f*~- *• . >■?* - —* ' BY OUBTV9 UKOOI PIT TJ»ii u {£k-.i minty moeklno.march 3i.i&«a r »,r v ■.. irrrix Mtcmcws Uitix u*»nfc , .la : 'p«MU&c4 S jvjpkhr per *uMum i **ia.’i Bmt.mM.PaiA MOBTE ABKBWAI. *iflnsab»CTjpuoc* to ihe Nonh JUtter •■■'■. t~mm rnad Unitedfiune*tiasetw. .ghiltdripfcia.teceiTdq .. Sd famaid* from Oia ofiw. * * • ■ f xri:-,-;-- njp’APTfrrmaa irimanay ie<pi«ttd lha hand i» •. toff toror* fcrfWait*.' iL, sad u eady ia- to daf~*s "*,-'••> :•■•••• -!'• - . . fot latestCommerciallntelliflKice,Domestic, Mar* c ltota, BiW 'Nawa»!l®J©rt*» Moiay Matkeu, *e,:»e« .(hmpajt.' ... ■•.■ i.-i •■' jt>iSr2.'l<Whlg and j»tUMaio>l» SoaUutlMi ' w FOE CAN AL COMMISSIONER, IKK SIDDLESWiBTBr y -orcinoncocjrrr. ' BSMBM lir VAX4TIOB. ' 'Yfci*{»*<abj«jicoining hope to ever citizen, ‘-v* 4 ,;- aftd should ccmmaodtbe DtMtemnesT.iUFatioo. ‘ known tbalfreraiauUi in oar preteat *.*. ttrtaxte laws, and their 'Dolly execution - that a luge per centsge of the taxes it wasted before they * •■= ••• reach tbelqpsnry. To reinedy .this D the inleo* ! ?rr- tioatfuadtrUckwo givebelow. •' «*AN ACT lo provide Drthe.revisiou of the rer* " enueUw*.' - . “ V ,V-,*£litfjsiucb .«* this. Commonwealth, has been by the Atttbor or Nature, with a temperate •••• dime, fertile soiliuntoldmineral treasures, in metal »ad coal, which'industry in agriculture and me •' ; ‘chahiimat borne,'sad eatererize in cqmmer«s • abroad, have rendered availablefor the accomuU \ •' Uou tfweallhjlhrough the use of the avenues and ' • outlets to those pjarkeu on our ever? boundary, ■ < ~~ command'adequate price* tee atttbework of . - t,w» jpjwnnity; gad although in tho construe* ffr, afottiitetal avenues and oot-lels, it considers* •- " bto debt h« beeniacurred, yet nothing more U naecssary to nise iu interest puoctuaUv, aud atoVide a stoking fund for the gr adnal, but certain payment of the principal, by * eieeffuLcomribotiun ' their quota from ’every citizen, then n well .-grounded eonvirlionUutdbe taxes levied for. this ' purpose, are as equal nodjosi sspossible, and that every one pays l according lo hi* means; ai.d no' be lea untried to' satisfy pumic t ooimoaouthis subject, and sump so desirable. ao ■• - * iaueesawn od;the minds, of the people at large: i tJ fLi Stoats mid. Hems efUrynstnlg t&a effJmCotSonteeaUk tfPtnnjyhanuL. i » <?««* . . \ v -' 1 be. and they aie hereby appointed Commissioners .-.i-r to rerire; collect, and digest nil public acts of the ■t-; ; •' 'General Askmbly.respectingthe aaseasmeut and collection of tales, together with such proviswus aaiiD&rsaiion and experience may suggest bt the • imiHovemeat dfUie revenue, without, lunhet; in ’ crease of the rules, and incorporate the. wholein • ' oae general and.systematic statute, ni simmMntel* ' . .hgiWe.andaarapleto a* the nature of the subject -,. j • confided-to throi may sdmit, and report atuu, on '*•» *-'■ of heDrethe tooth of October next, to the Govero wiUi'sui-b : explsnalinns and documentary evi ‘ dence aa may elucidate the workfUad the said fall, . |^ n ;i h« prinudina laws of the Staid nowarc,m new«nai«r* and also in bill form, and one copy (■ ■■. (hereof be eedtby.the SechilarvofSiirte, to each member of lh>*.legislature 'elect, ondtpiheCom • ' ' jnUsiOnefaofevierycouuty. > '/ > ‘&iefnb/..Tlurtthe*ald Coamtsstonere, inuis : • ~ ■ ebargiog said duty, shall severally devote them «" ■; at lea'rt tb ee months after their appomt meet, to the collection orcorrect.lnibnnauoa as to the most miiuoer afrauung revenae in for <igi. couotrie»i ! and ini onr airter States, nod to gathering,-from our bwo records and cwteas, wen • prove; raoK,' accepUlde In prec* tiire: and shall then convene together at the capf*. ' ” ik; where th«y|*hall have aeoeaslo any record*, books,--or papers of the State, and there compare * the P n?di«rti/Ujeirrefpecdre and caprfully !*■collat*.'do4condense into one bill, all suiUbfe un ndmeuls'now.in Dree, with as little dfaratton of : , tlietn as heedful,' diverting the aeU crfaU unimpor • -ttnt andoiele«swprds,desigttaiinycon9picaously ' -thesabjerts of tsxalkm, ond defining all important - ■ 1 terms—framing directions to every officer, .'''.‘'■fcr.thepeifcrmance.oftheiriaspeeUvedQii^aoJW • ' • to prevent varieties of construction and .operating —rembod ving all rdggertions and regulation* £r> v* <d fttua the eoureesef*ressid,w3ib«a i°e officers ; ofgovemment,wbo are desired to'md and advw r ’ ■ wUh said Commissioners. The aaid .revisers shnU 'l'jilso specify contradictions, or mcon* “■ ■ potencies—all Instances of. double or oppressive •' property—allim oerieecmusafidcontrivuncesofevaaion, and devise ' ! (he mart efficiedl and acceptable measures Dr « f jcuring full and candid disclosares, especiallyof in ' ' corporeal items;and nraeml.and supply,as&r «w ‘ prameable, dU <JeflcienciK so that they may. jue ' eeiiL Dr adnptibn'. oae general, uhitorm, and wir • 'ahrtsm of taxation upon all such property as ll^y X ' believe should contribute to toe burthens and ob ■ -1 ■ liestiona of the government and people; and Shall .aLo report the' scheme of a sinking Dnd, which 'may bSd. phu'permanent basis, ihe credit of ihc Comoonwrekh; and redeem ito plightedlaith, by, i aoch progressive debt a* the | .. s■' impsruaT and equal application of our sufficient •. r ■ -resoorees wouftl cetia imr accoojrfiah. ■• - ■ -Buoterf, TbaMbe-Jrtbrary Committee be in* . stntcted to order. Dr the Library, and tbeomof «aid revisers, the latest statutes tad most approved • r-MbUeatkxu on tha.sufaeittof the cdlcctioa of reve* - ■* ilueig the least«tcepuonable nxsauer. “IZaß&si,That rev^a’shall.be;allowed, Dr. ' - the performance of the duly.aDrejsaid,Mch sum us , may be fined by Uw' “Auditor General and.Sute 1 ; ’ Treasurer, hot ■exceeding fifteen hundred dotlsre each-V I’.- • • • This.mpvmneniUnct one of party, and should ■ < • be urged oa at the most rapid rate. We are assur -• «d'that the Ctanmutibners ’ will be selected so ai . io ; command 'tire mort talent ond the most bon ettjp. la the language cf the Harrisburg Union, - We take'pleasure itt csßing the sttention. o| • every person interested in sustaining the State cred* it, and ia contributing their Dir proportion of taxes nooessanr Dr that purpose, and no wan-, to the bill, . No. filS, of Representative file reported by *• - Mr. Myers, Chairman of the Committee on Wavs -and Means. The oecenity of such areyiaum of ' ' the revenue law* is Dreed upon the mind of every • penoo'acquaicted with the subject, and the rea Soosfortbe passageofaUw conrtiuitiog aboard Dr that porpose are ao well set fcnh. in the bdl re* 'ported, tost they carry conviction of its importance, ftisonly.necessarvto add.that the committee* of (be House, and officers of the government, cannc* be to prepare and eodiiy these taws as - ahoaldbedooe-! Whether the Commissioners are aominaied by the Governor or Legislature, wearo ■ gore that experienced practical the bigueW character Dr aai-ho task, wiU be selected. If no otter bill proceed* from this session, its work will be invaluable/j ; . . _ - A BntSß. Aitaac— l'lw five timders often M Ot tbit Penatylrsnia. iron is better then foeigo— ui,a« • oitowlcooseqaeac®, wesoppose, parcha> «r»iUafcioioo;andp*«® o *®& rit ' Oareference Wtba Eastern Prices Curreat/we see Americaa pif iron footed lower ifaan fcretgn; end.wonder Wby tbebetiei£article, *t tiia«ineil price, does not Aritstte other oot of mtrket. . nica et tio uto»— * AMr'cu Foundry, ' 529 <2*3l ptrton ». rorje, 58 0529 "• AjnbttetlA, No. 1, . 20 o*2B - ..: No*2»*l3, 24(0*20 EaliUfc 29 0532 ■ * BCM^SS. .. *29(SM per,iou. Soo»«k»'o*rUiwffw,No l, - $31034 ” -' $2SO3i . . . - la tho B«*oo oarifec, these quotations shew that iW English ansi Scotch iron, tbragh *«d «ebe ii 11 11 t* ~~ the American, relit 81 the same price, •iW paying a dolf of 30 pee cent ad vatoent on taeoslin‘Xegiand,addßdla theifreight hens, and , i add a. I Lopping charge of 2s, Cd. in ' Xircrpaohl - .---'i.- .Wiillheironinaketeiaonrfaroieeslookattlieso, *i T ..iur that Polk and his political nasocister die better uritTmen than theiWhigs!'Take these teuca to the free traders, and ask them how Uey gun to IrU of their lobe lor the laboring man, trier : haring redneed the duty on pig iron Horn 109 per cent to 30 per cent, Slick to them with the tig -Jii teri them nil their therories ere nothing, rehen iri the face of their Coe atories, Englishend Sodlch hta driers jron Cram the lornaeea to the 'coed ]— s-h end. the pottto Celd. We most go to a teriff thst win let Penasrl ranis Iron worker* hrro the heme market, and mneh eoeonrage onr_ Xtanaucr Fowawsatr-The Fouriofet* * l^pec^onlOteinsiheirptpertintoftoUceupoa 'tW tmpanty tiiwnpb of ihrff theory In.Franc*, ' «Th* Harbinger. tbe organ of Ike Amencsn Av flbtWoftl«U.(Foiirient'e>) will no *r, be quite utter ertiam sincethe fcrest occurrence* in Korop?-: <'U ' bpriatodioKtw York,st & per annum, sub ‘wirrTf"J'• * u -“* • ‘- ©C*eA'Sl4afc*ne.umovuigioibomatter, loft . 'frfp jpeerh hi T 1 — York, be is rqrsrted as ttyiagi “" «Fl4iieo’fcllb* Chnslof nstioa*. She has «|>«U* +A tar blood ott the battle fields, for tlie redempt ion : f nr tiw>t. gas crucified by the Holy Alb* . . f _nji —md ffr* was resuKtsied in lttf®, <hr am> ‘cSrt ‘■ twß i fefCTrf ’ Sacbisihwprofanejnr. gQCriWM^’' , , , •‘V : ■! | rprit Boxzs vt Ballot Boxxs.—Xbe would ;• rftbe Bnckeye Stale, Ihraiens on Jflpwl ft* ,S * «fl*fccL if bi» fartyts sncceisfoL lo ■ IT Ohio, a few- day* nncn—he **id *??!*•»if tj*t7uu» Democrats)shoald succeed in xfefc'-'ssxs *J*SSsmni«trf*B ‘ »promi»eat|*rt- cobcJuwoo urii£Boitsecif : U(«a the proposed : ra|ml of Jcnas Wctao, tin slnfcsfljr taskcrm' to the, Jlpc|ke. .TM bell, iuu.beeo the reason* which led to thi* result are act forth is a report drawn op. by Mr. Famxllti frotnlheCommiiieegn Potent*. Mr. "Wood Ob tainedTf jSaleht.foriis’ploughiii September,. 1 SI9, &r 14 yean. : The - prteot baa been continued foe 2S year*, and since. then the: United State* have granted more than two hnndred Patent* lor im. provemeo|*in.pV3ngh*, and some of them have many imjabvemenia. - ' The Committee go over in brief ail the improve* meat* which have been made in the Plough for the.laH'rentory and tnor*v tiegianiog with Janie* Small, of made the mould board of cast iron. In 1755 Robert Renton invented the caat .trim share or point. .Tbpae point* or share* wearing away too Cut, in 1603 he contrived a plan ofwfle A cost iron plough ground or with [amove* bleaole orslfde, withtnortices to receive the ten. ous of the wood to which it was attached was iir vented in ISOI. In ISIS Mr. Cook of England in* vented a plan by which the. plough prevented the earth cutting vertically and horizontally,^ Twenty-fire patent* were panted in the United States prior io that given to Jethro Wood,*—to Cbas Newfold in 1797 for a plough of solid cut iron, consisting of a tar, sheath and -mould. piste. In I SO 7, David Peacock received a Patenrfor a cast iron mould board and landsid© in .separate parts aod a wrought iron abate or point la 1613, Mr Cbenortb, of-MtL, made’cast iron mould board*) 'loadable* and *bare in separate pan*. Thomas Jefferson the Ex-President had.* bandk in improv ing the plough in 18li. The article written by Mr. Jefferson on the prop er construction of the mbuld board and share, or, os called by .him, tbe plough ear, was, says the re* port before me, published in France while he was minister there.' ‘The object which be had in view, wsslhe forming-bf the mould board in such, a .manner silo turn over the sod vifji the least por sible reairianee. He gives particular directions, upon mathematical principle*, to accomplish the* parpose; observing on the material, then used, be says propose, in futore, to have the .ear* made of cast.iron.* . - The whole question of prioriiy appears' to hang iipoc the cast iron mould board. Tbe Committee say that the moold board vu not a new invention of Mr. Wood, and that his claim for the cast iron standard conflicts wilh other inventions- ' Tbe Committee on the Publication of the Treaty were four hours in session on Saturday, without closing their labors. Itjs pretty well understood that the Stale Department was the source cf pub. lie communication, and the Secretary of State the author, We have rumors too riraning through the city since" Saturday nigLl that Mr. Buchanan has resigned. Mr. Polk and himself for some time past have notbeen on tbebert terms. Some of Mr- Bachnnan's proteges nod supporters for- the nomf nation before the Convention soon to be held in Baltimore, have made themselves very offensive to the President Idoult whether there has been a quarrel outright, but it may prove more thaw is compatible for such men and poor human nature to smother their wrath as much as might be desirable for’rii'al candidates for the Presidency. : 'VAfleyes ore turned Eastward just now ip esger 'anticipation of the steamer'* new*. The Diplomat ic corps have a keen snxietyto know more, and as you readily suppose the Minister of the King of the French. 1 • A ehange of Government at home, may change the functions of his office alonee.asia deed ft may that of other Aur trio, the moat overbearing and-autocralic of all Eu ropean Governments is fearful of losing her own Italian State*. v ■ : In the midst of aU this fierce political commotion I send you extracts of ah interesting-letter of quiet life, just received from a relative in Rome. Some oftbe writer’* letter* inyeappearrd iuthc Gazette . y r Rom, Feb. 1518. wcuz—run ooi'xrev—aactnrr xxn' stonnet *rr. . 1 very often think of you bare ia Rome, where yotv have M*nd before tne year* ago, bat tbe fre quent changes lowa, present unpleasant; impres sion*. The fountain* on the Piazza* gush on and tell no atone* of tbe past. The echoes of San Pie tro, the bird* that chirp foUage that crowns the Coliseum.’* ennobling arches, the flow' era that shed their odour* through the ruined wall* of Crcsar* palace and Caxacailds baths; the villa*, the pines and cypresses, the cap&qua, none of these' say aught of name or kin having, .-beeoi in their midst. Give one aome clue to the sue* and bouse where you lodged, the name of your Padrone, or some old Roman lodger whom you knew*—ibe trattoria where you dined, the corner of the cafe grec* wtare' you imbibed the fragrsa* Mecca. ,■ It « a precious boon to lire in Rome bat one whose value I am constantly trying to rouee my* self to a fall couscmusnew ©C i grow.so accu* tamed to thing! of “greatest pith and moment" here that I am like a aleepjr hia legi to keep himself awake. Thing* that appear exceedingly trivial and ' common place here' now,- will ali stand ot« like anre picture* when X am again in America, and how much more so the great things wluch are around me.. Ah, how I shall look back on this year inLltaly. What testa] glories has it brooghtto raef This old Rome about which 1 .bar® dreamed all my Efe without the remotest bop* of ever seeing, here it has been an everyday story to me, mixed up and associated with all man* ner of prosaic details but still, It is Rome—the Eternal city, the.uughly rnngnet, which of old as now has dmwn'aU to As bosom, and how cause* created it is in my tliocghts, by nil old historic as sociations and visible reties of post ages, os well as by the love and friendship which visit me daily, so you-'may well conceive the thoughts .</ aoonleaving these old plaees makes me feel sad enough. - 1 Weahall leave in April probably tor the .North, but what place we hare not determined upon, to pass the summer. Salsburfb, in the south of Ger many, is a cheap and beautiful place, but .we may not go so for- Rome is too hot fer one's health in in summer and in ito mountain townskhere is too much discomfort for any Christain woman.. fcj * e * Save you ever been machamopgtto mountains in the Roman States. It is a great couik; try fern pointer..'What tdctaiyaque scenery and figures, and what splendid color. One might spend yean and years in Italy, and always find the male rul inexhaustible. One caauoChelp wondering what the old masters coaid have . been about tint they gave us no better transcripts of Italy in thei> dingy and anntoral pictures. AQ the life and tjruth of landscape painting, aeema to hare been re served for modern art. for composition many of tbp old landscapes are fine, many of them in tone, bnt they all want troth and attention to de tail, (I eveept-of %ourse some, of-tto works: of Claude and mfewof Salvator Rosa, and tore’and there a gem by some other m*o.“ Generally speak ing I find very little lo like in .'them so for as by limbed knowledge of them goes) . How different is it with Ito Mstprief and imaginative department aod figure painting. What endless beauties unfold them selves here. From Micbrel Angelo and Rafa. elle, down, through the different grades of genius.— H-re one may study and admire forever. Our rooms are in the- Via Sistine, not far from i House of Claude. My .studio is in the Via Gregoi* ' ans, next to the House of S^lrotor Rosa and la the House of Penoli the eograt rr of Flaxmau. - Ames is painting his JJoKpew, Pius Ninth, who yet lives and blesses iu* per-|4e ia spite of all the maebinatioos and opposition of the lover* of politi cal darkness. May he and reign tot to. will hare a hard Umeofhl .y . Huts, just fcetrd from Powers who j* well, and prosperous ot Florence. My friend Stonr, (*on of the great Story and a a promising sculptor is in Rome for a timer—' We may go to Florence with him Ha the summer. •• c. r. c. Wmo SiATxCovrjstTjo^—TheLouisiana Whig State Convention, was told at Npw Orleans on the 14th ia*L, when the following gentlemen were no* mins ted.as delegates to the JNmjoaal- Conventioa and confinned tT' tUc oeeiing—the namea being put singlyHou. Wo. Brashear, AUext Peiree, Chas W~ Conrad, Jr., Felix Labalut, Esq, Philip Maher, jjlon Preston W Farrar, Hon O F Jackson, Hon S S Prentiss, Hou GII Duuoan. Joe M Wray, Esq, J O Piersoo, Esq, hi Harley, La&yeUe Saun ders, William Sparks, Cuthbert BeO and Hr. Jas Ritchie. .'Sargent S Prentiss addressed the Convention and said be was in fovor of Mr. Clay, but that ho believed the Wbigs of toniiimaa were in fovor of Gca-Taylor. Re •okttioaa were adopted lotto ef: feet that the Whigs of Loutritaa will heartily sup port the nominee of (he National Convention. Mr. Brasbear the. President cf the Convention and of the Delegatee, mid: “He bad been a friend of Mr. Clay for Marly fifty years, and yet be should goto A* Convention - entirely'untrammelled and determined to vote-in fovor of the eadldat9*rsast hlcdyto eeeurv the rafitges of the people et large. Mr kthajgi* .that before tto asrembfal*. of ito National Coatearipa the. Whig party would hare agttled down ant deeUsd apoo whtteoarMtopor soe, and that Mr: Oay wookl then ba able tQrfier* mine wbsttov bp would ooueet to tto oaainafro* emtnrslwv* received Sc B.) pipe**; of which they have; gatlseredrfoe lof. foeriog'drendfol particulars c/the immigrant passengeraefihe ship'Omit*,' re' potted sday or two rioce oshaving-beeo founders edatsejL ,T -,-y • Tbe Omega was a. British ship*of 1300 tens bound from Liverpool to New York, with 327. pas ftengen. These passenger*, before the'ahip'fouiv-' dered, were taken ; 140 (chiefly women nod chil dren) bo board the barque-Aurora; IG3 on board the brig Barbara; and the remainder on board the Highland Mary, for New York. ■ The barque Aoroni, reported by the Highland. Mary at New York, as taking on board part of the passengers, of- British ship Omega, from Livcrpooi, 'arrived at Halifax on Saturday last, with seventy three' of these unfortunate people, having landed thirty-three atCaaso, aod the remainder, about six ty haying died on board! . .Manyofibe survivor*are suffering from-rick* ness. Dutihg the last seventeen days they were on board tbe' Aorora, the allowance ‘of food was limited to 2fc ounces of bread, and a wine gtass of water per daiy eaclu The British brig Barbara, Captain Skinner, from New York for Cork, with a cargo of corn, took on board about 150 more of these passengers on the 10th of February, and af terward* bore away for Newfoundland. OnlhoSdiost,the. steamship Ilibemia.Captain Shannon, from New York, via Iluliiax, hove in sight- A signal of distress was made, and the stea mer bore down to the Barbara, when tbe Captain of fhe latter vessel'acquainted the steamed that they were out of water, and it was further added, “there are one hundred and fifty pereons'ou board dying for want of waterf to which the reply- from the steamer was, 'them is the land; go then and get t ! Tho steamer passed on. though tbe wind was blowing strongly front the land, so that it was im (►ossible for the unfortunate brig to reach it. In attempting to-reacti St. John, N F, they mis took tbe tand, and drifted info a cove ut Petty Har bor, N F, and went ashore, and on account of the .heavy surf, struck a clifT, and stove a hole in the brig’s bow. Thirty-five i individuals managed to reach the shore, and mahout five minutes after, the Barbara fell over and went down, carrying with her about one hundred and fifteen souls, among whom was Capt Sldnoer, of tbe Barbara. The Halifax Post of the 19th inst, says:. To’daywegive tbe particular* of the wreck of ! the brig Barbara, Cspt Skinner, of.Pictori (owned by Messrs. Fairbanks ’ it' Allisons, of this city,} a most lamentable . account of suffering and loss of life. In addition to these particular*, we learn from otfter source*, that Capt, Skinner threw overboard a part of-his cargo to afford the people he took from the Omega room below decks. KespeeUngthostea*. mer which the Barbsriv spoke on the 2d iust, it is remarked that she'was probably the Brilania, which .vessel was appointed, to leave New York on the 26th February.—and not the Hibernia, as general ly reported/ 1 The -Orion brought port of the crew of the Barbara from St. John's. • *A mistake. It was no doubt the Hibernia, from New: [York Feb. Sfilh. Tbe St. John pa pers bint at some irregularities on board the Bar bara. Doiochact at the Sodts—Dictaxi.iq Fkjx- are anxious to know wbol “the fevorlte son” thinks of the new platform of democracy laid down by Alabama, and endorsed by Virginia- Doe* he mean by go over In full to the riarehold era, and follow their dictation, or does be mean to uphold tbe bonorof free Pennsylvania, and the dig. nity of his manhood. Does Penhsylvaois mean to be tbas gagged- and bound or will she spurm this sonthern 1 democratic dictation as nobly as the democracy of Maine and New York have done. . From the: Augusta Age, (Maine,) wo extract the following paragraph os the subject: “It is singular that the democracy of a slate here tofore ao Uniformly true to the democratic party as tbat of Alabama, should pat forth a declaration *o treosonable to therepnbtican cause. The declara tion proposes a new condition of uatioaal demo cfalic fellowship, by which to exclude from public favor every' man.'whoso opinion* upon the subject of slave extension may be at variance with their own—* subject which though regarded, perhaps, by one section of the .Union with favor, is looked upon by the other with - profound aversion, h in volves a subject, therefore, which can never be one of agree meat, much lens a bond of anion, between tbe people of the slavebolJutg and noo«lavehold> ingstate*.?.'; . ; The New; York Evening Post copies tta article from tbe Maine paper, with a pn-feoo in whit-hit says: “The journals of the radical democracy nieel this assumption [in the readotions] of authority over the democratic party in * proper aadmnnly spirit.” It also nyr-s^wc will add to wliat is said by tbe Maine journal, llwt this proceeding of the southern democrats can be met but in one muuucr —by firm resistance, andif.it be persisted io, by defiance. To expedl a tatne submiwion to such a test, from the democracy of the free states is out ot the qncstionj Every polMcian by profession might oomoice in its favor, and give ilhi**dlie»ioo—(bey ooald.sot carrythe tmoplewith them/ The caudi dale who takes suck a test, and' o)ine* tafore the people with this badge of the slaveholder, upon bi» person, has no more chance cf obtaining the Tm!. dencyby theJhe .vote* of the free *ute» than if he were Ujo Britub minister cosvuring for the ,rc4c* of Americstt electors.* • 1 Tbe presses wlpch. are fed on spoil* (the one de. moerslic principle) will advocate q surrender by Pcnhsyltraaia, but we know the .people will not They will adhere to tbe"WilmotProri*o, and stand [by ihofree institutions of the They will never elevate Mr. Bacbannb at the .sacrifice cf they have held dear dariog a whole life. ■ Exploded i“Pziscm.®r"—At tho recent conven tion in LouiMna,l!tebcofocoVaaoagother doings. : Besotted, That we now reiterate and confirm tbe principles act forth by tho Democratic convention ut Bahimore in 1544. Tbe Louisville Journal remarks that, “it mu»t be borne ut mind that the moat important of tbe reso lutions, of tbe Baltimore convention in '44 was that the title of the United Stotts to the whale of Ortgou was dear and nnqtustionaiU, and that no portion of it eotdd under auw etrtntmtanees be surrendered to Gnat Britain. Id doe time one half- of the ter ihoiy to which wo bad this clear and unquestion able title and which was under no circumstances to be surrendered was qaletly given up by tho Pres ident and hi* party, yet now the member* of a Lo cafoco Stole canvention come forward and re-re ablretbe Balliniore'resolutioit— and are not ashan edit! \ "■ But possibly this re-resoiviog of the Hsltimore resolution is not merely ridjcutoa**-it may bo nlro ctou*.' Possibly the I«tHiissna Locofoco*. byresolv ing si this time that our title to the whole of Ore gon is clear and unquestionable and that Great Bri tain must have no portum of iL mean that the Uni ted States must take the whole in defiance of the ire sly! The war with Mexico being probably over, they may be bent upon n war with Great Britain, aha, preparatory thereto, upon a direct sod gross infraction of national faith and honor. If such are their views they wilt have to wail till they get some President bettor suited to their purposes than Mr. Polk* He may have the requisite want of princi ple, but they will find him to lack the reqiuile nerve.-' ; i A Fight m|tux Asswblt Cimxbxx*—On Fri day afternoon, in the Assembly Chamber at Alba ny, a-fracas took place, the principals in .which were-Mr. James Bowen a rejtresentafire from New York,and Mr. John Mason—which Utter gen* tJemsa appears to have been at Albany several weeks, looking after the interests of tto emigration bilL Mr. Bowen had. It seems, upon the anthonty of Mr. R B Minturn, stated on several occasion* that Mr.-Mnaoa was acting without authority from Commissioners oi emigration; and on Friday she latter addressed a note on the subject lo Mr, R., and upon meeting in the .chamber, in the after noon, they had quite a fight, bat were separated before any great harm was done to .Mr. Mason was arrested, and a con butte# was appointed to inqire into and reps it : upon the scrape. y- Racking Onxs Faisjna.—The Ohio* 1 Statesman has bo article headed—‘‘The Infomy of Federal ism—its sameness now,and duringthe last War/' This article we find copied ioto the democratic or. gan of Western Pennsylvania; and w’e commend ila appropriateness. It rebukes the savage “patri otism’' and dishonesty shown at the Court House War Meeting.‘. Who was it that said that; to bo ped that the hones ot every American citizen, who wenttoCancihi.in ito last war, would Lleae.Ji on its soil? Was that a declaration calculated; lo’help on the war of 1&12? The man who' uttered this opeech is still alive; and though acting with the de mocracy, is unchanged at heart—they are “ r-till Federalists, and are changed only In name." Ptaasylvaala higlilstnrt. . Harrisburg, Mareb 27. Prvsrr—Th" supplement from thuHonse to the actio incorporate the New York and Erie Rail road Company was taken up, and passed fimdty in n modified formi ' The bill relative to the Uaury Law having been taken up, was dlscuised at length by Messrs. Johm : •ton King, 1 Middleswartb, Block, Matthias, Crta creft, Srayxer, Putieiger, Small, nnd other*, when the vote was taken on its passage, and tto bill was hit- ■ i. ' i > Hovsx —On motion of Mr. Fercoo, the bill from the Senate to prevent tto employment ia factories of children under twelve years of age, was token up, and after much discussion, was .passed, leas. M,nsys ■. Fsou Ttra Moc.ttaws!—A despatch dated Sr, Louis March 25th‘ui tto.Jounial, aay*: •: -' i.i ; Lieut. Thorp and seven men have arrived' from tto-mountains.' Tney left Fort Spauldmg'on the Sftth February, and were overtaken at Mano’rport bv an Arkansas express and lhree men from Santa Fe, which place they left on the ‘23d. The westh er was intensely cold, and the snow deep.-- They, tod lost many mules; A rmnor had readied Santa' Fe.on tto 13ili of February, that CoL Bovrlon had been attacked ai Cicora by 4000 Mexicans, and hid foot 00 men.! plea; Fierce, with tot 500, men, marched to his relfefi ThorpmeiKschcr’a exftrhM on tto SIR ofMarrbf in grsat 'haringsuf feed ttverely fop cokL- Edward Thorp tou shot deed «t Fdrt Spaulding, recently; by James Waters. 1 This li the spoond of the Thorps killed lately. -fgTJ’ tit]S£tmifai.i>lttdkrghefi = me; 1 ' . . i in Frxace.b./i Kras tioFod wJßioilwluar ofd&gla. La it adiuM.ij.tlw Mtotata iu I.m. 23®* W MBdwtoJoot opouuiMwiU ta^Slto facttoFraure fcrlauon, in repub ircamant ,Ttls alwzyst gtttd oneDGit pf-s fomtly get* moch exciled for lbs rest, to fce^o Smm tS ““ Uauoril libiny *0 now enjoy, and ?°* t “^ abo .ta. getting examples from her. We have had such examples; and found 4bem worth less, and so mcom patiWe with the views of the old tamer* of the republic that those who illustrated tbe example in their perrons were sent home by Geoige Washington. Tbe first specimen cf French republicanism or jacobmism, waa in the persod of citizen Genet, who came here and violated alfna tional honor, byhis aUempt to cany on a French war agauut England, from the United Slate! in Which be was thwarted by Gen. WnahingtotT and sent home. This *arao. Genet is tho French re • pubhean. who, when his dishonest intention* were thwarted, told Mr. Dallas be woald‘“appeal|from the President to the people.” In reply, Gen. Wash ington asked. Ms the minister of the Frendi re public to ut the ac'j of this gmerumatt at ddfiann *-tcuA imvnuity.'* But Mr. Genet was a ‘.‘democrat” and the Post and its allies can’see no doubt, much to his boaor in opposing llieimmorul Washington, and no doubt thinks that dtizea Genet, re skins from the revolution oCFsris, know more of t ur in] siilutions than those who framed tbe coastii ution under which they were established. Unto th« time when this French Demagogue arrived iu Chirles ton, onr conolry was neariy free from that Warti san spirit which has since convulsed it to its-cen tra. The peonlo uninfluenced by the clamors of unprincipled demagogue* and levellers; had, as was just, the most unbounded confidence in the administration. Into a country peacefoUnd happy and where peace alone should ever reign, tbe spirit of party whs infused by few.aspirant* for pure, who formed themselves into, societies, to readue the republic, which they falsely said was endanger ed by “the pride of .wealth and arrogance," of power thu* chaining the Administration of Wash iugloo, with designs and inclinations inimical to the welfare of that country, which, the services of Washington and his cabinet, in a great degree bad achieved and secured. Soou after Citizen Genet's arrival, democratic societies which ao foully libelled the immortal foun ders of the Republic, began to increase rapidly, and to make bead .among the people. In soon after the arrival of Genet a Democratic Club was formed, after tht model of the Jacobin Club of Parts, From this small beginning, what is now known as Loco Focoism had its origin. Nor have tbe leaders oflhat party ever changed their course of action. Prmcirdeaihey never harL Their whole purpose ha* ever Men to defame aIT Honorable ac tion, and persuade the people that their liberties were in danger. - They started by saying that a constant circula tion of ureful information, and a liberal communi cation of republican sentiments, were the best an* tidotes to any political poison with which the vital principle* of civil liberty might t>e attacked, The first organisation of.deinocracy was made ih oppo sition, to Generali Wruhington, and it has been continual against his principles to the present day. The “ republican'" sentiment* (Cdreboods) then have been repeated by .‘‘Posts” and u UoionV until, by repetition, they.have ac quired a-liold upoa.the country, that continually work* to tbe disadvantage of the Republic. If tbe people of this connlry prefer anarchy to civil liberty, guarantied by law. they will spurn all French example, and endeavor to bring the coun try back to the principles of Washington. Every true American will wUh France well, for *he hn* : been our friend, when we most Deeded one. Bui J he it & traitor and demagogue who would abandon tbe contitutfon of the fathers, of tbe Republic, io take example from tbe spasmodic intermittent at tempts made by French Republicans for civil lib erty. [Asexicas ftxcpoai, xot Fasten Axabcxtt, • Two Turns to CcstncatAXD—Tbe BaUimore Sun, of Monday last, bays—“ It seema that though the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company com* meuce to day running two doily trains of patten* ger cars' each way, between Ihis-and Cumberland’ there baa been so arrangement by the Post Office Department for an additional rnafl citberwpy. The sdvan'ago, to both tho east and tbie west of two daily tnaifc*.instead of one, it is urged would be no light one. -The mail leaving Philadelphia in the morning, woold be scot forward, wilhout stopping, a» it does now, altout' fifteen hour*, and would be on it* way beyond Cumberland by the time it i* now sent off from Bshimore.” Srxa.utr Mzasi'ses.—Two Loco Foco office holders lately refused to give up the fees of their office*, as required by law, and threatened litiga tion: “The conduct.of these officials having been re* presented to theN. York Executive, Mr. Youoz po litely intimated to them that if they did not mutant ly band over the receipt* of their offices, over tbe amount fixed for their salaries, th*V. there were a great many deserving jtpd competent person* in the city who would gladly take their places, and LeMiuffied-vitbtbeiraalarie*. This operated like a charm; nbd a* soon os it was made known to tbe gentlcroen, they p*id over the cash very expvdi tiotiriy.” - This Mcrtfice of "principle" tnutf Lave cost them much regret' ; , Go. Tatxoz’s Fxisarixs.—The Maysvifle Ea gle speaks of* sdother letter which is later than the Peter- Sken Smith letter so much comraeated upon. -; ' k We understand from a gentleman who saw the letter during the aittiogs cf the Democratic State Convention at Frankfort, tbat a prominent Demo crat io Lewis county ha* received a letter from Gen. Taylor upon the subject -of the'Presidency, in-which he states that be will accept the nomina tion of either a Whig or Democratic Natamol Con -rentioo. The Campaign Flsg alkdev to the tame letter. We ahould like to aee it published." MrucctuoLY Accincrr—AVe learn from the X. .Orleans papers, that, an the 17th instant, an urjbr tanate accident occurred -on tl>e lake, on Thurs day, by which Mr. R. J» Lines, the chief operator, and Major Wfllard, of New Odessa, met their death*. It appears that they were visiting in tbe neighborhood of Fort Pike, on bosines* connected with tbe telegraph lines; and. took a Mat to cross the lake bear lost poinUwhich accidentally orer tnrned whilst the middle cf the stream, and both were drowned, the boatman only escaping. Major Willard, we regret lo add, leaves a widow and young family to. bewail their loss. Mr. lines wan a most efficient officer on the telegraph line, and wn a native of Utica, N, Y. ; A TatLoa DtcuxaTioa.—Tto Erw Pa. Gsxette paUiibe* a letter from William S. Lane, Esq., who was appointed an elector forthe 23d Congression al Disirict, in this State, by the late Taylor Con vention. in Harrisburg. Mr lane declines the too or intended to be conferred on him. He states he is* Whig, and goes for Whig men and measurer, and tto ÜBsps tX ito Whig party. He is willing lo support Gen. Taylor, should be to the nominee of the National otherwise be wish es no connection with thoio who wish to throw aside all p»eoedeot, and bring forward the General, independent of any party nomination. .New Poar-orncx «ufo Amnrntcm— A New Post office is established a* Forty Fori, Luzerne county. Pennsylvania, and Elijah Shoemaker ar* pointed Postmaster. The following appointment* have been made by the Postmaster General: EJes xer F Chnrch, Postmaster, Centre Bridge, Bucks county. vice J DBaWerstoa; Hugh Andrew*, Postmaster, Cderalo, Lancaster county, P*. vice J W> Hendrickson, resigned; Andrew Magee Post master, Pmey. Clarion connty. Pa., vice Thomas Magee, resigned.. Artsamncrj.—They do this, very coolv iu At. kaosas. Tto Elldorado Union of that ■ state gives an illustration.. One Romulus Casey bad announ ced In* intention of taking the life of William J Pate, The latter met tto former with a rifta on hi# shoulder, guessed at la* purpose, retreated, borrow ed a gun, followed him to. a- store where be ira* making purchases, ordered the More-keeper to stand awde, deliberately. *hot him, the fweharee taking eflect in the thigh; andwhen Casey ran lathe hack door; fired the second barrel and lolled him. Tb a X oxtucic owned by ex-Goveroor Porter at Harmtorgh, opridenUy took fire ou Sunday morn ing. The sheds over the engine and carting house were drsttoyed and may to repaired at an expense ofafewlhundred dollars. The delay which it wiU Occawon, is more serions thria thd actual kiss Yhe repairs, Can, bowoyer, be made in tto course of a Cnmxa IUnR RoMm-AMmf T* A ° itoividual wbo bad passed several notes of the urnominatioosot fire and ten dollars oflto old issue ofthe Bank of Chertev county, under circom e*c,,®d has been arrested ia Philadelphia—and nfier s hearing before Recorder, toe, was bekl to bail In the sum of $3OOO for a forth er heariug. - * S r«h „r vi ,re, "» J . c ‘ r »»K>n7on Bmnt puienjcr,, w i ic i, , imo nwhin hM " r her, «od i> Lul Ycre'laUo liyim, cSlji" 1 ."** P"”” do ' , “ »1 «< mlb her egrabh. : One of- hi* toaren, who oerbaos was Koowtqg where tto officer ur. to which tto fob- -Sarntm “s;>. Ib i“Jy, rae “‘ 01 *) 1 9 w ‘ n C«bl» filed to both ibom, 3JO fed -boy, lira rapid. oC Ura rir“r°b«. tween Lewutoa and'lto Feiha-a car {■ ,!n wn ktomWpolHm jnd ropiS, Betwtt'ij Cu.da and Sow york, wticb uta conUaral nan convevitnr paaaengnra andtbil^aiirou Urare Iq .bora Ngwi ToXx'ako Cncu.—During last week eight maal*have-arrived st the pmtrfNwffl cargo 0f21,4l b of tear, be rides BY: MAGNTO TELEGRAPH. C*m»|aaitnet sf FlUitargh QasstU. Ppnespoadeuesof tha KtubajyhOaxette.' PHiLADureu, March 30, lfriS. ' Advices have been received, viu New Orleans, from the-City of Mexico, to the Uth oTMarcfa;- : It is stated that a great number of officers havs resigned their commissions since the armistice was signed. Gen. Lane is about to return home to attend to his private affair*. ' SanUAnna has asked and obtained leave of Gen. Twiggs, to pass through Vera Cruz, on his way to Havanna or Europe. Corre*pondenco*of die Pituborgh Gasette. CutcwsATi, March 30,1848. Tbe Wooster Bank broke yesterday for good, after the many panics that hove been caused by it, and about' it. Baltuioeb, March 30,1848. The Mineral Bank of. Cumberland hu* suspend, ed operations, and broken. Corrctpomlenee of the Fimburgh Gsxeue. SL Louis, March 30, 1848.* . The steamer Liule Missouri has been snagged and sunk .near Glasgow. Her cargo was saved in a damaged condition. 'i There -are nine feet of water in the river from here to Cairo. ' I Exclusive Correspondence of tho Pituburgh Gxreue PHILADELPHIA- MARKET. 1 . Philadelphia, March, 30, 3 r.‘ at. • The markets, generally, are uuchangld und quiet. Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Iguom Baltimore market. Baltimore. March 30, 3 r. u. Flour—Howard Street—s 3 G2«®f» fiSJ is ofier ed, and $S 73 is asked by holder*. The Unrket has been depressed by tho foreign'news! City Mills, SO 121. \ Grain—Prime red Wheat has sold at SI jffiper bushel ' Cora—White and yellow, 4,V6’IC cts; yellow shoe,4B ct*. Oats, 35(337 cu; Rye, 61083 cts. Provisions—There is no change in tbe market— Sales of Lord at 7f els.,-, Whiskey-Sales nf2i cts. Grocerie.s—Sales of New Orleans Sugar all] (344 cts. Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaiettc NEW YORK MARKET. New York. March 31,3 P. M it held nt $0 50556 G2i cis; and dull. Corn Meal $2 00 per bbL Grains—The market is without change. Sugar—New Orleans, prune, 5 cts per lb. Provisions—The sales of Pork are moderate at easier rates Mew Beef S 7 67|®$9 37i. Cotton There is leas doing, and the article held with more firmness. f ” j Tbe markets generally are dull. CINCINNATI MARKET. ( . CtNcirctATi, MorchM, 6 i. «. Flour—There iTno marked changelnnce ye.«ter dar, but the market is morh active £4,* 56}c. Whiskey—Sale* at 15jc 4» gall. and dull. Provisional-Sales of at ? 18. Sales of Bacon rides at 3s, and 2c & fli for bulk pork There is however little activity tn any article, and quotations are nominal. Groceries—Sale* of New Orleans sugnr at 4 c. for fair quality.' Pig Iron—Sales at £33 ton on lime for '!00 tons. The river is very. high. ST. LOUIS MARKET. St. Loui.«, March 30. 1 5fc>. hlour—Sales of choice brands of country jlour a» sl^)34, »>2jc. W beat—Sales at SISSSc p bu. .ProWsions—Sales cf laird nl s'c. <o!r- ofShoul ders at 2‘S2*c; Side* 3j. Whiskey—Sales at ld|c. PrxvivLVAXU sMi Onto Ca*ai—Thi« canal will be open about the lUlh of April, it is thought: but some fear that the water may not!« let in until the first of May. 'Some improvements, now being made, is the cause of the backwardness. The bu siness of the country along the line, and other cc<n oerting lines, will be seriously injured, should Hie openiog be delayed much longer.. Great quanti ties of produce are waiting for shipment. ' We notice that Several of the English papers a]- tod* to the emigration of operative*-io the manu facturing districts, of the United Stales in large numbers. Hundreds of operatives jh every branch of manufacture, arc leaving the manufacturing dis trict* of Great Britain, stukiog in this country em ployment at prices that will keep-hunger from their doors, whichrsdenied them at home. •• Co.sstcncrr Etxcriox—The electiou in Con necticut takes place ou Monday, the 3d of ApriL for Governor, Lieut. Governor, Legislature, am) i» most important election* which ho* taken pinife in the state for several year*. At the next session Of the Ix-jmialuretwo V S Senator* nre tn be cho- DzATn Waiu: Sl’uwkogco tv Carr. Tayloc s Sod-Mazivs ArrxRATVX—A melancholy death - happened at Pamonkey on the Potomac, on Sondxr- Francis Jesse Wood descended to ti e bottom rftta river. Afler beinp down fifteen minute*, and no sign*! being gives, he was ni*cd by those in attend and found to be dead. He tad, been submerged in tbe apparatus, mauy hundred times before, nod hi* death wasmpposcdtobej caused by ajwplexy. . Tbe fine imposed upon. Mr. Soule, of La., was made up by public subseripiion—«i dime only !« : ing accepted from each person, *o os to express the universality of the fact. . ' f 31*i\z.—Jomes Adams hu been chosen Whig delegate to PiitladeJpbia from tto Somerset sad Waldo district. Tbo Cooventioh declared its pref erence for Henry Clay for President over “any odier man;'aad resolved strongly agsiustitbe eziensioa of slavery. TxMxiaux.—There is no longer a doubt about tlus Slate. Her gallant Whig rotcra will to repre sented in the nstional nominating convention, aad will not to eouteul to ratify merriy. This is as it should be. Subscribers to the Gazette, ohangiug their places of residence on the first of April, will please inform us of the fact. ‘W'aLCxn’s extensive Cotton Factory, on. the Brandywine, with all its controls, urns deniroyed by fire oa the 25th inst. Tax Comndssioner to Mexico, CoL Sevier, left Washington early on Friday morning, by tin* Southern route, oa his way to Mexico. [p" Roll Rbram, Kcunrr. Old SofJ, K/ynoi-IM, Buber’s Iteb, Chap*, Sorr Head*, Rorq Jlaanl*, Pim- pie*. Jonc>'Soap t* used tiy mnay pliyoiciani m thu city in curing the atsore, iuiU wi» would uoi courcienlioudy •eU uuleta we kuew it to l>e ail wo Male. As a eotmeUc, the true Jones’ Soap i« perhaps the only articleever known that removed imparities aod cleared *ud' the skin. tnakinf li sod. ‘dear, smooth and whim «• an iufcut’s. bold by WAI. JaCIL SON, *9 Liberty street. maiVU ID” Don’t barn yellow dark TVetb—ibey enn be mate pearly white by one time using a box. of Jone* Amber Tooth I‘aite. it hardens the gums, sweeten* the breath,Ao. Sold at M* Liberty »L itovltMAwly if Vou have had hair, you would realty beaMowsbfd at inetffert a S«, boulr of Jones’Coral Hair llestorntivn ha* ou it; it need* but oho trial. Sold at JACKSON’S,:» Liberty street. ' ‘•TCiat whiter akin of hers, Una snow, And pure as monuments! alabaster." > All females have skio iike the above, who use Jones’ Spanish Lily White. It maketli pure snowy, yet naia* rally white. ; Sold at fiiChatham street. marls QT* Don't have a Foul Urt&tb—lfyon have, ure a twte shilling bottle of Jones* Amber Tooth Paste. That ■wilt make your breath sweet, whiten yoor teeth,*?.— Fold at H) Liberty «t _ . . novlCdAwty IjyTo tuk llalT AJtB Laid. —Comstock’s Nerve and Dune Liniment and Indian Vegrinble Elixir, is the most effectual cure for Rheumatism, Sold by WM.JAOh'- B'Hf. Attemtor Pittsburgh. ncmlSdAwtimT ID" Ladies who use Jones* Spanish Lilr White, have always a Cue white transparent skin.. Of this a lrit-1 will, satisfy any one. Sold only in iPiusbargh, at fcg' liberty at- ■ novlMandwJy > ‘ Prmßi'kaii Hr>ancci.n.-t*L quarterly meeliugef the Pittsburgh Horticultural Society will bo held on Monday, the 3d day of April, at the corner of Wobd and Sixth streets. Dyorderoflbe Committee. jnarJl , '• DIED, ; In AHexhrny city, on-the tafth Inst., CLAkMvk N. KiPth «imd 10 years, 4 months and 13 days.' Ilia funeral will Inke place this aAerttooit at 3 o'clock, from his father 1 # residence, corner of Chesnul street and the Canal, near 6th Ward Uridge, Allegheny. TJACON— 39 bo*? 1 Hama, Shoulders and Sides, prime t> article,Just received per ataaoer Uen-.Rush,.nnd JorsalobV ATWOOD JONES A Co , mirai 1 ■ water Street N* jo, SUGAR—Iid hbda prime N O Sugar, lan'dlng _ faun steamer De Witt Clintoo, and for sale by jartl mOALBY * BMTTH, N O. SCGAJL-lOOhhda prime N O Sugar, landing PICKLED HAMS-Okbds extra sugar enred Hams, UodiarfroaateimerNonh Alabama, and for sale bp 1 HAOALEYABJUTH PiTTSßraaitrmtAVafc- C. S. TcrseA' V.- • *— •>- -‘-Mafca£r.xß<(Lessee. lasi Bitbt but one of the engagenbaof Mr.C.B. Fin. ■ FRJBAT, MARCH 9U liHVwiUbe Tragedy of . ; RICIIARDHL t - ; Richard...,. **-•**-«.. Ufj'pju. , Richmond . Mr. Oxlev . After which, LA FDLKA. by Mia* Anita Malvina.’ ' To conclude with the Fare* of the wandering minstrel Jinßegp-:-'; *; ”•" •■• Mr. Dunn. , Pittsburgh Portable Boat Line. 1848. FOR the transportation of freight between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic cities, avoiding transhipments on the ;wey, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and the separation of roods. PROPRIETORS. BURBRIDGF. k CASH. 37* Market it, Philadelphia. TAAI-TE A O'CONNOR, corner Penn and Wayne street!, Pittsburgh. 1 AGENTS. O'CONNOR k CO„ North street. Baltimore, W. k J. T. TAPSCOTT. 73 South st, New York. . Encouraged by increased business, the Prdprielors have added to and extended their arrangements during the winter, and are now prepared to forward freight with regularity and despatch, unsurpassed by .any other Line Their tong experience as Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portablo Boat system, and the great copacitr and conrenJence of the warehouses at each end of tile line, are peculiarly, calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil their engagements and aceomroo date their euvtomersl nnd confidently offering the past a* a guarantee for the future, they respectfully solicit a continuance of that patroaage which they now grate fully acknowledge. , All cousigctncnts to Taaile k- O'Connor will be re ceived and fownrded. Steamboat charges paid, and Bill* of Ladiog transmitted free of any'charge for com mission, advancing or storage., Having no interest, di rectly or indirectly, in steamboats, the interest of the Consignors mast necessarily If their primary obieet in shipping' west; and they pledge.lhera«elve* to for ward all goods consigned to them promptly, and on the - roost advantageous terms to the owners. • inar3l:dtf CLOCKS AND LOOKING GLASSES BY WHOLESALE. THE subscriber, 1. J. CRISWELL. No. SOT Market street, Jwlow Eighth, North. side, Philadelphia, would moorrespectfully invite the utteution of the pub-, lie generally, to a large, select and general assortment of Ciocksr Looking Glasses, Britannia atnl House Keep ing Hardware, wholesale aud retail, u* cheap as can be had in the city. X. IL—Clocks and Looking Glasses by the case, care fully packed and shipped in good order. Merchants would find it to their advantage to call before purehna. ing—at 1. J. CRISWELL’S, Sfid* Mnrkei street, below Eighth, North aide, Phila delphia., _ .m&r3l:w3tnS i DESIDERATUM TO ALL WHO WRITE J\_ Marks’lndia Rubber Fluid, for preventing pens corroding in ink: also for adapting them to write oil parehmeut without the aid of pumice, and to facilitate Ibc ink flowing frry. To students, conveyancers, and mercantile men, it is invaluable. By merely adding a few drops of thi* Fluid lo.the'ink in use.il will iurtantly be founcl to be the best auxiliary ever offered, a* it neu tralizes the acid, precipitates the sediment, causes a free flow of the ink. and dispenses with the trouble of wip jjiv o peu. Just received and for sate by •* .JOHNSTON k STOCKTON. Stationers, tnartt cor market nnd 3d its port, Chrome'e and American copy. Boston and New York Pianos, • CMICKERJN'G'?, and Nunn A Clark’s sngSfcS3 H* KLKBER, 83 Third street, hnsjusi received an additional lot of Piano II 8 I 11 Fortes from the above celebrated mao ufccturcn -He would direct attention to the advan tage of haring the instruments of the two best firms in the Uutoti, side by side, to select from. This is the moil splendid selection probably ever offered, uiid IL K. ii determined to sell as low', if not lower, than esn be bought elsewhere, Coil and examine utar3l:dlw ■. lletalic From* Piano. ' A SPLENDID ussortment of Rose fflCnigrfffß wood and Mahogany grand action Pi- Unn oiior, just finished and for sale. II *| M Also, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman'* celebrated .-Eoliait nttacbtnent, finished in the mo*t modern aiytr, and for sale at -- jeSS F RLE tIK.S, 113 wood *t BOOKS, just received by Express—Germany, England and Scotland, or Recollections of a Swiu - muter; by J II Merle D'Aubignr, D. D., Author of IlLtory of the Reldrmntion, life of CromwelL Ac. A Practical Exposition of the Gospels of Su Mat thew and St. .Mark, in the lorra of Lectures, Intended to assist the practice of domes'ic instruction ond devo tion; by John Hud Summer, D D.. Bishop of Chester. For tale by • F.LLIOTT & ENGLISH. febv3 OG market si, Let Jd and 4th Law Notice! TAMES 8. CRAFT. AUorney and Counsellor at Law, has removed to the a dice next door west of Body Fativrooo's Idvery liable, 4lb street. During his ab sence upon pun lie duty for the coming mouth, any busi ness for him may be led with A. B M'Callroont, Esq.,' as above iebl7:lm For Rcati ■LA THAT well finished mid furmtited Room ot Edlß Market street, known as Franklin Hall. Also, several oilier rooms suitable lor offices in the neighborhood of the post Office marJl EDW. D GAZ2AM. PRINTERS' INK—2O kegs Printer's’ Ink, spring and rummer; ;a*i received and for sale by martit BA FAHNESTOCK A Co, wood A Ist UsJJ WINDOW SHADES—Transparent window shades oi dttfrrent patterns, at ail prices; Buff Linen and oiled Ciiints (or shades; Shade and Blind Trim mum* of oh kinds, for sale by Fll EATON k Co, ■ iiutrCn GO market st •\iyi.\UUW GLASS—:ox> bxs Window Glass. Go* * V lin’s brand. lor sale by nrorSu ' FORSYTH A DUNCAN Gl LASS—73O boli'* New Geneva Window Glass, in T store and for sale bv urn rib ' FORSYTH A DUNCAN BACON— 13 ca»k* St lrouis city cured, a prime- ani vie, imiding from slnir Genuanlowu, on cousign ineut and (or raic by D T MORGAN A Co. ina<iO • 10 wood st 'IiriNTEH WHALE OIU-IO bids blenched WinUr yf Whale Oil, forsulc by UAGALEY k S.MIJA BEANS A UROONLS—II bWs small While Beans; SGI xloi Corn Brooms; iursaia by UAGALEY A SMITH COUNTRY LARD—In bbls and kec*, fine order, for sole br ___ martO BAGALKY A SMITH TriNEGAK—iOLbls Bhenaau'a superior Vinegar, for V sttic by raarAl UAGALEY A SMITH M GLASSES—'■* bbis prime Plaiitatioti Molasses: 30 dobugar House do; per Savanna and Droeklva; for »ei« by man# J A R FLOYD I'OBACCO— 'JUke;;» Kentucky C Twj»j, lauding from , *l«‘anirr ifavanua; lot ulr bv • mart) JAR FIAJYD PEACHES— bushels prime Peaches; for sale by mart J A It FLOYD bfptrn llavanna; for tale liV Q mart) ; JJcFJ-'LOYD LEAD— Ms* pig* Galena 1-ctd, received pcrateamei Wyoming anil for rale hy mar St JAMEc»A HUTCHISON. 4 Co RICE— tierce* Carolina Rice, in More and for sale by mart) JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co COTTON —£i 3 bale* North Mississippi Cotton, rei-'d per steamer St Cloud and for sale litv mrrta JAME*A HUTCHISON A Co HEMP— HAHmies sap* noideur rotted Kemp.for sale by mart) JAMES AUUTCHtMIN A t*o Ti:At*-4XLpacksgv» fresh Teat, comprolojf Young liytou, half diesis ami catty boxi-s; Itupeiisl do do " UaupowtW do do • Pour.bong do r Co For sale by mart BAGALEY A SMITH KIO CUFFKU—ICO baj;* primegrren Rio Cadre, to arrive per iicamerriavanna; tor sale hr . • _ msrtJ BAGALEY A SMITH SUGAR AND MOLAi*SF.S—SOO hUils N O Sugar, IUOO bills N O Molasses; in-tiore and for sole by mart!) HAUALKY A SMITH ‘ LOAFSUUAKS. 4C.—fMl bb‘n Loaf Sugars assort od numbers; 50 bhl.« Sugar House .Molasses; in store and lor sale b> _ man.* BAGALEY A SMITH • XTO. 3 MACKKRKL~2UO bbU large No 3 Maekerth ll for sale by ;marJF BAGALEY A SMITH RAISIN'S. AC.—tHO boxes bunch Raisins; UQ half boxes do do; 150 bags Pepper, 30 bats Pimento; lor sale ly manSi . BAGALEY ft S-ITU I -ARD—frdbbt* Grattse l.ard, for sale by j mart) HaGALEVA SMITH,IS Atf) wood < LARD GlL—lobbls Lank Oil, binding from steamer New England, and tur sale Gy mart) ~ • JAMiX water ft PATENT SODA ASH—>lM.casks fJa* Mmprati A Son’xbrand; landing fh>m sustain Savanna, and tor sale by AY A 41MITCHELTBEK, mans) • -100 liberty «t LARD— dUkega No I Leaf, for uile bji man* MTHLL, UUSIIFIELD A ROB CLUVERSKED— For sal* by ■ ) mart? M GII.L. BUSH FIELD A HOE BARLEY— 84 sacks, just received b> i as rii BUSU FIELD A ROE QI’GAR CUREDIiAMS-ahlid* Madison extra, O ceived and for sale by riiirtn, . BBOVVN A CULBERTSON. US lib, «t MOLABi*ES-ll>o bbls prime N O, just received and ‘foriaJe hy tnnrt9 BROWN A CULBERTSON - SUGAR— <15 bids ptirne NO, jUtt tec’d and ibr sale hy mans IIHOWN A CDLDEUTSUN SUGAR— 50 hhtls Sugar, landiufj from- steamer !Sa vaunt, and for sab-by -s* untf-g J A H FLOYP. UU liberty it SUGAR H. MOI^ASSES—4ObbU S II Mntaifrs, in •tore and formic by JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co, mart) Apt* St Louis Steam Sugar Refinery. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON hive just received a supply«.l'Washburn A Uobitiiou's Premium Quill Pen Nilm and Quill Holder*.- marts' > SITUATION WANTED—By n joutig man,a»Clrrk or Salesman in a Grocery or Commission lluuse. Good reference* given. Address 1, R.,” nt tliis office. _ inarf);lw* • _ SUNDRIES—• 50 bags pntuc Rio CoUee; 13 bbls Loaf Suror; il casks patent Soda Asb; 30 bbU Sugar House Molasses; '.Mind, bbls Malaga Wine; lust laud ed from steamer Brooklyn, and lor sale by marts W A .M MirCHLLTBEK. ICO l.b, n SYRI. l’—A) bl>U Cane Syrup, for sale by mart* _ PT MORGAN A Co r|H>BACCO —lull boxes Lynchbuig Tobacco, a supe- J. por article, for sale by into DT.MORGAN ACo /"ipFFEB—!S!O bag* prime Green Rio Codec, in store V_J. and for sale by mart lIT MORGAN ACo TEA— IQUchests and bfcheiUs V Hand G P Tea, for mlo marts , D T&IUUGAN tCo PKI’PKR— 30 kegs for sale by ~ mart* DT PIiIRGAN A Co MACKEREL— IUU bbls No dead 3 Mackerel, fox attlo ly . mart) _ DT MORGAN ACo INDIGO— lUcotoons S F Indigo, for solo by t‘wrty d t Morgan a c» < NAII,S —SWJ kegs Juniaui Nail*, fdrtaie by ~ jmarg pT.MORG.\N& n LEAD-M pig* be»i'Lower Mine*, just rec'd ami by mart* I’UINDEKTEK A Co |?liOlfß—M bbls ju*t arrived per Skipper, nndfof JC aofehy maw J S DILWOUTM LARD— 3U bbls jusi arrived per Skipper, aiul for salt by marts JSDILwORTH CORN-— 20 bbls in store am) fur sate br tnar-ht J S DIL WORTH, «7 wood at G‘ INBENG—SOW Iba for sale by ~ r ~~~T mart* •' J SDILWORTH SUGAR— 100 hhds prime N O Sugar, in store and (oi aalaby tnartl DT MORGAN A Co MOttASSES— 000bbls PlantailoQMola*ses,for aale by- . mart* D'f MORGAN ACo DRIED PEACHES AND APPLES -to hoahel* dri •edPeidteij 100 do do Apples: for inleby martH JAMES DALZEtL ROLL BUTTER-0 bbls fresh iosl rec’d and for tala by mart JOHN S DILWORTUO auction^saMllJ' Br Jato P» Ptvto, AMUMiNr. ON Monday morning, April 3d, at |0 o'clock, at the Coomwreial- Room, corwr of VVood and: Fifth *ta,wClbe»oM, an extensive assoriirwil of English. French and American Dry Goods, Ac.. • AL*o'clock, p. *i. .; -• . : ; Alarre aswrtmenfof bouse hold/funuture, couslsung of mahogany sofa, rocking boraaua, bookj«Me, iwork aud wash itands,.diningr breakfast and kitchen 'tables, bich and low.post bedsteads, child’s cnb, feather ibeda. matftassc*, tredding, looking glasses, mauiel 'clocks, venitiiui and transparent window blind*, car ipeting in great variety, lenders- and fire-trou*, mantel fain pa, chandeliers, engravings, Ac, cooking, stove, kitchen utensils, eoauter*. dear, .counter fixtures, Ac! Groceries, glassware, queensware, axes, shovels, hay and manure forks, writing .and_ wrapping paper, band boxes, tubs, baskets, knives and lofts, Ac. At 7 o’clock, p. m. , 1 Ready made clothing, fine French style, made shirts, boots, shoes, cap*, bounets, umbrellas, fine gutien', combs, jewelry, gold and sliver watehca, rifies,putolr, musical instruments, saddles, bridles,, variety good*, Ac, raarJl JOILN DDAVJB,Auct*r.- • Jioois by Gfstohiguc* - ON Saturday evening,• April Ist, at the Commercial. Sales Room, coraerof Wood and Fifth street*, will be ■old n large collection of valuable miscellaneous books, among which will l>e found standard work* In the vari ous departments of literature and science; alro. fsouly bibles, letter andeap wming paper, blank book*, miuie books, Ac. . . Catalogues aro now ready, and books ma>'be'eAam iaed on Saturday rooming. • tnariU < JOHN D DAVIS, Acct’r. 1 Havtehold I'umiiHn at Avctiorr.' THIS afternoon nt 9 o’clock, at the Commercial Salts Room, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will bo sold a large quantity of good quality household and- kitchen furniture, from families removing from the city. Also, groceries.queetisWare, glassware, cutlery,.'counter*, counter Mole*, desk, book case, aqaanlity of shelving, store fixtures, cookingstove, Ac. - ' merOl j _ JOUN D DAVIS, Auct’r. •I'tw ifalttoble Building Lets at Anctton. . ON tVednesday afternoon, the Slh day of April next, at 3 cfeloekJ P. will be aotdou the premises, by or deror«m Noble, for eoshpar funds, the following real estate, yit: one very eligibly situated Jot of ground, al /°, r “ cr aaifßeeond streets,- having a irnnt-ot 34 feel on Second Street, and extendiug baek AS (ect.J; Also, four lots of ground, coouuencinr fit the vomer ofThlid anil Rota streets, -having each • front !of IS feet, aud extending back GS feet. m&rJO i ' . JOHN D DAVIS, Aocfr. ' - Jaynes’Expectorant. r - Soldi,Colurabtana'w-0,Apr.24. IHL DR. D. JAYNES: Dux B*—l feel bound to yon and the afflicted public, 10 avail myself of this op. portunity ofgivingpnblieity to the extraordinary effect* of your Expectomil onrays'elfi Having bees afflicted for several years with'a aevereeeugh. hectie fever aud it* concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger oufa shnrt bnt miserable existence, until the full of Jfap.vthen, being more severely-cracked, and having resorted to all my fanner remedies, aud the pre scriptious oflwooftb* most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any bemm, or tho ronsolatioii of snrviring but a few Week* at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, 1 had recommended to tne yoor Expectorant— aud blessed by that iking who doc« all in -the use of the means—and contrary to the txpectadoaaef my physicians and friends. I was in a few.days raised from my 'bed, aud wan enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to my business, erjoying auiee better health than l bad for leu years previous. Respectfully yours, Ac.. Joa.W, Estux. ' For sale in Fitlsburgh, at the Pekin Tea. Store, 79 Fourth street . xnatO BjL FAHNESTOCK'S I’nenmonie or Cough Ua!- • Sam, has-a great advantage over many other Cough preparations, as its peasant taste' pc nans it to be ured without Bat. its 3alue as a Balsam consists In the speedlueu ofiu cure. We have known some of the moil desperate: eoughi. aome ol which hod been running ou for a considerable length of ume, yield almost immediately to its power; In such.. weather as we have had during the past winter, every oue U liable to take cold, niueas great precautions are-used.. - 1 ' , Wet (eel. and undue exposure to the inelemency of the weather often lays the mundatlon ot a hacking cough, whieh needs a quick remedy to prevent aeriour result*. We haye numerous certificates ot cured vyhJch i> has performed, many of'whieh are from'persons In this city and the neighborhood, arid they are a sufficient reference without saying another word lu iU favor.' Prepared and 'for sale wholesale and retail by B A FAJINEBTOCK A Co, comer.of wood and til and 'wood and Gihsts. .motZft - JGRRLBY. . NEW and splendid variety, at -ZEBUIAIN KLNSEY’S, 07 Market . 50 gold lever Watches; O siiver lever watches, English; 23 silver detached lever watch es; 'JO silver L’Epine watches; S 5 silver Jquartier l9 fine gold chains; 1 dor new style ear rings; 5 dor plain geld hoop ring*; 0 dor a**orted rings; 9 mu sical boxes, playing a vane ty of popular airs; 12 gross eteel slides, all sizes. FANCY GOODS. v * ' ~ . 5 dor fine Fans, silk and paperpfiOdcz common Fans; 6 dor fine velvet bead liags, new styles;*lo tlor -fino crotchet bead begs, new styles;' fi doz fine crotchet purses, new styles; 25 doz fine parasols, assorted; Start, laoseU, fringe*, gilt aud slfirer. for regalias; JOdocfine Sower va*c*j assorted; 1 dor fine steel screw pin ctul* ions: 1 ,<loz Hue ivory screw pin cushions; Idoxfine wood screw pincushions. A One assortment of new Toys, Ac. Ac. . • , - marJO ~ ; TBUnaNGS, K EW atid *plendid variety ofTrimminra of the lateat ■ivies, ju« .received at ZEBULON KINSEY’S, No 07 .Market street; atnoug which are: . . fio gTOts daisy buttons, assorted colors;-, llfl gro*s plain covered with net, assorted color*; 13t) gto-* plain small, assorted color*; - hi l yrois cotton, a new article, will wash, ass’-d o’*; Also, a large variety of fringes, ass'd widths and cl's GIiOVES. . A ven' stock of the above artiela.^ C doz ladies’ open worked silk gloves; 5 doz genu’heavy silk <li> 7 dor ladies* net Clk and white .do *' 25 dor do fancy top lisle thr ? d do 20 doz ladies' . * do , 50 dot ladies’raw s : Jk . . :1 ..... 20 do* gems’ raw *iih • , dw . , ' UdozchiUlrens’cotton - da Sliadcd. twist, steel aud gilt beads, puree rings pud tassels. bc*d steel nsd velrti; fine fono, parasols, aernrdenns, Ac. Ac . . . . marSO XIPPESCOTV * CO. MANUFACI USERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, AxeJ and Hatchets, Mill, X Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, Ac, haring completed all .their arrangement* in the construction of new machinery*! and iir securing- the best workmen from the most cele* b-ated establish meats of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on bund and lor sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, aod ara determined that in vrork :num*hip and material they will not ba excelled./They* promise to producel artiees equal, if-not superior, to any Uiat can be hafliu the Eas . l*bey invite the atl-it lieu of dealers to au exuaiitation ot I heir stock bcliire purchasing they am couvineed that they will be able to fill all orders in their line in the entire satisfaction of purchaser*. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors Weskalonoiigehela House, Pittsburgh, Pa - N. Ik—Person* having business'vrithW.m. I-ippeh cott ASonwll please call on LippencoU A Co. . _«.t»diy __; ' ' A Pine Set oftteUi ierUOtati* WHITE TEITH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY. GUMB.—bellow and unhealthy teeth; after be ing once or twice ekaoed with Jones'Amber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the tnoet beautiful ivory*, and at the came lime tllsio perfectly innoceat and ex quisitely fine, that its constant dally, use Is highly ad vantageous, even to tboee teeth that tire in agoaAeon ditiott, giving them a beautilbl polish, and orevendug a' Sirrmature decay. Those already decayed ibpreveuts rom becoming worse—tt also fasten*such wars be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath do bcioa*ly sweet. Sold by W.M. JACKSON, H) liberty ttreeL .: mar® SEW HAT A9TI> CAP ITOBE. r> JAUESU'ILSON. Hat manufacturer, tbrmeriy I. m pf comer of Diamond alley and Wood street, bega respectfully to inconn hi* old customer*, meitiu ud the public. that he hat opened a NEW oTOR£ on Smithneld aireet, second door South oTdch •Uw, where a choice assortment of Halt and Caj>t tutd Ladies' Fur*, at good, neat, fashionable, and cheap, at any in ihe ciljr, may be bad. J- W. very cordially invite* hit friends and the pub lic to remember bit new location and etlabUihisenii and give him a call at hearty at ho intends to weleoon : > , . VotrOUnUmAwtajS Smt Store for UttunP Trlnnlß|tt THE subscriber i* now opeumr, at 17" A ( A W tier street, (over the stare of tv. A. A T'eW. While.) * complete assortment of l!w ten Trimmings, Silk and Angola Flushes Skivers,* Ac. Ac , of his own importation, to which be invites the at tention of purchasers.' .TSpe priuted in every variety, with ueau*r»s and despatch. Particular attention ptua to putting up order*. A liberal discount vrillbo made for cash. • > JAB. W. TUCKER. mardO 173 Water New Votk STRAW GOODS. A DEALERS are invited to examine R. H. stock of Straw Goods,' of the spring style, composed In part of BONNETS—Florence Braid; English Don* stabltdo: American do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French Luce; Fancy Gimp, Ac. Ac. - - HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw,- do Braid, Holland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Ae. Straw Bon net Warehouse, 03 market »u mariS For Bant* • iai THE two-story Brick Dwelling House, eon- J»!3B taininy seven rooms, lately occupied by&lUs " luapleasamly situatnd,-uear ILO rest deuce of Richard Bowen. in Allegheny., lame- - dinte possession given.- Rent 8300 per annum. an>lt 10 : FMKATCN ACof* ' msrdfi Si market street. IJUJIUR— 133 Uhls landing from stmr Consul and far ‘ sale by marJ4 JAMES DAL2KLL BULK PORK—2IOO pcs landing from the Su Cloud and for rale by tuanH JAMES DALZELL« YENISON— MMi pounds prime Hama, for sale by J.DWm.UMS,nowood»t GUM GULVC—I2S lbs for sale by , ' g*!” R ESEI.LKR3 6 TWIST- a« kega Virginia Twist, for sale by _>VICK A MeCANDLESS ■\XTINDOW GLASS—2I7 Ixixes Bxlo W Gists, for tf sale by mariO WIOK A McCANDLKSS APPLES—IO sack* for sale by jL/_ marar WICK A McCANDLKSS T ARD—S4 kegaNo l Lcafl-ard, forsate by JU m»rf7 WICKAMcCANDLESS-; "‘IfWTON—ft) bales how landing from stmr Hudson; ISAIAii.DICKEY ACo, - Mftn?7 1 ' 1 vkater and front st* '• LARD— 7 bbls No I; ltf bbls No 2, now landing from steamer Hudson; for sale by . *. JWS7 .. JSAIAH DICKEY ACh F FATHERS— 21 aacks Feathers now landing from steamer )lud*on; for sale by “«r>7 ; _ ; -ISAIAH DICKEY A Go. O Molasses, rac’d per stmr IU. North River and for sale by rnarJl _ . __il ROBINSON ACo DR- M'LANITS UVER PILL 3-200 grosa of these celebrated Pills. A large profit allowed to coun ry dealers. marts’ JKIpDACo' RICE —40 cnik* NCarolina’Rice."for sale by i ' ' aarM :. . RKQIUNsQNfocS »TUR ANDOIL-lObbls N C Tar 10 bbls Tanners' JL Otl; lor sale by manK r RHOOLNSONAUq . BACON-18 casks Cincinnati cored Hams; IS casks do do Shoulders; just rac’d and for sale law by m * rVi - - ; : U ROBINSON* Co ’ TjILOUR—I3O U»U Fraah Family PI our, laatoie'and J for saio by want R ROBINSON ACo S’ggggtfj L9AF SUGAR-dO bbU Loaf Bugar, ass'd Not. for «I*by Oar* DtUorS^l^o 1 STEAMBOATS. CIXCIHVATI * PITTftBVRGH l DAI L Y PAP ICEjT LIN E. [, 1 rpllfy «tO known line of splendid raxcnger • I I en is now composed of (lie largest. *\* ifteit, beat l £tu*h«d and furnished; end mast jwwerfltl boats on the - water* of the H‘mL .Every accommodation and eoo. fort lief ffionsr-can procurt, ha* hero provided lor pa*. •eugm.' The line has been in operation for-Ave years —ha* carried a million of people without the least injo ry tn.tlieir person*. 'Tbo boat* will be at the Am cf . wood street the dar previous to starting, fbr-ihe recep. lion of freight and the entry of passengers on the reeis. ten la all cases the passage money must he paid la advance.'. SraDAfpACKBT. .. . The:ISAAC NEWTON,. CopL A. C. Masox, wi. leave Pittsburgh every Sunday moruiitg at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening *t ID p. *. Mhy SO, 1317... ' [ • • MONDAY PACKET. The MUNONGAUELA, CapUbTosx, will leave Puts- , borgti ever; Monday loomiiig at.lo o'clock; N neeluig every Muudnycvctungat 10 r.ii . ’TDESD AYPACKJET. Tho HIBKBNiA No. S, CopL S. ICUMTSi.T»t, wiU" leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 1(J o'clock; . Wheeling every Tuesday evening ot 10 r. u. . * . WEDNESDAY PACKET* * The NK'V ENuLANDNo. a, Capt. 8. Dcax. 'will leave Pittsburgh. ever}' Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheelingevery Wednesday evening at 10 r. m . TRCiWAY PAOKBT. - The BRILLIANT, Ccpt. CTucn, will leave Pius-, r burgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling 'everyThorwUyevetuagatlOr. jl . FRIDAY, PACKKT. - ’ - .The CLIPPER No. d, UapL.Caoou, will leave Pitts burgh every Friday morning at 10 o'-ciack; Whertiug. every Friday, evening «10 r..sc. ' HTUai ay packkt, . The MESSENGER, CapL S. Recu, will leave Pitt*, burgh, every Saturday morning at ID o’clock Wheeling everySatanjayevehiagallOr.tt. > t: ;* . BEAVER. PACKETS—NEW ARRANGEMENTS. r . The steamer frVTijv , flai.stn COPE, iacirlftCaa will leave for Bearer, Glasgow, and ■■■EMBWeUsviUfl, oa - • Tuesday, * Thursday, and Saturday, of etehweek, at 9 o’eloefcU.y. return ing OQ Monday, Wednesday and Fridafc-. Sh« ha* a boot at the landing hetweeßwood* t«eVaudU>e bridge, prepared ro receive freight* at any tidte."-:;" . sTw. uarbaugh. Agt*. ‘ o«M . . : . fto-aa'Wood *l . . REAVES ANDVrI ILLSVILLE PACKET. ' The line steamboat; " Chariea R Clarke, master, }riU, during . - ■■HBHBdie ooaiiigvrinterse&sda, make daily uips to Begver and’WeUsville, leavhtrpiuiibargh eve ry morning at Oo'cloek, and WellinriUe at U o'clock, r. M.. decto > • a. M. HAirrON, A DQ-, lets. ISIfS. - _ ' - 181 ■ f miBUBOH* BHOWITIITILU ■ • U»Ujr Faclutljln*, FEBRUARY Lxl, IMs - FEIiU LfARY 1»VI&43 : LEAVE DAILY AT« A-M, ANTJ'4'l’.’'fcr. • - Ik .Tb? fon«nrlng.junr boat* <?otnpleU for iLe >re*en! waaon: AT- Capt. Jaoea ‘Parkiasoiu Cape A. Jacob*; and LOUIS M LANE, Cant. ft Dennett-Th* boat* are -eatlrelf new, and.are fitted ap without teutrd to rtpeuM... Kv* «rroMafcrtt|iatißoueveaapfdtCwhMl.«upioTjdeiL .. The lloau wiU leave ike MnuoncaieJa Wharf lie at at tbe foot of Con »t Daiiensera vflU be puactoal on board, a» the boat* will eenauila I care at the adver tised hour*, &A. AL and 4 P.M Ti ‘ • r .. forst.uiitf&VV-'- \ '< • tv ' The new and Jut running naitiucer ateamer PENNSYLVANIA. - -■• Cam Jl C <iray\ wiH-leavnTbr'ika- and all lulertnedinse bona on thj* daj-, at JUo'cloek, p. x. pot freight or tiauoxa (haring fine aecoauaodaUoiu} apply onboard or to • itnardl J NEWTON JONES,' _ . ; FOB CINCINNATI. ! ) . . Tlio Sjut ' -Boles. Master,.will leara 10/the atora this day at lUo’clork. Vo* freight or parsann appiyou board. • •. .nw^i 1 FOE ST. LOUIS. T 5 -~ tv The new, splendid and fart Wimm# jJs-dv*«l *te«aer f WYOMING,' .' .rT*?- _ Grcenl»e t mMtcy.wime«TP for aboVo iMrrraediate pons on 'ibis day. ox 4 o’clock; _ For freight or passage, apply on board orlo * GEO HMLTENSEaaKft, Agent. isnr3l . ™ • : FOK STC LOUIS. - ' * K. ' *n»eliew and majoiifiee htsiiamer nobtiikun UGirr, - __jfekjflSai{gr B F IfntcbinsoiuMimcr, -will leaTt for BBBHSlißlbe oltore scd iutcnanoiate Ports oa WuiiijTi at 4 o'clock P.M>- For freiabt Qrp3iUßt> ply onboard j.- : - FOB CINCINNATI ANDST/LOHS rv - Th* fine MC-amer NKtV ENGLAND, Ffrben. Master, will l#ar« for Uie *i |r 'i~. —in i r ißnoTe and all intermediate non«. oa Surml«]f, April 1, ,110 tfdrwt, *. si. For rjri.'hi or pasttfe epply.on board. : - «n«r3i: FOB WHKEUNO AND BRIOCiKPOBT. ' tteamboM 1 BD<S * nl, * taoliaJ < i oir^ p »*« Andrew Foe Muter," uat resuaed ber jegejartup* bettert-a WU-clin;?, lUUeeporttad Pitts borio, knwng FitUmrgli ou Monday*andTliaridays. ill.. FOU WABASH RIVKIt '■ Yt ii'ae- i« r The new and splendid lishtdrtttcbt ’ **“»« EUiiEKA. ■ ■ K JTiwßas, Master, vritl for La and intermediate ports oa" Baiurday, the Ist of April, at 4 o’clock, P.S, Foe utigbi or passage apply on board, ex to ■; ■ J.NK WTON. JONES, aion-cn jHop, e . 1 mXit'EAIt'VACKCT FOa SCNFI3IL :J. t» The new and fast iium,, ' ifer.-r-JJ I „ -WHISVILU4 .U at Barnes, master, will leare'for abort «n intermediate Pom on Wednes doye and Satardayt of each week.-c*W freight Vk pos- Wee apply on board or to . •febl4 GEO B MELTEXBKRGKB.Agt i-k:ao*Ban. , ,7 PITTSBURGH * WHEELING.PACKET’ fk The swift steamer ■ Dorsey P Kinney, master, Wilfa ear* <• for Wheeling, on Monday. WeducsrUu-and Fnday, at 10 o'clockjtreeuely.'. 7 ~ if a . V 0 ) V*^^ TO J rTae * i * JV Thursday *hi 8a- : -TVe Consul will land at all the intermediate part*.— Every accomodation that can be pnkmrhd for the com • ton and safety of passengers has V«* provldedT The boat is also provided with a selfracuag ■ ta/ctr ruird to - ES U “ eorb %m!> °° fe b< eorner of Ist anid Sqti'^^jjWf. Me KEEBPOBT, EUZABETU AND AmxnKrtAHpl . - ' - U CID’ PACKET. • K. Tbenewstemnta-' master,'.will ran as above. Pittsburgh every'Alooday Wcdneaday aud. Friday, at »F o’clock, a. k. aikl • nongjOwUCity evrry.Tuesday, Thursday anrtSataMay, clock, a. si. For. freight or passage apjiiy oa . ’ FOR iRANKUN. / •. : r . k - lue new, dnusht ataaioar A D Miller, Master, will lento for tbs ™»»Si*bboro port every Wcducsdur and S.U- P*; AlJlFcr fraight.or pa*«a K c m FANCY DRY GOODS! ' BEAMAN & MUIR' J" 381 Drosdn*y,K*w Tark, t . They invite country Merchants, vlsitiur New -York, to examui'e their stock before making their purchasca. Mr. Muir was for many years of the hoase ofA.T. Stewart 4c Co, from whidi be retired on the isfof Jan. l&ifl; andMr.Jarue* Dickson, (who.has an ituanat la ' the business,) was also favorably known, iu that «—k lislim»nt. , matakr^ 1. asjuncr. A.-SEsarr. - r r ■ . - BARSETf RKIiBIT AGARU’CSMT^ PLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Fortraidfoe ' . . ' • fIUKCiUIIT^T* Na fiS Nootu Wtuhvn, a» l» VVsnra KxnmTo—John U. Brown Roben Steen'lcCo.' 1 ~!” "*'• / Barcroft,J*eaver* Co f Ku ’ adel P**' < ss* ■ Smith, Hagafoy jtco. M ' ; ' T • "wRJtSSi 0 *!" ' ' ti'Work'/. : ‘ . .. WaUcn&. Harvey, I : BogalcytSmnh, » ... ; 1 Durbndgo.WJlsoafeCo I« -- ■ ' ■ V - Bailey, Strewn A C<y [Pm»J.urgh. ?. • ' •. . Kwr* Jones,.., J • 'f. • ad§rali‘ ca * il on consigunHats to Surl-- I —' ■ ', •! . j .. nmrjttaflyj * °f(ssS£L?!Sp Maolf FORTULBALF.OF PRODUCE A PROVISIONS, f: . . Nos. UU»aod IlCSjfrnrs Wusbf. T : riu/b^h. MD ‘ i, V»,—g. Crewff e A Co. * Martt-dOai : For invalids and infants—wiiinaV'* Ar .ww Row Hnik Powder, tt delicious,&M kiAlv nutritious food, which noeer tarn* add : and u now uniterselij'recommended lre'ii*-jhtfgjTy m preference to Gniel, T*. Hoot, «* better wiled to lb* debilitated MdQ&ii’h’ of‘‘iiw mid*, and a more atrenßihenin* and wholesome food l & Boris' r ° r “ loby RESli^oS^i Cruse, Baltimore, ild-wUI I* jrlsAto JC have order* from hufneml. ii»Vitr.bnT*h an'rt ‘ eUowhere, for tU purchase of Shad and llerrfloaeS 1 ’ nay tlie lensou. Ord*r».eaecuted\citb at JovrtM rate*. Charge* d ; 'DEFINEDSI7OARS—tS»"Ioi e » -_°»ig ■•■; -_H.iSi C, >4MoCANDLe* csueinn'uiso.p^fo^vij^r— WICK * McCASaiLKBfc, r ß fe™° ■i sse^ju'iisate — - . - *»tet and fipQt «r- ifl .wntiadfer wto |y
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