AmEi .A.ll LiLsori &C. ? Ap.L. for S. LomaJ Saps Refinery, N. 4.5 Worm and 02 Front Meat, Pillablirek Pa-, here in Moro the following ale sorttaitlit anduled_Sagasa, for sale low: 5 bin diaildel refinedlarge Lon 4 1000 tails Nod: 2,1, 5 , 0,5 and 8 sitiall:do; 00 do Powdered; 200 do Crash ed; 45 do C4rified nll.s SUNDRIES --00 mike Sole Aell, branded hi Steele & Soh. Liverpool; 30 do • do do Jame., Albsptall & Sone, do; 200 tray Rio Coffee; 300 baSe. 798, 82.10 and 1.9212 W Glans. for gale by JOHN ORIFAI.,. rarZ 9libevy Jt.. PULVISSIZSDLOAF SI/GAI6-140 Gels Nos 2, 4,5. 6 smj 7 Loaf Sugsr; 23 half oases Lovarinfs dou dlescfineAdo do; 40 bb;. Covering' coarse pulverized do do; Al do pulvertzed4S do; rust recd sod for sale by jet 2 MILLED, & RICKED SON OILLIiAWS SUGARS AND MOLASSES--dial .1.1 bads' prime N °Sugar, eoe bb le N 0 Molasses; 4(10 do smarted Nos Loaf - Sugars In store nod for sale by Jel' DAGALEIr Es SMITH IS sod 90 , w00d st T)IO COFFEE-1M bap prime Green Rao Coffee —ll landing this day and for sale by yell BAGALF:Y & SMITH FESH FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO—. ?Mee'. and inc. Anderson's, joat reed and for sale by HEALD, BUCILNOR& Co, 41 north water and 16 nonh vrharTe4. Ae24 Philadelphia VAR& LFAFItIBACCo_atg k,„1„, Y. LeafTo .tot: aupenot quality—l, 2 and azoitug from brig dutkuagit&' tot sale by je24 HEALD. IIUCKNOR & Co ERMAN PIPES-954 t.. and 1 gloss German kJ Pipe+, rnedinto howls, )o et landmg from pin and for rale . ) .. l_ je9l HEALD. iIIICKNOR & FISII—Banc Croon, Baltimore, Md.; will be glad to have °piers from Ms friend. in Pattsbtugh and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Humes do nee thaseason. Orders executed with despatch, and a, •orost raim. Charges for ptischaung tuar.2l_ kFINBD SUGARS—^JI boxes double refined large R Ins . ,f`. 440 bbl~ 2,4, 5,0, 7 and 9 small Lonf; 010 bole embed; 179 bbl. powdered; 4u bbl~ clarified; in store andforlife by JAMIE A /IUTCHISON & Co, =ea • ?Agents St LonisSteam Sorer Refinery. KENT4 - CICV TOBACCO-200 keits No a Torngt To bare::: "'Overdo bomb, for sale by 017,, • BABA LEY & SMITH UTIENTEEX 11.t.E11.VE cillaltikl—tul: buttes W R Cbruse, Ewe quality, landing and tut .ate by tar HAIJALIW t SMITH (IHEERF,43O prime V R Cheese. (or we by V }Obi 9 F VON LION NRORST & Co WEET MALAGA WINE-20g, cults sweet Mak Fa Wlesjsun received sod for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON. WST INDIA iiNstey-3 Wads just landing and Ayr No. by JAMI DALZ ELL. 012 2t water st • WINDOW , ' GLASS— b. 9XIO. for eale by jell S F VON BO:siNIIORST TEA -3a ball Chests Young Hymn Tea, mst reed and for mi. by int 4 MILLER A. RICKEEdON OTASII— it casks calm Potash, Aim rsceivedo i;i consignmentand for sale by jell MILLER A. MCKESSON BRANDti FRUIT—I 2 case. cbqkce Brandy Fill hutreceived and for rale by I jet , ' NIILLER k RICKETSON CRAB bbl. Eboxurnly Crab Oder. /b.t frerived and for sale by jet& MILLER & RICRETSON LDISKED OIL - 31 bbls Loomed Ott, m Rae sitipp;lg order, JUsl received and for sale by fail MILLER es, EUCKETSON TAI2-4 0 bbls Wilmington. N C Tar, on bond and for sale by teIIILLF.R ruciwrsoN F EA Z lERS—Consinudy f l o s r A s i n A li lebL iricxy a co QUOAR--5 !dis N Q 5 bbl. Yulvensed; 5 Mile cratbed; Si bbls osorted Loaf, for sale by jels ' _J _ U WILLIAMS ROCK POWDER—DO kegs of good ql46illy, for sale by - ISAIAH DICKEY ACo RAM/NS-0j MR; half do. 50 Quarter do, for sale by jolt"! J ii wilLiems ANDLES-20 booSierine; 3 do Sperm do; ado C Stol for de by jels J D WILLIAMS 0. OAP—SS baygmcinnau; IS do Palm; 3do Castile; 1.) Ido Candor de by jels J D WILLIAMS SUOAR-50 hhda Prime N consignment and ter sale by Jett; C Bl on DWELL, water at bbls on ronsurniner c an n d i Lo t r y 9.le by 11 bold ELL CORN MEAL—SO bble landing and for saJe Lf jell J C. BIM% ELI. PlO META[.--50 ton, Hope Furnace, 'elected — fo foundry use; for wale by GEO A BERRY, jele 19 woos Pt WOOL -0 winks WA.. in core and for sale by join GEO A BERRY POTASH —lO conks Porn . for side by )010 J 3CHOONMAKF/1 & Co, 21 wood In COPPERAS -30 bbls• in good order, for sole by }ell; J SCIFIOONISIAKIM W Co LITILAW PAPER—GO reams, extra size and qualm - . 0 for mile by wad J 2312.1100NAIAKER. &Co VNEGAJI-46 bids Cider rulegar, 4 qr casks white wine da.lo store and for sale by jels MILLERS lUCKETSON CHHA TOBACCO—rS bales Cuba Filler Tobaee o; 45 do do wrapper do, Jost reed and for sale Iry jels - MILLERS RICILETSON • • . TIMED APPLES 16 bbl. Doed Apples. reed end fcrr sale by lels 1.1& W H ARBA UGH (1111.E6T1 PARASOldi—Sasith & Johnson, 45 Markel Imo have )uttreversed Mal green silk and changeable raun Parasols. ♦ Also. 200 assorted colors. from 75 cams a ;mace up lels (11IIMSE-25 bra prima W R, recd das dny mud fo %_/ tale by TASSEY h BEST MACKEREL.—IM half bbl. No 3. large for sale by jolt! TASSEY "ft HEST - mirr INDOW GLASS-30U boxes eXIO IV Glass; DM T do 10X11doaltr, 103 do ItiXl.l do do; for sale by left TASSEY & BEST SSALAMANDER SA FES--0 Iron Siam in store and for ale low to oboe consignment. jel3 JAMES DALZELL. 114 water at BFANS AND CORN-20 bbls Mute Beam; 30 do Cont. f or_sale by jelB SELLER. & NICOLS 30000-1 UDiNIX FIRE. BRICK, just received area for .ale by 1'1"32 C A ADANULTY fr. Co BLEACHING POWDER-20 calm Blenching Pow der, Dv Minoru* & Son's brand—ll/just received, the remainder to arrive in a few days; for male by 040 IV & hl AIITCHELTREE 100 liberty at (3 /IFIESE—Itsi bas prune , Cheese, tut sa/a by . JAMES.. DALZLLL, y 7 water at WaITE CRAPES—Just reasivea, a lot of White Crape. of an eacallent quality for bonnet lasing. rola • ALEXANDER ft DAY 7 J 1411.51 SOAP-150 ta; No 1 Palm Soap,in woe and I - for sale by .ml 5 /AS 151ALZP.LL TOBACCO - 50 kegs Gedy , s 6 twist, receiving ordi for sale by )eta /AS DALZSLL OLA:SSP:-60 bbls N 0; 6do Sugar Hooke; for al. sale by jels J D WILLIAMS. 110 wood st GUNNY BA Dag. and GS MUSCLY 'V w S , A . C . Kt , 2O , Cans . 4 DM MILL ER 6. RICKETSON VGAR CUREDHAMS—LStierces Sugar Cored S paean Rams, for sole by ATWOOD, .101 , Z3 a Co S _ UGAIL HOUSE MOLASSES-44 bbl. Safer House Molasses. for sale by iel4 • ATWOOD, JONES &Co MikACOl2-27 casks Shoulders, 7 do Sides 2do Hams; 2 , 1. sale by lel4 AT WOOD . , JONES &Co ("MEESE-400 bz• Ant banded; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st WO. 3 fiIACIMEF4-31 bbls lirge No 3 :Ma received via canal and for sale by ictil SELLERS & NICOLS • MARSEILLES SKIRTS-100 fine white Skirts, just 111, opened by SHACKLETT k WHITE. jaW 99 wood .1 WHITE LINEN DRILLS—One ckse eavy Plll2ll- prating, medium quality. just °petted by jel9 SHACKLETT & WHITE VELUM NANKINS —Two bales genuine Nuc l. Was, for sale by jel9 EIIACKLETT it WHITE lja LACE DEESE BILKS—an invoice of heavy block Lunoiog Silk., very wide; for Vieetrea Mantillas, tac,,lnat opened by }rib SHACKLETT it WHITE .—• • . • n RAP ri ETB—.one case. French Drap Er Y.le, for summer eons , fr:C., pit opened by jell) stincia.grr & WHITE 11,1rACIICEREL—:6D eived and for rale b y bbl No 3, large, Mackerel, just re c $2l POINDEXTER k Co LOAF SUGAR-100 bbla Nos 7, 8,9 and 10, Lowsi ana Loaf; 30 do Lovering'. entailed and pubten I.ed Sugars, for bale by jell PUINOEXTEE 6, Co SRAKE ROOT-4 sacks Snake, Root. in morn and kir We by teal POIN DEXTER ik Co A OKEREL ARIT FRT.RitiNG-30 bbla No 3 Mack • M crel, Alms. inspection; 33 do - No 9do do do; 10 do 1 do do do; 25 do No I Baltimore ilerrma, 'us reed nod for sea by teal MILLER & RICKETSON EAVANA SUGAR-40 ibu %Vitae , Ilayana Sugar, just received and (or We by 021 - MILLER ' & RICICEPSON pft.&2II.BIIGAR-50 blurs Brazil Sugar, In store and JJ for eby Jet MILLER & ILICKETISON ACcARONI ARID IERMICELLA-25 btu. - ,131 estroni rind Netsukella, just reed and for see :y pat MILLER 8. RICKETSON IRIN6£B-110 pieces bullion sled Cu Silk Fringes, black and cur's. Jett reeeived by 012 SHACILLETT 21. WHITE _ ------ CiiNt/HAhlB—Sia rate. French and Faring.. Ging kj bIISLI4,IIOI3IIOeI styles, opened and for vale b y l jeLl SLIACKLEFLWHITE HALALS—S good usortment cr Own and Saucy 17 sulaillat Shawls, jos opened by jell! SIIACKLETT re WHITE ---- - - • I IOHN BIIOOMI3—M dor gslt handled Corn Broome, ki• *made by • jet • WATERMAN t . IifrLOCR—SG bale HroF/Orts ; 1)ROOIIIS—Cat dor largo gilfbandla, for oaks by told" S F VON IHINNIIOSST re Co M AC 14° 2 „r j "I% on bend l:;../"If" Q SAL '8 MPla received and for gala by TASSEY a BEST FOUR -47S bbd. Flour. prime, Ain reed and for sale by /rd I. 8 WATT RMAN Q ENECA.UIIr2 bbl. Seneca Oil, reed from Salina grocka aAd.for sale by apta z _ KIER b. Canal Blum - - - DORA& LUMBER, and Pine Joiee, for sale by .1. Orldtf W. W. WALLACK bbl, Dall . Jessup pure Lard Oil, for sale by: an & W HARI3AUGH SitTY I , l4E— z, .1 Mots f or side by —my2a JOHN B DILWORTH _ _ I _____ -. 3 ACON-4000 lb. sourary cum! Neat, landing from steamer Hudson and for sole by Jell_ JAMES DALZELI. 1 AHD—IO kegs No 1 Family Len], in store and for _/ Arnie ley Jell JAAIFH DALZELL je jct.:l°ll.-2' 14 1 1 1'4kILIUTIFTELD & ROE T)BIBIE SHOULDERS...Z. r A 1 'OIL1,131!811FIF.1.D & ROE CORIY 2 -47 bblb Shelled Corn, for sale by u>9 NIPGILL, BRIMFIELD & ROE inPOTAKI - 9 earns for s al e_ by sJ IftVILLIA3IB F LOUR-3SO bbh in rune and for ale by :,TASSEY k BSI? r.vr7r7TV 8. - ITSCS 4 99 4 29 4 39 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 41 JULY.. Saturday, Sunday, 3 Monday, 4 Tuesday. 5 Wednesday, 5 Thursday, , 7 Priddy, Il 11 941 10 47 7 19 mom mince Gszrri-n, 22 Thursday Morning, July G, 15484 The markeui yesterday was steady, nod in quo tations generally, we found little, if any cliangtt from our last report. - The riven are now in fine order Zr the larger elan of boat, having attained' the height of eight et by the recent rise. Oaring to the pe.nreity of refight, however, very little is doing on the ri. ' , toes—The market continues quite dull, with out however, any marked change in prices. There was none of consequence received by river yes terday, and we have no first hand sales to report We note regular sales from store in limited lots s t a range of 4,12101,2 p p bhl. Gana—Receipts are light. the market is quiet, and very little is doing in she way of *ales. Saler of 300 bu of corn at 33c, and o( 400 bu oats from Core at 276729 c p bu. Other grains are steady, with no sales worthy of report. Garry Arrirs--Sales of 30 bbla on the wharf, (being — d - part of the Orel lot arrived thisaenson ) at I,n7as2 bbl. PROVISIONS—The market is generally quiet, with no change m the prices of any article. Consider able quantities of bacon continue to arrive by river by which however, owing to tha shipments enat . the supphea of the market are but little augmented. Regular sales of City cured from smoke house are effected at Net Ioslc 9 Ilb; 2/031, and 4 ir)c, about a fair quot.ition for Western bacon. Loose lots of country bacon is selling at to it less than Western in hhds. Cll=BE—Sales at 51851 e p Br - rime—Limited sales are etieeted is kegs at irtilOc as in quality. The grocery market is,eutirely without change in any paha:aka, with a tau supply of all kinds. Foreign riertete. COMMERCIAL. & FINANCIAL SUMMARY! I Iron Wilmer lc Smith's Europe. Tt0,..! lone 9; ISis. There is hardly no much activity m commercial affairs this week as we last reported. This is mu sed in a great degree by the uncertainty which prevails respecting the fine of the Navigation Lows `which the House of Commons have rmolved to consider and re-adjust. Importers of goods ap pear to have Mat confidence, and, therefore, supply the market more freely with algal descriptions of produce, whilst on the other hand buyers manifest increased caution and leas inclination to do bust news In consequence of the prevalence of this feeling the transactions in produce have been on a limited scale, and less than for some weeks past. A part, only of the articles brought to auction act ually found buyers. This export trade is reported to be still in an unfavoralde position, rind all arti cles otlenng are upon ruinous terms The Cotton and Corn trades are still la a dull and languid state. , Prices continue to recede without the prospect of an improvement. The reports from the maeufac luring districts of England and Scotland do not im prove; trade therein continues gloomy and discour aging. Notwithstanding all these unfavorable symptoms, unemployed capital is most abundant; so much so that first class bills are discounted at 3 per cent; and on Call money is not worth more than 2 per cent The Governors of the Dank of England, at their weekly meeting of Thursday last, reduced the rote of interest from 4 to 3i per cent. We have passed another dull and languid week• h the Cotton muter. The attlea have been moo. __.- • - • ly confuted to the trade. There has not been much change in prices, except that most descriptions of American Cotton can be had a point lower than our quotations of last week. The tenor of the ac. • - • - - counts brought by the steamship 'Caledonia" has caused holders to be lees firm in usaintaiumg the previous currency. The demand from cormu- mere continue , . to be very limited. and must main so until the settlement of affairs on the con Linen; and the return of increased' prosperity in these countries. Cuuriared with lan year, the stock of cotton in now 1,000 hales lens the imports are 18,977 bales more Man they we at the mime time in 1817 The Committee of Cot ton Brokers declared the following prices y enter day even/a:in - -Bm. Upland, 4d to 4bl, fair Mobil 4d, and fair Orleans, Aid as 5. We cannot note any Sunenchneut in the Gnu trade. The weather still continues to he of most favorable character. gaming forward the grow. tag crops with great re pidity and luxuriance.— Prom all pasta of the estuary the accounts respect. lag them are cheering in the highest degree; and should Providence prolong for a few more weeks the alternate sunshine and refreshing showers of the past kmtnigeit, we,would undoubtedly be bless ed with an early and truly abundant harvest.— This feeling checks the ardour of speculators, and confines the transactions in Grain and Grain Pm. duce to the immediate wants of consumers. At Mark Lane, on Monday lag, holders of English and fioreigh Wheat were barely able too maintain the reduced currency of the previour.Veek. The finest English Wheat sold at 49e to 54e fur white and red. Indian Corn, which was quite neglected was not worth more than 29* to 32s p quarter.— CnitedStatea and Carrellsn Wheat were quoted at 40s to 48s p quarter, and the value of Amen can Flour nominal at 25s to 27s p bbl. On the following day, (Tuesday) at Liverpool, Canadian Wheat realized 7s p7O As Indian Corn has a doll demand, on the whole were sustained, Amer. can while selling at. 31a to 32s 6d, and yellow 334 to 34s p 460 mu, European White sold at 301. 335, and yellow at 33s to 35s gd. The value of Barrel Flour underwent little if any change, 23, tithing about the top price-for-choice brands. Since Tuesday the trade has ruled dull, both ,of London and Liverpool, and the other great provincial Grain markets throughout the kingdom. The im ports into Liverpool continue on a moderate scale, and there is hardly' an arrival of any description either from Canada or the United State. The Imports of cured provisions during the, past week. are 5 tes, 29 bbls of hoe( 134 bag of bacon, and 567 bbl, lard. Beef sells at steady prices-- There is a fair demand for prime mess pork of fine quality, but mess has receded from 2s to Is. Be con is not readity .Id, although fully 2s p cwt cheaper. The sales of the week are over 1500 There 'is nothing worthy of notice doing in cheese, the value of which is about the same as formerly quoted. The state of trade in the manufacturing districts still unimproved. At Manchester the .transec •rts in goods and yam are limited, and prices are •t only unimproved, but rather lower, without any appearance of amendment. From the woollen district. of Yorkshire we have dull advice, acne being exceedingly languid. Notwithstanding the unsatisfactory nature of the news from France, the critical state of our relation, with Spain, and the political 111301111A1C148 which prevails in several parts of the United Kingdom, the market for English securities has been very steady, and prices have had an upward tendency. The lollcrwing is a daily report of the proceedtags on thaLondon Stock Exchange daring the pact week:— Friday, June 10.—The continental news recei ved this morning has had little effect one way or other on Public Semitic. The redaction of the interest by the Sank yesterday, however,hait contin ued the impulse, and Commis have been done at 531 for the account, and ore now quoted 531. A moderate amoont of business has been done, but there is no quotation for money. The dealings in Foreign Bonds hove been limit ed, except in Spanish Threeper.Cents, which have been in favor at 221 to 231. Mexican Bonds are 63. Russian Stock is higher again, being 901. 7 -- Dutch, Two and a Half per Cents have been 421. Detail Priem in the Diamond Market. liVadoealay 'Morning, J u 4 yl Appl.9 , •A 4 95 0 311lattan 04 5 Darr, bea 616 a ID 7 0 8 Oarki • - etc —Middling • 0 5 (ham, hlf pelt —Corned :1 0 5 Waal on Liver, r --dined. • • • -•-ti 0/10jPork,bert mu —.quarters 1----op Beets, • bunch. • • • • 50 0- - IParni H pkgr boneh• • 9 0 3 Mae, free prat lb 1210- !Polska, 9, pk 0121, Do do plaqt• Doll. •• 10 0- —Red. 45 03 Do h ell. pi • Bean hr Pk j _ p tip pt... • - 0 - - 681'd green, 11 , yt -0- 'Ember, f pek • • 040 Wawa, • lavd• ••G 0 5 • qt. •5 0 6 Carrot. Fp buneb • • -0 - IPiegka ► doc- •• 1 - Cocumbers, f dor 59075 ,Peas, In trall,lgmll- 016 Chicks. Itve,.•gr . 770= r 1am5 7 1 42.:. .... :: 7 0 7 - Camas Igql ,----Dried • 6 0- Cornmeal sined, be (0 0- rEanors,Deef,greee 13 016 Ctiornes, P qt... • 5 0- ..... . 311009 Corn Currant., ripe, Pat Sea- . ---eleveed • • • 1 0001.75 Curren gar• -0 Veal, best !U.+ , lb 70 r I _Maned 210- StmartarTtek, • 91 - 01:1 Ent.. P ..... tool. Pll4ll - Dean, each • 0 retell, ► bmth • -95 031 Mulberon, V qt, ma- 5010.,,,...... . • 91 - 10 ..• goad 0 th• • 0 5 ' , Seekers , ••- •• • 1 9 1095 3 0 4 Co Gib- • ••• • • 456 P q, d 0 FLOUR- Honey lamb, 41 . lb. • 18020 AV no, ILO 2.4011 Maised,•• ql- •16 090 late- -0- L•a, nald, • lb. • -0 8 iilidishea, •• • •34. P bunch Egg plant llocileherries Pot 6 0 8 Tonna, Flidor• • • b 5 037 Plane •yt • • •• • -0- Mollone meh •• • - The market was thinly attended, and prices of Vegetables and kilts sold •generally at a decline from G.ezier prices Cattle Market. I Allegheoy, July 3, I Beeves—The number offered at the yard_ wan less than that of the previous week, and prices showed a slight - decline- 300 head were offered, which were nearly all taken at $.015,25 per 100 pia nett. • Sheep-The number offered was limited. amount mg to about 200, and sold at prices tanning from 1,20 Id 1,20 each. Hogs—A limited number were sold nt 3,211 per 00 Ms nat. Calves—Ve observe a wide range in the prices. hey were rather scarce, with sales of good 4 eeks old at s.l3s4.sp head. Baltimore, July 3, 1648. Cattle--There were 600 head otrered at the . . . les to day. Pnees rained from 2,1b103,20 00 011." the boot, equal to 4.37i05,23 net, and versa* 2,681 gram PORT OF PITTSBURG H 8 rar - INCH= WAVER. 13 I noon's ] phase ARRIVEL, Louts McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Marry, Beaver.' Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Caleb Cope. Moore. Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Pomeer, Forsyth, St. Louis. Mt. Vernon, Kansas_ Cincinnati. New England, McClure, Cm. Hail Colombia, Green, Cin. Highlander. Parkinson, (lin. RiO Grande, Connolly, St Louis. Wyoming. Greenlee. St Louis. Dolphin, (new) shipyard. Camden, Hendrickson. Brownsville. DEPARTED. Beaver, Clark, Steubenville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie. Murry, Beaver. Michigan - No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Eureka, Thompson, CM. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Genesee, Hunter. Illinois river. Mt Vernon, houcits, Cie. The over last evening at duck was y feet inches water in channel, by metal mark, and at a stand. IMPORTS HT RIVER Whethag--Per Consul—Xi cake bacon, Tatra & o'Connor, 12 she wool. J McFaden & ow 11 do do, W Bingham, 2 131, glass ware, W McCully; 4 bbls flour, B A Sampson, 10 bdls paper, Loc. Crurfunsgi—Per Hlghlmder—Sl bbls whiskey, R Watson; STI bads hams. 42 nks feathers, D Leech & co; 123 bbls whiskey, I Parker, 10 bbl sugar, 2 bin glean ware, 1 do Lob. S H 13ushtield; 4 sacks feathers, 7 bbls sundries, I McPaden, 1 box mdse., Church & Carothers. Per Rio Grand,-1 bga raga, 1 1 bbla sugar, IS his mdse, 29 tea bacon. Groff, :17 hbila bacon, D Leech Sr co; 1 pkg G Dats; 1 bus Indre, J L Reed pkgs paper, J Kidd; 36 Ws ogton, s b Shenando ah; 31 sks wool, 3 S Dilworth. Per New Engiand-32 bp leathern, Atwood , Jones Sr co; .a hhdn Lob, .1 Fullerton; 4bo lemons , Esker. Per Shenandoah-12 blids bacon, Sellers & Kr cobs; Iht I Isisl oil, Clark Sr Thaw; 30 skk wool. 15 tea ham., 11 Graf; 14 sks wool, D T Morgan; 520 bl. Buffalo rubes, A 13eclen; 50 sks oats, Wick 31cCattillekk; 24 Ids ccitiou, King. Pennock & co as do do Brown F. Culbertson, 3 do do, Allen; 22 do do, P McCormick. St. Lows—Per NVymning—.lo esks lead pipe, 3 bas sheet lead, J W Butler a bro; 206 d hides. 19 green do. I box mdse, S 1 W Ilarbaugh; 35 bbls beef and pork, 5 esks baron, 5 but, I bale, I chest mdse, John MeEnden S tok 4 We feathers, Clark Sr Thaw; 00 d hides, Ewalt .5: ikbbart; 115 do, %V Bingham. i'toneer-20 bbla lard od, 12 hf 10 yr du. J Kidd & co, 12 aka hair, U Leech co; 130 d hides, Ewalt & Gebhart; 12 bhla lard ml, 113 Ml, ham., Sellers st Nicola; 11 Ida couon, sbp featherai, C. do wool. 21 hl. coUon, McCormick; 41 do do. Brown S Colbertsurr: I oak mdse, J W But ler: IC. aka Max. 31.b1s beans. 2 aka corn, 5 kga lard 1 nova, Wwk McCandlens. . Per Hail Columbia-36 bble whiskey, J Bryan, 32 aka feathers, J Grier, 2 I•xn mdeo, J B Milten berger; 7 !Ails lard .1, \V McCullough & co; 63 Ws cotton, King & Pennock; 2t3 badn sugar, 2 sksgin seug, 21 hits feathers, Cans., & McKnight: 13 MAI. cement, W W Wallace. 159 bail soap, Miller & Iticketson; 93 LLIa apples, owner aboard, 1 sks oats, 1 bxa J I) Williams. Fearer—Per Lake Ene-00 has cheese. Bags ley S Smith; 20 csks, .1 A Canghey; 4 sks scraps, B A Fabnestock & co. l'er Beaver-71 hes cheese, B ['alert! 3; co: 14 eks wool, Geo 21 Harlon, 22 do do, 1 2 It Floyd; 13 aka scraps sad hair, B A Fahnemock A: co; ln ska wool, W Barker: b hgs rye, W Dyer, 2.5 hes cheese, W h B. McCuicbcoa. RATES OF DISCOUNT. KATE, d DISCOUNT--OURRELITED 11. MOLMEN & SON, Itivfnu,st. Broker, !to. IMM at k street. near it not Pennsylvania. Indiana. Ll.l o (P. mow rgh • • .ParSatel Blt liranches• • I Ext•hunge Bank Par , • - ateSrrip • • • • • " Meta. S Man. Hank -Pon, 111,.01Yhtladelphto • • -onriE,hung, Mt. of Va. 1 ford Honk ......• pa riFarrners Bk. of Va• -• • •• BMOC of Germ.; 'mown •mu 'llk. of the Volley,— •• Chem, County • • .par Bk. of Vtrginta• • • " •' Dtelaware Co.. • par!M de. M. Bk., Whecitog A " Itlontgurnefr Co -pad do Morstu.pot. • I NortAtumbe [land • •Atarri. W. Book l;olumbi.. Bridge Co. • Vol, do Wetleltur, • • I Do) letostodn II“aL • • p• , 1! do Parkd , Lorlr.• •• • Farmers' lit Iteadlog•par Tennessee. Footers' Elk Buck. Co. pot Uk of Trniteit.o, •• • ft Farmer , WI Laneas•r par Far. & Bk —• Lancasr Co Cl• • • - NI l'lruot•rt' lik.• •• • •• • • " te Laneaster Bk •• . • • • parLlL,lon Ilk Ldroter • • •30 Missouri. .- • • . • Browns,lie Bk. •• • • par State Bk of 11111.1.1".• •.• WIWI arum Ilk •• • • 1 North Carolina. Gettyiburgh BY ••- 1 11k a Cape rear• • • 9 Chambertba, • • • • " , Newbern• SUH,Orilltlll..l Stale Bank Labatt. Co 3k2.'• • • South Caro//na. I.••ari , • • • •• • • Oft:ldea Bk ... Itlaidletown ...... • I Ilk. a Chat lecon• - • • 9 ear hale ..... • • COWLI C K ult Ilk • • • • 9 I•lrte Bk. • • • 'da lib of (Iconratovra Faratrre and Drovers' Bk.of Iftuaburg• • • • • Yank. r etburg 1 Al , ;clut. St 2 111.rmtputd i'ittattrs k Itlecha'r ilk • ead.dc -•••-- • 1 Ilk of South Carollna • 2 Miarylo.lad• l'ud,rdie • • • I ia/ u more •• • • • • par IV:or:nag • ..... • • • • 1 llalun'e a° RR Scrip 40 York ..... • •• • 1 'Curatterlmtd Ilk. or Alle- . . . •• I irnahy••• ••• h • I Ile , Notes •.• Far lii of AlAtrylazui•- & Bk. Pam o• " !tilers & Mrchertle• City &Cotaroy ictio •-- rredenck •••• • '• Ohio. Frederick Co Bk State Bk. an.: !Mk:lckes I Ilarermown Bk Mount Plertratit••• • • • " Mineral Bk -• • St, tthe t. v s 114•• • ..• •• • • " la • ..... W....oingtoo Ilk • - -• Monello • • ..... Of Woo= i ne let Now Liston. .... t . M tchlann thuonmat. Boni 1 4 .: 44 C/urir• • • o 3k of R4ver 113.25 en• •• • • Sitetosmtn In.. flo•• • • S Slech's flk 5 Wisconsin Territiy 71/ Mar.fl Fire In.Co•Altivee 5 Canadas. - Oil .11mm Thinks Book of Enriand Notes —4.4 70 V Lem Colombor du rcJou 11.• • Zane. Putnam - • Woostr r M. Mon Sendost Norwalk • • naroc ...... . " Ducate• .. • 2IS 0 220 Virecte.rn Ileuerec " Engle, 014 • • • WOO Franklul trk Columbus " Eagle, tic cv •• • • • 10 00 Chillicothe - ' Doubloon.. Spanoili IS 00 (Ake Fi,e • • •• •• • Pairmi 15 50 Lancaster 10 ; Guinea - 500 Hamilton la Predericksil'ora , 17 80 Granville 50 Ten Thaler, - - 780 Parm'ra B'k Canton.—.so Ten Gruldt m 700 Urbana 50 LonnaPora • 4 50 Kentucky. it.tchangn. Ilk of licnieeky. —— • I New York t'' pr' Bk of Lou;aville " Philadelphia porn Nortimn Ilk. Kenta'ky. "'Baltimore • a pier New York—Cry Bulk.. par Interior Irka I FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN & MUIR, 331 Broadway . , New York, y hl PORTERS AND JOBBERS of Silks, French prin ted Alaska. Bareges, Lace. Embroidenes, Men no. Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns. lionnbanines, AND ALL OTHER V ARIETIF.76 OF FANCY GOODS. They mane country Merchants, tinsmith New York, to con/nine their sloek before making then. purchases. Mr. Muir was for runny years of the house of A. T. Stewart & Co . Irma winch he retired on the Ist of /an. Unta; and Mr lamer Dirk sou, (who has an interest in the businen,) was also tavorably known In that este.- Lithrnent. tuar3thy TOVNG LADIES' SEMINARY. 01.1.1[011E., MHE Autumn Sean 01 dill. Inautution will com l. on the firm Monday in September Room, on Federal weter street. in - thrtonade Row." Oil door from the bridge . Thecourse of inth,telloll and the rates of tuition are the same as heretofore. For more minute information, the circular or apply to the instructor. 11. N Alan •ur. Reference may also he made to the following gentle• men: Dr T. F. Dole, Allegheny Rev D. Elltott. Mr. H P. Swart: jeflßam d for PC • lot of ch Piano.,Piano.,R F 11 11 ;1 ' 1; 1 V W ib ; l:Unt , Coleman', A.:oltan Attachment. by N 1.1111104 Clark. N Y. One of Nunn. te Clark'. Piano., • • with the Attachment, was triknn to Vaigland by Mr Coleman. and among mr.nyotbrtinsinnonials o' ad. =moon .tor this elegnal .per of Arnerio. and ingenuity. elicited the following remark. from S, 'rh•lherg, the giemesi Nonist living. Lonhim..lan In, My Dear Str—htencloping a letter to toy triend, Mr Fraud. Parts, I cannot refrum tram agai n exprgvoing to you how touch I was pleased with loor ".Eultatt At tarbinent." which I rorwider o a great musical Im provement. I ran asaure you that on my part I shall with greet plenum do my utroovt to [nuke your morn. non known. For sale hy II KLEBER. lelli At Woodwell's furotturr rooms. 34. t IVOTICE..—The partnership heretofore existing der the style and Gem of William ArKnight &Sot, being dissolved by the death of the senior partner, Ell persons indebted ore requested to calf upon the sub ,. rther. at the store on Market street, without delay, nd nettle their accounts—and itiooe having claims igadirt the One will present the same (or settlement' JAMES A. AVKNltarr. Surviving Part.. r. I: RINOES--1003 pieces of White Cotton. and IV.hite and colored Linen Fringes, lidepted for Gingham and French born Dresses obviating the necessity of neon, removed lroni the dress in washing. Macs Mo hair Bullion Fringe. Will arrive in a few days. 2 ca ses of Mantilla and Silk Dress Fringe Wholesale deafer* are invited to an early inspee • uon as they will be liLerally dealt with. The manu facturer will dispose of the goods in pets., and Medg• es himself that they art perfect and of good measure, and 25 per cent cheaper than any eastern market—mar l/CI Of tali and I.Vood streets, over the drug store An agent wanted for this eity. who is established in the wholesu:o dry goods. with good references iy:l,l2ws L OOK HER} _fteud the following certificate liVegirmem.amm.s. Ohm, May 9, iold. 'I his is to certify Mai my little daughter emu afflicted with worms, and that I tried several remedies, so cal led, without any apparent elect Beinginformed by theagent in Misplace of the success of :fellers. tier:Tu tor, I was Induced to give u a trial. After giving a few doses, according to direCIMI., my daughter won relieved have no hesitation in giving it as my optn lon. that !sellers' Vermifuge is the best est... MATTHEW WILEY • • •-• • YftflOrlid and sold by R. F. Bedlam, No. 57 Wood m. Sold also by CO. C.ood. Slti NV and. D. M. Corry, Alle gieen y; mod Wm. J. Smith, Temporancemlle. LOST--On•Friday evening. between the Cemetery and the restdenre of Wilson 31 , Candlesat Esq., a large mourning lIREANT PIN. with the initials L. Any person finding We same will be liberally re werded by leaving eat at the Gazette or Dispatch office, or at Dr lirCraeken . s. Penn et. lyt9P BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, Correqpondonee of PlitslOargh Gazette THE wires East not being in order, we are again without the Congressional proceedings, and the Eastern market reports. Correspondence of the Ibusiturah Gazelle CINCINNATI MARKET. Cincinnati. July 5,13, r. a. Elour—The Market to day was steady. but not active; with saleirof GOO bbls at 83 0243 rid cents per bbL Gram is with Out change. Whiskey—A slight advance is manifested in the market, with sales at 1510150. per gall. Sugar—There is some activity in trade sales. with a steady market. ISO hhds were sold at 40 5 els per lb. Cheese—Moderate sales are effected at 6 cts per lb. Receipts are on the inermur, and the mar ket drooping. Bacon--Sales of sides at o; of Shutdclers at 2i cis: and of Hama at 404;041 par Jb. Ashes—Sales of Pots at 3e. and , Pearts at 5 eta per lb. Gen. Taylor and the Whig Nomination. AN banterer Accerrsaca.—Tse New Orleans Picayune, of the 25th ultimo, maimns the follow. inr statement and singular card relative to the ru mor that prevailed, that General Taylor had repu diate.] the statement made in his behalf by the Louisiana delegations to the Whig Notional ruse ventires. CrExourat 4 anxis--The undersigned, whose names are affixed to the card hereto appended. make this publication at the special instance and request of General Zachary Taylor himself From sundry articles which have appeared is several of the public journals of the city of N. Orleans, Gen. Taylor to gives to understand that persons claim. ing to speak for him, have produced the impression that he is not satisfied with what Judge Saunders, and the other metubersof the Louisiana delegation to the National Whig Convention who acted with him, saw tit to sty and do in that laxly in his (Gen. Taylor's) behalf; and that he repudiates such acts and sayings. Did these rumors and reports affect only himself; Gen. Taylor would not trouble the public concern ing them: but as they affect. whether so intended or not, the good report and condor of gentlemen whose partiality for hum h, made them obits, of reproach and !mammon. he feel. constrained by a sense of duty and justice to authorise them to be met by a distinct sad peremptory denial. A Coati.—We are authorised by Gen. Taylor to say that the coarse of the Louisa, delegation in the Whig Convention, lately assembled at Phil, delphm, meets with his entire, full and unequivo, cal approbation. That he not only never doubted, but never .nro. mated a doubt that his honor and reputation were safe in their hands. BA LIE PENToN. LUCAS 111 STUN. A. C. 131 I.L ITT June 7.3, ISIS. Anti Al. or Tau/es—The S steamer Edith. Capt Com!lard, arrived at New Orleans on the 24th nit. from Vern Cruz, with four companies or the. let Pennsylvania Volunteers—about ISO noncom. missioned officers and pnvates. The Edith's ad. vices are no later than we have already published. List of Officer. belonging to Ist Brigade let Re invent Pennsylvania Volunteers.—Col. F M Wyn hoop, Lent. J Waelder. A. A. A. C 4., Lieut. Col. Sand. W. Black, Lint. W Chilil/11,' A. Adit . Caws War A Charlton, F W Binder and Joseph Hill. Lints A Ferguson, RWaads. W Blakely. J F Itar• bier, A Bleecher. Geo Moon, I:dw Carroll, S D lirrece and L Palmer. Also, Lint Col Woodruff, New Jersey Volunteers, Cnet C If Frick. 2d Penn sylvania Volunteers; Lieut tr I Adde, jld Dragoons Capt King, 15th Infantry. !".!Ttt-a Conran It strange!) de•truenve to the hu mmi couch, for skin) the sudden change trout heat to cold, and the smoke...vs yeilow. dark. coarse com plexions. Then tt is eNtelsile that the pore. ut the akin sGould lie kept open—that their mouth. shod'A treed from tmpu my—'twins thus the alheleiil Roman Philo. phers eared all—they computed that more ogres diseases and unhealthy valunrs lea throug th h e of the skin, than any other outlet 11l the body It IA neeessary, therefore. to keep the port, open—ail humors are dispelled from the skin !ruin the pore., Whelk they wash molt rdues' Itnhsn Chemical Soap, I have seen it cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt Erysipelas, Uld Sores. Barber's Itch. Sore Fiend, Ringworm, when every other internal mid rut-rind remedy lad effect renderlng the. skin white, clear and soft. though' it be Idiom and mane, is Koh• derful—n removes Iteckles. Tau. Sunburn. Murphey, and disfigurement of We skin—Lot pereon+ be particular at d oak for Jo). Soap—to hr had in Pittsburgh at Whi JACKSON'S, Dip, of the Fie Knot, el Liberty at. Pelee W cents nov 11 , d8-wl y 11 ToSvegNang, Mr, Ao.h Ovtims.—Connell's III•gtcal Pk/II Extractor—lt Isnow vos.vetled I.y med.- cal met. Mai Connell. Magtcal Pant E 2 true., Ilialm factured by Commack ,k Co. 21 Courtland N the greatest wonder of the lath century„ Ito effects are truly miraculous All rants are removed front burns, Kalil, a" . .. and all eXtertial gore, in a lc, truttuten as ter n. Amp...anon, healing the same on Me mo.t iii is. cam nkut. leaving nO gear It A. equally betteficiat In all kinds of asthma:x.lov) . Mge.ev such as sore Nip ples •nd Elea, Sprains. Rlteurnausm, White Swelling and Ulcers. Bruises, Burn, Chtlblunn, Er) oracle.. Tic poloreaux. tar IV., mgtt add as proof to all we say, Mc naravaot many M 1.,. pis yo who axe 0 m their praence.. and hundred.. oi eles,y nmwrtrH pia Hold puristh arpu maraud. .o 0., it, but by I/1 use nil burns are subject to Its cum., unless the vitair are dextroyed. Canuon—Rentemtger and ask for Counell's Jlagmal Palo Extractor. 'nat.,- factored by Comalock•Ar. Co. N Y. and no other Sold by WA! JACKSON. Agent fur rlttgburc6. , o Liberty oh, bead of Wood. novlnstiwilta [l3 - Don't have yellow dark teeth—they eon be made pearly whst by one tone wing n box of Amber Tooth l'aste II hardens me gam., -0 ret..., the (stroll,, ar. sold at nt/ Liberty •1 II4•N 1,1.1 wlf ffrPtt..., Sates, dry —The r;ettnice Hays• ..... en • au article more Nally celebrated l e• a cure tor the above than uty or al: other*. It. eu re* ure a Irrioat in monerat, Soli) M / A t:l,zt ,‘; tor Pitt. burgh. oovl,tt.kwoniT I)4JTASH—lcaak al ITII.II, No I anal.. kor Ly JOHN D MORt,AN CI 11 , 11 .. 1 1 ): 1 E YELLOW-3 casts reed and or Asir Ly JOHN D EGAN 1)1U AIETA 1,-30 ions rtg Uelnl. blanche fur!.sce - for sale Ly EA L & rANNERS" 011.—.44. Lida Brown Od. oupertor. for .ale by Jed BAC:ALF:I & SMITH 1)A RiottOL.S—A Int of huldsonle ~‘soln Tare Para ' *els, just opened by Je 11 ALEX & DAy B AC . '(;..N 4 --IO rusks /lemon. for sale I s oy mi,w()RTH I )7.rfliT, CUFUCA-1U bale. reed and 1nt ., 211e by r 1.15 111 l al N 11 4.1 . 11,11 R it.01;.1 , -9 east.; nudes, reed a+ . V A 1 . 47 , 1 r e ., 1:)i ,u4T bbl. Firmly Flour. inr .alt. by my 96 J A 1,11.%% ORTIi 1 ARIJ 1.1.14 Browna Lesl Ca . id Ud, m .core I and for sale by JO IA AM HA 1.%F:1.1. VI:CFA:AR - . 23 Ltd. pure Cider N't nee.. for •nla 1..13 J S nod st • 1.A51—.50 has t.XIV and lUX 19 Window (:1n... In X More and for sal.. Ly jezi 1A R Gold dketp•ole Value •-•- DEPYLIt .AND ALLSPICE—YO bag. Pepper. IR do 111 rlorr end tor tale by irtu & R PIA /I'l . . • . . . INGLR LOAF St/OAR-110 bbls Nos 4, 3 and S 4 N Refined, tit store and for .ale by je2o J & R FLOYD lARO 011.-1 n bbl. and hall bbl.. for sale low by 120 BROWN & CLI.BF:R'!µ(rN FANCY SOAP—IU Lot Cm:lnm, for sale low he je2o BROWN A CULBERTSON texiti , -16 bbd. N Sure.; 30 bids crushed do, S tAI do puler nand do; 20 do boa/ do, to store and for sale by leg BROWN & CULBERRSON t 5 do Sugar ,131 BROWN A CCLBERT,ON 1 4 1 LLAra—lOO bbl. S Pl .: lour, for sale bv jeL3 J S DILWORTH 0 WERT 011--1 reek Sweet Ol,ree'd .cl for silt, t.l by jela JOHN D MORGAN TRUNK AND STRAW R4)ARIN—Iu tons, just recd and for sale by BROWN A. CULBERTI+UN rcl.cll - - . MOLASSFA-175 bbk N O :d0h5...e1.; 90 bbl.ll do, (or Role by joIN R ROBISON & Co Hon C Shnler. Potrburgh Rev. I) 11. Rev 11. Dyer. icy tivre.• j,24 _ _ .to re inl l Lor , ;ll i le r, liy a Co BUHL& PS--3 bales heavy inch, for wool saCkllig. for saleby le2o SIIACKLETT & WIMP. (IRMO'S; CLOTHS—An invotee medium and yowl, dark Rod tight colored Crown Cloth., opened by 1100 SHACKLETT It ‘VIIITE PATENT SODA ASH-40 east. Jame• Muepratt & Son'e furl quality (ode Ash, boat reed Pot steamer Hen numb and for sale by ap&4 M ITCHELTRF:E, 160 Überly GLOYES—Elabroadered Silk Gloves. wll2p. .land colored; Laale do, colored, a .apply tr • calved at Dry Goods Hoare of CREAM TARTAR -1 bl.l put reed and for sale by jal3 !URN D MORGAN • • QUOAR HOUSE fiIOLASSF- , -1110 bbl. St Junr , L Refinery, reed per steniner Hall Colombia and for Kele by let? EMIT DA • Q.NIALL WHITE 13F:ANS—Z Irbl. for •rile to rlu.o 0 by let/ R ACo SUGAR—IOO hha. N O Sugar, :In bbl e No s 3, and 7 Loaf Sugar. to store and for sale by. lcll R ROBISON dc Co, Ile.l'iberty VU LOGY ON JOHN QCINCV ADAMS — Delivered Ed Say Ilth, at the School House o 1 the Stxtlt Ward, ratisburgh. Ey H. AI Wee/m:1,04u Publashed by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON..d fur sale by all the Lkookaellers ut th?Flly. j)3 OLASt4:- , 1-211 bbla Nlolasscs. St Junes' brand, fur sale by) je2a JAhlfS . I/AI:ZELL rillgESE7—lill priisie R fhf r e „. . , i;„;; and for sale by leaf, A MANCHE.wrEit GING If A hIS.--An invoice of tea; Alanehester Gingham, of new arid bandmine ' , moans, received yesterday at the Dry Goods Hou se of jet! W R MURPHY r.I4:AVY sHIRTING . CHSi.SCS—Of Stuart's mstou• 1.1. facture, constantly on hand, and sold Ity the piece or yard ea the Dry Goode House of Je24 W R MURPHY is, - F. %V MACKEREL-1.5 bbh large No 3 Mackerel 10 quarter do Landing and for sale by je24 . •- _ D OSIN-75 bbl" good Rmin, . armee per eteamer Taglioni from New Orleans, and for aide by 1".t3 POINDEXTER & Co BEESWAX -1 cask now landing from 'learner En. para..; for sale by y 95 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co DRY AIDES-75 Dry Hides, In store and for sale by , I art'. S & W IIARHAL/611 Q A I.ERATUS.-141 emir for sale by mE'D WICK & MeCANDLESS ASONtI BLACKING-100 doz large size; IVO do mediorado; 8/7 do small do; for .ale by myld WICK Q M'CANDLF2S HT LAST HIDIIT•I MAIL 0 BLACKBURN & Co TRANSPORTATION, REED, P&8IL8 & Cos. PACRE . I. LINE. : 1848. BE. it VER AND CLEVEI.AN D LINE. eta W A RREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW. Copt. Ford. OCEAN. Capt. Wooers (VIE of the above Packet. leave }3eaver every day, Aunday. excepted) and arrive next morning at t NVargen. worry they connect with the Mali Stages (or Akron and Cleveland. arnirtog at each °Liberia places before night. One of we Packets leave Warr en dgily, at ft P 3a.. alai arrive at Beaver co tune to take the morning steamboat (or Pittsburgh. 11 TAYLOR. LEFFINGWELL. Warren, s 1 Propnfn. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE TOll Tl TUN IN TOP, .11.13 Canal Par ket — PaNasvf-esata, Capt. Jeffries TELK.GI4?II.. • Pot loek. Luna Etna Truby. •• Brown. " Ser .n.r above new ant: spl endul Passenger Pa ay rker have c 0111ruenced running between BEAVER. AND ERIE. I a id will inregularly during th e season—one boat leaving Erie every monitor al o'clock. and one lean ing beaver every evening. trumechately after the err, vial on the` stamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh Th.• hoots ore new and comfortably furntshed, and will run through 111 forty hours Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Suwon, Folly, will find this • route the most comfortable and expedniona Tickets through to all pornOl on the Lake can be procured by appl)lng to the proprtero”. REED, PARKS & Co. Beaver . JOHN A CAUGHEY, Art. Putsburrli. cot Writer and Smithfield sta . AGENTS . --Jas C Harrison. Buffalo. N ' C 51 Reed. Erie. Pa C C Wick, lirrenvllle, NlTartand and King. Big Bend. l'a, Hay. & Plumb, Sliarpsburgh, W C Mol6ll, Sharon. D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pa; II W Ctintngham, New Castle. Pa tyl Country Merchants take Notice! I.I.PING 110 1.1. WM. Lane, 4 TR A V F:RS l'o Maiden Lane. lute Hanlon „ & Travers., utter tor sale, in quantities to roll pure baser.— 1,1.100 reams Ruled Cap Paper. nt SI 2.3 to 11 ill pr ein 2.t5 , 11 do Ruled Leiser Paper. I Ili to I .51 , do !Wan du N% rapping Paper, 24 to 1 ran do MOM role Paper ilahrinas. at 5 rto to O et. pr piece s,dral di, .killefle/111 5... do. 12i •• th, 5.000 ;gm . of (tit Tred•unretd Window ~ b n,le• on our g.twg 1111 11 1 1.114 , 111,!,rautarul destalt• and color. st front Ed 110 to SI SO per pair Ilt.talo lb, of Wool Twine and Wrapping Twine. all kinds, front 121 to 15 its per lb We also have other troode nn the 'nine proporbon. and we gnaranteo to plea,. you ti you seal Call and see us at-1 Nla/den Lanc. New fork A. TRAVERS &Co New York. June. e2—claw MERCHANTS' WAY FREIGHT LINE. iNZI nOka [IA fall T. tION or AvAI V117.1111T jJ 1.71" W EFL', Plit.urtt , ter.bury I.d.Y.buOL. illuntmgdolt Cui Pt , h This Line wax formrd ezelu•rvely for the special ac commodation or the way Monne. The Proprietor, thonktol tor the very Itto-ral patronage they have re ceivcd during no- t..vo }ear,. woold retpectiolly in form their it rod. ortd the pot .h, that the) are now still Letter . ooter prepare to deliver good. at an', point on the Canal and Rail K ode. With prompinean and do.patch PICK w( ,Frri & WoODS. JAM ES A LORE. (i 1-'.OllO I'HANDLE. JOHN MILLER & Cu. AGENTS. k worth &. Wool. . Jo stow & N A & Co. ennui 6000. Pittsburgh avezarm..--I . llo.oorgh Smith & Vo o 100 1 & J Mr DOVItt. J II Shoetilirrireir. 11 Rotzusori Jo C 0 H & Roono, Johit Pisrker, Wirt Lebo', & Cu. Ur I' riburiiiirrgcr jr,J Pennsylvania. Canal &. Ralf Road Ex press Fast Packet Line, FROM BAL. - •• TIN/OR1:. tErdwavely for Paa.earrr• I I , IIF. rubirr are re+pretatily 1/tiornittl that th,.Lo m Wl.l e t n it fli.llllll, Oil the Lao. ittl eon• haae throuxhout he Seas°. • • The Dont, arc nrw. •hd of a •uper3or class. with la en rxed cabal, winch will give greater comfort Thu can are the lateen roh.oruchon - - A oonl alwav• in 1,, and travel,. pr., r, qw.atr.4l, and eziuntste belore engaetng pas ay.. et...w13,e I Pam tutiy nute thro,:h I I tue nit!, hone of tht. Line will leave The lantltn., toppoAnt. U tomer of lion ,reef and , Jultt: every tutchl to rune ti ctock Ttme 11 du) , For inlunnnnon. app,y at the Othcr. Nlhilettcaltem Iloh,e. or to I) &Co Canal linlun Merchants' Transportation Line. 1848. ftla • . . . Ftlit PHILADELPHIA IND HAI:HM.)IIE Gt s. K .: ll ,ou :on•irned , to our car,. veLll Le lorwurded drin, ~i nilr .ou.rat currrut ruie• A Mr ANULTV tr. Co. Cann) Bac. Penn .1. Pittsburl,h. I & RE \01.1)S. 2:2 st.,l 3.5 111) , E. M FIR/2 N 11211,m. re PIONEER TRANKPORTATION LINE. 1848 . ftla 111.711WP:EN II&I.TINIORE N I'rrn.:l9L aint IL,- tr _La 'Tao , . tiova wisponr•l et twc. FORSN - 111.& NCAN . Agcme Water etrre, I . l.l,urgh • FRAILEY & ? IA FISH& I.L. Agent, 47 I .0,, OuuSES, LOTS, FA INS, FOR SALE, A tl-CAA,VI COL,II/T aItSIZAVACIA OIL MILE TROY 'II Ilcot n0r.... m: underrtg . ne d. adtn . lntodrutor of the ratans of Ann St. Clair McFarland, de,d. odd' r 1 tor .ale nn ar dninmodaund tertn.. vt•ry rlea.attlir ...tett Ilona. and Lot. m the newhldtrnood ot Me old. adp.untna property of Atclander Bret ncr.v Thr u two atory Nara.. Ludd".e. nun ba.r.tuent—me ;ot , ontonot act, on whleh vo-ry •carre and choir, ...tern... of e‘ Pry ardly n (run. and a rplen• did vine it on r.ttrukher, For pnrodutar. o , lcl lo ;he Ilerror, Mr II I' Cann or Mr IVIIns I.k.nne. ALIA WII.St I\. Adua'r VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. TH AT protwirty latrly moTorii Iry H Foy.. t'rottit *trio, near 0... Alirothriny rely. o it lie ...Id onnerionrtoilannq 1,1114 Th.. lot tit SI trio 4 10..00. on Crittg .1001, running through to the eau al 150 tort Thoirr 400,41 two .toy Ir tlwriitrte tm, on Ow prtimmea. nip limit. and the lot t. writ improved totittutinit4 vitriety of rillotee trait grdoe. ithrubliery. Ir. This property ronveni. 0011, *twitted lot pt-roion• dotne liustntina to filth., Pm.- burp tir Alle,theuy. mid II n dit.irntile 10.0101,ee Title indi.putabir For toren. apply to 44",11 BOYD. Anor• hey 01 Law odic, uti Fourth iorcet, .hove Smithfield ap-t-dtl Tract of Land for Sole. otharttlrer a di .ell on ac , roinmedattitg term, j, valuat,le true , ru unimproved land. 1 1 10010. 011 the road teadt hoe trosii Brighton to Frank ho, about eighteen mule, front Pot•hur t rh. and shout rte hi mile. trorn the town WI Freedom on :he Mar river The Wart ram 4thi acres and tro percbc., strict nwaaure The land is of a.n excellent quality. ahem! 90 acre. cleared, and well watered. and will 1., either in whole or 1111a10101 of convenient ie, to ruit purh•wer. For tart he r particular. e nom re of B. NI 111 /YD. 'y 111 Law. Whet on lth ahoy, Sinahheld, Plumbureli :era{ db.wll T Property In Allegheny City for Sale. I'HE .olmonbeo o . otter la •nie a number of oh, LOIS. •itlialr ifor Se l. llli Ward. Ronung on the Common ground. MI enoy tarn,. Ingo], of W 011 ROBINSON. Ally al Law. 91 Clair .1 or o, 1 NS HOR/NSON 011 Or prelen.r% nill7 JA nil I' Emmte in Ohio. j‘.TRACT of .an 01,51/ arr., In Harrison. Portage Co.. 01/ the Cuyaboart river—about 30 acres under Im provement Also. two unonproved lots in the village of Warren. Trumho:l Co . tit lee, tan OU Also. a lot u( ground in the rem, or Hart:ord. Trumbull Co,wit:s • fine dwelling house nod store-011C of the best stands (or a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all thro. property will' be sold on very accommodatmg terms ISAIAH DICKE , / & Co-. febtO Water and Front Bus Mal tttttln Elem.. County. Awr. Storehouse and rotate on the Erie EStenaton Canal, in the village of West NEd dlesex, • desirable 10C411011 fur a merchant Al., a Lot and good Dwe!iing 'louse IA ell suited .for a Tavern Stand, In the village of Orangeville. on State tine or Woes Terms cosy. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. feblo Water and Front etr. GIME! • A two ntOry brick duelling with Ritmo. PIS neres of ground attached. wonted to Oakland. The place to wail stocked with (run of nit kind., and Is a demroble locauoti (or farm'. being entirely out of retch of doe river and din of the city An °miaow Waves oakland hourly for the coy Apply hi faiWgi ATWOOD, JuNl.:s 8. Co. EZIZMI • • A new three .wry brick tlavelltns house on Wylie etreet —PosaewiotiKiven on the first of April or soon, if respired Inquire of AV 1 A R FLOYD, liti liberty street_ Nor Rent. A Iwo story blurt dwelltne with about 5 metes of ground, situarted on the finnk of the Ohio river, to the borough of Al rimester Apply to Jan2l JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co dvrelling houses situated on 4th street near canal bodge,in the etty of l'lttahurgh s room 73 a, ff., with a convenient en trance on sth st near wood. Ah.o, a frame dwelltng, two .torte.. With WI of ground etteloand and undr e cultivation, satiate on ere Ohio lute, in the city of Alleghe ny •1101 Lore of I I) W11.1.1A3114, Ann 1113 wood street. EB7IMI . • • • ja FOR 1/R Rl-\T. the Plltsburgh Brew. ery. all n. brrwtng apparel°, ugh on Penn int..., rind Ilnrker's alley.and now occuptod by Geo IVstotb & Co Po .. .. ton Klven on the firmt day of April ensnlng For o nn.. ke roquire of 111411‘VN 2c CUI.HI . :IiTS4IN, febe2ll I4S lawny at. ~..11i1.110USE FOR Sdi.t . : —The ..übor offers for pale the Three story brick Wambouse on Wool r , t. oreupiml by ft. Tanner & Co. It ret. now for $lOOO per year. apl7 === To Let. The 111 w three story fire proof brick storc on second t now occupied by EdA,rd Evans, int rent from Ist of April next Ingorre of J SCIII/ONMAKER & Co, JonlO wood street. sulisettlters will renl p•rt nr the. WI., jahourte now occupied them. Apply to DALZEI.L. de t 0.. jontil 54 water meet. IMMO t h l i A large room on the thi story of the warehouse occupied by the suhteriberr. fie, the foot of .1.4111 • Woo d wart—a good looloom lur n steamboat ag ran nc a L or in"'"'cia.ZlANS (;ARRISON — Per Sole. •. • . ARA Fine two story brick brute. on 'nun street, Allegheny city. near the upper Ilridye The lot It '4 feet in front by 10(1 deep. For terms Inquire of dcl.stf A WASIIINGTON. 4th ot 1MM:213! j.k TH E. large fire proof warehouse. 24 feet front by PO feet deep. on second st, near wood Inqulre of J SCHtIONAIAKER 44 Co, wood at 1=1213! .I.A Smoke floss, wonted on Plain alley, (or rent. Inquire of ROBEICC A. Co, Liberty Infect deal • COAL LAM) FOR SAL E:-Seven acres noel land for sale, situate in bond at the Monongahela River, above Brownsville, Pa having a 7 low rem of coal, which lOU be sold to exchange for goods. For parocu „. ,ply to (0V.,M1 S # W ZI wood on DRY GOOD& NEW SIJZUGED. GOODS 0100 .11 . .1... A...AM.. ACCIIO.I are now f"'l'le fres h S ommer Aut.... where they have been purchased with in the last two Weeks. at a very greatsacrifme, there by enabling as to offer for better bargains than we hove ever done before In eat lin& the attention of the cuisens of Pittsburgh and us remity to our assort ment we do so with the confidence of onr prices being such as will ensure perfect sausfaction; and to all buy ers. either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now offered for procuring great bargains. Among those Am received A lot of very cheap cold and blk fied h surp'd Silks; •• Light and dark Lawns; ut • •• " Gtnghams; extra fine blk bid and striped Darege, whuh are very h andsom e A Ica or Coteh Fallys. for lathes dresses; do light colored and black Barege, very cheap, dow style silk Vesung do. ve ne ry handsome Barege Shawls; do very Cheap hlk do do do fine blk silk filanulla Scarfs; do handtorne Parasols and Parannetrs; do Ilb Artificial Flowers; do very cheap Luen Louses; ALSO--A fin e stock of super French Cloths and Cas suicres. white and colored Linen Dulllngs, Cashmer e., 'Summer Cassaneres. Drop 4' Ele, de Arc. A large assonmeol of Pill. of all prices; lacking', Checks, Mush., be , to which. as well as other arti cles in our line, lye invite the special attenuon of cash buyers, A LIDCANDPR rk DAY. lei 75 market st. N W nor of the diamond As A. MASON & CO, BO MA KK ET MT. BETWEEN THIRD & FOURTH, )SING desirous of reducing their stock previous to I) the commencement of the Fall Trade, offer their extensive Old fashionable swarm:lent for a Cr'. weeks, at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their as imminent may found excellent styles or Tinue., Grenadines, Palmyrtnines, roil irChevg. Dress Silks, Lawns and Muslin.. /cc Ac., all of which see reduced in pncg fully one third. Their stock of Showls is very extensive, and com pilers every known style. A few cartons of crape and silk Shawls iusureceived will be sold exteriorly 4 eases rear Scotch Gingh•movill be sold at lie cm, usual price 25 cents. good English Calicoes 10e; Amer_ do ns low se 3 and 4e, wrought Collars 13e; Nu. lin de Lames 121 c; good Alpacca ISJc; Bonnet Rib bons 120. Their .toek ordark green pure Saun Parasols and Parasolettes. coitprtsing wards of son. of every sty le and qualm.. will, e offere u d at very low rale% Broad Clod., Casolueres uW Vesungs; also, all kinds of PUlDltterattlfl• and Cottonadea Saill22=lll= Nittrlllll.l will always find al our wholesale rooms as large and dosirulde an assortment of goods as a usually found us eastern houses, and at equally low prices Only ono price. from winch no davtanon ran be trade. KNOW AI.I. MEN THAT HRINNETT & CO. -- • • ' 77 AVE removed trum I tr 2 :Markel street. to them new splendol arid Immense estrintzshnaent to be known al the TOWER HALL CIAYMINGI BAZAAR, No. -lag Mark eutrcet, between Frith and Sixth, Pini-som... the proprietors feel a reluctance to promulgating what to any way. might appear like the usual Bombes. uc exaggeration of some in the trade. Lot wtll beg to quote the followillg notice nom one of our coy pape: - Otte of the greatest c urimuties That our city afford rs s to the stranger. IS Bennett & Co's great clothing store, No l -d Morkst street. between Fifth and Sixth, which Ira. been styled 'Tower Hall." (rota the peculiar knish of the Irunt The Molding uan immense one, contain capacious rooms. all of whatli are stooks/. wt. every variety of season able garments. arming! d 111 the most perfect order and regularly. The proprm. tom take great pleasure to showing their bulldtng and contents to notch, particularly strangers, and to Coos,. corning from the country—we know of no place more worths of n voul• torte: H., CO ore now recetring darter from inirarters and manufacturers. a large ansiortment at Fancy and Staple Trimmings. Hosiery and Variety (Mods, among winch are—Black and cord Mrundla Front,: do do (her. do. Embroidery mud Vmette Torso. damp,' and other dress Hunan.; black Slit Lacs Linen cambric Mkt.; Artificial Flowers and Wreath,. Chemomftes, needle worked Collars. steel Bags and Plirses. Ivory, Ebony and Feather Fat., Kid. St.k and Liale lien. /Amster?, (novel, &c. Mohnen.' mid woolens' Hosiery. Hall Brushes, Comb, and Tooth Brush,. Window Shades and Trimming, 'radars' Ham s; Shirts. of mons' and youths' saes. dr Ac whieh they offer On favorable tam, at their slum. 111 Market in. near Ith 014 AVha. lours received 1 alEttt un,:rtt g e oods tor Ladies Dress+, includlng—Scotch mull Mos lot*, ,sl.• du, Nonsook do, {Mutt Jimmie., small bar red do, toll., Lotted do' Stan, For Fla ening Drevies—White embroidered Serni• Nlu•ltos. cnabroidered Tarlton do: hlne do, new ti l l le damask striped and rnOtrottlernd doplain white. Moe. pink and ..raw colored do, also, embroidered and Swiss Mush.. by the yard, for F.vetong Dresses; also, Black Ince Shawl, scars and Cartes-French and Scotch needle work Collars: tut assortment of new and bentolful style Linen Cambric Handkerchtefs: mount- Ille du; an at lowest cast once., at norat-east corner in 4th rind marker sts KR 111. h FRENCH CLCYFIBS—w R Murphy I, invites the atlention of gentlemen wanting Clot h s. to hi. of very hest make of French and English Clutha. A few pieces very superior blank Prench,lual reed; also, Doeskins and Caisanne era, great variety; slimmer Cassinieres and Tweeds, for meal' and boys! wear. black satin Vesanga. white Marseilles do; gonts white and bordered linen canteen flaky., super wNie and colored silk do, gents Gloves, flak vs . (Awe. Merino and cotton Undeialiirta mr summer wear; bib and fancy Cravats! Gingham and -lacono do, be re 7 To Conntry ilertheateie (2311TH AND .1011N, Market surer, have re 1:1 en I V., 15 cases Bonnets. consisting te part of plain Strew. Aurora Heard.. View la do. Gimp do. Wleclle do. China. Peed and Florenre. 5 cases l'al'a Leaf Infants' and Buys' Leghorn and Braid Art., hroil Fmwers, in every variety Also, WO dk i s Ladi es i',.ttott Hose. from 75 cents per doz. up In the finest Ltiaoty Item dor gent , hal( llosr. ie good kr eortment of sJe Thread. St.k and Cotton Oloves, 73y e silk Hdkla. 100 ys 00 addcae do. Iw d0.1.1./11G11 Cambe.c do. 15 car tons Co!ton and Thread I.aces Aiso, a go o d avis o r t . menot Combs Hutton, Threads. Nee Me.. Fum. Cut. ter, leweir), he.. t ri.l of which they will offer a greet n.Jaeemrnl in pr c. to purche sera. nayl:l 11:I - TER DA V. et V. - It Murphy - . D ry r.oods House. northeast eore Cr or 4th and Market streets—Glossy black Silk. for Mantillas. new styie Dress rimelinnts. bib and white era:pct. blk, white and mixed Cotton Hone. French Linens, be be A:so on nand. it good assmtment ot block Mohair. t-lk ,sak and fancy end Nett Shawls; white and crab Crspe do, plain and embroidered. black lace Shawls. 'co," Mid open, new style ftg'd Hem for it 1.11p4. wash blonds find Nen, be hit .ale ut, -init . , a tie, art excellent as sortment of Pronto, k, is always Lent at low peter* C. MALI. BAH 1 / I .INI,IIAAIS %V Ft Itirphy has rr /I% ra YU :AIWA/tau° .apply of the above troonln r. - 113,1,1,6:0t%. and sYlatr. oren lard white. Se, air. n rw racers nutney roper. very neat Plaid. rrll. . ooa ican. white, areeth ~nd barrel . ..of all widths, al.°, iiiiiett tor do, very w tile. and offered at low aria. • 1:). the pireetif yard Lt . FIAGRANS FUR ~ K IRT:4- .1 supply lately ',rei , ved cOrdrd and Marsetlles Skim; also Niosousto Netts. whste 1..11 . 1i colored. wide Bohnietts for 'lo. m dry gOodn house ot W R MURPHY, IY 3 cdrtheast eorner 4th and market sts 'I , IIIII.IAD —Smith& Johnson. 4 Market mt. I hare ,ot reed 2 1, 1 1 0111/ MOre of those mode Thread Lares taint I/I Cts per d up. Also, one carton of Mee hit. do. 01Ir do Pans Point do: also 15 canons cotton Tares [kale" end others Will find it to the,r ttere.t m c•I:. as they will, he sold at extremely low • PNTS—A Inre.asoortmet of blue. blue and or anee. and tenet' Prtnta. or every de•srable style and us...eq. just opentntr and for ale to the trade •t evtraordttostry low rates. to% the ease. de I ACA WHITE ;0( , Alt o . I . sr.r:n Co ., No G M O orlir,eet, 10 c . ote. oft f printed a 1.4 Ronm Wllll Nlo•lio•. 5 ,roo tr d rtylr ( onglionis. 4do 11tW nod of Calicoes., U do or Cottonnolt, nod Summer Stuff.. 14 do 1 . 4r0r.01. of ever) vartety A 14.1. Rambo., Lace Hosle2.S4lllWig, Domestics., he. he. el lACES. EDGINGS. &C.-20 cartons low priced and I medium Edging., Luce.. InaertutgaAb.ulling, pl`r and fancy Nets. o(the latest importations, ju s t o ,ena d by jets SILACELLTT & WHITE UPER FRENCH CIAYTIIS—We have just opt,' ded 0 a fine lot of Llk French Cloths, which we are set. ling much lower than we have ever before .old the sante quality. . ALEXANDER & DAY /e2O 73 market at. N W cot of lie dials and W04)1.111.1i CASSIMERE.N.---A lot of very ch ea p Wool I,lk Qas amoog which al e srnne ufa light texture, very suitable for the 1110111111/ season, u*i reed by ALEX AND F. 12 DA N' 0, 4 4.4 U ITO 7 , ,1;TT7 , -101J0 pieces 7-4 mod v-4 plain .131 win, and red and blue barred Netts, a ,,,, ra ) o . g Also, 11.4 nbd 12-4 Keay Bobssiew k ,orpory e d vprvssly for a ruperior article, ot Mascot, o Netts. tor toy sales, lust reretved by trot ACKLETret wurrr. IV wood at _ _ _ • Consulting FromfilEk•eora& Com, .sailors for puout . ..lms Office (or procuring and dee . .niding rre.ents, imparting information on Mecham', and the tr n iplication of Sm ence to the Arts and i American r.nd Foreign Laws of Potent, DROF WAL'PER R. JOHNSON, late o( ohm, and T. R. ROBBINS, of Waslongton U in be aided b 7 nag ord Knowles. Esq., late Mar-humid the United Steles Patent Office.) have associated lliemeelves toget'atr tor Mr prosecution of the above brunches of proc +atonal busmen. either in their other, at the Patent race. or before the Court. and will de vote theirint divided attention to forwarding the niter ., of Itivei. tors Lit others who may consult them or pint, Ebel, hand* Ali Knowles has lot 1.. mti epa ant years held the post of Alaehment ala ne 'Antes Patent Oilier, and renigns that s4tuanun to tnkr, pnrt in the present itudeetaking His talents I‘llll peeultar nine.. or Me important office so long tom, nays been gully recognised by Inventors wherever the when aselli• known. T 11 .• other irt bless', J. St 11. is on IP street, opposite the l'ateitt Unice. Washington, D. C. where commons ....mils. pond paid. will be promptl) attended to; eaarn• mini me. drawling,. specifications and all requis• its paper. incpared—and models prricured when Jess ed—on reasonable terms. Letter. of enquiry, cancel e to be answered Wier examtnations had, must be se coinpamed by a lee of five dollars. In tie done. ot Met, other which pertains to the Pa- X A. R. will be swilled by a legal tinv Isiggiest pron....tonal character. amid ml rritiverstim with Alectinmos and other Scientific ets mr-lin.d&wlyS Pm - leis - I Scotia. IT I I Sod a Ash. mire the bal of their spring stock. which they will sell at 41C ar. or 4f r currency finning made such large males in the principal glass and soap manufacturers of this It unnecessary to say tiny thing in favor ot im. rhey take opportunity to apprise their men. ere and dealer. generally. that they have ordered large , Irmo Ile seine manufacturers in Englend—tlkp Orsi mineal of which 0111 tel la I:me (or the all trade, and thericeimo ard regular awl:pima throughout the sea.uii, li winelt they will sell at the lowest m e arket olu~rnc Cur n• ur appkived ,k SJ mrrcill-11.TREK. 160 liberty .t bliVhlet AND MlTll 4 —Stenti .1- Johnston, 46 mar j bet street. have received n larye crock of long and short Silk Fillet wore:. and Mitts. Also, 14.1 e Thread, bilk and I.tisrit Mir,. Also. s "anon. of LUJOU Kid Cloves. which ',II be sold at wholesale and renul ex tremely low . Prad ) A lb. yes Palm, 100 do hoe C.d.: tssi do Castile, so do Almond; In lots Farley; Sado Fundy. for sale by l etht 1I) WILIAAMS -• rpRIMMED SIIAD-20 libls No 1 Shad, net reed and for role by trtr26 SELLERS & NICOLp "A LERATIYS--41 lons rlaleratu in store and for sale L milmil s, RI 411!. 4 411 , 1 & Co p rAS H -4— easitsi"ottuh, in store and for sale by R AMASON& Co . . RON AND NA.11.9--19 ton. ....mad 800 Iron; 120 I kep do N 2112, Id store and for .nle ey jet! R ROBISON & Co 8 ..1214-60,000 lbs to smoke Iv, fo KOl Ls.2k .. by W H . lTli o L , F ; LO—.' b ro 11171 re % . I' , tute Le ed \lmre EXCHANgE BROKERS, &c. 141./GH- 0. KING. (14ms of Me ism of .11PCbrd & Emx.ll AND ZZOICANOW, BROICEII. orrremr& Pacxxn t< am Parr OYFICI AUX.(' in Cola Bank Notes, Time Eats, Foreign D and Doe Exchange, CerdEeatCs of Depasa le EXCHANGE oo all the principal erica of the Urtio for axle bl NMI to soil chasm mum= and par received on deposits. COLLECTIONS made bo all parts of the Um.. a the lemma rates. aplddlestrov3mT • • - .. nuessm, EtAIIN• 6 CO., IANKERI3, EXCHANGE ROKERS. and dealers in Foreign anti Dronestie Exchange t3 0 ,,,9,,,, 0: posite, Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street. eel., ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Cal -rent money reeeived ou deposin—Bight Checks for sale and col lections made on neatly all the principal points n , the Uniuni Sales. Gold. highest premium paid forVotelipn and Amune . Advances .made on • East, On liberal won, N. nowsiss s sox, 'DANVERS and Dealers in Eochnnoo, Coin and XIII Bank Notes, N. 53, Markel street, rittsborirh. Bolling Rum. Exchange. Buying Rate. New York. PCs f...= 2Ms Philadelphia, d do Baltimore, do Sr. Loma 2 do Buying Bates, BANE NOIII3. Baying Ram. Ohm, V dim Co. & Scrip Orders, dm Milano, "do Belief Noses, "do Kentucky, "do Permsylvnina Cy "do "do Now York do "do VI M " 'n ' wkeming, Vdo New Orleans, do Tennessee, Vdo Maryland, *do febadtf JOHN Q. XOT/. . , SLITCPYL.L. JOHN Q. HOST? BROKERS & EXCHANGE DEALERS Ownci. No. tS Moszox mum, sp2o WHEELING. VA. /masa a. ant -- c rrani ILL & CURRY—Bankors and Exchange Brokers. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight of Fachamps, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin; No 65 Wood street, third door below Fourth. west side. marfil if WILLIAM A. HILL CO& CO BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKER* told Dealers in Foreign and Domes. Exchange, Centfieates of Deposita. Bank Notes, and Specie.. No. Wood st one door above Fourth, East stile, Pitisburgh, Pa. octudAvrE FOREIGN EXCHANGE.' _ . BILLS on England, Ireland, and Sc . o . tla . nli bought to ny amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Mao, Drafts payable In any part of the Old Countries, thorn LI to .flfoo, at the rate of SS to the Z Sterling, -without deduction or diucount, by JOSHUA ROBIN •tION, arropean Ind General Agent, office Sth at one ,loor west of wood. txtlnf ALL= cumiALAinc rlanv... tut. R & HARM, EgnANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS., dealers EH to Foretxn and Dominic Bills of Exchange. Cer ni6ca los of Deposita, Hank Notes and Coln. corner of 4d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Char). Ho. nutyt.a.klly 11 , TRIVRRiff FUNDS • 010, 'aunts., Kentucky, klutsouri, Hank Notes; . • • , purchased ■t the lowest rate.. by N. 1101,1111 , N & SON, delft M Markin street. B ILLS OF EC XOIIANGE—SIght Cheeks on New York, Philadelphia. and Bola pore, Constantly for sale by N. lIOLhIES & SON dclo 33 Market so. COLLECTIONS—Drafts, Nomm, and Acceptan ees, payable In any part of the Unton. collected on the most favorable terms. N. HOLMES re SON. dell/ 50 Market st HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATE • . EfitTllE subscnber. addition to ht• or manufacturing of Hata, has made arrange manta with Alessi. &Otte k. Co'' (die moat fashionabltt hatters of the coy of New York.! for a reg. ajar supply altos extra fine Silk Hats. and having tort sec nvwad a few cueit;geridemen can be culled with a rely rich •L'd Iteautob ghat by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store. may be found a great variety of Hats and Ce i tte re m of t . mo t w o n o ma; on iul - a t tu r, .. re,...h , olesale and re e. al:CI JAMEY WILSON. r fp A (Sac lessors to M'Corrt /c King) fl ea. Path ionable Hatter's,' 0 ern, of Wald and. Frith &rots TIOARTICULA R attention paid to our Retail Nude. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Cum. from our eatabltshment of the one Y....riSLIALs and Wog. , of the 1-41 . 0 - lirril.l/2, and at the LoWlicer I ItICICL Country Mercht•nts, purchaslng by wholesale, are respectfully manes , to sell and exarntne our Stock, M. we can say with confidence that as regards Q 1,1.1 1 .1 and palm it will not suffer in a comparison with any house In Pluladelptd •. tebr raablosaabla flat aad Cap Maaantatetoiy. ALGEORGE S. ANSHL — I'Z, Agent. informs ht. frt ends .d the pubhe clenerally that he has cotattoenced the manufacture of Hat. •nd Caps at No. 33 Wood street, one door above me corner of Second, trhete he has now on hand a hue assortment of Hata and Cape of his own naanutacture. talkie h ho artil M. 0.. of 00 the most renamtahle term, wholesale and ret••.), the ea.h or city acceptance Huta made to ord Cr at the shortest nonce aptah'lm STRAW GOODS . - - , & 10 DEALE' .$ um snYtted to example R il l PALMERMER atock of Straw t.00t., of the spnng sty 1... rompo.ed In part of BONNETS—Florence Brrud, Enchsh Dun ...4le do. American do do. Chula Pearl do. Coburg do . Rutland do. French Lore, Fancy Gimp, hr hr. HATS—Lo born. ?slut Lew: Panama, Fancy Strom. do Bryd. Rutland Brant, Pedal do. Also. Arnfirtal Flower, Ribbons, Ac. Straw Bon net Warehouse. D 5 markt., •f. tnar2. . spring Fashion • for 1848. ItoCORD ..t, Co, 4 11 1 1 Inca No'roan & also) CH 1 riu , introdurc the Sinn ; St,.le of Hata dna du). 1 r . l Saturday, March Ith, cp. friend. , and customer. are reometed to call and .mine the!, Stock of Sprtng lime. rcr, rece-tyed from New York, at Meat more, corner of sth e nd WOOS Sts_ mar 4 Fa ALFRED B. KIIEVIL, CH F.A rr_sT Fa.luouel,le Hatter , u 411111Pttuaporgh Prumpal Slur, 72 Four 21 Nlanulacusring andsreoinmodauon :Vic... co , ner of Wood •treei and Virgin alley Ilighe s: prier klwxy• paid lor shipping Furs. • 0,1511LK 14.11i,, , T received front New York. the Suitinier Style for hat, tonatantig of \Vitae Beaver, l'enri and NVlute French Canattnere Ham. with Yentiloi ors bow in went or . beautiful, light !Int are respeetita . lY it .•tted to roll 4 . Mex , R.F. ma rt. 75 wood at_ 7 awn, abovr lth , 1 , 111 , . follows, ~ E GAR rottAuco. caresul L ly •e:eeted, are confidently offered to the trade tio bele. prone dark St /ago wrapper. 40 •". filler. very choice 14 - uury lu ilea atm au en.. prune Connecticut Seed :Ai hints Kentucky Seger Leaf Kentucky by retail In hxs Dan Steven.' Oronoko Chewing Tobacco 3U P Robinson's Haney Lkin Grant., Benton's. May's and other lasts .up 3. lb 30bbls super Scotch SKEETI " Stem 50 kegs (...rett's bottles and loose &A MU Pnneipts SEGARS,,Iuxto Sant so.otm H.v... 4U.000 Cortex .10,M1 `. Barrancas Figa rt., M.o. 4 Iron, and 5 Woolen TOBACCO PRESSFiii. Wll. l bars and necessary tool.. will he traded for any other goods All the 100./0 810.010 s will boldunit w' pod terns, by (V A WWI) 01 . wyo icor Pratt and ilollinesworth tits Balurnore BRICK FOR SALE. rpm: uitdersigued otters to sale a supernir article I of Mt ck for blinding, znadr by his titram Pres., unproved a iachtne, winch Ile has obtained a patent. and agrees to give purchasers a wntren commit, that theyare stronger and will moat treat and we wrath er and imbibe less moisture or dampness Mtn any mil- Ch Cr posass•ing greater body and supertor tram, - and much more durable us every respect, each brick 5 .' being subjected to a pressure of several UM, and iron. . a handsome smooth surface and even edges. they male a front equal to the best front brick. hey have given the greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kiln eon he seen at my works. oil ^' specimen at the (liimitte oda, Those having supplied themselves for there buddingn. B and wishing handwrite front brick, or superior hors' I and solid paving brick, can obtain them ISAAC GllFiC:if I w. Ihmungham, /nue IC-1, yOR SALE ellf:AP—A Circular Saw. with 44.1, 1 KI fixtures for savoring Veltman Mod than, backs for rushes, and other small work—now in works, order In a shop which een he rented. WWI steam power. he sold at a !Twit barsitin. To • person with means, dos adonis a good oppormaoy eloolthali axle and profitable business Apply to rJ NV NI II SCAIFF.. Ist street, ne•r wood „,, WHITE GOOIY3 FUR DRFSSF.,+---W R Murphy boa Just received an tnvoice of White [ire+. liood• lor such French and Scotch dull Nausook. Sawa baked J neonet. &r, very low A.lno. White Bonnet Ribbon. at nurtlo,,n rot • ner of 4th and market 'la je24 _ Hagar and Mol 1 1l Hllll6l erinie N U Sugar. 46 tilla Loa( Sugar. Noa 2. 6 and 7. 141 do Prune New Orleans 97 do Sugar {low., do In atirre And for sale by 6% fr. 61 NIITCIIF-LTREF., 160 libeny at — k t, W are house. rium pn ,, • in cash plod for g ood . clear/ rap., .1 O. pole rope; gross tope. Loggl bg, wool !. W. CHADWICK. eo rots, ,4.e.. by .P 6 Truk At. set ',cob k libortv I_OIt.ENIX K!. BRIC 1. lo„h„ been ol ap e poinros bo t ted eolebnle A of t - ):".' "" "' • . now prepared to 611 orders rot *'' ~ „ t i b "M ese ho P e o jr.t e C°" ' •" ;C:rol ' o ' le ' e u tri7y " ro „ . petent judges as being soWrib.or',o" ell hr b"r" " Co t noul Worn now in use. C A ADANULTN A * orybo • WANTZD, IN PHI LADELPHIA. We young n. ff , Ff. All c:ff fluff, .ff ff other twee...are P'Ororr 66 .,/ to go on Nlthaliag Voyage ‘"‘ e l l' . hashed for the voreote Fstra pay g)ven `-ooPers, Carpenters aud Illeeltamttha. 'rt.... a re. o ", for yam% ruen who wish to see the world, r h "n 6 hl their health by a pleasant see voyage nt ah 4 .tu Iwo Veen. None but ALOCTIC/6/114 .k, Apply per, otla , to J. W. DOWNING, N 0.6 NVatalut ore,. op stairs Phtladelphla. ,rO.l, Steam KUStaa axad Saw Mill for Sal., THE wihscribers having now their lower stsw.3l sat , Pi-antau hisentaa succeseul operation, , 't ier their upper Alill, with ort Meant En t wne anal Lai ti Coning Establishment. and the Premse Buddings [OW mning diem. for ante on n manmade and acroromodn• nok let.* * net... cog Inc is an excellent one , snit all the ,works in Hie Sawn ig and Lath Centric mush. mete are In good ord. a mid condiuon, and a pur• ehowr rentnr. the tal tole and put them into opera. non in another place. to I gas than wily days. Letters peat paid. directed to the autisenberii, Patsburch, will he promptly attended to. IVILLE R. CRAIG & CIALF SKINS-30 don An French Calf Skins. a •ery •Hlela. A few dozens Philadelphia •Sa from the mann factory of HAI Crawford. to which the attention o ( boot makers is melted, Just received and for sale L y W YOUNG to Co, mt. 77 Illterty st W.. 11.31 :ITH & CO., INPOBhI 0 .4 friend. nt Id the public that they have ate longer any emmusewo Et with their late establish ..., I. Peen street, Rom tut the Pittsburgh Brewery, havtng removed their , emitn business to the POINT BREWERY, in Pitt epees, MylBtd&wlyB of Produce, chip. mchl3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers