-- , I . ,1. fl.:. '=i'.. , i• ' :.,). 1 1 . 1 f - MEM l ',, • Epura5u.x.13,14.10W5T .c.n .!1',114:• 03 ,...E V 1....._ ..3 - 13,11. , r k C510"44•C•'4 1°. .i ‘. . - 1.••• ' in hotf kW . ....• •• • . p0,,,,r41,., 111en1W101.41°4,7--..-" • t bow.e., . • . • . pitutomghAlatioictounny74 . ? J 7 1% ood Km 7 ........ _ . . Beeenvkand . 11rml y.,.'r•Trn . I' - I* . ! •! • 1.1.1• k. . A Vi / ' • + ' rt.:4,71i.Z.t.,44.4,-....."`. • _ , ;2,412.44.1 . IT; 4 ..... 1 ; , :‘t•iit, , .:411 11:it:44' , . l' .'. --- .;4si!'.iL4:4:•;*:•:4 "Yi 14 - 4..:;;;;: . ' * 1,?-ilmIt•?'.:'.4'.:',...--.1,: T... .4.e.e.,',...1;,..;:,;:••••.ti01'i-'..! 4 ip!;; , 4,, , ,,44 4 ;.ej1te , :•.%.**, ''..' . 1i , .; , , ,, -1 1 ,. -- ;* , ..4•kt.#4 , .... -;:. Ott:li•kix . .4 , :' , ;A:,-: , •7 4 -7.". ,7 :.. 1? ;:tx , :1F,:?'4,4.;:,:;t 1 if,•t•.. *ILt.;.4.- • • , ,w•1 t ......t,. ' ,:•,,,--.4 ‘ .4 :4•. 1, -:P. 0 .-.' 14 :•'‘5:•.• 4...inpf.::3,-N.2:1;•S:14,: - .:.,,40....,.. ,: i.,.''' . •,,, - 4., , ,,i - 1:.',:":4: , i;'.:-..3:.;';', 1 ,i0. Z..,.. :1')-,V, , . 1 z. .. 17 r';'!:: : ';;•.1 --. 1 . ~...,: -.:: , ..: 4. , ,, K,: z ...„ , , is f ; i .-_,,.• ;.. , '..r. - .1Q..: :-:„i- M . ;:i.,:,i'..:, , , - .... 1 k.;, 04,, •...,..*.,,,,,,,1...v ..... ~ q , ,,, ,, . ',...'..:„ •. ,- .4:4 - ,- , i' ik!..l- , ii , ::;ilj:t'J b . -~ .A. . %''''4l 4 , ..ikKl•s-.l4 i iil',. '...-_,.. fir" }• ...? ..44-$ I v,.1..w.,... eNt....,.. ? k . ' 4 ' . .§tv W-, : ~ . 1.z....,a,i): +4 .734, 4 a) 4. 1 - ‘ 1 ..-.4.,T.1•1:', E.); . s l.s- . 4 ,itif s , ,e.. n ' 4 ) — l t M";tist-Ai . 44'.- .14) .1 ' .4 :, '' .4' , "A l o . i '7.• It e - , .4 * : . : 44 : 4 kt .1. 1: . ' , - , ... i• I . ice.c....enelie X 4 :.• ...- , nr.#4,,, , . 4.: : .. :‘ ..;. ':::4:44-it,.....1 i i .: :v., . i,•,,, ;-N-!e;II: 1 t •.- xx. f •Pi l.4 3l-, * r . >l.• ‘. :: i. i.4 - :,,,_,:'' ws 'V i .444. -.....;'"•,'' .' '.-E ~ ; itt.., 1 ,7 , 1 e;'•N iFs 1. . ' " C, + ' . ' l i- C. i 1 'r*.: * 4• 4 :4: ',...''....,"' 4,- _,,' , ;''' :•••3 -. :.' - ,''''...:::t.."-: , : , : -1 ' .i . : :, : '.e:i'l4: . .!: ,f 4 , - .-.,ll‘lii '" • • -.,' - • •:.::4' 4". •,-„ , .-• •• .01111111 5 ..• . =ga s • 1 WW.lnetexs r.t • A CollberWil.' ••c irowa . • LW Cossl.44olo:rinve~etitaite.dwil hadeiieVesk r eu : 2 1 .1 5 71 .1 4, • • --- . . . 3,1 "'"'""~1.-. >. «_ . `:PRICE--:SE ' ttsitt§s ems. r • JONEE•dk.OO4 _Conitalsiicrii" orwsnitoeNnattllginhamt, itumml o w Warr:and kir]: atrani, P1116141'. anti _•7 - WLYfir:a. zurarinay.wbot..ta.a aa B gnat! coma or Liberty mid tat. woks, Plzuhtrx!..!!!-: " "",.::. t,., I.o.l:PiSiii:ST,T)6ll:7"ci;vvb6wa & jiyikuul riuggino.corttir Woo4.idfdlew;- , _ 100 AG A.1.141t.:40 811:11.1114, Wtrojciige Popeejs, 18 Lt.and IVoixi 41nr.1 • P:l4 , orgh. - • ' • _ • ' VNIITILINIAtiAMEN , A. CO.. ' tv6oiaolo (h> at•dl4o.loee'derte.erA, No. ItlMaket lutrea,'. iireia..ahaudGzh. Norshtd,_hiladelphil. *.thovB jr3 2.9iuc lc ionA l creatCa fl6 l th • u In, • 44 • rt .611LA15"11Q , LOO,ll/4 Attormir at Lsw~ et I..!).eezzledi . Wog. . C 10 . 1 ,1 1 !.: , 11 6. A4 1 14.1411 . L111-121X,It.c(1 . 1, ItlaiaseCtrpe. mud itzles, 11. add Piffm,ir &eel. mut deafer, An Cioule Trienailap , l4 emery des. eirertlwmu.am.fternry &. 7 -iyarehoma.43 ock, .oi. r • 4 ..earter, a. mt.) tVLole.eale:Cr....l-- fad Mar lia-um.LDeslcrt is Preddre Abet Paidaimlf and 1 4berir t 111.414,104 Pa. • '- • e - '1 /1:M111M. hapoiies 6.. r ' VMAtilhat, hapoiie, iud a:44441er iq Faiiiy Sul* I/Juicy Osedaildp Of Ihe Ci 4 tlmdy lei Alarkei•lutectineujitbetrOa. , Jl3. foi,, ' '. ' ' h'imaolea 111e, 11 . , - D4 S te y i' s ;, ,:u ll ' l l !lief ' , L . Wlll,, . .' l i ra la , ..): . 1 4 ,11* , ' ils• W :,. 1 I Et!,ll/ t h ZJELOI7IN, balapiloGirt.2 . asnn#t s lie ,N9tt..!*. • • 01411UARTA '' 6 Xi,rea, I de..1.4 in . produce ad h44614"" ." tarek'rarticr of Llpear i 64 l v d," 1 "" 0 mll " khlr: , •• • ••••••...o. IfiLORAW, fr , ..D/tckrarf,TiAtptmer L.... , Officti . reteAvolr, doort"ti.egnr Grintstroft ott F • oh. lol4kityntol Olt • • ri 3 OUgA t tlil OIDZWEyDE,,A .alrteaor, LiVio=i B.lllVVAll==tl=ll=4*. :••" - Jaa.c. , W.oth FR • - AMCIi • Ah. CO 4 \Vhalgalbliroc eu COrtamo.lon Mete hano;'•Rd : Arm (wit Ira CoUbn Tana, Noss7 W menmd - 108 .1. rem ilmls te . Larg,h,P4 JUMBLE, hallo Fah.Jlc. mt ln.unmenu ilY Wi.od rime MIOUSYVII.: ;it Co; Cositrtinifert sad Fbnnaidlui' A.` Mrthltl.•t•lim.:at.ll:aumiaa.riatabstret • tuttM .Fit'ANCf/S • 15111 4LE1111, Cethsaltitem nlmrhant and draleir is Yfodlice, 00. talc, Na 171,1.717 n, mamt'a.,,lLL,Wihtk, N.U. paktum, ritrl,, Itlanillm,itopo, gkvipalararr 'lan& • • ; I! . .. • 't• - • ti %IL limukr-itt • Ell% k:A. , Nutv, L.kr Uhrtvg, I ki.i . 'eri;" g. i tauley am) L'aiga Tri.miep v 63 ifukti au . .. 'co . -* .11211 :1/1.1%11.1441f "Azar nElint OE DIORGa; 004 - Wholesale Ore !rt V 5 103 V 1 0 .4 =Met . . -A.::/tZLISLILVIoiIecaIe firotat attd.Cam. GI6.A - Iniaitom SI crefount . Cild .Deal e r - Prance and . Piushaio Almosufit mu.ell. • NoLitl,Vood ritig.llo, Geo. W. 1 i•u1t1y.' — ` 1.77 7 5::' ..— '.21.-"B:rini4iii. s (IRO. W. SZTI.TDrec• Co:. BrOierkelilabitn:' oit . 4 slealerA4ll44,s,'apburfh,444. 7 rol . sl3Fesr:. crlecltapin wad • rig 08.014 Cow ftir• • `LA - ri.23 , 11 r : Viintlit - BVoo.6.ll,ol4oralakeri kinuong:he la • Wm: D. tramkri,DreeV II &TS ' t* ILVELET.De4ess is Dr y Good bar iota etric ligetlyt'imeftntlfbaghsoanufactaned attt • • Tjui.. - k. •AniourN . g; feseteskors to Lto J.L te Drowse,' It:worms old osmosis:era of Paper atd4Totterst ,Poper =bones, 'Pio.•tg . Wood street. eittsSursh. • • • • . , A:...li7r.ll , austr.wear, • snyercialßuw neat the eunigl!bavN, rmsborgti _. 4 . y, 11 • & 31atafiterrer.ramalt,f).11111esetwi,t,F ; • ^ •gnd 0 4 1,1012 Pi=bar '• , • ••••-., • SoIMIT WRIT, 43.0 TIMULTi DI CR.B.Y. Wholexide Gineer4. A Cormirkion Merchants.a.nidealersia lhoduce .INos SS Nato and .107 I.:'nmaarremi, l'aubosti. ' T Merch'int Tai%r, EXidiuse. .dino. tit Clair stscei4,Piltntrurgb: 4tietkr, - - , .- i o d/APlL . U.No ,l 4 . Alloredey. Loar;.7.l4ioellack Pa.,,os resumed iho girAttletr Ito place. No 7, Bake wellti Bolhhogo, Grand Mica.c. copied dome ,al?senco by .T. J. Higdon. rod: J. , Chnotic, r:e.q • . • ilyikonfF. • T10111.7i D.llllllWAn', Wbol,,waleyruzgits, ood dduler.or Dye ; , :za&Panne, thls.:l4 trotsbe.soke No WI: Wood =eel, 4.lll ' e.cor booth of Dimoood Alley, • . 1 ' t, . . otc ' emwlo.io „14se p ITsutr rt.:: • u a lt:_74 • P.P.r;libuer. ~.s.lcel Poo. quills, ' s - nmersr. Carib, Stationtitsr eneralli. -- No. EL Wood'A:Plitibmigh.. - • I_ Har. heug!ff pr. tAk c cp . :l , '_tim,fr , ...., •± 6 , • date and Intatao,4, ' ....ofanuire.,lio Colifammiak •. :Row. Labray at, mat Pinsbo4b, ao2 , . T &' CO..wbolerokr fl yosspur 40n.D&& & BON, Compigoloa :sad . Forwitaling Liberty si,Uppalite -• - .• 1.6 • JOlll/64» ,4 13 , 1.1.1;AVIIC,:Ati•iilieiii , Getar:Oties am st;'betwF , en..+rimi., , nd Somdhficid, smolt. midis, rittAbargh; bt, • 'IY . t 111.1 asupxt pmaply,to.bitiinen •st athigniur .r : , pad.' DAylll,.. AUCTIONEKA,,c9iner•PiIar and %nod nereq, Psunimith, • o --,,, • , •ms ........... .1 0 U 3111 : 4111 D W ELL; 'Aorriy • w.ad Conna...on Nrrehang. Wa1174.01,04111.4 iler above Ce3tanangakcia.C4l4o.nokongli... . Er inks; XasliVlDua maatll#loo.ololPL. •• • & .‘. • ramp mad rapermanplatutrra,. Pia. 44 Wart. sa.Pioubscitb.. • • -::Id;: TOWN. X. TFINITNIIMID. , Makin - and Apollo, M. No 43 alyket at three da. Aimee Thad .t 7• .71tarbargb. will have cosetaatly ea heed ;elven ticket, oll . hootimmt of the beet mai freshest Altsheidee,,hieh tizyts pea the Tam' reaseetabie teem.: para t olo o .,.. eche olden *II prevolvareuended la, and ver. - :plied wish ant &vibe' , =ay relrapon ea irellitißC. • Ll:rrhisteiaas' Prewriptiong wilt he ecestately tad . neatly pintaiett (sea*t.e.l4atatertate;at Orboar of Ja II PLOT* pateJ.lnitialtPapirtto gals • . Neaten No.* lebetly *PO , • . 1.1121111%• !Look Ware, 4g.'mai. !Martel ' ge0,„.1044.. .11 and ' WI - 7, InfatillitgaTllollll..CO, Darikent sal Xi, ...Imam Make., unser e( IV sod TWA•tataaa.: idit ead etalt• e Pm; . . • - R7OttlaseT.tatithadett at the gram luses...,.•eatt ;. jo;ili 12niza, Viliskiage No Vtalt4V4llll..7:!gr"3l'.'• 1 11 . 1111 WIDALTJALL,Wbsiaideanietr.. ~• /be hiefebilatoM l4 .4 l lThlrildielliadi • risisfeetvers 41 . - • O i l la eeis - T alum 4:• , ;,,......, , T ' ilf 'p t ./..ff L d Wiortn.";waserm.ol4l . ...."—r.",4 •' - .1.... -4._:, - tt:-; T • S. Wiiiiiissai;7ari• - uare thwit; rw. .LavranlAg awl .•Camasalat illetelast. 'Dealer In Ystiober l•hartar t isies lei lfthereowpi woe, WAS • lIIIITOLUSO 4%; jL4 thsteff t rOn , .04 Aka aplitifipm I fitgat — trii• ,7,7 % - Asitsews s lalliPT93, me.... 1.17" • L•{ raratdloswad Coinspmyea Mercnorm, Dem,. Welton' lid IrgmbinElr anktuurs,'N -- AlWerf a. ?Maw* , •••• • - • " lk4o6npn A Wu g ni al is. - o Ototereia , _ ^ a , eig r emeasteep t :;_j: . U-. Prima; ion As mamma alb, coai.kkom • 1144. IaUMMICAt 71:1C11:1E140X0WbAed• OnNi m.ettn sat Comoi.ies blerelodirr r. Mor i to r a IC I r 2C .kai .714 d, ..4.4ppial o , •Park coque, of Mnati . . 11' 7 iaa7: .Ag 1111:0461, aiiirkanairigr%4lZryTTWlAma weag . • - 11 ,1 vrowis. wttsos k PIM:kW@ "kef, "4..1 h Nrhed . . ._ i i _ ;I. a" a. sow, N. 13 Mail lenteei i. 64. lin.du .lo: ' ' " Lilo oflrekaa sty ' GM; dil .... k . Ito. and 1if... , . • ' "' ...... im.# as Gild! rle*sl i•oblesownia. wag 04.4111r05. ; • . • . , a . deer/ •: 'CIICIZAKIV T.. Wage Jii, a =e2 ..ax Dm*, la roterad PeagT, ' r;ria1,P44.,ruu=r1:77. 11 .t7: 11 ...=' • ; ion:mu:Timis;"irlideoui. :ink kltiltiiiirie: 3 la tniteuala , ..4.4Bwasenrroaqine.lllo, l %pew..... vd C.nlelayiphofturnitifxn.o4,74)l4 . : i" I • '6.0. . •—• • .Rairr.liestour. • -. curc. t ioNIXOM & Co, IVlsalete Gratin., Alt. r • !!elan Dmleskra Me ratan ts, Dealers la Xiatactares, rip. Ina Lanny ms g. Pine. • . . • .. . . . . . . . , . . • . , 1.• • . • , • • • . '•' - . • . a. ; . ! -- . ; :g - 7. 7 , -.** . r•,....7: - . .,.... ! ..,.,.., , ,,,-„. ~.. . ... ~.... -- . "7„ . ..:.----- -.: ---: . r4.-,......r,--...,--7-.7-•,r------,,...f-1r.E.T...-:-.-,.a...,.. ~.,.Lrzz.„,..—•,,.T.L---,.L.--..-----.-"L-'-,vr-,•,--n---•-•-.-.--i-.-=,=-,wc'-'Z.',.r•-',-•-,..-..-...-.,-.-,-,:rr,,,,-:,..trxi'2#="r', 1- . .s_ .. . . ...,..„ ~ ~ r„. ...,....... , t. . - . . .. -. .. . ~i•.. . . ~ . . . _ .• - - ' ','.:, -- - i : i - - 1 . .. - . . .. ~ " . . 4 •,.. : - : :..' r ' .1 -: . : :- .1 ' . .. I: .::: 7 - 7. :-i- - '''....... ;-; ,•,'-: :;'. -- -'. ....: :-. :1; • ••:. ' - -- ...i .-- ; - 1 ,•--•, i'-'• • ' 1 -,- ; ---•!. ' Li , .•-, .-.. .i:' , . ~,, , , . . '''.. ~..2 _,'' .: .. : r .., ~ . ... ''..V . ,! - 3.? ....,,. ', . ' ' .. ~ I ; r . .. ' . '. ' .. . ' '.. . . - ~ . . i . .. * ,"1 - :: :'.-1 • '....- !, .... . . . . - , ... '" A. . ~ i • .._i ..• :c.. - : 1 4 - ,j . .. - .` , -.,.7..;,;:.;,.: ...c....7 : .....:. ~:::, . -•:. • ' -.77 7 7 .--: • -.-- • - . „......._______ " '-' __-.......................;.............................„.. : 1 . .. „. I TEN.L y 'DQUARS - ' -''• -- :' i' - '. - 7 - ' -- . '-f- '• -'' '-'; a I '-.':'' `' : :.' ' ''.' 1 . . - - ' :' - lit B . -ti'' . ' - - -- • -,-,...,.___.„, ,:„. . •:- ',,-.-!..- .:. :-. :-,--., -- . .: .. ..- . 7, . i ..-.::::"',.. ': - '-'s 1 • ''. '-' . 41 _ ' Tat 1:1, ' M.OIIIDAI- MORNING ' NOVEM - 13 R ' 15 1.347 • * ~110,51 NM XARDS: OBEIIT DALAIKLY. & 11)&4 er!, fldnad 9114 F onnullog erg Irt Produce and PatAbotirkt strtet.Pldnbargb. Pa. • 11,..w.HATopst.- Au' Law,Grailil,. liakewell'illandlage:_aerafy oppealt.•ll,,,,rse* 9/1111#10111f. • 910,1361. ogiiratiX o ol/3rn.Wbalesale (Wert, Rhaiy : :ing Drainer, dealer in node., Puilbargh Mann earrareKand all beds °lntegra ato.l)wakesuo Wine. mi Ligaore,No It Ltberry meet, Yin:Ranh: N. 11. Oa bawl a very large Mak of sakrior OW Monongahela-Wlraiwy, 'Oriel. will-be sold low for L. 0. Reynold. • - 1 . . /Shen. 4-11/111CM,' Forwsand,rponi, 111;niiwoolllererw.m.sier the Alleglionst.nwTrndri, denim inf.: rrWaryr ; a vv f + etvr et : Rlori .countitg" . • C.eVer thfPoaouka Irwin 0. j/023 : R0AN."1.14.44‘ ..0114SOMV000n;tlyth!.121. •IiikkORYALAPPst O § ,, UlbAdid Pc,l l er. }WV: 0 Scedri• Cod, Bow, Lod, an.„ j 041. T A;c O NNINGLIAII,IVhoIemaIe Gloom , ppaer, , in,"rmagek awl..ritutoivei hrumnrw.im LaDinr.L• • . ••'. - . • l. C Shanklett, • ,QH.4OKIXTT, iiltip*Eg.,ll(holesale,a.- A., lets ta d',.Pomena Pry, Gools,Nn-99 lyand Steen ' tabl7r( - ir.,W..I , IAIiDA_DOIH,, Wool Merchnnts, deal ers !Flaw 'and Prnee generally lend Pbrward.• nur 1 1.11d:COMIXimiala idoriantsi di* Si :Wood atreifq .sr IVI M.PAUVIIPt ti In , Drierra ,leldnan; No 82 Fourth street. belayed,. oinhind Diatthfield.. • nusral.tmlY Q iPtvioirnoiwzruckusr. & Co., wh,,,iewe ....7.l34oey*.von ! ardin g pod ,Commiselpn Merchants,: ZenTeNlo P.ltsbargh, Manufactures and Wenent Pm them haveCensnied to Oscar newsearahousa, (*ld ataad): NoFn:. o ll.yClFrOtt alAild.ebaneery Lane., nos 7 . g . k .M lDEL4ClClNtffForintang and PM.., • wail Merchant, Dealer n Malt, PrWace lna; h .hch . ...nasclueednitteles,Cual Dasnorear 71h st. S• IC • ' Rau** De ~,,A,,:yrnitTrek* and A, t tedf, Flow • -1"14"Val°. —Wholnale..linKeis ; Oodmisgicin Mire mind deileriln Prodace.,, KENNEDV , Labltinit Graia"Blanatacta .1%. 11 , - sad etoets;• I:biters; and -Variety Garda:earaer of Woo ' claska Faarth atter. 119 • - 1 1 7 P P P41611Pitt . 4&tV ' pr j j eas. .dcalera lit tiatt, , Leaber;lnceetini, IFiditift". / 9 0011saaraeutres,. Cans/Baarn, 'Liberty sties 4 Wm sq."`"Jigo' crrcHruco ith is b ``.. u l - 1 .1 11 e'. 4 ll° Ntiffi vY jgtaln" rmnu‘'.. 1, 61 U N. ,1 401.11ad piub m o r g':""!52411b" •Whotemle 'Gwen, ...ufPfParP.W.l , Mand Wise .na I . ..iqwr men r tm ../ve :r ula arces, loppoakta S IM streetj Jett Jail • • iAyin casdLW . WPArZl i . L ttf r° 93 4l % . , ( " ii. Ti 7c, t CbanisatinUmhoot deaden in .thrz a , N.h .CotteeXonth nod Pitainnthillsontheurres eer . dtkirtirnd Old Volnois,•Pituthorrth. . asehlS • VIM /111VILP/llT.inrues the tothei or call 'and rIV V ....einithitue hit ruck or French Worked Coilan,' mania hi' Ai ZS • . YaßpllCße - .. .VemmGaaina , afereaanr,and Dealeria Pfahaa Situebarair fdanufactarrai'corner "yiNter and, .8011115.0d-laa.,Pinsbarak - 013 110(71 1 1TIllealroolt, AVOZAIIN:bn . and I V Wholciale Dealers iallanltre, Wary,-13•41 ,- . alorT, cofaCo.lbenpu.4 Clair insects, .Pitt. :W ILLIA*S & JAILIATOILTIL Wtmleswe GrooskisPrid and Commission Merehants.27 117 -l iltill..tone and minim:mit, elni - esstiblientninu, h 0.944 Liberty etr' . l, nest ihe lisTrcritzraims,. • and - Wino and Liquo (opposhe etzth iittAntry;fi, IT , 0.. H. O.OIIILSSON, AttirrneraiL:7,. k.. I tee Xxcbange 'II Mop, to Gar streo4 outdoor 41 ..hlsle!oput Johns. • „ . • ut, - 34.....e.uuuutn. /tealer.lo. Fancy and 1.44 . ; V • nrY Gesdst No , MPSicelUsestahrdobatXU , • IXTILLIJUISS h PIVIAIOXITI‘Ghtm the bind WY. D.:writ.) hltltcdetile Grocers, are how /0. d vt Gil. LIB Wood morlierethefofer fior salt • huge moon 'swot of Groceries awilltsitimgli :11.4tumfotture. In low once. and on far amide term..:• . most . .lATW.WiLsoar,'Dealer Watihes,Setrelrr, V "r Saver Wife, tdilitaa7.6sob, No . 67 2114 i. - 21../.l(l7ll.l.lllrorhote.aile and read .V . .Eqnugootad DoeseaticeDry Goodsosorth mato ,W 1 1 ,1 ;; ; niiEvaar. /11... V. Jr.', tart ueporelgssed Th e / Drug Slurs or Edgarilloru cornea of Perri tad stresso, - ..ilbrsep a,surts;:sat supply a u. busk medic ines, perru prescri ssery, r pturcU - sirriel , / ItleektirreastpOsd ell - beppr . of then/pt., 1717 ELINBAVOIT; 'Attorney - at - T ..hrgiirees,•vear Colleituig, ism; - ties ago! other humus Intifada 'omit!. ihinty. Maas& Vrempl • 1 6rehL.), At. . • B A rainestoek k_ thrrm,.l-". thaa,./Jodspi..t - co, Wright, t•lAq . Jamei - SleCull);, - Etwb. • - Lanmet. Zs:it! ONINtlf DISTILLER AND_ wr0t......-Nag . .litaLSS FORElGA . :ir4l(l,4lll3Tle . .wints . 110/138, N0..114 Liboly d, and 53/ha/nand alky,". P 417!. BURGH ! ! Razkosses, , Seak out Coloci Corner ornirdlaul Weed Alma, • • , P. II •,-•-• .• 7 , Ektram;.sr , Lioni.4. rrafk.ux & - ATTOR: , ,IETO AND COLIN*ELLORS AT LAW. Q(-thlice Nor Ail& of Tairilt n,ahorc Smi7Lse4L.Q p er OtacthiFin. • George 1. 1511; CO, tL ' :MlOLESALK.Gerers'ainl Dealers in Oils, Dee 7 1 s . aShltianatactarNtanieles.inge. an-hf,tW a 1 iafallaadgeneral asenrucesto t a n k t,i n b m .. W t. near Merry Allay hots /fit h 0 ius:ummorus,lmassonsmordirimml 14 •0 3 . 1 n.Thg-I , 4lDir OK WI Mt Kiquingwiewei Mal ratalcate. • • Pam H ead, maideatiodatolled rnaapr, Pm. 6010, ,vir..svnahog, wawa, Amok ighwaii4 I comer lth sod Maoists. Alamo sid , Ows •elerled 'stook of watches, Jewelry.ltilver•was• Maier Oooda. Always on hod and ai repintimair tern pnews, Gold Pat= Loterifalt 7ewelled - 1,23MA &slow la 940; 154Hrer do smells+, as law @sill& 4011111anCewPdt. robiaa, Joao ton add Ow espwraysat esir in.ioe• air two AA4 as a mak =rime wad. L;A;'AgMM;2= ...s. : ATTONNEIK Ohlea id St, eppoidta - 111. - Ctuntl.a )Male/, _ oi.t.t p ilge . imlllten =onion so a !sib . FiNckniwor_. BO ce • D. Pittstnagh.. oel3ll ... eui PICKII" WWI STORE, • • ' I. )11.1,74 aressossto.l7l7l4 . - , ' . T. An'qesbiles DI Otero and Bleak Toe*. quaner,baana cm pgxied paekvA. nup #f.v fAma,o9 eb prr prod to • i Au. . " A LICTIVES • , . - • • " Ace7t for Pekin Tea 07 • • DR. DAVID DONT, Damien, lawny bath once Arraneetneo4l la \le / 'Coal etwimeta Mac be tan devoid aid • 'lobate Anse lete dudes of ble pm, ion, be'scen Iglus oak.. earner e( Lb and tmaidg . • (40. 1 +1, bowleg Market and Ferty eta, at ow N., Ike daI.IMA o• to till dr, , . • 11 , ASS'; . . .Ik.TTORNEY okolCooloalkAral.Loor,ClNClNlVA77i .Xl.OlllO, ColletWoo la Nook,. 41.) media ladlau antis Moologin. weevily sod catefolly.oUrockd to. Cooniondines do We Stags of Prooryloonia; for tailor: IrDaoti oetmwledjeomo•,4e. : • • . mo vo—llon Wes Dell & Non. Girth", Chortl k 4.54.11,5, Wq nom F.k3.0 . 1,21ket k • EAGLE COTTON•WORKS: „ wurwesuwaili • • NUPACTUIE cones • .Casele-Wiek,, zwau......34,1110. armlet CAIWET CHAIN, WARPS Ika. ha., ' • t rwnwck fr. 4 senerAdraa r lecit Airery,) N)OZ7E6, em-r, smw ORLEA . NB.I ones Ettenehe Mein NSW lend, aiarge Hack of LaH, .4..4 sad SUMO! Hogan, la no !soar Haw IHolassea. icH 7 . - trbenTaiAla i.l; ;Holmes =km all sales HClTalane,Bo Mmg. : . • w. ITH Or : DEEWEIAS. tiALerv-is AninicOr DEALERS PITTAIU/Sa AND POIST BREWERIES. , mw , mlawiww AM , ' and roa n !4, and Actof•Plulli, • • • • Hlabearik. Pa. • IV: lisidttt /it at liV:110111111101Vr. libi . Illrit - TVARILS tflitc", duutaNTSDequal, if oat nperiar, •ot auski • • atlegry ap use pi Ihmea bake, 'flack they &Wm cu and and Ton.. " • t neavor.-Pa sp. SILO" Slav gag. ?gram. 11, 11. SDI k CO« ' .mt NUPAITattEUPP Ilarrnet .6 llaPP:: ud Wa!kesee. No 4'r:l:luau, Viusinszb Ir j , Ntr DIL; SOWN 1141/11aRMAA. ' akm agos ailvgioe . g.t.t.giti. • FOILWARDING & COIBUSSION. IIX naileiitioW ' • ; J Kenoleo Sank. at,inzarat 11: - . - nifirarruownp, ok. 00. . " - : T 0 - A - 0 , 0 0 fersomi Na In anu o la et • OE6IO •iiitann trade nod. dealers . gettetilly of 11. Pielototfebitherilieyhaie)rotile eotli arrangements. btWtpo Virginia manefachtnoo and the , Gtworeto of the .Weet, at Indies, sod other plate will &we * I*4o ILO constant sopolT of ilia following tle.t.ene. Own of Tohleeo which wilt be roll( Opaq . neam. , . foodali4 to ei any odes loath, to this enyi or - else; where, and oil geodionlerod Vora' Ihem.9illhe war. railed equal to represeoletiont-- ; 1 - 1 g .11111 j - Domutgo; COllll. , • • Vera; Rico; Penult; Seed Loaf To Culuo . lipotu; : end ,Plotids, ALSO—Bfoneh's "celebistletl, Aromatic Btu C vett: dish; with a Lute otartmeal of ether popular ana.,:qaolitler.ofiwoods.tte fa lA 16s 'end 35. Lew% Se Os be oud 10. nopa..Lediett%.Twito;:.l7irginia Twit& ftei'inweet and plata, to whole end hilt boxes, wool. ,and together wil d awry ont . lety hr Wilde belong: PORWAIDING , COII4IBBIOII JUHICLUIT aim; raw mid' takikidep rt • - sivfzu colom, pa., • -Ttoprietor lad or den. " ' - -*urn , xemsigs._ , ,firmosas :ARA • iummai r 14 7414. 1 " . "P" 54 ''''t4;4 o + 9 l.gni..zsPrelwal R. r .4 in IviieVra u r,Viir puinnr "P" =: t ecus,a,VZ . .em, mutlLOsio imr• nil pee. an Late Zaia [ma i lf . r v i:=salgalaloTrwatadai" la:by,Patien. = -7 1 )." .4441p; P!!!!! ° maim ''' ' -1Ar . „4::1111:0iL • NO: - ' I • 4.2J,4 :Crauidastaa'.lCioirell • peqvusizsrs,,x4. 4,•o• DA,Nmetmem-inp.kupese canalipmegitiC dev tlo elillsr,Asituck • er,t!iliai ambles 61 . . Oliebow therricti MA" (Ma... ' r • arm' M,ll!ierr!!,!..t Me' •A..11/Pea W.. slg,arj Ruben NV i Arinftgitk• kebitiiov' Pdsba!sii. - I'. "'ff. ilcrituxwildta OthaIIII.II3. .438EY47#1M;7415F ~`Rl lo 4l re f..,. ', thrift trYeER II .& CoillidirS , ;' 4 ..,lON . 14 1ii..10C1111i111.1114,,,i',..:,•.• r! - iiie:l4s,•Nrealltt4 Rhea; MatbseOlie;:.— /I F FERjbetrerrrieesvolEfereliatten oh& Fesroere ‘..rthe:tal of Vlaar.Osals;a6d7mktfterEperialf..l2u E IWO to Merhet.ortd,ftetee*titezkamietartetreir otoce Montle parches.. aatl efuelero, can lorelrlitVA, roiliest:lo.o.re sal it. Cen tepondeols will etorreArair be kelp; rui ode( the erste of the'llarkele,i6eo'''t'.4! , Rena Mews. Ws. Waleeo ik, fihror i lmoq . oa it eo , Devidron & ,van, 4.1/rlo..LrfliW. ICinc&l. ,•.liahiluere''• , '': ' '- • ' lirorl .Ca.tierellt Eaglisht:Phllettelphle. , .'- -• . ' Mete . r C I),, it J.K.; 1i....v.k4.,,i ~,, ~.-, D.lumm, ~ cmiiia, nr4. - 1.4.: ii...rp. , .. . c FLOUR. , AOToRs AND,PgoDll:6'E'com7. ..: • MIBBION MERcITANTB; t m . r.c.A. 'eieh ... '-erleoteeit tunr.dZo'oo'Zrittraat PAID three- a Amine Ittl ' l •111 C• ill CALLTiI LPPIL, , ing to oar friends, , , , . ~. , .. , I Moser* Wallingford &Tailor, Plltrbargi. • , i Meer!. Thos. Deli &Co .. , }3migepor4,(&W 4 . _'• -.,,, Philadelphia, May 4,19.41.',, -,, •,, , - ialayn-if , Pi..B..Alteroduce eoniigna to tut .i.sfiforet *tee. la thwirarelosee of Wel linetani & Teeter. PithtitmOlii .. . or to..ottr!thro ill Philadalphte., - - :. r.l, U. LAI,- NSW S ibil I, SRI 11l S Dli ' l.ll:lTOREi - I , - : < AL T: - • , 7 1.' t Etcik -,' •.;vit. NO.-1 33 :• o._l - WOODtiT.., P rivintatoni ', ! -, firo.pif.i.h,d mr...v.u . ... th. A...0T.! -Li both deroecre and tamps I take plc...eta ea• "worming to!Noserorts rout dealer. that .1 am prosier; so furnish amt . with 'all Rxda la toy hue on still Loan s - ... . . . _ 13.11reptil: gecoller.-nhatdcaJleeerehairelrluNba, frry I.Targwara and Carnage. Trinumngs, , .l,obuun thereby iarratte.that edabb,Ane it. 'defy compebn... see.andiadin tor yeareelvelk • t'pt7 Ftt ESN ibIPONTATIONS.O? - irkairrtipt., • MIPORTERS OP AND - WHOLVIACE DRAT . /J . WARE, COIPLEID.To 415 S '' • . I Jk'D. Dlrkirpod Serpa,' • . • P MTSBVILOIL ADR n thO'etkrolo of rointring ra - 10,tbrist onsosive- stack of nonfinite,' Calory: , .kry,*e., olaioA, locoing bevy pox:booed co tko • aorovogroo. tr.no• in Ear./and, co! direog frost. Woo•ntotrY. vtitble• dieto to of. lingua/v.l bp non. tad croolliod ko:o reopocifolly in.4o wow., , 4noma.cocinuur, . FORWAREIBB htatCHAITT, NO. 26 'WM* Stiltrpterrelioncrn, mum* • ral - r,plionliales C C llTarlas, Mecca "' Ily thirparchano sod ale or, Aumie.2 d lklanalactwes and Produce , gad is receiving a fonrardicp Bomb comuseed b hie care. "'AA A poet for the Atatialacturers, he will he coesteritlr aiith the principal article. ot flttobargh hdanalectete.at the lowest elote‘alc prices. Ordentiod himsetouteits tae respectletly solicited. • - - Ont 1 17 1 0. 4 . Lsar . -- -- .t - 0711 — : •IL B tiampiro: ..O,VE,.NIARTIN 4-Co., -1 No. O'herears Vi'liarr, Baltimore. Ras* ~', al & Lica &Co ... .., L .• • • Itwapson.S. , auth & Co, s • ...1.• Daymea.Nmier• it b. Ve.,l - 'Johan andaq,. - Valtimore. ' iltsgb{ealso, . - 4"..1 Tr • • . O. A.111)311101, • We of Binabouty Fa. Law at Bashrigkr, Tenn: LEHMER 4 ANDERSON.' it:ALE/IS IN curroN. Virla IaIDINU ASP • CONINIMSION BUBB Vrer ia , Frinusaars,natra Broadway, Cinrinnan,Bkra. Rorer re Morainal*. wrarraq r. I. rintbarab. atria • W A LTER.-lir CO.. • . • , .scora dlamire: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' No. to spud tfetaid•ok, Wets Aterkst, , blossint. Run 00 1) stein, FIN, Cobbler. C,oss, to•bier.J.Lbsdstreeo see, Illbert. ••• bent M e at- lull Energy, $ Wyman, Subilell /Morse, //EDWARD A. ICYKLItO. • (FCcianoli TO 11U1111,11 & miasss..) . .Ifteinre. loved in(. Comonimao Arfsimot. 11,11 Como. Fralter• • MoinoOt, door foot& of Platoon' 11.14 ROILI , o-34 Atha & Co. Cos, NJ:Loma& Uo. Men 7 - roCeowe t L D. looohnoos. ' • • I V. COP WAY CO., emattal onnaug r!nAmmitialwAakr=to tlt l7l74=7l A : " ' .. • • Aioned,Jones &Co ammo, Dailey & Co •Loteno, *whim I Co Wail Oak, ' Glad, Lit 144.1 & Co 11 lotooll goo • •LyolofOotOt Co- • Clooto • • ~.ra•rlo4ll7 . . • dims . ...*fasi • • •: . 1 .101411 V. P 151111511 4, • • • time atiba /km atAlalallo laleetiso• l 6 i ; 111,515155a1e . 15maar. Clasamlalosal • l• , :litarebalat, • p.m...wain all than tboarry roJtur, Cop. ; . per, Tin, Tin Picea, Thom' 'inks, Z. 0.",, Nsrrt'aim Iron, hoa and Naas Whoa Lad. rfa^ cow. Varna, tialr; ad, and .P.nabarga ilililat= generally, earner or L,beriy sad hams -r akaajteXa4aoUl l r 'Midis • acia: • • tad( Pallare.te. • • "I '• • • 5 AUCTIONEERS • COMMUSS.ON MERCHANTS: ALEXANDgR -LE V Y Ak. 13gOet.: CINCINNATI S. BT. 'LOUIS cormit t.. 11 at al.. enalolisbuteof.all Imal. e lidadciasdha at I. 1' lowan tai. • Costal...loas sad ase *Wart piepared to maim ad.... The beat of fainsaots pa., /I .dratarcd. Lettera add:ea.* at •Alletneue alit t.ptampily attended 14 jralOdir •• We.llaanCw., •COMMISSION MZEIMAtcyII t" .A " 20 Sher/,. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ".: 0:7131n1 /AID rot Fuzsico..9) 0/144 1 1 . : J 9,113.821.1., 81 .04 " Atig•etra ll i bi viLDINa • .liteift . !PeidnietifredlfeiVoiliani. • • ioNtilidu alcohol 'Dahl Se ate forwartl,og besi• 1111016 : I . :• ' ortl3diat• Ige CI. Alt " • •ibreearduea MereAant, lkovnuaille. Maas psedeabiltis UNI Margrardlng of Reese, £r. • Pot emOUilil laitoalloo apply to FOLLIYM k DUltekS:wiley . sk: ' « OR W. NATIIIIWO. naTnisws t PATCH, • lIERCILIATIS, 5•.48 Water blrrrl tViO ST.l.Ot/IS,MO. • Kiss paritealar armadas tio sedans of Pro aloe, and to orders forpurchaion j x. Rim is—Jade Morgan JS 10., Phlsborgb, • 101 l TJOtai 111 eillvergh.flNlKeecin7Clifccrii4/77: JOHN suqui.a.ovon a. co. COMIFIWigoII and' Francenfing . Afercismas, ,• NOM. 93 & 05 . 80U111 • 1.271 r. IIOWLINC/11 WHARF. LlaltlasatiL 71104 jClklil4oll, - 4 Co. ..7 CpMI4.IBBION IfERCIIANTEI, • . . 91•••• 0 duad 9 Llght ,-* 1 1 1ALTLIORK. [D.C.b ad viners will be made *a con/ Igamsot be above addrvas, . • an , 2 11 CAIMON k kfcICNICIITT.ISIIth a. • FLOUR/O.D IMAM AND P r EODUCIt Commlaaloaa 17•.1.0 aura. 71 SOUTH %VOARVES. PHILADELPHIA: ARN now WWII/ Is teeelira sad forward an Wadi of rehandiaam eat laallogea Or uniaza,brenit. tad Wes t Martel/. bee Ttlimelle.tin.lin Tfiairk;lrlatiE. . 0 I. E 8 A I. it ONDCER AND 001111478.9t0N. vv. msacitiOrrattliet wassronm. arr. Loum um • .a Op. ga ! ll 8 4 4 . PA- Pin I who !. • 111 Olt JOISILS' QTRANDOAT.J.ORNT MID 0011711agas• 1111CROU•IT. ! MONONOALLELA 110171174_... t161114714104.1,11k;, .• -- .rftxxittitoicstraxiTtlitieV6ltr, NU 837111 s'rlll{l.ll, • ' Alaitt3Enniaplindid• 1 • ' Iralroltr°&trolrarti• lotehr.anct prira thank • • littan;roltstantly On hand-and 111.241oorilcr.;•;;; Thaprcscat atnck gpltand cannot Le caccll.l by nny;•: atanuracthry n the nrcatorn conng.Tr:alens. to parch* , would do veil ha rn, mo cull. as law! dttemnacitny, prtnea Nutt ;dram.. ram of tan rocs: too ;Sti.hWas with innain • indflair;coh covern ;• • ; 2daz Illiattonitn,NnthiCittutl • • • • nOtaPaalann;,,:: ; ; ',•;; 3delantalannitkialhintingt;3/4.ki: •-••'2 .'95 marbl e -8 pair " " • tetkerVlNdraThanil k , ; ••'' ;•:- • • ; Xaneor4riziAlipleipleur and,,Paplat 41 11 detenppDaV an 4 fL..1.47Ce • Wonw..l df Common, PenaNti..., 414CELLMOUS.. , fil , E VL s lt it t K u p li y ou A l o i ki wio n t o l, U . S . pt . - , Corner e* Wood entl44 Me, Plttelmorign, nrAvora Withdrawn fintelbe Wits of Walker & .J1..1 Windwill, on they tot or ,lintiary, 1(47, I tate ./umnre 'n 1...5t...MX to ar7 (mods•woe ciu• mid country, drat A ben opened my ;monsters at the above nanwipliea„ I Hakim Paretisted,„My goody for each, , and made. Arniniiinents , noth,pettietateta in this conntry and re:A ropo is bo con ty supplied, Lino filly prepared to Noted, Hardw re eta TI kunlv, es sesal teems enfl es kor ail anyhove - Thy( dr Wet .- ,hrenchnnts and orientate; see ler mind to ado and Cimino hip slosir e beano r anir .4.o4trn " The Mltowink composes a pan - Jaw „ , , Steamboat mut Enid/ere O n`JinOrnmn. Nnles.Nathar'ssorei,skirery. Tools, Ai.o, • v i -4E6 eel, Linea. Latches, St . sttkr,_ttey c,t,.. Ibto Ong., Sentra, Union roomy mimeses., stallogniv boards ead vageare, ant sal Other articles crierirctsd with)be Hardware Sorbets'._,, • IL lif 1. -, intiiiilt Fill OPlrri i i itia Millen Alatelltrifig: Mr li :13. 4 1 =Pi aVA ntrlti d tni P ,r410:6,4 , d.... oh , akin ter ability, me tenw i ,,,,,p m d ~,, veil nghts and conliaci in deliver ejuniiy to any pan of dm ti mod Stites 'The rouble:2ga &signed to mako Oriel nom erode MT; a.I Will Mike 3 0 , 0 00 geed ' firtfiltroti r e l ft= a n;iftelipe 6.B „ 4 ;:zur k i d la ' b7ir ‘ rdsir . ! garb Sthetelay,dry log and handling the back after , Issing 'raided, 11 la ample, mmng, not !athlete getout , poor tepee, nmi /a opaque:el that it bad le taken to pies...and pm serener mil gnat fordity,thue render. lriw it ;enable. We me nose boilding o p t i on . lu ad ens tanualtMen t onither dee. Porn Rill dew mew aid rake on mumble. new et miceessrul opera • - lion r a bait creek Wk., near thc I% ors elo of Liebe, =; t t 1 ir .4 gtia'47%), 6 .11 venal neartnonied m, Ali lepers to oor address will be mmiatly aneoded to . , , CULBEETtiON, Meltril,LEN & Co, nwiar mo_, >2:_-_- .I , onrourawn.- . — uliin — srraWiirt srazumalr: . INFECTIONARY AND TR UtT MEE, will Many, April Ilk, fort doom from . Wond at, dour,is A - /eyirrea Pekin Tea Store. , r_terided &moment ofrany fie, Coulkelanner v . F a., (neshoikilyi counters rely 4tar, aneweeluok 1 ' Peearnorter,, - PealtdOttM _Lemon ihmeinq j .41 "' ''% k. ; =IL do; rizz,-.1...'...,.,; • . Ginter Einar Wafer Jumbles; npongertive ad, _Federal Cake, A. PS; S.p.r do, ' _ order* far : lee Creitelly, Bodes` Coke, Fano,' reenhotrosary, Ito., &v. rested in a inmate mac frilled in qiiiiiiy an d rainy by any other crinklier'. preshEreid, Twist, Mask, An, manafactored moiety hoot amt. iymu lumin] free from all dreg', very sanshig. .tz_ ANDREWS 1108 I" OW /lODIC OP useATFsio notr zums-ur. o. Derter,or Boston, has • end and Oareninirsiilea hwhembte been% which ha sn.be enme oessran Y vied In Stolen, Now York„de ' and wherever oohed. r has 'edema* th e decided preference over Stoves, oomer., te. be ati m tads arm -- , let Great nendanty Of ,Tcoperature. ~ rm. Freedom then Smoke. SnL^Ne enpleannt Dryness. 4th, randy encoded le, and not liable inlet art or bib. Great Darabinty. A Model and slecideanon may be even. and the ar- MAW* ebtitmed aid. Copper end 7:111111 1 / 1 0 twerp of WIC It SCAIFF, fontstriel, bet Wanda:r lilarket tee Anivriar• csaterFitaadzericiee: riPORTER.ANP DEALER inYboelgu and Ikiness' seal .... 14 .1071`egg i n Mead; and tbepealteroserallyv Nat be Is Dew .teteiring I kb, ftrierrwapply Harderyur, at ibe oklatthil of Mae, Woodsielf. No Pi Wood bUnciombieb be will divesob af en die's:obit rbasaisitt4o :env. - • , will ba tortiinnally me - Iring thub xemplrei hook Ituutfaciaters k'ilvope and ibtt eabbfrbY will eabble bibs io compote with bay entabbab• =vat, h!. rag et Won, . Wobutrn &Teta.% me 'IBI4W to eon and e tanetic bu suck 6rf.r.-03relsabrbs s4b.ishtn, ' . SPAa EtJw astbaukuoa, have.etnated Into Catiartie If villa for Um pupate of troasemiag a Yeodtc.e. a s Cati o sod u r ig onra i . 14 1 ....• 1 40.1 elvirirnatute;:t - Lapel. mtiff;W; Mem Eva, folanity oeettpwl LYN, W U Navy— 'hew LI 11411lintesi IT oar .eLarge will be amnia, and fsitafaltr atantlol to. MORRIS WILE. formerly of PbUrete , pkia • - V EnGREW, nottlicLl,Db:a FINDLEY aIcUIUEW," . t in.. 4. lf , !•_"•i.r. D a . RAVI imams. itssursoir, Mt! '" 7 1U lka s. Veers. rseds, kter ...lf on issiutisf co. cassfectsc destroy. et G:ft, ra.boirl.7 sad Games Idelyog 1,1..2. 4. sod Tokr. pisiossdensessaud pentad fn., idrtwer At: kinds of Cost., Trap.. sod %S fe dust.: C.abs,Tiscrads.sod'a postai .soecat.st of Fear Ofddss dietude, at a eassi ed... Oa c.a. redists es • ode. drportd see, ( N e st Ms. : Cat irmiPriass, add 10 by II fn.. Sc Nest York pct.. - •a.„ w . il e - • 1 11, 7 ,7,,,...bi.. • ntr aeon Finn nedltas ope mad* the Intyr ot Omnioble ng/ • theettod , between Waal dad Paithleil meets, ta Ow teal OS Inc Illooonvtleola Ihnntklval tatne pent Corn of Dane* and Cam. owe a tie Wet haat.) , ul. latest ntylaa Usti. los ah J. very in Ike bat onnnet. frally nil Moaned trepan+ nod Mammon( no !gas innn pitooleaUlovbea aslt Ithena.AcorryMeal "Md. Ila Pied k ?WA end tor ail other thee*. doe II( U. aada external tomothea Poop mid. nopeoniteA l e i 1.., pr Freeklea Oa. bora. Norphoor. Tim, and change. , the color of dach, Ahlaated skla to Goo. bealt/ry, yombfoi daemon- swa 4 .4 bappty nionsatrel genough and in We at Ibo p/tee of J7J per take. In. jnot bola weaved. Or tole by U A rAinic....roac a C. cons/r lot sod mood ma one OA the Mae/0 taiti 11 " 3U0 1 14. -47. yyN ih atjainthd nal MIA /yawl, tbariay, Hair umelay and lihnop lam b. 6. meglen wyk, rol sr. reputed to mit oh toom gee, with boo, comfort ad wk... ; rzed ea Ink ea all Um try wltiont achy. pm boors or Mirk a toothsome. of thd mom, of imitoo, sonar of ho dnoload tbothamead. Nab et Mousier lig _Drp(Aod• Siam). • 9 it bailie' E X IM U L M nliten 1147$ 4 p7OnTa . nr " o U tAll subtle l a p. ! pained for 4 dentbUtty teitba enaMPIC DM of alt Lindh of Fothised. 11:1,11 cub tot bad loestooflo iraMial.d Olaf MAIM. Onitt4 WI won! q•• IkJ Uolidat.Briako win be titetuit at 1110 p.m N , $1 No do. aleatoritirt Imamate. A Mellor Utz int nonlity in indedelog nod for hale bt tko wasebottee, - Nowa`, Nola, by J SHAW mAcrARRN split • Conungton Iron Wotho hi CUTIO 0-T-111EPOILLICZ.Taiiateni bet, by written amused with the Yam Ted Cks, bee the rielemive rigid to Nell their Teas In ED./arab nod A liegauy circa An. pewee armories/ to sell skate Taitheacept reward tereagb or, 8. preethaqi a deception COI • timid open Hie polio-and them w0e ,N1411.116111, he robed sat.. A . ... •.. • JAYNYX Te Poartheinwt etiVrelfri r ,lKeih . )l7eriti'sh - lii . CUTI'EI 17 /ea leeeieed from the East, Havel'. eine' goner, Sittelerehleylballeat center. a very sopenot an/craned the Clidiges met, all et which art era very sopette• natality; tor *NJ. at the Piusbergb Seed and pleiso.nt watch, corner of Wood end 3tll la. nett il N WICRERMIAM - - . --- ---- - . - . ' DINVOIe 1311.00 e. TOF:iNOHLER, Draerist end Apatmeery, N , W, ase e) torpor of Wood and 6th ars, Pittsberat, win keep tonsintdy cat band, Drag', Para., 014,,Dyt.tatro: tho, I N. It -Pliysletaids preerwporms maternity commend ed bath the best maret/ale, at any hoer or the day or night. Alen cit assonnwat of Perhunery,• fine Tooth Hair, and Clltli Dictates, it. ke, which be will sell km Newt,. ..r 1 rasraraoar—Tai — aairahiiiaata•lbra. - : .1.0 lotto between the tirbeetthers, ander tbe sqle at J D Miaow • Ca, la Hos day diesotred by mei aid canton,. The 4414110.1 wail bn eeetirowo by JD W il liems,wprela duly eathenited to 11111: % 1: 1 L ett:7 ,l V! Ofetete l inA THU, AtILI.EIt Pitobe/OL *et I, I Mt HON' (11:T1.SAT-A theire select,. et IntOety Inn V Pruning and Daeding Kedges, of venom minim , : settible foLnerrery 11{(11 Slid jr . . 1 . 4 ' . ; a 'l . " 1. 1 1 asserusint of ph and poc keLk nice a a superior an.rie, Am teedired and ler sale low at tbe Poirlatcb Seed and Aancalleral W•taboost, No 131 %v o w t,,,,,,.., of ntb. 1 _ aria , L H N WIC:Mita:IAM COMMIIIII/ONICIL lilt DEMDs AT CINCINNATI-I ern eethomed by the tave rn s, ot reinualgasit to take wkars*der.nes of all In. ~,,,,..,H, or wiabor, lam !maw. end dtpaottioni el persons its Oble,tobe seed ar welimied in Ponnsylva. I Ida ( in MOO Nam et the Mayon. lifer, Ga. eimure.Clue.. • • .. EDWARD? ORANCII _....jty s r,,__.-._ .:-.;.-: A "r n e , . RAVIII .VVA ?ITEM" . ' Ina Ann LIHI COUNTRY !NEED WHIR wanted; LUIIIVUII rot which the Ityptut pap la CAIIII .01 be . Always on beed,overy deseriptko at ep e nf,,.. an d Wrapping Pew awl ['Mind. !Jobe • 7 • atsvaiocbs a slim . atebt _ ' Canter Penn and Irwin n 4 Pgishut./ • , iININU ROOFS Monthly 110.< and Ever ~ amen.; it , , sensib le for pleating In Cemeoy's can be farnislied en appbeetion a: We reed Ebro, r"ll4°" ' ' ' ''" ' j" "'"l'le VtiVitria lin , . th ,,,,,,• • N. in. rnrymnet a noi d , h ilia ... ..... --.-....- ?OW) lifdli l iilarikiiiiiTClll..2 , —lten etvo n an LT•ddible le ea kfinimant (iohl sad tqlver pat ',item", W 61666.06616146 Ibr Lanka and Gentleman ...af the laical and Ilandsortmt patlems and of flu ben ....actaft.—witrranied lad for Me at yety prl. lan • • W W — lll. — kii'f 0217 -- DFA LER In 7'c/coming" and Vane ty Ono4..TOWOm 1104 /very and Dora can*, Wattllen Yara. and wocalcda, Datum. Needle., pins, Tanc.,laldai NO 13 blarlei tontareta Dimond azia4t4 waste !EU) at CAuED, and Foams ot vanalaiiiii,coaTta ß nt ly on band. and for sale nal price., aced pric Rahn belgiglfted Mg", F4.1]1 Wood meet. coma 6/ W mint, . • WICKKILdHADI i el, ' • cutgAIIVZO2EIN-4 sot ree.4.• lop mon, ow* eatiobanai mama Potent teo cream Imp " •14. 114 .• f ° t, /J c "i. °nal !47NVI lit'Aligit; • :, . ~. :. , i 1.r...' ~ .• No it mortollti 6. . . . . - ' T,Clf LITERARY! . I PITTSBUROII FEAIAL& INSTIVITE. • T ADS Institution, under the rams of Nev.- N GOIMMINAND ,Lstir. in which all the solid and or nwnental brodebes'of a Gnislted education bye 'taught is +law oilman theree"entionor Ueat i • betweens2c Irvalno 'Low s Libor ty.kl,artsat a - - I :al andCitt streets. The awaind Eession ill r commence on Monday the 30th of Aegusq end 10111611111.111 that war who may design entrant should ,be They us far as practicableby that They have tiOcuted of services of Pror.luir 2110.- IIOCK-as teacher of Music emit, Piano end Guitar;; who's usowell knowuto needrecouniendatlen. orto, pment , Fsench teacher be employed :Prof. HINGHAM ivill Lave ehargcofihe Detiar ent of Feral Muse. Prof. SUMINaKI 'grill have din . client of the A Me Department, and will give Seasons, in dralriuk, sk tub ing, end" pannina bo th sad ureter . eiders. S."is a - competent teacher, and h.•reeonnueral 'ens' from the am men in Europe and the United Son Ile has also been" a teacher 111 6rsi umpuniciai the country. • • For lanai apply-male Principal. " al/1.8.. LAMM'S. BOAMDINiIIt SCIIOOI.. . Ulb. PM ;dr*. Sareqatere Mirtante, Send lids, r . ~ • • Phllladelplara. . .. .rrllfVplanpuriard in tgis Incite Jon, embraCesall the 'J. higher branches u lna et Education, with ins:Uterine in We Freeeth end Latin Lategaaphs. ,The servieer of the most eminent Protbarora are per . manently yeenna, and every facility given pupils (or goitre-the different Languages, roginber with other r<mpi e e The yar ta divided into two terms of ban nib tbi - .each, commencing on the locilSeprcinbcr, end vot ing • t. lle.eharec for thdErcholutie Tearer ten , ninth , is l, iniyable hal( yearly in Advance; Withcad eat as, , a L eept , h ate nerd //weing: wine!. am et PrOlea r's * g any taw within lh , Ir a [ill ha charged accordingly. .Ifft it anachi" de...ruble bYpirdet a or guirdians of .•pila , (rare wolortanee, they taw relearn dcrinpthe mutt bababen, when all** atlantic* will he pin. • - , llngh Elliott biro, i l:rit M Patterson, Deft McClellan, • . . " : . ti G t 77.1;4 IL IT L n . 114 1 :It tit'.,l*-4,r, Morgan, flo. Moo linkman Esq. Flosence,Als—Wash Jack.. M lio Ere, N o—Caleb 0 giorrell Ert, Neahvilleaban— Mort Preheat X Call, Tallatiaal.e, Plotkla —Dr .Tbornan tk r ,,,., cbse,...-1. F; niter Fxi, TI.C 4 -11<ima* C cshit Eaq,Savaaah, (ico—Rev Dr decalgrusk. Near L ' altl4,n . - - r -- ffit - XT 1011 O LADI , gamut - ART, .7 1..- - ALIA'XiIIF,ItiV CITY: '.'', • 11118:Indlintion ander the direction of Mr, PI:. W, . 111XIVA1,r, m niill open for the romp:ion DCPapila Corner of diairdoelaj and Xtrimberrir sta. i fi I,, e*bbOrml Sebliobl Will albalananc6oll harindaT,Yept lime 41,..alsning to. (111. Winged it to their interest I do aas near the opening of the session es possible; s su I alln. pipil. will be resemd Al nay mandating the ... ,The services of competent Teaeheriiiill be Iterated larietnafea that may wind to receive instmetkins in V ssnis, !Wring aril Made- . :': ,. ., n lktio iirs:of, riC," = " ull t r o lerZtt i er;)ls . b3 of the rouser liroktor-7. t• Allesheny. int p 11, i At' ITALBABLE 'BOOBl4..Vabliaid Jame., Walnut street, batwedn F i ourth iqa Firth, Cincinnati. Guizut's abbon—l'he hi tor t 91 the &Chia- :fall.of the Roman Empire. By blilwant Gibbdn, Anew Edition,Vermed and roireetedthrifingtt! p: ceded by a preface, and accompanied by holes critical and hi.torical, relating principally to 1114;propagatioo or Quistianityi by M. F..Giusot, Altaister of Public Instruction teethe kiMplonard Intnee. 'lire preface,notes and correction., bans ! Islet? from the • French expressly lot , thii edition. 1 ! With n notice or the Life end character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to .Gibbon. let 2 vols. limp : RIZ pages. tiapicr's rePj l32olll lVa.P.4... " olDplti.e. I vol. Imp. levei.l,ll/pages. 1.! flallam's Middle Ages, Charnber's England Statiand. Robertson's Vir,Tinis and New• RincelP. French aerfEriglish War in America; and Riuttay'. American Revolution. l Sol Go. ; • T.Rraryol American Ilistory—C,oataining!aike. lions from the.hest author. ou American history, Biography, Tmvehr, COMIT'CIie, Statistic., Indiaes, Revolutionary Battles, "&t. Ace . . Ace.! Also, Arm, doted, Poetry and Aliscillancons articles. Illnktra tcdstith more than :.:10 engravings. I Vol, imitlro • Overeat Pictorial Library—Gontakung valatible ' osky,Biography. Fine. Arts, the Orientals, Tiarels, Geography. Botany, Atireelaneout reading, &e. are' not imp Bro. 640 pp. fell sheep. ; The }ninth Medical ithrary—A.Treatise *tithe P,tiootion and Cure of Diseases,thy regimenned aidaple mediciaa. Am. edition, revised and cmdarl gutwith the addition of a Vegetable Aliteria ! Med. loa,lidontinz Wit the virtues, prepotallotu a nd d , Sess of orts most raluglalt 0. , 0150 radical plants; and in !celibate of Anatomy mot Phyaidlugy. Illustrated with :our huotred Engravings, us of which lam !tolorial. By .1 G Norwood, Al Debt page. Svn. American Flower Garden Companion—.tdatited to th Gelled Sate" by Ed wad Sqem,LandscapqadWarnerta! ; s, rewired, enlarged sad db.:dialed. ' Palmer'. Oregon, Rocky blountamm,&c. &e. ' • Family Testament, aCtAlla, with bad withLt Polvglot notes, and Psalms m metre. Rice and Pingree's Debate. Burn's Work.. LAO of the Luke. Leila Rooth. , nom'. Private Del. tine. Juvenile Books. Cheap edifies. of vanities , works in pamphlet form. ! uschZi Valuable Standard Workai• DILANDK'S ESCYCLOP.V.OIA-1 lleatioary of ?ki p wee,litrestwesadarumaipriiinrey,awariptioei *aid wicaiite prieetexeor way brooch bongo kward, sob Ow derirsthe awl derma,* or a the te: tqf in mend edited by XV T Oviode, rlt 8, da. /11"strated by 1:10- , own , . elareciur oo wad. Merv', North deiornao dub, malOibing beautifully *ad lux.", of Noah Ameifies,Cioadb Vow. Cowd" If HI, Non lax* Now Itrwarark..Noillwai Tex., New Atia Terse, Colifiaido, Alexia; Garth Amerii Wert India laioad, sod d the Slaw and Terri . Titaro Tugus—Tin lrisiory a a. Ponta.e frios reCrwaina in MI 7, to the maul.. uf 171 , 8,comprising. account of 15.ir priori/A, At, t, Neal, 51 tritsrillrrJoho 0 Charm, 51 D, INlth rttllJihets In Ins volurons.- The one et the flinty in relation to the Mind, by eh...v. Moore, M It, wont., of the royal college- of Plipiesans, kr. Juvenile Work. ' health nail IrentO or which soaker the one, in very p.p. tilor'Jnonsik A Periled thelko, being adding nuratitno of ekporee4r, . - - - 11anet.• Speaker—The lineage Speaker. eaisiag elearnaary rain. sac! graced... ia'.lrclasualita, aag ariae. esua a( paean tar , pearl ler, hp Fraaei•T Rama fl, ingcructorw elm-tabu streamer.. T. woiks.wr ted talr by JOH gTt ?Ni hTOCKTON .11 orakt. and 3nl its; • ICA 4 . 111110ICS- Itentittnn.t. Ilutt.an Isormes Aftt:of nonage • AnalaMr. _ res co ria.l Althrte*. ?toner. Klee rrSY.Mn cation Wttn,Meal. Pramice, Watroahr do; hhiethe'•• ' da; IWI.. am 'Female. • Cooper on Germ. Ratocliodtun'a Prat:ire of Pattaanom noel. doe rtrimark; Cond.. on Ihreasenof fibld rem; Cry rooro ilotmerslif -4 teal Dichanaryl, o Veorrr, • Dopemmorp—neW rdfilon. The alone will a ' , metal marmorean of I.lll.Gra/ and dlimellamemmllook.ioet reeCi•lof and for gale I tw. 11.1.11r/T A' ENGLISH ..• • 11111inattet hemerea rird awl 4th ; HARP/1M PUBLIC AT10N!5 . ..L WebaterY Uoiloadolliaowy ao4 Moocher/too. AlulthoriAl Aloaleinx I .ddellaolfeatfa Mock god 1t6.6.66• Dropmeallloowal Pldlooophy. • lartloroCleawartry. - • • • • Jon realism. A. oak kr Imo" 111 e1X/NALIrkTIERSIOSI.SII wades . olortoo, 104 of the wars • rompolops len the Waggle. of the Greek Patriot. in Koultott ta mty mr couniry Vale—in torto.lol. amw—o r ropy omen.. map. and myrtle mo, • • ! Letter , ilium rati.c of the tellfq of %William 111, 5015 1516 to MS—with bon portrait., in x rob. Cootrobtob to the mode of the glair Ilarrp Mowbray, lhnlln. roniance, will. 00 mgr. WitHVIL • • loot la the linty lend, Fre..k yingr, and Elketehri I. China. hot reed and formal, by - • IIoIXONALD , MIEF:3O,I spit 2 • •YO mukriotrerri Maw Ak .TblIN SIELWI 01 Wend in . ..me 'seeming .1 an excellent wroriniert d‘ Mote. aad Na. York Plower, arrived to-day and raw open for oats. Two Pplondhl Ilroosood hauco, str octave., IVili Oa. mkaald awned Woomera, .ix All 01111.7.106d14 ftabdlWlßT .J• bag • • aro. One .rand Piarm Forte:mode al the Maim , of licarl Gem. Pori, and folly mini to the one nred by hlntat his Gasmen, . • • . 15001 Ono rtothogooytterond hop 4 Pianto, noel by VW dam, %Voretner lhanlmmi New Work. t.l A fonher ropply will I. received dialog this wea l 'sob . • Blinii.Let ia Zitaiit Plasm. RLIERRII he. lan receivedlaicadlowiekil Dew, H. Plana, which will be saM barer than van be. ,botig hi in lb. , ea.t. • • whin Myra nt neahogany, l octavo. made by Nunn.* Clark, New Vora, or gnat power sad sweeinow`at woo—ctinviely low prieed. . 041 elegani nisevroall 'Piano Side by Chlehering.'. Rano.. and wireted by him all 11. heal jnunament of die etas In hi. Inc any—pricey arynialeivic. a camber of ellicia a? all prier. and Arming Ike mon extent,. octet nen ova OF here,: yla iqrar.S•rt all W VVoadarelllo. • • • ' : w 064 • iteotau mud INew VOirk Plaian. • Ifflow /WINN• Mod .4; Lao rteeirri 'sad Aron kg • llneyiplendid Rovewood Piano Feria,: With-111 °clayey, Iron (m ca and new! beak. :U.4c•henna' •or Demon. Clay elegant Howiteced nano Pone, with 6 beinyea mad iron flaw. Mania I.y Cbickeeing. 060 k/Ftv , klatiodatiy PM). lass-mode by Vale RC*. New York, alcwe wild at enniigractorer's prices. Alas. far mato IA abom• • Heond hand Plano Forte, 'nth Gaeta mca. jell H ipzing ? §P. Qllsl7Co l —Just pabllalind, by 111 IC 1116rOR hrtib ?' h'l n cit . I.er Civil• Wars s and Colonial and Revolutionary Annal., from ibis period of Isc he l= l ia 'h n .C.i..ca •nd IVlllitory Achievement.. fly Philip Voang. M.L Witb Iwo Coyompline Alan., Aintree.° Kagniviap of Clati”f llaUli Unineda, die. • Ch. vol. ama oc taw, at; fiva bandied and alaiyifour inl4. • 411* OF XIC.XICO:—Ill oo n do lon Esti*. Vol- M delbodo per lee mine repr:4l ConparM ,l delbodo perlollll.llsOlkl. y eoawfdn P.F.14 orchser awark: 1:`...r..741474iNitrtr4.4. • : : • -... ~• -woodm llo44 a nti s* : !VIM MIN CIPLX4OP NATURE, kir Winks BO= air ... ;4 by 0144iimo .._4lnaan iol '4 41 1' • • ..: MXICALZWIAL( ~;;:;. MANUFACTORIES. Qll./ E NE. SPRING; AXLE, TREI.F &ARON WORKS COLEMAN. MAILMAN, &co., 'laving completed their Near works, are nom prepared so manatee fuze .every descri p tion of Conch Anedf.littnc pprirtga Iron ailes. Arnett can Mater, Apripg ;del ptookh Steel, and all sizes of small slyttare.aoll• rotted Iron, whisk they oder for sale on litetral terms, at awn. Warsdauss Re. 43 Wood street; where they 'alto keep on hand - i complete and handtatut assortment of . tftach trim. st ing;, Carriage hanlsrare, malleable C. ll. ti . Co , hnne made arrangements witti Hlm e, Day • k Crone, manufacturers at Shovels,"Spalles Forks.,Ac., and will keep.cortaumtly, on Lund every arncle made by thein. Dealers are respeetfully cited Nue% and terms will Lomita littcraL ivt-1-41Tar . , PITT MACIIINV. WORK'S AND FOUNDRY,: JOHN WILIOLUT Ale CO, A' RE prepared talmild CP:U.l'lot Woollen.gie),lP: ery of every deseriptioo, suely ae—Cord.ns chine.. Spinning Fremes Speeder., broe'og Froroe,, RrOPray Worpers, Tonllets,Sponif.s, FtlllllC., ',error, Card Grnder., he., rousts Imo Sharree it:reed onsizes •of Co.l Iron, Pallier lead Hunger's, of ilke Went patteroe,tlido ati.l hand l:.they ood toots of ollkods.• • • • . . ••Castings of evvryilercnrUgn finnistiek on nlion lige. Patterns mad , in order for Mill Gearing, Iran ruilingv !main Tip« for: beating- Paeloriet: Con -bon IS' In:are $n)11, ou , l fanny enningn gnnernlig.— • Onleriren al the Vnirehouvv.op. Palmer k. Ga., UV: etty urge( will have ;gaup, D 3,1011600. , • • Itzr v./ vti Erlaeketnrk, Bell IC J • it , naerhostil . &Co:, G .k arose, .10.111 i Fon+, Pinnlitirgli• G k 1 II Warns Steubenville.. juilD sinsnip aicirloiiT • co-pAwrAr , ,_ • r. E: ojt'Attrtaraht. Lave fi r m entered two co -Mt nneriltip ander e n firm at Stephen., Shoenberger .4. nt the .Anelktr Iron Vt r rirkWlteeltna l'a.raar the parptetetor talettateurring iron r, and nailsof everydeteriplum. E. IV.S,ryarn.. F 811 , 1.113.0F11.. J. A. Sroct - - -STEPHENS, )1110KAORGER & CO, ANCHOR. IRON WORKS. - Wheeling, J'a. hlanaraelare oftltindo of bode,. 'dell. bar iron and ado, A II tneel ellpne opringa,ond nob,. -Ueineeon eeled with Shooatberwet's Old J inns Works, we eon carer an amens of Janata Iron I fonder! Shoent.rrner oral nr"any mnde In the country. '',lll of which oral t • rd at thr.l'manuntir priena. Warehouse of the Work nor-nerd( Monroe and Water avert.. . royl I - - Jas. Lippeuc p. John D. Week. P.. blorran. •LIPPENCOTT & CO., ) • fi - ANVPAC . II.IREFLY'of IIitSIMERED and CAST MW.ovels and Spades, Axe. and Hatchets' Mill M Cup Circular taut Gm easel.; Ilar eed ar e Forks, lthem blettorki. Picks, ise. he. . M'aving completed all their arrangements in. the ara greaten of cow amettinery, and ot rentripg the best workmen from the must eelebtated maddishmeo of the Muth art now menufaetarmg and' wilt keep !con sultedy on land and for sale all the algae artiobet, ban big availed theathethro of Ile filen imptove meats, and are determined that in arotbounwhip and material the' will not be excelled. Thry promise tome:sloe° articles, quad, if noteuperior. to sum that can be had In the Pad. They invite the atteutiod - of dealers to au camel:Mimi of their stock before - pa (chasing el wrhere. as thmca re emprineed that the), will be *Me lo Ed all Orden la lbeif !Ina la the entire em asfeel ion of purelia.le re; We rehouee„ - Water at 4 doom West litotrotgabeta Mato, Pittsburgh; . N Per having holm,. with Wen. Lippetwot Soo, will rim. cob owLipt.ntuitud Co. malty ALLEGIIEPIY. Q&WTIAZf lILINDEACTOR4. • JOUR A. gowrq , TAKE,. this OA:I,W to inform his friend. -=. sod the . Rub ri c, at faro thatlis Factor 7 -= *steow fulloperooun, on the East uide of the Diarnond,'Alterrny,where eon! rd ' q i u ' alirle 'T s, o n f re n e l e ” n ' st ' an ' tl;tero . n7tan kn i eunrur to order to the hest style. flied. repaired at the sho ri est notice. N. • 11. Blirtdi will be put up, without any addi= Donal raepur thn they cap be removed in a ma. men( at cane of fire or loawashied, and without the aid of a ernes dr o . • oeridlyrrmolarnty A. FULTON, omit aad Brass Nand • Z.: ;Ua! ' •l7s7ittl. " :ltlre co lirsv e i ' ll ' 4. b plelsedt ' ••••dg:l. hiv old au ihainer. fa. • _ Church, titcandwat, and Bell , of ovary • aize.ifrotit "In to IU,OIA poondo. coat from patteano of the moat approved itioileis, sod • warranted to he of the hem material.. Mineral Wows. Pump , . Colino•as. Rathug, he. he. aT: l `. , ; , 'Ze i ldeZerlrlx.crne"utte:tem73. 6 7,Yr"g'ir . • Lt7r.P.• F. la the vale proprotor of 1.143111reS ANT, &Amnon Illorah, so justly . uelolimed for the tedue• hoe of friction in itiaelintery. The Boace and Comp.- sildio 411,111 e had orbiat atoll timer , W. W. WALLACE, STF.A:I,I NVORKS, • Ns, ell WU: 2:11 1-16.ert4 'see, 41.21 . Fie Cana!, A . IsIVA On.awl stud am:dela onJer. a ta rge rie ty Mut, tifentels: - I'le,Centre,"Tatiles, and Itorcien,Tope, Tomb SiOnt'S Mon uments, &c; all which, heinfstaado of the rhoicest marble. and omnatactuced Arian ilmalgrLis n i sz i trill p te, , td .e low l, s i for cash. informed that u i• Licuccorth en:wee...au for them to, go Ea..ag 1 eon launch. them with an anzelo id cit seeps ts as good, and Um,ghl, insurance, c, contader ed4 as Cheap as they can s•niehinse thorn (or in the East Calland see, Is-Vs COPI.ER. AIIEET IRON AND TIN . ' • \VARS. maNviAtrruity, No ft Market ave., Pitt•horeh i re.had:rrp • Tira ,7l 4g2Tr.l!:roiPlLT:VM`inT'grf.-Nrve..l.:, pow. Inuldin !Steam kook to esti nail °tontine tiefore pare hazing, to too ran vuoply_titem tank Dreg Stove', Forger, and every other /mid et CoPro. Tot nod ..Vhect Lon work .a.casnry in fumitto tog a t.earnLoat. We alto make to order an the shoo.: colic, Sat Tito , knit k:11,..,,er; Coop. wort and every variety.: woil in oar lire, • tOtik tki I Elti:l , S SHIRT - - • Wll.l. •IIoCLIL B o t tl e s Co., 31aanfattaren of Vials, Anil V. Glass, Kn. I:4) W.lOO . StnEF:Y. O re Catrorms .w.ttg von- to fall opera...ion. am ate . s .J.primre.l exrrotr adv. to our I,nu. promptly. DuriuK rho Iwo summer IV. hove u, orplan of Qat trozo K Wrlou- (Aar, (the tno.t oppired plat, now u.ed ier r-rt,) by v. b.rl, on' u,rn out .opr-rtur r•la‘a on try , plun pero quo-o,th yrr and , brit- ror. P.,utle aro, era:ry ore surtoc‘lt aka call owl co u nt (or • • BENNETT & BROTH ER,. QFEO:Nswn RV Al AN 1,11,C7313i5, B tr.( agtaaat. 1 wear Plataburgb,l Pa. Parthatsat, No. 137, lraod sfreat, rit.laburgh. fWILL rnaaanay krrp o , d how! a ,load mron mem or Ware, of our ow. lomoodourn, and , auperoor quality. Wbolmtir and vinintry Alm chow. Sir rrapcmfully m1n0 , ,1 to call and en. Snare for 1111,111 th,.. iIY VI, Um. de:v.l4mA to nil hcapet than has cYari•raue been sordrcd to tic pub i.r. - - -- ID, Ofdrr;aral by mail, aerampattird by thccarh or sly mferenoc. roll' he promptly aso.odrd rn,, (0.b.5. Great Western Butt inner Nunfactory, ' CiNOII.4IiVATi, O. A GARDNER & Co.. would infarct the Undo that . tney ate now tnanufarturing the tn.. bait evettantle tit the United tllate, Aran*.our princt• pia eve intend no toold nu: a. comp l ete an a,. ticle +wean pnonkly tK nude. l'ltogeengaged in thu hamiwnio trode,wo. think, will find .1 to Mr, tnteret to see our Butts, All orderapona.ptly attended to. • toys •A (JAM/NEU A Co. roe of nth JOILIN BURRIBP t cp.. No... Wend Eret•etz, /lane Femme. ntel thee PIZ. ,TRA., Bey. of ell Piece can from the late. imptovra term• awl erarremcd mgt.!' m finiehd A • i e o , r b er m ed.:: GCus rihit. hex, put up pmmptly and on • winnable term.. • • • neolgdly • .._ --------- : rirniuptlat mu. WORKS AND REBIND AND AXLE FACTORY. ISAAC /On. . ' ' Min V. qmaa. . JONEE & f&CIGG,. Att UK F lf t ,...Fa i l fr . ' 24. 6 .1 ° 1C It ' d ' g g 41 ' 4.1 4 , 1 it7l B'° ! l .i Elipt a Spring.. Inanmerod Iron Anion. ond alea t lilrral . Nall .bit egrn,,,, Fire Eagina.. Lamp.. and Camel, Trim ingn gancrany caner al Sass and Emu eirC,.., Pittobornh, Pc -- , niir..7 e LIPPINCOTT TOWN - W /fah TRON and NMI*, Sher..l4, he. Tni .ale 'at our new 11 Warehouse, No. SA Water *trim, flair Wood, nlng.m Front. . Alto. an nwonment at the old stand, McMaster's 'Row; I.therty tweet: -• Iltorind made trout addition.* the Rolling Mill, all, orders enn Lo Mledtpromptly. • nuethl GRAPP.LINII‘dhIr. it Co. BIRMINGHAM TICE FACTORY. . CAMPBELL L CHESS, • • a.uvactassets oa , .E/NIFHING MAWS, HEAD' BRADS, trots and Copper TaEcks. , IRON AND COPPEat 8110 NAILEti- tttfli pc:nem Nukes' Points, of reel* ekacniplienh °Men No:2FI. Marina Howl; Vhinforeel i ,41 • r • • Pittsburgh. P. f 01.rt.rir. /.mm. I.: latttor. FLINT GLASS P.FITABLISIIMENT. A ULVANY innliu facture end eon. J.Y.I snooty on band Cat . . Moulded nn.l Plain Flint (Ilinievenre, in all it. violent.% at their Wa relton4l Cot. ner of Market and Water novo% Pinvhurah. Our NVork a 00111illein In. Call ppm-align. and we aid convian ly adding to our stock, which imatdes us In fill Orsters with pfentrateo. Purehnevn Ore retiteetfully *Melted to call ina4 ex onion pores and trona.' niylNll7._ - THOS. J., Igo! teak Variety Store ond Looking Okras Noonliickirer. Comoro( Woo ^o irour,th, . • demo; n n. Needles, Gun , . ear, Ilooki ono Eyes', Mvlory fool Combs of curry pattern and..quabtY.--• '49c4lern Merehani. aattother• taro 'row:Meow. call and All tuuh. exonlitio thre purelawszog ela,whele, - or tnin; Ealt. of Gil:. AlatiottLaV.ad tointritin Looking Gka. maaafaeinrpla_ml_rold Kaatellt prirea - 4141 . FROM M .K.I tii:d - .. - - 77 • - " - i.....:11 the vety liberal. encourage' meet the suhsiirilier has received since _he hes Ipented himself in Allegheny; lint idid„ riVaditimar take, lease,for a term 01 ' year., on tho property ho now times, in Bcavei street, Immediately Iselido the sbytertan Church,.. Print the lang•exporivnee at the ec business and a &sire la Acme; be hopes to saw d toceiVe a share or publicpatronage, ow on hand and Gnashing to ord'er, Rockaway Dag.' open and top dlenies, nod avert' description of nage! Outdo la. or , from scventydlow dollars to Saming, . . Isepldifi ' dpIIN,FUFTII. -• . lio I,'T . --kA-TFIRE 11 , 11ICK,': 1 ---7 . nelFlßE.llßlCK,rtumbiactured : I , )'llimes' NJ llVLlplaver,i;olivar, It. sranentral Is sive,' norranlilei bo uhlre;•ll,r saleby. ' SAitlil: PI KIRR _ icor --- —— ; • . , eons! knits acne 7tir st • --- !Know.= sone. 'Dour will •be 'rerred aitilialies, Igo T t,C1,1,14.4,0 4.7 6 v 1 . 4 . , .- • • ; The loverLefTerde Siup arcrtritc4itty alited.att mylvittatety Toep"caonotbe ~..,:ms.ptvAL''. RAISrSG-lILOOD And Convumptino, Pain at the Bide and Bonin Bums, Aiithing,Whmping Cough: Palpdatian tff the Bean,' Compland,tironelans,ud all discuses , the throat, lungs and liner, eared by :Rms. ; eui.ileaung Delta/rt.: • . - Baia' inAviniad cud .Cormumpfion., ?UR MILNE. Builder, in Brooklyn, was attacked - with taßittg.lt.al, followed by a cough, pain in the side, and all the anal ervapnorm of consumption. , Ile employcdtwo of the- lien phyrielanst they did hiftlaci 9.o4rAnd t o l l ho he COULD" Nor Bearing the wonderful cures per - Coated hy man% Balsam, he. seat at 30 o'clock at night UM.. Buyes, ISn Falton.n. and eat a bottle; it oneratpl like hadn, stopped the ' bleeding and cough t• , Belot° he taken one bottle he was able to be abmit Weqb it had SAVED HIS LIFE.' His ducter, melding all 2, .Mertle Avenge, can anew it : Misi Ann Masten, of hying In Tenth near Bondi Fourth.. says—That dm milieu troubled with p hacking cough, and pain in the chut,Mr time. which at tart became wheal that the wan obliged to give op her School for tuareititan a Peal. Me then commenced taking the * AH-llealingßaltiens; which coon alleviated her symptoms:! She is now dcarreengering, and ban resumed bee laboringa occupattog ass teacher. ,lohn O'Neal, told: avenue and, gist et,.pfered with a cough, raising of Phlegm and pain in his side: Ile could get NORBLIEFtiIthe tried the Alt ilealleg Balsam, ar k tieh drove the pain from Ins aide, allstedthe onga, and bro cught , the dmeare sane the artefact; mid In d taken three Inn destwes catlenly eared,: • 'Pleurisy and Consumpion. Mrs. Ragga a lady upwards rifla, rending ER Sher g;ban for 3 ears ffeem re to anuaks of Pleuriiyi Rattling of Blond; revere Cough, Shonfieu Of Breath, Pain in ber 'lend and urn.. portent het hotly. lbw friend. believed her !'AST RIXOYEftY. The All fleeting Balram revered her at once of all her alanw.• orgy mplortr. and ohciar nw able Maimed to her work. ' • 'Aiihnia and. Whaopini CaUgh. • - Sirs tracretia Welke. 93 Christie-an -L S add., 19 lVni If Younka,7s Watnabet, know the the value of thin great remedy. • Ark for Ylicanan's Bahmm, and are that his written Is/enamels it nit each bottle. Price :timers and Ii per b0tt1e . ..., • • .f Shembweir Worm awl, Cooth , LoFenges'aold su i ; Wnetpal. Officltriansau_-4., ti. f Sold wholesale mid retail' by Wm. 'velum, ot bit Paton bltdirine Warthog. tad Moot and Ohm Ohm, NA le Lesen-: lo area, bad of WINNI Pitnlngh. $1 prrbot j o( Pilt i l -- C - 031451(. 1 2113 - 111alill'OP s. TAX AND WOOD. iNAPIITIIA.—The Portland (Mr) Advertiser thyl:—*Thie remedy has beendoden,. saecessfol than any medieine we bone ever known foe it. tueuetons erre. Contteoption,*ihing illood,paih In the .ff ide and &east. Lhonehilts.AriblliA,Obitinahr Coughs, lloatiteneut Pore Thum, rah:Mahon of)lho Medi, Whooping Cough: Croup, Neiman Tremont, Ake.' Inentithuls of do. highest reseettability in till, eity ample testimony to as power and elltatey - ibie etas). of di.eutfes. Among the testinionials tothe 'atom s(l4e above tied /eine, an several fromdlstiagatihrd physicians of Phi/. adclehia.. Renal the following from Dr: .Toitag, the content oculist. • Pint annulus, 1ent18,1647. • (laving deed in my - practice, trs well as. in my own faintly, rrhompso.'.lCompound pyruporfurandAYasel Naphibi,' f.have no hesitation in saying that it R nt C oreantoon tittle Co s kind louse for ;tenon+ eorering frornmptioth ughs, Colds, and aff • affections of . the Throat, pietist, so prevalent as dm num of th"Vgairav ereenardat4 ' i l allii:Pent'll P X g l i ve the folk:ming certificate. lie rentems well, being per fectly cured of his inseetet " • ,•. • - ' Pruganichritta,Janaerra,•l3l7. •1 Plonks sense of gratitude, and a doeln that the Afflic ted may have resource to a -truly anralttablevneditine, I Would note that the bent:sll.2)We experienred hum lint we of ThomOson's Coniparmd Syruievf Tar and Wood Naphtha. For sevens: wean I hove heon afflic ted with a d i s traming . lncilllhadeoraosit44 with great oPPrcerion .Iditgesay or breathing, flab otlon-of tightness at the chest. Ittst among s peall) alarmed a mend who had loulananah benefsarit trystos tnesbutlkomMtcsafestine to try 1 did so, and sn :very • Ssie every ahmaing symptom dtoppeared; toy expectoration became 11,6, aii oppression left me, my congkeensed. and in fosedays hoe able to go eat and 4.ead,to beteg. a well Man, ,Any farther Infortattsaa will be r i beerfully peen the OlLited, cullinsatruy tasidouro, N0.1D3.21. Pmmat- , JOS. AlchLesi/thlY. This Inoloble mush - eine Is Prepared °My by A NG'-; NEY SIMONSON, at NM comer of rad. and Spruce Phslagelphtn. Sold is hasbargh,lly L : WILCOX, Jr. Price Oa cams or $i per Mole, ' , • CAUTION--Ileteare of the many counterfests that, a re now *float. The tooropalobs are ever ready to eecive the anwarY• t • •• ,es-Senm s" rfilifiraiutuT ASTOUNDINU DISCO tos IS ERY-1, Lilesniag Abliraglelb '4 , Wander!! , - —Toka ear Eruption. oil DisEguiements of the Skin, Pieeklea, S.burn; Salt Shea., &limn Sera Heeds, Vour years ago lot August, Me capital of Fiance was ananrshcdln COliftrillCllCV of a discovery made by 11.3 b., Chemist. Many doubted—it oamod,abnoet an imposibstity that anything made by the 'hods of man- could have such singe/as powers as thisielanned by Antonla Yeshrittl ror bra inonsion. Moy closed bon and Ms Invention as a humbug'. land. alas! massy Mulish *coons w, neat trying do she sameoawsl al loath. aft. sessissgis in the hosplmls..the Med Mal ries; of Parte (the ben chemists 111 the worldjdcliverna the following report to Sig:lo. Vespi.nis "We have now minutely and cartfally examined the mYCIMOotef bowanairsea its coapobent pans—vie Ova used Min several coewstod AM neonate not to prononnot it (Me Italian Chemical biosyq as a /rot blessing, and a intly wonderful fame dy tor any C. 411111.11.4 garwmnt Of th e . gill. Its taverner we Consider. ,;Irueptsilanthropmt of suffering mankind. (Maned! • READ From the Inventor htmeelf present Proprietor , • , t • Patna. Now. Si IWO In coneideration of the gobs 01 1t1.11.0, I have divul ged to Mr. T. loneg, reaiding the city of New ,Tork.. N. A., • the whole prose, of feanufaeinribg, together tTilb—it statement of tho ingredient. composing , my Ital ian Chemical Soap. Ile is toniatiufnelure it tor sale in the United Slates only, and to bare the pnvtlege of on-, d"Jon rat Italian rebel:treat Poop. ' ' • • W.tneees I I eon. .1.110 lasworth. (Signed) ANTONIA vrnamit.• (*......;0:c1 b 1V JAftliSON; hia nt Medi at cine tb urehoute, y 10 Liberty S P ret, bend of ate lb cod, the g~ 'of the 1t Daot. roar The only s tns. in I r nulrurgh bots the DENU i IIiE eon Ie °helloed. Alt other. are Counterfeit. • A • iREATCPRE, perfumed by for original .4.17 1 and genuine. Liter PM, prepared and told by R K DEL • Menem' KACTlAT,lVestetioteland July Ibith,lB47. AD IL R. N.lliver...A minw agility to in and theallicted indesuume, loads' my linsahle tellisnony in favor of yontjustly eeklua4.l User I bate deterred doing a> Am: puny adhering in burr Enwielt's =aim vbe sure you ars r,glit, then go ahead.' Aleut of the many pee intrusions of etarn.lea tool yokel°, landed to the skies, hire took into oblivion sines. year Ljter I'Lls Inn v been offered to the pude, and, indeed, I behest they will “sumn e theta al.' as they nee juwt what von tepresent aria to •be. I twee been 'afilkted with Liter Complaint Lou my . youth; have'ailfetell much; enitgaled Iliaeminent phrstemns , to whom I 'lnasmuch money; bare hot much Wood; beenwsmited and idayriehut ahrientao death; salvntrd b blurs, and forellysiren up _ s incurable. In . 1.:16.7 I was induced to try your Love Pith, and SOONDOT WELL, I uue Lax of which is mw sufinvent keeptne clear ef pain in the side. and alt the other symptoms:for of least 'ld months. your Ides thebetteatleartie I ever used, heingJalld, not griping nr chum snarls sickness, at the atom. L„ , hist gist memo& rube I lin. Iltept desalt... Breton or 7yOars; sold hundreds of.botea uld hare never Leant aningmcompLeint uttered diaoy one who has used them. ,Thel herr twittered.' almost slaty other cabin this neighborhood, and in • short time will banish these all. I earnestly nominated them to all persona wresting. physic, Whether far Lime Complaint or Billions'Affsetions. I raw aW, ethos, Eirmywrior Weakened °elite Rho Pill, Itrapset. (a t l AtITl7, N ' J 1,3/onits —As there are other Pill. bef,rs the public n Lwer pi l 4 perenne who want rho GEN UlNEsbuttld oak One and take. other than thiue prep:km.l4.llokt by It E SELLERS, No 07 Woalvt between Third and Fourth Omen. • ' ' Sold by Dr.Casact., Firth /Yard, D Sf Cumnr, Allegheny , DR. JATNE's 'ALTERATIVE. , ' • ' ' We have been inforaied hy Ida. Ram of ante per. formed on her UTE/re ilinpne's Alterative, which proves As superiority Over ever* either remedy of the kind. She hoe teen a/Wined for ttio last in clean ears with NECHOttESOr WHITE SWF.IILINGS, att ended vriih ulcerations and eufolimioa ofvarioux bonen du• nog which Moen:may pieces have . been discharged from We frontal lone of the crania., fin' both her aims, ju ism. and Nettle, and tram both lege and from the left kroral bone, and from the right t o e. betides painful the on other puraCof herpenioni ,bieh have balllwil the skill of a aumber of the monomial:al physicians of our cite...daring 'most of the thne 6 r oedemas have , /.., Lissa crew/tat - 44 sad deplorable, "111 t• three mouths airier she , was Induced to try Dr. Js . .. , ,,,me,m i,., which has, had an astoaistanklVßlpp etint neon her, by rt•amving all pain and owelliage,wal coating nee ulcers to boaLwidlo at the same tune bergentral health' has beeotae eotepletelifeelefed, fa Withshe bow iveighs XS the wore tlatashe did before she vommenred the time of this truly riduuble. prepaaorh-{rat,/ Eve. Post. ' • ' For further information, lnqude oChlr. Rosa, No. lIPI. Filbert at, P a hiladelphi . . , For sale is Pittsburgh, at thaPERIN TEA - ETORF, - TJ Fon rtli•st. near Wood. - Too, whose teeth isiliiiTt - uinYit /evel -- Z --L=-- • Ton, when:skin is dark and sallow-. := ' .• Von, whose hair a harsh and wirry . Re ny,diny red or fiery- . • . Non. whore vile offensive breath .. , . Unpleasant IS ter petsitittetat ,- You could have-,bety,maa orgide- • .. . .. • Ted th a. whiter a, maw or peark• . Breath a efiey,vrred, and eurtiele-- . Pure and white a/MA.omb antl•beattufal, And halreoll silky, darkasalse, . . • y ... : reading ading what koala below... • . REA DEFlS s any of you can have tidal:intro by faded • this to nothing bat truth.) [vino as bottle of.folice're Co nti flair Reeteratims'-a *box of Jone,'s 'Amber Tooth paste-had da cake of the getane,'lones'e..ltaltati C.hemicat Foal, 'The arts!. eon hi.' little, and you ot re 'moored that. We reiljawmg are their text oteteloen 'The math pane rives the breath e'SWert odor, white teeth, end p reset vex the teeth, in. Thy hair staff all know to be the won exquisite thingiver made Mr dyer• sing, beam/tying, and caving We gtelVW 06 hurt ..1 the soap,' (get the getfaine donde'. M el, inl will care all eruptions,lreekles, Ro e and Opt* , yelloTa white, clear and fair...Aß Wipe sheets aro mid (only) at W JAC/IR/NW' lloot nnd lfhoe Work' and talent Medicine Wore • ease Eld Liberty s ... .., .., ... 7 ' • No Cure,. trili7l.s7l Dr: -Tarim se Pilo Essarseetion • Nisei Fat; rinIW.RE are few distaae• more eommoa Or. blpiothe than" the Pilos, indict. nutoithr.tand ing g reat,efforts hare.bcest made to cure by Ihe use of pill., nientdaries, liniment, , Sc ; , all were ruffle and of little benefit. Vow the Embrocation blithe only medicine used. A penondvhb had been cacta. tog with the Piles of the wood lurid ratite from So. km , New Jersey, Ell mookon purpose to express his gratitude for the speedy cure thht thin medicine.had etfcciedin his ease.—PhiLa. Sat. Post. • tCPFe male in Pittsbur g h at the PEKEN TEA STORE, 17. Fourth at; and also it the Drag Store 11 I'. Schwartz, Il l edeMl st. Allegheny Cit TikiTiCEs - Ifit'l C:::-Xitjs , eiiiine Orli a - Titc .- I — a c d.l llit ' rest " atels ''" : g ioiTry ' s " ac lt s taknoli 7.'"PL' rea4nUtaliuld prriarriiim of 1t•e1a,4% mar. W'n kap,: of 'humorous haws.. where hair has taut nasturest 10104 1 which hovel...a bald for ywtrat tot wi Chink vicsahholds gswalar Canis than morommori to all oar Sesiten'whia loan Owir hair; ta maks it trial immediately a r o at the pa.kia Ter s '=No, 7J Foto-thou...ow Wo r d. timinoorusla 'rEsetitty. A r oin g .1464 lkni or. Orly-llul Brown or Crl withl* color,Nrillmialdgemsreri 6Nh., rl akin. Sold on drprtions.' ricer 10 s e tsi mr u v ith e rtt.l4.4.livid. .t 4 sooka4iinifft Plialerie• -furirliovi OP"( iat 'llll • j.• INSUIcAN CE! J 011 - 11', iNtirkt i; J R.. ^ MiCIT.AI rrrresinin n en& vs ,;. DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company Us Plus o w . ;... , VIRE RISKS upon htuldinpi is 9 ..,,,..,, ~..• .1! 'of every desenption, and MARIAE. Klahts i• wpnrt. hutil °reargues of vessels, lakes span the-:: mall lanorable terms. - rEr OR in the , Warehouse of W.ll3.llcflatOs. At Bro., Ai . 37 Water, near Market ►treat, pus • th 1b .0. The sucessof ;IA Cotentin ) , since ilisesti*. - - 14 mental' t Agency in this city; with the ~'..,'• nod titiostito Onto winch every claim o Jot less has been &doused, fully warrant sigontin iso ~., slag the confidence' and Names: s eer friends and.. ; the , cominanity at lar g e to the lufs.warolit.S.lnso.. • ranee Rottpso7.,srkfl e tt has the seillUonsladvanui ge s .',- an, an institution among In. meat. Sourisktag 14 V ' Philadla—ashonegin ample paid in - capital, which , ' by theoperstilmocitschiateil s constantly inerenni ng ' ei ' at yielding to vagh .perf on insured lot dor skar n al.", the profits of the company without involvin g MM. .. m any .responsibility whotever ; and therefore' an possesing the Moans), principle ,rfivestbd; of wret 7 ..•, o.3 4 =ea obniiiious 'feature; an in its most attractive form. , •,. -,....„...., , ...--------i. r. puts AND limitiPix ostritmcE. , .-• .• — i r ra FIHE insurance Company. North.er,. .Anteriefl..,..." J. thniugh its duly ;authorized Agent,. the subacri- • ben, oilers to .make permanent-and limited linlier ' tort en property, in this, city nod .its Valet% sad on shipments by the 'Canal and Itivlil. i . ' . •>' .:VT C. smia. rms!Li S.amsel lirooki„ . --, , i:•. ter. Henry, . , 4..harles Taylor ~• .. ,', Saml. W. 26,16.,. Sand, F:Stnith: . -• ''' Edward Smith, .•: Ambrose White"- ''''''''' John - A: 'Broria, . .. Jacob M.Tbasoss,i'l.., i ' I John White,'. - • ' ' John RI Nell, . ./..bos..P. Cope, . • - . . Richard { Vend : :: ''.' '' ' - T Wirt. Welsh,• Arthur CL.CsQkg nie „.. This is the oldest huturance Coni e ,,,,, r . i s t h. ... United States, Suin g been chartered-I n 1/911: : Ili' ' iharter in palpetolll,. hod from ito.high frlttodinc i e, ';; - • loncespersebedi.niuril c , means„ and avoldi gg 411; , . . risks of an extra 'hatardnui. dh.iraiier; it pia be ' 7 •'. • Considered an °goring ample security to the'podie. '-' ' " • , MOSES Al .'WOOD, . - Al Countin g Ittiom,or Atwood . ; '..ion'es 'lir.." - eo;t . • Waterand Front streids. PittabOrgh. • • ' illeZtf %. ' . ' INDEMNITY 'Ag dist Lon by Ftre—The FRAN T KLIN Fife lere-L., ranee Company or naLadelphia, TWILL tolkolooaropro, jseiminont andlindted,., llYUlVii3.lTXl7hll lt i gt l Wrirt4ll4r l n; on favorable Unita. 'Rids compaay hoe a p erpetual chartert.' L CAPITAL . . .; . paid la. ssoopeo . - Office comer of Third and Market rta;;Fibalegh, Lao WARRICK . A lAltTLN,Ageas.- •-! ~ • L, IN SU iIA N C a. Asr.easn PirPHe ILA D insni omacs . . Company., • • • Coartro ELPRIA. R.rtr0t..5,11,000 PAM m. - Offs PA' juAk . itaintsf. State f.r.. DAVIDSON;NTL Faxosarez FMALST.St4',V. • 7 . " PT, RIO old and oolt-ostobii4l4l Company euntrinea -11.• j........1M/4.7o.ftlerehtuldt.o,Farmture and prop eny natotne eitrahavarnpes en batman asaing Sari damage by fire.. • • Appheptiotsa for .Innitanc.p. in..rinshornir and :no • nelhhorhootivill be received, and neka /akin either . _ • perpfilallynr (Or finlilcdpcnOdn,oti ftveratdelernif by: ' GEO. 4.XnaldrAN :41.5cra. - NISCELLA.NEOUS, - - .kis i'ii liiSfiql a iCeal-g.. . Tilr i ll,r4v .' 4, `:;. l ;: c =: - /kuali:r.T.7,:fh e l,'ll4:' . '' ." ,Tl e . C. , MirfoT: m a n e eT.wr.''--`' ' • dif est t prier/ tis we., ~ f knowd to pork buyers the whoologeof packing at th us proim-tbe number of 'logs belonging to the potui will , i i be anninioltr large, dad et' the Ples * . qualitT. sowing to Writer/dense co en crops in whoon, the flop will he limp large and fat 'Buyerintend poeinng the west weal , / do well to tall's* thin point bethre lock.. • ling elsewhere. I .viii' olio pack ou cosurathanks the' r; Forme. or Drovers; Or if any of them wish so pack on their own tweeting I will accointhuythki theta Wlthevery requisite. There oath( to be 25fltid firgepaeledatthm ~ I • point tle• loiter, oe thogrewer&ornon of the /loth will' . — be too large and rot to drive ens distance. only' at Mo.. - great a aaerifien lo the Owner. i &halt be Preparrit to ~. ENt?...rorm.. ,- ,L,7'riorucro....:,l74d r b ro v n e, r i . ,-,,o;.,"•: - • ' before our river [hoes for Winter. . - ' ` JOiri lt To ' • , i Deurdstowld. Octobth )d, 1647th0t ' . --- Wit. A.1.837,"A11 n , . I:A. - - ' - C1?:.4,!'„ t , i - P4,. ' : ' - .- olm.na the F.dchande itlet..,/, ••• • - . rexpertially inrorin th eir Pining s i .„..„..... , -,..., ~... .. theY nre thepareddoi .a s , nun an , ' , ten . tIfF !the of Li ndeetakers. A.. , - 0.. s '1 inof reads t. - C./Li, rovi. , , ' ' ' tehml on the rer) bet inane., 441 •••••• • • _ ^ . • '. wade Shrou ds of ga..ng Cate. I. ril... ,' . . ,- • , sae. mote le approve - di:shin, li e . 4. _ - • eni th add e .thd blacl rot in, . ' , noble for pall Leaven Wel eell•e•e :e• , , •i• faro. 0/111 every thine stecessizy or drop;d: - a,: ar W.- -. and In rea•onaLV leans , am sselinteti.se al. toti- no the LI-1142171 MC.- Auto, wirer plow-. br i e ngroking G time and nee. Willard aspleoditlrion hearth awl home.neN and alth thootier of the belt enreiliell :.1. ; Every . ' thinended inlireutitly_and..puelaally. -- • tread 5 . 'LI) DUPREY rraident' I' ! Whotestae! Dahl/ Warelicieie. -, IN T/ligCVY'lr„ Oh! BMW- , :ytteltit; • !lily A. PAGNES7'OCei 4 Co., No.Vi:JohnA,7„ !, _l_,D• Voilt atfer for sa!e alarge and genera. assortment at' Bruge.and.hletrielnea;Gye Staff' Painta and Oila or cccry dexcriptirjt,„ , i Iwhict, - are *tainted and determined to ! roll low- . , •• ! C'elotry hl a nr l 4Yroggiats, are I . 6:seated .-_ ~. to 6 dlindelantioe their a melts." Orden enetuterl'• ,!.:' with lasthirdneu and dispatch.: B.A.Fahnestock'a A'arroiltige corodantlyon hand. ' •- : - . , , G. A. lahoestock, " _1 , .- • -,: ' B:L: Fahnestoch, , • 1. Pitsburgh. , ! G.-AV. Fahoutoeli, ! ' ) „ • A. B. Hol, Piety 'York:, . !, a _p!... -!•' ' so..u.nuti.t PAPER st: WIIIIEHOUBE. '-'' .-. .biap. rs.w.Tiv ,If °BIG .:- tiYattln W. FIELD offets for Cale at the lowcit ! • , I, ' hltinufantarent` prices, tee exacta:re ...Ain." .16.1/1 of PAPER, romp riainn every paced:de arety. 4,, 1 aditived to the warstsof ammeters en all section* store. country. Paper of an. Minds nsaor:e.otdczat short' • '...' I.estortotyßlNTlNG PAPER in nitasaally large ~ a Pa Tlilll l . a :ll47EZSlVQ`l ' Vaicti.i • --...! ofof every deserttitioo, intac t led and kept eontnantlY 'en -, ' . ' n_, via: Felitnea, War Carib,' Fourdrinier Wirea " incl.-Wag Powder, Blue lihrna tarmr,Twine,A 6 , &a ,Zlz7:27,tfrcrltrito.P;oeltx.lba`,4e:' ..:-,- Paid • Army •-• 4-isr:!., York: Jelv,l hart. *i• _ „.„ • wunlioßEll+ry WOLFF having renamed from Wood of Liberty aid hat Clair nrcept,' t o N o so Wood street, three doers liaise zit Charles /Latel.moald • ;117/11%.a1kE:.tte1.4721T ftdbrA7lZlhilittl,.•rhhkf pee 'hips Saranalr; Monongahela nod [dirt, Nolan. ManliMetarern of Vagland.:and GernmaY. sl7Aka, eripples, I.(llrty:zienl2ll,:,cd,sysm., front theprik..' , • I:emira's:cl •L'octe,!..4;l7:r.hsise •• ' • the heal mts the ' ffeel great continence in being able surecistally to • meet competition front Ani Quinn, T whother east or me. • ..• Nantl.The fla nlwarelnwiness will be -continued at the odd _DI': under the sit and firm of •Wighttnan-;Vet..-•' :nlr th is tins day daisolved by mutual conomitoidiugh,l- , dispOmi of kis maim interest toll th lettman wv4 for that mapper- :• name of the late .ll •WIONTMAN filtSy I 471 DALZELI, •• • .THE F.obsiribir ie now prepared to niarinfeetare - an Cade of Conon nod Woolen rodebiarry Itta nharieta • nonce. OrdersJeflatß -Wight.M.N.Kokine Shop, ecioppr• net Libe riy andlynter it . Feet, mono. Lall IYIGIIT,IIAIY' cock st between Federal and Fandaskysra • • • - • .P.sottmlila• IM Anrgben E:WLY INVENTE. ort* reliefand Peninnent 1.11 Funrof 11 - EFLYLI. or BLII:TUIitE.• (Suited: to all • . The superb:it. claim, of this Trnss romt ::Thee Dar:alive rand With may pr wor - nod or being nettlty balanerd on springs, yields wows. , sure on nip parr of itiand thoroughly adepts itself no • . any raoVeldent made by the wearer. It ran he Worn • without intermiwion, nntil a roan is allfccied...The - snihen ha altnade nrfamlemetnekir the_tennufacarto , of these, valaa le Traties, in a impeder style, la delphin, nod rive thera,nom for anuses thew When, No; • I 77, S.initbfiald stateis Fll, Pittsburgh. UFO. WAT ' , • ' ” FewjLD,lpATE5,i---------,} ~,,,I 3NE- 1 - . - 1 - 1 .1...-.. " by oil a " At '1 4 t1.,. 4-4 "...! , ahy bled, at Gni." ' ...' by avatar, KM* j -- =“r w , d AaY b.P!Optligt, 7 , •,, ~ ,,,,k WM , tree idit • en d - . -.'"'"d"..11 4 " ' up endAhut Labeler by l ale I's:l7 pe ll'"4" M b4P"' ' - ' ' feel Gas. lUi/F la raloiatiar r Nr. ' all a r larrladrjrtre . ant; '' ''''. :Lea er i l . . F izaT .t ha i l;l:roter, and is undetubtedi; th e . 4 This oraehtneisia be ' fl ' gr r"'-d t`9147 ' .-:- ' - teed .°l-4P!arrient warehoarCr " 4' '".PB3V i' L !l b F'..g......-['r,q,,:, .:, , 1,':! , 4-71WA Y slti l rs,:: 'i gi . q.EttArtr . s AND GLUE emiroitiFE-6 ,7 :7,7 - ''.' • '•-• , -n. Ad..i..40.0f,.,,. 1 „,„,,,,,,,,„ ~, ~.....•• -nix! -- , orri, for sale lb, erlobr Mee ' . ''''.--"4"' . .forrorrly earne.lea by L', -^t ...lEe . Ninth A, and : ~ :. . fax Cud Glue nvlory. Tan".:.1r4."1:- Con lll.nmn"fte%,.‘er." ' ' • he t{•. r 3 log on the busitearai raid, fixtarrsa, :re - 0 e- -. : .:: tieirytetel:,fi,fiiortnliAr,ur Jima •: A Jibs MI er% 1 4./11'1,' - ' ; '.- j 6.th"Oh..AlieniftWir-'-atlAka7l7lirk")..L.lll° '''. -.-:-' f .- . ",.1.0/11%, edit/ski: - . r ' I:- iptd. • • • • • • r;_ . ••rt Ol'ockLt Obiit_t:aronoeidd oo . ••••• s'" Pdoo, tomprzsing very genoroi The totem:too:of kloolonioto aid dons,nlotAi is invited. ~lebt - • • a. .••• DORTABLE Fflittoh*-. i..)totoi-, • '.-, Bellows' hod.oft.the forgOoodoo yevr I. • dohd, riltdogy and . k:hoov fpFlocisaktelay.tery 4 upon 11445 . 'poitity or thcoevriom:n med ood ArMb earRA FA MiLf erle, 7 lormen"h"J'rbfo=j ter4:l7rielirl l : ll4 7 .'. lgll Nlll4lrAzt,.. {.?_r_l.lk7.lL6 rzl.pritulutlo GuT reived frau Om klut pply erizeuetie-al.Zry' t r i ,M7s . d+ 3 ?sod Pre, !minter Wdoteti 3 ,r , ;- 1 P' . An y P'LpVl5,-;1016:1. nfilloolg/RdApt: • ~s~~~`a ~~zti; 211112119
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers