THE' PITTSBURGH Gribingi PUBLISHED UY witrn & CO. MOBITING, AUGUS Sti, 1848 PILII.A.DRLPRL& NORTH ANIZIMAN; Adeertiserhenta and SutscrirdionessitheNorthAiner earl sad United States ritiacite, Philadelphia, received YORK gXPRESS. WetaiMeive and Comm' ft. of expense, ad Venisettiatll and sal.. dodoes for this paper. 00101303.01A.1.. LOT AHD PUILLADEL PHIA PAIGE CURRENT. Sabtetiptions O ado mailable paper Neill be revered cad forwarded from oihee• pthawsou Dana °Larva is published . I ) .i y, ThAv,, a piy, and Weekly.—The Daily is Ewen Dejlars per m yalpi the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollars per annum; thalgettly is Two Dollars per maim, mauls :.adieus. . , Irr Atrtrilmmis am cartmally requested ,o band ' • &err favors before 6T. 111, and as early is t h e day prartimble. Advertisements not inserted for a spec . lied was will invariably be charged anal ordered ou Lain Commercial latelllgence,flonseste, Mar 41% Rivet News, Impends, Money Markets, ae. se 0 1 = DKe• Democratic Whig goatinatione, FOR PRESIDENT, ZACHARY TAYLOR, FOR . VICE PRESIDENT, WILLARD .FILLIIIOItE, ELSt.CyOSAL TICKET SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Thomas M. T. M'Kcciart„ of Washington. Jews P.Saimaissma, of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. I. Joseph O. Clarkson, 13. HemryJoffruson, 11. John E. Wolh ill, 14. William Colder,' Imes AL Day* la. William AFllvaine, 4. nor. W. Durael 4, 11. Chart. W. Fialier, & Daniel 0. Illwar, 17. Andrew G. Curtin, 6. Jesting Dungan, IS. This. B. Davidson, 7. John D. Steele, 19. Joseph Markle, S. John Landis, 20. Domed .Aen . , 9. Joseph Snlnnicker, 21. Andrew Looms, lu Charles Snyder; 22. Richard Irvin, U. William G. Hurley, 23. Thomas S. Sill, It Francis Tyler, Si. Sant , l A. Penviance. FOR CANAL COMMLSSIONER, MM.II, OIIDDL SSW ART 0, Antlwasonla and Whig Itendaano • .. FOR CONGRVIS, BI OR* RADIPTON , Qr PITMIIIMaIf. Vat ars><ls. 1 T• LEWIS C. J. NOBL.E., of Indian.. CHRISTIAN SNIVELS', of Wilkins. I . SWARTZWELDER, of Pmsburgh. IiENRY.LARGE, of Wallot L •ao>om, • - • . ._. .. . lIPLEKIA/1 NIXON. of Lower St. Clair _. 1461.121. /dim SCOT[, of Sow arum Ur Till comm. DANIEL Iit'CURLIV, or Elizabeth Borough. J 01177 E. FOSTER. of 13.14 win. STATE CONLIIITTEIC. The Members of the Wino &rant Conan a . = are re quested to meet at Harrisburg, on_ the Mat instant. at 3 r o'clock,. 31. ALEX'R RAMSEY, Cbutrmaz. GRAND TZARS STATE CONVENTION The citizens of Venneylen CILARYnia, friendly to die election o GEN. ZA TAYLOR Ann . _ MILLARD FILLMORE are requested to assemble in Man Meeting at HAR RISBURG, on THURSDAY, the 81st day of AUGUST. at I o'clock. P. M. Farmers, Mechanics, and Workingthent Manu?smarers, Traders and Mercurius: Man all ponoits, menpanons and protessions: All who regard mirity, intognty, hdenty and canter ty as num:sill elements of just National Adrainuars tuna Aliw . bo o g re zprtsveieLto,.hlfTc. risy,cio'rfleoorfrairutibeil, All who are in favor of legmbition by the representa tives of the people, unchecked by a tyrattruinexernse tithe vicro power: All who would rescue the counter from the evils which now paralyze Its Industry and defeat as enter ure: i who would giveathiqualcoroteetion. to Ameri can labor, and dins increase the means, extend the en joyments and CUT,to the condition of the American Whore, All who erodd ; promote, by paid.. eneoumge moot, the develops:mew of our own great resoures , Agricnltomi, Idanafactunng and !Smooth All who are trite- friends of those who dig to the belt* mid delve in the robin, - and ply at the loom. end mfl in therworkships and on the lughsray. All, of all clones, creeds and condthoos who doom in secure REFORM Al'irt BETTER Tlrita 4 , are iIIIVAM to be present. Come, Pennsylvanians: come from farm, and forge, and furnace, and coal-pct, and factory: from road-ode and river: from village. and town, and city: come and show that you ore not insensible to year toren:stir come and show that you have not forgotten, and th you will not forgive, the bath deception of which vr have been mate the victims: canto and show duo are grateful to the hero who "scram sznassnsari' that you appreciate the man who "seas so carol smossatntion unrossannv... Disunguithe so d Orators fro will be there to *Anna you: tionroftlin Stale will he the and they, iend wo, known,' want Wit so: vrth.loorron ranee of tenant notary. ALEXANDE Morton McMichael, , Thomas E. Cochran, Robert 'redo% Washinn Townsend, John C. Intel, James Fox, Benjamin Matthias, George Lear, Thomas I. Watson, George Erety,. IL ILDter • Pahl S. Prem., K C. Darlington, Daryl W. Paunson, election of Tn F publish till day of meeting. Bee next gage for Telegraphic Fevre. limn MUTT!. lit Nrw Yoaz.—The great Irish Meeting in New York, referred to in our New York letter on Saturday, was a most spirited affair. Among the speeches, -was one by Mr. Mooney, who said ho had attended many meetings in behalf of Ireland, and this was the greatest of them ally— (Cheers.) The press of Britain tries to make little of the patriot force, says but eight or ten Counties are engaged in it, but the press of England keeps back the fact that each County in Ireltind holds as many people as some of the States in America.— "(Cheers) -t•Mtl, Mooney then read the following statement of the popeilatiati of the proclaimed Counuet: Cork Co. and City / 0 % 000 - Tipperary Co. and City ........ . 350,000 Clare - County 200,000 Lin:trick Co. and City 35 0 00 Kilkenny Co. and City 21511,000 Waterford Co. and City 350,000 King's Co 200,000 Meath Co- 350,000 • Westmeath Co 300,000 Dublin Co.and City 400,000 Total 3.3b0,000 Suppose Italia these are ronlea'l,69o,ooo; half of the male, are between the ages of 16 and V. 845,000. now England for place...holders and agenta;l4ooo, there will remain 700p00 fighting men hi Ireland, [Tremendous cheers.l Mr. Moon. ey-then ridiculed the English peen for magnifying the movements of a few companies of soldiera— from one post to another, and said--ha had prop.. ed to aloe of kis cosslurrven is thin ever elatVdevi otr,ta firm rin-Emigratton Company for Cavaela. (Vehement cheers-I Let them come to him in the Shaves= Hotel, at the sign alive Irishike; each man must have ten or twenty dollnrs of his own to bear his expenses to-the new firms. (Great ebeeting.l The Canada Company and*British Gov " cement are very anxious to get good Irish set , dui into Canada, and we will give them a (Loud cries, "we're ready r 4rit go !" "And I "And I too Mooney °' Great excitement) Commas= AND ST. Louis Ran.misn.—The St. Louis Republican says that the surrey of the vatic kir this road will be commenced at Vincennes, in a low days, and the line run from thence to St. Louis. Mr. Ellis,President of the Company, bpi interned from Cincinnati, having obtained the funds necessary for the purpose. Mr. Mitai4l, who is connected with the Cincinnati, Observatory, and distirted for hie. scientific and practical in. Itirmation,han been appointed to survey and locate the routes. Mr. Mitchell will immediately form his corps of Engineers, and will be in Vincennes this week. Mier the route from Vincennes to St. Louis is surveyed, the route to Cincinnati will be coma menced. A mating date Cotton Operatives in Philadel phia, held wiled Wednesday evening, passed the fidlowutg tesehnion, which @bows that some oftbe Factories there are not rousing- Ranfoei.—That in eousiderrnidn of our present Fiecuniant 030 ditia 6 lbrintght about by a portion of our m il ls being dosed, rather than' accede to the Ten Hour law, we appeill tot generous conimunity for assistonee to India sustaining no during this Ex. Gov. James C. JOIICS has bias elected as a • Taylor elector at lam, for the bale of Tennes see. llie,btas accepted tbe appoadateatould gaged illustedis4l to fallow ap and cenfrata Gov . Brinni, who is on rho stump far Cass, Snags end SllWpri. There will be abating work and army OM,' what they meet. A .Boxasz."—H. H Van Anvil:43e I &legs:. to tbe Beffalotosventioa,protestsagatost itsproceed. 113 P the Bu i r lik C°urtert mainly, for the reason Aid the "platform does not COann o nnnhannn &ear of free soal,"—nrehing , is said of the right of Ma to the cesticeorof the prohibition of the put', .Usisaies ciao land, , tisoce7rteiV—Thoseivishingto And a well man. seed school Or young tadieST la° iostma to the adeetthcalent of the 4 Collegiate lostatiter :tiber caw= . . . Mni Satabnmer Convention, in Ode State, into meet et litending, on the.l9th of September, and not On Me Stet of/menet, es was ineorreinty timed „ja*Mrile".4o'oP4l ,l ” r .' '' 'Rennetredintithif,tare, thailiktia ;"seithiled, r the pgamploatailt.Fithhient in the daylat.the fir* TiechuitiotetafolndePet. patthig l ator tidal in t3Oll ther4rinropir.; tmr eauses'ind gildszteik. ti ettirett, deacon to advance it, &new plant auraelvesupoo theNetio — iirPlelf or Vr6aah - to 'opposition tol the Sectional Platform of Slavery. Besotted, That slavery in the several States of thin Union which recognise its existence, depends Itiiidn State - laws alone, which carat beortepealed or modified by the Federal Government, Bad for which laws that Government is not responsible.— We therefore propose no interference by Congress with slavery within the limits of any State. Berotted, That the proviso of Jefferson, to pro hibit the existence of slavery, after 1800 in all the territories of the United states, Southern and Northern; the vote of six states and sixteen dele gates in he Congress of 17E4, for the proviso, to three states and seven delegates against it; the ac tual exclusion of slavery, from the Northwestern territory, by the ordinance of 1781, unanimously adopted by the States in Congress, and the entire history of that period, clearly show that it was the scaled policy of the Nation, 1101 to extend. nation alise or encourage, but to limit, localize and die courage slavery; and to this policy, which should never have been departed from, the government ought to return. Resclueri, That our Fathers ordained the Cast toil= of the United Stales, in order among other great national objects, to establish justice. Patna.. the general warfare. and secure the blessings of Liberty; but expressly denied to the Federal Gov =mem, Which they created, ell conatitutions I power to deprive any person of life, liberty, proparty',without due legal process. Resolved, That in the judgment of this Conve ntion, Congress has nu more power to make a slave than to make a king no more power to institute or establish slavery than to institute or establish a moo arch), no such power can be found amongst those specifically conferred by the CO nstaution or derived by just implication from them. Ream!. That it is the duty of the federal govern meet to relieve itself from all responsibility for the existence° , continuance of slavery wherever that government possesses conditional authortty to leg inhale on that subject, and, is thus responsible &mitt existende. liscolveri, That the true, and in the judgment of this Convention, the only Safe means of retreating the extension 'of slavery into territory now free, is to prohibit its existence In all ouch territory now free, is to prohibit its existence in all such territory by an act oTCongrens. Resokezd, That we accept the issue which the shove power has forced upon us, and to theirilis wand for more slave states, and atom slave territo ries, our calm but final answer is, no more slave States and no more slave territory. Let the soil of our extensive. domains be ever kept free, for the hardy pioneers of our own land, and the ofs• premed and banished of other landi, seeking hound of comfort and fields of enterprise in the new world. Reoliel, That the bill lately reported by the Committee of Eight in the Senate of this Lotted States, was no compromise, but an absolute sir render pf the rights of thelton shareholders of all the States; and while we rejoice to know, that, a measure which, while opening the door for the in troduction of slavery into territories now free,, would also have opened the door to litigation and ante among the future Inhabitants thereof, to the ruin of their peace and prosperity, was defeated in the House of Representntives, its passage, in hot haste, by a majority, embracing several Senators, who voted in open violation of the known will of their constituents, should warn the people to see to it, that their representatives be not suffered to betray them. There musita po compromises with Slavety—if made, they must be repealed. Resolved, That we demand Freedom and estnb. lobed Institutions for our brethren in Oregon, now exposed to hardships, peril, and massacre, by, the reckless hostility of the Slave power to the caul,- lishotetirof Free Government. for Territories, and not only fur them, but for our new blether. in California and New Mexico. And, Whereas, It is due, not ouly to this occa., Son, but to the whole people of the tinned Slates, that we should also .dec l are ourselves on certain other questions of National Polley, therefore Serviced, That we demand cheap postage fur the people; a retrenchment of the expenses and patronage of the Federal Government; the Igo- Won of all unnecessary offices and salsries - taid the election by the people of all civil officers is the service of the Government, ea far as the same rosy be pi- -ticable. Rescarsi, That River and flarbor Improvements, when demanded by the safety and convenience of of commerce with foreign nations or among the several States, ore objects of national concern, end that it to the duty of Congrese, in the eternise ofes constitutional powers, to provide therefor. Readout, That the free grant to acitttal settlers, in consideration of the expenses they incur iu inte king settlemeits in the wilderness, which' are usually fully equal to their actual cost, and of the public benefits resulting therefrom, of reasonable portions of the public leads under suitable Munita. lions, is a wise and just measure of public policy, which Will promote; in various ways, the interests of all the States of this Union; Mal we thereat= re commend it to the formable consideration of the American People. liesorrel, That the obligation. of -honor and patriotism require the earliest practicable payment of the national debt, and we ore therefore in favor of such a tanE of duties as will mine revenue ad equate to defray the neceisary expenses ot the Fed. eral Government and to pay wraith' instalments of our debt and the interest thereon.. Resolved. 'That we inscribe our own barn= "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, nod Free Men," and under it will fight on ,and fight ever, =MB n triumphant victory shall reward ow exam ions. 7. all parts of the C your irlCllll6 from frit re to met you: and g Mat "ars earr Il reloic .6' • Rajd g BF,S, Chairman. 2ect!e F. M hrrid GooPeriller,, Lot Benson, Wrn H. Beil.rt, Joseph Paton, Geo. V. Lawrence, John Fenian, A. F'inney, L. D. Wetmore, John Morrison., • H. W. Parriok, SamuelW:Person , Alex_ W. Taylor, State Central Committee. out the State, (madly to the Imore, will plea.e copy supl This is a serygood platform, as far as it goes --not quite ticfaiiite vanish an the subject of Tarid: As Car as the Slavery question is concerned, it adopts no stronger ground than has been taken by the Whigs for yearn back, and which has been acted upon by the press, and LI speeches and votes in Congress— no stronger than the platform on which the Whip of the present Congress have stood, and in the de fence of which have gained n brilliant victory. As the Albany Journal justly remarks°— . The Whig Party ha ever been true to the question of 'Free Sod.' The Whig Party has ever vindicated the ' Freedom of Speech. The Whig Party have saved the Country from Sisray War Debt. The Whig Party .has ever gone'for the sl.inpaiStment of Rivers and Harbors.' And it tf by and through the Whig Party slam that t - rights and interests can be protected and ad. Tamed!' Had the Convention adopted a resolution in (n- Tor of a restriction of the Veto Power come out a little stronger on the Taritr question, and express. ed n stern . opposition modem wars of au - newton and conquest, it would have presented a good Whig Platform.. To Whigs the Barak, Platform offers nothing especially new, bat it mgat set upon Mr. Van Born and Ins Eartitumier associates, as a new ern in their political history. Below we give a brief extract showing how a certain and rather numerous class of husbands is treated in some parts of the world. We have often thought that it would be a good thing if site bad m this country some means of bringing such delin - quentisto a seine of their faults. We have a great many idle, lazy, and good for nothing husbands who spend all thetr time loafi its about, leaving their wives to support the family by washing, sewing, or any why they can. It might do such drones good to be obliged to run the gauntlet something like the and specified below. 'Tut Penniman . or lon e Husame..--The head chief jof New Ireland] often interferes in minor Mellen of adomestic nature; fir instance, If a lazy fellow has a wife or two, and a few children, and, through love for fishing, dancing, loitering idly about, neglects to hung in the necessary supplied for his family, s complaint is made, the chiefvisita the house in person; and if he see , itni grounds for pnnuh. merit, he orders out the whole pripnlaftonof the vii. lage.—Men, women and children, arm themselves with 2.lalit birch, made of small canes, they then Mem a long double line, about six feet apart, and wait in anxious glee the approach of tne girent.At last he is placed at one end of the lines, amidst a shower of yells, screams ,jibes, &c. The word is given by.the chtef, and away he darts at his utmost aim:militia' gh the rankx, every one en. deal -suing to hit him as he passes. According to his deserM, he may get °lrby running the line once, or he may have to do so tance or thrice; but he is skilled iq cunning and fleetness that can run the lines even once wlthouttaving his aids tickled foe him by-thp hearty application - of the lurch, wielded by saute's/tong woman! A■ the punishment te not of a fatal kind, the whole affair creates unrestricted merrimenL—Dr. Ceeker's Admit:uses on the Ms tern Caw of &milk A smarm& Same tablas may be thought and Paid To the Editors of dot rittsbarghEattette it were not enough that the - Free Triale Tariff was breaking down all . the Ligfories in the country, poor Pennsylvania, it seems, hes been doomed to a farther blow Gum her own Legishs , tune. The Polk and. Walker law discriminates arsine the American mannactures 95 to 30 per tent; and thewn hour law add" to this 161 per ceit more against Pendryformilt Lammas alone,— If the manufactures in the Dawn goo.. where every thing is conanaed With the best economy, cannot =stain themselves ngainst foreign compe. titian under Polk and Walker's Tariff, by running their machinery 12.bours, how can those of Peon glvattm, with the addition of her Siam Tariff, stand - - Perhaps your market home fituomiers can solve the ploblem, ar perhaps some of those Vonug dater the &wedelns, ihe, the Hamdloas. 'ke-i . !!ne,llo snakes that the deaipeople, especial. ly the: poni', 4 4,42aedoperatires, should have the benefit of theirealted talents in the legidellne, where they. ould header° give the mee , il4rir 'tits!'sore gram" another stab under the fifth . 'Up per 16 4Pel2lo'orthen yritti,the aid of theeeheolsolestes asdinsaronay eiPier melts, an , sweroind So Mnlekthe pall°, laat depriving the laming classes of employuemt, and ati•Pg,.*Pi• tnl from the State, is only camping Oat icrOIMITII democracy to its legitimate man, and estaablishiiug Upon a den basis, the &mars or Wax Aug. 19 ,Froll3lll.Amarleas Flag, idaLuton* Idaxieo - - With etlitiMis of sorrow the Meg profound, we restoid thiiii•Mb of our friend and associate, lilac . ..Nzerat Ftefica. He breathed his last on Wea -1 Des ineignlng, July 2&b, at 'half past 2 o'clock. He bad, Far many years., been a victim of that re leutlets destroyer, Pulmonary Consumption, and, for a length of time, bekre death finally came to his relief, suffered with a heroism and fortitude which. have never been surpassed. Forewarned, an he and his friends were of his approaching dis ' solution, hiadecesse has created a sensation in our little community unknown to it before. His virtues were not few, and they were silently exercised, without parade or asteniatiorti--hig abilities were of no mean order, and they were put in requisition more fie the benefit of others than himself. Scru pulously exact in all his dealings with men, he an. "i re d a character fa probity and e bonesty which was never impeached. Understanding well the re bakes existing Lemma man and bui fellow man, and inheriting a regal courage which never Mel. ', r ed, observed his duties in his intercourse wit! dl, and to the satisfaction Mali He possessed ar elevated and noble mind and instinctively she' i dered at every action which did not spring fro m pure and honorable motive,. In all respects it may be 'aid, with perfect truth, that he we t n proper man. Mr. Pietism was a native of Pittsburgh, P , into Sylvania, where he was barn in 1915. He was connected with the pima in several States a f the Union, and finally, after serving a campaign in Texas, and Corpus Chrisli Gazette, which h e con. ducted during the stay of the army at that place. 'He accompanied General Taylor to Mau anoras, and, m conjunction with Gen. H. MeLeoi 1 and a Kt. Dryden, published the Republic of the Rio Grande, the first American newspaper ever pub kshed in Mexico. Afterwards he bees, on 1.130 eiated with ourself and John H. Peoples in the publication of the Americas Rag, to which he I devoted his constant labors to within m short pc- 1 rind of his death. To what purpose u e labored conjointly, does not become us to taw. but that we aimed at the honor and glory of the proud name which we adopted, we presumii none will dispute. Almost simultaneously with the hoisting of our colors in Mexico did our friend tithe up his residence in the country. He 'lived to see them taken down idler the re-eats blishment of peace, and a few days afterwards passed from this stage of mortal existence. He, now sleeps immediately beneath the American Flag, in Fort Brown, on the very Gamier of his country, and as its graceful folds meet the eye of the slimmer er upon the bosom of the great river which sep arates the two Republics, he may know that it shadows' the grave of one who, while living, worshipped it with all the idolatry of a soul re plete with patriotism. But oor friend is gone, and words but faintly pourtray the sorrowful feelings the event has en• graven on our heart. We stood by his bed and witnessed the dickering of the lamp of life, as, without fear or shrinking, he sank into that deep and eternal sleep which will never more be die. turbid by the tumult of a jarring world, or know an unpleasant awaring. Mr. Fleeeon has left a most estimable consort and a numerous train of relatives and friends to deplore his death. His mother and several bro thers reside at or neer Pittsburgh, Penns-mum. Dame or Da. Cu/art.—We learned with et. trimie regret, Last evening, of the death of Dr. Creg, mm of the oldest surgeons in the army.— Hts took place yesterday afternoon at the Barracks belies the city. His health had for some time, as we kern, been fragile, but no immedi• ate apprehension we, &It for him. He transact. ed business - yesterday morning as usual, but in the course of the afternoon was seized with sad den illness, which terminated fatally in a few hours.—N. 0. Picayune, Aug. 9. Da. Casio was a native of this city, brother of NICVELIS H. Qum, Esq, and the announce. ment of his death will carry ■ pang to the hearts of many warm friends and acquaintances in th is region. Gormooa's Etas-nom—The fi..Bowing in a copy of the Proclamation or Writ issued by Governor Johnston to the Sheriffs of the various mantle* ordering an election for Governor of the Slate: Pesforylnrniehrs. In the name and by the authordy of the GOMM.. wealth of Pennsylvanin William F. Johnston, Governor of the said Com moowealtbßto Henry Lehr, Esquire, Shen ff of the City mad County of Philadelphia, send• nowt- Mg Whereas, by the resignation of Francis ft. Shunt. late Governor of the Commonwealth, a vacancy occurred in the tunas of the Governor more than three calendar months immediately preceding the nest annual election of Representatives, and the Constitution of the raid Commonwealth in such event requires that an election hi !supply We va. canny should be held at such next annual election. Now, therefore, in obedience to the requirements of the fourteenth section of the second astirde of the constitution, and in accordance with the intent and mesnmg of the Act of the General Assembly of the State, passed the mimed day of July, Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred arid thirty nine, I, Wtuussi F. JOHNSON, being vested with the Executive authority of the Suite of Pm:amyl's- Me have issued thin writ, commanding and rope. ring you, the said Hamer Let-ea, Sherd of the City and County of Philadelphia, to give the usual no ( nee, that an election to supply the vacancy in the odes of Governor, will take place an the second Tuesday in October newt Given under my band and the Great Seal of the State, at Harvisburgh, this twelfth day of Angustr, in the year cd our Lord one thousand eight bun. dred mad forty eight, and of the Commonwealth We seventy third. By the Governor. TOWNSEND HA IN Secretary of the Commonwealth. Y well am ether.. Dtaumusus Pres..--Lest evening, abbot half past nine o'clock, a fire broke out in the fourth story of the Athenian Building, Franklin Place, which hot. .ned p fierriely and rapidly that in a short time the whole of the extensive edifee was men• ced with destruction, and notwithstanding the alarm was promptly given, and as promptly re. epteded to by the firemen, ranch valuable proper ty wan destroyed. The building was situated oo the mist side of Franklin Place, a short distance above Chesnut Meet, end the extreme narrowneu of We alley prevented the firemen from operating as actively at would have been berieficiaL The kerth story was totally unoccupied, being used, the one divi sion as a store room for old lumber end the other being to MIL It wu in one of them _storerooms that the fire originated, being doubtless the work of an ancendi my, as the eitablishment was closed at an early hour in the evening, and till, story was totally p rivet:muted. third story was used for biding and packing the weekly paper published here, "Alexander's Express Umenger,".—the whole establishment belonging to Col. Alexander, the veteran armpit per publisher. The second story was need as the composing room of the paper and job printing office. The first story was the cemented Head (leerier& The third and bomb stories were greatly damaged, the roof destroyed and the whole building mach mpg red. Col. Alexander's estahlisiunett was burnt out some time ago, and had scarcely recovered Iron) the derangement of his business when this new shock fell upon him. We believe him to insured to the smarm akin loss, although we are not car. Min. The buil-ing is owned by Mr. Winetnenner of the late Arm of Bobo. Winebeennei ec Ckx Ha in doubtless insurod.—N. almaiera of Ilkurshry. VictiteUlto sltDJACElorlßstilleaD. - 411011r num. ber or lit July, we copied an artieka horn the Vickaburgh &Mims' of the 1 Gth May, stating that this railroad had been transfered to Mr. Jackson, who wan represented as a citizen of England. We gave the statement an we frond i 4 in an ax. change paper; not receiving the Seminal, we did not nee a correction of the error made In a actin , pent number of that paper, showingthat Mr. Jack• son was a citizen of the United States, and that in the war of 1812, he was a volunteer in Wilkie's company of Mississippi ritleman—and =ruled with that celebrated corps, to defend New Chic... from the British Invasion in 1814-15, that upon bin onival in amp, Mr. Jackson wan selected by Gen. Carroll an one of his military family, with whom be served till the close of war. While upon this nubject, we should mention a fact, which ought not to have escaped our amection. viz :that upon receiving possession of the railroad, Mr. Jackson pee to the stockholders, or their agents, the privilege of redeeming it, upon paying to him the amount of his claim i and we now under stand that the money aecsusarq to effect this, has been advanced by the Girard bank, and the truss tees of the bank of the United States, who will hold the road in hum for the stockholders, till Its income Mill reimburse the amount advanced.—Railread Jounsel. • A Hattax-IllaartstA correspondent of tier Boston Chroaotype, writing Gam Chambersburnh, Pa. tells the falkrwing curious story of a horse recent ly turning .barriburner A huge an destructive tireorginated in lino town of Rocksburgb, a few miles from here, a week or •two ago. A man having a sick horse took him into a field, and placing some dried herbs in a tin pan, tied the same very securely to the horse's under jaw, and set the herbs on fire, that the poor beast might inhale the fragrant ordure of the burnt offering, and so be cured of his rulings. Unfitly's— newly, not only the odors but the flame also, wren. ded the horse'; nostrils, which caused him to break from his owner and in mad fury he galloped away to his stable the door of which waa open. The fire of the barbs was in an instant conveyed to the &•y hay, and in an bon the barn, a large and val. sable hotel, and six or seven other building., were levelled with the ground. So much ior scorching a horse's one. Bears!" Arnow Bacrrasa.—Smith O'Brien, of whose wee a reward of SOO pounds has been offered by the Lewd Lieutenant of [raised, has a brother, Sir Lucius O'Brien, in the House of Coin. mom The brother gave his vote in thvor of the bill for suspending the fated =pal act, knowing that his blother would be one of its thin victims. He spoke au the occasion as follows: .At tint I intended to vote against the bill, because it wax likely rely toothier Smith would be one dim drat vieticmi. Oa second thenight, however, the pre .vemtion of bloodshed Ina weighed dinlea each a festerrinf feeding. Smith O'Brien, toy brother, must take his' hance- I mum vote for the WV Pnaddent Polk and Mr. Secretary Buchanan were expected at Bedford Spriop last Saturday. IroocatOi6l6 nparrina roz ras:PrrriScian "' L T "nrrrt. COlW3Clell hicitriort—Titit coroner was called on Saturday to Montour's (or seven mile) Island, to bold or, Impart on the body of Mrs. Catharine Scott, &and in the Ohio./liver, bask. of the Island. The Ides:eased was in her sixty fifth yearwas the mother of eighteen. children—fourteen of whom are living. She has been, during all her life, until wit bin a year past, remarkable for vigor of condi. tut almost unceasingly, in the house or in the field, with her etifldren. She was deserved ly esteemed by all who knew her, and in a pricu- I or degree the venerated guide and counsellor of her children and grand children—all of whom, by their industry, sobriety, and probity, evidence their worthiness of such a parent. Recently, prostrated by disease, her body tortured, - and her mind conse. quently enfeebled, she had frequently expressed a wish to he with a favorite daughter, the demised wife of Mr. Archibald Hamilton, whose remains had been interred on the opposite bank of the river, near the mouth of Montour's Ran. On Fri. day night last, abort midnight, she awaked one of her daughters, who always slept near her, and de sired her to extinguish the light (usually kept burn ing) as she stud site heard people firing guns near the but of the island, and (card they might some to the home and fire into the windows. Her daughter complied with the request, and soon the deceased naked that the lamp be again lighted, which was done, after which the daughter lay down and kit asleep. On waking not long after. wards, she missed her mother—became alai med— as the old lady had scarcely been able to leave her bed, until the day previous, for many months— search immediately commenced by all the family, and also by a son living a short distance away, but no trace could be obtained until the gig was dis pelled front the river in the morning, when her daughter first saw her lying dead in the river, a short distance from the shore, where the water was but about fifteen inches deep. It is probable that she bad attempted to wade amiss to her daughter's grave, and being extremely weak, had fallen in the water, and been unable to rise. The sock with whom she lived. together with the daughter who slept in her room, testified in substance, as we have re lated, before the Corona's Jury, who agreed, im mediately, on their verdict—. that the deceased cane to her death by drowning In the river, while in a deraoged•atate of mond." Mother and daugh ter ore now reposing together, in a beautiful spot, in view from the beautiful Wand where most of the survivors of the family reside. Atrium', RIOT wan ILuscuu—On Saturday nigh about II o'clock, a man from Rid More, who w • making a disturbance, and alaroUngthe citizens by hallooing and cursing In the streets, was arrested by the watch, on Fourth, acne Market street. when some hundred rowdies assailed the watchmen, and effected regime. Edward D. Curtis, one of the rowdies, was afterwards caught and sent to jail. We saw the istiek used by him in assaulting the watchmen- It is of hickory, quite heavy, and shod at the lower end with a bag and skimp piece of steel, pretty wall pointed, and calculated to kill, if well driven into a vital part. We cannot wonder that the police carry fire arms. and other deadly weapons, when their own lives are thus constantly threatened. One of two things we see they meat do—either give up the attempt to discharge their duty, or meet violence with violence. We disap prove the taking of life, for any cause—but cannot condemn without allowance, when the very• right of self defence would, in such a case as thin, seem to justify the use of weapons. Fuorn.—The Chronicle gives the partic. tam" of a case which has just been decided in thin city, by Alderman McMaster. A Mr. Hugh Mullett was charged with hawking and peddling teas about the city without License, in violation of the Actn of Assembly. It appeared faun the wit -0.1-IC, that the defendant was in the habit ofgotoc around with a horse and wagon, and supplying in, dividualu with Ten, alto might beonne his ca.w- He took their names and orders in a book and supplied them at such times and m such open' Utica as they rmght Jrure. ra their own residences or places of bosoms, lie also rad Irian his ars goo to any one who choose to apply 14 tam ns a was going atoned. The Alderman then gave Judgment avant Mr MnOeo be SU) 00 and costs, float wheh be ha. ap pealed to the Coon of Common Pleas, where the matter will have to be finally settled. Those who woh to see Genend Taylor, with his fine, manly, Intelligent, hearty looking, nun burnt countenance, with the 'old brown coat,' over the ' old blue,' with his well worn sword end bridle in one band, and has spy glass la the other, pinned up on ' old Whitey,' also ■ portrait, as the identical bridle, pistols and holsters, Ins compan ion. 63r so many yews, should call at the Apollo Hall to day, where the original painting, by Allan, is being exhibited. The pointing itself is worth seeing, as e work of on. but it posses.2l great ad. ditional interest, to being a correct and life like pop trait of `Old Zack.' All Whigs will of course go, nod we assure them they will feet. gratified and de lighted Mr. Wm. Golding, a very clever drayman when sober, but • sad rowdy when drunk—ituifintunate. ly a slue into which he is too frequently tempted to fall—was complained of by an assistant in Mr- Hinuleton's store, for offering td Wu, and rely ing a diaturbacioe in the store dicing market hours. on Saturday morning. The Mayor inivmed Mr. G. that ha must pay SI Zor go m pit Going to jail was preferable, u he cud he could "board it cat," and thus accommalue Justice and himself at the mme time. Cauriox.—Pedestrians who have occasion to pass through the Diamond, should be careful of their steps. The melon rinds thrown open the pavement, render the walking extremely perikins to property end limbs. Saturday morning mime.. ed the wreck of two market baskets, with a sad havoc of eggs, du., near the wadi eat corner of the Diamond and Market street, and the victims were congratulated by the humane seller of the melons, on their escape with but alight bodily lop ry. Clouds of white winged imbeds were to be teen flying over the river on Thursday and Flriday ntghta At the spot where the Greenwood pocket lands, kr Manchester, a glass lantern had been placed on the wharf boat, and the little creatures bad gather ered gout the light in millions until literally a bushel might . have been shoveled op in that place alone, while around the furnaces of the boat, the lamps, and all over the surface of the water, they lay dying la inconceivable quantities. Porno Rcra—We alluded, on Titninday, to the manifestalhan of the disease In Etna region. The Viewing, kan the Mercer Luminary, evinces its too general prevalence. Wo hope that the evil la out ao aerial in its extent ne the editor of the La. mianry apprehends: Parer° Ron.—From personal observation, and information derived immi others, we regret to know that the Potato Rot prevails very generally in this and the adjoining counties. We fear that this year', crop of this valuable vegetable will be almost entirely daotroyed. A Fran WlO, discovered. about half past ten on Saturday alt,ht, inning from the lower front room of the bui'ling on Whorl Street, occupied as ■ clothing wore by Mears Cooly & Laird. The en. roes •eo promptly reached the spot, that the tire was estingtriabed in the room where ft originated, runs before it had communicated to the rut of the bnilding. A considerable quantity o 7 cloying was destroyed or injured by the fire, and by the water thrown in, but the loss ia moat amply covered by Insurance. A man who kept a little shop at Dam No. 1, on tha Monongahela, selling a few groceries, end a good deal of liquor, was Wend dead is his bed, on Saturday looming. The Crooner was called on to hold an inquest, but deemed it unnecessary. A small sum of money was Lmnd on the person of the deceased, and it was supposed that he had more concealed about his house, but none could be discovensd. The meeting on Saturday night, in behalf of Ireland, wu very large and entbulastah Excel lent speecheswere delivered an 4 much impora tent business tnutsacted. We regret that we are compelled to cosine ouraelvas to so brief a no. tine. The police of both our eillea hove enjoyed at most uninterrupted repose br several day. The chiefs take their aims's, and puff their regalia, in unalloyed fenility. 'Huston. Tarn —A lad masted Clark was ac. cased on Saturday, 6:trate:ding a violin. The yo• lice awn obtained the intunment, and left the boy to make melody in some alba Tay. CoL.Tetrennan Davis, of the United Sates Senate, and the, Hon. Mears. Bowlin and j Wish, of the EGtie Itepresentatives, passed Wettish this city on Saturday evening, on their way to their respec tive bases. . Vino Ditrresa—Pumuukt to notice, the Deism. mule Whig &towns of the Finirth Ward, , Allettie• ny, met kw the purpose of electing Megan to represent them in the county Convention, to be held on the 23 iturt. Wm. Fisher was Milled to the chat', and James McCntalley and 0. P. Reynolds, chosin Secrets. Jun. McCauley and John Marshall were then nuateutously elected as delegates to the Conven- On motion of Wm. Fismilton, A wan Re.rb,l That the delegates from thou Ward be instructed to vote &wench deleirates to the State convention, that are in fitter of the Hon Walter Forward (Or Governor of this Commonwealth. Resolved, That the delegates be instructed to vote for no delegatee to the State Convention who is not in favor of the ten hour system within itself. with the contract proviso stricken out, believing the contract to be a piece of incendiarian by those who attached it to the ten boor law as an net to take advantage of the different operatives, as me chanic and laborers employed by capitalists. Ruched, That the proceedings be published in all Whig papers of the County. On motion, adjourned. Wm. FISHER, Chairman Jouts McCAULE - r Secretarim 0( P. 11.EYIWIJO6 FOIST WARD DerzasTE MSlrrisca—At a meet. lug of the Whigs of the First Ward, held on tie 19th loot, Messrs. Jobs Sheriff and John Fritch man were elected delegates to the Couqty Conven• lion to be held on Thursday next. Alter which, on motion of Wm. S Haven, t was Resolml, That a Committee of five be appointed to make arrangements for the formation of a First Ward Rough and Ready Club. Thls Committee in composed of the following gentlemen:—Wm. S. Haven, Allen Cordell, James Caldwell, G. L. R. Fetterman, Samuel Barnes. On motion, adjourned. SAMUEL ROSEBURG, Chin. ADAM. GETTY, Sec'y. Robert Dotty, one of the Diamond Alley Rioters engaged in the breaking of Mr. Hare's window, about two months some, Was arrested last Satur day night, and bound over in doe hundred dollars to answer for his misdemeanor. 111:1MIM ' S PANO.O I / 4 -It will be seen by advert usemeut, that this splendid pending will he exhi bited font nights more, tit Philo Hall, over the Post °Zee. darn. F reckouser.—We would call attention to this excellent remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and all atfeettons of the Throat and Lungs. 'laving several tunes withal a few years past hod oces• non to use a medicine of ail. kund, we have by e rpm race retied an excellent quanta". and are prepared to reeammend a to oaten. Ministers or other imbue speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will Gad Brent benefit from It. use. It t. prepared by a scient,• he pitymman, and all clasites will find II • safe and eat enemas medicine in the diseases for which a is tes, commended enlumbus tOhaa Crab and Journal For vale at the rekin Tea Store, No.:0 Fourth street asytifi frr Don't bare yellow dart Tertki—they rlOl to wade peArry white liy time 0100 10001, 31 601 01 JOOOll Amber Tooth Neste i 1 h•rdena the van, 'sweete. Om breath, la Sold at .1.0a.v novlWlAwly U . The ataek a( fancy nod vartety goods of the late James Cavanaugh, deceased, .111 ne sold by order of the Adnaintstrator, according to catalogue. al hllien net Auetron Rooms, No 114 Wood street, 3 door. from htli, this day, at 10 o'clr eh to the forenoon Those an• tending to purehase must Ind quick, us the auctioneer as determined to sell the anima arock on the hrst day If possrble, and therefore cannot dwell on the ankles On Tuesday, the Silt IRSI , at the Ness (trlean• Liar nets, Surgeon 11. C. 14,1: tl. Army About d oleloek Oat evening, at the residence of S S Storrs Township, to the 6.54 h year or her age, Naar , ll•starna is, stater or the late Charles Hammond. The deceased had resoled in tins city shoat V:1 year, in winch time she had endeared herself to a large circle of friends sad acquatigances. 6) the exercise of au intelligent charity and ruantiestations of many yeoman', VllllMlL—CisscutnaL Goren, Aug. Id =El= rune. vnJertsgliesl, desirous of settling his bturness 1 and devoting himself to the restoranon of his health, .111 d i spose of his itoeresr tbeino ooe foarth) about TU .or of ground nearly opposite this eit) in south Pittsburgh. 11l and •lanse airounghant, eouspris. ing some of the handsomest stud most ennsentent loco nous to the coy for resideueors, and mast advantageous tor manufaeorrong 1 will ettbet one of the plan by the soca or su uncle lot.. to suit parebasers. Sou im proved rapoliy to 'Mine .iire being opened oot ui obi• rp. .t tear e•r, nod OW It will rontinue to An no. I wall guarrinion in ow porrianter no silvan., sal silent blip per eel.. no lon pu,rn amino the nest bye pc., by Inspiring rue the prPaentx lerpi ofropurrOas na or selling al any penal within that tune. by paysn4 Lint an ad•ass,ss proportion... to the above. Those sruhrag handsonnst and convenient sites for resole:sees. or the MO. advantages:dm for onsinisortun log, will please apply ums-edrately. not disposnl of al mauls sale s pnor Monday. a , . Ir‘b Jay St . P. , Mt.. , iiert, It will 110 offered st pubhe sale on that day, at lb o'clock: A Al 0 ORSISUY G FLEtiG Strettadhart, Angwat 13, igtg The undersigned has Logo appointed Agent It, Mr Gregg, tor the sale of the above property, and will g i. neeesatry Intormatton as to the arms, which said be tech a, to salt parehaers Lots will be giant in exchange for earparnry, mason work and material, used in flatting darning, as they occapied al high rents as fast as tally As to matt efactanog. 0 is Um best location about the city; the ddirretwa to the gnat of toe/ on that std. of the river and that city, Allegheny, of Bayanistown, Is to i rent pee blatant. tentaterage ef Ind • eetdd do • on Madt"O bushels, winch LS mutually used tr, estep..vo Worts,. *UAW per year in favor of t h at sole of the tl rev Ad,' manatee...ea, of large or small (saloon, tan at once me the great advantage of do. progeny . %I 1-I,SL/E. (See, Fourth ureet, near Southfield 117. To eapttahsw, Intatares men, mechanic., a rm. en am working men, this otkra a rare chance Inr tit • vestment, en fifty per etmL advance fa guaranteed with in five year.. There are a few locations for kettle, eea, superior to any to or around the ctty for bootees. men, arm only a kw nada from the Bralar nail V. out the first by whom the new are tout, Nor yet the last to or the old aside." prig FAIPIRK COOKING RANG pour.... the following ailustmges.—The oven is constantly *Oohed with port hot au, rendering the operation of haktug as perfect am when done In a brick oven It has a Chamber exclusively for Roamung meats with a •ptt, thus doing away with all the roasung ab meliorating tat We shape o( sun kitchens" It bus a large cooking caputty, with an unohmtract ed fist surface on the top. which all housekeeper. can sppreciate. Peen be wt up without outman work, in any ohLina ry fire-plisce, or Itt the room as a stove; enablmg Moot who occupy humid houses to have the advantage of range at the cost of • wore And lastly. It bums 121 A coal than anj other cooking a.operatom, . eaneptina the Faannes Cooking Stove, which is also or vale at Wholewle or retail, at GILBERT'S Fagan! Stove Depot, 412 Market IttiVIII., thrarn Row, rhtladelphia. Eltract from a recommendation from Henry Hach ,an, F•q, 92 Alertes avreet.—"lirni call use no term. recommendation of it, which I will not endorse if eferred to." I.o22l.deodiller2Gloroavr Ganm ON hand and for sale, the followins MllllPiano Forwa, direct from Ow ntantifae• Mr., and at Eastern pricer No, t. An elegant rosewood. Ito oc tavos Iron framed Kano Forte, made by Cbutkenng, llumtou, TVS No a Same its tbe above, ire .Itai E=== "7. " Galat Co. $ " Chickenng, 0. " ' M.hattan Company 10. " Geared I Kw...) " 11. Second Mani.; Item, by Old PlllOlO2 taken in part payment for say of the shove, by JOHN 11. MELLOR, SI Wood at, Sole Agent for Chiekerines Piano Foriea, for West. am Pennsylvania anal I `ALLEY'S PAIN FiXTRACTUR will, in five mon ki , s from Me time of its application, remove the pains use from the severest barna. scalds OT blisters, sod will heal wounds, ulcer* and soma of any kind without scat. This valuable Pain Rittnictor nab be had of _ JOHN U 110UCIAN 1=1 .. 2 , , ZlN V atern Pe'n';:ni. LIOANKUIS msd Esebature Brokers, Dealers in 1%1.- IJelicit and Domesue Time and 810.1 Wile of -IL:- hamp, Certtheates of Deposttst Bank Now. and Cow, No GS Wood street, third door below Fourth, west made. marl) tf T EAS --10 and bss fine ni annt Y. Ilyrom " " " Imperial; " " Gunpowder; Powehow, D WILLIAMS, 110 'moat at For sale by anvil rIORFEE-11.0 begs pyune Ilio; Si do do Laguayra; ll 10 do old Gov. Joys; for eels by I D WILLIAMS UGAR-4 bbd. prime N U G bhl. elesulied; bdo 0 crushed sod pulverised; 23 do assorted LAM; for sale by sort% J U WILLIAMS SPICIE..--5 bags Pimento; 5 do Pcpper, I bbl Groves; g do pare GingerG cams Mustardassoned sizes 61) emus Cassia; 1 cog Mace . ground ' Spices o great variety; for sale by evil J D WILLIAMS 'l3 ICE FLOUR-11 clues superfine for sale by J[lp auel Jl3 W ILLIAMS lANDLM--6 bzs Spemr RI do Slav; 16 do Stearine; (or mile by auggl . J D WILLIAMS _ 1110TASII-6 bbln prime, for sale by &aril J WILLIAMS - - IS bl - 1 Lard; 5 pcs Rag Carpet; YU dos 0 Woollen Sacks; 60 do Zinc Wed - Swazis; pn epcv Alignment and for sale by amcil J D WILLIA SIS 111AMONDS- (Shuse's paq Just rec j hlosa a for Mnogll LIXT. LAJGWOOD—Jut IN:01am! for sale xi .01 FEATHERI3-10 @sok, for sale by ang2l UT ER-9 bbl. reed Wu day and for Mite by JlOl angll TASSEY q LIeST BACON MUSide., In Man and for bale by nail! TASSEY & HIST FEAFILII—aUIIO lb., • prime article, is stare and (PI sale by aug2l TAR:46Y te IIYST r , AMA) bbl c'd and for sale by 1 bora TASSIX & DINT UVARLEV-4 backs Barley, for gado by J) Ausslg WICK k. 61'UANOI.I SS ppuo—s bbls just rot , tl sod for sole by rl9 WICK 6 WCANDLISS FEATHERS -3 maks prune FeWhet., sel a by mg, WICK htTANDIA..YS 11GUID PEPPER 2-64 :1... Jost received and h ula 1, bY B A FAHNOSTOCK t. comer In lad Wood eta r D. SIENNA--300 ILA lost ree'd and for stale by 1.•_ak619 A FAHNESTOCE tw SUGASt -69 tads Fiume N 0 Sara, UM nose and for sale by wino k HARBAUtiII - "Prirrsisusuirwarica WORMS. PROPOSALS will be ruched al the cede of the PinsbarghWater Works until Treasday, al 5 o'clock, 1...1d..4 forrhe following stork. cut I. For estrasating the. upper or new Rum, and foe furnishing the brick cad sand and paring the same. t For 'braiding fo i tons for the magrines and plums at the lower • also, for the brick work of the walls and chimney of e engine house WOO place. Foe tanking two engines and two pampa and pat ting them up at the lower 8 , 1441. including bed pietas and other castings conneved with them. Also, for the requisite pipes to connect the said pumps with the lower Baum and with the -ascending main" in the street. Plans andsocedicauords, with all other required in formation, will ill e shown at the office of the Works on the ot4 Court House) at any time after the Sig OW. The excavation Mlle basin and the building of the engine house to be finished by the 15th of December next ray - meats to be made in Bondi having tenyears to ma, and bearing an Interest , 3 3(7 1 ... rt Fiz .. L'e ntLANl3. ttt . upt. PO.mburgh IV. W. Collegiate liastitiata for Young Ladles. r Illi Autumn Term of this inaumuon wilt commence 1 oil the 4th of September. Trace of tuition a the higher Enghsh Branches, gd per quarter. Music, Dan cing, Painting, Polley Needle Work. will be w ill be as per circular. ED- No. extra charge will be made for the study of the k'renetriunguage. The La tin, Greek, Gen.., holism, Me, cm, charged extra. A separate Primary Department will ha opened for Children at Per,so per quarter. In this department small boys and girls lbe admitted. BM while the two departments are in separate rooms. they will be under the general supervision of the Principals. THOS. C. TEASDALE, A. hl.. j JOSEPH BROWN, A. , I Pr ' e q" ". sue I ft-diet I=fi:=l • • • • A tut knowledge of the French Language ul 45 Loa roue—Reading, Writing. Speaking, and ma veriect pronuucuuon 0 a Scholar can !uvula. 140 . 1 1/ 1 1 IiOBICI, lately from Ea s rep., otters to hi. friends awl the puulic general his Fervtees, by a new told Che moat approved method of sunlying the French language, by which he warrants the real success and improvement to that thificult, but beautiful and fashionable language. It i. impomible m [darn it 111 12 or 24 lesson, us .me, leachers pretend and prornoe to do; as he himself bad epent fifteen ) Cara in France, and exerted all means in Ms power to become a perfect mailer_ of what he now proposes to impart to others. Sueauription lists are open nt Gazette and Conamer• mill paper offices. The course will be open on the tat September. Om quarter, consisting of 24 lessons in a class, 1110. For private interview, ht. Plotrowskt will meet with pleuure any rwrson, to the Alonongaltela /louse augl7-dtw• Cincinnati Chemical Laboratory. esIIA the l ewd re to Inform lin rienda that have lately douLded the prtiducnon of lid Yowl Ilk my establishment. Haynie now • stook of over 12OU car. lays Vitro! on hand, and Lenin able to manufacture 400 carboy. weekly. I Wel confident I eon supply all demands. I also keep conetauily on hand Alum, Cop. peras, Aqua Fortis. Matta. Acct. Nara.. Sulphuric and Acetic Ethers, Aqua Ammonia Forte., &c. Ac.and !robot. from into Yu per cent. All orders uldreexed to say exclusive egcnix. pleas.. A Co., of tltnennian, will be promptly attend ed u. E Li RASSEI.LI Put' ASII WANTED —I will pay t h e highest market price for a good snick of P.M.! , or Pearls, at the Cin cinnati Chemical lueonsiory,iunction coagw•ve and Front Streets, 01 et blesses. Allen & Co'. Drug Store, I-cotter ot ,slant and Filth streets augln-dler Cambria Furnace for Sale INIF. ande1 . ..1,11 , 1 will offer lot sole at public Inte non. on Thursday, the filth day u( October next. the fitllntalstg property assigned to them by the late firm of Vinton, Lewis, Kern & Co.. for the benefit or the rredttors ot said firm, the wifi—The Furnace erected by .td company, with the steam engine and fixtures, aud Lot blast. apparatus; the tools used about the furnace; the lot of land on winch the Furnace stands. contatnata about lateen acres of land, and the interest In the said hrtu in fifty acres of land houglA ut K. K. Lht Bens The sale mill be held un the premises, 1.1 the tuwte stop of Tallmadge, Sonoran county, Ohio, nnd will com eol,ll at 11l o'clock, A. AI. TU.% Os Sst..a-I-One-fourth rash, and the latinsice to four, etgiu *ad twelve mouths IV N. C OTIS, 7 lA' It LII•SOS, A.‘""'". Desirable Lois for Sale. TILE oub.rriber ha. maid out eleven 'tots on the South side of the Fourth Street Road. and about two sod one quarter males f'roul the Court House These lots contain each from one to two and a half acres of land. and will hr sold on reasonable and se coinmodoung term. It t. deemed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation in the advantage. or then lots. Tbetr vicinity to this city, and to the line in Use Genital Rao! Rood. recommend them strongly as very desirable country residences. The acthiseriber also oilers for sole olaut seven bun deed acres of land to Franklin township, Allegheny country. about seventeen nub. from hitaburgh. Also. nine building luta in the borough of Birmuigham. uthls.llm NEVII.LE B. CRAIG. WOKIO.I.- Yantty Fate, a novel without • Hero.. by William Makerpeure Thackery—with by the author The Tenant of 11'iltlfell by Amon 11e11, author of - Wuraering Haight" The Young Sehootrnistresw by Joseph Alden, D ran 6, of Barl , ers . Illustrated txlmon of the A raLoan Nlights . Entertainments. New translatton• arranged for fatally reading, land explanatory notes: by E.. 11 Lane. Ely . Loma.' Logarithms--Tal.les of I.orgarohms of num bers and logos and Tangents for every tel. seeonds the quadrant.. .gab other useful tables by lints Loonus. A 11. Prof llathernattet and Natural Philosophy In the 1a ratty of New York, Radon to -'l'reause on Algebra.' de. he The above WO! k r+e,lreJ 11.11 !ay out for sale by Jt/lINSTON A NlYttlli'lN,N, Booksellers, ror market and sts THE STAR OF TELE WEST *vEnrriA N 111 J N 1. , .11.10.11. FACTOR Y, East .ide 01 ate lharaond. where Veltman Mods of all the thrived. arse. and colors are kept on hood or made . order after the latest sod coon approved ' , astern fast, w, Me shortest nonce and on the most re Also, le t erms £l. O . , b, c heap Boston eon or spin BLlnd Transpa rency end Paper Custatrts of all the different sues and patterns, on hen.' and ma "le low for rash. OW Vent. non lihnds painted sad repaared, or take, 11 pelt pay eat for new. It hl WESTERVELT. Pro'pr N. m B —All 'work done wi th the best waterial and workmartslup, and warranted to please the most data auglo.dly Allegheny en), Au(,. 10. li,t.q. ELECTION. Orr= or tar PISTrnillOU COtarir, August ICU' % Ti.E ~tock holden. or the rittrtmegb lloinpaiiy. are hereto) notified Mat a meeting for the purpose ot eleeting Sit Tturteer tor Said Company, will be held at the office of the work•, between the hour.. of 11 and 3 o'clock, M, ou Monday, the 4th or Selnember. la4u. JAMES M CHRIST). Treasurer. N. 1.1--C.eruficates of rink will he tracked lo the per sons entitled to reecho. them, any :me Alter Mir dale. Amcast 10, 143. sustU-Ow J M C VOIL A COUNTIIN' SHAT contalmag oho. tuo and o 21. ball ecres, snout...lon the Allege.) tide of We neer, neer Manchester The comp.etely stocked with the choicest (run trees, slues, and frail shrubs, and the place is believed to tic the cheapest will as one e( the most deeirable now in the market For particulars apply to UEU PARKIN, (nue. , Hmhltntf , AFeut or the owner ITA-SLIS VOA SALE. VALI:AULT.: FARM contninlng lIU acres, ..AR IL led to Belmont county. Ohio. 7 miles from Ss ..11sorssule and 2 miles .nh of the Nuttonal Road, and in one of the moat desirable Reedit...hood. mass coun ty There is under eultivnuon about 011.011 acresowith • young orchard, he. de For terms and other par.- talon. itnintre of JOHN S. DILWORTH. d 1: Woo at COPARTfitfitifirclP. I HAVE this day diapowid of port mmy interest I, the firm of Lorena, Sterling I Co. to my sous, Rob It end Remoel F. Sterling. HENRY STERLING. Acton/Ina to ihe above arrangement, we hose atm day usootated with us as partners the above owned 13 /LIMIT IL erryitumu, and SAMUEL. F. tdrEku.iNu. The business and bo eonducted as heretofore, under the 'tame of 1/111.1314Z, STM3I.IM3 d. Co rutsuurgh, August H, I,le. Itogls-ddtertraT --- MAILIILE WORKS ll iiN IE KIN El, N WiN3l/ Sl'. PITIVEURUH. E. LIONTIN LW to inustufactum hlournuents, Curial k.i Vaillis, Tombs, Head Stories, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Piet Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at a regular and fair rice. N. a—Drawings p for monuments, vaults. Ike. furnish ed, of any desenption. Ile solreim a share: f public Patrotiw gmilif i lk THREE PINE DRAUGHT 110HSES.—. Trace fine Draught Horses for sale. mum ble or draping . Enquire O of W Iea A.LLINCIFRD t Co, canal buiri, liberty st aa. from OK STOLEN, tm the pre mises of the subscriber. uu the merman of the 10th tun, a chestnut sorrel MAKE, six peers old, middle size, without any marks. 610 will be pant by the wbsenber for the return of the mare; and if noleu, 625 for the convlction of the duet Tilu4. IL Lrivii, auglevNir Water DI, betum Penn CAPEN ANTI I..TILLANS—A A Mason & Co are eine °ruing lint hue French Wrought Capes,vs rdi=ad t= itr b IS FrenchPie:endfie emir•NL:,.tv,,iowpntangi N — • - URSE WANTF.I3, to go to Philadelphia, to wt charge of ale infant. Good geementendanons tat required. Apply itusuntlaiely at the 0111,r. aagl7 ed and for ItAt, 1.114 U"RICF.T I 3 O , U I / 4 11, ,, , , d i a r s 4 t F " corner ltd and wood Ida • IA RED VlLACittltack Pared Penchey, fur 'a by inugla WICK & bi'CANGILE, G A 111.1.1ttig _ P.M -- f IRER3K, by, W R Chbese, fur •ale by k.., angle! WICK & M'CANDI.VAS liAWN - -47 pirees;bog round. kir %ale by ougbi WICK & &MA U1.1.S O,CORCIIINUS-- -4 '''' I" Wl i gi r b. NCCANDLESS 1..7_&91,1 A LUM -20 bag Alum, Juin reed and for sale by J SCHOONMAKER & Co Vt woal st PERM OlL—Warranted purc-6 casks for by IJ auglB 1 SCIIOONII.IAKIM & Co NvHALE OlL—Crude and Refote , l, for walo y /Lo gi& J SCIPXJNNI AKER S. Co It .ale l l, E y a ß— u glr i Ibt g 17 1',7111.1Z1V st d C " 1?11.1NU ES AND iIIIVPS—A A Moon A. Co, GO Har r Ice sLlAn's just mold 400 dos of Duo IA and cord SLIk Efloges, of 01l wollhs. Also, (imps of esol'y Holy wit! ooly. .ugl7 A A. .dIN Co, have just nre'd cme• al • Prt au, of beauttful neat dark figura, at extreme. ly low price. Alan, Ito pa Isyonese Cloth, Alpswea which they will offer at great neat to par. chasers. 01417 LACE CAYS-4 doe fancy Lace Cape, jwn rod. augl7 A A ALLSON &CAN UZMM3 13 YE FLOUR—W bras for sale by angl7 JOHN S DILWORTH. 2 , wood st_ CHITTON YARN AND VATTING—tuou lbs Comm Y used Nos; WO boles Harting; for sale by • .11 JOHN S DILWORTH HONEY IN THE COAILI-1.1 °mac( eery superior quality, for sato by angl7 lonl MI DICKEY& co. front st ~ , , pies, r no, 4 0 1 by L corner Ist land wood els sag! , EATILEII.S-5 lacks JusMne`_4 and tor sale by AICAN DIAS 1 17 C.IHF.t F SUNS -150 dos rf hoop Skins, for rodril 0 use, In doh, end for kale by sugl9 & _ _ . _____---- (10rFEM-10bags (Imes Rio, lo .° 4 ‘,./ glow consignment, by as 1, s ILARBAUGH -•- tILASS-2:11 bsu usltt Ittsl2l Wiudour Glass, just ree'd per MU, I oulf for We by G. e W HARBAUUSI AUCTION OLEN. By John D. Davis, Ainot4esiner. 209 dozen Saperior Skirt, at duatam. Will be sold on Tuesday morning, tld WM * at 10 oteloek. at Davis' commercial Wes rooms, COrool of Wood and 1.10.11 streets, on • credit of 60 days on all soma over SIM, for approved etutoried notev—The largest and best assortment of Impartwc quality shirts ever otered at public sale to thin city, to which the or 'Rouen of dealers and others is respectfully invited, as the sale red! be posture. Datategne• will be ready and goods opened for loons Intuton on the day previous to the sale. eagle. JOHN D DAY'S. heel Dry Goode, en, al Aura., Oo ktorsit 4 Y morning, Aug. 21, at 10 o'clock, at the commerind Sales Room_ corner of Wood and Firth streets, Will be sold, without reserve, for cash curren cy, to OXILOSITe msortment or fresh seasonable staple and fancy Dry Gkiods, among which are, 21 de lame robe pattern, 92 pieces toper rich style pants, pro out do lame, ea. re. surer oil color gingham.. 74 splendid tidy, cashmere, ierkeri, brochee and de I tone shawls, 452 pieces assorted fancy ribbon, ke. At 2 o'clock, OEOO=O, sruirsaa, zeo. 5 half chests young hyson test, u bss Virginia tohar• co, Ai has Western Reserve cheese, 55 las Op. scan, 110 feet good quality hose, with screw noose!, I crate assortedqueensware. glassware, hardware, axes, hatchet., chards, ,00 safes, Venetian and uuuparent window blinds, linen and cotton fly new. A general usortment of new and second hand house hold furniture, An. At 7 o'clock. Cutlery, jewelry, musteal Listrumeats, lam, as sortment of fastocamble ready made cioduna. boots. .hoe., umbrellas, saddles, bridles, whips, Wanks gold sod silver watches, guns, patois, fancy and staple en nety goods, As sued JOHN D DAVIS, Auer plutimmillookl The best litheness of Gen. Taylor eve . . Pulsated. A LLAN'S Celebrated Portrait of Gen Taylor mi A Horseback, told Whitey,) of the .sire of hie, has been brought to true city from Louisville, where it is owned, and will be exhibtted in tots coy fora few days only. contrneueing on Monday, August . 21, at Apollo Hall, Fourth street Thts portrait wee p•inted at Baton Rouge, anon idler ;be return of General Taylor (torn hi. bleatean Caro paign, cud is a meet accurate likeness of the old Her to be now appears. Hours of vehttotion from VI P. M. Ad tumoral% coots—ehildreo half price. aura. Hudson River Panorama, AT PHILO HALL, F OR FOUR NIGHTS Mr arE—Commeneing eventug. August 2152, and poaitively closing oil Thursday, August 24th. Pupils of Schools will be admitted at an afternoon exarbition on Wednesday, Aug. IrJd, at 1 o'clock, for 10 cents each. Eaftilituou will commence at S o'clock—Tickets on ly 2 cents. aug2l YOUNG LADIES' lIRMiNAILY, THE Autumn Session Of this instilutsou vnll cot nlenee on the first filotiday in tsentetaber. Hoar on Federal street, in '420431111de Row,. :id door ten the hrtdge. 'rise course of instruction and the rates of tuition the mine as he retofore. For more msuute intormation, see circular or app , to the Instructor, Ms. N Alrrnma-. N.enefie itcetfan ' yalM be made to the following gent Dr T. F Dalo. Allogbarry. lion. C. 96.1,, Pl.burgh kte•. D Swan " Rev.!). It Ill.ldle Mr. II I" ~ Rrn. H. Dyer, Seminary for Young Ladles. riROFF., , SOit THOM PL4JN, recently of the West. eni University, with the aid of competent assist. ants. proposes to open a school for Young . Latlies,.in this cup, about the Ist of fbpteotbee. In snitch the usu. al brunches of a finished education will ha taught 'lire terms will Ise Bib, per amnion 00.11 weeks each. The tolloortug gentlemen may he referred to: Wm. S. 111`Clure, LIN, ' Dr. kiln:igloo, tieo. H. White, Esti g Res Wm. Preston, Prof. L. Stephens, Dr. lge r. la the absence of Prof. Thompson, parucular =anon will be furnished by Dr. Dyer, of theniVenti. auglB-ersililw Pennsylvania Rail Road Co. NOTICE is hereby given that We Filth Instalment of Five Dollars per share, is re paired to be paid on or before the First day 01 isepieniber Drib and the Suth instalment pit the trot day of November nest. LIEURCiE V. BACON, Treasurer. N. N.—lnstalments will be received by W. DM., Esq., at Mumfactaress• and Merchants' Dank augn-esultseptl Allegheny School for Weld. VIE Firth Session of ?dm W•intla School, and to 1 menee on Monday, September 4M. Rooms Federal mreet, Allegheny, next door shore the P. Other. 10111., tot semson of eleven weeks: Flat Clem $lO French• -- S 5 Becood Class 8 liermati 5 Applications may be made at her restdence to A person street, Allegbeity, one the Hand street Wilds stlltniltm• ECO:13:1 sold era entire stook to C (un, wit JIH.. • view to clout% our old bulimic's, we Lenaly • 11 mr 41a1 thcLavluuge of tat our friends deu 1011.1. RU. W. lULS lata'rEß, THE POINDEXTER- Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, te4/3. CIIG RANT. Wholelaic Grocer. CommNsroo . oFnry vn h np Merrtakot. No. 41 Water st. e”, 112 Splendid Sew Plano. TILE ...4.criber, prestos. to leaving MTfor the East us replenish his stock, will depose of the bounce of his stock on hand at reduced prices, and on favora ble terms. It consists of a chosen sekciton of Pianos made by NUM.& Clark. N. V., end Jonas Chichi...lna, of Bosom, Mn.., of from d to 7 musses, of rosewood and mahogany, of different styles and prin.. H. KIARBER, lytli At Wmalwelrs, 53 Third st — Pastry Vars. fresh from ICl:trope. rpli subsenbers have now in store a very extensive J. I...onmecit of Furs for ladies wear, which have been purchased In Europe by ant of the firm, ot very tow pnces' donna the monetary crises succeeding the French Revolution! This advantage, winch they possess over any other house ut Zhe trale, , arill enable them to sell a very ex cellent article much below the market price. 07- Merchatils and others will advance Men own interest. by examining this extends° ersOrtnieriL SULIA, BROTHERS, haysnurs, Er, Aeon (Mulberry) between ad and lid streets, migl-dno a - AV — L - 1K 'P oite QUI.DIEBB AGENT, is now prepared to collect the 0 dace Invaded calbs piny which has been granted by a late so of Congress to the Troops who hav - - - word from the Mexican War, sod to the heirs representatives of those who were killed in Wad died of disease incurred In the service. Omer, Bokewelra Building, opposite the Court Haase. Pittsburgh. augb-diter UST PUBPSIJED—An illustration of the Type., 0 allegories and Prophecies of Ike Old Testament: By Willmar !Mawr, MI Ilifie t of the Gospel at Dondee. che above popular work, which treats of the Typical Persons, Things and Places of the Old Testament, which has been out of omit for some time, and for which Mere has been a great decal:Lod, we have Vial republished m • neat style—WO pages, s too. Price CA cults. LLLIOTI er. ENGLISH, 711 wood and 56 mark d 1 1 ,51 A fu e lMso 8 " e N nt i) o f f !' ulCln e ia h n d rlrt " tria ' H o u n lAt .' r Mt chine Handotx, all widths, from 15 inches to 16 lactic wldth, whlth we will sell atutatturacurrers,torice , end carnage saved to the purchaser at No 5 N nod sue J A H PHILLIPS IL CLurus—taou yth. CL-4 Floor lhl Cloth, cavil patters. 4-4 . . " er's pa 141' dos Table Covers, a splendid artiele--cluil be teet, hod reed from the Plullipanll• factory, and Co, ...La at Nod Woos, et. augli Jlc II PIIILkIrd ASII-10 coats Pearl Ash, just reed on conatgninent and for sale by ROUT A CUNNINGIIANI 1 . 153 k: Las uov laddlug from swat 11tioLigsn; for sale by ISAIAII DICKEY & Co, •uss trout at 4,t; LUTE FISH AND TROtri—ly Obis White F. TY halt do do, IC bids Trout, 4 bolt do, Jost rre and for sale by sup ISAIAH DICKEY ACo LA RD-10 Ws No 2, fur .ale by ISAIAH DICKEY &Co - DEARL ASII-7 casks to Core awl for sale by j„ sup ISAIAH DICKEY it Co OLAEtrt--150 Ylantatiou Illoloosest 25 LIAR Storer House dot to store and for sale by tort R ROBISON O. Co 1) ICE—nutierces thee, reed at f i e t r oi r bk u, earl a Co plli n at , ON .. —"Jo tag I d ro r p n bl o ba ro de nod oiber tdeby R d_ th i ng mills:to aqui .S_ RIB IiHIN CoU FSONI bbl . Epsom (Eagle work. ..E4 loaf received and for sale by nogg JOHN D IIIORGAN, Maggot, wood al DLACKINU-50 dog Nlason`a Challenge lilac long lor solo nogg JOHN D MORGAN Om SDELAC-1000 m. (ilua *lel., (orange) f l_T ..le by mg 9 JOHN D !ORGAN (LARKS-2 bales large Corks ' reed and for sole L •u : JOHN DMOILLiAN DRINTERS' INK—On kap Nook and Nowa,lnimille by mute J SCHOONMAKEK to Co V 0 - PLAJWC—Wo bbl, Nye Hour, Jul° reed and for ,1.110 wide by auslO S & W MARBAUGH IANDLE.N.---1N) b o Canetunau Mould Candles, in V/ stun, and (or mule by sued 8 & W lIAINIAIII2III bag No I Room Soup, in mare ond for IJ sale by ;mold S a W IiAILUAU6II LIIiSEED Wag I..itisreil Oil, in to gold f sale by auglo tf t W iIAROAUGH LINSEED OIL-14 Ws for sale by L suall BRA UN fr. UTTER LARD bbls and - 4 half bills, le store and We by .glO BROWN & CUIAIERTBUN IACON SHOULDERS-15 casks just reed and f , sale by angld BROWN a. CULBERTSON f7OFFEE-2= sacks Rio Coffee, a prim e aruele j j received and for sale by auvil7 WICK k -- I OR SALE—A Fatally harm, 0 year. old, ',mush ed soul, imitable foesaddle or buggy--noque that a child eon handle hrm. For gale by .010 TASSF:7 - A BEST FLOUR SULPHUR -5 bbl. jum reed and for sale by 11 A VA HNErr. TUCK A wed cOr lst and Nronat sts O`I7EN sToNE— end (or ml j. 16 angla II A FAME:STUCK &Co pHOSPIIORUS-40 lbs justroc'd !msale by __Lim II A FAIINESTOCK k C CHEEBE--20U b. Cream Cheeee,Jusl reed and ter sale by etagl4 DROWN &CU LitERTZU,N 0. 15 01.1AR-10LX) hit& voroug grades, !br N. ,/ sagiu N & CLUAILICT:k. OPS—kki bales pnsor 111 sort Eastern and Western Now York Hops, • fresh supply, Am rss lor sale very low by au,rlo (AVN & CUL& •WEEDS AND CASSIMIERIS--ou c:Cjuifitn — me and for eale 4 au .10 GEO I.,,CIIHAN Ct l, ft , N .,,d fil d KA u. L ; ;; ,, T % b u lt , Coz b b y leal, C A HIM:W-15 blsts. I Iletting,..4 stp, end sw< by swel J C ("111EYE-23 bz• largo cream Cheeto,just roreive and for We by oug7 9 IF VON BONNBORST & Co PORK—IS 666 bleu Port, ios. reed rod f sale by augtO 5 5. W luituAutai UDA A 2314-8 emit • & KU Ash,josl wed and to .8 by augla S t W lIAIRIJAII6II fIURN MEAL-4U bbis Corn Meal, C Y Anatolia k„, brand, reed per emir Companion and for eat e by an6l9 yA W lIAKBACCiI ARTMS GITETAIS—A aupply of M*rm'. Jo& tce4l and for •ala by aught JOHN It MELLUII , II wood STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI Ar. PITTSDORGII DAILYPACK ET LINE. T l ius .ell known line of splendid pamenrer Steam ers is now composed of dm large++, bes tut abed and famished, mai mustpowerful boa t. On the Rate/. Of the West Every accommodation end ems. fan Mat money can procure, him besuprovided for pu mas... The Lae has been in operauon for five years —has carried a million of people without Our least tate ry to their persons. The imam will be at the foot of Wood street Me daysrevious to stoning, the rreep -11011 of hetght and thentry Mpassengerson the reps -I,r cues the pussage money I1113!t be paid aammee. SUNDAY PACKET. Th. ISAAC NEWT(N. Cayce A. G. 11.1.500, Ihttabargh every Sunday monoog at 10 o'clock; Wheehog every Sunday evening lit 10 I. at. :Hey 10,1,17. MONDAt CKICT. The hION (Chi .A II t 0111 leave Ptlta• ,urgh every Monne) mon . on IV tin. It; Whrelsng (rely Nlnlshay evening ni la r. _ . . . . The 11111EILNIA e, Cain. J. hl.r.exsea.ezz, heal aye Pittsburgh every Tuesday 1010 o'clock; •herling every Tuesday evening al 10 T. is. WEDNESDAY PACKET The NEW ENELAND No. 2. Cap,. S. Lie la will are Puraburgh every manual( at 10 clock; Wheeling every Wednevalay evening at to r. THURSDAY PACKNT. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gluck, will leaver Nue borgh every numlay motion,. at 10 o'clock, Wheel Lug every Thursday evening at 10 r The CLIPPER No. Copt Coon., on!! leave Pin. Whet every Pvniny onntung al 111 o'clock, Wheeling. every Pnday evening allO p. r. SATIYKDAY PACKET The NIESSENI/Elt, Cate. S. Ryan, anti leave burgh every Saturday monde, rt 10 o'clock Wherelute every Salurday evening at 10 r. M. _ _ Nk:W LISBON AND 1 . 17E 4 81 , R611 RNLI' LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKEIIA, m ai a t o " 4 8. EiESM (GA atAstooird Loaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A 31., and ar woes at 43.60., Onouth of th e sandy and Waver Ca nal,)al 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, wine night. Leaves New Lisbon d o'clock, P. M., unwitting the top Banal to the over tionng the inght.,) and Glasgow at 9 o'clock, A. , and aroved at l'ittsbunik at 3P. Ti! —shim waking' e continuous boo Cos - carrying pas sengers and tretght between New Lisbon awl Phu. burgh, in shorter time and to less rates than by any other route. • •• • • -. The propnetors of this Line have the pinion of S nowing the public 11141 they have fitted op twofirat etas Cllllll Boat•, for the accost:ianition of passengers and neighs, to run in connection with the well known steamers CALEB WPE and BEAVER, and eminent lug. at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Woos nen and other daily hues of steamers down the Ohio and Mississippi riven, 'lle proprietors pledge them selves to spare no expeose or trouble to nuns row fort, .stet)' and ilispateli, end ask or We public • Ss% 01 then patronise. A u•ruoiti ZED Ali &NTS. 6 M. If y. y, W. Iid.RBAO6 P"lEth. IL HANNA, LCo if J I lARBAUGH & Co. il l.. L.b°. NOTICC—The steamer BEAVER, C. E. Closes, sane ., will leaVe seer this nut .0., for Wellsville p.m olli, at 9 o'clock to the morning. let? 1848. 1148 PITTSBURGH it 11110WN81711.1.111 Daily Pocket Line. FEBRUARY let, 1e49 FEBRUARY Ist, 184 LEAVE DAILY ATn A. 81., AND 4 P. M. The following new boats complete toe lute for the present sensate AT LANTIC, Capt. Damns Parkinson; ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacoby, and LAMB IiI`LA.NE, Capt E. Bennett. The boats are entirely BOP, and are fitted op without regard to experts. Ev ery comfort that money can procure halt been provided. The Bouts will lease the Monongahela Wharf Boat at the foot of Ross it. P.seugers will be punctual on hoard, as the boats will certainly leave at the adver t.. hours, 8 A M. and 4 P. N 1.31 rirrsilutui . kt — k _ . .The yard steamer CONSUL, Dome). P Kinney, master, aril' leave coiarly for heeling, as Monday, Wednesday istid Friday, at 10 o'cloorecisely. Leave 1% heeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Ha mrday. at 7 o'clock, a m, precisely. The Cousul trill land at all the intermediate ports.— Leery acconaidation that can be procured for the COM fort and safety of passengers has been provided. The lost is also provided antli_a sett-acting safety guard to gr c ze d n , t ,r e t s:losums. Foe l i sgr w h i ry oa Web 4 corner of let and Smithfield me. FOR criCINN ATI AND ST. LOUIS. - The splendid new steamer VISITOR, .... i iaeons, will leave for abase . - and Intermediate pens this day. at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or pasrsalre, apply on board. FOR CINCINNATI. /h.— 41 The splendid new steamer Aiez Dean, iriasser, will leave for the bove and trnermediniss pore this dry . . _ 111 o'clock. For ii-eight or posartge apply or] boaok, or to wart' D %WILKINS, Ago FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The hoe smellier =tat tX/LORADO, . Gomaly, 'neater, will leave for above nd intermediate porta this day. For freight or passage, apply on booed. mode FOR ciriciNNTat. , s. The new and splendid steamer 4 r " ' IRACILADY TAYLOR, Lu Cal, master, will leave for above' d intermFdinte porta thb,day. 9,For freight or puree, applion board sag le FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. ..,... The elegant steamer RINGGOLD, , Cope, au fggai szd co matter, will leave for the above unennedade porta this day. 'Oar freight or passage, apply on board. aastß . FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. e a seur, t i The hoepa! steamer lsilAmi, n'''lllr' i foe shove d intermediate pone tidy. d For freight or passage, apply on board. smote , * fIYIR.pINCINNATI. .. . /Mr light draught neanwr 1, FRIRNDSIIIP, f3r......v”1 4 .:` Davit' amour. will leave tar the above •-- od solennedtate ns regularly. For freight or pusszne apply au hoard.augcl6 BEASULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. _ ~... IiIIiIILANDER, The fine summer Parkinson. toaster, will Irate for the hors end intermediate tom ties day. For freight or postage, apply on board. angle FUR - sr. toms fr. [WM:SW MYER. - The fine steamer • DANUBE, Cock, s master, will leave for the above ai l and tatermeillate pone _this day. passage aeply on .ard. t • eagle 122 M tH ST. LUUIS. The new and fast running summer REVOLUTION, R Nrlllll, will Teary for above nd all intermeditus pans this day, at A o'clock. P. M For (resent or pusage apply on hoard, or to auglU J. NEWTON JONES. FOR ST. LOUIS. - '-'. maim. The fine new light draught steamer "'"" Thomp.L.T.VI.LiV,.L:Fitt,,,,, for the bone andintermediate Nine regular p. For freight or pawage, apply on booed. wig ID - ---- - - - FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN & 391 Bios('way, Mow - Work. 1 hl PORTERS AND JUDDERS of Filks. French prin ted Muslin; Daregra, Laces, Fanbrolderiea, Meri nos, Shawla, Hosiery, Moves, Lawns. Boltabadnea, AND ALLUTHER VARIFT. IS3OFFANCY DOOM- They loath, eounwy Alerehantry visitins , New York,. to examine their stock before making them paned...- Mr. Muir W. for many years of (ha home of A. T. Stewart &Co., imna which he mind on dm lot of Jam 1846; and Mr. Jam. Dickson, (who has dm interns( the burinesa,) wee alms favorably known in that ems& - liKhment. tnar3Ory - - N EW FALL GOODS—A A Mll/031 CO, GO B/ 8 . 1 " , Ret new Foil : 3 :oV o c w om o rr.4 in .part style pac k :Ve: 131111!/, French, English and Amewiewi POW., MoD, Swum Book Muslims, Conn.., Caps, L.... H OSE! HOSO!-7 , 0.1 f7rt i ! loch pylforr, Wei "14 " 3 " 30 " " 2 " /oat received by 1.1 Leech & Co. 1..0, 2.1 for ude vi the hobs Rubbt, Pep., No. 5 Weed rt. - sa g s DI-CIIROAL rornsti-300 lbs Just recd and for sole by 11 A FAME:3I'OOK & Co, 1 AC 111 - 1:--5 bbla poved, just recd and for sale by 1.4 acrid B A F'/\llktT2Clide Co ILKOME 11itEEN-14 ram Jim leed'imd for rah %_.) by cued B A FALIYMTOCK h Co D LEACHED MUSLINS—A A Mason*, Co, GC. Um , ket et, have 4ust opened &mon caics tir those •er cheap bleached Musliaant Sc. Also, 4 or easea • the 4+c do. Also, anelbar large lot or tha recaaarna o r at atc, 4 . 4 11! 4 iIIEAP CALICOES—A A Masao & Co have %.,/ mother large lot of Calicoes, at yards for o n . Donor. Also, good yard wide brow. alsoliatt •at oi.. Sion, Wrought Collars„121. I IY gl4 1, 1 1311—,1) bills No I Alsekerel 2:1 do No dot 201,f bbl. Sbad; bbtl Lake Fhb, 22 LW. Herrtngs• lot sale by 8 F VON BONN/MI:87 fr. uC_ .3 from .t rpAR-13 bb Nonh C r ero vo lri N a, m fal v, mbh k .ugl4 MADDER -1 hhd. for 'sale k 7 sugt4 8 F VON 110181.MORsr co RYE 11.01011-30 bilk for Nolo by curl{ 8 F VOS BOWNHORST &Co bvg+ lor sale by p EPZ,ririu L A 1 2,?1 ,..-4, WA* um sale, of " cue ry E 13 " CON—A =oil lot corotry 11.0.,f0r sate low to eloyel movement. aupl4 NrGatit tkß.9k_ LI 0k3:5 balm Wester.t. aogl4 L' l l. 3l g,ti°°°- -1 ° ROE SODA AbOr- - Is i en , t i sk s Jou do do W•rmuted rynal al 1 TA . : ,, ,Z; 41 F " a sal• by u.si4 sale by .vFt{ t: B GRANT Clols for bate by C II GRANT C=l • -- _ and for p.lO - very lour by I oupl4 C GRANT - -- I AHD oll.—Barkhardt, test, lost ret'd and for nalr. - to - sa4l4 J KIDD Co WNr.E.Ntr3 SARSAerkiLILLA.-1/ do: for sale ru by °°gl4 7 KIDD& Co T'IN POTASII—di moil by ougl4 J KIDD & Co vLANNMS—Brown nailed Mogils, on nonlag; mat .11 lb, sale by augla- I.EO P &ICIMAN, wood at I IV.KR SKINS—Fur 111 e by . a 0617 :WICK k SFCANDLEIII3 MOE= corner 11l nod wood 'wo oIOALR ROE --14OU now un the whaVr Jule y !SALA!! DICKEY front st
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers