~TJ- \Ui pfkvtmafu ] -' aiNSENG-PANACTA! ' / h&yfVQ-' those - sumaiso.'twmi •?2T<X'MWG3*7Tl»'Bnprce*<fciited s«<cm* Which ha# -•■•'•: ‘- ~ ->.‘ J /- : ’‘ ; . 1 ' ' v . 'Tii ; , -• :j,GIN3EsiO PANACEA | ",!r, i li all ibe ration* form* which Irritation of iiejange a*. <• ■- ■ aatue*, ha* induced tic proprietor again to call ancn* .tioalolkl*'’/!. ; . f • „ WONDERFUL PREPARATION. | Tb* eJttngatle, weather which maxka our fail sad '« inter months, is always a fruitful source of j , : COLDS AND COUGHS. i * Tine, IT neglected, are but .the precursors or that (ell destroyer, •• 1, | ; - J - COSUMPTKW. • . ■: _ .. ■ vusunriuin, • • ■ Tie <ja«tion, then, how shell we nip'the desbyer in tie bud? boV.ihnli we get elear)of our cough* and olds’isof vitalimportance ta lie public. •.• 1 . .THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY . . . found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this . .. .** hare frets; tune to tune published the certificate* of . dosmreof dur bat known haToexperi enced its curative power*. .These, with a maa of tes Umosyfrodtallnansofthecountry,—from. I Milmcil, MEN OF THE HOST STANDING, .. . Minister* l( lit* Gospel, together with copious no* ticesfroa/the , . . ;• • / JOURNALS OP TlfE DAY. 1 • : we have (embodied in pamphlet form, oad may be had grutis of buy bf cor agent* throughout the eomiiry. • HUNDREDS OF DOTTLES . ham been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TONS OF THOUSANDS p. . throogbokt th* United Statea and Canada, and:we cha. • •!• lenge ani man to point out a V. . 1 | ..SINGLE INSTANCE >. - n which j whin taken according to directions, and be . j tore the lugibsd become fatally disorganized,, it bat '.••!■ ate* toil® to i • • T EFFECT A PERFECT CUBE 1 tVhy. then,need the afflicted hesitate! •v* hy resort to i tie numble noctnuna, gotten up by a r<< o-tnindirid > nils soder the assumed name of tame ee-i'r*,, u phy« ■fcUartsd puffed into notoriety by certifies** : pr r> ; toss eoualty unknown? IVhilst * medicine of : 7 UNPARALLELED EFFICACY , .I*to be had, whose Touchers are at home,—oar tielgh* • botf, -nittry of whom it has - ■ 7 SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE -.i la order that this inralnabte medicine may be placed within the retch of the poor a* well the rich, we have ; • pvt the price at • . . ONLT FIFTT CEHTB, , Jug one half the utual cost of cough medicine*] It is tor sale by our agent* la nearly erery town and Tillage! • • ©rer tb* west, wao are prepared to give full bfonua .. bon relative W it- T. SALTER, Proprietor, t Broadway, CindnaSd, Ohio. . i ~ ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING.— 'A This disease U caused by a paroxysmal construc ts » ••• IiOD of lhe«irccll£ it Is rcry debilitating, almost caus ing suffocation. DR. SWELrTSEE’S PANACEA is the only certain cure. ' . . •••• •• Hoareeaeucan be entirely cured by a free use of Dr. r:. Catarrh, OT!conunou cold, which,' if neglected, will j- ; -terminate in Coasamptim, u effectually relieved and eared by Dr. Bwtct*er 1 s Panacea. ~ t.- if unchecked, will effeetualhr lead to t. Hnmckbd Conrourptiott, but a timely use of Dr. Sweel •- • kt'i Panacea will effectually cure il. . ' . ■i • InHatnmaUou'fif lhe TormJ* or. Bore TbroaL—This dieemae uffeh lead* to serious eonsequeneea from neg . : Icet, sock as ulceration of the throat Ou the first aytap* .2 ' - totna, DrSweeteePa Panacea should be proecxec and . •- ssedfreely. • ■’* / Cough* and- Cold* find a sorereign remody 'm Dr. Sweeter** Panacea.-. . . Pneumonia :Nothai—A TetT total disease, resulting .r from a rioleptcough and cold on a debilitated, or. bro ken down coastiretwu; aged persons are inbJccUo it— Ur Sweeter’* Panacea should be used on the first n mntoms, whieh are a conch orcold.' ' »!• i Nightflwuato^-Tbisdebintalipf-epmrfaißtTriU meet with a tioely cheek, by ucingDr. Rweeuer** Panacea. • Consampttoit—lf on the first appearance of eotuomp-, tiro symptoms, which are a pain in the aide and breast, cowh or spitting of blood. It Dr. Sweetsei's Panacea Is . ; .vfreßhr used, no danger need be apprehended. • Wpenlba Lungs, the Windpipe, or Bronehlal Tubes tl ~ Jrecosne clogged up with phlegm so as to Impede respi i . ration or breathing, -l)r. oweetseria Panacea, which is a powerful Expectorant, should be taken according to the direction*.: distressing epidemic, aopteralent in csr climate, is speedily cued by Dr. Sweetser's Pans* Cf price 8l per bottle, or six bottles forfiS. - . For sale bf WIL JACKSON, 68 Liberty sign of - the hlyboot. i , ; . noriuly Bcratehl Bentftbll . rnETTEB, ITC a, SALT, RHEUM, would ' JL for a tingle day scratch, when afflicted with lbv Tetter, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they know . who would relieve and care them. IT- ' : Hi horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when . alone, but more horrible u> obeuitt from it,(far decency - ■aJte.jwhcn Ln company. I *' Let. it be remembered that. Dr LEIDY’S TETTER and ITCH OINI'MENT is the most efficacious of any other preparation in existence, in euriur the Tetter, Itch, and other disease* of the skin. ■ " At aQ of the *kin must arise toomthu impurity i - of the blood and fiaids of the body, and where rockdi**‘ ' ■ ease be of longstaudingi'aad.tbe eonsdtution affeemt* *' (hereby, if Dr.Lcidy’s Sarsaparilla Blood Pills be used - with the ointment, they will care any cose whatever, r i ak«l if they da pot, the money will be returned by Dr. _ . Leidy. Bloet eases, bowerer, will be effectually cared hy Dr. LeklyV Tetter and Itch ointment, unless ;the r-whole system is impregnatedby the (diseased humorg which will be completely eamod off from the aystem hr DrLeidy’s blood pills, and lbs surface of the skin hcei q . ed by the ointment Priceof ointmentSSeenU.' , a . .... Ji fresh supply of these Tenable medicine* iust re* _ cetved aad lor sale by __l_ : .’ . ,•_ j li A. FAHNESTOCK to Co. J - ...feU - con Ist A wood, also cor.dth A wood ci^. , - - PEAOEVpEACEII -i' • sor 1:1 acuicd, BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HQMESTKAD. • rpHE undersigned haa long -been convinced of the I necessity lor pinhciae adapted to (be use of -• Children ami Infants to supercede the use of nil those iratieme* which contain opium, and has at length sue* | - cectled in preparing and offering to the public aracdi- 1 ’ ' cine tally answering every purpose for all diseases of the < i ■ bom-el*, without the use of tbaideleterioaadruc, or Any i - otheretilcolatedtoiiifrTe in the least. The Infant P*nJ I seen ha* been' fully tested and tried, the last twelve 'months, by numerous perrons, and found to pomes* all . . (be eitrmosdinaxy virtue*, and to produce all tba astou >- i thing eifret* as ret forth on the bill of directions.' Di- arriura-Vomitiug, Cholic, Griping, Pains, Sickness and < lie teases arising from Teething, acting immediately ,• withoot disturbing aoy of the tnnctioui-ofthe body, - producing tie happiest end mnsf-pleasant transition trotn violent pain to atranquil ahd jofour state of feel* iiiginihaliuiesuirerer. - ’ „ • ’ . To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr. * JOHN BARGANT, Druggist'and Apothecanr; John • Mitebell, Elijon A-ltcekbant,and raoit other Druggist* -»n Allegheny arid Pittsburgh. deelJ IMPHIUAI.' COUGH SYRUP.—It has power to cure!' ’ Pmaaraon, Feb. 14,1547. . • • R. nmrw-My wife has foryear* been subject) . to a distressing couch, accompanied with asthma, lor *'• the cure of-Which ut used aiflejent cough remedie s -' uiti had the advice of the non eminent pbyueians m Kurland, bat all was unafailing. fly chance I heard < -■ m your Imperial Cough Syrup, and waa Induced to buy a bottle for trial,' although 1 hod no belief anything ©•odd retaora her complaint. To my great surprise, -- two'doies gave her Immediate relief. She is attunes ' troublrd with a cough, bat two teaspoonsful of Syrup - alWßys itopfiL' lam satisfied, after a trial of three or lour years, that Seller 1 * Cough Syrup is the best cough V - medicine I have ever tried either in the Old or New World. • ; •• • - ,i Ww. Fsimotk*, _ ; Sdveutii Ward, eity of Pittsburgh. "T The above certificate shonld induce all who are troubled with couch or asthma,-to give the Syrup a tri al. It may be had fi/r 35 cents a bottle, atihfe drug •iotaof i R K SELLERS,*woodsu . . B**td by Dr Casael,&th wanl, and D 1* Curryi Alle theny ciir. • '< •'KLI SELLER'S ■ VKRMIFUUE.—Tbe grwu«t of al Worm medicine* . N*w Laacw, Onto, > •. ! ... Jan. Hy IMS - -' $ - This i* to certify that alter oiinj different prepara dona for dxpellinr worms, I bouefct ofC. F. Heimsn, of New Lisboa, two vial* of 11E Setter* 1 Venmfiqejoru] .. nro the coutenU of one vial to three of my children. . From the 6nu njrert 6 years, it expelled 45 worm*; ’ -from the second, ej year* old, TO; and Awn ton third; vll old, UO; making *.*43 worm* expelled byojiny ; i oat one viat. I recommend Seller*’ as a - 4 nfe nnd one of the most eflectnal.Worm medicines bo lore the politic. ‘ 1 HcsuMouow. ;.. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No fi7 Wood •> reel., Sold by Dr. Cased, 6tb ward; D M Carry, Al -, wnbeny; William J Smith, Tetaperancenlle. )a!4 Fau« Block ’i’ruee, • • MEWLYINVKNTKD—Forthe rebcfand Hcrmonen l\ Can of HERNIA «r RUPTURE. to mb |IXA«.) V- •. * . The rope riot claims of this Truss consist in the emu •' nstante etiso with which it ntay.be worn, i The pad a: ,* w.*»d being neatly balanced on «prtiis«, yield* tourer* l ime on any part'of it; and thoroughly adapts useif »« movement made by U»c wearer. It can be worn . w IntermUiion, until a core i» cffecied. Tueeub *<v -trs lute made arrangements lor the majtuineiiire > a- ii -m talnable Trusses, in a nipqiior style, m I’uU. • • I» fra. and hate them notr-for ««lp at their ©dice, Nn ; -* * i.ithleidet nearsixth, Pittsburgh. i;t«. waTT, .. : t n . ' i Kauffman. - Rellara* Faallf Us4lciaM In Oalo< • • WattKßwaop.OMo.Jaa'T*?, 1b43 MBRR SELLERS-Year Vejmtfoge it unequal!- ml as a -worm destroyer." and has given entire ■eaustaedon to all! who bare, bid occasion tocso it— , Yoar Liver Fills ‘.are also paining a high reparation, „ hare Yours respectfully, .Coocx&Mars.' ■ JdcCosssusntLZ.OWo.Jan , y 27 r Ur. JL KSeHen—Your Vermifuge aellaTemaxkably tost, aad has gained the tall confidence of U 1 Who ate. rhsa*,»lae, the Cough flynip. Yours tmijr \ Prepared and sold by IL E Sellers, No. 57 Wood ft, r eou also by J>. Caucl, Ah Ward, D. M. Carry, Allc gbcßy t *ndWm.J. Smith, Tcmperanccciltc. febl PERFUMERY, SOAPS, 4 c., iu store and for sale :by JoelMobtef, Druggtsl, cor. Wood and sth si u • Jake Hauer* Nymph Soap: _ . | “ , Amandin for Chapped Hands; i - . ’ JtoossePs • I do do do: * Superfine Sharing Cream, tom k almond; . **. : Ox Marrow Pomatum; • *ii eVvf A Hi, hm l . : M . Hose Tooth Paata; i *« Cologne Water, fine extract lor the hand* ■>»„Urf. *5; ; "1 allied, DRlIO9r-JoeiMohleodreggutandßndlh> II etirr, N- W. corner of wodd and sth ala, Pitts- Jmrgh, wvtl keep eonatamly on hand, drugs, piunts, IC-s*fcT«eiao , aprescriptions carefully componud fnm tha beat materials, at any honi of the day or akhL AVs m a—orment of perfamety. fine toothjjalr •ISyVfc bffsbee, eic, which be will sell low lor mmm fc ••• ' ' mflyl • rcfcuun**'.. , „ \ 1 purchased one via! of Dr. ecific, some two mouth* ago ne. some seven years old, two irh the ttnouru may appear dbt Lot there wii upward* of i; :ued from law, measuring < h to two itickes lour. (J w HOLLIDAY- . i Tenn, Ucc tf7, lt*7. ;aS4 Tins is to certify thi» UeLaot% Wona Spf and gtnrtoaaonor.mih teaspoon* full, and althou Wig a, yet I hat* no dod r*9 wnmil WOIUIS p: born oaa quarter of an im • ItaaaW Croak; Carrol co in Vegeubleliur Oil,'for tcflcninx and improving the nlm* it Trout falling out, Ibr J MOHI.EU, Uninift, I cor Wood nnd stt^»a TULRS AUUEL9 Lull |l plaining the growth, . flair, aad aflMtsaliy pret < jaW by - t. edbli • tChl-kW rep] t . u good article, rec\l |»er fe by j K 9 A HUTCHISON a Co. SHEEP PELT*-*! hdlL atsr tWtle, and for »a2< . mtafl- . Uam>: Id Candles in store and fur tc. \v hahijaugh.__ s Copal Varnish. N V. No. JOHN Si MOBOAN._ i Just ree'd und tor sale by JOHN D MORGAN. CIANDLE&-** baits mo /saWby ‘thMII • 7 (OPAL V*ap|Ml-3tb I J land<,tof*Wby .? \jficlsam 01L-*«gn« M-wv i landing. r BUSH-FIELD & ROE. r orjc—»»■>• v -f»i4 .. MeOll ; tor sale by IHISHFIELD A ROE. IJUBBCItt* VDSPii 1 r »tt!9 HeQIU. «“*• ■» w landing from air Lady t LU( DICKEY & Co. aburforsaloby JOHN D MORGAN bN.lbor sal .fcrr« cot* mw *pli>r TKLSIT & WHITE. l-uscr cimwaus-' jartrec'd and for »I« by JOHN D MOSOAW« - ,’iyo' (k«M of. rtdcifd 6y •■ • •■ / : KtisTT k vmmt/ j ijjjsron ott^ibSSoi., f‘ r crtKESBTK CIIECKS-i ew^jj.s ‘'; : r.v; : :-!; r*jiff"f >. r C555> ■ ' i ' -:r : V i. . /i-'rs Bu^wr^^f? 1 * Uemd, or the Lady of Green *nd Kmiuc*, Loom*, Card Otißd«r»/scWHwir£i*?fa? ~^ t H^ < y:P t>c * ** i» w»lTknowa ikat ikrcvimtli'r of j^gSSSSSSsfe - '• » j sasssss?*' 1 ”- •“"f'JMSL'sWif - -oseph . —-large supply. if» F^i» <eaTe * ol^cr ) by the uuof of ‘Ristotj The VYDfulnesa pf Woman, br.the time. TT»e Old Commodore; by R Howard, i Jeanette Allison or the Young Strawberry Cirl—a tale of Ben and Shore; by Ingraham. Koarn, or Daylight, a prize tale; by J S' Robb. Sir Rowland Ashton, *Jtol; by LodrC Long. . The Sp!emlor»x>r Versailles, cod the Conn of Loots the XIV. 1 Flowers Personified, Nos. 9 and 10. i Raral Cemeteries©!" AmericOjpan*. j Newspapers, ete. " London Puueh and Pietotia]Tlmes.peritststeamers. ’ Brother Jonathajt. Philadelphia Courier, and Ym* tee Doodle Pictorial*. For sale by . t "L ■ WM 8 CALDWELL, -°* c * } 3d a, opposite the Port Office. N*»“\ foh PcniiGiLTiox bf J. A. & U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, tha following new and valuable Work* Expedition—Containing a sketch of the li/e of CoL A. \V. Doniphan; the Conquest of New Mexico: G«a. Kearney's Overland Expedition to C*li femlo; Doniphan** Campaign against the Naviios, aud hi* unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, and the Operation* of Gen. Price at Santa Pc; wit? a A “ “ f ““ lliwonr of Kentacky-lu Antiquities and Natural Cunouties; Geographical Statistical and Geological descriptions; with anecdote* of Pioneer* Life; tu.d more «“«« hnrdred Biographical Sketchesof distinguish ed Pioneers. Soldier*. Statesmen, Jurist*. Lawycis, Di *c-i illnsuated with forty engraving*: by Lewi* Colli**, 1 vol. octavo. u HI. Tho Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Jnnmal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the Canqiaiga of Mexico, daring 18(0-47, containing an ac count 01 the March af the Regiment to Vera Crux, a description ut the Country' passed over; mauuerS, cus totds, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Camp Lie; ac counts of nil the actions of other Volunteer Regiments, aud a foil History of the Mexican War; List ofthe Kil led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a largo number of comet view* aud pious; by Geo. C. Purber, 1 volume octaTO. _ decl POORS FOB THE SEASON-lUamlaated J 3 Gems of .Sacred Poetry; a spleudid imperial 8 to_ with beautiul lUostrations on steel, by Sartaio, and ft Ulammated page* by SchmJu aud Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey morocco and while colt superbly gilt The Christian Keepsake,- an annual for 1848: with splendid mexnotini engravings, by Sanaiu; bound la ar abesque morocco. - Ouistma* Ulossoms and New Veer 1 * Wreath for 19(9; a small quarto volume, printed on snow white pa per, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— Xlus is by tar the most beautiftil juvenile pub lished in the United States. • Ihe roeticsl Work* of Oliver Goldsmith, 1L B-, with nomcToas ej ilidie designs, by the Etching ClaMn va rious styles of binding. ; . Tbampsoo's Seasons, with seventy-seven d*«igq«i by the Etching Club, in various styles of binding. Poeu *nd Poetry of America; by FL W. Gris- The Poets and : Poeuy ofthe Anctenu,.by William dS er *BL «P«bly bound in Turkey morocco; splen wiuis'a Poemn in various style* of binding. . Gray's Hegy illustrated. -' 'lleman’r Poetical Works, in various bindings. Lord Byrgu ’s “. , « * . u Shakspeaiev u « « The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. *’■ Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Howio. Poem* by amelia. Headley,* Sacred Mountains. * The above, wjtfaugTeetTariety ofothernew works, In splendid styles of binding, suitable for gift books; for sole by . , JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. : Booksellers, cor.Market in Valuable KlaDdard Wotfai. BRAN DR’S GSCVCLOPADU—A Dictionary of Sci •nee, blaster* end art, eonpriuag the history, dwripUoo sad KivaliCc prioripit* of every breach of human knowledge, with the dsriratiaa sad dtHainoo of all tha tas* la gcacrai ox, edited by VV T Sraede, PH 8, Ac. lUastntc/bynu •mctuenantißetaa wood. Mom's North American A list, caotaiaing beautifoily col* •red map of North America, Ctaeda Ease Cattda iTcst. Nor* Scotia, New Brunswick; Not there Texas, New Met «►» Fferiia, Texas, California, Mexico, Central America, Yucatan. Frat ladu Islands aad all the BUUs end T«rrii» rmia the Un losl ' -Jfsal's Fantißi TTu history of the Poritxas (rose Um reformation ie I3i”, to the reroiatiew of 1788, compritaw ae •'“wttaf thprjmetpiss, Ac, Ac. by Daniel Neal,M A, rtviasd hr John 0 Choates, M 6, with eiaa pomil* on stesl: hi two role®** • ; Tb«a*»of tha Body is rthtioa totb* Iliad, b* Otom Moort, M O, mater of the royal ccUegt of fhyiimai, li. irr ’ ' JuTeuii* "Works, ir«tltk u 4 Worth- ci Ktueb üb« Hu ua, • kit eot»- uUr Janukvwfc. . . • Peril* of tluSca, Wincft&rtiaf nomUoos of shptrscks, Rondiy Bpttkfi»Tkt JartaQs Spoiitr, mapristar uoMStary rues tad rirrdsc* is dschaatim. with» Mice lias of pMXM for practice, by Frauds T Bustli, iastnxfor is efoctuioa at Priacrfos * r Tb* tbmt works rrcrivrd sad ferule by / , JOHNSTON A STOCKTON •**' . ■_ ear gsrkrt sod 3rd sa ' PnlasaaryllsUaiiu ■\fESSHS. JUXD to CUTLER—I feel U s doty f JJU. ow» to my fellow creaidres, to state something more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. SMitee ICm used ilie Balsam, about ateren years oco. tha hasp)- effect of which I tun gar* an acconni o£ 1 hare had several severe complaints and attacks at nr lungs, one a few days since, and in every instance I have used the Balsam abate with complete and perfect success. It lias effected relief and cure in a very few days. It U cenaiuly a sofa medicine. 1 do not know that it will cure a Axed consumption, bat I believe ii will be iu many cases a preventive, and prevention is better than cure; I do therefore, for the lore of my fel low mem earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam, ut all pulmonary complaints. 1 -aw confident that it has been the means of preserving thy life to this day, Boston June iff, <4B. BENJAMIN PARSONS. For sale by B A Fahnestock, tt Co, corner Cm and wood, and also corner wpod and 6th. ial9 ICfIQSZKUiSi Orssk) slcat,dke«— . Ambon's Classical Dictionary;' ; ~ Dictionary of Greek and Homan Antiquities; ; McCullough'# Commercial Dictionary; and Supplement, arts, manufactures Webster* Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; Todd 1 * Johusou'a and Walker's Dictionary; 1 Worcester's Dictionary; Liddell acd Scott's Greek Lexicon; Robioron'e Greek Lexicon of New Testament; Lcvemft LutinLexicon; Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary; ■ Flemming and Tibbin's French Dictionary: Buck's Theological Dictionary; Union Bible Dictionary; . Rtbinscn Cslmct's Dicuousry, 4c- Lc. •. *I1i« »bo*e, with a general assortment ofTheological, CU*sica!.MUceUaneou*,aiul Sunday School Books, al ways on band and for sale low, by - EUiOTT h ENGLISH, de9 fid Market at, between 3d & 4th. _ Saw PabUeatloiM, " “ TkCILTCttPS POEMS, Harper's new IU. edition of thd Poetical work* of John MHton, with a memoir, and critical remark* on hi* geoin* ana wri ting*, by James Montgomery; and ooe hundred and twenty engravings from drawing* by William Harrey. In IwoTouune*. erasers'* Gam Tistawxst.—The four Gospel* and Act* of the Apostles, in Greek, .with English notes, critical, philosophical, and exegetieal; maps, indexes, etc., together with the DiistJe* and apocalypse; the whole forming the New Testament—For die use of Schools, College*, and Theological Seminaries. By Bee.J.A. Spencer,A.U. • A New Norm—. Midsummer's Eve.-*A fairy tale of lore. By Mrs. s. C. Hsli. .' j JamtX lltni IV.—The life 0 ( Henry the Fourth; king of France and Navarre, By O. P. R. James. ; Complete in four parts, paper tf voi*. cloth. . For sale hy . JOHNSTON A STOCETON, jan9 Booksellers, corner of market and Mst* r'SQLIBn BOOKS— Ihitorr of the Greek Rev* A_J oletion, and of the wars ana campaigns arising from the straggles of the Greek Patriots inKmancipa nng their eoeniry from the Turkish Yoke—in two vol umes—splendideopy with namerous maps and engra vings. .i r Letters’lllsrtratrire of foe reign of sVHliam HI, from l*M» to 1706—with Sue portrait*, in t volt. Companion » the rtodv of the Holy Scriptures. Harry Mowbray, thriflog romance, with So engra ving*. . '*«»» i“ the Holy Lend, French Stage, and Sketches in China. Just rcc'd and for sale by McDonald a beeson »tni» ■ ■ • • H) market street Stw Boolu. THE Philosophy of life and Philosophy of Lan guage, by Fred Von Behlegel. Smith’s Researches in China in 1944. HS and >4O, with a map and plates. The State of the Departed, by Jito. Henry Hobart, D. D. The Church Universal, by Dt. Stone. Goldsmith’* Poems, illustrated. . . Thompson's Seatons; do For sale by J L BEAD, 4tb*t near market. VALUABLE Viir Y«w'i.Pr«inU> WsTerity Novels, 27 volumes, L2mo, illustrated; “ u 9 '* ” Bvo Urs Sherwood's Work*, 19 vols 12mo. illaitrated: Miss EdgwonhV « 10 « *• ~. ** Harper's Fanil/'Library; IS2 vols, complete; ' do Bor'* and GirT* “ Work's or Shakespeare,-7 vols. Sro, the beanti&i Bos ton edition, finely bound; JJotlcf** Lives of tne Salats, 4 vols. elegantly bound: Hannah Moor 4 ! Works, 7 vols. Exploring Expedition, 6 vols royal gvo tu« do’ 6 do dii do Essayists, 8 roll. Turkey icor. back*. ’ an* above, together with a !.trr>* assortment of eie- MuUy Iropud ftmiJy and pne» t Bible*. Common rrsyer, ail sixes and bindings, nil o* which will be sold lower than ever offered in thi* marcel, at the old stand ot . , KAY & Co. «•* __ cor 3d & wood*! iP* / n J* Y* " °°' hreU ’*i No. ea Third Street The ««“d at all Lour*, and the sabscri iiCm 11 W, A. AL, and from 410 S, P. M. each day. limb*. OctlN, Hd We, the undersigned, would Inform the eldxensof Eiuiburgh and vtebuty that we have appointed Air H Kleiber sole agentfor Western Pennsylvania, far the sale of oar Piano Fortin, from whoa (her may be ob. tslued at our own (New York) price*. r ' New York, Sept 1, CI ' ARK - >OOI&-Caleehlsm of Iron, or the Merchant’s sud JD Mechanic’s complete guide to the Iron trade A "iS scasoia. |sij J L.REAO, 4th near market st lEW SOVELI. ” " Tr.ijfS T ,.°£jZ!£ iJf. ,RUß - A <**** )■” , : JOHNBTQN fcSmcgTOM Tf ff'H BOOK OP THE SEASojf -- B’’ ll«t»lcp. Grut Amarican IHciiori.fr cf ih» Goodriea, Prop Yale CoUcgsC As most cooslete ed>- -* fclH . 4th rt, near Marker»t -. A BSAPCCTIBA-tOO lb. No 7, foriols br ** • ■ Parts . _ RESELLERS G CM £2* 1 '^ 30 Ib * JJ no&o* wfa by . eny lifeu, wtll'liave prompt sumtinn. _ -1 Ittm to ■Kutnek, fell i Co, J K Moortood * Co, G E •» arner, John Jrwm k bent; Piusboffh. * O’ CfcJII Warner; Steubeaville. ]aiJ9 ALLEGHENY' VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY~ JOBH A: DQOWH HEHHHtaaES llin method to inform hi* friend* ~SSBB ue pnlJic w larjC Thm hi* Factory EKfl . yi*"T' n full operation, uu The East <id& of the Diamond ,Ailrc{icny, where a coni ■SBH otanl (apply of Blinds, of variooi colon wia quatmei. arc constantly kept on hand, vSu?!!: ou . Philllpj’oil ctoih WBierw?m. i"* P** 1 10 ord « lest style. -BUM* repaired at thrshonen notice. Blmd *»lfl .I* s put up; without nny.addi ££“* ,h *‘ lth ey «« be removed in a mo offireor lor washing, and wiilmuithe aid ot a crew dr e octUlykwleraly VVM. ALEXANDER A SONS,’ ( . 2T/* * M A K i£ RS A N D F U K NIS i i IN U UNUKR- JAKfcRS, turner of Penti and Si. Clair street*, o»po*!Othe rdtchan*e Hotel, rulranee on Fean street, retpectfally inform their frifnd* and th« politic, that ttr C prepored to famish and attend io everything irf the line or undertaker*. . Always on baud u forge as* sortmom of ready made Coffin*, covered, lined and fin* ~® *“ j>i the *fcry manner, all miu and size* relay tnode shroud* of flannel, Cambric it and muslin, and all sixes made in approved title*. We keep a lures a* «mmcntor vhi e and block, cotton, tl'k and kid ttlovcs, sable far pall.bearer* and mourner*, crape, cop*, eoi lar*. ami every .thin* necc*»i.ry far dressing the tiead, andon rctuotulile term*, a* we purcliata ail our good* in tbc Eastern nuc*. • A>*o, silver plate* foreugraving 'he name and OKf. We have a«r»lenrtid now hearse and horse*, and any number of the beat carriages t>eiv thing attended to promptly and punctually. octfidy tv. w. Wallace, ■“ ~ PITTSBURGH STEAM MAUBLK WORKS, »»«• sruf tMG liberty Urttt, iaear til Corral A L*» A YS on.band and made to order, a large vane* IV of Marble Manic Is. Pier,Centro .Tablet, and Uoreoa Tops,Tomb Stones, Monumenit, Ac ; all which, (•emg tsade of the choice*! tnarble. nud inuuufneiurca principal Ir btmachuicry, will be told lowHbr cash. «. il. Per*oas-tn&hjiig to purchase Mantels, are informed that it is bonqefonb anueceisary for them to po chut, os l can famish them with nn article ut all respects a* good, undlfreight, insurance, Ac, con«ider* ®®*>** cheap a* they can purchase them for in the Etut. Call and eee. . JeSS COPPER, SHEET IRON; AMD TIM . WAUGMANU FACTORY, No * Marker street, Pittsburgh, Penna: r \ HE subscribers having made great, improvement* A to the construction of.ibetr COOKING SFUVE3, respectml|y i>ivue persons building Sieambnhs* u> call and examine before as we can supply thorn with Dock stove*, Forgrtv and every oihtr kind ol Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in form*b tng a Me»ml>©at.: • i We alw> soake to order on the ihortefl notice Sal Tubes anil Cliiraher, Copper work for Sicam Engines and everj* vi rf work in our line. _ frhS .. .• r MIKKIPK A SHIRK " • MM.MeCCbLT A.Co^ SaDOlasiurrn of flkU, Mies and W. Glass, Mo. MP WOOU SrttKET. fIU“ fseiones being now infull oper*iion,we ore , prepared to execute order* in our line, preihpuy. Uuriagthelsi; tntnmer we have adopted a new plan of flattening Window lilacs, (tbc molt appioved plan now u»ed m the eaitj by which we uun out a supeiiur am* eie. Glass tiaCenrd on this plen it perfectly level aud true, with a very fine lustre Panucrsand ilteltiKgeii* craUy, ore requested to cslpand examine for tlietu acltes. . .1 j, -BENNETT A. BROTHER. UFEKN9WARK MANUFACTURERS, BlraUaghAm, incur PUUbargh,] P*. HarcApure, iVc. 137,, Woodtlrtrt, Pittsburgh. VMO WlLl.constantlyikeep ou hnnd n good avort- Ware, of our oern mauuiaemrc, aud • superior quality. Wholesale and country Mer ™ ehinis are respectfully mvii-J io tail aud ri amine for'themselves, as we ure dcientulied u» sell' cheaper than has ever betnre U-ca wfiried to the pub lic. • r C/* Orders sent by mail, accompanied by me r ath or cny reference, will be promptly attended io. • irti'Jh Great WtiUrn itaUDinte iHaiUactory, CINCINNATI, o. A GARDNER AC0.,1 wouldioform the trade that • they uxe now manufacturing the best Dull Muige eVermadein ibe JUnlted 3taie*. A* thiai* ourpnuci* pic buftne**. we intend to send out i*couip!ri<* an ar ticle asruu.possibly be made. 'loose eogaxrd m the turd wait trade, we ihi,it, will find it io lae.i mtore.t iu see oar Bull* . All orders I'ttMupiiy aun.dcj to. ' AGaRHNEK A Co. rorof "th *■ m... m MKBIMUAB TAi:i fACTUHI .. ‘ C&nPOßhb A ensss,. rv MAKVrACrracr.i ur MNLSIIINU NAILS. HOOK. HEAD URAD-S Iroa aod Copper Taelsa, IRON AND COPPBH »UOE NAll^l, 4!»B i’attcm Makers’- Pui/lfJ, of evert/ Jiaerijtlitjn. Ofiee No.,d St. Charles Hotel, Third -treeb frM •: •’ j Pittsburgh, lOlclvaYt. ” J»itc**ii l.xf-ux FLINT GLASS KSTABLIBUMKNT. MULVaNV A i.EDLIE mauufactarr and ks<-p con* hand Cut, .Moulded and Plain Phm Glassware, in all it* Tarieucs, ut iheir Waiehouse enr oerof Market and WaicfstrecL*, Pm.nuigti. Our Work* coatinue iii fml opciutioo- and we are Cimllamly adding loour tfoek. wLich enul ics us to fill orders with promptnes*. Putcha*ers ara rr'.(i«ei. f ull> ♦olirited total! and examine price* and ir-rtss. , .'wylndiy ' ; COACH MAKING. - PROX the very liberal encourage /^JrW{W<^mcailhe subsenberhas reerivedsince fSKXwT he has locaird himself la AHegbuny, VaJ VET' has indared him to ukea lra*r. tor ■ of yenif, on the properly lie now occupies, In Beaver street, immediately beside ihc: rresbyteriauChurth. From the long experience in the al>ove basin*** and udtsircto please, bu hope* to mer* It and reeeiVe a thereof public patronage. Now on bund and finishing toonlex, Kuckaway (lug* tier, open and top aud every description uf Carriages made u> older, from tuvemy-fivo dollar* to .•rhihonsrrt , <*etvl-din JtMIN StMl'yi. Lard UU, I'llE ere nbw prepared to fui7.-*b ih'ir eurtooers and the public eenerail,, *>-. <,\etr lent ar.iele of Lard Oil of iheironruin.tnuUcuie.V.rfb they wiUscllon aeccnuaoduine terms. ) Ite.i • t.t :iir v believe to be a« good us any offered in the tom kr,, urn! may be returned if not rabifacinry. 1 JORDAN A. SON IF liberty *t,appwite»mn!i}ield P-B.—Lard and Grease saiinblc lor machinery. r>n band; for sale above. , nvJ Dn Taylar*!lltin e(Livcrwori« THAT this medicine should acquire ik> much notorie- If, U not at all strange.whcn we lake into cotuiile mtoa the vast numbers that arc cured by it* use. lor many year* it bat proved so astouuhiiigly successful at the north, that nearly every family retain it in Ibetr bouae a* an antidote to colds, cousin aud consumption. That no other article possesses the same went* i« equally .true, and the consumptive lifanittlmihe can depend upon this medicine,when all other* hare ptowd worthies*. There i* not a doubt but thousand* arc yearly cored by thi* inestimable medicine, and iuinaiiy instancea where those given up to die, have, in an in credible abort tinnf been entirely cured by it* unnvoll edaflieacy. The following remarkable true of con sumption was cured by this BalsamofLiTerwort, ' A* yon value Ufa and health, and would be cored, at once retort to this article, and rest assured you will not re sort in rain—hot read and judge for yourself. IxTExcmao eras or cuxicantox asd uvu coa- M-U-VT.—l had a violent cough, with riming of phlegm, a revere pain in my side, back, stomach and ncrort ury bowels. 1 was so cold at times, it seemed impossible to keep warm, even when others were complaining of the heat, and niy skin was rety yellow. 1 Yell away to skin aad bones, my vrbis sank in and became invisible, and every person supposed me dying. A friend of miue recommended me to try Dr. Taylor’s Dallam ofUvei wort, which I got, as my physician did me no good, and this medicine restored me to good health again. i J KAVANAGH, mar 7 Slop Chrpenter, MU water street Altloitgh thousands are cured by Dr. Taylor's Ualaarn of Liverwort, and as many still die ofthat latal malady, the cause is plain, neglect your first symptoms, and then trifle with things of no use until it is too late, death follows. Dot every one can be cured if they wilL— Take this medieine at the very first approach of the in s*diou% foe, end you will be cured. Yerithis mndieiiie has cured eonsumptiou in advanced stages, as the testi monials belowwid prove. Dut the surest way is not to deier, ms‘•delays are always dangerous. i . Prepared and sold at 75 Ueckbom street. New York. Sold’ in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 93t Wood sg J Townsend, 43 Mnrketsiju Sroysar, cor .Market and ad its; Henderson <k Co, 5 Liberty n. Prlce'rcduced to gISO per large bottle. mar? VttUtcTAiSLk: PULMONARY BALMM.-i-fo ths proprietors of th* VrgctaU* Pulmooary Dali •u>p~l am miiditd that Uw YrgtUbi* t'ujmboiry ni val uable ncdicia*...Jtha«b*«n used in this plan wiibeosplti* success |0 so obtliult complaint of the lungs, sttaudtd with s scfsre loss of vow*, aad the reiuag of aoch b|«od which had poriiout'y rallied many approved pracriptipos A Acr using th* b*.»*ai ocr sink Hit putienl'* viHctrtiunUd, and ht was casblcd Li speak audibly. Tl> is cut occurred *nme tin* sines, aad the ana is uni* engag'd uoi i>t>ly. «a ar tit* but in laborious business. , lltspccUully yuan, Concord,N.H.Jtn ttI.ISL. 8 MOHUII.L,At J>. >, Sold in PiUiburgkby B a Fahnestock, 4- 00. corner first aad wood, also cor riith Is wood sis. dtei24 A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr'JAVNK’tt EX- I'E-TOBAPtTis superior to a'l other reared!** lor Ceoghij Consuaplioo,' Bronchitis, Asthma, mad other Pulmo . eery *meti<mt,i* that the same prrsoosjrbocommenced lire uss of it ia Use.r Dmilias,tra fear* ago* still prefer it hi all other itmedi** of th* kind; sad where any bar* been Induced to try other preparations ib«y bare almost 'nrsriably been disappointed in rra rinc' the btarfit-which was riasuuably aaticipaied froth th* high praises bestowed by the propriety, tod hare returned to.the u-e of Jatai*’ Eirscroaairr. ** a remedy that has urv*r ftilrd to reh*ve'lh*m< tad-which probably cmr had ils roost la arresting pubanoary diseases . - Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne, PhllsJvlpWs, and sold on agency by • ALEX. JAYNKti dfrVJdAwif • j ' Ttf Fourth *t " " cAtto. 1 AS I am now engaged in the Importation of limn He*. W the* and Oin«, StA., exclusively, arid Having made trungtaicots ln dtflereot pans of Europe and lire isl and* with writ known bouses lor my future; supply of Foreign Liquors, which ( will bo able to fell, delivered in the Curiam llotressof New York or New Orleans or in this city, at the lowest marker price for rash or. op psoved paper. I liava in store s-d cellar a very large -lock of wry superior Wines uud Liquors as imported of the most celebrated brands and vintages for sale on pleasing terms by PCMAKUN dcSO - . .- corlstA smidififld «t« Drag Stora; for 6mle< 01TUATED in' the flourishing-town of Wellsville. the 0 terminus of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Rail Road, 60 mile* by river from Pittsburgh. The present business of tha e*tablUhmeot is fair and can be increas ed indefinitely. The owner* wishing to retire from the business will sell oil reasonable terms ot priyaio sale. Persons wishing to make Inquiries are referred to Jon. Kidd fc Co, Pittsburgh, or subscribers, Weils- Title. WA.PSMACRJNTOSII.I jan» . • * ddm» : STO VAC PATTKHSS FOIIUALE-Cnlcb Isbisler, Paiteru Maker, .vllcglieny cny Oil Mill, he* toe sieved patterns tor Wove* on band either in wood «r iron Mill Geari'-i and ail puiiemi made to order, until/ . - ! i JUBT.reeeiveri and for sale, fifty copies of the Basis of Union (or the United Presbyterian Church, ■ greed upon in Convention of Deformed Churches, si rills burgh, September; 1647. Price, x 3 cent*, nutij) . IXUOJ‘I A LXULISH, 50 market si SHAWLS Jt lUBDONS—A few very neh and sup. Cashmere Shawls; just received,• also, Spring'Rib bons, ia greel variety, at the dry goods house of feUB3 ! yt. B. MURPHY.' SUCAB <6J O. just reed and for'sale by maxlfl DURBRIDOK. WIU|ON k Co. bxs Bxlo aad lOxlf W ; SBOfNSON Co, DnTNDOWCLASS .ff Otafyferaaleby top (her,there fore" will liidr|aahring a cc^ar^,<j^^asss *t*iawidra»«l«* eanlyauredby attriiwa than iNt n> Ort mrfcee. it alio contain no natter that hot an affinity for BeUlie iron, therefore will not corrode ?!*. f***—' mjt(l notmoajd, «sd although it vnLta of « t*s P**® color yet is s lew bout* ii becomes s deep btsek wbics will endure for »jtf. Jt u warranted superior to the Srtie.'e knows by the snow of “ Arnold I *' Writing -Simd,” andone-third more jiren lor tbe not price. A* * guarantee ageintt imposition of my kind being attempted the’following recommendation* will inffigefas all Dustbc •wart, that tie name* there ghui coo 4 sol hare been ob • tamed by any mean* for an unworthy pttrpaee. ( We recommend “ Hibbert’* Chemical Writing Fluid” to (he patronage el _e ( Mt>lie,«t a first rale article in all res pect*; it Hows free from the pen without dogging it nn and a (lie coarse of a fowhoursWoaes a deep bright black. B k ifampeon It Co. WiekudMcCandJcai ' llobtrt JUoort. Join Paikcr, Wta Lippincott fc Bon 8 Wwhtaaa 4> Co: MeQ«ewaiisfc Dooghs Fraat s Sellers ■■ o A <=- Juniata Roiling Mill*, Am £0,1947. W r ,Th°* K Hibberi—Dor Sis 5 I hart been tmas year Chemical Writing Fluid. slid find it a first rata truck lor Uisotfiee. it flow* irealy from fo« p« and becomes iet hlaek u a few Louis. Yoan&e. T H TUTTLE, Book-keeper ’ tor Httkcll* la bczspla. Pittsburgh, Aor S 3, 1947, Mr T K IliUirt—llorSin Hating procured a boitlsof mir. Writing Fluid, sons three weeks ago, 1 consider itfuL lj equal if nut superior to Arnold’* or any other ink sow in o*e,lkao»oC Respeetluliy, WILLIAM STEU’aRT, Book-keeper tor Arthur NichoUw A Co • Pittsburgh, Bept U,1547. Mr T K Hibbert—Dear Pin I tin mr,, Writing Huid, asd fiad it to be a most nceheat article-for (te«| pens, at iidoesMckf thmuplike the generality of olhrr inks, it Quito free totl becoaeta detn black in a few 'hours. Yo*o, [Bre-et/uHr. WILLIAM CAflß| Book-keeper _ (or John Parker. Pttjwd and sold W.hsJwal* tad Retail by Thomas X Hibbert, Druggist and'Chemist; corner of Libertr and SnithCeld ytmti. Ptttobargh, Pa < OelddOm J 8 MOIUUS k Cok, BLACK WRTfINO INK, lor • steel or quill pen*, and tbo copying press. This ink is the result of foe experiment* of several years, devoted to the manufacture, on on extensfue seals, tof au nrticla suited u> all the purposes of the consumer. The perfection of this writing Ink consists iu the fol lowing properties: Fujmm--iu which property it will l>a fouuu to surpass oil previous preparation*. Jt will flow with pfcrtect freedom either from quill or tteei pens, and is entirely ireo from any corroure qualities Colo a—The color of this article is a rich, beatuiful blue black. It is necessary, however, to give conio men the following caution. II /-AU good black ink. from its necessary chemieal cyuuitutiou, requires exposure to the air to impart a deep color. It must not, therefore., be expected, font, moment the bottle'is opened, this ink will bo fotmd to be o jet-black. The first appearance will be p-iie Hut alter exposure to thechcuueal action of the atmos phere nifoeroapaperor in the iukstaiid,U will assure a brilliant black hoc rj) l'suucaxmcT—The color U unalterable by the lapse of time. It will uever fade. On this account, all un portent records should be made iu this article, as years only deepen and strengthen us tint. Ml This ink is suitable for all kind* of metallic pens, and for peas made of quille, and what is impor tant.and very desirable with many, will frive a perfect impression by the copying press. LD*IV« are utiugm the uiamations with which ws are connected, Morris’biue black , writing ink. and in respect to fluidity, brilliancy of color and permanency, believe it superior to auy ink we here heretofore ased. A Thurston, cashier, bank of IxmuvUtc; Win Rich ardson, cashier Northern bank of Kentucky; GeoC Gwatkmsy cashier, bank of Kentucky; LLShreve. president of the tins bank; Thus L llctm. clefk of Bar ren cocuty court; Curren I’opc, clerk of Jefferson couu ty court; l* U Atwood, secretary, Fireman’* Insurance Company; John Muir, agent Lcxingtou liuurance Co; S S Goodwin, secY Ponlami Dry Bock 4 lusurauca ;Co: B 8 Chunkers*c’yFrankUu Fire A-Marine In surance Co, J H Hbotoer, treasurer Savings institution., A supply cf the at tore ink, just reoeived and for sale by_ jfcdj_JolLNSToNifc STOCKTON. -.GAZZACI’S PAVKRT BEDSTEAD. THIS A's Win Bsfra improvrmr ni ba< now L-eea la use about two .rears, and wherever it is known, pieierirtl to ait other B*»d>icad<. For chr->jtiu*s, «iren<;ti end convenience it-has r»nt anJ conn it bn equalled,a* it 't* .decidedly tin* be -t, cheapen* -id cm l .! convenient llu-Lirad iu uie,aitd per fectly p»w< «?ain»i Bugs. The P ri ’ elpali'auiHCt ruakrrs and Turners in A‘l<j elrnycitt and i<» Pittsburgh, have sccuie-I-Rixbt* u> maiiDfsi tnt soil sell the aniele. A*4brre.are*punoui unities ar-J imperfect uiu In the maiaet. purche irrs woofe do well W examine the com iron plate* on which -r tie genuine article foe caur of the patentee. K. I'.Cstna*. i♦ invariably Cast. As a proufof altth-t •j c 'nnaeJ tor Gaaram'* IU-J*iead», for following cer.iG cate front Catnfiei tnaket swell koowuut Bittsbarglioud •tlir We«t, t* Mfoeaiilrd to the public: 'We, the *ah*cri>«ert.practical cabinit maker* and Bedstead m*cu|aciurers of the eitic* orPftubargh and Allegheny, To., do hereby certify uiat we have bought die right in manufacture bedstead* with Gamut's Bat or.: pu«tfi):n,r». and coaildcr foe saiar to any fasn-Bitw with which w* arc sequairurd. James Lemon John M*Grew T B Yodbx t. C Hubert Fairstaa J K llart'ey James 11 Barr Jatn Lifges;,3r. Jas. Lowrr k doa I<nwf;c A - crl-iD , Kiddle k Brennga Tbomat Far’ej 'Rnmser k hrCicllaad David I,uter MoscaßoHttck Hari: W.iliar* Kobons fllJutne J Msyrrs J«s W Wo^well J Netaar.se GcorgeSnyder Win lUi’c. - . JAlcAla»te»t k Co Alexander Lawson For Kijbu to make end sell me above Bedsteads apii*y to EBENEXEK F GaZZAM, o«j3 _ Patent** If Mir. GREAT RliroUM ATloN—*rhc Pictorial I'di .l liunufL'Aubigue's great work on Hie Reformation 01 iHe SiiirrnlhCrniury. iaGeimaiiy.Swiizerland. A*;. • Jusi-publishfd by Joseph A. No S 3 Cherry it., nl'ove Philadelphia, his splendid IXtuo eilitinn of !Ur. Mbove i.uiaed work, with It) eugraved illtuiration* 4 vols in7X Iniund in extra doth ai-d librnry sheep. . The pubiitlier reipJctfuily cal!* the siiention of llie irailc mid the pul.lic generally, U>oii» nark, being the only illusirated edition published in lie t’niird Stale*.. He inwt» that I he beputy of his. eruliellivmetUs, Un strung and tuhsiamiai manner in which it is bound, m c»n!ui:cti<m with the known popularity of the work 11- K-ii. will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEED, Ntf'Ofi.Clierry si. aJ«ve SirUi, Plida. J, A. S. has lately published a new sad beautiful edi tion of Sergeant (icli's Haree Show, a suitable book fur children, ueaiiy done up ia estrs cloth, liisrfldlm f no*. nx*Tn,fonacrly of Dcaity. M'Kena o AtV- cir-cmnati.O. Iso. A. Rzattl Zinesvrtie.n. Cliss. 6. Co*a NewOrleoa#. BEATTY, BROTHER & CO., Oontr&I Commission (lirchiDti for Tur. salt ami roßWAnutas or WKk’t'VßK PaoUUCK, So. 31 Voydrto Street, New Orleans. lUtuto ' Messrs. Martin fc Co. Rankers,) N ” James M’O'iegur A Co, J * " Diivid vvMic A: Co,Mooi<oii, la. ” Ellis A Mnrum. Bankt-v*,) ” Hoses A Fruacr, JCinrijiun A M'Keiizie, *j'( | It N Keariiey, !<*•{. Uaoker. Zanjtvilic, D. » M’Ronatd A Co. U Pral, Paikt A Co, Beaver, Poj J V» GilL lUq, V/beeimg, Ya. SM'CluxkanAtii, i Pit-L-urrh Pa Wk At Minrheltrsc, J l *.»• Dv|iVCm SELLERS’ YERMIFCGE—Its popaSamy Hill in errariug. l.miviLLt, Ohio, March 111 Mb I expect to be in your rity in a few week*, and shall deed a larger supply of your Vermifuge, which is 111- creasiaginpopularity os it becomes known. Wa bare used it with success iu our owu family, and from our neighbors have many tusunuices of iu excellency.— Your* truly, IbRAEI, ARCHBOLU. Prepared and told by R E Sellers, 5? Wood *k Bold by Dr Cosset, stk Ward; eud by D M Cuiry, Allegheny cny. manli O.kLKRATUs AND GLUE FACI ORY FOR SALK o—Tlie Adminlstraiorsoft < latr James McLongliim. otfer for *a> s tlie *siabliibmciit music m Ninth tvafd, formerly corned on by him, m hi* .ifc lim*, as a Friers to* and tiiue Factory. The works are in compine outer fur carry iiigontbcbuiincrv, with fialimit,Ac, andn-aoy Wcomroencitig a' any time A iiuml credit will be g|vrn, und all particulars inudi* known by calling on eiiher of the undersigned. JAMES lILaKELY, JllilN MITCtiKLL, Ariimn.»*ifnior« TA YAK'S UAI& TOMC.-A.iUr (mac thu artieU J trial. «• uabuitatinjU pronounce it iom »b*t it pruftt* *»—the beat article, wilhMit aujr eicepiioo, in mm, forth* rtat</nlion aud pmcmtioo wf the bruaa hair, m * kcu* at litimervui ioilaoc** tthere hair hai been rulored la h*»t> • hieh ha** bran bald tor yeari; aad *i tliiak wecannolde f;rcaiar faror ttiaa to recotautad to all our reader* who ar auB( their hair, u> make a Inal of (hi* Toaie unnmiiaulr Button JUeiL Vor talc m FitUbuigh »i Uis T«» Btnrt, No. T! l_oorth street, nrar t\ mkrjJfcwl' HOPB—For sale a. few bales Wc.tcrn New"Vork fttwJi of iMd—froin 8 to 10 coins: Also, Catirnt and Western N Y, early picked, this ) caF* growilc* •. Prime Ohio do. Belmont rounty. The general llastcni etup of the season is how being received. Brewers and others using Hops, will find »t much to tJicir advantage to obtain their supply from the undersigned, i» they Hiiemi to sell throughout the sea son at New i ork pnocs. G. W, SMITH & Co. • _ Pittsburgh Brewery. DR* B. W« BlOßßlft, HVDROPATinST, would reipectfuliy inform Im friends and the cltimn of ruwburj'h tod Ailegheuy that be has decided to remain in the cnv during the winter, and is prepared to treat patieuls placing themselves under Ids care, accordant to the iyatein n« practised at ail Water Cure Kstablisb ments, for either Acute or .Chronic diseases. Those i™ h ‘ n £ » IhcinselTes of his sendees will call ut Mr. Miller's, eorner of Liberty sl and Kean's alley. Ut.M. has treated several sevens cases of disease in this city with great success, to which he is permitted to r SSh novthf SCNDRJKSr-lW bags prime RJo coffee; 160 Mils N O Molasses; ,5 boxes imnufaetured tobacco: 123 half diesis-green and black teas: 73 6 and Id !!> Lo»« Y I t and O P do,SM>boxe.German tus, 10 do. potash,, together with a general assort ment of groceries, in store and for sale by CARSON A McKNfGUT, oth st CIGAIIB— lUyxx) imported cigars ot the following celebrated brands, panto arrive consistingof, Coves, Aubiquedad, Washington regalias, Rnpidos, l-«cnlapie. Bos Amigos, deleter, Loudon ... feU :w-™i _ cor Smithfieid A Rout nr - —Nn. OS tV.nr »t. £Ppr asa ssfesats in u * uk ® fro® •te*mU/it Anted* ftS^^SasKSKSa^-iS »nype«on wlhlsSS«riSSii fe nsSyjf t u t§ ifL b SJ? i be ,aiub, y nwiw. '■fcMSP&MW; PITTSBCUOU PORTABLE B.LI&K. 1847. UOUtheiniOfpbriatloiiofFreigbitriwetUJ'JUiborgh 1? and foe Atlmilue OiueSj avoiciirg iranrbtpmeuu ot foe way, audfoe consequent n*k of deta/, : damagc breakup aim ac;iazutinncrf goods.- ' ■ FmauUm. ROBUKIDUK-A CASH No tffv Market street, Philadelphia TAAFFK & O'CONNOR Cor Pena and XV ayn; it*. Pittebarth O'CONNOR kC& North street, Baltimore } W 4 J T TAPSCOTP, 75 Sceth rt, s. y. C Agents . Encouraged by increased bo»i,.cM Ute Proprietor* hare added to their stock and extended their arrange ments during the winter, and axe no* prepared to lor ward fteigm with regularity end dispatch uitsarparied by any outer line. Their long experience ci caniers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat Sjsicra, and the grew capacity and convenience of the ware houses »t each end ol the line, ore peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietor* to fulfil their engagements and accommodate their customers—conhdemlyolfcrint be past as a guaranty for the tutare Uiey respectfully solicitacominnonceoMnat patronage which they cow grtuelully acknowledge. ' All coastgnmenutoTaaffet O'Connor willbeTce’d and torwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Bills ol Lading transmuted free of any charge lor Commission, advancing or storage. Hasing no interest directly or indirectly tn steamboats, the interest or the eoaaicnora mast necessarily be their primary oujeei m snipping west, and they pledge Uiemselres to forward all goods consigned to them promptly and on the most tar fcong terms to the owners. March 1, tbl? " <*•*». oicKnf n —' t'OUWABDIfiB k COfflailSSlOli HESCSANT, Etui Batter Point and Bridgewater, BIATIK COUBTT, Fi.., !. . .Proprietorand Agent of iteaam FT| * . Ii&KK £IUE AKD DAILT lITTUI lITTIBDIOB ! AMD Blim, TXTlLL.beptepared on earliest openingof canal na»* F Figatioa to receive property at bis wbirfbottor In warehouse, for all points on Erie Extension, Cross Cat, and Onto Canals; far all portion Lake Erie-aod apper Lakes, as also to forward produce, e.&y Peon's. Improvements. Apply looraddrets feUg-P-dtf JAS 01 CKEV, Beaver; UKE KCl£ AND fflicilltJAN LINE. 1847> r pms Une being composed of Stearnhoiia Lake Erie X and Michigan, r.unumg daily between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and (flight and passenger Cansl Bouts, runamr between Beayerand Erie and connecting with C *7 r ? ‘ LiQ, : I ° f *Mewal>oai Propellers and Vessel* otuho Lakes, will be prepared upon the earlleit open ing of Navigationi to carry Freight and Passengers to ail noutuoa the Hirer, Canal and Imkes. llaUuffevfrr facility lor conveying freightand pas seneer* wait protaptnes* and dispatch, the proprietor and teems respectfully solicit from theii friends and he public Generally ibair patronage. - ’ Kr * e ' f*ropne tor KkENS,-! ARKS A Co, Beaver, A;t» ~ u ... ~ JONa CAL’CHEY, PittsVgh do °° g^KSfufuw 1 WB,er ' ,,,o PP°«ite the Monoogs Wheeler, Crocker £ Co. Near York Da»u, Untfalo li N.ParktiCo.Clevcland : _ U W Cncnlnuhim. N*»r j 0 ra #rt 1846 *»» 1847 f* (stasaaßasa-yQjl TO THE EAST Of JJ9NOMADELA BOCTE, VIA USOWNaVILLE A CUMUERLAKD. r PIIK anile rsijncd are now prepared 10 forward pit J. duee,&c.,to thr Eoetcrn Markeu daring ib& urn in* Winter, oa the man faroiable term*, by this rapt Union* mate. Ail property coiutgned to us will be forwarded tube lowen rate# and wild despatch. Uercbandiie received by thift route promptly (at warded. J C UUMVELL.Ag'i . Piiuoorgh. U W CASS. Diuwucvijle. «u»*-J7 E KGKQTON A On,Cumberland WtU‘T*»BUttirtT AND imlb'Ktt VlliLt. amis£i 1547. PACKET and FREIGHT LINE. Line coroutlingof rreiglvt siidpas»enrvr Pack- A ets, will tun regularly daring L»e «««*on iieiwecn leaver and Lrcenville, Pa . by which freight an-1 pat tenrertbetween the two points, witlbecainodpiuiftpily tad at the lowest ratra. j WICK fc ARCMKK, Greenville, Aw- CBAIO A FKAMPTON, Ctarlcvdle. do, WcFaUI.AND A KIMi, Ilia Uend do: HAYS A PI.UAUJ. Shaiptburgh, .do W C MALAX, Sharon, /do: WM. MATHEWS, Pulasci, do; R£CO, P.WKS A Co, ) tester, |do; JttllN A CAUfiIfEY, corner Water and SatihCeld n», apCtv Optwattn the Mnnonttbri* Hume, Pititliareh 184t> !*»“ _ 15(47 Jgt TO TIKK KA«4T UV BALTISIOKtt AND ohio kaili:,oad. r l Ml £ subscribe?* will receipt iWUio'delivcry °f Pn>- i daoe to Haltiniiwe by tie Sbmi «* a t c t •i ii*« following pf.pp*- Ashes, l»sicor, Uuit'r, Lead. |^irj e Pork. Tallow. Whiskey. «,at;J tila«t—et« pcrllWlbs. • Tos-sctj.,{|e«tp, Fla i a nil Whrui-rl‘l cts per 100l.‘.» Ash**. (Pot) Apple*.»'!.<<•»«•, Ki.n-S.-rd, (.'!«».. ai,,j {.eathci —lMlvi* jici UO !!>» Oi!«, Skins. Seeds, Wool-- 1 !0et« per ItW it,*. Utrp*9-aa.F(mlM.-r«. Fur*. Uii.’si;r. *uJ snake-110-.*: —KM cu per lUtlibs. All property consigned to ei:Vr of the uitdersigrird will l>c forwarded wnhnui delay, free of Couuni-.i.un, si above rate*. VV )( CLARK.UrnvrnsViUe.. II ANN A A W A rilll.M AN, Pitisbarg! V M lOk Xl SK| 1847. «* nifc r*tr*»lL?A'l»iA tMi Ohio cahaLil BFiI'WKKS AND CLFVKLAND; K N PAKKSfcCh,CleTclsnd,o. » K li I‘ARKH. Ifcmn, I'* J Proprietor . W T MATIIKU, Puisnorgh, Pa. ) r pilfcl above Line is now fuby prepared to nan* ort X Ficehinnd Passenger* Iroia Pittsburgh nndCli vf iand, 10 any jtointon th« Pennsylvania k. Ob:ountil bio Canal*. i The facilities of said Line Ure not equalled by and on said Catialv 'n nombets and capacity of Horn*. enw- Ti-neeoi C«p’3i«i». and prmn J ui.e».-«ii Agrm«. Ac. ) One K.ai !r«vc« l‘r.l*u J'gb and GrveUixi dully. Tim- la connection with the Wtasners. f Mtelugun mm Lake Kr:e. between Pitistiurrh and Beaver; mid a Line »f fcrsi claw Steamboats, Propel lers, ling* bj><! Scboouers, on Lakes Kr.c, Huron, Hi ckman and Ontario Property forwarded to an/ part of tbe Uinon will despatch 11 N PARKS A On, Cleveland! Agt* Rl'llD. PARKS A Co. Reaver! Axil * !. XV T MATHKR. PitUbarjh, Aft, •pdl CopWaier andJ?raitUucld street* TfTCLkVKLAND vla. W.IKBKS." TdfJOl'UH LN 84 noun*. PACKET Siralioor wiJ leave Bea ter ilaiiy.at "tn'cliM-v t K-, : ar.rr lao arrival tt( dn morning Uoa« from lMt«bargi», uit-lun'Ve at Warren It lime lor the Mail L<i<c of Stages, which lure imraedi ntely lUcrcaAer.&mJ arrira atCljrulin* al3o'c!oek»e fbivruaie i» tbe mint crpeltiitrei ami coin/brUM one to the l,.ke«. COTES A LEPFIKQ WELL, Warren, l rc?i*. REED, I'AlttiS A Co, Reaver. AceTj JHIIN A CAlMillKV.r.Hrir -WnirriM-l AmtlhEeM at* MISUELLAiNEOfe A OtuHns* to thi Worlit. t YFIVK UOtXAll'i will lie paid to any one who tvil! produce A »pot of paint, areeii or dry, tbai cunnni lie oxirarted’’ wuh lloit’*lmf«ruveJ Cltrwica! Soap. 1 have the satisfaction of «aym{ to tac people w ihi« place, that tin* article,by my own improvement i>n ■I, now «iand* unr.-’niUtl ni ilur country tor eiirartiux errare, Ur, pilch, oil, painu or any other grea*y sub stance, mini all kinds of ffectiriaen't orladirVctuOiiiig, carpet*. table ciodia, merino »baw)«, Indies* timiafu. A-, without inio'inp anything ihat pare water will not mjuro. Mncelteu or,a thousand person* in different paru of the eourarr nave u>td me they would not tic without It, if it eo« one dollar per-enke. In iryiuj tin* Soap on mare than ISO article* ofll’giiitsiika, tatin*, al pace as. and eal«eie»,l have only found three piece* ot -ilk. two of alp*c:o, aud four U calico,on which It changed the color; therefore before rmmii* it on a light ,<reu try a sample nfuie dre*« SiVt. I »uir ihia t-eesuir 1 am determined not to recommend It any* tironeer than I know to l<e strictly true • NllHotr. I'neo, 1?| ft' per cake.’ Sold,,wlio’ewle ami retail by It k ae.u.KK* I . | A. . veforc7-md« on Lh«- moat uj>p<o«itd Kutietaplui*— I [V , !i O Sf, b . 1 ® ponum amt color*’ Alv> THK CHEaP KOLL, «t UOsrUN BUND, on bond or mode murder of all rite*. nu<i nt hII prices Couuiir Merchant* and others Are invited to call and najuiie tbe above for ihcra.etvc», os all will he told «bolc»a e or reioi!,.„d * liberal deduction made to •rbolcftale pur«*lm*en. ■-P ldly __ ___ _ A WKMTKKVKLT OLODfcfi. I O RING’SI TERHEMMAL GUIDE*, containing .11 Li tli. kt« dueostrn., tod Utogiaphieal imrnrtamtx; .both, track.of the aw*t celebrated eircumnarkaiora Com piled from Smith’. new Eoflith Gob., wliU addition, and uuprotrainu bjr Annin k. Saith. Itemed bv ltu.w.ll Park. LORINU'3 CELESTIAL ULObES, Mousing Jl the known Pan, nebula, Ac. Compiled from th. wVk. of elluloo* tkuuled, U. I.a Caill*. Ilmlin., Majtr, Cnd- Irjr. Hrncbtt, Maaktljne, lb. Inunction* of 0.. A.trwiom icat Society of Loudou, ke, ft. k'.otn Hniilb’. N*w Ear 1 li»U Globe, _ Jobiutou k Stockton hnf.Juiireciitd. (n* pun of the tboi. tarring in *</e,a. follow*; 1 pur la tucbcit ia diun.Ur, 1 - 9} « *• 1 « 0 ** »« 1 “*rtti globe, d »• •* American, Chronicle, aud Journal ropy. ikcll DBRRT i NICKERSON, . Manufaclnrers of . AWJHRQS, SACKING BQTTOKS, WAGON COVEHS AND GRAIN IJAU3 or ALL DK9CKIFTIOHS Vo, 38# Booth Prone Streot, Bade of'l A. Wilton’a Cabinet Ware Mimufv PniLAbULPIIIA. ALL orders left wl(h 8.8. Moon, at Uh> odjee u< tiie Mercbtni's Hotel, PimliUtsb, will t-c promptly attended to. TIIoS. G. DKKIt V “•pio-dlv C. NIL'KKK^ON . ■ NOTIOK. A PI’iJCA lON will be made to thr President, Mona l\.gen aud Compvir, far erreiin* * Hndre oVerUie oppoait* Pm.burrh.in the woniyol 117,1-0, iw, iiiibe r&nm of John , )tin( , r two Ing low or BinUid. tiICHARD FLOYD A.loioey for ibe Kxeeotor* of John Hunter, dec’d ".f : FOMrmsiTFUSsTTT *££l&i?iheß no mi»uke. All order* , JAMES KEJBKY hftml . . j VOH STEAK DOATM. ,■ .•- P*JsXwluLiiUi , ik.!fa“ A Tfry coav *“ | cni Article, JT ¥ e,l ®!l # “®* l i l i 4fo ,^ e < w ‘bocirrlcabyihslan. dies bj two men. A f*w )mi rec’d tad f or nle by • 9C9- WM B eCAJOPE . DU. TOWNSEND’S •SARSAPARILLA. Most extraorxhnary Medicine in Iht World. Tha extract U pet np.m (Inert bottip* :itnax times cbmp •r, plcaastcr, tad warranted caper*? (n atty sold. ''curt* disease without vomiting. putyiAf*, ikkatsa or ie bilitating the iw» • .^ei. GREAT SPRING ASTI SDKtSEB BEMCHE . The gtaat booty end tuperioritr of thkH»wp«ytiu <w. t . ajl other Mediant is, whiUt it Erndieatca Disease it lunror •ltt tbo Body. It b od« of the very but SPELNO AMD BVUMK& iICDICiKGStru known, it not only purifin the whole system tad •treagtbae* (ha person, but it CVoxta Nine, Putt and liith Stead i a power po—eised by no Medicine. And in (hi* liesto# grand secretofjts wondcifa) Mens, i It ha* perforated within the pest two nan, Bora than •C.QOO com of Severe Caaea of Disease; at legst 5/300 of these were considered inenrable. Mora than 3,000 caret of Chronic Rheumatism; 9,Uooo*es of Dyspepsia;- . - 400 cue* of UcitmiDebilityand Want of Energy; 7,000 cuu of different Female Complaints; S/jOO tuu of- Scrofula; ‘ earn of the Liver Complaint; ease* of Disease of tka ltidaey and Drop*/, . 3JCO cases of Consumption, Am Thmiandsof ernes of Disease of the Blood, m: Ulcers, Erysipelas. Sail Rheum, Fimpleionibe p'aee, Ac—fce. To* laallier with numerous cases of. Sick HcadaclK, I‘atn ts the ndt and Chest, Spinal Aflcctioas, &e.,*e. This,we pra aware, taurt appear incredible, but wa hire letters from physieiaai and °ur agents fromaii part* of the United Stain, informing u* ofaitraordinarj cure*. B. Van Bukirk.Esq. oaeofthemaatrapcctabledruggiststn New*, ark, N.J., inform* us that ht can refci to more tkaalfiuia* •et in that place alone, There arc thousands of caws in the City of New York, which wc will refer to wiltj pleasure and to men of character. It is (be best medieitw fot the (’rcTentive of disease kpown. It undoubtedly saved ike live of more than S/XJO UaiLsnzs TOS Fan SsaaoK 1 At it removed the cause of disease, and ptepared them lo Ujotid St4t*» Omen Carr. O. W.AlcCLxsw.or rut U»mu> Statu Ki»t, and member of the New Jersey LcgitlaUirt, has kindly tent vi tha following certificate. ltteltsiUowii story. Bakwat, Jan. 25, A year since I was taken with thalnduecxa, and my whole ?stcm lefl in a debilitated stale. I was induced to try Dr. BwuscndV Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or three bot tler. i was eery much relieved, and attribute it entirely lotbr iaiil Sarsaparilla. 1 hatceoaimnad taking it, and find Uiai 1 improve everyday.- I btliasa it Bated my ufc, and would Ml be without it under any consideration. O. W. UcLaaß. hit V. 8. N. Sn)u>»cL& Coiid This ccrtlCcaU ecmlustrtlj proTU that this Sarsaparilla baa perfect control, orsr the most obetinala disease of. the bleak. Three persons cured iu one house is unprecedented. Tout Chusux. Dr. Towmxsp—Dear Pin I lure the pleasure to inform yon that three of my children hate been cured of the Scro fula by the use of poor excellent medicine. They were ilßielnl very scrcttly with bad sores; itarc enlj tak/n frar bottles; It took thsm away, for which ] leal ajsilfudsr deep obligation. Tours, rs spat If ally, j . Isaac W. Ckaui.lW Wocstfr it New York, March L10(3.. •: j ' OREAT FEMALE MEDICINE; Dr. Townsend's Saras peril la u a sovereign and speedy run A* incipient Coisumptica, Barrenness, Lcuranbm,oi Whiles, obstructed or difficult Menstruation, Ineoctinucnce ef Urine, or involuntary discharge UtercoL and for the gen eral prostretiou of the system—co matter truethcr the rrmli of inherent cause or clues, produced by irregularity, illness «r accident* .Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating ef* feet* on the banian frame. Ptriuns, all weakens and bust, tuds, from raking it, at core become robust and full of energy under its ialluenc*. It immedialsly coouteracts the neive Nmesscf thv£<male frtaa, which u the great caae of burl rtanesa. It will not be expected of ne, in cases of no delicate a no-, tore, to exhibit orAiiknUi of eons performed, bnt we can ilium the afttirted, that hundreds of cases hare been repotted to us. dcveral cases where Cuulleihjirebeen without child ren, after tuasg a fow bottles of this iaialuabb mddieine, have been blesl with healthy oC-priog. Dr. Tsvmtnd: My wi& being gmtiy dislßHed by weakness tud general deUlily, and sudetutg xonunnaily by peia and a sensation nf bearing down, tailing of the womb, and with other difficulties, and baling known cases where your medigine LaeeUcctrdgnat cures; aadalsohear* is; it recommended’fir such cates as 1 hare described,! obtain ed a bottls of your Extract of SamperilU, and followed the dirtcUnas you gave we In a aburtoxKriod it removed hir ccQclainU and rejlorrd her health. Being grateful for the benetlu shivere.ved, 1 take pleasure in thus arkuowledg ic£ it, and isuuixtatndiitg is the public. Jll. D. Muou, Albany, An;, IV, iVr.cf tiruJ and Lydias sts. Cjitsr sit, Sept 29, IMS.* Df TVssaiswd; To all wlioa this usy eoueern—Thesis to certify that i*y wile used one boule of your itarsaporiits presiouslo h:r ixujticnatnt, uulrr the cu>U alarming anf drlicaU etßUeitaocrs, U mg- troubled with the dmjtfy, swcl tior of theftcr, fsfrcu* atlwisuns, end vtry much uebifcU- U<f; with ur psisuss.ou, anJ the recoiauvnlatioa or those who hat ujtvl it, she was todoced to try it, with little or no (nth i aod snilce it to 4»j, the tneUiruie had the happy und dcihed «fl«ct,ui4 only ra it.- hcuir. of eotifuwtasnt, but after Iho ctrirabuti vt' ouc ank of its cie, Uu dropry and uer retu adetliua rate way to an astonishing degree, and her health bice Wtitr than it bad keen tor a'hmgUac pr^- Jf lias will be of any esrrlr.c to you or any one wtu dobl-ta D.e Snccsssof the medic lor, yoo am-ntirely w tiro an I (obwi.t-e .jour uoit cUdutland cMired f* rvanL 8 b Jsju.s,» TO MOTilEft-S AND MAKKIBD LADIES, " . Thu kistract of Senaparilla has beta eipressly premrrd In rtfcm.ee Lu frioak complaint*. So fimmlo w!m> iiasna •ub u> suppose she u approaching that critical juried, u Tltt turn »f it/t.” should erglrct to take it, as it is a certain prereutix tor any of the numerous and noriiLte discuses to which (loulrt arc sahjecl at this time of life. This may be drluyri torseMnl years by using liiismedkius Pi or U it lese valuable to thnw- wbo are spj'towchicg noiusnhisxl, as il iscalciftaied to nssut oalurr by ouickeomc the LUhkl aad invigsratiog the i) iirin Indeed, to is toedicuie is total iMbiti'W all i»i ti>c di*r>i*«» to which auioeu arc , Jt brace* the whole saitem. nutwi permanently Mm tultr .al energies—by rcuaisui? the impurities «i iJj* Usjj —uil •> Ur nueubtiug thujwa a* to prudiarc a »utixi|«rnt_re. butiuu, »lio.b it tbs c-«c of D»xt medicines tabcu lor female wtahnett sttd disease. UIKLS U>UO Tills. Ton wb© bars jmU tompkiioo*, dull tjtt, bioteVts oa the uct, tuugh (but, or Crreklra, aud are •- oui of sr-mu';* a bviUi or two of Ur Townsend's SarMjuriiu. It will rUaitM )oar blood, rtxaove the ImUn aud blotcho, and C*'* yo'< animation. sparkling eyea, im« spirit*, and beautiful et-opke lion—all <>i whitb »r» «f iutugrtur t jut to unruar rilj Udiee. i , . • . . DVSPEI'SIA^^ So fluid or cud actor hW et*r been disevrertd which so btorlf resemble* lb* pain juice or xaiist in decomcwbc twd and strengthening the organs of digestion, at this pretw ration of Swiaapurilla. r Biot limitlOT, AJl}»av, M»y U/, IWS. Dr Tovtutmlu- Sir—l bars bcca affitclcd lor seseral jcari with dyspepsia ia lU wore! fo.'mi,.attrftded with aouri ocm of stomach, mm of appetite, ailrtaa heartburn, and a jial aseriiou to all ki&ds of &xtd. and for week* (wbat J cjtld cat,) 1 hare beta unable to retain but a small portion .oxt ojy Komath 1 tried tl.t Wlu | remedies, but Ihevbad Out IiUU or oo rfleet in remuviaf the complaint. i w’oi in ducrd,about two nuuthssincr. to try yoirr Extract of B*x*a p*rtlia,asd I nuithi with tittleconfidettte,%ctafter using acarlr two but Lin, t Cxuad aj appetite restored, and the beitrtbura entirely remoatd, and I would oarasMiy rtci.ni mend the dm of it to those who Ua»e been aJllicted as J hart beta. Vcurt.fc, W. W. Van Zaitor. Ap*2a,tt«fl £titco|ahud. 1 . AI.MUST AimiAC'U: Head lie billowing, and d®bt if yo« caa, that consump. I’oefauaet be cured. This ii only otic of lh« Mitral bundled earn' that Townsend’* Sarsaparilla ha* cared; Ur iWnseml—Dear Sir. 1 waj taken, a little orera year ago, with a tea ere cough and pain iu toy tide.- It to. Creased oa me »er) tall, indeed. ] aru ptououoced by phy •iciaa* to bare the quick cuaxunpUmr 1 raised laige qdaa. title* of bad matter, bad night sweats, and sinking aerr Cut: lay doctor aud be could do nothing (ut bo. | went into tht | hospital in bo]* ofbeing beaciittcd. hut was pronounced there !a* incurable. I fat now greatly distressed at ib« tangs and ' could hardly breathe ; I not became emaciated, and expected to die; waaconfined to my bed, and was obliged to bat* tea chers iudred 1 cannot girt you any description that would do Jus lice to ay cm. 1 Was supposed by lay friend* to bo past recoatry , I bad tried,« great number of remedies, and ail Mcmril to bo to no puxpute. 1 read of W ae c( . inordinary cum pcr£maed by your medicine, and to tell Enu tbe truth, 1 »ulpeeled.there ww mm humhag in them. •ti ora* induced to try it. I did and am very Ihaakful I did. 1 ean owl say that 1 ant euurtly well, hut am to Ur lecooercd a* lobe about my biuinexa, and hope to bo entire, ly mil in a lew week*. My cotajh and-jwin fax the sidi and night aweat* hare leA me, aud raise but very little, an am East gaining ajr usual strength. I frit it a duty to e>i you a statement of mv case, to publish if aou please. l ! n«nßcow*,4? LiiUa st, BwUjj. Opinions of Physicians* Dr Townshend i» almost daily rectmug orders Own i-h«’ •Kim* in different nartsof the Union. ' J ‘ This is lo certify uui we, the undersigned; I'hyiicia&t ol Hie City of Altauy, hare in numerous case* perwribcd Dr Townsend'* Sarsaparilla, tml btlitic it lobe uo* of ihemjsi latiublr piefWitUcaj of the Sarsaparilla iii tb< market. ft f Pcuxa, ■ o i Wtuos, ■ o, u DSuoai.iD. Albany,jp«i i, mu. r giliudou.id. Thi* ii in certify -that wt, the undersigned, practicing Thomsoaiau I’byiicsaus of the Qtyof Albany, hare (request j fnKrilef UrTumutiut’i Compound £iinci of Ha>>n anil*, and from it* known qualities, would recommend ltd he jxiblie for aereurul,*erufu]on*,u4 oiherc utaneou* w* •sic*, is preftfanr* to sag of the adtertised remedies incwi* m, AW %nitu< r r, ’ Albnnjr JpriJ9,-IH4. Wm B Hraxroir.T r • Principal office, 126 Fulton it, Sun Building, ft' V; Red, ding Slate at Boston; Dr Dj ott 4> SousTFjJ ff drill Sec - 00iT*t Philadelphia; 8 S lianre, drug gin, Baltimore; and t) prioeriuldruggoU generally throughout the United Hutu |TUI ladies sud lbs Canam* - Woos graaiue,UtUc** ptn-op in'-tlie Urge square bottle*, whish contain a quart and lined with the wriitrn ligtnihie •f 8 f’ TOWNs'tWD.and bis name blown on the Ulan, k'rom the N«w York Daiij Express of April t>, IHT. A pretty thingap|«ared in the street* jssterday. It «u i ieadttrUstagc*b,or£sm{wriUa Espms of Dr Townsend. ’ 'he whole thing id. got op in good tarts: tome of Die vrna i lealallaßdsnfttpauaiagsarutwaaitiful.Mliicb, together with I t« scroll work, is gold, glialuung in the eun, made a show arcly equalled ia urundwty. We take this cppoittmity to i iy arbelitre thi* eatractof the hamjwrilU ururrn the 1 •tyfgreitpopuluilj it b%* acquired. Henrom Debility. W«w You, March 117,1M7 Oh To«u*fttd :—1 hare been afflicted more or lui for 3 <•:«, with spread ful linking in the chat, giddiness is the .etd, Ids* of appetite, fain in the limhe, and general debility, brought uo no doubt be the continual heal and cold to wbieli am eubject-to.ia my Bujioe** a*adyer, i hare taken other wdicibet, too numerous to mention, but with little or no Mir ra. 1 w«* induced by what J saw in the paper In try a bottle f jour Hamper it la, from which I fouadgmt rslicl. I hare sinre taken serrreJlnore bottle*, and I can unhesitatingly say it is the best medicine 1 has* eier,taken—ihs pain ui my ehe*t ii roue, and I feel quite a diflrreul mau altogether since I hstetakenyourHarapariUn. I liar’e now a belter appetite than tier.l had. Aly wife ha* taken it with (he tarns benefi cial results. J would recommend 'it as a family medicine generally, and I frel cunrinctd that if so used three would not be half (ha sickness there is, and rimsequenily-not so many Pur tor’s bills; for while it restores appetite, it abo gires to the stomach and bowel* their tegular, tow: it keeps the blood in a healthy state, so that disease it not so likely to attack the sjrletu.: And to all those wboare not in a healthy state, 1 say t y Dr Townseud’s bamponlla TnonseHNmi, 70 AllcuM Caakcrlu tbe Jilonth, B«h>wi*ea account of another child nitd Dr Towawnd'i .1 •rararilU bu ami lb* Jiiet of tbouawdi or children.— 'be following certificate ii wlectid fruca a great number r retired Ihif wtek. , • Naw\oas f April U, 1847. DrTtiwwrad: Df»rrir;—One of ay children *2l tin > rk with litc Cancer iu lb* mouth and throat, attended wilb fiitdtkiUtj. Ilcante near dying; I obtaiord tome of your e cellcnl lotdicuie, aad 11 cured it direedjr, Cir which I can a »ure yttu I l««l »«ry gratiful, ' Vouri rtipeetfullj. . tuixiami PoWLKn, S 7 Dctbruum it, for nle by U KSELLEIW Driiggitf,. N 057 Wood it b tween 3d and 4th its, who ha* been appointed by D TOWN SEN Dual* A grot for Allegheny eu„' t M" OROANTrCOL'UirsVßDP—il"pioVedto" be the great Fanaeea in curing my culd’a diitreuing cough, i From the Temperance Banner, Nov 31847. Cocau hricr.—Wo are not in the habit of-poffinjr much lea* taking patent medicines, but wefeel djjTKHcii to recommend Morgan'! tfyrnp to thoae whoawatflict cd with a cough. ] After haring tried the u*uii“reme diei.to remorra constant and distressing cough, that had for several daya afflicted one of our chlldren/with* out aucccM, we were induced to tnr Morgan*! courh syrup, and by it relief; waa obtained in a few Loura. li* ■ptoved to be the panacea in this case at least. Prepared wholesale and remit by the proprietor * : JOHN D MOtfOAtS KumSl b 7 : wood at, 1 doorbelow Almond alley. fir* rfeUM'a Wera Spectrin THIS U to eerui} tbat, by ukiaroae vial of Doctor McLue'a Won Speeifie, aehild of Jams* Shaw'a pasted epwaida of 7U womt, and br tbeaaeofaaid stedleiaeaclilid of nrewa pawed 14 large worat.~ U it inly the meet eupriut voßamifflcUilcrer teen. 1 not bare two nero Tula. . WMOOMOW dUSWAITBS’S - !'•- compound SYBDPOF.ViLD chebxy. A certain tad Ml’* care [or colds, uifcaa' liver complaint; .ipiUldg U tod, pain* in tbe *«# «rbreist,Berrottjdebujt7,»hoopinjccufU • broken coariitntiwi, COJiiUJU*. > •• TJON oran/disetsecijlbeluagaoT breast Header ere yonaafferiflg ’• : with a cold orditeai* of the . lungs, try this repea/, J yoawul ootper*- y. % haps regret iL- • It will arrest ali those disagreeable symptoms which Unite such terror to the oiu>d» & prolong poor dare* Beware of all preparatlotu purporting, todoniafn wifd Cherry, except that bearing the signature bfDr H bivawe oo the outside wrapper o! eachbdtUe, _u they are quite likely destitute oi thohrticlc from which they borrows acme. \ ResdwhaiUhafdantJ • . : 60,000 DEATHS BY Would perhaps be * small estimate tor the-ravages ®f this dreadfuldisease jus single year; then add the learnt catalogued! those cut off by I attains- Uon oi the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Atlhraa, Coughs Influenxa, Broochitii.aad other diseases of the • Lungs and Liver.. And the list would present an sppailiog proof oi the fatality of these two classes of diseases. Butit is important to know that nearly all of this dread waste , of-liqman life might iave been prevented L ' OM, ' OU ” U 'Thu medicine has eow been before the public . some-eight tears, and is the original preparation front the Wild Cherry Tree. -Its reputation u a rented/ for Coughs, Colds, Bronchi us, aad Con sumption of the Lungs based entirelr updo its' in tnnste merit#, owes bat Uufe to inflated newspaper putts. Those who give jt e trial, being benchlted by it, recommend it to their neighbors, and thus gradually nud surely hasit gained an enviable repu 2 tauon and worked itt way into general use. Onfff bottle never latla to curs a recent cough : or mid, while with strict attention to tbsdirectionaithatne company each bottJeits osoirTpalmonarv diseases of long standing and of thcimwtsjarimflaeharac ler, has always given relief, snd ft terv many mstaoets has effected complete and permanent cans* Ltr.HWAYIiE'S Celebrated Compound Sun vpcf.Wild Cherry. - j • Bead the most remarkable enxe of Consemptlba ever placed upon record— - . ; y Uc S»ar»o-U«MSm I r«l ii .debt oftmitoJ, due u jou-jnd ■ dll, lo Ihe afflicted ceocnllf id olt.roi, doinbto IMUrnod, ia litot d .ocrLiic. poind Sjnjpol Wild Lton,. Son. 4™, unco, 1 in Tioleoli, itucked «iUi cold ud imu. cation of tbe lungs, which was accompanied with a very distressing cough, pain ia the brwtiutrfbead —« very considerable discharge of offensive mdcss from tho lungs, etpecislly upon changes of weather however aiigut. At first 1 felt no alarm about mr -condition, but was pretty coon convinced that I wn rapidly going into consumption. I grew dtlly weak* er, and «t leugtb was scarcely. able to walk about or apetk above a wluspcr, such was Urn exceeding weakness of my longs, During this time I hod tiled various preparations snd prescription#, but loobd no relief—growing all the time worse. Juat-herel was advised and pomaded bys dear friend in' lVUmlns» ton to make a trial o! your Syrup of Wild Cbem, 1 mn»t canless that previously I had beeh prejudie - eu ugamat patent 1 am still against ihoso conung out. of tho hands of empirics, bat understandingyoar claims to the profeseion'tnd practice of medicine, and having imnJicite laithio' ihe saying oi my friends, 1 lorthwith psrebued ot Dr Shaw, one of your agents, a few bottles and commenced its use. .- fiJy disease at this was oi twnoty or twenty five yaonthi' standing* eeifee. quenUy was deeply sealed. 1 found, however, con siderable relief trum the lust lour or five ImtUc*— But being a public speaker ! frequently' attempted to preach with my increasing strength and'tber«by ruptured those vessels tnat had already begin to heal; in this way, doubtless, my cure Was greatly • retarded. Ju coaseqaahee ef actio#- thusiuiprn deotly 1 had to use IS or- 16 bottles before T was pertecliy resioted. I have no question, a'much’ smaller number of"bottles mould have made me sound, but Tor tbe above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed tbe feverish babii;did away .the cough, put u slop to the of matter from :bu lungs, and gavo them and the entire system good health. X have deterred offering this certificate till cow, for the purpose ol being, perfectly satisfied with the permanency of tbe cure, and now ilm I feel perfectly well, loflent with pleasure . REV. J. F. JORDAN ' ; Dublin county, N. C.. CAUTIOfI! CAUTION! -r 7 Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild- Cherry, sucb as Balsams, Bittera, Syrups of Wild Cherry: Fills purporting to'contain Wild . Cherry, &e, dec, as they sic all fictitious and counterfeit, and contain none of the virtues of the original and genuine-pre paration as prepared by Dr, 2»wayoe;’aad the''lint . ever prepared in this country. Doctor SwayneV UmpoiiMl SyrupoFWXLD CHERRY is.composed of vegetable ingredients, the Wild Cherry, ana olh* : tr medical subslane6s.eqaliy as efficacious^if not more so; the whole are so ettectually eoncentrated aa ta render it beyond ail doubt tbe must pleasant, stiengihening, snd effectual remcdjToVer discover ed toribo cure or Futmonary conscoipuoa, and all diseases of tie Longs and Breast. The very taet, Irom iu tiuring- *ui;U a train ot spurious imiiaiois' stands to prove its‘gteat curative •. ■J Ucreiore, invaims, inquire for the original prepa ration, cach ttoule of which is enveloped ina beaul uiul wrapper, wiin a hkeuets of William Feca en* graved thereon; also bearing tbe,signature of. Dr H. tne counterfeiting of which will be pun ished us forgery. ' : Tieparea only by Dr. H. Swinrk, N W corner or hruKTri asdfUcE Streets, rfiifadelphia. X or safe in mnolusaJc and retail bv WM. THORN, 63 Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, comer *ind 6l Wood its. B. A. FAHN KSTOCK & Co., comer ol Ist and Wood andClliaod Wood streets.' S. JONES, 180 Übertystreet - . JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. And by all sespectabie Druggists and deafera'in .Medicine, througboni tho United Stale*and thma* >*»• ! imISS - . hr. jAvatrs altkkativk. Mohave Lera tu.'ormed by Mr*. Rate« acute j>er amnedoaber by Ur. Jayne** AUeratlv«,*nicfc *“P«»oniyonr every other remedy of the kniu. Sne hat been afflicted for the lutttiiicea-yeara wall NtCKOSESor \v'llJT£S\VKLLlM»S,aitcm)ed wi'h ulceration* and rnfohation'of various bones, on ring waich due many |>ieee*i,nvctwen diaeburgedfrun ilto irontai bone in tun cranium, from both her arms, *rn*i» and hand?, tuuli/wa both leg*, aluJ trout the led ie.io.ral Ume, and from (lit right knee, betide* painful nkcitou other parit of her person, winch have battled ur skill Of a uuoibcr of the most erainetU physician* ol our cil.—during men of the time-her tudenaas have been excruiat.ag and deplorable .. About three n*withf Mneeahe was induced to uy l)r. Jayne's Alternate wtifeb ba* had an atioaitbingly happy elfeei apoa hdr, by removing nit pain ana •welling*, and eattsiue tiic ulcet* to heal, while at Ute sometime bet geueral health Ills become completely restored, to that she now .weigh* Ad l ** more than the did before the commenced the use ofXhlt truly valuableprepauba.—{sat. Kve. IW. FoMunhrr in:omauoa, inquire of Atrt. Rose, No." 15S ftlbaritt, Philadelphia.. ■ d F?r tale in Filtibergb, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, rj Fourth »l near Wood. . . . .. jjs SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWKLL ' INUS.—Scroiula in ail its multiplied fonna whether in tbit of King** Krjl, enlargements n ti-e Ctaoda or tiones.CJoilrc, White Swelling*. Ccron;i Rheumatism, Looser, disease* of the Skin or Spine, or ol Pulmonary Consoraption, emanate. from one and the tame cause, which is a. poirtnoui princip.'e mom «>r lent inherent in the human saltern. There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi* calcurecanbnefleeted, bat if the principle spon which the disease depends; in restored, a core must ol necessity follow, no matter under » hat torn the disease should mantles! itself. ’lias, tbeielbte t* the reason why J*t»e’s Altebatitk is so Uni veroally successful in removing so many malignant disease*. It destroys the virus or principle from whicn those diseases havetheirorigin,by entering into the circulation, and with the blood i* conrevci 1 to'tho minutest fibre, removing every particle oi disease from the system. Prepared and sold it i?o.- S Sooth 'Third St/ectrPhiladeJpbia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No.'ll! Poarth stive Pituborgh mch3l LADIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk,' are oitcniiot aware how fnghuiiHy injurious t is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, and unhealthy the sk|h appears after u*iug prepared cha.k'. Besides, it i»mjanoas,eonuiutoeklarer qaxn of lead. Wc havo prepared a beiodful vegetable srlieh*. which we call -JDN£d’S SPANISH LILY WHITE! It is perfectly iunocenb-iieine purified of all deleterious qualities; aud it imparts to the skiu a nata* ml, healthy, alabaster, clear, living, white, at the same uuic acting as a cosmebc cn the skin, making itsuft aud smooth. Ur. James Amierson, Tronic*! Chemist of Mao* cliowsus. says: ‘•Alter analysing Joiies*Spanish LilJ* wn.ie, 1 find it possesses ibe mo»i beautiful 'and naiu. ral, *i th« same time ionoceot while J ever saw 1 i-cnainly can conscientiously reeosnmendiu useto'all whose skiu requires beautifying-.” (o*P»‘ce SJ3 eent* a ixu. ©-Soldby WM.JACKtiOM.athisiloot and £4oe d k tor t^ !^, L!bcn y ««*«> head uf Wood, ;ai the smiTm the Hig 800 l • . . ■ ■ «, Ladies, ladies, I’m astonished, - . . When you .know that you are promised A natural, life-like, snowy white, That you will still are common chalk •' ’ - And look a deathly yellow fright, ' The theme of laughter and of uik - ' If ysu would u»« a box of JO.Nh?* Ltily-whiie. i woutj give your skin an alabaster yei natural whu< j • l i u,e t'caiawaimpioveh. Bold a JACKSON’S, tv Liberty «. Price. vheenu per box.' . . myS ' rikuiui PAPhH, comprising every possible varktv. adapted 16 the want* of conyanfer* iu all sections of the Puper of all kinds made to order*! short Tdewdiikof PRINTING PAPKE is UDOsjoliy l«rsr ajmttof which is of very superior quality, f “ PAPER flAKßtt's BIATEUIALB ul every descnpiiou, impoued and kept.constantfr on hati, » | l: yvi lltiy » Wire Cloth, .FourdrinieV Wue» uleavhing Powder,Bine Ultntrairine,Twine. .vr *> • v ' KAUB4 ’. c * - Cdiiva*s, Bale Hope, Grass hope, Ilarging, I j • j parrlia»cd, for which l the higbcM price in Cash) will be Jr«S*y New Vork, JsivjltE SELLERS’ VKHhUFUCE,--! consider belter than alloibers." Afi/jotnOc, AlUgkny 0., Pa, > s .. -Oetober vnd/1617. f . Mr. R. E Sellers:— My son SI months old, being very retdess at night, and havuig much fever atusutil con. eluded he had worm*, arid having heard a great deal •tout your Vermifuge,l bought a viaT and gave hua « doses, which expelled &! very large worms. iMosider your VcimiiuKe i-ebcr than aileihers. i SlMO* P. B.IIBU • Prepared and sold by R R SKLt.fc...ia7, Wuodst. t'oid by Ur. Li*sml,Sui ward; and U. M. Cam, All*. gliearehv. . ~ ‘ smti;'. T. Jenc*'ltalian Chemical Bo«dI FOK mil kind* of crspuoai end dlscuriotau! RVtv<- nch »• I'injplei.Bloiefiel.tiaJi Ri.«S *c£n ifS Upon, chapped or cracked Skin, feraU Mher ilaea. jc» of Uie dkrn, which reunite extent! remedie* Soap ttanda unpai ailed, ll alio cilapeU buni, Morphew, Tan, and ektaree^ttoSSfM* jcliowr.or dufijared akin, to awia,-. j*L.ftf/fr ci*«roe*«. A freak tupply, warranted aenuinZSd?- *ale «Uhcrcdßced priced 37|W e*JtMs2]*2££j received, it offered »r a&Je bjr Ui FA K 8 ''"TfiiK “ BOAT COOKIBS STOTU b ' . . WMBACAin.iT InUWHiuHaA motl TKIUILPUAST blie CoruumptivcfinßiemUr that it ir Compound St/rup if Ter ond Woptf' Aeo. i lha tehich is dotty tjfetwg riarioi/d ctirrsia ; _TI*ULMOa i ARV CONSLaiFTIcN' I ' AslW firewhid,, fcpuißß oTB OuJ, l\is « ibe.bii* u i BrasC.-BOTt 1 ernst, Uaurieuus, ralpitalla, *t tt. - HstV W hwysy Cwj,li,l;nwis, Uiut*' - Xfs*yeu»lrea>on LtrerComptaiat 7. • aad DacastS Xioiwts. etc..: M-Ai*. Tbomwu-y'pesf S.r—' l l>« Mlotiihvg hcatdt t bare cuoricoced hma tte-useof jour Cooirentbit Syrvuar ll toy dotj n» ia&»» tu i sMeoorhieiitthw wrert P*® w .~* l “ rt ***» Wilh great oraicsiioa, uubcutlY <u bmih gf srpvbu.- U*ag. various reacuitvwi.bout «**« IhcMres ataziaed, Ihtsreof jour medfciWbot t*> “f ?! e “* to “>fef wort sifrrrLsed sMdictues, ttaougbl l would adhtn to wUI I had been rnueg. gettng worse alrita4pmwu,'tilne lo bya bottle of jour prvyursuoo, saying .-h. bis life to iu fin, Md «»*««| it, ; b d be Uhso two botUes, 1 was coaphusiy rcylortd to Jofely brerfU I uti ths shore brief staunut • Any fertaer caa be ends at ttg re**- dcaee, KoCetuTiM itrreL " ? : n, ?ni y ‘ J ruirahmn. bttU mother. Remarkable Cur:.^ .I. __ , ' . CuOk.fi, Sn.-ji.isa. . About sta-rears sioee, u wmsduened of th* sedmiarr •bKk w. wo. fcßome b, Il c ;t lu.si~uu. nUhkm- tlajihi md p«l=I pu, ,„ # | S, , lt „ ■ ,ly ihrowßatto .hid, 1.4 „ stare of lesUesea sad begta to afiret nv ausd. From lm to tins my redtriDg* were nor* or fcssJmrti nnuiar Unett they iwteawo to snch a drgree, awl the tio'ntre’oT tire synotons were joaugawaud, that far. wholryearl »u uashlouwicadtoany bostoss*. DurirgtbisUsisUomull *i*aa*. shlspbrjiciam «nd aundedto ximt pragrtptiwis, hot sD lbeir siiU was usTauegtofnesreasmioCMd u caliidy horeine la this aredilMQ 1 was faMrssd. of Iks eSkcls of lbonadsN Coapooad Byrtn>of'l .rand Wood Nap As. Us mn tontwhaliuaiUrtonuic.aMl tboSghfhadgttcn unAI * tteanrj oi my fanner ku.tb. bv kurerea BuaaNysthesMsttosglyadrtMdtotrythisncdica*! wn prevailed spot, to do so, aad I hsre inwT» mr. lhalby (hs aw ofaiz botUn toy brelih hssbalaVwtotSd, m ram wwakis toaUeod to busures* With B*ißoeh-£i*iWv • «*«h ........ .. .. H£NKY MXStrA, • Of DiekiaooTfvnni*. . . PrepandonlybyAKONEY fc WCiteO*TsnisNra eerasrbfXiffhaßSSpraetstrccls _ _Boid fcyL„ WILCOX, Jr. TiUsbsrrh, DruggtM Raerelly. frier XI ets, or Oat dobar.Ujrfottre, ' s ... ttalJTJUN,—Dewireof hnitaUres,aad.parthare TUaw wo's .ComppuDd Sjrup pf-jir hen noos 6Ut .advtoitai sgwt»,or w thos« ibov«' Qte'stunieioa of dssling io tas* ; kwAltfc-: ' ' •_•.-:••-i declldJm keasonmivhv unTnei- SAItSAPAiULiA BJ.OOU PibLu are becoming so umversalty mipatar - - First, Because they *rc prepsred by brN.B Lei dy Mntocir, a regular Druggist, Chemtat ond ciaa or Philadelphia; who knows, the nature; the quouty and.cbarecter of tbs Medicines used iu lus 4 puls and their adaplalian ip disease- I Second, Uecauscdho takn greater coafideuco thin mostMber pills which us " prepared by persons ignorant both of inoth'ciue and diseatce. - ■ , 'nitid, ilecauic of their combined eOecU, properl ties nut contained in. any oilier pitLsi namely, pure* mg Irom the stotnaeh and boweis oil imhealvbeaub stance*;and at .wei: aime .time purifyutg Uiic blood aod.fioids of the body. i ' *’• X ourtb, Becaase Uiey are the cheapest and beat mpdieintr known—a single bo* costing bn 36ccuu, and .containing 40 pilU, saving to pereonr ifc* uiauy doUare oil times in Doctor's bills, and ramfeicus medicines bought &. tried ou Ure. reclame* Jatiou oi otheis, - ••' j i * . . AYHOI-EBOME ADVICE. ] \ : - VVlicaevict vou.have occvsion to take any mi-di cme, do hut be trilling with your canvtiumon- by -trying ali kinds 61 piiU or -other medictnothOs see .piiabfehtui anti recbmocodcd by oao and auotber but takwatoncc.. . • ... j : r ' Sarsapariila Blood-P_ilU i - - a pdy6u will tot.havß. occaiitu to., lake am thins else.;,,They .will always be' liiand gondmaimu»l all worlds ol ducase, iuttamatiouol tbe stomach, bows sl«, liver snd luleatiiics; crktnps «d-tbe stomach: 'colic, tYalcibraUi: inwaid levers, lot|l brekth, bad taste io the mouth. Sour cructaiion* and acidity oi the atomacb, covtivencss and indigestiou, want of appetite, biluoot attecuomr. duoasc* of tho eplccs and kidneys,diseases of the akin/ scaly crvplfond dry and watery pimplefi or tHbtchci of the lacs’ eon body, tetter, rash,prickle beat and salt ihueiri.hbad sebe, giddiness, luntnes*, pains over tho-hsat, of the breast, sides, along the back and spine, rheuma tism and gost, levers «! all kinds, eman por.wio, Jotd. cieasefs, scrofula,erysipcias, and to abort Wiey are good in ini dtseases-baving. their drijlui ia the stomach,, liver, aed iutesunes, and unnuotyiof the Idood • V; J : . y • ICPTweatydQve.cenU a Bo*. , Sold Wholesale and RnUil by B. A. Fahnestock &, Co., comer of First and Wuod, sLo cOTaer ol bulb and Wood street*. . .scptSD *HldMjaAflr'S'TO taXll —“ . • „ • *•rasuica suMvaincn. splits best article known tot cleaning ami wluienisf - * the Teeth, strengthening die pum», sweviemtikthe breatn, &e.- tt should tie used ever)- with a slid brunb.and the leelß and stouth wdiuoly require a siieli w*«ktng m the »uaming. Wet the tiruen with warm ••tvr, or «oid will aiikirer, ami iulmi u tew times on uie-yade. whenreuuHgh win aJliete ( ur e.eamng ihe teelu. tv leaves* delttt«Hi» ia)>te in die inouib, Unaua pans * non detighiiul rrognuiee to the breath. IlsundJ sn/ivalted as a.pleasant, cfltcaciou*,Vonvenieniv and aufederarifice. Ilii warranted uotWinjure tht teeth, butloprererveuiem. . i. ’ Uy using it regularly, it will remove tbs tartar and prevent as. accumulation—prevent’ the tooiboebe ■tieagtheatke gums, and pre vent all diseases, ol them - Ch*»tsu.phyncians,iiaailicclCTgyrecb«aen)l it a:, decidedly superior lo every UiJugi.f the fciu.l ju use.—. "* Ask forahennan’sCompoßtnl Orris IWlfi observe his signature is'aaachedio each pot. --v -uecoouneuntd by Dr, OarU*, ua tJfiMow»r.®ae of our best by wotl ot the .old efwbfUbed oues in tbe United diate>i.and even- xienitvely rued •' by the Nobility of England and Fit* es. A .targe proportion of the disease, t kstaEfilctmaakind arise from *o*n© derangement of tht stouaebdr bowels, which a timely use oi' lac Cailu uc iosennv would ~ entirely obviate. Persons of bilicus iipbits'sbou!d al ways nave a bo* at hand, and take * dose.whencter ' t they feet hie lean derangemcntmlhdr health. AJadi c»nsu>e of these Lozenges would prevent thousands 01 cases. . . FojnleM ITU. JACKSON’S. Curvet cf Wojg cvri '_ j ..._ _.... -. ***'. • A CRiiATCL’RE, priortned by the ongtoalaodcniytiTie rnm * rasuo * k**** Tib,pjepared tad sold 117 ft £«£l. -■ • Mourn’ Fxcraar, Wotowrdtsd X _ _ I Jtdy l&tb, 1847. .. f . Mt r n, K. A wtue ofdnty p>ji>a«nr< iK«« flirty utduccxnc Uttdd ay bambit twtimcoyia Givorcf yottrnotiy celebrated Liver Pill*. I bavedrteircd dome »o Sar ran. adhemg toDavyCruekctt'innxim, “be lartjda trt.nrht, ibcagoatead.’r aieaoflbemtßy BmaralioaiefcajiCiM tad hawks, lauded (• the skit*, bare leak into oblivion usee jour Liver Pi li hive ban offered to tU pub.ie, aid. indeed,' tbelSeve they will *warrivo them ifi,” e* the r xrtluU’Whit Joo ((present Oita lo be. .1 hive been eflljcud WAth-Uver .Caropiuiat Goa »y youth; hire nfieicd taacbp employed may emmeftlpbjudou, la »h«n 1 paid touch nmary. &«. ml Both blood; m vomited aad physicked aiaeeUo doth; salivated Sort Uao, tad finally green op u incurable. la le3d-71 «b inddeed to try your Liver Pill*, and SOONUOT— OMbutofwhkbijaowiui&rirstukecp'taeetar of pan la the tide, tad ail the other ijoireocu. for at (cut 13 months. Four PUu are also the ben eaikmklevernsed; .being aild| Dot gnpeag or giria- taoth ikkaur at the. stbtn. aeb, but give nenueh relief- I have kept then jb lay alon !*• or.'7 yon; aold - hood rod* r ©T boxer, aad htr* tweer beard a tiog e eonplaiat uUcicd by any one tin baiTjsed thea. . They haw tnpertcdrd almost etcry other I l * ll in «*<■■ - neighborhood, aad la a abort time will baaith *jl | cvaotly raoomme&d thtw to all pemni tiredimT hbysic, 1 whether for Liver Ctuaptaiat or BulracaJficeUoos -’lcon- i uderthen&rsupcriorloCaluaelorUießlaePlU JUspiet foUryoar*,.-,; 4LlUoa*i» ' CAUTlOir—Ai then, an other Pills before ;th*. publie Cause Liver Pills, penb&amho'wanftheG£ftUiK£uhald aad take no other than th«e prepared end sold by tt £ BELLERI),ht 57 JPbod-it between -Third bad fourth streets. Sold by Dr. Camu, b'iftb H ard, D 51 Cvur. AUeriksv c»»y. • ; ~ • -irf* Ott.JAThK'B CAiUttINATIVK UA.LSAM L'KUMlhe Key ASA SMI.\N, u well kmrwii and pop A ulhr LlrroujanofihePioieftaatWeihcdMCliuxrK •The bßdcrMgned having In-m atUicted dartof the t»Mt wiuier w»th a disease of the *tooiacii, HMoruou-i n (0 . dacinggrratj.Awiu the n,.u,uclifor utiorj wrtve hdhi* without iQlcruiu.u.ii, nnd aitrr having ined vwl^j wwh lml«efleet.w*artirßi,Ma wttb'a bottj! «l>r D Jayne's_CftiiniQai.ro Balsam. TbnhebJj..-.! cordtiig to the and round invuriohlv tiuithie medicine caused the pain to abase to three or fourmm* “«•*» aod in.fifteen t-riwenty minatcieccry miSir Kaniaimiaiibelrtubu.A. HantdlciS terwanitaied wheccvef uulicuionaoi the apnioara of pamweiepe.cetTed, axul.uiepjua was ikctcuy prerfm cd. He continued to uie the lorihcii.c even--gVchiiin aud aometunci in the utominr. aad m u mw wedti health wai vo farlesmred, that ute tatfetcr vvofttitoV eo i.roqt a large fttaouni or-opprewive nnin. * Fioii ex pcticrtccj thetefote, Uo coa c.nfiaently lecoetroeud u O Jay 110 a Carmuiauvef tiuliaut, u* a uaioury wedtcln (ordivca*c«ertheetutnacb Bud bowrli. aS'hiS.N .‘j? r **' c ‘n tiltaborgh at ffic PLhi Vv ♦Shourth afreet, >.ear Wood 1 ,-and »lto- urtbe Dru Morcoftll gCIIWAKTZ. Mtnlmnn,' Alkgliimv L’laid PICKPIiaUCHY—. - ' A\ Cream de* Amanda Amctc’, tor sluiriiir: ~. Creftm a to Ro»e, tor ibavuig; Aimoaue.Cream, ■ do; Superfine Huuge, 011 Porcelain stands; - hdeCwil*CMtbati*,pcrfuxncd with LaresJer,' Ailt’e-i lerre Aliel; j . f_. • toMatilal powder pad*, of ail pattrrae; . Cotlta »» u 3 '«a«t«u exuacu for thehandke-ehierj aiceut bag.atid schui sonu.smi abJe for prrvenii. - hriitait.orChinriepowrdei; ‘ - :/ . to<utn vegciaiilehaircil, . edf** I'* 1 '* Vlt, ia imCy ° r rOBIBoa WlB P.’’ e «, (rute seent iones’Soa'p; Nymph Soap; llo»eLipralvr Htetl soap; Soda soap;, togeiber with aTgitWvariciv offiuepcriuiocryj ;#>t ireeired; for aaldby ‘”T y . M A t'A.UM&fruCK £(&. : COrCih A. w«wv «.« PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 1-UUUSIIKU DAILY, TIU-WLKIiLY ft WKO&Y One insertion of IS lines, or 1ew....* ‘^xo&o 'l‘woiiwerUoß«wilhouuUeniions,,,,.’^V’' 0 o»75 ffteWeek - *VV** 4 lE' Two Weeks " «. •••'•t'V! I'SJ v«» •• ?$ QneMonth, Two «* Three* ** ®«l*ertufeuwnu tn v T »UeraUoo,...'.ls]iO \ Lacfa tdditipoail aqoarc Tort) m0011i*,,,. Jjq \ Ono ■qn*r«j6 noDihi,renewable »i pleaVoraVld 00 Each additional mjuirc lor IS moaih*.... ,i.. Two 0 ndntltf . re’wabin at pleaiar«i 80 00 t4c}i aaditlc>&l:lKjuafe, C, months,' W«Kit OH TBI*WK£KLT. 18 HiUt Oneßqaato.S ttuirtlow;.......iiv«* wi . "-Wh additionalinsertion,,.,,,,,.: .£» KOIIHEM CEftfiß. ■ live line* or )n«..ODe Tear. :: ;; • •* **««* :::::: 138 • •- 1 V . lASTKiTiitami iv wuur rin*. . *»*•«, of |eJ*>Qae tittertKin;,.,..,*^^ " “ ** i.THre., " " Threemonih., “- “' vif'S n i 4 '■ 4 ssa^ggggs « * j - k A&Ui Vi > > , v 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers