r=2 PITD3I3IIRGEI 6M&: sr EBASTUS BILOOKS & 41'61.10315AY;3101tNiNG, '611121,1 fuIaI&ADALna.jII•II".caIkitT.WAIIISJELICAN. . nptions to the Tionb Aumr; • , bpi 00 !Vaal etptel rbiladelatus. =sired • puny, lee ti Boren paws psetri v a . atteZi n t= is fire IVry Anrairmatare earnestly requeited the hand in jfaYierit bearre 6r. z, 24 AS early in to fay •aa ' • •, , t Connierelil Yetelllystiee,r4liar lr't:it Hives..MTh Imports, Money t illattets, L. sea ' ••• VW; asuil . Astl.Ealsonie Namlastion, • • FORCANALtOhIIIISI . IOYER ESW.A. ILVlers -.irig PIitiNtSfYLVANIA. : RA:It. ROAD.:, Fleinot theiiime arrived for action on , the part ; 7- - of one citizens in reference to the 'Pennsylvania ..1. : - . .1a5.11 Raid! :The . Legialaturn has'pa seed I soppl • •••;*;"•;,• tue.nt-ity"act, autherlsoeig•the Connty.of Allabeny . i . , !.:stnithe.eities ciPittsbergh and Allegheny, to emir . ....:': • •;-1. earl:Ml le• ,the shed; to an renown not •eseeediag i•-• • •,..11ve-fst . mat as the assessed: value of property •,, ..;'.:tuthierst tOPiiailotit'periiiidiag the Rail Road Com :: ..•••, puny to receive the beads of the. Coiporathicus an ' '' '' '• Cab In payment far the stock a x ing an equite • tile nroddeflepresenting the stock in the direction, c ie . •.... , end thdrixinglthe dimmers of theßail Road Com p, :• ;: pay ox percent interest upon all inarate. iia 'toned the Road rind' be completed. ''' -, ',..'''`,:„T ' cid+rprarrisions atlas supplement make the . - 'l' , ''• ' ;.. : edvardageiram than before; and all , —...:.lhst is •neeessary to . innate the early comple. ..,...tiisi i • R oad communication Irian the Iron P Iptiis,New 'York, Boston and 13alti ., • : '. - It*eg iti*j?icuslikand 'liberal sithseztPtioa on the -, ..."•••• put of Allegheny county, which creep a:nitial : a. ~. .i. lion of enlightened eritlntirest, Mini seEircil and -...-. i en f orce. . . .., , . ,-,,. . . • . •.. ~:,.. Theisorieys made dories' 0 . 4E.R , 1•94. 1 ‘FI"I le 1, -• ...7 • „:2 : Riiiil *lid, prove that .the physical obstacleihave '...-: - iAtiessia her:9*w , geeitlY . overrsted. The vigorous /."- • '"..t e•itiatment otthe Eastern Division, of which • 'et iciest dig aides will be prepired 6,, the rails , ' • : ' '' deriegttepteriseiriyear, shown that the Company is - . . hi serious tamest. - . . . ' in °Cleat semen, wh e n the canal was '•• ' —in tbesirieg eriMolii - tio veet the produce of the • . •-• went,and id the ,fall saes torn to . ,pieris by the - ••• ' . " tlisida to.which it is ever subject, prove that a Rail . Roast's imperatively necessary. The efforts of : '-• ' Baitittorev \New York and Boston, to reach' the Pirceit,by Baal Roadunnes, which will leave Pitts „. •, tiligh• oat a, the regular track °commerce, ad , r; ' . ixtitiiik :as that every hour, of StlifillCllClea will be bitterly regreited hereafter. • • • . The Petiosylvania ~.fload . offers the best and shatiegt emmitaden with Philadelphia our commer cial ineitoPolii:lt Fres us a more direct comma death:in with Baltimore via Earrisbuigh and york, . /then.we should have via CoMiellavale and Cum ' • -: terriettili and it complateemir Rail Road connexion . with/kW York and Boaton. •' -. . rte valise in the eyes of our Western neighbors, -3.llbest shown by the Legislation of Ohio, last win :: .. seri:They chartered five Rail Roads tricoresect • . - . wi th . it at Pittsbuigh,• designed to open avenues .•• - ftom,the need:ere and central portions of the state, •-. Aiti- tat • imporient highway. The Wellsville and „"..• : Ole rebind road obtained permission to eitend their . • '''. , line; to our city.' Akron has 'n charter to come •.: •intieg• Meant:Vernon end Millersburgh another. ' • ' The !Penitlylvania• and Ohio Rail Road will pass ... ; • •i •• i : riirosigh Canton, hinssiloa, Wooster nad Mansfield ~.....,••''lo the Mite line of Indiana; and the restrictions on • . . ' ibiairect route to Columbus were removed; open. r . . ...... . . tag the best tine to Ciucinuati. i • • ''.Whether any eralrof these lion a shall be eon. ' • . elrateted, depende; utaiely upon the questipas ,:ciriteiliei . the Peunsylvania Reel is certain to be .' •U-'cartgleted within.” a rew-onable. time. Let this ... , question be 'salted affirmatively by in Allegheny /- ecumfy subscription of one million of dollars, and t..i• ' 616 death:dim of Pitisbargh are fixed beyond a per ' e u c• , •We WE accustomed to ARECr at ths want of en '• :- terpriee: in Slave States, but may parental,. take ' ••• •-• a uaefal example from their Liberality. Charleston • ';`',•,-. eritliti population of less than 30,000 in the city . . - " • • proper, lately subseribed 5500,09t0 the Nashville . l'• ' and:Chattanooga Real Road, aorork which is en ,'lireli in another state, and 459 miles" Gam her at ....:::"....:,' • _ts *believed that the minds of our enlaces me - -.- •• folly aroused on this "important subject, and there • ' -• ...tan hardly be a doubt that our intelligent County ; • - .•''Coniininioners will gladly • respond to the wishes : •••• -... af their ootatitnents. Let xis encourage them by the inieeseif our Board'o(Trildei and City Conir 7 , ... rails; by Mari meetings and petitions, to secure by - • .- - ...prompt sad vigorous arum,' the advantages which ' .. .opportunity :. has •• aseraled;'sad to. establish for all .. .futire time, the hoe . City, as the Emporium s! •:- . ' Commerce and Manufactures Ex the illitionabt ''. '. . i weit.. Pe!siiitylwiulta nadOhloMood Co; We call the lineation of OUT Ca/Zell to the Cacti **Abe Rooksof subscrlPtion .to the Ohio and Pe ..syliaitia tail Rowd Company will be opened to dap ,' af'the AL:Chides HoteL As this is a mat . ter eirgotas importance to Pitiztorgh, we hope oar OTIMA forward and Sa/A.ll/e liberally nesrurds this road.. Let na. no longer squabble aloud this or that route, batlike Hercules put our alpid to the wheel at: oncc.• ,Pittaburgh, by hoi,lnactirity,duta justly subjected herself to the implication cab - biting a great want of liberality troiardothe r se raatters--andwe truat it will be the -cafe Colonic& 1117 M SS OF TUE COUNTRY. This faloiringliirtuen will show how 1.2 . 04 the ;mind of trade hes Changed against the eonnuy, the /:;117 of attributing our exponent grain, laityear, to the operition ache free wide tarot:— TiiifataleofNew York is the index attic Union sustPdid details are worth examination. following table shows the exporm for the quarts: ending Mareb 31st: Doitteatio‘ mdge per Dutiable El.rie • 6,618,237 119,655 871,04 S 2,001,150 qivitar afoul export ot 89,678,140 4 Thoneott:toble stoma the import for the quarter enxiiiss Marl 3161,-1846-184 7 .: 4818 . 1846 - ' 1817 1518 Free 13008% . 81,913,741 51,550,505 ,$2,711,037 ' 11,678,64 17,449,815 24,642,561 s. , 202,24 9,665,454 1'4,315 ' . $19,6624,595 521,655,777 ;27,504,316 Daiypsid • 3,336,229 4,593,611 5,271,517 'Aiyaige rate 30,20 26,33 . 21,50 Themoney thrown away ae revenue by the free trade Winn . ; one carter may be then stated. tiaeon onto quaner 521,944561 Duty ander the law of ' 5,271,117 .Duty order the lavr 0('42 - 7,441,075 Lces to the Treasury "To get the Joss to the public , by the new law, ,Weanuit.add'to the $2,167,438, the amount of mow . .y kW= to pay 6r the increased imports nodes abiSnew law, and the bas of the labor'that it would have taken to - hero made them at home. Ifthe usual proportion has been medwained this istaibetween the pawner= of New York awl that of the other ports of the Maned States, the easepity Imports of the 1.113i011 Waring the last guar. tai have been kitty. six millions pf dollars and the -- .:mate Exports . twerdpfour millions of dollars • ; Noaiz Cots vitcrix!—The Whig trumpit in Con ... . necticat (emphatically a verdict of Principla.— , ". • The Whigs of that State have (ought the battle amidally on the broadest Whig grounds. They 'we unequivocally bribe Protection of Home Lat. bta.,.,They test kg a libend.policy with .regard to River and Muter improvements. They ere hos. Oa to the Subaleasttry and the suspicious, repot. .sies, do nothing iscdicy of which' it is the result— qui bathe the Writ 011 hiexico sad desue no nw -;; ~.,gulatiou of Tenitory by Conquest: They are op. gonad toaNgional Debt, Kadin favor et paying an :- . we go. .Above all, they are sternly resolved to ••• WO to the last against may Extension of (lonian '" &May under the Ng of our Union. And that theive'draightoat. unequivocally, unqualifiedly, •- ; :itallaVor ofßeury Clay for next President in pre- YfereaTet to any other livuig, man, the world well .; ;knows. Seemly a Whig Convention or meeting bekl in tbe State . in libich , their choice baslont been earnestly, decisively manifested.— 'And their victory is more decisive, their majority Man nt eny Nato Election of thelast six , :Teats, Honor to tba.feithful Whigs of Conceal. !Allan . . for Witty-The Liberia paeliet is to sail from INaitirueee'on Ike X 1 . moie than 200 col., Geed emigotnts - Liberia. About mom Orval& hove bora pot to tate passage lo ber,bot The N Y EWA -- sages prodweei Asseetstlas has hoes shined ire thse edp The *---lseshibettintemd trains oaluSr . el: I:eech.seei, and ma isttistit-_Jav• cesmishia -a essenslarY ;- Weir ficgiwhiaii.theypetbeirtnaite roe. - • , , • 1 „ - , W-7" 2::=e,cl 4 '; Wr '== . 14 4* 114 4 ; 0170 .4= 44 .: ', b1eat50 4, 2V :4411-11111i . W.afe.49•171,2, 1.1;°. 1 / 4 .h. ladagal . Ph, las7 — SlatF ••-r sane itrainboW,ficiliVilie :dart telistelng hearts/arhows kass t he : dark in the anticipation ofthe.worst. . As it ishaa.l and there with a spot upon theSna—oorearo . nal ex; asses, which are always the work of bud men, and (or which the masses are not to be held res. Prinsibleintelligertie has imParsed gent joy here . at . *Capitol.. For the... first two or three hours of the day, the public mind was intensely 'interested 'in the news Gore ifexico, concerning ;:the Paaaataerlitups:of the Coin Martial in the case of Wes General Scott. • The Whole bearing of the &land General in Chief has elevated hiin - to the highest point of fame in-the popular estimation.- Among members of Congreas, and others - who have read the proceedings, I hear the most enthurriastk ; remarks in his pisiseoind a general condicnnafion of the treatment be has received films the Admin istration.'it has been the power of the Govern meat, concentrated in sailfish oligarchy here, cow - hieing to rob a brave soldier and true patriot of his hard earned fame. Na wonder thrdGeneral Soon, after the hard service he has seen, !rein keenly alive to this stab from the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, and all therepresen tatives of ExecutiviDowei at the seat of Govern - merit. I can pardon something of the .spirit and temper, even if it were temper, in which he defies his enemies, and tines in vindication of rights giv en to him by the God of Nature. He seemed to me, to day at the Capitol, I:rhea pleading his de fence against the Administratiorwand his tender of magnanimity to General Pillow and Colonel Dun can, as firm and erect, and as immovable as one of the massive pillars of the Capitol. Struck down from his command—alone in the midst of the com mon enemy—robbed of his honors at the very Carr hal he. had won—hated by the Administration, though ;yet beloved by the army—not permitted even to be heard at home, beyond the Sound and sight of places mode sacred by the perils of battle and sudden desdh=hismbled by the wrongs of his own. eountsy,. and mortified as . prisoner among the women though not - to the enemy—no wonder the spirit of such a than should occasionally burst'; 'Lush like a peat up fire,and that his injuries forced I an utterance, which, had there been room for ai leaa, would never have been heard. When the proceedings of this court martial shall come before' Congress, you may expect to hear a bale of that representative 'thunder' which sometitties ;rever berates through the wall; of the Capitol:. I do not befieee that even the friends of the Administration can keeps/lent; as they read the record of partiali- ty, mustice, and punishment, of one whose great virtursi as an officer, and great success in the din, charge of all his chilies, has conferred such lasting honor upon the Administration.. I am sure that. many of these feel that this wrong has been done and if they lack the moral courage to make a pub. lie• rebuke, they will shOW it by their silence and regrets: • The Congress proceedingi are unintportaut to day. Mr. Stewart of Pennsylvania, made a =lotion to take up the resolutions of congratulation to the people of France, but was unsurceisful. ' They . will be passed on blonder. r. a. Gramm. Scott ma Emons..—A corms. pondent ot the New Orleans OrMent, writingfrorn Mexico {Can) under date of March 1914 make. **Taming disclonrea whfch will arrest public as, It is beyond doubt that tie President has treated the General. badly. A Brigadier General broke open his disparcites to Taylor, at Monterey. and their importance being talized shoot, the bearer, a gallant officer thearmy, was overtaken and kill ed at Villa Grande, the despatches. seat to Santa Anna, and be advised - of the withdrawal of the re. gular troops, marched m once ftorri San Louis to F.ocarnacton. and shortly alter fought Taylor at Bue na Vista. For this high. ogence of 'opening a pub he domantent,‘Gen. Scott preferred charges and sent them to the Secretary of War. But uo cone - was ordered. After the capture of the city, he deemed it necessary Gar the goal of the .ice to arrest three °Goers of the army, and again sent charges to Washington. This time he hoped a Court Martial would be called, but he sees mistak en. Coe of the arrested, who had preferred char ges him, was released without a trial, whilst a Court of Inquiry Wailarderedlo inquire into the charges preferred by the nun released. - 1.7111110 r the circum , _ stances can you 'wander that Scott feels chagrined! Can you wonder that the proud spirit which bore him from victory to victory in thivalley, has been partially broken, and the firm step whkh was wont to tread the earth as proudly his been chang ed to the slow pace of the disconsolate? I confess that my heart bled ware I saw Winfield Scott standing Leine the con,', a criminal ( t o nor his own laegnage.) I could scarcely realize the fact. To tee him there amongst those he had accused, "scraicabling for justice,' bnpreved me with a gel mg' cannot portray. I though: of the • Last sis months, of the great services be had rendered his country, and for the moment, thought" applicable the saying, that t`ltcpublics are nrgratifur izac Toe'lloKrt:oo , s•The Utica GIIICUO "says, a friend has landed us au abstnactut - the pace Ahem by the Qiatter,N2Ster General in General Scats uunpnign, fmm the iandiegat Vera Crue tb the 21th of Nov. last, to which he bat attached estimate of the prices pea— • 11,510 homes, at $lOO each, is • 22,801 mules, at $5O each, is 16,205 ozen, at $5O each, is 6,850 wagons, at $l2O each is fJ steamers, at $lOO,OOO each, is 2 ships, at $BO,OOO each, is 31 schooners, at $60,000 each, i. 4 barges, at $lO,OOO each, is 201 surfboats, at $3OO each, is • Hire of 3CO eragons4l mos, 525pasratb. $2,500 500 pack mules, 111-3 660,000 , Charter 6! seepaets, ships & brigs, $300,'.301,300 Parxis Isom halm-rt.—The: New York Press, or 714 instnal, sap: • lm,--Sales Of 400. tons of Scotch t from mime, at $27 39. to $23 50„ft Mos. . • Panarmunus—llon:—There is a Air and stea dy. demand Ar Foundry and Forge Iron ; prices are firmly supported, in conser,ence of the small stocks held over by Foresee men in the fa- tutor, mid by histurAmturres. Sales 011000 tons, Nos. 1 and 2.Antlumeite, part to arrive, at 11W.1 per torc'2oo tons Chancel Pig at 528 for folge, and far cold blast Foundry . metal, st ton,on time; 2,- 300 Scotch Pig, on pnvme terms; some prime Blooms at $75 per ton. Sal/sof No.l Boiler Plates at 51, and Pattern at SKr) eta per 111 • At New York, considerable mks of Scotch Pig have teen made at ,525 y too, not cash ou the dock.—Caul. List. • Snorts--. -litov- 7 The stock of Scotch Pig in man ket is very light, and small sales anamaking at 632 0533, too, 6 mos, for Gartshanie brand. In A merican pig, sale/ at s29'4ls3lrt ton, 0 moo, as to Quality.. The Harrisburg Telmrapti hu a long lever from a distinguished rolitician,in New .Hampshire, ad. derssed m the Editor, upon the subject of the Pm* idency—we append the killawing. Concord, N. R, April 4,1815. Tam Prw,Esq.:-,llear Sitt;—l have been a constant readers( the Tetwaph for the last ten or twelve yews, and have been 01 that class of Whigs 'who think favorably of Gen. 'Scott, gm the Pres& deny, although my fi rst choice is the Hon. John McLean, of Ohio. At present, appearances indi ante that moat of the delegates to the Whig Na tional Convention at Philadelphia, from New Eng land, will go he Judge McLean; as won as it shall be seen that Mr. Webster, cannot be nom inated. Their neat choke will be Gen-Sawn. Avorams Isrmi rues Gm. Tsmes.—A Wash. legion letter under data of April 7th, Boys A letter of a decidedly important character ben been received in Washington, by Goy. Brown, of Mississippi, and it gave rim to a very animated conversation in the liaise. Ji appeam from it that Gen. Taylor is be the hair of ISt fi; is opposed to an 'obsolete idea""-dhinka the war just and bona ruble, and that it should be vigorously prosecuted until the Mexicans are brought totems—shirt the Rio Grande sad not the Neuces, is the Western boundary of Texas; Mahe wee the cause of the marching of the army fro& Corpus Christie to the Rif) Grande, and by inference the war was not “unnecemarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of thellnited States!' This tallies with another expression of Gen. Taylor, Mat "`o friend of mine Le opposed to the we' The General is also opposed to Wilmot's Proviso. Naw-Yoax..-I7A. legislative Caucas was .held on the SM, at which the following retolution was passed by a nearly , unanimous vote. "Renstord, That in aeleetingDelegates to the bier tioaal ,Convention, we feel it a right and duty to elm= it as our opinion that limey Cur is the Brat choice of the Whigs of the State otliew York, and that they as give and will . give to him or to any other reliable Whig who may .he nominated by that Convention for the Presidency, tile 36 Elec• Loral votes of:thts' State.* - • hemmer:tat Bett.-The old bell which in re. volutxmat - i thaitireillecrthaether the member of the 44 - netthatt Oattinisa ia to balmier:seed with prier Ora is tole planed In Independence IW, Philadelphia, apou a suitable poles* ander a ithiseciee,ind , there' tams* a •Pertnattent ilsthreforthemenetated and mowed roothin it irmeiii . cillad 'ennether the flirts orthi tine, ham wlean emanated the Chatter of irate. thialberty: . , 1111.1.11=71:1oute Of lllVarr , - ; :• • * c F, 311 4 , . of 0400 b 4 i i 0 /1 4*; - ' City - of kreiliss; 'are of mud ivirest, ozoiNiniie groto7 habilitp!.o give thero.*4o4 T*o4l ooldreiis'as ready in the wait :Obey easSio great ae g reeorieemiiis to ere inalces gip' his, Oxalis& spina General . • • "Gen. Scott suhmiited. a portiquo(the.eviJenoe, which was in the shape of a document, which area said. to,be procured frorn•the bands or Gem Pillow and hearing upon the letter of Leonidas. This do inilent is marked_No..l. • • ,":,•• Gen Pillow, being called.upon to know if he te r:Noised that document, .said be acknowledged. some of the interlieeationito be. in his handwri. „taw. The following 'lie ae,knowledges to be writ. ten by him: !Battery; 4 4 .'grotuad; tenetil,"con• jectoce Lwant,"tiniversal, :Ile (Gen. P.) admitted that said document had been handed to Mr. Free ner, knowing him to be "si .:corrcsOondent of the New Orleans Detm. Gen Scott requested that the admission made by Gen. P. be recoided... Gen. PilloW said, that in substance the matter contained in that document was true, and that the fact of his abootiagn Mexican . oifteer is also sub staritially true. He said the document Was taken from a rough report of hat own. • Gee. Scott mad he next submitted a letter, which we, printed in the New Orleans Delta; this he said wee the, actual letter of Leonidas . itself, which he said wee first 'addressed wtthe.Washington Union, but nfierwards addressed to the Editors of the Del. world show this letter ZIIIO was interlined by Gen, Pillow; tome of the intertineatious, he said were done in the office of the Delta, bit ethers ho would show were done' by Gen. Pillow. Ho would then inform' Mel Court how said letter came into his poisession.: Gen Pillow said that eel one word of that 'documi:nt (Leomdas) was in his hand. writing. , 1 he Court, being ,ready Mr the 'es.iminatiMi of witnesses, Mr. Freaner, correspondent of the New Orlegnallelti, was cal:ed. , said he objected to theongirial let ter ot, Leonidas being recorded, unless it could be proved to he his, which he knew was an impossi. • i • MU:pi/MON OP MIL FIILLNEft. • Judge Advocate—What does the witness know of the two papers now before hind Witness—This paper marked No. 1, I received from Gen. Pillow. He was passing by Gen. Pd. !DWI Ousters, and WWI requested by him (Gen . Pillow) to call in the everung. Witness remarked that he was to a hurry, bat was earnestly requested by Gen. Pillow to call He told me if 1 would come bark to his house that night, he would give me a comfortable place to wrote, some place to and: soldier , fare—or wants to that edert Aller having stated to him the inconvenience it would be to me to co= back, as. I was going for hat of the killed and wounded, and was to send an account of the battles the next day, he still urg ed me, and I complied. It rained daring the time of my return. Alter having supper, I went with Gao. Pillow into the next room, and, eller having" some conversation, he handed me the paper now before me, marked No. 1. Previous to handing it to me he read it and interlined it lie (witness) stated to Gen-Pillow that ha 'did not intend ren ding Mist detailed acoonrit of the battles—he mere lv wanted to send off an account of the result es soon as pn,sible, he would - send n detailed ac count in a few days, when he would have an op • rlfo u n o efi geth ii ng th a a n t li c e w rGealt b low U w e . ' vi G ety anxious that that letter should go off with the time impresmorns, and he desired him (witness) to en. graft it in his report. All,, some conversation, generally, be (witness) asked Gen. Mow dim would Leep the paper, and no objections having beeu made, be put it in his pocket. Ailey he looked at the paper, he saw that portions of it were incorrect; he did act look at It aherwartls until he got into the city. and put It with other papers. When the La:mitres letter was talk. es. oC I looked for this paper and found it. I cone pared ikon being told that it was similar. I titan plated the paper, tcgether with the ammarison •drew, away. Some time afterwards, I received a verbal message from Gen. Pillow, stating that he wanted to see me. I rude out at town and stop ped at his Louse, be (Gen.P ) asked me it I meal lected having received a paper front hint. 1 re plied that I did. He then asked if 1 Mal had it in my posarasion. I told him I had lie then re. queened that 'should rettan it to him. I replied that I was ou my mad out of town, and that on my return I =mild see about it lie said be did not want me to neglect it. In the course of converse noti:lie (Gen. P told me he had that (meaning the letter) preened trout an abstract of lot report, for me, end that he is as told while is New Orleans, by the editors of the Delta, that as a man that could he relied upon. that be would deem it a breach of confidence it any improper, ore was made of said paper, I lett unarms; him that ho should hear from me that evening. The came evening, I wrote to Gen. Pillow a letter, declaring, for certain seasons, to return said paper, and re sewed, is reply, a note desiring tee to call. On the , publication of Leonide. letter In the New Orleans Delta, I wrote to the editors of that paper, requesting that they should keep the crigi and for me. On my return from Washingt in. through New Chicano, a kw weeks since. I re. cemed it from Mr. :dogmata of that paper. General Pillow—l dentin to have•ir recorded that the wears =rate 10 the helm, and that said paper wet kept for him Rad afterwitnls returned to hire. - Judge Advocate—At what place and what nine did you hold the conversation with Gen. Pillow, when he gave you said papers Witnear—About the 23d. or between the 21J and 2:411, at Macao. Judge Advocate—la the witness scquanated with the hand aniline( General Pillow, and of so, wt. then he can trace hts baud =Magma the paper he fore hues - - . Witnae—l am not acquainted with the hand Gen -Pillow. 1 have *era him write. I aaw him mate au inter:Mention of two words— the taper marked 1. Judge - Atiebeate--Wdl you look, and roe if you can trare General s uniting in that docu ment! • Gen. Pillow—l object Co that queatien being put he Ina admitted already that be fa unacquatoted with tay hood venting. The wart overruled the olrjection. 81.1:4,900 1,812,660 104,410 103,290 5,400,000 160,000 2,010,000 'O,OOO 003,000 Witness—From what I have wen ol"Gen. Pil low's hand writing. / should Judge that the wonla .—rietorion.—meking—and—i.ept bear—to be his. Flare the examination of Mr. Feraner,ott the part .M • the prosecution closed. Gem Scott said that at another time he should again want the evi dence of Mr. !Wooer. . .. .... . . . . . Tim Judge Advocate then pat the kJ-lowing questions to witness, emanating from 'General Pil low. . . - . Judge Advocate—What were your 'social relit. nous with Gen!. Pillow, ',rhea 'be invite.' ebu to partake of hilt hospitality! Witness—My social relations with General Pd. low were somewhat on the rune. Auting u his rank and my position. I have partaken of his hos. pitahty—he hasothen invited me to do so, but have shunned his invitations. ris I have dOne all other officers oftank.. On the night I received-the pa. per, his molicitations were no urgent that I could not minim to come. I never knew Gee. Pillow until he arrive., at l'oelga. . $13,331,990 .Did you crer eat at Gan. Pillow's table, or ie age your horse et his house! I dont recollect eating at his table: I might, in passing around the camp, but I foraged my bone; the night I stopp ed - with him . "Where were 'you when General Pillow wanted. you to call an your return from Tambayar 'Either in his booms or oo horseback. .P know which. [did not take note. of the cant: r. ' Did you ask Gen. Pillow for a bin of. tke killed 'and Wounded. and when!'_ • f; • 7 1 did ask Gen.Pilkiw fora list of the Willed and wounded, -but do not recollect when' 'Did you not 'eek Gra. Pillow for au "authentic statement of the battle?' do not recollect having asked jar aniuthentic 'statement,. I also asked sheers kir statements of -recta, 4lr the purpose of comparing them with my own, and if, found correct, to ace them. I might have asked General Pillow for a memorandum,— Kearns I did. :When the paper alluded to was hooded to me,l mentioned that I would not one it. That Was the time,.when he (Gen. P.) said he was ankions it shanld go off with the find impression' 'At the.same: time you got a copy of the killed and wounded from Adjutant, did you not gel that paper elm! 'lt is my opinion that I got the list of killed and wounded from Captain Hooker: I got the paper from Gen. . . . , ' 'Did , Gen. Pillow give order, to hie Clerk, Mr. Madlaud, to give you ri espy of ilea list of the killed end Neriundedl' ' • • • 'I don't recollect.' 'Did you read tho papar in Gen. Pißutes pre. erect, or when did you read it?' 'I read a porticin of it, I recollect distirictlY; as far an I read, I ballet'', it to be correct. Did yout state that you were in the habit of ask. ing.General Officers the witements. of their pro ceedinnsT : - _ . did not nay I asked General officer's I said officers generally; and 'sometimea they complied with my request, and sometimes they did not one officer refused a list of the killed and wounded.' EA=iiMM 'I decline answering that question, unless com pelled by thet Court.' On tbaCourt having decided the question was id order,3lr. Freaner said he could not enumerate all the officers whose reports he had seen. 'There was great disehision, in Jalapa. relative to . thtr in. correctness of:reports which laul.becn On that occasion, !looked. at the reports of the of. liters of Gin. Twiggs' diclaion. , • 'Whore did you get those reported' 'ln 'Jalapa, at the dace, I suppose, of General Twine.? 'state if you ever saw suy report of, the operr . tious 'in the Volley of Ittevicot.and If eo, name whose were they?' law none.' . , .13vea after yob receive,' tbe papei, No. 1, from General Pilkm?' . `i have seen some reports in manuscript; saw Colonel Harney's: either saw it or heard it read, and I saw, I think, a written statement of General Smiths.. I Won't he positive, a rough sketch of movements.,' . Gen. Scott here temattrad, that in theeounie of Stringing throb facts, be did not like to leroanytblnir which might Le iwnsidered on attack uppn Indict dna!" General; Pillow'. course 0f111103111401/ was perhap. unneccuutty In too owndepitice.. Gen.-Pillow said be would not. wlWojlp ettailt any individual, he (Cron. P.) wanted tambour that• caberwillcers had done the gamete bkoseifin Show The.Plitaident said he Would hi glidtrgio6. sociiPoiddmitihite thentselves es I:lllittii fte poul. bletode anlXeci bekxe the Court The trial woo like:lib" be ■ tong ono and he would wish to icon. oadoO itto• time. • . , ~7 f l burp" '6 notelwwi Wets. Pillow to dot :GaientlipCluet which I wiSweed to be prirweq.l hWre howl the owe titieLl., • = rvpited to ily..Gentral for iiifortrw. I dais in or Gator the Taller ocklexico; if so, whom eke theyT; • .. hays asked Gen, Gadwidader and Gen. Pietro In relation to the march from Vera Crogto Puebla 'same months atter vtoi arrived' in the city: Did you not mention to Gen, Pillow when yotC 'reeeived, the paper, No, 1, ini - lour refusal to'nutke me of it why you asked to take it away?” - thought theta Might be something in it I did not know hefarm : it might serve me in giving en account Of • this battlri Cordzeras and Cilium blutco.' ..- 'Wnen• 'the; papee W0.,1 - passed out of your hands, into wbose han ds did A fra, and, by whose . ul do not recollect th'isilate of its parsing oat of my hands. It WM with some papers which I gave to Mr Nicholas P.:"Triot to take care of. kir • . . . . • "Had witneSs no Place to keep his paperer The President considered the qUesUon out of order. • Gen. Pillow said that if Le were restricted in his questions he should find it impossible to get et the truth. He wanted to.show that if the witness had any other place to keep his papers he tuadsome too tire in ginng it to Mr. Trist. • 'I had no place to keep . my papers unless my pocket,which I conaidered unsafe.' •Dill Mr Triskare the • paper—did you draw kis attention to it, or did he 'examine.. it without your authority.' 'After he took the papers I drew his lute: diem to it and told him What it was.' • • • 'Did it pans out of Mr Trial's hands into the hands of Gen. Soon with . your permission and op probation?' • Gen. Pillow having declined potting any more questions to litFreatter, Gen Scott said he bad • question to askfaim: The question was put bythe Judge AdvoCate ns follows:. s • 'What is your social relation with Gen Scott— when did you become - personally acquainted with him, and by whom introduced?! 'My social relations with the General are nods• rag more than i. passing acqnsintancey as it were, meetings gentleman m the streets, and haring - the salutations of the day interchanged; my timani- ' mice commenced in Puebla; I was introduced by Gen. Pillow, his qurirters; I have frequently for deepatches tbr htm by modes of convey acme wbieh I had at my command. When at Pa. ebla, ceinmunicatiotes were almost entirely cut off —my courier brought communications to him from commanders down below, and sometime, gave him (suck information through his Adjutant General, lg. Col. Ilitchcock, as my courier brought: „Oen Pillow—Who introduced yos to mei' brought a monk note of introdection from Mr. Tries to you, as I understood at your request. In milkog at your house,•l mislaid the note, but you yid-it rens no matter; but took me by the amt and said 'Come in.' - • Here the examination of hie Freaner doted kr • the preterit. Gen Scott said, he would more the Court in re lation to witnesses and their depositions, lame of .whom were in the United Staten. He stropmed Gen Pierce no longer belonged to the army; if no, he was , no longer subject to the control of the Court. Regarding the other witnesses—Judge Walker, one of the editors of the Delta; and Mr. Meginnis, of the same paper,: he. would that the Court issue summons to the =friary witnesses, and issue its commission in order to have the deposi tions of Judge Walker and Mr. hlaginnis oti the subject nourbcrye the Court. Gem Mkt* eitd Gen Piet= tr. a witness for ltimaeLf (Gen P.) and. to ledge Walter and Mr. Itiginnis, he would lilre to be informed what they were likely to pebve. • The lodge AdvocaM here rend the decision of the court on the subject at tome: That the Court, ootbe examination of the witnesses in Mexico, deem the evidence insufficient. or, should the eel. 'donee be deemed insufficient, it would adjourn to the United States Sir further proceeding. Gen Scott said that the next witnesses were Mr. Trist and Mr. Peoples; of the American Stor; be desire.l.lhat lommono he issued to them. The Court Men adjourned until 10 ti clock nest day. • . Loral - Monday, April 101 • Council met on .pedal call Present—Mes4s. Bakewell, Mack, Denny; Drum; Hill, Kincaid, Laughlin, layng,,l.rene, McGill, Murray. Totten. and Mr. Shipton,.l"resident. Mr. McGill; chairman of ,immittee ny wharf, presented an ordiaanee, entitled • n amendment to an ordinance 'perused 26th Ju , 1513.'. Read 3 times and passed. Alan a resolution authorizing the committee' _Amain the committee . 011 Alhrs.hony wharf to report an ordinance 41ing - the prsee of wharfage. on the Manehuter ferry boat_ itead.3 thugs and adopted. The President read a isaummtneation -address ed to the Mayor. on the subject of the recent Mr. layna offered resolution authorising the Mayor to oder a reward of Via) for the •attPralte. sigma and prosecution to conviction, of the .or persons who caned thi ten?allt tire* Rea= `kill laid over. Tdr. Totten, chain:eau or the select comottnee, to whom was referred the - ordinance relative to !destiny.' rocks ilia hunting brick kilns within the hounds of the city, reported an oolinanoe, tanned 'An asthma. regulation the blasting of rector ..within_the city of Pdtaburrh. Read twice aid laid Also an et:disaster: reewleting itn benuag. brick kilns within the city of Pittslyntglin Read twice and laid over. • • • Several petitions, read . In C C. April 34 and re. ferret to appropriate committer, were then taken up and read, and net-ranee concerted i • • An appropriating moray br uil.ling . 2 n petrel- ori Liberty street; 'shies ice C. 0- March :010, was read and referral to cyst ' on sts, wait taken up 6214 'read, mid reference red in. . . The ordiaance relative to Inn •PinninUne t or. messenger to the committees, which wan imed in C. C.,.slarch 27M, was then taken up and read twice, and *mended byetriking out IMO, ar: sub; stimunesloo as the eatery. Laid our. - Mr. (track, chafiMan of committee oust oar, to whom woo refeired the Maumee relmiteto the grades of the street alubaLley in the sth wart re ported the' ordinance:without any arnendast, ac -which was cepted; and the ordinance pea . Mr. Lam offered a resolution atutaartring the street committee to invite proposals ire the grtiding and jutting - of sth erect, between Smithfield and Ros' streets, and to mit the same tinder contract forthwith: payment tor•the work to be trade in cash.' Read twice and laid over. . . Ad* Tun Snort-cm Airars„—Flulp Moos , oof the night police, wee ' shot lam night by Mr Joh n is W. Blair, a respectable citioeu of this place. The circumstances { am detailed to us - by one sent, tire as Wows: Mr. Blair with • number of other personi were standing at the Corner of W and Fourth streets, as lookers on at the Fancy! Ball, when Mona came up and took Blair by the Collar, said be was drank, end must go to the skatch home. Blair told him it was not , to, and o let him go—if be did not, he would hurt him. More retained his bold and ripped the wall with** mace lice asSilt1111:0, Whirl was answered from Me opposite side of the street. A pistol was - then fund. Blair is represented as making 40 noise te dish ', indekhan wind by the atchman There • aliegii crowd of persons errand there, but n turbenbettevions to this. IFoccurred abo o'clock 'The balteeteted the abdomen, and the i wotrk•d watchnian is io danger. Blair, it is said, denies sring the pistol, and that none woe found 1 on him.—Aterneang lith. Mr7Allair li. Moor the most peaceable of oar citieenkand we hope another version of Ibis story, .., ~ hod fgeOrsible ‘te hiro r eur be tone, It in stated that the plantilWas in the poseertiOn of tse watch- man, and **in*, hand of Mr. Blair. LS is a little singularthat 'Mr.'Blair should, what:leo - badly in tosicaled as chirged by the watchman, *meta his pisto l—ille had one. It is singular that some one of the crowd did not find it. The cue should be thoroughly examined, and justice awarded where it of right belongs. Itarnouns do Wsuntus 151mAsobair.—This moue Zoologioar• exhibition opened yesterday in famous slytel. The long winter has beee passed with grant advantage to the collection and the ant. male are now the very perfection of health- and spires. The visit of the lady performer,-Madame Cyhelle to the cage of the tigers and lions;and her ride with the hoe, border - on the wonderful, and are worth a wall• -- to see. The Imbibition will remain open but a short time, and the oppor. tunny must not be ton to pay theme visit and stn. dy Zoology from nature. Ma. PLacrua--To night the ranching domestic drama of Grandfatber Whiteheid, and Ntiptdenn's Old Guard:erill be' performed the the benefit of this distinguished peter: 'Ttaise Who we Merit in meting, will not be plasma, but &rare bear will he afforded tarboneWlia lovin the drama Writs good qualities, not its eicesea and Watts. To night is the lut appeerence of Kr, Placige. , . DONNAVAIea P6llOll 4iti Maxico--Day arrloa.—An afternoon exhibition of this great pain• ting will be given this afternoon at Apulki FiiD; In tirdettir afford the pupils atlas public schools and fatullientrosiding in the- vicinity on opportunity of -visiting it. The_ exhibition wilt open at 3 o'clock. The evening perfarmance will oho -take place at The Democracy of lientockY thmergh their state cosntathee have nominated F.e. promo, Lesorp . The municipal potions In New Orleans on the ,30th; resulted: in the choice of a deekadlY ci,7,03,.."Tne.nt• TniElactifins H6cidei Gland kave - irone in ta Tor alba V7higa- 4 3ovartior Harris nsaiadisi. 1 / 1 4 1333,384 , , tl4B 8 . / 848 2 Itruz.uot 70112050 N of Autumns. woo tag mon* elected Speaker of the Senate EMMMIME ~,~=~~ ~,y: BY MAGNETIC - MEG- R&PIL k - of it. m d m i h came. :: •• cOntaglit." • Vuldugton, April 11,1 MS: Srvave--The Senile living - been celled ttl,at 'dei, Proceeded to the .4a..idenffolf.ol:*l "business." Nuperous petilionauterepresented.' Mr. Rersrdy ;Johnson presented the petition of John Skirt:ter, loran appropriuion to enabliah • School •of Mineralogy, Engineering, Agriculture and Road Malang, end advocated the 'petisin; a in enable apeeelt. It svaareferred le the Committeeon Agriculture. Mr. Hnnnegan, from the Consinittne on Foreign Relations, reported a joint resolution for the relief of Ann Chase. The Ileum hdlin reference tothe Orknee Col lection District sen.V.tiassed.• j'.':*" • , On motion of/drAlannegtm.,. that i)ortion or the .President's message referring to the'Amistsd Last was referred to the Committee ow Foreign Reis, • dons. . . • Bagby introchsced resolutions'retatizg to the powers Of the General Government, which %rem made the special order of the thy for Monday yeah. On notion, the'Senate laid aside the mornieg basins, and proceeded to the consideratida Mate order Mthe day, yia the California! Claims. Mr. Dayton addressed the Senate, obletly,ia re' ply to Mr. Webtner'n speech age net the. Treaty. Mr. Mason has the door for tomorrow. Horan or Rurroisurrsvives..—A. motion 'man made to amend the French Resolutions of sympa thy, whereupon a warm debate arose, which VMS ' shared by Messrs. Palfery, Johrortod, of Ten.;.Bay.. ley, and others. Mr. Bayley addressed the Haase, and attempted to show the relative Melingof Mos. snchusetts and Virginia on the subject. . After a warm debate, the resoletiort was laid an the table, 124 to 44.; The bill reLitive:to the Military Anademy was then coiled up, and pased first reading. Correspandencli of tbo Pilu!boigh Gazerw. PHLLADELPHIA MARKET Phibulelphia;April 11 , 7 p. x. Flour--..ales of Wesieroxt Cottow—No traosaxions.r • . Corn Meal—Salea at 52 31!(352 . 371 oeaia per barrel. . • . Grain—There have been no sales of- When/ worthy of report, Sales of pome,::yellotv . Coin, at `&051 do. per bushel. • Whiskey—Seles at 224 cbA. • . The markets, generally, are without change is any particular. NEW YORE MARKET. Flonr—Soles Genesee at 718,Z. The m4fia; with moderate business, ie in avoid' the b4ei. Grain—Them-is less doing in corn, and the, market his a downward tendency:, Other Igraine us before. Provision,—Holders of Pork are'stildng higher prier, bat no sales are reported.! Lard, 8 , 303 ge Ezelnch, Correrpandenee or Om Plosbargh Gareth, BA LTIN9RE MARKET. Baltimore, April 11,180 Roar—Sales of Howe Street, 550 barrel', d $5 571) • Grain—Sales of red Wheat at $1 37. The foreign news has ph:dec.:l;a depressing el: fr,t. and there 16 nothing doing ie other articka. N. Items. P. A 311014043 Ststrsyne.—The Niw York Etpresi sayr—We meet with a curious suggestion in the Newburyport Herald, which is in furor of pining' the French congratulatory resolutions, introduced into Congress, -sad sending them to France lit charge of a Committee, consisting of Messrs: Van Boma, Clay, Calhoun, Benton,' and Webster, Such • cm:undue, the Herald, says, ..would no doubt be well resvired, And they would quite likely be in riled an to honorary members ofthe French Na. tonsil Convention, to which they amid glee .mucb information, and could answer soy questions in re gard to the _workings of our institutions, which could be eked.' Ftsurat.s.—The.Democratic, Conventien oil to lots nominated W. P. Duval, ikwecerly Goats. masa Florida when Awns a territory) ass caridi. date for Coerces. It also eouttuated Gen. Wm. Rattly (Or Govan:tar, sod appointed delegates. to the Balturtore OltlfellTioll, who are said robe in twos ofLevi Woodbury for President. • Cassius M. Clay has recovered s venliccof 100. against ?homes IL Waters tor, deesoOM: the Free American Prew some time mince. lU.i.Te. lendenl appealed. . , • • A law exempting& homesteatOsen Ceeed vale haa beam adopted m Michigut. I A Mihail:stead is defused by it, i,. a rpoduill mot ex ieediug wuk.libev derailing liousintieretin and all the appurtenances, or a city or village lot with the dvnilting thereou.palth the ottig,_appertemutcc. • 3tr:2assr Otottis io.t/Xtrllniteel States yeah Gen. :toot/. The )Pashingtott'eckfltapondent of the 9vities...,l hanethe best • authotit• y foe saving that ,Me.-Trist will:resume his old you se Cliff Clerk of the ante Department: ' '9 . esarcryt..-.- The,Legisiature Massachusetts hai given the poor man, Zebukin Paine, be the deep irrougite. suffered in being innocently impri soned In the penitentiary It months, the p4.ful ism of 3200—thia, me, in comidention of the pro. duct of his fabor in that period. =Dr. Ciatittins—So far. from being dead, as rinhar made him, IX. Coolidge is learning the trade' of shoemaker in his cell in tha Thomaston State Po son. ,Viamau.—The Legisbiome adjourned sine SIM on Wedheiday, eller having been la session just one third. of the year. Included 'in the . of the eestsimmas a through revisite d of the comb nal code. ' Tax Banks of Ciumnneu are , using receiv e all Mee of a less. denomination than dee dollen on banks out of that State. • `hlasintrrn Snraxsasi=—They nie building steam er" on the North River hundrodi of feet long. d'itir wagers get on board at the *Mk and by the time tbeyb are walked to the Cirviard'.gausoiray the:boat la at Albany' Err c. to honotably.lassunol that the killove. leg' *en* nitwit quiblies_of 3a. battle of lovits . C. riti Hair Restorative. ' they doubt nor word, they. aon* thews highly regiectable citizens, who, have it: • Beekeu, st, Now Tort. ' ' - AI rt. Mar-Um Reeve., Myrtle even., Brooklyn. Mr.,lYus. Tompkins, D 4 /Reg sh New York. MThomas Jaeksou, 69 Liberty at, PUlstough. r: E. Cullen, late barber wearaboat Si Atuerwa. And Imre than a hundred others attar, though thiim=at adlee,.drat it will dirt a the hale to glow an the band or .fitee, stop It falling Or, strengthen the 00011, reroorkug. dardruf trout the rows, and Ught, red or gray hair usual; n fine dark lOOk, and keeprnx dry, harsher wiry heir racist, sob, clean and beaututd, a verferty . Very r. long time. Sold at :MC& JACKSON'tI 91 Lib s . . . CIE,11: Irst i tt i ll 44 of d r::; * 4' it f=tt. eprlng and st ar gurmentcon is creditor 3 smooths, to be at the stare of John itit Davin outfit:Boor-. err of Mood and fob ate., ...Tuesday zoo , the 1101 instant, at to o'clock. Tide will be Me I and best sate of clothing ever bold in this city, "Rger meets me fashionchty. cot utd of good. mate the whole of which are to be sold without reserve r nth, to the higheat bidder. The goods will he sold .I , l:kne of irons sit to twelve prose., each. . ' . ... ' Catalogues will be ready and the 10.64 ow for cr omlech. early y ouths mottling °Oho wale. I !ROO . . . Nonce.—A -Naal mearing of the numbers Hof the Young Men's bleicamile library , Anaocindon lend . Idenbardea' institute wit/ be held the Ilan on Tues day evening, April nib, 1E144, at 711eclock, P. At: splolt nouurr • urn alt 111 LT Atlto I,llllL—Coutstoelo, Nerve and tom Lthbroent and "Mien Vricetnble is the most etreeimel cute. for rtheumegem. Sold by WU. JACK. SOY. Mont fr. Pittabergh.. • 1--,,sorlSl3eeller.T • (Er Laditl who use JOU.' Spu'll.b Lily Whitei lutes always a fine white irsospureat akin. CH this a trial will satisfy any one. sold only in Pinsbarib, EV Liberty si ; novl9dandwly _ =CM bn Wadimoday, We Sah.,lnti:, Rer.-Wells borA nell, Alr. JAW. A. Am:ail:111W SAMAII A n*-RcAp. aII of Net C.u.11., - Airrecreolanty. • f • Os. Tuesday, a. 10'Welock, A. N. at tin re eideaer BEgo, Lower St. Clair tp., ANDREW DORON. . The .(deed . end acquaintance. a th e rurally of the . deceased are ra.pretfally requested to attend thi fune ral (remit's late reindetthe, whielilake. place today at 2 Welock,' . 1 , T EFT—On board BIOS B Cnleb Cope, about th e last LI f March, A PACKAGE OP CLOTHING, which the owner can havany payingfor . this notice. abLlne3l•T •- .. ........ CCOVER SEED-23 bush Cover Seed, OH 'void and for sale by .112 POINDRXTER & Co. - ICOACON-18 boxes Virginia eared limns sod J 11) now landing sod for sale by' split POINDFATerI & Co, 44 water +t RAD-Aw 114.'4:0en. Lead, I received per steamer .14 Oriental, and for ule by • _ _- • . POINDEXTER&Co .• t. bbls fur oda by 7-7- I apO DUSRPIIMD & ROE 'BRICE AND LOAF SUOAR-01. tierces Mei I.lr bbla jL Lonflingor, larnfing Bora runt fithaylk lad for Ws by BAOALBY is apld ' -18 and 20 ood et BLlf, PORK-1100 !daces a.;011 Bulk Pork landing frran rzeamerhßagn Chlef-and for sale b I anal - ••• 11/MALEY& • . 6 - TARCII—I4I boxes Starch, noperlor q. Lt from Mormogabela aryl for • • ranali—a bal e s Tenuased Cotton; ado" ?Cub, V sip* do 14 alore mad An• • 'apli • • -•' WEEP BOWEN 70frolu'u tBOl6l-070 bboilk prune N Sagsr, In store and for Mat,: • soli 0 WSST BOWEN F C ., PrNX? ;et' 'lOlO KETAL—CO tons No FOnsuirf litstelaort re I eared sad ter sato by WICK I NeCANDLESS: - • ,••••.-:,-,,,•,2'...-„,-„.:,,.-...-L',,...1:',. .:1 1 :',,,,.1.j : ,..-„ , 7 . ,..•:'' t '-' . -,. - !,., - t , , . ;4 ,,, c; , ,.* : ;i 1 7. , ,z , . : , ., , ?,; , ,...k,..1.-, i .-. 7 - ztrrsauteasTeioaarsn. •: Aitaiisiil2,l ~NvEDra*Lv, •° f• Pr s" 1 " . —A 34 k401...2.ftimirith• • LOAI , f'ciPAI,OyER. • • ' Gertrude • Zia Alber ..Web, DANCE, by Arise Alma To be foltelk7d by Abe Drama of GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD. Grandfather White-heed • —• ' • llr After width., DANCE. by.llDas Anna Malvin. ' To conclude with NAPOLEON'S OLD GUARD. ftarnusek•••.• • • • ............... •-• •Alr.Placide. POSI — TiIirE t LY FOR a • Ratittomo c INTARINCON • • GRAND MENAGE Et yLI. BE EXHIBITED on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Tuesday, , April 11th. 1211isadikb, for three days only, under their ruarnmoth pavillion, to be erect ed :a gout of the Ameriem Hotel, Perm 'amen and so in Allegimuy coy on Friday, April 14th. • Raymond*. Wanniy.mottld respectfully aunounee to the public, that on this Oceasioathey wiU hare m op portmity of witnessing the novel's:A daring, perform suers of , • . . CII3ELLE. • for bar courage and intrepidity, las gabled the tame of THE LION QUEEN, awl will appear with the renowned ' "HERE DIUMBACH ' • • . . _ . In his Leo unpaparalleled Cougars. performances, 'nth hi, Lions, got, no.. and signalize Ler telnt by Mirin ds, g an AFRICAN LION bantossed to a tri. unwind ear, OM' 'showiugtbm even a x-dman may team to control the MONARCHS OF THnyoltnirrs. tram bto C; and from 7 Ammo; 75 oantsehtldion mint tenyeantof age, ' " - j liVelloh, DeLayne. & Natbastat NA TION - A LI. FO..U. 8 I. VROII the. National Amphitheatre, Chest= street,' X. Philadelphia, eonsistmg of a splendid talented cam p*.r MEOW:fees. still *rail& setimees ta Pittsburgh on hIONDM EVENING, GM= Mr a: . short season, no the old gmand - m. front of. Go The folimaistg distinguished ami mulur performers tir honor ? C A P' . Atl!filri`A Irltt a gg VERA 1310. aL.=,‘ " NI, FRANK BROWER. N. JOHNSON, BEN HUNTINGTON,. C. WOODS„ BEN MALLORY JAS. HAWKINS. NI2L JAM IENO N, T. BROWER, WASHINGTON CHABISPIP. • GEORGE DUNBAR, ANTHONY PASTER, TOM KING N. SHERWOOD, Maven FRANK and WM. P.a...RS• Adm.Nlß.m. O. No hal/Free. . Doom op at o—perfimause so commence as is o'eloek. For pardealuza of pertorarare, look at programs!. 'of each day. • GREAMISUCCESS OF 'a Great Serial . Panorama: of • • • . . 'Stlexl , 6oi at Apollo Hall, 4th street. m Wetly findennir recepticatofildstarent Moving T PiCtOre, by the °he. Of Pittsburgh and vieinliY. btu induced the. proprietor to remain • few. evenings longer In the e'dy...The Deleting onnnPins nearly two miles of canvass., on which is fasthialy reprveanted elk the hank-fields chief town.and cities on the Manor operation by -the two mat diVlsions Of the Americo Army under (lens. Scott and Taylor, the whole Conn ing the most delightful series of views ever offered for putlie exhibition, and conveying lllVlltettrale, idea of that Country . to Which the eye. of. the world hays with more or less interest, recently turned.' Poe Parti.julary we bills of the day. , • • Adtaintauce,s4 Crap, • Door. open at.: &stock. ClorgirmoasiaSetwamsis4 DG TAYLOR'S BALSAM OP LIVERWORT, from 73 Beekman ErtCh cleanses the loom purifieithe !data, relieves pain., eons difikitlf ttreat snit) ; Prot:touts erpactorssoa, stressothash the ..,1 sera; and is a certain core far. esastli I hiss used, it for years In my practice. aM- always Rich stetson. j. ' CONSUMPTION CAN SECURED. 11Intadartin4 a worthy. minaret of my congregation , wan taken ill tome time duce with a cold, pant to lireass.and ensue difSculty or breathing,' slut in akw ddysklnircaller, she had a violent coughd plain the nide, :whirl, no medicine would relieve. an She eltilliett ed fora long rime 'under the medical care 'ofDe. Rea; but finally became consumptive, and wan evidently near the end of her earthlyruferinge, whea bee broth er persuaded her to try Dr Tsyloes Reline nit Liver wort When she commenced this medicine if did nut seem' to agree with her for • few dayselint by . lessenlis the done. she found it answered adintrablyiteved her conth and her difficulty of breething Inman nod me had the pleasure ofuraseseing her nrdd very to health. • Rev. WAL 5311,11 E. , . CONSUMPTION AND FIVER COMPI.JJYTOURED • For six yenta I 'suffered with these awful diseases, and hula my beast I feel for nU similarly afflicted, and I betel diem to try-Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort 'non medicine cured MC 06M11 could oaf move Ys, bia, and was not expected to lire 6 week—yet Iwa cured in six orrekkby this vegetable Medicine. _ . • HA MABIO3, 10$ King et: EXTRAORIMMARV CAUTION in puretursisg this medicine is required—Remember the. feet! tbs. andy - fl genuine actbd genne is now made at = Beekman al, 01' the orhAtial . proprietor, formerly .375 Bowery. This is Oro only ameba prepared , from the anginal fecipeS oth ew but Sob; in Pittsburgh by J 0 Margan,lel W ort; Townsend, 43 Market et; &wow. coc_Mark and Al sic Henderson Co. .5 'Aber ty rt. Price - r need eogl,olPef bow. • SILIWICILLEY ACADEMY, _ •• ACLABSICAL and Conimercial Hoarding Be 00l Cie Boys, on tee Ohio RosA 14 Mile. Worn • Bias. Immti.. Rev. JOS. eI.TRAV.W.J, A. M., Principal.' • SLIMMEI SefliOn cammenca on Tuesday, May 1, Bra TERM....—Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Feel, Lighte, , ke.;per session of fire months 1175—one belt payable tat anrance; the balance at the clove of these. ion. Books and Stationary furouthed whfu 'rousted, at the axon. alio pupil. • All clothing to be dixtluctly maxim!. ?watt furahb their aura towels, h 1 very dutiable that ail ahould Da pawl:tau tha find day of . . •• . • QT Fur partieulus,. inquire of the principal, at the Aeadeurr, or of Alesstu Jelin tratiole Sons. No IL Water mese, Pittsburgh. • • • oplitttet • M====l NOTICE is hereby Sista that Letters of Adadnis4ra , flon base heed granted the undersigned, o n the estate of Geo. D.iley,tauofthe city of Pittsburgh. deed. All persons indebted •to said mate are desired to snake .i.tomediaus payment, and ihoeis haring ,ehdats. min Omer. Meseta thentotaly anthentleated. for gelds,- I - • SASII,I•II.2,IeKEILVV, Adze. PittWuret, • r:11415/a_ • apLt-weer from oiettF- J 3 vr North Alabama. &pickup se to coatman etothitel. marked "Diameal F. all tiebant. ,, , The oMU I' hereby pey curers CM O.IMM! talte it ow ay. .• I.IO%VEN. ATILLINEFIV 00011.i—Juar receleed. 10• e ales ..0/. plain I±lnaw Comecon ado do Florence do; odo lance do; 100 hate+ Anaficial Flowers; =cartons 1100. net Ribbone; MR pa Cotton Laves; WO do thread do; which will offered at Wholes:de 00 low as canto . bought of tie Eastern Jobbers. ha. bein appal-Wad - Agent pro tem. orate Inattran“ Company of North Amenea r and win Woe Policies and attend to the Other biathlon of the Aerney, at the se . ..hot:se of Atowod;Joace Co. • apld • WU. P..7051p.„ wen at. 10100TABIL.-13 tasks prints (orate by I. spa WICK & !kI.sc.A.NDLI3 N4=l=• 111012ACCC6-654ttra.166 6 Torii/ T 666666,126611 5- iroassmasonrStUaad and arsalely • • SAI.CIIATVS-27;easls'a Cleveland &tennis, just . .reeeived and km sale by . . • ..411' . WWI: SiMaCANDLIN.I.' T.P..911—e0 calls prime Gr sale br . P; • spit WIC!: laldeCANDlst:B3' . , r7 , :aVa . ol-OU , dos To,,;vDraolAtil‘VoLl,B rAoLONO2I-,10. bfliaNs L Talikexii; in 4,i do ATI:No 2 Jo: is bbts Noe dr, ZO do is 2 dm, for oar by • 441 41131.11121123 E , WILSON &Co H. NOLASSEH-33• Olds 3 , 11 Molarseartonial:: BIM Refinery, reed per sear Schuylkill , and fur sale I. 111.1.118111DGE, 1F.148014 &Co • L OAF SULIARIV , 3:O bbli Loaf Sogur, No 6, 7,13 aid spit ' . EtritUßlDtir, IntSobr2.oa . . !!= th : 7 7 lr iZithribtlin.: LARD 011:=4111,1q pieitiom fald Oil , liar vale by , ; a mama t„ Nvn.g;o 4 ,a. O PEN "=° l lr 4 r l h.r*O4 ,l l9T.Ladtes Dram 430iidlo, each aa ratraraisineta.. at the Dry. LANKFTS, 51181.7a09, Tb &C.—e Internam of 131 Imesekeepers_ led she assortment ofime r blankets and housekeeping 'alleles generallyj IT meek.' at the Myr:lands Hone •-• sP , .3v,atduiteny • IiRUCCHLAWNB,Two ems bean4lll.larsrstyle j: Dress Lawns, jail received b:y • . • • - BLIACIELNIT &WHITE' UNDRiai—lau bap <nada fialljoetreDHl tas Soap; 0 SO Obis N C Tar; bObbla huge So 3 Alackeral; bblsTazners' 011; :RElbble cider 'pnes i r li kaaVy: • TO,IIACCO-70 butts f.wrappinv oody filte r CJust rcu'd on consign:mot& ' sad for satolirrsor,,. VELVET!OII4—Ar aar . ment f .mall and l O ". C"6"diqunatPned Ono •• • .SILACSI:nrr r s WHITE DItt.ZSGINOLIAMWANDLAWNS—W.R hilirphy . has • large Bopp!) , of fine and low priced dress sughsms: . Was,new styles of Brinoh and Frenek Laew, fiat colored Lawns In 1.V., cents. • ep7 • CLOVER SHED-746 4 for tate Ly •spl0" • 'WICKS. hIeCANDLESS . - y ARD-27 kegs No /.I.ent..n.i9,' for nile ; .A.,i ICA k. AfeCANDIAFRE TIEER nicks Alr sale by - • • , spIS ' WICK LOAF AND CRU9IIEDSVGAIM,If.O bbls In storoind for rale br • • • ' DROWN h CW.IIE/CMOS ADD 011.-1.0 bbLe Dore.W .. n bell7o - nrcer boo curfor recallin&l for safer by __, • ; • J SCHOOALAKER k Co. 24 -woo.! TJEMP linEti—Gblrlsfristfereiml and for wk • - sipG • - • IMAM Y REITIM AA- LGONOIe-40 able rum reed. awl for ..1 by. . aplo R E et7.LEHY, 57 wood at 6 I the Vegidand la Roves le l [t i t= t m : a z ni ' Ve end forsale by • apIO P C MART'S- , • 'JJI on consigument sad tor Mlle by - • • • • • • DIC511: LARD-44 kegs I.eilLiri, received on cowl yibrierd. end'''. vale by -42IAIAU DICIEICI4 Cu, . rti 'Ruler mud 107 front vti • • QCORCIIIPiti,* t —,7O tasks kr Aule by • - 7- 7 *PIO EIVEND,AttEirk Co, 4 . 7. rru We 4y and-weeeloi CON--110,000 bbls balk; ass'd; yu conk do, for sato low to clone consignment, by - : FRIEND, lISIBY striGutsfs-2a.•.c...iie. or .1 . , CdPAL Pb l t eti gNew l yolir.poitc3oad splO liellOONlLilthtk Ca' l IIADDER-41 Gig flu qqality - bar= :163; : c pACXI:I Etta tot Weir . SCHOONMAKER. ?blatbr sale by 17 IiCIUXIONMALE4 it CO Pau9B-33 cads prime, imt reed and apto •-• . NeCANDLE2I9 ' :72 2, p.=T: . . - --- 7 - 51, - ;1=4 1. 4747=4:0=70 7 - ;73 * AMON J.bia Illiviy.AfJFftio.p.f.ir.ti ~....---, ~ • • Poona" ea*. if Dili Goakle:•.: ' - i;'. tteggiltandlter coorning,',V attliteecietka al thea; Camiennial Pinta" tatiNutid - sliad. M szawill be told sNo ,'_ an extend aseartment Of Poretva a: and Daneutkr :Dry Cleude, orate= lothe, pasiesetes, iweeds, splendid Paris hi. d. Sari... Pans lawns. Eaglets Is peat Satiety, ass. vats, bleubed and unbleacbed mue whiny re d fend rilk sellenr gannets, linen d enmeser atom Loper 44 Rads chntse, Engin& AusericsadulaN.Prek and Scotch lawsw,Sariston ht ancbester plushness, linen and cotton , cheek . , nankeens, fornature . de lain., I' d V I 4e w I ' = " tai r ti Ger man. limns, merino, eashatere, 'crane Awl WI de lain shawls, bandkerelonfe, Irak and - velvet, cowe silks, black satin, wwing silk„ _ribbonsi. collard crapes, alpaca; menace, Swiss and book XlitalinN ea.., h. MEM Man, =ramp, mina pS parygl, pars .oldies, At 2 ti • cliwk, p. it: ,_ ...____: ' • .; se A largeassortinent of glauware, Ancsoewo , ._ t . • •• Its. tobacco, segue, N 0 Sagas, Shan wool haw, ad. aria hay and mason forks, waiters, baskets, nee kW Pipe' dunnage., brandy, one platform' scale to weigh' = lb.. etupetiag, re nnian ..13d Anopma *WOw w alai sacond ' haltd' t :' l2l . ll‘ a/titS-batt Awrlbt=eooklug atarets4t. - : A large, salons:am a lisbsonahle reads made OD. thing, saner Preach style shine with linen batme and collars, Won., threw, saddles, bridles, hunks, line table and pocket cutlery, gold sod silver trawl., Jewelry, L. h rey=f ae. L7 7 : ' }PM --JOrN Tni f t/t 1 ,%el .. ON WO4dafday 0•1111ing . , the lAilk analosk7aNdoel the Counotreial Sal .ft Room, center* Wood and nab streets, will be sold .lugs eolleetionnf vekkable rat , eellaiteoas books, among which arll3 .be kmd many name - arandard London books end fine. editions - of Anienean poblkatkar, Alao, - family bibkra, blank books, kuec and cop 'Mails pap ,. r. • Ceteloffees are mar ready, sod Woks inky be exam ined ea day of sale. ' ' • IOHN D DAVTP.,"Aneb • .-- • AdmiAignacea Sas - of Turiggs Stria: lato.ur itut, at e o'clock, the . ' ' Hides -Hawn, comer of.VroW Inftb ate;erill •be ..cold a Ogres aleck in the PM* Furth MI Oieersbatgb Turnplk• Co. , JOHN 13 DAIHN,AeeI Mead..Fannaria and Bogart PnAniigNackigh , of ON Ttninalley afbaioant the 13h ha; at 3 o'clock one imknated BouneiPtessinglieehine, landau, Meld Panatela and appeTaas, in coat ads. • : • . . . . Doll - JOHN ADAYIS, • agrir SUM Pm:wry id, duition: ' 7 VILL ho expcoed to pebile to. SI the Cominweial Saks Boom, comer of Woodard Fifth rts, on evitar. depth,. 15th /nth et 8 otioch PM, all ftt certain. twoth Of grand thnawd =the easterly ludo of St Clair Duvet, between Penn 00,141 and Oa Did Midge, Wing paria of lo th Nos Hi Hy li j et t' = pion of Pittsburgh endgame.' ea igkeith,,vin Be leomovnt ihecomesoflaTeee alleyobenecartenV big in troth along St Clair street, embody, tO beat, sag thrtnh, eathrtiy; penile! with Peon meet, about OF feet to a font Wet obey, with the free U.O and privilege tC the said 'Ott We property am evwe4 hree inoried brick booths, leectiof2o het Hoar) which We Id gootheondilou, and .17•1314 an.susulill Feat o[ooo thoaaaad Terms-Loo.thunh Cash, Reg the babothe 'in Siren wine! annual instabitente, with Interest' nenti-anntially, to be accused by bond and mortgage an the property Vor farther.information noir H Aram..., E s q., eth at. j.. „ ap7 : . .., JOHN D DAybifyAact . • • 3a&ettigtoits Ate iSista ON &mutiny tbn.LStb Cost, At El otlitek P bf, at lbe Ccansitereinl Sales Boom, corner of 'rood and Sib sty Nelli be told 9 Ws. eitnakel swan boodadY side 11411 e strbekaiNoining bad westerly frocaLognit 'unit Lein; eabdietsion lot. Nat 77, 72 SO, St and Ss, to 1.6.11'44 two., ulatli siesta* 12 kat hoot by. 124 ket so alley in ket buttes srlds„the loainiztx ve sank 20 feet in front byl9l logo •A.ll.sti .may be nen nt . the Otani 4.11 Dig, 416 sum, or u tint auction mai - Tenni steak. .7 4 . . .10114 DPAVIS, Ana.. . , ONE pair Laige rise hon . 41rrof Hama. Byw op old and ve.y gende r Apply !cp .- JOHN D DAVIS.': • • comer of <rood sad fah Ms •' • , APRIL:IO,IIAL , —L• 27 , MURPHY . in opening his .BECOND ;.' SUPPLY Of sprintrind iantrestr and haa toorrdng open an asstettnent of Lined super Eartstoa do; Prints and'eltialreg Brie Diens Goods, in gran, variety; Alartehestar., new patterns:-In kin aasortasent now_opening, are a real many anieles tit lower Pines than nand, Sash a. dne Purple Dein* yard side, at Ll§ ea; foie British YYnits at, Let ets; , Dress Gliguln iu saar eridih; at MI ets; Dieu LiPll/, - yard w at I ear; Bhirting Bles •liss very low; Irish Linen; he. • also' open tido morning an mann:Rent olleantifol lighttntiatais, small figures, for children; Lawns far do. Aliso, CO.. welkin Bilks; Win 'Wash de, .Craperllsaveln.ke. • Persowersading any Wog .in W 2 Dry Goods way, will do. well to call and. see the.'greda and Oar the 11111.1=IS 612 , 1 WhOhtlih; ifoitons44l93 p e r an inviting meet of fresh goods at Mann &ACM per • P INT S .ONLY. CEDAR ..11T.; NEW 4104 K. `LEE_ ___Htt"..BREWSTER'' ...m...IVILRINRIM In Mou 18.1 d. do the pare tune of suonlying tits City and Winder lade wi th - PII/ITYM CALICOES,Y; at • I low Lieewetud arwithing,st all: . • ear. the are now welting Se awry naw style of and Doenestio p • many of which have and me Au ode am Cash ' at - • . .PJRICES REIM ,6t•- • perOt! Pur. PA.MS which r ger Um PRINT IN novae, A , SIMILLIIM AND SUJILIMIIgiIIIM •• .C.l. num k . - • =Anima= my • 7•_•_ L.A. Ingalls lay el. NI Market street, between ad gamittitt .LN burgh Pa. bar.' ZOttlltir ,opogslithear new. and e•ant Mora withan extensive suneln.ed welt Spring and Senneer Goods, mumproing aptglaktof three bu. tired. peekagu, of • the .4 • entlMllignit • fashionable - stylea . .lierebaudstbeogriew theenettUY era Putimt• holy iotid to roll and examine ear moelc,•As , it our intents:lu to Mar our good.. at the • lowest Fnmro witokuaie prices. • Otte of *Aim nailing in New York, viii be constentty sending fresh wadies of the moat desitahle "mist theme Orbs ..**ML 6 .• elide in the tnoaactionotoui bouncee that meta be psesamed&gem- Limmea. Prima are therefem to be as , low ea the lemma New. York. and A I R?/3 4 21 5 ( Va l ; 1=1 " " A l El, ant/kora .111. Manny ofEn rk.a.r. Life of Claim—The life a Jana tope.” l t, M ita Meanies' eannesinn and HisuninarDatebaparma• by /mash." Neander , —Manslated Inanike, (math Gm , man ening:l2oy John .110:2knonkand taasi. 'l.llttigAdvantams dMnal;- ibeconntry in mercl. sCa'9oLi Tbklikeekrortbijabkip;-bsi tbetakibor. `The . Dr. Cbakseze, Panktoaski - illeaks.,;:Diar Neriito nl Iterikigs, bi the tau Timm tb CbalmitsiD.-114 A—lst three vols..' Volume. Ilk aki Si Ned, The above vHes.bia works teethrgkik kr We by-,- JOHNSTON k STOC Cl - • aye - •• ' : Hooksakre,earaikka audit Hs , . • • HUG Late ail* Roo of BrOtolk-Elogl).j , _ „;. BRNALRUIVANDAIxcingugag Egunciug, coo. - Toorro In. am Pon Onuti DEA to Cola Bank Neras,'Too• sad Dooeolo Exchange, Coniliceks of Degoong, EXCakNIFIE oa ;11 the goircpdeiiies CURRENT and par acids received ns on depocite.,,' , . .COLLEMONS = de ad all pens' of U.8'1;1%1=40 r.IsL T IIOTICIR TO canantas.Asu DOLOTISTIL MarAVlNOdivoeod d r oll coy Ash; Oil* sod booms' is Od Gold Acatingfoutocas io .hir John B Don. levy, 1 beg Isere io recoroolesid hire Is Oa patroaege 01 .. 7 lisona ,„ n eto:toronerr. 7. . . ANN .liresou 141.1 it soli be sees by lb...above notica:Stuu the subscel. bee has purchased Mo. L'Edurtou'siaterest Be above business; which be costumed at the old snood, No HO Wood street. . hen be ardl be pleased ea serve. all who eusyssanl Gold Log Foil, km; and her hopes by. suicsaHanioo to Nuebsese sad Ws deans, bs . gun sacistsetka •is th his ose echo may Amos kin yob thdrparramide. sparito . JOHN B. DUNLEM Dole& Pa. "Mant moon:ran, DO/ma, Po. yrOLEBAIX AOCERS, rcirmudine and cm.: 'Mad Nordin:us,an end &Mom Prodneo and 'Warp - Mandinctines., manor. of the Diamond and Diamond alloy Piroborgli. ' " • - , Pnlabusgh. • !km Jo. *unison; • am. en drcenabogh • •T. Gem Mal k J :•• TREAD wroulttialonn kis [cicada and the peddle • .aenesallyt tias bites reamed. abet llooketcas Its Asa splendid- bloat. Grams Arttildiants,kneena as dr Apolloßundles% math street, 15111,401011, fellt of Wood, when) ; uppy, to. laceiA Id. o 4 Meads, and ea !emir paw eon as mai please so faros Wm with a oath Ida, Intends w keep on luusdn aped stock of basks and stationer', to be sold lowest cash ' • PILIVATA BOANDISCI: /C.NEWTON, Second streetjewweew Wood awl Iderkez; smith be bapp t itheethathelate few' . with boardleg aad DaT rerdithr, upeutheseithable thaw. . - W I :i L L °W : BR um s 4 d.c.die. W dLda fo tha r ri, ti ket eludes, do do; IS nests do Clothes flasrots, do doi ddnsdo Covered Market Basketldo da, , ‘, 1 ~ • •'-'l.dor Seatetiliet,: i ttdo arsdlollo 1 do Fulani holders; :do _tut reerevad.at ~ aso.• . i -•- ZCHIMAINTINSEVB.IIhaeaket et '7---77 111MC/111.'10 SELIPPER/... - r, have * 1.3% do a/ea iorroediately,opposba so out burokerarehosoo, id, theiteeeab villa, ere vn ; i nu mwr helper. at mal l WWI • been VW be erected, smodernerde bar da shoddy been made for usit torepdrood Baas aria always las sa aredissay as on+ arbasf ceive feelatb —, ' -,• • r _ • • .•;:sal,::,'• ___..- -, ' • :.::: ~., au . aI P II N./.. l inn{ l a .' . C rarrON.--dt balealohne 6 ne t rile oaral Ibi Welly Coto aplaS ' C ORN - dll L ' CE la ia:l3B DELNI3-74, Sbbla Nub iv far ale by _. • •./ • - ' • •'• B RIEP •• ' ' IV} Kt WC/ABU*" - 4 . LPY.PEACkihrII-4 seeks be sate by -.--- wo —•- FL I LOWI-3a.bblissztva Flatly roar for sale b fait , ' '' '7. 1 WICI al MO ETED-41 ueksfezinktg ' WICt. IacCIANDLOIS kp tRR and black Thippilluirtsqui reetind Dry Goods Ikon t<• W 11, MURPHY, . • &manta' BM 13•31.1111.41 Gi ii .= . bis7ol,llzltitail Mal Window Cams _FMN. EE AidBOATS. ,1! i. .QIXQf3I Ti & prrrisoaeu PAC — ICBMs:L.I 'Z wilikiiniitline 64enttia inisenoir • hisai S emotopbeei *ism*: ..fteot, ihreithett,solll ll o l 4 pdWttat WI the- waters of the West Every aceoguoaaaiioa wad Na: _ lasi thatsoooey eats proton, hoe h0rn...n .14 . 4, ' , Do.. - - rapes. The line has been la orrentuoa for fixe Years • —haa eartied a ptillioo - of people without the least lap. ry*We Tha. boots vial be at the - foot of Weed gam the day previous he Startielb tiW fteieht asta the eatsTof ter. La all eases the passage seater ritool m' . . 11011D.LT ritaimr. ISAAC liEWTON, Cap. Me , * ?WADl:vet every Sunday reoroie4 al JO e'rlerk; every &usdayerenteg at 10P. lc . . . MONDAY PACKET.- Th. MONONIiAtO.I.O, cap. AncrA Om" eraly hloaday mammy at I. o'clorkr•Olllrehof • - surly Monday smut; at7o TITESDAT PACKET • " T b. BUWAN IA . N. 0. Capt. lauxuri.iri,..iu. • Piusbuork enty•Facsday homing at lQ lrelook; • YVhaatiat' Tarodar evel - • • it. NEW .maLAND bare DWl:rev 'arm Wedaraday,• plOtabor • o'olock Whe05.1r.",7 Wudundr.l eYOOP) r . .20vnamoripaicKs.*: . -•- sauxuArr, p.c . :Gum. ..in „km/ Aim : • b..ga csary Thursday ".."1" =mug at 10 oclock, Wheeling P.' O." • •• . • The CLOVER N 0.2. C. Cacao, miltll errmary' Friday 100min 474 g at 10 o'clock; Wherliuy ' SATURDAY Plyr: - "‘ The every DESSEse NV ioEnN, CV. N A lt ll ta•o ,W s il hm Pima iso asst . e 194 • .ymy cca r BEAVEIV I'ACIMTS.NEW.:ARBANOEINANVI , 16.111 . 1410 Gar Beaver, War. aria Te olt Tuesday, lUeday, and Sanerlay, of ruh week, at o'claeta: temrn. log nu Monday, Walnut* add Friday:. At has a boat at the Modal bat...ea-Wood grow aakdidblidta, poepattotio reeelva Mara • . - . OATES: AND ITLIISVAIr., . . • ,:•;, steamboat • • • duties . E. Clixte, saastarAeltdatiaa wintateansao, make daits • tripous Beam "ad- anoo saa %l . r.Zar: 3 4 2=v: - .7....- u !? k : k er.. n nr. wurrosi aay ' , TuvUGH & MieingßYELl l ,ll l .I_9r7 PeCirdet Ll*, - : ,F73l4V:Aarbi. • • LEAVE. DAILY ATP A. 1114 AND # P M.• .•;•: • • The • Collating utoW lalalKnomplet4 . • L A for the wawa inutaan; AT- ALT .t LANTIC; Cept..claniew-Partinsoni Clapt.A. local* aud LODIA' APLANE. E' Bennett 'The boats are easintly stow, and an fitted up without begird expenth. Ey. reomtbst that moncy,can pnicnothas beecasithilked. The Booth will leave the Alanotrgakele -Wharfibleat al. the Coot of Ems at. Pesseauren . ba pondloal on board, as the boats . cottaudy. admit. theta Amin,a A. Al. and 4P. AI : . • *al_ Norm eLeoun; • Ate. on at, o l ploclL,Ftwl (night of pawn* apply du hoe:L . ' • • Ault? Poistt.cims.. -- -. The new and Olivia aleathei, ' • • EICHUYEKILLi• Andowns•theater, teatime.= intermediate port oWA at { o'clock, P St, , FM , freight or trua,. ile••opprly ott :The new and E valltecia sreamer Poe,: lisnerosill genre jasitivali the above And , latermettialgi Pons rnPlpon bons - . Tnesdar, 4 4 Weioet rer Insigta . pump I=2= AAIIIB.IC.CYEAdi t E,I ,'Atkinson; Elmer will ks scut above on L {Vwinenloy a; } 0.,fw...1:700.wiabt at passage ,apply anboar.l; or lo • - .. _ . . .. D WILYJNR,Agt. . . witElmnui AND .1112/OCUTO i a, •' • • • ~ T he neai auissil.tanii.l Intor adiew Tea Mutere as camas& bri pgidar tript.benreetilVberllpg; Eiridgrpori and Pim. burl* Limlng Pittstnutlic!a Ale¢dayo , • FO tr IVADAS.II Rl e nev end TE.F!.• .R.VPhoittgs. Akita; ir iLlTio4for La me And., intermediate. ports •st Saturday,- the Ink_ of 41,4 o'clock, P. id. For freight or passige apply_ art board, or or- I • mar.s ._.J . NE111.70. , .; JONWtiouislioole. gwi POE La:76ISM • . 11 ;e 1 ; E"" e 1 11 44- as for siwn all parer:Su - I , lam*. dal. sad Saa bo., rdaya or sack Iraek:, Fin Gel& dr pas ag:rs iiit:TEiman — eirt.' Prrrsutaton do ivmanamo PACKET. CDISSI3 Dewey P rawer, men 4; et, leave for Wheeling; an Illandele . :Waftmday hag Friday, a.e Velaell peeekeely, Latiattnr i trrery Tends'', Thateday ud fro , Tha,Caniat sill land ea all gar utidgm;dlanih Avery seeamodetim that can be pawed Lae the eaen. .fergand tafetrassengers barbees prolidet, The boat as also with (7 a Telf-aVgg eldttg glard, bond ' DA t6 l4l ' lirarlElr, on kb4 or in EA Smithfield sla. The new grinner • Neition; smastOr ,- • yritt g PinstatigiV , ertry.'idrj IVedoetalay. 4.04.F:id1y, at ak ht. noarhelaCityerpry.Tuesayloaniday anitSUarday, at 8 oclock, A. IL Fat tan& atiamalataalg i cal • • - ,-• • • mtiritkomoi„ , " The steleant j aht dot' morr leave for tbi re port every.ll, edoeidayand env. tottli ai 4 1: - .•AIL.....For froighttar. panne %ply of ' 7 • 77 . 7.-7- ' 77 ' -- ;aiiiiir*ifti:7 7- 777 '• aiitny, it ZEBUION - KrmsETs, a rata •pa elf !r./. Irsiete f 9 giver_ iV•r maim, Englidirlia leper thopvered lever watch... • er.-do slim araehesk 15..0We? quani . Sdce ." l " purpld fi nlolet .'.l do ' V ' s.:=:% rig?: la a 1.., •I•rin • 'villa P c .0 • 1 • • - •: 44 ! u " . bias iae Fmralb And PiPerl'iadoi awinion rata: • g dew bine - tetra' bail bags, new sultalli W I ? easibil bail biga - w iirka, 6 . dat..ene I paws, new stylea IS dos fineparicsoli, S 1••• meals, fringes, gilt and glib, for regalia; Mau One • lairet rain, ancient decilie strel=:Orsti., id 0. 1.4 • db. 2 .1 P. leery oa Wood ibririzoin evalosta . .A,lll , o4, ping! , " ( opal lama • • .I"Taal wilily 0 --1 1#0.ileasecoitred itt 2 E/T= . 1 , 11111c11,14 97, arab • among which are,. • 7. - -150 guar daisy aFfilal,balerbitir; • lOD gnus plain canmi EC. WO= olor., • ble pees plan sontl4 awned •. Sigma callotai I weiratielaiall ornatai'd ohs Alq • B, lere 4 •rat7 4(1 / 1 n5.e• •••*•114••.x.* OLOv•s• • - *A ail , Lin 'loci abovi : woheii,X., •• •.• doe Wiell.opei Ina* giorab-,, da Mies` net I tar• do „ >m dos dos •k• • fancy top Tale OW/ . • • no dos bug& nit alb 4 . •:,•• ••,•••, • 20 dos gals' raw silk ••;•,,.• • , •bi'•7.•!• ;••••• .• Shaded misc.sreN gra gilt bails, tnaa law* bead bags; ilea artd edrel , Lai-boy l p rode, • • PILUZIPN, it i onsE, - SIGN .AIVD:s - rasanuna:V virrEas sand Olattere—ParsoluSrlshing lalaTalkalaaas er g cling do* with neamen end deritatet, itntrlielne give us • call. They will ta d td (heir advantage, for we ant raly Riveted to Ziowork op tow as tow boa Mlles two clues sea or trill do lt,iu h0..4 WOK meth N. D. We vvlsli It to La • unnendood dist we have , not quit CM painting aid glesintns sotoin l sew mom realms Etienne have been telling the publiti generally Was we were going to nun from that branch tor our teepees We are more fens gripenel trwashet the ; palming endearing than weever Wt.,: DENDiatalllhi Ur ALL IN7IO 441; Market India Rubber Fleld, tougreVenting', pens eorrenting in in also 'kir edapung the.N. pm Oa' parchment wmotile old or police,' tad to lliellitate the ink Bowing tree: Is suntrliy4i rs ge l s , egpantileazoligalA,:ttri24..; ..fi g be I=ns be MS hest ettsWarreest t neat inhere the tend; preeMnate, tbs, sediawa,l3llll. a flee of the Ink, and dispenses with the Imelda of wiping a pen. Etat 'teeing! and *tittle • SUACUIL LETTa-IiVBITEO - ;. • WHOLENALE Ifilt/iYANJODN, N. IY.YD Woad street, hate On wet are !ewe. melting. &tips the badaesaaeaaelt, a -tart. atma extensive easonment or DRY (MOM; crtach 'WY ar rtoaoerehanta *flow- yrteee,eakreatteeetketrata. Uelterttbe mn athat they can the entire tl!eY vooldea iniiteep aterehaatheisttlarthh NTT IM bgEw"...,. CORE* wiabes ~w Wool ihenda anti Attnonteta that the Agency km **Woof Ida Plop and ether Cad., ta Pdhaelphiarhoe Lad • ralttnetrall7 'Minna theta dead • tlenant edditect upldtkat lgo Ll 4 Willtats atteeg Nark, what* atm say be found In addition W A... 4 ant •thra, a ele axottmeut ar , andatanle ,ontay, sentient 1.1131. K • & vlsrs SA LA, R nwxtisoN OMAT it • ceased the bale stelae en • ~ , mminir. I p.a b . So Second os,beassen sASI au, la the rear alba Dia.alattakelallaase, with to lamely DM kof Mama and °adage sof ika beet qsahty haw •' 11 .... 2 kola Ikea. ' Ay in limb.: manes, • .TEK Ii& • r am . e 'Wy iming arc sale iskodtktins ve rot pat:l:lca t hn eals or • ' 477 7,l Wasersind Freatsta urtill.SLY u.t.usrultEltiffrribirGArtia AllalliaNNlOKM—rame...l, 4=64 is ream etpablieedade r , ,u,„, Neer Yen. be ecaltrdebel in Mel j Pan In jaa received and for sale by • . JC U INSMI grOXICIYINA rasligt"..4' 4for rand" ac.b r • - L iMaffilkw" l " spii bn. pause ara.a — tit IVADDING-.41A 410: been, le..rigra, . fiv_sby Canal sad Ibr m* by • 4.1 —r.a.mmigwameas vista . IMMME=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers