C. 1 u115 , `t.4; , , '-,Mtr-ties-?;;A6L 'G &C..-415. Was NO Sem WO Ws Plextuire 30261.90 pr RerLorAfolar. • gig 40 bbis Loaf Beirao 03. bur Rea Coffee; IR tes of Iner t toe etas plan &di.** received brisk: are Ovate f Neer Crimes, endkrr eel. try Vir 2 MARTCHFLTREV. 40 .0, .. qz =Lund g),T0 ,.. d. bids Pon, sweet sues. moues +Grp' choke and superior brassisrreeeireers i nd for solo on uaccommodating webs. by • myll. TV k.AI MITCHELTREE.I6O Ifbray or ---- EATENYBODA Aft cut. James lituspratt &Ws firm quality Soda Ash, Just . reel per smarms Rush mad for sale by • • arili • • & trcurizare, ico liberty re JAM} 13 A. II 1.;*111SON &Co, Aeon for S:Tanis Soot rtefitlen: Wo. 45 Water and D 2 Proot EMIT to store the following as-- sortatent ofre6n !losers, for sole loss: 6 by double I:efinest large 1.0a14 2. ed- 6, 7 tol do C d H small do; 231 f do Powdered; 020 do Conti -43 leated. ONOIUP:S-23 easkv !Soda Ara, branded 5f El;; Boa Liverpool; 31/ do Ido do Joao oWrattt Sons do; tOUlags Rio Ccdree;', =Lair 7.9, OLIO and 10x12 NV Glans, for vole by. • JOAN .4W libepy ..... •vul , L-1:4000 lb. R 10. b g bbl. Flour; 1 box Egg., Landing from warner Cope misdfor =le • lorM JAMES DOLZELL FU((.—to LLIs , in prime order,just t . telved sad (or sale by .:.614 e F.IF:tor,ERs, n. 0.4 npODACCO-12 IS* Leaf Totibeeo, rreeived ye j :Hewer New 'England No anti for rate by JAB A pUTCHISON &Co 4.ISENS-400 cleaner La:Yelp...4lmb for sale low elose.eousigorneur. by . JAMES AIIUTCHISON &Co BitffATta a :tg r ks, u. soul ISitoildoEs; MYSI 3A3IES A 11117CIIISON k, Co bbl Liaseed OIL ia coal order; 15 Oa,.11•161.; Spear, Whate. bleached and Common aodior sale at reducedri s.ll , —L- N R 2O SEIILER I4 & NYCWLSIL Y .4JASfOR . 01L—.5 L just rec'd sad far t I KUM & Co. PERM 011;AND CANDLES-40 Con. k, cue., No n 0, sand 6; 2,003 galkins Winter Spann Oili.J.ZO do bleactied winter Sperm Oil; OM do Fall dodo; • I= do bleached winter Mule Oil; DCO, do N W Whale Oil; Jou received and for sale lir , man • MILLER & Rievor.reox - ..TPTHt. .cct. gr . .l,th.“`" 1 1.1 4 „°%;;Vgggfr irra' WM. lo ° . • Lorap * do; just re ' c'd ' and nor sale_ yb • ' 7' scry2P ISICKEPSON • (110A1123-40,DOP1Iod Principe Cigars, very .uperk. ory 20,000 Pio rde la Cruz do do; 19,000 Pio 2 and 2 do do; Nal received 'and for sale by MILLER IttChTisON BRAZIL SUO&R—IGO bags Emil 9u ter, just•reed sod for We by br.4 MILLER & RICK-01E0N HAVANA SCOAR—WIte Ilar.Ougni wrire and Gar Ado by --- pOUBLE REFINED LOAF SUOMI—V-1 halfeasit Doable Refined Loaf Supr,i4st reel] and foesale m 722 .AIILLM RICKET.ION S INGLE CVW SU/at-120 bbls No ! 5..nd Loa( , f L o r We loveßby GLM3S-160 bxs EMI% sdo 71(9., al do Jana . 10 ; do 10114; for ado low by ' • FRIEND, RHEIrle Co ORLEANS SUOAR-131b4a prime N 0 So gal; 10 do fair dodo; for gale by WEST BOWEN, 70 front at 30 000 i'"E're,E . - 7" .1 " r" ° A APANULTY Co C H e i r E-2 ..ntb , I;eesos 43/ . sed . e ; low to n ow RIND BELT-3000 lbs for sale by S F VON BOISNLIORST & Co, iS3 * ' 33front bbl. tor sale by • i 3 • _ ` SF VON DONNEORST &Co 75 bbla No 3, for sok by S F VON BONNHORST & Co 10A16i:•LtIbian.118pwish Ci P VON BO ROOMS CO dos gilt handled Rochester Brooms, Car seletbj jet S F VON BONNIIORST k.Co • EGAR-100 libla warranted pure Cider Vinegar, for male by je3 8 F VON DONN/10MM &Co V it.R:o , 4wArt4t:m3mrsr7mcLMfttrirlY. BARLEY --3.4 =Lets Barley; received per, North River, and for gala by jet4r• HAD—bW pigs Galena Lead, received per yen ner RasOn and for sale by ins • JASIbIIn. A HUTCHISON fr. Co HALE OIL--11l bb:A for tee low by • Aly.9 " SCHOONMAKER I Co U. VrTROI,-15birboys 43f. b yp O myril 'N SCHOO & Co • T . INEN GOODS—A All Lucia &Ca.. havajus. opened Ls pa 10.4 Lae PAecringc also, 0 ps 6.4 Pillow Can d a; 0-1 'White Linen la avant variety. , moy&I fIOPFEE-01X1bags kimegresu Rio Co.ifs landing and for snle by lora • ' Jt R FLO vp MEAZ-45 half ebesti Youngt Ilyso0; 1 ,; 1: do .A.Ardeq }0 dozy . and , . 77 , 11 dDI. BACON -1S hhiii erwnea. /14.11, . tontignmeut; fox We by, ray:l/ J, & 6 F/AJYD bbls No I Herring, for sale by k R F 7.0 078411-10 el;ika pon , Pots* klysede by R FLOYD BEANS —lB bbl W hitt I:tell:IL for 58de by • J 4.1 t FLOND "I'.. . l tritO Y lls - 16111PERS:U0 rums Straw Wrappinfrie E r i j ob r y f . • ,6 1 ..1 3 / _ ROOMS-83 dozen Corn &oils, for rale by I & R FLOY P IG IHCN-1U to ! . Glle a Leuy iro, iv oe z 4, C . Tar, b fine oreyeyriliSio COLORED SKIRTS-2100recil and 'for .abi by aryll" 7 1 C ARBUTHNOT COLORED MUSLIN-2 cues rted - and for BCC by . mTJI C ARBUTHNOT • :f Qc CILOVEM AND MI - A pak4 axsoriol 0 on band and for nabs by mil ,C ARBUTHNOT ri HATE APRONS—Grata Apra*, beauaily cat arum raper, in a mai at E s t, of tuner. and ad* stiles, &a Bak at F EAION & Co% mYjp.CO mallet la 01GARS—RMEE Havanna Cheroots a) WM Cubs do : kJ MOM ermcipe do; just reed and for isle by etryw •• I • WICK: &Al cCANDLESS L.t)RINTb.I) LAWNS AND MUSLIELS—A ii . Marov & Co, GO Market Wee; pare just reed 4 eaves of French PrintCd Lawns and Muslims, of the MUM kelp turnable style; also, new sole Bereges, Grenadines, Tisenwak. &a. • trir4 PARASOLS --A A Mason & Co, base reed I.UI Mare of those vertrickdark green Parasols. tuygg —4. CA STOR 01L-4 bbls reed per steamer Swiss Boy; for sale by - • myl7 El ALLEN &Co Citirr iSIV=74 - Lialii - for - Vale lOW to close cr . , lg. mein, by royl7 BROWN a CULIJI:RTZN, gCIPS—Ia bales lat tort 'Western New York, re, mixing and for sale by 1., . a* t 7 • BROWN k CULLIERTN'ON 111,0 CH -Orr Ude, Buckeye Mills, extra, Jur. and for sale by ~ .., _- . m3ll - pROWN Jr. OLLItEIITu % rIBERESE—For sale by Vi.,l urn ISAIAH DICKEY &Co . Q crr - BP • R ...NE:ATMS—Endo: Patent Scythe Kneen ikJ for sale by ~ torn JIR IL, r 3 II EIVLEGORN FLATS—Seioi k JotOuo,4o Motet at, Rutted o ne cue Mews' Lep- FUN 1 do COl'Arens' Gimp pew mreO Q/WWLS—Smidi & John PI h.? canon bit nilk fillet Shah., , have received one Is Ido fancy Berege • em OTBII}2.LS-ICO bosh picked Poi - Shills, for sale by • B P VON I,kONNUORST &Co, my3o.. 35 front at YE FLOUR-I 5 exu. Rye. for ulo by ;onyx • BF. VON 130NNHORST &Co F - sac.b. bow landing from steamer „A: Eureka; &rrsale by, ISALKII DICKEY & Co, loy3o . • front a 11"11.11000-017 bra J Preston's 65 12 do do' Ye; new landing and for sale at Baltimore prices and fres. loy3o_ • •,. ISAI/111 & pORN IIdR.LL-10n bbls on consignment, d al A./ to close by J C BIDNVELI: ' Age2;: water it F my3o; bbl. br J C D 1NT4...L SALTS-90 Ibis in nom an d brute by . = l a) • I C BIDWELL FLOW/40661s landing and for salb by 7_ , J C BIDWELL QOAP-115 lb. esadid, • superior artiele,• '25 boxes 6.7 Morton k Gamble's &milt. 10 do Crompton & Co's palm; for tabby Jaye J D WILIAAMS 0-132 b., Dry Herring, for sale b nry2o WICK & MCAND Fbbla No ITriziumed glad; ludo, 5 kW( do No !Blacken!, in more and for sale Ly SELLERS &NICOLS ORN—.3O Ntls Car yjust rec'd asd for sole by • Ctem • St2.LEIS3 NICOLE rift lal• ANS-21. bM, Canraseed Hams, V Just facetted Ind for We by . 50y31.. :SELLERS t NICOLS ' ARD OII^I2 bbls dalibls refined Lard Oil, just J.J Lublin and Gar sato by saylb' 0 BLACKBURN & Co bbls large NoWirieleti , bniot• do ii JV in store and Gar Isle IT • myl.9 . 0 RI , 44 tom prime W R Clii 4 esejoet reed for saki* WICK it:Z.VCANDLFd ' Cnocol.in-48 bz. &nom No I Chocolate, for We by • Jo 3 WICK fr.III'CANDLES BARLEY -500 bush prime Ohio Barley, just landing and far anla hY W HANBAVOII, • $3. . . 53 dratar and lug front Street YE FLU I.llt-73 bias jest reed andfor sale by Jq P k NV HARBAUIaI INATIIVIA AND GINSENG-45 - ticks Feathers; ' • 3 do' Ginseng, now landing rasa. steamer Near glead luxllbr sale by DICKEir& Co µ front s t SPANISIIIVIIITLNG—UI bbls fa wan and for sale •t_ ia3 • NALIIIDICOY Co carboy. jug eyeß k:d by SELLERR pat - ASH-5 weeks prime, (for retailing) Jain we'd and far tale by je3 E SELLERS LGUIEZIOS bbl. Flour,la litore and for sale lowF by JeS ENGLISH k BENNETT, 37 wood et iur 0 LASS 1•N- . .1 0 kegiAlagle blalteiwit. is Hose nod al for.sale low by ja ENGLISH* itILNISILUT REMCG -45 b.) /lifting,. for -eale low to close consignment by Jet, Ml= 171.01/R—lSObbls,.trious broods, Just binding from X steamer Wellsville and for Azle by • • • iff/41--5 bbde prime, (or solar ion" close sunup et, by WFST., BOWEN, • v 70(ronl et HYDE'S PAIJd SOAP-10U lb sale. rti aiw, ;L. reed br Web • y4SL 1 1:11DD SCllNtSpril tiott - n bre., ibt 1..7 . ale by myl9 "WEST BOWEN 7_11 , 4X1 AC--.4l.ltegs ISOI la ;wilt Talmo°, for ool' ro y 74/ WIIST 1301VEN T 4WD 0111.-10 LW.. Bravais 's brat, for oak low by ACHOOnIAKEIt Ca 24 wool , E'ER ,e-10, kegs ...ciTdCjuat reed by J SCIIOONMAKER k. Peormu INic-2u kegs Now s and hook. for sale mYr3 3 SCHOONAIAkEIt & Co_ half choirs Brion, fin -I' l'"i"-rioPerarder and l'eerchong as, received rmL from mipmen and for We by • {MK A. ASTLILF-Sti LARD OREAHE-20 bbla Lard Gres* in are and for we ?/ arra - NicoLs • 5 •1 1714 :iW":7::(1 7 ,-a•;- - ;r1 , 51-77 - •!'4 - •- • '4l=r4==. ASCELLINEOUS MUSFE—Csaae . Cruse,"Beltintore, Md, will be glad to have orders from his friends in Pinsburgh wad elsewhere, for the parchus of Shad and Lamp da ring the season., Orders executed with despatch, and at lowest rates. :Charges for purthaerrldight mats APIS:ED SUGARS—IX/ boxes double refined large 'Loaf; 440 bbls 4,5, 7 and /And; 210 blemnshed; 178 Kokp owd ered; 2u bbln,elarified; in store and for side by JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co, mien Agenutfit LooisStemsngnißeLnery. COLORED SATIN TAF . 7E ; CA RIIITIONS.— A A Mason le Co. have rece ived XV boxes accord ballnAnd Taffeta Ribbons, of every bomber; oleo, to boxes allele. style Bonnet Ribbons.: royal F LOUR -2001445, a superior article. for sale 4y air.lo " • .101 IN liferADEN . V A , Elf! V. mjnoT coach ,1 ,r . .101114 McF.ADEN) IC{ACKEREL-11,01,b1c, warranted best yealizy, wi ILL L< cold vcry lu i , beloee censignmen4 by JOILN McFkUk:S BBACON—:0 cask. Owns and Sboulderx. jolt reed oral male by BUILBRIDGE, WILSON & Co, water street S_ lC ta l tr --I"k' 4 F VON sioroaionsT LASS-5O 'Lth 250 do MS; for sale by G my 23 S I , VON lIONNIIOINT A. Co S VGIAR HOUSE MOLASSES—hh littlit'imperior; lao cling from Sitar Wright mud (or rale lig • , rota _ BAGALEY t SMIT/ I, IS and ' CINCINNATI SOAP-9.00 bra Cincinnati - Soop - ,lNii landing wed for solo by :my:`!_DAGALEY .4 SMITH I\T 0. SUGAR-12i had. N 0 tiugar,la - aiiai from 11 a Lady 13yran gloat for sale hy .BAGALFX h SMITH LOAF EILiGARS—ILIO Obis Losf biogars, Nos 2. 4, _and; for ”lo by my. BAGALEY SMI'/'ll 11. MOLASSES—IMO bbl,r imperilieguslity Sugar Or House Molasses; 60 do Volden i4yrup; jo.l reed and tior be___Trin!2l4AOALEl' OIL-2( j i "'IITA22aiT.ITPED t ROE N. SUGAR--01/ prime article, far dale by . utriti 111 till.leinlYSIIFIC.I.Dit non FLOUR -230 blibt S. Jarvis' brand Flour, suinti,l; , for the Allegheny river tend, in store and car sale by myt7 OAKEOK ft &Co N. °„I"AR-4 PrVILABII-4 I"‘{f4=4lalccilzp.:3 ARD-10U Ws No I. in rood shipping order, for 1.-S oak br Sot ISAIAH DICKKI k Ca. front st LiIBRELLAS—A lure assortment of Gingham— ,.trottatt and mhalebone riba,Mst opened by slincimurr& WAITA-1M woad et IVLOUR-72 tif bbl.extm Family Flour. just ree'd J 2 by tbo until boat Comet and for sale by W FIARBAUGII, je2 srater and IDI (rout BACON -1.5 hhils Enron 11.12,k:ides end Sbou Wes, 10.10) /Ls loose assorted Bacon, Just received and 'or sale by L 1 .1 WATFFINLAN =MI jet 31 — le;tete;;Cit true sr F I V EED-10 bags Flere!eet AT imAN -=' , 77il. , 77zamwmtP,l6o _l_tyl-11—A few bogs Rye, in store and for sale by I. S IYATERVAN W HITE BEANS-1S Lids *mall Wiute fl u, fir sale by jel .. „1. S WATEILNIAN CORN BROOMS-58 doi, gilt handled Cora Brooms, fur ale by jel L 8 WATERMAN RYE fILCUR-48 bbls Rye Flour, for sale by jel Bt i .48 r. bbli Flour, prime, juss reed and for • . jet L 8 WATERMAN ATORWALK AND SANDUSKY . DIONEY-54,000 wanted at a riasonable discount, by, I 8 & W HAREM:GiI, niya 51 wiser and Int front vs 011.5-73 - bbls Flaxseed Oil; 54 do•Nto 1 Lard do; V.) do No geld. Alen, Spem end Wale Oil; in core .d for Went . pnees, b • myal • st.t.t.rss k mans rs,tor we by PEIICUSSION • CAP 5 4.1,000,000 Percussion Caps, just received from manufactory and for sale. roys C ARULITILNOT QLATESS-2 mum Germ. Slatm, rce'd and for saM mys ' C I nMTtlfxis 4 m , l9 , nrrrllMPlTl9lo.7l ASON'S lILACKINC-100 dos luxe size; medimodoi $7 do small do; for .ale by mylK • WICK & WCANDLCKS A. GORDON JOSIN SOAP-DC b. No I Cincinnati Soap, for yule by 16716 WICK & NIVANDLESS PIG an-mm-450 Mats Lest nuality Foundry, for male by_'_ mule }/IIEND, ROM'A Ca T OAF SUGAR—IIe bads Nos 4, 5 and 0, Luaf Suisr ita store and fur sale by • anyls 'a • MILLER d. HlelfilDSflN SALERATUS-21cluks Cleeebu Saleratua.lbr sale by oeyls • WICK Jr. AIcCANDLESS --- 01130= 111.11.1111c0-311tos Dry Ile rriug, for 'ale 0 by myl3 WICK & 3I'CANDLEDS BARLEY -50 seeks Earley for ssle by myld ' JAMES DA1.7.13.1. OT eas D ASI3-13 kx larallne from ...ler Lake Erie and for we by rdyld JAS DALZELI. LARD 011.— , 10 bbl. laudu m trout sun r 111olcondrihr. la and for sale by • uryld JAS DALTELL . ROUNDIOUSTAILD-10 earls pure London M. NY mod; Y . :do do Durham do; 13 do do American do; just received sad- - 07 sale by , r mylo , • NVICK triIDCANDLESS __ ______ _ EILAXSEED-44 bng jugt Toed nudiur mle by _ 12 . yl6 •,. J C BIDWELL /Brunt. uramr it s - 117'00. L—ItIBMI lbs begt quality puled an- BIDWEL L ed Wi ALIT . _ myl6 J . .Q BALTS-21 - bbts on COogiuumeng and Mr gulc - by 1.3. mylG 71tntly Pi raLc—inro-ais. m moregurnly gum uy %_./ tayla J C BUM .ELL - - • ulbt ASII AND CLAY-6 coats Soda Ash; lb do German Clay; for sale by mylti J C BIDWELL PATENTPORTABLE FORGES--A new lot this day received. The attention of steamboat men mid others using rgee's particularly invited. myR WM B SCAIFF: EAD-731/ • pigs best Galena Lead, innoreunl fo sale by If IMUNOT. •myll libeny q. Mb ward ALERATUS-123 tasks for rote ;•43 inytlG • ; WICK tc Mcf.,ANCILE:c ":„VlUTrza:u.',••d.A 1 Z tIXIU alclor G -7,11.4 d' 1111[12 do; MdO do; of die Le. t,ontry brand., ..r sale 4 torKI WICK JrAIcCANDI.k>.It 0014-4 snits common Wool, COI conognmel for sans by corn J k H FLOYD I.2lTECA..Oll.—Ibbls Somers Oil, reed from BAB viorka and for sale by aps9 ICIER &JONES, Canal Basin nOPLAR LUMBEIT„ and Piny Joice, for ale by r jrNif . F— w. w2wAI.LAck LARD-086 h Daft k Jesetiii pare Lard Oil, for.. by mrl✓' 8 & W HARDAUGH • AFETY FUSE-3 bbb. foi .ale by • .1011 N S DILWORTH BACON -10 casizllseon, joy •ain by DX , JOHN S DR:11011TH 9PRIIIIIIIINGS—BIack Mantilla Fritiges and Gimp .1.• and on assortment of Dress Fringes; ree'd by e press at • myltl EATON & do's 7)OTTLECOIu S--I0 bale/geed and !orate by _LP myl3 • BRAUN to REITER LUTE CRAPES—A A Mason fr. Co, GO Marker Mee, have junt reed ffr pc of white and colored Cr,_ mytcr CIHEL&-3p b. W x Clac.e by m 721•: F VC/N VONNIMFLIT t. Co AC" "A kW - Side reed alid for side by - - ' TA.`3B7EY k lirdiT SPICKS Ground Mallard, Allspice, Cinnamon Cloves and Ginger, jeer ree'd from the mentifuriu me and fur sale by inyW WICK klll'Ontilthr,th LOUR—VXIbbIs Family Floor, for sale by SJ DJLWORTII XIEI .F101:3 5 ?0 balm Bops, for mkt bis woRTH OVOBAYCCI4-12 1, mist, landing from .00 • New Engbmd and for mle by • Any4l JA3IES DALZELL,xi ft Allll-':6 kegs rd ree , d and for role - by mTdd • • JAMES 777- TRIIRSIED fDIAD—OIt bbl. No I Rhad, just troll and for solo by torr. . SELLERS & NICOLS ARD 011.-50 bbl. Lard Oil, lo,t roc'd and for .ol by 1423 ' SELLERS k. NICOI :4 Orla tor =le by • F LAXB m r, °IL-42 SELLERS At NICOLS_ SIiOAR- 7 IUO Mule baroDomo New Ofl.llll N • Sugar, to arrow per steamier Eureka and fur sale p T my 2 - POINDEXTER h. Cu tarro POIN DEXTLR fr. Co ITENITIAN REDS carksiont recitdrdfortatalel/y y lASTILE 131/AP—S boxes reed end fosale by my 1:. BRAUN & RIBBER CUR/PEWS :MIRED, INBLASSL4 easex reed nntl for vale by usylf• InfAUN A ItErrEll OOPIM'S WHITE BLVB-3 bbl,rec'd and for C ' topis BRAUN 1 REITER. nR.AII:BIIAWLS-A A Mason it Co. novo receiv- A./ ed another lot o(5 cartons of rick tondium, and low priekerapoShawla: lrls BEF.:SIVAS—I cask now landing Wow moonier En parsons; for solo by my2s • ItA Lill DICKEY & Co irIOTTLY—SO bales Tennernre CationTinsre said IL), for rale by inySl WEST 1101vEN,BLI front et Ajibtial4iii.j=l - 3 - 1 - itiln . Plaiiintiiirr bin] in MOM and tor Sale by suyiM ' IVESTLIOWIZI _ . 11111,1LEAD--11Allege pure While teed, in elev. octal for .ale by _rapt!. 1r 0 L!; , 13 , 1.=— .1 .1 ,1, b r t0 . 1 . 11 1 :u0 las Fresh Ihnter, mr./5 & ,IV u irtr rar.-25 ker. Shut, noroned,tecrived per rfrarpe Norsk fLivcr and for tele Lk `, • je3 JAME. 4 A IlLit'pg+.oN &Cu ALMJI-SACe ---1 1843 -- . Suit - I "No.'. • JUNE. I rises: I sets. rises. - 1 1 , -- 171 . 1 - 5 - 4 Sunday; 442 718 7IN 5 Monday, 441 719 11 34 Tuesday. . 4AI 719 941 r. Wednesday, 440 7IV 10 47 8 Thursday, 41u 721 .11 59 • 0 Friday, 440 7 120 morn. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR r. 5. CLARE.. W. IL lararur. VON 1103:111=61 The markets yesterday presented, very little or no variation in the prices r,encrally., , Every thing was exceedingly quiet, and nothing was doing save the reinlar limited transaction to the trade. , Flout—The market was duller if possible, than on the previous day. The receipts by river were quite full, and the article seemed to hug heavily along the wharf; it wns held generally at SI per bbl, and rather than take less, holden! preferred storing in hope of a change for the better: We tact walla sale of only one small lot at the river' 'at 3,90 e 4a bbL Store sales were also pato limit. ed, and ringed from 4,25 to 4,37 ts bbl,_according to quality. Ettpplies are on the increase. Grtazn—Whcat is dull, and the market is with. out change. Corn is inactive, and passes off slow. ly from store at 322-33 c to ho. Of rye, we quote limited sales at 50055 c; of barley at 4 , 1:34,5c, and of oats at is Pitovistuss—The triarlat is steady, but not ac tive, and we observe no change in quotations.— We continue to quote best quality city cured ba. ann at ni den!, 4 vail, and 51051, and western at 3 / end 4164 lop Tb, Lard is dull, with limit ed sales only nt 5d65:c tp D 5. Curnia--Considemble quotations to arrive by river, the most of which however is passed tothe east without touching our market. Supplies ne vertheless are quite full, nod sales of are regulaily etreeted nt ktitt es in quality. Good cream cheese is sold at girdle Siren—The market is firm at ..... 11.i7 Sales in small lots by - the hhd at ity. Coffee is firm with sales i ~, de& Qt /I mu g s of 7:6si c tell Sales of i N .) ot,l,oott at 2ia2Se.p gall., Rice is solt!regmlmly Iv 1:m x;ert e at 416i5e jo 01. Dud:, Bar—Sales 500 lbs at Sc p ' IJcoro Form—Salim of poaches at 51,50, and. of oplc., at 75c it I,u. , B1:11.-'01Mi OF THE CLastanvitl.r.—Thc fol3pwiag arc the particulars of the destruction of this illfa• led boat, a telegraphic account of which we gave a few days since: By late arrivals fmm below, I have fuipter par . Dealers of the burning of the Clarksville,tn brief rrYtort of which I scot you laq night. When iPwas distswered that the boat des on tire, the Pilot run her on the head of the Island.— As soon us she strgek. the flames burst into the cabin, and at that moment one of the boilers burst, and then, as if to complete the disaster. three kegs of pOwdet exploded, but fortunately from the latter no accident resulted. Governor Poindexter was injured by the explo sion of the bailer and fire; also. Mr. 13arnAv and Mn 'Lotion of Memphis. • Most of the passengers lost {heir 'baggage; and none of the officers or crew saved any,ffili.g. Mr. Vaught, the let clerk, succeeded in saving the ino ney and papers. Capt. Holmes acted most nobly tlithughout and proved by his death an hoar/table devotion to his d&y. His first impulse was bljrush to the Ladies' mho, where he prevailed - on the ladies to take the chairs With life preservers attached and jump over. Word. The Captain then threw the baggage. &e, over. board, and beingexhaustell and sulTocated• by smote be strUck the lower gnarl is attempting to jump overboard, and thus perished. Thetis- originated in the social hall, over_tiLe boilers Thdedieem all did their duty nobly. Srmr: Movicarevra—lt is said that the.stednaship United Stites (ram Liverpoaltbrought over 5125, 000 in sovereigns. , The ninount of specie imported to Ektston, the ,pact month, was 5t9,651 in gold, sad :541,100 'silver. Total, 531,15.0. The packet 'hip Montezuma, Cnpt Lo'wher, which sailed-troi‘u New 'fork otr Thursday, for Li verpool, took out 4:10.300 specie. The Hibernia sailed yesterday, earrynty.over $250 000 in spa Tie Baltimore, June s.—Cattle—There were! 600 head of beeves offered nt the' bCtIiCS to day, of . which 300 head ti ere cold to city butchers! and '3OO were driven th Philadelphia. Prictitarattged fo mi et^.aSt Ilk on the b oo f cleat t. 50,i7,75 'net, and making an averavitif •3,6.2 ' 9lk,-i•titiles at huge were anade • Iktday to tklYi 4,25. CiJqatqtati—Per BriLlinat—tas labia whijkcy. McDevitt; 33 do potatoes, &Loper= 1 Ire riix, l• Black & en; 17 bbls pork, D Leech 4 co, 3 bogs (gaiters, Wink & MCCruldless.' Per New England No 2—:22 eka fmathl, Lemclf..l: rag 123 kego lard, - Allen & no t mk, 84.1aimmaker; 2 rel.:. hardware, Welk e 22 pkgs Ira. S boo chocolat; 3 hgs rmlre . Dar n y ,1" Smith., 2 boo, R T Lerch jr; 1 hbd hams, .1 smodc surWarbbls If sugar. Church Jr Carotbeng 271114 r rides, II Gruff; 4 bblamil, II I Schwartz; 8 d o do, G It Masmy; 1 box, It If Ranier 2 khds • moat, 4 bbls do, I Tholnas • ' Portsmpuh(p—Per Lily Byron—lo Lt. furniture. 2 trks 2 beadstends; I• 'bureau, 1 I,bl park. M P Itroore; LOU metal Pennock, Mitatell 1: co; 106 Jo do, Wurti. • Sunfish—Per Wellsville-367 bids dour, 30 sks oats, 3 bbls rye dour, 3 ads wool:Geo A Berry: 2 do doiSmith &Sinclair; 20 bbls dour, 1 lot bacon, 2 bids dux. seed, Wkk 13C McCandless, 12 Ergs beant,'Finley; 71 sks oats, 259 pc, bacon, J F Pt, ry; 2 kgs butter, 2 bids don seed, 1 box beeswax, WTrento. 'lrhe ng-Per Consul-32 bids noise, A Ballinger fon bbls flour; Copt Kinney; 61, do do, owner, 130 do do, d MeClurksn; 12 bbls dour, 1 do bacon, L .S WonennanJA2Sbbls dour, corner .on board, 43 bas 7 blds dour,, ' 1 do egg., Bollinger; 'J bbls flour, Anderson. • pRON%ti h eiLltEltitlON. Proehrifir—PeiCumberland-1 lux. Allen & c0;.20 bids mniikeml, Carron Mchwght; 21 blt cotton, King SE' PennocE; 50 tons pig Joon, Wood, Edwards & McKnight; 63 blt oottun, P McCon. toi"k 1 bag: feathers, Capt It Dunenn; 50 bls cotton, Friend, Ithey & co; 14 kgs lard, 2 sits fea thers, 1 tAZ flax seed, S F Von Bonnborst; 41 bls cotton, 7 We grew , 2 sks Box bred, 19 sks few there, 2 do gitmeng,ll Dickey do co; 2 bgrt feathers, 2 do d (m4l ;Ad tob,l do do, 21 bls cotton, 2 We peach brandy, J Forsyth & an; 37 Ws cotton, 47 bp feathers, 1 esti ginseng, 1 do beeswax, bids ginseng, 4 do beeswax, 1 cal - mdse., 1 WI do, 1 cek do, I box books, J W Butler & 111Bearm—Per Michlgan bbLs potash, skirags, 12 do wool,? & R Floyd; 30 by etteeN. Church 6: Carothers; 9 Ws lo • salts for Astoy csk broken elm, Bakelrell, l'eara 15: co; 2 bgs potaloc E Fenderich. Per Lake Erie—s Asp pkgsAin & C Brudley; 4 mks Wool, A & C, llobben; 10G bu oats, 69 des brooms, 95 bu oats, 6 calves, owners on board. Bret/out:a—Per L McLane-300 lan glass -Wm nerhan jr; 3 Ids mdse, 1 ort ware, I C Bid. 'well; 12 bbls flour, owner 10 bon Elm's, NV Greer; 13 bbis w,biskey, 1) McGoggio.' Per Atlentio—S7 tss glass, 111 Goslin; 11 La .a, Spapg & co; 21 cop pkgs, Vickery, Retail Prices la tlio Wei A rp1 , ..Ppek.......54 to 30 Ileef, 1.. d cub. lb 7 0 Idling 0 5 —wend. 7 0 5 —Dr.ed' —NOW --quarters Btela,ll liltrick••• • 05 Dotter. (restprint 1b 11.11015 . Do do toll.•.10 0_ Do 4ppli.ql , 100— i Deane in IGO. I. iik —o— Shrd giries," I Cabbs,e, p • . Cmeos., f bunch • • -0 - Gentry ' 5 0 0 Ghiekeqs, yr p 370.- —glhene4••• • • —6— tlernsisLi ,qt 0 urumesl44l.ll, bu 40 0— I:berries, iI q t• • •••-01.21 , .. .... • • ,•• •33 0— Currente,• • •'• '•• •ac , Ducksiliee, d. 01. e• --eteased..::.. 310_ Fcgaltdusi•• •• 1. • 0010 1 Geese, elms, eseh • • 0 11.23., greet), fr . ro —omoked Hominy, st limey lArd" .0••111 OW It,. • r ,' n'd 11,•• 7 S • R4d,,b,,, ....fir V inmel. Irgx plant' 41 liaeldal.erric.d.,l —49— Tornnum, p t . k Plana •• • •••—a— Mallon. earls ,• • • • Th . d)hamond market was well supplie..kthis morning, with erery thing necessary to the wants of those. in attendance. The supplies of, vegeta bles were full, and the prices of almost eery king .had fallen considerably since the previouekmarket. day. Sttawberries were abundant, and sold at 14 v - fp.S4:ueumbers sold at hue p don; Peas ,1181 C p hf pk;—Asparagus, 4Orroc is bunch. (r.r Worms, by their Ititation, augment. tho add. lion of Mucus or .lima in the tomach, in which, al they involve a...shies; and It IN said they fee uponn and ((deprived of it they die, 'Ma celebrate Vert/aims prepared by B. projiscaTOCK Pittsburgh, ['R.I. admirably adapted hi It. operation first, to lellinlte the protecting mica., sod ...stolidly, I. 'expel the worm relldrred helpless and tend. .r by. be ing It as a remedy in which e• ter y eon faience can he glued; and dint it hos art,/ rezed dt purpose is Manliest from the lalndreds of el' rliflcl" , giventa ha favor. {' i { 1. i .-. Orrice Prrrsorraun Gszn-rx, t 'Thursday Morning, June 5, 1.9154 Lolli6viile, June 2;.1615. IMPORTS DT RIVER. it Diamond Daskai: edanday Morniag, June, C. 10aMakn' 40 5 la, 41 , ba . . ..... MS Oainut, lilt ici.--- CM rork•Luleata 5 0— Lb.', F . lb 4 0— _Pudd h l i ng oip ... ......_ 0_ 1' 0051 2 1, , V' band,. • 2 0 3 Yotarue., 41. ba o'2l !--Iteda. e,5 000 r-2 1, 001 Ile f lg-• 0 il'eacbas, fe pek•••• 040 - - Dind.4 8, 0.-404 1 IPickles, r da•—••• 120— reas:ln null, fpcs 075 Meal •• • • 007 IToacuta,lhecgtaeol.s ON P 1014 'Nen ITallter,lite.sae.b. • 0 cleatied• • • •1,0201:25 17.0,1.4.4 •P' lb 7 it 'IV in ta,ip . k•••• 1.0 ant ;lA P' :retch; ip buneh• • -.10 CNN ,ftlenan 25 0- 0 5 /guitars , 2'105 3 0 4 ;Cat Gab 10 aral 8 0 , FLOUR— k2O:SI AVheat: IL* IN 2.vog :A o==l ARRIVED, Cangiae, Boss, Pearl River. • LXIO Erie, Murphy. Beaver. Michigan Gilson, 'Beaver. Pargthion, Brownsville. Caleb Core, Moore, 'Wellsville. ; Consul. Kinney, Wheeling. + Louis McLane Ilcuneu, Bovwnsvllle. Camden, llendriekron, Pd'Keesport. Brilliant, Gram, CM. Lady Byron, Miller, (In. Cumberland, Mi ll er, Lafayette. DEPARTED, Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver.. • • - Michigan, Bolen, Beaver, Beaver. Clark, Steubenville. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Louis MeLaile, Bennett, Brownsville. I Nmx England, N 0...? Denn,,Cin. • Tnglioni, New Orleans. The river lasi evening at dusk seas 4 feet ma ter in channel, by pier mark, and rolling. rassENGErt AIIKANGpIINTS FUYi 1Y79- For Philadelphia every evening et U tieloel, by ',ceded parketa. Office appogite the Meted State. Hotel. slcamboat Packet lane, fray, dagy for einelttnati ID A. X. • . Pa..,. Packet via BrownrVille to Baltimore .d Philadelphia.. I. hi. and tl v m. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 • sr. .d 121 .!.. . . Western rind Soother. Mail Conch Linr,C A. M. North-Western via elevelniW daily, IU A. M. • Erie and Wester. New York, daily, h a. “. • North-Eisler. toiludelphin, dndy , exeopi Sundayr, 4, A All, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. P.ostern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 a. kr, close. 12 sh We.ett Mail, Pinola k Lottiw,due a a kr, c4OFC A... South. v tallulumore kWashingtotylue n e. 0. err: rrssss yy ssss North IVelar rn via Cleveland, doe Ins. td, doers 9 .3e Erie and Western New York. due h e elores t• • fooh, silly old fellow. ti No and he no longer bold. whi.k lts erles. nd hairless. klr.. W. Jack son, of SO Liberty street, Ihn•burgh, Pa, cerofies on the 3d of February. that ktr.`lboar.Jackoote. head. on the top, was entirely bald forts) eawcatta that by using two 3. bottle. of Jones . Coral !fair Resturativv. Ia hair is growing ram and thick. Sold Newark by S. OLDS & SON. 27$ Broad .t, R AN UUSKIRK, corner of Dread and Nantucket .1. 7 "TOM whiter skit; (Whim, than /MOW, I And pure as monumental alabaater.”. female. hose slim like the above. who use Jone panish Lily White.' It maltella pure anowy. yet nut :p white. Sold at SI Cuartime Wee. Itiurld - 7 - ro T. HALT •Nr. lasue,lmmatock's Nerve and. Laattnemarul Vegcluble talltu moat /. mei cure for Rheumatism 'Sold 11 WS. 1. , V. AYERS (or Pittsburgh. noviNkavravir , MeGlnagrarrgeleetle )3ebool Doak.. I nt tar . I , es Reading !limits in the limited :Rote, And tie 'increase of the. prerefit years sales over thine o re. rmer year., is even in a gleater ratio 111111 ever befo .' They now stand before the public approved its -moot eicellent for educational purposes:. 'the following names found appended to very recent commendatory notices Ritmo a very careful and thorough examino tion) will be readily appreciated. Roe. Dr. Lyman Beecher. lice. Charles Elliott. D. 1), of the Westent C'arisnan Advocate. . President T.J. Ilitys. • Rev. Dr. C. E. Starve. • Rev.X. Magoon; itev. J. Al. Trimble. Rev. 1.. le Wilber, of the IVithaliet Female Coilege. R. 11. FLANK, a Ik. or the Farmerli College. t From the a:el/known, PrillCipat of the Female Senn. nary at Steubenville, !rev. C.C. Beatty:— Sarcaaavit-ho, April 1 , 4, FAA. 'laving entire confidence 'the oupertor excellence of the Eclectic School 13aika, I beliziring them bet• ter calculated, than any others. known to toe, for the impiovement Ottheacholara, I have for untie time need Item to Our Seminary, andniotonly derien to continue, but would recommend them to all ciicaged lo the edu cation of youth. CIIARLISI i. lIt:AYES !WO Female Senunary. • /13.sia6 ,i lfie Eclrcuc School Cluck. fur szveral yea., 14•01 i. soaeor wala the aboyo. J. M. GOSIIOIOI Pun Pitu•borgh Fcmale higalltstc I' coon May I , th, lege. The &Irene Seel.. of Professor McGulley sou:dune excellencies in matter, style sand arettneesent which •reAdeg them preferable to any works which I bpe seen ouybe twine sabjer pt. A untleunt standard olguil able Oteuentary LtenYks h long been a de s ideratum in our Co' runton Schools; an oe d. In tuy °sand, this -raw nen be better supplied than by the adopuon of tbeTA. !erne Series. CHARLES i:worr, prof. /Chet and Belles liettees. AVelyeen.lintterstty, Pa. I . trraorttotl. May 1:U4,1,1 , 4 ,The anderaigned, Teacher of the l'oblic SA•hoola of l'iodutrgh and vietritty. being aware. of Cue ialflOrtllllee of Erato; all our =koala a. andorrn gene. oft7etaoli. tory Wok, have earefalig con.isd , red the c'attna'to public favor of at I. somber of the V 2 1 .10116 1,1.011 00W In use ; and (roof esonsuitatton arol practical knowl. Ldg ,de believe that :11eliuffey'a `one. corn. inea. grazer number of eseelleocias, ts IreJre rutplo in Ito arrangetneol, 'moo. thorough to sta part.r, cod hater adapted 111 the ptirpinuraol Instructi ikon the taloa? now In iool to our .choolo And a W/1011 on, We Call• safer the calm:love Clralllll/011 of these hoott'o[ to], etty and vtoinity. we taunt): but hope that tnext..l)ll be taken to aecurelbal natfortnity so touch needed. Jan. 11. 1). Meads, (front extatnation.) l'rtneinal 0:1 W.rd Ihry, School. I Whittler, Yrancipal.3.l Ward 110y's `. Liberty lon Ward 1) MloAlltater, 7,1, Ward rtch.l. I 117 bin, ^. - " oth " `• torliccrigimd. Teacitort oS.Alle,hc,y rtty. cor dzally conour Luc uprowtr , ocprrc,..l by the teach ers rtaitructh. IVillinn.„ t. Wald Saltal. John Stern", Day, 1. U. Eel. ib J. if. Ihnnings. Stex,rt `. 1.111=ZI:t Allegheny city, held aecordme tr. 1111111/111C<V.111... the hill of the Council. on tVC/1.11:. TM out, eae lollotriug reso:unon wee unanimously adopted: Raarna.. Thatfa the opttlion of Ihi. meet :az. the athool-bookr of the .- Ilerue pe...e1.• rare and valuable tuerita. and that rpe ca use of ruhlie ellueit.we would he kreiily prosuot,l by tle:r myrodo,en ento our eeaeLrettvVar.l.cho.o:, tLnd that we envete and rclNkoneentl a ni , vteetv 4;1 tb , lbeud of Ikr,enr. to adopt anl,l6eole—prt;vulrel molt change oaa.f..us throughout 1•2, ',ELI, .0.02 lawn et., A 11A RC LX J. lew J ce, r, See •y. These hook • haveaernribogli been tultipieJ. They hare also becn;antrodured Otto all Iloiselmols of Iron. chester.llirrour2hsitn,!ifinerinuite. East Liberty. Law. tenets - We, sad in' hoe Wards in Plitsbur2ll, and into the select sehoolsgesicralii. 'Thoseschools now using Col. L's sends. enst withutir to Introduce 3k:offers. ranmate acroo2eoteitts for exchanging their, old books even for Nl'litafer, snot thereby sedate uniformity throughout all out sehNiis Application to bit made •n the to or J. II regidlnidwasrS'il or ~ I,t Valuable and Attraeld'a• ti'en - Books. j ANIARTINE'S linlo,y af.bc 6.1/ond"... nro. Simms' Lite of Cheyala,Thiyeral, H. P. IL Junta,' laic of Henry the Fourth. of France. 2 vols—.l2nio. Smith's Consular Clues of China; 12Mo. Nenader's Lite of Jesuit Christi n ro, tnusbn; Marrero Fresh themitnitsi or • new Shea, front the old fields of..l.7minnentisl Iforopit. Copt henry's Sketches of the MO.CIM War,: 12 ton litenfa Story of the Hanle of Waterloo; 19 no. A Sommer in Scotland, by /nerd. Abbott P 4 tun stsmondi's Literature of the South Of Europe; 2 vols. 12 mo. Heixton's Adventures In Mexico and the Rocky 12rno. muslin l'ostbutunns Works of Rev lbw. Chalmers, D. D., The Peaches! Asir...ono, by Thos. Ihck.. 1. 1., It We of Jeremy Drilnup, 11. 1,, Ilicoman of Ntiv Hampshire. , Luther andtheliefrtnattoo. Ly John Sent, 31.'A! vo/o. The Mtil.ne 6nnr Imo, ugh a new mipof rile upir,; by S V." W Wm.., vo i„,, mor The Pots,' of the Pulpit, by fiardiner Spring, ton. 'no Bethel Nur, by ti2lriluict'Sprine, H, Di 19 Me. Tenehrii2'a Seienre i the Teacher an Artist; by Rey. O.K. Hall. The ii . ear, Lis C 0.,., by John 9.3la:welt, LectutesonSbak,pearc„by 11. N. Hudson. Tim Artills..l Auserwl—lllumrsled with nine engra ving, on . Islid vont. sting 14..1n:softhe live. of logni4t. l'rnlnbull. Veaux, Iternbrontli reale R/11/ Crawlerd; vol, wo Ile t tridorit of Femme, ennmi,iina tiro:hes of be lives of Lan.artior, 'raters. Napoleon. Dutton, Mira, Levu, (lord anil others. is dh Nrlralta of each. • Iltad/ey's Nopolron and Marshal, 2 rids. 13100. Headley . , Witoluelgtoot and his Gelionthi vol., KM - 11eadley's Sacred Mountains. • Tim above, together with a forge collection of Stood. and Works. Moisten] and Sellout Cutilts, for sale hy JOHNSTO.N STOCKII", itookeellont, , Jeri corner market and:ll,QT K ',6• A LI. MEN THAT BENNETT & CO. as ilia TOWSIII CLOTIIINIS BAZAAR, Ih2 Market aunt, between Filth and Sixth, PHILA., The propriemra feel a reluctance in , proinulgeting what iu toy se , r might appear like the 00{111i Bomber tic egaggerati n of sonic to the tial4e, bet will beg to quote tha folic 'Mg notice from ottehif our city mew, “One of the greatest curiositisestiult our city afford. tobhe manger( is 11E.. & C 0 .% great clothing store, No. lot Slacker street, betweerbibali and Sioth,whteh hatobeen styled "Tower 'falba (tome : Me tweeter huisit afire front. The building I. an Immense out, COllO4l/1- 1. maven eapeciou. rooms, all of which are stocked with most v of scroonable garmeeta,, arrifiged In the most perfect order and regularity. 'roe proprie• tors take great pleasure M showing their, building and content, to citizen, particularly strangers, mall. those corning from the country—we-know of Ito place more worthy of a visit, my2ithm CSAVE from IA to US per cent. by purehnring their 011. CII.IIIIS clime, from lite Iteniruelerere. . . 1 • 027141. lIA 5:1, have oreqied ulmre house, No. I:LS North 'flard weal, above Hoar', I , arond door South of the Eagle Hotel, ProL.Luartenia, when. they will tawny.. trey on hand a coniplcia on.anjoterd or Patent Klaatie oarriaga Oil Cloths, 2,, 311.10, 4 - 0711' and 1/Kln:a wide Figured. Pointed, and Plain. 011 the in.olr, on 5/todio Drilling nod 1.0,n. Tobin hl Clog, ar the u.l droirolde patlerne, 00,40, 40 and 04 wolv. Floor Oil Clotho, loon, 2,l indica '_l (col wide, well vcosoned, nod the nowraloOrlo of oultern, nil of thou' uwo Shades, Carpolg, kc. All goods worraolod.. 01y,D310.0 . ANFRACTUR,ED its las Jonen k. SOWO superror_sweel lb lumps. - Ctsbaielote Webster Old superior sweelns lumps " Lawrence Lanier " rictiiry ft Roves, ":Is &5. " • " Ithpont We la Kure) Ss . to " McLeod Lawrence ?Allier "5. kg. ;dug . Jost landing from thiemer, and for sale by - HEALD, ITUCKNOR a Co, 41 N water id end lON whurve., Philadelphia.: pROPOSAIS will be received up to 3 o'clock, l. or the oth day of dune next, DI th. office of J. W. Kerr, ,theworrs Building, 4th FITUCI, for grading_ the wte of the awl building ithirert. Tbere ill he twenty,Gve Thousands yards of excavation. Plano and specificalions will be exhibited ono week previous to tone of letting. lip order of the Building Committee of the Western Pennsylvania Monne], thylekdtworldl4 CtirrON ADE AN D RUMMER STD FER—A A MA. L. IL Co. have received 4 sneer of CO. vitro and Srkunrue Sinffs, cOmprislng every rtyle, eulinble fur SOLE AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF Chickening , * Grand and Square Pianos, For Maim= noresomiketa. THE subscriber begs to ieform his friends and the poolle, that babas been appointed - by Jonas Chickering, Egg.; of Bottlon, Mass, .the sole agent in • Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of ha celebrated Grand and Sthmre PIANO from whom a full supply will be kept on baud and tor sale at the .thme m eet; as charged by Mr. Chickenng at his thetory in The agency for Mr. Chickening' s Pianos has be}'n sought tor and Obtained under a full conviction on the Lon of the subscriber that they are-unquestionably the best Piano Fortes manufacnired in the United State.' In regard to Tone (the most essential quality of a Pi- ano) n has been admitted by the most eminent lent. in- this and fnam.Europe, that they e e uat to ,Erurd's of Pans, or Boaadwoodts of Londo ar n; an flomi the superiortnowledge and expetience of Mr. Chick., , andal the selection of materiels. and the ingenious übotainial mode of construction, am firmore du.' table thee any.Europeon mstromettth. It is not contemied - that Chickering's are the only good Pianos made it the United States—there are ma ny other estatilishntents tw well in Bartering in New fork and l'lultulelphia for menafacuning•Piono fortes of high. reputation, whose instrumeutemre excellent and deservedly popular, and are tepidly taking the place of the inferior instruments imponedfrom Europe extensively in former years. But it is contended that ernoug these eminent American Piano-forte mintiae- Infers, Mr. Chickering stand. at the head, possessin g eminent talent and skill, untiring industry, experienc e of t am thirty-five years as Ptanu-forte with abundant pecuniary secant to enable him to carry out his plan. n peoductng the agar Ptano.roarn, on run minscrer acre! Those who are unacquainted with the etipertor ince its of Cickering's l'iffitor, ate respectfully referred to the lullowing ()coons, who have theta in use. l'rof.lf. llohbock, Capt. W. J. Bounty, ,Prof Bingham. C. A. M'Anulty, Esq. John Chislett, Feq. a m ts k our Bower, Esq. Walton M'Cluttlient, Esq. I exer&Semple, John Snyder, Esq. I. James Moran, M. 11. grown te. Bro.' Moth., L-sq. Waterman Palmer, Esq. Geo. S. Seldom Esq.. Bottom. &Garrison) Aie, , IL D. Stone, Henry Grad; Esq. Dr. Appleton, Wlek & APCmidiess, Kramer & Rehm, Alms St IL Foster„ into. {Washington Female Sem'y, Dr. !Amoy - tie, Vointington, Pa. If P. Oliphant, Esq, Uniontown, F. If. Oliphant,. Esq. do • J. Cushing, FAO., Ifmdy'alkud, Po, A. 1.. Brewer, Esq., Nets Lisbon, Ohio; ,Nliss 1.. Appleton, do co Daniel Peck, Esq., St. Clairsville, Ohio, Together with very =lay others, but it is deemed un necessary to mid to thin list. • • Those who v'sits Boston during the summer months, mid wish to make their wlection trout Mr. Claiekcring • stock, will pleime earl on the subscriber flit letter to Mr. Cluckentig. JOHN 11. MELIAiI4 fettllwkwffiS el Wood at, Pittsburgh, Pa Consul/D *, og Engineers Co atneelliar Pal•aataest 011iee for pioeuring and defending Patents imparting ' Information on Mechanic.* and the applicanott of Set e:wow the AM and on American awl Foreign Laws of Patents. • IVALTER It. JOIINSS)N, late of Philadel j. • plua, andROBBINS, of Washington city, nu he aided by Hamad Knovrles. Esq., late Much:nest of the United Slates Patent Office.) haveciated themselves together for the prosecution of the asso oLuv Lunches of protessional business, either in their office at tile Patent Office, or before the Courts: and will de vote their.undivided attention to forwarding the inter eo oft nventors or others who may consult there o: prase busmen* in their i 1611114. Mr. Knowles has lot the past twelve years held the post of Machinest in the Baited States PatetthOffice, dud resigns that sitontiot to take part in the, present undertaking,. Ifis tate. and peculiar, Olsen. tor the important office so long fit. led toy Iffin, have been fully recoguired by Inset:tore wherever the office itself it known., The - office of 3lessri.T.l. & R. is on F street, opposite the Patent Office, kVashingion, lb C., where mammoth cations, post paid, will be promptly attended to; exam math. made. drawing st . spectficutions s end all req I< papers prepared—and model s procuretwhen den red.-en reasonable terms. Latter, of enquiry, expect. tit to be answered after examinations hathIMIO Lk cm ounpanied by it fee office dolls.. Id the &Mesa their office I.tohlch pertains to the Pa. teiffiLarre. :ILLSIIII. J. k a. Will be twinned by a le en gal genileuffin of the highest professionel character, d fully co•nerkant with Mechanics and other Scientific sure!etifl .•j 4 JUST ItEciivura, A ND opening during We' present week, at WM. A lIIG lII'S Cheap Cash Clothlug Store, EXI Liberty street, one of the largest. cheapen, and most fashione lith stock of Goode, adapted fur gentlemen's spring and summer Oman ever offered the sale to Patthurgh. The peoprimor of the above establishment Legs to Itivitr this 011.11011 of his friends and customers to his prevent .Ilargo and fashionable stock, which haying beam mil purchased 111 the proem depressal state of trade la the Eanern mties, mtmansee uoi only every th.ll/K In new enj fitshionable, but is much lower ' , in price than can be - odekil by Wow houses who par. chore only in entry spring. It being tontostffile conveyany thing like a correct idea of the extent, (wanly. or quality of the stork, it will sot he attempted; tint it to hoped all will consult heir-own. 1111,C31, bud cellend examine for them selves. • The prem.-tut (eels confident thin these goods, surpass nuy Jung MAL< same bow tot the eat, and, competition so Imre is more dented thet feared, ht. any tiling_ in the node, ruction ,00ar, tenth all their imrterfee vans. not excepted: P. S.--Ordoirs lot the tailoring line excepted in the most fashionable style and substantiel manner. tety.bllnt Mew Musical Instalment.. CAlill ART'S I AII . ROVI:I) , XIELUDI-XYE,' LiPIN C.L NI.LOR.No. Wood street. has eeei -o,ced atsd now open for .le, a supply of Ca art's itqpirteret&peteut llciodeorts, pnee 5 , 15, Tor did Iwskefit of Muse residue, at a distance, and coner.quezt:y uneh:e IP,pect Me Melodeon before rereheamg. the folioertne Je.rnption is thorn: , Tar ;ins,a ate zu - ifile ot rumanol, and are as hand .ruely [wished asi nano li'ortit keydioard . pr+cineii lbo aethe re.sopisnuoroegun, and the tube, I which l'ery beautiful.) closely res-rtihles Mat of the Cute stopoian °tram The instrument ean'tie immedr. Y eibetuWe without ilenselting any part, the reeedueertuto the Ludy of ttac immanent, and the leg, iohlete ander, learna the whole in a compact tom, Each dirtrument has a . paeking-raw, and the whole' admit packed weighs only Vspounds. The edl. won if ID'. 11 equal to that oft small organ, and by means olthe swmi may Le increased or diminished at pleasure: it is satheimitly [odd for small churciiet, nod r• ralettlated for parlor instrument. terAi V iIOSPITAL. ' • int . dr; .‘ lle ebance,oi: h er s u , ;, ot Pennsylvania A vertu e. now open for me recepthim et pet:tete. The medial geitz/euresa etterhe 1., Or: utr— ZZAII, DR A DDLSON, 1111. DR. SIKAI, W 130:1 - 1114LC. UR. 14.N1 - 1/1-11t, NOI, pi vs.., p mi... nre tokriieril as formerly. P. patients will .. t. f 111 chic rair • anitipteil for t rinpor i ary Hospital. l.wer ward. ... ... .. . per %rek. Vprwr %Ards Un sebtrh each {,aunt , h. a aeparntr apartment‘ •S-5 eek. These term. iaclade tocahes.: utteinlartee and mord, Pay cult ,have (le7rularti•hyuiun 11,y may make ch., tat at own expen, tleiautro au} denvolmanon ure athrored voql ~.nit.,ta when de*4 red by them eel , rhtfully situated In art earn. 0 , 1 Pamof thr city, and ten of the emsrl lion, • • Appncatton for the ai1mu....1 rt:ltsen4, An Le made tub., to Dr t4e9 de. or • „ JANIDI4 BLAKEI.%, nay4l:d3w• Chin. of qomruntee of 3Dry 11n.pitat. MON OF Talk. 1810 PITOIIICIi. NEW CHINA, ra.ASI ,/k 91,17:NSWARE sEORE No. 111 iVouhttr.rr, %nil; rubrenioer. nanth to in ono the pobhc generally that they 0, nowl, tr , cari • hew and large stuck nt China, Maas, Ulllllllll. and Fancy taimpreolng the !meat ‘41,1 moat fas/honahle pat: it rn. of l'rench Chinn plant al4 - 31. J-hand Dinner Seim; do, do Super:or Iron. Stone , Flowing ('lnc DI new patierna) laertyron . , A great canny orTra Seta, ddrerent - Ilrhoorna Wraith.% and 'Era Seis; Warters—a besuniel article 'queen's Gothic,' - • Porto, I.arni.a.lCurnelina, maker,) ,lilas• ere, a general astuaruhe.tr, Stromboatovrurto Itztd 4otel ptopiletor• are ittNsted In examinc our •R.sorituezit of mirmze spitable for sued Country Merebenta ran foul a large stack artiel • satiable tor country sales., which we will sell at r 2 satiable sorters • rhrr stork Twine m ennrrly new, we feel Wishes! h• inc , •.slac please all *Jur ay.faror us with their eu RAP, iltri7Alf&4l. GiLL & COTTOS ,DIICK. eal to the t rated Note., to the lone tenure of Conan Nall Durk, end elfei foOtale to the o dealers in rottburch, at Weir lowest priers, Duck of superior 441;1114,u( every descniniots of width and weight, sat obi:, for coven, ['teat:shoats for Awmaigs, Turpou• Ito, Tema. Saes hi& Ilattolus,24C ved— notch heavy dock; Gd loch tki and =-17."1 • '54 inch do do IEO 4411101 do do I it loch _do do, , ' 4 2.1 lite& 'Duck, 7,0121 NOT it No. 111 I 2.i;.1 ." di " in invn Ravens' - No. I to No. 11; . s w V and ',finch 'Heavy twilled Duck, &c: ,- .',,,. Ilealera will find an-nsivaitimia in purchasinCfkola mureeturera direct, rents, than second ham - • GASIIIRILI t Ci1,111;01 ! 1.& Co, Lialumorn. Md. /I.OIIILDALIK GARDENS, Proetor of this we'll.kno wnPlacerif resort has We pie.. pri .urea Informing the pohjie thnt his eateh. Its meat having beets thoroughly retitled and repaired, and the month elegantly trod out end decorated, is now open for teeir aceonottoalatiou, and ha natters him self thei those •who may favor tots with their patron age n . Ol - find ell at they destre, p lle In in te Item style ren th sonable terms , determined to spare no expanse in melting his establishment worthy of public patronage. lie has accommodations fur huardinn a frig families. Ica.ereatrogaed all refresh ment. sellable to thoecown, cleat: may on hand jedif 111.fltellF1E1.1). • • . , li/rAV COACII FACTORY, A 11.1,011., UTIIITF, BROOKS CO., world! respectfully M- T form the public that they have erected A ihop on fArock, between Federal and elsodusky strums. They are making end are Preltored acureeeive orders for very description of vehicle.. Conehes ‘ Cliarioes, Ha rmsen... Reggie., Plimums, he., Ac.„ Which hate their l .TY ,[ tVcri:n7n u ,'°ll7:::,"itTfrere f oittt'le b :ltihe"y'or k ee• enabled to do work on the moat trosonable lone with acme wonting article. In their line. 9 • raying funicular nnention to the selective of . rink, and harem none but competent workmen, they hark no he Ire in warranting their Lock. We therefore oak the attention of the public 10`,thi. N. H. Repairing doer in the hart manner,;und on the mon rellsonnlvir terms . _ abltiSll LINIINS AND SHIRTING MUSLINS—TIL ur ha. lately ...reed an additional supply of ove gomln—aho Linens .warranted pure Flax, and very low for quality. Very superior long cloth Syn. Inc Meshes, at reduced pt sees. %Vide Sheeting...oleo lately received, an anomie/It Mrec of Shrey enta tincs, bl c. eached and unbleached, from one to anti !Pillow Case Chinon, of medium and very fine geni tors. very heap. Diaperaind Crealt for Towelling—Low pried A line. noloreif quilts, including Koine very, large anal of superior intoley. At cutthroat corner Fourth and (tat. k et SIIELECT SCHOOL. 7 1.1. (7 IL CA:r O.ti ' lichool T will he opetind tho .ll .1.1•) min of pupils of boll sexes, oil Monday, ihr :PM "I ht.p. Putrousge is reffieelfutly solicited l'ittsl,llrdn, April t•M t 1, 41. ItNYKII.CSII—HCV D. Ruldln, D. D. " ' A. T. MeGllliD. D. • Meficorge /Olden. Diehard Eilwanls. _. .. . Luke Loomis. , t -.. W. W., {Vinson.• - i r ornan . Iledry Witkinron. DR. W. J. IMADEIII,II, Dentist. .., ' Ull.Fleti oitSinithGeld toree.:l‘l door ~.-4 ° ',.. north of Third street. Dr. tdadrtro e. . .4 ih . ..,... speetfully tenders hi 4 pntiessiottal sdr• --.-- 'ltteer to the citisens of Pi...burl:lh Al leheny lath! viiittity, itartuutrters—Dr. A. N. MeDdrroth • Dr. D. Fahnestock; • Ik. Robert Sintoon; dodoes H. Croft- Eq. . . Mr. Witham Thorn; M. Benj. Wearer. t ' _ 4:, Exec aloes Bale of Real Relate. 11711.1., be oere far sale cm the pretaitht, Brownsvill ff e. on d Tniamax, , the 13th Dar Crime • next, the following Real Property, belonging to the Estate of the late Robert Clarke, deceased vin. The large three tap, Brick, homing onlgarket mad Short street,. and lying between said Masffet and Wa ter streets, and embracing the Lots known in the gen -eral plan of Brownsville. half Lot Na. ICI, and Nab 11 and I?,—the said property being well known as the American Betel. To those acquainted with the 'Death. of Brownsville, it is unnecessary to say any thing in commendation of this property., It occupies 'The angle of junction of the steamboat lending, at the head of the Monongahela Slack Water Navigauon and the National Road; eircumstances• which most give it advantages for the purpose of a hotel or other public business above every other in Brownsville. The sla- Mins/Mad other out bnildi connected with this pro -P..y are ample and comm ngs alio.. ALSO—The triangular Lot or Fractional Lot of Ground. with the buildings thereon, lying immediately West of the property before deseribed, and between islarket and Water streeu. Thts property hai for sev eral yens been occupied as the general Stage office for Brownsville, and ids° es a drug store; is central, and well adapted as a good business proponsy. ALglO-1A Lot of Ground, isituatal on the east side of the road or street running from Market street at the Market honer. to Water streeu—running south . from a t° feet alley Bri Met, and haring thereon a two story Frame Dwelling Boum and Frame Shop, sometinies used n stone cutters shop. The said lot being 16 feet wide at the south end, 45 feet atlhe north, and /.25 feet in the rear, be the swine more or Ira, Al SO—A Lot of Ground, lying immediately adja cent, on the mouth:and east, to the last mention,' pea perty, h.* unfailing splines and a copious stream of meter., The mad lot containing If acres and 15. perches, be the same more or less. ALSO—A Lot of Ground, situated on Water street, adjoining leash. prineob Ilowthun on the east and north, George Hogg on the saris, and the Monongahe la river on the west, containing one-fourth of an acre, be theses...ire or less. There is on the property frame Dwelling Bostic nod Kitchen. It need hardly be MY1114111.1. that the impalas which has recently been given to business nod improvement in Brownsville, cannot fail of occasioning in a few years a great advance M the val. of property; nod and that that whirls in llow offered for sale is peculinr ly desirable, whether for business purposes or for i - m vestment. Tarots 0/ Saha—Otte-third in handond pm balance in on, two, and three years, with interest, secured bit mortgage ou the premises. It should he added that the property here offered is etitireT unineumbeled, and that warrantee tillet will be made. GEO. W. CLA RKE, WM. D . cLARKE, Ere. ROUT. D. CLARKE, Orphan's Court Hale: - A LLEGIIENA couN•rv, -Pursuant t o o an or• der of the Orhatir Court e ntid dated June 3,1,. ISI, I will t erpore to public sale;bount at th e e Coun House, in the city. 01 Pittinburgh, on iVedoesday, the 7.l4th'day of lune, A.o'clock, A. AL., the interest of Oliver and lane Onusbyt norchildren of Jane Ormsby, deed, in the followingdescribed piece or parcel of land, &ring the one equal undivided eighth part of all that ecrtain piece of land 'ate in Lower St. Clair Townrhip, county athresaid, bounded northl erly by the Pittsburgh and Coal Gill Durupilor Road; easCarly and westerly by property assigned to Ebbs & Hansen, in the petition of John Ormsby , s !PIM°, and southerly by property of Bailey 1111 d Allen, being the same.propersy which, by the proceedings ill pontoon among he heirs of Oliver Ormsby, in the Orpli t an's Court"( Allegheny county, No. C 7 of October T. 1844, was len undivided. • 1 11. DENNY, Guardian. jciallhwat • FOR A rrmodurr comma arsimmer, ova_rmut moat vna COrla HOCH,. ri lIIE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Aim Clair McFarland. dec'd, of for sale on ac commodating torn., a very pleasantly located House end Lot, in the neighborhood of illinersville, adjoining irdperlyof Alexander Itreckeuridge., Esti. 'Me house is a two story frame budding, with basement—the lot contains one acre, on 'which is a very scarce and choice 'election of every variety of fruit, and a spier. did variety of shrubbery.. For panicalars. refer to the Mesas. 'lemons, Mr. IL P. Cain, or Mr. Willie Boothe. MS-46w • ALEX. WILSON. Atha', . FOR RENT. • 2 A NEW 3story brick House, bath Image, car. tinge house and .noble, with all other convenien ten belonging tri a tnulern furnished house, situ, turd on Pena. betwra/k Hand anti Wayne mantis, ad joining the reridence lof....,closcribey. For Etna! Ipossceou n given iminedia pply to Otik..Pll PENNOCK, jr3aLtt''.. IGO Liberty at _ . --- VALLABLE PILOPERTY FOR !MLR. THAT property lately occupied by 11. Nihon, EN., on Craig street,' near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold On accommodating terms. The lot is MI feet Inches on Crab, street, running through to the Canal (So feet. There n a good two story frame dwelling house on,the and the lot is wellienproved, coninnung anery of choice fruit trees. grape, shrubbery. be. Thug roperty is conveni end). situated laypersons doing buswessin either Pi. - burgh or Allegheny, and Is a desirable residence. Tula Indisputable. For terms wiply in WM. BOYD, Attor ney at,ll.ahr, once on Fourth street, above Smithfield. -- Traci o! - Lind for Hla T ic subsenber will sell tin accononalating terms a valuablenn oof unimproved land, zonate on the .read leading from Itnghton to Franklin, about tigbte mars (met Pittsburgh, and about eight miles (met the town of Fren'ont nit the _Ohio river. The tract eon, taini 401 are,. and t:n perches, strict measure The land is of an excellent quality end web watered, and will be sold rube, in whole or to farm. of convenient sire, to not purchasers. For fUnherpnrlicalars enquire of WI. BOYD, Ital . ai office on 9th it above Smitlawjd, Pittsbbrgh. hys.slidirwlf '• Real; Estate in In 081. 11., A TILICTot IM acres, Munson, Portage co., on no Cuyal.k., nher-f-about 3o totes wider un proventenb Alt, etvo•unneetroved lon in the village of Wut,rn. Trumbull Co, o, CO et by PO, Alan,,lot of monad in the centre of Hartford, Tsui:Shall Co, with a fine dwelling beton and nore—one of duo test stands for inter:an:a on the Western Reserve. Any or all stns pmperty , wili_be sold on or accommodation terms. •& Co., frblo , Water and Front sta. Real W..stst In nerves. Cennatys Asi on, nous.' and Itrelling, situate um the Fne Krter mo .anal. In the village of Wert Mid- Wesel; n desivlble location for a merchant Alan, Lot in - ... Japed Dwelling Ileums well suited fora Tavern and, in the :int, of orancevtile. en State line of Otte. Tenn. easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. • &LIU • Water and Front sta. rvo RENT-11... 100 or floor nod roller' of Fiore NI 1 Mt Water ter. othookolo M - . ISolorolge, d Vow., no Lhe proinio:s. or 01 & PLUNKETT, So orator ot P2=! .. . . .. .. LA.LZ.':.!A...,6k°:;-,,.....',:d.,:,:; o k ;,T: l'oTa:l,,``Li7l" . ... tattoos fa d an oth word. For tertruhhply to the rob: do-r at the M . etloottrt Book Fdore. Ith near Market ittrect. or at re thyrlllar • Mark nrert,opitorto E. trove:r. , (4,ren. v,nrr. 1(0401 11, KKAD. For lieut. filA.ttro *tory Lnek dverlinig With about au ante. of c . v.:a! nnaci,--I. etwatta! at Daiand. The 1- tan, nnit of ttn Linda and a. a del...aid,. locatiou lat a nand; bung . etaitcly out of nark of the ;wet and that of the city.tio atnniLaa leases oalland hourly for thd say. Apply to jandn ATMX)D. JONES tk. Co. • Par Rant. A nt,r duce suar br , rk ttorm ..11Wy...tn•rt—t'o.r.c.mon given on Ilso first Apr,i or r.oer rermierd loquorr. of pt2l J A It FLOYD. Ifr.4 It berry 'Meet- For Rent; A two vary hook time! 01 , eroon4. lulus ou 11, hook uoro.,;h "L` Ofoo no. ," „ , JA:U}:.` , A llll'reliksN o k Co. To Let. ATirma: ,hvatil g hoonee chanted on .I.th wee ncor canal brat,. ih the city o(Pillointrgh. Ab a room :3 'II 20 foci. with convenient en. moire On zup neat Al.o, a dwaing, two %yob an acre of grounclencloaed and undo, caluvation, eituatc on Ohio lane, in the city of Alinglie. ny. Inquire of J U WII.LI/0114, je.n.q wood atter.). =!ffMil FOR SALE OR RI-\T. the Pittsburgh Brew. iry, with all so brewing. apparatus, tusk on 'enn street and Barker's alley.and now occupied by Gen. W. South S. tin PotrtGainti given on the hot day of April For term*, he. enquire of DROWN d. CULBERTSON, ILIC2tf IL' liberty st AprA WAREROUSE EORBALlie—Tlic aublicriher JELoiler. for Galt Bic ihrceatory brick Warehoume on Wood auceiiiicropleg Ly R. Tanocid. Co. It rents non" for 6155 per year; apt: ICM. WILSON, Jr.' To Let. filThe n,w three story Ere proof brick store o wetind atilow occupied by hilvedrd Evans; fa rent from Iht of April next -Ing of .1 SCILIJON)IIIIYERutre Lk Co., i 24 wood wri.m. , ! - Tia Le jaThe subscribers orlit nt port of be Iran boure now rxeoptril by Men Apply to 0,114F:14., A Co., • 01119 5l water street For Bent. - A large roam on dm AI story of the %rumba. occupied by the subscriber, near the foot • Wood tired—a:grad !ortolan for a eteaniti• agency or an Insurance office. ISOLL3IANS & GARRISON.... Foe Sale. • A Fin . ° two story brick houre, on mein titiceb kakAllehetty rity, bear the upper bridge. The lot ZI tem io hoar by lOU delp. For terms inquire of delstf• -- • A WASIIINUTON, 4lh at. For . n.nt. VIC large fire proof erareboam, to feet front bp Jtalto feet deep, on ereond et, near wood. Rem mod eratr. Inquire of J SCIIOONMAKER* Co., ddela 21 mood et For - Rent. A Smoke Douse, situated on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL & Co, Liberty street. decl3 TIOAL LAND ,FOR SALE—Seven o'er. coal land ‘," for sir, situate in bend oldie Monontraliela River, above Brownsville, Pa, haying n 7 foot vein of coal, which will be sold in exclumgc for goods. For portico. on apply to [coirt & W DANIA UOII, Inwood si OOH I I Z I(" U'.'c g d'°'foe' .". App h ouse •lVo:st lioina;r2l; c:trn/Ce Ipto [marl] G'EO COCK RAIV sworn any rte es the ,1,1 various worthless mixtures prepared by men who, Ignorant oldie virtue,. of medicines. and unacquainted with the pritplesof compounding them, seek roily to fill their pockets with unlawful gain .11. A. Fahneft stock's as haft for many years been known to the public as a destroyer of 'MOM, and as such, has consid e re d lnlairted thu hi repithipon. and Itui been considre by the people or the only Win certainly expel veering. If they on in the system, they aro brought our I. A. ithodt hob', None are genuine, 001C11.the name of 11. Falutesfork, Pittsburgh, Pa, Won the wrappers. . my3l Property in Alleghe r tii - CitY . rieSole7 - sid.ftt•ribers otte, tor sale n number of choice 1.01.1, situnth in the Second Ward, fronting on the Connor gunnel, on easy terms. Inquire of • W. frIb.IIOIIINSON, Any at Lave, St Clair at or of AS ROBINSON, ou the premises • inyl7ol&Wir iyiVl 7 :Ens AN - 11 C1131:316N bll . ll-4 of goods comp 4 Wy k_.,/ Reliance Line, ore hereby notified that in conae• %Invitee Of the destruction or the Freeport Aqueduct. no goods will be delivered by us without written. order* Fore the oworr , tel conpligneill to forward them at heir addinunel expense. - myl3 ___ 3 9 l lN_McKsin . Nit CO MICV V Zhave just tteriVni at their I Vholerale Rooms., No. MI Market want, 11l easn or printed Lawns sod .51 o sinia, do goal style Of Gingberns; 4do new style reliraes; d do of Cottenades and Sumner Slurs; II Jo ['enrols, of, everyiveriety. Also, Ribbon; lace, Gloves, hosiery, Shawls, Domestics. Pe. Aa. jet LEECIfit ICY, STEAM TO Till: AQUEDUCT. i y twit & Ctrarill send a ateamlnet doily, at 7 A. _g_g M., to tae Aqueduct, cohere Passengers will Im conveyed to Philadelphia wid ..ny delay. For further information inquire in, the iire,. itlonongahrla noose, or orp..t.,•“b & atdie: Fatal Basin. melA Pl6llB 1,14=A A M• 01011 d nary fccel.al n a gO;r4A .'" e " 7:7Lps 'l J U'h l trs 6 ,r4 .4 „ra; Timms end 31 ' oli ll airst:ripeli, pil t* dt ' Pail de thieve,. 'entire neer ankle; Fonlond. Silk and Faney do, in mat ninety. Vang ate: L'S OF LI/ibllUNTEClialkhfl Ell kW77 N. 610L2/16511 &:,:sori,: Etehatie Draken:No.s4s Market streenearlta at Ponmsylvasklat. ~ gadlinsft. f . Bank otPittsbargh.••••Parite IP . ; &Branchet- 11 Exchange Bank_••••••• •Par'S . aleSc ip - - - ••• Merck. & Mau. Hank •par irelnia. ' . Bkaof Philadelphia, •• •par Evoking° Ilk. of Vt..- 11 Girard Bank•• •-• • • •••par Farmers Bk.otkra T " Dank ofGenuantola •par lit orthe Valle),—r' " Chester Cotutty• -Darla. of Yirmnia . .. ... •••• • "a " Delawire Co.. • •par gLk. kJ'. 11. E.; Wkeeling I M0a16 6 . 0, 9G 6 •••Par do Morgantown-- 11 " NOrthumberlarid..par N. W.; Bank Va.,— • i CoLtuttbia Bridge Co.- par 7 do, Welisbarg 11 Dor/crown Mak pax do Parkersburp••••• • Fanners' ilk. Reading-par . Tossmeaec... Farriers' Bk. Bucks Co. par bt:of Tennessee. •••••• .10 Fanners DI L !de ancas'r•pat Far. & rails Bit -4 0 Lancaster Co. Lth..• • -par Planters' 11k...- ••• ,t ° Lancaster Bk••••••••• Paeißotika Bk" • " U. Stater Bank. 20 . Missouri . Broarnsvdle Bk. par• State Bk of Missouri. •••'• 11 wniiitingtan Bk. ,11 North Carolina. Geuystnityltßk.—. • lk Stain' Oape Frar•-• ••• 2 Cltambersburg• • ••••• • o March 's lik.iheivi.ens•2 Susquehanna Co. Bk.. - Pane Bank 2 Lehigh Co Bank, - South Carolina. • Lewismwn• •-• •••• - Camdea Bk •••••• •••• • 2 Middletown C. 11.10 , 1 llk. of Charleston.-- • •• • 2 Erie 8k.' , ....• • - •••• 40 ilk. of Georgetown.-•- 2 Farmers' and Drovers' Ilk.of Hamburg. ••• - 2 Bank, Waynesburg.. 1' Slerehants ilk i- • 2 Ilarnehurs• ° , Plug., & Mechabi ilk. 2' Honesdale -•-•• II Bk. or South Garolinaj• 2 pool Maryland. i '• POlUrilIG " jltalumore 11k5..“--•••per Wyoming .... ..... - killaltm'e &O RR Scrip. --10 • York ilk. 1 ;Cumberland Bk.of Alle. West Branch Bk ' le gbanY ~, •• II Helier Notes " rFar. Bk. of Maryland•• o Mt M Ilk. Pitia.do• ." Fanners' Pc Mochanies ° City &Conntylerip•— " Bk. Frederick 1. ° Ohio. net/crick - CS:Bk ' 0 State 8k..4 Branches li , llnkentostin Bk ' 0 MountPleavant..... .• o armc, , nisik ..... . ___.,.., In Steubenville • o !Patapsco Bk • • 1. M . Clairsville•-• . , ..... 0 Washington Bk. -.•••••• o Marietta ' " Bk.otWemminster ••• • '• N . ew Lisbon. o Michigan: Cincinnati Banks 0 Bk. of 1.4 t Clair••• .... Columba+ do. - 0 Bk. of Myer 11ai5en......- Circleville-- • •• • o Michigan 1i,.. •Co••• •• 5 Zanerville ..... -..-• 0 Par.& slecli's Bk . ' 5 Putman a Wisconsin Territ.y. Wooster . 70,Atar.a.Fireln.Caltlilyr'e 5 Massillon -.4. ill' Canada. • Sandusky '• •-,.• - • i . •'• - tAll solvent Bank a. '. .... 3 Benign ••• • •• i • • •• • 11161ank of .14trand Notes • Cleseland•-••-:- 1,1 Clold*Speols Vala ta is. 0 Napoleons 3 BD Layton 0 Ducats • 2140 2 20 Western Reserve•••- " Eagle, old • ••• -Hi 60' Franklin [Pk Columba. o Fartleotew ••“ • 10,00 Chillicothe • " Dotibloona, Spanish. 16 00 , Lake Erie••• . ...... - 0 .11./o. Patriot ..... —• 15 50. iiciata. • • 0 iiiovereirna Lancaster •• 10 !Gain.. ' 710 Hamilton 13 iFtederckad'ont 47 10 Granville 50 Men Thalers • •• -• 7.9 Faruersll% Canfon• -.50 Fran Guilders 4.• • - 2 00 Orb.% -.•50 fLoclarors=•-• •••• • 450 ' Kentucky. 1 , Ex° ..... . ' gk ofgentocky 11 New York • . IPW , Ham' Louisville ' * Philadelphta ••• • -• prat Norbert, 11k. Emmett.. 0 Baltimore • - - yoni Nano York-City Banks, par. Intense. Blz• - • 1. EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c, HUGH D. KING. Male of the inn - of 11I'Cord k King.) BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKEN, Ornca, cot Foram err. Aso POlll , Omer Amer, DEAGER in Coin, Bank Notes, Foreign sod Domestic Exchange, Certificate, of Deposit, • EXCHANGE on a/I the principal cities oLthe Union, for side MIN TO suit purchasera CURRENT and par funds received ondel:suite. COLLECTIONS made on all 'parts of the Union. at the lowest rates. aplOtdlvrkwAttaT HUNIIXI A - & _HANN CO, - DANIZERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Deattestie Exchange, Certiheates of oane, Bank Notes, end Specie; Fount anent, near ly opponte the Hank: of Pittsburgh. Current money received on depoetto--Hight Cheeks foe sale, and col keno. matte on nearly ad the principal ,points in the United Stara. • • Gold-The higheat mends= paid for Foreign and American • Advance. mein% oa eoneigareeata of predate, ship. • Ewa, on liberal terms. rachts N. SOUSES £ SON, DANSE/LS. and Dealers in .Exclatage, Coin and Bank Notes, No. 3; Nuke, street, Pittsburgh. , Felling Niles.. Exchange. Baying Rat.. New Tort, Ipr Cinch:mall, 2 di. Philadelphlk do Loutsvips, . 9do tralthnore, do St. Lotus, . • _, 9 do t i ll s isni Rates, . BANE. NOTEN. . Baying Alyea._ 0, • ls Co.& 9esip Orders,2 du Indium, "do d Relief Notes, "do Kenteety, "do New Yost .do "do i a, w r, l Whaling, I do-New Orleans, Pdo - Tennessee ' 9do Nary's.; "do Matt( roux o. 501 e .... ... ~........... ._ i. or. aFccnw.: .1 O. ___.....—... _ JOHN 11. vovs. 4 co.. - BROKERS & FACJIANGE DEALERi3. Orrsor, No. 29 Mono: tram, acejo . WIIEgLING; VA. lit“. HILL& CURRY —Baitkers and Exchangc Brokers, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Mine and Sight Dills of Exchange, Certi Bellies of Deposite, Bank Notes grid Coin; No CS Wood street, third door below Fourth, wrest side.— lt • ma, if WILLIAM A. nrcz. & co, 1111 ANEERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, .4De alers jj in Foreign and Domestic Eicininge,Cenifteates of Deposita Bank Noma and Specie. No. A 4 Wood al., one ddor above Poon4 Eastaida•Pitisbargly oetaltrutF Pon =GIs slxcuArias... DITIS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to jj any amount at Old Current Rates ny Also, Malls Payable In any part or the 011 Countnec, front i t to IMO, no the rawer Silo the .g Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON; European and General Agent, office Old at one door west of IRMA. ac [Le stasisnasuru ..„ Amrz 050.,........ 131. N EV,,°'"Iiro"otriZI: of nopin,o, ILI Note: ood win. corner of Cer -3J and Woods trects,Aireoly opposite N. ,Chwlia ' Obio Kentucky,. Missouri, • . purchased at tbe lowest rates, by Bank Nolen- • N: HOMES fr. SON, ;1010 . • 51nrket ~rest -—•— - EIC UANGE—Sight Cheeks on New York, Philadelphia. and N. 1101tMES h SON. =Market at. Constantly for .nle by dclU • :CTIONS--Drufm, Note!, and Arceple _ices, payable in any rut of the Union. collected the mom &curable tenon. N. HOLMES & SON. del& 56 hizekst et. HATS, GAPS . AND BONNETS: • FAIMIONAIEILE HATS: 14 THE subscriber, in addition to his own manufacturing of EMS, has made arrange ments with Messrs. lichee it Co, (the most it fashionable hatters of the city of New Turk.) fora reg ular supply of his extra fine Ilals, and haviegjust received a fear CPC.. gentlemen can lie suited with a very rich and beautiful hat by calling at his new lint and Cop Store, Smithfield street, seeand door south of Fourth, where may- be found a great Variety of lists and Cops of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to onler on short notice. apthl JAfiIE S AVILSQN., lINCORD 4 CO" 1 61 1, 11 (Successors to APCont at King) Fa•hloaable Illatter'sl.ll Corner of Weal and Fifth Strata • TIARTICULAII. attentionThall to bat-Retail Trade. Vendome:l can rely upon getting their Hats told Caps from our establishment of the Zrtur )I.O.ITYLArs and woaxmansiar, of the tamer MIS; and at the Lows: eautra Country Merchants, purchasiug by wholesale, are' respectfully incited to call and eardrums our Stock; as we can ray jrith•confidenen that at regvds mfaxerc mid nues it will not stores in • comparison with any house in.Plaladelphia • • • ftbl7 Faithlockable Hat and Cap Manufactory. 01:011GE 8. ANSILLITZ, Agent. rereetfully has his friends and m a nu factur e ablic• erally •• that he cammeneed the o f lists and Caps at Nb_ 33 Ward street, one door shave the corner of Second, where he hasw on hand a fine assortment of lists and Caps of his no own manufacture, which he will dispose of on the most re moonlit* terms, wholesale and retail, for malt of city acceptance. lists made fo order it the shortest notice. aptakanit • STRAW 0001)Si • ZIF.ALERS are lotted to te.a.dne R. II pALAIETS stock or Simai. Goods, of 11,• inpertof Enfli.h Don stable do; American do do; China Pearl do; Lobarg do Rolland do; French Lace; Fancy innip, &a. &a. llATS—Leghoin. Palm Leaf, Pausiria,Ermer Straw do Braid, Renaud Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artikcial Flowers, Ribbons. in. Snow Bon net Waretionsa,9s market sk mares . 4 ' Spring. Fashion. for 11149. k i . l • AtoCORD & Co., &AS. XV,. & ILINGL) .Iy l . HATltlerodet 2:Z9tyle of i o I_n day, ~ut xn ,4 . es i fr oo f' l n i d. r.Vk c YSprfo rs g Ilata, " l:rre a co u loVr= New York, at akar /gore, comer of Slit and Wood sta: mart. , 1;11 ALFRED B. NEEVIL. CHEAPLW Fashionable Hatter In Pittsburgh.- Principal Store 72 Founh w ee , Menai - aril:lring and accommodation Stem-vol.. net. of Wood sneer and Virgin alley. !hybrid prices always paid for shipping Fare snytkly • 4 WILING STYLE-8 •1100REhu lwt rep calved from New 'York, the Spring Style of thus, which he will Introduce on_Satanlay, March ttla All mom in want era neat and superior flat, will Please call and examine at No 73,' Wood street, 3d door above FOorih. IrALL - P.L mon; itts receiv ed front New York, t w ee Fall etyle HIM which he will introduce Oda day, Saturday, Aug. huh. All Mass in; want of anent and superior Gat would do well to call at No. 75, Waal Street, 3d door above 4th. aufrAir 4 111171155171511 FASHION FOR HATIS.-- JUST received front New York, the • Samuier Style for hats, consisting of White Beaver, Pawl sad White French Caulimere Haw, with Ventilators. Those in want of a beau:Oil, light Bat ate tetreeitially invited ha call. S. MOORE, -tuay2i 75 wood at., 5 doors above lth iCkINIX VIRE 1311.1ttli-The subscribers having been appointed sole Agents b th e manufacturers, fur th e sale of the _celebrated sal ; Monte Bricks," are Wm. prepared to fill orders lot any. quantityrist &..21, cash, per LOU& For th e ctiustrucuon of furnaces of all kids, these bricks have been prottonneed by com petent judges e• being superior to all o th er fire bricks now in use.. C A AVANULTY &Co, Canal Basin. &watt • ODA ASII—DI cask. Soda Ash, foam Tenant's factory, Glasgow,"Scolland, via New Orleans, to arrive per steamers FAtpine and American Eagle; 44 casks of which are of the purest quality, for flint glass manufacture. myna POINDKXII4II.6. Co TATOOL! WOOLP-.The highest market pica lefeaah Tr will to paid for didereat grades of clean well washed Wool, by. 5 & lIABBAUGH, • jes • SI wiser andlo4 front weal --- ttODUCE-1116 bbl. Corn.lleal; era, C0rn;.1.9 do P S I Flow; lit racks Oat+K frOin Mum. cotnat and An oak by • - J C;IJIDWELL., Jaylli • A. MASON A C.; 00 fd.jA,l, Mlle , nen A. - muting a Imp {at of iHroiirry and Gioia, MEDIC Tate - onnot ART'S VEGETABLE ExTRACT Is an Weaken. H ble remedy for Epileptic or Falling Sicknese, Convulsions, Spasms, An. It el well known, that from time immemorial, phydclans have pronounced Epilep. tic Pita incurable. It has bailed all their skill, and the boasted power of all montlicine, and consequently thee. sands have suffered through a mieenebblemistence, and at last yielded up their lives ou the altar of insanity, With all deference, however, AO the opinions of the great and learned, we say that it has bees tared. • Rums iIaGEFABLE EXTRACT, For einem yearn, hes been tested by many Persmi who have suffered with this dreadtbl disease, and in every ease where it has had a fair niel, has effected a pe Fite of 25 years, and 6 months, cured by the tae at this truly wonderfal umlicina • . , • Read the following rentarkable ease of the son or Wm. Smote Esq., or Philadelphia, maimed with Epb. tootle Fite 27.. years and 5 months. After travelling through England, Semboad, Germany and France, con- Melting the most eminent physicians, std expending. for mdicate; medical treatment end advice,' three Wee. iand dollars, returned with his, son to this country in November Lai, without reteiviag any bane& whams Cr, - and was cured by mint • . HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. ids. William &core'. Letter to Dm leans and fart. I have spent over three thousand dollars for 'etedi• eine and medical attendance. I was advised to takea tour to Eltrope with him, lei :h I did. I first visited England to the roost eminent physicians thers tesPect to hit cue; they examined him and prescribed accordingly.-- I remelted .three Months . without perceiving any change for the better, which con me about two hundred and Myth: tilers pocketed by the phyncians, and the O a . that I received eras their ommon that my sort , s case was hopeless mu NW.. tivelemearable. I ageordinglyleft :6 , stand, and use. died thrungh Scotland. Germany and Frame, and On. tamed hear in the month of November last, with my. son as far from being cured as silent left. I saw your mireelimment In one of the . New York poem and martelnded to try flan's Vegetnwe/Wt.*, eating roar stYnmea a 0 eecates of c, many cutes t acme of • mecum and Wrey years' mending, and can mare you I ate not sorry I dal ea, as by the um of,lfaMs Vegeta. bin hYtract alone, he was Teetered to perfect health. His-Mason, which was eo far gone as to unfit him for business, is entirely regent:4 with the prospect now before lent, of life, health and usefuluesa He IS WNW: • 295 ears of age, end 47 years and 6 =aka of this time hes been athicted with, , v et most dresdfal .of die , cases; but thank God be Le nojoying good health. • New, gentlemen, faith without works I don't bernive in. To say thar I chair be ever gratedd to you la one • . thing, andtot tel here inclose you one Modred dollars, I have no doubt but that yon will think thle another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I still own you, but please to accept the present atom* • as Mizzen on the debt in advance.' Yours very respectfully: • (Signed,), WILLIAM !WORE. • TO THE AFFI.:I6IE.D. - One of the proprietors of this Invaluable medicine —s afflicted tor several years with Hpileptin The dint= had . produced the wont elrect his system, mar Lou f memory, Imbecility ofcoin q and • perfect prostration of. the .rvous system. e had tried in. wall of the best physicians for 'seven years, , and grew worm under their treatment, and be knew . that Mrs medleine ants his only hope for health, and life, sad too Menton "determined to give it a tiiratal,- and to persevere in tie use, which be did, and Ma malt was a perfect restoration totialth, which was emu* ' ued muntenepted for nearly sixteen years. . . . We would refer to the fonowmg persons who heal been cured by ushrg Ilart's V • ..:able I.ll.ract Col Don al daughter., • atEMted a:25 ,plar4 resides at Yonkers, Now Yor W Benin; 4 W.= . East seven years 18 Dora It klyo, .117"" ° 0 4 .1%:tmr; 11.47. S Viseuty years, Staten Mutt Miss E ADlTeec twenty years, Yorkvilla Ulm E Crane r twelve Teti; Ll 9 fiammAnly Wm II Pullet, tVrattPthre.J.l,4 r.roalai • Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney al._ Philo Jishmon, twenty- eighlyestrs, Oreerioastlai Fa t Judge Dannil, 94 Eut Brosdaray, - New Wahl Thcomta R Janes, of the V B NM.. • Hed'is Wm Vm idi=l ß o 4' .sc "dg W."; CC Dr W L Monroe, °unreel, O. ' . Row Richard Taggen, West Daveopen.t . %TA .1 Rai T L Busheeill, Daltinerre, ALL Mr Joseph DradleVrchard sr, c hl V. Mrs Jan. i Doughnut, 902 tdoenth NY. krtlwal; tar, Orange, as,. prr,•; John Faber, 178 Elimbeth at, . do D A Dianna, 918 Delaney ' g o . Jaen 8=14136 Suffolk e. - _ do Charles Brown, 100 Water ss, d p .All of which may be Canal rtran,ermidrinsed, parp Pid • 574 byDr P Ih.s NM Iyaslar 0 I' THOMAS do 6, 141 Alain_ st, between . 3B and . 4th. ma and Ito Main st, between 4th sa d Elk streets, Ohio, wholesale end retail agoras for dal .oath and west. 1. WILCOX, Jr, corner of Merkel at Raul the Diai • mond, only turn in ?'shits'[ Palaftlawly • - —" PALL' AND SPRING MEDIC:LARS.' FOR invigorating the 'genius and purify i ng all imppm. rides, as a necessary preeantion, DR. TAYLOR'S .BALSAM OP LIVERWORT is the greatest vegetable ptiriaer that is known. Beware of dangerous cog. pounds diet are known to contain mercury. One boy de contains purifying virtues equal toe dmen - Imitles of common Sarsammlla compounds, besides the-pre vendors of coneumption. The Salami of Liverwort will ward o ff that fatal diseumi. We known lady who was evidentlfog the decline—had pain in the side and chest—cough, which would come on in fits, l oo ting several minutes—which would hare brought on quick consumption, but for the timely use of this Balsam, which undoubtedly caved • her life. She was cdted by two bottles. Try It, if you -met your corgh and otherdiseues of the lunge eared. GREAT CURE OF CONSUMPTION. • even year. I was entitled with Consuroptian, prmed (m are for anythtng to cure me. I .est! DlogrZl r e a n si t a fv Ya4a ama.' aright .dtresmor cough, pain in the side and chest, &Middywant creme, site. I truly believe I 'could not ha telived bus-for the use of Dr. Tieylor's Batsman of Li re rwort, awl the blow sing of God,. which has saved my life by restoring ma to health. ' ' - ALEX. SMITH ; Sexton of Roth.Ar Ilatthew's church. Chrystie Extract ore letter from our Newt London .Agent. C. CLARK. '`Those who have taken your Seism° of Li verwort, speak well ofit. I find nothings° gond thr ray wife; she mime:lime has very wave= luting and weak tunm—l give her a teaspoonful, which relieves her haw • mediatelr have great faith in its mule. and would not be without it m any - house,” ke. dm. 'No one can doubt the superior excellence of this medichm. • Re carold wet buy 'only at 731 teektussi st N. Y.,0 s r ofour especial LWOW, an .aalliCadttAlla . . Za. ,l 9. CAI every direction. _ Sold in Pittsburgh by I D slorgan, Woo7irg Townsend, 45 Market sit Smyser, war Market and 11 sK Ilendereou A. Co, 5 Liberty st. Rite reduced to 5140 Per bottle.: MEDICAL d< SURGICAL 017TICR: -'t ?ict 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few. doors below Wood Greet, fay lmarkeL . r ,DR. BROWEIL haqind,bean ; regularly cdunsted to the medical , ' L. mokssion, dtd herd frif soma time r ra genpra: practice, normative* '' Lis attend.. 14 the treatment of tc posme Surd delicate mau- l •, plaints tor which his cppormuilies 1.,• ' • and experience' peculiarly qualify ' him. 11 yours assidoonsit- devoted to study A 'rein:lent of those Complaintsiduring_rrhich time he hashed-more rococo and has cored more pa. Items than can ever fall to the lot of any private mato Wiener) amply qualities him, to offer •assurances speedy, permanent, and satiefactory cure to all atDictid with delicate diseases, and all diseases rinsing Ram, from. . , • Dr. Brown mould Inform those afflicted with privy, diseases which have become chronic by lime or ag gravated by the use of 'any or the common nostrums of the day, that their co:Rituals den be radically and Roe- oughly eared; he having gives his emend attention to - the treatmein clench cases, and succeeded In hundreds of instances in cu ri ng persona of inflammation of the • neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from those eases where others hem , consigned them to hopeless despair. lie partictdarly invite. such as have been long and umuccergally treated by other, to consult him, when every satisfaction winnergtven them, and their eases treated In a eaneful,thorougli and intelligent manner, podded out by a long experience, study, and investigation, which it Is impossible for thous engaged in mena practice of medicine to glee arty one class of ID - Hernia or Itupture.—Dr. Brown also invites per- • sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as her has paid panto alas attention to this disease. . . • Skin diseases; alto . Piles, Palsy, ate., speedily eared. Charges very tow, N. B.—Patients of eitber u l'clqgat a &martin, by H their disease in ern cring 211 the amp] toms, can obtain medicine, v direcuona for ase, by adetreving T. DROWN, N. pat paid, and eackl t in f Ace No. ea, Diamond alley, opposite the W *Testy _(Cr No ewe no pay. • u dealt). Dr. %17:P. Inland's Proisatemi PA TIM: W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf PLC. Odelphia, now offers to the public- his Indian Veg., stable Potations Plaster, the qualities of which. after long and tried experience, has bean satisfactorily es tablished. To all women who may be afflicted with Prolopsue Maria or Fallen Womb, be recostulaands his - plaster, gut teeing n Irmo nod speedy Cum in . the Won apses of from two to thee weeks, if applied, with care and rest—discarding oil dr countless monuments and eppensire bandages eo loog in use. This he feels evaicientious in stating, inasmuch as he has not failed in one ease oat of three&undred nod ftdPthioe Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Beet, at- tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Plaster in affording relief or effecting a tore. For sale by L Wilcox. corner of Diationd and blanket at Braun & Reiter, t' Liberty and St Clair Es Dr J Sargent * Federal' at sod Diamond, Alla ghee) city Jacques & Co-e Beam. and Diamond,Dir.:int hem • • lea TEETISIONY—Tbe• o n ly true /U. and genuine/leer Pil s prepered - byR E Sellers. WlLasettur, Gallia co., Chia, Zdaf 16,1816. Mr. R. E. Sellers: After several •yeaff - twe of your Liver Pills, in my practice, I am prepared to say that they ate jaw what ton, and those wliti . have used them represent th em to lee. riw/Tbe ben preparation for _liver complaint and diseases arising from a deranged state of the !irk, that Las ever been rfered.ta thermp. lie. Fount. truly, ' O. W •Arrua,a; M. a Prepared and sold by R. F. SELLERS, 57 Wood at, • Pittabsrgh, D. M. Curry, Al egheny, tuuldroggista gen-. wally an both cities. thrt -T m k. o:: effectual re the public for the cum of triter, itch, dry and. watery pimples of the race, neck and body, waly erupSous, • and all o th er diseases of the skirt This Ointment la warranted free front mercury. Is perfectly shah, and may be used at al/ times and undef all circumentneca. A fresh supply of this volubleremedy. received and for sale by LI A PAHNEsTOCK corner of Lit and wood, also, earner of 60 and wood street/ rpowNsE.Nars SAESAPARILLA-30 bra 'of this 1 areal wring and summer tonlitile, Ws day recM zed far sale wholesale and raj, by • • • - E SELLERS N. 43 , —As R. E. ni Tonsend' R eouly agent kr Pittsburgh, the genuine articie may always be had, at So 71Vood street. "TILE UOLDEN .T l l:<l\7, 'nuts., wherein complaint is. outdo againal me ior p n it sing in from army Dry Ooodibtore, on Market street, between Thiel and Fourth streete as • sign *f anine. tire mask, • . (lolden Bee-Dive.. Messrs. V. & B. seem to chum thottltiy have the ar .i elusive rtght to nee such • sign F ork u But as they show no legal nun tor eselurove right, , I shall continue to use the shpt I have adopted, or any other that 1 choose—maiden that my doing so/. Ito paliuro from allettllntile us p,es, and litfrinirecaeut right , A. 41 feel sure' th at no HOPS 011 satalOSSnliant will Object 10 ray using. sae. signs an • !think pottier. • Air, open nod honorabisicestipmition reeks ao each exelosive tight, acid 'snakes uo such childish complaint. .1 seek not to bnureiin any , war,' M.ew.• a quit Bteretwom All who choose to trade witlythMttecan of Course Sow and all who choose to tall at Iny•rore,4l.. the awn of the .f.rolden Beeilitee." on Metall sweat, between, Third and Fourth, will 6 ... Egl stock and assortment of /hi D....dar ilipmd end on air liberal tamps ea. ....mat 1/1. .rwai i iDeuittive" of my complaining neighborsa y .,... r• That in What 'callar bsineas mannatudons. and do not believe Mum. Y.& S. mil gam tench ken. Won to their cum., each sill .cronsi. plthatc. - . • allrn w o ,, 0,, pails, Oleo •Autiutla atratedivot trytmd two, • miIiV,'W4MAJOEUMM,V4-, S ~.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers