..~,,,:~...~c,,:.~qr»~ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUM'S CARDS. NSON,LAPLI&M d Co.—Hide and Leather Deal en, kei Pe at. New York. ohr t Grier - Pittsburgh, E. Leviek k Co. Philodedobia. Coasiglinteuta of Western Leather whetted, and lib end advances made, d required. febt:dfon A IWOOD,Wki£Et it Co- C 031101351.400 &lid For wii,e3g•Merehants, hove retuned to their old sterol, Water sod Front streets, Pouburgh. octal /112.30G11 RBA., OZOBLI 1.1121,1 I . IRA UN & XEITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug eufgeguts, corner of liberty and St. Clair streets. haus N- mayht 13itouN cULBERTSON, VlrheJessie Grocer*, and Coostaleilou alerehabits, No. lea, Liberty st., Psitshozah. Pa. dally_ r lA. FICIINpIOCH le. Co., Wbolesale and 6e- ull Wood &Math eta jyt_ DAGALE.Y & MIMI,' Whofatale Grocers, sod LI tat Wood Aram Pinsburgh. C dIcAIsITTLTY A. Co., Forwarding and Coo. o AlcrvtultA, Canal Blum, Pittstrumh pa. tuch3 04. anxicot, Jolla 7. JC11.1.311, ■ S.- M. italLiesal. lOLFAIAN, ItAILALAN, & Co, Slanninctuiers of lJ Cartiogge Sprutga and Axles, A. IL and Spring Mee!, mid deolons In Couch Trimmings of every do sonption, tualmfoclorl on St. Clair at Warehowe 43 Wood opt... St. Chart. 110171. • 031:43 IL SWAIM. lOUS 0.11•21, EWALT A GERHART, Wholesale Omens, deal. en in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, coi f/6r of Liberty and Hand ma, Pitrabstyh, Pa_ tebt7 W. 1/. J&X I. ItiataTr. LINUIASII 1 liaibllETT, OM English, Enloe ter A:a 4. co.) W tiolosala tioirbars, Colonthisiun and For atallllt Merchants; and &slots iu Prodolo and Pitts burgh Manors' atoms, No. 37 Wood et, between and 3d Wachscut/ _ k" a. . L ILIZAL , 0.. lum, 11.11131 WWI , . MENA RIMY a Co., %Vhieneale Onx-cre and Comenamon Merchant .4 Agents for Brighum n Verne, No. 57 Wucr, and Ito- Front sts, PlM burp, P. --e'' fel, IE I BLUME. Pram Fono(Mennfacturcr and ttenter L: • In MAtencid Inewarrak ill Wrod el, lotzta, * IA LLAOME GI it R, LON MILLER, Ik.ll sod Urns* Founderssod 0. lquero, 11t Prom, between Woad and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, he IU" Highest PrICG gi•eu for old Copper and Bruit. dele sEAOLCrIiCOCIIILAN, Commissionand Fors-rarest% \J Merchant, Pie. 20 Wood insect Pntaburgh. myl7 [j ILAA6 ' LILIUNOT, Iniltu'und Fled Lead Menu -1.1 Paint and Oil Merchant, corner of lab ony,and am- Piusburgh. jeth 11.22221 4062122 piracy, /2, rifAll DICKEY & IN'holesale linserrs, /./10- {Mali. Merchants, nut dealers in Produce. Nu..MI Wa t er, said Yrout streets, Pittsburgh.nos , • JGUN H. }UNION, Atinruay toulAnniselior al Law cud Comuussiater or the mute. of Penugiv .ma St. Louts, Mo. ,1212 ci Pittsbutgh.) Itsrsemacsm.—Pinsttirsh: Hun W Foroord, Rump sun &Mlles M'Cutullesti k DPClure, John II 'uke, Smells& Semple, I•L'ijord fc King. jettly J. UN scow a CO., Wholesales tiro:ors, Poravaril• AdzCOMOIiSSIOO hierchauts, Llesless wPro rluee Pittsburgh fttuttutuctures, No, Corumereisl !Low, Ldsertysireel, Lista the Canal, Putsburgh, Pe. mys:lg tirBRYAN, Fixctitj - tnif Distiller, and Who+elide • dealer in Foreign and Domestic. %%Ines und quart, No. 114 Liberty street, and P.. 1 Llartiond Alley ittsburgh, Pa. Iyl7-tily 03 tMaekZ O.SA d cUti k l n klX o T k a l il r, SthLoC i r o wof Afoi nnsd trod WOOI,PI/13,1nh. JAMOS A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Sneenssors to h" Lewis Itschisou & Cuususseslon Blerchents, slut Agents 'of the St. Louis steam ringer Refinery. Pio. 45 water snit US. front streets, Pittsburgh. BLACK,' Merril.= Tailor, Eictrance Boil J. amt. 84 Clair at, Yinetiusigh. loIW JOIIN S. DlLWORTG—Wholerale Grocer, Pro- L , ace and Iturnsoialion Merchant, No. 27, Wood rt., Pattalah:"t, Artri URN D. hIORQA.N, Wholesale Drugglst, Ahd deal tp rto Die Pronts,.oils, Varntahes,&e, No. V:1 Wood auoey O n.; door South of Duunnad Alley, Plus burgh. lna l 77 All HEIR,Pr.. Co., lanecea.or to Jorrph G. Davis,) Ship Chatialeram Water street . T ORN 14.'MELLOR. Whau•ule and Ratan d , rder In Munk and Mu/Seal laslia.nent., School *rots, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, 1.1141.0 r, Cord s , ran el Wool rt, Palatuargla bought or taken iu trade. JT SCHOONMAKEII & Co, Whole...oe prngata&l, . No. 14 Wood street, Plit.burgh. OSEI'II - JORDON te SON, Corammmoo alw ror- JN.. 1. (uppomtr, liatithindd za,l Sampson's How. /one 1 OM D. DAVIS, AlleliollV., comer :Oh hod Wood 1) weeny Piusboslh. pan JWINSTON &'s - rociruN, Booksellers, Proocrs and Super kaanufseturers, No. 4.1 'Market sk, Nos.- kis h. Se 6 yL ILF.ALTS Book More, Ca. neer Martct street. 0 • Classical, Tlirologscal. Histoncal, School, Aliscel tancoas, 4011 Itleatuthsl boats sail Siauonary • J yv. ROBERTSONB. litisker.satd Exch.v. trotjaki24,:3llVldit ad 3.1 Morchuu`s arCluTtikey putrhaatiat It usual irre.. oeill J[ GRIER, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro t) duce ' Palsburgh hhatesetttres, Fla.cs, &e to., No. 12% Liberty st., Putsburgh. Pala TLUTIN Ja la PLyYD, (Late J. Floyd & w.,) Wholesale a Grocers, No.l l / 2 Liberty street seps - - LAMM DALZELL, WbutesaleGrocor, Ceniodasion Merchootousul dealer so Produce nod Pittsburgb ofacturus. N 0.21 Water st s , Ptiusbuegth inalo Vesuvius frost Works. LEWIB, DALZELL nannasetarern of all lO seskar, reset, Iktler Iron and Nails of the nem onalny. W melamine. 54 venter and 105 now et stub/ LAS WATER.MAN, Wholew.le Grocer, Forward ins and CennstostiOn Merchant, Dealer to Pim , h Manufactures nud Produce, Nos. Si Wester waked Front at J27 , tAIIIIERT & SHIPTON, Wholesale Grocers, Pea i Iseardirq Common hteraltants, dealers rn rode. west Pittsburgh hlemulnetures, Noe. 13 and l Wood at-t Pill4borgh. lota/ 'AiEI - Leta, tmcrrittais a. Co., commi.,o. charar., Plorsidelphot, .141/11 OS produce gr .rally. Liberal SIAIVIOICC• WILLIE ou constgrunerus. telss-m IDS. D. WallinS. aDtti/IDI.D, W•LTDIt t' ittott cCiLLI, IJUSIWILUM It IWk, Whole.nic ~rocers and Coomusuan filswellank., 1114 Liberty .a, ir4 11.1331, ALEX. NI.IIIIM, SMOG[. airs:.' & Co., COlllllll‘4loll und Forwarding !Jarchow*, Nl. aler /141.1 Front ma, Ociwoca 1 1 11oli and /Horan! •*. __ ILLEtt KICKNTSON,WhoIuuJe (Incur. and Gamenusion blerchwits, No. GM, LibertT at, rids. 4, Pa. Judd VicGOILD tc KING, Wholu ale 11.11 d Wail LW and ALL, Cap Muff°fut.., egad dunk" w Fuey Furs, COnICT of Wuud uui Fifth iffu., fuel kiatatf.s & NON, No. 55 Market as, second 11. door lionaeorner of Fourth. dealers In Foreign and lkidieshe ItilL of ri., Bank NOS.. and :Verse. fEr Collections ;and on all the pnueipal cities lbsoushour the thulid Blues. deer/ • W. 1.01119661611. DOLNIJKATEI3 a Co., %Via/dear le isesseers oast Cups mime:nand Fewesthug Met - Aiwa, Nu. 4/ Wale %mei. •-- - IDSODEST MOORS, Whotsside tsrocer, klectifyur ills Distilk.r; dealer m Pexhice, Pinsburgh Manage. to cad . all kiude of Foreign and Domestic %Vines and L i iqnOrs, No. 11 Lilteriir sncet. un hand • very I sip slack of repenor old Monongahela whisker, winch will be sold low for cads aplfely ISORESTSON & lIKPFEZT, Produce Dealers and Ale Delalaimion Alumina., Nu. WA Second street, b. RICHARD T. Liman, Jr, lmparlem and Dealer ut }amp. and Ix..sue ItltelWeey Ilarthea luel Carriage Tnmaungs, desenpuons, Ng. 1.41W00d Pittsburgh. arca "Ini 'CHARD MORD, sad Retail Mulct i .n, Leather, Morocco, filaoCloakcre Toois nod Find gap, - Tomato.' and Cutlers' , Tool*, load Toonrrs , COI No. Wm Wood ar., Pittsburgh. .ept laoaxacr' 'roas a. 601.110. #kt.o"l=6. t. t Co, Wiaolesile Grocer*, k'nudnee and Commissionerchants, und I/nab:wain Pins -1 in Manntaeurres, No. Inn Liberty el., Pittebilligh, Pa. ' Jaini/ •UKERT DALZhaiL t Co., W 1.... Grocers, Grocers, Commiwoon and Permianling Met - alums, defier to Producer and Pittsburgh hliimit.tiurs,Laberty it. PUtsburgh, Pa. kVA OUT. A_ CUNNINGHAM, Wlnileinda Clrnenli Healer in Produce and Pitutourgh 0. 14/ Liberty In. - -- iL O. IICI*OLLOL J. L. 511/La T EY NULIXS a SLIEE., Forwarding and ColUffliSlloll jay Iderehan!e, for the Allegheny asset Trade, dead st in GtOdawas, Produce, Pittsburgh Pdahht.chhho and Chloride of Lime. The highest Oa., in cash, paid at all times for eon , try no. Comer of Pc. and Irwin au. jaial OaILFGRD I co., Commission Merchants, Lan 11. 1 ~Dez a letcst Vou r , L . S/MTH Jr JOHNSON, Wholesale and WWI Deals. /11 allihnery Goods, Lac., Honcry and Fancy ostlelel, No. 46 Maraca infect, ad door Marva Thud at, einsbargh. Boer S. C. anacalacr, Snot. B. WILITZ. it&CKLETr & WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and boasesue Dry Goods. No. lid wood at. tetil7d fa W. ISAYJJAIiIiIi, Wool Merchant,, Dealers .-MD.I and Yraluee generally, and Forwarding and Cosnoussion fitsydhants, No..xr Water st., Fm. . 4.Co.:Wbulesalertinreerr end ‘, Produce deniers, No. =I Market rubes, between ntb and Ouk t North ride, Yhiladelptua Wed .11141 lru.W.Lag, Nunn.. Q,ELLEIIS k NICOL% Produce and General 0014: I,7miaioa Blerelienta.No. 17 Liberty rt., Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed aoQ Lard Una L.F. NON B .NNICIONST, & Co., Wholesale Oro ars, Fans Commisaion klerthattn, rs to Pittsburgh tufactural anal IV OSUMI Pro agee,,base =mod to their new wareboussold nand) No. 35; corner of PTO= at. .od Chtmeery Ism 11E; M. KIER, FormlfraMg and C 013.01151, SAtemammy Defier to Vrodtme and Pittsburgh maw Mewed an.m!es, Calm' I.llmin, .ar 11. h m. rINY 41, BriST, Whohcode (boccie Ituti Commie ou dlorcloults, denkre in Produce. No. 35 00/4e Yldedurnd, mai === Aleunan aulthen and P.o.nrin the offtco of Wm. A nag., Burlt's noildings,4lll atalusborga. My in diesenonalland office M Wasinnipon ‘ ..,H sm.] DO' thorn fine of anlience so applicants. noirl4-dly - • . -- - . . . . . 1 . 2::"-'-'410-'741-',;-1,,,;•,,•,-,--,,,--••-,:--,,,,,•-•1-------r---',.....„,.,“,,,,,,•_.._,-.-=......,-....2:-.....-..-..,..--,,----.. -,-----,...------- .. - ; - 11'..'A,',.,. ..--;:,. ...:-..,•1i•-• , ;:•:•..-,... - . - Q.:::4...:; , .. - , . , - :, '':-:- - •••:.:1.. ..• •••• !• ~. 1. ' . . . . '''''. - .. •.-- • •••'-'. - - 7 - -' ' • " • -, % .. , ` • ! .. T.: :. . '''''' ,:•,_ • - .. ..• ..... . ~ .• CARDS. •- - Egg BOWN--cortinuasion and Forwarding m,„l,i. No. 911 Front ot. betwarinll io o d4td YY;kot strecggia. JOHN D. NMI. DAVID SVCA.DI4O% TICK & Are&NDIA.I3s, & J. D. g y Wick,) Wholeanbe (tracers. Forwarding awl Commission Merchants, dealers in loot, Natl., Cotton Yarns, 'awl Pittsburgh Monuesetures generally, corner of %Vocal mat Witter streets, Pittsburgh. WALLAbF, Mill sate and Mill FuTilish• w tug estublishment, No. 241 Liberty A., near the canal. mar,:s TIT M. trAil.kililtir, Uealer m l'army .ad Staple 99 Dry (roods, No. 79 Market street, Parrbargh. ME_!:! W WILSON, Deuter us Waisktro, Jewelry T , tithe: Wan, Military Oasts, he., No. 57 Mal ket et. 11077 Ur EL Wholesale and Rental dealer in . Foreign aud Domestic Dry tioods, north east corner of Market and Fourth rO. eugD W . • . • OUti fr. VN Co.—Dealers to leather ludes, fr.c. TT 143 Liberty St. jau:Sly -Wfe M. MITCHELTREE—WIioIesaIe nircieess, a Rectify.% Disti ll ers, mid Wine and Lninor Merctian., also, Importers of Soda Ash and ac Powder, No. UM Liberty st. Dalai/sigh, ianSdly _ BLACKBURN b. Co., Wholesale Grocers and Vs dealers In Otto, Boat Store, and Pittoburgh Man• utuetored ankles. have on hand, at all nines, a lull and general hssortment of goods to their hoc, Water street, near Cherry Alley, Pmsbu t gh. .13 • I 011 N 51. TOWNSEND. Druggtct and Apothecary, Of No. 45 Market to., three doors above ThirJ at Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected as sortment ut the best and freshest Aletheines, which lie will sell on the moat rt6.1101 - tabie tens. Phi memos sending order*, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with amide* they may rely upo as grouter EU" Physicians Prescrtpuoua will h e accurately and neatly prepared trout the best materials,at any hour of the Also day or night. fur sale, a largo Ruck of fresh and good Perfu- AGLE COTTON ‘VOILKS, rittalturstk, Nianunte -LAI tura Conon Yam, Candle %V, k, Batung, 'rwure, Coverlet Yarn. Carintt Chain Warp., /cc. ax. NOCK a. Co MEMEM A LeIDOLLX tr. Co., No. 77 Canal street, Nese (jr. tear., Agent• for J. R. Ammon , Extensive Stearn eugar Refinery. Alwrys on hand • large snack of Loaf, Powdered, Crunfied, Clarthed and Bastard 5.F.., m Tierce. and Barrel.. A 1.,., Strew Roues, Molarw•. Pnees Ithclal. nod a lair ellowesnee, made on all sole, of or •Love fie borrels. ambit plataossipalitela Livery Stable. air,.RUSEAT U. YATCSESON has opeite.l the large stable on }Mai AI, running through to Secointst, hents:ecu Wood toad :insithtield All.. 111 the rear oh the Monongahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of thu best quality anti latest style. liars. kept at lave s-). in the best manner. tyaltv _,... 1, , H. EA ON, Realer m Truamingt and Variety , (rood, Torun. awl:, Ivory and Horn Combs. %Youlen Y.!. and Worsted, *mon, Needic, Teres, linden, Sc., No. ti 2 Market stveet, betweis Dia mond and +di ta_, »15,1 HEW SADDLERY HARDWARE EIDER, R. T. LEECH, JR_ NO. 133 WOOD kMT.,PI3.`ThiIJU , KOH. AVINU replenished my stock tram the beat sour _ cm, both domemc and torrigtbl mite plemure to automating to consumers and neaten, that lam pre pared to furnish themonth al. goods to my line, ou .011 boner terms than heretofore. - Buyers will recollect that dealing. •• exclusively" fn Saddlery Hardware and Carnage Truromaga.lotaapt thereby, eilvattlagea that enable me to day' competi tion. Call, me. mad judge for yourselves. api7 • -- •- prrrsEe 4TEEL %YORKS AND 141 . R1M: AND ex( F FACTORY lIMAC 100113, 20150 7. QICISO. •. - JONES & QUIOG. ANIVFACTURERS of spnng and tanner steel. plough steel, steel plough 'rang+, coach and eltp tic spongs t hammered iron axles, and dealers in mut. (table castings, fire engine lamps, and coach trutamtngs KF,icrill corner of Ross and Front sts., Plitsiturgh, chi aPSKIIS TEA liTO/14—NQ. 1 Mount near Wood—AA qualusues pf Fere old Block Teas, duet up tu gunner. 6614 ull4 .c puuml packages, ruutpug fren. Su eta pcc p.m/4d 6144 , Jya A. ..IAYNk-S, Ag. a.. Pe6.11 LAW OFFICES. Timau:s, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa w u.t. alao at . it ,,s eld ,, to r b co . ll:e 4 1 1.Z1La r nd ., 7 d 11 o n t r l;ej s, ti , o o .4. col•tillee, Pa. Kele, 14 J. a M. Floyd. 1.44ta1y at. ; W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall, do r Pittsltu,st dlp pze & Co, Wood st I t un: I B. SWF:riff. Attorney at Law. otter .1.. U SI. fklica 110 el, Paletiorgh, Coto aleo talent! pßallpely t OliC.l.7llWp. /41 II .•...00“ , Mel rlle sod Breen e 011•1111., Blarktutek, Hell lk Church rx. ealtuhrtt, llitutburgh T. klargtuk S • (aellkily L% J. /44N8.1", Attorney awl eau whet at Lae, L. etuciausii, atun.lleaDuut m Southern Ohio, •raw Ilida•1121, J m ite/VViet lully attended ie. Coturnstruallt tw W= tlmm or A/Humus, for taking Devoe/Amu, auitaNYlrd4 .... ` , ku. IGar.T./ —Han. Wm: Dell '6. Seri, Curtit. Church 1 Cur/Ahem Wm. Hay t, V 1 Mock & Dais. al‘i IL W. WILIJA.4 WM. Y IIi.A.N. . %A , ILIA.A.VIS Y SHINN. Iguccetaors to latwrit. bud V V Wlll/111.1.i Anon., .. and Coutowilor. al Law. tutee st urth sole of Fourth tartet, above zstattlth. itl. lob I:decy ly . .- LUNLLIP,J. 1,141,0" IIENIAW A. SEWELL, atton.ey at Law, ()Meet on Suuthlield, between id arid ith . ',WSW Altll tr. SW A STZ Albany.). a 4.7 Low. baye removed rhea othoe to toe South side a t onatt at., between Cherry Alley anti UMat street. areal. JUSETII KNOX, 4.4,..r4Acy Latw, Pattsbutgh, r., Li" ccautued the pructtcr prpicasiou ~ to of No, 7, Hake...rail a isaikhoga, Gs.. . oncup,c4 durtog has nonence, by T. ,J. thgloaal wid I Cht.... , ) , pitddt vat WxJ. IL ROBINSON, Attorney at la, has re . moved hm °Mee to the F.telmitg• Lturlding,t, St Cow a., oc..xt door to Alderman Job._ api7ly INSUIIA NCE. MKLAW ARE MUTUAL /LN Lli4glCID cu. I liklN FINNEY, Jr., Agent at ; Pittsburgh loc 1.14.0 pri• aware Mulual Sulet) InAu. .er Gusaptuty al Fire /Wk. LIP 011 bYlialllg • 1411 tuezeinulds , o• every desesfption, and Ni 0.1.1 /Wits upon Milts oi empties as vessels, taken upon the most lay...table terms. ar (Aiwa in We Warelsoffare al IV. It Holmes a. liro_, No. il7 Water. near 11Yekel street, rµLsbur g b- N. success el Liss Linoporty truce estalr• nehmen, of We Agency to Mai city, war the prompt m nsand liberalit y with wituh every elm. upou the s mt logs has been utunted, hilly warrant the win in tevinng the contolence and patronage MM. mends and wa conummity at large to the Delaware M. is. luso meet, Commuly, while it has We in:kiwi:ma/ advantages an aumstrustraii among We most dooralung ill Piniridel. having OA ample iniud-,t capitol, which by the ogmnatton al 31. charter is constantly wereesing, as yielding to eachinsured his due share of the protilis of the comp any, Wit/goal involving lino in any respomnbilny whatever, Ihicrehrric m pouessusg We Mutual pruicipLe divested 91 ma ture, and m its moat attraenve • • tiaw. env mAtuatir. issunAscu. r pug, ;mums. Company of North Aminea, ntrough mOly wh0rt,...1 Agent, We suMenher, oder. to make peseta/WU mi4nutited /mutative on property. In toll city and 9/14 Vit shipment. by um Ca oal and Rivers. • • LAKFA7r.l.kine Arthur u Man, Chailes P.tytc.f, Sasit'l W. Jane., Antadose WhAr, balwarst Sundt • Jacob In.Tlionms, John A. Brown, John K Sad. John White, Richard 11 Wood. llamas F. Cap, WM Weuh, Samuel F. Santa. 1- runes liositens, Samuel itroolts, S. Austin Anatolie A tativa Focal. • Ili". K. liturAmmo, Sec.y. Is the inilesl Kutuance Company la the United States, hoeing bull ehrylerell 141 1:94. Its charter Is perpetual, and nom ta tugb sta•tt,m(, tong e4Pett•nc 4, 9 .4 4 . 1 • 4994 , and avotdnig an rual of fit coUnt htr , anions Charaeler, It may be considered as . utfering am ple seconty to the online. F. At the Counu.g ttoom of Atwood, Jones A. Co., Wa -107 and From stleCle Plll3bOrgh. /11.15 PRIUMX/./N FIRE INSURANCE Co. V[IRE Franklin Ere Insurance Company, of Plidadel .l. Ptd.s wall mute law mere, permanent and limited on every desenpunn al properly, m Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, on in•undttr trptiv it. cow l/11.y bas a perpetual charter . 'spited, SlOU,lam yard t. Contingent, Fond bolkyAgi 0116, cornet ci Itted and Martel %ureic Puiaburgh. aptls.l SY A KRICK MAK Agent •-- - - Itpouranc.. lindelsigned,duly audionsed Agent ol the Amer -Icon Fire Insunsnco Cquipoily i Plaladelpluu, cidit(nwis to caret insurance diciprist iuss ur damage .garnet Fire, an buildings, Metenandize, idruudre and properly, nut extra hirsanious, to Ibis city 0.1.1 111 dila> .pl 4 UCU t.'.013i/ItAis... . oral w Ui ir•uu Yundies had .head to the tidier bu.uuess at are Agent), at the woretaidisc ut Arwuutl, JU.CA %VS'. P. JOl`skiii. watt, st _ - 1111Dt41.. RUDDER GOODS. usy 11.}.A.4.1VED, par Ksoremsa MN. ....H.." , in Indio Rubber tmoils, towns/n/3 :14os °dicers , Coats 4 JJr Truychsig hags, 4 Sack do, 4 pans Pains, 4 - Pea da, 1 u Gump Blanket, • a 1 ' Beefing Jackets; '. 1101,0 Cnvvrs, Pre.crvcrs. Jim yards to 4-4 Carnage Cloth, hoe aroch, Itl dot pan !magmas, ui dalerent styles; `• Capes, "nth sleeves, Ifa without dm I a Gun Covers; all of which will lie Cold cheap for cash. wholesale or retail, at No 5 Wood street. apts J & 11 PIIIL/Ul':4. DIG W. J. AIALIEIIII.I -. oeriCE on Smithfield sircet 'ld dour " ..'"-74- : north of l'lnrd street. Dr. 1118 dears re 111 ... a v p iecalD d' irc adiTze" t, • A " l * - lagheny and 'ninny. inscsanucm - Ik. A. N. McDowell, Dr. Y. Inthoestock; Robert Suupsou; Juan S. Crain, Esq. hlr. W,llt oI Thisrui Mr. Bead. Weaver ap77-thim A GENCIi. I.IF THE HAZARD POW DKR COM YA- St, for Go' sate in Ind, honk mot Ca:osier Pow• der of very superior quahly. CIO' customers will be supplied at any n 0.., 000011 Ma day. ap1251. JUSETH 1111.1v1115114. Agt,l7 wood .1 ENIII.OI cuksitati ree'a mud lof s< by turt3 U E*EDLE al UB4O To Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of School Houk+, Paper. Station ary. ice suitable fiait country among which Wriling Papers, at line, medium and nOlllOlO4l ((via's Letter Paper do do do . do Nine Paper do do du du Nine and Lencr Envelop,..; Stairs, Pencils VI ricers (Zin. and Steel Fn.., Window Paper (yard side) pat. and prtitted, Botmet Boards, of dirferest Blank Books, in great Timely, PaJody. Sehool and Pock et B,b:c, Crust,. medium, and double crown ,vroppoo, paper, MoGuthe's hileeote Spellers nod ReudrrN Hay's Eck.. Arohmeoes; =ll Arabineuv. by Adams, lluvw Cu!burn, Smut, Stock • Mu, Yytorwn, oud otherr. Geogrnpales, by Nita.hell. /they. Alorse,Ciood tie Yarley, and others. Grammar., by thnlth. Bullion. Weld, and otlwr% For wle at low inlets. by - • J II MELLOR. wool st..i.k.ors above 4lh. .:1;1 1..k etiighem mater price pun! Kir good intiel i oafs, New Publlontiona. a memoir. and mural remarks on los genius and WT.' nog, It) James Montgomery; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawings by William ilarvry. Ist two volumes. Sincrumis ueeaa Tairrazanr.—The four lknyels and Acta of the Aportles, wall English note.; critical. ivltilcwopliical, and exegetical, tiny, unlexea, whole with the F:piatler and areulypoe;w the le forming the New l'estainent—For the 11/11 of Selsooln, Colleget, and Theolugiral Seiniennes. By Rev. J. A. Skwnieer, A. ti A New Nova,--hlidmnitinter. too —A fairy tale of love Hy Atra S. C. Ilan. J. 1.11. Hasa, ot Healy the Fourth, knit, of France .1/11 Navarre, Hy U. P. IC Jame, Complete in (oar part, paper; v 01... cloth. For sale by JUHNMY IN tc. STOCKTON. to .Bookseller... corner of r4arket and NI ijol.Ks—At me Apollo Huilaltug, Fourth street, near Wupud.—lrcluthr• ‘Velrome to ,he Stranger; • . The C7of. los Court end People. by J H Alexwell; The Orators of Fruiter, The Idveft or tt.- Apostle.. by Baron; The Portraits and tar, Prorriplen. I.: Hell; The Commun.", and (romans of the lioly Apostle, Attlr I•trze Easal . Allraon's Idle 01 the lAke of Marlborough: Nerander'a hoe of Clirtst. in as bratortral contortion and Inatorreal dereeltqwurent, Harper and Appleton 's pubttestrons generally SCIIOOI Hook.. Paper, SII/i/011ar). tr.c ap27 .1 1. RE.AI) ‘TEW IM tt/6rl at the Apollo Buildings. 4th ,treet 11 The Military 1.11.: of John. lAtae Moolboroogh. with r °lured map-. .kltsull t 4 pcoad V.I. l'u.alpunou• Worlf--Scrtp to rr Reading. The Lae of Jesu, Christ. in its Insioncal conneetion and historical develoiwinent. by AuguAnis Neander Translated man the 4th German edition by John Mc- Clintock and Chas F. 131unienthal. Ptuie*sors to Lnck inson Fourth Vol. Pictorial Ifistory of England Now and Then. ul De Warren. author of Ten Thou and crew, and others ow numerous to mention. Call and see. J L READ. -- • PITTS/317E611 FEMALE INSTITUTE. MILIS liblutution. under the Allperrinion on Mr. and Mn li0410(11. Is soli open tor the reef/hO2l and will to, continued at the sonic plume on Liberty •treet cuitsr-quence of 11.111 C eaances ha, mg tale° place. a iew vacancies have occurred. anti those driiir ou. ul placing their daughter• under Weir care, would io iofYr mu early applientiou. For terms ste circular or apply to We SELECT SCHOOL. t RuOM or Tll6 THIRD I . III , BVIKSIAN C 111.4111 1 a CATON'S S,Mool ..1u b< opened for p• rcer .01 of pupas boTh *car., on Cue, of May Patron... rr.pecuoil) mbcnra 1%11,111 . 0, April 1.1. FORWARDING ? k COMMISSION C129=M13=1202 No iY Suoit Wharvg, and Nu 117 South L. eter •I 11111..4 L1.1:el W tuforat the trade end dc ale, generally, of l'ltt•burg the) Ito, Made such •rpongt talents 'nth the Vargouu nulacturers the 1.1010(1. Pb the 11 est. cat Ind. sua es, and other ptaces,iltsu/e a large and coloaant supply ol the followlng Or•enp lions of Tobacco. winch .111 10 sold upon as .W... 1. a - iodating terms as All) other house 11l Ints coy or el-e -x/hene. and all good• ordered trona litClµ toll 2.. tour• muted equal to reprenentallon • -.- Havana, St Lloevongo, Conn ath Porto Kle, :I • :•Sei d Lea:no- Cuba, Iguan & Florida. ltaero. Al-SO-11fluict.• celrlaatevl Aromaur Stag C.vetl- 40-4, logeam•ortrarot ot other popular brand., aaa noundv. and . Lump. SA, 6, ••• VIIVIIII/1 Tvnvt. &r tweet and plats, at Nathov,, helt teules. wthel and to together wltb ever) varlett elv. nod to the ,reJe ,e 16411, 121=121 USENET, NESBIT & GARILETSON, FLOUR. FACTORS, Prndinr..l.. , &#lndon and Fornnrdlng 9fISCY69TB. No 6.2 Norm \V AA ay.. a,0129 , PHIL \ DELPHI& To—Julln H Brown & Itotwrt Steen eit Co. I Hu rron. Ileurcr 1 Co Emoah, Nlngairy & 41W)tt Nrw York 11 . 141t.r. unseen y a salila. Uurbrnigr,l\ J jo li n ruorn & cu J bier Llwral reon ad•warr•on romog ~,,, ..nt• to our addres., mar:lo,lly ELLMAK ER, EC KY & CO., /FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, IJSOUTII W•re• Star., rkiILADELYIIIA REFI:RENCI , -.—llenry WWI A. Co. htt.t.urgh SlAerLock. S 5..6...1ey A so.. j A NI Jaaioar), Ma,vilie iv,ties ba•bant, Jr . , • A Co , (writ. RMPbtlad • Herd k Muth,. epi dly Uunib & Cou•mery. Ncw &fit _ • GISORCIR COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding Merchant. out wouo at-, lONTINUFAA to transact • gencrult:onstniaasuu busl• e rspeconly purcha•c Lour sale at Arne fl • ~jenetacturc• mud Produce, and in ;crcuring and for‘ruidin to his rare A's Arent lot the Alanulacturel, rA L c -unsunitly supplied wnh the prine.pal articles OI Pstlibirtgb 3144. , ,P•eture at she lows.. whole:sole pnce, Orders and •nohasgyrneuts ore resio,nully soncitcd.- 7 1;- B. • CONWAY. 1-)otrrs.ig ,L 1•11, too. Cu0m0.... sod Forwooko K Momooom and Produ, I..enlera—ul. attend to e PUrdluipe, tin!, and :51,1panntit 01 ng 1.., c.o. & c. • 1.,.. 0,, 1, Aiurod, lone) 4. t n . Brown fin,:ry k Co, 1.010/I,Hleritug k Co. liunry Ornif,• brad, (unduly k - o /-, Look if Co., 1..1un, Short, h. Cu. clorko k Tkaw mnrindly dinnus. /. 11 LY11.116.6, 6 W • 61.6.60,1: LEHMER & ANDERSON ) 01-:A IN curros, FOR kV AltDINu & CUM- Itll, , sloN MERCHANTS, rruria, AMOS". InooLOWAT,C.CI,II,II, 01110. tO Nletrtmoy .P. 20 GEORGE A. SERR.Y, wI4OLESALE Gaucaus, FORWRDIII6 MID 101111810f1 SISECHAT, iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns 6 Pltobarglo Illanataotnrea generally, woup nroarl, rtrysougoa, Pa. AUCTION/3 MS k CO lM S JUlf VERfIIAATB. ALEX. LEVY & 13110'8. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Oder to sell at either establlahment, all kinds of Der divas, at the lowest tales of Comiltissious, and are always prepared to make advauees. 'Fhe best of rate peaces given II required. Letters addressed tO tither house, will Le promptly attended to. jytiodiy ..uotucs :Amt. t v te•irrut it it IiAMYTOX • LOVE, MARTIN &. CO., prod.,,,,and Comml•alon Merchant., Nu 6. lioptlLb Jiuw, kieltunge Place. kikt.T.U... Knrsk zu--Lkirtdsull, 52,1 e). 6 Co .John K. Randal, Hugh J..iikine, lialusuorc. M. lluminon. South & Co. Slinctlett Pmt -61.0. A J Wheeler, 'r U SlAnughne•F.ey b. Co., totem -4,2U _ tondkllL, lLam 110.12.1., VI it C. - • THOMPSON A. CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS A.Ad M4oronfactorero of L C in.lced OH, ~olumbs¢ are.. Forwarding olrrcnanl, prowor•llla,Pa Attend. purticutarl,, to the Forward.% of Produce Ae ,kr . For any information, imply to FOMYTII b. CUN CA N. tV . ftsf et. w TTATEIZW9I w. •. rT !MATHEWS 42 P4TPIF, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. {'ill pave Inttrular ittlenUoli to the mit., uf Pro. ducr. and to order. , lot purchaantg to—fitorge Murpot & Co ,I'llnklatrgli, 00g11 PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 0, 1848 LITERARY. A T I) IS Mr George Alloce ktschard E.Ossulds. Lukc W W Helm' Waleson. TOWED CULGISBION MEKUIII.II6, B. F. CONWAY & CO., I'i Nt1747...71, 011111. p 241 y p0..1 tut F'lci,:i.).,4_ll I====ll ISAAC CRUSE GIENERAL CObiallisi4lolll DI kaRCIIANT, Hat I'HEr.AI.I:OI , Fict/LA „Ea MM==IXEM! . lIALTIAIOKE. MI. II :r. %% brvhteg, Crungle .Ir. W r. ou lt , a b r u e ,n ta , k: , : t u . u . th:c ro urs , u ' pro ono j:zer:leloe vo Imuneet truauteas usual unUI a new Lowe COII LW erre .4, [tar., elreogy Lc.... wade lur puri.u. !Struts will al. u).1.1 I. truth...a at uur whorl to terror c Iretr‘lit. C A NVANULTV C., ty,4 . Curtal Baron. 1./Imer” LYMAN, REED & Co., ttturcessors to Reed, lion! & Co GENEKAL CO3IMISSION BIERCIiANTS, Particular attention Paul to the sale of Wool. and ltbr r al advance.. tirade tin [OIII 4 IKIIITICIIIs vty Illultt.w I `t TEAM k/Od'r INTEltrzer FOR hALE-000 half r o p of the One steamer WyomaoK lot tale on aneunt nioduung terms For particular. enquire ol W HAIttAUGH, sp7 Pa Waive andyrozu .10 COPARTNERSHIPS. T CKIAN & KENNEDY bare this dny Associated with them in the Hardware business. Philip Wil son And Edward (acre 'lle sty te of find will here after lie lArtran, WILSOU & Co. This arrangement ren ders a desirable to gluey the old loustitees soon as possible All persons whose liabilities bare matured. are espectally requeted to make inuatedmic payineta Putstaur g h, Jan I oleic. OGAN, WILSON C COs—linporten a nd LWholesale Dealers in Foreign /1.1 Lk/11W... Ilard war, Cutlery . , Saddlery. &c, 129, Wood street, l'itts. burgh-lure Row fully preyared with a recently er loam, ted smelt or Ilardware; Cutlery, !cc An oder vy grout inducements to western Doyen, being determined to compete in prices watt any of the Atlmotir cairn. Al so Ott hand an extensive casortinent of Pittsburgh Hard ware.nt Shovel., Spades, Fort. floe, Vices, err, all of which will be sold at the lowest manutacturer s prices last CO.PLELTPiTIEASHIP . . daVIE winter hers bamng recently entered into partnership under the name nt tmt uglier. long, er. :tidier, tor thepurpose of carry mg on the Bell eed Brass Founding and tins Fottunt ltusincss to all its branch.. heve•takett the ttatid formerly acce pted by 11. Gallagher. No. tell l'rot street, between Wood and ztinithifteld ate., where they are prepared IS execute all wants tor Bell.. limeenubnp. 01 ev ,, y des , .notiou, and I tat Faungs with neatness and des patch :swan:a...l mutnitg promptly attended to II GA I.LAtiII.FIT, S A I.ON(i. P. it. ,111.1.1-,R.. N 11.—The attention of Machouat. and Etigittrcrt is tovned to our am-attracuon metal, for a rrditeed prire. which has been pronounced imperior io numbers who hare tired both. Steuniboat budder, and the public, generally, are al u requesited to eall and ri• attune our supsrrior double button turce 1 . 141111 M tor ateauttioui and dome.tic Dlsoolntlon - - THE eartnergh.p go long enming under the 61 . 111 01 7111.0 rd k King, was by canton consent dl.solved on the Ist inst. The buntie.g will be closed at the old stand by either 0 , uO, using thennne of the lirm to Jen Tarpon. 'Being degiroun to have 11111finexil elniied with as lade delay as Tog.itile we would re• specially moueoi thane indebted to call gel genie Weir nerunits 11. 1) Co.Po.rtracrshlp. TULIN D. M'CON.I) has tin; associated with hmom brother Janie. Al Cord. under the style of 51Voril Ze. Co . atll Co.llll' . the Ilet. Cap and Fur butbiess ni An its various branches. wholesale and mind. at the old stand, eoruer or Wood and SW streets. where lacy sdlicit rontinuation 01 the paironave so liberally be +towed on the old bun. .1011 S COlta 1.121 JAMErt it MCC MD. I N A/ r li)T:1 " 1 i h r° 4. " ( 11:a l1 1 we palronoge of the public uir M curd S. Cu. i 1e H U KING. . . _.• .00 -Panne w sTLI•ii r_Ns of Wheeling. Skeniterger °finalist. and J. A. Stockton at l'itt.hurga have tins day entered intoe co partnership ander style and tirin orstephrns. Shoentreryer A Co.. at the Anchoi iron ork, Wheeling, Nr a. 'or the purls ac ot inanu lfctur w ing iron and nails of every dr.cription. C. AV STI.TIIIX.V. a. r 1110.1,...8., J. S. STOCK TON 81110E&BEHCI . E11. & CO. M==W3:l WINED Manufacture all tend of boiler. sh.el. bar won and nada, A IS. steel clip. -pangs and axles Lenny con• ineeted with Sboenberaer's old Junautrt work.s. see can oder tut arttele !ammo. iron nbrantled :sweat...cacti equal to any made in the count., All 01 %hien still be sold at the Ysttsburgh price. Warehouse atlas. works corner or SlOll,, 41.1 tl,ter elr myll lA/SEMI/ VT/021—Tbepartneralap lotnerto 3../nstkr under the style and hoot °O.:Kb:man Ss Dab nod. It Ma day thattolved by runt., consent, John /Sat tell harm; m. ehoJe .oter:.: toll. WtOtt• man lire business of toe brut o woned Ly Wightmatt. wbo authorised to use the name 01 the late Item or that purpose 11 ii 111111'Nl.kN. spv.abLisr Duly . .171 J DAL2ELL. TllE.:.ubscriber to now prepared to manufacture all Inn& of Cotton and V. Nlaeluner). at the .Ikorte.i notice Order* lett at It Wvhlntut'• 1-.apitc ' , Lop, cor ner Liberty and N% tier otreet...-111 :nevi .r to prompt Alletailll II WItiIfTNIA.N. Leueok between Federal and ape:tally Allegheny ray to fitssot.i. TluN l'ltepartner•liip let-twee:l ace subeettl,cre, under the et' id 01 l'utcc t le, ter & . ,vact cic•eolved mc the 1.1 11 c., 111010,,C ruccertst II 11 l'occaleiter le authotceect w sectie a±l tcte LailLiSte. 1111=MMMI MEM NO"rtil:-Itaito.; purronxJ •tituret tote,. to 1 - 11 tout.t. thr rtt.o.ent to 4 . l.s.lviir k 4,1 lits.C../Cd 31) v.t.t. tortn:orr ,ter „It 11,.. i•U•lliewo v., tot tto kotOttf -, t It to l'ototleiter thr.t It 41' 01. X 11-.11 lir 1 ,StL3 u A 1 i tl n to .. l ...o tt t “ .. 1 . 1 1: ,1 . 1 . v t ) , 3 , t w 0:2; !lord tarret 744.110. tfutotittoott tot-, t. eol thrir Ati, to-to, .clars tikaniotrti Ito Mr rnt. rque.lrd c.a.! •I 11,1( virarollou.v og. 1,1. rt) +lrryl opp.,•tle. 1..:..1 ood. ern! vrION irat,l .1 114 k ,Attel• 111, 11l v, pr--.ln w.w taL use •aa, place ha owiurnie, .14iN A It fll .11IN N tl-Fa IN Aprt, I. 1-4-. ait:F . Aa Assov I otIN 11.1t1 .N SA all FIt:IITM AN Lev. • lae uttati t. 14,111., .."4rr th , ttrn • F.,. ACu 'tot the ,trta,.. , tite konitur” lane rotit.o, rritr•l litrwattling riseuti•.tott M.. 141 We old attatut at W. Castel Bata, labattt tuceL, JOHN FARM:N. tan] ti SA Al'l. WIS. If I' tI AN VOTICE—.Jante• M. Beirut...l •el/111111 , 10111111. .11 Dry leutKit Butters* eronduetee ut die mime 01 the uotirrtieuetti rurnet reetrile and Musket to.. Pets burgh, conesteuesise 4. 134, The Outeter's cur the le it will lee couiluctitil under the lortper sty tr tear= VI It MI NPIII' nu., hart., arta Orr 4- , ..atr , 4 W. 14 yit...1.144 r LU Y ur.. wEii hcrroter t, I unJucuu.l yud., him ut us 1 utulK 4, Cu WILLIAM IN,, It NC , T NE, MEDICAL. Jayati le..‘ pee torant 1...-. l:olutublusta co . Apr 21. 1.11 I)n 221 N Dux to —I teel bound )cu and the tuflicled public. tuail lulo.elr al up. p• put, un II) mhtcmg nubile°, to the eltratordolart eder to oi 'our Expectorant on inytell 11uvins been allficced for acurral year• with asevere roues. heru.. lever tend 11l concomitant doLeue.., and 'rented ...1) dootto , l to linger out a short Ltd no...ruble ex...nee 0/1111 me tall of IsChi. when. !mina more aeverely attacked. 011 reworletl to all my lonorr remedin, and .he pre •Crlytkicbm of Iwo -.1 the moat respeetahle pltysir.l.l. 111 the heighbochelod Witbool deny in, ht,. c. Me ,onsolatton of survivtiig but Ivo: .to or week. ut larincst—when ILe last r.sun of hope was alaout to rantah, I boil recommended to me )our Expo wtoratit and bleamed by that Being who doe all thing• tt... themof the thvel.llloll- 01 toy physt and Mend.. I . nt .t Ir. On, bout tny bed.ctan• and w oubled t.) ot attend to n 0.00.1104, rein) tog once 1.. t tie r health then I bad Mr 1011 cur. pre, ts ileatsectlulfy pour.. h e ou • J.,. NV roltll For sat. l'ltsburc 11. at P. km Ten .ttne. 70 Fourw .beet. Mara A i.iimomikx . l. A Li lit Ls., N V t•,L, 11 1.. FAsiNwrork,li'lltobutgt). W. FATiNiatr... Wholesale Drag Store In the Clly of EM:I THE antleraogned arextroonvely engaged to/ the Vir e:est:le Urea tontine.. at No. 4lr John sire, of e city di !Stow ',vitt, ant. mr prepared to ttaitety gi r lt S ,Vy ' e-:l " tr ia tia o ;O n r7g hi ti g a " lt ' r n A " „ r t ' e . r i t t c h ar Meador, Weaver Is Mender's Chernir. air. tor thetr o ro ar mi.rtnuonj all other unwire in tern . hoe or tnt•t• neat., of a aupertot quality a. low a. they eon leeTtur. chased to 11. or any ettstern env New York, Feble B. A. EA IMF:MOCK A. Co Marcher's Chrome Green ruu PAINTERS. BLIND NIAIiEItS, he—We. the .1. undersigned, Painters and }Shod Nlakera, weedy in New York, have used and tested. and are now acing u new at - heat of Chrome Breen,ma...nurtured by Gen 'filasi,b,e;, of laratty. and find it is work weal. prtia ducing a finh - bralltant (,ream appearance, alb a very superior body, and mahatma/end n to our brethren the trade as in every particular the best Chrome Breen we have ever used. New York, June I, '47. . . - . Signed by 24 firms La practical patoters of Mr city of New l ork. unequaltoci ehromo Green may Lc had 01 K. K Sl-A.4.W.RtI, No 47 %Vocal Duvet, who has 1110 ers.lpan,, pgeocy mrtta SAIL m Pmsburgh. marl 3 A Floe Awl. of T•oth for slll.s Cpots. iirrE TEF:111, FOUL. //HEATH, VV rthaw and unhealthy teeth, alter be ing o or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber tooth Pamr, nce have the appearance of the most beautitul ivory. mid at the same time it is aperfectly nun:nein and ex quisitely fine. that its consuint daily um is highly ad v....pot., even to those teeth that are in a good con dition. giving them a beautiful ponsti, and pre Vtlll.llig premature decay 'Mose already decayed it preventv 111101 becoming worm—it also (listens such as are be coming loom, amt by perseverance it will reader the Molest teeth dencately white, and make the breath de. iiMoory WM. JACKSON, cut Liberty stmet- mard B. A. PAKFCEAITOtIi.TiI FEli week+ since, our of nay children, nged about 23,_tive years, w. unwell forseveral day, and the nine. increased alarminglySlMl I leafed death would he the result. lia•ing heard of the good etre.. of Enlineito,k's Verunfuge when administered to the clat,dreti ol my neighbors, and thinking my child ought ha. e wort., from some of the symptoms, I gave it one anj p half te.poonfuls of the Vero:Vogl-. and to nip great utatileAtnent It almost imniediately discharged oetween 2:Wand:AA) large W 0,111.1 lln hcu Ink we...soon reatored, and It la now resuarl.abip well. Previous taking Ilto Vernatialte. the worms would occusausially rise in its throat, aud unitgeared n would die iron, strangulation. JAS. W,ON 'hosaceta, Velmogo no, Pa., April J, apt,' rg.pular, because Good! SELLER'S' P st L.l hbrplU Coot, Synisu. Jatle,,son Co. l'u, March I. R.lLl.e;,SnitleZ-41,sulpe)101r.a.2 al , : , 11 ,0 1.; r e r , /6 with°. ezceptson the rver ode rc,l in tins neighborhood, buying proved good licrever used - Thu Cough Sy 1,113 NMI Liner Pills lit", mists gist, wl 11.1.14011 ) our ob't servtP....m.l , dr , I . repurcd and sold to) It E SELLERS, 57 Wood , , .01,1 by Dr Canon!, 010 Word. 1) Al Curry, A Ileg ti, . A IV I Saint, 'remperanoev Ina!, . . IL.II,I'S CELF.I.IIt.ATED aell AND Tr:rmt I 017) * INILAIT is thenost crier tual remedy boort the pia... tut the cure of tenet itch, dry and watery plinples gl the lace. week cud body, sCaly eruptions. 00.1 all other dtseases 0114 , thou., I. warranted free froin mercury. is perfectly sate, and ay be used of all tunes and under all circumstan A Ireab supply of this Antitank. retard) re-CelV,d ces sole by It A FAIINE-N'INA_A it cornerof 1•1 and wood, ulao, corner 01 nth aud wood •treets jet INVALIDS AND INFAN'rS —NVlstine) • Ar J: row Root Rusk Powder, • delirious attil highly nutritious tood, which never turns acid on the stomach, and is now uoi versal:y recommended by the faculty 111 preterenee to Bohai, Sago, Tapioca, or pWn Arrow Riot. as 4rlter suited to the debilitated stomach of in valid, and a more strengthening and wholesome lual for tritetita For sale by SELLERS, mart. 57 W. 1.1 at for the sale of tWre\hardt G t;us superior hard in, will keep constantly on bandit large salmi) they wilt furnish to de•Jers at the lowest motet pnee ter cash. toll J KIDD a. Cu HOTELS FOCNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREE - r BALTIMORE roc° AND scsro. rcovaltroid establishme von nt long and widely known as n twiny one of the most commodious in the coy a Bultintore. has recently undergone very even ire alterations and improvements. An enure new aana lia• beer, added. conaon ng nunierou• and eery mienaneatx, and extensive bathing mount The Ludies' department bas also been rompletely reorganizeal nod ttacal in a most unique and beautt • nil sivle !El feet the whole arrangement of the House ha. been remodeled, with a single eyeon the part of the proprietor, tow ic ards the comfort and pleasure of their Gus..., and whh they confidently assert will challenge comp. soil with .y Hotel in the Th., table.. ill always be ettpollad semi every sub oanial and luxury with the inattet adords, served pin a superior style, while in the way of Wines, . they will not be surpassed In conclusion tne proprietors begin that nothing will ho len undone on their part. and on the part of their a•ststonto, to render Una Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. 'rho pores tor board have also bran reduced fo the following rates: Ladies' Ordniary, 111.75 per day Gentlemen s 1.51/ N. It —The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways he found at the Car unit Steamboat Landings, watch will convey baggage to and from the lintel, tree of eharge inaythf 'EXCHANGE HOTEL, maaaa 01 , PreNSI AND Ise neotelmar MOIL, PL. The Auheenher having teemrtled the Illuango, Weal 0( long cAuthinthed and popular Hotel. revedinuily andoundep no Traveller.mid the Pahl., generally. that he at all timee prepared to aceoionnalane them IA all do., de.nruhle on a well regulated Ilmel . 111.• nom, I.ioW hen.< thoroughly repaired throughout. amt new Furinnurr added. and nu pad. will be spared to make the h:drliange one at the very neat Hotel,. on the ...onto The under*lgned re.peenially •+olneinn a t.o..itimne, of the very Ithcralpanrunage the llom, Imp here:ohne ..crewel.TtioMas owsToN, CARD. REDFORD MIN! RAI. SPRINGS. SPY A:St/ER.SON, Proprietor. respectfully to tormss We public thltilits celebrated and tusttion able waterlog p:see m 4 opened. and fu:ly prepared tor the reception anti lirColllll/041.1a111 01 V1611[.. 011 removing the nod pond near the springs, a very valuable Mlle Sulphur Sprnig ha. been dt.elosed. toe waters DE which a, not in tenor to those of the tar W lamed hite Sundiur Springs of Vtrginia Experienced servants and a line Band of Music been 'been engaged. and every provt4tun mode to secure ine i . noitort nt visite, jel3 lin TIIROCKAIORTON'S GALT HOUSE, 11.1., IT 2 A itis Tuft. It'li.lloltTON imp urqUailit hll tilendo rhol hr I+ lessee of the GALT HOU,. I.tru.svtlie. . where he hope, to meet 311 i,s. 041 ir,ehdr. ar.or, them and the twol.e. Mat Ito effort callnperrd to make of contiortol.le who (111,1 Mot wlth Me, U patromwe. iniTrn 141 , iuftli4 rilemlurt Brnvll,l, rut VIII •ND FIFTH rs LNPPOSITE Inlc BSI, of thr I . lWed State, !Mile J.lphia M POPE MITCHELL. onll - 21( ProintelOr MISCELLANEOUS. •, HITE, BMX/KS CO.. would refire lull, itto puttlir that tar) ha, oret tott a •:,, , tott I.aror k. otal Lela on Vatter-al anti •trt co. Tar, are otta nt.titiog attt: are ,ttrparatl to rrec,ve older, tat rvery ar.riapatat volurle.. Collett, t:hartut Ila• rout.tte , . lluaatatt. l'lttratna. fir . t.stortt their r ILrI thr k. uot.l Ifie Nkri!tt• IlLek Is•, v. at inaoU cy couLdru. to urk Int.l rettmAtal , i, artirlea In Ihru Pathitv paththtr to the scitctien :woe but ththtprtent workmen, th, ha ve Ites.Mumt warrithltm; thOlf work NVe therefore ark th , ot the ptthith M the. MOW, N 13 Itethitriltidate the 64,11111.1,, and trth.t res.oothble terms. 11F. subscrtlivr would ahhounre that he I ha. owned rlew ',tall Druz Nor, Oil We COMO( or thumb end Nliathheill •treels kielaevuo, to. Ow ore.. of the extensive poputeNon ea,a ol .creel u oy tom. he 1.3. •parrd experue hil.l/g up Go. lial.o.l.inent. /Ind o. de- tenni:led to keep no 44111:Ir. but ea Ihomp of' 11, I.e. put. and ecoulort.e•• A 2.t0r0t0,1 o 1)r Nled.eole• rt.Lote ry eo.l mrt. rle• uoto•Ily .et o•o ul toe k •ken) • oe hue I MMIIM3III=I The 4uslnraa Nell tw Y. ben- {OlO,. al In old stand on Nlarkrt strret . 4 4 &WI WENT POINT WORKN. sTON k WAtt4.4.12 Ettotte ktat,ler• [0111011rUrr•i 1.1•11Irr• 1111 Pr .t Ow Pottit, at Or etttaiti.•ltitirat tortnett t% at nett ton tty t.ttaa,tout,... NCISOI , l'urrorl• 4•1110., Ir. VI/14 114.. , .1,1111 rll tttite• lot ttatata.Y.r Itot cats, taurptt.a.a. ktrtil itterar tavor BEIBEZEI It er5......5t •A'opt 124.1.‘ Ih r. Tl•omn. . bur , ll. Caruthers a. II AI A ...a PRIAN F.. , CON ENOCH W A,,\l I' ~,,, rain od,erl Jud rr , ,uirr U. 11r .1 I the l'rra•trtrr ur Curnuarti, od or trtlure luc 12th de) or July I n at. and a lurther -YU 0, Fru per real ur. turrure tar 1.11,1 Jay or Al, aarn also lear uourr mar tarrirlo "II 111•.111C111• 1101 i• 4: ad , uludit, uutrul ~,, r aanr will eurrrrurd 11, urdrr tri rur IMMO lEl=l 1:1111.3 to to outlay that I puretta.....l our otal of Dr 11ol.ane• W 11/ otwols. ago (0., to •w.oll % tont- oul Ho euencns tad. and 0.11.0000 thenow... not) uppv•r arge, )c I hn• 4,1001 1.01 tncte 100, orwaid. of 1110 10 ,1 05.550 W. 111141 pa ...T.l ~,,, loon, tneasurolg 5040 ace gustier of a/1111(.01u two I C bc• I. I'S 1101,1,11,A, 1101.1.1 DAV. Itorts• , .reek,C•rrol rn Temi -47 pr.. 4 Leeching, Cupping and Breeding. to NI ft •tree sod re.l, attet, , larlre a. Fteleleto 11, ph, l'ltt•t,,,ral,. and thr ~,,,, glum, I :::::r , outworo) to thr wiy,cotos. two awl mil lo) www, woo ;moon.. Mr it tato. ws tourotozW) ovouThok, woo Ot , w•• mod WOrl14) ot merV.IV %I It 111-11,11 ...Manufactured Tobacco. IS 2 " L \ jo ""'". lu di Jo l'rdoe h 11ar99,91 • 5 21 do do J.. 1 1 do J tiotoccuclo 57 id do t 1 Jo dco Wool 119 SI T root • 17 01. 1c • 9 1L... ood octec.loot Immo ...Mil, 11.1•1 louel6e, ccood coc 9411 lo) 111.01. ft lIVI'KNOR s Co, Al notch water ccocd loortlo wlcarcooroc. xi AN l l',lr - 11. RED L: IA 0 slotw. 1,1 d Strll • .uper,,,r lump. d br, -te ba %1 enr 7 . 4 suprro.,l 01 Low rent , I.olner " " .20 11.-elr, L Irnv..ol • .1 1 4 im 'ln Ilupwu ,de 14 Ewe) S. 11l • Mr lsod 15 • Lawrence l..wrr••s. A fm plug Juil l.nding [rum %reame and tor by 111,A1. r, 1/. lICCKNOII h. Co, 41 N wale, 41 and lON wintry., n.)31 1 )A P Ell-20.111.,J0. Straw Wrapping Paper, all urea, 4010 learns ruled Cap Wrlong Puper, 3uo ruled and plain Inner do, all gunk., RAI •• Flat Cap, inecitutn rra Pop, 1:14, gross white and blue & white Bonnet Hoards; 11K1 rums Nlandle Era , ,elopr Paper, 11nrdwarn Paper, on ree'd and for sale low by 11F:1 :SOLOS & $111.11.1. tny:fdlin corm r peon and sok SHIPS , PATENT nLocas. THE aubecrilwr offer. far .alt. a full ankortment bia Ships' Patent Blocks. Slaves, 4e ,ndnpud to tar trade Ai., complete .0.141 Blocks, adapted to VI,YR 1. of •/:y capacity. put up and forwarded to any port of 1, moo. witlmut delay mad al the lowest pet . 1.14:N1M VITA.: to male in 9uattties to moi pureliaarra tIEU ap,l4lonataver&S N liorllng Slip, Now York Patent Soda Ash - I CASKS Jai* Nluvrait Son'. Grand, plot land- I mg quilt Noribnrn Light, end for enle by \ & N mrittiELMEE, in) Is IGO liberty et ) turn KS IA NI 1-:r AI. WA II EI—J 'revive,' from J . ) Ilse tonnuttottory, DrtionntalCodect rot, du Tra J Sart( Bowls and Croton Copt, d t , Sky Jo turgc l'arlter•. 0 Oh lads. du Nltotoswit ttu do, uu Cudoe r,, , . wlth lumps Fur suit: to low [met, nlaSpralt , s Pa tent Soda Ash . 33 ...earner North enroll e ley M MITI:IIELTREK ie7 hill 111..r,E atm, ,I'"t'NSENl'% his kr( Jun great Kprnitg ontl nAIIIIIIICf moal/cnne, than day sx.l lc, sale wLolr nlr ntld rcaaal. Uy . . . R —As R S Townseald's only tige/11 for Potsburgll. ortlele two . tm had /k 1 No 57 %lood street. .11 •13 DI - I%F 1.4)11.5' LIESSKS, 01 die gonna nits railisiord Irai gimp In sinisidsiurali du, Fsii.siscl du, Castilian do. Vass., and Drop Jo, Not and Plaid du, infritnit with is int, tttt I tol'd inner, idr sals at FII I,ATIIN Cii's my 17 Trimming Stu, &I inutile! • I bos Iluucll. & 11.6111114.1 • 54 10.1) do Myrri'• do do do, 11l do lra Burt• du do, 20 do M,or' , . 11, do do, a 5 do F.tlrrn,' hoar, Oro Orr ,Itsg, 11ru.., Uri tiara. ova,. My , . • •utormr Aroma,: do, :AI do. So do do' hom. Nrular I.ral rvca,ve.lao , l •alc I,y o AI 11.1. ER n HP • I )0 'ro l U OI7I o j, 20 do stnr Conith, IS do bbis No. Loaf "lug or, luf solo tiy my IS 13ENN1:77 I==! EALU, I/IA:KNOB. O. CU have ttasomated trtth jj them to thotrTohoeco and CUILIMISs.OII Ito.oness I-Alward Ilesitt, tlate or Jacob Ilrald d Cl.l. Lialtonote.l LhiT C Met:amtuott, awl /oho A It tinter at) L•oic sTLA Mill/A:Ili AND 110T1-1.14 , --We have or, I: Moot a large toutortmahl of Iroa Ntone NS'are, suit. attic for steatuttoa. and hotels which we will sell low. (iKrl*l . goon ugh of the Nlg Pitcher, wood Illots yellow raiivivwcd llama , lu do bole, rquyalilewl, all of pillar quality jolt/ bKI-.1.L11-1 la NICOL:, rk ESS ANL) HUME Portri—lu Me.* Park, 5 do prune du, rur sere by 10 SELLERS & NICOLS M ISCELLANEOUS. JOILEDII LIP.Ali.r r 6.II.I"PIENCOTT dr. DARK, (La. J S Stnetler Jc Co.) AIANUFACTVREi. , 4of Phreurxfire proof aal a. •Louth mdr, racotal smelt basraon Wsad and Pittsburgh. J S Stncklts baring dace/axed and the Iturvt•lna partner Mr Jos I.lppencou, havtag lured lummll %mat Mr. Wm C Rum.. 11,0 buctles sill haraafkr he cooductod under the style of Ltppen- Con fe Barr. Trial of a safe in t7ineintisti. o—We i the undersign ed were present at the testmg of one of/ ft Strickler & Co's improved Phreniz fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a [unlace on the public leading, and subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fit. for more that three hours In one hour rod a half the safe came to a bright red heat, the door of the furnace was then closed. which caused an Increased end steady beat for the balance of the time. until the east iron wheels were partially melted od, the furnace was then thrown down and the /Mkt cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it columned were as perfect as when placed there. the binding only of the hooks being tn. mred by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation is recommending it to the public as a safe soperzor to any we have aver seen tested., and belte•e that it will stand tiny heat which might be produced, zeept cheat which would melt it to a solid man. Sprlngt, & Wlmman, L lVorthlugum, Ketiugg k Kturtett, Br p. Urner, W G P Brem, Marc• Pmul, T S Ihmg.r& Co. Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Mame, Mead & sVmstor. IV, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of tront it lot to the store of Trotter d Aulsety, the Agent. c G SPRINGER, S 1 RFS.L.rIG. Refer to Cook lc Hams. Brokers, rttuburgh; treeey Benne St Co, do doifeldtr.erlyB /66, 1,1 . {,11,,, 1011,1 I! WICK. X YON.G.A.X. • - . LIPPENCOTT & CO. M A S N h u r v i e 1 3 , U 1 I :4: O R : s ' A It l i n t a e n h d e L e s Al ISI St ee l Cut. Circular nod Gin Saws, tiny and Manure Forks. k.. Picts, Ste having completed ail their arrangeinems the cutistruetton of new machinhry, and in securing the hest workmen from the most eel., hiatthl ettahlidtmenht of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles. having availed themselves at the !MClnt improvements, end are deterrnmed !halm work manship and material they will not be expelled. They promise to produce erne es equal, if not superior. to any lino can lie had in the Ens.. They inane the ...e -t.. 01 deo., to an examinanon of their stock before pureliouna elsewhere, as they are cosumed that they will be able to Gil nil orders in their u line to the came . - •aosruction or purrimsers IVarrhouse, Water 'treat. 4 deem. West Nionortgahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. LL—Persous hstring Lucite.. wtth \Vo. Lippen eon Sr. Sou wil please end on Lippeneott do Co orttblly JAMES W WOULAVED... Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Room., srsEcn silt2p A large and •plendid •saortment of Farm., lure, sultaldr for Steamboats. Hotels and pn rude dwelling, constantly on hand and m made to order The present Flock on hind cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. P. rums wo..lttors to purchase would do Nl,ll to give roe a call, an I ant deternuned my prices shall ;Besse Pee, 01 tie stock colon:no n 5,1 cola. 1 . 11/111 and Ilate-sloth covers; 1 don Mahogany Nurse Churn; Il parr Dtvat.•, 12 dun fine mallow., Ckasrs; 12 mahogany W0...k Btends; 3 don e,tskogeny Rocking Chun; 1' marble lop Bre;slog Bureaus; pair Morns.. Marble lop Work bland, I. chary Work Stands, Mahocatly. klaple. Cherry, suit Poplar Betimes& of all de•criptions, 111”.1 I, atone as-ormient of common mewls, and caulrs use ititsucru. 10 ine.oll. 1-k1)1F. ARE cArrioNED AGAINST USINU COMMON PREPARED ORALK. tho r , :u o r . e r tio.z o l w nlb u t4ta b ly h x . nzLa w n , l;:f . iow anti anhc•ltuy the skin appear.wler ovum( pmpa, pared r tint Ite•tdr,:ut •,,unous.contalumg nlarge os:tri:ity ill !end! tie hair prepared a I.ertunful vegetable article, v. biro we can /ONE. , .SPANISH LILY WHITE. It to nerdy nmorent, being purnied of all deleterious qualittex, and it impart , . to the situ • natural, healthy atal , a•ter, clear, ,14 won, at the name Way •t rovnenic oh the •ktn. making it soft and vaoo a th• Dr I:ult.. Allder.o.n., of Maps.. rh.ellf. Foy. -. After anati aug Jour,' Spannib Lily W 1... I Bnr. c.l.o.,ellses the intior beautiful and 111•IY. tli 1,12 d Star sittile tone tonorent white I ever Se,/ erta.alt ran cougetention•li rend foruire to all who., renal., beautifying " ecomm Pm, /5 cents • Sotit %NMlibertyat. y, , Joiri ititorr l'l3, St, prepared build COMM Wnn,eit Mar hnicry ot ever, dreertplion, such C.:11111, Maensines. Splinting Frames. Speeders tn.:lvo-mg Pram,. Itodway• Heads, Wnspers,Spoolers. Ur, •.ing F'rnme.. I Axon., Card ()runlets. he W tought Iro niln,e turnf l / 4 1. sire• of Cast lion. Punt.. and tae Intest patterns, ande and hand Lathe. And heer easung. of ever) deverlption ILA rlt t •Il,j on •hort nonce. Patterns made to order tut 01.111... untie Iron Kutnue. a, Steam Vine tor heal ~.) ..•dot..•• a.t :Nl l / 4 and inney Clue tn., Len., trder. len at the .rehouse of J. Palmer d Ltd..) •treet.‘e... Is". prompt 1.11,1. Ken, . Hlar k.rork, Bell A Co . J K Moorehead & Co .F. V‘ sr.., John Irwin & Sons, i'dishureh , li I A I J 11. Wnf net. SWIIITTI vibe fat.Rl _ _ o le apriltft, /Vi . Sel altd Irn ug Works. I eel .t . bay t rompleted A._./ the.' prepared teuri... ere Imo, prepared to 101111.110, uor 11:11 do w . todoot t'ouch sod Spnugt, loos A rd.., AutOrit,u. Sprit, and Plough Yu... , Vol ellot . 1113 11. .quare and rotrud Iron,whielt they Ale tor liberal tense, althea Ware boor. No ti Wood .trees. Where they also - keep ota huod u ootupooe end totodaotue 0. 1 1001 . 110010 01 Coech Tr ~,, ntou.. Carnage AltdlesOle Castings. Noo• Iron Lave made orrntigegutlits wlth Messrs IMI & I mkt /. msmoiarturcr• tot Shovels. Spade, lurk, Sr n. 4.1 will keep tteuul even' article adr thrt!l Ilratvu i4r• re•perll.slly solirited to s• yr.-vs oui.l tenor will be utade Ill.eral 17n Mard ware lionise. (Mn./%% comet of =SI= === - 1, t1 . 177 so, withdraws. trout the tom el %, aao ust 1 / 1 , Ist L. January, 1,17, I take is/canons annourtrong lo los/ends at the city m toileoodtry, O. Ita.e uoroled fly neW •tores awe ahoy,. roamed Oar, Slays, isurcloased lay goods lur cash asul toadd taros, ..... rusts wily manufacturers on I li a s sus, is% dud Idorupas so Ge CUM.talltly supplied, hee lelt prepared to is,rrossda Hardware and %sods, syr • yowl issrlosi and a- low as any house Kant or I) y• 1 M , -/s Last mud ,scisers arr sr-sperms/1y melted r atl and„ ram/rots rosy •tu,sl, I•esore purchasing else• where All , losloywong rotor/Iwo a part us hos stuck • Straustwas and saddler% hardware, gun trunnYing•, Ilhs, tot ssteel. cutlery, edge tools, &netts. Ytees. use". lab hr., scythes*. Lott wages, screw, Luton Fars sure / ot dudes, saws noshugato Isoards and Ye/leers, sod Ids her artseles consteeted with the hardware buss toeblatr City Datitterriatt Gallery. Limo' aroster. eosr .I•ster aintamsa. 1114. t. l'eus.lcave to &oroi the mush, of Pins -1..1• tairgh and M y. that he ha. taken Ltus Ifiaguer .l Htaa lately uccupletl try Jlr Furter The pub , 111. will that nu the late ontpro, Valenta are wee., ,rat. a,ul will tn. brought 11110 operation toy Mr. Hoge, uhu nns nee, 1 . 0/44/1 operator more the art was haat, al\ . 11 .11011 t• guaranteed to all .a Lo hat) .'et.totte putrona. Mr. 11. will refer plea..are tu Mr Futter. ttou. stalntshutent lie ha. operated Ice the lan twelve It ~,,, thn. Fatally For- Engra‘lng.. I.lasurireut)pes. he, accurately opula. I.4aenew. • taken an) weather, and lockets, br, a•t puts, can ;IA !rattle, t m litstruktiol, glven tn every branch of the Oct, mad ap paratus funte.h.tal. NIKRCIIANTS—.I. A — Muou Co, to Markel .1, havere, iced It roans of cheap pruned Loa Its nod Mtvglinn. y ease, cat French au, cat rvcry ly of my It, Id crow, ul godd style litug• hulas. 4do new sts Pt tins, 4Jo 1.114 d and orange +,; do lalaatefitd Ni.ll/1, all wnithot. Also , rases bleach<d. brown and Liar DrEllx, Cotiona.lea, Check, Innahulo, tee Re Of which will orfcred at the lowc.t liaAtern whole,ol, price.. Pops. distatklix !Salop. . I j WlGllTMAN—Alanunacturcr or all koala of cot. lA. ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny ctry, t'a 'I toe shove works being now in lull end successful op en nnon. am prepare d to elevate orders wi th dispatch ior all kinds on machinery Illy loch as willows, pickers. spreadcrs, earns. grinding machines, railways, drawing nranne, MOO/Cll C link, double or on,le, tor There hatt or country work, mules, Sill lotion lathes and tools so gen eral Ail kool- on shatimg mane lu order, or Mans giv• en nor gearing Inc lOrlf .1 or 1111 il. an reasonable charge. 11..0s eo—X•iiiietly. ls tiractstoelt, it Co., King, reinnocq 3 CrY J qt. A. • • - Shit 'vista wad llalr Urauin istattut DLAIASON k VUUNTAIN. 11.aars i'refewors, have 0 repainted and filled up their ,having, Hair Ureseing and Shotaptantiss, iu the re.aleru idle, and •rt prepared to wait iptutirtueu at once, todh tase, comfort and potato:Ness. They are prepared eu all that may call wallow. debt,. Than* tut tor put tarotl,les mfr. a onattonattee of the same, of Saluon, cot her of Ulla./ street and the Utan.od, (Welt of Ales.dor 4 ba,`• Ur) ttoods atone) 89 _ . DELL AND URASS MOUNDILY• " " . .. . ALA FCI.Tt oN, bail and Wass Founder, as re built and roolinanned b11•141C. It{ hu uld stand where he in ill he plaused to Inc W. old custom hr. and islands Chuffls, btratnbart. and Bells ol ever) mre, frum 10 to 1u,014 poontls cull iroto vutterits of Oke woe, epprov ed uod wurrunted to of the I,ept rtraterielr. rei ale{ 1 . 0.11....1'C1u0ter, Rolllllg, ht., loge ry lv r al) limos inating, ti requircd, tor...glued Irot.lted 01 the heat,. manner A .1. , the .on, prupc3cior ul I.l.th3ris ~t/) cri , hratetl tor the rc‘lueuun tit titutwil thuclim..ry The Cumpuatuoa euu hia.l bah tiuic• Pt t. ttgllto, Plough Castizigii;.Wiiiiion lioxe•, Le. KOBER!' HALL, of the old firm oi H. itl. shauute• luring Imrge quauti toes of PluuKa estuttg., Wag• with the ustruveineht. ui the I,Leo4k. wi.,l ~,, shy.. ot the Ittlest cid 1.c..1 pan, rt,. tt tow VVettelithet. Item) hattet, oppoaste the 110 F4VI4/1 . 111 Allegheny city, r the eon., t'ttetur) ut Mettat A. titer It. sleek, lielt tt. Cu. tv j, N N gook Menders •1 I. „.,..k in uur rre•• parr, urrr,..l t..vut or ir purrrortalr y. and lairs ., .0d , :•‘. Kr, r 11iu Surf tu ire uctrUress dud du- /,••• , 1 111$, pultcrit mud bound nub noini,..n. or old lA. Lotpl care- Iw Sarin, put ..or I,oot. in gilt Ictters. I too, tuntllu vc work in our line Ore II red to roll. saar4ll:ll - (Fait: and W rong hi Iron Rolling. T I 1i: : p . r: r e t v e r d , y tu ~e 4cc e r pt llee e0:1 trot u Crsucleti., churches, A,. Ac. A LAMONT & KNOX, grog Allegtkepy city To Contractors and Holidays. l '" ls " te '‘ li A na l : l t.o onhe ::1 t s ' . o .l o ) st a ' blc%l n' l'S'trlcil the bo ap o al t r ie o s : taao., ot •upe nor 1111111Utat, LUC. Apply lu CONSTABLE, LWRAF: spit? II .I,lsldoor trum wool largeand splehthel assort...lout Si hi Cloths, CSAsltneres, Nesuags, Crs vats. de,, soot tot talc by 1. WILLIAbIrI, Mcecaus T ailor, re) under Mouougaltels Iloe.e, astuthushl st ASll—fitt casts Split [row Tenmoat • 1.3 1.13w0w, riutland. via New Orleaus, to WM< perlttertrocr. tau' parr Aut d Amerteasi Eagle, 44 a , tki ul which arc °I we pure' , yualuy tor that easy rl.llllMClllfe. to3M ruitibr-LrE C. DRY Sc VARIETY GOODS LTNIVII CARPET EMPORVI3I FOURTH ST.. BELOW WOOD THE subsertber respectfully ne9oests the attention of the owners and captains 01 host, citizens and strangers ruining Yntsburgit, to his large and splendid stock of carpeting) now (or sale at his new stores. 4th Street. They consist of every variety of the latest and most fashninable styles of Carpets, lid Cloths. to . ever brought to the Western market. The store ha. been built expressly for the carpet business. and has. (regard modeerPense4 been fitted up in the stoat maginfireut modn style. Tbe carpets receprisul are oi the nchest and most brllhaut et They eocapnw. In part of the Supertor Tapestry, a new at ucle; .f the latest deeten, don tot lovrutg, Ea' Iglistt and Amenean Acts, lea gg n ., al Ingrain, new .ha Supertor Ingrain; new Se. rule I ildnun Common do Plan and /willed Ventuan, F.d/ra super rord twilled do, Roya/ do; Sheep Pelt, 1:1=I MIZE! Oil Cloths Conon, hat. rag and hemp carpet, common oil cloth, oil cloth table covers. wonted and linen mble covers, 4111140 W shades, colored and plain nastung, stair rods, trimmings, carpet bindings, sad all other goods dismally kept in carnet stores, all of who h will be sold on as reasonable terms am any in the illy Having made ar• ranged:neat. with once! the largest manufacturers - tit the east, orders forpny style of carpet will be promptly tor. warded by telegraph, and debvered in one week, at a small advance of the utauttfac tunes price. Purchasers are parucularly requested to call before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we can sell as cheap as they Call tie purchased in the eastern cities. wank K I.YND :$ . n : .' 4 'd lCl . l&l4l ld 4, v 6"7 " ;l:r t ke ' t 50gold lover W•tehes, wiser lever watches, F2lltah, 2, ',dyer detached lover watch es; 20 stlear ,I,pttle watches, 25 silver quart., orate/mai 111 Eno gold chunk I dos new style ear rsogs, 5 dorplaue geld hoop rrngs; 6 dos Dawned stage 2 mu. teal boxes, playtog a 'lately 01 popular tars; 12 gross steel .Inlet, all in.. FANCY GOODS 5 doz. fine Fans. silk and paper; 50 doz common Fans; 6 dos fine releet bead bags, new styles; lb doz fine crotchet lazed bugs, neW styles; 5 doz fine ctchet purses, new styles, 25 doz fine parasols, aluanted ro ; Sr ars. tassels, fringes gilt and silver, for regalia], 111 doz fit. flowervases, assorted; I doz fino steel screw pin c Lista lollll 1 doz. fine i•ory arrow pin cushions; I don nine wood screw pin cueloons. A nue inssorlinent of new Toys. akc. &c. manta/ - 1 - Prelziu AND SVANicaCctitoos: - 11. MAIN. kco, c. samtose , Pittsburgh. New York: co., O. 60 Msrket street- M between Mend 4th sts, Pltu burgh Paa, have recently opened thew new and elegant MDR, Withan extensive stock or nth Spring and Summer hood., comprtsang upwards of three huna dred package. or the latest and most fastoonable styles. 51erchants throughout the country are patueu• luny invited to call and ezanune our stock, as it our unention to oiler our goods at the losses, Eastern wholesale prices. One of the firm sending in New York, will be constantly sending us fresh supplies of the most desirable good., thereby giving us ever) lo cality inn the trot... bon on our business that could be Pollsom•ed by Envem House* Pnces are theresore guatautee to d be as low an the lowest New York and alsatelphia rams. at • 7 wkirrli LULUS IFVH Dittibfa'S—alpen this morn TT ing, •t \V It ill:111 . 11V'S Dry tiooda Douse north Call oi kin nod Markel ma. toil awsart• meat whilea crner (koala tat dress., such il Sawias lint, Final and tkg'd. Mull Mull do, barr a ed Jaekoziela, plain Mulls and Ja.konets. Also. yaronia alylea ot goods not k:ieening Dreues, inehaillsig is sew patter...lo caUra aew atyle• Eualircuderail Moat. Rolm., c_r New gouda will La recetvusg daily lot • we. , k to coin., ineludoig new. , " style. Urea, Uusxls. Linen and French latognaina. Prost* sad Clailitaea, very low' alefclua.ala aria 111011.4 to exannor Koods 0101 pr. eat In arlaaleaala rooms, up .tetraasi , urourni large and pnce. Very low. etp:i LINEN 1.1: 4 111./-15 KNO Nlor phy invitee aftettoon to his aseforuuent of afore Koonin. of various nhades nod quaoucs. aft, dionanli, tigurnd L/11,1/ LAW,. for Ladies' Lincnnes. I arnel,- .utunetit of tine &Arline!, 3tlnfichester, nod F.etielf Gingham, of newent style., au., iio)l's annorostent of these very des:mine good., u,rludion plat, lilac. blue nod double purplu, Of :few nod beau, fut. patter. French brens lawns-I'la, talue, Itlnr , Mover and oaf, 01 111,1,0 pialltrUS ILO Imo colors; small ddo inlants. Also, Ho ul largc nod Lg• re, or ladies' and infants' dresses, P:mbrOldered ~stu dress patterna tor evning drr• , es, new/ style colored dam e ask tarletuns, ..111 ull assortment uf neatic, berages, grettadoso,. crape •haw1,a...., at the uorlbewo come, 0/ Fourth sod Mar et streets. MEE! J . OUN .,ucreasurs to Robb. Wine brener ) Mi.itctiANT 'I AI I vt ebevl nut slreet, eatiancipasa, beg leave to ;nturna the irtende and putt.. or the nate hrua, and airanser. vt.nuty On. etly,are now reeetpl ol the Sprang and 6mm., Fashions. Alan a choice and select asaun use.. of IVem of England and Frpneh Clutha Ca... lucre. end Ve•titag., to winch they re.pecuully tnene tha.r alt2huun. ap2.5:000t • SPRING pity G ODN. 111T1... Nu. di/ Wood erre., are 1.3 u very tar,. and eatomure zaock of fresh vring Lk') ul very recent porensue, and bought under the too. lavorabie circomatance,, and winch they are prerared. and .NI to merchant., at a Yet) 'mull advance un the I' AI lie • • We mouutil ',gut.. all ....ft:hunts visiting our ray In give Out MOO, • Ma' n0111.14/1.1100, &MI we Ire, COltil deal they will Irt ellUrCly ra.aled La the cheelale.. ul uur .tact. ITES'INNUS—Sop French ttetlSottn, Stlit, Cash. I , cutlet.. and white Nl:inmates ciArrtis— Sup Freoca. rteett impotte..l. all r u.ors, troultne. price• ot every stile anti gaunt) . CASII• itlk warp. Quern'. Clout, Summer Cloth, and dein - able coating• tor grit& wear, tit pce. below any sn the city' CloUt comer Silt and woila its • SIIACKLETT WHOLLNALF: 1./I:AI.EHS IN DNA lotk/DS, Nu oud stmt., pare uot band. end tire conlothool- I) rrccovuog &Irmo; the tououoc.• mouson, large ;And o•lteuvre mutuuesst 1./tl.l . 1,001,5, tory coo match.. ut low proooroo. stud reason:auk. tenon. tiocloevong that they rat stye stud maatoolactouto, they casoltdcutly istoette ell ;act - chants orootung Inc city to give U.. a call. A A. MA:3ON a Ca.,6U Nlarket street, are °peaty , r _La, au extensive assortment of Dr.., (spuds, just I vetvcrd per &press. courprtatug the largest ustd t taolluntable stock pi Dress to t,u (mind I nost Ulla ca)—utpopust which we tutt.ruott..lo pa extra riell eat- Imrsdered Putt Cuevre, Paw strucle. :plat th e inceq Jearrable tuarket, ulso. sattu strtpe Pea, Liereges,Tossreit, Aluitur Stripe, French ittrunett. as ae a, (AA ILYS —A A M . A...YUN A. Cu. tal Market Ali have just reed a eplet•lld assortment ut I..taids, among wtncli jusy tuund—ngured, plain. plaid stud striped lierage ui all qualities; silk tissue. tuutpsu Strips*, breusibers, satin sinpe de Lan. , Plain do Saud, Jl Uhulties, mane) bilk. trench J.OO/IC., St.e. ke. apt') EltAl. ES, &C—Alalsiider Jr. bay neve now open JJ • Usitunittl salts sittped and plaid Llerages, us the truest qualities and newest styles, unported, also, apiCll did plain amid laucha bloat llersges and Pulses.. splendid French Lawns, Lawn Lustrcs and Gingham., s lull as.ortruent tilt, plain and sausi stripe de Latins. slid tine Alpseeas. All these guoda have beau purchased at the lute pee emptory aye.° mica lu New fork and Putladelpma A. will tw .old at a great redueuou troth regular prlee• ALEX ANDER A DA my 4 center dtavond arid market at ‘'.!. Wl,—Alezaiider & Day have received direct 1,..) tram the importer to Seol I;isrt, an enure ease ul gels u Inc Conlon Crape Shawls, coma 11111 l g a complete assortment al ersibnuisteYed and plain gnaw,. all eo. tors and qualities, Iron) NU to rile •re re peenully invited In examine these *totals. believing Mat gnome ui them are superior to an) lianas odered Mu market. They will Le sold remarkably cheap. Also, Silt and llerage ;shawls and Seams, a tall ...ohne., Int remarkably low priee• ass W I , Lr v r!;.• :s reeel ved Ma solo Agency tut sale u 1 J.nme., %% lit LC S Co • Plate, tiara. Pivot, Aluiar and ktiocuspi , distant'teeth, invites Dentist.' special attention. I===ll=tM la/VES—A good aaaorunenl td lrahra and gr.. what, and caalor.rd COUGH, 144., tins and I 1.111,Cl 1 .1i 1 . 0 VC35, large akar ldaca and culkqed FccnclA Kid lanagrcs. an ca.:ellen: arucle, and large sitaa, 1055 opening hl & IIITF:. rl wood G lA th ' u V o E' l7 ' iac A lr trona 43 rent.loer purr up tar tom./ ,ual.) Also, luu due geaLi Cotte. Halt Ho, lUti do. thread, NM and linen 6100-, 3 cation, Ladle. tiNou Aid Woven beak,. and LitactitUallt bargula. Lim above articles, will hod them at ere! SS - 11'1'111r JOELNSON'S, 16 olrivlret ( " 81 ER U LUV F' 4 . VnIOLF.NAI.F. AA.. WU do.t Hove end heltliux, for :nee, won., thiereu, with q ihtl:ie 101 ut ul6, cullon Seal 1 we thread lsle.ves end Mi., rust rvceived Irvin the MINI trF. anti lur •lIIC w tiole•alc Still rel.', 1.1 •P. l ' r H KA Tr IN fi l'e QTEL. I 'Ds—Steed 11,11 Chtars. lu. /141,1. ww', ‘t. ony; Siert, 1,1, Ta•x.d., du run. du, do Pun.< !fang, do do 01d.., do Key Hdtp,• do Top COW, r''' Mattel weed. myl6 KINSEY ,k AN IX - - WHITE:GOODS—A lull aft.orup,i, u lualn, cht rd and wiped Cann,r. , • ($lllll and rbt rillnentwi.. Svvua and Scotch Nkda, 11..a . L Hinnop I.dd nt. Nadocultd, lota.dyed Mud., l'arirdon Aldaltna.ldgcnlcr ddb A "all as.ruucal cal Udddacti., plain and :Aso,' Nc0.,1-of kAging., to , ell of who'll have (Loa armed branlrmo life im porter., Mad lot said to the Irade, by 111y11 6nAcki.ETr & witiTE • JJEWF:LI4I . —FteIe Miniature eases, do do I Air k • cis tur liair, do do Bream row du do Ear Biog., uo du einger Hand, do do Lioard Chains, do do lon do, Jode Ven.. maul room; do do Unice:lets and Clasp. Thu. m worn On hoe Jewelry will do welt to call on tit before pit relisaing. myld Kinstri• a KNOX, market •t LINE telflltTlNtt MUSLIMS—W H. Murphy be. 17 open this 0101 . 0114 ff a turner supply oi nine very .opertor linueb LOOl3 Cloth Sloresog Munn.; bee Lousdale do, mud boa cousnotly ou basal ao &wort =COl 01 every grade of guanty, to low cant price.. At., Irish tor Montauk. and busman 01 re Sax, am l very cheap, at Inman. corner or 4th a pu nd Mantes strects. jell ..,2HEI67INGS AND SHlRTlN(ib—Alexander A bait 1.3 have mat received • very supenor aasortment or brown atal blaaebetltitneltogs, of W. 11101 t celebrated manufacture, of an swains autlqualntea, also, b/ClWhed •pd bl . OO/11Slteettuipt, Mien guanine, at ale per yard, my 4 ; VOL. XV. NO. 28:3 BOOK TRADE. XT EARLY READY VOR PUBLICATION 11 by .1 A. A J AMES, CIIIVIIIIISIOIie faitOWlllg new and valuabie Works— Donlphan'x Expethooft—Comantine a aketelt of the toe of Col. A W. IVTophan, the Conqueat of . New NiCIICO. lira. Kearne)'s averlaad kspedoton to Cali. l'ortua. Doutphaa'• Catapnien acaotat the Savuoß nod to, unparalleled Mart, lipoll Likal hua 41.1 Ihsraneo, and the I , peratson+ot t;en. ai r - at Santa wnh a Map nod Folgrueoles, by _Ma T Hughes., A Bof I.t Repusent of Mlrtoun Cavalry. IL lit•nory of Kentucky A1111,11{1,1 and Natural Curiosihrs. Ocolgraphsral Stan..teal and licoloreal dese with ahead., of honetra Loh, and more than 011 C hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish ed Pioneers. Soldier, 5t41...(171t11. Jtirn•u. I.a.wyer, . illustrated with roily enKracing., by Lewis l',/01,actaro. The Twelve V.ll l---. l4teer, , or Jo rn ' of a Pil es. an the Tertnesnee aegunent'svi the Campus - a or Mexico, durzoK 1-46-47. cont ail ac count of the March of the keetrnent to Vera l'llll. desertpuon of the Oanntry pa..sed overt manner...v.- Icm, tee. or the people. Sketchea of ( s toup Lae. ae. coot. of all the onion .of other Volunteh Regiments, and a full Melory of the Nlexican War, 1.:4t of the lin led and Wounded. kr, a large number of correct rte., and 11111.; by Cleo. C. Eurher, I volume New Paper and Book Natabil.hmeed, %%out. isrrwx. Foraro •xtb 14axuau ALIA, 'UNE stdp,erlber• have just opettod, at the older I stand. a large mock of dsderent qaallne• ru:ed and svlnto and !blue Wnong and Lotter Paper. eon, merelal and packet poit Flal Cap, licitly and tuedkant wrlong paper, for tdAnk book, medium and royal et. lured ('rmung Paper, median, dent) and cap Da) Book. and Ledgers, noperior paper and beat En•tern lund,ag, Sobool Book. or all kind,. ...lard awl, at 'Neology and Selearcs, quid, cold and Klee' l'en•, Water, W.. 11111 he PC Wankß.A. . /0 , Le. • B.A. 0 01i l ruled to pattern, and houoJ en tile most manner. Country Merrhants Kupplted at lowe..t wholes.ile eca for CRAM. or ratt•rii rash prier. JOB PRINTING —Having a Jot, An, ,n rnau,v Von 'Nun our e.dabl.liment. we are prepared to elevate au orders for plata and taney Prlnting—hook, clreulars. bunicie.o cord.. . de. patch and at tow priee b:l.t.surr& ENGLISI I. triy2 7. wood nt, n nal .I.notorld Mock of Theological and MiArellastruun Soot,hookg received a• wott pulthatird. minl ....I at 100' 100 prices. The put , heatiott• of the Arurriend nday School Liston and .Nlassaehosetts bli.oil Set,ol vt eirty, alwar, on hand. catalogue. 11,01.1011 00 .p y El,Liorr .4. I SG market .r, between :AI and .Ith Nes. Beaks. H • • • OBARTIS fiLITLF.R . , ANALOGY—Hunan's A al Ihshup Innlens A outio4y a Rehd.un. N a • rat and Revealed, ia the run...tato.. aml nuuna. a. cloture. with now.. A Untaiurd, tor ex• 11.10011111011, 110. i mlapied .0 la. 001 01 iwzmul, by Charles 1.: Wen. llnneipal Ruzgert 1,10110, 01 the city of New Yuri, ANTI/O\'% SENIXTU rE. Di: A sicrriAs Ste —The Ile Setirctute. de AllllOlllll, Parmluaa. and Smninuin DI Cicero. and me Lot au Amt... by Cornelia.. Nei., with kalgiod. N u w.. Ct•itwal v,.. Lapianatury. by Chan,. Amnon. I. 1.. U THE HOI'S SPRINU HOOK—Deacnptann of nr Senvorat. Scalier). Rural late. and t'auatry we nn, Ov Thant.. Miller, with 30 ~111.1rat.a..• A NO VEI. ISY IIARIII A rr—l'ne ot on New Corn.!. by Cap! Alurryan. liN SIR TIWAWORE BROLIGHTON. ur Ladrei Was,. by P. it Jame. The above work. , retreivra thr• and rot ;Ca by JOIINS'RIN myls 'bank •elicr•. cur mar act s ad .4l or Raker et. Scribner'• Publlcwllon• T MMTMEM era,'vale and reta:l 11, havgeGekta rere.ttly then, Si aa.:s u.ver hnihly rreLaumeaArd ricred..Jr..l valuable. nuo totonl—Th,. t 'tar I„an a.! 1• tu • pie, Irriar W • eivotue to the atrunger. liethe. I :a2. IJr . anratg N. 111,1.1,11 and \ -.1 , tam and hos I.:eller:11a. rue :-aere.l 4.1 Fraia..e. t",:whirag aria:lce the N..c.ner au Charlotte EAta,raL e Intortu T a .4; rn. , • Nlatat4 linev to be Rll.ll. Fitche•havell'•.a,. Keep up Appearam . rs.Lletaut and Cradnor. Alen. thr work• trout 13 , v! 1%1,1 • hr char netr r iscne nutoloranune 'f l. llrlt, . I Th,vi,.). in llaJdane ItootAn.. t be) ne'• Wofl4, 1i,,: C./11,11111.1, autu.,r al a. 1a.., 1.111 La Frnarr..k.c Sr.Neve tanOie rreetv•al a• eonaa. publ..he.t. yr!. EN1.L.1,11, nty9 wo.,d nnJ St: urarlrt .t. ';;".' IS•utt•l la••••tru., LA, •i•••;•••,., )lathe..'. k0111,a14 ...... p ur... on o•:-. • 1.1,, or ,1, 1 ‘ . 11' , 1.1 lire 10 ~or, anpl Inunorinlll), 1, 1,,r1 Urn•l , ••• No., Alta \ Ine, Ilr•••ti Katt, n•,,r , j.•li. N 7 , , ~.•• ~•. ~,• , „... . 1 I, dell verohl ClALahti J., NeW 1b,., Amory of EuglewL Rum me $11,1 , 10.1 or Julio-r':, tow,. rrigu of Victor., by r• hliwatmol. u rdahoi. revi•cd ,111.1 N ,I, with 4 111C•llurls., by TM It: I. l thrli. , -I.dclurr. 51.1,, II \ Iltulhou. he two volumem I Fi Blow Vul a.. o vr plaio o t . tniaoarr, itud thow• IA hritr •..t ilidurner pfrUfliet/ (.A4104'1. by 1,,,. It,: ,proie.l) D. lb, Pru.aul and hu Landlord. by l'rdopetted by Aldo Ildsvdl I.ndiuriddr Vdl 111 Ili- , r 7 di dd. Id ru,,dvd. or per.onal memoir Of Frriwit Itcvdluldm, !tom uNdodudted dy A de Ld illiarldie ME!6=lll= .101iN1 rto, STOCk'n,N. r,,t.kcr 111 1 11 . 1,1 :111.1 /.../ IEL - TURES ON LH, 11,1 CI., heir, Theanrh.hl Labor, Ih. Poems. r.aharq. ac .L y II N Iluataort. Tbo Pow-er ot the rrt!pit. or thou.:ls, bt Chrmtraer ttati.tterr alai those whit than, by (tortl irer Spring. I) 1) The Almendro Pr re rotttlett...d. or the I . .11.:‘ Phy , lCl2lll.l.eitig the retentitie rt ttcot ttlttlte..ortt tot trt.g t. table prolditltt.t. tor nil cia.ttra.. by V. N.... lb NI IJ For Pa cby EA.t.torr ENGI.I , II. 5a market rt. bet. :Miami 4th. mitt 7. wtttni hrt 4111 and clinloonri alley. 111).X.1 111STORiES—Rolo-rt.orr (.11. firr , l ( roseorr, o. Veo. Orroirriet I Vrotroc, Arould • Rom,. I lorpr r l Parlor,::: noglortd, Nrotruktr Rune; Ilallaor • l'orr•rourroord (boo 1 1 (. 4 l' , (Kr(ord, Art ord'• I.a, Roman Curouronorr.rOth 1 1 roluoo Rorsoe;'Llorort, Ilr•tory or lo• own rout, so oh note.. Italian(*. Moldle Ago*, Cruaorle. :rod I 'lrr; airy, litouirtior; Hortory ur the Iluquotrotro norrr, Ilr•rorrertl IVork...Noor • Ilt-tor) of rOo rtorr French flee, ro,orr or An , aro( %1,..1 /Iwo r), lotroductomi rt. the /11,or) or trio Chu,. I, Jun:. k/litleF'• liorn arid Ro,ror • no' lAIJVC. with /wore «Ow, caluvl , le won,. ii.r Wan! .1 I. RI - . D 1411'A RYE:\ AL) A Itl: HrrKt • -I'L. It, der. Itu/dr. I..n.litn Kaman A rrli.lrrture....ogelller .pe •cria.,•u. .. Online idyl, Ai., iin• rr Derdual Fractions. .Ilensuralitici. Trleonorned, dint I,:arpenlery and Joinery. elnlirneow :lie nere.-nt detail., add particulartt adapted Ica the W:111L. of toe le.. experienced !It nrende, Revised and .INi/we ed. won adds .n( Schou) lion., A reluteeinte. try II Au.nn, arrlni.el and . . If liarnard. V..., ,rO/141 r..,,, , ,1,.,:010. 1 For sai. o, H& • J I. READ. A,..1i0 Itull4lln,. Ith •I Another Supply of Chlekerlsag's Plano Forte, SIX De.' .to Fortes , . o ' i nd ltu r : ‘,, , x4;r 7o 1. "' , """" „Fl I OIL 'I j, , 11N II .0, lb. Week jr.s I.o :t.. o : , l: yi t . g , e u en at for ckertng I'iv v. lONSTIPATION, Ljtraeralwine, itOrlltOn• t•nt!,•, the v latproved lIA KTON n not", pat ntcable and Itutftlious levet:Lbw Itnal .kt , o. %Vara, kon's celebrated Trvatt.e on Cauattpattora. ra,tt: and Yake of the Err:tient, tte.l4,rati, at t Hand 1., 4th .trtat, twat' Wood, by 14 y, c I OVER . ' , /NliS—Watrb you %(,11 e, Wedow )lacl(rce, RoryLEMore. tayilig We L.,. Londoner 1)(1.1 Eu)(V Lle,'Apt n vi hal 1 aro Baankg•tt Cat. My 3101, Drat. I/ 111 , •«) I lI , V, 1;11, rurgtvc Uul dal Atels \Vln(pe(r; 31.(rn0(% Int mu. 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