GROCERIEB,4O. (11.110C1/2/M4 hbaa N Oebm bra Obis AJI" Mazatlan Nolimar, ese Was. sag 110 Obis leafllazpr, _lOO Calrall; zzl. of Ricr, - 1111 cukapizeza floYa4aig nzbeivad by Ism az ' rills from New Weans, and for j zfl , id4 ; Iv iv mks and SO lailAbla Pori, thong Tv Malaga, and. Madeira Wines, coalpsial., My clinks and saparier brand; IreetilTd and for sale pull 4111 HELTREE.IBO liberri rIiENTSODE ASH -10 calks lakes blaaprant s.e. gigs, soda Ash,Jaad teed per steamer mdt and for Web,' • BIM Wk U xrratetirßEE, tut übai*:l ..- rtzti =ar i v z i r ., 2l l3 4 r n , e4 pitoWs., hertl i tre the folloariai ea -6 tam dlble ntliZ a r L etge LoeP, 10XIbbis Nos. Y, 4, 24; 0, 7 end mall do; MO do Powderec% 311X1 do Crush; 45 60 myis E&NtII3ES-3) auk!. Soda Ask, brooded M Seale; SOIL Live:m.4 33 do do do /moo dr. Sono, dig 100 bop Rio. Coffee; 33 boxes 733, axle and 10213 IV Glass, brook by JOHN O i. - 223 §:PERM OIL AND CANDLES-10 big gperol Cm dies, l, 5 and WO !alms lirter • UK, dobleached winter Sperm Chl; MP doggy do dq_MO do bleached aviator Whale Dili_ OCC do N Winolo Oil; lust toTdved and An Ws by, 'MO :4 MILLER a ruCKETBoN Gliii4--itolialtoi -5 do IA 6 - toli 16 doll/Nit for lode low by MEM, REIEY.t Co .IkrEwti..F i •ANs suci . es—ia Wads prows-I)1 0&I do air de d/ v for sta rs, 70 (.." &MO li P fi U filr saleck PUCE= FIRE BRICK, ,iest received by C A WANIILTY kto ran:ME-11bn Meese, _fix sale low to elemse can• slirameat by je3 ENGLISH & BENNETT eIIiZABF O -7 bow landing trait gmoner .ur mawl.:mime tot sada by je7 . MAILkIDICKEY k. Co, fronts VEATHEiLS AND GINSENG--N• a: IdeMatt Oambaite4 and r soh . 1.7 • ISAIAH 2 rWkt ll-I "m"PF;DeitAMJest . VP -F — sol" l "" 4 aFilmn'"rtailii.woßm bates jtist teed and for sal. by Hl3 ' JOHN D MORGAN S OIL- 3 lgsk fliirset liduLtLale ~p3~nq..J 1 u3IK, i ~t.n~..ciq 4 1 TARtAX-1. 441 Put reed and for sale by . JOHN D MORCiAN Tb, OTASH-1 cask ot retail, No 1 ankle, for sale by r. .i 1 • /OMNI) MORGAN Cam YEL LOW -3 casks reed end for sale by ' JOHN D MOHGAN W METAL-litaos Pig Metal Blanche (amn ia. PJar sale by SAO &SMITH MOWERS' OIL—YOIAL Brosns Oil, superior. tor 1. sale by ,le9 . • LLAG./iLEY TH • . k u BENCH. LAWNS-1 ease fine painted Lamas, beautiful neve panerna jost reed and opened by SHACIELMT & Wil Pe Redd it YE FLIOUR-1.5 bbls extra, for Web, r • .•Jell F VON BONNHC RSTeCoo ARD-14 kegs for ale by • - .1J jell 13 F vux Box:4110= r. co 71MmtM , Trm , NMV'R7VIIN SALEKATNES-23 nuts Cleveland Salenden,foaale ~ by - • WICK & WCANDI. " lIIMSE-114 bls W R Cnee.. SUM n•e'd and for .y • ['CANDLE:SS R°"B-4'da"." for We VIC it Al jel4 F U3 i 1.111.73:2 bbl. Family Fil4iitinw6i.r_q., 7HrtR ur.Atvs-su, b'l &lAI DICbE aca T 'r kH C boxes W it Cheese, Lana,: • Tram steamer Lake Erie and for lath, by - JAME'S DALZ 94 mum SEIII. CANDLE3:-.2sbza Cincinnati Sur Candler 30 do do do do inat received and Coy We by AtILI I ERt HICKETSON TllERS—init received lend for side by led i GEO • • 11114.N,90 wood et els. rinmErrrear.— Abu jua reetd uul for CS de by je6 BRAUN& REITER ,TraNLIAJ. REAI4/3—iry, just reed and rt. Wt. bY _ BRAUN a RE/TER 'cu'ee`d and for sale .t eS IJUDDI Oo IL VriSIOL-.90 LUM-11/1 at. • sum and, •r •at . • • arardammar • - . J KIDD aCo WW rRi NEE E AND- DONE _ gmes just reeeived sad for sale by • • led J =Date Co s ~ ~ ~a r a ~~ , asaaarxrra*ti rr:n~r . R!!l'~~ i~ 17:MG BOOTS-72 doi Indierßobber Fishing 21=to. reed pp and for use at the Lo lea "**6 "7 71 d ic H PtH;LIPS• . HOULDSR BRACES-1 de: Mumbler Brutes, In &a Rubber, ...dyed by express( and for ego t§ India Rabe. Repitt,s lewd meet. - • • - ley I &HIM:ELLIN MUSTARD 6EKI)-7 btas Kentucky Mustard Beak -Jet° ' ' JesanincalsoN &co IJOAII AND MOLASS/EB4O bads NO Sagas; 66 S bbls Be James 8 LI Molasses, Isadlsor Am steamer Sena sad for sale by.. . . • •WO • • fIiGALEY &want OiNCINNATI 1313AP-5100 bib No 1 Soap, per eau ,babbongabets, for nib by -140 BAGALEY t SMITH ATS AND BARLEY-1000 bushOsts and ND bosh r h Darby, to arrive ao Notal i ji r ter see bi lo k • • eta • . Inter and 104 frost srs Orra, . ~.3:7,4P,,.........••,,..;F!...49 .n. , •11,44.1r 17 1 P PEACBMI—A. Caw bteh' HAS. twi for. „IL ale b Bit RDUGH • 130TATOES-4Emeka.Galeas Nedualsocks, lair iseeinedued for sale by . ' • CRIASE72O bks7 IL cheerargat Co • ONEY-4 kep Ltoiriy, ifietorditxt T y r male br LACK AND FANCY SILKS-4. Aldascaai Co. I hare on land Me most , extonsim moment of *. . • y be found in Me cl hlO • T I RODUCE-40 bbl. 8 F Moor, 90 do Coilldesl, lo do Cam 10 do 0.112, a 46 White Beans; On Ws b je9 */ C BIDWELL, sinter DItIED BEEF - 9001 lbs for sale by ' , . B F VON BONNHOLLST is Co, is 3 . =front st RINOS-15 . bbls fo sal by • . - 4 ..r' • • 8 140NBoNrinolisr *co . isia. j %E/1 . EL-74 bbls o for sale by 9 F V O N BONNHOBIST aCo CfIIGARS—.SO by. Half ftootab ale by » .103 . - •' 8 F VON 110WILST kCo "02.001103 doz zalt buziled Roamer Brooms, JD for ode by ja $ F VON BODINIZORST &Co 00 bbl vrarnuned pus Oder Viskeiar. $4 8 F VON BONNOOBBT & Co PARIS -4 ions gronad Plage for sale F VON BONN HORST Oo ~ Ail 4 trrr' ~eeeired par l°4lB Ring KM" A. GORDON. LE4) Ea 162.1riggirt,i..i.rt ""iia Der steamer .1 iivrcuisori so, I OIL=IO bbte kw sale law br arrg SCHOOMIAXER & rx OIL ITITIPL-4S carboys Co sale by inylp ' ',J SCHOONMAKER. J< Co trlt oried w Case 4 44 White Linen L 6 Ignin vatirtf. tIOFTEE-1100 bags prima green Rio Coffee,. landing . ILI ■id tor We by, ' my3l J& /I FLOYD TEAS:4OS halt a. elossl liimajlgom 13 do do Om• sol ' • rY " I 4 4 . 4°, t e r 3 l • • TrIVIVIVIr IM4;M;MMM .F ISH -400 bbla No I Herring, for Isle by • . J tr. it FLOYD IDOTAgiI-10 casks pun Potash, for itale by • tay3l • J&RYLOYD B. RAN ,IS bW. W h i , te 8....1 ter 7 1 4 : thloyo ICE-15,eislis best CaralbtslUMN eEt„). Teem tk7 , w_Wrapsllyfletidcg. •Mlrr.4!l Planws7.4°w-buns . - COLORED BLIRTB—XO reed uld BR We by_ C ARBUTHNOT INOLOREDMUBLIN,2 cases reed And tor Bahl by X./ • sty3l ; C ARBUTHNOT GLOVES ArD MITTS—A good essomenl . =Mad eadfor Bale by mat. !C ARBUTHNOT • .1115 — MilsVf=80igs — Teijilst - Odisir • Mill and Feud. br 8 & RARB.AUOI4 • =enter and 104 hoot street RYr a II'LODR-74 bids jut reselale fin JU 4lll/E1 LEATNEES AND GINISSNO-1,3 winks Fiadiana & °WOW now landing friel manner Naar Ya 3 maim DICKEY a 6, frau ri • SP b rli W . BMNO 7 Dirs age .a Ire Dl' I- 717[4 6:, AR E :m i gg iat EL VLOVR—US bbls Mbar, b. pore and lot sale low by 4: MUSH k 131PgiETT, 37 wood st for uM k.labrirer MIMLItIMINTEr' TWUR-121 la u vazions brads, 7utlandlna from ' • 14 ' flalintA.RHAtioo wall ~rw F IE IM CI Instoonsk= rely pll4 _ _ ISAIAH DICIErilt;Co 'IMEUuMOIIB. MUNE aliarllNG' IdUSIANS=W It liftuphy has X open this morning a fattheraupply of.those veer svemnatitish LotnrClah eadving PA Lansdale do,' sad has constanUy on band oo nasort wt t. of erode of qualityou low cash priees. Also, I ri sh for shining end bosoms, of poze flax, and very ellesp, at =MOM GOnler of 4111 and Nazis: sinew _Jet! PPARASOLS!PARASOLIC—W R Wavily ban open this morning, a. fresh Immanent of green silk :tad made Parasols, Lead Colored do, Coney .ripe and eol'd at lowest prices. BrIN rnBH tDer .CHATZ.I3—. R 1 . 1 4, 7 b. and whh, width ts, of entirely neer and ' heaoti to t I de. agoe, to erldeb the attention of the Sidle. is hitriA jete fIRAPESII 91.8—Allee emorterent plain Da- N./ musk and embroidered Crape Sltiiirls, of a very F ierier quality, received by • & DAY, J 5 market st - N W cur of tbe dimmed TIETRITE ARTIVICIA.I.43—Jant ne7el;;4l,eheintifTd VT lot of White Azdficialsonhleh we ire sailer! 1 cheep, end to which- we invite the auention of the ladies...- • lOC ALELANDER & DAY - - .Crawi Baltimore, will he slid to d i w have orders Croin Us friends in Piintbura and where, for the purchase of Shad and flemngs dw ring the seism Orders executed with despatch, and at losemintea Charges for purchasing Light. martM 'REPINED SUGARS—GO boxes doable refined 1448 .1.4 Loaf, 440/bbl4 2,4, 4,6, 7 8/81 8 mall 148 d; 210 1664 cmlted, 178 bb1. w0064146; 20 bbl. clarified; in sum and fu 4418 by JAMES A HUTCHISON it Co, mar 29 Agents St 1.48146m= Sugar Refinery. PABASOL4-15 eases ellk,eotlan and gingbant Par Imola, late styles and bandsman patterne, test open ing and for 'ale , by BLIACILETT & WHIM Jam — 99 wood at TNRMS GOODS—A A Mum& C 0,60 Market at, JJ hare just reel t eaus of rich Drees prising Denies, Grenadines, 'Matted Pore de Cheat., Makes, de. de. jed SHAWLS—A A Mason Is en: hare na hand every Twiny of Shaw* which they an selling at red. GINGHAAIS-A A Mau. A Co. have received six • nun new wyle cirGingiterna, which they are sel ling at the camerae low price of 12/ cu.- iee fIOTIONADES AND SUMMERSTUFFS—A A M. %," son tCo r have received 4 elms of Coin:made. and Simmer 5.t5,. comprising every style, suitable for• FI N = TATW 'P as:ttr eMM " !i'g" ' ' 1.12 MUCKUNT&WMIIIii (11.NG11A318,,,9iz. eases French m 1 Earrnon Ging la- hum, somarer sayles, opened and for sale by. • ran • . BHACIMEIT & WHITE gaHAWLEI—A good aseonsnent of Vigil,' end Coney AY !NU:WIRT BhasrLy lest opened bz u • • .1 • • .1.2 . • 811.01 C TT & WHITE INSEEDOIIrIo bids just seedand Orr sale at JJ dui drug warehouse of J KIDD k. 00 wood et IIUrST [NINA HONEY-3 Mils just landing And We . Lulls DALzEtt, ' 21 water o BACON-CLO lb. wrung cured Ment, laudlialr from mourner Hudwn and for .al .JAMES Jett 1 DALZELL LARD- - i 0 kegs Z. 117.1 Family , LmA in on and for ask by: jeII DALZELL j.RDing. j jelit °ll.—° lCOD.L. BUSHFIEI D & ROE pig sanouLDw-G-2s OR it N-4 bbla Shelled Corn, for eale by ' Jele.• • APOILL, BUSHFIELD & ROE LEALBol:o'idia reeelved and for vale by - kte JAMES A. HUTCHInON & Co AB '`'l-4:10 0 lb. in otoreand for nee by B JAB A HUTCHISON & Co SHO'l~—'lD kegs, anosled , rceM and fu g .lo by lelo JAs A HUPCIII9OH h Co IrP,llanilla and Mimouri Hemp, in more mat for aale try , jelp lAS A HUTCHInONACo FEATHE6S-3 bail prime Kentarlry Fea th ers, just received sad for side by. • jclo • • JAS A LIIMCIITSONIeCe BHAAIS—j casks Hera; very ruiveriar ar 11 dale., just received end for sale by jelo JAS A HUTCHISON & Co rroßecco--15 Loop, superior quslity, ree',l orreousignmera sad for sale low by 7e5 .TASBEY fr. BEST_' KONEY BELTS—A few as samples, received by In °gains sad kw sale by jes H PIULLJPS ftribIRPIC-11caaes cad Cambric, for oak by 1„) lee • , C ARBUTRNOT .I.)•Ribioi •rc . -lon, or ARBUTHNOT SMB THREAD—"Tilley'all green, tali bleached sad white, for sale by je9 C ARBUTHNOT TNDIA RUBBER ClATHlNC—Compririeg • ler& J, stock, murk as Coats, Pacts, Pea Jackets. Cayce with or arlshopt sleeves, Lenin's of Slave diferent kinds. Mats, Ike., all to be bud atthe Jodie Itek4er De. 1.4 Nob Wood et. jes pjuLups rrOBACCO-111 kegs No CI twist Tobacco, landing 1 from stentwr Zdononpbela and for .leby e 7 JAMES DALLSLI, ULOUR-40 bbla receiving from sear Carteul sod for J: !Welly /ea • /Alum DALZ MO AI TN . 1!S-- . 3fe bra panel Stoic ne in io a and !or sW 117 S . d AI IZ r sale la i etr A te i a 6 8 1 a s a i do WHITE Cll-APS—A Gelb =eel) just reed and for ! sale by . job C ARBUTILVIT F OTA.I3B— . 4 casks rec , d, Q,iada ,TA indscorralT FLOWING rAIriTED BLUE QUEENSWARE W. arololl,tivelviog • nice assortment cheap' and besalifulwam Jr.s GILL a GFrrY AISZERICAN QL'EMSWARE—CIut Ins 64 in all . its mkt:my at the saareaf -•—••••• • Prrcit—r. bbl Pitch, on iscod and for . koff to /close by Jos TAAP7F. & I:I:CONNOR - 01,01J1L-30 bbls le more and km We by TAMMY & "KkAtICEREL--No lard 3, large, on band' and for jjj. ale by je3 TASSEY & HEST S .; Vl3-20 bbl. received arllig s silb y l i ty ß R lT , S . ,reve bags Bye, in nor . and br..le by - • ti n s BEANS —O5 bbls mall IVlane Beans:tar w sale by •• • jet L BWATEBMAN rIORN BROOMS-25 doe gilt Isa3siled Com Brooms,. for lullaby • jet L 8 WATERMAN - - RYE FLOUR-44 bole Rye Flout, for sale by Jet, WiTERApAN FlAjr7B bb4s in Pte. t L stn. e" "44' NORWALY AND SANDUSKY MONEY=-19,11D warned at • reasonable s diseoant. a w ileSaknotO Para m water wad 104 from fi n118—:5 bblf 41erseed Oil; 64 do No era do; 3:1 A,/ do No 2 dix Alao, Sperm goal Whale Oil; la me. aad 2* =lam seed meta, 14 . ' my3l - . St l 1.r. 4 1 fr. NICOLS . —,' TIATENT PORTABLE FORGES —A lacer let Ili day rereived. The attention of steamboat me and others .oiog small forges Is particularly invited. 1514 B SCUM L£ 7 JO ings best Galena Lead, H in sum and fo sale by BRUNOT, • tertil , liberty in, sth weed ........ _ ..._. PIASTOR OIL-0 bbl. seed per steamer Swiss Boy; !wale by oyl7 14 ALLEN& Co teirrt.lo-74 boles me rale low to close cosslept, BROWN IILpULBERTIPON TIOPS-11 belts ist soilNyesteitt prow Nosk, cc. •terrins titsd for sale writ-- ' ' BROWN &CULBERTSON 11 . 1 -450 1 , 40g1e ere 'Ol, extre, jut re. ea CVTRI.: ShEATI(II-50 dna Patent Scythe &maths; 0 for We by '• • soya k. R FLOYD MTOOL-4. socks common Wool, on coosiluom; for tote by • myB & r SENECA OHr3bbb &mai Oil, nedfmm Sam. work, sad for sale by • syS9 NIE# JONF2, Canal Basin rWri InTIP7TAPPIITTert? • •PL7'YFVSEZa 661. itrule by •- my 26 JOHN 8 DILWORTH BACON -10 euks Bum; b y JON BDLLWORTII Tnummnics;43l.4 M.m114 Fringes And Gimps, and 1111 assortment of Dress Fringes; reed by ex pmss at myl3 P Ii EATON & Co's BO7TLP.OOiltr2-10bales reesodd forsabt by m u BRAUN &111,171:1! .11,• '' .21.1., ....4iiiiiiiiiilit4 — myitt__• - TASSKY & Br3T .. VLOUR-21albbla Family Float, (or de by .111: tixT26 .1 8 DLLIVORTH HOPS -30 hales Flom, for sale by J 8 DILWORTH irOBACCO -111 eP No 1, 6 twis:,l•Edliihs -- 7FI - 117imr j, New England and for aale by my . 2. " JAM DALZEL.I., 21 water et LARD -2S kn. Laid, just reedand for astle by ___,W79B .14.1.3 M DALZISLI. fTBIIIMED MAD—gabble flo_l_Sfirrl4 brit reed mt. or We er mySMI SELLE . & NICOLS_ LAYDOIL— bb!. Lard O il , just reed andfor sale by taillO • 574.LERS NICOLE in.AXSEEDOIL-e2 bbla for sale by NM . ..._........SELLERS& NICOLS ....__---______ _. . .. .....__-- pi" 0. 8110AR-400 hhda handsome Neve Orleans • Saga, to arrive per Mesmer Eureka; and for sale - My2S ' • POMDEXTER a. Co r • • 130131 N-73 bbl. good Rosin,. to arrive per ineame Jar Teglionl from New Orleans, and for dale by myge, • POINDLICTER h. Co is. mi . ._ , prrrIMENITt Ilirr OnOP w gr'd foi CUTTON-60balcerenttenee Caton, in non, for mile by any= WEST BOWEN,9O front 'et OLASSI*3-14WWEiTiCtiiiiii - MOriiiseXiio In and for Pale by mr23 WEST tiONVE7.‘ bile , wator —°' • I ._,tore utra WES T BOWEN RloloLlfeUTnit 4 bils end i ms Fresh Baas Jan rneeired and tor sale by' my= • 1 • 13 &N HARBAUGH SHOT" 23 Shot, mo na d, waived pa steamer North River and orula bY jaT.• JAMS A urcHISON &Co 0 HAWIS—A • Masai lk h.• 13. of WO sba.t. a.r.ary Irlad,..t•r" , mr 17 ..aPtrier •• Silk and Satin Shawls. Ir 6 LARD 011.,20 LW Lard Oil, landlrti from steamer Remoter, bad tor bola low to °lobo conmaraobt. bY -" 1 05 JAIN= DALRELL . - IN soles Colombian Coning Preens; IlartO Colombian' Inkoi reeerred and Or sale by e • - JORN II MELLOR., el wood ot vtroop_W4X.Y_UTAg t lf i rkeit mwket price iieun : i L d igrAwl tor .. ,daaTiNir i Aintr..ll SO 64 water and 194 front street COMMERCIAL RECORD. 'sir! aeti his 7 23 31 ) 9 41 10 47 11x9 liL.. — 4 3d 71i 43:1 7S 4 .77 7 23 4 37 71.1 437 7 3 477 7 23 4 37 7 23 18 Bandar, 19 Monday, 20 Tuesday, 21 Wednesday, Thursday, 23 Prida•, omen Prrnizazon Gnarl; } Monday Morning, 31mo 19, 1918. The market on Saturday was generally dull, and nothing was done excepting in the way of general sales to the trade, with no important change in the prices. Rove —The receipts continue very "limited, and sales are transacted on a limited scale. Prices are at a stand, with regular small sales at 3,2110 4,12, from store, and 3,75433,80 from first bands•—The market remains quiet; very little is coming in present, and sales are- limited, with no chine in prices. Wheat may be quoted friam . 'awe, at 50c — Rye, 15005. demi 'o'3 and oats at2oe sr ha. . Bscon—The market is firm, and pri are slightly inclined to advance. We note sales of 5 casks shoulders city cured, at 21, and of 4 casks hams of Western cured at 410 sr T. Sales of 15,000 !Ds Western meat at 21631(341634ic p pound. Lane—Lard is in better demand, without how eVer, sales to any large amouuL We quote No I in kegs at 61th61, and in bbls at 51 to 510 per pound. • Gramma—The market is quiet, with limited sales of Molasses at 27(328e, of N G sugar, 410 5 1 ms p lb; of loaf sugar, Skialle; of Rio ooze. it Ufa Rle, mid of rice at 41(iKie if/ RI., Lard—Sales of pig at 4e, and of' bar at Mal is V ' Oils—Linseed in sold regnltudy 11151052 - Sales of No 1 lard oil at Stdiike, and No 2 at 51(d52c gall. Tanners' oil ranges for the different qualities from 316 to S2l ir bbl. - Virtusaar—The inarket in without change., and regular sales are,efreeted at 151(d19e gr CamiLea,-Sales 20 Foie Pittsburgh dipped at of mould et I 01611 c; and of star at 22c per .pound. Soar—Regular sales of Pittsburgh mations:AT eed vadVand soap at Me, and of rosin at 41We liP , Cams—Moderate sales are elicited at 106ic 4. a, for common, and -an Woman!. Frommas—ldre Maus small sales from store at 31f=e. ip lb. IHrer—Limned sales are effected at the rate of fllo yr ton. _ . Tow Yeax—...eles at 22e p dos. . - The steamer Loyal Hanna for Cincinnati, and the Highland Mary, No 2, and the Shenandoah, for St Louis; left on Saturday, crowded with pawn gen. Many of the tight draught 'Learners are now beginning to do a fair business, and we are glad to nee It, fin during the low stage . of water is the only time during the Beeson when those small light draught boats can command any business, and an the larger boats hare been so long enjoying the trade, it is nothing but fair that they should noW stand aside and let the little stem-wheelers enjoy the profits of the trade fin a season. Detroit. Juno 14, 1949. The market wan firm yesterday, and a few tales Dour took place. at prices varying from 400 to 871, and fin one very choice lot of 200 bids, 4,95. There are not many buyers in market at present, and bat little competition. In grain we did not hear of much movement • Wool—The qaawity offered was about the same as the day before, without any marked change in the market. About the average mice paid in 'WC falling and rising some .1 or Sc from this, according to quality. Now Ounsact - Llessi—The fallowing was the situation of the New Orleans Banks on the 27th lilt agreeably to the official publication of the Boaril of currency. Circulation:, Other cash lishilities 11=:=1 Specie 56,537:776 Foreign and domestic exchange... 5,070,549 Other rash assets X1Cr,919 Besides the above, the banks have diseoniand DOW! payable in full at maturity. S6,3ZIASgi ktitu on anorigagra, 33,453,192 loam . o 0 stud, 91,419: 191, and real estate, - - Expert■ of Specie. New York, Jose 13, 1618. The Specie Exports of lad week were: Brig 'EntBn, Rochelle, five &WM r 513,200 Malian donnas 1.0.59 SL;nmer Hibernia, - Liverpool gyms . 117,491 .. Am slur fit gold 157,219 Ship St NiCholas,HAVM Mexicando l ls 23,4013 -• Am half dons 12,014 13,330 sovereigns 999 . .. five free. 36,974 Ship Mediator, London, English silver - 14,030 Mexican dolls mires 3,561 12,740. Ship Edwina, Antwerp, Napoleons 8,900 Ship Victoria, Antwerp, Nopoleons , 3,219 B u lk moriricri,filmanzes,Sparrish doubloons 1 7 / 000 Brig Minima, Matanzas, Spanish doubloons 17,000 Steam United States, Havre 400p00 Shiporata January Ito June 3 6,250,968 WOOL paoliscTs Feu:ado circular of Mr. Tt Peter'', we extract the following,-"There re no reason to expect as bigh'prioturfor Wool, thei etlrly , put of the mason as was paid last year. The fillandal rendition: , abroad, during the past winter, threw: large amounts of manufactured goods upon our Market, which reduced prices Minously low, and the eon tinned stringency of our money market Served more or less to embiuma manufacturers, and mum continue to do so Ibr months to come. Um der such circumstances, it would be folly ix them to boy largely of the new clip, as there is now no doubt that the production in ordinary years is equal to the consumption. There baying been entlidisited a permanent re duction in fabrics, there must be a corresponding reduction in the raw materiaL Bat how mach that redaction shall be, is a grove question. There is no apparent reason for prices rectum nailer those of ISIS, inasmuch as till the clip of 1847 has gone out of the market,and will nearly all be work ed up bei2m the naive clip comes in. Besides, the fact is well eitablithed that the increased con eumptios of fabrics• consequent upon • reduced woe, will elmse the absorption of the entire cop of 1849, without any export demand. After making a fair concession to.the manufko. tames, I think prices twill range doing the that half year an fallowc--No 1, 360311; No 2, 3103:33 No 3,2 t 29; No 4, 210324; No 5, 20023. That you may readily compare the reduction I append Depot prices for the ypting,us w p r : l7.Zte prices at which I sold the same grades of wool in the summer and fall of 1857—.fa1l blood. ed Merino is No I. Priers gamest kw '4B. do. sum. '47. do WI '47. Not ' % plb MIPS 40 42-‘. No 2 . .31033 35 --- 96 - No 3 • 27029 30 .33 No 4 : 24a20 27 ."•-• TJ KOP 25 40049 45 5(mXO5 60 arf:: The Depot system operates now to the idrant age of both fanner and manufacturer. -Fat bay ing to purchesir only the particular sort be wants, the manufaCturer pays the fair market value of that grade of wool; whereas in the prawn mate of the money market, if he was compelled m Pur chase entire clips, he would only pay. for the whole, what his grade would be worth, it a lower or infe rior kind.. For course and medium grades, there will be a fair demand, but fine wO9I, if sold early, must .be sold at a very low price. Upon the whole, the' prospect for the wool grower is no good as thit of any other branch of agricultural industry.--ilicichetaer American. . ' Cattle Markets. • Philadelphia, June 10,1548. Prices—Beeves Mostly all sold at s6,so , iiilfd 100 The. Cows and Calves--Soles range at SSG/ $l5 for dry,Sl4(3s2B kw Springers, and Elffilflat for fresh cows. Hogs dull at $4,5004.5 the 100 2 50 were Laken to New York. Sheep and Lambe—Sales were mostly at $1,25614 for cheep. and 51,e45 , 2.000 each forlambs: • 13altimoreaune 17, 18t8. Prices ranged from 13,7501,11 i ap 100 The on the hoof, equal to $7,00058 net, and making au• average of 7,871 gross. , Nothing ofillsoment has occurred shwa Monday. • 1. Hogs—Them has been an improved demand I for hogs during the entire week. Sales weremade on Monday at $4434,50. Sales' have aneeltaen made to seen at 4,54011,581. Sales of acumen description have been made as low eta IMPORTS MV ninhart. ikriorr—Per Cope-14 .k, wad, J McPaden & co; 2 barns, Tssae7 & Balt. Per Caroline-11 kas cheese, 1 keg Mittcri Bog .lay & Smith; 51 las cheeia, P Perry; 5 mks ppeea¢rls, pearls, Burbridge, Wilson ac co; 22 tat cheese Niudexter & co; 14 do do, Church & Cezolhers 4 mike potash, Geo A Berry; 83 ben dads., Humphreys 20 Dbl. whisks% owner; 14 cks Wool I &R Floyd . Per Matta-1 lot bbls and auks, D:R tried; 31 alm *col ; Murphy* Lee; 1 keg butter, - llessel• ton; 10 bills paper, L Harper. ==9 •.PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 2 nix. 4 nic . Win: at La' kis Erie, Murphy, *aver. Michigan Gilson, Beaver. Atlantic, Parkinson., Brownsville. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, MKeesport. Gondolier, Lyon, St. Louis. Companion,---St Louis. Lewis Wetzel, Visithr, Cia. Caroline, Boieis, Beaver. Wellsville, Hamm-Sunfish. 1 DEPARTED. Lake Erie, Mary, Beaver. Michigan,Boiem-Beaver, Beaver' Clark., Steubenville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Broscrisvitle. Highland Mari; Bork, Wheeling. Shenandoah, St Louis. • Caio" line, Bois, Beaver:, Caleb Cope, Moore ;Wellsville. American Star, Hanna, Cia. Loyal Hanna, M'Donahl, Ciu. The river last evening at dusk was 2 ket inches water in channel, by metal marl•, and falling slowly. • 137 Citizens are honorably &mired that the follow ng are tire actual rptalifies of a 3.. bottle of lovas' Co ral Hale Restorative. Ifify doubt our word, they rannot these highly resf table citizens, who have tried iu Mr. Geo. Ikeken, 41 film st, New York. Mrs. !Batik& Reeves, Mynle avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm Tornpkius,PZ King at, New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, fig Liberty at Pittsburgh -11. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. Americo. And more them a hundred others state, though this Must suffice, that it will force dm hair to grow on the hcerLd or face, stop it falliug off; strengthen the roots, remdming scurf and dmidrur from theroots, and making light, red or gray hair assumg a flue dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, sok clean stud beautiful, a very, very long time. Sold az, WE. JACKSON' SBP Liberty at.. , - ma /4 U. Don't hive yellow dark Teeth—they eon be made pearly white by Otte •thao using o box et Jones &tabor Tooth Plate It harden& the gums, wareetes s the breath, &o. both o bh Liberty at. novllidtthely SOLE AO&NCY FOR THE SALE OF Pinsua's & Claskts . Grand and sqa Are ' ?VIE mbmriber would rerpectfully inform the public that having received the preference, among the several appheants 'for the sole agency of Messrs. Nub & Clark's PIANO FORTEN, for thss city, he will keep a constant and varied supply of Haar inane tannin 'The Pianos Mess:. Nunn & Clark have been known in this vicinity for so long a time, end so favorably, that it is considered almost superfluous to say any thing to their praise. They have edemas been favorites with a Pittsburgh public, and from the firm nitroductlyin bf pianos into this city en the present day, have been preferred to ahnost every other make. The y have proved themselves fully wor th the patronage thus and confidence manifested; when we cons,- der that the fast requisites of a good o are volume of tone and durabilay, it will readily be admitted that the Elmo Banes of Nutins & Clark, Nate York, have scarcely their equals (certainly not their superiors) in the world. As cam's are always more satiefactory and eouclusive than troam, and a long and labored eulogi. um might be looked upon but as mere asaertion, the subscriber begs leave to subjoin • few are nutty In. stances where Minns & Clark's Pianos are owned, and the &umber ors* they have been ittei— Geo Ogden, „ a Piano of & Clark's, in caesura use for years. Mrs. Judge Della, in consttua me for 311 years. Geo Rapp, EN, Ematouty, do iv " C Bowen, Req. . • do 18 " Ides Part, do 17 hut Crossett, Monongahela House 12' Mrs Oliver Sewickly Seminary, 12 Hon Judge ' Rhaler, /sm. ood, Esq., 15 Dr McDowell, 10 Wm Bell, Jr, EN. 9 " The above ;nano, have been carefully examined by Me'subscriber, re and we found. In excellent order and n, remarkable sure of preservation with regard to tone and exterior. - They have given enrire mtisfac tion, and, in the words of the owners, "have cost less in the way of tuning and fiting than nny 'other pimos they have heard of. So far from being behind the age, regard to the improvements and perfections of modern tnes. Emus Norms At Clark may be consi• dered a. occupyrng their acknowledged position. now, ea before, vim Otia of the first. if not the very first, In their Um of business. For the information of those un ecgusinted with their late manufacture, the subsenber would retie to the following: Jas B ?dismay, EN. D Long s EN. Rabat McKnight, D Irwn,, Pig.. Junes Park, Jr., Fig., D :ironer, EN. Dr Robert Snyder, . SLothisip, Cep! A Norton, breezier Payer. Drown, Eag., ge• Western World.) ' urinary oldie S. Mercy Capt Ward, L Jr, Deo Grattl..EN. W Thaw. Kol. J Parker. John V Meyer.. Leg. F L Snowden, Lag. E Dethend g, .1 Merlin LI;FAC. W Mackey, EN. N Holmes, Jr, F.l• T Umbstsedier, EN, New !dation, OMO. Rev Daniel Jimimiaewickly Seminary. tow Xajifich Sensinery,,Sisters of Merry. Youngs- W Cunningham, Fog, New Castle,..P.a. • Hasien, EN; Washington. Pa. - En E McCann, Elizabeth, Pa. • • Jebn C M.tZ , MM, Bethany, Vn. Marla* Shippen, Esq, 31R Mack Furnace, Venanto •• county, Pa Ttio submit... pledges himself that he will sell the Pianos of Nomad. Clark amen than thoee °lrony oth er make, of equal inusl k i . t . ) . .. . 1 1 1 SLF.[iFlt, \Voal at ALSO—Cabo/14,nd for sale, a iarge)ot of very so. parlor Pianos, ons . lll . by ; / .. igas Chtekerunt, of [nue, SI I ,2831527 - - Csmanitlng Ilstilneers &Counsellors for pssenteess • (Mee for picearing and defending Patents, ,imparting information tan Mechanics and the application of Sci ence to die Asti, and on American and Foreiglt Laws of Patents. PwilICW. WALT= JOICSSOIi, late of Philadeb phis and Z. c.IIOIIBENTS. ofWeilkolelore hirb Ito be aided by Masud Knowles. F. 10., late Machining of the United States Patent -On bays associated themselves• together for the prosecution of the above brooches of professional business, either in their Dike, m sir Peens °Mac,• or before the Constii and wilt de vote Odds undivided attention to kinsman:tit the Inter en aliments's. or others who may consult them or place bovines. br their hands. Mr. Koowlee has for liq put twelve years held the post of Machinest linhed States Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part In the present undertakes. lb, talents and peculiar tor the lamortant office so long fil led by him, have been Cony recognised by Invesitors wherever tie oftlee 'mitts knovrn. 512,00,211 . _ The office of Alessra.l. &F. Is on P street, opposite the Patent Office, Wmlaington, C. where totanuii cations, ;cam paid, will be promptly . aneuded to; emirs- Mallon. made, drawings, apeciflesnons and agreeing.. ite papas prepared—and mooch promind when desi red—on reasonable Pram Lenern of enquiry, expect ad to be answered alter examinations W, must be compaded by a Co. of Eve dollar.. • . In duties of their WEce which pertains to there tent Laws, Messrs. J. & IL will be twisted by a legal gentleman of the Wheal professional character, and fully conversant veldt Mechanics and other Scientific subleeta. Norton,' Valves*, Cooktog Stove. A& O. &HAD= having ;mewed the exclusive . right to manulacture sold sell the abom. named stoves, take pleasure In making. the fact known thee shay are now mepared to funti a Cooking Steve an penor to any °therm use. 'The snivels constructed on entirely new principles it being the only stoat over made where the even igt heated by hot ale alone, made and .used by a draft Separate from the fire and smoke due, thereby making this Me only lint Air Stove ever made or patented in the United States and the only . stove ever suede where cold air is rued by a draft to protect the imide Ones and graduate the bent of the oven. It requires not more Man ime half the feel that other stokes do. sod Intl operate equally no well with coal is With wood. • To BOW. Kamm ass Marto or Srsixinixs.—• Your attention is nwpeerfolly invited to. the No. 11 Universe, which is designed expressly for awaraboats and public house; and possesses decided advantages over any other stove now ha use. jell!' illweswliN lkl'EW AND ATTRACTPIEBOOKS--Chalr4rs'S. VI lea workso vols. . • . :• Chalmers , Duly Scripture Reading; . Mentrdr of thelife of Mrs. Fry, Ordeal; - The ConvenLby the swthor of 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not_of the World, by Rev C B Toy lor,M.A. Margaret, on the Pearl ' do ' - Mark Clinton, or the Merchant's Clerk, do Life of Pollok, author of "Course of - The Listener, by Caroline Fry. Lectures on Shakspeare, by BUN Hodson;' Life of Oliver Cromwell by i T Headley; Napoleon andjis Marshals do NVeshungton and his Generals, do Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D •, Bethel Flag, ' do do . • Religion TeachinAby Example; • • Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; (knion of Scotland, do late of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit,a vol. Orators of Hance; Now and Then; llethone's Poem.; • Margaret Mercer; Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Union Questions; Arthur's Popular Tilds—"lliclice in the World,” "Making Haste to be Rich," "Riches hare Wings," "Keeping op Appearances," ' , Debtor and Creditor." • For sale by, ELuarra, ENGLISH,. jell 78 wood and 56 market el _ SELECT SCHOOL, (Scoot. Roos tors Tomo Pasearraniin Cloaca.) IDLR. CATON'S SebODI still be opened far tOrreeep dolll6( pupils of both sexes, on Monday, the JAI Y. Paaovoe to respectfully solicited. Ciliation/1, April SS, lOW.. Remmers—Rey. a Riddle, D. D. A. T. McGill, D. 0. _ Mr.Chowe Mateo. Richard Edwards. YukeioCourie. W. W. Wilwn. Henry Wilkineon BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS. — TISPY L. ANDERSON, Proprietor, reepertfelly in 1J forms the public that this celebrated and fashion able wstering place is now opened, endlung pupated foi the reeepuon and accommodation of visiters. On removing the mill pond near the springs; a very y. 1.1,14 White Sulphur Spring bee been disclosed, the waters of which are 001 ulterior to those oldie far famed White Sttiphor Springs of Virginia. An servants and a bao Randal Pinsk have b eg ,. enmed, and OTtry provision made to secure the •comforiarvisiten. • .. get Adm 2 ANUPACTURED TOBACCO-211a hf S'alones &Ws ' , strains sweet lb !stops. 75 half On Webster Old scpcnor meet 6a tarps as a Lawsuit, Loftier da sto a Gents, & Rosner a asicis 2.0 a Dupont Ida la Eons) a ' a • tO a hics.sod a is . 25 Lasmace Looks a ask& plug Jan landing ham staantar,and km sale by 11F40 , 1, BUCHNOR 41N water stand lON whasTeN• . Philadelphti. Wax* hew. MNR highast Oise in cash paid for good clean rag! , i; Ir,tr,`"-°°°;gll. vtrrtirffitz.'"'" - warm 15411eLpars 00111 iv •rt• , '4l`,Auarney att• •• • • • at w; al and Cantadadorter Cott the 811118 of Paansiltratda, st: Louis, Ida, (late ed Pittsbargb. . , illamacata—Piusbaribt Hod Forwar4awaP tao & Miller, Wardle& & BICIa John' E Paatt, Mud& SaAttmsde,llPeotd & Vag. ' 1 ialtlY4 ~~= ~_- 1 ~.- _. NISCEUMOIIB. wrICIC .GIOLDEM BEE-HIVE." • rituF..dersitied ed with aortae, lathe , het of May 20, an ankle signed by Young Cc Ste enure, wherein complaint is made against me for pla ginfrontofmrDryfoolsStern oo Market 'sure; between 'Mini and Fourth mem Lk at a simi or &stint.- ties mark, a .oolden Bee-Hive." Al CYR Y.& &MGM 1.0 Mann thm t.My have the m. elusive right to use such a sign in Pittsburgh. But as they show no legal rsmax tor sech,exclusive right, I shall continue to use the sign I hemp adopted, or any other that I choose—satrified that my doing so is no de parture from meicmtile usages, and no infringement soy neighbors , rights. And I feel sum that no non. OMR. itlere-harit will object to my ugh g such signs as I think proper. Fair, open and honorable competitio n seeks no such exclusive right, and makes no such childish complaint. I seek ncit to injure, in my way, Messrs. Young is Stevenson. All who choose to trade with them eau. o. thunts do tug and all who choose to call at my store, at e sign of the ntiolden BewiliveP on Mmket street, between Third and Fourth, will there find an good a stork and unmet:teat of Dry Goods, for sale ns cheap, and on of liberal terms, as can he foend it the rival "Bee-Wien of my compthining neighlmrs. • That is what I call fair business ciwithetition; and I do not believe Messrs. Y.& S. will gum much mem. rim to their custom, by nubility efforts to place them selves before the public; io their A.16•111.l attitude of injured men. min WILLIAM L. RUSSEL New Elssoleal lustros:watt. CARHART'S IMPROVED MELODEON. TORN 11. MELLOR; No.Bl Wood -street. bun 0 yed and now opeb for sale, •a supply of Cats.* improved patent Melodeons, price sr. For the benefit of those resoling at a 'distance, and consequently unable to inspect be Melodeon before purchasing, the following desert.on is given: The cases are made of rosewood, and are atshand somely finished la a Piano Forte. The ae.toani is pr ensely the same Roth. piano or orgun, and the tone, (which I. very beautiful) closely sesembles that of the Bute mop or. org... The instrument can be innuetli ately condo portable 0r..? detaching any. part, the bellows receding into the body of :he instrument, and the legs folding =ldes, leaving the whole in a compact form Each :imunment has a packing - case, and the whole when pitched weighs only 45 pound. The vol ume of tone is equal to that of a small organ, and by means of the swell may be increased or diminished at pleasure; it is sufficiently food Coe amok churches, and is well calculated for n parlor instrument. sny9s • ..• - • -.• rinus LNSTITUTION, under the charge of the Si.. T ten of Mercy, situom on Stevenson street, sooth of Pennsylvania Avenue, is now open for the reception of patients. The medical gentlemen attached to the Hospital art— DR. J. P. GAZZAM, DR. ADDISON, •• DR. BRUCE, DR. MeMEAL, DR. IifEILNEDERG, DR. SNYDER, Non-paying patients ace received as"formerly. Par patients will be received at the rates adopted for the temporary Hospital. , Lower wards 83 per Week. Upper wards lin which each patient hasp separate apartment) 53 per week. These terms Include medical attendance and medi cine. Pay patients can hare any (reviler) physician they may make choice of at their own expense. • 'Clergymen of any denomination are allowed to visit patients when desired by them. The Mercy Ilospital is delightfully situated in an pe miry part of the city, and within ten minutes walk of the n, Court Meuse. Application for the admission .of patients, can be made either to Dr. Snyder or • JAMES BLAKELY, my31:4211. Chm. of Committee of AVey Boopiml Femasylviulla Read'Compasgy. NOIIOE le hereby given that the fourth illsialmem of FIVIdDOI.LARS per shun on the Capital Stock of this Company, is required, to be paid on or before the lot day of AO , neat. The fifth instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per abase, on or beim the Ist day of Se tember, and the Muth 'instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per sbanmsa or before the lot day of November non, at the cane, No. Itt Walnut sueet, Philadelphia. Payments will be received of one or more instal ments, or the stock may be paid in fall at the option of the stoekholders, and Intercaiwill be allowed from date . of payment. Instalments not paid punetually,:iVill be subject to the penalty of one per cent. per month, au required by law. GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer. • , „ . . . N. B.—lnstableols will be teeeired by W. IL DEN NY, at idanufaetertes' d. Merchants , Beek. mgl::deu4Uul COTTON DUCK rip ILE subseribeas are operating the largestUstablish meat In the United Sums, In the manufacture of Conan Soil Dusk, sad bffer for sale to the dealnis in Pittsburgh, at their lowest pricer, Duck of superior quality, of every deserigition of width and weight, suit able for novenog Steamboats. for Avroinga Tarpon. lins, Tents„ Sacklng, Bottoms, Ase , vises :/inch heavy duck; ' GI Lush do - and hght; SI inch do do inch do do 12inch do do Minds Duck, from NO. I to No. IC Int loch Rarest.' p No.l to No N. and 211 inch heavy sonnet; Dealers will fogl an advantage m purehal manoMeturers-dtreet, rather Man at sociand CARROLI.I Baltimm Dr. Ears. Tonle end Antl-Dymepue PILLS. .71 lIE general properties of three Pills are Carmine tire, Pargative and Tonle. lei the common disor ere arising from imprudence in diet, fre., such es sick es end momess ot Me stomach, heartburn. headach, an, where a medicine is regain!, thts combination is very applicable. for its <anointing° and soothing ef fect. give alm ost immediate relief when usimea oe sickness exist. Its purgative oper , :aa wren the MOM. mlf and bowels is gentle and ef cum! its mwc properties impart strength to ti at, coon 0ft,114, thereby enabling these onrsos to parfcra m, r:r p . funetinus with order and regularity. The price has beim reduced from 90 to at& hoe. For sale wholesale end retail by B A FAIINMTOCK I Co, corner (mat and and OM and mood jel4 , Agents for Pittsburgh COUNTRY MERCHANTS - - • . ... . (lAN SAVE from L 5 to 25 per cent. by par - Chasing L,/ their OIL CLOTHS dieter from the manufacturers. POWER. CARAIICHAEI. hare. opened • wore hem* No. 4.13 North Third street, above Race, second door South of the Eagle Iltdel, Poo NI.. where they oral always keep on hand a complete moo tomcat of Patent Elaine Carriage pit Cloths, R', 3a, 40, la, 4.1 and 54 maws wide. Fig u red, Palmed, and Plato, on the laude. on Hamlin Drilling awl Linen. Table (Id Cloth. of the most desirable pattents, X 40, 4d and 54 inches wide. }loot Oil Cloths, /Mao Melted to feel wide, well ortitoned, and the armed style of pattern., all of. their own manufacture. Transparent _Window Shades. Carpets, he. All good. warranted. mygg:d3al — Simamiligsgime and flaw 31111 for Mar. rpuE antactibe_rs basing now their lower htsw-hlnx ,n lsth 1. Ann Mama Mamma in met maul operationof fer their upper Mill, with ito ft team &mine aml Coning Establishment, and the Fr.. Mendinga n- mining them, fdi sale on reasonable and serval a- , ting terms. . The steam engine is an excellent one , nd ell the works in the ilawinuand Lath Cooing a ) eh- ' figments aro iu good order and condition, and a pur chaser tam remove the whole and put them into opera non in another place, in Ims than sixty days. Letters poet paid, directed to the wtheeribers, Pinaburch, will be rsolantly anended ha • • leger rinvn.i.r.n. CLUB ft For.l. T'• FOR !SALE --- rim under;g7incodeTafor sale a superior article lof brick for building, Made by his Proem Press, improved machine, for which he hoe obtained a patent. and agrees to give purobaseirs a written guarantee that they are stronger, and will resist frost and et wench er and imbibe less moisture Of Marquees th a n any oth er brick, possessing . greeter baly and superior tenure and much more donstilwin every respect, each Mick being subjected to a permute of waren.] tons, and poW sassing a handsome smooth surface and Open' edges, they mate a front egaal to the hesrfront . brick. • 'They have given the greatest satisfaction to all who burr purchase A kiln coo be whir at toy works, and s p ecimen at the Gazelle Office. Those having supplied the-uncivil lot their buildings, aid 'wishing handsome front Mick, or superior hard and solid paving brick, can obtain • ISAAC GRIXiG. Birmingham, June 12,184. AIaI:RICAN TELEGRAPH COMPAIIIri, yrniorcaan Axn WIMISUISO. • IVESTERN LINE. • Ocoee angho Exchange, Baltimore. t 'DEDUCED BATES.—The charges have bern tea on all Plevitagei m from Bayimpre, Pitts= burgh ,or *Upham . ..a • correspondingtledacbon made nu WI telegraphic despatches funvarded from Bal timore, West of Pittsburgh, Pa. • Havim—The charge for a telegraph 'despatch to or front Baltimore, Pittsburgh and NVlecling, is 45 cents for tha first ten,words, and 3 cent for' itch additional UT No chame is mode for the address and signs "l% W 6 completion of the South 'Western Line of TeJezrapb from Aleinpli, Tents; to Now Orleans, des patcUe can be forwarded to Illnuobts by this mute, end twilled for Nan Orient.. , jell Algiheat' Cesmil AT the annual meeting Of the Corp the Sth 100, tho folkoring perm mossy " TMVItI 1.-hil . 0 r .JOHN BISSELL, . :JESSE CAR0TH121.9 64, {NATHANIEL HOLM • ss I era I,IfLLSON M'CANDLES. • - JOHN H. SHOF.NBERG/OL. I JAMES Ft. SPEER, J. Fonorr, Jr., Secretary and s Treasurer,. 1 The annual statement presented the affainl of the ComPartY in Pmsperons emulition. Their office in the city Is No. 37 Water street jell 1====11=03:11 • fr s J u lE Stockholders in the Youghiogheny N avigation Company are hereby notified and requited to pay to .'jameellamillan, the Treuurer of the Company, the rum of Ten percent ou each share of their stock, ou or before the 12th day. of July next, and a further sum of Tett_per Cretan or before the 12th day of M unn next. The stockholders win du take notice, that the low methadon the collection of Duskier cent. per month,On instalments not. peuctually made, whirl, if found neeenary, will be enforced. By order of the Board` ALEX ,RLIMIEJL Peen. J 11 Ouvim, Seely. jell • To Contracto , ... SEALED PROPOSALK Will be D.. .n dat the More of William P. Baum, Wood Are t on. til Toedday, the 25th lest, ofd o'clock, I'. M. for gra. ding the pseca of road known u"Ew , an's an the Pittsburgh and Coal Bill Turnpike Road, agreeably to the plan and specification to be seen at the store of said Baum. • • JITAII proposal's io he accepted, musLatate th pnce per yard kr clay, loose atone and rock : Tit • sneecohl bidder44l be 'required to give security Co .i Me faithful performance of his contlitet, ouch co ah he satielecim to the Doan' of ldp i n D am G • Mend • W HOOTIS , Seey: 'DR. W. J. MADEIRA. Dentist. • OFFICE so Pm Mehl street,3o doe ...rth N'P'de.. r e I"l. !rte ' u l' o b uf vice. m , Wel' i t t ' xv "" t=tp-. '''i g. Y . ', ,, N. NeDowelli_ _DP. Patmestocki Pr:Ocher, .qmpoort; lamb re[.oq. Thom; Bei;j:liteteer LWE OP CROMWEL— Jun received per ...Pm's, L st needier.. Life of Cromwell, brans Vol. •Irenh and its Effects; or Fragments Dona t O 7 Port Folio: by Mr. Palmer. ! ; Riches of Griew ' Interior Life, by - Uphemi 0, Faith, by Upham; Mernoriale of Methodism, by Rev, 4. Stevens The Englieh Pelph, • collection of sermons by the atom o eminent being divines et Engiand; Sketah, ex Of 901700. on the Parables end Miracles; Meander's Life of Christ. J 4 READ, MO • • Mader Buildinget ret irincrirorwitomire=ir—w . amr..01;7: use in gt. , Andprors Church, liand ing a great vole= atone, of good quality, built in the Lest manner, and in perfect order. Faintilre st tbe A. oat Co., JeLl,dhateriveT •,• • 113 !darker at inottmor Supply of Chlatertwrs. Plano QLX new Piano. Fortes, of Itlyeeerned, and 61 oc• 10 Laves, win received arid reedy lb. male during this week . ; by '3ollff H =LIAR, Bole Agent for atickeringh, risme for Western PennsylvanLe. .d • m 4111 • xst. Sale. ALL the personal email rG.I. will be paid at Jobs metier., in Ent Liberty, bles township, on Monday, the Jam, at 2 &clock . Alsq .his edelit, and r aterest i/11 a lease of tha Moo limn Pena jelttel •• • MAIL. MICELVY, Mae.' ~... -. -t~,~, ~, .._.,;,,- HOUSES, LOTS;TA'_ MS, POlt. EIALZ, " rmuillrt comur assztrimz on an= nom Tax HE badersigned, administrator of the Wit" of Min T Si Clair McFarl and, &I'd, offers for sale on =- tomcat:44llg terms, a very pleaNeraly legated House and Lot, the neighborhood, of Mittel...Ur...token property. of Alexande r Brecken ri dge, Erg. The harass is a two story . frames building, with basement—the lot contains one acre, on which Is a very scarce and choice scleedon af every volley of frau, and a splen did variety of ahrubbery. For partieclus , refer to the Messrs. Herron., Mr. IL P. Cain, or Mr. Willis Boothe: ALEX. WILSON. Adze>. Tenet of Lam! for Salo. TEnbscriber tell aecommodating terms, ■ • Il valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton th Franklin , about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and .Loot eight miles from"the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. Thu tract con tains 402 acres and lXrtrerches, strict measure The land iv of an excellent gualdy, .boat 90 acres cleared, and well watered, and 'willies sold either in who'd or in farms of convenient sixe,-0 suit putchuers. For further particulars angarre of %VAL BOYD, AWE' at. Law, alike on 4th st, above Smitimeld, Piusburgh my:.lkdrensuf Kz.trairst s---Wo-riltalYirptirt—fELlG --•• • • • • jwil THAT property Will y «et ied by H. Nixon, 7.1r:a _O r 1 1 ,„): C re i f.l7.7. 4 4 ` c: ' R ll """ ing le •We lot au ' reet 4 inches on Cniig street, tuning through to the Canal 150 ft. TLersas,hoed two gory frame dwelling honer on the prem* , ',lately built, and the lot is well improved, containinca variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shmbbery, tre.lThle property is conveni• ently attuned foe persons doing business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is aVdedrable residence. Title Indurmlable. For tutu 'pity toWSL HOYD, Attor ney-at L 4.d a tfw, Mare on Fourth street, above , fiahl, ep }Ural iratutp 1n Ohlo. ATRACT of lend, PO acres, 1 0 Harrison, Portage Co, on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 urea under Im provement. •Also, two uninßwoved lots in the village of Warren, Trtimbell Co., RI feet by 90. Also, a lot of ground in the centre of Hark' , ay rd, Trumbull Co, with a fine dwelling he., and stalk—one of the best stands . for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be. sold 1 "-en very accommodating * rm. IS D1C17,44 Co., feblo I T.Vater and Front sac._ • — Real Estate In seer County. A LOT, Storehouse andeperellitv,• aitniste en the A Erie Extension Canal,'ln the vNage of West Mid dlesex; a desirable loco lltal fora merchant. Also, a Lot and good Dwelling Ha uskt well suited fora Tavern Stud, in the village of Ontilsevflle, on State line of Ohba Terms easy. ISAIAH DICHISY A Co. feblo (74. Store Etent. oee No, T ° s9 Wstee — st, a e drorti C ut r ate e ss so ra d ar n lft ' idge " , Wilson "c*. En TA",',g;raZ,rgiliNl/4., or of reyirklin 5B Water st Lot L3>7 3 : A LOT in the sth ward, 44Tett on Logan street by 60 11, feet on Clark street, oar: of the mom:desirable lo- cution. in the 6th ward. For terns twirl° the nab, scriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4th near Mullet street, or et his dwelling cm Clark Erect, opposite F. Trovfilo'sthocery more. • gfeblo J L at• A two story brick &Yelling with about]. awes of ground attached, husked at Oakland. The place is well stocked With fruit of all kinds, and is a desirable louden for a famil; being Wisely out of reach of the river and dirt qf the city. An omnibus leases *Wand hourly for*c W ity. Apply to jar= A W O O D JONES ,t'Oo. Property In All4gassy City for Sale. rime aubscribers otter fog solo number of clot., Lou, eituate in the Seeped Ward, fronting on the Co tatoottnary tali.. inquire of W. OH. ROLIINSON.,Aey at Law, Si Clair at - or of /AS SOBLSMS, on thepremises. atyl7:d&ortf T Por 11;alq. JILA new three store brink dwelling house on Vylia street—Possession given on the Ent of pril or sooner if melted. Inquire of in2l • .1 & R FLIOI' 192 Liberty greet- Ifpr Sent. Aground. two story brink digelling with about 5 neves of ..mated onibe bank oldie Ohio river, to dos borough of M. nettetter. Apply to 1an.21 JAIISb3 t lILITCLUSON & Co. 23kTIIRIX dwellum hisses situated on 4th street near canal bridge, m tl' city of Pittsburgh. Al so, a room 75 by VA lect, with • convenient en trance:on sth at, near wood: Also, a frame dwelling, .two . STOltel, with en gent of elound enclosed and under cultivation, situate on Ohio Imo, in the city of Alleghe ny. Ingrate of J IVILLUMS, . Janll . 110 wood street ngE o R 5 mg from and. a Ce, re Md . k==l . . FOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew: ery, with all as brewing appuema, satiate on Penn street nod Barkers alley,and now occupied by Geo. W. Smitb & -Co. Paesession given on the first day of April castling. ' For Mans, Re. enqnins BROWN & CULBERTSON, lebMif 143 liberty et. WAREHOUSE FOR SALR—Tho albseiribei olrers (or wee the three Gory brick Warehouse on Wood street, oerapied by IL Twiner A Co. It repo now for SLOW per year. opt? WAL WILSON, Jr. 2 The new three story. fire p _roof brick none on second st.. now .copied by Edward Er.s; for rout from Irt of Apnl nest Inquire of J SCIIOONIIIAKER & Co., ' 1.19 94 wood wee. ne'sublenbers will rent part of the ware. boo. now oceopin/ ty them. Apply to ssSiiiL LEWIS, lIALZELL, tr. Co., jantS 53 Water lop room. Obi, MrM .o w f Llte u, r7re f lrs o e , 4"" by We " " for • stemotam Woal str eet—• good loc.. In nee attic& 11.9 n7" l° ''' "u" ROLLN.ANS & GARRISON. • A •Fine two curry brick honor, on main Meet, Allegheny city, near the upper Ifindge. The lot It ItJ legit in trout by 100 deep. For terma inquire of • dela( NVASIIINGTON.4th For nt. • THE large fire p iwareboa.e,Sl feet front by gatEv fret deep, on ereot et, near wood. Beat mod. erste. Inqutre of 1-CIIOO7I4AICEIt k Co.; dell Ilwood at A F!make Ramie, situated on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire eel ROBERT DALZELL A. Co, Liberty street deel3 COAL LAND FOR SALE-seven acre. coal land for sale. einiatt in bend of the Monongahela Lear, above Brownsville" Pa, having a 7 foot yam of coal: which will he widil to exchange for good. For guano are apply to [oe2s] 8 A. NV HARBAUGR,33 wood at DRY GOODS. KNOW AI.I. MIN THAT BENNETT &CO. HAVE removed from/72 Market street, to their ne' splendid nod iIEIMICIIN establishment to be known tes the TOWER BALL CM/THING BAZAAR, No. 1,7 Market .veer, between Fink rind Sizta, Prnbened.- 11111. . The propnetors nwl a reluctauce promulgating what in any way might appear like the tunnel Bombas tic exaggerationof some in the trade, bet will beg to quote the following nonce ltorn one of our city papers; POncorthe pcateni curiosities that our city affords to the stranger, is Bennett &Co's peat clothing store, No. 1-B Market street, between Fifth and Sixth, which has been styled "Cower Ball," from the rectifier-knish of the front. The building is an immense one, content init seven capacious moms, all of which are stocked with every variety of masinaable garments, arranged in daemon perfect order and reellality : The propne, tors take great pleasure in showing their building and contents to cturens,particularly strengers, and loth°. mines from the country—we know of no plane more worthy of a visit. nry2dani JIIBT• ILECEINING. A ND opening during; the present week, at WM A DIGBY'S Cheep Cash Clothing Stere,l3s Liberty street, one of the largest, cheapest, and Mont fashion,. ble stock of Goods, adapted for gentlemen's spring and summer wear, eyerotfered for sale to Pinsbergh. The proprietor attic above establisament begs to invite the attention of hls friends and customers to his present large and fashionable stock, which having been lust purchased in the present depressed state of trade in the Eastern cities, comprises' not only every thing that is new and (matinee/de, bat is much lower in puce than can be otTered_by those houses who pur- chase only in early spring.. , It being unpoasible to convey any thing like *correct Idea 'of the extent, beauty, or quality of the stock, it will not be attempted; bin it is hoped an will contain their own interest, and cell and catmint, for Mott selves. The proprietor feels confident that these gooda surpass any thing . in the wean line In the city, end competition in pnee is . more desired the . feared. by any thing in the trade, auction goods, with ell thelr imperfeettons, not excepted. P. S.--Orders in the .tailoring line executed in the most fashionable siyle and substantial manner. iny.X4:dtm •rators, bold on .1.6111 41 . g. I 1 FH. EATON Se CO. are now receiving direct froat— . importers and mankfaciarers, a large asrortmeht of Fancy and Staple Trimmings, Hosiery and Variety .Goods, among which are—Blankmid cad !Banal* Eying.; do Uo Dress do; Embroidery and Vizetlo 'Gimp; 'GI Tassel. daisey and other dress Buttons; blank Silk Lace; Linen earnlirie Ifilkik; Artificial Flower* and Wreat Chtniilwtea, needle worked Callan . , 'Bee{ Bags a ndPUP.; ivory Ebony) and Fa ther Kid, Silk mad Lisle Gloves; limns Hosiery, Gloves, &el children.. and wormir' llosiery.• Hair Brushes, Combs; and Tooth Brushes; Winders Shades and Trimmings . Tailor.' Trimmings; Shins, of ramie and Yostithittsiserti Ike. no r , which they oder on favorable remit, al dials store, Oil Marker st, near 4th. t t jell 11 lIFFE GOODS FOR DRESSIN—W R h. lately received a full alsortmerir of svhitg •goods for Ladies Dresses, incluqing—Seadcb mall Maki Iros, Seri. der Neuesook do; plain Jaconetsf romp bare red do; emirs do; do. Also, B er me For Peening Dresses—While embroidered n Alumnus; pink embroidered Tarobn do; bide do; heir style damask striped and embroidered do; plain 'Skil Whim., pink and strow colored do• also. embroidered Sus. Muslin., by the yard, for te ening Dresses:. 004 Mark Lace Shawls, Scarfs and Capes—piericn nal Scotch needle stork Collars; an assoruacnCof new and beautiful style Linea Gander. Handkerchief.; aloe.; ing do; all at lowest cash prices, at, no:theta.t tontig no Rh and market etc. ; UPER BLX FRENCH OLOTIIS—W ft; hlneplit 0 invites tbc attention of gentlemen weigh* Clo to his assortment 'of very beet make of French • lAglish Cloth.. A few pieces very superior ;bloc French, gun reed; also, Docolans and Camipetca, to great variety; moaner Cando:erre, and TWeetbh 10l I cot' and boys' wear, block satin olestings; 4 lwhitit diansaillem do; gents white and Willemd linen cambrle ?Midis super whim and colored silk do; genii filovei; Hosiery, Am; Baum, Merino and cottott Undershine, , for summer wear, blk emit fancy Cravats! ?thighs& and Jacanct q9,lce. • Country Merchants.,'t ~ Qhirru AND JOHNSON, Hi Market street 4 have re ceived IS cases llonsicts, consisting in part of Ode • Straw, Aurora Druids, Victolia do,l3mip dad Eclectic,. do, China, Pearlund Ilorence; 6 cases Palm Leaf, Han, Infants , and Boys' Leghorn stud BraitPdo; Art, fiche Flowers, in every variety. _Also, DE dux Ladle*: Cotton Hose, front 75 rents per dos, up to the finest: quality; Undo. Penis half Hose; • good assettmeet of Lisle .11re...1,811k nod Cotton (Doves; 75 ps id(k iskikfte.; Heys Waddeas do,loo dos Lioeu Cambnc. dog 15 tar-. toms Cotton and Thread LAC.. Also. a good assort 4 meet of Combs. Dottrls, Threads, Needles, iPink_Crit, key, Jewelry, fee., in all of which they will offer prices tmeclitrs. ',L_LayL3 frIiDEAD LACH.S.—Smith Jotivilen, 46 Market havejust reed 2 cartonsmortiof these witleThre Laces, from In els per yd up. A*, ouetearwa of Mechlin do; one do Paps Point do;,' also Hi 'meant( cotton Laces. Dealers and others Will funk it to their interest to call, as they will he sold at ernymelp love rieeai • • , t' :lee_ 1 1311 1 1NrS- L AWatitiriter — iTon - ifieThWaiid aanngge and fancy Prim, of every t d o ystbLty . ll ertU sad wordleary low ruegi,"by dm caw he and for ule . 4 rt 3 • • iankcethrr &%varrE WE 110LMLE DRY GOODS—A A MK.. have jut received at their Wholesale Roma, Na.6o Market meet. 10 cues of printed Navies eW Alcslina3 do goad style of Oinghtan6 4 donewr style of Calicoes; 6 do.of Concludes and :datum Stuffs; H do Pamela 'or even- variety. Ake, Ribbon:lh Lae* Gloves, 'Hosiery, Ithaeda Domestics, Aa jel l LACES, EDGINGS, tC.-7 cartons Itstsfinitbrdzoll .mettimulltgings, Laces, lbsenittp,QM tins, pit, nd fancy Nets , of tbe latest Imparg r ts, o p.betd by 3.12 MLA WHMA • ti RA ' , OF DISCOUNT. BATES OF DL.9000. 1. HO Exchange Brokers, No. . Pennsylvania. Bank of Pittsburgh Exchange Bank ••• • •• , -Pu Merck. &Wan. Bank' :p Bkr.ofFhiladelplda.•• ;Par Girard Bank ye, Bank of Germ:imam , :beater Comm. -par Delavrare Co.. o Montgomery Co. • •pax " Northumberland-par Colombia Bridge Go., 'par F Baykal:nen Sant Pm armers' Bk. Readink•Pxr Earners' Bk. Bucks Co. Par Farmers B'k Lancaer•Pm Lancaster C0.8k.• • • •Par Lancaster Ilk. par U. Some Bank. Bnavrnsville Bk. par Washington Bk.• •• .1 Genyaburgh • • • I} Chrunbersbarg ..... •-• • ", Ekmenchanna Co. Bk• - Lehigh Co &ink, Cabala Erie Bk. ...... • ••••• 40 Farmes , and Drovers , Bank, Waynmharg• • 1 Harrisburg Honesdale. —• Lebanon Ponnirila.—:- .... • —:u Yo M g ' 11 West Branch Bt.-- 11 Relief Note ''--+. -... Ci . 1 Mfr. M Bk. Piuz ie dcR u I ty itConctry rip—. u I i Stun 11k.rird Branches 1 NountPleunnt ..... -•••. Sumbenvilli...... ..... . Blanoun ...—...: Cincinnati Ban .......k c•-•••• u Colonsbno do. “ Cz . releville • •• a Zanesville Putnam • u Wooster • 70 Massillon Xenia . Dayton .... - st Western Reserve...a. a Pratain frk Colsonbef Chillicothe " Lake Erie a. Lancaster Ratelhon.— 13 Granville Ferners B't Canton. —.103 Urbana 00 Kentucky. Bk of Beamoky Bk of Louisville Norhom Bk. Kontt9n• Now if orki—Cny : . EXCHANGE BROKERS, ice, HUGH D. KING. (Lola tithe inn of arCord & BANKER AND EXCHANGE •HBOKEE, DOmq co. For= wr.,un Porr - Ornes in Coin Coln, Bank Notes, Tune Mb, •Forengar and Domestic Exchange, Ccrtificatci of Doposn, EXCHANGE anal' the principal titles Of the Union, for sale in now to nix purchasers. CURRENT and par fonds teeeired•on deposits. . COLLECTIONS made an all parts of the Union, at the lowest rues. , apt Ordisr&wUrnT lIIIIIMETs HANNA • & CO., . 110ANSERS, EECHANCiE BRUERS, sad dealers -LP Fors*. and Domes. Esehange s Costae Yes of Dep..; Bank NOWA, a. Spam; Foarth Inset, ow, ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Count snowy 'seemed on depOsite—fight Meeks Sri sale, and col lections made on nearly all the principal points , nt . the United States. • Gold The highest pre.= paid for Earelin and A/I:ter,iun Advs.. made on consignments of Prodace, nip ped East, on liberal tan. magi 11. 11.02.11L1E11 is 1102 r. EEKS and Dealers in Exc Coln and Bank NBotes, No. 65, Market street, Pi ttsburgh. sburgh. Belling Hates. Exchange. Buying Bair. New York, • 'lpr - CiAtillolll4 di. Philadelphia do Louisville, 2 do Baltimore, do Bt. Louis, .-2. do , Boring Rams, BANK NIYMI. Buying Rates. Ohm, 2 dis Co. tr. Scrip Onieran dial Indisna; • , - " do Relief Notes, ; "do , Kentucky, '• "do Pennsylvania Cy "do v ., ' "do New York , do, "do" .- g --. Nltheellng, kdo New Orleanit, ' "do Tennessee, 2do M a ryland, ~ t .." do .. I ' , /0.11.111017, , 1. Mr. 111117C11211... JOHN %MAHN I BROKERS-t-EXCIFIPANGE 'DEALEgS, • 0rri7,10,..011.14m0s rrancr, . iIErTLL CUBE Y 4.1 Wm: and Exchange Stokers, Al Femilts , and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Exchange, Certificates or Depaaine, Bank Noaes and Coin; No LS Wood sliest, third 'rbelcur Fourth, west side..' . , mania( WILLIAM A. MILL i CO., BA:VEERS, EXCHANGE 'BROKERS, and Dealers in Foreign and . Domestic Exchange, Certificate& Of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Ercie.No, 04 Wood at, one door abase }bunk, Eon Jude, Pin_abottgh, Pa.. FORZIGN EXCEULNGE.! - . DILLS on likugtand, Ireland, and Scotland bought Go .U 0 any amount at the Ilurent Rates of Exchange: Also, Brads payable In any pan of the Old Countries, from /t to /LOA at the rata of SS to the .£ Sterhns without deduction or, disc.:sat, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Ettropest and General . Aga*, office Rh at one door west of w00d...,, . .cattEnt saxes _ • 4kenwun wawa IDELLAINLIL i.: Tt•TE canes AND EXCHANGE llROMRS,dealeri in Foreign an/Doulastie galls of Exchange, Car. canes Depadia, Hank Nona and Coin, comer of 341 nod Wood onsets, directly opposite St Charles'lto tol. W 7 . • • Indlana, Ka.m s eay, Bank NOW; parehued at the lowest b 77 a BOY,' dela meet. BILLS OF 1/2011.11IGg;,SIght Chteks on' New York. • , PhiladelplV4 Constantly for sale by - N. HOLMES is. SON. "dela - 35 Market sc. eIOLLECTIONIS—DraIts. Note., A“eptan kdees, payabis in say part or the...HUM, .eollee ted au .the amass favorable terms. N. HOLMES & SON. date . 66 Market et EATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. ATHE sebseriber, in addition to his own manufacurt*ng of Hats, has made arrange-4. ments oritliblessrs. &bee & Oho most fashionable Amen of the city of New York,)• for arm elm supply of his extra fine Bilk Liars, and havingjost received a few case., 'tendon= cart tic sailed with a very rich md - Immtlfa Shat by calling at his new list end Cap Store, SmithLeld street, second dome moth al Fourth, where may be found a great Tariety °Mau and Caps of his own mannfectove, wholesale and re tail. Mrs made to order on short mike. ' • apr= - Tii ---- IPC - 6 - 1135 — dc — TCO., , airy al ldneemoors to ftPcand /a King). raitaloa.ble 8o ' fir,' Comma of Wood and Filth &red./. PPARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail. Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their H. and Caps from our mtablishment of the averramtmaur and aroadvaromm, of the Laren mrms, and at the Lomax Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, ace respectfully invited to call and manune onr Stock; as ens cm say with confidence that as I , OI.IIIiOIAIIT and nice, it will not surer in a comparison with any bowie in Phihnielphia. I febt7 Fashionable Hat wad Cap Illanufaetory. AGEORGES. ANSHUTZ, Ageob respectfully Informs his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the mannfacture of Hats and Caps at No.1:1 Wood street, our door above the corner of Second, when be has now on hand a fine amoral:tent of Han and Caps Of his, own maturfsetare, Which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms, .wholesale and retail, for cash or city sceeptance. Hats made to order at the shortest notice. apdtram - - DEALERS are invited. so examine R. H. PAItIERB stock of Stiow . Goods, of the spns 6Rah Don table do; AnTerica ROlf\E o do do; Cain, Pe reere arl co; storturg do Rutland do; French•Lneet Fancy Gimp, Sc. rec. • llAlB—Legbom, ra id, Pontulan, Foory Suaw 'do Braid, Rolland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Riltlatot a, to. • Straw Bo net Warehouse, 95 Market st. mart) Spring Publona tier 4 184 SH • MoCORD An -..., MAIM VCO. & tool saner., lirLL Introduce the Spring Style of Hats - this day, Saturday, March ath,lB4B. eir friends and customers areremtested to call and examine their mock of Spring Hats, lum received from .New York, at their store, corner °Mk . and Wood at& .i marl ' . riALFRED 8../LEEVIL. gpoh, CU APES'. Faslitanablet Hatter in ailiPitutbor g b. Principal Store 711 Fourth strett. MuniWarming and accorninodatioli•Stort, Cor net of Woad street and Virgin alley. Highest prices always paid for ahipping Para. • •rnyaly lIPBIIIO 110011 E imentst re• eeived nom New York, the Spring fdlie of Hats, which he will introduce on $. ay, March dtn. All mow In want of. neat and superior Bat, will please WI and examine at No 73, Wood street, dd door above AIFALL PAIIIIIO2L 8. Moorti: tia. revel, ed fro& New York, the Fall style of.llate Which he will introduce (hits day, Saturday, Aug. t... Nth. All ose in' want of a neat and superior hat would do well to rabid N. 75, Wood Surer, lardoor above 4 ang2l' • • XIIXIM.I2: FASEMON FOR lIATIS /UM' received from New York, the Bummer Style rot bets, consisting of White beeves, Pearl and White French Cassitnere with VellllllltOrt. Those in want of a beautiful, light liarare respectfully Waitedtoeet. mooar, snarai 73 wood et., 3 doors above 4th OWNERS AND CONSIGN ' ss °floods coming by itopyrice Xane, are hereby mink.) Sint in eon.- quenee of the des:suction oillie Freeport Aqueduct. no tie ilelivered by ne sritboot wraten , Orders from Me owners and equirrneu lo forward them al their additional expense. , .. . TYP - JOHN 14eFADEN & CO_ • --- tatiftM — ei. — co. .. BY STEAM TO THE AQUEDUCT. LFZXII CO. will send a steurnbosidaily, at 7A. 111., to_Ow Aqueduct,-where, Passengers will be courryed to Philadelphia andßabrsure ussal,yrith out any delay. For further iekometlon inquire at theWha , Motiongsbela BIM, or ofD. Leith Co., et the qtalfilititin. HdiNl3C VIBE I.llM — Che subscribers having P been appointed sole Agents by the taanufacterent, (or the sale of the celebrated 'Thirds Bricks,” are .now prepared to fill orders for any Totality; 1111:11, cash, per lAD. For the constrectrno of furnaces of aU hods, these backs barn been pronounced by gam petetPludges aibeiog eupetior to all other fire bricks now to ose. C A APANULTY Co,Canal Burn:- • •—• • - SODA ABll-42 e as Soda. A. from ?merit's factory; Dimme r PieratallOvria New ean., to arrive per autumn Empire artd Omericart Eagle; 44 marks of watch are of the purest quality,- fortro es. aumulamme. raflP POLNDEXTER tCo I h, =;=MINi 5 ' T—BORRELVEII BY ' Market amt.ear n&din : laias. . ~• erato Wk &Branches...l} 18 - atc.Bl4. ...:. . " Egebange r liA7dVc: • 1 . 1 Farmers Bk. a r Va. ^.• " Bk. or Valloy,— , r— " Bk. of Virginia 9 M.& Et. Bk., Wheeling t i do. Morgantown. •• • it linV. Bank Va --- • g : do ' Wellabarg--• • 11 . "do Parkersbarg."— Tennessee. TO TUE PROMInuORS AND MEmstEdgaer VW' gusteslCAJL - - AX. 10 iftmar ggineeters•WlSS, maid Dentiglette*.., ILATHE UNITEDSTATEK—The mbeeribarrespeet.. • fully calls your atamtion AG Dr. Benurre Ones, •• uma.nspressly intended .for albs health of both sere , —whether um from Incipient Flaws, or early cOnstuarnion, • ity.ottha Loup, 13ronchial Affections'. Asthma, Pleurisy, Derarged arid Disordered state of tbe Liver, Ppleeti; or Kidneys, Die: eased PPM., Cheiie, Dingpm, • Palpitatkaa: or tha • Hem; Loss ofhluseular or riskrons Power; do. de... .• DR. C. 13. BARIUM'S .GUARDIAN manes 10 t he:`• immediate relief of Females sneering funs Irreeulart- • ties, and all other tretine diffleulues and diseases Met.. dentsl to woman, whether meanie:led by cold. wet or any similar iniedieleue exposam, sad aU this without the use of untsliMrs . e; as the mom delicate Ind sensitive Isdy can al any moment ebply homlf ..Ith ont the possibility of incoming any risk of danger,. • o r any nuplessautresultuarising from house wild S.=stt=is no muchisee 7, Or 011 Of the many humbugs of the day; hen it m n ' thims, withoponitrietly scientific printiples, in accordenea - with the laws , of Electricity and Galvanism; and dr 0010:00112, 'durability and efficacy, inibutelysamasees - everything Of the bud area, before offered . lo.thepublie for the more ofdisease, and, in Id a , imp a, one of the most enlightened mane( the dy, is premooneed to be “the greatest diteovery Of the age.. , Ajmned oft" kits thus four years has beim ocenpied by Dr. Bantu in Winging the Guardian yl its present state of perfectiOn--dering .wluch . tana p his been in the bands of some of • the most nuoneat hysicians or the North sod S o as well as the dwalkup of nu merous funilies, wile bare used it for all of dm above porpoises, with the amin'padail steams, and who have "eff icacy given .6.4 unqualified approbation of its • • efficacy and valne,.ns cut be seen by rearms to the Manual of Instructions ucorepanying it. ..• . Dr. C.;.8. Itarren , a Guardian is seemed Croat imam. dons by a patent from the United Prates . Patent ClEce, end be had either with or without his Medico-Own Galvanometer. _ Bk. of Tar;Csue—•• . 10 Far. & alattOta Planters' Bk.. —.• • • Bk • — . r=ll2El Bt. of Cape Fear. '2 hicaett's Bk.,Ncbena,2 Teeth Carallame Caralea Bk ...... •••• • 2 • Bk. of Charleston. 2 Commercial Elk 2 .11k. 2 alk.of orGeorralowm 2 Hamburg *exhume 2 !Planters thletlia'aßk, 2 13k.. of South Carolina— 2 Mar ylaside Balumora Eke. . • ... Salem.° & 0 RllScrip .10 e• •• • riond Ear.. Bk. of !Brayton& • " Inkmers , t isdechaaies IBk. FrMerick " FredetleiCo.Bk.•—• • " Hagentowmßk • • ••• Mtneral Bk. 10 PAL= m u ...... •It W Int.o estlainfler • •• . • The Medico-Elect,* Galratiometru in point of beau ty, worlonsunildp, derability and pcnibr, caturst be our. • parsed or even equalled, and the subieriber feels that : he hazards nothing in the assenion that it will be Maud efficacy in. the treatment W arr= I prdire= .' bVGalvaniota and Enctriei , " ty, Mau any otter instrument, either in- the: Stales or Europe. TbahledienElectro.Gainer .„. is warranted in every resoectoind with • nary ear" will last a liferouse, andligiffu Mathew , est, beeline the bost„ instromerd ever offered to the the- manual accompanies them, giving themost ample inatructions, of practical expenence, so that it. - ily roadbatelllgibloya mind of every one, while the ! • try of arrangement is such Mat a clald may • . . with it: Any information granatously given;and all comma." aielwans choerhilly answered per mall, either In rola- • titan to tba Figaro-Galvanometer or Guardian. Medical men an invited to eall and erg/nine Dr Bar roll's Guardian, and leans efficacy. For rile by IL RICILIRDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar, .._ V 2,411. Michigan. . Bk. of SC Chur•• • Bk. of River Maims Ins. Co..— • 6 Far. a Meeh's Bk 6, Wiscoadn T•rritryr. 6 Canada'. Allsolventßards 1364.0 - & V i and Notes 1 0 • •1d011poela awn Napoleon —• ..... - 760 Ducats • 4 • 00 060 Eagle, old • ••• -. 10 60 Enda Inn •••• • 10 00 Dombloons,Spianh. 16 00 o.ranan ..... —• • 1660 Sovereigns , 60 0 dab.. •-•,. 660 Fnderiekatora•••-•87 60 • MEDICAL & SUDAMOILL•OPPICIZI, No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY a , • , few doors . below Wood Mrcet,. BROWN, baring been regularly educated to the medical. profession, sod been for acme time - general practims,aom confines ids attendon m dos treatment of prime, and delicate cm , fik "lakes forwidch 11 1. 14=ttuddes .11a T e raars ''' asaidsoulydevoted to sta • y . treatment of these complatauy(dermg arida time he healma more practice and bus eared mare pe. dents dun can ever fall to the lot of any private prao. titioaer) Amply qualifies hiarto oar moraines at speedyipermsnrat, and satisacipty care to an dilated with.daUcate diseases, and all diseascs arising Moroi ❑Thaler, - Ten Omlders . .. itzehaare.. New York ---- VI Philadelphia • • • . I pita Baltimore • — 1 •• • pna par. Antenor Wks—. If Dr. - Brownwould Learns those *filleted' with private diseases which have beim= ihroalts 'by Uses or ag gravated by the nee of .oy of the Common nostrams of the day, that their co/uplands can be radically and thor oughly cured; he baling given his careful, attention to the treatment of an& caus, and succeeded in hundseds of instances en curing pentane of indanunation of lb. neck of the bladder, and kindred diseeses which often result Conn those eases where others Lhasa consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites seals as have beertilong and unsuccessfully treated by ethers to consult bids, when every attlisfactibn wilig en theca ,n t eca and their ses treated flil In a eare,tho sad intelhgent maguey panted out by a Gang e co, study, and investiganon, which it Is ismatesible fee the,. engaged in general practice of =theme to ail. any . one a of disease. ' ll7Hernia or Raptani.—Dr. Ertnanalao invites per: sons afilieted with Honda to call, a.t he has pahipardo- War attention to shim disease.' Skin disease also rile; Palen Me, speedily cinask • Chum very low. . . • . , N. M.Ptulerus of either se: living at a Catania, by swing tbeir disease in writing_ giving all the mmemg— tomn eon obtain medicines with directions for use,-Iry 'Admixing T.. MOWN, AL D, post paid, a nd enemy .. ' - ing a fee. . Office No. 6.7, Diamond dim oppesite th e 4 Wady Rouse. 4 .• • No cure no pay. . , • . . dealt. , EMT , S — OEMEATLD 'TON ',AND rk.sMi OINTMENT is the moat effectual remedy before tb politic for the curls of letter, itch, dry ami, watery . p ples.of the tare ,neck and body,_acaly eruptions, =ag, other diseaseaof the akin Ws Ointment is . ted, free from mercury, in perfectly safe, and May be used at el thnes and mider all circomeanceir. A fresh supply of this valuable remedy received and ' for Webs . 4 .• B A PAIINESTOCE& Co, 1 ' minter abet and weed; also, comer °frith and wood - 1 ___ . .11 ICAL TESTIAIONY--The or: only troo M T l i tn i d genoinoLlver Pills,pre by ESellare. . • ,Wrutorrua. Gallia en, hi oy IS, 1949.-1. Mr. FL E. Sellers: After. several ye usa of your • lifer Pills, In my practice. lum prepared toaay that . . they aro jut :what you, and :have who have awl them represent thew to be, vizt—The best prep salon for ' • il Jim complaibt iud diwaset milling from • a deranged . • re oldie liver; that has eve Reap oreted in the pub- lie Yours, truly, • - .• tet" O. W. Atenata, M .D. ' Prepared and sold by FL E. SELLERS, S 7 Wood st, Pieotbargh, D. EL Curry, Aiwa/may, anddrayslests poi l erilly ht both cities. :- --- • PATAPSC'O • azatmar. thrSTITUTE,.., • NNEARBALTUdORk: Mil,. it . • has Lad' - T HE ),, PlUri skerTete l ti ' l e t A''' Slitia PalML cue ursgZen ern to the inltc foam her former cw. • metiers in the Troy 01.17.) Seminar with her sister, AIM E.. Willett!, as the author of Li...W.llms- I. ak, and of • seri. of.eiorirs on Cherantry, Natural - r . • Philaeoplryotc, of sundry. maks on the auttlect of ' The Patapsco Female istatitateli simaiedi I • 'minutes ...1k of the dep ot a the Railroad in the ) ty Means Mills, ten mile. 'rem Bahimore, vrah whickas with. ssititigtou, thensis a natant • . communication, both by Railroads an d a • The building for the accommodation, of the scam!, drnsied granitescreetedin n chaste style " qf temire„ at m enema of t27,C0C).• The preset pal, aidedby the advice and a:entente of herbusbend,' the Hon.. John Phelps,•-has expended - abourss,ooo to additions sad improvements. The 'adiment groorads •.- _ consisting of about twelves acres belougi to the 'fixation are beautifully craned, and. Mond mettle& mason forhealth and recreauen_ . TM terms forth, scholastic year. for board and Eng lish adacataim.e re SSW, earn charges being man • .for.the ornamental branches, lactase', arid format . • g Mid of five Trustees (dm' lion. Thom., B. Der sej, President) have a general oversight ofthe condi. boo end inanagernel oethe Institution. The Et. Bev. ' Wm. B. Whittingtn, rWiter.- A resident Chaplain,- —' the Rec. Wm. It C. ke. a graduate 'or . Yale College, 10 Professor of Mensal Philosophy and English Comp. Besides. the 'experienced. and excellent Vice • Principe,' Miss BroSsue. there ate associated in the care, diacipline and instruction of theladies reeldeat u the family, Mons, Louis F.l p e v vn,a gradu ate of the University of Prance, ftientriets dedross) Poo-. 'Miscue( modern languages, resides inehe instantion, and devotes la time Wholly to its i.mereeta There Me Moegular anendanee two distingatthed Carman _ Professors of the piano; tiro English Professors, me Of • vocal music and the guitar, and one of the harpistd organ, and a Professor or drawing and mauler In wa rm colors and oil; Professor AilIGIN . of the University or ~ Maryland, is lecturer on the physical sciences- r,• Henry C. Cromwell is smarmy and !asbestine= An otomization of officers and teachers like the • above, With the accorthoodationa provided, entitle the Patapsco instime to the rank eta College or Univers'. ! ofor thosserfeellag of female education in asedil and magmata, brat:Lama It la vested by m act of hum. potation wi th the'poWer of grating diplomas to those, who pas; through a prescribed course of study. • Extract from a report of the - Rev.. Bishop Whit tingbatirto the Diocesan Convention of Maryland : .The late examination of theratapsonEentale ban- - tate has earned null greater midence, if More wens . needed, how catamount Mrs. Plelpt M Mu:stain sa - lostimion infeho: to none in the country of he kind:. The Board of Examiners, consistins of the Hon.,. Chancellor /*haunt, of Maryland, use...Al:rah me. eral distinguished genileinen from ea, and othei Siwey thus reported, *tuber, 1517 . “The exerniumon which has Jost closed, was ws condected as to ealisfyus that the comae of Warman is therntigh, rations and ample..Tbat what is taught • . is perfectly mac:stool, and tamed,. a young lady has passed through the class. at the Palispar.o lasts; " um, and been imbued with • MS elevated pnneiptee are are there so sedulously . inculcated, Anis pre pered ado any station, in.whichh may he her cue lot be e placed.. In view of the high intellectual • and moral culture, which, is MirJadgment, the' pupils • alba Patapsco Imfitati color, rie well as the mom passed salubrity of the climate, the beauty bf the ace- : • eery, and the mmveniences of stew with whisk ft is . favotedove are pcnuida we cannot Ago stronglY, • • _ commend it to*the public pauonage,o, . • • Emmet from a report of the Principal, 9tt,,18417, —•Patrons of - vanosta christian dmonuttatiorm he , * continued to give the Imaginers their, implant and • friendshim and es a due return. the prinemle. of all are' respected Centro...o ammo us is discountenanced. We endeavato min up our pupil. es christians, rely ing much m the influence °Cream:me/maim amiegain. , A Northern school in. ail its eseential fescue. end clutracteristics, but divested atilt that vitt taighfbe of naive to southern feeling., planted - Southern 7Dislnstitution is, at all tirrielt4 open for the mei. tion of pupils. Thow.who WWI to do , r , remain dit 7 ring vacations. . Applications any be made to Mrs. LiaeoliPhelps, Ellicott. Mills P. Ohm, Maryleadii - • • N._ The wrrice. of well 'itiplified teachers for . schools nod ros y usually be out ap 'plying to the Patapsco Imitate, m whir!, ie e Normal ramatunent, for the training and improvement of _ „ „ utylllewletif • STRAW . O!XIDS.j' virunt; BROKEZTE.4S7., of= titilpubliathat the baukereectd a slig,o a brook, hemeanarederal aralSaMesky meet,. Tboy av 1111,erY nom de inaltidgandiggtamd to tools. olden Mr mOlatton ' Coaches, Mario's, Its, maim.; BiedleaMenirtsde to, mom from their long experience so the mbeatteentre wetly and facilities theythomthey feel confideet they are ecabled 10 do wort onZtitaionsitemmettlitle amtni with these ranting unites tedigglihak • - Moog partlettlar anmdoattolmatieetion or cute. tiala, and hoeing owe bordftpetsobireditmeth Mie_7 have no healtabon anumating emir work.- We therefore mk the mem* ;Mine peddle to this mane, N. Literal/dog done In besteanner„and on the most retamtable tenni. " MEDICAL. WOOD TYPE sDrIIIJAN SCNOLEY, RYAN, ISAAC WAGER; JOHN H. MORRISON, lumina as- . aied themselves together under the style ehftitio of Seholey, Ryan it Co., for the =maroon= ef Woodk -Type, ands, as thew type it altogether made by arotehl,.% eery, the invention of ha. Al. Singer, one of the firns,.. they feel conident that they offer atoore perfect article of type, wad at much lower nate than any heretofore otfered in the Raised States, and are now ready to All orders for the sante.. All Orders 'addre,sed to Seloley,. Ryan k, Co, a their athee in Dimond alley„ between Wo o d sod s m ith/tea streets, will be punctually attended' to. rmitt , elors entetespabera. on eopyiaz this .1- serusement 3 months ' and mediates thslr paper will he wined to reeeisetheirpay io ripe, on purchasing thTee times the amount of thea bill for, advertising. deed o ttly boon grantee to the soteteribers.:- All persons in debts4 to the tit - stool' seta decennia% will mak e imam diatepsystost, • nod those ha r sing dolma sf . sOrit: eeid • ST.IS.NO Jam lBtb.l.4o.:x;` sD d GUNNY , sags, • •.* - U • • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers