I Vr : '.«L4.' S ‘,' v- j .V RRICEt SEVEN DOLLARS. . BUSINESS CARDS. ' "" . v , ' AMtHIF l>,l!K nuttPQK./ Cutnt&muQ ud i'-* i: • 61*refe*tai64.Waierudl03Fromm, •- Fuubaradi.l,l;r* 1 •• ■■ < a>chll ... ATWOOD,'J99K#:*’Cn* Cosnalutoa and 1 ■ "■ £x FonranUng Merchant*, hare returned toibclr old •* mud. Water and Front dueeu, Poiabargh; ■ 1 oct2l_ ‘ - •soiaaajßTaa.**’ •Bf Whoieial* and Retail, ibeityjand Bt. Clair .aaeau, ■r. -auylt ■ ■ WtCCtoWfflWiJobF.-ilwrtln**. Ju.W.JUUouua. «. ► /IOMBMAa. HAlLirw*CO«Miiatowfi. . AxJ«n, A. R tad Sprifl* ;./ r -«' •■• • a, Ucmljtx*ia Cocct-Trlamins* ef erery ocv .. anptlpo, aaaiiuwy ionl tk. CUit «u*'.WM»k>B«wg P‘' ■ Wobi & yr.43Efro*tic j?Lcjarl<« Hoiet- ~ - • li.'jaaM v';-' .}-• - *'■ • ioß*.citfc»s.‘'j''! • :• f . bsx*o*t.„- b:vt4nv • -:-••• *■^ckWtQlttP . ,-C«tet»!wr».. » :;°-• I. », . * V ycawir.A_Vy,OV^>tCMlo OfoeytTCbao^ta; |Vj* ./?!•,i* i }' .. ' • - . rjr - 1' -, 7 / —.. * ' * rs 'T*AOEB^p©riet«nd : w^e*j!;“ i^t^l: 1 :••■•;)■■*•.» -:. ,-v\/«oea<erittl‘«ncT«c4PtapteV«M<yP< >g^:< yE. , k , * .,. r' , -'\-'-. i ----^- : ocm vS'&S-Vr. . . ,T?BAHCia SWt.TiFIHB, Grocer. Ccmau&yoa vi JJ Merchant and dealer in Pjfidaee, CtordMe.-Oib, KrY.X'?s-‘ r te,ke, No4?l4faerts;«,acarddalDa*ia,Pii«oai*i, , : -.i . KieLi Manilla Hope, 4c, alwnyioa V-..x-r’ : V- \ I "• - ' ■' f• M. ifiATVfl, Dealer ia UloTefcModerTr and. c•:*-<:r-?--:Jp* •5-:>*»*■ ;•*: ! . Pimbnrrt. ■ i-.fc ~ ■ --v • •■■ ' 7VaX<I«AOHKR« XiOBO * BUliLKll*' Bell . : j'V - * ' - U’aßdßrmFoeiideraiujdQMriUete.lWftjWibe- . -n»eenW6odaodBdu»ftfU:U«u*eiiwl*iU»t*rsiJ.r»- ■ ■ - piict^iyeB toroldCepperaalßowa. _•• v. : . • *aaßAjr.'i:' • VATUuuf ftioßOß uoaoAs*oo4 ww«i«Jac»», •\3reei i raodCBfaauMiea Merchant*, 104 Wood «xoet rttttbaryhPa.-: • :•■ • •'• I 'i . .■ f". SflCifV w>. iW Ijv §pM“pK#!i ifr'' '* V* r, ... •I‘>l i i ,:,'■ $ S *!s!#s#«& illipil Sfeft i &$& : fell Si; mm |||§i|^t4 ;: ipgn.p , . _ Paper, BU^BuwU - fluuoatry rweraJljr, IETKifo toafifctor rOBH ICOTT « JvudafaUdODiiai f „4oee ttSritsSwifV ■' • Baar, La»ertr»t,RC» JO£Uk|.»|lUt 4tk «t, teuton < fitubnTk«nu . ««!• .m ■ ■ 1.-. - nike »dfr»ftlng <wu» t Bt-Mtaw »Truaba A X Wholml* ’ U OrMtttiFinfiitiMiidConuuiesKnehutt.' fii M Pittibarrk Muufutote*.' d«.. Ko. 45 ■*-:■. ■ Water tadMKtPfttru: t ■•• ■■ ■•• ■>l • attrSl ' tanbert ■ • ,' _ . Jotn Siipcou. . - T'AMBKIIt k. BHU*TOX t tVfa»UaaJeCroceT« l tad.ndittilwaa Merchant*. Petto* iaProdie«a.Bd Pitubirftb .BUafaetafeft,Sso«ttiad 5 • •-*;«#'« wl«7li. ~• * rntmnKU. waiiTvic. M' ALD * 801, 'Groetmod Cotnmiauea Merchant*. SToiM iih» Ti Ala*. NtturtT;. Wo. ITKuuek M* ALLfIS Ce, t Onranm ud Fbmrdui a McttM"™; Water and Prentrj,between Wood Market . _ i__l:—.-l** jwwi I-*, l,;' 1 ., i. ' !(. ! ,'. ■' \r '•• •• •.• I ■: k v\i{ •'!. 1 fc II iT* ÜBKCII *4r*,'iwponer u 4 —j, ° K .jw*u* aad Itareeuie 3»slal<ir Hard*. " / - 7TfM«*»of aUdwfcpuoa*. No •" - s*g«>j BlMlflWWltf- 1 - ■! '■ •: • ■pi • ■•:•- -.W--' 1 thCQABD BAIUD t wfeolewteTal retail dealer 1-- • •It iaL*^f.3Uw*>eeo,«W»ak*n*T»l*»e« Fiafc -•. }L« n>«dCaniti> TtaoUb-aad Ttaticn Oii. No. ■ • I .>CT. mflß»o3<r SAft’l.. V. ftOBIMY. ‘ j-. MrtutßfWtf A: Oa w Wbolgtato Utocgrt. Pm ■' .-. Dealer. Ur 1 KiS* »U«af*ewrß*,lift. LU*.ry .tr^rm*. „ , t * ,*./>• : -l*" |a . r , 3 ; PALggUi t %n>ojc*a]aOfo. 'SnSaa •atsssssss^ ' ■ mt**Lrnu3Htik.V*- ■•••■••-■■■■- -•-» ■--- * J *"- ■■ Aiteflprat ceußcrof i i ■ ‘ - wtrtMimbVP*. B JJMfBSTJ fcTftmTPmgtHut. wrr _ 6i.DAOJUiBT ASJIiTD, Wkoteute Oroeen, 10 i P»d tOU'ood Htwtr i* Irtiarth. K * <k Wood ajid fcth «u. . jfl . UD!rUt * CO* WboteMlc Gi* .'«tn.«*dl > fodHeede«}rn,.No. ££} Market aueec, be •-• I’hiladalpiua.' ■ - 71*^7n«5AIIlfL'T'S: ; fc- Fonranlmr and, ■ hie rdiyP* Cmol Batin, Pitm>a»|hi bntSr J&oneyU Law, «f» tfTO-fißUthftcMi . - . »pl7^y ’ /I'OB£A2nWl« . U m ftce’wHth nrta«, ■ *■ JnnirfDtuitba, i ’ ‘i ’ vJ. lUbW> BcwcM* OUSCOP* ifc WMU*; AwwjijW .Uw, Office* on < lxiwwM .aft mi «th «*. .■•■ • ■aMTV^^ V: ' iJ •:■_>• _ I?pwAapmsa:ggLToiy.>Yy«<rio j Qn»ccr ! Ij.ettt ride of ttciU«*apprf» nw*< -U* jw» P» *. mood aCo; 1 •• ■ ‘ _ IBT * » ••••.■" -• «*airr.*' Tift l f r *- OEBBAEI! l i WkataNlQ (!«•. • SIL-MtfcdgeV*in jiibdaee’atd PttSbucVwtannfae* . tndllandtti^PiitjfcMJh.Pa 'Mr LKMUIIL' l '~' j - IiWSL.UIAU 1. EB6LIUZ* BKJfIfBTT, (lata BicUih, CM- Uzbet iOn-J Wbcdetalc Gtoecrt, OtmaSusson and I Ftafwirfttatf’Merchants *ad Dealer* larrodaeo and .•■ ; fimwjbWwfrafcgiprza,No 37 Wood atrec*between •■• • Strand and Thud «u. : , ; • r ecu nOKWASD 4 SWiRTZWSLDEBt Altoc - J* say* tiLavi bate removed Uietr office to the tooth ■ aide of F«ni*tfw£bt.<wecnCherTy JUkl aadGtant • ttztn. ..-f ■• ~ «efe«r FTI Ppead.-/* •- 'iCJcaTKtey..'- Wood. CB.ABD. BHKV & OOn Wholesale Grocer*, J» asdOocmnuloa Ajcntifor Brighton Genoa Yaw*. No»s?;Walerted 108 Fiwastreau Fitu bttafcPa.' - - '4- ' ‘MB-. F: B LU2Us*Piano Form AlansUheiojarsad deak • erlii tloiical iosuaments, Ui Woodigtet^acar ACPI room. ! • • • iOBSYTH * too,’ Goaoinha um FprwJuilntf . 'Mctciiantf.NoJ3o..W«gr»l t Pittrintt»h.- a«yH -- GB(KA»BKBRY WhalmJoGioeertci Cn»- >niatum. Merchant,' tod Dealer in Btwbmh M»BBfc>imet Oeoi. W; Smith." t -* • • M. B. Biewa. pKO.’ W. SMITH ft Con /VT nut dealer* in 1 tops, Piutbaifh,and Point Drew* ■ cri—,PeantadPiiMOrcta. ■-!***' /ItOBOI CKNH&UT. Oomaiwtm W Fot . Trutfiqf N0.34.- oa,«reet,PinlMizk. H/^Lrtr.: } AJI orrfr WolS-Mij*. TTA]r>*W>u petie*, Boots, U*®ek «ki,4»,w».iflo liberty ' Stnl. U HUL i . TTIUi XI * ttrowcej ißjwner. T»p«£«B4Uefiam faptr greet, Pitubcjyh. ' TTILA&tBaO! JDl>U—f«et«wr. y Ttv *n< CPHttTU r IimftDICMT. -TIUAB DIOKB' X CtaWinlMi Uere v —Wear and 18T r BtBUOE, «Alnct.StCl»iJ' JOSKFH KSO. .E’S^kt*tv»«med e«j>le4 isno« ,lu* ' Ourmtoi^qf*. *Toair o;koi «l dernier tn Dye l KoWiWoodvrer PlUbjjrjb. ■ JA MIC» KICRH, <j.D»»U]Bhip O' JWBooni « fUa.Wtt.jM W/ FprmjrditeMarefaftnt w.) ftnajfron* ma d- baa tad Wood urcet wiaiftcnuertii 5., • • o«*ifc»lt.TbeoTosi c*i HiwfrjeaJv^ehjo^ • ** - MeibodtflßowHfld _ rQ'iw a£Ußß,Wt»!cs*Je Cweer, drtkrin 'Pte* item, pi£b«igF*aanfi*etoreir ?****» *?•_£*» -SSrjiAm wfftmbwlu'• w i T?S Owbm. Ifa. ttrlifaeny towt•» OrinMUi Irrowol | MV«f «/6^w^.~t [ ~narlroß«na • • e*alhy.‘: CJrim left «l tin wmreboaij c*, liberty u.or wwiwbu, ynxi ■ uiuiaiH tgcmkwu‘ • •‘- • 1 J T I.WATCEna, Wkote :•■ -JU* w4in| emlC«»«ivMioa K( . : .ytUiibtffgfcMtaaft(etarw—a Prod* ■'• '* Mittfrtiuu.-: • ■•-! • : -'^. : ’>'r •ZL- ' ■ . .C. W- *CX*MO». •rn rtISS * JUCKSTIOH, V&oleule Gro. !■ • MPomaniiOO Merchant*, Ka 170 lUmtr Ssit- ■1 r-mtin t tad: mail' Ilat MV. »«SSS&S? *£& feSiiSaS! ' r lKi' SISLS5 l SLSX I »i?i** re ? l, 5 ee * 7iWum7j£eiitl)cW * t>o* V Forward ; O hut uilQmmiu'ron Merfbiri*, Ho. ■ rmuatnttl B>y«LLb«ftT itfget. • «Hl7 *ft roimiezur. JTOttlbeitjjn. • C H Qr«t TkOUDBZTEn . Co-* Whokiaiß. Croem I r »mA Qn*Miti t m\nnZ * OtWßfdm£MuTtbiOW,N<Mt w«i»f T«et ■' ■ ■ • .TIQji Aaii'fXßT, riyUc< Peat- 'ADealer w ftrtiw aad'ltctib«n{fc AUfloattiiT#, » : ['■"^ :! ;. : ': ; "' v 'v : -. :j:';j;;-f -J' ;; T." r —^aa« m jL *•▼ .TlKffiMlitf^-DAEY GAZETTE. :-f —— - ' - ! ' ■ ■ ■ . ■: ■ - : - :I . ■ ——— L————^l; ' ■-^-;-a^;i. BUSINESS CARDS. L.‘o. Keyutdxi • LL/tthoe. . REYSOIiDf * IDEE! Forwarder and Cota* Mereaaiu, for the Allegheny River Trade, dealer* iaGroeerids,PTOdßee,PiasbHrgfc Manufactures mad ChloridecfLane* I • : Z ; ‘ ; .i " The highest price*, in cash, pun at alt ti us for Country Comer of Penn nod Irwin sa. Jart3J R.. OAIAFORDA Cr»*»Co®nufei©n He ehanu. • Liberty Smilhßeld, Dealers i; Flour; Praia and Seeds; alia, Butler, Lard, Ac, « ti-Iy : B'C Bbaeklett.. ‘-'Thos. R White. SHACRLETT k WHITEi Whclesal t Dn« lersinForeign and Domestic Dry Goods, No 69 Wood atreet, Pitubargh ' -i« t>l7t£ . S'- A WVHABO A tIOHV W<pV Mcnhaau, deal* • enia’FlouaadProdaeeceuertllrandForward* ing and Commission Merchants, No. ;*»:Wood street, •Pituhanth.’ ■ •; .|jani S ir. von aoiumosaT.fe ChaimimSon'Metchants, Dcslets.in p.a.burghMafluflfotoresanaWcstcrn Pro* .dace, have reamed to thetrncwwdtehoaae; (old standj NoM,conicrofFraat«t : aoiCbaocsry lntrr7 SAHDEL K< Klh6B,'FoTvrtffdin* andCoumus sioa Merchant,'Dealerin-lWi/Ptodneeaad Pita bagh munaftetamd articles, Canal Baals,' ntailih st. S«. rifiCKERBH AM, Dealer in Seeds, Flow • er*.Fibtt.TYeea,aadAcriealittrallft>pleaeots,Nd 133 Wood street. Pittsburgh. ; . . : : feb* T ASSET; A BEST—Wholesale Groceis A Commission Merchants, and dedlers in Produce— Wo3»WoodstieevPlttsbartth. ■ : ;apO TIIOS. KENNEDY, Jr n Looking 'Glass Jjmbtn rer,' and Dernier in Clocks, . Combs, , and Variety Goads, comer of Wood and Fourth mrecu *. r jl» Jl£l?sa»rril It Co, “SuV, : X! • dealexa tn Salt, Lumber, Groceries, Prodaee' ana Pinsburfh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street. Pmri>argh. : . ■; ; eblß 1 WoMcCatebeoa - KobenMcCatcbeon ‘ ■ YXT * R. MeCCTCHEOW, Wbolefale Gro v V . eer*, Dealer* in Pn>dne*,lroß. Nai)t,Glasaand Manafactare*, generally, ida^Lihenj^reet; ions, vice tirn m carbum W7ICR A R*OABDLEBB| (shecessors uLfc jf V JD WickJ Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealers is lion. Nails, Glam, Cotton-Yarns and' PUtsbargh Manufactures generally, comcrof Wood and Watersts, Pittsburgh. » mchlat W- B* MPRPHI invites the ladies to call and •.examine his stock of French Worked Collars, scan as low.aagS cents,. - j mehl3 • QBKEfl* Wholesale Grocer, Forwarding and YY '• CommissionMerchioit, asd Dealerin Prodaee ; add Piusbugh iMannfactares, corner of Water and , SmitiiGold sis. Piusbargh, Pa. 1 • apis- YXTaXTKOBE A WOLFF* Iqroners and v V Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery Sad* dlcryi Ac, comer Liberty and tri- Clair streets, Pitts* burgh. • F-? . -•- ; upgS~ ’ (UILLIAHS * DILWORTB, Wholesale Yv Groeera,PfodacoandConinuuionMerehant>,37. wood*!.-. i ' ’’’. ' : ... spQO \\T -W« WALLACE* Mill stone and null fefniih* Y Y • fag cstwlitietiment, No. 144 Liberty «>% near the ctoal.- : •• •■ • | '-'••■■■ ••-"••••• •-•••.• : . marts W* a. jO.Ksmtx.taxK, wisituiioni • cers, Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merchants, No* U 0 LtWny.auect, (opposite Sixth Ptttabarrt. - . I 1 ;-.- • . mayia-dly TJI O. H. ROBXHBOS, Attorney at Law, has v» • removed! his office to the Exchange DnUninc*, St Clair street, next door to AldeitUA Jnlms. . apadte: 1' ‘ - •: •: ? • ;•• ■ WH* OAR HARP* Dealer id Fancy and Slap!* Rwhtagh.,..-- WW, WllilOl, Dealer m .Watches, Jewefry, • SileerWare, Miliary Goods, Ac. No. ketsueet. v•| v - ■■ doV7 W L BDRPHT, wholesale and mail dealer In •Foreign and Donsit'e Dry Goods, north aaitw - -^aagll WH. F. taWUlr hav the Hand mroata* will seep a eonsunt aopply of thq best medicines, perfoaery, Ac. ; 1 • . • ' ’ Phyaieiaa’s ptdaenpooas earefolly coapoanded.— Medicioeaeanbejhaaatali hours of the night. feblOdly* a. fiftYAß. RECTIFYING DIBTILLER. avd-anidLsuxs DSautA » ; FOREIGH * ROSESnc WISKS k iIRDORS, 2V0,.1i4 libsrta tUtmid 63 Diamond oJfrv, . PrITBBURGU, . •• • f •• • WARRICK JULBTOT * Co^ So *bn, Dmbn in ExekangtiSmA-Xetm ni Cttn, • Conierof Third and Woo4«reew, • norUMlly Pltlllwrtl^Pfc 11 ' i Wa. M Shifln. W* , . -- {StuTOß* M Lfibrig A ,W3Uemt,\ ’ wibbiAas V (tßiaSi ATTOJLNEY& ANPCOUNSELLOSOaT LAW. u?*Offieo NorAkido of Fourth *i,aLoTcBiHiiidieli»£D-i Oliver Ulaekbam. George If. Jooet. ! • • O. OL&CKDimB ACO * TT7HOLESALH Grocer* andDeaJeram Oil*, Boot TV •tore*i«odPittaluiajtjManolhetaredarticle*, Lave ea haod at alt'fine* a tali and general aMortaeruef rood* ia their llna* Walar suaet, near Cherry Alley, : Piittbarrh. :\ . • Jania - . David W: Be IL . r Algernon&BelLtr DW. & A* S. BELl«jAMrat]riuUw;Ofiea • in Siekran’s -Building,.Fourth street, second deer above Wood ft, Piiubarjiufa. - D. W. Bell, o>m£Di*»wner to laid. DeposJ linos, Ac knowledgement* of Deed*, and other fautnxaeßts or «rS> tin* to bo used in MatauL > ,-nvlfl-6m"p TOMB O- TOWSIEKD, Druggist endApcthe* v «*n. No" 4* Marketst,.three doom above Third sc, Pittsburgh, wilJ have constantly on head awell select ed assortment of the best aad freshest Medieides,which be wilt mu oa the most rcaanaabhs terms. -Physician* eeodlac orders will bo promptly attended to, and sup pliedwUh article* they nay rely upon u genuine. - ’ Prescript* will be aeeurately tad neatly prepared front lie best materials, at any hoar of the dayor night. ; ' Alto for t*Je,.a IvnittckoffrahhaadgoodPerih •rryi 1 • Jaal W W. WUiSOB, Watch Biker A Jeweller, • corner 4th and Market uu ; A large and well •elected stoek of watches, Jewelry, Uiiveriwaro aad Military Goode. AI way* on hand and at regular eas , tern prices, Gold Palest Lever, foil Jewelled watches, as low a* AO, Silver do watches, •* tow eaßlfii ■ -GetininoCboper; Tobias, johnaoaaad other approved, nutkeof sratcnosmey-beMd at a small tdvanee aad 'warranted.''.,'- d TUchwcekddnAln jhe eery betttnsQmc. Ji Bi BWEITZEB, I . ATTORNEY AT LAW* Ofßea 3d St* opposite .St* Charles Delil, > . ••?. -• PITTSBURGH: «TU,l* also attend promptly to CeUection»,m Wash ** inftoc,Fayat»eandereeoCoßmks,Pa.. • • . Rina to • - JErniaekKaelL BeUACo ) • ' • ■>.: . Church RCarolhen ; : iPicsbanh. 1 • DT.-Morgan' -■• ) ; oelfldly ' dJUIIiL DH. PA.VIP MUST. Denim. haring made inch arrangeotenis ut his ;lunVW% Coal-Besisesa that.he can detote hi*' . -UJf whole, time to, dalles ofthis prole*' ahaiiian])esediidhuefiee,eorneror4ih«nd Dcea •gf sttMtvteem Market and Ferry sis., St any boar farm* U>Bd»y,<nanßa.aLtmA>;>. : Jyrtoly. KiehaidFtoyd* RCoQftYhttlmlq B. 3, UEH&Y, ' : •- 'ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI,, -XxOHIO. CoUeeltonrinPoethan (Hue audiolndiana' ,ud. Itt Kaotoekr, promptly aad jcqjrefallx attended to. Cofcsdusacr to? the Mute ©T Pcaasylranja) tor taking: -Deno»'Uoa*,ae«aowletlgeßjenw,A«. ‘' vhxrea ro—Hon W* Bell A Soa,'CortiB, Church A. Carotbcrs, Wa Hays, WjltockßDarU. *23 Giocdr, Correal raandPitaburgh rtfa.' ; ,:Jmir.- ■•,•' •' —•• • ■tMamifcrture all yffaSaofibebest WjtOalxell A jr«t.vrUl receive. ("•>TT - in*/-- eacle^otio^work 8 . ■ - manufacture cotton tarn, - . • CiadbiVtek, Bittlngt Twlm, Crrrerlat, ~ yarn, carpet, chain, Warps/ a«.: Ac., ’ r, DNOyPENNOck A Co , (CmiCtiMnofAfbneklf AArery,) i., .■ Pwpfition “•- •• •• : A. LBDOCX ACOr, 1 .NO YT CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. . ‘A CENTS forJ'U Armani’*Exteniir*SteamSugar ./l Refinery.' Alway*oa band,* large iiocfc of Loaf.. Fowdefed, Cratbed, Clarified andUaatard Sagara, to Tiaxee* and Barrel*. ,Atao,Sngar Hwue Moiame*. ’ Priem liberal and m,fiair allowance made bu all Mica ef|or abort, 60 bant!*. • 1 iMbIL • ileGroeer, For chaatl Valeria Water r-a: >• v - jg 7 OJBO. W. SMITH * Cw, ' BREWERS. UALSTERS AND HOP DEALERS' FITMBOBGII mPOINTBBBHBBIBS. Comer Barker* Alley aad Penn Sc, and fixrt ofTn! •- • p<u u r. jtuMcit. a mown- ■ - ■<■ ejutx. rootur* Xl* P,fi I.S|EI«SOV AOO N a MANUFACTURERS Of Hammered above* and VJ.' Spade*, Moea, Hay and Ilanara Forks, •*-> Ae-. Warehoeae, No MlVood*tr<cl,f*itUbargh. cartfl »T. B. Bllkopi Tittrmarf ovfe*,eil b« (bond ai (via Horae Shoeing EttablUhowst, Mar iheSu CJttr atreet Bridge, lately oeea; “ied by Mean*. Carr A Rowland/ nvtdOo • V* XL MATOA, TtEALER la Trimming* and VarietyOood«,TortotM U Thell,lvofyandttorncamb*,WoeUeaYara*ai>d Wonted*, Battou, Needle*, Pm*, Tape% Braid*, k No 63 Market St: between DitatoM and'dlhatrecia Ptnaborgh.;- •- • • ! ftbSdiy' ~ nICKUGfi AID T? Jt -8 case* Underwood** ataoned; • 4 w . .Doagbiri . a- «• 4 Peach Pie*erre*t . 3 ’* Tomato CaUttf far tale by '< n*l3 i . ■ > JOWfUJAM* RAO\% AUEUOtBR—TiII bigbeat price ituib. paid.(brgoode!ean't*gs;al*o,eanraas : l'dla tope, grata rope,- bagging, weeUwr rtgt, reuoit wittr, Ac, t»y.. .* v < >WCI|ADWICK' :-dee2l r. . : ■. rr«yne«betwe«tt’acfta.-apdliberty-_ I HAVE provided myvelfwith a'yoodatooke boose and enrefal bands, well aeqaai&ied With the batiaesa and am new prepared to amoko meat to the entire tao»- facuon ef thou who may give me t ea>L Cbtrtet a* iowasasybonaeuiUieeuy. / FftAS. bELLESS deeSS : /. *« LEATHBIL , /VTRE aobtrriber l*i«u receiving .apairdt of MOO : JL tide*of NewYorkßed Ledtber,ofchoicettataiopa, together with a general aatonmeal of Leather tn bla nae-of tmtineas, carrier** toot*, oil, etc. AU of wbieb . be will tell on ibe non rcatoatblft terra*, at 16S Übef* ty«reet,(oppotitoCtßib) '- • ’ - • ■ ••demat. • JOHN B BAYARD pITIVBURUiI NAVIGATION AND FIRE INSU- J&RANCE COMFANY.-A* Etoetkwfer nine Direc tor* of ikmCerpotanoo, to aeive for tba enaaing year, .wUlbabtUat tbaOAeeof tba.Company.oa Monday, ll«W dayof Jastery next,between toe boara ol.lb A. M.aadap ( gL ROBERT FINNEY,' .‘"diWm ■■ Secretary. • fjinjSMJEEATEJX BOOS OPTtIE SEASON. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C It l>aiwui»wer; : - J lUnuido Sank. CHABbSS Hi, DASBNROWBB * CO. TO B AC C O'. •■■■'■ ' ■ COBBISSIONfIfIKCIIi HT 8, Ho. SSoaih Wbwoi andNott7aoaih Wuu U : • PHILADELPHIA: DGu to inform Uta trade tad deaiera'generallyef Xl Pittsburgh, thas they bav.srhadesaeb arrangements with the Virginia manafactaren and the Grower* of the Wen, West todies,'and other placet u will insure * large and idonsUnt supply oftbe folk wing doscrtp* Uons of Tobacco which trill be sold c| on. a* aecoo* taodatfag terms asuny other boose ih Uu t city or else* where, and all! goods ordered trom them will be war* ranted equal to reproeeniationt— i . , , Havana; - Bt,’D«aißgo; Cornu, ) v Vara; Porta Rico; - To .. Cuhai; Iguint; and Fiottda,) . baeco; ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aromaiio Stag Cases* dish, with a large assortment of other popular btands, and qnallties of ptonnds,Ss.ei 18a Ute-. and 38s Lamp; 3s 6s 6s and 10e' Flag; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist, ke. aweet andplabi. In whole and half boxes, wood and Un. together with every variety of article belong* lag to the trade., ; . ■ ' Iclfl-dly 4. B. DICKEY, : FoswAßDiira a conmsKioit sebcoaiit, . .Barf Bear&\ Print and BridgdokUr t . MATH; COUXTT, tAn ' j Proprietor’and Agent of steamers | : LiKE ERIK AID HICHIQAV, dart‘Bxnrnir; »tTT>»VRoa am lum, YA7ILL be prepared eh earliest openingof canal nav* Pr igatlon to receive property! it his wharf boat or mwateaouat for all points,on wie Extension, Cross Cat, end* Oafo Cabals; for all ports on Lake Ena and apper Lakes, asalsd to to rw ard produce, he.by Penn’s. unprovemenu. Apply to or address : ; febM-dlf |T ; JAS DICKEY, Beaver J. G. W. Leitwtb: - I | W. C. Wilson, j J. <3. W. LEFTWICW*& CO., j BECaVIPjO, FORWARDING, : * l And Comhdsslon 'Mtrchsilit _ - PtiABOBHIHEiLf. ’PARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of A Sngar Mills, Engines; or othef anlelei for Opelousas and Attakacsa. ;■ -r: REFER TO—Messrs. Sheffield &Lightlow ( Mr. Th»* ntas Hmeriek; New Oneani. Mesm. Laiton A Betterton, Mr. Z. ILSherley, Lou isville. •' fj - r - ' ■ ■ . Messrs. Hill-A Speer, Ur. Wm 4 O'Leary. Robert Wtehtmaa. ArmstrongfcHicholmn;-Piosbnrgn.' .Iftltn. Revan, Todd k Oo.; CinetnnatL -.Mesm. Hynes k: Craighead, Messrs. Edwards A whiieali, Hon. Zenon Lab ante, Hon. John Dutton; Plaqnenine.La. .1 ; i •ee!6-Jy . CRAIG, BELLAS A Oo n FLOUE TACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- MISSION MERCHANTS.; _ T IBERAL cash advanees made on receipt of ean* Xj irgnments. i These shipping to per address will be ram three-founhs value in advance inCatß,byapply ingtnoarfriends*. ! Messrs. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh. Mesm, Tfcoa. Ball k Co . BrnJgepon,Ohio. - Philadelphia, MayO, I&4A. 'aufySWf N. B. All prodaM consigned to ns Is iiwursd when in the warehouse'of Wallingford A Taylor, Pitabatgh, «rm oar store-la Philadelphia. C. B. k .Co. HKW SADDLEiT HARDWARE ITtißfc Rv T. LEECH/Jft.t MO. It* WOOD AT* PITTSBURGH* - TjLYING replenished *ay mpchfran the best soarces l XL both demewe and torelgn 1 take pleasure in an moaneing to eoasanmn and dealers that Yarn prepare* to fanish them with all goods In ay line on still petter tens* than heretofore. * . . Bayers'wlli ieeM)eeuhitdcaling a 'exelßslvely <, in Sad dlery Hardware Trimming*, I obtain thereby aflvaatagchlhaL enable me to defy eompetkm. Call, aee .mad iadgefor yoarsclves. spt? HieStt IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. ' LOG AIK A IBHHBDI, ■ OIFORTBRS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ZB HARDWARE i CUTLERY; me*, BMtfWoaAHwt ‘ . . ! P TTSBURGH. AREnowlnthe'oawe*ef receiving large additions to their axtensivd slock of Hardware, Cattery, Sail JerT, A&, whiehl having been, porebaaed on the mo*t adranlageaas tenssio Englano.and direct froei the hlanathciaren la thtaeoantry; enables them to of fer coodionterttssßTpaseed by none and eqaalled by lew, Parchasenaferespect/ttUy iasited-to calt set 86 ■ > r> l = GEORGE COCHRAN, COM’ISSION U FORWARCIMJ MERCHANT, No. S6Woco> Strut, PiTTsao&oß, CONTINUES u> transact a general Commission Bosiaess, especially ia the parthtse and sale of American Madalacta-es and Frudnce, and in raceiviag and forwarding Coeds consi'gecd to bis ear*. the Maantaeturera.be will be constantly supplied with the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and eoniig&menu are respectfully solicited. 1 1 : . -)H Baltlmora Prodmce Oenualnloa lleoia, EDWARD CLAYTON, late 8 CUytoa A Boat, teg Lombard street. Wholesale Dealer in BnUcf, and Cbouaisttea Merchant . Having for the last 10 years Jermed hisamathfti exeiesivviy to the t*l« of Ban**, will now recitvotUsttec, Lard, and other predoee for sale on commission j and flatten hunaelf that (tom his eapehenee and namcrout shipping eastomers be will be able to tire catlsthedoo to all who may eeaaign pto 'dasetolum-' Reterio— • - - Messrs. F. W Bruno ASpn, ** ~ ' W« Mason A Boe7 M Withisgina A Easwaa, “ TWRGUopkios, And the Merchants' generally. ; ]L Horace Love. . 1 C.V. Martin. R.B Hampton. : LOVE. MARTIN A CO.. PBODUCE, GENERAL COMMISSION, AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, So. O gpsirfs Whsrtj Baltimore. Rxrnro— M Alien A Co, lp;«.wa Hampton, Smith A Co, i PuUbor^ • Davison,Saanders A Co,) John R Randall. } Baltiawre. • oetlt Hugh Jenkins, y) JAwlyP /. o. uaxxs, \~?z. w.Annamaon, Late of Pittsburgh, Pa. lute oV NuhviUe, Tens. LEHMER ik ANOERSON SHALHBS IN COTTON. FUHWAEDihG AND - cdfttunatON merchants, < K». 9 From ttmt oboe* Broodtecf. Cinrinnati, OM». Ke»er to Merekeats, geoeraUf. In Plttsbawh. spao WALTER* CO., VtOCA apt) OBAIIT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - AND OEALEMsIN PEUDUCKGKNBRALLV, * Na. 19 mdt ftwnlft, Mew Marin, Baltimore. • Rnn to—D sprigg. EsqCashrer, T Cioss, Esq , Carhler.J Lahdstreei atton, HfoerA Dbdgheny, Sling latf A Eneey, W A S Wyman, Olinglsff A Devries. • aS4 • ,flm* - . . . EDWARD A. KEEURO,:. ■ nooDwajr *xsaaa,) Esesfemg, fmeerdiaf, Chmsliilw MsreAant, and ■■ -CtOon Broker. Main*eL,l door Booth of Planters* Bank, ■ensphla* Reran to—M Allen A Co. Ring, PennoekA Co. . ' §39 . •. ~ 1 r :• ■• -• } ~ dßm B F Conway. ' ■ "L E TomiiaKaT' D.P. COSWAYACO., TJORTOMOUTH, Ohio, Coumisilen aod forwarding A Merehhnta, and Produce Dealers—also attend to the Purchase, SaleaadFaipmeiJtefPlg.lrpn.Cb*], Ac. -. BEPKR T 0,.; ; } ' v ' Atwood, Jones ACo Drawn, Bailey A Co .Loranx, Sterling ACo Henry.Graf . .. UraJLLlndseyACe D Loach A Co .Lyas.AhorbACo : Clarke A Thaw taarlddly ♦ ■ !■; dflaas JOBS F. PEBRY. fLatoof the hruof MaleobaLeedh ACoJ Whelstals Grocer, Coamlaiom A Floor Merchant, ■ DBALBMin all kinds ofCoantn Pradoee, Cop pcf, Tlfl. Tm Plilrs, TlapeiF.ToOG, Zme f Lead; Koala Sheer Jron, - Iron' Rod' Nails,-White Lead, Dye Staffs, Cotton Yarns, Bait, Ae, and Pittsburgh Manabetores generally, comer of Libetly and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, Pa." ttT'ldberalhfltanees, in Cash or Goods, taadoon eon algnaentsof Prodaee.Ae. myA AUCTIONEERS . AW COMMIBBION MERCHANTS. AIfiXANDKK LEVY * BROS. CINCINN ATI. L ST. LOU IS, UPPER to Mil at cither. etubluboKSl, all kinds of Merckaadiae at the lowest rale* of Commis.ioas and axealwayj prepared iontiUc adranees. The, best of rstvreaee* riven,l if required. Letters addressed to eithor Honee will bo prtnaptly altenrted to. f JyJOdly . intmiimmiM; ■> W. ItkilPUU. THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION M FRO HANTS ' Bf.wMhntMMKan.las.td Oil, - No. ISO. Columbia Sircet, ; i ■ . CINCINNATI* OHIO. (gyciME win vor eepM-ly » J ; - W. If. CLABRB, . Fcrwqrdiag Merchant, Brownsville, Ptu, Attends particilally to the ForwardingofProdiee, fce. For any reriheirmfarsjatlon apply. ts FORSYTH k. DUNCAN. waxet «L oe*iß . «. V. NITBIVI, . V w. T. raTCI. MATHEWS 4t PATCH, COSIISBION IBBCHAHTB, »o.4.W.Ur|tr«t 6iBMo . Will gtarapartiealar attention to (ha selling of Pro dace,and|oorders forpßrchtuna. . _ Bins in—George Morgan A Cb., Piusbargb, Pa. aagft '• ''■ " John M'&Jlovrh. JM*Keeban, CDCnlbertson. JOHH M’CCLLOUGn A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, NOA M *- 95 SOUTH ST. Jan 271 y* BOWSHOT* TIIOS. J. C ABBON, A Co* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bps. t and » i (prCosh advances will bnlhadeon conaigniaeatto partly* AMcXNIC nT, Sixth »t. LEA, BUNKKB * CO- * FLOUR FACTOHS, ANDURAItI,APU» PRODUCE Oentnleilea Hkrrlisaifi 71 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. ARB now prepared (o raeelva and forward all kinds Aof Morettanolu to any laadingon the Janiata, North and West Branch. ana Tidewter CsnsU. Jrwf, J.SBWTOKVORBB IMOOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION . HSROHAKTi. , UONONGAKRI.A HOUSE, . PifUlmr«iuP* DOIUCIBB TOBACCO-ttl baletCahaJJavanna T and Porto Bica wrapper aad SUer ica/Tobabtoi for aalehy. ■•.■V' V' ••• /AQOHOON ’•'dclO' ' •..'t .J . : ' . wat** I.iQMf Anoaonto*®*®’* . "'“V^hestcxtco: .^.,<ifcaaWrf»X»£wlyaf«e«iS PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY l. IS4B. ; MISCELLANEOUS. r Jameb w. woodwkll, HTr**D*|oB 7VKHITVBS WAKE BOOKS, KCI B 8 THIRD STBF.KT. ~ A LARGRuid splendid <fiiwßlßL' *Pp asrortment of. suitable .for Steamboats, fi£E3S£>9ft » llnw.Minttamij’ bn band and nude to order. 1 . ' •' The present sioekonhand cannot be excelled by any manufactory m the wcnerncountry. 'PenomwMiieg u purchase would do well b» givic* me a call, an i am determined,tny price* shall please. Pan of the stock consists la— ( . . :' S S? of V.?? Pln *& and Hair-cloth covers; ' -Sdosjtfmhogtny None Cbair*; 24 pair Divans: . ••' ) -13 do* fine mahogany Chairs; . 18 mahogany Work tJ'andt adoxmabofanyHockinsChairtj 7 15 marble top Dreasine Bareau: SpalrOuomans; . fioarble top Work Stands; t 8 cherry Work Stands; Manoganv, Maple, Cherry.and Poplar Bedsteads of au description*: and a targe assortment of Common FurnitureandChairs,toomuaerousto mcuuon. - ’ mai9tf . , RSW HARDWARE HOUSE. JOSEPnwOODWELIh of Wood tail ad iU . PUt(h«r(b| IjAVINp withdrawn from the eld firm of Walker fc, •** Wood well, oh tbs lat of January, ISI*, I like pleasure.to announcing to my friend* in the city and' eoantry, that 1 baveopened ray new nore at the sbqtre named place* purcliarcd my jcoodvforcasb, and made, arrangements with mausltectaters io this, country and iit Europe to he constantly supplied, J am rally prepared to lurntvh Hardware of all kinds, on ai rood terms and as low as any houre East or West— Merchant* and others are rerpeeintfly mvitedto cal and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere.' she following coreprisct apanof my slock. , .eteamboatand Saddlery Hardware. Gan Tcinimiawa, Files.Naylor**Steel, Cutferr, Edge Toolr. Anvils, Vl*. ee*. Locks, Laiche*,'Sickie*,-aryihes, Butt Hinges,' Screws, Union Factory piaaet.Sawa.Mahogaav board* and veneers, and aU other afticteseonnteied with the Hardware basinets. mchlltf . PBEBI lUUCK HACBUIE Tl e subscribers having obtained a patent. May 18-1848,fi 1848,fi rn Pieu Brick M whine, and having tmee men utoroghlr tested its ability, are' now prepared lo sell' rights and contract to deliver machines to anypstt bf 'the D uttd States.* Tim machine U designed to make Brick from crude clay, and will make 30,000 good • ctaooi'.finn brick perday,tafieiently hard to suck up in the kiln; thus avoiding the expense and labor ofp’re* pariavthsclay,drying and handling'this btiek after bemanooldod. ovtof repair, and is ecaitrueted that it eta be take* to pieces and pat together with great facility,that render* mgui»nablo. -We are now building machines, and can famish them on short notice, por a full description wow: aid refer to a machine sow insuceessAil opera* done a Mill creek bottom, near the West end of luxhtli spael, where we shall ba happy to explain evcrytfiag eonneeted.VDthJttoaUwho may call. Wq present no anthonxed Agent. Alfletters to ottr address will be promptly attended to . . CULBERTSON, KeMILLRN A Co:; i NSW VOCBTH STiIEUT UAKBUk, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, will open oo Monday, Apni dtk, (bar doors- from - Woodst, and next door to A JayneVVckm Tea Store. l A splendid assortment of Fancy Cake, Codfoettonary, ,FruiuAe- fresh on the coaster every day; amdog which are the following:— Macaroons; FoundCaiir; Lemmilasraiij Pssctt; .frponge do; ' Pepper Nuts; Jelly Cake; ' Almond do; ' Molasses P. Cake; Ginger Nuts; Walter Jumbles; Sponge Btteuic - ’ .Federal Cake; A.P's; : Sugar do;- Orders for lee Creams, Jelly* 1 Brides* Cake, Fancy Confcetioaary, Ac-, Ae., executed in a msaucr one* quailed, in qnaliiy and beaaty by any other cstsbhah tnent in this city. , -Fresh Bread, Twist, Bnsk, sqlrly from Whue Wheat Flour, and frce/roaalidrsjrs.etory morning. sp3 ANDMRWB_ BOSTON MODS OF HBATIKQ HOU 3Eli—Mr. G. Dexter, of Boston, bus arranged and patented a plan for heatiiar noase*. which has been site* eesefeily used in Bo*t*a,htcw York, An, and wherever applied, has received the decided preference ever Ssovpb, Furnaces, Ac. lu advsm?get are— Ini Greet regularity of Temperature. > Pnd. Freedom from sa»kc. . # ; 3rd. No unpleasant Dryness. 4th. Easily aneodedm, and* aet liable to get oat el older. Sth. Great DorabUlty. - A Model and Specification may be seen, and the ap paratus obtained at the tapper and Tinware rketcry of WM, If SCAIFE, FtTsiwreet,* . raySStf ■ |-heu Wood and Market »tt llardwart, Cntltry, Saddliry, Ac, JOHN WALKED, X MINISTER aND DEALER In Foreign and Doctese tio Hardware, would, respectfully inform hit friend* and the public generally, that be is now receiving his Spring supply ef Hardware, ai the eld stand of Walker A Woodweli, No Woadstrect, which bewjll dispose of onthe moctreaunahle tens*. 1 . • He will be cominually receiving fre«h v implies direct from the Masutariarers ; in Kuropoand Dug county* which will enable him to compete wiih uty establish* ment,either Easier West. r -." Western Merchant* axe invited to e*U afod examine bis slock before purchasing elsewhere - math Copartnership* TTTE.Ihg undersigned, have entered into Copartner-- VV (hip for the purpose cf transacting! a Prodace, OoauuaaiODandForwsrdingbaainess under the style of OBDM, JkOUEW A- CO., . and have taken the warehouse. No 6 Commercial Row, Liberty tcrevr.dbnuerif wcttTHedby-Nr.-W'JB Fosey—-- where all business enmuted to, par charge will be promptly and faitkfaliy atteaded io, MORRIS DRUM, formerlrlof Philadelphia THUS » MeGRKW. « * SoithfieldrOhlo FINDLEYBMcGREW,** “. . .*• Pitabargh. March SLIsW. • mchB3 TIIOBAE KESNEDT^JR^ OP the late. Am of Gillespie A Kcnaedy, Looking Glass Manufacturer and deaierrn Clocks,Comb;, •nil Variety Cools, keer>s.con*wr:ly en band, ofhi* ownmaaoMcture, erotr description ot G.tt, Hshoginy and Common Looking Glasses 1,2 3 4, and 3 diawcr Toilets; plain and ornamental port! ait frame* All kind* of Clocks,Trays, and Waiters, in sett* or dozens; Combs, Threads, and a genera]' assortment of Fancy Goods, wbslesate, at a small advanen od con* PedUr* and ethm sapplied with Phelp's Chans, Car • tier 1 # Prims, and )0 by H frame* at New York prices my3oil NoCA enrsMod ami sit, «t*.*^ Monsantuls Lttery Stable. ROBTH. PATTERSON . opeaed the large rO\ on FirrtsL, running , kAdl.«hißBeea>dM,between Wbbl wr ri i W ■ndSatthfield sceeu, in the rear of the Maoopgabela Moure, with an emlre new roek of Ihuse* ami ,Carri> agetef the best (jsafiiy And latew styles. Horse* kept at livery ia.tbe bat manner. Jy3Jir T, Italian Chemical Soap. and diseases of tie Skin; X; sachaiPnnplaulUotebes-Salt Rheum. Sentry, He&t epota, chapped Oreiraeked Scut,and for *ll other disea ses of the Bkm, which require external remedies, this Soap stand* UnpartUcd. ltal?o dispels Freckles. Aun bum, BJorphew.'lan, and ebanges tbo color of dark, yellow, or disfigured skin, to aline, healthy, youthful, elearnesti A Iren supply, warranted genuine, and tor sale et (he redeeedpriee of 371 her cake. lm just been received, is offered tor sale by o ATAHNBSroCK A Co.eorneilst and wood and also at the corner of sixth ana wood sts., l *HO . ••' ifesvUf aid Hair Drcislag Ealooa. BLACKAON A F4UATAIN. Thnjortol Pn/tvon, hart npaintsd and flttd up their Sharing, H»ir'Ure*iiag aad BhampoMhw Bskxxia th< modsra style, tad «M prerared to wait oa gcaUeißta atone*, with rest, contort aad |miten*M Theysra praaarad to wait on all thsiatsy call without deby ’ Tnsaknil tor pax favors, we mliest a cautiaiOßce of the : same, si oar Rafeo* eorwrof Union itrastiad the Diamond, (bwk of Atessadsr Day’s Dry Goods Btore.> aJ Origlikl »o«llnr Brick*.” Experienced judges,oaa trial or on* ud a hair millions, »iaas tBtt, prpaoaneo thl* article irosar- , passed (or durabiity ip the construction of all kifds of Furnaces. Prieetd3,?3 eath for boat load* of it) M, Esrantced nine sooth* use. Order* for a second quality liter Brick* wlLbe executed it idO per M, if so de sired, without guvamee. A *tock of the firit quality it dow receiving aril forsale n( the warehouse,“t‘loaii’l Wh.rf 1 ’ l C«, l ia,m,b ljs|iA w MACL A„ I . N tptfitf ‘ _Ken»ingion Jrnn Work* • rtACTIOSf VO THE PCBLIC—The subteri V/ ber, by wriu«n contract with the PtxtvTiu Co, baa the exclusive right to »cll their Tea* in Pittsburgh and Allegheny eiiea. Atnr.per*on attempting .jo sell their Tea*, except proeartd through me, is rr*e using a deception and a (rand open the public-nnd iheirstme* menu are not to be relied on. _ _■ • . • «ptm A JAYNES. 7i Fourth »lrret STRaW, »IAV, AND CvJtlN STALK CUTI Jn«t received from lie East, Hovcy** strew cutter. (Sinclair** Cylindlealenner. a veryiopenoe ant«ie,and the OiJiqoe eauer, all of which arc of a very superior quality; (or tale at the PitUburgh Seed and Implement warehouse, comer of Wood and sih si»~ ■ oca ’ 9 N WICKERSIIAM, DRUOB. PBUGS, w . JOEL MOHLEB, Druggist and Apothecary, N.W, comer of Wood ud 6th iu, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on hand, Drugs, Paints, Oil*,!Dye-»utHt. N.B —Physician’s prescription* carefully eoopaand ed from the best materials, at any .hourof the day or nighL Alan, an mronment of Perfiunery| fine Tooth. Hair, anil Cloth Brashes, Ac. Ae., which he will tail low for cash. * . co-partnership heretofore '.existing between the subscribers, under the style of J D Williams A Cn, Is thu dsy dissolve by mini consent. The business will be continued by J D Wil liams, who is tfdy authonred to setlle ihe aceouriu.or Pln.WVß.ml.im. - TrhC CUTLERY— A choice selection of Cutlery, vit: Pruning and Budding Knives, o' vairww* patterns suitable (or nursery mm and gardener*; wso, a tarpe assortment of pea and pocket huive*,a •ppenorarrele. last reccirod and for tale low at .the Pittsbntgh Seed ! COBUflSßlOßidll OF DBBDS AT CINCINNATI—I am amhomed by the Governor , of Pennsylvania to lake aiknovUdgmnts of all in* tmuntou of prilior. »1«° ojM<mu avl iln».Uom ol nenoas in Ohio, *o be used or recorded in reunsj]™- Ef. Omn, d doors Ea/t of the Muvor’s Office, Cm* dStfSoH:* EDWARD P CEANCH . rnyWAwly - ? ; _ Aiwtaey m Law RAGS WANTED. r ' . AA AAA "us COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wanted, IOOjVUu for whlehlhe highenprlce in CASH will be on hrnd, every description of Wilting and Wtapping P.pm.»aO,.„id. K Um. LBg g .. mf >,t Comer Penn aad Irwin at*. 'Pittsburgh - aVININO ROSES.-Monthly Roms* and Ever mens, Ac-, suitable for planting fit Cemctry’s can be furnished on application atlhe seed store, ,*», to WaiJjmg. H«gjggj |AM , •*-• och2sif_ NolOT.c'or wood and 6ih«ts G* OLD AND SILVER WATCHKd-BreeiveU an addition to my Urge stock of Gold aad silver Pat ens Lever Watches, suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen —of tho latest aad handsomest pattemsand of she best laanufactßre—wamwied and for sale at very lowon ***• •" jelO; t i WW ' WILSON .. vaHous*iw».eob«iant |> ly on band, and for tils at 'reduced' pnees, at the ptuaberghSeed Store, No 131 Wood *t«*t.j»n!er *>» Oth street. }e7 B N WICKEBSHAM-- TGB CREAM: FREEZE HS-Just/ree*, • lag* amort -I matof Johnson's excellent Patent Icc Cream Free tcr*,sn3tablc for Hotel* Steamboat* and pfivawHmi* SV?*l .- JOIN.IHINLAP .. wrt7.‘ . . : ■. . WotV wvVet at. STOBAGB-Tlk MbaciibeVfcavtqi k**ed tic Ime iruebowe oeeßplcd by Dr. G.O.' Henry, No P Car .. *ertttl Uowvsra tunr prepend to stort.op-wTßriiblO: Good*storedwiiktbnaarecnawpuynTme by tttmmwc.:- r- • JJOtDtf*gQN._ - LITERARY- -. PIITBBUBBU HSIiLB IHSTWOTB. fpIHS Insiitaiion, coder the. care of .Bet. J. M A Goiuou skii Lux. in which all the solid and or namentnl branches of a finished edaeaikm are taught isnowonen for the reeeptkm of fmpijg at : So. 63, Irwins Row. Liberty BtoteL .between3d and4th streets. .The.tirauuf Bessisn will eoatmenee on Monday the 30th;of Aagtm, and, it is important that any who may desire entering should hejpreKßias faras praclicablebythntlime. They have secured the services of Professor RIIO* BOCK as teacher of Masie on the Piano and Guitar, -who is too well known to need recommendation. A com petent French teacher will be employed. Prof. BINGHAM wilt have - charge of the Department of VoenJ Matte. \ m r Frof.BUMINSKJ will have direction of the Arti*Ue Department, end will rive leseress, is drawing, sketch ing, and painting, both: in oil and water color*. Prof, b- >S’E eompetent teacher, and has recoameadations from the fits! men in Europe and the United States. Ha has also been a teacher in the first mnitniions of the country. ' ■ For terms apply to the Pnncipel. . . .aSllf - ‘ YODSQ LADIE3’ BBXKU|Aai» ? ALLEGHENY CITY. » THIS Institniion under the direction of Mr. N. W. Cormer of Sanduky usd Btrswbmy iti, r TheSoeond Sesrioo will commence os Monday,Sept "IWl# '. ■ | ; ", ; Those designing to eater will find it to their interest to do, so as near the opening of the session as possible; will be received ai,any time daring the The services of competent Teachers will be secured for douce that stay -wish to receive in*tractions in Drawing, Painting andTMnsic. , r For particular* relative to ihte;cour*e of ittitrueiion, teraa,.ftes consult circular or apply to the Instructor. - : Allegheny, July 13,1M7. if VALI/AUUi' DOOKkwßgbliihnt by J A tUR James, Wslnut street, between Fourth and Firth, CloctonkU*' / '' Gumbt’s Gibbon—The history of the decline and fall of- the Roman .Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition, revised and corrected through out,preceded.by a pneface, and accompanied oy notes critical aha hiitdrical, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity! by M. K. GauoL Minister of Public Instruction for the U.ngdoai ol France. The preface, notes and corrections, trans lated from the French expressly lor this edition. With anoticeol the Ltloond characterof Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. InS vols. imp. Svo, W 73 pages. . . • >*' 1 fisjneVa PeoinsnU War—Complete. I vol. imp. Bvo, 800 pages. ’■ Hallam’s bliddlo Asee, Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson’s Virginia and Row England. Rttxscirs French and English War in America, tan Ramsay's American Revolution. 1 vbl 4to. . ■ Library olAmerican History—Contaieing selec tions fnmi tire besDauthois on]American History, Biography,Travel*,Commerce* Statistics,lndians, Revolutionary Battles, dec. dec.Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles, lllnstn ted with more than fiOQ engrevings. 1 vol, imp 6vo s4opage*. . r\. ~ r .. '• Universal Pictorial Library—Cosuinitgvalnabis papers on vnrions eosoprising Natural Hit lory, Natara] Sciences, Arricnltare,Rural Econ omy, Biography, Fine Arte, the iOrientals, Travels,' Geography, Botany, MaceMiaeooa reading, Ac* Ac. 1 voi imp 8*0. 640p0, IkU sheep. ! The Family Medical Ltnruyr-A Treatise on the Prcveation and Curie of Diseases, by regimen and, simple medicines. New editioo;rcmed and enlar ged with the addition ol a Vegctable/Miteris Med* tea, pointing out the virtues, preparations and doses ofoor moci valuable native cud teat plants, and an outline of "Anatomy and PhynMogy.- Illustrated with erie hundred' £Bgraviaft,!mx‘of which are colored; By J G Norwood, M I>—Bs4 pages Ovo. American Flower Gtrden Comptmea Adapted tn lb* Untied States; by Edward Sayers, Landscape Orarmeatal Gardener. IX mo, third, edition, revired, enlarged and iifostratedi. : Primer’s Oregon, Rocky Mottntatgs,Ae. Ac. * Fasuty Polyglot notes,and Psalms in.taatre. ; Rice and I’iogree'a Debate.- Bari's Works. Lady of the Lake!; Calls Rookh. More's Privata Devo. tion. Javenlle Books. r Cheapeditiose of various works in paaipblet form. ; i. ' mchS CINCINNATI* faluable SUeilanl-Worb. BRANDED D«tfonry of flek ctK* l lit>raiunaßSarC,euaipriiiß(tbshiCsvy,aaEriytMe tad aejcnliik priacip’.Mof wary brunch of buna ksowlcdga. Xtih tbr d-riralioa sad dc&aim*i of all tb* Uiat tanovrul «•,idiltd -by W TBrsndq,F R IHaitraWabyab mtroui <tar>riepoß wood.,- ■ * i Mom’» North Aiarricaa XUa*. raataiussgbtutirally ctl map* of Nurth iseio,voidt Ehl, Canada fTm, IVpm Scuta, Now BraMwxk, Noribare Tnao, New Mrs ico, Florida, Texas, California,'M nice, Ccntrri Acßonea, Yucatan, fl'cst India tilaad* and all tba States and Tarri-.c* tie* is tb« Union. : i Nesl’t forilaas—The bivfory of th« Puritans ha the reform*! wain 15,7, to tht rwctutiea of D6S, cowprudag u accont of ri>*ir Mpciplcs, kt.ke, by Daakl Nssl, u A, revised by John O Choates, MD, with ains portrstt»*»tt*|; in too vriomrs ' ; | ? Tbs ese ef the Body tn rataiteo to tbs Miad, by Gvcrgs Moore, M D, member of the royal eollea« of fbystcans, Ae. Juv*all* Works* ' .fFcolth and, IForih or which stakes the ssaa, a very .aUeJureuile worlu ' ■ Perils of tbrBea,beisgaSketifif uarrUfoasef ahljiwmks, Ae. • Unnell’i Spnkcp—Tbs Jartnib Speaker, ceapridag sirmemtary rates sad eandse*' is dsebinties. with a seise- Uoo of piw* tor practice, by Fuads T Hassell, rattroctw to ckwuiieo at Priaestoa. j ! Tbs sbuTt works Tvccrved sad tor tils by JOHNSTON A bTOCXTON all Books*lbn, cor market sad 3rd sti Medical books— liunglisoa’a Humari Health; : i l'sine’s Medicruc; I Horner's Anatomy, i i I‘ercira’t MaicnaUddic*: ! MutlerV PJe'frenUot' Pblsiologyi : Klliotsoa’s Practice, I . . 1 Watwr'* do; | i Kbeilie's do; ; Kleriie on Females; ; . Cooper on Hernia; ' 1 Ranuboibam’* Practice of Pariaotiotr, I l’roat on the Stomach; i | Condto on Disease* of Children; ' ; Hdop'r'tM'dical Dictiouary;, ; ; ClytueronFeretr, ! United States Dispenratory—new edition. : The above with a general assortment of Classical and MisCcllaneoas ltookijuit rreelving and for sale liw. : ELLIt/lT A ENGLISH • j spt29 a market st. between 3td' and 4lh i , ! PIANOS.. gSSkmm CHICKERING-ooc »p]en<W Bore fffjW wood six indnhalfoeurol*ianoForie; II F,| fliaiii} hy Cockering, Boston, j MERE—One Piano Forte, from the min it factory of Mcnry llerx, Paris, f| octave. I UALF'dr CO—One carved Rosewood,ooctave,made by Gile ACo,N York. ■ ' One ditto nubogany <4 octave., : RfODART, New Yrtk—One elegant Pisco, vix oo - tavet, has been used about o'ne year; price FJOO. SKCOSD HARO MSVO3. An excellent second hand Piane,iuaiie by Load. ; & Brothers, in goml order- 1- fIOO, One second haad'PianO'- 9 dO [ For sale by ' JOHN H MKIWi • nvB ; 1 • ' ' 8t wood street M“ ORfi'SfcW ROOKS.-Merger*! Urahaa, o*w sort I by O P R'Jshws; free 6 cuts. ' Xsrißk; or'th* Triumph'of Libsrly. ChriiUpbcv Tsdpols, by Albert Smith. Comasaderof Malts; iuu»tra,td. ( , Count*!* of Moriou. by F Souli*. E*q. Lcgvnd* of Uuito; by Ova, 8. Lipfard; dak supyly. . Msgumcs tor October. h‘iv Mui.e; jul rtcsrrcd by W«i R. CALDWELL, ' sqdl , <; . third *t, opportoposteftet. m^PKß'rPDßacsTiSYi^rarri H Domesiic Ecoaomy and Uonsckceping. : Murdoch's Moileim. I Luidoil ant Scott’* Greek and English Lexicon. Draper’s Natural Philosophy. Mackley’* Geometry. ' Just rac’d and for sale by _»pits McDONALD A BEESON, 80 market M ENGLISH the Greek Rev' oiOtion, and of the! wan aao campaign* arising rtoo the struggles of the Greek Patriot* In Emaneipa ting their eountry from tho Turkish Yoke—lp two vol umes—splendid copy with conscious maps aad engra vings. 1 , Letters’ illustrative of thc reign of Wiljiam til, from l&dio Uvto-wiih fine portrait*, in 2 volt. ) , Corapamon to the studv of the Holy bcriplures llarry Mowbray, Uniting toniance, wiik £0 eagra- fin**. - ■ 'lour in the Holy-Land, French Stage, and Sketches n Chinn. Juutce'd and forsaleby i MCDONALD & BEESON ejrtia j . ' feO markctstrect JOHN 11. MELLOH. *1 Wood st., i* now receiving an excellent , assortment of Boston and-Now York Pianos; urtived to-day and now open for.sale_ Two iplendid ttotewood Piano*, 11X octaves, ®B5O One splendid carved Rose wood,•*!* octaves, 300 One splendid mahogany Piano, six and * half oc* • tare. • ■[ -390 On* grand Piano Fetle.msde at the factory of ; Henri Herz, Pari*, and fully equal u the ono a«ed by him ai hi* Concern, .600 - One mahogany *econd hand Pianp, made by Sto ! dart, Worcester A Dunham, New York, ££> , A fanber supply will bo received daring this week. •• ipifi ’ | -• •'• -*i- . Htw Lot of Eltpuif Plue*< HKLUUKR bat Jiin received the following new • Pianos, which will be sold lower than can bo bought in ihe east. • • | ■ • • \ \ I One elegant mahogany, 6 octave, made by Nunn* A Clark, New York, 01. great' power and sweetness' of lonfr-extremelylow priced. elegant rosewood Piano) made, by Chlekerlngr Boston, and icleeied by him as the best instrument of the class in hts factory —Micevery moderate. Besides*number of others of all.price* and snrles,’ forming the mosiexlensrve seleeliou ever offered here, No w, 6rdsw.au W ; . any* liofton aad Hsw York Pianos, ' -waifc.- JOHN ;H. MELLOK, No SI Wood it, : HSSH has recewrd andoffera. for sale— ITTWI ' Onesnendid Rosewood Piano Fbrte, ! 1 ■ *;,■ 6|*c«vefci iroh./rtme and new ;*eald.. Made by ChickeHng.of Dosioti. i. Ono elbgant RosewoAd Piano, Fonc, with* octaves ; and iron fiawfe Madeuy .Chieiterlng. • . One clcgant Mahogany Ptood Fotte—tbade by Gala ;4 Co, New York. .• - \ : fhe above Wilt be sold ai mannfketnrer’l prices, i AJso, rorsale as above, a second hand Plano Forte, wiUtdoctavea. • . jelf UISTOBY 09 MEXICO—JaiI published,by U.P Janies;thnmnaii. ! •THEIUBTORYUF.UKXICOS her Civil Wars and Colonial and Revolutionary Anhalt, from the penwfof urn Spanish Conquest. two, to th«f pieaentlime.lßtTi including an account oCthe War wiih the United State*, iiu passes and Military Achievement*.i ;Hy Philip 'oung. M.D With two Copperplate Maps, and Eogravingt of Plans of Battle tiroandir Ae. • One vol* ameoctavo,'of dvohnadred andtlgty-fbnr pagot. MAP OP MEXICO—Mapa de les Esmdos UnU dos de Mejteo, Begun to organ aado y ’definite per Ins variasaews del Coogieso do dteha: Rrpabuca: y contraido porlas pe)ofas aatoridades. : Afcvcopleareceived;feraaloby : '••• ’ ■ JOUN6TON A STOCiiTON, DookSelleta j ypt. -.ir-.'.-, M- l ear martet* ad st» , ♦pngFaiNcipy.™ oPNATPBEther Iktiiie Bat. - A gluttons, pnd a Voieo to Maoktad; by aadtbwugh AndrewlaekaeaDavis; \ j. I JWStStßSSfUtStmiaSt immEgm&g: i§slip£'^v SFMHO, WOBSS pULESAN, HAIUCXN..C.; h--U< ' \J their Now works; are now prepared ramusne* tore every description of Coach and Eliptii spnngs Iran axles, American BUocr, spring and ploegh Steel, and all sixes of email snare and nand urio, which they offer toraalo oa liberal teas, at their Farekows. No. <3 Wood street; srherenkey also keep eahand a god bandsoavr axsoruncnt of Cokch trim dings, Carriage ’hardware,'maUeab!c csstiitca, Naiia and ires, . 1' I a H.A Co,have made anangements withMeaare Day' A Crettx.'m«itsfaeteren of StaoveU,. Spade* Fores, Ae.. and-win-keep, eoona&tty os hand even artiele mane by them. Dealers are respectfully eol died U oiUa* prices and tents will be uadef libersL . ir&ffTw '■ PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Pmuessß. Ps. JORBWRiaBTAOO,. I A' HE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Maehiii. A dry of every description, such as—CardingMa ehtnps, Spuming Frames. Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, TwiUera,Bpoou*.s, Dreuing Frames, Looms* Card Grinders, Ae.,'Wreurhtilroo BhaftUv'ttrMd all sixes of Cast Iran, Pallies and Haagrre,of the latest patterns, slide .and head Lathes, asd tools of ailkinds.. 1 Castings of every description finished oa sbort OO; tlee. Fmueras.made to order for Mill Gearing,'lron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heating Factories, >Caet IronAvindbw Pash, and faney Cartings geaerellr;— Ordersleft at the Warehoaseof erty street, will have prompt attention. [ Blackrtoch, Bell A Ca, J K Moorhead G E Warner, John Irwin A sons; Rnsbargh- ; i GCAJIi Warner, Steabesville. janlP ... CO-PAHTBBR9BIP BOTICE. { . EW. STEPHENS of Wheelirg. E. f. Stoenber* • gor of Jsniata and J. A. Etoekton of Pittsburgh*; have this day entered into ct>-p*nner*hi» index stylo and firm of Shoenberger A Co, at .the Anetmr Iron Works, Wheeling toe IhoparpoM of maootoettring iron and noils of avcrydoaexipuon. KW iiteMS&l ; -a:tcr' ANCHOR IRON WORKS. ;. J WhaSngy Fc. . Manutoctare *ll kinds of botlar, dmev hat ires and nails, A B steel elipue springs as i Being con nected wiih Shoenberger* Old Joiata WOTk4,wecan offer an article of Juniata Iron {bmded Bheeaberger] equal to any made IntheeeantxT.. AllMßhtcbwulbo. told at the Piuibnrghpriees. Wtrehoase of the Works cornprof Monroe and Water streets. ;•• i ; myil • J*s.Lfppeaeott. John B. Wick.' ' I*. £ Morgan/ UIPPENCOTT A CO., l Manufacturers «f hammered a&<t cart 9 TEEL. Stovels and. Spedca, Axe* and Hetqbets. iIiUM Cat,<Srcq!ar and Gin news;Hay and Maunnr Fork*, Hoe*, .MattoekaPiek*,A«..A«. •: j Having completed all their arrangements in the ooa (traction of hew machinery,'and In secaring ton best workmen from tho mow eelebratod .esuMfshmeat* of tho East, are now manufacturing and will keep eon* stuulyo a hand and tor sale all the above artielrs, hav- Ja* availed themselves of the latest impraveipenta; and are determined that in workmanship and material they wtQ not be excelled. Tbeypranwetoprodscoaruele*, eoaaLifßOtMperier.toany that can bshad In the East. invite the attention of dealer* to oh examination of their sack befere purchasing elsewhere, as they are -convinced (hat the; will bo able to fill all orders is their line to the amire eatitfeqtioa of purehft'ers; >V areboate, Wtlrr V *dnof*WestMonoogahela Hoose,Pilt*hargh, Pa 1 N B. Fenons having bnsineas with WmcLippeaeott A Son, will pfeas* call on LippeoeouAtto- octMly ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BUND FACTORY. ; JOBS A. BROWS f MBEBItaXES due method to Inform his friends EgSSMMpi ajsd the pablie at large that hie FadtosT |BBB| .’sjiqwin fhlloperauoo,enthaEastj«ide of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a coat gut sapply of Blinds, of various eoloTß • are eotutsaUykepion hind, ■' also atNo.fiWoodst,Fitt*buigh,*tJ-A . IpBP H. Phimps’olleltahwueremn. 'Veiuiian Shutters made to order in the be*t style. Blind*rep*irad at ll» shnnesinmice. ; N. B. His BUade will be pat an, srithoat any addi tional exep&ie so tkat they can bo removed In a tap taesi in ease of fire or tor washing, and without the aid of a crew octAdlyAwlamly : A. FCLTOB, Bell and Brass.Foutd- Ak emhas rebuilt and commenced business at hVoid sgsad, where he will bo Blessed to senqbis old eattomers and friends. ( 'Ba , Giereh, Steamboat, and Bells of every from WSBVpatteres oftho most approved models,; and warranted tolie of the best matanals. ' Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Ac.| Ae, oceUter with every variety ofßreas tfrecaire ed. turned and finished In the neatest manner. _ t * U7A. F. Is the sole proprietor of ButTi ÜB* ArxainoM MxraL *° iuttly celebrated for the teduc nonoffrictioniffroichinery. The Boxes aao Compe tition can be hadofhim at til time*. ~ lscl-ly ■W. W. WALUCB,- I PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, ' Nor. BM and 249 Lfowty ttmt, near Ox Canal A LW aYS on hand and made to order, a large vane* A ty of Marble Mantels, Pier,Centre Tables, And Bireaa Top*,Tomb Stoats, Moooawna,Recall which, being made of the cboleesl marble, and manofncMred principally br machinery,will bo sold laWfor cash. N. B. Pertona. wishing to, purchase MahtelsJ are informed that it is hc&eetorth unnecessary for them to go East, as I can furnish them with an arvcletaajl respect* as good, andlfreight, uuuraaeo, Ac,;consider ed.) as eheep as they can parehaaa iheartof In the East. Cay end see. ' IkM - COFPBK* SHEET IKOB. AJTD TIB . WARE MANUFACTORY., ' f - No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, Penna: 1 THE subscribers having made greau impraerameriu in the construetion of their COOKING mt>yEB. respeetlsUyiimte person* building Btoambmt* to call and examine before purchasing, as we can supplythea with, Deck tjtove*. Forges* and every other kthd o( Copper, Tin and SheeiJlt o * *ork necessary in farnitb t&g a Steamboat. * We aisa make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engine* aad every variety of wore in oar lino. fobs SHERIFF A SHIRK WM.JHeCOLLY4.Co., I fiaaalaeuirtn of f iali, Bottlei and W. Glui, ; No. I'JD WOOD STREET. ! OUR factories being now In full ojwretktn, wn are prepared to execute orders In oar. line, promptly. Dane* the last summer wo have adopted a new plan oi flattening WindowGliu, (the most sppiovedplan oow la too east,) by which we tore out* superior tni ele. Gists flattened on this plan is pert'eetly.level and tree, with a very fine lustre Painters and dealsrm gen erally, are requested to call sad examine for them selves. • , : »P-B BENNETT * BROTHER, QPERNSWARE MANUFACTURKBB, Blnnln|ham,[iMU Flitibiu«bi|nt barthoute, Ao. 137, Wood tired, Fifitburgh. kerpoabwidarood isaort- t Ware, of oar ovaßinuicm, sad aaperiorqaality. Wholaaalemodeoantry Mei cbaat* are respectfully invited to call and cl aim no fi»r Jbeeuelvea, aa wc aredeteralaedio mU chakpex this hu ever before been oflered to the pah* ilc. - i | • ' Order* teat by mall t aeeompanied by Ihecaahot cujrreftrence.'wiU ba promptly amended jo. febdd Great Western BnU Hinge Bointactaf, . GIBOISB ATI* O. A GARDNER It Co., woald uifonn the trade that • iherare nowmanafactorinf theLe« BottUuiat: ewmade in the United State*. At-this ta oar princi ple btuineia, we intend u> tend oat u complete an ar ticle t« can possibly bo made. Those engaged > n ll>t hardware trade, we thiuk, will find it to their intereit to ace oar Uuu* All ordera promptly attended to. nyfi A GARDNER A Co. cot of Bih »;main «u iW JOHBT BBRRIVP A. . ■ Co*, No*. 93and W Front su,- ■VjH : Baas* Foskdx** and Gas Fix* ' tui; Bma of all' aiiea eaal 1 • from the lata* irairovedpu ...ll.: . lent* and warranted equal to ' any. Also, Bras* Camus, . flatted if ordeyed, Gas Ml-' lings pat op promptly and on ! noalOdty PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING -AND AXLE FACTORY. [ i ISAAC jaiCXS. _ lOBM »• «VIH. r JOSES A 4CIGG, , : | MA NUFACIUUKRS of Spilng and Rimer Steel, PkMgbhteel, Slid Plough Wings; Coaeb-and Rliplie Springs. Hammered Iron Axles, and dealers in Malleable. Castings, Kite Engine Lamps, and. Coach ''rimmings generally earner 01 Rou and Front streets, ’itUborsa.Ta. : -1 i 1 spcff uppxscott mos works. IRON and Nails, Shovels, Ac. for sale at oar new Wnstboase, No. 09 Water sueet, near Wood, ns* nine td Front. '••'if Also, «s assortment at the old stand, Mcltaner*s Row, Liberty street .1 Having Made great additions to the Rolling UU), all orders can be filled promptly. : j I cgrSO ,■ URAFF, LINDSAY AOo. HoeltofPt»nM« BIRBINGHAM TACK FACTOR!, C&RPBEU.ACBSBV f MAjrcrAcnmxis or | FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BRADS, Iron and Copper Tacks, J IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, • •» ■ ■ ■ a*b ; ■i \ t Pattern JddJbrf.Fowtta, if aery dutxipion. Office No. gSt Charles Hotel, Third street,, frb4 i PttUbnrgll*, P. UnLTAJTT.. i Jaiocs E. Linux FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. MULVANY'fc LEDLIE msnnfaetan and keep eon* uamijoobend-Coy Moalded and:Plain Pimp Glassware,-in all its- varieties,«their Wateboaso edr> nerofMarket'andiWatetstreets, Pittsburgh. I , Qu Works continue in fall operation, and we are constancy adding iio oar stock, which enables as to&U orders with promptness. Parehasers are mpeetfnlly solicited to eall and examine prices and terms.: myiodly !••■=. : - I' - ' THOB. KUMBDTiJr.,. Wbldiale- YeHttyStore and Looking ulaa . Bumufacturcr t '}‘ t '.l’.;.'. Comer of Wood and Fonnh its, Pittsburgh.' rTASlasl received from the East a large and gaodt* Alsonmem of Variety Goods, Lnelndiag CWc kt, Accor* -deens, Gnus, Caps, Hooks and 'Eyei, CaUery and Combs of every pattern and Western Merebass and others are reqoested localism!, examine brtore.pnrchasing elsewhere, origoing. EafL All kinds of Gilt. Mahogany and common looking Glai e* mansAietated Arid sold at Raster* prices. ; oetst CO AOH M A KING . , r ntUM lie .cry ii b. 'cnerv*' Htecnb,tlu> racind^w. AUtihen,. UO* m Uuathnto UU.. leutlbr. ■ ■ lena of Je,rv CoUjo proper, qow VKi',T?K 4U * ri ’ ! . b “ u " p rettmenanchareh., -From the long experts aeo in Ike above bnunesa and • desire to please, he bones to aer* itond reeejvea khan of pnbUe patronage; *[ ■ * Nowonbtad and flnithlngtoertltr,feeknw«Tßag, ties, open nod up Baggies, and Carnages made to order, ftomscreatT .Eye dollars to eightkan*m,. = t«ep»dtO JOHN SOUTH. . v;: JUUOK.'t i 07 0011 FIRS BUCl t aniOetiß4. If Jim, V•' UyUOtortr, Bolim, Pa~ wttrano4 a upe* nounlete, t> More; At aata IOKR J '.oetf-r ■ --iiiittpujoßarTUM !>TO jl*iiiaTOATXK^-^mnita'.wni«U I X- ireawuer WfeMl tffca&i,widt crania fl*n*«i|piK "" '• - -- t« a u»ni«M> l • t ' * -K 1 kt 1 - -f-V^ .t»>»j»nS» - I- * V 1 V'; -f'*.4 -v i i t -/ *• - •-' t*/hrq'^ rini n » «*li > nt'ff r V MANUFACTORIES. I ’ voL. xv:—Na; : j 24. > MEDICAL. BAIBISO BLOOD : And Consumption. Pern in thejSide and Night Sweat*, Asthma, Wfcospmg Cough. Palpitation of ino Heart, 1 • User Complaint, BroaehiuH and all diseases of tie tiroai,loop and li*er,«iartd by Sier . mao’* All-Hcaliig Balsam, ■ ' . Raising Blood and UauvmpHon. M K. MILNE, Bailder. U. Brooklyn, was attacked with railing blood, foliowe*by a cough, pain in the aide, and all tbe usual sympion# of consumption. lie employed two of tbe bemphjrsidant; they aid him no food, and told ban be CODLDNOTLIVK. - Hearing of the wondet/u] cores performed by voer man’s B2*ara,he sent at 10 o’cloekat night to Mrs; Hayevltt Falloo-aL, and sot a ootile; it operated like, a chans, stopped tbe bleeding and cough! Before be had taken one bottle be was able'lo be abvufhls w„rk. It bad SAVED Hid LIFE. H»daiigier,mid;ngailV7 MyrtleAveh«e,eaaatteaiiL .it. ; ' Mias Aon Zdastoa, of WilHumwttrgh,luring in Tenth near Seatb Fourth'*!. wiys—That she haefbeen troubled with a hacking cosgh, and pain in the chest, lor a long tlmei which at last became e 6 had that she was obliged to five Cp her school for mom than a year. Bhetfien commenced taking the AlUßealiog-Baisam; which soou. aUerlaisd bar aymptonm. Bhalauow.foitrecoVering, and has resumed her lahpriocs occupation as a teacher/ lIYEARS. • • ;■; - i • Mr. John O’Neal, 10th arenas and 31st *f, suffered with a conch, raisins of phleMi and pain lit uis side/ He coaid getNO RELIEF till be tried tb* AO Ueplir g 'BaUant, whfehdrore the pain flora h.« rid**,, allayed the' eosfh,ahd broayht' thagisease apenlbe. surface; and,, before he had taken three bottles, was entirely Cured •. ... . -Pkurin and Consumption* / ■ Mrsßiggas, aJady upwardsof TO, Tending 68 Sher iff, has for years been subject ub snick* a{ ; ricQri»y, JUFsing of Blood, severe Cfeugfi, Shortness of Bream, rain in her Head and vsriooh parts of her body. Her frieuds believed her PAST:RECOVERY. -The All* Uealing Balsam relieved her atonceof all Ur alsmp utg symptoms, and she is tow, able to attend to ber work. •: Asthma and Whooping CougkJ -Mis; Locreiia-Weils, *> CUUtie-si; L s!Beals,lh Delancoy-st, Wm H Yooiigs, 7# Welnutf«t, know the tbeveloeef this great remedy-.'- j. f }• •Ask for Sherman's AiMiealing Balsam; and seo that his written signature Is oa'eaphfiotile.! • Pricettcentsandtlperboitje. ;i ', - Dr. Sherman 1 * Worm ahd.Coogh Lozenges sold'as above. '' ' '• r >- • ! ■, r-' -, ■■ ■ Principal Office 106 Nanao-eu, N.Y.: [_ Sold wbolnal* and retail by Wa.£adaoa,st : )rifPalast Mtdldss Wantons sod Boot sod Shoe Blew, 17a 69 Libtr jjrsUt«t,htadofWood sfrvvitßltStagb. Trios $1 jwrbot (Me) Advertiser remedy has been more soecestfnl than any medicine we have ever known for in tnuauou* cores in Cooamptihn, Bpiuing Mood, pain in the Side and Breast. Bronchitis; Asthma. Obstinate Coughs. Hoarseness; Sore Throat, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Whooping Cough,Croup, 1 NervousTicieots,Ac. Individual* of the highest respectability in this city hear amola tesenony to its power and eficacy in ihla elass of diseases.. •. ‘ ,■ j ! j - Among the testimonial* to the value of the above med leine,are several from distinguished physician* of Phil* adslphia. Read, tbe following; from Dr.l-Young, tic »«miww» oculist. ; FnuAtJKJflm.JsD.lB,lB*7.. Having ared in' my practice, aa weiL as in my own tent ty, Thompson’* Compound Syrup of Tar and Wbod Naphtas,? 1 have no f hef)tation£n iayißg;thhtit lathe best preparation of the kind in use for persons enfferius from Consumption, Coogtn, Colds, and all affections of the Throat,Bresst, ice, soprevolejU-at thiskseron of thoyear.-. Wst. iocss.iLs^l&ißorneo*t - wc hive sees wiihui a Taw days ibo perron who rave the following certifeste. - Be remains well, lieleg per* fcetty eared of his disease: | , ) |/ ' PirtLasaLnoA, JanstTyiS, Dfz. • From a sense of gratitude, and a doubt thti;ibo tiiie led mar have resoarce to a truly p:cd.cihe, ! woeld tute that the benefit I have experienced non ; the are of TbotapsonV Compound Syrap: of Tar and Wood IFaphtta. For several years I bare beeaftSJe* ! tedwilhadutrestiegrackiagcosgfa,accompanied with great oppressio« ana ddficauyof with a sen* , •itioo of tighlnets at the'efcat. Becoming greatly ; : alarmed, a inend who had been maeh benefiited oy this i medicine, recommended me tp try lt,'l did koj and in a 1 1 very abort time evO’yaltmisg symptom disappeared; my cjpeetormtioa became free,-ell oppresiioh left me. my eoegh ceased, and in a few days 1 was able to go ou( end attead toiay bavtnets a well man. lAnyfonher mformaboa will be cheerfully given the I afflicted, by calling at my residence, fto.lXL a. Front sl i jos. McmaNamy; ThUirmlaableinediemeispreparedealy by ANG NEY ADICKSON.atNEeamaT ofFiAhjadd Spruce its, Philadelphia. Sold la Pittsburgh by JJ WILCOX, Jr. Pricefioeesuortlperbonle. •' "I j CAUTION—Beware of the many eonnterfeils that arenowafiest. Thearucrapnlbas are evef ready to' deceive tbe naurarv.'~;.i ~ 1 iey.VCm 'l*l** fIUIX ABTUUAiJIItU ViAtUk. X BRT—■ABleating! AMiracle!! A Wonder!! —Torenre Eretniear tad Djsfiiureaems'of the skin, Purple*. Freckle*, Sanborn, Ball Rhenm, Scarry. Sore Heads,4&,*e. 'I '] j \ , Fmst ydn agp-Usi Aagaat,tbe capital pf France was astonished ta ebneeqtuoc* of a discover* mode by •a Italian Ctemsti Many* doalrted—ft seemyd almost in Impooelbstfty ibai- anything made by the hands or man, tonld have saefa tinrditr poweie** ibfi claimed by Antonin Vcspriai for hie invention. Mfo)y closed turn and-his .invention at ahofoknjtlandi atai! many i foolish persona - wUboar trying do the *hmd nnw,) at length, afler testing it In the hospital*, the iMedtcal So ciety of Pahsltbo bestchemistsintlM werld]ddirer«l tbemUewingTeporttoSiguorVeSpriiu:! .(• - *Wbhave novrainateiy antlesrcfally examined the unfS-'or invention of Veepriai-I AVe have analyzed its component ports mhavc used m-n several eo%e»,and are hesitate not to pronounce it - he'ltalian; Chemical t*o*pJ«a a great blessing, mud a • .'v monderfnt rene dr lor any eataneoasernplidnj.; -Cgarenjent of the «nn.’ Its inventor we'eonsideV i. v -. une philanthropiti of sagtafag mankind.- V . . (Signed) LEOPOLD-DUPBEY it. _ : I : President” .bead Una. • ~ From the inventor himself to Represent Prepneior. ■ • i | ’Pams,Noe.4,l WO . In consideration of the tom of S3£oo> I have divnl iedtoMr,T« Jones, residing isjthe city of New Verity N.A>,tSe whole process ofigaiinf«cinriii|| t together with a statement of the ingredients composittx my Uni*, iah Chemical Soap, lie i« tomkaufaeiarc W lor sale in the (failed States only, and to have the privilege of am* mute it “Jones' italisu Chemical' Soap,”' ; ! witness: Henry J: BeldsvorU. i (Signed) ANTONIA VEBPRINI W JACKSON, sft Wb Patent’Medicine Ware home, ® Liberty fUcet,'head of AY pod. at the sign of the Hig Boot . . j ) - • jsa The onlT piece in Pittsbnrgn where the GENUINE ean be obtained, -All others are Coantorfnitj AGREaTCUBC, wribinej by the original oid ooly tree • f Lim fill, prepared aad sold Ay R £ SEL. M oasts' Facroxr, Westmoreland c*, r*~ > • :i‘‘July 19ili, 1&47. J Jfr. Jt S. S*Ccrt A stmt oTduty to jod*nd the afflicted ttdaecemolosdd grtumble Ustlabay ta fo««(y'«:justly celebrated Llttr Pill*. 1 hast ditii red doing'so for jtsr», adhering toDsreCnektU’i'iesxios{' , ‘bc snre.yo* ars right, lb® go ahead.” Moat eftta nvnvjpreperatiepiicf rises, ret sod emeks, landed to the ikies, beep suth intoobUvmifoee voor Liver riJ» bore been oE«a4 I* mb pub ic; mil, indetd, i behest they will U »urme' them ail,” u they ere just wlai job tepment them to be. 1 lute been afflirtrdjwith Lircr Complaint Cam toy youth; hase. iodcrcd maoy esuneat physictaat, to whoa 1 paid mack fomry? hast b« mack bknd; been vomited ad physicked almbslto death; mlivetedSor tftaies.ad &Mllyeirca cpa.inenishk. Id | b3B>? I was indoecd to by yonr Lirir CSb, eodSOON GOT WELL..' One bos of which npoweu&eiealtahrtppt clw of ptinin the eidLud «U the other symptoas. for «1 least ]2months. Toar.PiUaar*elwtbeU*tmli~rualsrertMcd; being mild. oolgriping or gitine much at the stom adi,balgt»e mcmoch relief ' I here kepulicatn my store tor fi or 7 years; sold hudrtds of -bosts tad 'have nerct heard* siag'e.complaiat ottered by *ny one hib tued them. They tare sopereeded altnok ertry other. p3l in this neighborhood,sad iso starttiae bill btniab: fhem all.. 1 raraestly reneameud them to. all persoos Meeting pbpk, whether for Lirer'Camptalalor Blilioas .dßcdfobs - Icon* stdcrlhem farsaperiortoCslaoeldrttaßlusi'dl. Rripcl* folly youre, l 1 JLMoutts : CAUTION—As there are PiQs before the public esusn Liter FOi', persons wbowaiit the G£NulN£shoaid. ask for and take no other than thOeb preperbd eatLsold br R K SELLERS, No 57 IKoodwt betomen Thi'd T Greets. , 'i ," _ Sold by Dr. Cmu, Fifth IftaA B M Ccutr, AOrebeny • - •- ags - . DK. JAYWKVJ AtrTERATIVKI We have been informed by Nra. Row of score per fotmedonher by Dr. Jiyae’tAliiraUrc! which travel its aapeziority overavety .oilier remedy of tfco iod. She ht* been afflicted for lira Usttineen years wifoKltCROSI»«r WIUTESWIOJJNCi&aUended with ulceration* and enfolittloii of varioc4 bones, da rinewhichtioe many pieces bn+abeeo discharged from: ibo irental bone el the cranium, from boU( her. arm*, artists and bauds, anditwn both 1 legs, and (ram the left femoral bone, and from iberigni knee, besides iminfut altera on other pans of bet person, which hitvn battled the skill ol aaamberof the most eminent physicians of oar eitt—daring most of the tithe her sufferings have been ezeraiaUng and deplorable. About three loouths «tneo she was unlaced to try Ifr-Jayae's-Alterative, vbieh ba* had an asteaishingiyihappy eflcQt upon her, Raitfidiny red or fiery— I;. ' . | You, whose vile offentive amth . j Unpleasantisai putrid deilh— •• j You could have—Dojyoan or girl—i ,;v Teeth aswhlts assnoworpearl, "• Breath ■' spiejr sweet, aad eurtieie . . Pure and white andsinooth'uud beaauful, AhdhalrtofUuUry.darkadelae. '• i l -. • • By reading what is said b*]ow. 1-4 • REAPERS, aqy ®r you can have the above br (mind this u nwhmg but troin,)ttw'ng a 3s betUeef Joan's Co- ■ taj Haießotiorativo—a Si boa or Jones's Amlwr Tooth cake of the genuine Jones's Italian Chernies] Soap. ‘ The artielea coStfaut Imfc* and you ve auartd that., the fbttowieg areiheltieoi cual.tinr The tooth paste gites'thehreaiha*sweetMor.'wUUe weth, aad-presems the teeth; Ac. Thai hair aintT all fcoowto be the QM.tezquiiite thing ever pude fordm •rng. Imatifjripg, and.cauwng (thetrowilt of hair; end; the soap, {*« the nnaioaJooM% Soap, airWwlli cure; all eruptions, fteekles, Ac. and aakeiidwk yellow white,clear.and fair.' All time things arCsoldtonly): at W JACKSON'S. Sort ouwe.and Tatent' Uciliemc Warthoutetg Llherrysi. ■; j my 7 ■ .•i.,-.. | No. Cure. Jfo P«jri ,j ; ■ • 1 Dr. Jtckmn' PUm'' Ttto! riili£n& lie few dlteasfijnorc comiooßor iron* . Jl Ueeome than, ibe.Pit«L arul jet, ootwiifn land ing treat efforts have been vole to coni by the ate : or rills,elAetaariei, nnfofaats,';&c;, all were ionic •no ot tittle bcßckC Wcarlbo Embrocation it the .oalynediciMttscd.., Aperson whehubedhinlfetw tog with the file* ot the wtint kind etae from Sa lem,New Jersey, aftaostoa parpoee io!exprest Jti« gntuade for the speed/ core that this medidne had effected in hia eare.—fliiU* Sat-PostJ I TD*For sale is Pittsburgh ai the FEKEN STOPE,7ZFoertbst h aad|a]toaithe 3>ror Store! U Pi Schwarts,federal at. AJlcfhcn/ CitV feb!BT .. f V- UyNk^UilttTONlC^AiUrelV>hUwatla J trial, wsaafcottaiiafty pnosaon it what K praftii «*—Ow botardck) wuiont tat «ecp(ioa,iD w.fcrli*; mtontioaa»4praamikwsf tuhruarf hair, VV«k»oir af aatwiadarrii whirs hair hit whkh bar* hm taM far jcsr*: and wa lbiakw«canot4t >i freaUrficrerfhaa toMoaatal toaH eat rawer* rtaar.i wag thrir hair, is auks a tml of tha nek iausaefafali w Bfan. i • ■• ■■ ■ ~ ■ *1 _ • TBsaooßini neatly dyeing Light, Hfovs'or nulr c*tor,w ifciav Bald, with, CiUdinpi mm w j i -^Mgr 1 Ml-WiiTbr-pe >m*; £wjßr«y: lalr-tlHrk: Mtdvab% o InlMiMti#' 1 a-j.PtiM'Mcenaj^f^ MiAklsiPiu 111 M*4 Of .WwdJ*! lh* l 1 * v P -c I^lO^-xL. MISCELLANEOUS.- 1 , •Jj -V£ b£mSAS?JS -{ - aSfiSr'SS-S.^,! I. Till i« «he)a tgeifFork end iha ..taieor, Utiiteil, Stiue** oipefbapt the Twoild. TH» ■ eo«n*r i> the Iwrw Hog eo«i!r iu the VbSibSz " ' : "iliu. li * a t -’ ,oci “*“ =m» ittiyrttr — l . ®* Ho*»eomein.» fiseorJrf— cot -ii.:;••;■• redaqd eziißßilHf by they llwuhtered ■ ■; 3, la Uiii MikhU*hment tHeto'h. dp «Aycw. beiac • TO r c «t on Cftßtl, i«x i»ai. ThViK^ ; : it done farcer and cheep* riba 4 l laf iffifcul-iioi mto2 - .' »n< h«ndic4wiih more care. * - •. :-; ’ .y°op<n>xei*gttie!cll7abani3elit,4Hdeietßejihia '•■■"■ _ : \ ,v Pj? wn^ 1 ' ,o £« w .Yorfcor iiUfcUtdtlpW* or Eel "'"' to the, Edit or Rtyr Ux> ■»• “■ • -J ;: .‘ - ASPtHSacM.i * A . W.ISSSIKSc ■ & *f« cudmm' fS r;::. ft„ip»£5 e £’»w£ ef l/rowatvaieS'j Mbfitld, £«2i 8 4 3 41*00*1:^ " Nyt,,iiQ,co,4 til Mcl-*«U»arga.CtUieothß. >' idtlOTf 1 JSAMPBELL.WIO^VtC*^ - -HfpSZ * - ChUIMA ' .i.p - . OllSOlitlliOß, • ’ “~ 7 ' ••>■:. hymilioil eon erst, on. tha I-*.th in Vi enrt ~; mifc .■., e o -p ’ 4 »*“K»JIIUPi;/ P“5 MMcnber* wuL.cvnbnue basiaexs aitheoU' ■Jk •sgjgaj P l". pUfoMONAak- BALAAM-. , - - 1 ■ < £ “«?"• ''ChUet—r/ccnraifaty I owe M faLftfrZSF'u*? W * BIB S?^XSS? W » # * w ? w * war - &u « ,l ‘ Sincel^t.tSJ: the Lolsam, aUwt eteven yean ago, iteAaiipy eSetnof es “P l b*s** ead attacks at e-fosr - te& f '' eT f iB « i »'«dl J»wSM?ihf»E S’S-Sd r^liTr^rT 011^1 ® hM eoocted relief and euro in a. very lew dev*. Is unily a ears mtdicLic: - ldonci koWl nftxed cunvumpiioa,bv -1 beiievc Itwill Ac In man* 'I *i ie ?fc* P r ? Twu m*«» «**d prevouUcn is. betfor thanenrZ - jherctore, for tho lavt oi tny contceUv ' t«»Wad.|he.;nio-er i hi t UM-smdn MtipuSSy S? Boeton, Jiusb 18, IHA " ' ' *»*•*■ • f ?AMNSSTOCIf A cai eerter of First and Wood; abo cornar C bandAVotfiUrc ' VmSl” respeeunUy inform pobiie, that lh«) are prepared V/ fucaish aaa aacodVdientiunsin ' .iheluieof liedennktan. Always on hsad alareows- Xnlli^ TtabJ l “* iloCo!Qfl *> o»v«reUrlm«d e2d'fih* S “J bc T* wade Shrouds offisu-Ml, cjusiiui andau **c>i>iade m approved styfoa AVa i«lTtaiii whr e wfo hlack, hid 22.^1 J ,l * 1 K* Jcr * crape. cBn»;coi« for*, ana nears*fry vo* olta«Kfo Onj oead. and on rcasOiudik tenas, as ;v»c pattaiseeiul our rooS h'- CU * eJ u- A!*o l wltferplateMof«j J iaSj2 * ®*«*» *»pl«mid.noretcise*3 “d aiiy n oghcr oi Um oom eornanm Evarv - •tiußg attended to promptiy and -♦•arictomiy B^* nctfoi*^ ‘ Bng Uariboaie. • CITY OF hfcW ktmiL are preporetl and detnmuncii {u sell low • ' i>rti6gist» ftre- reooesUd* to call amt examine thctrartiqee; Ordera ciecntnf L ihlalncsa and B.A.* Vcrinilßgo eonataoUyoniand. • - T*** 11, A..i'aluieslock^ t a-k. tUDMort, -fntuboreli. . G.AV. {:.• * • a. 11. Hun, New kurh- snrs ' milt? ,h * " " • üboxglt wurt cfomuiqj the eicfusiVd . 11Ww . 1^wo “ i ‘* •fofo.Uiit ilmiSfo «uS - «Ss^d^^V«^TKS:v-' l.Diilf.uyet. M.,ciutely'uu.,,a u i.uSmll s ■- nei'tittrty.m- i : : , WcfAL’lATaVr* BnvnV ; l '«-« lorjuwm^eoSSjL I *■***£■ * r i ?aa fi VB *«*»• '■ ' ; **-l’ w “»■»!••? cu&Kcnu ffiSSS iJEPi iw r 01 " 1 ,-.: •I.KIMckenTHhTIXG PAPKE ,„_ ' ■ r . (aATjttitlALs '■ -'■' otevrry de.«nli,oii, laponu ttefSESISl. ■■ "~i *'VVOOd«lnjgl,;lilf>. {jnsji _.luii: -.- i v ■ J 3£ u ?***-I***"«*!-W 1 ***"«*!-W Cnuiini ttitaM •' “•“f*"uoJucian»m..MmitoTSSS; '•■--: •*f“» •• tislylO)- jj!I!S;S Aa l"|iE Sub»Criber I* now ‘[.fcperwilh mMlafeeiaiL .u ' kind# of iS»uoa«<,4 «'.<xl<ji R[I ' ::^ ■p *■*•**»? ::W ■ - —-: ’•- -,•• - -■> Afaratmny rnufl: ; h y.:• '•’ I" Patent Sloets-iibMiitf'l'Tnit 1 " !'* . N^^s%^rea i‘M*upcnorelainuof tbit Traisewuinin -.k' ’ P*r»l.V« tie'wonL* %£Z2ZZ- ’ - ; w»w»j UcD|«aujrbal*aceaou , «.fW-. , ti-M Ve .^ 4drf > . lureon pen Sf an* &&&&&£££ "ST- ' >• ’; *uy oy u»9.w*irtr-Jrfc pk , Ujv - ;! ° ' •<ibdBt iKtoaiMJO D ,uiuTa c & ■*» • • ''Vi sciiUirs hive ikt* ' \"S « these 4u “ ,lcWr * : - -■ :7,ißjiUifiew«trßw&ixtli l rritJbo?irh^ roUte «*? l ®* . -;• j ■■..4" •"■'■' •*- '* - H&KWath "-•/••': ■' $ —— ftW*AUt-PMAW j bv waier aioam PiMXi.td work wii]i Br c rsmth *:P^*°l(s^ *° 1(s •up Piu Ueu'tln.SS > JSlS !^£?l “l *£*: !^3*S3S& , 2SKBS;^^S 1 Ui» attune cu be.wen in oamuurZ Shi fgf&asesa? • cuiteij cm Uy buo. iri btir ita *t • «sl,!&! i '-' h>r nrr) tag on be Uuioe*#, wui, ff»«frr,&o?»«d ww- • '' 2£TFsff!P** toy pm . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers