MEDICAL. :I ,'•• t r . entrAJ frhOSTATEELThesubscribernispeet , EMIT Celt yvar;Mteralon to I). Ilamares Ouse, lannided for the preservation of Age leather bolt mitta—wirnber Ii Slip!. from bsepient i'dormeLliydzinsu=4..ttelay gareaLinn Disordered ease of the Liver, Spleen, or Illidam• DND ieftgratilat t V nT "a' . • F P'ore de ot a4. th ' • DUAL U. SAIiGitE7T73 tIABIGAN mines . to the ' • • Inamedisw relief of females entering free Irregabui t.: ties, and all other Uterine, difficulties and discern Intl. denial to - temano,.wbetber anemia' by• cold; wet fr4i.or snipes:llm inJudieleas mantra, and all this the ire of mediem lithe the mon delicate and lely tan at any moment imply luta. has& wi 'Me MAW/4 of Mewing Any rink danger, ray so . r o leasam results o bUttltO t =jr from re and Ida the - - Dr. SWA* ' so eatevpcsay; arms of Ike miry hush*, of the day; be it is ea Inermashi the amen of seeable principles, in accoedance wet the Laws of 'Menial" and Geranium. awl for •-• -7 mMaimet aumbilitl and NEWT. 14 1 UI • --- , maytluagethe kind ever batons oferorto Ma peek teethe relief ofdheme, end, in ibe is ugge of ono of Abeam enliglnened item lathe dry, prom:muted to beltways* discovery of the age." . • of no lea than Wm year bas been oeenpicd .by . Hanel in bringing ths Guardian to its mescal ' . 14M of perfeetioo—daring which: time it kin been in : Mebane, rif MOM of the most enema phyri4 she pionb Sad South, as wall int la Gedwallin of serous famillesa . who dive used It for el of who bimenbUY Oman- lla:iriarkta of its Can'byreferfizy to the' rf,m, Gr. tlemied ham lattiova-, ' firm by • proem ben the United Stites Parent Mee, and be lee either with or mimeo Ms Meet o-Etectns ' • TbsieedietbElectro atthaturacter, in poet of bees ' lyittrorkatausbip, durability and power, armot be extri eves equalledotad the subsenber feels that .• = a ut:rll., atabizar tha amerhouthat it Deform pommy 'more power tad efficacy to the treatment r and removal of dimes. ; hy °event= andHeetr d• gl . ttr i st vr any other instrument, eithet t ilf the:United I limps. The Mellteo-Eleelm Galvanometer 'r•L wamnlal in melt memo, and with nary care will Jana liferme, - and is by far the • *Aue.../ the ben, instrament ever 'aimed to e monad accompanies them, grrityf the Most - ample instmetiOnS, of practical erpertence, so that it as readily toile mind a every one, while the •• r ay of eratigentent is sub that a child may - , AprilkanaliOn gratolumar Oen, and all comma - Marmot, ehaerfully anneerer Pe rmei, either in ?Me . • , donut the Ifiectro-Galranoracter or Guardian. Medical men ire invited to eall and examine Dinar , nub Guardian, awl ten ne elleacY• • For sale by IL IUeIiABDSON, sole Anent, 71 Mar: • he Pinsinosh. apßibilitf OVB . 00 PERSONS in Philadelphia along eau wady, to theyonderfal eSeaa7 of MORONS 3 OMPOVND SYRUP OF TAR Alin WOOD BAPIPPIIA, ridASOIMST Consumption, Chronic Brotteltitis and' 'Pore Throat, drama, Chronic, Cetarrh.d&ttiv y r of Wood, Pain in the Bide and of Breathing, 'Whooping Cough, I C=k9mk Nerves add Berson. Treesss, Palpation of the Marc also, - Liver Complaint and Affection of the Edney. -,. This medlars', tbe invektion'of a man lON, Sgaavroe the 'eubjecfof Pubnonery Broached andPecterardisesses the tnem tigid ezamtonuon, has now been before the • ./ptiblio near four years. Dern* this period it has per r formed scum of the most remarkable cures on reeerd of 'Pulmonary . Consumption—seamed the mcommenda tiOn and use of Oracles in their practice, and the Wannest amoral of thomaide of proms m ordinary and relent Colds, Gouges, in Hoarseness, Spitting ^, Blood, he. ASTONISHING CURES. About fear years Uwe I woo attacked with Typhus Feu? which Maur in a salsembleltam of health, in extreme debility with a general prostration of the ay. tem„arithriolent: pains in the bremt and loss of me ttle, in consequence of which I woo unable to aumid to my usual business, or perform any kind of 'work. I applied to strand phymcians and aced various come dies,bal widow any benefit; and had dreesiof eller ttr i'g t * J111:10 "ea r woo d 7V;S n' in try' heal th Coni- Rat **me poundll o yrup ofTer and Wood Naptha, and inaudible as it may appear, by the time I bad taken three bottles the debility,. pain and every mese of snaring were completely removed, and I wee able to anctul with m aimed health to myd, aenol aneruions. , newnrizieuiiv, • • . &Dickinson townahip,Comberland Read the following. testimony . from a - respectable member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. lot ' VALUABLE TESINONT.: I , • !•This may certify that in the spring ink my health was eery/ethic; was anlleted ankh pain in the aide. with other 'tanning symptoms, and maifered mach great debility'. At Mu time .mirchaseeknom Moan Dame two bottles ofThonison's Compound y. SKI of Tar and Wood Naptlia,' /tom which . I experien. cad glut benefit, my health being now good; once cheerddly recommend: the article to all persons *he may be suirming with gene* debility, with symptoms ARAHAM Poughkeepsie, !Larch /5,15 G.. Prepared only by earaarrfr Drum, s 4 the N. E, earner ern% and Spruce street:B;MM. sad - by t..waowx,. Pittsbutgle m , d genaially. Pie Hi centi,or One mollar per bo ula ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTI7WEIRSATIIINO This disease is canted by o parer/mud construot non of the dr cella it is verydanitating, .lmarlems -IWt atfibeadott: DR. flrt. SIM'S PANACEA is the C I . 4 = l" cen Media?) , cured by a &mama Dr. • Swerstaer's Panama: Cetera, Or GaZtagra cold,. which, If neglected, will termlnete In .Consamptisn, ta dreamily relievedatal ir -- .Oured by Dr. Sweatier% Panda. BrocelM4rif trachea* Will affeeteally lead to • Brenatial tam:team, but a lately use of Da:Sweet. ant's Pelmet taffeta:tear ant tt. ialimmenon of the Tomb, or Sore ThmaLThis disease anon kale uMerious censer:maces from neg.- ..ket, sua ea ulceration of the throat. Ott the first um lams, Dr. Sweetter's • Pnozrca should be procura and. } =V:rend' Odra find arserclin tamely in Dr. Panacea. , Pneemarda Naba—A very fetal disease, malting , • - from • siandmigh and cold ca a Cantonal or bro ken down conaituuoz aged persons are as is - 'Sweetera Panacea should be used, on the first: o'nWrwhich aro a eourti oceold.• • - • d "4 Carcata—This debilitating complaint will met virh titelteek, by using Dr. Barcena% Panacea tl lf on the first appearance of comma thre symptom!, winch are a pain a the shbs and breast, ca,==if i gr=Pantima ' • Virten the Loop, the Wind, or :Tubes ' Deanne clogged op with phle pipe gm so as toßronchial impede teat. • mama breaking, Dr. Sweetser'S Panarea, Mich is •• a powerful Raab:tram Weald be taken according to • the directions, falhands•- • -Thia.dwarassing cola:Me, ea prevalent is clisHgase, speedily Carol by Dr. Sweater's Pam. • • . • • '1: Price SE per booloor six bottles forSii., , , Tor sale byWAL JACKSON, ES Liberty et, 40, et. corsair 11°WH S T r b= 4 l, offered i f i V t the D IM k blia m plumed aminG.e.dve remdrim_ooftlolds,ltOarsis gluey, Sore BroncirniMimiterZ V toaal of the Cheat Large - nth cases his have absoicd - decided In pear anent relief, fare Ls mid We and, great success as• remedy jor the shark. dlicescs where it hos e been used, it prsmt be eocan one of the', moat aeful and napalm medieines It is offeied two, as a pleasant relief to the consumptive. and an amiss* to voca li sts sad pablic speak= gen. era,. - Thai:mite of the preparation bulieateli hileading In gedient, sad. it mill .be found to bar amuse an. . pleaterat to Ste taste, and inam reed try children 101111; Minim within:tire =polity. e swkicr/A .ped ig t repararion' are of the best quality, cod tipsy be re. liedapas respect a pure and swum motdd co. doubt , promote rick. comfort and health 14hr-01M a apply, esPeerdlY is the„marstat of , • This valuable . Cough Candy le considered a great as sistant - to Notherg being mpe r rter the Palma Hsi • by Jumpers In creation, •.• children Were raver limner so cry when this candy is sued ,any' excepe rsonnt Sir mom. A trig El adds article will coulmett of its ewes, ey, and the proprietors the defy any petson in Ma Veiled Slams to prodnea a cheaper, morn pleasant, of • r Sold wholaasia and ietad, by the Cieseral Agent,.. •.• comer al and market au, Pittsburgh.' & Coe.Prelirsp Yin' College LW Chao. 7.TV.V‘P.,77‘,1 1 4 flrirrfEitiai; Bleu at, 'gingle day reviseb, when alined With the Daly or ohm Ascher of the akiailf . they knew,. 7fewadd Whoa and ears them. • • _ • . ' obUged to rab• and serateb . when bnt gone loggible to abstain from it, (for demon' mien fa . Let It be tealtabered that IPS and ITCII OPITMENT is the migen acacia*, el any other preparation in exigence la die Tenor, bah, and otber Weaves of he Min. Aa elk of a. skin most arise from he isipority gi Ole blood and Odda of the body, sad where meta ' saw be bag _standing, end the coogifinten edema of thereby, if Dr. /May'. BanWeggia Blood Pills be mod vim*. °noway theywill care say ease wigwag, •mgif of 4 . 3:0 tbe will rat= cn 4 1 er . . Leidre te " ;:ier end lien. 0bi1163,61, 111411 S. wide be by he dimmed „iglnge Winch tM mill be lately carried a him the sp in by . Dr Leidra blood end Um wide of he Min hed. bbl the comment of oinuaent M canto' A p.m .spoi a these *aliable medicines Mot 107, "! wed .! "2 1" "18 li A PAffiVEBIOCR k Co ' ' eon Lt k wag, aim eannth wed etc , • Dr.' W. P. lialhuld , s Presetuarriastar. "rowtv:P2i - Num:scathe Bwina Nu r . bf PhiM ' JJ Wielybia,•noweifere to the pb% Yds I &an Vey , alable Prerniass Plaster, the qualtdStrof &deb wk., Tr'newomeArbetigiUw Id% Teolapsne Uteri& orFaliesiVotabt7da his paster, abwratosein we and egesilT ewe ths short space of dam two to thee weak% - applied with cote and ress-t•tilsesnitod all tits tom instntstetus and expasewerbarsissa 'Dion iL sure. This is fasts ' • sosselsodoos a&suns, inaussel as he has not Ailed ',in one Cab' 021 of Wm hundred and fifty-three pa •••; Alao fir; iiths& ato stndo an 4 • Vi ModM esic Breast - or Bask, at toodeiwith pabens is to Pl this aster is landing relittfor *lcebox • CUM ex& For sale by ; • L. Witms. mow of Dimond aud Marks& Brian & Reistr, labsrtY 81, atdf 1k.115■454 a' Federal at sad Dbuttood, Alle /moms k. Dram and Diamond, Sinning. panto any ..aoo to film Off opoAjou the , Tatto o. wanikospArlotte!ptepsfed by at ho,. , . Milo vinuescita.tlett4 and futee , Piftelot "nth as pritteipk•of eataPowal.tUttmt took = Jill their . poe . kes with ftutkorfal mt. B. A. steek's3rmolhv ha. CO: many yews Wen known to the part to • damoptf et worms, And as such, ha. I=4nod the highest repotat9ll,4l.l blkOtell . i the'people as the arty mediate that will certilnly owl worms. If they , mast hs tho systtoth 'caw, op Omen cot without fah. Norte ant gaunt., =less Am moo of IL A. Falototooek, PittsbuZlPa. frequently mast dm ist Ss Wok. Tbtry ate onsts caar- I issllsita and baglbaaanslais great,pain and lender na= in sioniabk. The cenerLl a taltb becomes de= STiam =at ea til relief 6 1= tird! tha Bub Faltneataals'a Vermifoge, pinsbagh, Pa.. It the bast many In nut kar y Tb..,olll, Mr be >4 &strayed; aria be olla chanted la detakelted,; crags, and a riassaiy relief ant ramps • Tgl ir r mated of al ' Is to wrier alai VIZI_ =bit 1146E51 pmsn.: w .sbe sor tott Tat uk u tbr_el2g2Firm. - IT U = ar t yari 4 0 r ti, 1 41:5 obS, SU Tow VC sme visl. I recasoiced Belle& ITIIPV. rik soh sad won!'" sod elfeetasliVorrionaho la u OW dr noir bromotr. hewed mil ••14 by it lIMEMSLX. El Wald , •• Wntil by Dr. Csorsd,Tl INA DMt QuTE,AII Talbot INTXTOOP. OS' -';:'.-.'• ii.: ~:--,;'. ' , • :-* - z`k^;• ; BEE tOOKS, MUSIC, Viarrabis sad •ISSisoltlvellk LAXAgnMaI History oldie Girondist% 3 iols, - 12 uttaLlfe of ciumalleillaysol; II tam • . Ch P. R. James' Life. of Henry Hie Forth, Of ?roma, 2 soli:-.111 rem Smiths Counties Cities of China; limo. Nelati . • Lite of Jesus Cluisk .820, =dint_ Marvel's Fresh Glesaugim , r a 'Mt! SheaffMll mu, old Mids of Continental , .• y 4 Capt. Henry '. Sketches of a Mefietinira4, 1.2; , ouie. Story of the Bartle of Water's.% mo. A Balmer to fleculand, by Jacob Abbott 12 mo. Sismondfa Literature of We South of =M./ Remotes Adsentems in Mexico -Pe Mountator, 1.2m0, ' Posthumous Works of Hee. ur.Df,f L. L. D. 'The Prootieal Ammaintser,bi L: Life of Jeremy Seiko*, J% H., 1 ri.A of New Hampshire. • • Lothemuld the Reform:Am, by John Scott, • TM Middle Kingdom, midi new Map oTthe Empire; bye W. Williams,2 a0b , ,1 2 ma. ; ' Th. Power of tbaVV4 24;;rd.s.SF,itgl n o Reid glair, by Outliner g, 12 um.. Teseiting aidelaney„,.the Te an Artist by Rm. Tha gar, histourtUnd Peopir, by John S. Maxwell Leemmt ens Sitakspeare, byX: N. Hudson. • The Alum of America—lllustrated with ukase:RM. wings On steel, and containing sketches of Mullets of Allmon, lemon, West, Sums, Trumbull, De WI tat, Rembrandt Peale and nos. Crawford; 1, vol,Sso. The Orators of Fromm emoshung sketches of the lives of Lama trine, Thiess, NaPohl9u, Hutton BUM man, Onizotind 'otherrorilliliortmits of each.' • • lleadky'sNapoleon and Marshals; vols. - 12 mi. Headley's Washuirloll and his Genets's; Yale; 12u Headley's Saesod Mountains. , - The above, together with' a Ivey iolleetion of Staid-, std Worki,_p_meme.r and tachow Books, for .1634 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, 'comer market sod 3d Ms BOOKB=Chalmen' sE XTEW AND ATTRAI Ito lent ardtkaL4 • Chelmers , Daily Sertptore Beading; . Memoir of the Life of got:F.rl, - Std Vol; The Convent,by the author of "schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Bev C.ll Tay .htergaret,oithe Pearl, '' • -.. • • 'do ' Mork CliMoo, or this Merchant's Clerk, • do Life of Pollolrgun c h:tr i l , ;"Course of Turie;" The Lectere7onatikrprare,%7NN Hodson; Life of Oliver Cromwell, by T Headley: - Napoleon and his blershaU • do ; Washington and Me Generals, do • Power of the Polyp, try . Gardiner Spring, D D Bethel Flag,- do • do Religon Toachingby Example; hard . Orators of Frrmce,byTurnbull; • Online of•Scodand. 'do . Lifeof Rowland Bill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 role • °saladof Franeq Now and Then; Sethnne's Pornag Margaret Mercer; " • - Jacobus on Mardwer, adapted to Union Questions: Arthur's la ce Ri c h," the World? , 'Making Haste to he Rich," "Riches bare Wirt, 'Keeping op Appearances? ' , Debtor and Creditor. • For sale by • ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, ; !ad InS wood and 51korartet st - - : 1:1 • .1. • • :1 C. by J. A.& U. P. JAMEY, Cineimel, the following new and 'minable Werke— . Dostiphaes tine—ContainingExpedi a sketch of the life of Cot. A. W. Doniphan; the Connuest of New Alavice Reenters Overland Expcddiortio S fern* hen's Campaign against the Sarno*, end his norm clod March egad Chihuahua and Unseen, and the Operation! of Gee. Bidee at Santa Fe; with a MaD and tags , by 'l' Hughes, AB of the Ist negunent ofhtirsouri Cevalry. Rentnek - i--lts Arnim:tides. and Natural Corimhwe BeetrePhical Stallsfical fkological desenplionte with anecdotes' of Pioneers LEW, and morel than eon handred Biographical Sketches of autingtush• el Pioneers, Soldters, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, DI- Innen, fee.; illastraW with forty engmmuots by Lewis, Collie ,1 vol. octavo. . The Twelve Months' Volunteer; or /camel of a Pri vate in the of Ide Tennessee Regiment of Cavaltz tho Campaign xieo, donne 1,...46-47, emnaLtung an ac count of the March of the Regiment to. Vera Cruz, It description of the Country passed over; cameos, cue. toms, ke. of the people;Sketches of Camp Lye; te mente of all the octants Mother Volunteer Begotten's, end a full History of the ?demean Wm; Lint of the lhal• lied and Wounded, ke; illustrated by a large number of 'correct " ices and plan% by Geo. C. Pn6or,l volurna octave.deel BOOKS VOIC Ting llMAKON—Ulemlnated Gems all:tend Poetry; • splendid imperil 8 so, web beatuital illustrations on steel, by Partaln, and Ai enthused •pages' by Schmitz and Flinch ,richly bound in Turkey morocco and chile calf. semerbly gilt The Christian . Keepsake in annustfor 1.94tb arith splendid mezitotint migravtlegs, by ttartaimkenutd in ar aeNllo 113.070“0- ahrial9LS Blossoms , and New Tee* Wtrotk for tSW a small quarto volume. printed on snow white pa pa', embellisbed with splendid mezzotint engravings.— 'Plus ls by far On most beautiful Arendt annual pub hated in the United Buttes.' . ,The Poetical Works of °User Goldsmith, M. A, with ninnerous ea dike designs, by the Doting Clab, m ea ! Tillca styles of b;nding. Thorepsoes &MOM, 'Fiat seventy-sesen design; by the Etching Club, in venous styles of binding. The' Poets and Poetry of itinedea; by IL:W. Gris wold:- The Poets and Poetry of the jmetents, Peter, A. 11.; superbly bound inTerkey moment:s splen didly ' • ri r n, tlLt y Y El Pmze= . lTalt . ons_styles of binding. • Ileman's roetioal Work; in emirate bindings. Lord Byron's " ShRk.P.MIGI The Poetical Works ofThomas Madre. -• Ballads and other Poents,by Mary Hewitt Poems by ameba. Headley's Sacred bloantaips. • • The above, Ilrith•great variety dither new works,' In splendid styles abbe:l.4l, suitable for gift bookr, for sale by .-JOLINSTON d gracrrom de3o Booksellers, cot Marta le.ld stn. Taluablti - DILAIVIRAI EACTCLOPIEDLI.-1115etioary W- I, ene6teretstessodertomenpriling tbalumoryoleseription nods:Mesas ptineiyin nay.tonsimilibaltnamledge WM de ri sation 161 114411.01:1 of all Mr terms In Ise, ailed W Tlkst.l4s 11. 5, te. morons estansinp on West's !OYU Americo 4th,, esomanic&benut 6 / 1 1 1 re& sort maim of North 4.l.eries,Clm4 East, Gum& Wig, Rom Secblorns, Rem Bentomiek, Raticrn Tem& l ß MY - , Fts, Too r, 6liimram, Many, Gentret 06n. West lam Istemis net all Go BMW son Tan m . ries in tbe Mt ion. • Rnlh !.vita..—The history of thi Pyinaa. 66.1.6 refirentims is 1517,6 tba renteciest of 1753, ecomptismi an .revue of them ormorp6, &e,&e, by Danid NYT, M - rerbedby %dm 0 Cs6lo;l4D,lntitnin. peed-fits= Asti:. bits.% tolmot , • '!Leer. a. th. Boarto rebtlionto the NW, by . Gan. Zoom, hi D, ma* of tbs Yoyslcosey. of YbpimaY, Yte. Juvenile liVerkss Wealth mut Wade ormtielt toys the nth a ra7 m olar /corps work. . _ .1' sTbeerailkagnsarreimaofsbiiernale, TM . /meal Spel amdet. is of h ate. tim,b4meisT mereMe" ekeatioe Prim . 01"hmh N a i een k6 3a ml C ! T 3 Or d a i l Booke, ma mote t Baker &Magee Pabllesittassa. • /TIRE subscribers having been appointed 'agents for I. the sale of the miblications of the . mks's,' well known pr. ldisinote . house, have • full WWI of their books on hand; which they can sell at the cumin mi en, wholesale Wad resiL Among, the works which have been recently issued by them, Which Moe been highly reeonusten&d aa exc.:Abney .imeresting and valuable may be lowed —Thot rar,ho, Cowl and re. plc; Irel and. Welcome to thi Stmnger, Bethel Flag,; by Br. Sprinc: Nepalese and his hlarsiels; Washing ton end hi, Genctals; The Sacred Mountain; Orator. of France: Tau...hint a Science, the teacher on Anissi Charlotte Elimbeih's Uniform works; T. S. JUJUY& Making Haire to be Bich, Riches haws Wings, Keeping op Appearoneos,Debtor ondCredion, Le. to, Also, the works from the press of &shed Carter, the character of whose priblicathats Is well known Tar retina's Theology, in 4 vola;'/Ekddane on Ronan; Ida Cheytte's works; The Contnnr,byaathorofSchool Girl in Fame, ke.. &o. New books received no soon as as published. ELLIOTT IS ENGLISII, • . 78 wood and AS market sts 14'71300)03—Memonala of the Inuodaetion 51mb:dim tato - tie Eassera States, eomprialior t o n , .: ::: 11=1 , 24 ... 17 ., : ,4 1 .1.. ot irks and saceessom by Yet . A Stereo., A.ll. Just published. f Meutoir of Rao. David Abeel, D. D, /11.8 BEraioater, to Chinn: by his :mellow, Bev G Mbomou- Mork blihon, the hierehant'a (hark: by Rev Chain 13 Taylor, AL A-, author of “Reeords of a Good Mao'. Lire; ' „ Lady Mary,''Maruldet, or the Ptetrl,” The above, with a tame assortment of now books, as hand and lost readying. ELLUTTVOKNOLJSH, arm • 63 market st IMPOlLEs—lbstory of the Grces Rev olatior,, and of the wan and campaigns minim from the snuggles of tholtreet Purim In FSastacipa. tint their country from the Tartish Yoke—ln two vol. amensplendid copymbh Moneroas maps surd esp. •101114 . • Hi from . Letter& Itlestranve of the reign of TM= , lad to 17t&-with Loa pennuis, m 2 vols. - • Comma= in the stall/ of the Moly Scriptures. narn Idoarbray, riuilLeg romance; wits 5 0 altr "P lots in the ifolT Lend, French Starr MO Skald" . In Clans. Jain reed and for =MILD T OPCROMIVELL-4ust reeedraff Por etPreeei A lesdleTe Lik of Cromwell; in one _ Penh mid U. Mats; or Pm/poems from my Port Polio: by Mr. Palmer. niches of Oreerd Interior Lek, bT Uplan; Liki of Faith, by Upham; Atcsoorisle of Metbcdism, by Devi. A. 510,C04 The with Palm a collection of . .ennens• by the most moment bent hramea oaths rim e of Dtgledd, e C. likeleb aa HlllApollo mending.. 416 greet MTN. ZACMAITOIL=Portriit ~.Teflor,W-N Coffey: erdlerthe menediate liatiodence sQ directions of the undersigned officere„ byby Ceidsia Eaton D C. sketelyteben from Life,_at Csmertos a . ' / D Connor, U 8 rtsyy; Demi:A*oWe , (3; George Na t er "" YOSINISTO A r er t. 13 1 10da314 • Bookeellerseor end turbot sus Abet IMnpply at t16115e / ;Pismo • Iriseitem. _ Q nen; Pieim Pollee. of Doesesond, 0 mid bo received MI ready for sale during ASPALLOD, 01 wood m,e solo *WV tot Chlcketing's Pianos,-far Western Pens Iverda. • / jos " 0 . 4 1 7 • (Cosuveneal •. • andlont medicines, injection; or to A st .r. V nos DAP.m.. I WHARTON'S ERT rAP.• nose pat •nd nutrition* ,Ingninkle.tood• 'Whar ton's celebrated •':Tonanso an Conallpaion, and tha as and value • of the:Doan:um ,bold onlY at the !Ninth, 801 l a 4th stand, near Wood. by .. • Prose Plum. rod e ; I essomoito of lose- Mahogady grand Ratko P MITI!. m. 4 fost finished moths Ufa. • Alsomso with Colessee's celebrated Lan lsoe 'b the most modems style, utd for Wert ••• F woo d s • PIANOIIII PI/111011111 at taxgaga, puler In astern Mao Folsom at Wootlyolit% No. BOMA Stmt. Mar may be examined at all hoe% mod the lattomr. .ber tot, then boot 11l 10,19 E O. IL, and fro. K. *cub Asy; , ; Ytwbb'g,OeL El, . •Wa, tbe altdershthad, meld Whir. t h e CILIUM of Pitabarait and vicinity that we ha. appoinuld Mr. It. Klaiber Vile aeon for. Wawa reensylvattla, for the ale of Car Piano FOrteVont whom they way be ob. talehd " 41 " . " Pri el7 s l6l3 New Tett, tert.l,lBll6.l2lthl EIMMET AND .DAP DIEDONA—W R oview Ow aeration atoms to a taw apply of . • goodA of amen Idyls and very tow. , mad GOODS—A A Yawn& Ca. have on hand 'lrasUannuita amportsent of Waite Goods, coal- Ida% Swish 10091) rinid nod /NOM Maalios, Cfma swim m7lO =l== _ -strati WOMMIVIVIPOttIiDAYip' - 7 . . Jortsr•wais T: s Co" •.• - - A RE reP grad ahead Vont= nad Mellen litachtn ns. cry or emery description, inch ss-dtanting Mr: chines, Spinning Vr.. l / 2 , , Dnoeft r... - s. liaihraylleads,Warpents 'ilarti:Puminel 1 Vrareen, -Laitint„,Card fijanders, &a., %mewl= Shatinititerned all shiftier Vast Iron -WIWI and Ilettg=itt the Irst pyltos., lade Kahan/ Lams, Castings of every 6roaftikloneritialted on strerAais. Gee. Peanuts .rhadtlP olateS Aldt cano n. gp"felatl=lialitteh,taWrcerrat' I.4Hy: rifles ' Sift at the Ns whom or l. rerlo., td — b• erty street, wlll have prompt antasioa, ~ ft . : • • , Rana en • ,' I ...-- t Staciaina, Hell 4' Co., J X ltornheid & On.. GE Warner, ;John Irwin:Zs' Boas Pinshaqgh. _ , 6 C & J It %Varner; Ste¢baMilie. .. Jena _ . . ~ • • • -...AL1.p3118N1 JOIIN'r VIN ansbIIIZO ITIAN BLIN DWIII FACTORY. • , • - TAKES Sus metint4 t infonatie Wend. .and 4.,rif. pc.ptaWet ~t0;1?,A,24,:ii.,17:711.. ' pi p liannuio. moil .- and au:Tilarc constantl keptaaltivro • '• also at N 0.5 Noll at, Faisbargh,at J. is nlll4llOO cloth trateroom. . " eitt aft Sh i l'uft , lADo to otde in the hest styli. Minna repantid at tho antics: " dE .N. IK klis Blinds will pet sh *Shoot any addi- Zental Amon.. that conVe remand in a mid moot whoa otitis or to ' • iaginad artilusto the all of , ,a ems otlf e " ' tiebldlykarlataly WiIIWALSERNEOLII. 180 e, • G a lli" A ler 32.z.vicrimraNNDFI: tha Exchange it an d on:Penn street, respeeull r y u r arm' their Mode and tha. Dahlia, dint !beard p ed [Smith and auend in everything in the line of *Lemke.. Ways on hand a large.. sortraent real glade Men* mimed, Hard and Ho rded int÷vcry best reamer; all aorta opines ready rode E of drannertearnbrick and muslin, and all mug wad rrt sen:cdartylca.• Wa . keep a . large as torment of sr .6 and black, coma, silk and kid Gloves, sable fours] I and moraess, crepe, esp. cab' and every thing mecum for dreasag,tha dead, and on reastnabla tenn.aa are purchase wont good. in the Kamera erne. Alto, silver platen reicagravtair the nano and age; We have splendid new - hearse a-O horses, and any number of the heat carriage. Every thing attended tap ...ay and amnion), ectbly WALLACIIA, • PITTSBURGH STEAM hIARBILII WORKS, Nos. Mg ...a so ZAMY . 3 . 4 . . 0 . a. A LWAYS ort hand arid made to order, • large curia asL - l - 1 ty of Marble lidantela,Pier,Centre Tables, and Bureau Topa, Tomb Stemes,MoortMents, &o 4 all whieb, beutgAtade of the choicest marble, and mansfocuued pri t tLeriall i r by . ata i e=err j informed that en it is heacegrth muteceesary for theta to o go Emt, as I can Amnia them with an article to all reepeout as good asd(freight,'lmarance, kk, con WI cheap n o they ma purchase them for In the East. Call and see. • • )e.s COPP,X4, >tlilcET IRON, AND TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY - No Market sutra, Pittsburgh, Pen= TlLEr=dob:Mber i r OrEVrtATV'M I 'M retrgy inane persettrding theambru to tall and ~1474`-‘43P111 rth Sham i with Peek Beres, ron work neee r ls . ary in (=- ala Steamboat. o also make to crier on tho shortest none., Sal Tries am Manner, Copper work for Ikea& Engines and ever:. sartetrof troatm oar line. i feta • SHERIFF k. . • . • ,IBENNETT4 BROTHER• • 1,.. . • QFEENSWARE - kIANUFACTLIRERI. • 81rmlingeulnajn•ar Pittsburgh,' a. Watdwuse, No. 137, Wood sired, riltabtsrgh. ilipWlLLkonstantly keep on hand ajood awe* in me ot-Ware, of ourpwn man mune and enperiorqattlay."Wholesale and conntry'llder , chants are respectfully invited to tall and eon minus foe th - emselrearas we are determined to sell cheaper than kin CfCT before been o3ered to tho'ratb, lim - . UT Peden sent T he il, aceentparKed by the eMt - lt or may reference:will promptly aUttldo to. 'fel3l.l P. 111171.1,11 T. I /AIMS E. 1..1114 FLINT GLASS F.STABLINFINIENT. INULVANY LE.DLIE ontratfacture and ke!p con suunly. on hand Cat, Moulded sad Plain Platt Glassware, in all its oarleues, al their Warehouse cor ner of ?gasket and Water sone% .Pitesburgh. Chu Works cantinas la falroperationoind we are gonstionly adding to oar stoat, which enables us to fill, orders with prompuarta. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and tenni tarladly• COACH' MAKING. FROM the Very liberal encooroge men the =tweedier hos received since be beilocated himself' in Allegheny, ben Induced him In take a lase, tar term of years, on the property he nn ocentnesZrenteover street, namedimely beside the PresbytertsaChureh. Ftt. the long experience is the obese hismess and a desire to please, he hopes to met,. erstrecelve.a S.lre of pabliepUroung, • • Neil hand Re to d finishing order, Rocker/ Mi 4 Hog: W r gz: and top Belgic*, and every description of mode in order, from seventy-five dollars to anchthemarst froo-doi JOHN SOUTH. • , L.• • Oat. • lillE undersigned ara rail, prepared to &midi their easterners and the public generally, with an es eel. lenl article of,Lard Oil of theircranimanalsettneorhich diey will acll on ancermodsune tem. Their 1./.1 they believe re beta geodes any offered in the mute; and may be ye tamed if not aantru n apaN asoN 18 Merry et,liprite antithfield P. S.—Lard and Grease mumble' ardiehinery, on F ror sen ehilne. nrl3 • • SAJLTMENI — GINSENG PANACEA! MO THOSE SUFFERING -3171311 DISEASCD LUNGS,-The unprecedented memy which boo needed the use of the . • . . GMiSENG PANACEA • nalithe serious fortes which irritation of the lungs es surees, has lodacest thelmiprietor again to can num,. that tp Ude - WONDERFUL FRFPARATION. The enongable weather which marks ear Gel and meter mosdhs, is always It Cranial seam, of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thew, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, cosvMPnom. The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to UM bud! how AMU we get clew of our coughs gra olds! is of Thal lortance to the THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY ' will be gaud in the Ginseng Penmen In proofed" this we tare (1 . 60 hmo m ume published the “raheatea of degeor of our ben known cideens, who hare expert caeca La curative powers. These, with amass of tea timoa ham ] TIIE"WreTANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, de-, together with copious no, tans from Da • JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pm:whim tone, awl any be had grans of anyAafgmtnactragMlLLe eonnul. bone been used in this e ^ ~ THOUSANDS AND FI B S OF THOUSANDS .. thrOegboat the Unned States and Canada, and we clot tango any man lee oata sns " n when be accenting to directions, and be fore the brags load become fatally disergatured, it kaa Rev failed to • • ENTECT A PFDIFFOT CURE. the, then,sused the antieted hesitate? to hy resort to ntsor nostmans,,lPUOW Up by etex • pa. individ • eels es kr the assumed name oe es d phy- LL E F f aid., and poded into notoriety by cenlicat,. • per gem . 9tOt n en ti kt A rWhil t a metic A r t Is to be had, whose voceiters are at hoiserear neigh. bury-stamy of whom it ha. • SNATCHED FROM THE GB AVE. To ordeetkes this iwralnable medicinal may be pissed within Wunsch of the poor ne well the rich, we have pat the price at WILY VIIPTY MINTY, 600 Ida the usual test of cough Mfidiallei nls bt sale by our egentsill malty every . town aid Tillage corer the west, whe are prepared to grre fall informs- Donmoldisa T, SALT Proprietor,. Broadway, Cincinnati, Otuo. „ CU - FACTURE: I) AND 1. - DA V TOBACCO . iIEALD,BUCKNOR 8. CoAloorth enact 44 and 10 . erlounos, Phil's, offer Comae on aceornnendetner n01001:0 Op 2.lmnietuted Tobacco, ts of 101 l ;monde, 5.4, Wm, W. Iff a, D .off noffi. 17,4 r. and EN plug, and la's Ladies' Terts4 in whole and Lair boxes, ofthe following approve-46mnd% vl= • James II Grant, Osborn k Bragg, Grant k. Williams, A Cabardss, Jones &Son, ld'Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, • James Theories, Jr. All A:noad, .1 Timm. lb Son, Lan dhorn Armistead, J P Cpst et , ; J hi C:bbs, krrilatie l : °7 l ' Green Half, . Wm Dawson,. Pearl k Norwood, J 8 Blackwood, . NadiPage, Ifeystone, . Rdatumt Henry, I V o rt l izer . , Rosen k. Robinson, • Kelso, Robinson k Co. Seth Halsey, R W.W.11, • " Job. EzAer, . - Lawrence Lender, , Robinson, Gray k Gray, D Tomer, York White, RJ.M„...., • ,' • D Branch. ,/AL..5O— Leaf Tobacio, 'steppe. and tilers; Yam • do' do do ' Cienfuegos ddb do • do Jago de Cuba .do do do• r • St Domingo . do do I do aria & Gsudea do, part Sue, Maysville / do do ~. Kentucky various grades do. do • Virgirda Leaf, suitable for manufacturing a d ng export; Bmanish Seed Leaf, Peen* Connecticut _an tqrginia &IV" sweet; 0111r1.11 . Pkpen Flpek Peotchltnuff Boom and br T C1111 1 :11;iictel; Pcuerdavend Rmr ish nts,Apaak, PIIILADELPHIA, Type Pessary. TI 391 E sabsesibete eve taken - the Type Foundry, No oold mem, and will continue the business late. ly condustod by Robert Taylor. Thewill attend to ordenowith prfoctuolity and despate All the type roanofaciared by them . will be Mod C ool and , they will furnish all Janda of Printers' material., of ; the best quality. - Mr. IA T Ormond Is still employed In superintend • Lisp the manufactafing department. Troprielors nowspapers, who hare not odyerthed tot the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three months, will be entitled to receive their pay In type, on purchasing hoe liouslha ooeoool of thew bills for ad. vertising. • Old type taken In exchange for new at 9 eta per lb. • Charles Whiting, / WRITING &TAYLOR, • • Theodore Taylor, (Soccessors to Robt Taylor,) 1.18 • comer Gold and Ann sts fIiIIIAC.X/-3D I boa Joke Rucker copy 1s Tobacco; .I.GO bosiolm Rocker 5s - 2711 James, Madlooo •Se . 151,11 J Steward 33 James de a 4d " Henry Claßt4 Gs 13; Henry /blames • 50 .19 "- RD Warwick ! Eta Ou Consignment, from manufactureis of Lynchburg ' and Riehmandi nod will be sold so Eastern priers, to the trade.. :• •' L wierEnnAN. • • F 4 ,52 • • • 51 wpm and al fro ot st TOBACCO-1u bal - Danch & W e6tkin 66. Ido do ' extra pounds; • sdo a. ~ do ' 12s sad 166; 10" kog/ No I 6 twin; : . .A. do .. atendidb do Vag; SO Al do Segarg , • • 10 6o balf Spauld. dcc far 661 e by , ; . / D WILLIAM in S rOKE HOUSE—Haring taken the largo and acne moan. Smoke florae and Bacon Storehouse ad keeng our Warehouse,on the Canal Basin,kre are pre pared to smoke and .tore bacon on ntasenahla tarn.. ItIF.IL JONES, • - ...a Calllabisia.tutra 7lb SECOND HAND PIANO , cost origioaly h" he " ih th'e • °D IV; Lil noe now t 143, for ago - • e , kl 3 - Bt EIVOA.B- 6 Med" r'ta ime COT le con L 0 Clwe reir7MXlblll, by -,,;•fVF T . }i 7ttfo. ""W4 "IS'..w:v->-..u. - Mc`iF +~..3.-,. xi~4.. .F:~.`.y~ >..,_ 3.i'r-t .~:.~o~:<wv 4.f e~,l h}.wn,~a'~.. ~G::.i T ..3 __. _ ~ Y .. - UMSPORTATION LINES. •- atbiMllB4B. -- In , noxlmanerOkraisdi tot yaruarnia•}l3 - , PRODUCE TO PELELADELPELI & BALTIMORE iraoone: . ear earn will 'be forwarded tonthooddelay afklealarrest current rum Ella of Lattrhatrariatt all hiatriratkpas promptly no. tamed to, free Ma • say.m.ytra chalk. for mane or eptiretdardeur. ...,tvd . NitkPfULTY Co.Prop•rs - mart • • Canal Itaain, Pitlaburah lIENCTIAIITIP WAN' WWII LINE.' &worth & Co'. Line IttaCtPuutt itntrarragaorpW. • pus OP VAT 4 arm MOILTWEF.N Pinata:o'E. lidarurgh;Wateptift, (lE!stildCledMl Co) and all i't ChTe frootyrd l rtgi r rittikwaMlbartairfC A liArtalt . y &Co, Canal aLein,lo.4s , ,trect,l4tistug every day (Sunday! eyeeptaidapd altippervtau alynlys de pend on having therPgoorlt fateparded;Witheort delay, and atinirratea'' to, ""tl.). .• 'This Line w an formed etratentiyely for the special ne. conttnotalroion,of the way bulb:tem • Tim Proprietary, thankful for the'. v ebe,e22l patronar , rey have !e- V:t i tPP:A euan " Vd n ri . "V gerrtt f lVtrai they. bore extended Seirptpllnying are pas twin. t e e , rzlare now . hettilkrpao .. u. it nnzioti: • RII , CANAN k, Ave' errrr • , Hofcrrrr, FULL}, JAMES A Lortr, - - JOIIN MUM, TRINDLiFi&'hIeOpIVI:I!..L. C A I..te:AlitiEifia,,cm.a - az Pitt. R II CANAN. do Johnsen A .,.. JOHN 111 mum, do 11°1114.1>k • 11011. MIL & ECYSTINGER,d, • IFlxrzwcsa—Pinaburgb—Srnith It Sinclair; J it 3 ma:lmmo t J - II Shoenbcrger, Hainan &Co; R bloom"; 13ngicYllkIlnallb; JOlna rafter; AVm Lelnocr i ..81.1A3401it eaurAwar. BOAT LINE, • aitEM I .W 4': M#l4& voriimmotroiramon oiSsorecnsennza • BETWEEN PESURGII PHILATIMPITIA. rvnt; Proprie of ads.'blll stablished and and g.,' Portable t Line o l removed their de pot in Pailettlelphl. ' tora . larger Warehouse on Market st.., thtm tit occupied, and also in creased their room at Pittsburgh are now prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends and patron. Goods carnal by this lute are a pt transhipped's... wenn Pittsburgh end Philadelpld being cur ed no. tirely In Bumble Section Boats. To shippers of goer. and other' goods tequirmg careful handling, dila is Of importance. No charge made for receiving orshipping goods; or advancing charge. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon es rental:table terms as by any oth er line. 'JOHN aIePADEa it Co CanaANIS M l Basin, _Penn BA:V s i C o. Ja. C • febal fla /dulcet &51 Commerce st, Phila. • 101 IN BgeFADF2.4 & Co, Forwarding and Coorni on •Alerehards,.Canal Basin; Penn si, Pittatiargt. JAMES lit DAVIS &Ca, Flair Pan= and Canada. aka Merchants; WO !duke!, and I:4 Comm,. at., rb Ur sac by antic,. alba above an k Fl - Wcol and other Zniptions of Merchandise ccms= to them. &bat NOTICE—The subscriber* 'lave di•pospd !Keieir is• derest in thellenn'oand 1.)64.1 Lino to CIARKEX THAW, of rimburgb, awl JOSV 118 LEWIS, Wilds %el will centicore to mood basineso Comae line, 'at their Afrarehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be speak for it a <routinize.° of the patronage of their friends • MEL& Co. March OM, 194.8. Fein's. axe Ohio Tian. ortattest Co. Mai= Doudlo .Daily Loos of • • FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CAR% tattauo TO =AMMO= 00.11 iumrsci nuncio:: - - - - Aro r...srml =rims. ChARX.F. &TUAW Canal Baths, Pittsburgh. LEWIS k BUTI.Fit,2I9 Market at, Phiholetph" JAR. SPIXJ. & CU, Agts, Wand stmt. COWDENCLA.RIr: & CO., 71 North L, Bah. W. PORRICK, Aut. 13 West stntet, New York. marlb Ge.partsiorahlp. 116 subseribors have Ms day noooelated Neu. lm J. together molar the style or Kier O. Jones, forrbe PD eral patrol:me. ttemalore extended to the hound. lib. BANIUKL KIEU, - E. JONES. Pittsburgh, Biwa 1,1848. • =Firs PORTABLE BOAT LINE. . Compcmrs) tarnimLy OF MEW: CLASPPFouR SFAMON BOATS. FOR PHILADMPIIIA AND , BALIIMOREVIA CANAL{ RAILROADS. TITE are prepared to receive and Commit freight to V T the above and intermediate places mill a. 4 much despatch, and al as low tal.e., u any Other tespoinible The imam' of hipper. wishing to send Pork or Iltst.• eon to Baltimore in butk, is particularly to in. ainntlea as Oaf arrangements enable us to taffy Mach ankles throoghin better order — Oran any rAher 111.6JO:0*c. Prolitrs. Canal Unsin, nes.r 7th .t. riusbargh, March 14,347. wet. Y KM- Z. I. ?owl, "VIER fr. JOlSlEB—Con.a.ion andGl) . erasding ?der chants, ind Wholesale Duda, in Iron, Mounds Salt. Produce, de. Liberal cash advances enrudgmernul, =Mr- • • ABAffitia 1848 EXPRE? WAGON LLNI 1848 TIIILADELPIIIA AND PITIVIDIRGIVVIA CHM& • 116,11.allUDG, LW ILAII.BOAD AND WAGON. ' A _CAR.aill ;rave ilaufe=dailyafter at& Feb. :sue =:ttle:AV le ire . there the "gt day, with relays of horses, running day and night, so. cares the certain arrival pf goods Five Days In= Philadelphla. Apply to • D CUM Biala, b.„ • Pitts urgb. •`•• ICADIUS & 13 and 15 south ad st. Philadelphia. We will reeelpt for Gni lba product, Az.. daily, to go MOW by the above line Hier the inst. ib robill • . D LEECH tr. Co. •-• atraar GRAVY, s, O.E VILtt AVO MLA. 11011114=11 Pittsburgh. Philadelphia: 117310 N LINE. an t son, ' • VIA CAllAll ILAILSOLVe. HENRY MUFF & Co Carta! Wen, Pittsburgh. DUTIM1,111.111114111.111(8 &Co, No.ll7lllarket ay Phil. C. H. Koo. corner North & Puinuoga.ste Ilalt. Jona P. Clarke, N 013,014 Blip, Neve Lora, S . • N ' CR—The atyle of Our firmakeill be kern. fens and after tbia date, at Pittsburgh, adi Henry lint &Co, and:at Philadelphia, as Dual. Ilera ltY phsey.& Co. 1112.1 GiIAFF. NOkIIIND 0 DOTILIT, CHAS. lIUMPURINN, HENRY URAYP, Pitokurg 11114311 • 1848. bassos Arranga .. meat. 1848. . F ri IE g gCItEVELAND , AJID NAVLT THE Steamoom DETROIT, Capt.]. C. Benjamin, mill nen, during the season of lean, between Cleveland & Sank Ste Marie, in the fellowmg manner, machine at, Mackinac and intermediate places each watt •. Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at Do Detroit ' do Tuesday at lA. M. 117 Mackinac do Thareday at 7A. M. ROM:ling, will leave Sault Ste Marie every Friday, at to eicleek,_ A. 7t7; tend Stettin., et Waldeck, P. M. and leave Detroit Meryllonday evening foe. Cleve land, at 7 o'clock. W. A. Oda & Co jClenlaud. Agent. C. BRADBURN &Co. I GRAVES .t.WICILWARb Detroit.- S MeRNIGHT, Sault. Ste Marie. The Detroit has been thoroughly repaired and min ted the past minter, end the public warmly Won the performing , other trips with punctuality. as advermad. felddlite E. B. WARD. 1848. NICLIPIIIII TRANIPOILTATION LINE. To and from the Pylori attics, via Cumberland. MIRE proprietors of this popular Jinni hard sinee Abair J. re-organization largely Increased their Wiliam to meet tho swishes of shipperr, a now prepared to &maul a greater amount hpthe RYE DAY LINK sa also by Wilmal regular wagons at low roes. This limo will ran throughout ilto year, delivering goods throush the agents in Baltimore and Pittsburgh to owners and coassignees atspeeliled maes and time. ithipmenta from Philadelphia for tho. Line sboald narked "Cate,'l LI Robinson, Baltimore." • • The only'agents are . . J 0 ROBINSON, 92 8 Chad.lslg a.i.. 7. 4 tinso • EDGERTON it Co; • 0 IV Iltowurrilla felif 7 0 BIDWPEL, Final/01M. OLIPDIO TILIiBIPOSTATION LINE— Xi,frbe Iltpieton an pardon Lit,. Mn Anted So =Chsobtolsod Irout , ,Oln loon of /delta* in Pia- Una of Orono Si Co. Pittatnuph and wears noreNotto an oollSid that J pot ty &bum. No P 2 South Charloret. Etoltimeo &r ail aothorhoot opal of this Lino In &stunt clOet. Thimoly arlit!ane • • - J KD B Ottgai c t N lG=imd . FOIL MMUS/ANN WSW.; WM , ll.Mrr. PUILLArI. IMIA, TOW 101*,11011TOX, AZD ALL :MI 1111114101 EftellANTS sod others sending goads are infonn• e 4 that this is the fastest, ulna, ood most expo eiposs pee going }hug connecting with Admits 8. Co's daily, et Baltimore. Through receipts, wilt be given to my of the above places. Merchandise and packages of auy size or weight forwarded. Express cloxs daily alb P.M. _ 110 VICKERY, Agent, Sl...Charles Hotel truildungs, wood id W=MDMI CUB= 07 LIMIT /MT Aso cAlux. 111111391,011. P. WWI% 00.. so. WO m OAussTIPAW lamb 11111..1 . LTSIA. B• LINZ ' ailiga IW. VOU TUVILINVOICUTION or ALL WU. oaf MM.. T(111‘ FROM r 'YA IIIL IZ ADP.=I4fLTIMORJR, M( . ... . . .. - a . 1:17All kinds of literehandior consigned to P. X. Frets, Philadelphia, or to J. Fusco te Co, Piitsbunsh, I sc ill 111 l PtmaPtly isrurdoled foss of commissions. ik. Al !". . . 1847 , . • • TO 11111/IT BT 110110110111EL1 ROOTE, we BROWNSVILLE CUMBERLAND.: srugytedaseysed ma prepared le tonna Iscc• Reduce, k.e.,ta the Eames Motets daring the ems lea Whitt!, On tile omit fshorabla Mom, byOla expo- Mum mina • All property wasscued ton mUI be konmeded ache korestrates and with despatch.- M ereltaadme mewed by tbm 'bats preog=ur ded. 'J C BIDWELLeArt., p• bill" E. EGERTON RClNCiubbsdabil ' .==M IRANSISTATION. w o w,r. - *.tupAT *nu althgb 848. m alt, BEAVER-AND CLlStrELANDLiritz,novez. • cult Tmtet—smit.t.ovir, cis - OCE.A.N,Ca4a..Wattera - ONE al the above Paeketa leave Denver every day, lgentays excepted) add mien next nanning at Warren, where they counettwith the InUlipsl for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at ankh althea. place* before night One of the Packets lame Warren daily, at 5 P.M., and arrive at Beaver in time to takellas morning k gANI, w.e n, MBTAYI • " BEAVER AND GREENVILLE L 1 NE. Canaln Packet—PENTONA, Capt. Rrovm. FASHION,. Cmt. W P Sayre. One of the above Packets. will leave Beaver every evening, (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, and arrive at Gremadle the next morning at IV o'clock; and one leaves Greenville every allemoon ail o'clock, and ar rives of Beaver the next morning al 0 o'clock--throogh in 10 honia—towed by teams,-Ithren hones, tech) sta tioned every 10 miles.. -At Greenville they connect with et line of Stages through to Meadvilleand Erie. Thu bolas set entirely, new and bothexpressly for this trade. REED, PARKS h Co, Seaver, ' Proprictora, . BEAVER AND NEW CASTLE. • .• . • Cunt Packet—TELEGRAPII, Capt. Wm intillin; Leovol Beaker creavoorning iSundays excepted) at 8 o'cloek—leavee New Castle every evening Mande,. excepted) at 7 o'clock; and cinneeting with the steam ers Lake Erie =id hlichigan, running between Ileveer and Pittsburgh. BMA PAWLS ik , sft, Selmer, , - Moncton. as Psengers wi ll be reecipted through by either of the • above main, securing berths in the packets and seats in the vtage, by implication to either of the proprietors or agents. WORN A. CAUGHEY, _Pittsburgh, • cor. Water nod Satithfield su AGENTS:—Reed, Parks &Co ,Beaver ! R 0 Parks & g av el CoungesOwe, • cotes bethol, Warren,' Ck It WConningham;Neat Cistle, Pa; • D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; -- W 0 klalim,Skano, Huy B:Plumb, Sharpni Ile, P. Itt'Parlend end Ong, - Pt_g hiod, • 0 C Wick, Urepenville, cot • • • C lit Rood, Brio, Pa. - I ; epl4 LAKE ESIS /MP 2119pGu!ar_442nr.. 1848. 2.4119 well known Line, composed of steamboats Lake Erie and hfichigin, between Pittsburgh and mi, and freight and passenger . Canal Boma be tween . Beaver and Erie,^tmd figßeeirs line of first class steamboats, propellers and vessels on the o f is mopmcd to carry freight and passes:meta to all peOlts on the Ens Causal, and Lakes Ole, 'Enron and BUM- Raving even ( dicing fat conveying neighs:aid pas. Imagers with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor and agents respectfally solleiC from their Dreads aeon. thi.111:0 of their pstronace4 • C 111 R REMD,'Prosietor. -. •. REED, PARMS CS Deaver, Agents. , • JORN.A.CAUGI , Agent, . 44 cot %Vann cod Smithfield - Ms, Pittsburgh. TU USION 1848. HMIS Li .P 1 prrrintrßan AND cz.7r. --- vELAND. w. T. Mantra Pittsburgh; ' Rom, PAM. A. Ca, Beaver; Mopes. . Casino. & CROMEIIII, Cleveland l /PIM above Line Is now prepared to transport freight I, wad passengers Gam Pittiborgh and Oevelandoin " Im p l ' lr 4 blT ' le th av e e Ca tiPt . b74h and Cleveland run ning, in connection with the-steamboats Lake Ea r and fillchigan, between Pittsburgh and BMW, and a line of firm class reambents, moaners, beige and echelon. ern on lakes Erie: I Imo and - I Property forwarded toany.part of the Union with dispatch, by , WAL TAKATIIER. or JOHN A. CACtiIIEY, Agents, - cor Water and Smithfield sot, Fituburgh..- AGIINTS:—Reed , Parks & Cr% Bearer; It Parks &Co, ontigelosnt,O; W Cote Jr. Ca, Warren; I/ Bostwick Coy Breadport; • A .k.N Clark, Newton Falls; • , F Lewis, Newport; N hi Whinlesey, Campbelisport; J O M'llride, Ravenna; ! ,MAC II Kent, Fratiklm;. a Tattle, Ctlyaboga FES,' ,- Wheeler k Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs &Co, Sandusky; ! Ibrahim & WM, Toledo; G Willisunik Ca, Dennit, Mob; fiPClare & II J Winslow, Chicago, 111. mai MITSUI/MU PORT/irilLkxOAT LANE! iti.4B•llMl6. dos 'ThFrettriiti o Prrighr Co misma errrelivical ‘Du • ',PHU, BALTIMORE, N, , YORK, InkiTONiko , Bounds k. Clsn, Philadelphia. Onfinnoa, Pittsburgh., • , fis old established Lime. being now in' full opera non, the Proprietors have madacsmostre arrange ments to forward goods and produce and, despatch and on the most favorable tenet. They confidently h ope, thzgr well known promptness in delivering goodaT-pe mom r safety in roodiOfcarryini—emuteroos warehom sett' at cads porn, affinding accolonlodations to shippers andpirsters of produce—together with their long OW rielme and unremitting attention to businew,bnll swum to theta a continuance of that liberal patronage they , hereby' gratefully acknowledge: . . ' All coo/40moms by and fur this line received, char es paid, and Mrwarded its any required direetiow free of charge for commission, advanmag or storage. No iutimst, directly otindirectly, in steamboats. All coramoniestionsprbeeptly encoded to oa applica -1100 to the kdiererowasentat IktRBIDGE N CA511,278 Martel at, Philadelphia TAAFFE fs O'CONNOR, Canal Basta, rthabargh lECONNOILS a Co,`Nerth 0 Baltimore. IVAL IL WILSON, Mt exam et, New York. ap.S • Western . T nation' Co T. Itai&%l/ : ' 1848 1848 TO PIIII.AbELPIIIA, BALTIMORFck'NEWTORF: vu ramesernmans AL. OItn,FAIL loaILl A. tr Antra r. good" grid prodimmo aim from t h e abate eltler oo favorable moos: • Ad. dram or apply to D.LELXII ecto., Canal Bario, Pittsburgh. RAMOS & LEECH, Nos. 131 South Third at, PRI J. TAYLOR & BON, Ara, NO 14, feth Howard st,Balt. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No ?Wen street, Now York. Pittsburgh, Manilla*, lave.' ' roultV • HARMSEN a. Cr Ye I!amister wad Slam Mamas Ofituas ( ' jattlLa EDEN k. Co. comma to Whirr perwout from any pan of England, Ireland. Seteland et Wales, won the most liberal ten., with then meal pantutality end attention to the wants and eon. fort of ertintimautr We do not allow earpassengen be robbed by the twiedling scamp* that infest the sea. porn, no tit* charm, of them the moment they re , mat themselves.. aad one to Melt wall being, and dee watch them withion any demadim by the first shim—. We my this fearlessly, as wa defy oda of out passen gers to show that they wow detained 48 boars by as la , lnretTend, whilst thorn ands of others went detained Moattw, until they could be mat to acme old mad, at a li4.p rate, which um frequently pawed Melt mats. intend to perform oar contracts laanorably, eon What it may. and not gainer. the case last semen, with ether officem—who either performed not all, ot when it suited their convenient:a Drafts •dment at Pittsburgh fat my num gore II to Li payable many of the playlet:le Hanka Mime hand, England, Scotland and Wain JOSHUA 11.0131 j kb* ,ii.4 ny • • F.oropean and General Fifth street; sae door Vood . t/ig PORTANT TO TOM LADLES-Cheese lair Cream, a matchless article for the Growth,' sty and Restoration of the This when once Manny will amerced. all ether art= the kind now used. When the hair Is dead, hush, thin, unhealthy, _or taming grey, a few appllentmes pl make the hair soft and dark, sod gm it a beartfol lively aKWeranea, sad will alai make it retain its haw hoe.. and dealiny color twice as lug de all the proms rations which are otly seagull),h snit madam, who ere in the W oft ins oils ma Rues hair; Mead at tinge purchase a haute el the Meese Hair Cream, as it I. sa coaposedthat it will not liner. the bar like thou otheyptemmetuna, bat will hued* it, and give perfect uttastlson eemy Inasumea For testimony to its very superior qualities, see the following laws from Real. _hlr. Caldwell, to Mews. Ilendershott b: Stretch, Nashville, O=W idgutsiket Um Western Puma .• I • Letter from the Rem R. Caldwell, pester *Ctn. rata hyalite Cigar* reteekk • Messrs lbindemitatt & fbretch-Gendemeht I Mks plums in adding soy testimony 19 favor of the excel lent ,pisparation as/Ml_,Dr. rariah's Chinese Hilt sa Gren-for about twit years ago, my hair was very dry, ldidly, and dhamed to cote. sae, bat = r pm. cured IL bottle of the Cregunoutd to the premnption, tel liar is ma" , salt, elastic sod we to the band. Many balsam sod Ws wens applied, en 'cuing sty hair In worse state than beam— This Crean, however, has Met 'my espectadons. !Ai co uncle gar the Toilet, my wife givet it Prekr. encehnrer ell others, being debtately perfumed, sad not disposed to ruddily.' Thehalite csyswially wßt Sod use Cream to be a desideratum in their prep. retzttir hi 7 iN ii7 lit . opectildly i tu dALD i vEu Dorsola Xialuale end retail, In Pittsbargkephn lil7Deermered, No. 45 Market street, endJael- r corner of Weed and RID streets • GI. NM CHINA, GLAnd h QUID:PI/MARS &TOM Na 11l Weep MDR subscribers wish to inform the public general_ Anellber are now *paints a new and lug. sum el Chine; Gigie Game...ware, .Itritatteis and Fnecy Goads, come the latest end men (untenable pair • tens of • French China plain and gold-band Dinner gets; do do " • " Tea elopittior Iron-Stone Dinner ••- blowing blue DI um patter.) , .0 levapool," &g t ariety of Tee Bets, different guild.; • • Mull Dreading* and Tea Sena - Walters-a beautiful artiele_GJueen'e Gotldci" Parlo W are, (Cornelius, ',taken t ). Glees a general Usortmen Steamboat owners end hotel proprietors me invited to catmints our essorprieat of watt gettable for their CountryMertheim ton find a large Mock Mantel. nimble for canary Wee, which we will sell et mai tamable plum - Our, stock being entirely sew,we feel whaled of be ing able to please all who rosy favor us with their elon tom. t ispDaltekvel I • GILL &GMT. 3.4 n. puITGLIPiIt;. .I[GraiE, SIGN AND s'rwtutoAr rAINTIDLS " and Gno lasiera-reniterwhing to has panting or g sang done with neatness end despatch, will please give us • call. They will find it to Mar edrulege, for. we are hilly prepared to do work es low as any h ome in Me two We eart or will do itost Na. 6 Wood great N. 11.-We wan .it to ha understood that we hare not malt the painting and gluing, as some et oar moat melee. friend. have been telling the public- generally that we were going ba retire from the branch. of our businces, We are more fully prepared to Usenet the paintlng,endslallegthan wo are Jfi were." ape ' & rintars. - Mananigabela - llorse: TalloslaoZitati; lishossakt, rAAC %VILLIA.IIIB, Draper and Tailor, begs, to in fora die alums of Pittsburgh Mid OTheD, that he snow orates at his MOM on Smiddleld street, an. der the 11110 Y. Hotel,. large and beautiful essenueeni edCloths,Cassinteres, Rados, bilk', mad other Walesa together With such miter uncles as , ere Marta for undereen's weer. His geode have been ea:entity tic keted, ,and are of the newest end most fultioasble style, rap won •esof superior' quality. nit emanates may depend apes nuttily their cloMes Outdo up in a' manner whicheienot m gratify the lute -of the meat faaidieek. • . • sehltlf ThHE Proprietor ofthisselihrt p late of mambas M as e pleure at lamming the pohlie that his estab- It. mad having been thoroughly relined end repaired, and. thetgrounds elegised? 'aiding add decorsted,'ls now open for teals accommodation, sad he Damen rum. self that Mose %who may favor him with to mitres. age will find el/ that they desire, presided in the beet style and ea reasonable term. Ha is deterinined to spare no gimlet, is making his establishment worthy of rade patemage. Ile has accommodations .for bce,rdom a fear families. led Creams, end all scarab s:tads sellable IQ the iieatun,ennetiulyon hand jetlf LEVI tlfsfin' 'A I AM rrIFIE &sheerlber ogees farat aaV r ltis entizistoek, In I. lots to snit purchasers, ee _reduced 'price.— The etgkell.r....t Manned Sara selommadyezentsive Variety,ln thaestem no w try; erottahung many ne w , rare end aril muting to part of Camellm, Japonteas, large =Vents, from 3tri 0 feet he h l i t4l di elThs fi lrf a arpe e.w n7:l ...l ll ""'' oe . : ,, , , Fl t ' r b tr , t e g '" : a t: ll , lll; The Belau list columns the most slipway and See prom • sorts grown; Plower (11Amts, a large mutely; Yam; skmbbery, shade 11'4, evergreens, ise. /Unateu. Nursery men and en, who want to decorate their pan* garden., Edam gwtsnnda. or green houses, are ,mspeetfully melted to exalitilon the collection which is • open to anntOrn, except ' wo od timdays. Conveyance by the cennaban,and greenwood ferry. Dem our nare esta lEramo":ll4l=rt F : l 4 7 ) t 'with e;, 4 t °1 .1 nuul Pittsburgh,Pted o.nll be proMptly enem a to. John Graham, a practical gurMner,i will attend to phulluqrskad• trees, Impinge( Orders left ocme. DROP,' marldttlas&ala Manchester, neat dtaherga. Taos. Ihrstse,Gsrmerly of Beatty, Wiens:as & C 0........ Omen:m.l4o. Iso. A. Balm ........ ..... Mts.wMkwt. Cots Bow Weans. BEATTY, BROTHER az pens cal Comfyisalen ElerAahant• FOR ?lir sALIC AND foRwIIRDIg OF 31tZST.VIIIS P40.1?110,... Na. ZI 7.7;ycat -- ki4clFew - 7 31 • Nom. Marius &Co, NOnters, • - Junes 11,1tiregor ,&01,5 * David Whiio & Co,Msdison, 10. Ellis& Motion. Bankers,l Nosto & Fraser, CugloulaU N'Kensie, Es_q, • _ • • N Emmy, Y4R, Zsues•i4, O. D M'Donald & Co, Wellsville,O. Reed, Puke Co,Beaver, , Gil J W l, Emil, Wheeling, Va: • - il'Claskan & Co, pi t w au v h .P.: W & 6164 m • Sestan Mod, of Heating llousas. laft. O. DEXTER, of Home, has arretmed and pa. J3ll tented a plan RR beating Omits, which has been 'successfully med in Restos, New York, de, end miter evm apped, has received the decided prefernuce over stoves, Mauer., lte: Its advantages ore— • Ist. Great regularity of tempemture. - At. Freedom mom smoke. 4th. Easily attended us and net Labia to got oat .of • order. - . , DM. Great durability., L. mdspeelfication may he seen, mid spy's . . , ins obtained, at the copper and tinware factory,of , • • WM D SCAIFtI, First febi&U between wood and market ORGAN'S COUGH SVRUP—It proved to be: the .IXL great Panacea in caring my cluld's dutressang eoug Flom the Tonieraitia B.11111s; Nov 31547. Caron want.—We are not the habit at porting, =clams taking patent a:whence, but are feel disposed torecommend Syrup mthoss who am Millet ed with a cough. After having,sned the mre ud am dice to remove a constant and - histressing mugh, that bad for *event deys afflicted one of our children, with.' oat me tr• were induced to try Morgan's cough L aren, and by It relief mu obtained mAfew hours. lit proved to be the panacea in this case Mims*, impend wholesale and mail try the proprietor, • JOHN D MORGAN, Druggist, (67 • • • st, 1 door below diamond el ley. .EU A Ottoll' go_ to Om World. - • fI .I IW - ENTY.FIVE DD 4LAIDI *Ube paid to anyone who will prodnee w ith voter paint, green or dry, that cannot be extracted w lloit's Improved Chemical Soap. I have thetratisfaction isaying to the people or dd. Plato, Ihrit Pits article, by say own naprovement it, now stands unrivalledia Una rountrY for eXtroetbra Efearty tar, pitch, oil, paint, or, ooy other glean nth. stenos, nom all kinds ofgentlenteu l s or ladies.< Wang, cupets,bable 'chats, merino ladies , bonnets, kf ttrinoitt &defied anything that ptue water will cat Mete' Wan One khousand persons al-different pant of she . country hare told me they would at be without it; if it cost one dollar per cake. In kerma this 'SoaP Da Imre than MO articles of light Atka. sauna, *- nacres. and calicoes, I have only felted three pieces of, nth, two of alpacco, and four of calico, on which it changed the colon thereinto before patting it on a light dreg try a es:saki a( the dons ant I state this bemoans I am determined not to seconunend it any summe l r th e. an I ;Snow to he ante,' true. N 1.1 Prwel ISi eta per cake. Bold, wholemle and retail by ' lk E scux.fts, - : 57 Owed at PEACEI — P'EXCEI I acw a irtrr IN EMIlf mantEws uovesTEAD, /VIE undersigned hita long been muriineed. or the neecosity fur mum medwine adapted to the am of Children and talents to aupereede the weof all those medicines which contain omens, and has at length sae. caided in preparing and_ olfenng to the pa - blic elite fully answering every pope. for dime.. of the bowels, without the.osof that deleterious drug, or eat other calculaledlo injure in We lead.. The PIMA PIAI4 "SONOMA been 'illity-Itltte 6l and tried, We opt twelve Months; by numerous perscitheard found to possesa all the extraordinary virtues, width produce thaarion. lAing edeeta asset forth on the toll of. direethms. Di- Ica. Vomiting, Choke, Oripir6. paius,Siekues. mid Discos. 'arising from 1 salines, acting immediately ithout 'dims:obit:lg any of the functions oft he body, Producing the' happiest, cad most pleasant transition frau Willem pain to n tranquil and joyous state of feel. in in the bide sufferer. . TI, be had wholemde and retail, of the Proprietor; Dr. .JOILN SAIMAA% Druggist and Apothecary;' John alltehell, Whoa A. lleckham, nod most other Druggists n Alleghenpand Pittaburgtr. deel3 sELLLIVS COUGH SYRUP.—It has power to aural. 'Prrosscooa, Feb. R. El Sosissa.—M9 wife has for years beret to a distresang cough., acemormudint with ' for the more of which she osed dtdcreut cough materna, and had the advice of the most eminent physicians in Eristand, bat all wan lly abuse' I heard at your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy a tattle Wr trial, although f joul no belief .that anything reaors he complaint. To my Sh e attwo • doses gage h ex amnia:Liam ndieE ds at umes 'troubled "nth a cough, but two leasfrsorwral of Syrup always slops it. lam satisfied, after a trial of three or loulyeary that Seller's Cough Syruplath( - best cough , malleine I hare aver tried either lola Old or ties; World. - Wei.-Fstanocator. • • Povetab Wank city of Pittsburgh. 'lla shave certigeate should Enlace YR 'who aft troubled with cough or init.., to glee the SyrupO wt. al. -It may be had for i* eats R a bade, at the dreg . stows Zl„ ak etril tff 11)1.: itins Tb lE = — or - iferee;c l Tn ao•—'" oed mon fultionable FAIMIIII.M. I2OI lad cobs-. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, et BOSTON BLI I ND, oe her.' armada to order of au srses, and at Eoeutr7 Modulate and caw are invited to call ea ermine the above for thererell`ry LS an will be rola ...Wk.]. or retell, eed liberal &Weeded made to wham& perehseere. • A WESTERVELT • . .. „ ULOBIS. . :.- . . f ORINOId TEBRAPTIAL 014H3L9,, eontaisdog CI .i.J Il• IBM dhooorsiee.. end Owdoool , sioo the tracks of We sod oelaboeted eiroolosolgabors. Cow yardliverthedlee an lttabe, .11k odititimas oo loapronaresbyAmaist. Probed by Rome!! Pak. 1:01.1110111 CELTsrut., IlMoootobobq ad Ow heron ourd Compiled Poet the vex% of loyll==iy i ro i tte Cal.. tose= re Mo= W _ t ootl Soddy of Looks, los., fie... Wpm, Saab's Dire Poi • Ohba. , • . kind= it &gobbet homiest oteekred a Pm pods of the &bole oiseoto folkned 1; par 1.2 -ft la amour, . • 11 4 y l 0 11 " . • 0 .; 4 11 • "smfilobed . - ~ , . AsectiosTtraoick,azdJourtal •• , • dol l DR TDWISIMOTOS SA.RSAPARILLA. - -dp dozen jun received of Dr. Townsend`, Stniparala, the most 'extraordinary mediehm in the world: This Ex o act Is pat up in queribonlea It six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted emperor to -any sold. It ame diseimuMthout.voralsing, parsing, sickening or debilitming the patient' Loon or, rotrrertrosa—Unprincipled persons hare popped our Labels,. and pet up medicine PI the sane shemolbonle. See that rack bottle has the'vrtitten imp nature of S. R. Townsend. • IL E. SELLERS, Dragem, 67 Wood street, between Third and Roark, la Di:Tvarnmeta'sr only wholesale and 'mind agent - for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine 'article ear, be bad. .--• D. M. Corry has been nppointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of wham the genuine article can Co 4 4 • • itao d m7 Of it is . tireir . [rather bto TZ, go. gill polies K to all remain of ths Wad; malacca my bole beth Wood to by other cepenOOrio i tey b rato r zt , ItrokrZy lxea .way := i ro.rie a: pathos bstoom_lby Ow proprietor., obi Woe Warped to the um of UMW' Urecnroasx se • rowdy dal has one, Wed to Math them, tad oloch , probthly ram bot Oa oval arrestieg . poltoroary Propula all , by Dr U. Ityne, rbithdelphte, sod mold do. ALEX. JAYDIM. Trelgliott ' 71. blierth al Dom, Y•&.NIUKE88011, • Witeefacturan or ' AWNINGS, SIGNING BOTTUMS,, •• WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN GAGS . or ALL GrAcitirtioit '-' • %0. alit Natalia Wrest Back of 7 A. IltileoleiCabblet Ware Manufy • PIIII.ADELPIIIALs ALL otden left with S. tl. Mom at the Atka of the Merchants 'lota], Pittsburgh: will Awaited to. , THOS. G. DENNY &TGWU,' - A. G. ' ORIGINAL 030LIVAII /BRICKS: MILYEHIENGEDiuIar b s. tin atrial of one and a half MI minima, mince I mamma this aniele UMW, psased for durability id e coastructioirot all kinds of, Femmes. Pfiee 1C0,73 cash for loads ale JO, pare mimed aim months use. Orders for .second viably Wiest Briars will be atecated at IMO per if wide , sired, 'without imam:ace. A stock of the first quelity Is now formate at the warehouse, 'Sloan's Wharf,' CA. nal Basin, by J SHAW MACLAREN, Kensington Moo Works JlaaTfl;',l3ll/lIR TONlC.—Atter in this article trial,m• tuthesitalinaly pronounce ot Lobe whet it peal. en—ahe best artkle, without soky eseeptiotOo um, corals restoration and promation of the bane. haw. %% . • know' of neontohns Lames whet* heir has been /clawed to head. ' dm, b.,. hen tall for pars; aad we dank we cannot de t treater fano than to noasantroa to all oar readers who ail loan their halr,to oaken Intl of this Twin isantediatel7 Vas kin' litUbarili thal!sakin Ten Swee t N 0.71 Furtinat•et. near' ' tastankssT §UNDUIP:I;-130 bags pnthißio Corea; 130 bbla N Madam% 73 boar mandadarcil tobacco; MI bag c eau green avid black waxi7s G and 131 b i s YII and P do4l7llo.boxes German day; la casks aalcra tax; lO do: ponuly together with a genellli aaaorl meabol groceries, to store and for ado blayly • • • • CARBON MCKNIUHT,thIt at. t . HAVANNA CIUMIE-100,00I) impolled clam. di the eelebrpied pad to orrim costaLitioir of, Ceves,Aubledadadi WisshiAroo regallaiq }Lapidas, 'Do...Amigos, do Falter, Lowhill u t . m u ti • q,ord Brim 2,7411:1, pnitelpes, lies= boat Villein,Sylvia.. d0iLa1.4,Ader....1.; do do oral4,is rahan, Lasailores,, hafie_pnisel cot sale by .• - Yl. pes, . tt • r .b 7 . eoiStalthGold & Goat WI U•IRVII/Yri tilltilljaitA—==e47.ll2 'lomr naetaT Vo'rrkSg=pletAbra=eftpLZ. kin ZIAVAlabk grOCKTON, comer market arulad sur-. . POILiThEAII HOLT& 1)011TABLIC FOILISIEti—A vary elmitaleax Ertl* :Dellors sad tit the toga lun be carried by the kat. Mei by tiro men, 4 , figgr sal li ai, .41 _ _ ~.. ~:~~. bEoInL .: ••• C: r 11 , 1 2. 5 .4 IIIIILPTIONe • tsadtma, Bronchi pinda=lain In the Ikea Ind Barest,Sera Palpitated 011ie Heart, Wboopia&Com& . Cronp, - . l ftwos Dye Sarteraets COmpeand Syrup CLm, Ili. mild and pleastutt to the Mete, ptirfeetlY mkt mad renlesa in It...aerations, end yet am one of the bort twerful and certain remedies tor eftesmptiatt:nf the iss, Coughs, Colds, Amin* Spirting Li or Complaint, Pew; the Side or Breast, and general Debility of the Contution, that ami th ever invented by the sk of um the t here o f lif of the afflicted public. • Certificates. and mideeces f its raraderfal curative , mem are dinlyreceived front all quarters. :It is its. 'pomade to conceive the eggragaus of by maims. ersdLat has beenltered or by 0 00 , _ OO . are emulate ther m mense benefit tilt:imbed accrue nom It hereafter. All ages, -eases, end emaitationa are alike affected by it, and the disease is eradicated fr6in, the sit: of repaired, and - health , ret toted the Ma of Do. Strom% Ceremony Srercr With Dow many sufferers do we daily be•J hold appromhingto an untimely grave, wrested, ta Me" bloom of youth. from their relatives and friends. *OM etl path that fetid malady, coNstrurribN; which wastes the miserable sufferer until he u beyond 'the power of bum* akin. If melt mffeieri woultordy make atrial of Dt. tirsaytte`s Compouid Syrup, of Wild Cherry, they . . would find themselve e sooner italics than by gulping the various ineffective remedies oath which our Wong Mound; lids 'Vegetable Ithemo dyi heals the ulcerated In mopping prelim night *ram, at thalami, thne'indns n natural and healthy expectoration, and the patient rail stria find himself In thee moyment of comfintable heal th public should. bear It, mind that Dr.Swayne mut. practising_ physician, and has bad years of eXperimee lir diseases of the Lungs, Chest, &a The on Mel o.l7llg.ko ine article Is only prepared DR. SWAYNF, N w cor. ner of Eighth midßace eneetsatikadelplita. - - . - ANOTHER DOSIE CERTIFICATE. , • Oral! the cares that ha. erg, been racordedsao lady say the annals of medicate CILIMOI formal OM to mamas. tido, rauch new stands as a: living proof of the curability of cousummion, even when lit e had been despaired oL Dr. Swayne's Compound Brea of Wild Cherry in th e is silk professes to be the , greatest -medicine known world. • - . • The Due Riches o f f a , - Da. Swarms—Dear Sir lor tae good orate fee/ myself in duty hound to 'testify to • the greet cure which lout Compound Syron of R ild Cherry pellet's. -ed on me.. For my part, I feel as if every body otilY , to know it. I was indicted with &violent cough, amt. Ong of blood, night sweats, hoarseness, end woad( the voice indicating au alarming mu cat, the disease my appetite was gone, and my sirengthhad to far the ed me that my..triendsend physthiaa arena perstudedl could Dot manna mug daye.. , ldyaisteroeho was my sraiotts carotakeromedentmiry.where oho would be likely W procure the most certain relief. She was told that If Dr. Sample's Compound Syrup of-Wdd Cherry ; failol in the exam uty lite Lam. then 'hmeleaa. Tom medicine was maidistely procured, sod the first bot tle gave relief, and by the tuned had commeneed the Math bottle. my cough had left me anduiy strength was I much mmroVed. In short,. it has made. a perfect me lamb, f end! am at this present time u betrays mart as lamb, and have gad reason to be eme lieve that tee urea r un bunti li pqrastrini ed v e t re . 1= M f- R r " ' d Id chaster .pr re lON ie v ti.n 0 17 ,, ts,. ' Conentripihres, Bead: Retard Dr..Sernynets Ctimpbend Syrup of Wild Cherry. • ; • "In about the yam isit, I fowl it necessary L in My professional practice; to earepound a medleitud arbiter. alien fit diseases of the chest and Imp, pavements more powerful kmiliegroPerties than any other hills. Otto known Tor such diseases: In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF 11W.D , CLLERHY, 1 lime been very sac earful The 4 - My astonishing cures effected by my mediethe soon spread its fame übterid; for hoses awe °Hueneme to manufactured newspaper pars m for ged certificates—the real 'Mamie meats of my tem. Faded is the only cause elitepopularity. Ita celestine sale coon excited the envy oftertain immolators intim afflictions of his fellow creatures, so ranch.* that In a fete years from the time that my prep _malice wakintro• doted to t h e public and in great ,emend • (tiro in this city, fading that my preparation had salve:l'a high repanstred for its <unitive- properties, came out with what they called Dr. Wistera Selma of Wild Chary: The respectable and popular physician baillto More to do with the artie le thm poor Sant Patch. • The name of Dr 'Wieser is numbed to make it !wear that this.. Went practitioner was the original inventor of the Pre. , paratrim toeb le not the fiv. The above•firnrobe re. al' imager, sold the recipe and right to manafactare to some patent medkide dealers in Cincinnati the the West and South, and another in New York (or the Easy who afterwards, it is assernal,aold out to a drunTried m Denton—so the number attends it may have changed ism enigma. • lo some pima they assert it emanated frees a pig: skim In Philidelplum in others, aroma physician - la Almeachaseux.. So it falselmod :And. Mammal stamped ht every feature. , : • There have been 'a number of other prepaid:WM alit , porting to contain Wild Chem pot out fence, fn. the hmdiof inexperience, Which the public should guard . against, as they eonlain none oldie virtues of the orig.' ml and only genuine preparation, which bears the sig nature of. Dr, Bwayan oa each bottle: The poMent aunefacturers of then puffs and Ilse eartificateshum the daringeffmteey to caution the public egairempur chnsing my medicine, the Mily truly maniac lutdorigi:, nal preparation of NVild Cherry before the Public, which is proved satiethetorilr by the Italie , records ,or the Commonwealth of Peausylmnia, as well as sari- 1 one other Mond documuu. • Dl. SWATHE, Inventor and sole Proprie ter of the genuine Com mud Syrup of Whild Cherry, earner of 'Eighth and lime streets, Philadelphia - - Pamphlets can be °Method gale, setting forth.* array of tratunony thatwill couleur., the mast skepti cal °Me erondenbl virtues of Ur Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wdd Cherry. 'Cad and get one, that all may read. Purchase the medicine, and ea mama Fur wile; wbolemle and retell. by the Agents. WI! THORN, Si Market et, OGDF.N & sNCP.VDEW ; COVIIEC Wood a d Liberty eta S JUNES, 100 Liberty lt A PAIINDSTOCK. h. Co, corner of First ars.l Weed and SUM and Wood; mid /DUN. MITCHELL, ' uesholy city. • ' -- - Great English Itentiedgel von Conchs, Colds, Asthma and Consacquion! The X' GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for th e comet the above &senses, is 'the IfUNGARIAN - BALSAM OF Lill; discovered by therre tainted Be Boehm; of Loudon, England. and inuolliced into the Unitedthates muter the immediate superinteuttence of the ilyVeolol*. extraordinary success of as cure of Pulmonary thwases,,warrants the AmeriOuf Agentin soliciting fork eement dos unmet possible 'm .o. Om% ran be found u 1 tha community cases theseek, relief in valn'thm Mit or thermattioa remedies of the day, and have beep some up by the neat dial= su physicians reaafinned and incurable. .21sa an Balsam hos cured, andiGll =faith moo demeraie of caw. It ia no quack neerne, ben atamlaM Reg. lishithdiciue of known and established afficaey. • Every family in the United duties Mould be sapplied with Mach.% Hungarian athSLIII of Life, not ouly counteract the conctunpure tendencies of the, climate, bin to be Meil as a preventive mothing in el - eases 'of ,coide,"conghs, 'spitting 'of blood; gee' in the aide and dhest, It-motion and sotenesa of the .loop, ifficulty of broiling, hectic fever, ni,ght woes, ettuteL alien and general debility, as th ma; influenza, whooping tough end croup. bold io large bottles, at SI per battle, with fall dike: thins for the =emotion of health. • • . Pamplifits,•contoinlng an:auto( Engliah and Atoni can- ecracers, and other•mithince, shearing the tea equal led memo of this gteatthiglish Remedy, may be obtained of the Armile=lllgt • - • • Fqr sale by SAP K k. Co., earth: of st and Wood and Wood and eth um • meal. I:3=l= Na Ida We Lase ban informed by Itose of acme per- Oneted on her by Lai -Jane'* Illterwitlvessrhieb prove* its 'saperiority over every other reined) of the kind. Ea has bad afflicted for the lan sixteen years ,with Br hICIPMES or WHITE SWELLINUS, attended with aleerations 'enfoliation of various bones, dtt• ring which time many pieeeshave been discharged from the licand lam or the cranial.; from Walther ewes, wrists and bads, and Iran both , legs, and Han the, left' femoral bone, ad from the right knee, besides paintal nkers on *Ober pant of ber person, which have haled the skill ot a maks trate mehemmeotphyaicione of 'ear eitv.—datng MO OF the time her antennas have been eventnwpg and deplorable. About throe months Since she was ordered to try Dr.Joynete-ditentrise, which has hod e 0 astooishingly hspplveireet upon her, ir re rem sta;v h ist e g e, all and easing Hus sumo o a we betoast health has became completely restere so thus she liat weighs as Ibs wore than she did betels she coetter_need the sae of this truly . alembic prepauon:--Inat. live. Post: , Pot father intonnanon, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No: 7."4 Alan icy Philadelphia. For ale in Pittsburgh, at the PEEIN TEA STOILEi Ld Fartit at near Wood.. • jys CkLOFULA SEttLlFt/LOUS SWELL. iNGS.—Scrolula in Milts multiplied forme whether in that of Ring'. Evil enlargements .1 - the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Caroms Itbeumatiam, Causer, dieeSies of the Skin or Spins, or of Pulmonary . Coostuiption, - emanate from one and the same cause, whieh,is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in *shaman system. There. lbnit,hitilcas this principle fan be destrojedino cal cure can be etlectcd, bat if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure mist el necessity follow, no matter under what lona the disease should MalllicsenUelf . This, therefore is thwittasoe Why 4,LTSBATI VI. is en talli successlni in removing so many. malignant diiesses. It destroys' the virus or principle nom whims those diseases have their origin, by entering into the circulatio n , and with the blood is pin-Soled to'. We minutest linty; removing every particle of dine= from the 'system. Prepared and sold St No. 8 South Third Street,.Thiladelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 78 Fourth West. Pittsburgh • mcb3l. ADICS Whollre COMM. Prepared chalk;. are /.4oft not aware how Inghtfully tenewnes 't. is to the akin! en bowel:mran t how rough, how sallow, yellow ; and unhealthy the skm appear. alter nateg prepared . chalk! Ilesides it is I ajar:ens, einnaitiinaa twee am tuft diced. ..We have prepared. a Waimea at:getable article, which we dell JONES'S SPANISH LIEN WIIITO It is perfectlyunixant,beinigpa ri fied It it 'deleterious quieter, tad impart, te the shirk a nate tell, healthy, alabasteriewat, living while, attic snor e nate men% as a cement! on 'the akin! making 119011 and Ur. Jame Antietam', Prne!itial Chemist of Maize . • , . ihowetta: any= ,I`,Aftet analyalogJoneeNtilpaulah Lilly White, l find it pOilleliitll the moat imaatifil nod nob• rat, at the Komi: 'time - innocent mhite l ever elan. L certainly can conaciestomMly meow/dead Ito eon Mall. 'otiose akin reqaitos beautify WI.. 1' - [Sold cents• box.. Llortlold by .XV M.JACLSON, at ti Btiot and Shea' Ito ,,, m_ t r_Libertrauxet, head of Wood, at Me ata r t ., ot • lathy ladies, Pm usidnieliert. • When you know that you are promised , A naturul,; snowy wblue ' That you will still pse tommou ehalk, I -.dud look deuthly yellow Aright, • . 'The We of, tumbler and of talk. . .• -11 yOsi would usu a box or JCIZItra tallyrwhite, it vrorrulrive your skin an alabaster yet amoral white. and at the. same tine clear sad improve ' Sold at AVICSON bd, ldberty 11. Price 23 eems par box. !L, , . • ~ 4 , APE11.• WAREHOUSE...* isc49 nuiteast; map; Nioar OREL. i FlRLD . ,otfere for sale it; the lomat .Manufacturers' poem., a very CII.SiVO meotoPPAPEIr, comprising every poetible variety adopted toile vrvo L. or m seettoit of the' k '"- mr of all kiodo made to order At abort cooittrin " Ig.ahek i. , RI PAklit le Tuteually low Or, 05 . 17 desesitmlent,impotled. sod Yent constantly nu hats—prat Feltulgai Wire aoth, rowdrieice , Wires, I.lleaeltihg Polrdek,Ulne 11.11tratnatineawine,etedge beeithr,lllale Rope, /limn e. , plirOiiied, for which the highest yet. to Cash Will Imi PaleiK 'MY - ' • Nese Yost. JeIYJIM: .3 I ;1 4 .: Jona. , Italian Chemical Soap.'' kipda of entpliOna and dhenera of the Skin; haedu Ylnipler,Blotehes,Sult rOail b .h.frd or e ,, tk. 41 dkiti;arul for all o th er item. nes, 6 a kin, climb requited/dental Yamaha', this .hoati idaude unrivalled. It olio dhipels Pteekres, bum; Alorphe tr, Tun, And chanter Ilia color or dark felloti, or dhilicared akin, to a One, healthy, paddle r ehlarDese. A huh, amply, warranted immune, and thr Yale at theiredueal Wine 01275 per cake. traxisan Leta °demi for rah by 11 A FA CO.,Orrnier la and wood and atm talltatoraer td"sirah gttit l it BOAT 000 K It v O st BTO ,V v its . iilo# Int 41 Ohm= aorta A rot T. .: " . • • . ~hC '. yi.,~., `I) wl f `l.p. t V dc; F- pammut. Stawiestasataw. a• • , also** WE. beat acialothaelea the elowaiagewrol**WWW : ;hal** oho orarelicalallall. tabs. - eve gi srlitt amp b and the tewitsadiewah mein adls*, .• ' :LRAM wewain. dui Wet the .. water, on mid. will sarerch , sad !wh a rms een • paws; wowoskanWadheue aessaa. ••• ohs *dia. - leresja_adliewas twat ia the rosilkotaa we • puska soootletWC*lfturrwtettiothe Watt. Itstmota outrisalledia a pleasam, wine-ice* ceaseatal, asid: r.; , :tentrilicio warnautd . ,wettauthes , thaw*, pence it. rekiaiii6. Yeataseibetattsr paw cat ,as lecallialaooo—Wevotat tha: Mahseha,: wicastheathe rotasiaa4 prey 60611MACIE1111 awata*PhYwelaahazei ate clergy ceeartwai is a -,•- aceilatuaaperierto away alas et the tied ia wet— A* for Siumaan'sOnwpoand Ore* Mew* l'aetet mad ?Yowl. hi. Kaman* mulched* is* pa •• • , fteetassaisiediar Dr..ewaloo,23lBeasalcaoolaw' , ba•best , Deatiste,aat by wan* the •old - essaolisicet isms iha tiolual States, sae eyes autwavery and • by the Nobility o llasSatel atalFwo we. ....• •• • huge proponlostor thealilio:ssea batsitetautakied wise ilata *one derangement of tht • loeuebor • which at Wats Aso 'of the Mae ue Lozenge= . entirely anima •Yencattat billow habits sialaistaio ways base a box at ha*, taut tato a dose whomever they (edam leshe 4Wahiesocat totheiraeal*. • /Oath.' elbow moor, these Lotoctia!wesid prase* *mamas otaasea; • • —• . • • Eden* at Wai. JACESOCCS,..wwwe ay Wood and' A' 01/ESICYEE, Polkaed by the eogleateed wily tea flats/ amaree Lbw rai, prepared end rob/ by Id E lEls, •-• , MOUII'WACTOZT, I6O6 ar 66 I 6I •66 CO, F 6, / .. • puy 11th,150. _ b . I • Mr. R. Z. Selfers,--A mem of defy tepeameitheelleesei ~, ( a w es ,. teed/ fey hatable teettrwey la Boer ofrerjesily , 3 celebrated Liter Palk. I hem deterred tang ea far yers,l , athematic Amy Crockett% ems* gel we yet an etlet,l. ' thie ye alleed.ol Meet of the way repeaters stemmetn • '4 year=l " be l l 'h orrett7Xrperlie,rar= I believe they will ...mire them all,” es tkey We pet eras/ , i j oh nelreent them it ha. I law lob armed wth Liver t frees yank; hen arffered sleek allayed ' ming wane* ph to flow /paid web amen; hem bit mach Mewl; mentedosi yereeked %league Ilmeh; 100/id swe 6 taw, end ftlly ins up ea imentlebt. la. lEXs•7lems iadeord le tartar Lir Pinson/ ISOON ifletly WELL Owl= of ankh own/ le keep =elm A r Oman in the side, sad Oahe ereptems, tat at least 12 meths. Your Pelts are !later "cellareelerediek belrisetStqad ce ram Masa et the Ma see, Two me meth eclat Here kept them in my More for s . 7 patN aid katellede of beam, sed hem um', % 6.4 • deal eamplaiet Wesel Ire they we who la . They Imre sayereeded Wei emeyetber lel in this "smile a Mort l ea. will beside thee. al. / , nemomed Ws e ati perm. mein phpie, art Lira Cemplaint or Balliese 41Retime. leerdrier themirseparier to Clekesal tribe Bleetfill. areptet- ! - M O:MHZ-de there are other - PM. halm the = Cause Linritlaremote r efermmatha GENUINE aell Cur and blew etbar Urn thew prepared mei mid by a Y. OSELI.I/10,51e M Weedat trews Tbird and Youth > tardy Dt.C "" l r ilfth W. ". D /1 Cyrir f "O . " ..... at yor the into, ewe. ' ' ,r) M of ealier the ' '.. ns ra gß i ttst=tl Alletinet7 % hey CO the verY liberal support and enwaragement he I he. receired.lllol tic last sizsalmtha. That the We ; ter 411111 should acquire each celebrity; is neither • n ar ' ettnrlif 'Y esteaW l eg 'i r s te ' tyOr 'i ptr! = *we, had elponle,ltave been cured by a lerticioul me - 1 efit. la Gammen-where it ormatated, 1a" , 46066666 . lathe Worst cum, that were (teensy by the . mast sta r fel plummets of Earepe as mentsble, wets cared 65 , the namonel Pneeneta the founder oldie Water elms In Englead, Renee awl America Mousenda of hope.. , - lets eases hare bees cured by an and the unman*, . .- 11ydropedue establishment. now In sursemfal epees. lam in the IJultud States, speak volumes% fiver of the , . Mona hour ng permancully established liamelf , inihe coy of Pinabargb, three doom southwest Ole. ' ws alley, on Penn street, Is now mewed to take a n t ee' of boirdbeers andeg term them at kis house, l LA , who prefer t vestal their own drrellol be punetnally .adfaithfully at attended. llama be t consulted et his oleo frees i oklack till 3 P. M., en& from 7 to 10 in the cr . esung. , i 4Ln , z Elly th =t bath. ma& ..,!: i t , veined et Ea' drhenaum, on Labe area g r e ry street, where they ‘,. ' here hero recently erected for the impress use of Hp . dmmathic he polite where every attendee will be - . ,given %the polite and attentive proprieton. ' , Xthi.JAYAINIS OAII.IIIIDIATIIIrg .I. 4 u!LObl i t t ßaidf , lCAN, a wei g l== , • made= bow:bees ath aat ieted daring tlusparl• arinter aria • dthemeaftha.suirmaussmadoms pm. ' ilacing great pony In Lila inasnath cot tuna, Ivrea/Warr • veltbein intennisiian,and .after halms tried cartons rethethes adactiress faraisied wftb r a' bottle' o c fA c i , ) Jaynespanniature Balsam - TIMM used yrto the threelthan, and found invariably that ant modicum tanned the path to abate in Wee or 6.r Wet :ate., and in Clem or twenty minutes every' mew actuation maienthely attleterL - • 'Me medththe wasa. i tenrardeasetyrbenever 'Minnie:o6f the appreitelfor psinveclepereeired, and the pate an thereby prevent. • -ed. matunted to are the medicine every siemens sat sometimes in the. rooridnx„ and in a law. vieeta health:fa - so far rasmek that the nee thr uru to edlima a large impala of oppres . sive paln.- nobs ex mig=refor n ele . ell confi•.. arm . 7.lll na recon=d i D n ; Lidtheases ofthestomach and ilosre ' lll. in/101161D Fee sale in LPithibst . iith at..the 1 . 120 N TEL X : ' 7Y: Fenn!. threes, near Wand; 'nod also at theDrux • • u t e,, ais r KOWARTZ. Fade ed Street. Ailatoo.Y ihNIL 0. E:8113L11Y —Dear Sit: Last Solar, sod do.. nng am previous winter, Lass severely_allteted / wtth serofolotta;eastmleird in tny legh moths& law* cOfaetne treetalm ander the ewe of said toy' ase was 14101)4t iiromble,•endthey amid do 4.14 little for me. L was neatly belpleeN bat with, the mit of emtchea could with dliftenhy get eboaL Uhler. .lan, I pnrelowed Of. you, atel commenced ealstrßlar ElsalarsentE ' the tow of two bean,' the so , . commenced healmg . and I Ltd Ode my emelt.- es, ming may evane,". I . wait my cene, and at the end of the (mirth, WM KO warm to waist ell day • li r eltentioit abacrp.. •..ln all, 1 toed Ave bottles... The actotbla andeores have alt heeled Viand eines last 4 " hummer haw, we no newaranee of the Mama, tea --• • hive continued,andam new,. lathe atearperfoethaalo4l-_ , irate with: eonidente, hopingthat abets may bob= T in; the autte.way, th at the SIMIIPAIig Waal, - y ;IMF been the weans and the o••otearts of dressy. .CORN IJB7 ROSE .t.n the ewe:: - Okla • • • • ILA. F E -- co& (meat P wood sti, & oleo owner weed &Mhos ; , • ,Ititte h re 7 cariat r uad Syrup' dr Tar said .I",Tor.f=liW...d Cd all 11 1 1 : r=ea SP 2 . 1 ;the aroma tending to OIYAILYCONSIMPTIOZ.L-L'l birttl;= " lsat m l= d°, I.ll "a ,: r iP have indneed the proprietors to az the price canta yet. bottle, thus plaster it withia the melt'. of aIL • Itin family &mad be million; or ever wil4 whets they bare • mega seenand apprecomed its almost lowantantwys le. • . tiOn is dieter° ad.:sooot eemplabas. Contatao . emhenti or narcotic thirobettm, notLhe aliginea . des• • E .. • trey of inernarmasnee =levy froalia.part.. Cblldree.•: aulferlng from croup wed whooping .631{ei tote „ with end. find intowdate relief, no meaterhow: violent the paroxysm, firm= secording to directions For sale by storeacepers yertenaly,' in Vas and • id. Joining counties, and wholeatie and retail by OW yrietont. T tB3 R , be lo w . 181 N Second st, below L11121114-,RICILWOMILELY--, • -• t"Cream de , Amanda Amara', for ahivirtfi • Cream •la Itese,lor sawdust " • Bane ,on Porcelain sand; k-r • . 1 "V wrrab.PDeffic.,erl wall Lavender, itOr'; = Mrtar-t Pea'ar patuunr _ Emtossed leuee.bares, tot avant extmets (*one haanketehtellataecar rat,and numt . 0 95 ,0 "'" able for presents. .' . retsina, or,Chireme poarderr', • Inanut vegetable Aatr W.., • ' • Ucar's all, In Way oreommonerrappets, (Mud Malik ono' &earn NumpliSoap; 4:e. bp atm. • Shen rear, Soda soap; taper, mkt • great nariati WO= perfumery: AU raceme; for sale Ur, ' . XFAILINTOCK &CO 'Met • aorta & wo6d - • . . MESSIL9... MED 'h. 7 -1". Owl It • den)! ~... „tyA 0.3.10 try. fellow creatures, to slate .somewn • owe 'respecting your Vegetable, ralmoast72lalsans.-, &deo I first used tbaßab elmdl 0. 111, 7" l " , c lfe; ' , thd O h ' ell ta a gi:l_ , Wo 4 ::ll3 l 7l6l ' ?1! . :1=111 WiT lungs, 0. a kW ewes' dem and In every issesneta ' harass . l tbeßakiam alma with complete and pesteet success It has erected relief and care in • serf We days, lt is certainly a safe, molicka IdO not.osif lb., n ease t fixed . ' bat I believe 'it - will be is many eases a p se, and - pomades kW. Letter than eare;tdo =foe the lose of= the me of this le ow elllte=comelabeta ." 1 .01 confident that , it . .has becnlllos moos ofsteeerstovey . lik MAL. day: , • flacon .Tupe BEN3AMIN PARSONS ' Foe iseleiby A Falmeskyck, & Co, macs kit and ' , Waal MIA also comes wood end Mb. isl• • ' 'Patina Bleck Spatial Tama. - '• N wi l i t t it y lm E t r fultakri r .7l4 ., = . : The Ulterior claimed thoi t 'frasseotiiiattO War miaa. aaratimmua with wkkit it may be worn. Tea paiaf maxi b r ally balanced on sprtoga,riiMa wpm*. ' swoon y part of and thonmeily aftptatamtfaii. lay am meat made by we. water. -It can be !tam baba( eteemiesiOn, bati• care is elfeeted,7The achborsibara Etude arrabgbakenu fer.tbedabb/ddlim et itioao:valnabliTrasiewm • wperaeoyl t 01404 ,1 Iballbibtad hive them raw Warta at tacit WY , IN. , 11 1 ...afield at. bear /liith latbeept. letD. W. KA.UPtilAbl. . ELLEItnI VlatldlELlGE—oSupenor to any . ever nsed.” • • • . • . eastovrr.,. Fayette eoSollr.l 41 ' 'Mr. ft,. E. Smini4-1 hereby-coot* your Vermilbge fix my family, and believe Orval, not ommior b .41 have ever wed. 1 sails Moneot; uty. children one deeteovhiekespOhodvtbout 8b moms: ••• • - - • Prtpatid annj imIJ by RE SELLYIBB,•IO Wood; Sold by Dr commel, bdi.Wald.i /3 CIJITYA II2 O 2 iin. W J eimly, •Tt ood Law.. giftlriaas—Attujons# l 3 l. zec'd . aodfor — sil • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE'f, % , k.%V623t1... e di giitAx.exis Itribtiass r ad d. , «dusk, Pak falics. •IlLA'r11:13 011 V -411:11i141ZT111/1010. , 000 knaertmOu of 12.1insO, Of Irsi - p bo Two ineettions witttoutalterotikpr, ..... 9 75 Throo "' ", - 100 One Week 160 ' Twd Wookn " . .. . ao alree - „.. ... .. 3 CO' One Mouth' " .. 4' CO . 1 Two . 6 W.' Threw • .. 6O, ID" LOnger advent:pen...Ms io flow f'oP"Poi• - !Jon equaTo,6 mouths, wi1h00t,..1icau00,....( 6) ,. -- 5.170 , Tkoloolditionanl Inoue for 6 wootOn, 00 00- Ono eq22,11, 1 6 months, rea " mablu'at pleasue, 151X1 • " " 2 - 00' tad, oAditionalosiaretot 12 months ' ' • it,,to , Two - aq,22m,6 mentl,l;regmbleat pleasure; 20- Each 2,litionalsq2 2 rl4 6 1 8 5". I , " (2.2 • IVICLICZT 131 amorizioarmr minx- Oaesquasn;linaitacm • It hp% each additional „XI f. ° S eas jou;dads vrtekly. 10'0L1 ou . . rot „wstitzin For .b:0 lines, or iszi, One insertion,. .. ; . Three,- • " C Tee mooths 5 . 66 4- • Oei49'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers