iI4gDICAL. TIDEPEOFESSORE AND DEENBEDS Op THE DEEDICALIETfEbr 11.1Lere, Wife and Daaght NTEDlNlTEDSTATES.—Thesubscribeetespect .l telly calls yaor attention to Dr BasZurrs thus. DI" expreisly intended for tim preservation . of the • bealllt of both acmes—whether it an.• from leeMiem Plithists or early consompuon,Dehlit7 or the Lanai. BrOaatik Affections. Asthma, Inearlly, Deranged and, Disordered taidead the Liver, Spleen. or Kidneyo, cased Spine.,,ettelic, Dys Palpitaton of the' Heart, Loss of Muscular or Nerve. Power, tr.s. Ac. DR. tf. BARRY:II'S 'GUARDIAN 'comes in the, - -- .,mediate mho( of Female., *arming from Irregolari•• ; 41 01,1 . l'tenoe (faculties and diseases inci. own,er occasioned by cold, wet ~.od.cious exposure, and all Ohio . . e rtneete-oe; or the roost delicate nod ge :44 - inc/11 ripply it to herself MC, lay rllk or danger. .... wane trout it, and with the ao ,-I , • venny, or one of • .i• noon:mem ,alar ;111,-. in accordance • aud l iattai, ill; and for elitcacv, Infinitely turpaasen et .tr la•Uare al - hired to the publle tla language of man n( • _ . Ilk , , p ,, - , ~,,,,.. ~., , .......,aa Mt dry, to pronounced iq ha “1......,..t., , e•. a ..,,,v e, so the nee." . A recce 01.110 W. , . I. :out ye n line been occupied by lie ltoreuot to IMlSleill OW tioar rs dt. to its — prettent 'lean el peer..cade---do nog whiab time It Ison hems, ta the Laude of umus of ino mou eminent phrsiclans of the North .d South, se, well *a in the dwelling, of nu menet. funtiltef who have used it tor all of the above porpoue<rathltie most perfect SUCCcalli, and who have cheerllttly ravels them ungratified approbation of its efficacy and value. to can be neon by referring to the Menotti of Ineetrocuons accompsuying It. Dr. C. It. Barreter Guardian is secured from Muses and bt y h a tiiirkh m e t r f aril or Vi i thosit Bt h o l l s e ltrdi at c e o- nt F,?lec in t c ro e, Gideennarter. n te The nkai..042...u.0ev..... , ..., in point heoeu ty, worinatudilp, durability and warm, cannot mo =or area equalled, and the suliscoler feel. that nude nothing in the assertion that it will be found COMM CO more power wad efficacy in the treatment mum" of diseases, by Gedvenumalsaud Eleetrici- Ohcat any other instruuteat, either In the Dolled or Europe. The Bledico-Electra Galvanometer bibbovalcall in every reapect, and with common'ordi =years Val iwallfe-nme, and is by far the cheep: mih,beemute iliet insumaent ova Offe r ed to the A mood accompanies dcent, giving the most simplelbstrantimm,olpramieal expenence, so then it lareadEly ifisallicible lathe mind of every one, while tray w. 'se try of arnmigement is such that a child may 1......eamme with it. =ttiogro.ition gratuitously given, and all commit -lelesertay answered per mail, either in rein- Velthe Iffiectroaalecnometer or Guardian. eel's.= ate invited to call and examine Dr Bar gOlffis eimudian, and tam us egiaacy, ?profs by IL RICHARDSON, to AVM. 71 Wu t - , Pituburgh• _ ___ . . . ap2Pal - rotas 6 , o . paiesoNs in Philadelphia kir alma, cm testify to Me wmaderful efficacy of that COMPOUND &MAWR COIIPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, • In Mammy Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and f p ,,,, Th rash d Astma . gtironic Catarrh, Spitting of =do in e and Etreast„Difftemry o f Whooping Cough, Oroom, Weak Nerves red NM sous Tremors, ?Orman. of the Hearn, also, Livek Complaint and Affection of the llttioeys. This matierne, the invention of n man who gave the subject of Pahteonmy, Rninclual and Pectoral diseases OW Ma rigid eammumuon, has now been timbre the = ettrarTour years. During this period it has per mute dale most remarkable cares on riikorti of •I'aisamary Comemption—secneed the reoommenda. tin and use of physicians In their practice, and the weariest approval of thousanda of persons m ordinary mid severe Colds, Congos, in Hoarseness, Spitung of mood, lta ASTONISHING CURES. About foot years since 1 Nam attacked with Typhon Paver, which left me in • miserable steno of health, on extreme debility with • general prostration of the rya. tent„ with violent pains in the breast and loss of appe tite, In consequence of which I wan unable to attend to my maal business, or penbrm any kind of work. I applied mowersl phyvalans and used various reme =sit without my benefit, and bad despaired of ever • recovery of my former health. But some time lam AU. I VMS advised to try Thommtis Com pound Syrup ofTir and Wood Naptha, and incredible as it may appear, by the time I had token three bottles the debility, pain and every sense of suffering were pompleteiy removed, rod I was able to attend mill la mmed health to my usual avocations. MARTIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co. Read the following testimony from a reapectable member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, INT. - Tork, VALUABLE TESTIMONY. wThls may certify that m the spring of 1948, my health was very feeble; I was afilicted arida pain in the aide, with other alarm symptoms, and suffered much from great debility. A 1 that time 1 puretimod from Dimes Dante two tonics of Thomson'. Compound Sy. IMP of Tar and Wood Namha, num whieh I experien eget great benefit, my health being now good; and I chaerfully IVCOMMeIIeI the article to all persons who may be sufferin,g 'nth general debility, with gym t oms of adeelma ARAILIII WILTSAE. Poughkeepsie, March lb, ISO.. Prepared only by Axons! fr. Ilmmoa, at the N. E. corner M.Fifth and Spruce streets, Phila Sold by j..; WILCOX. Pinsburgh; • and by dr generally. Price SO cents, or Ono Dollar per bottle. mye, , SALTS...WS C!N•SENG PANACEA! SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 1 LUNGS.—' IIe unprecedented screens which hsu =nand :he In: n, al': - .. i f i r h:‘ mn ,Thich A l;r 4 i A isi F c 7 rl of thy longs • inc. proprietor Loin to cull intl., ....11711.. PREPARATION. • •ki marks our fad ual • 'tfr 1 ,ourre or .ur-or. :het fell rouriv , !I A.'S II I ;NI . ILECEDY ••••.• erre,-s- In proof of Mis ~e • turut tin, to sun, pu bushed the certificates of .•: Lnowit rr.iteo. who has, erioen .., T.r.c , 411, b.. with a nuts. ot tra mon, /role ..t re coudiry.—from n Imi.:WI:AL ',till . . THE STANDLNO, ot t:e.pc , togetner with roomas no,. nee+ , Juni ;he JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we hove ...backed in partiphlor form, and may be had crew. at say of our agents throil tu l t6 l. 3t the country. HUNDREDS OF have been need ut, this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied Steads and Canada, and we eha lamp any mm to point out SINGLE INSTANCE a which., when taken according to directions, and iie lbra the loop had become rawly disorganized, I t h.. aver failed to g EFFE CT A ' PEELVECT CURE Why, thee, need the afflicted buboesr ss by ocean to itiatte.tabienostrtmosi gotten rip by ne o en individ.. s her the aasomed tame of some ea 41..• t. d phy•• midis and peed into notortety by certificate t per• roe apaeltrpooknownl Whilst a medicine of /MAI TN/ VTI EFFICACY la to be had, whose southerts we at homey—oar neigh. IMm "rg. ciggflrD t ' OBI THE GR AVE • Insider shah thishorahuble medicine may be placed widths the raaeb of the poor as well the rich, we have got Ote pits al ONLY vvrrir maws, test Use half the usual cost of Cough medicimm at hy oar moots In steady every . town sad village seer the watt, who are prepared to gyre full inform.. sehtlive toiL EiALTER, Proprietor t ses.w. llthad.aY, eggedCW/eCliamaluiSforCrfrmiro ladbirtlVet had expended aver two thousand dot isms. li e never believed in advertised etediemes. but daddier itoaddend them all humbugs. At laa be tried Do. r.Daum of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street, Tent, and in air. weeks was errdrely cured. hay taken only three bottles. This is only one of many. SIM .11415:10 rmagiouy objections to a patent medicine hinwprimearled perm= from using this medicine, who lan expanded hundreds of dams to their physiemns is vain—and In the end owe their recovery to= MALI- N* ailhatcy of ads purely . vegetable preparation Make hat - thts =Melee is mpersor gay retnody Preicribed by meth= sdvisers. Th is tOsidieine has token 20 years to matturs and is th e mu c en um andy for diseases ever introdneed to the public. NXlllA;Cotratt, slat Raorrains at Bees= CongeS,Sude far a loortinterwithlluotecomplams, bad given op ail hope caving earecLliluut Consult ed thaboteda end bonerp . adde doetore in lei . I had nod tow. _articles adverneeditral =arm relief. In dospalruad Tenngi irthe useardinieditines. Hear ing orate great virtues of Dr. Tayteres Balsam °Miter. aMEthil at cares ; 11 had performed, induced ARO to try kept to my stem joy2ind &stealth.. nt, I wee betray deny. I materna it. eso, also bit Sugar Cos* Pills, until lam entirely Mend. Dr. Tayber"; litalsam c omp l aint s, Ike hoes enedleino In the world for these complaints, and will cure every one adhered. jigTH LAWRJCICE, Captain of the Nancy, of New York. mss. Ccien.-1 have suffered from the Asthma a very long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for Its cure in vain, runil 1 toed Dr. Taylor's Belesat of Liverwort. This medicine h. afford ed for most manifest benefit, end is, In ray opinion, a core far *Mahanadi:4 disease; more especially as 1 know of >Aaay edges among my Meads, where it ints been high. /y enecessiltl. Pecs= interested are invited to call at any residence tor further Information. 'MRS- S. RUTON, 218 Lumens st. Bad Plashoigh by D Morgan 93 Wood st, J Townseret, Mead et; 11 Staves, cm Market and ear,_Elesidarman Co, I Liberty st Price rednced to st,w per bottle. je23 COUGH SYRUP—It proved to be the peat Panacea in curing my thiliP. &ceasing Ron the Tam nparance Daman, Nov 31847. Coco Stribr.--Nre are not to tho_hatii 4 lding inch las aim patent medicines, Varlet to recosamend Horan% Syrup to those who are afflict ed with magh. / t iler having tried the nano! reme dies toimam a eirtmosei end distressing tough, that khd kg several days afflicted oo of oar children, with out mecca, "moon induced to u 7 blogan'a cough =and try Wane was obtained Ina few boon. It to La the panacea in this GM at loot Prepared who and retail by_ the propnetor, TOHN D MORO" Druggist, Seb7 wood-n, I,door bakrw damood alley. A STRONG EVIDENCE Slot Ds JAYNE'S EL . So:TORANT Is opts., to all otbar=POl , Or Hnonthitis,osthno,osiothes Palm. • •`•- . a•• Pt at the awns perms arboooosiosona k, it w t . h i l I. m, lie. tna run stsp. still St , PP , a• • ••:• . 1 sand; 1.1 %A., am, Seen induced, ‘1•••! Iltnott lornsiably see s •.. 1. F. wni.h was oosassitly • .p a• , •tal byths psopsieloOS , SLs • EXTI.LTSLISLIrr, LS 1., • • aLd sold on •:inurt.ho I • Ir - titbit .ale J. trial oc ••••tt , ttOtttblti) briAlbtittg - It It lobe what it rat.. es —the Lc.. brio, ttrtlhout an, emptioh, to use. fort h . ntatoramh and wwnttuota thtt hrotoa ham Ittom of comm.:m.lmm." whore Iwit ha hem rtstarlwl b bete. whuth Ism ham tald for )tan; we dal we mar Ado =boor that to muctuattutt to htl car ntacrt who as tbetit hair, to mks tml of thifTattielm Dams AUL For ak mar at Ups Pewkitt Bpi N. 711 Folatllstrage, mar Wow! staMitml` M ORORNI3 WORM KILLER or soperier m all other remedies for Worms. . • June AO, MEL iatuy that time tos two of my rdldren„ artrilw yell= edd, Odd four. MOTSIVA Wmoi Latex, to each of thean:,.. yogesr Paned ter . 7124 1 : 4. 10 tiaaneaktotil hey. os t i N gya The to im b iff lum tha wa cosidiA bd ta . t be' tt.c0a 1 1.... " Ihtn mod .alttkilo War al mean say with •ss.. - Wfilliagaft kb , / 111446:VanzarXetiNakrat Azetwer senid72'" ear - yriokiid• MI Nall by the pro. MOW 10101 D MORORN, Danis, Wiwi mob Pinsliwyb ~Ev~~eg~:-~3 - • t..v•-_ • :. - - - :-a - - = *,. -- .-.: 2. .‘• r . :. IF 7,1 „,,1t...•..1-4iq-:-. ...7, gA.-2 , !, 1 . - ) • ; 1-k1:. . r 1i"1, . -.. • „ ;4 ,r, L v . , 7 , s sV. \_,z: DR. TOWNPIEND , M cox-pawn, SSMC'S Or SARSAPARILLA Weeder end Blersiv of the 4,f1. The 11,04 ,traerdinery Illetheinn on the World! 7'his F.zteeee, , e times rheaprr, ptcaacuster. aid IrdrlVlZled , peeler to +ay said. II curse stithowt or cle yeriritw. Ma thende/ bstMatano Datietal_ The mat twenty Nur reyeriority of role Sereattatilla over ell other medicine , . le, that arhile It eraDratett the die re-, In tang rettts the bode. It ern. eery boat SYRIND ,AND SIMMER MEDICINES Geer -lanolin; eat'eaSY panel Ette ey.ten, end stroigtheits the perm limit erecter tarat pant estdrlr.V Mor ' termer patented by tittother istedietzth AOllll3 oallll/04 mad cooed t of Se eresaberreletteeeth talus parthetwel tha taht INVIn pe r m of ravers eases of &mare; at kart 15 , 008 acre eooneeiered tocuesble. Ii 426 herald the 1/mtatS ewe:. than 10,000 children &trio/ the too P.. 10,000 cams of Deseirol Debility wait terMale of Nervieste Energy. Taerosead's Sarsaparilla Lortforates the iriliaJ fo tbese•triten have /on Sons muscular recent by the'etrects of medicine or indiscres ro oh, or the escusive indulgence of the pavilions. ehd .0..." 11 4" i 9 d ..?"'"" 4 orth. narrow system, Lamysait, syinfors=tatiosi I....ft,....ol,l6presostoredecky end decline, hialso int to that fatal disuse, Comm:1:10ton, eat be tor S t eep roosted hy, this plata* remedy. This Seri. pviW is N imperial to ear dos Cordial, re A. It nelva l riA ''' sbOrose this eye:Emily. etlitilY to . the ham, ad'orteacth, to the nom bsmysitno te rots rstrierdisary derma .conscucpciest Cured. , Cooncid C Hotta* - 1r coed. arronaltraelloslaftirp,',Liscr s Ocide Oiltherlt'ash(l4lo.ftB>ee, ilrg Of zno a, Sereaseslis tls Cita, Mersa Fife* Ar4rAt ertfttnige,Xo4,lo.., mnballitt aids. 4s, Sim • m 1113 4 ei went SPITTIIIIG BLOOD. 4ri128. 1847. De.TcrerwoorD—ltattly , bellinre 'that your came. title has hem the ateulle; tbsetuel Prerideaco, of tame toy life, ' I kayo lb, seven! your. had • .bed. Cough. It towonte sure sad worm. At tars I raised Ism quenti. lte• of blood, had algid Illetwatt•sod wu greedy debt:. eedueod, sad did lot expect to.ltre..l hove only. used your flters•parllla • stoat elms, and them ho. • •rumlerfbi cheep been wrought io asa. I sm now ebbs to walk ell over the dry. I raise Ito blood, sod ty ou,lt hew lei% me_ You can well bangle that 1 so thsolattl for three result. Tour obalknat =num WIS. RUSSELL. 65 Catherica.s.s. Female BlM[clue. U. Townsend'. Elbewparllls tramiseiteigwandspemly eve for Tneipieut Coosomptkiw i lliteremnese, Prolspsoe etrri, or Faillog of the Womb, Coalmines. Pile. L.o. comb., dr Whites, otntreceed or .7311kultilfeustrus. eaou Inemitinence of Mtaq or lovnhostary diaehmge then.: and fOr the general yreatradoneat tbe eywrim— to maner whether the molt ofbthersut causerie causee, produced by Irreggederity, Mums arweeident Netldag sin be more surprising thaw Its Melon. oasts umthe huinan (ramsPme all waimms amt lorrl wde frotorsikbig it, at or. Decor e rams bed dll of ear rr,y under its toluene. It Lesseediaialy cuuumrer t. the aereeleasnesi of tbe ferule fr... which lithe great of Barmen.. It will not be expected of at in ...oil of se deism. • Datum oil certificates ot cures performed but we can anti. the afflicted. that bundredeof cute hare been reported to . Thwirsiods 01 cases where families hare been without childn, lifter wing • few bottles of this Invaluable med.., ham been blamed with fr. healthy offspring. To Mother. sad Ptiorrfod Leone*. Tula Extract of ittstaapmilla has bean mpresay pre. pared , Yelexemea to female compliant:. Igo female 'lnd hie reason to =ppm. ahe 'asapp.:main that amnia period, n The Mow of We," should neglect to take it, es is tea certain toregentim fat any or the name.= and Imitable diemaca to which females me wedat thla time of Um This period may he tte. Lora fee sreetal gears by ening lbw omitting. Not to it less null:able for time who are approaching ea matitmed. as in Ls imimanted to aseis. .amen. by q.ch ening the blood and hongorating the symma. Indood, Lids medians uto eehmaiLe for .11 t h e delicate dian emi to 'ack women are subject. It braces the whole roma tenewmpermaneatly the tro end eaerncs. eolooslog toe moonlit, of the body. pet we far .timolati.goo to product standee.. totaration, , ehich fa the ose of moo medicines mare tat female weakness and &team. By mind • few bath.: of ads methane, may mmena and panful surgical opera Moe may be prevented. Groot lllhnosiogi to notiarro nod Children. It is the safest and meet effectual anedicane for punt::. UK the system, and relive* theaufferanes attendant *pan eitild.Mrth ever discovered. h rtrowLens ,ott2 Ibe Lltutil•l Ana chiLL prevent , . and and ie crea.ra C..r.d. the , who here thlAit. it is /Eullspewable. It is highly us , lel and after eoufineuent. as it prevents diseases attendant cla;ldltirth—.lo C0,.,....1S PII,y Cramp.. of tiut. Feet, Desponderiev. Heartburn. Vomi , "yr. 1 . ,,n la the and Leine False Pains, Hentorrhare Mg ulauag . the secretions sand equalich4 tar e.r. it bus no rival Th. "real beauty a. at as .to , • eat, and INe most delicate n. a :a.. allornadylly, yyry into :require u 7 ot4•s MP a little Orator Oil. or Seines.. .• . 1 M. Exercise an tlta open eh, and hilt food nub 11... medicine, .111 ata - sy• ensure a safe sod easy con I.leranty rtntl Ilealib. CCaxictiu, C nal/. and a .. Ees . Is uee when epplied to t heace. very .oat rpotl to beauty. They close the pmes of the Ant, and ifte. t h the cogalatiath which. when nature iv not thwart diuntae pi:ranter, or the akin Inflamed by the ainalies need IrCznaput birauttfiet us own ductton thof human Rice Dirt.," ma well la in in.rarden of rich and delicately Ran. an& veriargated flower.. A flow, active and healthy farcalation of din fluid., or the conning alt. pure. rich blood to the extrinnine., that whirl. peaty the CO Gllll4ll. hi the Gaut eaqui. .ite beauty. h that winch Im 4l part. the ludescrihnhis oftedes and Madam of lowellaco that aR admire. trot o‘lll 4l can de...the. Thu beauty la the °Capita; of ae tare—trot orytamider or rap. If there is not • its tad healthy aircittarion, th ere ano bonny. It the lady is ht, es del.. thaw, it she paint, end no coentotics, and throbbed is thick, cold end import, tin is on heat. .If 'babe brawn no 77yeBowi and there Is re and active bitted, Mgt.. • rich bloom to the checks. and a briar., to thelr try. that Cs fazeinatiag. This why the aint.b.N and .ptiedally Splua IA ladles, era. mach Ladlra in the north oh n take bat lints exerelae. or are maned in close room err Itan sanded their untoplesion by the aphis ratios of delete:Awn J . they wish to re rd. .u.alap of step, buoy.. .P.Albtr_ .7. and beautlflul eomplexiona they ahotild moo Dr Town. send'. Sersapartlla Thotavands who hire tried It, ore thansatisfied. are delighted. Ladies or citify vtinton. crowd our ale. daily. I , Mtice to Ms Ladles. Those teat lottzt• Dr. Teerneend's Sarsaparilla, beer lavarlablk celled their Antra treat /temerly fie. F. esqtre,rbylspx,,L4 have copied or hllle and circular' , which rehrteato tcsimptelets of amen. I for srbre. —other man lOW ptit tip medicine, have, mince the gr., Ag Totinisend • N Elam_ pro'ffle ha , complatim. 'maiden% to female; re.=endad fhttha,attbovgit pre riontly they did not. A nambEr O th ase lILLWrok Plll% ore iojaricha m feenalea,'es they .((r. t. diva e, and undermine the Gaistlttltion. Ilv.Toweeentre la the .4 and bees remedy far the ehttOOSOU female CO plaaat•—it rittely, if ever fails of effecting a pernr.eat car, It %acne taken by the meet delicate female, rn ..00r case, or by thous expecting to became mother, oh dm greaten advantage% as It prepare. the system sta/ her pale or danger, and almagthenx both co , her sod child. BO Carefllll.o get the illvaion. . - This certificate coneinsieety prows .that tilts Sans penile has perfect camel over the most obstinate .fis rsses of the Mori& Three parsons eared .litodes soprecedcattd. Three Ohlldreia. TOWS3.I3fI)—D Styr I hare the pitunte to 11,fismo yoit thathrte of my elltdrm, have been shred of the Shrank by dm ass of year ettaillent me.lschte. Thojr wire ambled vorPo.T.mif with bsd Som. ho tahs•only thay kelp. ; It toot thou ashy, for which I 4.1 tnysettuatletercat oblitackm. Your% ISAAC W. CRAIN, 108 Woostamit. Optesion• of ekrolc.i.oos. its. Townsend is almost dall, re 5.8 1 ,84 order. from Ph.sictimmin diftsrent parts Piths Link , . • mi. loco certify thnt we, thtt tandfrAgaegi, Physlchms of the City of Albany, have to emaerow c.v. prescrib ed Dr. TitnntsautY• Sonapsrol2„ . and bailey. It ortlia mm valuable propomolo.is the It P. POLING X. D. J:witsortok D. EL IL MUCUS, D. Albany, Apool 1,1841. P. E. EILMENDLIEF. N. D CACTIONs Owing to the great itnicess sad Wrirreme of To wagenci's lilamaparills, a camber of men who nem Imuseriy uurAgerna bare commenced makitig Sumps rill Feiner., Mason, Bitters, Extrema of Yellow Dock, tr. They morel* path up In the same gimped bet a, anti MM. of rims hare riot* and copied not edger tissmentes—they am only worthier. Insitationt and Mould be .molded. PflutiPti Olbo.. a2k FIZTON Street Sun Building. N. S. Redding &Cos 8 Stale meet Bestow ; Dyers& iimia I= North &mend elite/. Pailadelphitc Damq Drimuir. Baltimore l IP.' M. Cohen. a/aria/kis ; Wrtglit & Co., 51 Charism Street N. O. ; 105 South trireet Albany; and by all the principal Drug. rots and Marsha.. genertgy thruallsout tin; Untied L..... West Indies sod the Cenutut. N. 11.--Persons inquiring for 151. medicine, should not be iodated to take nor other. Druggists put up Snreaparillas, and of course prefer telling then. own. Do not be deeeived by aneinquire for Dr. Town - mid's, and take no other. Remember the grim ine 'Townsend'. Sarstparil sold by the sole agent. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholeaale & Email Agent No. L 7 Wood street, and D. 55 CURRY, Allegheny miry. : Seri/ PEAC t PEACE I NOT 111 'MEXICO, MIT IN EVERY MOTHER'S /10? d rrifE undersigoed by long been convinced of the I =oniony for mane medicine ettapted to the use of Eli:Wren and Wants to auperecele u•e of all More nnaltnoma'nrbtdb &N M. uproot, and hus r net ',lr. reedrsi to prepanng and °doting to the panne n mem eine fully annwertir every purpose. for eh disinters of the borer' smatiout d. aer.ul tam ue.eterionn drug. or any other calculated to oeu.o “. 'be ennt hi Innt hem& bus loom 1114 ! months. by ,liiMurntl , a. law.; Madill* pcisscts , this.et trentilinnry 1111.00, i.Potarte the lahing effect , OJ net 10110 44 lie bill of directions D. arritcce, Vomiting. Cholle,C-4nits, Dania, !Seances mid Disease arising from I'eraneg. acting iminediamly w'thong distorblng any of the functions of the body, producing the haporer ond raost.plianimt transition Cron violent 'loin to e tranquil end Joyous gotta of feel or In the Mlle secret, To be had wholesale and road, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHN SARGANT, Druggist Ind Apotiwcal; John Mite he-Sok:Dion ft Beckham, and most toner Druggists n Allegheny sod Pittsburgh. deallt TOWNSEND'S. BARSAPAIULLA.--5D dozen test maenad of Dr. Townsend , . Sarsaparilla, the M 0414 eameordinaiT medico. in dm world! This ' D. " Pot op in quart bottles. It is six Mon cheaper, pleasanter, nod , mmesior• to 4.x,satd. It auras &seam senhstat votniattg, PROM hic 4 CO/Alr .st • debilitating rho peuks... Lon cars =a tenons have copied mu labels, pg, ear lathe masa • abapndboule. dot teas • nhas the written al. nature of & P..Tcramied. E•fELLE 2 - 8 , LetwritLel Tema itreeS i icidtaten Third and Froth, la Dr. o'4 adicaosale end retellagent for Pitiabty. of taiea. tfir Putin° article i= be bad. - his - been. appointed the4datiterd: Let t Alillatortnri'nf whom leo , tension eza be . ' bad. IDONBIRIf AND CAP EIBISONS—Shg. Marphy alb? moth,, -:%°‘ tiAtiIIFAC-TORI E S. SIACDLIF. WORKS AND FOU Pti - punacit, JOLIN WILIGUT ARE prapared to boll Warm nod t Voollen &chin orl„ Pl. ...Pr7 dcfcription. a:m.ll au—carding - alma.P.44ltawrt Pram., Buuaeoedders. Orwr•ng Frarnee, li.l [ray upon, Tortllers.Spoote. s, Dresatarr .Looms, CarL4 Wrotlla lion onaiung tamed all BIZ. of Cum Iron, Poliler and .1 Lamer., of the- Intent pattern., tilde end hand Lathe., wal 1.1. 01 all hods. . • • • C.6.stmer of every riesc.r.r.ra. 1 ...abed OR lbon tjco Prrtrever, mode to OfOer for I renra.y., 1 , 0.1 rwirrq,,..e. Steno, eye for bryloit 1 a.0101;r1. Ito,, W.LLO/00, W u:vl ,Artcy Csr_st.ogs genetent trru.r. the arclioli , c of 3. 1 . 1:114“ 1..!•• crty rater Lore prorszpL atiera•un. lgooktotor & Co.. I It M00 t .t,,,,.; Wa., „r LLEISIIS.NN' VEN Crl n l • ,e,i.r.tiso JOMSeI A. 11,2ral TAKI;I-; u.r noctliod and the pnecl,r re iarte that I. in tull apt ra•cl.cl, on t:. • • „of Lhawood, A t•l ,plunt supplyll of ..r...L.5. zn re eaft• , ann) let on h.,: 43.* al No. S Wood rs as J raft you nuan eetuan ..aantlers made to order .r. Oct rat re.v.t Wind, repaired en the sitar:es:notice. ,N. 11. Blinda will a pot op. vrtthout any mid, 1104/G elLpi . t.c no that they ca.l be removed Inn r,o -likcllte men, o (Et: or tor watiilcS, . w eivent thr ecl df o Urn' Jr e net dl;awlantly 1111. A LEX lltD1•113, A ONS, I 10t. ....I.\ din IiKRS AN SVIINIS ItNet, J Taft iii. t.nruef of Voten and t Claw! str.. , ‘s, 0 - o:o.-e the Ezphoug, Hose, Citrons on Pet* . . , ree , tr ~ • ortn IL: 7rr rai3 11* pytt . , tent die) are pruport t.• lust, .4 alien and aen 'clu e , 111 the I.ea of l'nerilekei, Mural's on halal a Inra , am - Vaunt of ready moue l'eft.l,. er-Vered... Ile& and ten -I.clewtl *the very beat Mairtrr,nil , torn• and see. tea.tr made Sbmods or flannel Cat.terte it and 'oda., and n vseu made Ire approved style.. We [rep a eery, us felortn-lt or wove rind blat-lc,couun., and ked e...blu for ra. I bearer. reel mournera, crape. tap,. peu. lars, and rver•thini, necrut.ry tor drew. no the decld. and on re areonnble term,. :on we puree.... :al out Pet , . en the Swateern Noes Alm, %Inver flair' ler aria rn.. , the ,ado and env.. tVe have a epleton.l err , . i,ears, brave, and any-number of the beat calr.aga. llt.oz al,mlc.! to prompt!) and punctually. • r currlru.: EirIICZT !RUN, A6llO R'l DI WARE MAN LI , No, 8 Nikkei street., Pittshaqh, Senna: DaVrBg made great leopro•en,ote. ..1: - L .2,lltPtcho'enszribynction Of dealt Cr/OILING STOV tcapectfully tort* paranne boddittp SieSilibual.S In ea.! nod e taxnue Istiose parrhassog an We sue sappy them Dock Moves, Forges, and every other tend or 441pper,Tia =tit Sheet Iron work ncleesearl In :urn wh. tna Steamboat. Ice al* mate to order on the .honest noCee Sal robot and Chantheri Copper work for Strom Ungencs re-ty I.NrOrk InOar i,. Sit ERI FP Stililh SENN ETT es, BROTHE R ) ueI'Et:NsIVAII.E al IN 17FACTUREIte. BlLs . z.u.tzsghaos. suors..r PI stub u.rsgis.) Viarthotsse, No. 137, Wood street, FilisburgA. WILL consl.th keep on h.nd n Kew' a. ant • 1. 4 1. , Weal at Lim our monufaealre. ioperu..f quakt; Whole• 'le and comely', Al et chant* art rolsrecto'uity Ins eat: Led lonia:. for themselves. or VI, ere triter •r:. ehmper that harvverbcfoeebt, fie• i :ilj - Oro a.rr rent t y 5r.•,,,a5,,,,5. I a lice ea.!, tv re,..restoo. rata be prool1,4" ant r l de. , r. /Ave , F . . FLINT GLASS NISTABLIF•itYIisIiT. N 1 rnut,y on in all In varietie., at , 1 are boas.- ror ner on Market and Wate r . strerta, I Work. continue in 1 - I.lt. operat on. and are y adding to our awl: all xi, iirdurr protortner. Purcharrr•r .4,llr•ted lo nail and eaarnine pricoa in: MAKING Co A C H FROM theveto! his ent.eratrot meet th e Suttees:Ono ornorovea toe has lontend biwaralf on alkneJnt •SiCamilar has traduced him to take t Ware nor a ern of years oath. properto .ove OCCostea. tra Ikarct street. nrarnedetrly toes., Ow Preatt ylerttoo Chorea , wan one long cope ow o eor lb above barmen and a desirous poet C. ht hopes on t,. er. ao.J rres.oo a share 01 puto.-•Jadur Now 012 band and foustotots to nror r. Itwokna 4 51,1 or r en nod top itu:utes. and every Cerro p On OI tires made to order. trona oea corns a •s to slant nano wt. laco3nlOl if otIN I_ I I. tn N. wharara. l'hnss. coder for san: on accomannlann; cm", CM° pkg M3/alilletvmd conruni.: pconnda. ball pounds, te a. And UMW, Ls and As inua. and lls o boie 611dbel Lose, ni norinninantg annoy, t. rand, ra. James II Gram. Osborn A. Maar, Grunt 1 IVilliama, A CaLatura. S Jona. A Son, ?'Donald. anoint. Old, 1 Thomson, James Thom.. Jr. A I/ Arnnaiend. J Thomas ft stop. Lannhorn fk 4,lll.•tend, J Y Coate. J Al Cobb,. Gentry & flowrr, J A I. lay, M A 'Stine, C A Hall. 1 Val Dit , k,or, 1 . , r .1, 1. I a Zna,k...:.!.. IV I/ n Vauella,• J. Ifrar, fort goLnnann. un. .4 Iton,n.or Kenn, HoLinson a ro ST.IA 1.,.• react, r. J U I H J;arall ucl• II '.l —,l~Ma— e I ea; l'obarro wrupycr, and ',era; 1=11!!M121 CM= Reveler, gru.le• Jo ...I antlanle tur ,4 .spoil: Spa esh seed Leet. Peet, a. 1:01111Celir q•I .10 , 11. a. Vtryula Scraps. ten e ; bereep ?Ives; hpe hes4 , s Sernch Snuff uost.e and I.laUlers) Dlsereabn ;Rea.; Taegu, Beaus, Havana Lass; (Ate Ruse. lknossno , ; ('sumbna /.11,110MX, Yale. Cavendish R/1/Vel, Spunk, kr Ac. PHII.AIJRI.IeIIIeI. la) is SIGN OF THE DIG PITCHER. NEW CHINA, 1,1..A:‘, A. OLEENSIVAKE rrrl/F.F. (doo Li Srmorr. 1))111 subscribers wish to lr.form the public generai:)) the?that ei are now opening a newi yeend large st k o China, Ulm*. Queeinsvure. Bniaffitia and Fanny (Mts.!, eompnsing the latest and moot fasnionulde patj tarn. of Frpoch Mina pain and co.d-band Dinner S.tt, do do Ten - Super)°, Iron-Stone user • Plowing blue tt.) new patterns) Liverpool A great variety of Tea Seas- different flettentiia Breakfast and Tea Seto, AVatters—a beautiful article -Queen's Gothm. - Parlor Lamp.. teornetuts, tooter„ Glues Were, a general assortment. S)eurehogr 00 . 11[11k and hotel proprietors aie olvtled LO eiaLLUDIMII,III32.tOrIXOCUI of ware for their nee. ‘lnry, Country Merchants eon find ala rar • kof antele• sortable 101 . COOntry sales, which we will ' , ell at ieu• sortable pntea. OU rock befog entirely new, we feel satiefied of be ing u;ne st to plea.. all who may favor us with their roe tom lapilAtflkwl I GILL & ()Err Y Tl,Clcrre—atade on the most approved Eacieth and 1.0 fashioollbla Ev.lern pat.-rpm 11..prIrokrr. Ai•. THE CHEAP ROLL or BOSTON BLIND, on land or made on Grder of all •rze., and at all ;me.. Country Morebante and other, are Invited m Cali mud exmi.aic tlio above for therner:vec.ee all van Le rid whin enole or retell, and dednel on li,Jl e whoicsule pare:mot.. an , illy A 1V Esik: R V ELT ROSEDALE GARDENS RANCIDSTEII E Proprietor Wilds well known place of m.o. hes toe pleioure of Informing the pa him th.t Ins lishmuut having been thoroughly . refittcdand repaired. and Mr grounds elegantly raid out and decorated, na new open for teem accommodation, and ho (Otters him at dose who may favor him with their patron age ...id hod all that they dear*, provided in the beat my le and on ronsonable isnot He 0, determined to spare no expunge in making his establialunent worthy et pnblic patronage. iia r hea accommodations tor hoarding &few families. Ice Crenior, and ell refrssh tnems suitable to the season, constantly on hand 'esti LEVI BURCHFIELD. illonongahela Home Tailoring Estab. I • SAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor. begs to in meat Me citizens of Pittsburgh and , other, that he uow opening at his rooms 011 Smithfield street/ an der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful .SOTIMLIII of Cloths, rewsnneres. Satins, Stiki, and other eq Vesting, together with such other armies a ru. red Mr gentlemen's wear. tits gomls have been / are tally w• [retell / and are of.thc newest Itlai rant s Men/usable style, as wellss of superior quality. Hut customers may depend upon havnig Meir clothes Made up in • mourn winch cannot fru' to gratify the taste of thr mo‘t fastidious. - ate/41v lirlins It 5, W loam, 6s. do do doextra pounds; 5 do do do IX , and 16s; 10 kegs No 1 6 twat; 10 do PO Covendutht 6 do do Plug; M do Sagass4 ,O do holt:Vslush do; for cola by my , J I) WILLIAMS kIOKE HOLlSE—Lianng . taken the tame end coal- CI muttons revoke Rouse and Uncon Storehouse ad nug our Wvehouur, on the Canal Ihmin, we amp. pared mote end mom bacon on rensonnble term*. KIF.R k marl Canal basin. near 7tb ASECOND HAND PIANO, eostlenginally 15300, and has been ill use about four years, price now .1173. for sale by JOHN II sit:Li.on, jell CI wood nireel U. SUrrAII—L prone, for role low to close I.N coo.isioneot by NvEmT Bowt:N. 7‘, front xl WilfrE 1116,--A A Nlasou S. Co have on hand e.tteur.s‘e assoruueut ut lute ~...A.. rum , iutatng J lull. !!'•VIOA, Book, Plau.l mud incon , t Mantas.nlevery vttnety. N., 2 0,c,1 t. rro N Errs— we have loot opened a larxe In lot of Alniqutto Nana, 01 an excellent quality and retuarkably f'oesp ,u 3 ALEXANDER &VA lorrori—Lq Lulea ave, for talc LI je•-t! !SALAD & Co i.oxes now landing; for ewe Ly 0. , A1 A if DIVA C. . _ 1)AIL kV tAL (AL IDE—Dogsett's Rad Road Goole 1:1 0 and Gazniteer fiat Isti s wait 'Sem:tool Maps of the great routes at travel A few eapies received and tor male by /ell JOHNSTONAt STOCKII)N CrtioN--3b Ddes Terme-1.49e CAtturt. in .tore and for sale by my 23 Wk..l . BOWEN 90 Irani st 1090TAL 4 11— 9 coals fa rotsse, pa recerrad Jx. comovamtlat and for side bx jel4 MILLER:a. RICKETESON BRANDY FREITT-111 cues choice Email , Filth, insi received and for sale by geld MILLER i RICKETBON bbh reanamy Crab Cider, Jan L,r weaved and forage to jel4 _ MILLEaft SICKETSON LINSEED OIL-4M bblsLianed OR in Sae shipping order ..11 received and for *Me *l_ }al4 MILLER.* ISICKETSON CASTILE Stla Y-500 lb. on baud aid for •ale by iS3 / IC/DA t Co, al wood St TRANSPORTATION LINES, TEE UNIOS LINE 184 s. ROMER? PITTSDURGD AND CLEW ELAISD. w, T. nerErn. Pnrobtargh; Ross. Pat.& Co, Heaver }Pryor'. t:T tu..l.n & Czwarewr m ' Cleveiand THE above Id no to now prepared to Iran ' , port fretotl and poor...gent from Pinutotrdtt and Cleveland, or an &L ' int ' orrt o' le ‘ a h tne e '' Pit ' tXttu a' ry 'd h L r=evelanti doily, run . nor conneenon with the atearnboato Lake Cr., and t nnean. between Pittenurgn and Heat er. and a itat of Oral eiallll , et boron proow_ller. brigs .111 or - noo.o on Idles };rte. Horan undfdreitrean. rmr-r, forwarded to a, part of the I:nton witld r IV M. 'IS. AIA7'I-lEli. or JOHN A. CALiikiE't o r r e ,dr, roe fXstter and Smattfioni ate. ni:..l,urra. R r,ywk• a Co, Xcumriovr, - ty Co:e. & Co. 'l . ‘ arrim. larrick k Co, Itteat A k V Clark. Ne,ylon jiewpor, J E Wintilesey, CampbelLsi,oo; (. M'Lf.rtde Haven!". M L 0 liKent. Frunk•k. Miller & Thule. , 'o•3:Lhogn. Fun., Vllleelor & Co, Akron. I?nr.lev, h Co. SonduAi.y k:/s 4 ,le, I; I% f'o. 1/rtmlt. Nllr I,PC lor! hltloraut., Wtt, J L JAN r, PORTABLE BOAT 145 E. YOH TadiNsNM/CM. Jr 111171'WEEN ik.Nl3 Proprietor. of aid estalunbed and tint I Portable Boat Littie. buying annoyed Olen. de pot la Plulude.phia. tou much larger Warehouse on Market tiler foruurty occupied, and also in creased thur root° (or ote at Pittaburgti, are war prepared to nitwit grea orrig ter facilities to Lhcir friend-% and patrol.. Goodi , eyelet' I,y to" too re:a riot transhipped be tween V 111 1 ,6117 gll and l'handelphia, bring earned en- Egret) . Portnlne Seollorl Uoal. To shippers of !crur and other goo-l. mnuralgcareful bundling, dos In of troporion , e ~ketrge made tor recciaulg or stopping 0...14. or nds.,orntg charges. All good. forwarded prorrol, Lye. an scaAonoble terms as by any MA- JO IN MePADIIN & Co., Cann! Bonin. Penn +L. Pittsburgh. JAATES M. DAVIS & Co.. feL2l 227 :11nrket & Commerce nL, PhD& ItAIN ItlePA DEN & Co., Forwrarion- rout COmtran ton I..rclkallttt, Conal Baum; Penn at., Patsburgtt. JAMES M. DA VIS &Co, Flour Factors nod COMIII.- {lO,l Nlerehantr. thf: Market, and 54 Commerce rt., Philadelphia. feb*l JD - Advancer made by miller of the above on Flour. A 00l and othrr Miser:p.m of Alerehandira ernmigned Thom. rebt4 XTCTICE—The eubrer.ers have.hrposed of their terert the Penif• and Oinoi , Line to CLARKE k FRAM.% of Fl reo rgh. end 10C , ETH I. LEWIS, of deur en). They n;.. continue 10 transact business fur the line,. at thmr Wart:hour, on Broal street. as erne!, and Mi. lier`, :DI t: cominuancr of tho prtrimaiii• of 111,..r eriel,ON I A Nms FTKRI, Ctr, al=2 Pann'a. and Ohio Transportation Co. Ihn.kl. Daily Lew uf litir \ IWATS A Sli CARS, rare,..., TO 6041. rienornot 1.11,1114.1 S • r) LAATMAN CLARKE THAW. t anal lID tin. YttittAntt I EMS 8UT1.ER...19 Barker .t, Ylriladaphiu J STI:F.L A. CO, !,(1,. Bro.d atrret. ctiIVDEN. CLARE": A t'n Norm st.. BAIL PORRICK. Agt , 12 0 ~...tlttmet. NPIITYork Cc...partnership. ~..crit, e rsu.daym.minted them•elve. by,,,,er under the rtyle of liter Joiner. for me porpo.eU, porno. , of eoutontum the been - I.t formerly corned o by S3/11,/. Kier, and eullen conunanswe of the hi , - r: erat lynroemm le:rem:bre extended to the hotter SA)II'FI. M IiIF.R, U F. J0i.11.. Pittsburgh, Moreh I, Iteltl. BIER'S PORTABLE noel , LINE, 00.1IPOSED l.)1' FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS¢ RAILROADS. y y E a e prepared to receive and torward frekrht In the &bow+ end tateratedzate Marys wIlh•, t..p.kt0.11. and at ao loco ran , . a, okay other moponolble ho 'rue a:tentlrla ot . +hipiorro artsboncto end Port or Ha itamono, In 00.0..4 panto...arty revue ;rd la. Lu+ •ur nrouoyoaeot• CII.IIOIC 111 10 carry ouch color I.Citer order than any other hoe ICIER S. JONES, Prop'lrs Cilia: Bann, near 7111 Pit.. .burgh. March 1.1-A7. SAWS.. K I k:13 . ..it JUN1 , ........—C0M111,6100 •nd forsvurdine .V.er enunto., sad 1111oie•sic Deal. u. , in Iron, fl, .•• 1, Produce. de I.n.er. nun adraran• on cot...gni:amt.. ma, iv rr, G o'N'a c.o. Hu.. Lao Ph.dolpholo. ito)ttl T o p•Ip •f a VIL RAIL/WAD. A. Canal Saun. I . m.omrc n. I.sl I'IL 11, 'IL al Plllll.l S Co. No 147 Mar' •:, L. 1, 6.0,N, ..oroer Northtr...:annoics I !al: , JOHN ..arka. Cl. Old Sl ip New or:, s sg•' or . of 0 - .1, firma n',;l ha lino. ...11 .r th.. dais, in Pitlaburgh. as I , lnl ...tr ;pls., as nu Ulh,_lfurnithrry s .1c CoC tiILAVF . . Ni) I."N ;;, IN:117.11 ) (Ain , CSIPHREN s, ra.“ l .Ti. HF:\lf\'oltAFF. Plu.urgia. march( PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE 7:-t!s7tl, 18 ' 18 .01 1 ! =ft For rite Tram-op:nutty,. of Freight to att.! ftvot PITTSLII:Fit, H. I'HUJi.DELYIIIA. ILA rI.IIOR N 1112== Basatuack Caais. 1 - qulad,rit sorra k liCuaNus, Pittabu rgh. q , }i IS told is lane tom¢ n t 101 opers. bon, the proprietors hove priafie exinti pave arrange went., to forward pads and prodirce with .lespipien. and on lb.: most favorable Tema They confident It hope r well known prompm .sin deliverikag gut at ilar safety in mode of carrying—capacious to arehbo sc• st each port. affording accornsuodeuun• to s tippers and owners of prc.duce—togrther with their loiy, expe rience and unremitting attention to baroness. will /wear< tu Inert a continuance of that nn parroi e they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by and for this line received. char ge. paid. and fora sailed in any required directions tree of charge for conarnission. advancing or storage. No interest directly or Indirectly, in stearaaboaza. AP. tiotrimunicaPponp promptly aitenried to on atip..ica lip the follow - tar agents BORBILX•E. it CASH., t27a Market at. Philadelphia. TA A rTE h fre(iNNOR. Canal P ash,. Pintabar,vi CrCONNOFL. in Co, North at, Bad Omar, WM. B WIL-a0N,.% Cedar la, New York. np.S LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. 18-18 411;:cligokTh 9 , 1:11.15 well known L.e, eornpo d of steamboats Lake Erse and htlehtgan, ben= Beaver, and 'relent and pante:vier Canal Beau be tween Deaver and Erre, and C M Reed's late of brat class steamboats, propellers and vessels en the Lakes. is prepared tO ra nd erg and passengers te, a:I poatts on the Fie Canal Lakes Erie, Hugon and 'thet gem. Hama every(lity for conveying freight and pas- Irrnger* arsti promos.. and dispatch, the proprietor and agents respectfully rotten from their friend. a eon- Uou•nce of their patronage. C M REED, Proprietor. REED, PARKS d. Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAI:6IIEN , Agent, n o 4 roe Water and Smithfield us, Pittsburgh. 7 f :yegese. 1848. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To nnd from Me Kisses, cams. cninnesiand. • • . Tilt , : proprietors of this popular line, haviSdnee their re-orgainrelion hugely increased their facilities to meet lite wishes of eltippers; and ate now prepased to forward o greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, so aso by aildiuonal regular wagons al low rates 'Phut Hai will run throoghout the year. delivering goods thro u b the agents in Baltimore and Pittsburgh Owllers and consignees at specified rate. and thus. Sosa,. from Philadelphia for the line should be marked ...Care, J It Itobuison, Baltimore Th. only sgsras ate, J B ROBINSON. 02 9 Mules st,itstscre EDGERTON & Co, CumbettanJ. G W CABS Brownssitist fettt J C BIDWW.EL.. Pittsbstos. masziak _. Eitif",T.,,R;tls.Ppf,"Llorh2 l `. Pxdsh ury at I.umberlaud from me limoo of WOLIN, ;a1:. gm. s to that a Edgerton & Co. l'ittatourh lead ercsteru saerehastla ant uortf4d that A p a , ly If obtuarto o South Charles st, Holtimom authonsed %moo of thts Line 11, the Eastern Elli, 7 The only spa. aro C BIDWELL, PitOArtulh, W CABS. Browantlie, EDOA ETON 9 Cr Cumborlood, dee.att J B ROBINSON, anzaor co.ss EXPRltga iimmill4at roa altetlatlfts ruLTINOIII, WYWINOII33, rgWADa ILL•. dtuous Lute going East, conueednl avit4 As lam. A Co's Express daily, ar lialtnore. Through receipis will be given to any of the above places. MCI,' bilLlEdlle and packages of any size or weighs forwarded. Express closes daily al 3_l. 16. H li VIOKbRY, Agent, novgirif St. Charles limet brollifing, rd,, c ,d .1 Is Transportation Oorirpsinii, M_Mkat 1848.0,1).EletttilkstdIne• /848, TO PHI LA IiELPHIA, EALTIMORE & NEW WE& VIA ersasys.vr_m• •ND OHIO MAIL MOADIL A. HE prepared us trunspor: goods and produce ,And 1,010 mpg Clue] on favorable tem& Ad dress or apply to D. 1-1 O; :H k Co, Canal Buda, Pittsburgh, HAS & .I.EEtH No& & South ird .1 TA RRI YL , OR& SON, W Arts, No I4,N'th HourThan.l st, Rnttii A. ABBOTT, A/O,Na 7est street, Nem York. Pittsburgh, March 191 E , 1845. nuoln RAILNDEN & CO'. Passenger and Uentittarten Odle*. jetlid: & CO. conunue to bring persona from any part of England, Leland. Scotland or Wales, upon the most libel* terms. wall then . 1 usual punctuality and nth:11110a CO theelie..• end corn , fan of enomegennte We do not allow OW JeleeeOgers to I b e robbed by the sariedlusg *Camps that Infest Ike sea- , ports,. we take charge of atom the MoOleol they to port themeelves, and see m thelo Wr4l being, and de- , ipatch them without any deterafen by the how ships.— We my this fearlessly, as ore defy one of Our prison- f , gen to show dm they wore detained 4 , k boar. by us J,iverpool, wlalet thousands of where were detained ennalts, until they tom be tem il) some old cm& at a ,b Lt p ew e , 'eth, feqenY pro*l their coffas. Vie tunnel to perform our cent:acts' honorably, cost , what a may, end not act as was the ease last meson, i with ether onicers,—who either performed not all, or e BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PIPP&1111R4111. when h stilted then convenience -11:7 lissa,lidays.-40 Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for sum from Li to• : 1,4,.„1,,,,,,ti.,, esomalmtes. ghteo, payable al any of the prwrinclal Brune in Ire. • 1 1 (W I TIlk DUACA#Ogents, Igna, ie ! i s isnd, Scotland and Wales. Wit=4Strugough. 10811111 .40/13WSON, FRAILEY & Id Agents, garage. and Gerecital /gnu, tors 47 Light sine Baltimore. feta FILM woo, goo door 100/ow Woodi 1' II Booallusic, &o. Valuable osid AtAractivo Bow Books. I ik3tABTOB.^.B Itetati d ttreiGiroadix.. 3 vol., . . 11itanr' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo. (; I'. R. lame,' Life of Henry the Form!, o( France, ivo.. —l2 Irma onts's col:molar Cities of Chino 111 mo Neat:drift lifie °Ciente amok 13 vo, tooalor; Nl.arv. l : ll PrefitGlcantloga; or a new P oem - from thq ttid fear of Continental Europe. Capt. Ilenryl notches of the Mexican War 12 utoi t;.ctg , tt Flory afire Battle of %Vault.; lila. A "...unmet In Sesati.d• by Jacob Abbott. 12 mo -rountli Literature of ibe'Sooth Of Europe, i eol 12 mo. 11.11 ton‘s Adventures to Mexico and the Rocky Nlotantams. IY mo . mtmlltt Hector/too, %Work* of Rev, Tboa. Charmcra. D I. I. D. Pracbral Astronomer, by no.. Dirk. I. line of Jeremy Selknop, D. U. Iltstortan of Ne tinii titre Luther and the Reformation, by John Seott, 15/ Ad. sma. T , Mid,itr Ktngdom, with • new map or the Empiril. S Willlamit.2 volt. IS row. The Power oldie Pulpit, by Ciardnier Spring, D . I 2 nig Ilse Ilethel Flag, by Cortisone Sonny. D IS ina. Teaching a Scienice, the Teacher an Arnst by Re,. 11. R. I lull. fur Ur.... its Court and People, by John S Maxwell. Lectures on Shakapeare. Is H. N. Hods... Th. , Arlin. of America—lllustrated took nine engry rings on steel, and continuing thatch. of the lire* Of Al,vion, Inman. NVem, Stuart, Trumbull, De Vet ok Iliktibratid, Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vol.d co. Thu Orators of France; coutwang sketch , " In' the lives of Lamartnoi. Thieve, Napoleon, Dorton, klirp bran Gutrot and others. with portraits of each. • Needle; '• Napoleon and Marshals; 9 volo. IS mo. Headley IVashington and his Generals; 2 volt, 11 ~Mt Reedtey's Sacred Moulton.. The above, together with • large collection of Smn- IVorks. Clusswal and Sthool Books, for sale by JOILNSTON STOCICTUN, Bookselleta„' ;ea canter market and 3d sot crlt'Eil(lOKS—Chalinen'Se l~ leer works, J vole. Chalons.' Doily Scripture Reading; Menioir of the Life of Mr.. l'ry, 2nd vol; The Convent.by the author of skehoolgirl us Frinde.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World. by Rev C Tat"- lot. M. A. Alargoret or the Pearl, do Mark Chilton, or the Merchant'. Clerk. do LI, of Pollok, author of "Course of Time The Listener, by Caroline Fry Ledtures on Shaktpears;by II N Hudson; Me of Oliver Cromwell. by J Headley; Napoleon sod his Marshals do Nt'whington and hit Generals. do Power oldie Pulpit. by Ciwdlner Spring, D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Twehing by Example; Pulpit Orators of France. by Turnbull; Henna of deutiwd, de Idle of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pblptt. 3 vols tlrmors of France; Now and Theo, Bethune's Poising Margaret Mercer; c Jaobus on Matthew, adopted to Union Queosimon Arthur's Popular Tolew--Ritchos to the Woad." ttklaking Horse to he Rich," "Riches hove Wings," "Keeping up Appearances. - "Debtor and Creditor.. For sale by ELLIOTT ;eIIS wood and.so market et_ JEOLT A 11l ATT AC ITIFIFISIS. • • • 1-V EIVED and for sale. a Int of chotee Piabo.. with and tothout Coleman - . ..E.011611 Attachment, by & Clark, N Y. One of Nunn. & Clare. Pianos. with the Allaehornt, was taken to Englem.l be Alr Coleman, and •Loong many other lestisilonial• of ad. Mirallan tOr this elegant hpeeilllett of American skill and ingenuity, chrimir the sdlowing remarks from Toolto• re,. tae; re itle.l PillOal li to g homtice. Jan. Pi. 1045. Mt O.'.r Sir-1n enclmong a !rum to my inti& Mr Fund. Porte. I ea not refrain from agkun exprtersing to sou bow muchl was pleased with your ...Colian Atisiehluent. - which Icontudei SIIS SS great musical tin. proveinent. I can assure you th.st on my pun I shall with great pleasam do my utmost to make your inven. Lon Laws,. For sale b II K 1.1.13 EH. At 11 - neidwell's furniture n - torns. :id at N Europe: or Aitatria. Great Britain and Ireland. with an appendix. ettotaining observations on European chari ties Eq.] meth,. tualltUtiona By John V: Carson.bl 1) novel. if) the author of "Eintlis Vynd hum - Tuo Old Men's Tales," etc. Self-Control. a novel By Mary Brunton, author of .. Use fphne: Vol Daily Scriptural Readings. By the late Thomas Chalmers. D D.. L L. LI Part& The Thousand and One Nights. If arpers' II- Itotrnn-d edition IF ter Cuttacer n hook lor children. By me au.hor tlrrbert." Ac. The above works received this day and foe sal. by je44 JOHNSTAKA h STOCKTUN 11C - 1•:1V B(tOKS—llamorials of the Introduction of j\Alethoili.in alto the Eastern States. roolpriellit Lbiocahical 11011er. Os its early preacher, •ketebes at t liarschorea., and reinnosceure• of its cartv steug• eke. ,ucer.set by Hey A Stevens, A. NI. Jost publmhed. Nlemoir of Rcv Das.) &heel. O. D. late Missionary to Ch.ea bv nephew. Rev G .Ibamson. Mara Milton-the blerchanOt Clerk: by Itev Charles II 'fa vlor, NI A , auttlof of - Records of a (jinni Stan 'a hisLudyMut) "`&larMarek or the Pearl,” de, &t• The above with a large assortment of new books... ha.,d and SOSO ecrt,tni: & ENGLISH, sp2l 56 market at rbibletlslll - 110073.5—Hoitoty u( ton bract nes ohlltoll, and u( the wars and campaigns arising u. Jo- strucc:es or the Iffl Patrmts Ln coeit•rt 'Jo. :'utkosh loke—in two Tot urcre—spiendot ropy o,ta numerous maps and rugea. v ne.• I ..;:er-t . 11.1,,t14111, n( the reign of Vr 'Hum 111. from : I ••. .1.. SO • u v it. On,: t•-er•plares Buoy Mo•bra), in.netneo, WWI megra i.sr s the lints Land.Prench Stage, and Sketches sous. Just meta and tor sale by MrI.X.,NALD & EnEsort ka mark. t oarcet _ /31 . etalle Frame Piano. 011E99 A SPI,LNIJID as.raztent of &we wood and Mahogany xrand nethat Pl uto, just fluabed and for ma., Also, two splendid Rosewood Ptart.. t.'.,:vataa', celebrated A.Oll/11 attachtereitt, pushed it tl, •mos.. tt:odt...:t • :t ie. a:1.1 for .ale at 1,85 k' LII.L A 11..., , ,, 112 wood Cl {.2 l'll-111111.1 . lI.LUSTRATED EDCIION OF Tli E 1.„) ALIA BI A N NIG /lI'S—I.:KN . ... v designed tor faso ftf Tendttle,tit oourae of publleatiou by Harper /c Itro tarp.. New \ orl To I,n complete.l an twelve par.. Pa.: , ;tl.i rererved mad for foie by • JOUNSTUN & STVCKTON, =:=22:=ll TRANSPORTATION REED, PARKE! & Oda. PACKET LINE. 1848. BEA VF:Lt AND CLEVELAND LINE, rta. WARREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW. Capt. Port. - OCEAN, Copr. Veattvvat l) NE or the above Packets leave Beaver every day, (Sunday excepted) and anive new morning at Warren. where they connect moth the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, oolong at each of these places before nildro. One of the Parket% leave Warren dally, at 5 P. Id.. and collet at Beaver m time to take the "'"" . 844.Tf1'.747Nri;.`411 h , Wanen, NI II TAYLOR. „ Proprotra HEAVER AND ERIE PACK-ET LINE THROUGH TO THE Loll la rostra nut as- C•nal P acket—Panarrhasatu. Capt. Jeffries Teacarts,. .• Pollock, • • bale, .• Traby; • Parton,. Bro; Fahractor, Sayer wn The above lien. oriel aplendad Passenger Packets have commenced rimming{ Cerween BEAVER AND ,ERIE. and will run regular' , damn( the seuotri—one boat leaving Err every marling at o'r lona, and one lean. in 4 Itvvver every evenin v. immediately eller the arts vat chile steamboat Illichrgan from Ihneburgh. Thc boat. are new and tiomfortably rurrushed, and will run throuith in forty Sours Paasettkers to any point on the Linkea or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the most comfortable and expeditious. Tickets through to all ports onithe Lake can ha procured by l*Plii) mg w rne proprietors. REED, PARRS & Co, Beaver. JOHN A. GAUGHEY, Age. Pivaburall, .cur Water and SniithEn•ld sta. AtiENTSi—Jas C• Harrison, Buffalo. N V C M Reed, Ene. Pa_ C C Wick, Greenville. Pa, M`Parland and Ring, Big Bend, Pa: Hays & Plum6 r Sharfittrish, Pa: W C Malan, Sharon. • C Mathew., Pulasld, a; W Curnungtona. New Castle, Pa. jyl DLEJACIAAMTS' WAY FIIIE/011,1 LINE. EiiitiV 1848 . - ntikla 53 C1.55tV13.7 51.13 rue i OF WAY 5 / 5 51011. D I:TWEE:Pr Putsboest, Blairsville, Johroootvn, lidaysburgh, Water street, (Huntingdon Co)mdPe teyaburgh. MB Line was formed exchnivety foe the special an munodauon of the waS. tantrums. The Proprietors, thankful for Use very liberal patronage they have re o cored duniis the last two years, would 'respectfully in ( orm their friends and the public that they are now still 'yeller prepared to deliver good. Sr any point on the Caulk and Rau Bonds, wit prompt...l and dlrpeteit. rnormterum PICK WORT H WOOD: 3, JAMES A LORE, iIEORGE TR /NOLL', JOIES ALILLER & Co. AGENTS. Pick - worth & Woods, Johnstown. Johu NLLlcr. liallidaystiurgli. C A NrAttully & Co, ennui basin, Pittsburgh. Itgrouarris—Putt.burgh—timath & Stncloar, J & J hlhbevilt &Jlf rt hoenburger; R Robinson & Co; R Aluotr; irley & Six ith; John Parker; Wm Letkmer c... P . hositheme r. ten Pennsylvania Clonal & RAH Road - Ex. preasyst t Packet Line, 1648. M.,M_ FIIOM FITISSUGH TO PHIDAirk2APHIA & UAL TIAIOFLE. (Exclusively for Passengerty I] , HE public are reapectfully informed thai this Lour I will cottonence running on the 22d inn., and con. Untle throughout the Sealant: The boats are new, and of a superior class, with en. larged cabins. which will give greater comfort. The can aro the latest construcnon A boat will always be an port, and travelers are re. quested to tall and examine them before engaging pas. sage elsewhere. (Fare only nine dollars through.) One of the boat. of that Line will leave the landing loPlalore U. B. Hotel, corner of Penn strpet and Canal, every night at slit, o'- clock 'Dm. df day.. For information, apply at the Olt,. Monongahela House, or to D LEE Ca &Co Canal Basin. MerchantarTransportation ,AII=11: 1848. inLitia FOR PHILADI4LPHIA AND RALTIMORB GCrilDil consigned! to oar ease will be forwarded .without delay at the lowest current rides. - -•- C A ItIcANDLPY & Co, Canal Basin, Penn at, Pittsburgh. MERSEILLES it REYNOLDS,. 272 and XIS Market .t, FUME, MERRITT & Co, &rights wharf, Baltimore. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINEE, 1848 . S HATL .o . E.s. th a „, ,V t o o ttrzs u l r re oL, l%f o o u nn tt e h t that le t i e Line day. produce and mereltanttre Ma ur at7u: 4 raia ". 7. Merehmaime from Baltimore browht ?et at Canal rat hose, five dal.. JC BIDWELL, &lc; Water as, V doors above Moo r& House, Pirobargh. "1 B ROBINSON & BOEHM, my:l7 99 Booth ChealFss Baltimore_. PIONEER TRANSPORTATION • LINE, 1848' .veL- MM3ILMOU& - EUIROPEA3 AGENCY, For the Recovery of Dorman and LmprolY Wdb held Real arid Persona/ INchte-4h•Se 1 Arbitration of Cornmermal, Trading and other Debts, Securong Pimento for Ingenttow to Great Efritain, Ireland. and we Colo/deg and Dependencies Ihr-reac h, ocionicine, and Negotiating for the PIO C 111.1 e r rfae at the same THE prancrpa i ob r ect inthe gstglollahharrot of thra Agency 0 lo Yet at ram In rag most aartafaerory and eeonottocal mann, potable, the numerous chum. for riwper , .orclt caucusa the Coated Stale, really have. or unagroe they p.a... in England ." elte gltere. The eden. o, designing and unuropidous men have been ar :seq. engaged in uniuncing a belief on this •til.jeet •many gunner.. with a stew to pent' per and evidence. or me tart hare been so fregnentlr bcouctit in num as to render it umently necessary that an othre be esmonsued braving torts object the seu— of those who nave been deluded. sad to mist,. list, elan.. a: such asare the rightful heirs to doubt ad property, or nut which is improperly withheld n.eles in the teatime; journal. to the principal clues of the l num are frequently appearing, headed - rown.. ley Esolic; . Greet Fortune for Somebody," -Meet. toga of tti lieu , dliton • at Worcester." "C are Meet. tugs." as he . the anthem of winch aremenerally Inc. perused:nig penmen. or adventurer/L. whose only ob. Jew i• to feed upon publm credulity. by Prodecing an ell:amnesic Which may maitre for themselves onntedt; Me gams and who are generally speaking. wlib om the slightest knowledge et the suberts they put forth The evideuee• of this being a tact are every where apparent, m in no one tingle instance Litre their founded carmen:mous been realized; and it is unit hadiS PO the COrteetloll of this evil that the wbsenber s effected the mostermnsive arta ogements to satisfy the inquiring, as well as to satisfy the curiosity of Mese who, influenced by family connection or Otherwise. wish to pursue the tovestimwon on matten often invol nag results M die most stupendous magnitude As wimple reel i3late in England, the balk of It is saliject to the laws of Entail and Primogenitors: and ever since the resointlou in the Muer, estates have been subjected to the changes which ways en• sue on revolution, coufuston, and change of dynasty, mil although there have been special law, mussed 101 . • particular purposes, all those which have reference to this lubieet, and Mileh - were paused subsemient there to, are mill available to eases of leginmate right. It is not, however. intended in this adverdsenient, to refer antecedently to the American revolution ofm which period, • great number of persona entitled in ve nues ways to property. abandoned the rune by joung the revolutionary party. This net, in itself, wassuffi cient to lead to confiscation where it was directly held by such individuals; but when thawabandong din Serer were nest in succession to the Men pos ni sessom, the cane became altered; and alieuation from home and family were made the harriers in nfhtful inbamance. Another fruitful source at nivemissfion is found in the L'nelmrned Dividend Book of the Bank of Englanin and tlus, furnishing as it does, each English mune that has ever existed as • holder of funded property, is the maw reliance of the unprincipled traders in public eredulny. The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous in ell pans of Europe, but in Engiand particularly tato; and the aubscriber is prepared to show the Meant. which he possesses„ for an itivestigation as any of the means above alluded to Emden all these, Mere is property positwely bequeathed, end which, to conse glieltCe of the absence of the pee,e to whom demised. becomes involved to end subject to the laws of the Court of Chancery. fit ell eases, even. of supposed faintly connexion, the niost positive and satisfactory mean:WM. C. be offers dad m to the facts connected with the members of fem. Wesno winter how remote the dam, or uenungly dif ficult the investigation; and where the cue hes alrea dy been undertaken by an in ui y of the pertains ho pretend to a knowledge this bneu, and who have altogether tailed in obtaining, or omitted to afford the information Mogit by the vtnumr.itheitr4PeMes• news pad delusion. We matter IA the more rell4hly water taken. because of the greater sausiacuort us wiling where the pretences Mothers ease obtained so much uninenied confidence. In the +elder/tent of t tonmermal. Tending and other Debts, the neeesaary .legal and mercantile AC... will he brought to hear. au I' Sptrl.l.llf I.lllssii a centu ry to 11. particular branch, 11 the hest es ideuee that na d be afforded ojthe ability th at will be bestowed on utters coming under this he id. Inventors and others requiring Patent rights secured in any or all parts of Europe. non have the atone effect ed to • very inding chargeover and above the usual lees required sa any given counto . Every nitornsa non respecting the probable expense*, and the moduli opera s& will at all omen he cheerfully afforded; and the lactlitiea. particularly in England, for disposing of the right. Sc., are of the roost extensive character. In troductions a also offered to men of wealth and high revectability re SVltiste•er belongs to this departnthut is ample The 11.1114011. therelore. of the public in gen eral I. pa rueutany p0i...11,1 11l lb, brand] oldie Age... cv oinnthineattotia hy letter are requested us Ise [VO3I paid BENT' AOI FA !SIAN. 39 Water street. Ni w 1 or k. Hat, Ch.. Y. Dx.v, Judge C't Comm.. Piens, N V. CortOge & Co W. Y. J. T rao. , colt, • R A. Rlolcon, F:sq. Edward S,hroder, Counnnott, 01“0 A. Yolotn. 'Nog t. Putchin Book. Hernia )14:thowan.ao& - ro BRICK FOR SALE.. - 'VII.: undersigned. utters ( cape superior article of brick fur buirdiug, made by his Steam Press, unproved machine, for which he has obtained a patent sad agrees to give purolaiwri a written guarantee that they are stronger, and will resist frost and wet weath er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any ob er brick, possessing grater body and supenor mature and much more durable in every respect each brick being subjected to a pressure of several lons. and pos se/Wog a handsome month surface mid even edge.. daer make a trout equal to the best front brick. limy have given The greeglest aollArection to all who have purchased. A kiln ran be seen at my wort, and speCimen at the (Mamie attire. Those having supplied thenpielves for their buildings. and wishing 6 brick, u ~arcane saris rail ;civic; brick. t an obtain theta IvAAC GREtiti. lii r.ninigham, Amy Pl. 1039 If WOOD TYPE 11C1.11. PA. JOHN li. )H)RHthON, Itteutrel - ere togri her unt.er the style fnutlutle of t,hoiey, Rreft & Cu . lot the manufacture of Wood Type. and as their type I. altogether made by teach, Ile ry, the Invention of Sirtger. 011 C ot the Stun. they feel roultdent that tLey aft, a more periect truer id type, aud et much lower rim. that, 111) herr toforr uttered in the Lotted State, met are now ready 141 hit orders for the same. All order. addresacd w ttcboley. Ryan tt. Co. at otT.ce in Diamond alley, between Wood and Sto thfield btreets, will be punctually attended to. _ • LE,- Proprietors of newspapera, on copying thu ail v,rusemeut 3 months, and sending us them paper, wall ti totaled to receive their psy m type. on pructiasing Jrtht amts We amount of their Lill for silverurnig. je7al3m AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY 11.111.. Tglai N al 1: 0 1 1 E 71.11,12-134. Odle. at the .Exelmage, Baltimore EDVCRUILATE...` , .—The charges have beau redu ced on all Messages lo or from Paluntore, Put,- burgh or Wheeling, and • corresponding redurnon made or all telegraphic despatches forwarded limn Bal m s:mot West of Ptusbargh. Barn—The chorge tor a telegraph despatch to or trom Baltimore, Pittsburgh and heelutg, to 48 rents for the brat ten words, turd 9 cents for each tuldtuonol word. • [Er to charge la made for the adds.o and •igna luta •. Ih the complerfon of the South Western Li. of Telegraph tr.. Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des patches can be forwarded to Memphis by ttus route. and mailed fur New Orleans. _fell - l'be - Alieigh•ny Cemetery. AT the anneal maeung of th e Corporator., 4.1 on the 511 Plat the follow.. pet unx were A. nto.aly re.elerted hl.agen for the en... yea?! THOMAS M. HOVE, Preeident. JOHN BISSELL, JECSE CAROTHERS, aNATHANIEL HOLAIES, liattheers WILSON ArCA.NDLEISS - JOHN H. SHOENHERGER, JAMES IL SPEER. • J. P.a., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual 1ht1.3.13e111 presented the affairs of the Company In a very prosperous condluort. Their office to the city Is No. 37 %Va., wee. Jel2 COUNTRY RIEB.CHA NTS . . (lAN SAVE from 15 it 95 per rent_ by purchaong ‘,../ their OIL CL(TfIiS direct from the manufacturers. POTTER d CARMICHAEL hare opened a ware• house, N 0.1113 North Third street, above Race, second door South of the Engle Hotel. Pllll-0.131..., when , they will always keep on hand a complete assortment of Patent Elastic Carnage Oil Cloths, do, 94 4th 40, 4: and 34 ruches stele. Elored, Punted. and Plain, ob the nude, on Muslin Drilling and Linen. Table Oil Cloths of the most desirable pattern., 35,40,45 and's4 inches wide. PlootOil Cloths, from 13505. to St feet emir, well seasoned. and the newest style 01 potent., all of their own neutufacture. Transparent Window Shade., Carpets Er. AU goods warranted. toyer} 'but _ . DERRY & NICKERSON, MlLlMiA4l.lifer% of AWNINGS, SACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS or ALL DESCRIPTIONS No. 3VA south Pros] Street. Back of 1 A. lAileon's Cabinet Ware idemsfy PHILADELPHIA: ALL orders lett wdh S. S. Moon, at the office of tho Merchant's Howl, PitLsborgh, will L,e prondnll attended ta. THOS. G. DI RRY SApIOAIT A. C. NICK MESON ORIGINAL .110LIVAR BRICKS.' I . 7,xpERIENcED judge., on • trim of one .nd n half lJ ipillions, since 1515, pronounce this article unnue. punned for durability in the construction of ail kinds of Furnaces. Price 152.9,75 cash for load, of Id hl, guar anteed nine months use. Orders fora second quality Hon var Bricks will be exiseated a V.A/ per AI, if so do nned, without guarantee. A stock of the first quality is now fur tale at the warehouse, Sloshs IVhari,' ca nal 'baits, by J SHAH' PIACLAAEN, Kennington Iron Work. _ . 1311(ENIX FIRE. BRICKS—The etlfieeribere having J been appointed sale Agents by the manufacture". for the .ale of the celebrated - Ylusensa Brick," are now prepared to fill orders for any quannty, at $2l, eaah, per lel. For the constmcnon of !unlaces of all Muds, thew becks have been pronounced by mom. peteut fusigea na bentg supertor to all other fire bnrl . now in use. C A ;WAN I.:LTY A Co, Canal Bee", my3d . FOIL SPICA/111 1111.1A.T21. POI:ITABLE FURtme›—A vex) nono e wee, Benne. and .11 the tame eon ue carrot. oy the han dld by two men. A law non r er'd .04 lot .eie by LMILOGY JUAN LICINCY ADA M S—Delivered J:„1 May 11th, 048, at the School Mown, of the Stzth Ward, Ylltaborga: By IL M. liceekaurttlec Publlobeal by JOHNSTUN & roN. and for solo by all tlot Booksellers in the city. IY3 . . qr coat and be Ind. rob). run, Sweat and Mindcant Wines, caul - m.414 atone very choice and impactor brain::., received and fur sale ad aceotustutdoluqc n nos, by 01011 W & Itberty n seD 011,--10 bsb aoperior. blusckharePs broad, just received and for sale by jTd Jh I LID lc Co, GO wood .1 eIATS---60 sucks superior Outs, rec•d per smaruev V Vllfgem p god fot sale by j elo J m F. FLOYD, Hound Church Built/fogs • 0 WEFT MALAGA IX qr maks sweet Male gy Wme, ma received sod for sale lip P*t MILLE:a ok- UICKEFSON tai' INDIA lIONEY-3 hhsbt way landing yy fur sale by JAMES DALZELI, 'eta 11 water at yiyiTibow uLess--ou bx. talc, for 1 77 3 - hy - je.l4 S IF VON LIONNHORST gEET - 111 - 455:::-111 to. No. u 4 .ti si, Junin:a, tor 4 sale by jyll SFV oN buriNi lut*rr &Cu BEEF -5 bbl. pieltLed; 1500 Ise dned, .or sale by 1111 S F VON SOHN Holt.ry a co ir ACYPPEL—No 44Ud g, in halt and er bbl a for in sale b 1 jyll S P VON lIONNIRJELST It Co vtioosm—z dos curs large 11. h. firooms; 20 do /100h.ftg dc, Zda COTO do, - tar saki by JTIIB F VON BONNHOILST & Co IVIACKERbbIe new No 3, reek! and for rale bY iytt _MEND, lINN.Y k Co_ TIBER SKINS-3110 Ib, for ado low close malign jj mut, fyl4 Falk:ND, raq.:y tr. Co Lit.&THERS-47 took. Feather!, tut loading and r Ibr Elie by WE' PMI BOWEN, 70 front kt MEDICAL. CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Brottebita, dpi mmg Blood, Punt a Cal Side l Wean, Sore Throat, Holtman', Pailtion of tt r v , Heart, Tft WlrpUlgo . M Croup, 2,4 e,, " encased alty". are ' ZIT; ••• Dr. Swa yortd by y - wee CoUlpouud Syrup St Wild Cer It 0. mild and plemis to lrh the ta, perfectly sant and harnile.is act lisopensumet, and yet it is one of th e Wt powertul and carman remedies tor Crmuniri4 or tie 9migha i Asthma. Bo h anh LI Liver Commie-int, Paulo in the tilde o, arid general Debility of the Conotitution. that imm ever invented by the abdi of man Err the reef of the alliscaml putthe. Centimetres and evidence+ of its wonderful curauye powers are daily received from all quarters. It is 103- parimble to conceive the aggre 6 te of marines and mis ery that has beet& relieyed er hiee, by it, nor can we tAlCulate the immense behetu that shall accrue from t hereafter. All age.. onkel, and 00.111.10 n• are alike affected by it, and the Macao, es eradicated from the system, the constitution repaired, and health res tored by the um of to SV,lllll'l, COSIMCIID Snare or With Cow,. How many sufferer* do we dolly be hold approaching to act untimely g rav e, tekeetet , to the bloom of youth, team their reliance andirimido, inflict ed with that tatal malady, CONSUsIPTION,hich wastes the miserable waterer anal he is beyon d the power of human skill. If mph sufferers would only make a trial of Ur. Dwayhe's Compound Syrup of With Cherry, they would find themselves LOOoar relieved than by gulping the ammo* ineffective remedies with whir h our newspapers abound; thin 'Vegetable Rama- , dy' heal. the ulcerated lungs, mopping profuse night •areall, at the acme I.l2l2loingatoulg la acta,ei and healthy expectoration, end the palient will soon hod hit:m.ll . M the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public shomd bear in mind that- Dr. Dwayne to a regular mutton,* physician, and has bad yams of experience in dtseasea of the Lane, Chest, ho. The thrigthel and only) Fend. the oruele is only prepared DR. SWAYNE, eon. net of Eighth and Race streetaThlladelplata. ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE. Of all the cares Wet h. ever been recorded, we may safely)) the Lanais medieme cannot furumh one to surpass this, which now stands as a ill.; proof of Shit curabilny of enusamption, even whets his had been despaired of Dr. Swayue's Compound Syrup of Willi Cherry is all it professes to be, site skestest medicine in the known world. _ . The True of Ltfa u Maki Ds. Swsdraor—Dear Sir,—For, nus good of thopublie, I feel myself in duty bound to terittl la the great cute which your Compound Syrup of 't rid Cherry perforat ed on me. For my part. I feel as If every body ought to kilos, it- I was afflicted wish a violent rough, spit ling of blood, uhritt 11Weata, hoarieness, and and pf the crier indicating an alarming mate of the ducasW; may appetite was gout', and my rtrength had so far fell ed me that my !mends and phymcian ware persuaded I could not survive many days- dlymater, who was thy sumay care-faker. made soquiry where Me would be likely to procure the 100 U certain relieL She was told that if Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cheery (ailed in the cure, my lite was thou hopeless. Your medicine was immediately procured, and the first bot tle gave relief, and by the time I had commenced the ustl botde, my cough had led rue and my strength was much Improved. la short, It hay made a perfect care of ma, cud! am at thm present ume as hearty a man as I wish, and have good mason to believe that the use of your medicine has saved In. (ruin a premature Fn., e. 1 elhall be pleased to give any mformation respecting my case. 1 M 38 Chalet' at, between race and PM! atl, Ybila - - - - • • CAUTION.' CAUTION? Consumptives, Read. Read:. Dr. Swayne`s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In about the year LSD, I found it necessary in my professional practice, to compound a medicinal pref. anon for diseases of the cheat and lungs, posse g more powenal henbog prof.... than erm known for such diseases. In my CONIPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I have beerb very ac cessed. The truly astolostung axes effected bykr:) , medicine soon spread its Mine abroad; foe it DOT. tune of its success to mannacturtal newspaper puff. or For ged ceruficates—the real IMMOe aeons of toy rota pound ts the only cause of Its populaxity. Its extensive sale soon excited the envy Diane. speculators iii the atilichons of his fedow creatures, so much so that in a few years from the lime that my matt-sum washatro duces' to the public and to great demand, a firm to that city, finding that my preparation bad . gained a high reputattou find ing curaUire properties, ame Out with nisi they called Do. it'euarbi Balsam of Wdd Cherry. This respectable and popular physician had no more to do with the abode than poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Wistor is attached to make It appetio that thissno meat practitioner was the origusal inventor of the pre partition; such is not the fact. The above film, the re al inventor, sold the recipe and .10110 rtlananeturs to some patent mod ems altars in Cmcannatt for' the Wert and South, and another in New York for the East, who afterwards, a ls asserted, sold out to • druggist m Roston—on the number of hands tom which it may have changed ts'a enigma to some places they assert it emanated from a ;My- M= Philadelphia; to others, from a physician m hlaassiernoseda do is has falsehood and otvatageos stamped m every Mature. There have been a number of other preparations-pus porting to Umlaut Wild Cherry pat out atone, from the hands of inespenence, which the public should guard against, as they contain none orate virtues of the Ortgi nal and only genuthe preparation, widest bears the sig nature of Dr Swayne on each bottle. the present manotacturers of then putts and false ccrufteares have the daring effrontery to cannon the public against par chastng my euedmine, the only trolly genet. and ;mit, nal pry-Walton of Wild Cherry before the Oahe., which is proved satisfactonly by the public teem* cot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is welly van ons other official documents. DR. H. SWAYISEI. Inventor and sole Propnetor of the gesittuto Coda pound !Syrup of Winkl Cherry, corner of Eighth and Race streets, htlndlphta. Pamphlets can be obtained gran; setting forth an way 01 testimony that consume the most skepti cl of the onindentd virtues of Dr o n e , tat syrup ui Cherry, Cull end get one, that MI may read. Purchase the Inedieine, anal .ec Po, rale. wholessale and nand. by the Agents. Pt rti URN, Ed Nlarket OGDEA corner n ood .d Liberty Si s ci JONES, 1,11 Liberty st; Li A FAHNESSINICK A. Co, corner of First and Wood bred Sunk Red Wood, and JOHN MITCHELL, Aarghen) eirr. mared DR. JAY NE'S ALTER:AIIIIE. - We Lave been :awned by hire. Rose of a cure ?er n:nate/101l her by Dr. Jwyne's A/C.1.1hr% winch prOves supenortty ever every other remedy of the It tad. She has been tamed for the L.1.111.21CC13 years with NECROSES or WIIITE SWELLINGS, attended with ulceration, and meoliwan of various bones, du ring which tune many menes have been discharged from the ntai bone pr wet e roman, from Oath her arc., w and hands and from both legs, and from the left fa-sors.l boric, an d tram the right Shoa t besides painal ulcer, alt Other pont of her person, which have bellied . We :kill of a member or the moat =teem phystdana 0.111 eitt --tturiutt theat . of the time her autfertuga have beet elerulat.hig &pier/161e. Shoat three months 1.1/ICe she Was Inthteed tO LIT DT. Japhe's Alterative, tatuili has had an axon:stung ly happy dent upon her, by removing all pion and Swellings, and causing the ulcer, w heal, while at the same time her general health has tort etmCOLS Completel restored, so that she note armlike or lb. e than she did before she couvromeed the ale of tht• truly •taluattla prepauon.—{gat Eve. Post Poe hotter utlitrthattou, impure of Mrs. Rose, No. It 9 Fdbeit at, Phlldelpana Fur sale in ?Intl/Grub, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 7 . 2 Fourth at. near Wood. "i„.!L'llOleU LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL 5.„7 INGS.—Scrolula in all its multiplied form. weedier in that of Rine, Evil, eidargerneets o the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swelling*, Caroms Rheumatism, Censer, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or ol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and then..e cause, which LS a poisonous principle morn or let inherent in the human system. There. fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be etletted, lint if the principle upon which the disease depends, a removed, a cove must of necessity follow, no matter under what term the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why Jstekb ALTERATITS 1/1 so 001 venally succeente/ in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroy. the' virus or principle from whim these illnesses have their origm, by entenng into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every parade at disease from the system. Preparetrand sold at No. 8 south Third Street, Philadelphia. • Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. It Fon nla stmt. Pittsburgh tuch3l LADIES Who Use Common Crepes. Chalk, are often not aware bow tnghtfally injurious t is to the skin: bow comae how 'rough, how Sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the sklrlappears alive meg prepared chalk! 'Bettors, It is tulanous, coataiamg sluice gone thy of lead. We haven:pared Intautuul vegetable snick, addeh we cell pe JONES'S SBA SISII Lll.l' N' is markctly tamocern, being punfied of all deletenoq.imes; and it imparts to the skin • natu ral, healt h, alabaster, clear, Lying white, at the same time acing sdi a cosmetic on the skin, oinking Own and smooth. Dr. James Anacreon, Prscuctl. Chemist of Massa chusetts. says: "Alter analyang Jones's:V.:Rh Lille White, I find it possess. the most brasufttl and natu ral, at the aaala time 111110 , Ccal white I ever MOW. I certamls can conselentummly reeommend its use to all whose skin require. bearnifylag.n knee YD old by cants lAbocfixoN, at km Boot and Shoe Store,EA Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of the Bur Bon. Lathe. ladles, I'm astonished, IVhen you kunw that rat are peoullaed A natural, We-lite, tumor? value, MM=Cl== Ana loot • deathly yelbw Thi drama of 'laughter nag of ult. If yeti. emote eft a boa of JONES Lilly•whae, wouLt give your skin au elation, yet morel white. and at the same time clear and Improve :Sold at JACKSON'S, Mt Liberty in. Prima O cents per ion MO' PAPER WAREHOUSE. O. 9 DUELLING BLIP, SEW YORK. I YBU9 W. FIELD offers (or .ale ai the IORT1( / Danufacturars' pine.. • very coteAvve escort- It of PAPER. eompnemg every yametde variety, adapted to the wants of ceownes• to all secuous of the country. Paper of all bode made to order at short ZG. of PRINTING PAPER to =lousily larks • partial which la of very roper:yr naalily PLPED. BlllBlr4l. 5 9 !ELMITERIALE or e cry description, imported and kept constantly ann., via: Felunga, W ire Cloth, Fotsdnoier s Et:canning Powder, Blois Ultratatriric, Tor Inc, se., or RAGS., (],[raft., Dalt Rope, Grafts Rope, Barging, r port-tuned, for winch the highest priee m Gosh witi hr pod irkty New York, Joint 1,111 - . -- Dr. W.P. lulautd , a Premlcuos Plaater. 1 R. W. P. IN L4ND, orate Iledied College la' Ml atlelphin., now offers to Me public Los Inchan Veg. °table Prerntliat Plaster, the ttnahltes of which, after lung and and experience, has beensausfactonly tabrished. To ell women who see/ Prolate,. Merle or Fallen Womb, be re...ow-rule btu Plaster, gussauteeing a sure and speedy cure in the short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied welt care and rest—discarding all the count/est instrusneuts and eFpenaitra bandagetsoa long us ma. This ha feels commune. In stating, ...much O. be Ma not fated in one cue out of three hundred and ally•Utree pa tients. Alto for Rheumatism and Wealri3revt ° Bast, at. tended with pain, Were n rotting to excel Wt. Plaster In affording relief or effecting • curs. For .ale hp It Wilcox, corner at Diamond anViartel Draltu it Heuer. Lenny and AS Clair CA Dr J Dawn! Fedend tt mad Dui-mond, Alle ghe car Jacqu n es y & " Denman and Diamond, Birming ham. at _ -- A ounease go !no W cond. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will be paid to any one who Wal profitee a ppm of plan, VV. OF all. OW annen be ouraeurd walk Iron's Improved Climate-alHoop. Lop. I have the sanstaction of saying to me people of an owe, that tbm uninte, by my own improvement on n, verve awnlounriTailed to Mu moray for extracting grease. tar, pitch. aUT other pew min. aa.. as 0114 ai r. tialitaat. sorbets, tablo &rota. manna Mow's, lath,. iwnueir. /se, wOout taboos anYthing that anon "nit., win bat mete. More than mie tboasinsd potions to &Permit p a of the conga, haee b/d me May MINIM ant be wultout krftt am ono dollarper cake. la trymg thls Pompon no,, than SOO ankles of light Math WM; poeeas, and calicoes,' ham only Gonad three pieces at nik, two of alpacas, and ken of calico, on which It changed the color; therofore Woe patting it on a light dress try Lattatplo of the deem Am. I Mato dila because I sordetermined not to recommend it any stronger than I bmw to be strictly man NI H Rom bynce. 12i eta per eats. 8 014, R wholesale and retail decal E BELLI:Rs, V wood a 31Zrhalf chests V HUN CIO dodo to t oZi o i do, o d l oollapowder n . do Wadi, dc4 9u ca 4 ty Gaupsydu anti Y iamb's sod on quo by Jae kbeUIiItERVION. MEDICAL GREAT CUBAsertb and by kb. ongbalualwr... D awl i. Faith= ü ber Pus, mewed mad Kid My aS. 1%, 21101JOat FURORE, Weehaorehod Co., pv, July ISM, 115117. lfr. R. R. &Lim r—A wawa ofduty b yonand Ihitalhesed todoemore add ea humble testimary &Tor YottrJuatly celebrated Liver Pia I, lave &Wired dog yeas, wibereng to Dail Crockett', =um, 'MP sum you are rsiw, Wea p ahead.. Row of the may preparation of emu.. and qwecita, Lauded 10 Um tbut, balt twat into obliviumumte your Liver 'POI hare hten Offered Or the rib*, sad, indeed, I where they will 'wird. them all," asthey aro just what you . tepoomeal Mom ba7 I haws been deirted math Liver Lotopowal .Goot toy youth; bare eulfeted much; employed may eminent phyear-rwas, to whom I earl moth ItMaYi h." lost ma c him* been vomited and plumbed almost to death; Mimeo sor e tom, end finally prep up as 11.11.61.. to 1,26-7 I a sederelltol7 yoar Liner SR.' , and SOON GOT ELL. Una him of womb On., will eat W leepme einr id pale is Ow side. ..d WI the other symptom. Go at least mocha Your St Its arm mu the besewhartic I river wet; Wm;aidd, not grim, or giving moth eleksemi at the Soar ach, but girt me much relief I hare kept them to my .awn for G er years; mold hundreds of home, and knot wow hood • sing e complaint uttered by any ooe erho has nerd them. The, have eapereeded aloe.t emery other pit at Mu aeighborhml, wd iu • short t-1121. 6.24" h mew ell. earnewly morrome e d them to all wading phymic, whether kw Lam Comp Low or ILlhous Air sculaus I ton- Wisr them I. turritse hr Cabaret or the Blue Pal. Rome, r t j AM65l-5. there arm other Pith befor! '' th s3 :7mrdic CAL r... Liver Pills, penoas who mai the GEN 1.71 N *holed wk fee and take no other itua Mow preparmd and sold by It E SELLERS, No 57 Wool-at bet.. Thud and Voyrett Ore.. Yobi by Dr. Cbarat, Filth D DI Cour, Alleeway eitL. lirdropothy, or she Water Cars. not_rolt ar.zu. W. .110KIHS returns hss suseare LI thanks to the citusus of Plntsburge and Allegheny Sof the very liberal auppon and encouragement he Itu received within the last eta tnonths. That the NT.- lei cure should acquire such celebrity, Is neither strange nor mysterious-when a at considered how great acutuber of cases of every vernety of diseases, both te and chronic, have been cured Ly • judicious ne of It. lu tierusinny, where a or/gloated, six thousand lba worst eases. that were men up by the more aka rul physisnaes of Europe as incurable, were cured by the immortal Pnesnittx, the founder :tithe Water Cure. In England, France and America, thogpands of'hope less eases have been toted by it. nueoll the nonasitous Hydro's:nine establishineuts sow in successful opera tion in the United Staudt, speak renames in favor of the practice. /Jr. Mortis having permanently established hnuself in the city of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest of It win'sallays nit Penn street, in now prepared to take a number of boarder. and treat them at his house, and those who prefer being treated at their own dwellings, will be punctually and faithfully Clock nded. He may be COalltlita4 at his other from l o'WI 3 P. M., and (rota 7 . t0 P 1 in the evenusg.... N. 11.—Every variety of baths made use of in .he wet, cue, both for lethes and gennentest, em be ob tained at the Alltenteueu. on Liberty street, when they, have been recently erected for the express use of Hy. drop,,,b,e patents, and where every attention will be giVen by the polar and attentive proprietors. aplexon • _ Great Rmaglinth Remedy. FOR 'Coffiffie, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The GREAT AND ONLY ItEffilEDY for the cure oldie ahtztve Macaws, to the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIVE,. discovered by the celebrated Dr. Dictum, of London. England. and introduced Into the United Smuts under the isvinietilate superintendence of the invernorip The extraordinary sure,. of this medicine, in titZ, Imre of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent ia whetting for treatment the worst pomade ea ses that can be found in the counnumty —este. that wok relict in vain from my of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished pligaiciains as confirmed and incurable. The Huttrari. au Balsam has cured, and and mire, the mddt desperate of case.. It is nom:itch nostrum, but la standurd'Eng • lish medicine, of known and eanibilshed efficwy s Every family in the United States should bo supphed wilk i llirchan'a Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to coustnemct the conaumpuve tendencies of tie dismal; but to be used as • preventive medicine in all cases of colds, coughs, 'lnning of blood, path in the side and chest. irntauon and soreness of the lungs, brochitia, difficulty of breating, hectic fever, night sweata, emaci ation and general detnltty, asthma, miluertha, whooping emigh and stoup. SOW in Wage bottles, at BI per bouts, with hail (Urea dot. for the rostorauon of health. . . Pomp Meta, contatning a mass of English and Amen one certificate, and other evidence, allowing the un equalled mcrass of this great English Remedy. may be obtained of the Agent, gratuitously. For sale by R A Co, comer of st and Wood and Wood end Mb sm. marfi DH... JAYNE'S CA ILDINA TI YE DAL.SISIL Ls HO,ll the Hey A issA SHIN N, a streaks:warn and pop X' mar Ctergyman of we Ylotestasublettiodial Church The undersigned ha mng been afflicted daring the past wintry with a chwase at the stomach, sometimes pro ducing great pain in the aMmnch for tenor twelve boars withom interlmmiiiii, and atter haying tried Valletta remedies with little effect, wax turnuhed with a bottle of Dr D Jayne's Carminative Halmnit. This he used ac cording to the directions, and found invariably that this ntediethe earthed the pain to abate in three or that min utes, and in fifteen or twenty inintarf Wier/ anlaity ieniallion was entirely quieted. The Medicine was whenever indications of the approach of pain wet e pemeiyed, and the pain was thereby prevent ed He continued to um the medicine every evening and soineumra to the rtibrilina, and in a few weeks health was re far motored, that the anderer was rel. , ed tram* large amount cif oppressive pain. From ex perience, therefore, ha run confidently recomottead D Jayee's Curmmauve Stisiiant. as a taanallinediein Cur dimes. of the sh. MIRC mid bowel. A bill ND . _ leithegyerty.)22/ For sale In httsburgh at the PEKIN TEL TOE 72 Fourth street, neat Wood, and sl3O at theLtrtut Sten. of 11 St.NIW • RTZ. Federal street. A llen oast' Purify leoar Blood. 0. E.:SIBLEY—Lear Sir Last Sprig, and do -I'l nog the free winter, I was severely agitated %ctn. a yen:MMus complaint in my legs, and had been , lot some mouths under the care of physiciane. They ruy CAM [VOA almost meet-able, and they meld do bin little for me. I was nearly helpless, but with the aid of crutches could with difficulty get about In May limb I purchaned oh you, and cot:menet:ld using Beim rot's .4.. as PAILCIA. Alter Mamie of two bottles, the sores commenced healing, and I laid aside au crumb es, ustng only a cane. I dispensed veldt tomy cane, mul at the end of the fourth, was so well as assist all day in shearing cheep. In all, I used five bottle. The scrofula and sums have all healed up, and 'Mee lase scrota I Mire men no appearance of the diseaie, but have co:matted, and out now, ut the most perfect health) I .ate with confidence, hopi ng that otters may be hen en d ueden d uedto the game way, th the Sarsaparilla wild by you, has been the means and the only meaneof edam mg the cure. COELN ELI US J. ROSE. For sale wholesale and retail, by date B. A. FARME3TOCKA CO nor from P woad-sta. Jr. also corner wood A.6thsta Pk..I3.FUELILRY— r Cream do' Moods AMC. c', for shaving; — Crram a M Haar, lar shaving, Almondc Cream, do, Hyperfine Hauge, on Porcolato steeds, kmgaut scent balm pertained arab Lavender, Angle. term Mini; Scala/Ad powder pun, of all potterer; Ear, seed toLlet burrs, contemn:: fragrant extracts for the bandlterewer; a scent bag. and toilet sow., sail. able for pre -wets. Per sis 4, os Chinese ptiorder, 113.4..1 vegetaide hair sit. Bcar's oil, in tansy or cotarciou wrappers, inns seen. loses' 80-up; riympli Soup; Itp.te Shell soap; Soda soap; torethar with a VCR( Variety of hoe perfUmery: Just reserved; for Pale by • B A ki*AiiNENTOLK ts Oslo COT di..4 WOot! frf Pulmonary Balsa.. AA" 13SRS. REED & COI'LER.-1 feel it a duty I AU owe to my fellow creatures, to state something more respecting your Vegemble Pulmonary Balsam. Sm. first used the Bateaux, about eleven years ago, the happy effect of win. I then pee nu account of, hove hod several macro complaint, and attacks at my longs, one • few days an., and in every iestance I bore with the Balsam alone al complete and perfect success. It has effected relief and cure in a vary few drya It is aertalnly a sate medicine. I do not know. II will cure a fired coneumptiou bat I believe it be ill many cases a prevmuve, and prevention is bc.r thou cure; I do theretore for din Mew - of my fol iose men, enrnently recotruneed the use of tali Balsam, iu all p.nonary complainu. I am eonfident that it has Leen the means of preserving my Inato this day. Mao. June td, '46. BEN)AMIN PARSONS., Ens sale by B A Puh.stock. & Co, corner first and wood and also corner wood .a juin c,IELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It ha 0 power to cum! Prroarceon, Tel, al, 1641. B. E. S 41.= —My 'Unit has for Tell. been subject e a cure i t ' 3l tfti eTt; tetl''We're'dnt with asthma, and mad the advice of the most eminent rfhysictans in England, but all woo unavailing. By chance I /ward of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and teas induced to bay a nude fur trial, although I bud no belief ilat utyttung couldremove her complautt. To m 7 great Burps., two Oozes gave her inainedutte relief She n imam lemtetest with a cough, but two teaspoonafel of Syrup Metal • norm it. Moe satisfied, unarm Mul of three or tour eras, that Seller's Cough Syrup Is dui be cough medicine I have ever tried either In the Old or New World. We.. Fansocrom, Seventh Ward, city of Paraliargh. The above cerufscata should induce all who are trouhical with want, or asthma, to give ibq Syrup a in era may be bad for cents a bottle, the drag sof E _ . SELLER% wood at. Sold by Dr Castel, tab wool, and D la Carr , ghany city. Cant Pstoint Block Spri.4l6 Trnmo, Nl. Wirl" I N vEN - rED—For tho relterand Permanent thare of HERNIA of RUPTURE. isolto4 to all us. ) (ha ittpertOr Claims of lb.. Timm eon. at in earn darns,e eaaa with which it may Ue . wain. flit pad al lewd belllg neatly balanced on rprlitga, yields • pries sate any part id it, Sad thoroughly adapts .tell Lay c.v.:meat loads by nil senate!. It Can lir worn Intennisaniativritil a cure Is effected. e tato Sel lera have made arrangements rot the' guano lawn al the. valuable Tvorie a superior aspic, Phi lo! deipa•a. and have iSetri eu„ now air sa.ei at their 00..5, Na. it. near alit>, Pitt•bargh. urn. WATT, leal D. W. KA UFFAILA 4. gh:LdAlli..l - VElLMlFl'llhl—...Superior to illy l hues rrer used." Xilnns , Tr., Fayette county, Pa., March 4, 'tr. Bxxxxus—l hereby xeruly that I have used y o ur Verautuge ul ray family, and believe it e u ual, ua supenor to nay 1 cave ever used. 'gave u. one of my iitldren one dose, 'slue h expelled about ell worms. Prepared and told by R E SELLE Eu b.rb4sobi. RS, S. N ood IL Sold Cdr.!, bib Word, U Curry, APrigherlyi W J Teropenriscerdle; and P Dravu, L. roubbville. curt I'itlNGE3—Aa assortment Just reel and los sal 0 by my 3 J KIDD a. Co PITTSENRGH gAzgrrg, P 1.; ~Lirki I LID DAILY, Tici- wEEKLY. , ,I4 WEE4(I.7 A, :4,,,,,,...av, Dua , ,1i4,,,..34 ~ i ., stay nliis Pan (Om tiAI'IESB OP •ADVEUWIIIiIIsOt 11 ne 1061 . 1,011 of' Illtnes of JettySO 50 TWO .sertsna. wittmcit afterations 0 75 rh,. .. Otte Week ••" •••••••••• I 50 T w o WriA• • ~ Three .• • • ~O ne 5100th, it ... ''''' :',.: 4 30 00 Two O ,/ • 131 ***** .750 **** .:.• . 6 00 Three " ' " Le Longer adverli,tements in mile Pr . P . "ll; One squsso,6 5004 4, w1tt, , ,,,t a11 5 * 3 P9 0 •7 • ' ''' 00 '' . it ' 4 4 ' 1 5 W r. b a dditionagl square for 6 ..""'h. 300 One square 6 tuontlig, renewable nt Onager., 15 00 &nen adt!l[ionnl rseure for It connthg , 10 ,0 a‘eare.g. 4 0...a1:a, rewable illozaor t ,90 00 .' O5 adadatinal &quire, G inorabg, 900 W 11441.1 JU TIII-WILLLY I. DAILY One square. 3 ingenious, 81 50 each additional insertion 31 1241=111= Five line. or lee., one year, 6 00 penths, b " one year, daily & weekly, 10 DO " '• rox months 00 •DVERTIIIINSWTII 1111 Will4T /A-Pil. For .10 lion, or len, One 1neni0n,4........50 7 56 " " Two, • " t wo, , ...,... up Three 3{3.50 Sis ..... ... 600 n Twisty/ tta
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