1 : V- • ::" '; '-'-' iplIEIL*1. Bataan war um. Litti sAgBAPAIIILLA s DLO 0 D, are sus PiPmitt, u•-• Baca* the y ens ensforred by. wra; B Lei. hao axlidoself t a main: Drogeat o 1. or . t.hd.wphse, knowu-ther ware, the ,quality,aisd cherub:l. of the Medic-low used in his *•• pale awl their adaptation to diethae.' , • ... • s eeded, Because the •patiliti can tthe than with . I thearaisandenco deem* other pins which are paneled bil,rqw.# ll 1.11111,141.11 of hiedieht• oat Thiod r Bees are of tbeiceamiathrd decti, peoperl • ties not coolies:Kt iit any other pills; misty, parr. Intent the etriterich and bowels all enbe - al thy anis r • 'taboos, Ind at , the-name lase purifying the blood .sionetlb Because th ey ire th e ebeaiast, sea best medne known--a sinew boi costing bat 25 moils. oaf imitating •40 . pille, wain to stag pereen amity dollars oft.tlcaca an 'Doctor'. bill, and trameroas - thediebiea bought AC tried exile thcsnanesaation - wHoLesord E. ADVICE, - .t: .. ..:.' ,. i i . :.*:?.•,:i ; :.: - .•. , •:'..• .''Vt*:'f'.'ll-'lti: - :',:;t; ..,: - 1.,: , 1,-.. -, :: - j.,II. ,, , ~...,,,I .t. MEE A. SfriIIa;biLIIIOFICULTY OF UlttUTlONti.-- , Tbl.4"." ll: .°W'd " d * b P itu " l '" Vgs r r n a:: .tiZ 9 24:11.V.-iIit:I3;;ZEASE ' R:SI S :kI4CEI.II!' r the only return tote., . , • • : 11(earowess can he entirelY nixed by afire ass of Dr Sweetser's !trances. ratach if aealeeted, will' tcrodnato'lit cortsiimp ' tr, le'. eifeetliallY relieved and • eased bap Owen Fenster. Berwehdls; ii unchecked, arill efteeirtally, lead to' '• Bronehisl Consaraption, beau Irately one of Or tweet , oar' P a wilt:effete Ily re it r li • :leech soca 'se ale:nape 'of we. Or amen from . r ep • }._ p l e : r4 kauscei. , alic! , u!dtrf , prusd , Co and nglis rea ;74 Y eoLls ..se;versidit 'remedy co. Dr . , Pneumonia Naha .—A very s fa2 s l. b rtaae. r Vag o ken Iowa " liac =q u efd d per ada s'6/: salarel d t to it. Dr Illweetaren Panacea shook' lie deed cm the Cr.:.,ap• L' • ' • • -night Serous .-Therde darning comptatm ' • - with/111nel cheek, by elk: Dr ertreortirar's Panadert • Coaramption,--iron the Ora appearaniteofeensearp ;,.:-.. liaeFatpratete,wh o ich nre !pain in the !Rae ald b e rgs; !coo ;rut int? f blow% .erldweetseLtfeta ,, la Whew _the La,... tar lbenehjs I Melee become = s op with phkra man lo trawl , respiradonorb . Or Bereetrees Panseett,wkel • - is a powerful Expeeterant,shooldho when evecrtbax &Werke. Inleessa.-This distreserna eaidendeser preiateetin "I' le speedily coredby Dr LBweerues Panosea: 'deelll Per bank or sin beaks for fhl. Foesnle -wsa JAUhOoNr l s•l4ciatraiorilar I tAr, boot. L.. • NM'S CAlitchl . A.Ti s i l lyli lilAidett.lll P:lllegtT,4ll;lol".'=:.' Goth Tire with bayou", been salvia' entriguths Out - ' :winter with a disesse' of the stomach; spelletboelt pro docile:Om pain lathe etoraseh for weer teethe hours wither ratersaission, and oiler herino tried 'Wks. sweednes with lade effect...es fornithed wltan bottle Jaynes Catwinroive /Micros. Thrshe ,osedrie, dawdles to die dOectlonv, and wvartably Mitt). ..,jorod iwaiunre ,erne e and. m erald the 1011e1:4 dace or four was entirely qu n.., ieted. The oteletne Wan ale , , --...:setrariardsueed,whenever lodk.ssions of the approach of palairere petal: i f, and i on thie,spas:sitirsejst,h4e r we:retie.. tiril th li s n ' rge ro =anVeil,t tv ' e ' " f p7tin .1 - From es: rtaynetir si'n 'twit Bal eon sam ' as a dr. rneit' D` - Ars disestses of tboalonararkoad betel:int! r 411,x . tIllpIN • FoFeele tiehaorh ae'ittel f =, l 7irNOlF - --LL" PownO : street, nose Ward, and also at the Drop Pine 0(11 P SCHWARTZ-Federal woeet ;Allegbelt f&CROVULA mut) .bocur - upytTg - r - s - viKi.L, -1 10 Oa In all. its multiplied _forma whither ill that of KittenEv ! tieralargittnents - ra tined* ettlionei;S:lbitie,. Whale Swilliem Cereal( Dheicoatter;tanser; distreses of the Slue or Spine,. L. okradtotteary. Coewurptioa, eIILISIitO from ooe thesame atm, which is tt poiseetwa.prieetple ...: . ;loonsoltealithereakin *putout oreleto. Awe. tore. thleortlits principle eau be dastroyetbao rash% {like 6/ibbileCled ir 'principle, lopai . ...4 , lapielt4he ,disease depends, :Is ; removed, o "rave 4,.',... - I;.;;';:!:olsotorateeeasitifdllaw;sto matter under what form Whelseralonald taboilest. ~(tin: therefore theire.p . o . o.y4T4AT/IleS ALTLIUITIVZ is 'eti. rani twerp, pipteeeeital. io reWaviag no away. malignant: :destroji Ito true or rtneiplcfrom those 'dieeranta !tare their . orion, by ; enterin' iron this'elleiteutos; tied With the blood fa eotteeped tbc isioaleet - -fibre, removing erery psttiele of - . . disease haat the_syeterst. Prepared and sold' as , :.':lll.Soirth 'Plied Street. Philadelphia. • :=:•...:.ifKatehp.p.eltio;pee Store, i'iti.3% . F.osith shoe: ! 4), •,.. ;.• •••Y;. 1 ,.. -7 ;, —,-4- .:177 ...).:li?;.ifl.:, ...ft• 1 4 . r 4 ,1.'' 4 ' . - X, )1„. : 0 f,:„. 4.:::i?: -..: , 1: , ~ ,f. . .,..„.:;!•;;, . ., . !..4-7. ....., 1 ..... ~.:„...{,,,..,, .41,'?1, ;•*:..i,k4:;-It.. ts 4 _,. -0 .,'• • .4.,4„,,,,,....... ; .. 4 . . -1"14 4:01 4 1 .. ..i.4 . " - f . i ,', ;c4;,+- :1r1.t::4.,., 1 .. .I ' i " ...AI•4'S '... ' . : 1 •: i, ,:1 ••i t , .4., ~...„ .:":iii•i; ...,!' . t - •• •: .' !, ,' I', .." ' .. 1 ' .. 1 . F ':: ' '.‘ 7.- 1 :1 1 , :• —. II I l ';' : :: : " 1 4 • 14: 1 :: ..r . ::: - - 1 . 1 ., t . - - , ,,, :14 - .0:.0 '.',-; • r' , ..•> , '''"' 41"., , i., , .: ' ,- '4 41 ,4i,•5'1i 1 'es• 9,-, :'4" , ' • -;.`..,i'.1-.:* , , ..•'1 ; (t. :,.. I r, - ,+,,, ~g ly- -, , t ;' =st';' , '"4. * 1, „11i,;,f,•:'4k:." 4' : * 1 P , . 1 4.:: N., ‘l.' 4 1ty5.e 4 4:..-iti,l i, ,:, r . 1.1).! 4ifil,..ti.*•;;M2 'llS' ;. ,1 : - It#4.;.":4 , ,t..• , . ,f, r 4 , •, „ :4, I -- ;cZ,O•_. * 1 ‘-..•,,:, 4 1 ,,,,,,7 4 . ; / ; %'. '', ~,-k*. , 4 4 ....-:. :4,4 • _,.., ~-4.-,4,•: , , •4:, ‘,:'it'4l"-‘::i r ti.'.;,:.4, '.•;"- 41 . 1 t, i 4., :::::4•4 , ',i , +t,-: -:," - ,4- 4, -.'l l -' , nv....'t':.4 ~..?':• •-s, i 171 1 1'7::`,, :, 4 '34:szis,l,-, ,i' .--1 14::4-• , „i'i-' , ' , '''t.c- ""41 4 ' -,l '".i= -, t.i. ; , ;M'i t l: .g. • i .,,, , ,. , 4..'1 ~-,-i i ,.k. .. - : , ,,t4 ? e • 1 . ...Vr gtl L; c.,, . 7 ,. •.. ~.L.,4`.. • -.; : • .- ...,...: 1 4 -.., - ,,.,,: -- 1 ,-• ... t ' , ' 4 ',." , . ...' ',' ' • .4;rirATTZLITC II ,,IiALT *.Who wrong ..'.*1Z411411111 - daf amuck' mbar,' aMmiett Wrh Ile, '..!rittaillit,,,Mkin btartlroeo i g d istres of Me , akin, if .doey 111o!1 . 6 lrie . „ • Pmt Kw 14 - 414:41. ntl;:andArtnittia • 11 4. 111%MptiiiiMIIMe mat:Man, from (kw diteney . • Gat e, Mammil. , , let n.he remenMesad that • nue and ITCII,OIIIIIIIIPAT Is me • * • elleatiaitifiortabef pr.parationiit axial nte is ,aa Moira*, 'we of of amou ;true frank Impanty. nid of Me bean and wbera Nei dl.. ease be ist boooksid6w.And the tonetllatmo !effected '• ahoyephiLmai .sirey will be 7 rmaro: by ;.• t • ' -k, f h 1 1 1 , I , i / 1,1 X~°~~l~A~.l F: -iViiiiittniii;trlis;;ZineSSinntWialie, any mrika . eine, not inith.lener 'eeoinitntion by ' tryingAll.kteds of pills or other medieineo yoilfted , publlohed and iteitennentled by otte and artotAnsbut .• " • sedlem will net bare Aielibloll, to, take intytblag . .bire.•,-TW.*ill al ebe(nod goodie almost all. -nrotina'sd: tittense . , - "/11 otthestontarliboast ••• els, liner mug natation; I Cramps of thicatolniteh; µtouting : inerord lovers, fool.-breathibad lists in tie :ninth, goer eructations sad Oddity ol • ' the stomach leostbrenen and indigeotioni warient • '. appetite, billions ofteebeas. - dileasee of tilt spleen and 'ltidneri,duseasea of, tlfialtio scaly eruptiopd • dry apdtinstetypinuilex or blotehen,,r the lace too • • body, titter,rash,prlekle beatand salt dimwit, bead - • &eh, giddioasi leintnes.„ pains over the heart, of • the breast, sides,.along the Wok and 011ie, rheum.. • •. Yam arid gent, cetera of all kind., small Pon: mitt% -. • loot. mane le;seroftdar r eryelpeltiir; nod in ohott they ' •• • - are gitod is 10.4isiniser haring their origin fo, the , . stomach, liver, end inteetines, nod impurity or the ~7 Sold Who/Endo end Retail by It. A. Fahnertoelt • ) golyu," r eenterof Finn: nod' Wood, also corner of ..• . bisth ind.Woodatreetn. .• cit dupleg. . • " •:. MEDICAL. AND •,, IS tIRGICAL; OFF/L 'E • • . . . , ..... , . . , it 6SONL, 1,-. ,-. • ...: ~,- . i • ' ~„ .. bhi wc as .. ': five 4 rloaro u.w hakm r e,. IGatkeL - ' • ,• • • 1.. 'f . N..' it . - lux. snoww;% •:.. • i • '..,,' '...,.-<,,,, , llaelms Mon trheribuly ed. . .- .. ,• Meted Mahe' med mai pm . . . .' .. .. .. ' fermon,and Men lbr mask . . • Ar, time in general prirelite •=egi N ." cusw .emignot hie alaratiM I •-- ' la Ate trcalate. ,Of Moog • private and detialm cam) , , ,_ • \ e s , plalata for which Ids oppo, .. ........, maitre* and cape ri.nee . .. , .... --., . , pee aliatly sreably him.— ' - • • Eleven years anidarips y Moaned to to mad, and tmaratem of Mak compl , its, tdarica; Width Time he ' •• • has had more practice and Las Car. Mere petkenta than • can ever fall to the lot of a-4 private nrutidoner) am. • . ply nealiges Wino. ea LI as.arnricee of apeedy, memo nenOtad.ardisliessty rem - mall adlleied milt rielleme • diseasiii,and all dbeamo arising therefrom. `, .. - • ' ll.Klihnighlenald night= lhisiar Maimed with riestr , . dueler. Mitch have become ample by I.e. aura. . . tad kV the me of .1 . efta• a n mamas of Me • - . day, Mat heir t campmate can be radically tend Mar ' , • :pinkly cared, he bar mg given hi. careful tatentam to th e ', t ureen' of anahums, and succeeded:3n head re,ls . • • .of instances in ermaggie mons ef ingammion of be neck . .' -of dm bladder, and kindred d messes whscholten nhali • . 'Rm those ear. Irbc fa ethers have consigned hem to hopeless dewir. • Ile parucalarly inillef sash ate have . . .- he lessimd meaccesstally messed' by others to can ; .• mg him Mon every sagefactian iirillbe giventhem and 7. ' ... their calteatroadal WA mughil.thomeghand intelligent -•- .:. • .imannor,praaled on by. long expenanms,Medy and la vesulretion, whkiiithr mpairsibis for Mom ensued la - '. • Leneral practice 0 isedielne ta gm. any ene - clam o ' .. . . .. . . tEr sterna or. //Spam-11r. flrtorW also aim permw alltielad with limus to call, as he has pa. aroealaralieuMo hl. • : in reseasimg, Piles, Palsy, ete.. speedily eared I • - , Nl.7TPWents or either sex lising as . a dismams :by mating IMO • disease in ',riling, giving all the eh -ma • . • . toms. can eta in medichies with directions for am, by . • addreemna V lIIIMPIN. N.)l. post pa t e.l and each, emg Mee. .- . .• .• ' . ' ' • ' -.. ' .01Ice No'. frit Diamond allel. oPPesim 'bo Wevai7 10- Namara. a navl . . :1 .: x~.a MEMI:e2ME!I . . • V O tie X vet tholes' andtdamptra incident to • 11`, - Pregenticy and Cbild Birth, 'Midi insure. the 'eory and oaprotmeted proeear of the functions of wornan,Which - listere,„ label tuniallacruild by the kernel of efinlised life 'toCeteled should be (merlin, mad etpetrioonsiyi with lithe. gain, aid without rms. M ' lloidalorme Marital bit travail ist Arno, °harm ed this remarkable fact.. That tie vromenel those. Countries are pet...Olt-My different from all: ther tame, in Mk respect—that' they are free from the pains and doge:a. which-make the period of Prep. motel au object of so much anticipate:tailoring and risk. Carterity and the :caller Scientific discova by prompted tom to investigate the Caere of this re. mutable eseeption to Magenta trials to which the ummed fowler ere :gcperally aohjected, and the resultwaa the disebetryetthe fact that the women. cmiutnes were an the habit of toting denag the last stages of Pre/nasty, certain plauts which have tbefacalty of impartirrg that degree Hoflone and elasticity to the nerves and blood vowelise(' the theme, or Womb which enable. it - perform its functions in all their native struplicittof action : and freedom from pain. . r • It is a singelar Asti, also; dint, the tattoo worries of North, Amelia are in a remarkable degree free from thane Forma and danger. of pregnancy and Child birlh'to wlocti the whits women are subjected -L Whetbeitheynan.the same plasm u do the women of Aaiawecassottkll. Certain it is that the fact is so less remarkable to true. • ^ Thieltimedy is n ertenstvely used throughout france,intla the moat marked snecescand many . fa aulenebe were once 'stogie through appichineons el the dangers:conserment to ;hesitate of carriage are now by the am of this medicine, performing the r outiea of wives and - mother.; with cumlort and happiness. • It to ttme now Self prmented to the aro.. Men of America, ttypi Sordeloque, through Ids sole agent, t: MORTIbigR, and he (edema"- fideot that indttPoodent of its iatticele agents it Will recommend itself to the moral part of the comma. nity, as it is fully calculated to do awayWitb that horrid crime of whieL tome, throogh fear of pants of child birth, are guilty; (the production of prem. . , Tau madmen I. also remarkable for snmedying , that hitherto incurable disease Barrenness, and ite almost eirinatant accompaniment Eleor .A.lbse.l ■ - fact that relued end, fallen state of the Wonib whieb auompanieithja dinease is never lelt alter, the shorteet rise of;thisinedicine.. This medieibe *premed in sub a way u,to be agreeablel and ;demos to thetesto.. Dr A IdfIIKTIMEIt N 0361 Lispenard fleir , -York;-bas' boesseippolitrid solo agent for 'this United SUMS., by Dv Berdeloque. oad in the only person in this -ermatry who is authorized to send vend this irsaleable medicine, as the following leiter will ( Th mth r ledfr'°! the I.'"'tth'. PARIII;JOUC 10th,1847. Dr A C Moonlit ar—Deertiir—Acinaling to the agreement entered into between cury I wish by tine letter to give , yes -that- wotten antbolity to self throughout the United .Ststel, (myßemdy fbr re lieving the. Pain dangers incident dange incideat to' pregnancy and child btrin,.) which R. ienecesury bar yna to hue to satiety Ike public, of its genuineness and Po. id,: de you 4111 aware the topeoare of the. Wm& eine to the itienence of the sot air obliged me to scrod it to refit Mr tight vends: -• I have alsonlent tub it, anpecumennt the manner in which it is pet op in Parts.• In lite ainanner laboeld wish it R. Im pair in tbe.UnitimiSttes. Sir, with great respect I remain yoars . • BORDELOQUE, MID. .P.,S-Aa140 ., Wind you lie* of a. letter received he me from the Royal • AeWmy,.. of &Moen, in • '(Thisiiirsifnas Me FrenoL))- Pads. Jan 33,1545 - . To Id— Rotintieswes—Sir—The cominnesion. - era of the Aciusemy. have appointed the undamped lownAbeirnamber, m ccommittee to report regard. sag lie merits of tar Mandy laid before tie by you (tor refit:Meg tbe Frahm and incident to preg itancy and child birth.) • 'Several mainent'Sorgeone baling submitted to. the Academy 'the Mauna of their eapeme' cent the are of your remedy, we lbw. tea to lay it before you, belicvlog ft robe the best decision regantiag its claim to distinction, and hi its great *Mae, that either you °vibe public could have wished. ' Whatever tqlluesce , Ude body may 'Vera on the members ell the reolissiibli will exerted to further that adopttoa Una remedy into general um, which as a scient&zery and as unfailing remedy,_ it richly • tight Physteians pairing used this medicine, each is littyetieeef de. fomid it entirely. sementsil ie promoting la remarkable sidifited nary delivery, Dee from pale and dansr. - :Widi the:exception of three _patients of Dr 'Flrkpiet. them -woe aiperfeet immunity from say subsequent weakumejor diem* -0 . 110 of theae Wean labonng woman who bad met a Oliver • :tall a week preemie to delivery, was taken immedi. htely after that event Milli 'a profuse 'tiesierrhage; which anemia difficulty arrested. I'be other trio malloruistlieWof the pelvis, were in nowise relieved ofpaiii, pm, few exception la so gent a number of cum a. lair hundred, show the undoubted , MB.' cm; of your remedy. and. have determined 'we to give it that recommendation and approval which is due to it, mind the fertheissee of smenti6c media one .. (Signed)BRESCHET, 51 D. hIAGEriDII4. 61 D. Com Of. the cummistioners of the . Academy of Science. - - The poblic ire cautioned against po u t -basing this at Medice from any yentotts except it( sole 'gird blottimer.tio 36 • 12' Lispernmt it, New York, where this indictee pot . - up in Iseclifcii, fOrbeing teal by mai l to any part, ofj.the. Price Two dollen a packaye containing 101 l di-- retoonl ;Persons denims of, otitaia:•• -kia Great Remedy • who Jeanie at a distance, can Ms • BO' by forwaiding Two Cellars, pad pid. to 7 . C "IsIORTIMF.R, Sole Agent for the St 1E027 9w N 036 1.3: Lispenard.st, New Yo . - .104/.11131 , YON. PATEWX% WasiVon..D. C. , 7ENAS. ROBEq. "Ydeefinitil Enlace and Li -Agent for procuring meets will prepare the ne e:emit,. Drawings and rapers for dppbeants.for !st ems, and smooth all other bawness to tbe line Of his profession to rite Patent Otero. Ile ran beconobed on all esertioro Wein w th e Paton Laws *rid Ideci wons 10 the Vaned States If &trope. Pe sons et a disucce duireas of bog* exandnatheme node tithe Plum Office, prior to andung applwation dir a patens, may forword (you pool, embalms g, fee of bee donors, clear statement ef theircasth sthernithinethale auen. nun will beolven-th and all the informalson that eintid die olnaind by a wind of the applicint ui pawns" promptlynothosithicated. • - • Alt /erten pabasiness musk pan paieL'and contain sisitablo lee. where a written cram n requred. ar.t. onr.be the rang lie kina the boitor of nefentrtg, by penitimm. • • ilqll. Edmond Berke, Cowneasioner of Patentw, .. lion. ILL t/Igeronklate • fa do • deg . If Koowlos, inactrinist, Patent Office; jOd s . canner,. Worthington,. LI Una R atearo, Illossarthasegts, &hotel . lion. W Alletkenro,.. . DI do; Doe,/ 11 Bowfin, MD, lidigsoari; Don. Willis Hall, leewTork: lion:Robert Dana; C;iltinereL Ikea. 8 Dreese, IJ *Demon , Dem.! If lel* Of 4 Idessogrii' . • : Cara H ISERlttate: iseas!il 1 1 1 HE gicatesrand best lain' Hy eretaired Milear. bebre--otade on the momapproted Eastern plan.— nd most fashionable P.amenfpauera• atuleolors. Also THE CHEAP Row, or HOS roil! turp, 4 .3 hand or made to order of all sires, andel all priee. • CounuT blerehants and others are . turned to call and examine the above for thetuselres,la all mill be sold .mbalesale,or retail,andx liberal deduttion. made . to wholesale plaslumers.' , • , • " , A IV WIN ' 'BOPS—For suele,a few bales Wernern New Vert , JUL pm* of 19101...inen S tole mita. , ,: _ , • • .....alro. - Earere , and West= N 1 , , early picked, lbw # '-'Pict general Easterner lbeavuonis ISOM being received. Iternen and e re aripg Hoe., vnli god 'a area le their advarange to &nun their supply frau the andersigned,49otey 'feted te bell tbrongboot thew - rape at New. York pnes.' • VECI. W. smentax.... . TOVIC • RATTICILSII POB - IBALIC—OkIab alibliner, Pagan Maker Alteglamarelir Oil the negreit patterns lon Saves ea Nod either in mond - or Iron. • Mil fleasimt and all pates rude m ordet U. I IERTISEMENTS LL..uAQw,A,144,4,.4,4-..twuglgLl Iwmv I wt Pe" trero a y rn t r ele 'd jr "°ia tot Minicaddertemb-The raoldllity luatfoAeonloir lolly be temtnekei - efbb irtealeei °tie; *labs the hammer it In opeftems, Mid the hemmer may be le mma!), emoted, met easpeaded ear height. Unfrentality; 'Of eapealtrto lucent. work of all Mei, from the leriattlettas atealloni alder the .euse It. Ceogrobsoire sad Clltentlfera. • Ite.Aceroubtluy opoa all lodes, bi the Foritreep- • . •=.- All the hammers ato made sell•Actlng, • • . The aubeeeibere contiese to eSeCIIIO olden fbr Woe batmen., of all sisevi l earabientable 'Teta .For farther puttee twee) of - • • SP.B.ICK &TOWNE, -: -• = Assignees of au Patent farther United ewes, e e .rare t bealroritta Foesdrr.llPlillladte. - MERRY NICURRON, A 10111101; 11 ''.IICIINIt' , IIIIOIB, • WAGON "CGVERS AND - GRAIN BAGS Ns. Sikillostk rot Book of II aloes Cabboat Were Mantes! a: ALLotrkn flee i : rat v e x . of p % 'ausoded co. , GRANT RM=l . .. Olyit 114.1=33 Af 97 , J Cloomot A • 4..1144,04, iota of lie Inn of c e i • was* nvolfotly blow Ida . .. ml Ss polat, tiokflo In .001 l will kap osoloo boor mil fo. ado; a loaido. o o oloorpro! of "Velocie of all otyla sod doesloto. Mole to *oft IMISIOIrkoI Soati•WlAMiood ..LH 11, ilo wry bes 4 siostroilialogiod 'mislai. ..• kiliky : •• - • Na Siun.q. -dine Jtes, ' PhillSl4ll4l4l. TrAV net received in addidar re. is korner large as 'Al' missend.. a fresh lot of; oew plume Chords 0.-the Ogee Meerut.] rearm melt as Fermivitte Masao. ming Co; C Amain and ethers.. Warp Oa pc krOloribe Add dsy sad Tideld histr Clocks, °Otte Or. Oreld reanadereared: his TOO dlooktOiP and .110/1 .Ikrideenritl de welt rise t ereU. 'Orden diltstlpree—'`e asunded N. L r' ., - eon In. AMU: . - ouls ntowitorlissu 12.6 Lsatessai lissuesinkiabnismsllPb IsSiL sad us wym.. of FANCY SUlllymek ei nowyTOptts, Se ,to .ides Isis ea behts SarelSts as chortWas,j. heywal • Sal.o so 114 ft anima 10adr..,0fi1 4 044 4 4a*L «au, •. . ;t • . INNIE Y '-"E : D;I CAL. - • ____" - 1114:11 4 WAVIIkr• ‘ [7 • .ouldruuND SYHDP.OD WILD CHERRY. 4 cerkeileand safe conk kor rosonkei . . 2 asthma, enniplainLltiiitiOir Mood; pante in tbit elite or bietepiervoon orkoopuiceorigh broken constitution, CIONDU,kip. TION or any disuare tithe loop or . . 'breast Reader are you ieffenng with a cold or disease of the ' limp, tr., 11. - .. remedy, - !"• ' will at :- . • . . • you wr 0 per. : . • • i bops regretit. It toll arrest ill thoee disagreeable Mteptores which strike rub tenor to the mod, do prolong you days. Beware of, all preparations puruntiog to contnin Wild Cherry. except that bearing the signature ofDr Ji SW*nte on the outside Wrapper ol each bottle, u they are quite likely destitute at the article flu which they borrow a name. th• • Read whiff' if-Ass — danef. 60,000 DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION ; 1 oald perhaps be • email estimate forihe ravages of Able dreadful diseetie lee single Jean; then adtt . e fearful eatalegue bl Buie cot off by Inflame en of ' the Luege, Hemorrhage. Asthma;Criag Influenim, Branchitis,aell other diseases-of e Lange and Liver. ' . ed the Het would present an appalling proof of e atality of then - two cleans or diseues. Relit is orpiment to knew that nearly .all of this, .dnred ado or Lumen life might hive been prevented by a timely we of Dr. SIVAYNE'S COhIPOUNIik SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. . __. • Thts medicine has 50M been belme the public some eight yetis, and ti the original preparation .from the Wit* Cherry Tree. Its repotation u'a remedy for Coughs, Calda , Bronchitis, and Ca. mantles of the Longs based °minify upon - , itit in insole merit., owes but little to infiatedsliwspaper Thoseuho give it • . trial, being besefitted by it, recommend it to their neighbor., and than gradually and surely huit gained an enviable reps. lotion sod worked its way into general use. One bottle never fails to core a recent cough or cold, while with Met attention to the directions that or. company earb bottle it. use in pulmonary &MUM. of long standing nod of the most alarming chime ter,,, has alwayugiven relief, 'and in very many instances haa elected complete slid permanent area. Dr. SWAYNEW • Cdebrated Compound Syr% upof Wild Cherry. Ilead the most remarkable care of Comemption vier pieced ipon record— • • . Dr Swarne.-Dear Sir: I frol it a debt of gratitude doe to you—awl a duty to the aided genetully to eller my humble testimony he favor of year Com. pound Syrup of Wild• Cherry. Some 'three Tema luma vieleptly attacked eltheold led Ma. 'mationof Well:rip, which was accompanied with. 'a very dotes:sing cough, Rik in the breast and heel -La very couidemble deebarge of °Cerebra mama from the lung., especially epos change. of weather however Slight. At first I fell no alum about my condition, but woe pretty soon consineed that I we. rapidly going into consampuon: I grew daily weak. er, and at length Was scarcely able to walk about Or epode .abore •• whisper, Ina was the ascending weekneas - airy !nag., • During the time 1 bed vied ririoa prePontionssied prescriptions, bat band no relief—growing all We time worse. Just here I was advised and pomaded bye dear friend iti toe to make • trial of your Syrup of Wild Cherry. I mast coerce. thatprevionaly I had been ppe r eeladm ed aguicud patent medicines, and I am stillegaiust those eoming. oat of the hands of empiric., bat sinderstaadlag your claim. to the profession and Practice of sabdielai, aid having implicit, faith in the saying et 'ray friends, I tortbwith purchased of 'De, Shaw, anti of your agents, a am bottle. and commene•d eta use. -Ng diseose at this time woo of twenty or twenty, five months' atandieg, came gaintlfwan deeply seated. 1 found, however, con siderable relief from the lust lone or five bottles.— Rib being a Pehlie speaker I frequently attempted 'ruptured preach with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured these remelts teat had already began to bash is thus way, doubtless, my care wu greatly retarded. hi eon sequence of acting then Imp.. dandy lend to use 1.2 or lb bottles before I ma. perfectly restored. I bare no question, a mach smaller nufedier of bottlers would have made me seined; but for the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the leverets habit, did away the distreming cough, pat 'a , stop to tbe diaeharge of matter from the tong., and gave them and the entireslatem good I bare deferred °Bering Ibis certificate till now:: for the pupal at :being perfectly , satisfied with the pernumency of the - mire, and now that I feel perfectly well, I oiler it with pleasure. REV. J:{'. JORDAN. Roblin county', N. C_ _._;. CApTiONi CAUTION! • Avoid ill spode= preparations or Wild Chen 7, inch '9l BOozio. Hitters. syrumr of Wild Cherry, Pills properties to coritain Wild Cherry, &c, am, la they are all fictitious and counterfeit, led COntani none of the widened the or and patine pre paration as prepared by Dr. Sample, nod the hat ever prepared in this canary.. Doctor Swarm', Comported SYropoTWILD CHERRY composed of vegetable invedieuts, the Wild Cherry, Ind nth. or medical Imbalance. erially nay elsMcious, il out more so; th e whole are so effectually . concentrated . 'aa to teler it beyond all doubt the most plea Mot, strengthening, and erectoal remedy ever discover. ed for the cure of Pelpeeery consumption, and all diseases of the Loop and Breast. The very loci, from us bailee such a train, of spurious imitators, stands to prove its great curative properties .• Therefore, iorelids, inquire for the anginal props ration, each bottle or which is auveloped ie. beau. UM wrapper, with a likenem of WillMm Penn eu ipmredMereout Mee bearing the signature if Dr H. the counterfeiting of which will be. pan. Mid an forgery, Vieperet - only by Dr. H. SW/Orin, N W comer of Etuares and Rang Streets, Philadelphia. For sale isi ull taborgh wholesale and retail by WM. THO 59 Met street,: OGDg.N & S WHEN; corner ..red & Wood its. B. A. FAHNESTUCK & Co..cornar *ol" Ist and Wood and Gilt and Wood streets. a. S. JONES;lBol.lbeity erect JOHN. MITCHELL. Allegheny city. And by all respectable Druggists aids dealers in Medicine, tlatiogboot the United States and Cana da. 1 septa' MITAZTO2I% EXTZH.PIAL UEN CDT, • • CALLID r 1-,NUNTB LINIMENT, TS iiiirlaerrevsally acknowledged to .tio the . IN FALLIBLE:. R EMEDY for Rheemetism, Spi nal Aifecticem, Contractions of tho blaseles,_Sore .Throat and 027, IssueeOld Ulcers, rains In the Reek ,ned 'Chest, Ali:m.la the Breast lad &MO, Tooth Ache, Splint, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns; Croup; Prated Feet. and ail Nervous Diseases.' The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at• tended' ie apelicalioacif this most WONDERFUL . IREDICINEin curing the most severe tamed - the dleereat Diseases atom named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS:Abet have been bestowed upon it, whereterst buboes iistreduced, give@ me the right to call on the AFFLIC (ED to resort at once to the ONLY EIf,hIEDYTHAT CAN BE..RELIED irrlbit Cunha unite is reeomisendingtbe eele. not Ertensal Itensmay,Huat's Liniment: The following lettim Soo this flighty eminert Arista,* mho - bare been attsetted to the Mount Plismant State Prison for many years is tbS best sividenee of t h e valve of this selebratitil Liniment.. ; ' • Si;im Sums, December 86 1845. my nisi Sr—lrecitiived your note of ymiteresy, ankle; nrs.opialos in relation to Hunt's Liniment, es prepared by Air George E Stanton. Enemies its cospositios . ; and hating, Sequel:Sy axed it. 1 min femme:mad it to you min safe External Resin dyi.and-in my opinion, the best. Linitient now in ..t Very,trely Mid reepectfatours Col iiierze Van Coitiodt, Croton Manor. .1 fully sonar in the ahoy° optima. •• • • Wl\ HELCIIER. YonwTown,ien..l4, Str—ln • .reply to your letter f 1 would say that - I have Hied your External Remedy, called Hunt's Ligament, to my practice 'lnce you, made" me sic quainted with Its composition, and unhesitatingly say that 1 believe, it to be the .best External Remo - fly now in sae for the complaints f r which you es 'commend it: . Yount respectfully, , • BMX D MILLER:M.D. Cho E Stanien,Esq. • lErAmong the "mallotol worthies. articles and haminsgs that, ail poured forth at the present, day ,upon the cobentry, it re' really 'refreshing to 'hod sornethintof real practical etaitydiainething aim plat, speedy and eneetnal as its' ooßration, and et the same 'time free from these injurious idieets which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton al Sing Sing, thin:o it km been than abort tim before the public; Ls already obtained the conadence,not only of our Moe wealthy .pd , infloential wizens, but oar most eminent phYincians. All ncknowl. edge it to be a imereign balm for many of the ills that flesh la heir to, soothing the iching.limb, and by lOgenaheittimuleing baleen ea, banishing din *amnia.= the syilim. • . Mr. Stasten—Sir—Sreing your? advertisement Of Hent's Liniment, I was induced to tryits elects **my son, who had been crippled with .1 lame back from en infant; and Die with gratitude I bear testimony to its wonderfid beating properties. My 1 eta ;who ii newl r. y. yea ol age, te now in a fair . of recovery, Yount, ke., . . .. DENISON GNICKERSON. -- •'. , o ; POST Orricx,Towszns, Putnam Co. 3 certify that loot pelsoaally eequaleud with the above heed child. and think the fatherwoulA be sale is saying that bin son Is almost well. • JAS W DYKMAN, ' o o JOYS, 1515: ' ":. • Deputy Pool Muter.' . P. 5,, I would elan date that Lime been for a ember of years subject to Important attacks el the Rbeesitatina; which in) many instances prevented my attending to my holiness. 'Two or three 'appli cations of the Lliument invariably remove all &f -reebie of the kind. Is eases. of bruises, spades and sonth,toonanseroas to mention, it has In this ,vicirolty prone a detain remedy. Its value can only be estilaated by time who have given it • fair • 'This Lisimeat ii 'old at 85 sad a° onto per bot tle, by all thd,Prinetpal Druggists and lidereltants Ibroughostibe country. - • inoksak Agents in Nall York. • HOADLEY, PHELPS dc 8;0,141 Water • • RUSHTON is CO, 110 .roadway. 'A IS & D SANDS. corner Falkland William. • • ASPINWALL, 86 William Inset. Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, nu be attended to. ..GEORGE STANTON, For sale ia Pittnargh by L WILCOX, Jr, and./ JUDO & Co. Alkismay City, JOHN SARGENT .lilirmisgtism,JOHN SMITH. ' • febl9 rp 1 11 u•• WU Wood alogat Una. *old aperiaot; be • 1., log' a perfect oolaraoa al theolically pun imamate of 41 the coadbalf vaillaiol of the /Imam: =oaf i ll .. fortax i z i npb , o i. = Labia tforaa emu. stomach:. os On kids mound Gram Flaira;araela • Fot a•m " sala ay=li i IitiN=YI N CATZ er lat nal Woo asi Wool, au . - all MaLastes Webna asmaino. lo certifif that, by takism one vial of Doane( J. IlaLoneis Waal. Speelbe, a eluld of Roan naves ...dir parsed upwards or TY mans, aa4 by Imo( sa ks *AIM orray own pawed It I tb m e o sons.— id It Likely dm mom serpriong mina m edi cine I ever lees. pmult Imeisine more . • -. : • ' Tantsbia• Va l e b 74. VP& & &dr !IT ( ood mut% Pius- . . UDICAL. -bit. TOWBBEICEPs - . SAlt-SAPAR ILL A -.modititerridne in the svord. This menet Is put op to Quota lattlloot d ss itm haat clasp.. or, rlsallialar, .411 warnialed stipllnor WWI 1414. b curia, , dem. mothoutzamtiti&Pariitesettsma or do GREAT SPIIIAQ MID 1111111 ER IRDICIBE The gnat inutly and.superionty of this tfaramonilla ma tal other Mahone to, minim 11 Eindimso Dienot it lama , ' it.. the Body. It is aoe of ths votpfiest SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES erer known it tot °stip porifss dm whole system and otternithina tie imitson, but it Crean Nem, Rat and. NM Stood. a poorer porton:4 by an other Medicine, end ut this har th• grand aaawl of its ormderfal sumo. It Ms performed 'Mhos tha_post Morton mote , the. 35, 500 cans of Nevem Cum °( Dream • Mini 5,0*/ of th mere mosidentil umlaut& Mom id. 30Timiesof tibronm Dliesomino : SOW eases of D • 41111 cub of Gaunt tulip ani Wm.' of Emma; ~ • 1 2.1410 mom of 7,000 ems of dStrant a iZtrent 'conk Compinuts; • . ; lAD° emu of dm firer Compitiod ; . M mom o f Commapti o Dam. of Mc /Duty mod Dropty. WO mum f ce, A Tlationtods of mos of Duna of dm Blood, Ms s Ulcers / Ensipolou, Zak Itheantamoplemo the 1..., in.. i,,, ie ,. 1. To- I gettimmtdo numeroas rasa of Sick Hodarie, so Sot .dead Elm; Spinal Affietions, in, i.e. 1 lb, Ain maim, MA appear Incredible, I'd Sas hon ks remota phymmouss sad no r alum from oh Tonto aa. LT States, mforsang us of extraordinary eons. ft. Van Ii k n Enb. ono of Mc samtrupeetobbitinggia in New sr ri.'... informs as ilikt la mi Wu to atom than Ma am that place Am. The.. am Macomb of cumin the Cif of Nom York, which M mitt refer to wick Jamison, pd b tom of thiamin. It is tho hest me th ane brute mnalms Mama. konvm. It undoubtedly ismad tho h.; of loom than s,tOn) (.111.1. f Ems , Samson: is it remotest the mum of mane, mod pc <wed lamp Li' the Summer maim. ~ • Morrow SUS.' OPTICEAL • ' . C. of Win Unno fawns NWT, sod town. of the New Jewel Lesbians*. hat !tinily war to the inlaying onlifwata., 11kWitaewo story. flavor, Jaw 25,147. • Agar Win 1 was tan Wilk the Id won, anion tabula ryittositit ia • dtbilinial ann. Iwin iadoesd to try P. Towsund's Baru awl Who hiking two or this bat iks, I was wry non rebn.it, 0 *ornate it entirely !ono maid launparitla. I haw otatianid tang it, and God that I ougroz a =mdz a. l . balion y . 4 . 1=1 toy life, and would 004 , W. 1110Lsaw,fata U. B. fir; This andante oaadusholnrote. that 11,1 eanaparilla has parka coon:damwr 160 wwrt nation& diaraa. of Ws Wed. Show pawn ound'i, oat twain k ainnotleito.L Tam Citausus. . . LW. Tointono—Dear Sir: I harm thi Omura to haws you that throe of toy ehildrau haw bow' woad of the Swo rn. by lb. ow of your walnut wodieno, They Inn aftinadway enanly with lad wow; ban only' Win our hod.; It took thaw away, liar whin I fool nitwit' wider dot, nitration. Town, nwpolfolly, ' Lowe W. Caw, lift Woottnat. Mgr York, Mu* 1,180. GRZAfITAIZZ /11ZDIbiNi. Dr. Tor fkirraptriya la awnregn andquay taro Drareipiont Cotionnpnoo, larnanott, Whit, °lnwood or thftnla blenatrivalioodnevallnorawo of Um., or involuntary din:harp lberoog and for the gm rr 1= .1 4 th. •Pl[lllllo matior . ornether . tiva result or atura, by unolvoJarrly, nano or accident! Hocking'n be mom sexpeteind. than • its inviimataif of. I biels ea lb. human bow. Send% all weskit...ad ma- I taste, from tabus, it, asses Meow rebuilt and fug deissagy oder lathimbelk. It immediately po ne. the Detre loans of Me km& flame, which w the great maie of liar! 11 will 001 be enacted of us, in cum mei or deli.. • a psi ture, Wait itamllleabei Ideas. pergusened,'lut are cam inure We abided, Mal hundreds af awe hare been reptamil 10 us, Several cum 0h... Emilia lulre been val.. child-. ~her main • gm both. of Ws laminable medic foe, ham been Dl.t with healthy uffspriiii., Tetessund 1 My wife kin, greatly dideewed by weakewei awl puseral debility, mai .ajar n% Coittifitt by pain • onwatio. sr Imes dews, of the nob, ...with atm dilikulties, haviag Mows cuss ohne roar medicine has aces. pact ores, rid ...hi.- in; recemmmodsd Ix such cam.' haisdatirilsed,l obtain at a bottle of your Extract of Sansparialan ne d siltadireetimis you gam tee la dot it rainier bar einnp4isti sod seamed he badth. • pad. Air thibm she received, ' late pleasant in this. acknoreleSc- Log it, ea 4 receauesadingt the public.; M. D. bloom, Mbeay, Aar. 17 - ,1111 „ Co.. 0f.0,0d mat Lydia+ els. , Coasacitz, Sept: SS , 1.6. Dr Ibusumadt To .11 wham this. .y anicerts—Thi. is to certify that my wife need tee bogie of your Sarsaparilla er=lo her cembeemad, odor the awe akiligej end einuatelasev, betia; troubled with the deem, mel d' the feet, ammo acetic., and very iamb . wb.0. 7 1 th. to Esitli; and suds. it ...ay, the me... Lbe happy try h, with uhl raZ ittainal al only t ie h.= of ' but alter Uo e 0..= et. ma wk at its am, W' imply ad ...- health is auw CI km . ' kr {Wye.. emus. • . thet will be deny ri n se le yea or may one who liestes the two:not the seediefese, yea are calmly seleeete ha it. , I .ttrerib. sapell-Fola exit ahalientani obiirdt• ma. Juasar..• . TO mamas AND MULE= LAtur..t, • This Eat:act of asnapville bis bung expnwel prepared m refiners to remade tomplalets. No remits w ho ham nal, sco to sum.: digit approsching that critical puked, " The tun. of ' should mike as take it, es it to a certain porwatire kr may of Ow Romeroo, and laws Ms diseases to which Gamin are subject at this tiew of lab This period may be delayed for several graribi wing tbistworicine.. Nor ts it less nimble to Owes who are alliosseitiag woownhood, as it is calculated to awist nature by quklurenig the blood sad Wittig:rating the systeca lode luddithis toedione u ' nval uable ite all ef the delicate diseases to which wawa are subjca. It braces thaw/sole symbols, renews tierriwailarly the rata. tV .. 1 1 1 . -1, 7 rums( the impusities of the lady—sot hfar amulet* th o system as to produce a sabiequent re sation, which is the awe down medicines' lam Or gawk arealtawis cad Waco. - ' GIRLS RE,./.0 MIL ' Tam who have pacompletans, doll ryes, blotsha on the fast, mils skia, aass, and ore oie4 . Kef rasp oec a bottle or two of Pr Townsead's It will demo your blood, smote the freaks WM., and ea you anisnatim sprain; ties, hoe pirits, ead bemires! omptactioo—al of lamb an of immossa Woe to moary Mel ladies, =EMI Na fluid or medicine bee ever bate Iftmecurred which: a. nearly minable the patie juice or mliaa I. ehmempeeia; foal .4 streagthrein the op= of Apaition, Ude prepa, aai ration of Sanaparilla. DrrArnurr,ll.l.7ol•7lo,n4s. Dr That.medu. bir-1 have be. tettal kw several jean with dyepepda in WI WOW 6row, Weeded with .tat pee atemaeb, low of appetite, mamas Imartbura, mai • great eversiou to all kinds of Liod,.d for wreck. (what I emild el 4) I ha. brut enable to relate bat a mall pttrtiou ma my eirmaelt. I tried the meal remedies, but they bail but little or ao at el It revaimiai the temple:at I was he dace, about two au.. ausea. ha try:your Extract of San. ?villa, axed I mast taywith little muMeue e , but allerualag mealy two bottles, bead my eppetite restored, and the heartburn Wisely removed; .d 1 wall earaestly moat mad the um of it to thaw who bare been 'Mkt. a. I ha. Hot. ours, te., . W. W &. V.. Zawt. 22,110. • umlaut!. - . - - Read the folileing, and - doubt if Toren, that emanneyo lion mete eared. Thie leanly.= of the omen* bonded 'no. that Tresinid'sSeampariila has eared: Or Terneed—Dear Sir. 1 rai lake, a link orer yto. 'gored , • mum muab ed pin to my aide... It M erriam( very filet, and d. I was proceed by phy. nice= to eve ibe gen ecaromption. rade huge ipoo - lite of bad matter, bad sight awes, ar t inakiog rery Mtn ary &ear mid IN mold do rotting Leme. I vet too the baptal I. lope of beg Weaned; bat ea protiooseed Mere vs insurible: I was mier pony dieted at Ma Imp el amid hardly breathe i I nom Memo meted, ammegrated to die; was ecolined ba toy bed, and we obliged to hare waders . laded 1 enrol gin you any deripion that would dojudies di ray t 0... I was sapped bymy fried. lee put mem ; I had trio. a re mesa of reIMS6I:O, and MI weed to b. to taperer: .1, maga Kona eve leotaliery ode performed b e y yer mediae and to teil lb. trek I selected Mee ye marchnualug Is thee. But l en iodated to try itl lid m, and m eeiy tent fat I did. 1 =mot my Wit IMS atbrely yen, .bat am so far. revered at to be about my bete, el bogs to be entire ly ell in a km week.. ally magb aod.pant m the aide, aod night tee her kit me, mi n e. bat ~.y lilac, sod ken glen my meal stregib. I Mb it a duty to gite you a statement of to rise m pubUds if you pine, tyre Barnet, 471.813. et, Brooklyn. Opinions ,of De Todeshsod it deo* duly reeentog tusk.. DM pity add.. U. difered parts of dot 011/013. This Is beatify katl6. underapod; Phydeka. 16. City of Alkey, ban iogr., oessrouy eons presoak.. Dr o . Towisald's Bersapuilli s ltod bb ma of thalami nlitabk ...pivot/aim of 1120 Bukpordlathe market U t tbUso, a a, •IWmoe,acq .11 B Baum, u AThloy, April 1.11345. : r I.Eutuataolucsa This ts to eta tiO , that In. Midassiped, partials( Thom:iota. Phymetans of am any. of Albany. ham fonquan 17 princribed Dr TomnannuPs Compound &tract of &rm. plls, and fotast its known yonlitirs, mould ntoommod it to the public ntesearial,arrohaons, mot °there otansous ayes, in reknit. to any of We nhertiond remedies now in •.W liCllltll. 7 T r, A 4.337 April% Wx B Brim*, r r. ?game s t, Faßa D e r t B: u x Batik .t l a N I It; 8,.d. t..2:rfandello* 0 8 H* 0 .7 7 4, B. VM a d trtraiesaltattr="4 W. Mei Ovum, 4•3 a. pal op io (h. kw million both., width cambia • soul and airmal with the wroaasi signslai• of X P TOWNXXND and Immo. WI/moo Um DN. Prom Fria York Daily Kapraaa of dpril V, I 17. . Ltr etty !amt. yeslarday. woe 7.;:„ • ;=,° , ....8.r.r. Ess iv ~md r. or of mud beaoliul,Which,Zr'illro ron with IM. roll glixaoing IL 0010, mad. ..how rarely ea/led ay liroadaray. W. take Itin opportunity to my wake/Inn Oda . Diet of tlio Sanararilra aviaries Um ray mat modality Dim acquired, • • Nervous Debility. • New Yona,blareh 97, IBC Dr. TimoneAt—llree been Offieted mot n ko tor 3 lurk with • keedlVlsinkhkg In the chart, giddinees in the 1.,..1,1 e , appetite, Ink in the limb% end pans/ debility, homed int normal by the catboat hod Rod cold to whaik I object to my harmon as • dyer.. I hors uken other ArVlnce, bio amorous to mastiou. hot with litke prem.. ens. I woe induced by what I . sow in the piper to trya buttlo or Your thropesilis, from winch I forma gnikt Mkt I han aloes tam several moo balks, mad It unharmatiogly may it lathe best Inoedkizel jonon ever tshan—the plum la my chalk sok, and I kal quite • ditkreat man elevator sine. I her kimono.. IknaperAta I ham soma boor ogle tit. thou awl bad.. 3,1, wrm has Okra it with kenos. its- sin rook. I would 1.661111021 i it n. a Nally taeolkine , =Merl awoken! WI oolitic. would out half the Odom kart is, out o Irmo nneosently not rie may Doetorbi Ws; kr whrm Anatole, appetite', It On jives to thistonaelk sad bowels thor , regular Rao It keep the blood tti • IrmabY We.; k OJAI &or*. 4.0(.1;64 to attack ths system. And to anthem. who vela* in •rmatthystute, I say try Dr Toinionalis karopoillA , • Titans Dare, 10 Alba O. • Cankerb. tk. Infanrtho Belontsna wenn ornothn dad sun Dr Tonne:WA Sarimpurn• Jur land On Urn or %honked, o( ettUdrn.— The following ontUrrarnis atonal:nal . gnat number maind thir week. • Maw Toile, Apr 92,11347. Dr Townsend: Deer eirc—Ona H of nine &Lino ass inn sick with tbe Curer in the oomph nod down, wended with gnat debility. It awe neer elpag; I abeened same of your mediae neMicias, lad It eared It dineetly, for vehicle I we mare you I kat mei palely, Poen reweetfully, Kutner,. names, 97 Deslwasam st. Tor mle by it /C 816LLED8 Druggist, N 057 Wood .1, bones.= 211 and 4th ele, who tou bees nropulated by Dr TOWNSEND solo Agrot for Allegheny ea jeildpwlyr If .C—T-----9.lPirel'olll.4l.l9T—Pea •inues of thin afbeacions and cheep medicine for the roue of Catnnunption and other &maws rennet be too well known. I'm =my teres bora been meal by it.—{N. Foritele tgrilitennith ai the PEKIN TEA lerfOßP., of crearth Maine near Wood, sad oleo et the Drug Store of et P fteliwons,Feelend otAlleahenreert, PILI.II.IuP llelAnn4 =maga= will &welly, tall. homes sap* of oelebrawd PM& theyans well known and mtheersally ofbyert,e, leave needthem. Far rale by Mir, oP VANIEJA MIRE coNcasra&TED -Ed Thi. WParati..a emasnutimieit k petillar and ft- Wow flavor .so Jewe essatakmeep,-*lO7l. Omar, chocolue, and WI Weds of Taney cookery, for oak , ,401iNpOliCIAN gelk 110TiELS, YOTINTILIS. lIOTBgy LIGHT "STREET..., BALTIMORE; ; INS ICl2ollllllMprietett: ;- r.im el4brabvent loot. and Widely kin - •:• - be!lng 0 of the toosteminatortiottOn the city of Ilaltimmei has recently endergone very eXtell•iVe ailtraUeaa cod impirentents Ant entire new:sing hasbeen adde d' teIIIII.IOIOgOVIORIVOIned airy eleeplegapaniacnts, and extensive bathing mow. • - ; . The Ladies' department hu also been completely organised and fitted up In a most enlace and beentifol style. In feet the whole arrangement of theft.. has been • remodeled,- with • Single eye on the pan of the pmpriemas wwwds the comfort end plessure of their I Guests,, and which they confidently assert willehal. I' rte= " w7l t i' N 7 be lo st e pple th d e IThi tery ants:! l stantial and lomat7 which themactetaffonlslerved up; in ...pecan style, white the Way of Ni nes, fric., they will not be earpaisetL , • " In conclusion the proprietor. beg to tay r that nothing 'Will he left undone on their part, and the partof then ...MIS,' to few:ler - this Hotel wort y the continued patronage of their (needs and the po belenendly. nepnees for board hams also be n reduced to tier ollostar rates:— Lames' Ordinary, PITS per day: ..... I N. —The HUPP Wageen of the Hoare will al- ways be foxed at the Car and Steamboat Landings, shieh sill convey baggage to and hole the flout, free of chirp. • • • - • Are e tr i d a tlVl! tire interest of , CoL G Willartwor, tater( this well known minahlialiment.beg lea ea. rota toltheir freed. nod the public amorally, that they have this eommodrous lintel kw.a term of pent end will exert their best energiesto make ihadestrable haute forTnitr olkts and City Boarlard. . • The Hotel to rpay•iorm and ndmirably platted for eon rerienee, light indoor, having a number of parlors odjoining ehambciar preceming amount attractions to • - . . ... . no pre oentprop nett. having had the expenenee of Yenr+ in this city and elrewhere, hope they will be able `Ur giveiferterni ratio.faction, hang delettuined to give an ettention to the house aone. ; . % - The Ineation of . the Pearl Street House is anew:mealy eligible, having mots on Pend, Walnut rind Third sin, on that - it is nmally deniable in view of the conweill. ....go of budnesa men or retirement Re private boarder._ It Iv none by the Banks, the Pod Office, the Maoottie H um LOdd Fellows liall, and butane square distant front M meet and two squares from the City What f. than oaring the greturat inducements, emweintly In country merchants and generally to all persons visiting Clem. gad. • ' ;, • ' - • JOHN*NOULE • melte, ' • i - • JOHN A DUBLE . r . • 'I . 0 017141111 A•• filiwom, Chulu Street,' between IlLarketind Lombard .: :. . . .., Steilietae Hallimeres - • . 7 . . 111 'Tim nber having tatentite above eslnki. Raiment, °dere his services to the citizens and piddle ge rally. It W eonverilently nitented as regard* the e amboms and Railroad Depot—is in the midst of the re extensive 'mooning Houses—sod in fsm tot e. , the lima Wren to those visiting th e o il y, as ton. 7, r conmenen and eaadons m the .other principal The boom is ow being fitted up with new furniture, in good taste and style,' and rill be open to the public do the Rd day of April, ISO. The propnelortrans that his mremittsisgelforts M please, mill secure to WM . • Minton of the public patronage,: resident no well no imgooot, , , . . - , . IV.W pli, - . . . _ __ Lvtin of Jae fum of Foig Ap 72,:1647. myl6dGni ALLEXS lANY tIOLISE, 49/ blarkerst ,Phda delphirre•Thatobseriber (late e(the Washington Ilatelilh.titbstraht'Pa) takes this molted of in forming his eld friendr &ea the o thhe generally, that he has taken thenbove•niuned HOTEL' The HOW. is airy and target table, and has been eklerutively altered and. improved, and the prelim/tor hoperby a strict attention at „badness, and a proper care ter the ensafort of his •Tlngs n e ' ialt n t=l " :4; ::trAfe r t7L l ! ' trlia " v g el. ImglPublie, being only nay doors above the lartirborg and Pittsburgh Depot, and legible two minutes walk - of the Daltsatore and - Reading Depots rITABLINL: 'la mbed to the premises. Terms. Pt pail:lay. • •'EPlll.lollb2,Proprieter • AI k che n House, PhiPmA aim V,1,47-sptbans JONWIIOTKLI, • • xo.ls9enierrase nein, PsuanaLtma..: rrlllE Subset ribare. under the how of Itareale d W,l, hone parehaaed/dr-Joesslotterein in thlaestabliatt taent. and hope by the strieteat attention to the went, and condone of their plena to merit n continuente of the Morel patronage Yeratofore .rerePred by ite former I r k: house has been thareanblirenoatued, and rpi d; we herone &l assared ere can,' intleome. oar Mende and the public to aezoonitodatione eddal to any' 111 the city of . t'hiladelphoa, NW MIDGES, JNO 111Fler. GALT 11001111 . . Corner Wats and Steak sea, Otnellssatli x* IN eatabliehment n now In the beat Older tor the reeeption of the Traveling Pabl4e. Ravin/ iswier me • thorough repair,dares the pas winter, and having the mos experienced men in the wen; :m. the aerie. department., I-aster myself - taut all *ill be p lewd who call. The Ideation le central.contmodiona nnd pleaeant Fare al per dat. Cineinnati,March 12,X*17. W E Ft • N. LL—Altboosil not exaotly a new DIVOIII, it to the antes—• new Whitton the old handle. aped IiEADISCITH TUL, MADISON, INDIANA. , THEP . % rietor glnllong established boutie r respeet• . fultyo vs his sermarme the citizens of Pittsburgh, nag will ntert himself to vender contionattle all who an, favor him with theft company. This po int which has long been favorite one with the Prov ision De•lers Pturbont h, will, the Coming moron, present a lamer Seld for their operaliOng Man letstoftnet: from the - completion of the Rail. Song to' Indisnagolis,3llmtles fortheranto the hog raisire menu 0 I? FITZHUGH, propnew, Ttiaoctraloicrowi GAT;T HOUSE, Louisville, Hy. - A IDS TII ROUSH° LT ON begs to neganint his .C3_ friend. that he is again lessee of the GALT 110 USE, Loniaville, liy.,where he hopes to meet all his old friends, naming them nag the publiertiunno elforishall he *pared to make slicomfortablesrho favor lam with their patronage. intittrlts _„ AME Oppodie the Rail.: Rood Depot, Pratt rt., Ball. IIIEIFILY X. e.I I IITIFIr Proprietor: LAIG of die Exchange stud tit: Cho Ice . o,tele, rinan's . MEDICAL. TOOTU Pes ♦ !Bottom 2,01111.11 M. • . IPUE best article known for cleaning and whitening . .1. the Teeth, strengthening the gums, sweetening the breath. ke. It should be used every night urith 'a mid broth, and the teatime! mouth Willouly require wasbinu ta the taunt*. Wet the brush with wane water. 'or cold will answer, and rub it • few noses on the pmts. when enough will adhere for e.mning the' It leaves • delierous taste in the mouthiand.un parts tamest delightfat fragrance to the breath: !Isaiah' isorivalled AS It pleasant, efficacious, convenient, and bale dentrifice. II Is warranted not to neJuen the booth, butte preservethem. fly ettog it regularly, it will remove the tatter and „prevent al% accumulanin--prevent the toothache Strengthen the gums, and prevent all dimases .of tuem Cheuritts, phyouclans, and the clergy recommend it a deeidcflly superiar to every thing of the kind to um.— ' Ask for Shennan'a Compound Orris Tooth Paste, mid ohm nic his signature is attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle, 351 Broadway. one of our hest Dentists, and by matt of the Old estabb4liad Ones in the United States, and ever ateasivei.plased by the Nobility of England and Flat ea ' A lone proponron of the disease. I bailable: manYind arise from wane derangement of the stomacher bowels. whicha timely use of the Cada Ale Loseugee entirely obviate. Persons of bttMus habits should al ways have a bee at• hand, and take. a dose whenever they fool the least derangement in their health. A i.di• cioau rise of these Loacregm world prevent thousands of cues. Fbraala at WM. JACKSON'S, comer of Wood and Llbany sta d.ett LADIES Who Use Common Prepand Chalk, am onto not aware how (minted) mono. 't is to the skin! how cearse, how rough, how sallow, hallow, and unhealthy th e vldtrappeam ader using prepared chalk! Desidea, it Is injurious, comma:llg alarge qualm City or lead. •Wahaveprepared a benouful vegetable uncle . ; which We call JONEgiN. "SPANISH LILY , .WHITE It is perfectly innocent, heingporiged of all deleterious glmitues; and it imparts to the skin a nate cal, healthy, .alabaMer, clear, lestag .whne, alike same time acdng a. a .conneun on the skin, making neon and. smooth. • LOX lames Anderson, Procnell ,Chemist of Mama 'efunetw. says: t'After analysing Jonett'a Spanish Lilli White, I find it pomesses the lams beautiful and natu ral, at We same time innocent whim I over sow. certainly can mansmanuously recommend its use Watt whose akin requires bmtunfy 6,n•Pries.22 cents a box. I , Sold by WhI.JACILSOI2, at his Irnet and Shoe Store, FD Wherry street, head of Wood, at the sign of the Starless. • /22 • Ladles, ladies, Pan astonished, • When you know that yoo are promised A intent, life-Ike, snowy white, 4 l h n'al:l.L . gi r "y7ifoirir fi g hlk; • The theme of laughter sod of talk. If you would use a hex of 303103 Lilly-achtle, it Would Ore your skin an •labaater yet litillitat white. and at the Mete slime clear and 'more. Is Sold at JACKSON'S, IS ltibeny st. Soon 23 cents per boX.. • or/S Commaptlves Consolation. Lines sickness weigh upon your hears! • Or pains afflict your breast? Try Dr. thearsgrer An, And it wsll gsve you rect. It elean away the minty cloud Disease spreads o'er the soul. And whiepers through the gloomy almond s "Year health may yet be whole." See yonder rose of lovely bee! Via wnbering with decay It scarcely wps the monolog dew, Before It fades away. • . . The Worm of Death was in the stern, "4 - . And strengthened U it grew—. • And when it bloomed, isilovely genaj It nipped through and through. , That Norm of Death might be defied; If Dr. Donut' arkurere trod; - - And many lovely dionsehmoved Che fete of an untimely grave. 0/I•DR.DUNCApI'S.WEISPLICa (OFFICE, bba IDO Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio; where Ms valuable modicum is sold. , • &ad Sn Pittsbargia, LyWAI. JACKSON. conic, of Wood and Liberty au aplYnkw? R..LFJ OVA SARSAPA RILL/191TO VEOP.PA '.LP ME BLOOD PILLS. are the alert and mom tack. of any other pills that lie made. became 'Pithy are warranted free from , mercury, minerals, or airy other substance whatever that can be the least haa (lOUS or dulAerous. They are the Mtly pilli known to contain Sarsaparilla In dam, and Which is combined with other vegetable attracts. . - - , _ . They pone., the coinblned• elect. of purging and elemmtng the stontash and bowel.ipurifying the blood and dukta of the wholasystem. • . nay eau be taken at all time. and under ell elm= stances, by youngoted old male and. female, without Interfering with other medicines that mayriume been Olsen. . , , • , . , They tan Ns taken 'without any change of habits °rot hying, Ind viithoot any 'catmint (tool occupation of antalemployment. Tim can be taken without anyi fear. of taking cold darns excumere to all kinds of %talker or getups wet. Royale by IS A FAIIN gsrucg & co, cur Forst and Wood, and cor Wood and Oth sic' • mil YOU PUBlLLANliiiiiiis BCOUNDAML I lirrutZw"r<,;NatA%`niittilLyl7, at your own, pitted with e raj; Ilona and blotches! Vet you t ate too mean . to Tarn , ally cents for a cake of tho real Italian Melaka I Strap which would tamely free you how them, lad make your ye_llow Oda clear arid healthy. Go armor. tolachater . 1440ri, lobeely at. Plltabargh,and get! cake. . , e N U Jukson% lathe only place in Pittsburgh where OIioOENUINEi. to bo obtamed: &Tim a( Counter. Salt& • O ~. ' • " , tyruttEßYFlike Uhrtoot telanaa to th‘ door Way E1 e1C . 1 4 1 % , 4 l ft tZT Ipo o , Math'fiooebe IV**tk re.. Cu rpo liatetair j _tira r6 tt aX vo l ir ' Sold dlnction.. , = ft ... 4:: ArIid,W I AIJACICSON,E9Libetty street,head. ridli D 0.4 fa Roos isora. eigs . o4tßlg• INK: SP,ORATkiN UICLIANCIL PORTABLE BOAT LlOl/4" • ,J 847:; •114#10140r-ORTINts un g .kWEEN PrrTSBURGH 'AND THE EASTERN' .01010, TV 17 HOUT, 'SPCA frill lefo ooo. ./pliE improved AeRW of carrying used 1. thio tqu EstabisheittLuse, is new to well known thot de, ,soritttion larineccatialy.. Goods are not mastodon the dome, thus all transhipment meats hand:log.la saved. Tbo Boats are of tights:ll-aught 84d NW.. th.nrir. ♦ in from eig to scornylay_. The capacity of oar warehouses enaldea no to store any conognomins made loon. Receiving; Moribg,•and rifivmteenhee of charges. Doing fully prepared to make sales of Poydnce, we respeconlly solicit Lonsignments of western Floor, B ooo n,L ot odr o goy,cbgesit, Wool,Fenthert, and Other articles for sale, on which libera l , advances will be Madeand other usual (hellions. Ifordad, pledging our ' *ethos that any bottoms enuosted to us Atoll be air other romp h outly, se. executed and npoo as fair tetr• JNO Nei ADDLN&Coa at by any o • Canal Basin. Ihusborgh MS hi DAVIS,t Co r •- Mahlbf , . .MI aaMlllkt hlarket at, AIWA: , P.ITTSBURGII dPORTABLEI B. LINE. maim , 1847;a.gonti - - 1144LibLZIgleCretraVZI'lra . nstilipPotrobts - Onh the wag, - and the cot/Sequent risk pfdelay, damage, bruakage and separation of,gooda , , PPrroopp•, 00RO IDOE fi CASK • , . No 210. Mart el street: Philadelphta..- • TAAFFE &O'CONNOR 4 'Gar rum and Wayne sts, Pim/matt • OTONNCiR A Cis, North street; Ilsatimo. !Arent.. &J T T.APSCXITT, 7.5 South st, N. Y. Vaeouniged by . increased baldness the.Prontietord bane added to their stock" and extended their *Range mental:luring the winter, and are eta prepared 10 rag wird freigut with mutant)/ and dispatch nasittpaysed thany•other line. Their long experience nearness; plpa superiority of the Minable. Coat- System, and the peat capacity. and sot/yen/cues tithe IMO. houses at each ead of the lino, are peculiarly calcula ted loanable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements. and lecornmatate their custosneno--conailendy Wrenn hdpast ar a guaranty for the fatale they gespecifelly Solicit a conunuanee of that painfuoge arbietithei now grazelidly acknowiedge. • • • • • , All conaigments to Tad& & O'Connar bgree'd and forwarded. !Steamboat. charges paid and- Bills of Lading transmitted free o ne i4.l4E fracocamitsoni• advancing or garage. flaying no interest directly or indirectly in steacaboato, he interest ot the consignor. must neeestertly, be their priusary OVA'. Arl snipping west. and they pledge theme/a.; to foraiard al/ goods eonsigned to there promptly and on the molt advents- . March 1.1647 =1847• PENNSYLVANIA OAXAL AIHAILNEAD • EXPRESS FABTTACKET• by J - PITTSBURGB To rIBLABA. B/ ro airs BALTIMORE. ' Mertwintelyfer`-Parsexesea • - • public are ,respectfolly/tll.l7oth lOW was taw Twill easareenee running on or about the iirna jaunt, and dui.oe throughout the et.nton: , Thu - preinetats horn noveglneed a superior elan of Poulain - arm hall. mad Can on the route, with extra: neerniamorianana t Which will give grateliongort to leantsra A Parket Boat will always be•to pws, arts tia eliag public are renowned to earl ad FX•I•ASIC,..6II, previaus to engaging pots.° elsewhere • ' • .I.o . Fthlt}: N NE DOLL.Atum ! (inept } the Packets will lea., the burinag,tosisanne the BOtled net.. Hmel,l corner Pea. Meet - a - WA the Coast, every nigh nth o'clock. :•- • TIME 31 DAVI.. • . • Far' information apply at the ranee,eannanganel r. line, Water street, or ay • • - LlP , LkaMitteb • ase4l3 ear Penn garret IMO canal TO TUX PUBL_IIOs rp It Boaimen's Boilable Best Bompoey 11/Medial the Company again Teatime ninnies of Lb partnership under the name of the "Boatmen's Line,. and likewise agreed' if refit the black FO as to have a trumtvir of Boots far the porpose of carrying goods through in from sig — tiv eight days, with eeneinlyirsind (eel eine“raged by the Initially of buil year'. boffin' age; to make more eitellll.e err.gements It,: the woe ye.. We would therefore respecifolly solicit a minium oiled of oar forme r he end Teleran aim einineers to them we have done her ness for. • igulak 1847 MlN§ga, DOATRIANaII For the tranapottauon of , 'ALL 111611011.OLOST, TO APO [ROM ITOLOOKIJOIL, DiaTIMONE, Naar YOU, MID BOSOM SAMUEL WIGHTMAN &Co, . ' Corner Many street nod Canal Blum,. Pittsbarah.. , AIEVERHART& Co, No XS Ma'am meet, Philadelphia, ELDER, (ALSTON & Agents, • PITTSitTRCH—Jas. &leen*, Geo. Morgan & Co. 'W BeCtilik,& Co, B A Bampunl&Co,'M Allen&Co. PIMA DELPHI A—Morrio ratterron & Lb; Reynolds McFarlandACo, Flammg . tßoeby, Peter Wright& "' N ' VWViLI..-raicitu b e A Co, Theo. Perry a '• .130STON—Reed;Bord &Go.; g"•• r '• ' • CINCII,IIIATI—A4ams k.Cr' ugly :W W . :Scuba PLEAHANT,.VA- 7 P A Madder. .• . - NdSIIVILLF t' Pleasing. Norc—All merchandise from Neo.Yark and 80%1013, consigned us AI. tiethart & PAiladelphis, will be promptly . for:rarded i rris of Commission- fet43 INDEPENDENT PORTAiItE . . • ' • - 1 8 4 Dit THE ANSPORTAtION'Eto PRODUCE ANDMERCIIANDISF. TO AND FROM rrrrs • - BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIAIORE. - Without TranatilytheOL-13 . ...Hoods cooalgoed•wooreare will forwarded with. out delay, at the lowett torrent a,e.. Billo-of Lading .Orlormined, and alt otsuwetiontoytrosoptly attended to, (KC from any extra charge for stOrnito or eacommatort. Address, orapply to C A AICAN [MTV &Cot . Canal Botha, Piltaburgh ~ling a veryage and comehodions ware/nse; wa am prepared to monies fin addition to height. for shipment), large aMOStilt sof Produce, Ice ... Storage as low rates.. (mare] ' C. kleAli LILTV Co " PICHAVOILTII L AIR .20 4 . I 8 4 7 • • ligkeEik m 1, crier er mershrghandu.. llnlhanYtlnle e triter Pe all niell m ldte;dacs, One Do will lustre the warehouse of C A Me/Snotty k Co., Plusburgh, every day, [except thouSrulays.] and shlppermin alwaysitcpend o n Imams goods for. watdedwrittiont delay nod at Mk rates. This Line was formed for the special aecoinnio,dinion of the way business, and the proprietors respectfully solieit• liberal share of panonage. JOHN PICKWORT/I riao ' JOUN MILLER DAN'I. BARNES RODEXT WOODS _ . • - - „ .. . • WILLIALI FULTY._ _ . • lows sIILLER, lloinanisbnrgh i It It CANAN, Johnstown Agents. C A AIeANULTV & Co;' Pittsburgh REIGftEXCLC • ' - . . J JMerin, Jahr, Parker, Robert Moore, llagaley .4. Pinahnrch. mare.: LAME Milk; AND MICIIIGIII LINE. Liza 2 ISi? Maid T." 01,1" gi'lllP:l72l(l),Bl=l:tilthilrfgT and Beaver, and Height and pothengot Cum! Bouts, tanning between Ileuverand Fele and connrell ~nevetth C !lard'. Lino of rathuninsal Propellors ithd Wesel* on the Lake., will be pet pan LI upon the esthltem open tog of &mei/pup° in °arty Frothhi and PaSaengefs to all points on ihn Hirer, Caul and Lathon Ilavnth every faellny tor conveying treight and pals sense. arab moneptness and thq,alth pthiniclor and tonna respectfully. eolith limn thou frionda and he pullle. generally thew paths:lnge. C Al RECO Eno, Propnothr HIKED* & Co, Flea ver, AO, JOHN A CAUGIICY. Puthbfgh COL FlllithfislJ and Wutet ath.oppante the Monona a galteln House. TZTret TO • Whecfm,Crocker & Coi Newyork Goo Nava, Ilad r ato N Packs & Co, Clc veland J. A Annstiong A. Co. GrPOil MCClllre A William, 5111vrauk.a Ilrinol &Pone... Cheap kVm Powers, Pocretaumo, Peace ,Gco Mactudinyce.E..burgb, Peon John 111•Anhar, ifiudsloacc, do Wick & Ack.,Grocuville, do Crud & Fraiiipton, Crarksville. do Ilaya A Plumb. Sharrabarah, Pa. W C M. .do w Cunninal.a.N ' eaLOndc. qo . - macs PIrI . I3BUIMH & CLEVFLAND LINR. jai, 1846.: N. K. Hoops. • ,- 11 A cbmond /E4,l:b;'- CLARKE & forwArding Oes•Aalosies Ilarektauts BF-AVER. PA. TilaUlyArn" 66 todtto g i :l i fAt IV o rllt i e n 1 1. m... 41 ;514 earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop ,eny at Pittsburgh and Heaver, and deliver the ate at any point on the Ohio tonal., and also on Lakes Etie 'and Michigan, wink the greatest despatch and. ulnas. Onatile nttes. The of this line solicit td bottom of their fore customers with confidence, knowing that lair facilinea are second to none. ~apply to oraddress 0 51 BARTON, Agt,Pittabetglt— CLARKE & Co, Beaver. lati26 T RICHMOND & Cc. C antacid. WESTERN TRANSPORTATION 00. V' 1847. • , • . L.Emon•i.G OBS. . :: OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LLNE, BETWEEN PITpSDJRCIII. PRILADELPHIA; RA LTISIORE AND NEW YORK. THE• .ettick of dna line coning?, of a doable daily. Lino. or POor. and Care, (owned by tbenowlves,j which arg in good order. The aubronbcre are msg.. red "to forward a large qOantilr of Mofell.dM6 Produce With conalnty and &splash; • Produce or Merchandise cone/pied to an, no we ttew designed, is forwardeol free ol Any chop: for commis. Rion or snoop. ' . . llillaLitb iranamined and all inaleneoona prompUy tended to. The Wilton •of this' Linn is Conducted onliinlitly Sabhathikeeplng principles,' 'Address,' or 'apply to • D LF.t.:Clllt Co. Propiieters. Canal Rusin, Pittsburgh fIARwIR & LEECH, Proprietors, I No 13 South Third meet. Phil ade . • . JOS. TAYLOR & SONS. Agent.. , 1 Noll 4 North !lowan! Street, Baltimore • • D'Art% treble. No 7 Wein street. New York .us,tv-oku,..tveunior CLEVELAND LINE-91 , CANAL.PACKETS AND STAGES. 1847. ft.•'-dlialdi CAB A PACK C'M TELE , & tSIVALLO F"agtolilreeeted..,ll,.r.a•va'e NOit.tsirarrgth, -and arrive - .st Warren next morning in season for the .4 o Namur which reach Cie retrind before night. esssengers will be receipielithrrughiseettringhitighs n this Patkets, and sem& In the-Nye, on yptleation -an 'board steamboat nearer. (lemony Prusburgh at 9 II M lIARTON & tfaii, Pittsburgh -CLARKE&Ib, Deaver .JENt-iMasi LDWIIf, Youngsters.* Syuren • LEECH a.1:101% ., • Pi.ket•lirAltriodo 4 Phltadolvtda. 1 . 1/ E ,L7l. h reh,rr..?tz; th t 4 , • tot toe.catrtegaloott(lthothle psektotoo tottroltaioltsi 460114 boat , moo; leorehT, a c loottorilnettineo Tkorodayi Misch 18. . • ‘. ftnetrinarill bedtockthtd :4117 4111 , .; • tiAIi,SPOkTATION -mEg: WROiMiESG;M •• The neW and volendid steamer .agsysp., - • : CaPt Clttled'a Galls enninirneas her regular trips thin. Any; leavlee Pas _fitirgt, a p o'clock. A'a. util Braver UP o'eloet; DI.,- roratenting with Pittibaiith and Cleveland Line of Cad nal Sou. d n a, apeeland,,O4 Heaver. Warren and Cleveland . Line h( Canal. Packets and tea gc ,Conota daily to Warren and Clevelina;. Canal Packet LatiniCuti Neva Caadonnd Gteenvillo..Pa; ErieGatension Lino to Aleadville' and, Erie: 'Neil, ?doom k Cols - Lines of loge Coaches toi - Clevelandavid Wooster. - lene & . r. duly oa the wheal olineanationt W.Va. floe PateburgA Apply In G 111 GARTON& Co; Pittabtigh. ono . !CLARKE k Co, Deaver ' ' •• ENRON Id3El filtiffi 1847, 6r un ie OP TAG OPPIPPYLOAWIP PPD 'OHIO OAIIPALP" BEIWEEN PITTSBDRGII AND CLEVELANA - . EBV PARKS &Co, Cleveland, O. I, , r -a , Ra PARKS. Beaver, P. Proprieto:2 , W T hlATllEß,.Piusborgh,Pa. TIIE above Lftso Dow,fialky prepared in Rampart, Freight and Pasaingera from Pittsburgh andElece• hind, so any plot on the Peaney£eaoaZ Ohio aodpitso The ficilitieiot said Line ore Bateau/ailed by any sia said Cunala, in numbers and eaparsty of Boats, etre , ti,... of Caplan* and prompsneasaf Agennynte.., 1, • Una Boat 1e... Pntehargh and aavaland dub, ran. Man m connection with she Swansers„ , Michigan awl - Lake Erse, between Innolnir aba D eaver, and a Lincofinat eau Steanaboatt, Propel. Icra, Beg. and nelponen, on Lakea ,Esia l , ninon, Pt elogart and Ontario Property fonrarded to as, parlor the UPIOII despatch. E N PARKS k ARM t REED PARRS & Ca,-Beaver,Asta ' W 'l' MATHER, Pittsbatgh /ASV, • ap•N Co, Wale', and Smishneid ~PIT TO OLICTICLAKID via. WARS/131G 1847. . . THROUGH /N SfhSOURS. t DACKET Omits Swallow mad Tile/mph !can. 8. , ve r at 3 o'clock r. x., after Me arrival Ofihe, morning Boat lam Pittsburgh, and anted m Warren fru time fur the Mall Line oil Stages, which leave Immegil. ately thereafter. and antic at Cleveland at 3o'clock; r.' Thls route fathe tram expeditious:and coorOntaldel one to the Lakes. ' - COTE,K ALEFT_INGWELL. Wanls4.l4,Pea - ...REED,PAlLliki*Co,,Beaver,Agenti , JOHN A CAlWlll3Y.,corner Water and Smith/0d eta' ape] y OpplotHe lie llcilunPhola Ihmair:PdhanirSh PITTS ROIL AND 0II.1131Nlill.L• .1847 • PA.CKET aND FREIGHT LINE.• Linogonvistiogrof ire imd pawns/cc *set; 4 4mg lip anwo. be neon Beam and Oreencille, es,. 'by which-freight and paat scare herrn. them, poi verllbt earned prtamilv • WICK*. ARCHER, 4'l . cm:trifle, Acts,. CRAW & PRAIIPTON, din,. • 111cAILLAKIDA NINO, Dig Bend, do; HAYS & PLUMB, Sher/ohm/h. dea W C MALAN. Sharon; . - .;sm ' WK. AI ATUEVITS, Palace, . /0; , RECO, teams a Co, Beaver. do; JOHN; A CAUI3IISY, earner Water and Sontlibeklats„ •P‘ir •• • to tlm Norettgalle's !tonic; Plitsbd pmzippi poRTA4LIF.Aw.,T.An A . UMW 1547. MESS rop:TLIC,TRIMIToRTAIV/01 , 10/ ' ALLKINDs OF BIERCHANDMIL TO AND plm! • Platlmislpkila,Bolitsmeto, Mew York and HostOiL, • . ~/1111FIE eacouragemnist We hap receisad 'late _A its commencement, bas Induced the proprie 'tom to iucrease the stock by - lidding a number 01 fir chiliaboatafand instead ofgiving reeMpttras - herito fore am agent., we will ipso our own receipti ler freight :hipped by this hoe. he butte ore all portable, conseittediSeight is taken, the whole datum* without ttimehliment. thereby preventing damage from Irequenthamiling on the reute; and as • each bent Is owned - h r tb o , Captain who runs diem, which is a mincient guarr. Inlet, that there will be mrdelay ontaitiroute ' Ali Produce or blerchandite consigned to the . uodenigc*l -VW ,be forwarded FREE - OF 'COM.. MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will he shipped without delay et the:l6watt 'rates' or freight. We respectfully iolicit a shinsol public palm nage. • WALLINGFORD & Co., Canal Basis, Pittabargla CRAIG; ELLAS & Co_ Agti Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER, Agent . Bowley's Wharf, 134tmore.' - Pittsburgh:Feb.lB,lBM, ' • ' ' • *- AZD 184 W • 47 • , TO THRIIST' BY 110BONGIIIELA, : ROUT); VIA DROWNSVILI,EI CVAIWKEILAND . : lIE audersigrad Are posetpreptred m tonna pro. J. •doee, Ae., to the Ewern klirkets doling the. pew, tug Winter,'o4 the most favorable term(, by thii ape! 'dittoes route. ;. , • All pmpertt rett ped to usterill be 6prwanled lathe lowert rater end vela, despatch. .glerehtoultre reeeteed .by rout route promptly Pm warded. C Ash Proroorp. OIV CASS, Brownsville. turt2i E EGERTON Co,Cemberfaitd 184 E. - .. • TO THE EAST PIT ' IIALTDIOII.Z AZD ' 0 II LO y P , pi • Trel lberi ' fools delisa' of . dualtaltitooge by lb. hionnagabela 1 51inkaraier at the killowing pnies.-- • r - • Ashes, atono”,,Lesd. Lard, Pork,' •Telliew,' Whiskey, • •.• e, and Glass—En ets perloo lbs. Tabs ces,lTiotp, Ma and W)... - e4 et. Pee UN*. Ashes, (Pot) Apples, Cheese, Flax-Seed, lulus, and Leather-106 eta per 100 lbs. Oila Pkia42keds, Wool,-.110 stiperloo lbs. Ekeiterza.FeathersfVers, Ginseng, and Snake-Wain ••• • . All pnwesiy equngned to rubes of the undersigned will be forwerded.whhout • delay free of Counnissuns, at abase ono. ;W U C ,_- .lIANNAA WATEADAN,Pnotharsh. or2Pdtf. JIIIHEAM 6 I CHEMICAL-Wall TIM 0 11 Ilf LIILO.-lo edi,tylh. phi of the plolie far this cuticle,. it is but right and proptr that ihisowilsow which the dant Arian:an is Wed Mich be folly wad Sir set Loh end slo e ease tees ging Out Ikea.; =laity will not be homed npots by tieing it • • ' In the Oro Owe it k wig b. that the genetality of, black o lnket , are composed of • precpitate, held together uguni Arabic andlobs. the wales...Other in whole or plarl is evaporated the gat rand precipitate are 101 to • paalymert in the pea or ialtstaad which catiaini it Ais also common to add stinger to the , let =man to midi. it toore,fitili • which Lucre..e the evil by Wing oet the poi if • steel ewe, corroding it Omagh in • very sheet Owe. Now Ow,: Wri ting blind^ Aden Owe these willows in eery hake, Ls oto • elle - Akai eout requiring. viichltnatur bhold it itigether,thmAre wilocrer get thick, old being my PAO • tame quatitity flows (tics apes intim given spree reoetrs, tin. deeper/ma the of or the Lr Wing • snore prem._ sent elart and ow Ire may oaw*by at ri um Um if il try eal plaalreed eel the mime. It el. coowinetatiettlar that has an admit, Ger meek' ism , therefore will nix corrode steel prns—it wif ant twou:d. and aUhoogh it writes of bluith green bike yolk • Ow Matti it becomes • deep blot ett wal endure for wow It it warranted superior lo the /wean &rile • known by the maw of .Aracd's Welthig. Fluid," and ow-third wore giren Or: the poke.A. I gulnuacr Robin imposition of •ny hood being attembpta the Lllowing reconesseedatioso whi aufEce, as - 4/1 Word be error, that the name. there given eoted not have been OA. ta tad by Loy waits feu onworthy porpowt. • n. ......a 4 1•Iitai.V.Claokal Writing-Flails lit We patronage of die pablie,eaalirst rata ankle tat all rear. pects;it Mon live front lie pen without digging it up mat in die move of a ale hoto....wma Witotit briltt Hark.., , B A &swain Pie, Wick a ffi .- ' Bolted Moon: . • Jobe Parker WalLippincott It Son 8 Wightual /V Cec . • Blegitertranak Douglas Franc., Kellen ' . Bob t B WWI, Bcoltp't C A PdeAnalty . B., Co. !Raga Rollin Milby An/ .91,08/L r Tho. X HOmr--Par Sir r r ban been esias !oar Chenie4 Writln Flaik'inidted'it)a Ira raw aft6tfm , the office it dam freely from ele . prifi4.l.omesjatimk. T 11 TUTTLE Bout-beac o.... : far ilimeeng & , . - Pittsburgh, nog ilot, Mo T K Ilibberl.-Dear Sin Hortarpoiroool• ton% of lour Writing Fluid, 1 , 061* three nooks ono. I amides-. it tol , .Ir ., 7 l toLif w, o t ooporioroF.rooldl' org i nz i orink ninf in - WIA.I.L'at STEWART Book-tropof '' • .4 0.7 kir Aoilkor /Viellolios Co PitistOniq flort-11 Mr T K Ililil.ni—Dcor frc lam usyg yore aieal Writing Fluid, and lind it toloe a mot mofient •lo for lOW pro., as it does oaf plilio Am morility of win-I:ink, it Sows fres uknwoeci .do, lilsc 3 / 4 in a few hours. .....)Pri , ''' , '"` U .Y. - WILiiiiiCKKK - 14/kaala . " baePal , , • . •-• bre.Jaba Parker. Prepared awl wad Mihrabwala Retail byllphawo K II iblat Dnaggist ad. Clioadst,' comer of Liberty as& flauitharld !Strata. Prttabwe y w Octibula DR. INOOLDSS 'Specifw, au internal rem certain ad marl ma, *halter wand, alum bleeding al., for buitadeci ado kidarp sad blad der, paw u tb• back wad . aide, habitual costireacar, snip. Saw, . Fraud as s hetn awl ear amallainsal aro ortew 7 twoubbal with constipation of tha lords or mahatmas as wall so lb.- pale. lowly me 4 oou lba Spacifwaaa be aakta "Apse fact lady, - wad'ls a certain realely. - ThalfireaiSe aotr: purgalies mad iIAIN eatirely.rwlabie earmealy, withoiti per. helc of rarabop, coloeyaceawaan—pkaaw a t to takes:lpr) fee* bander ha the mega &Seats www. , Tbh Ls in milt ll4lll;o7Di.tiiat.bgh ibbigprig.l to be • nerhia elm and wit ramip. lin* mt. to WM./ emery maegst. fsKsmians, hammier.. , firried and *WM MOP of the 'mhos. It mg. se otle 1 in net New Tort, b,ty, , • MAI I chombilly gm al yteslinhey,••_te.th• crisis and Woo, biting erects of Dr..••••11.11 1 / 4 Paw Sponfle,•• km,. At L 7,." °Ti=r ".74"dafri New York, May, ' • 314 listi gnat LA DILIP CHIT/TICATES New Yeti!,May, US& • Mr: Begs—Dete Sig—l ben Sy!' lanes!. 6, !!1; Snt your meatus*, Dr.Nighby. %NW. Fret eon theee. any nwee...* ....IP"N”7 .?ss that I bete bees swprinin n P.t , I possible be eon bee. .blowner,.l en saw teeny to !beast. igen es ben(' iMellibls. ma hedge. gll !glen who are et 'tined is gm Ilhe egnoee r bpaucva the ankh, esebey ' • '' • ' *" ""I " ens Tows wale neva. . • WOLOwneee N. 46,13.184.3. LW. deby—Den Sin—Tles! aft Ipm- e a.., soffernyos n 1 1 1 11111111,y g 1111.6110 the benefa I ban Jenne Cron tie andyoeseesbnbils ass • 6411F."'"'7 with InTsr=irset i lrf " &n7t; We ~dn 7 . 117, Long ono gbh rennin ' Weibel:it nese. * Sold lehgenle awl Won by WM. JACIIBpI Obi he en! MediefesWarebtene end lint sal /len i!ons 4116.te. I.hht7 dr..q .4' W°.t elTA .l4 .l l b "P n..•O mt. USE - sELLEits , UI'ULAII E Y B RYWIIEUI Gazinusk alai, 1817. Mr.; F . :finnan—Deal:kr-4 Pm*. rul o Nudes of tiatterVlreinalAgge.tne 151 4 e Moir san bpi. enhkea, abki broastre'does bee 114 ,woreihrnkfitut DM Reamatead It is WI or aced leviatunity-as pISE dike IlMedjai, ha, lad sarbr.L.taxwistr, Wied . bimpeet and th ma. Stitbypi.ci i ,ok vr.,4 Daci Qum AlicirtM ctiff, I•E MFDICAL DIU S IIB B.IILIIVS MEDICATED 40Zg31010 . ," END r0010,1AN.,/i),, DH. Htlli dircome. 1 • 1 , 1•7 in wale. tEelicili kkanuti•a 'hal eheldree !old Like it ree4:l 3 Tc... 4 te rr wee. ' Pee that hiaisetireatit areeell each hexed Lure gee, • ret of Tooth rate - m ths eacla Plaalcr, ie • . . • sinsithuirit,b4tu 7 . .; ' Thee Loirega ba th e afrsionot mama edy Samna, orgyememplioa, Whodidat ''O'vesfi evolkiamoof she Carom Moe, ele, el be proprietor ode!. am Mara where they de art pre pace • etiologic, &Weal thousand boor have been soil loge the helper, rederigio bealth power irt verost aro coo Ofecusamption,and aughbothip,Mder the mot distroathg , aids lad cough. "Noy SbOotclueli and dry up de ouch, hut andallawy, premeasgeasellai,allay We lie: ljag Plethal sod: remove tle pomade a. ecatiag cowl , .ey tulle from a coginative ore Mabolfiedd. .`PW loon Ueiii", ewd am., sod are mdoubtolly supreme o plaiat, Madras eels ha, dregs oforroaearegeo bees offenrd f their vin , !me, teethe. who lune beemered ecia m ear . and naiad togorfart heath byuslag them • ' . , Ware Sweets math pee ia the brig or Wile,me of Sloe' ates'd Md.% Nowth-deire only, 1S coma should be *mum aft* l•filboli 7 dridi .on; fill Mired. if goad *oh coottreaar y • -Incatholem ora lga, wad eiffeitharfic7 mediate. gait be and peasiou leip4rts ; 190*ff LOZENGES -; 7 1.71 e a fir" . % a4iou po s ed 000ecre . t: medeeroadedueoreeedifesy ileaseariser Gocaloact iad ovadmi long mil iateriarsofferog, eat eves death, with deadt theireem ben =award, gram persoa eay - olleo I wig them, md are Seethed for , eioas laid; withal my beak whey Oft doe of Were Losages wail • rg id" Plans.—Palar in 04 r arm 7- da="pickap, Ida g M th e lasse,graaZ:r lb. cm hlogiaglitgestobe,•gamiag emotional de westag, dm* .a of heirover vadthot Mae Wady. Zeit ail*ch, or shit ; • heerlothe; , ileatainem-crotics• tog, di'l.,k4 drodes t aiddea sags , halm, with fright and seairoug sometime* ce rtain congfi; foreritlaum,- hoe, fa, had the socithi - dffiladt breaddif- tea og„,, eg g !. or bomb, 6digue, muse; Neighbor., ttira; c ip. 4, • leanner.bloded atosemfim ^ 4. fil Pv'f, ',O, a woe of saw , ,Stirgousg in MO:eat; Warn dile mos coach bight, • Taped b..g, desire 10 =elelltirg Coo the bowels, ad. waw :L. SHERMAN'S CISI MO* LOZENGE*, • ' ' give hatedialo 7 rtliefg tondo or rick Leaselvo palpitatice ache lin,fisthers of We spirit., despodeacy '- addsoini a. pan owe Swat, Mal or mama corn plainVadtusg,' (enrage or • ma of sealing of de gee ellolie g dpeeiy of therloweeis or , bomb, hyiterical aidit nareude geese, drone.. ihrough My, mid waialidoess through the cighO ago, exa seare, diarrhea, Imitude or a wore of fatigue. Zee ons Malin or alandiag loge paities,eill Col tie Lam, gaireiS4 nowingoid icipatin thahouraacy of yogi rud . g.er direipetaarthet - wilinelonr the ere the's,oest atmt eaDhinil area ail the !al:please* sysoseeMoong b ..4 00. .the Cr. firing.; Persom. who hareetom bAxti lair dared WM, will Gad throL.Maige 'S 1.0011 *LAWS PLAATRIL-- 7 - • beestregitagot tamale the awe, echonn,~e, owl Ea. l om, ne gage. in Ifie laths side, tea diseeetherothoOgo, r . a.. • el ; pawed; eorsupply theesivad. , They reguia a kith ware... glom applamite, Warmed siiperior to aloha - a...ad' fie...Vatter the mai , price, makes od only the hoo t hat tha chapel • Pester in the world.- *Zeds alai ISe easidthe and drprgeis,' it .times he ode oat • iha •l!ecirtheiseet or starcar, end it .ill aSsedgref and swag- rehoL apegba, ago% diNeulty , •teogimensisloit 'of the eitOX pore, the *4l iso • 7 lodge sooth e Si re at aid .o Way th eidir:lt o i t.. a 4 • ' law s i ng "m *Mad ammo from ats . ,gf . truly suagthr IPtia V l" othe,,. PhP)".' Meg " ar; 'a be l l . teT:l4r . t?! ono la their %erg: I.67ani eimulere,theW,ll - . imedyne.. They ma we of entirely differed ; ma Obi any eget, rod 7 an Goes the experience Or talt tiara who a need Saa r es well io the anded trelinamet all the oilandad sad drhol clergy ad ' be the mot egad maimed Soa law.r Breral mop= kamt . thr yatr.bottia, 10 rep , ond tags, at Ihe alined grandirda email or; , • Diactioas Lebo , lir car ta bad areas 7 p/Gleo, ilk. • ;Corinne of Di; Shearer tame. It ii ineortant toe cad Morays ask Cr igermaa's Peor Nmh Warta, sa- tam Latin t e edi g :r i Parer " th .ii e ' ''' ow lLw7 rt tl•ltler ''' s,- ' by o.ld wholemalesad reel la IV. JACKSON at rani Mediae %tabours, No. gig Liberty-arra -sla, of th DIG BOOT. •-• pia id • My. • FOUND , PONI/DAIFtION'CLN HE CURED DY usixo DR DUNCAN'S EXPIMTORAPT REMEDY. 0, him= 7d;191:. _ Dom fair—This is to =Ply to the public, particamly to , 0 61/. d diteinhof Dm Loan= Commiptkon . • that is the Sprthrof 19131 woo athmlied with a am= mid "which moo bats= =dot Fp= my hoop, shomeac,rit the Topic= of cla approaching, Coustosiptioo. My cough was . tight and trinddemthe,ottiodod with impioui tight semis; , spit ap doily • musiderille qualify of blood, thimul dm* mitted. My ritual/on became man= atdoisim,.. o=4 this lima I was =aided by two of ous , imut ,riulfol ?hyoid.= they didalia bat they could= me:moter hnipiktheyletrio .op ell hopes a,18 ) , asmirmy,tokruilok ise'thatoriChiog talon, eiedd be dom—that my loop mom to. isl/7 Almond, oad beymod moody. twos Pith protided • friend s( milia le make a triad or Dr, 'ThiclesiesSrporm rest Randy; a6l. leirhyaicians pgniand miurisiespng that this esediriao woad do' to good, and haild all 'odd 610111 to my toreaiisi, I told them ij was my last and ouly bogo, and that if (moot die , of rim domain, (=kits.. eil deut to oie,).theie Lout ,CiociMiati Office 'mid obtained 5 bottles of 'hilt' , truly Val. Me Maki= nod commeed miag occomiluglo riot Urns, =ids, mo u nd of adding tomy suffeaso' intosediatelf n.n iiiii=bef, at obis imam; trouble...a!: Coog clading Om pia sad eighth= is my Cheri; pain Mt "911; dlioand driss*iohiottseris'embloilmiatialerehot opim This =Was =dm= its , podnoirk, =deb it *a ooldj cialained, tall Tnim =hi 1 hooith.obooo „ opooei,o; to my (opporda of 3 Jean) mit. feel as, healthy= I vinh. he= riecadiefidei'l Li. tiahra'S Es- , • leeticiat isam , dyib many =moms to those similarly aillielad nand it =I risoye pririodcluiceissd of foe I. I have =Messed Its Men. MY rioter ie.Yq thii ordivat ate."'"!t• Arkti.;.l,ll.4..Z.a.rigv, which .he . hid =feted with lea tame time, the has uearly , emun= set. by the amid thlizsedieiar, aod I as mad.= the 6 bottles that I =ale= am =day eatkely curt ber. !um agar • 'tab= that them an thimmods of valuable prim= partiog • with this toootrol aooo—c..oNsumrrlo:v: ' Wite it only ramble oe' thisidto' Prim= this =beim ia thie, hot.. it Im too lothosuij c...oright be prolonged cl od - their , roodo,oa . happy. This =die= mill gin =laid relief, utd.tme mom time .m. the hoodlad prinfol rio="telio tigtitheitid'awthi. th...Rok to the eakoldril god =aria= frame, end io ANDREW J, FELTF:R. • • Noolgootes7,llsatiltoo Cooety,Dbirh, • N. IL—Mom whom) , bet be acquainted with Ise I refer .to tba atttieropookcitioens'of Mootpeeery, liatailteet 0.• they enlist eet; time anlotratette the &bore oaten:hoe, Names Boolnotot.,: , • • Di- DuscaslixitriirsapreicE,Lso. suat, lame this whoibto Abotioitto cab show be s ateloorz SOW rDlAtoteleL by t wig,: )ACK23(.151; 31ei of 'Wahl aad Liberty • apaa-dkaa.• --,--÷- LGIPOIGTAtirt TO VillillADlßElin.Chisese Hair. Cream, a matestlem inure for the Clowth, aemny itad Rentoratlon of Me Hair. Timer. ii, when once ltooms.- will eapeniedd all other artielei of Mt' hind neer med. Where the Lair is dead, hornh.that, an. Muhl.? Or Meiling grey, a feel, - applicants. mitt tame the Lair-soft and dark, mid grim it obeamsfal liVely• appearacee; and milt alai make it retain an liridinrse and healthy mbr twice as land as all the prepantfionn which are geoerally awed. - Every lady and teetlemun who are in the !WM.( unmade an them kotr. *Mold 'Mouse parshose a honk of utto Mame IlairCnom, on it Mao composed that it wall not 'Mate the hair like the ether peeparatkina.linn win beautify itorad vire pen - eel sannfaellan la emery lenience. • , '.,- . , s Fur testimony lon e 'herd aspen,. healititi, nee ihe A %anomie letter how .Rostra: Rao. Mr. Caldwell. to Heide n ',t Stretch, Nashville, G,ne.al Admits Me tie 5 112 States: - - Le am the to,. ILCalliwel lousier of the Peri . bytemaiCettrel. Polasti. ( .hteists, Heoderebtin A. Stretch-Gentlemen: l a pleasarein silting my unlosooy in favor of Mil -. .e ' lent preparalltio ealkel /An .Paninli's Chittene -- 1 Cecilia-10r aboattso deem ago my hair was veryil . Will/. and dlslaMedlereatoomff bet having procure • bade at Ma shiniam, , aadosed it amen' oh to the pre . . E t?..,_,.1.7.1,0., gy is tatt. mill elastic and Gnu to the and ode were applied each lea. ' Masi . lair la a worm Gate than before.. This Cream yes, his Mellow ..Tp•etati... - - • Fis an settelifar the MOW, My mtk. given It peter. oes one ell others, beLndelieassly perfumed. mil tint dtsponed to maeldity. -TM. hales expicially mid find thh Chinese Cream so be • desideratum in their preys }maim for the tmles . Respectfully its, • - , • PalashVdtey.-7,1947..:. .-• I! cAturtyrLL J i ca=d7 l Na ;3 " littant i r:e i t. ' eti " nToe ' l l ,VlVr ' ' envier of .Wcod and Fifth, sts. . , • , Matt X AR'S A RIETt. I CAN VhfdligTAELIE - aboato ß n e E t• N y e O a VA p T r l e N vi G o u tn nu n- Wars&nomina;ll.l have.sfreedeugem lo) ff rMom Dyspepsia:andan r.' acid StemeeS. , I have mode me of Vet! alet) . Or martin° *Wont reccivier mmiriof 'tit n. 361. About Mice moths Mee I commenced noing' Mo. Rear's 'Medi...4 w4kb bas entirely relieved me •Ront acidity at tor vanstacp, sal roan& ma w tondor. - COM health. Several of swyfoiesolo - md &Newmann, 'hahe made snot MC Pillo,..end received noel. Imuefit fmiatU em. 1 con with conhdenco recommend _ • • JANSA , LEK= Ond-on .t .• Told. whoiesahs andretait, by It A FAIINESTOVR. & CO, COMM of Ist and Wood ant Wood and SttritO,- • .DOWDECII.V.D safts: Eau Iniba,lutrrsobredlind tab, by HNEIr A FA r F I I t V t. C k X ood 'ebrb i , ‘.,.• OITT.BBf.IaGH: , 43AZETTE; eizllus3reD nelrx,llttAve.rxtx , &WEEKLY ' ' As its gents, Bullaine, 3d ti, nes , iileititreit• ••', ' ' . skOr.s or'. anvlravrzsi Ara. `ere insertion pf lb liour.t. lees . . 30 50 . Teo. inwartiorm Witham alterations u 15 ' Three ".''<.... .'. .... 1 W Owe Week. " ' ' 150 ;r,,,„,; Week , ; ~ . "„.., ~..... .. ' ..:.'2 st) . . Three •," . • " .• -a ' '' 300 ' One Mon i th„, •2 ,!' Z.. • ... ' . "** 4 t 'Y Two • Throe ." .'•• ' i - . 'I 50 .117 Longer adverthiementa,te same .proportion. One agove.6 cdoidlotamiOdhr alletatloe,..••;lo-50 '''• :" , " 1.3 " -..- " '‘ .... 15 11/ ..., ' Ear.li additionaal vinare for elmonths,...4. One witire,fimioathaoredietiable at pleasure, 15 10 _,, .• ," "id .' 4 4 . . 4 .. •" —. 1).00 Bich additleall Ream forlY.Mentio;. - ... ,::: 111' 50' " Twongures,6 maths, tenable at pleuore; 301.11' Lich additional square, 6 meaths, • .8 Ott '. wi .ic .. on ,TILI•WIMILI Iir:DART Parini:" 1 '•One iguire.Thisertloni, St 50' ' .." • " each additional insertion - ' - .17" l . • . 11311r1ISI canna. • - " . . . 'nee lines or los, one, year, , 5 00, .--r. ~ sin =oaths,. • 5Au, ~ ~, l w •• • - ‘,. • eye year:daily dr. weekly, 10 00 ', ''l 1 . '1! . .."• • , sir. menthe." '....._ '‘ . . xe ''.. 411,211111ZIXIINTII. IS '/FIZILS4 - e .... ....• 4 7 ". • 1 . 41 r q#li ! ei, or Ittin, One inlet lion - rt.so •'• "r ' " ' - ' r iu % t ' ,... ..... ...... .. 03 :75 / .. . -•••••-‘‘ • Three months 150 ~ '-. 4, A ' 4 .. • 1313. - .' ~..!' . ..... .. 6.06 - • • 4 .4 . ,, ,*if , • : Twellpa.4., -, ; ,- .. .. . .10 00 - _ 17711 advertiammeata te be ehateatu 0,1 ,a 1 . 0 00; ... lied t ellswiestOfaileneeNt.iitbe/Iven w4ere_ths -,- m acre i t A* T in i AlCesagoltstspentei v ,. - .; -.C.1 tg..t..isurnam.puair. :1,., 4;.... ; .t, ma r l, 1 1'iyOsill i rjasialii, k . ...... . ......S6 00 , --- elf
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