,PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO. PITTSBURGH* THURSDAY MORNLNG, RUA 1845. PEILLADELPIIIA NORTH AMERICAN. Advertisements and Subscriptions to the North Amer , eau and United Sums GIIICIte, Philadelphia, reemverl mul &retarded from thin Orme. NEW YORE EXPREfEI. Wewill rebeive and forward free of expense, ad vertisements .4 subscriptions for tins paper CONSIZEICIAL LIST AND PIIILA.DEL PISIA PRICE CCBHENT. Sabieriptions b ibi. valuable paper will be received and forwarded from this office. Prmatnton Darr., Osza-rre 1. published ikE) Pl ', Tta 7 Weekly, and Weekly.—The Daily `I. Seven Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly as Five Dollars per arindat; tha Weekly t• Two Dollar. per annum, *Meow adoonea. Imr.rm, Money Markets. ac. ee lbaFMinsco aro earnestly requested to hand t firtnare before r. and a• early in the day Practicable. Adrernsetnents not inserted (or a spec Pad bate mll Invanably be charged tuna ordered on Democratic Whig Nomination., FOR PRESIDENT, SAOLIALLY TAYLOR, CPY FOR VICE PRI.IDENT. MILLARD. FILLPIORE, ON CM , TOll2. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, DER MIDDLESWARTII, 0/ CMOS COMITY AnUlnamoniO and Whig Nomination FOR CONGRKSS, MOBEA HAMPTON, 07 Trrrldll,6ll FOR •1111,1118 LT. LEWIS C NOBLE, of lodtann. CHRISTIAN SNTVELY, of Want, M. SWARTZWELDER, of PoLaborgb HENRY LARGE, of Mrflho RECORDER, HEZEICIAII NIXON, of ',met N. CIA, r REDUCER, JOHN SOOTT, of ROM DANIEL M'CURDV, of Elotabnh Borough- THOMAS FA I ItMAN of Pate burnli AVINTOII., JOHN K. FOSTER. of Baldwin. ==l .f 1 have no private purponen to orcomphnh. no part porposes-to build up, no enemies to punish—nollung I serve but my cousin . " .The power men by the Coroottuuon to the Riecu Ilve, to interpose his veto, is a high con.,rvatty< pow er, which should never be exercised except it caw of clear violation of the Constitution, or man:test but and want act:mauler - anon by Congress " "The Permit:nal opinions of the Individual who may happen so occupy the Executive'elintr. ought not to control the action of Congress upon questions of dn a:wale policy, nor ought his ObjeCtion% to be triterpo%ed where questions of constouuonal power have been settled by the mumw deporTients of government. and adonieseed by the people. *Upon the subjects of the tariff, the currency, the on. =Mr'entcof our great highways, over*. lake•, and s, the will of the people, expressed through their repre.ntauves in Congress. ought to be respect.. ed and carried out by the Execuuve *War, at all times, and under all circumstance., to a -national calmnaty, .to be avoided, if compnulde wolf national honor' 'rho princtples of our government. as well as its true policy. are opposed to the •übjuga non of othet itations. and the dismemberment of other countries by conquest. for. in the language of the gresi Washington, 'why should we quit our onus to •Ikind foreign ground."' . 1 TA I Lott See next page for Telegraphic News The Extension of Slavery Thin is, at present, the most exciting and imp°, taut question before the country. It is discussed in both Houses of Congress, and in every political circle, and threatens to overturn all pany liner, and. by its magnitude, for the time being to swallow every other political interest. In the House-on the first instant, Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, made a very brilliant speech, on the poli tical questions before the country. in which the slave extension question was a prominent item.— He admitted that, on far as slavery was cones., nett, the precedent was in favor of the ordinance of 1187, said that Mr. Jefferson had sanctioned it. He then remarked "There was a coinnion ground upon which the Whig party could stand—if this new territory is to distract our harmony or to distiirh the Union. la us throw array Mr tovrthlex, ;,aft. He would keep it out a hundred years. until it had demonstrated ability to be co-equal with the people of this coon 137, and fit fur free govern at", High men in both aides of the hoe would stand up and go LW the country, arid to preserve our glorious republic from the dangers of disunion." The gitr—or rather the extra vagautly dear pot. thaw—is, indeed, truly worthless. in comparison with the integrity of the Union: and one of the greatest sins the present ieliiiinistralion has to an swer for, is the bringing id' this territory into the Union, to be a bone of eontenuon between the North and the South. The North, especially the Whig portion of it, did not want this country. The bringing of it in has always been deprecated by every true friend ol the Union; and its dangers have been clearly and eloquently pointed out— And whatever mischief may result from its pos session, will lie at the door of Mr. Polk, and the party which elected and has sustmned hon. If this question of slavery extension must he met—and we see no way of avoiding it, as the territory is now acquired, and must be governed, whether tor weal or woe,—the North will, m the very nature of things. oppose the extension. The South cannot, with any Justice, complain of this. They must know that the voice of the civilized world is against slavery, and that its existence the States which are cursed with it, is viewed with extreme disfavor. For the sake of our loved Union. for love of country, for the memory or our revolu uonary straggles, from respect to the agreement of our fathers who adopted the constitution, from the great dlfaculties which beset every plan for the immediate emancipation of the slaves—.the North is ready to sustain all the compromises of the Con atitution---to leave the whole question to the sow. ereign States, where it belongs, without let or his to be cured or endured, as best suits those concerned. But when the free Slates are asked to sanction its extension over a vast territory an. quired by conquest, and by so doing, eaten the commas blood and treasure of the tiation for the propagation of a hated evil, both physical and moral is ire nature, is it any wonder, that the peo pie of the free stales should resist' Slavery asks too Much, when she asks this; and in all kindness we warn our Southern brethren, that by this course they endanger all. Who can stop the broad our e ,...—rent of disaffection to the South, and of opposition "tin slavery, when it is once Routed on its headloog course, through the toad schemes of those ultra slavery propagandists, who seem determined to precipitate the avalanche upon their own heads For our part, we deprecate, as friends to the Union, parties founded alone on sectional issues, and we know that a vast majority of the people of the North deprecate theta, but such parties will, nevertheless. arise, and grow with mighty power . if the South in determined to press the qOestion of the extension of slavery into territory now free, upon the country. May love of country, a decent regard for the liberal spirit of the age, the dictates of humanity, and the slononn memory of our pat. riot fathers, lead to a wiser decision. However this troublesome and dangerous tines. titan is settled, but one sentiment will soon animate the breast of every patriot, that of deep, thormigh contempt and detestation, for the administratio n which, through its party madness and unhallow e d aintunon, brought thts dttEculty upon the oniony. Bonny AND altßest is MERCER eursrr r.—We learn (rte the Whig, of Mercer that the store of Mr. James C. Shaw, of Pine Grove, in that county, was bgoken open on Monday night, of last week and robbed of a large amount of valuable goods, to the amount of 5700 or; 9900. No trace could he baud of the goods, or of the manner in which they were Learned away, as no wagon tracks were found near the store, and this led to the be lief that a number of persons had been engaged in the robbery. On Wednesday evening kllowing, a man with a horse and buggy, COnliiirling two trunks, was observed, under auspicious circumstances, which led to his arrest, and a part of the stolen goods were bond in one of the:truuks, and on making search near where the horse and buggy were seen standing on the road, the greater part of the remainder of the stolen goods were Mond, conceaL ed in a thicket. No doubt is entertained but he bad accomplices, but nothing has yet been demo, end that will lead to their detection. The robber was committed to put. Boston.—On Fridtip evening last, there wax a meeting of the opponents of the regular nominees for the Presidency, at Boston, to hear Mr. Giddingn That gentleumn spoke for two hears, against bbth of the candidates,• and declared it as his opmidn, sap the Boston Traveller, that be felt sore that Gen. Cass coold}sot get the vote of a tangle free Este, and that the South would go en masse for Taylor. Major WY. T Foment, the newly appointed Representative of French Republic at Washing ton, PM formerly in the Engineer service of the Unizad Suites .Fotollllll, NOWA by the Cambria. Por our ecik ((the detailiof the Foreign 'News by the Cambria; tire are indebted chiefly to the Herald, and the Commential Advertiser, of New York. Thesteamer Camhna, CstdiMa Harness. which G Liverpool oo the litli;arrived at Batton at 8 o'clock, on Friday morning, having made the passage in, twelve days and a all She brings sixty-one passengers from .Liverpool and seven from Halifax. The steamer Caledonia arrived at Liverpool on he 14th inst, after a passage of thirteen clays and There in but very little activity in commercial of to England. The cotton market was dull, sales confined to the trade. There had been a slight decline in Ameri can descriptions There had been no change in the grain markets. The weather in Great Britain had been excellent rot the crops- , The state of trade in the manufacturing districts remains without change. The London money mosket was pretty firm, not withstanding the l* wars and ruiners of wars," throughout Europa. Consols on the 16th of June. were a3i for the account, but were last quoted at aat. The posMon and prospects of the West India set gar planters had peen rise to several nubile meet lags in England on the subtem. The .• Chartast movement' of the 12th nit fan. ed. The renowned Tom Steel, I lead PaedienUo fur Iceland, under Mr. O'C.onnelf a Repeal Asaomatton, 'ied on the 15th ult. There is not any very important news from Ire. lard. The repeal agitation has at present come to a stand so. The fraternisation of the Old and Young Irelenders, is not yet comWeted. The con summation of an event so earnestly desired by all Irishmen, has been postponed fora fortnight by the leaden at Conciliation Hall, in order to give the country an opportunity of expressing ail opinion thereupon. The tilltillgt of the Repeal Assn:lotion are postponed for a fortnight. The accounts from the continent, and more es pecially from France, will be found very U 113.11.- factory (if we believe the English papers.) In fact no one can speculate on the continuance of peace for any length of time, as every Lour brings forth new features. M. William Tell Pausato had been appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten tiary from France to the Republic of the United States. • There was a great excitement and reaction in Paris in favor of Louis Napoleon. lie is to be ad mitted to the National Assembly. The excitement continued to the latest date, cod measures were taken to keep it vigorouli, Pamph lets' m praise of Prince Louts Napoleon are strew about the crowded assemblies, and newspapers in his interest are distributed gratis. The wails were, on the 10th ult., stuck over with a placard bearing no signature, but recommending in strong terms the Assembly in disinter the Gtiv. eminent and the Ministry, and to comer a dicta torship on at. Causradere. Notwithstanding their defeat, the Executive Commission alibi kept their ground' On the Ifrh ult., the Assembly was discussing a proposition for devlaring Algiers an integral pnn of France. The Exerutive CUMIIIIBSIOI3 having given an swer to a letter of Etude Thomas, late a director of the ateliers nabonaux, demanding an Inquiry. that person has addressed a petition to the Name al Assembly, demanding redress for the outrage committed on him by arbitrary arrest Mid deport. lion mt the part it the Executive Cotunussion. whom he charges with reviving the system of its. err., r 4 =diet. "I have been.' says he, ltdismissed and arrested, and yet they refuse to try me. The catty of the violence done me is buried m myste ry. there is no preeedent for my treatment since the reign of despotism... In consequence of the attack, made upon him. hi. t'lement Thomas tendered, on the Mh ult., ha resignation of the mtmmand of the National Guard, but the government declined accepting It. It wa rumored next day, that in conwipienee et the ten - gewgaw. - he had applied in the Assetnl.o to the cross of ilie legion at honor. he woe to sigh a duel with Nl. Napoleon Bertrand. non of the lat General Bertrand. but the allair wail ultimately or ranged without a resort to duelling. The director.. of the Ittratrett at Pana waited o the Mtniater of the Interior on the oth n,L. to at. prim: hint that, it the government did not anord them assistance. they stmuld close all the theatre tinder their management. The commander of St. Pierre and Miquelon ha informed the government. uuderthe date of the 711 ,C A rd. that the republic has been proclaimed there Islands. The excitement t•ati+4l ang the ttliribrepubil oans by tine return oi M. Thin Jar Pan, ham pro ilueed a inanifemntion again.t hint of a acre,. char ;Icier About at, o'cloel, on the night of the Ml n larze mob proeeeded front the Ijoulevrad t. the Plat, 3t.t :torte. in which hi. mansion to suns rated. crossed the iron palisading by which it is .on rounded, and would tube forced their tray tato the house, and committed pzissibly further outrages, but titr the areval of a body of National I luards. tip whom they avert expelled. and driven to some dialling, it was eleven o'clock. however, belore the crowd finally dispersed. A strong body of the . ante Mobile, who had arrived L. toe rapport of the National Guards, Livoutteked on the Place 3t. George. lieperNhoc .vs that the re VOW. , only beginning. Thin i 6 the paper of Bede. Pierre. Leroux. t;eurtre :Sands, Untie Moue. &c. We have little someone rotelhmence from \npl the whole of Uniabrur seems still in revolt- In Hanover, the enlightened liberal mutate ..St' rove, seems much in the same predicament, and lie will probably be compelled to resign, t o eon.- quern. of the harraraing demands of the ultra democratic party. Since the battle of Bodo, and the fall of Pessibn era, no movement of a further decisive character has taken place in Lombardy. The Piedmontese were preparing to occupy Isola della Scola. to cut ad' the communications of the Austnaris between Verona and Mantua. The Austrians warn c titled to the neighborhood of Mantua, and are rava ging the country wherever they appear. We learn that the Emperor of Austria meditates a visit to Prague, with a view of attaching to his person the Boheinian provinces. The French Eng lish, ! Swedish. land lielpan ambassadors ;have reached Innspruck and it is supposed that the of fairs of Italy will there he dtscussed. The hopes of the people of Austria seems centered in the Archduke John, who, as the counsellor of the Env uetor. will be the medium of communication tie. twee,/ him and his subjects. It is tstsitivelly asserted that the Russians have cro ssed the Pruth. on the frontier of Bessarabia. and mat the Austrian minister, IlqUrvuer, at Con sta &Annuli.. has in vain protested against this move. meat. It has been also reported on the London Exchange. that a large Russian limee had en tered Memel. This is not improbable, at the same time the rumor requires swim uuthenuc continua tion. The Lhet of Frankfort seems lobe occupied with the adjustment of the Sclavonian affairs, and the forma➢on of a Directory to manage the affairs of Germany, until the definite establishment of a supreme central governtnent in Germany, when its sovereign functions will cease. In ?Mama affairs hale cvme to a dead lock. In the Berlin Palm/tent, a declaratory vote, of an abstract nature, whether the events of the Pith and 19th of March bad dethroned the King, and originated a new constitutional system, being no antivell by a arnall frimoray of lli, the people of Berlin/ base again been thrown into a state of tu mult which appean like to have serious ram , quences. The den/davits of that capital are at direct incite with the court party; and unless the inch can be brought to some reason, an appeal will certainly be made to the army, and a frightful civil war will be the result. M. Arago, the new French Minister, the Lyons Commissary,seelon to frater nise with the people and in the general excite. tarot that prevails, this sort of propagandism can only add to the mischief _The Danes have assumed the oflensive, and at present no probability exists of a speedy termmm bon of hostilities. A strong Russian squadron o hovering about the Prussian coasts in the Baltic; and unless wiser counsels prevail in Germany, We tear that the present partial contest in Schleswig will only he the forerunner of greater and more ve nous water/ire. There are reports from Spam that Narvaea ta &aro to retire from power, and that Gen. O'Donnell and M. Mon will forma new ministry. It is said the Th. Spanish Minister ha. been dismissed trot London, in return for the ejectment of the Brinst Minister from Madrid. Porm,nlquiet:Costa Cabral and his party have the Charubers entrely under their control. The following condensed statement ail Franc , illTairs, which in of much interest, we take !roan th London Correspondence (tithe New York Corinne riot Adverti.er . The llonapane movement in Pans is just one of those shifts by which the French people constantly remind us of ihen instability and of the utter hope lessness of regarding them as rational beings.— Ten days back, whatever may have been the con• tensions between the Vali°us politimil factions, by which France was torn, .•fidelity to the }republic" was the professed cry of every individual French man, from the Prince de Joinville in his exile, down to hi. Cubes, in his dungeon at Vincennes Not a representative, not a capitalist, not a soldier not a merchant, not a shop keeper, not a student, not a plasm, but had accepted it as an irrevrsable fact. Reaction was the one unpardonable wish which till men disavowed, the one motive that would at once been mentioned ha the explanation of whatever cnme might have been committed.— And now - the streets of Paris resound to constant shouts of riiv P En:pert-yr, and the National As sembly, which has scarcely completed the first month of its existence, quails before its maniksta. bon. Deanne the energetic protests of Lamartiae. and its own recent denunciations of the Prince as a pretender, it has removed the ban which pro hibited him from entering the country, and has re cognized his right to lake his place . a represen• tative of the people. The details of the present movement, as far as it has yet gone, may cattily be described, kir the whole business seemato have been merely impel sive. The return of Prince Louis, mentioned by the last steamer, among the eleven new represen tatives for Paris, took every one by surprise, and probably the Prince himself, role. than other par ties --The announcement of his success was mt• mediately received with tremendous shouts by the minuses. Lamartine then appealed to the National Assembly, in the name of the Government, to crush what he assumed to be the projects of the Bonapartism by at once puunincing the exclusion of the Prince and proplslm to the world that the admission of three of his family which had alma dy taken piece, was not to he Cotustrned in his fa Tor, some while these members of the Bundy were reg zg free from the roach a intrigues, the Prince had rs twice, by the ai affai some yeasts back at Snare bourg and Bon ne, shown himself a reckless and incorrigible pretender. This ' al at, the moment wee apparently receive ' e Assembly with almost unanimous approval, and no one would have entertained a thought but that a vote of exclusion would be immediate Out of dams, however, the indications of the popular will be came hourly more unmistakable. five Nopoieon was heard everywhere and Fire f Empereur with significant frequency. The troops of the National Guards were employ. ed in all quarters in se-anemig the mobs—and or. rests were mulutudinotm—but still the common cry became louder and louder—the National Guard were likely in aome degree soon to sympathize with it—a regiment of the Gargle Iliolas had alrea dy pronounced it, and the offence had berea 'over looked: and under all these signs the National As sembly. in aameeting the neat day. threw back the Government proposition and decided by a large ' majority that the Prince should be admitted. The Government, already in the last stage oe confusion and imbecility, have therefore received a defeat such as would at once, under any estab lished system of administrative power, have driv en them from office—and the circumstance is the more humiliating, in as much as the vote in favor of Prince Louis was chiedy urged by M. Jules Fa t-re, who had a few days back been defeated by the Government on the question of the prosecution of Lotus Blanc; but although rumors were instantly circulated of resignations, it appeals that none have yet taken place. It is said that the draft of the new constitution is nearly ready. Arago is considered likely to be the first President, but there is a strong party in favor of Catissithere. while others again of course talk of Louis Napoleon.— All coasiderations regarding contingencies of this description are, however, wholly vain. One man might be certain of encomia to day and to morrow a new shake of the kaleidoscope might shatter all our calculations. Mean while it is remarkable that neither Lanaartine nor Ledro Rollin is a candidate for the dignity. In the midst of all tins miserable state of uacer tummy, M, Duclere, the finance minister, has brat forward his statement of the probable resources of the Republic during the next two years. Among the meana of relief no advance of 530,000,000 by tne Bank of France no . be made of course of a new issue of paper to that amount,) to he secured by the Reines of the Sinking Fund, and mortgages of State Property, is the most conspicuous item. A creation of 520,000,000 five per cent. stock. sales of umber from the state forests, the alienation of crown lands, and confiscation of rads-nye and in. aumoce offices, Ste, Bee., also figure as means of supply. The whole statement, however, is so loose as to be unworthy of criticism, and as no one at taches any importance to any proposition of the Government which is dependent upon its members holding together for a week or two, the various de. ' tads have excited neither attention, nor approval, nor alarm. According to the Prem., the general course of the present administration is 'leading to the complete annihilation of labor, the extinction of credit, the ruin of commerce, misery, bankruptcy, civil war, pillage, massacre, and despotism.' One of the few definite acts of the Assembly du ring the past week has been a grant of 520,000 a month to the Executive Committee, ono fourth be ing for adiumistrative expenses and three fourths art the disbursements necessary in the maintenance of public security. Another has been the mamma non of Major William Tell Pounin, is name 1111 known, except as it reminds us of Switzerland and the tine artso as Ildreasix-r to the U. States. For Foreign Markets, state of trade, Se . so under i'onuneread head. The Worcester Convention. held last wee:, by the dissatisfied Whigs and Denioeruis. and Aliolc tionipts. was. acccirtling to its friends, a very respec. Labile mime, whilst oppostie aceounts speak of it as a faziure. Addrwcses were delivered by lion. I I{- liijdings, of Ohio. C. T. Adams. and Chas. Turner of lioslon, F... 8,. Iloar, of Concord. Lovejoy, of Cambridge. Joshua Leavitt, and other+. The tot lowing gentlemen—being two each trout the tt'lng Iteimaniatir and Liberty parties—were chosen del egates at large to the Mittel° Convention—Ste phen C. Phillips, of Salem, IL A. Raymond, of Boston. M. M. Fisher. of Medway; Ninth.. Jack son. of Newton, Freeman Walker, of Ilitioktield. John M. Brewster, of Pittstield. The number of persons present, says the Boston Traveller, was about 5000 Other accounts Isis. that the Mass Meeting did not number over 300 t) It was composed of the lAberty party. and 01 the tit,sattetied Whyte and Democrats. A letter tu the Boston Cloutier says. 'This a the smallest Convention I ever attend• ed. and hal the persons present d.l not appear t.i be interested. except us spectahars.' The saris writer says that the Conventsm was in Worcester maundered as a "glad j.)ke.i The wirrespondent of the Iknitun Atlas says, was the most percent lailure in the shape of Mass Con ventions. \Veto...Asir hue ever seen: and he adds Taylor stock is on the nse in the heart of the old Commonwealth, and all sensible men feel rev Lam. to quote the words of doe of her ablest Pons and truest Whigs, that - there vs the bent reason to believe that the doings of the Philadelphia Convention will be ratified by a majority of the Inners in the United Stales; Aid this despite the despicable efforts of a few dmappointed pole. nouns, vaned in their creeds as were the con. tents at the witches cauldron, with their Bubble, tCetbhk, toil and trout* Cum wad Matam Pay The developments made since the nomination. of the great amount of Extra Pay received by l.en. Cass, has attracted great attention. A resolution was brought up in the lionse calling upon the President to report the true facts in the ease, but it was so loaded with amendments that it had to be laid aside, as under the rules it could nut be con sidered, except by general couseut. The Wash maim oorrespondent of the Baltimore Patriot. thus notices the matter Those shocking “extra allowances." although they brought a vast Rani of the people's money in. to his pockets, 1.8.11 be the , death of General Cass' It is charged that.`milding those - extra allowances,' in the shape of per Limns milmge and rattan, to his regular salutes, the showing Is, that General Coon has obtained of the people's money, upwards of turnty-one dolla, a day. SaLiath and all, for more than thirty years' And DOW he oaks nue hundred thousand dollars more fur his Press. enual services for four years' One hundred thou. and dollars more, did I write ' If be bad the root. aunt, to charge four iaLanu when be was Guy enter of Michigan Territory and E..r-Usrulo Supeir. lotendeut of Indian Matters, bow much would his enn.xtence allow him to charge, if he were to be elected President and Er-Opi - cis Commander in- Chief of the Army and Navy' Would he not charge a salary of £25.000 a year aa Prvident, £9.000 an Commander of the Army, and 89,000 as Commander of the Navy with nay quantity of "rations ," Ile was always great on "rations,. even when he made a tnp to Washington city' Tax Vohmermms tmamrt Host—A letter he fore us from Vera Crux, dated June lb, states that twelve vessels were to leave that day, for New Orleans, carrying 2.500 soldiers, including the Ist Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. The city w. healthy. The following notice, to which we call special attention, announces that a part of the find regiment has already arrived at New Orleans. The Committee of Rception would do well to ex. pediate their arrangements, as we may look for their unval here in a few days .1 am instructed to request the gentlemen appoin ted for the purpose by the Reception meeting, to make their collections as speedily as possible, in order that i the Committee or arrangements Itia) , be inform of the extent of the means at their dis posal. We learn by letters received from Col. Black, that 6 companies of the Ist Regiment Penney!. trams Volunteers arrived at New Orleans on the 2.3 d ult., and would immediately after the arrival of the other I companiee—then hourly expected-- start for Pittsburgh. We have not yet heard of the arrival of the 2.1 Regiment at New Orleans, but it is _probable that it would arrive there before the Ist Regiment left_ The collectors strove referred to will ma re their report to the undersigned. J. li. GI 'Ttl RI E. Chairman of Finance Committee. WZIMCD LOVE' The following announcement of a ' marriage ex• traordinary: appeal" in a number of eastern pa. pers—Pgrdoirgh Foot. Atlantan—At Philadelphia, on the fith mutant, by the Rev. J. C. Calhoun, assisted by John Tyler and Daniel Webster, Zachary Taylor, EMI, an ex• tensive slave holder, of the South, in MINI Molly Fillmore, New York, the accomplished abolitionist of the last named State. It is thought their proge ny will be of an amalgamated or mongrel order. The happy couple have started upon a wedding tour, throughout the Union, which will end on the ith of March next, at the White House, in Waal, ington. where the tame wilt be held with extra. ordinary rejoicings, attended by all Whigs, and patriotic Democrats, who prefer country to party, and where they will also take up their residence for the suixgriling four years, to the great benefit and gratification of the people. WI, regret to hear that the recovery of Governor Sm.., from his present illness, ts considered hop, less. tile disease, it is said, is too deeply sealed to afford any hope that he may long survive. In the OV.II, of his death before the 10th inst., which to hardly probable we presume, there will have to be an election this fall km Governor. If he should survive longer, and then be taken oil; the Speaker of the Senate will fill the office of Greer nor, until the election in October, 1910. The pres ent Speaker of the Senate is WILLWA WILLIAM sox, Esq., Cram the Chester sad Delaware Lhstnct. Firs politics are Whtg. HOME JOUR:I'LL—This excellent weekly under. the Editorial Supervision:l of our Mends Morris and Mills, comes to us greatly improved. It is unques tionably one of the most agreeable Parlor Papers now published. Local Affairs The Irish Meeting The following re.lationii were peeed•st the meeting held in this city, on Monday evening, to sympathize Wail Mitchell , sod the truthlnnen, io as struggles for freedom: Whams, The policy of Great Bream with res. gnarl to Ireland bee recently developed itself, first in creating an offence before unknown in the trim inal code; and secondly. in procuring die centric. non, sentence and punishment c.f.lohn Mitchell, for the offence 1.3 created. by the menus., Fe-slaty and the willing compliance of muttons of power. And IV/ar rat, The only Armee of which John Nlitelts ell was guilty, and which the late net of Parlinnient in intended to elide anesuppress in 'reload, was the free use of liberty of speech mid ci the pauu., not for any selfish purpose, but to tle.,urno, the wrongs indicted upon his country and cud down vengeance against her oppressor, And IV herr., Great Britain ms manifested in Ilia transaction. that she has nut yet firgotten the sul. len spirit which produced the unteentally execra ted penal laws against Ireland; and that ;lithe Can not have submission. she will compel Admit-v.— And Whereat, The course pursued at the trial. eon victiou and sentence al John Mitchell, plainly shown that Great Britain bus yet tome Judges and officers who consider themselves vworn took and hirelings eh the crown, and who are no dead to dv... mercy, as to follow ly o Ju . 17 Ka.gte 1 ,, of Lord Nor bre ry. Therefor, Ile 11. by the friends of liberty atitlitet bee, In the city Rrraft,./. That as Atneratati freemen. ve take this :nettled of erprearing our deep abhorrence 01 the en se recently purtmed by the Crush Goy ernment. In procuring be mean. ,d venal noun, meats of power, the condemnation and sentence ofJohatiMitchell, and can fund no parallel Fur such proceedings, ant e in the untiormly iniquitous course pursued by that Government towards Ire. land. Rewlced, That the conduct of the lirtush gov ernment throughout the elite• transiwpon, from the passage of the law which was intruded to des stroy the liberty of speech and of the press in Ire land. to Ihr transportation of John Mitchell as n fri t., Is pecoharly Innputous in detainee it the liber al spout of the line. and subjects her to the contempt of the eivihord world. when they contrast her eour4e with her hypoerateul expwssions 01 plalans thropy. Kr..died, That holding the republican doctrine that Governments were instituted or the benefit of the governed, mid that when they crane to de. charge their legitimate functions, and more capes eially when they crown a long career of prune with no act reaching to civilization, obedience eenrie. to be the duty of the governed. and there. fore the Inch people world be instilled at any tune, in ...ern., their Independence and trump ling under lisit the tinurprd authority of Great Britain. . . .11ttol/e/i. That by the manly firmness and sous agelltlY patriotism. with who'll he odered hunsell for his country upon the tilt, injustice. John Ji.t. lull ins raised liiifiseit to immortality,— and that while we hold him its worthy. iit admira tion, we despise the rrlogla subservieney of the minions of !siv,, the perjured tile corrupt Bench. the packed Jury. and the yens! Attorney General who have proved idiiiiiesk alike to their country and their ;ail. Resale,/ That Ireland has a peculiar etlatin on the symattoes of the American People, that malty ot the brightest [tames in our zlettate toed Navy Were Irishmen, and that there to not a held man Bunker Hal w tlargates 01 Mexico, in wlenth Ir alt valor has nut etetblaxemed the stripers and stars of our glom. einem!. R.soltvef, That sip ;old Ireland ever nerd the sympathy and assistance tit the Atm:nem. people. so tars, can 1.42 done w.th.tut vroial4ll4 treaty lations, or coin pn utg ,at r 41,Vu bvietved taw try. we we will sustain leer or Pm tour of her need, and see that her dearest rtgetts shall not be invaded andteveriserne by the l-rwheit inclob, IA au already over crown tam er. /14A .Led entire blood iterpettratettl I niquoy rind camsed more tears to How in hetsemeth t or xxcrandrz, meta. than ev-r ,ha iija-retti It •aeer ryas in !ler Woodeest era of haw. r 111, aide deletice of hitt client. and !. woher.o, loike or the lira. :eh ljt.veritnient. in oio tile NINA, le.itct of Jr,. d:ctnlotoolly, ne lire iir John Mitchell. lois earned for In in Deli the thianl, nod apprulottion of as Intend, of L.ttertc ell d Juste•e. A How.—Tlit...greatert Rot. - h e have heard id ogennang on the I berth, war tire one t , :tt happen. erl at the. • Right ~t %Viq Hour, in the Filth Ward !toughen,. the proprietor ihe honer, got into a trait w.th sllle ci It, boarder , , which saton attracted a erurvd .Ir,,und it,,. do, lld nnea~rte to dirperre a by fore, hut war dr,ven Intel ,ow the non, iterit.n. Ile returned :hi ra. Lira in hi. hand, winch he commenced tbairirtung betore tbe crowd. threatrnout vengeance on then, 'lf they did nut lorthwith neat., hilt y to he frightened. :tad ..oniiiielieed throw.ng i..ti•nrr at it,,, sn rapid racers., in—,PlAie i•t tact. bug,- pat Stones. winch would nava lolled ~ in .1131.11111 N 11.14 they etruck her., but lomat:late:, e...caped w.th In. lite. A. wan; a- he WA 'I .4:1 • I their rigitt, they began 'toning the c,u..•. waiett they repaid. ~ probability, have deniithel,ed..l it had been la the inght lime: hut !lie day light wa , tern d no nin . na and ilir,ugn tile ellorts for pva.-011:•ie citizens find tier ttio w [ma): aisperned. 1.).V0t MAGAZINA for Jei US, we have Iteretolore celled attention to tl.. valuable mutably, as lartag the :Ireme.t it wall a+ one td the moat able }lagannr, .110. country II I. at forded at the low pr oar lridlar kamtam. Crain eight to twral, r in:raving. a manlier, together with a va•t anlidunt or an, u d and -rir..t• rd ATLAS - TIC TrI.E• e,! —i:y Telegrapin I iespuicid i s we ,*„o It, ..1 aet+ lag of the Stock fodder. i I Lids he ld Philadelphia yesterday. ienersi J. A. Moorhead of this city. was re-elected Preiiident. and (larks Avery and Thomas liakesswill, were elected mein. hers of the Board sit Director.. Wr i inter trout this. that the Bureau of the Cdrupany will be loda• ted in Pittsburgh. IIIIIII:llIl wits crowded lit rvrry trip she inade ou the • At one time. one of her 111/1111 troats Iron. the great pre,aure of tile On.wd gave away, winch produced fora moment a otue ptil among the panaengers on board, but ti.ere was Ilu matertal chlitage dwie to anything Furs—The upper awry in the ilwelling boost tit Mr. Robert Park. lutuate on the North Limit - non. Allegheny. Was I:U.1111.1,d by arr. on the night of the 3d mat Ti e.sereant zirl had gone up tutu the garret to teed Nene canary bad, and lett the can dle burning, which e uninunieated the tire to a lot of old paper. There W,ll no ineurance ou the building. TILE FACruHrtm—All the t' noon Factorie. Allegheny have stopped, and will douldle., WWII so for two or Lim, a oaths or longer. Thus some two thotimuil operatives have been thrown out of eutploynteut. The proprietors allege their inability to ineet the requirements uf the `Ten Hour Law, - which went into ittleitt on lie tourth THERE were lourteen iierrons the Toni his un the night of the Fourth. They had iieen led twat the excessee 411 the day. and were disturbing the pence by their disorderly eunduci. lii. Honor. the Mayor, tined alt or reven of 'them, who paid their doer. and die rest were einiunitted to proion. n n eg n n • -mi.. readers Lie referred to Me card of Rentlron Fithian. in inn- ndvertining column.. The Agency Le Lan toduliliglied rutin prove 1,1 great teller t , Ilit• roocrania 'nom the BrAish who have unlooshetl hoar nes% in their native uviuntry M svr of our citizen!, are ewaping from the eon fined buntling, and smoky atmosphere of lite city to enjoy for a period. the !aro:orating air and Wa turn, of Itedtiird, :Saratoga, Cape Mar Lind New port. COO, A few day, agu the thini.,i and lightest clothing only was endurable, but i;ir the last two day', thick heavy garment, were quite cinitcurta. Ides Hi - n - r.—A little !icy was badly on on the head, by being pushed oil the H se k et just she was landing, un time Futirtli. Tuz Troupe of Mr. Andrews, vt Apollo Ilan we understood, ore ourveling large audiettres 'l - I.;y are ttvid to be very superior Mr. C 1111.1, Pt rr. a gentlr than of diaunguialt. ed dramatic lame, toolutritcru un entritecintott our Theatre to night. . . TAY 1.011;4 MMTKATT.—T A 1101. r hal Ewea np pointed agent for the splendid portrait at t ;en Tay tor, publo,h . rd by Doty S. Sartain. See ailverttnei meat. Ronan.—Mr. Weaver, the proprietor 01 the Merchants Hotel, was robbed of a gold watch and other articles, on last Sunday evening. 'rhe thief ban not yet been caught. Tug wencher yesterday waa exceedingly cold for the season. The TIICIMIOIIieIer w our office, being at OS degrees below Fahrenheit A SON or Sir Robert Peel, now on a tour through the United States, is expected to our city ill a few days. _ _ Tnt—A font of second Ituud nonpareil and !wavier type for sole at this office, quintile for a country paper, and in good condition Allegheny County Tatars see League.. Pursuant to notice given in the different church es, and in some of the newspapers, a very respeeta. We audience, in regard to number and mtelligence war convened at 2 o'clock, on the 4th of July, in Rev. Dr Hamm's Church. • In the absence of the President, the Chair was occupied by one of the Vice Presidents, Dr. R. Wray. The exercises of the occasion were coin mewed by an appropriate and fervent prayer by the Rev. Dr. Rodgers. The Dec'arab., olio-- dependence was then read by R_ IL Da vo. alter which the chnir of Dr. Herron l a Church beautifully chanted the 24th Psalm in prose. Rev. N. West was then called on by the Chair man, to deliver his address in accordance with the arrangement, as announced. The address was very interesting, and by a vote of the meeting, a a copy was requested for publication, and a col. 'colon taken up to defray the expense of pnnting. alter a few remarks from Dr. Riddle. Lie. Wray and Rev. Mr. West, this meeting was adjourned with I,rayer ant} benediction by the Rev. Dr. Her. con. Roirr. Wnsr, Chin a. R. It Davis, See'y. Priemlnk. of Candidate Cue—Qaestlone and Answer.. V. Are you in Savor of Protection 7 A That depends upon "circumstances"' ti. What is your. opinion concerning the Pob he Lands' A. I shall write no more political letters V. Are you tOr or against the Wilmot Proviso A. See my letters ou both sides' Are harbor and river improvt. .cals consu• tutmoal. A. The ••noise and confusion" prevents my an swer from being heard.—PlisboirlpAte Nor'!. Amer' ANOTHER ANTI R.T 01,11.01 t wan perpetrated recently w Wales, New York. A Mr. Holbrook, oC Buflalu, purchased a farm m Wales, twenty miles from Buffalo, and went with the sheriff and another man, and took possession. ejecting legally the occupants of two houses no the lisrm, named Tanner and Tiffany. In the eveunig, alter the furniture of the houses was removed, Loth the louses Were attacked by a party of twenty live Or more persons, disguised as Indians, and armed south guns and pistols. The attack was made with stones, and the new occupants were finally driven off, and compelled to leave the premises. Several guns were discharged, and Mr. Holbrook's horse W 11.4 shot and killed. A sew nave.—The old Hunkers of New York, are contemplating the propriety at taking down their Cass electoral ticket, and forming a new one, and the question In asked, for what purpose Some say, that they are not too honest to desert Cass al together, and adopt the electoral ticket of the Bamburners. for the purpose of defeating Taylor, by throwing the state fur Van Buren. Even tin s ruse would fail of its object, from the disgust it would create in their own ranks Truly no, are fallen upon strange times. The Cumberland. Md. hioautateeer says that the fare has been redered on the Baltimore end tihiu Itadroad, for the try between Cumberland, M'ashingion and Bellmore, to tire dollars. Trn days being allowed to go nod ream from R'nsh. mgt.. The New t trleuas Itulletta ut the ',tnh of June lays—t We learn that t leueral Taylor ha: not yet teen ed utfiaal tnidrulation of his notronuttou: Th.• ettp•rtner4lttp heretttiont eittttott between the wtiltscrtl..tr, to. l'uttlt•herr of the htuttwrgit ,ettc. under hrm of rrattttt. Itrook• ftCo. Mt% .I, , tott ett It{ toutttni ottownt The .MA111..41101 the ,te "I:L ttluttetl ' , and Ittught EItASTI',4 ll= W. 1 - . V .14 PROP.IIi M 10,1. — Y you w,h to he so, pesatul y uralertalking, )ras must always •use the cioper Meal. " I her,ur, )uu have u cough. use .1 •It• k . • EX!' RATI , E-t, end be cured. ,r •Is the proper thew., 1011 Asthma or Oithru.i) larratioug. thee the oul) awieht rhesus to cure )ou is to list .1 , 1•,.• • El lit,' tore., which vett, intrueotately overcome the •pnesu which contracts the drameter of the Whew. 0.1,1 locwens arid brings up the mucus which clogs thll. slid Mot retuoves ever) obstrurtran to a tree respi. rutioc while et the tame tune ell todetninutiou eub dued. and ac um is certain to he ettected Have too Bronethh•. ut Blood, Iheuriey. or in an) palm Mice.... then use is)rie Llpectarant end rehei l• cerrairt. sod you will God that you have used the pay, ..... nu. 1, , r 'tale u. l'ltz.urth ut the Pekin Tea Sore, 7 , 2 411 err:, oeer wow. Anl7 1•••• • • Flrd - r, would &Ocular:to to rlrr lor Compri/v. Cold, l'onsusortton Artiluttat 11/Iti .11 ade,totur a the "Iltrout And Lungs !insult, net twat lonr• wilt.. • Wu grar• pa.' Owl or , at sig.," 1,, u w. :I otrutuute tu Wu. kind. we hare l.y r•lwcritt ent, 11.•1,1 i I yud.r nd are pre,ravd. earl recoa.rera o others Mtn.tera other palate •ne • nlii.rl,l Waln bronchral allernotts will Lind ireernt e 1.,. II 14 ',roared n s(11,11 n. • I :a)•/••Jan. 21/1 , / I. land II •Me :End elf, cation% inedllo. I OK dlln - noen 101 . Whit Ii II in ir _ 1,11 101.0A.. ilnawl Cr.. , " and Joan.: ==2=IEIMM IIiMiIMEME =i29:I=ECEMI Ilr R I.r .—S.one yrar, •oo.c. I w. toos• e41r.1 1,, Loa your Laver nod u. I una o great •uff.r. r uuw. toorlao, you one dollar, and orsall you to ..11,1 me the worth or II 111 laver Pita, by Mali. Lie part,r.lur to -roil We same kind—they acted like a Alarm wheu I took them before. Your., A G CUAMBLIN l'rrparmi and sold by R SEI.I.ER-A. 57 %Yowl ot 5.1.1 by In Ca.ael, 3th uard. U M Cum, Alleahenr. W 1 ,00h, Tetnyeranerrilly, and l' No. l.aw• rrnerv,lie t'ACII. , N All 011 k, pill• railed Liver err coon lertc/In or Mutat/ow, Jell Worms. by their trretation. augment the accost' t.OO ot worm, or Mane m the sto mach. which, al. e themselves, and a is 'nod they feed r. at.d vo deprived of a they die The relebrated ‘llfll/011, prepared by H. .h. FAHNFTIICK. Pit:abuts', Va.. Is admirably adapted in it. operation. hrs..s to remove the protecting mucus. and secondly. to cape, :lie worm- rendered helple, and tender by Ut ah{ thus deriuded It i. a remedy tn which every rt, fidetice rah be plated. aud that it haa answered the purpose t.manorat from the hundred.. of rertakcates peen in lie lavor /of, Men never attempt to counterfelt • worthless henre valuable medicines are frequently MUlR lett The Itnav• who counterMits tuedictne cotrimits • Ktral elltlat ati It It were a bank tote or the rom so tile I.nite•J Stara A Fabnostock's Verroiloge, A 5t...0 is the oniy safe and certain rum tor worm, bits 1... en counterlcited in sonny sections of the country, and per-ons ott their guard when purchnatin, to get lite Kristin. , article. prepare." it Pit.burga, Pa spot V- Don't hove a Foul Brea you have, u. oruillac botti• of Jones' Amber T,,.th Parte 'Fbat vrtil make your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, de 'Ol4 at as Lawny at. novl6d.4w ly All 1.-males have skin Ike the above, who u.e Jones' Spniti.h Irby White. It maketh pure st owy. yet nano: r a.. w „e Sold at YJCIIATHANI street iau l 9 Nandementary to "An Ordinance for Jr aypooa merit of firr,Mlfrara mi and Invector3 of Board', ..irdadingt, and &angle., pats...! 13. th January. 1529. t.Li it ordained and enacted by the citizens Ihn-burg h. in hleleer and Cum/on Councils as •ernbled. Teal from and after the passage or this Ord, ...re. all shingles brought into the clty for sale or h.ater, •hall be measured by one of the measurers of board and scanning. who shall give a ceruficute of the measurement, and mark on each bundle with keel the number contains, and all shingles shall be sold by (he thousand. (that is equal to one thousand shlngles four inches wide,l and any person or persons selling or offering for sale. bundles of shingles remaining a less number than they are represented in route., or are sold for, or retwung to comply with the provistona uf Ibis Ordtaance, shall subiert to fine or not less than fivemore than tidy dol/nrs, reeoveraltle as other city fine es and forreaure• are by law rerable. tiro. ll ir further ordained and enacte cove d. That cruelnel of •ny Ordinance as is hereby altered ur sup. plied, be and the same in hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted tutu a law in Collnells. tlna Id day ul July. A U. le-4, tarn seal hitililiAN HOl3l-IVNON, l'res t C H. Omaha Human, Clerk C C JOHN ,HI ['TUN, Pratl. S C JOlOl Diu , on, Clerk S C. 06:31 _- business Wier for City Purposes. IN pa rausner of An urd n nre provtdlog for se el r;eaole ROV,Illf 0 , this ear." pamled 16M Apnl, lo4a. no herrlty gluon that I. Coy Anseasor be. 1,11 okmy other. for examlnataon 1,, all persons loom.e,Oetl, a 1181 of perlon• doing bunlne. lo the .c.y. is conformity swab soul Orthomma Sae IV —II, mum examination of ettnl list, any per sons shall think themselves aggneved by the said as sessment, they shall state the semae au affidavit. whirl, affidavit shall also count. • statement of the tree amount 01 their sales, as neat as can he ascertain ed; said affidavit to he made and Irlt with the City Tremiurer within two weeks from the date oh the first publication of the nonce aforesaid. Mn VI —That nu appeal shall be tak,n but by the alhdar it of the per.n or firma awe red, bald arhdavn rotirlusive evideure or the ittets gutted in reluuon 0 the 0100001 ot sale, S R JOHNSTON, City Treasurer. ljj- Oilier on Third street, next door to the 3al Pres hytoau Church 100:001 WE have this day associated with LIZ NATHAN P Y V HART, in the iron Foundry business. Ft, KM& street. :01 NVord Warehouse. No ISO Lila,' sheet, l'uteburgli. The firm will be continued untie: Ihe 0 time of Pennock, Bluebell A C.o. JosEnt PENNOCK THOS. urrciimi.L. JOHN B IIk:ARON talon Foundry . e inaoutarium and keepcunmantly on hand g assoronen , 01 Casouga, PENNOCK, MITCHELL & Co oly 'pan= Sandy and B Canal. L t1 , 41 . L1: erce,rt, lon , Istlecturs sunk any wall he holden on Wedne, day. the oth day of August next, at the Canal Utile e. to Saw lAsbon, Ohio, between the hours 0( 10 co'q.k. A. and 4 o'clock, I" N , of said day. CHAS. Lk14061 r.l j . kOultd Secretary 6. k C. Co, DIVIDEND Orriva tit Till ALLSAlnix's BUDGE CO Cu. July 3.1,164.1. bi IE President and as...gees for ereetto,g a Bridge ov, the nver Allegheny, from the end of Hand ore., th e coy Pitiatiorgh, have dila day declared • di ruiend of Two Dollars on each share ol the Capi tal Stock, standing in Wename of individual. on the Looks of the Company, out of the profits of the last toOlitlio. Which will be paid to stockholders, or their legal reprefientatireit, on or after the 10th nisi WM. LAIUMER. Jr., Treasurer DIVIDEND FHB Preudern and Chreotora of the Northern Labe, 1, net Modica Company hove declared a dovidend of O Doll. and Fob - Cents on each share of the Cam ;al Stork of sold Company, to be pud on miler We EMNIISEMIi Now Apples. 90last bet E.ri r s rl iaL Chiyirlora, and fc;rt . • by • AARON BLANCHARD, jy6.31.• eor oraabington st and poplar .Hey Pimumit of Closes Taylors tisT RJE:CEI VED, a lew cows of Doty es Sarmin's Jprints of Oen. Taylor, certified o be • ifi nhfill like .. of alai disungutshed man For sale at Dfifib." A HILLIb:R.S. 104 wood st Pl 6 METAL -30 tons son biota!, for toundry are, reed antl for axle by - GEO A BERRY, 19 wood gt . W nicks :7;4 twaslacd.ln.4 aAf . p! .. !!Llet ^ FOR SALE -One Keel Boat or Barge, and one Flat Boat Roglore of ENGLISH & BENNETT ,y 6 37 wood wt SALFRATILI-- 3d bor Saloran.; 11'libls do, laseling and tor Tale by ty6 IJAGAI.EY 2c SMITH IHOCOLA:TE—LIMO bo.. No I Norfolk Co Chocolate; j SU do WBakces No I Chocolate; landmg and for sale by /Y 6 HAGALEY & SMITH INSEED OIL-13 libls pore Linseed Oil; landing Lifrom Discerner Heaver and for sale by O BAGALEY A Sal ITH - CHEESE— 2m bo. IVestern Reserve Cheese. prune quality. landlint sum stair Lake Eno, and fur sale by /Y 6 HAGALEI A SMITH VGA RS—:•White Hosana Sugars, in boxer; White 0 Brasil Snsars. in begs; for sale by • 4' 6 I,3AGALEY & O , 1 A TS-9:1 bush Oats. 7 . 1E16 , , 5 6 CLys prime W K Cheese, min reed and for sale by Jr/ WICK A AI•CANDL.FSB A LAW:4*—S sacks 8 9 Almonds, for sole by 13 - 6 WICK & IiCCANDLF.SB T,Iit,BER - rs-6 sacks Filberts. (or tale by r ry6 WICK & hICANDLFS.9 IsGLA99:-141 bI. o xill Window Glass, rd do lOXIS do; 13 du do, for sale by /f 6 _ WICK & M'CANDLINS LARD 011,-50 bbl. superior. Burekbardi's brand, taw received and for wile by /f 6 J KIDD & Co, no wood sr DONE BuTroNs—stx) great gross white and black Suspender, Fly and Rost Buttons. of • very !lupe nor quality and finish, met recd oil onsignment and for sale by 811ACKLETV & WHITE. Iy3 9 wood 11 JAO.4I:ARD DIAP ER—Two bales bleached Dam ask Cotton Dtaper. mat opened by /Y 3 SHACKLETT & WHITE CIHRESE-300 bar Western Reverse Cheme. reeet- A..., 'nog and for sale by Jr 3 R DALZELI.tc Cm liberty st CREAM CHEESE—Hone & Co's rupertor Cream Cheese, equal to any mode in ttm Lulled State. tut .ale by S & \V MAR/LAUGH IY3 53 wale,' anal lU4 fro.. and for • ale _ 0 L d l zi " , MON—t i irRACN & REITER UIL A 51141' I can for trltr REITER IL AYF:\ UF:R Garde n d 11.CIeei,do Carve.do emalrn,;al l lure,) ... j otpj, iAj, II4 R Itut reed and for rain a iLv drug .a arahou ac o 153 I KIDD& Co 0.0 ,y , t 3 ' ju ES--2tio It just roy'd end tor salbi p SC r i A jltyl3 J ,0 'ARIi ACID--t 1 Ou lbs ou baud ant1 1 1 ) Isal k Co by 5 1. , " t r y PARRSODA 7 -4 ,3 at O 0 IDs lust (or sale ltll.—zoO gals for sale by KIDD & Co C A 5: 5 71.1.1 SUA —SOU oottadlo.,by CUTI y : i ON--1345 bales oar rule by -_ FRIEND, Ril d Co Dlt; METAL—no ton. .oil Foundry rut Metst. far J_ J.l FRIEND, It.liEV s t'ar (.2( 'ORCHINI:S Auras]. tor sale by C. 710.3 FRIEND, RIIEN b. co N Ind.. prune, tor unle by FRIEND, RHEA' d Co Mtry s !rE, , .—lat bb:s for by FRIEND. R/lEY tr. Co 1)A1'ON Ibi for sale by FRIEND. RHF:Y & Co • EsTELN NEW YORK HOPS—Just reeelv,l, hut of prow< We...Tr, NVA Turk Hop., velruch ur all sell by We bale oh en,bt rent, GRIT W S3IITH a G. .0 I dim Brewers. Pitt .treat A 7 KW HONEY-60 Ivies new Whlte Clover Hooey 1.1 )ust meet vrAl and icor sale by ti 5" KELI. V. yl lw or filth.i and market alley I IKON-65 1011, sOft Pl 4 Iron. Itll laundry 11 landing and tar suie toy J DILW ORTH %V °al st L , LOUR-10u bl,l. S Flour. lamling n. 1141 for vile by ea/ 10 DI LWORTII i.„2 SAE:I . I+-6 eaol• S Itorr and for We by jr.lo J yr DILWORTH ill ELS H— W R from calm] (.yap Gran./ 'rurl.. rod for .ale I. J A)I F., DA LZEL1.....4 watt. .t m tam.- I:,lotti from L Ta) lot a... 1 Lk. St 11l Cll/11011. 1,1.1 tOr ..ale je.to JAAI F. 7.4 DALZELL Y.i , r. c d ` 0 ; ;,, R . ' ‘, 4` 01 . .. - „!, m .:I •l 4 o P re rm ar 4 td ' ; l o ( r ) s S :.. g t r y ; '6) JA tt 1 , 2.4 DAIZF:I.I. . _ . E'C INE GERMAN COLOGNE-12 dox lore Co e ‘..X vud and for .1, MLA) Jr. Co CHICKERING'S PIANOS—Jo. rewired. g Rosewood square ti octave , I'll2l/U, •• For sole or Mr Cbsekrrolq's prices. hy 1 II NIFIL-I.OH. -.I wood m pl m & W HARBAuuti, ley 53 water and I W boot at. FL);Is A Sl-a.:D--.55 bush lust recd 1 5 , y IOHN-200 lamb prune Yellow Corn. to •tore and for sale by A IV ILA 11.1.1A1...11 lAll.'R—llal blols lananng Iron, teatne r s Cope ./d lleaver, and lot sale to S ,k \V HA RHAU(.II I 1H ream Cheese ,ts s st-lre i t i orpc d ) leJa ~ u 62 . YANIS/I st bbl. to art - Ivo—vs - 011.e .4,1t1 at Ka ern *nd transp"rtation, by ,e2l ISAIAH dc Co. front st X SFY.D NVANTED AT ONCE—ambush by nr_e. ISAIAH & I.O l r -littW 'b N y & CULBERTSON "La"iteßli — y A 'r;e'.l' IA i'lt=.V:llu'et"rli'ZlidTSAO'dor 1.4 . -15) i . cbests Blu: O . lv :. , ;, ,.. k ast c r i eedLt . V t . or %)le "t: i '—tbo ' ; " " " f rrr C and (or 1 (Veneto DA D ROW N ESi6LISH PRINTS—A few ineees, new D and handsome styles. very superior, lately reed by jy3 W R MURPHY FISH-15 bbl. large Mackerel. 184 n; 15 1 do 1.11 and 3 do; II knts No I do, SO boxes Lubec scaled Her. ring, for sale by jets J I) WILLIAMS J3 ACON—oOI/11 Ibe bog round. to smoke bonne, 1500 do prune &dee, for mile by J D WILLIANIS !_ lib A . OOll ri0.1.-FEK-130 bags prune Km, (5 j do do IdadMi.fui lj 'or sale by ('b or '9 Y YNIFITAI.-73 ton, rig Metal, 'Cumberland Rlv j et.) landing trout steamer 1 J Crutenden and for sale by mite JAMES DALZ ELL XTO 3 MACKEREL-41,b1, reem,xng per 'anal mid 1.1 for sale by jet JAS DALZEI.I.. PI6 METAL -4U iron laudtng t stou De CC'tp Clown, and (or sale by ,o 2 JAS I.ZELI. fru RK EV UMBER-2 casks sale by JeM 131111.. N & REITER T F:R j, R , A DE SIENNA-1 eask ß r A ,o l:„ a 7 by REITER 1 rv...;?....rtnx RED, lEneltsb)— B li tA cz, , t . Ito K r E 7e r l;: ..a b) T AMP BLACK—PI cask. for pale by 1.1 J ,44 BRAUN & RENTER Q YTS. TURPENTINE—en bbl. for ,ale by 0 ',ZS BRAIN & RErrfut Lou.l, innorc Ohio Barley, past ret..l LI) alld for sale by r y, W ,a 24 foLl water ain.110.4 IYOSII A OROCCO-5u dor Madras 0/11 aV.lo Frrnr h .13.1 Morocco. AI., a fresh supply of Tamp!. and Nladru Rout Morocco, plat rec'd and ior •ale at low 1r el. ,e 2 RM VOU NI, a Cu C i O ItAC.I bbls lor nolo by F VUN BONN lIORST & Co C",T E— ' O " - ",",rZd.°%gr;,117.,g-r x Co o il , ; 6 . 1; b it y j V . 15(1 AR 1101'NE ..Jr ,00y )emso W " j7s: Vl''"-3" S h P l7 ll7,N 'r l r ig.; . .N (o / r lol2: ', rd • o ;5 o V DER - I3 ' .b) itzS NK IZ/\I(RST 4 Co CTut o r,y "):7 ner (F.'M.ll"Pd.(l/...Z..!'17(/(;4l.'Ck-" I, , EATIIERS--ki 4. tioo• landwg from steamer JL: too, lur .1, by 'ern I DICKEY A Co. front *, G\1114 7 12 gvc,: to o .1:11olglasme rla pt...,oo,ac,y 0 i , sA tco AI1)--11Or rg fr7:l;7rl u jr,,.,,„,r It, . 1 e ; 1,1 LAX l i ? ...pm 05 h ck , 5 ,, 01 , 1 .0 .1 , Ix e rc: y, ROW land.or 11517 I DICKF:Y 0. Co itifft ,v g,g—gl7 bales now landing and for aal. by k - 1 I DICKEY a Co 1 . go . AL'ITKI . HE-20 tads refined, now on bag d and for L ...Ir. by_ 017 I DICKEY aCo CIA.CAIt: ,. RFrrTS -Two g-ttg,ng lon Caggtineretia, 6 h, JUSI reeetgred by _ felt SIIACKLETT ig, NYDITE • HAPrlNtitPLZ—labdlMan th Stn w p.p, l bd bijm,ll.do doi4 0J do Double Crown do do; lual do Medium do dol 12uo do I. C do do. lo .tort and lor sale by REYNOLDS 9H HE g , La r BOATS FOR SALE--IV large subatannal 1. 4 11 , “ Doan. for sale &Notre of REYNOLDS & SOFT je26 corner or Penn and I F 11“ CIRKIL BOOKB—Altiuffey's Sena*, a large stock. Joel received and for MIC by Jelin REYNOLDS & SAFE I Err ER PAPER—.I4O ream. home eery final la .lore and lot sale by lel6 REI"NOLL4S SHEF: S A l A RA TVS—' R(TIVIT/An.Z.r d & t.tbe o b rTy at It lCE—n ics in store and for . . ..no low by HMOS N & 1.13 F. TSO, I:l ° ,,enG HRUWN & CULBERTSON AUCTION SALES: By Joins D. Davis, Lisetioaaar Stnsr.Sorat tr,-,4-4., A eraion. On Friday morning,. the 7th July not ,at to o'clock, at the warehouse n Water street. adjoining L 8 Wa terman, will be sol o d the wreck of the steamboat Alert, as now lie. on the wharf, near Wood street, and part stored In the above warehouse. comprising her en gines, two boilers and machinery. Also. her furniture. bedding, choirs, tables. doom, sash, ngguag. anchors. blocks, and outfit generally The whole trill be sold m two lots, odenng • rare cbeoer to persons desiring to !mild a low water boot Term s 01 Bele—One half cash,currency. and a note at 4 months Mr the balmier, with an approved rador• Set The purchaser will be respired to remove the boiler.. Ac. fano the wharf on the day et sale. The wreck will be shown, and any 1111.1111\ DOU giv en by .1 Finney, Jr, No ;A Water Street. 1( 6 JOHN 1) DAVIS. Auct Large seek of Dry Gonda, gr. On Thursday strung. July .5, at In o'clock. at the commerstal Sales Room, corner of Wood sod Fdsb streets, will be sold, wabout reserve. to close sundry conuguments. a large stork of staple and mosey Dry Goods, . comprising in part, pruned lawns. nets anus... and pmts., bleached and unbleached guaglssus, table Warn, cheek, mouse do hate, dress Mks, block saws, almsecas. rich style shawls, handier c Wets and cravats, taaey resting,, broad cloths, cow mere., statinens, tweed., summer cloths, fl annels, ho siery, gloves, Ac. . , A quantity of groceries, queensware. hardwaee, cutlery, shovels, spades, forks, tobacco, cc gsrs, 3 casks brandy, I qr eask Madeira is inc. tron safes. platform and roamer scales, store fixtures, sad dles, rooks, chests. A general assortment of new and second band house. hold femiture, looking ghusses, mantel clocks, window abides in great namely, mantel lamps, feather bode, bedding, mattresses, tee. Alb o'clock. A bore aseortment of fashionable ready made cloth ing, fine shins In gnat ninety, umbrellas, paruols, wlilPst cone., bottles , gong, pistols, gold and Wyer watchea, jewelry, letter andcap wnIIAS paber , boo. arid shoes, hats, donne., dry goods, lanly goods, rec. /Y 4 JOHN Li UAVIS, duct House a d Lou I" the Borough of Lav,resscerille, of Audios,. On Saturday, July Bth, at 4 o'clock, P M, will be sold on the premises, two 1.0. of Ground, bounded as follows. On the east by Ewalt street, on the north by n street, and on the west by Smith alley, ',aid lots are each 50 feet trout by 140 feet deep; on on e of which there 111 erected a subatanual Frame House, with wash house, oven, barn, Se. to. Said property is situated in a pleasant part of the borough, and is one of the turtst desirable locauons for a private residence. • • Furthers nformatton may lie had by apply nut or the •ucuon room, co Co th e proprietor on Me prenemea. Terms at P•iC. I y4 JOHN D DA V IS. Aur HOII Ifl and Lee, in the Borough of Laerrene.mtle, at Auction. On Saturday, July Sill, at Jti clock, P. M. will be cold, on the premise. eight very desirable Lots 01 Ground. situate on W;atiiiigtott and Burrows streets, ou one of which is erected a good substantial spat-ion, two story [came dwelling house, with a two story Lack building, wutt house, a large cistern to the yard. and other improvements A plan may be se at the •Yelloll room, or on application to Mr Samuel en Klimek, on the prernmes. Also, two very handsome lots of ground, in the plan 101/ laid out by Col G A Bayard. near the Alle gheny Cemetery, on which is erected a good trame dwelling boner. oecupied by John Ground. with a good well °fleeter at the door Terms, one third cash, residue in two equal annual payments, with interest. ibiUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. C. 8 Pox." :Runnier und Leuree SECOND NILIHT OF MR. C 11 PITT , Jot., 6, Ibls. to corinueoce with DISIPPUS. t ...Kora • • • ....... • • Mr Put. Tour Mr. Oxley roue. • Mr. 1.1.10.. sopliroina ... • •• • • •• • • • Mier Porter AUG! winch. DANCE, by Min. Aiwa 11.1010.• To conclude Milli STATE: SEC RETs. Gregory .......... • • • ND Poner. Pao. or A01111.10.11.—Ore" Circle, :It cis, Second Tier, Ti cis, Po, Tx MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN AGE.NC V, For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With held Real and Persormi Bute—the Settlement turd Arbil, .011 of Commercial, Tra4mic and other Debta, Sceuntig Pareutz for Invenumm m firent [lntern, lrelsod, and the Col...sand Depcodencies thereon. to heloorng, tool Negotioung for the Purchase or Sale of the same. I , IIE pnocips/ otnect to the establishment of this J. Agency a to set at rest in the most satisfactory sod calmeconomi anner possible, then umerous claims for properly vrtuch mittens of the United States really have. or imagine they possess to Emthunt told else. whet, The efforts of destrune and unscrupulous men lin•e rovers acuvely empagedlnguencmg a belief on this suinee I in many quarter*, with a view to peny pecula tion; and evidences of the fact have been so Ireqnently brought to tight as to render it urgently necessary Thai orhcc be established having for its obrect the sans tuction oi than who have been deluded_ and to estab lish the clums of such a are the rightful heirs ha daunt tut property. or that which is improperly withheld. Articles In the leading tow - lints in the principal cities of the Union arc trequently appearing. beaded -Town ley Estate.' -A tlreat Fortune (or tiomelsody," "Meet. of the Hong huni's at Worceuer," Alec, ihgs,' he. ac the authors of which are generally lame ers seeking practice, or advelituTers, whose only ole ci Is to feed upon public credulity, by producing tan excitement which may realize tor themselves =meth ate gam, and who are Kenetally speaking, without Mc *lightest knowledge 01 the subjects they put forth The evldences of this being a Met as every where apparent, as in tio one single in have their ill mended expectanotis been realized; and it is with a ,ew to We correction of this evil that the subscriber has effected the most extenslve arvangements to snooty the inquiring, as well as lo .tisfy the cunosity of those who, influenced by family connection or otherwise, wish to pursue the investigation of matters often intro). v og results of the most stupendous ousgnitude. As regards real estate in Distend, the bulk of It *object io the low - . of Fowl and Prutiogetuturer and ever since the revolution to 168 S, the pemeipal citrates have been subjected to the changes which always en sue on revolutlon, , countsion, and change of dyne.), and although there bare been 'Teens' laws passed for particular purpose, all those which have reference to this subject, and which were passed subsequent there to are still available in crows of lesturnste net. it i. not, however. intended in this adveniscment, to refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period. a great number of persona entitled 111 ea. nous ways toproperty. abandoned the tame by mtning Mr revolutionary . party. This act. in Itself, wan stab meat to lead to confiscation where a was directly held by such individuals; but when those abondosiing the same were next In sueeviaion to the then possessors, die case became ;altered, and alienation from home and moldy were made the harriers to nobtful liiherttance Another fruitful sotxrce of in•eangation Is found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Hank of England, end dux. fornishmg aa it doe.. each English name that has ever existed an a holder of funded property. Is the crrellance of the unprincipled traders in edulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly numerou in all puts of Europe, but in England parucularly so, mid thr subscrther rte prepared to show the facilities which he possesses, ha an inveatisfation in any of the Means above alluded to. Besides all thew, there property posnively bequeathed, and which, in conse quence 01 the absence of the r.illes to whom demised, becomes involved in and subject to the laws of the Coon of Chancery. In all eases, even. of supposed family connexion, the roost punitive and sausfactory inform:mon can be affor ded WI to the lads connected with the members of We llies, no matter how remote the due, or seemingly drub the invesegnuon; sod where dm ease has •lrea dy been under...zee by any of the numerous persons who pretend to a knowledge irides business, and who have altogether failed inn obtaining. or °nulied to afford the information sought by the victims alb./ specious. ergs and delusion. the matter in the mum reainly under taken. because of the greater wusfactton In aiding where the pretences Umbers have obtained so much cemented confidence. In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other Debts, the necesaary legal and mercanUle scram Nadi be brought to bear, an experience of half a centu ry in this particular branch, is the best evidence that can be afforded of the ability that will be bestowed ott matters coming under dug hoard. Inventors and others is-quanta Patent rights secured to any or all pans of Europe, can have We same ellen, ed at a very tnding charge over and above the usual fees requtred in any given country Every inform:la wn respecting the probable expenses, and the modus operandi will at all times be cheerfully afforded, end the facilities, particularly in England, for disposing of the right, Ate , are of the most,0 character. In troductions are also offered to men of wealth and high respectability Whatever belongs to this department is ample- The attention, therefore, of the public in gen eral is parneularly soheiwd In this branch of the Agen cy CO.MII3ICMIIIOI2O li)letter are requeswd to be poet pant BENTHAM FA /EA N. 39 Water street. New lora Hon Chas. I' Daly, Judge CI Common Pleat, N Y Clans. Carthdge rt.. Cu d.:J. T. Tepee°lt. • R. A Melted. Esq. Eduraid Schroder, Esq. Clueotnau, Ohio. A Patehut, Esq Rree Relehm Bank, Buffalo jy4 dtawlueasodurn AVE have thls day nsmoviated unth us F-rt,vA. inrumuer., H. L. EL.WALT and aunt= Cog. W I I n the manufacture and .ales FLINT ULAsS- I - . Wide, the style and Etno of Ct. 0 . Roan,- CO. - •. Manufactory ou Washulgton street, tu the Cith Ward \\'erehor.se. cornet Wood and First streets, Poteburet. Tut hu.rcite of the old firm wal be settled by caber of the toulersigned. ALE'Rk.:D B. CURLING. MORGAN ROBERTSON. Fort Put gloss Works, July I. 1-.4rt Fort Pitt Gloss Works. %Vs are manotacturmg and keep .natantly oa baud a genend aroonment of cut, pressed and plant rtaNT GLASSWARE. Al., Vials, Oil., Window 11.1 S. c fur sale on the moat accontinalaung terms, at our marabouse tint , corner Wood and tint streets, PittsLoral& Iy4i&iwiLmT CURLING. ROBEIRISON &Cb DIVIDEND (lona or Al-Lataltartv Biumsa C 0.,! l'uteborgh, Jo!) I. 1.4, 1 THE President and Nonagon of 4he Compooy for arectmg o Dodge over the pvei Allegheny,oppo. eite‘Thusburgti, in the county of Allegheny. have d o . day declared a dividend of One Dollar and Seventy- Five Coos on each share of the Capital Stock. stand log in the name of individual. on the books Of lie Company, out of the pronto of the last SIX months which will be paid to Stockholdors or their legal represenias hives. on or alter the Ilish inst. y3iiltdA arsn'r JOHN HARPER, Treimuyet _ _ DIVIDEND (Wm.. N•vtornox m Mks Insuaanok Co.. l'utaburgh, July 3, lele $ T " Ly i t ' le ' e rd la ' :eli th a7= " cull 'l 2 l 7 , l u e' ttr=a " ; " on '' el i" : .born Mr Capnal Stock, ...hag the name ot . Invidualls on the book. of the Company. out .1 the pro.. of the bk.t et.i months, peyabln forthwtth. jy4.l3:t IL. FINNEY, ,c'y 77/yrroN—JU bales di .lure and for sale by g, J aya JAMES DALZELL I A ILD-4 keg. Lard. Just tre'd 11111.1 for szde by my 2 , 3 J A 1).112ML LA RU 01L-50 bid. Lard (AI, jual reed and for sale by mrfd SELLERS a Nieut-s - - FLAXSEED bblz for sale by _ SELLERS h rticuLs J i v, /..S. by Vnung F i lLit:4 Ido Be c r Ol Aßlli7 gfi s t i t u rd S H b O y E THREAD i z i t fresh supplj ri1at41,474 .abs N. SIJOwAfI-100 handsome Neer °flea: b y 133745""' per "' 7'01.="X .7 17.1i 1 r Co ASIS AND SHO ULDF.B.I4 Our ow u curing. in •Ore and for saki by ARO SHOWN k CULBERTSON mABLE SALT-34 seeks Dairy, dried, for fun I he., for Ws by selb 111 WII r kw; STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI & PITTSBURGH i ' I I DAILY PACKET, LINE. HIS well known line of splendid passages Stew., ers ta now composed of the large., svretell., best Wished and Furnished, and most powerful boats o tie iers of the Wash Every acccartmodation and com fort that money can procure, Lilo been provided for pa. seotters. The Line has been in opertioon the five peon —hasearned a Million of people vrtthout th e least inju yto their persons Thu boom aria be at the f00t,,,0f Wood street the day pre•tous to starting, 631 the recap. non of 11.1,0, and the entry of passengers on the reg.. ter In all eases the passage money Must he paid madvance StrpIDAY PACKET - • The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. U. Kamm, vri.. leave Pittsburgh every Sunday =arm* at 10 °Whet; Wheeling every Sunday evening 1110 e Nay It, 147. lIONDAY PACKET The MONO:NU-lilt ELA, Capt. Syron; will leave Piita burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Wheeling evibiT Monilay eventtig a; 10 c. •. TUEBDAV PACKET . - . The HIBERNIA No 2, Capt. J. KLIPteeLeZII, arW leave Patsburgh every Tueaday morning at lu o'clock; Wheeling every Ttltlalfor evening at 10 P. ic WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENULAND No. 2. Capt & Man will leave Pnieburigh ever? Wednesday morning at 10 o'clocl, Wheeling every Wednesday evening ala 0 P. 111 TIIVRAIDAY PACKET . _ . The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gases, seal leave Pitts burgh every Thursday taurtung at 10 o'clock; klekteeltag every Thursday evening...llo P. IL ' mi:=l The CLIPPF:R No. 1 Copt i7stoiis, veal 1e..., Pin. burgh Avery FndAy huonung eit i 0 cielOck; Wheel/lig ever! Friday evezung Ai 10 r Tke hii:SSENGi:II, Capt. S. R3C<O, sill leave Paw_ . bush every Saturday mortong 1U o'clock \Timothy' every Saturday evetung at to e NEW LIRDON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINK OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 4 1 184 8 . mug= (via au.saow,) Leaves Pittsburghduly, at ti o'clock, A. AL, and al- IlVes at kilewbrow, mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca nal) at 3 o'clock. and New Lisbon u It., WOO night. Leaves New Lisbon at 0 o'clock, P. M., making the trip canal to the near durang the night.) and G aI o'clock. A. M., and arrives at Patsbulghtff'. M.—thus waitna , conunuous line (or carrying mud 11,01 betweih New Lisbon and Pim. burgh. In shorter time and at leas rates than by any other route The proprietors of Una Line have the pleasure of in torntriir the public that they have fated up two first class Canal Boat, for the acrommodanoa of passengers and lretght. to 11111 Collo[Chtill with the well known rithlthr tit CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and comeet• tog, at Glasgow iv-Ith the Pitwborgh and Cinein non and other daily (thee of :ninon. down the Ohio and Al ppt rivers The propnetore pledge litera tely" to spare no expense or trouble to insure cola hint. calm. nd tlOpeleh, and ask of the public a share of their pull . ..we. AUTHOR] ZI:D Atr LINTS. ‘I4IARTuN, & HARISA 11, "uth.g&- R. HANNA &Vo. thew IJ•EO➢. ml 11.:! J HAILIIA13(.111 &. NOTICE—The steamer BEA YER, C. E Clarke, maf ter, will leave oiler rine notice, for Wellsville pemeiks. ally. at 9 o'clock to We rooming rel 3 1848. PITTSBUTLGH& DROWNUVILER Daily Packet Line. FEBRUARY Isl, 1919 FEBRUARY 1.1,184 LEAVE DAILY A'V'S A. M., AND 4 F.M. The following new bosun compiona tee line for the present ...oar AT LANTIC, Capt. James Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt. A.Jmeobsiand LOINS ItTLANE. Capt Dennett The boats are entirely hew, and are tined up without regard to expense. Er. ery romtairt that money min prorate has been provided. The Pouts will leave the Monongahela Wiwi' Boat at Me foot of Ross al. Pat Otll4.fit bl:kpunetval on hoard, as the boats wall certainly heave the anew tired liource A. M. mail 4 I'. The hue new awatuer SHENANDOAH, Bowman, muter, will leave [ea above and tntertnrdiateports Ilya day. Far or plumage, apply on hoard iY6 FOR CINCINNATI. 'the hoe strutter NEW ENGLAND, A J M'Clure, mutter, wRI leave for the above and totritnediate ports dos day. at 10 o'rittet. to plot, of the linlliant For fret,ht or passage apply on board /90 FOR CINCINNATI. The Goa new passenger steamer RIO GRANDE, Conley, master, will leave for above _nd interrnodtate ports this day. For oright or promage. apply on board. /Y 6 "l ~ t The light draushi steamer EL REICA, Thompson, waster, will leave (or the Love and °tie tmedsate porta dna day . For freight or passage. &piny on board. /94 IDH D' I HEI .INU AN D BRID(DePORT. 44 The at add substestual low water steamhoet HUDSON, Audrrw Poe Master, has resumed het regular Dips between Wheeling, Bridgeport and Hitt,. burgh, I. av lug Pittsburgh un Mondays aud Thursdays. mans Br.:ul AR Pat:K}:F the suNFisif - The newand fast steamer WELLSVILLF. Banta, rammer, will leave for above .1 all intermediate ports on Wadaass days and Saturdays of each week. For freight or par sage apply on board or to tebl4 (IEO B MILTFdiBEHIiE.R , Ash. PITTSBURfiII & WHEELING PACKET, The ovrtn steamer CONSUL, aiEfiLDorsey P Kinney, , lassie replarly fur 14 heelmg, oo Monday, Wednesday and Fnday, at 10 o'clock precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thunulay and bar inrday. at 7 o'clock, • in. precisely. The Consul mill land at all the intermediate From— Every Recut:lindenm that can be procured tor the ma. fon anil safety tif passengers has beer: provided. The pout also provided isrldi • self-acting safety gnard prevent explosions. For frtg A h ‘ tz 1111 1 126aply osi hoard or to , (elk canter of In and Smithfield sts. =6:11 _ I. The fine new hgtst draught magma LEWIS WETZEL, ge„tzi,.!: Thompson, master, will leave for the • v • hove and intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage, applyon board. FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The new and splendid steamer ZACHARY wi TAYLOR, Lucas, master,will leave for above nd Intermediate ports on this day. For freight or passage, apply on baud. /Y 3 --- FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid steamer • FA IRMOUNT, Fibbert. rooster, moil leave for above d intermediate ports this day. For freight or pe•sime, apply on board. jya ~... 7t,..,, ~d !ten draught Moamar MT. VERNON, Koontz, =met, will leave for tla hove and intermediate ports on thin day For freight or panisage apply on board. rye --- - - FOR ST. LOUIS. - The elegant steamer Rl Cope, master, NG IIGOLD, e m u • iLf s o r d t . r , above For freight or pastafe, on FOR CINCINNATI. TLe splendid neer steamer vismoß, • /aeons, master, will leams Itre abort std Intermentate porta Min d. k y. For freniln or passage, apply on board. FOR sT LOCIS AND ILLINOIS RIVISL --- L The hoe sten/Unt COLORADO, Comfy, master, will leave for abet* d Interntddlaw porta Ws day, at 10 oclock For freteht or passage, apply on board. FOR CINCINNATI. • a rk The fine new light draught steamer PHIL DODDIUDGIF, hloore, mason, lP vnll leave kir above and am-nov.llam :orts this day. For freight or passage. apiq oc Board . $.29 FUR ST. LOUIS. The fine steamer Cock. ma.ter D w A ill l fe rß air E e for the • J intermediate ports tha May For freight or pmsage apply on board. .lam The bghi drauvhtsteamer FRIENDSHIP, • Davis, master, w:11 leave for oho stave and intermediate pons this day. For freight or ptoototce opply on hoard ./.27 REGULAR MONDAY PACKRT FOR CINCINNATI. The Glll5 steamer PL' NSYLVANDO a.mere.,, ortll leave reularty sr above, In place g of Ma stsamer hlottonsatela. For itsemht or passage, apply on board. MIR FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOWS. The new strainer et HIGHLAND MART Burke, master, will leave for riko above' d intermediate pone Ode day, at IR A For weight or postage app l y on baud. Jel7 • FOR ST. LOUIS. - -- The steamboat EIROORLYSI, u k i ii m ßoies, master, sill leave for aboVar ad Onennediate port. this cloy, at la Al For freight or passage apply oa board. FOR FRANKLIN. The now lead hrht drasnrht stunt. mtAowuAk; A D Masts, sirdl leave Col the Love port every Wednesday and Bet urday, at 4P. NI For fry tght or psersfis vply board. marl! M.KE/23YORT, ELIZADTTIi AND AIONONOAIW LA Pecker. The new steamer DESPATCH, Nelson, nisoer, fin aboeis, e•vitig Feleburgh every Me e ,i, eguesday cud Prn.ley, al 01 e'vlovil,•• a., end Mu g st. ~„ry .g.,...fsy,Thendny end Saturday, al e e. For &earl. or passage apply on boant. lT Ground aluslard. Allspice, Cinnamon, Clores and Ginger, Nisi ined from the roanoracto. (FICK a eI • CAZIDLEK.S. . ' • I C ) 041 : ;ED B :li N 1 1: 11 - 7 , :40.7 .. ,2 5 7;T : : A. : f : 71 " 1 .7 .1.14 tra5t. bNarcyr ,c2l LINEN CRECES—A urn' , "mike, aie.l7 desirable styles. ,ioat reeen , c.l by seal ' ,II ACKLETTdo Winn. DI -___ URCIiirstRUTS LARD OIL—A large Mippiy on hand unit ier sale at We drug Wlrehottla jeZ .1 KIDD & C:o • ~._ • , 1 Ars-a, smdr‘ superior Oara, re - o l d - for - rirawr ",eja''"ltar..R"dFfoLO"llDe.bllbund Church 11 Badding. 101.4-100 ranks Na .1 & nos Cora store and for Ws V., by j R FLOYD ----- --- r), LIMP PORK-14 bbla reresved per steamer BM jib Won and Mr sale by relo BROWN & CULBERTSON i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers