sAzorzws „ t , I GIN i GI-PANACEA! 1 ..,... - gEN ,„ Iv= DISEAS ED l° "MOM STWER M " . cee . ',kith . vori.a. k 0 PANACEA motion of tho lungs az. l. j li AU 1114 nw.44`k kas indlieed thl , PrODT.Wr adik to call mem:. f Tea d . IiqraIIEIftnt,PREPARATION. rawable wooed width =diva fall alai wenn asolaba, la always a fmhfol monies of . . Mery Wink:cud, I . rtti the preemors of that fa .400appel, iThe'gteetleo thee, how Amu wn alp the &sower is Ike buds hew shall we get 'clear of oar combs and idst is of vitakinatotteace to the public. • t THE CIZEAT AND ONLY BEDEW Will be Sound la the Ginseng Felucca In proof of tide ,we bare from tune to tune published the certificates of dorms of oar best known eitirens, who have expert. • 'staved Its estativerpowers. These, with a Ones of tea ga ZtelL "l ig a o ( F U THE ''' FillgErT ' AreldWii ' ' Masters of dm Gomel, , together with <opiate no. Me lave embodied In pamphlet form, sod may be bad rile of anyg Ar m or ° it i2v lt ibe caterer. ?Lave been used In dila ity. • . THOUSANDS 'AND TL N 9 OP THOUSANDS fbmaightratthe Untied States and Canada, and we clue , lenge ;my Man to g rd out a eritlei when taken ac IN centing to &mile., and be. Sire the to had become fataify disouganxted, it has L2retA.T A PERFECT ME. 'Why, than, natal the Maimed hesitate? st by resort to the oil... Table peanuts, getup op by a •tt • one Inert& Sale.lee the wvmed Inane of some ce •t•rs d pity. ' Mena an km notoriety by certifies, per. N!ma, unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is td lie had, whom vouchers are at home f -cur magi*. hera-imany of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE. GRAVE j ; older that this invaluable medicine may be pined Makin the Mach of the poor as well th e mei, we have PM , _c am "colier irnrry 'DENTE, half the natal cost of cough medmines. It is sal* by mu agents In nearly every town and village over the must, who are prepared to roe hal informs. tins relative bit T. SALTER, Proprietor, Hmederer,'Cumintuul, Oitto. efiKOrDIPTIUUCTrOFEREATHINCI.= Ms disease la caused by • paroxysmal mamma of the ter . celle; It be verydebilitating, abnon cane. natatio DR. ISMS PANACEA is the eettain canter entirely cared by a free axe of Dr. Sweelsefs Panama. , Catarrh, or common cold, width, If neglected, will terminato Ln•Consampilen, L ediectallly relieved sod " Mime by Dr. Sweatier% Panacea itembills, if ruicheeked, will effectually lead to Breachial Co asme .a ption, bat a time? of Dr. Sweet ' ?eft, ase bt=, of the TocuL or Sere Throai-Thi Slime often is to sedum Masequenees from rep. . fact, each as elevation of the thmat. On the ern amp. tome Mr. Swes.laent Panacea should be procaral and and firmly. I ..' - 00a,aba and Colds find a !sovereign remedy ht Dr. Sweeter's Panacea. - Pneumonia Notha..-A very fatal disease, resulting from a vio/eat cough and cold on a debilitated or bro. km down constitution; aged persons are subject to h.- Dr.- Sweeter's Panacea should be used on the fint which area cough or cold. , i. Night flereata-This debilitating comphilet will meet 'with • timely cheek, by mina Dr. Sareelser's Panacea . Coommptlon.--If oil the first appearance of consume. S. mammas, which are pam ut the aide end breast, - e i gpv:i . zigimfblo ger vafe. =Femme& is bAm.. the L gs, the Windpipe , or to amp Tubes ecome elogA op with phlegm so as to smpede remi radon or breadong, Dr. Ssreetterle Panacea, which is th • e perw di merf elmin Expectorant, should be lakes mcordmg na Intfiterms.-Thls distreu& epidemic, so prevalent in oar climate, is weiLly en by Dr. Sweetsees Pena -1 Price SI perbottle, or six bales for SA • For nle try WM. JACKSON, ita Liberty st, sign of gm Wilmot. uoveisly • . ....tell 'Seratehlt • MB, HALT, MEDAL ac.—Whe would E:11w or day sera., ashen afflicted with dm Del; or other diseases of the shin , if they knew oldie world relieve and cure. then; RL komlde to be obliged to rub and scratch what: • ailrm.t morn horrible to abstain flow i; [for decency When lit co y. Let it be remembered that ...Dv re, and rrca OLNIXENT. V she Inuit eatimases of another yrepanukon e - fa taring as Teuer,ltch, and other diseases of see all.dmeseets of the skin must arise front the impurity of she blood std /aide of the body, sod where melt die. 1 sada be fl rl‘ding, and. ie constitution affected therebyilf Dr. 4 Susaparilla Blood Pills he used 'with the .alatment, cure any ease ...Weser, sad it they do not, the looney will be retarded by Dr. zoodt. - Mod erica, bowever, will be effectually cured . by Or:Leidy's .Teuer and Itch ointment, unless the Viola ovum is impregnated by the diseased Manors which will be completely canted of from the Dr Leidy's blood pills, mid the surface of the=reibl ad by as aimmeot. Price of ointment TS cents ; fresh sandy of these valuable medicines tan ie. iledend and Or dale . • nitazEserocK co: . • - ihi4 ut a •• • woo corolth k wood ois. ' P.81.4.Cia t PE . Wig I sorastt ", BUT - EVERY hicrrativs iii)aiEsTrAD. • 11,13 lodoodirmd-bas,Janir. bean the necessity for wine medic rte adapted to the ore of a sad Infants to averred,' the use of all these .:Ssedielnes w'hich contsdn canna, and has al length we. - seeded its preparing sad offering to the public • ntedi• raineddlyartsarenng awry purpose kir all distud of the , Bows/a without the ore of thatdeleterious dinsS, deleterious dme, a r ear - erdear calculated to idles In the' kart The Infant p. 4 sweets has „been fay, tested and tried, der-last twelve combs, by none ro.persoosi and-konal b sll powt. :Ur extraordinary virtues, mod to at s a ll the WWl bkille. edema ma set forth on the bill of directions. Ili, Enka% Vomhblg, Tarns, SieJmess and ..Diessess wising there •Att.lll6 bantediately without d o any of the numb= of the body, gooduciag the happiest and roost pleasant trrouitiort - grow violent plllO to a trangail and JOy011.• 11231 a of feel— ing irr thelinle orderer. -To be had wholesale sad lonia, of tie Proprietor, Dr. 'JOHN BABOANT, Dreggiw and ninth John. ~31.1tchell, Enroll & Beckham, aid most other es.dlesty and.Piusbargh. - droll • ,IdIALERI3 IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It has fJ i wei mean!' • Prtemeant, Pbc. 11,1247. mE. Illgtarroe—Ply wife has (or years been subject 114 . 641=n15, accoo osW ntiod with asthma; morodhur and had the &duke Jibe mom e= Miasma In ..E.ogiand,hut all was enfavailing., B; chance I beard of yentrimpeltiat Cough Syrup, aid sem lamed * to buy • bottle for WA although' bad retailer that aupldng could remove bet -complaint To my great wpm:, two dory gave her immediate /elle She is at tunes • ambled .nth a comb, but two teamMosful of Syrup alwaya mops it. I am satisfied. alter a trial of three or • Soar Years, that Seller's Cough Syrup te the best comb Medicine I hammer tried either in the Old or New Seventh Ward, city oilhtaborgh. trite above certificate amid tadoce all who are „ I t o with cough fora, to ewe the the a In ; aL uy be had 5 cern. bonle drog Owe of R E SELI:ERS,S7 ' wood Dad by Dr Cassel, sth ward, and D H Curry, Alfa- • , Palma=law Daleas.. • .1111411611R13.•REED ik CUTLER—I feel it a duty - I . AIL owe to my fellow ere:nitres, to mate something nom respecting your Vegetable Ptlmunary Balsam. &pea! lost used the Balsa., taborst eleven years Am Ike happy effect of which I then gave an account of, I Lire had several selllta complaMta and attacks at my lamp, one a fees days since, and In every instance I - lave cued the Balsam .10114 WWI Complete and perfect ~ suttees. Lt has effected relief and cure in • very few days.' It is certainly a italo Medicine. • do not know 'Abel If will cure a Axed, consumption, bat I believe it Will be in muty eases a prernsauve, and prevention is : boner than caret I do therefor., for the love of my fe4 low nve r tgarneally.recomme the use of this Balsam, ..Inall nary eomplainta I ens confident that Ii Juts been h rit means of prese life m this day. . Boston Igoe 16, sia. B ENJAMIN PARSONS. For Web? B A Fahnesuitik,'A Co, corner find and , Weald and also comer Woad said lailf.l.gl2. l B — VErnallGE.,--Tha greatest of .1 . Nrw J Lemon, Onso, an. 8, IWe S 'Ali Is to tardy. thet ; ade, using different preriara. %lona for expelling worms, I bought of C. F. Helmut, of „New Lisbon two vials of R E Sellers , Vermifuge, and peptise contents of one vial to three of my cluldren. Prom the 6no., , aged 6 years, It expelled 45'worina• hum the second, di years old, 71; and Moto the third, 2/ Beare old, 1.14 snaking AU amens expelled by Ix ng be cum vial. I recommend Sellers' Vertrufuge as a sakaod ore of the mom effectual Wenn medicines be. breths patdie. ' • .ificou Moamar. PreSodand sold by E SELLERS, No SI Wood Wiwi by Di. Cassel, ath word; D Cum, At Illghdry; William Smith, Tomperanceville. ?all • Potent Block lapetus Trams, WEWLYINVENTED—Xorthe renefand Perumitoni /Itl Cora of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Bulled to all • , MY" nycitor 'claims of this Tema consist The can. =lsalsa with or Web It may bo worn: pad of eg neatly balanced on springs, yield. torts allution any part of. IS, and thoroughly adapts imelf to • Say movement made by the wearer. It can be worn wllheat brtentalssMo, until a cure is erected. 11,e rob. mites have made arrangements Mr the manufacture sl these rateable Trams, in a superior style, In Philal Ralph laband have therunow for sale at their °Rea; No. Tt,Emlthheld at. near 811034 Pnubitutti. / • D. W. ICAUFkMAN.• k ri g ; FAIINESITOCIEII Pneariamid or Conti M. luis a • got advinnece over many other arser=as its pleasant taste pumas it to te nienee. / ltat its ve rsa as s Llrm consists In the speiediness of its enre.. M We have bowsof the mart' desperme consh; some al I soma hauling on Mr at considerable length ml doe., o eld etermt inimesgmtely to ltszower. th r every"'mUona r " Hair* to " take k" cold: H gess . gri P" st Wsl ra / re to the Ineltmeniy of : T IM weather often' lave the roandadon of a hacking :;•=arbich needs a gold remedy mprevent .anon. 'W. have mustereas cenilleares of tarp which Lit Le performed, may of which aso from persons In !la city and the neliMborhoog and they an a sufficient "'llllMserace without wing another ward In Ito favor. Ympared and krr sale wholesale and retail by 11.4 . 711INY OM( Is . Co, - corner of wood and Ist and ----- NTAXLM PULMONARY HALRAM.—Tb wen dna YqsMbio Mammy Bolom—l ' ' MO WNW Rol dm Yveta/M MMus aunt - oliMmodieloo. llbiobom mil Mth4ptw with tomploto • OIMMts so oiotboto complolmor tM tow, eluded vollb • semen ameja, m om oso,sod mloloir of orath blood ~M Mob boolonoly noidad mom Mmoriom • ' Atm aft Ma %Ms ems go* Oko wa 4 nd mon ram pb rod, - rmolded speak . eon on omd4lmo Monolog Gomm lo Now ookord sot only to " to ' 70, PM, •6 ORBIoL,M add PM rya. • na••••Der, Co. torso; of illoommd mml, eor dab domod oto. dead 1 01 l :STRONG =DUCE Oat Dr /ATM, EX .PICTOR&NT roprrisa le an Wm rowdier' kr .cmoosk% ltrochltl..Ardoramodoiirr oorr ~4004 Gig , pax. Irbscasameed the Alltia Aid tei pan, ago, WU mks , ft to all .40irrairem *Mr/doh mod Irian my Iwo Ira Inured fietd boy 4o; shoat konriably Ms t o o o i!thg 0.0. W width woo noon W look osbeno wd noun, boo Waned to Own. of JArsia. Early *4 Wane: Gild tir . i g h • is amr isonotoal orreArrlatiserom 7- 11 - 41•0 1 . 1 .1 bl . WIC; !C/112ItEtr,.VIMMIFUOIS — Ite youlity 417 enratiqt. 10.-unqx, Mc, much 141049 expect lobe in your city At Om treats, sad stoat Isnad • ** su p = r v•rognw, whia urea/min ryas bettor; kornen. We bk. =iticce"" fa retar=rau c%1 C 17r... :ycos won • • • • ISRAE,ARCILBa ' • Propessditt3 coin by Bellers; 67 Wood et Bold pr cued, &Mese; sop tot Dlfl , Carr/••Meti,cuY MEM WZAHLYWHE ADYIPOI.IPHSILICATIOH .1.1 by . JAAIES,. :sArn•itfi the fawn** new end valuable Worka: Donlphan4 Pardnion,-o,ftbis a sketch of life of CoL A. 1 • Donipha the of N blexicqGenjLeynare " to Cali fon:L=l g.r..b.artien=l.ll:l4ll and th e Operations of eras Santa F with a Mae . and Enentvi;g; y, T Hughes, AB of the ht negtwer of Atinrond Cavalry. History. of Keritnelyta Atitionities and Nannal enriesitteal Georpluerd Statistical and Geological deseciption; ssi anecdotes of Pioneees Life, end more than one hoodted . lbograpitical Skeiches tbstingaish• ed Pioneer; Solders; Statesreen, urit awyer; Di vine; /cc:, illastranst *kb tarty !swamp; lrY po*l r ti t,oL octava• • • • • The Issielve Menthe Volauteer, or Journal of a PM. vale In • the Tennessee Jlegoneut of Cavalry', in' she euruPhitoor the Werth of the Ke dunng litiaten t 84647, eoutaYen lnkg ae.; eounr Cms, description'of the Canal,. passers, mks, Moms, fr.c. ofpeople; Sketchesed over; mann of Camp Life Counts of all the sedans of other Volunteer Regim ; entsi and a full Iftstory of the Mexican IVar,llst of the 101. kA and Wounded, fee; illustrated by • largeaumber of COMCI VIOVIS and plans; by Ces. C. Farber, I voltime octavo. . - deck 110,0081 FOR THE IBELlON—lllandnased .1? Gem of Sacred Poem); a splendid imperial witk beurital illoarrations steel, by Banally and 29 illuminated mum by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly bound b, Turkey mumw and white cal& superbly The Christian Keepsake, u annual for WI% with ulendid asseitinint earrawaga by Sartain; bound in ar- Mem. morocco. Christmas BMUtonts mad New Year's Wreath . for 184 a mull guano vol=ted on snow white pa, per is by . shed far the s nore IssantifuLusenee=l pub: Inhed to the United Mates: The Poetical Works ofOliver Cobh:rah, AL 8., with numerous el thdte dais., by the Lleldng Cob, in erm. rim, style. of binding. , Tnompson's Seamans, *et weentpeemn designs, by the Etching Club, In swims styles of binding. The Poet. and roeny of dowries; by B. W. Gris wold. The Perri .and - Poetry of the Amman*, by WWiam Peter, A. 114 stmerbly bound in Turkey momeem cess . Poeens, In various styles of binding. ' Gray's Elegy illostrated. /lemon's Poetleal Works, in various bilings. : Lord Byron's Shakspeate's " The Poedeal Works of Thomas Moon. Ballads end other Poems, by.biary Howitt. Poems by Amelia. • I leadiers Sacred 'gunman,. The abase, with spent variety oeother new works, In splendid styles of binding, suitable for gift kooks; for I n by JOIESIBTON lc STOCKTON, Booksellers ear:Market d3d ste. Valuable Standard Works. 11.....ers LNCYCLOPX.DIA-1 Dictionary a la ence,liteeactu• and art, canaprisiag tha hnsory theription aad animate principle. of eres7 !muncher hum. knowkdge. withtha dertnika and delintraoa of the term. ta cal edited b e.. W T &wads, F 11, rte. DI bp. moons gunr oilman!. . • MointehtNorth American Albs, contaiainglwardillilly erect snap of North America, Cimda Ewa, Canada West, Nt". &odds 1, ...F....wietrs Meath.= Tenn Now !dra ma, Fkeids, Texas, Chalfont., hlexko, Centre! - America, Yucatan. Wert Witt Wanda and all the Steel and Terri. ries la the Shirai. Neal% Puritans—The history of the null:m . s.m the reformation in. 1517, to de rerolotian of ESS...MtPrietlf ="43tre' pememiu. ha, por Nall, by .1; la tie.. macs TbeWee of the Body is rtlation to the Mind, tg George Hoare, M D; member.' the royal cell., of rhyme., he. Juve or w nile Works. • MOM lad Words. hich oaken the mart, a wry pm. olar Jaw.. work, ['tribal' the Sea, &Hagar:Hint narrations of shipwrecks, Il L teeker—The Jamul. Breaker, 'esprit/op actsentsiy rues and eternise is deal:exam, with a atter tics of pee. for mart., FrimeisT Rowell, instruct. in Aeolian at Princes°. ' . The above works reeeived and roe oat ly JOHNSTON & STCHTTON ' all Sceduellenvor market nod 3nl ste TVICTIIIHVAITiIeCITreeIIi, liisellsti, Vas; JJAilesi.te.— Ambon's Classical Diction.); Dictionary of Greek and Haman Antiquities, SPOillosigh's Commercial Dictionary: U,.1 Dictionary and Simple:am, am, manufactures cad mires Wasterlo (*taro Dictionary, revised edition; Todd's Johnson% and Walker's Dictionary; Woreemerfit Dictionary;; Liddell nod Seott's Greet Lirscon; Robinson% (Week Lexicon of New Tem.:lank Leverell'a Latin Lexicon; • ...wank% Latin DictionarY; . Ilesiunlag and French Dicti onary; Bock% fleologicol Dictionary, • Union Bala lactiotutryi nobitmon Calm.% Dictionary, &c., he: The abase, with • general assortmernofTtirologionl, Clusical,MJneellatieoos ; and Sunday School Books, al. limy. on hand and for do low; by ELLIOTT' & ENGLISH; . 56 Mirk.. a, between 3d & eth. Rhine Pabllciatiosub Air ILTOWS POEMR, illustnataL limps es -new 171 edition erase Poemal works of John illiltart, with a memoir, and critical remasks on his rent. and arr. - tinge, by James Mordomsery; and one hmtind and twenty monologs Roos &wrogs by William Raney. In two volumes. . • Snaan's Gam Taraxsarr.—The (eon Gospels and Acts of the: Apostles, in Greek, with English notes, critical, philomphical,and mega:nal; maps, indeon, et., together with the Alines and apft-slypse; the e whole terming the New Testament—For the use o? &booby Coileges, and Theologies/ Seminaries. By Reo. J. A. Rpencer,_ _A . 2iL A Nan Noin—Aftthommerß Eve f.liritale of By rs. S.C. Hall • ~. lama' Hino IP.—The life of Harry the Foonlb king of Prance • and inners, By G. P. R. Jnmes. Complete in kw pass. papc_, _r vols. dash. For lode by JOILNSTON ft STOCKTON, .1.9 Booksellers, corner of market ani .3d us EGILUIEL 5002t4;—Htrot y of the Week /rev , etulion, and of the ware L,.e cempolpth moue% from the maul. of .the. Greek Rajas Ernencipe. tiny their country from th e Tatkirb Yoko—in tutu ames—tplendld coy) vrtili num6,006 66604 und _ epgro. CAP.. Letters' Illaatntl.e of tb'reign of *Mem HI, flout Nib to 17C8orith hoe portrans, Tole. Content:ton to the study of the Holy Scriptures. Harry Hombre), thrillni romance, nith 51) enure " vinl o s eot in the Holy Land, French Siege, and &M r acs to Chine. Just reed and for We by • , HeDUNALD !BEESON spent " 60 market street . ,New Books. THE Nut SE~e vzi Life hi sord Feilorrophy of _Larti,, iriTtte in g t44. and 46,.ri111 a The M map ate of end plates the . Departed by Jno Henry Hoban; D. DO. The Chureh Universal, try Dr. Stone. Goldanrith'. Poem, illustrated. Thom peon's 86113.3; do For aale by imn J L REM), tth R hear Market . ALIIABLE New Times Products. V Waverley Novels, 27 volumes, Lento , illustrated 5 " , ova, Mrs Shereramr• Works, 16 vole 12ino, illastrated; WWI Edgworan " 10 " / " . • . Elerpent Family Library, 122 vole, coalplete ; • da • Bops and Girl • " Warr* of Munespeam, 7 vols. &vine boner/II ton edition, finely bound; litadore Limn of the Saint*, g vabe elegancy bound; Hennale Moor's Works, ' vols. / Exploring Expedition, 6 vols royal eves oti do do do do Lkitiab Essayist., 8 vol es Trake2 mor. becks.. ; The above, together with &large itmortment of el,- 0001 f b."." 1 4.017 and / Pocks! . Common mayor, all aims and bindinga, &Won:hick wilt be sold lower than Celt at the old stood of. KAY k. Co. _jal ear ed wood. OmA superb rosewood six octave MIMI: new/cale and paten: iron frame, made by . Chicken/7B Bowan.' A very elegant romewood sir and • halt octa v e Vino; new 'Cale,and, patent Iron frame, made by J. Cbincring, ho ot e r. The above inirinments received to-der, and now open km examination; for sale at 31r. Chic/urine's pi - b. ces for cask of approved paper. Also au habit, one elegant rosewood Gothic carved mouldings, and moulded legs, 6 octaves, mule by Gale and Co, new York. One do v eareed rosewood, IS octaves, made by Gale A Co, Kew York One mahogany second hand Piano. 6 fictive., of en eelleoMone and in good order, made by chirkeriug b. &await, Elk. Otte month grand Pinna,made Paris, and guaranteed to tie the beat nano hale in Me city, will be .i4fil d 7 ."" V:it4 ELLoR, srwood .; .Iffetallo Frame Plano. - • •A SPLENDID assortment of Row. flipeff wood and him/toe-any and action Pi. 1111.4 ion finished and for sale. Also, two splendid Rosewood Plano with Coleman's celebrated attachment, [inhaled the mom modem style, and for sale at • • • je.T. F BLUME'S, It! wood .t • • PIAXOIIIIi --- 10rENEW IiLLUBER, Dpler in eastern Pia. Fortes, at I. IV. Woodwall's, No. 85 Third Surat. This Nana, maybe examined at ail itoomosnd the subset... bar will be the.. from 11 to 12, A.M., and from 4 to 5, F.M. each day. Pittabt Oct. 24 tad We, the mulersigfisid, would ieLotm the citizens of Pit/abort& and simony thaw° have appointed Mr. IL Welber sole agent for Western rentisylviseily or the sale of oar Piano Fortes, f ro m whom they may be ob. twined et our own (New 'Vora) prices. NUNNS & MX= 1, IBl6owM2dll 110000KB—Dauteliata the AlerehauPe anal Ji.).2ll.hanie's comgete - guide to the iron trade. A Btu copies only ' very ;warm Simonds , Literature at the south of &rope. Chamber' Ineurmation for the v?le. , ?Latberal 9relopedia i loom.LLi.Engliall Lite= in 4 beatitiful Balleck'a Poems.'" nett ile ' . and undid edition. Parlor Book of Flogrene—for all seaaoLa. Ban] XL READ tie near tuarket et. •• NEW NOVELS. • I~WE .LAST PAIRIEN—A CllnattriSa by CL P. E. James EN. • we Eyreq to autobleigraelir edition; edited by C. rer }NU. ]in received and Coy tale by • • JOHNSTON t Erroccrox. OREATT BOOR OP THE SEASON.— Webstees Greaf American Dictionary of the 42qtlish Larertimge, filom oooo lyconlainow an that the Anererr ertneans continent reehod by Muoocoy A. Oomitioth, Po* Yob. °Alma The soostoomoteto odn (km em published; on. VOL Morn quarto. rote in For sato by IL. READ , 4th , t. one Marken sr jrvi= r targ u sr a uL i t,:me e opje cit . frete Basis cpcot In Convention of Reformed Churches, utl r t: i . burgh. fleptembm, _1847. Price, XS cane. mei23 ELIJOTT ENOLISLI,SO market et . MARC/WM CHROME GRELN—This Is caul& ILL ed the hest Green over brought to thlsmarket 10 eases lee Ms each)*n received and for We by R E. SELLERS, who has Iha exclusive sale oft{ lo this city. SUGAR—iIe !aids prime N 0 Sugar. landing 11 . from steamer De Win Mines, sad for sale by mso3l HAGALEY A. SMITH 1013 MAZICEREL-900 bbls 'lwo No 3 Mackirall IN-for sale by mai BAOALEY SWIM pINTERS' INN=2O keg. PrLotone Ink, raring mid . summer, ion waived and krr ado by • morn •BA FAIINESTOCKt Co, wad Inas SUOAS AND MOLASSES-60 0 kbM N eNiaar; NM MG! N O &Islam; in atm and for maloky 'rnar92 BAOALEYA SLOTH • ABS,AETLDA-4XI lb. No 7, for IVA CLUM COPAL-620MS kniorikk, 6 r . 1 ° kr • 7'4 DACON=4 abouldenc a t d iuz; eku. ,1).1401; jut ma on e l l:al:Ant c maths PT," ULTt."'"' I iR 11 0 MARAIIIC-9251bs_prim.._ ,Tarkay for sal* %Jr m 43 ' E xl by !ELLERIN 17 Ircx • nizidegeusE VVORIIS AND FOUNDRY, • Jo lit iv aliiializ: s. Co., . ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin. .ery of eyery descriptim such as—Carding Re dlines, Spintung Prams. Speeders, Drawng num, Raihray.Heads, Warpern, willers,Spooters,Dresaing Pomo, Lates, Card Grinder., ha, Wrought Iron Shafting 4anted all sizes of 'Cast Iron, Pallim and Hangers, of the harem pattern., slide and hand Lathes, and tools of allkutda. t Castings of every desenytlon furnished on short no- Gee. Pattern. made Sot order for Mill Gearing, I= railing, att. Stem Pipe for healing Fattones, CM iron Window Saari, and homy Caning.p generally.— *dorsi eft at the Watchcase of J. Palmer fr. Co., Lib drly sweet, wdl have prompt mention. . • '1 • to , Nackstock, Eel' t CottE hloorbead & Co., 0 E .Warner, Joint Inrin‘ fr. Sono; Pittsburgh. - ,ta C&J II Warner; Steubenville. jump _.. _... RupatiENT VENITIAN BLIND pecrom ~ . - Jour' R. DROWN .., lIIITAIrEi this method to inforni Ms fri e nd. and the public at large that his Factor) ' I I irovr in full operunm, on the East side of the Diamond, Allegheny, wherd a eon) i ..lillat simply of Slims, of various colors li .andnnalitim,are constantly kepton hand, else at N 0.5 Wood at, Pinsbarghor J.l , 11. Phillipeoil clothWateroclia. ; mum, Blietters'made to order. in the.beat style. Minds repaired at the Moment notice. N. E. //1/ Blinds will be pat up, without any addi tional ezepese ea that they can be removed to a mo- ment in case afire or for washing, end.without the aid of a erne dr e , . oetidlyltwianity . t -- -------- -- WM. ~..... ... ALICSAABIiaI.A. rSON /l e nCIFFiN idnIELFIS AND FURNISIIINU UNDF.R ea, TAKERS, corner of Perot. and Clear wo o l,, avpoeita the Exchange Hoist, cameo on Penn Street, Mspeetielly inform their frinrds and the pablle t that they are pre, pared to furnish and attend to everything in the line of Undertakers. Always Sin heed a large as. lamina of ready made Cadets, colored, lined and fin. jibed Indic very best manner all trona and siren ready made Shrouds of flannel, Quarrel" and =tithe, anded elms modem approved mice. We keep a large us airtime! of white end black cotton, sill andtid Gloves, sable (or pall bearers and ' moaners, crape, cape, col lare, and every thing neceser.ry for dreaung the Aced, and on 'cleanable terms, an wo parch.** all our goods to the *lament cern.. Alao,irilver plaice An engraving the name mud age. We have a splendid new hearse and hermit, and any number of the beat carriages. Every, thing attended to promptly and pencivally. oet.bly • , ' ' W. W. WALLA.OM, .., PITTSBURGH' STEAM MARBLE. WORKS, No,. 11H cod odd Lawny arra, mar Mt. Canal. ALWAYS ofi r hand and madetoorder, a large rade. tjr of Marble Ate/vele. Pier,Centre Tables, and - Bateau Top.,Tomb Stones, Stoner:mom k.oi all which, Lei ngmade of the choicest marble, and manufnctured principally br machinery, will be sold tow for cash: N. LL Perionm smiting to ;ameba. Mantels, an Informed that It is henceforth tanner:emery fur them to go Fast, as I can famish theni with an arnelo In all tut/Peet*. EX!. l ..d(ftelght,mairanee, to, consider. ed,) as cheep as they con purehaos them for In the Enid. Call and see. WM --.1----- ---- ' ;CO/PPE/14 SIIIILET 111.0 N, AND TIN . WARE MAN UPACTURY, No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, Peumit erflE artMeribers having made greet Improreownte .L lathe comment. of their tIOOKING SIOVES, reretfulty invite permute building Stesinbdijetocall 1 ini examine before purchasing,. wa eon supplYahem I ma Deck Stores, Forges, and entry other kind ol Copper, Tln and Sheet Iron work necessary in (min./J -inn e Steamboat. We also Note to order on the shortest notice Sal Tat.ariChamLer; Copper work for Steam Engines and even' ruddy of work In our line. Win SINIRIFF A SHIRK ;13 EN N ETT & BROTHER, 1 4.LFF.ENSWARE 31 ANLIPAcTUREILS, Ul,lncar Plitsblurithd Pa. WarehOU.V., N. In, Wood street, Pittsburgh. 4119 Wllif.con'inntly k oep on hand a good. awe n . 3 0 t Ware, of our own maninactiare,Musl nope or/polity. Wholesale and country Men hant. are rrvettfully invited to tall and en sande fort melarg, a, we ere de...muted to null cheaper than L reef before been Offered to the pub. tic. AT Orden s mta e u promptlylero ot Las , r; , a by o th e each, 3 P-. Net we JAN. 458 ESTAIILIBI.II.OI.IIBISTs LIIIB.IB nitwit:unsure and keep eon. band Cut, AioUbled and Plain Dint its varieties, at their Warehouse, ens • Water syrets, Pittsburgh. times in tun operation, and are are to Our aims, sithleBnnablea as to bll mess. Purchaser{ are nispeenally d raceme prinks nrid trrms. G MtaNAN V /VA Mattly on„ I ilasswars In al oar qf Market thte Works es 111.141 q, order , s with prow solleqed to call al wykOdly H MAKING . FROM the very liberal encourage =ill= =lnscriber has received has loomed himself in Allegheny; =deo= him to lake a lease, for • en of years, on the propeny be 0011/ r tercet, immediately beside Me ch. From the long experieoce in the d a desire= please, he hopes to incr. hate of poblie palionmge. id finialung to order, gock•eray Hug s Haggles, and veiny; description et order, ilom seventplive denims to Iftidadtil JOHN :SOUTH. 611* . itieemit r ea, in Bear, PleabytetianCharel •Lpre illllllll.ll and it and Ireeeive • she Now on band and Sleat area and top CIUTIIIO. made to *ilia Unmet ' ' • . - - , • ri 1 lIE andersigaci are now prepared' to ftwo;sli their e Warners and the public generally. with au excel. leo,all ink of Lard Oil of thew own man antenna, which they will gallon terms. Their Oil thew bellern to he as m ood aa any °tiered in the rniselte.,ana may tie returned if not satisfactory. , J JORDAN b. SON 18 Ilberty sopointo slanblield P. t.- -Lard sod Grose minable we WISCiLISIZM 011 band: for sot," shore_ wefiS Js MORRIS Cos, BLACK WEITINGINIL for . steel or quill pens, and the copying_ press" This Mk is the result of the experiments of several lasts, devoted to theMmufacture, on an extemine male, pot an ettiele suited to all the purposes of the consume. The perfection of this writing Ink consists in the fel lowing properties: PlatttottrY—to which property hail' be found mulles. all previous preparations. It will dolor' with penect freedom cattier from solll or steel ens, and ls entirely free from any coziest. atlantic. CoLoa-The color of this. artiek to a rich, beautiful blue Wick. it is necessary, however, to give emu. mem the' following citation. good black ink. from its necemary chemical Cynslitlttloo, requires eXpOWins to the tee to impart a deep color. It most nett,' therefor. be expected, that th the moment the bottle is opened, the ink will be found be'n Jet black. The first appearanee will b.- pale. Bit oiler caposure to the chenneal action of the atmos phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it wilt , Lean a brilliant black bue...a l'aramr -The en • ...asuArtcr—The re or is xmalterable by the lapse of time. It will never fade. On this &croon; all um portant records should be made in this article. as years only deepen and alrearthen its tint. ND. Phis ink is mutable en all kinds of metallic peas, and for peas made of gulls, and what is Doper , taut and very desirable with many, will give a pa fem imGanabie I t t. l 7 l flelnatililtions with which we are condected, Moms' blue black writing Ink, and in respect Ittfluidity, Whitney of color and permanency, believe it superior to any Ink we have heretofore A Thuirsiou, mishits, bank of Louisville; Wm Rich ardson, cashier Northam bank of Kenumkr, Geo C Owathiney cashier, bankof Kentucky; L L Shreve,president of the Uas banki L Helm, clerk of Ma hn county roan Curren Pope, clerk ofJefferson coo. ty court; P 13 Atwood, accretary, Fircman's Insurance company; John hluir. win Leaingurn Insurance - Co; Ilk Goodwin. •Zicy Portland Dry Are lc Insurance Gm D 8 Chambers, wry Franklin Fire I Marine In surmise Co; J H Monter, treasurer Louisville Stivistra Insthution. A supply of the above istkOest received and for sale by [Hui JOILNSTf./TIV 'N._ Type Yon:Wiry. 1111: subscribers hare taken the Type Foundry, No bbtlioii,t street, and still continue the business late ly emalutued. by Robert Taylor. Th ey .111 attend to all orders , until punetualtty anildespauh. All the type manufactured by them will be Hand Cut and they vrtll funuith 111 lunds of Printers' materials, of duttlest quality. . . J ,A;T ()reseed is still employed in superintend ing the manufacturing eroptieionior. newspapers, who have flat advertised for the who may publish Mi. none. for thine monthsovill be entitled to receive their pay in typeoh purchasing five times the amount of their billofor _ .• . . .... cabling,' • Old type token in exchwige 41 r new' et 9 els per lb, Obarles Whiting, j 'WRITING A TAYLOR, • Tit 99,19 ,9 T 9 ) 9 9L.5 19oceerrors to RObt Taylor,) ionic _ corner Gold Rod Ann RN Sellers , Mistily MediMimes Is Ohio. IYaramineuutt, Ohio, .1.22 y 27, 11,42 R. F. SELLERS—Your Yentalnge ts ml as le "worm destroyer," Mid has given entire tatistaction to all who kayo had occasion to use Vous Liver Pills are also gaoling a high rcputatiou wee. Yount reepectfully, Court! & Afars. • McConscumrcus Ohio, Jut'y Alt IL E. Sellers—Your Verrnifuge sells remarkably Deb and has gained the full confidence of all who um wa, Mays the Cough Syrup. Yours truly . Marna Prepared and add by R. F.. Sacra N u 0.57 Wood or., Sold also by Dr. Cassel, sth %Vaud, U. /IL Curry, Alle gheny and Wm: J. Smith, Tempeninceville. febl • KRFUMERY, SOAPS, &n., In store and for sole by Joel filohler,Drogan st, cor. Wood and sth sir Jules Hauells Nymph - Soap; " Allllllldill for Chapped Ronde; Rorer, do do - do; Superfine Shaving Cream, rasa & almond; Ox Marrow Pomulum, Cold Creme; a o "Cologne ow T'Oni" t ' er:Le extract for Di ' iii hand.; acroldefi &a DWI odV'nimrin that Ifig, L' so "b irfwe O ir ne in v o i l ol ith o s f ago pr sod gore to a son of mute, some wren years old, two itoupoone full, and although 1140 .10t1111 mayoppear large ye. I Itave• no doubt but there was upwards of two ' Tetocasien WORM passed from him, Ineasurtog Rom ace quarter of an inch to two hither long. U W HOLLIDAY. Homes Creak, Carrot so. Tenn., Dee 57,1.417. JED linen s! Gun Powtier. rpm Unedraigned bays reduced lIIe pricer of Rifle A. cad Wasting Powdur r of th is superior [o.ll.filettae, quality warranted unsurpassed, and will sell us low as any good powder can be bought In the market. . The Drayman employed at the Alegaxine, will call every morning on the oustomors, ha deliver p owder and receive ceders. Orders at all times will be filled immediately, on ap plication at gbe office of C. S. LOO, wan* at, hl door above monongahela by se. . IV W, Loans, . Agent P. Co. . I rld POIVDEII.; (HAZARD CO(—All dercrlplionel Con steady as heady also, a large quonny of safety lase, for Igniting Orders prompdy filled at all titans, by C 8 Loo.lll.4 y Agent, marlu water st, hid door above Bnurga, • . CARD. Afain now engaged In the Iroporiation of Brandies. Wines and Mag i an nit lasisely, add nOVlngrernle arrangements in different ., parts of Europe and the Isl ands wild well known houses for iny,fuune supply of Foreign Liquors, which I will be able to sell. delivered in We Costenilloasis of New York or New Orleans°, in this city, at the lwest market , price fur cash or op. proved paper. I k n ee in store sod teller c very Jorge ethenot very p er. , . Wines odd 'hiiquors at' imported of the most celebrated brands and Vintages for sale on pleasing terth4 by • deka ' Ps. MARTIN corlattcluniihrield no - - - - " QUNDELLE..N.-4UO doz playuig etu.l•oslo whole mild 13 blf bra saidistes; 1U baskets olive oil; Aldus ass Id GWYN, e; Sends London lamer quarts and pinta, WU dos btls brandies, wines, &e very old; 5 bbls pow dered eager OD baskets eberopairie wino,p art to arrive; 3 Wide claret do; for eels by _Ea 11:0 MARTIN 151Mdsprim' SUPTCA3l%°arif4 blkN i t i llolas r saai .. oo bags Rio Col fcejust landing from sir Wyoming and for sale by • W 8 M MITCBELTBEE. 100 Liberty .1. n:rThey wUI shortly receive per Martha Washing ton and other bool. the followings -40 hhds prime N 0 gegen 421 tibia Plantation Nalassesi ;Ado Sugar Mouse; 30 hbls Loaf Sugar; 12 harem Gamboa Rice. Labia 031 - OKE 110G8E—Having taken the largo and eomi 4.7 sibdunts Smoke House and Bacon Storehouse ad. Joining out Warehouse, on the Canal Built, we am pro. posed to smoko :and atom bacon on reasonable terms. .1;4 , . • • Canal basin, near7da JOTlCE—Persous Myths claims against the Weturt• hoot Arrow previous to the 14th kb, wil4pleue prurient theta for settlement to WM 15 SC 4 • Ut st, am wood TRANSPORTATION LIM aborebaarW-Thkaaportation Liao. • TOI rat lastroonarnms or mancusanms sap PRODUCE TO PHILADELPHIA & EIALTIHORE: eI_OODS consigned to oar are mill be forwarded ajf'without delay at the !Detest current rates. Rills of Lama to, tratmmitted, nil Instructions promptly at. len free from y• anextra charge. for coma e or sion. • C AMeASULTY &Co..Propt , mar/ • . _ Canal Basin, !imbue& PLIZIICHAZITS. WAY. FREWIIIT LINE. aktEa 1848•.. ~ .ftfia (Formerly called Pteliworth & Bo's Llne,) arms:war sox vuusaaaseauranos' varrusuar. , BI WEEK Pittsburghdllairscilld, Johnstown, Hof. lidaystungh, Water wept, (Buningdon Co( and all intermediate places. One boat will leave the iVaretuiuse af C A Mehnulty & Ca, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsbargh, every day (Sundays exceptruh) and shippers can always de. pearl an having g. their goodi Tarsysnled "without delay, This Line was famed erclusively for the special ac commodation of the way business. The Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patronage, they bash re ceived during the lost two years, wooldvespeetfully in form their old customers and the public generally, that they have extended their feeiliuec,during the past win ter, and are now better prepared to accommodate an in creased business. . • nionlll7olo. • RH CAP:AN &co, , wal sTrrr, EC STITT, Wrlt FULTZ, JAMES A LORE, • } JOHN MILLER, TRINDLEii bIeDOWEL. C A MeANULTY in Co, esonil b sin Pitb RH CANAN.' • Ido J hnst'a JOHN MILLE BITSTINGEB, R, do Ilidsb'g j ‘ HORRELL g."" nberger; Aressacss—Pittsburgn,-Snath Sc Sincair, I J MeDe 9hoe P. Robinson "ik. Co; R Moore; Bairalep k Smith; John Parker, Wm Lehman /onion it Son. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, &Ea= 1848 . Mill • rot SZMPOZIWITII.I r usacummize BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. rril E Proprietors of this old established unit fine 1 Portable Boat Line, having,: removed their de poi in Philadelphia, to it. much larger Warehouse on Illuket thu they formerly occupied, end also in. oreued rdom for aornge at Pittsburgh, are now .prepared to offer much greeter facilities to their friends • Goods carried. by Ibis line are not transhipped be. tureen Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being denied en tirely Lt Mutable Section „Boats. To ahippers ardour and other goods requirmg careful handling, this is of haportance. No chairs made for receiving or shipping goods, or advancimg,charges. All goods forwarded promptly, Ind upon an remxinable terms as by any oth er line. . •- • • JOHN IIIeFADEN & Co, Canal final& Bann at, Piltabargta &64t 477 ilar j kalkrdan t m V e l rea & sl o litil; JOHN McFADP' • •• ' JOHN MgFADEN Co., Forwarding and Comm, Won lilerchantx, Canal liagfig. Penn at., Pituburgli. • JA_MESI4I. DAVI.. &Co; Fleur Factors and Commie lion Merchants, IV Market, and 51, Conuaeree et., Philadelphia. - feb2l to them.. fetal IXanCR--Tiasithil7erTtZtTili4ZWtiOTlFlCß-in .1.111 latest to the.PennO Ohiu Line to CLARKE & THAW, of Putsborgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEIBIS, of this city. Weir will continue to tranaact business for the line, at their Warehouse on Bread 'trait, its usual„ and be speak fur it • continuance of the patronage Of their [needs. • JAMES STEEL & Co, Philtulelpida, March stb,' 1545. Penn•a. and , Ohio Trans ortatton Oa. , . Double Leidy nf FIRST CLASS NEW IiOATS AND CARS, rarram TO 11U,SVOR uOOO. Remo. rms. TA 1111411 cents. CLARKE to THAW, Cann] Conn, Pennbureth LEWIS et DUYl.ER,2l4lJefarket n., PhilaJctph' JAS. STEEL A. CO.. Ara, Brood siren. COWDEN, CLAIDIE k. Co, TS North sr., Rah. W PORRICK, AFL, It Wen *trent, New Volk. =OS rim lEllllbACllban have thlidiy arooelated thertoelve* 1 . together molar the etyle of Kier h. /ono., Ihr the porpo, of continuing the !Attlee.", formerly chrried ori by Samuel \I. Kier, and solieiraeonliahanee of the lib eral patronage lieretokto eaten/led to the house. • 'R. idle'lL r • " • ICIEWS POBTAB - LE BOAT - LIAR 2AEMAISINPAA COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF POST CLASei FOUR iiEC:IION BOATS. FOR PIIILADELVIIIA AND DAL.TIMORE VLACcAPIALS ILAILIDIALti. are. prepared to fictive oil forward freight to yy the above. and intermediate Waco with as much despatch, sad at as low rates, as any otherresponsitilr The attention of shippers wishing to send Pork or lta con to Baltimore ist hulk. is parneularly _raptested, in asmuch smear arrangemente citable us theory such articles through in Lauer order than any other litho. Ii11:11. & JONE 3, Prop's, Canal Basin, neat :th st PD‘siduTh. March I. I<_l7. . 171 ER & JON}.l4—Co' sumission - ind forentaling M A...chants, sod. Wholesale Dealers In Iron, iffooi &PA. Predate. &a: =2S==MIME AZW •ItiILANOEMENTt 1848 IVAGON LLNE , 0348 PHILADELPHIA AND CHAR. LIERSDURG. UV RAILROAD AND WAGON. A CAR will leaver Phibvdtlphtit daily after Ulu Feb- Xi runty,- with the Mad Trion, to Cbanthersbutg, which will enable the IVagoria to leave there the same day, web rerena tt lit), of arri horses, of running day and bight. se cures the - i val Ptiiladelphia. Apply to goods in Five Days (MP D LEECH &Co., Canal Basin, HARRIS & LEFZH. •Pittsburgh. 13 and 13 booth Bd az. Phiehia. We will receipt for &tell. prolate. &c., lad daily, lp to go Ocoultit by the above line Vier the Blot fast. _febl9 1/ LEECH & Co. Hiatt OILATY, D. O. minas, AND rata. miternases Pittsburgh. Philadelphia. . lINIOII LINE, . "To Pb lade • DAM CANALA AND ...AD,' HENRY GRAFF & Co., Canal Ilaain. Pittabisrah. Duni.notuawunEys it Co. N 0.147 Ibutiti Plat. c Runic earner North & tralop Rah. lima F. Clatlia,No 11, New York, 5 ...rt. willTloE—Tha atyleof our Grins will be known heal 111 and afar Ms date, at Piusturgh, at Henry Grad &Co., and At Philadelphia, iu Dual& lbanphreya & Co. NDIIOND HENRI, GRAFF. MAR. 111.111PIIREYS, Philadelphia: 11F.NRY GRAFF, Pittsbarst mar43l( 1848. ' _ i va.I O I —" i fi CL:EVELAND,Z 4 AND SAULT STE. TllESlcamooat Irk:TROIT, Cum. J. C. tknjamitt, wiV run, during the season of 1514, between Cleveland k Sault Ste al etre, thelellowi tar manner, touching at ?trickleae and intermediate p teem each may; • Leaving Claychted every Monday, of 7 P.M.'" Do Iletrolt do • Temotay al pA. M. Do Mackinae do Thursday at 7A. NI. Returning, will leave Sault Sto•Alarie every Friday, or Jarectock, A. At.; and- Mackinac at too P. M., and-leuve Detroit everylkunday eveuirti Mr Cleve. laud, at 7 o'clock. A. Otis& Co., (Cleveland. Agents..{C. lIRADIDIRPI A Co. ORATES a W/Cli‘%'Aßl..• Detroit. A IcichilGllT, Sault :Ay Marie. The Detroit lam been thoroueltly re end refit tad the past winter s rout the pubhc m ired lurcly upon the performed of her trips with punctuality as advertised. febo..alm 11.12. SVAILD. MAla 184 g. .EOLIPME TRANSPORTATION LIAR. lb end (rota the Eastern cities, via Cumberland. MIDI proprietors of this popular line, havirsittee their re.orgianization largely increatied their facilities to inevt the wishes of shippers; and are now prepared to rarwant a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, as &batty Addiuonal regular wagons at low times: The litri will run throughout the year, delivering goods throat& the agents in Baltimore and Pittsburgh to LoWliel, and consignees at specified rates and time. Shipments Own Philadelphia for the final should be marked .Care, J 11 Rilbilaoll, Baltimore.. tile only agents are JD ROBINSON, • 99 it Charles st, &Simon. FMGERTON & Co,. Cumberland. W CASS, Ilnawnsville. relt4 J GIODWRE Ifiltabutah. EC o ng 4 ILL . R!!! fl p 0 !LTA!! e ßi r i t t !N d Ez . Agt.ney Cunt...hod from It: loom of 111Kaig i cS. M. gone m Mal of Edgort.oo Se Co. Pittsburgh and srestent toorchools ate ootiGerti that J iy Colons.. No d 4 Booth Comics st, Italtitooro. is the out] aollsonord spat of this Line io the Ewes. cit4.l. To only pots arm J C BIDWELL, Pi llabargh, 0 W CM.S. Brosiosville, EDOA I< TON it Collmoberliod, J B ROBINBON Balthooro. GREEN i CO.'S EXEMZEIS /OA eliiits.LA., aIL2WUaa 1 WAsallgozeiL enicionn MIA, MAW To.. ecestie, A. ALL Tit. [A.M. ertlgi MERCIIANTS and °then sending goods Are itdorte• ed that this is the faatrat,aaltai, and wort ripe. dame Line going East; connenung with Adanir h,Co. Ex eters daily, at Baltimore. 'through 'receipts wilt he given to any of the oboe) P lacer. Merchandire paCkageit Of any size 0 weight &rig Azdeg. liapress Clisses daily at 3 P. w. nor.anf na%cm Agent, 9 / 2 tarles)lotllloittlatte,wtoottrt_ J.VAIMEIII Co., MTV& 07 ISMILItrY SIM AND CAUL WM, ITITIBVIOII. P. K. FRZTZ & CO, . 350 rower; Pamela:um& Lades 1848. ft 4141. von rue nurse...metro, or att.:waw a ot DIZE TO &1.110 PHILADCLPIIIA, IJALTO,ORE, NEW VOILE AND nunoN. ' 117 - All kinds of blerchrodire conagoed to P. K. Frew, Philadelphia, or to J. Porten & Co : , l'instaxes& out will be promptly fitewartford frea comnortions., ri IN4t; "D . 1847 Sarilie TO THE EAST BIJIOMORGABEIA ROUTE, VIA :BROWNSVILLE t CUMBERLAND. rpm anderalgied asc.isoul prepared to forward pro f doce,fro., to the ilmeAt Market. daring - the ens. imp Whiter, on the =a &ramble terms, by this We. tubas Ana.. .• :AJI property comb ed vs ullibe Gmint . ided dm • Wren Buss and with evatch. Aerehandne . trecAl by then roots prAMPUY Coo worded: tJ BIDWELL, As . E.,l r ittobogb. • - •Ait CABS Brownville. 8. ERTON t Co,Ctuoberland !Mumma IrStittek PO., Sales 1 eV& Sitbscribei offers fiat sale histmbergtoek,irtl, lots to suit purchasers, at very redaced prices.—", The collection is not equalled Girt select and measly., variety, in the Western country; contang many new, rare and valuable plants, gonmstittguspaft o( Casselliu ittiolehet ni% oo.t iolPt A 2Zio , glare, n r , d e l - . 11,7: yerp.t.a ran vb=rflilla2 Rome the finest and moat esteemed sorts liteulti ation: The Dahlia hat contains the most Amer end fin: Mi. gorli grown: flower Roots, a large variety; Vines, shrubbery, shade trees, evergreen, Ice, NUM* . men and others:, who wait to decorate the y.rda.gardens, Oen:sons grocauts, or green house., ore O respectfully invit examine the collection which open to suitors, ecla t excep Da Sundays. Conveyance by mnibus and greenwood ferry. Desmiptive cam, lopeslo sent by mail, or may be had at oar nand, No Sci almond Market, where enden left with us, or by, mail to Pinsbuigh Post off., will be promptly attend-, ed to. Jahn Graham,. practical gardmer, will attend to planting shade trees, largo( gardens. &e. Older. left above. - JAS. WARDROP, marl tii.l.3ctuttrgtT nehester, ear Pittsburgh. Tues. Mums, fonnerly of Many, & ..... -• • e. eine:nand, O. Imo. A. filnarrt •---- . - .......... Na Cuss. G. Coss New Oilcans. BEATTY, BROTHER CO Comsall•slon •roh&Dta roll THE MOLE AND COOWA DINO Of WRSTRAN PROD arc, No. 31 Poydrds Street, N Orksns. IltnaTo— Noma Marlin & Co, Banters, N James bl'Gregor &Co, ' o David White & Coall iron, la. . o litut Hortoo,Banke , Hama & Riser, I Cincinnati A bl'Kensie, F. 9,. H N Kearney, bisq, Ranker, esville, O. D 'Donal & Co, . Bowl, [`mks & Co; Heaver , Pa, ' J W Gill, Eq. WhePHoIL 51 , Clurtan & Co, & Aluelmlueo., l ovlaglia — Boston Mode oi'llouses. XVI. G. DEX'YEII. of Bolles; has arranged and pa. Itk tented a plan for heating houses, which has been successfully used ht lkiston;l4rm York, &c, and wirer , ever applied, 4as received the decided preference over stoves, furnaces, Jec. Its advantages are— lit. Great regularity of tirotperatem: Freedom from smoke: Sl. No unpleasant drynuis. - 4th. Nastily attendee' to, std not liable to get out • rder. sth. Great durability. ''A model epeeilleatioalmay be seen, atuLapparrt: nes obtained, at the copper said unwere factory, or . B SCAIFE, First at, 'febls3f between wood sad market TO - TIIB BAST• • SIy BALTIBIOILB A ND _OHIO 'RAI LROAD. LR 0 AP. I. HIE rubec ri bers mtll receipt fertile delivery of Pro dace re Baltimore by the Monongahela Blackwater it the follorrittg prices.— - Asher, Bacon, Lead, Lard, Pork. Tallow, %Vbiskey, s, and Olass-rba eta peril/4.Am. Tobecoe.lleasp. Flike Wheat—O4 cut pc rife lba. Ashsa, (l'et) Apples. Cheese, Flax• Seed, and Leather—HE ets per 100 lbs.. Bkids. Heede, Wool-110 eta per lOC lbs.' Berkwari,Fosthers, Fars, litaseag, and Snake-Reed —len 01. poir 1001bs. All prop.erty matistgned to tithe, of the anderskpled ndi be forwarded sesame! delay, free of Commissien, sr atm. rates. • W H CLARK. Brownsville. • HANNA & WATERMAN, Pittsburgh. A Challenge to ab• 1/17orld. TirEraty.FIVELULL/i will be paid to any one who will produce Depot ol* . prunt, green or dry, that cannot be brtmeted with Hon , . linprOved Chemical Soup. I ileac raltistaction efsaying to sue people GI tine place, Mat this article, by my own unproven:era on tt, new eland• unrivalledrtt his country for extracting ertaa e ; pitch, oil, pa int, orb any other gentry sub monee, Om all blots gentlemen's or Indic. , clothimb c i ar „ p s v a zlrt io c rg clothe, tartlets shawl., ladits`bonnett. anything that pure wadcr.wilt ant ovum. More time one thearand persona in Mlleren.l parts of Me coinary hove told me they would not be without it; :f It eons ell. dnllar per rake. In trying the. &up on more Meal= article. of light ants, ratios, at. and patrtoev, I hovonnly Mond three Neves or ulk. two et; all - terra ; and Mar of calico,ort which a changed the color; Mercian. before putting it on a light dn..s try a remote of We dress firlL' I nate this became I min determined not to recommend it my I know tn tu i stnetly true . •'N It limb. Prier, In ems per cat.. wbolcvalo and rental by • • : r dee?. ' SY woad Id 1I consider better - 04h atillarri/14 di/glm IF Cm, t October rud,1617, s AI r. R. K yeltrM t—My satyrnanathe old, beteg very fl'ld[l.l at night, and having much lever al tanev,l coo. eroded be bad worm., told bayoug heard a real deal atenn your Vertaltage o l Ireaght • vial and rare aim 1 bleb expelted IX very lartre worms. I ornaider your Ve tentage 14•Ilrt than elluthett • • Sm. P.'23.1.7.- Pneparrd oca by R E.SELLEns,37 Wwke.f. sobi by Dr. CatualOul srant aiid D. M. C..... Ark. ghenv • bonns--setde twine morn I;pI . O;GrESACIM NAM— sod mass fashiOneda Eastern patterns MI colors: Also ME CIIEAP NOLL, Or 808 CON BLIND, en hand or made. WOO, of all sines. and at all priori. Comely niaribano and when. are Invited to rail and eau-mina Ilic• above for theentoolv,w, ..sta alien' he sold wholesale or read, and a libtral nallattioa nods to wholesale purchasers. ' • I . • gladly ' . ip .. aLonr.d. I ORING'S . TDRILLSTIAL cluues, Featnieing all Ld O. ate dowsed., and Usattaplonal; also the Wake deo mow Mewed ri tine Cour piled front /Smith'. now English' Globe, wl additive - and appearances by Ann. & Smith. Brand Roma Park. LOIDNO.A CF.LBSTIAL GLOBES; alpinst! the known wars, Whew, Me. Compiled from ISO wake of o abate, I. twat& De La Collie. Hersh., Maier, Brad. ley, Henchel, Al askely. the Inasatimit of the 'A.m..- ice Society of Latudoppl ,. a r tla. Pea Bmitlin Now FAA loh Globe. I .1 ahlatce & Stave.. hare jet recelnd a Lao pd. Of Ws shoe. Clabes i sarying in else,. folkniou I . • pair ' _IS mart (adamants PI " I" a. I w mad globto 6 w ' . I - , America% Chronole, sad Jeleasl ropy. dwell ~r IR TOWNSEND'S SARSAPRRILLA.-30 dosem join received of Dr. Towsurend`s Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary metltrine in the world/ 1 This En. ego is put uponquairt bottles. It is times cheaper, pleasanter, d warranted superior_ to any aold. It *arn disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. LooK seer roe Derr/mom—Unprincipled persona have copied our labels, and put op medleine in the mete //betted bottle. See that each bottle has the witted nature of S. P. Townsend.. It. K SELLERS, Druggist, 67 Wend street,letWeen Third and Fou rt h, is Dr. Townsend's on/y wholesale and raims agent tor Pittsburgh, of Sebum the, genuine article eat be had'. D. M. Curry has been appointed !the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be bad. DERRY & PEREERON, Mancfueturer. ot, AIVNENGB, BAWLING WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS OF •LL VE.CRIPTIONS • No. 3114 Routh Front Etivelti Back of .7 A. ifilton's Cubing, Ware Mariuf:y the •• A LI. order.' left with S. SPIitLAJDU 'pa the often ottlor A Itletthapt'd Hotel, l'iusiogh, will he promptly attended to. THOS. G. DRRIIV wmplo.4ll • A. C. NICKRRSON ORIGINAL , HOLIVAIA BRICK!): TIX PERIENCEDjudges, on a trial bf one mad a halt naillamae, aloe. 1t45, pronounce this article unso, passed for durability In the canstractrou of all kind. of Furnaces. nice 571,75 cash for !alibi of 10 DI, guar. anteed nine months use. Orders fora second . quality Bolivar Bricks will bee:acmes' at Iggi per M, no de sired, watt:Mut gaaranuse. A mock of, the gest now. for sale al the warehouse •Slonn's Wharf; Ca nal Basin, by - - .I•SIIANY At ACLAUEN, 00(1 1 .. Reostrortsollrtna Works' !AFAR'S HAM ?UNlV.—Agar grata` thw arti le J tvial, sea unhesitatingly promoace at lobe sabot it mfe• na--lhe best article, walkout may unpile., inn se Rothe restoration and pvikoTatioe of the bruna hair. M a know of numerms distances where hair has been tutored hes& whieb hare been bald tor parr and we think wee. de gooier Gym than to recomuse4d to um. resales" ae We, their heir, to make a Intl of aim Tandeanuavd tely &Mao Ahab . Fur We in Altsbarghat \ the reek in Tea Stare, N 0.7 5, Faun/wrest. mar Woad warSdakaarT UNDIUF-150 bap' prime Rio colter.; 150 Mats N 0 , s„ Molasses; 75 IoOSPII uninufactured tobarco; 125 half cheat. green and black teaig 75 0 and glib boxer Y II and (1 du.; 'W bargee C 4113120 Olan:10 casks salmi. tus; 10 do. potash ; logethpr with a 'general assort talent of gas:wades, an stone and for sole:by. r. • pm( CARSON Zr. hlciiNllilrr,Oth TiAVANNA CIOARS-101,01/0 initioited eight. of ji the following celebrated brand:, part to iirrive coast sting of, Cevee,Aublquedoil,llfuidiifigion regn line, Rapides t tieculapie Don Amigo., de: Rimer, London Urns* Lard Hyrou`Apalla iirincipes,' stem .front do, Yilleya extra do, Sylvia's do, La llayndero Ist i • do do t i d nri o !t, Ln Palma, Cazadorte, :liji; L xillc i ts, for feb7 • chi Smithfield & Rout at. • -•• 1- SIIPERBLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION Ob' THE ARABIAN NIGHTS —ll.lpreitly designed for Mos i llp rending; In coursi-e' idf oblienhon by harper A Ito,. there, New York. To 'completed Ili twelve parts. Part Ist lust received mid or sale by I JOl NSTUN a STOCKTON, mpg i cornet market andad me FoitaTi*n coti/BOATS. ' . ' DORTAI3LK FORAMSTA veryveinent article. I Ilellows and all the forge con be carried by th e han dles by :women. A few lost reed and for eale - by mon: l . vo!if Unite [FR CARD-H rec4ived a large! imponatiOn &c., direct tiOttltrope, together with my large Mock in more and cellori deafen.: nm requested to call and examine for themselves, as good' • bargains can be had at dm corner of emithfiad and Front all, spin e MARTIN LEAD-311O . pigs Galena Lead, received tValeanter Wyoming and for sale . I . iy /AllaS A MTPD WRlowrs INDIAN Ve,GETADLII ant, warranted genuine, for sale by - R SIMLEItNi OLAEI 3 F-4-40/bbls Planuaion Mohuseor; .! do N.llouna ip4 Jk R F1.013:1' COF:42th-920 bait prina , Filo, for aajleArriAn4;' • LARD -10 lAN No I . Lard,for solo 17.4! r OAP SUGAR—La bbis assorted, far irto by • al" J IS a /ikon') POURT — PLASTER:Su gross bloat oild flesh color ed, for saki by 0p.3 E SELLEULS, 57 wood GUM 9PAL-3 caseslbr mac by - 7 Tin:411.6 R . COFFEE-400 bags prime 4 - reenitro Coffee,- to arrive per ateatoer &smut& or vale by - - merle BAGALEY & surru• —• CRAPE SHAWLS—Art airommeat of while, drab end bleak Crepe Shawl., jam reeelied at the Dry Goods Roam of- ' W R MURPHY, • apt' • corner lltk LW, market ma I . • , I 1 lIEDICAL. DR. TOWNSEND'S .8 AR - SAP , kRILLA • Most cartiordinarg.Matiebsi 'tithe W. • Tim entreat Is pat tip m fame. bride % 0 to ea Men er, p!monter, wed inimmed mperier la ore mid. le ~,,,,,,, domes without awaiting, swag. Mf e b.,,,. ~,, d.. . ew , mat CiErf SPIIIVITO:8112Elt lEDICIRE The greet beauty and toporkrtity of this Hanewatity uteri *other Ho:IMM it, whilst It Predicate Demo it beemm. mes the Body. • It b oar of the mey best SPICING AND Mute= AtEDICINES ever know& it tot only tha wbols goon mid worogtheas th e pe4tut, bat it New, Pun oved flick Meat - a powerpom.e by e,,, pp.. tdedeelse. And in this bathe grand watt of ite no fel mom. II bap per Sinned, Mann the Jaw two yen, noon then X33:00 curet of Severn Caws of Mime;at be 5,030 of these were moidered Mumble. More than ' • ; . .300 eases of Chronic iliteumation ; lir oftin i Vrebility awl Want o Comm 2,000 mem of dillerced Female CompLainte f ; . 9,003 cues of Scrofula; 1,303 meat of tliv Vim Complaint; . .. 2,500 menet Docile of the .'iney and Deem; 000 met of Coomptiott, And Thonande of men of . Diama of the Rood, vat t [lime; Erysipelas, Sidt Rhem, Peoples on the Yam, Itc.. an. To.: Moe with .0000,0..- ems of Sick Headache, Polo in dew side witChett,SpitolAttectiom, tee., AA. . • ; This . we are mars, earn appear incesdHle, bat e e ham letteeerroMphysedwamod one KOMI Prenten part of the United Statempaturening us of ettriordirou7 mes .13.. Van Buskirk, Esq.. am of mot respectable dziergiste in New mit,' N. J., i n ne that he enta rake to num lionISS ov. see in that ;dm Holm Them ere doomeds of cam ia do City of New Itork, which era will not to wine pleasom and to am of ammeter. It 0 the Not medium nor the Prevetnin of dimes knowt, - It redly mud the kr., . tbo , 4,uoi) tactinztrr uT sLiii.ii I . d 4sklaab As it reamed th e loose of , and prepared thew Se 1 the eanwv. Um. Brent Micti..._ . • Cirr.l./.'W.Mccuar,ovrasgrrna Itvera N 4 ,1: and member of the New Jeney Izelatuis, Me kindly wet us the snoring certificate. It telb its mu Amy. • ' • WAT, Jos 23,017. Apar since I war taken with the InStoma, arid my 'Mai goon Jett in a deinliteled steno; I Wu Induced to . try Dr. ' Tattooed M 1 Stomplerille, and am • Iwo. or thrts bed =3 . 0 .. 3 7 me , 3, d3..3 , and ,a t . rto• it = li nty In the Ss...wenn:l. I' have eantheatel it; end Sod that, I improve every dry. I bairn it. a .m y life, and .woidel -4; to. IN without it ender any amaidontion. O. W. Its.Lzut, Igo U. H.N. This sett:Meats estitittStsely prom — ' that this ihussparilla has paled anatrol essr ths !Ka obstinate Aire* of tits blast. Three perms tared in ties W. islussetteiddsugsdi Or. TO/WOW kk: I bare the pleurro to in . kr" you that three of my elildtra here bus eared of thi Ser. Mt by Lb. oro of yoreorsrlkot tordieim. They .ere tOnietrd my rawly wob had corn- harm okly krar boleti; It took Um. sway, fur *lark I kal a ysolf order hop obllgstiart. ruts, noriosttally, . . Isssa W. au., les wo.e.i tL lia* Yak. Mtn& I, MC. • . • . •aItRAT 7ESALS Dr. Tenwarearr StrapariDa is • renorerp y, my for inelpitot Coanooplaoo, Darman.. Looprabre,or Wlitro, Uric or didoult Mrsotroatico;besrationort of Drum, or Wrote/guy dOcturgo thereof and (Of the gea• .N' of the oyeles—no cult. ',teethe, the malt of er eroot aus aurae, prroinerd by irteinh.rity, Woe*, oroldeoll• Nothing an he wan sarprishic than ib firrigaret. feet. on die heron &me. Pavony all ireskneseoA lanai tilde, hew taking it, at anee ha:Feely/mend full ornery ender ib,indeoxe. It sonnedandy eneatereeta the wire !mous of the tussle Darn, which te the treat wise of to,ll It willlot be eareted of ~ in eases of wit delieate • ass terii,lo exhibit certificatei of sore perfonned, but . can assino the itilicted,that honineds af ease, hare been 'leper. to oa. bliveraleasee when fromilimhan hen without child. reni - aller.iiin' • few bottles of th, loral.ble nedet. bare been blot wdh healthy oliipting.. De. Towne.: My wife besot fondly districted by etetknese .1 'sato. dthaity, and wit" ...Di ky paia !nit • meat. ay ...or dawn, of thy, .. womb, and ii other dilkaltiesi and baring li.wo once wt. door " ' hot erattedureat cures i and also hean in kn. ed for each eases as 1.. iliseinibed,leibL.- ed'a bottle of our Detract .of Earestari/bi and followed the directions sue roe In • sgort penod et removed her eateplainte mod restored her bee.. 'tig tridatul for dm La..sheli mei., I take p.n. ii4thus aalloowladr. ion it, sind tie....ding it the radio. ' .111. D. Moon, ills., Anil?, Dili D.. of ars. atid Lydia al. thsanneira, Sept 43, Idls. Tbuntronds To all whom this any easteern—Tbio ia to esstily that say wifs 03.1 rm. both. of your liormapnrilka previous to boo eocenraosn; under the mut alarming and datiestr eirmastaners, bung- troubled sfith es dropsy, swel ling of tho het, amen .Grebe; and Tarp:nth danlits, led; with lay persuaaish, and lb. rsemnumodslio• or Wei who had wed it, .1.. vrao itell3essllo try dt, with HUN or ow faith; sod suurtcall to I. Oa armoring had 4ho bafry cod drairad slfset,not only la :Ise hours of omen; but err tho ratratioo of noo srvek of itn ann . lb. dropsy. and oar.' anus 11.1.1041 gIV• FIT 10 . as as k Alva., and her ran is maw 4.'or Ilan it bad 13.31 far 0 Lon (has pr.. non. If tin 1.11 bo of ..7 Berries to 7 0 h or •r 7, Goa .labsi doubt.du &uremia . the naditina, psi aro saillseJy•wakonut wcvise lama lota ebint eanlientutd eLligalt! - rruit, S S TO MOTIF f. IIB 11P0 .F111:11IRD Tbis Lama of hampealts Itom bean sepamily rapeal is masa. ha fork complaints. No kiosk atm has era . etes iosorra? Me is apPrataiiitc that oritiod paha,: "2. two-of rbfe, meat to rake it, se aas st Inaba. preantia fir snit( tla surnames eat horrible dimmers to abaft koala ere ealject Whit : rim of life., This period ray ho delayed fist antra yeas by moo{ difinedieine. Nor a it Mee minable to them:rata see hppresmiamystatnen hood sts st a sambaed lo mast tattoo by Imola:sun the Wed , araiposting Unmeant. faked, tba media. is anal. oasts La al of the drama Amnon, to which women„ ere •,4•1 4 . . II ham Ue obule Tula, feoace penatotatly the man; raletsaliee—by 'camas the /N.H. of Ha bo 111.1 hr satoolatis• is... Is prof., solostiont no. haw% ettich is lb. a. of co. eaedicioee takeo fur hassle cad 1111.. HUMS UTAH THIS.. Y. who ken fakeomplevoss, dell ere, blotcha.y the Ni., conk.* tafroolit.ll2d tee 0 unt ofyperittitt • boa.. too of .Dc Toossaol'o.h=oille. It *I W.claaa your Hoed, moon W. freckles blotches, sod gas yotabsoias. 4.44 oii,Hat !plea, and besalfal coloptsaloo-41 of tebselt ors of motet. calueto untsa: DISPEPSIA.• . No livid or madidatt nor bwordneommi whirki marls rmonbles the yank jain_ or tali. d.mmpo®/ kod acid dresigthatistrahe orient of digest/Go, .. Ohio prep% rolso of Sanaparilla.l , DANK Intrournnear, A/belsy_,Elay la; MI • Dr Tottragnisk,Bir—.l lime been a t car mond years grub tlyslamia •ist its Inwil Mina, attrwiltid marl Bus of mormeb, kee Of appnite s eitrome heambitm, aid • great arertina to all kiodi of Mod, and krworki (what / maid eat,)' 1 here Mon losable to retain but •Meall ponied on my stomiselt. I Wed the Inca/ rowitsliot,- bat key had. but I ink arm assails rettasung lb. coosplaisiL I was in: • damn, alaan twoMoolls owe. Os try your llt'strael of Soma:" .a.l I mom my will. little omaJmice, bul nearly two bottles, I Mont my appetite` restandi and Me houtbara entirely mimosa& I would emwestry sam; mead Ms as ditto Mora ohs ham bean Olinda as 1 hate Woo. • 1i0nn,.4a.., w. Van Zwror.. Nee 21,18/6. alien bland.. ALMOST 111(0..kasr. Read the Wowing, itad doubt if yon em, that somamp gorast be mod. Th is ismer, one of the amoral hrmilrad cams Mat Towwootak Seragarala Ms moo: .. Dr neansimi—Dair lar.-1' was .talten, skink ores It Per . .apd in my side. .11 in creased sexy Taskfist, / was yrossomineed by pig,. skims to hare the menumpbow ir go T we aks of bad sonar, Mid might sweaty .mul l doti n gtory int my doctorial/I he .04 do sating far ma. I mem min the rit'dol.l4..l° btfiebl'a.great/141==ttrmiltri! mold hardly botat :I mon became enachited, astd especial to Mt t was etaift db my bed, 'sad • Ins obliged ter bora ' marker.. indeed I moot pre 700 any deresiptioo: that and soMmice to my raw 1 was sommeed by my grime • In be put memery . ; / btal tried a grastionaber at retordies, md wan./ to kg to IkkPOIPMe. I mad of maim mixt Lira,i;ry mars performed by ran otedi&iy and to tell y the truth, I suspected tsars was agar b in they: ll ' ut I was indoned kotryit ,I did so, and' .s Ivry llama MI I did. I senora my • 1100 lam Wanly well, but ant so fir memo,J as to be atom My business, and hop to be astir. ly well in a ki weeks. 'sly etib and pre to the ads, etal uight . swiats base 101 l tee, md mita bat orry_littki and am fan gatniag my umed insergits. felt its duty to gird yeas stetemeat of m_y cma, pub Milt If you please • . P Banwx,47 Opinions or Phyarelen. • Dr Tinmsbend d sloadidaDTra . zerriag mina ham On steins in dation ylkes of the , • • . This is to etrbfy we, the amito Pbytiehas km City of Albany, ham in amen. wee preotribed Dr. Towniondk BanaparilhOnd believe IL lobe'mu of the must salsa/ale p. boo. of tf. Isna . p.ritlx in thr marital. P rou., a • J Wawa', IdDatouvos ktbeny,..lprii 1845. r Eummosur. tiA Thie net wail) , that wo, the widerogued, practicing Thonnonian Pb*.22111 eta. Qtyof lbany. haw frequent y,preseribed Dr Townsai's gailepwaat satinet of g g , ee walk, ad froth its known gualitinorould teeonnaend j ill he public for mercurial, ternfukno, end Where Ybal,Oiti Wu e rodin pregnant. to any of the advertia.l remedies awn. a@e. • A W Albany Aprils, LSO. W. B Suwon,. Y - rnnnialosco, 19i Fultao'st, Soo BdW su N dioad 1.4 . 211a1s et Bowan; Dr Dyolt 4..E6111.. Yip North *e mit et Ithiladelphsia S S Mace, deviat e Ballinwre; and by prineipaldruggate generally throughout the United Mahn. West India and the tianao.s Nate gamine, unless pot op in the.large opiate lawn, a Toot and awned with the written @iguana. of S IP TOWNSEND, and blown on Na Oleea. Memo the New Yurk Daily Sem. of April %hit! the A artrei== k ille bla d. D wt. The whole thing it ged up In and rota; wow of the maw wen.] ktelrapopithangoare bthataful,vitg),,,thget.l..r with Oh. wroll work,. jold glisteum , t3l . th e 4 . 2. - 7, ail . .. T . rat* N.D.! $3l uroadway. we iota oppwithity to eay believe ad@ estraet at the Sathapwilla Sawa. the eery:greet popularity it Lea wataited. • . • . IllerrOtts Debility. • New Yuan, Marchl7,lBl7 . Ur. Townsend:—l ham ban redlined more or kw be 3 yeem, with • dreadful shddstg in the that, giddinnr in the head, lom ofmeths, Pain m the lambs, sod general debit ty, brought moo deuht by the tholinal hut lad cold Ls which I ant ,object thin.* Unarm as a dyer. I ham Mkn other medicines, 100 numerous to metal", but with Grader , ores. I was 'educed by what' ma the paper to try a bottle of your flarsayerilla, from Which I found great relief l hare since tails scrawl man bottles, and I elm usthmitatinglE ay it is the beet medicine I. hare ever taken—L b . punts my thee is and I kelealla • different man altogether since I hare gleesyour Berryville I lam eon a letter appetite than ever I bad. Mynah ha. ta. it with th e aae , band nia awn.. I would reromeartal. it as • Emily gthendlyond I fed convinced that if so used them woe m sat any Doctor'. bilth An while Renter° apptlite. a 01.4 gime le the stomach eed bowel. then. reinter ken it keep. Om blood m • baelthy slam, so that dimes. is bat mliYd.hy to albeit the system. And le all Done who areaot in • nanny sant, I sly by De Tannend l / 4 tianapailln 'o Tannas &DTA. 70 41. the Comilla. la the AftantAin-. Saregerilla Damao mama of enothaehild and: Dr Tieraseedb havand tie of theism& of children.= The thlhosin cal ilkate is wheeled Dom a, gnat molar • • orarApnl4, • Dr•Tawomod: Durgin—Om of toy chddawo WYle47. Tor) dielt with the the moth Ind !twos; stindod with goollettitti 7:711IPA:::17:V=7,:;, " - ^r""" r =r 4 Poi solo by RE SILULERS'DronisNoS7 Wood id between al asal ow, wito.hao lam:ppokdod" by D . TOWNSEND Ma hoot tor Allegheny co. jel).wiliFl! IagiOUGAN'S COUGIU SYRUP—It proved to be w. cu ill. moat Panacea In caring myabild`a dismissing. m/. . • • '• From the Temperance Banntrr,lgov 31817. ' . i Coven Ontur.—We me not in the abit of puffing, much ten inking patent nictlichie., but et feel disposed to recommeod Morgan's Syrup to ;who am afflict ed with a cough. Aber baring tried ' twat Toro dies to remove a constant and Mena nr cough, that bad for several days oirlicted vets of oat ebildreu, iirhh. out *once., are were induced ao try film.% cough ayrop, and by It robot wait obtained In - a few boars. It proved to be the panacea in this cm at least Prepared wholesale and rend' by tiv ropnetor, JOHN D MORO , at, Oh! ' ' . wood atj door below dim i tlffalley, Dr. illisLaratitisTailive-17-7 T ll / 3 ia W een.r7 OA by taking cue vial of Doctor I.lc4nea Worm Simile ' a child of Jute, Shaw% passed aplomb-of 70 worms, and by the ase of acid medicine • thild of myosin passed Di largo woman.— Wit tall the meat eurprising wens inedittlna i ever stet 'mat have ewe more nab. • • ' '.. . .., . WM #3ll4loali , ' '`~~ ;-~ i ,ri =RE 1..,,, irt ,,,,.. i _ .':'°.'...0,:t01t.:.,,,:.,,-t-,,,—. -a, rots. 846 am I ow, Sore Nervous Toneass,' I, and. Dr. Ilwalynnesel Compersal re7. l Syrup or pug his cull and pleasant to the testa, perked,' safe and boneless in its operations, and yet it ts One of the most powerful and emu& remedies for Consumpuon of . the 9.?E r t! etes, 9'l lta? nro * rltroisttel l i l = sou ' 01100 thiestitutient, that we. ewer invem:d by the stall of man foe thereoffof the afflicted Certificates and evidence. of its wonderful curative powers Me daily received from 511 quarters. It to n. , posolthr to conceive the aggregate of surfering and mis ery that has been relieved or- nished by in nor coo -we calculate the immense bemefit that shall name from When:agar. All Ages, meet'- and ,constiwtherte are althe affected by it, and the &seam is era/ heeded from the system, the concha e:et repaired, and health res tored by the ese of Da. ffweyar's COII2OIIXD Static toe Wan emotes.' How many. Garenn do we daily 4 1 hold approacliag loan unumely grams, metaled, so the bloom of youth, tones their relatives and friends, alltlet ed with that fatal malady, CONSUbIfTION, - which wastes the miserable safer. mad be to beyond the power of humanskilL If such sufferers would only; make a trial ofDr. hlwayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, they • would find &camases owner mfieved than by gulping the various Ineffective remedies with which our newspapers abound; this 'Vegetable Reae. dr beads the ulcerated lungs, stopping profuse night swishy at the Mese bate induanganainral and healthy' exPearnadon, and th e pattern sr& Mon find himself in the enjoyment of comfortable health. The nubile should' bear it! MOO, that In. Swaps tea 'egg.. melba:lg physic um, and has had years of esperienee 1111111044 Vh*10%.1:4%F'"4 Th'itnir""td-''?,l"' only prepared D 4104, N oi " r? ' " 4".1t110.1 . .-&-246 - 7.1 . t Drenthe cues over bean r e ma safely say the annals oftnedietne cannote=di wo may; one to surpau this whtch tint o ande ea a livinroofof the curability Of commotion, even when Shod been dmpaired oh . - Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild. latheChenrclell it wu pretenses to be, the greatest modichte Da The True Siam of.rifai. feel Stosctre—, Dasatie,—}tor the pod of the public, I mYmilus... dui" °wad to molly to the great core, which your morupeamd Snap of Wild Cherry perking-, ed on me. For my pan, I feel. if every body oeght to know it. I was afflicted with a eiolam cough, spil Clog ni ght sweats, ,sopo the voice I stag an alarming stow of the disea mT se; appeals-arsons, my strength had so far thib! ed me that ray..trieada and phi weft' parroaded " could mammy. many days. Illy sister who onslstyl anxious earataker. made nouhy w h en the would ho likely to procure the most Certain rata. Showastobl. that JD. Swaps.* Coalesced Symp of Wad ChenT, faded 111 the cum, my lite was thea bowies, Year medicine was ilmletaly powered, and &sant one -i tie ease rehe4 and ty the rtes.. bad meteneneed the as& bottle. my coup had lefttne and tay was much iMprorol, /et shon, it has crude a =must of me, end lan at this present time as seart amen as: Iyo andhamt good nmson to better thou the use Ot your a r m bee saved me ftom a pmauthompasei I WWI he pleased .to give, any infortnamm respecung ray case. 'IIII 23 chesunst, baste= race and tine i sr&a. cAortano C4(127401V Consumptives, Read: Read! Dr. flwaymee Computed Syrup of Wild Cheery- In In about the year /407,1 Road 51 neeemarY HIM?' profenronal practice, to compound a a:writhing' peeper.; ation tor theemes of the chest and lung; poreessior more powerful betakes pproperueo than eitY other hith erto known for melt'ln my COMPOUND SYRUP 01 , WiLD CHERRY,I hove been very suc cessful. '(he truly aMoalsithig curer effected by my medicine soon spread its fame ahrentj for it owes on NI atm success to manufactered newspaper meteor for ged certificates—the real intritune merits of my emoi pound is the wily cease Mita popularity, lisextensive sale soon elated the may °ferrule specalaune he the intheirons o his fellow creamers, so mach so that in a; few years t eam the time that my prepasatien was intro. doted to the public and great demand, a firm in Hie ciey, &alum that My preparation had gained a high reputation tor Its moms, properties, tante out wry, what they called Ilt. Wistses Illattres of Wild Cherry, This respectable and popular physician had 011 snore to do sena the article than poor Sant Patett.! The time of Be W/1111 in s smelted tonteke it elope. that this em inent practitionr was the mignon inventor of the pm. penmen such Ls MK the fort TOO above 0110, the t o el inventor, sold the recipe and ripe us 11101111411t11110 to mum patent raedscine dealers ia Cinetnnati Mt the West mid &mitt, and another= New York for the 10414 V/00 &LWOW* hi is b e tied, wild oat to n deoggist c h a nged number of halal imp winch hinny have changed 01.11 ORR/a, In some plams they assert it emanated Rom a ph) , email in i'hßadelplumlaothety from a Opium; .ro Massaelumetta. So It has falenkund and! stratagem tamped in every feature. j'.- There hare , beta a number °father prepelatioee Mtr• hatid porong sof i io ne contain Wild Cherry put 01AI/owe, f mm the xpricuee, which do abald guard melon, as they Contain none 01 . 100 Yin." oldie mita nal and only &minim preparation, which been the eig unlace of Dr: 5W1.71111 on each bottle. The present mattufacturen of the' puffs and false certificates have the darowerfrontery to <notion the pubbe against pur chasing my medicine, the only truly genuine Mad Mitti. , I na preparation of Wild Cherry before the public, winch is pawed sansfactonly by the public TOtal,ll of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as vast , ons other ortemidoeuments. DIL 111. SWATHE, In mid sole 'Proprietor of the gramme Coat =id Syrup sof Wald Cherry, corner of Eighth and pamphlets can be obmined grebe, setting on en array of testimony that swill convince the mom demi. cal ofthe wouderrul moan of Dr Swayne'n Compound limp of Wild Cherry. Call and get one, that all mayercsd, read. Purchase the medicine, and ea was. For sale, wholesale and retail. by the Agana: ' - Wht THORN, Ft AforketA, .13P.OWDEN, corner Wood' ivrialbellr4 lEJUNF2t, sandLibrt sK ti A PAIIINDYTOCICA Co, earner bl" d Wood toff Sinn and Wools, JOHN !MITCHEL', Allegheny eity. • Werth • '• Great Esteban Itessaesly:i . ••• AND above. diseases, is the BIZGARLA.N. BALSAM OP LIPE, discovered , by .the - eciebrated Dr. • Dothan,. of Lonon,ltgland, and Introdaced bun des Usdleddtatea ender tfes bantedmitt saperintenderma of the Inver • Thu extraordinary. tercets* of this medicine, .111.14 ewe of Ptdsnonary diseases, warrants thnArnerichn Agent in soliciting for trestmera dm worst. pieseibla. eat ses that can ba found le the containalm-emes Mame], relief la vain froze iny . Of the common reanediess, of the . asty, and have been given up by . the moss dm= physiciaua ai ennirmed and incurable. - Thai an Balsam hasemted,and eida Blamed ,matfi of eases, hirer, quack ow.r. hut a standard,.fihtg. Wh medmine, of known and .It,thell edliency... Everyfacaily, in the Roiled Sou. imuld beoupplied with. Booboo'sfilingarian Balsam of Life,,notonlY.ia connurract the consumpure - tendencies of tell climate, but to be toed u. prevetnive medicine in elf eases, of eni dn , cottahkePnlittil. of bloedr'Pabit in the side and 'chest; urinal.= and soreness of the limo, ,brochitis, difficulty of brewing, Inane fever, night meats, cmoai. anon audreral debility, asthma, indoeues, tiropin cough Bold in large bonln , at Ot per bottle, with full duce- Ilona _ Pamphlets, containi - .ng a mem Isf English and Ammi• can certificMes, and other_vnce, showing ile equalled runts of this peat English Remedy, teat be obtained of **Agents, patch° yud ' • ' For .ale by - B A F.AIEBTIOCK lca, wines; of it and Wood end Wood tad dth 'main • ' ry1.:41,11 ALT.. • ,Ayrits ALTEKAT/VE. )_ • We live bees Wormed by En. Rose of a tare pen ;armed au her by Dr. Jayistes Altortattrai which proves its saperatrity over every older remedy '6f the. kitul.• She has Leers meted ;sr the last sixteen years with /ShERUSESor WIlMi 211 4.141NUS,atteltdoi with aiceratibas lad :eafoliatioa of mttioes tame., da• thetime tesay,picees have bees diselsiged from the trowel bone M. the enmities, hose Malt ler arms, - w rims toed harms,: and Ma both Se as, sod from the tell fee oral hone, had of the 'right knee, toildeepehtfal alters ea other pans of herperson; whtehlavi btaeg the skill et is comber of themostereittent physiciesitel ear cite—dartgmom of thd time her mgfesimrs have been exermalmi sad deplorabie.. About three thautho lime she was mdeeed to try Dr.Jsynets Alterative, which has had an amesislanity happy taker open her, by tcrenvieg all pain 'and smelliageousiheattsem the wears to heal, while at the same time hergeecsal health - boo become eotapictely restored, so that slat now or lilt more Mut she did before sbe anotatiheed the am of this trayvaluable preptua*—llbsa Eve; rost., ' For (tinker Minimum% impstreof Mrs. IleseiNa 123 `Rhea in, - - • • • For we brEahargl4 at the PHtIN TEA EMIL 17aE 72 Fourth tit. near Wood • • VCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS.- SWELL 1.3 INGS.--Scrolula in all its multiplied fonuir whether in that of King's Evil, enbutremsew the glands or Donee, Goitre, White Sweilinp, Chriourr Witivinatiati,Llatrier, damns of the Skin or Spied, or of Pulmonary- Coca: implied, emanate' !him 'One and the same cane, which Is a poisonous reinciple more or leo Inherent in the human gated:v.-There. fore. unless this principle can he destroyed, id hip cal cute can be eaaeled , .bat if the prise-spiel op.* which the dineue stepends,• is removed, a „„esre mead necessity followitio matter rider !charlotte the disease meanest itself. Thi.; therefore in the reason why .47/IL'S AL7LISATIV/7 is LlsuOi venially mieeintsful in remoiring eo many, milippit diseases.';lt desUjoye the sous ir principle from whim three disavow had thelmorigui, hy cateri negp into the ejaculation, and with the blood Is coiveyeA to the !tometest She,, removirig every. Particle at disease from the system. Preps* and sold tit pc ft South Third Street, Philadelphia: - Sold al the Pekin Tea Store, lgo. rourtAitt*, Pittsburgh' -t :nar.h3l EJ .14 A ofte i n not & Wl° ?ear . Ca fnielsWlrroj or _1 ' W to We skiid!bow coarse, bow roagh,-how jamb, and unhealthy Ike akin Amara altar swig prepared chalk! Heald., it Is injunon, conutlaingalarge oath th y er kaa,, we have prepared a beaaUPolvegotible aniel ,e which we call .11.1Nk'S SPANISH , LILY W HITE: It ia perfeedginnowin4beingpalt Ando( all deletenous qualitim twid it Imparts to WA Ala a nab. healthy, alabaster, Weat,living NOW wow I . IIIIIC Slain( SS• cosmene on the akin, snaking Saab • Or. James 4114G1306, Pnetleal- Cheinist of blurs, chaser., soya, "Attar analysing lonesisktposintlalll White,' find II possenes the masa hewing 11114 am rot, at the mine:time innocent white I ever saw. cenainly can conscientiously :recommend its ow WWI whose skin requinis beautifying... ' - ' tErPtice eons a box. Whl. JACKSON, ere his Min sad Shoe Store,En Liberty street, head of Wood, at Ike of the Big Hoot.. .• • - Ladles, ladles, Pth acionlshol, • r When porn know that you are promised A wand, lifoldte, snowy while, -; • That you will will we GOISIMOLI chalk, And look a deadly yellowfright, .:The theme of laughier and of talk. Ifyea would: ass a bog of JUNE'S LillyArlotoOt would give war atm an alabaster net natural white, and as thd same time okay and impose it Sold at JACISAWOII,69 Liberty at. Prwe 2 - 1 ecatt portion. PAPER WAREHOUSE;' ILO. kstnuanra sLie r sikNv yusuci ci nzus FV.l: i afar: for el. at lie Wino mem( P4llo.7eattprieiag every porethlrvariety. adapted Lathe wants of tail•MOIIIII10 altasetleee of the aoantry. Paper at all .kind• order. ikon /oarlock of PRIkrINU z AFYS isawasially a panotwidehis o< TajyAapiriar quality. PAPAILIL MINNA'S INIATEJULLS at every deaariptioni invented and kept epastamly va boa.; viz: Falunp,Wira Clatk Fourdnalat Wire. •Blas4,lng Powder - , Maa' I . l ll.raamiaa,tast e Cowes, Bala Bop% Grass hops n Maim ' parehased, lot "Wei tha Lidderat pfte MAL* 1~11 he paid . Herr Naa , itarkaldyllftd. • T. James* Italia* Chemteal 'Soap. OR all Nada of amnions Ltd Alma.. of 'to Skim E tomb as Platplas,Blotaltep,Oah Mem Seorryilleay opota, caspoad or eraskaO moo, and &wall abet Amu. oz. Cl Ma Oltlaoahleh mum menu! resato t .ohl a npotali t l, It also dlapeloPtattlet,. Coro bwo, ottopheta t TAAAtet doom the coder llf:dua t er dadlgarad NuaAcilthy, chwoota. ; A Awl sapolr, animal/ad roams out Ay We al the reduced pries of Viler Übe, loksiast been meeieed, hollered ler saheb) U JPAMIEISOUCK calm la lad Mood end oho at the plum of walk &MAIL 80A11` 000g1110' ~.~- _, MFIILCAL, , irsuiviraiore Ciiiiimmiptispc, ?member that it is Theeiiat i i Couspalager si V s la Far: ad {rood , PULMONARY CoNSUMPTIONW siinimed Waal Pa. sb draw od anmaoset. 1 1.• • • THERY.FOllE,heware ask aparerteletitres gra & 'next/ea—Dear Ehr.—The welotathitg iro44 I - ham expainoW firs the es et' yaw tlelperd Brims lee oaf Zeepthe rade. It my okay to Wars yee•W ft. I bat two kei ieted etitta werl befd Pat la the brew, eridk treat oßprooi* r thd mot kw appttiot. llaze rarioos diem bete* alarmed, I hued yoorteedklee; hot to, ift merle to Amin be soterheed Milbeiatki skaght 1 .diltte VW. ,/ had b etes t o Vied* qui( . , Palos worm. triad panonted mi. to lays batik of yoer I=let. t r, =:he Geed him life le its lartues.n bottle lute tosuelebted cant icand be son 1 . h3.1 itelah lee leaks, kens toesplOdi , 11loieli Re' the breat a own I nab. Lb* shore kite elettemel Aey. hotheriaquirla eta be link et sy_eoh deatedia calkon,..elnet. l U MCa lUeT=Rkeci " ' • . zt:Aaklaise, mad an Mr. 4304' of tha'sealestory imam Or annan,l wait/Ara. wikarnera pd. La llao bre.. yalyilatioa of Ono eart nal ohortanaafanattle, whale ann nada fallawai t.y tha Won afamatitai•AUM. waltstalmntlakhtaled paeureicemarunt..-th." mama et.Taigni mina bang tramanyaltpeded wall spitt4ot Woad: Tat bk... yea:rain lay damn bft manankon; arkielk kit. a. is 'ale= atat.LL Latatwonaed WE. alhatatyanad—,Y tan mammy asEeriap mew mann. les an. UMW al gta GM' laaat.L bha riemerof CN rj=rz r z i. .o . ur . tt : ths • bra thi. vrib9l•y tia rejzr . ableplendonew aid wandietta their penergatai hat all Gan - AWL CoI ant lag bream. ma MAC at kagth they minatfrelyl.pain, Ili. wed i tionirrra= tha sanatry.ania ef thasuwah Ommad Ilyrepot lanai Wont Nagdwana • 10. mawhatellear ininta. Gnash bad gin% up - aped:won regorgry a rmy - Irma Nat% by Immo n lentat_lthlaktnagly strand any tin adielaa, tr WW kola swami km.un. to vv. azythrizzi. uw, hrach haaboott matanoklsa inn raw*. Co alked to banana with amok final '. • • RENarIItYLIG Of Diebaai S: r; Pripirsintly .. 2 ANORILY:a DICKSON 11. . ofr.dh twa by. k r WILIANC, tithbaio, .al rupeyY I)attmorally. Nara/ Gaidallat rebate, ON...llnears of lunation, mApanthaeollagr 5 / 7 4.'artar Ann Ma hilt sisaillif arab, or of .boa abr. 9wliiipides of Ming IW Mi. • SSYSItALXiABONN WHY LEI= DrIP'S &PARILLA-OLOOD PILLS aribecomiscat ancrensiky popMst • - ' Fiat, Berens. they are prepared by DePi.Bl.4l. dy binnelf, a molar Omuta, chemist aett Thy man orrittli&aptaii biro 'knows( the •mitute;• a . 0214 eiiiracter or the Medicines heed in pilli and theiradsputbut to - di/tem - • • ihrequdi , Beatalether 'pablie cis Xhlrafthemlirtb greater conlidense thhn will ahoy pills er Itch" its . preparetby persona igaorast tothdi;medicin• Third, SeMuss el their Combined elteeM, m 4.4 tie Oot troubled iu any Giber pills namely,4pstr tug bom the stemacitund boaela illaplwattby sato. stances, and at the mime time purifying lbw Wild sad thuds of lbw body. b'ourik Because they ate the chMiicat sad beat medicine biotin—a siagiu bio emu &WM cents, rod containing 40 pills Min pe mu winp dollirs olvtirses on ID:arsons bills Zi1d..111111111104111 medicine.bought & tried oar the tMusuotsedatiert of alheri. - ' • WBOLgtOME ADVICE.. L • Whenever you have occasion to :take ADVICE.: - , Mee,, not hi tarok with your 'constitution by trying all kinds of. pills of other medicines you let published and'recombiebided-by ossAbllaboblois but . Sarzrp el:ilk Blood It2s:' and polar-ill cot hate Oreaiice to take enyOing, VIM) Will IOU)* he round i fireelikilmostall worm. • wos el.docale, Intfamatnin of e etoosoch,belera • - • els, liter and, intestines, cramps el. ther,stourch, colic; IVaterbrasto inward lerere, fool beeka, brad - tame in the month, Soor eructations end acidity el the domach,rostiirencar and indigestion, 'Want , el. appetite;laillious stleceonsehreenee arab* 'sprees and kidneys, doe:ores or ttri akin sadrereptiond dry and watery pimples or blotches'or Madam arm may, Meer, rdah.pnekle %materna salt rbeem,bead- ache, glade:ter; faintness, Nine over beast,:ed. the breast, sides,..klong the back end Wlek;rheltlek• - • dam and gong fevers of-all kind., small pekoe:die% lord. weasels, scrofula, crylipelasined to atweathey srelroost lead &meson having %belted& In the .stomach, liver, audiatestines, and rehtere&r• the firFwentidlte cents a Boa. - ' bold Wholesale anttltetail A. Fehaestock • & Co.,roracr or Fire. and. Wood, alta 'comer of Sieth - and Wood stmets. , • , —• SHHILILILMI TOOTH POLITIC , . , r ei t r i, :feanias cad .whisehing breinklce. 'lv should be nand eir=g7vrinatid '' ' ' • brash: and thelecth and tunwlewillonly sea aire atiligh washing .Ibir .marning..,Wet the brash govit4lngto • watOr, or culd will answer, awl rub it It tiossapo .lhe ,wiles einisah will adhere ess comma the intik. It waves de In -the ansiiilnandlll2 pupal moat delightful e ware breaele:ltstints unrivalled as a plenum, ~.the eceivenileau.adad • sate dcallitiee. ;OW waseamont •ootW wiare illatewilli • ; It will remove OW ousarand playsuit_ Its aensuaalantore n t the: toodwele stecesphia *niacin; and prevent all IfileAMll Human • Alt Qicousta physician; and the clerafrecoonaend •• • • dceleledty superweak lively - Wm or thakinil trilora— -- • aieehertinktesCopportad Orrin Tooth 'Piste; Lad observe his wyriatare i.ausehellus Oialepot. • . Recoonstenned Clud•,‘ Iltasullny r oiltot - oar nor Rada*, U 4 by most of the olCeseablishial ones la the Vaned Hausa and even: etleasively - and, • • by tke Nobility of Ettyland sod Pm ea, _ , ' kings pmenion of the diresam Omer:ow some deranwastenfor theylooraeltle bowel% • which timely use of th e Oaks I. Lopatin would _ - entirely °twice.: Penna. of bikais habits staraldNl. - • . ways have whoa at -hand, and rake-•doirewhestevar . • they reel the leotrieraapemeateri their lioalein [lse of ibese. - Losenges would peter.= aduld, • ' Pariahs at iVed: come of *trod Uhl' A linEATCUßr...padamet by the °mad me am/y ad roam Lira 111Lyromired ale by NY 8(1, Naiad IL Ye laoMMlllMotehml , Joiy Nr. Z. Seil;nt,4 sem allayarmee Maca OM w, lade my 'ameba tediatooya gamut erlarded Liar PM,. " I Ma darned dothiso odherhyto Davy Cerekstthi mum , .!' b..,. y. ti ea Vt. that pa es- ' , 'Atop ante may pmparanomeleapum mod garb, Marta the Alas, hare soak am abliriemion yoaLuer Net Unbar offermi to dm media, ard. Mead, I belies May will Wades thato,ollezat thry,ort aat what' Too rapramt that to be. I hare hen adiad Ina Liar. COIMP4IIII AM toy youth; han =Mad atorlaz maykyal mazy aslant physta t ah to *ham I pal untelarmety; Mrs lost width wo* beamidteduA phivieked er abroad Sot etstemoad m, iseandem Itra. 7 / a rotiethead to t7yoorLfror Pills,azolStlWNOOT WLI.L. .thaa box at orteritheinaaacialao beam dear of polo tha methane al the dari , tympuzah /stud /oat 12.meady. - .Yeafrilm areartzthe hotaelmaia nailed; buoy M sotgripiag minima mak deka u a dle SW. tab, ra pa mouth niter .." bare Ma aly Mao ha dor pun liimaids. bozec otor hat adror hail a melt oomptaal Ward mato lapilli tad them..,Thaybadraperooled lemma nay midr 'falai/ea adilaborhood,bodes a Mort tiam min baolah , theta IX 1 meetly raeotmeod ilea to all palms imodia. ahyder awhetherLira Magmata a IlMotta 41Patiobe ,/ . Meat Mae ramp/am to ptleolocar thaltharnL. •Iliapzet %%762l—Aa Mai .. otter Pill; hen m~Sbb lm e tatiemLiterPilla alms alto eaten !AMUR, ask foe and tab maim Mutate propane ad atolt" by IL • 1: BELLtten, Pto 57 traoad. Waft Third and Jonah rota by IMpasat, biAll Ware, D lt Maar, Malay GalallalatATlVA UAW& a ill ij ar li trert ."Wallie=a*rfilk=l: 413 .The andanasted having been atgleted durintshg pan * withal with dtleue Inane stonthithownsedinei pro. dueingavent path in the weinagh for len or twelwilanstha • anthem egenniadois, and alter bating bled 'Asthma seukdses with little effect, was Itheished with - a 'bottle *fib' U layer'. Canninnuye Balsam This he ithedae , cording a the direetigna,and faandtavarlablf thagthhis thedkilig grassed the aiditlo abate in three Or bile Min. mea t and in Mimi of twenty asinittemthery. anaa soneudiut was entirely quieted. The mulles., was af terwardsased whenever e ludientions of thear.prith Fein werePthegivedi wid the pain wag thereby Wenn/. e4) , Niveoininsted to the mediebta arary perallszt .• and www th aes 1 - 11 the 0110111inifi and in a few .Weeks health was go far icalored, that. the sufferer was leaky a d man a, hiranagunthaef eppreaaire pain. I'inel ax rri g n:Arth u i ngittrelialstsVial ' a e rary median • tat disown oftheainuthels and bowels. .A NIIINN For Sale in i i ittkatrgh at the Araank'slteet, near Weed; - and alio , at da-lha @Wore all tIeIIiVARTIL Federal areal,: Alleghinly Cn t' a Are 7 A:rsaleinCH Cream a la fitiO r lw shaving: • Almoode Crow% • thsperSualkorgoon Porcelain undo, • lilect scent ba g., perfwied.woli Lerendor, Beautiful pointer pad:, of W pouernr EadowW4 anlet bows, containiag frolwant enrult for thaltataltwebief; a wear bag,and too, b!kpsllo3l- Persili4,ll. CldneW ,F 4 roidr: loduamesa!, or tat. ." fa fancy pl . eOEUSICUI verappen, (toady/kw. ones' Sam NTrapb SooPi Rona LIP 4. 00. 11 soap; Soda onto; Wir , elhor In a rem Tenet? Jul a A El'uliOnVii . car 641. do wood ato AL }IOI -Afaw bbi~HstfeedieQ ~adlurWeOT )OEIrMONL*R . •pf-TTSBURGii -GAZETV, PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WElBrur & wpany, Al tio Guar Beirdieg;g4t4 marsh Pea W . 11,.. EAVES_ OP- ADVIERTIIIivzOe One Inocrtioq of Itlines, or leos,••• . fl Two insertioos Without Three " " " 00! • 60 Dee Week. " TwolVeekr • 0 00 One2dotalt;', - ... 0(1 Two o • „„„... i „-, 6 00 rt. edreitiaeineots Aurae peapOrlick Or:iqacte,6 morolo,wothoat *Denim+ • lll OD Each additicriasi are for 6 scioaD '.. O. 6 D O D Oze wpm 6oweilar,ceiewdee et pleiwire t 16 00 gicieddltional square for IS months 10 OD Two aara,- ,6 wombs, rehribleatplessarcy 00 atioral wpm; 6 ,601 . U., r -r-• •'•••••= 8 64 : 0 WILKILLIr 01 TRI•IrSEN.Ir,III ,D.Aliit , • 000 lupine. 3 Ipsettloro, • .+ll rr each additional Five lbws or loss, one year. . . ... -. OD iii month. ' 5 CO . oie mnear,h da il . y& ie to 00. k 111 00 aavornsiorxwes lot , wszatir :Pull. For I:ol.iser, or le, Oat hoortWo, . ii'.. .40 50 ~, . • . - : - Threa, . T . .....4 4 100 is !, . . .-- " Three alathll; ;ai o ••• AS IS'
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