. . . ~• .... ;t3PNeLAPIIA,II.&Co,‘-llide and Leather Deg ' '' ' , ...' ,Co - . Ptllasialphia. •••- .. • In ! b2 7 l 'i F= LeTick lig. . . I • Lewin. manta of Iffegtem Leo . ther sOlkiink and lib • era] advantell made, If required.. . febUdeta ' • . _ ___ MESE • • : , .;-,.,.::.:;:,- - E„iT.;:* .";1:": , ,:-.:5'.' ~-;',.:-:.;.:.:,,:e:. MEER .10iIN O. MORGAN, Whofi'mde Drokric.,'Arld &M- T in Dye &offs, PlinlorlAte, VarniAT, ,Ao., No. 03 %Vocid.otrect, oar door Scorili of Ltiolaoodlley, 1051.341 401tJUON 80:1, Copunisalen- boa Fnr- U • Meratukaus Na ltl I.AberkT.ak, limitlakklak,)Saratkon'a Ham , • ja: TOLLN L. LAYI9, Auelikaeer, ebruerskh and Wood arpLe .... %_lataburgik • oeci 0100 TON h STOCITON Maaksellers,.Priatera '• LW ba mild Paper, iilanufaelarers, No. 41 Market at, I '•` • • • . •T-.•• W. ROBERTSON & Co, Bankers teltlEscloufge ÜBrokers, eon. of Wood .4 3.1 wh2lterehenVe /. ltoW 2.14.ga, Entebumb,Ts.' . • ./ • 11.:r Currency porehateed su the impel nth.: .4 I :1 4 .':•:7•!.::, - 1,;': t:.:1-1. , . 1 :- 7- i. •:" , ::3: . ': .. , .,....z.:“.,..;,:,:.:3 .3,-f e d4, . 4 :::',i 1 ,, (... , ...:. 1 i i...., :t•., : : : 4 :'. . : ;;; ', '• • r:1: :, - -: *-* : ;: ! i : :; 1 , * :* /. 2 : : : 4 : 1.4 1: fl : 1 : i'•:' •,' , :,'1 .2 ;:. ; 4,4 , •::' t., ! . :F., - K'',T. :....i • i'4 4 7 : ::' , 9‘,!1 .1 ' , ' :r:t •„'..t, •,i,:.;,;;;;;1,...;: 1 5.'1,1 . ..; .:!,..: ' A" ?•, : -. - 'i , -'ti.e . .-L': • -:". •;•:- . •;.. , ',..i: ~,•.•,,, ~ , , , ,d, . ..., • •,.. 7 ,..„ , v I : 11 ,4 •1: 2 7 14:,.• , . 1 •:,,,,,,.„..4.:::iis,.:,:; ki -,. ~..„,,, ~ .q. '4" ,:4,':y::4 - g: ':e'': , :i .. .11:4',';I:: • rti;:t:II-..', 3 . ,':...:!...1N '... i•; , f• , r 0 .t... 1., 1 %i i ,••*k.: • 1/` „a ''.. ) : 1 •4: 1: 4NA' .. C 7. 1 . i Z , 7::..; 1.M.,-.A.-;,-. '•: , „;:..r. . 'i : .;;!f; % .: , ::: , ':!... 1 '-'4;:: '1 I .., :.,•-::::,- -:. i;;;:+' '. r: 1 4.:.. 7 •:,., N"4:' , ' -. .i flO.. - ~ ., .. ,:g'r:::::...15 : ;;;76.: •1., ;:,::•;;i:i!:.:',: , ;.:f01' . :;:i;i14,:,:i. • -5 ; . •+: . ! ,::: 'q,,'-,: . :N: •. : 'i.:'l '.;'.`?, 7 ';',":;'44:',' 4 '''-ifi: . '"'• *;11:ttl: . ••‘"•• .441F:;;4 ,1 4: P . .:,•;;;: : :`,,,,;6;' "' '2, - -'•:!;•,: : `,.::: '-`'•;"..;•!•;r1;. a_...„.,....., ~...,..• es . roar, •rw , n r . itit and Cumudistwillierchwa,,..llwalwrt w . P r . J;.:LIF saw n., hifirroit,' Wholetalet Groetri, rot, Produce arur dlo g pitss and = " T " L1.0.r. iu Wood WPiusburgh• • • ~- "Wft° , 43, ; CORD t LING, Wlsolessle nod Reinil list and . Cop Mensiactures, and dealers is , Fisocy Fur s, sasses oi Wood and Fall; 1 . 101.31 F-S fr. ON, Ho. G 6 Market of Fa:nib, dealers is Foreign ' Bs.* Saes oatigiet '"4 ,' "F'..l4'l...lkF°s '' . (I:),Collectiow sued' ou prineiptiFeities . • 7'dstossilions the Von.] W. ToteW ICIOINDEXTEI 2r7.34 C hCo, Wholesale Grocer. mid Com , • ,sapslou Pod rowuauig Ittettlwas. No.ll , walcr .IYCIAEJLT MOORE,' IVltrleraLsHero/sing LitsUllor, dealer in Produce, Piustarrifr !druidic- . .; • and all kind.-of Foreign bad Dosormi u Wiusi • • sad Liquors, No', 11'Llbrity sores. •Os bawl a vary ! Erre. moat of supexior Alanatipdtela whim.kty be sold kw for cash. • ' : ::',: -- ' : " . : 1 -:':.•''..:'... - .;:i:';': ,. .:' , :' - '; :•:!,•'..1:,:..,,,..-..3.,:,;,,,:.::',!'•:• ‘• W. - 11AILUAUt1.11, Wool Alerch.ta; DcalFis laj in Met stal Prodaco ipmr4.4, ood Forsranlasig Auld lbatmr,flottdlerphun*, IValer • WM) , ',••• • I'AVALEY At Co.,lYlioleaele Grocers and 7 i 7,.;;;TiValt eilt; id ers,NolttlAfacket arceybetwecu GUI C. elem.., to HIII 4 ltrownedj ',swot qlJa ter and manufacturer, of paper ifilArsis• toil .la wrningirinnting, Caul wrapping *vitr o Wocd Pivalnir Pa. Hap awl sump* Urellawed at Um gileCt t. Omar -- ""76lll — rivairiri;T x Vtl4.9i• 9 it NICOL% Produce and Veacral Cat. • Jeurbo chum: No .17 Llrcst7 a. Plttaliurgb. . 044114 Liaatedand lard Oil,. ',VON :DONNIIOffIiT; IVlscdectla Gro• • • sters ) ,Nlstwasding end fAcuottssion Aloccbststs, fn Ptuslosigl) Alsztu(seto rex end • Western Pro• dism, isTs Moored lotluAr pew IntrahriuseAold stead) . _ , t i o.:RfreenasjPlTlonys)ips4C)taltegs7l.l)no. 1.V 7 • • • - • 4,V%-;11111- AX_ Foivrildioiatid ColitoissiOn .rtoduo• and Ilitsborsh sox . 14 Colialßasisyzoot 7th 41:4 " 76, T, iirioiessu • Atetclutotiouul.denkruln'podorr. No. 15 ..1 41,13 Agent sor • at the mike of .Was. doe•. r - ossi bstellaki, stausglL. ja Kemal laud *time at .IVaa/tiasl9a, . I, tott. 17 bit.i f ie . : ".. andkaota , . . . . . OM OtMIE =Mil . ..- ~.i ~ BMNIM ESTABLISHED 1786. A TM/OW/ONES &. Co- Coutuussion nod For ' 21. soluding Merchants: have returned to titeir old stand. Water sod Foust streets; Pittsburgh_ ocen . „ ' ressisice sake% • ' animas mesa- • HAUS a REITER, Wbolesele and Retail Ding alstavorner air Many and St. Char streets, Pins prtowN CrlanlßTSOk Wholenlo Grocers, mad Gin.4sion dlogchiats, No. 114, !..ibenT 13...ra. • " . • daily. =U -~. PeULIFSTp (,` g t - Co . j Wbo . le .nd Ue- - •DD - W7oruSsiat ., eomer ' Waod amlQhm JYI crocr, Me&NULTY & Co., Fonnuding wd Com• Carol Basin, Putsburgh Pa. : mchs' arm. oximax, _MIMS mammas; rat ..11.11Ai. VILMA:AN, MAILMAN, & Manwacturers'of A./ Carnage Springs and Alla, A. IL Meal, awl. dealers m coact, Trimmings of every de. seriplsa,raanafamory on St. Clair st. Warehouse 4:1 Wood sc. oppasim Mt. Charles MoteL • i ism 23 "d irsesai. • • ' - • EWALT k Gran![? 'Wholesale CirdeeriOlesd ess in , Produess W Yansborgh Manufactures, • nee ollibeny mu) Hand shs, Pitislargh, Pai sell. LING ritni I.IIIIITIT tild151:001111, A:A M Co. B lNi'halesale Onseers, Conolussiori aso Fo 6 r- r , '. 2 ; • l eranit z Meselosals. and dealers in Produce awn Pius • WWI SOUSOCOUOIIO44. wz Wood aL, betst,,ensd and r. T.. ram, dm xdrl, , .• lona Irmo. • 141= RILEY Ca; Witolesads Ordeer and Ideselranus, add mslas far Itngbunt au= Yarus i Nna tdal 1U From rid, Pair MAMA MOO Farts Yortrifacturer lead dealer s In Illnaical lusuinnenla,l.l.l! Wood near Sib. pdaluatnits, um° lc AIILLES4 Belt and Brass Yoandenr and Gas Fusers, 109 Front, bemoan Wood and Sonia/aid 'tracts; Pitishusgb, Po. UXlligbast inita giaen for old Copper Ltd Brass. 4148 I a Marc: 71 11 0. 1' .%) ‘1 . 1.2.1 * b rrg ° t rwmdW rl y farjan l ruyßando, a Ull orucr l'itbtursch„ ' Ks:: • mud =cur, waxer inen4, r ALUi n i Milt a n d L '2 re i ra " g s' P Q r:Su ' re ' ',. Lo os.7o andlUT rung .creole, rim burgh. nord JCo -- • . 0,011 ISCUITA ~ U'isA erals Grocers, Porivrti a ing aud Cosittninsiou ,Merchant, Pesters' in Pro" • <oe hod Pittsburgh lilituittisturce, Pio, 7 Cousesetrall •Ittsr, Liberty stied, urns (lir Canal, Pittsburg, Pa. BRYAN, Rectifying and' Whalen& Ui dealer in Foreign and Dornesue Wine' , nod Li linsr,No. 114 Lit.ertyuetreet, mid 4 Diamond Alley FinoGnegGi'Foi' - • jyri-dly jdall...S , hlclalaftE, lime of the firm of Alyea and ArL 43 . 6 Larl Alen-barn SL Charles Ball.hogr, ... • r V ••• Patsbur h. - lAhlf. A. IttaißEON, k Co,-gueExatars to fR Loom nutria:ton & Co, Cornstestooihlcreltonte, and Agents of the bt. Lows Steam Sops Refinery. feet.4Sersier andiel Ircuostectoo,Pittoberah. • n K rawat Tsilor,:Exchanir., D. at., riu.buritta. : AIU JVIM S. DILWORTII--Arholet.Se Grocer' Pro dace red Ourtn4lion . 71,1erchant, No. tV, wood et, klitsbo h. , • • • juu.l .• - TAMI2 KERR, Jr., dc, CO., (successor to Joseph G. U barred :Ship Chandlers, id Water szsert. nett _ TOHN 2 it. MELLow, Wholesale am! Henna dealer U in Blade and lingual Instruments, School Poem • Paper, Plates, Pteet'Pensi ill,, Primes,' Cards, and 'lnttionhry generally, No. P 1 Wood st y Pnlsbarpto. 7' . L. HEAD'S /kmsk etorei.4lb, awn Mask t sizes LP • Musical, 'Asological, Ilisturical„Schael, Miser! duteous, and illesiodist Butts and §tatioassy.: JOHN 012112.11,' %Molecule Grocer, dealer: in' kW dace, YOLGorgli hloorifecturce, Tio Mateo, etc. Zee. ae.,ha f 8 liberty' oc. t ylOG,orgh. . jo:. ' 11. FLOYD, Chao ;T: :Maid 6.c;;. V' • 16 . 0 •• , ..) N.:4102U]. ny weer.• .T.II3IEttEDALZELL, Wboldale Grocer, Ocounnstion lderctiantond dealer in Prodnee tout Pittsburgh blatinfsettires. Nei. tit Water at. Pittsburg/L.' jiuln ;Vesta , .lvis Isola ; I:WM; DA Vvi,L & CoS, miurafatuners of all si jj-aes gar. Meet,' Lioikr !non i0u1%14 ails of We bes quality.. 11faxelsouse, E. 4 orates soil 11.* gout 4.. LUtOTHERS l CO., •ComminAdon Mar • 1111., etivoa , rh,ladelpbia, for nab 'nate c.n produce gn her% Liberal advance. mule on conssistunninn. • • :Lan. xtNana.' .. Air °GILL, /1.191ik1a.1./ alit/14 holasalc root ro • JAL and Conuniuiott ,MeTetinto.., Nu. WI •L' riwkn .k. 4m.m. • 'a.m. steam, . Arai: Mmes.. • 41/7 ALI.EN ifs Co,. Commission oLd Forwarding /damhams, Wavy and • From sm.'. &awe. • v mad sad 'Market ptt. jam; Kau; • • • • • c. w. saccircom ILLEILk Rica Wholgtialq Crtkcrs . ulti' AIL Waualsatou Alerchnatt, N 0,1711, Liberty at, riffs•: F IBERTSON k itrxrarr, Produce lkatesx awl Memiums,.No. Ito &emu! street, • Ei It . :ARD T. LEICU, Iniporki - Dtalcr Eon atsd putsenict , ..4dl,..sy linktware carol Trismiugs, clan destriptkosi Nu. I= Wood RICHARD HAUL, 'Wholesala wt [Wail Dialer AO LOSlbirr;MOlOCCl2,l3bocunikees'lroOis ~e FIN'. - ,egf,. Tanners. and tAttlers' Toolw, and Taimess. 031, .11.100 Wobd 41.; Pittsburgh.% ' leptt Mew acatiason, • • • sanant, a. anatmon. gaillhisON.lnCo,airinderaletirocers, l'rodnec and Conaniesion Merchant., and Denten in riu. Lariat . Manntacturer, lto. Its,l4berty at, Vttisburgh, OBERT.DALZELL 4. C 0.," Wholesale. Grocers, MiCormiasibta wad ninrstril.ng . hbachants, rrOdilea Pittsburgb lilttaturtrwres, Liberty Pl. Piesbilrgil, P 11." ; / relrli • CUNNIICODAII, AViadisale Groner, Dealer la Prodsea and 1.:/nabnerb Manolnoures, 144 Liberty at. .. . ..... . . . , • I)EYNOLDS /aSIMP., Fortairdinaand Ccnonn tt.intt AA, Merchants; for the AJleglkeLiy Uwe, Trade, L:M att in Groceries, Yrotince,7lttusburali Manulactusee and Marian ot'Llme.•• , • , ... - . ~ :Mu highest prices, in nosh, Enid at - all Limes for coon - ..IC , Co,atr of Perm and Irwin au.. itottl 10uQn1 OAYPOILD ik COMElLiniollAieldolliS, L ly an. AA. arty .14 epp.w. firidthiteld, Flor, h!Ordr,ii/ro Bauer, Lard, dr.e. V/CitatlO . N,Whotesinki And Retail Deniers A7Orochi, Loren, Loner'. odd lhor. Aniev. 441 ei . .tei Wee, 3d door above Third ,y a. c siatatan, !." ; = um/. warm § p /DICIELLTr 4. Wbalarala Damien to ninlDoninnticDry N... W woo .1. !ffM=IMIMM CARDS. M From n. between ‘lfoqd uc . LAVID IeCAIRLISISM. llnfia ' ar " ds n ' IVANDLESS, (successors to 1.. S J. U. TT Wick,) Wholesaletirocer., Forwarding and Commission hlerebanis; dealers an iron, Nails, Glass, Corms Yana, land i'lusburgh hltiousiseturei: generally, comer 'of Wood and' Water wee Papaw .11. • . . W, 11/. IV. -- 01.7ect.TE, Mat au. and ALlT arruah • e.MbliahatenA, N0.21+1 Liberty at., near th. eanaL GARRARD, Desk, In Farley and Stap, Ty.. Dry Glands, Nn. 7.llllarket Arent, rirto burgh. W . 11,c )YILSON, liromel o /ea, scseciry , k W .. 'gutty Warn, MAlnary Good., ~ Ayer. nov.7 WIL MURPHY, Wholesale and Re tail d a' Foreign' and • Doniestie nort corner of Market told Founh no. , ITARRICK.MARTIN, & Co, it.pker3, Ihntlers . ln TV Lc.lgange„ /3.4 Notes and Cow,corner at Tlll.l et. Wood strew, Pa:mbar-4h, P. rpvl9,ll,- _ WICTOOI4I-.. s. sass. M. YOUNG k Co„ . .Desters in leather hides, re 'lO3 Liberty st • tll,..l4l9.r.L6TßEl:—Wtkplesitlc Gro er; and W i ne and .cerN U~lio, lm Powder, Nu. IGO 'Aber*. et. Pillaburgb, Pa. jausdly ' OLNES 1111..11.11211.N• . . 0.0.1: 0. 21.. a. , . IA 13LACK . BUSLS 14. - 1.70., Wholesale tirocere end • ki s dealers tri thls, ROE Utoro, roul Pilisbargh Math .t.xtured articles, leterilia haad, dt all Sim% d foil alid general assortment of goods in their line, 1 Yaws creel, diens Cherry Allejr, Pittsburgh. ' .13: .J l), ! , l ll, l d i.. T xff.NA . aid•Doong.F., 'burgh, will have constainly on hand'. :elected as- Moment of the best sad treshest Medicines,•which he will sell on the 1.31 ressomtble teens Physicians sending..ohlers, will be promptly ahealed to, and sop• plied vide anielet they may rely alto. Ifvftltifl' f„D7 Physicians Prescripeous will be accurately and neat! i y prepared from the best mmcsials, at any hear Of the ay or night. • Also for sale, a lugs stock o/' the fresh and imfti Perth • VAGLE COTTON WOILIPA Pimburg h, Nunn A:4 taro Comm Tem, Caudle Wick, Betting, To Coverlei Yam, Carpet Cheju, Warps, km &c. liliSti, PENNOCK. l Co. leas . (Seceemors m Arbuckle & A uery,) Proprietor. A -LEDER,' a Cm, No.- :7 Canal street, New O. leans, Agents for "Lt. Arramt`s Extensive:imam Nagar Eclinery Always on hand a large stuck of Loaf, Yo wr y and Ilasurd :igots, IX Tierces and Darrel.. Alan, *agar Rouse alobaees. Priced liberal, and a fair allowance made on all ules of or abOve 40 ballets. - . ---- - --- AEollangabela Livery Stable. Zia- KOHairr 11. PaTI4:IISON h opened die large stable on Fine At, resoling through to Summit st„ hen/ream Wood and Smithfield sts.,itt the r4ar of the Alonongehelti House, welt an entirely new cock of Ilerse 6 and earring.: of the ben quality and latest styles.' Horan4 kept m five. ry in the best manner. /YfistlY .L 1 H. EATON, Dealer na Trimming: and variety liaxll,..Tortois Snell, Ivory und /lora Conn“, .IVoolon Tuns aand Worsteda, Bottom., Nl:talon, Puny Brad., an, No. O'4 Markel sln.er , betaren Dym ond and (lb at, Entiburgli. • - RAW SADDLERY /11RDWARE STORE, R. T. LEECH, JR. BO: 123 'WOOD PITTSBURGH. 111DrA111.1 replenished nty inock nom the Lest sou tea. lota domenie and foreign, I take pleasure i anuouttenta to t011.11.111:10r6 and ueVers, that 1 auspr . .. pared to tarnish Stem urine al; goodoin toy line, ea ate better terms than heretofore. Buyer. alll reeollert But dealing- !' esclu.tvely” Saddlery Ilardttare_ w and Carnage 'rum/mugs I anal thereby, adetunegen that unable me to de courpe , tion Call, see, and Judge for yourgelvas . apt: - PITTSBURGH STEEL NVORI AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTURY. 12...0 mOl, Too* r. cec.GG. JONES & Quiaa, I'OrANUFACTUPERS of spring nod :dicer noel, 1111 plough nteol, nrel . plough trtogo, coach w.n cOp re`arEcno'ilnbgn,fir'ercel!gTenln"lnk"pos:oNdrottet7Oilt'it;; M orally, corner of line sag Front-us. , Pots 20 PEKIN TEA. STOrIY...—.NO. 11 Fourth Nc:j Wood—AJl qu.taies of Gusts and /hack Teas, stone up in yuarter,•holi, and ..o 'snood packaes, snook front Ur cu. per pound SIAM' jyt A. JAVikkl, AIL for Prkin Tea Co. I/A,W OFFICES. • . • ' TIMM:V. - ATTORNEY 'AI,(` „Battler, Plt , • Wlld. also attend to saillections and all other 1,0-i -hel, etornstedlo hifn Butler and Ann, song ;unties, Pa. ark, to J : dc IL Floyd Liberty et.) %Volitive du • drones Alorahall: do f Pittaburab. ail 'I Kay A. Co., Wood .r. rani • BWEITZKII, Attorney nt Lam, take e • • aNatsue Sr. Glade% Ilo.el, Pritehurgb, rein al Intend promptly to Collections. in I,VashintAno, faym and Green couture., l'u. • • Block•tocit Bell in Co, • •• Chafed h. corodien, Int.tpumh. . _ Ey Taletti a litu u t: ' , and in ndian mut in Ktntucky, promp nod care fully a t to. d in nor Me ap tly taterofPenn ti3 wawa, km lating. flepoommo, acknowledgment, . . Kura rit—iton. %V .12 U & :kris Curtis Cteurcit it. Caruthers, Was liars EN., A%ttl c & Our.. & (surerpors to Low rte and V trilliums-) Attoruei sod etruasellor• vl Lams Came ticittli tide OfFourtla Euro, above • • • tor, I. 14.111130:1 'LIiNLUI . SElVELL,nuoruey at Lnw, 04icw. uu it nksthfiela, I , etwors, Ltd and 41lb ASS. - 1 4 , 0IIWillill t sw.urrtwELDEß., Attorneys a Law, have removed their °thev to um:taut yule kuurth It., between Cherry Alley mid Grant street. arriti". JOSEY/I KNOX, Attorney at Low , harlaigg4;., boa resumed the praeliiMor his profmtion NA his tier, .kiu. 7, Ltuteweltht Builrlsokr, Grunt CL . Ckied, dung hie Cheater, by 7'. J. thkbaut and J. Cuni.ty, rtqe. rkitt.t.trtk 011h1 L. 45ALLATIS, Attorney at Law, Othwi . 1 Ath 5 1 ., between Wank and :twit/Acid, alb lade, nusbaegh, l'w: will also eitend promptly • louvers In the itamming counties. otctkr•ly . 0. IL ROBINSON, Attoruey at Waved his Lacs kt the Es etootite B Riau B, itext Soot to Aldlnosn Johns (1,, INSURANCE. • DELAWARE MUTUAL INSUMANCE CO 0114 FINNEY, Jr, Agent afPittsbargh tor We Del burgh Min.{ Safety Insurance Company of Phil& odelphia. Fife Masks upon buildings and aterchanili oi every deveription, and Marina Rites upon hulls o cargoes or, ve...6, taken upon the molt thvicalsl terms. irr OtSu in the NVarchouse 01W. 11. 'lobate. L Crw, 11.0.37 IVater. near Market alma, Pittsburgh. • . N. D.—The success of this Company sums the Ca nth lishownt of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ones and liberality with phicirevery &Wm upon thins for lorst•Wli been adjusted, fully warrant the agriii spoiling tins confidence and paunnage ochia ti le oils and De community :at lair, to the. Delaware Al. S. Den. . mince Company ; while is luu the ivdditional advantagee as an inatilinion swung the snout Ilitrutialsing in Plilludel pbsa—aa haulm , alitple paid-in capital, which by We opetatioo of so charter es constantly Inetegabig, yielding Intact, person-moored Ina doe share in lie plaint or the company, witlunis involving bins In uuy rczpoinibilny whatever, and thereinto an piloruing she atonal principle divested uf et cry ohm. ttttt ten ture,'ssuil in iii Mon allriletirC 10171, • luaLil • . - FIDE AND MADAME INISUICANCE. r i ft 4 1 1U . Trugo ( r o zarg l en a t, i it ' . " r• b u A ur . rffel.", : u " 11::YE: rtmlivpmminient and 'lamed insurance an ptoperty, u. thin city spans vicinity', and an stimicicm.; by the Ca nn, and - - A'Taylor, AMbrote Ts ite, Jacob hl.rbomas, John It. Na; Iticknord D. Wood, P. WCI3III, /10.kti1/1, e Aloha Allibonc, • AITIIII.IB , U. COFFIN, Pre.l. !run - • L'bm In the oldest lasuranee Company .10 Ma (haled &Mut, havmg.heeit chartered in FM. Its chatter is perpetual, awl trout li.llhigli stast.ling, long experimq ample means, and avoid/leg all Thin nt air extra ts • crawl. chancier, May Lee onsidered an offentig o pie •. eerily to the public. W. I'. JOAPIS. ur Al the Couolitg Koine of Ataniod, lours A. Co.; Was ter and Runt streets Pittsburgh. Juoyfa Arthur 0 Craw, Swill w. Jones, L'Avhazd Smith lulu, A. Brown, John IVhne, 71unkskP. Co,le Samuel F. NiDgb, Sanumillrooks, VILANKLIBI V1111611N141.71/ANC 0. ?4!I11. 1 1 i on every dencrikrion pror4ny, in Pittsburgh:sun th e sursoninling. couniry; on revocable term, •Ilos ernu• 'piny “ perpetual !dialler..., Ceparil, iguntingenc rand.. thrice corner afTbi/d and Markel i== . , lllllBundernigned,duly audio:ond Agent of din Amer ": lean Yirc 111,unince Compoi,y of I'WladetpWn, noon/ions to effect women., bgJZUII foss or Ouninge against kite, nit buildings, otetetiandloc i t 111,11111. utid property, nut Clint bizantina, to this city and vicinity. Gtf,o COWMAN, OU woul sc and Writ iexue l'atictei and attend to the other ,111.1 cs .of the Agunci , , tad aragebouse of Atwood, Am. 4 Co. Juxac /SIMLA JAUBBILIII GOODS. J • UST Illaf SIVE!), per ilepreee, if large of effilineni bohn Hunker l.iwJq voinprisirip— tdat Oftietti` , 4 doe Ttovellin; Bugs 4 :". Nark do; 4 pairs reutfo • da; !. .1.30 p Waukee; • 3 " :Jfeefin ' s Jackete; Cusbionsi • L " 110144 4:0941,4" Life rineuzvers; lOU yanleol4.4 Carnage Clinh, fino.urnek: • 21 dos pair Legging", of different suing; •3 Capesoristi ideeven; • , ' Cgol'Uovers; all Of which frill be sold Idea; of "which will im for 10011. wholcute or real!, 11;40 S Wood &rect. ' sp:ts • . J 111ILLIPS. •• • ' • Patent Soda Aans A A CASKS Jan. /daspran brands,jast !dud: .2. nnle 1 - 3113 Iran ;steamer tionlseni and tor „ • _ 711'1: 31 StraC/LELTIIIt.k., , UFISCV.OPTIIei Iln %AHD PitiVDERI.O2IIP.A. :4 3 . • NY. tdr die rale or Itidedlciekeuel Canister Pon• eter very.saperier, yeality. City CYKOLEICIS be supplied at soy hoar dariag thy day.. • • apPain..JUSEVIIDILIVOATII Alt d 7 wood Ii / ; 4 , . .3 To Country Merchant. • A LARGE STOCK of School Book, Paper, Station: I'l oe the., suitable for country sales; among orb ich aro Writing Papers, 'of fine, medium and common Letter Paper de • do • do -do Note paper do 'do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Soles,'Pencils,;refer; quills and Steel Pens WlndOw Paper (yard wide, plain atul printed; Bonnet Boards. of dilferent qualities; • Blank Books, in great variety; • .I.slmily, School nod Potkakt Miles; • Wawa. medium, and dodtile cream wrapping paper; Alai/111e% Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Eclectic Ari th metic.; Cub Primers, Spelr. and Re aders; • Sander.' do do le Aritheneties, by Adam., Davis,Colburn, Smith, Sack ton, on, and other.. lieograpnies, by blitchelLOlney, Smith; Morsc,Good rich. Paney, and other. thanuunrs, by Smith, Kirkham, BUM., Weld, ford' other.. Faradic at low price. by J N MELLOR, SI wood et, Odom. above 4th. The highest market price paid for good mixed ragy in cash. New ty i 0 a memoir, and critical remarks ott hi. teal. arm wri tings, by Jame., Montgomery; and one handred vid.• twenty engmvings from drawings by AVilliant Harvey. ilk IWO volume. Sr...seat Gaza. T. - rmccrr..-The four gI o and ACM of the Apostles, In Creek, with eritical,Philomphicat, ere-gm:leak map. indexes. ete., together with the .I.ditistlea am! apocalypse,' the whole forming the New restaincuP-Fdr she use of School, Colleges, and Theological Stlniltlifit. By Re, J . : A. Slimmer, .11., A New Norabidetnissaer s Evev-A fairy tale of lore.. By Mrs. S_C. ' JAN.' Hole life ot Mary the baltrth, king of Preece 'and Navarre, fly 1 0. I'. R. Tames. Complete in four pans, paper; 3 volcAlsith. For sale by . JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Peas Booksellers, corner of makket and 3d sin BOORS—At the Apollo Buildings, fourth street; near flood,—lreland's Welcome to the Stranpeq • The Czar. bin Conn and People, byiJ 11 klasoretk The Orators of Pnuteet The Lives of the'Apondles, by Radon; The Pununis and MC. Prtneiples, b 7 E 11.11; The. Constitutions and Gallons of the Holy Apostle, with a Prize Esnni.,• Allison's Life of the Duke of Marlborough; PtenAder'at Life of Christ, its historical connection and hinterienldevelopettient; • limpets end Appleton .• publications generally, :rebore Books, Paper, Steduntaty, be. • ape_; -J L READ STEW BOOKS or the Apollo Buildings, 4lh streeL— /I The Military Life ofJohn, Duke of Marlboroimh, wah colored moon by A Allison. Second Vol.-Chalmers , Ponhumans Works—Serip• tore Readings. Tito Life oiJe sus Christ, in its historical COMMetion and historical developemena .by Augustos• &Lauder. Translated from the eth Rena. edition My John Mo. Clintock and Chas E liburanahal, Professors in Dick. bison College. Fourth Vol. Pictorial Ilisiory of England. . Now and Then, by DL Warren, author of Ten Thoumnd aYear, and milers tooriumeroas to mention . Call and sec. - aplk J L READ. PITTSOQII(i II PERCALE INSTITUTE. r j r111 1 ..: „ 11. m th h u muter the r suprrision obf Mr. on cand pas. mid will be ein oeo, Atuei c l ' aT:hfsanfe place od Liberty street. In cotweimence of some changes baring taken place r a feNIST/I[O.llG/Cll hare occurred,and those desir ous of placing their daughters underthcir care, would do well to make an early application— For terms are circular, or apply to the PrincipaL ' ap3 FORIVARDING & COMIILSSION - c. a. pailesouwca s • multi. mos. citaitLus DANENIIOWEIL & • TuIaCCU CuIItISMOM 1•••;...1.) South .1% - hasves., wad No. 117 South Water at I . IIILASELPHIA.. I)NCS to Worm also trade and dealers generally; of .0 littsbu rgb, th at they hare otadellOChartang,mtats with the Virgo.t. manufacturers and the Growers of the West, IVe.t ludies, and outer places, as will insure a large and coustaot topply of the followis descrip. hone of Tubmco, whist, will hi add upou as memo mostamig terms as any Miniboom in Ws city or CI ft where, and all goods ordered from them sill be war- rentr,,llatual to rh i et t raritl .""!' ,ontr.; , 'Var. llorto 'two; Pane; ISeed, Oaf to. Culiu, .t Florida; baceo; Al , O-11ratuilile Atoutatie,6tair Cargo. dish, welt a irate awortwient or ether popular Limed. ind cputout, er. re, l e . and Lump; 6, nod t o . Plan I.airica Virowea Twat. mecet 5.01 to whole tool half Loire, lava! mod int, together with every vortety of article twleug too to the ,relde. FIIOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Forwarding MERCK ANTS, \o. Cl Norm Wo.aaysn, UV Watum PHI4ALILI.PIIIA. Cur. - re--John il. Brown & Co. Robert Stem &Co. Barenn, Beaver! Co. P1 61 . 1 ./IPIO. Ilogulay & Co. , &lien & Poitou, Near York. Walters & Harvey, lioUimear- Hno!ej &t.toilb, Corbaidge,Wilwodc Co Uroieu 310., ' P i tch • 0 - Liberal cosh o&noleaa on coo.igrimont.- to our adore.. ; ' msrathdly . sue. sow. W•TILIN. ELLNIAK ER, LECKY CO., PACTOBS, And General Commission Dlorebantie la Arreas %Vs.. Smarr PifiLAl/12PiliA. RUFERENCPS—Henry litatiru Co, Pue.loitrgh, ' Forcers S. attertoel, • . y.:tohoclep k `on, t A. if:Jam:my, Magnate. • Clades itaciutm, Jq losiwille. ' iftwathecys & Mercer, Bro. A. Co. • Co.), nelad's Reed A. lambic, Ihrtilh & Cites - tarry, Dicer lurk. .GEORGE.COCRIZAN: Commission and Forwarding illerChant. 10. ill \t'ooo n., rteasscato, t0NTLX1.71..4 b taillaket a general Corwassioo Luta. ki met, erpreallyin the porcitwo sad milt of Amer'. coo lLanufaclurcs mud Produce, audio receiving sod fursaistici Goodiconrigned to kin care. As Ageut (or tUe limutuctures, aat cowtsatly rupphaloitlt the griacipal articles of Potatturgh Alma fi tetorc at We 1 / 4 narrll wholesale rotes. Order. and eonsisuments rgypectfuffy'sohnted. gortesi.i L L maissam. , /8. F. COSIRIAT'S. CO.. , MuUTO, ULM C. 1131111411011 awl FOroordius tar au Produce Dealers—aim attend to . . reh le and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, MS* TO: kto Loma; Sterling- tc Co lip4Clondlity O. Co; LycngSLod., 4k. Co., 2-T2r..1‘11.7 agnmat, . e. no. agnseami. Lan, of aulmegnyl , . • Lobo of Nshville, Team IiEHNIER A - NOERBON, • DEALERSIN COTTON FORWARDINO & COM MISSION lIIIIDCIIANTS, • • • * *son sumer, anon nto.eray, ensossan, onto. Retie to Alerchnans generally, lo !Wenn rgh.. sr.% GEORGE A. BERRY WHOLUSALIaI (iIIOGnMS: ' I. ( UIIIVDDIhti ahDLOUlShlllhilglienter, AND DEALER IN iron y[alls , Cotteultartas S.; Illttsbuystll Manufactures generally, -so. lb wuou nom, rnassesno, ra. iIiGTIONEEMS •S COMMISSION MEIICIISIITS. :ALEX. LEVY IL SRO'S. :CINCINNATI AND WK. LOOKS. vellta esther erttbltahrawn, all kiwis of Mee ch/waive, at Um lowest rates at awl are atttegl, preph•ed la mite advancer. The boot of refv• reeetv atirti • it required. - Letter. addr...d lunactiyeili he promptly attended to. a. ittlif.ree Lot.. cr. v. wean.. LOVE / 'MARTIN & Proance . and .Comnalssion Iforclannts, 1V46, Capkin'a ltlow, t'lltevaJeertatoar_ ett. vo—Lhavitivon, livardev• Ar Co., Jobe K. 'Under, Hugh Atelier, Baltimorc Al. Allen h Co Seller* fe i i:r:lTA " l P Z ' A P tiPel ' e i rTl ' , T- O C 4IIPr A A . Iti.trru'et iomos.2aoorsou, TIIOIIIPSONI IL CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Agfa Alonotootureoro of Lissooted 01111 Nu. 20 cohunbia Wee!" , COulostti, Oalo. 0 1;' 1 11Y, Irreash:paid fur . . W/d. /1. Foi , Vordlogglierahnskt,Brommtollle,Po. Attend, ponicoooly to ma Forum:Mug of Poulucc,' Lc. OIL For Lity information, ripply to VOINVTH k CUN• CAN, Water oetim V. W. ISATHIEWS.,. W. ' lIIATZIF. 4 {VeI & PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. dlo. 4a Water eeeeeee • • , • li . t.Lotra,llo. will: 'weenier *II/gluon te the voltam of rt. duce, nod et order, ter intrebuting. Reeks to--Geurge Morgan &Co, rittshurtch, . . . IlMarn L: otano., Laic eeny .k znepanL .sIIII4PA ILL) tc LIUMCAN, AUCTION ,& EOlllll.lBll/11 tot the old stand of setty & 2tltejudj.,t , t..hvitleilenneeeee, 1,11 ILL ei7o prompt . and lattala: attention to the ittle YY of Dry Goods, tattoconro, end Aleretkotollaa gun. 11. y feel cotrpared to attend Wad Of litt. 6.1/110. CILCI.VIItiy nod to 110 gtna/s (Or their own atesnunittnpartially. tiger to Pt. Allen, & Co; J. W. Butler & Co, Pin. deeitetant ESAAC CRUSE_,' czArAr.AL' COMMINHION FURTIINSALIiIIY M./DUCE& I . IIIO.ISIUNS, • .Ntaf„in.: and Iv? timuln's Wn.V, • r ern ette.--Merentinta of l'lwburgh. • • . : NOTICE TO BRIYPERS . • • W Ui l ltl It I . e n h n u uneeLu . i opposite w l Urdi irenrart !nods.. wise.. emunl y until tt new house c. be rum raningentenle hey ttig already been met Jur that Infroose. Oxus *lll elvrare be in rewritten/int our when to receive treight. • . : C A AVANULTY &Co, • • . Lehenv el.; - - - WOOL.• LYMAN, REED IV , R.,....4. a. GENSKAL 1:11111111BEMI/hyd c 0.,) lotsrox. • Particular attention paid to the sale of Wool • al advances made on nonaittatnepi mylaidicarly • 4iTF:Am imATINTEriar - Pu - Kl'Aa IV of tint line creamer Wyoming for We utoilating urine. par parnealats enquire W HAM aP? W Waters M=_=MC=EM PITTSBURGH ; CO.PAR.TIISZEISIII.P. son arid Eilvard Gregg. The style of Ann will nem tiler be Log., Wilson it Co. 'thin arrangement. yen dd.. it desirable toeloseihe old business menus possible. All verso. whole naiades have minuted, n.te especially requested to mate immediate: payment. Pittsbusgh, lan 1, P 349. lOOAN, WILSON CO.—impo rt er si and 4 Wholasale Dealersin Foreign mid Dom.. 1 ard-' ware, Callao, Saddlery,.&e,l2o, Wood cleft, Pw burgh/ate now fully prepared with a recently ted .took ofilardware, Cutlery, ttc.,to offer very great inducement. to western buyers, being determined to compete In prices wait any of the Atlantic title. Al so on hand. exteasive aseortment of Ptusho rahMard ware, sir: Shovel., Spades, For., Hoer, Vices, de, MI of' which will be cold at the lowest manufactorefs prices. • jaal ?TIE stbser.ber• hating trend); entered inn, pannorship tauter Mamma of Gat nutter, long, & Miller, for th e purpose of cerryiug on the Bell and Bran Founding and Vas Fining business in all its branchou, have taken the stand formerly occu pied by Gallagher, No. 109 Front siren, between - Wood and Bmithfield PIS, where they are prepared to annuli all orders tor Bells, urn.. Gann., of every description, and Gnu Wilting. with neatness and des pales. Steamboot jobbingpromptly attended In. • GALLAGHER,' S. A. LONG, P. 11. MII.LEB. N. B.—The attentionvf Machinists and Filginoors is invited to our anti,attraction metal, Men reduced preen, which hu been pronounced tapering to Babbit's by., uumboom who have Used bolt,. Steamboat builder. and iho . poblic, generally, are al,orequested to call and en *mine one superior double Lotion Force Pumps (or steamboat and domestia sPe. . • declray . GALLAGHER, LO . NG, & MILLER: • • Illasolstlo • riiiiE partnenhip so long exiadog -under the finn at .L /Beard k. &Dig, was by mute ml consent dissolred rut the Ist inst. The business will closed - ambit old stand by either or us, ming the name or the firm for that purpose. Being desirous to hare our busmen closed with ms litde delay as poselble. wit would re spectrally request Mom indebted .to cad, and - Scuts their accounts. JOHN D.' NEGRI/. . /WM IL D. Kll!iti • Clo.Partmorchlp. J 'arC 2 R A D lV l ::;l,7ll=s k s ' 4l7 , t k`Zt",l marina 0000110 the Hat, Cap and Fur heelless in' all as brunettes, wholesale nod rebel, at the .old stand, comes of Wood end IA streets, ober. they solicit a continuatlonsef the patronage 40 liberally be mowed on the old Eros t JOHN D AVCOR.O. jaW JAMES S. argoß.D. . TN retiring from the old tynd well knots, firm of I. bltCord k • Slog, I most tespeedlly sweetmead to the patronage of the pahlk my 40000400 M :400444. M'COI4 Co. tam 'KING KING. CooPstallata ANlalp Sodas. V W. SIESIFENS of Whecting, E. F. Shanberger Xj a of Juniata, and LA. Stockton of Pittsburgh, hare tete day entered intoe copartnership under style and firm a Stephens, Shoenberger.LA. Co., at the Anchor iron Alaska, Wheeling, VA, for ;the pufttose. of mann .flicturing iron and uncle of ere ry,dcre nption. ulltw. V. 7. ' n.rniCzninil, r. 1. WrO;r1{10 EITEPIIENS, SHOENUMICIES. & CO &NeIIOR,,IRON .WORKS. • Wheeling, F. Afmnsfaeturo kitidiof boiler. sheet, bar iron and nail., A. Et meet eliptiowprings and axles. Being con nected wilt. Shoeutiother's old Juniata works, we can offer an article of )013191.% iron Stranded Shmnbergcri to nibode in Me coontry. All of which will legendld Pittsburgh pnom. Altarotionee of the wort:soon:m.of Monroe and Wmor a.. myll DISSOLIPIION. TIE Colartneraep of the subscribers,under the Lou of Luau asulison this day dissolved by mutual consent. Easter alas tied/ attend to the sot tletnent of the Grns,And sisc ita 'earths tie that purpose. Luwis irrcntscm, • JA.IIIJ A. lIIJICHISON. CO-PARTNERSILW. (11 at suldetsigued have this day fornied a na.partner . ship, under the tree of June. A. 1.1111[1.11 , 011 h Co, or the purpose or mAinuins the Lusitress beteuttore earned oft by Levis Hindustan hCo., and when a continuance o{ the pun/nag: hlthrtn, r sunder! to the houee. JnAlklitt A. II UTCIIIeOS, thl, Pittabanett, Jan. 1,1979. 1t'1.5 • riIBSOLVT.IO2I , 6her partnertup. tail! no exist" tog under th e style Intd hint o f Wlghttustu DaJt. ! gel!, is this day dinolvedthylnutual eousein, Joha Ihthi sub havlug tlispneellof tin entire interest fe 11.. Wight mau. The h sine. of the late Lnu unl he settled by 11. Wighunan, who ts authorised to nsethe.nsase of the late firmthin punsaie. IL WIGI(I/IAN. tpsdAtZh. Duly 1'9:1 'J. LAI:JELL. j , TILE Sabwriber la mar prepated to manalicsare all kinds of Cation anil Woolen filarial:wry, at the abut - test =bet tinier. left at R Wighbaan's Lagizie Shop, ear. ter Liberty awl Water streets, will meet with prompt att.:wawa. IL WIOIITSIAN, - ',tweak at, known Fe+ awl ihanduaky at.., aprhilly . , _ , Alleetw ay city, was dissolved ou the lai ilifft by mutual consent. R. W. Coluderter in authorized to aeille all an barium tha Goeutezo. H. W YOINUEXTEIL,' C. 11. GRANT. • NOTICE-hating purahased the entire interest of C. If. Gnat, he the Imp content of Poindexter & Co. , awl as-twitted thy son,"flasodow Poindexter, with tee, the hating/wain begantionsil No 14441 mule, thowtylo ai Poindexter . &Pt ••• up) R W POINDEXTEIL: rpm: UNDEFMICNED doing buttnest under toe j, name of &tabors & Niiholooth at their Foundry in Third sOsali bane this day, by mutual consent, dissol ved their co.plitnership. All nut. Loownig them. selves - indolded to the Una, nee reicitsted to roll at Weir warehouse' an Liberty street, apposite bead of Wood, and tattle; and all lowing elating againat them will preterit theta at the Mae plate for tettlentent ' JOHN ART/ICFLas JOHN NICHOL&ON. • April I, Intltiffsha_.__ • "011 ti FARM:J.I & AAUP;(. WIC/MILAN Lar k/ tog associated thraisalres together under the'firth ni.John Parma aCo for the puma. of continuing the tunduets of the - Line," will continue to •-- wet • general forwarding and _eonunistion look. tube old stand tithe Canal Coin. Liberty street_ JOHN FAIIIIEN. &L 9% IVIGHTAIAN. ianlOf 1\ ylrrlC—Yreare AULturchfield has all Interest ta the .1.1 Dry Goode Amine. conducted in the name et the undtranpled, comer of Fourth hod Market ety comma Mart Feb. 4, late. The Lennon for Mar preaent will Lo conducted =ler the former style of WR3tUftYllY 110 6 PAILTNIELIISUIP—Wm. )bung heel g Wu ki day saeyenned with him, John IL MT.nue, ho lea ther Leonine will herearter be conduct.' cadet the firm of Wm. Vat:twit Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, land /NO. IL m•cvsn. MEDICAL, llcary Ong; D. Leeds &C., Clatke Thaw. Jaynes' Exprelomat. fbatw, Colambinos scsitt, Apr. pf, IE4I. DIL 0.,,JA YIVASt Daps titat--I feel hound Jo per a/oath, eillicted roadie, to avad ray/self-of this op portunity orgivingpublicay to the extraordinary <dents of your lagreetorstrt on myself. Jltoring been 4,llllieldit or 'years with - 11 severe cdogb,. hectic ferny and Its concomitant dine.,.., and seemed only doomed to linger out short heal us/sera/do- existence, until the fall of whoa, Issing more sevetely conked, nod ! tnigingiretiontal to all my former resnifibix and the pro ; scripuans'Of two of the most respectable physicieus in ! the neighborhoodWOO. desist/tic any benefit, or the ! eons/31.1mi of actreleing btu am t days or weeks al farthest—when theslast gle of h was'uttout - sottish, I bad regummended. to me ye arVdtpectorant and blessed by that Being who: does all things in the use oldie meant—and contrary to the expect/diem of my physic/1m had (Wendt, I was in a few days raised from my bad. cod urea enstiled by the use of a hatUe, to intend to my business, enjoying since better health then I had for lee years previous. Joe. W. lisru.L. For gals bi Ilttstutrgh/ at l the Ilekio Tea :Rom, 72 raanb torte.; ". otr O sr morn li. A. A.IIIIoLe(N.!YA oy: It. L.. la G. WFmaxcus Wboliaal• throw Store it. the Clltyor Work. UD nibitingl i titeil are exientioely engaged itOthe T' b aleattin D.ug InAtinoul at No 40 John street,. She city of New liorlig and are meowed to supply Druggists and country Merchants with Drugs, !bonny i bt!: l 4 l ,‘Vet r vetl ' lltdc a r ' s 'd Cb A ernZs7to l ;Zlr ' e7w 'S l: itapontulopl and all other articles in their line of esof a superior quality as they can be pin . hurl- Missed in this orany eastern city. New York, Feblo . • D. A. DAIDWSTOCKA Co. Marcher.. Ohrese (jr..... PAINTENN, BLIND hrARRR,qq no—We, the utalerodued, raintentandthituthiakem, or die city of New York, Law used and mated, end are now acing a new article rattraps. Crean, eramalactured by Can. X. At:Welter, of this city, and find It to work wel4 during • Srre brilliant Patio Greco appearance, very superior body, and recommend n to our brethren ui tbd trade as iu every parlicalaribe 'beat Chrome Omen we have ever used. New York, June 1, WI: Irarated bynt lions of pmetreallndnicra of the city of New York. 'nil annamaLied Chrome Green may Inc bad or R. E. SELLYRS, No 67 Wood Erect, Who be. the reclusive agency tor hassle iniPmeburrat. ntarl3 • •A 'PIA* Sat of Tooth toe A 8 Ceuta.' - uriuTP. TEETH, FOUL ItILEATiI, lIEALTIIY TT (AMlS.—Yellow and Imbeeltity teeth, once be, to once or twice chinned with Jones' Amber Tooth Vitale, hero the appearance of the most bee mire I ivory, and at the home tune lite so perfectly innocent and ex goloitely Ow, that Ito constant dally oar Is highly odt vantogettuti, tem to thees teeth that ate /a a geed con dition, ming West a beautiful poUeh, and preventing a premature decay. 111010 already decayed it provento 'ttom becoming oroccet aloo futons socb as are be, coining loom. and by persorertmee it will retider the foulest teeth delieately white, and make the breath de lieiouly •Wett.. bold by Wig. JACKStrig, ett Liberty Attract. mar* . =XXII= IL • A. 'FAIINMAITOGWA VERNIPIJUVii APPM weeks abseil, one of toy children, aged about fire yams, was unwell:or several days, and the tdmep Increased so alarmingly that I feared death would ho the multi' Having heard of the good effects fif Pahnottooles Vennifuge when administered to the , ehildren of my neighbors, and thinkieg mpoldld might have minus, from some alba symptoms, !gave It une nod a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermlfuge, and to my great astonishment iu almost hantedisiety discharged between 70.0 and 'loll Lute worms. Is health was soon restored, and it Is now ran adably well. Previous to taking the Vermlfuge, the wont.. would ocentionally riga itt is throat. and I often hand it would die from stretaOhnion. , • /AP. O. DAWSON. Ilutiosta, Venus° co, Pa., April J,'4& apld • Popular, because Good! SELLEKW..VAMILY Coot, Staigo, Jefferson Co.,Jra, March 1;lbli It ILEISELLFES-4 have :pearly sold all the Ver. AIL wiinge and Cough Syrup youwetme. Youryer muge is without exception the hen ever offered tri this neighborhood, having proved good whorever used.— The Cough Syrup sod laver Pills have also given eat._ isioetion Your obl earn. J EMT, Postmaster: Prepared and Bold by E E SELLERS, 67 Wood stl sold by Dr Ousel, 6th Ward; L hiCity, Allegheny; & W J Smith, Tosoperanoeville. mare Lion INVALIDS AND VITA ci; X . .ro* Root Ites/c rowder, i delicious mod hied ntusillous food, which never toms add ou thetomiach, and is now ordvenalty recotorownled,bnite Lolly in preference to lintel, Sao, Teplocie, or plain Arrow , Uoot, o t better suited to the debt "biotech of ht. valid*, and a MOM eliengthetdog and wboteeonte food for Infants. • FOr wan by SELL= . . . , . ==E MONDAY.- - MORNING; :JUNE 26, 1848. VOITEITAIN 110TRL. . • BT.BEHT BALTIMORE: IWO Ann tekeitrote, raorannota ). THIS establishment long and widely knoWn as being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very omen-• sive alterations and Improvements. An enure new wing has been added, coeminieg numerous and airy !leaping apartments, and eztenstve bathing rooms. The Ladies , department also been completely • reorganized and hued op In a most unique and beauti ful style. In fact the *hole arrangement of the Haase Vail berm remodeled, with a single eye on'the part of tha proprietors, Inwards the • com fo rt and pleasure of thewßuests, and which ` :Wey confidently assert still challenge comparison with, any Hotel in the Union.• •• Thew table will always lie supplied with every sub; menial and luxury which, the market affords, served %p e p style; while la the way of Wines, die, limn not be sUrpassed., • • . / In cluaion the proptietors begun say, that nothing will be lell undone on their pan, and on the part of their ariishihts, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patmtinge admit friends end the public generolly. follo • Thf priees rata for board have am' been reduced to the • ing Mdtes' Ordinary, . 113,75 pet day., • • • Teuten's • Di, , The Baggage Wagon of the Heusi Will al. tenyk found at the Car and Stetunboat Landitors, who* will convey baggage wand ham the Hotel, free olchn=yin(' PEARL. STRE ANaraET HOESE., cIoCI 0111.0. - E R THE mbscribeni havina. purchased. dee enure `Merest of Cot P. Williamson. late of thi. 'well known establishment, beg leave to state to their; friends and the public generally, that they have enthis commodious Hotel for a tend of years, and will exert shale best energio make it a desirable for Travellers and City Hoarier,. The Hotel isgelation and admirably p lanned roe ionaentenee, light and tile, basing a number of parlors t i aljoining dhambers, presenting unusual attraction. to amain. The present proprietors having' had the experience of can in this city and elsewhere, hope they will be able to:giye general satisfaction, beteg determined. to gin undivided attention to the house alone. . The location et the Pearltreet No Ix Uncommon- ly eligili e;having fronts 0 nP.1 . 1, {Valnut and Third streets,. so that It to esinally desirable in view of the co.entenee of hu.inese men or eettresnent for private boarder.. It is near bylhe Banks, the Post Mee, the and but one wpm distant frodtMain Street and two squares frodishe City Wharf, thus offering die greatest indeeeewntsn aspect illy ta country merchant. end generally_ to all pennons cutting Ci.nutati 301111 NOBLF JOHN A_. DIJI3LE. • • • a EXCHAISGE HOTEL,. enittai or email Ann in. cbsut urn , ermined, ea. Tb....subscriber hams. assumed the manage ment of this king establiahed and poplar lintel, reineetfully announces to Traveller. and the s'elthe generally, that he will beat all time. prepared to dete them in. ill things &red., ai rata well regult=otl. The House is now being theinropsistly repaired throughout. end new Fmuture toldedetuul no pants will be spared to make the Exchange etre of tbo yeryl.el Mums in the country. The undersigned respectfully lichens • continuance of 1114 very liberal patronage the House bas heretofore recrivert.' • ' • thomas owerig, fettadtf. , • Proprietor:: JONES, ROTEL, gyp 'W 191, cUmirf own, rtubsnxbrins. aultteritrere, under the bent of Bridge. INlat holdetpurehastel elr. deuce , interest nth iiiiii ; establishment, and hope by the strictest attention to the waits and comfort °fleet r guests, o merit a eon almoner if .the liberal patronage heretofore received by its ranker proprietor:- The - knee has been thoroughly renamed, and re- • paired; at therefore feel maored we eau welcome our Idiots and the public to accommodations eq.! to any in the eitystf iihdadelphin. N. W. nalima., JNO. WF-ST. • GA.LT 110USIL . • canna .IX XII= fit C13L1X..11. T 11144 establishment lo aim in the best order for the rehrpitun of the 'Frarpling• Public. _ Baring undergone n tkorough- repel, doling - We pnst Laying this mow experienced nun in the whir In tin... Putts departments, 1 Mater ruyacif Mat all I wilt he Wawa vrlirxeall. The iocatiiin it central, nun. tn.huut and pleasant. Fare PI per day. Clomanati. March 13, 47.'' • W. E. MARSH. N. 11.—Althuuch not exactig a new Broom, it is the• mine—a item AVhisp on the old handle, apett likillito34WA — Velifili i.kIUS TlllRriallNabegsto . pilloaipt his (nen& that he is again lessee of the (tALT 11017$N,Leruiwille,14.,whcru he hopes to meet oll'his old' Gienda, assuring 'Mem and the pubLeiricat po cdonshall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with their twintaage. — 743ltreidD 011.. sr., •XII. TIM as °PIT:2TE late Ltt i tir p i c la t Lige r igsaL, Meg t. • ' Propneter. SHISSCEUIANET)fiS.77— NEW COACH ! FACTORY, l IIITf 111.1.N01C.. BROOKS It CO., would respectfallY in. form the public that they knee erected a shop on Laeocki between Federal arid Sandusky streets. They tee rum making and are prepared to receive enter. for every dewription of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Da mmam., Doggies, Mangoes, Le., tr.c., which from their lung experience in the otrumfacture of the above work,' and the facilities they have, they feel confident they err enabled to do work on the most reasonable terns With those wanting . amieles in their line. • DnYttrultoular attention tho wicetiotsof mate rials,. Martyr mosaics competeat workmen, they leave no Ix...it:awn hi vearmalng their work: We therefor. ash the attention of the patilie to this matter. N. It ttepairing done in the beg manner, and,mt the past reasonableverma jell( NEW DRVO STORE. 11 1 11)) stabsenlwr would respectfithy immune° that ha t F o h urth and Smithfield stras opened new Smithfield l Drug Store, on the corner ts. . , • . ...... . Ilibrains thou the wants of /lie intensive population cut of Suuthfickl strict will justify him, he has slimed I/deigns. in fining op the establishment,: and II de tenninal to keep no insoles but thole of thi 6.141.11- w—of undoubted pitchy and genuineness. A full nesortment of Medicines, Perfumeey, and ani. etc. usually kept in. establishment of tho kind„ will be always on hatt u l ' 1 !laving his dwelling in the same building, WI night calls will be aneuded to gene/gaily. The bueiness will be comintied as heretofore, at the o/d stand oa Market street. • splltd3ut WRIT POINT. WORKS. P R 2 , :nance N uent ‘ :ust V4l n G e:s ' On P en n st, nearts ' O ' P l oln y ;., at the establishment formerly carried on by S t ickhouso & Nelson. - Penton. wishing to purchase steam en gines for boats, or for other purposes, will please tawr us with a mall, as we Batter ourselves to be obtain fdt. nigh them on as favorable terms as any other estab lishment ill the city. Also, rolßug mill and castings of every dewription can be had at the shortest none.. Rxrcalanw—Capt. Rohl. Beer, Thianas Scon e Esq.. Church,' Caruthers & Co., IL Dinny, Eq., 1,1. Allen & Co. CYPRIAN PRINTON,, •aplnt3m ENOCII WAGNER. , - - Itockbeildare s take Notice.' TIIII Stockholders in the Youghiogheny Nevigatien I Company ate hereby notified and required to pay tp Mr. Jason. Hamilton, the To over of the Comparty,- the sum of Ten per cent an each share of thole stock, tin or before the 12th day of July nest and further sum of Ten per cent. on ornefore the 12th day of An gels; nest. Ilse stockholders will also take notice, that tae lass anti monies the collection atone per cent per . 'lnunth,on insusinonta eat punctually mule, which, if found necessity*, will be enforced. By order of.ths Huard. ' ALEX. PLUbIEII, Pres'. Jl3 Otivre,See`y. • ' 101 l • Dr. Illelmar In T 1111210•1•10. 11111 , 3 10 Certify that I purchundone vial of Dr. iltLane's Worm Specific, .ante l two mouths ago 4.114 gave to mu of m4serne amen yeas. old, two leaspocn• full, and .altis thogmouni may appear 'urge yet have no don t het there . wits upwards of 1 , 40 , locraino Woman passed ' lorn memuriog 'Mu ate 111140114 Of au snob 10 two Inahe. long. O IV HOLLIDAY. Hoge • Crney. Carrel ca. Tenn „Dec r L IELIZ. , jail_ Lepeohlivi i , Clapping and Dreading. V.lj .NO S, iSuenemor to 31..11. Delany • No 35 Fifth street, between Wood and Smith hod.. Fresh leeehes received monthly—atteedanec all Court. Kriegel:me, the phyiicime of ritteburgh,Allo - and /Jaminghasti. . I most cheerfully recommend tOthe phixicians fate. dies and all my former friend. and patrons, Mr, K. it Norris es being thoroughly acqueinted loth the bum: nem and worthy of palm:lege maniAly PAPER -2010 bele SlooprWrepplog Paper, ell hue; .We reams re led Cap Writing • Paper, rd and plain tenet do; all qualitiee; " Fla ule ; Cap; • 250 t , medium Tea Paper; LSO gross wire and block-while Renner Doan*, lOU roams 6laadle Envelope Paper; • • • 60 -" hardware Paper; lust reed Wed for rale low by REYNOLDS k SHEE : 1 corner peon and trent, ete SHIPS'PALTENT BLOCKS oo of of he Poloot shire., &o. dapted to the trade. Also, complete setts of Block,, adapted to vesselaof •eny capacity; put up arid forwarded to arty port of tha Urinate, without delay and at the towast ear. LiCINUJU Va.& tine role to quantities to suit purellivera i (SFAS W STAPLES, ept.ferwAnwTAS :A Burling Slip, New York e - ' Admpalstratoes Notice. h-h r ig-s ttgllitOt the Rotaio of the low Henry F. hwoppe. pnwent them for oloment and all parsons inde bted to uul wow, will please coil and wake payment to .101 IN IRWIN, Adm. Muth, 10048. lotor1111.1w) 11 waters/ end lM. ..11..%..:2..tt; • R E SELLERS N. II —As R. E. 8.14 De. Townsend's only agent for Pntsburgtn din genuine ertlcle Din) , always be had al Nell Woal street. . • • . myl3 • --- pRTTpNR IT/It LA.. _ DRESBI23; of the follow ," log *lnds, vir4-811k grodunted leaf an buttoos; ywandenbourgh do; Pommel do; Castilian Tessa and Crop du; Non nod Plain do, together with white and eol'n Liam, for tale or ll buITON tr. Cob niyl7 Trimming Swim, CU market at Robinson's lo lump Tobacco; 15 do layers's do do du; 10 do Ira Hurls' u do do; Va do flyer's lb do do• 23 do Coders' honey dew 5s plug; 19 caeca, 0u dwarf boxes Myer". superior Aromatic du; fu do, 40 do do Tommie Nectar Leaf do; just received and fohisale by jel3 mita.trt. & iticKers.oN 100 ° Z Corn, laden.; g casks Pot Aida' doi 'ow Yarn; 100 lbs lisessroxi W 1,00 Not Poop' Ski nor Candies; IS do'rin; Plaids; blii• 11431 Nos Leaf Sugar, for sale by • mylZl k:SOLLSII4 BENNI-717 00 6 Partaership Notice., • DUCKICOR & CO. have aaaoetated with 1111.. them in their Tabasco and Commission budinesa, bovratd lical/,(lato ofJacob Medd tr. Co, lialtbaore,) David C. hict.tunmon and John A. Warner. ova. . - EITEASIBOATE.VAND lIOTELS,AVe hare - an F; hand a large morns:Olt alma Stone Wart, atilt. sale. for alcalehOala .41 :hotels, which we will cell. •GILL & GETTY, r" • 'ap27,.. BACON-10 Ihdo pillow enrioisfed H. , .; 1 0 do .81doc 111 do Shoulders, WI apron., ocular. JoietiELLEILS & NICOLA • M.Tgle l dn A r i s E nle i Ty ltK—in* P"k; lola.. JA-4-4&NicoLs 61 r. . : .. ~ . ..„,.....:. . „, ~.... . • ... _,..... AZET , _ ~ • ..,.......: :......... 4 , • f . .. , . Kowa upphmeh. • ance ben taePsarciiirr t DASH, N 11. • ILere 8 Strickler & Co.) UTTPACTIMEILS of Phenix See proof south Ride, aerated Exec, !Demmer!' Woodi d S. 1,1 Pittsburgh. J 8 &tickler having deceased Hod tiVtll " ll=6. r h4! ' Wola u ir,t,Tt..V . will hereafter ho conducted ,the s ty le el Li con & Barr. • Trial tit n safe In Cie( Wth the aotter.Re"" ed were present et the of onion 8 Strickler & Cris impro*Weenig &bp ugts,,Tke.ufe Was placed In • AI We Ile landing' andsuldeeted the tote ago ( Fame end fire 41r, more than three hoar. •rt one Wur a half this Rafe cane to a bright red !Deng the 'door the &mace eraithen olowd, which caused an toe and needy heal der the balance of the time, mil omen iron wheels were partially inched OJT; the f was then thrown dearn awl the safe cooled tied opened.. The money, and books which It contained were teperfect as wpen placed there, the binding only of the Woks being.te , led biAte ,, water g Ltsaf p : iii. W . er he n ve= ceperior to any we have eve seen tested, andbelieVei that it will stand any heat ar ch might be Predoced, ncept• heat wineb wan , It It to a solid suss. 1 4 tigneger &' Whitman, L Vorthine, Keane; Umer, W P reese, mares Bndm, tr goo 81tuagaRtl Co, Stedman, sod & Co, Wen Mead & Winsto We, the tunderSigned, Sal led the rate ut Ismi t, l s of above, Go a lot In the UMW of Trabertr. A the C 0 SPRING HELLOG. Refer to Cook & Harria, Broker., B IVebotlit; Maw liana& & • do" do' teallkwlf tumor:my JO 0. WIC. L. N. rammer ••• LIPPEW OOTT & CO. M_ 1 ANITPACIMRRHS'of Hammered and Cut flteal Shovel. and Spades, Axes end lietehets x MIL le Cut, Circular and Gin Sawa Hay and Manure Porke r lauttirekat Pbcks; tee., having Completed all their arrangements in the cone:action of 'new 'remetrinery, and in seeming' the best Workmen Gem the tent eel n i braid establiehments Me Eard ere note manofeeto log and will keep compandy on itaadiads far sale the above articles, folVing availed' thermelves of the latent impioveurents, and aredoteradeed that in work manship and material they will me beeomellor .TheY peonage to produce artieme. equal, if not mtperlear, to any that Can be had in the Hew They' invite the in..' tiou of dealer* to an ezambreabun oftdraleek parehasing elsrwhwe, turkey are munineed that they will be able to MI all order. in their lie to the e • eatisfaetion of_parehasera. Warehoese, n Water Mee 4 doors Weil Monongahela Hoare, Pittsburgh, Pa • N. B—Persona having boomers wish Wm. Lipper • I colt & Son plane cell on Lippeneott & Co. • ettedi JAMES W. WOODWELL. Plttsbargb Furniture Ware Iteozna, JO, Dam nacre. 2Ep A large and oplradid meranient ofFnmi tore, suitable for Stemnbam; Howls and pri vale dwelling; constantly on hood M. matte to order. ~present clock on hand cannot be eseeedea 311 any manufactory in he western 'country. Pere. wishirg , to purchase Would do well to Give mew 0011 m 1 am dem/Lined, my micro "Mall gleam. Part o the stock coneirts 30 alintiwith'lllash and Hair•eloth cover; dor Mahognity Nurse Chair; 11 Pair Divanin , . 12 dos A. mahogany Chaim • 12 mahogany - U.3lr Stand; 3 dor Mahogany Rocking Chair; 13 marble.top.Preming Dorcas:; •. , 8 pair Ottosomq lambic itop IVork &aids; ~ 'l5 cherry Work Stand; • • . pttons, I l d Mahogany, Mle mCherry, and Poplar &Dread. of aeteo mar large amortmeni of common furniture antichairsl too numetom to mention. roaMtf LADIKS ADE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COHNION PH.H.PARED CHALK. TIIEY am not aware how frightfully injurious it is to the skin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yet. low anti unhealthy theskm appears after ttsing prepar• pared chalk! Besides It is inj usions,eontairdng *large quantity of lead! We base prepared. a beautiful vegetable trucle, which we tall JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purified Of all deleterious qualities; and a imparts to the sato * natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living White In rho unto timo tw.lioS! as a 'cosmetic. on th e .kin, m a lting Ii soft and allaleeal. Dr. James Andeison;ElaeliCal Channel Of Mau.] clowns, says: 'Utter analysing lows , Spanish Lily' White, I find it possesses the mqat healthful and nat. • rid, and at the same bate innoceut white Joni saw. I certainly emu conscientiously recommend its' use to all whole shin requiter beautifyiug." 1 Price; Z. cents a box.' Sold by War JACKSON. itiLiben It martu Pitt Machine Work. .tad ihnutdry. rarantractr, A,thaw larhita.tlptin=;UFases, otn. 1/ressiU Frames, Loonna'ardfintid=zut Iron Shafting turned; all sixes oiCtist iron, ?allies and /I.gers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castingeof e'er) description furnished on short none,. Patterns mode to onler tot Mill Gearing, Imo Railing, k,. Steam Pipe for heat. en Factories.,, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Ca r a generally. Order. hid at the Warehouse of J. hon. lamer fr. Co., Libeny street, astir:lave prompt Uteri. Refer to Blueksosek, Soh & Co.a. S. Moorehead k Co„ E. Warner, Jobs /ratio & Sons, Pittsburgh- G 4 C. Worrier, Steubenvi ll e. , . Salt. - ° PUQIPI.7Sti6.i Mprl lig, AMU. 510. i andiron Works; nOLEWAN, lIAILMAN k. Cc, baying Completed V, !heir ne,vazorka, are nose pialpeteil to ittanaftses. tare every iliaeriptionni G.r.4 and. Lliy* ' epnil6 , s Iron Axles, American, Blister f pness. am! Plonah heel, and ..u.sizes of small NV , . and M. , h.", which they otter for sale ost hberatterma,at their ware .l. h se, No 4.3 Wood street; .**, Chop ./...' heel , on . st a . complete and handsome issotukant of Wadi' rip, Cimino ilardwareOlalleabla I:entitle,. Pin l• 0,1.1 /IV. - ~ 11. & 1:,,,, have made moan with Mew.. Da &Cron;z, manaiosturera of ShOrela,Spadee, Forks, he, and ail!' keep eonstamly .Isp' hand every. article • made by tbom. Beak,. are rerpeethiLly *Ached to all, as price. mad mums will be Aldo liberal; 1123 New.liardvrare'_-; osts47: WM/DWELL, &Omer of 'Wood and 31 sik. r Sittalbargh. ing i 0 mart: from the. firm of 1t suave too Woodarell, Melia:of Januaty, rely, I take pleasure in announcing to My friends an the city and country. that I -have openedYaTuv. store- la dm .above 'tuned place. Saving putgbased my kends for cash, end made arrangements with Mazallacliaert is this country and in Europa to beoltonatatfilY aufilfilvd, I am fully prepared to furnish Eardware Grail kinds, ou as good terms and as low aa..any bowel East or cos . Merchants and 'others art keapectfully braised to call and examine my .took, bosom at where. The following comprisom.part kis mock! Steamboat and saddlery hard Wire gun trimminp, kles,..filaylor'. meal, cutlery, edga.Soals, anvilsysicea locks; Jambes, scythes, Mat argen t Eaton Fac tory plasma saws, mahogany lamp, and mamma and ell other males cm:wanted With-the hardware busi.. ess. mehtllf M=MI s LI • ir y. • resin matt, tablisattekttatalitaa. 0 HOGE beg. leave to informst [Wiens of Pius -4.3. burgh and vicinity, that he ha" Inlets Eke I.Uosir mot Rooms latelyoccupied by Mt... Toner. The -pub lic are assured ihnt all the lam imppvements Ere seen red, and will be brought lido operotiOn by ItAillogn, who has been a constant wealth:A.4.e the : an vela first discovered. Entire satrathettins ia gee:noticed to all who rosy beciuns his Pelrona.l - AD. 14 . will Wel witlrpleasure to Mr. row t welve establishment he has operateilifor ibe last weigh. Family Tor. traits, Er,gryvhtgs, :Deguerreotypely lc., accurately copied. Witnesses taken in any 'Nailer, : and set in lockets, breath pins, eases and frimms, instruction.. given In every Oraticktontte art, and ap. (ann. furnished. Itheiltritfikalllt, !RUSS 11088.,0414.1.10X.---717•1 ‘_T received per steamship Caledeipi, from Linrope, a ttigt i s T s d . ej i . rit o. c c:xlicenteonnto.l I Noes Roses and Dwa t rf Moos Proveitke Anises, it/gather with one hundred yank of Box, Mr Irowlenag; foesaie at ROBINSON'S, Rah street, near Mitiost,.*tiare may ho found the handsomest and best ccillecnou of Una ry Datibrand Hied Cages to the city, *ill Canary and Hemp Seed, by the pound or barrel. U . : • at= rpo DRY G001:44 211ERCIIAN .T'ed.A A Mason S. Co, ao Market Where receivedleases of cheep. printed Lawns and Maxims, 8 rasp; r Month en, of every 'anew style, cares ill glad style Ong.' bouts, 4do new Primo 4do blociAnd orange Cal. : wee., 30 do bleached Masi... oil vindOs.. Alto. cases 'bleached, brown and bloc Drills, Conelades, Cheeks. (Anghiumn dc. Ac., all of which will tie °tiered at she lowest ' , Astern wholesale once. mien • Mon 1- ate, law always. , H t l: lo 7. l lV—hhentifactorer dill kinds atoms 'The tho ' v ' e so aar r k7L e etig nowln ' 7ull crown . ; waprepared to execute erdeff with dispatch , for all kinds of machinery in my line s stick as nedlawa; pickers, spreaders, earls, grinding machines, railway., drawing triunes, speeders, thrown., hams, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or:country work, ioule.,jacks,ric4alide and hand lathe. and tool. in ge ne .eral. All kind. of ebonite( wade to onlel, or plum gm en for gearing factories or mills at reesiinahie charge. Ram To—Kennedy, fr , & Co., King, Pennock . staivitaliona .DL.M.:1030.N o FOCI J.) rep:Cabe' and Piled, alauttposiaillg Salem I mo, uu reale/Wm at wilt. they.. perpord tie AU -.wow dr/ay. nanktal tor prat larrter Ws solicit a tootlinsuce of Ibir aims, as roe gala% Screw of UskeiStreitt anf the Di/.6.14, (back of Aletasileef bey's Ury bloods Menu) -" M. R. DELANY. BV.LL AND Illgign Polliiiii.T. a. ~ A FULll'uN, Bell and Brass klosutster, has re. built and commenced busbies. alas old tilled, ikhere he will be pleased to am hittold custom. ors and friends. Cnoreh,Siennithoss, end Della tensor) , iixe, from 10 .to 10,00) pounds, cut from pencils. of the gloat epprov ed ;models, nod torwrantBl to be of the Rat tnaterials, Mineral Water Ihnups.tliaintera, Itallingii: . #4., toge tlirewith ova: y variety of Wass Castings, se required, tumid unit titivated in the i - - ------- , A. V. it the solo provriet 80, Marsh, so Justly vetch inotion ln machinery.. I e. ho bed of Ltallat all tit Ploughs", Plongla . . Boac_ nUfign'a 4... 11 the Yid fins of It .h. 8. /10,4 manful • luring /urge, q a •nlii,ti as of Ploughs, hough Casks, Wyie. 011 . .....cAC.V.J1 the improvements or. tl!ti LCS•cr. Peacock Mewls end tabor Ploughs, *Ml:Oaten and , , 14.,pollers iteW le eta..,__.ti Wskteleaoss, SIX: Liberty Street, FdtaltUrEss, apposite theilisfy :3,,,,10; Foolery, ils Allegheny tali near the Cotton Envier) . of filestom ylaeltstock,4elt* Co. ~,1!“.., , ,1r _ _._ L______L '' -. av:_‘, J. 1,1,7 j..— Loot W 15aro .fill engaged in the above band' Issivorner, g of Wood two ww.ets, Pittsburgh, rebel* no arc pripared to work in our li mit, d”. patch. We attend to our work parsonanynsuld Action will lou - SUVA in regal/ to its iittstatlis awl do. rability. Blank Hooks ruled Wally patient and btplosd Sub stantially. !lookout numbera Ot oldbooka tad care fully or repaired. Nantes put on books in it tatter.. .11woo that Savo work In out lard are Ins an to r. To oat uuditre. r lO . ° Wc/Goe the huatess of the • hue Lust G IL:Lim/ 112 iriekley po# of Vault "P!Tia74'll.F.tarit Ap ply w. Co, Gp29.:tf • od st, tot dues Oak I UV to:of Clothe, CatagUark, V.1.1,10.0?7pt!,02 ly(ll4b3hr LAVI L L IA /414=41=1.1; ‘Freer . EMI NEW and_ splendid !piety, sit f eitg , • 2 k 3 RILONANSP" : 67 Mwbet . • " 53 &Id lever Watches; 69 silver treat. levet niche. &skate, tinsilverdetathedleyer watch. es; i silver L'Epitie 'watch* RS silver quertier & • .L 2 fine trachalaa; Ides new/ate ear rings; lan poi told hoopitingsi 5 dos assorted vietin . 2 Po , aical boxes; playing a saucy or popular tun; 12 Don steel SLda, all size. • .' 1 I . FAN 6 dos, fine , Pont, be a dd paper; 53 doz contemn Fans.; 6 doi due velvetbees, new etyles,_• 1p do: fine crottli7 , bead bop, •new allele S dos_fide potebet D ew styles; tidos fine parantil. - ussonsen.Stars, 16 . 666 , *lute. VD and silver, force tallma 10 doz fine flowervaps, assorted; Lap fine owel acres/pia Ptah ions; t J dos fine isors crew phi cushir* I do: fine wood screw pia cushion. A' fine aportmeal of new Toys, , ,an.l/.. ' , .. .mart/ l- ' gill:W.llW AND SUBILYERIL 000riTs77- lorr ALS. X It ca, ''' '' • • C.. amnion & co., Pi tut. . ,• _ Newt York. N: I A: A.:ltsso i flo., 1. • O, Market suers between 3d and Itit sts, Pico- 21 ba h pa,.have.secently opened their new arid eletuuNtore, with as eltettsore stOcli of rich Spring and likutuner Goods, eorapraing upwards of thretsinub , , deed packages, of: the lawn And , west faabianable sLyles, Ihterchantstluotiatioltt the country ore puttee. ' Duly lashed to call and examine oar stock;. as' it oar Dien : don to offer 'our goods at th e lowest „pastern'. arboteside prices,' Off of the fpm reddirit In New York,: ' I be oanstautlY seeding tia 'treat, qualities Of the dpirable torah, thereby giving us every fit nility ' the tmusactioa 01 dueltusutess that could be yaz , by Eunice llostab. Pewee , are Denton: guaranteed to be es /ow as the lowest New York sad Philadelphia' rates: • . spy 1 urn TE GOODS FOR DRELeat 5_0,,,,,,, this mom , TT tat at W N MURPIIPS'Ory Goods House '. north et at corner of th and Market sts, a fell peon pent of whit. Goods (Or diem. oath: as Swiss Mas line, Plam and firdi' Mull Null do; barred incitement 'plain AMID and Jackonets. : Also, veriest styles of goods far Eveigut thews, Ineludinn aMr limit or Mira new styles Embroidered Muslin Robe • . . • Neer goods will be rephinsdaily Rob e a week to pane, bicludiog newen• styles Mesa Good. Lluen and French Ginthims,'Prints nod Child:tea, lien , low. blerehanware awned to examine Deneo, goo& and pri ces „in Wholeiale Mtts, up gain. TheaDortnieut la w nod prices very low. LfNkN AND ditigatLAAlsl-111 8 Mu ply' Invites attention to kis assortment Of above somis, tat various abodes and qualities; aloof damask, 0g..1 Lin. Lucre, for Ladies , Dresses. *luta 611- 43.6.1. 01 fine . Eilli.lll, .idtaidicater, oo klatch ,Ctingfetas, of newest sittlen olio, HoyPs - Prints-,i full onormmta. of , Mesa very desirable goods, including pink, lilac, blue and double purple, of new aad beauty MI patterns. • frf.tteb Dram Lamas—Pink, blue, like, bitit6 sold bog,of neorest patterol owl fast rotors; , small bed do for mfaata Also, !trillionth., of large and small fig ores, foi.lidiest and infants'dressec • • • ... - anbroideted Swim dress patterns, (or oseriing ses, near alflest eolored damask to/tabus, do; and a (all usor mem of tissues, hem., grenadine., crape shovels, B,e, allito northeast corner otruorgitual Mar ket street. . A drag. . -• breh-etrgh CoIt)..4%SANTTAT lalltelleitg e mit street, Philadelphia, beg lelop go tufa= dm friend. mad paperer of th e late arm, and strangers vianing this. city, that they are uuw receipt of the Wring and Bummer Fashions: Also. at choice and seleet assort ' mead at West of 'Phi gland and .Preneh : Clot mores and Veshugs, jo which [bey mg:modally in them attention. ' " ' aggradeng EXPHOFLS—Gents' Summar Goods! 4tper sin gie milled Trench aths, and h styles, C Melts; black and cord Catteneremes; g Queen's aged Summer Cloths; feed and philn Drap IMpes; Yes- • Mum very choice tdancilleh, Cilsksseass, Silks and Banns, and AO LJnen cheaper DM ROIDNSCCPS Cloth there, Post Buil m<Yld{W corer 118166 "4 "a nialPlll3ll4 DItYGOODS.,H QifacELtat a WHITE , No. ua Wood street; an • S receiving a very Largo and ereairratoct of fresh Spring Dry Lmods, of eery recent purchase, and bought under the Most fladrabio circumstances; and which they ace papered, and will all to plesehautts, St a very anal) advance on the eastern coat.: • 1 _., We would request all metChluns vialtiag mai chyle our stock a fair examination, and we feel - Mut& dent they wilt he cutysly . slalisfisak sr the cheapness of our stoma VMMO:GS—Sup' Prbach: 65'd timists,.9llkts, Cab mcies, mid Lute Marsulles. CIoTLLY--Sup French, fresh im w ported, W calory qualities and Prices, CASSULE.RES •us every style and. quality,. VASII ..II6.METTS--eup silt warp • Queen's Cloth, 'Simmer Cloth, mod desirable commits for geolsrwear, at prices below any the city: ROBIN .50:"8 Cloth Store, . apl7' conics 6th and wood sta . . - W Woad I.l=lgi od 00 and an ..S, No : ly receiving Oaring the liminess sesunvi large and exteneire lISSORLIMItof DRY GOODS:which !nay. ter to Lambent* en Rev prices, and retie:table brow believing that they can give .entint estrefeetion, they confuletaly invite afttnerchante ibitingthe city to give A MASON a C0.,60 Market street,axe open n~ omeirsire usartardnt of Otto, tioodsanst re eetred per Expresseoraptiling the. largest rad most faeldonable etoek et M.'S:locals to be found id this city—amongst width we mention, {Ups extra rick em broidered Yorl do etteirre, a now article, mat iia moll delinadt gaoda wli ile themarkel• also, mm ,14Coal- ScetegesTissuesMoudrStrpe, Frencpaonett; RESS GOODY.—A MASON CY G 9 hlurkel suet, have just reed a splendid asaciltinent ol OGtiodai among which may be Mound—Figured, plant, plaid and striped Vertigo of ph qualineik silk tissue, triohair , stripes, Crenidiera, satin stripe de Lathes, plain Sena, SI Chalhes, Jitney Silk, French ' Jacuneini, do. &s: ' • • . . • apl9 DERAGCS, /0 .:—Aleanauler A. Day have now open XI) a beautilal and suiped and plaid Scraps, or the burst qualitlee and 'newest styles, imported; arse, splen did plain had broths blank Ikrages and !Warne, spleadid Fritsch Leiria, Linen Lust/viand Ganglia:es, a hill arniortunnat WA, plain and thou stripe de Leine, All these goods hive bead purchased il the letipei• eraptary auction sales to New York and YiniAlelpnia ik 'ghillie sold at a great reduction frumiegulat prices • . At.nev \NDERt DA V, . career dunned. wid market it & Day have . reeeireil direct LI from the hoperter in Neer Tort, u entire -cue of_ genuine Canton Crape &Lavas, coraindu • con plete. aseoroneat of embroidered mut plain *bawls, otall co. iorsand UMW., nom 540 The Jellies Kra res.- pectrally melted to examine these shawls, believing Mei some of theca aresuperior to any before °tiered in du market. They will be 'old remarkably cheap. • Also, Silk Tether and Ikrege bhawls Cod t:Wart, a full usorimerit, Ma remarkably low ;once.. '• sue Wr/1111; PORCELAttt - 1113 Alts—The. tubterther V having melted the hole Agency tozhale ofJ ones. Whue d Cov note, (dud tivol,lllo/nr and /tin uspi. datoes Teeth, Write* Unshod' Veda htletttioth JOU.. btolll.ltll, „Woad% =A dpothecaty, ripl7 , , cot wood tuhl sth ate . • '/:11.0V1•14—A- good • maxonmeat of ladlak and soma Idukowhito iOd. colored Coltoo„Lnle Throod no , t ,00d. Tkibot Gloves,- lona Alp,mut coloced Vrauch ludtiloTevi ..excalledu article, and lanietsidu r jug oinnnng by , op 41• " • aIIAI.IC,Cx4Ti.ViIUTI97) wood st AND HOSIERY—Jim der i* - kA !Lg. bi.. 14 . 1, 40. brOwei and alio Colle. nose. Guru Oi cent. per pUr V 11,11115" Enco guiltily. AN., iw 4cm gams Cotton, elaltHmei . .NO elox ' thr.d. " W.,: 'ennomelmAim.alo. tad Gtove4. • Pealeis nod othenithatmish • baypsins 'in tba above latieleL'wlll And theft{ et &ran,' • &WITH ir.JOIINSON XLOSIEGY, GLOVES, AG, AT IVIIOLI.2ALE. :Midas Hose end hot( Goma, (or etoolivo, with a lannial error and /isle tdr ' sa% tilores and Mats, Just received inam the amponioa urd /or sale arho/etale and relit, bY " • /I EATON /sea Q, TEEL GOOlL9— , Stael Vag Misps, - tho boil :lawn /0 uient in We city; time! beads, do EarTuaaels; do !ewe do', do Paw loam do do clasps; do Slides,. do Kay 'Rings; do Top Comes; just reed co the neve tatoreola Mallteie4itet. inylo - - OWU3- ,full insearunnuioilditn, sherd Canstaied, plain and eta N Jneonets, Swan held Beata 311,141140 t Misting, Bishop Lawns, Nassooks sPtOloti f.fdlik-Viegons Learns, Tats tau Alaanns, logetbet wick a WI. auortisext Isl_Dobineus, onus sad;atley Netu, Lures Edging., !tannings, &c. Sc-, all of which have put arrived weak from the ino porters, and for we low id aloe tradn; br • • man • : ' enummiarrAvarrs _ TEWELIIY—FiaiGoId ousieCaicid chi do Lock , e for Hair; do do BredsCrinr, do do k:ar 14gs; du do•Flogar limp; .dO do (JAW Uukini; do du 'Fob do; .do do Yalailla ftrutV do do Limeelota dad. Clasps. Those lo woad of luso ,Jairelfy and dAA:efl to Call on as before pare aups- =NUEVA KNOX; marketst 4011.6A7INtid AND eillfilTLYUD—Alua . 17 haysfooduad sea p supokor assorlakat of brown sad blUarlad Sherualp l / 4 . di Da Dam ealetualcd taduaratuus;ofallUridlas had qUalithur,AlDO-kaehod tad tdowaffdwddap„of fair upoddies ; at to per,rant.._ ETEDWI• CARPET 1 11 1 tPORVIII, , I . FOURTH ST.,•BELar , WOOD. i., il ~ hihseemer respectfully' nests thetattention of A? owners 'and :•eeptalns o talus, erne. end awnagers visiting pinata*, tOhislarge and splendid steak of carpeting, nosefor w ri dgts newswires, eth street. . They consist of - entry ty *fine latest and mestl ftudeonable styles of.Ca . I MO% lto, eve , brought to the Weston,' inarket.:. The store has been 'brtilltspresslyforlhawyetblolliewo. 4 !l.4 4, l: c td n ; l ej.43f egpense,)•beea finedepliktisa rad.l..agetb :. ennatfa reeteleing are Of4helateit sign, with, Ilan che st and most bnlliant coleus. I 1 :Et 7 eamprise.in part. of the following: ; 8 *deTWrallauTrn neW et , -• "..: ,; , !, 7 and American Ansel r , -.- , l • nt al Ingrain,' new alto. H z , . . •. 8a to r' new de.. Ceogneton do - Plaid and twilled Weld.; Exteup . er cord twilled do; Rey A, • •-- Chen le, Aonp , Pill . , Ch r s t ille• Ir.r. w.f.:A 6. .1. i . • • le d. , . do - • . s • Conn,lho, rag and hemp elope; conanrin oil eioth. oil cloth table coversororsted tun Uneatable oilmen, tradirits shad t ea eolorral nruPdsan matting, new rods, kept g r :',..4. ` t sto=V4of whi L e t h ° lll ' ql ' olrert a Y s . ream e ;sats tns ma atjya L, lte eity. Atilt:ern:wi l l t y; ..., - era gsr,any style of easpet willbripromptlY kw-. ward! b7,jelegraphe and dawned In one wag, et •,; .11 small adienee. atria reltriPta-4....- !hartbeests - . are panne requested to emnriserows perphamineelwarttereow we eenedent we via sell as the as they ean be ptualtaCe4 lathe emitern'eldes. -,... oarnatai, DmrEstik Oil Cllet4u. rmram ioNstx a xsok VOL. MY BIRD The following lines, from the pen .01 1 Mrs FL C. Judson, we saw. in rtuunuen some weeks skce. They were fotvarded to this city by the same letter that, !zoo the tidings of the _birth of her ..viangluer: They have s i n c e appeared in it :ohunbian hiagazine Era . . last year'ain, hid left tha.sky, 21 bridling socaht - my Indian nest, 'And folded, oao lovingly I - Her tiny upon my breaat... From rump till evening's purpletmgis, In winsome helplessness she lies • Tw rose leaves , : with f aaa frrage, Shuesoftly an hiiitiarry eyes.. Then - i f s not grind a lovelier bird;: Broad earth owns riot a happier nest; 0 God; then haat a fotsstain stirred, Wheal!. witeranever more shall past! • 1 1 • - • This beautiful, mYsterions thing, . • . This seeming's - kits' id from heaven, This bird with thiaitrunchtal wing, To ine,ha nie,.thy hand has given. The pulse first caught its tiny irtroke; Tho ' .blood its crimson hue, from mine; This life, which I have dated invoke, Henceforth is parallel with thine. . . . rd silent awe is in my relm (sar .% The fifties with its light and Time and tteMity•sle.iletm;•: • . poubts,hopeiip eager txmodt rise; .ffear, 0 My ail.l gni.enini4 prayer-, Room for my bird in Parnilise, r ,:. And give her angel plumage them"! Mautmain,' Ignuary, 'lB4B. - • RA-SNAKES: THE OREM' BEA-SERPENT 'The Sooloo Seas apPear to be swarming. : with sewsmakei, perhaps on account of the calmness of the water =silent of the atmo- - sphere here, -which tend to produce =ma ngling fecundity in the world of-waters.— Sea-snakes always' pear. to prefer calms, swimming on the still surface, in an ring manner,. neter, raising thet heed much from - the surface, or ,yarilting, out of the 'They dive'with facility on: the approach ofdanger, but do not appear, to be particn-, lady, timid. Their p • rogresszon - id tolerably rapid. The Malays:term - them "1 - .llar-ge-. rang." The -Pekinus bicolor is common Over. the China and Indian Seas. I have i seen them in the seas of Mindoro and Soo, Zoo; swimming, by thousands• on the top of the water. ,They appear especially Ito de light in calms, and aro, fond of eddies and • • tide.erays, where the ripple rn collects nuei , , ons fish and Vieduste, wluchlaincipally con- ' =tate their prey. 'Their lunge resemble the - air-bladders of fishes more than the breath , ing organs of reptilia, in general tieing eim- . • ple, elongated sacs,•with ,blood.iessels rem-. , trying over their parieties, brit having' no .Their tongue, is white and frisked, differing in, respect of its; color • froth the tongue of Other sicialles, which is generally bleak. • The two forks are revaetihs within • ',the root, and are covered with two Wimp ',sheaths, which; dMring the. casting of the - slough. can' be drawn off like the scales of the. eyes. • 'ln some genera,, as $y hie, there are true poison fangs" bin of smalCsize compared with the Colnbn and others; oth ers are Innocuous, as the Chersydms; while ' others (Palermo) haVe two apertures at the base pf the two terminal palatine teeth, which may, perhaps; serve for 'the exit of • • venom. Dr. Cantor says,: in _speaking_ of t marine serpents (Annals and. Attag,-of• Nat.' vol. is, pAritit) that . the, species afe,..withent exception;highlyvenomous."!' Schl 1, Also, includes the sea-snakes in his' • second family of Venomous Sex - Peals (page 184 of his - PhYsioponiy of Serpents.) _ Cap-- ruin .Cocik, one of his voyages, saw abundance of wareuttrtakes, one - of which was coming up the side Of our ship, and our men beat it off The Spaniards ety there is no ante for such asare bit by them; and one • of OM black& happened to, fall under that misfortune, and died, notwithomnding the utmost care was taken by our surgeons to • recover him." In the Sooloo Seas I hare Often , Witnessed the plienomenen which first gave origin to the inarvelOrite stories of-the • great sea -serpent, nam' ely,lines of rolling porpoises, resemblistg a long string of buoys, oftentimes extending seventy, eighty or a , hundred yards. , These -constitute the so- named, protuberances of the monster's back, keep in close. file, progressing rapidly along t. the, calm of the water, by.a succession- of leap, or den:V . -vaults, forward, part, only of • i then uncouth.forms appear - big to the eye.— At the same moment of time I have seen bentetifully-banded water.snakes, of the thick." "" ness of a man's leg, lying extended supinely along the gassy surface; or diving:and swim- • ming gracefully, with slow ; undsdating, late ;al • movements of their vertically compressed ' • bodies.royage of the Semarang. Sormuoarry oD A36:fllellif Timoits.—A cor respondent .of the, Xew- York Courier and • Enquirer, ,writing from, :London, - says , "Nowhere - in the whole world are gents so ' • y . fi elegantly made, and so' fitted as in dui United States. of Frenchitailoi must try en your coat two or duce linies in the manufacture:, and he final- . ly sends it hotim, such a' 'fit' •aa chance pleases; while art ,AineriCan :tailori 'haying taken your measure, !seldom gives you any : further trouble, : (well:he:presents his and sends' your coal Iphae,:fitting as if you had been melted, :and into - it' while ho}"' - • Ve here been' often istOniedied at the' itx winary ts4eiority awaided . bythe Anier, man people - to . European - iVerkmen. Our successful cornpetition with did 'World in the various arts and scieneesiproVei - rnost• con clusively that we have no _occasion - to send - abroad for anything, and Ave hope .tbat both ladies and gentlemen . will discard.,the idea • that European worktien are , superior to our own, in any art or science to which the at- IlUition of our citizens have"been' tiimed. LtnEart.---We like Surke'S ideas of lib. erty: He says r---"lden ate qualified for civil Meaty, in exact proportion to their din position to put chains upon their own appe tites; in proportion as their love' f justice is above their rapacity; in Proportion as their soundnese atict sobriety of understanding is above then. Aranjty and presomPtion;in pro portion as they,ale more disposed to listen to the Counsels of the good turd Wise inpre remise° to the flattery' of knaves." • DON'T BE IN A MARY TO CET niert.—Gra dual gains are ,the only natural gains; and they who are in haste to get rich break through sound' rules, fall , into temptation* and distress of every sett,,uni genendlY fail of ' their object. There is Or use in getting . rich" suddenly. The man *:.who keeps his businesi under his coritrbl, and eaves wrea thing , every - year; • alway* rieh. At any rate he possessi :the . highest enjoyment which riches are able to afford. • Frumostrir.—Whint we , see the' leaves dropping . from the trees in the beginning of autumn, Just •such, think we i is the friend. ship of the world; While thelmprof mainte , name lasts, our swarm in abundw aroimd us, butin winter us alone and naked,- lit Mat lindaa Mal 'friend in truly haply. is he, by, far, of his . IK.the time of 'Cromwe, moa of Ilia Church of Engli pray Lord)o .who las • the. band of thy sarrant lteatt 04 46 :RFP/(4 uathi,mAde . , ui.kbluon. niQhikeitieneliiehch'eta those,whirdetend err ilia min Morn, may be said to epteett the tree; for th*goi.ll,r -- . 01 / 1 410. boar.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers