,iI.IIIIICA rr~sol,rll . ol,7lENDii.. - L . =rs,MmaaktM,ead warraoted eope PwWrrQy riar eny eald. .1* burn PntPare eishwe.wr BAUM eno- B ILBDICINE Tb. gnai bcauti . tmd cuperkiarty of Ws Pareeparille arm . all al., Medicine is, whilst It Eradiate Dieowe n fumerr. ewe We Erelyi it is me of the very best SPitUati AND SUMMER MEDICINDserer krauan it oat w it • Ow whole system and etravtleca. Iwh pentro, test It Creeds: New, PUU and/lick Blood ; swayer poonaed by no other Medicine. hod in thie With. grand 'emit of, wcaderful • ammo. It has pergarowd within the peel two lean , at tte'. ..• l 35,4100 cures of Wren. Cuee a at Ina SDUO histcratde. Afar. than • WWI 0 ... r 01... 40:1 wee of Gererral it and Want of Dotty 7 , l7l . l =if f .differer h ifncale.Conipiainal • I l= wet °rite Lifer ' Criniplaiat ; • •L. ' !Nkicwiera of Dim. or it. Kid ney sad Drolp ; Thowandeof ewe of Dieeas s e of the Mad, act Ulcers, pales, Balt Itheansi,Mraplinoe therms, he., At., To. ' •Toth UPtpetut• twee of Sick Headache, Pup 2.1 the wee Chest, Spinal haWirsos, for.; " This, we an ewer; woe appear incredille, but we haws Wirt from physician. end caw amok from all parts of Wt - Hailed Staaes, meowing ae of weave/WI emu Itc,,v!! • - Bothttly_Enq.. coact the most enewocteateentmisY .1.7 .14 N.J., inform ea Nat he cm rekr CO more theories r th. , in that Van, akce. Them m . `tret rot b :::I=lbri`. 6 ' th.L beet of (wax kwawn. ft andoubteall my. , • of wee Chao • the fnl; SAO Latmcce TUB Pan Suns I, • 'x A. it resoled the weft of diwww, sod Foupthha • Vend SUMS Orrthca. • / - COOT. O. Ml.filcCuse, or TIM Derma Nauss Nen, • and...mkt of the New Jersey Lertilawea hes kindly eatt aa the &Wain entificete. It Wlle oyez etr , taken with die billuerne, and my whole P left - fe :debilitated Age. I wee induced to try It. s,.....ily ‘ sesiallter Wing two .alter but ; tio, I was *my eolith Jiirir. tihd - edd a...pew*. knee ecatinemil Wan it, tr i t d iweror• awry day. I helm it tared iny and let be without it =der thy woothhethhut. • (I.W. Illata.th,late H. S. N. Sakes uOt.e. " The edified. uetwk&hti Prove feat Wn arnerw.U. 1,,,,,,, a r ae t mama over the moat °Want. thaw.. of Three lamas cured in not house is Dr. tnnitalm—Thar Si. I inn Out plasm to lsiona rjr a e7 T aji arrtst r I h rd bra eaxrQ b.. " Uk. Ikr*. t. %oaks . 4.l2a .at' , far vhida Ifi Ens r If sae obltrkra: bar iti9L. alu; nspnefaltr, lauo W. Puta,lo:l Wear:sr st. Now Iridi'mwa, I.IW . , • ' ODIAT MALT. Dr. Timm:kV. leammrl.ll. Ital...az ahm t, yd belying Camatams; flartetam. ebamaka ar &fault Mesta:Wm thatadamm. .af trim at taralmtuT disebarge thcra.4 for Om gm enli,enataa ot the systaa-ra maser MOM tba al utemat ea gamey pntelecal by bmp)mity, Dims rfothiogoa /Aims mmistas irlsbekmkam eF. feet. en d.b.a.:a from. Parma, ell- vreaktme - Ltuie,frem takiegit,stam bema. robmi.ad fellafesera aad.r it. Wam. It ha:milady amterset. thi tom tomme of the famlik from, Mach u tba otatemsa of bull : • It Tffil sot bi:Orpostot of em in mom of to &Gala • %Mite salad matea• if. or cares perfemand, but mil en loam Ms dlictsd,lionlitindrois dames bus boot reported to on Bonn' cams when Emilia bare hem ',Rimini:did ' raj aka swim• Gm Wan of this ilyabiabis modiciss, • • bus Mot bl.t ma bobby ofspling. "n' ' '" Dr; .Ibirrausuf My int. being patty disimissed by 'mob= and gaunt olifonag _Continually 'by ye i it . smi mantic* doMo, &fling womb, oral milli - Mime difficultieshafing knew. moos ram* your medicine bas effseted ' irrest Cum • and also be.. Met rommouirdad Mr such cum an I nom damliodtotimin. edMasi of .00t Damen ofmad followed Ibrillmetions yon short paled it reamed • bat complaints anil muo:::1 has boob], lasing grale.ful far tbt burins she recoMed, I Mks plc.. is thus neimonladr ,bar It. end rocumaseding the pub li c. L 31. D. 3100rt, - ... • Allman A.c{.17,15H. Coma Grua sad Lydia. Oa.. . ' . • C.assoetso, &pt. 29 , MI j Dr Treffitea: To an whets this say seascro—This is to wetly that try wile and ace bottle el yew Fholotstlis. • =o= g...4 ssasEssokshl, • =4:: 1 ! Mg of the us; trt,..• wad erry ts - 4Catebilite. lei; with thy penesshtts ths thousetseAshou of those who lad it, dm eras indered tri it, with liuls or no kith; lad lodes .to thy, the thsdithse Lad the happy .od ' ilsolsod . ofsft,oot sat its the hears of sosiGneniest, bat .Her the e . l" this loth of its est. tbs . dpsof matt .,t rEZ•Z' v u : : : • . , 1.1 this will la if thy units to yea es thy the . *be , r'lleshts ths pause! the relies — es, yth on etisis,ty infraw t-1' 1 thlistrlbe spot( Ism oast abed:salsa ehligeis , mint; • . uu t . • .• ' • .To NG HERS AND SIARRJED LADIES. This Es of SarsapariSo bas bun represtly prepared ... • , In ad... di. feade conaphdotc. 'No Donk who hared 'r.1.113 to suppase is appruelacie Hat crithal perio d .' " Tee I'turn oflifa," chouhl =glee lei take hos it •;-- • preandive far toy of the ouerow and horrible diens. to .• Maid& DUI. are &abject at this time of lik. This period . 7 way le dityed Dr eneral years by iting thieniediciaw Nor " •• : as it Ina r•Jible to Rine whore a appruclool worauhood, as it la cia.lalad to issid :Wore by quwkeoialp the blood 7 ud imigoiating them... Laced, this media. is iseak I , . table A. all of "the delicato dilutes to which wawa aro •1: soli. . ,t. " c . It braces the Whale orb., Leann permanently i . th e tutu -• c eel' ite—by removing Du hoptinteo of the tody—aot es for silsoulailag the systom as to produce • wiliwepteat re " • • kWh= which is the awe of taut ...pan tabu fur female wakes and Gnaw. • . • GIRLS READ THIS. , '• You echo bare pals completions, dog eyes, blolelea on the l : We, rott‘h skin, or frectU,, and are o ut of rpaita;t will " we . • bowie or two of Dr •Tenniavadhe Sartaquilla. I 7 cleanse your Mood; remove the Settles arid blotch% aced ere ardattiou. sperkliwy eyes,.fte spirits; amt beautiful l• "- - eon all of which aro of =mere value to us. r — vied lam. - - ' ' • No kohl or medicine has me beta fr,momted which so owl? ea the gmtic juks or saline in doccanyoliog fooled statagtheniwg the Orrem of digestin, os this prtgok; neon of Mumperitht. , Mato Dtralentorr, 1B1& Itrimmomko. Bir—l ham ham - c•IM ear Larsen] • :yen with dryers intim worst bran, attemied with sour, • tarse of stomach, has of paito ~ •eatreme beartleun, mad • ammica . . ateob of food, and for week. (what I . eat,) unable to retain but I small portion ms 7 skauch: 1 tried the nsual manta, Ina they bad bye Iluks ore. awl in removing the complaint. I sem in • • doced,abait two mastin since. to try your Zealot of Sarah . parillsond I tomalley with little mo-s, IRO after using =.1:o - bottles, fond ray appael restored, and tke eatirely remenmit ad would earotaly mood marl the me of it to thole who ham icon afflicted as I ham bas. • Yours, tr .., vr. Vas Zoom •Aw MIMM. • ' Maas Island. ALMOST A MIRACLE - • V." tho foibwiq, ma dotted if you am, Cost conamp llaamanot Leon& This ie.?, ate of the mural hundral fans OsatTowoenali Samperalet has enrol: • , • Dr Tinereasad--Dear &r: 1 win!akaa, lints ma M • year ego, with cant , sod pun in ory We. It - ama on sos very fast, indeed. 1 wea phy • oichos to Uri the quick aseromptior triad large quail , Wits of bod matter, had night await, mai oinking very hot • ',aide:Mar mid be amid do noth for ow I went into the • *hop of behig bawd halve. pronoomnd that •I ono mat greatly astameed at the tons and • • Amid hardly bleats I moo ban= emeciamd, end repotted • ' lie; wommellnad to My bed, and woo obliged to • ham • watchers indeed 1 =not gm ou say description Out • woeld dojestias tmmy awe.. d woo supposed by my friends. =it= h'd pr d Kr illtrro ootoe *r =l 4k. n! L yew °"4l"" trsath , I aus: " Stent r Zso= ibaWth.."l • • ball:rad indoecal to try it ,idid sty end moray thankful. 1 did. Moot ay that lam entirely well, but emu Ca mromered wools. about ory_hosinces, ond.bore to bo maim , Ij , well is a Yew weeks. Day cough and pu ma s the side, sod eight Meads have kit moo, end robs but Bette, and me hat pielogmay used strength. I felt it • duly to give yoo • Ancona of my ar, to publish if you plensme • , ems Beim% datle a, Brooklyn. , . Opinions of Physicians. •Dr Towoolowel oteocoldaDi mowing orders Ron phyl h, tho Dodo. - • Milo to 0.1.07 OW vs Ile toodgroicood, Physicians or Cityof hrrr rr =woos mos proomiled r. Tommoodh. itlampoaloi.aorl Wino it to be Goo of the moot voloallo preptostkoss of tho Sanapalitla is the =Act, ? Patna, S ' Wuus, altßurar,ir Enrurrriau.sis. • Aitny, April 1, 1643. . Thla m to mon thatwe, Om undernottd, inaction Thammatet rhymes. MM. (Sty of Altany. hae•fresurnt —insartloot De Tososend'sCanipound ratract AI Bar. sad Atm eta lawn mahma, would tom mood WI be pal far mercortal, wrofaloos,ond othore Manama wo Wow, produmato to say of se othertiord rotoodim Manta A W gowns, s 'r, A*13011,150. wt 3 Ikons*, trinctmloaco,l3s Fallon A,B. 13111tos i N It; &a, C. State Badom Draft 3 &ma L 4 North dies ini(Of 31,13±1dal Lat; 3 &Woo.* and y_ moon tbront the Naito! dudes ''''ATls. Comma „ Nave.immtstootalem mon in the lamp ilium motto, Intik contain soon eta aissed with this soda. aimtora of P TOW NriGND, and ka =is blows attic From tim New Tat Daily Expos of April 9,1:47. ' A Sts thin insiommi ma. aat• yesteray. it sm . 2 .„,d iF kola bornpusllo Enema of Dr Tristorad. Tim hit3l thug i. sot op to poll mom of tar orao- r. manta Young pouttino welationifolorhkh, together with tha wan work, to sold, glanotiV m woo, mode • tholr rad,aparla Paany. • B a sk. this osmortumry may ...Wiem ai• estrut of the as w S w anapanno dooms the eeqsreatPO . " al= • ma l e Now Y u,3tueh ' A, MN 1334 Townwedt-1 bare bun aided mare or is., for 3 'lrodittd4=l.egthatitothlielabt, and=latht tossed as romMalit tio cuotatool bad ami cad to stork Ism sokSot to in styVmmoo as • dier. pima taro other woolarkam, too atnnarom ta oans, hot sub Ltd. ce so m ms, Ins Mimed by what! war ia the paper tetn boils , of year ihmaparillo, Muse/kith 1 Owl inst. Wad- I hots eimai tale. serrod mom banks, at 4 1 an witiwitstwel ry m bead IWWWWW Ikm wrgr taliewi—the pun la my oftwatis sow, mad WM wow ollitkrent man ~her Mom 1 bantam youNannwan- 1 lima tom • hatter appetite for cwt kW. Aly Ina has taken it with the mom howed-f dal omits wool/ setWeilaiml it ws * Emily solarise ot4 key coarometi Mit itao mod there would oot Mr bolt sickmatibere 'yawl coossuottly wi may Lackey kiln As slide it restoo. 'mute, it am, tlw Scala and bow.l. Ihno mks mom it keep the blood a almalCity wale, ito that doom tat likely to ollock the sydot. Awl to all Mao who are not is o tioilthy Wale, fmy Wy 11. ToWascod's &manila. Tactdoti SWMII, :0 Allen t. Cu/Yee la Um 110oLlt. stinconot of mother child reed. Dr Townsend , . boa ...aim lists of liammood. of child T a ti m •Vl4S or , kW. to *data lia• • (Tot audio " "L HOFYooi r Apra e, air,—Oot of my childrut woo inty siOrwi d i thi Gtry a lbw smooth sod throat, altdided with ..giwoollobilio Itosso mar dyirb; 1 °Mahood woo ofloz woodkot ftmead it diroody, yibidi I w7lP7Wrolo Ymn • In.' •Koos•ow= W 733,47 Disboviwo wy E 541,15118 tosomul, N 057 Wood d Wino 3d oat 4111 do, who boo Wowsppototod by pp, Towriesno.h. Ageat s..iukibpl. , • • a.ur• I r greatest 0 la NirOral 010diCkbete! • FM into OHM, .• • . . • WS kto enrWlbal idler lasing different prepare /. for expelling moms, I bought of C. F. Iktrosn, Of ' _yaw hisboainso Ties or R Sellers , Veratilage, and es tlas edateept of one mint u! Mew of my eaddren. Ppm tsal, Mead 07years; It expelled 43 worm.; in . th e wend,* Ow old, 7% smite= Me third 9{ yaws e1d,,1D5 Mann' 243 aromas espelkai by mime • bat onervil.7. I recommend Sailers , eri:gel as a - an& Ltd one alba moslelketstal Wenn =dimes W. lorPer t e h p e rFeWd D E .7W Rears bfo7%u Wnmo. 7W nDCueDdm Ho Dlom o d A t. pliganny;Wihies22l_____---------- - 2412214P220:0-.02221e. • 1a34 rvorsamm , !. : 9AsBezuuLLA.4o . bi . o r " i dm! MAW,.aalediaiddl lila day aaea ltdijaadtdgad. tir . 1.1:13,411t88.1, Dr air-u fa i. 1 6 ataamila the seastaaaaltdo joy *waste bad at , ww. ' ' • • , • I azanz.YII.2aDYPOILPIMILICATION 11 by 3. A.& V. P. JAhlal, Cincinnati, the. IbUatving new and veinal:de Works=' -, L Derriphen's Expedition-Containing a sketelt nt the. I Vie of Col. Wl'A. W. Doniphant the Congeal of Kew Mexico; Gen. Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cali fornia; Donipban'it Campaign against the Revd". and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua pad Darangti, and the Operations of Gen.Micest Santa Net with a MA , ged fkm - m ., A=O, by - Mtn ir Ifttelms,.A S of rite tut klegunent of Annular Cnialor. ,'. nithi i lV of lientaehg—lts Anktiltirit and Natural Curiosities; Geographical Siatistmal and Geological do"hrirdiraw; with aneadittes of Pioneeis Life. end more than one hundred Biegiaphical Sketches of distingnisli ed l'ioneenti Soldiers, Statesmen; /prism. Lawyers, Di vinely fre.; illustrated with fangengniviilirG by I.wh i Colliau,l vol. octavo. ' • Ili. ' r . The Twelve Months , Volunteer, or Journal tin Pri vate in the Tennessee ,ltegiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign of Mexico, Miring latd.47, containing as ac count of the llama of. the Regiment 'fo. Vera Cr,., a deuription of the Conan)* Passed oven manners, gui tar:ls, fr.d. of t h e *grit Sketches of Camp Lifei ac counts of all the actions of other Volunteer Regiments soda full History of the Alexican War; List of the kill led and Worinded, &c:illanrated bye large number of Contra - views and plane; by Geo. C. Porber,l volume deal ' . 008.1 4 FOR TWEE SEASON—lllurninaled "Ipp Gunsor Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 no., wid4cardiful illustrations on steel, by Samba, and Lti ißuminated pages by Schmitz and .Sinclair, richly boned m Turkey manatee and white calf, superbly gilt. The Christian Keepsake, tut annual for 11th with splendid meoitotiot engravings, by Sarlairnbenuad Max- Menial, morocco. • I Christmas Blossoms and New. Yeses. Wreath for 1844 ss small quarto volume, primed on snow white pa per, embellished with splendid meromint engraving-a— nis. is by far the most bemtiful juvenile simnel pub . lashed in Me United States., • The Poetical Works of Oliver GOldsmith, N. 11.,with numerous es bite designs, by the Etebiog Glob, to on. rims styles of binding. Ttuampson's Seasons, with Soventy.severi dmi.ges, by the Etching Club, In YUMAus styles . of binding. The Poeta and Poetry of dmenem by B. W. On. . The Poeteend Poetry of the Ancients, by William Peter, A. IL; superbly bound in Turkey usanxem 9,1. 7 _rom. invasions styles of bindin • Gray's Elegy illustosted. g• • Ilenum's Poetical Works, in voodoo bindings. a a .. Lord Byron' " • Shaktipeare's The Poetical Works of Thomas Moose. Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Hulett. Poems by Satoh. . . Veadlep's Stared Mountain. h. Wive, with a great variety otothei new works, in splendid guys of binding, suitable for gift books, for sale by . I JOHNSTON & STOCKTON; do3C , Booksellers, eor.: Market & 3d sta. Valuable Stauda.rd ;Works. BRADIDVB ENCYCLOREDIA—i Din:town cl fie. ame,litexantreandvt,notaprisiog thalintoty,desetption erett scientille principles ofinery branch of hem= km:mirage, with the deriration arida/mite= of all the tams de, edited T Brande, R 43, fn. Ill cw memo. mammy re wood. Morsa's North American dths, co:pining trentdifall y 4. mud some a North America, Canada Fri, Canada Wear, Nora SOY" Rrer Brixostriek, Bonham Texas, Rem Bin = ' Platt Tony and Maxim, Cent Ttimba. /feet ladm lelendfand du Biala d adaTenn, rim in Ma Unbo." - - Ndi Ihnitam—The history of the Puritan. from the refornation is isa, to the revolution of MB, romprnieg m mi n d of Lbw pr de, do, by Dentrl Next, h, mind by John 0 Elmer% Id V, Bah nine peatratisentMeti In two eam,. The oo.. nee of the Body in relation to the Mind, by ,Gio4e M IDasober of tie royal college of Thrtnimit SA. Juvenils:Work. Wealth uel Werth• U which makes the cast, et eery m iller Joyce& work. recite of the Su, heist airootistg uuritions shiperOub, 8'• usiclN spukur—The 'uncoil. Speaker, comprising elemeatery ruin and uteuriees iv dectamatien, with • au:c.- a. Of plum for pundit-v..6y Made T elocution at Prinuutaw ---- - ,Tba eleies work* received end Gar see by JOHNSTON S. STOCKTON W ' Booksellers, cur market end aril au ' 'Baker dit. Scotto:Lie* publications. subscribers having been appoints d e n for ms TIN thb sale of the publications of the above well known publuthirm house, have o fall supply of their books on hand, which they eart tell at the eastern pri ces, Wholesale and retail. Among the works which have been .recently issued by thorn, which have been highly recommended-. exceediuty -interesting and valuable, may be found—The Czar, w Coarkand Peo ple; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flag, by De. Spring; Napoleon and his Marshals; Wrislung• von and hit Generals; The Sacred Mountaira; Oratory of Prince; Teaching a Science, the teacher an .aGist; Charlotte Dimbeitis Unilliazu Works: T. S. Arthur's Making flute to be litteh,litie h. huveWtngs, Keeping up Appearancem,Debtor and Creditor, &C. At.. Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the character of whose publications is well known. Tar. retine's Theology, in 4 vols.; Deldane on Da monsl.klr- Chey nes works; The Colltnint, by .CH4°l'll4l.ol Girl rn France, &c. ho. New banks reCeiveaws sam a. no publithed. ELL' ow Zr. ENGLISH, my 9 I'S woodland g , G market ata IYOUNM—Memonals. of the Introduction a II Meth.lona into Omsk:astern 8 ato, cumprkit , 4 • Islographicid notices of iMisarly preachers, sketches of its first churehes, and reeMniscenees of its early strug gles and successes;; by Rev. A Stevens. A. M. Just publisticiL _ Alemoir of Rev. ,David Abe 5, D. D., late Mum..., to China: by big Ilt.hewßev Glt Williamson. • Mark Milton, the Mere'llanis Clerk: by Rev Chyle , B Taylor, AI. A., author of "Recofdi m pearl.'d Man's Life," "Lady Mary," -Margaret, of the Ae. tsc. The above, with a large assortment of new hooks, on Land and just receiving. ELLIOI7 htrrGLlis apdl • roirkel st vriozasa LAGOlLS—DistorYlit the sireek Ices olution, and of the wars and piampayerts arising from the straggles or the Greek Yritrioli Emincipa. ling their country (ran the Tutkislitlfoke—in tarn eel: unues—splendid copy with numerous limps mid cnara- 'Ans. t.ou.ore itho,unovo or thoigo orAvil latiG to 1709—with Lam Oomot ro m, m 2 volsuoio in, fmm . ' Companion to the nada of the Holy ticriptinca. Harry' aloarbray, tattling romance, withrm co"- ' Tr:Or in the holy Lor a l. Frenkh Stage, and Sketches in MOM. ngEsoht • t 29 9J mmketatmet 4 Natalie Pismo Plano. 011, A SPLENDID assortment of Rose orookind filahogimy grand action Pi emos,pist finished mid for sae. A s, two s?lendid Denesrood Pianos, with Coleman's celebrated le.olien ratnelanent, finished in the mon madmirstyle, and for sale at 17 BLU Al E. 112 wood at PIANOS PIANOS 11 - P - ECRY UMBER., Dadler in eastern Piano Fortes, al J. W. WoodorelPs, No. hi Third Street. The lhanos maY.be examined at all hours, and the imbscri bee will there from 11 on 12, A. hl., and Gout 4to 2, P.M. each day. PAnsb'g Oct 22, 46 We/the undersigned, would inform the citizens o Pittsbargh Lad vicinity that we have appointed Mr. 11. Welber solo agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of our Pilaw Fortes, from whom they may he oh. tamed ad ear own (New York) prices. _ NUNNS CLARK. New Yoh. AC. 1.1516-.0211t1 ItiLIZILLANEOUS. NEW DRUG STORE. lIH subscriber would respectfully announce that he has opened a neweetail Drag Store, an the oorncr r ofrounh and Smithfield screens, Relieving that the wants of the extensive population wt of Smithfield street will Panty him, he has spared no expense in fitting op the establishment, and IA de termined to keep ha articles bat those of the best quali ty—of undoubted parity aridgenuineness. A follessonment of Medicines, Perfumery, and arti cles usually kept bleu establishment of the ,kind, will be alyraye on band . Having his dwelling in the 00,00 building; all night calls will be attended to Personally. - The basil:fess will be centhmed as heretofore, at the old stand on Market etreet. ippid.lot • L WILCOX. WEST POIPiT WORBB. . ,PRZZ,STOLtrd, On nl.l,ui.td,chr:,.pholgte. et the establishment Wm:testy carried on by Stack house A. Nelson. persons wishing to purehans steam CI, Fines for boots, or for other purposes, wall please favor us with a call, us we flatter ouraelves to be able to fur nish them on as favorable terms as any ether tend• figment in the city. • Also, in rollg mill d letin of every description eon be had mate sh ort es t non e. • Rusmoness—Capt Cold Deer, Thome. Scott, Esq., Church, Carothers b. Co., 11. Denny, Esq, AL Allen & Co. f CYPRIAN PRES. TON, p ENOCH .WAGNEI2 pr. McLane In Tann rIIS Is to certify that 1 purchased one vial Of Dr. anz 3 a Wow. Specific, some two months ago std goes to a sou of nand some wren years old, two stupooos NH, and although the amount may hypos, Yugo, yet I hove no doubt but there was upwards of rwo taxsaoro .rolas passed from hint, onocullhy, tom ohs gamer of anitich to rwo inches loser. G 1101.1.1 DAY. Roc", Creek, Corrol no. Tenn Dee 27, 1647. jai Leaching, Capping and Bleeding. D. NDRKI3, lituccentor to N. It. Delany b— • No 33 Fifth street, between Wood and Smith- Id. Fresh leeches nteerved monthly—entandance all hours. Reference, the physiciena of Pintburgli, Alle gheny and Dirraingham. I moot encerfuily_ recommend to the phyricians, fam ilies and all TT (nett, friends and . patronsi Norris ai bane thoroughly ncquaniacd with the buri n., and worthy of patronage. M. R. DELANY. pAPER—BI/C0 bdls Suaw Wrappiny Paper, all cicer 40Dcennos ruled Cop Writing Paper, 1100 -" Mod and plain letter do; all qunlttirs, 100 " not Cap; , 000 ," • medium Ten Paper, 1:A gran; white aril blue do white Bonnet Boer& 100 team. Manilla Envelope Paper, tal " Ilardvrare Paper; just reetd and fro malt, low by REYNOI , IX 4 !BOX, mtratdant _ comer peon nod ttorbt MIPS , PATENT BLOCK'S. )[‘IIE subsenber offers for sale a full assortnnint o hii Ships' patent Mocks, tiltivet, .te., 'adapted It to trade. Also, complain netts of Works,' adopted is VC MIS of any capacity, put up and forwarded to and part of tat Unton, without delay and at the lowest pit cat.. (JUNO' van, Inc sale in quantities to sari purchasers. , SOO W STAVLSI , 3, „,ttlel-Unt2ealaTLA E Menai/ Slip. Nees York ----- 4ifearisiftitiitieri d irlifilia 7--7- . AIA. penoia baring claims against the Ciente Otte, lam Henry F. Scharppe, will present them th I;tit.tietncenh aa.m an dall a re e r p so a) na m t , n 4 d a r w bted to sold estate, tell • . JOHN lUWIN Adm: Itt,Hareh,l6, (nuledarol Hrenterst 111111.71 TONS FOR—Si IM' DRDlttn, of tnel (011ot:r -ip/ ing.khuls, etclk graduated leaf gimp butunim Mandel:U..o do; Fantamel do; Castilian do, Towel and Drop do; Non and Flora 'do, together with white and corn Linen, for sale at F EAO N E CoIa m myl7 Trimming Sto let DO7 Corn Brooms - , 4 casks rot Ash; 50 do Tow . Yorn; NOM Userorox;LO Gm. No IBoai 100 03 do star Candles; 15 do Kat Flosds; :VDUs Itae Nos Loaf Sow; for sale by 7P"c,"' Co.Partne.r.lalp Notice. ,' ALD, MICKNORA CO. bare assor.mlo with Ithem tr, their Tobacco and Comminio* FAloranl (hue of Jacob Heald tr. Co, 11.11timota,) Pond C. hicCammon, and haw, A. Warner. myl6 - von. sTramsoras AND licermsn-lve hove ou _l2 bawl a large assortment °firm - Stone Ware set!: able for steamboats and howls, which we ant! sell GILL it GETT4, ap77 . • sitrAef the Lhffyitchei t woott stry • IDONNEr AND CAP .RIBRONS--W R 2ds , PO ' Y the aueation of troyers AD a' neve supply of above goods, of newest style sodomy law. mytt GOODS•A A Almon & Cojtavo on hand. VT an extend,c assorumit of WhLu3 Coeds, co o prisingMoll, Swiss, Wok, Maid and Jacooct of avert -misty. Mtn CORN AND DEANS—DO 1,09 Co r 6 u was ur 9s Ikons, fosoolo by myl9 NUFACIORIES. Mr : ALACLIINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, .. ' ' • Prrnaumm, Pa.. JOHN WELLOUT 41. - 130.9 ARE prepared tobelld Cotton and Woollen Maehior cry of every description, each h.—Carding Ma chino, Splinting Frames, Solers, Dmwirtg Fromm% Railway Heads,,,Warpers, Terillers„Sporne, %Dressing Fran..., booms, Cud Grinders,. ke...Wroaght 01011 Shafting tutted all Macs of Cast. Iron, Polito and 'tangent, of the latest patsrus, slide and hand Lathes, tools of all kinds. ' Cactines of every desenption famished on short no tice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron ns,.&e. Ream Pipe for heating Factories, Cut Iron 11irloW Bath, ancl,foncy Castings generally,— Orden! ell at the Warehouse of .1. Palmer & Co., Lib erty lamb Intl have prompt , auention. Razz to Blackstock, Heir& Co., 3 K Moorhead &Co., E. E Warner, John Irwin &. Sons; Pittsburgh. 1 0 C lc .1 II WarneC Steubenville. WM ALLEGHEN Y JOUN VEN A. BROWN ITIAN BLIND FACTURY. - 11 TAKES Mrs method to infants his friend. and the publie at large that his Factor, . eylow in fall operation,on the East sidu of the Ditunond,Alleghtny,where a rent . slant supply of Blinds, of cartoon colors andqualities,areconatantlykernon hand, also at rim& Wood at, Piusbumh,at J.& IL Phillips'oil cloth anteroom. auntie Shatters made to order in the best stile. Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. •N. B. BA Blinds will be par tip, with.= any nddl• lineal ezepace en that they can be removed in a mo coma in ease of fire or tor washing, and without the aid of a crew dr e octidly&uilanity WIII.ALIGX&NDED. & BOMB, et !MEIN MAKERS AND FURIINU UNDEE TAKERS, corner of Penn an N s aild Clair streets, °spasm the, Exchange 110101, entrance on Penn atreet. respectfully inform their frirails and the public, that they are pre_pared to furnish and attend to everything In the line of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as sortment of rosily made Collins, covered, lined and fal• idled in the very hest manner; all sorts and sizes ready made Shrouds of Hamel, Calabria and muslin, and all sizes made m approved styles. We keep a large as sonment of lithe and blank,cotton, silk and kid Siloam., sable for-pall bearers and measures, crape, caps, cots Inn, and every Ming necessary for dressing the dead, and on reasonable termsas wo purchase all tam goods in the Eastern metes. A llso, silver plates for engraving the name sad age. We have a splendid now hearse and basses, ttended and an no number of the beat centimes. Evety thing a promptly and punctually. oet&ly W. W: WALLACE. EITTSBURGIII IdTEAM MARBLE WORKS, M 4 and ZS Liberty told,star W Ca./. ALWAYB on hand and made to order, a largo varie. ty of hiarbla Mantels, _Pier, Centro Tablas, and Brun= Tops,Tonib Stonez,Monaments, /4;4 all which, bc!rig.made of the choicest marble, and manufactared principally by machinery, will be sold tow for cash. _ • N. it. Persons mshing to purchase Mantel., are informed that it is hermetorth IttMceeesary for them to go East, a. I con furnish thou, with an article in all respects as goad, and (freight, Insarance, de, consider. ed,) so cheap as they can purchase them for In the East. Call and see. •corpaa. sIiZET MANUFACTORY MOM,, AND TIN , WARE , ' No it Market street, Pittsburgh, henna: THE subscribers. having made great Improvements in the eanannetien or their WOKING STOVEC-i, respectfully invite persons building Steamboats to call tun eremite before purebasing,as we can supply them with Deck Stoves, Tomes, and every other kind of Copper,Tin and Sheet Ironwork necessary in furnish ing a Steamboat. We also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper *lnk ter Steam Engines and evert . variety a work in our tine. reb9 ' SHERIFF SHIRR BENNETT ek BROTHER, 11FEENSWARE ItIANUFACTUREIV II I y-maingttana, Incur Pittalbstrglail P. , I'o:rehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pitinourgfi. Wll.l.e.ortstantly keep on hand. pod assort meta of of our own manutapinre,luad torterictr ushy. Wholesate and country !um . chants are respectfully invited to call and ex stmue :dr tbemsclves. %Ott ate determined In sell , eneerihan has over before lt,-en olered the pub ,. (LT" Onion Sent 'oy metl,accompamed by the cab coy reference. will bo promptly atmoded Sc. feb. T. NCLVANII. 101. E. i.. 01.3/. FLINT GLASS ESTAHLISIIMENT• M t r ttir N ln a iUT l elat ' Srorgra:Pl '" § r ai Glassware, in all its sartenes, at their Warehouse cor ner of blarket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue id full operat and we are constaroly adding to out stock, which enables us uit orders with promptness. Purchasers are respreerfully fill solicited mean and examine prices and I[lll3, imylOdly COACH M A ING ne . FROM the very K liberal astragli Mel:att.! stlbseliber hot reee o lved since • kit., he hm Immted su AlleghenV, %C.Aaiti has induced Loos lo take a le.te a , for term of years, blithe property he now occupieti., in Venter Street, immediately beside rho FreslimenisuCtiarch. From the loos experience an the loveLcomma and a desire tis please, he Popes to mer and rccove a share of public paironegr. Nomion hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog- Me., epee and top Ruggles, nod every description of ean.gca musk to older, frost 50...0r-Ova dollar. to eiglithunared fseniliitlifi /MIN $i)IITI1. • • Lard cid. flillYl undrisignea are t om' prepared to famlall their ' customer* and the paddle generally, slab an ex eel lent aniele of Lard Oil of theiroarn asanialacuoa,which they will sell On serantaiodatinn tem, Oil then believe to be as good as any °Herat! in the matte:, and may be refereed If not satisfac to JJORDAN de PON'!' le liberty at, aPi......A 6 eLl P. S.—Lard sal Grease suitable for machinery, on hand: Or sal.. above. roidA SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEAS 0 THOSE SUFFERING WITH. DISEASED T LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has ttended the use of the " - GINSENG PANACEA 1 0, - e all the Tllliolll forms which Irritation of ihe Wept. throes, has Induced the proprietor again to toll mien lion to this WONDERFULPREPARATION , The clusegable weather which marks hen end winter months, ys th alwa a fruitful source COLDS A ND COUGIIS. These, 'lf neglected, are but the preemors of that fell slestroyer, cosuistrnoN. The question, then. how shall we nip the destroyer m the bad! how shall we get clear of obr coughs end olds! is of , vital importance to the pallid. • ;nu: GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be Toned to the Ginseng Falmeen !In pivot of this e have from tuna to urge publisbedthe certificates of dozens of our best known ablates, who have experi enced its curative power,. These, with a mass of tee dmorty from all par . of the country,-!iota MEDICAL MEN OF TUE FIRST STANDING, • Ministers of the Gospel, Ac., together with copious no: aces from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have . einbodied in pamphlet form, and may be had ' gratis of any la! ollatAsSau In s f y i: n t a n %country. have been used is this eiry. THOUSANDS AND Twis OF THOUSANDS thnaughout the Untied States and Canada, and we cha longs any men to point out a SLNGLE INSTANCE o which, when taken according to directions, and fore the lungs had become fatally disolguamcd, It hu ever felled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the allieted hesitate CUES by resort to the nussrable nostrums, gold up by sits • own individ. salon teethe usumed name of some ea • im.a d phy laden, and puffed into notoriety by certificate , per. sons equally unknown? Whilst • medicinf FARALLMED EFFICAC Y is to beintd, whose vouchearn at homey—our neigh. born,--murty of whom it has SNATCHED FROM ME GRAVE. In Drat that this invaluable medicine, may be placed within the teach of the poor 11.6 well the rich, we have put the price al • ONLY FIFTY CENTS, lust one half the oistol coat of cough medichtea. toe for solo by our secant In nearly every town end ifitsgo over the west, who are prepared to glee full Worms. lion relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cierhowe 11,FANUFACTURED AND LEAF — TDBArItIT: HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water a, and 16 N. wharves, Phil's, offer for gale on accommodaUnte terms,6ooo pkgs Mafactured Tobacco, consisting - 6T ounds, half pound nu s, Vs, Ws, ICs, id's - and yrs, (lumps; a's, Os and S's plug. and LT. Ladies , Twist, in whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands, James II Grant, ' Osborn& Bragg,. Grant A - Williams, A Cabal:rim, Sieves & Son, M•Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, Jamey Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, J Thomas & Son, Landhurn A Annittend, .1 P Coates, J M Cobbs, Gentry A Royster, 1 A Clay, M A Butler, C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl A-Norwood, . 3 S Blackwood, Nath-Pape 'Keystone, W Viuktan,. ' Mound Henry, Portraits Robins Russell & Robinson, Kelm, Robinson & Co. Seth Balmy, R Metcalf,- John Ender, Lawrence Lortier, 3 Robinson, Gray &Gray, D B Tomer, • R Jamieson, York White, MBranch. —ALSO— !Sayan. Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and Olen; - C Pra - do do Cienfuegos do • • do do Stlago deCahn do do • do St Domingo do do Pieria & donde, do, part E do do do Maysville , do do do Kentucky vanousgrades Virginia Leaf, suitable boo manufacturing and export; Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn'a, ConnectieuS and Ohio; Virginia Scraps, sweets, German Pipesi.Pipe brads; Scotch Saul/Boone and.bladders4 Maecortha Meal; Tempo Beans, Havana bass; Ortoißose; Bergnmot; Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives, Spunk, toe. doe. PHILADELPHIA onyls Type irouridiry.. rprie mbyeribere - have taken' the Type Foundry, No 531101.1 It rem, and will continue the basin., late. 'o ' ll conducted by Roben Taylor. They will 'trend to ordem wutr punctuallty.nnd de watch. All typo manufactured by them soli be Hand Cast; nod they will furnish all fonds of Printers' unocrials, of the best nudty. M i r..l A T Overend In lain employed in superintend ing the manufacturjoirleparunent. • I•roprietors of newspapers. who have not advertised for the sulincribei,,94ho may publlih this notice for three months, will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on purebruing five Omen the auburn of their WM too ad vertising. ./ Old typo tnken in exchange for new Sit 9 cm per ni. Charles Whiting, 3 WHITING & TAYLOR, ThemlorOTaylo6.l, (Successors to Hobs Taylor,) jaislS corner Gold and Ann ell rivist,ox)—au his John Rucker iopr 1s TobaCco; Go I boa John Rocker . 5s •• James Medium Se 15 ban J ISlSteward 5s " • " James . , Sti " Henry &James 6n • 95 " . Henry &James 5s •• ' 11.11. Warwick ba - " On Sonsignment, from manufseturem.of Lynchburg and Richmond, and will be sold at Eastern prices, to the trade. L 8 WATERMAN, alas 31 water and e 9 front at - - - - T OUACCO-10 bus Branch 4 'Nokias , Go. 2 do o do mars sdo d do do 1 6 and po IGs;und. In bogs No I, 0 twist; , lb do Pgh P h; 5 do do Plug; GUM do &guys; 23 do half Spordsb do; for Frio by m J D WILLIAMS NOM HOUSE—Baying taken the large and ecas• modsmag Smoke Howe and Bacon Stomhottee °Ming 001 W0101 , 09.5e, CM the Canal /WIN , . more pared to smoke sod store bacon on reasonable tote KIElt k JONES, Canal basin, neas7th - lAN cau • e o r de:WlT - WA tsodhabooninowatnAgL= L w 57d, far sato by. Ed. wood wee • --!' T .0. I SUGAR—:I Mots prim, Cot wk. low to elan A 11 . cgasigoment, by WENIT. BOWEN. 0. 5 itin. 70 koala ' V' -- - TRANSPORTATION: LINER, .pr,...Tntatool7l.l,l•iii Lbw. • -. 1848.. e. mu cadastcm.non or sommiodit. .0 PRODUCE TO PHILADELPRIA. tc IiAL3I.MORE. Lay (1 DS consigned to out core .11. be forwnnied 1.. T 'Mom delay m the low. current.... Bill. of Lait ng transmitted, tad_ rill dm:ructions promptly at ten 4 to, free (loin any ones charge for ',tome or cot 'talon. .C A tOcANULTY & Ca.. Ptotirs Canallitnain. Pittsburgh. .11 i FACHAISTAti • WAY .rn.V.IrGuT LINE.' •..........,.._ ' , .lB4B._nak . - • - - - -. • - - - - • (Formerly }died Pick - worth ts. Co's Line.) mrcirstrav roa4novraassrotrrartort or AVIA ructotrr BETWEni Pittsburgh, Ulairwrille, Johnstown, Ital.' lidaysburgh, Water street, OlantingdonCen owl all intermediate places. One bent will leave the warehouse of C A fieinulty A Co, Corot Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, every day (Sunday. excepted) and shippers can alertly. de• pend on having their pods (*mauled' sailboat delay, and at fair Taws. I • This Lino was formed exclusively for the weird or. corornodation of the way Ousinc.. The Proprietors, thankful for the very_.libernl,Pattnarims they have re. etived dating the last two years, unsold respectfully in form their old customers lima the public generally, that they have extended theirficillues,arrins the pad win. tor, and are now batter prepared to accommodate a n in creased busiums, / trim RU CANAN.& ST ITT. E G STITT, • WM FULTZ, JAM} Z A LO JOHNNY. , VS, TaIND T Ek. IIIcDOWELL. CA MnA,y JOHN MLLES, I ' tco,eanal booms Pit). RIiC AN, do Hollidablr AgeAg HORHELL & MYSTINGER,Ot. attrzasstrar4littsbargh—Sralth & Sinclair; I.& .1 McDevitt; G& J Shoelthergcr, R Robinson fr. Co; U Moore; Baey , lt linaidg John Parker, Wm Lettinr; Jordan fr, Bon. .• marld • RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LIME, w. 1848 • • • von issiarcorractox- on asiocusseins BETWEEN PITISIPLIBOII AND PffiLADELPIILa. MBE Proprietor of this old established and firm ['enable Boat Line,. ,,L haLl removed their de pot In hoaro on Idarket et., th i nn hi licy ' fo zlzy oc l c=, l a V ivralso emir-0d their room for manage at Pittsborgboaanovr prepared offerconeh greater -facilities to their Ideals GOO ds carried by this line are not tranahlpped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, beteg earned ea r dimly in Pertable 'BeetiCon . Bonn, To !shippers of floor and other goods ropinrig cadet handling, this is of imPartance. No chargoamde Air receiving o r r= goods, or advancing charges. Al goods promptly, and upon ss reasons!) le tams es by any ca e r line. JOHN brePADEI & Co., Canal Bas.in,•Perin at. Pittsburgh. _ JAMES DAVIS & Co., • febN Sl7.Pdarket &5I Commerce st., JOHN McFADEN It. Co., For warding and Comm*. lion Merchants, Coma Bmin; Eton ft, Pi:Lobate". JAMES M. DAVIS In Co, Flo. , Fem.. end Coats!. Yon Meiebents, SC Minket, unl 61 . Commerce 0. rhiladelphia. (AM far - Ad !me oteoie by either Of th e *beep on Floor, Wool anlo ' ther del:tripe:li of Menke:aka eonalgoed to them. febit NOTICE—The suhW - iliers haver dispeeed of &Tr w serest in the Penn'a and Ohio Lint to CLARICE& THAW, of Piusburgh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, of this !lie, will continue to transact business for t i e d ine at their Warehouse on Broad street, as anal, be ' .. speak for it • cone of the patronage of their friends. • JAM 01. STM, lc Co. Philadelpnia, March Gth, • PlMlea. and ',Ohio T Con. Co. a-ems=l732l_ Wei Detarn Didly L ne of F.IRST CLASS NEW WATS AND CARS,' notroloto to wawa.. GOODS loom= etr“ociort AIM CAM." CrA.. • CLARKE & THAW, Coral Basin, rittaborgh. & ntrrLER,2lO Barka rr.,PhihoirlDit 3A'4. STEEL & CO.. Agra, Drnoad meet . COWD_ CLARKE & d North or, ther. W. ItORIDC Agt-, Itt Weal street, New Yolk. ioo-partzkershlp.. • tutoeribers have thla day arlomated theater-Ives T together under the rtyle of Kier de Jones, for the rrra'r.(l7 ntuag the r.:atrn 1 " " Zre ail patronage L<lrlatiolt extended to the house. li o D n - SAMUEL M. KIER, , • IL ' Pittaburgh, March lil€4B. ILIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE. COMPOSED ENTIRELY OP FIRST CLASS PURR SECTION BOATS, FOR PIDLADINEILIA AND }LA LTIMORE VIA CANALS¢ RAILROADS. VE aie ;noniron d to twelve and loowanitieight to Pro alarm end ilnelMPlhlnb plan, with al witch despatch, and at an low tales, as any other responsible The duennon ofshippere erisbinft to eenni tort or to Linlinnore in bulk. u partieulaxly tolerelcated, k flour strangeinents enable Us a-i sue vele, through in Letter wile, than any other line. I{ll.lt ik. JONES, is, n ea tt 7th at Patilnirgtk March 1, P 47. - P. SUIlt FAY', Y. Kin. - .. TTIKK & JONF2—Coannitelon and fororanbas V, JI,. chant*, and Wholesale Dealer. in Iron, Ilfoon Salt, Produce, &a. t Liberal cash advances en consign:an N/RW EIL-4-121 - 1-44A- - . 1848 - - E.u . WAGDNI LINE ,--- 1848 PHILADLTIVIIIA AND PITTSBURG( VIA CRAW BEILI4IJURO, BY RAILROAD AND WAGON. A CAR will leave Phtladelphot daily allergia Feb ft. roan, with the Rail Train, 'to Chambersburg. which will enable the Wagons to /more there.the same doy, with relays of born, running day an lfe Daysd m ecum the certain .117i , 11 of goals In Fisught, fro m - Philadelphm. APPIP ) o I) LEECH, & CO., Canal Raab), • ,PRatturgh. HARRIS A • • 13 and II tooth 3d at. Philadelphia. We will rmeipt for 6LOOlba produce, &e., daily, to go through by this above line after the Met Run.. (chin LERC/1 & CO. ITCori ale" . =min, L. CHM UnIMILLTS. Pittsburgh. UNION LINNs y ,- ElaEta TO Phtlade p more. VIL IPPIY CHAFF &Co Cull Moja, Pittsburgh. Dnbit, AC" N 0.147 Muriteto, C. 11. Kong, gooier North Sanuogs.its Usk Jon. Clarke,No 13, Old Slip, New fort, NEand style of CauSams will In known frOrst .1.11 and altar this date, al Pittslaqah, as 'Geary Graf and;at Philadelphia, se Duta. - IloraphreGßAFF. ysicCo. HENRY NMIUND G DUTRA!, Clidd. HUMPH/lEli* Philadelphia • - IIE.RY GRAFF, Pittsburg!. unsaid 1840. Seas eira Arrangement. 1848. . CLEVELAND, i e rgier c. AND SAVLT ST • THE Sewunooat DETROIT, Capt. J. C. Denjamln, will ran, during the season of thee, between Cleveland & Sault eta Marie, Di the following manner, tonching,ar Mackinac and Intermediate places each way: •. Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P.M. Do Detroit do Tuesday at 9A. AL Do Mackinac do Thorsdey .17 A. Reiareing, will leave Dank. Mt Mane every Friday, at 10 o'elock, A. M. and Mackinac-at JO o'clock, P. M. and leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Cleve- I.d, at 7 o'clock. IV. A. Otis & Co., Agues. {C. DRADBURN &Co. Cleveland. DRAVA a WICKWARI , Detroit. - AIeKNIGHT, Fault Ste Marie. The Detroil.hes been thoroughly repaired and refit ted. the past winter, and the public may rely upon the performing of bee Drys with pthernality YARD. es ertised. klaMe KM WARD. 1848.' mato ECLIPSIC THANEIPMILTATION To and from the Eastern ewes, ma Conteriend. ITIBE proprietors of this polar line, halm some their .1. re-organization largely a n d ad then nein. to meet the retain of duppersd are now,greparrd to forward a greater amount by the FIVE VAT LINE, es also by addition.' Melee wagon. at low Ilk. This line will MP throughout the peat, delivering goods through the egenm In Baltimore and Pittsbutgh to owners and consignees at specign rates and time. Shipments from Philadelphia foe, the hue should be marke‘ ''Cage,l B Robimon, Baltimore" If The only agents are , B ROBINSON, 95 conies a t, Baltimore. aERTON & Co. eland. CABS, Brownsmlle. feb4 - C BIDWFM. , Pi • ga t zdt/ Eclepsr...ra ton tair=m2N . le r ar d it; Agar, al Cumberland frassi r & — bosast of bleXiig at. gum to that of Edgerton & Co. Pittsburgh and witaarra aserehati aatifted that Ba y ly !labium. Nola ts South Cbarks Ha/boson, is the WI sutborizad meat of 818 Li. la tbli Drawn Uttar The Gulf oval. era J C BIDWELL, PillabWgit, U W CAB?, Ilruntseills, BDOARTOBT k Co Cataherlaud, J B ROBI/WON, Baltisaurit. r •4 . : . rent tnnuimetann, aucritioar., actissitnores, ran.anst. 7114, NNW 10111,1.1T0N, su.kmeaurrgari mnsa MF.HCHANTs and nth., wading gas:dame inform. ed that this is the fastest, Balm, and moss expo dlllooa Una going EAlkt; connecting with Adams & Co n Espial.* doily, at Reiliimote. 'llirongh receipts will be given to any of the above places. Merchandise and paekages of any me at weight forwarded. • Exprem closes daily at 3 T. H G VICKERY, Agent, En. Charles Hotel Buildings, wood in J. FAIIIIKaI & Co., COllll3 01 Winn Stall . AM, CaTAL Co, F. FILIZTE & Co., gt. 356 NAM. nim41.31714, BOATRIMEI LUNE, MEM 184SAtig t ~.—tusorwriaTtol Of ALLUN or itaaa“2.- DIZE TO & PROM I . IIILADELP ,111 A LIALTI RORK, NEW YORK AND ROSTON. kinds of Merchandise consion*d ' of 117F4,1iinii4; tlegt" to P. K. bo pramAyt mulled free . o - f '' ci - I , 7sTons. tibUgh' xdl mut ,s~` TI TILE EMIT 1111101011GIULI ROUTE . . . VIA RROWNEVUAE a. CUMBERLAND. Tit iE bey7= l , gibtrbf=l:l:ril l a u tral: 04 inn/mon the sopa faverablatbrzub by thle expl dium 7 t. Al4p:ae d a wi m tk i d nt c a to l & wle anyinia a: the ms'raes b Kara =bib teemed_ by ttra Nab yam= waded, ,S 0 utona, AgN, I , . 6 W CARA Biewuyifis. E RMENNINNMADuabiNOMI . STATION SNEIM% PAZ*" C•he. PACKET LIZ. eMW ' tinivEß AND CLEW:LAND LINE,Vta WARRIN. Ca t-, nal PackeSWAL I A)W, Capt. Ford. , OCEAN, Capt. Walters. 4. liE of the More Pie Sets lee Beaver every day, O(Sundays excepted) and - arrive next rooming at Warren, when they connect veldt the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these plans before night. One of the Pastels leave Warren daily, at 51'. hl., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the morning steamboat for Pittskitegh: CLIMES & LEFFINOI 71.M.1,, Warren, t . B TAYLOR, $ BEAVER AND GREENVMLE LINE. Canal PackeI—PEYTONA, Capt. Brown. • . - FASHION,Capt. W P Sayre. One of the above rackets will kiwi Beaver every evenine.(SundaY• excepted) at 7 o'clock, and arrive at Greenville die next morning at ' H o'clock; and one Wives G reenvilla every afternoon at 1' o'clock, 'and ar rives at Beaver the near mottling eta Welitek--through in IS heurs—towed byseams, (duce horses each) sta • tinned every 10 mile.. 4t Greenville they connect with a line of Stages through to Meadville and Fie. TM boom •nre entirely new and built expressly for thin trade. ' REsµ PARKS &Co. P lkaveri • , •. roprietors. BEAVER AND NEW CASTLE. • Canal Packet—TELEGRAPH; Capt. Wm MIDI/rat Leaves Beaver every morning (Sundays led)at (eloak--leaves New Cantle every evening ( rSoulays excepted) at 7 o'clock; and connecting with the steam. eta Lake Erie and hßohigan, roaming between Beaver and Piusbargh. SE .D, PARES & Co. Beaver, Election - re Pamengers will be receipted, through byindier of the above rtnnes, securing berths in the packers and seats the stage, by application to eithm of the proprietors agents. JOHN ()AUBREY, Pittsburgh, cox Water and Smithfield am -Reed. Parks tr. Co, Beaver; R. CS Parksfr, Co. Yonegstown, O; Cotes aiLellaWarren, O R W Cunniughatn, New Castle, Pei D C Mathews, Pulaski, Par W C Malati;Sharon, Fa; • Hay & Plumb, Sharpnville. Pa; • fil'Fatland and Ring, /41_,7 Bend, Ea; , C C Wick, Greenville, , ,Far C M Reed, Erie, Pa. • apl4 LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LI MEM 1848. „ilia riims well known Line, competed of steronboau Lake Ede ard hßehigan, between Pine:mirk and Beaver, end frenht and passenger Carol Boats +e tyma Beaver sod Erip w and C Kneed's line of fint class steamboats, pro rs and vessels an the Lakes, is prepared to carry night and inetwngen to . I . l 3t_ninw on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Erie, Baron and afield. Eaving every &edit) an d veying Night and pas sengers with plot:wows. dispatch, propnetor and - agents respectfully edict their friends a con tinuance of th igroeir pmpt. C REEE Proprietor. PARI.B a. _Co, Beaver, Agenis. IFE JOHN A. CAUGY, Agent, 1 VIII oar Waterand thnithfieldsts, Pittsburgh. • THZ lINION LINZ NW= 1848. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Msamos, Pittribunfb; ETC, Ps.= & Co, Bearer a_ Cumin. & Clll2l.l3.l.l3, ' Clevelandl :P7P''' /SHE above Line is now prepared to transport freight .L and passengers from; Pattaburgh and Cleveland, or an pillar Canals r',.3roatrfraTle th av e rs Plashrrga L at er. d analeseland daily, run and Rif=;,7;te.".""."Pli}:,24l:fra!g?"...7': line of first toms steamboats, propeini, beige ' and selmon eril OA lakes Erie, Heron sad !Richman.- Property forsrarded to any part of twill:llaq with • dispatch, by •' WE. T. MATHER. of --JOILNCAUGHEY•AvvennIe • one Water end Smithfield at& Pittsburgh. AGMR—Reed, Parks & Co, Beater; It G Park. A Co, Youngstown,Oi W Cates & Co, Warren; D ostwick & N ew ltreporti AA N Cloc k ton Falls; • F Lewis, Nevrport; - .1 &E M Maitatsey,Campbellsport; J G M'llvide, Ravenna; & C H Kent, Franklin . Mibee & Tattle, Cuyaluaria Falls; ' Wheeler & Co, Akron; • Barney, Gibbs & Cr, Sandusky; Wattles & Eagle, Toledo; G A Co, Detroit, Mich; - &Velure & Williams, lallwankia, Hie; 111 Winslow, Chiesign,lll. apld PITTSI3OIIaIII rownisiz BOAT 1•51115 ablt2 lBo3 .llllM For the 15strisportaion of Freight to and from, PITTSBUI(011, PIIILADEIPIRA BALTIMORE, Pt YORE. BOST . ON, ire. Wenn. & Cram, Philadelpbi& Tssrre A (Morino& Piltsbnif h. I 'THUS old ertabli.lted Liue being now fir full lien, me the proprietor. have made extensive arrange- I menet bikini...l ge.ods and produce withderpateh, aud railrt moeftavoruble terms. They confidently hope r k now o prompuros in delivering goals—pee. . safety in mode or earningtanner°. warratou• eta at earl, port, affording areonamdlation. to shippers and owner. of produce-together with their long rape macre and unrernintag ullealson la buriae.irill serum to theta a conanuanee of that liberal palnaaage they hereby gratefully aeknoorledire. • All eonfignmen. by and for this line received, ekes. ,(..pad, and forwarded in Kay required direction. fire of charge tar ramtnission, advs.:leans - or storage. N interval, directly or rodi wetly, in steamboat.. All eanmanitation.promplly encoded to on spiders. tion to the lollowing agents: . BORIII ICE & CASH, Y.Y. Market rt. Philadelphia. TAAJTE & O'CONNOR, Coital Boon. Pdarlangh. IMONNORS h. Co, North rt, Wltiutooc., I WISI. Cedar sr, New York. aps • - Weatera Traaspertatlon Comapar: • Nikita MAW 1.84•5% Old Ea . trigrflialtaediCLlaliir 164 ail TO PIIII.ADF.LPILIA, BALTIMORE& NEW YORK 1 vas essastivians SOD MD LA Ilaalre. ARE pfemived to tranwangoodc and pradace to and from Me above cities on favorable Wrens. Ad. so octopi) to D. LEECH a Co., Canal Baia, Pitirbaralr. HARRIS & LEECH, Nos. El 15 Solna 'OSA at, Phil./ J. TAYLOR & BON ; egu t No 14.1Cch Howard at, Halt. A. ABBOTT, Agt„No 7 nest street, New York. Pittsburgh, March Unb,11:45. °meld - - - EAR:NE= 4 & 00 1 =n iwi to e e llrin_g °llce. d, Lreland, oc=l n o: iffiklrova July s, pan of Engi t an ub.nd UMW Plll‘ V iattil:d attention to the :alarm ' . fon of emodgrauu We do =tallow onrpassengets to be robbed by the swicdliog scamps that Infest the sea poru, as we tote charge of them the moment they to portthenuelves, and seam thew area being, and de. slouch them withont any deism. by the fast Mips.— We say Win fearlessly, as we defy one of oar Pe-wen gers Liverpool whilst tho y nSands of othe rs show that the were detained 48 hol rs were tit in , detained mains, until they cf mid be sent in some old ir ceraft, ccuoo a chA r p e r h e ,, te, v d el t i o ich too . frequenti c r . p .. nrgat what it may. mut not act as was the ease last season, with ether ollicera—who either performed Oct all. or when It mind their convenience. Dori drawn at Endow* for any sin from LI to !AMU payable - nt any of the movinetal Banks In It*. land. '&•• glend,Ecottend and Vale. •• • ' op upan 834 RU (lone-rat Agent, kbl ' Ilfth sweetorne door below Wood. Cr TO TKIVIGAIONA—Chense 111 ra matchless Meeks ftey the Growth, • ty 'sad ,Rem oration Art the. Hair. r This Cream, when once known, will Mqieihr o th er enlace of the kind now used. Wheat' the hair - le dead, harsh, appuemeno re ' l h ke f ige it a Withal lively appearance; and will also make tt retain Its live lieu and healthy color midis as long as all the preps. redone which ore genemlly neeL Every lady the gthtleman who ere in the baths or Oils mt their hair, should at once purchase bottle of the Chinese 11th Crum, as it W so couthomed that it will not Injure the heir like those other preparations, bat will beautify it, end give perfect thlisfaction in every instance. For testimony to its very superior quathies, see the fallowing letter from Rev.'ly. Caldwell, to Xmas. Ilendernott /a Stretch, Nashville,Oaners/ Agents for the Western Sates • Dater from the Rev. IL Caldwell, pular ofthe Pre. byterian Mirth, Pulaski. Mama Hendershot! & Stretch—Gentlemen: I take pleasure in adding my testinerny In favor of the excel. lent preparation called Dr. Parisi& Obese GM Orearn—for about two years ago, my emir INIII7OII dry, Wilily, and dimmed to come rag bet boiler yero• cured a bottle of the Creme, and geed It according to the balmone my hair 6 "awand'olabweni“:pd arm plied, each leaving my hair th a worm state than beton.— This Creamisowever, has met my ...Mathew. An an article for the Toilet, my wife gives - it prefer ence aver ell others, being delicately perfumed, and not disposed to rancidity. The ladiee en 101 l will find the Chinese Cream to be a dealderation in nide prep. redeem for the' Respectfully &r Pulaski, Jan 7, 1547. L (3eLDIvEu... irrSold 'thalamic and retail, in Pitteburgh,gy John AL Townsend, No. 45 Meeker street, mid Joel Mohler. . corner of Weed thd pll, ramie. intlth —srairov - Turwistwargic - NEW CHINA, No. ill!Wool> SGL ACRIEENSWA m RE STORE - la GE imbeeriben with triinforas the public generally are onto opening new and F ILI); Goode, couthrthing the lawn and mot fashionable pat: terns - of Freneh Chios plain and gold•band Dirmer Sale; do do —" • Tea " &math, boo-Stone Dinner Flowing blue ;2 new puma) Liverpool A great moiety of Tea Sets, different qualities; Britannia Breakfast and Tae Sets; • Waiters—a beautiful article "Quante Gothic; Parlor Lamps, (Cornelius, maker,) Glass Ware, a ethicist easement. Steamboat owners and hotel proprietors are invited to examine our assortment of ware suitable for their • • Country Merchants cr •mt• large stock of articles minable for country ales, which we wilt sell at rea sonable pnees. • Our mock being entirely new, we feel Winged of be ing able to please all who may favor us with their cos tom, Capl7:ddikel 1 GILL &GETTY. r 4OIISE, SION AND STEAMBOAT PAINTERS and Olazieno—Pareons wishing to have painting o g axing done with neatness and despatch, will please give us a call. They wilt find it to their advantap, for we km billy prepared to do work as low as any beam la the two cities can or will do it, at No. 51 , 1=1 street. N. B.—We wads It to be understood that we have not quit the painting and gang, as some of oar most analogs friends bine berm telling. the pubis - generally that we were going to retire .fnam that branch of our bushman We are more fully prepared to nal:meet the painting and glazing than we ever were. ap6Jl4ll PIOLLIPS. Ruing. - - IJ=2 ISAAC lIIILLIA2di,II347r.nd Tailor, begs to in form the Masons of Pittsburgh and others, dm he DOW erelong al his rooms on. Smithfield street, us. der the above Hotel, a lam and beautiful afaaft.p.:ll orCloths, Cassimeres, Satins, Hilts, and other Yesnors; together with such other articles so are required for ithrittenthes wear. Ills goods hare beeiremufally se. Entail, end are of th e newest and mod fathionahle dy k i , *kit as or imperiAn quality. Ms mummers may demthildpon kindet theft clothes made up in a manner which mama 1411 m Lordly the Instal of the 80111:01.1.10. 0 A 1111. ILE Proprietor orals well knownrdace of resort has the &ammo of informing the nubile that estab- I or karthrg been thoroughly ratted sod repaired,. and the groati elegantly laid est and deeonn Is new epee for lair secommodation , and hi letters Um es .. lf doomthat who may favor him with their patron ae will And all that they deem, provided in the best' style and on reasonable terms .He I. lialgtifled to TA T:amuse lnmettngtli....isiuo wort% bouding a taw families. Ice Cream; sad all refirsh stems enitebltt Utlhe seasint,cconnaldly en hand. • LEVI ELIEEEIVIEW faciftiakoua - • • : EvisserrSteak For Sale. Subierlber offers dir rude his entire stoat, hum, amt purchasers, at very redaecd Pelee--; • cotlecticat is not equaled Pita select anderundive , , Variety, in the Western country; containing many newy. rate and valuable plants, censuring to part ofCarmellia,! Japonicas, large loanna plains, from 3 to 6 feet in height, Cactus. Madam, tieranituns,Tnabeisa !loath'i ly. Nosseue Outer, Perpetual Mao, Vioing or Pillar Koren; the davit and most esteemed mats in cultivation: The Dahlia lit contains die most showey and fine peixa its grown; Flower. Roots, a large variety; Vey V shrubbery, Shad e urea: evergreens, de. Amateurs: Nursery men and others, who want to decorate their yards,gradena, pleasure grounds. or green hottasetiare, respectfully Invited to examine die collection ahitth open to ileums except on Sundays. Conveyucci by; thaomailms and greenwood ferry. Descripuve lopes seat by mall, or may be had at our stud, No fl-i: Dtamond Market, where orders left with us,' of by: mutt to J o hn POSAkfiee4 dill he promptly . 6 0. 61. l eel to. John Graham, a pmetical garetner, will attend: t o plmtiog shade trees, laying of j gt A Z.4% ' acip Olters ! • maxlll,l3m&VAT Blanchester, neer Pittsburgh. THO.. BIVITI, formerly of Beatty, ISpßeasto Cia &CO ..r....• ........ .... -.. ••••• ctrta4,o.l hta. 0., Haan, . : ...... .—...........—•Zane5vi11e,0., Cam G. Coax ' New Orleans.' BRATTY, BROTHER & tO., 0 Commission .RI ...... li.• YOB TEN OSLO SOD YORWIXDING OP ,' WieSTRILN PZWDIIVE, No. 31 Poyciras Street, New Orissa:. Rum To— • . Messrs. Mania & Co, Bankers, i i o . , • James &Mirages &Co, • . " David WWl,' dr. Co, id loan, la. " Ellis& modoa, B.A.mi ' . ^ Itasca & Feuer, Cuteasnau. - • WEeasie, Elq, . • 11 N Iteantey, Eaq,Banker,Raaardilds 0 . DWDonald & Co, Weltaville.o..• , Reed, Parks & Co, Beaver, Pa, : - I W G il l Earl Wheelin tp g, Va. W : alois's' & Go, i t ub ~ , pg. ,i &Al Machelcme, ) nal..ft 11 • • --- I Bastaas Nadia of Mating , passes. '3l UT. fa DEXIVIC, of Boston,' tuts assurd wai P? In tented a plea for heating hoes., sninch has bosh suet esstally need in Boston, NemYork.; ha., mei yam , ever applied, has reeeived the decided preference over move., furnaces, fee. It. entity. ate— tat. Great regularity of tempersumM Id. Freedom from amok°. dd. No unpleasant dryness liable • gth. Easily atmaded to . and not te to get out of order. ' ' . . . . . . . 611,.• Greet durability. • • • ii . •• A model and specification may be seen, and ennuis tasabtalwol, at the copper end unwans factory cd — WII B WAITE" rug s 4: 8 '. between wood and market -•— - febLktr- IA - 011670PS COPOlrsYßUP—ltprored to be she .arl. great Panacea in curing ingcnudradiruesailng eO - ngh: • . • From the Tcomennee Eamon . , Nov 311347. Coma Earser.—We are not in Mei habit of puffmg, muck lea taking patent medicines, but we feel disposed to Morelos's Sp to Mae who are afflict 'ed with a cough.recommend After havi yru ng tried ;the natal reme dies to remove t conaant and diarciang cough, that bad for several days afilieted one of our Ehildlen, with out carrels, we were induced to try Moron's cough ,syrup and by it relief was obtained in a few holies It proved to be the panacea in this ease at least, ar Preped wholesale and retail by _the proprteto4l .10107 I) 110RW1N, Druggist feb7 wood a4l door below Mamma A. challoinge to the World. W ENT Y 4 ,1 VE 111/L ,nOBwill h almld p OlO T who will produce spot of paint, poen or dry that cannot be ousacted with Holes Improved Chemical Swap., I have the aatisfaction of saying to the people M. this place, that this article, by my own improventent en it, new smuts unrivalled in due calmly for extracting grease, Ms, pitch, oil, paint, or marmites pew sub 'stance, Isomall hauls of genderocelsosladies , clothing, camels, table cloths, memo shawls, ladies' bonnets, av, wasted InJuniag anything that pose water will not trdom.. More than ore Momenta perm= m diderent puns of the country heir told me. they would non be without If It cost ene dolls:rims cake. In ism* this Soap on mom Man MO unclean( re so d silks, satins, al pacess,nd calicoes, I have only resod three pieces ol silt, two of alpacas sod Gnu of Calico, on which It changed the colon therekne beforelmung it on a light limery evample of to dreas fisaL state this human etermined not to iecommend any monger than I know to bo suiedy nue..N HUM. Pnee, cis per cake. Sold, Wholesale sod small by WES dee2l 67 wood st •• • PEACE! PEACS Tt • noire suratcoP J. BUT IN VIEW" MOTIIERIMHONDMITEAD. Wilk: undersigned has loop beer' convinced of the neees4ty tor tome medicine adapted to the use of Children 40 Infants to superced6the me of *lithou mediCille• which contain opium, and hu at length saes carted in po•paring and offeringski the public • pm& Moe fully ...ring every purpose . for all discasesiaf the brevets, without the use of that deb:erb:ma deg, mazy caber ealealaird to imam in the leaks- The latent-Pang ama has beeig. fully tested mid tried, the lastrwelve months, by .01.0 LI, PellOUT,ll.lldlollll4 IMMO. nil the extraordinary virtues; and to prodneehll the sa/011. ishing effects as set fonh on the bill of directions. DP amide., Vomiting. birtputg,Tains, Si c kness sand iseis.m sowing from •ImMiug, *cuig immediately wittudit disturbing nay of this aidetions of the body, producing the happiest and most:, plensam transition from violent pain to a tranquil IIIIdOUPNVI slate of lab ill in the bole MAIM, to be Lail wholesale sod retail, of M the Proprietor, Dr, JOHN SALIDANT, Dumps* mob; Apothecary; John 47liotti Beckham, end Most other Draggillt a Allegheny mid Piusburah derlS SELLER'S IMPERIAL COUIDI SS - BUD—It bat power melon! prrrsamion, Feb. 14, tb47. IL E. Stamm—My wife has for years been subject m a distressing cough, accompardird with .tkma, for the cola of which she med diferkat cough remedies, and had the advice of We most marmot physicians to England, but oil was anova,loth. ?illy chance. I heard oh your yperial Cough ;syrup, and was iuduccil to bay • bottle r although,' to nO belief that euphing rid ove Ler complain . t o y great surprise, Jokes gave her nomediat other. she Is at tunes iroub with a cough, but two waspoonsful of Syrup - alvrays'stocu U. lam witistind, her a trial of three or. 1.1 . years, that Seller's CouglOSpitup is the best cough Wo r t k have ever tried eithml in the Old or New LVw.E.ktabonsam, • cv-o-r - 4 _•• - • bGeventh Waist:m-rot mgh. The above certificate should Induce n i l hog are It with moughor asthma, *give the :Syrup a tri al. It may be had Gar ID centers bottle, at the drag man of • , E SEBLERS, 07 wood at, Bold by li Dr Cassel, hilt w ad, a dd .D Curry, Age d jans X before—made on he - moat akiroVed hhistem plane— and most lhattionable &stem paper.. and colors; Also THE CHEAP ROLL, et BOSITIN RLIND,.on. hand or made weeder of allsimvondla all ahem . Country Merchants and ontersive Invited to call and atamineHhe above for the=SCNCS, _ILI all will be sold whelesale or retallounl 0 deduction made to wholesale purchasers. staidIyNEBT6&VELT • °Lot's*. _: a CUNG'S TERRESTIAL 1: b... 4= =Wang an 14 tha Yds dnowallion. rad kmprogagoant4 Om lho tracksof tbo moat oda IrtonnoniVdnr. C ir nom Smith% rof . of „ ratir m. oet,.. t .ta= p r k. MirVabicAmsan.u, 043BEA t Icoasining . alltbo known. nobalia; are. Caospnad final no undo of W landan, La La Calor e l ktayar, Brad !a7, llatoonal, , . 61 the trsasiesices of lia Mums. gel &tarty of Lanka, a., 4... r...* theta% N..E..r gab Glob. r. I Johaslonaiftnelnat hanjog ...tends f. Fain 44' tto .ho.. Globesoarying in aiso,a. toinnoc - + ' 1 lair . II man in diani•tar, 1.. . lie. I" . $ it - V &boo 5 n ,_ ... Amcrinta, lantalide, and Joarnid cm: Ann DTOWPISLTIDS SARMPARILLA.-51:1dosen ~L 7 joss received of Dr. Towngand's Sarsaparilla, the Most exuaordinary medicine In the world!' This Rs.. uen is pat pp to quart bottles. Otis six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted artier to any sold. or It cares disease without vomiting, purging, sickening debilitating the patient, Loot our roa buravose-‘lVrinelpled persona have copied our labels, and put mr medicine - hr the Mali, shaped bottle. See that each *de ha the written n eatens of S. P. Townsend. R. E. SELLERS,pruggiA az Weed itreet, between Third and Foully is Dr. gowasend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pinata . argl of whom the genuine ettlele Cll3l be had. ' D. M. terry has been appointed the wile;„.egent for Allegheny city, M . whom 4bn:aming , Lanicie to we . - • es STRONG RVLDENCR tip Dr JAYNE'S ER APROTORANT is rapermala ell other remedies toy Otmlbb _CoommtPtima Broochi.r%sad *they !dm mg affectionate that the nom wow emasommed the .... or it is dude Amine ten aro, still prefer it to all other remedies dam hied; Wbertate/U. , .. 1 " .." lo try albapreparibtons they bon alemot ineuiehly beam tioppeloketto mewing We tomatt which wax reawasably abstracts from the lugh maims bestowed by the proprietors, •tei lam reteroei to use of jareext Eararrouter, as • remedy that lam ow. failed W esheee them ,atatt which probably wee had its equal At arresting polmoney allgaleS. Emma taffy itylk.D. /qui Ettimblphie, and taloa mmer ,7 4 ALEX. JAY NEff deeTkUlortf e7lEottnh a _—_—_—. DERRY & ufe N ctoL IN I. MERBON, Illanes of r ►AWNINGS,. RACKING BUTTON, . I WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN. DAGO ) OP ALL °tar Mona • . Noe 154 too th ...oat Rollin, , Ratko' T A. Ihiloon'a Cabinet Wore MatosfY PEOLADRILPEIIA% LL Orden left with S. dffldoon, at the 0600 of tie Ablorchnat's hotel, rateb argil, willbe_ inomPffr susnded to. • 1.1109. G: DE RRY .spIO.IIT li• C. NICKERSON . ORIGINAL , ROLL TAR nalcxso MITPERIENCEDjudfes, Ed) a trial arose and a half million.. since lath yroaounee Wir ankle ansars purred for durability to the construstiou'of all kinds of a F nteed nine moram.. Pr onthsier TJ3, use. 75 . Uri ol for for a loadsakood q uality 0(10 ar a era Bolivar Burls will be eaccarad at V2O par aft if an du sired, without goaroutre. sk"Zatoek of the first quality Is now for ante at the warehqu Trio.). Wharf,' Ca. nal.Boala, by J .111 ae, .A W MALTAREN, kydlif 11Ceu.singlort Iron Works_ 1 Arik.'.l HAIR TONIC..-1, Oa. girlug this walk MAW, unhesltatlnily yrournre a la La what it profs.. ea-dbra.bes l mask, without ky krephosh rouse: forth. reakratioa and preaskation of hr.= hair. hair. no know of nnwetwas instance hashair we restored to heads , e kkh b.whsk bald kr pluvial we think try etamA dit treater fare than to reaseameali to all our reasteri !Irk a. kalnd dudr hair, to makes truflaf this Tonle immedisl ty &aka NUL' Wendam, Ifor ask in Pittsburgh at datPrakk Tea Fourth street, • UNDROI6-121 bogs 600 . 6 Rio cider; 150 bbls S Molasreo 75 boars markinoured tobacco 4 Ll 3 half thesis swan and black teak 76 6 sod 1316 boacs Y II and 0 P do.; 00 boxes Verona clay; /U caska oslcra• told°. potask; rogetbcy wills a garland sum mon groccher, le coos sad for sale by j • OARSO &. - 1116KNIGH"P; Mb it. AVANNA CR:AILS—WOW Imported Oip. of H the following colobv,lnd brands, part to aniva oon O,oing of, coves, AubtoOdad,WasMagtoniegaliado, flapidea, Raeolaple, Dos Amigos, do non., Dm* 84..% V.llajPnda k / 5., " atom r boat de, Wisp ! eau. do, Yylvia'a do, La It!ladera let, 'do , do onus, La P alma, Gaza/pros, prinopaa, f o r salo - by ' • ' ;1 P U MARTIN, , . - tor Smithfield & front at. ; I/DEWILY ILLUSTRATED - EDITION OF THE ARABIAN NIIIIIII3-11Fpreney dos/goa fly radium in count of plllyllOstom by liorp.r Own s New York. To be oodplntod m Oireliro pans: Part In lon teethed and for ale by I JOIIINSTON sTocirrom: or market =134 los irou wrrAs PORTABLI3 FORI3tIS-41 'ray eocreemen outiels; Sefton' sna .111. , OW OA be taxied In the ban. ow,AGM lireemawmber INDT AeLterilte, luul 3 k : . s Art t e/A!,..k. of the fleartYlulokieg Derlghi c= C - , • ' ifflercoasTrrst t•Mter y cod ' ' Disused /adonis. - candor De. iirrawitee• Cauglemrad Syr pof lifflldP Cherry. • Dismal and pleasant to Dm m etl t erfectly safe and harmletii toes opera/Mu ie inn yet t co =,:f1,10.41 amt l7rag`t, • Complaint, Paine in tie. Side or Bread,. and general Debility he Constitution, that wee ever kramtted by I the skill of man km' the: relief of ithe afflicted public.. Ceitifferlice and ,eviderrces of trifwenuferful curative powermire daily received from' all quarters. • It is int. • possi g je i r a mrir . e u ni; v egg= h . t of serf! ...mid ehn coil Venkilain 1.110%1211.1. c hLwfitthat shaL ei t Zerllo itit 1 .4'4.. All Meg sexes, and : constitatkras 'ere alike effected by it,.and duestrais emitheete't from the da cha,, the constitution repaired, and health ice- . rased I. ,the use of Da Swarm's OwnrotninSrura oe LNYtut . How luny sufferers do we dailr hold apporacking so en untonera graveontested, in the. be blown ofyouth, trout their relative. end /deeds, edict ; eat to that fatal .raalady, OONSIIMMONOSIdeII wastei milierable sefferernsoll he: ts .beyond!the power. Of lonian s own If sorb salfererswoelffleelY, make a .the I°,/):1111s1"'ll:e' , C etts ."" Y' 9 r . ° 174 than by guHplig the varions ineffective re=diesi Stith whlch,our newspapers 'tilsoand; this olegeteble.ltimm , hods the nicensted. lugs, Mopping. prairie •night• sweats, at thesame time inthaelogystatural mea l y expectoration, and the patient win 'soon find id the enjogment comfortable health. The public beer ut mind that Be. Sway= is • regular disea s e spiemisn Plgekraln. and hashed years of :peeing? in s oat et - Fee h a e rti . MirriCLlar The har SVATIE, '"[IVOTIIERIIOEats VC I ItST/Pi ll'il"W &E. • ; • Martha cure that hot ever been recorded, we tray 'Lately *ratite arlals oftnedicine cannot Sunni one to entparathis, which now stands. it a living proof of the curalodily of constmeption, even, when Me had hee.. despetrast of. Dr. Swaynete Compound Syrup of Wild Cherrais all professes to be, the greatest methane in thd no odd. ' Su Biagio/Li/41 ' ; • Bigness:re—Dear Sir for Um good H of anted:this'll I feel myself indiara to y testify to the , great ours , selilyhyour.Couramind Syrup of Pi ild Cherry potter. I On ken For my parL I feel uif evety, bodY ou,ght to knew it. I was a s with n violent eon= tratof blood, night swears, 'hoarseness, and. the rake indicating an Waning Mate" of the, dlerasei i ny 4potile was Jug and lay strength had so far fall ed mailutt my (needs and phydrian were pervaded I. coedit not sunive many days. My sister, who was my sazieras cans•mker. mule Wiliey where she wraddibe likelYto procure the =set earwile relief. She weittokl that if Dr. Swnyne's Comparad Syrup of Wild Cherry failedln the cum, mr life was then hopeless. your =drams Was immaramly premed, and t h e firsk bel dame rosln4 Weems lasshad I had tomumecd the was mural( ramrod. la short, at has rude a p t. andmy ra=eara (toe mid I am at Will present tions /beam amen/ acid, and have said resume to believe th the us of 1d td Medicine has saved ma from a pounatire grave. I Milt be pleated to give any information recce ung era ram. • chester elactiineell fate and vinet, r ns. • , CATMOXV? CUITTIOIO - •• • 4,iiiimpti•es, Re ed! RAMS Dr. sw r aray. Coiwaid Syrup of Wild Cherry .„ • In shoat the year 1P37, I foetal it necessaryla my Iprofessional practice, to courartual a medicinal prepar. atioh for disuses of the chest- and lungs, possessing mom powerful healing properties Man any other Nth erns known for each &seams. In my COMPOUND SYRUP. OF WILD =may, I have been very sac ' easeful. The truly astonishing cues effected - by my medicine soon spread its fame abroad; .forit elms none • of its meccas to atanafactured, newspaper pastor for certificates—the real Latium went. I)! my nom. Who only came of its popularity.: its extensive ' sale soon excited the tiny amain speralators in the Mtlictione of his fellow creatures, so machete that to a few years from the time that my preparation eras intro- I daecd to the publie and creel demand, a firm In this city, findtag that my preparation bad gamed - t te t t . " ee tt . g4 Be. me Its n t ' istar " p ra ro il 'g ss e n ' i . el a ;2ild Cherry.. This respectable and popular physician hod no more to do with the uncle than poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Witter is attached to make it appose th at thichtae inent ;luminous sus the °demi et . the Pl . ) pennon; such is not the fact. The above. firm, the re. al inventor, sold the recipe and right to manufamere to atone pate at medicine duller. In Cincinnati lot the 1 Went and South, and another in New York for fheTest, who adtrimrds, it is wizened, sold an to a druggist m Boston—so the another of hards into which it maybes° changed ism enigma. In soma places they assert it croartated from a phy- I Bielall Phiralelphom in others, frees is physician in Alanachinetta So it hat falsehood end stratagem] sump.' to eve' lestare. There here been a number amber prepu;stioni te porting cotnain Wild Cherry pot one , front the hands of tnexperience which the public should guard against, as they coutara none oldie virtues of the °Sgt. ! not and only genuine preparation,which bears the ing. name of be. Swityne on cult bottle. Thearrezent , owitafielarera of their puts and false certificate.' have the daring egroonly to monism the public, against per. chsaiag say mediongthe only truly genuine and oust. nil preparation of Wild Cherry before the pubho which in proved estisfaetorily by the publin 'messes ol the Commouvreelth of Pennsylvania, tis Well es 'sera : one other official document. DH- 11. MAYNE, - -Inventor and Tole Proprietot of Me genuine Cosh- I pound Syrup M Whild Cherry, comer of Eighth and • Knee streets Philadelphia. Pamphlets Coll be obtained grads, setting forth an array of testimony tkaiwill convince the most skepti cal of die . wonderful einem ot Dr Swayises Compound upon of Wild Cherry. Call and get one, that all may read. Purchase the medicine, Lid an mann. For sale, wholesale and retail, trathengents. Wal THORN, = Market ac ; OGDEN& SNOWDEN, corner Wood and Liberty ate; S JONE, tai Liberty at; it A PAlllineTtlela ei..Ciaei , corner of Pint runt Wood and Sixth and Wood; and IiBIfiIdITCDELL, 'Allegheny eity. ' Great English F ° lst2k e ittN e ggli t timiltnnfe ' ga l l e. wove diseases, is Me HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF UM; discovered by the celebrated! De. Melon, o lAmilon, Reg land, and introduced into the United ...Mutes under the immediate superintendence o(the iurmiteris The eatraordinaiy Niece. of thim Medichm, In ilia cure or Pulmonary dimes., svarratits the AM:kali -Agent in xiliciting forts eatment the worst Feasible On Moto. bo Rand in the that seek relief In vain front any of the commou re:medial of the day, and have been given up by Rie most diiiimptudied physicians h e confirmed. end incurable. Me Ilungarb. an Balsam es mired, and will cure, the' most desperate of cases.. Itis no quack ittolrent; bet a smMard For fish medicine; of known and established eilleacy. Every /molly to the United States shonld be supplied smith Buchan's Hongarbm Balsam .of life, Smear y to eounteract the consumptive tendencien of the • climte, but to bossed 211 preventive a... Seine in all cases .oi colds, coughs, epituot of blood, pain in Meal& and, chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, bnachids, difficulty of Limning, hectic fever, comm. alien and plume! debility, asthma, induce* ,00ping tough and croup. • Sold iu large bottles, at St per bottle, with. full direc tions for the resiondion of health. _. patepldels, containing • =ea! , Roaliolt . 4 4. 64 ' c . miXac cd rilficazi, trod st . ge gi nfjl ix oody, the y ti h ri; obtained of the Agents, gredun great ol*y. For male by BA FA GIL Co% 'corner of at • d Weal and Wood end Othsts, - ',mutt RR. JAYNE'S ALTERAME. , We have been infonned by Km Roie ota mum w arm-dauber by Dr, Jarmo'. Altitailtlve, which rams be seperhairf oar every mar remedy a the kind. She has been seated na the lam sixteen. years with NRCERASE3 or WRITE SWELLINGS, Wended. with ulcerations and aloha/km of axiom bOA4M,da. ringwhieb time many pieces have been dals/ma tram the hada bone et the cranium, lema both Meatus, wt lam and hands, and Itentlxnh lep,and IMy the left fewaral bone, and tam the right Imet 4 beleapainfal thlgirolle=fr imi h ye = on, tat—dens most of the Lae ha aarrin:a hue been ezersuitals sad deplorable. Atanyhteo months :Vitt sr. -i Ja7ArLtrp2uhlt by remaing all pain am welling., and enema the deers to heal, while lathe =meth= argonaut health has become completely _restored, so that then= taiga lba smire than she del bairn she commeneed dot Ye o o this tidy valable erepanon.—{bat. Eon. Post. For hoar infest:tenon, of Iths. Rose, No. 120 Pdben t, ?hliadelphia. .• • Woe salePittsbargb, at the PRIVIN TEA 0408 E, Ponta Shwa W00d.," • • ••• •. • Jys ctioru.LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL' INGS.,Serolula In all its eoulliplicil forms bather in that of King's Evil, enlargiamenls • the ands or boob, Goitre, White - Swellinp Caroni; , Cani; `heurnatisea,Causer, deems of the Skiner Spine, o of Palmonary Corianmption; emanate_froni one • • the seine cause, which is a poisonous principle mom or lees inherent in the Mimes systent.,Tberes Rim, unless this principle Can be destroyed,no real. cal care can be castled, bat if the pnaelple upon Which the &seam depends, is removed a• cure quasi ol necessity follow, no matter ander e:tiet Lorne the dimese should manifest itsell. This, therefore 1 - the reason why JAYNC'2I At.Tenatttc is so ani venally successful in removing so new malignant It destroys the aim or principle AVM wince those disease hare their origin, by entering Orto the cireulation, and with the blood is conveye d • the minutest fibre, renaming cam tentacle el Meese from the system. Propared and sold at No. South Third Street. Philadelphia. . • • : Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. T.: Foarthetme. 1 =al kdA.... Who Me Common Ptcpaied Chalk. an ' , often not aware bow fnghtfully .njurions • I is lit e skin! how coarse , how rough, how aallovrihellove, entrealthy she eon apemen after .Intdf Pt•Pesed hair Bee.ds, it is Wasson., consalamg aline/lain' try of lead. We have prepared , a beautiful vegetable Miele. width we call JONES'S SPANISH LILT WHITE. It is perfectly iumment,beLugparilled of all dale :encase quabtlem and It impans to the skip A natn• 1.1, healthy, shames, men, living white, lathe same kne acting l as • cosou•g!ea the akin, otsking it soft C d Dr: Jame. Andersoa, gractield Chemise of Mama , listens. any= "After analyahtg JoneesSpanish Lilly ilnte,l And It Volumes We mo o s beautifal and nano al; at the taw Um innocent.white Icier saw. I crudely cut coamicationsly reionunced its ask wall ' hose to. reqeires beautifying!. . • • 2 !Dr hien 23 cents a box: Ofr Sold by WM. JACSBON, al his boot and Shoe • • .811 Liberty Meet, bead of Wood, at the elan of lig Sept.', , Ladies, ladle., Pot auenialled, . • -•• . When yes know that yea areprotaised • A A natural, life-like, snowy white; - • . . •• " That yea will mill use carmaon ehalk, •• And look • deathly yellow fright, . . • . ' The theme of laughter and of talk. , : If you or sae a bey of JONES Lilly-White, it woond give your .km an alabaster yet emend white, and at the same time clear and improve it. Sold al lACKSUIVS,I4, Liberty st. Puce %Scents pet Lox; • latra .• . . .__PAPEI.WAREFIgytti igu.9.811 NO kilallPs Imam. C PlLE:. otmrn }'IELD 11 !fest . f , z o. 7l . e .w at n. tts llowcp went of PAPER', etnapnsien n evesi poneble 'variety, Wanted so the wants of contemn to all sections of the country. 'spot of all kinds made to order a short tiontoek of PRINTING PAPER is wsninsdli lents a pastor *Mehl. of very naperitentwiAt_: — • • PAPER. MIXER% RATER.O.I% of oven: desciptioa, iwtoned soul kept eonnanUy on Ws:, Folungs,Wise Gloilt,; . Fonsdriniet Own. ILLeackbaz Powder, tune UltsanowinerTwine,tne..;&e - Genvan,Eaks inPetE now NoPsi.B*PliMs ;. es s pnrchwed, for widen the bighetn pnen C.lai bn psid l7/0Y New Yrk, Jaly t i GAL T. Jesse Italian Clem Seal ifis OR all kinds a ersptiona sad Caesarea thel Ulu; L. each ea rimples,Bkeehes,HekTheicas, Scary, Heat Sots, chapped or MGM/a Hile,sail for al other disea ses a the elle, which reggae extents] rowdies, this Beep amdsonperaled. It alsodlspelt Fres-kiss, Soo bane Harebells, Tag and tfteles ; colored dark, yellow, or Maimed akin, to a ine,beattlty.rlukitt. eloaea. A Huh sranaated gramme end ter sale st the tasted ones of MI per Fake.WlW Nom received, is .Sued for We by B A FAIDIHIStUCK leonen sad wood and el the aorta, ot ale* 100 WA" 000MlinaTOVr • it isturma s octet it it ••••'• .....^ 'mss- ~ ;tsr :~•; ~-'=,~-~' 1 DI:CAL:;. . - 111111111411111 Town mums. : - .THE - 164 . 411 46.# 666,6 Sat odefoong and at blown' .. the Tenth:Wag thejtaloa,sweeseawn, tho breath; &O. It he ased,etrery,:gla with •6 slat p n i t ty...d . the ',elk and width willooly requite • sligh washing ie. the mornutg. Wet the brash wi W wan* maw, or dbld will answes and nth it a few tubes on the paste, when email:llmill adhere for 6.eantne the teeth,. h lomat. &below taste in the month, MA WI parts • Man deVallaifturaata sole bwath: 'Man& immanent lola pleasant, efheacioas, eenvealet, and safe r dece. io r aratruned natio ise6tetbott teeth, bea prattenrithest. . • By uing iti6lll tesitbeti the tartar tad • 'prevent as anewashager--.-preeent th e soothaelot sttetorthert the vans, and prevent all diseases' of than Chesnavhphysielaes,llkla the thou reessitasend it a decidedly ,sopenet to every thing. of the 14 • Ask fottlhettoan'aCatopantel Oms, Tooth La Me, and obterve his somata is attached to ends • • Itneastanwted by . Dr. Cud*. XI Broadens', need . 7 Oar beat Deilists,atal tip-most °tithe aid establtaeol . ones at the United &tars, and eyes.,Ateissiirely, lased • by the Nobility of Worland And Fat ea. • A large proportional. Wediseaw.l issallleintonkind arise iron Mate derangement atth• insintohorbrwels, - latch a 1111101 f ABM% at (Alba tic Lozenges would entirely obviate. Lenin,{.[ biticas - kabits ahoald al- Ways. hate alma at ludlJ, and take a date whenever • they feel the least deraogewentin their health. Ajadk dons one of thewa I.,,oretwes . wield prevent thosmads of eases. " For/Weal Whl. ;AcYflON,S,,eornefor and - - - A ORRATORRS, eqemed bide gembed Liver rut, prepared aad y w. Mann* Ranee*, Wateentsed Os4Pat My 19th, 1542, S . Mr. R. R.Sellese—A sow dent, to yoaaad (adored Maid asybatable tediavey in kin of yoarjettly .. endwated Leer Tina IWe deemed doing so be wan, *theft to Den Ceekettl* maim, ebe sere you we night, . then gesbeed.l. Moe of the may preparations - etageres tad spreln,bote.ll to the skies, have audtienaltitionmee Latins tan been °tend to the walk; eall; laden, Italian they ea owarive them age es they are ;Pat who M7=4. tare y b etilluges ' have sabred oad I 'd o. 4 U N • 11:==tviterard,=...,—,zz eaLeatai 5 or o termini dedlygivea up ea ittermls. - In 1831-7 len loaned lett/yen Leer Mks, awllloo3 00T !• .bon of ,Whichissowsaffuat OW? reeler of todly and all the 'other symptom for on least LS. Year Pills ars aleitheealearne I ever esak griping or giving m athdame at in new age eon relief . I ban kept them la el eon . Year, soli handnds of bans, lei ban awe 'Mein =minis , uttered by say on who bas and .1%,11 lave unneeded alone every Whet-pall le this • esiglaberleted, saddue USN bulge dole all. I earnestly necesseeed gi them so 'all 'moon seeding physk, witeler br Lee Ottephild or Itillbos Illectinsal I no.. idea them ternwelor to Calaial th• 1318001. Respen- My vows, .. . 1 latent. that. Oil. Pilo Wore the pablie Cause User pilS, perms whowauttha ORNIILNE mold L ink be and lake ao oder than Gnat penned sad old by R. SELLJOIS, No S 7 Wooket between - Third awl Fourth N• • - Meld lige. Caen; Width Obb#,:bfbighbq or • ildqrlen dare.- 1 , 13. W. MORRIS returns his .sitteare .L.r thulium the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny city for ths very liberal support and encearagebent he Inn received within the Int sit annitha That die Ws ter • cute 'Should acquire such eelehrilY, a edam' strange nor mysterious,whn 4 is conedered bow great a number of cases of every variety of dinues, both In anal' e, have bees eared by a judicious use root. In Ocristany, where it origiaated, six Acme% • ado wont cases, the wens even up by the want skil ful physicians of !Serape as Meltable, were cured by the immortal Prinuitts, theloaader of the Wale r Cure.. In Eugland, France and Aileen, thousands of hope less clues have been Cored by it, and the numerous, 11Wirepatide establishments aow in sonccepe tion the United States, speak volumes in favor of the mectlee.• Dr. Morris havuag permanently establiiked kneel( with. City of Pittsbegh, three doori southenset of win'. alley, on Peen sine, is now.pretred take's. Ire ouster. of boarders! and treat them tease, and those who prefer beteg truled at their own dwelling., will be yonetually and fitithllally Wended Ile Maybe consulted az hit office from 1 o'clock till 3 P. M., and from 7to Itt Mb evening: • N. , vatiety of baths Midi Use of ip 4b. Weer cure, Lathier ladies ...A gentlemen, can he ob i mined st the Atheneum, on Libeler stnet.lelaire they hen been recently greeted for the exprese ef thopathic patients, and - where every illttelltiOU Win be giverta i the polite and ante:ire proprietors: ft..JAT/RWS GAItNINATIVIC BALSAM- • . 112 Rind the s ßev ASA ditINPI, a weltknown and pop A• • star Rjorpro4n of the Protestant Itilethodirtohurek 'The anderWpW hams been alined dmingthe pan • winter oral a disease of the 'wortmeliOntsetbrier Pro diming &rem paha in the 1110alach fat tea or laser boars withomuansadall, and. after. having tried cubes . • remakes with Ituleeffect,was furnished with• tunes ofDr DJnynel earednative Balsam: This he used ae. eordina to the directions, and Mond invariably that this medicine ceased the pan to abate in three or6or atea,and in After. or twenty minutesevery enemy • , senstaticia *es emirely quieted. 'fbesmedleine was xi. terararda used whenever Indications of the approach of pednwerepereelved, end the pun wasthetehy prevent.' ed. . Ile continued to twe the medieine every /settled end ionintimes to the 6mtinst, in a•, few, weehtl, health was rear restored, nu the ogleret arc s retie , ' ed Row a laigiameenter opprepahe'. pain.. From ea perimsee, eterekire, he cut enudleatly reeommetni,ll 11Jaynet• Reliant, as • utatarrmedie for diseases of the anima< it and bowels. A SHINN!) • • . • Atka hen,. city fil For sale intqltatturgh at the PEKIN TEA 'STOIC . 71 Fourth weal, near Wood, and sten at theDrup • 'Stem aril P SCHWARTZ: Federal *mei. A Maltose Porn* Toed. Blood. ' E. MR. 0:E. SIBLET—Dear sin Lest Spring; and du: rtng the previous winter, I wed sevently_allieted with a. scrofulous complatat in sny lege, and had been dr some MOlllisSuoler the ewe of . phystelens; They said my ease was Mawr incurable, and they bould do Ind linle for me. I was nowt). belphwa, bat with the - old Of mulches mender - id difficulty get itbihtt: iln May last, I purchased of you, end mararneneed using hats. t513=1,011.1.0. APE the use of two bottles, the sores commeticed heeling suit laid aside my crutch. es, using only a win. '1 s penned within cent, and at theend or lihe rounh,or so well as tor o.oiitfltli day io shearing sheep. In a11,.1 ailed &rod:Oleg. The setafula and awes have all healed op, ended. last samlner I hare seen no appearance in the Nye., hot have eaminued,mid ins now. la de 1...1A.1dt b.altid sten:with confidence, hoping that others may be hen . ehrred in the same way, that the &mephitis wild by has been the menu. and the only means of effeet2 qihe ear.. -• • , C0RNE2.11.1.3 J. ROE3E. break wholesale and retai, j dter • . B. A. FA11.1 . 0 , &Co j ear. boat P weed sts. & also tionser wood &Mhos ILlCtoro , Compound 11Prosp oR Tat and Wlld Cherry, the erneratending L.IIO.2tRYCONSUMPTION. Tam great and unprecedented =chess of this valua ble mealeine, and • desire to Mown' ste ba benefits, have induced the proprietors do Lathe price and emus POT bottle, thus plaetag it within thus reach or ill. No bunny ithordd be without, or. r when they, have once seertend appreciated ite innenumPene. rm. dim In the cure riftheabi*a complaint. Containing no minendor narcotic ingredient., vot the ellghtest den . ot: iqcOgveziance cm ninth foes ides. Children =Tenn from eromsend whooping crumb- will take it with avidity, end hull =sedate relief, no mer how violent the wooed, If given *candies' to ftemions - Fusels by morekeepers genemnr, this and 'joining counties, end wholesale aud . mtatT.by w& " the pro primers.. IT Drt., smuCl". ' 161 N.S ec ond 01, below Vine, Mrs. Cudes Anta Arat ir Zfor , divine Cream a la Rose, lor lMa shown; • ' ;. . AllDoade porsrane Room= Porcelain sMadE • Elegant scent Wtp, parcel:led vrb. Lavender, Angle to - Beastifol noinier oafs, of all riatterne; Embossed sottet boxes, containtng Inv - ant mrusets for the handlunchiefinsead bag,mo Yak: ramPsfmsll ,Persian, madame powder: , Indian vegetable holt MI; . •' ' ' • : Bear's oU, in fancy or common wrappers,(mte seenS• ) Jones' Soap; Nymph Poem' Roan Lip. slave: . ehell map; doors soon, together with' a •greall Terrell - after. perfluseryrrnst reeetynd, fox sale by a rt • "II A PAIINWOC a Le i -• •• 8 . to BLIED Clr --I 'feel it 1: dory 1 ova to ky fellow creaser* i state ,sotneihmg • more respecting your :egetale Pulmouernßalsse., Bne* I first tined the Balsam, about deem mark ago, the keppy erect of which to FM atoOnnt bays bad several sevens eceepleutts and Musks at my lungs, one • few days alum, nod in - every inatance have aced the Daum slam with complete., perfect success. It has effected relief mil cure In miry few days.; It le cenalaly • safe medicine.. I de not know that it will core a fund consumption, but I anliem will be in many cases •marenure, and prevention is better than cum I do therefore, for the lore of my fel. low,men; earnestly renommend the me of that Balsam. La all pWmonary complaints. 1 am made= that n km been the means of pratervom my life to this day. Boston June t 46. • • BEN! &BIN .TABSONB. For Sale by B Palsorstock, - & Co, Manic first end woad end LIM corner wood and jolO /Patna& mock Sprl NEWLYINVENTED—Forths re6ef and Pe rm anent Coto of HER UL or RUPTURE.. (Soiled to sit rho superior 01A:tit of Ws Trail consist &s cone parstioe ens with which it mg be worst.l-The Poe ol wad being neatly bolauced cc springs, yields, to Fee sattion. any port of it, laid thoroughly aditputaelf O Wo: went midi by the wear4r. It can Isom *dhow intermission, until& t ors to alerted-at. sale' N octanes hale pada artsitgestents in the aortae St• then sellable Trusses, to • superior wyki in mil depots, and have Hero now tor sale at their oßec, 17, Ersithisld near Yinsburgla. • • ULM. WATT, • I • .laR l • • LI W. En UFFhtlibr, • SVERI4IIFUGE--.Sopertor b.! eny have 10 ever used." • • _ Goner Tr ,Feyette county, Mareli 4, M. A_ E. Seaddine—l hereby certify that I have axed your Verona* in toy family, and believe. equal, not supalor LO any I liar. 0.1 Med... I ffiltedo 000 of copelnktrell one dose, Colath eSpellyd aboor worn.. FAS Evceson.' ' 'Eternised and sold by R ESEWhA9, 57 Wood et. Sold by Dr Guard, sth Ward4-D-11l Curry, _i4leghenY: W Tetaperenef +ad r pat. Law. • • SYR/NOrq-•—Aa aswctate . nt Jwt iced isiut for xal •.• PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE, put.isu DAILY,..TIH-WEEKLY '& WEIVKI.Y ;Al ths Ektitlings,*4 ~ owaraisPoe dinVIIRTISISU. One sosectioapt lEBeeyot less ' 6 1 . ... . . 7 a Three. •f, . . ..... 100 ' ' Or.r Week '• ': t•_". ••, ••• - _ W Two ee l s . • . -.. .50 Mica ~, ... ~. O, One bIonIbi • • " . • ..... .. 410 Two ,:`N ' • 0 . • ......... 500 Three,. " ....... .• 2 60 cr Looger advettiseowni. ails propelliou. One square,6 month., w o i tho utbll.r.U. l 2••• 1 0 0 It - a .6i. lb 00 Wch.odditioootl .pare foe 10 W Oneioloare,binonlho,reorwable at pleisom a,r , 1.5 50 •" • " 12 '" " twebadditiogioloqoarebv mot. 1,, 10 Two iqoaree,6'wootbs, reSroblealpleente, 30 00 • months ' ' ' ' 6 • Each addition! wylnre, ••••••••• razzes OW Tal•WilllFl.?f II!IILT7 01\11 squire.Slmenietur; ...... SI 50 • 1 each kaitlonol ' ' • . VIJUILO -Vivo 11111:1 or leso, one year, • 600 • ~ ," • " wig months b one 'fir, daily !F. weekly, 10 00 aia'mootla• "; • aW. • :ADViIiTIFLIONTIi ix wrisisx for 7111.00 . or low, 011ie iniertib • ei, ..... so 60 TwO, 0270 •• , •• Thee, 100 360 if. ?Mph*. UU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers