLOR, SI wood st PIANOS. fintif ON hand and for wile, the following lhano Pones., direct from the =mull.- tun., and at Eastern plum: No. I. An elegant rosevrood, six oc taves iron framed Piano Felt°, made by Cluelering, st Boon, 6/16 No. g. Same as the above,'' 376 3. Rosewood, Chiciering,333 . 3 . " 7 .. Gala tr. C4l. WO 4 .. Cluckenng, . 426 " 9 . Manhattan Cactipm4p, 300 " lu. " Grand (blend 400 - it. " Second Piano, Hen, 80 old Plano. lake. trs Net payment for arty of the above, by JOHN 11. 7tWLLOR, 91 Wood at. Sole Agent for Chmknrinta Piano Forma, for Wat er,' rennsyl•antn an y Splendid New Pianos. Illinilli Thilli subscriber, premotia to leaving for the East to replemah his stock, will Mayors. °flare baloney of his stook on . . hd at reduced prices., and on favora ble terms It con e.. of a choice selecuon of Pianos made by Nunn, tr. Clark, N. Y., and Jonas Chickenng, of Boston, Mass., of from 6 to 7 0ct.?,., of rosewood and mahogany, of different triples and price. H. )(LEBER, 1124 At WoodwelPs, 83 Third g GEN. ZACHARY TA YLOlL—Pertrati of Gen. Z Taylor, by N Cotrey. under the immediate super. use:Mance and ihrecuons of the undersigned, otheers, t'roin no unionist sketch token from hie, at Camargo, by Captain Euton, AD 'r LlConuor, U S Navy; George A /STALK A G; George McaU, Lieu* Topographical Engineer Harry Inger. U 3 Navy. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, PAR Hooksollerhsor Al and market sts LOVER'S SONGS—Watch you will by Daylight; Widow klathrea; Rory O'Alorik, Dutton Summar; ug the Deer, Gondolier Raw, The Two Basis, Fairy Hby; Ask me not what 1 am I'llanklng-, Low Ranked Car My Mother. Dear, odo uot say I love then nog Foripvc, but ddn't Forget; The Ceamellom Angels Whisper; Morning Dream, Sweet Jessie was Young and &topic, The Northland for Me, Molly Dawn. For talc by JOHN H MELLOR, p. 34 81 wood st USTPUBLISHKD—ein illustration of tho Type. , J Allegan.. sod Prophecies of the Old Tester:lent: By William APEaren, inittiner of the Gospel •t Dundee. l'he stave popular worn, which Swats of the Typical Persons, Things and Plleas of the Old Testament, which has been out of priut for wine Ingo tor which there has been • veut denatuid, e .... a Ju.t republished in • dew siyie—LYA/ pg.., n mu: Inca SO cents: k1.1.11111' a MtiLISH, augll i 'Ai wood and far markets, • - I\TEW WORK BY Ill'AnDLEY—Tbe Life of Onvei 11 Cromwell, by I T Headley, enthor of “Napoleon anoint. Wier-Mole,. , The Rooted Moontnina,n oyttyy, Ington told hie Generate:. etd. 444 .. 8 " Ci"d Oda d.T and for lola uy JOUNSTONA STOCKTON lea Rooker-nen, cox sterket and 3d Na "12 &Ai CF:—Outlines of Ma Fr..; from 1 the CO/11.11 tunas to Oho Revolution of IS4O—for schools and tamthee—wah, =Seams estSTsYSTL and boesuoun for die emomoutomof mut JOHNSTON et SMCkTON COUNTING 11UUSErRANR-300 dox state end tona l.by . 0 4 VLEYNOLDWA. BIIEE VOL 218. I DRY de VARIETY GOODS. -- - , NEW SODDED GOODS `now lOW new Toll. Asit , ruits.pst.rttu. act - novs. S ate now opening a fine reek or fresh Sagunto TIT yy f r ost!., direct front the New Yort and Philadel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased With- In the last two weeks. at n very great .erifiee, there by enellind us to offer far better liaorone then we alive ever done before bi ceiling the artenhon of the citizens of Pittsburgh and its vietnity ro our assort ment, We do so with the noun of our prices being etch as will ensure perfect .tiafriction; and to &Mier ers, either by wholesale or retell. a fine chance is now offered tot procuring great bergaina. "Among those nisi; weeired are . ,A lot of very rherip esk ghanog cord and blk fired; sraptd Pdkq Laud d vire • • Lin clue fine bit fig'd and striped Barege. which lie fiver , great bargain •d iot othandsorsw Coto bialys., for tad'. dreAliesi do light colored and black Career, very the • ' do new style silk Vesting do do very hawitsom•AVTIVISQII.I/4. do very cheap bib do do do fine bib silk !dentine Seeds , do handsome Parasol. and Penvoletrie de do Artificial Flower.: do very cheap Linen Lewes; ' 'ALSO—A fine stweleof Inver French cloths and tkoi eihrovea,white and colored Linen Drilling, Cashew, eds. Sommer Cresstmerea Drip d' Ste, he ere. A lafia assertnicat of Prints of an priers; 'Deli - lags, Checka,Mttelins, &v., to which, m terrynv,,,,, eles in ouritne, We invite the special lineal. of eush Wyatt. ALF:SANDER Zs DAY, fetid 75 marketer, N W roe of the diamond A. A. MASON 14 00., 6 MAXI= ST., BETWEEN THIRD & FOURTH. BEIN° desirous of reducing their mock preemies to the commencement of the Full Trade, wall oder their asteasive and fashionable assortment for a few weer, at 'greatly ;e rou duced prices, Amongst. then as, soilmint may be nd excellent styles or Detest; Mutates, Grenadines, Yatoryrinines, Poll diChere, Dress Silks Lawns end Muslim . , too. &e., oil otwhich are reduced in price fully one thard: Their stock of Shawls is very eitensle, end eon,- prbei every known style. A fewest-tons of crape and silk Shawls rust received wall he sold extremely low. 4 eases reaigeotelill.basit will be soldatialk etur astistprice 23 cents, good English Calicoes the; Amer• wan do as low as 3 madam wrought Collars ilie;.Aluse, lin di Lahies 12ir; good Alpacea Bonnet Rib bons 12a, Tbair pack of dark green pure gatio Parasols aud Parasoletws, comprising apwards of 500, of every style and quality, will be offered at very low MC. growl Cloth, Calkimeres end Vasungsi also, all lends ofsammer stuffs and Couonadoa. Ilousekeeping wad domestic Goods of every descrip tiaa . . gilereilents will always find at our wholesale rooms it• • large and desirable an assortment or goods as is usually found to eastern houses, and at equally low pdeza. Only' one once, Om winch no cleviation can he made. • • NEW FALL GOODS. QISETH & JOHNSON, 40 Medici sweet, bore tort 0 received, and Wil l -be eqnstaittly racciving *magh the season, from the Fast, tr. general LL54011.3111111. of Sta r pie rod Fancy Dry Ooodslind tdlinery articles, adirp red to the (all sad winter trade, to which they woald Dartienlarly invite the attention of purchasers: variety of Scotch Gingiitilli; Twilled du; French day plain end fanny col'd Alpacas, cousin nail silk wary do, Aloha... and Oriental do; Calicoes of evry style; 119 do t horn cambric Hdkfs; cloy lawn do; Ron veins do; eol'd border do; 5 cartons thread leers, some so d do ras 01 cis; 10 do cotton do; French work capes and cdo stauding do; Hourniag do,• crochet doi 10 cartons ladies and genre Baion Aid Gloves; 25 dos ladies sills lisle thread and cotton do; 100 do do cotton Hose, all colors; 10 do do white and blk silk do; WOO gents i do; Combs, Buttons, Threads, Ac, in great variety, which will be sold ektreinely low. 1.105 W. MURPHY has opened duo morning, one • rase Umbrellas, including American and Scotch gulighem, Caron and steel frame gingham. silk One case Parasol., including green satin Turk, blk and brown silk of extra Ines. Also, oaeease bleached Drills,• Martian Rib bons, black and colored; white Satin do- Lilian Ging lands, and various styles of rtiramer GoOde, selling at redo cad yorices. A lot of super blanchester Ginghants, good styles, also lately received. CHEAP BONNETS—A lot of braid and oilier Bon nets (of last maters shapes) selling off at fame ;Cie to 11, at the corner of Ith and Market sot. Wboletuls rooms on 2d story—entrance from gth st. ye , NEWand splendid variety, at ZENCLON EINziEI"S, 137 Market street. .50 gold lever Watches, 4.5 silver lever watches, Eligluitt; 21 saver detaelwil lever watch es; 20 silver L'Epine watches, 23 sliver quaruer watches; 12 Ana gold chains; dos liew style ear ruigs; dos plain gold hoop rings, dos assorted stags; amt .-id boxes, playuig a variety or popular airs;gross steel slides, all sixes. FANCY GOODS Ado. fine Puna, silk and paper. 30 dos common Fans; 6 des fine velvet bead nag+, new +Lyles, 10 dot tine crutches bead bags new styles, 5 no, (Inn croteriat Lanett,nAw sL sLlr... dot 6ne parasol...assorted: Suies, Lanett, thugs, gilt nod +l.scr, !or reLLann+, India tine dower P.!), assorted, Jot fine steel strew 11111 aunt,- ion+, I dot tine ivory ecrow cusatusA; l duo tine wood selow pan caeloolle. A fine assorunent of 1. ow Toys, loc. !cc. mar. A C , A.til). nutKELLY is Co. tsueeensars to Robb, Wine . Menet & Co.) bILECILANT TA/LORS, Id! Chest nut stmet, Philadelphia. beg leave. to .nform the fronds and patrons of she lawnow arm, MAUI strangers vbhusig this coy, that they are to memo of the Hyrum and Summer Fashions. Al. a choice and select assort. meta of West of England and Freneu Cloth, Cass,- metes and Vesting., to which they reapeettally lava. that! Wenn°. 91.V:clan IjERAOL. &C.—h/o.cander A Day have now open j a beautiful sum soloed and plaid Beragm, us Atm finest giatines and newest styles, M. splen did plugs and brocha black Henna,. a nd Pulacat. splendid French Lawns., Lucia LAstrest mod (Wrtgbanu, atall assortment bit, plate and mow .tope de Lottte. nd hue AJpaccu. All them good. have been purehased at the late per emptory IlllCllol3 sales su New 'lurk elphui, & be ocild at a great redoemn front r e g ulargprices. ALEN..AN DER a. DAY, eons.: diamond and maracas{ my 4 • - - - Sander /t. Day have reenved (inert from the import, in New York, an entire case of gethune Canton Crape Shawl.. contarnlng complete towortoseet of embroidered and plain moon% of MI co lors and quallues, from $4O to IS the lathes arc rms. peelfully invited to examine these shawls, belternm that Rohm of them are superior to any lecture tidenal di umuurkeh They will no sold any cheap. Alto, Silk Thrbel and Berhge-Sholseln -end •Seartsim toll • assortmeht t at nunarkaldy loweprltes.. flirt • • - • ACE CAPS—A A Meson E Co, have piAhreral Li „ Lathes du. Lace Cups. also. now sit as,Cheno. setts, Wrought Capes, Head Dressei Lad le s Ars 1 tee. )itt; D EiltgaNTs CaLl - C. , Es..*, A ~1,‘ , „„ A Co, Uf lb Market u, are closing out a large lot of remn at untie., at fully nail the usual pnco--good fast co lorod Pratte at tile. nog I] mock do, consbuuly on nand let lowest prte m ertutlesele room of W It NIERPLi)„ aglcor 4th and market sts.Ml story OLEA AXIL. .4 iNS—A A Mason & Othito Mar her a, hare Vitt opened 5 mom motes of Was. vary non bleached Muslim, at se. Also, 4 more motes of dO. Also, another More lot of the remnants of Calico, at ale. augl4 WHITE PORCELAIN REALM—The subscriber haling received the sole Agency for ruin ot Jones, White k Co.i Plate, Ultra, Prrot, Molar and Limettsph dal., Teeth, mitten Dentists' sputum attenuou. JOEL MOHLER, Druggist and Apothecary, npßroe wood and Mlt S TEEL:GOOLiiie-Stsed Hug Camps., the bp, moot in the city; Steel I;eads;do Bag Is, do Purse do; do Purse Rings; du do Clasps, do Slides; dm Key Rings; do Top Combs, mat recd at out new Fancy iht Markel street KL'OOFY ft KNOX WHITE GOODS—A full assortment or plain.. chk'rti .41 striped Cashbncst Platt and viut'sdiavonotal Sort. and Scotch Mod, Basta Mos.., /Sunup Lawns, Nansooks, spotted Mulls, VLctons. Lawns, Tarleron Aust.., together with a lull assuruneut ol Lamitietts, plain and fancy Netts, Laces, rdgings, Insentligs, Ste tar., all of which hare pan •rnved [yeah Irma we nu porters, and for sole low to we trstic, uy myl7 SHAC/WHIT & E EAKDIN(.:--w. have Ica. , on hood ALfall assolummt of V ulcautzed lochs Raub. - Mu color Hanthug, all widths, nom I inches told unties La .•h 1 which we will soil •totmutectarers prices, and Carriage saved to the purentmer, al No 5 Oh and surd J_l H PHILLIPS AND FRINUES--Just rrc'd at Zet,u• 1...) too Norway* So. 07 Market stoceL tit dosrants blaze cut ,In emir, of venous widths oohs,. bud prices, suitabte for hountilas, to to dos iambi limp, all widths arid stytes,ror cape &a. 41 pea tig'd site coot Binding. ytgv FANS; AT COST, BY WEBB EVA! E oa RETAIL_ The: eubscrtners being deatrous of closing out Wait Fermin stock oi rimmitit,s and Fancy (tootle before ratans tty, w ttictrAtes•W.iga, altiOltMent al Fans at coat twin alid altar ten dale. the aisertmetit corapnsca .ante Burry different inyies, and atptwee twos 4 Oa w SJ earn. I Ifi‘V glaß Gold :Umla tore Cue, do do Loa • eut for /tali; do do Bret.. Pm.; do do litia a.m.; do do ruler Hangs, do do (snarl Chan., do do too doi do do Peatesta and Pena do do Brnee&ta and Clasps. Those to want abate Jewelry wilt do welt to 0411 no de before purcusstng. nt)lti liINnEY & KNOX. inuket it VINE. r 9 / 1 119TINC: Murphy has °Pea tato martaarg o further orprs:y Morse Very superior Douse Long Cloth relorune atto, fuse Lansdale do. and has constantly on nand an assort ment or. ovary glade oh qua.tp a low Also, 'man Woew tur sturungs guid Loam., f pure du, and very cheap, al nottlicie-41 comer or 4th and +tarter ettee‘s. 1.14 11E}trirN1,9ANDreill I'o:We Ales-muter S. Day have Just rccelved a vet) aupcnor sawrltutal al Ntowll and Wenclualbhcs..gl, oi the mom celebrated nianufaelUra, of ants - 40s and qualruca, and nerd yl.ceungs, Mfriar quaatres, at tic pet y•cd. .14 - - bKE4S LA SV:SS, VERY CiIEAY—W a Slarphy nen/trust corner of 4L and market .t., nu. rec.- .«d a large kdoi Lawns to 143 cts per yurd, ;hereto, ,„ so w g r kignet pncee.l lituarner hood, generally a l s o opening at -- reJ uced price. 1115 . -- ("MISCH. DIte.S.SIANJUS—A A Msuun d Cu, ura L . / clusuid off thegrarge stock oi lilac Utc.o , ,load• a{ sua Krusier teduced pnee.. •conmsureg al /le. r.ge.• LackLdp)., Utaultcs, 1'.41 de Cu., Guu-us and Muslin., Lilacs and Usu. y Saks. Ac aug7 osqla FO leAClri-400 yard. heavy 14sco, 94 rind in. in; io n oes wale, for Margo. liar, now open pod tor tics try .. jy...2) I 4..4T0N kCo G I 1 A A ! r t . ! r w o w n k CZ - 1474; we, quatines, sod Sip Vlve and fine Fierica cmor w ol: lere‘i etauding Collars, at very low prioes. ans 47 . _ rxon PAltNb, 8.C.-4,11,U110 Insasaorteil No.: trio Carnilo A/* , &Au/2h C 2 ,1 .1 1-9 . 1%. to; Twine, (or sale at nianutarturers lowest prices. BlitlENEo, RHISY & Co ALT1 4 9:1231E-3 lona crude, to arrive; for sale by aug29 ISAIAH LACKEY & Co, front at CCOPAL I I4I,BiNL2II-411a1 galls of supenovnuality, anise; fir sale by . 9 828 ISAIAH DICKEY a. co , • 7 UNDRiES--72 sacks Feathers, Vs do Ginseng; 2 bla do; a Loa Flassaed; to artlV, an salt mood 19A1All DICKEY & Co _ - _ lAMI SKINS-I , or sale by If:, aver =WIMP& MCA NDLESS I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers