?~~ :~ , ;: i177_ 1 4 1 "! , M C=3=2M lESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS . CARDS. A 1001s1, LAPHASI & arid Leather Dial- . crag st.Tfess , York. Pittsburgh, F:. Umiak & Co. Philadelphia. Cousigataards of Western Leather so/kited, and lib eral adraness made, if required. • feblakka A.TWOOD, JONES & , Co. COUWILMOII 41161.V0r. lambs: as, b.. tettuved to their old toso&Vrater and Ihont suoeu, Patitutilt. ocatt Yuman unus RAU.N k aErrEa, mrk.g.i.t...d Retail Drug , comer of Liberty and st. Clair Mecca, pine MIN Ps. • enayl4 , a. Cr 1113111004 a: j 13ai .. )1 4 VN .CULBERIWIN, Wholesale ciruccrs, laiLol blerebaute, No. 145, Libeler .1, Pittsburgh. Po. ' degity. A. FAJINEISTOCK h to., %Macula , .d . u4l Droggins; tom. Wood .41 Gk jyt AktetEY-ar. surni,•Wholcsalo croier4 ie and ß 9J,Wcad street rinsburgh.., CA. IdtANULTV 41r. Co., romoodiog azol Co. i misaion blenkantp, Coma Buin, PoOlloughPa. • • Mt arm. cat:l.A roux v. lamina, 1a& a. nrilLllan. 101..E.AIAN, MAILMAN' k Co., Manufacturer. of Cargiaga Spring, and Lab+ .11.• 11. 'awl Sanas A Owl, and dealer. in Curial. Trunmings.af every seription,orunaufactory on M., Clair .t. AVarchunaa 43 Wood w opposite tia.Cbarici Hotel. - jau2l M1W,14.T IS-GEBASET, IVladiaila Grocery deal au of Praises sad ratsbutgla lisaurtettass, ear ner of Lamm and Hata J. Plash:Vl, P. rebl7 • •ari. .1M01.1211. /IA3M I. molar. . - utriounn :11166MTETA {lre I.loKlisiti ow ntra •.la CO Wholesale' Weer*, CO L ZINISIUSIOII and For -. war Mt htechauts, and dealers in Produce rut Pim , iargh tmehrio. 7 7 Mend et, Le:mem:A end mem: • . • ! ' . P. a. nnicoi mut, • ramss woad. IZAISNI7S Nei ;ME WMleak an and ti n tft Varnyties.l)7% , ,, rd. tuft " ffsg.;V: BL ME Forte -Z70.1,07.,701 dea:kr. mcb23 . ditl , s , e ,M[Lßel ; and Brass ktod mad Sim il ar...ld street., Piusbink, PR. b r 're"' r filigkest priee even qir old Comex and don kinsu. • ~ ;,~~ ....~. ;,J .. - ~.. • LIARIt BRUNOT, Mils and Red Lead M. ljawnrer, rata and 011 Buntint, .omer of üb• su and (Mara w.. Piusb ,b. jetS ZONE= 13ICMi .1111, Co., Wholesale Grocers, Co. • Stern il ion Merchants, wed , dealers in Produce, Nos.:A • ten and LOT Front streets, Pausbargh. nova tom scow Mamas Groteri, ins aad Commas,. Wareham', Dealers, Plo . dies sod Phisbusgh Manafactom, No, 7 Commercial litoeri Liberty Weal, near the Canal, Piu.shugh, Pa. 11 1 7 1 eIT ' • T ARYAN. Rectifying lAlsolesale tr dealer to Yoicigunnd.lkunesuis Wines end U. I=4o. Ittisitenty meet, and VS Diessond Alley h, . - jyl74lly 11 A/4EIV (laa, at th e Ina of Alva and 41; Nelisdray) Alachua Tailor" Charles Ihuldiaga Thal aware-rear W• • • flash. h. ti HUTCHISON, & Ce.—enceemente to 1113 Leyte Hutchison 1.C0.:, Cams Lake lierehents, and Aiwa of the St Loafs Swarm Sept Refinery. Pao. 45 meter 0n4911 hots meets, Pi tt sburgh. • Sint f • . r • 0 4 “ar[N,II7M:MMKMoM=MiI 3OM & DILWORTH—Maude GM. PTO. • dm . .. 5 uldOotamiadost Ilashant, No fl, Wood iOLIN D. MORGSNOlilreleeale=t, ead &a erie Dye Saar, Parlde;•eits, V tr., N 0.173 ired meet. oue door South or Diamond Alley, 01. "44 Doweis:Zp R o jC. 4 1 71tsZeT jT7 A 1"3: Tom IL ifF( /Mg, Wholesale and Retail dealer d Music atoll ilarieut Instruments, School /Woes, •Vspy, Wales, Steel Pens: Quills, Primes* Cards, and tali gene r, No. 81 Wood , st.„ Pittsburgh. • Bap boa tor taken Os mule. sepl SCHaWtIiKLI b fr. „Co Wholesale Drags-Isis, • .• No. 24 Wood street, Plusburgh. .TOSErli JOIWON & EON, CO =114111.1 4 1.1- 1.,-O verdir g hit rehatk is, No. IS Lawny it., ioppolkie OHN D. DAVIS, AUCtitllleel. COML,2II and Wood • stree Pinsboxel. ooul - - 'f WINSTON trI'OCKTONO Bookicllers Prits.ra ingl raper klaunfuturers, No. 44 Mattel st, JLBEAO'.9 Doak §iore 4 th, near I,,lttket street, • Cluzie• TheoloperAL Nimorital,Scbool, IkLiseet.. ,now, gad . Bdothabst Beaks am litauontry. 1" V. ILOAKELTS3N 11. Ittaakeni and Exeltange IP • Withers, corner at Wood .14 as su., Idereltattes tenni nandtage, iqusbarsh, [Er lturtency piarchttood at the usual Mee txtil TOHN I.IH/LIL Wholesale Grovel nobler in Pro -4k.. duce, rtuchergh Manniat Wes, Tin PloieL ke. to. No. 221 Liberty k, husburgt.. lona ' !awl rauni, ' • • ' • =ouzo rurro.. j& H., Ala. .1. Floyd k C 0.,) ‘Thol•ssla • Wooers. No..lki Liberty sures. iep.S Vl4g';lngzgiqt9 Vosuolos Irou Works. eavb, MIZELL/a eo, ualaufaelarcro a all U -114 au bar, Shut, Mawr Iran atal Nails'of Itle taut y a ulity. Warrlanue, araur aual 145 man WATER lAN, %Vhellesale Grocer, ForioreM• KA,fad and Corgueisekuu MerrEum, Dealer re Pim. botet blianifaCllll. aad rsadmee, Noe. al Wawa.sc., and IA Ectifil. AL. . • parantarr kWINTON, Wholesale Ureters, For onstding and Cu....stono Maras/us, dealers in rockers Wet Pittsburgh hlanufsetures, No 13 and lad .%Wrod ritilatUfgh. teluhl • Iff M14E14 BROTHERS tk: Co, ensaisassion Met- AIL chants: l'hilaticiplsis, the sale of produce re; nenslly. Liberal sdrauses wade. uu cunsigunscata y' 911.4 . r. on.wince.o, 0w...L.. sot VicCULL, UUSIIII.E.IJJ &WA, Wholr.sale Unseen . /1.1. and Comm/Watt Ateramis, No. LOS I.o..erty 5'., Plusbar.. ira • - • • Y. &u.xx„ SUOCIL,WIL 41.4.. EN & Co, o.,lllllllStitlo and Vorgrardiog hierefouses, IN , &ter sod From Su, between 'll 4l ;&.&aud Market • • **AUL., ALFA a RICIEMON, %nolesala Orman and 4:oounbadan Merchants, No.l7o,Liberty at, l'ina• • - • jsall uecoltu & Kira, e.t.a 'La =a AU Cap Mauulactstres, and deaksu in- homy Furs, oaruor a Woad Ion! Pllsh au • jasa 211 HOldlk,,lE SON, No. 66 lidarkit st, maenad door from earner of Funs* dee.. la Foreila and lanmentin Intim of Exclinnipr, Ocriiiiearea of Dep.. It, Hank Now and ripecie. • Irreollecianis road on all dui principal nine. throughout the Vaned tames. • • • • . dean C.' IV DWI, ' • tn i r o . INDt,?); TElt a Co., WholeUle Groiersirt Vde.tiar.; neAsion tad FevrardicOlerchauta, No. SUM& 1_ I .114f!M00R.,.' Inakande Goacer, Rectify iug fig rr er, tleuler Mina., rotsbuign blenuinc. Sures, and sal kiids of Foreign and Duruieue lywea and apart, No.! 11 Liberty. since Or bend • wiry line stock of superior. old Siotiougeticla whisko, 'ub will Leonid tow for cult. apt&ty. ErarkON k. SIEPPERT, Produce Leiden aid Commission hielskaim, ho. SOO Second street, Mroira , Hardw are and Tristozdup, of all description, No. 1.:0 Wood, /34".03.bunk,'. ap.25 • RICILMID BARD,Wholosals and , Flstall 'kaki id lAndser, Ithlsocco, dhoesukers'Tocris and Fizid . sup, Tatoul ,, mi Cutlass' Tools, and Tamers' Od, s No.llo Wood a, Piusburgh. ' stpls A. HOLM* k. Co,Wboluale Gamer., prod... wad 4>amiajaa Blarekauts, awl Maier. io Jitansfactuas, No. NA Libetty Pautburgiti Pa. , , - janiu ROBERT DALZELL & Co.; Wholesale Grocers, 1 Casomisaion and , Foncitdmif blerchuas, dealers ' •ma rnodaes and PitiLlianb , Ataaalicsares, Laierty st. AMT. A: CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale' Grocer Dealer in Produce and Pilubureh Manafacturta .144 Liberty st. • r iYiut . . 0. R E Z N erS i gr frlnTLethsTrag di and ItuT:tn" an In Grourtes; lannaattur The Wilma priceo, Nellaanni at a neves lor can , x 7 Comer of Peltlf Ina Irwin CISXFOS.I) & C0., - Cormarissioa Merchants, Lib giSeny- sr - opposite StalrhSela, Dealer* in Flour, : rag ok Seeds, also Hanes; Lahr, orpt44y SLUtiessi °Ada, .0. fir QUITSirraJOHNON, Wholes /1 ale aral - Bstall *Blss Lawn, . 3, 7..bd ZeraY An. 3. 11 16.0 blziket stnst, 3d door Oats ?lad st, CPXrr 5c VirlitTE., wholesale .Dealers i t4= . 0 .4 Dc.osstie Dr, Goods. No:90 Woad s - - TI febl • - * adßatAUGli, Wool Iderebials, DealFra- Oa 'inflow Yrodaco generally, and Foram:Mug p:Cladadc , a tlerettams, No. .Wa!er PIM. El M AlV l d ' et IttiO.tlL'itiatnt=4"l:"" end . *ad Nona side; Philadelphia: • WlLl;—ltsoneasaor Browoo iin 'llo.lser and apenttlaelaser of raw Haaginga and AleautiOnuidealer writlug pnnung, oral and / iff Wood at:i. rinaloorth, ra, Hags and Tan. - : ,*an. scraps parehased al the 'gam market aria • :47; lIIISIONin. zoos mown ZUJITIAJW. ' t. NICOL.% grodumi awl (Mural Cm minion Unthaws, No. 17 Lally nit, burgh. ;Melon, Unwed and Lord , • .. BONfiIIOSST, k Co., Wholesale GM. ea Parra:dew_ and Comma& hLetchans, la Pinsbargh Manufactures and Western roe ; pup, tangoed lo Writ new orazahoose4gid stand) . 21s, comet of Peon es and Chancery Lane. Mi11.1111.181.i IL IDES,. Pomading and Commission &24 1 initimMutrier set Vroduas and Pilubstrib mum. heisted snit Casts nom TM M. dal • ilksarf.k Warr, MrPolesmis Miordnimni - Men - anslousts, doslers. ill Produce." No. 74 *Au rittgarall. . Pat nafre.R...aatat tor blemeas atatan and pcastotra, at the oat. of iNta E. Au • • tin, , latriva ItaiMajta t atit st, Pszt4gig. •Al - ,aott illte "swat lead office at .WaahinglaZotili att end to iiatbirtacsa theft tree a( eapeacaao apt4larata. . , maatt44l7 • . . . . , • • •• MIMIMM===II THE "IV ES'F - 110WEN—Conususeloo and Forierardiug Merchant, Sio.Oo Front et, between Wood and feterd sous 0. once, ' • DAVID WCAMOLIF. W i. e U r• " :7 ° O r ggralta k ga . Cosuranuion Aterehants, dealers . iu Irou, Nuts; Glass, Cotton Vares;and Pirtsbutssh Manufactures. preuensily, comer of tVood and Water streets, tittibarue. I''tWZAit4CV:*lt:4 Mill ; :.bCi;lnre2. 1 11. n ear t canal. • matVl l. Wn0 . v. , 13 -iyll, I=‘ sh. .Jp,.lu WILNON, Dealer' in Winches, J y, baser Waxe n tioqtls,&e., No ;joy - - hot sL ono lir R. MURPHY,.Wholesale and Retail dealt.. in TTa Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north mist cornertif Masher and Fourth AA. • auxin WE- - WARRICK MARTIN & Co., Bankers, Dealers In Exchange, wok Notes and Coln, comer ot Third ani Wood street, Yittsbnigh,DA Mt. Ulna, MO. IL Moor. wM. YOUbia . 2‘ Co.—Dealers in lexther hidett r Ao 143 Liberty 113. • • . . AL ALITCIIELTRF.E--Witolimale (Innen., W. Rectifying end Wine and Liquor Akin taints, also, Impatient of Soda Ask and =exciting Powder. No. 160 Liberty it. Pittsburgh. Pa. jazindly GLITZ* & Oe LAC.OIIIC, /3 . I.IC . IC I C . U O RJI & Wholesl 2 :73we ' c . g.b&ell& Urn. ge .e ri che ll mi nonut An zt , o n t lill "'ens e,l%a n te f rlt ' r no tet, d ' .a 1.113 JOIN hi. TOWNSEND, Drugglat sad Apottccuy.. N 0.45 Market u, three doors above ThirJ st. ritts. burgh, VI have constantly °ahead a well selected as nmentbftieie best and oceans Medicines which he will sell. Oa the most taiscasbbs terms. Yhy siciedis wadies girders, will be pessaptle needed be, sad sup plied with aniabes they auty retie spelt u (comae. • uor Algid:nu Presenpuous will be accurately sod aea prepared Irma the Out materiels, at nay hear of theday we night. Also be ule, a large stack of fresh sad good Polio jut). 't r a N b' l4 l4' 27 m 17. W.: Covenst. Yam, Carpet C LAWSZthri Co. • P (Sacce,sors A l thuckle totikvregc.. A LELK)UX &Ea., No. Centel cures, Now Or. Xis leena, Agents for J. EL Amain's Extensive Steam boxer Refinery. AIRS 77. on hand it lame aloft of Loaf Powdered, Ctuvhcsi, Clarified and !Instant Sows in 'rwrces and Harrel. Mon, Buser Moss- hiatuses. Prices lame', and n fair a ll owance mede Int all secs of or above NJ L.arrels."l' mobil • Staaaagabela Livery Stable. uUlikJrr u. PiC/TkittSUN hn• opened the large stable on First st, sinning through Second st, between Wood and Smithfield sts., to the rear of the Dionongabela Hos., with in entirely neer meek of Horses and Centime, of the best quality Sod latest styles. Horses kept at tree. ry la the bed manner. • • tyrdlY EATON, Dealer' Jo 'Trimmings and Varisty . Goo,* Tortola Shen, Ivory arid 'Ham tomb., Woolen Yams and Worsteds, Buttons, Nwedles, T4pos,Dralles, tr.e., N 0.62 Market street, bewail Dia pond and 4th aL, Pittsburgh. IY2SdIY NEW. lIIDDLENT . ItIiDW/E8 STONE, lIT. LEECH. JR. isaill3a . lll7ooD ST, PlTTlllivutiH. TrAVING replenished niy stock (rem the best emir , "s, both am.Ue and foreign, 1 take pleasure in ansmancing to consumers and stealers, that 1 am pre. wed to Garnish Mem want, goods in my line, ou beuer sums Mau heretofore. Buyers trill Rea. t that dealio erchnlvely , in Saddlery Hardware and Conies Trunotinp, 1 obtain nrrebe vantages that enable last dety competi tion. W ad l, Bee, mid Judge for yourselves. ayl7 rrrrasusoil STEEL wimms 4.ND SPIUNQ • lILLC 3.01. 10. Q . 0140. JONES & Quico, . Vid.litlFACTUltellbe of ennui and blister suet, 117711 plongit sleet, steel pleagb aringa-coseb and el.p be iron arks, nod dealers in end leable ensungs, fire engine loarph and math trinanuers cetrally, corner alba. sod Front Cu., Pluseargla eb4 5E,Li_ PEKIN TEA STORE.—To. Fox,o .st, near Wool—All quufuues of Green arul Black Teas, dons up in quarter, half, sod ta..c swung packages, ranging frost nn eta pee pound 571 ' A. JAYBk, Ant. for Yet.. Ten Co. wm. , raniuN, • • AT.TOELICET AT LAW, also aigetid colleetictos and all ettotr bg yy ncsa entrusted to hurt in Boller and Armstrong rattan., Ps. Bele, to J. a B—Floyd, Liberty tt I • VV. IV. ‘Ve.three ' do , • James bLarsball, do Pttliburgb dly Kay a Co., Wood et _ ) 'ton: JB. SWEITT.P.R.,'Auomey at Law, ottee 3d at, . opposite 3). Cherie. Ifu Pittalturgh, ill Gat attend promptly m Colloctiouton Wadtington, E•yette and Green coosties, Pa" HEXER TO Blkekinziek, Bell & Co, Morel & Carothers, IPtustiorgla. D. T. Mogan, V J. Htilifkit Attorney uf d Count-elan. at Law, Cioninnati, , ha Collections in Southern Palo, and - lonian& • in Kentuelry, innintitly and care fully allesuleti to. Connuissioner for the Saw of rpm sylvan/A, for tutus liegusttiotts, .Itiitorledguients, kw ate. • • . & 2Wu,. Curtin, Chumb & Quellacri,-Wm. Borg, , WlCluck & Davin. re... 5 MIL MUNN. JULIA-SO & Sll (sues...ors to Loweic and Alton.. • imd 'Counsellors . Lass. Office ;swill side of lour.) areey ...ve Saulthfa. Id. J ossisw, & SEWELL, ador6e) Law, I.lti&i• I_,/ Smithfield, helve., dd ith ste. jUR WARD . SIIiAIICIAVELJAiii, Attorneys a . LA VOMIT removed their mhos to the South ode o' tourth AL, belseuxo Cherry Alley mid Grant street. • miner. I COEPii KNOX, Attorbey id Law, iltisburgb, ty tou resumed ilia gIIACLICC Vi W. profession 111 ace, No. 7, Hatewell Buildoms, (Omit au. occupied, itunug his aloerste, by T. J. Nub= sod J. Cunsty, laULtiott JOM L. LiALLATIN, Attorney at Law, Orem on J 4th st., between Uncut sod Smithfield, South side, Pittsburgh, Poi will also anend promptly to business its the admodug counties. • ocMely. ROBINSON, Attorn sx Las re . moved his lathes to the klseltin ey ige ater,.h CY. V I;st.., next door w Aldermen Junes. apli.y. C ORLA• aAlpo WOWS; A ld. uortkey Lalr,.oMoti 4ttt %tre. I.l3litalle tNSUIIANCE. ELAW AIM. MUTUAL INSUBANCR CO.- JUHN PINNEY, Jr.,Agent at Pittsburgh fur the Del. aware glans.' Safety it:serene.: Company of Phila adelphie. Flee Risks upon buildings and nerchAndise I m every deseripttoN and Marcie Rinks upon hulls or •canroes of vessels, takes upon Me most favorable terms. / IT.r °Mee in the Warehouse of W. &Holmes h. Oro., :s o.= Water. twat Market Wee., Pittsburgh. N. o..—Tlke success of Sits GM/patty since the mind, lialimmit'of the Agency It. this cuy, rnth the prompt best and liberality withwhich curry 01/1511 upon them ,for loss has been adjusted, telly warrant We agent to ' the err the coufideuei and patronage ufbis friends and community as large to the Delaware hl. S. limn mime Company, while it has the additional advantages us an insUltitiOu .11•14 th e oast floonshing Pliilanel pkils--as baying an maple paithin Mmital, which liy the ot.sation of a. chaster IS constantly increasing, U. )ickllng to ouch person insured his due share kit the profits of We company, without involving has in any respousitality whatever, aid Tbermoreas possessing thu Mental principle divested of every obnoxious lea. turq and b 0413•011 t nitrite ti ye form. nova • PULE AND MAHAN Al INSURANCE:. T H at ' s duly l l Tunchito=q7eutolfilioe Nort h s7nTe: ' , ?g r e ' r ' gb to snake permanent end Maned millta•ce sat property, In this City and ifs vie mill, and on shipments by the Ce• nal and Rivers. lARCCLURS. Arthur ti Codin, Cherie" Taylor, . Ssin'l W. Junes, Ambrose White, • Edward Smith Jacob til.'fbomes, John A. Brown, John FL Nell, • John Whits, 'Richard D. Wood, Timone P. Cope, Win. Welsh. Samuel P. Smith, Pretties Hos/kens, Gamut Brooks, S. Austin Anklane, ARTHUR U. lA/MN, Presy 11.17 D. Sneeze., Sec • This Is the eidest Insurance Company in the Uni ed States h”tug been chsrtered in /SA. Its chine i• perpclal, and from its ugh' gal:ding, long eipenente, ample means, and &lading al , riske of au extra bus . MVO. ChltariCt, it mop he COnstUCruft US aerial( am ple meetly to the white. W. P. JUNES. At the Cmuill..g Room of Atwood, Jones & ta., Wa ter and Pram streets Pittsburgh. mayS PILABILLIN PULE /1181TRANCECo. tuft; tylunklia rue &manatee Company, of lettiluolal . J. pein, will Annan Issuance, perumnent and Mussed On ovvy , doneripuou of property, In einntairgb and we surroundang eounuy, falOtable status. ibis com pany has • perpetual !barter. Capital, 841,0,0 m Paid in. Contingent, naiad 'l4soo,upu , ()Mee earner of Thi , l3 and Markel arena., pin.thersh. tylintf WAKIIICK aIS.KI Vs, Agent. - -• - ' • ' • /sasurassci. ' /PifEandersiglied,dulyantitortscd2igent one Amer 1. lean tlic lamination ie.:puny of rilitancipinu, continues to elect insurance against kiss or damage. against Fire, on boililingsi tricronandize t noun., tout property, not ottra hasantous, to thin city and vicinity. •• sole IJEts WS wood st. rpm; eIUWCIUtaL ban Lees sippointed Avila pro JL. tem. Of tilt hallttklkCE COMP2.II) , of North Americo, "and vrW issur l'oitc ice and attend to Ulu other bustneta itlin:Age:my, at the waretiouu of Atwood, Jones w Co. split %VAL V. JONES water si _ - _ RUBBERINDIA aoops. j ug Ht;elE.Vletier Imo:amid do:Oar-era' Coats; • 4 dor-Traveling Bags; 4 " IStek ikK 4 - pairs rants; 4 " Yea do; •• 1“. Cusp Iliadic.; Reefing Jaekete; • Custoods; 1 o Roca Gras G 4 Life Press:vow; ICC yard* or 4-4 Camas° Cloth, floc y 1 dos pair Legato/Fs ; addrecea style% ' Csocaordlssleeves; '• • 2 *ara do; It Gin Covets; allot arida.' be sold cbeNr. for cash. wholesale or retail, at :le; Wood street. ," ap•D. .1 dr. II rinuArs. • • ---_-__ ~:-,~. timwsovgon CArDs. AND AXLE FACIA/11Y LAW OFFICES; • - Patent Ilodosag. A A CASKS Jas. hiusprait b. Don'a brabda,Hist land, "X`'S lag lion st ea mer Northern Ught, and tor sok by W &it gIITCHLI.TRE.L. mile; .. mo In • a liberty at • _ °MCI' OP THE HAZARD POWDER WAWA. A NY, for gob sale' of Wile, Wing and Cabalter Pow• aor of very miperDir qualm), OH cabmen ail 'applied at any hour during He dai. apl7Mn JOSEPH DILWORTH, Age, ST Haag sr 1,. 'PITTSBURGH, SAtUI6IIIOENING, JUNE 17, 1848. LITERARY. To Illausatry Merchants: 1 :":"s 1 't .1 11:•r!A :,:,%itil.Ctttry ral<r; among which Vti11111: Papery, orfine, medium and common quirs !miler Paper do do do il o o Note alnl Letter Flavetupeo; dI; Penejly, e'en, Quill% and Steel Pen% Window Paper {yard wide) plain and printed; Hontirt Baard., of different qualitiert • Ilttok to great variety; Vainily, School and (Socket Ballet; Crum,. mediate, ated "double crown wrapping paper, Eclectic Spellers and Reader.; itny's Eclectic Astattetice; • Comb's Primers, tqmllors nod Readers; Sanders' do do . . A hamlet. g, by Adams., Davis,Colbura,Smith, Stmt ton. flano mon. and other.., tiewtrapides, by Mite hedi 3 Olney, Smith; blonte,Good% Parley, and others. Cram..., by Smith, Kirkham, Bullions, Weld, arid ot Ler• Fur wale at low price in by . , JII MELLOR, t• el wood st, 5 doed onsfre eth. The highert market price paid for good muted raga, in cuts spin C=t=! li.Torrs POEMS, illustrated. Harper's n eer Medition of the Poetical works of John Milton, with a Incolcoll, James critical remarks Co his genius ad wt. tinge, by James Montgomery; end one hundred and twenty engravings from drawmgs by William Harvey. In two volumes. • Sratecatfs Gam Tiorralmarr.—The four elospols and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with hltglisl note., critical, philosophical, and exegetical; maps, indexes, etc., lOgether with the Epistles and ITOClllypiNti the whole formiag We New Tesuuseuw-k or the uso of debunk, Ogletree, altil 'Theological Seminaries. By Rev. J. A. dttetwory A. M. A Now Novstklidsummees *Eve.—A fair: tale of love. By Mrs. S. C. Holl. I Juno , Bazar IV.— . The of Henry_ the Fourth, king of PrallCO and NAVILIM By a. r. B. Jame.. Complete in four pan.,power; 2 vols. cloth. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Jong Booksellers, corner of market and 3d st• 00KS--At the Apollo iluildinria, Fourth near ß Wood. , —.lreland's Welcome to the Sirangeti The Beer, kis Coon ind People, by .1.11 Bazarsll, The Orators of France; The Lives ef the Apostles, by Bacon; • The Puritans and their Principles, b 7 E Hall; The Conatitutimurand libuiona of the Holy Apostle, with a Prize Eaeay,• • Allison's Life ofthe Duke of Marlborough, Neander's lASI of Claim, in tut historical connection and historical developerneng Harper'. arid Appleton'. publications evitenally. School Books, Paper, Stationary, tr.e. .rl7 J L READ NEW BOOKS at the Apollo Willing. Ch street.— The Military lito of John, Duke of Marlborough, with colored mans: by A Allison. • Second Vol. Chalmers , Posthumous Works—Scrip ture Readings. • The Life of/etas Christ, in its historical connection aed historical derelopeurent, by Augustus Neander. Treuslated from the 4th Gemini virtues by John Mc- Clintock nod Chas E Blumepthal , Professors io Dick /own College. Fourth Vol. Pictorial Mans y of England. NfiNV and Then, by Dr. Warren, author of Too .Thoutand &Year, sod others too numerous to mention. Call Rod see. .spl9 - J L READ. PITTIMUItaII FEMALE INSTITUT/C. T il ert. h?'iW oturttope " :WM "ri e t*;en of piosti'4"po - and will bwoontinued at the mote place on Litiony , ;iireet In conwtqUenee of scap. eitringo* plane, a few vacancies Imre occurred, anti thew 4P 6 7 , tan of_ placing their daughters under [Lair care, .s e ew do well to male an early application For term cireular, or apply to the Proricapal: • ap3 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C.a I,4IIX.VINWLY,_ . • .1..0 WM. C ['AIM/ZS DA.NENHOWEIL CO. Tulacco - culaustom IREKCILIBTB, No. 513 South WharVel. and No. Ili South Water rt. PHILADELPHIA: DEG to igfcgm the trade and dealers generally, of B Pittsburgthatite."7 ,c made such arrang,the nth with the Virgiaia matha 4.? fatiulk.M Aga the Growers of the West, SA est balm. mid usher placcs,'hsh.,..ssue a large sod constant supply of um following desarige holly of Tobacco, which wall be sold upon as accosts :resisting term, as say other house in this city or else where, and all goods ordered from them will be war• rented equal to representation: , Havana; M. Domingo; Co.; rth ) ova; Poito Rico; Pethia_.; }Seed Leaf ire etiba.; /gum; 6. blonds; ..) bases; Al— , o-41raudls's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a lime naval:snit of ether popular brands. sad q uaw,‘. 6... the sod 'ot, Aehs, 4:11 add lure Plug; LALlirea".r. , ll4 sweet sod plain towhole stud half boxes. 'roost and tin, together with ' every variety of article belong. to the trade- jeladly BAUNKT, NIZSUIT C dARILETSON. FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Ferwarding E RC HANTS, No Cei Niatyss 'Weaken, arca ID lV,v.a. is. FHILADLL,PIHA. [tam. r‘a-../oho 11. Brown &Cu •• notate coven a Co Harerott.. Beaver t Co tooth, Lagaley er. Co. Alla. a Paytua, Nei. 'iota. Walter. allarvey, HoltOnove Ilagaley k Smith. 1 • Bil h" y, dgc !Ho ,H vrl l l so a li C & va ' Kier Jones, . a jEj - Ll . .aberal meta advance, on roaaig . rune . ntl i vo r. our r. . C 1141.10 EL.. Run. worn. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., VLOIJR FACTORS. Anil (immoral Commission Illorchantse IVstss unt:, PriILADFJ.I . IIIA. lilll4:RENCFS—floury renal& Co, I.,nsb Rodgers a aberlock, tichoony A Jmumry, llsysviln. Cannes limbs., Jr., Louisville. • 'llunpursys M. Co. -} Al.,ersr ism. Jr. Co. Molars Reed t Brother, (0311 y Buulk& Commie ry, Nes - lurk. .cagonor. COCHRAN@ FORlMiltiliala said ' , Rewarding Nerehaat. • no. :u woou ri - Tll;igritall t IUNTINII,I:..S w transact a general CcudrUstßiu WA- X./ especially 114 We patchy. . wad sale of Arnett con Manu lieu, factures and eroducc, awl it receiving sad torrariding Goods runciwted to his ear, AY Aput for We tiluttalactures, Le win Le constaudy supplied rib We principal arUcles pf Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wttolesu.le pnces. Order. atut consiguntents are reepectfully tulteitkL 1103 ft. r. co3W•T. a. P. CONWAY & oki ?derchama and - 14:41 - eee Delire ' re ' l l leo " a r 7tet to we 1%1311,25001de and Yhiyruera of Pk/ Iron, Coal, &e. &amylSalley &Co. ; Dann' Um& D. Leech f.. Ca., . Clarke & Thaw., , &kat*. Atwood, Junes t Co., Leroux, Sterling t Co., waif, Lindsay a. Co., Lyon, Whott t Co., ..itotrltxlll Late of Nashville, 'fetus. l• L...121r, Loos of ausburgb, 1 LEHMER A, ANDERSON, DEALERS IN M COTTON, FORWARDING k. (X/ MISSION JILERCIIANTS, .1 b cram, bbOVZ IILAUJOAVAT A CLlClbbialo.lo. ~M aim' to Merchant. generally, in Pu , tsbuigh. GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE GiLLIC/MUS, FORWILDIM AAP I.olllslBllorl AND DEALER LN • iron, /Salle, COltolll Tartu. & Pltlabnigh Manatee, laze. generally, HI WOOD MUM, rnTaartatt, 4UUTII/11131a5 & CUllatisaiu& MBECIIINTS. 'ALEX. LEVY di BRO'S. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUD!. Cliks to sell at either establishment, all koala - of hiew aodise, at-the lowest taws of establishm ent , add ate Khakis prepared to wake advaairea. Tbr herr of 'eh es airen if required. latter. addreured io either house, will be preoujoly attended to. /9 3 . 11 1 1105005 LOVZ. C. V. 2114 160. L IL nowt-rod. LOVE,LMARTIN & Produce and Continission Merchants, • kluploals Error, esetrazge 11acc, Behomoa. Ker. to-Dlfienhort, Sanders & Co , J ohn K. Handel, Hugh Jeakiar., BoPhnore,• M. Allen & Co, SCllefl A No cols, flantovn. truilh & Shseklett & NVhne, Vstth burgh; A .1 Wheeler, TO Shau,ghheeeey & Co. Cineih luau. Ina:101x_ .rslass Tuoidsos, W. H. TBOXIPBON & CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MRCHANTS. Ana alaislißietnrere of Linseed 1311, =Z=Z I ,I _ CINCINNATI, 0:110. JJ:J . C.Ia pawl fot Flaseccd...4l wat. 11. • V 01f411• rding Ale re b Mat, Isrow. ita•v1111•, Pa. Acanthi tnicudourly u. etc Forwarding of Ynoduce, .Fortiny infonnntion, apply to FoaBrfli & CAN, VVNIFr et. oetito MVO & COMMIbSIONWater MERCAANTS:. Mo. 411 t V . I. dams, Ato. Will give prticulur attention to the salon; of Prot doer, sad to orders for purenseiug. fLieras tro—lieurge to Co., Pittsburgh, Pu. sugll weans s stars., • rdiliS 1.0000.5 • Law cosy to atm pu id. • 511UPAILDI DUNCAN, • AUCTION is COLIIINSION 3181WHANTS, (at am old Irrdri.: or .Stay r-ber.rd,) to ILL hiye :wino ion ',lulu wu.o Int V of Pr) Baia, oloceriun, 1.1 . 0i.111111ce gen erally. hey fcel prcpureu 43 mired in toe thipmn meow of their butane,. etheicoily eon - Pleating In he peel. fur their own .eouiallowirnony. fever to fll. Alice, n; Co; J . Huller lc tiorsh. dee:undo/ ISAAC'CRUSE GENERAL CODIDILISNION mmrtcneNT, FOIL THE SA LE OF NU/DUCE& Nos la) sold 101 11 seta' , Mb. Itrivs.vasis—alcrchants of I . ..tugls. Wtsrelsop,, y_ll-.lt. Crimple Et , insr!Saltlar PIOTICK TO 811/1.1 , 1411.0. lALT E have tarn an orrice immediately oKOOSIIC if our burnt warehouse, for the present, where wt. blatadef as mull wan u new house be erected, arrantenients havutg already been , music Vor purpose. kasatawill always tit rendltiessal eon avatars° receive Might. . C WANULTV tr. CO, canal Main. tilarrO et EMEEMI (Succomion to iiLllll, BYO & C.ll IMIEKAL COMllabium altECtiAllll3, particular &mutton pstd to the sale of Wool, sod liner " Kt advance+ rustle tut uouniwncull._ _ mrl6:d&wly Wyoming aeeonr goodwill; terms. For parucolsts soquare of 8 it AV i • A 3 Waist and Front sts SEM C4PARTNERSIIIPS. CO.PARTNICRIIIIIP. L with th e m GAN ''.: T ' u .:4 th N e *Hlif.nlbtlletorne Ibis l ey , P h ilip ' V - mid Edward Gregg. The style of firm will h M ailer be Logan, Wile. A. Co. 'Etas arrangeinent en ders it desirable to clime die old Winne.. soo as possible. All persons whose liabilities have maw eil,. are especially requested to mute immediate payment. riusbur4h, J. ',TAU. .• . . LOGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and Wholesale Dealers mFoccian and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, he., 150, Wood street, Fills burgh4are now fully prepared with a recently irripor led 'stock of Hardware, Cutlery, tre.,lo offer very rem' inducements to western buyers, tieing determined t o compete in prices with auy of the Atlantic cities. so o n on bond an extrusive assortmentof Pittsburgh Had- Shovels, F vir Shovels, Sinides, Forte, Hoc., Vices, &e., all or which will be wild at the lowest manufacturer's prices. jowl lii.E3j rV4,1:4:e711i0 • • • ..•. THE subset. ben having recently entered into R partner•lhp under e name of 'Gal ember, loos, at Miller, bombe omit°. of carrying on ilia Hell and grass Founding and Gm Fitting business in all its branch., have taken the Maud formerly men pied by 11. Gallagher, No, US From street, between NVood and Smithfield sta.', where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Hells, Bram Casung., of every description, and Ga. Fittings with usable. and des patch. Sienotbmit jobbing promptly *headed to. H. GALLAGHER, 1 , S. A. LONG, . I'. 11. AIILLI:ft. N. R—The anention'of Mullin's° and Engincen ix Invited to our and-attraction metal, for a reduced price, which has been pronounced superior so Rabbit's by numbimarho have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are al °requested to call and ex amine our superior double batten Force Pumps for Mean:Moat and domestic toe. . . . o ... ),LL;t6iiit, LONG, it bIILLEIL • • oo the Inlnst. The business will be cowed al the old Hand by either ofus i using the name of-lit. Goa for that purpose. Being desirous to hove our business o sed with tat little deity as possible we would re. rootfully request those indebted to call and settle otett terrnints. JOHN Id M . CORD. Sad P KING' CO4Pwrgatership. TORN ri..ACCORD having as with him has brotherJanies &Mord, under the style Of ACCord & Co., will continue the Hat, Cap and rer business In all as various branches, wholesale and retail, el the old stand, corner of Wood end Sib streets, where they solicit a tontimiation or the patronage so liberally be stowed. me old firm. JOHN D 11• CORD JAMES 8. ACCORD N retiring from the old and well known firm of 3.l`Cont l King, I molt respeedlly recommend to psUonago of the putope off titeeetoOnl., !Petard k Co. IWO , t 7 IL IX NINO. er iSTarlitan• 'ship MIMI. - F,‘ W. STEPLIENS of Wheeling, 11F. fibcenberger .C.c. of Juniata, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, hate tins day entered intoe co-partnership under style and firm of Stefheint, Ahoentorger k Co., at the Anchor iron worts, Wheeling, VIL., ior the purpose of manu facturing iron and nails of e only description. w. nwriuma, ir. otortsun at. 0. 4.IIOCIITOa. 111110ENNIZI/OEIL i CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. IL keelmg, Va. Illamtfacture all kind °flail., sheet, bar iron and nada, A. H. awe! aprina and axles. Being cn nected with Shoenborrea old /sada= winks, we can cif. an arucle of Juniata iron (branded nboeuberger) eclat! 50r °lade 01 We °Quail. MI or 100.1 win be sold at die rinsbnigh' Aigeboup °f be orka cower of Anima awl %Vat, as._ niy.ll., DISSOLUTION. TEW Copartnersh p of the salmi:item, tailor the ftrm of Leers Itistehmon te., ie this day dle.ollied by mutual cones„ t. Either of us atl amen./ to the mt. tleuteut of the firm, Auld use to name for that parke.e. LEW'S irroip•oN, • jartl 111./TeltluO.N. CO•PAIITNEIISIIIP b . . . quie xed oderugnare Mi + day formed a co-parmer j nutter um tam of Jam. A. finial.. & (or the purpose of continuing the bumiese heretofore earned on by Levi. lbatebimii & and :witch a fraMlll.4l,o 0;49 22.11n211,. bithetto extended to the .hocite. " 4. tf LEWIS It ntrirmam Pin bons*, DISSOLOTION—IIut Niro...nig hitherto chi:Nl tog under the myle and web of lb .lionau this day diasokod by mutual consent, /oho Dal tell haring chaposed of his enure 'noire. to It roam The bovineas of ihe tole !inn trill ha tali"! by 11. Wiehnuan. who to matron:oil to uto the name of the late broi for that purpote. /I Wit:WM.Ol Lqy I 3,i ,• - - - T 1114; hatnenbe: n lanai prt gated to ottnghtniure land. of cotton and IYonleu hlActuttet). at the oldness notice. ()Mery Rit al R %trig:Luna/I'g Rug n. Shop, car. 1,,,,b,rty- end Water nr,,11,14 ttl wr fl With Iks 01141 Wleolien 11. WIGIfINAN, Lroroi at, beivrra. Vederal dud Sanduaky ata , sogndly Aliegbroy city. VISSOUVION—TIic pans...hip emoting Mtn een JJ the subserthers, under the style of Poindexter a.. Co ewes dissolved on the lit inst. by sceeml consent. C,•1". Poindexter aneionted to settle all th e business nettle gagger... It t'oIAbEI'rER. .H. CHANT NOTlCE—Hartug purchased the entice interest of C. IL Grant, In the late coatem of Poindexter a Co., and uuetatalmy am Theodora Poindexter, welt see. the, Milanese eiltt be continued as usual unites the style of Poindexter /if. W POINDEVUL THE USHERSIGNEL?, iloMg Mounts tad. ton name of Vaisya a Num:Aiwa, at Men Foundry on. turd street, hoer this day, by mutual consent. Moo/- red , their en-partnership. All Mosel kJ . ..drag motors indebted to the Etna are resfeested to cell at there warehouse on Lileirty onset, opposer bead of Wood, mot •etteti, and off having claims aesmist bent will preaacral them at the same place for set:eruct, PHIS Airmuits, JOHN NICIIOI.N. Apia . J. 1011 N FARREN & SAAiI.;III. har t, tog aisociateil thentrelres together under the firm ot Jobe Farren &Co toi the purpoie of continuing the Iniainesa tit thr ilimireu'a Live,. will coming° to Itemise, a general forwaiding and comm....ion bum• aeia aithe old atand at the Canal klasin, I.tberty .Mlll. JOHN Emil IirSAW!. AvicaiTatAN _ . VUTICF—Jalues M. Lthrehfield Luso unerest tithe 11 Dry Gaud, Irdsiners conducted In the name of the underetgoed., corner of i , outth and Marked rt., Prue. burgh, coubarenctrur Feb. 4, tote. The burincis or the prevent writ tre,condueted under the former strle of mart. (V It M R 1.111" eIOoPAIITSILIIIIHIP—Waa You boo 4 Out day iwaxiated with Litp, John 11. arCaiwi her lowinew will acoailet co - miaowd utidai die Eno or Wat. Yozraii k Co WILLIA3I YOUNG. awl /NO. R. firCUNT: MEDICAL. Jaynes , Lope at. . Saute, Columbiana c0.,0.. Apr. '4, WU. ThR. D. JAYNES: DEAR SIC—) feel hound to you 11 and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op portunity of giving publicity to the extratioltnary effects' of your Fxpectoratit on myself. Having been afflicted for several years With a severe congn, hectic foot and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger mit a short but miserable existence, until the fall of IC9, when, being 'More thyerely Mucked, and having resorted to all my former remedlesthathe Pm seriptions of two of the 12104 respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the wee consolation of surviving' bin few days orweeks 'st farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish. I had recommended to me your Expectorant— andiblessed by that tieing who does all things in the usa of the means—and contrary to the expeetafions of my physicians andilieuds, I was in a few days raised from toy bed, and was enabled by the use of &bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since better hennit than I had for tenears previous. Respectfully yam-yam,. Ist W. Form , For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pettit 'tea Store, Fourth street nutria kt. A. LreasEsuserrocs, } "A. B. Dem, N.Y . City. D. ornion Pittsburgh. M. W. Fsnamniq Wholesale prpg Stay, In tbp ClO7 or New Itorito undersigned are . extensively engaged the holcsale Drug business at No. id John street, in the city New 1 ork, and arc prepared to supply Druggists mid country Merchants with Drug., Paints, Dyemintrs, Pore on and, American Peittleleen hlander, Wooer & blander's Chemicals, Millie, own Importation) and all other articles in them line in busi ness, of • superior quality as low as th ey can be paw chased Ili this or soy eastern city. New York, Febl6 U. A. FAIINESTOCK& Co. C=== IV PAINTERS,BLIND MAKERN, ke—We, the undergo/lied, Painter. and Blind3lairere, of the city of New Yore, have used end tested, cod Sr. now a' new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by 1.0. K. Marcher, Minis city, and hod it to work crell,pria Greed during • fine 'brilliant Paris appearance, with • eery superior body, and recommend it to our brethren. in the truck igs in every particular the bast Chrome Green we have ever used. New Yuri, Jute t, '17.. Signed by 2i fittriaof practical painters of the city of New York. 'lieu uncylialied Chroion Wren maybe had of FL E. BkILLFRri, 110 dy W.i o d km the exclusive agency to t Bo sale In Pittsburgh. maxl3 A Fins Set of Teeth for 46:Coial.i. y111:11.1 TX/UN, IFULtI, IlkALTIff GU/U.S.—Yellow and unhealthy teedionlor ba log once of twice cleaned with Jones. Anther tooth Fmte, have the appearance of the moat beautiful ivory, /lid at the IMMO tune 11 to 00 perfectly 3111100 CM nod ex quisitely fine, that its constant daily ate 31 highly ad vontageoua, even to those teeth that are o good , eon dition, ng them a beautiful polish, sold preventug a premature decay. 'no. Myeady decayed it prevents tront becoluing-womw—it also fastens ruch as are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white. and make the laved, de -1,,,,,,"ty octet . s o ul by Whi. JACKSuN,Laberty street; toot U. VER3111,1131:7E. A YEW crooks since, one of my childreo.niled scout lajorayeara, ems unwell for several dark and the Mimes increased so alarmingly thot • I tented death wouldlo the result. Hosing beatd of the good efforts of Fulinertock's Verualfuge when adruluistered to rho hildren of my neighbors, and thinking lug child nimbi liaseiworros, from some oldie symptoms, I gave It one and is half teaspoonfuls - of the Vermifage, and to my - grant awiluishment It in Wruncrliately discharged r,pi rsoe p ,z,O unit :CO lege worms. Its tunith was soon retuned, and sr IS now remarkably well. Proviaui raking the Veronfuge. the worm. would occasionally rise ht to throat, awl I often feared it would die from strungrilation JAS. U. DAWSON. ryi r icsra, Venwrgo no, Vs., April a, Vtl. apl3 Popular, because Good! SELLER-a' PAhIIEY MEDICINES... O 'j Ciao , drama, Jedirsou Co, Pa„lllarch I, ISIS,: yy "I\ tf It E SELLERS—I hare nearly sold all the Ver. mifuge and Cough Drupyou maw.: ••Your Ver outage is without exeeptioutho beet aWU Offered toshis nsighburhool, hawing proreibgdod wherever. used. = Ito °Agit Syrup said Liver Ptilit have alto gireu sat isfaction 'how oh'. sari. ;4 =TIT, Ponmastor, Prepared and sold by R E BELLERS,S7 Wood 14 Wby Dr Cute!, Cab WardfD, Carry, Allegheny; it W Nuith Tempettutoorille„d . otara s poi& INVALIDS AND gNPAPIFS.Winutar ,r row ROOl Rust Powder, a delicious and highly nutritious food, which lieu.. tures suld'oollts stomach, nd Daum unbrenially-tocoinmanded by.the faculty ht arch:roost to' Drool, Sego, Tatoilcia , or plitinqUeow Root, as ballet stated to the debit - tuned Stomach of In. raid, s and a more streophinlog and' er bolero= foal for Laud. 'Fin by Eiuur-Fas, • • . MISI ININEM DART HOTELS• • . • - LIGHTUN TN'HOT STREET BALTIMORE /WO ..11 ILTIVZSTO3, I.6OPBJETO. ilTills ettablishment long and widely known as beinpone of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very erten- Wye alterations and improvements. An enure new wing . has beta added; containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments; and externuve bathing room. The Ladie s department has also been' compl s etely reorganised and hued tip in a most unique and Wean fid style. In fart the whole arrangement oldie House hoe been remodeledp with a eine° eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will chalteoge.comparison with any Hotel in the Union. ' Their table will always be supplied. with every sub- ' stainnl and Wintry which the market etfordeownad up iota ruperiorstyle; while ago., way of Wines, doe, . they ryrill notbeaurpassed. Ito °omit:sloe the proprietor. Leg to say, that nothing will Melt undone on thew promoted on thepton of thor L it mow, to tender this Hotel worthy the continued pat:wage of their friends and the public generally. The pricer for board have also been reduced to the following rater: 8L75 per day. f u othLi . ' Zi . nap-, LSO N. tk—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al. ways he found at the c. 4" end Stea nt mboat Landings, winch will convey ban to and from the Hotel, free of charge.' maytaf PEARL STREET HOUSE euanuTZ. 01110 . . THE subscribers hurling purchased the entire interest of Col. a. P. Williannon, late of dais well known establishment, beg leave to state to their; friends and the publicerally, that they !ave taken th is commodious lintel f or storm of, years, and will exert their best energies to make BA desirable home for Travellers end City Bonnier. The lintel is spacious end admirably 'planned for convenience, light and nit, havinin number of parlors adjoining chambers, presenting unusual affections to families. .. . The prerieut preprietors , having hod the!,experierfee of years in this cup and elsewhere, hope ihey:will he able In give general igtisfacuan i being determined to give undivided attention bathe bourn alone. . The loeation or the PeallStreet 111011N4 is threaten:maw lycligib e, baring fronts MI Pearl, Welton and Third ornate, en that it is equally desirable in view of the cenedgence of budness men, or rettremera forprivate Imerars. It is near by the Bank., the Poet °Mee, the Masonic Hall, Odd Fellow , . Hall, and bet one Nunn, dloati from Mein itreet and two equates fromibe City -Wharf, thus °tiering the greeter% induconenur, erpeer aby to country dierebants and genera to ell person. toiling Chicano/di . ;OIL .NOBLY'" • .rnseitil • AYH A. OPOLE. .... _ ' 11.2011ANCIE HOTEL, ,I mane or teen a. rt. meth ere, errrseneen, ex. The subscriber having assumed the manager meet of this long errablurned and popular a Hotel, respectfully , mmounc. to Travellers nd the Public generally, drat he will - hero all times prepared et at...module them in all things desirable in aired E:OOated lintel. The Ileum is now bedig thoroughly Pl 4 tbßiletenr, en( stew Furnlture added, and no urn? be spared to make the Exchange one of the Tear best Hotel. to, the cottony.. ,I'llie undersitned respectfully solicit, a continence the very lib eel patronage the house has heretofore celved. THOMAS OWSTON, Grldidif • Propreme 6 ZOViallFiroTlC4i. e ad inn, ensure nut; rineetiritime. . TILE eubre ri bers, under th.; Gem of Bridges & Welt, have purchased Mr. /oder' Interest in this ,establishmeut, and hope by the strictest anent:WM en the' PM. ilnd comfort of their gover n to owtit a con. kineance of the Cleve% parsonage heretofore received 2y' ts former proprietor. I Th. hO4. has beer Morouchly reorient," unit ci: tairedi we therenire feel wiinned we .toe wel ' eurre oar .itrcodi unit die pi. Lac to acernmucklatione eqUal to any la .Lif ,C:1.1 of Philadelphia. ie W. Intl Dr %ES, ilydrn EiO. WEST. GALT HOUSE, C0V1.3 suss annostaPS rte. Mariorrarr. 7 . 111 a establishment Is now in the brat order for aH the reception of the Traveling Pablle. Meted undergone a thorough ,repair during the past ;winter, and having the wort espersenced loco in the west in the serious deparunenta Tauter myself that all will be pleased who call. The locatoen is central, coot ...lambent and pleuant. Faro ft per day. • Courbont, March a N lA—Although not exactly a new Broom, it in don same—a new IVlonsp on the told budle. apntf tocurettai. se. /.111Sninot3;siOtt.TON br.x to arqueht I. ,hat he i. irpgla false* of the ti.U.S 110US4', Lontsaille, VI, where honopes to meet all his DM friends, assortog theta and the pall, that no effort shall he spared to make op coinfonahlo atho !avor hint with thou Latronnee. UNIFYED •11711:1FAN F01M111.16,1, MOTH rill , rhiTozLITE late flank of the ruitedYtatex,Pl u la. tl Jelehia. 01 POPE METCHELI.,• tan n% • Proprietor BOOK TRADE, IM=M! 11013AILT . S. ANALOGY—llobartm An aid's. of Ihshop Butler's Anakv , of 'teller.u. Na-. form! and Ilemealed,sto the consotutson and r•ourse of manna., with mates. Also, Cranford's Q 110511005 tor Cr. sauttation,:resised and adapted to die use of schools, ho Cbsrlei E West, Prinedfral of Rower's Institute, to the coy of New York. . . ANTHON'it DE SENFAITLITE. DE AMCI7IAS, B.6.—Ther de tieuectute, de MOICIUaI, Pantdokh i and hammy= Ssiptaus of tamer*, and the Life of Attie.. by•Coterti. Nepoi, with Lmilikht Nctss, Orm . nul and ka Outlawry, by Uharlee A 114,04. L. 'P/1C Br.reW SPHINU ituol4, - -Drisnpum., ql the Seasons,ticenery, Rata. Life, add Country Amuse , meat., by 'Phnom Slider. with 36 illmtrations A N01R.3.. BY SiA RRVATT—Tne Children of me New Potash by Capt. Alawysd. R. N. SIR XIIDODORE DROUtiIITON, or Laurel Water, by IL P. Et James. The above work. received Mitt day. mid for sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, mylS 800 l roe market and ad its Neyr Pep.e mud nook Establishmerii r Mnu Sr., arrIVLIN Foram nu Oiauoru ALLa. 'pill& subscribers hare mat opened. at the ribose rinod, a large stork of ditierrmi not !Hie, ;uled qud pta:nv.kita atdbloe IYritinsr kaki linter Paper, 'com mercial andpacttet inst Flat Cap, demy said medium veriiing paper, for blank books; medium and royal co lored Printing Pape's, medium, denly and cap Day' lk,oks and Irlgers, superior paper and best Laatern binding; School Boohoo( all kinds: atandard works {II Theology and 'Science., Quills, gold and noel Pena, Wafers, Was, Bill hies, &c. kc. Blank honk. of all aims ruled to pattern, and bound in the most substantial manner. Country Merchants supplied atlowest wholesale pri ce for rash, or rags at morn prices. ' J OH PRlNTlNts.—paring a dub office ineourneurm wish our establishinanOse are prepared to execute all orders fur plain and fancy Urn/nag—boob,. pamphlets, circulars, baldness cards, hills at - lading, /sc. with dee. pateh and at luw peke is FA:LIMIT aryl st,t.tryceu Ilk arid diamond alley_. AT OUR STORE on Maskrnstresn, No 111. between 3d and Ch. may at all times be found . . large Mock of Theological and Miscellaneous Hooks. New boots received an Smelt as published, and .old at low. est price. The publicalsons of dos Amerman Sunday trehorel Union and Mauschusetts Sabbath School So ciety, always on band. Catabarner (unwired on .p. plication. ELLIHIT h ENGLISH, rayn 36 market at, between 3d and 4th N EL . IIIX/ no tS;Lec o ‘ = .l, on Shakspiaz,, by 11 N The Pourer of the Pulpit, or plain tlumghts addreesed. to Christian ministers, and dines the hear theme, on Me influence an preached Gospel, by the Rev. Gardiner Spritip, D. A • ^' The Pensuttitnd his toteellord, by the Bow:Ivo Koortiog. Translated 'by Mary Iluvritt. Lute/tine's throodlets,.Vol.lll. !Ilium of the 0. toodist, or personal merman. of the patriots of Me French Ravolutioni from unpublished. sources—by A. de Le- A (ow copies of each of the above warts received this day and for sale by . JOINiSTON ik STOCKTON, Bookseller., myBD comer market and 3d sts F..-4' acte 6 r -i tt garri l e r iltrM EA rs, R tia S l' li oc i tas, ”n 4anzi Ch ets, '". &e., by 11 N Hudeort. The Dower of the Pulpit, or thought...dressed to' Christi. minister. and those who hear them, by Gard. net Slitting, D. 1), The American Pismire Condensed, or the Frostily Physician, briny the scientific system of medicine on venemble yrinetples, for all elm., by W Beach,' U. D. For ealo'bf 'ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 66 market .t, bet. 341 and etkand IS &Insist, bet. 111 and diamond alley. •mytfrl . • •• • dSTORAH--Rolertsoubt Rollin, Gibbon's, Rua elra, Mod. Europe, .Peru, ere.; tucheles France Arnold'. Rome, Harper's Pictoria l England; Nit hake Rome; liallam's Constitutional Histo ry of England; Arnold!. Later Ram. Commonwealth; c,chnut's Rome; Burnet'. Historyof has own timea, with notes; Hallam...Diddla Age Mill's Crusades and Chiv- Balry; Drowning's History of the , Muguanatat 'Merry's Wot s; Neal'. History of the Pa..INT.,. French Rev; Manual of duet add Mod. 111.19- ry; Introducuon to the Ilisuiry of the Church, by Jarvis; Kightley's Room and England; Ranker. Pope.. Th e above, with m.y other valuable work., for *ale by moil J I. READ XTEAV BOOKS—Life of Cromwell. by J T liendley 11 Power of the Pultth, by Gardiner Aprtu k ;,l). D. Itethel ring, do do , Jacob. ou GospeW,llitutbew wi th ilartuuny; ',Armies on hhultimare, I vast Path of,.he, or tiketehe• of the Way to Glory And Immortaloyi • • Fooisteps of hliwthth o • The Convent; by within. of School Girl in Franco; Now owl Thep, by Watreni blieiches oiLeirtoith, on Parables And Miracles; litlAndY Welcome to the Strmgeti • flew en opuit haruli linveltsona, • tale ot;snd for Englatul: 2 *4.. Foe sale by • ELLIOXT b tiNGL.I:OI, i! 10 78 wood lad 52 ar, RUM Ott 'MEW ItOOKS—Just . reeeired at Rio Apollo Build 11 into, 4th client, and for sale by J. L. READ: Rn mance of the honey of Louisiana; eeries of Lectures by C.Cinyane. A discourse addle life, charaetei and public servi ces of Jarnes Ken!, late Chancellor of the State of Ne • l'ork; delivered before the judiciary and bar of the city and state of New York, by John inter. History of England, front the invasion of.Julias Cs surto the retcn of Victoria; by Illritllarkheni; a new edition, revised and enlarged, vrith lineations; by Flit Robbins AVG NEtV 1304)14S—Juat reehived from Iha pubbeher, and for nale at nue Mattiodun• Book Store L 4th At, neefeWood. 'Puppets I 4uvetbial Philoeoplay, to dove etylee of landing, a beatuilul hook fora present. Preparation for the l'utp.l ' kelehel of 1 4 41rnon. 011 !be 'Parables and Mirrielee of Chinn, by thel author en the Pulpit Cycloptobo—Gtel skelobee, Atc. 'rho Enalith Pulpit; collection of ler• mots by Ike moat eminouf liV big divpKaof England. eat thou toe Z fiacred Vola—Do gin (loud, i$11411(111 Love,ntyll Loy; • VILECIRICAL MACRIE E$ Mid Illustraut e Appa ll rate*, far academies, heltimle and families- Elwro Medical Apparitiov and Electra Magnetic Machine., far phy victims and invalids. Roach. Theratommers • Refined and prepared della Pei eha; Clicomeabh Pet ri:motive', rhea j au for'opticiana, for solo by lILAKEA Cu, N NV cornet ratotleetelmet aud the diamond, entrant myplf - VW WORK IN 11EILDLEV—Ilic Life of Olive CoeMrovell, by J T Headley, amber of pod ee.. and Marshals," "The [leered blimafaina," ingtan sad his Geneilli." me. Me. i Received this dal Lad Lennie by JOIENSTON A NWCKTUN, cot market and 3d ate JOHNEITO Driiinicl:TON, hive. Jeri received Ii 4 . Erlidbuid Review, No. IN, April, Ede, ourd wood'sEdiobarg Dtolgulnp*Jkliy. , pay3o • GAM TE. MISCELLANEOUS. Marc Lirminteri. err C 1.1111 114U.PPENCOIFT //5, BAUD., (Late J Siljekler2c Cod INTANUFACTUREBS tir nazis fire prod.' safes, W side, second direct. between wood and Southfield Piltafinfgh. .1 S Strickler haring deceased and We surviving partner Mr. Jos Lippeneott, haying east/elated himself with Mi. Writ C Barr, the business will herealler be eciodueted:under the style of Lippert.. tank Harr. • . Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one of J S Strickler & Co's improved Phoenix fire-proof safes. The tale was placed in fornore the public anic and inabjected to the inte n se) eat of a stone cool fire for more than three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to •is bright red heotirthe door of the furnace '.as thee closed, which caused an InCreued and steady heat for the balance of the tune, until the east iron wheels were partially molted off; the furnace was then thrown down and the safircooled and opened. The money, papers an&books which it contained were as perfect as when. placed there, the binding only of the books being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesiiinion in recommending it to the public a. a safe inverter to any we have ever seen tested: and believe : that it will stand any heat which might Li produced, seepl a heat which would Melt it to a solid mass. Sr"rrtVhir Kellog g Klujetien Une, a,. boyva e:Co, Wa Manse, stor. We, the andemig-ned, selected. the safe spoken of aßove, from a lot In the store.: of MINT& Anhery, the Agents C O SPRINGER, Si Ki 2.1.00. - Refer to Cook Harris, filithkers, Pittsburgh; Healey Hanna &Co, do do frofidk.wlyS. rtNcorr. 'nits a. *lOO. a. solos& LiPPENficitT A. co. IitrAM7FACTURERB of Hammered and Cast Steel .44.1. Shovels and Spades, Ages and Hatchets, brill, 14 Cut, Circelay. line Gin eaws,llay and Manure Fontes, Hoes, elatiocks, Sinks, Sc., eaviug ewe/Sated hn 6 °ir arrangenieuM in the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best mailmen from the most cele brated establiehments dem Nast are now manufactur ing and wilt keep constantly en hand and for. .ate all the abovarticles, having alteiled themselves of the West Improvements, and are determined that in work. reaushlp and material they will not be excelled. They penance to produce artie , es Arnal, it rot emporia', to any that min be had in the Lai.. 'limy MGM the atter/- lion of dealeri bei t ataminition.of their .tack before purrhasing elsewhere, as they; are convinced that they wilt be able to , ell all onlere in their line to the entire satisfaction of fiurch.ere. 4Varehouse, Water Greet,. 4 dome West Manongaliela Hunan , Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 10.--Persona having buibmss with Wes Lippe. Toe Is Son wit pleue.call on Lippe/Gott fr, Co. omedly .IAIISA ii.IiTOODWELL. Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Houma, ...15, Tin. ell.r. il /LIF A large •ud rplendid assertdkaut of Fund ' lure, ... Sto le for krobords, Hotels .d pri vat. Awellingx, meatantly . head end made to order. The pretext stock on hand 4.lusot be exceeded by w u manufactory 111 the spin country. , Penn. abing to purchase would do'well to glee me a call, as I see determined my pncer:attall please. Part of the stock mutual, in— &I Was with Plush and dair•eloth ecntem 14 dos klahugany Nurse Cbaind pnir Dwane; 12 dos fine mahogany Chars; 12 mahogany Work Stands • 3 doi Mahogany froehinglatairs; 13 marble top Dressing 13urestur, o pair Ottontattz; • 6 maeLle tap ‘,.L.Mf ruanaki lo corny Work Stands; d 31ah'i*Iny, fitoply, Cherry, Ant Poplar Bodsteada of all de enpumm, anda large .4ortmeut of corm furniture anikehairs, too ntutterona to mention. mortal LADIES_ ARE CA 1./TIONDIDIADAINST USING PILEPAILEDCLIALK. fibl'i Ore not aware bow frighlfullyifii..lll IS I. to T the sktn—how coarie, how rough, how sallow, yet low and unben nty the r. 112 appears after acing Nepa l, pared chalk! Decd. tt itithriogr,countisung a large quantity ovaad; We Laprepared a hetionfuf vegetable cattalo, which we end JONES' SD:Oil:Mt LILY WIIITE. It is perfeetly innocent, bri,,y StISIZII4 of all deleterioos qualities; and at Imparts - 10 the akin.* natural, healthy, alabaster, clear. Itritie White; at die rune tame troop 11l a cost., on the Cali: thalitnee soli and smooth. Dr. dames abderhou. Prantlcal';'jbllthtli PC : Mass. thaw.. says: - After anat . :lag gagesgpanish Lily Whine, I hod at yotaes.e's thc'tnoslheacalfal and Emu. rar, told' at the saxes now ninorontgrrhite I ever saw. I certainly elm chowienttously reengtuterul Its use to all whore skin requires beautifying. ? . A 'rice, :11 roma • bor. Sold by %VAL JACKS(A. eff..theny at. IstarZ) Pitt Plachlate Works mild Feareidgy. . ruepaustuit. ri S TOIIN WRIGHT & Cu., arc preffired to build Cotton 0 and {%'oolen Mac-blurry of clic, iicseoplion, Such as Cserdinc hinclunen `dpiniting . 4"ratacs, .apeeders, Drawing Frames. Railway lieadscAVarpera, So Irv, Drente.: Fra...,er, I..clorp,e3ard Grip:dere:frt. 14 , rought IrLn Nhiirlag hoard; ad sac. of Cart Iron, Pulliea and Haag,. ordhe latest . patterns, alidn nod hand Lathen, nod tools of all kinds. Caatitids d,'-every description turtushed on short nonce. PalttillYNMill7f to order for Mill .Getirtue. Iron !Inning, rec. Ntain Pipe fur heat. nu,- Earionel. Coy - Iron 44 indow riat'cli and fancy Car timra generelly.• Order. lull at 13 . e Wareham. of J. Pallor, & Co., Idherly street, wilElirre prompt LlOll. :'t' - Refer to Illarkolock, Bell & C0..cl K.•hroorehead & Co., G. E. Warner. John Iron. & Eclrus, Patrhargh; G. C. Or J II Warner. Smabeuville. Y jairt9 j :134144TE5.5.NE 74 , 0, 5 0 1 11,_ 1 15k. A ailitt.\ ' ' ' d i . n Ctt " a•in W g fo r gutl . e . d ' ed ~.., Lair new Iconic, at LIIM p . ra to 111•11u4e. lure every deernyrison ef Conch and Ecliptic Eiprings, Iron Ailee American.. inkier,. Ellgiug and 'Plough Steel. and till user of small, apdarji and round Iron, which they offer fur .ale on liberal aims,. at their ware house, .No 43 Wood *tract; where hhey also keep on hand a eampletn and handsome tiriflinment of Coach Trimming*. Carnage Ilardwarur N• 1444 4. , A CdAirtg 4 r Vail* nd.lto. , C., li. dr Co., have made arrartgalienta with Manic Day &Cron, inannaeturers of Shdr r lels, rlparles, Fork; it, And arid keep eoutlandy oliAnnd even Article P,em ee ry to all, at pryer art , / I<ilto Ain be darda liberal. JOS Nap. IlairdvhViiikotano. JOSEPH WOOLIWEIL ; comer of }food and thl Pitubergh. ing wlthdravoth, from the fine of N% miter am ou the Iwlrtf January:MO; I tale plemere Mitiouneing to n'4 ht friends In the lily mi denuntry shad hare opened fey new store at Me above IlliMcd place. Having p utt haud my goody for tbit cash, and made arrangement. wbh m y in curatry and to Europe to be ili l olistantly supplied, I ion fully prepared to tursii•• flOrd ware of all kinds, no as good tem. and as low 04Jurry bon. Fist or West. Merchants and others arliertspectfully Invited to call and examine my meek, he "re Bing else where. The followreg, comprise' , part of his stock: Steambolit and haeltilire, gee trimmulfv , tiles, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edgivluml., anvils, vices, locks, tattlers, scythes, but hingekiews, Union rec tory plum, mars, mahogany Li • and veueers, and .11 other eruct. co acted. witfilthe hnsi . mehlltf City Daguerrisiirociatfiery: „ ip. glazer, ?O. 11.7P14 BUIt MO. begs leave to mord...lM memo col Puts lil• burgh and th at bah}, taken the Ihigner. mart Rooms lately occupied by I. Po rt er. the d areds that 1111 the late i _rovements are secu red, and il , broaght into opegation by Mr. Hoge, Who has been • coomautopetrtor since the en was fast discovered. Sati•I140111 as gumartleed fo all who may become his patrol his. will, refe r with plehiure to Mr. Porter, it ooelitablialtment he has operated to the list twelve nths. Family 'Pot . - , traits; tegraving Dagueneotpies, accumlidy copied. Likeneme. taken in an Amalfi., and tut in lockets, brtitat pins, cases and fefines. Instructions given tu every brallth of the an, and ap pamtvi furnished. telixf (.1 C R ain A irt, N f rom p B° Eu X- ro —j e ' t •plendid and choice collection aCGooseturry Tone., the largeat nod most excellent parr,. Yuan liourtun Mom noun mid Dwarf Moss Plitlience Roses, together lirth one handrail yards of llosihr bordering; for sale at ROBINSON'S, Firth MR., tram Wood, . where tray he found the henduelest and 4;4 eollechen erCane. ry Brads and Brad Cages to the ;pity, with Canary and' IlembSsed,bythepoib.idortVel. MO DRY GOODS MERCIIRVPS—A A Mason tc Co, GO Market so, hart , Anjtv.lU eases of cheap pruned Lawns and Muslin., of French do, of very variety of style, 10 cail.J. of good style Gin hems, 4 do new style Prints, elle; blue and orange 30 do bleacned Aluslins4.ll widths. Also, eases brown and blue Ur4o, Collonadet, Cheeks, Gingham, de. hr., all of orladthwill be/offered at the lowest 'Eisler° wholesale - my ter ektr . "l --- 1 211i - tailikr shop. WlGllTAlAN—hlnitufAlgurer or al kinds of co. .U. a ton And woollen msehiqy. Allegheny city, Pa abate works hem: now Inn sod sueceeslul P ertnion, I no moored to nocts e orders with dispatch for all kinds or machinery 111 any hoc, such as willows, pickers, spreader, eanls,krinerhtg machines, railways, drawing ironis, speeders, teise,sti, loows, woolen nartL,doln- , :n WinSlr lor 4011w/tor country work, untles,racks,A.c.,3l3lo nod hap latlie3und tools in ven. er!. All Golds of swotting mete to onk,r, of r a tlit keenly; luctutic• or noVo ar pensontone etraepe. to—hvoned), C1ii14,4. Co, litnekstoek. bell A. Co., King, Pennock tr. Co . Gray. O.Ylusmud 11.11 li?re.isas aatipooto. LILAC:II , 3ON a. FOUNTAIN.2lsovoistl end . .. 584,12.0 ll evi.zotiod and flood or iovr Saw 510.4.5, fitatouvoluoug Kok., to tot 000lotyto, a w an remora tu tout ute tuattletoto at out:, or etootun mod putocoue rimy on lociutrtil to ono as got otuy J. without 406) Thuuttul lot past tutor, we coottousatc• 1,1,,the woo, at out Salm, c•ouer 4.11:{4n0 ma got .5d the Diasoold (bark of Olotooder 5 th,`• L . l l O idmolt most.) IL , BELL MID BRA it. 1001110/LY.- AA FC1:11)N, bolt mt ',bract k'ouurfer, Mu re boil, and oontmeoced lune.* at his old stand, where ho will be plait to ace his old eastern net and friends. • i Church, Menntlniat., and IleiLil trickery stet„ m:a 10 to lOLAm plaint., cask trum paWints of the molt apptov etlmodels, and warranted m lion the boat meterreta. All:feral Water Putups,Couniers t Killing, a.. toge ther with every var aty of lira;sk Coatings, If required, turned trod Combed in the nen+, manure. A. F. It the sole proprietor cif Balsam's A:mt./wk. 'LOY 31.1n,L, to goody celebrated for the redaction of frionoo its machattery. 'lle Boxes and Composition pen be had of biro at all tune.. q,.1). Plougho, Plough Co•llugs , Wagon BOZO., &C. 'lll= IBILLIIT lIALL, of the old' firm of IL IL 0. Ball, is manufao. toting large quantities of Ploughs, Plough Casting*, Wag. aim ba...,..c., welt Um improvements of the Leaver. Peacock, lihnoks, and other Ploughs, of the latest and best panctn. nowot Ott. , 11 utellou,, LO Liberty street, opposite the Hop Se.lei Factory, in Allegheny eity hear the Cotnia Visciory of Wears. Bleekstoek, Belo Co.& doilly . --• _ •W. & J. GLENN, Book Binder. or l: aw till! eugar;cd athe throw badness, color of Ste we are prepared To do nay work lit our line with Alma patch. l% at gad ro out work perm:many, and smite f.llOll Will I, peen 11l regard tO its riestranra and du rat/1111y. Bleak Ilooko ruled to any puttertttuld bound kat 'Annually. 'looks in nuottben or old books !moult eat, folly or septa/elk NUMes put ott books to gut leur Those that pareworkmu lino are invited e 11. Prices low. Coutrnotorp and Lanai gin Vol; tiALL; very low ' to elute Ulu ourtneaa Md. • tato lino of CottatablcA sc It ler, a pair of Vault JAKIrs, Of auperior enanninetura Apply covsrAutx, 11Uktkl: A Co, ptrktf .1 et,lst door tram wood_ LIUST L itiIagrITE - • - dame orGloths, Casatmerer Veynoss, Cravat., he-,and tor kale by W It:IAA/11S, Mar.. , Tailor, - • under Monongahela BMW, naltaala at _ . . . DRY & VARIETY GOODS. LTND'U CARPET FOURTH sr, THE subscriber respectfully . the owners and captains sinners visiting Pittsburgh, stock of carpeting, now, for sal street They consist of every tonal fashionable styles of • brought to the Western marks built expressly forthe carpet bus less ofrerpensed been fitted up uostlern style. • theirTe carpets receiving are of iches and most c • They comprise, in part...of tbe Supertor Tapestry, a neer at , tide; English and American Bros- . .. .. .. . .. . linirrn , d Ingrain, newshe Supernir Ingrain; new, de- Flee ni. ngrain; Common do Plain and twilled Venaiaii; Fates super cord twilled do; Royal do; • Sheep Pelt; Cheadle, AlScant; Polka; Into, ke; llton • Tufted; Chenille; Br=lath, Commen4 • 1' ll d rd Ya and do el -- o • 9 do do • • 4 do do , 6 do do Cotton, lint, rag and hemp carpet, common oil cloth, oil cloth table coven, wonted and linen table coven, window glades, colored smitplisist matting, 'stair rods, trimmings, carpet bindings, and all other goods tonally kept_in carpal mores, &Lot which will be nold on as reasonable terms as any ut the city. ' HaviAg etode cr rangements with one oftheurgent manufneumwit In the east, orders forauystyli, Of carpet will be promptly for. worded by telegreph,. and delivered in one week, at a small advance of the manufacturers price. Purchasers arc part:titularly requested to call before purchasing elsewhere, turyre feel confident we cart sell as cheap as thereat! biParchseed inthe entern cities. mold lr~~t~~s NEW and splendid variety, at ZEDULON KINSEY'S, 07 Mattel 50 gold lever Watches; 48 silver lever watches, Enghslo 2$ .des detached lever watch. es.: 93 silver L'Eprie watches; 95 silver quartet witteben 12 fins grind ehaitw; 1 dos new style ear rings; 5 dos plain gold hoop rin se 6 dos assorted rings; 2 mu sks/ unles s Playing • vanety ol poplins aim 12 grosssteel slides, all site. • FANCY GOODS 5 dos Mu Fans, silk endpaper; NJ dd. cominon FanA odor fine velvet head bags, new stykag lir dos fine crotchet bead bsgs, new styles;- 5 dos fine cone., purses, new styles; ;ad. fine perttolsossoned; Is.,fritgres, gilt and silver, for segslias;"lo dos fine lower V.., &stoned; 1 dos One steel scrow pin ea.. ions; ;'dos fine ivory screw pits cushions; 1 dos En weed strew pin east... A fine assortment of new Toys, ttc./.. roanl9 • -111,(NWT..-Itx .211()B3k — gicalliD 4- 4. A.m. &co., Pittsburgh. New 'Polk. ' A. A. Mason & Co., VO. GO Market sweet, betwe. nd and it: IA borer Pa.. have tttently opened dui elettint skins, on extensive stock of rs sod sionwur Goods, eamprwolg upwards of died peck ages, or the • and most. f style. hicrettants throw, the-country. laxly invited to call and es itie our stock inteno„n to offer our go.. At the lower wholesale price. PllO of t.le funs nesidic; York, will be cohstraitly scatting as fresh 4 the west destratitt goods, thereby giviny, as Linty in the transaction in our bonne., that possessed 4,l:astern House.. Prices are guarauteeillittie as low je the lowest NCIV Philadelphia sates. IvIDTE GOODS FOR DRESSES.-Opens wit at NV di AIIIaPIIT'S Dry WWI notch eadt c.orner of lo and blokes sts, a lid memofivrbile Goods C M ur dresse such. as S. Sas, plu m luid ligldt ull Mull s, do; barred . plain Mulls and lackoacts.. Also, various goods fdr Evening Dresser, including a few entire ugw styles Embroidered Muslin Robes. licw goods will be receiving daily for to come; including newest styles Drell, Feted: and Freinch Gingham" Printn and Chintzes; yr blereldaras are invited in examine the good' ces rholesale rooms, up maim The large and prices very low. • MUMS 4, !Wired t.ine rbrumenl. r liingtupt pmwo,ounkux i b ul n tl f n a c e:r 4 r n . s e . vf f uf o o ufot .brou lE syse; new. I tt . ta=r , te , ket streets 1 J T.,". , nut street, 1 and patrom ut.), my bununcr Fa meat or% gle es. mereA glad teammel Uege very - Sawn, , end KC Siding - firy under the, they are pr sarallidva Wet scut dive Wi dent they Will Ea entirely sausGa of tlerithstissEsi 4 isr, our toat. 1.. , Tr7os,O,AVRP,f-, • , , . ATESTINGS—Sup Preach tied Satins, 5R4 4 . r.....1i vrar t ...., s, /acre and wane' alarsedles. CL . . at*" freach, fresh imported, all colors, quad/ties •:, C/a...Zs:ACRES la every style and :duality. /4„, ...... MERES—Sup silk warp. Queen's Cloth, S . Cloth, aud desirable coatings fur gents' wean, at • below auy in the city. ROBINSCR'S Cloth : apt?corner ads and wood slat. • SILELOICZOBVIT Ith WUITE, • 1 , , 1101.1Wal.k: I/EALIIILS IN INW (WOW, N VJ Wand street. hoes an hand. and are tonna. , ly recthxlng daring the business season, a largo and ejfitatogeo ymioluneut of MIX GOODS, which they of. ter to merchants at /OM price o , and reasonable terms heliceing that they Call pee entire sataraction, th ey I confidently invite, alltherehalita visiting the City 10/i gle e them n 014 • . Ast..MASON C0.,G9 Market street, are opettiug .goL s an extensive assort/mat of Dres Goods,sitst re tested per Express, compristug the • largest and most' fashionable stock of Dress Weds to be Coned in silo eity—am, angst which wistanntion, ps extra rich em broidered roil de Chests, a sow' ramie, and tho most - desirable goods in the marks;, niso, salm stripe Chal. Ises, Hereto... Alum., Mohair Stripe, PrenchJammett, . Se he . U n4 GOODS,—A A MASON :Co, GO Markel street, have just Ivied a splendid assortment Of press Goods, 'among which may be found—Figured, plain, plaid and striped 'icingsof all gistilities; silk untie, mohair stripes, Grenadiers, 119.1411 stripe de Lain es, plain do sawn, St Chillies, Laney Silk, French Jammu', Ae. . ttltl9 DERAGES, /SC.—Alexander & Day have now; open I) a beautiful satin soaped and plaid ilerages,fif tins num qualities and newest styles, imported; also, splen did plain and Mocha black /Images and Fulness, splendid French LIWW, Lines Lustres and Ginghions, a fiat usdrunont bib, plain and satin stripe, de Lames and fine Alpaceas. All these goods have ben purchased ai the Into per- , emptory auction sales in Naar York and Pruladelphis; ik wnl be.sold at a great reduction from regular yucca as /JAY, my 4 corner 111amood and 111nd,, et QllANVbS—Alciarider 4 Dili Rabe reeeteeu ems. from the importer m New forsoro cuter. case , oi kiemane Calibre Crepe Sb.WI% cdollraiug a Complete. assortment of embroidered sad !boar stated*, Mall co lors slot qualities, Irma IMO to tra. The ladies era res pemcitully -.armed to examme these Shawls, miteviug LL some of them ate superior tossup Mime °dared in tars imirkeL quay wall ea sold remarkably camp. Alec, Salk Tau Let and Ikrige ahawls mid Semis, a full 44011111C11/, at remarkably low perces. dry 4 It/'1'1: I'ORCELA.O:.... , ;ADS-1:114 ugh..taint uuv,e(reeerer4 the an Ageuey ,or su aVI loan, Lnle a CU . & Moist aI.J turcusi. 000.ros stonict ..00131 =MKE;MM s LOVES—A good as.nUISIO of lodicraud gents tj ~lack, white nod colored Como; lasle, Tbscod, Sat 'sod Thibot (slaves, law sirs. Also, black .o 4 colorcOPtcoch Kld (Owes., an excelleut article; nod hugs nics, just opeouig by sp44 SIiACKLETI" WATT.., 99 wood et p.I.OVES AND 110,511:11.Yruluat reed , silo dos La dies black, white, brown mid slate Conon time, iota 65 cents per.palr up the finest quality. Also, lUu dor. gents Couch Bid Itorot PA , dos lisle, thread, silk mid !men Glows; also, 5 Barton. Ladles ulawu hid Gloves. Dealers and Others that wish bargains in the above uncle', will And them at al .5) HostEnv, GLOVE'S, AC., AT.1V1101.4.1,3ALE. WO dok Hose hod holt llote„fitk moo, mamma and climdrest, with tt large lot of kaki eutunt gild hale thread Wok. and MEIN just.recolved from Um impurffrs and for do atloolckalo and rottolt by opto -- Fit EATON /k Cn STEEL 00004—Oleo/ Bag Clasps. Oa Oast assrt.- mod la the Steel beads, do Bag Tassels/ o do Purse do; do Puna Mugs; do du Clatpsi do Shtles; .do Key It lugs; do Toy Cstortu, rues reed at tree ncarpoltaY Store. 3lark ea street. myla KINSEY & KNOX • ITy'IIITEGOODO — A assoritnont of Warn, chk'nd and striped shonitrics, plain and ehk . ntl.tethleol, Swan tool KeotcG dull, Wok Muslus, ,I.ltalmo Lawn., Nansooks, spotted. Mulls, %%morel Lawn. radon Mullins, together:with a lull sate/meat ol ' lKAlinotts, Nam and fanny Notre, Laney Edging", Itteernaga, due. an., all of which have mat 'armed treah into me im porters, and for sale low,to the trade, by idyl: . SIIACKLerr It WHITE. JEWELRY—FuseGoId Miniature Caseri do do /rock et/for IWr do do Breast.Pima do do Ear /31a3m; dude rolger limas; do do ,Guard Cho*, dodo Fole• do; do do Ponca& .and Pens; do do Bracelets and Claws Those la 'suit crime Jewelry red/ do well tq , coil on us befo!Oporalnksing. - myle - is KNOX, markelot 0 have Just received • very superior assortment a brosru end bleached Sheetizgs, or the 1.51 celebrated manufaetunof all riddle and qualities, else!, bleached , brown Blletioda,dfair qaolitles, m din melee& my 4 •;, • - • - • . • • • VOL. "XV. NO. 268. MEDICAL, Op , 0 0 0 PERSONS In' Phlladelphta VI alone, eau testify to the wonderful efficacy of tkat powerful remedy, • .rnomrsoicti LONIPOIiND SYRUP OF TAR AND In WOOD NAMITILk•c Pulmonary Consumption,Chro Bronchitis and Sore Throat, 'Asthma, Ch ronic Catarrh, Spiking of Blood, Pain in the Side' and Recast Di:Amity of Mending . , Whooping. Conch, Croon .Weak Nerves and Serious Tremors, Palpitation di. Heart; also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Ridoeys. This medicine, the invention of a mit who gave the subject or Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases the mom rigid ex...m.4 has now been iltfige the Public near four ye.. During this period It haaper• formed saeltiel MOM remarkable' cur. on ...I of Bolan:many Consuniptiou,secured the recommenda tion and one of. physicians in their.practice, and thw warmest optima. of thoulands of parsons - in ordinary .d severe Colds:Congos, in Hoarseness, Spitting at Blood, An. t V WOOD. • • rtrucitz tsthe anemia's or o boa, citizens and to is large and •pletidid • ic Pt his now gem, 4th zattetyf the latcrt and triChloaths, ac.. - crcr z ;The Mitt ban been einCts, and has, (regard. pinibemost Inagaiafent the latust deetito, lOIP ASTONISHING CUBES. About four years Imes I iitteattacked with. Typlum Fever, which left sae in a miserable stain health; la . extreme debility with a .genoral proitratiou of thd sys tern,with videos pabss m the breast Wad Wm of app.. Cite, m consequence of which I was taxable to outwit° my usual business, or perform any klud of work. I applied to several - physicians and used . eariOlte reme dies,. but without nay benefit, and had despairs-dares-sr obtaining. a recovery or my former health. But some. time last Jane I was aderoed to By Thonsson's pound Symp . ofTarnad Wood Napthaosad ineteddtde as it may appear, by the time I had three honk. the debilitn; latia.aad every sense of We:faring were .comple_tely removed, and I was able. to attend with re stored Walth to my usual avocations. Door Mot, Rugs. MARTIN ii.Autnr, • Diekiniou township, Cumberland em, Head the following- testimony from a resPectsble.. member of the Wiciery of Plienda, in Poughkeepsie, N. Yard. 113:111=1 .• VALUABLE TESTIIIOIIq. 4 This may certify that in the spring' of 1948, my health was very ferule; I was at doted with pale in the side. with other alarming symptoms, and suffered mach from great debility. At that time I purchased from Moses Dame two bottles of Thorosotes Compoeod Sy rup of Tar and Wood Mamba; from which I experien ced great bench!, ray health beingnow good; 'and cheer/My recommend the article to ell pecearm who may be wafering with general debility, moth aymprouts of adeoline. AFLAIIAM WILTSIE. Poughkeepsie, March 15 , 1%7" Prepared only by Anourt Ir. Meat ox,. at the M..E; corner of Filth and Sproce sweets, Phila. Sold by L. WILCOX, PittabulTh; and by drd4flfDd rall gene y. Price 50 cents, or One Do ll ar per bo a. ASTIUdd, - OR DIFFICULTY OFDREETHING This disease is caused by • paroxysmal construe. . doe of the air cells:11 is very debilitating, alumna eau- - anmdd suffocation. DIUSWEETSER"S PANACEA it thd - IVrtain ear. • • • _ _ e e rse ass can by entirely cored by • free aseed.Pr • Bereetser's Puttee. - • Quarrh, 'or common cold, which. If negiecta ISM terminate in Consumption, is effectually relieved mod eared by pr. Stvemser's Peaces. Bronchitis, if unchecked; arilljetreartall r load -le Bronchial Consumption, but a timely utm of Dr...Bwoas., sees, Panacea will effectually Coro • indamosstion of the Tonsils or Sera TitroaL.-71da disease otteu leads to serious consonances from:mg-, lest, such as ulceration of the throne On the first aymp• toms, - Dr. Svrectscr's Panacea Shoal .be p _fa • Bred freely. • - ..Coughs and COI& End a peonage remadyln 13 — V oClear, Panne.. . , . , Fneancau Naha—A very' fatal !Coma violent comb str.d cold an_ a debilitale . l;o4; !'i 4 . .wll Pan 'consugto., had bream, . 'minas ,-Tabu. do respi which is srdingso wale:a 1 / 1 Pans our rued in.oss, e er a y ' tl,tng to car e m e .. 11 the' most itegrovating symmems, is night raising tilood b riolent and ' destreureg ..cough, the side mid a Ist, debility and want of appe , truly believe I could apt hare lived but for the 'Dr. Taylor's Cals. - For Liverwort, nvorti and the bias !God, which hes eared nay life by rtmaringnia • ALEX. on of Rev. Dr. ginitiewla etturchi Chryminin net ors letter from oar . New LoUdon Agent, C •"Theee who have Laken your Salaam of Is It, sneak well of it l find oinking so good for tel the samedums. has - rery wirers painsarni west -I give hers teaspoonful, winch telievether Mo iety—l have great faith iu its virlees,and would onthout it cony kn. No one eon the •auperior excellence .ot this. medicine.. Se mud buy only at. 7.1 Beekman 115 N. Y.,or atone a agent, as 00.1efiellf and ill:1111E1011S are itu rery -• . 3 in WitilruTet; - loy JD Morgan, 93 Wool} an. - ed, IS Maziat at; lltAnlyeer, ear Market and • Ilenderann tiro, 51Aberty Price rodneed Iper bold. . Ice _...., IITGELIN • BOARIIO.UND:h.LIV6I, earveoigh,Candy is offered to the nubile' sus a an and efective remedy foreoughs,Volds, hoarse- Asthma, Philande r 1 1:loop,Coug ,.. Team, ,'bore Throat, Bronchitis, &M gene • 'tactual, l Chest rind amp- lu mach cases it is am re afforded decided and'permanent relief, mad (Mrs i amid sate and great AIICCCIS as a rentedy &Sem 1 4VC disecsea where it has been]used, it promises to i acme, one of the ninst useful and polealar medicines. i t is oared imo, as a pleasant relief loshe constiv and to utimant to voca li sts and public ;spectere ump gra. e, i l l atimine of the prephration indlcamit iLI leading lll diem, end it will he found to be by no menus tin. . to the taste, and may be Used by children and ~.. with entice impun The materials need be the ~,.• .. don are of the best quality, end Unsay be re- RT. &epee in every respect a pure and 'genuine article., • , would nn doubt promote thew condensed lit/seeping a aupply, especially ist the SWUM{ Pt '• . ,-.. '• I . . ~. • ,• :• le Cough Candy is considered a great sal '•• .. • . 1,/tgalliers; being superior to all the patent its. ••.., ... !ski:cation, as childreh were never known • ifi ... .../ba, i , ,-i is 4 i . candy is used, except far mom .1. trf.j AIOgIMIS ' c''' • • 11l Convince Ally person of its two.. ifro l. eM . - ..•. • , •rjnto zberefore .Ico , Any person bath. • o .. . - .•to • • ilea & cheaper, more plelliast, pr , ..•,..,..,,,,, •;:i.ir.t..,,,ii, II 13.311'31.11, BMWs; st.:'-'•1 , ...' , ''-_ .1' 1 1• -• • - lei and market as, Pittsburgh: illsOni Holk ' • • • t No 1 College liall Clout Cinc 'di. Oldia.l,ll. " - • 1 ‘. 1 7. , :.:1 , • , ,f 1 teals . •.;,••••; ~. 114; • Boratohll ' - 1 ‘ l'ilfflU3l; co — who would r e fr iT re a `thifeetelerk when pflicted with the eeter, Itete4le eltheedblellellt elf .te *km, if they lmtne who would ighttelatilart, , 11.• bornbr hOsitisylitlj . ; n apt • senthsh when eel: mor n m it,[for deeeney . I when in ..-,`Tret'it remembered Mal Do T'S aIanCIINTILENT is the mow offmaciocut e .ar a ettsertmagindiort_ in existence ellt wm to armies dus utt , - ,, , eedwillettatleeesee of the akin. Co al due.. of Me albeit** teem the Impurity of Om bleed mod firo*di tbst bodykeerliestere wick ,clo t ease he of t erm won `iitol.tbw 'onion effected thereby, if Dr. Leidyts V ill taessu with the Moottemr.they Foy case vilisoow, rod if they do cot , the ill be renamed byrDr. Letdy. blest eases, him:reser, will be edemas/1y cured by Dr. Leidy's Tame and Itch ointment, unless the whole system is ireprognmed by ties diseased humors ictich will be completely corded off from the system by DrLeidy's blood pals, nod the surface of the UM heeL • td ry the ointment. Pelee of ointment 25 cents. 'A fresh supply of these stainable cumbetnes just ro w. fed and tar sale U l f , , ' • .a. Emelt:Mei( a Co: bb4 • con Ist Zs wank oleo roe. Me k wood ate 1 1 A t'AII\ t;STOCIZS Pneembnte or ~ ..:a dal. A). ewe.. ha; a gre..t 114V111 . 1.1,5c nor. rt., , oda, no e h properatuaaa as its {Acesa. t.te o -rasa. A to . used .4 . 1t1.01.1t incOnVenklite. All Ito rail, a 1... A italsana eollaisto in the speedineaa ant, mire tVe hare crown some of the isloWttealiirota cough, -war 00 which hod ocen running. on for ... c0.0.4d6r.0.c. leach ./l unte, yield 100061 ilimar,....tely to ... intone. . le such Wcat.cr 4.. art .ave had dorm; to. era* a Karr, every one is Ism.b. 1.... tale. cold. gate., oral ...Mly. arc used . Wet feet acid utaitte .t inetctu , ..te) kti he weather' afire- tart The' atatxt:uott et 1..1.11 It.usit,Whielt ueedattegatek'rentaly, ...no. -terultf. We tfaVeliniencrtni. ,erliticatc+l „ VI, Core.yrEich ans =toy , ef are .innn per.mu to this city and We neighborhood, and they are a . 110022000 rOlettnee without saying attester mold to iu (*or. Prepared and atr sate artailcwlt alai mail by it A PAIINCSILOCK . A,C4, - corner. of wood And la sad weal and oW ste. war= D. W. P. Inland's Pp.:alma Plaaiar.. DR. W. P. of the Aetna,. tronege bf adelphir4 tonv ollery to the panne his Indian Veg etal/le . Premium ltlatteG the qunlinee-of. which; Site; long sod tried expenenen, has been wilitaaLarily es tabashett. To nit tvonottrwbo mar afaieted with Pro nua lapnis Uteri, or Paton Womb, xreorrunervla his planer, guaeeing is sum and .p. 41 cure in , lb* short space of item tire to then creche, if applied with care and rest—dwelling all the ttlairtlMMAS and expensive bondages io long in use. 'Mahe feels onnicie minus itinteuarn lunabluelltVhe lima =failed in ono case oct of three hundred and ilfty.threv bents.' Ala for Ithautuonsna and Weak Urtact . or Back, at• touttatt with pain. there 1. nothing to erect this plum in affording relief or effecting a cafe'. FoLaato by L tYtleoc, corner of Diamond and". Market at Braun & Reiter, Liberty and SC Ciair sts • • , D r j sument yodetal .rt a ri d 'Diamond, Alla . ghenY citY, ' Jacques to Co, ham. . VIWEIL panto day o too palm oft - woe you — the Al Minutia mantled* mlx Orel!pseptired by Men who ,, ignorant of the virtues ar m dittoes. andonatqaaiated midi the psineiplee of coin a linditre. Mem,- seek ply to 1 k" IP; i kis P l u: ;I '-• ;. ' io ii r ' zyia.,l'g."i. a 4. .4'l ; io the piiblse es ~s 1 ohnotroyer ~ wormy and a. Ruh, boo ' same* tom._ opined the Ilist •streothatioM siod.hasbeen considered hy,tho pe o ple a. the may hluileine thlitrial catmint: worms. I they exist thee momem, ' they ito b ghlten 'midi° t , faiL ' trete aro pashas, Vilma ,Witattlf ILA. Faluseitoetifh.ahtsgl ,t s i Pst, 1 eontt_tssf sphere. Tu.''' O . N TAPE WORMS, frolt..t.Uf taro th e 1.t.. u ,„,,,r, f 0 ,o,di o ih, oylkeymto. often-of Of char ! trioniakte and leusta moaned greet pant and Mettler ' tomiintiote Motoselt.: • The spocral_ heel* bottomed do rm*. ,d, the :epochs teftelsied,•aiod the amptettmans. othuttelly off mordent, liout reser or death Word : it A rattamtoe,les-Yentif " i6 " —W ' s ."''''''' is dr • id the beit Miami itaWl httpated at Pindbaed o, 1. 1 ,, at„,,oy„,t y r di I cast. , The mono, ,ee l 4' !'l eparßed *a.t** d P".‘49't and 4 .9 41 4' isho,.* - • `-'• • , • =3, h a ...a /1.011.t5 ag fumy etable. eGm- One bat. boulei Ye pre- that fatal , .UT on the ;t, *hied •e—erhieh In for the ly saved tt, joo. nmun and D4mond;Rimuzi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers