.OTAOJJHtSTV. W \c. : U V,i 1 ' ..T H I J if 3 i-i 0 A ' f v J PRICE SEVEN D< ;■ : business carps, 'A U«htr Did ’rT*fT^" > '"^ r4>T & Co. 1 ofWAurn Lrtiher loUciicd.«ni lib-1 *’ r- „ *,* -»trtAXDER GOKDON, 'Com&uuiuri and F< * ' AwSTMneltut,s4yfater.«adlOSßont«#*• ‘‘ pituboncfc' ■ '--• " : I • _-*> •- ' £?_*r . twoOD. JOXES Cpmmi**ion and Forward- M A ins OTerenanU, fitre rewnrtd lotteir old »ÜBid, K;Front nracu,'Pitltbnnth. - ••■' - ' o<ta ± i>, -~-„Uwrriitrt‘ '’ :■ • •• *•■ •':'. ' . -K, •* BKWTS. T»« TnamNTS^cvlbf.btbon. wkDijMisc B *nd CBBupunya N*. 1« T ... fmri>Btth»'Va»'V [ ■>.' '' *• '- - 7 £ j-VTy'jbWuensToa: * ' K« Dropfitu. comer Wood *ad —J/i— -aAWydwrecii piw*hnyyh- ■ ■ —— . *"7y'je.lt :Awci.TVk “i/‘>r w »5S 1 5.”'1, c S?^ u ', V>#»ion ilerchtnu,CbitSlßb^s* l : »NDO I/>01U». Mmmr 0,1 w*. COLZXII. ~JMn* T.’iorir*?. Pi 1 ~Q»«Hdu WChitlnT Mo'Vi - '■' —JSS3. !! jpuEaSOX** ilr&IOlIT, (iucWi*?** * »-IL/*c£VWhUtowUii• Uioc«m.- Couum f£ h S «raMint ateeiumU, d«*l*r»ia MwmSutttfWjSixih Mi«t,betwe«>y W »“?. » , J. • • : 2£"i^ J /V'"VkAGfcn- Importer and Wholtrali »ni Ikuul ' - —«,«—nrei/i -'■ •'■'» ' J .it*"* 1 ” ««ntLL: of DiufliSd, «tond floor from Diaifcoa Alley > l^^SSjt«l«rThrT^r-irTr7?T7ioßfcat»u*Tr* £ hfcflH Grocer*, dealer* f: ‘ corner©* und Hurt ra. flmtmrgh.-Pa- Cet>l7 _ ■' ".'L»"'' - - "• "■ riMi'L uaurr; . . unintl ~- .. **■*■ ■* ; T?OBIVAiiD' A BWART2WELDKR, AUonieya at u JE • Lew, hate'watered thetr ofiee tojdie tteaitb aide of '»femh*i;betweeri CherryADey aud Grant aagt.^ 1 , 'y f pim. 1 OEO.'XBST. JWBWoi* Grocer* and J Corn»i**ionMerehaaia» and Ageiitator Brirttoa Cotton Ydrm,Noa.W Water, and 1 1* Front ■*.«»» ■ -i-•:•-•-■ • bl f- > : ',*Ei ‘ Biirur pjjuio' Porte Jffanulirtam and dealer - .li-fjv :: i‘{ i i •• .- •■• ■ ' ■". Pen**, - juotronnv. »• r* . THtORSYTH * v Cov CommUwonT*nd/«iward«» c7>J jgrchaat*. N 0.30 Water *u Pnabnncb. • W»: ; tx>\G k. MILLER, Bell and Brw Worfand.fcaihb&eldttwet*,ftmbnrKn,,? 4 -, ■> • Sl^ll^ 11 f “ r <dd < '°W* r *“ * JraM ’ • • dio. reoaoax. • wanaJUsrrAMras */ 4TI eOBGEIUORGA** A Co,. Wholesale Grocer* and i., vflVCefMRuiOQ Merchant*, Ift*. '> oo& _fti ’ n EOBGK A. BEBRY; Wb©le*ale Groce? and Com- 1 YTtoSon Merchant and dchlrtbi Produce ■»!?«*»- No. ipWtfcdauFttabargli^ ’ ‘ ait? vn ram l -"• .>*• a. a«gwT».i~ » CLEO. W; SM rafACOn MabMA; und -* T tjr dßaleritlnHop*, Yittabargh an4 fc ßdnt.Bcweriea, •i- IiBAK, ComaiMiraand jy.Mdrchant, Xo.a6Wood»lrßcUPin*bgnhvvPTl7, • throagfa Uie PotfOmee.'• 7 "’ : ’ _ tt. utY RgnxnT, White aod Bod Lcad Atana ; fltttanm Paito and Oil Merchant; eomer-of Ul«f -idO'Haxnsafc.PUlaburrla 'lcls "Uli'lm v . «tt»p prcxtri, ta.: . raAIAII PICKET, t ci Vaiet>aod.'lo7 Front Hrteta, PUobufth.' , norS , .*.fTAMKS’ a “• \AlJLffwliHa3Dhleofl A' 00, <soeank«on Mercbani*, . LoaU Blfehar 1 BW* Be - water aotfW frcmtwreeu, PiUrtargt 'i'iaru--«,i- ■ r^^.drVExc.j^BuU^; Jr.bllACs;t , Bt. Clair alj lU'Ud Cmibiim Korthaat.-Ite' B. Wood OJJt, i/gn ■» t|ifc ß iifui'fcfiuiUineb-want-awocoß^ied?. j-r .f 1 ? c^. !> ' i'-fimi k' MOBiOAN,^' v sS'*&StS*l:flm d^Cd^-t<ae»a^-l»4bJr^D. .«! O.’lfoTllirap Cfcnodlere,3oWatcr street; oegj. Toaff JL MELLOB, Wholesale • ad i,B cU^,ll J e *i e J -'*» laMa*ic.*^liliiSoi.lnstruments, SchoolJJooltt ’hatr, Slate*;Steel Pen*, Ouill*, Pnotf n Cijrd*, and k BttiianaJy’eeneruiJf, No. st, Pittsburgh- - • , txwcfcl or tafcen in trade. ... _ _*g»i* ; *«TQHN BCOTT 4 Co-, Wholesale £*«er». Forward* ■ 1 '4rw» «pj Piwiwi«iiwn Merchants. Dealer* tn Produce, and Btubarfh Manuftetor*. .No. • lihßg?ht T T*e«yihhCaiial,y«uhorgh,y*. octl. . BCHOONMAKER 4 Cof Wholesale Diaffr> lU * ; - • •% A«BEPH4oBDW<!fc*CW,'Cotmiuarfua AndTor* i4herr *w.i®pp«‘w - -•.....-JtP*_; 't'CHN j L. CALLATIN, Aitoniey’at l-aw,’ O&ceoa .1 At. g» between Gnat and SnrfthfieW, South aide, 'PwEur&Tai’will.al**' wuttd promptly^.business HB-ihyaßutlngconOOea.'". '. ' <--< >e gyy—; JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corwr&h aad W'eod Wt»d»ts,Pliubdn*. ; -' : <*”_! 3q3^.^jggi«jjga,gs| SiiCr» tpgp- \ .^ssss'^se'ss V -SSSgSSS^^J&^^^r -* . qraef.'dealer la PtOdace rtf•.BttihfyiV MagnfaetaTM»H» PUm»**■>*■ ’ ' - '. •tntATn'VLOT*. ‘ I .%rw7i-nrn- ''- - ' «*CVAKB wwrw. ~T^BVUIVD, [UM J£FU>T<> *■' <*J "J"'”; 1 ' Itfh owMtt.No/id.t* r n r,lrtet -'. ' ‘ TAMES BAlwSKUVWioleMl* Grocer, Commission. ; tllfcrthamVduL dealer- ja Produce ; No. St Water it. rmsbargh.. janlfJ 'S, 'WATEEhIAN. Grow, ttwwdH ■ I Dealer in PiO*-^ H^StS^tV*9'*» i i ftalMem ’ Noe.aAVatef*t, ( ,tti«FreatH ■•:.- -•> ••-’> / ; t,. i ■ lOaji sairur*.. 4. 9IUFTON, Wholesale ProgryTot ■l iwtnr and (Vwnal«*i« Merchants, ss«k?ias 'fiitoandfltuhutjh Manufheturea, Not 13 «kM3S UfoedM. KnshnrffK. • ' ’ f “"? - •vm vu, * iiiipiihu. - ■ ■ -_ > -,“7* «’"ii'nii i '■ « M- WTJinUll. WAITS* 4 H&eOHJ* BU3IIFIELD 4 ROE, Gr©?Wi Coojndision. Merchant*,' No. U^l^ber^*h j^k^ulolr 7 ’. ';' AMx.„suuca. * : wa(..iT" ; • Hi'f AtJ.rN * Ca~, Cotamimou ipd.fconraramx Water aod Fipol sts., between Vjoad : m— '~ - . i■' ■■’•■ C.’W. mcUBWOS." ■ WeSia-PB Jc BICKETSONV Wholesale Groeew and nfl. Cotnmluioa Alercbauta, No. 170, Liberty a,Nw* aa.f«. -- : 1 •m-***CDRD4'loNG,AVho'le»aie anil Ketall llalarjil M_ Ca» Maaalaetnrer*, anddeUerela Fancy Fur», OBpHY. WILftON * Co, moWwlelhy (Mi; D^n r yo.BWood.»UKlt%bßrgli>. -■J BON. No. «M«rtrt «, Si®SBSSSi£JSSS»- , P? I Jiwmlirtn SMtf-' - ■ _' ” cw - - g^^Ss7r-£:,-h»^. -VShmtwSS k. Cfc?Wbok*al* Croc«r» ■ ftd[^fo *. m.-»PKRT.Pfodact PealertACotn- KIOIUEDT. LKECir, «uinm«r»k. i : U" Trrr £ftlSwr*» «m Cntkr*» 7‘oob,^3y»«jJg l, » *•' '"P u - iJ^SSw k. Cou,mole*tU* -J^^sSkbE iv,W ComrnmiouM « rtbuu.*nd I>e .No. W> liberty »tg ' ■nOBERT DALZKLV* Co., tv f» frrTT w.mt«iflß ad Fbnr*rd»«r.Merch*ntt, dew*" tadPitjiboriiManuketurw, TVOBT. ; V CUNNINGHAM. . Whole;*!* GK*eT, KiDew “ Produce and Ptraburjh ftTuiiibertyt: —— ■■ ..JU? -r*nfiECTMP™*yy'Wbole*mlc dwcer, - ' TKEriUUrdeiderU Produce, Pituboiih Muufrc- S?£d Jil Unde of Foreign ud SwfM;ViH« ■SrimMi.No. 11 liberty *t» Puabuigii. c . hind A-my large eiodr.nfierorrfor »<«<:> -nTa'i i nii M ’ *"•' ■ ••'- •'• -' - ttb.'l *T>*WIOf3»*WIEP- Worwwi&flf * , j£s???u t £* JKSteekuUs, fat the Allegheny RirerTrede, deal«»J • CUocHaaf Lone; -■ ■ - ■• sssfjsj^ssj^srftsr-: tonihiirigoad*; aliolwter.Laca,An. .. »pt4*ly«*. • *_ e. «B.r«t»TT ... .1 l THP*.«.WHrot- • C&UXUTT fc WHITE, Wboletala Dealer* in ■ ItamotflcDryOboA*.No.99 Wood^tL, . o(ttflaftBtrtiuS»,No, mw .«*• £ "■ f .i, ¥.<£*&*• ■ -' *.’. ;■****■ i-'i y : - .. V:: . ; ' ■..■'r:.vVri- : i>7-“‘-'r»--:: r .::,.:/' '•••"., H f ! Is? s'?.s&■& ’*<£'•:• v ;:r: r-•.-.--r ;. 1^^;...,; ■ ..- • -.• j^^sauic^-;.? ITIIMTmKUUiII OAllil -- PITTSB " ~ ._ (LLAiRS. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 SSHTH. p*OALKY & Co- WholeMl«*<jroeera and produce dealer* No. 823 Market atract, between fith and fth. North tide. Philadelphia. jioVy fzti.xxA miitnam * jjo. xtcota. xinum SELLERS & MCOLS. Produce and Genera!'Com* million Merchant*,' No 17 Liberty it,' Pituhnrch. Sperm, Lintcedapd Lard Oils. . 'ja2S^ SC. to HiU & Browne) Importer # and mnnnfiuttnrcr of Paper Hanging* and Horde ra. md dealer in writing. printing, end wrapping paper. 67 Wood at.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Baga end Tanner'* aerap* parcbeaed at the hifeeat market price. • . ja< C, F. VON BONMIORST, k Co- Wholesale Gro- O* csrv Forwarding and Commission Merchants Dealer* in Piiuburjh Manufastures and Western Pm dace, bare removed totheirriew warehouse, (old stand) No.3s,coroerofFrontsLandCbanceryLane.- nov7 SAMUEf* M. KIRIt, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Dealer In Prodoce'and Pitubnrgb mans* factored articles. Canal Basin, near 7lh it. •• .da FfIASSEY it BEST'WboltMle Grocer* and Commit JL:*ioa Mcrchauli, and dealer* ia Produce. N 0.35 .wood »Ct Rmborgh,- i ■ , a'paa rriIOMAS KENNEDY, JlJbokiixr Alan- Murafe • 'X t&nr; and Dealer in ‘Clocks. Combs/and Variety corner of Wood ond Fourth »U- •' • ■ • '• jlO wisrni._____: z - .. . Ej. roarmi.. .rTV. Ft kORSYTH & CO4 Coaunutioo Merchant*, I . dealer* in Salt. LnmberrGrocerieo. Prodnee and ntuburgh Manafactares,'Canal Bruin. Liberty »u*rt, "'imburgU. _ fisblB_ " 4 R. McCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, ’ • Dealer* in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass .and burgh Manufacture* generally, 123 Liberty street, burgh.- jy»> JOHN D. WICI. - • -DIVTO M*CAltat&S. WICK at arCANDI.TSS, {raccessoTs to 1.. 4- j. D. • Vf'Wick,) Wholesala Grocers, Forwarding and Comaassioa Merchants, dealer* in Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer of Wood and "Water streets. Pittsburgh •. A. .KVRPlir.writes the ladies to call and ex • ;aiaiafi hutstock of. French .Worked Collars, 1 u lovr as «S cents. ■ to®® l ?- ■\XTHITMORK 4 WOLFF, Importers and Whole- Vf Dealer* In Hardware. Cutlery, Saddlery, 4c., No. 80 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ’ , “ . TTT ,W. WALLACE,MUIaiotu* andMillFurnish -|Y *lag establishment,No.sH4. liberty *t^near Oie. canal. . , . • • ’ O. It ROBINSON, .Allorwey at Law. haam « moved hia office to the Exchange Bulding*, St. ’ at, next door.lo Aide rman Jones. tpSriim fix M. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy wxlStaple V> . Dry Goods, Now* Market strfet, Pittsburgh. novULdly 1 . IIT W. WILSON, Dealer in, Watches,: Jewetry, TV • SilvarWare, MUitary Goods,Ac., No. 27 Mar ket St. : •, :'_ noT7 J. WRJ MDKPIIY/Wholesale and Retail dealer m • Foreign and Dumcstfe' Dry Goods, northeast comer of Market and Poutih ata. - ; • • aaggl - J BRYAN, Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale 4 dealer in Foreign.and Domestic Wines and Id quors-.No. U 4 liberty street,.and WDiamoiid Alley, Pittsburgh, Pn. . )yl«-dly ■ [TABRICK MARTIN 4 Co, Banker*; Dealen in r Exchange, Bank Notes andCoui,corner ofThud [Wood streets, Pittiburgh, Pa. novlOxlly n. w. vuo*o> • **• . ITTH-IdAMS 4 BHINN, (successors to Lowne and . If • William*,) Attorneys and Counsellor* alLayr.— Office North aide of Fourth street, above Smilhneld. . fcbl-dAwly , ■ ,i ;■ - ww. vdcso. iso. *. x'ersc. TTTJL YOUNG 4 Co—Dealera in leather lude*. 4c. W : 143 Liberty si' , ••••• - isnffily . iTy fi- M. MITCHELTREE—WhoIesaIe Grocers, • W « JSecdfying Distillers, sad -Wine and liquor Merchants. alsoilHPOttert of Bod* Ashland Bleaching Powder. No. 160 liberty it. Piiub'g, ba. . jaaAlly, outniumiui.,.. i- L - .oat*** a. w» 0 4 Grocer* and • dealers in Oils, Boat &ore, and. Pittsburgh Man uiactured aitieles,havedn hand, at alt times, a toll and general assortment of goods in 'their line, TV atetstrert, near Cherry Aliry, Pittsburgh. anl3 ■ DAVIUW. WH i ••••,' - • m. . D- W.:A A.S. BELL. AttorneyaalLaw,office In • Stewart’s BnUding, Fourth at-, second door above Wood street. Pittsburgh.-P*. ■ _ D.W.Beli, Coeamomioner to take Deposition*. Ac knowledgments of Deeds; and other mitxumen:* ot wri-. ling, lo be used ia Misaonri. . - 7 . ' * nvlXkn ; JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecary; No. 48 Market at, three door* .above Third aU dbtts- BurebL will have constantly on hand a wr« selected an*, sbrtment of the best and freshest Medicine*, which he will.sell on the roost, reasonable terms. Physician* tending- order*, will be promptly attended to, and pliedwith articles they roar rely upon a* genuine. * ' C 7“ Physicians Prescriptions wifi be accurately and neatly prepared from thebest materials, at any Jwotpf the day or night. ~ . > 1 Also iortiJe, a large stock ef fresh ana good Pan*-. mery. • • ' ‘.y :* • '' )anl| •- TIT W. WILSON, Watch Maker and Jeweller, eor .Yy « nrr of4th and Market st*., , A laigs and' well Mleeiedsmck-oi'WatchearJewelry,- Silver Wart, and Mditary Gooda. Always on hand, and at regular eas tern pocea, Gold Patent Lever. ftilLi*vwlbbQ\'aUjiei,. As k>w as»4*-, SUrer da Watcferves low as SIA. . Genuine Cooper, Tobia*, iohß*oßandmher*pproved make-ofwni«hes,raay behadat stmall advance and warranted. '. ' • ' • G7*Fino AYateh Work, done in ihoTery besttnan- J U. BWEHZER. Anomaf at Law, office 3d iu op • posite 8l Charles Hotel, Fritsb«reL,'Will also at tend promptly to.Colleetfoa*,.in< Washington, Fayctto and Green roontkijpa.' • -' xxrxx TO Blaekstoek, Bell A Co- \"lt CbarehfoCarothtre, ; APitkkorgk. D.T.Morgan, - .' 'J * ’ 11J. HENRY,' Attorney And Coaneellor at li# Ln\w, Ciarnmali, Ohio. Collection* vn *s«Uiern Obio. and in Indiana, audio Kentucky. promptly and carefully attended to. ConuaittioMT' ibr tbe stale of Penntyiramn, fair-taking pepoeituma, tcknotrledg- Dealt, • 1 Reran to— Hon. Wnu Bell k. Son. Curd*. Church f Carolher*, Win.- llayaf Etq-r Willock <• Dari*. «33 ; EAGLE COTTON AYORK&PitUbori;!!, Manufac ture' Colton Yarn, Candle Twine, CoverletYam,' Carpet Chain, Warp*, Ac- •. i KING, FENNOCK A Co. {Saceet»<3rt to Axbueklet k Arery.) . jt»p«r j . - . Proprietor!. J T LUDOOX + Co., Nb.7J'Caaal. atreel, New Or» L. bant, Agents tot). R. Annapt’e KatentiYe SVaia earßefinenr. Alwayt on-baud, a larga nock of Loit powdered, Crotbed, Clarified and BottardSogart, in'lSeroa* and Barrel*.; Altov Sagsr lloiue.Molassea. Price* liberal, and a (air allowance trade on allaalet oC or above SObamlt. : ■ ; • •• :-.tncl>H : GIEO.JY. SMITH Brewer*, MaUtert, and r Hop Dealer*. Pittjbnrgh and Point Brewenet, cor. tier of Barker 1 * Alley ajid Penn tueet, and foot of Pitt i at, Pinalnrrgbj Pa; ’ ' -r jt r. xejox dxxLao*. ALKx.romxr HP as Kt&SOX tfCo,Xftattfa£Krm of Hammer* • csLSbareU and Spues, lloea, liar and Manure Kort», fce,fc£. Wan boose, No.il Wo»l»L,Fme*- burgh. .1- --i: • : w«>» aT.'B. BISHOP, Veierinery Hnrjreon, can ■ fennd'MlUaHortfcShoehij Eatabliduotnt, or fit CWratteerßridf*, lately ©eeniHed ► Jdcaira. C*r» t-Haertarai. -- mv*Wra TQN. Dcoler in'Trimniinp and Vaneiy .TwoU ffleU, Ironr ami HoraCcanb*, m« aad Battont, Needle*, Pm*, Taper, Braid*, *e_ No.;<3 Market aureet, between I>ia mood and 4lh ruairtirgh- ■ jytfdly’ PICB.ES AND PRESERVES-# em*e* Underwood** •stoned; 4 d«seo DofcftotTfSette* Pe*ch Preserve*; RAO WAREHOUSE—Thebigbeii price incaebpald tot rood clean ran; alas, entrra**, bale rope, grw* rape, Wayne »L, between Perm and ÜbeflT»._-. • ™. n»vm.imvr. Dentiat,' having-made . meharTaitfemcPtilnta* rmtl ’ K«t>***» that ha can devote his whole time to the S£se* P of hi* profession, may be »wn her ofllh end Ferry au, at any boar Idnrm* the day, from * o>,». ..;,■ i-v.-' <:■■*■:■ ■ •••••••-•' • ■ nm ’sisptKßir iuidwase stork. • vo. i'&Sftvriß Jiiou. TTAVWCI' replenished ray efoek from the beat aour- H c t « both dpmeitic and foreign, I take pleasure in •uwneiDg •lo'eonsutper* and dealer*, that I am pre* pared to foiwai themwith ali good* in my lute, on «li!l better tern* than heretofore*’ s«-ws in . Buyers will •ceeoUeet (ha: deaHnff ‘‘extlMrehr’’ in Saddlery, Hardware abd Camera tinnunf*, }<**£» thereby, advantages that enable mato defy competi tion..: Call, sec, aadjndye foe yourselves.? • *P»7 n tmt ntacairzio* noxntf uucyan u* * scriwoa- " jaxx**,'aT. •' K.'jliß'ANS. , Son BolUUa'ga W E. Comer of Thud and Dock Streets, ■ (up atalra) Philadelphia,. • . .. firiiKßE eaa always he had at abort noOes-M*', Yy wmc Maax Mtbau, ofaU kinds; Brass sud Pi*- ted Boor Plate*; BeaUfor lhudu>. Buddies, Corpora tiona. he. Professtonal Yuiting Cards, engraved and printed. Societies iu want of Begls of offiee, arc in vited to call and examine Specimen* and Itesignaot the various orders of Batons, Odd Fellow*, Bon* of Tern peranee,he. . . - jiovedUni AVhfFtiMlllllNr ~ • ATTOKSBT AT LAW, ! ' Uuder.Pa. . i|f)|.f. also'attend to collection*and allutber lm*i- YY' jieaa entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong counties, fa. Referio . ' . • J.kfL Floyd, liberty st} . ‘•' u ' W. W. Wallace, do {. ltl „u • .James Marshall, do * * *ttal»urs*** - - dly. fay A DO-, Wood rt. J •• jao7 Pleuhii t'loaSrCsitlogt, Wagon Box - . ■ ••'- ' C «s,4kc. ROBERT HALL, of the old of IL A 8. Hall, ia raaanfac- I * rye quantities of Plough*, ■■sjzssifs f - rl _,Trp l > | w >rK V *TQKiC« —>*o Ti Vounh . «IL Ctof|Mj*» low •* I . . . Na. 17 Liberty sU_ A^ilPillSsS '7Sp»” <-»nEß— <4 hbli cr * b c^er ~ °* con “ gmntai H’A'aH DicMrrtco. PORAX-aW It*} hr- ,-, v-: . >u*j FORWARDING & COMMISSION. O. R. D*.xKhnm-En. " 3. Rctsijo Pan?- CHARLES R-» DABTESHOWER4 CO. TOBiGCO CMaiSSIUS BKKCni.US, No.se South Wbhrres.ierid No. IK’Sooth Water at. * '4' - .PHILADELPHIA: A • • , BEGS '■ to inform .the. trade and dealer* generally, of Pittsburgh, that they Rave made such arrangement* wun' the'Virgiuia maimfaciurrrs tuid the Growerv of the West, West Indies, and other place*, as wall motre a large and constani supply of tho following descrip tion# ofTobaceo, which will sold upon as accom-, nuxlatius term* as any other boa* this eiryor else-, where, and all goods ordered from them wiU ho war ranted equal to represcntalion: • ■Havana; SuDotningo; Conn 4 A •. Vnrn:i Porto Rico; . Peiui Cuba:i Iguini . 4 Honda; 5 bacco; ' VLsi>—BrandiV celebrated Amtnaue Stagfpven dish, with alarce assortment of other popular brands, and qualities of pounds. ss. ?*, 12*. 16* and 32*, Lump; So, (kfbsand 10s Ping; ladies’ Twist; Virginia,Twist. sweet and plain, in whole and halt boxes, wood and tin; together with every"variety of article belonging. to the trade. . . ■ jelG-dly - 1 CRAIG, BELLAA.4CO, } ■ FlonrFsetors And Produce Commission _ Merelsants, LIBERAIa cash' advance* made on receipt of con signmeuts Those shipping to our address will be paid urrre-fourths vnlu* in advance t&CXXX, kyi pply* uig to otir friends, Messrs- Wallmcfonl 4 Taylor, rmsbqrgh. Mrsm, Titos. lleß 4 Co. Bridgepart, Ohio. ' Philadelphia, May 6, rny37-if \N. H. All Prodnce consigned to ns itlnsured when in the Warehouse of Wallingford ATtylor, Pittsbarghjor in oar »tore in Philadelphia. . C. 11.4 Co- ■ . GEORGE COCHRAE, . ' Commission aud Fortrardlug Merehaat. i. : ■ Ka 20 trooD'rr., nusßinr.n,. : CONTINDI->t te transacia general CuinmUnon basi nets). especially in. the purchase and sale of Aineri can Manui'actdrr* and l*ro>lucc, aiid in receividg ana forwarding Good* consigned in hi* care. As Agent Jfoc the Mamifactures, he will be constantly,supplied with the priheipai articles of Pittsburgh Manafactnra at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders aud c*u»ijnttnmU ate respectiuUy . • ' ' -- . -j^T Boltlmbro Produce ConamlsaJoß Hottst. EDWARD CLAYTON,'Iate y.Clayton 4Soiu,lflB Xombard su Wholesale Dealer in Butter, unssion'Merchaiu. Having for the last tenyeara devo ted his allemiou to the snleof Butter, wilL now Teceivp Butter,.Lard, and other l“mduee for salo on eomiaifsiaa, and datlers himself that from kiaezperieaee and Btitte ' ron* shipping customers he will lw able to jive Babb faction la all who may consigu produce to hub. Refer 10-i‘ ' Meisp* F. W. Bruoc k Sou; ; r **j • .Wm.Masoc k Son,- " WilKuigton 4 -Kastmaa, u T. W. 4 0. Hopkins,* And the Merchants generally. B;>i CON tVAY 4C0., - r -j 1 ' PORTSMOUTH, Otdu CouuuitaUm and Forwarding Merchants ana Procure Dealers—alsosttendtothe Purchase.'Sale and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, Ae, ; '■ • aiTUTO: ' ' ' ~ Co,. _ Brown, Bailey 4 Go-, 1-orenz,Sterling4 Co, Henry Graff, - Graff; liadsay 4 Co., IX Leech 4 Co^ Lyon, Shorb 4 Co., Clark* A Thaw, , marlUdly ■ • . <l4moi. . ... JOIINF.PERRY, ILali of tha firm ot Malcolm Leech 4 Co-]- WholiialsQroccr, Comtaiaalon A Vlemr BXorchanl, ... > DEALER in all kindspfCoumrrProdtieaf^ppir; ’Dn, Tin Plates,Tlnners’Tools, Zinc, RasSia. Sheet ;Iroh, Iron and Nub, White I-ead, DyaStuffs, Cotton Vann,' and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally,' corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, PitU knrgh.l'a. - ; ; ifxiJberal advnnce*. ia Cash or Goods, made on eonaignmeiua of Produce, Ae. -' ' , myS A.'ho«*c» lovtl • _c.-T. :Juana. -• .a. a. rtutnu*. LOVE. MARTIN A CO- Pr«dae*i 6«B*ral CoaulMlsn mad For* warding Morobnata -4 : »a,d sraaa’s wxuar, asiTinoam . > ' Refer to-^ M.AllonAOo.' ' I ■' -■) prii.Vch . .n?Hampton,Smith4 Co_, jrmsbgn. ~ Davison, Saunders 4 Co, T - - . -.. John R JUudaU, >Balflmore. : ‘oeli ’ HaghJenkln*, dAWt: j. a, .' c. w„ ATEBKsriv.; . Lue of Pittsburgh, Pa Lateof N**hvUle.Teiia, LEHMER « ANDERBOI DEAIA.’RSIV COTTON, FOHWARDING ACO.MJnfS ' i r vSiaN MERCHANTS*.. ; J_ . so. t> ranar: mzxr,' ssort aaosswAV. cCTCuniAif, cutx . Refer is aicrchanU generally, in Piusborgb. *igS)j " : tiFA&ruu. *■ co-; ' i- COMMISSION MERCHANTS. anddealers in produce geneballv. ;. so. iMam-TV uowAtmrrvxr, tmw wAWxr.aAt.'miOßß. Reier l&i-D. Sprigg. Casliicr, T.- Cross, K»q.. Cashier, J. LaodstreeyA Moiu Hiser 4 Doug herty, Sling. luffAliiser, \V„ A 8. Wrntan,»*lingluir4 Devnes ' i . Cm* . ' EDWARD A. KEELING, </. , < (ttuccessor to Goodman 4 Means.) kECLIVING. FORWARDING, COMMISSION MER \ T v, CHANT ANDCCmW BROKER. • kact ni, 1 oooa lotvu «r rLatrtcn's baxk, suatrim, nstr. Rettu>—M-AUenACa,King-Petu*o*kACo. r- •• --'i " - dam* MITIONEERS t coaflissiua SEUCBJSTS. A LEX* UEVY & BRO’B. ' CIKCJSHATI AHD ST. AOUIS, _ Offer to sell at either ettablishrnrm, alt kinds ot Met chandiXe, at the lowest'raics.of Commission*, and are always prepared to make advances.. ITe best of rate* reucea'i glteu if "required. I-euen addressed to either house, win be promptly nlteinleit to. jyJUdly : • i&axs Ttiosirao*. . ' w. a. ciarinj - THOMPSON * CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AndKsnafoetarenofLlßicedOlh . i No. 90 Columbia street, -. Cuwssjtn, Ouw.' spJt-ly nyVTnsh pmhl for • • ■ - • ~ Forwarding M««>t*l|BfowMT*U»» P«* Anend* fiarticulatlr to the FirvrafUing of Produce, Ac. Kor aoy funoer inJonnation, applyt o FORSYTH «- CUNCAX-AVatorat. : .\! MATHEWS 45-PATCH, COMMISB] ON MERCHANTS Ho. 4S Woter itmt,' , 5 ; •i: St. Lon*, Mo.' Will give particular, attention to the *eihagol Pp duee, ai£l toonlrf*fljrPurrha»m£., > U»ni to— George Morgan & Co , I’jiuhurgh, Pa. augllj - ' ' _ • ' jona K’ctxUMttul i . h'iukas. c. o. t-rLBK*T*oa IJOHH ITCKJLLOt'aH v < Forwtrting *><Commliiloa Merchant** ! so*, w h. PS aomi msst. . . , jan?7-ly* ' Bowling** Wharf. Baltimore.' ,) , i i INSURANCE. : pEt.tWRK nVTUAb INSDKASCE CD. TOMN Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh (at titegM- A twanf Mutual Safety Insurance Ccnramay of Phil adelphia. Biskaupon buildings aau merchandise of every description. and Marine Risks upon hulWor cargoes of resleU, ukeu upon tbe tewu. fr/ - Office in the Warehouse of W B Holmes Ailro-, N 037 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.. X IC-iTbe sqcccm of this Company siaee tUe estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the protfin neas and liberality with which every claim upon theta for loss' ha* been; adjusted, fully warrant the agent ifl inviting the confidence and patronage of M* Wends and the oonmmnity at Urge to the Delaware M 8 Insurance Compaiy. while It baa the odditioitaladvamagrii as an instiajwm amoog the most flourishing in Philadelphia— as having an ample paid-in capital,'which hy tbo .ope* ratinn charter is cwasiamly increasing, as yield iue to taeh person insured his due share of the prohU of the company, without involriug him many te»oo sibilitr and therefore ns possessing the Mu tual principle divested of every obnoxious leamre, and in itarobst attractivetontu..-- nov< _ " PULE* ASD HAIUVE IKBURASCK. THE losoradee Cotnpauy of North America, through U* ilulr authorized Agent, ilia subscriber, oilers to make permanent and limited Insurance-on property! m this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca nal unu Hirers. : ' ' j DIRECTORS. JohftC South, Prcs't ■ ; Samuel Brooks • : Alex! Henry Chariea Taytof < i Hatn'l W Jones, . WaralP Smith Edward Smith ' ‘ , Ambrose While •. • John A Brown ' \ Jacob MJlhomas • JohnlWhite . , Uohn UN*? Tbo's V Cope , . \Kiehard Wood ' ' "WitiWelaS ' Urtbur (» Cwduu Pep. This is the utilest lusurance Company lit the Litueil atoie*. Shaving beenrhnrtrrrd in ITVI.. lu charier i* pefpcfual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, Btnl Avoiding all risks *>i an exira hss ardoua jcharacier, it may be vousideiled « -JU ‘ pie aeeiiaty tolh* public • A vY^Vo. P At the Coutiliiig lU*om of Atwmjtfi Jones * Co.,Vf*‘ ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. __ agiatf. • fSaVBABCK AOAISST *WE. ■ i m«K' American- Fix* Imutunce Company—Ufl>ct r 1 No Ttf Waluat rtreet MulailelpUia: lucoqwaied A Mirch.nJi.r, etiy ffenrrellr. either in the .riiybr-rnuuto:, agaiujl iSiEiSiSIvT ««>. prrp««.llr-orfor litancu peA <rfvo»fovon.U« ''™^ ECTOU I,.; |' ’ jolin flrrfconl , . Simon, svillinii Lynch ... , : XMjmgmu •n—uA&t— i John Welib, it. - I'atnck iitady, BHGRAYIHG ,FIBK ISSVUAXCKCO. fIIHU Franklin Fire liiMirnnce Company, ol Flntonel* -1 phia, will make per tmment and limited on every dencripilon of property, in Piiuborph aitd the •urrouuUiug country, on favorable tcrau. ‘iliU com* Y Contingent, Fond ■ ' j^00,b0(l. , Offico comer 01 third and Market «rceta,-£iti»Vgh. npl ltrtf . WAUKICK MAUTLV, Agent.; ijrcfd t«r»xiartrtc’d“drorMU i|iU] JOEL JIOHLER. V. T. PAtqi. 'John T Lewi*. „ ... | . BAMUKL6 MuffTOX, I , re^ident. , , s£dS“lb! Coiapaiiywili be termed M d Hnnnte" eflic ‘ e ‘},& ■KCHtforritubwiiW • ,0U» COCURMJ, I. L ' - flg Wood It. KECK A. DAVENPORT, i i : . . CAR BVIX.UUS, CISCIKXATVOUIU, 1 MANUFACTURE -to crdcrr Passenger an] Freight Can'tof the mom approved description, at rea»oQ> able prices- B/ wwam{;'of theCtnaJa, Railroad arid River, theft are enabled to ship upon reasonable terms to all point* in the West Their work will he warraat* ed equal in all respecte, to any made in the Uiiiiad Slates. All oiders punctually executed. . ij -KECK DAVENPORT.' 'i nurltSm I •" - l - {Formerly of Boston, Mass.) LEATHER—’ ITte subscriber is just reccieine up wards' of 11M sides of New, York Red Leather, of ditScsM stumps, together with a general assortment of Lcatlu-.riif-hi* line of business, furriers' tools,:oM, etc. All of which he yiii sell on tlie most reasonable teOits, at 104 Liberty sL, (opposite 6th at.) ONNU. BA YARD. TIIBOBKATCST BOOK OF THK |)r. "Webtter 1 ! Great AuiericanDirtioiiaryof the vbaiiidokp, containing al| that tlifc former editiont contained; ie*i»cd by CfA'dneey' A. Goodrich, Prof. Yale Collere. Tlbj tbotl complete edi tion ever pubtuhcd; one voL croya quarto. .Pricej®s. For s*le by J. 1* ItBAD, /. j • decSl " 1 4tli *m«»? Market »u, TJBATHKBS. ,btffa prime feither*; 14 ticks M' Pit Nuts: 1 cask Beeswax; I bbl do.; 1 nick peitvd veicbeK received oa contlipimeot, per ttrar. Pilot No. fa*”*”. iURGH,, yfiIDAY COPARTNERSHIPS, fee. » CO-PABTSBMHgf - ‘ ly •'■■ LOC, AX A KKNNI3JT have tbU day jwKKuiud. with then in the Hardware business, Fluid* Wu ‘•on and Kdw&td Gregg. Th* style of firin will: here-' after be ‘Logan, Wilson tt Co.'. Tnls' arrangement ren ders it desiralde .to close the old hnrine»s a* soon «* possible. All persons whose liabilities have, restored, are especially requested to moke itmuediato poymfeut. - Btuborgh,Jan. 1,1543: : : > . LOGAST, CO. —lmporter* ini Wholesale Dealers in Foreixo jtnd Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery; Saddlery, 4e„lso, >Vood street.J.’iUa* bargh, are uow folly prepam|wiih o recently ttnport ed stock of Hardware, Cattery, &ci, fcroflet very great iadocetnrnla :*<>• western boyersf being detenmejed to compete in prieds with any of Ujo Atlantic cities* Al so on.,hsntl.an extensive a»sortment_.of Pittsborgh Hardware, nri Shovels, Spades, Forks, lloes, yiees, aU of which Will besoldat tho lowest raaaufac tarer'*prices.' ». il 7 CO-P&BTSEIUBIP. , jjfth THE saWeriWw'haTtng recently enter J fM partntrehip underlie nanmof Galloper, ic. Miller, lor the purpose of carrying on lhi Brass Foujjaing and Gaa Fitting busine all it* branches, (rave taken the os, . pled by 11. No. ICS'Front street, between \Vood and Smilhfield where (hey *reprrpan?o to execute all Older* foe Bell*; <.Bra».\Ca»tiflgi, of cyery description, and Gas Kitting* with neatoes* patch. Steamboat lobbini promptly attended to. 4-;, lt GALI.AOIIER,. .’ < - B. a. IK)NG,._ -Tv:' t I*. H. MlKl.lifl, t‘'• N. B.—The iltonlioaofMachinist' and lx invited to oar anii-auritioa metufyiiir a rcduueilpnce, which has' been’pronounced fdjwrior to Balibu'»]by. number* who have uaed'both. •'Steamboat builder* and the public, generally, ate aUo requested to call and fcr amine our superior donble bcuot} Fore© Pomp* hot slelxnboal and domeatiou*©. • • 1 • , ’i“ i OAUJU3UER, rX>Ng, A AnULEB. - DIBSOLTTIOS. - j ’ THE, Co-partftership. of tbr. subscriber*. under -the : finnofLewi* Hutchinson & £o„ is this. day dis solved by nrataal consent Mtherof ti* will attend# to. the settlement of ths business of ibefirm, ami Meins name for that pntpose. . • v .« •. * , . 1.EW13 mrrcHiN9o?c j janL JAMia HIiTCIUNSOfc _ CO-PABTXS&SHIP. npHE undersigned have thii day formed a copariner -1 ship, under the firm of James A. for the ptßpaae of continuing the 'buiinen heretofore, carried pn by I>ewU Hutchinson' and solicit a edii* ttnnanxt of the naUODßlf* hitherto extended to the Ush. ■-. JAMES A UCTCHINSOfE • ' ‘LEWIS D..HUTCHINSON. • Pittsburgh. J«n.»>lS<9- '' *•'" '‘ ~ j • •• i • - ' i rt W-STtSTD-INS of Wheeling, K V Shanberger Jjj Jntu&U, and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh. bayo .thu day entered into co-partnership uuder style n»d firm of Stephens, Hhcrnbergrr A Co. al the Anchor ireb sirofkf,'Wfci«llnft-Va, foruapurpoM of manufactur ing iron atrfuaifi of every description. iwntram. srsnoEXßxto**. raaroccrex • ATKPHEII< gBOEHBEHOEa A CO. ANCIIQR IRON WORKS • ' . ! Weeding* V& % • Manufacture all kind of boiler, >heei, ’bar iron and nails,-A Baleel eliptiespring*ahdaxle*. Being eqn netted with fßunnbargerii old Juniata works, wa can ofier an article of Juniata iron {branded BiurnbergtO equal to any-mode in the country.' All of which Will beaoldaltha Pittsburgh print*. .Warehouse of the work* comer of Monroe and Water si*. " myll TiIBIOLPTIOS-’nie tarennhlp hitherto axut ; J Tine under the style and firm of Wigbtmaa A Dal' tetl, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Dal xcll having disposed of his entire iptervkl to H-Wlrtt*- aan. .The holiness of the late firm wilt be settled by ii. Wighlman, who is authorised to use the name ot the late firm for that purpose. 1!. WIGHTMAN. «pt*Q<ttw Dttlyl’W] ~ J. DALZELL.-. THK Babaeribcr it now prepared to manuraetnre all kinds of Colton and Woolen Machinery, at this shortest notiee. OrdraleftaiK,Wighlmaa'afcngifteShop.for ■ Deacoksu’between PWeralandfiandnskfak, -aptSOdly ' 'dimolvtiov. T THE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Williams ft Diiworth, was,dissolved on the Ist iiisfaiU,ifT£. mutnai.consent I S Dilwortb, lo whom the settlement of the old bull* ness is entrusted, will.coufuiue thq wholesale grocery bui&lAl at the old stand: NO. a?, wood si. ' ‘ WM. H. WILLIAMS, -land ■ : ' JOHN 3. PlLWOirrH OIBSOLVTIQat* “ I mUE ptniierihip icbwuß* the Mb;enberV' X ROUer the uyle of Poindexter * Co., **u diMomdi br niatul cotur nu on the ltth ia*t} and the tumneH ot Ao eonrem wit* h* elnted bj fvW IWedumr wri Q II Gram. R;W TOINDKXTKR, “ A CULBEim»N,i . C U GRANT. *|. , 'cO»FARTHB!tamFr-V-'*' v lfrk- TIIE cvNcnbcrt will' coumta?' bujisti* tiOifoU • No 41 w*tef rtrceya* wtul, wirfliw ~r t oo<.-K,W«K, w ro , Nr , EXT I^ c 11 CHANT.' J v Association* • -A _ , TOWN FAREEN WlCimtAjS ■J associated themselves together under the fins or John Vtmn.t Co, for ibe purpow of cpudnum* tna liusiuess of the ‘Boatmen's Idne,' will coutinuo to tr*as» set a general sorwardiug. and commission bonnes* St the old stand at the Lihynjr wwl jintltf - SAMTj WHITMAN. Co-PartaaVslUp. . ■ TltE underaignod has associated with lumseir John Nicola, from Baltimore, ia the Grocery and funer al Commission business, under the style of Seller* « Nirols, dated Ist January ISid. ; . InOU 4 FRAS. SELLERS. CO-PARTNERSHIP— Wrn. Yoaug baviag this day associated with hiio, John B- Mtlane, the lea ther business will hereaner be conducted the firm of \Ym. Young A Co. jauo ..... JKO. JL Si -t At? HOTELS. FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. ro»o atp Tm:wo?t,rKPPßirro*. a THIS e*ttbli»hmeni loujr ond widely kaonril “ beiajrane of tbovnort cowmodiou* in the c.ty of Baltimore; be* recently undergone vary exien* •ire alteration* and • iruporoveaeni*. Au entire new; vice ba* beea added, containing nnnteron* and “O' -ilcemaff apartment*, and extensive bathing town*. department bn* alw »>«« completely reorfMilid sjvi fiueil up In » roo.l unique uul !»*»«- fulurle.' Inlheilhe whole atraugemrntof the ItoOw ha* beenreinodcled, With a “Ogle eye on the pw« o‘ the proprietor*, towanl* the comfort and plenauteoj their GaMtu and vrhieh they confidently a«ert will challenge comparUon with any Hotel in the l-nion. - Their table will ahraya be aopplied with every »«“- ■tantial and luxary which tha market adord*. •etvee up ia a ao pc nor atyjar while iu the w*y of- Wine*, Ae„ they will not be «nrpa*»ed. • ; In eoncluticm the proprietor* beg to aay, that nntlung will be left undone Aa their part, and on die part of their auiiiant*, to render this Hotel worthy the con tinned patronage of their friend* aud the pvbhe geo- ?or bo‘tnlbare also Iwrh reduced to the - Geotlemen’a -» .' , 7r - . N. Baggage Wagon of tha House will al ware be found at the.Car ; and Steamboat Landing*, which will coOT*r baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charts • : pejuil street house* 1 cntciJnuTT. oaw. . . • MTHE *ab«eribor» having purchased thecntire intereat of Cob G. }'. W#arosoa, \M of t>U well known eatnbß»bn»ent, , Wffl leave to Rate to their friend* and die publie generally, tbpt they h ® Vß . , ,®* e „ n tUb commodtom llotel fora term of year* and will ex ert tbeirbett energies to make iia desirable home tor Traveller* ami City Boarder*. Tlrt lloiel f* apaciou* arid admirably planned Jar eon* reniciibe, light and air, having a'number of parlor* ail* Joining. chaml*n, presenting untuu&Tattraction* to The present'proprietor* .baring had the experience 1 of year* in ibis city and elsewhere, 1 hope they wul l>e able to rive general wdtfaction, being detrrtnmea io «▼* undivided attention to the house ahme. The location of the Wail Street-House t» uncommon ly eligible, having front* on Pearl, ‘Walnut and “oml street*. eo that it l» eqnolte desirable in view ortho convenience of barfrte**tacK'Of retirtmeni forpriTO'o boarders, It U near by the Honk*, the J ovt Oluco,4ho Mawnie Hall;-Odd Fellowl* Hall, and irat onoaqoaTc di«ant from Slain »treet and two square* from tt» t.»tr Wharf, thus offering the greatest inducement*, especial ly tn country merchants and generally toi«dl pewm* , BOTAW iipWßi M . . evaxya or Battoioa* i*owuw*nuMtn»'tt *»s . JIENRY F. JACKSON,:P4IOVBICTOIL. mThb splendid and tpapipo* Hotel, elegantly sit uated for both business and pleasure trareiier*. ** to copitrucied. m tocwabfaa all ihe-luxune* of the beat hotel*, wiUveleganqoaitd«al«omion- -• . Choice aaiteaof apartment* are at all *ea«o»reserv ed (bribe accommodation of ixoarieut'guert*, ainiiow iliea vlsitiug the city will M tboEutawHouro a home, unsurpassed by-any HoteJ in thaUnioa. . .Thejocaßoa and *alubnu»*,m«l .convenient to the depot* and pending*, ■* coache* and porter* of tho houso ore at all tune* b .waiting to eouvey pauenger* *i«d their baggage *° ,no Txub.—Oentlemenlpordinaiy. . - SliWpefday. Ladie*' do | 51,00 do ■ - jnal9teaMr3m I Web* hotel, - : ' *a 153, cnastT mwcfrnxiwD&rKU.. : hove by the •tnotMrai»nuu» tqaha m* awl cwnfert «Abcif tinuiujco of the liberal patronage heretofore rwetreu palS we therefore feci owurert va tu welcwM *™» friendi and the public toßCcoounodolion* cquulto»ny _!: /.w® aitt HQWSit , CTH*f* **p wrta rre. ci>ukmati. ■ . TIUS e»tobli*hm«U i» W»w in the best HS ihl motion of ih. Tr»Trtioj_Pubta. ; U.Tlns £&oiuierK<Jiia nthorough repair Uurlnj »b? P*»‘ bating tl»» iuom expenmewl own m U>o wort in iha various ueportmetilt, 1 flatteninyrelf Uinl ol)"I* SSwoSwtwefy TUelocqtionU cuntrol, coiumih diouinnJ pleWant. FaroSl petdaj. - «»»tiaii • Cincinnati, March 13/47. ; ‘ WEMAUau, xTb.—Although not cxacihr ft new Broom, b ; U *■ lame—o new Whtoow the old handle. ,*P*L. rfItBOCKIIOBTOrB OAJ*T HOUSE, t-M- AK» TUBOcSSfiSN. bep W i .™r him with their patronag* jtnn ny_ AMERICAN HOTEL, Ml Opposite the RsrilroodSejwt MSffinotipsiife??'*!: . oegudty • '• ----- - t- NOTION ,' MEDICAL. .SALTER'S QINBENG PANACEA! .. rpo THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED X LUNGS-—'The unprecedented suceeu which has attended the use of the ; •’ ; GINSENG PANACEA. n ail ilie various forms which Irritation of the lungs u* same*,, has induced the proprietor again to call lion to this v.v : •• '.WONDERFUL.PREPARATION.. The chsngable weather marks oar fall and winter months, is always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. • . These', if neglected, are but the precursor! of that fell destroyer, - f r ,' * '' COSUiIPTION.. ' The question, then. Low ihall we.nip the destroyer in the bud* how shaii.Wß.gel clear of oar coughs colds? i» of vital t>ppon|spce.tothe pchlio»- ; THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY wiII be found in the Ginseng Panacea.; Inproof of this wo have from time to time published the eertUiesles of dozens of our best known citizens, wbobave experi enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of tes tiinoav from all parts of the country.—from _ Mhi)iCAL R&V OP THE niWT STANDING, Minister* of the Gospel, Ac., together with hoptousitor, ucesfnim the •- • _ j- JOURNALS OF THE B.\Y, .. . ■ we have embodied ia pamphlet form, and may be MU gratis of any of ourarents throughout the cocpiry., 7; ; HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES ’ ' j : have been used iu this city. - J L.v, —i, rtlTQ .Vtmj > • . THOUSANDS AND TENS.OPTHpUSANPS-^ throughout the United Steles and Canada, aod wo eba n which; when taken aeeording to directions, and be* fore Urn lungs had becomo finally .disorganized, u has ever faded A PERFECT CURE, ! ! IVhr, then, need the afflicted hesitate! t> hy resort to ■ (bo miserable aosmims, gotten up by odk »i*» inditid* uais under the assumed unmaof soma eaUhrOfod pay* ■ician, and puffed into AolonetyLy eenifieto** rj per* sons coualiy unknown! Whilst a modirann of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY . 'ls to be had, whose vouchers art at nsjgh* whomit has from the gb aye. In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of thep6ora«;WelUherieb,wahava ‘"“"'"''"'only fifty c®nti, • - i.j. lust one half tha usual cost of cough medicines. RU for sale by our agents in nearly every town and vtllage over the west, who are prepared to give full informa* tion relalive to It. ' t. SALTER, Proprietor. ; i , '.Broadway, Cincinnati, Oluo.=; ‘rea into aeoio rtger ASTHMA, OU DIFFICULTY OF 'fhis disease Is caused by a paroxysmal construe* non of the air ceJlsj it Is very debilitating, almost cans* inr taflocaiion. DU. SWKKrSER’S PANACEA is pin oidjr certain cure. • - ‘ •• l--.. l/oaneness pan be entirely cured by a freqaseof Dr. Swwuer’sPanacea. 4 • !,, ' . , i ' Catarrh, or common eold, whleh, if neglected; will terminate in Conaamptfoa, is aSbetoaUy relieved and cured by. Dr. Usreetser'a Panacea. a ' Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effeetaallr lead : to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet? ser’s Panacea will effectually cure it .-. 1 i- Inflammation of the Tonsilsior Sore BmsL > *uui oden leads u> serious consequences from neg. lect: such as ulceration of the throat.. On the first srmp tqmr, Dr. Sweetser’s Panacea should be procured and BS c£ogbj! > nnd Colds find a sovereign remedy in pr. Sweeter’* Panacea. • •' 7 ' . j Pneumonia very fatal • disease, rertldng from a violent cough and cnhl on a debilitated or bro ken down constitution: aged persons are subject to it— , Dr Sweeter’# Panaeea should be used on the urst sympiotas. which are s couch or cold. ■ Night Sweats—-This debilitating complaint will meet with a timely check, by using Dr. HwesUei's-Panacea. Consumption.—lf on the first appearance of consump tive symptoms, which are a pain rathe side and breast coughornutting of blood, if Df. Sweeuert Panacea is • freely area, no danger need be L_' j. When the Langs, the Windpipe, or Bropohfol Tn£* become dogged up with phlegm so as to impede reipl tation or breathing. Dr. Swearer's Panacea, which Is. upwweriul Expectorant,should be token to; thediribtione.- v : • j. Influenza.—Tbi* distressing epidemic, so preratentto ouY elrauitr, ia speedily cured by Dr. Swetiicrt Phas*^ . C# Prieoßbperbo«le*or six bottles for#s. 7 - For sale by WTiI. JACKSON, Kl Libcrty thhbigboot ’ • • -noT&stf ; J" IIPOBTAJfT TQ TUR LAPlKB—Chinese Hair Cresm, a matchless ankle for the Growth, auty and'Restoration of the Hair. .This Cream, when once known, will supercede .all olhet aniclesioF the kind nose used.’ MTben the hair it‘dead, harih, thfor unhealthy, or taming grey, a few appUeatwma will the hair sort and dark, and give it s beatiful, lively appearance; end wiU also make it retain iu live liness and hraliliy color twice as Utug as all toe premt* : yaihrus which-are geuemily u»<*d. • Every lady aba jrenUcman wLo ere in the habit ofusiaxoUs on their hair, ahoirtd at once purchase a boule of toe Chinore Hair Cream, as it u *o composed that it will not injure the hair like' those other preparations, but will beautify in and give perfect stuisiacuon tn every insiance. • For teslimocy to its very superior qaaiinea, see iso following -kner from Rev. ftL.-C^dwelt| Hendcrshott NmUviUc, General Agents fop the Western States: 5 ... ■ Tetter friWi the Rer. R. Caldwell, paster of the byteriaitCllurch, l*nla«ki. ..•■•i' l' McMra.Tl«*nder*latt A Stretch—Gentlemen: I take fileasure In'nildmgiuv testiiuom*.in favor of the exc<l-’ eul preparaiißn called Dr. Parish's .Chideae - llodr.: Cream—for about two years ago, my hair waa very; dry, brittle, and disposed to 1 coni* oat; bat having pro?; enred a bottle of the . Cream, and .used it adconung toj ihe prescrijiiioii. my hair la now soft, elastic and firm • to the bend, bnUams and oik were applied, each leaving my hair iu a were* state thanberare.*-? This Cream,however, ha* met my expectations. i -As an article for the Toilet, my wtfogivuMt prefer*; nice over nil others, being delicately perfumedi and u6t disposed to ranciibty.. The ladies especially kill find; for Chinese Crrarii lu be i desideratom in their prepa laiimis for the toilrt kc* •••;•; •. Pulaski. Jan. T, ltlL : K. CALtr\\*ELL.i • ’ wholesale aild;vetoiJ,m PitUbotgh,by John M. Town-rod, No. 45 .Market strrei, and Joel MohJer, corm-’r of Wockl and firth; streets., . jnUtf.: . PEACE! PEACE!! itOT i* VtXK*. ■■ - ' • •■- HUT IX EVERY MOTHER'S '. The undenicned ha* long been convinced of the necessity -tor *ome njedjcine adopted to the u*e of Cbildren and Infants to *opereede the use of si! those medicine* which contain opium, and haa at length ««• recited in preparing and offering n> the public a met#* cine tally answering every purpose feral! diseases of Ufa bowel*. without the.nne oi thatdeleteriousdrug, or 10? other calculated to in&ire In the least The lntant PM{ area ha* been full* tested trad tried, tba tail twelve month*, by liunwroiis pejwni and bund to pbaaftaa the extraordinary virtue*, and to produce all theastofl i thing effect* a* »ei forth on theilnll Of direction*. • £■• axrkma, Vomiting, Cholic, Griping, Pain*, Stckae** and Disease* arising from Teething, acting immediately without disturbing any of the'tuncuon* of the body, producing the. happiest aud m**t pleasant transmit worn violmt pain to 'a tranquil and joyous aiate of ie«t ing in the little sufferer. ' ' . _3_’. To be bad whole*ale and mad. of the Froprfethr. Dr. JOHN BARGANT. Druggist add. Apothaeatr; Joint Miicbell, Elliott A Beckham,, and mart other Druggißa m Allegheny And Pittsburgh. ! decla; SELLER'S IMPERIAL COlJttll SYR l*. ha* power tocurel PrmavßOß, Feb. It, 1047. > R. E. 'wifiPba* for year* been subject to adi*tr«4*uur coufb, accompanied with asthma, Air the care of which ahe u»ed ditWrant court remeelek, and had the advice of the total eminent poysictaas Ui England, but all wa» unavailing!,. By chance, I beard of your imperial Cough Syrup, abd waa induced to buy, a bottle for trial, although I trad no belief that anything could, remove her complaint ’Po inT great surprise, two dotes gave her immeiliala rebel- She ia »t times troubled, with a cough, but two, teaapoooUul of Syrup always itop* it l ain satisfied, alter a trial of, three or Stair year*, that Seller’* C3ugh Syrupisthe beat cough medicine 1 have ever tried either In the Old or New World. ' i tW*. Faiasotmjnt, : Seveiiui Ward,, ciiy of Pittsburgh.!- .The above certificatejihould induce.all who are troubled with cough ornithine, to give the Syrup a tri al It may be had for s» ceut* a bottle, at the dnig store of - R.K SELLERS. 57 wood at . Sold fey Dr Cassel, sth. ward," and D,li Curry, AHe. gheny city. - : janS SELLER’S VKUMIFUGR—The greatest of a)' Worm medicines!. : !SXW IJMCXj Ou}o, j ; Tlii* i« to certify thstafter ukittg 'diffilrent preparar lion* lor expelling worm*.'! bought of C. F. Helman, of fiew Usbwi, two vial* ta ll 11 Wien’ Yenmtwra, and Kvc the coutenta ot one vial to three of toy. children. tad the lint, aged 0 year*. It exwlled 46 worms} from the *ecowi, years old, 7V; fend from the third. v*( year* old, HO; maxing 845 worms expelled by using ontonoviaL. I recommend SellersVYcnaUbfe as a safe and one oftlieriiostfffcclnal.WoTmmedictnes bet lor* the public. . _ Hvon Moxaow. ;-• Prepared and told by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street Sold by Dr. Ca»ael,6th word; D M Carry, Al* .leghcny) William J Smith, TenipeitnccCille,.:. jaHi : ."■/~P«uatßieeiTilprittg I‘riuiii :i; ■VTEWI+VINVENTEDr-FortherctlefaadPeriaanfi)! IN Cure of IIERNIA.pr RUWUpE, (Sailed to all sizes.) 1 ; ■ The rupcrlor claim* of thisTnm rdn*Ut In the Doriiiveenaa with whiehit may be worn. The pad of wood, being neatly balanced on cpring*, yield* to pre»- *uro6nany.part of it and tbaroagbiy adapt* iuelf (d any hioTcmenimadc by the wearerl_,Jl can be worn’ without intenalisien! until s care iseSectcd.' The iub-1 •eiiber* have made arrangemeoU fof the- manafteuire of the»c valuahle Tru»ie* 1 U) a superior *iyle, in ; delpbia, and have them now lor pale at their ofc»,NO -77, tfmilhCeld at near Sixth! Pltubargb! .. . ,j : •• GEO. WATT, . • ! )e3oi . R. W. KAUFFMAN.•■» ; JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO-ARargniag lhU artkl* ; IriaL w* unhcfttatinoly ptObouue* ittom what it pro fell «*—lh» bcstirtfcU, arUbßtttttytrepHnn, ta. um, teth«i mtorsUoaasd prcscrraTtaa of la* hrjna, Wr, .Waksow. ot numrrou* isKanm sherc hair hi* beta rcstond toh»a4* which hmkccnbaUiar yrare; asd w# think wtoanotda; ; (;mter Uror than to rtccuuscsd to all ear readers who if i oirng their hair, to task* a trnlof this Taaielaowdiately—. Boftou Jfalt. - For ml* ia PHUburgh at tha Peakis Tea Stem; N 0.79 Frturlb*tr**t,nwr\Voo4 ; 1 aarddkwT' ; DRUGS, DRUGS,—JocLMohlcr, drnegm and apoth ecary, N. W. conmr of wood and 6th ttai Firu*. hurgh, will kecpfcpustaiuly on handj drags, paints, oil*, dve-atnff*, etc>l' - ■; N. IL—l’hytician'ipreicription* carefully compound ed from the beat material*, at anyhour of-tke day or: 'ui«bt*Also, an assortment ofpc mattery, fiuo tootb^nair! aud cloth bruthes, etc, which he will tell low-tor . cash.. ■■ • ~■■■ mnyl j T\n* B, W.ROOmS, HYDROPATIUST, urpuld i XJ re»pectfullyiTifunn lii* friend* and tbp eitizena of, [*Ui*bureU and Allegheny that bo ha* decided *o remain l in the ; city durinh the winter, and it prepared to treat patients plading themselves under hi* care, according to the systeui a* practised at all Water Cure Establish ments, for aUber Acute ror Uhronlc diseases.' Those wishing to avail themselves of hi* service* will call at Mr. Miller’s, comer of Liberty st and Evan’* alley; Dr. M. hastrealed'severai severe ease* of disease in this city with great success, to which he is permitted to refer. • - • ‘ nova/ ■ • 'f* Jsaek'italisn Cbemlta) Boapi ,« ; f?OU all kinds of eruption* and dlsetre* of ICc FkllF A* suiih as Plmplef4Hcnchft*,Palt Rheoa; tfeurvy, Upon, chipped or cracked ttxln,and for all other sea or the hfcin; which rvqtore external remedro>tU>i* < Soap stands tmparaliolf Raise dispels FteokHi bum, Morpta*,.Tta* and ’chaage* Uui H*Tv yellow,or dttfigircd skitt, to a bne, healiiß jmwtah cteamo**, A ffeah supply,.warranted MISCEIL’ANEOm': . AOKHCTJOB. FATKgTa. _ fcr procnrirf WaBSSS!SS»®B?3 ; lion win be liven to' it, ‘•anaelV the ‘ inforwjoaw* eoal?te-obtiah*d Uya'vUitoftto WUcm* is P««a ; S!3RasSSgSi-^ii-wiiii«^!|. ft suitable fcor where ftirntteu opigjWMUMregwrew*,». - * Offign onT. meet, oppose the };,;.. He hai the honor of refemngvhr-pM* l *"^*j j Jt , • : ;HorfULl3U»oitli,lmt« :■-'ji ' .--.14®;; ! . Hltilowh<,Jtoddniß.W«W c f> ~, ,|l ; ’ ■.: &‘^&,'S£S6S£,v>« s *«.w ; ••• HoaVJßßwftwMAMwunj- ■ : | .. . • = i ... !H^Rob!ft.ei^MA*^ 0 «*. : f. . ,r:;, 1." •linn: R Breece, lS o Sennle, ... . *o ' Hoi^7fftelfoj\WPs fi^2 ris • . • Copt ■; • f—"Pitt»biir«b. - —— ‘ WOODEN toy numtfhntory in-Uu» .. OH % eaS,: ■'" k ss •"*'* ‘ E > - •- a'dothlttbogeay.lW* B CM*rt} - ; V ' ■ ■: )!■:, : SSSSS3»ft«« :■•&; 15jjujtlTiopDrewioSBurenuj .. • - marfrtf *•’■ _• . JjJ. ShoreU «nd Maourel*oik*i. , SvOircuUr Md GinSW alLltoir ; lioi*, Mattock* Pjcki,jte, b»T^OT w ♦ iaeran*ement»,lQ «£» fto» th* moat e«la ] and in •«<•"** *** t -, ri m pew manfl£ket«£: brated fatoiaa Inf and w»U jH^f-^/Si T aT*Ued*eni»et«» tbt sgS^aa.p^aaa; ; aaga- : ■ OCtfdlt . V. #£X SwßHSS?i^jg^ , s‘^ I S? ?£l£ ■sswsiwas^sSaSfsOT s^^gssfjsssraj^^jqsss- JSS Ml “ lo, '"^2liSttr E SriS| , MWI l Sa 3E>tfcsSete* ?ora«ied with tho tori^ffW 1 weltorSd^’o^weuTko- ; Q*\ wood e*,-whiiA to-.^ ‘“S' - ’ ftifrSJdlSnwfTOS**fiSSmß-UMaiMO Iron Un uTjhrtopo yA.*~f_fSsoiiiT! tSchtriuSSKo 1; ! i hla'Aock before - ' T?: .. ! #& T!4JRDKS *i CO*S. PASSAOEJaNT? OFHOBv-tfWJoagtooßgl Swsas^gSS; ueou ofdm Py^,o °y^ ri^VMSiSffff^^Sr' ' Seed EmlymiU« *»»-«**«£ gfg ! u^“s IiS&'JJnS. pwSfflrp ■&-I *£±« g; K&tfnXScrntoV*'. Wolr.trggogrßr , ctonaeTw* W nMUk* nxmey *ad *» 4 & j to genome oo»*lM.to reoSU . I and deter*- .LeUto Broker*, fcc. <cttW»;••*££*:j7 wji>.. them M New \ or* T*te*- ■ l ' 4 . twtfitr -1 •• - : r • |,, «h'tot*toq*tohnirwopd^_ Pitt a*ehtn« y wto wd yw^T, l \ JOHN iVRIGUT 4: Co; *» andWooitea’Maehinerr of« T "T^J*f ip SS s S£- isasas&ssp? Iron sH«i*J pmd;»ll»te» llannnuf th*la*n»*polten»s. slida tad JuidwoU :pf oil: JdwfcT Ca«*t*» of *l&J*E3£!s£/ ; Amusbed on abort nolle*« P*l»ni* ifilt Gearies, Iron BatUnf, A* h K mm ,%S i ?w2S2 Factories,' Curlrra Window Saab and < * ai 7* < twwrallr Orfet* left’atthe Wawbooaoof J.Paim*! | iCo, liberty unt £*ll coJ' |o BUek«toai>oeUACoi |K O. EWixnenJohn Irwin.A. Son*, OC* J H Warner. fienbcnriUo.. •' •. ■ "Ur" J Hardware BiMOor*^*- TirHITMORK JtWOLFF htvta* remo'red ftm u» ■■^ESsKsesßSftaas^sg ! ••gSsSSr' 5"' 1 ' i %SSSSSSm«S^S^sx ! die bettttrmeihejr tel ifftitconfidence ta beln* ebfc I «oeM»*fiiUjr u> meet competOton ftea ear 1 will bc CPCiinecA I ffiISRAfUtfANbOLOEFACTOR'* fc^ssssaas^*® I'lSKaassttifSfass^BS for aim InjMtta tmlra**, with JJ’.'lfift.*?* fcr eomnwnciai ei mar A Jlber*l«re<luar}U be «*•***■ ! .. •»:■.-.■ -..- Admlftlwatwe ;• «piB • • •' • ri TO RACK, FonrmilSSdCoiumiMieo Merchant, t> " iKn^ c *^iSKicvs' 'i 'Ueun, BpailP kCo.:.Geo, W, Smith A Co., » Peiuioc* k. CopVm. n. A tell Gnu Pittibureh, Pa- ;Me*m.-VlQcent, **iJni©«l * rv. ■■ r»tut ' gentut -If A’.Wrijhl, ) c. ton* E*i°, r* U-aWMJI. tiw; 10 *>Tpou»b, lofttttt \nUi » ieotrtl. ‘ ' L y?ro«H>10>« iniheitarSf th« Moaoneiirtl* llim*e; vrilh an catln-1 J K tawieV Hi»** *nsc.trtM«of*« aml ltUen rylc*. 'ltohe* **pt M-ttreiT to ,SSw^ jnna ' : twyB»»l liberty W«»‘ and 83 inrf; » k«* No 1 -lartj' «5 btabeb « ** ■:,. YeroVtu* Iri»‘V^»lUv. T EVVIS;DALZELU * C<Fi oUßii* h m Bar, Sheet, Bottertrofl ***■ y.*Q» ?fo*:!*»* UM»iy.:-WarchoawC&twatCT WdlttfronUtl '^A3L*BH A» WASTB^By i£e wMtert Md Wfcei* Peon’* and Ohio o*t» <9ttjq !^uri»ioo4ai«r^tai!*r£^tf»£ju^ ° P!tt*bnritk,Dee3o,*47. 1 ‘--i -“riVit j! \Vobw-fca Jj lop*oodi 'l«0-;«i» eU««2gjs^ “*• J" trewi "j«A : 'AHNEB?(XK* ca-iii ' .t . r.,.1-. -. ~' ~ cQrnaroi'&ommdvtoodta, ■: fttiarfcio’coSStj'7s cUt»i3 Jtetfc gxfcen »cmilso Utxe» ial ™ 8. PILWOBTB. «7 »o6d*l : t'(nPiiCEß'> .FU4BVM4«(V , i l ecclveil, : per Sp2iet Ship 4 e*u ►‘lipeßccrV’ okm; Btecl W«1 Wry. „ ••; , jwtfr-.-b tr."/i: .‘';.-ifOCCTKXTKB-*^*L..j C~bushedan» pulverized -a ; I £iALlißATUS—4&boxes *»4_2*»*i2J2S!?s2i* od ' <v»< TVP' ! & mTorWicki&frotoU* «roei bf,Sto3a«irr >J & iud ffC&Joaiiitir, v^S 9 S^,SSSS^ n L7S2sf T :totdtoctcil Mad MbM iiSuu j&yjoiim, •^r^S > <Wirnnyta'i»4i , efwffl farfh tor ifatf latere »t sS3®ssaa«s»®»- nadi; for tJ£ T -£%££iM* a igS T»boetU to- ; M »«*• w ,*•. -’••»«r;»W«i ' £ ■ yftgy** !-*• Mr.H.P.Behwaa* <■ BCT.ILPrq* *■ ' PkQ>4«h>kl» -rf : M*4leliWj ..r; 'fifc South of Wobiiaitntt, ; . tithe swung*m> summer.ootrse of if& tSSSSSS&j* *<• . • Lava Hi;BRATPr, M. otawriw OT*T)h»WM M. ,, , ■ SL BLjViaifllttU* V = B. Dumitnlet.cj£An»t -! F«« for HUM MOM, *3-' FM CarUUao I*o k«« ottefcdod rOvfcll taMnm la oiker CMlegea,-#4fc-Mat* : rtgnhdwto ba paid tacoae!r*»A : pndatfwata) ftaeticat Aaß*r, feelataf BaeipiwUtonr Sia, bo cpeaodpn-lb* of March.' " r- ■ ' ’>’ • • -<.f‘ * f ,•**. Azwnay .wiU ho oo**pi*d by Prefer" •s.wi«a«tT?inML.: :•: „ „ PWtonerlafiniMdoniftamirtof .' -;• * ■:i • r-VCv - • ■ ’ Ho-lNotth E3»r«ntliStreet ; -’modctpto Ptoi ~ 1 . TkT£W~Wl)MJCB—inir receivedat M Columbian Msyeiinc far Pebraaiy. ; . f <-• JTirtafiAnit la America, of High York psd P^ts*SnsywSailor, by W n G iMmZVar&2 Btv«t*!is«efl6se.by:W H Ainsvrdnh., American Cottage library, edited by A Th!n3fittn«7ilSM^riwWNrwYQrti,i^Kr«l?*Bi-‘ TtoS««SSS Nonton, Wlto,l>r»««» “ Cupii lodolpfcO, o t the ritebooiar of Formantcm. .;,.., \ fracoS; or Faith Ctmobellyby Ari*A»hUfld.. - •-« "vi I TeTlortJSaieyvßeportetCorFebruary.. • ■•. \ , *t. tha N. York prleeTSla year.' itspiciirflfl assortment of V** lentisos at all prices. Fbtssieai , - *'\ "• ; f.\v •.(' • *" » ;M A OUTUStI'TV • ; /fsbfil,.,. ; * ,smithfl<ldsW3d.doorftpm&l CENDAY .SCHOOL BOOEjcrWa-liaTe • O-ed a lawrtopply of boo&wr fioadsr ■choolUUrap IBiUUHdLr tto Saodar He booLEwo,,. and approved pobbemion, JConsUdng :oTm»mbmlof&erono*riiif ddooretrartonb, t« Bap»; Utf, Goefrtftfiobali MetbOtot, and Befirmod Dotch.' .These pabUeaiioni compose npwarda'Of sixbffljdred boosdvulitineMdf prices upm Sicwws.n* tn-»| Bandar : la to *V? ibort) tiis Union publishes •'Urge Variety Af hook* 1 id jmper covets firif-tttito oae haUbed T<lasM»«keh«’aa-&innbvT*a read?fen»«t. -of books ftTT. 73- pam up tosßOaititelcwpaedor eenU aVofanrieT- Aho,; .“A Yoath CMWnfflMlTgJ afßfty.Troiamm; nr {bo low. price of two dollar* end fifty emu. Also, Uytnn boots,'flasidotfboob?ltd“told Wot\tkkett on past*: ,boanis, mspa: AaoiAiLthsrnbcve^m.seUeilbe. febg - [wnrtwoprt-^—fidmarketst, bct3dfc to am el ; r - -j^: rr ' v .Matioeai -ni '..'.'(riOo tj.iVi . Graham's da ■ •„ do.. „ ... t i, Allih* abOT^.aw.aqMl.iChoimpartw-ui^rmitfl - to the previous Jautuiry numbers. - J,, IheLurcf 'tb#*.WiriAai afiesr nOfel PrB Thsßlicimee"lii jhoVaniilT. br W. Blanchard ‘Stkre «ttiuWntf«Mby FM& V !•—* Brian pTina, of pick is nreiytiiiag, by. W '“welL&q." I.'". Tbe Lock andAncbe*, babffaChrwiicle of, Old Ihlb> Hr"*' %«W- and . )yoanlB4fl nnd. 3 47,hr Jaata KatUaon Catta.. , Jant Erre, edited by Correr Be». . . • .I. . -J~- ‘Tbe Seonrye of Yenko or the-Star Chamber of tad 3n* bu&alfbyHeaßts Haanigan; ;■■. .it !v-.. Chaaben* Miscellany, No 11. i »** .:..t7 w «ta T Y«lttn>l*»llOOfcaii TTT»I>EBWfiED-Ooineldencerifl Ut» wrinnyboth;of :U tba Oid ami TbsiajnenL an arjiu^m l of ueir veracity: with an appendix, crnitainfnf co>. ihridcarea bstwaien thO'CMspeU'ana Aeu. and Jose? phsfc- ByßeVi'X !.• Bhuit, - Flnt 1 American, linn the second Eondoa edition* - v : • •-' | . .np -f&ox a of Modern Infidelity :illn»tqUed and, re- B> M. Sdunncjcer,.A. SL, pastor of the.fifvt latthetaaCtarebiGinnajitownTa. " ' ;.| . , Sacred ’ Philosophy -of "tia Seaaonst.CbitraTiny'tbs' : partetimu -of God-u -*tba - pheaoUSaa of tbe year, i». Bar lte ftueanD! l * > * sauoa< By Chaims rs Misee'llaaiea, etnfarat-Inf and - Addtetsas.' By' the lath Thoaas'Cbalmera, D. D. " Its above With alary? variety of nevrand i atandard vetkaTtoMlslOvby rn ■ELUOTTJtBNGUSH,-, „ jag- [ 58»arkvtst.bKwt«i3abd*ib. . •QaitrtAMwHwi flMlßoftfciftirlMß. , <. jrtecfcLMd .bfut color-' m rroopt, wub jeaeriptin. illuitmioac by Elizabeth. * ip wtendkDjflf 1 fflt - '. \ . Jealeu of-ttejaoqr; a* ißasta*te4aaDaal.fbrlo43: edited by Coate*, M. D 4 *npeibJjr bo«nJ, ek*. I niuly iuaamaicdtnilDattrated.’- 1 ■' s 1 ■' j 1 Frietuhfe}p¥ OJjpinJitor IMS, clegaatiy- botntd aad- IQaiuated, by spleaduTcnrrayinfiiby Sarialok* AjianahtotUtt; boaadin Arabian .morocco, and iUostrated by fl.betnti 'ftUta*t»tuUentfti»inf*br. Sartaia. 1 * - The 1 Bbaa of Bbaiicin, a' EteUxiotu S<mr*nif, for 18©}' i edited by VtC 8. ' , 1 •. ■.•Tba-uyadalb, orAnccdon’* Gut a Chraunu, New Ye*t,aadBinbdaypß*eai,forlMa. - • , . ' TbaCittofFrieeWapiaiokeaofEeawmDrajJjeibt •m* ""' 'Ybv'.-Harftowtn «n 1 Anaoil for IfHS; edited by/Mr* .& Oskw-Smiiki oasai ia •ad embellished with superb enfnm&p, Ctonidrtwiaf* bp tbe. but artists. • : - ? * , v 1.. * Lady |s Companion, end Toxeflbf Aflie-. ■ The together wiih a Honl,sad MbeEverks; bound lathe raeat.sbperb and. -toKauboaM and'New Ye*r\ -JomfflYOiW.* STOCKTON,. ! . ; deal ' yor..M*ttetfc3dsis.r Ilirßw- TTEA.YEN »POa Earth, by Jtaeway, oaa toL ■ «o, 4 JLLCh«h)Mk*a t&otcd wen* by Lynnagtan/lTftt-P*' SoutefaiehteaMii : fcf : thrOldNewTwuannw. •:fbyJtor;J. j; , BhliivaiXo«» , rol.' * • ’■"* .tS Ck*lßml».MUc*U*JiiM,PD«n*,B««y*.*«-! ■= v: 1 * 30 j B*tMtwerfc»or^«ne«,'V*aii,AVil*otw^M > P*-* 2^ r . -J»ylao^l4i»nil.lbMb*towi>rte«of: IWPiMOßiTtaiVlpitj'arol*- .!., . /j ; ; Modem Infidelity, by Bmae)«T» . t . .<v +L i i—i I J.- - <> j fV'-'-SF- Daily wmQtwidi: G**.MatthewStnn|^•.•. /* * OtcU of HamtfX&j&fc?*'** '• 1 «£• j, TilCTtOa»xSS^ ni *i *»«U«*VCI.i. (^4^ti^^adBaptd«aiMii.'brta,roteniketam ■ ,' KSiSi* NW Tnusenlj - : '-’.fJnSShrtJUMtelißXicepj-.-:;:. fiili. I .'•;' •;,> Yi^rorth’iLatla Dktientm ■' r • 1 • ;: semminf*iyl’nbblir» FSrnca Dictionary]' -ijJ^ck•■Tne i ‘ • :'•) •’ •" 1 i > »Diruflp*ry t ltfc,fa:-~i; . ■ .*Tb* * gwanl Mfonmcniorrbeologieal, ami Sunday pcbool Dooks, *l' j wn.«iWf4era |^j( b fr4 , u-^MarkMitf'between 3d . Ti ■■■■>! -Mew **mtoli«atle»». \ ■■■ ■ '■■• H3SKHSKS&SK3I !»Bt«Bagg^ Coc 3?*?-.” ?5 fc SPOCgrCW PV:; , : 'l.lKT.TSotoriW*. «°™< rf»wk<l -IWW. "WifTuiiidWSllMß ~tksm fato'iwy kv.*..l rasafortMlhfa WdIBWBJn «>U %to^mkb£w/' • '\'.y .-. <-; -:.. :■; .;'' "iswa irj *3 * »‘<*t../ .-.♦kjr r -'• Latr*Lfthofr^&'i^^tS^eipcnaKgu^SS* er*l Ttefti devoted to on »ft «*aoM«^*wWP| *3 ttsmffitt&Rß&g tom} aod i» dndiwy ftteftott Cou>*—The.- color, of, this .artidi. to. aftohjbfgteW bTnehliek.’ltto ueec«isary,howc+*f. tor |N.w»*j iwAiha fifllowiarewliooi^v'' s ts ' .. H~7"AU good black lot. &WD.i». POCt*|>ff JBjWgK •eynstfretlon, requires expo wre to tip «1* to color. • It Btasi riot,: ttaefaw -The*imir?wo*a*f -trill- tb'SESi Sot after exposure to tte chemical action dtdte ek*®£-; pfiere either on: paper or In Iteiaksunp, Uwul^MftH*. * enStSoEr—'KrSJr ihflega# oftlmei Jt will never fade.' On this eccocni. .ell.tofcv: porta3*e«ord» stentt b« made lrithikattioWte-Y»*re - pent, add torpsa* made of cjoEto, and..***# h teg£ lintandverydc*ir»blewiihnacy,,Will (( JiTOJt^rwt,, imprciskm by the eopying pre**’ ' ■.•£■,•■•■•>* HftyWt are natas-m-' tfia mttitationt with wtteh Wft; ,* ate connected. Morris* bine blade, writing M»kt awkte ■> respect to'flaidity, brilliancy of tcAot■ aid W«—s bdWe itttpcoor to any ink w*. ' AThnxston, cashlrr, bank of l4^T^,yift : Jßcte* ird4on,'‘caiM«r r }fbitMm'"bank ol -KeuMmjOeoprj Gwathaey.-, cashier,, bank of.Krptap.kyt LJ*OHaVa».:, president of the Get bask: I Thos X»,Heta. eJert^ofH*i^ ft fwft , f*WTT.tn^Ajpaielert<if3ldnhHMaotta*jl <y uectJjfarisrw+frWP**: i Companr. JohnMalr, agenVXdiggpa.lntgraaed ; B my WrtlaJbttrßDnk.*'ton#** Jnuiimimu A supply of theater* ink, >aet. awetjea :;i aadfbcsalebv fiul IOKNSIORk bTOUnidWt.. •■*.< ' _’ •• - u ' -•- - tuidM 10 fcraafV * B*foiins r .tha - 'na»a. «<tJ»«'*tß wt>.v, aawBr»^'ffl^»cgJaißg ■peetfuliy request tbou. indsbtodtn oglLwisaatU* tteir ecceosta. . ••■... •: ■ • jtaa'' :-■•* 1 '■ ' ;UOIINO?!“ x .. 'Y> TOHND JTCoiS^lSSs^oj2!bi'j.W ; }*lil;. tl* brother JameaVCoid, andet : i]»;tftto«CkCPDc4 •:•: fc C 0... will continue the. Far bniinawia ■ ■; aflitsSrarionsbrahete*,' wholesale and tka : . old stead, comerof AVood and 6th ttr«etk3flMn,tker, ; solicit a contianalion of the patronage, to_ üßWaljy. WK,, • stowed oa iteoid fim. - •• *' JOHIN ..iaW v.'; ;. ~lAME3S hrCOED. Irf-ietfiiarMhanitte old ud-walt tottwaslbto of - M*CordfcXing,ltaotl respectfully ' WMWgaadjip,’-: the patrensjrg• orite' ptiblie mfr ■anceeteory ateetra. f - M'Cord.t Jo. ■: 'site HDPHO. ; .- -:■ Be«ttclti icg»t«fcit) ♦jy, \. rpETTEHi ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, dc.-Wko^ronll« X- for rsinsle day scratchy - when • aSUcthd •ww_tha. i (. Tenor, other dtnaata of, the skis. If Uwrkn*W/, x ,. who would rdieraandeure them. ••/•••: .--:y ms iontbld 10 beobtifadwnibi andiaenadh*rte&: f; alone, hot more terrible to abstain £pots ft, {(or deesncy ,•_• •; ■aakdn when In eciflinmy. btt ii bo remembered that - : DrLEIDY’S TETTERand ITCH OINTMSn Jb tha sKwt eficacionaof any other preparation inb«ria(nea i ; ,■ In cnrinf tboThttef, lih, and other diaeaeea bf thaattn. -. , As all daeaaesofthßskin anal ariea fly ilmnUpyT . v of .the blood and Snide of the body, andwtetftepQdi*: :..x, ante be of lotur sandiny. and'the ewnwite ttette» f •• with the ointment, insy will care any cae* whatever*; f. and If they dote&tbentoney will be- 1 nitafllid r kp Dr- 't Lridy. -,hVo«tQase*,'how«Tcr,,will be effecttudly o*r*4 <> . by E&ri^4yVTSer'and Itch whole ryttemlsiztprernaad by tte- dieeatadibtenwir, -wtdebvnU-becotsplewycamedoslrattßMiaenvT.-; Dr Leidy'i btood pUls, end the tor&ce 3f the skid beat- ; , ed by tte ointment Price of ointment flSogpfrgt/ . AfreshsapplyoftheecTahiable medieinae Jan fth- : : l J a Pjjmmioat^a. £eM • . r coxtlttA wood,aiaooo».tth&woodeta. • *cr*UMn J _ I >r lonsqoixx ; '_; v .- ft’ B. &.SOCKT*-. , • n» *.M’nhat. -*•' :t r .s r: HAWOTU* TOOTIWT. * * WINMHH Comß«Riuß«W|%UiKflt -' '^WmfapalPiMiaHfrTimij^dn^SeSoWtfiSSfo?.•*'• tsxfor,-from new tad hhprovedfefcdsinftiOVHMMjstr of. •. Coalmrtd Cocking Bloje*.ljeupw-wn*, PkMkCMt- • ion. ‘Wuod boxes, Ptsejr Fire GrsiAssitiaFMuers,. v, •Btefeado^wUhai&eriornatfeifecCaotlßgMifaMhv -2?g^3KS window • tops,, Esilinyv’ on Jicuid at uU 'KMtfflt.. iUeblneiy orders - - *' - 1 ~ • vr QPIWW, r BTBBIDBH Co. PII'qIFES N-B i-. Ulti t 1 Ay. their nesrwbrt», - .«Te>noir prepared:tD:Miinffhc- - lure every description of. Coach and Eliptic.fiprfogv "■■, Iron ■ixleij Ajneriam.' EUster, * -VV SieeL-'and jalhsixalt'of small.square-anixcoddfoiy •...• which they offer ibrsule. onljberai terms, nttlyßUvyqao.. ■. ; house, NoCWobd-ftreeh'-wbeW they--tUo-terf haad:«.conipleto‘and,l>updsoßl» l Trimmitixs, Carriage hardware, malleable-, castings, ■«v. Nailsan3fitjai -ii " 5 •■’'•a' 0 foe- arid will keep constantly on-fcaad-«e«f Wild®: < Bade by them. Dealers, are .rttpecUblly. fgjfctottfr- j 3 rail, ii p«Wi arid terms will be made' ÜberilT•■; 51*45. V>\; ~-r: . TI: ;■ ■ griu-EBd T ßraiT»owSuiTy« --' ?'" A-, iA-FULTON, Beil and Brass Foonderi ka| x*-. I .'.;•:< ? na built and. commenced business at his old stand, ' K' ; ' *MI where h*wflH» pleased to see his oldefestesK .--m «E^ erl an^fiiends, •, I■■ Jl j ■ r-M'^ ' Qrareh, Steamboat, and Belts of every nxe,Yromlß ::• to' east rioatpanaswoftha-BMI apfSor- ■•; pd models, and warranted, to be.dflhebestmaierw*. 1 Mineral Water Pump*, Couniersjßalling.'!*«.,’to- ,v,r * tether with every variety of Brass Curings;:lf Mfoir* -;■< ed, turned audfiiuihed in ,thc,neatest manner. - , • • {T7"'A.'V.'U the ‘sole proprietor-of Hssaa's- Asti-'• ; ; Arrariw* so jostly celebrated forthMsdaetton -v of friction iu machinery- The Boxes pad Coßtsostrioa - cgribcbariofttm-craU rimed. l - 1 11 >- *v • ■ ptlUbarchdCleTclaad BauTßsadT",? . JiuTICE TO STOCKUaLBeBS,—A*Ia-:V nLIJ kt»lment of ten per fceht, (the ■ah' initalriient). f *^Qp*nahllsubscriptionsihtbe. capitals uoekof ■. ■ uu» company, applicable to tbaLporrianicff the/Sbad-’ under contract, u required to be pud on Of ’before th» Ut dty of . March ISIS.- StDckhoUvrs m BtUsbargb will pay to J W Bobinson, -comer of 3d and wood .its;•. In SsliiieViUc and vicinity,- to Joseph O Lacockjin •Wellsville and .vicinity to James Stowari/Jocal. byes* . . Office of llw P, & C R.fi Co, W'-’’ ”* ■• [fobddaart 'rLUvlilc' . '[tel Sewripl**© Voitei. ■ • ■ • ... V'rtr'7 7: ' l,: Oneclegnat Rosewood kiratMnnalf: Piano Fbne,donWe rawed *©t*.! new scale, iron frame—made bri." •II 9 n.lcaaerin*ißoS«6it’'r t » <•'*»**'*'" ',•-••• ... ;.Ooedo..roiine panels fw paroldings, 6 ' .it Co. New York. ,•••: : is One' do. "gdtiiicfp*Belt -'ind tnoaMirigs,'-&oetaroi— 'Cale*.Oo,Kew:To*.>>,T' < *. * ’ Ous supeib gratia piano, t* octaves—Hers, Fans. ■>* ■»■ ■. : 'The 'abore pianos feieaan} wmmktcd;- oadkave > bees selected by tbe good quality of tone and Hjxlais ii musical laitnaneSii. * For sale at factory pticesby t ti ft is 27. ... • . . JOHN HMEUXta,9I woodtL . '• ' "MTOfc~fraHrpjasr~“ ■jgagM A BPLKWHI) assortment Crf Rdne wood and Uabogasy,rraMl;acuoa n« 1 'I I's'l' 'llsaoiFnunMuM finished'aaa tor sale;' . • • Alo, two splendid Boeewood'Pianos,stub Coleman's - celebrated *•-«»»■»» fiaiihed ,ia .the most' . modern style, and for sale at" l'-“F."BLUMEB, - JeSS ' ■ na . PrTTTSBUBGH OTEfX AVORKS AND -BPBINQ -«• ■» AND AXLE -FACTOR*. BAAC’iosa.' "' - '• ‘}QP TT;gpy ..••k:-,-'.. •, ;j: jonss rt&xZi..: Manufacturers. or.mrinj *o4.bujwgss*.?:; pkwgheltci; iteel plough wing*; rrcf •: tie tpiur*. bannered boa axle**and ■.•'.-.••< . • g-f. n F Tear l Vertntftig*UWdUttil]-;: ; 111 t OT«Th”. , w»d'k»» ; > all whb have Jiad.occuioa to ate it— " TOli ‘ltre ; al»6 dlitgftMpttUdon <: iorcij. YporsmpecUuUy,, - „... £opcaukUxm ’ -.- -' - ■- : >ifr. R. E. Seller*—Yoar Vennifiog* acU*Ten*ikmbly -, awl haa gained the all yrbo nse iz itj ad, also,'the CoagU Byrt»p.‘Ycmrttraly 't : r,.‘\ .«■! rr, •-■-.) InißQmx , -H sPrepared endaoliLby B. & Seller*. No. ff 7 Wood ft,- Bold-*l*o by &£' C&isel, *&h AVard, u hL Carry,Aile» ghegy,tndiWm.J.;B«niib,TßrnpcniacoTilln%-» febj TIIHE T)ti iSbair, ~-i ;iL' Nd.a>OoldHare*caßdwitt. , ei»d«flo>tba ; b6W»*»» laiely .conducted .by HobeitTiyloi. They mlhattejtd ■ : to'nll order* with 'poetunlity'aiid' dilpeleh. * AB-tha - : -Typo :tn»na factored fcynber* willi be UuiLC«s£*thd v.i theKwill foratah alibied* QfPrigißttf.Mitnriali.bflhi '••• ■bestqtiality:--'-'.:.'; ’* “*\v: >-'• - • . ~ ■ ;.Mi. J. A.T. Omni 1» atil! employed in mpdrintaad* lacthemanufacturing department, . - •, ■ ■-■■ '■'V •'rropriitdrrof nCT»*papef*, whoharo ootadT*rtl«d . * . months will be endued to receive thetr gay in im w - purchasing fit a time* the amount of their;; blll» ! wt dd-. 1 OW,l|po«akeaia««b««ai : oraew«H'«»>P?r lb. CharleaWdring, . wIiITLNG * TAYLOH, * Theodore Taylor 1 , y•• to Hob! Tailor,) • > jaalS- Corner Cojdand AaaStroct* , / ■ . , EXPERIENCED Jo4rr*,T>aa trial Dfom and a half aineeiiaiA proootoc»th& Krudamittar- ■■ nuwd for durability in the eoo»troetion of.all Ua4e«f . *y. •!•'V. Pri*« rA?S*«msh’for ; loada'orlßlli'fau. «meed bin* Bwlh* «*«« UoUt*t Brick* will b* execawdiu to pet M,if*oi-ds* ■ wptqtf-• '••• | K«n»lqgt6itlutaHVorfa.!, « •“ v Atmu* -an PrUtlng>«p«r»> tT JOHN 11-.MELLOB,' 61. Wood etreet, Agen»fi»rtbe . '**)eof Printing Pape*,-WrC,' a. Cte* wonid iniorta hi* euitooar* that] iaooaacqtKgai'af <be adtahee on ng*,.paper will-be charged lor the pro* 1 eatetelmreneentaperpoandj-orL- - -.««;> tcwus;u . * .ImperialprinlitSHSlliß*-..j v, j ,®,7S • ■ Double MWitun,SlMSTat ‘ * ■•■ Ja29.-•■<- t ...: . ■ ■■ -JOll,v n nrFrjnw^:>• T BATIUau-OOP eideaaeavy Sew lQUOetdes.beaißaltiinbre-LeatherJail n* eettedby* ; glecooQ .fetMtea lvErie Cajlml'Company l •ml] be licUWUiß^ Et&imiltoft* , day.iba <hh day of. tftreli scxCtilo «4l«ck,'A.iL-, • ; ' Office, •B If oh hand artiste orLe*licx ioiußlo la/mocm* bel^ to wlucl » of miafcictttj*** i* WriMd. . ... • 7 .. ".\mYouyo* <» . 9 iM:MPWpaest wanintw nolto afcnagjniwhlay- -. ' ' t^yg-'r^m.KHiq^OliaNmrfiataplfita 'T ! ahds4b wwr*. I !.' Witta «K *°* ittdfafc-.. £&&-£ . bbl WBKB4«(ttliBj^ awßof? * '•-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers