THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. n/iu PirmgEaa DiarOuim U pnbUahad •"•i MUy’yTri'WMklrrud OBilrUflmrea »■JWUn per ■""""'i the Tr»-We«ldf u Rts DoDenper Weekly u Two Dollar* per tsnam, analf P«B unr CemHenial !niellinnee > v kMk Btrer Km, laporu; Hooey *c. fee .■■;••■ w;V ..; - mPAsnxmrsi are earneeUjr requited to head in fbeir foot* Mbra A ft *, aod aa tarty in the drfy u . pmlkabU. -v -M ;•• '. «• • r - ( Mr.Talee, of Florida, oneofibe Senators who j..'.; fcaa istrodooodnsluUooa to tbeSenate,maintain. to right of li# Sooth to exlead Slavery over ;. n,.iVhaleter foreign territory-may be not* wffrrttanriufg the territory tnay be free, maintained, principle embodied in hu resolution.— '"Ho not acta to favor tho annerstinp ofterrilo* i:;» ryas zealously as aame af his party, and fear* peri .fl- 1 . -hep*! the effect, of the mixture ofraee»,"ora cordon *<fffr<o Staten hcmrri mg in Slavery. Mr.Vatee, bow ■r_ \ Over,la not one ofi-those who wiD set the world on r \<ra by the brightness of his wisdom or Ha.wit— » . Yen. any remember him, perhaps, forhisproposi . ~ tun to annex- Cuba to: the Union,—«nd tbs one •• •w . vote which this proposition received. This speech wiHbOoQnchflcd to-momnr. ,Mrl a little lmx» to-day, ' In defence of the War, the lutaexatioo of. Mexico» .-and Administration mrsmres generally. ■ Thisgeu* • tlemtn teemed Idas disposed to conceal tbe real' v. . policy qftbe Administration party thanaome bth* . era who hare-appken.: He bad nofearaofthat -“swallowing'* ofremtory wuh which, recently, Ur. \\ : i conveyed hid intentions’to. tho Senate. Nor .» .. • ,• v : . .. - did heoonear with Mr. Calbouathat the Caucasian . - race were alone fitted forlhe enjoyment of free in- ;., ife aeemed,iodeed,t)mis ready to lump \ and MfEifwi, the crowded territoryof the ■ -(and sparsely Tannin Spaniards, mix* *ed rices and aQ, into one common receptacle, and <■ y then gulp them all down together. ■ - * ' . Mr. Ritchie, as the organist of tbe Government, . found this very poor muaic from wkichto discourse, . ’ end-tbe President, lam told,'secretly denies any ’ > each covert design. Bot secrets, hire m order, will ..., out, sod Mr. Breeze, to-day, almost SBiced the real - .designs of tbe Administration. i It is said, however, that some of (be fheodaoftbo Executive are begin* ning to be badly alarmed at the consequences of -(hi* extreme measure, and lhalihey .desire to make the party back out if they can :< <i wax aQiOKSTSjLXCES. .. ■/.. • 7/ *f ; upon all who oppose it, tthey will aoonhavo tomtke. oiu a presentment • against the great body of the people. Mr. Corwin preaeoled, in today, the piDcee'dingsof \.v the Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends, as Ling that ef* 'measures taughtbe taken to bring tbe war t .vtanclaeeC- Memorials dontnining the same prayer •'■‘•-we/e - presented by Mr. C, from Stark and Mns ( Vrnjnm ) iq Ohio, nod from Monroe Ox, Michigan mis " ' ATI these petitioha are Bent to the Committee on t--- Foreign Relations, where, organized as the Cbm* ' ' suttee is, -they will sleep the sleep that knows no .. waking-."' ■ ■ ■ • The House are moving cm at asnaiTs pace upon this faffl."''There were two speeches to-day upon ■ it, one from Mr. Duer, of Hew York, and one from Mr-Sxms, of South Carolina; the former against the War, and' the latter for it Mr. Ducts' speech '■Y was'one of great [ability and fine sentiment, and t. .wma one of the best oftbe Session, liwaaaplesr lire to hear hu review of-tbe measures of the A£ -mimatratiOß, and-lua high toned eatimate of real truth and patriotism, as illustrated, for example; in the character of Washington, oontmstcd with soch a pretender as James K. Polk. Mr. Doer,said lie ' did sot court that-amt of popularity which was . ' woiiby Wpportihg'a war, and Ujst he WaswiHmg. • to incur all tbe odium, modest to being a friend of .Fence. Nor did he hes Sate to full view [-■> > aO the responsibility resnlting-from such a decla ration, that the war was unconstitutionally and tur* ' • • neoewarfly begus by the President. - He believed ' ■' thia,* and thatyld tbe sight of Heaven, ifnot as be* twees-man- and man,it'was an uqjustand nn. ..•'xigtteoos wat:-.; / " Thia plain speakmg disturbed the equanimity of - the A4miiuitn&oa men ,w tbe Ibuie.' Mr. Boyd • made some attempt to ( eorrect > statement/but : found himaeiiineiror. -U, would be a-good.thing if speeches likß this J .coald;penetrale' evbry nook - and corner in tbe country* : eon.* trediction,-they canyfonvictioii lo ill whb will read • nnilwtinil - . . •}->;vSi- -C-jW ft'!,’", -t- ill! rS.wHiS.* fcfrMlfogS ;i?f 4ji& i.5«:4v;4.-rtWs:*:>s fc. ,- : -,V'. ; {‘ u - :': : vi'4 •i^t v '-S' ;*«:•*, ,i*. ~• *,. ; -• ’ Thf aaißnimenl ofMr. Ashman, of ' Uaia^uatbomiatheside9)3rtite,A(li>umsmtoa, '' andcue which every day seems lo penetrate deep* • eraad deeper. Vanoo*'attempts hare been made , to heal tbs wound, and lo xnalai the truth a He^— aPennsyl vania Member, Mr.Thorap joa/whiisseekittgiobea leader,—and peiiiap* is ~oae,-r«t least of the Bochanan wing of the Denso* - eracy, offered a resolution declaring it to bo vnintt the ;wnr was “unconstitutionally and unneces* ■ ' « thfr'President l n andfatiher,thatthe . vole be: txpvugttL -'.Mr. Thompson mounted the rostrum, bis bwn 'resolution, and the 1 scene fiir i time Wasquiio exciting. The Whig* • were in their fullest ranks, and things looked M'if an attempt had been made. to steal a - march/Upon them. The House,; however, had • j acme,two hundred members within the bar,—end 'Vr./Thompbn followed up his resolution witha ' caHfor thepraviotts question. -- yJdrrAahinsn was heard to exclaim, amid the ~/«emfdsidn, that his' amendment was true, and the < /■ nadstton before the House bat gave the demal to ; « jntth which hadbeen prod aimed’by the House. ATery boisleroas, busy body member from Ala* hams, the “dog-eared gentleman,” as Mr. Tompkins • christened lum, rising quite ' ;with .a' face as red ni a glowing sunset, was heard to deny of. the amendment, and of the remarks of -. from Massachusetts, whereupon there ; ■ was gb*_i at the irritable member, who ■ ~ aewned towage# war for his leader at the wes>jgf jo* The Speaker, however, leitaed Ashman moved '. ; toconaign to the -table. • The : yes*’’and nays i tnotiai pferaflodby a vote of) was one of the most markdd retakes of the' Congrats. . " " ; • ‘When Mr. Aihmu&’s amendment to the rcsciQ. tionof thanks, (as an amendment to Mr. Henley’s •' amciidntenO was adopted, the vote was hot 85 to H. • - Hera was a fuller bouse, recent discussion, twtnw reflection, I ?^the result is, as you see, an' ’ eadocseoeotof that vote jin * House of twohua ■ died members, bythe decided vote I have named. , This vote is * most ppjuted rebuke totbeiPresL v dent and hla party , triendi. It not only vindicates tbs old censure,but officially'rcbokastboaewbo , 2tave attempted to remove this stigma faun the - ftaulentinbringing'oa;an unconstitutional aa4 !-«upeoesa«qrwsr.f..... ! /* ■ • . , tbx ntnnocr. ; -.There'em five rathereduspicuous persons seek rng tobe made’President from the ranks of the Ad* • The roostnwdest and mostcapaMe" 1 ttagh oa sonto.BCcoiaslsUine'of the most excep! is LeviWoodbory, of the Supreme Court- Tbemoat unworthy, bccausemogtrespcaiihlo far '• fbt is r isat m~. and for the internal evils which .threaten the country, is the present incumbent o ' the Executive chair. Then there is Le wis Css* the taneevring, popular-wooing, and evef*prete nd» iag Senator from Michigan; whomthetrae friends cf the country in the ranks of the Administration, -ought to unite to keep crat of the Presidency. Mr. Dallas 1 * chances are dwindling to a point, and wiD .• recede to a point that win soda be tayebd a rah Tjgfwffri vision. Mr. Buchanan, like Mr. Dallas, -baa heart courting the Soath by bowing-down to ;fl«wty ( but Ids chances iort now aro ralher wa* - otherwise. MichHran.titurulariy enough. 1 awhile nominating General Cass iri<ancns.aad in . legislature, haa appointed men as Delegates in friar of the “Wilmdt Proviso,” and not particularly to Mr. G. -Moreover the WDmot Proviso : U endorsed there, while it; is rejected here by this - Senator Caen. ]l»b IssboFocoshave no occacoh to point their ■ f ***** «i the~Vhigs for their divisions in regerd to They havo quito «mough tocare forat homo ' «libthjiemwial'ana 'tau • How SiU. ; «pCTk;t r ‘“> ; pbloM-tedopto.. , mm UT&*y."'x m ™ “«“*■ : f:M§ ’t'ti tv ** >\ 111 m && I PsHt? ,'T-* w P ■?* :; ,7.',.':‘j, ’••s S »>i' -v ; j BY E&A9TVB BBOOKS A Go. . Plf TIBOBGHi y '.: fP'jJj « FRIDAY MOByPfQ, FEBRUARY 18,1848. f of.the.Puufmrih Gczette. THE ILATEBV QUESTION. * /•i. ‘Waihlngton,Feb. 14,1818. The. memorial* against the war do. not decrease ia number, and if the supporters ofthe.warmean ■ The Wheeling merchants are Orn* ttfSlXufpd a-umfl diawiriiWiiZi i«l ypjfy Sofrihe Fittsbozgh B6aad ofTyade atfttift ft tend, and fotwafd | tig Dmthcdfefecu mid theremedyf-'ThJs aidjecr ut)f great unportanee,and cannot betoosooa rets.' vdied. r A memorial, embodying many -valuable suggestions, has been sent me from a citizen of Pftaborgb, aad-I have pUced.a copy before.the Committees on Commerce, .in the two Houses of Congress/ > i ■ khuanr' Staviees 'ov'Ma. Boouxax—-The Washington correspondent of tbe North American, does “justice to Pennsylnnia's fiivorite son in re* Istion to his services in die late war. M , -. ■ ‘•Amqrsaua Rrgiara.—Mr. Thompson, ’’of Pennsylvania, has found out, and so stated in Con gress the other day, that Mr. Buchanan was a vo lunteer at the Bauleof Baltimore. As be was op posed to the war, and denounced it at a democriu* jc measure; be must have kept this volunteering freak a profound secret, for none of Ms neighbors, or those volunteers whose names are found on. the mtuterrolla, ever heard of it” - Mr.. Buchanan in company with Mr. Rogers and Jodge Shippen, c rfid “rolanleer* to ride with pistols in his holsters, fop. Lancaster to ’ Baltimore, and afier remaining there a week, he and Rogers rbde back again, leaving the Judge to do their pail of the federal fightaut;'"lt haa never been ascertained in disputably, whether the British retired upon Behold ing the formidable presence of Mr. Buchanan, or whether he 'retired, noiVdeeming - them worthy hia steel” I have; stated these retectkms as my distinguished friend Cd. Behtbnihai stated vindicate' the truth of history." If I am fortunate enough to have any fair'readers —ea l am vain enough to ■ believe' -I "would'pot have'them entertaio the idea that lam any mote, or as much acquainted, with the events oflhat war as Mr. WSJtnot isj who made his first appearance on thia sublimity sphere, Anno Domini, 1841, when Mr.. TVicbanaa was, quietly. taking the; aforesaid ride. ' ''u. . \ lahsrzsPETT.- > bot one on record that equals- this devo tion of Mr. Buchanan, and this is found ui die 'ex*, ploit of Major. Jack Dowmng. who in the Arpos* toot 4 wma inarched uptci tfeUnc,'andafter standings little over it’shooted for John Bufi-to corns <on which the .British army; did not,, though the Major wanted to an it Tbe fiivorite of the Key* stone-State having ridden, away;; “live* tonight Mother «lay.. . •' '-'f- ' ' The worthy Secretary and would be President, has' ah equal aversion to tax-gatherers that he showed to gunpowder. -Tbe proceedings of tbe •Loco Foco Buchanan meetings generally speak of lum as ‘‘Pennsylraoia’afavoroe son. 0 ' It is a great mistake. Mr. Buchahan has repudiated Penosyl* yaaia, and is entitled to no such honorable appella tion. He (s so longer a citizen of our Stile, hav ing 'voluntarily expatriated himself He wrote a letter to the Commissioners. of Lancaster County, repudiating hia residence, m order to avoid -the pay* menlcf taxen on aboot £55,000, money at interest, and succeeded in relieving himself of a tax of five or six bandied' dollars. Thus be voluntarily relin quishes his . citizenship to avoid paying the taxes necessary for tbe support of tbe Government, and the payment of our debts. . IsFoucinox Waxtkd.—We should Hke to have the Post say whether it means to coma out in. an honorable way, and discuss * lha ' operation of tbe tariff of 1546, and its effects on tbe business of tbe country, or whether |t f"***"* to avoid the discus' sion so often proposed, and to continue the publics* lion of such extracts as the following;'. “The truth is, the coufatiy never enjoyed ahigir er degree of prosperity than during-the past few yeara,—every ’ branch of industry -has .fiourislaed, and ia still flourishing, and every attempt of the federal party to create a panic, will only have tbe effect of making their political downfall (the mbre certain.** ' *' ■ We have shown your previous statements to this effect to be without the shadow of truth. You know it, and thalyoii dare not' lake hold of the dis cussion in amr shape. - You [also insinuate that the report' cf factories suspended and wages reduced, is untrue, tK«t goch an- iaiumaliou ia without truth. You know that the naznea of the Boston At las, Boston Traveller, Providence Journal,'New* Herald. the . Danville Pa. Democrat, and .other papura have staled.-these- things, and their testimony iraahotjbe shaken.. You have only one way in which to escape from the'charge of su perlative meanness upon this question, and that is by pleading igriorahoe of them .notorious laeta.—- Again we repeat our- invftatimt to come into the field, and discuss thia tariff Scancaa’a TiwarKMyO ijo' Ccocnx* mcc—Wo havo fiom tbo author a copyofthla work, which cannot be. too earnestly commended to the attention of oer engineers and mechariics, as well as all who have a taste for mochaaic arts It is^eminently practical,' and in s compass the valuable part.of a large. mechanical hbnry. The index is very copious, and one can tain without delay to the exact page to obtain the it u equalio the wants of tbe mostacfentific, and yet simplified ao aa , to bo the ready. reference of any mechanic. IWetake from tbe Baltimore Clip* •per the following notice, with tbe remark, that the book can be had at the booksellers generally: Scrisxxx's Evoinrix's Pocext .Tails Boos— AND ExaCCERRS’ AND MrCEAXtCS’ CoJa>AXJO«.— These,wcukx, it wiUhe- seen byon sdvcrtisemait in soother column, are for sale in this city, and we cannot too urgently recom mend them to public at tention, ondmorc paiticulsriy to that ot persons engaged in fb<» .branches of busineas treated of— They will find these volumes real laboreaving ma chines; for all calcolaUons reqoired by engineers or mechanics, will be foond sccuralely made in these works. They will sare an immense deal of time and labor, and they contain all informstion r» gtiip-.) fi| Mgiarerißg swd vnre-imnfef. Ili* impos sible for us to convey a correct idea of UwirTuae in the shbii notice., which .we art . ccmpeßed .to tako of them. Examination, wo feel certain', will salixfy any aoe, that otzr idea.of the merits of these works is not exaggerated- ; ' PaonxTT or Married Vompc—The legitle tore bss taken hold of this.qnestibn, and have now for consideration n biO reported by the'. Jndiciaiy committed that coven the:whole ground. . AN ACT TO EXEXTT-RUL RStAR OR VARROED . wojudi rmoat tbr'debtbov xhxol xcsrahso. SecfuuM; Xfe .tf Thar tho' lands, tenements, and berediUmeois, which shall belong toauywoman previous to her.marriage* or which shall accrue to he? by wifl or deecnt during core lure, t* 1 " 11 be free from all liabilities, or debts of the husband of said woman; and the same shall not be seized, sold, or sequestered by virtue of any execu tion. or writ of any kind, which shall issue against saidhatband. Section 2.. Whenever a judgment shaQ beob tained' against tho husband and wife jointly, for the debts of* the wife contracted or incurred before msrnage,or for her tortuous conduct before or at ter the said jadgment shall he a. lien a gainst her real estate,-mid may the same'manner as though said real estate was the nropertyoTberlmsbaßd. ; Section 3... This act shall bot.affect the lien or of any debts contracted by the husbhnd of *ttj woman prior to the'firtt day. of July, next; and herein-'shall be so' conrtrued,aa to prevent bnstwQd and wife from mortgaging or con veying therealify-tfhU/wife in the .manner now t^cogmxedbylaw. . fiction 4. All laws facdnsirtent.- herewith are hereby repealed. •'“ * i ’ ' . Dial ■mm CsscALxr.—The. telegraphic. de- receivw bere a few days 'since, la relating to the .accident aljfrtwniwg of Jktrsi, £lizs oate by the follow* iny. which we extract th<* Ciocioaati,Com* mereuToTihe ' ''V.'. V.v..j “As the steamer: Fatih** was leaving Platt's Landing, thiee'or fair mdesviowßising s»", on Saturdays about. 2 ctelockr-jyjkL and aa Mrs. Kneaiswas leaning-against rod which supported the guardrepe,proterikj- the stair-way leading to the’hurricane :.rios OteW ef-tbe wheel-house, the rod broke,.and sheVu .DreciDi. tated into the boding stream beknr.- Ha, Ait from the hniricane deck, and ns that she passed ; dirlxtiy over his heSKnd •truck the guard beWi splitting it by the coh*.*. sion, and it is probable that death’s work bad be*, done before she reached the, water. The scene which fefawed upon this truly heartrending catw atty, cannot be described. A sister. (Mita Clan Braced and an affectionate husband, who were near to behold the work of death without the pow* er to stay it, were, paralixed, miod-tb*tiered, and well nigh heart-broken by the suddenness of this awfyl and unexpected blow.* : • _ : immediately upon the accident being announced Which was almost instant with its occurrence, the boat was backed, the yawl sent out, and every et fat made to recover the body, but In vain! - Tax LanosToM or Wax^—Our correspondent M. gives us the fbflowicg Important infatuation, i •• : - Washington, Friday eve.: I have just learned something father in relation to the early Intention* of this Admjpia tration toward Mexico. .It ban cone, out inert*' dunce beferetheCommittee on Military Adairs, in, the Senate, that GtpL- Gillespie of IbeArmy was dispatched in’ 19(5 to CoL Fremont, then ,in Upper. irylfomia, with,a letter ij».cypher,;directing the’ .Colonel sola shape his course there as to excite a rebellion against the authority of Mexico, cfwfaieh! be oould face xdvmntage eoae to alfoeitbe ation to this conntry-3a other . words, to isett. It may jfa be litendhr. trne, tat it .seems ttnthlike eofa Mhxsbeea knorwn of / tbe ~previ« ouscareerof4hlaadsrinlitr«lioa.'‘ It ig undoubtedly substsatislly tmes—lf. FT 3Vk bun*. _ i.'i.-it. ;• -Joxn VAX.Buxxu has been nominated -fa the Pramdeney, by the Damocraa of &ia county, jfew Tnfc . u Psauylvamfa I*egUlat«re* - : . Hamatogfa, Feb. 12. 1818. Hotsa-rrMr- Smith, on leave, presested. a remon-. straaorfroqjfPhiladelphia, agamstgrantizig odditibn 'al prijHlegtaito'tbe New York and Efie Roilrbad Company. tMnars. Steele, 11 art, Downs andj&hl, simiiar'one%/Qn motion of Mr. Smith, an additioo* al member was put on the Judiciary Commiuee.—* .On motimx of Mr. Noble the House considered and passed an act to annul the marriage contract of T*anme!9tseldiouae.--';*->.- i On ieaye, the following bifla Were read in place: Mr. Williams, an act relative to a National foun dry. Od motion of Mr. Grata, the House went into the .second, reading of .the hill erecting, a new county oiil of CrawfonlWarreo called Decatur; and posed it finally Onmdtion .of Mr. 1 liambierton, the House proceeded to the consideration of tho bill relative to lhc Cumberland Valley Railroad.' The bill authorizes the Company io issue • additional stock to chtain money to im prove the road. This passed Committee of tbe .Whole, and when on aecond reading a motion was iaadc uTpostpone for tbe present Pending the dis cussion, the hour of one arrived and the House adjourned. The objectional section of the bill be ing withdrawn, the motion to postpone was with drawn, when the tall passed the third reading.. ScuTt-Several petitions were presented from the city and county ofi Philadelphia, remonstrating against any change fn the law. granting certain privfiegesto the New York and Erie Railroad Com pany. Tbe .Set “incorporating the Cumberland valley Railroad Company was taken up and pass ed final reading. 4 : Mr. Johnson, a bill to incorporate Mining and Manufacturing Companies, and to provide a sink ing fuad. for the liquidation of riie State' debt. Mr. Gillia. offered a resolution requesting the Jadidary Committee to inquire what further legis lation is necessary to enforce the provisions of tbe. act of March 22,18} 7, providing for the suppression of notes and tickets in thei nature'of bank notes, and report by bill or otherwise. After a discussion of some length, the resolution was agreed to. The following is the substance of another hill re ported by the House Committee of Ways &: Means to raise additional revenue! It is a supplement to the several acts'retmive to licensing inns and taverns, and we give the following digest of its proposed provisions.; Class No. 1; Twenty Dol lars to bo.paid per annum, where tbe adjudged valofltfon'of the yearly rent of the house and pro perty occupied .for‘auch purposes shall not exceed 100 dollars. ' '' CUsr. 2, rent, SlooandnolexceediiigSlsotopay $22.50 3, 150 ■ “ 200 25100 4, 200 ’ J'• 300 30,00: 5, 300 •;« • 400 35,00 C, 400 - ' . - 500 • 40,00 7, 500_ 8, 'GOO •9, ,700 GOO . 45,00 700 40,00 SOO 55,00 900 60,00 1000 65,00 10, 800" 11, <9OO 1200 . . 75,00 13, 1200 14, 1400 „ 15, 1000 : 2000 .115,00 2500 140,00 3000 155,00 3500 190,00 4000 215,00 4500 240,00 5000 205,00 10, 1800 17, 2000 18, 2500 19, 3000 20, 3500 21, 4000. 22, 4500, 23, above $5OOO, to pay in-all eases $205, and tbe additional ;snm of five per cent, ou the yearly rent above $5OOO. - These assessments are to be made under oath by tbe appraisers of mercantile taxes. The Clerks of Quarter Sessions are required to furnish ap praiser* and the Auditor General with certified lists of licences granted from time to time, and if the appruer foils to perform his duties, the Audi tor General is vetted with .the power of removal and suljetitution.' To Ou Bditon of tht Pittsburgh GasttU : tam glad to see that a discussion has commenc ed in the columns of the Pod as to the best method of improving our system of city schools, so as to brmg the advantages of a thorough education with in the jfeach of every child, of the poor as well os ofthe'rich. • . This is no demagogue' movement Tbe spirit of true Republicanism and sound philosophy has evi : dentiy prompted this discussion, and l think the time nas comewben oar citizens are ready to cus tom any plan which promises the most effeetnalhr io throw open to means of acquiring knowl edge.. ; - t . One writer makes the complaint, which , we all know to be a very just one, that, our, public schools only teach tbe rudiments ofeducation.and that the poor .man who is unable to support nis child at a private school, most of necessity .send him into tbe world badly educated; and thus he is brought into » condition of inferiority which, is notfictitious and false, but real and radical. I pssent to all that “Bur rift" says, and more, as to the evils of suffering our fnblic schools to remain inferior to private onea.V br not only ia the distinction between the rich'and poor fostered by this stale of things* butevea in re gard to the children ofthe rich, mosey cannot pur chase lor them so good an education as would be afforded by a compleie' and uniform lystem of pub lic schools: Private schools aregenetallytninsißnt and mutable; dependant on the interest, health and fortune of the proprietor, and therefore seldom aim ing to carry into effect 'a thorough plan of educa tion* '“Burria a j proposes to establish a central high school, to which the pupils shall be. admitted from the different wards by .rranimation. This ia very well, but the suggestion made in another communi cation signed .“Unitjrt ia better. 1 This recommends unmake an arrangement' .with the trnivemty, by which pupils shall be received into that institution from tbqpubliciscfaools and the 'expenses of their education be defrayed .by the /appropriation of a portion of the school lax. This plan is advised by the writer for three reasons; for the'sake of econo my, becanseil will bring the sons of tbe rich and thepoor together an a common footing, where the only superiority recognized would be the superior ity of-chancter and intellect, and because it would be the means of securing all the interests of every class io perfecting bur city'schools, from the low est to the highest, as fori and as for as possible. ' These reasons are good, and the plan appears to me unobjectionable. The effect will be to make oar ward ichoob preparatory schools to tbe Univer sity, to iatrodfoe into them a uniform and consist- of idriractibo, with which the course in the University will bo arranged and thus, to indneej what "no other plan would, the wealthy class to tend their sons into those schools as the best means of obtaining a thorough edaca* lion. The very backwardness cf oar schools puts it .in oar power-ai present to adopt such a.plan as .shall morieffectouly and in the simplest manner secure a thorough education to aQ who desire it.— Tbe-Umtprtiljalaoisyonagßndinaysobeoould- - ed as best fo satisfy the wants oflhe community in which it is .plaeed. Indeed a strong desire prevails among those who hare.the charge of it to enlarge the course !of instruction in the practical sdencea as far as the interests of the community may .re quire. . The philosophy and chemical apparatus of the institution is already equal in completeness to that of the first institutions in tbe Wert and a large portion of our’comihumtT is interested in its' sup port Nothing but united action ia wanted to en sure for oordlya system of public insfrretion un surpassed bath in its completeness and its simplici ty. Boow objections to this view havebeea raised in an article ioJLbe Port, lalertfaan those alluded to above, on which I will comment at another time. :• ■ Pox.- ■ - Tttbe Editor* of tk* Pi&sb*rgh Qs£6£n ' The obsolete set of Congressquoted in the Ga zette of the 11th insti, which is sought; to be revi ved fa the punishment of Mr. Trist, and probably of General Scotf,.fa their efforts to procure .Peace with Mexico,' was enacted by the. Federal part then in power, (1799) who advocated a war wit the French ißepoblic-the object of which was to funisb Dr. Logan, a .patriotic citizen, who visited 'arts at his own expense, with a view to preserve Peace with that Republic, and avert the calamities ofWar. That law connected with the alien and sedition laws, were so o< ions to ; the people, that the Federal‘Administration fanton a war with France} were overthrown. -The President Adams afterwards on bis own responsibility, in opposition to a of his Cabinet, appointed Urivoys, who made peaoe. He retraced nis steps too latc to secure his election fa a second term,;' ' President Polk and ids Cabinet are very much in a similar position in pursuing those arbitrary and high handedjmeasurea, in prosnnxting a war of con guest on Mexico, while it is. very evident a large majority of the freemen of the Union are conscien tiously and deliberately opposed to the continuance of the war, involving,; as tl does, snch prodigious sacrifices of Wood sad-treasure. : Let lhembeWare.iond'Tetrace their steps as speedily just indignation of free men will hnri then) from their seats; the blows in flicted on Mr. Trist and General Scott will rebound to crush with additions) faco.* 1 .. Q; . Hear A. ,Wt».—The Baltimore -Patriot thus idescribes'the political whereabout of this : distin guished, member of. > ihe public may be curious’to learn something of lhts erratic The seeming privacy into which he has retired sihceJzisretuni from Bio, and the cotf tndictory reports of the manner in which bis dbOr cnltv with the Administration in Waihington abont ■i mind in.suspense id takes any. note of ' very improbable—; know what political t will satisfy soeh, at ■ter (Md.) Shield, that - al’Drammoadtown, If we learn, in favor nfayor of the annex* untry to" (lie United ainistration. so fa' jn i.war, except that it and of course ndvo ffitfa‘ anunee difficult? he had iflS ? r ? ,dei?t w h«h he Spwker oTihe anh^Soviedged fci ? * ro “s- I'o “ »Üb ; tta Admioutnoioa but how lot, h. will ~ main so no one can tell” • .. "" who had probably conceale/ himself e Sj*^ b<mr * waited to unlockthe^ AfTfff? w ' re .‘l«» 0 ihni, cMhreeof the pulpits, m tbiscitir, on Sundav 1«T •tailor,*; MrerthrtaiulW., Tlunm tfcin t wa, ao '„. ta aeveralof the chiocbee-of New York.*>J3aftfaWs ;-'l-*.V- 1 1 : V* ;> •. - ; f, . o < j. - K.—The mode ef rifenf-ilH«<»M»i ted'head of the Catholic Church, is thus described. • “Tbe Pope rises ei-erydayat.4 o’clock, enters bi*chapel where he spends an boor in and tben daily, /.bears afterward anothet'masa in'actioricjf Ibanki, and to hb cabinet, fortified thus by tbe divine asaistance which be hsd sought in lhe Hcsaed aacnmenL -Heie be labors'naremittingiy till one o’clock, P.M. He then dines, and during dinner, treats of public aflairs with’ sotne ninbaisadof, or dictates to his secretaries.; Ilia at thia time also, that, he perm its' artirta from .various countries to sketch bis likeniesa His inseperable companion is his private secretary the pious and learned Abbe Stella, for a long while part hia mogt intimate friend., and who, j hitherto, has not congratulated hia patron on bis nr— to .the Holy See, and, they say, is not very likely to do so in future. The account that the Abbe Strife gives of Pius IX, is, that the.loog endeavor of Mortal to keep -forever before him the thought of God’s presence, has for more than ten years-he come a habit After dinner, the Pope wafks'foran hmir in tho galleries or. garden* of tSe Qoirinal. Then commence the receptions, which lari till five o dock, and lake place without ceremony. At five o’clock, the Pope posses an boor before the Blessed Sacrament; most commonly he performs this act of devotion in the chapel of-some rcligious commu nity or public institution, into which he drops with out warning, in order to see how things are mana ged when no one is expected,. After tliis, be es ters again his cabinet, and labors till near ten o’clock when he partakes of a collation, at which, ordina rily, some one of the cardinals is present. He then recites bis prayers and retires to rest. Such is the daily life of tbe great Pope Pins IX.” A Jcxr Veudict.—-A case was recently submit ted to a jury in this county, which, for its novelty and-happy result, deserves a place-in “the re ports.” .It arose from the following circumstances: Two men, living uear neighbors, had a falling out about tbe cow of one of the parties frequently getting in to the enclosure of the other, ana which finally re sulted in the death of die cow; she having been set on by dogs and chased till she ran against a stump and broke ber beck.' ~ Tbe case wassnbmitted to a jury of respectable and wealthy formers. After hearing related all the circumstances, the jury made up their minds that the owner of the cow could not afford to loose her, and that the owner of tho dogs was not able to pay for ber, they therefore rendered tho following ver dict: that the jury should pay the value of die cow the magistrate treat the party, andtlie constable pay the costs. The verdict was immediately ratified, and satis fied, to the great joy of the entire neighborhood.— Kent ucly Dmoerat. Mxsouxi Tobacco Caop.—A merchant writing to the Sl Louis Republican, sayst—M have recent ly made a tour through some of the principal tobac •co growing c mnties of Missouri, and had frequent opportunities of examining carefully samples of the crop now being made ready for market I have also seen many simples of crops grown in coun ties which I did ndt visir/and was particlar in my inquiries of the pbin&n'Trnni different parts of the State, concerning the article. From aIU tawond heard, I am led to believe that the crop of tobacco now in hand in Missouri, is the finest for manufac turing purposes that has ever been produced indie State. This appears to me an Hem of information of some importance to the manufacturers abroad, and I would be gfed if you .would publish the focls, remarking that the season for prizing, having been very favorable, tobacco will find its way to market this year much earlier than usual—say in March and ApriL At that time tbe market will be fairly open. C» ij.-m.uom.— The growing importance nf dm cheese trade in this region is acknowledged by &U, yet few, we apprehend, are aware of tbe extent to which that business has increased in a few years. By a reference to the books at the canal office, we are enabled to state tbe amount cleared for mar ; ket during the last six years, which we think will be interestingto our readers. The statement com mences with 1842. • lb*. | l*ts. •2,4!5,1?7 - 11*48- •3£tM6t “ lt>4? It will be seen that the increase has been very great each, year, except during the season of the drought, 1845. Present indications warrant tbe belief that 1848 will far exceed any one of its pre decesaars.—Wtitan Entire Ckrvnidd. Nsw Yona Monkt Maaisr.—Tbe Tribune of Monday, says:. In Money matters there is more ease. Tbe bonks are discounting with more Free dom, and money on call can be freely obtained at 7 per cent. Paper bus not varied much in rates, favorite signatures still selling al 1 p cent. The supposed absconder of Saturday, it appears did not abscond. He went quietly to his diuacr nt the Astor House, and appeared in the street to-day, simply as a defaulter, and settled up his liabilities at 50 cent* upon the dollar, and came out white washed. Xtccxsic Taucraarß Casasra n'.'Emucm.— Tbe magnetic telegraph charges in thia country are high, yet we preceive the price'of intelligence through this channehia still greater in England.— The charge mode by tho electric telegraph be tween Loudon and Liverpool for sending a dozen lines is three pounds. Cuit Miitwc Et Nsw Yoxx.—Tho/WTiiga and other citizens of New York, friendly totbenaraina* turn of Henry Clay as a candidate for the.nestPresi dent of the United States, have been Invited to meet at Gastlo Garden, un Thursday evening, 17th inst, for ihe purpose of giving expression to their wishes, and cooperating to secure such nomination by the National Convention to bo held at Phifedel phia, onthe Tib day of June next. CiungTiAN Advocate.— We would mil attentioo to the prospectus of this ably conducted paper, and would say that the editor more than he promises, iustead of lets, as is' too often the' cose. The paper will be found prompt itv-furnishing se cular news, and a pleasant as well as punctual visitor to tho fiunilv circle! CoufmxrEnra.—A man names Twitchcr was brought before Judge Lowrie yesterday on n writ of habeas, corpus, but was remanded after a bear ing. A General Mahufucturing Law has passed loth Houses of die Legislature of New York, and We hopeithis will remind our legislators that wc wan* just such an one in this State si the earliest possi ele time. ' ' A Washington, correspondent of the Baltimore Sun sayr “There is a~rumor here that Gen. Tay lor will-embrace aomqLof Mr. ClayV tenels, and that thus armed he will be run even by the Clar Whigs.” ;• Soocxura Dsam—Mrs. tamma, of.Nafwkb, Conm, widow of the late Judge was burn ' ed to death. on the lUh insL, by ber clothes taking fire at the She was about 70 years of age. She left childreu by a.famer marriage, one ,of whom is Park-Benjamin, the well known editor. UriiTED. Statxj Main l4tns fox Socntaxno.s. —The guvernmentatciimer. Washington is adver tised to aail bn Saturday, the 20ib,from ifew York. The editor of the Jonraal of Commerce thought there might be' aOoie misUke., but learned bet ter by inquiry. Y.'i. Disruasmo learn from the Cambridge (kid) Chronicle, that Tboa. C. Norman, a youth residmg near' Salem, in' that county, was killed on Saturday week, by being run over by a cart which Jm was driving. Fob a BjUMoaxw—OnTbursdsy night, one of the cars attadied to the freight train. for Bolti more,' took , fire in .'Wilmington, Delaware, from the sparks the looomotive. ; Some -boxes of candles, coflieeand cotton were destroyed. VnmwiA. L&QOLATuu-rla tho.-Vlrgiam.House of Delegates,on Friday, the committee on roads and internal navigation' reported a bill- fa. a sur vey, by competent. engineers, of the route of A railroad from Alexandria to Harper's Ferry.; ~ - . Cou F&nioxr.—The Washington oorrespondeat of the New York Courier writes as folfcrirK CoL Fremont i» *enlenced, end pretty severely in the bargain, The President has the case under advise ment; but. up-to this moment no aatisfretory con elu sion boa been pomo to. -Ot Drr.—That Signorins Barili, one of the pri ms donna* of tba New York Italian Opera troupe, is about tou& married to a son of Col. Thome; the well known millionaire of that city; . i Twenty-fiye/doilars: x week, with board, have l>een offered afNew ; York fa nurses to attend pa tients with ship fever. • - ID- Use m Psdnra jroa. wl*h ib be jdc eessfu! in any. undertaking, you tuust'alwaya hue the : proper mean*.’ Hi ere (ore, ifyoa hate a .cough, naa Jatsi’s BxracrexAST and be cured, for It ia the primer means. : Have yon Asthma or difficulty ofvbrealuQg, thentba only efficient means to curs yon iato'ase Jayne’s Expectorant,which will immediately overcoms the spana whiclrcontracu the diameter of the tubes, and loosens and brings up the moeos which clogs them np> *hd thus removes every obstruction to a free respi ration, while at the sunn time ait inflammation .Is -sub; dued, and. a com lai certain to ba effected.* Have yon Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in Act any .Pulmonary Affection, then, use-Jayne's Expectorant and relief Is certain.' and' yon will find that yon have tued the proper means. / For safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 78 4th street near Wood. -• }aal7 : fj^Yellow Teeth atul putrid breath, . . . Spongy euaa like rotten death, . • Is repuUivsand disgusting. Alleonld have teeth as white aa pearl, ‘ Sweet breath—hard gams—manorgirL Why delay?—nay, quickly haste 'i ■ Ana use * box of Jouc»’ 'l‘ooth Piste. V It costs bat 89 cents, pud is retlly a beautiful article. V gives tha teeth afluc enameL Sold in Piiulnuih at WjJberty st' , > norUdkwly tt/Yvoea your hair Tail offi does your hair tom gray Jsrthkrth,isitdfy,or di»ty,ljpraT? - Ir'tit thus, goo ean make it soli, silky and fine, ■Denfand Jjeiithy, and besuteoos as this hair or mine : to bayo<hU.yoa have bngibree d*e For a bottle orVues* Hair Bealorettve.' wader, If too havabad hair yon wonld really be ai tpulshed at the lovefys«ffeet a three shilling bottle of mai I flqi4«gpUb W ty rt ,N BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. •t wtt»>tnirn«t»t«, ■ i STWM'BttßOrtfc., -'(fl 17,15 C. ;i .The ahamribl hast* of the Keif York office t& close before s-iiilL- message'cbbid .be'-fonaaidetfr l most account for thebrevity of your d»g»atrh last iughL - The papers here all refused to take the 1 ? r ;'7 1 " . Lanl was quoted at Liverpool, at 55(262# p csrt* vrfaich, if correct shows a rise of s(2Ci'p cwt'- ‘* /Eisnaut Tnj5R&iKL.-r*Tbo line to is out of order between Chambersbmgh and Hac, anti we are without oa? despatchca. / Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh 'Guei CINCINNATI MARKET. - . ’ CnscrouTi f Feb.l7.6>.2i. . Flolt:—The foreign new* hiahada favorable effect upon the market..- Sales of 1200 bbU were cffectedat $4,181 pbbl. Wiosixt—Salesat'lSe'per'gail,- * Molasbs—Tbe market remain* firm, witb : sale* at 27c pgalL, Si-catt—Sale* of prime N; O. at s}c V ft. • Sc^nT 31-W ° qUOU3 BSles of P” 010 Kio to-day at Lxbh—The market is very, active, the foreign new* having had a.fovorable effect. ot 2500 kegsandl3oobbUat slas|c»ft. Foax—Sale* of 100 bUaNo-1 at 5750, and 200 bbls Clear at $B5O per bid. - 7 , Bulk Joan—We note sale* today of 50,000 lbs at 3c ft. - . v ; Gratc— Tbe market is without change. ’’ Clover Seed— Moderate sale at $3,5033,75 » bushcL '• 77 with regular ,'aks of W. ft. 61 (97c per lb. 7 GENERAL CONFERENCE ‘ PBOSPECTCS 07 A DAILY AND WEEKLY PITTHBVtfb CtntISTZAK ADVOCATE TORINO THE SESSION. V We propose to issue, during tbe approaching'** mon of (be General Conference in this city, a Daily Pittsburgh CimaTUN Advocatk, half tbe aize of our present Urge Weekly, containing full, accurate and authentic report* of proceedings, speeches and documents, lo£c%r with all other matter* of gene ral interest occurring during the time. Tcmo —For a .single copy, osx dollar. Any person sending us nvr subscribers shall be entitled to a copy for his agency;, and one sending to sub scribers shall have ‘three additional copies. at bis disposal. Advance pay, in all r >;. It is supposed that the General Conference' may continue m session six week*—that being near the length of the last two sessions. Should it continue longer, the Daily Wtffbe.funiisbed to the end of the session at the above price. If it adjourns sooner, tho.Wecklyjpaper.will be substituted to make up the deficit of the six weeks of the. Daily—allowing one Weekly for two Dailies. Thus, if the General Conference adjourns in five weeks, subscribers to the Daily win receive three copies of the Weekly to compensate .for the six Dalles wanting to com plete the sixth week. The Delegates will be for nished a copy gratis. • WnatLT Sonos PAmtr-We wiH also sehd/to «ch as may prefer it, the Weekly Pitthbcrch CuawnAS Advocate, for sir weeks, during tbe ses sion oftlic General Conference, and until the whole of the proceedings are published. Tsxsa—-Thirtt three cents for one copy—rora' copies for owe DOLLAR. It is desirable to hare the names as soon a* pos sible, that we may know how largo ait edition of each will be needed. The money maybe' forward ed by tbe. delegates where convenient: Gjcat’care will be combined with dispatch, in bath printing and mailing, that subscribers may receive authen tic intclligence at the earliest posable period. ‘ All communications to be addressed to HeV. W Hunter, Editor of the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, Pittsburgh, - Pa. Let Hum who send subscribers be careful to state that they are for the re* sum paper. and whether they are for the Daihot ITreHy. We respectfully request of bur Methodist cotem porariesjsn early insertion of the above Prospectus —a . fevor which we will reciprocate if ever we have the opportunity.. . Any paper’inscrung this Prospectus, and sending a copy cootainingit to this office, will be entitled to a Daily during the session of General Conference. -tfsosjrc lb.. :4,763.7:51 “ “ ny Baus or Columbia—Ham Tome.—To tits Bald tad Grey—lf yon wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair, free from dandruff and do not tail to procure the genuine Balm of Colombia. In case* of baldness it will more than exceed yoar expectations. Many who have lost their hair for UO years have had It restored to us original perfection try the aw of this balm. Age, state or condition appear to be' no obstacle whatever: it n.*o routes the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tube It filled, by which means tbousouds (whose hair was grey a* the Aiiactic Eagle) lutTe had their hair restored to its natural color by the use of this inval uable pmedy. la all cooes of fever it will he found th* thst exa be used.- * a few appiir*. ttans only are necessary to keep the hair from tailing. v •® e ngtaen» the roots; it aever tail* to impart a neh glossy appearance, and as a perfume Sot the toilet u ti unequalled; it .holds three times as much as other miscalled hair restoratives and is more effectual Tbe -fennine manufactured by Comstock A Co- St Coord end street. New York. • TSold in rimbareh.only renubw,by WSt JACKSON, w Liberty sL, head ot Wood; in,Washington. Pa-’ by. Sweeny A Sou; In Brownsville, by Be win St Crocker: in Coiunubnrg- by Dr. Vouel; aao, by oat agent* in; every town in Ohio and M<L ; novt&dAwCraT . {LTThxCldutx Is strangely desnrucUveto the hu man cuticle, (or skin) the suuden change from beat to cold, and the smoke cooks yellow, dark, coane com plexions. Then it is requisite thauhe pores of the skin should be kept open—that their mouths should be freed than impurity—'two* thus thu anaient Roman Phikno cured all di«cese»—they computed that more 'the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body, diseases and unhealthy vapors: left through the 'lt fa necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open-roll humors are dispelled from' the sxin from the poTes, when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical tfesp.' I have eeen it cure the worst-and oldest cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores. Barber's Itch, Sore Head,. Ringworm, when every other Internal And external remedy had failed—lu effecr rendering the skinmffifc: dear and soil, though it be yellow and coarse, is won derful—it removes Freckles,Tan, Bantam, Marphew, and disfigurement .of .the akin—tea persons must be particular and ask for Joses' £oap—to be bad in Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Big Boot, £9 Liberty st. Price 20 cents.. . novlMAwly . - (UTo tvr Halt axu Laiol—Comstock’s Nerve and Bum liniment and Indian Vegetable Bixir, iMhemoit effecmal cure for. Rheumatism. Bold by WHL JACK •u>X. Atentfor - nerlSdAwtkaT .07* Don't have a Fool Breaib-4f you fiavr, use two shilling bottle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste. Thi will bake your breath sweet, whiten yoar'treth.'Ae.- Sold at 68 Liberty it. ' sovlQdAwly QT' Ladies who ok Jones’ Sponish Lily tYhiie, have always a fine white transparent' »Hb. of a wiU Mtisty.any one. .Sold ouly in. Piktabargh, atttt Liberty »L . • ooviSdandwly omo. - Ou Thursday morning, the 17th taitant, &xaxos, con sort of Alexander Lawson, aged 43 years and 12 days. . Her funeral will take place from the retideneo of her hatband on Wight sL,o» the 15th initial 10 o’clock. *l>* friends of the family ore invitedto attend.: Ushranee Coneany eg lorth Averlea* MARINE. FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPORT. • v ■ ' ATION INSURANCE. * * rectors of the Jettirancs Cmapanr of North Amer]. ca,*? published in conibnatty Wilh the provisions of ihe AAt of Assembly: , * MORTBAOES. AO of which are raw Mortgages, and an . on Real Estate in the' city ana county of /Philadelphia, . ... gaihOdQdo . PhiladelphiaCotinty SixPeit Cental par. - Jacoboo Philadelphia City .do . . da , . IXOOO 00 United State* Oor’t.. do' . -do•' “ . . IAQOOOO Chesadeake fc,DeLCanalCo.S4iOOOat7tX ttI^DOOO Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. . , R&odel Debt at par ~ jAflOQm CiecinpatiCuy Bonds at par, jaooouo , Lehigh Coal apd Navigauon Co, glSjjoO' at $3 tXUOO U) ZVo do ; . ~ do do, gO^QatflO. fllbrteage, / . . gjgj 00 SchoylkinNavitrstionCo, " f.nryipo .-* Do :do do gB,l3satftjX^ldO, -Dual Loan,; ....... j • |JJ7SOO . Philadelphia, Wlraittgton and Baltimore Bail- . ... • A4OOOO ■■ stocks. . .43 shares Oennantowu and Perktomen - -TUmpike Road Co, al 850 3J5000 48 do: pchuvlklll Navigation Co, 3U 1,440 0U 144 .'do- Merchant's and Manofac- ; • - larar’sßank, Rttsb'g,' Ui 750000 . PhiladelphJs'Bank, - ItO* &OOQUO , #!' do’ • Pennsylvania Bank.' 830 -KOODOO : : 38.' do ■ North America Bank; - too ’ OJSflft) '-4' do In*.Co, Slate ofiVnn’a, -gn KOOO ldO do * Perm’s Rail Road Co, 13’ ’ IJOOOO 378 do UnkmCanolCottuany,' * 'B9 -asODOO 39 do Chesapeake and Delaware • • Canal Company, X LOSDOO . 6 do -Philadelphiaanil Havre de' - • \ r • Grace meant Tdw Boat Od, 39 - - Mrifl 180U0 ' do Ins. Ca of North Antenea- * d -GSgODCV- Cash,'-- ' '- * - ' 1f1J7848 Norr* Receivable, - StlfißftS Policie* Uunsetllco, •■■ • • •' 14J884 DebtaDuetheCompany v >: •• -JB|feSdt, Properties in the Care of Agents, '■-S7ia7sdfid " , i COPHN, President.' IlciwDSuoutaan, Secretary.. : feblddlw SL’OAR, MOLABHES ANDCOFFEE-ijhWs'prhne N O BktrnrjSObWsN OMolaxseafflObagaMioCof- Tee,last landing from str‘Wyoming and (brMle bf- -■* - : Wk M MITCHEIiTREE, 100 Liberty at. . Q7*THey will shortly receive per Martha- Washing ton and oiber boats the following;—4oU hbds prime N O -Sugar; 430'bhlsplantatiea Metaaseiu 30 do Sugar House; 90 bhis Loaf Bo gar, ta tlerres Carolina Riec.; ~. feblS T* OHT-rYrsteiday (Thursday) morninr, between the I i hours of ten and twelve, a large C&la Pen, IhurdA Jtrawmakfra. The . finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it ntthW office. ' * frblWlt. ■’TTf. BOWEN—Commission and Forward]tig Met- I? 1 * chant, No-tiO Front St,'between WoM.aud Martel streets, . frhld T ECTUKE—K.rv, Nateaniel >Ve»l will rive a Leo 1 J nre on the suldect of Tempcrauce, al Temperance iultio&tlil« (Ttlcsday)eveng;r>bVlBth early jpe lighting. The Publie are respcctfoliy invited y, ,' SUNDIUKt*— 13 bids Cloverseed; Bdo Tltoothy semi; 13 casks Scorching*; 17 barrets do; IS casks Bacon lisms,sides, ami shonldcrs; 9 barrels Beane ibr.ahia by - FRIENP. RliEVk Co. 57 Walcrri. INBENU A BEESWAX—SfIOO ibs- Glaaengfarid IT no llis Beeswax arrived per str Pbtmtix find for >j|efey [febltSJ JOILN »DILWORTIL"- T)BIHE OUM :MYRRHA—IOO lbs for sale by.:. .. Jr Abi9 J KIDD It Co. TI7XKTER PPER9L OIL-U 9 gals for sale by YY ftblH . ; . -. .; J KIPP A Cp. ; : A 6 : ; - DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT, GENUINE—O dtiz, fojsaJeby : ■ • -J.taUDk Cor 7 - Chroalcfevopy. . I~i yTATitrJUt—29 racks Feathera lainiing frora stjar. F Phicnix and for sale by; - r. ■ -: v ,.. flebll : . JAMES PAUEU-:. ’ThARLEY—SOO bu*h«l* for salt by JJ fotw v / :.., _ , v ,; jaMjes dalzeo;. O ARRIVE—2S Ueh SnckiUoober Pcss,- JSAJAH DlCKSrr* Co, ’ , Wttf.imfflont toe. fIOBS—SI bfabsheUedcom Iwdiue.’ iv.', r « A>-febla Vi McGILL, Bt'gHHELD T>UBE CIDER VLVEGARfor *aJc-byy ' •X r tcbiaj>:?\y xMcCiLU? BUSHFn-tr.n &, rqk; ucks ficnr landing ton sir-Lady JC Byron and for sale by . .r-fclm»rK--V -- .--1 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. ./"IOOX SKIN3—One tack now landing from ctr Lady •V/Byron and for Min by - JfcbW » i, ISAIAII PICKET & Co. ‘ A SrCANPUSg.j DCLVERIZED SCGAR—tt karrols LeVering'* for ••JC-"«agbr. r ' : . WICK A M’CAXDLKSS.i. >T;OAF SCGAR—IOO barrels Nos & G. r.«. r 9abdlo for Xj sale by WICK A-M’CANBLESS. SPICES of all kinds for isle Wholesale bT ' . ' fehia : WICK. A M’CANDLESS. O'liLPiillll—l bbi flour Solpharfor sale by : Q feblS , JOHN P MORGAN GINGER-* bid ground Ginger lor sale by febis ; ;: johnd Morgan. GILUE— ybblsNolGlunforsalebr - - r.feblB,i , ... ■ JOHN D MORGAN. TURPENTINE— 1 bbl Yemen Turpentine for sain by .feblS: •. • JOHN D MORGAN- NEATS;pOOT OIL, pare, for.greasing harness, for sale try - • [feblgl • • JOHN D MORGAN. " ■ ! ; - Chronicle and Post copy. •. - BACON-700 MS hog round Bacon on consignment and forsalc by V* . , JOHN SCOTT A.Co. ■ tablTtf , Liberty sL /NIDER VINEGAR—IObbIa old cider vinegar to ar- vonod for-saie by-: : J.l-7-*' h abtttf ■ . < i ...JOHN SCOTT; A-Co. Vf ACKEREL—I2S bt>U .No a Mackerel, Urge size, iiSX in store and for sale by, . frblTtf =• JOHN SCOTT A Co., SPTS. TURPENTINE-20 hblt In store and tor sale by . : JOEL JJOIILF.R, tebi7 ] ’ . • cor. Wood and Fifth streets. - ~ BRIMSTONE— One bbl in store and for. sale, by feb!7 •: . JOEL MOHLfiR- CAMPiILVE or Pins r Oil in store and for sale by feb!7 i . ■ JOEL MOHLER BEARS OlL—3gro*sin'siore and for'snle by' ■’ fcl-17 1 JOEL &IQHLER.- TUNIPEB BERRIES—I bag.(fresh) just reeM* and 0 for sale'by RESELLERS, > feb!7 i! . • - ■ 67 Wood st. KOSE PINK—I cask just recHl and for sale by . fcbl7|j . . -RESELLERS. CHINESE VERMILLION—2S lbs Just rec’d and for saleby. : . (fell Tl.-: -BEBFLI.ERA T>OWUARSENIC-338 lbs just ree'd and for'ssle by X;feM7 ;; ■■ R E SET.T.ERH. REED BOROX, ENG,—2 cases just ree'd and for sale by [febl73 RESELLERS. 'DIG'LEAD—47I Pigs Lead just rec’ifperYtr Amen* X cm and for saloon the wharf by fobl7 ■ BURBRIDGE, WILSON A Co. Water st. RYE FLOUR—I 3 bbl* superior for sale by fcbl7 J P WILLIAMS. 110Woodat. /''IHEESE-flO boxes for tale by, . feb!7 « , . i D WILLIAMS. SCORCHLNGS —5 bbls on consignment and for sale by ■ ■ ■ r Jl> WILLIAMS. SUNDRIES— 125 dot Eggs; 15 do* Tow Van; 100 Hickory Brooms on consignment and for sale by ieb!7. •; ~ ■ J D WILLIAMS. FRESH TOMATOES—3 doz in bottles, a superioi ■’article. ffeblTj ' .J D WILLIAMS. , LAMP OIL—8bbl» winter strained Lamp Oil for sale by ■ ffebl7] WICK A M'CANDLBSS. • TANNER'S OIL-14 bbL for salt by fabt? : i - WICK A M’CANDLESS. /“TIDER VINEOAR—23 bbls fat salnby '>4 -■ !U febl7 1 : '• - > WICK A M’CANDLESS. CORDAGE— 10 coil* 3; 4L si, and C in. Manilla: 3 coilsSi.ahdO in. Tarred Ropes on consignment and for sale by J.C BIDWELL, Ag*u •feblS. ! * . • : . Water.strcet ■ CARD OlL—Eight bbls refined of the best qaaiity.jasi rac’d and for sale by; febU r J SL WINIER SPERM OlL—Warranted'pun Wintet Whale OiL Bleached; for sale by v fobl*„. r ,i.».. . JSCHOONMAKEBACo. /CASTOR just kee’d and for sale by V fcbl4 ! ; J SCHOONStAKEC A Co. Extraordinary Core of Zitvor Complaint Md cmghlt: . • f : -.-> HAVING taken a violeut eold, which teUled on' 107; lungs and liver, predodng a' torero cough, and pjtia in the tide and shoulder, which was so term lit; time* I could acarcely tarn cretin lied. I waa gnida*: ally wasting away, and weary even of my Ufa: Mr couth was -very outrfcuinff,' dnd" being accompanied': with nausea; has'of appeiil^.debility, rand oth<r di»ti trcssing symptoms, my sufferings wes* extreme.; Rnd. ing no-benefit from any.mcdinne,nor from ray fahyai. cians, I got-a bottle of l)r. Taylor’s ©}■ Jjrer,' wort, which soon made me well and able to attend to' my business.. GEO.YOUNG.Drugpst, r■' ’ . ; . >V. ‘ 851, Fulton street, Brooklyn, I XT’ Sliy another great core which proves this medk 1 cine the. only remedy lobe depended upon. ’ Head amf Judge for yoaml£ . . . r „ Cosscarjrox a.xo ; Lit»;Co»ijux?.—safleridg.isl s bare for three yean with these diseases, 1 feel from my heartforall.personaeonsllTiunfortanate,and : I beg of them, if. they,lore life dad. health; if. tneviove'' .their families and menda not to lay and diejuwer the* itofcttry doctor*,.or their;cidess tr*sh, bm try Taylot’s Balsam ftfUrtmmi, 1 ~ lne when I iras ao U 1 1 could not tun over In bed* without assistance, and the mineral doctors said 1 could not live a week; yet this vegetable cored but in six'weeks! I had a hacking coegb, pain in tbo side,' raising of matter, night sweats, end was wasted to tha liSne,alm inward fever. - Jll MILtS^ Milkman, ' >;• JO*. Hundreds of liven hare been awed by t&a medlr," doe; .We daily hearot' the most remarkable cates a£i ter everything else bad failed, i' -}:>. . Prrpnredei73Be«kman.aireet,S«r.Toeki r 1$: Sold in Pittsburgh by J.D. Morgan, 83} Wood at; 1.- , Townsend, 43 Market (i; II Bmy*er,cor Market and W' HITE LEAD-550 ken for sale by fcb!4 ‘ - FOBSbTH A DUNCAN, I ROOMS—IOO dor for sale by »febl3l:, S F VON BONNIIOKST t.Co. PIG LEAD—I2O pin for ula by fcblai ; S F VON BONNIimST fc Co. SCYTHE BXEATH&~3O dot for tale by . lebl3 __BF VO.V BOXNHORaT fc Co.: . "11/ prime'inipectedlfof tale by YV' feblf j, g F VON BONNHOR3T fc Ca TEAS—eO half cbesla and caddie* Young J. Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial tod Blerk Tea*, just Wd and foetal* by ' lt'9 WATCTW*V . GUNDRIES—I2O bo. Claven#ed;2CO bn Dried J'eicb- O t»;8 bbU Dried Apples; 40 bbls Roll Butter; t bbl ■ Lard; 1 bale illcaip in store and for eele by frbta i l s Waterman’. GHEES£~43bsxe*W R lending and for sale by ftblti [ ItOBERT PAL2ELL liberty w. SUNDRIES— 10 tacks crodnGinwnr, t bbl Bee wax, 2 beg* colored Beanajoitree'd and by • . feblO • ; ' ; POINDEXTERIt Co. T)OTASIL-$ cask* prime jest rec’d and Jor tale byi X feblg , WICK & RTCAXDLESS. CORIY—I3 bb!» Yellow Com rastrec'd and lor tale by' fcblO ; , WICK d; MCAXDLBS9. CORN MEAIr-tObblsfoeaateby . i: M febta - , ■>- UICK A. MCAXPLESS. GII*ASS— llOboxe* b-10,40 boxes lO.xi* u> boxes r 0 M is JViiidaw Gins* for sale by teblO: i S' 1 WICK A 3rCAXDLBS3. LAIUV-Jfo 2 Lard just rec'd and for tale by frblGd« . .CLARK & faiAXr. COlTOfl JUAPERj—Oub tiiU bear? hleocbeil dem iuk fOUomlieocrtoric bale brown do, juei/opciied add for tali by' BILVCKLETT iWHTE, febltt’ ; ; r : • tO Wood urcel. CArMUMEBES^«s new niriur . eryleejut opened. feMB ; SHACKTJgTT A \tTtrTE. KENNEWICK CHECKS— Two Ca»esof very dark : blue shirting check* just received by tcblfl _! J. SUACKLgTT fc WHITE. BLUE iORANGE PRINTS—3 cues entire new •tries and bright colorsJou opened by fehij » -sßAOgfcErr tc wurm , CA?It)R oQ<—ttliblii No l, }ul fee'll auil (be mile br feblC ; JOHN D MOR(»AN. COPAL VARNISH—B bbU Copal VamiaK XV. NV , I aiui S, for sale bjr JOHN D MORGAN’. GS&5*~ OS^r^£i&:DHOHo A! , C°S^!~loi^M^ M A *f XB ‘""joKiraS l7 ■■;, ■ : rtwi copy. bbii N O Bunr fof-ule by • • • j . . feM4 ■ ' : FORSmi &DCNCAX. C o a^° TTEHPj-7 bales dew rotted gr, Ilemp, Just recrired XJ." and for sale by BROWN i CULukRTSON. - febU i ; - . HSUbMTCttW: p-i-: : feta •- I- ■ ; gltACPjnr* WHITE. S*™S3 bl * Ek ' .ROjSKuertk White. J>. 1 7 ' ' ISAIAB XaCKKY * Co. ■ * eb £_-_\:. ■ • T --’ s, w*fe»lrfroM its. rT>Oß.ldCO.—lOOlceyic rwrlxttfjTtoloceo for m 1« by X <j*M ATWOOD, JONEa 4 Co. TOEACffiNO POWDER. (Cblorfdc of" ok.* 10 tbli Nol, icndereU.inrf ree’d «nd for 7 IfeblC] ■J C ffIWELt. AgV , EAISIN9— {JO bdxe« -Bunch Ral»W.ja*r rec'd and fonaloby (fehls] L 8 WATERMAN, '• IU assorted Bacon in ctora and for •akhy j: {fcblSj ■ L 8 WATERMAN; ■ - . J jfebUl ; JAjIEB DAlJr^T,” l^ FLOUR-fSO bbU 8 Floor laikliny fromstr andfortsleby i JAMEB DAf.yvr.r: • "DORKAND. LARD—OO •pf a- twlkTorlr vul 1? km Kits?: rf"?. '?r rruNKiaS oii. M sfu iSmSSi -fttu ■■ . ; . : . I JAMES DAiar.l.L: ; /miiOW-IJO btila Jini T»How foruHchy ‘ A ftfrlt JOB.VORIETt - ' fctiU 1 . I FOtiaYTll tDmga. gel's nuke. > Tot sale hjr r ftbtS - ! ' FQRSYTn A DUNCAN 1 : BOLL. BUTTEB—4 bbU. i>e*b- BoHTJutier Undine *od for sale by; - . GEO A IJKWtV, ' ■ . tab U.•-. . ._. • •■■■•. ' lßWood it ■' DWU> APPLEWW btL Dried Apples jn store nuil •tor sale by - Ifeblfl) 080 A BKIUtV. jpLOUIt-aOO bbli , . -...i - ;..■ •■;■.•■ ..GEO A ' Roll uutteh—< bt>i* ire*h noii Bmhrjun «c’d tobS 1 -^ r ** 3 ° y ! W -^ K * WmSlr; FASn!A' PLOCR--log bbUertrn F&mjfr'FT<Jnr iui! recM Mdfor»»iybT r WICK& arcA^m^y »»> UOI4>JIUiTKR—I3 tbU Prune jim nc’i id ter tale by , ; *■ .ifCAAfiLKSs bi° u ' Je "' ct,r w* .w feb »: ‘: ! ■ 'itEYKbLmt snFP. : m£A mum}a«tTn'U nndfcrmlf by j. fabia ,i- i , .. iictxoijis i: aiiEtl n - e°^?7 10 bVI* Com iuit UnJuiff froraitr Sfclnpec. »mlfor **iaby , JA'O 8 IHMVOHXIL , ,1 w>ls ■ •. ' 1 . y w r.. LMOHMObale*Obi.llup* Turwioliy ’:’ ; JL f tb » ■ . JOHN S mLWriBTIf TirmTKBEAN3- 3 fcbb .N.ry.ju.l r«'dii| jb, n «i»br :■ S'* w'Uajibadoii,“ ftMa - ;■' awooitVt Cl AXDLES-fln bojci imwU CnniUe. in Dnp «nd ior i »1. by [feU3] BkW HARETlTrill' T latiAii w Co^aow«gT»t-r I 1 ALKXANDKft GORDON’;; AUCTION SA£E& i llSnebGlueni -u'l fcpfr P» Ptolt»Atetfajt|MV;j f;g Book h'-Aiukuni fsi&slV I' f‘ Od'Soiunlav e*ejunglfaeiW»in«.Bt?p>el«kitlb* Commercial Sales Boots CoOior of .Wood and (lib css will be sold a large collection <£«tivabte jtt&KdOan** ooa Books, part of whicker* tan &utyat»tt**xn embracing many scarce standard worn, also, family bibles in great variety, blankbacks, letter and eajr wtt* tin* paper r 'Boiuiaqtulls,told pens. wa&rsJbe. i"' • y, teblS , JOHJJ ttDAVW. Anci^ ~ „ MARTIN LEWIS * COS! . ' CtO TR JTO R E'i -’ *; - KxciwstvV6kl» •‘Warn*.:;: i thx oxtt Krone.or to* usd br-BAilmioax. Nbu gtt Baltimore tu second Store'west <JT Charles *l,l YTTE’shall remote in time for the Boring Business,’ ' Tf ; fhJm our presen t Store, No. S 3 Baltimore Streep 'east of Charles stre*t,u>oar-oew and commodious Warehouse now building, No. 333 Baltimore street, art the samo side of the street, bat twodoor* shore Charles where we shall be . happy to see our fHemU.oad qatr towers. ' .. ...L' Hj 'The'experience of last (all, when first we took up tins' Branch of the Dry! Goods Baslbesaeldattrelj-j convinced os beyond a doubt, ihat a business like,oar* would meet with the same encouragement here.assira*' ilar establishment* for many year* past had eajojed Sa( the Northern Markets; and that CooniryiDealer*. by U single trial, would see ;thaamal, necessity todivide their purchases, and, in no instance,' to boy thslr Wool lea Goods where they bought their DonKsties, Dress, or Fancy' Goods.’' We hare, therefore, made sneh ar rangement* for the coming Spring Trade, that we cfan fidemly invite the attention of ail Dealer* visitengoar Market to oar Establishment, assuring them, that u thd exrent of oar.Stock,,Quality, or. Prieen wo shall bf second to no House rathe Country..' -'-v .'•j- • We hare bad onr own Bayers in Europe, atw will he kept supplied dariog the season,’ with the newest and choicest JPaney Goods: in'oar line of business; which England and France can predate (hr Pantaloon* and .VeMings, ns also. Scarfa, .Cravats, Sospeoders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and olhei articles adapted for .Mens wear.. \\ '; ) -i. • ■ ; •’ •i'n srocx'cojtsarrs dir‘ 1 :<i Freneh,Engtiih, German,-.and Domestic: Cloths, Casauneres, and Doeskins, of every color,' ibadii and quality, which the best Manofoetories'cah prddoee,- and we guarantee to sail tbe leadlng makes, as Beall's, Simoni's, Bonjean's nod Motflaghsc’s French WooUtna ns cheap us their agents in New York. ”.. 'i ! Lcn.t'a DBAP ash sax ’wsae'cASflnxxxtTO 1 Tweeds of every kind and description, foreign and dof tneslie, Summer Cloths; Croton Coatings, Coddringtoos. 1 Gombroon*, heavy Dombazinaa and Alpaceix, with «- number of other choice and desirable. Coatings' for Spring and Summer wear. , ■ : ; , ruscr casansraaa, uvts wuumros atm ramgot. ■ Of these - Good*, whether for extent, or beamy, our a*' aortment can not be excelled anywhere. Every steam er now brings os oar own importation of the my latest style*. Buyers with as hare the greatest advantage,'!!*' get their foney goods, both foreignend domestic. uw’< urelydifle rent from what they can find them anywhere else, a* most good* of the kind are ordttdd by os' front designs of oar own. . . •: vC 1 . USXSS SJO WOLCMS .1. V White Satin faced Drillings, Duek and Nary do,Brown Freneh'do. Checked Luxetts foreouu aad’Dlqaies,: Brown French linens, Fanner's Dnila, for servants! wear. - Children’s-wear, of every * kmd,-ordered ex.i prewly: for the. purpose. - Billiard Cloths, twoyuMs wide, of the celebrated factory of I wan StmonLl . Military. Cnmpanles'and ■ Colleges famished-with Cloths for (7niibmn l '«t factory prices, also, wiihMUita xyandNavalTrimmings,'ofovgrydescription, r. ) : Tszioßs txuogxjs, or' SCTCno* qcaiotm, vtr. : - Black English Bellas, Uackand colored VslvetK V<*ct tad colored Silk Serges, black, and -colored Satin Sete ges, black and colored Alpacea Serges, plain A!p» «•>-«« end Bombazines, Bilk Velvet Lsainga.Y'enizio* Sew ings, Rahinacefs do. Black and colored Twist, Patonf Threads, Datum* of-all k»ds.-WoTitod*Bd Hut Bind* logs, foe, Canvass, Paddings. Sdesias. Hollands; Wig. i gtus, White Mastitis, Colojdd do, Waddings. —i <■ i-,«| .ron cosoofAUiaa.. .:. , . •?*.■■( J--i Silver.Drab'ana Blop“Cloth,' Dfnb Silks for-cartams 1 and luniDgs, Worsted Damasks, Buckrams-and Dreb: Velrtts.-' • ||.7 . - - *•"•""•11 •••• Kttraonumd '■ .••••’ A • ; . Cloths and Caidtoere* of the ruling Colon for and Luting*, black and of the beat quality: > ’ r Corroxasn,. Kxitrm'r Jus u Denote*,. and, other low priced JJoat and Pant «™p*, at (aetoryprice*. Mer> chant Tailor* and Manufacturer* of Ready-made-Cloth-*, Ing, a* well u Country Dealer*;-will- find themulre* wellpaldiriexamisingourstoek., ~ ~ ‘ | r s: To enable a Merchant aiwayrto eell eheapyhlf Stock; mtut be of that nature that faihioa 'cannot deprecate if Othberwi**;beU eotnpelled to Charge more oil adme. : goods to make tip forhi* losses on other*. - As'liwouf butincfs tbi* difficulty is happily rroided, our stock sir way* being.asafe one, we not only can, bot wilkself our Goods, cither for cash, or to hnlwantial arid 'Pune*: tual cunomer*, on time, at rate* that shall give fall aat« ; istbeiion. • 1 . MjtßTffl LElVlait < v *233, Baltimore *r.,S door* wwa of CharteVW - Opposite Walking Dnncma fc Rttrthi »hoc tton, faM6 - • ;v t: 1 ClUck«Hng*«Jfftaabc;:.' v ; »**%. roMwoodrixoctave Piano* £Kr2S3B net * *Cale and paient iron £nun?i nude by S. Chickering.Bwioa.' V . , - ■ J * I I* ‘ A.-Tefy : «]eg>nt\ro*ew6od.iiiaad* half ociare I'iano, new eeoleJ and patent iron frame, niaiJby.J.Chiclceruig, Bostoa.- ; 1 >- Tbo aboro iMtromenU'reecivedto-day, Hnduow open for «amin«toh{ for vale atMr.Chjckehnt’epni ce» for «ub or appnred paper ■} - Also, oahand,«ne elegant rooewoodOothje panelcJ carved mouldinr*, and moulded made 1 by Gale4Co. KcwYork. One Ua. cnrved rosewood.ffoctaves, madebV Galrf ACo^NcwYork,.,. \ One mahogany second hind Piano,'o octaves, of ex» bigotrf-order, madebyChiclreiing: by. Hert, Porn, anil; goaraoieed to be the ben Kano l forte in the eltr, will b*- «*d et a very moderate price. 1 . u <1 ,_.feM7 .JOHN.H htELLOR. 9tWood l j- V- SEW ABRASfiEVEHTtI ‘'• 1848 KKrnis %££m ,s rn Is4B PHJLADELEHJA AND PWTSBURCR.'VIA CHAM* BKB*BV& BY RAILRCXU) A CAR mtt lfave Philadelphiadaily" nlteraistTW. W whwhwulenable theWagon* toleave there,the naV aay.vrtin irl*y»of hone*, running day> and aught. ae-' 32.* ApplyTu* 0 ... „ ' ttandlfinotthdd w. Philadelphia.- ; .c?V -?»U ***& ftrOHUbs produce,**, dally j to go inrongfc by the above Un* after the Slat Issi. .•• :t , febir • ' -, j . PXEECH* Co. s -JS n (BuowniaM<CMiiik|) >' < PtihianabU aatTii9i| i*P% _ 4 c f H 7 ®** and‘'pifik 'Strttt£ , Tj ARTICULAR attention' piidio oar RetxD'Tra&i Jtp Oentlttaeii ean'rely.op^gwiihgtlSsr4JKt»aad ; Ca|« from car csiaMhfrment of the yyr lutnuia and of the the iow»e honee in Philadelphia. -- 1 ' • -*f^T iy ZVgT.-.'Vfebtt J - -i A BwsaUlaßwl £«t«a«. \ .. loe •ab*cribcT offers for sale • House ana Loti Liberty street, aehari distance ebow4B**t' „ . cin-; The" Lot to Bfretfliat! Ott liberty street, and roar AUOy «* feet 1 Thei House erected thereon i* Briekideaily ■evrrwo Btoties.high,* 18 foet in front eoalaiM ton coaifonabto-toomvexelnrive opputtry,' coal-cel ar- and cellar; the raw* have Are-place*, ud drains ate constructed to cany Off tbowater,; and tba wllfbo Ml * ai{td for -*! n ?^famU«*|jnio: pan ofi the Po«ki*e7ißSeyi.lO'| i?*i! < r laqaira of Jim *ub*cfii*r,.wli eaabq wen atthoof* , •._■ : ,:f; : :iAx*nttoUaoaracr. gn «m^-The •'EM ml* oa*dfttaM cheap dwelling iTtSS ** te “ c f«»Decww rfki»-boom [Went erfctfjan, WdliviU, ud pomnci ever* a'uVat Wde'Md.Mfcjr.proeU ikmiij *dS7T W . , .t l “ Mae^u wTeotfr'iM. tba tow. price of oa;a Wtioa of tho.parchue SSin steals -- . ■* | »Qtlbtihaoywr, -bridalifcabaa—" -JSSfi!g»sr-v .. *l|gß!siS£HaflMt!^ ; 'N^£££i£? 1 * ****»»'*o*Cittkrßv* weelluf ofbafldliiiln »& * 'Vor««j»nd*enl« for U»t*tn*fonhwiik _.k,itr *“ il wi| l b6-in«iiiQUHl «fthe ”mT • TAMSS & CRAFT Attorney iwd'coonccllor ai L* w M b»* teinovedwtbe. office* .nejudqor w»«arthS? VaUefton* Uwry Stable, 4ib »ence nwwpublicdmyfor the cooum nS&^feffc. i»«* Mr Turn may Hlf ft with A. aMraSSSiSt^!^ •&p~-.. • ■■■" ~ rr^i f *!s ■ um)imt. 1 n m ,.i. ctafr»«fcqi«»,torMto-br t “ **“* *™ l •*“ f J«bl«l..jj fcOCAN, WlL^Oji 4 Co. USwc* «Jj STEAMBOATS. •- CISCIH3ATI * PlWtiraoß la is* as*. ■ DAILY packet line, A.SPJSgSE£si—»»ssai»w.». ■». sesagjsg^feg S?tfI^S!^SWSSaWK ltnQC«. x..,;. v-. - ' "\'."v--\. x- '• .'. fevtrjiMoap**eTMuagatU)?.*.,., ; • ••■*•: ; ■ uSS»|!iSSKS Wheeling crery Tueedaf eTChingai 10 r. X- -.-■ i ■ •' ' WEDNEIDAT PACKET. / Tir NEW ENOMSD No. Eu^.w*U THOTUDAT BACKS*. : * TIi»PRWBYI.VANIA,CapLC*xT,wiIUeiT»P»a*- . barrfe rrery HrarwUy morain* allOp'etttti'WheaUaf enry Thnr»day*Tttucg** 19 >■ M. , :fa©k**;M v -- '4'- «n*i CLIPPER No.a t C»|)CC»ooxi*wmk l lT« , htt*- . barjh f IW»y *«3* at W>-U«c ereryFridayyraafe**4° R *..-• ivv;• ■■ <! »< L, : ' : . v '"' : fliVVßo&T.pioKm^)!/i‘ Tba MESSENGER. boS Wtfc!ock < W»«jl i, < every Sataida? cycaJ-BgatlO »„ 4 . > StTADAY PACKS*. )etT« Pin»baiik '«preTy aßaday«orelacaHOp , cfc«kj WbapMitg aT«y*Sand»y*v«au»f u ttyr-Ji. ‘•• •;■>> . ■■-■»?* - ■ * > HEAVES PACKBTBrr-NWTj ASBAKQRKEAIS. : - • .. - * • - i> < < .. p CALEB COPV'c; f Uaptal*. wiillaata fcfl>e*ref t .qiaa|ow'a»4 on Tuaadaty TOutfaf, LU Barardiy, of Atm KIU ■- NaßWoodrt. WATEB.ikDWiaUmUiEPApiHf.' :.’i ZrZ—Z •■ ltoCa»KMß*oM__' ' • bbaver -*» • i taps to BssrerKad WWlssUlMSMlqr PiWb«i|lS™* bbowii\lLli FKBEUAEV fjPlffllHlA*4m» LEA.TEXUILYAT6A.4L,AM)4P.It : ■ ifii k ..TJto. tftits.oowlwa . On 1 tM rreasu auttoujAT* ■ ySBi8B» UuNTIC, C*pt,' J«aM ! JPttUnm ■■MHHHBAI/nC, CjLptA/JieotM?«Bd LOVD. ATLANE, C*pi- Kr Bean»tt.‘ Tb* bo«ts «M tafltaly cow, and «• &ttod op without regard la expect*. Kf ery confer! ibaimooor. can. proeara has boot mtidod. : Tbo Boats’will lea To. uw ttoaonfibels 'Wharf Boat at' UwitetofßoM «.• fuunrn will be-putetaOM bowd, as tbo boa La will ceruujlj leaTo at tbo adm* UMdhoars/SA. St and 4 P.M ; •• ;'■■;• -r jaiill_ • POB*iKW'ORLEANS./.; P--‘f I •■' /KOai* K. '' 'TWfiaa steamer ■ ■ J i-,fc*rrJt- .-^.-.-savannah,'■ * . . ■ MUMIM ■ TV. l .lmi 1 timni, • wll hp. .• itj, | ■■SHMHBdus day «u tnKMWdi^- Fotfceiehton REGULAR PACKET. FOB BUNFISIL 'arm i. ' 'The new tad But nuror •• • s . \ ... iWEI-LSVIEUS. ■, > - 1 - 1 tfHEoSBw ’ Btrnee. meeter. will learn .'far alotn ■EBQCSHBud ell intermediatenoTts on Wtdsn* 'daya end Sunday* of each -week. -Tor freight 4t jga»> • tan applyon board or to. ; “> 1 -»' *?•■.. ■ HcbU ' - QBO B -MUiTENBEROKTI. Ag*L FOR WA&ASff RIVER ■ frerij. ■ iaSWw» 'A.-Mato».Bttirtn.'-wili last* fiirfdM: ■MBS-MBabow’ and vail taterenSaiaf on Sonde y, the Sib inrt, at Ao’elock, 9 *■ Fbr fitiiU ar paetage applyon board orto -t ■" . R - - • GEO B MILTOfBEBOEfc'AgrtA. PAdIS. ’ ~ '•-msmk ' Tfcaawifttteaaer - •• ... <■ -w'wsui;, , *. ■ d»a*>o6w« .Dorter P.Kumcr. natter, will Jtitt lor'WkMliaa,.oa Jdcneri Wedoeadar and Friday, at 10o’clockpiteiMly. : Tatalit,' Tnndir ul In tnnlay,atTo , ;r. * J Conwl rnll land at all thclaMmaedialaPora.-- Ereryaceonwletiaa that caabeproeured fi* tfid cfcn fctft and taiely of paeeeneti* batbeexrprovided:‘.Tke boat u tuwidadwua a aelMatinf-ealny nard !• prerent explo4osi/ For ox boarder to.'-';'.'..r.v.w--' v. mVmfeHaatitgW J. • ■ feb< wwtrefliUaUrtiUiMtt. ■ * packet:,v. r*- K ' ‘ J, Kjcnit. , on Monday or paean ia&ty ■onboardorto .. J^'EwTQJfJO^SS, I^7 ,:'fcb4 .. .j iioanL McKEESPOHT, ELIZABETH -LA CITY PACKET, ji~iH i >i_ • Thenevr«teaaitt.\, . /\* ■ ifinVMrJr . DESPATCH, •'* .-K«l«n; <w«, min. ns aildM. ° al Wy.-“ »i's3!*£i±>i,Msd ui EXPRESS lINES, BSBMSSJHSjifiI.: ' . :.rnu,srwTpuMrei.istittmxiiaißffl?- oocn NBdißffODdi'utbiU& JyjL ed.ftat tUt I* tbaiatns°S^aSgyg£ dtooos Lino going Eaei;.connecting with Adame ft Cob - Enron daily, at Balomom. ' - ''Through lecUpte will bo gjrea tj aat oC iWabot* “ 4 'P“ b, «“ «»r «a« ~ ■ Kxpreiecloectdefly at B l. m. • .■■..• . »? - ~rarg»r ■ v -v- .jwOßmMlmL' I?®*!**’*® TRAHBPOBTATIOy Ug|L pjreto thUof Edtwto** Co. ‘\ l, .7*v~V*Tl7 AlUargh end nwUrunmbiab ere aafall-Bul l fhy. VKAUfa.NanSoathCbarinft: BUdaerfi.Sl(heate ; aathoraed agent of thiiLlaele th*£Htenctf4: A .-.TV.oalyacotian. ufft IT finis' - ■ JCBIDWBLMHUhniiW * (» o W CA«S BrowattrisT; : ~. ■ d*«tr. ■•••• i j 3-RoaanasfitsSSr™* . ftMHytTaatoyluyfcMit, TOBOCGU IN ; _ f hia to - ynnnlny Day and NLtbi betvftaaQteAnfEupSsMH' •- - SH^gM o * brHi3raaAbgqt»^sKiilpi?S ; ': ■-• a%SSSSBra : tkaa caa ba earned tkmn •ae&'dt/y, bnlhbin^Siuff.' • ■■ vr. .J- :.i*BB. .- 1 -HABNOKH *€o- * £^SWSSS&SSSBSSj: '^^^ssasstsssaa^ Iporta/ns we - :^SSSESftJfffiSSS®jSg^ ■when it eawd.itete jK* • * l P»u«*»wftfcr.»nr*s>ifiaßnJltJ* . vfcMi ■■■.;i v .V ; ■ ? A **‘“ ii-flrn'flrin''TniwiiiTrr'fif*' r/.’■ B.UllttllMlln<OTW l nwiw>i« l i*.«MH. ; <T. v *«* * < ( ' >!Mo>tW»W.Wto:.CansHMi> , etili wiii—akriy - ,*■* month, l ufoUawcvl 1 !■■:■*■* jjA- a**Hiu. ■ t'feV i iiaOMjNKWvXOBt' • o *-».f y eriuaytoo, Cm. J*. Jntoeteo,.gtHheWfrr«hfft The Henman, oa.u« jpa Jtftryymil Wn«i**ioo,«kihniahnrM*i(eliiTM9; i, r , ‘ ::> M - Tbe JfcnnaaajCßth# 15th Apr&iSft* •*•'’<•' ' * _ ■ n „>/. ..i « The Henman on thejgikApril.; &:■* i £-■* t 1. j rnwige ftOTXXV »*W' 1 ": 15<8.'-; '.• rvt:-~ *• v: 1- T? '-- - - *7 T *. "The tfeimmn, ChptCrihtree, eafl*mru^HS,' i TV W^HlNDTONj.MiliajtftUttnuir,l*M V d S* HERMA-\Paat£e*)Ui Huth. $ Pwi<»fr«Bif.Y.joS<ymi>mpmncrtDf-iiri-Cg .- u ' from Bmora or New. Ycr** •s!* i'■ Pm (Mght•» ptmn umtr etthe officejef tbe OeM*. t'ftlvni {(a!W(«3wCoT<l»wifi{a» U 4 ■■ •t&affcsaftta;'' *• • Wit. lau3,Agenu*t Havre.: : f:.. &4.Biacin4faJ^Mßw»tt>-,a>r|’ Oiffll.BMfr .tffilf xoupurnuiMmnaiunt.' ,rt aleoiiy *ddiaop»l r*|aig w *tg > 1 * ijTJaaUiK will «b: jatfrwiaf b^ssEshb^bSS Assajr .Till -jra. «Jr kBOBiNBav,-. .. ; -"" SDGEKTON * OMSartfeS/'i O WCASfI, j ;rc janwawnnihinh— _ afences* maHwi'niM J* iseaSSggSSSS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers