Jm (W]p«NDnrrfcß k c*. PAPER-fIOO reams ass'a Glass Paper, sa-: tffflVp”. lo . **»4 psper far Mechanical purposes, Aerim a low “A ?Maaafaet*redaodewSby_ ‘ J _i«*og •;»•■■. . - . Corner of Wood and Fotrnh rtr I TtfERCES, BROTHERS * Co, CoamUaioß UeA AM. chants, Philadelphia, far the sale of prodsce «. I “•JillyTljJeiml admeesmade oa eooslfnmeaw. ** • Wb> 6BI: •—» • ! QTECCO and Plaster of Puts from the mill of R -to O GuuiinfbanL far sale by CEO W JACKSON. jsfHdandwtoa . •■••■■■ • 4th st pear liberty. riAbTOS OIL—S bbls No 1, jost He'd and far sale %/hy. F/ .tftbq REBRM.EBa BLUEMAS»-33iU»forfta]»br _»>Mj ■-: -1 -! ILV BAYBERBY—23OIbt for tale by 1 v R E SELLERS. ■'UUSAMTARTAB—H7S rbi tor «4le bT ***•»" _ 1 RESELLERS. O*E hbU landing fromiteamer Pena-1 iarlrajd* and for aaleijr JAMES DALZELLr^, *pEA»NVTS-»100 bath iifatore tad for sale br A *"*l ■ * JAMES PALZfeLL. TVRjm PEACUES—lifrbmh for talc by, “ A/ ftw!.. • • . «, JAEES DALZEL from iuiokt Fennayl #Bd for **U by JAMES fiALZELL. faM ; •. • ■ no* water at. pMUBfiMO bbJa Bnehaanan’a extra fondly floor, a j P. Mjpenoe article, jnsxeertfead and for sale by •■•:■••••• f R OAKFOKP A Co. TkHIEDBEEF—OGOOJUi XJ atere aud for —| P \jy f'tLORIDB LIME, 10 casks, a prime aniela for. aale \J*r. . tfeM?- -- TJODDACo. MABO.VS BLACKING. 900- dor two -aired boxei fo* tale by ffcMl . J UDD A Co. /"JARRETTS SCOTCH SNVFP,4OOb. for tale by V* fobi ’ 1- ■ J 3QDP a Co. VIAL CORES,BOOmat foraalaby fob! : IChroaiclocopy]- - J-KIDD A Co, T>AqOK-—«0 pieccatShdnldera.Jnat rcc’d and fori J> aala by I [f«Ml JOXE3 A Co. T ARD.—S kegs lard for tala by '•;" ■ ' ' I ±J fobi .. ; ATWoOR JONES A Co. - C UOASS-10 hMa prime NOaoxax. < O < BbbUloaf '• -. ** ■•■: ■ \ . , . ,i fl ** ebrdabed > * la atom aadfor I HU by i\ (fob*J fr. BLACKBURN A Co. 1 T>ATENTBCCrEtS-tsdoi J (br»* , JTftb7 1 ' - O-BLACKBUBX k. Co. C(TABCH—IS boxes of BeabMbtaae 1, fot'aalabv febT -n(. r O BLACKBURN A Co. TTOPS-IJ bate* IVetteza NVir,Y6rk aad Coon. XJL' Him Bop*. joitanifin* and foraalo by • i*b9 j ■ • mown * cumagraoN. Golden sybuf-4o bah bbi* pbm c*m gytapfefate by BUBBIDOE, WILSCN Jc Co. 1 luPB»fci tala by i XL ibba j McGl a*' ' 87 Watei «t I by' tfobgj T7Emt£B&-S neks for sale by • ' ~' J . itba a FElfofD RBEY4 Cc Milan county Tjtf/TM*figffOiiii lmoudjbmlebr JAS HUTCHISON * Co, |gW. : ■ .:••-• :- '■ •'■ • •■ .-43 WiUr « • ltnin (tore tad for uliTbr * •'" 1 fffiAlAßTllgrßVA'ft.. TQACQN* J 3 sila b] f—3 caaka aiaoned-Bieen tn atom and for ■ »r • :8 liaSBl ; ISAIAH MCKEY A Co. I Hl—4 bbla for sale~ ■> - - REi CABB IRON—IOD lbs lor Mia by . jt£9 . • . - k E BELLE&A. JJACOCT - ' for sale br~ —~ ■| MeGILL, BUSHfIEDABOE. 1M Liberty at pAPLR SUGAR—ffbbls fertile by J ftbg ? . WICK A McCANDLESS BACON— A ; araall lot of prime eotuurv Joat received and (ax ula br - ' j. i BROWN It C*' wba ‘ • i ■JiiOOliS—7o daz joat received and tale br J> ftb» : SHOWN A CULBERTSON MTuUiow GLASiHaoo buTSaS; “ 10x12;' • ' . - ; i ; - ’• SO « lOxMr • • far aria by 1 S. P. VON BONNHORST k C*- i* >- » No.3sFronts 'PIASTER PARIB-aaitahls far Land, always I JL on hand and fa* safe at No. 844 Liberty street, near Canal. , . , i [jeU*. v .W. W.WALLACE. | blf bbU No 3 lore iXL - .i> SObbhNo.S.ftirsue by • . _ Jjr g . E- HEAZLETON, nit side diamond.. TbT-O.BUG AS—IS hbds NO soeardold etbp) Jmt tecM JJU and far sale by.BROWN i CULBERTSON, i 5■ , r 145 liberty *t_ .1 BHGAB—I hbdN Oifie; 0 bhli extra I V/iae,far saleby pig) JUfftuJAMa | I Jj;Ja*>.' ... 'IVICXAU’CANDLESS. I 7HN UFF—33D“ia*Ginen l « naff far I TTO3C fa BPCaiODLESS. I 140 bcxe* VTE cheese: 33 cuki do^a 1 V/ wkby > (jaJBl -WICK fa ITCANPLES3. QALEEATES tasks Cleveland, far sale by P liat y. r; : , \YICK A hTCANPLESS. I iulWb*hu at|i Bio 69 doKlaricsibo: 43 V/. do Jan; M do far nlo by >l3B • t WICK A arCANPLEBS. 'TNEATHERS-4000 lbs prune Feathers, far sals by JP' fab3.: { . JAB HUTCHISON ACo EAD—llBB' pin GalenaLesd. in store and for sale jby VebSf? JAB HUTCHISON ACo < bbla No 3 large HaekereL for tale JAS HUTCHISON A Co O HOT—I 3 kegs aas’td Nos, for sale by Q fUa . , . HUTCHISON ACo SPARES a fiiHQVEU^—Hay and Manure Forka ■anafactared by John Puma A Co. For sale by - : GEORGE COCHRAN, sole Agt, lafl / ' i No. SO Wood st. LEATHERS—I 3 sacks prime for sale by fcbl il fi UICKAMcCAN™™* TJACON-*® fee Uojroaad for aele by jjlbbl •*..:» WICK A McCANDLESS i kefs 6 twist for tile by* .WICK&McCANPLESS TIOTASU—Scdke prime for aale by , Jr fcbl • ; - WICK k MeCANDLBSS /BOARS i«LOOP Commtai for ula hr.- V/fabl - -1 . . WICK AMeCANDLESS SUNDRIES— 373 Ibt 801 l Batten 85 be Clover Scad If bs Dried Fetches 3 do Pared do; for ule by • fobl ; - POINDEXTER JtCo MOULD CANDLES— to bn jost received' end for tele by (fob!} ATWOOD A JONES ACo •OAP—9O bxsNo Loti hand tod for aale by I foil ; ? atvvood, joNia aCo E ICE—10 TWrtee, received peratia’r Jdt Yeraon, fox tabby ■ fcbl-. . HAQALEYASAIITH TOlTfffcß*-£bbia EoU Better,-ion received Cad'S! JPtdeby fcbl, WICK AMeCANDLESS . SUGAR A MOLABSE9-SS fchds N. O. gojar; SB bbb do. Ttfnleaue lending from teat. Ml, Vernon, —dforetle by. »» ■ »g 1 J-, TTERRINO-3QO boxea dried barring for eafo by Xl- ieSP >• . . WICK A M-CANPLESa. SRCES—Graond Allspice in fiib ctns|mmndGin* get in 5 lb cant; ground einnaawlAa fl> caatj gi’d Mosterd in Blbctnc Afriraa Cayvaatfifelrdaz do, for Belt by ■ [)t36] WICK'A MfiSNOLESgL ■’ IBBH LINENS, warranted pttre Afxjcgaraoo tad fat, tllow.price*.forqathtr. • v, , . Jag •■■;-< - ■ . .Wig MUBPJOV.S- tbcrtln store L BWATE ABt>" W kefi .tod 15 bhls No 1 Lard in store.end jfcmtobr ;ti«asi . i»8 waterman, • JYE FLOUB— 97 bbls Eye Roar, t prime article for At family aae, jut recU and for tale by > - Jt» : XSWATfIWAS. I - riFAH» half chetu, 300 cauica frcahTeaa, qabr^ ■ J AMii u! jwuae ordcrnoat we’d end XL for cabby ;Sag)] /BOARS—Iio M fcbtaooCe JaaLreeM and for eale 6y K/ Mag* ■ WICK A M^CANDLESS, /\JtfdN&-A V jaaSO i prime,-for sals by •• ~ wicr a aroAN'm.Fsq BARYTES— 17 cull baryta* aaltaUa for white lead maxrofactarers.jaarecw tad for aale by,. jtftlf i POINDEXTER A > Co. T EAD—I3OO pic* Galena. is afore, for taie low by J_j Ufll7 i FORSYTH A Co. SALERATUS— 4 cult lost ree’djmd for eale by jTma . ; BROWN A CULBERTSON. boa on ennairnme at, "for rale by~ j.TT ; J p WILLIAMS, 110 wood at FEATHERS— 90 ban prime featherafast rec*d tad far tale by [JtiH] CROWN A CWLBEBTBON. SOAP— SS boxet No 1 soap; 10 do do Palm soap; 10 dofancy? 6 do eaatile, for aale bjf „ ■ jmU • i -J D WILLIAMS. T>VCKWHEATt“LOUB-44.aaxka,n superior arti* <D eb.ii} atom and for sale bjr •• ~. ~ jaSB . :» ‘ IS WATERMAN. QQiP-aa boxea print P°*p leading front itrtmboH I /"TOMBS—« xrota wood Combs Jntf reett and for aala V/by * i J C RIDWELL* Agent,. jaSS ~ ••• •:*• r ' -•' ‘ wtttcfatrceL . , IJOTAWES—lOObblaNeeltaaaoeke reeorrd And/or ST, aaleby •<••• febi /v YASSEY A BEST. 1 .TAUDED lkabela in afore and for Util* by ■ fcbl / I TASSEY A BEST, •YTffINDOW; bxa aaaerted akea, from 0 ; ff to MxOO, oa band aad tai aale by v.ftbl . ;/ TASSEY A BEST Ct OAPfo CANDLES—73 bxa CiarinptU No 1 Soap, 7 O bxa Hoald Caodiea, la atora and for aala by ' » fobl •: / 1 ~ TASSEY A REST. T>EACHES-rlSo:ba xacalved aod for aaleby ■jTftbl :/’■ ‘ • Wfc E McCUTCUEON lEXBB—lQpbxsprine; reeeiyed aadfcr ssto br t»bl ; WfcBMeCPTCHEON IS bza Cia. meiald Caadlea for aala by ■■t/fablp ' • FORSYTH A DUNCAN. * !. CANDLES—3O boire for rale by X fcblO I T -fOBSYTtf A DUNCAN- 1 ’ *° raaka Soda Aah for tale by ; i O fobW , ■ FOH&YTII A DUNCAN. ' QWICHIXQfI-Oeaaba Seorehioga for'aala by.. •Ofablfl..; FOBSVTII • DUNCAN. ‘ Xj.LASS-atttboxea Window Glaea, au'd for aale by AJ fobur { . roasyra a duxcan/- PMBLfjfr-70 bom Prated TombWji foul* by ; FORfIYTH k. DUNCAN.- , r(waa«i» bbies Ctoelnnsu Mould Csndle* per VW MeW'SefUad total* tow toelose raoofiUMJit. ' 1 CABaox * M’EXiolrr. J Tp^»’WADDLNO-»otajut rw'd itofcmto ■ atuaojcTT» wurnt. d’4. -• .. j, •. k SAOIEBSB WINE-a or. cj. ?**.* °-.R yntug Uqrcaska flast Ststeme- do, !J“«"«i T edaod for tale by ‘ [_.febQ. MILLER A .RICKETSON; ftHOUT.nrPB lajOO lb* Phlsborgb smoked StoaL Kf dew on hand and for tale br _foblly r ■ . - • WAR M’CUTCHEOX. TXAMS— foe Pioabarfh smoked Hams on band J-i. and for aale by [fell) W B MCPTCHEO.V. /~tHEEBE--50box« WRChc«c foraak by \J febll. 8 F TON BONXHORST i bbla Wilmington Tarjnattec'd and for tale 1 by MILLER A RICKETBQX. VC UBCAT WINE—S 3 boxes Maacat Wtnejan rac'd fll and for tale by MILLER A KICKETSON. BRAND*' FRUIT—4 eaaaa Braady Froit lost rac’d and for eaie by MILLER A RICKETSOX. —3 Kg aale^ - GLASS— 133 boie*B*H> W.CiaiclO boxes 10x13 do; SO bocea 10« H da for sale by fcbll B ROBISON' A Co. SOLE LEM by CHEESE— 33 boxes Crema Cheese, laree mu. rec’d ;aad for tale by .i W A R M’CUTCHEOX. fob 11 • ..-j IQ Liberty street. /"'IEDAR will be sold eery low to close eoaaifnmeaL ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. ftW. : ' • water A froct ati. T7EATHERS eoatiaatl y for aale at the lowest eaab -F PtMM ISAIAH DICKY A Co, ft® water A front eu COFFEE— 300 sacks Rio Cofle* for tala by fobl< POINDEXTER A Co. 41 Water it. SHOT— S keys Shot, Not. 1,2 and 3 for aale br . febl > POIXDEXTF.R A ? C». HOPS— 2D balsa western N Y and Connecticut hops for aale by T POPfDEXTPR i r 7 cared dried ba*£ qaKPQHD ACo. LONDON PORTER—d casks pint and qaart boule*. for aale by. (febO] P C MARTIN. LEMON SYRUP—St dot fine Leman Syrup for sale £ wbf J KIDD A Co. . Chronicle copy, -ft° y ~ I Q BLACKBURN A Co. /“\lLS—.Winter bleached whale oil ' y “ ypLAc^agr,^ V 1 FjBACCO—I4O bxa saperior 3* Tobacco for sale by febP - WICK k. 1 COAP—4O boxes roain Soap for aale br Q.febOt - - POINPETTBR A Co. E Ttnn ’ br ISAIAH DICKEY A Co., ~ • Water and Rent its. euki par* Salcnttu; ' ‘ 73 boxes do do; ree'd and KOB*T DALZELL 4 Co. .Liberty street PORK— 44 bblf men and prime Pork in (tor* and fomte MeGILL, BU3HFIED fc ROE. BA'iTiNG —60 balsa Cocoa Batting for aale by febU McCILL, BUSHFIELD A BOR BPSHFIELft A ROE rpOBACCO—W k< X febia MOLASSES— 140 bbla plantation Molasses landing frornttrCUpperNoSandforaale by febia JAMES DALZELL. FRIEND RHEY A Co CHEESE— 75 boxes W B Cheese for sale by febia JAMES DALZELU »ICE—IO tierees Rice jnst rac'd mod for tale by bfebtt MILLER A HICKETSON. rpOBACCOES-» boxes assorted Tobaccoei lor sals X by 8 F VOX BONNHOBST A Co. SALJSRATUB— 4 casks for tala febU 8 F VON 80l J GST received, 60 Lbs Precip. Carb. Iron, and for ia VABNISH— 150 gals New York Varnish* for saleby febU (Chroaide copy) J Ktrrn & Co. DRY PEACHES—ISO bos Dry Peaches; 70 do Drr Applesjust received and for sale by • febU 8 k WHABBAUGH, 33 Wood at. BOLL BUTibS—stbbls Roll Batter jut ludior and for aale by : r ' ■ ' . - febU *” SAW HARBAUGH. fi < SgSB t a^ IB ® corc bins» rcc’d per Caleb febU for^ 0 ty SAW HARBAUGH. iLBEETSON 143 Liberty at BULK PORK—49,OOO lbs Bulk Pork, boa round, iui reeeiTed and for aale by —febU SAW HARBAUGH. BACON— 53) Haas; 294 Sides; BSS Shoulders, city eared, ia store and for sale by' febU _ 8 k W -HARBAUGH. YALENTTNE3— A splendid-assortment Valentines, eocoie and sentimental, for sale by ftblO JOHN H MELLOH, 81 Wood at. SUGAR AND RICE—7 hhds N O Sugar, 13 tierces Biea landing ftom str Colorado and for sale by feblO • JAMES DALZELL. SEGARS— 37000 Kentucky Began on consignment, for sale by {feblO] GEO COCHRAN. FEATHERS os consignment and for sale by feblO - GEO COCHRAN. S 9 Wood «t. BED CORDS—IOO doz Bed Cords for tale by feblO FORSYTH k. DUNCAN. 'VTAILS—64O kegs Janiata Nalls for sale by Vi feblO FORSYTH k. DDNCAN. SOAP— 150 boxes Soap for sale by feblO . FORSYTH DUNCAN. TUST ree'd, 50 lbs Hyd. Potash, for sale by U febU' (Chroa. copy) J KIDD Sc. LARD— SO cans of a superior quality, put up express ly for femily use, just ree'd and for sale by febU BROWN ». CULBERTSON. nriNDOW GLASS—sooboxes 9*10:150 boxes 10 H TV 14100 boxes 10H ic for sale by febU . S P VON BONNHOBST A Co. SUGAR AND MOLASSES—3O hhds prime N O Su gar, 40 bbla prism N O Molasses just ree'd and for salehy Qa23] . SELLERS A NICOLS. TEA— 10 half ehefts Y H tea; 3do Imp. and O P3o 10 do Chulau Powcboag; 30 catty boxes various styles, for sale by J D WILUPMS, 110 weod street. LARD— 1 bbl, Jbbl and 0 kegs No 1 leaf lard, reo dcred, for sale by WAM SITTCHELTREE, s*3i : ' 100 liberty »t . ||> LaCkWOOD—Johnston A Stockton hare Just re* JJceiTed Blackwood’s Edinburg Mags tine, No. 398. for December, 1647.. j«Tvti |tY~<Hli*f rtHP rPl¥T**T Tift Iffi mill Till iplFsi Li assorted, in non and for sal* by '■ j*S7_ L 8 WATERMAN. STONE PIPES—I 43 boxes stone pipes for tale by j«a» WICK A M*CANDLESB. TTPINTEB WHALE OIL-5 cuki bleached, ja« If reed and for sale by J«a ; J SCBOOXMAZER A Co. ■ AL SODA—£9OO lb* inn ree'd and for sale by V J BCHOONMEKER A Co. fana No M wood at. VReen APPLiS—I4 bbls priinejYor sale by r Ja2X WICK A MCANDLEgg. lALE&ATUS-U casks Cleveland for sale by > jaa WICK A M’CANPLSSS. lACON—A small lot prime, for sal* by ; rjsa • WICK A STCANDLES9. LOON AND BULK PORJC-300 hrni bacon; 1100 _D tbooldot* do; S 3 hhda aides do; £7 do in balk, on eonrirnanni nnd far wdo by ■ j«ntt SELLERS * NJCOLB. UoWmu; 4 do~M»ulo, m mn and for sale b) /^IUEESE—IO boxes W R cheese for sale by V jaal» POINDEXTER A Co. PTcLACHES— 160 bos dried peaches for sale by JanlO »•■ , POINDEXTER 1 Co. COAL-Orden for coal to be delivered ia die city wfl* meet prompt attention if left with , jiaU McGILL, BUBHPIELD A ROE. LOOHOL-fibbls for sale tr . jal9 - R ESi LOES-MO lbs for sale by ■ k QUA AMMONIA FORT—3 carboys fornale by A jaalt - • R&SKLLKBS. 100 dozen for sale by > janlO i •: BE SELLERS. SUNDRIES— 0 bbb lard; SS bushels dried apples, 10 do peaehes; 4 oosea woollen »ocksj 60 lbsbccswax an eoasifUßeat an ior sale by laia . ; • JPWILLUMg, HO woodst. /"TOFFEE— ©ban prime Bio eodeeioit rac'd and for V/ sale bf- I liaal7] R OAKFORD A Co. COTTON— 40 bales North Ala. to arrive pcrSß Planet, for sale by FOBSYTHACo. jtnl7 . .~ , ' JO water street. /’THEBOOTS— Savannah cinri, 9XOOO Zara do \J for sale tar * - - WICK A M'CAnDLESS. SODTaSH-19 casks best cmaHty; in. store and for tale by ; J C BIDWELL, Agent, rWEESE-30 boxes Urn WB, 10 casks do, \J and for sale tr [ja26l J C BIDWELL. T^ALLOW —50 bbls No 1, rendered, jest reeM and for X »aie by ; v Qsgq -J C DOWELL. fX LASS—9OO boxes assorted sites, from fiWfl to MM9O VXwtntry brands, for sale by J C DOWELL, **» waterrtraet APPLEB—» boxes and 29 banels kreea u “ , “ c0 > * prta “ -Jjg 3 ISAIAU DICKEY IA Co. DUCKWHEAT FLOUR—49 tacks hailed buckwheat l amy l,l “““ for [HIED APPLES—2OO bet. in stem'and for u (,« jta ' tIEO A BERRY. jCO&CHIXGS—IO bbls SSalta >by Dana] • OEOAjiERgv. SODA ASH-6 casks Jest rac’d an conriemrieni nnd for sale by ISAIAH DICkSProI . Jtg-- : . ' . « water stmt. African cayenenne-ho its for sale by jag ; ■ R E SELLERS. rtSACCO— £3 boxes’pocnd lamp* Virginia Tobac co for sale low to close consignment, hr ; janl9 ATWOOD, JONES A Ci. . aVaNA'bL-QAIw. -a* brown »a*»r yudfcr atle hj )ul3 - , - ARD-Nql lard ÜbbU md ke« (or id® Ij i ■ ... ISAIAII DICIffjY T) OTTER AND LARD-# bbU roll botteri'akepd X> flk*r»t*Td,hwre£’d>a<l fof Mic by n*nl3 * ACo. gucyvuEAi o *r^¥ o '^r d '" j«nia 78wood »t , EOPLAfi. LUMBER, cod Hoe Jofee, for 010 br ijUxt W, W. WALLACE. . TUfrtATTSHEEnir U tbeeiinn (wtmated] /'fOTTOIt—ISbtltt. V/ tad for silt br JpTMTMHc«B?On HER—BSOO lbs red Sole Leather for tali [febU] . B ROBISON A Co. vance in New Orleans, the article in the Cincinnati market has advanced, with sales at 27®27|c, and> os a consequence, a better-reeling hat manifested itself in our market, with a decided advance. We have no sales, as yet, to any considerable amount, but the article is held firm at 29c, with an upward tendency. In N. Oj Sugar, the market is decided ly firm, with a slight advance an quote ot 5105{c, with moderate sales. Gbalv—We hearof no transactions in Wheat, the demand is 'limited, and 90(595c is considered the highest rates. In Rye and Barley eery little is doing. We quote moderate sale* of the former at 47, and of the latter at 50c *bu. Corn is in fair request, with'regulor sales at 37010 c, and 600 bn Oats at 20027 c p bu. ' ' £ Pnovisjox*^—Werhear'of no extensive transtcj tions in any article, sales Being »imne entirely confined to the regular demand* of trade. Of Ba con, sales in various lots are reported to ns 3(04, 4|osc, and 5(OGcDt Lardls quiet, with mod* erMn sales at 5105|c ySI Butter condones in fiiir demand, with sale* 2000 S)s roll at 13313 c, u h quality. Sale* df IS kegs at 9010 c ? ft— Cheese is limited hi supply, and sales ora moderate at, for Goshen B|o9e, and W. R. at 6106jc p &. Asno-rThe market is ' very quiet, - with no change in prices, excepting in Soda Ash, which ha* partially (alien off. Very little is doing in any article, and sales are only on a moderate scale at the following rates—Sale raws and Pearls 707|q Pots and Seorchings 605 i. Of Soda Ash we quote ■ales of 1 caak at 41c, cash and currency, and 5 tons at 4c cash par funds. Time would range from 4| to 4|c ? &. 1 No 1 Ya Twist for salt by HHLL, BUSHFIELD A ROE. The last annual [report from the State Bank of Indiana,'gives the following exhibit of her present condition, compared with that of last year, vix r Reduction of capital stock, $350 90 Increase of discounts, 20,054 78 Reduction of suspended debt, 11R531 57 [lncrease of surplus fund, 39L581 17: Increase of circulation, 269,919 00 ' Increase of Specie 80,331 90 Increase means in Eastern Banka 406,875 22 This abstract seems to indicate that the Bank is in a very sound state; and that , her-roeaas have largely increased within tho last twelve months. The following table give* * view of the business of the Canal at Cleveland and Portsmouth, reduc ed to tons of 2000 lbs, and will show the relative importance’of the different branch of trade at these two points. It will be seen by an examination of the table that wheat and flour constitutes about one half of the: entire exports by the' Ohio Canal, and Ilia! coal stands next in magnitude: CLSVILA.'n) PORTSMOUTH lv ," . • . ArrVd , CIM AnVd Cl’d Wheal & flour, 130629 147 7936 160 Cod, 40451 230 .... ion Coro, 35702 046 9748 .... Pork, bacon, lard, 3717 13 10360 l Iron (all kinds) & nails, 9761 830 2S 392 S Lumber, 1 1314 4742 130 23 g*, 5921 .1 -637 Merchandise, 977 7179 254 2411 All other articles, ; 38197 7275 10524 4012 River Casualties. The steamer Milwaukee, CnpL Farnsworth, broke a shaft near Eighteen hide Island, on the 11th inst, and was towed into Louisville. Ss ago ed.— The steamer Nathan Dale, on her redent trip from Cairo to Cincinnati, when near the month of St, Mary’s river, struck a snag, which perforated a hole in her bow, bat il* was stopped without injaring her cargo. She also broke one of her water wheel shafts, which detained her some lime. ; The steamer Confidence arrived at St Louis on the 10lh, from. Ohio City, with the freight, c*Hn furniture and machinery of the steamer Meadota, -**po icau bent .«earfy all her freight has been saved, and is bat little damaged; Her machinery and furniture has also been saved, | W the boat will be a total loss. She now lies sunk to her main deck. WeUrcilU —Per Caleb Cope—4 bgs rags, Kay 4c co; 1 bbi boner, 2 sks peaches, Oaldbri; 1 bbl bat ler, I kg do, 1 bbl lari, 1 kg. do, Perry; 1261 pes pork, BogaJey ic Smith; IS bgs bran, Avery; 30 do oats, 3 bbls b w door, 1 do butter, 4 bgs timothy •eed, 2 bbls dr peaches, 7 sks barley, 3 do rye, 448 pcs pork, S & W Hartwugfa; 1610 do do, 5 bbU c seed 1 do timothy seed, <T ska peaches, Smith & Swdaiij 264 pcs bacon. Church 8c Csrotbers: 397 pcs pork, 8 bbls lari, 2 do dr peaches, R Dalxell & co; 1 cak potash, Holmes 4c co; 20 aks oats. Heaseltoa;49 bgs oats, 8 do corameal, 6 do pott toes, 4 do ctoreneed,2 do b w floor, 12 kgs lari, 3 bbls do, 18 sks dr peaches, 8 do do apples, 1 bran, 3 bbls butter, -32 dos coni' brooms,- owners aboard. . Berner—Per Lako Erie—72 bgs barlsy, Blair 153 t pcs bacop, 25kga laid, 5 bgs peaches, Canghey 19 do dr apples, Wickdc McCandlesi; 7 do peach* es, Bagaley deßmith; 17 kg* lari, Lambert & Ship ton;! kx books, Eliott 6c English; 4 csks scorch-- fngs. Von Bonnborst; 1. kg butte*,-:English*; Be*: nett; 16 sks rags, Bagaley 4e Smith; 38 bxs cheese, Petrr; 10 bbls flour, ‘Waterman; 1 bbl butter, Dal* selldc co; 11. bdls paper, Loomis; 22 bgs c yarn, Friend, Rbey 8c co; 12 bbls apples, Hali;7 do do, Edmunds; 1 lot sundries, Hall; 1500 hoop poles, C Baker.. . ' •• * - - - Cincinnati— Per Pbccnix—s hhdj ginseng, Ibx books, Dflwurth; 100 bbls whiskey, McDoviltt 100 bxs soap, Myers 8c Hunter; 3 do books, D Leech 8c co; 4 coils rope, 3 stoves, 4 bbls sundries, Pain ter; 16 bbls molasses, Mercer 8c Robinson: 142 do do; Heazeftoa; 100 do do, Wick 8c McCudleaK22 hbds sugar, Holme* ic Bro: 1 bx sundries, Beu ic Son: 28 bgs feathers, Dalxell; 33 do do, 2 do wool, 3 csks ginseng, 1 do beeswax,] Allen 4c co; 1 keg specie, W Martin & co. Per Wyoming—*lso sks coflee, Holmes: 21 hhds sugar, Leech 8c co; 25 do do, Bagaley & Smith; 29 do do, Bururidgo ic cm i SO bbls molasses, 15 hhds sugar, 5 sks coffee, M/tcbeltree; 14 bbls molasses, Blaekmore; 1 do sugar,] 1 do syrup, IS boa coffee, 3 hhds lines, Qrahsm. ;. Per Lady Bymn—-27 sks feathers, 1 do ooou »ldns; Dickey 8c co; 10 bisection, JCris well & co; 14'do do, Butler 6s Bro; 5 hhds tobacco - 91 7 .blooms, Forsyth ic co; 3 hhds tobacco, Wey man; 2 bbls’ 'flaxseed, 1 bdl bides, 1- kg beeswax,* Poindexterd;co; 103 beef feathers, 2127pcs pork; Lnughlin; 4 bgs feathers, Brown -6c Culbertson;.4ibxs mdss, J. Wootftrellj 6050. pcs piork.'Langhlin.'ilO bis cotton, Blarkstock. Bell 8c co; SO bbls molasses, 23, hhds sugar, Wick & Me . Candless; 20 pkg* mdse, Forsyth dc Duncan; 101 aka feathers, R Robiason dc oa.' jintotuviUer-Ver Baltic —IC3 bblsfloiir, Pollock 40, King; S 3 sks apples, Allison; 12 bxs glass Forsyth dc Duncan; 116 do do, Smith; 103 bbls flour' Pees; 2 do apple batter, 2 do apples, 1500 Sta, 3 this flour, Baker; 20 nkgs mdse, GraU} 1 do, Har ton; C 9 do do, Bidweu; 20 do do, Bingham. Per Atlantic—23 pkga mdse, Grafl} L bx; 1 keg tobacco, Lambert dc Siuptoo; 10 bbls flour, Walker 14 do do, Warner; 31 kgs nails, Evans; 200 bbls flour, 43 do do, owner*' Bftitrr—Per Michigan—-49 bis sheep pelts, Bid well; 10 kgs, ,4 bbls mdse, JBc R Floyd; 1 cask scorching! ; Von Bonnborst; 139 pc* bacon, Can gbey. rissfcrsre — R E SELLERS. „B7“To Stxaxsoat Max sap Onrxas.—Connell's Magical Pam Retractor—lt is now conceded by medi cal men that Connell'a Magical Pain Kxiraetor, manu factured by. Conuteck feCo, 21 Courtland st. N V, le uu fttauei wonder of the 19tb century, ~ Its effects are “J* 1 7. mlraealoua. All pains are removed from bents,, •esma, te and all external aorea, in a few minutes *l-1 ter us application; healing the tame on the most deli-4 i no Ktl ‘ It Is squally beneficial in] Qjjnflatnnmoryi diseases, each as sore Nlj4 ft? 4 * Bprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling ***-?*. “T* pw.namea of many eminent physicians who SJf i—, ,» u Practice, and hundreds of the clergy who - * ei parentkeep it constantly on s*® c:i , t - urn ' -re .ottjeet lo tu control, ** tjsssafe."- 66 truer »UeeL >n—eooo itu No as junUi* i in sion tod for stlt low to Jta4l BA&TL M PER- 1*!!-—. Sc.n, he. —TOe GM-.iiif. BmUj.iM. JACKSON,JI,«n?toFtt3 - POVlfldAwCmT ►blsNo. 3 Unci for salt br EDWARD IIEAZLETON, . Ext tid« Diamond. ErDMrt have yellow dark Testh-tW ean be • *>««ly white by one tone tning a box of Jones Amber Toothpaste. It hardens tbs gums, sweetene the bTeath, fee, • Sold at 69 liberty «. AevlMfewly , JONES* Co ;AMBi PALSBLL. . !■■■■■ - - ■ ■- - ■. V iv? iOMMERCIAL RECORD. ; PORI\OF PITTBBPBKH, {DRY GOODS GROCERIES. &dff7 -• ; .AIJUHAC, -■ PFTmiisnv ‘ n Moon‘ - • Moon's f .fgggUAßk • met, aeu. rises, phases. J? s*®?*** «« rr'o jj —.r* 13 Sunday, 053 5 7 5 9 934 «w!!! d,y S 0 60 « *lO *4l WWednwday, *4O, SU 10 47 7 Thursday, CIS ill U 59 19 Friday, , fl 47 S l3 morn. PITTSBURGH BOARD Off TOSnIT ; COMMITTEE FOR FEBRUARY, r. LO&BiZ. JQ6HCA HXtu. w. J. TOTT7X r. . ol TlS* PmsBrEGB Gxxirnr, > Friday Morning, February IS, 1549. J * Tire weather continues unusunlly mild, with strong indication of|rain.. Business, Yesterday, was tolerably brisk for the •coson, and considerable was done in the xvtiy of general sale* ! Fioca—The market exhibits a sun farther decline from our yesterday's report. We note sales by dray load, from store, of some 100 this at $1,25 and sij37 p bbl; and of some small lota from first hands at $4,12 to s*4B p bbL The feeling-of the market would seem to indicate a further de ch'ne in prices. The market is dull, and very little doing. ( Gnocxxix^—‘We observe no material change, ia, the market, unless it be in Molasses, which have stiffened materially. In consequence of an ad" farmer rates. We 271977 26292 35993 12178 ;i9POKTS BT RIVER. 41 r*xr,irATKk : i3- „ * ABWVED, Bearer, Clat, Weß*viUe. Celeb Cope, Beaver uil WelUvffle. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.. Morrison, Brownsville. Jacob*, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. , America, Dc Camp, Cio. 'VellsviDe, Barns, Sonfiah. / l*ke Erie, Hemphill, Bearer. / Clipper So. 2, Crook., Cio. / lorly Bye Miller, iNashrille. / -ally Byron, Miller,. Phoenix, Dryden, Cia. Wyoming; Greenlee, New OHeaaa.- ! DEPARTED, \ Bearer, Clark, Vellsrille. • ; No 2, Gflaon, Bearer. ! Caleb Com, Moore, Bearer and WelMDe. Itopatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison, Brofnaville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. weHgvUle, Barns; Sanfish. Lake Erie, HempbilL Bearer Pbcroix, Brooks, Cin. BOATS LEAVI3G THIS: DAT. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, 8 a. k, jaad 3 CINCINNATI PACKET, to*. *. S HEAVER PACKETS, tt 0 and 10 X *, tad 3 • o’clock, p.k, , GLASGOW PACKET, 4 mi. 1 SAVANNAH, New Orletaa. CUMBERLAND, U'.l—l. P pwi'&.u ?el t* to Baltimore and *r » 5. d 7 , ** hl *' • *-■*• and of. u. dirWl W toMtoW* • X. Ben .*«P Coach Line, 6 *.». Nonh-TJeijem via Cleveland, daily. tire aWI Western New York, daily. 9 a. *. North-Eastern totladelphia, daily, exeept Sundays, arbjyals and DEPARTURE op mails. wSiS’m l^ n- * doe 3 a. it, clout 19 x. Jf^iP UJCID L^.V ol i i ,* T > <I ne 8 r. irTeloset Slk " V hi ?** 5n ’ dne 8r - v-cl 1 * ££*S ts n?^Cleveland,, Ena and Western New York, due 9 r. it/eloaea 9 a. x. PRINTS ONLY. 44 CEDAR BT., NEW YORK, LEE & BREWSTER Established a warehouse in the year IMS, ter the dot- P°« City and interior Trade withT PRINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at low pnees—and exhibiting, at all seasons of the year, the Largest Assortment in m THE WORLD. They are now opening SevereTiiandred Packages, eompnatng eTery new atyle of Foreign and production, many of which hire just been purchased, and are offered for tale for Cash and short credit at PRICKS REDUCED h . * FROM ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the prices of April and'May. as per pruned Catalogues, .which are corrected daily, for the information of buyers. ' . PRINT WAREHOUSE, > New York, June, 1847. \ JySdisu 2b lie EotunuLU tht Judgu ofrkt Court rfGtvera Quarter Sextimu of tie react, in and for tht County of ABegktnu. THE Perinea of DANIEL SARVER of ibe-Borooxh of Elizabeth in Bxzabeih township in the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth that your petitioner halo Sided , himself with materials for the accotmao a of traTtlers and others, at his dwelling house, in the Borough aforesaid, and prays your honors will be pleased torrent him a license to Keep a Public House of Entertainment . And your petition er, as in duty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens of the Borouxh of Elizabeth, Elizabeth tp., do certify, that the above peti tioner is of good repute forhonesty’and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenien ces for the accomocndatiou and lodging of atrengere and travelers, and that aaid tavern it necessary. ■ John Walker, Sr, JE Shaffer. James A Klein, Janies Flack, Thos Saua, WMCaughan, Enoch Sprout, > Benj Wilson, R C Walker, Uety Coussin, Alex Stewart, Stewart Oibener. ftblod3f Now Books uffPirtedieali, JUST received at M. AJ Miner’s, Hmithfieid street, 3d door Dora Second. Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, by Gabriel Alexander, superbly tilustnued. Evangeline, by Longfellow. The Abbey of liuusmoyjel by the author of “Father Clement." The Chairman k Speaker's Guide, by Thos' Smith, Esq. The ladies’ Science of EniqueUs .and Hand Book of the Toilet, by an English Lady of,Rank. -Etiquette and the usages of Society, by Count Allred BOrsajN Fowler’s FhreTvdngiml Bust—pcif SO cents. - Living Age No ISA Brian O'Linn, fresh supply. Godey’s Lady’s Bock for Wand Feb., fresh supply. A large and splendid assortment of Song n<wA« eoo- P"« D ff * oevr ona entitled Punch’s Comic Songster. A rich and beautiful article of Note Paper Also a fresh lot of cheap priced Valentines, very hand some and remarkably eoutic. febll ! ;Hahwoth Palatlngi. JLDSON'S great Panorama of the Hudson Itiver LL will open for a abort time at Phßo Hall, commen cing on Mouday evening. Feb. 14th, and conunoe every evening during the Week, except Saturday. This im mense painting on' over 1&000 feet of canvass, repre sents with wonderful accuracy every city, town and landing from New York Bay to the month of the Mo hawk Hirer. From its Geographical and National iin-> ponance it is considered an extremely useful lesson for schools; over 6000 of which visited the exhibition in Cincinnati. Schools admitted in bodies on liberal terms any afternoon during the week, by applying to John H Mel Jor, No 91 Wood street, ..Ticketh Jiff cents; to be had ist the Monongahela House, St. Charles, Exchange and Merchant’s Hotels and at the door. Doors open at 9i and exhibition will commence at? o’clock. ■ febU Wb. Pih» Solroo. fTWEeiiixeiu of Piusbargb and Allegheny art rsspeet- J, fuUyjnvitedtoauendlheFimAnaualSalreeoflhe. n m. Penn Hre Company, to be given at the Lafayeue Assembly Booms, on Tuesday evening, the £td Febru ary. “The Soppcrwill bo eerved up by that prince of uieren, Mr. Strickland. Mr. Daniel M’Aiee and his Band, Crecn Wheeling, will be present. Tickets can be procured tom any or the following Managers: 8. Cameron, Hope. J. Pulton, President J. Larimer, Eagle. ~ J.C.MoatgoaMr7,W.Peaa Wm. Splane, Atlegneny. Wm. Krebs, u D.O. Herron, Duquesoe. J.CaldwelJ, “ Wm. White, Neptune. Wm. Platt, M Niagara. Wm. Campbell. “ o. Behneek, LV. H. Co. H-KBUoU, « W. Gallagher, Vigilant J. Prophator, “ W. CoUiMwood, GJ.II. C. Jos. Spratley, 11 J.Cnig, Washingten. John Lamoat a G. Blackstock, UT S, ; 41 J. U’Csll, Floor Manager. feb3 dm EXCHANGE HOTEL, / coaxxx or rox am sx. exam rlmacaatt, ra. a The subscriber having assumed the manage ment ot this long established and popular Howl, respectfully announces to Travellers the Pub- lit-. —ly,Uuilie at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a wdl regulated Hotel. The House la' now being- thoroughly repaired throughout, and new garniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the renr best Hotels in the country.. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of* the Terjr liberal patronage the House has heretofore leeeired. THOMAS OWSTON, ' febOdt’f - Proprietor. Notlee to Comir&e tore— Proposal* will be ret ceired at tie office of tie You*hiogheny Navies* Uoo Company, in tie Boroagh of West Newton, until Wednesday, Uie 23d day ofrebruarynext, for"tie cob* atruetios of Dam* and Locks, upon tie Youkhiogieny river improvement. Plana and specification* of tie work may be eeea at tie Company'* Office aay time af*. ter tieltnh of February next, and any information in regard to tie work may be obtained from J. E. Day, Engineer at Pitt*buryh. Tie proposal* win be address-* ed to tie President of tia Company at Weatnewton. ALEX. PLUUER, Prea’t Y. N. Co, Wictiwtoi. Jan, 29, '43. •* fcb2w3tT T^Totlee— In poraaneo of anTonlcr of the Court of 1.1 Common Flew of Coyaboga county, in the State of Ohio, made at the November term of said Court, 1947, the uncollected asaets of the Estate ofßobert Colwell, deceased, will be sold b f the subscriber, at pabtie auc tion, at the door of the Court Haase, In Cleveland, in ■aid e canty, on the Gtfa day of March, ISiS, at 10 o’clock A. U. F. W. BINGHAM, Admid. of Estate ofßobt ColwelL dee. , Jan 0,1848. Jeb9d9w*wlmT CIXTXHgP, Omc* of tks Au.xr.Hina Bxnxn Co- > - PirnintajL Ffeb. 1, 1643. . J A 1* Section ter President, Managers, sod Officers Cot U\, the “Company for ertcUag a Bridge orer the river Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny o will be bolden in the Toll House, on. Alou dsy the 6th of March next, at 9 o'clock. P, M. febfl-<Unitw3tT JOHN 11ARPER. Treas. ; \ Union Cotton Will*, ) Pimmon, yeb. • •••mvigil) Feb. I.'isig.. OWING to alterations and Iropromneute mokiug at .the l/uion hliU, the Proprietors offer fortale at low rates, tome excellent Bevel wheel resting and thalling, cards and other aeeond hand machinery, all worthy of attention. Call and see. or addrett’ febad2a4w "• MOORHEAD, COPELAND & CO; FOR SALE—Hie tubtcribers will tell the Engine in tbeif old e*uhlj*lunem—tbo ejrUnder i»fl inch and W inel ' " * • ' • i ~- —‘ -■ • “ • iktirok*-—®l*o, connection _wiih it tkeir Bark Mill, which U neorijr ww; til bclnc incomplete ran* nlng onJeri Tti» tdbrda sn excellent opponttuity lo T&nocnwiihiiir toßMtteam power, uiiwill be told' low —' : .Will MAYS, febO* • comer of liberty and Ferry «u. Pitt PERFUMERY. SOAPS, ke* in store and ferule by Joel Mobler, Drunrlst, cor. Wood and Stb sts; Jules Uauel'e Nyniph Soup; ** “ Amandin for Chapped Hands; < Roussel's do do - J ' do:. *• ' Superfine Shaving Cream, roaeA almond; “ Ox Marrow-Pomatum; “ Cold Cream; -oolh Paste; “ How Tt « Cologne Water, fine extract for the head- Ac. ' fcbto DRUGS! DRUGS—Tannate Iren; Ext Riotany; Pip* itino; Stnrohnine; Phosphate Ammonia; Phosphate boda; Br. Cart; Potam; Tannin; Citrate of Iron and Quinine: Oxide atlver. Soluble Tartar; Chloroform; iuat received and for rale by U K sku.khk, ftbid • SI Wood atreet ALCOHOL— Warranted of proper atrenjth for Hal* tera and DntKista’ use alwaya on hand and for sale on aecosuaodatinf tenna by W k. M JdJTCHELTREE, - feblS ICO Liberty «treat. 'HITE LEAD—ICOOIep Lb w 4», fralT PPOSYTHACo. ■nxluK—lw Ml. ruitnea'a br.ncta I *■» _ licit, 02 AWbb'i .do do i *1 rewired tad for salt by SAW IIARHAUGIL feb3 . ■ no 33 wood«. pAliOW—Tli* U|kM nurktt pric. will b. Mid L foT*fowb»ntjiolfoo«li*llowbr feta B<e WHARBAUOH. CHEES&-59 bwi W R Owax, 89 euka do (or mU by -WICK * WCANDLESS. T No# 7 u 4 8 (LodaSi* Ji ?jg*rfer*U tew by MW WWMWE, WIUON * Co. WataMt . . i» m> ti»» A «■«' offtttaburgh and its vicinity that they thei* Tery We and extensj ve nock Sflfi*, 41 411 Bn P**»U«l« reduction of prices, .m 11u, . m ** «hprte*t possible time they will °l^ < > ir -. CuUre - Btock . V wchremarkably lcnrrale* «“»*. *»yer«. A fine opportunity *® pertoae in want of cheap dir goods to rapphr themselves at a comparatively small eipenie. We hare a large and splendidstoek of - LADIES’ DttKSS GOODS. PiOo Alnx tool Vista’ Gala, English and French Me nnoPlaidi; Oregon and California dir. Plain Black and hlodc colored De Laines, French Merihos, assorted col- French and Scotch Cashmeres and Monslin De Lainea; French and Earl «lon Ginghams. etc. A, AND MANTILLA 91LJC8. A Uire and splendid assortment of rich blaek Dress and Manull* SiJka and blue black Dreaa Satina. • . SHAWLS, SHAWLS. A IffC* Mfranent of auper French Tnrkeni add Cashuiere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk fringe arid Brocade silk da plain black silk do; super oil woollong square Brochea do; plain and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered De Lames do. CLOTHS ANT) CASSBIEBES. Soper French, Englishi’and American Ctolha and Caa aimerea m neat variety. • SATIN ETTS AND FLANNELS. An rzecuent assortment of Satinets and a large stock of red, white and yellow FanneU., . ; ®) Super blue Blankets for overcoats; fine twined da American premium do- eie. a larjwi assortment of Tickuigs, Checks, Prints, together with almost every article in the dry ALEXANDER t DAY, . janl3 73 market at, N. W.‘ cor, : A* A* Bason A Co** IBiuiurr it,axnram tunsambroexrnlima, ; NTORM their friend* and the public nuersUisihat being about to remove to the spacious and elegant State recently erected on the adjoining They will closeout their large and. well selected stoek of Fall and Winter Oood* at oovr, and in many ease* less than cost, to enable than to open their new store with an entire slock of New Goods. The sale will caamenee this day and continue to the first of until their removal.' Their extensive assortment of Dress Goods will be sola lull 00 per cent, less than u sa il prices. They consist of the most fashionable Cash* meres and Seines, Gals, Mohair, Silk and Ore von Haidar Also, Bombazines, Alpsccat, Ac. Cloak Goods—French and German Merinos, Queen’s Cloth, French Fluid Cloakings, Broad Cloth*, oTall the most oshionablo colors. Black and fancy Dress silks. Si every variety. Shawls—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan HAd, and other shawls—a very large assortment, folly reduced oca half in price. Flannels—Welsh, English and American Flannels, of all colors and qttamies. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps and Friases, Wrought Collars and Capes, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Pltunes.and Feathers, Scarfs, Cravats, Hand* kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. Linen Goods of every description. Woollen Goods—Caxnmeres, Cassinetts, Vestings, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney and Bala Blankets. Also an extensive assortment ef Calieoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginrhanu, Cheeks, Stripes, .Tickings, brown and bleaehedMoslint, etc. Tho following will be some of the Prices: Cashmeres at IS) e.-Usual price 37) Mousselin de Laines, 'l2) “ “ 2S and 31 Gala Plaids, . CO « « 100 : Mohair A Oregon Plaids, 20 “ “ 371 AJpaceas, IS) “ “ 37) Flannels, 20 » “ 31) Wrought Collars, IS) " « 37) ' “ 12) ' Calico**, Bto 10 " “uj Cassinetts, ' ' 28 to 31 “ “ .fio Together with every article is the Store, which will bo offered equally cheap. Visiter* may be assured that they will not bo disappointed in the quality or prices of our goods. [jiniil] : A A BIASON A Co. Pry Goods at Wholesale. V*/ u would respectfully inrite the attention ofCcun fy try and City Merchants u> pur very extensive stock ot Dry Goods, of the most recent purchase and desirable styles, among which may be enumerated: 87 eases Prints, new Spring styles; V u Ginghams, English, French and Domestic; ~3 “ Mousse line deLaincs. Eng. and American: ■ll u Alpaccas. in all eolort and prices; 17 u Bleached Sheetings A Shirtings,) to 11M; 11 “ Batinetts; black, blue, mixed, At; 6 u Casaimeru; black, bine and fancy; 7 “ Tweeds, Jeans, Cbbhsms, Prince Alberts Ae 7 M Summer staffs; a tall assortment; 1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine; 6 u Bine Drilling, from medium to fine; Together with a foil assortment of Cloths, Cashmeretts, Drip D’Eie, Flannels, White Goods, Trimmings, Ac.; all pf which we ore prepared to sell ol low-prices for Cash or approved credit And would invite ail persons living in this market to give ns a call. SUACKLEHT A WHITE, 00 Wood it. feM two doors above Diamond Alley. TBST meSri .1 ZKBufoN 67 M«- tl ket street. 1 dox fine wax Masks; 0 doz paper do; I 3 doz common dot 3 gross metallic Comb Cleaners; l ' dox Egg Boilers; 1 cox Salt Spoons; 9 dox bone Mustard Spobas; 4 gross German Stiver Spoons; 3 do Balter Knives; ldo fancy Toy Hooks; 30,000 China Marbles; 0 doz fine woollen Comforts; a great variety of woollen Coats and Caps; S doz fine Freneh Willow Baskets; 3 dox WiUow Market do; S dox Straw Traveling baskets; 0 doz glass Motte Seals; 3 doz bone motto Stamp*; 3 Alien’-* patent Bctolving Pistols; 5 pain ccaamon Brass Pistols; 3 doz scut Chess men; & doi setts Dominos; 6 dox Taylor 1 * Tape Measures; 13 dox faney melai-Toy Baskets; 1} gross steel Key Rings, assorted; 3 gross China Dbgz; l dol strings Amber lie ads; 13 nests toy Drtuu;l dozen willow Cradles; 1 dozen Clothes Bas kets. • jtuS ~ Jib. 10. GREAT REDUCTION LV PRICES—W R Murphy, N. II corner 4th and. market it*., will, from this dale, tell hit winter drea* goods, and a large proportion oUua stock, adapted only to the winter season, at rreaUy reduced prices. It being bis object to sell off tola part of bis stock to make room for uu early spring sopply, no “regard will be bad to the eo*t of Use goods; bat they will be offered &t prices that will ensure their sale—such as California plaids, at If} former price tiJcj super d*. at 2S former pnee 27 jc; Printed Scotch cash* meres at la}, fortuet price 31c; do. 33, former price 37|c; French all wool do. 50 eta, former price 03 and 75 c; teperdoi 75 tamer price 100: super plaid Thibet cloth, 63 and 73 former price UCt; besides a large, assortment of winter shawls, worsted Hoods, Ac. at price* much lower than before offered. jaiu DRNf3RlJ*o~Gbdli!t—\Ve~HaTe/ou*Fand an as* I aortment of goods suitable for furnishing hotels, steamboat*, Ae, among which are 13 bales tickings, ii*- sorted; C do bro. drillings; 3 cases 5-1 and 6-4 bleached shining*; 14 do !,« and 4-4; do; 3-bales heavy linen crash; and 6-4 linen table diaper; do. do. Damask; Scotch and Russia diaper, ; low-priced fancy madder print*; while counterpanes; plain and/twilled blankets, Ac., which will be sold low tor cash or ariirovcd credit: SHACKLCTT A WHITE. -_jan4 89 wood »t Black and colored alpaccas-w. r Murphy has on hand at very low prices, an assort ment of above good*, including iliderent shades of Drab Color*. Common anil’Fine: Nuzarine Lilne do.; Maroon do {Brown do; lilack and Blue do.; Satin stri- ped do; Satin Barred do; Fancy Plaid do; also, an as sox Uncut of Mohair Lustres. including soma very fine and glossy, la Wholesale Rooms, up stairs, deal ers will knd a choice stock of above and other goods by the piece, at low Cash pricea. Jnta *, Bhawli, Sbatrli. SELLING OFF—A very Urge and superior assort ment or super. Turkem Shawls, extra all wool Bro chadc; fine Cashmere do; plain ana embroidered cloth do; plain and cmhroidercd Thibet du; Brocade, Damask, and Ottoman Silk do; Plaid long and square do;’ to* gethcr with a great variety of other descriptions of Shawls, all of which we are now selling olfat an extra ordinary reduction of prices. ALEXANDER & DAY, q 73 Market at, N', W cor, of the Diamond. MUM qoi.'' ’*■ ' GOLD J»KN&— RceM ly exprc»* ihi* jL) day a largo Jot of the beat made pent erer bro’l to ini* city. By offering a coiwidermble premium oxer the ordinary price*, I have had them tnnuaftclured aupe* rior to may heretofore, and can confidently recommend them a* toeh for the fineue** of ike gold, their eavy elattle apring and fine iraooih point*. Also, a large *Mortmeat of other brand* for tale at eajicm price* and warranted, at tha watch and jewelry store ot W W WILSON. febMt corner of 4th & market at. -ACK SILKS—\V E WUEI’H Y 45 of buyers to his assortment ofshore goods, includ ing rich plain Italian dress silk: poult tie tote do; bias black do; rich watered do; do watered and striped'do; silks for cardinals; beside a larrs assortment ot Fsncy Dress Silks, changahle satin*, SC., all of which trill be sold at the lowest possible prices. JanS SVPKAIOB SUI&TIKG MCSLISS—W R MURPHY, N. H cojner of 4th and Market stre<U,> calls attention to the superior,king doth shining mo'si linglhe U selling at 12} cu psgd—also, his superior ns* sorunent of lßidH LINENS warranted pure fini, oml of the most approved manufacture. Also, Linen Lavras,: of every quality, and a full assortment of gentlemen k. Ladies cambric handkerchiefs. ' ;an3 ' ALPACCA 4 CASHMF.RK IIOSE-W R Morphy write* the ntleotion of the ladiea to- hi* excellent auorttaentof caahniere'and alpacco hoae, indadimr drmband bt*k ribbed. Alta black. »jmn ailk, Uama, ud cotton bote, o mil aaaortment, and allow price*. ' . : • feb7 UPEnTT'IffiSCHJTXO'riIjj ;rilXrJN6l_opF-A S fine ftuonmenlof French' sod Kngtiih Cloth* h*l« ling of! ftl ft very great reduction in price*. . ALEXANDER & DAV, - «»M> ' , 73Market»t, y W coroflhe Diamond. A WHITE—Dry Good* Jobber*, W O Wood st, hive on bind s well assorted and season* able stock of DRY GOODS., which, they will sell to western and city merchants, on rery reasonable terras, and law prices. Most of the roods were bought daring the last month, and at reduced prices. _ ja4 TYLEACUED DRIILS, Ac\—WV R Murphy has AJ open this raominz ono cbm Amorkeag Bleached Unlls; also Uubleaehed do. Amorkeag No 1; also Tick* inf a efvarious prices and qualities—and offend low by the piece and yard, at N £ corner ot 4th and Market etrest. -it .* . . ’ febp. Drab horbbmb r Morphy has oc hand-Drab Moreen Air skirts. Also Corded Msrsailes skirts, ; Frcneh Cotton do (a new nrtlcle. -'.Ladies Moriuoe and Cotton Vests, Ac.,'northeast comer of4th A market its. ; • - • fcb3 COCHECO PBJNTB—W R Morphy Invites the alien* .lion o* buyers to his' assortment of above superior (foods, neat styles and plaids of pare madder- colors, and warranted fast; also, Fall River ond American print wotks do. also Cut colon. ; jan!9 rriAOLE DIAPERS AND TABLE CLOTHS-W. R JL Murphy has ou hand, at low prices, an assortment ot cotnaoD.'mediam and superior linen tablodinner*: al«o damask linen table cloths, napkins, etc.; also bock abac, bifd-cye, and Scotch diapers for toweling. jnlß PI«AID BLACK ALfACCAa.—A lew pcs of satin. barred alfbeeas, lately rec'd; also, an excellent assortment of tnney barred do., very low, at the dry goods house of {ja3l W It MURPHY. Dress goods at i J pby, comer 4lh nud hi Winter Drou Goods at crcJ tin do Laincs as low as isj] bw FRICKS—W R Mur larket sis., continue* to sell ?tly Reduced, prices—Mus> pis per yard, kc. jaCT. -pINE FEAlua »lji,UNii Ofl'-An .xc.iloul c. A? sorunent of fine Plaids selling off at an unusual ref auction In pnees, at T 3 Market street; N W comer o? the Diamond. ALEXANDER A DAY. ELANNELS— Tied, Brown and Barred flannels.— An additional supply received from the raaiiutactu* rera. Also, a lew piece* of low priced CasAtetts, for **leby GEORGE COCHRAN? - wood st. T)LAJ'iKETS~SS pair larje i)ome*tie Blankota, ju»t x> «CWW ou conutfnmeui; for *nle l»y • *2O ClX>. COCHKAfI, SO Wood »L .■DOy® lt Murpby Invites JD the attention of parent* to hi* excellent a*»ortineni of *s*! s*»«me re* and tweed* of vnriou* quulitic*. at th« Dry Good* home, northeuat comer of 4th and mar* ~ ~ ; felO T —A supply of above goods con* ■ j stanily on baad x also linen cambric and linen cam* ime handkfa,' low pneed and hue. - ft-W - - XV R MURPHY. PRODUCE— 60 keg* No Sin ic<. 151 binburkvrh floor, Sdoflusecd, Udoimallttlutebcui*, l d Tye, 1 do timoUiy *ced, 8 iieh dried penehe*. received tnd for *tlo by GEO A BERRY, I*3o • IQvrood Hreet. • /"''ASH FOR. RAGS-John it Mellor 61 Wood street, XJjnU P*T 1m highest mnrkct price for country mix* cd Bag*, eitbcrjacttli, or good* at cash prices. JsSD BYE FLOUR—SO bbl* Harbaush’s extra Rye fltmr, reo’d aad for sale by S A IV HARBAUGH, feM - J ■ ■■ no 33 wood rt. ’ SOUSE— 1 ker eottatry cleared, a prime article, for taleby Ifebgj WICKAMcCAJTOLESS VEOAB-H bbl* Oder Vinegar, for Hie by ftbS WICKAMcCANDLSSS LEAD* SHOT—Kept constantly, on band an* for wl*by' Abl .BROWN*CULBERTSON - s—Ur v;«?rr.iLV.g^. • -• './/‘-Ranaovi . usm IA t valium Douglas, late James MeKsin/TTie subscriber has removed hist Rat.and: Cap Mara- u>'No.77Wood str* vt, nearly opposite his where he would inv itehis friends ami the pubue generally to an assortment of. Hats Caps, which tor beauty and durability, esurnot be surpassed. WM. DO CGI riLSS, 77 Wood st Having retired from the Hat am£ Cap Manufactory, imnafrepectfiiUy receommcud the ‘ patronage of my tnend* and the public generally to t*y successor, Wm. Poggla*. [teblldauil 3A MFS McKAIN. Hi raw invention:— patent air /■ CIRCULATES AND HAT PBIVTKCTOR.—The <rl%*ahscriber will introduce'on Saturday, OcL Bth. Gentlemen wishing a hat tried with thi* deauahlo arti cietrul please call and examine, v . ALFRED KJEEV2L, Practical Hatter, ~ 152; heed of wood st pjn PALL FABH lOH«— S, MOORE has receiv- Lm f d from New 1 or'c, the Fall style of Hats which will introduce this day. Saturday, Aug. 25th. All loose in want of a. neat ana superior hat would do well loeall at No. ?5,(Y00d Street, 3d door shore 4th. _aag39tf ” rj WLL FASHION, 1847, —BEEBE A COSTAR’S Style Gentlemen's Hats will be intro* at Kzjlvil's on Thursday,, August- BTth. Genncmen wishing a cheap,- fashionable hat of Pins* bnrgh manufacture, ahead of fashionable H*ty import ed and advertised by tome of the trade, please call at • • KEEVIL A Co.’s, . MB __ IK, hand of wood it Ok BUMMER FASHION ~FOB HATS~- jgH JUST rcceivod from New York, the Summer »2f “ mt f* consisting of White Beaver, Pearl ■nd \Vtute French Cassimere Hats, with Ventilators. Those in want of invited to call.. may 23 • tautiful, light 75 wood st, 3doors aboru^th HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &o. Desirable Loti of Ground fir iila A NUMBER of beautiful Lots, fronting en that great 1 thoroughfare. Peon street, or the Greenstmrgh tumpike road, and on the AUecheny river, and interme* dutte streets in tho Bth Ward, Pittsburgh, are now offer ed for sale on the most reasonable tenna. Foi, private reaidencel, basiuess and mtniiAeturinf titkbuihxnents, present situation* not sopass *s*}* by any nowTbr sale; ThB*regmsrity with which the streetsare laid ouh and tho'level char acter of the ground, render the.lot*convenient,fend available atonce for building purposes. Hie title is in disputable. Apply to HJOIMAR DENNY, 3d st\ or ROBT. MeKMOHT, feha-dlm Attorney at Law, 4th st; near Grant. ; . __ Beal Estate la Ohio. A TRACT of land, 00 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co., on the Coya hoga river ■ about 30 acres nnaerun pwwenteat. Also, two unimproved lots in' the Tillage of Warren, I TromlnU Co, GO foet by 8a Also, a fotof Kttnd in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull <y, t with a i dwelling houae and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold on very accommodating ■terms, i ISAIAH DICKEY ACo, " f e blQ 1 Water end Front sis. ABstl Estata ln Ustecr Ceunty,. -■ WT, Storehouea and Dwelling, situate on the Rne Extension Canal, in the village of West Mid dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant' Also, a Lot end good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern stand, in the village of Orangeville, on Btate line'of Ohio. Terms easy. ■ ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. f eb * o __J Water and Front sis. , . Xot for Solo. A te tee 6th ward, 48 feet on Logan street by4o A foet on Clark street; one of the most desirable )o* cations in ths 6th ward. For forms apply m the subi scriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4th near Marks! streeL or at his dwelling on Clark street, opposite-}! Trovillo a Grocery store.. [foblOJ; JL_mn Mfor sale* . THE,three story Dwelling House tod Xot, near occupied by H. F. Schweppe, Esq-'oo Penn st, near Hand. The Lot is 23 by 110 fire!, and is piaasast* ly (Situated. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has Mso TOR RENT The three story bouse on the eorner of Liberty st end Irwin's alley, now occupied at a wholesale and retail grocer's store, by H. F. Schweppe. Poesoeeurajivea immediately, on application at tee warehouse of John Irwin A Sons, No. il Water street, by dec!4-3m . JOHN IRWIN For Bsnt, SCI A two story brick dwelling with about six acres 2H ground attached, situated at Oakland. The •BBhplace is well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and u a desirable location for a famil; being entirelyout of reach of the river and din of the city. An omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Apply to Jan» ATWOODTjONES A Co. a-s FOS BAliB. fgf THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street," the Mouongmhrla House, and the stable ou Front street, being a leasehold for the term of 21 years, from tee Ist of April. 1*43, subject to tee payment of 8400 per annum. Ifdeslred, the fire-simpla u the lot which is COfoctfronljon Water itreet,extaadlhg through to Front st- can be purchased. Enquire of ' V* ; dccaafT WM. M. DARLINGTON. For Ktat, MA new three storjr brick dwells ’*ylie street—Poueuion given on April or aooner if raxuired. Inquire of _ JAR FLOYD, 103 liberty atreet. ; . For Rent “ s£) A two itory brick dwelling with ebout 5 eeree fi« of ground, situated on the bank of the Ohio river, •■"in ute borough of M ncheater. Apple to jMBi. JASIESA HUTCHISON A Co. MTIIBEE dwelling houses situs ted on 4th street nesr cans! bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh. Al so. n room 73 hjr SO feet, with a convenient en trance on sth (L, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling, two tiones, with as acre of ground enclosed sad under cultivation, situate on Ohio lane; in the city of Alleghe ny- Inquire of J D WILLIAMS,- *J*ftS ... 110,wood street . mTbe new three story firs proof brick stors ci second st. now occupied by Edward Emits: foi rent from Ist of Apnl next Inquire of J SCIIOO.NMAEER A Co, • 1«»I* . 24 wood street. MTho subscribers will rent part of the ware housc'now occupied by them. Apply to * LEWIS, DALZELL, X CtL, janlQ 64 water street For Sent, .th A handsomely finished room on Market street, lately occupied os a Daguerreotype establishment by Morlaqd & Co. Also, a well finished and well fur nished room, suitable for societies,* adjoining the hall of the Mercantile library Association. Entrance at Phi- Jo Ball. E D GAZZAM, ' - octgy Office,*market street, between Jd and 4th For*Benl. TlfE- large aud convenient dwelling house aa K 3 Federal Allegheny, formerly occupied by Hr*. Ann Gazxam. Rent low.' Possession rirCn on tie Ist of April next. EDGAZZAM. Ihnncdiate possession of the above house cut be ob tained by applyingto SI. Creighton, at the canal ware house of Clark fc Thaw. deed tor Rent> ■ : jImA A large room on the 2d story of the warehouse JEsiW occupied by the subscribers, near the (wot of Wood sired—a good location for a steamboat agency or on Insurance office. • '• - janU BO LEMAN'S A CARKISOg. I For Bent or Sole* irA A nest two storied brick dwelling house with seven rooms and large yard, pleasantly liras ted ) 'ui the bih ward. Apply to WM B SCAIFE, ' libll 3w' Ist street near wood. b . . For Sole* « A Fine two story brick house, on main street. .Allegheny city, near the upper bridge. The lot is etiniront by lOOdeep. - For terms inquire of I&f A WABHINCTON, llbst. M' One new three story-Dwelling House, with bathhouses attached, situate near the corner of Wy lie and Washington streets. Posaenfodgie* enon the first of ApnluegL.. . ' JbIfNFPEBRY. Jefv THE large fire proof warehouse, SI feet front by JjS.6O feet deep, ou second si. near wood. Rent mod erate. Inquire of J SCUOOX.MAKER A Co dclß 81 wood st For Kent. MA Smoke House, situated on Plain alley, for rein. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL A Co, Elberty street. deel3 For Bent. Jk«A The well famished store on Market street,, be l?y.W tween third and fourth strecu, at present occn- by Barrsws and Turner. Possession given on the first of April next Invflg] E D GAZZAAL JkL A dry goods warehouse, 07.w00d street, second _USB door above Diamond alley. Inquire of _dec3_ D T MORGAN A Co. COAL LAJiD FOR SALE—Seven acres cool land for sale, situate in bend of the Mononguhcla River, slxjtb Brownsville, Til, haring a 7 foot vein of coal,- w hich will be sold in exchange for goods. For particu lar* apply to [oc3sj S A W Ii.UIBAUGH, 33 wood at Bnlldlng Lot . ■ . IN MANCHESTER FOR t*ALE-1 have for sale • building Lot in Manchester, near the ferry, &J feet front by 180 fret deep.- It will be sold low, ana on accommodating terms. Terms unexceptionable. mylQ JAS. BLAKELY, Real Estata Ail. ; Lot* for-Sale. 11WO building lot* in the sixth word, each 24 byl33 .'•feet on. which there is a ucver failing spring of water. ■ ; (feb7) . GEO COCHRAN, 8.-A. Fonmarrocx, i A.B. Hull, N. Y. City 11. LFoaxmocx, >Pituburgh. . O, \V. Putomci, J Wholesale Drag Store in the City of *' Hew York* THE nhdcnigned are extensively. enraged in'the Wholesale l)rug business at No. 49 John street, in the city of New York, and are prepared to supply Drug nut* and country Merchants with Drugs, Paints, Oils! Ih-e.'ptulfs, Foreign and American Permmery, Mander,: Heaver A Mandet's Cosmetics, (of their own imports*-' tion) and all other articles in their line of business, of a superiorqualily us low os they eon be purchased in this oratiy sastrmcity Nrw York, FeblS PA FAHNESTOCK &■ Co. Tied Gci liegUlattva BUli. Board of Trade la indebted to the kindness of orco Dame, Em]-, for files of the Bills aetad up* • well as those before the Senate Tied llooaeof RepieMuttuives of this State. .Members of the institu tion can huvo access to them at the Reading Rooms, fchltf : JOHN HARPER, Scc’y. TOBACCO— In store and to arrire, on consignment. 440 | andl boxes John Rucker Sap s*; 00 } boxes Henry and James Sr. 501 boxes Johns i Lervris G< yo I boxes Martloa 5«; IS boxes.J M Staoard 6s; 80-1. bis ll RII Warwick 8»; $ boxes John Racket sopr Is; 401 boxes Henry At James Is, for sale by L S WATERMAN, _feblo ; 41 >Valcr and ttJ Front stmts. SODA ASH—PRICE REDUCED—The subscribers have this day reduced Uie price of their Soda Ash which i* warranted li>‘ the manufacture fa from 86 to ;9i»ercent.)uj4lcforCaih,or4|c for Approved Note* at 4 1 months. And for quantities ofS tons or upwards a deduction will he made of 1c per pound off thesVeri cr.: ' WA M AUTCHELTREB, fells •. _ 100 Liberty stroec ■! ■jiojtit- tv One-With, or of the steamboat Germantown, for tale on ICarßSm accommodating terms br “■“■I" \VM lISCAIFE, , febl< ’ first street near Wood. ) TULKS AHUEL'S Indian Vegetable HaifOiL for P°®« well recommended forbonesty and~Mn«t®i^f2 -r LbniPl ag&Slsssyaassaasss W I ?JL^P 3TEE ’-*« ot <a .’ M'xCirasss-ra HOUSE MOLASSES-*) bbls 8 H JtoE Q •**» Eehnerjr.for sale by few ! durbibce, Wilson * c». , r i.-■_ _r.•„n'.::..:,. ,:..., r -s -V : -' " - RATES - ' S..BOLU||*4'iOI. ' 414 “ Merck. A Man. Bank -par ” -T frfflftto. B*wfPhii*deJpkia..-.p« gxeksafe&.of Va:.'.]} Girard flank-.........p*, PknKnSk.ofVs “ BaakofGeAaajows «pw Bk-ofikn Valley.-«■— « “ CheaterCooatjrv-pv Bk.of'Ytaria}a * “ lUawara Cb.2 v -..puM.fclf.rß&. t WbeeUag* 'assays Aftßter Colaabi* Bridge Co.-. par do .WelUbat**—•- U Doylettown Bank*— --par do Rarkerabwg.— *• FarajermMSi. Beading-pay - _ ABtn'Bk.Bukio9.pv Bk,afTßn)cme<»> • F»nner* BitLaneu’r.par Ffcr.'4Mcrefc*t«Bk..~ Laneaater Co, Bk.. ••- .parFlantera’ Bk. V. . Lancaster Bk. pay Oalaoßk..', U.State* Bank--..-.*) XUmvl. Brownmlle Bk.—"*.parBtaußkorkUamri««» ]i Washington Bk.>.......''KtrtkjDaioliwu Gettyrtirtßk. if Bk.of (W^K^li ChambewEm*.*.•••••• “ 1 So*jneijan*Xa Bk.* l&ate B**v: Lelujh Co Bank. 'Lemnovre*-. • < Middle town •—••'ll « i Eneßfc..—... . . Farmer* 1 sad Drovers' .......... « . ..... u jCiffldeapk;..... ».V|| Bk.ofCkarie*ton*“ •> ]J iQjmaeteialißk-.-** i| Bk. BTCwi<BMn»..> l Bk.of HmK*T*....'. v 1 MerehxnU Bk"*****-- lj Piasters *K!e«fca'aßk* ij Bk. of Bomb Carolina* *lj Wrirlnd* '**« &*.•••- gßom tt i’eJtO‘JtßBcrip“lo' ■erlvtd Bfcof Ail©-. 1) Bfcof HmirUnd-* u . , m’ifcjMecktaie* “ Fredroek “ u \ [UKnntownfiir •»•••• * Wyoming u West Branch Bi.“ Belief Notes « MAMBk.Psus.ido> •*"« City A County Scrip • •»»* u „ Ohio. • *• * Btstoßk. and Branches !| MountPiestant**... -»• ** Steubenville**.« • ‘ KlcUfU. Bk. of 8t IClmir* ••. • Bk. of Rivetßiisefl”* Uiehiroßlni. Co-- .. b Fir. fc Meek* Bk 8 Wliwiria Tmit’Vi UirJtPirolß.OeJiihr'es - CoUkdOl* - Alltolvefitßinka--'—* S Buik of Etaf tibdNMes oiu*jptgii tiui fipeleou 360. DoeiU-..i-.'.l IS# 8 SO Si*i«,oU.- .. 1060 Stfle,aev w..;> 1000 Doablpoai. Bfemieh. 1100 |Do.Ptirio*..F...... 15.50 Borerel|na •>*•*••• 483 lOtinai* 6 00: teed«kkid*wi- • • • «t 7 80 jT*aThtlOT--«* « ?8p: StClaimille. Marietta..... KewLiabon* .... o Cincinnati Banka « Cbhmbaa do< Cleveland*— u Xenis*. .« Duyton- Weston Reserve*.—» “ Franklin ITk Colsabsa “ Chillieoth*..—« LokeErie*.—' * Seiou.. • . n Lancaster .40 Hamilton- ......]3 Granville*.—*.. ......60 Farm’rs B*k Canton. ..40 Urbans Oontwky. JkofKentneky*....... 11 BAefLooisvilie—... * Norhem Bk. Koata'ky* u Wow :York-~Cuy TuiGftiUsrt”" • 310 Lool»d*©f»r*>: •••• 450 Kxefcftmfs* N«wTetk[»f'.M... fpn TOlmtfelphU »«.««.► 1 prn Baltimore i--***» . |pnz» i,ptr. .toefrot B»fc» EXCHANGE BBOKERg, &c, OTTBSKT. HAJRVA * 'CO_ *D ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS,afid dealers X> in ; poposhe, Bank Notes, end Specie; Fouifc street, aw. Ijr opposite the Bank of FltUbenh. - Coneat money rewired oa deposits—Sint mJ col* I leetioas made ea nearly s!l the p»i""tpfi7 poiats ia ike I ITfriUul Aam -v . . . , ?• . I United States.'y : « ; r highest prtatiam paid far Ftrdja aid Aastfean Adrsaees made ea < > jnrirnawnrts'ef;pTedaee, shie- Md m llfiMfll faMM » ; i..Ltr 1 co-pAarauumr. ~= JOSEPH H. HILL, flste of the ta of. Wm. JL HOI A Co,) ud WM. 0. Carr, (Ist* of Erie, Ps.) hsro entered into Co’psrtnershipnnaer the avseof Hax A Ces>T,4br theptupoM of esrryinf on the tuwMwff *ad Eiehtnye bonnes* in nil it* branches, ntJfoTflswood; street, three doers below Pbonh, west side-i-where they' solicit the eastern of their friends and the pablie ten. erallr. ;; , • v.;. ; JOSEPH H. hit.!^ nth U - WM. C; CEBByTi I it ’oim.Btti-.;tm«.e.CT5T; ' '• _ nil«L • 4fc? 01/JLBiTf ;-y. TJANKER3 k EXCHANGE BROKratfl/ Dealers in JE> Foreign and Dnmastig Hme and Sight pilla afßr. catnn, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin; Ao.'osilVbod street, (hint door below Fourth, west aide. Par Funds and Cumnejr reedrod to depociie, and collections madson all tha principal citfesln the United States. Siht Exchangeion Baltimore. PhUadeMua. New YOK.BOStOO and fftf ftlf. Ohi*, Indiana, Kentockjr, Virginia and PepniylTama Bulc Notes boacht and sold on iarorable Vienna., ' Exchange on fttgland, Ireland, Ocnaanr and France proenredtke. • ; ■ ~ ‘ ij;- . - t iwMn f '* ' g. 'a inr T~““ .. SdlmaJUtiw.. : Exchange. . Baying .Bate*. ‘ New York, *pt, CiuaaiiL - ; .•' idii Philadelphia, Ido LodniUe, , : id* Baltimore; *do 8c Louis, ,■» Ido Baying Rates, BANKNOTES. Buying Botes. ObJO, ~ Udi* Co.ASCTiyOtderMidii Indian*,' . “do ReliafNotes, n “do Kentucky, “do 'PennsylvaniaCy- “do ‘ Virginia, “.do Now York d#: u do do . Wheeling, }do New Orleans, * u ilo 1 Tennessee, . .3do Maryland, I ‘•do I - febiStf’ ~ • 1 • • ' l'S ] WILLIAM A. BILL * CO •pANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, knd Dealer* X> iivErckkaad Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Depoaite, Dank Notea, and Specie, <H Wood ft one door above Fouith/East side, Pituburvhi-Pa. QCtSdAwF • ;f: . ■ B- . POBXIfiV ixOHABOE.’; ; . ILLS on England, Ireland,- and Scotland bought to any amount at tin Current Bates orExchanw. Also. Draft* payable In any port or the Old Countries, from XL to XIUCQ, at i:.e rale of «S to the A Sterling without dedaetica or di»eount, by JGSHtJARORIN SON, European and General Agent,- ofßee st one door west of wootL. . ' ?■ j -’octlftf iimmm] • ■ ' • ' r*mr*n» eahm BtAHEE * EißHji T)ANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers •P la Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer of Aponte, Bank Note* end Coin, 'corner of 3d and Wood streets, direetljr opposite Sl. CJuirie* Ho tel • maySSdlr ' EHTKttN Vurtoa- pf ■": to °^ u ' £e »vkr. . j :f , v Missouri, | . . purchased at the lowest rates, by t ■ , 71. HOLMES ft SON, dcIO , / 35 Market-street.' B Hi 1.8 OF BSOHAHOB-Steht Clrnli oa" • Ntw-York, rUlidtlpUi, tad * BtltimoW If. HOLMES fc* SON. ' 35 Market «l Constantly Tor tale by dclO t /^OLLECTIOHI— DnIIt) Note*,'. ao4 Areeptan- Vyce*, payable innay pan oftfae Union, collected on the most &T«nUe tenpk N. HOLMES k SON, delO __ • ;' as Mulct tn. |,*XCH*AyOK oa New York, ' X!/ Baltimore, at sight, In sums toanit purchaser*, eon* ■tanUyforealeby ■ . HILL k CUBBY, ■■■OCtn \Tpod it, below Fjpqnh. 11/EBTEBH FUNDS—The Note* of Ufa Ohio, I f louiana and Kentucky Bank*, purehnseij at law rates of discount, at lb* office of • V HILL k CURRY, octtl • Jio. dS Wood et, below Fourth. rtOUiECTIOSB|on all the principal cities in the' V-'Umon,in* • ■ ELLLfc- CUBBY, _g^ttl_ L No. CS Wood n, below Fponh., Wtau it, Liqßortt i . O(V\ whole, helves, qoeitera end bren- OUU dies, wines, gins, fcc, of tho following celebrat ed breads, ftedes end vinatgw, vie j- Ouxd Brendjy- dark;' ROnceo Port-Wine; do ' do pele; . London Merkel do: Sezeree do’ doj -~Trash Vi; ; ASeignette dark; g Hanl '.- t- doj -do - pels; or Bonondv ; :: do; Henneuj do derk; S SSUedelre t : do; do- do pele; »LM do t - do: Pinnet, Outillien, do. -8 Svninfioa v { do; do do derk; ® Fwau , : do! Bwen : Gin; 8 Paloßberry ' v- v- do: Bl’k lfom do; S Brown do ■ - do; Imp*!Eeriedo; ' 8 Golden do \ [ids Pmo Aptfa do; ‘ - Tenerife do ; } i'i do; Irish AVnitkey; - S-Lisboo d*.‘ f : do; Jamaiea&pmu; . - i s; do; 81. Croix Rom: SweetfcDrf Uilutdo; Together with, a lam slock of tha shore Wince and Liquors in bottles.- Also, Champaigns and QarelWinei for tale u imported, on pleating term* ai thoWihe Cel lar and liquor Store corner of smilkfleid and'FWnteta. fcb3 - P C MARTIN. ; _ Hod* of Poitm. TITH. G. DUXTKR, of BoUon, buamaml udm> JjJL tented apian for heating bouses, widen bar been successfully used in Boston, New YoriC, ever applied, has received the decided preference over stoves, Furnaces, ete. Its advaatafes are— Ik. Great regularity of lempemars. ->■■■ 2d. Freedom from smoke. , 3d. No onpleasant dryness. s . . 4th. Eaifly attended u> and not liable to ret oat 01 order. . ■> (Uh. Ureat durability. } <;j A model and specification may be «eea afid appara' •• obtained at the copper and Tinware factory of WM B 80AIFE, Hmat, between wood and market. p ROCERIES—ISO bagi Rio Cofffce; ?5 packages Y. Vjr H.Tea:SDdo:linpenalandßliekTea:fiobl3s No 3 large Maekerel; & bbls No 1 Herring; 6 bbls Bt-lonia S H alolakses; lQbb!edoLoaTBagar;33 bbla Viator; 78 boxes fib lump Tobseere 30 ken 0 twist do; 40 boxes I the Nectar Leaf do; lSbars Pepoei; fi bbls Grotmd Pepper; 100 nama Wrapping Paper; 60 do Writint Pa per, for sale by ‘ H ROBISON *:co? febU • , 180 Liberty street. WRITING * WRAPPING PAPER- ; 800 air and fi&s ?oa{jtie^' ; . ® 1 “• flat cap, good quality, • 800 . blue tactonr paber. W “ tea paper; i ■ ■■• f - fiO grots bonnet boards, , j , StOOO bandies straw and rag wrapping; paper, In store and wtueb we offer to the city tradeat lowpricea. -J"” , y 1 REYNOLDS ft SUEE. H » bmJu weiiern il gnmthof ; re — We * teni NY, ctrly jilek«s, ihii WmeOhsod(vß«taiotu«mntT.' . ; • } • ■.£ ' ~«?£i!? ,w £L5? M * ni cro P of acMon U pow feel nr reeejTed. -Brewcf aad'othen oiinr Hopa. will &nd il smehu> their tdeintore to obtain their upphr. Cram the aademrned, u they intend to Mil throughout the ten* Yotkpncev O. W. BMJTH fc Co, ' OTOSawa • Pittetrenth Brewery* HAVANNA CIGARS—IOO.OOO imported; eigur* of the. following celebrated brands, pert to arrive < oosisung of; Ceres, Aubiguedad, Waslungloh regafiss, lapldes, Esculspie, Doe Amigos, de Foster, lindon Iranis, Lord Byrons, KsJls pnncipes, steam boat do, YiUeya extra do, Bylvis’s do, La Bayadere Ist, *> do fidj Cmiz, La Palate, Ceiedorts, for feb7 ; , • \ cor fimithSdd 4 front st. PRODUCE— 150 bbls fresh Faimlr Fleur; 10 bbU No 1 l*nh 9 bbls Butler; IS ken. so; 9 bbls Com; 5 bbli Bytidbhls Beans; Just rac’d end for sale by? ' r rr* • .rbobison aco,.; . febll 180 Liberty street. : gala netoral eolorad wiatw SpenaflQOG \l/ (els bleached winter Whale; 600 fait low pt£red Whale Oil, last rac’d and-forsale by . 1.. - febia- MILLER A BiagaßOSf. SUNDRIES— 400 doiptaying cards, 900'whole and half can* sardines, 10 baskets Oliveco,jl& taxes assorted estscp* and brandy units, Sbbls created n . nr, 4 bbla loar do, 0 eaaea lemon eyres, ]o boxes: le mons, for tale by (feb7] PCMAgrev ■p&*S3TJ?d£Ss?fiSß ,^i £tWhito Boons, 17 toLteAtt kata do 4 eekaWooLi doFaafoarSfor -ttdOALEYAnrifg * jiJuh | . -.-i- ' } &e. Jt (s well kapm, that torn time mime mortal, pbpacuas have priwocnacd JjteQep* tie Fits incurable. bhubi&dilfibtiMkillfUd im I ®o*««l power of an medicine, and eoaseqtmaur thou* . bare angered throcgh a miserable existence, aod : • JLv Uwir lire* on the altu of insanity. - iWii. all. dtKRaM, however.-la the opinions of the • .peat and leaned, *r« tay that it has beea ented/ =.~ . HARPS VhGKfABLE EXTRACT,, : ror sateen years, has been tested by many-pejsoat - .who have tsflerea with this dreadAu disfiase, and in 'ereiy case where it has had a flur tn«t l h»« ejected* the following remarkable ciw ofthaaonof ■ Wa. Beeore. Eaq., of Philadelphia, afflicted with £rii «P*“ FS? 27 yean.and .# months.. After travaluai fonagh England, Scotland, Gennany and ' TOldßy the mart eminent p"y < F« ,| «nr, imj Cw . medicine. medical treatment tad educe, ihmetaoo- Mod dollara, rammed with htf aon'toUuacoastrvin November last, without receiving any benefit wheteT- • extract. ■■.:■ to. William Secara'a JLetter to Dn. Ivan tad Han. I have apeat over three thousand dollan foe madi- ' erne and medical attendance. 1 was advised to taka a toor to Europe with • him, which I did.’ l fim Btgiand. I consulted the moat eminent phvaieiana • there in respect to hla case; they •• prescribed accordingly. 1 thm months without pweeivmg any change for the better, which coat me about two" hundred and fifty doUmpocksmd by- the. physicians, and the moat that I received waa their opinion that my, son's case, wag hopeless and Part tivehr incurable. I accordinglyleft EngtaaL and wr- ■ oiled through Scotland.-Germany.andPrance, and tamed borne in the month of November last, .with m? ” adh aa &r firm being eared as when I left. J a*w year advertisement in>oae of the New York paptn/aad ■ tnr Hart’a Vegetable Extract, aaetwr year catcaema and ccpihcatea of so many cares, aoma of twenty and thirty Veais’ standing,'ana lean assure yen. lunnotaQnT4didao > aabytheßieof Barfa • ■ Me Extract aioner ho was restored to perfect health. tfia.reaacn. which was ao far gone aa ta tinhilrfma-- business, ia.endrely reatored, with.tbs prosneetaow before him, of life, health and usefulness.. Ha ia now la yean of ace. and S 7 year* ami tf months, of this tune has been afflicted with Uua.most dreadfal of dls-‘" ■ease*; but thank God he U now enjoying rood health, •„ Now, gentlemen, faith without works f don’t beßeva V in. To ny that 1 chall b&ever grateOU to yoa focfta • - thiny, andaalhereencloaoyoaotielauidretfdollaia. I • have no doubt but that you will think this * and quite a different thing. -IT* debt of grattadal '-I" ■ -Voß»veiyi«apeerihny,-.-^-..-. ■ TOTHE^Ife 181100 * 8 *: s-sts waa wsasa-sK ' gswg«ss^iM3SrSjse pertirt prestmfo n oT the ; mtvous system;. H* had' tried the akill of the beat physician* for aarea yean, g*grew woiwajet their treatment, and to toe# tiatjUa -Btofficfae was his onJr hSifiSd ati and the rush OolESuialow’t daughter waa afflicted niaa'TM& wridea at Yonkers, New York.- :WBenaat, nine year* 171 Grand at » Eu^! r SZS» ,eT ® l T«“ t » l *D?TO«t.' • .fssssaefeffisffis-onb u a J*™* E Jono, ofUi.UB Urn. . L iffi&ZZESS’g™ Cl, ’ Sr WL tonne, Gall/hrd. 0-' Rev T Sia^jSf portHT - : - Bmllev l lia Orchard it, NY. ‘ • > C H Poughton, agfaghtnenlh at N Y. toa Janiea BerthoUVGbester. Orange ca. N Y " • JohnF*tor,lWEUxabothit dw 1 *' 1 DAEJctoi IBMi?; g . .'Jteea Smith, 13B8uflbIk at, X ' of which may to called upon, or.addmaed, ptd SewYS”* 4l7 ?' 8 HAXr » P* l ® I»oi * Haiy P Co, 1 U MOio ttbotTOaJdH* out-tu, udi I® lloia it, between dotted Ab'atnela. retell e»e«»>!tilS. I -*i:? vn £ o^!\ ,r 3L; e ° lnM of Market a end. the Di*. . aond.onlyigfrinPlmbVrPa .. , ~ „ i.M.»t r hedicju, * gtrHMcxjnnwros; ' l£T, ,»■ lew: iao^UdS} I' • ;■■; y\ wood street,- towards the { to’ithe memetripßiieMioa,' | • and beenfor acme .time in } geaerßlpraetiee, nowcoo- I his 'attention. to>tbo - j treatinent of.tbooo prints I* and .delicate co^p l for 1 I - : , r otr-; cidaonaly • devoted. t>» r «h» - «mdr and treatment of ihoie complimti. (dcrinjr which inaa be h»»iadaoroprnctie*nmrhMrcurßdßMiB o*. lietus than can ercr tali to the k>t of nay private ptme- -' - mioncT) amply qualifies him to offer assurance! of «P«dy, peftiiaa<nt, ana «niiffaetblry core loallafilieted ' diseases, and all dUew»:ari«i«g there "•" |:., Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with rrfrtta • - I dueiian become chronic by tim* or*aa» ’ Savaied by ile uw of anyof.iho common nostrum* of 9 °*Tt that their complaint* can be radically and tfcor °“?“ly eoredihe havinggiven hi* careAtl attention in • tMtreatmentoffachca*ea,aad«uececdedinhund»da * of inaajteea in cwrng persona of inflammation- of tlw Mck of the bladder, and kindred diseaaea which result from those eases where others have constate* thnt to hopeless despair-.He particularly invites «eh '• ««long and misuceeMfolly treated bT others whea »atisfactioit will be given . • them, tad their cases treated in a carefitt thoroot* and - intelligent manner, pomied out by a long expdneaae. study, and investigation, which itisimpdasibJe arthosa ' aßfebtas?'*'"’** »»H o r.Ba ntore.—Dr- Brown. also invites per* sons afflicted wiih Heniia to call, as hahai oaMcanie olar anention to this disease. • •••■ “ < N. 87-—Parienti of either sex Urine at a distance.'bv «adnj their disease 1 in writing, giving-aUttesymp toms, can obtain medicines with directions for userbr T - BHOWN, M. D, paanUd,-SiSibf. N0.65, Diamond alley, opposite tin .Wayerly - py No core no pay. ■ ? 'declfl. HOWE’S HYGEIAN BOARHOUND A LIVER - wort Cough Candy t* offered to tte pahlin aa .*. - pi eaaam and cube tire remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse sSa • of the Chest and tangs. •In such eaaea It is known to ' f* T “ if o^ 1 decided and permanent relief, and from -: sals anagraat sneceuiaaareminlTfottlw abore dlseeses where It has been ufcd, it promise# so . beeomfi one of the- most useful and popular dtedieiaaa. - It U offered too; as a pleasant relief totteccnsumptiv*, ' andmi assistanttovocalistsand public speaker* gaZ. Ite name of the.preparation indicates its leadinr ib* • gradient, and it will’be found to be by no means on* pleasant to thsumc, and may tensed by children and 4 adnltt with entire impunity, ,• The matenala used in tba preparation are of use best, qnalityyaad it may be re- • tied on as tn every respect a pure and Pennine article, ramaies would no donbt promote their comfort and ~ by keeping a supply, especially ia the season of . ®ds valuable Coach Candy is considered a crest ts aistant to Mothers; Ueiagsnnerjor'to all ttepautalJßb oy J uaipcrt ut creation, as children were never known lonnr wten this candy Is used, except for more. A tri al of this article wißconvince asypenon of its ewoe -cr, and the propnetorrthereforeaeiy any person to tte United stales to produce a cheaper, more pleasant, or effective remedy. . - ,7. , Sold wholesale had retail, by the General AxenL. ■ .H.SMYSSR, DreSS :• • •■. „ comer 3d and market ■ta.Pins&nighj-. - • Howe A Proprietors, No 1 College HallCiaetoi natitOhio. • . . . - .■ 'Janl® cicrofuloum*caJJcer following O ahigblyitspeeuhlulnth’, hasten '* •eat to Dr. Jayne by his agents, Messrs - Jason ika A that I should add my testimony to the Welle*, tabiisted effieaey of your aLminrs. I haTited'- what the doctors all pronounced an incurahle 'itcEafis. loos Cancer of time Tear’s standing. After a foilhfid' use of tte remedies of the profession, until my paifeaen ' in them use,-and hopes in their effieaey were eomlS! ' Commenced taking your Aheratirel - AAer 1 ted taken it about six mouths, j was not oalr ’ cared briL bat my Cancer was literacy rooted cut iS dropped lam now-complelely and permanently -. cured, and have no hesitation in saying thaxlti*the - most efßcacious constitutional remedy extant. -I have < no scruples nor fears in underrigautg iuvirt&esand ; ; commending tt to all similarly affected/ . • ; ”"Y; * . -NaxctFixa. V~ Jsypo—Pear Sir—We eacloao Toq aeenUU.' cate fnatNaney JRslla, of an importanretnre performed ’ ' ouherbryMrAtenSro. Thefocuantedbyterara : know to be true... Yoon, JuoillixhOa - , gntreviUe, Ui'Majehkl>47. PerOJWteAs. . _ For sale in Pittsburgh atths Pekin Tear store,- 73 4th street, near w00d... v- - anS j • -VTE?BRa. JUSKU fttl it, i toj. I ■ixJL owe to my. follow creatures, to stole -soaetiunr respecting your Vegetahlo fistf nT Bmcu I lint usd the Balsam, a beat eleven years ago* the happy effect of which I then care on of .j. tave bad several severe complamts and sttadcs aitmr . nngs, one a few days since, and in .every instates J[ rave used the Balsam alone with complete aud perfect success.. It has effected relief and cure in a Very fa# days. It is certainly a sate medicine., Ido not know that it will cure n fixed consumption, but I believe it will be in many eases a preventive, anil prevention if belter than cure; rdd.lhcrefore. for the love of my fou' low men, earnestly recommend the nse at this moll pulmonary complaints. 1 am confident-ihatit' has-been the means of preservmc my Ufa toihia'dar - Boston June Id, MO. PARSONB.' - For sale by B A . Fahnestock. A Co, corner first and wood and also earner wood and 6th.' • '■"•"< -'.-faiSf B: A- FAHNESTOCK'S) Pueumooie Of.£anxhß»i • Bam, has a steal advamase over mm Coofh preparauons,uitspleasantUute MrßUu.uta' be ssed;withoat iuconveuieuce.-But its TmlueH »' Balaam consists fa lie speediness known some of tic most desperate —Mrim.amrLA 7T which had been running on for. a of time, Yield almost immediately to its~powsr ' la «ei weather as w n hate Ud Ariiw'tw, winter, erery one is liable (o Ukocold,tt3em. precautions are used. •• .™r*" a \Vet fte« and endue exposure to the iaekasn*, vn&eT oten lay* the wundatioa^fcTiSSSi. . .juiek remedy t»-piStetT^H We hare numerous ccnifieaies-of has'performed, many a * > Uu. city udt?. JSffi, reference wnhoatssyiag FjErnffiSror* £V**‘ iroSSISKS* Co, com., of w»a4^,P , Pr» MdLw ia ... Urge, yet Unto no Uoußt Imthu^wij^sLL, TWO TBOWAJtt WOMCS frnS> khZ ?Bg-**»* nwtt one qw« of *a inch to two iachSiM^^^ 18 * Bone't Cieek, Canol ■" '^®S6SKSaS^2SSr •TOanteiSgSßU. ZfuNSSus-u t*u u O then; A wckt tinad C— hißTf «nd fa.wto gy | rrax PLATE-420
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers