nowasemnams GROCERNO 04 11 : 1 711MBUOA,6-40 kb's • roper= Ataxia, 9ar nail iload,r/estlet. _ 3i rt. VIATCP. DI CI laatuy use, just reuired aM for sale by rruEßtoexholdersafthe Okla sod l'enasylviuna sail ' . ' A7 17 16 :_ IiAC. ' 5AME11.11.111.1TC141601.1 & Co, A. Road Company are hereby grind to meet at We -- VA, - --- 1 sk,,, i yurri I Moon • Mores 1410 "pus Ueda Refinery_ Am.CICSII Rotel., to Salem, Colombians CO,onlY Ohio, APRIL. •I riaci.l sots I ri•e n ph as cr. at 10 o'clock . Wedradav the 11th day of .11 ay, 1146. Kr .3a r---- _- --- _ .-:-....r - • 1 - QUNDRIFI3-920 bre Burtch 'doing. 50 hide do; 51 ~,, o ,u, ~,,,d comp.., otter la bbls Sugar iiolo4 Idolasses; 100 do uw . 5.10.1 room, mut transact .y o th er busmen deemed no- F, i =i i , 1 : ri 6 g I s r , .......r...... , ..g." by oesury by 1.1 Stockholders. 4 1 /1 . . BAGALEY R. SMITH JOSEPH I BROOKS, '25 Tuesday, ,5 16 644 041 ZADOK snuezr, 23'Wednesday, 615 645 10 47 GEO IV 11FAXEN, zr Thursday, 314 646 !11 7 9 ' 22 Friday, 319 81:-m0171. QUGAR ANDMOLASSES,4 OO bbd. N °Sugar; OM, bbl. N 0 Molasses; in sloes BIM br esia by _ DROWN t CULBERTSONt 1.0 libesty Cr AUTERNE half Mils now ludinr, - 13 .10 Mai and pr) halibldo 10 01711eweek: These wines are Maly own imponuion, disem, end will be anal Tow by epin PC MARTIN eVPAGNE WINE—Z Luken, Mahn. Cross; do Cnnrn Chompson, Wis., now landing and On sale b a.lO PC MARTIN BRANDILEB—.2 hf pipes superior Relies Brandy, of Amu isoportatiom tut. 4 quarter pip& superior Omni liraudy, Dow landing sad for axle by • FORT VVlNS—a!qt casks Basjrandy-Pars Wine, or dine isapartassm, now Landmg and kw sale law' y apla C MARTIN ska y miXtiC O BROWN i arafpfs,molai • litany CI VOLE 111311 1 8 E N uW f aL s db...Nr3-1.0 bbl. prima N a 11 1. 01VN k cuimurraox ALUON-40 -bbls No 1 Salmon, remised per O Sehttylklll sod /or sale by .• Co. w II - SCRIM/MK WILSON k. ater st LEER. fiK1, 1 6,8 bills for isle by .XILNILa . WICK t BIOCANDIMS. FLZIR.. - i'r 6 „9l - .ttritriTrawryl4' .D ay APPLL.N-43 sacks bud reed and f or le. ai• apt& . WICK & tiIeCANDLMS .6 3A1E1328 & pH Wlv Ost rte'd sad for sale . s. IacLIANDLESS. ,C OTTf i l v bales per Am. Eli%id, 1174; by Co .TOBAO , C , Top , sew, landiag Nat .1101EIDALZIZLL .OALR3ATI.IS-77 cuka.Cleveland"Salsmtas,lm.s: reeelyedatui for sale by • spit' WICK kIifeCANDLESS OTABII—W es.d. prime 63r imae by . P spit • WiCK kIdeCANDLEKi - , . COS--0b box. Nesbitt& cored Opus and Sides pow laolLog and for sole b7_ - . v 2 .1 2 POINDEXTER& Co, 41 water et LEAP pmed ive per steame .PONDEXTF.H t Co AED 01L-10 Mile for We er • - - • : spit - • MeGILL, BUBEFTELD & EDE °TAN1...43 eukr PriVgiiiikANntglst MOLASSES—SC . lAils 8 IR Molasses, Locial , asia Sellacty, rec's •slcor Schuylkill sae (or sale by • apll /AMBRIDGE, WUSON is Co To ALNDIAILF SUOAR,s3I tierces Rice; 8) bbli - Lauf Sugar, landisig from .lo.r Schuylkill and for • sale by: . - 1160ALEY k SHAT!!; 18 and 90 wood at POMJC-1100p1eeen amfdillalk Port, landing B from simmer Mingo Chief will for sale T w i n . ante' UAGALEY /O..TABCII-141 barna Starch, sapelior qualith land 4 la Int tran Manongibela and for sale -spui • • - BAOALEY k Spin T INEN LUSTRES AND GINGRAIII.4.—W B llur- JJ shy: invites attention to his assortment of Above goods, of various shades and qualities; also, damask, ngursd Linen Lamm for Ladies' Dresses. A Isms as sortment al fine lelarlatan, blambester ' and Fmneh G ingharni, of severst stylem lloyht . Prints—a full assortment of these very desirable goods, including pink, lime, blue and doubts purple, of new and beauu nal pitmans • }mash DremLMtrna—Pink, blue, lilac, brown and bud' of newest patterns and Cast clients; all ftg'd do i -far nfants. Also, Brilliantine', of largo and small O. uses, for ladies' and infanta' dresses. Etubroidered Swiss dress panes., for evening dres ses, new styles; colored damask tar emus, do, gad • full assortment of times, berages, grenadlues, crape shawls, kn., at the northeast corner of Fourth and Mu ket auras. ST IrEdIDVED-75 bus Hyde's ass'd:Saaps, and' FUENCII MILLINEB.Y. for sale by . • J MD& Co Vfj a irtl--30 dos painied IktekeNrrHußUF24 P — • toes IO ME T AL toes No 1 Foundry . Metal, just re calved 'sad for sae by gat • • • WICK & MeCANDLFS b.-00 tare. • for We .7 • . • .BURBRLDGE., IVILSOZI t Co MCO bbls Tv r apatite quality and'n good on om ost consignment amt. tor sal. by •- • TAAFFE tzar., Turkey, lb. polled wormer% of black and or,Carimetes, Out received b spll_ 13kLeCIELETT/c WHITT' • M GPI; 'COCHIiAN, SG wood at : 1110141,83 r!i:•••••50 NCklO de Sega Doom; . klyrs . p bbls wad kegs, kw sale by .7 D WILLIAMS rioßivA,o soaks priors yollow eon., in more and for We by aplß J C BIDWELL SALTS-20 bbta in axe and forsale by • bpi& • ' ' Q BIDWELL Il EAN i ftr bbl. while ~ Beans i , ti n tte % ea u, 1X44:-11/0,01:0 No I palled W for enb> by BIDWELL • • • Wartein Hides, on baud and kir sal apt 7 . IV YOUNG fr. Co,U3hbe'T sl iIRTINGI3OII lbs bast quanly Skirdag Leather, S just st.ived and 4?ssala by , Co • spl7 ! • : lylotm; auk Rio COireo fr • eruroo d l'""4 opt 7, i. JOHN 13 DLIMORTH, 27 'waist QCOELCIIED SALTS-1 casks of rood quality, in steri . nsid Cot Ws by - • - • 4.17 • • • • • JOHNS Diimioirru 'PARLEY—LW b. Baxley, in stoic ma for rah by as 7 JOHN B DILAVOIrTII 51J0A447 bleolariae - I , IO I IWEn ERAum aP n d . 11 , - : '3l water and 113 front et bbls N &Tolima, oak bids; f• apt? L WATP.RMAN M ~.da pT~ TIOICE-I.lll.ierees prime Rice, tor .ale tii • • JIAr apt' . LEI WA. GINGHAM —A law 115•011.126111otDomestle, Egg G We by I apt NE—jCO bbls Toutivalinalme. just reel Rua Ga j_e sale • apl3 13(111BOJIDUE, WILSON& C. LAC0N....4000 Baton links; .23.000 do dor/ ZIAXIO:do do Shoulder.; az emoted, irA ki. j le a l I° 171 . '• • 113 lemur. and Int front at ,p.a, • - - - - 'etANDLOPtI---160 bxs Mould Candle, 10 do Dip &k in lJ von fad tur sale by spa S &R IL•11.13A11131d • AR-60 bbl, Shermen's superior Cider Vin v la mon arid for Ws by . . . ; • •si iIt..IfitI3BAUGIII now 11P-614-50 bbls jusi reed lied Ger sale by aplb •. SU Araa,,aaur DOPLAR • ...a Pine Joke, W AL LA IOW!• • • • , NV. IV. vAuraws Ltrigearumcc. - . b.. ow. JJ re!'dassd for sale by th e bet i aMieze 7 42 l • corivi . con, Np.g4; ~ ,..v r a n d,c ri tl f or riV s b ) annec 1 )97. " P k ektirCK•titeCANDLL.3 IVaw ,7 Jac=2 e 010 A 4 ›MR•VTIErrralt• FM le %evil A.CON-4 cant Shotildeng dOSidesi fdo Heins, MO lass connived on consignment and &reale byl, , TASSEY & 1103 T ifiTINDOW CLASSIOO bSi axl(t - 150 ja 100110 .1. da 10x14; 00 do 744 rposb=rs= o, 00 =soh= =so 4lass or oupenor ststeilar =s by • 8 F VON /3010.111ORST &Co AffAClEita..-411 bar No. 3, for !lode low to olc;oe ALL consignment, by spa . P VON BONI:7110E8T &Co OW CEMENT 8-1 ca°32w ""'igidn, ArceEybic. MILOU6—ILUO blob Family Flour, exp., mire mid ,L• for nde by • /k. 11•1611AUGH, in water and IU4 front st TIO'PATOES—O O Neshannoek 'Potatoes, jas „L Wolin from asop . Danube and for sale by S &NV Ilidllid.ooll, BARLEY -1 00 bsgs /*ley, jest buiding nal by 8t TV LIAILLIAUGIU . ', A ILEEN APPLE:B,4i bbls tien Appls, in sto !Jr lug for sale-by gal S &AV HARI:MUGU ' TEACHES-1W Wigs Thy Pooches, is Aot wod Ayr sals • wal B t W HAIL HAUGH , —mma F LAXBE6D-10 bble in stare and (orals 8 a NV 81188.1t1:011 grUNTON GRAPE 811AWL8—Viiiie,•scouiti' aid of &Nora:oat latelrteeelved .at Val_oods Haw of• . artfir WA MURPHY. Eimms , -mm AY BAKEB-2 5 do: for sale b_ _ asr . 140 • fr VON BOn: "IDLOITR—IOu tibia 8 I' Mont, just tac'diutd by ' JOHNS DILWORTH 11112Y—Amsned, iunt'ea and for sale by OM • J SCHOONMAKER &Co, 94 wool ab fili'D!PAlNTS—Verairris, l Path Chr , p. Greta tallYenswarec*la .cHOOri ttNATTO—.2 4skets Irkssh fm sale try.• )13CLIOONMAKEIlk Crr • A LEMON 81r41:11?-20diry. pa* and fry • kr tale by YUE-30 bbl tor sale triscawrimiwia.k. Ca J F Zile; for sale b k r s Ys .I# : 4 D P e gara mm from .t 'DOT ARO--51Rato Pot Ash reesivediie - r steamier Az . 21, 0 1 . i sant* by • R RORLION & Co, • • • 1111 hborty • Alt D-16 bbl. No 1 Laud; 2s kegi do do; just Co d .14 •ad ule •pli , • R ItOI3ISON't,CO Dim-3 bbl. 801 l Benin e kegs Bauer, reel g er i C UN./ Brighton; for sale by ItROBIBON & Co ~:! _ BEEF-I,ocutr a =ri v vx.. DRIP? exalts Superiorms, just rectised o • -eonslgosneat and for sale loss by • - / •PRPIw,-. A GORDON, front st LOVER 812a.:0:- . 14bbls for deb) • 4117 - WICERAVOANDLYAS • rlt r iTua',7"B buZctl*LtaLums ` lig EMIL .11111—&e.ask• just ised and for Wei by: ..l .• • - F. VON I.SONbiIIOOST.4_4O ham kw UslPerw, fire 111°°1-4 DICKITIE ' ?i,AAUJLATIica 0 easkr, Vik ktr iloas co, . ; 'S Cq BC !" , front st ' • . iNEMEI MEISCEMOIIOIIB. monis w sestcLA HF.DOES, PETER. HUGES. JOHN LFAXWELL, F DAY, THOMAS ROBINSON, F HEDLMON, sp27-td Comma's.; named in the Charter, RAILROAD COMPA:fII —Propouls received until Wednesday P TICE TO , the Pith day of.filay, et will be pteloa.„.A. R., al the Sarong& of Hentingolon, for the GRADING and ..MA9ONRY upon about Wadies of the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Lewistown and 110. fingdont, and also for the heavy wart abet the Little Janiatta; • Plans and specifications Of the work eanate seen at thoibooe named; place for five 'deli previoas to the tine appointed for receiving the bids.. Any farther Information can be had upon application to W. IL Form., Jr., Esti.,Asseeinte Lfitgtheer at Lew istown. ' SV. ap2fitlitl3 • President. An Ordinance, Berukaing the Drotoitsg of Lank, on the AV...- omq Ma ordained SEC i .. 1. 7 8 e it ordained and enacted by , lhe citizens Pi tsbutrult, in Select and Common Councils as aerobia, -That from and after the panne of this Ordi nate no board merchant; or persona drawing lumber on the Allegheny wharf, shall be permitted to °niter mom than one hundred and filly feet in extent on the orharf,stor mare than two platforms in - width, under o penalty• of Ten Dollars, to be collated as other city Brd. 11 ib it farther ordained,. the., Thatmach of any ordinance as is hereby altered or sap .* plied, be and the same is hereby repealed. ontlidoed and enacted into a law in Councils, this filth day of April. A. D. 184 S. t jArntsyd _MORGAN ROBERTSON, Breit. C. C. . R. Ihratu /Wears, Clerk C. C. . JOHN SIIIPTON, Treat. S. C. . Joao 31sion,Clerk B. C. SUPPLEMENT to On Ordwaxer relatire to Du- quango Way, pazsed Jana 26, 1313. l EC.I.-13e it ordained and enacted by the citize. of Pittsburgh, iu Hclect and Common Councils as .mbled, tat the second auction of an Ordinance re lative to Duquesne Wny, passed COM of June, PIP, be so amended. in nuke time*, Headings and Hoop Poles subject to the sane wharfage per thousand baud., and that so of said Ordinance u con. Moe wittithisOrdirumen, be and is hereby repealed. r . Ordained and !MIMI! into • . law in Councils, this 21th day ofd pril, A. D. IC4h. lArrcer.l SOWIAN HOOFJITSON, Prost. C.C. 11. Bum. Hamm, Clerk C. C. • JOHN SHIPTON, Presl. S. C. Clerk S. C. amkl,3l =Ml:==l MosaoL Ram ln ittle TILIII, PRESIITTIMIAN Carona) I. R tio C n A o l gt 3 lsTitt i nt ll an ho s, O I :ronfl o a n ; ' 0 ' 7;14 'or May. Patronage resp.ectrally • • Pittsburgh, ApriPM, 150. Elsrade ra—Rev. D. Riddle, D. D. A. T. McGill, D. D. Mr. Orme Albrer. • •- Richard Edemas. • Lake Loomis. W. W. Wawa. Henry WPkinson. • lk FADA3IE BONNAFFON reapeetbilly informs her 21 customer. and the ladies generally, that having renamed from the East, swill open her alsortment of French Millinery on Friday, the 23th ittei, at her Bore, Market, near ad street-3 eases of Para Fancy Eon ono, tit ter own importation,' - comp rising Hi newest and mat beautiful wyle.' Alo, black lace and Mantslets,nety bandaoose. A great variety of other Freneh Goods—Ribbon; Flowers, Capes, and Jenny Lind Hats for little &Ilya new style. 1ed16,131 . i INDIL UUBDER GOODS. • 'FIST RECEIVED. per Sap..., lag. aaotttoeut 4.6 of India Robber Goods, comprising—. • 2 do:Officers' Coals; 4 doe Tra•ellolf /HP; 4 " ...Sack do; . 4 .• pair. Pasts; 4 " Pea do; " Camp Blankets; 2 " 11646n6 Jacket 1 " Cushions' 1 " Horse Covers . 6 " Lite Preservers; HO yards of 44 Ce: Arlo Cloth, fine article; • 21 dos pair Lesserogs, of differout style; • Capeeosith eleeses, f Geo Covers; setthota all of o; which will he gold cheap for each. 'wholesale or retail, Nob Wood street. apH & II PHILLIPS. :~v PRESTON Et:WAGNER, Enema llailders hare COMlTlnletd Lodueu Ott Penn et, near the Point, at the establintimeat formerly carried on by St:actin:mac te. Nelson. Persons wishing to purchase steam en gines for boats, or for other porpom a, will please favor us with a call, an we flatter oursclvea to bauble to for. rush them on as favorable terms as any other estib barna* bi the city. , Also, sollista . mill and t enslinis . of every serspuon ram ho had at the shortes notice. • . Rmmarartm—Capb Ran. Beer, Thomas Brett, BK., Church, Cartahus at• Co, N. Denny. 1.66, N. Aura 6 Co. CYPRLAN PR.nnTON, a•ipam. ENOCH WAGNE7N. MM=M=l . . . !FIT COLLIERS ire wanted to work as Pam. F At Mulford's Mal Itaaks,2 miles alarm Caserrill Ky., when they east get the highesrereges lithe sbe tutees. Meets who . understand their business, and peaceable and quiet men, will always gad smarty e rt i Ou " U t ly ' ir est 't ; b e e :Zea l e h rear e l'iM.rmu. much partieulase apply to '8 HALL, ,apMatto Pittsburgh. . - - -- • • Steam Engla..tor Sal.. \ AN UPRIGHT kINGINF.. e6 inencylindwr and 6 coed stroke; tour Wien 31) inches and id lest to lona* whick.hsta been to use in the Pinaburgh WatetWorlis, '1.41.. be sold low, on application to _ 11:. , • J. H. MeCLELLAN lun47:tikwlntS Soperiordt of the Water Wor DRUGS D - -Oil CubeLs; Oxide c; Confee. Senna; Bet. Liquorice; Croton Oi Zin l; Oil Copse* Oxide theoUnb; Gum Benxonq Wood Nepal. Gold and Sil ver Lenf; ree'd and for sale by ' AESELLERS, 37 wood at • Rag Warr - home. THE highest pnee in cash paid for goo& clean riles; also, canvass, bale rope; grass rope; bagging, wool en rsgs, de.., by • •J. W. CHADWICK. apd wayses st. bet. iron &law!, AGENCY OF THE HAZARD POWDER WAWA NY, for the sale of Rifle, Rock and Canister Pow. der of eery superior quality. City customers will be an molted at y hoar donna the dz . epHdins JOSEPH.DHAVORTI QQAPapLIY FUSE -441. (or 47 wood':st BACON -70 Slid. Bacon, kerns, sides and sheruldee on =midi:meet slid for sale by d4dl/ SELLERS & NICOLS .SOAP-70 4 bt o s , laeib . r cionati Soap, m comiga meata i.SCLLEQ9 & NICOLS • COPAL' VARNISH-3 Ws Copal Varnirb, No 9 Inanu4stured by Privet Meek., Newark, N for sale by r ap2l • • SELLERS k N1L131.8 • fIOTTONI bale. Tatou:awe .03 do Ma ' J•alpi s . ore and aid. by WkiSTBOWF/0. 70 crow ri -- 7 - 7TrfTririr .0" pp{ SEITAR- 4, — , ;,0C0 Kentucky, lan eordresa: tot by WM GEO COCH , wood as EGAID3-,MOR Common ern, on band and for 1,3 sale by mt3l POINDEXTER & Co, 41 water sr • LARD -4I kegi Leif Lard. received on consignment and for sale by , ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, aplo • 56 Wale! and 167 front ste 5 CORCLIINGS-26 casks for sale by aplo . FRIEND, RIMY & Co, 57 water at pia METAL— Z tons No . l Foundry Pig Metal for sale by FRIEND, 'MEP & Co BACON -20,000 'Dbl. in bunt, ..'d;YS easko'do, ft see tow to close con4oment, by • • oplo ' FRIEND, AHEY Is. Co ISINGLASS—Season Cooper's Isinglass, or Geliana .1. just re On and for sale by splo SCHOONMAKER C 0,14 wood st rIONSI. VARNISH—a bbl. offiera York, Boman mut Pittabumb suassacts re, (sr sale by apt° • • • J SCHOONDIASER &Co quallty f or olrbt MADDER 2 ..k.6 6" 1 SCHONMAKE.R.fic co L spIO BLACK—° 6616 J 6 9C11 1 00KMA HER &Co eflAr t lV--2 bbls (or rate tgoloortmAKEß BOTASH-33 ksptime jag ree'd end for 51d0 by splo WICK & 111cCANDLE3B .1411.&511"ZridtingED 81.70A118-1150 LLD prilw .apb B 1 OWN & CULBERTDON LAIID 011,-10.bble Brown's Lest, a vary fine oil (or retailing; for sale try • JSCHOONMAILaI k Co, 24 wood sr EIVI . ABM-- a bblsjostree g kl u air k far rate by .A . LC 4, 01401.-1 0 obis jut. /far_ alio by - cIoARS,3O,OOO mme of theta Veg. and 4 Routs half Regalia-2, to arrive and forage by . . apt° - !. C MARTI:if 8 , ,,,ajN.17fiii,1230 liailacciii,hog ronniciusfroceised on consignment and for Bale by. •• aplo sslattkii.dcwr fr. Co C IA gI F O I' lUCg2== ARD-47 kelp No I LeslLsrd., for sale by WICK k AUCANDLE&S KEN &XLNS—k socks for sale by • • IS • • WICK& McCANDLESS CUBA TOBACCO—VI bales fLiiirOere and fdlers jut reed on consignmentosnd ior sale by - .rll4{ IC . . V r m E rr b O bed LD V — ro A na Cd m e me doum M nand fi nd e gualltroust opened by SHACKLE:Tr & WHITE ==2i;lM,Z3il OILS--W 1 bushels Con Gsr sale br • splo WICK dreCANDLESS white for sale by WICK& AIcCANDLF:33 BVANS -40 bbl. sm *OO • • TH "ck:VrIKTZCANDLESS `WICK , WICK t McCANDLS rill/MOTIV mks um sale by ' y. sida • - • . NICK & McC.A.NDLES bxs 70, ttxlo and IttrlSlVindow Glass urfor wee by •:- . JOHN GRIES 13EATHEKS - - 10 auk. to arrive br auar Ponthre; Gra . X . vale Ir3ALLII DICKEY Ca .; ;TILIVEIENG-4 6.p now luading ham suer Omnb lj locale bi i.1P21 1 • ISAIAH ISCAET kCo ; "0LA.1.1. sacks new laramg from suar . o2 weco; for nit . by I ISAiAH DICKEY Co& :~__J Nl= 30MMERt;IAL CORD. MOVEMENTSOr THESTEAMSUIPS. Proximal sailiods of eke British and North Ameri ems Royal Mail Steamships between Boston anti Liverpool, an 4 diticiorit Nem Yost and Litensool, for 1E45. Marries, C " HO Jadkins Niagara, Cal Enr.P., • Lon Canada. Iliberans, " Shannon Cambrin, " Britannia," I Lang Caledonta, Acadia, Captain Stone. •11.1. 1.11,14.001- raga ILIMICA. For • From America, N. York, Mar Caledonia. BOston. APO 5 Acadia, Boston. April tl Amend.. N. York. " IV Hibernia, N. York ",• 15 Acadia, Bosmn. May 3 Boston, " Hibenua, N York. " 16 PITTSBURG'S t BOARD OF TRADE COMMIT= FOR APRIL. On- BILL- ! MOM MAT. T.IO. SRI • thrric• Prrnarcami Osamu, Friday Morning, Atka ISt& t 5 Business was, increasingly dull yesterday--the market exhihiting no animation in anything. The imports were lighter than on any day for • long period—but th•expoils seemed to have improved from the previous day. We met with kw trans' actions worthy l i ef report. All the dealings in - Produce are so insignificant in amount,shiii no data for report can be obtained. ,The name is tha ease ;with groceries, and even pm visions, for a day or two. Fuel:in--Side's 70, 54,.200, and 50 bbls, at $7,02; several small lets at same rates; 154 bbls at 51.65; 50 .from siorei!al 4,75; per_ dray load, $1,7561,50. The market onened languidly in the morning, and continued dull Ehrougii the day—scarcely any nom. petition among buyers apparent, and the average of prices being about 84,631. This was mainly Owing to the large arrivals of Tuesday and Wed. riesday, as tithe° of yestenlay were light. We think it not probable, however, that prices wdl fall materially, no there lia yet no surplus even kir the home market, and the article is being shipped eastward, com•antly. • BecoN—Very light . isles—the market firth It rates in a smell way gs befive, 3,4, and 5. A quaniity of veil , fine haeon was offered yesterday , at pretty low rhea--considerably under those gen. orally mired by holders—but no sales had been of reeled, up to n' late hohr. Lam—Saki No I,lst 51a51e; No 2 , at 4 ffigw. Thu article la drooping n liule, end very dulL Mot , -9aks 15 blils at 29c; 13 a 211. Svoria--Salca 3 hhJs prime, a 21; elks fair at 5 cents. • .9nnemrson,--.Sale; ff mks et 4a. No sales of pots , soda, Ate. H • Viru.sscr--Sales re'ctified,' 19620. fir_ '_ , ea 45650: Very light offerings, good deinsnd. Fr.aTutattalea inn small way; at 326 , 34 c. FFutr—Sal t a dried apples at 80c; peaches at ti,3704.50. OrtalML 90 bu at Vic; 200 at 26; 200 at 27a. Conn=—Soles ISO bu et 3 5e. . . Covrcet . 7No transactions—and no improvement in the tendeney.of priees. Threrra—Scareely any fresh roll in now to la wen ; and it would bribg goal prim. . BErns—Stes et 75n f bit. FlSH—Saler No 1 Mackerel at $10,50. Wgroow:, 8.110--good Brownsville glass, at 03,371—0 t an inferior quality at SA*. Trar--SalesN Cat .04,37a4,50. Cwinurr- , Sales 40 Uores at 9c. Om—Sider Linseed' nt. 57g5.3 cents. Lard id 91500 e .- The ' Kew /toaster Telegraph. It gives na more thin ordinary pleasure to bad the appearance of thin new steamer, the first reg ular packet In the "Ohio Line' between Louisville and PiUsbmgh. She is a noble looking Malt, is a very superior boat in 'every respect; and will re. Sect additional credit on the known skill of our 'Louisville Mechanic. Her dimensions are as LAI love—Length on deck 225 II; breadth of beam , 296; dep th hold 6 It. She has 5 boilers 26 111 in length and 35 in. in diameter; 2 engines with 21 inch cylinder and 88 stroke; 27 ft Wheels, and 111 1.2 feet buckets. Her ladies cable is 48 &et long, the mliln cabin 12211 in length, and in front of it is a will twinged band S in lenith. — ller hull was built by James Murray, and for beauty of model, strength, and workmanship, it Will vie with if not surpass, anything he has heretofore turned out. The engines are of great power, and are beautifully finished.. If James B Curry hod only these to exhibit, they would be altenfricient to es tablish Lis reputation as a skilful machinist at once. Her chaste; splendid 'and very roomy and .capa ekes cabin, , is the work of those experienced gen itlemen, Jno: and Wm.. Irvine—The furniture is well made and is very 'handsome, although by no means gaudy. It is from the well known shop of John Simm. , The handsome carpeting" the cur tains, linens, Stn.; were furnished Dent & Do , vall—a house dist has no equal in the West in this line. The upholitogy is by Hugh Wilkins, and, as is always the case with his work, cannot be surpassed: The neat painting is by Mr. Brinert Messrs. Beird & Zumer furnished the handsome lamps, and the cutlery, and Messrs. Casserly & Kenney the China and Queenswern • The entire boat hair been built under tbe imme diate direction. end superintendence of David 1.. Beatty, Erg; and too much credit cannot be award ed him for his erficiart exertions, and the thorough• g oing, businesslike and satisfactory manner in which he his performed the duties with which he was entrusted. He has succeeded in bringing out a boat which, Sir excellence, capacity for freight and passengers, and every other necessary sari. bute,certainly goes for fare ahead of everything now above the Falls. "lei cabins ore large and spa.' cioun,lier rooms comfortable and conveniently or norged—thrise in the ladies' cabin being of double site, and being furnished With wash stands and all other articles smelly found hi rooms at hotel•—• she csu carry a great deal of freight, and will doubtless be pt red of extraordinary speed, as her 0.11,00 well implies Possessing such combi nation of advantages eh cannot prove otherwise than eminently successful, and we hail her ap pearance an auspicimis to thew era in the trade of Louisiville. She tithe fire of what will shortly be a daily line of packets, between Louisville and 'Pittsburgh, composed of beets of similar power and copecity, and posseised of a the essentials to make troyelling, between those two points speedy, Safe and comfortable. The Telegraph in to be commanded by our old friend, Capt. I J Perry, a polished gentleman, a filithful, 'careful, attentive and popular officer, and an energetic business, man. It is exceedingly mate that the management of the first boat in the “Ohio has fallen into such excellent hands. Mr. George L. Moody, bar clerk, is well Ingram on the river, and is highly esteemed for his urbanity, capacity, and general good qualities. Moss sincerely done wish ilea the Telegraph may prove more than has been anticipated from tics, and that thin new enterprise may be proper ly encouraged and thus prove eventually success , . fol. • The Telegraph starts to•thonow afternoon at 3 o'clock, on her (rat trip to Pinsburgla—Leuista Courier, Apiil 3.i. . . Omuta of ota Lint—Diseases of the ldver are becoming alarmingly frequent in the United States. Indeed than are few formidable diseases which are not connected in one Way or other with a deranged state of that imminent organ. Many of the complaints which are usually classed under the head Of consump tion, have !their .o ri gin in . the liver. "Any remedy which would insure regularity and healthful action in the liver, Would be •• blearing to mankind:" bas been the exclamation of suffering thousands. That remedy has been found; It is safe and sure. When a fair trial -has been afforded to Dig has cover been known to fail. Reader, have you any disease of the liver, or disease which 'you - believe proceeds from hepatic derangetnent?• Lose not ALMOUIVIII, but purchase a box of Dr. ?Winne'. Liver Dilla,+ and they will restore you to health. They are the only remedy aver yet discovered whose use lacer:du to .rilect a core. The genuine article can be bad It the Drug Store of J. KIDD is Co., GO Wood street. s nap • Run! RUn!—:Dr. WLane , * Vennifuge for expelling worme!—Aotoulsidng Care! - "reeling itto be a. duty doe tolmy fellow beings, I lay before theca a feet which took place not long ranee. Last fall I called on Messrs Ilyrold le Co. of Williams town, N. Y. for some Worm medicine, and they re commended Dr. hi Lane's YermiAige, or Worm spent ho. I took a bottle home andigive a dose to a child about 'six years old, and to my great estonisluneut it brought away 83 worms. I poen Brier gave another demote the same child, which brought away about AO more, making come 12D worms in about 12 hours. I have given to other of my children very effectually, and can cheerfullystoommemd It mall. i /ORE.'? C. ALLEN. Amboy, July 271 k 1247." / - Tbe geoulni; artiela canoe had* the Drug Store J KIDD ik Co, Now Wookl WIT!, apl7 Citizens are borierably seattnid ttut the nY P°R:L.',1 1 ,,q,°.71;11°,4` tle,'uoour'imj•olrlitCle'y • • Era klatilus Emma, Myrtle avenue, IfroOklyn. M. Wm. Torupkina, Pi Eng at, New York. Thomaidatkaort, lA Liberty eh Pittsburgh. E. E. Edina, lam barber steamboat S. - America. Audios. than a hundred others state, though this must stake, that It will Corer the hair togrow on the head or thea'atop it falling off, strengthen the roots, reread scurf and dandrut Irma the roots and makinalight, fee Of ilny . „hair awning a fine dark ' look, and keepttig dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, eon,. clean and beanutul, cerui lY Nery long time. Sold WM.' JACKEtON'S 89 Likwt " O N Yelkne , Teeth Red wild breath, scewiry got= like roe. death, • ,I. reeuliive end climactic& :• All could have teeth as white ea . tkereet breath—hailgunta—ruatt or kirk , Why delay'—aay i quickly beaus Awl °l° . °JINNI* , Tooth Rite. eitteu kb,de . ultb sad is really a beautiful artlet fliughiat.rtb caned, bold in.Pylltltaih, ~, ~- PORT OP VITTSBUROR. ARRIVED,. • Mary Stephens. Norton, St Louis. Philip Doddridge, Moore, Zanesville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville • Lake Erie, - Hemphill, Beaver. • Clipper No. 24Crooks, Cin. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Beaver, Clark, Steubenville: Michigan, Gilson, Beaver, DEPARTED, Wyoming, Greenlee, St. Luis. Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Louis McLane, Bennett, BrOwnwnlle. Atlantic, Parlmam, Brownsville. Lake Erie-Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan Gilson, Beaver. Arrow, Nelson, Mon. City. Camden - , Hendrickson, M'Keesport. Puna" Donnamora.--Capt E F Moose—ono Of the clevereseof good fellows,—bas illSt brought his - new boot to our landing; and although built at together al - Zanesville—engines, hull, everything but her cabin furniture—she doe, credit to both draughtsmen and workmen. Her length of keel is 135 feet, beam 23 feet, hold 6 feet She bas 2 boilers 24 feet long, 42 inches diameter; 2 emines, 13 inch cylinder, 5 feet stroke. The engines have but . little bright work about theca, but are very neatly finished. Her bull i 4 very substantial, a well finished job. Her cabin extremely neat, the rooms large, and berths 3 fret wide.y She is in all respect. a fine little boat, boa a good model, ex • cellent power, rum very rut, and draws .but 20 inches. Both hull and cabin were built of dry seasotA timber. The whole of the wood work was executed by Rev Si, Bishop, of Zanesville— the engines by Ebbed, Spalding 1: Co, of the same p1. , 11.3:44:11 , 110t4k0r.14 1 .11orkingpore—Per Umpire; 152 bbls flour; 9 kgs lard, 0 HPresburg; 4 bales 1 box ski., J Mena. den & co; 31 sks corn, Jas Dalzell;_s2 bbls flour, B A Sampson; 30 bags seed, 1 beg bogs, John Mt, Dowell; 1 boi, Soong S. co; 41 bbls dour, John F Perry; 19 do. S MeClurken; 35 bdts I.her, W Bingham; I box, J Plummer; 59 kgs lard, Orutn, McGrew S. Cu; 1 box, L i.ountis. Beam—Pei Lake Erie; 5; dos chhirs, Cant Calhoun; 10 stone vitriol jars, John Irwin & Son; 6 bbls dried apples, 3 bats tow yarn, Applegatnez, co; 12 bxs cheese, Hostelry & Smith; 13 do., Isaiah' Dickey & co; 31 do, I A Clone & co. Per C B Kentucky; 3 bags bags, I cask batter, E Ileuelton; 2 via, J A Catighoy; 1 box, J Sheriff; 3 bbls potash, I bag bogs, 1 box, 1 bag-timothy seed, R Floyd; 100 white lead kgs, J Hammer & co; 100 do, Ogden & Snowden; PM do, Fahnestock co; 100 do, J Schoonmaker. Brawastills--Per McLane; 7 bas, 1 elk, 2 Who 1 trk alder, Bugsley 5: Smith; I box, I Ktdd & col 1 do, A- A Mason; 1 do, I W Butler & Boo; 61 bbls dour, Ales & Grimes; 40 b. glass, N Coslin; 331 boo ewer, W Everhart; 122 do, Robertson & Reppert; 31 bbls dour, S Ulery; 15 bbls flour, R H Sharp. Per Atlantic; 5 hes, 4 bales, 1 chest; Forsyth & exi; 1 do, Clarke & Thaw: 4 bxs. Butler & &other, 10 this dour, H Mitchell; 145 las glass, 44 Go; On; 154 bars iron, 50 kgs cads, Edward Bemis; spar, S B Danube. Wellsville-5 B Caleb Cope; 50 bbls flour, 500 pc. pork, 42 aka oats, S do W Barbanel; 4 kegs lard, 1 keg eggs, 5 sks rags, 31 sks corn, 2 boo bre con, 1 bbl butter, R. Baleen & 'co; i bbl butter Church & Carother; 28 bags meal, James Donald. son; 1 bid lard, 1 Leg dr. J lonian & Son; 6 bst, beam, 214 gs butter, Begaley do Smith; 5 bdla lea ther, John McFatlen & eo; 33 bbls dour, L S Wa. termau; 32 sks oats, Wm McKee.; 26 bgs oats, 10 bon sundries, 2 bbl flaxseed, 1 bbl flour. pawn tYkrelirw—Per Coo uti 33 bdls leather, W Bum him; 463 pea bulk meat, Church & Carothers; II bdlo iron, RDa & co; 7 bbls dour, L S Wa. tent.; 76 do Orum, McGrew &, co; 1 brio balks, Lambert de Sbiptou. _ . _ St. Louis—Mary Stephens; 68 bhle, 5 hf bbls, II kga lard, English .& ]]conch; 2696 4 pcs bacon, 123 canvassed bun., 1 bbl, James L Breading: 22 bales mdse, Clarke & Thaw; 1 box mike, W F Falmes:o4c; 49 bales hair, D Leech & to. PA&IFICGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1541. For Philadelphia every evening' at i o'clock, by Leech's Peek.... Ofhce opposite the United States • floteL i Steamboat Packet Lim leaves dull = for CiIICULIII4, 10a at. Pamenger Paek4 Ma Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 i. at. andr. at. Mail Comb line direct to Philadelphia, 9 • 8. and Id} r.. • . Westera and Southern Mail Coach Llna, d A. a. NooluWeatem via Cleveland, daily, 1U A. di. and,yeatern Near York, daily, 4 A. IL NanlrEasicra toiladelphla„ilady, except Sandaye ARRIVALS AND LIEF ARTURE OF MAIL& Euteru Mail via riultidelphia,N., closes 12 N. Werra Mail, Cinch, It Louisa, due kr 1, ar, eloore 5 A. Al South. viallaluisore It-Washington, dire dr. r. erYii 5 a r IC. Nona Western via Myeloid, due ID ..n, closes 9 AL Erie and Western Sour York, due ti r. w cloaca . 3 a. N. MISCELLANEOUS. 8105 OF THE BIG PITCHER. NEW CIGNA, GLASS & QUELNSWARE sume. No. in wm.STILECT. mire subscribers wish to inform the public generally 1. that they are now opening a new , and large stock or China, Wass, Goods, comprising the latest and twat fasbionkble pat terns of French China plain and gold-band thnner Sets; do do' Tea Super . iorirou-Smite Dinner " Flowing blue IX new patterns) lxverpool A great variety of Tea Sets, different qualities; Britannia Breakfast and Tea Sets; Waiters—a beaudfulluticle -queen's Gothic" Pacler...Lerers, (Cornelius, make* Ulm Were, a general assortment. Steamboat owners and hotel proprietors are invited to examine our. assortment of ware Rua-able for their • Coiretry Merchants rem end • taw e gawk of article , sellable tor country which we will Pell et Iva tenable pries. Gar stock bring entirely new, we feel winched of tic ins able to plumse all who may favor oe with their CO 1061. Ispl7:difirwl J GILL & GKITY• NEW DRUG STORE. Tsutuicrilser would reopecuully announce thou he 1 hoe opened o new remit Doug Snore, on the coiner of Fourth and Smithfield slit ets. Ilene', ins that die w.nla of the extensive populimuu ram of Smithfield street will justify him, be hos spared no expense in fitting up the establishment, and to de termined to keep no articles but those oldie beet quad ty—of undoubted puoiry nod genuineness. A full asommtnei of !dealt 1/10... Perfumery. and mod eles usually kept man estabdthatent of the kind, will be always on hand. Having Ls dwelling In the same budding, till night calls will be attended to peronnally. The bushier. will be continued ns heretofore, at The old stand on Market street. nplerifilm le. WILCOX, is. °' wire, KING MOORIIII11A2,D), Indiana Pa • VITDOLFSALE GROCERS, Furecardm de an Corn- V p nilealoo Merchant; and dealer. ill Produce and Pluaburgb Manufacturea corner of the laamond and Diamond orlon_ Pittsburgh. Re.reamica—Dr. P. Shoeuberger, Pittsburgh. Richard Bard, ' lion. &a Noniron, St. Louie. ' Hlch. 8. Onion, EN. . . • nonon Drum, kaq.,tirecnaburgh 'r. Dennoill & Co. Philadelphia. ' J. Milliken & Bone, lanahnown, Pa. J. Reamer, • lion. Wm. J. Dougheny, t Redford . Ili:Moll. & Ray, Blairsvil6. • ap3valloci•T R.l s Compound Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry, OR THE CURE of Coughs, Colds, Dronrhithi, ;Spit -1" ling of 'Hood, D) peens, aid all other dimmes of the system tending to PULMONARY CONSI3I rrioN. The great and unprecedented success of this valua ble medicine, and desire to disseminate its benefits, have Indiced the pmprietors to fix the price MID cents pet tattle, thus planing it within the reach of all. Na family should be without, or ever will; when they bout once seen and eppreciated ins almost instantaneous se dan ill the cure of the above complaints. Cuntainkigno inineralor narcotic ingredients, not the sfightestilam gee or inconvenience can result from its use. Children suffering from croup and whooping cough will take it with avidity, and find immediate relief, no matter how violent the pamsystu, If given according to directions Tarsals by storekeepers generally, in this and ad. joining counties, and wholesale and retail by the pew {Klemm. J T do El I KITYFIt, Druggists, Marti . 164 N. Second at. below Vine, Pitil`a..„ FANCY - DRY GOODS. SEAMAN & MUIR, 3111 Nroadway, New York. IMPORTERS AND JOBREIN of Silks, Fretted Dern ted Noaliu Hanger, Lam, kSabrofderies, Merl nos, Shawls, Hosiery, Glover Lawns, Bombazines, ANDALL OTHER VAR'S:fit:SOF FANCY GOODS. They invite aiuntry Merchants, visiting New York, to examine their stock before making their purchurs. Mr. Muir was for many years of ihe house of A. T. Stewart I Co., from which he retired on the lit of Dna DM; and Mr. Santee Dickson, (who ha. an Interest in the business,) eras also favorably known in that condi. listanctiL mankik NEW BOOKS at the Apollo Buildings. tth street:— The Military Life ofjohn, Dote of Marlborough, with colored maps: by A Allison. Second Vol. Chalmers' Posthumona Worke—Serip- WM Readings. The Life ofJcaue Christ, in it. historical ronnection and historical deyelopeusent: by Augustus Beaudoin. .Tnualated Nom the 4th tiermen edition by Juhnltlc .Clintock and Chas E Blumenthal, Profewors in Dick- Mm College. Fourth Vol. Pictorial History of England. Now and Then, by Dr. Warren, author of Ten Thowand &town and others too numerous to mention. Call and we. aPle J L READ. Illestoniethela Ilonse Tailoring Estate. lishismat. SAAC NVILLIAbIS. Draper and Tailor, begs to ins .1, form the citithos of Pittsburgh and others, that be is now opening m his rooms on Smithfield strum, un der the above llotel, a largo nod beautiful msormieut o rcl o o, p a ssimateneouns, Silks, and other Vesting.: together with such other articles as aro requitrd tor gentlemen's wear. His goods hue been candidly se lected, and are of the newest sad - most fashionable style, as well as of superior quality. His customers nay depend upon having their clothes made up in a manner which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the most fundious. apStly LOVE`--A good assortment of ladies and VW/ t 7 black, white and colored Cotton, Lisle, Thread, Silkond Iliibot Groves, large Use. Also, black mid colored French Kid Gloves, an excellent Cuticle, sod large sims; opul SlkiCauk.rg k WHITE, Pp wool st - ALFSgIAfi WANTED — Wan ed !o aWM3leattle k.. 7 and Retail Dry Goode Store, ayoutig man to net as 'Bierman- One who has had experience lit the boil n.sadi bring_ good references. Addreai Pikunth Post Mee. epkt ANVASSL.I) HAMS-4Viyallowc.,iused Hum, C 1;1 tit. tun rec d and for .ale by SELLERSt NICOLS =ME PARKS tCy . PA , 912.1.1211E. ita&M ll .1848. BEAVER AND CLEVI2.AND LLNE, vu WOMEN. ' • Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt:Ford. • OCEAN, Capt. : ONE of the above Packet/Cave Beaver every day. ,(Sundays excepted) an arriie trekketornlng at Warren. where they connect illithe Plait Stages for Akron and Cleveland, rtniviog aVeach of these places before night. One of the Packets leave Warren daily, u 6 P. hC and arrive at Be is time to take the morning steamboat fur Pirtsb h. COTES ca & LEFFINOW Warreal p •ttn. MB TAYLOR , • •. • • ropn • BEAVER AND GREENVILLE LINE. Canal Packet-,PHYTONA;Capt. Brown. FASHION, Capt. W P Sayre. One of the above Packets will leave Beaver every evening, (Sunday. excepted) at 7 o'clock, and arrive at Greenville the next morning at 11 o'c lock; and one leaves Greenville every afternoon at 1 o'clOck, and ar rives it Beaver the next morning at 3 o'clock-through in 76 hours,rovred by teems, (three × each) sta tioned every) 10 mile. , At Greenville they connect With • line ofStages throughto 'Meadville imult.Yie. The Imam are entirely new and built expressly for _this trade. RF >..ID, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Proprietors. 17F.AVF.R AND NEW CASTLE. Canal Packet—TELEGRAPH, CBS. Mlifillin; Leaves Beaver every morning Mundaya excepted) at S o'clock—leave - I New Castle every eventag , (Sandays excepted) at 7 o'clock; and connecting with the steam ers Lake Erie and 11.1rohiro,.ronning between BetTi} and Pittsburgh. Rkll.D, PARKS& CoDeaver, Proprietors. ' Passengers will he receipled throggh byl either ante, above routes, securing berths In the - packets and St¢t4 In the ,rage, by application to either of thd proprietors or agents. JOHN A. CAU erGHand SPIY, mirofi Pittsbeld urgh, ta • cot, Wat. AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co. Beaver • s R•G Parks A Co. Youngstehro. Cotes A Lefsngwell, Warren,,O; . ' W Cunningham, Now Castle, Pa; D C klathews,Pulaski, Pa; - W C Malan,Slutron, P& Hay tr.. Plumb, Sharpsville, Pa; hPFarland and Rine, Big Bet&F 6 ; C C Wick, Greenville, Pa; CAI Reed, Erie, Ps. apl4 • LAKE ERIE AND 'MICHIGAN LINE. 1848.... TS well known Line, composed of steamboats Lake Erie and Minhigmy between• Pittsburgh and Deaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boma be tween &aver and Fzie, and C hi Reed'i, line of first clan steamboats, propellers and vessels on the Lakes, l i . o r tTs =, no dol. grl, ="gi n e:. Having every facility for conveying freight and pa. ;tigers with poreputhas and dispatch. the propnetor ad agent. respectfully indicitirom their friends a con 'ice of. Weir igrowth.. C hl R REED, Proprietor. REED, PARES it'Coi,licavet, Agents. 1011 D CAUGHEI, Agent, cot' 'Mawr and Smithfield las, Pittsburgh.. uNION LINE 1848. • THE UNION LINE BETWEEN PITPSBURGII AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Mantas, Pitwburgh; RUM, Pam& Co, Beaver, }Propel, Cleiveroau & Cat 51111,21.33, Cleveland))) TILE above Line is now prepared to tmnspon freight and passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, in; any point un the Canal. mid Laken rrne boat leave. Pittoburgh and Cleveland daily, inn. sting in coalmen. with the swaraboms Lake Erie and Michigen, between Pawburith and Beaver, and a fine of film dims steamboats, proyiellers, bngs and 'chorin e. on lakes Late, Hunan and Michigan. Property forwarded to any pan of the Union with dispAteb, by WIL T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY,Agento, cor Water and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. AGENTS.—Reed, Parks & Co. !karat; U Parks k Cu, Youngstown, 0; W Cetei& Co, Warren; I) Bostwick & Co, Breadpure, A d. N Clark, Newton Lewis, Newport; ft E M Whiulesey, Campbrllepork J O STBride, Ravenna; C Mita, Franklin; Tutde, Cuyahoga Fells; 'Wheeler a Co, Akron; Barmy, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; Watkins A kDirle„ Toledo; 1 - • 0 Williams Co, Detroit; Mich; hrelore fr. Williams, klibiraukie, WM; H I %Vimlow, Chicago, 111 spl4 PORTABLE BOAT LINE 1 848 . We- For th•Trzumportaims 44 - refight y and from PITTSBUHaff, I'IIILADEI PIMA, BALTISIcEtr, N. - Ike. BoamnooA Casa, Philadelphia. Tama te, 'Comtoa, Pittsburgh. flims old established Line hiring now in full opera non, the proprietors hay made extensive artuige weeder° forward goods and produce despatch, and on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope their Well known promptness in delivering goods—pc— colinisafery hi mode of earrOng—eapanaus warehou et vueb Pert, affording accostimodauons to shippers Astd owners of produeri—together with their long expe rience and unremitting attention to basin., will wean to them a continuance of that 'Mend !patrimage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignment* by and fur lbw line received, char paid,s end forwarded in any required directions free ow charge for CMlOllllllil,ll. OdV1111[11:1; or suing, No teleran. directly or indirectly, tit steamboats. All communications promptly attended to on applica tion tortbe following lug en t.v. UOIWIIXII tr. Cattli, tr.,!. !Starker st!Pliihnlelplna. TAAFIT. O'CONNOIL Canal Cagle. Poriburgl, O'CONNOR-5 h Co, North st, ltaltitnare. ISIII.II. WILSON, an Cedar et, New York. aps TO TRAVIZLERII• . . .1848 rAsr PACS& LINK. YClit 1.1111;ALIFI1,' PIIIA AND DALTIMORK. , . . (Etc Lcnrtt.r ton. P••sdsozza.) lIMIE Canal and Rail Sonde Lang now in excellent J. order, tbe packet, of this line vvill with pa r as follows, every evening, at 9 p'eloek. Loniviaris—Thom Monday, April 114th. Ohio—Capt Craig, Tuerday.2s,l2. Indiana—C.9lr Berkey. WednesdaP,Sleah. Kentucky—Carl 11 Trull) , Thuridayalth. Loaisiana—Thompson, rtiday, 23111. Chlo—Copt A Craig, Saturday...o)th. t _ . Indiana—Ceps P Berkey, Stuiday,aah. The proprietors of this have built new boats doting the winter, with the ladies colin enlarged, which will af ford greater coadort IA persons truvehing With their _ Passengers by this Mate pars oriel SOM. , rail road in doy light • If you deeire cheap traveling end comfortable accent- Encelotions, secure your tickets at that Packet othce, blononeahela House. water St e er of ; • arakrCO , Canal Basin PASSENGER ARRANGEt=. Vssussylvatal• Canal a nail /toad E. press Past Packet Line, 1S4:8• FROM PITTSBUGH TO PHILADELPHIA" a (DAL TIMORE, t lESelasisely for Pasmingeis.) T .l, , , i r c abbe r .c. rea r p un eetfal g ly . i . l 4 7 , 7 . 4 ;tat , thin oo ,t c Line o. tsnue throughout the Season. , Ilto boats are new, and ors supestol row.. .tut en larged cabins, which will give greater: comfort. The ears cue the Intent construcion_ A bout will always br in port, and to aro re quested. call mid examine them twfois engugio,g pas sageetsewboie. IF Only dollar. through.) Otte of tine boats of this Linewdl lemon the Coo n (opposite U. S. Hotel, cosier of Penu street and Canal. every sight at none nook Time 31 days. For information, apply at the Office, Monongahela House, orso D Ls Co Pittsburgh, March V., ISLY. : al Basin. Weeeern Trans nation Company. TI--Azzam 1848. ON- LEECH C 112.. 1848. TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ' 5. NEW TORR VI. rusitsvmtsats •as 0020 1141. ROMA. A.Ur r U '" the " Abi3 n v o e " :ire P ronFtl * o " nk4lr: d nn '' s. *"o A n d d . dress or apply to D. LEECII &Co.. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS I t.EECII, Nos. 13 A 15 South Titled st, J. TAYLOR& SON, A gts, No 14,N'th Howard st, Balt. A. ABBOTT, Aget,No 7 West meet, New York. Pittsburgh, Morel 15th, IRO. ! mai* • ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. MAIN.IB4B. th't ‘b • i l , ca lA ilv ' 1; daily. Prod wW uce and merchanise taken year at low rates. A lerchandisa from Baltimore d brought out at Canal rates. Time, five days. .1 C BlDwta.4 Age. Water in, 4 doom above Monie_si. Houle. PitSburgh. J B ROBINSON & BOMBS, aplB 1.12 South Charles sh Baltimore. HARNDEN a C 0 .4 . Passenger • and 11•11211ttallle• .0111ce. AbIIANRUEN cc CO. continue to bring person,' from any part of England. Ireland. Scotland ill Wales, upon tho most liberaltertes, with theit maid ponetaahty and attendoh to the wants and com fort of emmigrints We do not allow Our passengers to, be robbed by the awiedling vamps that infest the sea. ports, as we tote charge of them thelttioment they re port themselves, sad see to their well•being, and do match them iirithout any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pamen. err to show that they were demisted IS boon by as in Demurs:4, whilst thOLL.II4 of others were detained months, until they could be sent in tome old craft, at • chip rate, which too frequently prored their coffins. We intend to ;airier= our contracia honorably, cost what it may, and not act en was thii ease last wawa with ether cthcers,—who either performed not all, or when it polled their convenience. Draftarltawn at Pitaborgh for any Sam from At to ABM payable at any orate patriot/al Hanks in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wales. I • • ' JOSHUA ROBINSON, Diropean sod General Ate t, fell Fifth street, arm drieraelow Wood.. — Ationongabels navlgatan Company. Bo2KS ex, :r n ag lle is op i e m ned for the sriscrigtion . l2: the State lice, at the foilowlnTtLiTa m od pier,., nit, at Waynesborgh. Green tha, on the 80th and 31s1 hlsy; New Geneve, Fayette co, on the Ist June; - West Brownsville, Waslungton co, on the Val Janet Eittatodllh, let the Exchange Bauk,l on the 4th 11111.; aud to remain open at dui last nienuoncd place until otherwise divecked, By order of the finned of Manager., onnund • WM. 111/KEIVELL,SeeI. - VEW Dr 'KE—Mentorials of the Introduction of J.ll Methodikm.into tha If.astent Mates, comprising amgmphical notices of ltiearly preachers'sketebet it. AM( churches, and reminiscence* alit, early strug gle. and once...est ; by Rev. A Menem, A. M. Junt P' jieru l i.h' ol i f ' of Rev. David Ahmli D. D., " to Gbhot by his nephew, Rev G R mark Milton, the Merchant's Cleric: by Rev Charles Et Taylor, M. A., wither or "Record, of GoodAlan'. Life," "Lady Mary," "Margaret, of the Pearl," tric. The above, with a large assortment of new books, on ha t es`rijut receiving. ELLIOITA 'si 66 market st Em=ze JL. READ would 6trorm his Mends and the public • generdy, that ha has removed the Bookstore to toot spleudld block of new buildings known as the nApollo Ruild.o." on 4. street, p fcw doors west of Wood,. when, Ile he 'happy to connive his old friends, and as many ilosi ones ae , may please to favor hint with a call. He Intends to keep on hand a gland mock of books and Ire add at lowest cash era. • 'lOOOlOll will be opened at tbo difwe of the Treasurer .D of the Monitegabela Navigation Company, at, the Mamma Bank, In the city of Pitteburgti, nu the . ttal day ofltay nest, to seersee eubseripuons of snack set , Getent to pay the debt incurred'n the eonstnfedon of improseraept. ily antes bf Oa Board._ - Wht, fiAKEWELL,Beoy. Yar Saleeeltieralthloglheray CoalLarallse rIMIREE LOTS containing, No.l, from twenty-two to 1 varenty.five serer, No. 2,. fifty ammo and No. 3, Mg acres, tll ho armed and sold paanively, to the I hem Wdder, at the Auction Rooms ofJohn a Davis. corner of Wood and nth streeta, in Pittsburgh. at 2 o'clock, P. EL, on WEDNESDAY, • the 17th of MAY NEXT. The three lots ate adjoining, and embrace a £lOlll of about IN roils on the river,of deep and aafe harbor. . The above Coal Lands are about six. miles Owe •M'Keesport, on the filet pool of the Youghiogheny lon tomoucting, and which the camel:cis. mgcontractors expect to complete bynext fall.' They are panof one of the finest cool fields in Allegheny .county, an contain not only at is called the Pin. 'burgh vein, six feet - thick, ore pped at bin paint bye le hill of near 3Lofeet,..eoroing to the ri ver, but am . thee vein about rimy feet high up, of from thee, to (our feet in thlekness,of verY p re Cool, fm from tml phur, closely resembling the a rear coonly Coal, and found by aetnal trial us be dl better adapted to the, manufneture of Iron than that f the Pittsburgh vein. The two veins, it he been esti used; contain not less Wan WWI bushels ofeonl to . e sere. " 1 The reputation of Youghiogheny Coal and Coke in this, as well as in the lower markets, is well knows to !coal dealers. The great amount of. coal innately - consumed in 'Pittsburgh, and shipped to mays below, has already exhausted a large quantity of e Coal mosteasily ac cessible along our rivers, and e consumption is con stantly dbing on at a rate not leas than 150 eats pet tmnutn. No better investment of capital can] therefore ibe made the. lu well located Coal Lands in the vicini ty of Pittsburgh. Penoris wishing to suit the property before the day of sale, will find it convenient to go by Altfieesport and 22rod's Ferry. At the same time and place will be offend five Lots in the city of Pittsburgh, 20 by lal feet each. situated on Hancock street, between Penn Meant and Duquesne 7ay,tmd near the Allegheny river.. I ' city near' s large lot, 03 by 10D feet, on . rit Allegheny mty, near Robinson street, fronting. e end on the cartel told the other on Craig street, This lot is advantage ously situated fora foundry or othermanufacturing purl. poses. It will be Arid all together, or in.sections;to suit purchasers. • Teems, which will be easy, will be made known at the lintel:l(.le. nplfitd&wtsT JOIIN D DAVIS, Aut. 11333213 . . _ rLL be mild ne st, sale on Thursday, the 2:411 day ofblay between the hours of 10 A.ll, p.PJ., on the premises, a dmirable .property in the improving town of Wellsville, at • Walnut Grove, baring a front of 100 feet on Water street, by 2E feet to Mom street, fronting on both streets„ with a new substantial and convenient Cottage Brick House. • The property eau be divided into 1 building Lots, and will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder: Persons desirous of making a profitable investment woold do well to attend. Terms made known day of sale. Tide indisputable. A. 0. SECKEL. - • VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BELE. n near property lately occupied by U. Hisao, on Cg street, ne Robiamn, Allegheny city, will b e soldoh seems:mated:4mm.. The loi is 33 feet 1 inches. on Craig street, running through to the 00..1150 feet. There u. good two story flume dwelling house on the premises, lately bunt, and the lot Is well improved, eontanung s variety of choice fruit trees, grape, sltrubbety,Ae. This property is [caused. ently mutated for persons Rung buainess eitber En. burgh or Allegheny, end is e desirable residence. Title indisputable. Far terms apply to WM BOYD _Attar. ney at Law office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. apl-dif --- --- Real Estate is Ohio. A TRACT of land, 90 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co, i 1 on the Cuyahoga river—about aracres moo Im provement Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co., 60 feet by 90. Also, a lot of grimed in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling house and suiro—one of the best stands for a merchant ou the Western Reserm. Any or all this property will be sold on very eecorronodating terms. ISAIAH HICI fr. Co", feta Water and Front eta Ileakiritate Ito j Ce saty. ALOT, Storehouse a. DoreSlog sinew the Erie Extension Canal, in the villige of West Mid dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant. Also, a Lot and good Dwelling House well soiled fora Tan. Stand, m e villege Orangeville, on Stan: lino Ohio. Tee n ms eas Of y. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. of feblo - Water and Fronton Lot for 114143. A LOT in th e lOU ward, 4S th at on Logan street by SO 11. feet on Clark street; 0114 of the most desirable 10. tenons in the 6th ward. For terms appty to the sob: scriber at the Methodist Hook Store, ath near Markel street, or at his dwelling en Clark street, opposite E. Trovillo's Grocery store. (Sabin] J L Per Boat. jaA two mazy brick dwelling with shoat az acres of ground attacked, &dotted at Oakland. The plzee is well stocked wi th fruit of sill kith., and Is a desirable location fora fond; being entirely out of each of the over and dirt of the city. An onouldts learn oaklend hearty for the city. Apply to jan.ll ATW00D.30:304 'tr. Co. eiiDiterstr mat A new three story brick dwelling bonne on 1 Wylie areet—Poesession given on the first of pril or sooner' if minded. Inqiire of old k. It FLOYD, 11/3 Dewy SUM _ Per Rant. • A tyro story brink dwelling with about 6 sores of ground., mowed 04 the bank (tithe Ohio river, in Oa boroogh of M nebulize, Applyto Jarat LOWS A lIIITCIiItiON & Co. • • . THREE dwelling houses situated on Ith street near canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh.. Al so, • rocuuTS by 93 feet. with • coalmine= cut Hance, on fah sL, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling, two stories, with an acre of ground enclosed and ender cultivation, situate on Ohio lane, ifi g e n c i V i d l. ' Allegbe• ay. inquire of ang 110 Wood street. To DrOVIOIVI• .•FOR HALE OR RE I', the Pitirburgb Brew, ery, with all no brewing apparatus, situate on Pe. street and Barkers alley,and now occupied' by kieo. W. Sandi & Co. Possession wen on the first day of April ensuing. For term. &e. tllqtlird KNOWN do CULBERTSON, 6b."...zr 145 liberty st. ilk WAREHOUSE: FOR Sit.F.—Tbe •übseribei often Cur sale the nee story brick Warehouse ou Woodstreet, occuptyd by R. Tanner is Co. 0 Rum note Or SLOW per yeas'. . EMEZIEZMi • To Lot. The newthree story fire proof brick store on second sL now oreopied by Edward Evan for great from Ist o f tpciiztiltdrekfe.o. — T — ' To Lots The subscribers will rem pan of the wan, house now oec t uLC , , Y i t izr all , 3 co, . - 54 seater street • Pew Heat. p i A opted room . the ad atory of the toresehottre oce by the aue.ribere, ri.r dto foot or , WocAl ,•treet—a good booboo for a agency or an Imamre odbre. tartl4 _ , BOLLMANS ft GARRISOS. For Salo. jcA, A Fine tcro story brick 1101110, on main street, tp Jallegherty city, near the upper bridge. The lot is teeth front by UM deep. For terms inquire of detticf A WASHINGTON. 4th t. __For Rent. „aeL TH la Ere roof warehous o , 23 feet front by jjB2ojB2o feet E deep.sme p on second at neer 'rod. Rent mod erate. Inquire a SCHOONMAKER & Co., del 21 ceesobst • a • Per A Smoke House. situated on Plata alley, klt rem. Inquire of ROBERT IOALBELL Co, Liberty street. &old Oittlt LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coal hind C for sale, situate in bend orate Monongahela River above firovrosville, Pa., having a 7 foot vein of cord 'which vein be sohl to exchange for goods. Fur partien • apply to loct6l tk. lIARIIAUGIi, =wood sr OOM TO LET—Ou the second Mary of the ware "D Dr house No _'t Wood st, haring I front entrance. pi , lp to [mien lIISCELLANEOUS J. H. PHILLIPS, ITOUSE. SIGN 'AND SIT.A.MEGAT PAINTERS KJ. and Glaxiere.—Peraoas wishing to have Pointing or glazing done with nentnes. and dmpateh, will please give us a call. They will fiud it to thew adv=tage, for we are folly prepared to do work as low as any house in the two cities can or will do it, at N 0.5 Wood street. N.H.—We with it to be Understood that we have not gait the painting and glazing, na some of our moil zcaloutiriseds have been telling_ the public generally that we were going to repro from that branch of our =clue= We. are more fully prepared to transact the pkipting and glaring then we aver:wire. apfl J t Ii PHILLIPS. NOTICE TO OILDEBS AND DENTISTS. TT t h e G old of all my righ title and interest to the Gold Deming business t o Mr John II Dun levy, I beg leave to recommend him to the patronage army loaner customers. April 3,1949. ANN UPFLNGTON. It will be seen by the above notice, that the aubscci. bey has purchased Nes.Uffington's interest in the above blltillen, which will be continued at the old mend, No Vln Wood street, where he will be pieced to serve nil who may want Gold Leak Foil, a° and he hoots IllTiCl attention to his business ad fair dealing, to give satisfaction to then who may favor him wait their patronage. 'palm JOHN B. DUNLEVY. ADESIDERATUM TO ALL WHO WRITE.— Marks' India Rubber Fluid, for preventing pen. corroding in itlit, also for adapti ng uic them to waste on parehmeut without the aid of pe, and to faci li tate the ink flowing free. 'Di students, conveyancers and mercantile men, it Is invaluable. Dy merely adding a few drops of dila fluid to the Ink In use, it will Instantly feuud to he the best auxiliary ever offered, as linen. Radixes the acid, precipitates the sediment, causer a free flow of the ink, and dispenses with the trouble of wiping a pen. Just received and for sale by JOEL MOHLER. Agents Wasted o canvass for some new and popular works, an eve ry roomy throughoutita Uoned Suttee. To atents the most liberal einotuagoneutis offered—with a small capital of from 810 to 8181. A' chrume is offered whereby an Aarld eon make from 810 1.1143 per week. 'Er} or further particulars address (post t A T mar2ld4a No 1M North Second at, Phila. Leeching, Cupping and 11lesdLitg.. Elt. NORRIS, (Soccesocir. to M. 11. Delliny.)— . No 53 Firth street, between {Mood and Smith. d. Fresh leeches tomcod month ly—artendauce nit hours.. Reference, the phryticians of l'ittshurgh, Alle gheny...l Birmingham. - I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians, fam ilies sod all my former friends and promos, Me. K. 13. itiorris as liming thoroughly arquainted with the ban , less and worthy of Parto - duPe. IR'. R. DI.TANY. • Administrator's Notice. !A LL persons ltavingelaiumagahtsithe Estate of th. Li. late Henry F. Schweppe, will present them fa aettlernent, and all persona indebted to snit! estate, wit please cult and make payme JO nt to HN IRWIN, Adg. Pittsburah,Slare4l l lol l . troarl6d3re] Ranters% TUST RECE3YI.II—A large assortment of Oil Cloths 0 comprising various patients: lUU Ida of 'heavy. door oil cloth, best article; IMO do medium do do MMI do 14 do do; IMO do 54 do do; 800 do 54 counter dodo; tun do 1d do doibuides a largo light and 1000 y anicler, all of which will lit told chaaplar cub, or short cradit,at• J &H PHILLIPS. marl 4 i • No swoodia. Eliseokitten of Partnership HE partnership heretofore existing between th subscribers, under the firm of J. Daemon k Co, i ~tius day dissolved by mutual consent. SAUL GORMLY, JACOB DAWSON, S. F. VON 1101iN1lORST k CO. Allteesport, April le, tete. Roctunaa, kC.-213 hAds N 0 tittgar, a3O bbl kJ Plantation idolasamc 31.1 do 911 doe 40 do Loa Sugar, 100 bate Rio Collee; 19 tierces like; NO euk patent Soda dab; received by late arrivals from Ne • Orleans, and (or sale by Wk 1 1111TC11F.LTILEE. e_ IGO fiber+ • st ClTlCE.—lGeeived from Louiertile, Ky., pee *Gast.. er North Alabaote, a package auriaGedto eoutain cleating, maaked .11tamoud F. POtatotrata" The owner Is hereby requested to pity ebargea Do the mot take .way. - oVE T HOWEN,, epl9 tia Goat el r. ,, I. 'A1k11.45 k' ILLTIM OF INWOOD Exchange Brokers. No. 5a Bank orPinstingh •• , "Pitril Paella Bank Par' 'Merck. Man-Bank •PV , , Bkao ladelphia••-•par .Girard Bank P. Bank orGerosinwarn-•par " Chester Cootity• • •par , " Delaware Ca- -Par " Mon;goatraT Ox "Pak • Nonhoniterland-P. 'Colombia Bridge _ C 0... P. Doylestown Mat P. Fanners , Ilk. Bendingi par Fanners. Bk- Banks Co. P. Fanners Lanes*. par Lannasrer Co. Bk.: • • -par Lancaster Bk. P. U. Buttes Bank.— —313 BrOwnsinlle Bk. ..... par Washington Bk. ' i I Gettyaloargh• 11 Chambersbing- • ..... lianquelsonsi Co. Bk.• -- oB Middletown • •j• • •-••u Cattalo: , •• •• ,•• •• • • Ene Bk. ... •• • • •• • • 1 Farm* , and Drovers , Book, Waypesbarg• • I Humbug ' " Honesdale .... --•-••• Lebanoa -••• ........ parl ii—. 23011116. TED I dt.:4olti lauteianetilitu Indiana. z .13ineSenp ••• -•• • ••• • Exitanipi Bk. of Farmers Bk.otVa•—•• Bk. of the Volley DI. of Virgo:on 51.& -Whealltia N.W. i do •We urn do Plukordiorg••— 'Tintililaaoll. Ilk. of Term...ft.— , • 5 Far. & " PISMO. , Bk..— • : Caton Pi1ik 0 ......... o 815te Bk of di15000r1..... North Carolina. IBk.of CapirFear.— •• • 2 tderch's o k, Newbor , 2 Bute 2 • South Ca • re • llad. Camden lik 0u1an0n— ...... •-•-• 2 of,Ci• • • 2 t !Commercial ..... 2 l eo. of Geonresonn ...... ! 0000 Bk.of liamtorp•i- • 2 'Damon •iadenha's 02. 2; 10k. of South Carolina. , 2 dls land. Brauer - 0m •Pkt Hahne° fr..o RR Basip •10 1. Cumberland - Bk. of Mk glajyy ........ ••• • 2 [ Far. Bk. ottlasylarid• • • • ." !Farmers' Jr. Mechanics " • Bk. Frederick a Inederiek Co. Bk. ...... " Harervevra Bk Almeria lik• • •—• I t.%l=rtr ..... Wyoming . 2 York Bk 1 Wool Branch Bt. 2 Relief Now ..... -• Ai Bk. Pitindo• City &county " Ohio. Bow Blr. and Branches 2 Mount Pianant ..... • Stenbermille ...... .• • " 84 ...... ;folk. Bk;of% estmin.tor • DlieJaligask. 'Ok. of tiL Clur••••^ ....... . ...... Colman.; do• o Bk. of River Rairen....-: Cueleville •_•_•• . - Haeldgan Hu. Co••• - 5 zan, s side,-......,- - ,.. - :.-. o Par.& bleck's Bk 111 Pulkovo.- . - Wisconsin , Torrlt , yo Wooner - Mar•kFireln,Co•ldilmhs b. Hamann ..... - 4 , •••• 2 Canadair. Bandualry . All of 0' ; N tangs •••• •• -•• • • Book of HoolondNotas '. Cleveland..-,- * Gold &Spools Values enia o Napoleon* • 3W. Dayton, o Ducat. 2 U 0 2 201 Westedi Hereme••-• 0 , Eagle, old • ••• .•-10 OD . Fraaklin WO Columbus.. F•agle, now •••• • 10 00 i Chillicothe o Doubloono,Bpantsh. 15 OD' Lake Etta • o Do. Patriot ..... -• 15 50' Boloul•••• • • o &aweigh.. 5 00 , 10 Guineas 700, Hamilton . ' 13 riclidtto 57 BD. Granville - 50 en Tholon ••• •• 780' Parted El% Cant0n......50 on Molders ••, • 410: Urbana - - -.W Louisd , ors. ...•• • • 4 50, .. Kaatacky. . . _ f Exohas . tire. '. Bic of Iteotuck7 . 2 Niewliork ipso otcroulaville o Phdlodelphlo• •••-• arm Norhem Bk. Henns'ky• o Bahlaume • . 4 4 Nsw Tort-Ply,' Banks, Pa , / 010 r 1 . , :rPb -- "' 2 EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. HUGH, D. KING, • (LE. of the arm of =ant & illi Hoed • HkEB AND EXCHANGE Buoirmiti Om con Fo to = cr. Parr Grams Atm, • EALER in Com, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign D old Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deport:, OCCRA.NGE on all the principal cities of the Union; Gar salnin seats to 000 pnrchaurs., • CURRENT and par (ands received on deposit. COLLECTIONS made on all paw of the Union. at thq lowest rues. • - . aplOdllerkw3mT HANNA C 0. ,& CS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers Foreign and Unmade Exchange, Centlicates of Bank Now, sad Specie; Ranh ntrectome oppasita the Bank of littsbursh. Omens mammy meowed on de orine—likett Checks ter sale, and col lections made on nearly all rim principal points in the United Rune. Thelddtiest pramimn paid Me Firtedips and Alll9l/0•11 ••Odd • Advances made on consignmems of ?sedum ship: • • on liberal mann • - menus K. HOLEICS & BOX, —-- -, AMU= and Dealers in Fo.okanga, Coin and Bank Notes, No. .55, Makin urcei,Picidortgb. , Sailing Haig. Exchaige. Baying Ewes. Now York, tpr Cincinnati, 2do Philadelphia, Lactating, 2 do Baltimore, do -SL Lou* . _j „ ,s_ do ; ( I.loTim B o b., .BANK Nonz. , Boymn Rays. 126, 2du C0...k Bony o:dam7 du I " do Banat Pious, ' "do Itentagky, "do Ponarylvaina Cy i "do , Iruirinia, "do Now York do "do , A. Wboaliag, edo Nor Orleans, "do Teini&ige, ' do Pdaryland, "do rose & Nom JOHN Q. ICOPP CO, RORERS & EXCHANGE DEALERS, . Orme, N. 23 Nowt men, WHEELING, VA. L CURRY—Bankers arid Exchange Make rs, H Dealers in Foreign and Doreestie lime and Sighi br Exchange, Certificates of Demsite,'llank Notre and Coin; No SS Wood rune; third &or below Fourth; west side. raarditf WILLIAM A. MILL & CO., 8 AN..., EXCHANGE BROKEES.,knd Dealers" Foreign and Ductinatin Eanhanga,Cenificasesol lkiacake, Hank Notes, and Specie: Notl4-Wood rti and door above FounlyEalnude,Pinanorgh, Pa . • oncSdkarF vonsawal JAXCILANCIE.!. .. 13i1LLS on FAO:Ad, Ireland, and Scollend bought to any amount at the Current Rate. of Exchange. Alao,Drafle payable in any pen of the Old • Countrter, from 11 to .ElOOl, et the tau of $3 to then Sterling, without deduction or disoototalry',lfkalllJA. ROBIN; EON, Earoperin and Gentrel Agent, °lnce Ath n otte door wart of wood. ocnlntf " ' KM.. laws I ' m"x'L lt/D/R 1 . AITEB. di HAHN DANKERS AND IIICCIIANGE BROllERS,deslere in Foreign and Domestic Rills of I.ehringe, Cer estea of W..pWte, !lank Notes end Coin, corner or 3d Osid Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles' Ho tel.; . , . . • ' O I - . eutufkj, ! . Missouri, . , Bank Note% puterued at the lovreu rat/ by dell) . . . 15 Market meet. RIM; OP EXClELANGESisttrhecks'on Now Yoh. Pluladelphia. and . Dahill:tore, N. HOLMES. .t. 'SON. 35 Mazket st. Coassonily for role by dolt, . FICiLLECTIONEIDraIIs, Notes , and &cecina. ets, payableten ally part of the Ireton collected cm the moat favorable tem. N. 1101.51ki & 130 N - delo 56 Market at. RATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. . • itTHE subct scriber, in addition to Ms ownit manufauring of Hats, has made ammo- menus with Messrs. Bee° & Co o,lthe moat fashionable haaers oldie citforNew York.) for &keg , ulacaupply of Mackin fine Silk Hats, and having jaw mewed a few cases, gentlemen can be - suited with very 'kb and be.tifal hat by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, Smithfield street, second door south of Fodrtb,where may be found egret "view of Hata. andEaps of Ida own matinfacture. wholesale and re. tail. Hats made loader on short notice.' apt JAMES WILSON. NEW HAT AND OAP STORE. JAUFT WILSON, Hat manufacturarjonnerlY of earner ofDiamond alley stud Worsirtreet; hers 'cave respectfully to Inform his old customer, Menus and the public, that he has °retied n NEW STORE ou Smithfield street, second door Soutb or 4th 'Street, where a choice assortment of Iles and Caps and Ladies , For!, u giaod, neat, fubtonsble, and cheap, as ant In the city, may be bed. X. W. very cordially invites lee friends and the put. lie. to remember his new location add establishment, and rive him a ealbarlearty as be intends to welcome them. znarAkdlus.kw2m9 XPCORD • jt o (flucceimars to 111 3 Co & d & • ktinir) Fashionable U • Comer rif yied and IVA . kruts. PARTICULAR attention paid M our Retail Trade, Gentlemen can rely • upon gating their lints and Caws from oar establishment or the ear learaar.a. and wcatzwaszar, of the Law emu's . , and at the coverer TE.II. Country Alercitanti, pinehasicc by wholesilo, are i•- - " , ed to cull and examine oar Stock. mince I wetted to Doll and eXanion“..... ..... lea cm ny with confidence that ae twine& Q.llll and /11.1 C., It will not safer in • communon with any house in Philadelphia. • - 1617 - Fashionable Hat anti CitiSFasititactor) , . AGEORGE Id.NSHUTZ, Agent, respectfally informs his friends nd• the public generally that he has commeneed she mantifseture et flaw and Caps at No. NI Wood Pleat, one door above the corner of Second,where Le has now on baud a 'floe assortment of,Hats and Caps of Ma own manufacture, which be will dispose of on themostwasonable terms wholesale and Mail, for cash or city acceptance: • Hata made to ostler at the shortest notice. Ilpj:17301 STRAW GOODS. . , t . DEALERS are Invited- to examine . R It ' PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods,-of tho opriowle.comAosed l e Am d r ; " stable do; American do do; &no Pearl d:Wdot h rgdo; g u il e nn dm - French Lace; Pane] Gimp, &e. ..11ATS—Legliont, Palm Leaf, P 11211.11111, Ptmoy Straw, 4o Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. - • • .r 7 ; Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribboos,' &O; Semi' RO.i.• pet Warehouse. 05 market st. • ~ aft Spring Fulda= toks , i 1%148. - r.. 2 .3100011. D. ds,. Cii, - (tan DeCOZI) •fr.. sum) . Surreal, , - .MII, irLL introduce the Bluing ktryle of lists this deg, Saturday,Marth'444leßl3. - • - .. . _ eir (deeds ssul customers us reqouted to cell end 'esnmitio emit stock of Spring Maw loot let0114:4 Croat New awl York, at theiz lam, corner Of Set Rod Wood a. , SPRING ITIMM-8 AMORE basica , re' 14 edged from Now Wagon° Swing Style of Hata arida be will introduce on Saturday, dierch CM. all wow in ward of a neat andwiperior Her, win please call and ensonne at N 073, Woad outs; nd door tabor Youth: , -- William Deuglu, Iwo Jocose Macao. Ile • subscriber has removed-his Nu and Cap Neon factory to N 0.77 Wood alr tot, nearifOpposite Lie old nand, whore be would addle his into& and Ow public generally to an assortment of Hut/ mut Caps, Which for beauty and dorsbilitg cannot be surpoised.. WM. DOUGLASS, r Woad sa liamg wired from the Hat and Cap Maitafactarb I'" "P"thdlliffe"T'ae °{V, C=ll... n'd Pliablatml . 2 PALL ITAIIIION..-8. 310011 N hureeeit ed from New oh, the Fall style of, lieu whirl be will Introduce dds day, Saturday, Aug. Ritk. 'All hose in ,'want of a neat Rod superior bat ...old do well to ai No. Ilk Wood titree43d done alicieu 41.0. —, , SITAIRIZR FASHION-YOU JILJUST received from New York, Me Sommer Style for hare, consisting of Whits Deaver,Yeasl mad White French Cassimere Ham, milli Yeadlaeora. ie want of a beatiful, light Ilat are nmPecifolly invited to ealL • 110011 E, ma ,k 3 • 73- areal n:.3 doom above 4,th` , R °BERT Wbolesahl Groner, itaeurylnig R dealer in Paaines, Pittsburgh Mandan inn., and all kinds 'a Folciipa and idamaslie nud Liquors, Na •Xiba•Tty . hand a nit Wire mock • of' saperil:/r old 11 . 1e . tnrsabela . nstilske, whiclz will Ins sold lonslos nun. - apmly, CIIaIIIERSE/23 buslicllover and kir:Waal - . .POINIca' -; • • .••• • , ' . - , TYARTIEI.vEGErABLEAXTRAIIT is an. su V .: Ail Dia remedy for i ltainlieue Coll7lll4o2ll,'Sputos, to. - It knoym,Mail emus immemorial, physicians hare prommentadlepikpe. - tic Vas incurable ,it has binged boasted power of all medicines and cenasquaallY Pods have seared through • miserable nine with e, 1114 yielded up - Mir Lives on thet - altar of • ' deference, hemme ae: the *swell* gram and learned, ma say that it has Desa eared.,,e , : luaTs 1ineE17,111.6 mrascr. . .-- Poe idzteen years, has been' testmil_DY Ma/ Parma. who lava marred with Olt draldea ibseass!Dis every cam whine is has bad a fair trial, bas isni~e • Fla of SS yeas and I cared by the swe R.l the following remarkable ease of mond Wm. 91 SCC.OIO. Esq., of Philadlp,hiaoldieted .0 Epi leptic Fits years and 6 ' months. Alter tra through Finglartd, Scotland, Germany and Pant* milting the mart eminent physielana and up Ibr medicine, medical treatment and edviesq duse thaa sand dollars, returned with his eon to Ude eountry ln. November last, without aceivingony benefit what. or, and was cared b& , Ito. HARD William Sceont's Letter to' Dre lwani and Ma: I han spat over three thousand dollar* tbr mela tine and medical 1 wee advised to taloi a tour to Europe with bite, -W1 ithl did., I Era Melted Durand. 1 consulted the most .olnent p there In avatars hie ease; they exemlned= prescribed ..cordingly: .1 remained three months withent perceiving .y for the better; which bcost me shoat two hued,. and fifty dollars . pocketed y the physicians, .4 the most th at I mar. was their opinion that Fay sows easa was boogie. andpimi nwely meltable. I .cordingly left sad , and MT. cited through Seotl.d. Germany and ,sword m. tithed home in the month of November lea, with my eon at far from being cured as When I all. I ateryour advert:salad in one of th e New. Yak paper,, and concluded to try Hart's Naretable Extrael, wing your ammo= and certificates of eo many cures, Rome of twenty .d thirty yes.' standing, and I cast gamin you 1 ton not sem 1 thd so,. by the use of Hart's Vegatia Me Retract alone, he was tutored 'to perfect health. His reason, which was.. far gone as to sulfa him* businese, Is entirely reamed, with lite pampas now, before Lon, of Ilk, health and useful.. He 'ls now 23 years of age, end' 97 yeas .d mats of thla dare hes been salami with title =et dreadful of die t cu. but th.k God he ispow etalthdrd hal& • N., gentian., faith !without works don% began Its, To say toot 1 seam be ever grateltd to y.le area • thing, .d .1 here enclose you one bandied dollen, 1 have sus doubt but that you will think this is ;another and quite a different taog. The debt of pentode I will ewe you, ample.= to anent the present annand es buena on the de v b r t Li advance. • Yorn eery 034.44) rosputl SECOHE. to THE AFTI4CIILD., • . One of the proprietor of Isinleable atedielna was afflicted for several, yeare 'with Eidletpdo The disease had. Predoeed the wont entr hie mum, vir Lou of tnernornin of and a perfect prostre 'of the nervous' mores, *ill pied the nklll Webs best physic:Mu fat nun yenta, and grew worse ander their treatment, all he knew that thle medicine was his only hops lantldiand life, and wu therefore determined to re It a teletnal. and to pereerere in its use, which be and the kmOla was a perfeet restored= to health , whir. wee usyg t reed ematerrepted for unity eirteen years. We woald refer to the followi4 person whit ktiii been mud by eAng VegatOle Extract Col E Dengue's daughter wu afflicted clue uacej reside. at Yonkers, New Yak. • W Bennet, nine pen, 171 Greed ea . , r.J sewn rads, 12 Dover et. • • lotier B r i4 V r , fr t: Y=} 9 llt , RfUltlynt L. II it r lng= rar ewut s y , Susan y h . le , a , ttL 4. • . 1 I Cle twelve y=11.9 iluanerrely W twentrtlaseffeare,73NotfolKial Jacob Petty, fon years, 174 Delaney_ • ' Philo Johmon, alay- eight.years Oreantalaey' 114 Judge Ruthdl, 94 Pan Broadway, New Yoshi , - Thomas R lons., of the U Capt Wm edmags, State M. Bridgeport. Cl. Reference also made Rev Richard:bm, WaMßayeipert* T, Roe Tl. Bushnell, Baltimore, 2,111. • Tar 3,race:it ItradlerC r Ortlmoi 5,14.1 t.• : CII Doughton,lol tdata at NY. :---- , Mrs Maas Ikrtholf„ Cramp .y N t Jaya yabor;l7B Elizabeth n, , ,N_T P° l 9Er 14,73e7Fagi:risilarOrki4 7 Bonr4loo Water at, All of added may tie called apart, or addreamd„ mmi QT Paid Proond b 7 Dr 8 Haw,- parl/rmais GAN Near York. G F THOMAS k. Co, 146.11a1a witlisea ad Mal 41M WI, and 100 Main at, Lemma arid rehmrseas; aaahmad, Ohm, erholoate and seta sientriortikt L WILCOX, jr.., coiner of 745... et ot sad Ur' nd, only organ Final:4Pa < • • • •• 55. DIAMOND ALLEY — , a. • : 'doors'. palm Wood dreg:flaw , te- • • DR. =OWN, luielaie been' regularly allocated :to.; der'medlcal . t t . tafetiskg i and laseater soma dam . attention •to Ilta 'interment a Chain -piece ead • delicate o " Yak\ plaints for.artitilles • iry n eareassiduotuda derrtted to wept treatment of those c .• • lainta(deringarldelt time he as had more_ practice ass cared triontpda dents than can ever Tall to the lora' oaf private:pm titioner) amply. qualifies him to offer - assannees bi speedy, pernment, and SlitialCtlNT cure to allafflicted with delteate diseesea; and diseesce .arialue thud. from. ..• Dr. Drown Would inform their atfliicted with privabs discues which have become -clam& by tinte• or sg- , manned by the use of any of the comma unstrenitlod the dun that their coutpluts can bondleally and thew. thslily cured; he banns given his careful auenti on b. e treatment of such cases,•anst tanceeded in lout/IM. of Instances in curing persons of inflammation Of this neck of the bladder, andkindied disonseswhiek . orlon malt Dote those cum. who.. others :hard' consigmni them to hopeleis darted, lie particularly Invitee-molt' as have bean bog and unarmed:fully treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will he rah • them, and their roses treated in a careful, sad baellment. mat=muned.outbyw Jong e study, and in on, which tt isimposesble for those canoed is =ral practice of medi . Mow givew.9` - - - . ; IrrHetela or Reptere.--Daßroani also Invites r4r: eons acted with Hernia to call, as be haaoaal petle alas anetdion to this disease. • . s ..... . . . . - 81dn. diseases; aLo Pile., Palsy, etc., m i euietl; . Ch rrrt.—=t4 either sex livirtg at a dista;e, s swing theix disease is leritieft:Peßg . Y r T y ? d os, ert . . 11.141 .4 ' WONG. 65, Diar6o6s 6/101,0pi.5401111 . 0.Y. Hem. • Er NO can 60 pay, • .' • • • .-. _ • Ilydrepathy, er the laiTater TIOCTOR BEM. W. MORRIS salami hi. sincere 1.. F. thanks to the citizens or Putabngh and Allegheny coy for the very liberal support nu4nteoungentent he hos received within the Lulea - months. That theWs.- ter cute should acquire such celebrity, is neither strange nor a:waterloo...mile:tit iscansidered how great a number of oases °teeny variety of disc-Ines, both or and chronic, have been cured byst judicionsaus of it. In Germany, when it originated, Adz thousand orals wont cases, that were given up by the man fast physicians of Enrope as incurable, were cured by the melons] Priem:tip. the header of the Water Care. In England, prance and America, thousands of hope: less. cases' have be cured by , it;,and the Hydropathie establishment* mow in inecesidal opera tion in the United Snit.., speak volume. in favor of the precdea pemiarteitly Ititte.lf in the eityof Pitteburgb, three. doors southwesd of • witis alley, on Penn street,'.a now prepared to take a number •of boarder. and treat them M ids'iumstatit those whoyrefer being treated at their own dwe • will be putetnallY'and faithfully nuended. Ito may consulted et his dace' foam I o'clock - till 3 P.M., and from 7 to 10 in die. evening. " • '• • N. /L—Every variety of bin& Made cue of in '.he Water more, both for ladies and gentlemen; ran be ob rained oldie Athenaeum, ow/Abaft) , street, where they have been recently erected for the express um of Hy dmpathic patients, and where cyrryncentionWill given by the polite andiattentive proprietom. , , TMPORTANT TO TOE LADIES -Caruso. Hair Cr..,,.e - ertieie lot the - GroWthe Beauty and Re m. stored. mum gain This Crum, when once known,.wiß stipesteilt all other article s ot. the kind now need. When the heiris deed. bunk thin, unhealthy, or taming grey, a kw applications will make the hair soft and dark, and pre it • beitifid • lively appearance; and, will albumins it retain haiku liners and healthy color twice as long.* ell the prem. rations 'which are generally used. Every lady - ass gentlemen who am in the habit of alloy ogle on their hair, should &Settee purchase a hauls, of tbe*Cidneso Hair Cream, es tt is so composed that It will nightligM.. -- ! the heir like those other preparatiorwlng - Will beamify , it, and give perfect utisattafet in every Instance.' • Foctestimorty to its very superior qualities, we Rua ? followury letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, en Mum Ilendershon & Snatch, Naslnrilia, General, Agent* lbw - the Western Sode • • Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, padre. of the Pro: byterim Church, Pulaski. • .Meese. Iliiidershott & Stretch—Gentlemenf I tato Pleisure la adding my testimony to favor of ilia excel est preparation calla' Dr. Finish's Chinese Mgr Oresso—for about two years ago, my hair was *WY dry, briuly, and disposed to COMO won bat haslet, eared a bottle critic Cream, And used it ecemdin44to the ptescription, my her is sow twat. elastic end lime to the head .• Many behaves and ells wen' cull leering my hair in a worse state thati beet•dr..7 . This Cream, be waver, has met my expectations : . As an arucle for the Toilet, my wires:lves It prelim. mire Over allothers heist delicately perfumed, and not disposed to rancidity.- 'The ladle. upeelally will foal the Chinese Crum toitsri desideramm is thee purist rations &robe toilet; fiespeoliartlio Pid diih, iukt, Jan.;n -,.. pliCrßold wholeule and retail, In littsbarg,ttNeet ./d., Townsend, No. 4$ Market slue, and-Joel .lilabler :comet of Wood and Valk streets. : T ;platy. ° ll won Coeo .BYU Cand nAll y l o i Ce °Ajth red 02 °13141) 6o pt . 4 bll laVl:a e. so p ease= and effeedve reenedy fix •cle ... t.lolds,boteuses I thide, Whoop. v.wos lananea, o cr,A4e4t n !l, oronetdila, MOW. alientileas of lb. Chest and Langs. In such ca., Is Is Immo ass I hove afforded decided and permanent relis; wolfram • its rapid sale and great mace* aa • remedy *whim - above i...tee...lmre it has Imest us.% parealm s tri • become atm of the most mend and popular medicine*. • 0 It is offered sac, as sipleasant retinae. Me consumptiva, and en astistent to vocalist. and public speaker. ma t enilly. I - The name of the preparation indicates its tondo. greshent, and it will be found to be try an Uteetteltiv pleasant to tho taste, and mop be used by a.dults wish entire =penny. Th. vamertak. used ba,sho • preparation me of the best qualm, and it may be lee . . lied on a. in every respect a pore and senuinerantiole. '. . would no doubt promote their contrortind : healtlybi keeping ssuppiy, especially irsthe,wmagpart .t • C01d..: Tlils valuahle Cough Candy I. nonsidemla gn4.ta • • 11105.1 t w5101ht.114 twang superior moll the paten. ...limau children want never, hymns cry when this candy is used, lancet,' for more. sa.trii • al of this article wilt convince Say Inman at ha mem, • ey, end the pnrntietrfs therefore defy , any ponam mo m —; • United Saws to nee o..chettler s .FTIS Sold whole . pail seta, Cae Cenergy • . • . ,•• . • corner 311 and =rheum% Ihture Co., proprietor., No I.CoUege ilarCane.: - eau, Ohio. 0:r. :Yl—Dear Bin ,Last aiid ilk th. previous 'abater, I was soeet , add. form. 1:oft:loos - complaint mT &pi and bad been • ". for soma maths under the er ot. hydlans: Shy said lay ease sr. almost insurable, and they wild do but li Etc h es , I eon nearly' helpless, bus mills aid of croindelvitta difficulty get abottu Ltiltay last, I pureintied of Too. .4 eotamouced'adpg • rot, 's 5A11.1.711112.1.1.. After the use ottani boldoe; thrt sores commenced hi:Wing, a. I lald adds .y nacT only* cum. I Cispumed with my caliksine. at the .d of - ths fourth, sr...swell as to assishall dry •-•- in shearing sheep. La all, I osei bonles. urtiloia cod Dorm bac* ill healed*lind .• summer / Med woo lie swear.= odthadliass, Wb eoeo.- 4 and aloe.. OONe mostperfoaldoddll' 11,111616111 , ^ fi"^".. thaZ 500,112 *0 414, 11 .elthd io the same way, the Sarsiparilla 061411 e: ra, boo teen*, moans and tisitudjelligainfetlints, jar site wholesila snot nail, dhow r Goatrwpoday&alw4lll iratrdtg.t4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers