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'' t . :.`; . :" - .4" ; .... ;;:,,. -N.: ::•.• et-,er, :., -, ; * ‘i : 47 .2.;i5.",'?.':i . ; s l ,t - • ..'.'•::. n: * !';i::': : '.'.:- 'l' t , 4.; ; ' .. . ; ,'!: t ;i . ;:VIWi *Z -: :'.?i 4 14 - ,:• if. -4 :-&:AV 'l 4 ' , L ''''; , :i;il• ; , ?4:;.v.i., r , „: - .•.6 ,- '.401.1t'. - -,N.. _.. -, 2•., !.'"- 441,.. '''l r:: :. :i ' ' i.i4'. , i.,1*..,,;.::. ' • CkeeM e. be* the MVOS Couod Fu h • no:W:itt imeamsful - ope=t y • entirely by ilgolayb.W:rnacouft pfr da3G astif c 44 - ' Zuni ColitltrussL—Same. of the fanners in this lamer pioatCbevicr co, plaited their-cam is etliypart .314sesreek. . , •-,'"o-'-'l7- , .„4 , -,-,._. , ., ~, ...:, t . 1 .. ?: ~4 1 7-4 : - ' 6 ' ', l :.: 1- . ~ BY MAIMS BROOMS* !rzwrieusatis , - . ' - - - - - - , -: - 44-i.. - -. - FianDalr-111011241NG, APRIL" 28. 181& Inusalz m .; * .Wiak isclimilanzszoAx. emLed.....ptimidothatorukamer. I eas and Ustud Min Graseze, :..cited . foA. odr • • .4611111114 Mara b polblea ?"- y, Wortr, Drli Is liras yrr *drugtlu 'h .Weekly i• Pre palmy. galanill dr Wordy V Two /Mars per 1112110ik m. Z 0 , o =zepos r moils!' the land in : • • !.'614 day , , pcs LORIS Coomelal Inielllivanylkokestic, liar. !ay, aver- Sm., Imports, 3114mey Mutsu, lc we ftlN. salt Aatl4lsAlesile NosatitaUsa, YON CANAL CONNISSIONER, ...13A7LIA i.MLIDDLIANWAALICH, math* of lb. Aatrki+wnic and ' wide Comity Commlime of Correspondence, will be . . hitida3lllWd erflhpmanWo ll ismiAealMbn4hi ,cin dialarday 7hLay Mk, at a o'doek •A gmierat anendanee is desired, .. business cilia , ; pornamverill !wield before the Coninfinee. . • DANIEL. MVIRDY, Chairman. '..‘ L:. Lint Wen .111gio, @Heath. @Parries!, 0 A - 13arr,,I1Pml Benn e Jr p Cochran, Wm Gime, 13 J Ulna, D A Willock, 'Veer. , Idalskeem, WElheiloy, if Mir, J. Paterson, I W Lighloor, A.Biaardy, John Wilma J ht Brash, John alse a 4a. Perkins, Wm Dilworth, J Richardson, - '0 J Walker, 1.. /kWh John-Allen„ @eery • - Ikhopla„ 13. Gary, John VV ., " Drover, W Jet. Id Knox, 0 • , LAW, W Boom Johnson, 13 • . Y Cwlur M A Whcu, D II Semi. T Jones. @ Palmer, ' .. • Wm 11 Marry, Woo Bard, D Neat), 'l` Davison, A Comma, J A Gran /Stoner, .1 Graham, J ACKee, sc I. Lew., J !Monroe, Dr. @oily, hl.Dravo, WatAL.New Jacob D hMardy, Ft Van. J Appleame, Jae MClnre, W Deeli• - • J Wilson,. ROM /11 , Pbarron, Wm. 0 1141.,,: '• ampbei, P 'Bates, C G Smith, J II Robinson; @V : . limerm, I . 1 4 1AMMI r it t. l eas : l 4 l,24eott id t}ph7h.o,./. • 150001 1- =4, Rs PorM,,I Kndi, Was Ireeeaslitlr: ot .Itriaty and.. Prompt We fiats otter ro sti*Sirifer . occupying. so .mach • “; Of oar echnsita liaised ender, believing as tieolsal, feu a subjetee demon vital Impedance irmie'rfty of the c and County of d Alle may, the dl others.. It cannot be denied—sad 4cilpivi_ the thel4lth, th e re. is • great ant ofnaionantocipitcrtir capitalist and basitiess masi,lts rtiard t6isMattas,add everyday seems .. to wudiathebidry :; Wren= hihWeetearnifilPill• ink &der pt 'own, lied the rood htthi whole cote. .matlityih. aipstentli, to . be weciifien4, to benefit ta'';.P#.l oldms. '•Oai pieton of out otisthswih to ga .... . . !a 611 .1 1 P0,40°.a a an/cued iicavor of th* Cork' • mar& anznecticni with the. Balticnoin Road— a third Pad tojoin'onr enengiesixa Mena in nuking the Omni Road.' Tina we am &A. _' : drikend online .ree . CO2l..tillite:,iviiipgr. and es: eirouly, in the matter. ugh, will be kit ber ; hind all other .regards nil 'road facades. Villihtour morn sitiveicighbirearri eagerly avail. Aug thensielvea of this great means of drawing bra , Miens undid thentiPittshiugh, *Way and aridly Edda* her hands, ant vierasiwith apparent inditfer. 4ercr . .4, friardwerkif not lost brim, through heeineco=ade apathy. • tordebig - Calmly disinterestedly. into :the inetkt,:ah iithil.llll*Tl)3 inanancetra than the goad of our Say end corunr,we are : . stu6ited ' thirt it is entirely to our interests to unite upon one •Mad, and to bend to it all one mangles and all our amens: Dithis,'ind we cannot an of *Mu.— The derairal If - Arad seems to onto be the most avail. end the - birst'imlinlated to gii.,yrhst seidani mosiLthe shorted, easier; end 'cheapest communication . with the aea braid: - Apert, from •'• „ tidg;-tt is exclanively a Slate maderi by, which the - ' ' proipirity,Of /MS great Mainnonsienhir into be raw and .20kt, arrek.i.ximalslly excite our /kite Pride - rind &We 101'07 act upon that eilisied:ia4aalisb.a principle, that what wow temp the State, money re lap degree, tin,fita atm liitiliiduiltitpubv ot_it, ws Wow wirer; thersiirest; ii.unity—unity of rptinieut -unity of actionr-tmity of means—without which with all the adnuitages which ini,g ft ..! Clad a( iliatotenbsi go liberally bestowed up her— ta All** minunaine with iron end trad—socce racket to ber'than rabies—with al/ the cairn meets' neoessery ,to place her far , beyond Treri ether oar in tia Wea--will find herself, spate of an r ilnWe atrataraii;4ll'say far, behind rainy of 6etaim:ities: - We; 'thereto, aaiiouily appeal Itroui courts, main and,eiruntry, to, mire . * poshingr to Mot completion this great. wort, which, by , riutgiesl indamme, in to knock away those grew baniers;which wow interrupt ocricarneetico with' -!” , the market, of, the Sea boankaod, ccersequently, grid* retard per neutral growth and prosperity. Every firmer in thecow:Xl is interested in thin . Ex every titans whereby we are- broirgist into cheiper cammuticalion with the greaten:ers maeken, Malef , i2/11,1 . 411C,A1 the yoke et Es Liodi, and praa'w, .tik Asa, thenfore, no= lona wiranta as to this or this ratx, bat act I:Pontiac eggivdaltirit K. ten to teuhaidnal fateretttt goes ` f r tlmibesuarc of tbearbbla cotoicasity. , . . 'envie Tax onna.-314 tiger bu Mee,Wbere we expected, end 'Wages ~..„IwietWititedWva Pennsylvanian Don works. 'lTAiberim.. s . l oPliencer ail 'UP" drailiiseebeen lighted cc in the Moat= Boding Mill, mad the Marko( making inala io again suoceidallrunder war in that busemsebliehment. The Femmes-cf. tbetbleatimi:Company are like. blealCurniag oat more pig rmetel.then ..is produced In I TT other iron region is the United ii;witlo azstp,lled to =apt kreer . all WO have Oho idthdiitY of the Pidablogb 'Tag ibr saying! That Journal sap:: hippeaed ilmc gout the middle of lisich, ....faciesew a statement of the tree causes which led ibegioppageof die Montour Works. They ism ::ecantwital sisnilai to those eidetic:glare, and in ad• diddle to these thr. woollen. more sordaposed to wed a ilesesiwrateiradubit day swami Afore ihi • - .l...ancidies rig ef loit peer, the pace of irors. Theo ibe employers were out willing t;i m gi= . ..accaidderg dos Wisdersact et,cs The National Isielligeiceei, saye the .Pleiticti; Bodmg dill , monody fired up again, the pad -.. diets , has* saceepd !ago to work. at those agars tad out pa: tan. *stead ;Officer/ear; kir:. . paid thee& _This is a redaction amen.* . ,This is • atm*, state of Mager:owl/IL* tour Amain, thry.lual no work; added to a dlirerence ocopiaion batecesithe twinkler' aid Inekoten sheet Wages, The rolls lure lamed saga at az; • sixamiranzisadtbfidietficaled on imptivaixet la* kw Mail 'Pladdlano - awn are dOwa was dollar per , ton In engem Dias and no great sips of immanent other redactions mut &V .Wiry doss not the Pow give its readers the stmeat:of iron artiviag at New York, to. Owe ilea the snot istaysi .Pensuploanin, 4 sot and swims is nrimilly the Tariff of INV We are Lana to WO that If importing can wan in, it is 'la "dr way icilba dean. . Ganm-Wie maim tint is the East spin Europe, the tedsetkat la the peke of Goa has boat so thdlosnad by tba hap increase in the use of the that snare prod' has ensued oa the reduced than oaths old pnot. The Phibitlelphia Ledger shaft that the folineing has bees the sacconise radattioa the • priced gss to bisnebseei, En. lfitX, pet 1000 Stet. ' • 112,20 , 1337, do, I,7fJ 1837, do, . 1,34 , 810, do, • _ The l sexes resell that hes attended the redaction In Er d, and In the Eastern cities,f thileoun tz,, wcsid doutilessiglow alike ..radoetion else. .va.toarsom or - muumulaa commr. 144nd Elmo; • 510;457,871140 . Hour and • r 401,493;00 lasalusre, Com; . . iiioo,swoo Eambumnu of 6111ce; : • . 153,093 CICI ..Ticosys u hueress, 20,161,049 - 00 , . . T OOll , • " $130,13.1,142 00 Sitirransf'-11 4 sisted . that n boat artistries for I'6lla:tray faYha blesicaut war, has bus. mums. skated to the Senate in Exeunt,e session, enthne. eiritGestaalip %wry and Persifer Pcsith u . • • 4ros riven • 0 . 7 GooemilSMlU4 by ttor,dthtsiu of 1S C- . • _ !Mr s.lship Ssritcci has artivea at fiemptea • amew.l66'st•a ktelelemanten t ;far -Pram 116..memir*r Mew*** Eialeve4frin MulesMepe Api r fl 25, 1649. ; Wethington !has - -cotergurted entsber-roend of houors to the ;French Republic,' —Mis time from the citizens of the American to the cinemas or the Fret*, Metropolis. AU pertin mailed, and the cerement* the**, were alike harmonious, con. servativeand &waffled. What SinCere cattle for rejoicing we have in Mil country, MI feel now when the people meet in them:l4May of their ;own power, to give utterance to e public thantowiring for Merty. enjoyed at home, and to Impart their sympathy to thole straggling for hlierty in the old Ours re Meaty with law, freedom with on der, equal political rights, and a ,jail protection to every man s e property and; interests. It is liberty bared alike upon human rights, and human dunce havingets loandatiokin the great principles of re ligion and education. , Thieis the only secret why liberty here is pit* and more orderly than elm where, and co long an these high principles of Gov ernment are cherishedlie will withstand all the shoclat of time, end all the enemies which can Le arrayed against it. The celebration here yesterday had no marled thwart* in it to distinguish it from kindred demon strations aka-where. The procession was Earned in the President's Square, and the'oration deliver ed in the ea/tiro= of the Capitol,—the orator, Mr. Cone, one of the most distingnished memberi of the District bar. There sera a military esebrt,—baw acre ot the old German Imperial rule, the tricolor 'of France, and the Stars and Stripes of our own happy land. The "Liberty Cap" toweied above them all, no one of those badges of freedom which regards neither boundaries of geography, nor int cOrilities of race or people. The various bands mingled the Marseilles Hymn with oar own "Elul Columbia" and homily 'lankee Doodle," and the multitude Made therm ring with the chorus of the French hymn. The scene from the Capitol,--the avalanche of people upon the portico and descend ing sick the 'public pomade covered with womca and alrOdren,the military in the mune,' thed3rlng Waiters sistilnausic, the cockade and.wirrOlor, the diatingaisbul men of the crowd,the cirri* and era' thou; ell contributed to taibi,' the scene fririeesswe; max: wasmone the lean so, that the Capital was the cbOSOII spotonith theatstuesorPeace and War, and Most of , all, of Washington himself among tie flgares of the groupe. , been and liberty songs, with the Tau of cannon, cloned the ceremonies in bora= CfFnace and the Itheoluthin, which seems p have convulsed alt Europe, and shaken apnea to the centre, as if they were bui the playthingaof Cl:egress held but a brief session, —the members be quite ready to ad aura There was an at• tempt made to take up the Ten Regiment Bill, but by a larger scam Mtn usitil,--93 to ditrrthe ma jorny' refused to suspend the roles. The bill has risked quietly upas the SPealmoi table - grr Ave trial& aim; the mincsity of the }Rasa seemingly as much readied as snow upon necuring them Mame incident to this bill, but 'dui indications; as you see, tare become stronger that the bill cannot The Execanive *Tart:Bents have , been Some what *listed * the two days past, by the the resent advises from Mexico. • Serious sIMI4- hea*sis hereto.= ex - premed that thitieaty would not be ratified, but these rumors do not seem to be well founded. ftt leaSt they' are based upon n 'sale int tangible from alai official persona ittlfexlem— There is • hie party there who would lire* the present state of suspended hosaDies, with only nominal war, to the withdrawal of mar mop, en event which Mini Mexicans aiprehend may . be the aignat for neer revoletioas, and that civil wan which is always so much worse than war with a *Mita Fsmr• Oppodtica totheralitcation ofthe treaty, in Meaeoi is of a moat hmcrogeneoes time 1 . 1 . 2 1 , aid Veho not ateecuirily to be Coliifidere - encamaicifthelTed* Owes. _.The pactMse of the Family Lihrsei•Cf Waslr *tam was Mooted in the Senate yesterday; and the Library Committee were instructed to lap* whether it can be purchased for the Government lefferson'a lama . were ptirebailedbyi fat SZPV. Mid main np • pint of thetoneria email Mealy. The Madisonpapers were lime of the purchases of MaGenaralGtmernment, and tali ate pending before Courressamw fie the purchase of the LIM:6C s"caldadisois and Hamilton. Mrs. flarrulon, - (daughter. ofi Gems! Schaylerd at the age of 92, is herenrging the paamign done of these blli and Mrs Madison, 'at • my advanced ate La ening the paeans of ‘ the ober. Bath Of thew ladies are. no leas ramarliable *their sertiartie yea* and the *ems they have aimed, than for the qualities May politest Their memories of* past, revive riaminiscances AIMS nontibut *mania the early part. of thiabitemy of the c o untry mold awaken. If then. brobandawine remarkable mega their wives were no too extraordinary swamis mwir wAstmraTopr. was an . enimated debate in the florae of RepresentolyOlt, on, Tuesday, in wide? *r. Gid. dings participated. upon a question * s • his own protection. g n ., told' tltter nixie; that from a bah , from which he had received wr many insults, and from which hehiad tieen practically expelled by a vote of Censure, be expected no taco, and naked for non..Ba biew his rights and - duties, and in tended to axcrciae both.- We shall give a brief sketch of surge of L6 l point. of this speech tumor ease, which -bad the effect o of prompting, up= • Southern . roation,the close of thedabate. - -The • Abolition excitement had entirety anbaid. tid at Washington, but in • Congresv there' was a disposition to agitate the quoit:um more and more. Lifeal IsteUlessee. Mr. Juno Smarm formerly of Allegheny City, who toile, leg to Chapoltepee, kA yestenig.on. the Late Erie, Cor . the'residenceetbia father, Tho mas flaititie, Ep, near 'Mils:ein, Beaver Mon ty. lie is se emaciated by king coadnemeat snd intenset'sofiCriag from his wetted, as - &tulip to be reecigelied by his familiar soluaiatanees. . •Ife; pow fellmr, held the pod of . Assiatantrottc miaow, kid might have avoided danger, bat et the fiot.oo straggle of COoPokoPeas thin)ting tie famee his &non:lmam tat weak; ha volunteered, 'went ititOlhe'renks, gad in the fight tut , his Leg— Me, we madentami, intim only survivor of seven belonging to hiiinglitund, whose limes Wens' aty patateti , a hospital patient for, ram moustrs—broued home yet tortured widt'liu" I un.. boded.wand; and but now, after some week.' endow= able! yo:tOtter boon,-; This is the prias of icy' MT/Zit= Seumear—The wife of a :41MITIZI, resitting Mar dm emu! 'earebottae of Mr. !Imp , Graf, plunged Into. the. Nati Basin, awe to the bridge rabich mews from' liberty and gnat' to Washington street, yesterday, 'boat half Mall— She got out immediately, but declared her deter- _ . ounaticni destrg ber.el and, r u bing to the brink attic mud, wan about tojmnp in ppim but, Adler leaning over pa basin friViricoi: two, beboldincits fikby condition, and Wilding its timid odor, ebe concluded' to postpone drowning till* silo could meet mitt, cleaner water. • Gwozaa Tox Tinnia.—Tbne renowned and unkus gawlowlen, Wbo 'ban aniated an immense exeitetoeatboth is Earn* sad lottesios;will mace his bow to the good people of flltsbasgh . oo lltoa• day nest:: This iistopeeetoest; 91111 id doubt cause an sadism= asianissobijoienlie portion of oat coauisaaity, v well es the lavers of the co. Tu large, hut ...IS:waste now adaptiog their (ivied/ to the low stage of rater. The Clipper N 0.2 boxigto up only a ins boxes of specie consigned to nsun: D. Leish do Co, with a Saw Packages to Su scarsigruses. The. Tagtioni, wyo ir d im .a ot h er bod e Leman yesterday, were oleo'toth ealeting elosely . for the stagedlowiag far' little rubbing nowis e • -, • Turn. on Tai Cuut.—Tbe Wire capacity of the packeti now Mud to accommodate the Irani; mad elan Imam are dim raciaired. ,Amoair the nam wink may be impeded a bag load a cinnwei, b atriad the Gaueral coaremace of the Medmdias March, which emirates on Monday— Tim Muir misabers seamy . , Another faahionabbs and , crowded -house wife nailed the perfOripme lid eve of. Mr. Aedenon in the King ofthe.Conunorta... To •he will *mar in .the Ittihtern" ishich is claimed by his the ads as bin finest ebuseter. He Ms is:deity:4 mat anhums found of:charante'rs' during , his en. gagmen; and foully' ests*.hed hinreintition amongtbe lowers atithe tinnily . here. •" "Pais;lisces Sim; nnri WIDELY i . /.131111Z1140, 4 .W11S1,11•4 Tiliday tqlegbetiy city. ..j.t is u tine lookiltg sheetinficanll9lll : ifail to succeed. _. . .. .... _. >.zzx' t~ • Armes Eagtemd.. The , oroying extract lificit the tYondon Correa pendant of the New York Cocomerthal Advertiser gives. sad pause of th e Stile of:English -- padfilca Ira Ting thus taltha'ii , review of foreign affairs and given you acme idea of the gusts and eddies of tha Worm that seem. as yet only in its com mencement; I must devote my, remaining space to a consideration' of our Own position. I grieve to say that, proud as that position appears at present, I look upon it with a heavy. heart The general movements of the tithe have bf course communfo mated themselves by it kind of electric sympathy to this country. Intelligent minds cannot, help recognising that we have an igonint populace, a brutal soldiery, and 800 millions sterling ,of debt, and 'although the AogloSaxon character is essentially conservative, it is dangerous at such a moment as the present to have little to rely upon:, but this' untaught, instinct. What is, droired is a governtient that should ad vance and not wail to be driven. Oue that should take the lead, by boldly announcing social and le gal reforms, such as equality of religious sectg aboltition of the gross urequahlies and injustice of the income tax, stamp,Oscise law and legacy-duty lawn, the abolition of entails and of primogeniture; the aubsuittittion of a Christian in place of arenas° ful code' of criminal jurisprudence; abolition of game laws; a genetall.reduction of expenditure; extension f the right of suffrage,and solo of in a revolutionary spirit ibut with the distinct under standing that common sense and common honesty shall be applied to the amendment of these...ad all other portions of our laws and institutions, with out regard to class, interest., and obsolete ideas. Such e course would be truly coneervative, but it is alleged that the present Government mean to act on the diametrically opposite principle. They fear rousing the public mind, nod they think by avoiding these topics to get on till the storm has subsided. To my apprehension no course could be more fatal, and seeing as I do that throughout Europe the prestige of the old,, official .treatpofi -Vienna style of Goverement isdead and buried for- ever, and that the intellectual and moral maitre of the people has now, revealed its power and come insatiable for progreos, I cannothelp recogni sing that this country, either by the aid of its Government or without its aid, will takes part; and a great, One in, the: drama. Already, the loger classes are on -the nave, and it is painful to am the Government utterly ignorant of the nature of their deniands or of the real intelligence whence these derive' ,their force. There in not, I believe any chute of men more; completely blinded to the actual 'views of moral philosophy . which - prevail among the more - Intelligent - portion, of the opera tives of England thin those who compose our Legislature, and mote especially the members of the Goveroment, and hence there is reason to fear a constant mistrust and a perverse delay in every 'Concession, which will unceasingly, expose ns to the4Ln . I said °l'c joist now, that we had an ignorant population,'!; alluded to the majority, consisting of the agricultural laborer*, but is all our towns there sue mu numbers of Smite brain who, steeped in poverty, possess thoie nervous 'temperament; which are alteady restlessly seekitigMe non, and these people possess a clearer sense of the simple, rational, and eternal principles of mos slily than those above them. Hence a fitting of contempt on'their side; &sarong and perhaps quite as juot as tint which they me called upon to co donGait others, and if this feeling, guided by want or excited, as new, by an undefinable rym pithy, should ever .caste with and *like as its its gromentlhe brutal animal nature of the purely ig norant Portion of our population. as we see - it among our agricialturons and mddlero, we should then have ,o reap consommees each so bare never yet been visited on any land. , All attempts at warning, however, seem almost vain, and the most distrewing evidence ofthe fatu ous blink - MS and complacent eelfesteent of the middle and higher. classes it to be unnerved in the that that the Chartists and others, whether 'in the Nome of Common. or elsewhere,. are never sPo• ken of id wools of tdodnestorcotaciliation. 'Put the vigabonds down" is palpably the predominant feeling, and the greeter attempt seems to be speci ally to set the middle close. and the operative, in direct hostility--e plan which up to „the present time hai so tar encomded that if any one in schnt are called the respectable nuke were .to attempt to bring:aboOt a better: sate of thinga,.by pointing oat that the grevianceis complained Of should be sedans!): taken into Consideration and discussed in a sport of inutual goid will, ha would at once be voted undid:ilk - with vulgar sympathies that unfit' hini fix good society. He would in Act be shuo ned and hence it is that good men eryin the screen in vain.' Thole who are the best friends of order aro looked upon as enemies, and the mistake is only discovered when it is too late. In the printed debatesbf the House cif Commons the worire .01! . issif a finghe . will generally he Salad to indicate tltose rare:portions where some comparatively plain spoken and independent member—such an Mr. Home- - ly venture to deprecate any of the most unfavorable condructions that are put upon IlinpoWee and hitentrOai of the*imam anrang Daring the last Week iwts, Trotiden has been in a gam of anxiety on account of a Martha 1:1160:14 appointed to be held at an open space call ed Kennington eorninon, about a - mile and a half from the Houses of Parliament, on Monday nest, the leth or Aped, with the view of acsoompanYing some delegiles of their bud y in the presentation of a petition to the Housed Common. Ttlb object, of duals:aims oomprise the rein point, bf what is now called "the peopti's ebarter"—namelyi .liniversal suffrage, 2: tote by. ballot. 3. No: properly' qualifications.: 4..Atemthl parliamentiO .1k Payment of members, add 6: Eqtral elemorial. disirietr, and it was announced that the proccesiou would ' consist of 300,000 men —an amount of name oddly, exaggerated, although there ran be 'no miestion that this actual numbers would be form idable.: To meet this the Government have Sound it noessary to resort to direct interference, and • notice has . consequently . appealed this morning. declining the proposed meeting illegal. The Chap fists have, however, held a conference this after noonend they here decided to trisayspol.the pro - . The lad topic upon which I have to touch in Ireland—end here, again, all is uncertainty and gloom.! We are about to enter on a war of pride, to such a cause there can be bat one end. No man earl feel more deeply than Ido the absolute advantage to Ireland of a union with England. and I regard it as one of the Most railem duties of our country to endeavor. to preserve - :that union by every means' within its power. It is adoty we owe not only to Ireland bet - to thewhole civil. iced world, but it is a dirty whichcauses to be in• de:nal:tons, when we can no longer perform it - with the consent of the Irish people. If the Mali are soaped an to believe that they can get on bet. tee without: us, we hove no more right to force our. selves upon them than the French have to coerce England Our only right to Ireland lithe right of conquest,ind thesubsequent action of union agreed to by her people. .The rialt Of anapest will hardly serve for a plea la the year ISIS, and m to theses of onion, there min be po question that if the. people had the power to agree to that ad, they must also be bnametent to put an end to it. • Bull although, the English feel that they have never derived any advantage from Ireland that, *helms always been a drain and a torment to us—l be lieve they would sooner submit to anything rather i than' het ndependence. ' -• The niatter is ene.of prideand nothing else—it would be disagreeable to our self.esteein to be Mreed to give her up, and Mr the gritifiestion - of that hapilty to whietaln Its • legitimate action we own much of our. greatness, while at the • same its morbid indulgence is and always has hien at the root of all our cilamitieg we are, now I Mar upon thetrerge of a comsat ln which jetther suw moor defeat would be alike depkriable. The en. tent to . which the people 'are, mining throughout Inland, and the eager spirit by which they are an. imated, Maude a souggle:tbm can be averted only by exert providential interposition, of which et present Mime are no signs: . You wIL otaWrie that a deputation of the Irish :seders have had en interview with M. Lamartine, at which they received a very proper answer and thin 0114 for the moment have created disappoint. meat, batiltery still Mel sure that the moment they begin to act France will lead rifirore helpingkind. Meanwhile we have poured - troops' into D ublin, and ms set of parliament is .to be introduced into the, House-of Commas traMght, to increase "the Power of ilte lewi e proceeding ageism* the" chief orators for sedition:, • . Could ire Ora moment srubdue him- pride and give tree play to, the action af the moral eenthnents,, our cosine .even now would be clear. The Minis. - ter would.eo down to the House of ComninXi - ,end address Itthus: eEneland has always desired .a onion with !reined. She dashes it now, became she believes that it Is in her power to promote the happiness and l advetamment of the Irish t people.— Stil4 if the makarity ticked think differently, England, whin desires nil neon, save one of tary friendship, will never make -use of her giant strength to subdue what she cannot win. , , , "Let the Irish% people in it national convention decide Upen the proper means to take the new of the majority, and if that majority decide for inde pendence, they shall from' that moment be entirely free.• In muting from them; hemmer, let it be un derstood that we , do no with regret—and above all thinp let inland tat if ever, through sudden calamity the preset:lmM' famine, foreign aggression,or financial distress—she should Kum a ti me when friendship may be needed, there Is no nation on earth where abe will And it more freely teadered'than by the ueighborfrom whoM in friendship she now separates," A declaration of ' this kind would invoke the loan of an improntable and resentful slave and. the gain of an ardent although Independent friend. Pride, however, says Ni alave abetter than brother," and upon that war cry It ism be fared we are now prepared to move.: • j SPECTATOR. P. Ek—ln the above I have not touched on the condition of builness or money matters Suffice it to sty thu consols; which' ware fit when I tut wroteLhave striae been down to SO and are now SOF . Ettainsu alai' kinds 'is checked, and gold continuce ho poste in, owing ehiefiy to the distrust which prevails in all the cottatries &the continent. Wheat Id from 33 to as per quarter lamer, and coa. toe has also slightly deelinad. The railway calls kit the present month are 42,310,795. We have bad no failures except the ibfanchester house of Ehley, Conga 6c Co. In the East India trade. They Were in difficulties In October hut, but at that time received atisistance (jr - Men never attempt to ,Conaterfeit a worthless article, hews ealeuble medicines are - frequently imita ted... The knave who' counterfeits a medicine - commits' as mg a mime as if it were a bank note, or.the 'coin alba United Plates.' II A Fihnestock's Viradfuge, which is the only rale and certain earn fur merle' s, ;has been counterfeited in many sections °l'M...miry, and persons should be on Weir. guard when purchaemg. get the_ genuine article, prepared et Pittsburgh, Pa, aaaa - ! _ ..,. - • - • Tiai!ebie Cesandastataere of Allegheny thurrthormac—Tkie gnat. changes which within the but feta years hav e accused—and th e still greater which. wi th in a&w more must occur in the course and direction of travel and tirmaporta tihn between the Atlantic eine. and the Mississippi valley, by the -Mtn:demi= of ramie, deniands from those situal edlikeAlkglienrouritYni the gale way leading to that volley, unceasing vigilance to protecttheir oath interest. We ore located:et the head of de:unbent nivimuion on the Ohio, and pro sent to Plilladetphiet'New York and Baltimore the mod eastern point_ Within that valley—at which those cities should sordid the golden bamest Sof the thentingsvest. The importance of this posit :inn bas been recognized ever sauce tint discovered by the Military eye of General Washington in 1753, and even the close of a century • unexampled in its changes in the west, cannot 'diminish that importance unless our indolence surrender. to the triumphs of modem art, the - advantages -confered. upon us by nature. In-this age• industry and ac t linty tan afore retaitrour ascendency. We have indefatigable oompentors struggling to open new ohannels of commerce. • - New York and Boston on the North are stretch ing oat their iron arms to Ames within their grasp Dnot only the entire -basineas of the Lake country, also large pillions of th e trade and travel of thp Ohio valley. Theirlines of Raihoade are al ready completed to Bughlo, and in rapid progress eking the northernahoie of Lake Erie—serene the Penintula of Michigan to Chicago and the Midis• sippi river. The' New York and. Erie road is aps preaching the southern shrewd' lathe Erie and its branches front Cleveland, Saedusky, and.other points will every where penetrate the Ohio valley and thtis by Canal and Lake navigation in sum mer—suld Railroads in winter—will the trade "and travel designed by natures° enrich our merchants and manufacturers ho earned to etineh our more enterprising northern neighbor. Virginia on the South is at/eggnog:to open her mad to the Ohio, and Maryland through the agen cy of the Baltimore end Ohio company by on eir lire disregard of her own 'interest. has deter,. mmed by a .route of tunnel/I"' to reach the Ohio, at a poinf below 119-111 Abe, hope' of drawing otT our trade. This company appears here to hove definitely disclosed their future pobcy to-sun, an effort to extend her road westward by the appropriation to the annual profits of the part already completed. Probably one half of their annual profits am levied npon our trade and travel. Shall we longer submit to are our resources thus expended? Chan we continue to contribute two or three hundred thousand dollars annually to rap the foundation of our own prosperity. To counteract these insidious' efforts is our plain duty. and oithithrioul interest. If we amuse to ourselves—all these Ohne will be vain.. If not our ears and their hopes will bemired. Noel trade and travel are onto per:lined b bewithdrawn. years of toil and millions of money may be-requir ed to teclaim them. Thus siamited,Jonger delay ii thermanable—to protect ourselversrequiree action prompt and energetic, • Philadelphia with a degree of enterprise worthy of all commendation has commenced the opening of a railway communication to Pittsburgh. The citizens of Allegheny county equally interested must cooperate in a corresponding spirit. • The' Pennsylvania railroad company has already on-' dor coignet, and will have completed during the present year her road to Lewistown. The remain-, der of that work to the'Eastern hare of the Alle gheny mountains at or near Hallidaysburgh is now ready for—and will on the • 17th of May be under contract—the money for its construction be ing almaily secured. A temporary connection with the Portage railroad will bring that work to 1 Johnstown at the Western base of the raountains and within about 70 miles of Pittsburgh. • An efficient corps of Engineers boa been foe months engaged in surveys, preliminary to the lo cation of the •Weatern Division. This location can be completed and the work ready kr contract by July of the present year. All that is necessary to ; ensure** division being put under contract in a I abort time—is that the Directors shall haven sug ficent amount of capital stuck pledged to justify their prompt action. The city of Philadelphia under as ordinance already passed, hu authorised the Mayor of said city to vuliscrthe 11,000,000 ad. daional to the capital stock of did company when ever a corresponding amount ie 'Subscribed from Aber sources. A nubscription by individual. eosin.' ties, or corporations in Westem.Pennsyleanin to the amount of one million 01 dollar* wand at once cantle that company to an equal subscription from the city of Philadelphia. These two millions which the Directom have pledged themselves thus to ap. propristo would ba eufficeat to construct the mad from Pataburgli to Johnstown. Prompt action on our part will thus mum, us a railway connection with the Atlantic cities in two year, and then we can bid defiance to allotment ed rivalry on the the North or South. If however, we do not promptly cooperate, that toad may lin ger for year. before it reaches us.• . The *peody completion of the ;Pennsylvania reed to this point is vital to the interens rOf those rondo already projected to the Lakes," - tip West and the Southwest. Philadelphoorrill Wen IvritAtiPattbdstitrib•CriVatei-in:thit es,; snakes Of these bleach roads. The Presidestaad Pisectors of the reatisyleania company have ready solemnly pledged themselves. that 'as scion as these toads can be surveyed and located, Philadelphia will at care contribute to them at least an equal amount to what, Allegheny county May now eutocarbe to this Eastern road. Her it tercets wad ours are necessarily the senor, sad both will be hest promoted by a Mend countyeatectip non -to that road' which is already moseyed and proinkes immediate returns upon the • laved. meat. The'Petenylvania Lem'aLature at its late session paned an act calculated to have an important bearing on the late:eats of this Pennsylvania rail road. By the first section Allegheny , county among other things is authorised to aubecole to the capital stock of said company, any amount not exceeding 5 per cent'upon the assessed valuation of her real and personal property, the COlllprOly to receive her bonds es cash and the county is empowered to op pant' one Director in the Board fie every ibmito tamm of stock • held by her. The jecond section declares- s the Direcuira of the Pennsylvania railroad Cc:hominy be and are. hereby authorised to pay to the shareholders enti. tied to-receive the same, in the months of 'slay and November in each year, interest 41 the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on all installment* paid by them; which interest shall he charged Id the cost of exectructnet and continuo to pay the dime nail the said mad shall let completed, sad that on. sal a divides:el shill be declared all the profits and earningeofeaid railroad shall he credited to the': 'cod of coastroctiort." The object of this law is thus clearly stated in a recent report or that Conopany recominen dialgthe payment of interest the board do OM pro. pose any new experime l / 4 This plan is saner. ..- et! by the practice of the . gliah isocupacies, as well as those of New York's:lnd Massachumus and hat been followed by the mod beneficial result. Although it is understood that no provision exist in they-hurter* granted inthese dates CH thepaymen t of , interest, yet Or the last 1 3 marl such peyments bare been voluntarily made by all the ocenpanies under conviction of the policy and equity of the I-0,1111110 and it in bond that it has the advantage not only of wooing prompt payment Irons the stockhold er., but it permits penonv of limited mean, to ite vest in the...stocks, with a ...minty of receiving theirlocomes regularly from •the time ofsuch vestment. The ultimata effect ha been ; that all the roads but one in Massachusetts hare been built upon thew .pital mock, only a single ramp. ny having been obliged to have .racoon to hams to complete their:ma", These extracts hove en important bearing upon the 'Mancini elltin of this Clffripmny. By its char ter in cane Allegheny county will subscribe to the mock of this road, the Company during the pro stress of the work will pay b per iamb per annum, interest on all monies actually paid in until the roadie completed. The undersigned are. fully convinced that when Oda road is completed end under proper management it must yield not less than S per cent dividend upon the _ant of con. struction. lfeo the obligatioo of the county would he notornal,a mere, lain of her credit to raise 'money upon .her bond., on account of which she would not hove to pay on. dollar. She.. would even on the completion of the toad he entitled to all surplus dividends over 13 per cent to her own uterand have in the meantime largely increased • the value of the taxable property of the. county from which her revenues are derived. • County subscriptions to the capital dock of rnib road. is not by my means unusual. Manyocrun, tie. in Ohio, New York and elsewhere have made such subscriptions.. To retain our trade and true. el liberal contribution fur the eimrtmetion of rail roads are indispensable, and we cab perceive no other means by,which that aubseription can be so readily made as by the county of Allegheny. • Some pen..s may suppose that all estimates predicated on the 'profitableness of this railroad stock, as an investment are fallacious, but if them persons will only turn to tlateßepata for the year 1817, made by the Massachusetts railroads, where the system boa keen . more .folly mummified thatamy where elm, they will iticessin the fallow instate*. Railroad firiiihed, 72S stales cost, ~ ' $310181,&13 The total receipts in le4l, .$3201,091 expenses in ISt 2,533,391 Net income as dividends, $2047,870 _being within a smell fraction of Spey cent. And yet not one of these roads connect point., pronink mg so large an amount ix trade and - Ravel aa moat paw between the head of the Ohio and the Atlantic ecaboard. But the experience of Beaton I. alio ell impor tant in regard to the alai these Itailioad loved. menu have had .on the general. prosperity of that city and its vicinity , F'or several 'years prior to the time she commenced to build bee railroads her, proper., in population and , wealth lad been so 1 slow as almost to be called stationt4, In 1833 her asusamenti of real and personal Toen , for taxable purposes was oily 00 o fdollars, they have now reached 160 millions, or double in. 10 mare. The two elements which have prorate. ed this increase; are the constraction of flee rail roads and the building up of her manufactures.— These have mete-Rielly contributed to sustain each Thorium: elements exiat in Allegheny county, rald_with a ocuesponding dupes of industry end enterprise, mud here spring up to still greater ac• tivity. Our hills teem with inexhaustable supplies of and, an element of primary importance In all mettukraturing.:eitabUslunetitit We are situated at the', head of stearnboat maim:thin on the. Ohio,' and throughthst channel an:cora:eau' with some 11,000 miles of steantboat navigulto In the Valley of the Mies' •• i. That Valley contains a population of about 10,i POO, hie/roaring with unprecedented rapidity, atali. igricultitial In their Pursuits, de pendent on Out manunauring earablahmenti liar all the eodleu variety of articles required in 441- mi:tate manual:Oat The _expenditure iii the vicinity of the Pitts- i ..-, V.~ (.-... ~ti~t9 4 ~ -' ._... .. -it 4 --.h ' u,-, r . ~.'~-'~"~ f~ ,:~ ...~_, ~, `may ,st. :.va 'i~i~..~~' t .. bi n * m id e x im ivalkint af.t.gongey.rogniVed conexua ,ll o the naiiicat 1 .0: 1 021 Menthe: mum of weer n bald'other wadi connected with and depen on ilia road; roast kir year cotne,',l= tribute to the growth and prospe ri ty of. tenuity, band xro manithotta rt intemit, and di.r.wip indueetly belie& e 'laborer; tne , chunk, fanner; 'Parch= and' deer in the em gy mAltegheny. The agricolitratandratllrog Intro.:as of thircontaf oughtliittyltofindeniti.a the importance. Of an arcane 'to the Atlantic mar. not -impeded by the (rein of triple t , or, the dropght of Kummer, : ellen they recall the cape rience of the Int year, doting 'Mich they lost near ly two dollars , match banel Eke; by the mt. pmemiutySocatisne,and thendrodehly in reaching , that:whet in'propr esaeon. • We the inadersigoed would -therekpe • teepee fully ask of the county Grout - roisker—the 4el ireprearodetivel of the txxittqi—ab i g a Convention to consist of the wiser antolier of d ,elegates be celled to Mite int° amit4daggr a .th,e propriety of Allegheny eountyitibert corporate •capticity. sub serking to the 'capital' stock of theppsylvania railroad coropetty, nroluronts' as ;.he deter. Ironed etion t not krenedi4.s,per,oent -upon the asseseed.l9LOßlMlli for, camp: panosee such teal= Arsenal ktFirienty:!.' . ' Was Wilkins Andiew Wylie Junes Proionae"SOth:l e login.l', • Carothers & Ck.W4Robinscar, ~ .j&A ratternat,- 'BakewellPears &GO". Forsyth & Ellincanc-• 'Masi MeCatulless,l, Cuddy Jones lc-Co., • .. - .1.,R , More_ ! • Barbralge I,llliron auCo.,lsm.r.elinsick,.. 4 James Mrood;: t o, -„ ~4 Friend-Rhey . Wick &,Miccandless?' 'Wn Mirka Ritual . 'Hire& Ilohx, ' - Lorena Staifing&Co., ,'McCliiitoCk, ; • Jes A Hutchinson &9.,Nli r mhfcltnight Jr, . Johnitillefeoti&SOn, liuneeGlltcallz - Geo " . * .k.isiooßJOisel& Lamle! .:AsrAilen - as Co; Junes Kelly , .•Ja m es Graham, • J ohn Young,...-4r4 • - Junes .-Churithers, ; hicKelvy, Sullen Carothers, Stunueliones, - Logan Wihlou & Co. Wm Rogers,. Thos M *we, - • John Marshall, • latacs.B Worry, - Alexander Marshall, • James U.Brown George Istrinier; • Benj John Bider, • Thomas klukfastera, ' - Lyon Short, &TAO., Bags* &213221i1, John 511121p/OU,' 'R. Palmer, • George W jackson.• • 'The undemigned Commnkmen of i Allegheny warty, would mobabli nil:anise, by tbe net Of Assembly to sebserile to the capital tack-n the Pennsylvania itagiand4lonpinf.' Thf , '? Prkr . however, that the Iw:fie of the - county . noun Ant copious their Views . .M.tregaitl la i n important mean ns, and in obediencespinrequest contained is thiabove memorial, would stak ibe qualified vv. ten io each Ward, borough tad tensislup in nid County, to meet at their usual place of . bolding eledbana in mid districts on Sattudsylthe,27tli day of May next, each to appoint two pelt-sun to mania County Convention, at ihe Coon House in the city of Pittaburgh on the 31st oft May to . con. wet and advise with Commissioners In reference to a subscription on part of said County to the Capital week of said nalroad company. The - pri. man meetings in all the tosrmkpe except 'Pitt will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. and watt and the ether; Wards and korcmghs at 71 o'clock, P. M.. of said day. We earnestly wish afros and full expienion in regard to the nutter. . I C aoN JOH N NaowELt,p EPI T. tAIrA iGum: .71°M48P"S. , m A nn l2xi 0 73, April 6,stj . ins Ho:: Wu:Luis Wtinar. Aar Sir—You have ever been the Ewe! ceant—your talents, mature and welling° judg ,tofint, and your time, bags ever been mad)reed erilllngat the call of your neighbor; in auggosting susenging, and carrying out objects end amprove , meets (coati petesotioutif.the common This' is no idlis'ematiliment, r designed propitiirte votqfavorableteasideration that kdowg it Bran hoots* esd.'sanoere .tnlchs the , varie d nod .miotik4d et:vices :which. have marked lone lon career is Aiseity. Under these impiessions ' &your netfuleem, we have , heartily rejoiced to Inagua in the management of tr work IS twecy tad betatedace,..—tnitr a wdtkof mercy king demanded tiy the ex*encini of the ciao end theibtereasitnr Wulf ot.t.hU rapidly growing peps. lition. ' You witrAseally.Pmeedoe .that we lege 40 1 , 004. coestructice, and oinputhiaticin of. the Bof~ital-a, loepiW In ha Ines/4%4We tuition, winntong; rotanelogn—aßoliptal an miderstend ilii seem aceetaionoftheinnal—. tokettlthenick—go tiatipthe.voitothe-toeettio ter yelief tr thinseehrdicavidelt 'desk is heir to'— Plow& to PAW aid °thee weeessmy • toter destitute 4elr.; sea the • annme thin terry and teeming populatmo: • Teats .hare gone by NAM ILICh• a project term Drat agitated—carcumnances, nit doubt beyond control, have hitherto retarded the continence:neet of this benificent enterprise. Happily,howerer, a new •piptnntt has been, awakened during the past y emoributions' have been !readily sub. wined. and a most munificent donation from the O' Hero Estate has been granted, an ion* far the building or edifice necessary and appropriate to the :object. and purposes of the original projectors and contributors of this humane work. And now, Jett sic, this is the precise point to which we emu ear. . neatly beg to call your attention. The public relics on your thorough knowledge of the real wants and wishes of this commoriity,ln the pre:inset—they rely on your weal jedgmeat and watchful cio cumspection fa whatever regards the plogrem sf tke Institution LOWIIAII the - design talview at its inception and origin_ We have keened with so- rfeigned amazement, that all the plane and drew. kip - for the work are adapted to a different object, and that it least on the part of mime of your nankeens—the unconcealed intention to divert and transfer to another and entirely different pee pose—to a purpose not called for by the want. or the wishea of the .people of Pittsburgh. That it Is nor:fior the, brat monocrat known that a stupendous "insane Aryl..." for Western Pena sYlvaaia is the grand end to which this Hospital originally designed fur the necessary aronumodo non of the sick and diaabled,: adverted to beano. What claim has Western Pennsylvania on the charitable resources of Pittaburgh and Allegheny county, without any contribution from the various peonies which compose the district for the :anon of such an Institution. -Valuable, it is not, important and beneficent, as all are free to admit. And why should • fend, grit together by the kind and humane labors, in a groat degree, of the amia ble and worthy Vice President of your Board, re a new delinitioov What were the objects and purposes of •ois indefatigable tabors? With what voiee, and With what anrornitna did h e op. Mooch the generous contributors to your Irwin). non? Did hoask their aid, and approach their hearts, Le contnbutioes to an Insane A•Vtue for ,the benefit of Western Pennsylvania,..Cat•lnly not The real objects and motives filr his exec. !norm were unooneealed, were openly and carefully; explained, to all: he did not admit that the gnats nd primary pressing neceseityef • Hospital, ouch as we have before referred to, would or hould, In any eon,. tingeing, be made secondary to an Insane Asylum; and the public look with great confidence to your well dawned influence column the scheme whiCh we are now advised is in agitation—a scheme that• must and will fail to ruitisfy the just expectations of. the people of Pittsburgh; and through your eters trots, if the project has not been too far consign. mated, we doubt not (if not wholly) will in part be. set aside. We Melte your thorough and earnest -scrutiny of the subject. We are not willing that the charities of this city shall, for all time to come, be concentrated on au object AIIIICA ire by no meson required by the exigencies of this popelation.! If there M one city or one county in the world pecu liarly exempt from the calamity of Insanity, It lathe city of Pittsburgh- and Allegheny County: his very true that cases do occur, but they are kw and far between; and we yield to none in sympathy for Web autrems—will they ace for from being! no numerous or iaggravated as to - demand the aggro. :knee or an institution of the magnitude contem plated, an we understand. A very small ()onion Of the fund now subscribed, and a very midi estate I,,,htnenc would amply provide for every =se which would hero any peculiar claim upon the charity of this city. But Ore are told that one prog• cipal roman for this contemplated diversion is to secure. what in 'called the Miss Dix Fund, appro. printed to the Insane. Now, Is this sit adequate me' son, allow me to inquire—in thii pitiful atintOf five thousand • &Ann to bribe 'us to keep; an urgent claim and neceasity for a hospital, and !Le which provision has Iroen eolong and wi aoxionily sought? It is to be hoped you willthink otherwise. To us tt appears unreasonable, if not an unworthy OA. slderntioa, for *by such diversion of the original purposes and objects of MANY CONTRmtrroas. 21, the editors of th PittOurgliG'weetoe. • I hove from time to time noticed with feelings of admiration the seal and public spirit Which you have roan iksted on the subject Mil airoad improve petite Yowhave seen tit to d irect_ public. atten tion to the Wester*, rather dinette Eastern Read. for plain std cogent reasons, which you hive filly spread bethre yourreaders. Yon.have nunined in behalf of Pittsburgh the right to tocata the western road on the merits of the route alone, regarillesi of sectional views of interested parties,without dice orpartialy. Whibil fullysubscae to theriews expreued I would respectively by leaveM ruptest that you apprise this communityof the atutubur lion which prevails amongst the Citizen, of certain districts - west of Salm Ohio, growing Out of the alleged determination of certain gentlemen . to make Salem n point on the life of the Western ' Railroad without reigned to the (altercate of the wishes of the citizens of Pittsburgh. Would it not be Mir la d reasonahleto permit those who have been prevented from subscribing to' that smock of theTennsylvania Railroad, to have the' opportuni ty, 'of doing so by the reopening of the Boob'. Very respectfully Pittsburgh, April 20, ISIS. • . V. Don% have yellow dark Teeth—they eats be pearly 'white by one tuna allele a box; of Janes Amber Tooth Pasta. It hardens the gum, eweeteestho h m iat h Bold at fel Libony nowl • wly irrrum., Sow, AC-710 Oehlllllo flays , Waimea NI as article ZOOM Justly celebrated as a mire for the alarm Ib.a any or all Other, It. cures are almost yu numerable. ' Sold by Wbf. JACKHON, Anent for bomb. • '' nortadkwOrter • *That whiter skin colliers, than anow,t ' • And punt u nionumental alabuter.a All females have skin like tha ahoy*, who naa Jane.. Spanish lily {Mts. ittakelhpore wwwy,:yet moot rally while. Sold at Cattlitaat area marlB By !fume tk,u6kApu: "Patty rif e gas-site. .poNipmezei . a: Wartiingtoo, Apra 27,1818. SiOurr—A resolution wee Reseal directing the presentation to M. Vertemere, of one hunched co of frickey's conatitartitni edit; United Sao* in the our of, the Sainte ct!ytizi-okeiid'4`l,6Otatio., c*Uiag . rhe agt4. elity,Gorfabrma6oa in-rirlation9o.theyelbli.4 ; if The ror r a l4 l ll .:=. it t .,474 .. g* " th ... Mr. Bai r lger'aritecluticet ,14:F•plit.rot portrait, of...dth....taylor, called lupe! autd laid upon the table Etter anieatrittient.: „ . Vie c titornfaclainalin was thee aiaev _ned'. au. Id the edjoulritoent..." - .; :. Flocsor EXPEMSENTRITVIS-716 fine,ll4lll.lllMs *ill . , , Way Prig ,ule *hi &di 04tie• Mx. Clia whi . ; wai caged to the 41coor, n" 4 ":"cabie iPeeclh chargiihrmt:•set*wy,lur 7rith. using Mr..llenly far the ?Trawl of pliko. qc.mit!'e irc 4 iii "0* goiniUTZa - deM 4ll O fium.d. fr...ita Mr Mixt*. 1411 . h 1110;64: aid liirenada4i..s l 6uii,l.nikxioai board °Pm! kim 2 !1' th; OirPli th. Ad.milgt The debete woe continued- ! hi ' imb i e6l 'is2; wormer,: the ,wlt/ge ehue3log,tLe Adnuoistudion . with ker; . irt . to tutu the letters to thn lyoutie, Leottese the Mex. •rneurrneromene might get Menu, while iu; the same time the letters were &dumbly' ttioureit, tea Get nu*,to be need hy egyirn 9ett:, &aria the Court of Inquiry- • - • !4 - r. Stephyoe inured ID plUUrnerbohnwar reCt9rndenee hipedier, to the Antilles., of'10,000? whichwee +Welded arta the Hoiree:edjrriti Att ;April 27,1818. The 'lllinois Democratic State Convention'lma recommended Lewis Cau as' its Gray and Levi Woodbury as ittnecond,choineyor the Preaoancy• I, 4ate ^ 4 -- The present incumbents of --- , Wore te Tamer' V. Bowtirighatt 'yets in the St: Look (Minotatri) Coogremiimal Erlosivs conemetalmare of ii., .Artrtnothir s 171ILADFILELLIA MARKET. , .-: • Pisludo:Ws, Apag27, 1S IS Flour Sales WO Ws, Wideit, at $50:71e. Cesu Meal—Salevut22 25 plir bbi. • Sye,Flout--Sales atS.T2S pie* • Prea,Seles: ce 3000 beehels: . pyinae &Ahern Coen ittl cis per busheL Chas areheld 44 cm • . . Prwrisieruo—tkies.of Baltimore nark* Lent et "Te. There is no:seciiity ides) , artidequota- , Climatic ales ci tvaramonii. O. soiar ode/ ;,I4rhiskey,--Seles :at 72 eta. NE:W. YORK MARKET . • Now York, April 27, 1848. Flogr• — •- q •les, af, imenikE GerAvwdit 5 , • . Gtaitk—Primered Wheat, , $1 Nyidgity-.41111011 tit ZS CtIL , Pentialtas lite guide ire oil tinotiptlMO--the t. latutti to coated to dot "tong 014% Liz: a rn,is OtAkealloet,eraromiiiits.p ar c_ • ctnir Cam 'l.i.canimmeetittro.Pituttoro.Rocreai IIthLTIVOREASMIKET. . • , • / 3 !lTTar,Atail 27,18411 Boraidanstat a esi The puukei bmisr,o o P- restarbmsvi unasi atom &aria( *null casammioa..l &Aim= Cityr, 10/4 44 1 1 g.P 612 1* • ' 7 c, f ,...sik.4 . :ka h r f ikit e AltLestdo St 4E510 .41 otr, 114sit1'it .r!siniesaftwqrei 414121i6 • .P 1 Pemrieiom—The melee we only im thesetTly of the regulahnuledemend, , • . CINCLNNATI UMMET. Sonc—The market, with 'moderato basincsa;ia in favor of ilia buyers. Silas at 44 100 bbis Cay Mils offered at $1,151, without bu yers Provisions -- gates L3wo, hogrotind, rt 3c ha= 4c; sides, 31; pecker] shoulders,. 21. QT. Salt Rheum, Scerry. 014 Sona S ryaipal i. Barber's Itch, Chaps, Som lloady Bove Beards, Pim ple,:to Jones' Soup is used by many physiciankiti skis city curing die ebove s end we woo Id not consckeintiously sell mils we knew hto be all we mete.: ' As is continue, the woe Joms' Seep I. perhaps dm only article ever known tlim removed impurities and eleervd mid beautified Me skin. making it soil, clear, smooth end white man infant'. Sold by WM. JACK SON, E 9 Liberty week .649 Mr Yon Wa i t:llly old fellow, read tbth, and be no longer bald wills erlesa and hairless. M. W. Jack eon, Of 60 Liberty street, Pithiburak, P., certifies onus. 3,1 strYebruary, t 47, that IdnlYwe. Jackmans head, on the top, eras entirely' bald. for 15 lean, and that by tsing two 2. banks of Jones' coral Bur iteanwarise, he balr In gown ng fat and think. Sold in Areerark by S. 01119 & SON. 211 , Broad st, H. VAN BUSKIRK, careered Broad sad IVantackebtn. on rant mra nate axe Loanc—Comode Vs Nerve mad Bone lAniesent cud Indian Vegetable h the most etemoal core for abeam:is= Sold by WM. JACK- S Amon for Pittsbargh. itooledtherraT. • 0— Dual have a • Foat Breath-1r Too have, ow • two shilling boa. ofJortes' Amber Tooth PAY. 'Mat wiII Waite you breath sweet, whiten yoar teeth, Soldat sel Liberty at. • • vioviGtharly ANANA SUGAR-40 tits Whoo and Brow; for •Ale, by ept3 WICK A M'CANDLESS SUGARS-1666 Low:riug'smobed Suer! . it"l.""" CnC i rMiri : D ap2ll wle Y:l9 WICIC k BIPCAISIDLESS GLUAT - Zobr'''Zra'n"' e 4" W112d4; 34 d: /11/INLROVIS-112bys H.ruu etweloot V's&le be sALL___VVICK & • ,fora P°: °_ Rat a. Co,s7 mterH Couon,&t. nabs by 7 • FRIEND, RIMY &Co r as—mgr bu. cora, just received and Tor yds .13y 840 ROBLSON Jr. Liberw sr OTA9II-8 eaaksji4t rL•T`d and for 1;17,1V -7 P 'n ROBISON & OILS—I cask °rpm vrianor bleached Sperm; - • ha 646 Crude; 3 4o , Tanners; in store and kor• arki • • 0 lILACIMURN k, Co :finarcii AND TAR-40 bi. Pitch; 4 don.; in pore an for male by 2 0 111.Ac11311BN ir Co • IL Web! v b S/I tlins , ; o 2i ii li t tfl i r s mittfo I. B ,rarcize,°'-th,..-27zettier' . . • utr.sopi Lt.> ATACKERM—Z bbli large No 3: for We low to el: • b JASA HUTCHISON &Co • DX!' RECEIVED-10 bbl. AleoktoL J • 7 KIDD 41LCi.1 . UST RECFIVED4aoi Traphagen's Sanaparilli 4 KIDD Co - IarIBTAR'B 9A1.9.A.b1 OF WILD CH.ELLIW-15 dot •IF yfur sale by spt3 J KIDD tr. Co - 'fVILPENTLIE-1.0 bbls bps: Tospeitica; Jun rota and for Ha. py 424 • ..Cbionleler copy. • • LPULESVILLE LIME-300 Lb; Lonieville Liciey just received on catudirnmerd end for hale at a reds. cell price, by GORDOIII, or . epai:date • Enna • VO/I . ...STE.AXIMATS AND HOTEL.9,-Wa bare au .1' blind a largo oaaarameni °firma Sums . Ware, suit able for near:doom and howls, which Ira 'rill sell . • UjLi.t ca.-fry, Prtele;, - r;.;"st QUGARCUItED DRIED REEF ROUNDS-0,000 lba VI sugar cured Dried Beef, in prime order, put up (or .(only ow! hat reed per American Star and- for aide by Kay SELLEIIB NICOLS • ,C 1 1 .14- 4? dashePool - 23perra Oil s bleached: !do Wlti;' ter 6 illlllo do do; 2 do comma dodo; 11 bbla spring dodo , bleathed; 12 do Lard Oil; 10 do /lowed do; to more and MO. and for sale by • IEATIIEWS-45macka to ortivoi Iw ulo by _ arn. ISAIAH LUMLEY & Co, front of • I *1: ox p aa- r. band China Ica Cram Y.dtuceray ad sale at claw 'ea GILL & GETTY, bbl fraa4 Corn Cat fol•Eaadeityl3 bualf4,.tlltasi apw . WICK*. &MANI) - - - .ALERATUS—aI cask* Clevelaud Ilatentsay soI6 by . _ITV WICK as WCANDLLIkS B A Zg r 7 4— ' 33 P" n" tht b il trAIIDLERS INT HITE 13 nefiso bbbi freab =all White Ile.ans, y for We by golf WICK k AVCANDLI.NS - Daret3ll-3U cults prime An malign 'for gale by jr. spar *101( t two/Nina:a • 11,0TATOL73-13 bids !male by - • .A: sy27!wk.& 74'FANDLESS Hmivsll2ll , :cii:o - vEet,• !C AT WHOLEBAY.E- =dot Hove and 11111'110.5,in man, women and aildsan, with • Iwo lot of silk, couon lisle thread Gloves and Mins; Just toceived from the importets and fat sale arbolos a / a and /alai!, by ' • • WS, 7 • ' it EATor4:p._ rgIRANSPARENT WINDOW SIIADES—A fresh aapply of Wed Window &lades end Trimmings, jam rend and for sale by :0 24 F II EATON 1 Co AUCTION SALE& >7 Jelha D. DIM% •1114141444.44.. n . - ratifier VairieDry Gads, to On Ifetrby 04412*, Ibrf Ix; 61 , 10 Vela*, at Ow errawarcial Balm R.., coreer a Wool no b wr, will be sold, withers rams, wartys mew, marmot arra ararrnstar Dry Good^ te,wairqy , w3PrAw_llmlussawbor Ns, men* miaow, en. 14 . 0 • 444, 44 , 4*4 sabirwlrd wralisk,-**46: tad sad TO"er firraida, liner drW,l6,p, mow owl" meat 4-4 Fresh clisra, ikilhicar4 Azwrrkx. p isa, Preb and &owl. liana, Darium rad 6166,16rwr giogiwas, liner sad err= dock,d am ads ........ saakewis, Ilwancnr tij4tooas r lrldr= l Prot esalre = Gms wwx.Z i 7riso, raskarm mos sad awes J. War. basoltmlikir6s, , .hk and. wthei, timer AU; setlaonmiag fon t ribbons. Mond arirrl4 4 rw_, !!ll6ol4lwr,DWirr rad book roall6s;gierrh rei/criar, path 6,ltelles, aribyrollwk*— , . Pid/wl‘Werl• wriww Wein pOr Baum brs N 0 1.6 rlerpowber, Eder gel* , 6 bbir rwallirew.l rim lircerw asserrri. • ' q ° 0 1'1 atirwrrOW. l l:6 l Trplutars rcalr, errs. err seabilard rnnitgr4ll==.l:r hccrrreiwirs, Whine ,yrisonsatnrtrilwlekirrawoolowpa awns, writ • hildwor anaramma or .1w1,14 * *bit 1./11., winces, Are 1:6/48 eallet,lwalort tabor% rwlrb wood bfr rtrei,Drear el/MD% Mllprwri, ptiovialik..., *rip Alinsa,6ll6sel, Unger. go rad ailwyr Wads* thdialitemOress, ward., rsrinyip64 taadi wyclei l / 4 ae. .t lope • • Comm mie def flake oon,C eseslei, tine Mb ons., SI 7/ Odoak, at dip gd end P M Weal:Weal:OM. of Wee oral be sold • tarp eelleetisei of rebtable sale bWMor Weis. Marlowd worts ea ilea. gkly — rian n igi tee%, lassie ~le." Alao„ Mater sod rap smiling pa. Per. Sold P O .Ol Ol / 4 , AIM% D DAYIB. Auet. . . ' Real Baal at Aerates. ' 'Twenty-he ballaar Lessor Nat beer Cady* Uaarat ott ra y,tr lab day of Kay, at 3P. licaloasartpa Unto ami—lo Lou, eat\ % feet b ...Aim oPtv.ii. the Cab al,. ILt 48 feet Bart Go Gnat arm; dB feat de grebes anatoutd 44 kat 14 Web. os W/lerium. tie Wylie wart lou, aback 3 aft seta $1 feet = lOD feet= i t i et oae teet2ll..t%tt Ceram. Oa Sam smies-7 loos, eaeltWra freak by iw boot &Si ailey. l ama lata are ..ppe•ii• 10111 omit ea dr aware at Bala wan .od Gtr to amid laid. Oa limealt ram .auml lat Dal freak %about La feu dear 1 a/ feet lame, by atTa trawalsta hr band, atal tie resblura . la are uottial perytanss, from the day ol'Aant task mull touted, Ira year veml-aertoally, fla tat day. of Oeladear Ara each year. la be wean& by bold gad Tide todeepaable, and enta totasedlete y. ptao au. tom < Do dm ode* a Rat , I al Tbud tree mai to the Post B opal . Juala 13 LIAI/18, aara 9.111110114*., MATINI I. • 6S. rail= -. Tl Mawr aril /ime. Lastmorretrroxeariti_ANlCElft.- VXMAT, , Anuis,lats,Oretfraf,/,atee val. Sall- Chipiemi Ailibtax •:114,Aalmcr. Cesar.* /fax— . .. • . •••:;1;;-111s. Osier, AmatoKin firer. " amts..., Rissror , ' • .• , bILATOEIL4WI7I4I4:• . • • Rain frilladiwierrinbel ZAN IX MIZI1‘11:31Z. A. or , ' lz. Prowl., tr laws dogs.( twi Of Leer Uri, war be twee gredired er, di, doh *Oen swim of Moral beer Pry Wm. Ifiefoof. and aillba gronecod Crowned Idlegi etltesop.oed ethe ree refferrol b.- km. &IMMO of Orroweigogg as Um racrynars, will bold WELKE LOWSIZZACILDAY, at Aruba Hall, Mt A Mg .1111r3 NM* emormwirg ,IlLinetsy,, Beciswi Itcrring, Lear It ila I e`nloei.,' Aflrenacw, fres* IoZ Zeroing, from 74 to t. Doors opis kW so bon ke oilmen The 12n1s Gomel AID lipport,lok &I arida prrfewn• C a to teciefue Awes, Geodes Porneg.ike; Ito 'nil err, norms, ftwirdek th"h = Pa . 4 1 . . i..6 II num, Parla* wane sr trYW... elerge; sae nor =I th. Q.ltee eir naer; elleenble., , ter 101,1 w of Rem* old ail NCement Newts .d Itehiley 41114.4 e: nutualaa La AI hi .....nmea A. .Lihrh:d . 2 . 3 [wale, aortae Wier, ..d We hmolthrftaim. de CAEN 9iMiat ial eg rare .- 1 IniLut. He iernsing AZ PA= ...led 6 7 Cher. Vie , rokr. orrnirowarl , the As... ut W 'wog* awl CiaztronatlelbOrt a=WI Pawl. le .. lok!Vlar .11T tte, 11. and ha pep ‘n roue* of in as ky d i LOW 4.o eat et:awAtl, toatrate untas mutt" autiewurirrteugu r ' . 1 gllzarkri IS estah Miran amid 10 ireinAil . • Ja macre ansiesaris Aloud ears ma eamltor . s.47.o.Nomaritr Er f mniam .t...:114M113=2*11.6118' ;:rp• the ptuloeophand Sp.' a eneal nation of Neer, and Weaderful geeveca; ahrucren thole laws width produce the anrsTr, N INAMITeft OrIIIMILN NA, .... • TITRE!! . . Doan own u 7 . 43 “411131=.1 at 8 o'clock- Sag* ickaisl3 araa4 Ida far SL 117 Oracallaas Lacauci . to Ladles, as Math, am Tuesday and Thanalay, at .1 P IL • aplUdr. NOTICE. . N Gout idealism • Eons or Alksherty eututy, I to the nn of Beeasyth awe, .or October Term, A. D. OE 2110. : mare of the vote*. tory eniaameat of Badlands 6 Cerarrable- And ear, AprOCl,lll4ll;.Tedilou of Willthat a P. Hem; isogon, pmermed praying to be dioelterrad due his trom, and tho Court appoint the Coerth Saturday illth day) of Nay GO; 'fin 1.1. Suid appliestioe and order, maid of the meth to be by pabbcatiokin unto daur papers poblithed fa elry or Bittaborgh, er iknte larentou th each. By the Coon • 1111W11111L17., ornbe'''" _ .At •k.ollo Ittakags,Posinh W . 001.-In.land • Welcome to e. su.en - 7 1.1. cm, 4. Coon and People., Ell H r•retl; Th• prawn ofPraoor; • The Lives of th e *peaks; br Bagels • • ' ! The Perigees end mein liNieeip' les; b 7 E The Coestitationiend Gummi of the Holy Apeside, • with Prise Esse ,r •_, .•••,- • Anima% Life o( th e Dakief Ltiteireselb; • Nessider*Lifs el Cerise, is Its blames' seiliteitess wad historic' al developeeno4 • H , .millarpers end ,Applessab pabliutioes eeturedy. l Basks, Paper, SutiesHiai7, As. • S fir r an d•VERNIMEAUAINSTTgE WORLD! irCauxussuss, o.•Aprzl di, DM. Mr. liL 13iicate-1 purchased of, , you Dui • shyri time 'since, II dozen of ,our Yarding., labieb is Pear , ly all vile. it takes wad. Rama wand buy Tear sod bye bodies it a- time.- . later. is. the boa -Venal*. in ass. ,All it daub is • trial—iis sauces is slue. Tot! ward 1* dorm 021 : 11 r4111ilibeTfit, they_ woo • Veno.tope, empure Sc., • , • A' Prepared add sold by R. P.: SPI.I.,EISTWeed mi. lso, by Do Camel, ...%b sad..D. gberty. Also by druggists 'remade La bads . e ld e. TORN • KELLY a C 0.,. (spaceman th brener CO ht LIICHANT TAILORS, lc CUM. oat attach Philadelphia, heig Wawa to lab= *a friend.. sad patrons *kW /ass firm attd attattarta slatting this city, that WI ate .or la receipt of he- Sprlag sad Summer Fashwas: Alai • •cluiieo and. aalast gloom tam °Meat ot Eagiand • and Fausch pd mar ttend°.s Rad Veatings, to *doh. they raspeetfall lasha Wa - • • - rs OOR rtraolors ast.Ballders.: 4,14 , linn - c 7 / 1 7alltit u' Igekter, 3 par w the *Z•Viuili Doom of superior pamaratture. Attrlr'. , • • :Oi .t, 1 tdoor from woad' GltoC • te.-4211 lads NO Suter 350 bbl. Plumbers •10 bblsflarrar Haim Mae; sea; 40 bblsLoaf Sagan 00 bags am Codbcs Lilies of Blesc 100 casks patent Soda Ash; received by late ar rivals ftvas Neer °dne, eursi for aalOy , W AZ IdUC.M.TAILK RODUCH-15 lacks Dried - Apylec. - 10 Dried P Petebes; CPO lb. Demo, log roast% 42 0 sso_kb liatg 103 bos /fosse , * 20 bbls, Rye Floor, .Z b 4114 0 Fix* to more add for sale by.. vss • •' VTEJAI SALE—A. mama 'seeotha s., haat Bum I,:stgkr.vrill'6er aokl ApplAnt . - Self . . CILING „. I-11 . 1tai 13a1 16 3 azW , rtct i El _ 110,113 IRON-100 to. add Oliat Brook ! KY* Mi r.4 . 1..!?1‘941- • and for nate by • ‘1,71 •BuRBIODOE, WILJEKIN t CiOratarai B ACON -37 tasks Llano; 40 do liiinakkos; kola fecal • L . 7. . = v3lmiaamm.m., rILIEEME-50 Us in more bar ibr iral•t , • i-Lso Isamu DICKEVA front rt. k 3 ParllBll .oww Sou smes by Krell ISAIAH DICKEY lc Co ty_tylu COP cues ntere3 Gar oda loar to elare 7,x co ,nelp . ;mew, by . apdS I9UAH DiCILSYat Co SILK CRAVATS —PIaId mkW plata black- law priced, =di= and fine: PlatObenC.4 by —tPr ' B ":".Eantk Wafter 14 T tidkfa, Rona methane in incletApened ieninzg• 23 No JI: 22ad; &Ida prime N C Tar:, to mire mid for We • ginklw TAULFTE & O'CONNOR DITCH-15 MU Pitch oo ►ted and for sale br r " • CPCOPOICAti "OULU HEMP-10 bales Ws 'by at= JAB A LIUTCHLEION a. Co. E.atiGtal Noslhem att att i ltb " 7" P""Lf BACON-10wks Hoar, 10 do SboaNom rat - Owed per "learner Norihom !Jett and for sale • . , JA1,112 A HUTCHISON Co, .4l yam sad 09 Croat et C 11 1 ,40 1,14 for W. by . -- - . apt 3 J SCHOONALAICERA Co, 3:1 roodn VITROL-10 carboys rar yaia by spl SCHOONMAKER t. Co B . AJOU GLOV}...l9—Jnet need. ire'eanors Ladles 114011"KI4Olovel;sad for see by 104. fin H ai JOHNSON, Vizier . ketet. ORN-150 racks Corn, for sato emir" the wk arf,: :try — apatt ! • • ica-no _ DATENT. SODA AP111,40 casks Junes Ikluspeuta flues firsugultsy, Soda AA,/ust teed per =matt Dm Itzyband oda by • • • 0p24 •-•• MlltrcaELTßEE,lcoubony4 . _ VS? REVRVED—Chloreinm la 1 pint IxTtien. nOACH VAHNlPillpac k u, . , . N°. VAIND3II.4ast lac4l br ' J KIDU & Quoatele copy. BACON -16 <asks lisecas IlanAlon coaalirmaa!; Waal* by WOLIA 8U3,01,41) • 14.11 •.• , - - STEAMBOATS. CEIMTENATI & prziessomea -- • 1.; Nr.P ACK E. T. IN Ee kaceira res of splendid paseasists Stees.- is eme eesseceed of die tweed, seellme. bees aad fanalehed, a. most perecred team on th a Imam arlhe W. , Every ateseameletioss aml cam -2.1 aet lemee c. procaTo has betb provided for pee magma The Line ess been in over.. kr S. ream —liaecerried a adl. of widgets. tram k i el mtk. itey pee to "i ssa ll. t" ur Lhe mddr' tican of fee4ht ead mary of pare... On this reps -1111.• la all MOM the pump smoey msne be pare 111 111171 DAT PACILIT.•L I • 714 MAW 'NEWTON, Car—A. O. MOO, WLI "" .err Iluod*y naming az 10 o'eloett Whimair may Baxede 1140.. y *man 0110 r. it • • / 110 NONU*11MAO***.9=134411 leave Piai • !qui 610:/day annum et 10 0 1 / 4 10e4; 1411.4 1 + 4 11 • 44, 1 3 A5T .....01***110 . .•I T VILA DAY PACILICT. The 11113E11.141* No. 4, Caix. 1. iznarrusa, 4•111 hare PitukaprO evoy Tau ) iascniag at 10 0 1 / 4 .k/et 11/41.11*, ereerT4***.wralegg r. S. • • • 117 6 DNESDAT.PACKIET ; Tho•NEW ENULA-NID No. tt , Cam MAK : will ki r ". po.b.nt, . miry Wedemday nom* pt le edoet; Wkrame rery tVedue,trT erenteral 10 r. ••• THURSDAY PACKE T. T. BRILLIANT, Copt .G oaook Win havi. Palo- Tkundof el ID o'clock; %VC/at every :Thignasy crolog rt k 0 • '''' • FRIDAY PAIMER.N. • • • Tl• cuprra No. Selig CASES; ire b=stv.n.tr. rods/ . ..noble. la ISZ•!Sle•IP,Wir•Ilat •'••• • very Riclay ere:slag al 10 P. IL. 4;4,, • • ' SATURDAY raciurr;. . • Thar UVISENUER:C•PLARIsti, . Duet rote,. S.:Marwomal•LlSSUMMudy. way Slanday recant • BELVEL PACithi"i—NEW A1402n0. • 115" % ae 1117:Z ". 4 ".. .in km* fto - • *_ a and 13.1 slay, of imea sea, .m..4401m. Isr Iteloada Wodandoy • wig Fikkrf._ _ 111 .• boat al Oa laallung moor Woad alllllll.l.lainamm pn•parat so rsouvo rent ris atmatie t tte. • `l9- ANIL eau • - — IIM3 Nod wt. . - fitaOla •ELB.A6 NG raci•nruzanra• Lam.. au= - • Tbm onr and isa regalia: a. irLamkty .prim pa aft b.,....lFAllbeasiOriarrAilaapa • ww.. Wok lianday4twatay and Friday maniac, all /Maack. Far erpu• aa• Vpir la • ammo:row on, ••• • • • . . . ..Trywritastak- , . • • • mew wry dz= .....-i c •,,;,-18111 ... LEA IMAAW &TILL ja..,.416ii hi) ~.,..., ealnarial aliv /an aca9U. ' go ' hie *lt th. pßieta" pnNIMs.. A . LAMM, - Cep.. .1 sari Z2Zi an=cz.pr. ig. Ammo, Ina *at: 4 V als mod aroataala noa) Ja 19.- ' .4. I = l . ll = "4"l koada=l b rlaid la *a faa °lam. a. Assaxgrai. mal,to *meant on ..1.011.5i Umbras wig ataa*r. Ism ar. *Mbar .tinabsis. ILLY sal /LEW r. i) I L ..... .., . . • Atir•; : • .01."111Fit tn i .. 1.1 ' :i. .1 4 geallillsadeb•Itli.. • iar ail 441-inis. pall .101117 0120.14. T. IS 10 OtiOtkafilleige i 7.: , , • '-.• • , - - - • Ft.lB " r" AS/Ara A 0 ttltit r i i ,4o H The Tamorspi e. befit Wit gespsynly brit r ~..,..... •••.„-..,..0.....„ ..._ _ ~.:,,.........._ bp a • n 4.. , b b ... . . - P3II CINOINPLATL: rIKLAP DO2l , iitiARE;; goon" El' =dim rrusidsy,. sal IDA. sa, rwatigkoromtio.M44...t, lbw Intros all P. IL For frolght or F.O4.WaNEUNO AND B " • w Poe -1 Wt. WharLl as k;our. llm ,Milkkaoololll.olo, 6,14 • • P!r!Ttla7.- Tim tiaW and fem . el .. I . Ms vrilliT ' -"- .. IN ..n! • your., 701 ' 1 •e jot elm*. days enel SiIEIRLIET• of each week. Ir.Treigll air PkW cal) a mturtanwitosit. t• reacc, P tanner, Will tearer' T for Monday, tvoinvvd ay and y, at 10 o'clee_k_prerJaely. Lona Wheeling every Tleaday..Tharaday add tertlay, as 7 coclank, a nr, precisely." - • • • - Tin Conant ar all the inuarrer,dilite yo Fes- Ere ry aceenorradna that earl be purposed for the eon (7o •gf., ha* Wlea Proyided., eI•K. _ fawn' inileni f= "2:1""L. %Tv% -- MaP tY , oa • canner of la sad tionshleas ni. MallikOSPOßr, ELZWEIMMIII - MM/7qIKRE: LA CITY PACILLT. • The sew warner . D.L73YATCM, • . • I muter, wrll nia. ea .ahrww, • litany Pittsburgh army Monday ' Wedninday and Finlay, el reeled . , a. nit*. orargabakOny 24ndn, Thanday and y, aa 0 Weigel, a. sa. For o.t or plows on . .FOR FRANKLIN.. and A bittMtntasnar AD Mllhrr, Masser. writ Yana *nth* • re nut ens Wednesday and Bat- •.• =as 4 .. Fot• fralykt or prorama ayr on ELECTRICAL NDAPPA 8. forAcadnnlca,Schala kid tn . rathaw & Co, Pitnbeyand Mew I n%t as.lirra— ' . she nit ration Mcrae-hers and du pablid.to dm, nu cdrimpro oodglectriral festrosernia, which have been &Awed win direct reference to the pospoiar t and have many ad rammer over the corona= ‘P C r te7 ' ..ldcil'6leirraill Dl dia iarvenparahly , loar prim ofol6, rainpand.of Mho* Penal al./UW.I Incleae, Laydawjar,. direlatner, adrenal indellasen„ &an eyNdin far, dw3erog WIN Inapt pines, lami nae:r neadnint, electrometer, elatuoscope e shme ilt• balls road 'Caw, pwelung add g folloWing e tarantula' 0111 aline. all arta• urea of thweppanain for retool papaws: . Ilhani unworn, with mach plc asisra,Blanolk Co'. ciecuital apparataa for Sawa]. is very esenda in coa antenna and craordnelly CORTOIRICOL: it it. adaptatio n: , In, use. I have seen no iwarrianni at an low a puce which appears to men suitable for caps liallenle LIZ nnamon echoed, Jona 0. C.lutanye.. klar sale • A CO _es -f N ewe Market ro._esalßLAKE the Dialiomd. stemzuta, onice..amiadidastmetts vonifatibirdureet. - Min Len re "spectfully taiddia.bis proteAdadoNat-* ' ,44lsll lErri 'we. to the eit4eliF cif Pitit . bine. ..11 A;* BoaL , Weime - - , toNlka A: lahliihriiipeistir la. - Allemande. uaerneeni or Then cioodhost re-' °weed per libcpesweateprislar. the lertees essEsposh fasbisonbitsinektf Dram Goode to Ise-164W lit•dste ellT—sseeoupteriders enendeeolls peelers* sieeeed , broldered Foil de Chime, hem and tbrenisq desirable gocde tbe market; • alshde enieseChels• •Pmehil . .. GXWEBEnnerIO3B UM, AND BOX—jact received per aseerdji 5-Wedtteakfroat Boob% • .a=ectd geol., eelleattutt 0 4 - , of it aleinteet excellent esZ g =l4 ... Moss Roses and Dwarf My Pemmee Hams, withal.. /embed itude et Santis' brederid&—ftrP.k. et .ROBINSONS, Flith ttc, wee Woad, wine =BY be fotuatthe nett•strenesteicid IW, .. . ,of Tern i l ds a:rb7t c't" il',lbt . c.itint.h.' .... ' _,WIPTE.,inrP° 'Ted the so eN i li Ateney foe sal ' 0 . I' IVlche tbs Coit Plate, Gem, gni, - maim sad . irjvapt. &toes Teeth, Invitee Ddlltilltil • IpeCiti :1411G 12 Ua1... . " . JCW.L,bIOIILER, progiTet ••••••••esearyi - gTtice.. °I AN v Llisnat 11-1 .c` "f2;;Takiiire appazodaws. chit, oc.,Lik:44, EVOLVING COMBS—A, new- siriyik ; .136•CotMnc. alrai, Wreath, littUaltr 4144 tric Combs, 11.64. board bufollo.. noVial 14, ,211 1 1 3 4rry ' Zw . Dm 14117.: a u u r mut.. IL Pity lartitax co ttons saucituilitiit ebbs Flcroter Itast,•_ort4 . 01 1 2 3"pricer P,j", XINSEPS _ YFSY IFIN - E - 48.90837dEtil,tif Pitney eat 4131. :ow- Goods. sash. Vads“Aecordoods,ieweirls sad mast goods of emery =iss, N+o. tilt ad mintedFrtitp,' Stan. yid • Iteg.lto; RIEMAN WiPrErSillodtt,d, rtitENcu CLOTICS—W a ?tiny lb••c• 1! tendon' of gendeassis so ids samotmessotd*Pdr Vsoack Cloibs sad Cbtssifseresresaissa.sadi black sad sops-hoz fisasbist low pesos fcs,r44ik 3/6.041ACC0 LEATEIER—Tbio sabaidbm Enid di` laden Wibeir =eddy. swat dalemeewarideb. kaa wry ..earafallt aelbeualio dewaide and will be add cbeap sot sada +... • • BA • B"°°"ll%atiftiZ7FZldi'sul;- • , • StIFIELD It6E ors-a Was for We low by • - • • , Ha AyuIL.I.;I3Ui,IfFIELD& ROE R . EFTNED BORA4, riGLIBFA—.7XI- .Ibit •" . ' and for sale by , aim g g • . OND. EIA 1MAP421.41..&,-1 S EED LAC-0211,00v reed u - r - al for tiater I .POOR MAN'S PLASTEIL 7 4: Arif sale g - • • net - • lig= KERAGS-4.eirriow Me4iotiV4s*--Ilas 8.,,,,i'ff00d cabalreg dm • yuzi .... iustree'd and km sal* CHlE—b° r VON BONNIWit tor aTt Co LAHD -117 Mb No t, 000rlottgoi Atm mitt JJ So: gtr .14° LUJAN NICIEV, Ot o -...~.~;~.:a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers