~, . ... "' ~ . - ::!'::: : ;•:: -. . :,,, ..1 , :;- . 7 f al a • 13 :ea Tao, augar, vow limiting. av ad; iv mccura cclo CW . ,!`! l -71, - • .u.: ,'•,= - :'... - 1 . ..:.,..i..;! , b t - ..'-.); . ..5.. '.,,,:i.:::•,-4:,:',.1'...:.'::, ::.f.... ; . ..,-,1 ; 'l-','d:jl:l---:.:','- ‘- • . • / • :~; ;-:, ~;` ~, : i NESE , il..;.:::".0 , :'•••:v.. 1. , • ... :: ...,:'iti:.•:•. - i14 11 .,•ii, ~.: : ./, ?., ,1i; I"3o l P..f!t h g ,1. r< ' . :4 t' '' '. l* - , i...1 7 ...0 .4 1' . g• .. .. 4 .,.,. ,:q.ci4.'' •,,,,.. 7 . 1(4. I`l;f4.l:,l'A V t -.: l ,' ► '.4lT:':ll' :7 It . 4.' j„.,;:4,':,iii41::'7!1157.::',1 ' •- • -ce .44.,, .--: ~ Ai ~,,•,,t- ..._., ,10.,,, .. ~ d'tti•'...i.,-:: il, fi-,.. :; # ':'.' ~,, 4 , Alz, .k• 1 . 4 : i ....' ' f - ... 7 e. '''' 4' 4riqW•k• '... q'''',' 4..:f. f• .?).4fir.,,, . : I ~, , . .., - -!, '4'4;4 :li -`l.•"';•*.'" 1;1; ; e. . , : 4 ,..• . ~-.:7,..- =-• • '4 ' 4 „4.,. .,,, r , ..: , ~•'',- '...iiii.o. •11_1:4,-•i,.. ,-4.:::'1'"4:1: ,-. ;-..;•, 4 y 1 :,....:,-.'1..1 i . rt..• • ••. , 1 ''9 : ' .. 4 r, -, •* 4 : .1.1.. r.t.,..4 . , ..., ,-• ..,‘ 4 9 t , i 1t7 :f: .4 , 4 . ' o ' i . l''',l:4 i.:f )• , 4 ..•',11 6 "- t It l! ill( r;."1 , , i . -,,, '. 1 .V....:1g. , ;-; •'• t,4l,;' } ..'•l•i n •i: :'. , j. 4 .4 . i 42,*.11t•Y. T„,:f, : • • it4l'l•t 4 l - ''''' vv. , , ~, •• ,Irv.i. •••-• ~ .,Ip jilt, ,'•V.:;'::•;- 4 ,+, , i .'..4710:4 4 .i:i" ). ~ :',:ft \-t, f! -,,,.. T ...-.. 4 ,1 . ,, , ,: : . , y14 4- ih.: ,. . , :: :, ..il:- :.,, r!",;:14/1%,',1•::-.tf.1,P, -,4i..;,.1- -;. ;•••t- •1' '• 4 :::{ r--4,..1,,, -:;-,- IP '•'.• •_., :i',,1.:4: 1 •,-...; ...„: ~......1::;.•-•,,, -.•••:'..i.t.''.4 444 ~. •, , ,... , :e... , 4- - 4 ~,,, = :i AI: 1tt...1.....•,:i.,,,i 4,V,k r .. r ;,' ......:' . i . : . : ;1 . ......;t v ,•=_, l '''-,' A .* I*. . .4; Dumiass - Astr - rstataortif • I ewes lllMemietra Pesch . • sileb . ftWILLIAms Al""V:Ir 64 " L ro =e t ti final* ter DM LUAUS CZXEII-4Ve trislosperokus a kw lathed bodisla la Con f sod Trap" dooliVnioll s k i nil no Idoben onto On Id AMMAR/ _ A PPLILI-111 bids noir lasidiag.'a watiadee Ei;MM trOXACCOIiVALLZTIII-1 possaimalimpply.) J. J■riike,ktoruags Os do India liabbar Dem:, stars. 4V Vitt OtkiWeft Olttr Inn RON 1/1-140 tin , WICR.F.IIeCAtiiIILEIIS NAIMIV-INO elder red Luther; foe ride Of wad . . JOHN OHllin, Luny se 1,13 •j DWU.*JgNS iaiMZiiiiM:EM R°2A cAND I -1° "° TrwlZlA;mB' AA LP•C ClAhises riSNI stA • MASON t COAII makes st;roso snots sass's( tilos slssy thy 'e.S. Weals' IS seats poi yd. • . awl, • PLAID iIIISAPITLIII-1. carton • my"' slat Plaid awls. - AlacyllOblaa blackblasket doolot nmPd. by nvlit - A A /111•901 i 100 ' TT 3.11 SAD— el? PIP- " -' 14*.di1m."1 % ... I -1 , 0161 AOO ROISICI-4 bah!, itallll , o Yobs! fat vile low .FLOVU.-413 bilmJeliamivelbrirt.reakbCopei 1111t00ii—iti dot la wee; kr b J.) Luk ¢,12 " W UGH .131:ITTlirtit3 bbl hyllt fl Bene i r i lasi ree.'d; For . EZMM=MI CUBISM—WO bn hi nor% Jar sate F "':~.~.t=.. - ~~~t..~, e .~ ~~>e>7 110111 E-00,4. pima yellow Clmktut =sand bY la Caleb Cbps; forspa. by . • rtts , . Bic W . 0 17111S.11—libblb fresh nil Ihneriaadmeic,stz I. 'JAB DALZML 5C1 . 0418-33 &aspirin* N 0 for ..le kw so eke, by „LEWIS kIUTCIOBOIII & CO HZIIIIP-8 beet D Rim sieve' br *IV ' WnlUM—Fame.obl Pale Cones in TVkw We by Um ems at Id i mi !l nsu l t i t s " vine M ( "" - • woos ABA 7AUFT, GIOADON t WS hay and mown Shame, -he woad and* Ws, kite ther I•i41. • kla • • antra, o f ••• • • • ktvga SiLEL7 zW.it, AL ir i t gr WINE esb tiogrAi t gl . rgi oy wholesale at Ma sone. nvl I JACOB WEAVER "` F14kru886,34 se b now landing from sulseer Swotbn; pr . sa.le 1?y • - - MiI.BIII6ICXEY a co .pi f r . tZV: y l—Tl , bsitib,ltpqi j fy u tttmrPeloa : ." , pia lizTAL—lo km Tearooms bat Out zeal laadaz from dm sumo North Moan for We JAN DALZPUZ • wio SHERRY, lalnll] bbls, far de aidoolesala at dr - JACOB mum... SAN LUCAR 6assie4;llbblior ealevilehonle at the wine gem -• ! nen IAMIEWEAVER . 0. 81100,11—',70 bhd. kende lb alms eons*. N mat - •- ' MEND ■MEV it Co. ~ Dar Avoni-136" 66hmared_pey J J Crbiandbilbr ass by FRIEND, ingY Qo. A reLgs—ico Bands [audio' from As mix] bait- Yosicormxi Wools . ms NoonJAMBS D=Max4 . vleatir• . . 'Masao NADIentA, Ws, nrboleiale b7 A% nutlet We Win. Sinn. "limas WEAyFIL TVJBUILITMENVIIIIII, L. P.Garia andOirpia taanda, is me sad far Bala at tke.Velfas JACOB WEAVER.. T issoar.vixicbtas, is ewe sad saisby oemlo JACOB WEAVBIL • flunin.-synned Exibbisseed'CloSer,jbe ibe easkyrill be paid W CHADWICK, t no Wayne stbetwee. PeramodLibtriy.- GLulYß`f D..lO>fDs-. ..reer a df *.Jeb7 IDDYCo. TUT RECD*boTnTowMJWp~and !w u 1 D 7 .n.tG (Or cIO - RIDDtco QINJAZTOIL-100'gaubuttiellusd Gar ale by =MO • Aquomeie awn '7 lUDDZ Co • ved' sale Ay t. • re.. .Water and Awnhbfleitur.' 1004P—Itebzitto I. rimy jut Isnakyr hells star J'Critiesagortor Ede M, all • • W IFIARBAUGII.23 mums* FLO a&—fico I..bh ..ros gad PAP.4I. sallis sad otherlarocise broads, ba Worst iD br sale by 11.41' • OLICFO It CO sinarklayk-t" for We b HAYy . • - • - tor Ist veal sts freoll of Leak% thuyet knd Niles SchAbiNphoo reeolyed; tor oak oy oT9 - ' . Vll EATON DAPJIIII BONA lief assorted D i uy suitable los ewes, te; bat racy at T. 47.01111 i , F.t vr. RZil(l,lliT,?,7]ll TIRE MALAGA WINE. ay W. by_ di India bats at tie....ina Ware.. • • (avlll JACOB WEAVER LACTWOODS EDINVURO MAGAZINE kw ifelt a AP wther, IE4Yi Jya seeerml by ' - t- • JOHNSTON& STOCKTON I • - 01:30-7a tas • ,elewLair_Tobaccojast Isj cii"4 4' " .4e bY wontu. musw & c:o Bac:ear-4 law 'nine shamus* s tliiiirs,Ws 17JUsenT TO-44 pant larg . • lhalsame • ar reeel"d"" Valilir kl a wawa al ML/LW= PA R lS —Osiable Set Idiad, kn. al. wm et hand and kr sal. at No IN I.l= ca nne4 1118Maaat. batit. W W 14, O 1 WM Tallow Can he MM lry • - • "11M .41 Rye kmBol by • , &insult= BLILICRIED DRILLIIIO-4tasei tool Sailt ay" IFIACILETT &WHITE LJIMOIHAD SHJIATIIIIIIII-1* saws impri• gedonsguna and Sas,iiimay alma adated prissir, IWO • ItIACZLIETTa WHITS cotrlmii-lo draw yjitechVii=x OTALTOZII-IMO bOL Plggiuumeks r ennlp- I - for nblo. by - AZYNOLOO is Sl= W 111,111,10 PA PIES-100 thou he nded Cap, taxvoceir of; kw many • • iItEN'AOLDS k PREZ Q O*Ln—NoolW wombat last bk.d Goer Wy Of mini for Dale by , ecome=Easccr, - 41 inner stub/ 1110174=0-66mes . DiyaeOnpabrOnorke,§lbs 6r "k.b7' 1./OIUIS W 'POPLAR LUMBEI• ' 4 aid PloaJ W wA X lOW WALLACE, "svCiAILAIND b ""Vcr N°B4 rwg.«l.l.q . riularanTßEt . UT GLASS-46e intioned..,!ises,llll,74,S4 3 4 . 1 4 ffil;12,5:11:74iiiruie7sfiesGOli a l l Y BEM MI weed lan basalts MAI end D C slaw Flom - ' .;" ,D Inedint seem , Ibr le abr . acne , asirrroLbek sair.g • ill bblsßo E n Al a J AV o till, o f: i ride 0,44 nlL—ltbbla abb 4 id do 51V.1 . 001 Gird pit,(. e l oribianutorebebred sad for bble by' MAFKFJAF4.—: IW Ile • O Lowargl4 drulLOTitlV Jim - moved— Drab .li lom ad Brd LI FoW, wlikit wig be mato order bp +oat!! • • - *NCI= h. MAY= rtitaTr !". c„c ; ,, l " " A ' /cps 6 "rood eUtel ArgrSLIICUI—At , g atbe tzife . asatka Nese emu AMMER. STY.6VEIt C/11111111IZILES—Meg sad plan Cariacralsa received, which will be isaile loonier by_ • own NCIELII & MAYER 80613,7 IMaik.r MI 6 br //minim 0 - 11 .K0 1 and Lasi al calyWAgYal Mad, kg -- ere sale by . J JORDAN &YAM' ~ID-1a Ebb ~rW seer T. Jre ford Jest reel! per pax • • 41"6. ;eorc Yee ad inaiddeld FRlllll6lSl.—lllack,ll6llies, 11,11,31,4 sad m 3 - BARR/MS-1M csmity . whUkey barrels Gant* by JOITIECF.IITED-131ae,brotraybliell eat gram Ilea .ETtr Oohs. irbieb be vials se ardor by :• P ICLYSI. 79 mood a ,01 , 211. TIINVIIIIVIZZI-401AJObLereitlor' 1,7,1n1/ sale 07 . H NM= lOW GOODS-We knot= reeshed ..L l.9refWs Moir% r : • s. cos Qom% Plidille c a: L ti H s rfpf"" MWed Ohm . ELF 'spasm soivr.ocrosizon rrovzs fivreoll MtrairAnDeatuakr..la La itins qunet v radaiisas Iced smi • • , • Een aide Diwook4 'OIL-161k4 Fan madonna anittal' Lord ea of .II Milani& 00, St wood a Ros 773 6b4,.ll7p.i.llg=iiilUirc;34. RY p = !ye for a l i ateAtalii wit be • ON • a u LL.EZ ' 170 Übe at , • ftmat'soollo 01 • 'AO • • Webbb. betas AK Teesl by atm 13.10 b cep" foe iiaLs b 7: - • (bye' -,lla Wlll.olllUull 111,0001 MthM bbbsiluy lon istedint (niai.nexaer P. to • Jaspetsel.G. KW nowt and Lard by' all et , . '''.ABr..IIIIMaKNIGITIT. • adh street -- Tri • n bblalastrecifi s . witer fbf r, o r m B OW new iodate, la non, br gala C_MlirdlX-173 bislui res, , al nk w t% • V111, 7 6D bbla nem ule Wt/Zli 7 A'F"'orm. ° 7ditTwnrco'''' W It4PP , LIII.4CO mensaaliitla 61.• sale br. I~LOIIB-6o 6bL eitn hmilj 110 rom o i m' 'v o 4 hr , er6' 4LIFJCISSATII7II,IO . esti for ulebr • Wier isIifeIIANDLESS . aye cor'insxl watar Winhu Whale Oii oamtionllyol3 )(mum& mccersom AA() • ME-110 N LI Om Web um • ill • • • MILLER R. IIICKETSOR QV% •e •Y6daPotnllaußlear br gitt r it ioN WTI gar .81N PPLIIIBII bbl. goggikettong ApCple. ntiAl. kri 11.'saleb _ Int , 81t; W HAIL/MUGU' 0 11*- 31‘1 " ''''''laghni"edl,l=4l67l:akrybsly TIMER HAIR and To* Tarn toil ' • ' CARSON kMattittillT QUAD-1010s Na 1 truged;_booabs n elooo by 1 .1 04 • • .. COMM t. IdettNIUNT r-4 1 11 riVal MIN N C, Wise 6E6 Or calgt kg • .1. ,• • - CAR2ION sMC NIGHT rtALLS- 15 grou VelvetCblak 8.118 / s . l .ee.iired; 45 in Lae by ... . - 111MUN*. ItFITEB. et{ . dun alalr tbeny 131.1" - 4 bbl pevloub7 UN lI% IoE siors. , ttrargsruig-to bbli ea Imot tot ••• - • ' MULUN 4e 1}3M31.. • WPS-4 bakilistaolt now huhu/ Gam arum America; It ale by . I DICILL'Y tCO 0.4 Rya. Wt lll2slMi tr b i: ler iai ,Web Me' market Priaa.. l / 1 be P‘ llll . cIA ? Y ., OMEFORD &Co One. Merchants. lihern, Gli t =l74lol , 15, 111.111!,L1z16 and 1 , 418 Gl= TOBACCO—A asomment of 6s; Lb and pound 1. 41 1.. . 14 "; im s&s b7 BLACKBURN a co. B urris-ip.obis na.l,,lttaine; fr k te L la mp gai -41 tz extradlo 1 Pao; • Cag 10 as Paperi Gm We DJJ DIVIRJJA.IIB CA111)1"-.111:1:th • • 1002 s Spc , ia At sareAr • bblaN 0 Ilohoser, • 3 . 0 a_ •H ._ do, : , •• I 0 Flay aroaLeyryp ;for oak • ar3 • trY . 7 -1.• • 111 WILLIAMS - A 43*—.• mosoodLinors =bros.' awn , of• colobrotod broods of won 'anon. 'Pada . ml , For nly by no cab ores br i . riV roiscossirAecasetstmsfyles la sad ' . porrono—voryion—nonced by_ • on= ; --. — , IMACICLETTik WHIST -- - . - - - . , ale biltpet,forkide bte RA is - •ss was . • " WHITE rimuni ur . Gusher sapply of bamso • . mend by . `j 'W R MURPHY OvGAB,-40 nape= N Om earksivunent: fo la We by 4•3 P SELLP.2.9 F"'1181.-100 bbls Ohio tad Vitt kw liraadrjal te• eatired; Lox sok by • .11011 DAN & 80N - 18 18.n1 81: • 'B , 188114.18 {w i 3. 5 . " . "11 7 17' iirr"l Tim MaIAiRifiNIMI2M! wI.IIIW-Itat eats Hun /1,:to Pan—aboalsob pare wow. iff do low by airJ, PC MARTINt' Lip i• 406700 bze Glenna ••• n u m ho Sod Or Ash; 100 11l amond Wet by • Clatool o 10011 NIGHT S Cube, Woke queer, kw We lw is elm eerWwwe by • • •_ . • cutlass IIeKNIGHT Pl l l I , n: . Sulu• • prams sae T Now la pots. foe e'e. , . . wsunr t 107 Man Q111113.-3bbis Alumni Beal maw landing from B Inge *mak IF side by - • Flag. 1111110/1447.11.350w nit • ISALtii „ water & frost at H Ci nvi ' • k4 !• 41.214. °:* IDI Y IrOD Iloatooia-sebi. Saba Ward's* • I , 111 en " 1r 1"1" " I MINIM kCO C "I"lls llV a tii M ow Wia r ,Kral2ed LerAiVial 6'r O n g? l ar.t a `l,l'°"R°Ent'6Lnfa N't s e l "°`""""'"'= ll 'airEl; Ca.rfas - '" w VATErr Wri' l '4 l '°"'"'-arsg`litivrr p; Et:1 1 ingirrUm-ncil B' 1" - • • •- • • F wd.:mum no.. • . • IRO bums/II Culdle;_ !fry haler Enagesdrs=thela; broils& fitroions-is dam load; bor sale by av • . TAMMY MST p. l lllner— T 7tor-g-vnwsrrorl sncrr—as kegs, rum *, ree,di ft 11,04-11) toot TSUDOMIEC landing from amt Mllaneb'SVlLM.Brinsvoirritus:..din Wllll,—= bbls dotty sale yy 'JORDAN& MON 1511bany at {TlI'llOB LARD : Ogi cl -.1 L. CoOtt L t . Co.'s set pare sett hmeroby - " -ma , • /Weal for sanoafeetnron 1s o( Weald Garnett Test Na eo l ned o viluelovill oq MO tlorder D I NX,Obtablitesagneb . .sed: trorri, BIACKINGI-7 bt .- .llWit'sabilagb br We from die =warm. S a :ra j .'"'ez T MILD, ito-7 tep Net Ltrik Ltbst • Dila 'rebate% GS bblol..Ptt tectsl; for sale by still , • - .1 I .. ORDATI & DON. tali tt UTTI3II.-9 Gbh; aml 3 Imam Via ma. sals , ,IIXVIVOLDS !War. Dra man CAlM—Ntris •oa Boy% nd Plash .1.1.6p5, for gals as IIegULLAM'S. Loewoow-sb k 6 am ode by 51170.11.11-11 bap Hiss Brazil Sagas kn . sale by aaos. -• WICK & MeCANDLK.IB SaND-11 woo Timothy Ned lox rte , l er towel W SI NeCUTCHEONI bbts der, - inked this da4r; (Dub 14 ,Nan.'-10ilkep &I and 10d Nails UV& We '"4 ni;rrwr wear ot pllO omen . .'lb•PPlPlt.e 4 a.ed torahs by - • *elle Giso A Blinftf, it wockl n QALtILSTUS-47 nab salaraisyla mroand for I.7„sida by JOllll MOTT & CO . , C Myr fall Tm,t4 Vue _UM - etwasecroial raw, bberri /1 1 _ 11" nuff lb? see br JAI - a A CURB! 11•1111,!44 Uteri,' . 1 SIZADICItt o tr:I4 iota . 111au r ado Window:el eetl3 le WWI 1.0110 tlllldavref9P 4 f".N11H1P14.7 - S":4`""°ftiMigingem,.. COMMERCIAL RECORD. IMIZEZI3 BEEB 11 Thursday 3,41 IS raids) 6 a 13 Sabi nig , 644 14 Ssaday, 6 ,45 15.31eaday 646 16 Tsusiay 647 17 Wedarraday, 643 447 4 46 4 45 444 4 43 4 . 43 444 8 43 • 943 1046 11 50 law 160 more • if oweisaania elet he Oesais Itessaera... Steamer. Captain , Leave Meer. Leave Fame. WaalVaal. (Ael) efelm44. . -Nov 1.3 Oet YI NevrANnt Famed, - Nov ir4 ()cite Britannia.(S7)" Hanlon, Dee 1 Nov 4 . (FeL • lierbert, Dee 9 . Nov 19 112>etwa > l2r) Dee It - Nov 19 9010949411' Norio, Dee 94 -Nov St Cambria : ler JoAkias. No.l Dee Ceedinui t Lou, No . vl9 • ' Dee .23 P 2 a 929 42 l 9,lFernimem; NOT 9 Dee 23 li TSPORGH POLUD OP TOADS. . .comm.rnue FOP .NOVEJUIPP: - . . . ..ARRIVAL AND DEPARTIMEIS OF. MAIL& Esitera Mail iia Pbilsdelpdie 'lye, S A. be n clones ISM. - Wilit4Fll Mail, Cincinnati and Lordnille, die 8 P M., claws 5 A. M. Soothers Mail via Dahlman sad. Wrashinkton, doe 8 P. M., clone b A. M. North Western no Cbneland, duel 10 A. M., closes Erie and Western, New Tort, due 8 P. M., climes ra./18F.NOFR ARRANOEUENFR FOR IE4 Steam Baal Packet Lute, leavesdaily for (NA cioaaH;iO e. r. PA -fteauter Paheivia Brown,*lie to Baltimore and Philadalplar, Ba. ft and 6r. u. . i— .Caaal Packet Llae.to Philadelphia, daily, 9 e. Mall Casa Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a. u and I.9j_ if. . Weitern and Southern Mail Coach We, 6 A. it. North Western vieeleveland, daily, 10A. ie. Erie and WestenrMor Park daily, 9 A. In. North Eastern fo Philadelphia,. daily, (accept Sew. 13 pries rernisoasti oassrrc,/ Moeda) Monks, November lb. The steaml business of the market, on Settuday, was rendered quiM deli by the constant mitt which 101 l during the day;and Wee, seaway, were at a regular character to the trade, with chaise in the prices.; " . . • Floor—We have no change to acitica in the mar kat.. Very little incoming in at present. Supplies bays diciMed, and prices contimm firm, with a ten dency inward. Sales me ermined to mull lots Rom Mom at prices esimag From 54,81 to 530, as in quotity. Regular retail sales at 55,25 r bbl. Rye Flout--Ii moderatorequest, with limited sees from atom at $3,50e3,61 ► bbl. Buckwheat Floao—Receipts Lai been quite Fair, and the present simply meals 'efficient to the de. nand; Replu sales occur from store at 810100 c va sail of 501bei sod froarwagoi at 51,50 ♦ NO pounds. ' contweal—The *apply caltiaaas light; with mtd grata salsa at 454ttaa ft. be. . Gram—This market quiet, and ;rely little iagai ryttmaifented. Wheat is in limited demands and moderate supplies Only are held nominally at 9063 P be. Of Corn, we sake liaise of 330 be at Oa 43e. Of 05t5,250 bu were sold at Ile. Rye Is sold in limited quantities at 45e, and thulaiat 45848 e Provisions—The mutat is quiet, with no change prices. Bacot'. to the moue or 4007 lb., was soldad 809 e fOlt hates ; 7/idde fbr sides, and Ede 7 for Shredders. Batter—lt in far nnttiest, with ale. of 20 kp at 9189}. Good Mt haw wets a fair dakiand at a faction lea. • Chsese—Salei of 3161 bra W R, la diflareat lots al 6180E4—with Rodents sales of mastitis no strictly prime, at 6C. Goshen is sold at 10e. Ttre prices of slither other articles of the market sot gaoled above, we without clone. The St Lonlajbspatiliesn, of November 6, dates that the shames St toois, to sonde; op, bad bet loser guard stripped oft from forward of the boilers to the cook house, by coeds; in minima with the Die Vernon, in a saute below Napoleon. The Freueh jonnuda an exulting over thegopen• or col:Adios in which the Bank of ?ranee is (opon their abovriag,) when compared with that of &g.. land. The French calculator. make the 'Bank of .England able to pay' only 25' per coot, of its v °me mento in cash, and the Bak of France 42 pee mot of ben; and .141 , Ww..'Tbere are moiweew when the clay feet or that Colossus (British erwenterelal and Aganelal prosperity) are to be seen.. A fsw wiry short calculation., even with the' Ayres for. eisbed by the French meth: teessoelves, ohm the following revolr. • The Bath :gland can pay 20 per cent of is eirealatiodin 31 The Bask of .1. mote can pay SI. .. • The &oh of Earlaod ono pay 341 Per cent of ila oasts sod loaridual eposita us specie. The Bank of France only . The coalition 'of nab basks is satisfactory, bat that of Eagiand fa certaisly sot mooed beet: Tan Omo Rvirez.—We have collected a few [Acta relative to the Ohio, which VW cot prove on ieterestim• I. The Ohio, Liscludleg the Ali 1, which may be regnided so the same river, aa&r oe outer same, tam mite. loop At 170icionati;whieh to Cheat •eqaj distant from 'Pima:neigh to its caahes epee with the hliasisaippi, it is SU yard. widembich may be maimed ae Ite nerve width. It. missal nage bete, loom low to high water, is &bait 00 last; its extreme nage os word 64 feet, (at the time at the hood or an) It gametal!, reaches It. lowest natal inAoprst, September sad October; and its grutsat rises to December, blanch, May and Joao. Ito current, whim low, does soteseeettwo ululate's been whoa at s mesa height, threehliars,iihvolirs higher sod risieg, to tore dales. Ito immediate • valley lam an every, wiaith of sae mile. It has the follleging tribal/nee the fikaoegabela. Allegheny, Scarer, Xesaieba, tdeslibigme, flecking, nts, Great Sandy, Great' aid Lithe Miami, Licking, Keg Ocky, Wabash, Salt, Camberiaod and Tessera*, which alias a region g upwards of '130,000,000 acres—ss area three times larger than all New Eng lurid. and es large as all the Adastk.States, Borth of the Potomac.—kCia Gas. . • •utrORTI BT. 11XVICas • BROWNSVILter Dinnbe:—d mare, Itass—t. Church &Cumbers-6 do. Erier-.135 do, ditreient eonrignesi—.39 do. Lend' & to. bT LOUIS—Per Gondolier-68 by feathers. M. Allen de co-1 refrigerator, Palm:mm-3 bbd. to Mete, filordoo--11 do do. Day=l.s..tde.._eotta, Friend, Obey & eo-110 Ibis molasses-50 do wbiskey,ldiller & Rieketion-43 bp festimm,'.l Greer—k 4 bl. hemp seed, J Sessey-3 pkp mdse Vieker7-20 WI. leather, Poindexter & eo-30 bas map, William. & Drietort4=34 bbls broken glass, Bake ell, ream & ers—tid bads apple., Leonard= 38 pigs lead, &hinny & pante. MOATS LIO.II.IVIIIiit THU DAY• D. LEECH Ek.,.Co's. PACKET4!phi& sod B.Stimore.9 P. X. BROWNSVILLE/PACKETS at - B a. at. and r. CINCINNATI PACKIEV, IO Y:r. BEAVER PACKETS 219 sod 10 A mired 3r IN SIOBORGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. DISPATCH. NelioN,Brorranille. GLASGOW PACKET, Glaigaw,4 r. WELLSVILLE, Welbillle, 9 *. DE WM' CLINTON, St Lwie. CAMBRIA, Si Lome. AMERICA; WbeeliNg. , , PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 51/EZT, 0 IRON= Mf:TILIhrALLING • ARRIVED. Cow* BOINVAII. Brownville. bllehigon No. 2, Gan", Bearer. Stratus, Cox. Browandlo. Danube, Cock, Browssvdlo. Louis McLane. 13oasett. yrowourilk. lkopateb, Nam. Moe. City. Camden, Headrietwot, Brownville . : Barer, Rasps; Boner. ' 'Lake trio, Heasphill. Honor., Caleb Coo", Moore, nein, ond Wally/SW.lkm', %Ruin". • lkimoviNb° l 4 Bloll4l, ciacinsau. Tsesoni,Peni,Clo. DEPARTED. Conn, Rowans, Iltowarrille. • Lads Mel4ol;Soottett,Etrowarrillo. Mbelerey, Woodward, Womanly". Diipteb,Nelsos. Hrawurilla. Hoofer. - lioopt, Hoofer. Lake Erie,Hompltill. Boner. Atieblos 80. 2.. (Moe Hearst Casa Cop", MOM,- Heaver Lad Wollnille. Inas Newton: Mans, CIiSeIOSSIL ' J J Critteades, Israel, St Louie Htbonno No Z. Misdates. Yin. NNW' YORK. PNIMLN TN* COMPANY • . Carafes ear lb. Stabile. . • A LBIK ANDER JAYth le the only authorised - ate 7X i'l•erittrefgpgylVaTi cite., 6 11 ' e r d ; Felton st, e Naw York. Any other penes In Plitsbargh pretending to sl oar T oth . a n impoiwnty tw k a n o dtmeiY h e a e tawhmypnmslua Itie eagea wn t the Patio Tea Company , . Teas knee paved reperior to all other Teas both, sod (Drain merlon litany persons lase diehoentlY Pretended to halm the seen( the Pe. km Tea .Company's tree, when they are all the while vending truth and dieap mg, which they have amtn• ed elsewhere. °then again eamete the nine of Tea Cooper* , lad /shale oser packages, and threby deceive awe informed there in a person ta Pittsburgh selling Tess ander th e name of the New York end Phil- FFa n g e ,phia Peke Tea Company. We hwe only to say that thi. assented company have no commetion what. ever with the New Yolk Pekin Tea Com as con. swans of Tea will readily diem:nor by ratestparinf the article they sell:with the gem. Tea aid ti the - New York Pekin Teo tkospany, us the note or A. Jaynes, ZS N. IL—Menra. XeCauurarrie Bomar Philadelphia have am mown= Yvhavaver with the New kink Pekin Tea Cempany• nor have they any rigid or pdvilege to I milieu MAKI saw en neat) reeembhng rams. to have a tendency to minced the ire. • .L . nine 77 Rhea st, N. Y.- ne:I2I=VIV Prodw Gera in ITH.A Ilt o lt loer 11 " = "5" ittt:ITAM4Vemu I windmill be rI4 on avoirablo umm. 1111 MLSCELLASEOtra GAZZA.IIIII PATNIT HIEDWTZ : • • . TlllB Xe Plu4 ran improvratest, hust sow ben In use shoat two yea., end waren, it Is known, peened to all other Beads... For eheapacm, strength and convenience - it bas not sad earnest be amt.., as it Is decidedly to beat, cheaper and most ecormlent Bedstead to ose,.d per reed/ Pt.( wrainst Bogs. • • The principal Cabinet makers and Tamers in ,Allsr gbny cup and In rdthbhrigh,tare seemed Rights re saanotkenne and selline article. AS there aresporitite articles and imperfect imitations in the matkeMpareba inn would do well to euniine the east iron plat. on which to the genuine snide the name of the patentee, E. F. Cantu. is Ins triable east na a proof of allth it Iselalmed For Gassam'a Bedsteads, the fonsming certth eate (ram Cabinet relieve ufeLl known ht Pittsburgh and the West, ta ratinalued (nibs public: We, the Saba:tribe ts::pritelthal cabinet makers and Bedstead otannfammers of the tin. of Pittsbaro and Allellhenet Pa., do Istriby certify that we have bonebt the - relit to tromeractant bedsteads with Ca:male Pat ent Fasteulnes, and con Sider the . am. sepal. to any tawsniatta with which we me eequiinted. Damn Lempixt "John hPrress • T B Toone A C Robert Fair.. • J R Hanley James B Barr • John Limit, Jr: its. kdorty & Boa Lawns dr; arbor Riddle I Brennan ' Themes Parley Ramsey &IPClelland David Laker Moses Bennet • Huh Wallace Roberts*. Kane • • • J Players Jan W Woodwell Neehanseeor. Wm Basler .? Snyder Me &Co • • Aleisidee Lamm . For Rights to mak& and sell the sh ow Bedsteads aps es o EBENEZER F,CIAZZAM, Patentee El= PROM a publinhed card bleCatlontal 80nd... , flutadelphot,the pablie would be led to believe that we have been elaWa a privilege we had no right in That alter have abandoned some time Waco the cycle eke agency spasm" end that we have no tight weal= r.egelesive onager. with their was.” I never prete. ded to sell the teas of this spurious eoncern. I have been idling the team of the New Volk Patio Tea Ca (or the lest two peon, as the public are aware, and have been to-New York OW woes In that them and never beanie this new concern until lately bat as wool . , The Tea Malan. of Megallment k Berth about maths old, and their asramption of the Pekin Tea Coot. pasy's nave Is because a name m open for any man or inn no Mame, bat the her mended to Imply thereby, that they have ay. cowman link the so called and well known Pekin Tea Consphay or New Yolk Is en. they false. they having bees denied elan an agent) 111 Philadelphia for the New York Crimean), thin Compa ny laving refaced even thiss far 6, a:milk m them. know samba kind of wool they kap mu what Mod Teem I ant only eenain they keep or obtain noes of the pekln Tea Lasapare of New York. Any permit reedin their cant will see the (toss do. cation they Isiah to praeuee on the public, and to the :pony Of my Na me.. hleCalletont k Bond are wool dealers in Philadelphia and knee sent an mutton been to pall wool ores tie eyes of some of oar good anima Look oat for a black sheep. ALEXt - JaVIVES nelblawtf 74Poorth st FT.T'I . I - wX 7 '4Z7 PASSAGE AND BFAIITTANOE OFFICE.. • ' PERSONS brought oat by Mot emery thet reawoiable wawa from airs t; t 7; - Mi ma ofErtgland.d, Scotland, and Wales,and ia Pack et gaps only. Foreign Oonemandents .04 agents of the Mush Government have fieweeney eaetweed Eadgrirde at Home and their Mends le America, apnea the frauds that we cantina ally practised sawn theakand have always referred w the well banns home d..B•vass t Co, as the right plies fm ail lo andy• if they .nsh9d to be treated with punctuality awl Madam. Parties who advertise thin:mires Sole Agents for the Black Ball Line, Wale whale mune, mid thus deceive lb. public, as weprotean to be Agents not only of the Black ' Steam , Bell LEAN but emerged:or good Lim, and also GanarUr. • • . _ 1141.Dranghts to any wawa payable at any of the Drawbe• of 4e Prorkteial or National Banks a Ire. land, Enalaad, Scotland. ao We dmw aware Ex amine, we do pet take maw, and wad it .to the East to get .011 PC om 0.1312 SO ITIMII4 there =WM partakes and delay. Let Um Brokers, se. Wl war a, and am will woonunodate Mean at New York ram. JOSHUA iMINSON,Empeart Agent *URZC&N .4417 . 4nn05, NEW YORE J. Amerthan Arta/thou le thearporated for the wound= ef Fiflo ialhe'United Salta Eaeh set:amber of Fthe Dollen Ii a Member bar one year.— The foods are applied: to th e plodeeuon of tine and cooly eapartaga of whichever,' member receives a dopy;aria .b at, to nn perch.. oferiadoal Pairidaga and Wan as of an, by aspire al resident anise., dd& we deed, by lobo:mond the member, is December. . Ire Year led paintings Were distnlnned; This year they will he more ntmeroos and Yuletide—am Wan 1311 We &readymaned; and in addition mere WA be de/ahead -We bronze =dale of Washington Ade -100. new in program. And each member will receive two erurrauses—The Jolly Flat• Drat Mujailer Bee ken; and`A. Arid; Wier Ilettingion. The isndersigned Wong been npredited Honorer* feeyetartas br Pinabarghtsnd yetalry is prepared to re. wow sabserintions. now wishing ID Weems member. will bread tae Wen:olot the weiety try doing on ao won as way he cetnYealent. Whs CALDWELL 3rd ewe., appetite the Post Ogee W FAII3IIO32OLIC net coy wood ath sts THE aatmerlber W mamma m Ma cltyof boot. tie masafamate af .Prmums Laos all Its micas attache. ' Printers throgghoot the country who are It want of Inks, waged do well by ngiog . the sabwrilwr ptesF ores to supplying themselves, u they 11l be sold at con odenthlo redionliat (horn egrets one.. Thereat:wet beencellid in paint of hewer, liCkoe.M. or the creel.. Fence of Material bow stbkh they ore •thosthetured. athscriber coma bin bolictre whore • senora,' article is offered for • less price,thatasollicient luckies t:want is nelveneed to smite the ostronage of all who we Printing Inks. He is Loo misled that his Inks sport trial will conwspood with the shore represecustion, sod world thensfor• augur the mum of thaw who &el divined to encourage the inansfactaiing of the article in this chg.. Orders emoted to I BIRD, or Wright & Charlton. Prawn, earner of Ammo! and Math' west, will be • ' • ostler ==l THE aeolessigned immt eedeeed the prices of Rills eri end Mom*, Powder of thirst por mastafeeteret quail) mersansed 'amplified. urn will wll as low u Amy good Powillet ran be tweets to Me maim . Tee Dispose employed as the ileteatles will cell every webgoa the emsootem so detoter Powder and receive preen Orden et all times will beAlled hamedietely,ept ap pliembo as the other of J Aftt above the Ilteetavelela Home, water street M. D. W. Leone. • if: P. Co. eralro 011=AL F i XPANnIVE 'WOW, winch in vim of its area da ass rabnityabitep ness end elllcieney, ennollaty of communion, &ad Me eue sod facility with which it is used by either Boys or adalui Inesitably demised to supersede aJi eller Shelters forgo ral use. It in fact supplies adesiderattua which has Ion; been seemed iluoughost the Wens= Ounce, farminle n come fossilise one:smith of the trice of the lousy . Mellen, one perm ems 110011 nip Ira n. as fast so with arty. Los sale at the Seed Bone, emus eth of Wood nod sta ocUS B N WICKERSHAM 11J6NOVAL. nII,JOHN IPCILOCKEIO. late of Oa itle Ward 4s• Jl.O =toyed to dm boas* on Venn it, lately txt•ped by Mn { Pialphy, the Gnu dime betel. the mike of Dr. !peed, emit a few dmm below , the armor of Penn and orfaspetnent:fendeni it neeenary to have his seemota ono ed op; and for thio ponesee be hotpatthan Into lie bandy of' • notional, . . Those who prefer set Wog pith the Doctor bitorrel4 %Voles." coil ea his in the. course of a few days, at .to weld•ace. wails • Da s WiIIORM.IIII. Ilydrorps Oda. would ersreeifelly 'alarm him friends and the einem. of !imbues* and Alleglmemy that he Imo doeldedremain. ID the city Owing the winter, and la prepared to •troal patient., placing tgestacim ander his earo, according to the realm as pined.' at an Water - Care Daubing. menu, for either Arnie or Chronic diseases. Those wilting to avail themselves of his mama will call'ai Ma. Mnuant's, caner of Liberty Y. and Evans allay:' Dr. hi has treated several meets we. of disease lip this city wait peat sums, le wind, he la ponanted le rear. • erg/ JiLIICCIK DATIGNPOILT.:. Car Builders, Cincinnati, Ohio, II'ANDFACTUREIS so order Passemerand Freight LVA;Care of the most approved dem tiptoe at restoos. !de prices. By means of the Onsets, Railroad and Rio or, they am enabled to ship aeon reasonable Jerold to all point. to the West. 'heir lima will be warranted eneal in all .as p ect. Of auy made In the United Bates. All orders peacteally teemed. KECK & DAVENPORT..., nslnlnt ^ IFortosly_of Omen. Noss.)_ Vl/12110H cogiesoLss-Wunkatl Water- IC proof—buddy [Coommeadad by nip/ciao. as bang a mins ?macrame against Colds, of incomparable act' vice an Abeantarie and Ortrampune babe, being so icon:wind is 10 renal COl4 sod mimes: they an of• dirable mime. mann, Ibrbi and easy to the tecL atanufacrured and sold mbolcsale by theme I 'lir LoW, Williamsburg, L. 1. A fall assorunem of Ladies , Mau Orr sale bY rinfl . FN EATON ad *IMMO zzionsvirra Of every deaription promptly t4ecauxl sip.* nf. muscr, 50n,8.1/didgs, N. E. wawa, Ilird <militia Street., (top Hair,) PkUsddpida. 117 II ' ERE can alma_ ye be had Ushers melee -7 V Newel. Mork of ale s , knd.; Drtra. and Plated Doer Seals for Banks, Soeletles,Cotpotatiom, de. Profemional vi.ideg cards, engraved end primed.— Soeirates in want of fl , eal. 6r office, are Invited io and examine Specimen. and Design. of the yule.. et- Jere bf fdasons,Odd Fellow., Sons of Seraperanee,ke. • Tsp. rali*dg7t_ • 541) geld, pr V Ana Ursa, New York rr FIE gnbwri Der if epeted b 2 roma, halal east Type 1 awl Power'. Materials of all 101,11,4 shop ammo and eactmouable serum ?memo," of oaarspapers, who have not advenism) in the subscriber, who may pablish this nodes for Mee 'months ; will be entitled to receive pay la type, on pur chastot floe woes Om =Mil of ,hcir bill. adycrii. slag,* OlarTypo Mt= lo eichaega far new al 0 cenisper lb, motif ROBERT TA YLOIC ROIL SALE. SECOND HAND COTTON_MACUDiERY, 2 ta , l , rs hand motto, each; Cat =4 . ftlge 4 s wide: ; 20 Looms for weaving 4.4 sheetines; 1 Dorm Prom tor baling Meetings; Moos mender* drawls/ hums, recta, tat 5 . 091.0 yummier DoilemPallof which will be eind waquire of ELACKSTOCIL DELL & CO eqChaJant - Pio Cation Mill. Pumborst, Ps. QODA So M-52 ca., oversight's tel per teat. egpect , 0 ed early In Deceothtt. •1* New %lOUS. 19 csks of same strength from one of the hest English manufaciarers, from whom we expect hereafter, resells ,soppires, and can offer manufactiaren of Ulan and nth. en In thus markm some iniumments to partial. of us. nett POINDMETER ft CO N OTIOX—An Eleet,oh t r th eue p Piehalesu. si.c d Man. HUI %rept d ßoad CoThpany,:nll i l i e b l:r at the Toll Holm ou Decemberßh, LEO, between the hoar. al 1 and II P. H. I !OVERT, ovidur BIRD GAUZE I TUT TrAClTedoa largos, the finest, and bestseleet• ed lot of Bird Lades overarms.] la this atarkelof all I. wilt or witboat alarms. Call and . ses them as tke PlUsbantil Beed Moto. Inwood at. - • own IBN WICKERSFIAIt. Pedmn. OIL/ -1000 alio winter bkaebed WFn a Odi prune 6 bbl. Tanners Off; • 6 Cads do; In rtote; Cm Bale b - :..0• CUCKOO RN &CO 4,4 water al, near.ckdra egal . 4l-2.6 bre' ezIO sad 73* t • 100 bstt 1 0 61tandOnai 160 lan 1tz14.11011 and lutn ref eeradi fm ate b 7 tarnVT k.sHiProb ‘of /MIL Vlllolletzbagr_r gala by mIPAYAULCO 7 DRY YBIE Y , G OODS. t• ' • mamma, sui.sms. • , . • ALE:LANDES !- DAY, 75 Market at.,.Nt IV. earner of thelhamond, have now received from the lame auction sales ar,New Yerhand PlailadetPleat tbP laWgvnt and amt. iplandul auerunent of Shawls, which • they have offered in t h e city, antemtwhieb7 . l . l at e,katted— Sptendtd French Tdtaerri, of the hao styled and Local qualities =Potted. • . • Splendid Smelts, (all wool.) some of din finett gluel ike, and awn twantinal destgan ever anted in this mar. kz . - Splendid Tannn French . Plaid, amnia. new and beaunfal article. • Superfine Cloth, plain and embroidered bbter and' Wale rakes, with heavy bullion Kura, w =Dab a . .Thibet Nernst, plain and embreidetlllack end mode_ Okras, Inth beery ailk fantgea 'duper Parts Cameleon Silk, very hteult and an.," pulsed riehnena of nyle and qualltl. , Super black.Ottowast Salk, neh &mete . hirplaln pen. , A lade assortment of away heavy woolen ebtwala, plaids, plant and embroidered, named to century sale. A large portionorthe above goods have been recently • purchased at the large peremptory Aaetion gales In N. :York and ghilade loci., at remarkably low prtees; and will now be sold at a great redaction ferregale , Pnee. 'The nu ammo el - wholesale buyers Is invited. ' Gentleman). li.wratablaag•Goods. & E.:TODD linen We day received direct from A. tlm foam:ll2omm and offer tor sale at New 1 ore Vices— Lasso of those Extra Soperftne - Lthirientatinfaetared • expressly for oar own flee aml warranted well • . 1 cue of Bazaar and Mo,ioo ander nil* wrappers and Drawer., setae eery 11.3 ease Bowmas , and Collar , incloding r witheei. 1 care patent levies! joist par - pendant, ob other Good. too nanteroun to wombat', melding bit and (der adjusting Stock. .Paust How and plain Patin Block., ' • .lionthazioe bow and plain Bombazine Stock.. - Milk and Bann T nob talk and satin Cravat., rub onr etre of low priced' Shins which we arc turn In polity ha.avc+u bee nrpuxd tore. tta.'city ° ° abort Goods o by ibe package and wookl call the atienthin of Porthasersto cor nook. of Goods, knowing that low prices will insure them a speedysale. •Id Il & ETODD oder wend et, op mars, 9 doors below 9d .t Vignola Onsissesitross ai. • 7 7 " . VVA R. MURPHY but open Mitt morales some hand some sty:e'er Frmiett Cashmere% punkas:4 at Assuan Sales of Preselt Goods during his recent slut to Eastern C 1,.,. which can be sold at muck reduced rues. Also. handsome styles of Pleld M1.1.431D0 Neu Ss'd • • do;. • . gooey - Lint' French Plaids; BlacCasitscable Zatio Satins, Embroidered Losamines; An additional sopply of i Teak. Shawls, and . Sop,er Nord Long t3hawia; Besides supplies of staple goods, melt as Flannel., Skittles alaslirs,Stmetings, to : Ac., 0"Wholosale Rooms op maim nonhenst corner of itlt and market sts. owe • Laing ShawJa. UT R. 101111 . 61Yeasined7elnerdaY • roar 'ere so. V sperm pltkl Long Shawls, a 422422 anddesigilde wick; also, blank mabwr Lump, rink blank, and very . clown also, , Panay - Plaid dre; . • Matt Satin swiped do; Finn black Palmetto% • Dastrine blue do; • Do " do French do, bla too; Blank Drab Alparwai and Pannellow • _ , Mode Cashmeres, ite./e. • , plair•Al nonbeast corner of dth and Market au. nal WEIOLZRALE ADD 1/.XTAIL. A. A. -Mason * Co. 62 Market and, A RE now opening 3, more eases of those rich Cad mares. and Oregon =pas Galin Phuds of the laden end moat nes:fable 4421e5; 60 pet tollon and silk warp A 12422244 24 pee Manic Floods and Lustre.. wwlo • Walsh, for Ladles , Dresser l'UffT teeeired by expre-s frees rhitedeJphos and N. J Votk, ttII larytc sessrunent of the following new style &sus goods, id the (Wrest routines and mat beautiful styles, j at e xie y z i szty as sedueed: • Mamie Gala. Silk Tama " Catbsuere ALEXANDER t DAY, 75Maikei .t, • N IV cox of Ma Diamond =:33 J • USTartived from New York by EXpreas id ZEBU LON KINSEY'S New Facer dtwo, No. 67 Diadem Meet: • 100 yd. Fringes, drawled colon; HO mite Bilk Idataras for L:rdwo draws with a kw r o odkiother Tritominga , Also, won diik Gloves, 50 woolen.cap• forty dr and ehildwo.ad dor Camima /Mao above. Good. are of We lawn ay kw, and will be mad wig, • =l:==== NVR. MURPHY badoPen 10-day—Very low priced . Cardimerna, Yoe abildren's winter wear, , Jenny WO Cashmere., Ilerbennan }Ude, bright color.; ' Goborg Oath., Nara noe bloc and drab; Drab dtpace• Llfiltrefi • • Lab padded Coadirocrer,' Plus Nat. blue do; Drab do,' Changeable Tark Patin.; • Totten !lowly, Doric very rich); Dade. as assorbocat of Lace Ospesonedle work col. , lam French Lowers, lo; Flamed Patios and Ribbon. to prat vanery•-117•At north-con *Melt of 4th sad nary , tents. welt. C, ILSE bl,;riP9 imad a spleudid Lot of Clothiag, which v V are will sell cheap - loch as— Black, brown and blae Beaver Clot& (*.sad Bodas" Black, brow& blue sad Steen Sack sad Basins. Coat., Sgt ., Cloth Sack and ?alto Coats; Black and bias Cloth Cloaks; Pilot and blanket Vaasa egad! kinds, shapes and (mac ' Putalana or all dcaaTiplasss; sad crerplang penalat• lag so oar badness: octal, ' &NUM & - QTVIVIT GOODS—Flain Blaek •Ipsees Lamm; Foritred black Alpaes• Lames; Real do. =Wow do; Fireitob tinned Paranialla Ciotaw Week Indiana Caskostnvi Do tinalialt Merin Soper Preach Casansere D'Edowe; Ft. English do; Rica new nyle faney do; Heavy and nett Pam Illonwelion Maine; • F plat& and (nney do do., • vary goad awonowol of above good/ °pendia and br salelewto the trade. by . • ,MniAUKI.f.ITA WRITE. nonrood at FILANIKETI—Juat received direct from the Non .L dactutn— Goon bloc Woken; • Whitney's 11,12.13 and liquifier Illonkctc fioehdale ben family dot Ellatel WM.* bust tinnily do; annul , nada • . dot Conn= ald oil One do; Near:too d<ne . do. The shoo are idedly - am ben lot of Illankea that hoe, eon_ bon btonght to Putaburah. Coll and no throb at NOUINSOI2 , 2 Cori , ath wr, one door beton wood t. hove ' S i t IA feed the A A st M eltene N tse jk atflioref l' ift to be resod in thin city.lo addition m the mien. litylcs of antoneree, ?Liken, Waal Plaidt.Thitiet, nett, the., he has received a ill:Minute at French long eltawle, a superior allieit and onto faihionable. novlb Cmmunirfilf-A A 741119021 & Co. Ciblarket mine tha intention of purchasers to theirs...nig/re stock of Mae, HMI. Alld Mark Broad Cloths for Cloaking., aim in their assortment of Engitsli ani CliMispereS. .1 , 10 VAILXCH 211gRIKOZO —A A , At ASUI2 k Co. Etrio opennii. morning 00 pea of Shenehlihrinoesof the hat gating sod most ilealra/20 onion. At.o 10 pe• of than Tarr nob Pulanonen ill Market n -mirth Burdami Vturge iGA.ll;w,khVdo47,,rtLd,,: Yilk j ETltigTniage:. e-- teni Shear liesd,titnp Head filed tldk , q.od Iwo body Penn.. : Innenier with assonmant pr oat gtik viraom..4„„rrE CLOTHS—Ion received omen lot of brach, blue brown, drab, fin rd andsolVd Seaver Clotho Oar Onoesnd Boldness Coats which will be =ado mordee Inoctl Ile Welt mks, by •' 3 . • WORSTIED GOODS )s and Miens Eatk Coati, Clogs, Poleax, Pelrrines,lenttan Caps, Opera Caps, Tippet' of a warp entar and pattern Cut ba wen at _was] e:ATON'S ,-- IJOlMlutdics iAlgaceallose; kW, lambs wool •Al and Cashmere do, also, Gory and aeon yilk . doi al. Lama ark Thlber c t l vert aupinar, asaculii mopeu at dry g koala of nett . • t R URNIV • ..Illaskina ast' 5 esilsls IXT 11 MURPHY liaa, act* IargO.PODIY V • above i goods i — i consisbajc 'of..kommod, medium, aad very marmot Illarikets Shebtinga from one w Area yatds, u aorthican come of Fourth and Market tITnI 0117 • VIAMMICIAS—Ned, Brow; and barred Flannels. 1: An addithmalaapply marl ed - ftorn lbcnmnaac• wren. Alm, a for pieces lo prieUd Caminethi; for mleby CiEP.C9PnRAN mitt,/ ' afl wood sL - - llllVTlS,Paabiaaahla thin with standing and to] 0 ling Dalian tut maid (mm J Jacinto Email[William New 1 ark; kr tale try 'nit • • P H RATHN kIISCELLt Fourth &red, betereeulrood and Market,nearly opposite iscuinse's *Singe , Tllti eebri:iretu r l male the mint amplehartange a bang - ,Lio; -0137;:t: :r 1 "13 danenvione have been blneed in the rooms of the Bath loctle] ' II VASIIIGN BFereign Exehange. ILLf on Englaud,rrei and. and S...tivid bought to Li shy mem sr the Current Hate. or Etebantro.— Also, thefts peyebie in AMY pen orthe Old Coutones, from it at the taut of l to the .E @halts& stratum dedueliorrer-dlseount. by JOSHUA IttIBIY.- SON, European an4.43eneril Agent, Office; sth n . one ,deer woad weed.. • • mitre( V VAIIITIED-30,000 I. good clean Rap loonlod• itreuh wltihe pod ha • • J W CHADWICK ocilK waren Nt boterren Donn 15b0,19 T. B. 'Bishop, Veterinary Burton,o be k,n4 II hie tiotrentneing linebintar :r, n p f:j Clai L a n. lreet_Briage. lately ne're kPt lead. nrednin ' Milli Omnibus LIMO MHZ subscriber will ism his two Onsnibeses every 11 dal IPendawa ateepted) to and Irons Lament:A TM°, lesysng the 11/sitand (near Union ail Ile hos 'centrist drivers and every inention paid to paseengers. The 'lemmata of the peddle It respectfully rolimed. • 0<116.111m.. JARLFI4 1)AIN VLOOR 0111.• OLOTIAB— r. IMO yds 44 Oil Clathq 6 yazda wide, Leary oracle; • • 6 0 0 " ". • wiro aolder,of various.A. tarocjam read from the Faetorr, Mt oda - at Dm Ware roam,6 woad It - art k 11 PHILLIPS, 5 wood at_ - - QToll.ACM—'Remraaellber halo ng lewd the large avatebome accepted by Dr. C. U. homey, No. b Coo - ;aerate How, ant lOW prepared to stare on favorable toms. Goods Hared tab them are eannaraly euvereo by Immraace. JJORDANt SON oetart 't9 hberty at, ebonite bead of cot doleld W AIALICTS-41 der ladle Robber Toimreo Wa al' lets, criminate sad retail—* splendid article for triestert—Jut reed arid for sale et iodise Robber t. • ' • .JAIL PHILLIPS: /1. WO misapply the Wallets tense meste WOOL,TWOOL I THE .1 r r z v e, h a a d f: td tr Ate p rad irsiebasia;tor Labem it and CeelltAlley .1194kWa: r ~ -~ . HATS, CAPS AND; BONNr. FlllllO3 foil • ISO.' • : • MICORCi&KiNG . ' • Corner of Wax! and Fifth Slrrifi, • Il i gn E ; . ' ei 7gai b yqn=iike n o" Y '''' f = n i st marallad mousses retterally.. • • r 14 4 kofr— Style MAJ. SIeCALLA I / 1 baajost reetived a beautiful stock Beebe la Cuirtar's Fall pule Ilan, which for rietmessjaad lustre causal he surpassed Call at the Hat Suire, llionamodaliela House, Smithfield al. and see ahem; . Della. • • IdiKW 1111Vit,NTWAI 1. . PATENT AHD CIRCUI.ATER ANA AIIAT PROTECTOR.—The subscriber Cad icrioduee 'Saturday . Oct. Currßendeuren to:stung ober tried web this deriruble ankle wrlliDare eslkand autumn, ALFRED KEEVIL, Crocuysl Hatter, 153-6 ca d of wood et • A • FALL rAstutol, 8 00R8 do received from New ,York, the sLyle of I lath which he. will introduce this dhy.thhorday, Attu texh. All dia. is want an new had superior hat witiold do well to call at No 7.5, Wood Strect.-ad 'door above...Wl. , ug72 II I ~. .:I~ 4 /31EF.SE & COSTAR'S Style rterftlemen'snats will be introduced at KREMS on Thursday Impugn7lll. licailemeri wishing &cheep, fash ionable Mud Pittsburgh manufaetere ahead of fashionable Hart imported . nd advertised by - loam of the trade. please call . KERVIL & Co's mal'afif JUVRIIIIMIL FAIiIIION FOR lI A lirP— . JUST received from New York, the Sem , mer kyle for Ilais. eonsisting of White 'Maier', Petal nod White French eassimere Hods, with Ventiliners. Those in want of a beautiful. habilis! are respectfully invited to call. 13 MOORE . __l., 28 . la wood st. 3 doors above 401 4 - WILLIAM DOULICAP bag last received • fresh simply of Ringgold and ltvena Num Silk Glasedthipai new styles. • . . Extra fine French Moleskin Rats, at very lair prices. Jell No 7b wood street WILLIAM DOUtiLAti, A CONTINUOS to manufacture, and hoopla constantly on hand, cc." , 9 , t cry and Cops of the latest style, anti very low as 78 Wood street,Eactnide. mleT k!—F~ne Oltre .:• eal and Ma s k Care, jna to f,ll . Nat Moro, fdonnonabela Home. actin CLOrle AND GLAZ'D CAP . --A • plendid assort mesa lad great variety of style at AIeCALLAM'S, Monongahela House. eetle EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. HVIDET, HANNA & CO., Stems, EXCHANGE BECHCLIEN, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMIZSTIC EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES OF DE , POSITE, DANK NOTI3, AND.SPECIA • Four* at, newly pppooite the Dank of Plrtsballk. CURRENT wormy received on Depoane—Slghl Cheeks for sale. and eolleetione made on newly all Iheprineipal pea/Min the United . Slatea The highem prem.= paid for Lamina and American Gold. Advances made on conslgninems of Prodoce, shipped East an 11b5ral term.. • Copartners/dn. Toszrn H. HILL, (late of the firm of Wm. A. Ilill & Co.:land W5l. C. CURRY,tlateer Me, Pa.) have entered Imo Copartnership, under the noon of KILL ft CUARY,..for the purpose of curling*. the slaakialLand Extbangeliastuessm all its bnutebes, at No 05 Wood street. three doors below Fourth, west side-when they solicit tho mamma their friends and the politic generally. JOSEPH II HILL meh.ls WM. C CURRY JOllll.O H. OR. C. 001112. RILL A cuttaY,.. BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROK&RS, DEALERS IN FOREIGNI AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT 'BILLS OF FACHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEFORM BANK NOTES AND COIN, No 66 Woad mem, third door below Fourth, meat lilt Peoge F erart made on u alrge c p * r s"d ipTl i = D,ued Malec Biala he Ezeba on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York._Boatort made)d Cincinnati conaionly for Bale. Olun, Indiana. Kentucky, Iltrginia and Pentlaylaint . Bank Notes, bent: and eald pn favorable term, Exchange .England, Ireland, Germany and Fannie • 'neared, Jae tnekl3 a. HOLNES .}.11021. Bannon and Dealers In Exchango, Coln - , and Monk Notoa, so. S 5, DIAEULLT VITILLT, PITTSIIIIIOII. Selling Rites. Riettartp. Rttykot Rawl. New York, pr. tancinsau, Phdadelphsa, i d i: * likliimore, Lit,i4f.t.zl.l,e, I do Buying Rates. ISAIIKNOTES. Blytnit Run. i dis. Xs, is Seri Ciders, i dia. Potions, I do ~ R olittl.Note", "do Kewtooky, do- .Pettnaylvanto Cy. "do: Yirgiols, . Ido New York do• '"do i • 40 : Wheeling, 111 New Weser, - "do ,Teanrssee, 3do klarylond, "do o• 101( • - - HILL 4" CO., BANK Zll.ll. EXCHAN OROKILSE - - FOREIGN AND DOME-411C EXCIIANGE,_ CERTIFICATES OF DEPO:RTF, BANK NOM\ . AND SPECIE. . • M. 64 Medl.Strew.. now 6am wine 'most, Eau tidy -..pytalbaroch, Pa. td&wr MAL'S LUANcE. IMAUXiI MARX lERAMEEL & -•- - • - - • BAN EMS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer,. to Enrico and Domeaticaills of Exchange, Corn& cues of Depoeute, Dank Notes and Ono, cursor of 3d and Wood sure* dined) , opposite Si. Mallet Hotel. =Vied I CIOLLECTIONS—Drafts, Notes, and Acceptan t, tea- pn)mbtrata any pan of the Union collected an the EXKliayord4e I. N HOLMES & SON ocean :r.l market at T ' CII AN 0110,— Ne „ york, Philadelpi4a *rut tmmareconetaatly 101 ilett, • - I.74:. — fitrli:Plulmaigilltia, and -Er Baltimore, al siOt, in icmeu taiiparebagers, eau_ Parade Iy HILL &CURRY. wood lareet below foonO WILSTEELA lITONDS—The Met of thetoOKio, • • Indiana, and Kentucky Banks purchased at bra mei of discount, at the office of PILL .t CURRY, ortli • Nof4 'krt.! ar Reins• Mott eIyttICCTION 8, an an th e pri ne nthl elate in the Umon, made by . lIILL & CURRY. M3M=SII • . .. , PENNSYLVitiIe„ imm.; hallow!). auu Vim slain, County and Cdy Onie rake. purchased a! rellacedraresarshscoard.by. . N 1101ZIF-Itr.l3oii eNS . • ' Exch.. Meter. 53Martat id HOUSES, LOTS, FAiMS; GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL fiSTAT,Ies .71 7 11 K SUSSCRIDSR offers for sale, on-easy mem J. same Cl the most desirable Seal Estate,to the smite learboad oi • -ity, aafallow.: I Two Orick'hoeses, lately erected, etmtlalSSgeight moms each, Stashed In fashionable modem style, and comprehending every convenience. They are each sweated calms one hundred feet In fraas,ou a public street. and running hark one hundred and ten feet, to • 30'foce meet. Tate nevem) , will be sold to steady the value of me amulet on which the houses ere erected, as the Corner Is about leaving the city. ?allot ihepur• ehase money may temente the hands of the boyar be a term of years. do rare an opportr.narof amaring cheep and delightful residence worth) of anclasen. Several large and beautifully eintated holding lots, for priVate residences, will be cold low ad bog credit 3. A lot about lot fret square. between two stems, on which is erected three cosy bock Wading. SO by 27 feet, with: an engine boost mad eosins attached, new and in complete order. These building* were pit op for manafeeto tints peewee/en, and we edmitsbly siapied for eol•ni, woollen, or paper Manufacture, The pulp. any will he sold at a bargain; and • part of the. par. chase money may rem tan on • term of years. The is' property it all situated In Allegheny City, and worthy of the antenna° of the public. The sub. scriber can he seen at the office o( Me Casette, event foremen between the hoots of eight and ten, and at on, er u pea al bicroome at Ws. Ilay'n Loading Souse, Ilo blmon's new Row,fedeeul ac 4;40 en) City. 1/ N. WHITE, See fire the owner. Valuable Ohio Wirer Propertp•tbe Baja: 1 TOE heirs of Hamilton John Demilton,, deceased, vrill offer at publie sale, on TiIcIISDAY, the 18h day of November nes yea ilic preemies, that splendid FARM, lately thepomeny of said deceased; inmate in , Brook county, Vit., ea the Ohio river, directly op .pitaite 1 thrctoss a of Wellsville. 0., containing shoot IWe acres. , On the properly is a laniteicommndhane llcirk V.I. I hop ltauctwo stories hick, convesiently arranged and la excellent repair; attached are ail the aldlalollthltild. I Inge; also, two good Apple Orchards. The bottom land Iv all cleared and ender prod knee, andtabout 48 scree of bill lend as cleared and ander fine bate of cidttea. lion. 011 this property there Is an abundance of the very beat Swan CouL pr e ,ulta beautifal locum., and proximity to lbo town of Wellsgille, 0.. it la not we mach to say that tale s one of trio Inert deaiteiblly (Mae en the Ohio River. For fatties description, appliCedlon can be made to Hatignbutu, It attester, flt., or Washington Ben. • um, Wot Huai goe, or Thee Hamilton. at the Wellsville Ferry. Terms Made known on the day of sale. • - ootlddoewis , ' - 7 — 4* - 7 ----,-- Aitcitu irvxt. • - ......: i. tii .,. ..l l , : e d iir . nt a sled Roomed e n , Market ..i ltiat ! inent.by h?diandle. Co. Abe, a welt& shod and well furnished Rion4 - sail. 31 3 able for-aoenttlea ethotniiig the I:I p o o f the z li A le , ccandle Library Aseociat n. Entmnee at Philo Hall. oct27 Mice, Market at. between *el b. hi -Coil LapdTor sale.-; . -- • Q EVEN urea Cost Land for stole, simile in bend of 011ie Monongahela Biver,ebove Brossruivele, Pa, bar ine a vent of 7feet Coal, which will besoldut exchaapa, tar good.. For particular, imply . 10. - ~, 000 ... , tit W HABBAUOIL...3 wood st •.2TO. LTA - IZr. anemones and well ha. , - bed, th e sou, lerlek &welling ion Fean st., half way tweert 'Barmen alley .na Weyneat. Yoesesanat given mmediately. Forpurneutorsenquire at the Deice's( I . 7 - W%V WALLACE. • trail" - • • - I , OII.'I3ALE. I I IL Fen the Hoare and Lot where I now • Aide W on tephenson street, nth Wan bay rain. For part .alars enquire at my Brass Foundry, Front st, &hoe &Wood, or ou the pre coves. needle, HUGH al ALL AGIIER .--------- EigriLDIMO LOA , TN, RIANCIIIEEIt FOR SALE— base for,sale a Itcautifal Building hot in aluicheater, near the Feny, Of et Octet by IVO feet deep. It will be veld low, and on arcane...biting teims. Terms unexceptionable. male J A al Fat Itl.A It F.I.V. Reel P.+lll,P A...At -- - .POI[ [LENT. ' a THE 3 Story Drink Warehoute. N 0.61 water street and NoJOS Front et. Immediate petreessino pare—apply no the premise.. Whllf A I.F.L.:I4DFR GORDON COUISTRT lIICSIDENCR. IIAVINIi removed to the city, for convemence to professlonul busurteos I mill smartie/4.Mo° louse and no immedareeoclosure,situalgolthoblafro of t hektionordiela, one rode above Plusbiowb. lane tow( JAMES SI CRAFT BANK NOTICES. Bator re Prtvvaaton,Oct:lo.lsl7.• ..AN Election for thirteen "Direetors of thiv Bank for dot *molar year, onll beiteld at tbe Hanknag boon on Monday the Inth day of November neat 'oetladtd JOHN SNYDER, Cashini • — Mammon' &Thrifty,Arretteme Mom, / Pittsburgh Maker 16, lan: .# N 'Deepen for dorteen D uttonr of Min Bank kr ,Cl the evening yew, will be held at dm Beams ham CM Monday the 15th or November next. octledid • • W D DICkiNT, Cashier Facgasa• /USX Qa rirranonsa: AN Election for derma Directors of this Bank will be held algae Banking Moe on Monday, We Min day of NOCi'3ll4l neat, between tbe lima of 9 A. M; and 3 P.M. , 7/1011. U. HOWE Cubist • xka-.. r/ '~s'CN',~F~atr.N+t~T.~~i _ _ ~Gr:Y. . BOOKS,•11USIC, -- ITALVAIIII* tilflTolllo.llls INOINIC 1N V 'PREV'SHISIOOSI6IIIIMetcheit of Ceotoctriembra .-eddw dEnor7,. datmanied , ant Natal' Carinoiner, ,Neogrophical, :Statistical and Garbed' Descriptions, witamMedowoof PIOOOCI2.IIIIIIIIIMO Wl* one. hodstd Bywraphical ekernhes of diatiagaished Via:teem; foldiers; Domitain, Daum, Lawyers, mi. rimy, tke.illtoitrated by about Dry engravimm. He Le.. Edoar of the Maryville Neale. Deena large oetad. 1 !LOU or TM/ WORE. I. , A Oatliogi Rimer of Me Vim from the period of its earliest eettlement to the close of the year 104/—by Jolla A M'Clitog,Eaq. Y. Gee eephnal and Statistical desonpuox i , toie: 1 ! ol We F ormation alth.; 1 Sketches and Statistics of the various de nominations of Cinisokna; with blotches of rimer thist. 1 A.general 'new of the antotiohMaltdctie..lD . deem]: Men bonadarion, face of the costerrle mud , . of Me soiloitsple products, statiatiesi id: will • do' ocriptioa a their cues. towns sad villages. Together with a fall description:under the testes of the counties thus arronged, or bor d ers, lndiattles, Pervdrd re .'de. aneedotesM d,hiterameideats, t ee . deseripchl onions.' earrocuesaioorok them the mammoth c aveats/rea ostaralwander et the world; and dem ripnboa of amigo' Demob" all fon", mound% pare yards, he. 6 BlographiCe Sketches, and delete' of chameter of bemeeti one , and two hand. ed pioneers, soldiers, statesmen,lonms, lawyers, disiem,lso• To be issued - 10 November next. . _ J. A. & U. P. /ALM 11'416114mm ClueJamul' NATIONAL lIAOAZtNH for December and a' tremendoni assortment of new works received at hi A Mmes. talavar; or,,The Knight of the Conquest, • raceme. of Mexico, hYR hi thud, Fsq.. Ou _ r Army at Mon en T y, by B Thorpe, With toms trzmang=dradwin g " Li d ezLitf=,.. l worth • • .itoulin Rider; by E. Howard. Editerlky Cap t . =lnnen , Tha Hall end the Hamlet. or Scenes and Characters of Country Lik, by William llowitt. The Indian au na Wigwam, or characteristics of the Rid Rae. Of AnenCl, by R Seltooleraft. -The Life Ht Adientares of Joseph T Hare, the bold Robber and Highwayman, with 'l6 elegant illanrative enamels/Orb) , rhe &Inborn! John &Harrell The hoe Moak. or the Dam of Tymany, grand toed tram the IF reach of Victor Hugo, The Beaman French Girl. a story of thrilling inter est, founded on fame In real life. , The Patrol of the bloontarn, by Newton it. Canto Oman the Avenger; by the when of'frall ma Toro: .The Complete Coakelioner, Pastry Catk, and Baker, by Parkinson. Prntical Confemioner. Blackwood's hlegssitti Linell'a Living Age, No. 16t Taylor's Money Reporter for November. . A new Hoover entstled Roach and Ready, wit. a complete assortment of others, for We at hi • WNW& 0010. 1 1 Smithfield 5t..,3 doors nos'. Di • A. Berri Grand Plano, FOR HALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN, DECEIVED recently from the Piero Forte manufue- At tory of llenri Hers, Pans, one of his etegeut Rase 'mod semi:grand, premiam Nano Fones,six and three quarters °clam eompau of key board, elemntly fin ished in every particular, and of moo exquisate torte and much. This Piano is prowdetwith • double Iron frame, giving additional strength to prevent* from exi ling out of tune, and. Awaked with elegantly carved *welding', all in the latest Paris Cul.* Those who are unacquainted wish the relative merits of different Piano fortes, and cannotjudge of the niceties of tone and mush, are rmyeetrully referred to the opiniane of Profaner Rollback Mr John C Mowry, Teacher of the plane (one; S Itowee, Air XVand oth aers who bawl examined this piano Rine. The above named gentlemen, and all others who have examaned n, have prononneed it to be, nen oulyinfinitely superior u/ the many grand plum Sew in sae id this oily, but the best they have overseen. . . The above Piano Porte lb, We it' WI, being ona bead red and twenty Ate dollars kas than the rune at , tie la has been iedd foe'ln naiad:4,lg4 and N. York,oat of this Importation. Teem cash only. JOHN II ILLELLOR. BI Wood oci3o Prrnusoasil.n. B • . • BLOM'S' GERMAN GRAMMER.—A Grammer of the Getman language, Prato:Lineally arranged 09 a new the, brieg compreltenatve and .practieal; by Casper)Beleke. Proteworelthe German laapage and literature in Mt St hinry's College, Ewa:thud:urn, Nd. Beleke's German Reader, a German reader harbegin.. nem emptied and arranged by Casper .1 Beheke. • 011eadorr's New Method ot learning to read, write, and speak the Gomm Language, to t Welt Fa added a systematic out li ne of G•man Grammar; by (LI Adler, A. B. Profewor of the Ganaan language and literatuns in the Uuiversity of thoUity of New lock. - Beglish and Ameriem Dictionary; en American Dic tionary of the German Language and Engliah Language containing all the words in general we, fce by I P Knott. En/leder'. GeMtan Phrase Book: a ohms, book m English and German with a literal translation of the roma 1410 EllOiSks , he Pl.. a ON c‘i." aryl by Mons kathailer. . sm The tomre,toge th er ili aq amentatent of. Genf= Testaments, school books and reheats works for sale by . JOHN sroN &STOCKTON octet Booksellers. eor market& hd Its =E=2=! 1 MIE Rough and Reidy Amnia! for 181% 16 cam sags. Posamby Henry Havant BrownelL Diary' IHEb various nu' and kinks. Byron's Poetical Works' atm eibillem complete is sae amass vol. Dick , * Warks,9 yak, irt *beauties! octavos cheap. • 'Heys , Amman Hook. • ltlemd ad puma the Lillie( Mars Mk Kinser/imams and Navarra. Nakenrieis bliseellaniaiitmopkte iti3 pans: LiLmu'a Deistical Writers. • Cbsmbees hv0.•14311 rot the people •nd do Cjelapm dm binslirb Literature. I.sir sale by J. READ Writ 4th st. aim, market TORNSTON R STOCKTON .have ion received tho follovrige new &mint The 1.163 of Henry the th, Kat of Franco and N. , nem; by 0 P R /amen, The Niluellaccous iVorks • Teary ittakentio, Erg: third edition, paper,inft our . The Boy? Apttlain B,n. .•iininn of theiersonv, scenery, natal lift. and con • • ~.onneatenis; by nouns &Idler—whit 76 illustrations 'the Wayside Cross: or we Unid of Gomez; a tale ,of he eashest War, hy'Cipt E .1, Minna ot,tha 3nlßeti. • nall7-' EI=E2 • ..IA7ASIIINGTON and tbe Gan nada of the American V T Rennin:in; emiaplete 1112 V0i601., with 'lnman novena oil awl; pin patdined by Carvy t Hati.--' Tan is an evirelyebwinet work from Lnadleyls • Waih i moon and his Genet an,' and by a review in the 'Lite rary %Torii!' it is want mon favorably spoken of, "sot being men newnepar assertion." Jas. received apd iur sale _ 2 nal 1 , • ALLIOTTA. ENGLISH 1.71 A, .t 1$ nreril tiubsenbeis have on Sand • hare sepal,. of T ea.] flooks,•eroupnsing the cArloos Sleds to am 'in the Colleges, Amide:Mos and Common Schools In Western Pis and Ohio, whirl they offer oL very low pikes toCessutry dleicAutasind Teacher who boy is quantities Always fin kia.ul a i•W•atiPPWATenittirg and letter Paper, QuillsOult. Aisles, Steel ppm, tie. Ste, Also, cm hand, • WI otaortment of Books be Sands, *rentals, published be the American Sendai Itehool Union for sale ot the PhileAelottiaprice. (Ostalegneaof ibepub- Deadens furnished grant) he standard Medical nod Law Books, an hand; for sale ark kw pr.es for earn or in exchange for good linen and roam :Ran at cash Fl ees. • • ' 110TT it ENGLISH market µbetween:oil ih . l sts PIANOS. 1111÷1111111 CIIIO4ERING—One spleabd Rove wood air and a half octavo Paulo Font made b Clkerine ort , iknnon- NERR—One vemiloay de nd Piano Fe,frotathodovna factory of Henry Here. Paris, ef octavo. - ()ALE CO—One carved ROAICINIKA octave, mad „ . . . _, One tlluo ataaegaay el octave. - • ••• .-: . , STODAKT, Near Vert -- One elegant Puma, stro ,.. p. awe, has been•ased Octet eneyear; price VW.- • .. SZCOID aIID PIAIIOS . . . Ah excellent .wend hand Piann, =dell Logi • & Bnnbsts;.lngood order. One second band Piano II in For sale by ' • 3013 . N, MELI,OO are St need sunlit - SQTATIONERT-4mikers . Cases, satinet mac*, &spew Ivory folder.; Writing Sand and Send Doges; .Wafers and wafer awe ...• Drawing paperi j - Panatela pittOP kokeltiOlC lakamads, Varsma bads; Poreelaie glatcsj • Malhemalicf, linalroments from ga bit td GO passe. Cap and poY,pgper, main and ruled; gst cap paper, Ono lane , and W. paper,lener and oote ohyslopes, Welch slates, *very fine ankle; ratting nerds, plus Winans cards, wriueg gelds, black, blot, rad orearlet and ear mintiperfonnod eartpaper, whited papers for pamphlet tows, time papers, Am and king. gold paper, bonnet board*. Theabove with way aruele• in the statiowy line for sate by .11. Kg 0 WTI • It 6 at near market MORE' NEW BOOKS—The Indian In his Piigarain sr Chu - melamine of tha Red Rano of America by H R brkoolorift. V ' .. -Tbo Iron MAO, o r the days if Tyranny; briricFor Hop traislaird by A Brenner.' }dna kkberalL or dm Dm= Saarastrear. • • . . .. .. . .. . . The Land Pirate. or the Wild Girl of tb• Dunk: , iTbe Champion of Ereedam;of the blysierioni. Chief, anded on We IMMIX of iholaw war , with Oust Mt . in: by noon WwlworM. WM 8, CALDWELL , _ , nt , ' , . . 'B4 et,oppeeits thei Pilir Olen MilliAlin NICW BOOKlL—blergernt Orilw, 'nems novel by 0P R Yemen Price 6 wale.. , . Xmillb, or Om Trial of Liberty. , Chratoribrr Tadpole, Albert Bailli. . . Contramider of bleltEti attrameL r .'. -Coanteseof Moms. by V Soilkedtia. Levan orbit:me; by Quo. 8. Lipped; freet, noWly. Idaymnm kr 0021stx. New. Mute; jut neeorul hi . .. WM. 8. CALDWELL, _541 '. third et, opponts putt office. IVITAW BOOKll.— Wl alnaron and bie Oceania Al ay jr Ilonaey; Ns patron Eakins !ambit by T Headley • " Far pale by ' • ELLIOTT & ENGI:1811 mtl entrant st between ard& 4th E~! - - _TEM IRV KLEIBER, Dealer in camera Pima. Ferree, 1.1.1 et I W WooterslPa,No. 115 Third Sweat. The Plasm nuty be extuateed et ell hours; end the valreeri• her will be there tram 11 16 Id. A. M sad team 4 tea t P. il.,eada day. . ,P11441 . '6, clelaber W., the undersigned, would intros the einem% of Pittsburgh nnii vieinitythat see bay* appointed Mr. H. KIM solo Agent tor Western Peunsithania, for the *aloof our Piano Fortes, floor whorls they may be ob., .lul,l .I°""°ll4.r.' T:kirtit7riir.‘' MARX tieve.York.sen. I.IMIL-ne2tde IT: la Irialaiter..- • " BPLEND D aanonnient of Rod and alabass. l say, gran action Pianos, nal wesalic Franici/osi Haled and fo sale. ... .__ Alseii swn apiendid ResesrekslPianos,wiiii Coleman', !awned Rallea attachment, snisheit in themes. mod I mita, and , 4kr eal9 in , ' - F FLO 91 9: l s '4 I 119 wart rarest 9 doors above Lill_. :re PIANOS-4 of We Abbe* bekbratbd Pain.. Jost fted; umbel" by • .4 • JOHN 11 MELWI, Elwood In.- fIRADAMW.AtaGAZINE—A rod pure ar ID. be pakl for the danuary and April umber at ass Mai' ulna by WM IS CALDWELL._ nod Third at, appoaDe lbeTtra °Dee 1335E31023211 AN <stens= gut weII qualiGedt and who can p ye the best sesoonnendations, wishes st place as seasestsess. permanent employ Is assresr in some' good family to orstear the city. loqlowiat - Ilds plea Doyle • - riO•PARTNICIVIDIP—ne mitmesibeiliAtsmi sviesisted themselves under the I, at RIM it • Settxte tor tbo mumiction or • wholesale, chemorysted Commission • bresserso• No. lt 'Frau. sheet, Worms Main sad Walesa Mneet{ Semi sonde, CioeiassmL t. A IiEWARD will be ginik to ail perider dwLI ristake known to melba yam of Uheiptavidual WK. cut • p•mitsph est allte Oilig•crie•ym‘of We al bprof_iftra u liwi n tAgenii r e i rl • ME= EGRocium Dviur.l4l44ucißs ' ...... . . , .... - I. ' '. .1. ..., •a hg meal:ard r• ' ' ' 4 . ' • a 4'.,' - q u v rt ms.Utull StataTi .:• -.•-, ,' . x. ~ a rapes Ounl. - Braall , :, -. ~ ' - . 1' , .( .t. .: or a... rm... 4 -; :.. ;. . . ir.: , .., , , ; I liiimi i.:. 6..:1;.\ .; 111,:, .-• E. :" \ 1 . A: ?? ,, p,e;.. n -,,:. ,', ... :: I I — , : f 4pp f.. °ll pn 1 1 31 .1 1bOna '. .Gix ~ •.;. ', ai, eDP •, I pane la. Clams: , . • Ja- - •I j. Ikaach tileakey; . . p. 4 , .I(l'Ans bottles Emalf;ar diffa , ebtkl.a. l ....' Each calla hat threasusa Wane cartlicabilat i r 'ma." all carefallyaelatted bT himself la the Naar Y Mai , kat; for sal* by tballipeerialhaa is latruiry i ja m octs , car amhblield a (=tbs :. _ PORT WINS& • ..1 - - 4oy ElBLS. l .roirr WlN}* goad visors, of WO. i 4'42,43044, and 46, monalatlag of . •:. . •,. f (Rains it Bren, , c onEoso bore • ,iPare.l.Bs ; I ' d° , ' T' 01 .13.9 0 q rZreillita - P, do'' " doable do. ; Oattoroor's 7 (PFACo. do 7 .,',.' MN, imam 21Huala.f.i. ao - rokn, rid]; --' Ducal Grar . . ng e do '. sad frail); ' gr- flarplady - ". : do . gam= , nob sod very supenor, Lagar., i . 11 .4 - and Coro. Oleverat of Were wine* are the boa tor medical Dail Paws; many of Rena come from thoDlitriot 0f . ' , 1 . 1 . - Corgo, calmly freed by' ago (root arldiry or -Jam reeelalng, In stud amigo/ aale by the odium) pee* dito.and also on draught at t h e wino morsel Au ad somber. JACOB WEAVE 2 rpO3 - ....-*'- ... 16 corenanat thou Nu 0 PAINTS AND !DYES— . • , Ppeno.oll;- _ Varikytalkows; Lard do; - . Phu; do; • . Duel Pint; • Toruirrooll; Rose do. Whale do; Antwerp D! Olive, do4arc; Cade; do, ad; aldPlPedi • • Oil Viuiol; . • 1:0 pound; Moriaec Acid; Carawood de, Aqua porno . Tommie. do; . Lae Deo - do; • aunitto Green; Do Yellow; Sumac; • • Do Eek .4 ilnd'Jgo, Paris Geed; arIMCi 7 • Bronawi r et Green; r- Verdipet, &a to.; • Jost reed and ale cheap for =oh by . JOEL PdOFILEII NCB' NW earner Word &auk Els : • ?lit t b dillilld i n i 4 B 7,:oak bblei' 23 •i Leaf Snsiri . • 31 hi ebsis Y Tern " • • bss GP and YS Tea; - • • • n 100 bap file Mese; • , • . 400 bbis Whiskeys - OO lOW Zdanons•shels Whiskey;' • • with an aisortmentof Gionenes. Wines andl.wpotil a for sale by , W MITCHELTIUM • - I oeil&lba • : • IN bleu MI NS , LA 100 hf 006 ac— , lbe Carcv 'l. • aH, 1", mad Mark 24 • 50 bzs M R . •7 S bags Pimeutoq' • 4 20 Pepperi 21,0esCloy • ' Has eisgeo • • /11038T' • ' ' ' i rate by,/.00 ire No 3 Mae oeni,i kAeia.,a2 St :rater in. REW1_11%111111701 . 14 ... N. • ,; JIM - 1. . " " • i• 30 Ins " dooblo relied; bblsernshed • \ - , 2O ^ Al )' •" • " 20 ' port% teatied; 10• g, • : • • • LEWIS IIUTCIIISON lOU nvl2 Alen for St Louis otiam Sopa ReMiery. tIEgODUCE-1. Will - scab Fla, A 4 dna country swilled tow Bags; 40 bbla Potatoes; 11 be Oohs= , , . . . • Buckwheat Flour, (hulled) in AS lb ache, landing m. sate by 9EO A 81419.1tY. nett ',i - , l9 Wood sweet: . A[iid6-3o Dz. newYO+ C rop 2.1j14 EAXI 11 , 11E 1 10..00i 6;r by 0.13 'l. • J D WILLIAM/ sODAIL AND DOLAN'S/ZS— • hhd.N 0 sopn: 140 bbleMatinees in sane; far @sin by 1r • - LEWIS 111/TOWSON &OM • • r einin AS water! haat its ELODIICE=2O bbl. P. , 10 bags ' 1: ; 5 Dyer gaaliQ Heisitakt for - 19 wad 91 : Meby 1 , uvO • p.:l7oAll.—Stault in_ . 51x. Hama, .. . PO I Itasvort B l eiLLoat; . . • ~ . 5 5 crushed and pulverised; for ma by nov3 J D WILLIA.IIB REFINED 1111GADJI— .. . 300 bet. mall Loaf, ailed ?CPI - • al bay Large do double refined; . . 75 bbbnpowdered gum . . , • g 1 ^ embed . . In vfore.aed for sale by_ LEA IS II uTeinsoN &co • 0,.., Agents St Louis tv' agar Bogner( . (111010 E OI.D AMONTILLADO &ISEULT WINE. We fimex Woorry to be abut/m.li Waal@ by dos en w or amain bottle at We wino wore. • - JAWS WEAVER . nor market k front sin 16-1115 bap pnme and Maley Kim 7 10 bags old tiovemmeof Jima; 15 Laipmyra: nll e by /1110ICIE old Amontillado Sheny — Witio, "Palg.! : U the float Sherry to beobtamed, for solo by Weems of angle bottle, at the Wino Soto. novlo . JACOB WFAVEL.. MEDICAL. 111ALTSIVIR : ' •,. • • GINSENG. PANACEA! • - rilo rtpose !OFFERING wrru DISEASED J. LUNGS.—Thlunpreextuuted i sietess - erhselk 11sa attended rho use ofllie • • ' --' • -• • GINSEINU P6IVACSA . , • -,, in all dm iOUS form. which trrimtion of the loop is- , somas, Ho i4doced • proprietor alpha tri ion lotus. WONDERFUL. PREPARATION. The changeable weather Winch canal our fall sad calmer months, in aIWIRT3 a_ frontal some of - COLDS AND - COUGHS. Them, if neglected, are but theprecuraors of that fel desneyer, • • corisuswribra • - • The cinema, then, How shall we nip thadeattoyer he had! , bew shall we not clear 'of .our coughs and colds? Is of vital linportartegi m thenalgio. • • THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY • : win be found in the Ginseng Pabacts. le proof of tid a ae have fostripnem uma pabinhed the certificate* o doxensof oar best knovro eilizens,who have experienced • tie ellilltiTO Powers. These,,With a mess of lelllUlool , ' from &Sports Of ,the eanntrg,—fterm : , • MEDICAL MEN OF TILE FIRST STANDING, blizastem of the Gospel, do., together with copious no• Deeaftoot the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied its parepllei foots, nod may be hadl ' gratis of say of our agent. throughout the contitiy. HUNDREDS OF 'BOTTLES • . hare been rani in tilt city. • THOUSANDS AND . TENS OT THOUSANDS thropstionlihe United: rate. and Canada, and we Jensa any ma to paint oat a . SINGLE INSTANCE in okiel, when taken aecanlint to Sirattiaa.; ono tin haws had became family disorganized, it h.a - aver faikd to EFFECT A PERFECT: CURE. • . Why, then, need die &filleted hesitate? Why men to , the saiwisble nominal, pollen up by ardieivrn indiejd: ands ta4er We a/tamed name of some Celebrated, phi efeten, and peed into notoriety by certificates of per unhealed! Whilst 11, medicine or. " lINTAiJ A I r AI.RIVEFFICAdY is to be had, 'abate vesteltsfeare at home—ear netatt.. bena,—msny of irk* it has • • , • SNATCLIED,FR.OIII THE GRAY& nonlor the this Michele medicine may be Placed vidins the Mirk oribe kor ni vell as a n , ; have pet thiprme st .. • ONLY YIFTT OMITS, ler - dit• bait Se none emt of 'closet medicines. It is L.; 'Or by gm , caroms in nearly every owe and Tillage mixer the wain, woo ~e prepared male, foil Information . - tendon lo • ; - • • .f-PALTER, Proprietor, • nit. JAYNE'S' WAXILY LI It ism* principle in the numagementof this paper • to nonce anyrJungwhieb we And on., form ;.need - Let r u . gat . bltoba of sulity to the public. Some 'orr year:.leuyn we have used Mom family for many For Karma th e Fff.PECTORANT, th e CAR- MLIATI, ' and VEILMIFUGE, which. we know to. - be good for the complaints they profem. cure, , , We - were no Lake Ontario the past tanamer, when several. of ourusvelling ounpi4ons. from having, in %Venters , New Vork,draia; for Many dam the limestone Wawa—, , • of that region, were balttiacked wi th vsoient Th u- . *ma, and Dysentery. fi le. )3. had prorldedbhuself,.!.. previous me: leaog bome,with 'The rmtnative of Ih,. _.; Jayne,. and in all cues of in. me, among Ave tenth. , • own, it was teem:aftl in effecting a t oady oars.- The. Expectorant we have town mad among oar intimate friende with equal .nectar, nod we feet than .•,, we skill do a good act to families leerecially throe • tuned to.they cannot have amen w tothardlate medicat • skill,) 05 advise them m keep on Wind bothtbe Expect.. • not and Carminative. The Expectorant is belieredtp • geed ph r ,i e l o o s to be the Wit recipe for Paanonaty . • Consumptive Complain, that bas ever yet been:cool - pounded: The maw* is, Dr. lone is not a quack,bet, • a regular, acietuffie, end able tadthal • peodyttsoenmeetihla d• • *lff. Ilia medicines ac used byEZßAstnhmln, • - Edit . or of rho Plitt. tattenthy fbatdn • ror rale if. Pitobargh n the PERIN TEL STORE -71 ' • Fourth at- tear Wood.• • S FECES IM COUGIIL itUP.—Ewo W„ k g p o d c n, Err, , Clark of the Conn of Quite: Sc., Ma R. P. Ststaza—ni* Sores time fu the wiuteraiy? vrift, winD aglimed whoa 'Wm and diwcwowi and hearing of year tioralashle COwth amp. lean led a latdo fon* T. Trleible, Eolith gmkoww..4 and law %aim a'portialk of it two orthrea e•WWIS. e • going to bed, alnApand Immediate =NA ea elm menial friends have b.:cambered In sevens eases. lam there- Rua ideate dist it it a safe and valuable medicine. ad mount recommend DM thole who May be MO.** severe coughs and cob:.. . The Syrup *point) in N eem bolds., as thatll mar be lathed by the pearls well as the rick. c - •. Prepared and .01,1 by R E SELLERS, at wood tirop',-••. • aim, tor vale by Dr,'Cassel, dth ward, and D. X. Carr; - avlS• "L ottoArrs coned sratrth'intße_ ,ff the: 111 ten . Panacea Pr caving ; Mty chikPa - mmhemhmg , FwAten tatwitaiii: Caw*.slll:l.—W e. are inoro m et Wilt of puesi.„ Wooten. Isktror Patentigadlt *two feel dommed,„ to *commend bkogan'illyrairf wits neIMWM :Wilk a ortsgb.-2Aficahaving trieddbmwslog the meal remedies ba,'l.., imams 4 COMM aga conk ihat modal gays atatiaea a Wit Wolkiwo, without amp eassornr• Ode Indanatro - lay Mairmes Count '4447'6.44f 'PU44141%414 441•14...44',1,tpri1ieft aa amino panacea* dean. u tam • • , .4o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers