, Il' 1 . w %sftor tom 10VT1111311X THUSIATe FO"no of Gloorgia, (L F) Mbar . follidnialisfonoo of tbs Mexican %Li oxtiacita :rotation to tin Wilmot • • ,:•intr iorer onnornor wigs is the war, a paesiieth of lamina albs Gays lathing Siam or the Vale:;- ttperafeloos grtheipler of the Wilavot Proviso Teeen. l'e Wl MlV4etra n t z t to e ' r ea 'os Itoreble u rer i rj: Woranet ierogestat to thriththilagatthil, aiiviiiiieuve of thug lithiothorable th Georgia at Da. of do MOB* m the rearnal.Comput,.shoald reeethe;aa I lissma aaa wi thole tb. tho c oiled , resonate. of every sew: , Erin Staiolof lute Mini 'might, 1411 f, lb. ~ . . II h • :~~ ;~ - {, ::~'.~ j 7 . _: C•` . ' •• ti • ' • • • • • NEM ~:1ni~~~:.. • • ,!, :. ,,-- .; , ..7c 1 . , : f :- - :•. - :_:?•'::...4 , , : .. ._.i,::: : ; j 1'. ! .: ,7 ; .,, .::..:J:.:1:rA , ,.,1,l .•''4•"!'::-:' , :' , .•.;! ., *. 4 • , ._ . 7,,":::A.i..: ! , 1• • -•... , ! ,- : - !• - :::',C4 4 , .!-:-•i.•'-,12-.;:',.1.7. , - Ad's.... ; . • , t:c ' ,%; i • J '''::', .f.: ~,,,• : it. ;‘'W-, ....464.:'J : •:, , ;t I. .. ,:.„,•:,,' ..::'.:-; ::44ti.i;441.-1",':4';':::..; ',.%-' ,:' c. j. ... ,:'' !,,,....k.tl 4,!•:::.4!t',...,;"... •-.l' 41,±':`;',•,;*,;.41:.x.5.'''''.."-,' '43,....i..,'''4'14,1;ti,1/44.1,.. -T. • •,,, ' ,;t.t.sv.•:,'4',':':',';‘T;il':i.,.,:t::l -hi• :,'.:z .s:•:'''. il , ..• • •• • ''';'"•'.. l 1.: ' . 44 : : Y: 1 1 1 : 514 'l - I 'i 7 r: lll r4V I % i)Ziili : ::i t.f-F,lii, \ 1:74 •:4 4 .:.;•:44: itr„. - - `A•. , i...l.is?ri , ' - i -,,,:: ....., A ,. .JA:' , ..111Q-; i.e.. nu 1 q1,A!.4- ,•• %.1.,! 531.... , 5: .: ..,, 2 .. ; • • i ~.%,- 4 , .... p'; ';=.• ..,.:::: 4 ):.• , 1;....q4.. •,' ~ • ' 4 . •••.. ,:.: 4.-!' .:, telt :3-..:4,..... -L.• !;:t-' : T -,,-.., -., t• +7l: 1.,•:, .• : , . 4 - 2 , :;11.' i i . 1 :..; ';, - '1",;:''; •• 14 - ' • - kki: " 4:1 0 :'; , r,1.-- . f_:: ..,... t ftl l4. t X,.' 7 .: * .'': t• 411 r ..' , ..,."4`: ‘ 1 •Y:V , Z . K . A 1i1i:.4 7, ':V. ,', ?: c,, ,; • • T : , t, ..,-, ( ~ .. 4 % V 1- '; ` , .;:l , ; 1 .3',..,„.!..1! . '`... '- i t t i`. ti•lf : 4-4'4 , t ; ' ttf r • :1.i.:, , ,'!.: t ,Iv, 4 . t,4 : :1,1",.. ' . 'e •clr,,i, A ,).;: trft 1 I tillAllti Ii * 4 ~ • , •,:. t r '4 4 ' . 41 . 1" 44. ( 4'4 4 4 til44. yva.. 471 -111117- .e.;4:ti• (-1,,i:: p"... ..,. ~ : n _. , • ; •„, i i,f_TV f;-.1 ' ••„4 ~.~t ... ~ ......1 f, ` y ' ~ + '~" ! , .tl' • ~PS~~~~ r ;'.;:' ~~„r~.t,~~-h,~``•'' , e , ~ r ~ w - ~ z ~~ ral ~- ? .._.:~.,.:~`.w.nu ~~n~.n. , ~ y ,~,a.,...q.~.T„!-.... ~...~-`,~"?,a? m n~.k^,`ra ' ~~jdc~ - ; -2 ? - zrir•saasrus stoats SONDAY.3SONNIN PITTSBURG CI, NO V 15, 1115"7 - - AZINta •firrisrseer - Maur Oiimsu pettlinhed morTr•Tri-Weekly, earl Weeity..—Tke 1N147 Seven .Detban per mama; the Tri-Weetlyla nye moms per peares; lte.t4eetlria Two WWI per saxes aviary Vas zrzuf Ginstleretal I'Dcsacaue Alas;' t i nill•srEinn,lmtpgair, iIOACT" • te-e 1 . ... ; aline ropristy, bore he sum lang4sgs in :.' tegeni to the idmiesion of T as a Slave Stow .Tha what. scheme from the ' mine end - . ..erro en irowarreiend lutioriel new. erus.... It arighiated with 800 moo, With the - avoied ' llesign ..of Wren th e Southern Mate!. and . * the experotitian _ the additional 4 tanker, acquired meld ewe • perpetuate' the In:Ml*lm of Slavery.. The ' auks& riut by ' '.... ths:hihneend Compromise was erect violated, 'and that wlthoaferwa a show of respect So Inch mom ~?. ` p 0201110,. tbrib the etteropt is now loads to re.. ~ carets its iapplicatke fOr anyterriemy which may ' - feweaftei Ili• - congested from Mexico.' Because the Pm. that.. resist this 'innovation, and if.. ' 2, to canna free into Slave sod.' —tweet, they dm . ilizie to be perdezipators, by . leeislative . aniehnetzt. in Ikeron.thli grist moral muss upon a neighbor: ' * WS cosatiy. ate - told that it is .a Federal - ...• riMuiwtirror Ado infedindde tx endetance,7 and - 'ildial I° 404030 t0bi0 to Georgia - that Georgians are invited to a!ronited reeleteue,"=or, in other ' Won* to Civil vier, if the Comore of thefts ' lion ventures to proclaim the stem. principle of .- ` -no wetwiertitory, unteu it be fro.". ' .. , ' - ',. . Shun upon him wis: - ghte et* ' such a threat, and upon him ' terto : if, Winters ahem,' to those whit ".." are . I troth_to be governed bY loch. ari co 4on iresii:2 ii take the Ucdon as It it,-and are wit. . - . •._ tight abide by it,nonwitlrotandingimnions ticrath' sin eueraschroeets. We take the Constitution as it *and ask its innavatow what authority tiny • .;* have for Sting this hightfal evil to ear Union— . Wo prompt the clanks of pornical, moral, axial and panopel right, end_ demand the warrant for. such' a edges upon the people of the fres States; . , end upanlthe'Sbevro themselves. Southern men ' . etnetj- oiled' *sew object to this pOl4llOll, t.',;'" chime try mean to tasks war ipso hoe men and free ishApies. .We elk, if more 'territory is to :. . an. ki:l Inthe Mien. only th at it shall be so got. slued Moil the greatest amount 'of biassing upon the many at large. Posteritjudght wall Siie:li*: papered milli-tar of high Heaven giblet hn.,....tiyrigi, guided by ell the rights .- - of ' , eivitin4ion - rohmtazily bequeathed . . a . wron g like.' thie upon them ,Southemit men 1 , tea 'rite ',rotatie :'the exhume a( elan anti. chrimi r 1: ! :Wirier - themselves, became* they say they Scrod it lime it le sod know of no pcactiodhe - ~. . , . . way of g lid Of it. Thei • blame the - origii• =tom of,, Melo tralßer-end rightly too. They - . ' shower daleindeir mum et times upon Old Eng ' -iinkantliNtrw Etertand too,lhra had stones, tar 7'l having, li cos form or anthem, planted, as it were this cone upon their own sent-wad yet WY are -..• . , reedy to do the 'my wake thlog.ro Mexico. eml ~ '.t - my .band s 'air When Nixtban men interpose and 1 , say "No." - In Kroh a contest, suitsJaing such '5l . 'opinkure, which shall we question. their hammy 'of, purpose, or than indifetence to wrote \ As fro such three& esthete hero the Loco Foal --, . chin:iota pirotg6, they saw not worth the ink ''. titied in iiiitirog Stem out. They are wreaked by t ' no, jog principle, and err worthy of no serious '.. ! ionsidwatlan. _ , -The Union will ' sarvitre all mach .. ', thrests, lad Me GananusNet palish es traitors at snob earre.ro ' Gowerreces; who use thrii oftecs to frightiebraid Min fraell itteir pec;prieiy. ,•. . • - " "WO as announond. • Ladington; 00 Sataihy; to a law dulicami of Mona Indiding may flow diatom Adana Ad unofficial dipy: as ats Wad ion oat', Ibiportit, imam teraisil tto .4, I* iaagraib; 'Gnaw. day io tha,Fast. • Kr: Clay dirsignipir to sp. paid Ida own mum tdtba Spina lobe impaled by , ibnadr., We bad ha* . to bean oat naday &mini. a afy of tb• speech, bat sty dia. appiitad In out astangsmaida. The Whip of the Vila 'abatis will be glad tobant tiat Heady Cing. 0, 4 'o . rdi Wiwi:strong ground mallidAb• Maximo War, as so Ermiutivi amwp . atimi,ead of its adios at • war *I mamma, but Gait ipat IXIII kip Wither, sad opposes thasw. actiaktow(.way' additional tentoty tha Mika. 'Afs andarstand him, be ht oproed to Wend= cdthis attL - As of ttawatepar mid talem‘h• Ile isturboy and the ateatiag matitaladow of tibia sod ;apace, may nowt that that z was Wat aiptamYrom Latimibm a bl ayhtiimiatt, Int WO': It was Somnadad „ , adamaptito rittikWita, (sod adt ditait'llittath five Chwils• wed to PhliadelphM sod itaw redg)Ai l o. • games of the Kona. - ilea a Wighebleatit tot *as . °proton, who-emitted thumb:rem with ~'that tool pnommur mod 'kill; Tbs Smack we bidhWa, mot Orbited laNaw 'Tick ott Son. a. NzieTiN • ~eutA,D tt remember—.lL The The iabrdkaaa.4i m so in 4 , -s ce!ppogi, • "ill .b. icood , Abe., , . vabit AO" gantio, W. iia4Sl* ?a4l. itat tied hl the but Woolto - the fa6laing-- vDepoetst•„„a 6Adti _ wood. m The anew Come the ' n Reed t , to snit al Ca e of mho( iteo for oodiy the pmEms- area,: fora nu t, ekartint a • , pinotairo6 Tbil W i n" in Pod thoe,'and wa emit Qua as Abe 1111111111ffl will to taken at on4i to attend tits Onto Ruzacuma—Ths Railroad from Cohn. -!; :isk, haefinally•biaa knead, and that ,Dirsetots . . *WI &wed go:smite aibilandniu,b.t.a • - The toad (toot Colombia to Lot don. will be piked ltomedhtely walk contrail a -: 1 . ! Th e Cissulend Gsta - ta Volambas is plaiting lot. wadtapidlj Within two yant,Chseirmati will, ;la all ail Folaldty' have two t Railroads to the lab, tanditating Cirmaktai and the oast; at ',Medway. Pittgargheni mot see by tithr that It k time tot - tikes to attend to their own later ...... Tor7.aaasr, haa DO WIIITIIM fans soy thing -; Whiols has eppeenel.in tha Gisatte foi eayiag i that "whim eowinitioa maim to say route far 10j=iilloaL, %haw Inlaid well tartar - - ' - had wasaanided ;the efforts of thaw . , . . lab* wank worthy of all, paha, hot the t z ?...._ , '...aid ag d o ii Nana we lawn rho man , to lek_ft :Im m o ailwata awl iabnitins) wont Heel& upon the beet roots. The 1441. 4014 imam wby we hawk not /lOW a H ail " from 1 liiiii‘ us b. gewanal Wale hag bean ao 1 aotteAt Mani shoat *swami Ent Wash ,`.. Tip Cancenerart - .Pszsalz — Tro; Moen . Vilowek lane lathed 'kola* pindanot 1 -.- ,Gai**4 Afiiia . 4 th.ir wit."( to la* . -. lvaitt.ikrAtio.ssietv wed- . MS . dandle. Warbliablia*Hidithe 'sas army and at". Ogylbat our Mitiiitc - didigolaw kalt .- pr' la ':. - i;Jsaiirsti,ThiPliastiO9**** sii4 .' mi „i” :45 0 .‘ 1 411 101 ° rm. . ~.. ~ r : Atisi - imitii*seWitibibdi9oPuipPgr'i 4611.4****5 , 6'14.,it1eci!!0: , r4.1 , . N i **.qiihr f oo******* pi tip ... - .i.A*il: I . ingteciiiil lo fri:'.. l , -1 .! "• : 11, - . ,*iii:Tii,e,:.;;;;.:.. - 4 - :;i45,, , , - ,:-. ...:.•-;:_,.. ''' .- ' , ..‘ . Y ,, ix - :',l,i----- ,, - :.• , :?, - !-n - .T 4* '-:,.,--?•:,-:,;•.‘,--:'-•,.,-,:-:....,,--.,_ : ..., _._ --- .-1:, , .:4,14::.-4', ,, 4;- , ;=-1;-#:,i=,..... , ,.,- A-4i1 T ..-4), , ',;.44-i-,..,,- , -, ~.....?„0,.. ,z., 4 ., ...,...,„ Scam RY.ldauv.—Priyits, hers 1 000 , Iby Weihfitiot4 4 ofoorao. . 66 eem" I &tem u tautly severe sidgenwat--' Lehi lobe Rosin had lino Solicited by the insr cm file thilleS:43 interpose: the Goreminect aid for the relief 'of the tnementile - community, and bating expreeed no hope of eneowaganint, or ndief through Govertunent interposition, there was OD in pervading. feeling of desperndency. The 44Iores were upon Wilt:cream when the Wash. Intact left. Among , the last named failures were the Liverpool Bankki Company,- Manchester /tank, and Newessai Bolen Bank for £700,000. °--41ery day,ore are teld,the mischief wee spend ; log. Mal wen mopped, ihousands thrown out of employ, and the total shim= of elf destining trade render the sale of to any extent alto. plot la Birminettern thousands of reechanies was , ' thr o wn out of employ, mid. the lerger estabhsh: ments:werialsett elesion their doers. The stile of 'Saint In Ireland are more depl Ale aunt when we had occasion to else a • went of the result • few ...days since. ißkod moo to hare beau= the order of the day, and igall• energies of thi - Governotent will be ne e stay to sapper the threatened tebelkith The Queen of-Spain boo been united "with husband,• at the atlicitstioo of Newt; and through the inteteentket of .Bartelli, the Papal Nuncio. The dismiss"! of Letukt was the , only cotillion exacted by the husband. The Reform ..agitation tontine .11/ France, while in Italy the Austrians ant declining tome. eats Ferrara. Negodetkes, however, continued Snitradand stood In imminent peril of Civil war, and Onear'wu also In eornorotion„ Nearly all Europe, indeed, appears to be upon theverge of war, cle,il or foreign. The Cholera bad crone within fifty Inputs of Moamar. It'Ves also et Bagdad, and one cue had occurred at Vienna. In the proilnoe of 'Ag itate°. In which there were 31,000 inhabitants. 6916 curie hid Deemed, end 3131 deaths.. Intelligence from Vienna restore that eked two bladlia pawns were precipitated Into the river i Ktuarins, among ethane were mini noblest' and as fu as can be. ascertaireed. fad) Wan Were The London °bona of October 24:routiuke as folkon; Tits exchanges itolll Amelia ere turning bout tame' as we lit week stated our belief that they would. The 'Peeled strived yesterday brings the exchanges at nine, which will send the "precious metals" bid to England. Ikon ham already been received during the week from'Europe. We wish we meld say that the importation of Coen bed In any Manial degeee demean& But seen in the list weak of which the accounts ham been made tip. lb. importatices into the whole of. the United Wokdam of .0 bade of Groin and Flour were no less thin to the Talus of bill million of pounds : This is at ilmt , cife of twenty. six millions a yea. end is In itself quits soffichnt to sicoent for any teseponry scarcity cd. eareary. . TRIAL OP COL. WRIBMOST' This ems gontianas to sadist moth lutanist The assaibets the toad ars intallsetad zed imposing in their, apieuines as DWI and alms. KoltnY. the ;hist idtheiina the . portal the prosaiation, sad dal highest commissioned odkas pissant,is driailisd ss aanaamdiag in his dippoinnant as an cfaettriad as a postkassa. H. ia• cool, etantaista and slf poossasd,. sod sums fully conseisdiof lb. sasinaribifity of do pod. tion hs hot rimme d. C " ol. Fnanont. the wand, has n ,youttial lookhig Sppl111•110 . 4 • spars meg of dark soar. *idols, block. heir, ken thin nos sod keen deb SW oyes. Thf Walt to lb. eighth arr. &mord the di& &adios between IlleaKsalny and Coot Stoekno, growing oat of the tioareonunind, Gan gm n7 on the 17th 'snooty, '47. otilseseed a hum LI Coot Stoekton,.: Of tibial the 4211131/14 ill as ax. tnd "Ay rut cOlimequeues of the &fed of the ens nay on the 9th and 9th indent, by the troop ander ay unnautid, and the capitulation tumid into on the 13th kw by LaCol Pennant with theler den of the Calikralane. in which - the people nu der irme arid in the bid ;‘ at to dispetrs and mania quiet and motabl.. aiontty ,asoy now for the fine time, be consideredu aseguenal and faun pcimake or by as. sad eo i Ano Muted to catty out the Preeklenee instractioos an, which poi oppose, I innet, he the peruse of pre. venting a colfnion between at t end possibly. civil war in coosequence of. it. remain silent far the gaunt, *not with you ail cool resix,emaPti of doing ftt kr which pan buena authority; ind reaveating ov from complying' with the Pied. ifent'i, cedes 1 Very Ropectfolly. W. KEARNY, ling, Gee. 11. IKA. COIIIIOIIOIII.IC • wro6arrom, The et loads Repablica' a, of Nov. kb, melee that atheo Cotaaialata Stockton woo in et: Lade, oo b way io Wiehhigtocs, (upwards of . 100 dap cm 'ibe rood, from California to that pima.) he- ended it to be his lotentku b irsaiod boas the Wu Deportment • full and complsto Meer ligation of all dm occuristwok Irobring oilman of the *Mani; mod of the official Malone training between Geo. SeiMq and hinnalf.Mlsilmrio Its Gomixeship. cod: latockgas. dagesa AI; ttharu the office of Cow let ek4i 'dittoed to the Editor of the Bt. teag /14a611eau, dated Noe. 341847. hs states that ha luelbeau latanaetl that atnaanette papas le the Uothel Mato had aaaaaaced ihst•he area not the Coaitashier. chid at Cattlatnta:—that a similar attempt had been Made ht Cehkeels to &pin bias of' .that topeaatlaray, bat that' be bed settled th• dispute therm.. . . • Maeitceveserm—Brigp' aiVerfty wit &trio Ihotiend ono Casting, Aboliiioeirts,pstives sod all. la 293 toms the 'vole it Brigge, 52,830 Cooke& 4,s77;'othini, 11,941. Its dm L. bum, the &we ie all Whig, sad la lie Mime ha liVhigs hen aimed 152 isteeheni, the Lope !P,Xce b 7, en" the 4ba f uscheas. • yarterdey preached i eery obis amoon st fleeced' Piesbytedito Chunk end it the close tbe swii . eket thinking tba pee: pla fat the Anna wait:rid opda blot by their se *dm 01 blot, ibeir7Peritor; amid be could pot "would take • dray might itinue with BZOWNEVILLII Herald gives quite o f glowing ankle irt • • abject of the trade, local *bantam (meth • • melody ofittownevWe. We take pleetue •• witomiog evident." of Ma youth of the cow ind of their facifalee ,of Poona,. Comas.—The wino woo to boo boon let Into the Ps. C frotirtfortoo Hampton to Daneateo hhoxl on Beards, loot. Prom tno Ibt. oar ;diet' to HoUldaysbargb It 'Witte rffoinid be. foto die lbot of Kora. - The: North Bunch Division has bons !opal's d ear paper 10-day will be Coped a wry lotereating keeper= Bur Edward Lynda lalwar wen tie Timm of Ws Wier Can. We observe that BallnsewimeedalLe perk* et whnrr as tbe bah and meta mime mewWr Its male* sad lkil la Ihe *One* of Priowill. Vklker, Genf and elberandnear piaci:Wooers. . Or Ilerrbi,wb luip meshy eilabtlibed Alhaaeltaithisahnaarl ar wMM onacceedps are Wink the letter, ha eiready ws aaderitaid *elle • /1/104ii of pshenei who irshag Ae tiller* The *fade r.wbo It no a ibeelple "to Medical Hydro. pathy will iaboavOedge al bast,* Were anr*lrreei in cold wwW, and Ind ego* Iblegesr In a ptedeethea llTAl!dlo.issdseitiatoftbs ilacklohlers of the Plumbergli 00114aMas Red load Comma)* will lisi4 ml Pkilta //Oat !goa!lay4l.l6l, of Pkytresbar, at! Mambo , • EDO/UAW.: Maio Lora in Aiiimari+ranxes' winning in *Awn! kw viand !haling Lie vr . endi b welt le Mood Alia tk DalJ 164 et* I:40 I. AllsOssi:ol7, ai !di Aitirilliwisair fit Oar ma nib in, Oda ..ii0644.141* , ,5it In* , :f Osisalt .. .' 11611 mi BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. x ..I , NTO — r- •'1 71['"r-rani Cone,medeoce et the naglargb Gazcue FROM MEXICO.. Officid dispatches received at Washi mein, state that Pena Y Pena had,seummotted the GM,. croon of six of the oentral States of hfeibM, to oPPoor. ,Qametaro. to . consatt upon ways and tonne far camping on the war: Seventrone Members of Congress had strived at quentuo, and . Conan= commenced its sit. flops *gam on the 29th. • . ' A cant martial has been ordered to try Gas. Santa Anna for the kw of the late battles, and particule;ly that of Chsptdtepec. Gen. liincon stmereedus Santa Anna in the command of the Maxim' n Army. The military force at Qaeretaro consisted at about 1090 .cavalry and infern?y, with pieces • of artillery hero Guadalajara. The Star of the 10th. Rays the smassination of American soldiers by the Mexicans hail spin commenced. Sergeant Sutlige, of the rifles, vibrate of one ollhainfantry righnente; arid two others were killed. The o 'Zan of the ?baleen army who ed gone to Qametaroand Toluca, were hooted by, the pop. nlation, and acutely dared to appear is thethreete for fear of being shm. ' The outlines are on the.road between Quero taro end the capitol, end are plundering every traveler they meet. fien.ltarsturil is ill at Vera Cruz. A deal was fought near yen Cm; on the let lustiest, between Caps. Warrington and While. Another :Was fought on the 94th ult. bettin Capt..Porter4 of Sur rifles, and oapt, Archer,. d' . r . the eoltigeurs. At the second Captain Ar. char ins shot ha the abdom a seem bat 'not ti dithgerons wound. 6f• The Amid= aeeatulti slaw %bat . Captain Walla um killed by a ball ham a Milked beta. TY. I 'TRAM THR. CorreopoiWane. or tbe . Pittalourgh Gazette. Petersburg. Nov. 14-8 r. x. We hive no later news . fon 'Vent Cm. The Reamer Fenny has snieed atNew Odours, bring ing dates front Braun to the 3.1 Inst. A party cif lb soldiers, ander the command of Lieut. Wilson, as an escort fox tbell.B. mall,wete attacked 'y a large party of the kfeximw, and all - th• maili =Owed sacePting 'the one which con tained* dem:meat despatches. TWO of tb. AlntliCllllll belonging to the clpy were killed In the rencootre, bat the reinof the ;rely escaped ,toolejmed., Carsll4l sad Gunk, am said to be plotting for the Maims: armed the State of Tamaulipas. The beehh df Illettuncoms is improviog. not. withrtanding the deaths among: the toxin am now unsure than at is; fawn period. 'The N. Picayune is filled with the comm. *beam of Mr. lie' oda% in which be gives napes oIC the ,reply of Dec. Puede, to a manna nieatiouinoM ete Secretary (daunt, directing bias to mond to Toloupen. He annexes a certificate 1110, se WM. fat itelSlPniliter thither btowediti.Y. and procaine to , obey as soon I. his health Will plena. He animadverts 'npom the malueird Gents Anna with great enverig. Pane IT. PetW'e novernment is said to bi favor. sb rushed andacquiemall in -by the gnat body 'of the Ilakiour.peopla, The airwidentetary at Stateatou lon Muino is said to bit lUorable to the amiable adjustment of the oMombloae asking Unseen the Halted Mites end Mink& SimMiOnt. has humid an address la tbe r- pabe ieb.. ! he' strongly moo th e adoption of Inch a HI. derteepomeaee a( ,Y. AnWvt! Queen VOLIIIIUZILIII.1)=01e AT PEROT& ' , ,Patintanum Nov. 13, T p. era. -- iddithend inure boa hien teethed Masi keen lies' ! .ninairyleanta Volomeses bald en ameba f Governor led Cawl i CammLioom.t Pfirora on the wend .Tuciiby lof October. The event: is as kanies— Bblsi# 66 I Irria go Locygilfilh h 91919,a 19 Hahn 1. I C.orroloondoora Of the Pooborgb thaneo. ELECTION. - Nov. 19, 9. p./m. 'There have' not been l ialfident rota= Paled to enable um 10 kilerMiZlO the chore= I n t as Legialature. j In thiepiciami - Disltrt, Patrick W. Talyklae (Whin.) ham Ifesti 'lead to Caper, by one tboarad saajaiity. la the Holly Elpting Hiablet, Thomism (Desooerat,i It elided by large majority. r; Com/spot/Olga. of It* httsboolk Now. Yana, N0e.13. 7. ,. The Ppla Ulm= SNOW York, pot IMAM. port, podwitsy, fat coalj Eu dates ere saticia.. ted by the one recalml by ihe Wuhlo !RAIL ROAD ACIRDZIIIT Du-imp:4,lBmo a dr PlUmbirgb Grunt. Philadelpthi, Nov. 14-9 r. ■ A toefitieboly accident happened on the Elkton Rail Rood to-day. The train ion own a awn =toed Andrews; who was deaf and dumb, sad so Iwtprodwit to to walk upon - do tatek. if. was Drarxrcusa-:-Ths Washingtois Union of Fti• day last, says that official daspatetits font Gam Scott, hiss bairn' nscsivad at the War aka*, the ltth of Bfiisiabor. .Thy an 1/14 volotaittixts, and appals to be accouata ot tha avant actions ',bleb took idiot lciind atomd the ifoxicati cep. Elsksive Corregandenee or tae Plitobsreg GUAM CINCINNATI MARKET. . Nov. 13, 6 P. 00. PlOtrr—the market Is firm to day, with salsa of 2000 bleu, it $4,624 • 4,88/. Cara—Koderati Sales of Prime White, at 350 per ba. Prime Yellow IN telling at 27e per ba. Wheat-84a of. Prime Red at 80e per ba. Molassei—N. 0. is salllog at Wept' gal. The market is quiet. • .Whlskeyealee at per gel. Killed Kop—The market is rather heavy, with moderate sales at $350 •3,56} per 100 lbs. Packers offer. 63,00 a 8,25 at which figures 1 hem of floosies as yet. . . Lard.--Bak• of Prime row at 7io per lb. Thke has beim the coldest day of the saaoa We city fru Saturday, tlydastatad qua of Sat. Now Odeon, Nor. 4,1547. r Cotton-54W yesterday of 4500 baba; at folkr decline of 7-13oxi Mid. . 7i a 'Tic. Rapt—Babe of 100 Ude wars sold at former Prima Molaimal—Sales of 400 bbli at 32 a 2 . 3 e per Floar-500 Ale Ohio were mold at $5: and 3,75 do, favorite Ixraada at $5,204 both lota for shipment. Tat Ci 3 Or MADAN Ur/11LO Tee AnOft. Tinnler:—Thin nefoliOne WOMO , SI hie been let off by the Jury, ohm woe thno wade spent in her aul with a venikt of - Guilty dialemeagor ! She wu chested with mansbunrh ,ea having ie the pursuit of her, tnfintal procured the premature dellviny sod of coulee, deetruction of s gala child. The penitent:it ofl such offence would be emend years inamnitt in the State Primo. ! The Jory. after a virey7lmM in the Jury;room. brought In a verdict emeam or, the punishment of which lip • idhlC* 4 Cl Of dor ' Caa, Confinement in gm • itintiery for from three months to one fur. Borressat Tatatesare.-- d flui puns of the modem Hue of telegraphers cip all (or nearly ell) the wsy down to New Chleans.P and the wt slog is/ to pogrom from New &lean sod frail Chaileston, 8.0..1t is expectbd that the him still be to ,operatlact to the latter Odra, if not farther south, bribe let of December; td is hoped Mai rNirw Orleans will. be able communicate *hit' Quebec 'some (Imola /smug next.—Want Unkm. _ • SAULT Ba.„,lifasiz.:lDat a ir 'eats this due !sk4volior a • • &bind: two thiCput 21 days and ikon ars rift for bat soffty. hiptoinosit a Wig Mae. MINDS OM Falienge. Is the Flativist, Welltiestaa dr, as inew.ftitut qopit94l ihrtscOeisniCf • ' I - i. ,; C;ONlTliltillkTi . AND',-6.IIii...ELVATIONS , . I hire been a woken - in my day.,l beg= to write and to toil, end to win some kind of a num, which had the anibitkm to improve, while yet Utile . more thenalioy: With. strong love for etu dT io books—with yet greaterdesire to antiomplish myself in the knowledge elation, torsi:men years I can conceive no fib where been . more fad by occupation than What tiree,wis Me given 'to the action, was given' to We study;mhat time not.givente4tody, to actioo—ddiarin both! To a annOtation naturally for hem strong, I allowed no pause or respite. The wear and ten went en without intermission—the whirler the wheel UV.' er mad. I.Bometieftes,' indeed, thoroughly aka, powered rend exhausted, I mitight fee erceps , — The PhYvinisna end! traveled. .Clo into the canary; and I weal" - Bat in each at.. tempts at repose, all toy aibnenii gathmed around me—made thenmelves far more palpable endblt. I had no . M.011M6 but to fly from myself—tidy into the other world of books, or thought, Of fay& rie—to live in some state of being lam palatal than ray own. As long as I was always at work, it seemed that I had no leisure to be ill Qatar wu my hell. • At length the frame Ulu long neglected . Lpatelt • ed up fora while by drags snd doctors—pot off and trifled with u an intrusive dun—like a don I who to In his rights—brought in enema—. crashing and tumble, aectunanded tbniugh long yews. Worn oat and wasted, the emultitation teemed wholly Inadequate 10 meet the demand. The exhaustion of toil and study had been completed by great - anxiety - and. grief. Thad watched with alternate hope and fear the Ihiger. ins end nioarnfuldeathvbed of my nearest relation and Barest the Person around whom was entwined the etronirest *Sethi° my life had known—and when all was over,' seemed seircely to live myself. - • -- At this time, "boat 'the January of 1544, Twos thoroughly shattered. The least attempt at ever. sin exhausted me. The nerves gave way at the most Winery excitement—a Minute imitation of that "Yost aurfece we call the mites membrane, whidi had defied for r yturs all medical skill, ma dendrite contintiallyilahle tomato attacks, which, frora4heir repetition, and the lammed fishbowl' of m:frame, might at any time be fatal. Though free from any organic disease of the besot, its ea deo was morbidly restless and painful. My sleep was without refinish:neat. At mooning hose more weary than when I laid dOwn toted. Without fatiguing yon and your readers farther with the bongo cohere of my complaint. I paw on to mend my ettugglata resist them., I here al ways had a great belief in the power of the WILL. What a man determines to do—that In ninety. nine miss out otitis hundred,' hold that he mi med" in doing. I determined to have some la. sight into a knowledge I had never attained since manhood—theknowitalge of health. Waihingtoo, Nov. 14 I resolutely pat away boob al:dandy, weight the aim which the physklane esteemed the mod health. .fol, and adopted the arid regimen 011 which eU the childrec of Asculepitte so wisely Insist. In short, I maintaloed the aim. general titbits as to houri,dist (with t h e exception of coil. which in moderate Touhie", seemed to ms indispensible) and, safer as my strangth,woold showi of met eise, M found afterwards instituted at hydropeth. ire establishments. I dwell on Ude to forenall, in nuns manner, Its common »milk otPentons not well acquainted with. , the mafiosi *geodes of wa ter—that it is to the regular life which waterier dents lead, and not to the element half, that thm owe their mastery. Nevertheless, I found. that them changes, however Watery in theory, pro. doesdhttle, if any..practical amelioration in my health. AB Invalids know. perhaps, how dith colt, ender ordinary circtunstrowes, is the alter* don of habits from tad to good. The early thing, the walk before breakfast, so delicious in the feel. imp of heehaws and vigor. which they bedew up melba drums; often bemuse yea;Minmas2to tot ralatiothr.oriert. Headache, la gnat, a mat el "aria", over the *Yee, a sinking of the while mama toweeds noon, which seemeteleitaitionaly to errandd the dangerous aid of stimulants, was all tlhalned try the Monday brans. Mod or lanankl stroll by the sewehoes. • - • The semputsion than Andy only hi/rend with intolerable enema, and added to the profaned de. , -•— of the vivito!. The brain, so long emu: . tamed to morbid mashy, was tat withdrawn hum its usual occupations to Invent horrors and Chino. • ru Urn the pillow. vainly sought two fore midnight, hovered no goldia sleep. The ste mace of excitememt, tiowevei untwahliy, only wanted the symptoms of Ilithealtb. , 1 It wield this time, that I met by than+, 12 the library at dt. Leoniud's, with Captain t.faridpre ,wort an IttevWsna Conk" air practiced by Primo nits at Gestalten': Hiking Amu= ear. ea- ! enuerinfone them* which appeased is!. dint to my common some, enough still remained not only_ to captivate the itnapation and dotes the hopes of an invalid, but to appeal with them to his sober judgment. Till then, perfsedy gnu. ...., TIM of the mbject end the mreiti,except cams •cb vague nonce and good pen as bed etched my ens la Oartuany, I resolved at last nod what more could b.oaIJ lei Lava of the ' tan tutor , tad examine dispasskaudely into its meek. es a stedicurient. I tem it:maunder the vire ot 'one of the Ann physiciana of sae age. Ila cop. salad half the faculty. ' I bed tawny ream to I. gnash! for the ettention, and to be conSbeed In the skill, of those shwa presaiptione had, from time to time. natured My hopes and enriched U,. chemist.. But the tenth must I. spoken far hem being baits' r, I waa sinking fare Little resound to ens to try is the gnat edema of the herbal.....• ' whit I would next, even if a quokka,. it certainly might expedite my grave, bat it could ecueely render life—se least the external life— Mae nojaiocra. Accordingly ,I examined, whit such gram thought me • sea Mut bring. to War upon his caw, all the grounds upon which toped. fy to mpelf—an eltiltiltal to the anon of nibs aim. Bat I own that in proportion se I farad my faith la the mount eteengthtn, I eh:wok from the tenors of this long journey to the rugged region in which the probable lodging would bee lalmir's notate, and to which the Babel of a hundred lan. pages, (so *Parable to the bealthfol delight In Denny—to spiallion to theeickly despondency of . a bypothozwinsi)—would murmur and yowl over • public table spread with no tempting condiensie. Could I hope to find heating in my own and. and not too far from my own doctors In case of failure, I might Indeed solicit the ovary garb—but the Janney! I who scarcely best through a day without leech or potion—the long—gelid joormy to Grafenberg—l should be sure to all 11l by the wiye....to be clutched and mismanaged by mem German doctor—to deposit my bones inmate die mad church-yard on the beaks 'et the rather Rhine. A While thin perplexed, I fell in with tune of pamphlet. wntuu by Dr Wilier:of Malvern, end my doubt. wen solved. Here was en &gib& doctor, who bad himself known mart than my own nattering; who, like myself, had found the. pitaroluvrpela In vain—who had spent ten mantra et Gutenberg, it knoll his complaints behind trim —who fraught with the oxperience he bad nautili. ed, not only in hie own person, but from ecientifis examination of the cajnoder hisaye, had Mau -1 ported the system to o r Delius shores , and who proffered the proverb' salubrity Of Hawn fair and its b oly eprings,to three whodiketoe,bad rug. al in vain, from simple to mineral and who had teams bold by deepalr—bold enough . to try U health, hie truth, lay at the bottom of • I was not then aware that other Instaintions had been establiebed in England of more or lase lute. eiw in Doctor Wiliam the Ant traosporterat" least u • physician—of the- ffiksion outrun, end did not plus to look out for other and laterpopils of this innovating German school. I resolved then to-betake myself to Malvern.— On my worthroagh towb I paused, in the Una of my heart, to inquire of some of the far.-. )utty if they thought the water. core would nit my' case. With one exception, they were unanimous in the vehetiretteo of their denunciation.. Grant. log even that in some cm., especially of thong:a. I tism, I,ydropethy, had produced a cure—to my complaints if wan worse than inapplicable—it was highly dogma:L.—ll would probably be fatal, I had not stamina for the treatment--it would fig chronic allmonte into organic disease-..surely it would be much better to try whorl had not yet tried. What I had not yet Weal A course - of r xisic acid! Nothing was better for gastric which was nodonbt the main canoe of my a log. If, however, I were obstinately bent wort and on experiment, Doctor Wilson was the -last person I &mild go to. Iwu not deterred by Sit these Intimidation., nor seduced by the solobrionsl allurements of the prude acid nodes Its i appellatbm of bydlorande. A little rellectltin taught me that the members of a learned prof eke are naturally the very. persons lout 'lb to favor innovation upon the practices which iroo,, tom and prescription bare rendered sacred in their eyes. A lawyer is not the union to consult Uph i n hold reforms in jariurodence. A physician can scarcely be expected to 0 1 .- -`- , - P' G . . that s Silesian meant will cure with water, ;a dimness which tout an ornament of Weis. And with regard to the peculiar objections to Dern& Wilmon, I had reed in his own pamphlet 'Sakti upon the ortluslot practice sufficient to account for—puhips to justify—the- diepoeltion todspe., elate him in return. Still my Mai& were ansiont and (cadet; to pkgs. them I conghmed to inquire, though no of physicians, but of patients. I sought out some of who had EOM through the promo. 'I milted of the eases of cure cited by Doitor Wds., found the account of the patients to encoinfing, Mel quoted so euthentia, that I grew Imps. .1 at of &fey. I threw physic to the dogs:, and , ant to lishma.'-. , : - . 1 '- 21:=21 , I opprehim. Jolla Palmer It ie not ani intentioo. Mr. Editor, to detail the more I underwent. The different mummy of water as a medicament. ire to to Gaga fn ipaiiy weds emily to he obtained,'and Ira. worth the etaid7. In Ude letter 1-soppom myself to be ed. lambs thou ec thoroughly earaminhid with the tinefe 'Aaiun' Poss. ;.. *ease Myself wasit the firet, and I dee there loiaonlyingme►ie, `-- 'Vitiate point wide impressed and struck me Ira the extreme and utter auxiceia of the' Wa. twee in skilful hands 7 -in ley kande indeed not. tnorooghly, - new to the . system. Certainly when ' I went, I believed it to be. • kill or ewe .entents I fancied it moral be eThery violent reAt dy4-that it doublleu.might effect great and meg, ind eune-rrtmt that if it failed it might be fatal. speak not alone of etc own case, but of Orkin:ma number of saes i have seenpa •tienteof all agee—ell species and genera of die. ease-dl kinds and. conditions of enostitution, when I declare; upon my honor, that I never ease one dangerous symptom produced by the Water•Curi whether at Doctor Wilson's or the tau HydroPathie Institutions which I afterwards visited. And though unquestionably fatal case quangos Might mem from 'gees mamanagement, and as unquestionably have so canned at various establishments, I am yet. convinced that water in Reef is so friendly to the human body that. it re germ Very extraordinaq degree of buegling, of ignorance and presumption, to produce results really-dangerous that et regular practitioner dies more frequent mischief from 'the mlapplication of reenthe simplest drugs; than a welter doctor of very moderate expatiate doie,'or en do, by the maapplietion of his, tadhs and -fildha And here lanes oheerve„that thee pieties !of the treatment which appear to, -the =anted se the most anions, are really the safest; and 'can be applied with the most Impunity to: the weakest conetutioas whereas those which; appear, from overeater familiarity with them; the least strut ting and most inexuoue are those which require the greatest knowledge Orgeneral pathology and the individual constitution. I shall' revert no this .part of my reject before I conclude. The next thing that struck me was the extraor dinary ease with which, under this - s ysteni.. good habits are acquired, and tad habit. tclorquiehal. The difficulty with which,'under orthodortredb cal treatment, stimulants are. abandoned-is bore not witnessed. Patients accustomed fin lull a century to live, hard and. high, wine drinker', spirisbibbers; w hom' ' the regular physician hu sought in vain to reduce, to a daily pint of ahem, here voluntarily resign ell strong potallow,afier a day or two Cease to reel the want of thorn. and reconcile themselves to water as If they bid drank nothing ela - all their jives. • -Other who hive had reamer fOr year and years to medielar—their potion in the morning, their cordial at noon; their pill before dinner. their narcotic at beldame, nap to require these aids to life, es it by a chum. Not this alone. Men to wkom mental labor has been a necessary-who tune existed on the excitantait of the passions and the stir of the intellect—who I have felt, these withdrawn, the prostration a the whole system—the lock tate wheel of the entire machine--nnumst ones to the caroler Writs of the boy in his first holiday. • Hem lien a great asset; wider thus skilfully ' I administered le in itself 'a wonderful excitement: it supplies the place of dl others—lt operate powerfully and rapidly upon the nerve; some time to calm them, aotnetimee, to Irritate, but ways to occupy. Hence foliate a consequence which all pallets bee reauked—es complete epee of thei puritans daring the early stages of the cam ; they mean hid asleep as Irby Milani, WEIL The Wotan *hares the same rest falter a east lane natal exertion become.* impreitel; even the memory grows tar lee* tenacious of ita painful impreesse, cues and griefiPare forgotten; the sense of the quad *ore theput and • fcr tun' Were is • certain treenail and youthiwtikb pervade the spire, and live upon the enjament of the actual hour. Math, meg agents 'of oor mortal wear and tsar--the perigee end the mind --calmed into strange rest,.. Nears seem. to leave' the body to rte ineizeive tendency, which al ways toes& many. All that interests end amuses Is of a healthful eharamie nterais, anal of being art gewillamaudgegy, haematite ininitaide impulse of the tranietbeensfigod left. and by the element. A series of mean Is always guing oar-.the willing mein peewee 'shoeing rest, and refreshing .rent willinieur- The extraconlinary effort which water taken ly in the morning producers en the appetite MIMI known amongst those. who bare tried it, twin be tote the Water cure was thought of on appetite it starlit ba the are of the What doctor to check into moderate Matiacatios; the powers of .nutrier non beams singelarly strengthened, the Mood grows rich end pure—the cenatitutiatt is nail only ateendat—it cedar.' a change. . ~ • The ratty cd the system, Theo, that its power of tiplariog by healthful atimalabm the morbid ours it withdrsw, whether pbyeicslorma. atr surprised me nett,—that Irina thirdll leo premed toe was no lest county to all my p r e& -mind notion. I had fancied that "whether poi or balthegyinitnlntist ha ormetitniat harderdp, extremely repugnant and diespresat t !wondered at myself to Cad haw soon ft became 03 assoCiaud with pleasurable end grateful fealtaga se .to dwell open t h e mind amongst the happiest paireagre of ezierence. For my own part, despite alt my sit. pinta, Of . - whatever rely have teen my caws, I haw overland exquisite pleasure in that Sense of . being which le r it were the ,ocingidenee: the moon of the "soh I have known hours Of se mach and as vivid hankie's es perhaps can fall be the lot of man: but anrangat all my most brit. hoot woollectione I an moth no periods of enjoy. moot at cantor more bilarione and germs than the hears spot ou the body hide of nava ne—none in which nature was en thoroughly prmessed and appreciated. Tie ries Irmo a deep as errand as chlldhood . ..,4l* impatient rosh•into the open sir. while the son was bath 'and the birdefirst mee— t/to Mow of an unwonted strength in every limb and nerve, which andel° light of the steep Mead to the holy "pang—the delicious patio of that miming draught—the: green terrace onthe blow of the maintain, with the rich landscape wide; and far below—the breeze That once *arid have been so keen and biting. noW bat exhilarating the blood, and lifting the manta into Aeligloasjry; end Aids Mon senument of preient plenums rounded by a hope sanctioned by di I felt in myself, and neatly all -bet I whammed igrothen—Mattlist mil Pre. ant was but th e stepLehe threshold.—into an un known and delighuul region of healthond vigor; a discus, and a ears dropping from the ma m ma the heart at every , stride. • I staid some trine or ten weeks at Malvern,:and beeineis from which V i eould not escape, 41104 me then to be in the neighborhood of loam Icon tinned the system seep weeks longer tinder I Dr. Weise, of Petersham; during this latter period the ! amiable Filenames which had characterized the forma, chserfulnew,tha him Men the conscious. nem of raterning heath vanished, and were enc.. ceeded by greit irritation of the naves, estrime fretfulness, and the usual cluuseteristice °Ohs sonstltutional disturbance to which I have referred. I had every ream, however, to be satisfied with the care and skill of Doctor Weiss, who fully:do. serves the reputa4in be hes monied, and the at. Mamma entertained for hint by his patients, ' nor did my lodgment ever despond or doebt of the W. timers benefits of the process. I emerged at last' from thew opticians in no very portly condition. I was blanched and emaciated—wasbed out like it • thrifty housewife's - gown—tot neither the bleat ing nor the lose of weight bad in the least irrfr• paired my strength, on the contrary, all are OM. else lad grown as bard as iron, and I was become ca p a ble of great exercise without fatigue; my cure was not effected, but I was compelled to go into Germany. On my return homewards I wu oohed with a severe cold - which rapidly pawed into high fever. Fottunataly I was within resch.of Doctor Ekhmidee megitifiamt hydropathic catabllshment a t Boppart; thither I caused myself to be convey. ed; and now I bad occasion to experience the wonderful effect of the Water Cure In scats ca seer slow in chronic disease, its beneficial opera tion In mum ig immediate In twenty-fear boins ell fever had 'unaided, and on the third day fit sawed my journey, relieved from 'eery symptim that bad before prognosticated a tedious and per. haps alarming illness. , ; Aod now came gradually, yet, perceptibly, the good effects ref the system I had undergone; flesh and weight attuned; the sense of health became COD sCiatll and steady; I bad emorreason to bleu the hour when I lira sought the spring. of Ma yan. And here, I must observe, that It often bap. pens that the • paUent makes but slight count traseventent, when under the cure ' compared with that which occurs subsequently. Pi water.doctor of,repute at . Brussels, indeed, said frankly tee • grumbling patient, "I do not aspect yon tote WWI while here—it, is only on leaving in. that you will ; know if I have cured you." i • It is as the frame recovers from the agltation it undergoes, that it gathers round it power utterly unknowo to it before—egg the plant watered by the reins of one semen, betrays in the' next the effect of the grateful dews. I hal always suffered so severely in.winter, itUtt the enmity of our last one pre me apprehen. aiinur, and I resolved io leek shelter from my fear at toy beloved %deem. I hate paned the meet inclement period of the winter, not only perfectly free from the colds, rheum, end entente, which had hitherto visited me with theencrers, but in the enjoyment of excellent health; and I em pane, del that for those who am delicate, and who suf. for mach daring the winter, there Is no plugs -where the eold Is an little felt as at • Water Core establishment. lam persoaded also, and in this I em borne out by the expatiator of mat water doctors, that the eta is moat rapid and effectual during the cold sessco--frons autumn Omagh the winter. I am thoninghty convinced 'cone gumption hi its earliest stages # a be more easily cored, and the predisposition permanently 'Mediated by 11" 'date?' Pea et tialvent atubir the cite of Doctor Wihma, Omit by the timorous Mitt: Pisa or Ifedelen. Itk•M by hardening radioed= defending the theme that we test ses etas them from dimes. mul,' l ow, to mica up, etta to &wise my !god* tiesl weir to arateobir 'tit own wiew I &norm that when 'I lint 1 / 1 11:11 td the Feta Cora reoldided with Reding, ~~~~ immedieEely =Man Ir to life-I my -only that I less in that ladonged and chronic state of ill heath, which made life at the best eximmely pre. carkrue-4 ;!sot. says that-Thad any mainly which this facility could pronoun incoMble-I only say that ate mast eminent Men of the faeo! l st had failed rtocere me. Ido not even now at. feet toboist of • perfect and complete deliverance, from all my: ailments -: I cannot declare th at a constitution naturally delicate has teen rendered Herculean, or that the wear and rear of a whole manhood have been thoroughly repaired. What might have been. the case had I not -taken the can at intervals, had I remand at it Steadily for eis or eight month. without interruption, I =not do more than conjecture, but so strong Is my belief that the• result would have been erOmpletely, suenssful, that , promise royal& whenever can nem the leisure, a long renews el of the eystem. These edmiseions made, what ben I gained meanwhile to justify my cola gies and my gratitude? an immense accumulas lion of the capitaloldada. Formerly it wia my favorite and gamin question to those who saw much of me. *Did you ever know me twelve hours without pain .or innate? Now, initetuf of these being my constant companions, they are but my Occasional visitors. . I compare my old state and my prerent to the poverty. of • -man who has a shilling in his peke; and whose pov erty is therefore a struggle for life, with the oc• castanet Mermen of • man of £5,000 a year, who one bat an appendage endangered or a luxury abridged.. All . the good that I have gained, is wholly nlike What I have ever do rived, either from Medicine or the Garman mine ral lathe. In the fiat One. it does not relieve single malady Mona, it parades the whole fount; In the second place, for fromaubilding, it seams to themes° .by time, eer that I may reasonably hope-.that the letter part of my life,'•• Instead of being more Indent than the Loma, may become -so far as freedom from soffering, and the calm enjoyment of tetanal life are coneemed::-mg real, my younger youth. And it Is this profound conviction, which has induced me' to volunteer aim dotal', in the hope (ktruit • pure and kind. I'y one) to induce three who more or kes have suffered as I have date, to tly to the same rich and bountiful resource.. We ransack the end! of the nut for dingi and minerile-vre atrial our potions from the deadliest poisons - but around us sad about us, Nature, the gnat'mother, prof. fen the.llygelan font, noseeled aceresithe to aU, Wherever the stream glides pure, wheats:the spring sparkler fresh, there, for the 'IS P t r a p of th e maladies which Art madam, nue yields the benignant healing. . The remedy L nol desperate, is is simpler, Ido not say than any dose, but than any -course of inalicin-it is infinitel f more agreeable-it ad mits no remedies for thaninplaint which are In. finical to th constituhoi.l It bequeath(' none of the maladies consequent dn' blue pill and mercury -on purgatives and thilltith.on iodine and non , rte-on leeches and the lancet If # Cures your complaint It will awfunly strengthen your whole (rarer, if it fails to - cure your complaint, it can ;ream* fall to improve your general system. As it am, or ought wientifically treated, to art, find en the - system, lastly en the complaint, placing Din tore herself in the way to throw off the disease. oo `Li constantly happens that the plaints at a hydro pithier establithment will tell you that the disorder for which they coats is not removed, but that In all other reopeets their health is better than they ever remember it to here been Thus, I would not only recommend It to three who are etiffirers from some grave diem" but to who require mere ly the fillip, taw alterative, or the busing which thy now often seek - in vein in count* air or • • wateringalsos. For such, three weeks at Mel. vein will do awe than thrormoothe at Brighten 'or Boaloginfre at the Water Cure the whole life is one remedy; the hours, the Linn, the discipline liconmetabie with piety and etursafulnese PnetePitneef .filthoPeedete ethencmsdirm, and Us high spirits ail thief" are amusement) tend per force !tot ain the body to thehigher!atWofhalth of which it is capable. The Want/amen yet has bad this evident injostice-the patients resortiog to It ban moray been denerste asses. tio stroog "'notion prevail. that it is • desperate tensedy, that they any who have fend all elm fail have dragged thernielve to the Beftwaida Pool& That, all thin not eery abandoned by hope sad the College but week. nod End poisoned by the violent medicineeaberith ed into their system for • 'core or so of years -a i m ell should not recover Loot simians ! The wonder le that the number of recovenee should be so green -that every now and thin we nand be surprised by the man wham untimely grave we predicted when we last sow bias, meet. Om.us in the streets ruddy and stalithit, fresh froth the springs of Grafenbear,Boppert,Petendian or Malvern. Hese then. 0 linden; 0 sillieded ones,l hid you Wien& I wish you on. of the most bier aid friendebip• laminar made—ohs familiar intl. may with Water., Not Online in her virgin etimenee more. eportivs and besitchiag, not Utah= In her wedded slate more tender mat faith. fit than the Element of which she ls the type. In health may you find it the joyous playmate. in airtime' the genial marten and tat Manager. Round the healing sp ing rt LI literally dwell tie jxund nymphs in venom the Greek poetry person. Id Mirth and Ems. No drink, whether corn. pounded of the old Falenden, or ilia alcibot and acid of modern Wine, give. the animal spirits which ',job. the water-drinker. Let him who has to go through metre bodily fatigue try ant whateun—wins,i 'pints, Porter, beer—be may =mine meet gamma and supporting; let him then go through the same tad with no draughts but from the chrystal lymph, and if he duos not adrtiewkdere Met there ie no beverage which Man context. so etreogthening and satcoartim as that which Ood pours forth to all the children of ca. tura, I throw ep my brief." Finally, an health de. peodeopon healthful habit.,let those - who : dun'e • easily and li:tsunami y to gide into the courtn poet tiumblir to the human frame, to gni 17 the morning bream, to grow epicures in the aimpla regimen, to benzene cued in arum against the vi- I cissitudes, of oar changeful ekle•—to feeL and- , to shake off, light sleep es a blamed dew. let them, while the organs are yet sound, and the none. yet ncebasured, devote an autumn to the water. emu And you, 0 parents! 40, too Indolent, too much slave to custom, to endure change for your , wires, to renounce for a while your artfitiel na tures, hot who still covet lot your children hardy ettaatitutioat, pure tastes, and ebetentione habits— who wish to tee them grow uj with a manly die dein to luxury—with a vigorous indifference to climate—with a full sense of the 'aloe of health, not alone for iteel4 bat forpower. it elicits: and the - trztriel with which it le intimately con nected—theserens nnfresful tempiethepleartues in innocent delights—the well-be eig that, content with self, expandeln ,benevolence whets—you I adjure not to morn the facile of which I solicit the experiment. Dip y young hernia in the spring, and hold them not back by the heel. May my exhortations and believing liatenert, and may Enna, DOW Unknown to me, write me word from the green hills of Malcom, o4tbe groves of. Petersham, 'I -We have hearkened you—not in vale." Adieu, Mr. Editor. the ghost returns to eilence..„ E. BUL WEE LYTTON. • , By the Beaten Baguette Telegraph. E[Clllllllll formpand:uce oldie Putsborik °apnea PHILADELPHIA • HAMLET. Nov. 19,6 r, x. Floor—Tbs Mutat is quiet,' with moderate sales at previous prices.. What—Ratesof Prim Red Matyland, at $l. 26)115i90 per In. ons--Tbs market it without change. ISo with Groceries. Cottoricshing is doing itithwmaiket. Whisksy—Balen at 19e per gal • • &Outlive Cafreepondeoce of tee Pitubaestr Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET: ' Baltimore. Moe. 12, 3 a. 11 -• poor—Sales of 600 bbl. Howard street broods at 66,75 par bbl.,. Prices Rio on the deolios,—. City Mill. brand. are bald at $5,871, withoOt latex. Wheat. , 43alem of Prime White at 123a128e r be. Prime Red is selling at 118a123e per Cero—Limited sides of Prime White et 55a see kr be. Prime Yellow is melting at Gaulle per • Osti—Sales at 38a40e per Rys—Modsrate saler at 85ay7e per ba. Provisions—There le an inceesirdidemand in MO markt, with no change In prima. Sagar—The mutat is heavy, with moderate Wes i t previous rates. lita m t k ases--The mutat i. dill W sy—Sidas at 28e per gall. Cotfespoodence of the Pttimburgh Gaudio. $ NEW YORK MARKET. , .Nov. 13,4 r. m. F ocirbales. of Genesea brand. at 88,121 a 18/es bbl. '2OOO bbl . Western is salting at 1 6, 21 per bbl. b t--Bak. of 300 ba artiest, not prime, at I . 78e per ba. Holders are . stotingausy, and le me instals nominal. . • an lPork.Sales of Weitun No. 1 at 816.• 1 . 1110,75 per bbl. otWons—Tbare is as [amassed * demand in • mm*4 'Primo tork—Bales Am pork—b. at $10.25 pr bbL Prima Eteel--12161s at $6„45 pet.ool, • Mese Vest-1s /alas at $9 pee Wt. Market. doll , , Lsod—kteles of CV/sterol at l to par lb, Tallow-41adarato sale' at Pt pa lb. f. '" l 4 4l be gmika itgai t. - with Ito thew : 'no Glartimoi of Detalraht bumph:tea th• nth loam a dal olibanbtviss la that amt. EMI=M;I 2nttion By Jake D. Davis. austlersa , .. Dry Goods, V sable-11as, km j - • • ON /tinder 1110TiCly, the lids aut., at 1,6 o'clock, •I the,Comuieretsd Sales groins comer of Mb and Wood. Mutiny wilita sold willsom reserve: • • An extensive assortment of foreign and domestic dry roods. semen which are claim eassaneres, .satlaens, - Bassets, plata and figured alpaceas. blk satin vamp, silk Mr dresses. silk. woolen aad-mama shawls and WV's; calicoes, gingham', suas/ms, sewing silk, Nees, patent thread, fanny vamings,itc; also, TOJciusOne sad gingham unabrellast, ... I .At 9 °Vlach, P. M. ! - Positive Isle pi Groceries,. Fstraltme, Am. Or bbls N 0 !agar, good quahty, 6 bbls N 0 bi d i 8 hf clan (Tonne Hymn Tea; 2010 Spanish Begun, V kegs Tobacco; ' A general assortment of household f urniture, coal MM. calm/ stove, kitchen Mesabi, enerennmtre, {lmams, e, cosfectlnuary, Sic. • At 61 °Clock, P. Y. . 43 Lots or Oroand in and AMAMI the city of Alle• gheny sa per advertisement. Also, a gamily of variety /Sods, roper French MY M. shirts, clothing, ko. •nviT . MrAmeneur copy.- , i, 95 Building Lots 1.11 and adjoining the City of Alle. Ow, at Alleboll. ON Athoday evening, the 15th Inst. at Go o'clock. at the Commercial Salta Room, earner of Wood and sthsts, will ha sold without reserve, 45 Budding Lots in and adjoining the Bid Ward of the City of Allegheny, within live minutes walk of the market house; a plan el - which may be see. at the Auction Room, and the property •wIU be chum by Mr. Chillies, pomp maker, residing Use tat premises.— Tenn*, one fifth cub, raldtie in four equal 1111111111 payments, Without Internat. - • • Axso—Two Lou of Ground adjoining the:above on Which if erected a convenient Same Dwelling House which. will be told toe one third cash, residue in three. equal annul payments without interest Terms iidisulable. . JOHN D DAVIS, .nth Auctioneer. Cabinet Nakao Toole, n Aution. 7bi lien:eon, et o'clock, at the' Commercial . dales anon!, comer of Wood and ddt street*, bd sold: ' .One eocoplele set of Cabinet waken lulls and bench, in good order. • . JOHN D DAVIS, stela• nocuonter.• Pmt iten of VARNEY WIL,LIAMS. *onday. Noodabeo6lA,lB4'7, To corowence with the Bealati'of • liars to Closolliareck. ' Paddy Critalrerty- Owney Wtlliioe. Adce which,hiDrce, by MIS MI ANNA ,NALVINA— To.b by We Area of PETER Peter White John To conclude the Comedy of the BAINIPUL INIMALAN. Barney William.. 87Dows oyes at 'I, and cumin will rho at /h. Pa4ags from Giant likitetst aseTtralassil 11.11147 . r h :VerkasdPutsbrip. ' P c a n amat ' e eomtor iet := P"." Lokte . at th dblr e low est towed baud of eplandid Packet Slops, m the Cabin. termed Cabui,or Steerage( admit weekly. hem Liyerpool, Ulisgow, Belfast tra.,so New ;York; sod the subscriber wia acme rxidgbenlui for those who wide at a d'alaneer, goiter to any of Jno above ports. Tickets' farrushed Wien win bong paseengem direct frost. Liverpool Sts Pttedetthet and en their arrtml at N. York, they win be forwarded intrandiately by "Leech a.Co.ts Daily - Fain Line,. thereby saying moth trouble and expense. . , &het berth• Will also be engaged to and Gem Laver. pool ets bawd the New York and &NM &maws. • Belli ar Nears. O. Leech it Co.. Plusharah. ' W 11.80 N, 86 Cedar st., New York • Thalia obtained on an the prate-Mal Mutant England, Ireland and Scotland, on the mow retraceable bow, la mats to sett those wisiong In Matt. all. Laws ~Po•t paid. pennsylwaialla Rail Read Claapaay. • NOTICE TO NTRACTOBS , DROPOSALS be' CO received laud FIIIDAY, the •Jodi day of 12rprentber, at tO o'clock( A. M., at the Town Ilall In the herniae Lewistown, for 'the now ding and masonry open await 111 melee of the Pomp- MLA Bail Stood, extending West tam Beal. 20 to near LOWissown. - - - • • .1.1.3 and *poetic:num of the work can be seen at the above named Oar-saw five days premed to aka time tpp Any limber iattimanon eau he had ti aiptisiCia to W. B. rover, 1r rag , Aeaoeiate . &timer at `i nv b. aftNene - 7," - 11:11Lt. CIREKI FRUIT, ac-40 tacinevierdprbannk 1202 tdi nn Oranua, • 5 trails Min; . . clues 01000- bbla A.Ltannds; .2 " Fabena; 10 bn AXo i Rock Candy; .50 big new leak.] Aiming: tee - avail , par mar Count; formic b 3 - LAMBERT & 131111 TON, nv 15 133 2. 125 wood It SOSDRIICOII-175 Obis Pouting .. 3130 bzs Cbessei 45 bbiserab Celan . 30 " - Rosassute Ciden " waits Beaus; . pees Apple.; - I Cheer Seed: lOU bzs Cream Cheese. •For safe by • • WGREEK , sew sabhfield 8. water sts COAX, lub-121oks Co,;o •IA • Obu; • =f t 3 bbli Boum tabbing from stellate Caleb lb Cope;Rae by Ja.ll CALZELL e • be ewer si , VOraba ItetaL; for sal,e bf KIDD a. CO CALOJIIMIL-7S lbs . AmetiCan Cabala!: ma reef Rot aale . by ..• nwli • ' J KIDD k, CO BALSAN-12 daglWasunea Haw. Wild Cherry; lot tale by art 3 J KIDD t CU IlDellronicle copy. . aa or medium End :3:II4CICLETF;HITE . B LACE LEAD -5 2E244 belt Silver Leal; • 3 2444 coIIIIKII2 American Lee: jou reeerred; for 22;2 Or JI2CEOONELAYER ICO 1 23412 ' 24 vroed et . (20AP-3) Oz. eilatillald Ddito htst 1 , .3 sale by ATWOOD; !OHM k. CO, , .13 • water & front au DEACII/Ell-120 acts and b bre Poacher: landing from We mom boat New England; for Ale by - n,15 • 7AB DALZLIJ. ks . l pa ad FIGINGDS—Art everamisAgiortment of G ,114 Frizi . tesir! gectived Cluvl teniket . A A MASON 013 C OOIFORTS-100 do: uraolen, smortO U., and gush ues. beadatalshaded and ItIAOKLFIT; Wiped; ian WHI teed by n•lri . ' TE' RIBBON:I-20 'canals of rich mar atyle\ plaids and kook.; joss opened by wen' 1111LCKLF.77 a eILtWLS—* !stye ai•onnemol plaidodriped and laptutted jam opendai brwkby VI.A EILE—i ease epoUld aad Gyored rid printed thr... l .,ld.Opened by nyt3 811/CKLETT t IV,ll= V ITIAllai Du Meese: istojrksfiajlatt:Tx 1180.%1E—Veliw Lod Gruen-10 eases:As ne , d for sale by . \ wrl3. 3 ' B6IOONMAKER h CO P ARM GREEN and Ve1 6 466, grpollid In oq, Li, 6 RI Jn ""i C" "de . J SCROONNARER &CO CRUCIBLE:6—BIast Lang L iam! sive; Cotsais usls . .J viCHuONNIAKER I<CO SPONGE -1 use saleeitd,very Al .. • 1 bale coarsei for sale yy • syrl.s J SCHOONAIA RIM L CO nll.—Wlnter Spens OiLat veu ,11 - by treiS - J SCHOONMAIM & SOAP -230 bzxa 1.-Meep. just reseiredity the sitmx Teebeeb for sale by El s W HAHBAUUH nvl 77 Ireedst MO -° ' - I bzuon Timmoco-:Y0 kap a hem Tebaeca:jua insaired for ale by nel3 8& Mr Ilat:GH NUTB-50 ba Talmo pea nats: received iddari ode by TA -WET, & 'T arls 33 woof at SCOTGII IFIERRIBIG-74 bit new Just reed; for rale er nvlb • Tann' & • °NIT? ia nom tar sale TAMEN &SLIT HON . Nt ban; for Kula by TAIKAEYA BEM C AYS—too,ooa Pereateila Ceps: reed and Rkr zaLs by C ARBUTHNOT ' ;rola cor wood et k. diaicond ay TRESS BONE-1311 Irma for sa:e by C ARBUTHNOT ÜBPENDERB-300 do: VIZI NUJlerlder4 jam iee'd; S, for sale by n•l5 C ARBUTHNOT A , CCORDEONE—I ease, Fieseh ansafastare: reed =I for sale by • avIS C ARBUTHNOT nomFORTB-130 dor. woolen COVIISH2I4 fm file by mrls C ARBUTHNOT David W. Dell. Algernon 8. Bell n L A. S. MIELE:. Atlanta ya at La. Ulnae J-I.ln ttelranN Hattding. FOotin strata, second door above wood 1, Pittsburgh. Pa D. W. Dell, Onanniratoner to tate Depilation, Ac knowledgement. or Deeda, and otter instrument of mi. tient to be nand In thwart. nala-Ons• pLAKTIIIIIIUI s WOOL, isa: "'-- I — Th _V 10 bags Faailler• 3 * 3 * Wassb I 4 Dry Apples, 2 •", Nacho,: " woolen Sacks. - • 1 bbl Lard. nosy 1.40.4 1 - 4:00 400 , Pai o 3 114, far ..le by d ISAIAH DICKEY d CO wale; (room - OLD INDIA RUED.-120.000 lb. Old Indio NIII Robber noes: the. of the old Otyle Orontod,_ tor which the hightort price will be paid to cod , or goods, when delieeted az tha Indio Robber Depot, 5 wood st. J tt PHILLIPI4 PACKING-40 lbs of ValOonlyed Indla Haddwr &Ey., Paekio l foe know of weam oak - tom/ow Feed; wid‘h from lj yd. wide down IDS ho y o di. Ribber Depot, 3 wood' nrla d& PHILLIPS• DIALTINa—zoo feet Viilraniand India U Maclaine ltelung, from le Web w ld lack aide; last red , dilor data by , & Pii MUNI a wood at VAIIIS-4.500 inaa or Country 'Vern, aitorted talon. and Side. wt saki wholesale cnr:retall at do ' EATON ,`R. qL OAK Idranh. woolf-¢ - sack, polkas, and hoods in past Yarietyi Go Yale by - F II EitiON tROOII4-100 dos F gat handled funk, oe ttO 8 VON BONN OREM &CO LOVit-412 bbt. (nab family Plo,n jut read, fin r, sale by it MULFORD& CO hb. 'Lapp/mite bounl inniLbleki. elI VST LECEIVED—Faney sad plaix Doe !kin Cum mere., which erdl be eesO orr_by semis'. ANCXER MAYEN. - • 01cRivas—ar bbi• Nultsaai st read by tba Caleb Com Ilustirly *eta ' . ir twurAvon Byes—eoaw~wuwßaaaJ aqs lkZ►~y~4~'wti z. ~ C ~l r =M=M STEAnBoATS, .46■ rt CINCIK:tATI. *!D PITTSBVIW DAILY - fACKET LINT• Tins we' known line of splendid passenger 84% 4 er, 00111 C0911:0011011 a the. ISITCPS. test. bee finished mid famished, and most power el boars oa seaters of the West, Every accommotathm and cow— fon that money can procure, Ista been provided farads semen. The Line has been mop...anon for Ivy yam —have earned a million of people *oboe{ the least injury to their persons. The boats wilt be at Me geoid. Weed street the day ;devisor to starting, for the don of freight and the entry of pomm/ma on the ter. In all eateNthe passage memo. mast hQ p itt advance. The,MONONGlAHEl,A t Cypl..szenee,willleeve Pm► burgh every Monday =meg at 10 o'clock ,Wheeling every Monday eve entie at 10 P.ll. - z TUESDAY PACKir.T. • The 'lllBFieNle, NO.-111, Capt. Eli4stm, will I are Pittsburgh ever 7 Tuesclay worning al /0 &dual Wheeling evert nerd. evening st 10 P. IL • , WiCZINZSDAT . 1.A016111.." The NEW ENGLANDI%O.I4 espe.'S.Dera, sx. leave Peasharch every . Wed:texts) wooing at le o'clock; Whetital eye!) Wedst.ds/ cse!v4 11 Y. N. THIIIIIIDAXpajnmirr. - The WIKONSIN. Capt. Graet,wllt leave Pins; M ve u lchn. every rioreday mal t 10 ng 100elnek: Wheeling e Thateday evening P. W. • ASIDAY PACX;ICT' The CLiPPEA, NO. Se Capt. Cnihkr,vrill kave Pills burgh every Friday morning at W e'eloeki Wheeling every Friday evening ulh P. fd, • : , OATVIIDAT PACKIIETIN . The htF2PENUER, Csph.Liyhni,vit kin Pats. t burgh every Sawday mornieg u 10edock; %Vitiating eveq WWI). evembg at tO P. AL • , • Str*DAT PACILKT: - The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. 12. Armen, erill leave PRuberela every Sunday Me/Ming •I ID 'clock Wheelies every Sanday eyeing at lo P.M. ' • BEAVEL PACKETS.—,,NEW.. ARIUNGEMICITS' win /Gaya tor Seaver. Mariam Welavilla. on Taeaday,Tieuraday,' • - , and 9uurdq *reach wiyea, at 9 a'akek. • ea. reiraseag , . - „;. as Monday, WedneMay and Friday. Sae has a /Kw attb landing between ttondAreal aad the bridge pry. , 'wed refits mins ;Wally tom. • • W 11.111tHAUGH, Mt. • calla aYo St wand p.. ZIE=M GU . var,ana Wetteefite, Monday, ife - daciday,. and Vtiday of each week, at 9 o'clock, a at; maxim, onTnezday.Thetedey wad Nandday. hbe has • boa t at the 4140-a between Woad . street and the bride prepared to receive freights at any time. • • • . 0 HAKTON;Aoch, •, ' Oetl9 • • • Men Um. " .11:EZ011/gUilt - " T/Iflrg r Perry. master, ICI leave us above tlii Wee apply w boa." t!... 1 °..* 7 k mht pia. vitt ' The new and splendid steamer . DE Wirt , CLIATtelt, • Dehihttee. =nee, wiu leaye u .hose dhOlt 11.1 o'clock. For freight or P. welt. OMry he leo rdr • myth Foit- sr. Lours. • . . .. . . , The fast mein unmet - . CAhIBRIA, • . Ftmrytle t - toaster, well leave 'as abase this elsy at 10 o'clock. ,Forlseight or ;',.*.1'5,1_91,4mWMC. '. . 0,15 • • • REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN P/TTZBURON. AND PIEtOWNSTILLE. - _ :, • 1 Therms stew their • DANUBE. • • G. D. Cock, rawer will leave taw 11W uit In every Tuestlai, Tbareday aid eel.rrngs.st gre'eloelr: and Brownsville every Marday,'Werinesday and Friday reareings rat oteleek. Far freight Or ;weep ePpIY ger beerdr et' - • °tent J NEWTON JONES; Agt . FOR NSW oimeams; i O 4 The splendid neer messes GENERAL JESSUP, nine; eeser,irill hove se store ott sh Me inst. For freight or panne net app Cab. . FOR WELLSVILLE—DAILY PACKET Bayaes;entater, leave%atiarith, t 7 = all mat, (Saadays axeopied) at 0 o'clock, aad team IVsvilla aver, evensaa as 4• o'clock Far freighter Datease apply aa bald. beat FOR FIL&NaLIN—ILISIULAR rACKET: • Tao magu A tra r ti sir., Idillee,laaster, will leave ao above duo leg at le D'ebet. For [might or board.. i eetut ' pusate •1 ilEOULdit LOUISVILLE PACKET The neer, light (haired and fast no- Wog steamer EUREKA, . .i.Crosier, master, arill ran as a 'reular pac k et 4CMCBS l'ausbiligli.aiid Warr rill., dart gibe aerqoa. sash. leaves Friday, Umber 8, at le o'eloet. • For freight or passage apply on hoard. • - . FOR WHEELING. =• • The new and fine steamer: - • ' HUI)800, , .Iffit s Poe, master, has Trammed her reg ales trips and will tense Pittsburgh. . an abovereverp Tkanday and' Hen day at 3 seetaelt,?. EL For frmeht or peerage apply on hoatd,er to.. D %MICH!, • .I.T - ' • Agent .I::::*I=PORT t _P.I,I ZA MTH AND MOND'IDA WRIA CITY PACKET.' . .: 'lle new steamer agarien . DICAPATCII, ' • eleon owner, will ran as ahem tea! ng Piralmatsb erery-Mondnl. W. nesq and Frulny, aPI coeleck, A. AL. aenl Mown; w• twin City every Tnewiny,Tlanday mil &outlay. sa B o'clock, A.M. For freight or plunge apply on bonid 1T23 . • nolimtar Pletsbutright andt•Zaneos tlfa.. Packet: • THE heLtdrauela steamer . "NEWARK, rialt a Hard, Maiter,wili make weekly Mpa . to the store port during thews. oof— Por freight of passage apply onboard or to' -ap7 • D WILKINS; /then FOR CINCINNATI—REGULAR rAcicer. The seer and light draesht Antr LOYAL HANNA, P Jaek, master, rent letrve 6r doe. 'end intermediate ports onThursd sr,the 7th inst et 10 e'elneh. A r." 110FZfreight of gunge, having superior mecum:molt ePP I .I J NEWTON JONES sea Monongahela House EXPRESS LINES: .• ZCLIPME TRANSPORTAILTIOX ,at1 8 477 ' 4141§1a . For de pack lerposek . 11 4:44edise and Radom, • SZTWEZN PATT IIIO6 OI . IMD.2IIX. Zlll2llOl CITIRS BRoWNSVILLN AND CIISIDERLA AND. • THBOIJOR 20 BALMICIRS, FLIT DAYS! This Renate opera all Seaseasotthellsar. TBR faeditteer safety, and favorable rates afforded by this Line, are each that the Agents ems wills allfidance recommend it to the patronage of the The ertabliihment of a Two Day Line of Wagons between Browarrrille and Cumberland, renders It the most espeditioas and reliable mere between the East and We,, Mercian dim frt. the East Is delivered in Plusbugh on the evertink of the third day from C holland. The Agents will giro reeeipta ai to time, cod mks and all property consigned us them will be lorwa at the lowest current rues. 3ills of Lading transmuted, and all instmetions promptly attended m. ,O C BIDWELL Apra, Water 0,2 doors' above that Norampbefa House. Plusbergh.. - • °XI W 'CAPS, Brownsville. AlelfAICI k ltlAGUlßE,lNuaberland. J B ROBINSON, No 3 Light it, above AMC DabV more. I satiates X t NOXIAAUX/sA ROUTE' . . DALTIHDRE AND PHILADELPHIA. DIST rAnsie• Staging.) ' • • trim 1.1.1 k Mail Steamer.. Consul, loam ideLams 1. Stratus. as new making doable Mar MP. be Matta Piwbargh and Brownsville. no mornhig boat leaves dally at 8 o'clock, precisely; this &ening at 4 &clock: &Ways <keeps& , Prom Pittsburgh to Bablenere.• • —33 hetna — s r •rs gia Pion, Pittsburgh to Philadelphia -40 bearw-Pare OIL By the Katmai* . bast Passeagerswog ledge on be la comfoatable State Booms the first night.--maa tha mountains el daylight. and sap and lodge,. Calabar 1 . 4 the atth% thus avoidivg night trawl altogether. Coaches chartered to PILMOI3O navel as Star may dr.- . • • • ais,Seeare year llama at du°Oct, ' Namalrabal. How, Water n ., or St. Chariranofet, sr. Dole/ .alotte the Off,ea. 12dEklitlatni. • 2=M=E=M=l vie BROWNSVILLE AND 'CIIAIDEBLANW rrIlE. eabsolibers are fatly prep...die reselpith tough for all meretandlre red produce destrited for she Eastern cit..; by the Browne Wile end Cemberland nate. . Shippers and others will bare their goad. rorem,kg by the preprlewni with the semis dlepAteh, Cl the low:. ell current rale& BUB of Lading when and transmis ted bee of ahem C 0901111.1111. The patronage of the p ublic A rersteettally Far the ,Wal Ji CLARKE: Brownsville. • FORSYTII & DUNCAN. nvl • • AVater street, Pittsburgh- kMI NOTICE. Itia THE pablle r und they...tending good. (paw p.n.. prtwbangh. are. Initialled that we hare ran pat on • new Hee Of MTH" wagon! exelyively far Browns fill. no 'rampart anode (or Pitmbursh rely, and we will tarnish receipt , al oar office in Balttwone to deltwic garde in thirty six henna ai Putalninnh, intindays wan ratlyead dem enlyeseerned. Receipt. for th. liar - will also be tarnished by Adair. t lb, Benno, :Yew Yolk and Plladelplaa. A. we Tort lb, only ospreoni by wail trams wet!, ehipi,ers are it:Entered that they, 111011 t• income reeetpla at the shovel:6bn. only. • tiIIEENF.4 CO, Mee B 40.4 R Depot, Pratt at Flanigan. • • Piltabileo Olken • II 0 VICKEREY, Agswq Et Charles Ilet . „ Pinyberily NEW Anit.ailaanzwri. EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE • co AM: Flan glihat saispi 11k . 1DA.1 , 1311U . ' . !PIM final and gill goad barlogbeetirciiintd ewe the taco' Wet setter.tko sobwebatoawn. 'tune. on Idol:day, OA October; lo ton two of Sews pcontsocto so Uto shove and law mediate on tba't—%xtol and Wall Road; Icoviorg Plus every klonday.WoOnnolay nod Enday olio at a o'clock. *ad Holidaysboto 'oven , Jdooday tilascolay . /cod Ftklay morning. Fotlel,P l, 99l ll ,,W:Sktgb KowislikotO ibaao r co to 111.F.ACI1 &CO • wan - • ; r ' • Goal Dacia' nzrts-♦ inured Bilk Irisintsotelay Vim V okit for Kis ea essatision at
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