' • - . . . • • C:LAIIMEDSVGAS—riI bbli,* hiperior article, fir t family ase, just reached wad far de by • , .!ANIES A kI!TCH 1139:4_k_Ca, • : eats forts Lava itaatary - - § UNDRIES-000 bn Buse), Bahdug . brr hi' do din' Ll bblvElegar Hone Stamm', 100 db Lon' SUgu; 4dnir 5. UMW St and nd fol sale, by SDI BADALEY tSMITH 5U0A11,36-hbds , paste N 0 Swan fr. bons brOvrn Liana* drsl ewe DR Lovenngs Loaf drr 70661.- Assorted null do da,, 10 trashed and v atirerizad far sale by NI ID i !LL Sitds Axe Ms N 0 lltals° .91 rs ~ : ü b i d sN O i ruens; GOO aps ' 7 . 811011'N ' t CtlL ls ol:l47libAsy ' is Igkid - IPPELNE WINES-8 bill bids new binding; 15 I, hbds sad 83 half MIAs wanly. tbis week. llorwr w'nears btaay own importation, dims, and will be sal )ow by slail PC MARTIN --- PAONE WINE-45 baked Maltese emu; V Y 3 do Crown Lluszopagae .IVineh now la dio andkrr sale b aplo • P C PLARAN ID jEI3IO . IIZ--9 kfpipes superior ktenesegßraady, of jug, ms areporterton se lam 4optseler pipis wpm!, Quid Brandy, sow larlding owl for elle by 010 • = Chesnut Oat 0553 - Black Oak 43440 Hemlock ,3e3,40 Coal—Duo 3:I per et. tho riser 5 est • From wagon 5 3 Cotton—Duty` free. Tenn. and Alabama ....n374. Chteeel24o-3 lb. • - Number 1 10311 Cocoa, prepared ••• • 21323 - Candles--Duty Wiper ct. • C O 9 3 PPcd • Pinaburett Stu . 23 @IN Cincinnati. do Het Hperm, best brands.—NO BM Do inkrior OM • Castings-4 , 111 • Foundry hot. yam; ...a-63 Furnace do 2} Tra teaks do: {Van tozc T. s3 100 29. sun 2370 Counterweight set. •••40 Sad Irons fp lb nett... 4405 Coll.ozn_ltarsas-11 to• LOUSC-700 144 s exUs and rupellinellonr, la fine I Short F. 'l2lPPityporder, for sate by • • • - N 0.5 to No. 10 Ararat- I • HOASCFORD &Co 11 to 13 17 WINE-2!qt. <asks Dargandy Port Vilna, at . dirtct im portation, DOW landtag and (or talc 'law Y • •PIO • P C MARTIN IIELLEDCOILN-40 arts just reed and for seiet by intowxk CULIBEI/TSON, spll -1 • . 145 liberty st U 0.4.1 i4OUSE MOLASSES-10 bids prime N 0 - • ma, ryR received sad Cor fibs by 01-1 ' DROWN &CULBERTSON OAL4ION-10 Ltd. No Sahara; received per also? A 7, Shuyk/TU aNndBRorD cGoEla W I LSON & C0....1.1 , 1 • bp Prime Pio Coffee, lending from nem r 400rlober; far tale bl I &R rum) • 10111 C-17 tierces Illte, landiar from sUsu• Gondolier; k 51 . 0 * bi nal.rA J& R FLOYD 17DiEDAR-2D obis pnre.ader Vinegar, foisale by In • • l& R FLOYD PLIOVER bbts kw sale bv metalF, VOtiaivinoßst a co 19ETINDOW <164314-400 Ls. 6414Q430 do 14414 300 .14 - do 10:14; 104 do la 4; 90 do 644 tor sato br • OWN - ...y F VON BONNHGELST it Co sAtaltrie&Tilb — ,a o auks, 0 boxes: for tale by roar.el S % /1/4 4 .1ILIORST kCo V/VL*l.l-lilli —lOO kegs pare; foe role by :` r' '• magi 13 F VON DONNHORST & Co MWM=M LVIIFLED WIIISKEY—Of superior finality, al ways on band and for sale on accommodating gems by easred • • 111 tbl AUTOILELTILEE metived pee ste,mez Man • it RUBINS& lk C 4,18 0 liberty st TVIIIIITEBEANS-4bms, now landing Inna nuom. TT er illeaon; tor sale by • saarn . - DICHEY.t. Co 041 , --YObas palm, ltdo rarlerated, 5 do white, 16 44 shavirm Far •1110 by • 8F VON BONNUOELST ~~lrL7.~.~ , xlo.flifT7*ln~ M:LD CANDLE:-13 bre .seStior .Aloald Can dles, 13 do diet candles, iu store and &unit! low by fe ' °RUBE MeGliF.Wie Co VrXl CARPENTERS—Just 0p..", a Lula assort / rams a knob locks .11 latches, 'vita whits and knoba„for tabs by mad ' 'LOGAN, WILSON &Co QCORCHING„,—O bbla on consignmeW, ba by , mars,. : D \ =ll,lB B EANS-100 Inmh!la small whilefn. as= va oz,lo 1" . !d !IL Power . Pax. rPAR-1 . 100 libls Tar, of prima quality and In good eon didap., on conaigameat and for gala by aps TAAFFE k. O'CONNOR — "XerinSTA:73O eiCihics °Moth= and Thread La ces,jest received and will be sold cheap 6)- 4.0 • `SMITH JOHNSON, 4 , 3 market it jvatfVED - ease Task and f cia ey !pa ) Coor, TUErr RECEIVED-78 tas WV Soaps, and' .11 Coy sale by i .ap3 7 KIDD &Co • Dar ItECEIVED--75 lb. posed Ipecac, and for .ale b aps KIDD &Co Ot CB-;•A MI many:lent of Week sad Cam, r lMEE resesioeres, Au received In - • .ape e • eIIIMALLUIT& Y - INGIAI/3.6 I•26au.rtma oDoamttEtgo rNJ lion and Fre.l . ta!br . •Pl O CHACKL rrr & vllar • At: 4 77 "INZ . 11 , Ds . wood .t MOLARS/Z-00 bbl.N 10 do &gar Hoaael' Go! dan Syrup in DNA awl kegs; for gale by . ap7 . • • I DWILLIAMS STMT v bz. exyailT6l)rtWirto OAR-60 Wu No!, , farina jD bfr S- Mr 1111110,.. G.O has sealed, for Ws br im= Ams MaVIANAC4/ . :Mt 0 • J D tees eon ./ Moon 511 w ASH BOARDS-23 dos Ilico's D Moo Patent, for Ai p m . r i.„ „ y „.l, ,„ I p 4 y, 564 6 0 6 ious,Allogberti, for sale from th.i' 9 tkmdsr, 563 6 / 6 3 1 , & . 11 !..LOYD2 10 mosasy, s 62 __Apt • cornet wood 05....nY . 1 . 11 Tuesday, 550 610 941 14 Wednesday, 540 / 5 11 101,' 13 Thursday, 45 611 11 V/ 14 Friday, 5 47/ 615 92016. 5 U0411.--IZ . hlid . X 0 Saph far Im k bi t Anr3 L-Afew bblsJust rearcetriditrHtlAby Alll Itl Ws NO Bard, in stem and for sale by ap3 - IBALAII nC6EY & Co, W Front at "TIRY PEACHP3-2W bash in .lo u 4 for We by syS• ' • . ' 'BALM DICKEY*. Co C(71;11:{-113 bales 1¢ Pore an dims 7&bi y. co EZ -5- Su Co • BRILO k tYLWO melts will . be sodrery low • ISAIAH DICKEY & Co i>4:1:•••• •• • qualay, • astan y spa . ISAILIi PIC Y& C o DEANS-301Mb small whits, Lading from summer _SUP Miogo Chief and for sak by .103 • • JCZILDNYELLidet,waser., • ir/ . SALTS-20 bats pn.etzwitrantent and for sale by LTI APS J C ULDNVELL 15-.l7 . lmcks In mon Mad for sakelim butt in More and for ado T ALLOW -40 bbla In mon and (.iota •E( •• • tieing in Mona and. tor slide - • Sc=u'u:„A= tp.B.:nl=iirtEß"- , . , MICE-37. limes i4TicUy pit=s, jun nierloNt kft Xlll,, sale by ' ap4 WIT rt kgICIETSON TrCCO-19 eases S. lib Isms :do Thaans . atelsr 1 lb V do; Ina rer2d tß and for ICCETSON ula by/ 00. • . r u7A - . 6 ."1 r=jß. - =` ',l7c"&tlt" .4GIAMPHENE lizie 90 Liz gum. andloritleq 4b1.7 • • • . .I.3E.VMOMEit VAXS ..734 11 EE ~. !Id! Jet! t resetmelor sale by K LIA.LICS ♦ dm—a 6d:I4NA reed wid tot nfeb • • 4 • • z $ I:Weih 0• • —lO DD a hat reed au. Fr • !I_, y • • ft E Sin J.r. 2 na ll bd J - OHN OSIER sffMTl5llmT/NE -- "1,1 4 .,v,vr„bh.i, LINSEED 01L-15bbla farialati • . . • . ..• , . . VS CUITEES—Ona or twotood Ware Cotten - ' : wooled, to whom noottant - work cam be gives.— :-„- , it be, men &temperate habits. Apply to - - . , /• •i,- -, . .IyANNA.tis a wALLAce. - . nuttgad - • , • _ lie snood at • RA.TENT ...ipr., htF..TXCINg D by. IRECIIONS-104 pose on • • .• - cords _, _, __ . - ..: , - ma:l. , . f , J neiIOONMAIMR & k.a. , / • ' QUGlAlt—Glit4.ln note on conolgunienn kneel,. b i A ' 10 ~ ma©,' - - 15AlAli UMW &Co Y . —,-- WINES-400 whole, biro', sad eighth pipes of all ( 7 .. . the' diferent wine. ln um part to Jana... of u rms gv*N, br ands andvizaairec .1. my NW; : -' tot rbi . saWpmed, by ''. serazlO PC MARTIN . -.....— ORANGES ANDEXONS-10 bosto cis' timi.igo , . . manfra; for s•le•y„ IS,LUOI DICKEYS, Co. • .:, it ', .6, . i . kektOßl . NSO lr. Co., !OAR )MDOI4-10 bah; N C Tar, la bbl. Tamara' • 1 Oil• br Salo by .-111. ROBINSON k. Co• . frilierC.-150 0- 6111(Freit. Family Maar, to non sad for sato by Stull ,• R ROBINSON aCo ARD—SOOlba Lard io bbla arid kep; for sale' by j_g mar 2 - R ROIRNSUN JIL Co / / QCORCHINGS teas received on consignment, and kw We by coar23 POINDF4TEB A Co.! P(l4lle.'/AndEß' — ' ;/ ' A403,603E5-320 bbla *o3lg:dwelt, ree'iper Atm i. /11:North River and for . isle 3T • , R ROBINSON kCo . DR: ErLANCEt LlVEStgrosa 'of these WAbnited Pill. !A largo probt allowed to c00n :..• ismr23 ' J KIDD &Co • 4 :r FAD-24 gigs best Lower Mino r, uzz Toed end .2.4 for We by rtiarge ,. , POINDE3CITX. &Co Mar:union blolasse — ckii s:! , ; by casz23 DT MORGAN tea • • • ,ItOLL BUTTER-31,61a fr amrJ zhaa i T im ed .. w d o to n , uta U rATENT SODA A 51.1-011 auks Clas liaablan Boo's brand) landing Emu ste r a= rar4 sad .••• . rarsal.rjob cnklim uoutwxy. LARD OIL-10bbls L.d OR trAtllbg Acta Mesmer Neer Enemy!, sad for sale by _ • • aratl9 • _ JAAIATI DALZELL,IM wirer rt.. A. 113 1 -13 &C.—lfe boxes bmeh Rablekr, fro kW R. boxes aside; 1M MP Pepper, 1 / 1 11oPimentoi or s e e by mesa/ BAGALEY 4,3/1111/ LAND -40 kers No 1 Leo f, krt Rl4lll by - • • - • /MILL, BININFLMD es ROE . • . . Rice—it demi I:hirollau Ries, in stare sad foe side y. . warp ; /AMES • IIUTCHISO.HY Co FEACIIIO bushels rissuPeuehese is by 'CREAM TAFlrkl:llbble for safe ty r. ,—..iII2IiTEIVOOINTMENT-17 dif i tedg • •~107?LEOORK8-~Wee.juettr 'd 9f wi~ . 1 :'SNISFY-7 . . dere* cistretthi Stele?, kat reed wet for 0 1A — ITIEL BL BOX Von f" E ifuEgd .L.,,,7.,,:i__.:.,:zt,-.=:::.,,,,„_.__ik„,,,,,,...,.::::.;;..;;:j4:.,,i.--,.:,-;,,,,,,,:-,,,T,;,,,,E,.;;-,.,..i.:,3,-:,;_,.._,-_:,;-.,-..,i..-._‘,,r-t-..g.:.,._...., _.., .. _...,,,..,. ~,.. __......_ ~.,..,..-__.. _,, „ ~,,,,.. ~..,..,:,...,_:,:-.,, ~.___, „._, ,--,,„ „..,. 1 1 - my-rin •. - • A~he~➢air m' o:. rma' •; Mentna .. .. sad,. AshB4l __ - - .60 m can teem Aeri ' -- 'Sanlag—per Ri Hgle SIM 1 012 9 rossul—per !rubel. &WI White 7:0..n • C-o.lllMlik taird••••••0221.75 NiMMS • MellwaX—Dtay 2o or.... Yellow 21021 Birreata—fr lan. - Moms Brooms-1P doz. " Merchantable tere9l.23 Straker 1,7502,00 rMffM " 14 rifeetpar 16 o M .r :k d a No 601 SOD 600 -as 760 637 • suo. goo, woo neat Ccnrerlet Yam fr lb• •-900ffi Carper Chain...• ...... Cotton Twine ... Camila Wick -015 ko per et. .3ara, Old white 1.2a1. 3 4 . 1110 aira Bt. Domingo 9 . 11 0 Logn 9 Bavaria 434speparDaty Sops liarandolds pr et: old fre Brasier. • 27014 Sbealking . --027 IEOI9 Ciawarapps.:-Dary2Opr. Manilla -0 15 Whius rope -0 12 Tarred -0 11 Pa yarn, Sne.•• .-44 10 common -4/ 9 Hew Bed Crds per do:- • Extralong -1,003,75 Common ••• .01• 4 D ?Imo.lines camp° mamma Bed Conls-per dm. 4014. 0 thread --OW 40 & 30 do • . • .... 2,1i003•15' do Plough lines 01,..% • Dermas ths-per Tani. t 1 et added' for time sales Boown Comm 4100} do . dr 007 eon ..91Wmt:A No.l--- 0 71 Allegheny V. -01- ..111er y DM111111...-0 74 Oregon D Union Nonalook Penn 101..-0 Pitubmgli do • 7 Laurel D v v 7: ' 1 mg. Lamm A -00 Danis= -00 5.4 brown emu. 110121 r'eached do ' 409 - do do do do 91014 Brown drill. 0 9 Bleached 100 111 Tickings •-• . ..... --4/10 Lancaster • •--41331 I Brown's A. C. A• • • -44134 Mentmens -0 1 No 1 mperior • • ---- Colored Cambric* 412/9 Funey_Prlnt. ..... -31012 j River Blue -4/101 Meninme-dm Fall IC Bloc 111 °reageolt/111 ; Drulgs-per lb i Aloes. •• . ; ....... • -14 17 Atom 3 4 o 4 I Asafindda 1.9 0 23 Antra ,. Ban - 0 12 AquaCortia 10 0 11 COMMERCIAL RECORD. MOVRBIZIETB OP TUE STEJLAZIIIIIPIL Pripand railings of the British and North dnirri• ean'Boyal Nab? Stannsh4xt leaved Boston and Litrrpoo4 ma hesieeen: Nrto YorkandlitrrpoOl, America, . pr indkins Nizrani Capt Brie Europa : " Lon Canada, - Bookies 7 / Hibernia, " Munoz Cambria, " . Harrison Britannia, x Lang- Caledonia, i- Leitch ,1 . Acadia, CAptain SWIM. .. . LIVICOTOOI- ! MOM .1.61.1. For . / • Front Ame ' a, N. York, Mar.2s Caledonia. Boston, Apr il 5 Ana a, Boston. April S' America. N. York, IS Flib,iinix, N. York - IS Acadia, Doctor,. Say 3 —7.• •• •• .. Dorton, , ^43 ilibema, - N.l'ork. " IS ~ ~ 4 ~ a:s:s~~r.~: o:z~~.:.~z~i,~,s:,~.y:•1 COMIIFTEE FOR APRIL. .EEVIEFT OF THE . PITTIFIIIIILOU 311I.ARIEET, 1 , 011/TILL INZIM EtDISO AMT. 11. One whose avocation leads him to daily corm. metal/Su/lid converse with the business . men of a great/workshop like this„findejt much more Smelt 6 condense than to amplify a commercial ro ire,Uer' , even of a single week. So many «cup. Liens employ the skill and enicrprise of oar people, Larritisit is the 'diversity , of neva, as to Mateo. deny of thing*, the prospective ups mad downs of trade7that it is next to impossible to reconcile the conflicting estimates sod 'prediction—while even the most 'arrogant presumption would held tate to assume the taskof umpinge—in • case in solving so many intricate details 'of commercial operation, • The business of the week ma closed has been. Miter than all that'of any other during the season Then have indeed bees - few large transactions, bat the aggregate of sales . has been immoit se; as minstame ofwhicti, winientioned that the country: 'shipmate of a single Grocery house, on Monday, were competed at 40 tons. - • „. The weather has been anintentiptedly favor* Me—Me river has maintained a good baMess Stage, thMgh now verparing•pretty close pilotage for the larger steamers—theinivals end shipments, bah byviver end canal, have Men greatly Waren ecttual all reeennabbs anticipations have been fur ly of more Oen realized. The minket has undergone no malted charipsevert the immense arrivals of Bacon, Pork and Lard have produced no decided change o the prices although, the COD. °deuce of holder* is somewhat impaired. . ASHES—We cannot mark any change the quotations, thane last report. 014 transaction yester day smog' 25 casks pots, at 4.1,4 months, and 3 tona icarchings atilt, 90 day. • Soda Ash, sales at 40 41., according, to quantity and terms of payment,— Pearls and lialeintus,7o7l. A considerable quart tity,•of Pots and Sootchings particularly, ',arriving by the Beaver Canal route, and Soda Ash is also mating in, and on the way from below. It in des tined-to be a great article of trade: • BATTING,-The ineumacturers hare mode change in the rates. BEAM—Mans have been no Coasidentble • itannactions during the week, and quotations are unchanged,. BUCKETS—The Beaver boats bring great van. titiekarad am in sales occur at former rites. Hoop iron fat dicta palest buckets is now' being imported direct by...me manufacturers at Beaver BUXIMS--Weraiiet with no Wm, and few or none are oSered. They rate, nominally at $7O p BROOMS—Nothing_beyond n kw mall regular mkpLat former rate& Many oftbe kai lately brought to market are badly made. 13ARK—little doing is tlfe iiill4lle. Quotations . ontainaL COAL—.Rates .5(i41, (tom wagons and at the river, Loge establishments, however, make matrons It lower rates. COTIV2—We hive no definite criterion of the Wale of tbeWiarkei. A sale of 52 bales Alabama on Friday laat, at Oo for inferior mid 61 for r i me Won Monday, at terms under 7, bat not given exactly, are ill that we have met with. Holden are not awned trimake great sacrifices, but there is nothing to warrant eXpeniation of any con. aideniblelmprovement. • CANDLlZ—Maintain former prices. CASTINGS-No chaore. COTTON YARNS—We lave bean told repeat. edly that yarns could be purchased at rather lower taws thaw we give La our table, but hash), the eiri• denim ot:roaauDicturess to the coutrary with the ul timatum that the demand is brisic,w• cannot altir the .. 'COFFEE—A viol huge gaudily has been dile pima of dosing the week,. with ot he r groceries on =tart order. Sales 84181881 and Ste itecordinti COFPERA—Ras In and way again .4-,--,=Chaaire FliCo M!M=M=M 11;14 gi ti:)augel: worm 311:11800 V.lffoles 8 8 mb's MEM rt. e,llll4v•ii./1,.r.f - Soria., refined 44 CP 25 &doom Pero , —250 6945 do Copavira • .3/ Earley. _ Glue—per* Pitt•b. Common-- 11 e 13 Camphorilm l ostrefine 0,10 45 Chloride e,c1540 Vi Cochineal 159 49250 Cream Tartar ' 03 0 29 C a' - .118 • 01. 11 13 IGana MD 33 Guns Arabic -55 0 50 " • Copal 33 0 50 Trairaciuth• , ..3l 0 371 Shellac 15 0 15 " Nay. 1 4 33 031.33 Ipecac CO 01,00. Jalap, powdered-- 85'01,00' Lithare • 510 61. Liquoneo Ran "9 Lkstorice Ball 19 b 20 Lac Dye_ ' 33 0 23. Madder, Cmhro•-• 11 fa' r 4 Madder, C4mmon— Ilyrrh, Turkey 33 050 Oil Vint ...... s " Castor 01.50 " Osssia 3,00 04 0 0 9-Cloves -50 03,50 " Lemon ' 03,50 _ ..... 3,01 0540 0 9 0 1 1 ,Tuaker- • • -545 8.5.50 09,00 Eh 40 0 39 Sal Amos= 01 0 10 Sol:Soda 4i 0 5 Seuna ...... 0 18 Tartaric Acid 40 0 50 Vitriol, Blue 1140 12 • Dy• Camwo od 5 Wood—Duty 5 p. et. 40 " Puatie . 9 40 3 Ooramod. chipped..-210 3 Feathers-duty 3per. el. ad otd. . ..... . 'Hseay,Duty 30 Pe: . 10 L ba aVestera tomb Nib 19 0 33 Olameasg—flaty go pr. ea Gliseng ....... Er 3/ 311.3)—per too of 003 lbs.— Turtothy 9.01 010.00 Tildes—Duty 5 per cam Miasouri 1 0 10 Spanish 14 PP 16 Do:salted ' —0 Do. kippsperskiro •lpo 631 P Goren 6. 4 Hemja—Duty3spereena Miisoun it 6y...1,1501,1* Mavilla Fi la ntt7t 7 is 41 1 r y '3)P ii;7l . 2 , lissilgeDitty 10 per cent. Bengal. 1b....—. ISO 0100 Spanish .1,15 01,20 05 01.00 Iross—Dory 33 per cent. Bar. Junlata••• •Al 0 4f Corernou a 0 51 Sheet 510 :1 Boikr Plates. l• •—• • 6 0 . 61 Nails .V 3 l' Fl! ‘gb Etr ...... 4 . 0 4 S 11 Russia nee ' , 15 1 Lead Doty leper cent. Missouri Pig.... ...- 0 41 4t Dif.sius Pipe per it 140 0 /2 01 1 Sheet • Leather—Dam2) pr. et. Sole, Baltimore• •• •13. .= Nese York 190 20 Dimaged••• , ••• • 13 0 15 Blanghter•l 19 0 19 Skirting 10'21 Harness. blatk 19'01 Bridles, black, pc dot. sides 20,00 035,00 do-....30,008neaen O4lOO Upper finished-403 029,00 Kips, finished• • .91,00 (035,10 do.•, • 15,05 03100 I.aet Leather. •• 18,0/ 14; I:ngland Seta, N0.,1 per doz• • 0 No. 2 per doz.' , . • 0 _* No.-3 per dot. •• • 9.5,00 0 Sheepskinsqv , 5 Lvanahar—dory3s p. c. ad val. per AL Pine, err, in, pr 020,00 Clow,n " 010,00 { " 030,00 Com'st 14 015,50 Clear 9 o 040,40 Com'n 2 " JIM()) Floofg °Pr 1 In do. 019,00 1 M.:common Oak do d 8 010,00 Pine shng's p 10009,50 . 0 3,00 Lathe, stwed,l,ool,o 1,50 Live 114.0e114.-41. 100 Th, nt. Hecate 4,60 0 6400,00 Hags 10 Court& Galata. —O 3, 0 ,00 019,00 Sheep ' 2,0:1 0 lAD olasses—Duty 30 pr. IL Sugarhowle• —AO ft 45 Komtvelry ...... 21 Obio&Permaylva.• 3t FP 33 Vralt Almonds shell`d••• .2) 0 25 002 11 a. 18 Hard ' 10 0 14 Cur be rants, Zante• •• • 14 10 0 15 Filrts 13 Oroondrinm•• ..... 1,25 01,9:1 12 0 14 F ralZ k'-y' ' 1250 16 kloscat••• • 0— Rana. ..... —.vex 02,50 Cranberries ..... •• • • 0 emony Sicily be 3.00 64,g1 °maim do••• ••50. 1 040 0 Fueltes,dry,bu• • 1,59 01,IN "9 0 :5 Apples, dry Agl i e , s l Oi n ee i n s ,ll , l•lll s r.„ro Hamm 025 ,C0. Common 15,00 0 50 , 0 0 • Flour—Duty 20 per cent: Eawabrands, retail 4,750500 Superfine 4,600 —. Fltte• ..... •• • 3.2503,50 B" :l Fl ilfAbia ..* 4 1— DuelmebeWpr •• • -01 bIL bias none. 17' eadt—per bushel. Bran 10 0 17 Shorts saess Slab—duty an fore'n. 91 per cent. Mackerel, No. 1. —0450 No.l, blf. bbla. • • • —0 No.•• .• ..... - 810,50 hlf.bbla,•• • ••— 0 No. 3, 707,2.5 No. 1; kilts , — 0 Salmon, No. 1, old-- 0 New . 10 0 20 8,50 C Shod —0 od. per dram 05,W Wirral Stores—Dot to per CM Roma per,b2l. • • 0 Pitch 1,00,0 3,50 Tar, Allegheny. • 5,10 66 9,26 N. Carolina-5,25 0 5,50 Turpentine. gall. •• 62 IEI 65 Vaml49; Copal-1:75 0 2,06 , Nalls—Dvoyper 100 Ms, [meow nub 1 cent advance per WI 10020 d Juniata -80 9,1 " 000 00 7J " 4500 -- d 4750 ad " ADD 3d ...... 6,660 Spikes per 111 ' 5$ ." Brewed n4lO 61 Bailee Rivet. 0 7 ite4 For, No. 1 0 02/ " " 2 0 37e Muskrat 10 0 12 Batmen•-- —•— 0 25 Wok 0 25 Deer Skin per 11.••.14 015 Glass— Black Banks Oakum—per Pittsburgh. •• • ... 0 0 Olio—per pl. Llama 00058 L4Lld, Pity...-. 000130 OW*, .... •• • 1.41: 0 1,50 r —::5 e - 100 Tuabers per bill. 11011040,00 Pa.ll9nts—per lb. Prue, Blue 70 0 Lempbloo 00. 540 " ra n t.: ri l a V tr g r!: " ' 1 1 1 2 ) 00 Yellow rto. 123 0 95 qua.... .. . rt per gros.s • • • —©9,00 Pint, do••• .... • —0;,00 MatPa vrine,s,6 to gal— MAO Civet per grow , • • • 610,1* Window Clain, per box-- - City brands. 0110 net,. ..... • •• • 04,00 , ingr Patent do, 10x.14 to r IGO$4 10541 Country tontads. i 3,3703,62 i 1001 0 —;253::5 1511sloparerdert en— 7 Doty 20pr. r PFFG ' .0:75 47'540 Eagle, 61 Ito 0 13 , 00 . • Do. dol.!. lb. renal's— 07,010 PPM do 0 • • . . 74 A ) Engle do. in pliers.— e 6,00 Rock p a -••2M 03,50 Grals—Duty 20 per cent. Wheat i 90093 Rye • , 50 053 . No. 20 at Le • Brunsirick Green-12 0 20 While Lead, dry• • • 6IF 01 .• Oil, pure keig • .1,60 0 1.65 1.e54••• • ..... 660 3 'e Ochre 360 3 'ea Red 40 5 .... ..• -30 0 23 . I AGE—No change. The fiAlowiag art the Manilla rope., by coil Do cut White folic, by coil. D 3 CUt Tarred -tope, by coil Do cat' Packing yarn, fine.. Do common Da per coil Ib p , coi! . . being, piled will not be Tit use .fur a 100 s 7. p des very considerable 'time: Prices unchanged.— Green Lnatber is very abundant, and large qumt. CRACKERS — The market witimm °image . tines have been sold during the reek, at 0169 We quite marmfacturers' prices : M. The run of the season is computed at 20,000. Water Cracker. • $3,75.p bbl. 000 feet. Shingles ore not abundant they hove Butter , do' 4,50 brought 52,50 per M. Square timber is alto Pikit Bread , 3, 5 0" scarce. and bringsvery high price. Sugar Soda Crackers 7c p clear . 530 p DOMESTICS are going off pretty freely at the i Common. ........ .. r.• .10 do' rites befike quoted. See table. . 1 Cherry do Walnut hoards... 10220 do DRUBS 6:lWaTllFFSConsiderable getter.; Poplar scantling ..... 10 do al business doing, without change is price... s hinfilm , • • • • • • • - ... - ........ 2 106 5 0 0 FLOIIR-;The Week's sales at the river only 2,00g2,25 a.' stnionted to some 2,500 bbLa, add considerable due. NALS—Have undergone no change m price. teriee occurred i n price.. They h a d man s ily Deinturd so brisk that tome bowies cannot till their ceded. up to Friday, when sales bad occurred at order.. • .• $1,37Z1.1,50. A rally occurred on Saintday, and • OILSSaIe. during the week not , large, at GO. Price. yesterday were for 510 bbla on n'huf to one for lard and 55i'X..,9 for Cax.erd , according to quart. purchaser at 151,56, 90 to another mme mt.. 50 tlty. Castor in demand at 111,50 sp anal er $4,00. Th. 510 bblstre to go to Plata. PIG METAL—The excitement being aver. we delphi. It may be comliderel pretty °me m tli""' have no additions to makes to our last report. Sales 01,50., ` { to amount of 5,500 tons hare been reported, and BACON—The week's operations have not been it ee d er „ tee d that 1,000 to 1,200 more have beta large, and the change not great. On M onday ' aold, of which the terms did not transpire. Prices ces went &ani a shade, but tallied a Mee rater- ranged from 329 to 31, according to quality and day. We quote 4e for hog round, as the top of te rm , of par „,„ L the market, pi large lota No. I' Allegheny Inn been nll disposed of. and SUGAR lies varied little or none in pare du. more would fled buyers. Hanging nook I. enquir ring the week.' The transactions were-generally ed Cor, and will shortly begin to anwr. The other light. On Monday 90 Made prime were sold at freight. once thinned Mr, the boat/ will call at the hall deb, half :30 dap. Another sale of 100 Md. • landings fur pig metal; but they prefer other freight pr i me was rep o r t e d yeinerdai—twins p ri vate, but when it can be obtained. Mercer pig is coming understeod to be about sc. t may be quoted 410 into market. - sc, not brisk: - POTATOES—A good many hike come in, and MOLASSES—Very little mirrernent has occur. some of them of tine quality; wild at ;IWO Gut red during the 'week. On Monday sales were re common, and 71:1515 for best blues or nesbanneka ported at 201197/--the avenge of the week was RAGS- , ‘Cajod clean Rags are in demand, and 271 c. • sell freely at 31031 for mixed, and 410'41 kr good FEATIOERS—Ho large iOl3 ate offered, and the white. - • sale! 011 1 1 comprise a lew MP- Price. range from SEEDS—Clover in held by large dealers at sse 31033 and scarce. A sale of 1000 lbs yesterday 4 m ,50. hand, si:4o.3o. _ Tu . by , at 33c.- • brings 52,00, _ Planet:ad .9501,00. Them are the FNUIT -44 • 1 • doing, excel , ' is • mill •••I. tale; of salmi daring the week. The price of Cirien Apple* carosot be given with 711113 gth. RZT mi,..., — Rectified wa d rated twas iono,er.h4 7 ,0,1 10? i 51520c 1 d ; n j u. arty delldsteneou barrels of sound end well kept are 6, readily disposed, of at Gair'prices. Those of inferior w satiates or in bad order, do not pa ! Dr bringing to market. Dried Apples ram at 7a75. Peaches TIN PLATE--Merely regular sales; no change STAMM. Sales for the week iocontilemble. WOQINone in market except a little of mat. monqkinlity, at 20022 c. • FEED—Is tither •val•• end b•O' lo" end sh o ne ZINC—No change rates. • keepformer toformer rates. • _ • . • f'l.4HTbe ides of the week babe been air, but no epeculebon or Imre denfint. FREIGHT3—We quote .on Grdknre, ir 100 Ihr, To Cincinnati, dry good[ • —222' To-Neshvilte, " 50 To &Louis, " ". To Philarlel., Bacon, LardAe 0 ' GLASS--A very brisk demand Ar sv:ndovr slsar,Erxl.o plutieularly kept up-during the week. is is stilt In demand at krnier rates. . • • FLINT GLASS—The gfilo . wing 'are the correct ly quoted rating . • , . Plans Titinblers 1 pt, (mm 5 to 10 os each, as do; net;' • • , 11232 Pressed do I and .1 pint, from 6 to 10 Awe. do do • 6221,25 Decanters, qt light 2 ring, glass stopper 1,75 do' 'do ficaiy 2 do r0rt......... ..... 3,75 do . do do plain d 0.... ... : ...... ..,2,50 do , do r i do pillar d 0... ......... .. .9 50 Wine Blames, plain 662 4 75 do . do pressed .....................1,75 Pitchers, qt, Plain • 1,6721,75 do tb pilloried ribbed 7,53 do i tit or creams • 90 Molsortet Cans, pt plain ' 1,25 do , do • doribbell ..... . .... ....1,67 Plates, 6 in. pressed and fig .• *. •75 " Castor Bottles, fluted 62 . Jar., 1 gal, Larjuered cover do' ..... ........ ....2,50 •do gal •• do , . 3,75 GUN - POWDEIL—Raien as before. Demand Air and descry. GlLAlll—Wheat, Rye and Oats maintain iood Prices, aad are in demand at 9002 .for Wheat. 00@53 for Rycoind 280 Air Oats; Corn 35cu.37c,-- Small Inks during the week. HAY"-But little good has . been offered . during the week, and the river arrival. are little nought 4.4.. It rate, at lIIEVAId9,IiO; from wagons at gill 11IDEBA: LEATHER—A considerable mianti ty has beeniold during the week, the demand bay. lag become mote hue. Soles flint hides at 10c, good dry, at 9c. • ,-, Baltimore sole New York • ' • Slaughter • Upper: .. .. .. Bleak Heroes. Bough :do • HEMP is 'unchanged, Mathew lIIDNi—The rates have undergone no 'change. Thome/bee .fair. • Flat Bar, 11 10 15 by t to b ..... . Land 6 by 1 to 1 inch tla " : iib. 2l 7ttoglach 5 to /4 by iv 1 sad down to smallest 51537 c Ott ink Ar the diliarent 'lees • 516143 HW 07111 5 ,0 71 Round sad ERan) 4lOl / 10 :4 1 ^ 24 • " • " . •. . Ptir Xte tal—pr mu, 6 mon. .Alleghevy. P.0..1. Folandly. 40M 031,00 lonForre• • VAC f 3 .31.03 Inning Rock. No. 1 Fcauldry• • 37'00 037,:d Fo Tennessee 0 at Metter County. Foundry Pig—% 0 F i j ou Th ltdry ° lg C : oumy • Ohio.t Form , do •.•Itlautter Parts—duty free Flamer Paris.— 40,00 01'400 Provi•lions— Bacon Hams 5 651 `Shoulders -a 03: ...... •••• —1 041 • Itensund.eby cure 4 13— couniry do. Lard 100.1.1 n kus•.o CP '• 4. 2, in kg.s•— .051 "1, in bbls• .--@ 51 Bauer" I. in ks••• OD .10 " 1:1 n roll. NIA 131 Cheese, W.ll 6137 " Coslien••••• • el@ 9 Clack's, Pinsb. Wed's. pr. bbl.. —0 3,75 Do. Butter —0 410 Potatoes—per bosh Common Reds. •• •50 0 69 Neshannoc a. p. bb11,3781,50 Rage—Duty 5 per COM Conon.), mixed• ...• .310 3} Do. gooderhite 410 se, Rloordper Rice 0 54 Heeds—dory Linseed Mtp c• Clover 03,M, lirnothy • • • • ..... 0 900 Flaxseed ...... •• • 05 0 100 blustard• • • ...... 2,a1 0 3,00 Splces—per lb. Cloves 30 0 39 Catgut in Mats• ••• M 0 01 Ginger 10 0 11 Nutmegs 1,50 1, pi . 611 , Ai 0 :121 Snakeroot—per El. Virginia 14 Senecca Rasp—Duty 30 per cen t I Pittsburgh No. 1. .410 5 1 Cincinnati ' 410 41 . • Steel—per !b. Foreign Coati Shear 160 17 Do. single 0 16 Dcst Germu . • •••• • • • 0 13 u , " M I ; L. 0 11 42 -15 Pittsburgh Idannfacloo. German 51cel 0 6} English 'Mater 0 121 Murk. blister. ••• CD 41 Spring 510 51 Spirits—per gallon. Dreudy Dons , x-2,011 0 2,50 Rochelle 2W@2,50 Rte, an ea 4th pf. 1,50 01,75 " N., 40 0 50 Gin, Rolland 1,50 0 1,50 Sugar—Dory 30 per cent. N.G. prime, hhd 50 54 fair, 5051 Revue, white, lb• .6 0 7 Hraril" 16•1010 11 Pulverized, Phllad• • • •0•-- Salt—Dutp2oper acid. No. 1, rillood 1, in store • •• —0 1,37 Tale, dos. box. Shoj—Diny 01,per cent. Per keg. I Ivo 014,60 Per . • ... •—••• 0 1,371 Saltpetre—per lb. 9al_rytetre 010 101 Tobacers—per lb—(10 per • et of for cub for runuPd Tobacco.) Doty 40 pr... Cigar Lee.— -•• ••.4 0 P hlrnond do 0 0 '7 Lad1e:07%41'47-- 0 19 Ping Joker GlO 71 Ploginbaxes•---13 0 15 Vragiat 410 7 ...... •• 0 G Itt Lump ;u box. ••11 0 .15 Ya " •••II: 0 17 IGsu•-•-• 42 0 14 Scotch !mar.— -14 0 II Rapper , . 0 13 Cot k Dryl lb pap• • • 0 10 Ina Tow—Duly 0n per rout. 00 pertol Ili 0 Gunpowder 45 0 70 Young Hyren••• •30 0 60 p0 0 ,fi0g i ....,.. 50 0 75 Tia le— 1.5 Dutypr. et. Hanna °et X W al Tallovir—Daty 101 Pl. cent. Rendered Rough 7 51' Soap Gretwe 410 5 . Vlo eir—per box. Solid boxes 0 0 Wines—Duty 40 pr. rent. I. P Madeira, .• • ROO 0 3,00 I.PTeiteriffe•••• 1,00 0 1+0 Lisbon - 5'01,`11 Dry Malaga 017' 0 40 Sweet 02 0 -GS NAILS-10d, SPII:F. I -3 to 6 inch 4/e5l WHITE LEAH—Tire week's operations have bern very large. Sales of four houses were repor. led to us at 3000 kegs. 'lt rates at $1 62.—discount off for cub—about equal to 31 36. The demand continue, . , - • LEAD—The operation's of the sreek have been very light, and meta have undergone no change. LIIMBERL—Dry is becoming ,Very .mace, and that nave being not be "fit for ^-- ...2,0003,06MP0 p due 4P Itt p dox / 10 " - 7 , lil!ocks and Daman.* The pest week-in the Eastern Money Market has bean filled with the Ivens:don on French ab fairs, and Matters growing out of them' The let. Ism from Europe . announce On (adorn of many house, who have extended connections here, and who cannot: escape. We noticed lent week that French houses Lad retired paper maturing in April, and can now add that paper due in May has been taken care of in the same way. The bank, of the East are pursuing a more. cautious l•ourre, and merchants find hard work to take mire of their pa. per. In the nature of business, however, the mar bet, will soon recover, as the past and present months are the noes when most paper mature, and when lungs are mostion Grt accommodations. ! In our own market the scarcity of Money contim ties had the markets tight, : without any. .gualifica. non. The scarcity of par money has not been equalled fora tWelvemontla, anti bne bad the effect to run up the rate of currency.. Exchange on the East_has sold as high ea 3 per -bent premium in ..eurrancy, bet ?l per cent .may; be called al the .e . loise, the top of the 'market. 4rency could not he sold leiX than 21, per cent di ' unt on Monday, nor much, if any, better, at the c :se of our report. The amount of par money in eircUlto ion •is foal : cient to meet the daily wants of merchants at tho . banks; which is an evil of * no small magnitude. The coming month will see it change in affairs, :With 4 good supply ofeichenge. . . . . New York, April fl. Pliilintel. 8. U S Ws of '53 5.14194 92593 . U 8 o's of •,'52: 1051034 1025103. Treasury Notes 10210102 t, - ICSailo3 Ohlo Ts '• , : • 1030104 • -- Ohio G. •.. ,- 3,16,1331 Illinois Bonds --tii— Indians fonds —5534 Penn s's . 7310731 321013 Tenn s`s . - —675 Kentucky Vs ad-- 13151100 Pittsburgh es ,-- : 8.%1110 ......:..16(319 do 21 23 do= • 236784, d 15820 do lb .19021 p .17018 do Cattle Elarketw Ausosirrr, April 10, 1818. At market, 300 beef wink. 210 sold In rides of last week—ibe remainder : Went cut. • ilmairron,'WeduesdaP, April 1, At elute:, 222 Beef Cattle, 20 pairs Working Oxen; 23 Cows and Calves, 300 Stewp,suld 500. Swine. • • - - Peicts—Beef CettleSales at 50,500W3 6 , 5 9 and $7. Sheep-3303=01X and 5,Y. • Swine—At wolle, NIKO; et null from St • Se. MENNI . 70 0 + 75 Port • . 150 0 2+oo Calabria •t •+ •• 65 ei 70 PriWme 001. per b—Duty 33 per cent. 13' Pall blood ' ' 0, Y blood i blood 0 ' +— Pulled Common , 551 o'\ Tall washed + 22 0 Whlakay—per mdlon. Rectified 19 0- 60. Ram I- 0 16 7•l3lo—per It Sheri - 0, 10 Slab or uN F l,4 6 l Sts--per 11s.• To Cincinnati. Dry Goofs Dr y Goads Henry FronaLonissille to U. H e Goals Heavy — To St. Louis. Dry Good. —0 40 Heavy • 0 30 To Cleveland and Erie. Thy Goods 0 40 Henry 25 0 372 To end from Brownsville. Dry Goods ....... 121 Produce, &n. lop) . . 0 10 To Ens ds hrine. Dry Geo Helm. To IVbeeling. 'Dry Goods Hears To Zanesville • • Dr) Gooda• • Heavy •-..: . To lkarer . H TOtear Or'e.g. - • . Heavy Gcods GS G:9O Glen, &e • 4O G Gu iiines OF Ittielre ON SUS FFANFELVA. Aldiex, Poe end Pearl, • .... DO Butter and Bacon, C 5 Beef, salted, do 65 B ale rope and Bogging do do 70 • 75 Bones, ... do 15 Browns, do 1,50 Cheese, do 75 Corn, . . do 50 Conon,• do 60 Chilled Rollers do Drags and blediciora, do 1,00 Dry Grootle, do I,CO Doted Fruit . do -75 Flour, per Md. 1,03 Furs and Feltner, per 103 lbs 1,00 Feathers, . • do 1,00 Furniture, do 1,00 Glassware, - do 60 Glee, Window, per be CO 0 Green and dry fruit per 100th* 75 Ginseng-, Grocenes, per 16011.*. 10 do 00 HardWarc, do 75 He o m pe p, do 70 8 6144 , (raw 75c, dry 111131 do leather, ' do '9O Lead, . Lard do and Lard Oil, do 6 40 5 Oil, Castor, Jo 75 Linseed Oil, do 75 Fork, per .bbl. do IR 150 INK., , 6er 10016 s. 713 Ropes end cordage, do tat Specie • do Co Bee - 7 O 7O Skim, d. Deer sad Buffalo, . do 75 Tallow, do 65 Tobacco, Leaf. do 75 de Manufactured, do 75 Wheat, do DU, Wool, • ' daol.oll Whiskey, per 551 Cd TO TUT EnST VIA \IO,IOIII.ILLA SLAVE Clara, No. I—Mbea. Dalt Yld! N Bacon, Bauer, Lard, Chr.,<, Pork. 'rob. , • 00, Tallow.W. Glass, .4 Whisky pr Ilantta Clu•Na Flax is bale. o...N°.o—Dried Fruit Iw brother, Old Rage Skim, Seeds, Woo (, I,do oes No I—Bees-wa.c, Feathers,Fors,Ginaoig, Ilops,Milse,loosePlaz 1,15 Marino Insurauve. Rates of losoraace on cargoes of .tats and keel boats • • • .. FmPiusburghb Wheeling,yo. /0— " bated from Cineinnau,o /0 b Louisville, Kr.• • ••• 10 R. Lohis,lllo 1 011 b Boonvillealo 1 0 11 to Independence 11021 to Galenz.lll. 1/01/ " " to dlemplea,Ten 101' • " "b N. Orleans 0111 From Orleans to Pittalmrgh,l 01/ St. Louis Ch o . Te . te b tVr d an . 114 B*ot“ • PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. fiIHIS Institution, under the supervision of Mr. and I. Mrs. Goshorn,lll null open for the reception of pit pall, and will be at thematic place on Liberty. Street. In consequence of some changes having taken place, a few vacrineill have occerred, and those desir ous of placing their dnuchteu under their care, would do well to smile an early ripplicatiow For terms see circular, or apply to the ProtespaL .0 !. - - —•.- - • • - . .... 12 Nuraeri Stock For Sale. E . rr HE Subscriber ot/brs Mr male his entire stock, in , I. lots to suit purchaser., at very, reduced prices.— The collection to not equalled for aseleetand ClLtellau variety. in the Wentern coulter; containing many new, _raie and valuable plants, consuunginpvtolCansclli•, Japonicas, large flooring plants, frt. 3.6 feet in height. Caetn• dllioes, Geraniums, Rubella. Month. IL Noises ciu... Petletulli bless, Vioing or Pillar l sew the finest and moot esteemed , ii:ttetiltiention. IThe Dahlia list units., shilSIC.llll and fine rice sons • grown; Mower Roots, a large , ell.; Vines, shrubbery, shade trees, evergreens, de. Amateurs, Nursery men and others, who want to decorate their yards, gardens, pleasure grounds. or green houses, are respectfully invited to ezmnine the collection which is open to ViIIIIM, escept on &niday• Conveyance by : the omnibus nod greenwood ferry. Descriptive eats. 1 i logues sent by mad, or may be had at mir stand, No PS I Diamond Market. where orders :01 with no, orby i , moil to Pittsburgh . Post Office. will bet promptly attend :ed to. Jelin Grahnre, • premien! mirdiner, will eared 1 to planfine shade tree., lay in; of garden., ire. Orders : lent as above. 'JAS. WARDRUP, j marled3nfikaMT . filesiebener. near Pinsbureb. i 12d, 164 and 20d ud 9d nd . - . The we'll will be divided into about Lay section% end will dal brace ..ver7 variety of excavation, India• big lime stone, slate and sauttroek. cut. hammered and -rubble inaeoury, •iaLaullinentli or earth; eight or ten brdces or venous platen ite. he, the whole to be coal pleiedlirthe fuel day of OeMber i 1941. i Bidders who are unknown to the undersigned will be required to fur oath eatlefeetaiy references. Payments will la made as the work progreues, iu the seven per cent. bonds of the ell, Or New Albany. or re.h a. ill. portico may strree. Haus sad speciAda• tions will Le exhibited on the 011th nem . . . LIAILA EY, ragtntet fOr. Caner. • Na.. Albany, April', 104 d. aptild&A.T Chleteringtiktirsass A mined) rosewrod six octave Pima, new scale and patent iron hams, made by J. Metering, Barton. A very elegant rosewood six and batedastare l'lsno, new *sale, and patent Iron (nuns, made by J. Cldekering, Boston. ' 'The above instruments received to-day, and now open for eXerinuatiom for sale malt. Clustering , ' pa ces for cash or approved paper. Also on haud,vsne elegant rosewood Corbin pencil, tarred and molded legs, d octaves, made by Gale and Co, new Volk. One du. carved rosewood, 0 oetaves,inade by Oslo Co, New York One mahogany serond hand Piaoo. u maven, of el. en Item roots •1110 ill good order, made by Cbickenby mewor6l,lts. One supettritond Fiona, wade ny Itern, Porte, and event/need to he the best Piano Forte in the city, will Le mold at n very moderate price. fell: JOHN H MELLOR, 81 wood et Baotou nods of lioattog llookooo. l ' t . e l E 3 l F a ll pl r ot E n i kat i :Mho h tittit ' , n la d bre d bk!e 'l l; riser,cat:full y used In Boston, New york, tee., and weer. Win two received the dectded preference orer stov furnaces, fte . . U. adventatKe add- , 1.1. Great regolunty,pf temperature it. Freedom (ant smoke. .Id. No unpleasant drynrss, eds. Easily encoded to and not limbic 'to get out of order.. , MI.. Omar durability. • . ' - is model and specification may Go seen, and .pp.n , - , itax obtained, at the copper Otid tinware factory of • i, Witt USCAIFE, first at, ' feblGitf " between wood and motet' • ORIGINAL GIOLIVAR. BRICKS: , 1 XPERIENCEDjudgya, on • Mel of one and • holt million, since PAS, pronottnee this Auricle unsur passed for durability in the construction Of all kind. of Furnace, , Psi. 21,7Sessh for loath bid hi, cum. towed dini month. use. Order. for • se f cond quality Bolivar Sticks will be executed at IMOper Al, if I , o de- W eil, without yourantea. A mock of Me •kret qoatity In now for sale at the warehouse •Sipan'y hark , Cu eel Basin, by J SILAVAIACLAREI'i t septluf • • Kerningtoulron Work. Deitos • .._. Novi York Plrapwt CifiCKERINGT., and Num &Clerk* 11. li-LEMIER, OS Third street, heel.% nrfilreceived on additional lot of Pia. l Fortes ofsetornwould diormec t h ae a ten o tvioe nc to ol s ed d ea m ope of haring the hmtromenta of the two beet Arms in the Union, aide by side, to select (rum. This is the moat splendid selection probably ever peered, and U.K. Is determined to sell as low, if not lower, %boo can be bought elsewhere, Call and examine. ; marlbihr. Pricos of Sock& ' lORT OF''l BURGH w Beaver. Clark, SteaMavil e. • Baltic, Jamie', BrcramsvMe: - • Palo Alto; MarAmald, Bayer. • • Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Laois McLane, Bennett. Danube, Cock, Cin. - • • ' Comet, Boyd, Zanesville • ' Pilot No 2, Buns, Wal{®b River. North Carolina, Deviancy, St Lmis. New England, N0..2 Dean, Cia. North River, Dean, St. Louis. American, Gl i tri, Lonisillle. Pacific, Camp Imiiaville. - D ARTED, Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. , Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beairer. lone MeLane Bennett, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. Palo Alto. M'Donald, BeaVer. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Iliberron No. 2, Klinefeltei, CM. , PASSENGER; ARRANCIMIKVIR FOR ' : For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Olitee opposhe the United Suites Hotel. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily (or Cineumati, 10 a. N. • Passenger Packet sin Bronuunrille m Baltimore and Philadelphia, 0 a. N. and 6 F. M. - !trail Coach Lice direct to Pll/I*Aelphia. 9 A. Y. and 1121 r. Western and Southern Mail Coach Lino, 6 A. wt. • NonhWestem via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. N. Fain and Western hlevr York, daily, 9 a: r. Nonh.Esiteni toiladelphia, doily, ezeent Sundays, • ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF IfAILC F.antern Mail vie Phllode/phis, due 3 . 3L, closes 1.9 Wert'n SLiI, Cinein. & Louise, due 8 tar, closes 5 .11' South. riaDaltimore &Washington,due 8 r. is ern s.kt: North Western yin Cleveland, due 10 L. 3. doses 9 eat' Erie endWestent Now Fork, doe 8 P. x., elves 8 n. Young RITR. N. WETCALF 'mold announce to the elg. L. lens of d Ogheny and vicinity the intended re. moral of his schookfrom the corner of Sandusky sod Straorbew :meets. diem for the last twelve months he has been teeching. On and alter April Ist he will occupy rooms on Federal street in u Colons& Row," 2d door from the bridge. The Academic Year will consist of two sessions of flee months each commenc ing oa the first Monday io February slut September.. LLD Or ILITION eft 113610 A Or MA MOM. English Deparunsnt—lncluding Reading, Orthogra- PhY end debtme, Writing, English Grammar, Rheto ric, Logic, Eughsh Composition and Criticism, Geo. graphy, History, Arithmetic and the highexbranchea of Mathematics, ,l'eatera Philosophy, Chemistry, AP tranomy, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Seleoce and all other branches requisite to • thorough English education 820 IM Classical Depanment—lncluding the Latin; Greek and French languages cachou additional charge of_-- ta co , The serviecs'of competent Teachers ere secured for each as may, desire to rec Ave instuctiona In drawbar, painting. and music. - • Those deaigning to enter will find it bar their interest to do so as near the opening of the 'session as possible; yet pupils will be received at any lime dozing the sea. then and will be charged at the above rote{ only from time of entrance. No deductions will be made for absences except iu cases Ofprotracted Illness. Any information which may ne ddsired will be cheer fully communicated to those who call upon the instrao. tor as his rooms. Reference may also be maiie to the following gentle .. men: Dr. T. F. Dale,'Allegheni, Ilan. C. Staler, Pittsb , g. ROT. D. Elliott, " arr. D. H. Riddle, Me. IL P. Schwartz, Rev. IL Dyer. • Philadelphlg Oaliege of Illidlelletti Firth, Bola of IValnad greet. THE SPRING AND ;eIUM.ALER COURSE OF LEO TURES FOR DAR, inill be commenced on ion ay. March Mb, ISIS. and be continued foal months, 11. J1 '? ..1 ' `MTII. l' Af. D. Denten!. Special and ' UrgiChi Anatom. J. H. BURDE y N, M. D., Dinette Modica and Thar attentive. . . . D. P. GARDENER, M. D.. Cbennetry. • RENEW GIBBONS, M. D.. Theory sad Practice of Medicine. LOWS H. BEATTY, H. D., Obmesnes sod Disease of Women and Madsen. JAMES MeCLINTOCK. M. D., Principles and P. tire of Surgery. HENRY GIBBONS, SI. D. Inuitaws of hlrdiehte Medical Juroprudence. 1 S. R. eCLINTOCK, M. D., Demonsuaur of Anato my. RICHARD BURR, M. D., Prraecuir of Surgery. Fee for the fill coerce, BM'. Fee for those who have attended two fall courves re other Colleges, $4O. Mai. rienlation to he paid ono, only,Ba. Graduation BM Praeuent Anahany, including Beeman/Istory Lectures, El& The Diuccung itoolfie will he opened on the let ef March. From amine-men. now pending Mere I, every Sea son to hope that the chews or Institutes of Medletne and Anatomy still be occupied by distinct Professors at an early period. For further information inquire of .1.4.81173/11eCLINTOCK. N. Li, Dux, No. I Northlllerenth street Dee.:l7, 1847. I=l PAVING STONE WANTED. Ctn ClAss`sOlencr,' Cincinnati, April 1E451 TIROPOSALS will be received ai this Ogrice until jr Gondar. theist day of May nett, at 5 o'clookit. M., for furnishing and delivering at the public wharf is Cincinnati, :MGM perches of Petble or boulder Stone, from fire to ten inches the Incest diameter, similar in quality to the wont nand (or potting tanct.in rigab l .llb nd Wheeling; each perch in contain ailing and one • ant( .lid ken, and delinarcd as follows: perch by the In of/u/y,lelitE F,GZI Isetereen the In 0f.11.17 and tstofoc..lB4B; s.text between In Oet., 1941, and let May. Met &OW •• between the In May end let linty, ' SAO “ between the In Joiy lnOcs,l 49 All soft Send Stone will be reteeteo. i The Stone will be pail for (tom time to time, as the ee may be delivered. 'A Tn. ptopositions'to mate ge prtee~ per perch or ton, for,achich the stone will be delieerni. - - MlM=tM=3 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. "DAILIMAD LRIVING—HaIed proposals will be reeeivnl at the airy of New Albany, Indiana. wail Monday 1 e nliti day of April, at 0 o'clock, P. M., Or . the grading, bridging, masonry and wooden sutwrstruc• tune of the New Albany au4 lindem Railroad. Natalie Prams Please. zA IiPLENDID sasonmeat of flow, ?NlTwood end Mahogany grand Kaden Pl. an nsaust finished mid tor ale. Alert, two splendid Ilose:ood Plume, with Coleman's at Ronan attachment, finished to the roost modem style, end rot sale at jell F BLUME/0,119 wood si Iherwood , s Eleetro Ma'amlie 1111aehlales. ffin subscribers have on hand a few of these-6da y Listed galvanic henries, accompanied hy a reek containing ample directions for their vie In the demis• es to which they era applicable. • I • Price, $tJ and Ell. apto • • .1 inn 00 wood la. • CAR U—ilaving Jost retched • large imporation 'of Wince, to, direct f om Plunge, WISUM WO , UR lame mock la dote and cellar, dealer' are resumed to tall and eumine tor themselves, ae good bargains ea be had at Ike corner of gadthgeld and Front stni 800 P C p . l,9uR-60 . w at u l Auk La y er—.lo bbli Jut aniifMkprieifotadii."....-:.,.,, .177.-44 rt, 7" R44400MHi..,T. PITTIi9:IPIIW; . .II2LEIIO,I/1 LT= !gain 18445 e FaithslhissjeWaties';':if.Freigh. t to cairns* PHILADELPHIAORE, • " Beaman diase, Philadelphia: . . Tuns Pe O'Coaxos, Pittsburgh. - old exisablished line beM. Pica fa opera. ate proprietors have mae tateeisive arrange ments b oat wad goods andproduce wit ted emitch, Wad on the m favorable tem.: They ronfaletalV hope their towel! promptnear is delivering goods—pc , culiar safety in Mode Of tarrying— capacious lovelorn. au at each port, affording accorartiodations to shippers and owners of produco--together oath their ban expo rienee and unremitting attention kibosh:ma, will - more to them a coutinitance of that liberal patroutege they hereby gremadly acknowledge. All consignments by and far this hue receirod. char ge. paid. and forwarded in any teuttired direction food of char , gedr . ooonahoion, advancing or storage. No la st, directly or indirectly, in ineenaboms. • All e Maoris promptly Intended to on applica tion to the Lallowunt wpm: BORBIDGE k CASE, 279 na.ket'n. Philadelphia TAAFFE R OVONIVOR. Canal Basin, Piushurgh. OTONNORS C. North st, Baltimore. • • WM. x.wnsoN, al - Ceder isti New York:- ap3 ' TO TBA.VELIIIIi•.• • • agligia lB4B .Mlllll EXPRESS FAST PACKET LE% FOR, PHILADEL MLA. 'AND BALTIMORE. ' XCLUYIVYLT woo PASSESOXIS4 • THE Canal and Rail Roads being now euellion rder, the packets of this floe will leave with pie. swims As Gann, every evening, at *o'clock. • • Ohio—Caps Craig. Monday, April a Rem boolaru"-Copt—Ca P pt P Thompson, 110 3 u;LiaN 6th. Ohlo—Capt A Craig, Friday, Nit.. • Indiana—Cent P B erkey, Saturday, rob. . Betitueky 7 -Capt A Mohr, Sunday, Eh. The proprietor, of this linnbailt one Wandering the winter, 'nth the Wiles' nada enlarged, whielfwill of. font dealer comfort to persons travehog with their PassFs by this route pair overlso adios nil road in day •If you esire cheap traveling Ind comfortable execs. toodations, meant poor tiekew at the- Packet calfish 51;ot,: p lah . ela House, wiraz.olll Co, Ca,:mlßacui ' PASSENGER AIUtA2JGEMMST. • . P•sensy/vanila Osumi vt. nail Road Ea.• paves Fast Pastket (Ansi itaiiiEM 1848 . MM FROM pirrasuas TO ORE PIIIDAVELPHIA & HAL TIM, (Exeloilvely for Passenger.) • HEPublie an ...Weedily informed that this Lim will commence random on the Wd Mu, eM con. throtaghoul the Season. • . • 2 The boats are new, and of a superior clue, With en- larged cabins, which will gin greeter comfort. The can are t h e latest constrocuon. • • • A boat will always be in port, end travelers ire re-' quested to call and examine them before engaging pee , sage elsewhere. • (Tim only nine dollars through.) Cele of the boatrof this Line will leave the landing toppoeite U. S. Hotel, corner of Prim meet and Camel; even night et nine o'- clock Time 31 day. For informatton,• apply at the Office, blononela House, or to 1) LEECH & Co. Pittsburgh, Much fa, ISIR. Cartel Basin. Western Tram »Air Com 7. • natEal 1 Ti; LEECH & Cws QA 'lB4B. Old E.stablishsd Linos JAY - Z. 7 • TO PEILHOZPICA, BAL7111010.: f.l EW YORK VIA lIIIIIIIITAVAMA aID 0120 ILA= 20011. • R ATs ' ab d oro W ertre P s a o r' sfrro ' "d irta d'c'° tma rt. oW • ss or apply to D. LEECH & Co., Coool Basin, Pinsburgh. HARRIS & LEECH, hoe. 17 k 15 South Third et, Pail. J. TAYLOR & SON, No 11, Nth Howard sr, Balt. A. ABBOIT, Age, No YlVest Platt, Naar York. Pittsburgh, March 19th, 1548 MAIO Ocean Steam Navigatlont Company. U. S. Mn. Un to. Sooriturnion asst, Buzau. The steamers of CU Companyvin sell regularly once a 0011 se follows: . , FROM NEW %011. K. The Weshlsupton, Cayt .1 Janson, tut the AO April, IMut. • The Humana, Cut Crabtree,on the SIM /Jay, INS. MOM BREMXN. The Hermann, on the 15th Aprtl, ISM. • The Waabinvon, on tbe *Alf May, ISIS. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK • The Hermann, on the 20th Apri1,1.843. The Warbinatoo. on the Mb May, MM. • . - When the Wth of the month fells on Snaday, the by of selling Rom Few York Writhe the tIR Passage from N. Y. to Southampton or Bremen, SIM Ram Stamm or Southamptoisto N.Y., 10. An esrperieneed sargeon u board. SFor freight or passage apply at Ike dace of the Qum team Navigation Company,* Wil/lam st, N.Y., or to I R CROSICEr, Agt at Southampton. WILLIAM ISELIN, Agt at Havre. marM • C A HEMMEN dr Ca, Agte at Mum; • CD's Passer:tear and Renalttance Oftlces itallaNflDM 4t. CO. continue to bring mavens Rummy part of Oakland Ireland Scotland Or Wales, apart the Mw liberal terms, with their mad punctuality and attention 10 Ihe swan mut eons• fort of emistitrrants We done( allow ourpeasengers be robbed by the mined/Mir swops that mint the ma ports, as we take chum, of them the moment they re port and me to their well being, .1111 d &- mouth them widow any &tendert by the tout We =Tibia fearlessly, as we defy one of our pease. ming to show that they were detainer:l43 henry by ns in Liverpool, whilst, thousands of others entre detained months; til they; could be lent in 110010 old OM, at • eh; p rate, which too frequently proved their co 'Wit Intend to perform our contracts honorably, rod what it may, and nor aet u was - the case last sauce, with ether officers,--svho eider performed not all, et when it suited their convenience. . f Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sant from tl to RIOUO, payable .at any of the provittual- Banks in It* land,. England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Drops= and CieneralAgent, Mt Fifth ousel, one door,below NVood„ HAMPTON, SMITHO. WHOLESALE DAY GOODX inemaras, NO. 51 WOOD STREE T, parrstitmou, A RE now opening thew .ityntig sapply of desirable A gooda ‘ boaght soak Ancniffea ud at !ur ea point private sada of the put thirty nays, arh Gk they will offer at as small advance as can he had East or West. In their asurtMent map he Arund— OXO pieces Amadeu, English and French Prints, • IWO ps American, Scotch and French Ginghams; .9. at p. Paris Lawns, Organdies, Ginghuaawna; • k p. llnen Gingham, a new article; Ink pm Sating • lid Dark taints and Cashmere.,. myles; p. Plaided and Wouered Alpacas, eutirely new , • ,•, 400 ps Plain Black and Bilk Warp Alpacas; ASA ps ffardaloonery, every suety; ps Bummer Clabs,Cratort Counip, Plaid Oam• • mams; 553 pa Tweeds, Conringtons *al BumerCauimeres tW p• Ylistish Biding and Bantu Cords and ate; 403 ps Santana all colors and grades; 103 ps Spring and Samna Wardlen Ca m p.Dn Ammc.3. Yorlohire and Belgium Clot h s; ' '4ou ps Steubenville Jun"; . pa Apron Checks and Shirting Stripea; 151 Mclnnis, beat mike.. id .. Lawns, Colored mete; .Printed and Igu. utiles Vesting', .ditto, newest styles fine Cashmere,. Fluted sail Flak Sated Veatinp, great variety pat ter. Silk and Wanted Sago. plain, hawed .ad op and Drew Silks and Salina, Lin• a Diapers, newest style. Suing and Summer, Shoal:, all anus, dam, Dec.. Handkerchiefs,,ilk and cotton 114111, itosiary, ' a ilk and GOMM Cravata, all kinds Clans, estspendan, Crapu, Thiuda Batons, Vanety Clooda'ac. • slut style Riblianda, sn unosully large suart• mein at low prices., air, CU , F.1.1....a arntiii Eels, Jaconsusi 2,l;mlins,Lacea Edgings, a dr. , - yuo bales Aloslisai for cash at Eastern Nat Rau: 71:1 cases Amelia. and English ',bleached ehlmings, brown Drills, Jealll, Flannels, Oshalattras, Umbmllas, Parasols, to. tn. . Ci , y Wyatt; and the beighboringrovena will Ltd our stock alast's well eappllrd by ficquent patellas., antl thily cau bay right tor cub:. . cdkly Clothing kin. shim-War/4. • •Kehinto tuPpiag mad Illeedlraye, . Alli vnio nu, Stits. - i.ue-e.so,. In at R• Leis.. $— CLOTHING AT WHOLEII•Li, F . ........"' l4 e k- - • • ' - .... 1 .. • EC sespettaxlll Informed, that at • : • ~..... teeth. rpayved month y-411....—a4a all our. Relatenea. he physicians of PittsLamt,' AIM LEWIS & mA • FORD'S gtmuyand - Hinal;:g act. • curruirw IVAREHOUSR. . I mon cheerfully. recommend to the physicians.fam• 011. tb: I, Was and &limy former Oland. and..parrons.. Nr. R.' it. • New York, Norris as belng Munongilly acnnamted with the busi• • • MAY be baud an lISIMMIVe ILIMOtIACIIIer Clothing, • ,,d .. t hy of ~,,,,,,,,,,, . . ,_.., manufacuand espregily for 1.4 Sonde= and ma:fly .. , Wevern market. Also, -.-- - neck of Litlell • Bosom Flans, • of all 11. •• " • Iso, a tar kook of Birsom of d.; •=lez.. s. Ftleg i to w docl willed wipe do o I older taiga in general • tVe . also manufacture end keen malady on hand; the largest stock of oiled clothing itithe United Slaws, embracing every uncle in the Una We tusuullmuus sod all immense quantities oral Me - shore angles, and would invite the attention of deal rsiu them to call ankezemirm our stock and pri cer Latina they putchem,-Int we can end will sell at piker that cannot hullo please. _ LEWIS A HANFORD, C. 2 and 254 Pearl rt., New Tort. All orders will be attended to Widicorreetness and derpatch. maladies FANCY DRY GOODS. SEANIAtt& mum, .421 n.q.dw... - y,Yorke IiIPORTERSANDSOMMRS Units, Frenett_iptin - 4. led Muslin., Haregett lAcq, Flabrotderie. Mari, VarL v egall ' l ° Zl i galt4o " lAligl.B. - TheY countl*qchants, v isitsur " " ' to eisanbto their stair before makilog %herr purchseee. Alr. Mot, eras for teeny years of.tbe house of A.T. Stewart It Co., Itout which be retired on the Ist of Jan. IBA and Mr. James Diekeon,- (who has an Interest In 1 the kaalness,)vra• Itoo favorably known ie that estate liehment. „ • chyme , Expectorant. babel Columbiana c0.,0., Apr. 44, 1041. DR. D. JAYPit.lt Desk Itte.—l feel bound to yea end the eldieted public, m avail myaelf of this op portunity °teeing publicity lathe extraordinary effetts (your ExpeMersnt on myself. Haring been atileted for memo years with a severe eoog6 hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed • to linger out a abort bat miserable existence, wail the fall of IWO, when, being more severely atacked, and having resorted to all my Gamer remetlics, and the pre ectiptions of Iwo of the Most respectable phyajcituni to the beigtibprbrimitrithout deriving any bcnebt, or the fcmcalegOe phorrlviey beta fee , deke or weeks at tardiest—when die last gleans of hope was about to vanish, I bad recommended to me your Expectoram and blessed by that Deng who does all Mum, In the ,use of the means-and Modrary to the expectations of my physician* and friends, I was in a - few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the Minor &bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying sumo better health than I had for Intl year. presto.. Respectffilly yours, hc., . Jas. W. Enos. Far gale bt-l'ittsburch, at the Pekin Tea Heare,79 Fourth Street. lig UNDERSIGNED, doing beakless doing of Arbors k Nicholson, at their Foundry on Tad meet. have this day, by mutual consent, dissol ved Omit. co•parteership. All those knowing - them. solves Indebted to- the firm, are requested to eel' at their warehouse on Liberty street, opposite' head of :Wood, and settle; and all having claims against them will present them at the urea lace for mulement. JOHNkPHN N A I RTII CEO U MN. ap6-4ut April 1,184 d. OUP:MING 111USLIN13.—/Ilaaeltell and unbleached flheetinp, 64 64 eml 74 wide, of an excellent quality, to which rn melts the ►tteatbu of honeekeep• an. • ALEXANDER t DAY, Mara 73reaxklat et, N Wcos diamond L. M. 11. FOUTYM, AVM for Maxie. soldiers lad 1 Plentleg PsesMes, at dm Mace of Wm. X, ans. d*, Fp., Burs beildings; Mb et, Maher/Lk.. My eon Le the mast Wed alleles Vtadlugwu, MW atete4 air to utnem thy* Ilea etaxpenee toeWicants. . marl44lly . . . . -Steam gaits. Want•oll. • , WmailigY Dimon bevies for mate , * smell loam Book*, * Ow of tm , perelommat Oa 1100/.14.5.....a1 ila 10011110 r ;Mr. • LOTS, . . '-, A Illtarsida -11 a . ilia ailtiwo:- ~- ALI, imber, riper CA:refer sale igloos. &WI oh Mere, hamoi' Nowt Houma awe' Se Laze; Allellecoy. city: The 'EN la 111 Ger Dia on Marty Wert, and m m lack .to ea. A1t7..8.5 INC The- , Holm Weeded thaw La M H earty new, two swain VA 1.9 feet la hoot by about 33 is depth, whit 3 ., 'awed= tea •WtetrwuNe , exclaim of 3,alutr, coal-cellar awkeeller, All roam hare ire-phices, and dna* arti commuted carry Wilts water, arid the Lwow ie LC every tln goat order end Tory occorrenizet, moth well sal for rtwo faxmliew. The property enll p.rbe Wald low, time ewe on the lama -% .. Inquire the who tan be seen as the of. 1...., " . laud the Gazette, awry mew, between the mum of c,AI arc ert,, ad el - r Ikea at hie rooms al: Itlrs.Mays' twarlog Hobloearfe new tow, Fed. ... I ...0,4, ..y Cl 7. . D N WHITE, was t r - '• Agent for lhe owner: • ,THE Subecriber MIMS for sale thin faros of land elk: mite in Wilkins Tovror on Me norkside of Ta; e Creek, adjoining lands of Gems Brinson, Abraham Bowan, and Dentel Wow containing one handled and d twooty.6ire acme and mr agnate enty-eighc perches, end alwance. I Them •is &- ho and a small stable on the place. noce. Pennsylvania e ia Rail RAM paws 'ted4ately on the Mods* Mao of the creek. The soil is pf good eusiike, and then is abendanee •of good timber on I Ms- place, and a Wee quantity of stone teal, great transports uon to market.. 1_ For bathe:spastic-Wars, Thomas Davison, to HILMAR:one, mho anthod hy. me to maths sense at prism sate, arta as nubile, sale on the premises to the highest andbest biddar, on Satantay, the grader ofJuly nom, et 1 cielocktn Ms Alterman. • • . . MARY PERCBMENT'. PALPABLE 'PROPERTY POR • SALE. AL• TUATproperty lately occupied by EL Nixon, FA,. Craig street, near nobleman, Allegheny eny, be eold.ort secoonnedating terina. The of is= feet 4 hiatus on Craig wreet, nutmeg through to the Canal HO feet; There u e good two wory frame dwelling house on the 'premises, lately built, and the lot is well motored, Containing • vatiery..of choice. (reit ween,grelw, ebrubbety, tr. This property is conveni ently unwed Carpersona don g badmen 19 either Pins. tette , or Allegbeel, and le • diabehle reaidence. Title Jades - ratable. • For ten. apply DeWitt. BO_ VA Anat. nay at Law office on Foutth urea, above BmithAeld. • a.m. :Teat. to 011 e. • • A TRATriand9oaeres,iri Hanixothr l / 4 =Co., AA. tha Cuyahoga river—about 90 aeres Lat. prowasant Also, two unimproved lots in tha villag• of Warren, Trambnll Cci a t ford H feet 00. Also, Aloe of orOund - in tha centisaf Tramball Co, with a' fine dwell:lslam W ittße..oll. of the hem iaands for a marthent on the Wastom Recant. Any or all lP Able loilariT Will be add.I SAAH on DIC TP7 accommodating terms. ' • - =Y fablO • • • ' . WaMr and Fromm. Sent Estado la Warner Gouty. Awl', • Surieboase aarV arum on the .Ena Exunalon Canal, ta rhe .agn of Weer Mll -- a dearabla location Dr a madam.- *Also, a Lot aad gx4 Dwelling Hennewell waled fin a Tavern &end, In Oa Bette _ of_Onagentlle,:on State' 111:111.of Okla. Tenni eery. DI=Y Ce. - feblo • - .Naar and Front . . A i. r. p ALT h - 4 48 firma Logan strsetty l le eatiaaa in the Oth ward. Ter ° urns apply - to the arag 7 wither at thalitsthadist Bookrlitori, 4th mar. Marker wras or at Ws 4111104 ea Oak wroatop_poalla Trolo's Grown stare- • [fatal - • L Jima PX3= .• • - • - IA two sun , twist dwelling with shoat CI acres of amid, numbed, situated at Oakland. The pines is well conked with ssf all kinds, and desirable location Or a Axon; being Endres out of reach of, the river and 'dirt of do city, An omnibus leaves oaklard hourly Am the dry.' Apply_ jah2o ATITOOD..IO & Co. Per I ou on eyalltlo4 .- =a b tV , ii y :C ll nt h l a fini laYl -11trieW.OYA . • . A two morybriek dwelling with obi= 5 acres of - pound, wtented on the Danko( the Ohio rivet, in Stliborongli M =hest... Apply to Joan , • ..JAMEh- A HUTCHISON A. Cot , THREE doiWni booms satiated on 4th street aesr es2nalbYidge,lu the city of ictsbnygt. . Al. -a Take 75 by SA feet. With a conclude* en. . , trance on stories, Rh at, war wont Alec, a frame dwelling, two ories, with an acre dreamt enclosed and andel. caltivaden, situ of ate on Ohio law, in D thyaßy or Wises. ny, Lapin, . . J ians • ' • 110 wood street: === FOR SALE OR RENT, the Irina/wet Bow. ry, with all to bnwinsr apparatus, - situate on Peon n th tend 'inheres s ally war ...maxi by Geo. W. Sandi k Co. Possession {iron on Ma day of April towing. For terms, ko. enquire or .. BROWN k C T o slew thres.szory fro pox& brick loofa 60 .f. now occupied by E 4 Eno% for root from Ist ofjAkailirciod=agfe..; The tutnoeribert, will rent pail of the tent. house non! oemay i lla i tiaLto co, 64 Pile' . street •A larta i ra t t s ati ma 2 . 4 story of th emarehoise 0ec0p 1 . 0 1 4 ...=.1% . 11 = . kteicy or an Ins... . I=l4 . .1 - HOLLMANB & For Bent. • - • 0 THE bero•ilory :Brick llouse,hon mining seven MOMS, MI, occupied by Alin Btoste. It lvpletuntalyellnalell. near the rim( denee of Richard Bout.'Esq., in Allegheny. Unae• dints pmesaion given. Bent 511X1 pro annum. Apply • - - marina meet.. I==Sa= • • itt'Armin two 'storied brick dwelling bonse with Naga roams and largo yard, Veuantly Wormed tbelrth ward. Apply usll7lll 11 - BCAME., • - fehti3w " • Ist avast near wood. -A Fine 'two gory brick house, on main stmet, j y ~All city, near the tapper brkke. ;The let is Yi front by 10e deep. For terms lawn • dent( . A WASHINGTON, 4th Ane% new du. story I:ireling Howe r _With hab boasts attach e d, agree s. auti* antler of Wylie and Washing= greet Poesession giv en on Ike first of April nen. • • . . ja, THE Inge -Ilre proof Intreboaie; 94 feet boni by. M.- 90 feet deep, on meowd xi. near woo& .Rent mo& !rata. lequird ofj fICHOONSUXER & Co., dote .. - - = ..,..t A STOVE AND CELLAR, comer Of Federel am! Luenek meets, AlleghepT CUT. t = of t i tan:we on the premium re • • Per Items, A Smoke House, situated on, Plum alley, for rent Inquire of ROBERT LALZELL t Co, Liberty street. • deel3. (lOAL LAND FOR BALE—Sevre 'acres coal Iliad la for sada &Paste to bead of the Monoterahela River, shoo BlPlAlreinti baring a 7 fan rein of coal, arlash.will Ira sold irrexchange for &oda 'For panicle. adr Mario Nara} & lURRatlfili.32 wood n FOR A II /Aga TN DLL'UFIV/STI2O. BALE--I Mee for We a beantlAtl building Lot In Aleneltester. near the (cm, Al feet front by IM rent dap. ' grill be veld low, and on aecantroodating terms. Terms uneseepuonable.. min • JAB. BLAKELY. Real Evan, AV.: ROM TO LET-00 the second g ory:OT the Imo , lumen No Ot Woad St., having a front - antrum. ypip GE() COCHRAN' • AgestsWant-d • i To GUMMI for .0:411111W gilld popular w o rk, uien. ey calmly throughout Ilso Vow,: Siam,. To stiroo , the mot atm' roomonrrOrml•olfrn.,l—with a all cepiul of from V. 45 Sloo, chimer, it odrrenl riorrobyoo A Kent can make from 1 1 01.' Nta per week. LIXFor (unbar porimOof,s mAIm. , PO.I ar.2ld2co No Took r4rov4i leMetatigaheles biatrlgatlain Compaay s NOTICS TO STo.llol,Ons. Tar persuance of a resolution of the Board of kin.- emlike StOckholile af the Monona . uott g Compeny am hereby rs notified to m gahel eet at dm Nev oth is ce of said Company, in lireed`a Building, Fourth auto, in dm city of ri , ishrugh, P o'clock the a:lemma Monday, the 17th day of April mei, t o .in taketo granoa certain acts of the Legislator° of this dune, supplementary to the charter of - this Cemmany fly order of the Board. BANEWELL, h 4 e l Pitubargh, ?Jamhlth, L 948. • moth - .edlastmate Notice. , L , pinotts having claims Agatha the Estate of the lore Beery F. Schreppe, < W Plthent them for eel nr, and all pennons mdetired to saki estate., <ill please .call and Mete payment to • ' • JOIDI 1 WIN; Adm. Pittsborgh,bianth, 10, 49. pearl I 11 armrest .1 llifirliE.ClAVEDilirgeithioithriciii — arbiletaiii comprising various patterns: 14103 yds of heavy I ot oil cloth, beat snide; IdOado medium do dm •Sast do 44 do do; ICOO do 34 dodo; SOO do 54 coonterdo do,• 4%1 do 44 do do; betides largeossortusent of light and (they articles, all of whit:llmill to sold cheap for cult, or short oredit,th - Jlc LI PHILLIP'S 36 N irSirk, ENolllEA—Thompson% Eye W. J..rots , do doe 11 Jew David's Minter; OrrieTooth Nitub;. Chlorine do do; Chkuitte Tooth Powder Ratisrl'a do do; Hanel do dog Ihtuers Tooth Patin Rawer, do do; in more and for ..1r by. ; , - .JOEL 111011LER„ Wood end GM rp . . rF: udweribers beef rewertneltet•NO43 Water lind oe Pinot urea, in the vruetowpo fonanny ono. peed by Young, thrown 4 Plunkett. • • - ; ' W IIAILUALTGII il*2 t VAi T ionisox t - o bsoreLe,4 I 3 in: — ma. Rtittent ae gt * ar': IF l d ' i u= L. iktliriiiiii 44:Ersiiihteld4iiti in intriesitts the ' Prg 0004 thwiness coraludted in Mem= ado no ed, corner of FourtlOind Market sus, Pitts burgh, commencing Feb. 4, IWB.. The business forth lumen will be eonbseted nridortlie former Ire of. • UNDRII.-150 bushels While Beans; 25 do shelled S Casesu:2s do Oats; 40 doe Tow Yam: I bee Sun •lloveer Seed; kor sale by, ap7 .••• JD WILLLISIB W i r l)-15°1 " 1 ` P "' i ltkabtlif . tit7:4 wuttTidrimaic-21 , 0 S.F MOT. 'Country snarehtultslenght to Intrehsso orte supply of dui popular snedloine- hundreds of ertillostea elm be shown of Its thosey: For coin J VJDD&O, ikrf:l7.t uk7""W"; ° ° 1- r°° a, tr& wmar DRY ISITM—PO3 . 41 . ryblqiN v =d A tzr 4 1 1 ,1 4. 6 1b i ll di3i.( ! i iir IS C* 1) " /St l y, 6 7. TOUIKPORE—.24CO Pei landing dval - this at. adiii JLP. ißad for sale by mars 3 JAMS MIZELL Vii&ifibbiioWilaiiiiates, for sal* by =MO WILLIAMS, HO wood at GUM 0U1AC. , 4.48 tbs fix Ws by. • . . lon'OOP koWlrB-18/4"0 fin — dlndiurd for ;Or by ja JOHN 8 DILWORTi V wood st C , ODA ASII-10 casks inmai and for we by BIDWELL, eigt, waft m G ERMAN CLAY-56 auk, for ale by c emwELL. - LOUISVIL I,K LE LEAD-Jut receind sad Fa alle at 1 91 - - - ... 011F;11011. ' --- '-' •-= • . _ irsll9loUnci.iinsulkalk- - ‘, !ate -.-...• . Ilvan.cdten-!..k .. "-.41P1a BlueB9 — " , tc, Bkellauge • at Fax." 11 a1ard . 5uk....444 Pawn Bk. - o'W - 6- na -' Mak afGermanuriinC-pax tik:ollkeYallerx--.." . a ; Mesa. Ccadk:l-• Bk.of lihinds• .... •••••," Outman Qn• • 4gt & AL Bk,Wkell.7 I --- - n - Barnum:wren.— -de' Mortaxdnnu ' '•• 1 .- ' a , Nunkumbctland•• Pi. lar..Bank - .V. , ..• i,, Columbia Bridge Co, P . dn•.. l V-Idlibtall -- '-': ,' Doplcomnr - Bank pax ~ do • Paketgband•-- k. Faxnerg'Sk.Backg . par ntorTgandsse..—.. Bauman B'kLancnay•par En blenk'll.oll•4.• . 1.•••••••••-r Co. 13k.•• • 4gr flantere Bk. __ :' --, LILIICI4C, BY P Bulgur*, .... ----,—.." U. - State: Bank.-----. 701 llageka._.l . " • , linconswllla Ilk pax Budeßkefldigaggrl-- /I - Wukiu(ku ilk. ,, —•-•ki nonsiomaiausii.. . • 1 trl.2 bilL ' — ' - tt I h a ft:lNV,Tl7ll, - ... P . -. Laugh Coßank, South Caton**. °inhale " . (kennercialßk.•-• , -;- I • - Ens fik. 2 ....« - • --11,11 k. of Gecuteurgru-;-- 1 Farm& and Drone& ink.of liambug..! , •••' 1 ; : • Bank, Waynagbuld— 1 Alcrcluau 13k.------- - 1 1inm5banc...........- 0 Ranter* ahlegka's Mx; 1 - - Iknnudgin ... .....—• If Bk."( South Casolkup • 1 Lebanon -.•••— ...... Dui ' - -nari k land... - . . BNwnmpoo par 11rpondni. - . .. ~.- .. ik&alun &ORBS:rip 40 " York f'-._ .. ' I.l Clu F beth n 4 Bk•arAlit" ''• rask hit; eat c . Ifi Stellef Nat. Mk Atßk. Pittado• aty Stun Bk.and I.!ttualtPleasattt••••• Sleubealulle• St. Cl.irsirdle MIMIt=tES3 Xenia Davost•-••••••:. . . .. . ...Warrens - Reserse• Fmklin irk Columbus" Lkke'Erie••• tomagter 4;• 4 tl• Itt .. . Grenville Fosters B'k Cantos:l , -40 • Urbana 60 Itantuary. , 8k of Kenistsky ..... .• - 131-of Isottisvilbs " &ashen 1 2 k..Ecnto'kr. New Verlp—Cirf • • . EXCHANGE_ BROEEIIB, • • sores: HANNA—i - A 13t (41 h t . 0= 6 , 1= r e Wpadt., Bank Nam, earl ;Tomb weer.; mu ty oppekte. the Dna of Phuibmwk. Catreat =obey • - rotetred on dap:mite—Si& tbr:saisi ed. keetions made oa many al tie priaryeal p_Sayriellto Tie 14liest roonthan d t0.1i°44i7104 Adman. made . On eonatgammuet Prolate, :hp. 110LNEJI Sham sum, NSFSS mut Denims in Enet s ß: h. intli Bonk Non% No. SS, Salliog Vow. . - Eselmin. Buyinglinson rei=. ' ft. Cineinnan, Baldnuno Lo ' ,4! • : lido o .Bari no puny HANK NOM!. Ifiryini t 0t( 5 ,, . d o 00. &Scrip MOD. di. d ItoLierNotoo, • .' do. Henzucky, .do Pennorinuna do Vi - do. New l'ort do • -:ado do . fr do Now Chicoas,. " do '" h soonco, Jdo Narylond, • do, Y—Baokers and Exchange Smalls, • • 11 Dea lers Fordo and Domendo Tana and dlialn lane oratrehanne.Cenideates orA-positkilialeNot.* And Coto; No 4.5 - Wood meet, third door below Plainly WILLIAM A KILL & CO., BnNEEHH, EXCHANGE BROILER& nod Dann inrofodfo and Emu& Enduono Condemn of, Deposita, Hank Nan, ond &den 'No. AI Wood of,. ono door &on Pon& Eux ono, PiOnOrgh, PA • • . • _ . 2 - volurian • Ter.t.e..s on Maitland, Imbe!, end Scotland Doom to JO any amount et.the Lb Haw of Exchatme. Also;Drelle payable In tory put of ale Old"Coues, from Et t0..E.104), et the rata ofts to the Eflamihte, E &Auction ot•diutoont, JOSIIIIVROMN SON, Eutegeen end Geneal Agent, omue nth u one " • B ANICEBS hi AND EICIIANGEBRO 4soltri Forelffit =A Domes& Bills of ExchaAre; coos of Depoone, Bent Note* nod Colo, corner of ead Wood woes, ilDeetly mai, ISL . Chasieello. W' Indians, • pairchaud Y tha tow. - Hoak Notey •• irotires & - = Market stra•t. 110tILLIIOP FX.OII.IIBGE-6WChe4. 4 Ptiladelnhia ao u A~ m ~ e, Coostundy kir sale by. BO & SON reOLLECTIOIIII—Ihnite, Noun, and Adieshan,' %Jun, payable in any put ord. Unioy collected ea the mat &Torahs term. 1:104113 & BON: • delo • : ad nrarteta HATS, 'CAPS AND 130NNETS. HEW HAT 'AND CAP STORIO,:, ' • " / Istantirr WILEON u sifel:ftw ' ':'• ternreqsettally In his OW cuiessent,' friends and the pubUs, that he has opened ts , NEW. STORE on Smithfield sewn,' second data South of 4th - street, where a <lois* user: of Hats sad Cato lad • ' Ladies , Fur!, stgood, neat, fashassabht, astechupiu• • sat in the tity, easy be had, • , - cordially invites ins Shoals and the Us . to Vi L r ;ntember his am location and atabUshasa, and Fine hiss sate ss hearty sate intends towels:ma them: tanalallestirantS,-. . !MORD as. CO, At (Successors APConi Pashloaabl• Hattap a a Cosner of Wm{ and Strata . , 131paRTICULAR aPandon !laid to our Retail Trada. ,Gentlemen can rely nron Ratting their Hats and.. Caps from oar usablishutent ofsha nor ssargautsaa.4. soctazaanstor, of Inn s.sussr Imes, and at stta LaMar.. Contain Plarchants, puschasinp by .ssinSlasala, art` . Psapeatfolly incited. to ran and examine oar Stack: - Ia vs can say Ara 'madame Ow.as regards quarrrr and mica. trill mu suffer a: com panion with .37 heuw in Philadelphia: ' - • • "icy!, Sio:• 111..; wbsorg,-ia Dow opening, al Wager meet, , or the - ro inr W teA, itile I a ce,pl , re as..orono'ut or I 1 ter. TriT rnigge. !Olt au' Angulo Pll,aor.rsklre r ,:, he, el has own ourortadmt, trrwrio eh be . Inv....the tentlon Nacho-ere . 3 pAiv-d:in . ' viW orrroesa deiprorh. Yeti , Mare', nonopta.,/ pooing up rndcrs. Ig,rral cr.raint , ende . for re.h. • • • .J A, o. l'Clf • marts- • • - Wat BTIt}N GOODS. .--', • . .. . k • ' 1311ALERIo - arc in to orn.r.ilo, ft FL P+.L.MER'S stook of Suave r , tived,,,• ni th,i, spring stylo.cotoosed in a,l•t oi •.,- .:, ',.. BONNETS, Florence. 1.1.1 . 0k4 English Bon: canto do,• 'Ameriemdo do; Chinn Fein do; Co mug do;. Rutland do; Rooth [Ace; Easel Gimp ; he. jege. , • ILATlS—eghomomraf Panamn„ Fumy fps*, do Braid,' Rutland Braid, Pedal*, • : ' ... '•. -, :,,L • Idea, Artificial Flowers. Ribbons, .te.„, Btraw.Bon. net Warehonte. OS =the' st.• - _ , . •• ,• mar 49 .. nttArry. ' !twang Plumbions 'tor 18414 • •II oCIORD & • Ilk, co, lea= • cow.) ' Sim* , IX:ILL introduce the eprins 4 / 7 1e. G1141+14/3 Saturday, March 4thi err (den& atm! eusiotnere are Itattibed tel examine their stiiek otSpring Ilya, Jost received (that ere York s at their store,' comer DCsth end Weal sta. •.' S ig SPRING STYLE-3 MOO RE bas jun i*. lv caed from Naar Task, the 31wiag Hoyle of tiny which be will introduce am Saturday, Earth Ith.. 'All one in want era neat and superior Rat, will pleas. call and examine at 75, Wood anent, ad dans altos* 4 mu . = Dtnnla., late Yansaa ' aiergh.. T,Tbe eubscriberhasnemosed his thtkand Cp , Mann which frietety 77Wood•sueer, nearly onivelta his old stand, where ha ertntdd krrite his friends and the panne generally to an abortneent of Ilatg - ind Calm lor beanlY lutdAtrabllny cannot bentrpassed. • • • Wai. DOUGLASS, 77 Wood et. Manta mired frees' the 'ast and,tep BiltnaftelorY, Ingnar repeotfully "jeconuttend the • payonageovf friends and the public generally to rey_sneettasnr, Whit. Do ottlass.. - (febt4ol2ml . • J, n=t•SfeKAIN. ntat NEW INVENTION 2—PATENT -AIR. ' CIRCULATER AND RAT.PROTECTOILL.The eabstriber iiitrodued Saturday, Ott ft. Emu ...Wang a bat tried with Etbrdeerabis ard els wilt plcus eell sad examine. !. • ALFRED ' A"Practical IttZ FALL FAIIIION.—S. MOONEhealasel•- FALL from New York, the Fall style of HUB rhich j i e introduce dila day, Sanakdayu g . In AIL in want of a law and sap:mine latwoold do well to eel at No. 75 1 Wood %rag; dour_alarya, . 4FALL P/1.1181024 '16.4y;:-lIEERE a r , COSTARS Sryle Osatenzee.• Rue nal be Ewen dueled u Kum's' ea Thnniday Mime-9 - Gen omen wisbing • cheap, Inabionable bas - of.Pinr burgh mananctue, ahead of. fuldoe.ablialnel ed and adveniud by Kona of .tb• Itarn . . . . ,- ... JUST mitred York, 111*. tkosoor . styie for horo, toostiodog or.SVldos Brati = llood .. ouLd Wbito melt Cassimoto Hato. on Thom In won of a loemultifol, lieu Wu on nolo invited to . — - s. slaw, to, • - .• • •• 73 wood re.., 3 doors above ItIZINFSH3GGASS.,=. bllloafpleemseels large hla4lBo byeeshec poes lees , . re% 21 ed, tasters aide rU •• • 31L itari— JAMBRIC - ILUSDURCIM.;Feh—* me' •*' asztessataf abotaree, easeriplheer lee re aaq eet teed aidry Goode DURE — Clialink lea slam arid for We by.,,vansreg . 11ve11.811. eILOVEUFor sakrby •I•rr •' . • • es,'• meta . • SMELL, 1111$8F7ELD k tor,. B ARLEY 2" "dr pOji1;611, 616 . 1za vat pntimAfr, fiFIDECOM, - ; -4 Par. Bk. at Maryland. • " Farms& lkiarkanici Bk. Frederick. ..... • ". Fradellekoo:Elk.“—: , " Makinstawn Bk Bk. ~ . !in,ofganstesin;tsc:—/, ==l Int. of s Vistas kleeles 116 , ---• 6 Wlaeoatfn~'Nslll _____ . .6liarttßa64, 6 Bank 'of Era Notes Gold itlp7eiirWlTI - 0 NAPOIeOOI " ' 1.611 Mow ' 1101 1/0 Eagle t old %.'" • WOO Klee, new` •: ~: • 10 Ca' . Dobloons, pp Do. Partial )750 o *.trapaa . Guineas pa Fredattakat ea Thalers .7 Ea" en 0111114ara— DO . -- baats.Pan. -. 4.50 lesakaaara, Newt ost Ipaa Philadelpbta • pna Balthaora . ... .. .• pal 'Par.:, latiatai . :77la ..“ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers