ra£e;!£do flaxseed;!? dq bemur D tbbUlardjl:dotallow:nowlwkHbcfrom str Rio*, fotdjforeafoby- !> ISAIAH DICKEY*. Co * .’ tt *** a ~ ,- . j ‘'.' ~ ..Water and From su • T? EATHERS ft CINSENO-S5 scire fcsther*; l do pin .JL **nf, atm land tag (ram cuar Rlnmld; for sale by ma«o • ISAIAH DICKEY ACo A PPLFSTA PEACIIEB-# ecks dry applet; 12 do J% peachrri oow-landing frometrar Bionotd, and for wet T jnatfO . ISAIAH DICKEY ACo CUNDRIFi‘-40hb4*prim« ft O Safer; 41 bblsplea- O t*tJoaMolfts»e*;2lc*i*'Pfl«eiit Soda A«h;.t»iyti 1g from soar .North River, "*! forealeby - <• . lartO - • WAM MtTCHELTRCE Stl'tiAß CUBKD HAMS—7 hUi mod 90 lm extra ) Cincinnati; real fry tb* Newton, and tat rale br aaartO . BROWN fc CULBERTSON MOLASSES— tOO libli.N .0, reed per elmr North River, and forsate bv j isartO ; / ; n&OWN * CULBERTSON SUGAR-** bbds prime N O,Jnet reed and for sole by 1 WartO* - : ; , WEST BOWEN . MOLASSES—& LbU plantation, lost reed atal lor ealeby mang ;/ WEST BOWEN iplOTlrO.\V42 balesgood,in »icre audforaaleby . •■ X/ - . . WEST BOWEN • - s“3 u • ■- t . • 70 Front meet ; fhhde prime NO; 40 bge prime while Lbts Nos 4,5,7 A 6. Loaf ui store and bariBr; LAMBERT ASHIPTOX SUGAR— t Brazil; Jl forealeby. SILMOLaIssES— lOObbls Louisiana Refinery, re • eelved and for tale by . nuns - . LAMBERT A SHIITON COFFEE— 900 brs prune frees RiojlO do do Lamar ra, In etote and lor sale by " fßtarlfi-LAMBERTAgHIPTON. C< b;;* feather*; 2 do rinaeng; fi do rare; - do apple*; IS do flaxseed; 17do Vcan*;3bbU Urd; ldo tallow;to arrive:for eale by •. PurtO , ■ ISAIAH DICKEY ACo Bacon, Cincinnati cured-® ca*k* thcui* dere;obxado;S cake hams Teed add lor eaJe br ■ - marlS - McQILL, BUSHFIELD A ROE T>ULKUaMS*SHOWA)EBB-For**kbr _ '. . ■D raarld . McGILL, BUBHFIELB A RQE ;FFtAR— I BLbteN Curved aadfor ea'eby . *■.'‘Jt.'.’-mH; 1 ■ '!■" .'•••• TASSKYABEST ; ■’ , hxa-CoicianaU.taould~Trecdand for * rV/aaleby marts . TASS EV A BEST fifl bales; landing from soar Lady Byron:' .V/*n«aleby . i„ / / JABDALZKLu 4 _ curlC water »t . *&A>LA£SES—3obbis landing (rocs soar tmdr Byroa: JxLjfotaakby marlfl > JASDALZELL C7UQAR<—lobhdsNO,recd per atar Robert Morris; O for tale by " BROWN A CULBERTSON . garlfl • • ’ • ; ~ 145 liberty «t reet ~ TJATFNT SO BA ASU—U ea*ka fine quality, (Ja*. X - Hwproit A Sob's brand.) prepared axproaaly for Uin hleimiaeum%tp arrivo per Nonhalrer.and tor eale by *r W AM UITCKKLTKEE •■-maria • , • - . lCOUbcrtret. • SUGAR— ISO hhdi prime NO, jost ree'd pereunr American Eaaleaiid Palo Alto; (or tale br ' 1 • nurlS •- • 1 JAM A HUTCHISON ACo ~iPtfOABS—93,(W) Havana, n qr.baxeetofTariodaand \j/ choke brands tat tale by WESTBOWKN fehC ** < ' . TO front ct SUXDIUES—43 bble’emall whiteUtait*;30do, pork; 9do lard; landing (rom atmr. and for sale br - marl 4 j HAOALET A SMITH Granges a bxa otunit ts do Lemon*, laodinc uom Ktmr&eliuylkilLTor tale by marl 4 } BAG ALEY & BMITU • ' I • la andCD wood et,; WItTE BRAZU. SUGAR—IS 4 bga .of superior quality, for tale by , BAOALEY A SMITH, TIIO COPPER—GOO it** prime, in store and tar mle XV by marti i : BAOALEY A SMITH BAISINS A RICE—COO bxslmndi ralilat:' 109 tree fireehriee,jdat rued and for sale by • i matli | . BAOALEY A SMITH 1 GLASSES—toiI bbie plantation, landliu Bom star America, and tax sale bT : • JBarlX_^_ l^____;^______:; J^DAl^^X- \ ULK PORK— lbf. recvV pef »tmr Lake Ekie, 1 and for eale by marlt 3AK ruU-rrT.t.- SUGAR— ISO hhde prime NO, landing "from stmr America and American Eorle, foreale by -* 1 m*f!4 , ; J A R FLOYD *RA’OLABSrs-i2A bbU plantation. In prime order, JjJL landing tuna stmr America, ibr eale by n*rl4 •. J A R FLOYD (OTABII—IO ctk* pure, on coniinmeo. for eale by mirli ■ ; .J A R FLOYD l EED—9O bbla cloyer seed, 10 bush timothy, for eale Eby ••marti * ! , IABFUiYP UEANS—IO bble email white, for eale by Jj matli t, - JAR FLOVD SUGAR— too fchds prune NO, landing trom ctmr Robert Morns, and for eale by marl 4 j WAM MITCHELTREE HAtiBA SHOULDERS—39-cake family 90 ehoolder*, this day rac'd per euar Hibernia, and for Mle by uni? . JAMES A HUTCHISON aCo HEMP-0 bales Ky dew rotted, last roe'd and lor sale by nur7 JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo BACON-'JOOOO bame, : rides and shoulders, Just rrc'd by etmr Skipper, and for tale by ■- mart ‘ BAWHARDAUGH /TOfTEE—IBO base Rio, for sale by \J P. 17 MILLER fc BICKKTtot POfASU—• casks *opr. quality, for sale br 1 mart ‘MILUa A RICmSON r ARD-tSkcfftKeL&raale by . I I mart hULLEII A RICKLTSON IRAN'S— 20 bbls small white, in store and ior sale by .•■) mart ! OBLACKBURN A Co "AILS—2OO keg* ass*td in store and (br sale by I • mart | O BLACKBURN ACo DRIED PEACHES—ISO bn halres, lD doftn* eU&r*, for sale by mart McGILL, BUSHITELD A ROE MOIdhSSES-ttObbUi mai7 . McQl itioo lor sale by iUSUFUXDA BOE prime Ti O, to arrive pet stmrAmer- O iean Eagle, Car sale by t' mart - OIcOILL/BCagnELr ABOK : Q mu 7 i WICKAifCA BLESS 'DO’TASB—33 cafci prime, for tale br Sl Btti7 ’ ! WICK A SIcCANDLESS ' faruk by Bar?. I WICK * UcCANBLESS YABi(S>A new npplrcf yarn from tie naaaJac* terroTUr M E Her. Piiiadclpbia; juat ree'd awl for tale by mart F H EATON A Co SOAPS— F U Eaton A Co, bm firmin'! Film Oil nwrirf Tnip. ferwaeUitf,- and Old Brown Wind ier, fer abating end waablnf, also, Saad'e aid oilier Soap. Market at, near Idu ' start SlidfiLDEfOnLiCES—A new letofCraeeaof'tie Boat approved pattern; fer tale by - mart _ F HfcATOXA Co. F JUNO—On Sonday niabt, a BnaeNon'kef;tie ! owßcxeascatiibr cuiaf oh ■ • aaart . . .. SHACKLCTT k WHITE £«VGA&-tS> hide X 0,1 o»l ree'd and foraaleby ' Q art . PODVDE3CTEH kCo GLASS— 160 bxa SzlOGiaaa Cberbearu.4ld»loxt3 to aura and for ealo by POINDEJCTEII kCo cart •••■■■•: t ■ 1 dlvraictat- PAPtJt—ifltt ittm crown wrapping; 00 do doable crown do; fer aale by l I*OUiDuCTt*st ACo • . mart _ : j . 4« .-aw at ; /TOFFEE—2OO aeka Bio, prime, fer tale Inr C/ mart r POIXDKXTCg kCo SUGARS- 29 bbla Levering** eroaied A pairctiwd, 60do Loaitiana leaf doj fa tale by n nnivhcTTPo l /■. BO*# L_ POINBEXTEB ACo MOLASSHS-OOO bbt7xO, Car tale by _rnisr3 : * POIXPEaTEC ACo - i~ mart - i POLVDEXTER ACo IJVANCY CASSWERES—S eaaea plaid*, empcr, 1 pliiaeeior*, jmt opened and fer aate by * r _B.IUCKLCTTA_mnTE_ bbla 8 pioax; i 5 do eotn meal; IQD Kb corn; UOdo oata;7 ke;m buckwheat floor; at ktn lard; in store and fer tale by gtarlO _• JCBIDWELL "IJACQN—IOO bide bacon buna, aide* and ahotUdcn, and female by - • ; . B*tW > BELLEO3 A NICOLS OCOSCDED SALTS—I 3 edi juat rec. and fer sale Qbf: merit i LtS WATCHMAN MOLASBES-W bbia S H, Sr Loab JUAnerjr in ■tore and for tale bv • • • marll JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co lACQN—&spcai jtutreed, and fer tale be. t raarll " WICK A McCAXJPLEB3 Molasses a bcqab—icd hid* n o Bonr, go bbU N O Motanea, landing and fer »ala by marll • / ']_■ 'V, ' JAMES BALZKLL i K‘ OCK POWBEH—FoVtalolijr ' marll \ ISAIAH DICKEY A Co OBPEV APPLES—3O bbiarecd by Caleb Cope fer aalebr. marll i »A <V HARKAUOIi GINGER— 1 bbl gToand Ginger fer sale by fcblS t JOHN D MORGAN. BACON— <00 pea bog round Bacon on eoaugnmant aid feraaJe br : JOHN SCOTT A to. Ml7tf Xo 7 Commercial Row, Liberty »l ' SITTfORIb'f? iFfflff Iba ffcxaeed; CO krp and 6 bbU No 1 lard: 0 bbl* Ire ah roll batten fer tale br marO CARSON A iTeKMOtIT • PBIME BACON—Ia atore and aatoke boaee «m«au l jr for salein any qoantliy, JOHN OKIES, - caarS - : ■ ; ■' «»liberty at . SOAP -73 bza KaowUoD'a, rcc'dand for rakbr __m*rl7 !'■ TASSikjt Srar ; . T>ONNCTBOABnS--200 great wbiia Bonnet Boardi, JD a fine article, fer ealebr mrC * , f BKYNOLD3 A SIIEE. gEFSKSa-a c.«. la «» “ ““&f; UOBE’CHgOHtrCBEESTN'o'x-niu IS «»r« «lid •Jr fef—Uby .. gMgl . JMOiILER ; '■ 'BP3B>»BA&-. , KiO fccgi fa WXtiD—tin it., 3doofirtow . i*trrAKXKt>—<4|e6d btfer witfbear ofa pemiuesi > WM breaUlogon ... I , ; curtO ENGLISH 4 nKXMTTT, 37 yrood » , YIOFAL VAUNtSU, No I- Jots reed buJ Ct»r file by Aj , BUigl ... - ; _ __J WOHLER POKE WHITE LEAD—*3 <f* foi Mle bY - -nfjtr • -.=« .•■■•• • J ilouLEft DtCBSUN ULL'E, So »-l twi Fast* do do d«ln ulel?':' JMOtfUJR; ___mas*> • _ ' «<r \Vood k Fifth tu - . 'XI'ATCIIES—SOctom, ju Mir and fat sale by JD9L ; _manw_ _ JMOIfLER, C3UIET&—A saw simply reed oa ilia t?tto Mart, at lie .O trimming atera of F ii KATUXk Co ... mafio • : Markets! . AfrUU)llUiNG«i—Fringes, gimp*, k betfottsofvarious iJ*. pattern*, for »priug dinwu, are naX and for tale yr toy* , - y -kukatonacq /'lOTTpN rr per Ringgold, for ,Vukby ' hiflVU ; ;FHIKNU| RIIKYVCq TVTA£XEttEE-i»bUs No 3 Macken (.branded •A3UL Urge; for sale by • mum JASPAIdCELL •T> l^ w C*BSUUBLINSiC©n*tno!!r oa band at .Jjbycpqdshoasaof aattb AVEMURPUY /IiAVEQSnm? bUi Cot nl< by \/ '• m*riT> ~ FRIEND, BUEV ACo . IIMIBHUN &I.D&>UO lbs superior; for sals by . JSCUOONMAEERACo M/ifaari CORN—AfewtaaheU .of whits; coca jut MISCELLANEOUS. j SHKhTINO MUSLINS—Koaetwd. tai nublctrhed SOu-eiingi- H &4 ud 7-4'wid*, of an exrtUenr qualify, lo wjuel*« iurile lie mention of fcousekeep* «•«- _ ALEXAXpuiipAV, taargr ' 73 market M, X W car iliamftadL TTkRKSS GLN'GUAilS—WehavejMtVpened a choice J_7 Ist ofbaitdaoua Drtaa Ginghams, which \rc are-! aeUing.qnlte a bargain. __ “ mart? * r ” ALEXANDER A DAY MOL'SLIX DE UXlNES—Motulin tie Lainei of vo* riotu styles aod \'Cjy cheap, just received by mart? . . ALEXANDER * DAT COTTON YARN, AC/—34olwgt assorted Nos/ 8000 dosdod©; jnobale* Ilaniog/Carpet Chaia/'Can die Wick, Cotton Twine; fot aale at manufacturer*' lowest price*, by tnafiff TRIENIVRHEY &■ Co VTAILS SCO kegs for tale low by Xl._««» ■ FIUKND/RHEYA Co SCORCHINGB— IScaak* forsale by mart? ■ FmE.SD.RUKV a Co, 67 wood >t C*TBAU BONNETS—A Orr Jc Co., S 3 market street, ?r opened their spring-nock of Ladietj and "•**•** Straw, Florence, Brsid and Lueßonocti: Also, boy» Cohort ana Pedal Braid Hats. manft-Ci •"wtSfer* ’XB—'\Vhhe and drab, for skirl*, just rec’d PWJ4 BHACm.I7rT 4 WU I]CK FtfRK) - CDttCKS—One com asuort'd _rn«t optaidd.br’nftfM BHACKLCTT&. W J- ..-fife /IanTON CLOTHS—Afttoroie* of median* iiidjw . W.Crou>a Couiitfs, jaftopeued br I' rairt-t Sll ACKLEiT & WHITH> M wo»i ■: DRAPED 5 ETfc—A rood ■•wrtmeut of 3-« anidM . medium and fine french twilled Sommer cloth*. ’■e,Jutt opened l>y mart! SUACKLETT a WMiITE PANT BTUFF3-A fall assortment or coUon.xeooi- X , len, worsted and Uuea good*, iu great vuriciy-of Klyle and quail ue*,;a»t received and l or wla by ’ ! , . _ , SIIACKEETT k WHITE COFPEE— 130 tap* Prime Rio Coffee,'landing Xroi (learner Gondolier; for sale by . ; • • maioi .... . jxrfloH) RIC&— 17 tierces Riee. landing from stmrGondblien 1 for»>« by ~- marti : JfcBFLOVD "T7TNEGAB— 20 oils pare CldcrViuegar, for sale br Y- mart! ■ . j &BFLOI‘D bbls extra and superfine Flour, iiifiu X ‘ shipping order, for tale br , < mart« , . * ROAKfOKPA Co /CLOVER SEED—B bbls te tale by > • V mart! BFVTWBQN.NBOBSTfciCo Window glass—aoobxs sxion&oiio ioxrb ioo do 10x14; 10U do 7xo; 90 do flxr; for tale by ‘ manH • BFVONUOXNUORST k Co OAL-ERATUS—IQ cask*. C boxes; for taJa by" *T ' O martA ; d F VON IiOXNHORST &Co WHITE LEAD—IOO ken parr: Tor «ale by ? bucH. 8F VOXBONXUOngT kCo BROOMS— ICO dot frilt bandies Corn Broome foi aala by mart! »f VUN UOSNHOB-ST&. Co' TYTANTED-A Young Man in a Dry Goods Siore— ff- the best reference* required. Apply nt 02 Mar kei street. .• • / • mart! Rectified wihskev—or superior quality, at* ways on hand and for sale un accommodating “ na * by WfcMMITCHFJ.THEE QUGAR—I4O hlidsN O Sugar received per steamer 0 North Hirer end for sale by _mar24 t B ROBINSON A Co, ISO liberty »t_ \jLT HITE BEANS—HI bags, tiovr landing tram steam. IT/ erliudtoa; for sale by mar-7 ■ ISAIAH DICKEY i, Co QOAP— 20bxipalra.3do variegated, sdo white, 18 do 0 ahsriur, for sale by mart 8 F VOX BOXXBORSTfc Co TTTINDOW SASH—3OOO lirhu tM'tdJVor tale by ~ If. «m»rt SFVONIiONNHQRSTfc Co MOULD' CANDLES—I 3 bxt superior Mould Con* tiles, Sdo dipt eandles, instore and for sale low by febsH ORUM, McQHFAV&Co A COMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery for talc Alow, byv) (febS4) JOHN 8. DILWQRTH BLUE h ORANGE PRINTS—3 cases euure new styles and bright colors, just opened br feblfl ' SHACKLETT k WHITE, PIG METAL—IOO tons Allegheny Franklin Furnace, tending and for sale by ; ROBT DALZELL k Co /CLOVER SEED— IOO bush receiving and for sale by \J • mart _ ROBT DALZELLACo ■' A LCOIIOL—SbbUju»t rec'd and for sale br JSL mart JOHN P MORGAN ALOES— l ease for sale bv m«rt JOHN D MORGAN GUM SHEELAC—(Orange) for tale by mart JOHN D MORGAN CASTILE SOAP—3 cases for sale by mart ... .... JOHN DMORGAN INGER—S cans powdered white Jamaica, warrant \jTed pare, for sale hr [mart} JOHN DM ORGAN A Q.AVOXIA—IO lbs coueentßtled inllbbottles, ■Aforsaleby fmaitf) -JOHXD »ORGAX /"\NIONS —A small lot for tale by , . \J mart. WICK k McCANDLESS LIME —10 ULL* Louitville while, for sale by mart JD. WILLIAMS TXTHmXG-3 bbU Spanish, for sale by tf mart JD WILLIAVS LAMPBLACK— les«k for sale by mart. JDWll.i.ia\ s COTTON— 18 bale this day recHl pe stmr Brilliant, k . for sale by fcaarg] JASA HUTCHISON Hair cloth t velvet seating—a fun n&- sortmentjun received! and for sale by mart •• . - ■ LOGAN, WILSON ACo TO CARPENTERS—Just opened, a largo assort* meat of knob locks and latches, with while aud mineral knobs, for sale by mart , LOGAN, WILSON k Co_ SUNDRIES— CO toga goober peaj; 17 do feathers; 2 obis grease; 9 tierces fiax seed, now landing from suarOswego,andforsaleby , ' TDICKEVLCo, . • mart i water k front Fts /KJTiOX-41 bales now landing from sir Oswego, 4 Vf foe safe ty jmarSl IaAIAUBICKEYA-Co ROOM TO U7T—On the second story of the wore* house So SC Wood sb, baring's front entrance,— Applpto ,[nmi] GEO COCUILAN BEANS— ISO bash mall white, for sale by part JDWILLIAMS HI kegs pure; 30 do No for safe by EYE FLOUR—I 3 this superior for sale by fcM7 J D WILLIAMS. UP Wood it. /SIIEEfcE—SO boxes for sale by VfoM7 J D^WILIJ AMS. _ . S COUCIlINCIS—3 bbls oo conslfruaentandforsale by. i D WILLIAMS. SCNDttns-125 dor Eggs; Id do* Tour Yarn; ICT Hickory Brooms ou ceotiguneiu eed for sale by ftblT JD WILLIAMS. LARI>— 9 bbls prime, tor sale by marls JD WILLIAMS 'rtADPLNG 6UNS-1 box, suitable for.saddlen 1 use, A for sale by raartß $ A WIIABHAUUII CJRN A OATWO bags Prime yellow com; 50 do Oats, jut reed and for safe by - marl:* ' SA W lIARCAUGI! *INLOUB—7I bbU jnal end for sale br Jc msrl* SA W UAIIDACGH PI»AISTKR— 15 tons No 1 white. Ohio city, in store A for sale by (sari*) LAMBERT A PUIFTOX BUCKETS— ©do* Beaver, lauding Crum soar Bea* rer, atid for sale by mail 7 JAS.JIALZKLL GLARIER’S DIAMONDS—I 3 just reed and for sale by mar Id J KIDD A Co SALTERN GINSENG PANACEA-Igrossiost rred and for sale by ntarlS • • - J KIDD ACo ANDERSON'S I*ILL BOXES—ISO nou,jaii rred and for sale by narid JKIDu&Co SUGAR— © hhds prime N 0,31) bids us'd 10af.3 do clarified; for sale by . J I> WILLIAMS marts • 110 wood it CAMP JUNE or Pine Oil in atom and for sale by foblT JOEL MOHLKR T7ILAX9EED bbls just reed and for sale by J martl RESELLERS ALCOHOL —3 bbls jut reed and lor tale by marli It E SELLERS HIOROFORM— IU bbls just reed and for sale by m*rl4 _ . RESFXLKRS lAR— 50 bbls South Carolina*for»ale by 1 mar 7 ■ JOHN GRIER PIRTTS TURFENTLNE—I2 bbls for sale by > mar 7 . BRAUN A REITER I INSEED OIL-15 bbls for sale by j marS BRAUN A REITER RIO COFFEE—IOO bet prime, jut reed and for tale by marl 7 McGILL,BUSIiFIELDf ROB POT ASH—desks, superior article, for sale by marlO McGILL, BUSHFIELP A ROF. FLOUR— ISO bblt, landing from «mr Welbvllier for sale by marl? R OAKFO&D ACo LOAFBUGARS— 500 bbls, (Battle Ground Refinery)' for tala low by BURBRIDGE, WJLSON* ACo : marls water street. "OlCE—6otrcs Just reed and for sale by XI marie BURBRIDGE, WILSON t_Co LARD OlL—so bblt winter, on conilgnmeul tfnd for jmlebyjtnarld) BU RBRI UP K, WILSON ACo MOLASSES— 33 bbls N 0:10 kegs co’den syrup; for tala by marlO JD WILLIAMS HOPS— 29 bales jtrime west. New York and New England Hops, just reed and for tale by ntarlO BROWN hTCULBKRTSON RUSSIAN BLUENq I—7} bblsjmt reed and for sale by marM J KIDD ACo CASTOR OIL—7 bbls for tale by g*»d* ' J KIDD A Co SMITH'S GLASS PAPER—SUO ream* us'd, dealers supplied low Vy . auH •""'n&co SPA-\iaiiWHITING-)3bM»£orMlobv . IWI4 13A1AII DICKEY" * Co GUifCOi'AL — y cues for Mle br ’ m«ft4 •. ISAIAH D*'”' if DICKEY & Co "TTAIiNISH—3 bbl»*up quality, foreale by Y marl!' 1 ISAIAH DICKEY ACo BUTTER— 7 bbJi roll, r*c, lii* day. and for inle by —JgyiO ■ TASSEY A BFXT eek poret^reed.and foreoieby' " ” mariO . _ TASSEY 4 BEST CLOVER'&KEB— lUJ l)U*H7uTitor« end for »atc by mariO _ _•_ TASSEY A BEST BEEF— Jo*l Ttei by *tr Clipper No 2, a foie bullock, aodforeafoby, S A WHAIIBALGH. ’ marlll 33 wood m PORK HAMS—SOO jut janduig from ttmr Beaver, ami for rule by [marlOj SAW HARBAUGH- BEEP—l3bbl»priine T ju*t reed and for tale \j br tna/10 SAW HAftBAUOU IOLL BUTTES—3 bbli priia*;Ju*llandißg awl for i ule by maria . SAW HARIIAUCH I' ARP—(ObbleNol.jimreedandfor eaie'br l j marlU - SAW lIARBAUGH POPLAR LUMBER, and Pine iolee, for ule by jygttf - IV, W. WALLACE. AwSv'OOP—«bbl* New York cTound; lor Male by »ar7 . J KIDD A Co IvtlY AppEES— 30 eaeke, jimreed and for »ie by / mar|.l S A WJUABIIAL'GH DEV PEACHES—tJOO bulb, lit afore ami for eol* by - maria iSAIAtI DICKEY ACo T ARP— I TOicef* good No I; 10 bbl» dodo,in good Jjebippioe order, ror mIo by. marlß . IaAIAII DICKEY A Co T OAF SUGAR— I 3 bbUNo* 8,7 AB, in irnre oiid for Jjeobby morl3 SELLERS A MCOLS O SUGAR—H blid* prime, (oriule by maria SELLERS A NICOLS BACON— W odi bog round, ■ prime article. Cor onto low,to cloee eesmgwucru. by - - mar 13 ‘jis A HUTCHISON A Co AtUXXA* y¥AH9lf.t l 23 Saturday, Dt Huuday. 27. Monday.: ±3Tue*day. :29 Wednesday, .30 Tburedar, - 3i Friday, -\- • "s if S&3 SM 5 fiO a 49 .i 43 ■ PITTSBURGH BOARD , COMMITTEE FOB i WJt BASSES,. : BOOT. DAIZEL! Oitice Pmsßccon Gazctti* > Friday, March 31,1518. j $ The weather reiaias its delig dful aspect tcwlaft and the wharves present jncretuisg bustle. ; Tlie receipU of balk meat Aral-Very large. The North Alabama-alone, just arrived from Illinois River, re. . ports & shipment of 223 tons bulk pirk at Pekin and Peona, of which a portiod was ocl mded at f!ineinnn»i-~-fir as av<* umlcrttood- Large quantities arrive by'other Wats, and the ar ticle is fairly stacked on the wharves It appear*' to bold its price,' however, nn<S the eamo is true ofMotiaaea and Sogar, of which, alsOi very large quantities are on hand, and amr>? con* aurally. ,r j The Merchants are general]) - engaged with coun try orders, and quite a fair araoant ofthiVbttjj uess is doing—but (he sales are ’■ not. large % enough to justify report The impression--!* general that a good spring trade is opening, aad tuipi-ove* ment is manifest. ’ The only transactions v.-htcL which have occurred recently, are of a regular business .character, Prices for several day* past have varied little, or almost nothing- ■ - j | ArrLEsy-We heard of but one sale of 37 blals on the wharf at $1,75. ! | , \ Cotton—-A sale of 10 bales Tennessee, at JT ct* ’is the only transaction reported to us. Thera] is no standard tor quotations. I Cotton Yarn—Through miapprehension o j mis information, we'quoted Short Keel No 52 to, on ■Wednesday, at 15c, jand represeuled. it, as jit ap peared to be, a decline of 1 ct per El. Th« j true quotation is, os before, Id els, and no decline cr change has taken place. > BfcAN-rSale* 200 bush el 16c, from store. Oats—Sale* 200 bush from store at 20c. Provisions—The sales of Bacon arc vfcry light- Small sales of Ilotns at s@Slc arc reported.' 10, 030 fits BulV Sides .«old at 3ic. Fwm-“There is very little offering fromwiag ons, or at the river. Sales were made today of 230 bbls, in several lots, from wagon and river, at St,G2, and of 150 this'at 54,66. One lot, pari: infe . nor, at Sales; from store, per dray loud, at $4,70551,75 —about the range cf yesterday. * Seths—We have only sales of 50 bu Clover, at $3,25. and 60 bu Timothy at 53,*7. . - MoLAgira Rates oa yesterday. Small side* al 23c, in a regular way. • Some lots go below that figure, but those able to bold on, nre lirm. Sccab—The sale*nre- extremely small, and pri ces ranging from 41 to 5ic —according to quality. 5 hhda sold at 4{. The quantity on hand is large, and increasing. Potatoes—We have only 2 small sales, aiuot ing to 50 bbU, from store, at $1,75. 'Linseed Oil—Small tßlera—lo Sc 5 Ibis at 67c* Hags—Mixed at 3jc. At this .rale, some 12 to t 5 tons - have been disposed of during tbe past week. ■' Wni^pY—Sales of 25 Sc '3o bbls best rectified, at 20c. * ; Pio Metal—Among the salesreported,nre‘!3o tons Webster, at $32, at 4f2?6 mos: 400 loos Cnnaj pig at $27, oh private terms: 100 tons Rock Fur nace $3O. HO loos Canal at $25, terms not stated. The article is now 1 coming down from the Clarion—some -arrived to-day-miil a few days will detcriniue the market. Among the imports; by the North America from St. Louis, 51 tens Pig Metal may noted. It is from St. Genevieve, Mis souri, consignees, Messrs. Livingston,Roggen A* co- Coords' Stmt - A large quonuxy of ibis arti cle is being londefl on the Allegheny. It is gene rally ofinferior quality, and sales range from tu $lO pM, according to quality. Demand brisk. ' Hoop Pox^a—Of these, also, the quantity arriv ing by tie' Allegheny, is large. Quality inferior.— Sales at-SS3IO {» M, and in demand. Like Iveit—Stocks or Wheat am. i'u>n The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of Saturday evening, says: r The icc in tbe lake present* u barrier to navigu lion, and from stage passengers, we learn That large fields of it are discernible between hero land Eire. The amount of produce to come forward attic opening of navigation, it is generally conceded t U much less than last season, aad the (look at seve ral of the points on (hi* lake, as near as we caxto-s- certain it, in n* follows: Mad River Railroad. 60,000 t>u wim; Sandu*ky,iocrdinffMna , fldßß.2o,ooo u and very little floor. Mi1an.......i. 25.000 «. Toledo, little or nothia{r. Monroe.. .5.000 bbb* dot Lioeof&u'nßß.2ooo!>u wfai-.tiOOO - Detroit.'. 40,000 to 4 fI.OOO and'report ray* very little on of Hie road. On tl>e uppcrlakrs, the Mock of wheat L« csliio: ted at 800,000 butb., and the flour at 110,000 U»l At Detroit, at leart tjtao-tbird* of the dour i» mad from wheat tor which the farmers have not. yet taken the price, and will not before June. The miller#, therefore, • object to noil until thr price of wheal i» ftcttlcd. Leatlieb—Owing lo the unusual light auppiy, th market:]* very linn, nhd prices rule with'nn u; ward tendency. A fair amount of buxine** lia r ecn done ax the following quotations: ~ For Her dock, tuitl. nndUigbt weight*,//..12; Do heavy weight* .12] Do good damaged ....It Do poor do Oat, light weigh!*........... Out, ciio. and heavy weight*. Ocean Steam Navigation Company. V. S. Mail Ltnx roa SoanuJimwr asd Unramr. «, The steamers ofthis Company will sail ' /ftnSSxSrtffuhwly once a month, a* follows: FROM NF.W YORK. nSaUMb The Washington, Capt J Johnson, on tl»« ahh April, 1M?. The Hermann, Capt Crabtree, era the Wilt Mar; 1‘42. FROM i til KM KN. The Hermann, on the 13th April, ItsW. 1 ' The Washington, on the lfith Mar. inf*. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK. * The Hermann,'oa the Stall April. ISi*’. The Washington, on the anii May, 184?. When the Sbtii of the month little on Sunday, the day of tailing from Few York will be the BJ*t. , Passage.from N. V. to Southampton or Uretr.ru. 81JN “ from Bremen or Soothnmpton to N. V., 15U An experienced surgeon on board. For freight or passage apply at the office of lbnOcriJ!i .Steam Navigation Company,4s William *t. N. V., or to , *- - JR CROSKKY, Act at Southampton. WILLIAM ISEI.IN, Agt at Havre. marCS C A HEINEKKN fc Co, Agts at Bremen. LADIES ARE CAtmONKD AGAINST USING comnos prepared cualk. IMIEY are not aware how frightfully injurious it i« to ~ the (kin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yel low ami unhealthy tha aiim appears oiler using prepnr parrd chalk! Besides ills injurious, containing a large quantity of lead! ! We have prepared aM>eautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being-purified of all. deleterious qualities; and it imparts to Uic aklu a uniota!, healthy, aJaba»ier,clear, living white; at the same time acting - as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth.- 1 Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa chusetts, Rays: “After analyzing Jours’ Spanish Lily While, I find it possesses Um: myt beautiful anduatu rml, and at the same tint* innocent white I ever saw. 1 certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by WM.JACK.SdN, e 9 Liberty at. mart!* Pitt Haehlne Worts and Foundry. . rrmavanu, r*. JOHN WIUGHT&Co;, are prepared fo build Cotton and Woolen Machinery clever- description,such as Carding .Machine*, Spiunto® Frame*, tfpeedrr* Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, WorperskToolerr, Dressing Frames, Looms, PonlGrimlers, Ac. Wrought Iron Shading turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pollies and llaijgcm of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and ton)* of nil kind*. Castings of every description funtlihed ort short notice. Patterns mode to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. .‘'team Pine for beat ing Factories. Cast Iron Window Sajlt and fancy Cnr linfs generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty stri ct, will hare prompt alien lion. ■ ' ' ' Refer to Blaekstoek; Dell ft Coj J. K. Moorehead & Co., G. E. Warner, John.lrwin de Sons, Pittsburgh; C. C.k J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. janlf> 1 XdsnlnlMrator'* Nptlep. . ~ A LL perron* haring claim* Bga'n»ttbe Estate of the /\ late Henry F. Scitvreppe, will prewnt them tor •eltleideat. aud all nerw>ii» indebted to said estate, will please calf and male paymeut to i . ' JOHN IRWIN, Adm. lfl,Mg. [maxlGrtto] II waters! JLSTHKCKIVFJ>— Alarge aramment of Oil Cloths comprising various patterns:' KU yds of heary tloor oil cloth, best article; 100 U do medium do do; ttOUf do 4-4 do do; 1000 do 3-4 do do; 6t*ldo6-4 counter do do; 400 do 4-4 do do: beside* a lanre assortment of light and fancy articles, all oftvhich mil bo sold cheap fur cash, or ebon credit, at J L. H PHILLIP’S mar!4 Noswood*t._ VoßeniihcirSarlffaiioß Componjr, I . Noncit to StocEUOLtisss. j TX pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Mams- X gets, the Stockholder* of the Monogahela Xavtca tiou Company ate hereby notified to meet at the ofhee of said Company, tn Breed’s Iluildinr, Fourth street, in the ehy of Pi üborgh, at 9 o'clock in the alle/noon of Monday, the l‘th day of April next, to take into cobra eration certain acts of the Legislature of this Bute, supplementary to the Charter of this Company By ordtrof lha Board. WM BAKF.WEI.L, Sec\ . Pittshnnth, March 7th. IW.: . itiariJ James M. Burchfield has au interest in tiio 1* Dry Goods Business conducted in the name of the undersigned, comer of Fourth and Market sts, Pitts ■burgh, commencing Feb. 4, IMS. The business for use present will tie conducted uaderth* Conner stylb of . r marat ;.. / _ xy KAIURPHV_ 'nRANBIES-dO whole, half, cuar. tmd eighth pipes Q brandy, dark and pale, of different grades, brands, and ▼tnuges.’lhr sale a* imported, by marl Or. PCMARTLX . 'llrriES-aoO. whole, blf.qr stid eighth pipes,ofall ■ f V the different wines now iu use; part w amre, of various .gradcVibnuuU and vintage*! soma teryold; for solo aa Imported, by ’• mnrlb PCMAKHX^. ORAXCEB AND LEMONS—IB hose*' on eoosign meht; forsaleby ' ISAIAH DICXEY A Co. I’OHTOFPITTSBCntIH. 1J rav WaTEXT? ctii ARRIVED, Michigan No 2. Gilson. Beaver. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Caleb Cppo, Moore. Beaver and Wellsvitle. Genesee. Hunter. Cincinnati. Hope, Ftix, Browcsville. Nonb American. ——, St Louis DEPARTED, Brilliant, Grace, Cindeuati. Pacific, Campbell, Louisville. Danube, Cock, Cin. Hudson, Poe. Wheeling. Newark, Hurd, Zanesville. • l Palo Alto; McDonald, Ceaver. Lake Erie. Hemphill. Beaver. : Atlantic, ParkmsDn. Brownsville. ' Bemielt. Brownsville. Beaver, Clark, WeiUvillc. Nohtmebn Light.—This fine steam boathas been thoroughly overhauled, remodelled, painted, Ate., and will leave for St Louis on Saturday, at 4 P. M. Her .commandor, Capt Hutchisou.ls in the fti'l sense a (remleman, and his boat is one of the best IMPORTS BY RIVER. Cincinnati— Per Gonesi-ee—s7 tes hams. Clark i: Thaw;.37 okv bacon, J Übck Sc co; l box, W Lehiner; 5, bills rum. 10 pipes wine, 19 csks do, 10 ur do, .10 bbls do, 5 bids sugar, 30 c#k* rice, MiP ler dcßicketson; 50 bid* * li molasses, J Painter Sc ro; 100 hhd* sugar, Bagnley &.Smitb; 2 bxs glass. C bbls do, .3 do copper,.Curling, Robertson A’- co; 10 hhd* siigar, J Wiglitman; 60 bxs, 2 bbls glassware, O'Leary; 3 hhd* sugar, McGill, Bushfieldi; Roe; 3 bids loaf sugar, Brown Sc Culbertson; 50 do do, 50 do inolns«es, i 0 peks nnd 5 csks ginseng, 18 ska wool 21 pks feathers, I set, 2 kg* beeswax, 26'sfc* peaches, Poindexter Sc co; S oka, 5 boxes, 2 sks ginseng, Murphy. Wilson &: co; 6 sk* beans, 5 sks (teaches, 2 do feathers, 1 do rag*, l bale deerskins, 1 keg beeswax, Friend. Rbey Sc co. Illinois Rivn—Vet. North Alabama—l93lS pcs b pork. 6 tea hams, Bngnley Sc Smith; I bx caps ■ D Leech 5c co; 1 csk hnms,,_Myer3. Huuter <Sc co Jlftr nrr--Per Lake Erie—Tp bga starch, Kcnne ‘ dy, Child* Sc co: 11 bdls paper, L Loomis; 65 dor brooms, E Heoxleton; 5 bid* ca«l f 339 pcs bacon, 2 Lx* uidse, 1 tek, 10 do peaches, 6 sks rag*, 3 emp ty krgs, 6 uilvevl bbl cfderi hi May; l box dry goods. 2 sks rags, M Elder, 40 bids flour, J »t J P Worth; towed 2 keel*. VirotnLnnlU— Per Hope No 2—SOC*3 lbs dry gils, D Leech Sc co; 600 lbs do, Forsyth A' co; l2l* bbls tlour,H GrafT. BrvimsvtUr'—VtT Baltic—69 bbls dour, li Slitcli ■ell; 100 bx* glass, .Inha Greer; 56 bbl* liour, Ja* 285 bxs glass, W EbcrhartjS bxs, GH Tow er; » tsoie*. 02 bx*, 17 pkgs, 5 tnmka mdse, Hays. Sc Black:pkg» mdse, II Graifi; co; 114-pcj iyon, .Tones A «4wgg; 20 lota, 7-trnnk* mdse, 2roll* leath er, 2do carpetiag, Forsyth <k Duncad; 1 l»!e,N Voegily; l do. P McOiirinick; 23 bxa md«e, W Riegham; 10 d 0..!, WButler&Bro; 13do. DLeech Sc cajWp bx* glas*, Forayih .ifc Duncan; 50 bxs J 4 bales, 4 ttunks tndsc, J C Uidwelj. Mbuimjra.ic&i City—Vet Arrowtice—9l boxes gin**, 30 pc* Ijpcon, 10 doz fork*. 150 bu corn, 34 bid* tlou r, 31 bbl* >'hi4kpy, t lot furniture. 117 bbls liour, 126 bu oats, owners on board. UrMgrjvn— Per Htid*otj—64 hhd* tobacco, J A Roe; 2a do, i) Leech A: Go; V do, H Mitchell: 350 bbl* flour, A Ct7-77 dp. Tho* Bell; 70 do, S McClurkau Sc co; 32 do, A. 21 bbia lard, 84 kgs do. Drum Sc McGreW. JVlrie Orleans— Per De Witt Clinton—2o bbls mo.-. |3ssc«, 20 do h-of sugar, 10 bhds do, R Robin*on4: co; 65 hhds *u«rar, W Holme* Sc co; 2 do. Smith Sc Sinclair; 30 bbls loaf sugar, Burbridge. Wilson A: co; 116 bhd* sugar, Biigaley (c Smitli: l hhd* do G A Berry. St. Isms. —Per Nqrth Americau—77 ertks Ba cqn. 166 bbls Pork and Dard. D. Leech & Co; 14 bbls Mustard Sc Alcorn; 25 kegs sau sage skins, L. Hutchinson &: Co: 2(H) bl>b Molas ses, J Park*, jr. As .Co.; 51 ton* pig iron, Livings ton Roggen Sc Co. PASSENGER ARRANGES HINTS TOR litr. Sieamtioa: packrt Line, leave* daiJr for Cinrumau. ' \JO X. M. ' ' Paasengcr Packet via RrawcaviUe to liiliitacre and jl'tuladelphia. 9 x/ii. and 6 e. x. 1 Alail Conch Line direct'- io btiiladclplua, 9 am. ’and lU'i e. x. Westen: an* ricuthera Mail Cosch I.iue, sc.u North-Western via Cierctand, doily, Ui x. u. Erie and VVesteni New York, daily, 9 a. sa. North-Eastern toilsdeipliia, daily, except Sondsys - : ■ I’lillndflpbia College, of HXgiUctue, South of U alntil street. rji|lE SPP.tXt; AND r.M.MER COURSE OF EEC- X TURKS TOR tit*, aiii be commenc'd <m Mon day, .Mairh o>b, Is4a. and be ctfieitiocj tour mouth*, by ’he foltowinir Faeul y, . ~JAS. *M CLI.NTOChi, .M. D. Geartol, Special aiiJ San'ical Auatnmy. J. R. BURDEN, .M D„ .llcien* Mcdica and Tber a(i>uiie». d. p. gardener, m. d . chcmu>r>. HENRY GIBBONS, At. H,Tl..;j,y aud P'lt.cuee of MoJirirte. - - . UiUlSli. BEAT If, M. f*. o!*hu„n iu.lri-.if ate of VVouieii and Cbiiilrru. JAMES MeCUNIOCK, M. fruripks and Prac lies ot Surgery. HENRY GIBBONS. M. D. taj'.iißtcs of Medicine and Medical Juriipruderu-o. S. U. McCLINiXiCE. M, 1)., Demorutraitor of Ana:o- fhICIIARD Bl'Rlt, M. D- Prosector of Bargvry. Fee (or the full course. Fee for those who Lavo attended-two full cogtscsja oilier Colleges. A4U. Mai. nculstton to bepnid o:ire only. £3. tiradua'jon f:M PracdralAnMomr, u-eludin* Bcenpituisu>rv Lectures, s*o. The Dusccaiig Looms will Le opened on the Ut of March. Fjoto ftmnfeuicsit now pending there is evert' res sou u hope that the chairs of Institutes of Medicine and Anatomy will be occupied by distinct Professors arsn eafly period. For further information inquire of JAMES M«CUNTOCK. ? -*. D, Vtxy, , No. IttnnJi Eleventh stre-t ■ Philadelphia. Dec. g?. I;{7. j w | Young Ladles’ Seminary, su-saiicsr. XfR- N " W. METCALF wonU atm.-uuce to i.’a- .•la ifX k:u» of Allegheny and vicinity ih- intended n«- mars! of hi> school from the comer of Snndcsky *nd fttrawl-e ry streets, where for ihr mst twelve month* he haslet it leadline. On and ur.cr April Ist hr will occupy rocei* Oil Federal sirerl in “ Cohnifufc How.' id door Irorn the l.ri»J-;c. The -Academic Year will euiiti«t oftwj o. five inomlii each commeuc in? on the fir»t nlosi.lsy in l'curuu y and Scpicinher. iisro* or Ttutub yea or nvu fco.xniv Hnsli'h Dcpt.tin*til -Jr icdum Rending, OnM-yra •Jtliy Bud .lelinimr, »V riling, yrntrunar, Rheto ric. I-cjfir.. English C>ic W ;iti„„; W :d Criticism. (Jeo gmpliy. History. Ariihutetie and lie Ligirrr brsnebes of Muihenuacr. .Vattifn Pl»iln<ophy. Cbrmjrtry.* A*-. irtinunty. Botany, Phy»i<»iocr, (»c»!oyy. li-.tejieciuul ttitil Moral Science and oil other hmitehe* requisite to u thorough Ln/li-l. cd,u.-njion .t?ji mi Cla-sieul Department—lnoluii'mg the Ijnnt. Greek mid French lutiKuagrs ,-ach art cddriotial chsrye of. \ *(i fti Tlic services of competent Teadirrr ,\s: «rured ibr *' u v h n.» may Ue»ifc to recrjre iu--t uctiou* in diitu'iu?, paiuuu? and music. Those dewyninuto enter will Cud n fur their interest tnjlii *os* near the opemug of the *e**ion at possible; yet pupils wi ! l bo received iu any time during the • »• •ion and will be ut tho above rates only fmm the. uric ol entrant c. No deductions will be made for absences except m niui s of protrncled illuess. Any uifmmniion wbich may ■ e -desirral will be cheer lully comraut.icated to tho-e who ceil jimii :he iunrtic tor at his rooms. ' • mCidiy K- 'erenee may alto be made io the foUowii’g ger.tlc met::. Dr, T. F. Dale. Allegheny, Hon. C. ShuW. Pitub'r. Rfv. l> Mi'ni:. - Kav. r». J|. BWtUc, ■“ Mr. 11. “ _ . Her. H. Dyer.'Jf Ciilckering'* PJauoa. A *ii(-erb iukvooil mj octave Plano, fltHwiAU.'rrtaß new acute and patent iron msnlv O' O L -U S'» by i. Chickcrittg, Qo*ion. A very elegant rotewood six and a liutf ocmvr S'iamv new *ca!c, and patent iron frame, made by J. Clbrkemg, jjumuii. Tlid «[>otc. received today, and 1 now open wr examination; /np'aale atih pri ce* for cn«h or approved (mjxr. Al»a on hand, one elegant toarwood Gothic panel*. rorred moulding*, and moulded Icgt. tt oetarr% made bfGalo and Co, new York. One do. carved roiewuod, il oeuver, rptwle by Gale & Co, New York. , . _ One mabugnny second hand piano, it octave*, of ex cellent tone, and in good order, made by Cbickering A Stewart, BISS.- • . .. Oae auperh grand Piana.it: t ic- Uen. I‘arlr, and guaranteed to be the beat Pinno Forte iu the city, wid beaold at a very moderate prier. . JOHN H ‘ lIU.OR. TO T n A V IS IB R g ■i:u.or. f r wwtji EXPRESS FAST PACKET UNi- Mm FUILADEL* ' PHI A AND BALTIMORE. T(F.xclc»xv*i.t. foe Pasbenoxuh.) HECscnl mid Kail ftomln now iu excellent order, the pnckrtsof tUij Jiue will leave vvijli pns seneeri es follows, ever}' evening, Bt bo'clock. Kentucky Capt. Trilby, Friday ill-lit, vlth iiuL l-Ouisioun—Copt J P Thbrnpunt, Saturday liittbi, 2&li Ohio—Cap! Crais, Sunday night, thtli. , Indiana—CnptxPßerker, Monday night, 27th .Kentucky—Capt HTrufiy, Tuesday uicht Louisiana - Capt J P Tliorapion, Wednesday, s®ih. Ohio—Capt A Craig, Thursday night, Xllr. Imiiaun—Capt P Ilerkey, Friday night, Mtt. Kentucky—Cnpt A Truf*y, Saturday night; let April- Imiusiana—Capt J P Thoinp'Qi), Sunday uiphL'il. lie proprietors ofthi« line built new boat* during tte ; trinlrr, with Ute ladies’ cabin enlarged. which will nf* ford greater coni r on to person) traveling with their, families. Passengers by ikn route pe«s over 160 inilcttrail road in day light. If you uexire cheap traveling and comfortable accom .raodmionsi'secure your tickrtent the Packet office, MonongoLeln House, water at. or nf ’ markS D LEECH A Co, Caznl Batin ; " ’ “PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT. Ptnoiyhanla Canal, As Roll Road Ex preii Fait Packet Litie t IS4S. jgjgfr FROM PIXTSBCCiH TO PHILADELPHIA A BAL TIMORE, {Exclusively lor Pnsseiigere.) rj’IIE public ate respectfully iuformed that this Line 1 will commence running ou lim kkd lu«i, and con tinue throughout the reason. The bouts are new, and of a superior class, with cm larged cabins, which will give greater, comfort. The. care'nte thVlulcM counrucuou. AboalwiU always be iii port, and travelers are re quested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage elsewhere. iPahe only mn* dollars through.) One oftlie boats of this ijne will leave the landing; (Opposite U. S. Hotel, corner of Prnn s;reet and Cannl, every night at nlneo’- eiock Time-" 4 dnys. For information, apply at the Office, Mononculicla House, or n> I) LF.ECH ACo Vittahtirirh. March ta. lt-iS. ; Canaißanirv. -- WesteXU TtßH«Mrutjon-r q ~gpsnr~ e t 1i..1848. TO PIIILADFXPIIJA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK , : . ru rtawiLvisu *SD onro axu. lain*. A RE prepared u> uhnapor*. goods aud produce to and A, from ipealmte cLiei on. favorable terms. Ad dress or apply to . • V. LEECH A Co., Cana) Basin, Puubaruh. HARRIS A LEECH, No*. 13 &I 5 tkmth 'Hurd tt.PhiL j. TAYJ.HR ABQN. Acts. No M.N’th Howard st, Halt. A- ABBOTT, Agt.No » We" street. New Yoik. ; Pittsburgh, March Ifcth, I9U. nurSO ' MISCELLANEOUS . (Laie J SBtrickler*iCo.) MANUFACrUREES of Hanoi* fire proof reft#, Math tide, second sired; between. Wood -uu Sauibficld Pittsburgh. J S SmcVtcr.hsTing Recessed end ihs imrviriug partner Mr. Jo» Uppeoeou, fearing associated lumscll .with Mr. Wm C. parr, tie buine** • will hereafter be coodaeted under the style of £ippen couAßnrr. _ _ . . i ’ Trial of a safe iu Cincinnati, O.—-Ws, tbSe aw'.eniya* ed were present at the testing of one ot JS Bmckler & Co’s improved Phmrox fire-proof safe*. Hie safe vu placed in a furnace on the public landing, and subjacted to the uucuse buot »f a atone coal fire tor more than three hours. In one hoar and a half the. cafe came 10 a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed. which caused an Increased and steady hem fur the baluuce of the tune, until the cast iron wheels were partially uielted off; the furnace we* then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. Thu money, papers and hook* which, it contained were as perfect as when, placed there, the binding only af the book* being in jured by tho water in -cooling ibe safe. We hare uo iiesiuuion in recommending it to the public a* a sate ,\upomr to any we have ever seen .tested, and believe ih'ai it will stand any heat which might be produced. ' i.’tepi a heal which would melt it to a solid moss. npringer &■ Whitman, 1< Worihiiigtou, Kellogg A Ken.'teti, lknj. Urner, W G P Bteerr, .Mura* Smith, T S llui.'gan & Co,£(cdin*n. Mayard A Cu, Wm Muutr, fill ead .1 Winstor... . , We, uhdemgccJ, selected the safe spokrn ot above, farm a lot iu the store of Truber & Aubery. the Agent* CG.SPRINGBR, SJKELLOG. Refer to L’ook 4 Harris. Brokers, Pitlsbnrgb; _■ _ H.tssey Hanna A Co.' do do jieJdAwlyS PRINTING ‘TYPES will l>e sol<Kt Bruce'* New York Type Foundry, after March 15th. JMd, at following very low prices, fur approved six months' notes: Rojcs.v. Tfflx 4c 3rUDKn,'4c. Pica. per lb. IWcts. Mcjs. Ullcw. Bmt.ll Pica, 32 80. ’ ' ' W 5 Long Primer. '3l <W . lift) Bourgeois. 37 id ' 1W Brevier. 4* - 74 ISO Mliifou, *i *4 . 1W Nonpareil, 5% 100 ISO - Agate, 72 ISO I*o Pearl, U» ICO S|S> . The above prices. of increased facil tie* for mauuluctoriuj, arc touch reduced froth former rate*. A liberal discount for cash iu hand at the date of the invoice. Presses, Chrises. 'Wood Type, Ink, Ae. utrnuhed ol the lowest rauuufucturcr* T prions. either (or cash ot credit. ' .*• Our Specimen Book for IS4S U now ready for ili»tri betjou to printer*, who will send for it, and ’contaiiu tnmiy new ankle* tliatwe have never before exhibit ed, «urha«VVriiiitg Flouri-ke*, OrnaioeuU, Ornamental Font*, Ac-of which we huvo an ample (took for the prompt rxo uiion ofonlcn. Pnnter* of N«tv*pnpcr* who choose lo pubbth. thi* advertisement three lime* before the first of Juiie, IS4O and send tisane of the paper*, uiil bepaid for it in typo when ihc-y purchase from u*. of oar utvutnanafac torr*, selected tu>m dur •pecim'-u*, five,times.‘Jhe amount of their bills. ' ' ' '-“T For sale, several good aaroiul-haud Cylinder aiul Pla ten Power pro****, Standing Preues, Hand Printing Presses, Ac. ; GEORGE BRUCE A Co. ntar*.'s , - lUcharabersn.N Y Clethlhgforthe World. lU. WUO BUT CLOTHING AT WnOLEBALE, are respectfully infonned, that at Lewis & ha\foro>s CLOTHING WAREHOUHE, SO*. L’f’tt A *54 miL * Tax XT, ffstrYerk, MAY. he found aa cxUtniyggriortment of Clothing, manufactured expressly fof 'Bis Southern rnia VYr.«eru market. Also, a largo stock of Liaea Baiom Shirts, of all grade* and pricer. Fancy do do do; twilled strilw do do do; HSHUeI do do do; and all oilier kinds in general me. } • . < TV* U-U>l>siDuf3£lure und keep constantly on hand, the largest filled clothing in the United States.' embracing every finicla bithe iuic.‘ U'e mnuuiacttiw oml sell icuacase quanuuespf all the.ifbevc aniuloa, tuui-would Invite theatle’oimnof dealer* ui them to coll and eiouiiis our stock and pr> ces before lUoy putefaase, os we can end wUI sell at *>nce» that cannot fail lo please. " 4 LEWIS A HANFORD, *2l and 251 Pearl sb, New York. ~ All order* will b; atu;)ded to withjeorreemest sad despatch. • v -‘"- inarHdlm PRINTS ONLY. . 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER Eitabhihed b warenMuis ihjha year ISIS, for the pur! pow ofHippJyingthe City tinli iiue;;o/Trnilr with PRINTED CALICOES- EXCLUSIVELY, U low prices—and exlubiiiog, at all season* of the rear, the Large*! Assortment in T 4 I’ilE ,^f)RLD. ”Jl e F ■» now opeaiag Several Hundred Packages, every new style of Foreign and Domestic produciu>u. many cf which have just hewn purchased, and «e ofisrrd forule for Cash and short ciediL at PHICBBRKOVPHP FROM ONE TO El YE CENTS per yard below the prices of ApnJ and May, as per printed are cormcted daily, for the information of buyer*. PRINT WAREHOUSE, ) N^ v _York, Juue, 1-47. \ jyiJisu JAMES W. WOODWKI,L FnrrHtnre Ware Boons, _____ YA, tuian srarrr. A large and splendid asv>n.*nent of Farm turf, nunahte for Steat?<t>oaM, Ratcl* xml pii vate dwellings, cr.iuiomlj ou hand- Mid »■ 1 1 made to onler Tbe preM-nt Mock ou lumi canuot be exccedcd ly nny inmiulactorr in the western country. P rnous w ishimrto purcba»e would da welt tu give me a eail, aa lan .determined my price* shall please, i’ari or the stock ronsiits in— So ro(ii wtth.Plurh and Ifairwiaih carer*; 8 do* Mahogany Nurso Chair*; 14 pair Divans, .. It! dot fin-mahogsn) Chairs; 1J mahogany Work Slant's; 0 dor malmjfany Rocking Chaire; 15a;atb>n sop prerstng Uurcaii»: fa pair Gttbuiaiu; f) rnarhla lop Work ISehcrir Work Stands; Mahogany, ifspia. Cherry, snd Poplar Bedsteads of all de cription*. ond a largo asonmeot of common furniture ami chain, too numerous u> mention, raarvtf «a Xiincrr Stock PorSale. *a 'I*HK Subscriber offer*’ for sale hi* entire stock, in J louu suit purohascn. at very reduced prices.— Toe fol!epr:a:ii< not equal W wr* select and extensive vanity, m the Western codiAry; containing many new. rare nnd roroaMc plant*, connningmpanofCameilini Jui-ouifii*. large tiowriny pliuir, from 3 to 0 feet iu height. Cuctu*. Azaloct, (jernninros Fushcias, Mouth* lr, Nntwtr* Cla-tcr. Perpetual Mot*. Viuing or Pillar Noses; the fittost and roost esteemed aorta incultivatioti. The Dahlia list contains the ntowt showry and fine ntire won*, frown; Ffn-.ver Root*, a large variety; Vine*, shmlibvry, shade 'i*r«. evergreens, Ac. Amateurs, Nnociy men aiui inter*. wt«o want in dccw.alc Jbetr yonUganlens, pleasure ground*, or green home*, arc respectfully invited to eurainu the collect'co which i* opcM-to vintors, except cu Sundays. Conveyance by tbeotnnibu* nnd greenwood ferry. Descriptive cata logue* sent by mail or may be had at our *taad, No fiS Diamond Market, where erdur* left with no, or by mall to Piiuhjjrjh Fo»t Office. will be promptly attend ed u. John Grai;gra,u to planting shade tree*, Inyingpfgnrdenvac. Orders left as above. JaS. WAHDROP, • . marlfrUmAwHiT Manchester, near Pittsburgh. Hardware fit ore Removed. ■lirim-.MORK & WOLFF haring.rcmorct] from the IT corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, to No. CO Wood si.xet, three iloors above St. Charles Hotel, m ould respect!ully a«k the uliomtou uf barer* to their iloek o* HARDWARE, CUTLERY and BADDI.KBV, rec'il per ships Saransk, Monongahela and Rossio? direct from the tnanufacittrer* ol KngUtul and Her many, Al«o. supplies of At pet lean Hardware, from the pria* eintil manufacturers of the Pastern State*.' Their stork bring entirely new, and purchased upon tne best terms iltey feel great confidence in being able successfully ta meet competition from any Quarter, whrihrr east nr ive.t. 'lint Hardware business will he con.tinted at the old nmd-* apC Sew Hardware Honan. fßtL&&b£&*k JOSEPH W'OODWKI.L, comer of BSwrvvQalWW Wood and 2d si«., Pittsburgh. llav vJudldiKiipwv mg wiilnlrawii from the Urn of Walker and Woodwell, on the Ist of -January, 1M7,1 take pleasure in announcing to my friend* in.tl-e city and country, dial I have ojwnird my new -store at the above named place. Having purchased my good* for cash, nnd mad.’ arrangement* with manufacturer* in Uu* co •utry and in Kurmie to be ccftiilauily supplied 1 am lully prepared to rumba Hardware of all kinds, on as good term.* and n» low a* any house East or tVeiii. and othcT* are respectfully invited -to call and examine my stock, before purphan'ngelse where. The following comprises a pan of hi* «tock: • Steamboat and saddlery hardware, asu irimuiiiix*. file*, Naylor's steel, cutlory. 'edge tool£ anvils, vices, locks, laiche*, scythes, butt hinges, screws; Union Jac tnry plonef, saws, mshopwiy boards aiid veneers, and •11 other tfrticles connected with the hardware busi n***l ... tnehlltf UsVdwarrj Cntlergr, Saddlery, *e7~' r JOHN WAI.KKR,’ Importer and . . r 1,1 Foreign and Domestic yWawlllMf hardware, wvnld rvspecifutly inform his trieinl* and the public generally, that he is now re c!*w.nfJ‘H "T?"? *upply of hardware, at the old ttand of }y Biker tHuf Wood well, No. M. Wood il, which be %rill dispose. Afou (he mofi reasonable term*; lie will be continually receiving fre*h xuppUes di rect from the manufacturer* iu Europe and tat* coao try', which will enable trim to compete with attye*- labltshwetp.cither Em ..p West. } Wefiern nwtchauti are ittrited to caU and examine his stock before purchasing eUewhote. ’ • roor-’i Floußha, piotiffh Caatittrar Wanra ', Beni, Ac ’ i Vk . ROUERT lIAJJ« of the old ftHifat firm of R. A 8. Hall, is tnatiufac ■irnTi ■ i i 'VHnfflßrne quantities of Plough*, Plouga Custlurs, Wag on nose*. Ac., with the improvement* of the leaver Peacock, IHiools, and other Plough*, of the latest aud twit patterns now lu use,. . . W urebotw, lOC Liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite the Huy Seale; Factory, in Allegheny'city; near the Cotio i Factory of Meters. Black*tock, Bel/A Co dclSly .. - ’ ■ ‘ ' - TO the Delinquent Subscribers In the MoniohelaNa ugauon Company. Notice is hereby girth that b;i shares ofjbtock subscribed in ih« Alouoorahcla NaTiratioii Company and which have become subject to fotfciturc by reason of (be non payraeut of iatial infias and imereti thereon will in forfeitedto the raid compauyriogdiher with >ll instalments already raid ihereoii,-m purruance of the proTislons of the Charter of Incorporation. aitlns the unpaid instalments together with interest firm the date on which tha »um?erere made payable by a call fn>ra the Hoard cf be paid it. futl to 1 homes M. Howe, E*q„ Treasurer or before the first dny of April. A. D ltM9 Ily orderof the Board of Manager*. Mshßi, M , WM * BAKB'VEtL, T - ; Secretary. _ hotel. NEATI TJIK DEPOT. cl;Mni'(ii:» mK rpilS l.ouai* 1» «.U» fliird and 1 etueruiiiment of tne traveling pul? Jg, periaaiiii Sf(SrfteH.SS 1 ■Imr? 1 mr ?' 1 * wU »V»'Hh«r will find the ehambera'clean and ni ce , and the table ai Smmy-to ,b “ 'w'CMbtxW, “* £?■ b,TP teen made nteofby ™w£«li^i£vhv < * Üb .& hment hal “ Intelligent ne Virginia Hotel baa noth* me to fear from honorable competition—it it courted. e.Ed cm* UP ° n lbe ‘ D tv. ol, ,hf BrfiT * s ofibo coach * marffi*' WASHINGTON' KVAXB, • • . ’ Prooricior.' .; G , wu?ed C t , o T vSS7P n# 0T Cmtto ,o ». wbomeonnoDt work caa beeireD.— SJurt be w«n oftcmperste linbiu. Apply to i . •»•. HANNANS A WAIAACE, UP Wood « m«rg» , - J SCHOONMAKFII k Co. SUG AR—6 Hhdt. in >tor« on con*itfnmeut; for »«i«by »«*•£» ISAIAiI XHCKKY t Co., A Btiftla In n««l Eitati. » - B-'r .r^Vii*v^rw..... : £F r: r^‘-‘—■— T!)iMdiKtibet oflcnforulc a Hoauud lx) il> ,jsWon liberty street, • soon distanceabove Ea« Bwm‘ ’■■'■■- -Nt UOLjKISd fe 'SOS.' . •?~Laae» Allegheny city. The i„.t i* jfclfeet fronf ■ J^S* - Untken, Alo.ftS Ua>i.eL«lf*«Cii»fc4tii ,oa liberty street, end ram back to an Alley-65 feet -gy lv»»la* ladlas*. - The House erected thereon is Brick, nearly new, two y- JiAflirmMmrgh “.■‘••‘W’SutelTk ABrauehr** stones high, IS feel in from by abouiuMn depth, aod f *Cnau« Bin*•••-*'. •Pv-S'strScrib '* .. contains tea comfortable room*, exclusive of pantry. • •terch. k. Siati. Bctik -psr 1 . ' Vlrelalk. coat-cellar and cellar. AUih© rooms Imre bre-pltree*. • *? 4 **® , i krisdelpatn •••purjKxetangei?L ot' Va.*• : and drains are constructed to carry olfibe water, end . *J'W“ pariFunners Uk.n/Va * th* .house ia in every respect in pood order and very uana oftivTxnanidwu •parjDk. ot'ttie VaJfcy y.« convenient, and is well suited tor two faraiiic*. • Ttr u yb««er County* «spar|Dfc. o f Virginia—’—*. ‘ property wiiLhesoldiow,and lime given on tholarjr , IV:!a\rarc Co.- ••{•arjM.k ,M. UC„ Wbcelin* i part of the purchase money. • Montgomery Co.'* • pari do iTorvauiown—- 1 - Inquire lot the subscriber, who can be seen althf' ./ J Nortliuatbcilaod. •t»ai|X. W. H.i.% r..,. i fiee of the tiaxeUe, every forenoon, between the b .“j" (Ajluathia Bridqu Co. - • part do ' Well.bure* 1 of right and ten. and at other limes at his roc* wyfostotrt. Bant-v.-pat? do l'arkeubuni ~ Urn. HsyiP boarding house. Roiiiuson-s new roV p*? f at«nc»»’rifc. 110.-Itling-4.ar* ‘Panbaai**. eral si. Allegheny City. fl -N VVIU? /• ramers’llk Backs Co. ptrjflk of Tennessee v -- .- feblStfi Aretil for the o '..5.. Fanners B’1: l.»a»as'r-l'«r‘Far. tc Merclih* K 1 ... - - Uncaswi Co.ift;.*. .par’Karilejs* UJ •. LaneiiMorHfc. iwO-'aion Ut - . U. States Bank 30 f JUianoarl. * ‘‘wwrasvdle Bk........|»ar:St:»ießkafMi»»oun.'... 1, 1 rj£2?* u ?£?‘ * North enrolls*. I Ccityabarr-bßk I|'Bt.of Cape Fear 'I, ChatnbcrsWf, « 'M e reh> Uk..N«wa«ii l snkjuekaaua Ca Bfc* !Suue Uauk.**l ... Leh.-gh Co Bank, South Carolina. . Uwimowa*.:.. .... -‘CamJen Bk ••• * AlwhUetowo 1 :Hk.ofCj,«ilaMoa-*. *- bK&J * ■••• Blows' ;aic.oi lia.iu.wk; 1 iMrrehanis fit.'...'.... Known fcMcoU’sKl• fe 6 * 41 ' I# Bk. 01 couth Curotiha* • mrr; luarrliud. i??* e - ••••* w ißultiiuoru ••.•in vto/£ s * ' **• >4 BnluaV A O ttllScrip '1 W^n k ** , l*»r , * ? 'V-.AiCu«bdiJa* a lßk.o«-X f !^ Rhany;*,../.r. 1 MsmilJ 1 *?. M -Far. Ui.tif Maryland- • ‘ c!,* k- “ .Farmer*; X ileyb'anTcs > , City A County Scrip..** - Ilk, Frederick..., .. “ Sj^i-in, W . ;FredcriclCo. Uk..|.i •• “ j jSfSCSur:;.:-: ctraTvinV. 1 . 1 .’.. .< SchifSMtu l^:';; ; Zauesville ... .. ffar.k M«f»Bst*'-‘... a !^ u,ain ••• “ .JVlaeonatn Terrll’y. fcn r “** r :^W*AFirela.C*AlilWe? « Coandaa. .M.nduWry « ;Al| solvent banks-**i.- 3 SSSti:::.".:::::: Z aeyeluad*-... P |Gold A Spade Valoe. • ** Napoleons ........ 3 c<j Wyiid..... ..... Cl jDucatS a. 14d 29 Ueitern Rcserso M -Engle, old • •*. •• loco-- Fraiikbii D*. Utltuabnr u irikcle, nca- .... .' |o^o rft Jl( 2 l t ie JBoubloojtn,' Spiuiisk. Iff 00 .Lake Krte*.. a .Doipalttoi-.|5 So - 10 'Guineas -...1. ISt l3 jFredcriekidW*...;.*?^ 6O [TenThaler*.... .. 7{9 Parmußk :Pen GaildhP -•• •* :i so LrLank » iLoflisd'ors* -> .../ 4 50 Bk°r i|jNew ’SK—.**.' 4pna as%lS»i: USteSr.*.:-.::-; fe, Wew York—Cny Btakv,par.* laiencc_B , k*-*** l^J Land For Raic< THE Subscriber otTm fo/rale that farmc • <■)«„.) rj, !u«e in Wilkins Tcvm»bip, on tEonortb#-.d_ ~,~iv ,* Ue Creek.odjoiuuijj lands of Ucor?a Ujiuior r Bowm*, and Dowel Kuhns, comaihltt? .' Ce humlr»-<i w»J nrenlj'-fire octet ud mrwi v ßtvr),. allowance! Than, i, a »«. a ■irf » nail .aide oa iha placf. •fiio" KXlltSa Ro»l Rood posses •immediate!)* orfthc? - t>D | )04 ; t _ , «: rt - !*} -n> ~a> o. sia. vrf^KS'^Jg abotulaiiec of pood timber ou the y’aee oixlnfanm KSkiT COa, ' Wllh Bwa ‘ at prime sale, nr to tell atpublic “ Y h "£ '^“ e to tbe;bighettf ml l-est hidiler.r.n Salunlav ofjoly&xt, at.lo'flockin ,Ue fir * U,a l r MaUY I*KRC»I.MEXT. mnrtfii|im March 15th. 1*43. FOR HALL—'The offtr. lor oale the » u . p-avemenuand property he no# occupien, situated °P ’PP Fo?«h *7 et Road, about three nnles from tbe «« rj eoua.ung of a well finished Drick House, eon tabling ten room*, and aeellar under tbs whole- an et. reliant Ones Tenant House, containing three roora» ; a largf barn and excellent auever fuiliair run. om* *muker«oß wafer, and a pump of excellent wat ter at the kitchen door; also, a rardeu conuiuinr some choice fait trees, together with abonl ten acre" of ex ceueat ground. . The above property will be sold on reawmsble.term*. I ?,W“ «n riven on -the Erst day of April;: IT not sold, it will be for rent alter that day. For further In fonnatlon.:apply to the subscriber, on tho premises. - fcbtgdawtApTr DAVID BKKLER._ ' J ■ Baal Batata la Ohio. A TRACToftand, DO acres, In Harrison, Portage Co- J\. on the Cuyahoga river—about DO acre* under im provement. Alio, two unimproved lot* in the villaxe of\y*rreu,TnnalmllCo..COfcetbyya Alia, a loiof ground uiithe eentie of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a hue house and store—oue of the Lest' stands for a merchant on the Western' Reserve. Atiy or aii lhl» . property will be sold on very nccommodatine “Sio 1 IWAH WcfoiV to,, 1 ; , feoiO Water and Front »t*. Rial Kitate lo U«re«r County, A LOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate un the Erie Extension Canal, in the Tillage of West Mid diesex: a desirable location for a merchant Alioje Lot and good Dwelling House well t uited for a Tavehi Stand, io the Tillage of Orangeville! on Statu Une bf; °W*-.Jftnw cwy. ISAIAH mCKKY. fc Co. “ . __ _ _\Viiter and Front at*.' A. . . . Lot for iiaV* T LOT ut lh« Gtli word, 48 feet on Logan street by ICO fret oa Clark street; one of the most dutiable to cations in the CtU ward. For lertns apply to the sun scnt*r at the Methodist Book Store, 4th uesr Markdt street, or ot\his dwelling an Clark street, opposite K. TreviUo’sGrocery store. (£rblU) J L READ. For Bent. ■SS kJ?* 'j&f «* acre* l!B attach#, snUhteil Oakland. The <«*-plaef is well sacked -wit fair of all kinds, and w a desirable location for a fsmi!; being entirely out of reach of the rivor and din of the city. An cmulLu* JK*? ;t_ ' A Co. . 7 *|s§.>,.r l ev th«e ptofy. b.-.ql dwelling house on IM yr|» ■trcet-Potremoa-giTeu pn first of dWisAprU or sooner if required, inquire of -tfi 1 _j FLOYD, Hr/liberty street. M For Rest. A two story bnek dwelling with about s sere* of ground, suuated on the bsnk of the Ohio river in the borough of M nchemr. Apply a ’ ) ttn 3l JA.MK3 A.HCTCIfISow A Co. To LsX ; tfffe dwelling hotuet situated on 4th street y2». ce ** tfinthl brtfw Jnjhe ui;y $f Pittsburgh. 41- ‘®* VP 0 ® SJjscfi wltfl « convsweni eu tranee on -th. sl, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling two sums, with an acre of ground euclosad and under cuibratou, situate on Ohio iaue, i.i the city of Aileshe ny. Inquire of J D WILLIAMS/ 1 IQ wood street To Drewtra. Jr! FOR SALE OB RENT, the Pimbnrrt tvjß ;rv, with all iu brewing apparatus, situate ou o) ueo. >v. eouta •: Co. I J w*»»siOn girea nntui lirsi day of April ensuing. For terms, Ac. enquire of , BROWN A CULHKRTBON, frbShf , K , ; iil.eriy »t. To Let. MTTie new three etory hr# proof brick itore on aeeoad il now occupied by lidward Erau»; fbt rent from lit of April next. Inquire of 3 SCHOONMAKER A Co.. • im* * "• ureac . M The nibscrlber* wiJI rent part of the ware hoaie now occupied by them. Apply to LEWIS, DAI-ZELL, k Co., - 51 waier Mreet, For BeMt* V tA handjomcljr futuketl/ro«in on Maifcet «trvei, Uiely occupied as n c*uUil»hifleni ,— *• uaiUPrr*otyf»o rtmu u ,„.. I 7 MorUiid fc Co. Alto, ■ wr!l fii ishrd nml\ well tTir rntbed room. winkle (or tocuruct.l&djoiiijiir ( j, r hall of Sretcar.tjle Pjbfßr)' in. s.» flu., 1? Halt 1: P (MZiAM, oca?? Omcf, market t iteei, b.’nr.-fnStl ui.JJih Tor lUitt* AC* THE largo *»<J canvanjci.* JweUimUiJcje oa Federal »L. ASIepU-Qf, formerly occupied liv Mrj. Ann CazZARi. Rent low. l’oucceloit riren tin the )it ofApnlnexL KImJaZZAAL Immediate poweMion of the above ham* ein U oh “ “■'.'“ViS -1 t For Bent. . i ~ AUryeroonionUiead«totToftli«warehou»e J. oectyid ty Oio •tfktsribpss* teu iht’feet ot ■ —a gpod location to? a ttetuahoat ogi ncy or an luturance office. .1 J UQLLMAXB L GARRISON For Bent or Sale. 1 f*k A neat two storied brick dwelling hoaw with jyH icren morns and larg« yard, p'eaaamlv situated Apply u> IVJ| U SCAIFE, febM 3w lit mreet near wWd. *7 . For tliiiei ' S& i_ u * p * lnr y Irielf house, on otin !»ins<st. Jj&Al3*:heuy cur, u-a; $9 upper btulja. "Tbi |oi i» ' »i-iraun>y I U) Jeep. For :enn« inquire of A WASHINffiOX, 4th n. I'o Lii. ' "T M Oiic new three story liiT'eUing House with biith boose* cttaehed. situate near the corner of I Wylie and Washington creel*. Ihmcision rir. en ott tbofmof April next. 6 • joiin f rraiitvi - • per Ilcqf, r-V--- AjL • TUPlatßs fire proof wo*ooo»e, Wfcetfrokt by JUM left deep. on teeond »i. uear wood. JUm Aod. ernte. Inquire of J SCIIOO.VMAKER & Co.Vi dcIO • « i To CeT "\ ijfo .STORE A\D CELLAR, comer of Federal 3*2, [and Ucock street#, Allegheny City. Inquire [of 11. W unrr on the premise. felilSddvr | MA Smoke House, situated on I'iura tiler, for rent. Inquire of ROUERT DALZELL A Co, Liberty street. • Jeel3 /ftjfo The well furnished ■ton* on Market street, be* third *nd fonrtli street*, at present oecu pled hr UarkuwK and Turner, l'osomion riven Qn the hrstof Aptil iieit.. l> CA2ZAM. _ Te~l,et. M A dry good* warehouse, 87 wood »ire el, accoiu] door at>ove Diamond alley. Inquire of fop* . D T MOItDAX * Co„ COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acre* coil tand foraal*. situate in bend oflha Monunqaheln Rivrr, st*ore Brownsville. Fo-, bavbi(r a 7 fool Vein of co:i|, which will bo told in exchange for good*. IrW named' ar« apply to [or?sJ S A W HABUA L'OH. 33 wood M-, '' Uttlldlng'L'of~ “T IN MANCHESTER FOB HALE—I hare for tale a beautiful building Lot in Manchester, near the ferry, El feet front by ttfi feet deep. It will be *o!d low. and on accommodating term*. Term* unexeentiotiable. _inyia : j JAR BLAKELY. Real mate Art. Agents Want'd I*o canvatc for tome new and nopularwork*, in bt©> . rycountj-ihjcughomthn Vmteil £iate*. To agent* llie most I i be nil encouragement it offered—with a traalf capital of.from .i 33 to flOn. A ehanec U offetwl *hr tel >T am Agent can make from SlO to 835 perweek. lL7*ror funner particular* addret* (post paid.) W.M. A. I.MARY, No tgaNutlh Second tt. Pbiia. Lfcechtnr, Cupping and Bleeding. fJB. NOKKIS,' (Sucr-reior lo M. H, Dcliuir)--. J\.« Fresh leeches received roomUi)—attendance a!! hour*. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh. AJlo« gheuytmd Birmingham. • I tnpstcherrfuily recommend to the phy«ieisu«, fam* U«e« and all ray former friends and patron*. Mr. K. 11. Norrik aa being thoroughly acquainted with the bull b«m and wonky of patronage. wanSMy M R. T bale«Conou, ~ " Ki seek* Flaxseed; m n. delany iKJ. do FrailtPßi; 94 do Heaji«; ' obbliXol Urd; : 19 do No 9 do ToAfriy* by ucamer lludjoa; Ibrurtebv rnarn IgAtAH UICKKV t Co, WaienmJ 1m «!%. /lOWlAfit-U coil* o, 6j, 4{7»£d :Uru mrJIU; jfiJo V/ s}| and 0 (n,.!MTtii rope*, in Here «td for Ml* by . : <IC UIDWELL ll i b ?* w * Kl»Wt'Bb bt* lUxl* d 0,25 VJT do 10x14 doj/or liue Irr fa ROBINSON '& Co taaiH ; - ihi m FISUMWLbU No*l, 2rt aclicMlMOiiJrbUi do •to •[*» J® bt»l» 1. >alrnou;4o do gililwd herring: 75 in »rtokfd herring; iu Hoic und Tor role by ' -WB«7 J.AMBFJIT* IHFJtTi SIIIITO.V ClOAHS~yuU,OW‘Huvfc<i», of various Woods, sires ami colors, iron priticipcr* to ilic largest Mzcd fo- S»J»o», of direct importation; for side by Tnnrltt . ; i»C 1 MIStI WlllbliKY, 'J piuiclieoiii Jri»b; ado Jo- Cor sale a»Unp<mea, by’ tnartO ,I‘CM ARTIN. WHISKEY— 50 wbolfl and litf Ll>UolJttc;lS LbU of old Temienre Peach Hrandy. for rule br •onrlO 1 ' - PC MARTIN SHOT-415 k egt No 1, i arid 3, ibbi. for Mile by ' marJU_ POJNDILYTER &. Co 75 boxea Is, St, rs anti I2>,rark>dl X brands, for sale by [mrioj POINDEXTER 4 Co laiidinir, from Mtnr Pnri». arul for ,»ale l.y JAMES DAI.ZKT.U2t water lt PALM: SOAP—6O bxs landing from simr Mauoiiirx* hfla, and for tala by ~ imanaj J IIALZKLL T\RIED APPLES—floboih landing from •irarßeaver XJ and for sale by - imnrM] J-PAt.ZKI.I. SIIAKERfI HERBS—A ue*U lot ju*tj»c'd l»y r ~ - J PCHQQ.VJXAKE>tfern ONIONS— 1 bbl «*ed t ln*tnre and forral- bv • ' __jnarll _ _ • TASSEY,A DTSTT GWKySSfcSsr *•*•*«»!*•«< «-.• mariU POINDEXTER 4 Co ■pip METAL—IO ion* Clinton Ftmiacß.lenld b’ael) X -far Mtla by- [mailO] POINDEXTER. 4 Co‘ f HAUS— An-extra article of tarniiybmu, iutinok#- hotuu! and store: for lal« by - •_mnrld^;. •• DROWN A CULBERTSON,’ PO2 Wiitar’a Balsaraef Wild Cherry, to arrive iu a day or two, cud for «Ua by - martS ; - - : • J glPDfcCo 51URRELW LARD xj!c by" : mar 33 ' - • •’ • J KIDDA.Cok SHEEP PELTS—SCO, pet amir Comci: for iaia by 7 • martl _____ PT MORGAN A Ceil WINDOW bn «l1t?T»3o 10X12?* do 7xtb S'J Jo oxl% lit store and tor «ale hr mart! JAS DAL2U.T. EXCHANGE BROKE »e£r*r~‘ K'^ES2u^if4KS@^a KEß3 > •“ 'toi.ll u< nn«ga Mi wneitic Brcnaare, Certificate* cf itepoaite, bulk Note*, tod Bpede; Focrth meet, near lj..oppwUe the Bank ofPittiliaigh. Oarrammi>r«v fecetred on dcpwlte-aLfhi Cheog. fcr ta^uSeS *“!*•» * *& ft ® feteathui paidYol Foiujntsi Amcfoto uo i% * . , AiiYfcf.ee* m.de en foAogpiiwnuftf FttiKtce,*W> pe-4 Eaat, on liberal tenaa. . . . ~ mdt‘ls _ W. BOLBODS « soar. T) ANKERS 1 and Deafer* Exchange, Colo and X> Bank Note*, No. 55, Merkel streetTriualairli. Selling Kates. Exchange. Dcj-ftig Rau«. . - . New York. - *pr Cincinnati, . l»dls' Philadelphia, . I an .I.ouiiyilie, j*do Baltimore,;. '{do St. Louie, Hd o Bayiny Rates, BANKNOTES Haying JUte*. fsv Kentucky, •• ao PenuiTiraaui Or ** do Virginia, ■ “do' New Tort do “do • do -Wheeling, }do New Orleans, “do. Tenneuee, • 3 do Maryland, “do fefaailf - foegytt a. . *- l j ILL & CURRY—Banker*-ml nxchinn Bro'ktn, •1 Dealer* in Foreign eu.lDom*jik Tittle and Sight Bill* orilxchanre.CrTiilcatp* orDeno*i{<,ißtni K*t«V •ndCom; No 65 Wood ktreej. llijrj u«i fr*l2v* Foanb, WIWdiM aTeiil * CO,, •- - ANKERS. EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealen Id Foreign and Domestic Exc kance, Cenifl cates ol De pottle, Bank Notes, and Specie.- No. M Wood at one door abore Foimb, Bast aido, Pin.*.!iur/li Pa • octSdtn-F . . .. 6 ' B; t '»wtgsßwio««r' ' fin PriHWt «VU<l Scotland bought t» %f amciaor at the Current Rates of Exchange Also, Dr art* mob* m onjt pan of the Old Countries.’ gg-^agaa 1 ° g « *Sr z,Sss4«A;xr Whoa Hopd«lt*eu,dirfrU)-flppasjw St. Ch*rl« »2> —— ■? 3 y , - hd|i Mutueky, ■Atiwouri. , , •.. ,Rank Notes: purchased at the Jotrcst rates, Ly . N.' HOLMES fc SON; . . dc, ° 35M»rt«a>aU«t. T>11.1.9 OP EXCH4s«fi=siglu Ch«k. on * ±J f\CCf Vcrt^V •rhiltdplfihia. an 4 ’ Uahimore. N. IIOLMKS & SOX. 3S Market *l CoTuiamtr for sale !-v . VciO - • ... • . COLLECTION 3—Drafts, Notea,' and Aceeiitju cet, parable w a',.f pan of-Uie Union, coilacied on me mott raTorable terras. N. HOLMES A SON _« p »° M Market «t ItATjS. U/lPrf AiNl) i:(iiVi\Er.-. fl* M'COttD & CO., J£t (Sucee*!t«nMoM«CordAltttirf. f&S Fashionable Hatters, .Comer of H’oo./ and si;*ru. PAHTICCI.An attention pnid ta cur''lli-toi! Trade. i.riiiieinru run rely upon priijnrf iltvir Hiy< pmJ Cup# trom mu c'tjliii»hment of the wai xrrsluu: ai.it PB ofUle fTTUi, sold ai the UiWOT - Country-Merchants, purcbasiitp t»v wholesale, are respectfully invited to call ami cjutnuic <»ur Stock,* a* w* «*an say with eonfidmiee that a.* regard icixim and varcc. it will not suflerin a coinnarieou wiEhnny house iu Philadelphia. ■'- • -;* r^, t T x'cow i into.} turtras, d£ *>• Their friends and customer* are requested to m'J mirf examine their st.-ck ofSpriu-r Unt*. ju»t reived ijom * evr k or*, til limi-store*corner wil Wivsd *im. marl ' : . rg, SpnUhO RTTI.E-S MOOKH hm just re- LM, «'*?«* &om York,the Spring Siyte of How. which he mil introduce on Saturday. March M Utoae tn want 01 n neat and superior Hat, wilt plena* cnl! and examine at .No 73, Wood street, 3d door uorr Fonrtb. ' '. ~ ' " ng William Pouglns, lute James McKaia. The JWaubacnberhairetnoved.hu Hat and Cap Menu ■"'aq factory la No. 77 Wood meet, nearly opiioute his old stand, where he would iuviw his fnemii and the public reuereUy to an aisontrem of lint* and Capa, which for beamy aud durability cannot be eurvaued \VM. DOUGLASS,77 Wood «. Ilartnp retired from the Hat and Cap Manufactory. I mo-t repectfullxlrecomraend the patronaee of-my ftieticJa and the public saacruUy to my snecewr, Wnt {febl-hlUm} “ JAMES McK.VIN. r* NEW _^W'V^'Ma?r<mf=PA-r£.s-l— ill LB CIRCULATOR AND HAT PRO PER. *rhe will introduce on Saturdov, OrUlhh Gentlemen wishiivr a hot tried with this desirable- atti. clo will please call and examine. , ALFRKI) KCEVII* Practical Hatter. '■' o *** ' ' ' 13*7. head of wood M r» MOORE hnsreceiv I-B" 1 «r»ta New York, the Kail ajjrle of Hats, which _**%be will introduce this day, Saturday, Aur. ‘JSth. AH those ui want of a neat and superior hot would Jo well to call at No. 75, Wood Street, 3J deer above 4tlu ausSelf . - a FALX. FANHIOJVf 1847.—DEKBK A COSTAS’B Style (jeuUeraeii'* Han wili Le kitrn* aucrd at Kmn.’s ou-'niuntoy, August sfftft.' rraeii wishing acUoats of l‘iit»- burtfi uauula«ian>,«fctail'tf feshicxtsbfe HaUunrxm *" mil adrenisrJ by-aotaeuTihe trade, please call at' KKKViI. it Co.-*, ISJ-hi-ad of wood at ' n> SUMMER. FASHION FOR HATfcr— mmlwJ Wa Sew Yoik» lUe Summer for hew, coumuii* af JVWw BenT«r..l'*wl *na While French Caukaem Hat*. with Ventilators I ho»e jrt wfnt of a teauiiiul, light list u« respectfully ioYlied to cull; S. MOORE, . ctaytfc} . 73 wood rt., 3 risen eboreeth RtFiNtU SIC Alii—<MAj but* email loatiauhx* dog. Ua rcfiard latpa loaf; ISO bbU cruhcd; Ittda&oV tiered;'Jl clarified, lu eioreoiklfnr sole b; JA3A HUTCHISON* C» rt for St l.oim Sicatn Sugar Refinary wort A} TUB highest priS •£»* W T >M ' l °* e ' ***•• J \SS c "<SE»*» k * - : UWrSujJrviCKn ——_.;.: ?‘ n TW. «i b«t. peitn k. liberty’ T.sS!Si;f!!s- B P ,c ' ,IAXt,K &«•;: S!C,';'o , ,‘’ m ''*’'‘•' s “* iu tawl3 •vvimniPHY lu«, for ijfiiiung .-.onlen prompUy 4urJ tt i all lime* l ! y > ■■■ tfwaxXVJSAttejii; naru *. «rai«f «, 2wl duor al*oTc t»miihficl4 PURE CHROME YKI.UHV, pound in oil; l |b V«m pi »tora fcml for Hiic by 'raareO J.MOHI.KH OllOT—SBkegrNoa 1,9 aud&for ia'e by P »OaH3 .. . JAS A UVTCinko, LAIU> OlL—7oli!.)< Cn<ikUiig'*~Ko l,<n store and fo. »nlc by mat >3 . • M-:i.I.KRS A XICOI.S ItTa.ANDMOSS-il6lb7£jf>Jr by * ' ~ * inaf;3 ' ; K LSI-LLER*^. SILK HPKFS—Wipes Vongee, mlfcrrut ii:«ri r*t. Jiern, rsceivrd to*o»y,iiiidior salr |,v mar*) - ' C ARBCTHXOT. BACON— UUMi lbs llaeon. Log round. received per steamer WeilsvlUc; for sale by msrtS;-. R UOULNSON A Co 1 ACE GOODS—A i»rs« *uor!meneofL»eeEdpiiCT j arid ln»cniitit» »or «al«* by m*3C ARDUTHNui- ■ LEAJ>— lid pig* Goleua. for laid by marJ3 JAS A HUTCHISON A Co [©LASSES—IOO-bbls plantation,forisTe by • ibbrta . JAS A HUTCHISON A Coi IfIISHMfiSS-lsoua forsaleby | , tn»rJS . • 7 RESELLERS' DIL M LANE’S WORM in nor ß .' t Cou..tty merchants-ett-hr to.Jiarchuieii large supply cfthiapopuUr nenieme 4itodii.d* W T\RV lUDES-Wo.dry.lude* ju»i rtc’dYniifor X/ by 8 A WUAKDAyoU H I TtlK OrtltY REHEDTC Alirs inT»!B*. Ute remedy for Epileptic Fits o t Ehilin* Sicilies*. cmmilNcms, Spoims,'&e. It ii weHiuounr, that fro* . «me immemorial, pJiyticiau* hare.wtwfcaiicfed Ibilct*..; ue Fiti incur*! rfu; Itfcaabafled hlftfeirakiU, and the • “s*** p “ poorer Ml rotdicinfr awUotgequtnUy thou* » mweniLle existence, and-! «p.U»«ir Uvesoathheltar of mwDutr. "j tViA.aU deference, bosreTfr, K* the opinion* of lh* 1 f»a» **id lauued, •'t »»i- limit has brea cured • ' ■ ."i P ' • , MART’S VtXJhvABLE EXTRACT* ! tor uxtreu yean, bee been ic*irJ bymairt a*ry>n* i who h»v« suffered with i ibis dreadlid diseaaefand la w™ 4 u. 1b0 remarkabtol cim of the ion of ’ 1 & afflict -i irpue nu «7 yean nui <s months. \rtrr «rsv*ii>n» •! s ? otUl, ‘ J « German jfcand FrauepfcoiS mrdbft 1 e ««wm fibywcittiii, and wtpftidine for 1 medicitie, medical Uvatiocm and adrirr thtt-c innsr 1 w < rt “' M, „-i». ÜB r» TOOCTJUIU! EXTBACrI ' Ur- \\ilii*m Secore* Lcuer to Dn.,l vans and flan. _f-Lave ipcuiover ibm thousand -dollars : fbr medi.' 1 cine and medical aiiemlam.-* - I was adviud to take a l ioumo Europe with him, J, | SkL T“« J England. I‘Consulted die oiortemiueut' physicians {here.m respect to Ini case; they examined aim and •■'■■] prcKnlied accordingly. | renfiuued . three month* ' without perceiving any chaitgo for. iUa better, which co« me about two ImnJml and Elly dollars pocketed 1>) .Ute jdiyiieuutv.aud die nwt Utai | received wu their opiiiiouthnt.my i-oti'i ciwe was hopeless and pod- *. ,Mr “ ' le * ’ , left tWiaial, and Sir. I piled through bcotluid. Ge nnany.andTrailed, and m. J .turueil Lome lutkc tuoiith of November taM,-witli inr i soil aa u»r. from being cured as when I left. * t eaw roar idmbwuiem m one of the -Now York neper*, e 3 - - concluded i 0 try Unn> Vegetable Extract, W±Wyow •laiemHiiu and certificates of »o umny caret, Hunt er twenty and tbirtvycars’tumdiug, tail eanaasurv roa f am noi K.rrv ( did to, na by the uaeof KanH Vnrem. ble Lsiraci aiouc, he vra* mtored to perieci hwlit Hi* reason, übtcb «ru to tar mto unfit him for : ' in entirely ruworod, with the proraectnow* before Inm, ot iite, lienlth ami 0 mombi oi ihu ““ been alllicted with this tmwi dm dial of di*. have no.douM but that you trill thiuk ikU U ani.ihe! The* debt of tnuiui!b>*f . «H 1 awe >oa, but meaie to accept lie present amosiw a* mteruat ou lie debt ui advance p nl aaw «* . ■ Pf o P rt«wra of ibis luraJaahlo'ra w jaicM ibf ««veral fear* with EplJeVtfc ~ The duease had prtnlucw ilia mm «iF» ayitem, vu: loss of memory, imbecility perfect prpnratian of the lirvo«a iv^i^n.Vv d 5 ‘ I mod the skill ©f the best ’ aadgrew worse under their that this medicine was his ciii**v* , “®, knew • .* Uft, and was •«* " •d u Knmn in i 2i075» 7k‘£ s£K!jf .f"' ,r “^ tr£? y«*». 118 Utonttenlt«. . ■ -. •ThomaaßJones,oftEbUBNrri “■ ■ John Yaber, I7d EUxabeth e>.' 4eo - *• D A Riehtoo, 813 Delirccy ii, & - JjmeeBmiUi,i3B Biarolksv ’ S" Charles Brown, 100 TV ’ pjd °* wtl ' l ‘ m ' T cr Uareuri, pa , R Jo* Y §jttdt» , vjtkn k Ciacimuil 11 rff bti.«u 4Ui uidSdtttnet. :rs,.&c JUSDICAJEi tCBOIOuS)VfIDS ( Wo.es, DIAMOND AIM - ■ J;KY, * ’<*»«■ bed?# "h m k * U6fl i wwwda JHEggjL.B "iji 1 BaOWß^htTtf ing been rerdtrty ot}urar*4 *° dm medical prpfi***lMi, wt&iSfflUGfSlCniSt 6,1,1 bera for iom ■ time it 3|KIaBBgHByC gcucnil practice. iowem» iw«im«m of.ilit£* p'rivaw 13 /) *“d<3elie#ic eomplaml* fi# \%.y*N»yy' - v S\ w, “ cl ‘ lll "o?I»onu„iu.« bi. 2 \v* Vi x P« n si*Cu peculiar!) cBkW jr'f'! Oereu .mhiir Sar«jJ U1 l 011 ? sut «illio*o compleLu,'during t,K* b6t * more pneucoand bueuredaLre‘ I *m»“oSf-'JSISSS , S .AA£sstefarai , £ < would inform those atfUcted with nrirei* dmjujM wlucUave become chS hy Umr or J£ STS^.H^■ UMa ?*y ° r Lio common noeuunuof JS^i^I l,al i lh L , ‘ r . eo '. n P 5,u,,1 « can l» radicallyand thor £e V '‘V 111 * Sw® *“* ««»*«! «UleauaVl» thejremmrni of nucli en»e«, and succeeded in hundred* of wituicei lii cimtt? pervoua of inflammation of i!» neck- ot the bladder, and kind red disc IUM-tr hie h otiair l,rt particularly iu*itea*urh rf lonff f 4 " l “UMCcertiiLUyiriJutti i,y oituum w1m! » every smjfnrtioti will begjvr? UieOi and ti»eir eaies treated in u carefiiL ihordospßinJ . ra * n a?Fi-pouiied ohi by a loiti* expenenee. JSStf? “"MWUS., ™ tick It i/lo.poibSS'fcV^Sf SSKEA ES£ of “^ cbo »*ws» 10? Hernia or Rupture.—Dr. SteWa al» InrhW *ona afflicted with .Hernia lAtzU, a* he haa paid pJiS! mar attention iothiadUe*«e • * <§&!%sE2*' ra * '“• living at a diflaaco, by their dUease in writing, giriiu* all the ermn nUJ" **• ”• „. rfy • . ccrena pay. . /••-• JB> TMPQRTANT TO THE LADlßglcbrnit* if ■ Cr ? a s l ’ * matchless article ibf lleouty and Restoration of the Hair cJSiS ?ss-sis[ ; .rauuewhich- are generally oa.nl, Evert m.n.eman wbo are ui the habit ofusingoti« m tfcX HaiJ nl n“, CC parc b««e n bottle of il,e t.TmmJ il£ ha£ nfc/hJL' M° cornpo4ed . ,h “' •» will act injure ine uair jlko Uio*e other prepurmiou*. but will heutl/V P® l **! aatufaelioti id ever) - uwanetfc 1 f testiatouy to its very superior qualities. m ibe following Utter .(rent Bee. Mr. Caldwell. » AlUwi ‘ SS LtT cb ' u *"™ l Mrun. Heudenboit A Btwteh-<Wl«mam | uk« pleasure in adding mr Testimony In favor ofiite exeeW lent prepanuioo tailed \Dr. I'arish'a. Chili**- IldV - Cream—for abooi two years avo, ory huir wa* nrr - dry, Lnttly, and disposed to come out; but bovine niZ cured a boue of the Cream, and Mod it awwKE ' Uic prosermuou, my hair is now soft, eliutfc aW ££ to the head. Mouv ba.sam* and oils ‘were-anplird. •2?b l «*»« »y hair m a won# staii-UMuTbeKr - rhu Creiuv/oowever, has met myexprctaiiona. As an article for the Toilet, my wife* rive* i prefer. ence over all others, being delicately p« rfomed. disposed to rancidity. Theladies MMeSSyWin £3 * the Chinese Cream to be a ‘ rations for the toilet. Respectfully, Ac. . “ e,f l’ re P*“. I*u!a*bt, Jan. ?, tbi?, n (JjfUlttrpj t iO-Sold wholesale mid retaD, in M-Tottrusand, No. 45 Market itrect, and Joaf Aiohl??' corner of Woortnud Fifth sirsttj.-- *r • ■ jnYjjf*' HOWE’S HYGEIAN ■ IIOAIUIUUNO A. LlVKft wurt Carnly is oSated to the pablio ,aa a pieaiamood eoeetive remedy foreottfharcikSwJ! na«, Asthma, Fhihisic, WtioopHiVcSoS.StoSS’ Croup, Sore Throat, aruitDhiii-. mia ffctnSi of the Chost and Lnngv In » uc h ea£s it k have adurded. detudod and p«rmauem*il«>UfVfa W A-S <w;! tn=.i ' above dtseeaes where it htu been —* become one of.the mast it u offered vo, u a pleat*.* rvlisfto SecoM«id2: • Sj “ U ““. U Jubli . .SIS ■ prepnration- art ot the best; quality, add it may be f m°r M m e a jartf-and grumine wouM «o douU protapta tmir comfort and Oiw'i by k * cpi ’ l ® *■ esptKially in tbe season of Ttaii Courh Caul/ ii coiMidrreda'rreata* fW*« tMrnrfaw tuperior to all 'the piErlrttti. j«y MUi&pen Jn areauou. us children were never knows ** C K.'f flieu > b ‘* U used, except for non. a ui ai oj this article will convince Ouy person of Im ivci proprietor* therefore dcly any pertoo Inihf United (Mules to produce a cheaper, more DieasautJ or effective reiaedv. 1 . . • “ r * Sold wholesale and null, by the General AkoW - ' u 11 SMVSEit, Dra«Uv ’ ' ' .V «_„ .I 0 ™ 5 .*«t<d 'duket iij, J’i!l ß Cur S a ' l v Howe & Co, Proprietors, No 1 College UaU Cinelo uati,Ohio, ... __ . - jaulfl Purlftr Tour"Blood.'. ' .'"^=r _\rn* O- B- Si&Llh IXtar Sir: La*t Sprinr, and ds> 1U tUig the prenwi- rnhitt. I tviu aevcxelr aiKettf ; ui my legs, eadhodlrcaa fcr some moQlUauudcr liicvaredl pUjrwciniu. Tltee mid tuy cbm; wa* aliaort it rurable. andibei could dd ' .but little tor m». l wo* nearly be)plc»*, Uut witUthe ’ aid orcnitcliek'coutd wiiti liltGcuily xeiaboul /ii AlaT tail, I purchased of. you. «)id u«iiuz dan - iot a SAtaritiua- Adeit the um c two Imite*, ife-' KUej comaijiiceJ iieaiiii,,'. and I i&idasidrmr eriiirb c-s UM«g only n cane, i «li*|>eaM>t) with uiy cane.-aud hi iUe?i;i) oi.rtie roonh, wn« iu> wpU as to assist afl dav in flieaniiy sheep. In all, ) u«J Are bottles •• "nit innUtu care. - COflNfcllAUS J. BOSS. • Vormlewl.clc.nlean.lrciiiU.T- ' • ■ - ’• RUUr.- C-.poj.na.sWßp oI^tSTSS Vk Ilr 0 r -U;'. : *,FpU ,, *''*> oftfloort, iw<J a lt other ef i lie jr real and 1 unprecedented Joe<e*» of Uu* valaa* •la nwdiciuc. and a desiro to diweminaie its tantfiiA . nave tnonced the proprietor* to Cube price aixdeeale Per Jjottle,.ilm» placing it witliiU ihe rsaeh.ef *]£. Wo mnulf should be without, or evjer will; when thrf lava once teen and appreciated rsmlnjst Icttanui’noaiac tiou in the cure oi<he abovecomplaints.* Odataiaiaftior uuneralor narcotic ingredient*, not iha slightest ouF-' 1 ' cer or iucohvcolrncf am re*u|i &»»aiuu*c. Childras' 'uunrtup iron croup and. whooping fcougk will vitU avidity, and hnd irwnedlaie rvliai, ao- maQwhow* rtotcttt tits pa rojy am,! Trlms to dir—ifr w Foriaio by storekeeper* cnwpljy, lu'tMi*ad'*d-‘ joining coamt* s.nriri whalet*le 4m>- retairfay tw t . prietor*; JV* B J BITTKB, -* J .j&l N- Sceut>d«t,l>eiaw ; V' T>XTlLiCt»4£l»l«cl ; doctor*; 0» da)trt?llen, db gentian’ «*" htsn^^- <tr t«wu It((KU.KU * t < w>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers