HE.:FlTiSßUillill OVE'rrE BY MONS RROOKS a Co:', ; • ••• • PITT ita.un.o as 'THURSDAY laiiluatig, ruzir,N:.tsta raminizzruiL NORTIL AIiERICAN. Adtarii.steat. and ft.b.criptionßto the North Amer cali sad Vaited Suuss Gazette; l'hiLadelphis, =caved and forwarded'iraos this axe; • ' VIEW TORN ZIPRICIIIL .We will, receive and forward free, of expense, ad •cnisemeals anti subscriptions for this papa. . Ir.. PT/WM.Or .111.11. T GAZITTIL Pablishei y,Tn-Werekly, and Weekly..—The •Daily i Seven. Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Flee Dollars per venom; the Weekly is Two Dellsrs pee zoom, strictly • • . •*. .1 , 01 zertai Comecteraal lettagence,Dani•itie, Mar • t ea c A Rim Nalm.4zaparts, Mpuey Markets, &e. sea year are earnestly requested the hand in iltear Wore before O r. X., and an early in to day as practicable. , Whig sad NiiMlnaMest, .1• FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER; )111111,' ,as valoi ` corm. • ar At a meeting of the AntientUnntier and Whig coun ty Vow:mime of Cogrompondenee, held St hlldatters' Hotel, Pittsbeugh, on Saundey . Play Bth, the following call was agr-- • upon: The Anfiniesonie end Whig elector: of each ward, borough and toiresh4 to Alle gheny county, are requested to convene at their usual places of holding primary meetings in said itisniets, , ed Bamtday, the lOth day of June nest,,to wood two del . estates freed each district, to meet an County Conseil, non, at the Coon House, an the dry of PiusbarghAto :Wednesday, the 14th id Jane 11.410 A. Pd., of said day, , to nominate canebdates for national, state and county egices, to be supported at the entairtg fall elec tion.. The printery nieeftp in all, the tournstips.e.s. eept Puy still be held at 3 o'clock, P. AL, and in Pub, burgh and. all the wants and boroughs at ?kg,. IL, of The critannunavniald earnestly urge upon the said Imitating* the noel:nay elan elficientorganazetion, pre the •ind election. Pam°+l to • DAPPL , . ?STURDY, Chainnan. JoinwAtuolN • Lcomuna, }Secretaries. J.Rasmc.l4 , 'Myth • Fabwmai Corresponeeriee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. - ' • ' Wasnanzrom, • Jane 5,1818. The capital is very full of strangers, but they will be a beggarly account of empty boxes by to. morrow. The popular tide this morning is setting Phlladelphiamard, but an many remain here as 1. can, to catch the zopularbreeze,thotigh the worst plane pertly. in the country to get shoe ketei of popular opinion. Taylor men here bays been .working the hardest, anal seem in the best spirits, but time will show.whether they are, in the Con ; , rention t numerically the strongest. I find many • &pined to drop both Clay and Taylor, and to • leave what they call the extremes of tenting, by taking rip: a man who . has excited leas discustiicri, and, in the lesser diseciiiion, less - opposition. But the week Will end all ispeentation, and leave us all with'isoinething tangible to support. Mays they with whain the resporusaality non , rests - decide wisely for themselves aiid well forth° country. • Among the crowd , of passengers over the moue- Mims yesterday were. a large number a Delegates, homeward bound, from the General Conference • held at Pittsburgh. There were a lahe tiCily of Delegates also to the Convention, and to give vari:' ety to the multitude who travel, a body of troops. * We seat odd body of witnesses and others to the • Coon', of Inquiry, at Frederick, whither General Mai , had gone (the dappievious, and where the Court, fully reorganized, will commence its deliba iniiins to Morrow. We met the up Wain for Cum. 'Serland, at the ,Frederick junction--three hours be. bind its time, and jam put upon the ',Zraok, alter having been thrown off by one Mate 'snake heads,' that prove So dangerous to rail' rinds. One pas • • tenger from Philadelphia loses his leg, as the price of Maading upon the outside of the can, and not 'a warning, a thousand' times mede, of "i i r keeping under cover. In the evening, on the ‘...„•_ Washington Branch, I also saw n man badly hurt from juriiping off-the ears when they were under way, even at a slow motion. Nearly all the mei. dents are the result of carelessness like this, arid brindled& are maimed for life, kir not regarding the _prohibitions, not to expose .themselves to danger. ha thegreat eirowdorpaasengers,l was to ' • know the number Who had wane on niriPittsbzirgh. The eondumor, Viz Smeller, kindly showed me the tickets,luid f•• imind thanmore than three fourths _ ' of those froninthe Ohio . iiiverhad 'taken passage at ' Pittsburgh - This travel, I am aure, will be mcil tipied 6.7 a Add ,with the coritpletion of oar rail ' GSrmberland, Mean. Lowrie, Childs, and . Knight were lust setting out, prepMmory to the • location of theirirsitrond from Cumberland West. • :I Was unmaditnat something giving PrnaicaleVi• . dears of progress would be done before the expi. ration of summerand the bit week's subscrip • lion of„Allegheny[has convinced the Baltimore:ems of the r neeetially of. at least extending the road westauird-to;.,aome point where communication • may be had 412.11 the Back waterimprovements. • The paisedgers to the' East; via the National . Road, are making their connections very regularly, • just now. We traveledl:rty'two miles from half , • . put-two to half past seven in the morning, some_ thing quicker than the earlier nert of the route from ••• 'Brownsville, but well content not to be debyed.-- A dozen stages came ' within an hour of each other, and the passengem were in Baltimore and • Waihiagton ie ten hours, a distance of lit, and ME+ miles by the continuous rail road: One mom dap at Wasliinictom• and you shall '. • • ; bear frcm me et Philadelplea. The peace rumors elite great interest here, and where, and are believed. They have had al: • ready a most • marked' effect upon Govemment stocki—This, by general consent, owing to the Convention, is to be an nein:portal:4 week in Con gress; late sui the mason is, and ispporiant as is matt of the business to be acted ripen; but Con: ..gross wilt not work when Presidents are to be xnade,:and a few ditis will relieve the pubic mind • of all anxiety in regard to persons a. a. Western Depot _ et She. Pennsylvania • • • Ctsw readers will liar observed, in our paper of yeisSerday, a cominuthation, from S. V. MLitt:as, ,President Of the Pennsylvthia Rail Road , Company, to the Qty Council!, in reference to II ore bre Depot, within timidity limits' Ththaigh *the politeness of Mr. Merrick, wished the plasm?, yegerday, of inspecting theplan and drewingickera Depot, which harps approbation of the °doors of the company here) - and/of many of our most intelligent citizens, aid to wbich we hope! the Coturils will give their cordial sanction. The sib contemplided, is on thie'Monongiehthe Wharf, extending from the foot ciiitherty Street to the Point, at Duquesne Way, leaving Water' Street 60 bet wide, from the Depot, to the present buildings along that azet The designed Depot leading is to be 900 bet loUsoby 200 ket wide— ' to be built on piers—keep!" the floor of the btuld• ing on IN level with the street. This will leave the adagio wine, under the building; to the use of the ‘4.ty,ii at present; and it is estimated that it will largely increase the city revenue, fromatcsin bast wharfage, while discharging nAd receiving 'freight at the Depot. The track of the rail road tole laid _down the centre of Libeny Street, from the level of which the cars will enter the building. Tbestreet aide of the building to be devoted to city business, end the itiverfide, to steam boat business. • , . It is alto contemplatvd, by this' plan, to have a •" - depot , fer passenger., further up town,' and alai one fir inl and and west= rail r o ad freights • l'Proin the limited time we have , hail to crawl . upon this plan, we prMatiree,wie to say abetter may not be divieedr-Cat it ftiilres as more kvorably than ant thing we havii.limett&ue heard of, or than any thing we can now dila:: k oi,, We see no valid objection - to it, but many arguments in its favor amp* themselves to our mind. ;It Will be a very tropienient plan, and will reduce the -- expense of the transportation of the river bufatese to the low. eat possible rate, enabling us to compete score.. fully With our great rivet, the . Baltimore road. It will be a sate place foe the depot, it being open on every slay and wholly detached from surrounding , buildings. It will' occupy a central position be tween the blonnogahrila and Allegheny Wharves' which will both be meted far active balances, when this road-yrs in compl4 operation. It will detach ' it from the in ..rit4l.—the dept of which will be in Allegheny—.;desideratum with many, as ' leaving tbe control Of the trade of that road, in • great maistue, in Pittsburgh hands. r Thew are a few of the masons which hastily suggest tlitemaelves to our mind, and if they corn• mod the plan to tbe approving attention of oar .l' aims, we shall have labored for a awful put, *LAM= or sin ESOLUaI cszwT6 iortimibf the i.ms t .ef the English ship Vanguard, hawthorn mastered by the. Wives of the New Caledonia i s i.ds, near Sidney,; New Sooth Wake. It is iotied, the stews of two other vesicle have met with • abitau foe; and that the vestal - haw been nn pt , r ed as aot hiti has teen head of \ them Ent t ea lut three months. _- .A British neon! s t in, is to be aespaUhed is= New zciaud , ',. seek i=n From the ZinexviPe Cowin. Geo. Cams an Old lihraerall at Tim Locctlo. presws;naw the i Ma. ichigan Generabluut been nominated tut thew A.: dedicate tur the Preiddency, are taking a good deal of pains to avert that be was a Jere/sem Demme; and that' 'the charge of" Federalism against him is tufvex pkided calomel," To show the Wady of this tus sumetiee; we at present 'Content ountelvcs with offering the following .evidence that the wits in 1199-180 d an oat-andout "Mticlowlmie FEDER. Mk? Regi.;;er of Sept. 13, 1834, ..tatei u fol. Imuc A majority of several of the cabinet, under the present administration, were .cild school' fedefal. mos. • • • • We now specially aliudeto the lateSicretiry of-the. Treasury. and the p re sent Secretary of War. The "Globe" knit of the last —"Gov. Cass, on his rust appeamneriri- public life, was the vindicator and supporter' of fdr. .ler ,rson, and received fil:lllthatrepublican pat ri arch distinguished marks of his confidence.l Fromihat I day to-this, Gov. Cass has been identified with the republican party, and most signally marked his de. ption to ilia the darkest bonsai diciest war." • Ts • • * . . . :The that a, that while hi. father, Major Cau,!(a gallant officer of the :Revolution, and an accom plished gentleman of the old school,) superintended the recruiting service in Delaware,: in 1143-1600, fix what we DOMOCIIIIII then called the .t.provision eating army," he (the ptesent Gov. Cais,lwas the preceptor of the grammar school, In Wilmington, and alsrar appeared with a 'Wad: eachaik" in Au fiat—and so we see Wats° stated in the "Delaware . Journal," as being in the present recollection of many of the titian, of Wilmington. Since we are on this subject, (continues the Courier,) however, we may as e ll give another "reminiscence" of early days an politicians here- shoes stme, therefore ,a dwe challenge coatradicticm; that, Lewis Cass came to Marietta, from'Delaware, about the year 1801—that he there studied law, in company with William Wood. bridge, since Governor of Michigan, in the office of Mathew Backus, an attorney of that place—that, like his ffithar,4e was then a Federalist in bin po. 'laical opinions, and that in 1803 or 1804, he deliv ered a Fourth °fluty oration there, replete with hi,glatoned Federal sentiments. Indeed, so ultra was its character, that even old Col. Nye, a hot Feder:- hit, mid he thought it was a link toe vicy! On leaving Backus' office, however, he concluded that Jetjersonian" Deinocracy was a more' meal and profitable creed, and be soon embraced it. His ap pointment to the Marshalship: Was obtained from Mr. Jefferson through the influence of Senator Worthington, of Chillicothe, and, it is believed by some of the old citizens to have been intended as some reward.' And we may also remark, billet dni ien, Dr. Mitchell, has been cited ns a witness in this matter, that As, too, welt knows that Cass, when he came to Zanesville, was a . very recent Convert from Federalism! • Touching the early life. and having reference to the political and military history of the Luca= candidate, there exists much interesting evidence in this region, and it will be produced in good tea. Pon. Slisvery—Property Man. "Tell me not of rights," says Lord Brougham; "talk not of the property of the plainer in his slaves. Ideny . the right; I acknowledge not the property. The&nficiPlinn, the feelings, of our common maitre, 'rise rebellion against it. Be the appeal made to the understanding or to the heart, the sentence is the same that rejects it. In vein you tell me of the• laW that sanctions such n claim. There inn low above all the enactments 'of human codes--the same throughout the world, the same in-all time; such ps it was before the daring genius of Commie. bus pierced the night of ages ' and , opened to one world-the source of power, wealth an d knowledge, to another all unutterable woes,such as it is at this day; it is the law written by the finger of God on the heart of man; and'iby that law, unchangeable, and eternal, while men despise fraud, and loathe 'rapine, and abhor blood, they shall reject with in. dignatior4 the Wild and 'guilty feul* that mon can hold property in man." The sentiment here 90 beautifully !1NV...9d a I everywhere finding Its way to the -hearts of the people, and rapidly resulting in the downfall of 'slavery. The institution bra indeed already been abolished in Most of the governments of. the old world, and must ere lonpecese trblie tolerated in any.- The impulse of the age tends bra.- sistably to freedMn, and nothing can stay-its ary -1 gr.'s until the "wild and guilty phantasy thatwan con hold property in man' is, stricken front the code of every nation.—Nrirfiurgh. Gazeite. • Do not American Slaveholders feel that the days of their "Domestic Institution," as they krelly call it, are - numbered--and does Dot this feeling origi• nate the violent and spasmodic efforts making in both Chords and State, to fence round and protect the horrid monster, from the ponderous assaults of the Mends of freedom. The Methodist Church is rentin.twain to secure the sanction of Reverend hlaveholdiag Bishops—texas is annexed—war is waged against a shter Republicriew territories ere acquired on which to write the fool blot--I'res- idential candidates are compelled to do homage , to this modern Match—and even novv,Slaveholding Senators,.with Mr. Calhoun at their head; are cow tending fur dm right tit establish Slavery m Oregon'. .The mounter, rages terribly, because his-end is ap proaching, but lie rage. is vain: • The irreversible decree is gone forth, foam the brave helots of hun dreds of thousands of freemen, that Slaiery shall die! A annincrro or mesescr.—Thiou' the polite at tention of a friend we have been fornishcd with copies of the notes below. No incident competed with the venerable name of. the deceased John Q. Adamscan fail tdhe received with the liveliest pub Le interest—Nat. In. Wasinscron, bllay / 29, ISIS. Doer Sin—An of of a small memento, con taining the hair of my late and ever !entente,' linslmod, as a token of gratitude to Dr. Nes for hie Mod attention to the venerated • deceased dar ing his illness, (although delayed,) will I trust, prove acceptable as a girt from the widoW of 30101 Q. Aoans. LOUISA CATbIARDIE ADAMS. To Dr. 'Mixer Ntis. . / • - Hone or Itxmasma Arm, U. 8. • May, 30, 18 . 48. Don Mu/emu—Pleas - e accept my grntef a ac knowledgement frryour very elegant and greteful premmt of a gold ring, cootainingtlw. hair of your late lamented husband; nod be named that this to ken of your kind regard, ou interesting from the assodatlweonneeted With it;wrill ever be muelbl• Pl,ervedr by if and Moire who shall come er me, ins atetmlm. s treuore whom value can bhly be measured by the admiration which the home and character of John Quincy Adams will, Jo the latent posterity, ever inspire. ' Wishing you continued health and 'prosperity, I have the honor to be, madam, your foncere friend and obedient servant.. , HENRY NES. / Mrs. LoriM COLMAR= ADatf. u_u a.05,a. ParcciaxeciA Party of officers and Men at tached.to Merl. a Army in Mexico, have cue coaled eller much difficulty iu reaching the sum mit of the elotacepped volcano - Of Popocntepetl-- A &iv:Option of the expedition, Written by OUe of the party mph: , As we approached the summit, oar progre ss became more slow, twoand three stem required a rest of one or two =notes. Sot by very band work by ten min:s t? ' raw two, we were standing M on the OM point land in North America, op • wards of 11,5W f above the level of the sea— After catching breath, we gave three. cheers, and planted a flag on the very summit. We bad hardly gratified our curiosity above half, an hour, when each one of the party tecame more or leis sick, both fro= our elevated position, and from the fumescisulpher we were breathing...We found our throataswollen, and some headache, and a sick ness at the stomachs. This compelled us to begin - our descent, although reluctantly, Sr as one of oar soldiers. remarked, we had never been so near heaven before.' We collected a few specimens of lava and turned on heft towards the vallef.— Soon our sickly sensations left us, and when we • reached camp, we were perfectly well with the ex. caption Of headaches.. • The Indians would not believe us when we told them we had 'reached the top. They =alined oar heads, and said it was impossible, for no one could go there Without having, horns growing from the bead. Others asked us what the mountain said to us. OM guides only went u far as the, re gion of perpetual snow ? no motley or persuasions miaow part could induce them to go father. it This is the only successfulexcuniun to theme'. mit of any of the snow Mountains of Mexico, since our army has been there, and the first by any - American to PopocatepetL GM. Caw, in his letter' of ineeptance of the nomiita• lion gives io him by the Baltimore Convert. nun, though seemingly very smooth and a:mag pies, chose to adopt the slang of his party, in rep resent* the Whigs as the continuation of the Federalists ; and thou, farther,. holds them up as doubters of the issue of popular institutions, end I as in favor of.what it is called a asumig govern. went." He misrepresents and =aligns his political opponents. They believe in the ability of the Re. publican Goveniment of do mum qrs.:. maintain all OUT rights,and to securveurneedore and happiness. They are opposed araaY'clana' which can weak en that Government, perfetit in this arrangement of all its parts, by mating stronger than it is the Ewen lise department. He and his followers aro the power party. ~The Whigs are the true friends of the people : inasuluch as they contend for the inni• lotion o the authority of the ow men. Gen. Cass must show more liberality than he has, if he ex poem to be /et of easily during this Presidential A mama warm I—Tye Ziewath Advertiser steak:Mg of Gen. Cass, says: , Of his thausy and qualities we shall have abut. dint comma lo sp.thlt hereafter. Suffice it now to say, his nomianlion is regarded by bin own par- Whigs as the sure procusor of defeat; nd theo. could scarcely have asked a better a amin don ke theta. A politician rather than aeratcsmaa, =intriguer rather and a patriot,-he has , sustained Pot Han in all its enormities, and his whole come thr years hita been governed with a chief regard to the nomunfion which he bannow secured. A pa :suite to royalty abroad; a demagogue at home; a fedendist in his youth; a radical in his age—he is not entitled to the confidence of thy party. He has ahead been dancumeed by the Van Sureness the Ain of Democracy. • Grvjtio:lrr w w s. n rlv t+ Tr, 14y. t, the CL,ll:nact ct tha COlatalo/1 Cots 11061:1 the occasion of biarecent receptions ay. New York: • ,`.. , Though I am a soldier, and therefore supposed, tale fond of fighting, I abhor war except when ~prosecuted.in the defence of our country, or kn the preservation of its honor or of some great, int , portant, nay cardinal intermit- I hold war to be a great moral eciL It must be for good and saber.. Cal reasons—for no Raced or false pretext. how ever plausible set forth, that war can wan-tunably be *aged, or that can justify one man in shedding the bleed of his know beingJ The interests of New York and of our while 'country ore indentified with peace, and with every duty of Christian morality. I douht if there be any members of that respectable body of .our fet. , lOw•eitixens, the Friends,. who is a more zealous adVocate for Peace, Unhappily, too much of my life has been spent on the field of battle. Let us then maintain our peace by all honorable efforts— by such efforts as Washington, me father of our country, made to establish and to preserve a rips tem of equal and impartial neutrality—a system which some of his most distinguished successors., even to a recent period, have commended with the entire. approbation of the American people. A.lrmStArzer FEruNG QI Vnumu.—The Rid.- =lntl Southrnur, by no means an Abolition paper, holds the following language in relation to public sentiment in- Virginia on the xubject of Slavery : "It is not generally knowo,Yetin is nevertheless true, that two-thirds of the pbeple of Virginia ace open and undisguised advocates .of ridding the State of Slavery; and alter the year 1950 when the Is taken, their views will be embodied in such form as to have, startled the South. Wes speak understandingly. We have,within the last two years conversed with more than five hundred slaveholders in the State ; and four hundred : end fifty out of the five hundred exercised themselVes ready to unite on any general plan to abolish Slays. ry upon almost any terms. Abolition au:inclie at the North has not produced this, bet the annexa tion of Texas and the acquisition of territory have done it. " Virginia may be put down as no longer reliable on this question. When she goes, the District of Columbia is five territory; then Dela.' Ware and Maryland will also go end North Clew linet and Kentucky will follow suit. This will sur round the extreme South with Free States; and when that illy comes, and it will not be very long, wn'would just as lief own a parcel of wild tur keys as so many slaves. We may coutlnue - this subject in our next ; certainly we shall farther con- Nader it.' "Abolition!fanaticism" may not hive produced this condition of public sentiment in Virginia; but a calm and free discussion of the subject et Slave ry, in the Free States, has had Mach to do with producing Y Molt, - A Gcturxx Looorom—An 'exchange paper tella a story of agentleman in Becks County, a member of the l)emocratic party, whose attachment to regular nominations was happily illustrated. .The Conventions have nominated Polk," said a weg to him, who had obtained pouesition of the real news. "Polk! just the man we want rl rNo, no, wee mistaken,". said the wag "Woodbury— Woodbury is the nominee." "Woodbury! Goalt No body can run as well as Woodbury. Ile is best man in the party.' "Well, abet all, it is neither Polk nor Woodbury, but Cass." Better - Three cheers tar Cm! Who can ran MO we as Caas Tux Mamma—The Beaton Transcript says:— “The Niagara, which came into dock this morn ing. experienced a very heavy gale of filly boom' duration on her passage. On the nights of the 25th ml-2&h ult., she chipped a tremendous sea, which carried overboard two of the ...crew, who perished; two others were seriously bun. The drowned mon each cove families. A subscription fLir the benefit of the widows sad children of these men was made on the following day, which amounb ed to the sum of #5511,. Leval Too fallowing resolutions were offered by the Chairman of the Water Committee, at the kiln meeting of Select Council, in connection wittLthe report of that Committee, recommending tiro en tension of the Water Works, in order to supply the upper wards of the city, but were ocuiued in the proceedings of CO/Welk published yesterday morning : Rsiolord, That the *liter Committee be author. ired to issue proposal! and enter into contracts with as many competent contention as they may deem expedient, who may retip' ectively .be the lowest mid best hidden on their respective con trams the the oanstrUc.tiOn of New:Water-Wort - A, agreeably to the gerieratplan mid description con tained in their repotscirthis Resolved, That firthe Purpose of defraying the expense of the said Works that the Lots now held by the City on Duquesne way he aold at public auction under the auperintendance of,the Commit- tee on City poverty, reserving to the City all the Iron and building InateriaLs themer4: and the bat ance to be paid by City Bonds having 15 years to run and bearing on interest of II per cent , per annum. • - new Reeder in the sEclectio teesies,"-enti- Lica the "I:females Render, for Female Schools," has just been published by Pratt;Woodfoird & Co, New York., And ),V.D. Smith da Co, Cinciiinnti li contains nestriy 500 pages, end is made up of en. tracts in Prose and Poetry, selected from the Ihritings of mom than one hundred and thirty 4io'erent authors,—together with directions Mr rending, Zec.., S,Pinneo, A. M.M. D.; is the au thor. As far on we are. capable ofjodging, it must be a valuable reading book. American Reoieta , and Whig Journal," for Jude, came prOmptly to band, and presents an at• tractive table of =team. hs political article is a review of theitreatmerit of Gen. Sobtt by the Ad. miniatration. • It ii embellished arab a fine posies of lion. J. 1t. , ; Underwood, United States Senator, orKentocky.i This number cloaca a volume—o good time to Subscribe. "Hunt's Isfeicitante Magazine," for It:me r le on our table—elways promptord drys welcome. "Row's Commercial Eteviaw-Isf the Soath and West," for 44 is an excellent numberOf a mod valuable and able publimuson. Morse, 84, Fourth street, is the Agent in. this city, and is authorized to rZenice subscriptions. • - - - Wramszto,-Wicarzes Hosit—d. giarWiral meet ing, of the elute. of Wheeling is advertised, to be held on the 15th insc, to =eider and J dismiss the • propriety of a subscription on the part.of the City Council, to the stock of soma one of the rail road companies, cloistered by the Legishonre of Ohio, the Eastern tennis= ofWhose mad lit to be on Ohio river, opposite the city of Wheeling. • • 'Wheeling, in this matter, pursues a wise . policy, which should not be lost sight of by the eitisens of Pittsburgh. Having securest the speedy; construe. iion of the Eastern road, by the subscription of a nelliori. of doUars by the county, all the individual means iind onergies_Uf our citizens should be put Forth to.hasten on the commencement and' com pletion of the Western road. .---__-- porn—The season in which the canine race are most Liable to become rabid, is drawing nigh, when the lives os our citizens will be endangered by the roaming at large of a mitt number of worthless bounds. We think semethinglin time should be dose by the proper authorities lb prisvent so grievi. nun a nuisance. Indeed, if liMirifillts of the species were shot, banged, or drowned, their destruction 'would be a blessing to theiriftiniers and neighboni. Many a poor man who cad G afford it, expends as much upon some mangy cur as it would cost bins to support a child, and ,as as much affection for the bur footed one as for the biped. This is hardlo be accounted gie, except upon the princi ple of similarity of tastes and dispositions bitwven the owner and the favorite. Olumrwooo is' a delightful spat, free from the noise and unceasing activity of a city life. • It is• pleasantly and beautifully located on the banks of the Ohio, about iwO miles below this city, and Im amate* every requisite of sustainer resort, where the, merchant or man of business may spend a few hours most happily. Mr. Masan, the proprietor, who is admirably well qualified for his station, has not been sparing of any means which would add to the beauty and attractions of the place,—or that would lend to the pleasure and comfort of visitors. The packet, leaving the Allegheny lauding every half hour, renders it doubly convenient for all who desire to enjoy the pure: air of the country, enrich ed by the fragrance of the flowers of Greenwood gardens, to pay them a visit - - - Hotenct3.-rems.x.—At a meeting of the Ezecu jive Committee of the Horticultural Society, held yesterday, Mr. linen iiitubited Hovey's Seeding Strawberries averaging. Our tnches in circum ference; Pond's Gloat Asparagus, five inches in circumference, Victoria Rhubarb bar feet three inchesin length, end sip inches in circumfer ence. The meeungit for the Executive Commit. tee are held on the first. Wednesday of each month at the comerof Sixth and Wood streets, half past ten, A. M. and we are requested to invite the ex hibition at the monthly meetings, of such fruit, flowers, arc, •• the growers may deem worthy of notice. WI liAlll that the School Directors of the 4th Ward, are waling arrangements, so as to have the ilourishing school, which was thriown out of louse la the late ftes, continued la tomb other place: This is a good inovti, and will greatly re• h eve t h e gWagics of that Wool, from ■ acme of the bu th e y skald otherwise sustain, if the school had been discontinued. the, 11741 g. Convention.. tookplitte jester& r. doubtless,* gnat qtrestiOn will be decided; The anxiety toltncra-the result is intense, and this feel. .. • ,-. • log wing confined alone to the Whiga. The Loco • bemire needy as anxious to know who they will have to opieSe, as the 'Whigs who they will have to support: The .speaw will soon be ended, and we hOpe in tiiirry to Bundy every good Whig, and fill our opponents with dismay. Ora Micuatuato—ln n.visit to Elizabethtown n few days since, we saw there a specimen of ship carpentry, which cannot be surpassed, if indeed equalled, by any thing in the country. The vessel,. we'have referinde to, is tieing builtly Seal Wal. ker do co, atolls intended'fin the 0 - renoco Steam Navigation Co. of New York. She has been made v ,' as strong and firer as wood and iron can make her *—is about 170 feet long, with a breadth of of about 30 feet. The floor timbers am 6by 1 in —double frame—l 2 in. 'thither, and only 1 in: room to every two feet —KeLson is S by 8 in. , Ri. der, 8 by 8 in. , —both long hobk end scarped and wrongly fastened—Clamps, 4 14'14 in., lopg honk waled, scarps bolted—and square fastened With 1 screw bolts—Beaten have 7 in. face and "secured to hull by hanging knees-30 on elicit side— I Planking on Cotton and sides, 3 in. full bolted and trunnelled—and many otherfixtures, all of which combine to fit her admirably' for a sea voyage,. licr hull at bow and stem, is 111 feet deep.-Al. together, she is such a specimen of strength, dem bility and beauty, as we have seldom seen. She will sail about the Ist of July. Besides the Steam power she will have, there wilt also be a fora and miszen moat. THE Dirrsatrica.—The Messenger remarks op. on the difference that is noticed by persons who visit here from the Atlantic cities, between West ern and Eastern navigation. We presume that thcise persons in the Atlantic cities, engaged in the business of transportation, and in sending goods to the west, know that our western steamboats are constructed differently from those of the east, so as to adapt them to running in shoal water. Many acme boatmen call it good soundings where they find it anything over three feet water and some run upon a good deal less; end others profess to run upon as low as fourteen inches- With these light &sit steniners the current oftrans portation is kept up in the summer months. But it happens, fortunittely enough, that the great pr of business is generally over before the inconven , eine oflow Water is felt Oca Ildsmccr.. , -It is really gratifying to witness the crowded appearance of oar market at this sea son of the sear. Those who will but only rise ear ly enough in the morning, can spend a pleasant hour is the place, where buyers and provision merchants' 'most do congremite,' tied - they will find market well supplied with the necessiazies of life, besides all the elegancies of the season. shere Is evidently an improvement in the abundance and' quality of the productions of theearth, which find their way to this city, and that increased care and attention are expended by our gardeners and fat men, to produce an early 'apply.' Tax Sobla Harmoaists perforao this evening Philo Hall. A new party, stylinglisell the 4,iherty League,' held a National and State Convention, at Roch e ter, New York, last week. Gmdarrr sattrn, w nominated the the Pre . sideney, and the Nov. Chn E.' !mile, of Michigan, was nominated for I'i, President, William Goodell, for povernor, and Hutchison, of Orleans county, fur Licutena Governitr. Resolutions were passed in Aver of a the ref‘iims of the 'day, to fi,eward which tit' "Leaguli" was formed. , Tirc Court of Inquiry suet at FreJencl: on Mutt day. General Scott was present. Control Pillow and all the principal wiknesses:as well as th members of the (toini, were also there; and it wa • expected the tried of General Pilkrw, the only WI. sinew; before the Court, would have commenced yesterday morning. POLITICAL NOTICES. Irr Me name of 111.:GII hIITCIIO.I, will be p witted to the Wb and Anti :Masonic (soon to awcuilde) as a candidate (or nornioation Clerk of be Corm While we are disinclined to c . ale personal 'preferences before the meeting of the Convention. we must be permitted to say. that we are It pressed with Me belief that 11. Mitchell has chines that the Whig raid And-Masonic party of shin county 'are called upon in Lifiee to respect. Dot no one.lia• more, yet •• fidelity to the Wlng'eause octet, has'ar could he culled in question. thy mit - cotta Acurroa—hlemrs. tidtors: You will please thnese t h the columns of your paper. thadshe name of JOllf BYERS, of Findlay township will he present ed to the cosmos County Currrention for isondnanen as the Anti-Masame and Whig candidate fee County Au ditor. The qualifications of Mr. Dyers am Foch as to Insure the faithful discharge of the duties of the ogle; and his firmness and consistency as a Whig. give him thong claims upon the favorable consideration of the pany.../le will be supported in Convention by myls MANY WHIGS. COMM &Mom You are reques• tell to •111101111.7 through the columns of your paper, that GEURGEDI. DUSTMAN, Fig., of Plum town. ship, is • candidate for notainatiou for the office of Re. gi oar, subject to the decision of the Anti-Masonic and Whig County Commotion. aullluditortf 8 MANY. WHIGS. To run bYsrmai ov AU.A.orotT - Comcgr.rFellow Citizens: Tieing requested by a number of my-friends to oSer myself as • Candidste for the office ofClerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county, for mammalian by Ma And-Moms. and %TWA County COW/ end., If I should be so fortanate as to receive the tiominatkm, it shalt be my endeavor to fulfil the do. tie. of the office if Sleeted_ mrlildkarit • ' GEORGE WATSON.? To rug Vorras of ALLSOECCIT Comerr-1 offer myself u a e.didate for Clerk of the Court of Goan. Seesion., he., of Allegheny couuty, subject to the declaim of the approaching Democratic .Vbig Con vention. If I should be so fortnnwe as toobtain the majority of your names. my endeavor shell be to discharge the dune. of the offlce with fidelity. , • utylMelitenf • LEWIS YOUNG. Rem.. or T. Cocers*IIILARY BRUNOT, of the ate Ward t Pittsburgh, .sP i tr. 4 WO. Anti hispanic and Whig Commend:l4er office of Comi ty Recorder. Mr. Brown was raised • fanner an Bru not's bland, . old Mame, a good Whig, and wor thy of an active support. lie ...to the lam woo, end his father in the Reldutionary war. myfffflosufT BEAST LIBERTY. E. $1007.0 t CO.: Please to announce for us the name OfJOHN McEWEN, P. M. of Hereon...lle,. suit able candid.. for Me office of Recorder of Altegheuy county, at the nett ...I election. Believing him wonhy, as well as competent, we present him as our Mud., subject to a &donna( the Whig Convention is Jane next mylde • SOUTH PAYETTE. Comm Itsontina.—MeesraFEditorm You are reysoe Ind to 00000000 that HUIiH. McCORMICK, Eon, of of Moon township, is . c.jlidste for nomination for the office of Register, 'abject to the demistdo of, the Antl-klasonic and Whtg County Convention. MIS t i tl4-001 um. Wm. RSOO72IL—WO me requested to state that WLLLIAM MARKS, of Allegheny city, Is a mindi• date for the office of Refuter of this county, sebiect to the nomination o(the R big Convention. tittle:. Comm Rmuru—JAMIIS Wr KENNEDY, of Alle gheny city, will be supported beford . the Whis and AM-Masonic Conventiom for the office of County Reg ister. tnyleedlehrAC W 11169. Corm Cosonmesex—T/ICIMIO DAVISON, of Pee bles township, is • candidate for the said office, .object to tie action of the Anii-Masonlo and Nirhig Comity Convention. : tay27AltterP'S • Om or QUAZIIII 8.1.104 . 1.4011 N HORNER, of Wilkinsburgh, will be sopratied before the ensumg. Convention as a candidate for nomination for Clerk of the ' , Mai of g.:ter Sessions, by myldullAw ; MANY VOTER:4. Cu= or ens' Comai—PANIFJ. , MCCURDV, at ill be,. c a n didate lor the Office of elude of the s ever a l Coma of Allegheny county, subject to the decision :of the Antbkrasoutc and Wlug County Can, ventiott. mylculkarte Mawso Ent.. Ricase announce the nitneofJOllN CONNER, of Lipper St..4lair. as a candidate for the office of Reeorder. Mr. Conner is a WWI: of the right aUipe, And vottAi of all netiee support.' mr,4lhdlwawleeT • BALDWIN. Circa spectate—The name 'of JOHN MECAS- R.BY itt respectfully presented to the Whig antle r s Masonic Conventio, us a candidate for Me othe of Rigister. mylft MANY FRIENDS. Er JARED M. BRUSW will be a caellidate before the Antl-Masonic, and Whig Q u a rter ti, for the office of Clerk of the Court of Sessions, Ito. mYitl . SIXTH WARD. • liWr T. L. MeMILLAN Will he a candidate for the offed'of Clerk of the Court of Quarter Seedling, he , subject - to the decision ord. imps:meting Convention my=dlsottf T • • Coon Colnumuom.-,The name of THOMAS FAIRMAN will be presented to the Whig and Anti. "iblesonie Conrentiou, to assemble on the 14th of' June 'next, as a candidate for the above other. 0tY41.3.4. , THIRD WARD. Corny Courendomti.—Weare requested to slam' Mat WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny oily, will be • caudidate for the and office stibioot to Oto .ion of th e Auti-Masonic and Whig , County Convention. serldinevr• DO~ ALFRED W. MARKS, of Peeldet township, _srfWbe a cendtdate for thilithee of Recorder Of Deed., subject to the decision of the Alui.Alasonic and Whlif COnvention.tnytatdd.orte Covrar Racolsoca.—Memrs. Nita's: Your an re quested to announce through duveolumns of your pa. per that JOHN 111• GILL. of West Deer township, in a candidate for the °dice of County Recorder, subject to the derision of the Anti llsourne and Whig County Cohvention. '; jelider.gle • Cdttooaare honorably +owl thot _Ul e r I annot °:" i nf " I;ll ' e r y * . :ItZt uj o e u r " ato ' nTthey Co c these highly feipßellt.le CiliZeiss, 'NW, have tried in Mr. Geo. Beckett, al Elm et, New York. la.. Malan Heeves, Myrtle avenue, Llrooklyn. Wen. Tompkins, tr 7 King at, New York. Mr. Thomas Jacksou, tel Lawny al, Pittsburgh. U. K. Callen, late barber steamboat S. America. Avid more than a hundred otharramte, though this anon ate , ee,Jhat it will three the hair to grow on the head or ;fop it falling ifiK, streliglhen the MOM, r ight, r(and dandrufhlora the roots, and making light, red or gray hair amens a fine dank kick, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft,.elean and beaumul, a Tarp, very long time; Sold at Whl. JACKSON'S Pb LaMar el. • , Ma 'ErYellow Teeth Mil visit! breath, Bpoogy Vtms like rotten death,. , Is minibus: mad disgusting. All could have teeth al white as pearl; Sweet breath—hard gam.—men or girl. Why delayl , —nay, gawk ly haste Anil use 11l boo at Junes' Tooth Pante. It Was but ::l cents, said to malty o beautiful article. It give. the teeth a line coan.sl sold in Piusbargb tat novtadawaly BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Colnvaudoise., of this Put' abiligh fluent. NATIONAL WHIG CONVENTION. pnranzum!..,,Jaue 7,184&- The Whig Convention assembled in Indepen- dence Hall, at 12 o'clock. Ale. Colver or N. York, was elected f.emporary Chairtnan, and Mr. Harlan, Kentucl.7;vvit.s chosen Secretary. The Rev. Dr. Brainard opened the proceedifsgs with prayen A committee, consisting of one person from the Delegation of ofeach State, Wee then appointed to report officer. the the permanent organization of the Convention. Thereupon the Convention ad journed to 4 o'clock, P. M. The Convention assembled at 4 o'cbel•, puma• to adjournment. Gov. Moottratrao, of North Carolina, was chorea President of the Convention; and one Vice Presi dent frotrt each State, and twelve Secretaries were appointed. The Committee appointed to examine the cre dentials of Delegates, staled that the only - difficulty they had met with, was in regard to the Delegates for Tex.—the Louisiana Delegates appearing an Delegates for Texas also. Upon the question of granting a Vice President to Texas, o warm debate arose. The Vice Presi dent was finally conceded—reserving the question of the Texas representation until after the Com , mince had reported. The Convention then adjourned to 9 o'clock, A bi, tolnorram Correepondenee of the Pittehurgh Gazette. New York. luee 7, !SI& The Hibernia nailed to day, with krty passed gem and with over 8250,000 is specie, on board. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PHILLIOILPHIA, June 7, 6 r. x. Nothing doing in the market to day, the general interest being attracted hy,the presence of the Na. tional Convention. Prices remain no per last quo- BALTIMORE MARKET. E!!!=!!!E!1:illei Flour—The market is steady but not active.— Sales of 700 bbbs Howard Street at $5 G 2 as per bbl; and of City Mills, at $5 75 per bbL Whe et t—Sal et of prime white nt $1 2WI 270 per bushel; and of prime red at Si ico 23 eta. 2,000 bushels were sold to day at the above Sg- Corn—Sales of 6,000 bushels Of prime yellow at 4 5649 cu per busheL Sales of 'prune white at 45 046 cis der bushel. Cats alesat kt cts per bushel. Rye—Sales to a fair extent at 73 eta per busheL Whiskey—Sales, in bbls, at 22 u per gall Provisiatur—There is no activity an any article. Quotations are steady. ST. LOUIS MARKET, Sr. Louts, June 7, G r. x. Hemp—The market is dull, with mall sales at 0756160 per tor. • 1 Flour—Sales in small lots at 51 50 per bbl, as in qualify. Wheat—Sales at 75(iih0 . c per bushel. Corn--Sales of 1,500 barbels at 92c to Eastern dhaillers. The artichi was prime. Sales of 3,000 bushels at 234 - ,e2Uuusin new sacks, for shiptnent— sacks included. Mess Pork—Salm without inspection, at 57 50 cts per 101 l Bacon—Sates of Shoulders at 2; cis; of Sides at 3 cts for clear, null of Hauls 3:131c. IVinskey—Sales at 151 cts. I=! WCONENDAIT, JUNE 1, - 0 r. v. luor—The market, is tiny, with a good EasW home demand.the supply iu tint hands Grain—The market 63r Corn and 0-au is dull— for prime red Wheat 111 cis per buShel is asked. Yellow Corn is nominal it 55 cents per bushel. Provisions—There is a fair inquiry for Pork, but little is doing in other articles. dotion—The market is heavy, and prier, hn ichily declined. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cinciounti, June 7, ISIS. Flour—The market is very . ctiet, and I bear of moderate sales only ut S 4 0f...1ift:4 In per barrel.— The tendency' is downward. Whiskey--S.ales of 400 barrels at 1410141 cts per gallon. • Grain—Salmi 1000 bushels corn at 21 eta; and of 200 bushels Oatelat the same figures. Linseed ttil—Modernte mien are elected at IS 0 1 19 cu per galken. Groomes—ltiolaases and Sugar arc offered at a alight decline; with no sales worth reporting. c.uf fee is without change. • - Prbvisionis—The market isqtirg, with no change M Price. There LSI better feeling generally, with no important tmna.ictioas: New Quesms, June 2, 145: The Steamer's new. has unsettled the market, and every thing is quiet. Groceries—Sugar continues steady at 63rmer quotations. Sales of 200 barrels Molasses at 1363 14 ets'per gallon. Flour—The market is depressed, nod the de mand is falling otr. The article is °tiered at 51,25 per bbl, without wiles. C, Corn—Sales of 4,oool.lusheli. yellow at 35 cents per huihel. Whiskey—Limited sales at 15Ic persallon.. 117Ttia Cuunvo I. strangely destrucere to the Du , man Cuticle. for skin) tbasudden change from heat to cold, and the smoke canses yellow, dark, coarse eon. picket.. Then it is requisite that the pores of the akin should be kept open—that their mouths should be (reed from impurity—J.. LIMO the swine Roman Phil.° phew cured all diseases—they computed that more diseases and uubealthy vapors lett through th the cores ortbe skin, than soy alter outlet of the body It la necessary,, therefore, to keep the pores open --all humors are &spelled from the skin from the pores, when they . wash with loneeltalian Chemical Soap. I have seen n cora the worst and oldest cases or Salt Rheum, Erytipelas, Old Sores, Barbera Itch, Sere Stead Ringworm, when temp-other internal and externs! malady had failed—its effeet rendering the skin white, clear and wo,though it be yellow and coarse, is won derful—it removes - Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Morphaw, and diifigurement of the akin—but parsons must be particular and ask for loxes Poap—to.be had in Pittaborgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Rix Ikea, HP Liberty at. Price /5o cents. novl9d&vtly O'lleat or Comma—Ham Tome—To the Ltald and Grey—lf you wink a rich, buntismi head of bare, g e m srom dandruff and scurf, do not fail to pmeore the ene Bairn of Columbia. In eases of Ulalueis it will more than exceed your expectation.. Many who heave •lost their her for Years have had it restored to its original perfection by We not of this balm. ,Age., stale or condition appear to be no obstacle whntever; at also causes the doid to flow with width the delic.te hair tube is filled, by which mean. thousands'(wbose hair eras grey as the Aeactic Eagle) have had their hair restored to Its neural color by the nee of this inval uable remedy. In all cases of fever it will be found the most pleasant wash that tall he need. A few applica tion. only are neemeary to keep the' hair from tolling out. • It strengthens. the roots, at never fails to impart rich glossy appence, and as n dome for the toilet 11. is unequalled; it hold. three times as much as other miscalled hair restorative. and is more effectual. The genuine manufactured,by Comstock & Co., XI Coueland Stirtt, New York. Sold in Pittsburgh, only gentjne, by WM. JACKSON, Ma Liberty .t., head of Wood; in Wmhington, Pa„ by Sweeny & Sem in lirovie by Bennet is Crockeg in Canonabarg, by Dr Vouch also, by our agent. in; everyrown Pa., Ohio and Did. roovltial&ivrenT 00. - To &mummy Man son lartuita—Connell's Aligical• Pain Extractor—lt is now conceded by medi cal men that Connell's, Mate s i l d Pain Extractor, moon factured by Comstock & Courtland at. N Is the greatest wonder girths 19 century. Its elects are truly adraculoul. All pains are removed from Immo, scalds, ece., me., external some, in a Morminutes ter its applieutibm, healing the mine on the most deli cate skin, leaving no scar. It Is equally beneficial in all kinds of haw: minatory diseases, such so sore. Nip ples and Eyes, Sprains, MICIIIIIIIII4O, White fivrelling Mid 'Ulcers,: Bruises, Horns, Chilblains, Erysipelas, Hiles, 'Me Doloreaux, &e. We might add im proof to all we say, the nines of many eminent physician. who use It In their pmctice, and huildreds of the clergy who praise it tb their people. Kind parent beep it constantly on hood, in eases of accident by fire, life may be lost with out it, but by Its um all bursa are subject to its conten d, unless the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember and ask for Connell's Magical Pain Extractor, manu factured by Comstock & Co. N Y, suld no other. Bold JACILSON, Agent for Pittsburgh, E 9 Liberty at, bead of Wood. i novl9d&wilinT • • ' 03" Use Mtn P.m Memtsl.-If you wish to be sue pessful in any undertaking ? you MOM always 'use the cooper meanc"Pherefiere, if you have cough, use J•vnt's Euroenoasee and be cureff, for it is the proper means. (lave you Asthma .or difficulty of breathing, thou the only efficient mesa. to cure you I. to use Jaine's Expectorant, which will immediitely overcome the spasm which contracts the diameter . of the tubes, and loosen. en brings up the mucus which clogs them op, slid thus removes every obstruction to • free respi ration, while et the mune tone all Inflammation Is sub dued, and a run is certain to be effected. Iluvu you Bronchitis, Spitting of !hood, Pleurisy, or in fact :my Pulmonary Affeetme, then am Jsyne's Espectamut and relic l Is certain. and you will had that you have us./ the proper means.. For sale to Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, o l/ ntl th street near Wood. Th. sod, Angelic expresston of so* females is grateful to voter, while the repulsive, coatse, muddy, yellow faces Predicts, excites dugust—the !lame with Hies. Could such people be induced to try a cake of the true Jaime Italian Chemical Soap, they would be enraptured with the change. They would bore a deli cate, Fleur, white skin,. while every, disfigurement or eruption would,bo removed end cured. PASTICULAII Mince—Personswhohavebooglstchesp ounterfeits and imitations of this, and bare hod no el. feetproduced, must try this, the original. 4 1Sind, iisk for Jones' Soap. For sale at Wax Imams's, M/Liner. ty street. meat Er Salt Rheum, Stung, Old Semi-Erysipelas Barber , * Itch, Chaps, Sore Meads, Sore Beards, Pita pie., Jon& Soap is med by many physicians in till. • city in curing the above; and we would not conscientiously sell:unless we knew it to be all we state. Az a 'cosmetic, tho true Jones Soap is perhaps the only ankle ever known that removed impurities and cleared and beautified the skin, making it soil, clear, smooth and white is au infanPs.. Sold by WM. JACK SON, MI Liberty luta. Mt al QT Men never attempt to comnerfeit is worthless eruele, iience Valuable medicines are fret/needy itultm led. The knot, who counterfeits a medicine commits Or tl~e solo :;117 .' / t :i keno s :e t :. " were Atbhanneksto% which iv Meanly safe and certain cure for wormy, has !Teti counterfeited in many sec:tonne( Mei country, and perions should be on their .guard when *tramming to gyl the genuine prrnmell P 110411114 Pr.. apVI Satan' Vitiesouguit.—lt smoke wooden ever-••wEre. • Ma SlXlle, May 12, 1e42. • Mr. IL E. Sellene—Dear thr—Your Vertinfuge produs eits such.. wonderful results dual think it worth while, theee you a few fame about it. It neighbor, D.Gray, bought from me pne vial of it, and gave the contents to three of hie children; the first pawed 1111, the second 19. and the third 711, making GU worm discharged by wing one vial. Mr. Gray immediatel y bought four vial more. Mr. 1. 211SurIcy al. gave the contents of one vial to three of his children, which brought from the Bret 72 from the recood 22, and from the third 20. making Idit worms, by the use of one vial. I gave my own child. aged one year, two teaspootwful, which ex pelled la wo g.rms one of which was at least one foot n lour Vennifuge is considered the best that has ever been brought to our section of the country_ and so far as I know has never failed Yours respccuully, • J. I. TIJII3IAN. Prepared and sold by It. I SELI.F.RS. ri7 Wocidlit. Sold by De. Cearal. rah word: I). hL Curry, Allegheny; W. J. Srnieh, Teinperanceville, and P. Irravo, Law renceville_ - my` al • 1111-atrifs Vaimtruor..—Read the billowing certifi cate, and then doubt, if you can, the triumphant qua& tie• posee••cd by this grand remedy, • CILCRIMI• Tr., Wass., Co, 1 Deg.:Oat, 1347. $ Mr. fileakely—.Dear Sir. I take pleasure in inform ing you, the bottle of Dr. Ill'Lane's Vermiform which I purchased from you, has Oren me entire satisfaction. I gave to a child of mine one teaspoonful of it, sod she parsed:llf itrormis. The he morning more. her II teaspoonful morm, when passed 113 , The nerm =tying I gave herthe same quantity, and she putted 13 more. Yours, Sc. ANDREW Co G O Far ado at the Drug Stare of J. KIDD& Co, GO mood Wee , -ies . . Jam r* Fikrucrostarrr.—We would call attention io this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and nil affections of the Throat and Lungs. Having several times within a few years past hod occa sion to use a medicine of this kind, we hove by experi- ace tested tin excellent qualifies, and are prepared to Commend it to others. Ministers or other public probers afflicted with bronchial affections will. find rest benefit from its use. It is repared by a scienti '• c physician, and all classes will find It a nib and elf, amous medicine in the diseases for. which it is re. • omm St ended.--(Colarigm (Ohio) s:lss and JOUIIIII. For sale at the Pekin Tea ore, '0.70 Fourth street. m yl5 Tinto WARD Poway 111nrrmos-The Antimasonic and Whig citizens of the Third IVard, Pittsburgh, nee requested to meet at gie Public Stibool House on Sat. eN ity, the 10th of lune Ina, at 74o'clock, P. Al,, to ap point two delegates to represent Odd Ward in County Committkol, to meet at "the .Cours,llouse on Wednes day, the 14th day of June ink , 11410 o'clock, A. Al., to nominate candidates for Alutiozsd, State and County offteel, to be supported at the courting fall 'election. Also, to nominate a candidatetel be supported by th e Whigs and Antimasons of said Want for the office of Select Councilintu, 110E9 Whig papers ;genii copy. (Le The _public are respectfuly invited to attend a meeting of The AZSOCiZtiOII of Pittsburgh and vicinity, for prornotiag the Interests of bitheation, this (Thurs. day( evening, the sth of June, at 11 o'clock, in the Cha pel of the Untvenity. • Tea here, parents and frietatilif education are re speCtfully invited to attend. . Ono= ExcncurrstM —odes otfresehing Andane e, by the teachers present. jen itcPaaa, Soars, &o—The Get:Mine Hays' Unman to an article more justly eelebrifad as a cure for that above Man any ar all others. !Waimea are almost Lin numerable. Sold be WM. JACKSA)3I. Agent for rim. burgh. novnblkarttorg.,.. DIED, On Wednesday morning, June 7th, Si,, x. WOODS. • Mt mud those of the fatally, are requested to intend the funeral from biz reside:ire to the sth Ward, above spring factory, *ill afternoon nt 3 o'clock. • . On yesterday, at 5 o'clock, P. SF Comm.,. son of Solomon Joues, in the Bth year of km age. The funeral will take place at 5 P4bL, this day, from the residence father, on Hand iireet. The friends °elite family ere respectfully requeijed to attend. A Valuable Farm ter Bale. A FARM containing one hundred and ninety-five to one mule .fromWellitolle ; Ohio, on the Carrolton toad. 711 s farm is nave:divided into two, and will be sold ufgether or separate, so suit parches era. On the prenusea are three dwelling hriuses—o ue good two story Otiek,3ll by In feet; one hewed log a nd frame. There is a four feet vein of dialand an abund- mire of good timber, both of easy 6Ceillywith a good road to Wellsville. There are ouejmndred mere. un-. dsr cultivation; a good double bamtand au orchard of superior fruit. The lend is of good . rinality, pr.lueing grain and gnus in abundance. it neweld atered, and calculates' for pasturing sheep or castle, and being only one 011ie from town, and the Pitudnirgh and Cleveland Hail Road now under conatruclion,tmaket it a desira ble andprotitable sitintsion. It willtbe sold low, if tip pliension be made soon, ns we are jletemlined to roll. FoNtenns, apply to 11. Thompson sit dames Smith, on the premises. 11U(Ilf jeittwltcl JosEeli ROYCE. To Coot ractolu • SEAI.I:I4 I'ROPOSALs . - 111 he received at the store of Willmar P. IPlum. 'cud street, Pittsburgh, au. Id Tuesday. the 2.,w mkt. nt 4 o'clock, P. Al., tor gra ding the piece of road known ...Ricans 11111,” oil die Pdtsbergh and Coal Turnpike Road, agreeably to the plea and speeihcation to Lea&ll at the store of said Baum. Er All proposals to he accepted, must state the price per yard for clay, loose stone and rock. The successful bidder will be required to gide security. for the faithful performance of his contract, sorb as shall be satisfactory to the Board of Managers. 11 BRING, Pres.l. jes:hl • W 14001'11, Seep. , I , IIREAD LACE-S.—Smith & John..on, 4t Motet st have Dist reed 2 eattous wove of thaw wide Thread Laces, fronr,l2l ctr par yd up, Also, one carton of Mechlin doi one do Pans Posta do; also 15 cartons cotton Lace. Dealer audother• will find it to their "arrest to call, al they Ain be sold at calrernely low paces. _•-• ' je9 IU METALSO tuns Pig Metal, Blanche furnace P for sale by jure • -13AGALElf t SMIT/1 FANNERS' 0116-In3 bblo Brown Oil, imperial., for 1 ire • BAGAI,Iir & SMITH AISINS-31.1 b. Bauch Raisins, in store and fa Jl.l sale by je9 11AGALET tr. SMITH •TIOTS AND PEA.in.s— r C7 cash. Pearl Ash 19, d • Jay , siesli ALM' a 99D - rif wurrE CRAPE—A fresh suptily jun retWand to sale by Jed JD ARM:1101OP IAIIIIIIIIC—U caws cord Cara4le, for asle by t/ Jcy - ARIIUTILSOT SA DULEHS' THREAD, diffetibt colors, fur xi& by jey 2 C ARDUTHNOT T READ—"Title Preen, Lalt S ' ruLrL i i i te, for sale by jedli C ARBUTHNOT INDIA litißllEß cLarmSt:4:Comprisiog . .. large . J. mock, such a, Coats, 'Sneak, gPen Jackets, Capes Kith or without Meares, Le:1;mo of there daferent kinds, Hata, &o, all to Le bad at Ole India Rubber De pot, No 5%% nod .t. Jed tl d& II PHILLIPB INGHAAr..S.A A At ur A 00.h.T e received a' tiny e, the eve... I (..ingithee's *Mel. they ars =I low levee of 1 cu. is 3 HAWLS—A A blazon to Co. Flute° reed upwards 0 of 1500 Shawls of every kin.L . 'spmprisiug wine ve orsuperior Crape, Silk sod SatinESltswls. EROUGHT COLLARS—A I A MasonA. Co, No Market 0, km just reed per express, GOO Wet n of eve?' variety, some akvbe low price of 18i rents. °l—T—gxxzTob.:l., ImgT..zggora 4 J MESLtELL FLOUR -1.13 Dbl. receiving from stmr Consul and for We by je7 .1,2d11k. DALZfILL • GREABE-7 bble Grease, now danding Sam meander Cumberland and for sale by je7 ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co, front at 7,-'EATHERS AND GINSENCg-Now landing from eteamer Cumberland and for eel° by je7 ISAI&Il DICKEY & Co CO7TON-41 bales now Imiling Irons stmr Cumber holdd and for sale by je7 ISAMU DICKEY & Co DRY PEACHES—Ida L. Tettlessee; in store * and for We by je7 ISALKII DICKEY &Co LOST —From dm steamer Co. • a bbl wt Herring, marked “Ellion, .It was lett on the whirl on Wednesday latt,,,,!and . is supposed it hoo been hauled off through mistake. ; • 04 TO. SUGAR-12 hbda prime '2 . 2.0 Bagar, received by steamer Telegraph .ad f i gr l , aaleby W &UGH AKERS TORR-10 bbl. prime him l'orki• jail. reed and for sale bp S& HARBAUGH, 53 tar , r and 104 front el FEATIIERS—Just received ..a for ule by Jed • OEO cocsitt / i.N,w woott.t SM'S. TURPENTINE—) bbrei ie.' reed edd ..le by - je6 BRAUN& REITER "VANILLA BEANS—Prime qUulity, just tee 'd and V for .du , tso BRAUN & REITF.R OIL VITRIOL —W carboy% juleave'd and 6r sale . the Drug . ltore er jes J KIDD &Co A LVAl—eunom and ien vele et the - dnag wareboure of J KIM & Co 'A (.LE'N'S NERVE AND DONE LINIMEN7-30 S ouJ just reeeleed foe stiJe by Jes; .1 KIDD &Co jrb l L P . Bk .T .D—Fotar blAfor ma? at j ilare .two FISHIN4I 1100TS-72 do; !oda Rubber' Fishing {loots, just recd by engrain, agd for role lathe In dia Rubber Depot, No 5 %Foal street. jes d:R PHILLIPS HOULDHR BRACES-4 dorSboidder Braces, In dio Rubber, tecebted by eittriee• and lot .ate a the India RubbeiDepoh 5 wood save t. ~jei 7.1 /a II PHILLIPS INDIA RUBBER HALLS— li - idox !Olin Rabber Hallo, for children, an excellmeartiele for exerMs esillet received by express, and GO sole by ' ley o_sll PHILLIPS_ M°NEP DELIS--A few as . rept.. received by express end for sale by jeskl& II PHILLIPS e, 11HITANNIA 311:PAL WARE.....lust received from JJ the manufactory, Britannia (I,:nree Pots; do tea do; do Sugar Bawls and Cream CMIpF do Slop do; do loge Pitchers, with lids; do Moieties do din do Coffee Urns, with lamps. For sale at low- prices., jes GILL GLTPliislgn Dry Pither__ EtLOWING PAINTED IILUIINUEENSWARE We ore now teething a nits nisortnient of this cheap and beautiful ware. jes G11.1.A Gkrrrli AkIEitICAI!: (iIIERNSWitI*. Can he lietl in dl an Immure, ut the *one of b ARD OlL—du bbl. I. Od, idodia3 from ateamel Alesseuger, and for .ale low J o clear , consignment. AMES LAU ELL VISII-311bbls prime No I Shad; 30 do No 3 !dock. , JC rot; so arrive and foraala by jr3dw IDITCII+4: bbla Pitch, on banC and for Fab, low to I: close by jar. TAAILCE & O'CONNOR FL9VR -20 by: & _ MAC - REBEL—No 2 aad taiga, on band and far 41. side by Jr A & REST SSALTS=arbbls reerired - : 10 for male by . Ira • &,. 13EST eIPOBACCO 7 IS las 16.perior quality, ree'4 on eonsigunseut and for sale:lose by jes • z.TASSEY &• BEST • earths reed this clay, and forallely & ileAr_. P ARASOLS -15 asset silk, te ton atal glitabaza Pary asola, late Myles nod hantlatemllttents,blet open andlug m ter sale by 131iACITal "T A WHITT , t. 3 Set laved at VELvicr CORDS—Three' tits.l. medium quality heavy haugup Cottle, just uric ell and for side vete rY low: 2. 3 :matt:LETT a wurrE .11111kILINTit—A large arsoiitueiit.4 blue, bloF , and . % :1 sop, mud limey Pr.s, , 1 ,, g." , . 0u . and quality, just opening and or sule astruordivary low rates, by dui cede, Au. jest SHrielililaT worrE - ~ .~:. AUCTION 5 . 5...,- :..'::,'„ By 11. Lammas & CM AnatiosTerst . BALTIMORE. •_ On Wedziesdiy, the - 14th initant, at 11 Weiner., at OW auction MOMS On Suettazian's whatf— . _•• 3161 BAGS ftlo COFFEE— f a s t imputed in "11,,a Elizabeth aad Mizteheater. • _ _. • Catalogues and samples will be prepaivil the 6,4.. before the sale. ' • jet By Thos. Andorlto* di Co.; Auctioneers, . LOUISVILLE, . • 132 HMIS. N. O. SUGAR AT AUCTION.—On Trimlay, the 211 t Jane, commencing at lUtictock. A. kl.; we will .11131 Mids. prime New Orleans 86ga1 at Auction. Terme task, (Kentucky bank notes.) 31 , 1Cewan, AaeU Perrasparty Sale • • Of Fuminare, Feather Beau, Bedding, Se on account of whims it may coaccm,zal aucnolGt ~t he United States Hotel. On Saturday next, Jane .10th, at 10 o'clork m the forenoon, will be sold positively, 'without reserve, on account of whom it may conceal, at the United Plaice Hotel, corner of Fenn street and the Canal Malin, fea ther beds and bedding, among which are in Pal till; following, via: Feather beds, bedding, mattrasees., c a r. peting, burows,chairs, books, motel ornaments, Sc. Those concerned in the above property, will take notice nimbi. advertisement. 'CI JAMES MeSEICIA; Aunt Davin, Amen...! , Second land Baggy az Auction.; On Thursday ultimo°. tho Oth Oat, to 3 O'clock, in front of the eotimereinFiales loom, corner o( Wood wol Fifth streets, will be , sold opt very eubstutitial spell finished Ihrigyovitit falling lop. JOLLN D DAVIS; Anil • Dry G00dr,4%., - at Auctunr. ' ••• .. On Thursday morning, Jane a; at 10 oklook, at the conmiercial Seks Room, comer of Wood stud Filth streets, will be sold, several consignments of fresh and fashionable fancy and staple .Dir superfine brood cloths, casamere, oaten., tweeds , superfine jeans, twelve lent plaid , mode and assorted color, de kin., iodise blue fumitureand apron ebbs, jeans, ginghatas, lawns, bestir, baleariaes, American • and English prints in geent variety, bleached and ms bleaclalphirtinp, cottouhmiery, starts, .spentiers, he. At 2o'clock, : • New and second band Furniture, among which be found, one superior dressing bureau, hats seat sofa, rocking chairs French and common 'chairs, children's table and rocking chairs, tables, sis pairs transparent window blinds, queens - ware, tinware' kitchen forni •ture, An. fibss window glass, assorted sixes; 2 half chests Y H tea ; 1 or cask hladiira wine; 1 doFrench brandy, worthy the attention of Wu keepers, cigars, to- bacco, groceries, kg. • Al n o'clock, m. Heady made clothing, boots, shoes, dry good., no cordeous, files, books, paper, gold and steel pens, he. SOIDI D DAVIS, And. , AMUSEMENTS THLEATRIC.O C. 19.Poirmis blernmer and Lnte FAREWELL BENEFIT OF JOHN DUNN. Turnon, Ina 9, pat, to commence with the Drii. ma of tha GOLDEN FARMER. • 1 Jeremy Twitcher , Mr. Duna •. Harry Hummer • • ••••,. ... .. .. •Mr. - Porter. 'Golden Farmer Mr. Prior. Elintoeth , Min Porter. After which, Fuss Dims, by Mt. Anon Malvin. To conclude with the Iturleaque of, ItICHARDE YE TIIIRDF,, •. ' }lichen:le Ye Thole Johiiiann Friday—Benefit of Miss Anna Malvin. • Fat nor Anantelosti—Dreart Circle, culg §econd Mee, 15 eta; Pit, 29; GallerY, 2o . • Trim ORIGINAL. BAND os.sions DM/MONISTS consisting of Means. %V: 0.• Plusses. W..asnki 1. Road D. Jacobs, Alun. BL Fanelli and T. Archer. nspec.s. fully infonn eitisens of Pittsburgh Snit they will give a series of altiopian Concens, commencing on Thursday everting, Nay Mb, nod continue Friday and Saturday. • Canis ot 'Admission, Skean. • je7 . J. C. BENSON, .Agenl:: TO THE COMMISSIONERS pinerrevr.- 'CARTA RAIL' ROAD COMPANY. CIENTLENNN—Naca the subscription for Twenty. 131 - Thousand Shares of the Stock m this Company has . licen advised by the Rail Road Convention. hewer ono Suggestions have been made to me that the books should be again open to give ouch as are disposed at portunity to subscribe individually to the stock. °P in conformity with the expressed wisher your fellow citizens, I have AO request that you will gairt cause the books to be opened at such time and place as you may deem most expedieaL • Very respectfully, Y. V. MERRICK, Preset. Pa. R. &Ct. Pittsburgh, Juno IS, 1.948. e Pennsylvania RaII Road Company.. IN pursuance of the foregoing request,nonce is here by given that Books mutt be opened for subscrip tion p the stock of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Com pany, con Friday sod Saturday, the nth and 10th J a n e,' . from o'clock. A. IL, to I eelsmk. MD m the Cam pany's office, Third street, below Market; _sad at the Merchant's A. Alettufacturer'ellank, and en the Fis. change Bank—Five Dollar, per, share to be paid at the time ofsubseription. . • Interest at the rate of six per cent. per am in, mill be paid to , Me c o mpany on MI instalments from the date of payment. THOMAS BARI:WELL, CIIARLIN AVERY, • .101 IN il. SIIOENBERGER, WILSON BMA-NI/LESS M. LYON, G. W./AMMON, • J. &MOOREHEAD, ja7:4l . \VAL RICIMAIIIL -•- PROCLAMATION.' CITY OF PITISUURGH, vacanef having occurred in the representation of the Thinl WW, the Select Council of said city, occasioned by Me . resignation of ROSCIrt Poicrics,Embonul the said Conn cil having,--by a resolution passed June Sth, A. D. 1842, ordered .o election to fill the aforesaid -vacancy, Therefore 1, Gamut. Mates, Mayor of said thy, in accordance with the proirislon of an Act 'of the — Gene• nil Assembly of the Male of Pennsylvania, .priividlur for the incorporation ofshe city sal Pittsbrogl4 do issue this, my Proclamation, decla ring that on the Boman TUES. , of June, A. D. 1842, tieing the 13th day of said nm s .wl of the TuanWssa acthe city of Pittsburgh, qostmoiso.menicir-romwss tta•- - e '" of Representallvelsof mus Commonwealth, will meet to gether at the usual place of holding elections in said Want, and elect by ballot a citizen of Abe aforesaid Ward, qualified to be elected'a member of the House of Representatives of this Conamonsmalth k tzt LS Said , vocancy• • . Given under My hand and seal of said city of Pius ' burghohis day of hum, A. D. IfslB, • War. GAIIIUEL AD mayor. WOOD TYPE. .1 X 01312 Awr. , r• 1; WOOD 217% •41.01[T, Kr • . • anon, es. TITAL SCHOOLEY, HARVARD IL RYAN, ISAAC AIL SINGER, JOHN R. MORRLSON, haring as. mended themselves together raider the style . and tide of Schooley, Ryan & Co,, for the manufacture of Wood. Type, and as their type ts altogether made, by machi nery, the invention of Isaac M. Singer, one of Mahon, they feel confident that they otrer a more perfeet article of type, and at mach lower rates than any heretofore adored in the United States, end are now ready to fill orders for the same. All orders addressed to Sehooley, Ryari& Co., at their office in Diamond alley, _between Wood sod Smithfield streets, will be prinettMlly attended to: :Proprieteri of nearm*Pen;.ort copying this id vemsemeet 3 months, and sending na thew paperoria be entliled to Merritt their pity in type, on purchasing . three times the amount of their bill for advertising. • jelidarn . FANCY DRY. GOO DS. SEAMAN & MUIR, 13111 Dre•dviat, Ne,r.ltoirk: hl PORTERS AND JOBBERS or Silks, French pai u n , I ted Musilne, Menges, Laces, thebroidenes, Mee no 'Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Lewes, Bombazines, &NI) ALL OTHER VAILLETLES OF FANCY G CODS. They invite country Merchants, visiting. New York, to examine their Meek before meting thar.pirchases. Ur. Mgr wee for many years of the home of A. T. Steven &Co., from which he retired. the Ist of Jan. 14411; and Mr. Jemee Dielmon,i(whohas an. interest in the busitumsa was also favorably-known lath:Renal. PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER • - • - - - • - - Established a• amebas's. in the year for . the par P Tar r iVa ir litrag E.VSLIMTETI, h low prices—end exhibiting, at all seasons of Mayans, the Largest Assorunent . THE 'WORLD They are now opening &vend Ilundreeesekagea comprising every new style of Foreign and DOM.. ....1196, .1.) Of 1 1.1.11 hove .111 been purchased, and are °tiered for sale for Cash and abort credit, at PRIVIES RIEDDCRD : • • FfiOdf _ _ _ ONRTO L TIVE CENTS per yontbolow tho price. of Appl per ortatod caul ea, which are <mooted dolly, for the r .aologuc_, in4naatoin of buy n.._ ' PRINT WAR.ZII3IOIIBIC, Near York,June, 1617. .$ Camelmlagram Trlaiisphaik gr. . TtR. ToWNSEND, the 'eelebreleo mauufnclurer of LL “Tounsseud's Sarsaparilla,‘' ha 'admitted public• • '-•man Plant is “Ins buil.- .` 1j glut tLi~ CnLf. mi+ iaillTU,^Tudis the "eheepeet and best medicine in the world.” Pamphlets containing interesting infonnation as to its remarkable properties ta the cote of Fever and Ague, Pulmonary Complaints, Nervous Affeetious and Cumneous Lbsorders, from the most leopeetable ecut: ere, may be obtained at the agencies, or will ' be for. warded to past paid applications. per mail. - FREDERICK' A. GAY, .L Proprietor of 43ay'setuletteagoa, ,, - • Depo 30 Broadway, No*Tork. - TirANTEM—A partner 'With a - capital of 5400, to V V engage with the advertiser in a very minable manufactarmg business, where there is no romped. lion, and that pays a profit of Wiper cent. To a per son wandug a perfectly safe antYpermauent business,. an opponunny offers seldom to Eel toot with.; Address 'J. Hiehmond, at the office of this paper, stating where an Interview eau he had. lel4.lty CIUPFIR !ILK FRENCII curriis:-w•rt Morpht o'invitea the attention of gentlemen wanting 'Cloths. to his assortment of very best make of Freueb and thigliih Cloths.. A few pieces very superior block Ftendb, last rec'd; also,'/Mcskina nod' Cassimeres, in gves.t variety; 11411101. Cossimeres and Tweeds, for merie and boys wear, black...vain Vesting., whim Marseille do; gents white nod bordered linen amber lidkfs; super white and colored silk do; gents Gloves, Hosiery, he.; Gauze, Itletina and cotton Undershirts, for matron, wear; bile and fancy Cring4 Gingham and Jacnne_tdo, he. [~5 &O'CONNOR ----- - STEAM BOAT IMR SALE. A . STERN WHEEL BOAT, of about WI to but then, tight draft, about ten months out, avid al a barintn, irapplieation le tolkllG soon. Enquire IAMEN KERS, Jr. , water West - 7 - 1 - 11Fasprattht Patent Sada - !Late 35 itom mean.? Nor. C.J4oli nn, and !or nle b . I W & U 31ITCHELTREE, .. - . . jj7. - ' . i • lel/liberty street ..' / Admlualatrat es Bale: : . A Lli the personal property f Georye Bailey died, will be sold at John liie lees, to Faat Liberty, reebl. township, of 2 o'clock 'Alta, hie tight, title and hottest in • leovee of the Maze (inti.Fann. .. jefettlSAllll...lllltELVY •Adoer... Another .Bupply of Chickening , * , • . . 'Font.. -, SIX now Muni Ponce, - of liniewond, 6 and 111 dOr tore., will be received and reedy for ode during ibis week, by JOHPIII MELLOR, el ocenl . Of • ' Sole Agent for Chicknring'e Reno. for,Westein Rag Ware • <lase. •- • • • ri1111: highest Nice bt cash paid for good clean ram' also, cumuli, bale rope; gnus rope; bagging; wool ell ins, de., by • • W. CHADWICK. , apt. way,* st, bet. peaat irbaq • - ,4c*' .l .' ‘-. ~,= - STEAMBOATS. CINCENVATI•& PICMIMURCIIit OAI.LY PACKET LINE. yllly well-known line of splendid passenker era ig boa compaed of the largest, swiftest, belt oishod and furnis and mom powerful boats on seaters of the West Every tecomracdation 1.4 tow fort that money can procure,has been re .s . ided int pi.. .sengers. •The Line has been in operauon toe bee pear —has carried a million of people without theleast fem. rY to their person' , The boats will be at e the Mot 04 NVood street the day presions to starting, M the recep tiou of freight and the Wei of P..5 . ..g . the "'s tet. lb oil CAW. the passage numey Must be psi in, SUNDAY PACKET. Th. ISAAC NI;WTON, Capt. A. G. hiuca, kayo rittaborgh cocky Sunday morning at . II? o'clock; Wheeling everp.Sonday clam,* al 10 r- May .4.1e47. MONDAY PACKET: • The MCNOsGAlll7.4ll,CapbST.ryw illicive burgh every Monday margins at 10 Weivek; wh,amg every Monday evening at 10 r. a. .• TUESDAY PACKET• The lIIIIERNIA Nit.:, Capt.l). 14.1aarstacr, leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday =meg at 10 tfcloet; Wheeling every Tamlay evening at ' • WEDNESDAY PACIPETs' The S'EW I.:NULANII Na 2, leave Pittsburgh. every Weduesdart luge! egeoek; Itil.rvlatg every Ilrednesd.tYv7,7"` ". " TIMRSDAY PACMCIE'rs Th. .Byttlid ANT, Capt..Gascr., learn I'itis-. burgh every The. r"..-day manias id Rae urv.a every Thursday eteatug at lb r. FRIDAY PACKET'. The CLIPPER No. A Capt. Cawle.l.lll leave Pius -I.lth eery F rid ay mom i ug nl 1 0 o'rlork;Vairettug every nary cvexurgAal • : • SATURDAY. PACKET. hiESBI•.'VGRR, Capt. •S Rao, will leave Pilts burgh every Satarilay morning at f o'clott IWheeling every Saturday evening at 1a T. sr, •. , NEW - LISBON'AND PITTFOURIM DAILY LINE . OF CANAL AND STEAM PACIO;TS, 1848 .2 • 'Om otasooti,) - • • • Leaves Pitisburgh dilly, at 0 o'clock; A. U.. and ar- . rifer at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Geaver Ca nal,) at 3 o'cleek. and New Lisbon at =am night. Leaves New Lishonat ni gh t.)mak the trip renal io the firer during the aed.Glastesew at 0 o'clock, and armee, at... Pittsburgh at p. 11L—thus making a COlilitlLLollll line for carrying gangers , and freight between NOW lAsbouand Plus. burgh, In *hotter time and at len rates than by any 'other roots .. The proptieteri of s Liao have the pleasure of in forming the public that they have &Loden twv/Sml alma Canal Boma, lot the accommodation of yannagen and freigto run in connection.• with - lbe, well' known steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER,' , andeonneet• ing,. at • Clawow, with the Piusbergfl end Cineln• • mut and •othei daily hues of 11106111.11 dote the Ohio- - : and blusissippi rivers. 'The primrieters picilge them- • selves .to spare no estate or trouble to corn fort, safety and dlspate , and ask of the pubis • aka , . A /1081ZEDAGEN7'S • G fIARTI.N m / s ` l " l '`g h 'S. & ANNe,a&uCo.oil 1 RHA """ ylaf &C 11.' 1 / 4 0TICE,—Tbi meftmefßFAVP,BC.Eplazice,mal ter, Will leave after 'ibis nonce; Oar Bar c t Glaagpo and Weilatine puneinally, sin &cloak in devinonang . 1.1/411; • 1811 Pl'IVIII1111611&138017VAIIVTIALX1 FEBRUARY Is i t i : l a jr P 7 . 1. " Mg a iriNic 18 , 181 • . LEAVE DAILY ATS A. 4, ersrii4 r. The followng - complete • . r , 41 ' the line the the .pre.tit *asontAT LANTIC, Capt. J 'Parkinsoril • ALTIC, Capt. A. Jecolalmod LOMB Cant.A. Nemeth' The be= nee entirely new, and am futed op without =ON 1 0 I. ; ery' comfort thelmeneT eon Peueulu he. F ell. = The Deals will !entre the hlonongehela , . Vbarl" Coat at the !dot of Roes at. Passengers 'will be penetrant on board, as the bolus will ce nanny leer al the schen , Used hours, BA. N. and A P.ll ' Jan% IVIIEELI NO Kam „ h , CINCINNATI ' A LOUISVILLE. & ODO, Pieser.—The I Petty, commandef, Al leave the' Lotatsille nil Intemeediato 'ports exertEatarday, at 10 o'clock, precisely. For freight or passage apply. borud oi FOHISVTLI &DUNCAN, Agent.. The Telegraph has been bails expresalt We molar packet, and wnh a Meer entirely 10 thin comfort Of pas. scuts:. the se....nodeth= Are' ,, taterlOk,lo no boat - ItTH. CAROLINA, . DeVISIXICr• ioaater,will Itraye for the ve andlotermediate doh this day. , For freighter malign, apply on hoard.. }ea. FOR NEW'O!=.%lO3. , :r!laaplaa . dV A te l li a luer • . ...ea, master will itl.e l kir, the above nteimedtw pats Wa'clook,.A. " I / Y"''''"Y t pmfinght or pajiagr; apply c_..,ll._teLarelje? FGQ ST . The fan nun. tea.‘,ei • I'VISRPJLIItg, _ .." u Gra, le n htear d lhe iii , at WA AL • For fteiNt N EWTON bord, 1r i „, i e s J NE'WTON JONES. Ad FOR §T.LOULS AND ILLINOI . B AL IQ UPPA p , lrcokr,4i• Yethre ov:mo oa.L:2d. . - For fragbiorpuafapplyob 1 12 64 , trii;jq-_, Deilacar, mama; lailtleag. Gar chore • - and fatertardimar ports o dig day, dui 122,4. For irsight or passage apply on boird. r&irLdrISVILLE.' ' • 'The fast runainrgaitmet • • lADY . BYRON for ,' frays the above intenantiate dings,t this d 97, May 29. For freight or plunge apply on bove.,ot to, 192 M J BUTLER& 8.0 Agent. MMPT4I.:322OFiV'TVroM.TMI . - The itenmer ' - • I, NEW ENGLAND, APClesr., reastir,Nrlll ran t s a regular afternoon packet from ehl :ugh to' Cincitmati. She leaves on her trip-a:Mkt . the neer _arrangement, next Monday, at 4 o'cloe.l4 P. M. - The fin j erg i n i Tikui rav - Israel, muter, will len. focthe aboTe• . and intermedude penned! b y. For fre ight or wen° epplren beW taro._ RFZUtART PITTSBURoH AND. 2X.itSVIErg • The fine new. Hest draught steamer .I!JOere; =stir, wil l regularly is shore. . . This boat is every Way adapted comfort of . passenge She runs:in aonn.tian,Vrithvhe Jenny .Lind, which meets be:r at I . leyerir,.. korllyjght or 0.- 1,11.&re apply on board. - , • - ktni Itzert•r. rl7 1 V TO' rI!(11p.r. • ' -The and I , ftst dna .!annum Twijainsio Ms, ,oroster,.. for c . Wee oad buorroodltuvrom on Toes day,talt roe, .110 AN. Fur freight vi passage nal) FOR WHEELING AND , BRIDOLZORT. • -The nut sled substantial low wain dreir ***A ater bat rcentned her regular tripe between Wleeline, atldgepon and ritth btugb, leaving PittelFugh ou Monday!, nod-Thuredays. • 3 LREGIMOVPAcitor rose voritisd. . 61 - The "new and fettElannt, .. • itames, - mostee, leave - for' nbenle , d aft intermediate pdttion %Vatican- . dart *tut:SW=l4p of_aneh Week..,:Faz f -Olght at par entArly on board or w , T As,c i. , . .I.M.saußait lr WIIEP4.4hItir PACKEIV . rrerorr -. • The wilt eleemer.., -Li . . • ....,.... rr.CONSULO pomp P Kinney, enestesorill tem • lady for Imbecile& roe Monday,' W . " ..d.v ...4 Rani oil° oteloek vesettely. . - Leave Vr"lreel every ToeFloy,;Ttromeley elul Sa-' innlay, et 7 tr`elr., em, precreely..... , r - .. • The Coiled real least sr all the. interreedirde eorte.r- Every secornalarlort that`ean be proeure4 An the eoro, k ip fort and safety of pahsengers has Leta ti ijded. '.711.re boat tie'. prinrided!‘citli li*lf-twilyt* guard I. cvent srpl o sOus. War fret nl or to ht or .pat .. ly err . . . ;: r febt '. _. , . . tamer of 1•4 and BsahhEreld els. ideKEESPORT,IdLIZ/1161111 ANA . NPIFINGAILE - - =LA CITY PAC6ffi' _ y The new we[ y • , • DESPATtIi,' ..,..leelidnoidnei - , , srilL•ran:' as above', leaving ~ .l'itr4rgls.. tuft /donsla3 , Wednesday 'nd Pridsy'ltt Oka:0.014. st.i and No iiongatteduCily every Tuesdayabnesdqy 544 Iddluniny, ot $. • FoT L'74.l , ll: , :dr: . pAilkdir apply on - - 1 / 4 ,- Mc.mx:und licntilnimbi mem= • . sTrt Mt. tit rot- the u Mayon r. ; P rlt:f7la r t r or:roth - 7.l4rjr,i Notlea to Travelers: . • • 'EXPRESS.'C'fi.V.b. PA;CE.RY, LINE • p it • • 4:rmx • 1.1 -- I'tUI.AUELPtItA.AYD . ' 11 1 4 t:ers d ra a rt from the Aqueduct at Preercm,_— •• She ail! deparidally at u'ona In the ginning, ens the fint meet abase ' • - Pa...gen .breaktan . On board,' cud anti punctual at the hour. • , - • • , • _ For passage or Itlformvion, sooty to - • SU - tett. Mon; Bnn,e . • Or D. LI:PSII &Co t : Costal Basis . . - Pons—Nine Dollars t h rough : ' • .• • - Lly this smog ementpossums swill go , tbmegh kin than three days and p a hair s passim" steer the pod ECLIPSE . TRANSPOWFATION . , QlllrPlatll . and others are ihfornaml_that this to trill con ti nua to eon throughout tho ,year. luso* daily. Produce and merrehassit taket tat tat low rams. • Merchandise . from Baltimore brought out at CanaLi rates. Thor, Bea days. J C BIDWELL, Att. •• Water st,SI doors above Monte. House. Pittsburgh... 3 13 ROBINPON 2130F1131, . • ,coyly __IL:IEI6Th Clint; es . , Daltitoore..._ ono: W. • ;TNFORM. their fries da nod tlm Pubbo that they bans :12 no longer any connection with. Mao .late establish. fltefittri Pooh ono, , known ns Plustutrstslirewery, 'having removed' their' coke businesi tothe POINT 13REWERY, in Pitt oreet.• ' • myltkdkrelylit • :Executor's 157atIcie.:1 yIF subtLeriber harlot kelt out kite", Wslarnentlh. ,y,on Executor ot lust M, bertersh It. btono creased; desires Mose' i trieLta to said 'estate to mate payment to him thtougb P. 11. Faturmk Ito und those hang claims [Talon the estate to presenrthem.mr uth , nti , ..t.sobrp.puL .. IL DYE* '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers