GROCERIES, Ik. t TAMEBA. TOWSON &Co, Agents for mt. I,,otti. LP Swum Sugar 1ie5n027, No. LS Water and 9I Prow. street, Pittsburgh, Ps-, hues in store the following no sorterutrit of refined 54ers, for vele loom I his double refined large Loaf, ION) bbl. Noe. 2,f, St Si 7 and o small do; 23/ do Powdered, 2110 do m eh- Ild; 4S do Cisrtfied• lb _ Sugar and Molasses. /48 I L 41..16 uvs I. loags ° r l3 , rs t o d an d In do Primo Near 'Orleann' Inolosaa • in do " Sugar Hour.e do mire and for *llk bT M MITCHELTREE, -Tra.l3 Inn nberry §urirouto casks Soda Ash, branded PA Steele 'A Son. Liverpool; 30 do do do James .50.0 & Pons, doi 2ru bugs Rio Coffee; 300 hoses yall, 8110 and 10213 W ales, gar sale by /01N GRIER, 11023 211 liberty at 131RESII FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO-31re Millet's and /no Anderson's Jost recd and for sala,by HEALD, uuCtlvort & co. 41 north water and 14 north wharves, 11221 Philadelphia 2, ARA LEAF TOBACCO-366 bales tiara Leaf To bases, wrapprry, and superior quality-1.2 and 3 elns—Ast landing trom brig Anibraeitei for sale by jai MAUI BUCKNOR ac Co el ERMAN PIPE-434 b. and 3 gross German Ur Pipes, medium bowls, just lding II pkt and for sale La jai tiUcKNoR & co FSll—lssas Crum, liaAmore, Aid., wlll Idi glad to hare orders from hi. friend. in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, for the poreham of Shad and Itemnp du. ring the season. Ordenexecuted with despatch, and IllteC Charges for purchasing tight. marl COTTON &c.--50,000 the assorted Nos; 150 lisle' Caudle Met; Irk Jo Batting, Carpet Chain, ikoi Twine, for sale at manufacturers lowest prises. .1110 FRIVNIt & Co (1011 ALT—tut lbs Cobalt, Just reed and for sale by augt .1 Elbe& Co - 13111 T e cuts reccortna imm sour Lake Fp< I. and tor mla by augl. JAMES DALZELL . BA.CAJN AND FLAX...M . :ED—UM pm Ilaron, 9 ball Flat wan, tom creamed and tor use i.y atm I grARCII-2abact Fancy Swab, tot sale atta I I. S M'ATERMAN %rEN lICED-3Ubbls mat rac'd and fur %Mc hy kl A FAIINESTOOK tc Co, Ina comet Ist and wood plc QALERATCS-101.1.41,:PU his, fer sale by 4°40 VON KONNIIONST fr. Cu TONE PIPE9O brs Store l'tpes. for sale by aug7 WICK lc' 111' , A N DI.ESS rfUlatt do. "LW M" \l% K & .. I'b „t i,,, eAN.L SE g t. l oAif.s — auu m CRLTHED SUCIAR—ZU bbb, .Crusbed Sugar : fa by sue WI , h & . `PTT_. TURPENTINE-1U bble w Cse . o . rdrr, on rec'd Gy auglt J SeIIOONAIA6G.I2 & SPTS. TURPENTOIE-2311R"IA'AbrREITER sugl M I EL: g il l /J. WATER C.Ottli=t;:r .t s for sale b 1110HOSP110RUS---lUO lbs tor sale by anyll 1311.41.1 N 8 REITER INSENG-5 sacks now landsng; for snip by 13- jyyd DICKEY hro COTTON -46 bales austere and for sale by ly2lo ISAIAII DICKEY Sr. Co ARLEY NLALT-4ioo bush ground and untreound B for sale by augly, BROWN atTLBERTSON CORN BROOMS—NJ dos for sale by sasylo BROWN a. CULBERTSON Oki METAL—DO totreCumberlitud River Metal Y landing from guars American Star and L. Wetzel auglo DALZEI.L, 11l venter st LARD, &z. -04 kegs No 1 Lard; Y Mt& Bacon; land lug from Moir eaubier, and for >ale by auglU JAMES DALZ.F.I.I. ALLEN'S. NERVE : AND RUNS LINIMENT—A fresh supply tut sale by COFFEE -1W bags prime Rio, just receiving lb and for sale by angl4 TIROWN et CULBERTSON T•'LOUR-30 bbls choice fresh Family Flour, rust r tetrad and for sale by angla I.IIIOWN & CULBEIITSON - DLEACHING POWDER—W.. 4 h sof . filbsprau &Sone first qua-lily Chlonde of for sale by 1514 & u &WPC HELTREE LARD OIL-0 bbls pure Lard Oil, in atom and for 2 . 1 e by iv& O BLACKBURN tr. Co EFINED — SHGARS-5 bm DR !urge Lumi uou bbl. 4,5, 6,7 toad G email do; 2:14 do eruebed; thy do powilemd; in store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co, Jy24 Agents of_St, Louie Steam Sugar Refinery s SYRUP-00 bins 10 hl jo do du; 20 ten gallon . ; dof. olden .‘r."' kegs do • or eby irk% JAS A HUTC tr. Ca W • •1• S —AI Lt.,A—.tor . 0 .Lo for zole by 017 Post Bublin; IVORTH CAROLINA TAR—IIO bbls N C Tar, VI good order; for sole by BAGALEY I SMITH ITZ Is maul 2u wood al NO. 3 MACKEREL-100 bbl. for sole by 1,123 /Alll}.. DALZFtI Q. HORTS-75 buab nom, for Laic by 1T23 JOHN 9 DILWORTH --- "DACON-14,000 lb., hog round , on conalgomen., sale by 1721 J D WILLIAMS 3, 1.10 wood sl iIkotIXOQUITO NNITS—A largo loz of Mosquito Nett*, foil sued ego., for Jude cheap, ALEX ANDF.R k DAY. IM7T'I B _ AREGE PLAIDS—A lot of handsome Borne Plaids, which we WC selling at prices greatly be low what we haveever been able to oiler the same quality for. j y2:I ALEXANDER & DAY tICIT-414 kegs, ..'d No*, for *ale by /LS A HUTCHISON k. C T EAD-530 pip Gale. Lead, (or sale by iT 3S /AS A IIUTCIII - SON & Co, COTCII SNUFF-500 Itrxqum rec'd and (or D sale by J KW &Co Wsante to Core and for sale by 517 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front s Searkr prime bacon Shouldera,ju renamed and for =lc by lye' BROWN to CULBERTSON / 93FFER—Irla bags prime Rio Coffee tree:van* and lJ for sale by .IA3II. DAI.2IIL m. CKF.REL-50 jr No 3 Mickerel, an store anti for imie by art 3 & BARBA L/611 DAHLEY —CM Ish Harkey, in store and for sale by S & IIARISAULaI CHELSE-6 bre extra prime Cheese; 104 do %V H do; just teeeived end to r sale by ..1 WICK tr. M'CANDI.E.'S filE/THERS - 4 •acts prwae read..., Or MI! by A. Imp WICK & bI'CANDLIKSS BAXIMS—IO9 dor Corn Brooms, fer sale by augl WICK & 11PCANDL.KSS LLARD lads Lard Oil. prune order, in cats, received and for rale ny .1 ODD & Co C— '— tiEFMK-151 bus pm. WE Meese, Just reed and for We by augs WICK .S.III'CANDLES 44 • Q ALERATUS - 22 casks ..= i tslerzt , .ts, for' sa'm by 0 susgs DL INS - I,IKATIIERS-3Uu lbs Kanlucky Feathers. for sale r by augs WICK fr. AI`CANCIANrs SPICES--Ground Allnner, Onnarnan, Cloves., Mus tard, he in 5 and It/ lb Cans, for sale by augs WICK re IWCANDLESS HOCOLATIFI—W bz. Chacohue, for aela by Caugs WICK & 31 . C&NDLEM,S _ G ROUND GINGER— : itr (amid For .ale by •ag3 WICK & IWCANDLFS L A -RD—" No" INIMNS n.43_ • STFWGIITS OIIr bids for Rale by /TV JAMES DAI.ZELL - P EM y RIO airl,,ofor FLOUR—Inii bolt fine Flour for sale by JOHN S DILWORTH ()ILEAC/111M PiIIiSLINR—A A illroon & err now LI opening IC caws of Bleached bluslitte, etrinprunuy -- the bear Warm of pillow now and sheeting nursitto, Jy3l COFFEE -15u bags prune Dm; 11) do Larguaynk; lu do old Gov. Java, for sale by aulyl J D WILLIAMS., 110 wrood 51 W BOARDS-50 AO2 Dice`a Patent Zinc,.. v coanufneromer prices, for sale by augl 1 I) WILLIAMS. i tORE CHEAP CA LICOES— A A 61.011/6 Co Mire IN/ received soother lot of tbom cheap Calicoes, klft ra. r . one dollar. Iris BACoN-40,cc0 llnms, Sides and Shoulders, In smoke house rindatom; for sale by sari IL ROBISON & Co, UN liberty st "DOM( IN BULIC-55,100 [lts Sides; 15,1k0 do }lsms 22A/00 do Shoulder., m prime.rdurt for .ale Lp • R ROBISON & Co G REASE-aPUU ibs Grease, mumble Mr machinery; for sal e by sog4 R ROBISON &Co _ . tsg:recrfit recd UGAEL—k9 likdo N 0 Sower; SO !Ads Loaf do, tn Lore and for rale by R HOWSON & Co ROUND PEPPER-2D bze prtme Ground Pepper for sate by ang7 WICK &WC ANDLLSS TEAS -140 half chests fresh Vining Ilyson.ltuperial , Gunpoisdcr, and Powebong Tens; 94 catty. do do., • sale by ous7 WICK & NCCANDIik.Z9 1 111ACCO—KCd 9 T , bin 725, IC., 12., 1., 58 sod In, 9 , laveudo,h Tobacco, superior brands; for sale by WICK & 6PCANDLL , A 4 A hu , 1-10 bble fast reed and for sale by Aaug. 13 A I , AIINITOCKA. Co DOSLN— ymt,p4i)_ -2MI Ib. Red Lead, (supenor,) Jun med IL sad for u.k ! , Y nag I KIDD &Co bkle "soap makers* just ree'd and for actsl B A FJOlNEf., , rocit hco . .. - - ' s , . i - -1/.82, Br,D A _ sa/ lbs sup I.,arb boda,,to ree'clatial. `/ for sale by magi J KIDD& Co -- . MOULD CAN I,L. 7 .1-1-70 has Mould Candlux.k. on• ~n , „,.„, , for sale by IY , V _ SELLERS & 011C01.9 .13,11.-CON—eool6l.B7is, ' 11510 do Shoulders; 1500 do Iwo., COW)i y surad. b.. , DOD by .17_...26 SP S, 'UN DONN tiontyr & co - --- ,y_A ~.s y bpa, s Ns, 'Lite Clears, for sale by 11°14/Yo'. 8 p oth 1 BONNIIIMIST & Co lOUISVILLE I.IDII-sl-r21,/.4.,g, 3,,1.,,,triv Taco VA - 601 - 6 -1 . Ni. 3 Maskers.% a do; lOU 14 halide No 3 No VD do No 3d. 0 IC , du No I do; lust received and for sale bY 190yMILLF31. R< IMCILETSON 1../.82 , --20 0 Las DllO and 107.14, 0D do 70; 50 do l_7l amid, 10014 to 14r315 on hand sl+.l for sale by 1 C HID WIU, A,s • Ssm,7l3-41 ce•lrs ecorchinr,..t i A.V .On onsignment. &ors J r IAICIAIUC ACID-4W 14e fol i al fr. Rums LARD 011.--10 bbls Lunt 08. .4b •ugb SCOOONXIAKPA ACo GO MEAL—:S MA& Anshote. dried Caro Akal, both wbttr end yenow, atom and Or •alm ir2l s A %V akigiALIGB Gineeng, )mll Inieding tan. by 1713 NV IC3TON BO WEN I;OMMERCIAL RECORD — WI AUGUST. SirarriniV -- in Sunday, • 21 Monday, SG Tuesday. it Wednesday, Thanday, 23 Friday, PITTEIDOB.OIII BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOIL AUGUST. MASSIRALL. 3a5. PCINOCE. OID. WESSIAN OPT/Ca Pirrsauwan GAzrn - r4 Monday Morning, August 21, loin. The markets on Saturday Were duller, if porisi. ble, than any previous day of the week, and the limited business showed no variation from the pr, re, of the ptevtous day, FLOUR—A. better reeling is manifested - es the market, owing to the smell receipts and heated auppli and buyers appear willing to yield to a further sl advance. Ehnall first hand sales at the river an m wagon, were etrected at 4,25, and (min wore 44404,50 IV bt!l RYE FLOUR—We note ¢aNierate sales from fast hands at 2,75, and from st.are at $3 ♦ LW. CORN MEAL—Wiltt light supplies in market, We may quote the article, amnion! at 51,G20 per barrel. FlSH—Supplies have became very light, and we observe a corresponding titaness in pnceal, with a shep improvement in some kinds. Sime plies arc mainly made up of NS 1 mackerel, of which we note regular aisles in limited lots at Ufa '''2sV WI. GROCERIES—The market is steady but sot active, with regular limited sales of N U sugar, at for best kinds by Mad, and 4*a:iv for &ccund grade. In cotfee we notice a further partial de cline, with sales at Rio at 7tiiit for a fair article, and Sc for prime, in small hits. In molasses we notice no ehange--23 , ii2tc are the ruling figures of the Market fur N 0, and lo(ii4ri ti gall for su gar house. Sales of rice at 416y5e. PROVISIONS--Pmes of all kinds continue very firm. Of bacon, supphea are gradually falling ill; and an increased liminess is maitifested.i Sales of prime city cured front smoke hiuuve at, fur shoulders, 4c, aides, 4l 4t. and bums at tiaGl Prime Western bacon is sold et about the Caine agates as the above; second quality is sold at from a Ito he lower. Small sale. of No I lard In bhls at rile, and in heg. at 61a7e 1b FEATHERS—The market is dull and very lit tle doing. Moderate aides at 31ai312c IR lb. EIEWAX—Saleis to a limited extent at 1961 BEANS—SaIes of good white at 706e7f, per LEAD AND LEAD PlPE—Salon of bar at 41r, and of ptg at 41c p lb. The prim-. of lend pipe vary from 61 to 121 e p foot, accordiug to sae. HONEY—Regular salmi from more at 16 eta p pound. The hull of Capt. A I) Miler's new steamer, is xpeeted at the wharf in a few days. She will. • hen tiaished, be a fine boat of 2,0 tuns burden , :ad is buih expressly fur the Allegheny trade. l KIDD & Co Copt Black's new hull is in rapid pniTress, and 11, ere long, be receiving the finishing unich from the hands of our skillful mechanics. Copt Alex. Dean's fine new light draught stea mer Geneva, is well deserving a passing notice.— Of her class, she is a hoot of the very first mislay . and with such managers as the Capieun and his worthy crew, she must render the full rat satisisc: ties to all who may place themselves under their Coln:Enos or Nsw Yoax—lt appears that the value of imports at New York, exclustve of spe cis, duraur the past six months, exceeds tbe value of Imports daring the correspondmg period of 1097 be more than $3,000,000, and of 5846 by nearly 59,000,000. JOEL MOHLER, nor wood and sth eta PRICES OF FLOVIt MAD GRAIN The hdlowing statement will show the prices of Flour and Grain at the several places mentioned at our latest dates:— Flour. Wheat. Co. Oat, Philadelphia 81.00 60 27 New York :3.00 1.10 Gs 35 Baltimore . R4ehmond. Georgetown 5011 7r, 44 21 MIME . . Cleveland ..... 4.31 5.5 35 . 4 Cincinnati 3.75 7:3 25 21 Louisville 4.00 25 22 St Louis 4,00 75 22 ,22 New (Mesas 4.25 50 30 `Zs Pittsburgh 4,40 61 31 30 Rochester .... ..... 4,50 1.00 45 30 Albany 4,00 1.00 50 33 Rocnorrce Finn TR.Ans—The Gdlow•wg state meat will show the MOVrillttit of flour at the Ca nal port of Rochester, from the opening of novign• Lion to the first of August, compared with the three preceding mason,. Amount of Flour shipped east on the Ent. (*anal from the opeuitig of Navigation In A ugust I 1`.915. 1(11(1. 1547. 41,925 29071 - 43,518 57,404 91,1.36 9:1:27.1 34.093 '42,506 111,239 A 7 ,555 41,159 37,809 75.390 161,672 t 61,550 2717.10 21:t,524 Quantity of Wheat left at t 1 port by for two Canals. 1545. 1340. 117. A pnl, 15,59; 20.711 - - May, 67,459 62,912 119537 113.556 June, 60,073 102.525 100.520 '002.370 July, 108,953 511,6543 450,615 1 r;1.579 The receipts of Wheat fall far below the rt reipts for the conespontlitm penod of 1647. which Wax et year Of estraordmary movement in bread stuffs. The de6cie.y to mostly un the Erie Ca nal, and is attributable either to the diminished crop of had year or to t h e incrensed. facilities for milling of the West- Probably both causes hare contributed to diminish the supply. It will be no• tired that the shipment of flour at this mart has not fele a off in proportion tc the supply of Wheat. This argues a new movement at home under the favorable prices of the present season.—{Amer. Man. • aplrlt of the Domestic Market. Cleveland, Aug. 16, Istn. Canal Reccipta—Floor, 5n6, Wool, 11.262, But ter, 1,34 9, Lard, 5,396, Bacon, 10,771, Iron. SOOO. Pig do, 44,910, Nada, 71,971, Coal, 7,451, Wheat, 5,600, Corn, 5,110. Mar keta--Tbe lades arc, 9.,100, 1000 Inn Wheal, 92c, 2010 bbls Floor, "Monroe," 11.25, 130 do Steele, 1,31, 1 ,550 bn Corp, 44c. Yeanerday, 1300 bin Corn, 41e. 1500 do 16c Tan ma—Wheat 70c, Corn 43g41c. QT Citlvens are honorably asoarvtl that the follow Inv art • the aetstal qualities ot a Zht book of iO3lrA . Co nl liat Jr Restorative. If they doubt our asonl.they cannot these highly reepectoble ettfuns, who bare tried it: • Mr. Cell. Borten, 11 17m ri, Now York. Mrsi Mailha Reeve', Myrtle avenue. Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Toropkine, 5e2 King so. New York. Mr 'Thomas Jackson, Mornourls • IL R Cullen. late hitcher steamboat s Amencn. And an ire than a hnadred °Won slam, though thin must Fatima, dint it will force the hair to grow nit We head or (are, soap It falling olf, strengthen the roots. remov red sear( at id dandrof lowa the roots, and making light, red or gray hair assume a fowl dark look, and keeptng dry, harsh a r wiry hair mast, sod, clean and lost:awl, a very, vi try long ume. Void at 1.131. JACK:4,I4'B fra Liberty et. bib turstaitmithur, Logs, eo., Va., July 21, 154. hlr. R Scliers--Llear Sir. I take pleasure in ecn tifying the good effects of your valuable Vermifirge. My elailatteu hieing sick,and thinking it ought he worms, I tried st•seral kinds of Verintfuge, without any affect. I couclui led to try your Vert:infuses, which I did with suisMacu.ry effect, so touch so dim my little daughter, nests thee e year. old, pcuced cosarthing near oily hun dred worms at One time. I Mini recommended it to my neighbors , who have teed it with success; so much so that win sold out in two weeks the supply which was laid m for sia M 031111., std nearly eery day Fume per son i.e C Cam hipg to the store (or Betters v ' Verrniluge ReepevUully yours, 11. S CHAPMAN. Prepared and sold by R. R 57 Wornt st. and sold by druggists generally, to Pinalmrgh and Al legheny. euglU Tn. itcrrat man • CuA•ell!—The onginal. only iron mod genuine Liver Pill.'preparell by It I Sellers Pao TTTTT Vu., June 7th, Ivan. Mr It F. Sellers—Some years some I was touch Isms efiterl by ton id your Liver Pills. and as I am a ageferer omit. I eIICiOIIC y01.10,1*, dollar. and %sods you to send me the worth of It 111 Isiver Pills, by mail. Ile pnrnealar if/ send the samelittid—the Urtril btu u charm when ( took them before. y ou „ , y ,.. A Ci CRAM /11,IN. Prepared and sold by R. K SELLERS, 57 w oo d Sold by Dr. Cassel, ath word; D. M. Curry. Allegheny, W. J. smtth, autpensisceville, and I' Drovo. rencevslle. c *hoooo ,—All other mils called liver Pals arr l ouo• tartans or 'BMW lons. Does year hair lad oil, does your hat, turn gray F. it hirMt, ts It dry, or dirty, I pray! If hie thou, you Gan'alnie It Soh, inky and one. Durk end healthy, and beauteous rut the lithr of none! And to have this, you have hut:three Shlittngo to Ova For a bottle of .14,13.14' Harr Restorative. Render, if you have bud hour you would rrnlly 1 .• naa umisbed at the lovely caret u three stollutg bottl o u r /ones' Coral Rah Knot:native hes On II; II needs but trial. Sold at red Liberty at. novlDdikstr That .tutor yam of hers, than .now, And pun as monumental &Master All females have •tot like the above, who um /ones' Spanish Lily White. It maketh rote snowy, yea nom; tally white. Sold at lit Liberty .tout. /Yin tw I EZ7,I,II - .7J.`,.( 1 ,7,1',!'`,7, 1 1 4- .,!:. ',7.'.Z;.°;l`."' will make your broutit moot, velonen your— Sold ru eU lulrorty ur. rylculawly Err — . Lantie. who axe Jona.' N .', 1..1y %W hew, dare aleraya a fine whale tranaparena ak an. Of sine a anal .111 'musty uly one. Sold only An Palabuf6l3, EY , Libesry st wrishiandwly 'dealt ph a•er. Silo rises. 6 17 5 1P 6 20 5 21 5 14.1 5 23 5 41 5,50 1,15 G 6 3.5 5.57 95 51 26 5110 75 46 ffl=ll lIITME 151iMIIIME 291,109 275,574 701,272 1,1,132 PORT OF PITTSBURGH AILRIVEL, Skipper, Stoops, Beaver. Louis McLane Bennett, Bnannurarffie. Michigan No 2, Gilisou, Beater. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. Visitor, Janke, Cia. Dolphin, —, Cin. Hail Columbia, Green, Cia. DEPARTED. LouisMcLarie, !Sennett, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver, Ringgold, Cope. Cin. Nominee, —, CM. Zachary Taylor. Laces, Cia. Colorado, Gordon, St Louis Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Pbdip Doddridge, Moore, St. Louis. Companion, —, Wheeling. Skipper, Stoops, Beaver. The river Last evening at dusk was 3 feet /3 inches in channel, by metal mark, and rising. Cincinnati—Pet Dolphin-34 bbls whiskey R Moore; 50 do do Knox & Duncan; 16 bp Leathers, D Leech & co; 30 bbls hams, Carson & McKnight; 200 bbls whiskey, S Meelnrkan & co; 2 Ins mdse J McFsden & co; 1 bbl dour. H Graff & co; 10 hhds shoulders, Sellers & Nicola; 251 bbls who,. key, W MeGeehey; 10 hhds shoulders, H Grail & eo ; 1 b ox I lull mdse, J Hiller; 300 pigs lead, T H Nevin & co; 2 Imes mdse, Bingham; 20 MI, green hides, II Mitchell; 5 bli wool, Forsyth & on; 2 small hoses. .1 13 Guthrie; 16 cod lead pipe, Hornik brook de Dillon. Per Euphrates-31 I pigs lead, B A Fahnestock & eo; 1 bap broken glass. Curling & Robertson, I bbl nil. S Shoenberger; 4 Mids bacon, A Gordon. 100 beef hides, 113 Bayard; 20 bbd. bacon, E Hess nation, 10 hhda bacon, Sellers & Nicola; 21 bbls whiskey, It Watson; 2 hbas madder, 2 ceroons in. digs, Bagaley & Smith, 21 esks bacon, J Greer, 8 h lid. lob, Bi ogham. CINCINNATI AND Sc:LOUIS RAI/.ItOAIMT. Ellis, President of the above named company, has re turned to Vincennes from Cincinnati, with the ace emery funds to prosecute a survey of the route between that point and St. Louis. Mr. Mitchel, of the Cincinnati Observatory, has been appointed to survey and locate the route. Fur !'hdedelpine every evening All 9 o'clock, by Leerh's rackets, thrice appall. the United States Iluiel Steamboat Packet fine, leaves daily for Cincinnati to • a. Pox runes Packet rot Brownsville to Baltimore and Vhdadrait , • a and 1 r Mall Coach lane direct to Philadelphia, P o and r te, Western and Southern Mall Coach flue, 6 a. r. North. Wrocrn via (nevelat4 daily, 101. W. Ere and Weatcrn New York, duly,6 A. r. North-Eastern tolladelptur, daily, accept Sundays, 4, A IA - - ARRIVALS AND DErnirruitt: OF NAILS. F•thtern Mad eta rtuladelpbta, due 3 •. m., close• IS r. NVor'n Mail. C,,, nA luaue,dued n. ar, closes 5 • at. South.aliatumo re &Washington. due 8 r. Is. cl's 6 •. it North West ern via Cleveland, due IU •. r., CI.. Y •. 81, Este and Weston, New Tort. due Sr. IL, close. 8 A. 111. Feral AND Aare. AND Brune. Conetstatm—Altho long known m a sorereign remedy for chrome eon of Ilepmie derangement. the proprietors of Dr . Al 'Lane's laver Pttliturere not prepared for the follow ing gratifying evidence of tut rapacity and curative pORCTS Ague and Fever, and Bilious complatutat ..NiADISONNCIAO. Nos 211,1647. Kidd ft Co.—About one year I was laboring under a very severe attack dike Ague and Fever, but by the use of hl'l.ane's Weer Pills I was went restored o pertect health I believe them to be the best medi cine nor Bilious complaints that has ever been offered 63r sale urn this oration of the country. JAMES SHARPE.. For tale at the Drug Store of J. KIDD & Cm, 6M wood n vet 3726 IE7 Salt Rheum, Scurvy, OW Sores, Erysipelas Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sore head., Sore Beards, but pies. Jones' Soap i. used Ly many physielune m tilts city in curing tbe above, and we would not console:W.ohr sell unit... we knew it to lw all we state - • As a costueuc t the true Jones' Soap ts perhaps the only oracle ever known that removed unpurnws and cleared and liennuttesi the shut, making n R, clear, smooth and While as an infant's. Sold by WM. JACK SOS. W Liberty street_ mar2P [U . Worms, by their trtstatton, augment the secre tion of mucus or slime to the stomach. to which, al so. they involve diemsenn; and it is said they feed ulson it. and it depraved of it they die. The celebrated Vermoluge prepared by IL A. FAIINFINTOCK. Pittsburgh. Pa., u admirobly adapted in it, opennon; first, to remove the protecung TAIICIIS, and secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by Ise- Lug thus denuded. It is a remedy in which every con fidence COll placed; and that it has answered the purpose- mousiest from the hundreds of certificates K , Ve PI in its furor. /05 RATES OF DISCOUNT. - NA rky OF DISWUNT-4.XIRECTED BY N. 11101.B1X8 & BONN, Exchange Broker, 2o 55 Minkel street, near Ida at Pennsylvania. Indiana. dant of ?Manors/1 • •-•Par Stale B'l &Branches • I .E. 2 change Bank Par trate Scrip • •••• • • • " Merck.. & Mon Dank • Par' Virginia. [heed Pkilail,.lp2a • -Far: nkchange Di of Va. I Girard /Jai, ••• • • •• • paryartners Ilk. of V•• - " Mott .o tier... Worn i'llir,llk. of the 'talky,— . - Cheater Coanty • •par Ilk. of Vlrginia• ••-- —• " •' Delaware Co, • • •peir/ M. A. Id Ilk, Wheeling I " Moonnmsery CA.: .par do Mork.or•rn• •• . I - Northolote”Lanil • parN. W. Butt Va— I Columbia linage Co. • , par l do Wellsbers• •-• • I to Doyleswn Dank par do Parkersburg.— . Fanner•• Ilk. Read Iv/ • par Tanasesaark. Fainen.' Ilk Darks L.o. Idull3k of Tennessee- • • • 5 F.,,,,,. 101/ L•ainwer , parFar. & Illercht. Bk •—• " lwnenAtei Co. Itlg. , • • .pare PLainer•' lik.• •- • •• • • " I.anewner Ilk. par Union llk • . U i•ia,..• Dank —..- .2o I Missouri. Hien, r all. Ilk.• , ..... p•rltaaie Ilk of Misaoure •- • I W a •nlocton Ilk I I north Caroliaa. Gettrsbargh Ilk.--• I M t of Cape rear• ••• • a Ckainkersburg ••.. • " Mereh's LIIr , Newbern • Sikaricchirnon Cci. Ilk 3 &We Bank—• ..... •• • 2 e•lret Co Bank, South Carolina. lean:dee Ilk ..... •• • • I Illk of Cliarlecon• • •• II leactusetkal .... •- • 2 4°,11k. E. lieorrelaywn• • • 2 s Ilakabort- •- • • • I 1111orrhanik Ilk.-- 2 tPlaktien a Illecka's Ilk • 1 Ilk of South caroling, • 2 e.‘ =en' and Drovers Hank, IV • yoesbung • • I sr, ~bc,e llo.•csdalc .. -. L.,,,,,,,,, .... ..... ...ow , Mari /wade ratavaie Wrom,rig ....... • • • • 1 illalim'e &V RR Scrip to Yort Itk.• 1 Venroberand Ilk. of Alle- Wed Branch BI ••• - • 1 , &batty . 1 Re,•et Note. -• 0 'Par. kik. of Marylon., " NI &AI la.• •: irarnacra' Ai Mechanic , •• Cary & Cowry •••< rip • M. Fredenr I •• • - • •• Ohio. 'Frederick Co Ilk •-- •• Store Ilk. and branches 1 i Hagerstown Bk •• • • " Ay,,,,,,, pi..... ..... .. •• AI men! Bit - - . • -..- •. • . 1 Strutwor , 11. . •• 11.4iAtseo 13k - i 51-anetirt •• - -- 0 IBk.or/5 crown, ter - •• Neve 1..d.0n• "L Ma h Imam. Ci Immo.. Danko 0 :Id. of 81. Cl • • •50..i.0. do • U :Ilk. of River Ratan. -- Grelevalle ••• • . •. • 0 'll.ehigan Ift Al VILF ••• • 5 z....,1. ..... -. ••• . Meek'. Ilk S p. m ...—. ....... ... 0 • 157 locoman Terris'''. Wo.eter -- -- -- • ar AI ar ftFirelo ro.lifila'e A Matedlon •-•-- - • I , Camadas. Skilausk y . .. - I All aoPreni Bents. ••• • • 5 N ewly Mot e ~,,i . —.-. 1 Gold 4 Specie Valise. Xenia ••• • • • • •• . • . 0 INapoleona 3ta Dorian ...... ........ a , .p..... 11 18 0 2 0 • Menem Reserve • ° , Eagle, old • •• • 10 60 Foaoklat B'k Colipalaa " -Eagle, new •••• - 10 1.111 Chillicothe • -...• • --- • " IDoaddoons, klpaspa 10 aa lake Eris • • • 0 10mPa/riot ..... -• • IC 50 &iota. • • °. &Sovereigns . 4 b 3 Lanesater - • .10 'Guineas 600 Ilaroduak 131Prerlowkad'on•-• • {760 Grariville• • •• • • ..... 60 Men nate.; • • • • • 7 Se •Partri'r.l3't Contort • --40 ITea 0011ders .... 3 OP Urbana 50 Losis.Port. • •• • • 4so If arstatoty. , York maga. Bk of Ktolocky 1 , N e w •• • Bk.& Louisville ' !Philadelphia •• • • ..... ED Norltern Ilk. Kalmar • . 'Baltimore • -•• .• • maw Work--City Banks, par. !manor Pets-- I Dr. Doff h To PILLS. Anal-Dyspeptic riNIE general properties of these Pill. are romina- A rive, Purgative and Tonic. In the common disor ders arising from imprudence in diet, le., aocli an s i c k. DCO4 and oneness of the stomach, heartburn, headneb, Le_, where a medicine its requires!, lists combination is very applicable, for it. eanaunative and soothing ef. facie give almost tmotteihnte relief when mouse or BIekDDIM C.I.L Ile`purgative operation upon the 111001. aeh sod bowels in gentle end effectual, and as tonic properties impart strength to the digestive organ., thereby enabling these organs to perform them proper function* with order and regularity . The price hoe been reduced from 50 in -15 Cal a lon For sale wholesale and retail by II A FA lINESTOCR I Co, corner front and wood, end OM and wood sts MIS Arent. Inc Plosbergb VFW AUTICLE Ol' STEAM PACKING:stoat re calved hy expire., 500 lbs India Rubber Steam Packing, for cylinders of steamboats, in. This none!, 'being much the best Mod that has veer been °Corm! An the purport e caßivhe attention of Mt mambo-men rumen t• , w lt will save them a great emountof labor; for when a cylinder is once packed it will not require to be peeked again before making one or two tops to St. Louis and hart. For title et the hubs Robber De pot, No 5 Wood Si. 013 J lb II FILILLIPSI V ANILLA BEANS-61 lbs fresh Vanilla Realt•Tol ry superior quality, and in prime order, psi ceived direct from Mexico. Confeetioners,ice cream makers, and others can be supplied very low by the quantity, by B A FA DNESTOCK k Co, corner tat and wood at. LADIFS STANDING COLLARS—A A Ittar . on k Co, fn Market st, have just opened 40 dot of the most fruchlonable styles of Ladies Standing Collars. Also, 20 dor hlounthur do; 20 dor Wrought tth, lytrl LA 1.% ft Co. bare just recd la dor Ladtv• Ikce Cap, also, new styles Chemi seith, WrouKht Capes, {lewd Dresses, Ikthes Deli., he. rte jy27 • conetaut supply • n( 'Woollen Pelting, r of tlifforent widths, satiable for paper nakeya, opa 1011 up ra. /Lc, won be on hand or mat to order by Mc subscriber, Anent for the manufactory. /Y 2, UEOCOCIIIXAN, VD wood st NF:SY IV II KAT Pl,ollt—Si bids extra Fatally Flour, tom reed and for sale by Win a F VON ISONNHOILeT fr. Co, as front et ``OAP-otftl,xe Colcooolo No I ihxdp, in mote nd 0 for sale by ty2.l 0 BLACKBURN & Co 11,KMN A NTS OF CALICOES—A A hltmon hCo, GO Market at, are closing out • large lot of remnants oh Calicoes.. fully Latium as.' pore—good fast rts.. bored Yon.., filo •ox 7 . _ D 1.0 ANIt OHANGF: PRINTS, and blur Mewl: JDmeek do. constantly on band at lowest onera, at arbolealtle room o( NV B MURPHY, our& ear CO and market glory IM OUR--61m atom and for see by 1713 :IMAI MI DICKEY h. en, fronr.t =QM . . SNthloCi O r . 5 , 11.: ,, 0 d o ID No. 15, On. door a 1 o.a old 1421 NT S) EISCIIANTS.—The adronisst 1111 ea. a payola:um situation MI Clark Or tiolosamor la a alsoillar's est•blixhment. ReepEakblt tolaressel ran brtiven. Addreln ' us J. S. IWNEIMARII. 1 17.11.111 F. PASTF. and ((um Losrrtara, Vanilla, Rose, I ,mols and Liquorice, nazi teed end for sale by li SPkE & NIIROAN, may hi consulted at L tam cake in Penn Wee, WWI of lrediVe alley auglardSin• BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH Correspondence of Pittsburgh Gussets. FOREIGN NEWS. ARRIVAL OP THE STEANIIHIT CAMBRIA. Baven Days Lagos. Nears from Europe. INSURRECTION IN IRELAND FLIGHT OF THE, INSURGENTS TO THE MOUNTAINS. O'BRIEN WOUNDED golauro of Wilkes wad Ammwittion Comspoudencs of the Pittsburgh Gazette . Nrw Yost. Aivir. 19, 1649 The steamer Cambria arrived at her wharf in Jersey Crty teday, about I I o'clock, bringing the intelligence of a rebellion in Ireland. The insurgents under their leader O'Brien, com menced erecting barricades in Ballingany, and mere fired upon by the Government troops, and 12 013nen was wounded, and sunny on both 'odes were also wounded. The insurgents and O'Brien lied to the mountains of Tipperary, resolved to die, before they would permit themselves to be taken by the troops. . He we, followed by hundreds of the insurgents who also resolved to die in the defence at their Oilmen and his followers are armed with pikes nipin, the Secretary of the First League, too .eett armated by the Government autboritilet as he author of t . l conspiracy to murder the po- The news is conflicting and unsatisfactory.— One account confirms the above statement, while another says that OVien has been traversing the country in the vidiy of Mullinohone, surround ed by a body guard'. (*several hundred insurgents. Hie whole sets are looked upon as treasonable, suet the troops will show hint and his follower, mu quarters. At the lust accounts, Smith O'Brien and his fol lowers were still in the Colliery Dirancts, between Slivenmuroe and the village of BalHeaney, which county furnished considerable accessions to the re bel ranks. This detachment, in passing the legate of Lord Hawarden, drove oil a considerable num ber &bullocks as a supply to the rebels. A large army 13 concentrated in the disturbed districts, under the command of Gen. Napier. Intelligence had just hems received from Slice- Damon, that 3000 insurgents had declared their determination to resist the troops. Reinforcements were expected by the rebels from all the surruundmg district.. On Thursday last. Patrick O'Higgins, well known as the Irish Chartist Leader, was arrested hisown house in Dublin. There was discovered an immense number of gun stocks secreted in and about ins house. Barricade. were erected yesterday, on the alarm that the cavalry were coming to take the town of Killarney. Smith O'Brien wee there at the time, and being at the head of ■ large number of rebel., marched up to the commanding officer, and eked hum if he had come to arrest him. The officer replied that he had no ,uch orders, whereupon O'Brien per• muted him to pass. On Sunday, Smith O'Brien, in company with a French gentleman, of great military and chemical skill, was seen nt Limerick. O'Brien was wen on horseback on Saturday , with Ins knee tied up with a handkerchief; jthe blood was still (owing from the wound he receiv ed in the fight at Ballingary. A heavy reward has been offered for O'Brien, Dillon, I:l3heny and Meagher. The Subsdnspector from ,Callon, with from JO to 50 pollee, proceeded to ilaulagh Common in min salt of O'Brien, and found him; but O'Bnen's cool conduct, and the immense number of Insurgent s, drove him off. He called on Grave, told bon of the manna that he had been led to believe that ten or twelve thousand men wore under an Ia Trappe. rary to receive him; but upon his arrivel be naiad it not correct, said he had been betrayed. Ile was alone, and seemed much dejected. The London Times says that insurgents wilt not acknowledge their loss to he over eleven or twelve killed. The party in Conned... house tired altogether "eta shots, and each man a good marksman, taking steady Wm. The Poems were lortuly engaged In removing lb. dead. Wilmer & Smith's Times say., under tarstwvipt, hat iffirien's whereabouts is not known, but it Is apposed that he ra at the bend id very large ho- Jy of insurgent. The only n ews we hare (tom Italy. repot t the taws of Charles Albert at a moat desperate eaantie IMO M=l Lcmpow, August 4, 1!f7•4 Nottatthatanding the thsturissure a In Ireland. the Money hlarket shorn ■ deoded imprwretuent Conan). sold at a. hlgh as I=2 Lorctr.x..t., Aug'. fl, I,IS. United etates Prone Mew Bove( per idame erkr to 92. Cal, marrow,' old, 414. t o 60. Mesa per barrel rah. to , Pork, Vatted States Prima Mea• per barrel of 200 old, .M to. 40., Prone old 3:1 to 3r/s. Barley rather higher. Re an. I per quarter higher. Couon—The market is without &imitation. A fair amount of litiainr.-as is &lag in impi rt. free to sellers, with a •hpht deeltrie--quutation• •re Lid. 'ewer. Mobile 4 Id, and 7 , letr (Mean• 4id CORN MA RK F:I 8. large soppl,es of Grain have 1. en rerelved.— iniisn Meal is M. per barn•l lo w er. Indira Corn one shilling lower. Wheal and Flour owner . I=ll NOISIN•TIONN IN HAVIILTON COUN- TY, 001 C.. Cioclnns 0, Aug. 10, 1040 At the Democratic Convention of /lanulton County, which assembled in an s city yesterday. the following nominations wets m ado Congren—Dianey. Senate—b tibbs. Repro' nentallvea-11. Randier, George Pub*, Abel Shank, Alen. Long, and Armstrong. By resolutions, they are all pledg ed to support OM end Butler. Donren, the Ilarnburner candidate Gir Gorgress, withdrew from the nomination after 1 icing strong ly opposed by a large majority of the ierntiiirners of the Convention. Comaponilence of thr Pittsburgh Go acule PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 19, IMS. There is no change to note in any oil he articles to martteL The lodea made to-day, t were to the retail trade, and nothing can be quote I to be re. lied upon until the foreign news, will ch is now being telegraphed, is made pobLe. Ott r city is in a very great pate of etettentent in eon. einem Vs of the Irish news. I might add that Flour, up to Oath me it was known the steamer was in at New uric, was in active demand at yesterday's prices. Cornmeal was held higher, but I heard or no transactions:— Wheat was selling at 10,IM to 109, and Corn at 00 ens •• Foe Southern Yellow, and for Pennsylvania 1, 01602. Provisions were steady at same prices, and a. any thing, mono mauve. Coirespondeuee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nrw Youx, Aug 19, ISIS. The arrival of the Cambria, nod the importance of the news from Ireland, has produced eo serious Mired upon our Luainess community, that the mar kets were entirely neglected. I make the traittr actions of the day as follows: Floor—The range Car common brands is 55,12 1035,25, and Geuease and Southern $5.371 In 85,. 50 per bbl. Rye Floorfrom $3,371 to to 01. Corn meal $3,25(d3,50. Grain—Corn is held at 70 ell (or good round yellow, and fur toiled 60606, and for Jersey 35 to 400. Onto 36040. Rye 70 ma per he- Provisions—The prices are steady, and the market well cooked. Sales Mess Pork at $11,371 1i011,50. Prime $0,67045 per barrel. Lard 7 to Iron—Scotch Pig per toe $23(a24, .and English liar Iron S42(cil3. The Dry Goods trade is looking lip Many of the Southern and Western man arc in the market buying _ Correspondence of the Plusbargh Ut 0.. t. Cnicrernarz, Aug. 19,1b4n. Our marinas yesterday were tautly 15. A sole of 1000 banels of Hour br shipment, d IVA, per barrel, coven the entire transactions. Small sales of Whinkey at IN to If ;i, which is ao advance of le. per gallon. Lard-390 barrels sold at Olc. In Ihovision• but little la doing. 500 Hump sold at 6 cents pe Coffee—Rio, 500 bags at 7 cis. prx fl Pig Iran—The average males cover $27 per too Lead--Sales at 4 1--4nn. Ma asses and Sugar dull. River on a stand. Weather cloudy, and threat emus Mill. DRY GOODS. ' NEW BITNEICII•GOODS now TIM NEW TOaa LED ritit...lom. UTE are now opening a fine stock of fresh Sommer TV Gooe.a, direct from the New York and Philadel phia Ancuord. where they have been purchased with in the last two weeks. at a very great =Mince, them by enabling es nisi offer far better bargains than we nave ever done be&re In calling the attention of the cameos or Pittsburgh and its vicinity to one assort ment. we do so with the confidence or 00r prices being such as will costae perfect satisfaction; and to all buy. en. either by wholesale OT retell, a fine chance is now offered for proconng great barganw. Among those Just resolved are— A lot or very cheap cord and blk fied &strip'd Silks; L,i4jht and disk (. 11:r g a n, of extra floe blk Bed and striped Brune, which are a very great hargato A lot of handsome Cote Pallya, for ladies dresses; do light colored and black Barer% very <hien , do new style silk Vesting do do very handsome Barege Shawls, do very cheap blk do do do fine bit silk klantilla Scarfs; r=2==tt=i=ll Mtritt=l do eery cheap Linen Lust.% ALSO—A fine stock of super French Cloths and Cos irnerea, while and colored Linen Drillings, Cashmes• ns, Summer Cassimeres, Deno d' Ffie, hr he A lage aasonmenl of Print. of all price.: Ticking., :heel., Meshes, he., to welch, Ile well as other •ru les It, our line, we toy.r the'speetwl attrutton of esett Jurrnt. ALRX.ANDKR A DAY, 'eta 75 market st, N W eor oldie diamond KNOW ALL MIEN THAT BENI NETT & CO. HAVE removed nom tin Market street. to then new splendid and immense estahltshment to be known as the TOWER HALL cwriliNci BAZAAR, No. 162 Market sue., between Binh and Stith, Flabsitab- The propnetom feel a reluctance in prornulgsung what in any way might appear like the usual Bombas tic exaggeration of some in the trade, but will beg to quote the following notice from one of our city papers: "(Mao( the greatest commutes that our city affords to the stranger, Is lilennett ik Co' s great clothing More. No. 11(1 Market street, between Finh and With, which has been styled ''Tower Mall,' front the pecanar Mush of the front. The budding is an Ilumrn.e one. Milain• Inc aexen Cap./out MOMS, all of which are stocked with every ninety of seasonable garments. arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The propne- Inn take great pleasure in showing their building and routonta to cwt.., parneularti rtnmarra. and to those com country—we ing from the coury—are now of no place 100 r worthv of • viait. mydtkam A )1A ON & CO., GO MARKET ST., I.IKFWEEN THIRD a FOURTH, 1)EINtl desirous of realumng their stock previous to fl the commienrement of the Fall Trade, will oder their exteuguve sod fashionable assortment fur • few weeks. greatly reduced prices Ammthst their as .ollo3flll may he fogging excellent styles of Same., Tissues, tircoadines, lalmyrinines, Poll d'eheve, Mess Stilts. !Awns and Mush., Ire ar , all of which are reduced in pnee fully onr third Their stoek of Shawls is very extensive, and corn• prises every known style A few ranons of erupt. soil stilt Shawls just received wsll 'mid extremely low. 4 ease. rral Scotch t ;tugboat:l, will sold at 121 etv • usual price la Cell., good Engltah Calicoes We; Amer do as lean 'owns 3 and 4e; wrought [Wines ISe; Mus• Iln de I.aines Idic, good Alpseca e, lionitet Nth- Imo. 12e. Their stook of dark groan purr Satin rara•ola and Paraaoleties, rornpriatog upwards of 50.1, of every at) le motif quality, will be offered at very low tetra. Brood Clotho, Ce,mueres and V.:stings; 01.0, al , kuoloof wormer studs and Commodes M=ll=EilMai Merchants will always find at our wholesale rooms as large and des ruble an assortment of goods nsaally foam! ot eastern houses, and at equally low poem Only one men, from which no deem.wn ean IK made IAT IL A1!.:RI•111' has opened this morning. one caseL o rnb . American and /Scotch co steelgmghara , . , inclusling green rant, Trn* bik silt and brown silk, of extra sires. si Also, one case bleached L/rills, al., Montan Rtb bons, black and colored; win. Slll/11 do. I,men Ging ham.. and •anous sr) I. of summer Looda. selling at reduced prices. A lot of super Manchester Gingham., good styles, also lately recerved. • ' ' • • C REA P BON N ETP— A lot of braid and other Bon nets iof 111.1 artnler's 5h0p...0.11,ns WI at from rie • al the corner of Ith and Market sta. lEEMMINEMI wr GOODS FOR DREihttvk.—W R Murphy un.: has lately received a full aesonment of white goods for Ladies Dressesoncluding—Scoich mull kills- Ems Swum do; Nansook do, plant jarolleill, rod ' ilos ~unbarred do. Also, For Evening Dressno—Whsle embroidered Swiss Illualins, pink embroidered Tarlton do, blue do, new style damask .taped airs! embroidered do; plain white, blue, pink and straw colored do, also, embroidered aid Swiss Muslim, by the yank for Evening Dresses, also, Lace Shawls, Scarfs and Capes—French and ekoteli needle work Collars, an assortment of new nod beautiful style Linea Cambric Handkerchiefs, mourn ing do; all MI lowest cub paces, ai north-cut corner of lith and market as. /el) 1 1 H EATON As CO are now receiving dor, from Importer. and manufacturer., • large asaortmein. of Fancy and Staple Trunatings. Hosiery and Variety Gonda, among which are—Hl•ek and cord Nlantilla Fringes, do do Drees do, Embroidery and Vizette Gimp*, Tassel. dassey and otber drew. Buttons: black Lace; ldnen cambric Ildkfc Artificial Flower. and Wreaths. Clienownes, needle worked Collar.. meet Bags and Par.. 'cosy. Mealy arrd Feather Fans. Kid. Silk and Idsle ISents llooerv. ti 105..., do. ebodrene' and MOM*. Hosiery. Harr ltrnebea Coml.. and Tooth Bruabe, Window Shade, and Trimming., Trimming.. Stun, or II•Co.. and ) 0141,1• • .I/r•, hi Ste , whirlr rimy oder on iasorstoe iroors. ai store. rid Mario, at. near Silt BLK FRENCH inane* the attrnt 100 of gentirmen woun,,,a ['lotto , t ht. aa.ortno•nt of very mail of •,,,I E:nigliah Clod". A few furres very .11pef osf Fronch,,last reed; also, Dor.ttn. and •artely; rummer Ca.sonerro and Tarred.. ior mono' and boys' arrar. On Veson w ,•. ho. dlat.cillea do, aeon. whin- and hon ati k, rdhorn ..41,,t,,,,- 11114; *opal "lute and ~olor,d geto...,,,sra, Iloue for .522.:; " 6 a a r, " l ', lk M a7,ria:e n y d Wo ‘ rv n ata 'r : ". • 1 1 i r u ' t s a h h ' o ' ln and Jaeonet do, de 'a] UtINED YINTF.RDA V. •t IV K Murphy'. Dry lium•ris Moue, northeast rumor 01 4I •nd Market norrot•—tilosay black Salk, lot Monollia. •IN Drags thrrturns, Ilk and whop Crapes; Ida. mrtute and ratiod Cotton Hoar; French Lurens, do de • . - . AIM on band. •good assortment of black Mohan, •Ik rink anJ fancy gnat anti Nett Sbawla; white awl rat, Crape do, plata and embroidered; black tare howls. ,w•rfo. and Capes, new style 60 Neu. Inf •spes, Caps, be, plant wash Btood• mni Nett, r Wholeatde Roma. up.ama, 'when. ex,ellent unmet. or of Pr ot, de IS „,.. r . kept at low prteca To Countr 'Merchants. Q . atria AND JOHNSO N, , 48 Market street. have rail ereteed L 1 casc• Bonnet, eortstoung la pan of plats straw, Aarciret Braids, Vortenta do, Gimp do. Eclectic do, China. Pearl std Florence, to eaves Palo' Lest Hat, Infants' and Boys' ',ghats .nd Bred do. Alll. feud Flowers, in every sanely. Also, WO doe Ladtes akohou Boas. from 73 gents net doe, up to the (went 71 ' 1 i : 1. 17' 1 :217k= tofto"nTl'o:egsld a+stntneol of lan pa Wadden.. do, lOU dux Linen Condone do, Id car tons Cohost and Thread Laces Also, • good as .of of Combs. Ransom Thre•ds. Needle, Pot, Cut lery. Jewelry, ke .111 all of whoeh thry ,der • grert .1{11:1.1."1/1 I. pr. , " to purchaser. [11)13 • RONNETIX—W R 'Murphy a selling od his resateonlog sleet of Beane. at greatly redurod pores. Bonnets of last waiter's style, front rents ILUO. •. .••. CHEAP LAIVNS—A lot of Dress Laura., re. Aueed i2l rents pr. Viard WHITE GOODS Fttil DRESSY —A supply just re aived. and offereJ very love. •. • • DARK ISINGIIAAIS—Rtch dart style. of iinighams.l lobe found so dry rood. It OUSO of ) Y=i W R MURPHY )1 . 1 7 ith°scri.ei'4 A 1E List r . se D e ß ty l es l. l at Wolf (11 ? . ' e l s ' are n R t cr. BO Market wort, 10 ao.r• 01 pat 33 ed Lawns and M 4151111,6 do Row! style of titnghams, 4 do new style of Cahcoct, Jo 01 C01.11%11 , 11 stol Summer Stuffs; If do Parasols, of every vartet, Al.O. 110.1. m, Luc. Olorc., Hosiery, Shawl. Domesoc.. dec. A. ,c 1 QI'PER AlttliAlß I.I7STRES, tsc —W R Murp hy C . l has on hand • full assortment of Alpaca and Slo tm Lustre", of the thiforent rtuabur.. luelooloo4 • few maces very supertor Also. Mt and col d Alpacas, bard Lll4 do; 4•1•1113 straped do, purchased trout the I on po nem and consequently can he sold at lowest puss/. p,tre, at north cut corner of Ith and Market SI. 1110 ('IIIOICILL DR4I/L4 GOODS—A A Mason Zs Co, arc I.J Wong althea largo stock of otabtoortalo Moto, Good. at gill gm..., reduced pore.; constants,: of Lte. rage., Thanes, Greasslitms, Grattinca, Pod de Cheer. Law,. and Mush:ll,l4mi mud fancy Silk.. Ire au7 - - • - ULOYF . 24. AND MITT.. k. Johnson, 46 niar ter street, hove received a large snick of long and short MIL Fillet WOW. and Mitt.. Also. 1,14 e Thread, Silk and 1.1.11 Gloves Also, 'I Cartons or WOW Rid Gloves, which will be sold at wholesale and retail ca• toniaely low. 1,2,1 rfhIIREAI.II./sel . kS —Monk h. Johnson, 46 Market st, 1 baeexust re c'd certuns 1.11 1 , 1 ' Or I i 101.4. •A isle Thread I/Cee, from 121 c. yd ur. Also, one carton 0( hlechlsh do, 0110 do Par. Ihssot do, also 15 canons cotton lames. Dealers and others will find it to dohs Interest to call, as they emli be sold as extremely low IL4oBgurro NETTINII--W 11 Murphy ha. recd his supply of Mosquito Netting, Brtriah end Mort ean, white, gree n. blur and barred. of all whilha; liobiriett (or do very wide. and offered at low pnee• 1,7 the poste of yard 1017 1111ME-MADF. FLANNELS--W U Murphy hoo re. ertred a Owe pecen wtuw hrown nod hoed Borns-Made flannel. A•ao, Borne-Made BLAN KETS, u good article. and at a low prier, et northeast ton.' is sod Market. sta. gaol tiCal, EDGINGS, &C.—tm mom., tow pu „d d „ d Id medium fidglnta, Lams, Inderungs,Quillingu by',Limy Nem of the Latest Importations. pan opened by tetil HHACKL.KT & WHITE _ ' Dirge astortment of blue, blue and or nose, sod fancy Ennis, of every di...ruble stile mid quoit'', Suet opening and for sole to the at extraordinary low rates, by t ease, lie 1.3 SH he ACKLE:IT & WHITE 1 BUTTONS-10.1grrgt gm. whit., trod black 1) Fly god Stan 14.114311, of yen; supo nor rogroy soul fins., ruirt reed on ronsigourrnt and for galn by SHACKLE - 7T h WIIITF, COJ wood .11 ITTONT Y ARNS, kc.-4D,Oiss Ms assorted Non. C e., ; ,,, t.:7aisi, tootle Wick, and Comm T wine; AM hale. Ban sea, for sale utmmtufacturers' la west prices by ',BLEND, 1111EY & Co, /77 seems for snrinistecturcr. OSt4UITO NETTS-40u° places 7 , 1 and rs-4 piton white and red and blue bard Nei., clue long. Ala 0, 10-4. 11-4 and la-4 heavy tinhu.n. , naPorted ca ym osly for a superior by of hlosszitito Netts, for cit as les. mist resolved by IMO SUACICLERT & WHYTE, 55 'sr.., at WIII 'YE 4SOODS FUR DRESSFS--W Mums, MIA just received an invoice of White Dress Goode for lathes such as French and Scotch Illuslins, Nast...kis, Satan hoed Jucusists, Ire, very low. Also, White Roussel Ribbons, at nordscast Cot • uer of 4th rind market sta. K4S 4,,! . EAU KASS IN)II skurrs—A supply lately recci -1.3 reds Also, corded astd Manteolles Skirts, also, Mosquito Not.. white and colored, wide Itoluerus for do, at dry atods home. a W K iy3 northeast comer lilt mid market at. MtliND 55S—An invoice of ma Manchester Gingham., of new slid handsome patterns, reccis ed yesterday at the Dry (/pods !louse of le'-'4 M ULL AND INANS4NDC MUSLIMS—A general ass ortment of .511311 and Nanmok Moahns for ladies dreams, just rammed at No 75 mattes street, northwest corner of the dransamd. _ 1.7") ALEXANDER & DAY BItAGES AND TISSUE:P —4 A Iduou & Co, Gil Market st, have f, unbar reduced in pace their as sortment of Derages And Tissues; also, Ureuadines, Urisuites, tdobsts stripes , Poll de Glieve, Re. Jr 3 UPPII FRENCH CLOTHS—We have jest opened 0 a One lot of bit French Clothe, what* are •,,1 ling touch lower than we have over before ,old the mom quality. ALLEXANDES k DAY. NEW ..76 market st, W tor of the dlaatond Houma LUTE, FARMS, d3c. EXCHANGE BROKERS, oi:dunes Court Salo. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Allegheny county, dated the sth day of Jell, A. D. 1140, die undersigned Administrators of all andringti ler, the goods and chattels which wets of hankies , ' Forsythe, Ice of Allegh eny county, deceased , will al sale, by pub 'c outcry, on the premises, on =i to nlay, the 'AI day of September nett, at 10 o'clock, A. SI. of that day, the following described Real Palate, the properly of said Matthew Forsythe, to wit: All that certain lot of ground situate In the 3il Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, and fronting on Chatham st twenty 1201 feet. and extending back • distance of one hundred fem., and bounded and described as follows, to wit. Beginiung at the corner of Lot No.S, to the plan of partition among the heirs of Andrew Watson, Rsq. deceased; thence by Lot No tin said plan northward , ly one hundred feet. to a point two feet four inches from Chatham mem.; thence from said point westwardly twenty IN q leel to • for granted to Gay Dilworth, erw owned by Amos Lewin thence by said lot south ly one hundred feet, to he southern line of said lot No lo thence easterly Sb feet to the Welch Church lot, the place of beginning—being the same lot of ground coirveyed by Thomas Scott, et. no. by deed dated Rid May, 1,43, to said Matthew Forsythe, and on which is eroded a brick building, with finished stone basement. The said building is nearly new, and is now rented at Slot per annum, and is one of the beat locations to the city for • private residence And also, upon the same day, at 1 o'clock, all that certain lot of ground, the property of said Makklmw Forsythe, situate, lying and being in tha I , llllt Ward of the cay of Paulborgh, fronting twenty-four (2.1) feet on lAberty Street, and emending back a distance of one hundred 0021 feet to Smug alley, and bounded by pro peny of— Holmgrove on the one ode, and property of William M'Cully, upon the other—upon wlttath said lot there in erected, fronung on Lareny street, a large double two story frame dwelling house, with slbne 1..E111[11t; and froramg upon Spring alley, 2 two-story frame dwellings, with atone basements, the whole pre renting for 12.10 per annum. For further particulars, inquire of Robert blTreacty orlienry ta. efface, Administrator., or of J. BARTON, bth street, Attly for Adminimeatora aurbdttwansnitT EiMMI23 MILE subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a 1, rideable vac, of unimproved land, situate on the rood leading from Bnghtuis to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pit.burgh, and shoot eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio neer. The tractiton 4eino 4M2 acres and 20 perches, strict measure The Bind so of an excellent quality, about 00 acres cleared, and w,lll watered, and will he sold either m whole or in farms of convenient aim, to suit purchasers, For further particulars enquire of VVISI. BOYD, Att'y at Law, office on 4th at. above isimlthneld, Pittsburgh. inyfifisdkwif T VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. A. THAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, Rsq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommodating term.. The lot is .TI feet 4 inches on Craigstreet, running through to th e feet. There •good two story frame dwelling house on the premise*, lately built, and the lot well implored, containing • variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubliery, An. This property is concern. cull y situated for persons doing business in either Pills burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title indisputable. Cor tenna apply to WM. B 011), Attor ney at Law, other on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ap4.4tl 285 Aerie Coed Laiid" Qat/ATP:Iron the Monongahela nye', about la miles CI from Pinst.rgh and 3 miles above third Look, on the immediate neighborhood of Mears. Lyon k Hhorb and Mr. John Ilerron's purchase This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low pries of liad per ante—one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without iniciest. Title indisputable. Location very gaud-011011ot be surpassed. For further patteulars enquire of S. BAI.SLEY, who has • dealt of said pro. perry. Sends.° ltd sh below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row. V. IL There is another seam of coal on lids tmot. about CO feet above the lower, of excellent qaality. y.26:dtf S. B. EMI= 'A T.RAn 0e nyohog. n ele v r: r a, Harr), Pot ern z.m Im provement. Also, two niumproveil iota in the village of Warvcii,Trumfinll Co., GO feet W. Able, a lot of geound. in the centre of Hartford. Trowbo ll Co..i th • E dwelling house and store -on. of the beat nand. fora merehutt on the IVutcro Resent. Any or all this property will be Bold on very aetoolgoodating %WM. ISAIAJI DIC KE Y A Co, feblO Water rod UM= THAT commodious brick dwelling house and large lot, the residence of Mrs. Jane hlagee, on Webster street, near the head of Seventh street, on which area stable and carnage house, out houses, bake oven, sin , a varlet). of shrubs and grape vines. Possession will be given on the Ist of October,or soon er if required. Enquire on the premises, or on Wylie, Mot Waskarigton street, of M 0 LOWRIE. MMMIMI for Salo loNTEsi PLATING a removal from Allegheny city, 1..) I offer my residence there for sale. The premises are in dellghtful order. and every sway worthy the m- Italian of any person wishing such property. FL W. POINDEXTER- Property In Allegheny City for gale. THE. subscribers oder for tole a needier of clusee Lots, situate m the Second Want, fronting on the Common ground, au easy Lena. 10013.17 of W Irlt ROBINSON, Ally at LIM, St Cole ar or of J A 8 ROBINSON. on the presumes. rnyl7 dhoti' T I:Leal litetnta Is Illesmer °emus,. ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the Kim Extrnmon Canal. to the village of Wert Mid dlesex, a desirable location for • merchant Also, • Lot and good Dwelling House well mined for • Tavern Stand, to the village of Orlingeville, on State line of Ohm Terms east. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. fehl• Water and Front aut. Out Let Saw Mlll. and Masking Maeldln UMBSEIEMMI u..1..a.5t.0.ik I to.. 4ost sidnigs, lout., scan, woolo•• I,amc -tuti. a r /lc illuy are also pre lo ass-I 101 on nom., oldenlot any aro.. ir• haw B CRAIG 3 SON er I tuT For Root. A newthree .vrrybnelt dwelling house • ligLyne gl•en on the hest prll or clone, required Inquire a ,0121 1 h H Itberty street 121113111 it A Iwo dory brie k tlarnllon, artth about 5 ler. of Iround..nuatett on the hank o(the Ohio non IC borough of neheeter. Apply to i.n. j;s JANIFS A 1117PCHILION & CO. aTllleb:r. dwelling housev slimmed on 4l i gtrect ne•r copal brid s e. to the flty of Pirisburgb. Al ba, • room 70 by int freL, with • convenient en trance: on 'An near wood. Also. • frame dwelling, two stories, with so arm of ground enclosed and ender euluv anon. wt., on Onto lime, m the eny of Alleghe ny logo oof J WILLIAMS, Pro , 110 wood areal. === AFOR RALE OR RIINT, the Pittsburgh Brew ery, arab ell tie Galley.brewin 6lOllllO on Penn street end Buter's now occupied by Gen V ymnb & en Poeseesian given on the first day ut A prrl coloring For tern, be. enquire of URO%%N a CULBM - Pat. /N, fr 1,901 145 liberty st. CEZMITI jtiA I.rUrD morp-mory Bock Durclhog, mob doutcr hack truthirng, Durum Room mld Koch• en on the mum door -n Allechrny cily, Ram Com . eeerotad door Irclow arc Merhodot Church. Rm. PM. surg-dlyr Il)AI. I-AN) FOR SAl.K—Seven rrrrr coal land Lt out.. *stupor Grad of the Monongahela River, arose Wow nsville, Pa., hOVIIIC 111 7 foot vein of coal u,ll 1.. sold In exchange Sr 'roods. For •rs spoty ii lisennl rA s% migA Usitl Il wood et WARE HOUS Ft ill HALF: The saber nber oder. for side the three story bnek Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner it Co. It reins hour for *IWO per year. apt 7 WM. WILSON, Jr To Lou Tlie now three story fire proof brick store second st now occupied by Edsoonl gowns; rear from lot of Apnl next Inquire of J SCIIOONALAkER & Co, jonIP 24 wood stree, It Tao subscribers will root pan of the w bow.. now occupied by them. Apply to Lk:4CW, DALZELL, & Co., Ann/ 54 water stnet. ja.A large room on the ,A 1 story of the ararehou occupied by the sulnieribent. neat the fool Wood streci.—.l good location for . steasnba agency or toi In office. jool4 BOI.I.MANS 411. GARRISON . _ jgh k A nue two story bnek house, on own street, JAlLAlleahroy edy, near the upper bndire The lot to tent in mom by lOU deep. Fur term. ton • sure of delatr A WAstillriGTON 4t h st. _ Por Rana Ai, THE large fire proof warehouse. 01 feet front by 00 feat deep, on second st, near wood. Rent mod erate. Inquire of J SCHOONMAKF.R. Zs Co, . dell 21 wood ol Poe Bast. A StAoke House, wonted on Plom•Llley, for rent. Nome of ROBERT DALIELL k Cq Jl•ertv •Irr, derl3 RATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. ist to addition to his own i a manufacturing of lints, has merle arrange ments with NI Itebee k Co, (the most fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) fora reg ular supply' of his extra boa Silk Hats, and !laving just received o iew ruses, gentlemen can be mined with a very rich and henna° 'hat by calling at his new Hat not Cap Store, SmithLeld Street, second door south of Fourth, where may be round a groat variety of Hats nail C 11,7 nowt ,i.rh c o e l Will., and re tail. lint. matte to order OR apdd JAMES WILSON. Ni'CORD & Co (Zionevniors M'Conl a King) Ilk Fs.•hlon•bl• H• ll_ • Corner of Wood and FiftA Streets. I)AKTICL'LAR munition poul to our Retail Trade. tiviiilemini eon rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our esublishment of the gm threnntata and wongiurentor, of the htrgirr errhss, snit et the Laura+ rbucts Country Meta-haws, purelnuang by wholesale, are reepecifolly invited to sail and exam. our Stook; u we ran kny with eonfidenee that o regards 1/11 SLITY and me, it will not utter too comparason with any house in Plailedelnhin fehl7 Itranislorsabla Flat and C.p !Manufactory. AUFA/IMF. N. ANSIIUTZ, Agent, re•peetfally informs hit friend. and the public generally that he haii roloMollCellthe manufacture of Ilan sod Cap. at :cl Wood street, one door above the corner of "nand, where lie bait now on banal • fine ortronit of Ilnui nod Copy of hi. own manufacture, which be will iliimote of on the moat reasonable sauna wholetnle nod ivied. to rash or city acceptance. lint-mode to order ut the .barest mice. a/al:3m STRAW GOODS ~&ler..k I.ERS are invited to examine R. 11. It AI.SIKIFS stock of Straw Goads, of the Apr 111 g sty.te, conapomd an pan of likifireeglide—Florence Braid; English Dm. stable do; American do do; China Pearl do; Cotters do; Reiland do, French Lore; Fancy Gimp, Ike. &c. II AL'S—Leghorn, Palen Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, the Braid, Rutland timid, Pedal do. - Also, Artificial glowers, Ribbons, &c. Straw Bon net Warehouse, I* market mt. marl& Spring Yoshilona for 1848. 11eCORD & Co., 41 111 ILA= 11000. ItKm.) Renato, Intrmluce the Spring d lityle of Ilan thin day, Saturday, March Ith, lea I Yeir friends and customer. arc reloested to call and examine thew mock of Spring lieu, mu received from New York, at their atom, corner of AM and Wood Ms mar4 XALFRED D. KEEVIL, CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter is trabargh. Pnnelpal Store, 72 Fourth sweet. Mumnu-tering and accoannoldui.ek StOre. ear ner of Wood street and Virgin alley. highest priees always paid for shipping Furs. asythly ABUMMER FASHION FOE HATS.— JUST teemed from New York, the Boor Style for hats, consisting of White Heaver Pearl and White Fronek Cat sin.= Hats, wait Ventilators. These in want of atetaatiful, tight Hat arc respeetNli leaned to call. : _ 8. 410014 F, Mara 74 wood st, 3 doors above 4th striunev, nes** a Co., LANEERS, EXCHANGE EIitOXEBS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exelmnie, Cenifteates of oppleftat Nona, B ViiN aPc ska P° . 1:4= "e ; reaeaved on Bank lake, and nude on warty the ptitutipal points In lias United Gwen The highest precasts paid thr ad Itinetteen Gold. Advances made oneeststatterdn of Produce, ihip pad East, on Moral terms. • =Oll3 Ns HOLM= di SONS, BANKERS and Deal= in Efsfahon2.l, Coin 'and Bank Nom, No. 63, Market mem, Pitutharst. Belling RCM groltaap. Baying Rues. Ne= Z ic, Cin=l, 1 11. 0 Bedroom, do St Loafs, 9 do Boling Ramo No.. Earthy Boles. Ohm, 2dm Co. a Seep Orden, dts Jodi. "do Rolfe Notes, "d o KEDVICirb u do Pormsylvomo Cy "do "do New York do .do V- VI 'L Witeeling, ido New Cason "do Tennessee, V do Ma, .. " do kb9Stf roazloll - 16XitiitiTtrifoir..• Druz Gels., and Scotland bought to .y amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Grads payable in any part of the Old Countries, from LI to LlOOO, at the rata of 8.5 to the L Sterbng, without deduction or discount. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Europe. and General Agent, office sth on one door west of wood. *alai( &UZI casszs- — t an as tni nta L RAWL ANICFAIS AND EXCELANDE L0101•191&S, dealers ß in Foreign and Drensatle INILs of Exchange, Ceo uneaten of Deposita, Bank Notei nod Coin, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St Cherie* Ho teL mayHidl y Iv • • - • Ohiq Wage., Kentucky basotThrl, Bank Noter plir<ll...d RI the knees* Mee, by . N. HOLMES SONS, del° 35 Market avert BELLS OP ZIOTIESIOrbt Cheeks on Now York, Prnadolptv4 Constantly for sale by N. notata & SONS. dell 35 Market sr. etOLLEOTIONS—Drafh, Notes, and Accept.- ets, payable in nny past of she Union, collected on the most favorable tams. N. HOLMES a SONS. dclo . 00 Market st. MISCELLANEOUS. Coastal's; Mortseers £ Counsellor. tor Patwateust Office for promannir and deffinding Patents, imparting information on Mecharnestuid the applicanon of um ence to the Arts, and oat Affierican and Foretign Laws of Patents PROF. WALTER R. JOIINSO4 law of Philadel. phia, sod Z. C. ROBBINS of .W.hiegtoo city, (to be aided by IlarArd Knowles, Elm.. late Slachinest of the Vatted States Patent OtEce3 haveassociateil themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professional Areas, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or be the Courts, Lad Intl de vote their undivided attentio in forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who msy consult them or place business in Weir bands. Mt. Ktmerles has for the past twelve years held t h e post of Machinest to the 'United States ?MOM Office, suni relit. that situation to take part In the present undertffiting. Ilia talents and peculiar finless for thirimportant office so long fill ed by him, have bee. fully res-ognised by Inventors wherever Ma office itselfisffinown. The office of Messrs.. J. kA is on P street, opposite the Patent Office, Washington, D. C., where comtonni cations, post paid, will be promptly attended nig exam inations made, drawings, specifications, and all recital, ite papers prepared—and models procured when dem. ted—on reasonable teams. Letters pf enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examiamions had, must be az eon:pealed by a fee *five dollars. ht the ditties of their cake which pertains to the Pis teat lavas, Messrs. J. A. li will be assisted by • legal gentleman atilt highest proGnsiotial character, and tally consesasat with Mechanics sad other geienufte subjects. mr94d&wlyB IT IS a great eatisfactlodio v lobe able thus publicly to announce, that the great detain" for our superior and splendid preparations of our .•PAALILY METZ CIN far exceeds our most sanguine expectations. particularly our Indian Expectorant and Compound Carunnauve Datum, which for beauty of appearance. periority of ingredients, and ail, compounding of them, together whit the immense ti to the aloe n(nor tattle, over any others—the beautiful and orna mental engruvings, nod. the taste displayed in the pot ting of them an, le a farther incitement to the purchas er. And as many of turbid friends who knew or DB. GUAM Locangx") when in the employment of Dr. . Jayne, I now beg leave respeafilly to inform them that I am one of the Pont of LOUDEN & Co., No. St Arch street, below Third, Pnliana.allta. where Isbell he happy to see them;who, aided. by his brother, a regular graduate of the “Philadelphia Colleger)11 . Phis, macy,. make, pm op, and compound, 'rah our own hands,. every article comprising our "Family Medi EtPectorant. Compound tiMassie, Compound Mottle Vermalige, Wut Indian Sanative Pills, and Oriental Hair Tames. We farther beg leave to remark, land we do it with a cortfidenee that cannot ho abakett,) Mai we have dia. covered - and made an improvempet on our Oriental Harr Tome, that far carded, any thing ever °demi • the retbite. Give us a eall at No. ill ARCII Our terms Moue are an.ladueement, and we are our of the result_ tugl,lre EW blOOKS—Mistory of Congress—Biographical and Political., comprising Mmnoirs of Members of the Congress of the Coded Suites, drawn from anthen• tre sr:armee; embracing the prominent events of their hoes, and their cotinectesist with the political Instory of the tursce by Henry GdWheeler. Illustrated oy or:- mere. meet portraits and fae-Mmile autograph.. Kings and Queen.; or, Lira an the Palace—onoolog of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Mane Louisa, Louis Phili pp e, Ferdinand of Auntie, Nichol., 11. Leopold, and Victoria: by John S C Abbott. Barnes Note. on James, Peter, John and Jude.- Notes, explanniorl and practicah on the ge neral entre des &James, Peter. John and Joda: b r Albert Bane.. Mary Grover, or, the Training Wife—a Boniest, Tempernnee 'hie: by Charles Borden, author older •Convicrs Child; ak.c. - Harold, toe Laat oldie Saxon Masai by Str Edward Ekilwer Lytme,, Sart Complete in two parts Part V. ilarpaCa illootroted Edition of the Arabian Nights' Enteitatantems., The above work. received duo day, and for aide by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, »1 0 llook.nem cot Market and 3d eta The Bankers' llairealete. MBE DAN KIDLS' MAGAZINiFy and Slate Flanneml Register, devoted to the dissemination of Dank Statistics. sound principle. of Banking, utility and prin ciples of Life Insurance and t§avings Barg, English anal American Law Dactyl°. in rethrenee to the hum- MEMiiMi=2 Particular attention will be men as heretofore to th comptlauon of recent decisions respecting Hanka B kers, Bills of Ruch/Rope, Promiasary Notes, Usur , Bonds, Notarteu. Damagea, hn, it the Coons of hla mellow», Conneeneat, New York, Ilernisy Maryland, Virginia, Month Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, Tennessee, and other grates. This will be one of rte rood important feamres of the work, and will in nee claim the anention of Preeidente, t..sluere, Teller Notaries and others. Among other details of tumor ante to bankers and others, the work will contain st times of the Hanks in every Suite of the Union; luo graphical sketches or promineto Bankers of I.l,in•iii• and America; Official Tables gip:ming the debts, ness, expenditures, aad limn:why! condition of the •ev.- I time+ of the Unitan. remcolthly,ll4 page a octavo, at Three Dul re per .121130. ELLIOTT a ENGLISIL Ytl woad .t Agents for Hankers' Magazine • - . HISTORY OF CONGRESS, Biographical and Pelt .EL Heal, comprising memoirs of the member. of the Congress etas: I:. By H d Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, /cc. to. Vol. I, octavo. The Writings of C. M. Clay; including speeches sail addressee, with steelportraits: Edited by H timely. l sot, 8 vo. What I Saw m Cali rma: By FA•rin Bryant. NOlta, VOL 1 00 Jim., Yee; John and Lake. - • . Charms and Counter-Charms: By Abu 111lowah, an thOf of -INa seem and Bt tat,. "Conquest," de. rce. Mary Grows, a Domestic Temperance Talc: By C. Burdett. Kings end queens,pr Life in the Palace; consisting of historical “ataterrof Late and reigning sovereigns: By J. B. C. Abbott. A First Book in Spanish, or • practical Introduction to the study of the Spanish Lazo By J. dalkeld. The Dying Robin nerd other tales: Rev. Dr. Alden. /oat reed by IL °PUNS, Apolto Buildings, 4th st, tang' tßaccessor to J. L. Rend.l G03:1=730:2 %lam mb...iben have on hands YU casks Soda Aah, j Jas Pdaspmn & Son's, firm quality, being the bal ance of their apring stock, which they .111 sell at Ate par, or 41a currency., !laving made mich large sates to the principal gul f and s&p manniacturers of this city, they deem it unnecessary to say any thing in favor M the brand They take this opportunity tb apprise their custom ers and dealers generally, that they have ordered large ly from the same munntacturers to England—the brat shipment darted:twill arrive in time for the fall trade, and thenceforward •regolur supplies throughout the season, which they will sett at the lowest market price for cash or approved bills. 3e zt W A hi ItIITCHELTBEE . MO liberty.' XTEWBDIJKL - TheMW - MiTg• of Cassius himeetios .1.1 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with • preface moi - memoir, Ly Nonce The Pus Book fu Spanish; or, a practical introduc tion to the study of the Spanish Language: containing full instructions In pronunciation, a grammar, examin es on the 011endorffknetbod Of constant ill4lll/101:1 out repetition, reading lessons; and u vocabulary. The whole adapted for the use ofprivate learners, or for classes under an instructor. By Joseph dalkeld, A. author of "A Compendium of CiUltiCti Aougm ue.," Cit. • Brothers and glisters, a tale of domestic life by Frederik& Bremer. Translated front the orminaLan published manuscript Mary Boutin. The Dying Robin, a nother tales. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just received and for sale by 1"41 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON - - - - _ - • Vainifielure - r - TireoticTicand TT colored Lioth,Prinp. for Dramas, die; Silk and colo red Clot= Fringes for silk and gingham Parasol. Glum, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Frlngea, made to order on the aherteat notice. Etrolus, comer of Malden Lane and,Willinna,entrane No 85 William ante!, third door, cr. /lamer it Ely store, No 65 /doable Law • Y brio El .E MACIIINkN, at from Sato 1111 k k2ectrei Magnetic Machines, from different canteen manth futures; Marine Clanks for atmm boats, canal boats and Carded.. Also, Chemicals, 'net - ammeters, Ac., for sate by BLAKE Co, eomolenarket at and the Mammal N. In—glcetrieity of either kind admlntstered at the direction of physimans. jyl7 GREENWOOD GARDENS. YrISITERs T 9 THIS FIRTILEAT can be farm, Led V with a Lough at all hones of the day, also, lee Creams, Pratt Confectiourthy, Ac. The sm,amer n-e n snood make. her regular Mod n-usnal, Marine her Pin meetlanding at A. M., mid at half pima mirk hour (a:m.011i) until 101 P. AL—leering th e Carden at 10 P. M. for her laid trip to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden a indescribable in it. beauty. _ 1,1713 A EffrlllYllB & NICHOLSON, am now selling off at moderato prices the following articles: Platform Scares of all kinds, weripang Hoar lon to 3000 pounds, of superior workmanship. Assorted l lollaa+ Ware, lightpatteriti; Coll Coot mg Stoves; Wood drl do; Coal kilipue and Balloon move., for churches arMshouses, Arc. ire. Orates and Orue Proms, (of parlors, chambers, kitchens as Ploughs and Plough Casting. of various kinds. ARTHIIRS & NICHOLSON, jylinlltte Liberty, head or IVood st VANS AT COST, BY WHOL&OLLES oa RETAIL— X XThe subscribers being desirous of closing out their present stock 'of Trimmings and Fancy Ooods before removing to their mew Wore, will sell their large' assortment at 'fans at coat, Item and after ati. ante. The asinevenealbomprises Mime thirty different style n and at prices hem 4 eta lolgkeach. er H EATON k - APE{j— man extralarge Straw Paye eery j. Y heavy . ma wane, fair hardw he are, . we , bu r. ndles Rai Cap, kor cosfecuosimi clamp pont iLl_:ateap Paper; Jew sale by J SCHOMULAW wood aagll .84 od at ,11EDICAL. TUX ONLY IFIXXXIDIrt IarARITE4 VEGETABLE EXTRACT Is an involve .11, We remedy for bkilleplic Pita or Falling Sick nes. Cenerdsious, Spasms, &a, It is yell brown, Mai Gore time Immemorial, Pkinsitians have prooommed Ender. tic Flu uneatable. It has hafted GI their skill, and to boomed rawer of all merfmnic, and eortscquently those sands have suffered through • miserable existence, and at lam yielded up their' Beet on nic altar of lira-:airy. With . all deference, however, to the amnions or this great and learned, nre say that It has beau eared. tuirm v , e,GErADLE EXTRACT, • For aixteerk years., has been tasted by =My pet:1100S 1160 have Buffeted with this dreadful disease, and la every ease white it has had • fair trial, has effected • permanent cure. Fits of 01 years sad 6 months, cured by the UPc rd this traly wonderful medicine. Hurlthe remarkable .hr Wm. Srcom Esq., of Philadelphia think Fits h yearsnd 6 months through England, Scotian& German' miming the mon eminent physicians, ao, medicine, medical treatment and advt.. .. sand dollars, returned with his .on to tins coil., it. November last, without receiving any benefit minion cr, and was cured by using HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. Mr. William Secore's Letter to Bra, leans and Hart I have spent over three thousand dollars for medi cine and medical attendance. I war advised to take a tour to Europe with him, vri eh I did. I int visited England I consulted the most eminent phy...[lll there to respect no his case; they examined kin" and prescribed aecordingly. I remained three months thout perceiving any change for the better, which cost olle about two hunched and filly dollars pocketed by the physician., and the most that I received was theiroprolOn that my son's case was hopeless and posi tively inevitable. I accordingly left ..gland, and unv eiled through Scotland. Germany and ,Franco, and re" turned home In the month of November last with my son as far from being cared as when (left. I saw your advertisement in one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Ilan'. Vegetable E.rtract. seeing your statements and certificates of so many cures, some, of twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can assure you I am nut sorry I did so, as by theme of Han's Vegetal ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health. His reason, which inks BO far gone as to unfit hint, for business, ia entirely restored, with the prospect now before hitn,liff life, health and menders. lin thriow IS years of age, and 27 years and months of this time has been afflicted with this 0061 drirailfal Of dis eases; but thenk God he is now enjoying good hisahh. Now, gentlemen, faith without works 1 don't believe in. To say that I shell be ever grateful to you is nee thing, and as I hereenethse you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt but that you will think this is another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitlide I still owe you, but please to accept the present =dun as interest on the debt in advance. Yours very respectfully, SECORE TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of this invaluable minEetnis wss adbeted tor several years with fi.pileptic Fits. The Thwam bad produced the worstatle4et his system, am Loss of memory, imbecility M and a perfectprtotratton of We nervous system. ei haul toed the skal of the best physicians foramen years, and grew worse under Weir. treatment, and ha thew that this medicine was haonly hope fm health sod life, and was therefore determined to giVall a fair gnat, end to persevere in its use, which he lid and the result was • perfect mlomtion to health, which was We le. nett uninterrupted for nearly sixteen years. We would refer to the following persons who h... hoes recast 66yy min Vegetable Exhort Col F, Den ow's daughter was alffleted nine yatirsi resides .s Yonkers, Now Ymk. W Bennet, moo years, 171 Grand at. • • J Eilsworth, seven yews, 19 Dover at Joseph ltDDougal, aloe years, East Brooktya, L". 11 W South, Na. York Custom Hausa 8 Kelly, twenty yews, Staten bdrdtesg• Was Mina B resl b t .r wenly r rara re, i Lo n Wm II I.= MTnl7-11.m_74.4,737=111 Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney at Philp /ohne., twenty- eight years, Greencastle Ell hairs Ba man 94 East Broadway, New York, Thomas B Jones, of the D El Navy.; Capt Wm Jennings, Smut st Bridgeport, 13: Reference the made to Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, 0. UT Richard Taggett, West Davenport A 7l Rey Ti. Boshnell, Baltimore, Md Mr Joseph Bradleyq Orchard at, N Y. C H Doughtsnn, 209 hteentb at N Yti Mrs June. Bcoiholf, eamr, Orange ms. No% John Faber, 178 Elizabeth st, D A Richton, 818 Delaney at, do James Smith, MO Suffolk in, de Charles Brown, 100 Water at, do All of which may Installed upon, or uhisamid, pal Vdd 1:1:7 ?rearmed by Dr S Ham, (late Ivans & Hartj New York. O F THOMAS & Co, 146 Main 0, between, 3d .4 4th Ins, and lea Slain 0, between 4th and 6th tercets, Obto, wholesale and retail agents for the south and west. L WILCOX, Jr., comer of Market et ami Me Dial moral, only ag'tin Pittsb'g•}l,l2da.rty ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTY OF 13REATIIIN41.— This disease is ceased by a paroxysmal construe uon of the air cell it Is very dobiliiating, almost to safroeattort. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA is the only certain care. Hoarseness can be entirely cured by a free WIC 01 Dr. 91vectser's Panacea. Goforth, or common cold, winch, if neglected, terminate In Cononmption, in effectually relieved and eared by Dr. Scree...eV. Pon... Bronchitis, If unchecked, will effectually lead to Bronchial Coniumptioa, but a umely use of Dr. Sweet ser's Panacea will effectually cure it. Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throat.—This disease often leads to serious consequent.. from neg lect, such au ulceration of the throat. On the hest symp tom, Dr. dateetsetht Panacea should be proceed and used freely. - - - Couch• •nd Caida find a soveraign remedy in Dr Paaricaa. Pneumonia Notha.—A eery fatal disease. resulting tenor a Itoles I cough and cold on a debilitated or bro ken down constitueon; aged persons are subject to it.— Dr. Sweater's Panacea should be used on the first symptoms, which ate a cough or cold. Night Sweata—Thts debilitating complaint 'O7lll meet with m timely cheek, by using Dr Sseet•-••• nn..” Ponsumlitton.—lf on the first appearati• dye symptoms, which are a pain us llic • cough or sig=eig of blood, if Dr. Sw e rn4.• freely used, no danger need be , apprene, When the Longs, she Windplpe, or it, become clogged up with phlegm so as to ration or breathing, Dr. Sweetser's Panat.tu, winch is a powerful Expectonlat, should be taken seconting to the direction. In 7izr atl, so prevalent one ;247it.;;;.. lftins it per bottle, or .Ix bottles for S 5. 6 fiß For sale by INK. JACKSON, Sit Liberty sr, mien of ho bis hoot. novSul 50,000 . PRIKSONiiii JA VF.°Led IN. Taylor's Waltall3 of Liverwort. and been eared of disease! that would have proved fatal. but for the use of thu ex - ranolinary medicine. 20,000 have been mired of conmraption m vanou. forms. . 10.01..0 have been cured of Dyrpeptie Consumption and Liver Complaint. .• . • .. 5,10) have been cured of general prostration of the Nervous System. d,oun have been cured of Rheumatic Pains, with the tendency of diseased rungs... 2.5110 have been cured of I.iver Complatnt and Cough. M cured of Seofutotta complatias. 20,100 more have been eared of cough., colds, pains In the sale and chest, night sweats, want orapputte, low Of voice, whooping cough,.debtlity, and many otl,- „ which Wisp Os those dangeroas alma. ss which so often prove total. Dr. Tuylor's Haltom of I .11 , ,wort is the only success:fel remedy for the cure 04 de above complaints. ••Mt • 011, haying a violent cold, used to cough and raiw thlct putrid matter, and finally could not tarn over in tw,l from weakness. He had emal , ' symptom of unnumptlon- His physicians, Drs. Vertmtle An demon, said he was incurable, yet strange as It may appear, this medicine folly motored his health. SOPHIA GALLON, PrNorfolk si p..., A Mole= Or CONVllli.4—"lfatving respect for the medscal profession, I determined to consult them in ' ,reference to using what are called 'Patent Medi um.' But for several months I have been troubedt with MUMMA, which boated the remedies Of my physi ciao. Your medicine I have,plways billeved very benefiotal in such cases. Flndilg the skilled my med ical advisers at (anti--unbeknown to anyone, I procu. red your Salaam of Liverwort, which I deemed a very valuable remedy—as It km had a most wonderful ef fect upon me, completely uprooting toyetatiplatin, and reatodng me to perfect health. You mayrefer to me • whenever desired." Sold In Pittabeirgh by J 13 Margan,.93 , Wood sti J Twwwiend, 40M,eket at; H Straywv, eon - Market and 3d site Henderson it Co, S Liberty st. Moo reduced f 1,50 per bottle. n DIE • & 8 1 II61CAls plb • No. liD s DIAMOND ALLEY, to few doers below Wood mom, to market. t. DE. been regularly e d acated. totol7l7llWhivi Ihe medical • profession, and been won • In general weedier, tam confines his attention to the treatment of those private efrd 'delicate coral ' plehns for which Ida 'Oponmak. and cep/silence peculiarly qualify • wt. • hum 11 yells stasolemisly devoted to study • VESLUIIOIII of those complaints,(dlinag which time he has had moreractice and has tutted mom pa tients than can ever fo il to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to offer awarances of speedy', permanent, and satisfactory care td all Named ' twilit deheate diseases, and all diseases arising Mere from. .Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with private diseases which have become chronic by time or eV Fravated by the um of any of the commonnostmew of the day, that their camplamts con be and thor oughly cured; ha having given hi. enzelial attention to the treatment clench cases, and mcceeded In hundred. of instances in curing persons of Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases's - kith often result Gem those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. lie particularly lochs reek as have been bog and unmennsfally vented by others to consult him, when every mtbfactidnywill be gtven them, and their cases treated In a emPfelithorouge and Intelligent Manner, pointed oat by *l6dg/experience, study, and invutiganon, which it Is Imposelble for those engaged tn general practice of Medic:l,lo to give any one clang of &sense. IP - Ilernia or Ropurre.—Dr. Brown also invite% par , so** afflicted with Henna to call, as he has paid panie ' Iffat .tremors to this disease. Skin diseases, Maori's, Polity, ete" epeedily eared Charges very low. N. 13.—Pattents of nth sex living teen distance, by stating their disease writing Giv ing ill the syrup' toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by addrenung T. BROWN, ht. D.., post paid , " and mirk. i 1g31,," `.. Na. GS, Diamond alley, opposite the overly Heave Rstronsuze. — Dr. Drown's newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and eeriest remedy for diet painful troohle It never fads. 05... and Private Consulung Rooms, No. ISS Dia mond alloy, Plusbuigh, P. The Dayton is always at bone. Err No cure no pay. .deelg. B. A. Pahnesitook 6 C.V. anbora.,lent, IN high favor as an cmernal applicauon °Manama tory afflictions, and at the mime tune a sumalatti as wall as emollient It A Fnimewrick h Co's ftubefis- Mont has been vary beneficial it caw, of Chrome Itheuntaumn. Glandular Swelbsice. Sore Throat. Rm.. es, Sprains, he. kr. The lotion a gentleman well known to Wu c, "I some time .g.. acodeumll) and severely smutted both my Mutely swelled ..o that my 1.013 Lai, order to have them drawn od—the wtlens ed tae tens intense. In this alumna:ll reructureitl a bot tle of B A Fithnewock d. Co'. RubeMerent. and alter one or two applies.. I experienced much relief. I used about one bottle and a half, and in about two days the swelling entirely .abraded, and I wax entirely mitered from any other pain, and experience no more inconvenienee from the fat!. In all caws of swelling, bruise., dieutnamm, me., I would moat cheerfully re commend the Ruktefusient. July 17, ItNA GEORIti; nAsserr." • For solo wholesale and !snail by B A FAIINIEISTOCS 'fr. Co, corner of Wood and Fust and Wood end Sloth streets. is'f43.• CMO. W. 1131ITILI s CO., Lwow NO Weeds and thapabile th at they have L. go Itakiv; ahy earraeetios ortgrithair lale ennblish menrlaXena atehoi,known as*/ Pittatanh kinewery, iva r gr i e p r %bnatasas ... so e oasa. ,1111F..hjihocah !ash: p*ld for_ clean raga alacheatlalhis ;copelgraas tope*agama, wool. az , OP; 4c, - W±'OO4OWICY 1 44 TWO 8,1,?”!..1a1in E2MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers