GROCERIES; tROCILIM i t a. CIO4S bbd. II 0 SuOr; £ 33 bbts' 4.3 r lisaustkm 30 bblsSeigar Mesa Mils.s. K 5 40 Was LokrEssks; 00 bogs La 9014% 12 tcs of Bier, 11:0 risks wan soda Ask; Issessta bJ Ikte ar rivals from New Oskassy and too sap' - „ plea w a m imam= . Magi TlOl3-40 tit cuts and 90 Tad. bbli Part, Sweet T • Malaga, and Madeira Wines;nomprising soma very choke and superior brand., reeil red and for sea mill on accosnapadadag 'arms. by - W kid MITCHELTREE,IOO liberty a ATTEST SODA Afol-43 casks Jame* hfespr - : l& 1,1 „Owes Inn acv Saba A s h, pun TVG'd petrumer n Rash sod for sec by , , ardli Wit AI MITCHELMED, 160 liberty st • JAMEN A:HUTCHISON &Co, Agm. ( of E q . L.,. Seger Hefirwri. No. 42 Water and 02 Front street, Pierborgir,Pa., have in store the following at sortmost drained Snare, for solo . • • . bee doable refined large lore fi HIV Ude Noe. 2,4, 0.6, 7ad null deg 230 do Powdered; 200 do Crush ' ed *do Carded • m7lB I 4) casks Soda Aeb, beended 11 131eele I Liverpool; JO dodo. do Jemes SOW, do; RV bags Rio Coffee; kid boxes W plan, for solo by • JOHN GMER, U 1.1 it Son Atursil 70, US to, Yri lib st • I • .v.0.••••'. In. •or gale b El V VON BoNiiitoßsT half Cbests Younih wo Tes,hut reed .ate by jail MILLER & RICKETSON POTASII-9 casks erns Potash, jeer received on • consicamint and kor sale by • jell- • - MILLER & RICKETBO - N . BRAN ) t DY .FAUIT-1.2 cues choica Arcad y; Fn iy • j e .4 11 -"" : ". 7 ‘ , ‘ I . IIVILII. RICICEISON C.O ttnEtt—z, bbls Economy era& Oder, jut neeiv.ll and for We by . . MILLER & RICEIRSON 1 IMBED bbl. Linseed Oil; in fine shipping , order; just received and for sale by . reLt. • • • bIILLEISk. fLICKETSCIN • • 111.1,Z-41) bbls Wilmir ou t _N C Tar, on bandanad for ,aslsby . MILLER HICKETSON for sale by - • ISAIAH IMMIX& CO OAR-3 Dula: N. 41: 5 bbl. Pulverized; bbl. S enured; 7D bbl. susonal Lea; far• l y iams . jels • • • . JD AV it'ff POWD,gI--"lntaNDVArrad° RA. ISINS bx.• Id ::Ihalf do; 20 gouger do; for Palo by jels 1 12 Vyll.l.lAbilg. CiNELY4-20 20 boo lik;tine; ado Elpoim7ll7;io Btu; for UN by ' jet& D WILLIAMS OAP-R6 hza azainvad; 10 do Palm 3do Vglahle; Id o n m ai N f ar n ap jas JD WILLIAMS • Sft . . HW I F f-111 bbt; .miinmelt e alijA ..u la br (101 N MEAL-60 Ws laosling •nd for sale bp. 1j Isle JC I.IIDWELL DDM 111CFAL-61") tons, Rope Furnace, selected fon fouudry use; for mile by OW A BERRY. Jet° ID seem ml W o . o? e lci-6 pots Wool, !tore raotAsisplay T10T%1411--10ensks Potash, LT sale by SCHOONMAKELL h. Co, gi ow st OPPEILAS-33 bh Is, la rood order, for gale by C jela I SCIIIOONMAKER S. Co S Trar•Et ATINEGAR—ZbbIs Cider Vinegar; Yqr carts white V; wine do, la state and foe-sale by IBIS - MILLER. A. RICRETSON PULVERIZED LOAF SUGAR-140 bal. Nowt 4,s, X 6 and 7 Loaf Sagan 25 half eases Lorering's doe. die eelined do do; 40 Lads Lovering'• comae paleerixed do dr6. 20 do pedvetized do do; ,Just reed and for sale b • • iels •r ' :MILLER BICICETNON nuitiormaco- b.a. cub. roc, r0b.ce, 6 43 4,./ dodo snapper do, just reed and fume by " jell , MILLER k RICKETSON fuel) APPLW-15 bbls Dried Apple., teed arid for*rde by - jeIS ' • Sk. lIARISAUGH GREEN PAILABOLS—.4usIitt & Johnson, 46 Martel IX street, have jest received IlA) green silk and . changeable satn Parasols. Also, 200 snorted talon, froto 73 cents a piece up. . ie-LS CICEI2E- 7 5 ,15 bra prime IV 11, reed Oda dry and for sale by IBIS TASSEY litST ii,f4ICKERE-10,6a1f bblz No ? r , A la s rE fy fo; t i_y_4, Jeff{ , REST VITINDOW boxes Fait/ . W Glass; 120 TV do 10X12 do do; 10040 WZII dodo: for sato try TASSEV & lIEST SALAMANDER, 8A1 , 03-Iroll Sides% Hon and few map low to elms cottugnment. jell •, JAhlai DALZELL, 9J water al - DEANS' AND CORN-93 bids 111Litz Benny, .10 do .I.lTcrn, Gpr sale by jela SELLEM NICOLS .FIV ORLEANS SUGAR-03 MI& prune NO Su knz; 10 do fair do deq for sale bp mra WM BOWEN, :0 froni et 0000 1 : 1 ,1d C r l rulTe nRICK ceived ' C nriNuurr &Co ARD 014-20 bbl. Ilnewit's best Lerd Oil, in store 1.,e for .ate by jel3 JAMI DALZELL XTINEGAR—W, able pure Cider Vinegar, for rale by Yi • . J S DILWORTII,I7 woad sr rLOUR,IOO bls . ?Floor, ( or eala by 2 Sel3 , < t 78 DILWORTH n oaKs-3 Wet jun rir'd and for We by v. !au • - • JOILY D MORGAN, Druggist WHET 01L-1 euk Sweet Oil, reed and for sale Q by. Jel3 , . JOHN D 111011,13.1 N • BLACKENG—Iiii dos llssesis Challnoga;'jcla ree'd ami bar sale • • jel3 JOHN D TeErAßri bb!. jog reelartd for gala by . . - JOHN D MORGAN OTABII—I task at retail, No I artie/E, for ealr bg , 1•13' ' JOHN D MORGAN COHLOSIE YELLOW-3 tasks reed arid for sale by .` jns - JOHN D SIOEGAII Pld 21ETA1,40 tons Pi Metal, Blanche taynsec r for sale bT ice • BAGALEY t SMITH ITIANNERg , 011;-00 bbls Brume Oil, superior, for , salo by • Pri3 BAnAT vY & SMITH MULE: NCH LAWNS-1 ease fine painted Items, X beautiful near putt rue. just reed and opened by -,jet9 811ACALIT WLISTS,99 weal a RFLoug—La bbl. ezun, for sale by :Joti S F VON BONN/Wl= k. Co L 14 keg. for solo by jol4 ' F VON DONNHOILST &Co Pb4imall white, far we by • joy -8 IF VON BONNH SSTs Co 92 cults Clevellnd Saleratultfor sale jel4 *lop& mcartntsss bE 7 u''i:l4"" 6 %a'k!lf , c - Ar ,f 7 a—.l4_llb . l: Family Flaw IVICkIZZAD F , j LES;' ATTIOTE tIEANS-3.1 bags iri_store and for mkt by 1011 • ISAIAH DICKEY a: Co "W CILEESE-45 boxes W Meese, landing IV I3 . frooxstere Erie and for stir.,. :871/NISLES :51 t i o o s Cincinnati Star Candles; do jog rccelvineand for sale b do d° iel 4 ' • - • MILLER RICKETSON WISHING BOOTS-72 dos India Rubber robing Boots,just reo'd by exposes and tor We at th e In du lubber epot, No 2 Wood greet. • J&JI PHILLIPS c's tI 9 ULDEIL BltAcE*-- . doz Shou reu Vrae, r aia lin l gn ba b l:4r=4"s l =s l irees. w ulo " -jef. I& PIIILLIPS 119TARD REED-7 , abl a Ilkataek7 !dastard Sad,Atha ,le tuist (or sals ID • ' .1A.9 A lIVTCLILSON &Co SUGAII AND MOLASSES— BD ad* NO Sops; begs &James 9 H Hauer •,landing Irma steamer swim and fur reair •• • - isle . , BADALEY 6.9,111 TH LiNCINNATI .90.0-200bst do 1 Soap, per stmt. Mom:trod:WA, for gab by - • Imam-Ey& sxrnt Oils AND B.M.E.Y . —lOOO latrltOsta and GOO bush oat 51°Sdrivrall=11011, •. . 1 , 0 . • 1M water and Mt frontal) C iOO Nub Cant, stare . att t tu i ritga o " lelo 8 " EIEVIE-40 • ' =ale 1,7 b je L lff '"1 712V;ILIII I irisir DARED PEACHLS—A re; th For by . }e_SIS DCMATOF4 soukss (Jai; Nothannoris, 11just rreeived and for solo by,. . :POINDEXTER C bxe W E Cbeeney for sale by la 1010 • POINDEXTER & Co lororogy-4 tete Honey, in More and for We by sio . PcarinExTga & Co F.,.iiiD,FANcy MILKS—A A Meson & Co. bate on hand the mot extensive assortment of ; Mack and fane Silks to be &wad to the city. 'ad L. RODUCE-40 bbl. S F Flottr, .i6O do CoroM•al,10 do Coro, .10 do Mts., 1:d do IVldt• fOr sale ti 7 • YY9 I C.BIDWELL; witt,.t SALTB I 9 Ulm coconsignment sm/BIDIV tor • • ' isa C T•tRIED BEErra:oo lb. for lude by .1/ • - ,- F V 99 BONNIIORST k_Co, Sivid at bb kArgiZNNuottsre. VAC/Marl -7 U !Ala No a tot sale by Ili pa VON uoNNuentsr fr. co ruom,a) las Half Swish Civil'., (or ..le by • la la • • •e V VON BOAINHORST &Co BY= bandied Dure r Vine • , Yid.% AR -101 rZ g llt & Co 1 • : • • ter, • ISIS 1113 OF VO . 80 . NNILIORST ICo DAIUZY-391 4seks r jj River, amd for sea by IM • AD-61X1 pigs Gglana . Lesd, meal . ved Der .e suma c r Yarae and 6'4 It& A ITUTC . 111 . SON & Co y tLALE OIL-10 1.14 s k wile low by m 79 J SCHOONIdAKCII & Oo IL V1T1201.-16mbo7s tor sale by ' - J scnommAXEß A CO GOODS—A Album baaeivat o Pen.d 4 _Le 6pa 104 Lawn elbeetinteA i/ao, .6 pa 64 lotliew Cps 6%44 White Lave In peat ,suety. tay9 bap prime gre.Plilo Old for oak It_ rrip3l_,____Lt, D o frE6.B-4S half Ifni 17 , 1 on: ..d Ga r t . k ; -1 6N ."1" " rry3l " .40 1 / 1 gut IDACtiN-415 bids mooned 8u 0 .4 oa t , s ' • . sale. 2 7 myn 1.11.E8R1CK16,000, ota superior qua li ty, wall ea , r Ma intensebwArArtlFiy &Co fg W. by • • AC IMON7 IO. bt JAIyDAL:EL,. '145 MISCEUMEOU& SLIRTINH klUipleaiSzWißor2durphy those vh:ti. aufarnor BriaitITEOV I I.2O:I Paining hand Lansdale do, sad hos constantly on hand au osson. meat, 'of every grade of aathy, at low rash prier.. Also, Irish LALICIIS for skirtings and -lama., pore ton, and very cheap, at northeast corner of •4th' and Illarkeyktcacts„_ /elk PARA£OIS! P4l SOLS:—W R Murphy has open this morning, fresh assortment of green silk and satin Parasols, Lead Colored do, fancy .type and cord ,da,allowest jell' DDROWN BRITISH OHINTZki: - ..W R Murphy has fool reed another supply of superior brown and ite British 'hints, of entirely new andbeautiful de• signs, to vritieh the attention of thaladies is inched. jel4 • EiliAlvis.:_A fine asoortment of Tisim Da. Cmad( and embroidered Crape !thaw's, of a ten. superior quality, received by - , ALEXANDER. & DAS; 75 market oi jolt N SV eor of the diamond • TTIIITE ARTIFICIALS—Just lot of White Artificinh, which we are v • "ry cheap, Anchto which we invite the attention Of th jolt , ALEXANDER & DAY ISH—luxe Crase, Baltimore, Ald., will be glad to F have ordera from his friends in Pittsbaro and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and II errings nog the maaort. 'Orders excemedwrith despatch. and 'Of lowms rates. Charges for parchasiag matte 10/11E.FINEL SUGARS-1M boxex double refined large loaf 440 bbl, 2,4, 0, G, 7 imd 8 small Loaf; 210 bbls crushed; 178 bbls powdered; L 9 bbl. clarified; in Mere and foe sale by JAMO A RUTCHISON k Co, mar. 9 Agents St Louie Stearn Sum Refinery. ARA.ROLS-15 eases silk,eonon and 'gingham Pa Is, late styles and handsome primems,nest ope gy and for sale by SHACILLETT k WHITE ' 1.3 99 brood st -- DRESS GOODS—A A Meson A Co, 00 Market et, .have just reed 1 eases of nett Dress Gvods, coin- Eriaing De reges, Grenadines, 'llasues. Pore de Chew, sjhallies, he. Ake. jeh SHAWLS --.A A Mason & Co. have ou 'lta.nd every variety of Ithawla, which they are wiling at reds. red prices. id/ s, -GINGII.IIEIS-A A Nowa & Co. have received SIS CallealpOW style et Gineweria, which they •re at the extreme loleprice of 14i eta. OTTONADES AND _AAM wa sou & Co, have received t cams of Cononades and Ewan:tor !Btatis, comprising every style, suitable for . Frd a7Pan — lroKtlnll b re " ne ui 7e ' er 4 cid Silk Fringes, jell: I.3IIeiCIELETTik WHITE r_121.4G1140 .19—Six ellAell French and Earle.. Ging 'Jl j !i l a g nas,aumnier styles, opened and for sole SHAWL'—A good auortmout - of plain god fancy anmtoer Shard., lust opened by iota SIIACKLI:I7 & WHITE LINSEEDOII,-10 .bble hot recd hid for sole the drug warehouse or J KIM:Fro Co, • -T INDIA 11012£Y-3 hilds just landing and e by JAMES DALZELL, jun - 24 water st EACON-4 • lbe country cared Meai, landing fro ateamer Hu. • n and for sale by jet 4 JAMES DALZELL LARD -10 kegs No I Family Lard. in more aral salt by lel2 • JAMIO3 DALZELL T ARO 011.-93 bbls No I, landiug. 1.1 102 MDILL, RUSF FIELDA ROll PRIME SHOULDERSZ casks just - reed. jet& ' &MILL. UVS FIELD & ROE CORN-41 bbls Shelled Carictor sale by jai:2 k. ROE EAD-600 pip received and for sale by jell) JAMES A 111.7TC111, , 0N es. Co AILL'EAD --4 " I "i'La ;`,V-Pi MUT.. Co NOT-3I keg., ...mud. reed and tor into by 01 010 JAS A licrciimn , i A Cu HIMP--Mo.billo Missouri Ileinp. in more and . .Ibroole by jell/ JAS A HUTCHISON Ike* FIATHERS-3 big, porno Kentucky Feathers, jui F received and tot au. by jelat JAS A HUTCHISON & Co - 1,/1C0N115.519-5 casks Ilexes, a very superior ar .UO vein, just received and for sale by .lelD Jas A ittrricinsoN TOBACCO-15 Lis lb. Lump, supenor quality, ine'd ca cousigiunent and for sale love by jes TABL%EI 4k.tirsr, .14"0:111:1" BELT: 4 ,—A few,. umples, received b 01, express and Mr sale by jes $& II PHILLIPS iAMBRIC-2 cues cord' Cambric, fur "Cc b 7 %." jeS • C ARBUTHNOT S ADDLLTIS' THRLIAD, didcrent Calor+, for nale by Jeg C ARBITUIMHT SHOE THREAD—“Tnley's" green, brat ilingebed and white, for sale by . Jrn C ARBUTHNOT "INDIA DUBBER CLOTlllNC—Comprising a 'erg - meek, such as Coate, ttaehl, l'ea Jackeu. Caste th or without Sietred, Legends. of three die - crew kinds:ll2u, fee nil to he had ett.the India Rubber Do pot, No 5 Wood it. • ley Jlt It PHILLIPS T O A A . C .T -1 4 t i eg o !'! gu o it.m.ittd far .De landing JA3IES. DALAELI. Fbbls receiving from sun r Canna. and for I: side by te7 JAMES HALM:ILL RAWNS—WO las Minch Rnirins, in store and for sale by. Jed BAGALEy &.:a_Mrlll 'DOTS AND PEARLS—I 7 casks Pearl .Mb; 17 do Pot do; for sale by jee HAGALEY A SMITH TFATE CRAPE—A fresh supply jam reed and for sale by rod C ARBUTHNOT D . 5 aresii-4 casks reed this day and far eale 11,, A / ' l'Asssy 4 BEST , • - • -FL°;INC PAINTED BLUE ! QUEENSW.a4Ij i ::- cheap and beautl7::::. ';5- . j n es m" GILL k.LftE.TEI' AAIEELICAN QUEILVAVARE—Can he had wall ita varieties, at the wire _ of ke3 • GILL eGETTY PITCII-5 tells Pitch, on haze Red !berate low to dose bp jes TAAFFE t O'CONNOR FLTA2ol3lds,in . sureand IoT T a A atby 'ILTACKEREL— 14Cr2md 2, large, on hand and fo IU., Jed TASS F.Y t BEST SALTS-9 bbli received and for sate by TASSEY to BEST S . RYE—A kw begs Rye, in .tore and for sole by jet L S WATERMAN 181THITE BEANS-35 bblo small Wbue Beans, Co Tv' - se _ by jel L 8 WATER,MAN _ . PORN Baooatets doz gib handled Corn Bo .. 1,,, for sale by- • lel' L 8 WATERMAN D FLOURS bals Rya Flour, for sale Ly XL, re I 1. 8 WATERMAN - F!LOUR -179 Ibis Flour, prime Mat teed and fo ask by jel 1.9 WATT RMAN NORWALIC AND SANDUSKY?, AIrEY-84,020 'mutant reasoutdde dismal:Ms S WHA BAUGH, m 731 53 water and WI Dom atm OI . 7 . : iftl b c t fo h . l ats a pe% g o Na ale Led tl in do si ore `and for Weal reduced pncea by Aga SELLERS & NICOLS PATENT.rORTABLE FORGES—A:dew tut dos day received. adeution of steamboat wen and others using .mull forges is particularly invited. myd N![SOAIFE. _ T EAD-730 pigs but Galena Lend, in store and fu L sale by • I BRUNOT, mylli _liberty s 4 6W ward - rIASTOR 01L-9 lo reed per steamer Swim Boy; V for role by myl7 M ALLEN /L eo IUrIION-7.4 bates for sale low to .loo t eo Vmerst, by. Loyl7 BROWN& CUIAIERTArt. 1101rOPS-12 bides PO sort WeLtorn New York, re; eeming trodlor u.le by BROWN b: CULDER7I4eN bbl, Buckeye Mills, extra, jest reed and for sale by' sa7l7 . DROWN & CULPERTSON Si - 111.: • EATIIB-50 dor Patent Serbia Small; r saleby rrtyfl le.R FLOYD WOOL-6 6seks common Wool, on connignmens; VI for silo by myn. R FLOYD ENECA OIL-2 bbla Rae. Oil, reed horn Salin S works and for sale b apV KIER & JONa; , Canal Basin POPLAR LUMBER, and Pine /nice, for sale by WA „ • W. W. WALLACR. T AHD-0 able Daft lc Jessup plus Lard Oft, far aft 1.4 by .y 2 :4& W HA/WAUGH S •Iny% ~J OIN bblo foroble b - DIL‘VORTII BACON -1U casts Dacca, for sate Ly mpg _JOIIN S DILWORTII 1 FLIMMDIG:4-111. k Mantilla Fringes and Gimp and an assortment of Dress Fried.; reed en press at nayl3 EATON Co'. I)OTTLECORKS-11.1bales'eee'd and for rale myls /AA UN it REITER BA-(7-`)leN—aeta hides, ren'annd fur safe mylB .• TASSKY F-9T "h ezvoirrn • 10IFUPS-30 bales Hops, for solo by my2o - J S DILWORTH IODA:ODD-42 keg* No 1,0 tWist, !angling from sun New 'England and fur nale by wylid • JAMES DALT ELL, 21 water In • r AHD ?'G kegs Lard, jusl reed and for node by my2o - JAMES DAI ZELI SlLAD—tai bids No I Sl!ad, just . rne.d a;d We by tur.s SLLIAALS at ft !COLS L ARD OIL—W tibia Lard Oil,jurt 'feed and for sale mYba StiLLEItS a NICOLS FwasEmOlL—Cal bills for by oard3 , SELLEILI k NICOLS 0. 9IiOAR-IOU kids hand.= New Orleans b ii o Sugar, to arrive per steamer Eureka. soul for aide aagaS IOINDISXTERk Co YTlgif?bttobd to a r rive _ leraleanerW oao,.ToribY my% YONDEXT;tk yr,Nrri AN RED-3 easkarart rFea and for pole by nryt3 R E SEGLERS warn: CLL'U-S tda reed land for royla BRAUN aarim rICITTUIV-40 bales latulassea m stare and k, far sea by myS2 WIZT_ILOWF.N, ad !maul Ici - ifa.righ.g=4.3l;6s - in .o'. In and tot tea by_ tuna WEST ItCPAEN ====l A. GORDON. TITHITELEAD-100 kegs pure White (zed, Mo TT nail for salo by my= . WEST tIO'SVEN • • DOLL BUTTER-4 Bble and by t fresh Butte JR, par reeeived and for sale' by .0 8 • • y 8 & BARHAM/1i 110 T-23 kegs Shot, evened, received per gnome 1.7 North River and for solo by jo3 -• • JAW'S A IIUITIIIt,ON*,..Co HAWLEI—A A Mason &Co, hueis upwa rd •r ..4 vorl r .k • o•pp . g , i• rg superior Crspe,3l IDARABOLf3—A A Altman h Co, have reel 2iXttoo mof thaw very rich dark green likrawls. my?* • LARD 01L-33 bbl. Lard Oil, - landing from steamer Messenger, and for sale low byelaw consigns:teat, by ' JeS JAMES DAIZELL MRILISON'S Columbian Copyin, j_Uson's Columbian Law reeciva . and (414 .by JOILN MELLOR, 61 vnadit • WOOL! WOOL'!-1b higtiest market ptiee in cars 88 will Le paid foe different ends.f clean well limbed Wool, by - 8 k W Ilitißit UOil, . 4 - e 6 3 want and 104 Amu Knot " ~ a.-. • • COMMERCIAL RECORD. EIIDIE4 2717 .134.nin7, -- 39 I ,4 . 3 anY, 4 33, n 4 Monday, 4 39' Tuesday: 4 34 - W Wednesday, I 433 2.n . l'Oursday, 430 1 M Friday, 4 .29 fri - 6 1 13 7 a 7 2:1 72t b 3l 72! 941 7 21 10 47 7 :a 11 441 7 21 4:6122 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF •TRADE COMMITTEE FOR JUNE . , . T. alyZrtlT. S. P. VO3 DoNtillOad. °max Prrrantraon Gaztrru, t Saturday 'Morning, June)24, 154E14 The weather yesterday was very unsettled, and owing to the frequent allowers of rain which &II during die day, busineaa generally was at n low ebb. Rona—The receipts byriver yesterday amount ed to some 500 bibs. We' heard of sales on this tebarframounting in all to about 200 bbls, at:44 p bbl. Sales of 300 bale from store, in vaiicaM limit ed lots at $4 as in quality. • Guam—The Wheat market is dull, and very little doing. We quote limited sales (oat store, at 80it53c p bu. Sales of rye at 50Gs55c p bo; bar- Mr is dull at 40c p bit. Moderate sales of corn coo effected at 30022 c p bu. Soles. of 200 ha oats at - 26c c bo.. Gsocumm--The market is without change.— Regular salcs of N 0 sugar in limited lots by hbd, at 4101 is for common, and 5615.1 for fair. Sales of loaf sugar at prices ranging from 9to tic p Molasses continues unit!, with regtdar sales at 27 ad2se ir gall. Sales of rice at 51051 e is a; by am tierce. Rio coffee is sold regularly at RUSSIc per pound. - Bose—Sales of variegated at 101611 c; regular sales of Pittsburgh resit soap at 151 c; Chic lmoti resin is sold at 5c p Wornow Gr-unr—Sales of city brands 9xlo, $4 4,, box, net 10:12, 4,50, other sizes in proportion. Country Bzlo is sold from stare at 3,37033,624 10x12 at 3,5003,75 fp box. CxxXxx7-.Forther antes of \V Rat 5166 c p Al and of cream at 6167 c p lb. - - The steamers Martha Wathington and Uncle lien, troth ascending the river, came in collision _somewhere beknv this port on .Friday, by which the latter Imstained considerable injury. The ac. Mason occurred while both boats were attempting to get n passenger who was hailing them from the shore. The Murtha Washington proved to be the lucky boat—she got the passenger. (Louisville Jow , nal. • , Fayst.,Aocinnyr.—A s the steamer uPhihibod. dridge" wa,ibacking out from the whorl; yeller. day morning, a deck passenger, whose name we could not learn WAS knocked overboard, and not. witatiadiug almost superhuman el arts to seen him, he perished.—{Cie. Corn. • St Louis, Jane 17, ISIS. Rivers AND Wrannm—The officers of the Red Wing, down yestrirday from Galena, report the Upper Mississippi ~at a stand from that place down NOM three feet water on the Lower Rapids. The Dr. Franklin arrived at Galena from - St Peters on the day that the Red Wing led, and reported the river falling above. The Whirlwind tenons th/e Missouri falling. with three to him feet water aboVe, and six feet water .below Glasgow. The Prairie Bird reports the Illinois falling with six to seven feet water in the channel. Here the river is receding steadily, with still plenty of water in the channel to Cairo, for first class bonts. The weather was very warm yettay, end this morning we were visited by alight showers of rMn. .It is now unsettled and oppreviliely•wirro. —{Union. . , . =n22=! New York, June 19, 141 S. At market, 1100 beef cattle, (from the South and West, via Philadelphia,) . 7o cows mid calves, and 3000 sheep and lambs. Prices—Beef Caule—Notwithstanding the an. tremely warm weather en active busmen was transacted, and prices so far from suffering a de cline, rw might under the circumstarnee be expect ed, are n shade higher on the inferior qualities than those obtained last week. Upon theThest qualitT, however, we reduce prices 23c p owl The fair market average may now be quoted at 07,60 to SS. 200 head were driven to Brighton, and we should estimate about 100 head lett over unsold. • -- • . Cows and Calves—No partieuLar change to note The sales were at 622 to 531:6350.• MI sold: - • . *beep and Lthilbs--Are pleatier, and 'prices Lave correspondingly declined. Sales at St,2:o 2,75 to .350 for sheep, and 1,25 to :Mk for lambs. Wdbrilie—Per Star-19 bbls flour, F McGrew; 37 do do, 1 & It Floyd; nit Ebbs flour, S & WHar baugb; 17 do do, J MeFsden & co 4 do oil. Bap ley & Smith; 14 bls flannel, 11 .ks wool, S dr . 11artiangb; 1 bbl 3 kgs lard, I bbl butter, I bbl do H Graff dr.' co. /Jeerer—Per Lake Erie-.-1 cake potash, J 'Cao• plir; 1 box mdse, D Leech & co; 69 bra cheese, Wick• & McCandless; 1 sh peaches; l'Painter; 34, tixii cheese, I Dickey & co; 3 bbls 'potash. Myers & Hunter; 30 bbhrsaleratus, Butisidge, W4.on & co; 30 bra cheese, Church & Carothers. Ciersinati--Per Highlander-120 bids, whit,' key, It Watson; 10 bra lemons, 1 pkg, J Bearly,.j6 0 bbls oil; Duncan; 2 Nits sacks 42 bbl. liquor, .7 Leavy; 4 bbla eggs, Magee. - Bridgeport—Per Hudson-314 tibia flour, a las McCully; 12 do do, Bremer Hudson; 3 aka scraps, 1 do toil., II A FahnestiCk dr co; 212 bbls flour, J BleFatlen & bbl butter, W Bingham; 1 box aise, William Jacklion. Do. h11.117151713.1111"....—The folk:Wring ts copy of a letter just received from an agent in Tennessee. tt taers arch, same character are received daily. UNIONMIX., Buse. Co., Tux ;June 8, 1648. Messrs. J. Kidd fr. Co., Pittsburgh, pa.—Dear Sirs: The agent for IlPLane's Medicines left ynth me a Inc of hi. Liver Pills and Vennifuge, all of which have born sold. The great virtues that they contain has induced me to mad this note to you, to see if yo, would not send tee some niciie. 'I have read medicine hove been selling dugs cud patent medicines for shoot 12 years, but have seen nothing in the fOrnr ol Pill. that hu done so nuieli good. BPLaue• Like , rills end. to the Ireutifuge, / want no better preputtion. 1 could sends great many GeftifiCall, bat do not think h ne• cesitary, as the article lo already. well and favorably known. Please Urward toe at your earliest convent cue, 24 - doz Vernaluge, don Liver Pills, and 6 dos Long Sysup Your*, respectfully, T DENSON Tie above voluble prepared*. can be had gnu. ine ot the drug store of J KIDD Co, BO wood at jeltt Tarr •crati mar • Crisaus!--T)ie original, only true ad genuine Liver Pill, prepared by R E Sellers. Plivirrvrowsi, Va., Jane 7th, Mr It E Sellers—Some yews since I was much ben flied by using your Liver Pill , and is I am a great offerer now, I enclose you one duller, and wish you to sand me worth of it in Liver Pills, by mail. Be particular w vend Weeame kind—they soled like charm when I took Mem before. YOUT., M!EX= Pro bo yored an Gold by SELLER.% %I, ood rt. Sold by Dr. Car d el, 5111 ard; D. 31. Curry, s7 Allegbenyr W. J. Swirly Tomporaneerille, and P. Drry, Low rencrrile.. other pills called LiVelf Pills are corm terleits or issiumions. ED- Citizens are honorably assured that tht in ere the actual qualities of a 3a. bonla of Js rat Hair Resuirauve. If they doubt curlew Cannot thew highly. respectable citizens, o tried it: Mr. Geo. Beckett, 41 Elm st, New York. Mrs. Meats Reeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. WirC'Himpkins, 92 King st, New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, E 9 Liberty at, Pittsburgh. 11. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S.'Amenea. And Oldie then a hundred others stale, though this must snake, that it will farce the hair to grow ein the header fsee, stop it falling off, strengthen the roota; removing scurf and deudruf from the Guns. and making light, red or gray hair mooing a Got dark look, and Leeptng dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, sod, clean hod beautitul; • very, very long time. Sold at AVM. JACKSON'S 09 Liberty st. . ma 14 MY'Vou foolish, silly old fellow, read ads, and be no longer bald , whiskerless and hairless. 111 r. W.-Jack• on, °(S/Liberty street, rinaboryh, Pa, certifies on the ad of February, 1E47 that Slr.Thos, Jackron's hoed, on the top, was entirefr bald for IS years, and that by using Iwo as. bottler o fJones' Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is ;rawly/ciao and thick., Sold in Newark by I.OLDS A.SON, (70 Broad in, VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nantucket at. rearm rrrro nla Holz cam Laba—Comstock`a Nerve and Ronne Liniment and Indian Vegetable Vizir is thdanbol effectual con , for Rheumatism. Sold by *M. JACK; S Agent for . Pittsburgh. pocltidicaratair I D- Don't haw, yellow dark Tetli—they east , ba wade pearly while by out time usiug a. box of Jonas Amboy Tooth l'aste It hardens the 'guano, aweetauslha Itreuth fro. Sold at i 9 Liberty at. novi9dimiY • ED- Wit have a Foul breath—l( you hove, tyre • twicvshilling bouts ofJoues' Amber Tooth Prate. That will matoyour breath sweet, whiten your teeth, i.e.— gold et Liberty st. oovlll4kwlY T !Adios who use Jo Synoda babe erw tl ays a fa* white intrillp na.' arellt O l: Lily r White, this a mai will ,uway any. anc. rally Pittabargb, so be Liberty at.' • itavierlandwl• PRINTS ONLY.. 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. LEE & BREWSTER Fend.liaised a warehouse, in the year IMO, for theyar pore of wipplying the City and interior 'trade with PRINTED CALICOES EACLUSIVEI,Y, at , low pricra—ond exhibiting, iu nil unisons nf iheyear,Lhe !Aiwa Awerunent in • THE WOAiLD. They are n eiy ow opening o f laudned Packages, rri7u n eistf, ri 'e f w wlT. ' l l i ' ll o a f a F eNii .' i i rbea 4' n nd pa p r c e " ?? " l, and ova offered for sale for Cash and ohdrl credit, at PRICES REDUCED , FROM• ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below I pricer of April arid Alay, as per pradcd-Cdtalogues, which arc cora:card daily, fat the Information °Univers. paitiVr wAnznousz, N Yak, Jima NC: S 0 CARPENTERS AND ARCIIITP:e . TS—Theßal. ry&el Guide, a practical treatise on Grecian and °mem Architecturv.lo/ether With •IXteimem, of the Gothic wyle. Also, Practical Treatises on Geometry,. Decimal Fraction., Mensuration, Trigonometry, and Carpentary and Joinery, embractreg all the neceuary deter', and particularl y adapted to lb. want* of Opt less euperienced. By amen Dills, practical amhiteet }lndeed and ;Unproved, with additionsof Villa and School ormeiArchitacture, by II Austin, architeet,atel Barnard, Emq. !Second revised edition. For gala by Jell J L MEAD, Apollo Buildlogy,th at .2 Z.. / : i , I PORT OF PITTSBURGF. ARRIVED, Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. - Louis McLane Bennett. Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Dl'Keesport. Lake Fsie, Murry, Benveis Beaver, Clark, Steubenvilli. Highlander, IbArkiuson, Cint / Philip Doddridge, Moore, Cis. New England, No 2 Dean; Cin. Star, —,Beaver. DEPARTED.' Beaver, Clark, Steubenville. Louis McLane, Benheu, Brom, Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver.: . • Michigan No 2, Seave r, Mt. Vernon, Kounts, Palo Alto, M'Donald, Brownsville. Star, —, Beaver. Camden. Hendrickson, M'Kecsport.' • Tbe_Wver la.t evening at •duala was 5 tql inches water in ploonel, by Pier mark, and \ PASSINGEII,IiIRANGEATERTS FOR NW. For Philadelphia every evening as 9 o'clock, by Leech'. Packets. Office opposite the toiled Suites llotel. Steaniboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cinc l . ooo , 10 A. Ai, Persenger Packet via Brownsville to 11.1111snote and e u. and 0 P. Neil Coach hine direct us D • At. and In P. Y. Western Red riouil4ro Mail touch Line, 0 a. Ai. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. As. Erie and Western New York daily, 9 A. sr. DisprileEastern toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, A. le. ARRIVALS AND DEXARTIIRE OF Eastern Mail via dod 3 a. We clew. IY s Weald Mail.Cineiu. & Loam, due r. doer. sa. w South. vialtaltinsore &Washingroil,'elne 9 r. w. elle G•.ari North Wealem via Cleveland, due lira. sr, elopes 0.11„ Erie end Western New York. due a e. w., close. arl • . . Wiryms, by'vlseir irritation, bugtnent the were non of =maw or elim - irin 'be stornach, in which, al so, they involve igemselves; and it Is said they feed upon it, amt deprived ova; they dia. The celebrated Vermilage prepared by It A. PAHNESTOCE. Pittstatirrh, to admirably adapted in its operation; first, to remove the protecting tanctiaand secondly, to expel the worn.' rendered helpleu and tender by be ing thus denuded. It is a remedy in which every con fidence can he placed; and that it has answered the purpose is manifest from the hundreds or eertificatei given In its favor. ' re./ o"TcHow Teeth and putrid breathi, Spottay gums like mien, death, Is repulsive awl disgusting. • All could have teeth as white aa pcatl.: Sweet breath—bantgamit. 4 inan or pirL Wiry delayt—nay, gutekly haute -Aud Ilse a box ollooes' Tooth Paine.' It gelds but 95 eels's, and Is really a beautifulreticle. It gives the teeth a fun enamel. sold in Pittsburgh hit Liberty st. nottlthlikwalf gj- Does your hair tall off, does your hair tura firkT Is it harsh, m it dry, or dirty,ll p If 'Os thus, you ran make n non, o :ilky and fine, Dark and healthy, and beanmous aa thin hair of Wm , And to have this, you lumo hut,three thillings to give For a bottle of Jones' flair Itemorative. Header, If you have bail hair you wratld really be ati tonialted •at the lovely erfeet • three rhilling•bottle o Jones' Coral Hair Reetorative has eat; ii eyed. but one anal. Bold it ci Libeny .14 • siovitaltraila Salt Mount, Scurvy, Old Sorce..Eryiripelas Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sow Heeds, Sore Beards, Bun ples. ;ones' Soap le need by many physicinns In thw city in curing the shove, and era would not conseientimisly sell mulcts, we knew it tribe all we As a-coametie, the iron !alma' Soap Is perhaps the only article ever known that removed inmonties and elearell and beautified tho skin, making It so ft , clear, sittooth end skate as an infant'. . hold by Wllt. JACK t4OI'S; eit Idberly streak tuartft .That whiter skin of hers, then •now, And pure as monumental alabaster. , All females here skin like the chore, who use Jon& Spanish Lily White. It maketh Ono snowy, yet neon witty white. Sold at hit Kreel. nnarl B, IrrPllll, Sot, to —The Canaille flays• Idnunco to an ankle more justly. celebrated as a cure fur the above tian any or another. Ito cum are almost lin numersble.. Bold be WM. JACKSON, Arent for Pin,. bomb. . novredtwoutir 31ERCHA7I7 OP THIS CITY, who had been •f -ji, dieted with the runtaa for four yeses. had taken dalmost every thing. Hi* physidia. constantly atten ed him. and he had expended over two thotteand dol. lam. He never believed in advertised medicines, but etinsidered them all hootbd... At last he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street, Yew York, and in six I.eks was entirely cored, hav ing taken only three Lmle*. This is only one of many caaes where imaginary objeclione to a pment medicine have prevented per.. from using this medicine, who have expended hundreds olden.. to their physic..o in vain—and In the end owe their recovery to ;he inf. , lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is no inietaketaliat this medicine in superior to any remedy presenbed by medical advisers. Thu, medicine h. taken m years to mature, and la the so• vest remedy fur diseases ever to the public. Rol9Ntilei'mn, Caron, Len SHOUTN./1 09131.. CClllV.—Suteritr; for n longtime with them couplet., I had given up all hope of being cored. I had consult ed the botanic and hotniepathie doctors in vain. I had osod many articles advertised, but found no relief lu despair I had given up the use of sill medietne s. Hear. noof the great Tint.] of Dr.Taylar'r Habana of Liver. n, and the great curer it had performed, induced mu to try 'Land to my mat joy and amoniehment, I wan better daily.. I conunned it., also his Sakai , Coated Pills. untd lam entirely cored. Dr.Taylorli Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine In the world for these compleinre,•and will cure enc. one nillieted. • SETH LAWRENCE,' Captain of the :fancy, of New York. JI.IIIIOIA C 90.1.-1 have ,uttered frt. the Ant.. e• very long time, and have need every medicine I could obtain for its cure In vain, untd I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort Thin medicine ban afforded me Imost manifest benefit, sad la, in my opinion, a cure for ds demeaning disease; more aepecially. as I know of many ease among my frieade, where It bus been high- eacceesful. Persons interested .are invited to call at my residence for farther Information. • • • • MRS. P. BATON, 310 Lauren...l 001 d 111 fltnborgb by J D Morgan, 03 Wood err Townsend, 45 Marker s 0 II Parser. eat ?darter end 3d Bto; Renderer/a k. Co, 6 Liberty S. Price reduced' to 1140 De , buide. re 23 A. RAISON r. CO GO MAKEET ST., II}:FWEEN THIRD h. FOURTH, E1:40 desirous of reducing then mock previus to the commencement orthe Fall Trade, will offer their extensive and fashionable assortment for a:few weeks, e 1 greatly reduced prices. Amongst their en SOYMOIIIt may be found excellent styles of Bereges, thanailines, Paimpinines, foil dCheu, Deese Silks, Lawns and Muslin, Iva he., all of which are reduced in price fully one third. Then stock of Shauns livery extensive, and com prises every known style. A few canons of nape and silk Shawls most received will be sold extremely low. 4 eases real Scotch Gingham,will lot sold at P 25 ma, usual price %,cents, good English Calicoesloo3 Amer, teen do en low as 3 and 4ni wrought Collars thed Mus lin da Lalnes 1134 c; gOod Alpacas thin; Bonne* Gib bons . Their stock of dark green pure Satin Pnra•ols and • arasolelles, coroprisiug upwards °IGO°, of every style d guaßry, p ill be offered at very low rules. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Iresungs Mao, all finds of summer lauds and Cotionadee. Housekeeping domesti 0 coed, .0( e•ary deserip- Itlerch.i• will silwayr find in our wholetale mobs as' large and desirable an itesurtnient of goals as is usually found ia eastern bouncy nod at equally low prices. ntaduChtly ono price, .from which PO, deviation can id jet 2 A.RIEIZIOAN TELSGRAPTI -COMPANY. aItTrYOIL 1,111.1.011 AND 1;111=1.1aa. WESTERNNe; • ONlee at el. Exchange, Blaltlestara. I. •R'" . Yon aII CED n ti,...g7: 1 4 c o h* r km; ! I3 a al e tirn b* o ' re * , * l`Tt i t * s.. b w oj e h m or . d t leelhor t , de ntt % , gr i virionding i r r educ i tr i t tigiore West of FiVeliumli, P Pa ' . **** "n 4 4. Rotrea—The charge for • mlegraph despatch to or from Ordinate, Pittsburgh and Meeting, is 45 verde for the first ten word., and S centsfor each culdnional word. Mel No charge is made for Vreaddress and signa ory. Until the completion of the Souris 3Vemern Lion of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn, to New Orkin., def.. patches can be forwarded to Memphis by ails route, and mailed for New Orleans, • jell . Vbit Allegh•sky Cisnetery. A T the mutual meeung of Mg Corpurators, held on /A. the sth inst.. the follmiiing persons were unard•' moody reMented Managers for the coming year, JOHN•HISSE THOMAS HOST . HOW President. LL, JESSE CAROTH Ea. 4, • NATHANIEL HOLMES, WILSONAVCANDLESS.. JOIIN 11. SHOMIEHGER, JAMES 11.. SPEER, J; Fume; .11, Secretary and Treasurer. The • annual statement metaled the affair. of the Company in a very prosperous condition. Their office to the c i ty is No. 37 Water street Jell X/I".ANUFACTUICED TOBACCO-31 bn hf P *Junes ITA a SOW. &IMMO , ' sweet lb lumps. ?Shalt has Webster Old superior sweet 5s Winos Id Lawrence Loftier " Ls t.C• " Gentry A Royster " ssa fie ref " Dupont (de In Eurm a fis " McLeod itbr Lawrence Lanier ti 5.460 plug Just tuff mg from steamer, and fur mile by BUCKNOR Ciii; 41 N water at and lON whanes, mitt Philadelphia, 111011ACCO-20 boa KurroWs d llobitoor's as hupi, 1 robot 29; LI do 51yenra do do do; 10 do Ira Hurd. do dodo; do Myer.* lb do do; 110 do ErolErr , !Riney dad di pod; Illearedlw dwarf boxer yen, superior Aroaiallo do; W do, 10 do do Tbotuat' Nectar Leal do; 111al•reeelved and for rale by • fold 1111_1r_lk1R__ RICKFTAON __&• illuspratt , sPateufSoda Ash 3J - CA,SKS kpssale p ro ng fm gummier North Carob. and ir WAN AIITCIIEI.THKE. jo7IW liberty street RIM Wareham.. TIME highest price in rash pall for goad clean rogs also, canvass, bale rope; rotas rope; bagging,,,ot. en raga, Sm., by II W. CHADWICK. spa - . Waynt Idiom OSQUITO Alurph n od reed -ITX his supply of Itlemnito Among, BritishArmor ic., white, green. blue and burred of all widilim also, bolditott fur do, very wide. and , uttered:at low prioes by oho piece of yard, ,-..i..- 4 Is t 7 DOTABII-41c.Y.fof by Jelb -DADAffOl.B.= — A — L7l babdzume Watt,. Too Pura. .01,p:bit opened by fel ALEXANDER &DAY - uirIyTEC#APFS- , bx r . ee k niveq, r a .,o lot of . 3l,:bit s d: " jefr Pt l 'o""'" g ALaelLr. t . ri DAY ' itnrACCO—Wikeg. (Jody's 6 min, rocelviiiirvoil I: for able by 1010 JAS DALZELI, ANOLASSES-48 bbls NO; bdo &mar Rouse; for ..IXL sale by jels J D NVILLIAMS; DO wood st 1111INNY BAGS AND MUSLIN SACKS—OS Gunny U.S. and rea..lla Seeks. IS more and tor eel. by jell MILLER tr. RICKETSON IJOAR CUBED DAMS-1.0 tierce. Hagar Cured 0 Damn Ham., Dr .de by • • - , ett dUGARII6 - 611filii0LABSES-14 bbl. Sugar Holm b Molasses, for We by Jett, ATWOOD t JONES k. Co BACON-27.euk.Sboulders,_fdo Side., 2 do Huns; .for W. • Olt ATWOOD, JONES &Co C al a2 B-4°°b" Ansill DiC r Wi ni l , Co , front st MkscELLANEOUS. PATAPSCO FEMALE 15STITTTEi.. NKATf. TECH 'PRINCIPAL. Mrs. Lorca. Paster, has ltad lung experience in directing a Literary Innitution,. and it is seal known to the public from her former coils needou the Troy IN. Y.) with her sister, Airs. Emma the authorial I.ineolife.Prita ny, an d o f . series of works nu Cliefinstry, Natural Philosophy. Ac, of sandry works ou the subject of Ed ucation, &e. • The Patapsco Female liudtoldie ' simatcd within five minutiae walk of the depot of the Radioed in the vicini ty of Oilcans Mills, Al., tan miles wed of Baltimore, with which, as will, Washington 'Dire is constant communiention, both by Railroads, and Turnpikes.— The building for the accommodation the ..hoof, is of dressed granite, erected in a chaste style of titer.- ternire at an expense of $27,000. The presort Princi pal, aided by the advice and assistance of her husband, the lion. John Phelps, lute expended about ,l/flO in addition. and; improvements. The adjneent ground. court/Mug of about LP/elves acres briOrigi ff to the in- Cantina, ere beautifully situated, and ado many ad; vantages for health nod reunionist% Thr terms for the scholastic. year. for bean' ruidEng lisli education, relD4iX no extra assize. being Made for the ornamental branches lectures, cod foreigh tau t s. A boon! of Gee Truifeei (the Hon. Thomas 11. Dor sey, Plesident) Laves genend , oversiglO Of We condi tion and red of thc lastitittion. The Rt. Rev: shat. R. Whit:night= is visite, di resident Chaplain, the Rev. Wm. D. Clotho, a graduate of Tole College, l'rofeixir of ?rental PhilosophY and English Comp. side, Derides Me experienced and excellent Vice Pniteipal, Iliac Dmwne, there ore aseocpiled in the care, discipline and instruction of the pupils, D ladies resident in the'family. bons. , L Levis, a gradu. ate of the University of France (breotiot , dt divairro• lessor of modern languages, remotes ill the institution; nod devotes his time wholly to its _laureate There rein regular ottendance two diming - tusked German Professors of the Piano; two English Professors, one of vocal Music and the guitar, and one of the harp mid organ, and a Professor of drawing and Painting in we- . ter colors and Professor Aiken, of the University of Marylon!, is lecturer on the: physical sciences. air. Remy C. Cromwell is seerethry and business agent. , An orgaitication of oftiecia and leacher. like the above, with the 'accommodations 'provided ; entitle the Patapsco Institute to the rank of a College or Universi ty for. the perfecting of female edneation usefal and ornamental branches. It is vested by nu net of Meer pomtion, with the poorer of granting diplomas to those who pass through n prescribed course of steely. Distract front a report arum Rt. Rev- Bishop Whit lioggham LO me DiOCCFMICOIIIICntiOII of Maryland • be late examination of the Patapsco Female insti tute ham allerded Oil greater evidence, if more were needed, how competent Mra. Phelps is, to sustain an Institudon inferior to noncin the cottony of its kind! , The -Boned of Exunindrs, consisting of the /lon. Chancellor Johnson, of Maryland, essucialed with sev eral distioguisheil gentlemen from this, sod other Stales, reported, October, 1D47 •Ille examination which' hes, just closed, wa. conducted to satisfy us that the'ddirrse ofinstructiou Is thorough, various and ample. That whet is tnught is perfectly understood, unit at when a young lady has passed through the Ii th ses at the ['amps., insu late, and been imbued the elevated principle. which aro there so sedulously inculented,sno is pre. pared to adorn any station. in which it may be ber fu ture lot to be placed. In view, of the high intellectual and moral culture, which, is our judgiillut, the pupils of the Pompano lustitnie'enjoy. as well as 'the unsur passed salubrity of the climate, the^ beauty of the sce nery, and the conveniences of access with which it is favored, we are persuaded we cannot too strongly commend it la the public p atrou nge. - Extract from u report of the Pitneipal, Octy 1917: "Potions of orations chrirtian denominations have condoned tin:e the Institinion their support and friendship; silo a dun return. the principles of all are rcipecied. Controversy among 04 la diacminteloulted: We endeavor to gram up our pupil, as christisits iely-; trig much On the Mil licliee of re!igiowihabitamid exam ple_ A Northern sehoot in all its exinodal fettlirex and charnetelistics, er invested - 01,11 Mut which might Inc odensiverti southern feelings, if planted in• x Southern • . This Institodo,, is, at all limns, open fur the recep tion of pupils. now who wish 'ado .o, ,C 11211.41 du ring t - acations. Applications mit be nude to Ilia. Lincoln I.heips, Ellicott Mina P. tithe, Maryland. N. IL The services of writ oualincil inochers for "sChool4 e nd Windier, too y'usindly be obtained lir, op. Deplying to Patapsco Insuluie, ni which is a Normal paritneni, toothy training and improvement of teach. mytttlawlniii Consulting Etatit eee s e Coansollors -- Sor Patentees. Men fur prog sod delendins Patents, in:mailin fo g inrmin on ion curin Ylectionici and dm aprilicauun of a i rs time to the An, and on American and Forrign . Laws of Patrols. ROli. WAITER It. A - PINSON. late of Phnodal andd Z. C. ROIIIIINS, of IVashinallin city, Ito he aided Ly Homed hi' umles, Esq., line Moe:Meet me United Km., Patent thrice.) have imps/elated themselves together for the primectition of the above branches of professional business, either to their othee, Pt the Parent hltee, or Lenore the Csoll.; and will de vote their undivided littention to forwarding the inter eat OljrtrfIltOl• Of others who nisi , eousalt .thent or place - bastaesa in their limas. 51r.Rnocries Los (or the mist twelve years held rite post of MaChinest in Wit United States Potent Other, and resigns that situ rd ation to take port iu the present tuertaltins. Ilia talents and pecaltor Stars. roe the important other so longjah. led by hint, hare teen fatly recognised by Inventions wherever the office itself is ktura-o. The oiEce of Mesars .1..1 IL is ou F street, opposite the Patent ()Zee, Washington. D. C., wimp,. COMIIIII2I/- catKma, port 1.841. be promptly attended to,• clam /119.U. made, drawings. epeelltration., and all requgs ite papers prepared—and models proeurml when desi red—on rearounble terms. Letters of truitory, s.gpegt etl to Leemserered after esonmuttons bad, ompt beat. companied by a or 01 live dollars. In tle dune. of their ochre winch pertains to the I'a teat Laws. Y ..1. & It. will Iw uss:.ted by a legal gentleman 01 dm ,uoies.tonn, character, nod tally coniersant w/I,..Nreelnoties. and other Veisteitic subjects. tn3fSJain..tyS • I=M3X23 Tu it : ,. 14 c ,, , ..., , , , , , ,v rt h0 , i 0 , , c ,fi 5 d i e v ti 1 . u 0u 'r0 ,,, 11.171:), careful d he trade: nu Lulea prune dark an. /ago wrapper. " ° Vara evrappera 4U " Galas ° very elarien Havana Menses nricn.Conne‘nient " hbds Kentucky Segor lArd. Kentucky by mad. bss lkict Stevens' Pronoko Chewing Tobacco. :10 "'P. Rnbinwit's Honey Pew Gram's, Penton's. May's and oilier brdsf sup .S's lb ,W bbl. sum !Womb SNUFF -50 kegs linreert's bottlei 1114 Loose Ppricipc tA RS, _Just° Pans RIAU) Havana .. Canons* 40.1 W Porter. " 'Hsrrancov Ptcarros Also. 4 Iron, o S dAVontlem 1011A0,70 PILINSFS. with burs ustrirceirary 11-.10. will be traded thr soy other goods. All the oboist antele• will be sold low, and on good le MB. by W A HOVI) of A., my3o.2awCt tor Print and Hollingsworth sts - - - IN die 9rphars'a Court for the County of Philadelphia. In the m)siter of the petition of Robert Murdand, dec'd. 00 motion of James Hanna, Ens., Attortniy• for Wil liem Alurtland, one of the heirs of mid decedents the Court ginned .n rule upon the other heirs and persons. interested M the Real listate of said decedent. and to obese Costae why the estate, eppretsed by the Shecid'a ,Inqueat,should not he sold, returnable on the fins Fri day in July next, nod that notice of snid rule he s paen by adrertisement swim a week, for (our weeks, to onte publicness...paper, published inrhn ray of Pittsburgh, and for the same ume iu one newspaper pulilsrlsed isr the city of Philedelpliut. • s.f Winn.. the MO. Edward King, Judge, at Philadelphia, this seventh day of June, INO. A. J. LEWIS, jel-Wavn47 Dep. Clerk D. COIIIITRT MERCHANTS' • - . • . CAN SAVE from LI te2s per cent. by iturchneing their on. GLOTTIS direct from ilia inanufacturern. _ . . . . POTTY:A k CARMICHAEL. have opened • war, boom, N 0.135 North Third street. abase Rnee, second door South of lho Vagle whero they will always keep on hand • complete asmrtment of Patent Flame Carriage Oil 'Cloths. 50,50,40..1G, 40 and 54 lichen wide. Figured. Plumed, and 1 lam, on the inside. un Uuxlin Urilliog mil Linen. Table Oil Cloth. of tha most deairable patterns, 56.40,45 and 51 inches wide. Floor Oil Clothc. from 20 iur hex to II feet wide ! well sra.onml, and the newcit style of pattern*. aII ot their anufacture. Transparent Window Shades, Corp.,pet be. MI goods warranted. mr.2:11.1. BRICK FOR SALE. frIFIC ondersigned offer. for sale a superior article of brick for building, mad., by his Stearn Picas, improved meettine, (or winch he has obtained a patent,. sod agrees to give purchesers a written guarantee that they are strong., and vrilVresist (cost and wet ninths er and imbibe lea. 11101/1111fi or Jarnpness thea,anY eth. er brick, pterscuing greater body and superiorreature and much more durable in every respect, each brick being subjected to a prersure of several mnajand pus. seseing a h.dzortie smooth surface and even edger, they make a front smut! to the best front brick. They have given the greatest satisfaction to all who hare purchased. A kilnran be seen at pee works, and specimen at the palette oilier. Those having eupplied themselves tor their buildings, and wishing . handsome front brick; or superior herd and solid paving brick, einrobtain /l aiem. , Birmingham, June In, lA, / NAAC GREGG: - REDFORD AIINERNE SPRINGS. I'V C. ANDERSON, Piopnetor, mstwmfully— m. th forum e putllft , that this.celebrated and !sateen. able wale! bi not opened, and fully prepared for the recepnen and ocediumodotion of viatterw Onmoving the intlEpond near the aprolgs, a •ery valuabl re e tVldte 'Sulphisr Ppring has been dimlosed, the waters of which ate not Janitor, to those of the far famed While Sulphite Spring. of Virginia. Experienced sersautv sod a.filte Bander Voile hove been enaged, and every provimon mode to aecure the b een visimti.lrlaam 770 Contractors. Q.EALF,D tqcoPOSALS will bo received at the stare 1...7 of William P. Ilaum,•Weed street, Pittsburgh, mi ld l'unsday,Vhe thmli Men, al 4 o'clock, for gra• Pethey Wee of road known ita"livemt'a Hill." on th e Pittsburgh and Coal 11111 'Penman !toad, agreeably to the pion kind specification to be reel, at the more. of said Daum. All•proposols to be accepted, - must Ruda the time per yard for clay, loose Oahe end rank, The euecestful bidder will he required to glen security 101 dot faithful performance of Ids contrant, such as sheet be setiefectury tobhe licard:ofAleseugers. • 11 DiClNG,'Preal. Mead , W Stem • = Engine and lawlQlll for Sale. subscribers having now their lower list,Altm. PI.aNUM MACIMIII in successful operation, at. et their upper Milt, with its Swam Engine and Lath Cutting Establishment, and the Frame Ilnildinga eon raining than. for rale un reasonable and aerommoda ling Imam The swum engine I. an excellent one, and aII the works in thewing and Lath Cutting mutat. bottom/us me in grout order and condition, slid a pur chaser eon remote dm whole and put them Pito opera. Pon I. nolothi, plat'e, in less than sixty days. Letters pert paid, directed to the aubscrilicts, l'ittsbureh, will be promptly attended to. Jett.l NEVII,I,E IL MAIL/ & HON SELECT SCTIOOL. WirIWI. Hoer tarn. MOW eintrrittl. £001100.) R. CATON'S School unit A opened for the revel. 1 Son of pupils of both ilexes, on Monday, rho tot of Moy. Pattonago lo rnspeolfhlly solicited. Pittabuish. April DJ, • Rtnintmeno—Rov. D. Riddle, D. D. • A. T, Mann, It.. IL Alr. (Isom. Anne°. Richard Fe!welds. Luke Loomis. Wlson*. im2M3m • -Henry Wi i kintAn. T • — tik7W:47 - 11fiibkilICA tie OFFICE on Smithfield street 3d door north of Third street. Dr. itlndelra e eiti.en. of PUt.ourßh, AI h, sl h 7,ui id 51 ' iroivtli; Dr. P. Fahnestnek; - Dr. Roben tlimi on; • Mr. William Thorn; • • • Mr. Ban). Wearer. a p27:d6ur I OH inTIEA — N MN, Attorney and Counre Oar at Law 0 and Commiaaloner for the Stans....o Pennsylvania Si. Louis, Mo., (late rd Pinsbargli.) Rarawrelaalearen Ilon AV Forward, Ramp. tan & WCandleaa & M'Clurn, John k: Parke, Manila& Semple, AFeord & 014.4 ARD—Mbbls No 1, in irood &hipping order, store .Ln nuid for rale by Jel4 EMAR DICKEY k Co HOUSES, LOTS, FARM, ito. spit SALE, A KAABA= COMMIT AIISIMMCIA on :as nom ncs •- COM LIOCU. rpm:undersigned, administrator of the estate of Arm St. Clair McFuland, dec'd, offers for aide on or conunodatipg terms, a-very pleasantly - located Hoses and Lot, hi the neighborhood of litinerwille,•adMinirig property of Alexander Breckenridge, Esq. • The house IS two story Same building, with basement—the lot contains one acre, on which is a vary scarce and choice whetion of every variety offing, and a splen did variety of shrubbery. For particulars. refer to the Meows. It errons. Mc. 41 P. Cant, or Mr. Willis Boothe. jeStdate . ALEX. WILSON, Adore. Tenet at' Land for 'Sale. • fir 111.; subwriber will sell on accoramodathlg terms. a valuable tract of unimproved land, mutate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles front the town of Freedomon the Ohio liver. The tract con tains lift acres and B.) perches, strict measure The lord is of an excellent,qualicy, about 90 scree eleaml, nod well 'teetered, end Will be sold eithef in whole or in farms of convenient site, to suit purehltsera: • For further particulars enquire of WM.ROYD;Att'y at Lute,office on Rh st,nbove Sznithneld, Pittsburgh. ut rdullswif 8 VALVABLEPATOEEn.I.It. FOR BALE. jhei& TIIAT property lately °emptied by H. ralE.sq., otl Mots street,. near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommeglating term. Tao lot is .T 1 feet 4 inches on Oreig rannutg through trithe Canal ISO fem.: There Is a good two story frame dwelling Louse on the premise., lately built, and tha lot :well improved, containing a variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubbery, ere. This property is convent. bently stunned for persons Mune buaincssia either Pitts. urgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable rexidence. Tide indtsputable. For terms apply toNVAL BOYD, knot nay at Law, office on Fourth stregt, above Smithfield. arti.dtf • ' • Itirarßatataito - .TRACT of Mod, PO sow, in Harrison, Portage Co, /I. 011 the Cuyahoga fiver—about Warm. under Int. provement. Ala*, two unimproved lots in 'the village of Warren, Trumbull Co, Rifeet by NV Also, a lot, of ground in the mitre of Lanford. Trambull Co with a fine dwelling house and store—one of the best nand. fora merchant on the }tritium Referee. Any .or all this property, will Int sold on very accommodating term. ' 18A1411 DICKEY & Co., feblo Water and Front ma. Runk Extate fn Ellerosr County. ALOT, ,Siorelimme and Dwelling, situate on the Erie Extension Canal, in the village of Waft Mid. es; a desirable location for a merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling Rouge well sailed f ora Yawn Stand, in the village of Ozn A geville, on Suite SW I Ohio. Terms 'easy. , H DICKEY & Co. feblo Water and Erect eta MO RENT—The lower floor and ea. of Wore ;ill OP,Waler affloiniag hlessre.Ourlaidge, %Tao Co. Enquire on the premises, or of YOUNG, MISER & PLUNKETT, ottrdtdro CR water It ALOT in the 6th ward, 4.0 feet on Logan street by 60 feet on Clerk street; one of the aunt desirable to. carious' in the. 6th ward. For wrote apply to the gab: scriber at Orwalethodiet Book Il Store, da near Market street,' or of his dwelling on Llark street, op i mitt i e E t k E. Trovillo's Grocery stare. [fetal/ I L • Por — ltont. 2 A two story brick dwelling withabout or urea of rod aached aituated OaklatuL e pla g ce i un s well s tocke d with fruit of all kinds, a me nd is a desirable location fora &mil: being entirely out of resets of the river end dirt of the city. An =MAU 1.11:es. °Aland hourly for tho site Apply to Asa) ATWOOD. JONES & Co. Property In Allegheny_City for Bole. 11 , 11 S, subscribers oder for sale a number of choice L Lots, situate .in 11w Second Ward, fronting on the Common grump!. on easy terras. Inquire of , . IV. 011. ROBINSON, Ally at Law. St Clair .t or of JAB RUBINSON. on the premises risylesd&wif T• r E;tXM A new three story brick dwelling hem on AlLVylie street —Possession given on the first ,of di? sooner if required. Inquire of • init & R FLOYD, 192 liberty street ... . .. ... ___ .. .. Rot Rent. A two story Wyk dwelling with about 5 Aare of ground, sausuedwn the hank of tho Ohio river in the borough of M 'wheeler. Apply to Putti JAMPH A HUTCHISON iv Co." To Let. THULE — dare:l4houseialtunted on4th strait near curial bridge, in the city of Pittsbangh. so a room 7t by al feet, with a convenrent en trance' on sth t. , near weal. Also a frame dwelling, two .toner, with an acre of ground metered and under Cultivation, siniate on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe ny. Inquire of I 17 WILLIA-NB, jann • wood street. la=ltM FOR PALE Ott RtINT, the Pittsburgh Brew ery, with attn. brewing apparatus, situate on Penn street and Barker's alley,ud now occupied by Geo. W. Smith & Co. Possenion given mike Ent day of Aprti enswng. For term., Arc. enquire of BROWN & CULBERTSON, Jelitffic • • 145 liberty at. IVA offers fur wle the dace story brick Warehouse on Wood .sweet. occupied by R. Tanner & Co. It rents now for SIMAI per year. apt: . W5l. WILSON, Jr. To Let. 1 . Tbd new there 'goofy fire proorbrick core o eeennd noTy occupied by Edward Eyenr Co rent from di Apra ncll.lnprire or J SCIIOO/01.1.KER tr.Co, JmLLos4 wood MK.. • ~ To Let. The eubsenbers will midi part of *be ware. .; oc house nocupied by them yi .t. ly to LEWIS, DALzr.l -. co., ;,,,,ID • oter street. __ __ . For Rnt.. e :"---- di tarFe room WI the WI awry of the Warehowe cub -d by the wtheOWhiss, near the foot 01 ITood wreet—a goad location tor a steamboat agenry or au Lowrance odice. , janta , , VOLLALATiS k pAllltl4o:st. brick hoax, on mein 'meet, the upper bridge. _The lot is p. For came ituffdre or NVASIIINGTON,4th Inware warehouse, 24 feet front hy Ind st, neir KOMI. road, t+CIICONNIAKEit te. Cu., A rene two sualy' Allertieny eny, neu . 4 i et to front ley IMalelp 1 . 15If - For THE lame 6n p to tire', tut .er en9r . , laquire al . AA Smoke flunk, nnuaten on Plum allei, for MIL Inquire o( HOBERT DALZELL h Co, Liberty otreet , denl3 rimi. LAND FOR SALFe4eVen urea coal land for imle, riluale in bend of the!lllononiyahela River, nliove Brovniaville, N., keying all foot vein of eon', which will be cold in errhuve for irooda- For lalkrlivl. ara apply to [0,24N & W liAllllAEGll.33vrood et 'DRY GOODS. . _ KNOW ALL MEN THAT BENNETT ft CO. • • 11 A . ‘ 1:1 1 ZO ° ::: d 1 ifti r Ten t" .l • lll7 , To:l7:l . l r o o l i :enOvr '' ll es the TOWER HALL CLOTHINGI BAZAAR, No. led Market. suceybetween Fifth and Sixth, Nommen rum. The proprielor• feel a reluctance in promulgating whet an any wey might •ppeuXiik a the usual Bombas tic eaaggeratum of some thictrade. but begeto quote the following notice Ban one of our city papers, "One of the pettiest chrioaities that our city Effort!, to the stranger. I . Bermett tc Co's great clothing store, No. lel Merkel treet, between end Bradt, which ha* imam style l•Towerilia/1,” froin the peculiar finieh of the from. .The builihng is en immense one, cont ing eeeen cipecious rooms, allot which am stocked. with every •qtiety of eensonahle canr.ents, arranged la the roost perfect order end regularity. 'The propne , tors take great pleasure showing their builthng content. to Mimeo., particularly strangers, and to thole coollag from the country—we know of no place more worthy of a niKit. • mytilklat JUST RECEIVING, 4NI/ opening during the present week, at 'WM. 1110111'$ Chino Lash Clothing State, tad Lilac ray street, one of Me largest; cheapest, and most fashiona ble. stock of Goods, adapted for gehtletnen's spring toad summer wear. ever offered fot,atile in Pittsburgh. Th proprietor of ihe ablaste ealablisametat beg. to invite t h e attention of his friandiund customers to his present large' and fashionable Mock, which having been lust purchased in the present. depressed state of trade the,Eestem cities, econtirise• not only every Mktg that to new and fashionehlag but 6 touch lower In price than eon be Offered by those house. who par. chime only in early sprang. b It being impossible to convey any thing like a correct idea. of Me extent. tummy, or unality of the stock, it will not Ire am:meted; hut it is,boped ell will consult their own interest, and cull and examine for them selves. The proprietor feels confident That these goclals surpass tiny thing in the rote line in the city, an competition ton price is more desired the feared, by any thing in the trade, auctioU goods, with all their imperfections, not excepted. . . P. S.--Order, in the nuloring, , line executes' in the mom fastlioneble style and sabatuatial manner. mr2.l:dlin . • ~, .. .11. EATtrNA CO. are now. f reeeiv mg direct from . iinporters altad annatufactorers. a large ..OIllllCli ita rimer and . Staple Triminitaga, ifueiery and Variety Goods, aloong which ure—ltladk and cold Mantilla Fringes; do co Dress do; Em4goidery and yizene Gimps; Tassel. steamy and ptherMrees Dumont; black Silk lame; Linen cambric lialkfs; Artificial Flowers and Wr”tbs; Chemmettes, nemileked Foliar', steel tog . sad Purses; Ivory. I.lMoy and Feather Fens, Kid, Silk and I..isle Gloves; Gaols Hosiery, Gle4e., Mc; ,101 children.' road 111COV Ilosiory, Hair Breathe Combs and Tooth Drusbes; IVindow Shades and 111uungs; Tailors , Trim wimp; Shirts, of mons' and youth P b' size., de. A c., which they oiler on favorable term!, el their store, MI Market at, near 4th.. 14 AV I la i n i s t ln t i ' r?y U r U e S ce ts .( e ) a r l t a P f U si ll 'g riT -4. re . t n o ln u siVe 1 goods toe Ladies Dresses, ineludang—Seotchni II Alm,- fins; Saris. do, Nunsook tin; plain Jeconeis; st all bar red do; satin birmildo Fair Evening Dresses—White embroider'. Swiss ?dueling; pink embroidered Terlton do; bine al ; new 1,46 damask striped and embroidered dm plaiwhite, blue. pink end straw colored do; Olso n embroidered and Swiss Muslims, by the yard, forEventaig Drees• also, Black lace Shawls, Scarfs and Capes—Fre eh and Smells needle work Collars; an essormount of i sr and beinmiul .tyln Linen Cambric Ilsoidkerehiefs; aeons , It de; all at lowest cash prices(at 110f 1 / 1 4 , 111 Vanier of 4ill and omelet sts. . . je9 SU' 7 - UPER BLIC FRIINCII CLOTIISW It Inrphy thist the attention of gentlemen wanting baths, ussonment of very best make of Fret In and Hitislish Cloths. !, few pieces very superb!, black French, just recd; also, Doeskins ands:Cassini res, in great variety; summer CB.Rillifita Mid 'five Lls. for em , and boys' wear. black rutin Vestings white Marseillea dtn gents wine nod bordered linenannoy Mkt's; super white nett colored silk dal gents 'loves, Hosiery, We.; Gauze, Merino and row, lind Islets, torsummer wean ilk and fancy Cravats! . IG ShRI. and /Rennet do. he. , le? To Country Plerahatuts. Q.:IIITH AND JOHNSON, 45 Market ttrect, re re 1..) vetoed 15 eases Bonnets, consisting an part f plain Soon. Amon. Bonds. Viettni. do, Gimp do, I;coin de. Chio. I...nri and Florence; 5 ease. Pal Leaf thin. lortone and Boy.' Leghorn end Braid J ar Ant demi wl Slower., to creep variety, Also, pooduaiLndiets Cra Hose, from 75 rents per dna, up to th finest uality; HO slo g Gents half {lose; • goW naor tent of Lisle 'Mend, Silk end Cotton Oloven, rdps eill i lldkfs, Its: ps Weddens dull.) do:Littett Cambric do ; lb ear. gol i tons Cotton and Thread Laces. Also, * as sort', went of Combs. Buttons, Threads, Needles, lii Cm 1„).,.;,,,,,try, tre,,.in all 01 which th w ill offer a Fran indueementinylices toptnelnae yig _____ _ ritl i ili v P:. , A , „ 1 . 1 , 1 ;, Ag !LI: .— .. Ft . m n i t . h . te m. .l e o o k t ip a nin 1111 . ka r t i t Laces, from in eta per yd up: 'Also , he e n of. Mechlin do; one An Yarn Point do; al o 15 anons cotton Laces. Dealers lindothers Kill ppppppnnnnnnd it *their interest to call. os they will be sold at :treat IY low prices.: . .ea RINTB=A' - bltii le , Ptinge, Rod fancy Brion, - of every desirable !style i and ipiably, just opening sod for We t the !gado At extraordinary lopc ralen - by the cage, 1 _l: 3 . 1 •_,__stiAcia.t. am , 4 2 _ W il iaPf A 2l .l 4ce r iUst' Ib OC :let:lit ' N estle Snom i'°'. Pio. GO &lathe( street-10 eases of printed Leven . end Plunins,G do good style of Cinghegni 010 ne y atyla Of Cahoot.; 6 do of Cononndes and SWAMI' Stars; 14 do Pinked*, of Avery Variety. Also, Ribbon % Lace, sow,.ic ---- * - --11 , 4. i jab' H llosierycShawls,Doseesfics, y ACM EDGINGS, &C.-40 canon. m<diunt Edgings' , Laces losenizip, ankle.) , Neis, °Abe latest unoortationi, jostpd 9114CKLEll& W RATES Or DISCOUNT. BATES OF MOOG. 'Br. LIOLBIIk Bachmann Brokeiv:Pio• 01 Pearraylwassta. t Bankornusburgh - t•-•Paii k.Z . chanite Bank • •••1•Por. March. 6 Man. Bank •Par .13k.rPhilatletpCia- ,, Par Girard Bank ' par Bank of Gemini-as •par CEnter Coonty•:•par , Delaware Co.. • •par " hlornioniery.Co• t•pkr "' Northumberland. •par Colombia Bridge Co."• par Doylestown Duak.•••:••par Farmers' /G. Readini•par Fainerstak. Bucks Co. par Farriers Bic Laneas , r•par Lancaster Co. Bk.. • • •par : Lancaster Bt U. Suites Bank Drownsinlle Bk.' ' par.! Washimpon Bk.• “ •-• • .1 Getipaburab BY,- . I Chambersborg. • -. .. -.. .. i o Susuehanna Ca .- Leh q igh Col/oaks Bk., - Farmers , and Broken' I , Bonk, Waynesburg.. 1 I Barn:Mune " I ' limmsdae . . 1 Lebanon • ' . '' • , " po t' Poitsville4, , • • ..... I York Bk. k - 1 West Brankla Bk. • I J Relief-Now ••• • i • •-• , Olio NI'iltado• ' " 1' City 71.Cmuity'krip.- " ghle. Suite Bk. and Drenthe. 1 Mount Pleasant " Steabenville EL Clairaville..4. NowLiabon• "d Cincinnati Banks ' "- Columbus I do• • - •.. "t Cicleville-L. •••• • - • Zanesville 1•...... —. tt• Pumas, .... ....... " I j_ . w 0 „,,,:j.. ....... 70! srosgooo • ;--- r i ndisky • •• • • - ' Nom Cleveland. •-• --1 .. . ... " Dana Western - serve• --. " Franklin 11 e c Colombo. " Lakt Chillieoth •-•....... " Beinta•• • • •., 0 Lancaster I .... , .....-10 Hamilton ... .... .; . -,•13 I Granville so Foom'e. 111 Canton-53 1 Valuta freltacky. • I Elk of KCIII Ck 7 i Blot Loci 1!e Norbem 81. Kentoly. " IJ Sew York - City Banks. .EICtiIANG& - BROKERS. &c: 'NP—OORRIX.TED BY - ES :SON. S' Matt Slit<l, 11,U 4la 4 4 /odious. klUnacko:: 4 or vc.- 1 • Farmers Sk:of If Bk. of tho Valley of N./ M. BE, xvi,<,:aing do MorAantow,....• 1 N.JW.lylk Vt.—. 1 - - ;,li6 'ii(ellsbnrg I tda Parkekstru,....; ' Tanneaate• Bk!bf Teanessaa..• to Far..t.'Nerckets 8k..-. Planters' Ilk.•••• t. , • Uttidu Bk. • I=l Siateßk 'North Carolbait. Bk. of Cape Fear Virell'alik.;:loorker4. 4 Sone Bank 2 South Chtrottuo. Camdea:Bk. ..... ••• • ;Bk. of Chaileen.,..' . • • •2 to :Commercial BY " ;Bic. olVecortiOWll ,Bk.of liamban•-•• - • 9 ISlercbanta Ck 2 Planters &Mee:A*4l32 , 2 of tout 1" ['Una— • ' 182.1220 m Bk 2.••••• • • •pal !flaltm'e .2.0 It ELScrip. .10 leumberlandEk.of Alle- rs.r:111c:o? zam - ylina , • " *amen' Mechanics" Fretterick•—•• • • " FraderickCo.l3k. , •••••• Magerstown Hk . ' IMmetal Bh• . 'Dk.M4I , csuninet — er • • Mitch IBk. of St.' Ch. River Res.- • Mrohigan 1n5.C0..... 5 ilchlFar.ech's Bk 5 Wlioonaln Terrley Alar.kFitela.oo.2llllWe 6 All solveatpartks• , Cu* of England Note, .•••.-$1 70 WEN". Gold 440 Spools Value. Napoleons (€ 0 • Nests 2 ISO. 2 20 Eagle, obi •,• ••-• . 10.60 Eagle OCII •••• • 10 00 DoublOons,t3panlah.l6 00 IDo.hurioi ' 16 60 IS T ooereigns ' 4E3 Guineas a 00 Frederieks.Vori.••-•07 00 en Thaler, • • • ;.. 714 ITn Guilders • •., • 3 71.1 . -c ouild'ars. • • ..;• • 4 312 'Exchange. . Nen York lona Vhiladelpkix Pna Maroon, ;prm par. Intenor Wka• I • IHUGR D. KING, • to oldie inn of lll`Cord & Kinedi DAWNED, AND EXCLIANGN BROKER, 07111., co& Form re. hvo Pow Orr= Autv. DEnitild"coh'esrgißerenkgNi:*tarTig:teitli:l Faraisf &e. EXCH/L Eoo All the principal cities of the Union, for sale in Wints to mai purchasers. CURRENT and per fonds received on deposit& ONS. made on all parts of the Union. at the lowest ; mv. oplOvilWitarariT IWBBI TIIAN U OM 4 . C r o uit dealers tizANErgn ant Doruesticjachange:Certilleates of t.k te.,, SF Note., end 81Pacle; c =el, mar. 15' opPosite the Bunk of Pittsburgh. Current money teemed a deposito-Right Checks (or sale, and col lections e on neatly all the principal points' in the United 8 .t The MO premium paid for Foreign ind American Gold. I . ,hdvaneel made on consign:mina of Produce, ship ped Fiat, liberal terms.. • mehlS _AI. HOLRISSI go BON, • BANKERI and Deniers In Exchange. Coin' and Mink Notes, No. S 5, Market street, Pittsburgh. "lama :. Exchange. Buying /Imes. Neer Tor II ' :i Pr Cincinnati, - . 2 dist Philadelp a ; - do Lontsyille, 2- do , do St. Louis, 1 do Buying Dages, BANK NOTES.. . Buying Rates Ohio, • .;... . .11 du Co. & Scrip Orders,: dis . Indiana, I- ` "do Re.libt Notes, , ".dot: Kentucky, 1 • "do Pennsylvania Cy - • Vin* 1. “,,to New Yor k do ado ..... do 'Vtluecling, Ido . New Orusta, . ' . do . Tettnesiee . :do Maryland, . .. " do . ' JOHN ck....Eimra.& C0.,._ BROKERS & EXCHANGE DIALERS, Orlnc; rip. t Mono. intro, • ' .p2O ' WHEELING,NA. LLfilklaßY—Batikers and Flteb;nga Broker. ill Deers in Foreign told Dometale Time ind 'Sight UlliF ofiCxchangc.Certificates of Delmsite, Brink Non. and Coin; No GS Wood aucet , third door below Fourth. west side. martial writ.tent A. BILL'e CO4 DAN KERB , EXCHANGE BROXFHH and: Dealers in Foreken and Dramatic Etchange, Certificate. of ikposhe, Hank Notes, and Species _ No. W Wood at, one Sour above fourth; . Eaat sale, Pitubarkb, Pa. ' octediwP FOREIGN EXCHANGE. DILLS cu . England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to Also, Dr anyaft amount at the Current Ratea of Exchange. s payahle Inruty part.of tbe Old Countrie Sons LI 110 X, at the =tent 6.5 nettle Sterbatr, s, without deduction or 'discount; by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Ihicopean nud General Agent, office nth. et one door vest of snood, . 'sienna 1i5".12-" VILAYiE L E 111. RAMP "' " ANBERS AND EXCHANGE BRSDIEBS, dealers m FOreirl O.MtDontestle Bills-of Exehaute, - Cer- Of Ikpcoite Bank Notes' and Co i n, corner of ad sod Wood streets: directly opposite SL Cloak& W]t Y Na 'RIPPF•faiVit — PiDS— Keats rk), . i '' -- .......81 , 0¢14 , • ' .Dank Notes; isrehated at the loran rates'. by • N. 11012iff% & SON, dew Z Market street. BILLS OF EXCICIANOWL—SightCheeks ay •Nevr Park, . . _, • - Phil adelphia. sod • Daltimote. Consituldi for sale by . N. HOLMES de SON. delo_ . .Starket rt. C .. .• ______ -- OLLECTIONS—Drattr, Note., and Acenpuos eer, payable in airy part of the Unioci, collected on the moat favorable lerdts. N. 110L.MSS & SON. dclo ' • • 56 Market E. HATS.' CAPS AND' BONNETS, .ITASIIIITABLE HATS. 4 THE subwri n in additton to hie own: manufacturing uHa has has ut4e arrange; • meets with hlessr*- Schee Co, jthe most fashionable honest o(the clty of New - I ork.) torn rek nit!: oupply of his extra fine Silk lints, and havinejust received a few ease., gentlemen can be suited wolf a very rich end beautifu :bet by calling at his , dew llat and Cap Store, StuithLeld Street, second door south of roapb, where may: bowode great variety of lints eel Carats( too own luenufaCture, wholesale and re• mil. lists made to order on short notice. apt/ JAMF.S-WILSON.' - C 4 (Successors to Ali Cord Do King) Fashionable llottees,k Centre owl . P A Z Ti ntl C e U men' ,R caV e r ' eTy *n urit d get to tin n g or th ß ir AnT, and Caps from our establishment of the atter .TEllitia and WIIMIASsaII, of the L.1.....251T10:1 7 ttlld at thettnell. Mica. ' - (bunny Merchants, purolisoing by soffolesale, ore respectfolly invited to tall and examine our Snick; as we can traf - with confidence that os 'regard...rum:Tr and rum. ittwill not su ff er in a companson w ith any house in Philadelphlw febl7 Fashionable Hat and Cap Plasautflacaiirs gitGEORGE& ANSHUTZ, Agent, respectfu lly inform. Ids friends and the public generally that he his commenced the manufacture of. lists and Caps at No. XI Wood street, one door shore the corner of Second, where he has cow on hand a fine wortment of Nam and Caps of his own.manuracture, hich he will dispose of on the most rSasonablo terms, wholesale and retail, for cash or city acceptance. Hats made to order at the shortest notice. aptgigm STELANV,G9O kDEALFSCS are invited )o examine R. H. PALMER'S stock of Soave Goods, of the ' ll b CfV, N ' lTr '‘ : i c i" krgil r ; En El Elb a Dun stable do; 'American do do; China Pearl do; Lotiarit Jo; Rolland dot }french Pram, Fancy Gimp; On. fie. LTA ,TS—Eer born, Pram Lcaf,Pattatua, Fancy Straw, &Braid, Hatband Braid, Pedal do. Alert, ArtifiCial FlOrrara, Ribbons, dn. Straw Bon net Warebouse.9.s market at.' m ri 10, 16148. n , 4 0C.011.D i Coa, Apish stkosti & rood 11A177.114 Ada lAriLl.l:ll,o4llCe the Sprint Stills of Hats this day, Skikt'ahri March 41b,1648, Their friends and customers ate requgsted to cell end e amine their stock of Spring Hits, in. reontred from New York, at their store, corner of sth and Wood Us. ons 4 ALFRED R. REEVIL, r - CH EAPEST Fashionable Hatter in ,44 _tne S c i o 's", F tl n glOte, cor tier of Wood street and Ilighert wic. alwaya paidfor ehippintr Furl. .134'6,4 All SPRING X TYLE—S l!dOORE eosin. re. from New York, the Spring Style of lint., which he will introduce onSatunlay,Airt nit 4th. All ore in went of& neat and superior Has, will rdekm all and examine at No 73, Wood street, 3d door whore Fourth. F . ourth. ', .. . - . . sif4 FALL VASLTION.— S. 11100 HE hos recei _ v ed frOm New York, we Fall style of Hats which be esti' intralnee this day, tro narday.•Ang, 2. , 111. All oee in Waal of a 'neat mud ouporior bet would do well to call at Na. 3, Wool 6.1.3t1 door al,ove .lth. aoiskr• I.'' ' .- . .ststa nza" iAilizozw-Vort-iiiiii:L JUST received from New York, the Summer' &Jig for hate, cotoiming of White il l and While French etweintew Ilatv. with Veraawn, Time in Want of a beautifitt, light Hat are relit:cubit). invited to esti. ' Ai. MOORE. interka 7tl wood . [.. mo - o"Eft3 AbfD C.ONSlONF.tobanods comma by Reliance Line, are herebytiontiql Mat lemma. ,quenee alba destruction of the Freeport Aqueduct. no good* win be delivered by es without :errineit Orders from the ifrifters and tonsignete to forward them at tbeiiaddiumml erpense, sorb JOHISIIIIePADMIes --- LVllftillWO. • - BY STEAM TO THE AQUEDECT. LF.FMH & CO. will send a acambont daily, at 7 A. Id., to Me Aqueduct, where Passengers. will be cottreyed to Philadelphia ind ltaltimnre unseal, with out any delay. Fat fuller Information Inquire at the Übe., Monoopthela flouie, or of D. Web &go, at the Canal — beenappoialed sole Ageom b euhemlbees Wing y the manatectlerem; for the sale of the celebrated .Fhpair Brieks,'!. now Prepued to illation km stay quaatityk' at all oubtlifee %PM' tor the construction or by of Dludtb mesa bricks butrbeenuonnenced by ectee bacon feddee beingimpenor to all caller boo Wick's noW in U... 0 A IVA fiUf.,TT co,Cutel; Basin. . 50,11 . 4, 3- Wispily% SomI E Z ria Now Odour, to arrive par siessoero Empire and Amerricsn Eater, 41 tasks of which ara of the plm_ quality, tor fiat Cork Ina:madam =TN FOLNDEarqt C° `MEDICAL • HARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT is an itradmit ble remedy (or Epileptic Fin or Falling Skkeess' s . lurama. Le. - It Matra known, thas that time immernortel,phyaicians have promanced-Epilep..• tie Fit. inearsblL It has bellied all the& skill, and the • boasted power of all medicine, and consequently WU* teas have m &red throtigh • miserable Ltatence, and at last yielded up their Irma ad as altar of inaanity. .• • With all deference, rhowever, r lto the ophdonarif OSP great and learned, "Is say that :I has Wm cured-, • , HARTS VLGETABLD E..LTAkACT, - • • For sixteen years, has . been maned Weeny pampa' • .• who have suffered with this dteed diem" and in -- every ease wheratt has had a fair edit!, has sdaseted & , • Fits of YA year. and - 6 - moutha; curedby the use at • : this truly wonderibl medicine. • • Read the following remarkable case of the SOU ee Van. Seem., Em., of Fidladelphia, 'filleted *A leptie years and 0 months... Aber travelling ' hrough England, Scotland, Germany and France,'comi - tutting the moo d, eminent phyeicianr. andexpa the. L . ,. - medicine, medical treatment and MHz°, three 1.• mud dollars, returned with his son to this comity in -.• November last, without receiving any beardit whatavi• - - • 'UHT'S VEGETARLE Ermicr. • • Mr. MMinua fle.gate's Lotter to. Dm liana Han. •-• - I Lave spent overdue° thousand dollen ear med. eine and medical attendance.. I waa edvised to oka a - leer and . urpe with bles,.ari•oh I did. I Ent Ifipoi England I consulted the , most eminent phyrietans:• - • „ there in respect to his cam they examined Wm and • proscribed. asconlingly. I remained - three months ' anhent perceimng a change for the better, which cost me - taunt two h dred nod Arty dollars by the physicians, :the moat that I nee nft i ltiraa their opinion that my son'. case MIS h0p.9.5 end pod. , tivgiy wearable. I accordingly left Emeland, and to. le.. oiled through Scotland. Germany and France, am/ . - turned home lu the month of November last, with coy! son as far from being cured rd when I lett .1 saw your advertisement It, one of the liver York Papers, and •• concluded to try Ban's Vegetable Emmet, sewn leer staterneuu end certificates of so many cares, some of • twenty end thirty year.' tuanding,and I 019211115111.0 you • • • run not Sorry I did so, as by the use of Han% Vegeta: - • lila Extract alone. he was restored to perfect health. '• • Ilia reason, which was so far gone on to end. him the !maims; is enure!p restored, with.,tke prospect now • before Wm,of Mb, health mid- usefulness. Ile Warm LI years of age, and years and , months .of tlus time his Leek adlicted with this most dreadfid of diet eams; but thank God be is now enjoying good health. -• Now, gentlemen, fidth withoutworks Idea's. belie,. in. To say that I chill be ever grateful to you Is ono thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollar.. I -- have no doubt but that you Will think this. Is anotker and quite L. different thing. The debt of gratitude I still evresda, bat please to accept the present amount m (merman the dein in adiance. . • . Ilfottra very respectfully . LI (Signed ) TO THE AFRI.ICTEA . • WILLIAM SWORE • ' One of tile proprietors of this invaluable medicine was atiliedd for several Years with Epileptic The disease had. prodneed the worst offeet h rlds .eyatam, via:Moss of memory, imbecility of se end a . perfect prosentrion of the nervous eyetaL ' h ad __ tied the skill •of the bempltyziciane for seven years,'. and grew warm molar their_ treatment, and he knew., . that. his medicine wee his on 4, hope for health and, life and wee therefore determined to use, which ho and T i c: It a atul ne peyere in It nee, result wara perfegt rerntetion to health, whir! was cond.; tied oninterrepted for nearly sixte en years. Wo would Teter th e (ottoman persons Who have been coma IC ming Hares Vegetable Emmert ' • , Col E daughter wee :Meted nine ysarej • resides at Yymkers, New Verb. BermeHnine yeara, ll Grand eL - • Ellsworth, seven years, 12 Dover at. • Amyl. Iti'Dotigal, rune year., East Brooklyn, LP( st, Staitii;•New York Cyst® 9.01911. - • 9 Kelly, _twenty yeandStaten Arms SPEcef, twenty-marl, Verkvithe Miss TiOrshe, twelve yessa, 11/ liammendy eta; Wm H Pitmen, twenty-thrie Team, 73 Nerfalk.stt Jacob Partj, four years, 174 Delaney et. IrbilaJotuisin, twenty. eight pease, Greenearder'n! Judge Matadi, of Ego titoadenry, New york. • Thomas El Jones', of the U S Navy.. Cart Wm Jennings, State st:Dridgeport, C.; • - Rule ere also matte to . Dr IV I.ldource, Gritlasni, 0.- i • t . • Roe Richard 'reseal,. West Daysnport,HiT:' Env L Bastme il , Baltimore, MO • ..Melt:wok Bradley, lit Orchard NV. - C liDnughtten;H"SEwhasont It N Y. Mrs June, Bendel; Chester, h Onwirt• • John Faber, Ird Elisabeth to, ' A@l MIME:, Delaney et, . •do • • ' James Smi th , 136 Suffolk at, • : d d • Charles Brown, COO Water a, •• • d All of whisk may be called upon, or aildriaL Paid i pole( • • !I MF' Treeara.l by Dr 9 !bar, Cato Inns & Mary] ' Ci F THOMAS Co, 148 Main M, Norman 34 and •.* 4th ets,.. and lii Main at, betoreen•sith and'ath etreatsi Cinetunau, OWN win:dumb, and Beall agenta fat *a • I. WILCOX,. Jr center orMathet et and the Dlij" need, only ag , t Fittab'g Ps •iawdowly .." ' .. • 7,lE.Dicei ..k.. suncticAl. ostficar ~, ,_ • .-..,-,. , 7 , N. On, DLLUOND.II.LEY, a .,e , K?'" ' • few diw..l.low wood saes!, to: , ,A . ~ i Dlit. .B.R.ffiirflii inMirtf: bolO . .st', : k‘r , '7,..., , regular!) , eductutd. to them xic:!;.„../.;1, !profession. ar d been for sm. 611111 . ''''',.',;', , t!>: ,3 'C ', :f ' 311 .5' 0.1 , 1, A. Pe fa 1 ~ of. .*; ,-.-.,; .111/4 • diem ' rms.' and deGerde coini ',S , !,, ,,V , : ! -- \ plaint. for evitich his' oplrt , u nide, ;,ati t}' :'''? ran. rtm. etrynerrs7itssiduous/yOefotT to study m treatment of there elleePletntsgermfOrklch.. time be hei 11,4 more prectic.r and has Col - ear:wt. Pro• treats than mot ever fall to the lot Of hny private . pose.' etionery: enmity. • torttlifies bier 'to! cube ;assurenees 0f.., speedy, permurient. mid • efts fee to rylor e !to 'all alllieled W debeere aliglcaseS, andkill' disen4es 4.0,4.11..3, : T- Dr-. Orono Oronhfilifoim tbasethglicthd‘grith.ptivater . r : disease. whielrhave become - chronic by time or age .. ~ graveled by the use of any of the common matron= of. .* the day. that their-complain:a can be radially and Mon.'. !!:, mightly eared; be having given his careful attention. t 0.". - the treatment of tech cues, end succeeded in hundr ed*.. of trimnessin curing persons ofluttammatiou of tbe . neck of the bladder, sod kindred diseases which often -:. result from those cares *here °Morelos.. =mimosa. them to kopeks, despair. lie puiticairly haves nigh • as have been lone end unseccestfullY treturid by othere..., to consult him, trbert every maisfaction, will be given -! e•t , them, and their oases treated in a eareful,lsoroughltsuli" itttelligmn meaner, pointed out by . re long rept-Dente, ..:. 'Mud), and investigation, which ills mehassible fortieths.; e "Mud), in 'genera] prank.'of IneCUCIOn' kl give soy one clue of disease. ! r. : , in - blernie or Ropture.—Dr. Brown 'so Invites per: , nova atilieted with Dentin to call; Its he has psid ppnie- , sloe encetion to this diseue.. - • : • Skin direores; also Pd., Palsy,ote., speed il y eared.' Rhar.yes very to, -. N. a—Yemenis of caber sex Ilvirig• at • diateace, by_, -antilop their disease itt teraing, , ylstrar all the syropi toms, can obtain medicines with dtreetions (3f ass,by , addressing T. BROWN, N. D., post paid ; .d coaLee tag a fee. Office No. ht tharitcand alley,opplxier the amiy • tc_ftNo care tio pay.. = Seen. 6-FAIINEs - rotrs Pneumonic or Cough 'Bal. lam, has a great advantage over many other (lough preparations. wits pleara4 Lut e . permna it to. 'used without inconven ience. • But na'valuct ea Ilalcara COlUi.O in the v,odificat of its ewe. We hair, known Conte of th e most desperate mambo, mama at which bad been imutitor on fat a considerable length ot. time, yield almost immediately 'toils power. • - le such W4ather. .us we have had during the.put winter, every one it liable to take cold, mime groas precounOns aroused. ' - ' Wet feetand'undfieerposure to the inclemency of the weather onen lays the Coundatiog-otlal hackies. *me t h, which needs a tpuek remedy to prevegt. senate . IV'e .Eave numerous certificates of core. ..which. is , . bar pertormed, amp) , of sehieh am from persona ini - ..,... MI. city and thipeorhborhood, and they are a =Scion. ' reference without , saying another word in its favor. . ~' ' Prerared and Mr sale wholesale sod.retall by BA. 'F- ._,--... FAI-INESTOCK & Co, comer of wood . and Ist and • .... - - 'Dr. Ps Tonle nod'. Alatl.Dysprpila frIDI general properties of thesa Maar* Care:Man' I lice, Pareluve lapel Tonic. la tbq_ccmunou ders writing from Imprudence in die, iltc.,auch as Mek nes, and soreness or the momneh r heartpam. headach, fee., where a medicine in required,' this combinatiott is very applieable; for it. carminative 'and mothing ef., feels give almost Immediate relief when nausea or sic to rtarn Ito purgative operation.upon Ma stom ach and bowels is gentle , and- , otreStual, mid its Wan properties Onparr strellgth to the diva:ilia organs. thereby enablumlbeso orgasm to perform thetfliroper . function, with order and regularity. Thy price has tie - en reduced from 50 to 23 - clew ben. For sale wholesale and retail by RA AJINESTOCH/c Co, comer front and wood, and Orb and wood sts . Jett Agents for rinsbutgh - IIuyORCAPi'S WORIo HILLER is far supetior m et Alt other remethes for Worm,. • Jane 141b,114.1. This certlfrthat I gave to two J of my caildren„ three and ties pr ea two , esspe2ninfillsof Morganla Worm Killer, to each of ehem.. The youngest passed SG large wanes, the smallest could not have measured leen than seven inches. The eldest planed so Is, a' number that we could not begin to count them. I have. ;. need all the popular rernedtes, before the public .for worms, but can sty with a clear conscience,Alorgan's Worm Fillee is far superior to any now before the put. • , lie. SASIVEC JOHNSTON. Itakeretiewo, Allegheny county: Prepared and sold wholesale and reudtby tho pro. JOHN D DlOROA.V,Drugglsr, - intl ' ' Wood street Pittsburgh. T IittirIS__CELYIBRATFID "Inn AND TETTEIC OINTAM`s7 is the Ili:11 eifecreel mmedY before, the yuldie for the cure of letter, , rob, dry andlsynterl pimples of the lace, neck •and body. scaly erapuoas e , nog all_ other diseases of th e-skin. This OititatenV is warranted free from mercury, is perfectly safe, and may be aced at all Macs and under all circumstances. A fresh subply of ihia valuible .remedy received and f or . 11 A FAICSTL.NTOCK Co,. corner of !Strand wOod; ohm, wetter of <pond wood streets. • • • - Psplasyleanla Ball Read . Company. NT,Wit=rlt",r°2:`,Aiikreheirp=f this Company, Is requited to be paid on or before the let day of July nem. The tidb inatabsentof FIVE DOLLARS per above,. or Wore the lit day f comber, and the stath 'instalment of FIVE MAKS . per chore once heforekire lat day of N4:fleet cr lttei; al. • their/thee, Na 79 be Street, Phila ' ia. . : PeYntents will be received of or more;losts.l- . ntrius, or the stock stay be paid at the option oi the stockholders, and interest will be allowed Dr= date; . Nod ponettuallyi : will attbjecr . t h o 000 pee rent. per month, as required N. EL—lnstalments will be rcecir by W. IL DE44, . NY, .at Manufacturers' k Mercheurs' Mint. . COTTON. DUCI.C. j TOE +oboe Ober. are opeFatiagibe. lasgeSt establish mem in the United. Stales h, the manufacture of Lanett Soil Doak; and eller for sale to ft:sr - de - Idea in pinahavgh, at their lowest prieml.Peek of mtpetior - quality. °revery descriptiooptwiddt aqd weight, cult. able for covenog Steamboats foe Awnings,.. Topes. has, Tants, Sedan and , Bottoms, Minch heavy Ouch; , loch Ms Rahn El At inch' do do • --- „ J '42 inch do do . + R, , 'et Inch Data. from No.l to No.lth • 1,,T el Inch Resent' No. 14a No. C 4 tr: and,USI hien heally willed Dock, a.. 6 Nell, to will, dad en advantage in pur fraol .aumfaclurars oars than naves= • G 4 BRILL, CARROLL / Italtimen We L . l i' lll3a .2 ll93GTh ol i t A allTi ‘ f( R th h eigic hi4"..:* int oduag brwn - pivrhite,ectt and ar6fteJ3e• atm,: , •few few Puseessver gaper. ".7 Mid. Md. , BRITANNIA merAL,WAIIE-Jut received 601 We OkaOaraao.Y. Ihdaanla Cone Pow.< do ?la- Ap;gar. sow sod Csaasoßopg -44114., de r largo Pfie emorith lag do Malaise. dri dg* VMS, with Isms: /*or gals Claw gices. -, 4. AS.: GILL GETTY,AIga-usgpiso. • fruit u.d..;lP:wd having bmna , PP ol 4 l loole . j far the was al , EnCkhuth & Ces . 0,4 will ktep.teAgnntly ea hands /77 stew lowest kiC ruaek 024 ' ' A t aCi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers