L *T m Ift f »i * vi:.q f\ v .\mv. • . ' - V ' J ■ s *- ■II ■ r.-‘ ' j;,b ! f y>K“ * 4 - ’ 4 '»: ■*•• *■<**! ■X- ■"■-:.,r-i-. ■ \prsj*i f'& ' §; ■;*{■-.■ } v '.!. V;- „ > pf£s« liiS# mstm liliiip IfflililSi ' i r s ", ! -&V K\fe. Binsl MM m §1 m m ifeip mmoL Igpyiilil • AraemoriaLnumerdaslyand respectably signed "by citizens of, Intttana, was presented to the House ' Of Bepre»ntstivies today,by Caleb B. Smith. The , tuy bum of Slavery in the District is sure, to frighten' a majority of members whenever named, . (hough If was oat many years ago, that a memori . .. - of Slavery and the SUvetiade . ’ in this Duarict, was signed by eleven hundred of - the post respectable ritixeas of the then “tea miles . _*qaire. B l It was respectfully receivcd-and treated, " . .. whereas ttow li'is difficult to obtain a score of -.IUBUSIoa similar memoral, and Coogress jefuaes ■ - t»»fcr ahke prayer from abroad to oooof .y it* Ooamltteei. ilfyou ask 'what' has done this; : jht tjuekunLia tasily answered. It is the uhra \ nf th»~ by the insane &• " -r - mateiia cf the pajty.oflhe ■ '• Aati-SUYinymWDOriais were always heard' ' bsfsvy an d a nuunborcf Congress would have yen-. . ' " ' ' taxed sooner to treat his own parent with disrc apert, u a solemn, eMTtestpfayef.against the In; ' jtfctrtfcm of Slavery, Even a good old Quaker ®e* •“• joorial, expressing cod- of the Slave "system; and couched-in' ‘ 'ibe mQd language of. the sect, with a gentle and •• -Christian spirit pervading the whole prayer, can -‘—-'■•••ot'aow cfffcfca trbearingrr~Thc House no kmger •' :thiowi these petition* into the feces of those’ who . ' .mikathojksyer,: as 'it did or m*nyyeari t bnr it ; . -•tracts with ihtt cold' contempt which insults . “ ■ fhe Patßiaoer/cr with that timid -spirit which fears ( x ■:: .- «o bob’danger la the fece. .}HI the memorial* thus ~ Ur presented, bay? been laid tipontlie table The 1 ■■ - lima is coming, thd-soon-will be seen, when these - :*; t Petitions wij be received, referred, reported upon, •:.f . l> . \j sad the people at least told why Congress cannot, " - r -v—-«r ifft can, why it wdinottouch the-Institution oi. fijarerypi the District of Columbia. ~.Tax tUASja or Ccxazusswere proposed to Gee*d «AS ficottpjday, with t.swqrd bearingsuitaHeem«! ■iTT?. -'felemt’qf the series oTvictories woaby him and' •; .tfcbgailurf Army between tbe29th of March and -;.-th»Hth of September. Ifw3l, pass ©f course. • ybyw (a a deep regret fell here at ihc repotted .- \t' ,v '\’ dJlJcullie* between CeoenTScott and' Worth and I;,. *i? •T.A . ‘-“V/piDffW-.- TberS is buthttlo respect tar Pillow any ' v 1 V V * his eguraper-bet the name, of : ; {*■ .-ryflffhTfflf Vm eeeoadcaly to that of Taylor and " ( v*-> * - fjf'Vfoiar cituen.rt V pufppouU Iriere.lo aeejmycaaaecfj*, ffJTT?br *■■»*« officer ujwnrta hti mptnar. 't^tjnh*evwediscipUttari*n,-andiJ * jr^ Stod'^rtfPT^f Mr * lfl f- P** hiv Wd him to fSslfeh. would otherwise hgVe boen been a day m m WiStS \ ? ” 1 s. •* ‘ / BY ERASTUS BBOOKS * Co. SATUBDAY iMORMXG, SuftTAßY,’!, ISIS. i- ' :•• ■" "Pimicjum D&it GAirmTl* mhii.korf .;-* v> ~' ‘JWIu* per si own; the TrMVeckly itHre i&uun «? -; . ;■ - :vj3^^ '“. g^^w^jaswittss l®4 4atUStMale VoMißAtlou< , , : *Ut;JUtOtOF HTTSBCfcGtt. .•? .■•:. ®ABaJBI. ADAMS. ■ MAYOft. or AUiOHCir. BSIBY Campbell. THE SEW TCAB. -■:•'• We commence the .New Year, as the reader will Without oarcaliiog his attention, upon new type, aa.mg at the 'same lime a owe agreeahk? app&rance, as veil as'giving a larger amount ,of •'j _y : ', leadingaadjeommercial matter to oar patrons.— . The year just coded has boo one cf unusual prov penty to all branches of bonnets, in which it would be unfair to say that the Gazette has notfullyahar* ed. nminh«Bta,farag« and i increased means at command, improvo and extend ' their business, sothe Gazette ieels a pleasure in fol lowing the example of that class of citizens upon whom they rely 6r support, and of which they a*» • ’ knowledge most cordially the reception. ;. • ‘ 7/V We shall to our daily reader* be able to give . What is equivalent to an additional column of read ing milter, witlmat- infringing upon }bo space oc - copied by advertisements, to‘ which we ahidl, as heraloCire give the, most careful attention. .Our, *-7 weekly readers will receive on additional amount of reading raancrequal io tear of our latecolumau .. end wo shall nit be oUigid, as at present, to pass, reading our exehangbs, articles'requiring room v-V beyond ou&roerlimits.' Hoping that our read. ;v y« may witness the improved appearance of the . Gazette with' the same;-pleasure’ with which we ' would most landly wish to each-tad eS of toem, continued headband prosperity, and *A 84W JKW YCAJL? Erflmtitl Cont*poodccce of ths PUt»barjh Gixeuo. SPECIE TO EUROPE. ‘\V*saworo^l)oc.S9 > l&tB. ! V' '.':?bcre t» nioch;«gec : ulatioa among business men ~ : aiflcertkia financial measuresuponib business prosperity.. The House ofßepreseata "• tire, at this early period of the session, and to meet c .; the exigencies of the Departments, bare passed a •> -- .few to meet two drafts,ofhaifa million each, drawn m Mexico upon the. Government at Wash* i '•injtaa. ' These transactions, in mercantile phrase,; -- — exportingtheir specif v...t- 'dines, tad thuapajnng the export duty enacted by f .‘-the Oorerainent, and incurring the many risks it ,v- : '.‘j:’.! I ' , J,'" ; .''ittlnsjK>ftttioa_liu , ough they sell their spe- ' ; - r ii-Q3Tenuaent Bill* on the United Slates.— '■'/£*! Vi?''’’.',^.Ttiß^aabmest^these Bills ere presented here, Specie , -is exacted for them,—and this Specie is at once effect is to carry the precious ' - metals from our mulst, and to drain the country of . them to meet the dafiy expenses of the war. The . .longer the war is protracted, the greater wiil be the amount of Spetae exported tn.consoquence of its .steaceT- Much has been taken off already for commercial purpose*,, end -.much will leave its • • through fbe chahnels X have named.' The amount - ' of tbe two drafts will leave ns as soon as present* v '.'*: .-/ed,—end as these , drafts are bat “the begimuag ol . the end,”—the demand will be followed by many. The good book: tells us that “a prudent man ftr» aecth evil, and avouieth'it” ' So should men gut •* -. ._i s ding the ship of] State, be equally careful not to run blind fold upon jbe rocks. 'A careful man at the i Capitol told me )U>day,.tHat be should be delighted :•’* and satisfied if khe Government came out of this a National-Debt not_cxceeding one bun* died and fifty or (wo hundred millions of dollars. _ ft wiQ take no more time than the remaining months ~ fftoced to this Administration, to fillup a debt of '•\ .• • -■'•! ' - CtillSS. 1 wrote you of the effect the war was having ... in this department of the public service. ;I ; .hear today of a new claim of four hundred thousand - 'Y v/‘-sbßßr^. srswa the-State Department, and ,-pTotifted fiv noupaymeiii. Lieutenanr Colonel, T\~'~‘T‘T?ramoat drtwfor, quarter, a million or.more ofabe' >-. • • •• money, and this amount, which was for transport .■!. •• Utica* is but as a sand to the sea shore. mourn or mperrem >.- :' . I have spoken already of the little reliance to be jiaced upon the public ealimstcs, particularly on ; the. annual estimates from the Treasury Depart ; . menu ~. The Secretary of the Treasury (jails upon’ ; the Headsefihe Departments* who in turn'cail, - ‘ -1 •' upon their• subordinates. The Secretary of War • isthgtaened at the necessary cost for the ratiohsci > r- . .T ; '« Standing Amy of this magnitude, and says make ■■. T" r U 37,000 men. i The Chief of the Department conr : ‘ tents, well knowing that iftet will have to be V. : r: r /\'\ rpravided.fofaapa.. Inthe meantime,the annual /. ertusile* are made, and thousands of extra copies < -./•>! • ■ printed,—but no sooner is Congress fairly at work* - -v < than the Ways .ind Means are plied by' lettersto thcat, not to Congress,'for additional sums of mo ■ noy. The public rarely know anything of this.— So in regard to the coat of Rations. They are es* '.ttoatsd, fifty thonsand at d time, at fifteen .cents • each, ■■qjtd every raluni cau*jim*d mthititycffilrx' ’ * ieo, Juno* tbs Government tJurtffivt tent* The Department.knowing this lsct, renews its estl • mates for the next fiscal year at twenty«veneent?; ' ; * \«acWrMd the deaa-Gongrc» will be called, upon ; ~ ■. t> make up the. deficiency. They say this prac- •' tic^'of reekingiAppropriations, covertly lhrougb ' • Cdntmitleea, instead of at broad day through Con* gress, is sanctified by long precedent if it be to, ; y 1 It .is^ w n custom much more honored in the breach < '; lhandhe observance.” Many things which were < gaod this outsel, have become corrupted by use I j ";.'7beTefire'fow in which the forms‘ol. .i ' Administmioh have not deteriorated. ■ . | exisicoco. tumr ortHX oirnucr or cozcxbu. 'm r' 1 rwnf * r - *nd •eat-of, wir, tod noihiri&l am somr to add, prospects of Pehce. t ' X:} r The ScrEnreCOTBT have nienuai case* pending £jf a week past. iIr.CuoATE closed his sparkling address today. It was £wci blirand brilliant, to lhe laitf. There seemed to be ! bveyciy vein and mysclo of the speaker. | Every nerve'anil fibre contributed to that perfect utterance, which am aids alTwlw *ce*and hear.'— **> tedeed, magic in such a speech, and as one listens, he-exclaims it is wonderful, ali I can compare Sir. Choate's rhetoric to uothingelsc than a brilliant aurora, or the -shooting *tfirs L that fell as rain drops from tbo' sky a dozen ycarssince.— Whatever he look* upon,-no matter how dark, he illumines, and every flash of hts genius is like a meteoric blaze. There are roen-of more powerful intellects, but ncl one more pleasing *ur-more ctu chanting. . - Another interesting case tbllowjr •eager tax,—a claim on the part Beak, Boston, for the recovery of 1 sand dollar* m Specie, lost on boa Lexington while on her way free jStonington, on the night the *tea lt is a startling, tei and flood, of winter and ti the Court. The case tvill.be ably o WeUter, Whipple, of JL L, and t FiIHIOSTifiLE LlFfi X\ TBOPOLIB. 7 WASHCTOTbs, IX I fear that in. America; ju&gingj and manners ofthoday, we a«j custom* of the old nations ofjthe I to what the world <*-*ll* ’ politest words, that, books and brain*, no affections, are to be made;tbe [met nication between man and man, < aan. \ln China - custom is Jaw, i extends to the. manner oTreceis visits, to entertainments and to oor and naagtfs of every sort - There .upon this, subject, and according Marcy, a single boot there ha* 30 wWi man should do in compai low, or in reference to the aode may fern a part. C of sarcasm, says that his Uncle hai volume on shouldeivatraps, and a i tables; ami eight volumes more on ally, one chapter of which iniirue people how to treat the Princes do Now if either of the old. maxim gentlemen like poets, are .-born so, of this, that it takes three general gentleman, U is difficult to . see tic taught, conventional; formal polite Byron says of personal appearance, S-—“ Somehow a raan’agood 100 Mate more impression than the b / It is not always however, that thi peorance is master of the btanmom ard, Deformed, unfinished, and before Into this breathing world, scarce And that so lamely and unfostitn That the dogs did baric at him w by them,”. was more than a match for all 'bet a tongne which could 11 wheedle v But if this be fiction, Wilkes’s fa to Lord Townshend is not ?Gii former to his lordship with the Christendom, and to the handsome* * give me hut half an jiour’s start, ai the list against yon with any; wor name,- because yon will omit attend of your fine exterior,which I i shall j count of my plainer one/ 1 ( Mirabea i self in a note to a lady, as tig small pox.’* These, however, are t of nature, and those who possess tl to make amends by intellectual which make amends for all 'peraoi character.' There is however, more clothes than many ore willing to •: Napolebh rebuked Marat openly for 1 gewgaws, when he appeared before rather like a. milliner? than a man on visit to Alexander'of Russia. “W unknown person according drliss, we tokt leave of him , according to l<* merit,” 1 says the leader of ace of the politiV?! [•.flies in the French Revolution to the_ first efi-'ninch artists—and there is n world of truth in all these {evt words. Those who have no other merit, by all means should be the Bean Brummeils of lhe ; day, , and so they are! >Madam,” said this pink of fashion, to a lady who had asked hisadvieo as to what she ought to al low her son for dress! ' “Madam," by strict econo my your son. ought to dress himself upon eight hundred pounds a year! VVclhavc not quilegot up to this jmfett state' in the United Stales, but in time we may reach it, if tec goon as wo have be gan. I have beforejmc extracts from an American book, which shows at least,' that we are at least not altogether behind the times. I I Before leaving your house to go to a ball or soaks consult your glass twenty t me*, and scru polousty scrutinise each part of four ;ToixKne, thus assuring yourself that there is nothing in 'con tradjginctioa-to your age or. the e Verier that oa ture hu grven you. ' V *; »• . - 1 2d All; men cannot : appear as handsome as Adonises, but they may at least e ldeayor not to appear;uglier, than .they.can help. j 3d If you have little, eyes with >qt lubes and bardered T wiih red,-welar‘blue spectacles; a mah may bare bad eyes; ft is abstrm to have ihfm very bad. ‘' | i ‘..4th,lfyou are diihinative; ugly without grace ;3r toumoare, give up all intention of presenting j >n»xaelf m.eociety. ...You the but of a thousand 1 pleasantries. - All the wit in the world; would you. ii ;{ 'j I i Tbit may do for one chapter on Metropolitan ciety.'andmauy might be’written- If the society; of a Commercial Metropolis i .'divided into lenj parts, and all those resolving themselves into fash- 1 ionablc, what shall be said of the political metro-; polisof the Union,.where the fashions'of all the j world congregate. Thus Paris is here in the model of Diplomacy, a Minister ’and his Alloc he cs. Vienna, Madrid, Berlin/St. Petersburgb, London, Stockholm the Paris of the North, Italy, all here' with all-the marked peculiarities of 'Eu rope. Booth America has the peculiarities of this portion of bur continent with whatever novelties it may possess. But this is hot the peculiar' foo ter© of tbe Metropolis.daring the winter season. What was fashion in New York a dozen months or years gone by in-tbe great Commercial Metro polis, is only'just now the fashion in the far off in terior. There are as many cuts .to.a dress as there hre shapes to the clouds.. Then),ore long dreees .and short, bishops and tight sleaver, .dresses of .one color and many colors, and bead dresses of so -many- kinds, that one iis- reminded rather of the headXofi the ancient,'divinities, than, of any thing' human'Or mortal. Every state, city'and village, brings iu fashions. here in the seeming presump tioOjthat what is fashionable at home is fashiona ,ble hero also, and a caryfu| observer, staudiag up on Pennsylvania Avenue and knowing the fash ions of a locality, would point you whence came this lad)- and that, ■as readily as: if they wore up on their : foreheads or bonnets; their several stale esaxteheont.'lf-ladie3 jwem:not required to be all domestic, all ft seems-to be .should lie artists, •wne to'be,sura higher talent .than . rthm.- Itfook a ladycf rankia-France. to dis cover the beautiful assoiaalion’between raven hair and niby velvet -Americans,then, -copying from the fine older masters, had the courage to revive the reign all the feminine world sour followed the lead. The'French wo , men indeed.are the yetybenu ideal of artistes in dressing; and-it is because they r make dress the study ofa life time,-and follow’ll there with all the | enlhu^wm/which one 'devotes here- to making : money,or fame, or something better or werwe thair either of tbftie. In Franco dresses aro- not spoken, : of quality qf fi£ : Uog,but always according -to the efleer they pro dared., Fabrics both in color tod-quality, arc : known liy the impression they »alto,aa a success ful tSk, a captivating robe, a. triumphant bonnet, a victorious cap, dec. fife. brother Jonathan, even here at bead quarters, as I have said before, is not qupeup~.to Johnny Crapean, but In this progres sive-ago he wfilnotlrmglflgbchind, simple head odiashets. More of this small, talk perhaps here aAer, if you wQ) tndulgeTh’o anfidst the world of pottiesftfsoebiareasional-pfillesi:'*’.' . E. B. ■Wbttxs .Gamut' But Soap.—Wo police thohoo Ml tcfWirtaie:jn.j(l*iSS»lf?«lt>AltB to. ueorpomoiU *OUo R*U Bo*d 0»w-W^took-pb* totte fftcMtiagVof k*-~" —— - ' /miiaifrtta wary id over the Cora- Ttfijof t&B.Pn* l 'the Merchant’s maty-fire thou* ‘dfhb steamboat i £lew York to jr.wos deslroy- jniicencc' of fire is brought before gued by Messrs ther_ able coun* > 1 E. B. THE HE. xec. 25, ISI7. • ' from the men Cwt apiny the :artb in regard 4* r j or in other the heart and iam of comma- [ r mu ’ ud wo od the custom tag ud paying c imoa courtesies : is a big-library to the'Abbe de i *0 articles upon i ty with Ms fet i y of-which.be ennan, by way l writeu a large card etiquete gener* ed' the simple « are true, that jt the reverse 70s to make a use of all this net's.' It is, as test of books.” . it Adonis in ap 4t. King Rich* < his time : halfmadc up ) iab!e rien.he did halt Could I record all that I see,hear and feel every day,‘it were something worth readiuz. I feel' when 1. attempt to write abofit Rome and Italy, as if! had been taking a joyous -walk through beau tiful woods and fields, and on returning made you a present of a few green burs that fJiick to my legs, for a specimen of the beatifies I have been enjoying. No matter, one day 1 shall talk to you, to your hearts content of-every thing here. 1 shall tell you of my beard >and moustache and rimmed painturs hat, of the green covies in the uar row dark street#, and the bezgars and the I’ofe.' (God bless him,) and the red legged Cardinals.and Italian painters, of queer adventures, of fleas and bugs, aud dirty laced wee wee children, of glorious St Pelenyof the beautiful old ruins, of’the moss and ivy covered walls of the green villa*, and the dance of the peasant*, and sludl give you the his tory of all the places I have sketched, and will go at length into the longest possible yarns, about all the fine things that be “in this curious country Italic'.*’ ****** Be, 6r he had ith the devil,” and smile, and be tous challenge : me,? said the giiest lace in man in town, d I will enter : jan you may ms on account double on ac i painted him jtr pitted with t to deformities J cm/are sure qualifications it al defects of irluc in good - icknourledge. bis excessive be Emperor, bis way. to n ' receive an The craKtrvT of specie •to Emurr.—The dram of specie for England, jias not stopped as was Imped by many, but on the contrary, has received a new impulse from the news just received. The Tribune of New York, savs:— The advices from timber side have tendril to •P? 2 bills firmer, and the rate bifii is *tifTnt 10‘iSlOi per cent The failure of the vVebt India Bonk will tend to throw -.iiscrorlit on other West India Stcrlinz. and thus reduce the quantity of bills before available. la addition to this, it may be remarked that coin can be shipped at a profit when exchange ranees at these rates. The full in produce slupjiei! i'» Knz- Ilriil, of course reduces the arnonnt of 'bills drawn and will help bill drawers to pci the present rates and perhaps an advance, wluch will keep the cum going freely. Of this we may be assured, so long as capitalists can make a profir. by exporting spe cie, they wil| do so, no matter if its- loss ruins our banka and convulse# the whole trade of the conn, try. When we devoted all our,agricultural resource* and-all our commercial rataiU to the one object of feeding Europe, we soon brofight them, in debt and reduced the rate of excbangtl There the. monied men got their .pa per discounted running GO day*, and with this they bought exchanges oil London, oh. ttined the gold and-broughf it here, took up their paper and pocketed the profits. At they trrrt alt* to buy Geld in londou to sell m New For*-, so they «i2 at every opportunity buy Gold in N. YotJcJot the Loudon marlxt. The drain of gold weakened the Bank of Eoglnnd and affected to bankruptcy Brit ish merchants by the loss of caused bv theloasof specie. Like causes produce like remits bot the effect, of ah export-of specie upon our cur rency and consequently upon our business in all its.rclatioaa would be much more serious, for with all the coio upou which we boast of our present strength, bur paper money has less metallic basis than that of England. A moderate loss cf coin is therefore liable to cause a large loss of confidence and consequently a large amount of trouble. The Ctinard boat that leaves New York to-dav will take about half a million' of dollars in' gold.— The Bank*, however.' willbp drawn upon hut fora small portion of it; nearly all., already provided, wasdrawnfromothcfwurces. Thequamitycfspe cie coming in is very light. No matter where the. specie pomes from its export is a palpable loss, of so much coin. In addition to the European drain, we shall as soon as -war loans are made,' have a home drain equally fatal to the stock of coin upon which our banking institutions are founded. The course 'of the current of;coirfis therefore of the greatest in terest tothe farmer, the merchant and tho manu facturer* as it at oncc affcctaour curreucy. So long as this is without fluctuation all is well, but every business man feels that a troubled currency must, never foil to affect him, suddenly and seriously. Sales-of Public L.caw—The National Intelli gencer of Tuesday condenses a statement of the '■public lands advertised fur side m the months of aud Febniary^ucxt, The quantity In the 'ngrepalc rsrecd* five and UiiAquartertuillion»ofaeres.di£lnbutedfromGret*n Bay'in theTerrhoryof AV’iaeoiwiiijto Bitqe Bay m Florida—that, runniue from 45 to 2b deg. of north latitude; and embracing consequently every variety of climate, soil'and production.-found witliin/Itlie United Staten. ■ • y/J . -ir In "Wisconsin there arc. . jlissouri . r Alabama.. Louisiana. Mississippi. Florida... Indiana...' .*■ T0ta1......;....... ;• The safes in lowa and Missouri, are in commence at tbe different.jandoiftcenion !7lliaud3l*.t Jan. , Injodiawi they are lucoinmciico pnjsl.&thnnd lfllhof Mayjaud in all’other Slates on 7lh, 14th. '.list and Cith February.' • CoMiiissioxcEs oorw-TO Havana Among the information brought by an amral at New Orleans .relatiyc to Mexican' affairyjt'is elated ibaljwtne romora bad reached Verb Cru*,£f a design enter laiaed by. Congress to! send fthd'three Mexican eommtwioncrfl; appointed iq_ arrange terms of peace, to Ilavanna, to! meet ornitherinvUe the fip pomtracut of American; romniissioncM to meet ti«ra there. Mr. -Trwt had not yet arrived at Vera be 'was raomcTitarily expeclcd on his way to Washington,, • ,!.i .. Tab ran arrival otNi-o, Orlnuu on ,1, 0 oj ull from Tampico and (he Braao* -with later dates -•-• TWe wu.no newa of tWsliglflcst {interest Mir nngetlhcr at Tampico or the KidOrande. AUwm progrefcifig quietly, Mexican* aru now becoming every day better satisfied with iWnew .ordCTW.Ullage /j'y 1 ;» -. j; ...’ : reqtiMtedto My that Mm*™ EvcrLart andSoa of Piiilampfuß,- reported a* balded ouiw Uto explosion, near MayaviUo wu but aiightly in, joedfiodi^ fecit feeosafc' rve&i&i"' ' « 0 CorrMpandroce of the Pittsburgh Gazeci LETT£& FROM ROME; j '••• • -j : ' -Hour. Nov.-7 v :’i&4.7.-. A Tim CiT,Y— SCENERY. icc.'icc. "VV e.baveiiocfj inßoinerabout iix days,-Where Jor the. winter, haying spent four Week# in tliceountry- From PalCmirtasMi rode oh, (a phrty of u#,) on donkeys with our bag ?ap, to another dingy pleturesque'old town called Olicano,' where we stayed abouj five weeks. At Tuliaco to =.wh:ihit>!(ice..l_walked. I. stayed three days and mariesbme sketches, and at Ciaetcila wo all stayed a| week, returned to Oiivuno and from there returned by Vetina to Rome, on the first of the month, j . * I roust tell yousomelhingof towns and thesplen did scenery-in’: which they lie. This part of the Roman states, surpasses in this respect, all that I seen | before. But I van only give you.any' idea of. the kenciy, by showing you my sketclx*. It is all as unlike anything we see in America a* possible.' The towns arc all old and blackened ami queer, built of the gray stone «f the steep bar-! ren rocky hills, on ll»e summits ofwbicb ihriy are generally pctched. It seem* often us if the tuest inacceasaljlej places were chosen by their founders, und sometimes these rocks are so peculiar in their formation, jttat at a distance a mass of them may be mistaken lor a nnua of! houses and walls, or vice versa. Many of these mountain towns arc crowned by the pi&uresquejold ivy-decked vines .of some old fortress of the tuiddhl ages,which once spread ns protecting aim over the houses beneath, which huddle together and wall themselves m us close to its shelter, as they can. All this recalls the old stormy days ofßienziond tlie-Coionnass and the Frengiparoi, who battled it np.aud down these black hills. But the mountains are the chief attraction here to the artist Such picturesque forms, such craggy precipices, such marvellous columns tunning through all—nothing can be' ima gined more splendid than sunset here at Civhellc. .which is one of the highest towns, one .sees a com plete panorama of mountains over which the richest colouring that a painter can desire seernL whole landscape with all its wil<l and barren hills, seems steeped in the very wins of heaven, and as if it had imbibed light and hues which ihust remain forever theirs. What a coun try this is for a colorist! Then what moonlights we had there. It was like looking into ihq land o. dreams. The full moon beneath as Keats says, mountains rise and rise Ambitious for the hallowing of her eyes,” threw a charm over all, so new, so unlike that we see by day—and beyond the huge shadows which these great masses east—how softly and swe&tly the light .stole into the green valleys of cheanuts, and the pastures where the white sheep and goats reposed in fiock.s withiu their scattered cotes”— the shepherds clad in primitive sheepskins repo sing by their side, before tbeir watch fire. We go toOlivano again, in a lew days. There are some things there and in the neighborhood I wish to see. particularly ,Monte Cave, (where Child Harold was‘finished,) and Lake N’emi. * * * Addin Carissima rv.relb, a P. C. MEXICAN PEACE. '» of tbcTuttbHrgk'aad. The commencement of this workSp 'important to the citizens of Western Pennsvlvama,: and the citizen* ol Maryland, and mj interesting talhe trar eflmc and bu*ne*s public .East and \Ve< was cek cbrati-d_on<Tue*day, toe *Ui of December, by cit izen* ol Allegheny and the adjoining counties, on' the farm Muse, Esq, three mi|e* a*; bove .Mehf import. The object* for which the Di-i rectore aud Mnekfaoldcr* of the company, and the! citizens of tUie surrounding country' tad assctfabled I were bn.;tly nnnotmecd by Mm.Urimcr, Jr.|Esq, j the I reside it of the Company, who introduced to j Ihe paopte! c .i-n. Jo,. Markfc, a mcinUlr <jf llu: Board of Du retors. * | i C°l. Larimer remarkedthat though GencrafMar kie s rewdot ee, wiiich was remote from the city of I ltlsburgh, undered it inconvenient lor him to nerve tut Po Atdent of the Company, yet the people onthu* iastie friends would cipect iheit; pat* rihtic and diVtinguished.neighbor to lake upon luin aelf a I'-adin j part in the interesting ceremonies of this day. Known,to the country as one of her j purrst ptttrio ft and bravest defenders; Gen. Markle ' wunld l*e ra led'-opon by his fellow-citizens, to lead in Tlie raxsi? if internal improvement in Ihiapiost douriahini; > :|iioij of our improving coi|ntry> A ruoetjng wns jhen spontaneously organized bycnll- ing- Gen. Mr appoiotins J rotary. It h Jon, Esq:, t tor the lour crpled by tl ready with: on motion. 7?«o?iVV/, Western Pi purpose yf ;le by acclamation to (lie chair, and IK'S Robbins, of "Westmorland, ‘See* ■iny been announced that James Feb I enterprising contractor, whose bid I le* above M’Keesport bad been oc*l Board of Directors, was present,’ and workmen to begin the work; it was ] at this meeting of the .citizens of sylvania, having assembled tor the j • .-Itnessing the commencement of a liailroad, ih< completion of which will add anotb* cr and poivi rfm link u> that great chain of improve* whit li ■ piud* in a. common union of in* tore si. inter* 3ui'*c. and business, the people of the Atlantic sloj t*,: had their fellow-citizens of the Sits siwippi vallt y, do request General Joseph Morkle. to volunteer onte.more in the caude his conn in'* and “eot uiijmce the coostmction” of the Pitts-, burgn and C oiineisville liailrood, by striking', the lirst spade in the ground. ,Th« enthu iiastic adoption of this resolution was followed by i few remarks from General MnrMe, who said the. in accepting the highly honorable part assigned him by tbe favor of his fcllovV-citi* rens, he hoj cd 1 that they wotild at least extiuse hint from maj mg a speedup-lie appreciated high ly tbe unpon inde of this Road: it would prove not only a be lerjt to Pennsylvania and her East ern aH-weiJ a h«jr "Western emporium,* but it ivas a work of Jit tiohal importance. Though not! ac customed to r üblic speaking, he said that he could work, he coul I dig, and with tbe people'on ! hi» side, he cou d auv would work in so good a cause. 1 M. D. M loudly caJli people in a shim, Esq., of Pittsburgh, was then £Sr. Mr. Magellan addressed the ecb of great power and eloquence, the necessity expatiating ufi: to the .a untry of a Railroad, to connect the Waters of tin Ohio with those oC-the Atlantic tea board, by tli< shortest and best s>ute. At the con fusion of Mr. Magehaa’a apeech,tlis following res hutions were uuantmouslv adopted; Rrso!v:d, ' 'hat the day on which the people have 1 , agreed to calibrate the actual commencement of the great wp k, which is to connect by Railroad the navigable waters of the Ohio with those of the Atlantic, byi ie nearest, cheapest and best route worthy of >eing held in perpetual remembrance. - lis.ivfvti/, 7 bat the conduct ofcthe present Board of Directors if ,the Pittsburgh and Connclsville Rail Road Cimpany, in placing a portion of the road under c mtract at so early a day after their election, meci« with the warmest approval of all honest and lileral minded men of Western Penn sylvania. : Jiettdrfd. 7 hat while wc feel it our duty to sup port in an «special manner those worts of .im provement u Inch are in our own neighborhood, yet we discla m all that narrow sectional feeling which would uduce opposition to oilier works of improvement, attempted or desired by our fellow citizens of pei hlK>ring States. • .; lU.iuivcd. Tl at the route of the Rail road, this day comment* d, on the waters of the Youghiogke ny, is the oiie rhich George Washington, himself s practical ineer, pointed out to his coutrymen, as the shortest, and best line of communication, tince the day? of Washington. scientific men—not only engineers appointed by the Baltimore and O bur Kail roqd, l 'ompany, but engineers appointed by the firmer foardof Directors of the P. Ar C. av ! ngntn-nnd again demonstrated is for ttn interest of the Atlantic seaboard, unlnbe valley >f the Mississippi that tt Hail Road should be mnd ou. this /rente over all others, be cause it presents fewer obstacle* to the construc tion of the Kiul mad. and the road, when made, will jKf.wss greater advantage* than any other.' Rr ’tJrref, That the Directors of the Pittsburgh and Lonmilsvillc Rail road Company!«. requested t » the capitalist* of all the eastern cities upon !iic merits ol this route and the great value ntiimately oi thortcH-k of this Company, and the yn.<t benefits which wiHaccnio from the eomple ti'Hi of this road to the commerce of all those cit ies. and more especially the business of Baltimore un.l Philadelphia * ' ™ lltsoh-rd, That however much die .great work which is this day commenced may have been re tarded by w 1 vcini's pursued ift j{aryland and in Western P< nnsyivuniu. wc yet have full confi dence tl.nl br." Hu-spread oftnithand the perse vering ifttppi r, of the -jw-ople, by the unequalled : i icrits of th,' i route itself and the rapid increase j of tbo popul non and resource*ufWmern Penn-1 sylvauin. the ultimate completion of the road is secure* lirs'irrtf. r **''-* lal il is recommended to the citizens i make application fiir n charter to ailmad to the Pennsylvania line, a cnifdy n**ce**ary to Haiti* easonnble period, a connection with if Maryland the (>hui uuu mr city of I’ ir CTeal Lukes, and with the grow-; 'htirgh, which at the present ralo'W iii n few vrars equal Baltimore in resjuree*. \ ' 1 ml. the thanks jof lliu meeting’are n. Joseph Markle, a rlirtinguiahetl |M>l»il;itu)n m Hcto!veJ, ' tendered to < patriot and I lion in the c> Jir*oltr/f, ' in the paper vanin, in the and The atizc o| the last \rar, Jor bit cooper, rremontc.* of iha day. ’ t’haj these provocdms* be publuhcd I of Pittsburgh and Western Penosyk i Anirrican of Baltimore, Philadcldhia •he New n York Tribune. »s then proceeded to the *r • - -- ‘pollute... out for ihe tcnuueiu-cmeul of operations. Gen. Markle, hav ng taken the spade‘from the bands of the contrartrjr, then turned up the ground, and im mediately itfe people made the welkin ring with found and reiterated ciioeraXor the “Pittsburgh and ConnelsviUe Railroad.'* Three cheers were given for Gen. Markle. and the multitude retired in mod order. ' " ’ A number of citizens subsequently partook of a sumptuous repast at the home of Faunlley Muse, the hospitable proprietor of the ground*. &c. The ceremonies, and festivities of the day closed without any incident or accident to mar ; the hir crijiy of the occasion. • Hall Botd Matters. SmmETfrnxE Rail Road.— -The citizens of StQj* benviDe oad u very spirited meeting, at their Court House on the evening of the 25th uIL, Col. Hob: erts presiding, nt which it was resolved, that it is expedient- to organize a Cqmpany to ccastruct'-p Rail Road from Steubenville in the direction of Mf. Vernon and Columbus, to-intcrsect the Road uoty making from Cincinnati to Cleveland. A committee oft six gentlemen,—Gen. S. Stoko ly, Abner L. Frazier, James Wilson, M. -Roberts, i Wm. McDonald, and John H. Miller, were thcnJ appointed to procure the proper legislative action I tiCOesvan' to cam- into effect the views of the meeVj ing. Messrs Daniel L. Collier, D. Powell, Edwin M. Stanton, James Turnbull, John Andrews and James Means, were also appointed to confer with the citizens of Pittsburgh and other eastern cities! I and secure theirccnoperution in the above. Thai right spirit is abroad about Rail Road niovcmcntsj I und success imirt attend the efforts, now making.'" I Local Intelligence. CrAßiuri. Ko.lt, the Watchman who'catjscd the denth of a young man named Wilnon, in arresting, him Inst summer, lias been on trial for the last two j or throe days (or murder in the fir*t degree. His I ease was very ably conducted by bis counsel, and I the charge hf the Judge was clear and lucid. Tbe J case was given to the Jury atom noon on Kridny, l ! and up to 10 o'clock, r. ik they had not agreed up .on o verdict, j ' Tin; character ul .the defendant as a peaceable, w«ilWispo*etl citizenVtauds very high in this com munity, und tlio evidence seems strougly.to supporn tile idea that the blow, which cAused 'the death of Wilson, was jhven in sclfdefeuee. : | .'rtfi.ns' 1,M7.0G3 l-Xfc.lW Ut~.WT \ Wry few facta have l»cenelicitedduring the pro.l gre>s of the trial dillering frum those publisher! at] tbe time of the arrest. I*. S.—Since writing the ol»ve J; wc have recti V ed information that the Jury have rendered n ver dict of -not' guilty.” - :i OTsrraa: Holt Sc Moltby, proprietors of theoyiJ ter depcif, under He St. Chnriw Hotel, have polite ly sent us a specimen of the art iclc, in which fhey: arc extensive dealers. A very appropriate article fir the holiday*. I Tiik Piuslmrsli Bank, and va Mjpo*. iho oth™ lU not do bu.iucsa today in accordance toUitho usual custom. Jm>cß Irwijt, of the United States District-Court, lies daugerouMly ill at his residence. The lost Otlico will be open to-day from 74 tall Bj o’clock—tlx? ranio as on Sunday. IET-We in vile attention la aiiadvcrlircmcnt for tlic talc of cheap dwellinga. Wo „„ jnfcnllcJ olleLn runt chance for the jaduttrioni trade*- man or tatcliaaic, in moderate'cimirattancct, lb tecuro a comfortable heme in the hear* of ibe city, ■on easy lernit. - 83-\tr. T.»r«n. l SLClair Slmclttiheiy.il will he named byai edvcrtitcraent, it prepared to tupply nlldeminda upon him at thort.<ootioc, and noon rcawnaUe icrmiu ;c : Bf MAGNETIC! TELEGRAPH. ■ Railroad. _ Cortosponpcnce of d» cUt'i J.-,.. ! • Ctootonati,.Dac.X.lSl7 ♦l3? K ‘ VH i“ a?»ra to nariptole oolA. Tip Po«tad Canal i, opem-d. to of which freights have fallen. t 7 Gazette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET.’ Th»~ n^ EU ‘ m *T Dec. 31, 5] p. xj. lv themarkeu jseaeral* l> are quirt, and without change. ; £jcln,,vc Comwninc' at lb, Pitßkurab i GnMttr. BALTIMORE EARKET. ' yiour T DOC. 31, K X. » **’ f™ to* J- u 50,131 lb S ra ° re more *■» c£™ IfoSijK* Bn, ; d * "" kclJ nt SUBSfrbM. a , S 3 5, ’T' ■ ' riu ' F*« 1 "* to confined to Ibe re^*!s r ,. U ?. n ? actloas of trade. Lard is verv firm “* ?T reted7 i - i ;A 11 a33e 3 and Sugar nothing of iiu* ' doln ?* and no change; Codee is without Eictoirr Coireiponilence of |he Piiuburjh fen NEW YORK MARKET. p^r Th '?? ri “ t 6r c ° ra *» d °a« “" juu ' n £"!?r Th« markal hr liea%7 fbr Pork, bu. 1 Ev!^ “atom woUdhr.accplcd. Tk? 65< r' Pm ” f White al 63c f> bu. The chaos*. [ Elclurne Corrr.porulence of rhe Pitnburgh Gorette. CINCINNATI MARKET. j J 77 , Cisccwati, Dec. 31, 6 ip. M. i “f I°°<> bbla at SI, 65 p bblj 9b„ 5 Pnmc Red arc reported ar 100 c sales at "0028 c bi ; kSSa”^ 0 S hu e >■“ “m«l in the market. 100 b!“ ™' f ' —R^kr Ml “ « 52,5002,G2|cg Prnumu, continue without change, and the market is rather duIL * Wlualey— Moderate tales aU7»c *•£■!. Ms Lembse or Congress dead.— By last night’s mail we learn that it was the Hon. Edward Brad' bury of Michigan, whose -death was announced, instead of Sir. Stewart, as reported. FROM MEXIGOi importance, and ben* 1 CAPTURE OF; OUT ARAB. , 7SEW3 FROM j I ‘ El Monitor of ihe 27ih ulti, publishes the details | of the capture ef Guyamas, fay the frigate Congress, J the sloop of war Portsmouth, and the brig Argo. At 6 o’clock on the morning of the 21th, the A- Stericans opened their fire from the vessels of war and the two mortars. One English resident wu killed, some bouses burnt and others destroyed.— A flag of truce was then tern to them, and a party of sailors and 'marines -went ashore and planted the -Americatijlag on the fort erected on the hill called the Casa Blanch. • account goes on to say that the Americans disembarked 400 troops and sacked the town. A Train left the city of Mexico-oinder Genera! Twiggs on the Dili inst for Vera Crur. Gen. Pierce oames down with it, Gen. Scou is said to have as signed new Brigades to South, CadwaJader and Hi ley." i 1 he Steamer Portland, after encountering severe gales.hi which shewn* compelled to throw over board one hundred.horses, arrived at Vera Cm* on the l.jth iust. Capt- Wheat'came to Vera Crux in charge of about one hundred sick and wounded. . rCol. Bankhead hus appointed Lieut Fnimestock ot the 4lh Artillery, Acting Assistant Adjutant* General. On the oth Senor Ho*a, Minister of Justice and I Ecleaiustics, issued n decree against the salc of | church property in the capifo!, except forthebemv ! Ct ol'church property, or die Mexican Government. i-' t The Monitor of the 10th, say»4hey are/assured lluit the Mexicna Government hod determined to l?nd propositions to Washington fur CommW.oners to meet at Haraiia and arrange the lemis-ofa treaty of peace, and that these propositions' had ’actually gone down by a. special courier, who accompanied-' the train which left yesterday. Bates from the capital, ta the 11 th. state that some, of Oen. Patterson’s troops, who were quartered in tho convent of Son Domingo, in . turning over an oldjdcsk discovered gold and silver to the amount of SI 0,000. This led to further search, and in one of the. cells n large, quantity of clothing and ammuni tiOii was found, and removed to liie Qunrter-masi ter’* department. ; j < On the I3tli Gen. Butler arrived in Puebla, 01 his way to Ihe city of Mexico, with seven thoui and men. ; [ The Baltimore Araerom of the rfOlfa «ywr The paragraph crn’oc the routds of the paper* announc in? the failure of Mr. Ssniuel Ciuttml, the contras tor ef the Royal Mail tfeniners. is incorrect. The Hon. Joseph Cunurd, brother of Mr. Samuel B Cun ard, has tailed, and hisliaMlitie* are said to be irn mense. ; Zixt—A vein of caAonauwjf zinc has recent ly been discovered on the property of Dr. Fahen stock, in Lancaster couaty, in.this Sutte;.yieldinjr a the rate of, 60 per cent! pure metal. S’avtCATtoTi'si-sraxßm.— The late “cold eiupV extended as far east as NW York and has dosed the Hudson River down to : PoughkepstV. Tie river remained open .longer this year than since 1630. • . ... CxpiDAro-roR Tt.T mancrer.—The Mercer Whig in accordance viththeiuggestioosofa Whig meeting; nominates Gtn. Scott, and also places -on ni own account" very near this name the name (f John McLean of Ohk j Prtttc Docnffinw-Wc are indexed to A. H* Lewis, Esq., cf the Oho Senate for an enrty copy of thtf Auditors report. • •< ' : i-iz —— -• M. Rnßßl.fS, Sec' HaW YEAR'S ADDREfJS °* **•* tl* the EAGLE COTTO.t rACTonX, TO xasdl iarEas'm-TOE ohmn XAcroato. -- Jaswarr 1,1845. '. Dear Girls, as time knows no deity,' u Another year has past awpy ' . - Itfjoys and mrrows too; 1 .' Atid if the muse will condescend, ‘ : ' Oar humble effort to befriend, • Our rhymes vc'U send tojyou. THo Spring, with its refreshing showers, Its robe of green and blooming flowfrs, • Has sunk into decay; And Summer days, whose sultry heat. To cooling shades inclined retreat, i Have pass'd like dream, away. Those little birds, to whom belong The sweet asd cheerful notes of song, -t:-' We oowno more must hear; Bm chilling winds, ; and snowy storm, Our earth and sunny skies; defcrm, t.With Winter wild and drear. • Buttbink notthatwo nowcopj plain bf Natures change and winter’s reign, ' Which Snmiricr For minds disposedtooorriprehend 'fThe good these useful changes seud, , ’‘"Each season maj enjoy. •' \Vbile all without is cold aniVbaw, And naked boughs are paying where A verdant landscape by; Secure und warin, with cheerful mind, We eaclj perform our work assigned. And pass the happy diy. The Spindle, Reel, and evprj part' Pertaining to our useful art, Employ our‘daily care: • v We envy not the proud and gay. Whose joys so often pass away, And leave but sorrow there. But wbcu our daily task is o’er, How silent all whore late before, The busy ham arose; Our “Eagle,” motionless and still, How lone and drear the good old Mill i when,our labors close. But then the joysofhome; bow sweet, When oil each other kindly greet, Arunnd the choerful firej With talcs oflotre, and laugh and jest, Xot rudely, but in r..:-’ 'ot rudely, box is mirth expn*?t> • Our ev'niuff hours expire.. : And though another year baa roa, \V itli many a change since it begun, ' i Still let us not repine; [-. ••• | White active life and health remain, Our cheerfulness well stUl maintain, * 'I Aod uaeleta caresxesigtl. . • And now, with ieeLnpt roost sincer®, WtfwiiiiyouillajAyoQiyear, • A year of peace and to vr; ' whenth*- • * ■ ; fhi-j-0,, in.a h_-ne rld the cddowoflbe SS??" tbonhere ;,oi mtenv.. TuzSew London New* Mys that the Gutter Craw* on Gardner »L-land. w um worth^t- Buffalo Courier fnmishe* a list of 23 «wm- II propellers, 2C bnpmmhCC ioliooaers which are now lam up for the winter in t!mt port. 7 Vessels Bciuiisg ai CletoasdOiiJ.— There "* now building, three dreXij [.mpbllereS bn S* and nine.schooners, in all *£§lC> toiwj C ”^ l wasM nUmber °! lin last wrek oy Coinraik—Hare Toxic.— Tc th R H,=- freClWn s^/ 0 *- Wl i h a r, - c ?’ hjXDri “* ll head of f«e from dandruff and won, do not fail to wbnui itl. tannine Balm of Columbia. In eatS XffiSSSL,**- wjUmore than exceed your expectation*. Many who have lo*t their hair for ‘JD years hare had it restored id it*- original perfection' by the use of this balm Aol state or condition appear to be no obstacle alio, causes the fluid: to flow with which the deltalm “d* « filled, by* which means thousands {whose htur wa, prey „ ,)* Asiactic Eagle) have had thSfr hair restored to nj natural color by the use ufthis inval utible remedy. In all eases offererit-will be foundthe If™ that can benwd. A fevr applied on. * n I f ? TJ n t T T to feep the hair from failing SreW -V * t ” !n !nhcnirthe roots. It never Jails to imparta neh glossy appearance, and ava perfume for the toilet “ M* ihree time* as much as other hair restorativeiuutd is more effectnal. The by Com, “ >ck * .0»t 21 Court land , e n riv i^ bU . rt ' h '. on - s ',P. ena . irt .^, b l W>l- JACKSON. Swe^nv'2 !, . ea J °1 '»ood; m naihitigion. Pa., by f„ * n Wtownsvillr, by Benner 3t Crocker: l J^.°" sfat - ,rp h b >' Vooel; alw, by our agents,V eierj town m Pa._Ohio and JUd. uovlSdlcwCmT tk/~\eliow Teeth and putrid breath, >pongy gum* like rotten death,. »t. rc ll. ?' ve ai »d disgusting. '. Swre'i“hi h |^^';" 1 ! , “ '" rhi " “ powrl. \Vherf b r * h ~ hanl f^nt*—manorgirf. Y”l ydl '‘“X-'-oar, quickly haste r. / £ nd Jl** “ °°x of Jones* Tooth Paste It Kives the U ieeth anJ “ T® 11 ! ab ««dful article. sSi,. *** a 6,18 ottarael. Sold in Pittsburgh al 1 . novlMfcwly »s^Yff“w'h, l, “')r h " in ' 0 ? »"•“ retili be ev Jones' CoralHoirßcstoratiSl ? Uire ® ‘hdJinr bottle of trwi. Masyr 1 “"<^ ..‘STS n ””’ Li ™ •bore then My or SK^ -Mmereble )S old by wu JACKSO^eS 6 - »ovlSd&wumT SW "'- V=™ teeth, Si wy yt ' novlfidiwly; ®s.S £ss|{ effectual cure for Rheumatism. Sold by \V.W JACK SO.V,A g emJ,rPm,bei s h. . ““3 1 *?“&*<* 'he Femele ssSHS?S#H¥ VSsas^ :s >A’^sr The meed, of ibe raoiilyare re. K eire||j- „ eltend the fueerel ibi, ebemooo, ei 5 o doek, frem th< residenceof her lather, sih'street. .. P a happy ne\v yf»b ' On l.l**.;,be'<smeirtt..1**.;,b e '<5meirtt. of An«r ! ■ P*or Eason Cciacto; Comic Song. —_ _ , . ~ Master Aromu; To conclude with • T,I Ei 'OrrKRV TICKCTJ :• hteT 1,1 a"- 1 4c= “-I CONCERT. ! ' A uKJJy S"'™ l M»«c will be Biv™ i.i >l„ -f *■ Church, cor. ad and (iruui »i«' Jii Tur*» *U)- ’■veiling, Jnn. 4lh. ItM-J, tiy Ilie Chuir ui rnid cimrrh nSß****** pruicipul amateur* of «he-eity.lW llobbock will preside in Unr organ * .IcTi'pflKh'r,’ “ bc “ wlicd * of hb n _’^‘ c iv‘v- & Two ticket* wiU'admit IWO Iwiicn fuid one gcni cinnn—lo be bail of the nricipjd mu«lc •*r?SJSSl ,Ke city ' and * the door/ P j 2 f S? n u,e<s “P™ th» occasion, was mdnu facturrdjby Mmim. Piark ami Meinhanlu of thin city e „te°: W ?. lrh ,h * hnvejaji opportune ty of judging, l-or particular* see programme. T* . . flcC3l4dt."° . OK i .47 ' ASDRETI *8 .BAGLS • BUOOS, i!t- h *C!!>' lo nn'wunce that ilic Vayor* v L> “Sf «*“ »lwp,MmClarAßn»c*. SSStS'Xr.T&i.”"' 1 pured, '‘'™ f» *»» N. 11. Ttie caloon witl be comfimal.lv heated. Cania ofadiummon as cenu. [ 4*,s YALUABLE Bcw.wV'p^ialt"^'' » "ttycrl«»y NoveKtf7-colunipa.-12itio, UltrMratrd{ ."*• ** «■»► *sh 4i . Exploring Expedition, 6 volt royal Svo „ do . sdo do do ; D Hi uh Erwyi* 8 toU. Turkey - mor. bock* , JTib above, together, with a large a.«aormwm of V)c4 pndj- bound januly and porkci Itiblea, Common' Proycr. all *Uc» ami binding*, nil of which will be w ld tower than ever offered in thi* market, at (he old sland o, j-, ‘ ' KAY k Co. ***• ■ • - - for lid k wood *i ! TUB SEW JEBtfiALES aTOEK, " Sf-> would. respecuhlle solicit Jf; ,ro . ra hi* friends ami old customer* a continuance cjioae laron so K£: P* 3l - It beutj to many year* since be mired from 1 man T of hitold friends and almost furmiwn him, aitd-tbere-beirig to manr-of tii¥.- name of Bows, now mrtmuuess, U tbe cauje'ofitiv particularism* the na4o of hi* store. The little addi? : £!?• fhZ 1 h , a 7 c fa ?‘ le w®y name, addc dttr&- lact that I am seldom m the btore, has nLso'eanseil’ »om' to rupnosoihat it was not my opportunity of mskiu- it known ta “ d ht> J**° partake of a share o? urt'n.-v .T' Al - 1 oracles manuloctured bv MIL T. 1 .lyj - V u . rr tvarratUed'ffood, and made from the -btsunatcnals the market at the time, jani W»‘T- BOW S would respectfully call atten- J of Pr *«rved Fruits, consUtimj' of Mtrawbenr, Raspterry. Cootebcny, Currant I'lura, ?ul El!‘“i 1 Cranberry and Cunant Jellies: be Bfc «ra®ent ofFanev and Coin- u Domestic Fruits. Nuu“*e.) MTnie and Urown Lrenrtfresh crery day. jauLlvy TAVBB A,HDTCHIXBOK &. CO— Sucre: *■ Co, Commission Mej chanWj and Aecnu of the St Louis Steam Sucar R< finery. >o.<d water and th» from streets, Puubu”*h. SOAP A jn> CANDLES— .’ “ ' - MO lose* No. I Cincinnati Soap: ! - SO “ .Mould Caudle*; Landing from North Curoliua; for »a]e by ; bauaixy a s.vrrji:— N'o». la A 20 Wood t t ~ ■pHOpCCE—3oLags dried pearlic*; -I'- c« krg« lardi lObbfi. do; ; . • , O ~ roll butler Landing and for sale by "BACfXLfeY & SMITH * al . No^lS&gnVood' pEBPUKBBY-Exiracis of Verbena. Patcbou t£ju&V°i% Jo £ t f r Ctaj», MUlUriw. Houqriei d« 55* > L o,k * 1 ? r ?« Perfume Ban. from ild cis 10 ** cac b. For »ale by JOHN IXMORGAN . - • No. KIJ Wood at. fTtiLtt CREAM, in china pot*; - BeeOkfarrow 9 9 reaw » fiae.ldpsalve,ia china poi», 101 * a ‘ e , b s-' " JOHN D. MORGAN, 1 'Jit :-.•■••• - : ■■ No flJMVood «. "O OP*—l6 baled l»t sort wenemN Y Hops ! JI ■l’ do !2d “ «* 1 'n e „ , C d 0 ls, ‘' “ tArefuUy selected .and of extra finality. in More aiidfoj • a i c POINDEXTER A Co. 4l waier it ■pUTTER— a bbii roll; “ ' A? 'I k«R(* received ihis day and for n ± |j»IU.J TA&SKV A- HRS dox. good com broom* ■MJ la “ guilt han'd •• • • o' " tr *s< L jieanh - •• For sale by (jail 8 F VOX A Co, PEARIr ASH,— cants pearl*, prime duality, just received mid for *ulc by • > S F VOX JIONTIOHST A Co. QALARATCB—2 casts and onc box ju«t Joridio? Q and tor sale by ft F VOX BOXHORsT fc Co. * COFFEE— ££ ban green Rio, pan Nrietlj prime: ■ <5. do do Laeuuyroi Arriving oedfor sale by I*AMIIEHT& SIuPTOY \ Jc3) • IMA mwatfkt . L.mm:iir Jc .jmrTnv ' VT EW 1,1,1, Planla'n. llfolo. . .1 aea, pritnufjimlily; landing fmm «tior.; ibrsnle b> Jam ' DAOAI.EY A SMITH; ' Janl \; T»o«lfAa»Wuod*j. Rai,i,ls ' «ww Inndimr L yand for sale by lIAtiAUSY & SMITH: • 1 Nor. 1H A IX WooJ bU, No I; 7 kegs do; tn stoje anJ'for Vole •■- Oanll .••■• YASBKV & BEST. .lure aiul lor „|. br •■ Tj'jSßSi-" T^SOTT»!aww«h(w3^#T - -V - - ■ Ji n Pi/ivti •—U22JL. j *,n FLovn, • 00 kv ljrfr , K 1 B r John P. PtTti, Att<iHant«r. J AUCTION SALES. 1 i _ Dry.G6odt. . ~\ , I wminr. i«a: M at 10 *«e lock, w the Commercial rale* Rorm, corner of wood and sth ««_ wdi be cold wiihout reserve;. • . = i - . “***?» *Mon«eat of seasonable foreign aad dome*. “2°« Me tuperfine eioitu. WioeiK, caitimeres, flannels, W»vk*ta eaJicoet, tin “*“i*J^P**cM , chtm*K)l«*, caii®erti rtbes; Terfceri eottan handkerchiefs, Irish linen, uekujga, black talm & fancy vestings, dress adks cambric and brewa marlins, cambric mod gtsje> ham umbrella*, fancy good* ke ■■ 1 ™ Aiaa’cloefctP.a.'. • •p* r rel«NO*inear,rood«jo4titTt - , ' 5 ckeata and boxesY 11 and Gunpowder Tea, 5 bbls Tanner’* • - . pwela, manore forks stores, crater; • 1 omiaiare steam engine and boiler; A large quantity of netfnrd ttcrad band hoasehold and kitchen fanrirure,'carpc?iag> mattresses, looking-' nuit *l c^ 0C ' l, « enc f aireplendld mantel tamps; . AtCoVtock.v V. j . ’• i . •*?*£? ®«H*ntioß of saleable miscellaneous books, ramuy bibiea in great varictj: 53 1 d aod rilver watches, r)U pen*, letter and cap writing paper, blank books, boots, shoes, tai icy German goods, Ao. . BOOKS FOn TnK~SEASoif^ll!uoiinnii < l Gem*of Sacred poetry-; a splendid imperial 8 vi_ with beautiful illustration* vm steel, hy Bortain:> and 2s. ulnmmated pages _ by : Schmitz and 'Sinclair, I 'richly *®.Tnr*er tnoroccn'and white caff, superbly gilt, i n# Cimmn Keepsake, rut annual tor IMS; with .splendid mezzotint engraving*, by Sartaih; bound in a>- nbcMioe morocco. . * \ j . | . ,i£ri ,tn ? t * 1Ho»«iu and New Yeat'* Wreath for 'Ai n, i^v jn , arl ? . va l u tne, printed on anovr white pa per, embelhibed wnh spleddiu mezzotjntlengrevmgs.-7- i;K-V* ”7 the most -beautiful juvenile annual pul>- the United State*. ' t I : 1 nimJL^ enea - > V ® A " Goldsmrth, M Kf «A '**'.”'*“* “ ”j: ttl S ? a .‘° A,, > wi* seveuty-seven designs, by C u j’ UJ various styles of bidding. %jThe Poem and Poetry of America; by It W. Gris* TThe Poets and Poetry of the Aneienis, by William didiyerit * Bperb,y in Turkey uioroeco; spied* sfesstesr **4 i.! K 3 b^ Uc^. ' k ''“’i? 0 " Sbakipenre's « ■ ' ji, '• .; ’’ br »««*>■ ; Headley’s.Snered Mountain*. • ‘ ' j .• .j ■; The aboveojrith a great variety of other new work*. 1 Sl? > b^ ldl(1 * tTie * ; of wndiag,’.suitable torjgift books; tat , „ T ' "JOHNSTON* STOCKTON, !i dc3o Booksellers, eor. Market A 3dm. 3 • : PBOCLASf ATXOH, ; t Cllr ofPlUihar|b,ss. . ' 1- '• IN accordance with the proTision of an'Aetorthe General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania. Dro vtdin? for the incorporation of tha City of lltaburnh. and ot the supplement to said Act, 1 Gabriel Adam* Mayor of said Citr, do issue this, my ProclamatieciTdo daring that on the Stetnd TutiJay of January, A. D. 1M", being Uie eleventh d.-jy ofthai month, “the free men of each ward of said City,” qualified to vow for Members of &>• Unite of Representatives of this Coin, monwealth, will , meet together at the usual places of holding-election* m their respective ward*, and elect by ballot n citizen of the said City qualified to be elect, ed a member of the House of R'prywntativc* of this Commonwealth, to be Mayor of said City. j And that on the'said day, in conformity to the before recited authorities one also, to On Ordinance of-'Coun* 1 rfusj-districtinr passed the 15th day of March, A.B 164?^—uia ciliiens of the Fint ward win elect by ballot Tuxes persons; of the B atoad ward Tirarx: of ward Six; of the Fourth ward Tnaic of tha ri/lA ward Jmj; of the Sixth won! Tnaxs of the Sjretu* ward Two; of the Eighth ward Two. of the tUnA ward Osx; each of whom f hall be qualified to ' “cv® M a member ofjthe House'of RepretematiTes of : thi* Commonwealth, to be members of the Common , Couuctl. •! 1 Given under my hand, and the real of said | L> S» | this ;3l*t day of Decern* '-W 5 ■ GABRIEL ADAhISy Mayor. ! janlrtc 1 WILSOIT A CO.—lmporters and *’Jo!e tale Dealers m Forrigu and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery. Saddlery, Jte_ia», Wood street. 1 Pitts ourxb- are now fully prepared with a recently import ed s:ock 01 Hardware. 1 Cutlery, Ac., to ofier very! great inducement*, to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with «n»y of the. Atlantic cities: ' Al so on hind an estensiye 'assortment 'of Pittsbunrh Hardware. v«: Shovels,! Spades, forks, Hoes, Vices, frc., »lt of which will be sold at the lowest manufac ’“rvfapnees. J ' 'I -' • " jinl ID-Thc following papers will copy 3 months, send ore paper to and charge adrertisen—shcnbeuville Her ald. Marietta Intelligencer, Galtiopolje Journal. Journal; and Statesman, Colombo*: Zane*Tille Republican. Woostep-Democrat, Western Beserre Chronicle'New; Patriot,. Alberts Whig paper. Coshocton; Spy,- Portsmouth Tribune, <J»hin.; Mercer Luminary, Clarion, Democrat Green»butub RepubUctut, Washington Re port'-r: Democratie paper. Frwtkliiij Pa. ParkersburfT.Garette, Charleston ' •• ; DISSOLUTION. 'T >J»E Copartner*hip df ihc rubieriber*. tinder The jLfirni; of Lewi* I|mclrin»n & Co., j* thi* day di»~ wived by mutual consent. 'Kidirrof ttK.will fitted to Uir Mttlpmem.of.ilic burtnes* of the Cnn, and uw it* •rnmj lor that Jnitposr. .I.FAVIS IJLTCHINSON. - * £ JAMES A lIUTCJIJNSON*. mnp , co-partnership. fTMlßuadenigpedhahe this day fgfmed a co-partner- A »hip, under ; lhe firm 6f Jame* Ji. Hutchinson A Co lor.uie- purpoiarof continuing the- business heretofore carried onlay l*yvi». Hptchiluoii CcC, uul solicit a'coo ununnce of (hf*-.patTOnage hlthcrtd extended 10 the ; houie. JAMES ATUJTCinNSON, . ajmnv^s.; L__.„ . CO-PABTSEBSHIP.. KENNEDY' have this day associated m m lho Hardware bueinrs*, Philip Wil- Muaad&iwarri -This style of firm wilfhere- bo LofjaiuWi!»onJ& Co. This arrangement ren fler*.J* desirable to close the old bonmu os uoa a* po«nbJe. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especuLy requested to make immediate paymeiiL _Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,19-13. •- HABDEsI CO’B. PASSAGE AND ; omcEi • brought awaaMoul by inw, agency upon: reasonable terms, from any portof EutfaUd, Ireland, Scotland. & Wales! k,5l n B ?V. p f 1 foreign Correspondents and agents oi the British Government have frequently: cau . uoiwd Emigrants at home ai«l their friends in America, agamn the frauds prat-used upon them, and have al ways referred to the will known house of llsanu k to,, as the right plafcd for oil to apply, if they wished to be treated with punctuality and di ■£ U S*,7J*? advertui themselves sole Agents for the Blarfc Dali Line, state what.is uutrue, and thus deceive m p , ub ! c ( ' rr P, r ® ,c^» «• >* AgeaU not only of the 'viSight Drafts toatiy amount parable at-anvofthe •branches of the Provincial or Naijoml Banks* of Ire land, England. Scotland, 4c. We draw our own Ex change; we do not take money and.send it to the East to get tome one else to remit, thereby causing mistakes and delays. Ut Uie Brokers, Ac. call upotTut, and we will accommodate thematNew York rates . • - JOSHUA ROBINSON, European An. ___ -sth st, one door below wood. PASSAGE PBOBI C'T. BRITAIN AND IRELAND TO NEW YORK AND jEISS PITTSBURGH- Persons wishiagtoeiSS; passage for the»r «nctids| can secure comlortable* ac commodanbus at the lowest rates on. board of splendid 7g 4 «j!«P»s euacrin the Cabin,! Second Cabin, or ..Steerage; sailrng weekly from Li verpool, qias*ow,Bel- ork, ,*M subscriber will secure good bertha tor those who reside at a distance, coin* to any of the above port*. ! f V* * . Tickets furnished which will bring passengers direct tew; 1 tjfgtaski on tlSf.rrrralnt New »o«,.theyw , ll be lonvanled immediately by Leech t ea’s Italy Fast Line, thereby saving much trouble and expense. [.; ; - q ■ ■ 1* «<* frrna Liver pool on board the New\ork and Boston Steamers. :. > Reftr 10 Messrs. D. Leech * Co, Pittsburgh. »: j 1 WM. JL WILSON, _ „ , . ' 1 \! SC Cedar SU New York.- -rlhaits, obtained on all the principal Banks in Eng. j land, Ireland .and Scotland, on' the 'jaosr reasonable term*, in sums to suit thosd wising to;remit. All Leu ters post paid. ! I . i /> novlS-Gm CONSUMPTION AaHESTED— TTtho^, f. c 5! 1 10 *?’® so - B l?bcted -with the first premonitory symptom-of Consumption,; that I hare bean laboring ! or reveral yean with a bronchi, soreness of thc~thrpat tuid hoarseness. I used many medicines, bat found no £ TW of Medfcine.'umil I aide tuc of D&DI.NCAX’S EXPECTORANT REMEDY.) 1 hare been using this valuable medietuo for -ereral •years, and always find it to yelieTe whenever I make tt. My occupation' naan Auctioneer, which seeps me almost constantly ; engaged, ieauw* mr dis ease,at times, to become very alarming, when lat once procure this medicine. I therefore take"plet«are in m “ ui » thispubta statement that others affected with i a disease ot the lungs and! expectorant oiynus may ! kuow the virtues of this “nll healing remedy, 1 ’ nn/t Qa y be cured,. Iha« recommended Dr. Duncan* Expec- I torant Beraedf to many of ray friends,' some of whom ] owe their lire* to ibis medicine. ' i 1 Somerwi, 0., Oct. la, Mi. ■f' JAMES HEWIT • The proprietor of the above. ntedlciue, would also* tefef to the undersigned penont. who reside in pern* eonutt-, on whom any person tnor coll,: and be convinced that there arc virtue* found in the above medians that cannot be excelled: (- Wvid eulberuon.-Sflmciwt; Dr. B. Stone, dot Fran. ct« Golibcr, Jaelceon tp: Mr. Larimer do; Geo. Poibert. Saltlick tp: Jerrod Davinru. Hopewell tn *** Dfl. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFfJce. ISO Svca more street, Cincinnati, Ohio l i , °' c ® S*w- lw«nwj.i>r-iftfciateinn will be settled bv H. \Vnjhtniatt.who.U authorized to use the ofthT. laic fijja for that purpose. ' If. WIGHTMAV- ; rptakttw.-. i Duly I M?] J.DAL3EU., • ■. EKGRATISG ’~l • ~r. or El EBT PBCEXITIna PROXrrtT I EXECUTED rs A RTXBlni HASXEB.BT ! [ ••. r . , _ M * LEAN ff . ; : ■■ I • •■. Sun Building*, N. K. Comer of !rhinl and Dock dm.,,. • • , •.- (up stairs)Philadelphia,”^ • ?**?*•» TMTHERB ean always be hail at abort coiice-M,’ tT soaic M*jn Medals, of all kinds; BrasaimdPii' ted Door Plates; Seals for Uous, *c. Professional and Visiting Card* e»SE£I aodpnntcd. Societies tn want of Seals or vit«l to call and eaamln^SpecilneiiAamdDe«s« ,*u ’ KECK * UAVfiSPORT. • ••• - CAB CVUJIKEa, Olrtn • ’ • ' \f ANUPACTUIIK w order iPuteSw *L. J' At Car* of the own! approved able price*. U>- [mean* of the] CaSlS,^:f l lL!* l V ot '- Uiver,tliey are eriabledto »hip npon reav!m.k? Blw * to all f*wu«« iu Theixiwgrk ® t*TO* ed 1" to. 0^ State*.'JUl order* punctually dnmM: 1 m “* United. • - OAVENty»>r ■■'■ nOT^ n -- ■ ■ Pj™h„ Plo. e6 c..u» fh Box. 1J ire t AnsVtibarif h, oppotito : ■" •■•i 4 . dcgfr STEAMBOATS. 'CRTCISSATI A PITTSBURGH ' DAILY PAcKEt"^^ 1 Tills well known line of splendid pasaenger gteug; rr* is new dottposed cf the JaigestwiAest, beat • bundled and furnished, and moat powerful boat! on lb a waters of the West.' Every accommodation and com fort that mouey e&nprrotare. has been provided tor pas. senger*.' The Line hat been in operation for five yean -“ha* carried « million of people withont tbe least taju. . rr to tbeir persons. The boats will be ai'.the.foot .or .- V ood street the dav previous to starting, for the recep tion of freight and the entry, of passenger* ou the teat* <, .ter. In nil cane* the paisage woney mast be paid in V advance.' - ’ ■ " -— l • HONDAY PACKET. '• , The MOXONt ;a HKt.A. Capt. Krosx. wtU leave Pitts burgh every -Monday rootniugot H> o'clock; \YheeUng_ every Monday evening at lO.iu*. • ' i. . TCEBDATPACKET. — , The IUBEHNIA N'a Capt J. KUxxkzxm. sriU ***** lhttsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock: \ \t heeling every Tuesday evening at l&K *.. . j m WEDSEBDAT PACKET. - Tlie NEW ENGLAND No. S,-Capt. S.'Dxav. will . leave l*iO»hurgh every Wednesday ; rooming- V 10 o clock; W hwling every Wednesday evening at 10 r. it, THURSDAY PACKET^ The PEN.NSn.VA.M-V, Capt. Gnat. AviU’lrtve.PitU- : , ! ~ burgh every Thursday rooming at 10 o'clock; Wheeling ‘ A every Tbnraday evening at 10 f. a*. ', : : fridatTpacket. TheCLIPPEII No. a, Capt Ciooju, wiU leave Pitta- ' burgh even' Pnday momutg ai lOio'clocl; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10*. «. ; • '.-... v BATURDAT PACKET.' The ME24SKNGER, Capt Dk Cams, wflllrave Pitts burgh every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 r. Jit . i SUNDAY PACKET. < ■The ISAAC NEWTON,'Capt A G. Masov wiU-V leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock: _ IV heeling every Sunday evening at 10 r j*. * May a), 1^47- - i. BEA.VEB! PACKETS —NEW ARRANGEMENTS -v«sio-* r K. -a 1 The steamer • * j,: .- -CALEB COPE, .jSygaa yrCl lmrc for IWve,, Gtaro* .nd ■BBBBBaßOUeltvnlle, on Tuesday; Thursday and Saturday, of each week, atO o'clocfc-A. m. return ing on Monday,; Wednesday and Friday. She has a . boatat the landing between Wood street nod the bridge prepared to receive freight* afany time. * y. A W-i HABBAUOIL Agts. OCII2 ; ~J . NoZtiWoodst. BEAVER AND WELLSVILLE PACKET., . f-t K: - The fine steamboat . . , • BEAVER Charles E. Clarke, master, will, during coming winter season, make diulr tnp* to Beaver and WellstUle, leatiitr FitUiiurgh eve ry morning at 9-o’clock, and WeUavifle ai3 o’clock, r *■ d«eIQ ! G- M- HARTON. A CO~, Agli , FOR BROWNSVILLE. • . .The fine steamer . ' ' S P Dushane, rmuter, will leave at a ■JHEnaaaiSo elpek this day for Brownsville. 'For treigfat or passage apply on board- jthi. * FOBjNEW: ORLEANS-~~ tv • The commodious ttg’»pw_-~- - . liiwlfttS* „; : Wyoming, - 1 ■ G ret nice, m*M*r„sri3| the" port ion_Moadiy .tLo M' For tgopply on boanl.K .• y; tctSl ~ tteight or pa»a; FOR NEW ORLEANS.'. . rv Tbe fi*t running ttram* if . % . I£&B6b£ J J fo t ft. «~A cc29 . r . M ALLEN & Co.' TH forlouisville. . "T k Thenew and fast steamer - I*APY BYRON; Miller,matter. wilHearc On tbe a bore —hit ISOportthttday 0t.4 o'clock;: For frriaht •or pamag« applr <>» board. • s dc>-?t ; .FORST..LOmS.rV' iroip»|v The new aad rerr timcrior pawn-' ger steamer ; JOT CARBON', N J matter. wiir leave for the and intermediate port*, on Sun* day morning the 9th Inn; at 9 o'clock. Ter freight or H passage apply on board. . - janfdst THURSDAY PACKET—FOR CINCINNATI. tfu'ir'" X Thr nrw end ilut running pawinrrr PENNSYLVANIA. CnptTlL C. (•nry,Trulleave Csr Cincinnati ere- • „ 1 j"n.Ji' l3l/Thar ]^ a F morning, at «) o'clock a'. **-» and V\ heeling every Thursday evening at 0 o'clock r. m. For rreigbt or passage, apply on hoard, or to nW7 JONES. Agent. TOR NEW ORi,i^ss-REnu!,*ftsscKnr. /two* K ' The new and tmeatcuaer , .AMERICANEACLE Atkinson ma*ter. \rill~lea*e for above “! ■ 1 1 _ J . Lj , ln d intermediate ports ibis day, at 10 ° F r '7&r,essisßSg&&i ». FOR LOUISVILLE.'; 7l K r The fast running. steamer ” ' GONDOLIER, n nwii ninvler, wiH leave, nsabore, "i* l i “ fc “'-''*lthis day: nt 4 o'r'lock/- For freight or passage, apply on hoard. * J c jq REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND ZANESVILLE ' .... pAcsnr* • ( ’tv'. The light ilrarighr «ea*ttkr •IJlviww ... • NEWARK, 1 _lioru, master, will make weeklv trins “■»««SQto the above porta daring thk aeaton.—' For rrri-hlor passage Cpply on board, or.l* — p * 1 •- - i P. WILKLNS. Art. ; ■ ’ FOR WHEEUNOI. >v The new and 6n* jutetuner •Lfe.; : - •> HUDSON, 1 /? i ma *i ef « re»mneA>er regular *r*^”^^^®Qtnps;_.Bnd—wdl leave Pittihurvn above, every Thnnday and Monday.-ai CJe’cJoek. r v For freight orp wage /ap P jy on i3}&£%f tocls '*‘* ! D- WOPXS. Art, MdOiESPO /rtjS^svs-k . TJif new mcamer - '_. , - DESPATCIJ, >' ! ®9|RH&Hs£l®SSfc .FOR BT. LOUIS. fi. ;The fine *tednjct “ * * t» »i BROOKLYN? ! ' SJE 3T.IXJUI3: .•' - • /pe-iJF-tK - Tne/tul rutminr Jrteainer tlt Ltl J J - C&ITTEVDEN. '* MMter v will leave as above “ s : “ts '« •_!•■•• •TOB'.wLiouSffVyT :: T i lb To*-ocw and uut mania* tieomer Ukyujesf-M :• GSRMA.N-TO^v e ? a,er Maclean, marter,- will leave da above,. **%s, i“ E ! P^noß^fS?WtßOU t , 'lb, Tbe flao ne'wuromer 1 ~ s UEsHa&te-n • jjanubh:* foctratußer, will leave Pim t J - Agt , BECULAtt PACKET K, • . Tap nugnificem'Ateaowr MBbtoSiff- atm ARROWZJ.NE, nuulgr, will lea™\. abor « . MOMOXOAHKI.A BoSffiP" | FOE Wan' AND PJULApjjLPHU In^^ssfe^S B^ o clock. JstmJara cxoepxed' “. cu *‘y?.«w erexmiy at 4; From Pittsburgh to - ® faaatfc--F«j» *lO. By the ertainr but MtSni' 5° LoutK—Far* *ll M *od«» oa board, ia - geiher. Coache^h^^T^ o^^l ,raTel dio »*yderlrr. ... topartjfa.lo tturel asthey *[fi£ SrchiJi'ln C ? c * ,^ no, *?!? la TSSf ,he -4- 7*9teßS&f"’ 1 *j ■'■_ '•'~~ : ' ,i ". ' ••- ■'■. Agent. . AS SPOnT ATIOX nmc‘ a nUM J[ b y ,h «. Browmvflle-jjuvj Cumberland : bwi'i'^31 and clbrr » will bare iWtfftwSi lorwariJed Mi7if»£i?? ne,ort wi,, ‘ lbe jdcJpttch, ntibf tW- uuaX. - W charge for fomtniiuiOo. ' •■ • R»rtS?** ?r l!| ' **“*'■ HjSWßfflS'r “li'i'ni. for ibe pfonneiop. . \rirfl CLARKK, .; FOKSVTHE fcjjUNCAN. , - wateriTinsbcrgh. ■ OKEEBT i. CO.’S EXPRESS “inasinuo, nuuuL- Mynu, xnr Ton, mvtos, axo ux Tusiu*ra\ nm «ud otter* *«ndhyr good* hie infer*- wl that Oua u the fa*tc*t. siucst, «*] 0:0*1 exp*- Through receipt*; wiU .be (iTea'to‘s'ot.or ite a bore £”«*•• Mcrctemlue and Package*'oY.«ir *i« or weight forwarded. .' ' • f;' :i . : Ezpm* clou* doily a; 3 r. a ■ r? - L . JI (} VICSKBV, Agent. • ■ St. Charles Hotel Building*, wood «i ■■mmtmiszi ■ PCLtfllß TEAAHItH)ItTATIOX LIMK-. •w TlnrtopictunttauniaikflJwli**rtutu U« iftwj *t CtnbHaii fate tix few if'Mcbif d til* pujewthttof ttttrteafclfe. « ritUbargh tad tt*l J Bay. >7 ftobiuoo. NoftlSouth Chirksth« oJ« wthoriutf tgc&tof thitUMia UxEtote**«tli«4. * T 1” c mmvni.iitiiirsi., I. U W CABhMtr*ww»iUe, . iKDOAhTtOf +CnOnmb*r;*aJ. dtciJtf - j iit KOfiIKSO, I }, l^iiawt. ECLIPSE TBASSPOBYAttIOar X»»K i^.-assLWJwss'ss agcaUbf UulxtipiTnMpanaiiuatiM/kMnroTrt |!z* TrrdwMakdoJ*r«ruockia aldJ**B«>v't-! ' ” w pjariioaof ih»LrfDf, keen ot pssas^i36aßs£3S -vrut to treat '4llo*rBiMji M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers