tc-:,:.12:4k47t013?* . • -,..- ESTABLISITFiD BUSINESS L CARDS, I'fs°'; LAPHat , Jr- Cr i . i.. ll . alrfae4 Leather Ma e =OL :' l7er PllLStakrgh, E Leviek Pldiadeiphia. , Coeligaments of Wecern Leather a:66 D, and end - advances ovate if required. feld:dCe ATWOOD, JONFS & Co.. Comnuaston and Fpr warding 3lonhonts, have rolorned to 'their old rand, Wooer arid Front greets, Pittsburgh. mat • Minatei 111ALN, • • G.Z.o.n. amts. HAUS k REUER, yirbolesalo. and Entail Drug gigts corner ondberty and St. Clair streets, ritts Era, P. :' • - - - mayl.4 • ILL • IMIINGS, ILL Mr. 11.1.1.A.1. & Co, Manufacturers of AI Carnage Spnngs and• Axles; A. B. and elpvieg tereel t euld dealers-et Come Trianainge of every de saaanfaeuiry doitt_ Clair at. %Varela:ruse 43 • Wood 61, opposite St. Cliarles Hael. , jarnti ' tWALT. . .10{L. osmium EWALT tr. GY,BILUIT. ers in Produce and Pitaibargli dianufaterares, ear. nu of Liberty and Band Ks Pius!, .h, Pa. febll WIL & 111.1)11s4:17, (Into English, Gallagher JL:I I . Co.) wholesale Groceriveoininaaalon .and For ' argolang&laretiants, and dealers in Par and Ihita tough Ittannfactiatea,) , ro.:l7 Woodat.;betwoon Id gird 3d menu. ' octt P. I- /MEW OW. RIM, JAWS WOO. ELUE.DIV, IMES Co, Wanks:do Omens. and - COOWIWOU Illerchanta,nnd AVM S for Brighton lama, rid. re , Wa‘c,, and 141 Frani au., rim: toargbi Pa.fel.3 FBLUIdE., Plano 'Forte Ildanufasturer and dealer • in klariell histMolculy lb: Wood ac, Dear SW. maial .._____ gALLA - OHER., bOING & MILLEAIreII .d Irma ~, Ptorodera aneGaa Fiters, 10P Font, Wm. ~ 604 sad ltafteld meets, rinsbarirb, P. , Er Highest pris jinn for old Cop Ilmer. •. deld N G Zdorolt 20 li'oo C' d mem . i l rustrrl r" b.7to"/)1 Y 11RIINOT, Malta and' Red Lead !dram r, Paint d Oil Morc hlust,,corrier of Lib mu and O'flink anltilularr, gets . , • Dlcny d Co., Whol•rZ m' Ge mcm ers i , C dicrelunite, and dealerr. in Produce, cior , and ID? ' , root street., rine'burigh. nore TORN SCOTT & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Forward . lug and Commission hlerdhatus,'lleelers in Pro duce and Pittsburgh AliOnursOunres,. NO, 7 Commercial Row, Liberty strew , °env the Ctunl, Pittsburgh, Pa. • myrolp d. Etan .i fte l iTrwsAin., Wholesale goon, No. 114 Libotti a striett gs “ srad Allry Pittsburgh, Po. iytTdly Moe of the 0 rata Alpo and fl McGtdre) Merchant Tailor, b . arks Banding*, • o • • . V• • • rittatat Jt. JAMES 'A.: liUTattiSoN, & Co , - B aceossori to Lawis Hutchison A Co., Coamt , aaion Idereltants, and Agents 4sl* the Br. Lows ISteamt Mahar liclazery. No. 45 wazer And 42 from itutets, Vitszburgh. • !mg - TWIN S. DILWORTH-3 , 1604,4de Grocer, in:, INP dace and Coonnisaion Iderchars, No. 27, 'Wood ay l'ittab • h. - . D.:tdORGAN, WhoWel& Drureistouid deal er In Dye duffs, Yaints,LOils, V arndellide, &e., N 0.93 'bed sunt, ode door Sood of Diamond lAlley, hob burgh: ' • jet,' • - . TA311.X.F.R.12, Jr • & Co, , uileeeisor io Joseph 0. DarisJlthip Churidlers, Water street. o' 'oat ; TORN WholessJo and Beta deiler Lu Music awl Musical loatrumeuts, ,Sehool Wags, I - .riper, Slates, bite! rent, Quills, Printers' Cards, load Sudorterg No. el Wood at., Pittsburgh: Rags bought or Wets iu trod. supls 'y SCLIOONALOM Jc . Co., Wholes a le Deuzgists t . - frl•6. No. g 7 Wood street, Piusburgh. JOSEPH JORDON & SON, Commission mad For warding blerehms, 15 Ltheny, is/pp:wit< Imildsfaeld st.,) Sampson's Dow. paid TOLIN'IS. DAVIS, Allelic/7mm comer Ada and Wood fJ streets, ?ittabsugh. -- • *• nets fra=l k ST°C trrrs, N liu l t. tan cit:: to u h. i. J L. REAMS Book Store,4lh, near Market raver, SP • CLUaieal Theological, istorical,Sebool,tilincel -541.30,11, and Metnoctrat /rook* and Stationary. 4,21 Jakif,BUBERTSON & Co., Bankers rutd:llechting. Broken, corner of Wont ant 4 sta.„ Merchant' Bond Badding% Pittabunnt Pk. Ily - Curreuey purchased aktho usual rotas: cow 'TWIN GRIEH, Whalersite , Grocer,ldettler, in Pro • due, Pitrobargb Itlanutitcturta, Tut l'lntes, dr.*. 44 Llhaztitstutit. *l5 Ei;MM (late J. Floyd &7601,)1Yholes-a.b Aft i`oc r Itaar..r liW eiatf 'Grotir, Cattier " -- 1 - j Alachua, dud dealer in Produce arid liusb " urT Alartufacturec No.:11. Water st., Pittsburgh. ! Jmltih lresnvltui Iron Work} 1- EMS, DALZELL'tt Co., mut ttfaettfeere of all si• Ai see lA', Selma, Boiler Iron sad Nails of the best pt de qlity. 4Vasehoe, 54 water sad 1(4 (toot ja . Xa, WATER.3I.AIi, Wholesale Grater, Forward . atulcocataisaion Merchaln, Dealer iu Yiur • mp aLanufacturca and Produce, Nos. al Water et., 'sad di Prom at. 4 Inn LANZ.; . WWI MM.]. LAILBERT, SITON , Wholuale Grocersaor warding Commission Merchants, dealers in_ Pi.bUgh dLutwicrure y NINI. i 3 Weal at, Piniburith. - . tetr23 'ArERCER, BROTHERS Ir. Co, Comidasioo Alec chants, Philadelphia, for, the talc of produce a r e Liberal advancem tatula on cousignatents. au" A Watu t a mariitz, Await c. Mll,1:111.1811FIELD Wk.; W4sdesnle aa4Conunission Idcranuns, 1 , 10. 114 , 1.0yesty IL ALIJA 561Y1c1, IVY E. YMCA. ALLET: fr. Co Coannuseton and, Forwardwri tdernk,ants; 'Water tutd Front sts., ;between Vi..l AIM Maiket sta. ' inad I ncsuctnwer. AIMIX& & RICEETSON,IVbsIessIe Grocers luri Corruarsaisit Mere/Isms, ',T0.17 , tt, Liberty ec, Piss- • eCOttD.k. KING, V. - 61...1.3 end Retail Rae and .IXL Cap. Bfautefactures, aed dealer. ittjFaney <Ortler Wood and Mlle SUL bf,,mL3Ml & EON, No. 55 Market st.VaSseart doer froes sorrier of Fourth, dealers in Foreign Exellauge, Lerufreures 01%4/epee s; Bank Now and Speck. flj . Collecticere road 541..a11.- the prieciljal cake llama/rout the United States. I I i deel7 P • 41. w. pwatanza. 10110INDEXTER Jr, C=melesal e roc ec Lag mia.lon and Fin. Me reliant., No. ill Water . • ' • • - 160 ODIUM MOORE, Wholesale Glued , Readying • AA. Distillers dealer sti e nd s Manure, • tem, _atul a/I abuts of Porekeu Dot aleilic Wines eadLlitaan, hio.ll Liberty streeL Ox basal a very, /am mock or eeparsor hionongal sela -whiskey, 'which will be sallow. for cash. - stolid). OBERTSON & lIEPPERT, Prod. JorDeakri cud b Coauniss&ip Meithinis, ho. 1W Second street, TOICEIARD T. LEECH , ) r. Importer .4l Dcaler is 1 ' Potripa :1 1 / 1 11 DOLIICaUe litdalcry 'Hardware and : IlAtrijitp Trumaingo, of all lestriptions, :VLZC csod . • I • 7 lez . • [CHARD BARp, Wholesale and I Acts.ll Dealer In Liiather, hlonxtto, 61ineuisken': food and Find s, 'humors' dud Wier,'Tooth 'fanners' 041, Flo-100 wood is., lidsbura. • sepld .11¢Uiticurmisox,_ . .o“..a..'nonnssost. and 0N itteazle. Produ ce d Dealers iu Pius- A . RAmiinctufts, No. lAI .LittoB,y st y pusburgh, • lanly ItOBEKT DALtEII, & Co., 'Wl,.lhsala Grocers, andFarr/girding Itlerehhhts, dealers Produce and PiuslAmsh Dlauttfactures, I„Abcrlg st Pittsburgh, Pa... 1 • • kbll I our. A. 'GUY ,NDIGGA,II, bolesolo Grocer, lkaler Su ro dace and Manufactures., o.l44l.4berip;rt • 81.2 I. 0 - RAIFJLIVA, 1. 1.. sAcc Forosurlling And Commission l lLL' l .".rebW4s, for the Allegheny Item Trade, snb Grocer les, Produce, Pittsburgh .11anubsetUres . 0 0. Chloride 4,llLinte. • Thehigbest prices, in caih, paid at all Omar file court trf earner of Peitz! smr Irwin sts.'. jsuUG _ _ • A . OthiI:FOLID Pi Co, - eo L 'emission Merehmus, Lih• • • n.„1., .oppaint, Smithfield, Dealers in Vox, 4 .a •=,,n!'eto, also opt y • QfitllTLl k...701LN40N, Wholesale and Retail Dealers 10.7 In Milltuert 'fiEocols; lo tees, Hosiery, ant! Money Articles, No. 40 At whet scree 3d door . . L.r. TM "' "t Yrilsblargh. • - L C-~aCLy~~I~ Wllll7, Who7alilrerPla F " re t Do magic Dry Goods. No. lid Wood at. .11datidrg . LUAU atX31.1, , Wool Alerchanle: Dealers Ala' is Floor sad ;Oroduce 'geneally, and Forwarding and .; I COLIALWOU 411ere 6 ante, No. Al Wow; 01, Pills. '66 qo • Q/111711, BACA/. EY & Co Wholesale Grocers aud kJ Produce denier s.,No.2l:lhlarket straw,bctstreett Stlt and Otis North sick, Philadelphia. oortl gcessor to 3611 & Browne,' leupor . - : e too gra /WWI ible Mr. Of Paper Ilangings and aud dealer I. wriring, pruning, °ad wrapping 1714 LI.R. Wood ;s t. Pittsburgh, Pa. :Gags and `Pan : .7.....lainraha 'led at the highest mallet P7uFar3i, rerriao aan.. • toni — iticias, 3.1.11,L0CD. 0.}..14,E141 & !COL% Produce std Getiend Cam , isisdon M.r. suais N. 17 Libetry st„ Pittsburgh. tweed 'arid Lard Oils. grxisNliorts,& Co:; )11 . 1toiosala Gr. ith z . zz At: tanl . 4l and .. COULDII2/1114 . 1.1 erebirs, ' b ah". torg tin tt ‘c ew "" Sratrhouse . A,7 n stafril No,' tamer as' Front IL and CltstucerY 7.1 t. S A Y U ni 3 D , EIEF6 Forwarding and Cortuniswou J iu Froduce and Fittoburgh wan u• • 111.61are4 amain a Canal Munn, near Fib sr. EY 611 EST, Wholesale (;racers and Cornea. Mold ',wax, and dealers hal.naluee. No. 61 aid et. Mut, . pa= ent tor Alamo. soldiers and g Perdions, at We ogle. of Wm. El Aut. (bap., bark'. buildings, Chat, P(tt.burgb. Dlj in the general. land often at Wasinrigton, will attend to air euiltlesil el! ere nee of eipence w applicanta. • mart4•dly 4 414.........„ . 1 .., 4 1 . •'- ..,-.....,.....r - ' , .... 1 ;,,t.. , :- - .:' . .eii .. *-- ' :.:c rte:; - MIME , . . ; .,...„.. . , - '••-•v'•:t'',•Za•ro--r---';',";!.V...w,;.•,..;i',Zr..,r.,,,t,Z.'fz,..I.,--..a•._,,.r.;;.,,...-...,......,Ao-p,;e.5.4'-,•, , ''.•-• , - 7, - ,,, -- -44 2 ,, . - .4 , 4 • .-1.., ---; ,- .7. -- - • • . 1, e. - jerehatt`t, r ,%o Front ' "j srbetween Wood and Market streets. r fetal rung D. 301.1.1.11. WI CK 4r. AFCANDLESFCDuccesors 4s. J. D. w i g Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealers tu Iron, Nail,Class, Conon Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, career W % isod y d 31ilaierisitrts_;_pj!ortnirgh:__ dwl W. l` g '- estrtdisVolit,Vio. 244 Liberty ;ien n r ' tte . esual. • • mar2s Try 'AI. OAR RD, Dealer lo- Fancy and sia - pla Ty • Dry Goals, No. 7Y Market street, Pittsburgh. n0v13 , 411y - ;t i y l„ v i n4.,isoN ,4li t i k it: l 7 c to 'kat noa7 ere'Wolesale Coters, hants, No. 145, I..fheny erE.., Wholesale mut Ht roes Wood and Gth so.- ill WR. AIDII2IIY. Wh'olesato and Retail dealer In s Foreign nod Domestic Dry floods, north cost corner of Market and Fourth mac urmtmcg MARTIN Sc CO., Bankers, Dealers In •Exehangeilfank Notes and Coto, comer oi Third and Wood streets, I . lllabEgA t ra. novl9-dly H, Whole.le liroteth 1S and .t.! Co., Porwrardlig owl Con. ts,lCe.nal liasba, Pittsburgh Pa. t • • rath2 inig. TOC2I[4 IL ------ ,_ . . MO. sec... . YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in leather hide., & W 143 1. - Abeny st. ' 'Jtut3-14 aTrrir &r . h i irrc i r. , TREE—Wh q I. 4 1.10 Gracere; hau ße ... al , ti mpor... ta z. and . Wine, and Liqcor Ash and illeachtng vs° Liberty at. Pittabargh, Pa. inn 54114. - our. ni.scuiran, immix n. Anus. fl CLACK/3CM & Co., Ilaiolesnle Grocers' and V.; dealers in Oila, Boat Store, nod Pittabargh Alan. utuetured ankles, Lave on hand, atAl times; alb!! and veegeneral ansortinent of . goods in iliefrgine, Water street, r Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. uf ' aul3 • TORN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist cad Apotheeray, CP No. 4.5 Market at., three doors shove Third st. Pi burgh, will have constautly on hand a well selected as , sorunent of the best and freshest Medicinal', which he will sell - On thel,:moit- reasonable term. . Physicians sending elders, will he - promptle aoended to, and .ap plied with anieles they may rely as genuine. fr,r Phyeicians PreactipuomPirill to accurately and theneatly preparemghdt. frt. thee 'best materiels, at any heurof day or Also for sale, a lama stock of freak nergood Pcifte Rio • Cando (Pict, , Et.L1a=r 7 1 9 .:".7 . Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Ckral,ll7,:dtief co. Ana (Successors t o Atbuellovariopyr.ea,r),. . - A LEDOUX & Co., No. 77 Canal street, New Or- Jos, 1e.., Agent. fur J.ll.rntant's Ealensive nicam Sugar Refinery. Always on hand u large stook of Loaf, Powdered, Cruidard, Clarified and Bastard Sugara,• in Threes and /3a.rxels. Also, Sugar /limo, blolusseA. Prices liberal, and efair allowance Made on all axles of or above ml banela. • inehll Bloskoakaliela Livery Stable.. ._ aEROBERT H. l'iV4TEasus has opened the large betn First et, running through to &condo.,een Wood and thnithfield sta., in the rear of the Alononghhela House, with an entirely uew stock of Horses and Canine. of the best quality and latest aryl.. Homes kept at bee sy iu the host meaner. • jy:hlly IL EATON, Dealer in TrimmUlg• nod Variety Goods, Tortola Shell, Ivory and Horn Combs, Woolen Yarns nuil Worsted. Buttons, Needle* Pius, Tapes, 'Erodes, Ice.. No. q.s Market street, betwen Dia mond and 4th at, Pittsburgh. )"23,11i, NEW BiDIiIIEitY.ILIBDIVAIIii STORE, • • R., •T-. LEtCH_, JR. NO. 133 WOOD ST., PI T TSBURGH. "I]gt AVINCS replenished my stock from the best sokfr -JUL ces, both domestic cod foreigia - tinke pleasures° announung trivortsucuers and deal n,, that I am pre pared to furnish them with all goads& my hoe, ou still better terms than heretofore. Buyers will recollect this detains , " exclusivelyn in Saddlery Hardwiareland Carriage 'hi-timings, I obtain thereby, advantage s !that enable me' to dory competiv Boa. • Call, see, and Judge for yourselves. PITTSBURGH STREI. WORKS AND SPIILNO AND AXLE-FACTORY. 4'."'lorn ' JONES & 7. Q 717.1... MANUFACTURI:II.I of spring and blister steel, plough sfeel, steel plough winga'coach rind clip tic springs, hammered irouusles end dealers in mal leable castings, Are engitte leimpi , and roach trim:nil - Ts generally, comer - of Itias and out .sta., Pitisbuala 1 / 4 A. STO I / 1 3.—N0. t'n Fourth er Za;;TurirtiltaTc ' e, 6 l:l. ', , 0... pound puckasns, =Noun from Ola cu. per pound 313 U. jyt At,JAYNES, Agt for l'ekau Tea. Co. WlLalso attend to 011ections and .all other bind. nev i s entrusted to him irt Staler and Anustrusig Libertyat. • • •t 'W. W. Watiiee, j • • • Juries Marshall, do - Pittsburgh. dly Soy h. CO., Wood st J poi; j B. SWF:USER., 'Attorneyat Law; odes ad et., t, s -opposite St. Charles Pittsburgh. wilt oleo • attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fa) mte and Green coanties, P. LtErrst TO Illackstoek, Cell Zs Co., Church sr Carothers, Ipanshi r r G h. D. T. Morgan, t • VeyddlY __ mat in /manna, and a Kentucky, prumpny and care tittly attended... COMllaiMliolltr tor the State of Penn sylvania, AM uMiog Depositions, soknowle•lgoarnhy M. the. , Rani u—lion. Wm. Ball Soo, &Ills, Church n Caro:hen, IVEu. Hays; tieq, Willock & Davi& 1.2.3 WILLUOIS, LI/ ILI,UOIS /a SHIN N, (successors Lowyie nod V Alton., s nod Coussellors m Law. (Mee North side of Found weer, above Smith& SLIM DY..11.0t, 2. 11.L.150-litwar_r- TIUNLOP.Y.SEV(I.I,L, attoroey at Law, Otfacc, bh Smithfield, between :al am/ 4th rt. - VC/ISMAILI) SWAIITZWLLIA:II, At:orue) at Law, Law, have removed their otlico Wo South eldo Founis at r LCIWC.I Cherry Alley u4litzult street apse.• 11(PSEPli. 8.10 . X, Attorney at . law, Pittsburgh, Pi. 0 has reiumed the practice of his profession In his of. het% Pio. 7, IlakewelPs Buildings, Grant st_ occupied during his absence, by T. .1. agile= and J. Lltdisty itrUerlf VORIsi L. QALLATIN, Attorney. at mow, Otice on at, between Grant and. Smithfield, booth side, I 'ittabough, I. mill alto Attend promptly to nosiness In the %t outing coontlea. rr IL 13.011LNSON, Attorney at Law, hat re. . 0. moved his otliee tattle Exchange Guildincs, tr nest dooi to Alderman Johns. apGly • Ci .I ) lnstr A =bo UXi va ' DELAWARE EILITUAIi INSURANCE. Co. I OEN PANNEY,D.,Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del- A) aware. Mantel Safety insurance Company of Ph ila adelphis emeatiska upon buildings nod mereltandize ot every duet - to/ion, and Marine Sloths upon hulls or cargoes of veseels, taken upon the .sunit. (saunas. term& Office intbpWmelionse of W. B. /Lohnes & Bro., N 0.37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N.D.—The success of this Company since the ems:. li.bmeut of this AgeheY In this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every clean upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence nod patronage of his friends and the communiti at Urge to the Dclawaie M. S. insu rance Company, while it has the additioual ad rantagm inititution ambug the Most Opt:netting in Philnuel pitia—u having an ample pnid-ut capitairsetuch by the operation Of OA charter is cbtudantly increasing, as yteldlng to each person insurElus due shore of the profits of the comparty,:iyithfiair . involving Limit any respoombiLly whatever,',thrul thermic as posiessing . Cie Mutual principle divested of every qtthozione fea ture, and in ne most attractive lons- novi —FIDE AND NADINE INSURANCE. otruugh to Purf. - ..l,'.fi'.:evelt,rlo. - ..t:erlarP, ogee to ,make permanent and tamed Inioursuce on property, in this cup mad its ♦icmitg and at shipments Loy the Ca ns! aitd Meets. DIRECINORS. • . Charles Taylor, • Asobrose Who; Jacob M. Those., John R. Neff Richard 11 W00d,,., , IVelski. /I oe lioo Austin A RTIIIWG. COFFIN, Pres% /Use! D. Sitriuuran t I- / This is the oldest inostanee Company iv RIO Unitd Blows, hati4 , been . iharteNti 1:44. InA, charier cc perpelltal, aa from. ite logtr-stiffg,loog,tspenesce, ample mesas, sod avoiding all tisk& of oh e.t.a be,' sueolis character, Wooly be coo:Weird oil °dieing am ple security to the public. ly! P. JONES. Al the Co POlll of MA . O4d, & Co., Wa ter and Froht creels Pirlsbergh.: may:: Aram G Coffin, sLuel {V: Janes, Jam A. Crown,. John, Thom. F. Cope, Samuel Y. Smith, Samuel. rocky FRANKLIN FIILL frIlE Erstulchu Fire Insurance Ccapitay, of l'hilatlet .l plink will make la.o 'twee,Penuaocut and limited tut everf description of propertf, it, 'PittaLurgli and the surrounding; country, au lavottadc tern.. Tlas coo, pany has a perpetual charter,' Capital, • 84000 paid is Couungent, Fund thrice corner of 'rand and Market streets, Pineburgh. . • apllatf ' Ay'Atuzicx MARTIN, Ageut , nnderaigned,d4iy nutlionand Agent of Ilse itner• 1 an•Yue Insurance Company of Pluludolpins, er/dimes to effect iniarznee against loss or against Fire, on buildings, merenruidire,' furniture and property, /WI extra hniardous, to this city and rininity. apl4 • Cap Cl/Cif/LAN, wood •L rimiE SeBnCLULIER Lai been appoinied Agent pro tem. °into Insuracke'CoMpon, and will twat Policteleand Intend to tna utlirOitiaineaa of the Agency, at the.W.iirghouse of 'Atwood, Jones & Co. spilt 1V St. P. JONES, ruler la .• IDOLS. 17.1711111411. GOODS. TUB? lIIECEIVEL), per Eapres4, a large ass/annals, .of,ltidia /tubber tooods, a/mar/stag-- . 2 dam lLeah' Coats; 4 do. Traveling Rag. • 4 " Sack do; 4 !mu l'aaN 4 " rce do; L a CIII/Ip Blankets; - 2 " Reefing Jackets; " Cushions; /Horse wren;" Lite Prdservars;• WO yards of 4-4 Carnage lam arucla; 4I doll pair Leggings, ordnic lila styles; 2 Capes, watt alma esi Without do; 1 Gun CoverN all of which will be sold cheap for C.b. Vet10!<1111C or re tail, at No 5 NV...flatfeet. & 11 Y'lllLLlt.y. • Patent Soda Ash. A ,4 CASKS Jas.'t luspritit brands, just natl .-V-1- tag nom steamer Northern Light, and or sale by W k Tl AIux;LIELTILEE, awl@ lOU liberty st ACiIINCY OF COMPA, NY, for the rule of Bide, Hoek and estate r Fox , dot of very superior quality. City customers will lit supplied at Soy hott, auritig the day. upYriatut JOSEPH DlLNYQtrrii, /Igl,lo rood st CARDS. LAZY , OFFICES. ,Wlll. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa INSURANCE. M=l32 • LYMAN, REED '& CO., {uccssors to Bred, Hurd tt C 0..) GEtiNdul, 101111bISIUA .11h4CILINTS, rartc otos an totton pa lo l T t ON s ale of }Von!, nod litter - mylCol• al tolvastecs matte on conognotento. tt.asly • Ftilrea - CL:- . 15 - tie — h7dl 0 attic line steamer \Y) pining tilt stale on o tt Modane, Worts. For tootle/alone esuoilreof ''cum t k 11 ItA Mitt CGII, ap7 43 Water .0 Foga 011 LITERARY. To Country 31erehatato. AA .LARGhisrocK of School Ifoighs, Paper:Stalin.. ite-, suitable fog conatcp - sales, among wilith are Writing Papers, of fine, medium and Common Ixttei Paper do do I do do Nine Paper do ' do do do Note end Ludic, E.'nvelopec Slates, Pencils, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens; . Windiow Paper (yard scale) plain and primed; likintiet Marls, of daerent qualities; 'Hank Woke, in great variety; t• Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper; Mrt; anc. Eclectic Spell.. and Readers; Ray's Eclectic Arilhmencs; Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Rei-ilers., Sanders' do du , do A.rillinieties, by Ad..., Davis,Colburn, Sinitb,Stock lon, Einewon, cud others. Cieopapnies, by Mite hell,ollicy, Smith, blorae,Good ricli, Parley, and others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, 13ullions,IVeld, aid others. For vale et low price:, by J II el wood st, r, door A s ll ab ?l, ove LOR 44Th:: The highest market price pald for good mbied rags, In mish. aplu New Publlcatlotw. --- i Air ILTONH POEMS, illustrated. Harper's new Ijj edition of the l'oucal works of John Milton, with . a mentoir, end critical remark. on his geniu. and by James;Monigomery; and one hundred and twenty engravings (rot. drawuto by Wi ll iam Harvey. ln two volumes. Sr.crtit's Cure Tinwasmyr.—The four Gospels nod Acts of the Apostle., in Creek, with English notes, philosoplacal, nod exegetical; maps, indexes, etc., together with the Epistles and apocalypse; the whole forming the New Testament—kor the me of Schools, College., and Theological Seminaries. Hy Rev. S. A..2E , encer, A. M. A Nan' Novat—Midnummer'a Eve..- 2 $ fairy tale of love. Hy Mrs. S. C. Hall. harts' Hama IV.— Th e life ol IlenlY the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, liy C. JumeA. Complete in forte parts, Impel; 2 vole. cleat For sale by JOHNSTON STOCKTON, lona Booksellers:corner of market and 3d v 3 1300K14—'At the Apollo Building, Fourth street, near Wood.—lrelaninsWelcome to the Strn.J.-r; the Cr., his Court and People, by J Ha„. 'l. The Orators of France; . The Lives of the Apoatles ; by Bacon; The Puritans and Boor Prwcipir. , b 13 I tin% 'peConstitutionsandGamutsofo tin 31.13 Alic , tle with a Prize Essay; Allison'. Life of die Bukiiitf Marlborough; Neondev's Life of Christ, in its historical connection and historical development; . Harpar's cod Apploon's publications iierolly. School Books, Paper, S:tutionory, to. xrEiy BOOKS at the Apollo Buildings. 4th street.— .1.11 The Military Lite qt John, Dote of Marlborough, With colored maps: by A. Allbien. ' Second Vol. Chalmers , Posthumous Work.—Scrip- tun Readings. Toe Life ofJesus Christ, in its historical connection MI historical develepementi by Amps!. :kande, Translated front the German minion My J0h..110- tßitiock and Chris 14 Blumenthal, Professors in Dick inson College. ' Fourth Vol. Pictorial history of England. Now "and Then, by be. %Varren, uthor of Ten Thousand nYcar, and ?there too numerous to mention. Call and sea. c.pl9 L REA D. PITTSBUI2OII FEMALE INSTITUTE. linms 11.11ill1110:1, miler the supervisiou of Mr. and J. 31re. Goshonyts gill open fur the reception of pu pils, and will be continued as Ito Annie place on Liberty tircet.• in cousequrnee Drumm changes having taken place, n few vricaucies haveriecurred, mad illom desir ous of placing their Minot:v.6 under their ram, would Ou well to male an early application. For tern. ma circular, or apply to the Pun c ipul. ap3 FORIVAIii)ING & COMMISSION. C. K LAXISIOSVICII, 1 artamoo arta. CHARLES DANENHOWEE. It. CO. TOBACCU CSNIUSNIDIE No. SD South Whitroes; autl NU. 117 South . Water st. I'ti e. IDEG.I to tutbrat the'irade and dealers grumnilly, of Pittsburgh, that they'have made such arnintg,,bannts with the Virinia manufacture. and the Growers of the Went, I,' eat Indies, and other places, as will :11sure. large a:ad coustrult supply ol 111 c, following descriro tiara of Tobacco, which will be sold upon as seem. modatiog tern,. any other house in this city or else. where, nod al: girds ordered into them will be wax. muted equal to reprecentahout Havana; St. Muttony.; Conn.; T Iraq PormiheoProofs.; Seed Leaf to. Cuttap Juror; Floiala; . bacon: . ALSOlliaticifs celebrated Arstmaiu Stag Caren. trill a /urge roorounot of other pop tilt, brood.. u ,d quabiad, dt rounds. ',Ply, 44 1111 a Ir., hump; S. o, es and Pi: Piogi • Ludics . Twist: Virgo,* Twtst. &e., ~weet nod ptatn, 11l whole nod half lames. [pond tot, together with erepy cand It yof article elong ii,g in ,tale. J. EA... /I.III.]!VET,_Ntegi3IT T ;L iiAR476Ol' , - .- • FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Coruna'entail and Forwarding; DI OICIIA N TS, No. cit sou. NVILLYVICF. •..1 ICY % PArra Sr. . PHIL lIIELPHIA. Ko.cla In—lnhil IL JlnAvn 1 Co.. 1L1 , 74 . 1 , :i 4 tm1 . .:c ,, . ; 7‘: ,(4 , :0 i ,,,, w , p , , ,,,, South, DoKaley, & Cu. Alko. & Favor!, Ncar York. Weheo 1. Iler‘e); - ; Ltalliniorc. Lagoley & .."rnith, • iturtiridge,Wthon& Co• „,,ii: t d,,, Miley, Prov,u A: Co. ' , "'' K e,t Kier a Jon, . Care JIG - Liberal cad; olvccees en recap.. .ticie—o to Der . _ ar • uer "'" :Ana. v., nu lELLIVIAKER, EOKY& GO FLOVEL PACTOLL)),. Arad General ComwAssloni tilifr‘chasat \o. I;3 ' WA'" lll,Ata.l . 7ll.A.. REFEiIiNCE: 4 -, —Henry Graff CO I N' t:Omagh. Rialgera Y. sarriock, 7 ..,• 1. . Schooley a Soo, • A. Al. January, Ala) mite. Charier Bastian, Jr., LouhriJia. Huintlireya & Co. ) Mercer, Jim te. Co. Reed 2, Worrier, • apt all Dolan A Coo:query. New' 1 orir EOLLGE COCIIILLX. Commission and Vortetarding Merchants .4 :X looDpr.. 'mincers, lONTLNUE.," to Inuoset a general CUI/lIIIiIFIOP busi %_r tiers, especially in Ow purchase and sale of dwelt an Ilanufaclures luld 10 leceivlng sad Uhrsrunliag Goods consigned to his nitre. ds Agent for the Almtusetares, Le will be clunmstly supplied with the prodtpsl articles of Putsbard,h Stanufaelnre at the lowest wholessie prices. Unless and consignment s .. are respectfully starched. pod ti. ra sod= 13. F. CONWAY It CO, Y CRT63I "Cri , i OW. Citanatioson and Fortrarling Merriam. add Produce ltralom—also alicad to Me Purchase, Sale and Shipment of rig lroiL Coil, he; gr./.. SO: Atwood, Jones & Co , . Bossard:4llolJc Co.; Lorca; Sterling & Co.; Ilmity Graf/ Grad; Litidatty & C 0... D. Leech&/Co., • Lyon, :Mora t:. Co., (darts& Thaw. maritally ____ _.....,_.... . 15m w. -- ._.•- y. W. •311tILDON. Luc of r Rubor-0, P Law of Nuallyille, Teem LEH M ER 4. ANDERSON, M DHALEIIS IN -currus, FORWARDINC ERCHANTS, S 9.31 . 'roma; Ascirs strooty,,,t, ctcEcoi, oxtLL Refer to Aloactts go:totally/to Tsast,or4l, rptti GEORGE A. BERRY, • Wi/OLESALA GROCUMS. Foictitninritt MID LiadIISSION 111.1iCilaNT, AND DEALER IN Iron, Nails, Cotton Yung C Pittsburgh Slanstrastures generally, .20. JO uvitortrotto, rrrnuscaon AUCfIOhEtIS 'i L UJIMIShI N lIIHCIVITS. ALEX LEVY & ., BRO'S. CINCI NAT/ AND ST. LOUIS. - Cirer to eell_pl either estelltshment,tal kinds af ger nlnthase, at the lowest t ates ur - Contsansinons, and nth always prepKrati to make advs./Ts. The best of rein. reacts &son n required. Letters aiLlressed to tither loath, _/ he pr omptly outfitted W. baldly a. 110LACC LOCK. C. , Warn' a. re ...lox COVE, MARTIN Ed.. 00., Produce and Comnfisolon Merchants, Noi. a, llopkin's Row, Each/Loge Place, 8ALT21146. Rama ro—Thavidstin, Sanders a. Co., John K. Panda!, 11 ugh Jenkins, Intl lianas.; 31. Allen tc Co, Pfilters It Ni cole, Hernpton, boning & Co, Shacklett re. White, Pitt. burgh; A J Wheeler,'X 0 IthauOrucescy A Cu., CCICIII. CCM ..r)._'._/ / . ..12. illt;irralN — , ---- W. - 111:C.I.MCCELL. , P . Til BPSON & CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And Man cthierseeenera of Linseed Oil, C b ' orwa.ding '':C2l• c 7 rC eoll in pil'i. a 7 n Crb t l ili tlC ; ' l l. : LL' a x4li v A' lll ° o;a . .. Aiwa& 1 thticut ly to the Funvariling at Prodace, Sc. Sc. ail for uiyinfonnS'Al p ILF rn ti0.,.7.,1 • u. W. 111.1,.:11 W. T. rAILII. ItIATIIEII4 - 8 sh.. PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Mo. 4b bib/ eeeee f.octs, 310. NVill - prlieulor tatentitot to 04 zolliog Of Pro ilucy, ow. to orders fur purctinsitu;.. lCtvxe ru—licorita Murgon S. Cu, Pittsburgh, Po; outtll La. reap siIk:PARMA DUNCAN, • AUCTION& COAIAIISSION 91E11CIIAATS, (u, the gild slisial of Sesiy & thepar a s ) . fentesrce, • UTILI. give plocupt and fannisti isocatiotglo the sule VV of Dry Goodt,litucerien, itnd Alt! gest eraliy. I Icy Tool Puparta 10 attend so all the depart. 1110/1100r their 1 . 1 .//..! cilicietilly and laeoolig in no goods fur their own iceman) impartially, Reler V. hl. Aileuda Co; .1 IV. Lower k Ca., Pita- ISAAC CRUSE . , GENERAL COPGRISSION FOIL THE I I VISIONS, A0..105 nun Lai W.Mr, I.TESI 011 F., Ping Itcricaviami—Alereilasits of rilisburgli. IVhcoling; Crclivia & NOTICE TO SIILIIFF.Eit:;. ){/F,have- taken an attire Luttnedintr/y , upporke In out buret warehouse, for the preseia., we ttnneual nuenies. a. usual, .lil new Lana can eerected. urrinigenietilw having already haute made that pariah,. Bouts will always 4c 111 ICildillr“ at ear sailor( to receive freight. C A SI'ANULVY & Co, 014 al =2111221 THURSDA: PITT COPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PART.NERSIIIP. LOGAti & Iik:NNEDV Lore Mist day ;madded wart them in the hardware !Amines', Philip NVil suit and Edward Gregg. The rryle of firm wirt beta atter Le !wean, Wiliam at Co. - Thw'amureenwm urn -3\ dere it dewrabla to do l e the dd Intainela na warn &a ittarrible. AU persona , how lialiditte, bore maturwl, are'eetweially requeiste'd a make immediate payee,. Pitetbur,th, Jon I. let_ • TWILSON OCAS, CO.—lmporters and J. 4 Wholesale &ales% Ili ' , arnica and Domestic Ilard• Ware, Cutlery, tAtilillery, Ae., 129, Wood street. Pitts• laugh4are now fully prepored with n recently impu ted stockier(' ardsiare. Cotlery, offer very great inducements to western buyers, briny determined to compete in prices wah any of the Atlantic cities. Al so on hand:in exteasive assortment of P:11114,11rph Bird 'wart', vizi Spadel; Hoe, ytees, Aes ll of which till be sold at the lowest inanufoources an poem jt • 12.17VAt+.40.1 , 1M7i1.. - - --• • . . ATll3lsubsel tiers having,recently ehtered into pan under the mime of Gal ogling long, & bLitler,for the purpose of carrying VII We 13c11 and Wan ass Founding d Gas Filling badness in all im branches, have taken the smnd foimerly meo wed by.fl. GeJlagher, No. 109 Front wpm, between %Vood and Smithfield ma., where they are prepared to eSeellle on orders roe Bells, Ilmss Costingsi,of even• des: 'print,. and Gas F : ttiugs with neatness-.and (lei. patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. 11. Gs.LX.AGiIEII, • • . S. A. LONG, . . P. 11. 3111.Lm. N. I3.—The aitenthte of Slenhihists and IF:11048 , er! is invited to ourFli-allructiOn Ilislal, fur a rf durcdPrt, which has •be pronounced superior to; Babbit's by numbetre who ore used both. Steamboat builder's aim the public:, tr,enehlly, age al.o requested Meal! und en. stnine opr bllpariOr-Aptiblo octet roree Pumps fpr Plrairiboal and dontestii• ate. q . -- GALLAGHER, LONG,t& 'MII.LER.. • dbclidly Dlaxolutliins rjlllll titirtnernbiri In ..sting under thr'GruLnl & King, watt . mutual connent dinsofvul tho Ist (1111. The basilican will j3l, CIOACti ni the old stand by either of us, using the nerve oflthe firm Tut that purpose. Being- desirous- to bane tur bunnien. cloned with its tulle delay' es possible. see Would ri speeyblly twine, those indebted to call and nettle .1-rie accounts. P.. 1 . 00144). - 11. U KINI3, ‘._ Co.Porpterehip. ' 1 - I,IIN 1). :1000RD having associated with him bra fkPed , rother Janie. M'Cord, under the style of M'Cord n. C. will continue the Hat, Cop and Furibrisitiess in MI n•various branches, wholesale and retail, of the old t;, corner of Wood and GM streets, wiere they solicit a continuation of the patronage ho lib oily to stowed on the old dm 011 IN 0 M`C lilk- Jodi .M.111"..4 S. ItlV,ollll.' I _}. IN:cliring from tile aid rind well' kuor. - 11 firm al M'Cord It King, I most respectillyocmordocod to the patronage of the public my Illitopsart; hiessm. M'eurd it Co. 10-'? _,23. B. KING. Cfa - - - Partste ship Notice. ,- J . . t W. STElMlENSufiVbeelum , E. I'. Shmithetfer iii, a/Juniata-nod J, A. Stockton 4:n.1 . 40-burgh, hare tins day catered Mimi co-partnership under style sod firm of Stephens, Shocaberger tr. Co., at the.nochor iron works, Wheeling i Va., for the purpose of num. fitcluriitg iron and rants of every dencripuon. . 1 c. ¶4.6rsertiqq I. r. sitinsaitacalt, •...i.naa. STEPHENS. 8110ENBERGER & CO. .A.NCIIIIR MON WllliKtd. ' Witec ra. Afunifacture all kind cif boiler sheet bar mon and mule. A.ll.atcei abode aprind axles: lienna con nected tea tiihoenltergera gstin Juniata work.. we can ofer an article' of Jatualn iron (branded Sltoelthi`riteyl. equal to any made nt the country. All of winch will be tall at the P,Ataburgh- pricra. %Varelloti w of the work. come, of Monroe and Wan... tacit _ _ PHISOLIITION • • - - . . qmir. Co-pagnersh p of the stbsunherJ nada.' the firm of Loma Llutehtsianh!r4ts,this day maiolved by anoint' consent Eithir of us *trot to the sat, sm tie:ut of the Arm, and ima its 11.10 o that purplre. I , CWIS TCIIISON, pull . J.I..IIKSyI. IlliTClllt4/N. • --- CO-PAILTAERSIIIP. T 111.: undersigned have this clay funned a to-partler• slop, under the arm of Jounes A. Ilutrliiron & Cu. C ur the purpose of cootinuirm the tntine., s hereto cire arried on by Lents Iluteltifon ft Co., and sally I a cum.:mace of the patronage bithentr extended tu i the bouse. ilAlifFJ3 rt. 111f117111'03. ' LEIV.IS D. *101.:11 1 V::. Ptto.burgh, Joh. 1,114 U, ' 1 I D‘ l „l s . l lturNT`y - Tae Sell, IS li. day diuolved by mutual content, John, Da:- tell boring ALT.,' of Uls entire imereft to IL lthghv man. The business of the tote firm tent be fettle,' by hatelightman. who La a um me home or th e dote tor that porpooe: It. Nvi,:troiAN. • sprAtittw [July 1'1:1 J DALZLIIuI- TILE Starne}ilrer If 11131 k prry...,l to thanufmnure all kinds n 1 COIWII and WoMen hlaehionry; at h , ..torrett LOUCV. (Allem lett at IL IVlghtntan'rl : Agnot ahoy. cur s Litrerty and Water rirrela, arrll meet with prompt 11. WIG L.rAkrl. tre,tween relleral And aatotunky stn., p :AM I y Allegheny coy. intrtne.hip extsting I , CIW<C4 .j../ the .oloserit..eri, under the •tyle of l'onlexter CO.. ust3 dtawlved on the hit tow br mutual eohaent. R. W. l'otssdeme t• author:zed to 'kettle al/ the t. uome. ul the concert, IL W. I . I.IINDEXTI:IL C. IL GRANT. Ncrner.—Flairlll,purelsactl Ore A., interest off, IL lama/ In We late concern of l'ohnrcatr, 0 Co.. anJ ..mi.,.lwy .1. racodore Poin4e.ner, wiqi tae, the hustneca %Till be ranstroural eu, natal under th.: clic of Ponaterier LC.a. opal/ , If %V raIINDEXII:Ji..__ r 1 artr UNOGIU4IGNIM. clu/ot au.......--........ no, ; .1. none or Amur, a 1:,,,h 3.0 a. la ILI, Foundry t on Third %Iran, bore tin. any. .) mutual conacul, dta.o/- ved their co.partrearrlup. AU thou knowing :hen). relvea, hidebtell na the . are :rd a. call at lOrtr sucrehonac 'on LI ray arrcer, 0rrx..11.1 . head of Wood, apil stille; anJ oil hanng clamp. apanri titelll Will •preur.: tar= al Iht nano" place for sottlernvnt. • J JUIIN AILTIIIII.a. i ' ! JOHN NICIIOLON. Aprill .-trir , /',: , . .a ' - T A", • a o a irtfiiii . I OILS FAIiItrN 0 hIANIVEL IVIGIITNIJIN ha' , g./ in; tisarvyad Ihannelaea ILarrhher ender the fain uf John Farrr 0 Co., (or lik . i, parprrae of COallaning the I.ustuesa of -to .. /Junticau:a Lrnc.” wnll eon'onaa lo ransnet a genera/ Jorova.4/ng and cu omen 0001-' ncsa al thc olds:an:1 at ilia Canal uason. Lrberly %urn. JOHN J'AItIIF...N, 1211thf , I 04N.1:1. iIrIGIITNIAN. MOTICK—Jan.d. Al. durchfield'heu an Interest the 1,11 'Dry (loud* lins'ins:ss etantueted to the onme he uhdentigned, cornet of Fourth and 'Market sts, butltit, commenting leb. 4, 1.4.9. The Intones* for the plasma will be conducted ender the fanner owlet of ntartel W hilfßP/11.- I ( ✓ NidIISHIP—Wm. Young how ieg was day araoconted with handohnit grtfuno, the Ica- Wei burineis wil hereafter be conducted under the bra of Woo. Yu. 1 Co. • IYILLIIII YOCISG, . Oudi • ):13). It 51 , .!1 ?-Ir. AtilD 1 C.,A • Jsynea•Expectorant. fiabros i Columbiana em i r).- Arm. Dv. JA VNLE 4 : Dealt Sic —I fuel boom! to on and Ute alllicted public, to avail myself of this oP immunity of giving publiciiy to the extraordtmtry effdets of your Expectorant an myself. flartnbecit afflicted for several years .0 severe coug hectic ie.{ and its concomitani diseases, and seemedonly doomed to /Anger out a short bin miserable existelice, moil the fail of 1.43.0, when, being mare severely attacked, and haring resorted to all my former remcdtes, and the pre. script.. of two of the moot respectably ili the neighborhood without deriving tiely benefit, or the enueolauou of surrivista but a few days or weeks sai farthest—when the lam gleam of hope wag abut td vanish, I had recontineai-d to me your Expemomnt— anikblessed by 1100 limuy who doe. all slung, in the use of the atrium—MU euttrary to Me expectations of my physicians ;Earn:cads, I wits to a few days raised from my. bed, and % enatimi um um of bottle, to attend to my.L.,itra ,111 c g health thou bail for ten year. pre, dour. Itrapecuall if yoatatae • J. W. Errita.. For .la.ia li4.Futga. at the Praia Tom.. aa .Storm, 73 rOillat •Ircrt. ar.:J _ . . . . y _ ICA: 1 "W " , ''aLl t‘ - . 1/. neat, N. , y Co. 11. 1.. l'attaparroexi l'ausburgh. D. W. Fanataree. Who',maim Dreg Store to tlam City of • qm Int city Nswjw We ' pre ' pnrod upply Druggassa and roarraierelusins with 11rnsts I 111 a, Ws, llys•entsf fira un and AIIWICIII Aun_ry, !dander, Winner Sr. 3lnuder'• own iniporlattoni and ell tilhar SMICiCi% thert of busi ness, of a superior uarsitty us low no limp can 'ire inn. chased in 11111 or mil) ea .:turn ray. New 'ror), Fulda 11. A. FAIINESTOCK Co.. llircherys Citron., Green. ruiS A rei N gL l N, 11 . 2 1 2.11/ 1 11 }Z nan ' ket e— Zlit e th ay b co New Warr, have and cud kEsted, and arc stow using it new article of Chrum7 Greco,' miteunictilred by Geo. N. Marcher, in dos eny, and Pod it to week well, pre,. diming. fine brilliant PIII, if (Semi appearance, n] a very superior body, inarecontmend It td r oar brethren in the trade an to every particular the bent Chrome Green we have ever used. New York, June Signed by X 1 firms of pnthtical painters the city of New York. 'Cois unNualied Chrome Green moy ho hod °YR. E SELLERS, No 77 Wood RM. WilLl her, I the exclusive agency for its sale in l'ittsliergi marin A Fine Set of 'fortis for 23 Ce ts. ATIT/lITE TuErfi, IGUI. 111111.7111, 1111.71a11Y ' GU7lS.Yellow and unhealthy teeth. after be ng once or ISyko *tined Sigh Jove: Anli,cr I ouill Paste, have thelsprearanee oldie MAI beautitul ivory, and at Ole 11611 p; UMU it is so perfectly innocent and ex quisitely line, amens constant doily use I, highly ad vantageous, even to thoso 'teeth that are ni n good eon. &non, giving them a betonifisl polish, and prey euting 'premature decay. 'hose already decayed it prevents Isom becoming worse—it pls. fastsus ouch us are he ensuing loose. anal by ',emit - mine it will render the foulest teeth delicately win., and make the breath dr. Ithionsly sweet. Sold by 17 71. JACKSUN, eo I.thenY, street., mark . 'lf. A.. PLIIIfiEsTOc/V8 AFEW weeks ethic, ace of my children, tyed utfout five yours, w. mose:110r -real owl the 111/1<•• increased no olatmontly that, 1 (cored death would he the result. 11.titg tinned of t!te gall effects of Falntentoci. Vormlitign sVhen adniinistereil attic children - of inynoightfors, Mal thinking my child have worths, Irons 'mar of Ile symptom., I guvo one aild a half teaspoonful. al , the Vennifugo, and to say grout astonishment it utmost between tf.lin atnit.ltin Ingo wort.. It. limilth wun soon uttered, and it or now. rotourinbly well. Pro:tutu to ktog the Vernitfug, .the 'worm would oucluoimully so to, tot throat, aid I oftenfeared it would the wow runguluttow JAS. G. I)AII.',ON. Titmente, Veounge coura., April 3, VY. apl3_ Popular, because Gooilt • SIILLEItS' FAMILY MEDICINES.' coot. Sescro,JeUsrson Co, Pu, Much I, ISM. .454e y t o , r u st r td,t(te IV mduge Ver misuse...submi Cough t exceptrou the best ever uttered iu thts ttelphborhaad, having proved good wherever . gsed.,- The Cough Syrup end Liver Pills hove taeo given vol. idliiClloll Vuurelit serer p k , e_ urr, l'ostatuster. l'repored nd ld by Ls 07 Weal st.; .11i by Dr Cassel Ills dyirt t‘ D Curry, Allegheny/ a W I Sundt, I"empermwevillc. marl I~INVALIDS. AND INFANTS- 7 i— Whitey's Ai , .I.` tow Root Husk Pasider, o delicious. nod highly nutritious food, which never turns neid on the stuotscii, and is now universally neoininciided by the faculty in preference to • (Duel, Sago, Taptuce, or plain Arrow 500t,49 incur, suited to the delninated stomach of to. catkin, and a more totirugthening and wholcsoine food for infants. For sale by mars 07 K SKL.LkiItS, 07 weed St . . . . . • . . - . _ . ' '''"""'" - "'''',- "'''''''''''''. - " ,------ '" -- " , 7't"''''''.. ------ ''`'''7' - '''' , r 1 1-- I -. .''''''''' - '•''''''''''''"" -- -" -- 7%7: - .-- •I-- - - - . .-- , -- . 7-7.---. , .•:: - -:-. - - ..,' . , . , ......, -„. ',....,,, ..... : jlt;l:l'2,. l,'' , ' • I , . 5 . . . . • . :1' . ..1 • , ...ix . L . • . _ . . . . . ~ .. ' . •, ~ ~. . '• ' ' '-..- ; . ''':F. ' 6 ~..''.. .. ' .. ' ' '' '' ' ' ll Z.. I. : .. . j .. ' I: l " . . - . ~ .t. • • • . , RNING, JUNE HOTELS • FON L. LIGHT ST UNT ICEE E T HOTE / 3 AI.TIATORh. Forza micarrost, frilS estaLlishment long and wldely.known a. being one of the moot commotlions intim city of Ilaittruore, lint recently undergone very eitett sivealteiutions Med improvements. An enure- new wing has Lees added, containing' numerous and airy . 'tlel.lrliTs'Tip'l;r'terindetClilatio"=Vet chnlc'crlp plc reorganized mid hued up in a.mtost unique and bratt fal styfe.. , l'act the whole nrrnagement Lithe haute has tuteodistode/ed, tvidr ti single eye on the part of the proptictors.'letwards the comfort and pleasure of their lluvsts, and twliich they confidently asiert cii.kl , ret , g , s . c l ompt . icson with nay //otel in the Unio will n. i dreilways he supplied with every sub stanial end luxury which the market alords, served up in a stipitrior style; while in the way of Wides t Am., they will oath ne surpassed. In be the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be led undone on their part, and on the part of their w il l be lokrentlert this /lotelworthy the et:infinite!' patronage of trick :Sends and the public generally. The prices .torboard have also been reduced to the tbildwing rates; ' Lathes' Crdinary, 81,,7550 per day. Gentlemen's N. 11.—The lla MIX.. Wagon of the house will al ways be found yt the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and front the Itotel, free of eltarge...' nizytf TEAItLSTREET HOUSE • ~... • • ciaellfaari, .2 THE subscribers having purchased. the entire tte iftteressof Col. G. I'. Williamson, lute of this well known establishment, beg leave to slate to their. fiends and the radio generally, duo they have taken lids commaliims lintel for a term of years, and will gert - their beet energies to make its dssirable home for Travellen and City Boarders. 'rite Hotel isaptlealUS und admirably pladned for convenience. light and air, having a number of parlors adjeining chambers, attractions to I (maths... • The present proprietors oaring had the experience of years In tins city and elsewhere, hope they will be 'able to give general eutisracuoa, bun g determined to give undivided attention to the house alone. • The location of the Pearl titres t House is uncommon. ly cligib e, hang fronts on' Pearl, Walnut and Third sweets, so that istss equally desirable in view oft he convenikace of bu•inese Men, or retirement forerirale boarderd It is near by the Limas, the Post 0 ce, the ltlastung .11 all. Odd:Pelletwts Mil, and hat one square di eel; niiiitreet and two !questa (roadie City Wharf, thus 011eiing the firemen inducement.: especi ally country inerol•aala and generally:la all oar.. JURY NO/ILE, meh27 • JOIN A DULILF.' EXCHANGE HOTEL, caret(? ant AND se Cllllt ors, ITITSDER.4Ia, Pt. The' subscriber having wanted the manage. flied% or this long established and popular lintel, reaptutfully announces to Travellers and the Public geuerally, that he will ho at all dales prepared In accommodate thenrin all things desirable ton rognnoml flmel. Scam IIPV beingrboronghlir lc-paired throughout; and'hear Purmittinailded, and no F. , Win be spared to make the gichange one of the very best Hotels in the country. ' The nudersigned respectfully solicits a contio . uance of the very liberal patronage the Souse has heretofore received. . THOMAS OWSTON, ltbitbf Proprietor. cuss:n.7 sriarr, rnmantueits. TIOS snbonribera, under the firm Bringct West,..have purebsseil Mr. Jones' interest in this cstablisine,d, and hope by the strictest attention to the wants and comten of diet r guests, to merit a eon. tinuanre of The liberal patronage heretofore received by its formerproprietor. Tho house has been thormighry renovated, end re.. pair 1; tee titer - cline feel assured we con welcome our trteilds ond the public to arcommodations cairn to any t, the in Wel Phdadelphin. N. W. 13IIIDGES, jIT . R! JNO. WEST. M== • 3sllll Sr. c. aOl sit now in the beseorder fur •W;1 thesec...l,mm of thwTmvelinsy Ihtbllc. listing .www- undergone a iliorouh rcpatr durniss the pest cud !them; the in.c experienced men in the west at he carious departments, flatter myself that all will he pleased who call. The Socatitro is central, tom. mudinus and pleasant. Fusin per day. Cincinnati, March fl. 47. . AGAR:iII. x.rtt —AlOsiNch not exactly a new. Broom. it is the same—a new Whits, on the old handle.. aplltf -'Pint tfiniT4— LeintS, ry,l.; APIS TiIIIOCK . SIORTON begs to acquaint his frireds that ts again kiese of the GALT sOa;saiwhe a be hopes to inset all hill old :deltas, assuring 11;cin al d the politic, that etrurl 41.33 be spared to make al Rimfortable who fa,”! him with their yoironage. jatilltily • • UN II4 : II ,t(TAtgi — HOTE4. 111:1. soa - s it oat) rims era .s/ pcosrr? late .110 k of the United States, Nada -1,/ delelat POPP. 31ITC11E1.1, inse/ti Propnetor. • `,BOOK TRADE. Felv'ett • A. Mplatea—litatorie. and 'he Jadplude, Gra sift. orNapoltou Hon:Tarte M A Lc Nor. • • mai!. . • • t Verbena ord." Natural !Emory ofeteation. Petri Ittudhorpe, or the Vtresaitudes of Fortune; Ilareourt, or the story of c.mtlir I he meest good and ord. 'rt. Illy:wrier of the Three Geier; b r Aupwttne J II At:tonne.ll.6 venal, I M • or e King oldie Illori i le. Tltz ergo:no+ of Verotc. by J Tort. llobVt• Mere Staguanta wr ilareb. Llemoeradc•lterinur. A egleuttitl.irtiele Lace Edged Now raper and on-. ra:oto. «uteri - mad. Strter tor'tbe-Foopte, No 3, for ilratelt For role at , A a. Wets, tentabfield at, 3d door from &rood. Neir Book/ ifj 0 [IA RTS 1 1 1;11.5.itti - 714 CGY—lioh art's An alyata of litshop Bonet'. Analogy of ttellgiou,Na tural and Itrvra nt, to the conaututton and course of nature, vain outca. Also, Crattfutd'a Cider tionadat nntiaanotr, traced nap .1.0..1 the usa of lehooft, Charles I: Weld. nampalglltutgeea Institute, to 11 . . d my of Near York. . • .. ANTIION'S SOSEPTVTE. DR Aft( ICITIAR, Le de Pe:mutate. de An:minas,, mitt Saninium Sciptons of Cicero, and the Life of Anima, by Cornelum Nem.; wvh Reg/ish Nom., Critical and Laplawoory, by 1.11.0:61 Adthou . L L. D. fNR LOS', 1100 K--Description of the teesuiws, Fernery , RußuntLtfe and Country Atuuse =mitt T won 'an illuitratintie A .NlAltikVAlT—T a e Children of the New Knew; by Copt Marry•tt. R. N. J YI li:OLlOiliillitOUtillTON, or horn Wamr, by it. The above works received title day: and for sale by it/UN:MONRTOCKrOII, gyp • Books - ellen, nor. marketellen, aud New Paper and Illook Eataillahasesst, It'ouu Sry scrams Vonafit sea Lhataonti ALLVT. pd.. white nudist. Writing and ' Paper, coat i nmicial and packet post Fiat Cap, leerye and medium ,r e papers, for blank books;p, medians and royal co lord Pnming lepers; ! medium, daily lutil ear Day r Tennis smd Leilarrs, ouperior !paper and bear Lastern binding: School Books of all kinds; ' , standard work* in ! Thevirmy and tteitucca, quills; gold ' and steel Perm, %Valera, War. Bill ke. &C. - ! thank hooks of all aizearuled to pattern, and bound most satistantial Illll4llltr. • Country hierchatas supplied al lowest wholesale pri ces for cash, or moo at calk price. • JOB Slll3.llNO.—Hering aJob office In eounection with our establishment, we are prepared to Arecute all orders forplain and fancy Printing—books, parephlats, cacti:ars, business caids, bills of lading, Ike., with des patch and at low prices. ELLIOTT&I4NC.LIBII, ni3,l 7ti wood st, 'yet...acts 4th and diamond alley. T OUR STORE on Market street., No:A between J - 1 3.1 arid OM, tnatafkll time. liss ribald a large stock of netting/cal and 511.wellansotm Book.. New books received ea soon ai pablisbed, and sold at low le prices. j.le publications of the American Sunday chooi tirtion and Stabiachusena Sabbath S4kool c sty, always ort Limit, Catalogues furnished on ap plication. I:worr Estiusil, snyg • ' lid market at, between 3d and ildr "ATELV ‘ RCKNifi—Lecttires ou Shakspeant, by li N DI McMinn. in two mimes. • -.•• • . . Tho. Power of the Fatpli , nr pintstßnt,ehts addroYeed to Chtistion ministers, and those who hear them, on the nttleteneo u wrenched (enn hhp the Re•. Gardiner. Spring s D. D. - The Feasant and his .Landiord,, by the Barone. KDOT/iIIK. Trlllltlatett by klary Isamartmes Girondists, Vol. Ifistory ay Itie.6l. rotting, ur per,onul memoir of tbe patriots oftha French Revolution, from unpublished sources—by A. de martini, , A ft, copies °reach of alcove works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON er. STOCKTON, Booksellers, m)3O cosier market and lid sate TECTLIRCS QN SHAKSPEARIN Ufa and Char. IA actin% his Theatrical !Athos', his Poems, - Sonnets, etc by N _ =MCI The Power of the Pulpit, or thoughts addressed Chri.tion ministers and those who bear theta, by teard• err Spring, U. U. —The American Practice Condeurcd, or the Enmity l'hysietam being the scientific system of mediciue, on th vegetable r,<lplea, for Julienne., by W Bench) M. U. Fot sale by ELLIOTrdsEHGLISII,- , AC market Ft, bet. 3.1 and ith e and 78 wood at, bet-Ath hod diamond alley. tuy3o iiit;TOßlES—Roliertson's, Rollin , . 6ibbon's, Rua- Beira, Neal. Pre•cotlVAlek* • nimbi-IM. Prance: Arnold's Rome: lisrpgr's Pictorial Englend, Melodic Mime; ilalbutri Constant:tonal /helo t). urb:ngbuttl; Arnold's Lam, Homan Cuilunosturealth; tiCl.ll.l.lltuntni Burnet's History of las °it, c...ll.lllam'a Ages; ttla. entandes andChic alry; Itoiwiling'• Ilia:Dry the ilugmoorit Thiarry's Ilimorient I Vorketi , ical . . Ilixtory of tho PuributsiThiets • Frettelt Rev; Taylor'. Manual of Anna and Mod. Iltmet. 0); listroductem lathe history of Oho Church, by Jarvis; Kiel:lcy'. Rome aid l'higlund; kankid. Pomm. The :natty colter v Mumble etude, for *ale by, tone. .1 L D - EIV BOOKS—Just received at the Apollo 1161- PI two, rilistreet, not for rule by'.l: L. 110- IPP nee of the /Itylory of Louisiana; attention( Lectures I by C. Guyana. A dlitour, on the life, character and public servi cs of James Rent. lute Chancellor of the mote of New link; delivered 'darn the Judiciary and bar of the ear istor, and state of Now Yor. b Joa ll4r. Hy of Englanil k (nun the y inv ll asion of Julius Cw. our Ih the reign of Victoria: by Mrs. hlarkhatn; u WISP edition, revimed and enlarged, with question', by Eliza Eubbins tuyl6 lox/ES—Jett mot-trod from IL. publish., IV: and for sale tit the hit:dualist Hook Stie..•.:lll st, Ileaf Wood. Tupper's Erovi'rbial Elilosophy, in three ..tyles of landik; a beautiful book for a present., Preporouon for the Pulpit. •', • . , -, riketelies of Sermons on the Eatables afid , lllirucles ut Clint,, by the author of tle•Pulint Cre l topedia-500 sketches, too. The EngliskEulpih colleen's of ser- • 1110113 by the.saust tillipPlit 11,1,4 divifies of Englutd. Mixtmax Vas.—Doing Coed, C 0,,!.,, Love, Le,- I tool 11,012 roe, tittered Meditallohs. 1421 -LECYTIICAL MACHINES and ..Illustrative Appa ll, rates, for academies, schools and famine. Electra Medical-Apparatus and Meetly Magnetic Machines, for physicians and invalids. Run-0i Thermometers wuiruni Rained and premed duos rcl.Citcatie.4, spertivcs; Plate Glass fur opticiaust ler sale by. BLAKE & Co, N W earner mad:mane' and Me &autism!, antra:ion on diamond. mi3o J — - STUN noetzrox, - have just received the t/ l'Alititairtr'Reeiew, No. 1713,‘April, lead, and Black woodbt Edinburg ?thwarter. fur . 3lay ' atYW HARRINLEVS Columbian Copt leg Emmen; Ilarti retie COillflasi. Inks re. ,vett mid ter -p ale by Jrs • ' Molls II Ati,LLUkt, pl wood at MOO , 1848. AtISCELLAIVERUS:-, resibrit e use ?.. r ar-PPENCOTT ek. mina, A.rcireAc i klidni s g i =tz e fir% ) tinier safe.. -AIL south side, se.ed street,. ben/even Wood end Sentlithild Pittsburgh J S Strickler .avirts deceased ri mid the on - ving partner Mr..los LApprimoll, having anaciated himself wish }le. Win C Bier, the business ‘vill•hereuger be centlutted under the sp le of .I.iPPett &el& IJurr. • ' Trial ern safe in Cincinnati, 4—Wel the undersign ed sverelpresciit at Me testing of one 0f,..1 S Strickler & Co's Improved Plarnik Lre-proof safes.; Tim sole ' placed o furnee of n Me public landink. and subjected to the intense heata ...rine coal fi re ;for more than thr-o bones, In one hour and ei half MO safe fame to bright red 'mak the door of the furnace W. then closed. which caused en increased on4madybieut for the belence of the Mee, until the cast ride Wheels were partially melted oil the furnace was the thrown down and the safe coaled and opened. The Onmey, diapers NM books which it contained were as perfect en when p!aceil there, Me binding only of the backs being Cu. by the water in cooling the safe: We have no hesitation in recommending it to the phlilie on a note spperior arty tee have ever neon testet, end believe that it will stand any beat winch .might be produced, Seept iiheat winch would melt ittoase'd ' Springer & Whitman, L. Worthin a, Kellogg & ..<lthen, Benj. Linter. W G Brelese, I me Smith. T ST/unpin& Co, Stedman, filoyarii & - Ce, hked & Wunder. the undersigned, selecteri the eafe spoken of ' e eve, front si let in the store of 'father As Antler}, the A eels C G SPRINGER, . • Er.LLOG. Beier to Conk di Barris, Brokers, P J itoLorglh' Hassey ammo Ft Co. do JOIE< D. IDICIC. • ALIFT ILIIS ...SC9TT, CO4 Via, Circular and Gin SIWA, tiny and Minu. Forks, Mattocks, Picks, &c., having completed all their a nd se the .inoruction of new mothlocrY, and an securing the best workmen hem the mos t cele brated establishments Estate now manufactun ing end will keep.onsthhdy on hand and for sale all Me above articl. bienng determinedsees work, lute. improvemenis, and ate distill tr.uns k ip and mittens! they will not be exoelled. ' They promise to produce attic es wpm', if ant superior to any that ran be hid In the Kit-. They invite the atien lion of dealers to ektiminetion of - their steekhefore ..purrhasing elsewhere,. they are convinced that they be able to fill all orders .in their tine to the entire satisfaction 0115,3mM...rm. I Varehouse. Water street, 4 d.ts West Motion/0110e !louse, Pittsburgh,' Pa N. L.—Persons having Cosiness with Wal:Lipp.n eon do Bon wit please tall on L l PPeneott'& Co, • - Eilttebtull, " WAre Roo ~. . X .4 tame and splendid assortment of Purrs, •• turc, site elle for Smantbei'De„ /fowls cmd pri• • rate ore, dwellings, consmully on hand rmd' tondo to order. • The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any mantsfrictory in the western /*unity. 'Verbena wishing top urchase would do well to giro het 0 e•Ja asl ant determined my prices shallplonse. l'ttrt the stock consists in— SO toths with P ush and Ilnirmitilt enema; ~. te dal Mahogany Nurse 'Chair ,' 11 pn ir Divans; ,11, lii. dosfidemohogany Chairs; 19 mahogany Work Stinds; 3 dos mahogany Rocking Chairs; • 1.11.040 top Dressing thrteniti 8 maler Otonmus; , . • 9 rb top NVork glands; 14 cherry Wert Stands; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry, and Poplar Bedsueads of all deieriptions, p ie n lune astortment 21' common furniture und,chairs, him numerous to tneallbrt. mark( LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PILEPALI.IkO CHALK. piir.Y are not swore hove Inghtfollyinrurioas it isle the skin—boneeoarse, hoer rough, hem yel low and unhealthy the Orin appears ace using prepar• pared chalk' Resides it &atia rious, containing a large quantity of lead! • • : We have prepared a beautiful vegetablo article, ithieh we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. PorkadY innocent. being purified of all deleteriorte ourdnielii and ir imparts to the okra a natural, healthy : artiharter. clear, Urine white; at the saute tieue•actiug as tc4meue nu the akin. making it colt end smooth. Dr. !antes Ander-Ana Practical Cherrusr of Alnaia• chaverts, say', - After. anvlpdng -Tones' Spanish lily Whitey I Awl it !woe.. the most beautiful aud natu ral. and at the Carte man innocent white I ever saw. I teertantly rue conscientiously reeonamend its IMO to all urban retiatres ficautiOing.n -.Price, 23 none a boa, Sold by IVH,JACESON, Laheny meat Pt .. - 'lit Maclaine Works and Foundry. elzsakusutz, PA. Jonlotic.o'll.:G:lT:t4.rhY:gry""gfrerZA7S rbildon,c°,l,l2.2 1 14 n Carding . Atte:liner, Spinning Pramon,P.Sgenders. Drnonng Prolog., Ilahsray Head, ‘Varpero, t•ponlera, preoring ffranace, boom+, Cord litidern, o,c. Wrought Iron Shrubng Inen!, all moo , of Cam Iro, and Ilangrro °lase loot put:erns, olnlc'and Lana Lathe., ord.rnola oral! kind._ Casaingt or.crery deacription Innsisstol on short untie., l'Atcrsur ;trade so order for 01111Gennugjrcur Steam Piro (c heal. lug Pict/qr., Coal frost NVindovo thuds nnd funny Coo -111 gener.lly. ()Wet% ,Infs Wu:choir. al.!. Partner Cu., Lactly'creer, will bare prouspl sin°. • !trier in Illnekslook. b all k Co.]. IC. Moorehead P. %Varner. John Irwin k Sono, paut.urgh; C. 0. J. SVurner, So:On:intik. I ill . • SPrlult. Axle, Steel omd lama Works. w i t iAl s t. ,, A-N no t Co p r haring. co coLle r. ted , tore every description of Coach and Efiptic Springs, _pop axles, American,- Blister, Spring and /lough Steel. and all sires of stun:l, square nod round Iron, which mey offer for saloon liberal teams, at their ware. house, No iti Wood street, where !ley alias keep on hand a emaplete and hunosorne assortment or Coach Calrlll.lN Hardware, Malleable Casting", Nall* Iron. e., Co. here M3llO iirreitermi,nts tiith.ylesm. Day Let:Von; Eason facturers of Shovels,Spades, Forks., ,kct- near rill keep eosistantly all hand every article made b) Mein. Dealers ore respectfully solteited 011 alp ices and emus will be made Neste 11a-idevaire7ll-o-use. JOSEPH WOODW'ELL, comer of itCi f- A . V (A S . 7 tlnVg wirhl si tite '' irD r lll " l t am 44.3 gt, U./CI Wornivrell, oet the Icr of January, lel7, I take pleaeurb in uunnuoring to my friends In the city and cimulry. that bare opened my new store id the above named plece. Davin.; perehmed matila tbr cash, and tante artabgesbenti wall manufacturers in this <wintry /11111111 l'atrope to be constantly I am tally prepared to furnish Hardware of all kinds, on' as good tortes and sul. low sts any Imam Eas ur West. Merchants and others are respeetfuLly invited to calf and examine my stock, before purchasing else : where. The MI/owing comprises a part of his stock: Steamboat nod saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, Sores;ylr's suet, eatidry„ edge too* anvils, vices, atches, scythes, butt hinges. screws, Linton Fac. tory planes, sawa,imatifigany boards and veneers, and all suttee articles, conbecied with Me LIZUNIWZITC mall!! Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery., de... „► .101 IN WALKER, importer mid 5v 4 r11 , 4,,5. , s 3 Dealer in Foreign and .bonieslic hardware, would respectfully inform his nettu. endthe public generally, that hats muss or. e'ving Ms spring supply ot hardware, at .t i t stand ' or ' Wink cr andWoonweib No. en,' W ood sti, which he will dispose orbit Me most reasonable 'emu. Ito .41 be cotaindilly receiving . nab supplies di. rem (rat the manureeturers in Europe sad lass coon. try, which =able him to compete with any es. tablishment, eiher HIM% Western tner t chatna are atoned to call and examine lila stock before purchasing elsewhere. morn . , __. CO OCISKEIERILIP.di, MOSS ROSt' s AND 110 X—Just received per steamthip Caledonia, from Europe, a eplendid and c howe voile a bon of fiboseberry Trees, of We largos' and most excellent song. French /loorbon Aloe. ltoses and Dwarf Moss Provence H 0.., top am, svrith oar Unfired yard. of link, for harderiest for tale at Itt)/JCSSON'S, Fida *item. oenr Woods, where may 'be 1001111 the handsome...l end Lest collection. of Cana ry Birds and Bind Caged bribe sy, wilh Canary and liemphked, by the pound or barrel. . . ap27 • .__... ri , ES DRX fIOOI.M 3IERC/lANTS—A. AAlasOu & .I. Co. vol Darker st. have received 0 ewes ut cheap p. glued Lawns and Meshes, S .1.11011 of Fratch do, of every anxiety of style, IU eases Of goal style (hags lianas, 4do 110 w style Peons; 4do blue and orange Cal. icons, ;Xi do bleached blushes, all widna. Also,,enses blenched, brown. and blue Drills, Cotioultilea, Cheek& 1 Isiughauw,&, all of which will lin uttered at the lbwest F.astersi Wholemle urines. i . mythl . • . -- e ifa - e faille Shop, 1 1 1 IICII 111API—hinnutes Meer of all keel" of c?to. . woed woolkti mncliinery. Allegheny car, 4 a 1• e ale Works being now in tell mid euedeselui op eturtion. am prNutred to alecuto orders witheliepateli 11,0 al/ Buda to machinery . iu my hos t such 4 WiIIOWS, pickers, sprealleis, c a ids, grinding innehiites,•railways, draortug frames" . opeeders, thrown', 100t04,. woolen cords, double or {tingle, for merchaet or C. 0.11 7. work, 1 1 10100,&e.; slide nod bond lathes and bola et gen etal. AU kinds of shailing made to order, or 'OWLS gm- S.t for gearing factories Ur mills at reasonable charge. llb eve To—Kennedy, Childs A Co., Blackidock, hell '' -9!:'ilg/I.THTS2‘!!, L /1 °! . •." -(4°,.. ~ 51!"....tr51S "pq #lll4- Dressilpif tiatbon. ... 1 )1.41.1 , 50:r a. FOUNTAIN , Tanunter Prpfesorshttee .111 repniutiel and filled tip amis. Charing, flair lti.eting sad !Smear/vain/ Saloon iu Ille modsra sty k, and are pretend ta nail uegentletasn at 110 Ct, with sue, .robtrt ani4 . pAiteassa Theyva pretarsd to wait co all that may tall without eclay. Thanklul toe m41;11.45, wa obeli • kontimmace of the, at our Saloon, earner of Uniae Area. nod the - Diamond, peck of Alesaader AI Dayls Dry thwes Mom/ . 4 .9 A. ' DELL ADD BRASS IFOTJADR)C. al PU LTON, Doll nail Brute Founder, has re • bailt and commenced honors, at his did stand, where he will be plemied to see hid old eki.... ere and feiends. . L , owels,Cleambuat, and Bells of every slret note ID to iutt.o pound& east from partenw of the newt enema/ ed models, aud v4aranted I. Lc at the best inutertale. almerai ll'oter Pumps, Counters, Malting, .SE., toge ther won every nor sty iii Craw Cawing", if required, turnml and mashed in. the 'mama! simmer. / - 1 A. 1110 solo crept lelur of lisiteres Alen/Arrub 1 01011 Mcras. so justly celebrated lor the rethemon of (minim In mactunery. Ti. lloses and Composition i can be had of huh at all tam,. ,01:11 , • • Plough., 'Plough Hoses. &c. HUBER n BALL,of "the old in 01 IL A. ti. liall,ls ine.ounte . nano; Igo, 1101111 l i it e g tt I' . 1.:01101., 'lout:UO.44l, {Veg. 1 : 0%,,„ .. {..: tg:„ ‘,' 0 ' .:( ' .V.:1 ,,.'," 1 ' 11 " ,.; " ;:: ' , ' ,.. ''' ,.k: ' ,. " ,1i ,p.„.t Inntr no/ isowOloils, Wore/wow. Ind I.tOnrty meet, l'ingl.4o, bppasite. the Cloy Sion..; Vantory. to Allegheny any, near the Culloll VnellOry 0, A1e,,10. I.ltzekntugg.. /lelg dr. 40. detsly , . , . A • ~... AV. dr. J. GLENN, 1100k.111111014. IVI .t .' f 1!0"17:.".'.'ag.r11/ 'u rl I .l ' re 'et', 7 1 6 1j 1 1/Tr7l: c := ~ ..„, pu ,,,„,,, ~,„ any work Ut our Ude wlllt de. We attend 40001 work verso/n/Ibl 11110 {Pal lIIC.II “11l bc,gL,eir tEt regard 10 iIA num.,. nodal o Munk nookii ruled w in): patient and sub ittllULlC. uroldbook..ooutid care ally or repnlre.:. Sautes put on kook. in . gliclelteni. Thu, Hutt haye wor in ouritno arc can. J: line. lin, ' tnytinif • i•To Cortar.ctOrkand Mulder*: 7~IOR pAl . li eery luw , to claw We nu ., lmu of the 1 lure Thin yuperior inanutacium. Applyvt • - • , CUtiIiTAULF, Itt door Troia rraod . L cT . J,RECF.IVED-.1 larsc and splendid ;ointment of Clotha; encsimerta, Cravats: t. 6., mud lot Yale by I. W/L1.1.A.311t Al.traal Taltof niyB tfuJer :ttononpheln ilouae, mithLekikt IMIII.I DRY vAn ETy Goons. LYSEPR-' CARPET "FOURTH 5r., , .111 iLE subscriber respettficll „I„ the owners and captain strangers Hailing.rittsbargh, stock of carpeting, now for street. They consist of annoy rttliozbstyl es of i.giot L s.m built expressly footle esrpet de less of expenseJ been lilted modem style. ,Thr teething Most They comprise, in part. of., SupenorTapestry, new at- - net.. English and !coterie. Dm. selr, lemr c ,al login.. new sin.. SupeiMr Ingraini new de ' gh; • • ' Ingrain; • • Common do Plain and twilled Venitiaal Eitra rupee cbrd twilled do; SIr P tlr imp P e lt Chenille ; Attica. 1 Polk.; • • e Jute, tee; Wilton ' Chet/Pie. yard w d de; do o ' do do 6do do . Cotion, list, rag and hemp cam. c L oronion cloth, oil cloth table coreinoionned sadJinen table covers, windove shades colored andcoimiermauing, stair rod. trimmings, carpet bindings and till other goodi usually kept 'in enniet stores,. 12 of Which Mil be Mid do as immutable relent as any Into city.. Hiving taadil raugentents withone of thellargest of... Acton.. Ste cart, order; forocuy stylaef carpet will be promptly for. 'warded by telemaph, and delivered in owe week, at a small advance Of the m.ufactorePs - prim. Purchasers streparneularly requted to eSilliefori purchasing elsewhere,. we feel co nfident . a can sell no cheap as they con be purchased of the ones. L land 5 •. ' HAN% LYRA " JEWELELY • .1. psire. NEW and splendid oirletyi ZEBULOII KlNSErS,,Cf.Matket „ • .• 40 cold lever Watches', 48.6ver lever watches, Estiltsls,SS silver detached laver watch; les; thfl 'silver L'koine watehem silverqmnier watehesi . fine l gold . chains; 1 dos new style b ee rings; Cie4adagg['ifgatjtr"'"ed "'- popular airs; 1S grew steel stlides„ u.II slam " • . FANCY. GOODS .. 5 dos fine Fans, silk and Paper; &Moe common Fans' Odor than velvet .licad bags, :may styles; 101 dos tine crotchet bead diags, Wow styles'. 5 dos f ine crotchet pane. new styles; shsdosdne parasols, asitortfd; Suir. woe. new gift and silver, for reg..; ipdo x fine flower vasesocasorted; 1. doe km stell screw pin cash: ions Pd. fine ivory screw lin cushionu `dos fine screw pin cushion. , A f in e magnum's of new Toys, lat./se. '• —AmR---7.xslrstratatErtixws:77 a.A. *Amor & mnrD en.; • ' some. AU., Pittsburgh: .A. A. Mason Co., • .. NCOMuskat sue. between and 461 ns, Pitts burgh: Pa., have recently opened thetrlnew and elegant nom, with an ex - tenure stock' of flea Spring end Summer HMIs, eomprising upwards of thme hue d!. packages, of the bust and most finadonabie styles. 31 crebantsthroughom the com et are milieu. holy invited to mill and ammine oar stock, as ;tour Intention to offer our goods a the lowest, Emus wholesale pries. One of the s lum residing ,New York, will be constantly sending or 'lre. "supphes of the most desirable goods, thereby giving as 'every he eility in Me • transaction of one business ...mold be 'possessed by Eastern Houses. Prices are 'therefore I rr h =l ath‘ to r. te as low as the lowest New York and WHITE GOODS FORDISIS—Open this Mont: , Ty ing, at W' It MURPHY'S Dry (Mods House flunk eau corner Mirth and Market am; a full 11.6•011. mensofwltite Goods for &eases, wadi as Swum Muss plan and kg'ik Mull Mull dot barrio-I Jackotiete; plat, Mulls and Jaeitonem. Also, various, styles of goods for Evening 1ire...., including a few patter. of cltiro new style* Embroidered Muslin Robes. Mr' New isnods will be recaiving daily for a 'Week to come, including newest styles lires. Goods, Linen and French OingUama, Prints and Chintzes., very low. hlerehanw are invited to ekamine toe guoils and psis. tea in wholesale 'rooms, up Stairs. The assortment large and prisms very low. • . I IfiEN 'LUST/IES AND GINGIIAMS-II" R'Mor ja good ; b/ f invites . atten ti hades on tand o. his 11.0.0r.cut of.. above o ratio s nista:d ngured Linen Lustre, for Ladies' qua Dresmalities; am as k, marmot of hoe Carleton, Almebester, and French of newest styles; also, Hoyl's Prints—a full mann: tarot of these very desizalde goods, Including milk, lilac, blue and double purple, of new and beau, thl patient.. French Dress Lawns—l'in, blue, titan, brown and bug; of newest pauents,niq loot 11111{iiiigq do for 11111111 M Drilhanitnes, of large hod swatl fi ures, for ladies' and inurnts'dremea • . Embroidered Swim deem pauernm-for evening deers ses, new siyles; colored damask Mtletma. do; toed a fall assortment of Mama berages, grenadine., crape sbatirlakc., at Me nortbeastmmer of Fourth km stmts. mitO . CARD. - ••• TOILN KELLY Ca., Muccessims to . Robb , t, limner Se Co.):MENCLIAN.rTALLAJRS, tut Cheat= nut Amer, Phi:ado/phis, bag leaves., attenuate friends and patroxis'of the late firm, and simmers visiting 1011 coy, that they are now in mecipt the Spring end Summer Fashion,. Mlto a choice lad select muerte meat of {Yen of England and French Cloths, Cacti inereA and Vesting., ICI which they. respectfully invite meg. attention. - • alttennat DY'EXPRE ti Ints'Sutitalei Criods!"Nuper 11111 ales gle French /Mint :Cloths, auJArtell Cmsmeres; black. end cord Chtshmerettem queen's and Stiminer firdhrid plain Drop SPEpem . Vas tingm very Moiee'Alarseilles, Custur.eres, Leilks and . teams, and Sid Linen Drill; cheaper yet. ROWNSON'SCIath Store, Yon Buildings, me2Ldtw corner 'mod and Lila SWUNG DELY-131110DS; lIACKLErr No. lin %VGA street, are reeiniiiiign 'cry large and e.rtensiCesunrk of fresh gyring Dry anoints olvery recent pun:hove, and bought under die moo Vavorulite cireninstuticer, nod which they urn prepared, and sell to lucre linidi al a gory mond adrunce on the onsteni•cinitt. visithquar oily to inunuoin and we leaf confi dent they will ha entirely nalistind of Wt• chca of ;mess ouistook. IrlISTINGli..—Pup Franc tig'd atoms, Silks Carlo. V mares, nod white Maroc:Wes. • CLOC24I...Stm French, fresh imported. all solo qualities and price.. CiaSaLIIEHIIS m every . style mid quality. LUSH. . 1 1kAtfICCO—Mip silk warp. I.lticeit's lamb, Lioutmer Cloth; and desirable coattogs far gram' wear, at priers halo* aityin thti city. RUSINSUN'S Cloth More, • comer Oda ind wood sts SIIACKLIt 11. haze DRY , tiltiODS., No. V trJ Waal ome; hare ort hadd, and are'cottstanb. ly reeerving..dariam the basiacas sermon, it large and culote amortamut of DOW Lit.kliMyMidell.MeY_M'l ler to merchants at km prieei, mid reasonable Imam. Uchering that they cart gins !nun satianictioa, they coulidently Incite all merchants city to gore theta a call. . - . A. ' ln i'leatMet e Ar n ' t 'r o k f ' / ') ;st ' bo a r:d ' s, os W ee red pe r maks, nada, rho ng the largest turd mow isadonable .tuck of Drew Gouda to be, found to this mly—amongst which we memloa, 40 ps extra rich em broidered Pod de Chews. a now article, and MI most desim We goods is the ovitteg a1.0,.5a stripe Choi. ties, Ikroges,Tissum, Molt.. Swipe, Ftenehjaconett, DE GOODS. —A A ALASON h. Co, GU Market awe; have just reed VICIRtill ..11-4111entO inses Aioods, turioag which shay found —Ftgzood, ram, pleld'and sniped • '!Magi or oil 'vtast lOU so•Ilei mohair 'Mopes, • Grenadier., mun stripe •do LIMA, pl a in tkithitta, taller Gilk, mach. Jaeonetw, heal. : : ts BitAGE.% th.C.Alexutder h Day have now open a beauultilaathithiped and Plaid Ltorngnni of tho tweet qualities sod newest atyle. trupoiledi also, ipleA7 ; del plain: and bombe. black Bermes and Polecat', spleadtd'Freuch Lows., Lines Lumrea and Gingham, a IWI avvotauent blk, plain sad saris strip e degiaiaeir and fine Alpaca. AU these goods have been pitch:wed at the late per emptory auetiou mice hi new York' and Philadelphia,. dt will be Mil at a great reduction /rout regular price. ALEXANDER, a'PA t . ? • my 4— ' motor dkruund and market et. S . ItILIVLS-lexander & Day have roamed turret from Me importer in New fork, an entire cone or sesmitte Canton Crape Shaw* cantabile • complete itittolltnect of embroidered and plain shawls, of all Ca laraand qualities,' from likU 04-4. Thu Italica are ten pecthally invited to examine theta ahawls, believing . .that some OIL UtteM are euperior to any before, olla red to mu market. They will be oul&retnarkably cheap. Alto, &at Thiber and lleraganhawls and Scarfs; a full auonmeu; at remarkablylow pricer- 1 my4 • MITE PORCELAIN,• BEADS—The aubacriber Whavtag received the sole Agency far aalaorlonot, Waite A. Co. M., Goo, hoot, alotar dolma Teeth, invite. numrapecial attentloh. • • JOEL 1 , 10/11,1111, Druggiat nod Apothecary, • apl7 L corwood sit" no LOVES—A Loan amoral:tom of ladies and . gent, olahh, whit Oboe colored Cottoa, Lisle, 'Arcady talk and llabct 's,' large rite. Ala°, blahlr . und colored French /rid 13/Ovel , , an oicelleut article, and large sire., rust opening by opgr SILACKLECyIr. tVIIITE , LA stroal ' • GIdDVES AND DOSIERIC—Jost reed, Sin) dor Lot l_ll the• black, ttritne, 'brown and aline' Cotton Hove, notAti cantspar pair up the naval quality. dlw , ICU glut gents Cotton Ilaltllose, 100 dos bath, Woad, rilk and tiara 'Waves . also, cartoni Los /Onto NM Worm Dealer. ion! °then that Alin • bargain is the above artithcsi will told theta at opth • small & JUIINSON76. 4.G markt:tat OLAXIMS . , AC., AT Wllol,l.:S.Alin e c. 30. dot Hose told half Mee, for moo, welausll aad children with slave lot of ailh, Cotton and halo thread losea and 51114 p /vat received from the importers nod for saie wholesale and retail, by MMMn!I 'uaecln; do ciu m ' Nidea; do Purse do; do YamF~sgr, dodo . Itoy Hata *,• do Top ecpuosi put rood at the rtaw Fancy dtoro. Alaxtei atroet. . KINSEYIL'ENOX _._—_—._- _ TAIIIITE GOOF'S—A Cull Alsortment ofiplasi,chrril ,‘ nod stripad FaMOS., plain twat chardJacots, sw. and Scotch Mull, 80. Multi., Sisbop Lain.,' Nausooka, 'polled Mulls, Victoria Law., Tarou Muelins, together with n mit motormen' of llobinetts, pl.n allS f.scr Nona. Loara, Edgiugsi. luarriiugi,' Au. Ac., all of which banjo.t arrived sicalt,from intim, porters, and for, aala low to the trade,ly • • .. sin; :' . ' SRACKLEIT b. WHIFF: ... u for 11. 1 1 . '7V , i i t o te got Arl/plittf;CLseLdzirotioncok': do . do Finger Rings; do do Guard CUM.; do dd..k'pli do; do do Pencils and Peac• do do 'mitless add clarps.• - Thom, in warn otiose Jewelry well to coo ott as before purchasing. • • myld IC.INS.EY St..k..NEA.i Market ei giIEktINS.3 AND 81111 STINCSS,Ale,saider e: Lay here just received a very super:ter, assortment of. •brown ah 6 bleiched Sheetings,, of lie • most celebrated ottantifsteture otall widths end atuditieglms a, bleached , ' and' brown itsectiegs,ofteir qualities, at dic pea yard.' . . EMEIM L. KY, 26Q. • T 'EXPORT-1K ELOW WOOD. TO TILE PROFEAFORS:AIiIDISEUBER.B,OF THE • • MEDICAL 110CIETLED• • • y Invests the ntton of . 1. -I.ontg, citizen. and to Us large and splendid gale at hts new ;nines, 4th r variety the idtrat and litett,oll Cloths; ac. ever. el. re The, stare he: been orinissogndhas,;(reyegd. gpin the Mostranyninerot Mother, Wlg• amd,,Davaghtleg INT/IE UNlTElDSTATES.—Thisubsieriberrespees' fully calls your attention to Dr.'flaartlagl Gosnr na; expresely intended for the preservation of the health el bath totes—whether it tail. from Incipient Phlldsis, or early eolunmption, Debility of the 2.41/10,• . Brouchiai Atrecurnis, Asthma, Pieurisy,,Dentoged nod Disordered state of. the Liver, Spleen, or Kidneys, Dia = I,Loot ofMo. Ili o rN prt rvooeo PiMti' dd re DR.- C. R. HARRICIT'S; GUARDIAN comes to the - immediate, relief of Females angering fpon leregulari ties, and all ether Uterine 'difficulties and diseases • detmit to woman, whether occasioned. by cold, wet feet, or . ijudiciousexposure, and all this without th a wmedicine; - -aorta most delicate and sensitive ladycen at any moment apply 'lt to hemlf without the possibility of incurring attiriek or duller , or any oupleassmi results asistagrmm and with the tt amma . of obautram ittimedato Dr-Barenta Guardian is tut candt-penny, or one of the many humbugs of the day; bat u b entrancement made upon Strictly acientifie principle; is. accordance with the laws •of Electricity and (one mg end for ocatnew, durability- sad efficacy,. luy surpass. e.rything of th e fund ever before to the publa for the rehef ordise.e, and. in the:lei:guava of one of the most enlightened:tumor the day,. is prououneed to bo "the greatest discovery of the . aga... • . A l f:cried ore° leas - than tryears has b i rn occupied 'Jae perfe 2 cr= t ing wch It. tie.. in . - the hands °C.., or the moat emineer,physicians of the, Nosh nod s, o who se well as the dwellings of no mem. familie lta..used, it tor all-of the above purposes; with the meat perfect serves., and who leave cheerfully gWen thew end'unquelt pbation or its efficacy ma -value; es can be:seen hy refenthg- to the Manual of DISUSE CIiMIS accompanying ' • Dr. CI, B. Hamm% Guardian'ts secured from Lenora- , nom bya patent from the United Sumo Patent Mee,. and be hed either with or without his Media:l42mm Galvanometer. ' The Mmlice.lacetro Galvanometer , in paint of bean ty, workmanship, durability and poorer, Cannot be ma passed or 'even equalled; and thef.sobSerib.' feels that ha usurps notturor lathe assertion that it will be found i to possess more power and efficacy in %the treatment- , Una removal Ordisenees, by Onlvaaism had Eleeuici..• ty, than say othia.tratnnuent,, the United states or Europe. • The Mediec.tleetrO Galvanometer • is warranted in 'every respite;ond I'M common ordij . nary care will but arifistme radii far the cheap ' est, tmcatilethe best, instractient. ever offered 40 the pablio....fernamard accompanies Mem, giving the most ". =pia iuunedo orpnwical• egpenessetp,, so that it - - is readlly;intelligible to the mind of irnyrithp,..whille oh- • w of amusement Jospeh eat ttlUai tea • • Any infonualon'gnittitona giverti,'mid comm. ninon°. ekeerndly master per mall s eills. in rela on to the Electro•Galvandineter or Gualdian. ' Medical MertrUe Invited 110 call and examine Dr Dar- • rett's Guardian, and test dareglemy. ! . For sale by 11. RICHARDSOI, sobs'Agent, 71 Mar- ..- FMMI =MEM Doorillatlw nroza•s,cooo-pEste • k. , ei....,...*n way to the • powarfal reined): • - - NOCD • 1 Tuoupsows COMPOIND CiP OF TAR AND pl in - Gonary cousamptiory. c am BterMhitis and Sore 71iroati As u ttat hi 'V e hro B eatara i l t ral . 5 . - .li•Nr, W Pala hooping culik "W' Wop caft Norio, and N: noel Tremor., Palm Willa Heart; alai., Liver Complaint and Affection . the Kidneys. -. This medicine, the in o a 'm an who Farads, anbject of Pulmonary, Bronehal and Pectoral die:uses the most rigid.exanunottom.bas. now boon before the. public near of y•etara. Dt=i bis puiod it asr formed some of the mien re la roman record of Prihnonst7 Consumption—sena d: the maeonentenda,. tion and nee of phydelani in their practice, and the. , approval of Mama& al *non. in ordinary and aerate,. Cold,, Cougna, to lioarioneas, .Spitting of ASTONISHING CURES:- About four years state I svas attacked With Typhus Fever, Which left mein a miserable stab of health, in extreme debility with ..general prostration of the sya. lets„ with violent pains in the breast' and Mu of appe., in consequence bled:deb I was Unable to attend to toy usual bumnewe or-perform any kind of work. I' applied ur several physicians and used various came.' dies, but without any benefit, and hill dwpsdred °fever obtaining a recovery of my fanner health. But some time last laud I wan advised to iry , Thoinsan's; Con, pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Napdta, end incre.dibla as it may appear, by Me time I had taken three the debility, pain p9d every muse sulfering were co4plele ly removed, runl J VIM abla to attend with re • stated be:dikes:my mad avocations. • . . hinirrrN CLIAIDY, Of Dicks:mon totwashtPs CtmtberletaLea Read the fullovetng tests:nosy trout a respectable member of the . - Sitciety of Friends, in Poughkeepsie,:i. . . VALHABLE TESTIM . ONY. ' 'His • mny certify • that In the . sp ri ng Cif Hid, my. Imolai was very fable; 1 was named within... the ..Ide, with other alarming aye:totem., and tored numb from great debility. - At Out deli, 1 perehesed from clones Dame too bottles of Thomson's Compound Sy -1 rup of 'par , and Wood Samba, from which l criterion ced• meet benefit, my health being now good; and 1 she recommend the.article to all pcnonv - who _ may be sure/log with geneml debility., troll symptoms. , ore dreg... ' . ARAJLAM WlL'fb/E. Poughkeepsie, Minh 1.5, PAL* • . Prrparul only by Ammar & .Ihessotr, at the N. E. • corner of HIM and Elpmce smut., Phila. ~ Sold by L. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by druggists m gerally. Ptice JO cents, Or One Dollar per bottle. '• limlsl4' OR DIFFICULTY 0 BREATHING,. Mut duesae it caused by a patosytmad constru tion of the air cell.; it is very debit naling,.W.mott caner rig eabeition. Dot. 81YEZETSER'S PANACEA it the o amen.e can be entirely cored by a free 0 , 0 01 Dr, Catarrh, or common cold, wiclu. itaincleied...nill 'terminate in Consumption, ns efikettially relieved aid cured by Dr. Swemseeti l'ormeett; ' t Bronchitis, if otichecku4 will effectually lend to Bronchial Consumption, but namely um of Dr. Sweet syfa Pennock will effectually tore u.. . .. Inflammation of the Tools, or Sore ,Throat—Thls disease often lends . to serious 'cannot:tutees from neg lect, such as ulemution of the ihroaLt On dm firstsymtome. Dr. Dr. Swectsm's Panacea should. be p and SCoughs end' Colds fend a ..fereign remedy in Dr occter's Panacea. . . Pheumorda Noth...—A surf fatal disease, mmking 4,3¢:a violent cough and cord on ti. debilintied or bro ken down'coutultation; aged persons In RAW , to h oot Or. Sweeter's Pune= about& b 6 sed got the first :porton., which cur. a cough or cold, Niglitttwent...—Thla dcliintatitig co plaint wilt emu with a timely cheek, by during D r is Panacea. Constodpneu,..lf on dm arstioppentaneqof commute too fptuntn, vehlehrsre a et Mb Sidi - and bream, • • h mati t t= g b! . .. 1 ,,L if, , Dr. Sumetsce. Panacea it i . ;I• Wie ' ll * thre Lung., the WitilpiX,Trilttfettial Tube. clogged olt-frilb.Plllogat me. 0 impede rtsm. ration or 'breathing, Dr. Su/verger'. Panacea, which is .-, powerfal k..pecrertint, should be lose' to Lifluctua. , —This disturning epidelede,'Se pretilent in earn/imam, is speedily cured by Dr. Nominees Puna " Price Inner bottle, or sir' bottles for Sh. ‘ .For ante by Whi. JACKSON, El Liberly.L, kW. ~ he big boot ., . ' . novatty - :Water !Cox* Efestablublimini, tALT ,heaver comay, Po 23 mil. (rum l'ausbugd,...h. Qhin.rtscr--tt Ohm. aloodsloyealtdnity,and'bee.lnyOfseincrY, where.tho ' üb.cribe r boa floor eight eight years, in full proms% a WAsza s Cr, as I . 4 l4uusamurc... lie has lately- erected stich,buildings and other necessary tonvemence• as to enable lam •to Offer every - reasons le cOnvellience .and .eonsfert.uo the patients - who Mt) thilalhelliSeiVes • ; under lds core. - "rho proprietor, not willing to %riesitifhls success in curing the most acute diseases, considers himselfnun- fled m stating, thaLklcing the Ent who introduced die Ilydropathic system Practically info WS country, and by and vplioottoo of the new di..., • ries-and improvements in the. system, made in, this =mirys-icon,, ,as arenas in Envoys , he smelt an raw by which his ,estahlishment, ender his treat . - we, will rendet a benefit to the alflimed, The emahlisbnima will be ready for the IMeepOott pourer on iheloot ofJunp... X'ersons intomych of health or eountry air and exercise,' will find 'every- wing as • atoll - avenged as passible for thole =ohm _Chaeget .. . . . . . ••• ' EDWARDACICER,.II.. D.iPropnetor. : Bas.ani, itaP id, Leal ''' - • . ; We take pleasure in recommending Dr. ActeVa ... tabllshmerrt to such as mn be desirona of resorshig to Ltydropathle treatment ..- - -. . • . ••. ~,..,. • _. B. D. Barker, Ltentantin Aqams,Sphst IL Shatinan,BL LaWrieu, John 'Allismi, AI et Den!inger, Predetiek Charles See PeYeter. :--'. - .: . .., .-. • - ntraarn lisprOWE ' 97ll "GE l3 / 4 11 ' 11 0All1101:1ND . 3 / 4 LIVEIr ju. wort and Cattily 4 vaned tot . public as a - Pleasant and effective remedy for conkhe,colds, hoarse. go s , moms Fhthisiei- AVhooping , Lough, Influenza, _. Croup, Sore Throat, Brortchitis„ and &nem! a/factious of the Chest sad Loam . In such cases It le known to.' have. adopted decided and perntanenVoshe4 and from . its rapid sale and great. sticeestP ai a Needy for the above &scene where it Ans beall'ased, It promises to become oar of this mot metal and printlar mmliciaaa It It OdYtadaoo, son pleasant relief to the conamptive, and'an itatistant end Ratak: speake u rs gen. .. The none ofthe preparation indierues *leading In.'. aredietn; end it will be 'found vibe by ao Weans an• ! clement to the tote, and may he need by children and • adulti with entire impunity. The malellele need in the preparation ere of tha bert yuslity,.and may be ro. lied,. la eyety rupect a pare and Canal= article. .• I Families would no doubt promote their comfort and health by keeping • sopply, especia ll y intim so.. a l This Valuable Couili . Candy Irrerinsidered a great we+. Allstate to Mothers( . bang operiorto all thegateau Da. by Jutsparuitt °mutton, to children lance creel knewa to crywhen this randy is aged; except for. more. :kw ) al of this article will convinea any parson of its ewe* . y, and Meproprichors therefore eery nag • IL cited Stat rl es praluco a abesper, Wars glessual, at • _told whole c and retat6 u y the General Adeolr U SMTSF.II, Druggist, - • • comer 3:1 and market sts,-Fittsburgh. Bowe 3 / 4 Co, Proptietors„No t College:Mall Ciente: • ~ , . ... . .., _. I . - ~ f Beiratobl Setratnbll: • ,•-• ' ' . T'io'r.El`,..stredialPti'T' R,4mLat'kegrerleTT..ira.A, fetter, I,mh, Of . 0.141 ....re0 or th 4 Ohio, if AU htolise ; • •'' : : who would relieve end core Mbar. i • 'ina horrible. to be obLged io rub. one eerateh who ',: I , alene t. but more horrible to ebnainfrour lt,lfor decency.'- y . , :, ~ men, when in corelmny. Let it be remembered that , ~,;'I - ler'L .IVY'S TINTER and IT CIIDIMILLINT is the ...T....,.c„ . taliimeet albencious.of. any other premuttlon in ezineneet ' ~-;.-,-, ne. We Teter, itch, nud other 4 .nd-tea of Meath,. • . • to of the •km-tonstaiita fed* the impurity or ilia blmril lt tla.Pidlg lidll.-.47,, 4tol WU - Mauch dia. -1, ...- aim be of Tong cannitrq, and the cnosunttion affected '.' thereby, a Dr. Leidy'. . rea p a rlitaellecid:Piler be wed • l 1 ~,,,t, the ointutent,,they mill curn etr. um whatever Dr.'.' byand Lf they do not, the money-111r .1 . .o_otimu,„l by D r ! he blast cues, howevervwil effectually mind by De Leldp Teller .and Itch ointment, indent the • whale will is Irepregllikreieby dm - diseased Lamont . i " teisllt trooTtlal'W Ir S Wi'd o 1' "PMr •Xrbtl tl'n tnioint..4l.'--.441%'.?",":=1,7=::.t. ` • A treatsupply. of these valuable medicines Just re.: waved costa:nolo by. _ • A PAIMSTOCS: & etrAi L lsx kwoodi aiorAr.ilth& wood.M. fiimA bit:TAM-war:3l.A, trc : si...our lam ex - .1: - intestines-010e adult: nanielonen of em.f. moue else alutlength. eaaping Ato m peLl and into,: nem Ln the ateinieli ... The general' heal% become. ile. ranrad, the eyttetvenfeablod and ti ntsparnteata are nnenctaattyi aggraTett, Antal .ntlief.-nr death tenni- - aces the *Mitring.: Ii A ftibeestoelM Varttdfoe, prepatedatltinsbutr, AL, As 4b.timia iemody in flue ame,. ha wane; after beuicketroKeti,e.lll •be a ut . ! In &lathed pictictil.a eeorteliet wit/ Wanda:A i , to.; i... 1•4.1....- - MU' . . IftDIG I AL. Philode!Oda •asfol eSescy of that
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