- PsYH'ih v ’ r.-r'*:.*- K'-T1K,.,.. •Mu TA \ ' * V PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. rSINESS CARDS. ALKXASUKtt OOKINIS, Gooauwo tad F«r««x4wf ICwcbwOl MTsiersatf W Preuiu, . . WMhßih-'. .’V'':' kuP yUTWOOPj yiilfc OS .OwilMHo.lri v. IX. Fvwutlag IlfTthMiO*' hay raaraei MtfKifoU • Hud, Wiipf and FreiUitmt. Pitubsrgfc. «*& '2r OWkatot cermr «r Libeny «ad Clai« mmu, _\ l , iß«b«rrf < t*K.‘. i l ’.'•-■••■>■■> yi^- . _ r MMM MSTQCK * Wtolowlß * M niQALKT 4 JKITIIi WhMMe Grown, Ifi Pna<aWoodMre«,y tH>Tth. *•<' ••■ • ■■».• ■ MI MTS- BAOjffiBS^COH I VkWl or»> •N* MM ttedwfe detdm, Vo/ MB Mtxfcet'aUßrti be* oflb oaJlifc Wonii o<U t PhUoMttobri. r, --laaeS - (V Ms lUWDLTT * Ca, ftrwMbhf' tki /»Cesaiu*a Mfeetaltil GuH Jte*ia, nutUigk,; •i- >•^: jada . (t oai>uno twwi,[innr»u> > W' /« iwoa<Awwiibfn fu»uK*>M.. • m»i7ly 'HI ■J •■■■■ -ieashjffc-Jti. W. HU* • i- . .. TTi**h*»«f«*ctx' ***•; Lv.'i-v.VS ts; ? :■; >. ;J v s^iT.iiiaKVSKr.' 7; nAiuui# rfWnmirr ti«i iir7n“ 1 ■»a4 ~?^ - - netu ? ' **w*s**:w nvauSvl ax ; 'Al;oMw<b teiOLiei4bnW«c«M•Ufa MttKttWliWlKrtlOnwii :■ JV-cMi aidtiif #MV «sa Di*rj i— : -; ■■■• :m4-l ' f -. ; •’/>?•«».-a- tt*UMt'‘ L r ■ > '*: f, -'-.‘; : *i'ri**»x. xnm. i! i?iauuAnnrm;(Uxe emu*. oiii Wfa&le*»ie Utpeeft,'CMntMm <ud to* Owhw aftodae*ma4 OOaW-4JU>*IrWA»TXWMLI)*II,Auor. - '* JnE^niwftXi" - •''•'/lute*- 551® JP Bdfluaa .:' >: ~ fctaw Fpiu> H»n»ftgT»TiT to<4ctU ll* W«4~»atc^n»y imiwinri) • . . }«nr& mmvt ; JOMXTM- dfcC<K~f\iin lift rt » tod ForwxrdiM P —tUT -*wa^^is^*asss^fefes, .i»iiS',-^i^'^^i.• • -.- •• ■ • *&*> j ' Uexlerni Uteres, Katie 17,u4 *rniTiit? aaiSa^teTtu*al»te». «reet, ( - TTAiUBBXBt Lilian ** "U ra*Bm»Fonder* And Gt* rrftw*; l»ftt»at,*e« t ywii W<p4»tHw>t>BeM«wtt. Ptob<iafa.F». ; < .ftrtcefc|read>r>Mfypr«r■ndßrnti if : :;' : i; < irA'nuis'«jjar fcT: MCJaaAW * -\T cur and timotn mu JklejcJuan.lW Wood soeei • jrittrtTrtffa. -> .’irjMgtt i Yl*o, A, RXtt*.Y WWeiiJa GroesriadOac* tad fioler 4s Pwd—> asi liPaakwnh **■— ft ftOT>. K»itWs6d«.Fiß»fatf i 'A rjOeo, Wj Bwlih. 1 ■■■■ ■ i* vMrtt. Bnwm. • OBO;W..MIVir* Bn wen, MUwii, v -ivvF:aaA deafen i« tJop%Tiiub«xfk ib4 Msrßrew- *. .• '^jo4 Mim «*i rw- JBt jtoigfcvAU^^^uiSni^rtoSL-^ISSSSrtr •. - >-.'«ann •• T?^ B .r«WY. if jcLtriw. W>Wi'itt<K»i P&ubwtfr - «tt.«Piltwny «t, Vuubtxtk, j ;•.; Bwd.U - - iU«o.l3..iß»wo*rr .:fllbb-t>iBBOWSI| [atnnon u UeUtkip .‘■lXj. jHpet vUGcAarja^Wper' W*is£ue, sNe. £7 Wood - --V- ;• JtlP: inxiAsr’Bsvnrov. fetnaiAAO -1 XL Mtan&etamr.Tunufetiil Meafeot. eoroef *f Life*, Ptoborriu • faw>; ; ] ; A iv^u4«;*«ieKKt r K ): : .moaKitT-iMC)9nssi ? ' Tl4Uli 9ICm k Co, WialettW Oricm, : wdieaun » WateriP»<tW : froet«gwu,t*»a»baTfr " FB< ’Bt'iA&f.f Merchant Train*, 'Exchute' Bail* «dinf.BtQ»ife«rair«ttrtraih?:. ; T^jcinr TOSKJNtf FKSOXf, Atanoey at LawuPstsibwgh, J praforaloAta, /: fcts often. No7| Batow*!?* B«ikJjng*,Gran* '•apied.'tfhnag-'kiia-febMßcci br"T. .J/Blghraa nsM U ' ■ : Q*n»lteiriiqras - ,l - ‘ ' - - .TOUM 9. MOKCI JUf.Wboic&e DraniA, uH Mrltnier' tv Dra BuiL- wgni.'OUi.cVuttwMrAC l I ft. lMEeeetaor>(» JoKf k •I.O.P«3rt<HatpOM4ktO» Ww*y«t > »foc3in_ vTOgl •ni-M»'l.T.OgfW»»l«<aaihd»>tdo>« . «l ttfis'llßltnl MniwiiMtiaaiiiiicM IMfc ifsssjss^^gssasL' emc«*,F« T > * UwviOairiM OeMiaiM ia F»;: 4aMnrra>b«fk K«Mtetvu,N» 7 Gatsaertkl iw.flw <*»■>> ina6«nfc, n*»ctK Z'^iemdamix. . dfc ; CO. adboieuie 'On p‘ gadHajfc.. «>4 ■' ; • ~ •? Ton 'b'nUi& i nXt' l £mff u itv. pSei' ; J **l; Mk-ift'lfeMpM Gnat <*atlaMfclt ant* lUa,. anoaaca* ywrity tak* iw? jcAJKTOOBIEE, eoner Flfttf natmifc. :■• , .;■■>•-•.■. o«8 IKM D+W$A *' * CO,; S«*tW «ad.Kr dtaasstes : aiUSR* AVj»^nJ*Creccf, '+J* to}f ureft t*la JPlMej 4c tc, jssashsggsgp : ; r-~oiwiS?EGSu£S3K£«£S^^ffi*B*U: , tjsgjissa^ij» '- .iSVlJwWggflll* -■’MftfOTyWoMfail . --nfcWn»d«<.-Pitttb«frt- - ■<■•■ ■•- m *b* ■■ ■ vf£an,u»te*nFn«i.T»i ■ v? U'oiKn •j-^Sggfs^s^ayj; ll ''lAtoix'f^MDfikT-'' l 'WBI. l£ ■\r- Ooqiainioa »adF«rw»r4m* )>»it'Pl<»H»,b«<«eCT Wy •W"!— - .; _'__C-_W« KICIXrWMr' ' .'/MkOOkUT* BTWOi bd-Mj-lte aSSSSSF- ’t«'r,-/;.:Tf«ptt7 .l; TMiiim«»2iß ? A ‘CiI*eK«WL I Cfldrani ;’ ‘ uOKRTW*. , a«L'#JUIT, I'roJvcT^e^ '‘V''* " • : *■ *f- Y *» ? ■! _ ■ jawagf^aryy* l * S3SS&!2S£S±£SX&& 'mS&ssssssssfs^sf- feasgeg; -z : ■■■!■!*!» ■■ t M* ;.f * : -J ,; '-■.£■•?= -,.••* V * V: t&MU^ SiliflffillffilllW-f ; . ; i : ' i ; . : r '.! . : \ : j : '; y r __ ______ r*~-*«j~ , ™ ______ <a~ r -> !• L. O. RnratUi.. J. L. Hheel RKYHCfcD* 4.BZUCK, TerniHiJ MdSm. kUHieti Mereanitt, Jbr the Allegfaear Hirer Trade, 1 deafen in Uracerio.Pfodaeey Piuibunk Alaaufeenree f and .OUonde ef Lu»e. I'.- The hjcbew pneea, In eaah, paid at 'all limea'fet 1 OwtenT»«f» Comer of Pena and Irwio ra.. jjrfO 4 ROAXPOBD ft Cramiutoa Merchants, • liberty BtalthGeJU, Dealers ia< Fbar ; Drain and Biter,Lard, ht. ■ epUitr i 8 C Bkaeklett ■ •> i '. ■ thn • k Hviiit* ’ »3_ton ul Doaunio. Uoodt No M ; ; , fj , . ■ Si WnAUBAJUan, Wool Merehjnu; * ■*?«* Wd Produce seacnlly itid Forw*rt- : Mjnlijhu, No SI WooJ nreM, S da, WboiSS. a»nnftcuirß> articie*, sUoal Baiio, m*tj 7ih «[•* i flow IwaMawSjjifr •gggßassssws' iSf 1 * **»&«*, Groceries '< PnidaM *2b3 * «*B«fiict*r*«,. ciuUßjuin, Liberty »troetj «J.T.*“ r *’- De *!wljProdacg.lrwi; NelU,Q)aataad WO ***»*:% ; .-,• jDITtB IOiIDUS WICK A. JPC AiTOl****, (ntttt«n to'Lk r\Af l B* M]UltifflY,ianwi the ladiei 10 call i and *" » aunipehUatoekofFiaaelt WorfcefCoOanL wauJaeuii^ ; -•••■•■--.,) ; .achi3 ; [ \JT»le**lfl C rower, Fbrwaidlngtnd \!kJ™.?‘? B ?2 a i!P U f tthtn * ait *: Dealer Irt Frodnce b gVSS,^!K.‘- CTra » ° f WM ix J St. ;Clalr wrtet^Fin*. mVLMOjm 4 'DaWOETa, WM«ele vTjQttov^gtodacaaad**—^ l *^ w*»*' !c • • '• ■■-' ••" • • *•>';. ■■••■'.■.t r .- tpqQ'-' W Wfc WAlAAQKyacnijtooe iuttfmnftanlihr. log ryahUhitrnvXQ.OM Liberty we^aeerihe *}&**&- - - • r7 ni T la*^y ,, ['tt*' Q».B» BOWHOJ t Attorney at Law, bu • feaoredhiaoSM to the Exchange BcU&an. fcCUir meet, non tor * AiSeiSSjS^^T?** •- *PM3u ■ :•«;- - f-', ■- ■■ u _ •••. . ...[i • W^V?S JO S'K Dwlef ttrWaiebea, Jewelry, fc ',*L*2?*«*Ware, Military Goods, ke, Kb. S72fa£ aetatreet. ... -. .;.• :■ • • hm W deifta k>v nufrarehaaealhe .L.-.P?* ***”«£ Eddar Thom.eomer orPenaaad -PPly^thebett nyateiu , » preeerpmxo earefariy eompouided.— ( M s..- - _ ‘ *• VATAS, '.'. , RECTIFYING. DISTILLER, ~-im mtj., - < ,»• FSRCIBH k BOIBITIC WMitfc tIMOST. - WAKBICK MABTIH ic Co- JiMllT), jalpii SKbiin'Aai JMvwl (U. antHl, P^' HW WiCiMu. . ■■ .- Mai ,;. ANOCOUNtfOXURa a 4 LATT W2s?*f£ OraXera'etei Dealer* : t* Oils, fleet issasssF* i ’ T , - AlmMkB.BeU.lV tfti»»^^SSgafiffK?JaEf3!£- , M-gye wood-si, «a*»miglL>a. ;.*>•: lake Uemlaaos. Ae~’ ;ItMie4ra^ii«/Ueed^«MethfexuAnSUaerwra' |Uat Bbe_B*iee-»Bl|Mperft 1 UTIX fllß~, ' SbowHr'asttpatbeMet seasonable terns.- Jftrsielans ss^gfssOTwwjuai^ ws^ss!^^r«' NS> ■jtfelfer Cru*ud(M(l&iik-: ■rffy*'-"-.- .:,- :-T"';; t^;';. ,; -;.'':: ‘ •; > ."'Jm|- ' P: 3 WrWHBOI. Watch Maker ii«amer4tkYn4iartetci9. : a large and well Alirtyi on band and atreijnlarea*- Wlirultl. • ■••'••*• '.•' . X> ■.•":•!•.) .-1 ! «'wefc* v A dene i^tfce ’very best Maser. s *■* J- i *Tw Bi/TZER,i , ATTORNEY AT LAW* Oflße* Mflti oppoalto It, Cbarlii llatcL w^v*.* r , ’-V WmfIURGH: 7 nxiUb alae attend praaptirto.Qol leetions, uj ’W*ab r:*Xjß(icß»FK7«tteiu»Gre«itCocßUea, Fa: . ' Horn to- •>. .- D3^BtekiSD«k l asllACo>> Chart hACambexs . -..rlhT.Mofna.: ..--c).-: :,vr.:: ocUHly . ?■»!*• ;»AVUD> HUNT, -DciHia, ;**T i , n ? 1 »** « »aeh-art*bgm*tu* inhl*' , that b«:«an demote bis *7~ ! ' lJ *? «**# datiet 6f bis ska, u; be see* in Us ot tdrUid Bees*. tarsueexs, bearaatnixtaratftTerrrtts-ussy boar tSha*tba«U7.ot«Bs.*.Wi*r.lt.-7y;-jy?aiy „ ■■i J~4. hSkk*, 1 ~■ wd t*. JCeoMfft Pwwly *rd‘ etrefblljr aiteaded to,- *M«9pß®si ----= — - ~jiaa_jv_?«- t.*n \s:■<■/: .:ftpyh«cr»>: -•••„. --• j. . rri -L ***&?; tatwoIXLZtJHS. r. -A HF&SJfr Steals 8««r .-Ahninon band,* tarjfe stoekoT rerwd* rest;* creaked, aariSedaitdßa«erd Bag*r£ia : Alm.Ba**rHowe Malawi .? ' -< Print flberaf tad a fai rallowance made os all tales .of,of afero,SObantla,"-",*,•*. • mebir * Co, :■■••.. .j; gaEWEttS. Matgrgßg AND ,; HOP-T>RALESS - frPITpBDIVrm WIBT BRKWBBIBB, : jl Comer BothersAlky «4Pctaßs, and ftoiaf Piußt, ’ / Pittibufk, Pa*. . n a-'F..a*iaep< i ..v •: s irauov,' it»«. matin' B.P. t I.H*MO« kPANUFACTURERR oC Swanfll .burred and iPAfpadaat Horn, Hay ud:MaaareFort*, fforißiwt.flUittiiii ■ awl? JH«K£&§ ...... C, ; \EALERIn Triamingi sThtll, Ivory tad Horn cotaba,WoduZnY«nto and' 'oma«U,B*ttafl», NeedietVPint, Tapes, Braids, JccH to4J Martel Bc betwe«tDla«cod and 4th Streets' ..■■■■•- • Iftadly; i aittag«AMPJBMgKTO~' '•• :.4 *' ‘ Soijbiß -. '-• ;..S7?.Peacbi*reserTei;- % ■-- !■ n ■-: TMtin Oalsap; fcranle by •. . •*l3 . r JPWIMJAMH IAO II ABKBOUIK—Tfco fcJd*uptieaintuit K mi inf p)o4flt*aTttK*Ha,evKfA*H toia npe, vr "'"-'’r""* 4«e9l mrraa « between »ou> nod jibeiiv . mMOKB tiuvmsr ?/- i - ■ ’ ' fTAVB gronded ■yMlf.vitk *rood «nefc»'howe , ■onwwni BMd»iWBll«tqtiin*d «*iki|n batmen apdnomr prrptreo to oooko meat to die eni lit nuM feetwo «f feme vbo mar give aw ■ eaf). Ckwftt u l*w«MjtiO«*eUlio«jitT.--FHAS.bELL£(t3 -t'. 1-y, NolTt’Vrtr »r r __sria4 LBAYHKB* HIE «ab»rib«c\ u 3100 *“’?£*} QfjWgy Yojit Bed l«UbcM>fctoieo*t«s<apt, <c«eiW%rth 4fc«cTml of L*«iW ia lit ••niei’a.MoU,' AU oTjrttleh r? *« l>a ■ort'fcaaolaUo Uraa. tftttjj bar* IfigWWfpoaiiaiwut) ■•. •’ \ , JOHN BPAVAI D'-] ■£®S^sMsssiiaaM's! ?a: • | Mm»w hunky, " ■ , ; -’i •- -r 3 ;' •■:•:. •'•• ‘".SscrtlarF, .' FORWARDING-feCOMMISS)O] .DKlJaaeahewer,.'.-jr.' •'. J licnalde&uik. OHAB(iK» R, DAfIEmiOWKAA CO. TOBACCO ' cobbig ii on Tib b.oam t, No.OSeuh WhuvcfcaddNottfaoeih Water at B'-J.*- • I FHILAOKLPULA: ......... 03 to inform the .trade out dealers generally of ; riuabnrgfc, that they have dtide’adeh arrangement* .w{id the Virginia manafaetntrr* and the Urowera of theiweat, Wenlndiei, andoiher placet eiwitliMore • large and centum.atpplir'bfUiofoUowlngdeKrip* uoaa- of.Tobaeee which will be add upgp at accoro* ■ BKidaliag terma aa auy other hodae in tbiycity or flie* jvbcre, ud alt goodi ordered trom them will be taated Kjtul to repreaeotcUetK~ j •■' -.it .i. ■,.> ■ -Havana;' St-Poftmgo; vCoaiu, . )'.-.• -r Tara; Forte Rico; Tcaa'a-,} BeedLeaf To "Ceba:../ljnuu; 1 and. Florida,) baeeo; i Af*Bo*-Biaaeh , a celebrated Stag Caren-' diahi with a largo aaaonaent of ether pepalarbraad., and'qoaHiiea Ba t9a Ifle andJSaLoiaK AtC<ba and lfla. Plug;.Ladiea l . TwiaiL- Virginia Twuu fcc.aweet and plain, ui wbolpand half boxea, woodi and im.tefethu withevery variety of arbeletieloug* lug te the trade. • ictfrdly ■ -H : -7*r*«.bicwßYV rOKVARDIRQ fc CMLIISSIOri IBBCHAHT, | BotfSwerPomtend Bridgetntiar, • -- V 1 thTU 'eOgaT<, ; ■’ '* ***** bfwewuf^^^^: : ItAXK KIUB AflO imOniOAli' »*«*.' MTWwur mrnrui• iroMura, !jtXrtLL bepieptrel orf eiHiesi opening ofe*n*lTi*> " irttioa toiteeWepfopcnv tt bit wharf bou or la .wire home, tor %]| petiu oa Krie. Kxtens'toa, Crou C«V apdOej© Ctnafti for fcJlpomon.LakoKrie *PPW Lakes, u also lo forward produce, fte .bp Penn’*, iniprtteaena. .Apply to w nadieos ■ ~ ' : fehtt-dtf. rr f JAS HICKEY, Beam tfc W; Lertwjck. . : f W. C; WUtoa. i '• Atti Coaualialoa_:S*itl»Htii . ; ■ ,!.<•. ,-j Pi. At^TTieTtrryta > 'PARTICULAR ennuioa atid.to contlgnmcatt-of-; * wtfarMJUi, Engine*. or ouer article* to Opekoja* Mil {J ... ' HEFBB TO—Sbefield A Ligbllow, ttr. TJu>- aa* Unwricki Hew Orieaai... .....' Mem*. Lonoa ABcttcnod* Mi. Z. M. Shetley; Let ifVtilO. , j. . . j; •■Memu Hell A Speer,.Mr.Wm.tOLealy.Reben •Vjg&uaaa. Am*jroa*Ai>liehol*ec; Piuabpijcu , - Meun» Kens, Todd A flo,} Gneiaoatf. M<»m. Ilynea A Cr»lr h>AM,' Meuw. Edwards A' -Wblteall, Qoir, .Zeaoa Lsbcity&Hoa. John DuUoa; gltgaeniac.Ln.. •■.,/ M -T.' : . '/ oelMy ' - ciluo, c«»_ ■ FLOUB FACTORS ANDeBOBUCE COM- MIBBIO{M*EROHAOTB. " IBKRAL c«h idiintrt tc.dr oi! nc#i|t of eea- L* trgnmenti.- Tfrnc shipping lo oar address wilt bo Fein utree»uHirtts v*]«e in advance ia C2AM.br apply i log near friends, •• • . • . Bleiro. Welliartopd *T»»tor, Puubotsiu. Ah«n.TboAßeilA Ch .BridtrpotthObie. . £Ua*elphia,Mt)r«,lMS>--* -i ■ aoytMf _ ’ n. B. Ail produce confined to as IrbuwM whea ttttewanhoase ef W*]linfo'd*Tbjrto*,r>U»bttgfc, ertaeor store in Philadelphia.C. 8.. A Co. HEW lIBOLEKI lARSWAKB ITOU. R. T. LEECH. JR. •ft.ia wood n. N-rrsßDium. ■J.VINO npletmbed b, ■BUtoßlabwHutti l .X bout deaenio oadnmao 1 take .pleasure ia an- Booneiair lo eoaseawr* aad dealer* that I an prepare* J® ftrautt them with all good* ia my Lae so suU bexer tfffM InM turlnfii. . Bayew'wAL reeolleetttai dealing J e relatively® in Bed dtery Hardware tad ‘Carnage Triomuafs, I obtala »«febr advantages that enable nc is defy cempetiat. Call, wc. and larfge foryoaraelves. t . . rpt7 fRKSH IMPORTATIONS OP HARDWARE. LOGIN & 18NSBDI, 4 ZWT.IRTEES OP AND WHOLESALE DEALERS - W DAaOWAXUB, CCTUKRT, *•«, . . So. ISVomI Street. . PTTIBIIBsa. A RE aew in tte come of receiving largo aldawe* u tteir exiensive neck of Hardware. Calker, eoit Jenr, which having been psrekaoad oa tte »»«t ad vantage©** tcm* ia England. aad direct from tte .Maaciactareraiattiaeamtryrcaaaie* thnotbief, fer \OodaontenniMipauedby one and eeoaiicd by Purchasers arexespeelfallyiawed to call. ter» ‘ okobcw cocmuv, COM’ISSIONJcd'ORWARCIftU MERCHANT, - '• Wo.’SS Wobo Street, Pimboaoß, - ftONTJNUES lairannct a general .Coamiesiee V. B****e**» especially ia tte pore haw tad' nle m Anerieu Alaaaltetnrea aad pfodace, tod ia receiving tad forwarding .Goods consigned to Lie care. - A* Agent for tte Maanlactarert, be wilt be constantly tapplied with tte principal article* of rUttbsrgb Mtaaftctere at tte; lowest wholesale (ukee. Ordea.ahd cooiigameßta are rewpectfally •elkUed. j; : : jt7 - Baltlmar* Pradttt OattftMiM IX»m«. T?DW*HD CL&TTON,'Iue fr'Clipon fc Boo>»tfi9 jEdCemfcard-anen, Wholtaalu- Deafen* Baer, afe GDamiMua Mercbusr. ikin; for the li« 19 ycat* derated at* atuauoa exclotirsif to ibe Bale of Otmrt, will now receive Batter, Lari, and other produce for ; «*te ob eoominloa, ami fiattara hj*»elf that Asm fcia experteace and lamcT&a* afcipptat evnaaera he tain be afele to *i»e aatiafaetias to ail who cut coat in pro duce to him. Brfer to—- . V:•. ■• *\ 1 . Jtfetsra.R>V BraaefoSok/' 1 * ' ' Wml4**od4ii*/i.*'i ** • ' WuUaguafoEtKau*, -•- - TWhOHmUoi, I » And the MerchaaCTfencnUy. B. Horace Loire. C. V-Msrtin.' 1L 0 llaoiAKia. LOVE, MARTIN A CO., PKODUCC,CENEBAf« COUUIfiSION. ANdVoR • . \WaRWNO mkrciiant^ So* « lparii Wbatf, Baltimore. ' .Manpy^.. Haom&diACD, . j Piuabargh. Davison, Hanaden aC«,I /obaßßaooaJl, . , }B«lda»re. joetll llasb Jenkins, : ■[.) dßwlyP I.D'.'I.KIKXE, • : j iC« W. AKDtSSOBt of Puuborjtb, Pa. Lue br;»Mh«iUe. Tena. LEHMER * ANDERSON DKAUSIiS IN COTfON, HlkW AKDINtf AND i. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, «na,*loM duannad, Okie. Refer io Merchants, renera'lr. ia Pimbi . WAITER A CO., - itoc* i.RO a*ii* ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . ■ AXJ’DDEALKRS INFROUUCK GENERALLV, * Nt.iSifuiX fcfow Mtrhti, Baltimore. Sprigf. Esq., Casbbr, T Crow, E*jj CrrtteAJ LsndmeetoSon, Hfccrfc Doajfaenr, &£*’ “ ' ' &* ' ' Sm* - , sseusg) .' (rueemoKTO soodmAs Ac nut,) JtiuMHt, Tcrvxtrdinf, Guxmurim J&rctau. surf - CttttH Enter. MfliMt, 1 door Sooth of Ptauen* Bank, Ueaepble. KoXzto>~M Allen & Ce,KiBf, Pennoek kiO. -:y-: ‘v , ftn a * r <i>aW. D ■ _ • . L K Tomlmwn. :, - B. F. COHWAT * CO., ; PPRTSMPIITH, Olio, Comminioa sod Fonmrdiof i Alereh*m», sod Produce Defers—slmi oticml to the lwektte, tfetpateßi of pigflniuctfa), tee. REFER TO, Atwood, Jones ft G> Brown, Ballerft Co Irf>rens,'Bieriiiic ftCo Henry Greff Greff, Lindsey ft Co - DiLeeehft Cb J/70O,8borbftCo•• Clarke ftThaw marlOdly am . JOHSF. FKnttr. . (Uto of tb* inn of Nilcala Uttli fc On] . Wktlmlt CireMr,.-CauiUl(ui* irlovr SftCMlUUktf i T\XAIfBRio til kind* of Coaasy Prodeco, Cop* XF.pef.TU* Tin Hite*. Tioi»er»> : ’fbot*, Zme.Uad, .Hu«ia foeei fm, (ma sod .Nalls,. WkUe Lead, l'yePtefl*, Canon Y*rai,s*it,Ae,*ad Fitubatirh fc'jtnafsciares fenoraily, corset of Libcitr sad Irwin Kaobortk, P«. . . , - : - all mms tsoTß&dfl on con- AUCTIONEERS \ • ! • • AND • 1 ■ COMMJBBION MERCHANTS. ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. * 9 CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OPKEK to MU ■( eitlur esubliibmenl, *lfkind» of McTthwjdiM it tha lomitnm of Co twain lac* md ■re alwayt prepared to make advisee*.. The -be*t of if reqvired. Loners addressed u either HottU* will be promptly AUeadedta, ; fy?Hi y <m« tMQMWp«. a _ L r x. cswr^.~~ THOXPSOH k CAOPBUL. COMMISSION. MFRCHANTB < Awl >»BitMt»ie»olLinrf oil, Ab» 30 CohmbiaStrut, V v ’■ CINCINNATI, OHIO. - (CfCA* *MXB IQI lLAliniljtl. jjgpfrlr ' ■•••• 1 ; f . • W. H.'CliAKKfi, Forwarding JHenAant, droumsviUt, Pa* ' Auendeparticalerly-ioihe-Forirkrtflagof Prodace, ke. - For aarftr&erwfonafttiMi eppir to FOBSYTIf k DUWCAif. water at. ; ; • ■ . *ctlB •. ». W.XATBKWS. , l W. T.rATCT. KITBBWI * PATCH. COHUU9II DBRCHAJITJ, Bk(9W«tn. •€»••!*i j;> . " , BT. LOUIS, Mp. •' Will fire paroe*lar iUrnilwi to the telling of Pns daaetandioorderaibrMrefcumg. f - Sax*' to—George Nanr*A A Oo.j PkuVwxbr Pe. ■ —el! - . . Jobs MValtoagb. J M'Kcebaa.; ODCaJberiaon. - AOBH BVDIitiOPGU * Cp/ j Commtition md Forwarding Merduxsiii, HOfl. 93 &'95 SOUTH ST. ! ♦mnfWT* BOWUNfI* WHARF, Bltluoro. Toot. J. omov; * o«v s - « COMMISSION ’ MERCHANTS, i Hoi. 8 *»d 9 Light St., . %UVIXOIUD. advance* trill bemad*eti eeiuignwenuo 'fce <WV«'Bddre<*ibri.' •>'•• • -- CAlfeOßrAMeKNlpnT.Binbit. : t^KA.BinVKKa>OO M s’ FLOUR FAHrOBB, ANDGRaIN AND.PHODUCR • • si- 1 -;--- (VCoaimleirta Harehanra, , • ' • 71-.‘BtsTH * WHARVES,.PHILADELPHIA. IA.REbow pupated to receive and forward ill kind* /Xotf MeretUmfito 10 anr.laadingonibe Jeniaift, North •fid W>»t lkaoch.«nrtTHlpw*t*rC»n«M. - fcfcf : J. HBWTOII MIHI STEAMBOAT .'AGENT AND COMMISSION ' • NKHCOAST. JdONONGAHEI.AnOUSE, Piu*b«r*b. P*. WmBIfIHTOBACCIMO bate* Cal*. Rmau T-and Porto Rica wrapper aid SlkMeafTobabro; tor •aSabr -.: • 1 ' •" !*A GORDON Jut ffeoifrd andfor tala l»v v ; data U ATAItNaroCK AOO x? It. EATONbui««t.rceeireda»awoußßl*orwafS ku ebarrf.iod tabu Ijk colored k wfeg bilk f»«! . , del* i V ■ .■ *!| PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3. • IS4B. JAUKfIW.WOODWKbb, riTfSBOKOH ptrnwtTCßt \rait* rooxs, ' 'M> MS’THIRD STREET, ' A LABOKandaolendid- |«ct?WCTV. assortment ..of Furniture, sEtSS£££ig9? _mMfc_»UiUb!e for tfieiimbcrat.v Hotel*, and ptivate Uwrl- ■ linita, constantly on band and made to order. < The present stock on hand cannot i*c excelled by any manufactory in the wcttem country. Per«or>« rt.«binf toparchose would do well he yiri ur taoucail. ns I uni deiennißM my pncca Khali plcaae. Part of. the stock eoosists in— SO Sofas wnh Plq»h and llatr-oloih covers; 9dos Mahogany Nurse Chairs: H pair Hiving; 12 dqx&ne.mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Work M’andr 3 dox mahogany Rocking Chain; TS marble .{op Dream* Umcaat: •;j ,t}.p»it Ottomans; bramble ton Work Stands; • 19cberry Work SiainJk; Mahogany, Maple,.Cherry i»nd Poplar Bedsteads of all descriptions; and a large aarontneiii of Common , Furniture and Chain, too numerous to mention. , marotf WEW ll AKL>W A K K HOUsti > JOBKPU WOUDWSLb, HCorayr of Wood and Udsia, ptturtrorcht AVING withdrawn from the old urn of Walker A. Wood well, on the lit of. January, 1517, i take .pleasure .in announcing to my friends In the city and country, that | have opened my new store at the above, named place.. Having purchased my goodi foraaih, and made arrangements’ with muuafectarcra in this country and in Europe to bo constantly supplied,! sin fully prepared to furnish Hardware at alt kinds, on as good terms and as low si any bourc East or Wc« Meichanu and Olliers are respectfully -invited to cal and examine my stock, Itcfore purchasing elsewhere. The foUowiug comprises a pan of my suck 'Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware, Gun Trimiolocv, Files, Naylor’s Steel, Cntfenr, Edge Tools, Anvils, Vi* ees. Locks, Sickles, Scythes, Butt Hinges Screws, Union factory. FJancsSawa.MatiPganv boauJr : and veneers, and all other article* connected with the Hardware basinem.’ ~ : - mchlltf HACUttIi :X Tl esabscnherthaviagaUoMicd a patent. Alar 16 1 la(d,(t ra Piets Brick Machine, and lmricg since then' thcra'gWrtested it*ability, aro how prepared to sell; rights and contract to' deliver' machines to any part at jhe Unfed Btaies. TUo machine is designed to make urick trota erndo clay, and will make coot! •moot! firmbriekperd*y,infic i itmlytiAnlU)M.irk cp .In the klini thai avoiding tfaee»|ien*e and labftr ofpro- Eariavtheclsy, drying and handling the brick .after elna naaldea. Ittfsimple, strong, n*t liable turnout oatof repair, tadiseoastructedfthai it cut be turn to : Piece* and put together with great facility, thus mjfief* tngit jtortabie. .We are now building machines, and eonfunutfatheaion short notice. Fora fulldcscriplicti' ,w«wt aid refer to a machine now in successful ppna* lioitcd MiU creek bottom, near the Wercr.d «f flghilt ; street, where wo shall be happy io explain evon tniac ; connected with it to all who may call We have at present no oatbwunJ Agent. Ailkttvrd tooUrnddrtf? will be promptJy.atioadivf to CULBKRTBOJf, MeMH.LKN A Co.J _»cp«tf__ : ■ _ cjrarciN»fATi. NSW FOUHTH ITBbKt BAKBBV. CONFKCTIONRRY ANI> FRUIT STORK, „,i! open on Monday, ApntJtb, four daori from Wood si and next doorto A Jayne's IVkin Tea Starr. • • A splendid aMonount of Ftoey Cake, Confectionary. Fruit, Ae., fiesh oath* Metiier every day, amour s»b,cb araOe (oliowing:— ; • • c Macaroons; Pound Ctk«; Lemon Biscuit: FWUy; Sponge do; Vcip-rNun; JoUyCfcke; Almond do, Molaasrf p. Cake; UinerNuu; )Vaier iambics; Sponge Ui»c*u; FwnlCkkr; A.F**i Sogar do; Orders.br Ice (Vagus, /plly, Bride*’ Cake, fancy Confectionary, Ac., A*., execgtfd in a manner one* quailed «a qoaliiy and besaty by other csublnh- , meat ia this city. ' Fresh Bread, Twist, Bosk, 4e, msutafactwed tofcly i from While Wheat floor, and free irwHuJl drug*. every uwmlag._ ap3 _ ANDBKWB Boa to sf Mootc or hbatisq uoii* SEB—Mr. O. Dexter, pC #o ato a, has arranged sad patented a pltn t»r beating hd»M.«, which has been sue eeosfally asedla Bourns, New Voit, Ac, and wherever -yplwd. has rceotvod the deeded euiettaa* over Stows,FatnaeevAc. lu Advantages ar^-> In. Great rcgalaritr cfTettpetotate. fnd. Freedom from Bmoke. 3rd. Wo anpleaaant Dryness. dth. Easily ooeoded to, and sot liohio (a get oat • order. Mr. OrfJt Durability. A Model aad. Specification may be w«n. and the an-- parmt» tAMintd at the Censer and T.o*» lf ucmryof • ' -• WM. B HCAIPK, First Street, b«- \Vi*»t| and JUuUi tit Ilu4war«, CatUrrTiaddicrr, Ac." Jons WAXUEB, ** rfPORTKB AND UCaLUI ia Forejta and Dhvh tie llsrdwsre, would respectfully inwio fci* friend* aadthepablic generally,.that hr. t» now receiving bis ?PR?K»Pr*r of Hardware, at the old stand of Walker A Woodwetl, No ft* Wood Mrrtt, which hr wlildupoM of-oathe nostrcavonatJr- Vmr. ■ He.will be eootinuallr weiring frnh supplietdirert Dpnr lb* Mitafactarcr* in Ezropesod Ibi? roantrt, which will enable him id eomptw with any c*ubi<»Jt> «ent,eithrr Easier Writ. Western Merchants ore invited to call and sramiue his stock befvrr purchasing elsewhere marS ' Copartaarahtp. WE, the bwoittred inis Copartner ship fof ttc purpose of transacting a-Pradaco, ** «*■ and have taken the warehouse, Nod Commercial Row. Liberty «reel, formerly, occupiedbjr Sir. tV U i* u «y_ where all business entreated u> oar charge will be promptly and fbuhfuliy attended to. MORRIS ORUSI, formerly of FUllidclphis : “WCIS a JtfeOREW. - fctau'tbfipld, f*i>. • FtNOLEYUMcGRRUV - frittiborfh, March 9a, 1647. mchid 'l TIIOHAS KKJISKDV, JR„ tbo lata 6na of Gillespie a Kennedy. Inking V#OiBM IJarmtacttrer and dealer in Ciorks.Coaib"' aod-Variety Good*, keen.corvfanity an hand, ul M own mamifneuirr, every deacripiiGno* «.<u MeUosanc aqd Common Id»kiug Gtjure*; I, “ 3 4. md i diawi-r Toilett; |>lainrxrwl ornamental portrait franco. Allktftdsof Clocka, Trays, and Waiters, itt **n« or dozens; Cuobs,Threads, ajfd a general assortment of Uooda, wholesale, at a woall'advance on c«i rwlara and others supplied wuh Phelp’* Charir, C«ir »Jet*» Prints, and 10 by 14 r>sme« al New York pr>ce*. No6~l. cor wood Snrf 41U «a. floßoagibila Livery Stable. A KOB T !L I'ATTKK.«JN opened the large atalilfpfeigHßjaw r ija on First il, running through «*^*toB<oood*l, between andfcmuhfield streets, in the rear e-f the Momltigahctu Iloute, with an entire new s’oek o( Horse* and Owfn »g«s ef the beat qaality and latest etylc*. ]ior»cs kept. aUlvery lathe best manner. jvttdly ranch. rp wo T. Jones* Italian Chemical Soop." FOB all kind* of eruptions and diseases of tte Skin; well at Pimples,Blctcbes.SitU Bheam. Scurry, Unit Spot*, chapped or cracked Skin, and for all oilier disen bci of.the Skin, which require external remedies, this Soap stands nnpataljed.‘ li also dispels Freckle*. Sun born, Morphew.Tan, and ebanges the color of dark, yellow,or disfigured aktojto a Cnc. henlihy, ycuilifui, clearness. A utdi supply. warranted genuine, and fer ealeat the reduced price of J7| per cake. In* just hern received, Is offered for sale by li aFaHNESTOCK A Co. corner let and wood end alro at the corner of sixth and wood R*. t,go bhaiini and llalrDre'iaim; s»IoouT T “ BLACKSON A FOUNTAIN. ToruoHarPrn/kt*ntt, bn repainted and Cued up thalrSbaring, HsirDretsibg and tihampooßiag Saloon in the modani style, and are prepared to watt on ftpuaacn atooce, with csss, comfort and pniitn,c,i Threw* Prepared to wait oo al] that may call wit)>out d«hj ! ~Thahkful for put &ror»,we solicit a rontinuauee of the; some, at our Saloon*, conwr ofUafoa street and the Diamond. (hack of Aleaaqder + Day's Dry Ooods.glore.) ati • „ _OrtfftnjU •■BollTar Jlricki^ EXPERIENCED Judges, on a Mini o( 00 e and a half Bullioua,pi'neel&43, pronounce this article unsur passed for durability iii the construction of til iL-iil* of Furnace*: Price Sar), 75cash for boot iosd«»nu M, Kiraotced nine months use. Ordersriir a second cjoahly livar Uricks will t»b e> rented at Svo per M. if to rt<y aired, without guarantee. A stock of the first tjuahtyia now receiving and /oriole at the warehouse, u Sloun’a Wharf," Canal Batin, by - J BUAW’MACI.AnKN •Iplfttf • - ■ * . Keasingiou Irou Work* pAUIiON TOTIIjB'PUBLIC—The aitbicri her, by written eonuact with tbe Pekih Tea Co , fau the ezclusivo right to tell their Ten* in PtUixirgh and Allegheny cuie*. Any person auciopiing tn sell their Tea*, except proeurca through me, in practicing a deception and a fraud upon the public—end their itue* menu are not to'be relied on. -' • • «Ptai ~. . A JAVNRH 73 Fnnnhflreel tjTRAVV, HAV, AND COHN Si'ALrTCU/’l KKa— / Jan received from thq KaeMlovey’otraw emter, 'Sinclair *i Cylindical cuuer. a very superior article, and .the Onbque cutler, all or which arc or a very eopcriur qaality; lot »alo at tbe Pinsburgh Seed and Implement wareaoete, comer of Wood ana sih n*. ' __SN W|L'hXRSHA.U DHUOS. DRUds, <~ JORI..MOIILER, Drugrut and Apothecary, N, >V, corner of Wood and Sth *u, Piu.burgb, will keep eoosunUy on baaff, Progs, Faint*, Oils, ipyc-rtuiTs. N.D*“Physician’* prcacrJpjioni carefully conipnond ed (Von the he»t material*, at any taor of the day or niglif. A!«», airaaeortment of i’cr/nmery; fine Tooth. Hair, tutd Cloth Uraabea, 4c. 4c., which he wilt sell tow for ear U- omyl 'T\WSpi*l/TlOJf—'The co-panoei‘hip hereln/iii# .La exiUinahe tween Uie iubrcril>er*, ohtier ibe style of LD. William 4 Cn, lathii day dfcsnlvcri l>v matunl content.' Tbe.baiioe** will bir continued by J D \Vi|- Starts, who K duly authorized to acute the areoonia of the law firm. J U WILLIAMS, «»f«r Sept 1,1637. .. *elec,Unn ut Cmlcr), vi« V/l'naniiif arid Ooading Kmves.of various paiirrn*; .autahle {nr noraeryrarn and panlener*; nlm,a larte utonmentof pea and por ket kuirr*, a taptnor nrt’tU, Jbsi received and tor vain low at the Pmjlmrßh Seed and AffiiemiiuraJ wareboart, No 131 Wotal n,turner oei» . 8 N WICKKIWIAM COHMUIIOBEU OF UUEDB ' AT CINCINNATI—I nmanlhoriieil by the fjovemnr of Pcnoiylvaoia id lake eeknovUdgnmu ol ail in* •tramema -or writi* *, ni?o aud dtporitiam of porsons in Otpo, lobe jtaed or recorded in f’cnn*yl«a nis. Omtt, 2-doora Han of the Mayor's Office, Cm einnall, Ohio. . EDWARD P CRANUII : mygOdfowljr+F . Attorney at I.aw_ RAGS WANTED. inn AAA Mis COUNTRY MIXED HaOS wanted, lUUjuvv for which (be hijbett price in CAtiil will be pud-, i t ■ Always on hand, every description of Writing and Wi appinf Paper and Chloride-Lime. KF.VNOLDS JtBIILK ~ niffal Corner Pennand trwin ai«-Put-l'U'gh |n .YININO ROSES, Stonthly Ho.e< mid Ever* An., auitablefor plnotinj in Cemetry’a l>e f'arttiahed on appliention'at the aeed a tore, from Narterteiof las. Wardrop,ftluichener. A N WICKBKHIIAM No 132, cor wood »mt Kih »n GOLU AND SfLVER »'ATClJKS~ib'*ivt-it ttn addition urinylßrfteaumkof Gold and ffiivri Pat coiLore? Watcbea.auitablfl fott»a<liea andGcuikmen —of the Uieil uni haud'oro<n nafterna and of ilie bert manufacture—warranted and foraale at very lo*vnn» te*;- • »•' )eIQ / «•:■■;- y W W WII^O-N_ BlftlTdAUfiSYnriFoant* of var io ai * i*e a, eoa aian I iljr ottbond, nod for-aalo-atwdoeed prices, atibr PiU*ban!bBendSu>TeyNo 131 Wood atreeu comer o f fllkurreT- Jeff . 8 N WICKKIWIAM ai fSeezerj*-'-* /CE CREAM reeM,* l*f* i meat of JahMon’s -excellent Poieut Ie« Creaia f ree ken, Mtuble (or Iloiel* Steamboats and bn***; 5 £»»»• lies, »l ' JOHN DUNLAP S' TOltAUK—'TJw*atiwri»irrha»rMlr«MUie l»ig*. «rireltfttn« oreopied by Dr. O.U. HosKy.No *Cm: • niiteiollWw,oro e*wprejisrcd 10 store.on uvpiafibj bin. GoodsstoredvillilbsnoreconM*»^r eovcied affeH°baioC imnktold ; TlTTSBlIBfiil FEBiTISj rSSTITUTE. THIS Institution, nnrfer the care (of- Rot. J, M (Josrninn X,yd Laos, in which oil the «o!id and or namemul bntuclies of k finished education; uroiaoght urenw open for the reception of juiiijh at i iAoi SS, InrlHi llotVi Liberty Street, between 3d aud Jih sued*. The Sreond-Sersion will oorarneuee on Monday the -3Wh rtf August, and h is itupdriunl tbst. any who may design /entering should bejpreneni an. Taras practicable by that tipie. - TJirjr have secured the aervjbes of Professor RHO UOCK as icaolirr of Music otitic Piano und Guitar, who is n>o well known to need recommendation. A com petent French teacher will bo employed : 1 rof. DINUIIAM will have chargeof the Departmem of Vocnl Miijiic, . . , j _ Prof. sSUAIINSh'I will have (Urecitoa of the Artistic DeparinjenCaud will give teaaOm, in drawing, tketrh ing, amf pafpiing, l*ctli m oil and vilrjr colors. Prof, s. is n compeieui teaelwr, and hut recommendations’ from ttiejfirst men inMurope and ihc Cuitcd Smifs. He' Ms ulroj been u icaclirr m ihe first msiitulions of the country.; : ; For irnrs hpoly lothe PnncipalJ i • \ i a?ltf foilso LADiKS I akaiMAjXr, —‘ ; ! ALLKOIIKNV CITY. ! Institution under the direction of Mr. N. W. *■■ NUPCALF, is atill often for Uni reccntioh of Papiii kt the. '* i i °T Sandaiky and Strawbtrry ata* l*^dr" C fcecon,J 8«»iop will commence oh Monday,Kept Tlioise dcsifritinr lo enter will u to their interest to do so a* near ifm opening of the kession as possible; thouch pupils will bi; received; at any ti/ue during iho sesston. . . ; "s . i ■ - • The services of rorrrpetrm Teachers will be secured mr classes that may wi*h lo receive tnotrucuous in l)row|n»i Painting nnd Mojjc. \ 'Fur particulars relative to (lie roortc of Instiuciion, tenßi> s consult circular or apply tolhe Insinietor. > lAllCghfny, July 17,1517. j if VALUAitUj UO6KS-i'Vul)li«heclb»"j A « U P James, Wolout street, between fourth «od Fifth, fTinuianittu i , 1 j.Guuot’g Gibbrrn—The history bl the decline and tail of the Roman Empire. uyj&Jiyyrrf Uibbon ■ Eft.'* A new Edition, revised and corrected through! eat,preceded by a prefect, and! accompanied by notes critical and historical, relating principally to Uk> propagation of Christianity: by M. K. Uoirot, ! Minister of Pnblie instruction for the kingdom o| Entß'&k. The preface, and correction*, trans lated from the p.-caeh espreuly lor this 1 edition With a notice oi the LWoiitu c*ar*rter uf Gibbon and Wauoa'e Reply to Gibbon.; In 2 mu. imo Bvo, Nmpage*. ' ! ■. ; flauier* Pforawls War4-Complete. I to!, imp. [SYO.CUUpigrB. f t ,14*lipm'* Middle Age*, Chamber'* Rebellion in KacaeU VVat in America, and Rahway* American Uemliifi/ji,. ijfoMto,. Whraryol American History—<,; o ata,r.imr *elcc.i lion*iroia the beit cuibom on AincrieanHiiloryi niogmphyi-TmelH. Commerce, Sbilistiea, Indians, Revplulmuar) BatUc*. .fisc. Ac. 4c. Also, Ancc dole*. Pt.cliy.and Miscellaneous articles. Iflustra ted wiih more (hah SOB engraving*. 1 ?01, imp «»o GWpage*. • ' 'f ' IJaiVcuil Kcjeriai Library—Containing valuable papers un *»tiouii, «oi^c,rtj / comprising JVaturaJ lliilorr, Aatoptl Hciences.Agne jiturti, Ear*! Econ omy, Biography. Pine Art*, the Oriental*, Travels, j Orography, iiouny, Miscellaneous readier, Ac! &c. I rol imp Sto CIO pp. fell sheep. - The Family. Medical Library—.VTrealitc on the 1 arid Cure ol OtseJicv. by regimen and simple medicine*, *ji<H edition,revised aod eular* I ged with the addition ot a Materia Med* ica, pointing out the virtue*. prepuraiiu4» and *o»e« ! of our Doit valuable native medical plants, and an outline ,oi Aqalomy lllustrated with imu honored ,Eagravin«, *ix of which are colorca: J|j M D—o6t pages h’to. ' American .flower Uttucu Cormumoc—Adapted to U» t-nitnd.Bfe!iUj by* Edward &jcn;{^r,uif.ti\ie aßdOrnvreuM*! tianlpnrrrl |i fpo. fbipj Lilian revUed, enlarged and illustrate,i. I c Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mountain*, fcp, |;e. . Faau:ty TesMaert. octavo, with'and without J'oivgfot DO|e*,and Psalins in metrr. it*£C ?*d Pierce’* Debate. Burn** Works Lady of the £ali*£p;jkli. Mote** Private [lev*- [tion. Juvenile V’Pif- CJbefp of yani-us j works In ptunpplct form. •' '| ' ; t iTaluaWliioHartTforfei. naA.NDfa kei-urv of *i , Ji «*«,!.Ur*Ury aiMlirt. owipriusg thf him** , dnrnrtiu wH*eumdVpru»ei|.>»ufvT«ryhr^ch«f^ l iMkaoivltd«. I with th« dmratkb and drfinitwu of *B lb* tcik* is crani .iW 1., »V,T E~rfr, r Ft >, tc.I ntJZSTifZZ ■urooi roir»»o>e*.i«i wood. j IkfMH Nonh AntrUm dd*i, eaeUinlosbrtut,fully eol ,««d ®a*s of: .'forlb Am#ria.LiM(ta Ctusds iPmi; **«•* ant*, «/»> Brwuwick, Nwllimi Tmu, NcwMrt- Atarma, Tvntan, 110 l |ui« iMsdi Md Tun** »*wu»ttotfnww.! . | T ,i A’«al’» r«ri(aai—Th« hutoryjof the rurtui* iriw tit* , r*iuraVK« M li(7, to tb* reraJut'cra of lift;, ewapriiiar u »««iut onkMrpruwripk., >, y friaic! >’»»), M A. mind by Jah»OX boales, MD, «*>lb «iu| n.rtraitiaß tUrl: h»tw«tolativJ ( : .;Ths «•* *r ib* Staff hi rvlahon to.Ux Mind, by Ovum M“cwr, M U,ta*tt.btrur tbafcyvl rulirj* If ni),<»o s> n , Javeallv Wertis, » «*Ub and U*anb- ot which make* the s»a,» rr.-r Mp. uUr Jutmilf invk. * » lheS«,bviafafretiagdarrstni* oftb.pwr*<b», lUwsfi’l Spnk»t~Tlji Jottnil* hprtdttr. *<«ii*mn f rUariitarj r«>f* and ntrciiej with a ml*c u*«Ff p.rr»«t>r practice.by fnocWT 1U«B, hr'rottoMa tlrcutiiai *t Pritrtwti. I • | . Tb* abo*« work* rverived and tie ut* br ~ J«JH y.STO.\ *. STOCKTON •‘I . t_ market aj Jed n, A AEDICAI. OOOImJ T ": I*l Hunsli'*»u’--Ho«isn lirslih; I’ailie's IU-U-ilintAt Medieiinji I Horner'* Aualhiu) .. j I'ccetia** Maicji* Alddie*; ] 1 AlsileivKleti oil* of t*biklolrary; KUiououM F/auirt, ’ \ Ww*oti'* jdo; Kl«*i. do; . f-2wriir i-n 1 (fcwprr am' j Raou|>oUiani'» of Pa<tiuit:oa; Piouica lie j Comi>e ou Utters <ii iTj-iJfpn; j Jtuop«*fV Al-.lieal Dieuouary; • Ctymornji Fevers; - S:a*r* Ui'p?n«atory—new rj;um. The nj.uve w*;ht a C"neral u*Mtnnvu' of C!*«‘>at an< Misrellancout jusi rrceivirp audios >aie|«w & KN'JljsU J 1 «ark<:i stjlrriweea ;!fd and 4ih —! pIasOS. gggaaflCwßl CIIICKERING-Hiiie *pl*-nJ,d Rn-r -17 ft ril ooJ ’ AX J’ nit a Jj»lfori:ivo PlanoFonc; ■ • .? *raad« l.y llotton. Uh.Kfi—Oar ?r|nl-yr:ind Piano Pnrtc. front the mono. 6f b>7 «f Henry'Ueix. P«ii N t|-oc:av e ; ALL A CO—One curved Uutcu-ocd.li octare,m»Je byGUeAOo.N York. -J Oas ditto inalmijniiy Cl oriatc"; ! SrODAITr. Netv York—One jelrjarit Piano. »i* oc larev, has been o»H aboutorii? yvnr; price sstu. *‘*KCO>iU W4»|) I>I*NOI. An excellent acecmd hand I‘taiio, made by Laud 4t Brother*; in good order- • gjoo One second bawl I'mim .j ,• S 60 For *ale by JOHN II MKM.OW .. n y. 6 : ! _ ui «n -ATwd MOUK N*W>V UObHJJ7-Marpr«t UriW' u*w noril by f, |» n J*tar»; Trie* 6 etoU. Aartfu, or the Triumph of LiWrtr, GhriUophrrTiwlnule, hr Atbrrtijiaillj. • ! Cuutaaodrr of MklU;illu>tr<irill Count*ii of. Morion, by K JjouheL E»q. • . ! flrfgtudiof Aleudo; hj Geo, B. djppard; ,fmli luprlr. L Mkgajjet fop October. New LMtu c; jtnl reeeitei bv‘ . ■ ■ ■ \v At.'s. caldwku,, . "?’} lll.ni «t, oppinU poet lUfie*. {jAIE^KU*3]PrBLtOA»TIOMii-lVebi l rrb. AA Uotaept.il Economy amllloo*ekecf>tiie. Murdoch’* MoUpnn. j * ,• Liddell ant f-coU’c Greek and'KugUsb Lexicon. Orapnr» Natural I'hijoMjpUy, < . i ttßcklcy'* Ueoraety. i Ju*t rrciduthl fair sale by >- i - McDONALU k BEESON, bo market »t Fj S | O , LISI * BOOKS—ifmeiy o 7 iii« Grwi j{ eV ~ AJoluiwn, and qf the warn *nd cam]>.uyn* ari*inr rom the •tru- B ic*«f tbc Greek Patriot.'inkmancina* OBU'f!' l ou'tiry from llic •J',iki,n Vob.-m lio ,1“. vi«c«"~ #P ‘ :ll ’ ilJCt i ,>Jf w,UI nu,uc t° u * ntajpuuiid erij;‘ra.. “ r “» *•'«« »f William 111, from lfi!4 la 17W—with bn# portrait*, in ■* vole 1 Companion »o the study 0 { d, c Holy capture*. ~H«cy Alowl.ruj, thrUlng roinantr, su enyra ’lour in the Holy Laud, French Stage; and Sketch** ntChlnu. Just fee J and lor sal* by | ' | : McDonald AjiEKsoN UVbl I i ___ : _ H> market «trcet Sue Stork of l'iano«. J° IN II MELI.OK l-l Womf,,:":;, ,„„ lti „ s o .in ciftlleiii uMortmcm ontomon and Now YoiS l'inw»«,arrival linin’ and now apen lor'eaL lbviert-ood octavtr, 1 sasn One rplemlid cars<jd Row.wood, »ix octaver, you ' uy'ij ° Jll l Piano. iix anialmlfoc- On* RTttnd Piono [Fane, mode tit the fnetory of 330 l.'.Tt.i' P V!S?" J ' u "y 'i“‘i u ih, ,'iu Heed by btin at hia Concert*, i - . COO w'* un] f *i ft nd I'tano, madn by Stb. dart, U k Uunbntn, Now Vorkl : JMS A iunhcr»u|iply:witl be received during UtiiWcok. af Elegant Pt«i^M. r J l "** r cctivcd ,lle Ibiiowlng new i»«h!i n i« Baaten «uid New Vork ptino.. ’ »♦. MIiXLOK, Ntin Woodet UMnD baa received and otfr.ri tor «ale— , 17 # I -I! J l l“V, f,|enJl,J HotcwoodPtanriForte,, "iIL r* f- A Tmlr 1 H 10R " n) ‘ I‘lnno 1 ‘ lnno Fmie—niidc liy Gate ?rro a fer Y ; i 7j l ih,’ o,Jal «anurac«ureria prlcr.J - . with socta»ea. aecoml bond Ptam, FtiMr, Coin! i| U onli r H?v V |' ,K ' JIj ' X,CO: W War. awl Ihe “minth < . ' olul,onnr > Atmali, rroui the pernilof itieMumsh C.inque.ti |&u>, mih.' nte e .-mnme tfei? IU ,he "’" rw "l»'he Utmrtl .''mm*! #l.l MAtbmveinrn...: . Uy I'h.l.p 'Vb IwoOoppcrjilatt Ali.pv, and i.-ven oS5oeill? °CL l3n »*f »i«te Ortmndv. Ac. Onu rot - uifie oeUvo, nf fiVehnmJrrd and Miiy fnur page*. ( MV i* m apa : ile lot K.toiiu* ilni ,MiJe.MejiKi>,]Sfj{mi lontxaitirmlu y di-f.iliito i«>r lac varioa ariui del Cougroo tin dielm Republira: > eopirunlo por laawcjoir* ouitiridaitm. ‘ f. ,cw^t, f ,rpce Ini'eoleby ; JOHNSTON k STOCK lttN, Dookarllns ; „?Fl_ ■ [' ■ i, ! ' eor tnnraet a ad »u OF NA l rUßr:,dTrr I |>iviim'li'a*7 ■rii* * a t'oti*;»ftU^:aYbice to Monkindjhy’end Innweb Mte.JwVw.lUnlm. 1 I r’W . Anouief Uiiijf tlirnt IVnnderfal Hoi>bs hoi lieen rreM n z_ . jj l»nty7» Wm X Cal.muFtj,. t'IIIUURUiNU’H PIANOS-:/ U Ll,rt ’aboTn -'tekbrued Punorjiyt rec’df Wr sale by. il i ,m( : ' juuNutiEixoK nw«M<i i DUQUEBNE SPRING. AXL£,Ti?T£EI« dc, IRON WORKS COLEMAN, MAILMAN, ACo., having completed their New work*, ere nowpreparedtoiannufae tuie every description of Coach and. Eli}>tic springs Iron, axle*, American Blister,spring and plough Steel, and alt size* of small square and round Iran, which they eifer foraale an liberal terms, at their WanXanij N 0.43 Weed street: when they ai*o keep on hand * cemplete and hAßy*ome assortment of Coaehtriin miugs, Carriage MfdtWfc Saleable castings, Nails and Iron, ; 1 * , ' 1 • •,• I C. |i. A Co,base made aritdgemants withMem* Day A Crottz. manafaetßren* of. Shovels, Bpadet Forks, Ac., sad will keep rtiuointly on hand article made by them. .Dealer* .are respeetfhlljf aol cited to e»lLai prices and fora* will be made liberal.' • 1 - • - - IStLdTw : PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, PfTTSSOMH.'Pa. Jons WRIORT * OO. t ' . ARE prepared to build Cottonaad Woollen Machin ery or every description* snch a*->Carding Ma chine*. Spinning Frame*, Speeder*, Frame*, Knilway Heads, Warper*. TwiUers,Spoo)- < i<t,DreMißg Frame*, Looms, Card Grinder*, Ac., Wrought"lron. Shafting turned al? sixes of Cast Iron, Pnlue* and; Hanger*, of the latest pattern*, slide and band Lathe*, and tools of dlktad*. - - Casting* of every description foraistedpft short no*; tice. Pattern* ,tnade to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing, Ae; Steam Pipe for beating Factories, Cast Irott.window Sjrb. and fancy Casting* generally.— Order*l eA at tbe ° ( J. PalmerACo. tLib erty street, wtll hare prompt aueaxi%a* - Rets* t* . Bisckstook, Ball A Co-, J E Moorhead fc Co., G E Wamer, John Uffifl A fed*. Pituburfh. - tr oA }_ iMVoreert Steubenyiße, • _ )*n!B CO-PARTVBRSHIP liOflCK,' EW. STEPHENS of Wheeling. B- F. Bhoenber • per of Juniata and J. A. Btocklon of FiUsVttKh. have this day entered Into co*p»nacr*h*» anderayle and firm of Stephens' Stoeuberger A Co;, at the Anchor Iron Works, Wheeling. Vo., fo* the purpose of manufacturing iron and natls of every deaertpuoa. K. W, StsfiFss, E. F J. A. Snctrotb STEMB.IB, SHORNBBRStfR S Cl, i ANCHOR IRON WORKS, ! Wafer;?*.! Manufacture ell kind* of boiler, sheet* bsfirqn and naii*[_A II steel ellpnc'spring* arm axles. Being con nected wiih Shoenhcrgei’sOld denials Work*, we can offer an anu-.loof Jonuita I roc [bnaded Ahoenberser] equal to any made tu the country. AUofWhichwiuhe ■old at tu Pittsburgh {tripes. warchcnseof the Works' comcntf Monroe and .Water streets. ‘mylt Jat. Lippcacott. John D. Wick. L. E. Morgan. LIPPENCOTT & CO., | MANUFACTURERS of IUftIfKItKII and CAST SI EEL Sltovcls and Spades, Ale* and Hatchets, Mill X Cut,Circular and Gin haws; Hay and Manure Fork*,'Hors, Matlocks. Pirfcs.Ae. Ac. Having completed all their arrangements in the eon* •trociion ofijew ‘Pikcuiiteiy.Wfd iu. areunne the be*l worktoeq fiom the. most- oelphruted e*laMtshmenla of .the Kastare now matmiaeiuriDg and will keep con stantly o a Land and for sale all the above articles, hay* ill* availed themtelvet of the latest impiovsmnnu, aral art* determined tliat in workmamhip and material they will net he elrellrid. Th«y piotgeMstoproduceartielvy,' equal, if not aupenar.io any that can U bad in the East. Tiiey invite the aueniiou of dealers to an examination of thrir stock before purchavtug elsewhere, a* they are. convinced ibattbrt willte able tofillollorder* inthelr line to «iu aitutc satisfaciipn of curfhasers; Wqye house. Water at. 4 doer* Wen Moonagahela ICoate, Pmsbargk, N D. Penons having hutinen with W’m.Llppewon A Son, will please call on LippencMt A Co. oetMly ALLETtHBNV VENiTIAN BLIND FACTORV. JIOIIB:A,BROWH tit* method to inform his frien? 1 *| ==S*P * uwl the pahiie at Urge that his' Factory I • srr “ffl ‘rntfw fa lull operduon, oil the Earl side 1 ,u_Mj or the Diamond, Alicgheay, where a eoh| I - sttot supply of Bltoas, of various colors f JgßiMk and qualities,are constantly kept on hand, I »Uo at N 0.5 Wood *t.Pittsburgh,at J.A SSflflP H. Phillips’oil cloth wareroom. ' VUiTun SJiptMfs made to order « the best style. *V"i? a rcponrejl at tpo shonett nptloa. i N. B. Ilf* lliipds mil be'pu't tip, 1 vnUfistany addi uonal depose «n that’ they can lo rcqtovrd in a m>> taeut in ease of fira or for washing, and wuhoatthe aid «f a erew o ocHdlyAwlaaly • . Am FCIiTOH, Bell and Brass Foand- rebatU and eonuneoced baSiuecs at C 9 b*%>ld sia&d, where he will be pkaaed to AljSa vetKii olj eunomers and ftiecas. KfenM Cbnrrh,-Bteami<oat, and lletlsofavery «ifc, Trtan tu Miuids, cast Ann WmHrolunn ofthc UMaiapp/aveil model s, and warranted th be of thq Wst BilterialA Mineral Wgiey Pump*. Codnitts, Jtalfmg, Ac. An. ' ox*d*r yilb pypfy va/ie'iy ofUras* Castings, ifreqair* <J. turned ppateatmanner. ' ■> C7*A-P. i« the «010 ptfiftsidtor ut Bs*sn*s A*tt* Arnunos Mczab, so justly celebrated- At the redaey txmof Aiction ia machmery. The boxes and Compo* “inoit canW haJofhim atall times. . janl-ly | W. W. WALLACE, j PITTSBUKiiH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, . . X*t- 2iJ and Sl< L&rrtg root, susr rL Canal. [ A Kr*'-}vtso*der,a large vtrie* la. ty of Marble’mantelii Tahiu, and DureaaTbpr, Tomb Bie&ea,Unaaßießta.'4tr{ All which,’ being made of the choice*! marble, and manufactured principally hr nacttinerjYWillbe void low for cash. ‘ .. N. ti. Person* •wishiug to purchase Mantels, are informed that il H beneefotth unneecrsarf fbrthem i» gn-.Ea*i, as I ban furnish them with an article »a ill respects st grnd.andftireight.tassraaee, Ac, consider, cd.) as chrah ka ljwy eats pafchsta ihypi for in the; Ease. C«|Jandpce. -. ’ ,f ' ' Jei4 ; COPpKUII *«IBET IRON. AMD TIN i“ WAKE MANUFACTORY, Np B Market itreu, Piu»buf|b, Penn a.* '. : rpHE *u>>*enbey> haiuu made great' Improvements' X in the construction of their CCJOJtINu tfTOVES, mprciful|y invite persons building Bteambflis to cult and examtue before purchasing, as we can supply them with Deck throve,/ Fbrget, - aod every other kind ol tapper, Tin undMiecl liwiiwork necessary m famish inf g Sjepinliool- ! »Vi* also in.if m qri|»r on the shortest notice Sal Tubes ami Cham her; Copper work mr Bieqai Eogicct and every variety of work inodr line. Jrt* SHERIFF A SHIRK , WM, HeCCLKY ft Co., tfanafaftjjrfrs of Vfali, Boltin ami W. Glau, fYUR factnriei ttjon.we are V* prepared in execute order* In our line, promptly. IKirißjr the laM vumider wo have adopted a near plan of llaiipiijnr Window Ulus, (the toon apptovrd plan now um;4 in ihn rut.) by «t>>rb we imp out a aopetior artJ clp. Class BaiicQrd on tins plan i* perfectly level and true, With a very One lustre Painter* and dealer* gen rrally, are requested to call and examine tar tbem *elvr*. , ap.g BENNETT A BROTHER. UFKKXSWARE JIANUFACrUEEBB, „ Birmingham. I*..r Pltt.lmrffti,] Fa. HurtWt, .Vu.l3T, V/aaistrcft, FitUturgi. ■ TBB& ft 'FIJ.I. conxhgntly ktfp ou h*nj a rood awn* Ware, of our own manufaciore, and auperiorqnaliiy. Wholesale and ooantryAlec* cbant* are respectfully invited tp call and ex anune for shotuselvua, a« v»s are uaiertsiited to pelt cheaper thou hwever hcCire been offered to the pub lic. : < r Order* aceompnniedby theeaab or Great IVcsltrn Balt llia?e fltoinfactory, CUrCIKHAT|,O. A GARDNER ft,Co., woold mfotm the trade that l a*, they ore now manofaciuriug the ben Butt Hinge ever mad" in the Uitiled States. As ihi* ia opr princi ple banners, wc intend to tend out at complete an ar ticle, aa can possibly lie made. Those engagediuthe hordware trade, we think, will find-it to their mtereat to sen our limit 'All orders promptly attended to. mfs A GARDNER A Co. corof bth *• main JOHJT SUBBIFF * Co., Nos. 83 and 94 Front w*, Bkabj* Kocncebs niid Ua* Ftz* - tsad; Uxlm or all sire* cut from (be late* improved t»*t terns and warranted equal to any. Also, Viaas Casunn,' finished' if oiderod, Gas ; ku* •4mga put up promptly and ou k reasonable tern*. *’• oovlSdly PITTSBURGH CTfEEL WORKS AND SPRING | AND AXLE FACTORY. Isaac tons. toiuv i. oviu 1 Joarss t ftoiGQ, ■ RiffANUFACrUKKRS of Spring aud Bltster Steel, *7* , i l “' 3 « h Stem. Steel Plough Wing*, Coach and rJiptio Springs, Ittumneredlron Ailel, and dealer* in Mnllenlile Canine*, Fur Engine Lamps, and Coach Tiuntrungagent rally cornerof Hosaand From streets. Piluhorgb.Pa. i- . . , pK7 ’ 14PPIJICOTT IHON WOBhM. JKON anil Nail*, Shovels; Ac. for awe at our new Warehouse, No. 0» Water street, near Wood.ha* nine to Front. . * - 1 Alio, da assortment at tho old nand, McMaater 1 ! 1 Ilncv, Liberty ttreeu ' • Having made great addition* to the Rollutf Mill, all* order* can bo filled promptly. noVJU ORAFF, LINf rt&SAY fc Qo BIRMINGHAM TAUK FACtfUBI. . CAMPBELL * CUESB, _ _ MARSrACTVBXUOf finishing nails, hook head brads, -Iron and Copier Took*. IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, Pattern Matert' points, of even description, Offiee No. 8 8l Charles Hotel, Third street, • /!•'*.* ' I*Htatmrgh> j r* • iIAHDI IC. FLINT GLASS KSTADLISIIMBNT. VLVaNY tc I.IIULIK luanutttciure anti kre»'con>< . VJL iiaruiy pa band Cat, Moulded and J'lam Flint Glassware, iu all tu varieties, si their Wstvboaie cor*' tier of Market snd Water stbecn, I'ltuiiurjrfi. Oar Wixkn rontinbe in (Yill operation. anil we are' contuixly adding to but stock, which enable* u< ut fill: orders with j.rDm|Utto*«. Pt|rcb*M(« are respectfully sulirited torall and caamlneprieci and terms- 1 mylOiMy ' 1 Tllos> KBATNfiDIj Jr»f \YhokiaU Variety Sion and Laaking'Qlau Manufacturer, ■ Corner of Wood uud Fqurtk 111, Pittahunb HArtjnsi rroeiveil limi the Kasj«' Urtd and Seed »•- inrmrnt of Vanity U<hN|ji,iut'la.lin«; Clock*. Accor, d.roo*. 1W Nctillri, (luii*. 1 H«‘«ok» uy.l Eye*, finlery end C-wl-i of e*, rj- |>»itein hail qutlur- Wcnirin Merchant* ii.doilier* *lo rwj»s*ied lonillud oseinmn Infow pniclnum* «licwlter<-,or Mutt >w muniiiai'iun-il un.l xntd at hancmprice*' ?ei|t co a q *«■*».. i„ itaw^TCSATffite I rr«UYi«n*i|CAßjph. : ‘ P|o(if (he Jon#ejtMritnrein the l'“ b r ;f'“? J * to o iltr, ft«ni Knoiy-ln dollut to rfi?!** ll **'* • .-. lypihlio •. , John south. _ •rtlMVAtt rmK fiIUQK ; . - nn Hn ^l MK,ilKlCKiiaimuftwuitcil hy Jtmet Vyy olu vcr,Bolit*r, wirianted « mm> THU «fuel«, it ttorei for wlo bjr '99 l * : i - rwlß»4t. »eftr7ii» it TO STKAMBOA'P MEJT—a first n»te wrought |wwrr When tHjafl»,wttJ»rr*nlMt k«w 1j locks tiul Lrs*«cj.estßsleie.'wUl>Ui%Jd v a «u* Apply to • \VH B tiCAjFB J i-*m ui« r ipMweo4r• '•medical. v -Ramiso.blood ... , r' ADO. Umftjnwjofl, Pam in the Side tmlXiihi Sw.i« Ceajfh.Palpitation of u, O Heatl*^ i•■ ui&^&^SSGPSZ-JJj SS S 3 “ skSbSkm^p^skssl S* wm2fJ?«£S?P* P* lo u lie. cheat,foralooir U ® C * *b*Cha| iMt MCOOe SO )>»■< tW«i «k a >.ti- S »pw BP tier *iool feMßowXa t m &£ hvwS?"? ‘" Joh.n !C*!i aTeime and 21.1 n, ■offered Wi’ea’utff before he bad £fen three boniest eTilrely e«£d .; Pldiritv and CotuximpUm. - Ilnln'K© fncndi Believed hir J»ast inswv>- - -oodr,' Her Ifoalini fla Wreuw.*? - • ■ *£av. The. AU ta**yißplo»* H: . •,■'■• **« *lohceof all her alarm ' . •*nd *bo I* loy able to attend to her work, i I • Aithma andWhoopinr Cough*. ; '! | Lsereiia' WelWftl.CutueUu L S BeaU.l3 PnceUecaupadtlperbottle. : . i& a ' nB “t W r *fl*pcw*h;Uiei«w'aol4 M : PrjnemalOfflceloiNa«a«Wt,N.Yd. ' . Sold „taJl hj Wa Jaekaos, at hi»r»t*at Wedte«j, W»rtW« and Boot aod SfcoTstonu No® Life- • j£»lmi,headof yeo4*tmt,H»K | li./rse.«l| W ti j ot ' .gYiuiirpp ih W A . R AWO iWOOfINAPHTHA^-’The Portland sßMgi^B^'jaasass Among foe testimonials »tbe value of foe tbove bed- JaSr f! SF^ rJ ™ rtaptuba, 1 leave no beauaiion ia saying that it is foe ?*** preparation of foe kind in use for persons salferio* (Si affections Of , l T® J***** »«•!, so prevalent alibis i\z*oa of teu^SSSKnSfufci^'.™^ r s -. r »«.r: P tesnirffii e , !Sr ci ted msyfctve teaonred to a trulytnvhlvsbfe tnea.etae. I^T 00 . ••**« the benefit I hare experienced from W«S ifS Compound Shm of Tar aad Por f r t®fV y«» IWe beenafflie. with vr!* **'» wnkaltyof breafotug, wifoasenr 1 aatioa of Ughmess at foe ehest. Becoming rreatl* alarmed, a friend who had been much tx-neGtied by foi* medicine, recommended me to ay it, I did so, nndjn a ▼acir abort time eve*y alarming symptom disappeared: my expectoration became free, all opmastoit Idfma. Jpt* !S W ‘.BWW* •,'P'cli mu. Aor/cnßr mforatwdo win be rlifcrfallj pace the afflicted, bT eeilte, V a, teudettofMo. 183 3. Frectjv ' NEyiSlciMN^iSS* bCANG- Nt L t. t . at 81K corner of Fifth-and-Snrnee stt, I hi adefphta. idold: in Pittsburgh by L WIL&OX Jr. Pnee SO cent* or St per heule.* of llhe ■“* eoamerfeiw that arenowaQoat. The unserupatoiu are ever rradr to jeeetaetlM wnwarv. H-.-Sefli 1 i AMTJtmuiau ujSCuT- OieMiDgJ A Wiraclp! 1 A Wonder" 2° d of the tfkio, Rhe«n, Scarry, Son man, coaid ham inch amroiar powers uihaiclaimui by Antonia Veaprini for&a inreatian. Namr clawed , VVcUre DOW autatelr »ad ear* forty examined foe unmitar invention ofVedpfini. W<; hire analyzed ill <“f« o .fn‘»*n»-*ok*t eB,e ' 1 " ln *»*eralesSuid weteaiiue not lo prowjußeeu '<e Liaiian Chemical SoaMasagreai bleestafj «uda r-.iy wonderfnTSw*. dy torisajr euaseona crvpiion i.. '’.tLAuaacntofille ! °‘r l -' i jW**®’ * , LEOPOLD BUPBEV ; ' • jPresifiwu*! , ‘ , . BEAD TUtS j*^*B*»j I ”■? *• “ WMor.Wgklf tt ttyttW BiojwMtoirJ • of«W*h*wlhl o^ , todlo Mr. T. : Jones, reading imho eity of NewYoik/ n. A., the whole proenfa of tu&nafaeioriiif. loteibor 1 *tata«en*ef;ih« ingredients. eonpoiicx my ItaL Map. Me u lomanufaeiure n for &e la 1 th * u * tl , l * d »«e* only, and in have u» pnnl**e ef n»; I ®*aj U ‘Joneaiiulian Qnmin*i Soap." -i' 1 j Wunea*: Henry JL iloißvnTrth. ” ' i 1 _llWtted» ■ r ' | VESPSINI j I n? f te '.*« w.«A A. A origiaalandoEwtroi /lajrf gmujaeLim-Pili,prepared asd *Ud bj Q £ SEJ.. a • ’ sr 0 * • I JoIjISWhIM?. I . **'■ K ' E - StUert^X anbe ofdutrWiwi*aj tbe'OSict'd -udoewmtosdd at humble testimony ia&TOr of juwjwU* edeWated Lber Pil&. | haw deleind doW *>** tear*. «hnip>ritewL« i!«lofth*taaujrpr»p*/alidti«of*inpi.»ci sad boaeba, hnd«d to the ih{tt,’kire * ink-in to pblirlouuw* TwLifer KUhsrebeeoafcnd So tii* public. *ad,tede-fd, 1 belies e they will fwuriftt them ill, » &i iW are iiuf »U*t ELS*".!?? U “ m fo ««a afflicW With Lifer CMspUh* Cow.»jr j QB th,- I UL y« njfcr*d much; emtdoytd. ““J «“«M phniriwi, to «boa 1 N id *°** much Mood; teen vomited abd pbpieked alapjttolieaih “*"«*“*« o tws»»dfissUrpTtasjxu ueuahk. .\|n !ss;v w *f “l** 4 L**»» WS-nd SOOIfOOT \\ ELL. OMbo* of wUeh usownficttattokeepßeeifear pataio lhoule,ud nil the other ajnftm fo£*r W l9BMpUii. Your PUlfkreaboihtbcsicathsntelcTerueA mot mild, »t {rijdoj or pttaj jßoelf t l the; atom* wb,bvt|ST«.s»nucb nh«£ Tha»*k»pt ihcaia a* fan : “*• «■ ? JWi »W_ hsadrad* of boxes, sad U<i ui«r ,w * fl *P h “* oU *tW brsajoM Who has «ed Vx*y h»™ »opwwil«4 si«c»i erery pil| b thb neighborhood,ujiai abort time win hosUb them all’ 1 eyueatljr rtetnOmd lhw» b all ptrtoa. aeedineiphttie, whether foe Lijtf CompLmt of Bjilioua AffrctjaaT .1 oc*i . »id*rlhemt»r«pmoi;toCa»omilortbsßl.«Bpill. Rrtjact- A« then an other Pin* th« nSlie, cxitmUrerWh. person* who want IheOENßWEi^ild ?A^?s^*BasasiS{a4 atreeL. ■ ' ■-■ 1 , Sold by Dr.Oasixt, Pi/ih fTard, D K Cvitar, AUetbtQT **»• • • - : •- ■ ; '_.■•■■■■■• Tha' ' .. alterative. ii: we have been informed by Mr* Rose of acur* Per farreedon her by Ur* Jaym'i Ailerottre. which « u *« f reined y-ofiUa • - J^ eß *2bmsd tat ibo Inst sixteen years with NtCROSEtf or WHITE SWELLINGS, mtteikled with oleeralloni ud enfoliatlon of various boneavdn* nng wfaieh time many pieces tins been discharged ftam th« irtmuU bone of theenminm,from both her. arms, wnttsun! bands, and fresn both legs, and from tlie Jefi ffci.oral .boae, and from .the right knee, beside* painfol u J cer^?. n ? lher P B , m of bet person, which have baEcd the sk HI ola namber of the most eminent physicians of oar etlv-dormg most of lim time, her: satferititrtmvo been exeraiaungaad deplorable. About Utroe months ■inen she was tndu'ed M tty Dr; Jayne's .Alterative, which bu had a« acoa-shio*ly happy effect upon her by removing all paid and iwellingsAntl etnSm/uie oleers to heel, while althe sometime her general health has becomocompleuly re.lerbd.to ihatu&e bow Weighs tS lbs tool* than she did befiofe she commenced tbo ase . of ihis truly vshmblr.Wpai,on.Evu. Post : rmNTEA.aioBE, 7 Yo« 7 whose teeth is foufandycthiw^ —. —— ’ You, whose skin is dart end »aUow— You, whose hair )■ harsh and wirev. , Rusty,dirty red or hery— • ■ , You: whose vile offensive brenth- • * Vnpleasuntit as putrid deaih-~ You could havt—ooy, man or girl— Teeth aswhito as snow or pearl, . g«aihaspicjrtweot,niidetmic!e 1 Pant and whim and smooth and bcaattfnL And hairroft,fiJlty ( darkaaslee, . • By reading what is aald below? ‘ RBADElW.anyof too can havotU above by mind this I. nmtung bat truth,) using a 2» bouleorjooesVo£ Pa«te-.MifAmberVtaub /•fl-UlnSJ* e ?i fi of genome Jones l * i alian 1 Chemical t!oip, . The articles cost hut. tittle ‘aal vaa SE.’S?? 4 ""* .Wtowi»i «dibsr So“V": Hie tooth pasta gives the breaih a sweet odori White ,teeih, nnd pnsemitlhc lecih. Jte, The hair slid all 5m» W b^iM^«!»* qul,i “^L nr " er ma * *«d causing the growth o* ban; and sjfi*^s^S'i^^&sr^hsi j^£dicine I Wdrttoß>o to TJb»t>y st. . ■ ejy7 -• • , ao Cafe, hfo Psjri ■; ■- v .■u.irfvffH* 0 * Km NsWr foOij rwiHERr. ere few diseases moro common or iron* 'X bleoomk Umn tho Fileij and yet, notwithtUnd >Bff groat efforts have been mtde-to care by Hi? use o! pilts, e}eetuariec, liniments, Are., alii:were futile kod td little bonelit. Now.the Emorocatio/i j* the only'medicine used. .'A person wbo hu been suffer ing pith tbo Pile* of the tvorsiiirul came from" Sa. lem.NowJersgy, almost on'purpose to erwera his gratitude for the speedy euretbat thismedwne had effeeiedinhiadare.—Wtila* Sat. I'ost.. r •T ; JtyKorsslo in Pittsburgh at the PEKEN TEA STuRE, W Fourth si ,V and also ai the Drug Store. H : P. Schwarts, Ketiferaist. Allegheny Cic . | - reblßT . • ; ,r , ••- : . * .I'*' TA UAUl'TOiViU.—AiWjitiec iKIt arlkir-:. J triaLwvonSesilaiuigly prcOfcuies U tola what Itpepfess t»-4b« brtt article, wstkoat any ncrpticm, in, um. Lrtht restsralhm aad pnsemtion of In* bratsu hair, tvtbra of auawiba iariasm whrrt fair bat been restored (« C^, wbM have Wni bald lor yean; aad wt Hunk wacmuud d« erealrr&rer than tb.racommnd U> alloar readers who at tLT;— tbdr hair, to task* a trial of dusToaWiaiasdJUHi fiflSUO'Aftid* •, w >’or sals ia Wtshwrh at ,tb* ftakla Tea Store, Np.7S. Fourtb»trc«t,o«*r wi*d v.. 'marAdltwT TUB MOOEMH HAIR DTJa_For'sw 1 neatly dveißg-I.tghi, -R*d or Orey Hatr.aTxirk Rrowner Black •»lor r wlikmudreUtg orinisriafibe-' siin.jSold d*rice 6b c&nzs, erfi as-r'i ! r*t VOL. XV:—NO 125;; ~ i- m<K«abti«iußeui^y*£££? i jJJh d **■«*• ' LsrJ nnd Tilloi?£n? t §,' r n”' t l "g.* c » fwkifei lojh* fc,“2d suit *ny market ut tj» \V«fi* ck *'*‘ a *“ T*Uo» t» ' 4 o^M^iss retUadeiuS^ l^ focrdrii* ,W “^Severed, c«La«m>' . 5.»2 ““f ; it-,'* *"■ «S||^grs» Pbi«;llKa4nTßftiiv-fch k (ffik er ’fSs. n i'' Pbiiade^ J Jordan £ Soil, " ew Vork; Ub *«oek»elj! N ew nVu;. , L e 7 3t, .» Marlon fcCoJU a*. Springer * WhuJJ j c uVjE*. l ? 6 •tUj & Baker, Wilier Fot* ai*» , i - T^s^saßß«Bsr- ’ cmicMae. • .bymaiaal.eonirntJ onihe •tyh, * *• *“««. under the *««» ■! ■' 1 :- ' : - ■ . BALSAJtt— —r~". \ ss >“?i'ss t -Ss, .-‘I'*TS«I!SS?S?3sSS®i , *» ‘*ror e*STf .**» atone with complete iSRjffeJK? **** the BdJ.j effected relief and emuamrSfeL* ? of ffl y jy e » ““f been lie mead* l i Be*tf»,J«aei«,|S|fi..; • v ?f®?4WJiPA**oK». WpO*U«lh* SLI, ntt .*® d^ -f?f* CI%U BMelh ■asjffisstteSS® 5^ Ite iineof itSmifcSfTi .K^saBSSS^“r^E--;^ ' wncacot of ww e twf bj«ck •l e * p^^*f S I W »Llc £b r oan» M .*^ur‘J^r ,cot * Oll » ,tJk »ortkiaoi*»*a»: ’i dead, ~ i» tbe fciatemeiuca.! ■£:•** «,i—°* ir px>d» ihe ouae and *7®J»Wi»ea|r»*iii* . fer^.aad^^X^^'P^Uiisvrbeuwala . ssra&fto ns&vSnsr y^^wSSylSigS: ’'• g./L FaljncUttC*. -• -s • - - A. b. HtiU. iN'ew Vatic. ' * #D|^ SEVv'ivih?* L* 1 ® Public. T\mL* PEKIN J? w«ro clmmiM Uits ei^t, 06 P <r * ani S^^^ri-Kjaswj!^ !<**« Wtt.&r3w *7“ eJ **** “ y pnv«- «w wKwJe M& to J ucul buyer* arc ei&refv uop»Jteeni required Pnmtwreci, • • ?°>® Wwjf ■ '"“^ rJ °- L MeCALLMONTADnun dpiiliSSii* as?- * fSSESStfsssss fipgp-SBr |3^g;®# s « e®^i ,E =:3 | gfisii: wsSS^SS cf fIAKUvViI'K, ?._.'u i .'lw, l 'V iclr Hoc a i«m lac Btanufacluiero ofKariSa n .i ,- ia ’ *krecl Al«a.ap W ic,orAi«ci<S2YuMSi?SsfS. T - - cipal nkaumciurar* of He su£. to ““ ul P^' PMtfMo4.uift)|aM £liss=i^ .■waauyT-i.-ll^,^). .j'^SSwSh l mi aauct OntccSiK »SaSS!KtJJ! 1 “ l Sif* n « 1 wiS'S'S'" W»d 1^ •ttfo on eny p*ri cf an* Buy mcnreiue n I made tip tijj weaXr lff&t*?* 1 * x * wubout Imerautioo, ot U>*m v*JßabloTfiuV«uh??«lJlir rl^®;Pi *W ,4ct * r ® ; ddphia,*oJ *^ ,u « <, SmiUsfield si near BUifa, Pmlburgti? 4 offlw * Nfc i r JoW ' '■ ' •' I 1' ' I'"’ W aTT. c tt~ ' • • '• 1a.... a.... V J U.'V. | Sfi?- »®wa!ar^!«M' -WiQK>«aS”-' S-l^?A?i/i^ A!<D ' I'ACTOHV POK &ALSt iSv“^S sr^^F^saagasss; r L ,nffon,h *M*«*irMifiiww-jiftMliiMi A-iiocmxfwiMriifK SiXVL’-C 1 pa«icn]>t» m»d? known by.cnli-jkr'no cnhero/iiip. JAMES BLaKEIITI ( ' ; ; )• • •• ' t \ . •-. Admiaimaioik .. H.li?w,T ck “ l cs»i(»-V‘Bpa»eetVr<SL •.‘SL I ccmfinsiiy; a ve/y genera] tißinm.,,, r The ulienuon of HaeJunbu aid MoidUer* jreseiallv ia invited. LCXiANAKSfllvlffir: 7 -j-- : 1 - --• • .; • !» wood IUMt ■ FORBTKAH BOATS. i * POnTAfiLM PO«GI»r-A very UHtawf ana all tbetbrsncaaberarn«tbvtk« hinl die* 0) momeiuL Alewjujirec’d and fj r “ - ! ‘ ’ WM KMnuTpp T\ A Vl>3 KXTRA PAfttlL V KiAHI K—|WU. rr ' V at all .iu^abe.uppuod 01 fre*h f round Hour irom ilur Balawin i 4^* irttto ■!: : J t«»mi ( ete* 804 Veum**, whichJni £** 3rT?iS®3ffi“ -■ »'-oO «t,5 foot* iberc <A <»*» :: "••-'•-■ &'*«^sBagg : U • 'i. , > I 11*4 *xOxy f*o4> Ik»« of —: ~\t * f '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers