I; 14'' ) - ) 1 1 ~,., I, V, I,ly * Ili .I ,i N, . a : -'' /d r" • A',... ®d» : I ' .' ' •,•••`,-.. • :,.,, 6'" I . 0 - 1 1 , ' L . 1. ' ~.- r.., • ',.)' ' .. t •,, It '-'," 04, 2,:- 121,,, ", :,. *:":::". t ./ , It t i '-, i ..' • ---:.: 0: ,`, . , , ~, ' * , -'4:l 1 ; 2 ~- t,,-..-: , el* ~.., . ' 4-1. ,-,A .. ''' ty, ' ' . ' ''' - ';'. '4,. 4 r.:l '::, 4 , t :, , ,,,..- , , ..., ••• , , .. I. _ . - ; ..-', - '',, l . it..: -, ,' '' ' , ~ ;', O : : ,-/ :, ~ :: ' I': f * ::: i 'la ,' I I. . 4 1 •ii , r :',-._ •0 ' 1: ~..,.:!;!: • i' ' 11- ''-1,1,-:-., V-4,-..r...ww,=,-,• , I;.;j4i l i "- ' llO 4ND''''-'1 , ."...,,, ~..bud . a 111Wtii iiw ttlia seiz t 5.11 , p. Iharl4V Odd* 144W,111.00-404r .7. 1 . 1 ..ft5.e...f.... - *4,-4.--t-tr= ' ~..-,.., ,-,- '.e. - - - ,eizira. -^ . --iv liza` . ,=, es' ai ,. ataurnon —, P . :"rims WO's ,..- - 1;7, .4..... von,. . •t,if:'' - _,.: '.---, --.- %hi akid 4t , t. is al ' gg4 ' F . ' 4 I IVI ' - ' iiii 'wake!, , c 4. Pt 1 ' ',.lisitifif,. 7 .!, - „tiai it - ' 411 . /. MD aid i t ''.• Imo : jamootras, 4.:. • •.., kid , •`: 4 .-: - ,,.,,i;..':'i , ,: . :, - :..'.,',7•::. - :.:,, ,- ;i ~,,',.- . , 3 ;;f,;•'=,1;,5,i.',..0."-,‘.'..t: .;-.:-.:,-Nii.-,-,..!........._,;.ii_.:..i,.1':.. 'il:-.1- -r .'l7 . ::'. - ~,,V,,,, 1 .;_,.,,,,,,.-. 4.... i....„„..... ~.._ .. ,v..„,....,,1rp0i isejadty,u Gomm et th e '"5 , " . :-..;.,' `,.., , •-•=,-.-, --.- r "', . 41, Agile. ':: fist ~ Al,* Ulla. tbe fait um us tot. ~ ,::: : ':4.4:•ii. :c . .!.., t • • • - • ' , - d-r • Arose* v dlthir ' iwg - • • 1 . 14 31 " ' HAT , MMUS vote 11; Inia Watt iltr Cam. had that Gem tweiagee t. '---11IPPs ta ficin** • ih the law .Lotion Itita sabuillt g Igt• k 4 ' . ` eillat E tad by i tehed Ea 'Atte would hale bendier heir' Ibis - thirty tiwasiail Came gitsgibill this theVithAr O w ed CwFdliaaa! ,• y.. Ohm* thei lattir Ciao *lied by upranP AM licamerei dictumlW thsv i o t a of the elate rag raez. - ' aka ihe hot Chwenwee Shako Mika/ Odra bet Mai mach heavier *Fe Ohstga..Wbl a tluoupanthsLoooforoa. Mato" aly.oeastty, mai of Mir efillievt whls &Wet , :.fillbdsadwhatwas.up.etedof Shari. sad what they have timar4oret aim, while the declass la Jewry little. This may also Bauer milk fact& • 1 " : ai lad d t il tl ver. Marcur' catlaa of the Btge. m• a., •,- aisi ,„ 2 -0 11/ 11, th. 1601. .tha of '44,i. HAM while that of 4" . TIM Ataillioil_ria rat ima m % fot ammo,. . kw, ea Thcoms. " 1 ' 631 " kr . GamaleitOei I,illtl k a &cow! at owl/ on. er-Dva'lB4‘ i naligMf.(rietive) fee Ocivermir,tual 11,07 votes :oil Mame (Nette)for Clad ormaledocier.ylba ilAse iimmi l mior folly cot half .; i—eheir vole thel. you beizts23,4BB. , ;w i ~ t C l: ~ .~. ~.... _f^: " 7 IT:=7 - P:i.. i. •';•.,;.:,-1..,;;,`,31z.::';.. !..,,, .",•.i ~.,, ' ',.: ! .. . :;":-. t' ''', .IV:i i ' '' elg . ! " .?•:"'!'f .' ..7,;;', , ~, . :. i . : .:3 1 , : . 1. 17 1;' : :': . ..,., :.: • t t , ,r, s , . :,,, , ; 1- ~ , - ,S*''' '1 . 1-1 , -; , ),-!•,q,, ....,t;%:•',.. , ,, , 'V, t . ..l:—: i.., ' ' '!" -: - ? . ;' . ii.::,.. ' ?.?! . : 1' . .iti],; `'!: :' , :.!%:•1ii•;., I, ~... :....,..C l i'4 7 3l=-.41.11. 4. Yk ‘ g . l; . * ! !l - f' ' 1 : 11S:: 1N ;:r, ; '.4% :::4::;-.44:;.4i.,.4ra,%10,*.W.4 4 . t r :it.:l:y •':;:i,±.7tl,-,-T V '1 1 4.4 :1'? ! , 43 11 : ii;flif : i ,1% .7. 44iiif•Ai1 : 1 ; 1, - 4'1 " : L.., „,,..."‘:::;:,,,...,. '''4‘l.-.l'.'W ',.".•;••; 'AI • •=7" 2351 - • • ~ ... 1 .7, 21 0 . .!rio • r . ea le " 17 " ..4 41 1147 474 ;us • CMAYMI. I' 794 .41111. 3131 4174. 41X pl 7 ',l3aa 7979 1071 .• „ • . . .... 1303. 31111 • 113 • . IRO 14415 8 •WO , 723 . .... 966 .MS .913 Fll7 Let . ... lace Bit 14 • .Imme•- 1711 1403 • lOW 144 X1144 , •••••••r•I".... .. 9545,..11107 • . 841191 , Eft " Et, 2 377 .. /161, MS 1135 tOll 470 - 109 1413' 4059 /417 so .454 717 417 1100 1111 /744 - 1173 . . ... . • ........... • sun. 1e1 • sta 196.•••••••• .. we 15115 1111 :,1377 1418 31 7 7 7•4977 •," snow • ' • 11-7 ' 4744 5 713 " 144 124. •LMS• " . . . ..414, 9743 01114 4141 . MOS 9790 3484 113 , 5 111991014111015 d..... •••• 1531.. 144 141 E. 17193 1114 •OM /3.4 CHI ••••••••30111 4513 11965 I MO ' 4763 ' C. " 4l ' ! IS A "- 711111- 14733 so 744 m 21113 . ;' 1317 tla t ..eFE4'. 913 2711 ea eiSS pyd,. ... 741 91.9 ..uas .. . . . - ...••••71 Bnr army. .1750 474 11051 10411 ; ... MI 1777 I, -021 4 , 04410. - =::••••• , ... . • 134 MI 11130., 473 9Z17. 4791' 4779 ••• -• :. as ' e t. '334 = 4173-. ?Es a l o g, wq. 5131 '494 ell • - ...:6115..1144 4191 tl ~ - ,,.1•7,. ' l T"...l . 44L''''''-•, , irik:: . ', 4,.:-!, * •,;;T:r., ..' 1 . 4,,,*:•••• ' ' 4" ,'• t,t4. wr-figtf,ili.l4,,-,!' • 41.:4:15t4. 1 "* 11.Q..r.:' r ~i 4 1 '4,-ow:eV .'..2. - 004tK?"•: - . 4t.i-,-'.l,.'•<. , iit , ~,,..—.: 0. : ," •5 ,.. -,,, , 0 j r:.-? ...... , „ ,, ,*....444 , d , :..:1, •" , , p1tr . ..tP ,, •4 4 ..‘ - lt ,- i • .0:1 , 1 1 :1,-1-;:t 21'4V 6 -4g .:: -.: :,,--,:•_• • 4 ' ' 01** 44 ,444 r ~11-4 t.- .44 4 i. leom, li c 'rt'AltlifMe ,-.. 1 '.; 1 ' 5 • 06 4,......._ k.R•I• ~, . '--- 7':- N I .. Toal—Tha jj: - . -I' .f it9lol.°r: DINIII c 7 k 113 Efilac*l 1;"' '."6b.jg bit4° 'l"mk ra him sKoWifix lo_k tiro} Cam ights _ t t= km th. duties al . -"..5/IPte 6 . 0 °Ma IF ".."'" sa. Ms ifloa•nt° .f. -.. - vitddi , to bap km to him , thee. ;k.6.:, iiiitister ma isity kewa bY 4: 1 ,..h• ,--• ,-.1......110,‘ • • ' a d a arringloP ° '.. I: 4 6..-imiiii#4"46,eigka• It ha ' been.thearcidamgmby -1 ":,..,;:, comoatutiv_is mod" 004. 5 . '4.--. airlit" pmomoad iiimseem is act newt, sad HhEop 1 ke,.1 4 1 ' " accaltinianicinte xi 1.'114 .-104pidibati"."11449 from • lambda. . - !*""*""it allased,l% ea tan =ailed r. - ow% ,i,,.. f &Ma& 51. '' , • 41!"111"1"nra ";,. BOW d RM . it. }•:,111.**P1561 lh. ilataleit bet it briltr* 111. 1 4 ' lt, ' - mid . it. —L / '.4 l *. t tl ema i nooiottoi cusmiu.tomiw, t - -- ". • Wit. 1- -.4. :41. ~k.-1 - ,--1 G ail,. a me ba % szpribblbb y„•. ...1 '-'''' 'et iimp ma L7lol' litin_"l” L bst 1 1 . - im' N l° . (ha o , , ~. . ,20,10 had N ot a coda= ~ . .4 1 .,... -rs ... 4th e conadesa• °°l 4TP 1 . 3V - ' 6 ' ; ` 4ii th• "r i m' "" L .,, x lodise. I,r :,.. Ariiii.e.lllPAlN• ; II 1-" j It., AO 37 ~, . ::_ Naas 1 k:ls.' 41011/ /7- ;.,, , ma. .4& - 1111 I 4 '. 4- ii ss gams af.11116315` n,...a...at_mtec(lrith th<cmmt" :ft‘:"1 411 i •'.7--- of Dgidel) to tabs dm" i eipildlielll*4 igloo _ cam ,. *isiessoliev., .-ammuipi. i, the ~.... • 1 / 4 1-i --,- -- 4 - '4 Am me- «mamas ba"`"T" rt- - its.c.,..ki.s.pbm it.i , oitg.co!- , 'i N IR jtlM . --,, - --- 7 - 7717:1&" .. " -- * -- wialicadfamdai in N" -t,.,...i.L.. ..46,0,3,1,..,4,...auf. :* x--'4.T,"1 7u5k,.1b., slaw: hada,. this '1*4=4:16 irdbiadgml°6°Pira'°°lMl. 75-:..1v-13...---- .0*.....dig-0-1.1,- **4,-,4 - , ..... ,-_ sioniy,,lit it.„,t,' to * ;:ig - s h :r. ia iot ia ccomui payamiat io thethow ar na lb. st : t. t ~,, .4: 1 . k, ,ii,..kborg., ~.6....i.a.„.._.,_,,...i.4-4111-Iliira,,:ut4.l.--, --- 47 .--- 77:__...:,6„„hi, rhia- ..:, iiiin,...1ii...11,,,.... , .....".., ,4 Yti 6. .43vt.....7„.....,..:Thi1.... wit ;,,=,,w,_, eak,*oov...,_ ~...,:.:, 41.;•; -, 1% ' . 1 . A:1.4; • w. .41' 1 T-e'® \2 f `L ' `," ;` , if -4-- '...: ..:• - ;•':.: -.' ' f. fA ;4 ? - .3 - ~!, 1 . 4-',- I.:: ,-, -: ...- .2. , p , :i: ~. - ' ,.i ~ -1,.... -- ........t. . - ',.. •.' -,./ .• ...,,. - 4'- - 4.?.:,' ,. - - -.'. -- -- ....:':'.:;:'" Ni t =T;,i'.-..;1 7 ,,..:J , .5: - .-r,• . :,:;::4'!..- 4 . 4:mt;:i.i.. - • . :' ,- :;,f':: :...10::,,::!.,......t:,..-::::--,,,.:-i,..::::;.:,--.;, - t 'll qt. MRS ~ .'- ' ,- 7 .',., - f; • 4 if',.;.,.,..-4..:-.;.,::-..., , ( ..f..';,.;-:...:;. ~.. 11=MZI • w*A.....1. I:3I}IIABETTEI slam* stooge sc.. IPITTSBURGHt YmORKING. not' OMBEE 17,976 minus ammo. • . ~• .; • . =ll.Zr/is Skrok. $7.3 7 013 alas vas IDS . 1497 EOM • 2:167 One • •2310- . ..• RIO va.. 4,161 4311- MOS 4164 ...,... ... .144114 1101.X1141111 4 19111411:413 • 1111334 1.310,2 41‘, . 'Anuslinivrmo ,sorim 1 0Arn0110010MIT. . . incinELDscorr.. . , -. Them me /Ml Otert farina among men on& needy .olinificant pro ion and of snmern- Maxi thellihiwws ot,old, and the areal of Ia• let time with whoni mem were Menitlearit of ireiltFrAlelt,leallat moon for OA and weliwor# ft have boon wi ,think hod the maxi bere pa 'lemma to Wu ala r iaml l i . twor Moo mote plow inaludocstoiy their that of. tracing out gilleliibrof Minter end toll fonts of piilloMp. ieil'teeebinthis r perhip,io the moat "pueblo :to the Widest. We pnomod not to fathom what premium it wis which - pan:spied the baptisms' nom. of WIIITIZLIIBIXItt. It Woo unique iot to have bow chorea Withont a moon, as &Malan atimerioften ais;ind it time ealficiantly - expriasive to Indicate araMarof brilliant *Map . Winfisid ikon did not spring from W military mmilyaf air oiantryi nor from a wintery 'funk ormai, oent.' foam wee a rileotolunan and nLewbandar, vino with. en elder brothar:hni 'been ix* robinioil of . 1745.. mot oio wee barn netr:PMentarryf Vs., in the 19th Of Jaw 17811. We know bat little of hi. early edratrose aim atinc, beyomi the Moline:thin :of your:g Scott - to bagman hie tiara Ind to elixirs whatever • sanatios were 'offered. 1 He its shaming,' a ;Mame of Mehl& school of Hie& !tool. the..rielpelet of 'private Instruction from *orenipstent teethes. and dna . , a sobsotazi student wbhin'tai Toodotio hue of •WiMui and Mal whim. Al* . the ap.of 21, be arm a 'Wanner in *troop of home cad oat from hie neighborhood Man t P/whilst:floc from 'the Fran/UM in- emingainee of the attack on the Obeeepeeka. _One par after, stifle hen& of Mr. Jefferson be mina , theresamindon:' of Cagtsin of Light Atelier, in the May of the Unfold States. taw 'wan after, Mr. Madison makirea upontlie the becomble corembilon of .Lt. Colo al of the Mal Artillery" with in order to if Troased the LAO frnnier, where be Wry mow farad employment far.hie tirat, end diwinardshed pior self es a brew audible aresseaseer. Sams incidents is this US of Ostend Scott will Mustrate 'axiom charm of his ashoW public hie. tory, and, as the , head of the army, 'And ' a catupienotta man, I Atli content myself With citing ewes. As thew bus wan living who ii worth villicadon,- who he. not been itelumnipal. so Chinas' Scott has had his tall shin of sassult. I swans tat wow for the =UMW in which he boa bantihesi tants. end &boil , all. fort perhaps the crowning imam: of his life—hie refusal to accept. the dialling" tent him by Gin. Jackson. and I malty wish could fairly omit Gem the record eta hut that he once tent • chalice. to De Wit. Clinton of New York. When a w it c. &gbh Owteral, who hod done his amatregood armies, mend a chatting* from at:other ofileer. his answer wee; have payed .my camp le See the combed my country, bat bithlitillgois I dar In the olifloll of the SSW, I hoe" not the comics to elk in cold blood, the Lk of • Snow awn!" Scott thought es windy, and ; acted es Wanly, when be Wood to maw the challenge ant hbw by Genend lideson. Bat able not the incident . I demigod to mad, but ewe that occur ad bog since. when Scott was on the frontier.lt b equally belairabbr to the county ended thrt jeer ml thee. reauuks. The rosier Oa bead of. wo of the battle of goesuslowiand Lundell Lane, and therefore what I am about to relate may pot be now. In Slice:oth of October, 1812, Otter the unintantbi battle of Quondam, the hie:item ocean& Scott we. awe of Ow henna, and Brent the Guam Indian tibidtaiittie other. We had been &Simi sae eonntly.iby the sansodw *lfni at Detroit, and. ambition of ivory man goo • the border mann, ins to renown the haute loot by an ill tiowd,aiwl as was liellesed. a elialhowentas surrender. General Mirk, • brave of/law, wit In eammand of the &hie toceein • Canada. end &iloston Tan Ramedleer was intruded, (aided only by 700 good texwe, end a beer bundned Han) to get peeeesdon cf the heights of Qualm t o wn. seettocao at &Wont. but want to Lewis. town In doodad Denial he could with his 'miller,. Els was oaken% however. not to cries the river. The itarsin of Qctssmtown ins effsetedand the Bertha troop were driven from the field.,but the best „of the tams of the A.IIIIIICIZI foams, from the - commander to • his Lieutenants, Moe woinided;' , _The'elleet of this disown/was toplen ihmeld,fkockd ea lost of danger &bud. upon ameing_ttairrier; that ere' Ameinceitit-oslifi wee Moo the bights hal , driven to the brink of the descent. It was a s'ea4t44 between Captain Wool. Who bed olkistly kd ms Amadeu charge, and Btodt, the Britt* cesernanderwho Mould ob Min she vidoey. Gen. Brock ands a twafierce desperate struggle and w a kilkd in the effed..— Thelkeiericans were beset upow all eldes.but were few die moment victototta. Scott then CUM te wool the odds 'garnet him,and together the seemed and faltering fame' under hie command. The name, in all, want mere than 950 regulars and 267 vokurteere, arid Men this scull body of man were sanosmded by boas Indiana se wail as by wan. an British soldier.' Bat • for the preciptha4 and hateepefity of Brett, all wonld ham Lem scattened end destroyed. John 'Brant was the leader of this hostile Indian face, end be was 5e drip of the old block," the sum mm and youngest scauf Jour,* Bnint.the uncimqoarable Indian ally of the English In the war of the Revolution. In the meantime„ the Ceiba': =der a new Gacend, had haw gathering _ dirk dui. They cams; picked men, and fell eight bombed slang. • . ' . Banssalwi. , tea hie . "dads, now saw thew in the distance, and With all the eloquence of • pa. trice, .sbcaled his soldiers not to abandon Batt and ha handful of soldiers, soda to en largo body of wove, Wools, however, woe vain. end Scott had to bluest the Wane alone. Itelmat, too. wss cm of& •for foss were in tenon[' and rear. It we not until this gallant bind .ware dislodged, and in hand, at tbe point of the Myonet,itult they thought safearrader. Drivento the wamesidges—pasuid by rigs. her soldbm and inregai--dley finally, to per the remnant of their , nrusbere, sent a flag of tram to Mgr meaty. Thna nags ware sent in amalgam, and meta were alba tram by the Wham, who armelying all arocad In ambasesim COlOlllll Scott tra bore the flag of tens himself, and has. hag do mbar, he tied his cravat to bit swim& and rampaged by TIMM, eat Gibers, km -Witt kraal. Tim shots llted by the lodine 4113 him hill stems all monad them. Band to rag they grepplsl with the Indians, and .roe of the two was iltaat himself. In the midst of thb amigo a British Berpanksarad the tumor of the flag of trate. Tha tarots of eansider was soon spied upon, end floari, with DM rep gin tnxm and 154 volintsals, ail that way WI, lild goon their snme, wady to paraplii gags numbers, and the semi mains rammareberi to /Ural& , - 3 Ii wes billtUtel Beast saw Beak and ,isobar hieldent lamed /Ira had rally row. ed fatal to ram both. wu' allifed that hi hod not killed &at:fairs had trig m rire so, skid:gem, ton *bid grid it bhp .sloler7 Oda at lhat's oestrigkar awl Beat in the par. for - of leo hotelirato was amens and, setting . hire today. ,by the arm.: award to bbis exclaraing, m Camel' acme Ma in als I fe of Brant, We race him so aloe,. mason me hit him soon when.' glands off,you seoraind n erierr Seat, e ar he gang tie ranian hoes him Brat drew his dirk, his mends his tomahawk, and Brat, u qokk u thought :era. • finca same a muster of mon* which ware lying .. plied op on treahle in the mei— TM seem was one of deep interest Sorg was wkready to strike dam Ifs tom and gag Irak in terq, tomahawk and dirk :ha hank frowning &lora, and pages for the life trap had not lb. stili.infiirbattle,totake, It was at this amarat that a Bights CNSeer timely interposed, and saved the DM of otis or muse of tho 'gag. Semi was railed to aloe rah the Britbh Gemini Into had samerata . .11indt,' and ems ended the wine dome of t ir e most marked Mid heroic expkill of -It was *ago that 15catt; who was then a. adw, one of- ifie What Mon of the Army, Wm not hit by ale famed Indianratismen:: Providence pro. tall Oka, .0 it did Washington, whose hones - pm shot hoist nadir him, cad his clothes ridded with WWI= crab away. • Thaw was test Weal WOMB la tha Wolf Beet dot og the war of le 12/16. Tree boutol bittuoott will Now forgot Ma mooed afore to me Wok troontlyroa at tho bates arta goloosetwo, sod who the British, Gm:ono wee relay to try and UMW then under tba chap of Wet Irmo: A Boated roodiatbe sod as astbabsol ntifialoti law end tbote.— It ow ec board BMAtemopott. off Bootee Rotor, that Sett daisy • body d Blithe OS. tai ellpild la the waled eparattot bite from . Americo elfin, told tbos not to espood to a aloglazetribta. .Tirootpdato hod oceedttod thseralor abtoody, led sea awa pdSOOlllll Xadena; dab WWI" wan hohl la like 10 1 , s taufbodf deemed op sa .tho' d lbrt war:bad that Dirk% to Anatiratioatldre`bt tha latotpoldata 011otar, ebto alablarlPA . 1001 0,4 1 , BOoot re motleys en tea* - - `rte.4loE4 ortgA oirbooirbo bol *ha tedeitt tot, aid attar twenty obot 11,1101 11 d-fildildadle Pee domes &VA Sof firail 6 oo 6l 4 6 o 1010 1 1 4 1 . 1111 . 1 Pii• . - , ~• - welts t h dhard fought battle of:Chippewa; se the milder wilt well renseinbcr; that Scent was comma in danger. Twenty, dap, atter came the mote unequal battle of Mews or Lundy's Lane, in will* afie two homes- had been' shot limier him be received at 11 o'clock - at night a atneke ball ht hie shoulder and becairse disabled. It wu midnight before the battle elMed.—the Americans masters of a field won by the leas of 850 men, and in which the enemy bat 878. r This .battle we have always thought was thefimmt fought doing the war, or, in any war in which. the coon. try h er been =pied.' The thanks of Caroms and themourary tend. ad no doubt awnap tits wound" which Scott, had received in this sanguinary battle. Honors fol lowed him at every turn, and he wore them, with hemming pace and modesty... President Monroe paid him milked rerpech .130 did the State and city of New York. and lance that time, with occa• mixtally fluctuations in the tide of Public opinion, he Wheat birmaupon the bowie of popular fa re; always winning admiration for his bravery, his skill in ems, end his kindness of heart. Between the peace 1812 and the war with Mexico, Stott acted anhenorable end ennsplenone part In the Florida war, imoeg the Cherokee In. diens, during ups dorm of 'Nullification; pending the troeths upon the Lake frontier, and tbediM. cedes rowing out of tho North Bunion Bounds. ty. In Peace he has been a true Peace Milker, end, le war no marohue done mole to mitipte the enables of thelbittle field. 'As a mallet pones& .ing 211 the high Peltier of courage, skill. a kind regard for the goblin's welfare, and as a Military men gifted with rise Military genius, high exam. playet noble bearing and brave deeds, he hat Do superior in =country. and none any where So thought and said sans of the ablest officers of Cheat Britain during the woof 1812. So we think the Idatiosin themmdves would acknowledge now.- We make no manioc of the present Military Weer °Men. Scott during the warm which we are en. pzed: Saws nine months since he left New Turk am his been trey said. slanders cloud." Hi had been unfortunate •in his correspondence with the Department. and , wronged by three who were either jealous or ignorant of his high capabilltim Impatient of the entrain imposed upon' him he sought a new tied, of service and • them the clouds havirtmed like the montingiest, bests the fun. At Vera 'Cum at hero. Gordo N ConnmenCluouhusco and In the Capital of the emeray; the General tn.chief her shown a loftiness of character as commanding as his noble potent We shall not seek to 'gild refined gold" by et. tempting to Mena* recent and Eurallisz events hke these and therefore leave the subject of our hasty sketch with the recoark,that among the gal. cry of great, names which bale adorned our coun try's history, the name of Winfield Scott, m moor man; Is *oft, of;occupying a - Place In close Prorilloitr to him whom we' all delight to honor as the Father of our coonuy.' • FROM AIM YORK.. Correzportderma at the Pittsburgh Gazette. 0C1.20, 1847 The Whip of ale' State, am now actively en. gaged intim prelinziesty business of the election end will give a good amount of themselves, and of New Tort: The nominations at Syracise have bean retained with more munimity than any tick. lot yean, the old uld young Whip acting to. Pabst, with • etudiality that promisees State awe , sad a consequent Whig victory. Unlike . the Whigs of Pennsylvania, we haveotot Made up out minds for • peat ampaim but hare data- Minsdlo show tltte•xtindnitstration 'how until • hold it hes upon this State, and thit the war Is WOW unequiviocally extudanned. The next Presidential election pupa out at out printery nmitinga, and one aerie only, see= to content the Widge, and that Hairy Clay, who remains the findchoice of the Whip of this region, and he will not lose a nomination because he hu •one to advocate his claims, if indeed his claims could need an advocate. AU the particles that composed the great Fair Of the American Inatitute,Mire been !moan! and Castle Canino that hu been crowded with the wrote of American art, is silent once more. The Ads this year was not crowded. as usual, with noel articles of little merit, but the great am sewed to have teen devoted to the production , of good end useful artiehts, and to have the eibibi• tin useful. and not so showy as heretofore. The manufacturers of woolen and cotton. emceed to amount and nastily ail previous aff.d to, and the • sample of. :crony mills were so good, that our would think; foreign and not boom Libur made them. The craters of silk has evidently taken rootpenuanendy, and must in flaunt Ell a large 'hare of oar exhibitions. Bushels of cocoons mem idioms, sod immense amount of reeled ,ilk. •61 salt IritOir r of pisamaci .11131111.2114114 band wove elk, army yards loog from the total stock of Verromt. Oar mucky ie not limited to the production of White suit; Lx in another aseencld be men mak made Into widens forms, and dyed with ark-bums and virility at color, that Preach Artists can equal telly, not excel. The new stows were more nu merous than ever, end perfection 11011=1 nearly coached, AU ki nds of aviculture! Implements were in greet profusion, with carriages and tomes, that are aneqoalied anywhere. Sataa sped. meal of. hareem from • Philadelphia home, we. of most elaborate make and excellent material. In nil road iron the gold medal wee given to the Lukewarm Co:, end their specimens show that, we Ma prod this staple article at home, better than abroad. No ankle was wanting In cept 'specimen of home made linen, for which . gold medal hat been waiting three yam. With oat abunderice of the taw unterial, it is -image that we have not began the manufacture of an are tiele for which there is so moth money paid yeas. ly. Take it in all, oar fair without being aebowy one, has plowed that oar arts are steediiy and tep idly Improving, end will soon control the market, now shamd br a foreign ziesl. There is nether a pause Lute:winces jilt now, in most branches, bat the amomat of this autumn's trade. will be long used as a standard of °pippin. eon. To the remote west 'and north west the last pfirobases.are now being Made, and shlptiente hastened as the cold weather - will wen lock up our canals. • The south and truth west trade, too, le arriving, and the Mildness is comprised to the Ipapply of places amity milled. Another twine is doe, with four days later news, but when re. mired, it will only make merchants more anxious for the Coosa boar, irlth the The next anne is looked for with .apPeehinsion in 'come - quince of the patititive statement made by J Hank lay Palmer that them Were houses of mot, note than say that have yet fallen who would suspend before the .19tbnf October. People beit do not tall thstekeses, bat they have, met serious ones, enders getting timid, Therese many who tell of oar Independence of t new& and that aba la in oar debt, but the not in. The rate crestinge shows that were about squat end the shipment, of corn made by each steamer, go leashow, Maki( the belays of trade le changing, it Is doing so utnet um, a stabs of things that, will not be anon d in-our favor, while oar exports of breadstuff. ' stopped and our cotton failing rapidly. Oat Imparts all the while show en Ingest, and will bum have their effect upon the euchanges and mike them against Os; decidedly. A. steamer called the Ins, built for the Charles. too root, has been bought, for a mail boat, be. men Pensacola and the Mexican and Texan gulf pato and will hew at once; she takes out Cora Jones who gees can't* relieve Cow BAB*. upon the Western Mexican coast. an , The Macedonian higati is to be Sued for reset once; bat her demi. nation her not trarirpined...' It is said that her car go, obtained with so mach trouble, was the means of saving the 9vr of ten thousand people, at sad oar Cork, a reward certainly, that should repay and be • eassme of lasting phew* to all who helped in Such a noble charity- • By Way of Havana, advice. from Valparaiso, the Sandwich Islands and the - -Western South Market Republics,to a late daY,. have been re. calved, bitall is quiet. The troubles so long ex iting between Pero and Bolivia are in the course of peaceable settlement, an event of need ins• pretence to our.large and increasing commerce with them and which has suffered much by their internal quarrel • Hooey Weiner purposes remains in good apply, at, the legal rate:Stocks an more In demand, with an advance in the fancy int. Time. ury notes sell at 101, and the funded debt of 1847 at •104 j; Ohio e 981; Kentrcky. Ws .100; and Penitylviugs s's 781. This tut price is the lowest mark the Stale loan has touched for a long times : A trimport ably nailed .for California, on Mon. day. Chu. T. Berta the new atorelowper at Maw tem goes out with Mr. Bates, the &norm gen. oral- for *Le Sandwich Mande, togathar with a company of ndwionaries. Karnali' To Amilass..-In Captain Dona van% namilise of adirennues In Henkto, ha relates . • stogy of ills hitsiligtow of mitosis, reptiles; iks, .which is taliwivriakey: Nasatthaleu, Madam' to anion& will accomplish witch in the scale of Asir intptiwontent, He sayin imuk dinner; while we (Di. Stevenson and ildimelf4 ware enjoying OUT cigus ander a sang mind Les, dui Doctor'. glad' comedown to I r r e s ppe s l theaft.* of of the nrotigniltes. It Is ' - g what aidinost will accomplish. when he no wait* be elty. the'plgetins tome to bla eat slags ,andgissehupstihle.slioulihts, and ths'uv: . 46 1 inla Swop frosthstrwes hi his !wadi. •. • • 4finge hand *bit Iliad loin 'its - tall, =tithed into ibs aloe. ail glowing,: that man in hi: wok end sierosto,lb , [ l4ls,s; as ir Seedy( Tait /spoil inbide was very ii:lirrimihre. The Cincinnati Cantweisl says, in Me Little bliamt vailay,_ the deatmetheis of grain and other prop; arty !Mahon hiorwar. The railroad wu damaged !musical plseas; amf„the li4;cmitailanyike was 'lnundated far inilen' - Au stril 131 the bridee,at Milked war washed away od the dam at Daeld destroy .._ ~ eeUing al ahMit 86000. ,of tha puma; lug corn, On thii bankinf the la either de. strayed or dfluiklYed. aodNeeveral honu, - cows, hop, dcn, hue been 10g..A.. A man named. Parker was &animal in the road, on which the water wu font feet deep. There ainsiderabliamnage on .the. Great Miami. (The entbutitnennt the Miami Venal Kane distance above gave siWnnd a temporary t suspension of navigation '' bethe consequence. The aqueduct of the- ' ;anal, over Ore. gorfenreek, Is washed a . A rumor was CO/Teni y tday. that the White Water canal had teen badly injured. , alt The Turnpike near F lin. wee inundated. and abridge in that sided destroyed. - A 'Mall house about three mile beyond Franklin, wee swept off on Satutday night. 'The occupants es aped. . . The rapidity of the rise may be judged from the feet that In one hoar the river swelled nearly three f et plumb! WS= WILL TUZ WAS find, copied into the Poem's=len:without &man, the fol lowing opinion massed in s hitter from Mexico, in relation; to the wu. It fay eonfirme the news of_ eddy Thompson: I know, whitever may have been the prover. times of thin war, I cannot help lauienting it. Max. lee is hot the country , when the war an bear its own expenses. On the contrary, the fuming class of the people, and all the loungers about. after having been expelled or lilt their homes, Ran guerrilla bands, relying Go their subsistence chiefly on the plundering of our stores. The long. er the war lute, the more the country will be duo haul end reduced to a 'state of barbarity; the more impossible will It become topspin the. Imogene ante which it coat to recover. Knowing aill thla.—the Ashninistzation persists !nibs war, regardless of ths loss' of lift, or the piney it rosy entail upon the country subjanatell Intim pimple at home. If tit. Adminiottalion is wise, it will abandon its former , policy. and should it persist in Its folly, we hope envies will teach it wisdom. . Tac GILZAT `Menagerie of Raymond and Co• Will enter our city by the Mottogattela bridge. this morning at 9 o'clock, preceded by thrir splen• did ROM2II Band Chariot, which will attract grew• ter attention. from its beauty, than any which has heretofore appeared is our streets. Thu Mom• moth an. of this menagerie, consisting of the. union of the two taw menageries owned by them (which haws been heretofore traraling—the one in the northern, the other in the Southern States of our Union,) with the sillitional attraction of Her Driestiach, thiLiao tether, will secure crowd ed houses during the week. • The Committal relined to in our paper of eat. today, se - called upon to iamb, lam the ditfieal• ties in the Grant * sweet •Baptist Church, we an informed wens called by the Monongshale Baptist Association and not by a Cal:Mina of the church as stated in our columns. A se Litantel su seem enort.--The workingmen in the Sligo Iron works of Lyon, Shotb f Co.. on Saturday, gee two . hundred and ten for the Washington monument.' This be a noble imbeeriptio' o, the largest made hy any one holm la the city. and not needed any where. Twenty six of the workmen subscribed U each. It was • nut of John F. Ihkinner, who died at New Odessa on the 18th, and not the father, as annonneed in the telegraphic despatch. - Lsaroa OS Sr. Jostle's, etc.—The desertion, capture,. and aeration of the Legion of St. Patrick has given rise to rev .nearks nfleeting upon the patriotism of adopted Citlzans. The impression hue generally, we be lieve, obtained that the moat of those unfortunate wratches were 'deb, bet if the New York .Police Garr:tele, cornet, the majority are Arnericane.— That paper Wiliam the nano and places of na. , tivity of the deserters. They app follower Amorkamo 64; Mama 34,04 em if; Bectot . , 4. and ono via from Eaglamt,ThrOri Br..t.t. Fromm and Poland. Cures Loan—The Clout BoMa and ewe Agents met is Baltimore on Taelelo, and ad. jottmed on Wedneedity. Tb. Canthatiami Titian of October 29, sayer—ilbe engagements to complete the canal have berm poriduly plead; the pipers hare been Poeitively Aimed; the money has been positively (Mahood, and the work will pitied; go on in a fere 'Weeds, at the Earth• The Alexandria °melte itaGiens this statement and say= .LThe contractors will immediately pro.. med to finish the canal, with u mach dispatch Tat Wurtaa Tar.aaaare.--tfenry Rogers Eel., formerly Superintendent of the Baltimore and Philadelphia telegmph, has called foe props. GIL for the dativery of timber for the line of tele. graph be propose. Mettle( between Baltimore end Harrisburg, to ocinneet with theweitern few to PitsbUrgh and Cineinttati. Ma.21417C Tiktozkos.—A Compaq koo been orjanizett to eons:rod 4,lin. of Itorrootie Tolegraph wire. from Columkas to Portstoooth end Obilicotho, 0., aka the work to Doti, to pro. Petro, LOCO rota DISCORD IN Nil VII YORK. tatter from .New 'York to the Philadelphia, Inquirer, up r Tho Loco Four Convention at Heaklono, has gone a little farther in uppcsition to thread Hon.' kers then the letter ever dreamt of. They have declared in favor of the Wilmot proviso, and . ay . dopted a resolution ceiling • State Convention at H e rkimer; on the 2Sod of . Petuctuy neat, for the appointment of Delegates to the Deltimore Coo• ventlon,for nominating csodidates for the 'Pron. deney and Vice Presidency. The split in the party is complete and perfect end the young Hookers are now dininet and separate. Uvici, Oct. 28. The Ma 'Convention of tha Radical Democra cy assembled at Herkimer Co day. Charchill C. Uambrelsog of Suffolk co. was President. An Ad dress was reportad by John Yso Buren. David F. Field of N. Y., reported resolutions repudiating the proniedingv of the Syracumereoptention,ena adviaing Democrats to not. as though then Aare no Nominations . preiending to be Regular. They of TOWSe nialßrut and stand fast by the pridziple of the Wilmot PriMiffil, Hon Herld .Wthnot of Pa. (author of the Pro dao,) 9'. C. Cezhericat. and JOl3Oll Bonn were to principal Speakers.—X. Y. 'Prib. HiIIIOBJXO. CONDUCT or • RIMIAN' PIIOUL. —On the bth of September, the U. 8, Stesinittiri Princeton, Cap. Engle. was at Gibralter. Prince Damodar, of Russia, signified his desire to .Siait Ike ship, and on his laving, salute o f 13-1. WAS firod;_the 'breath gun wee fired before its than, and beak off the arms of Thomas Ds is, seaman. r The Prince was indescribably' by the accident, and signified his, intentton to amigo for the benefit of this seaman a pension r life of 400 French trance, which will be paid to hint quarterly or otherwise, at Philadelphia tot s day of his decease. N. Y. Deaca—A bill is pending Wrote • legislature of Now York, to limit the 'lssues or the incorporated banks. The law of 1837, look' t o the same object, hes been declared unmen tional by the Supreme Court, or es much of it ban that 'effect, so that the, banks claim now ' right to issue, according to their chute', twice the amount of their ' capitale respectively. The amount, according to the Comptrollwes wiped, which the banks mkt -haw onder 'the bow! of 1837, was $32,790,000. The rule of ftheir chic. tors would authoriza the Imo of 655,815,920: - • Q Sissuors, . Oct, 30.—Court lost— mune ull du Court; I n • Coeds Ts Elizabeth Hugy:rh e j ug, at to absence of 24 hours, were uustrhuoArr e s, assi were OW/ImPa. . • , -`'• Bans se Fisuosit lisnrsy—.malt and man i m s_ Ta dko rattly. Bantam% dos 2104, sod impriscaimant In county fa ttisouttut. • ~ , ems Is 'Edward Dourthertyr-tudishoof his the t oo ov of 46 from Iwo Efordock.i Dstrosa,,• ant plaskellty:, Eloutartecd to 2 yearitmpriuni. mut hi Weston' Paolteutlery. • •• _ aim Ts Chasicialeck at a ..I=Esdictak t ne wt. "Okla bawl- Belloolllulo ot. putts', D3llO proL iroletspd on Fermi or cools by dit. • Th*Yill W O"' 404W i lid / 1,0,1, 1 0 4ndat al 10 mink. • ... , - , BY 31AGNETIC„TELEGRAPIL rssposidsuce at. Pittsburgh- °metre. &EVEN 11113 LA?BR 110111 Bil .CIIIIZ ' : No Later News from Me Capitol. - . , . ceetherazdenee el th e idtsbneigla Queue. , ' New OlthaAlre; 0E4 . 27: ' Illy the seri* of the steamer Fannyfrom Vern Cruz, we hive newt mien 'dip! later front that place. But there has boleti no arrival from Pueblo. nUr from the city of Maxim?. .. . !The r e were a thousand moon at Vera Crux when the Fenny left, respecting General Lane's command. It was believed be woull enter Prt• chit and relieve the command them without Gib &Lofty. !The ship Monterey had arrived at Vera Cruz fro New York, with lif aim, on board. • Gen. r 'Rerun had not left Yeti ems for the Capitol .ent we. expiated to leave in is few Lys. . ....______-,.......- I' elus.ve Coirespendenee of tb4 kinebergh ' oaxetee . ' CINCINNATI MARKET. Oct 30, 6, p to. ' Floor—Sales are reported at $4,7554,81* per 6,1, at which figures there are more sellers than huyere. E - 1 ,Wheat—Sales of prime Red at 90c per l.u. The sales of the week have amounted to 30,000 tm. ILard—Salen of 1000 lb. new, in kegs at 10Ic - per lb. Provisiocs—The market le dull; with no change in prices. .. I Killed Hop—Sales of 400 hew] of $4 per 100 lb nett. BOSTON WOOL MARKET-Wt. 25 - • • The . stock of American Wool now to market is not large. pulled wool and low Hosea quite sear e; the deau:nd is constant, snd fanner prices contin. I salany fleeces, perlb. Do prime Do lambs American fall blood Do half do I Common to fl• breed Lamb's superfine Po tat quality Do 2.4 do • ; Da 9J do 11W TORE. ORLIN 1. The adieleiscfloor, it will be ONO presented an Memos kit week over the cormspooding week list year of 60001br; botibere is a falling ofr in at,' amide of wheat (goal to about 28,000 Ibis of pit; no Clint the decrease in flair daring the week is equal 1022,000 bbis. The made of Imlay a'. no shows a reduction in the maims of Abe. new crop, compared with those of Isst masattr the m odiste for this season being 486,000 bashes from lit. September to 22d Mat, against 706,000 bdih. els for the eonrapondiog period last year. I BALTIMORE dr. ORB) RAIL ROAD.--Ths charges on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road (tom 'this city to Curnberlami art to followi, : Was and mandfaertired Tobacco 25 Moto per 100 Ib, and Groceries, Dry Goode tad other mart &indite generalb•Bs'cu. pet 100 lbit WACON FREItIIITB.--Frods Cumberland West we quota the rates.. fallow., via From Combtrlawd to Wheeling 175 cm. per 100 lbw Prom Cumberlabd to Broirmellk, 150; and from Brownatillir to Pittabunch, 10 cent.. I ' • , Gagman Tatioa.—A late New Orleans pa per states thet ucc.: Taitsi • intends to whit the United Water.'and expecte to be in New Oriente v i ne time iii the mouth of November. The Union doubts this infannatiori, presuming Abet the General will not letve_the army until he has communicated his withal. to the department end tluit no such notice has ',sheen received. Doane Btais.—The American Bible Society hen resolved to publish an edition of the Bible in the Danish language. It is said that there are new more than:twenty thousand Dann in Illinois and Wisconsin, and that two thounitd more are sVpseted to join then in the earning Sprint, W L doistfrult.—Tho Cleveland Herold of the sta tilt soya: , This iroutletosn, who has been eibutined in dna city foi invent weeks, by wren, ilinlumin, left fa. Boot= yeetardsy. hinds Will he glad 'tt Imo that he 11 rep/thug his hinhtt." ! ;army Litcfs short cogsgemant of three nights at Manchester, cast the manager of the theatre ..C1.2012 and brought him 'in ~C 6,300, or about 1130.000! Like the good princess in the fairy bile. the Swedish girl has but to open ha mouth, end much gold and jewels drop out. Olits...—The price Of Oast to advanced very censiderably within tits last raw week~—it eels readily at 6 cent• per bushel, atsl is dificalt te'grt at that. Ordinarily, Ores rule from 3 to 33 cents per brubeL--Statb. Her. j The Maiden debt to En tiiii cspiisliste is about $50,000,000. - ; Woooloosos os Basocaos.—LTbo following original lotlerlfmoo Washington, ;jou LW betas the }Lexical exicty of New l'atic &Vita roust; Nrwrstrion. 51.11 Nor.; 1783. Dear Sir: By Dr. °gig I mud you four joss & 6. 9. 9., which appouro to be So, balii.oca duo pia for your hind. r prey you to get me mast by the memure enclosed • pair of the Mast and best leather betwelea, I knoknot at this time who is eatimee tnl the moat celebrated maker or I would nor trouble yrs: with 114 mall. matter.' Formerly Melt 14.9 a potent Called, I think, the earaboas, by wham very neat breeched were made. Whether they ere yet to be had, I know not, neither do I kook the price of the teethed ketches at thit Hay. Nit it the money sent le not 'efficient, the ddlleiv chef shall be paid on demand. I would beg to hies, them sent to me as work as paaible. , l Mali thank you fey reiterating my request that they may di made roomy In the cwt. They generally make them an ;tight in the thigthi that it •W with • difficulty they can be drawn on. The Mukluk esieldwed ie the rise I would have, Dot what they • old be brought to by imetchiog. Younote 0. WASIIINYTO3. Oa. No Core t . 210 Pay 1 Riles! Piles f— ill. Jackson`s Embrocation in the only medicine that will tare thy so very common and troublesome thbetao. It rottenly immediately allays pato and 'oda. oration, mops all bleeding, subdues that Intolerable atebi in but edectually rums, in a very shun time perbous or6one non. have been rendered miserable for years Ito Implication produces no pain. hut tither nil agreea ble and pleasant oensation. Jr 'permits &Minted VriLl call and bear of the great bomber of cares that have bean eared, they will be itstOninhea. ' A gentleman Of SO city, who had been under the knife of the surgeon for tumor bucolic:Ma without beieg cored, hes blue iski bottles a Jac Embice talon. been ergalie ally cured. Elwell. beyond preciulebt!!—Rbil, Saturday Courier. Or • For oath ini Pittsburgh or the PEEJN TEA EridßE,72 Fourth aimed, near wood, earl /Ise &Übe Deng Store of H P Schwarth, Peden] at Allegheny el tri 1: ,a141t7 . 013- Ihillteen.tillassoug Passaaen.—t-Mimmita Pareranne—We beg leave to call public alleaten to the following, Dom Dr. Wm. Dean, of Withantsmlle Clermont Co.. and neon( the serfttet linen., in the county to which he resides, ma late Penang in the atitie Logislanne. It to cheering thus to see the lead. Inown of the profession, burning the'lmnds of prole. emits! prelndice,and giving merit nsdnet 1211: I have In my practice been using some of ion Ginseng Panacea, mtd, ,fir, unwell pleased In it. effects In Catarrhal and Bronchi.' Complaints. Please send me half a dotes bottles-put them as low as 000 can; as I cancel if it continues to render. general sot 1000110 n as it has heretofore. to keep It constantly on bond. Respectfully, apl7 Wm. DOAN, a.O Ws invite the Election Of Otit !Efferent Hine tnronfinstry cacao( trcrafala perforated by Dr. Csithot's /urban Tractable Ponarro r which they will hod etched-. et in another column of to-day , . paper.. They arc without doubt the most wonderful On record, and have so been pronounced by many of our roost respectable. physicians. The afflicted and othe re interested, are re nettled to visit them at their several places of abode, and learn, from their own bps the wonderful effects of the medicine. The E rat one named le dir Isaac brook s, who rosy he seen daily, between the hours/31D A. Id. awl 4 P. M. at the receipt' Rowand & Walton, No 37 Market at. Phdada. octl 'll:7•Notio.-2A. Nat'l lincontail Larnry lieciwion and Afghanis.. ,Institutrbetne nowin opera tion, would respectfully solicit donations of books, Imo. 051, mitteral epee:melts. models,Ac...froto the publle generally. All donations 1,111 be do(7 acknowledged. dal . JACOB WEA ER; AucluAry lw Important toi/tdvertraerthr—The adwer.. 'etceters which appear In the Doily ',foreleg Guche WO appear in the Pn-Week ly, thus receiving the ben. ea: of the circulation of all, without any additional charge. Thit is an adrantarc toner advertiser!, without any oath aliens°. lavertisemente are also inserted 'tithe country paper upon reasondhle terra*. • [17.T0 Builders and Property Madan— Tbo Yalog Men , . Mercantile Library' Awbeinuan and Mechanic , Inatitnie, will treat with builders for the reetionof a limitable Hall and Fromm ef_whieh a tank *rem will be taken. JOIIN FINNEY, Jr., Clen.- /aces WiLtYtt. Armen-. Velssabla Ohlo Myer Property. toe Sale. IMAM heirs of Hamilton John Itainilion, deemed, J..l will offer at public sale, on THURSDAY, the Ihth day of November next; on the premises, that splendid .FAR/ddately the poverty of said deceased, aunts in liniektrouritv, Vis, on the Ohio riscrolimetly opposite 'the tarn of Wellsville, 0, anutinlng %haat 105 t acres. • On the meaty is a large, cemmodious /Web Dial ring flnissomo stories high, conveniently arranged and in excellent repair attached are all the usual ontbuild ogs; also, nee good Apple Orchards.. The helmet land is all eland and under good fence, and stout 45 acres of hill lend is cleared and ender flue slate of sultan- Wm. ' On this propertytherele an abiutdanee of:the very best Mono Coal; Rem its beautiful location, and proximity to the town of .Wellsmlle,th. it Is. not too muctrursey that this is one of the meat desirable farm on Ma Uhlo Elmer. • , For father description, application maim mods to Levi' pottenbam, Wellsville, 0., or, Washington Ilesx. son, Wm Ilarightnhinz Thee Hasetolf;at the Wallope• Ferry- Terms Made known on Me' day of. lath. CjAlrmilalb-180 lb, bun 'Parton Qrs., mar sadyeriale by •bail R BMW'S MOM=M!=M= PyrIIIIUIIGH WiBILY GIZETTE . October 30 —corrzsis 'raver The - Opinion of the Seine= Court li the ewe of Judge .11 'tintill—lneidents of ales War—The Wax:with Mexico—Letter from Uce. Shields-- The - Rai Read-;-Gens Seen and Taylor—New York ConisPondente—Pittsburgh and Cleveland Rail Road—Rev Alexander Aampbell—Atlantic and Pacific Rail Read—Peemilsanis Rail Road— New York . Democracy—Legialature of Pennsyl rank for '4S-Ohio Election—N Y Democracy —Further from blexieo--Santa Area—l erkitner Convention--Busineis of Pittsburgh—Foreign Miscellany—New, York Correspondence—Qoo Warranto—RealEstito—Lt. Irons—lncidents in the recent battlee—dosernor Shank's Proclams tion-,Decitions in the Supreme Court—Court of Quarter Beulotudentifie Anociation of Western Penzwyleania—English Speculation— Latest Teltimphic nail, Foreign and Domestic. Commercial—A carefully complied Review of the Markets for the past week—The prices in the local city markets—The Cattle Market—The prices of American I'mM:ea in micas parts or the Union —Amount of Flour, Wheat, Corn Ste., received since the opening of the Canal—Cana business lad movements ofproducedfarket in London. City News—Spirit of thePren—Copions Eztracta from the lending journals on the interesting topic' of the day. Pointe at the desk, singly or in mappens. Ail* 6 cents angle copy. t i dobsaipticuta two dollars a year in advance. it . GAZETTE JOB P2IIBITLIIO OBPIOB, BIRD Stain. CORNS. 01 NOT ORTICII AUST. G 7 Walt are now prepared to execute In a superior and eispeditions manner, all kinds. of lon ClUntisini sub SA largo liisters,Stembeet Bill., 888 of Lading, Letter Silent Circulars, Handbill., Cards, do., Be: soar. £PD PAXPULIT PRINTING to any extent execated in the ben manner, and all kinds of Printing no. with accuracy and at the lowan rams. 27 . 1 m Rimus.—The Committee aro Molested to meet tattle usual placating &linemen at 3 o'clock.— Punctual attendance is requested In order to close its affairs. , M. ALLEN. 32.33 - 28.80 33.35 28.30 19.20 14.15 Vageablo Insane Griot RUlle Raw BUIL and • FARM, FOR SALE: A ithe Coon Howe, in the city of Plastron* on the ~a7M day of November, 1E47 an 10 &chick, A. M., will exposid to mole. at public out•cry, by the mdersupsed Committee of the person and Caton. of Mary Welker, a tannic, in pursuance of an order of the Coen of Co o. WU Plata of Allegheny wants, Pa.,all that tend nen of Land shone at North Fayette township, Atte petty county, Pa,contelning tenpinca and threnquar ter acres, bounded by Lands of John POUrr, J:bu M'Gregseand odor lands of Alm Walker, an which in erected Dwelling Goose., a Steam Gnat Mill in fanning order, a Saw Mill with seater power, a stable ant other iitonureinents: Teruo of sale: Chttelietf cant inland on the defiler, of the Deed, and the residue in two egad annual mamboedh bitsrat from t h e day of ale. The said residue to be neared by Judgement 8001. and Monger on the Fenian. Thepremwaru eow faded all April Ist, MS; the hose r 1M trensferrue to the purchase. The title en the penman vraa lately denied by • the So. pron, Coartof this State jabirreeted us nid Mary ker,in he ample, The mann and Matures and order of the Coen will be Ann is No. 1174,0c1010r Term,lB47. WILLIAM EWINO, .111110 Catsai' 'tee of the perms .o estate aatlklatr3telt of Agri Weller. a [Antic Adotiolatratoc% Notice. OTICF.ts hereby given Oust Lettergof ddosinistra- Oen upon die Estaits or Dr. Jac alTully, lam of U tier Si Clair sownetup, deed; wens panted to dm au senben sia tire 300 day of October, A D 1810. MI pa as having alum or demands agaiost the estate Of " deeeePt requested to make known die:amnewili i out clay to th e ar wasteriberm stud all *non* :ode nai to t e snidest., are removed to make itamedialioptl use J P ROSS, totiogir JIWF: CONNER, 1.4-',- c===t . I ETERS Tecnotentarg.haarand been mooted to the .14 • Menagared, open the Emote of alanted Dell, lino of Rohanson rewritten, Allegheny e panty, Pn , deeeued, notice i• hereby given tab penons hoeing claims or demands against said Estate to present them, du/ ate thenneated, for settlement; and all persons indebted to mad Lamle, are requested to make payment mutant delay. J P ROM, EYeentor neltarikeP Upper Et Clair Tomandup TIIE PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK PEKIN res co. hewing anderstoo: that certain persons Pittsburgh were etannlog the uelteuve right to sell their Toll In that eny, would state Cut they have shim. dsned some owe since the eZeighlre ageneymystem, and that neither Mr. Jaynes, Hoagies k Co, nor any other cones has a nght to claim any exclusive pin, leges with their Teas. The general Agent of the Corn, patty, Mr. J. K. Rockdale, is new alblehtaster's, Eagle Liberty ...Pittsburgh, ready to receive ceders All Teas sold by this Company, are warranted equal to soy sold in the United Sums, and no paymentreqalnid until hayers are entirely guided as at. the fut. Principal Warehouse of the Company, N 0.33 North Front etreetiPhlladelphis. nvlttAavam bIeCALLMONT,It BOND Truataportatlism to the Eastern Cities. rta DBOWNSVLLLE AND CI4LIERLAND. mbseribera are (ally prep te tecciptthrongh . for all merchandise d erode destined tor th Lament caw, by the trommithlte Gotha-rim; !airport and other. will has thelr.gooda forwarded by the prapttetort with the aurion dlepiael, at the low eel current rate,. Bille of Lading taken and transmit ted"e.ofcharge (or eornnowtoa. •'T he patronage of tne.patolle ta rerpeetfally whetted. ' For the proprietor*, W hilf CLARY BrowatvUl FORSYTH fr. DUNCAN, e. o , Water meet. rituha h. J• EVERSON COLLEGE — FRANKLIN ITERAR ROCIRTY —The Semi Zenteronlal An a nary of thls Society will be cerebra's:A on Wed s, ay the 171 of November. A cantle] incaution Is es; tied to i n and regular members to be pre eat with us on loaf occamon. At 6 o'cloac. P M. ad cum will be de leered by Rev WA Passau.% of Pt burgh; end J Wooers, Fay., of Canatslonfai whieh Nrw li , e y are respect fully tasted to attend. Hy Order Caesar:ea—FA E Young, Samuel ll. Wilson, James Elliott, /amen P Lytle, N Prather, Wm A Pugh. nal dlcatwatF ILlllidWll/0 T1EN7A31127 DARUNGTON, Alm, is non Jj ring ard opetthaa a ne arly nman of the and CoVery. at ' , Gunk at, oppoaita the Bank of Vatahu h. : eel 0.t4 Wu sx;:e; far mle,by nvt TASSEY k DES?, as mrd LAIID-10 bbl. priaiineer Lard just reed per mar base Newt.; for sale by - I== DAoo3—Flaros,Sador and Ylboabierr for Yale low O to close ronlignmont, by rtirl J JORDAN A BON 0 - - -- IL-3 6bl. W toter Sinned Lard 011 jam r ee d ; for dale ay E SELLERd nor I 57 wood It 01.1.-10 WIN Us trod oil io prime order. reed: for tort 0010 b R E SELLERB NAIL. 11-152 key nned nixes on h•nd; for sale by syrl TASSEY & BF.ST bz. W x reed; kw sale nvl TAK4EY & BEET OTTEII-10 tee prime &ruck, for .ale by nvi TASSEY k Herr QOAP-100 lOW Cm kap, ree'd; for .al! by 13 TASSEY &B,MT ALTS—SO bbt. gegrthed nvl DIMON 5-1.14 don common and best far sale b TASSEY & BM(' B u i n CACE TB-23 doz on band; for sale by TASSEY & BEST SLED -10 bbl. Timothy and Plod Seed kw ode by net TASSEY t RENT VITRIOL carboy* oil vdriol in goal order; for *ale 4I J SCHOONMAKER I CO ntrl 14 'mid a • 1 INI.IIIIINT—AO gross Allea's geasins bierse sad awls LAstimenfjosoessisedi for sal. by_ J SCOOONMAKER h. CO I 011 WOOD—S la.ltford's extract for sale by L . est i SCHOONNIAKEAk CO LCOUOL-10 Olds high prootJast ne'd; gra sale nvl low b J OOIIOONDIAKER dr, CO bb la Timms oil In gaol ordw: for rile by not J SCHOONMAKER & CO IL-10 eras Chloride for male by • J ICIIOCINAIARER t CO RD — iak-Noirrvraly. lallibe -. TTE/1-10 bbl MI, In awe; lb: gill, by nrl .l a It FLOYD ELAPPIER-11K1 ream. ;monad for stle by Ji FLOYD bblvN O in prime order for sale by WM DYES nyl . I 8 Me 'et Q ED—io ba Timothy seed In mare; 6r raM law by 41Vi . WM DYER FLOUR--1000Insets BoOkwheat door Inse or loose; girl • foroale by W DYER ntIEIESE-M Lb. Or ch"P.r N mDti ER ,r 1 11OUACCO-4 bu Congress 14, prime article; for J. .ovt ulo by W DYER rIIOIIACCO-0 bss Congress ss, Ist qualltilfor sale lavi •by W YER VEATII.IOIII-10 seko prime q.Vaytor DYER sale by /.` not . W .B :A D OiIN-300 lb. for sato Tory low , ra n. W Wit L..191,7* porn ( " 17 tittrri BAnuilims—lopempty orbaskeyr ra t a t agalo by, oci2O cor water e omithield ala) J UST 1N TIEN-6 per caper French Beaten al Drown, Corbos, Violets and Blacks, at a ma SCII. 'Race, piece Or ard, direct Gorr reancfacturers. ROWNN3N, Importer, Pitt% smear wericd TUSTAdlitiVED—Bloo.browa,blackd gym°"-7 J ter Milo, wideb will be made w ord er by - • way AbICKE Et lc bEdaER. 70 wood it CLOTIIII reeamed— Drab awl Mae tile Clow, which will be made to older by ANCKER t. MAYER 1?IR PROOF—SOOb@e idotalie Crowd:or Pada r'. bursted; far rile by • J kid PRILLJPS - coal S tood outer VSIIITINGIII—Aoothet Lot of llati.uha Milk Vest- Inpiastretelveckwile4 will be mode to order by Oet2t , • • • '• /INCUR /Ir. MAYER CallllXlOLES—Fruicy end plain Vassimensitit received, which will be Wade re order. by_ oci2ll ANCEER A. MAYER Tuar RECEIVED , -Faney zed plebs Doe Skin Cam el rune; whieberly be made te order& DOTATOZI-41, bbls Neabinnock • ' ree42,1111, Caleb paps; *reale . . Hy J. D. Davb, Aset4irasit' . Nand Street Bride Nock.= Auction. t.., - ON Wediemisi mead. Nov. 31,if 4 Weisei. ' at tie Commercial Palo Room eorsor of Woolaid Flab rtsi mill be sold el)shares suiek to ibe_Pineb mil sad All. ebony Bridge Company. Terms, cash p rands._ oeoo JOHN D . A It/, Asti, .. • On Idooday morning Mamba.. 14 11 to ok.knk,,at dm Commercial Saks Boom eanaat of rapi and Wood An exteerave wham:OA of aearsiaahlg Dry dic4ll; tze.; among logien are anger Wood eke.* enamors., LlUMOtl&finnaels, Masten, red damask, gala plaid, maniere matinee, aipaceuonoase de laineaginghain, bleached 'brown muslin., green *ilk velvetsorcador shawls, hosiery, gloves, bloc and pink; bishops. lemons; bit fie,' none, book midge, fancy vcirdop,lnt fierelle; • I /. • &C. &C. At f o , Cleek, P. M.• 4klids and 24 bbla fled gulAry Mils Near Chinn. Molaatel; 61 abets Yo e :21114mo Tea; • Aqua/mire( china sad gosensware, giatiOwar e, tin ware, sbovels,•arrapplng paper, Itossebohl furniture in P.m aresmg watchers splendid araboyeny and roaewood spring seat aoras,maltoganyapneg seat rock ing, chairs, boreal., tables, chair; bedsteads, Woking gime% rte. At d 4 (Moak, r. M. A retail Meek of staple and rang dry geode, ready made akehirar, fine French idyl. boon and shoes, fine table and pocket eailary, mango easels, shot pas, Pilnola, Violins, gold and silver watches, Laney artielet, seta ProPniT at Auction. ON Weduceeay evemoi , November 3rd, at 9 &eke', at the Commercial Bales ftom, comer of Woad and 6th au. will be mold • . „ That rateable Lin of Groand situate on Waternt, be tween matket and (my no, having . . fond of 35 - ft, and the back 80 ft, leas 101 t 10 etches by 40 feet olf the back parte( the tot, adjoining the warehouse of Jan Titlo indlspatabla. Term. eneih.trd wh, mskine ie throe owl ILL ye.t. Irlla Intettst;paable money. • .10IfN "El DAVIS, Acta 12=1 Banat and lut appearance of MRS. YAMMER—Last • men e( MR. GEO. JAMISON. • Monday, Novensikr lit, 1847, Will be presented the Tragedy orthe • • ..041./MMIM,TII 11 - eurly••• • ......... ••• • •141 Ortike l 7 - •• •••• 4 /. 048 7. Parr en To conclade with tbranama of • .I.wrireitlAM•rggls. Moreton Berea ....... • • • Mr. Flown. Dake• Fn. °Usurp Mr. Jambe. .Mr Oubetta • Mr alu -Oxley. IrrDoors open et 7, and certain will tide at 71. - Toe tda .MR OXLEY'S atilefit. A. A. MLIROX A 5.., X.. 61 Minims Wed, bantam Ord and 44 on, WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL, HATEJut received per recant amen's, In adatlon to thelr already new and beautifal -swek of Dry 13.4., the &Mowing anieled, VO per Hen et) le Cashmeres; /65 " Mona de Laßue: 40 " 104 Is " rich ea do; 100 " mohair P/J sod Oregr . Plaid• 75 ddr; • 15 0 plaid dress Silks,ortiehand desirable styles; 115 " bine sad bloc black &Ike; French Merinos, all colors, very choice shades. I.yon's blink &Ik Velvets, mohair lustre., plaid mr. clans raw silk and plaid alpaca., a.. acre., Parisi.. Longi,:l'asken,Thibet.flazony, Mold and o th er Shawls; 400 pans roes whiting 'and bath illaakets; skeetings, dipers, flannels, table covemum sulk; 600 wrought collars and napes Via/ . conlitiew wrought tolkli, linen cambric do; 100 pas thrud cdgings,soo pea bonnet Ribands; ago Stead Chub and Cassimeres. • Wholesale lkoones, Second Story. .iso we MASON A.OO PRINTS ONLY. R. ST., NEW YORK. LEE• BRNWSTER. Establishod.a. osarthoase m the yearletd.eat the. - par P TRIff M. 1 inaig L t rCO Ch ErNlC gelTrat f , bw puteatutd exhibrothe, at ast= of the yess,the Da Among:meta in ••, THE . _WORLD They are now Odom Several Hoodrelswaaysa, cootonsgig every new auto of Foreign Led Domestic proesmoo, many! Of which ate oot to be bad el-e -here and whiek have just bean potohned,aod ate offered fot sale fiat Cash and thin etedit, at • PRICES REDUIVED r FROM ONE' TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the prices or April ond May, u . par printed Cualognes,whodt•are • corrected daily , for the trilby... moo -Wien. PRINT of wmuragorsz, mr Yea, hoar, 1917. • A. LlerWs (WARN Plus,' FOR PALS, AT A GREAT BARGAIN, DECEIVED reeendy from the Piano Form manatee- IL tory of Huai, Hem, Parts, one of his gleaned Rom weetmmi-nrand; promise Piano Fones,ste and three nutters mare; icompass of key board, elegantly abed in every weenier, and of most esqutsite ion. and smelt. This Piano ts provided with a doable Ime frame, giving addinenal strength to prevent n from get. ring our of mane, sad Meshed with eleigandy named mouldings, all in the Wen Parts fastoo. Thom who are unacquainted with the relative mango( different Plano fonts, and eannotjadge of Ur doetes of tone and meek, an raceway redsnod to nut °platens of Professor ilohbock,_hlr John ?dowry, Teaches of tea piano Ione: Xr fibbers*, W Everaeo r ead wh en who have exammed .this plane atm Thei above named gentlernen, and all others who have exammedn, have pronounced d to be, not only infinitely superior to the many vend piano. now in 13•15 *Otitis c ity, bat the ben they have ever nen, The above Piano Fotia for sale at SAS, being one hand red and twenty five dollars less thaw the same m eans be. been nerd for in Phdadelphla and N. York,oat of thi importation. Terms nal Andy: JOHN H 181E1.404 St Wood at, oelSO Pon...mint. Ps. TATIOPILIIY=Bankers' Cases, varloasaixes; Sopenor Ivory folders;, - W ruing Sand and Sand Dina; Wafers and wafer cum Damian paper; Pareelatn pomp inkstands; • Inkstands, sancta kinds; Porcelain &man , Mathematical I naramerus riam to 114,60 per set. Cap and par paper, plain and tined; am cap paper, line letter atm nom paper,lener and 001 e envelopes, VI, ebb slates, 4aery nee aniele; 'tatting cards, plain business cards, written daida, blaek, blue, red, seariet and ear. mine:perforated card paper,colored papers for *ambles boards cavers,titisae papers, am. and Hog. gold paper, bonnet The aboie with many articles in thi stationery line ferule by ~11.1LEALS ocCO Ith at nor market Men ArriV4ll. of Gload‘ WR. MURPHY bar open today —Yery low p ri ced . Caahmeres e fe . igtildren'Ownater Team . Senn', Lind , Bohemian Pluds, bright eolorm Coburg Clouts, Maurine bloc and drab; Drab alpaca* Lame , : Rich panned Mat:mem, • I Praia Nu. Mae do; Drab do, Changeable Turk Halleve . Tuken vba-vls, (maw 'f<fl .i.h - r, Dander an a.anroneat ofLaee Cue*, needle work col lar., Preach dowers; de; Bounce Battu and Ribbon* in rew variety- 87-M north-east twiner of Ilth mar getsad Ms. _ nen3o . I JORDAN JON • ; JORDAN head of patithfield reanargirasla Ball Road Compimys NOTICE TO CONTRACTI IRS.. rIROPOttALS laid be received mull Thursday; the ,95th day of November, nil o'eloek,A. M. at the Town Ilall in the Vainest of Levrisimat, tou the pt. dine and mummy open about RS miles or the Pectml/- rani& Rail limd, extending West from Section 10 to ncartha Lewistown Dom Plans and epecifiesuons of thisrark can be wen as the above earned place for Ave days presiouslotheOnte appointed for reccieteg the bids: Any farther inkinnation MS be had open applreatkut us W. B-Poger, Jr Esq., Assoclate Engineer at Har risburg. B Igect3OchNool htEII.RICI, • President. Opts "ritt Atleglomy Co. J4ns4 Amine* c.p Il Exchange Baildnigs, St Clair Ont 1E,1817. • AT • sleeting of the Board of Directors of WS litstb duo, it was, Resolved, That a Dividend of 5 per cast, be paid as onodjusted claims kw lotscs by Fire of 10th Apc11,1943, r after the tad Nesember next • net :Ma B itOBANSON. Secretary " rim HALM. • • . . . SECOND HAND MACHINERY -2 pain hand guiles, 312 .piddles cash; 2 Lappets, far 24 Web cants; e Cards, 24 inches wide; . - , • , MI Loaana for weaning 4-1 abeetlllp: . . I Wow Prue for baling Itheedag.; Tandem *eiders, drawing frames, reel., Re; all of yrbieb will be nald low. vloqulrn of ' ' • • . , BLACRSTOCK, BELL A CO onl32LTanl Piu Cauca Mill, Pittsburgh, pa. Alpaooai and Caohanores, • OPEN this morning at Dry Good. llamas of W. R. MURPHY, corner orbit and market ....sae lot of low priced printed Ca llonerea, very clomp; atm,: Blank Alpacesat Satin griped Pormettoa; . - Barred black Alptecar, • • Satin Ronne, Ribbons; ' . , Mich Plaid Lataintuig do, Re.. call. rp•Gooda any receiving daily. Dagen toil! plow LOST—On Taceday Evenirm, in PIIM at, - betweje, the norm and Labelle at. a Cameo Bracelet mita fiat Baked chat. The - Bader arillbe saitaely rewarded by leaving it at this atßee. • DeeXant LAUD-11bbls No I Lard. In more and for mamba. if the same ut not sold la the cause eta day or two it will be sent forward to some other makes - • oet3o I JORDAN & SON,lnlibeetv • I 4:1 I .01 .. t, waoewlryleta and beintifoll patierar=very law—Ont >wed by_ =WO • fin ACXLETT MOII7IISIIILINIC VLAINES-2 cam at - very bw!tif4 mad.. fitu.klan Meiftd El octal p SIIA.CRLETT & CAXB6ICI-3 cue. =booed cambrics of WV - a and doable kid, monad colarnag opened. ask. by • wad Beece 6:woris liC e 7f. 4-I .aw dot me Airsteo, Plaid Jan •jea. y MOO & WHI cH LANNSIdIi—I bale swilled green dimeln Int V•• vee'd by • oeMI EMACKLETT k WWI% QATTINIZTTS-3 eases strived andr?cluicsd is ared black ktaiiinettsjan received by. • cello B/lACKLE7r GIO7ER,A. large invoice Back Glows nog Nitta' jact opening; 63r sal. by lIIIIACICLETr &WRITE rW,AVATS-5 mum nay blao Alpace. Ise haun t int opened bi • oc3o 811ACKIMIT & Wilt*" VOA AND.1101.41151C144 bbdspdao N 0 Sugar; 33bb10 NO Molasses, in pod polo; *rods tut aenocomodattos woo by • • .IV &Al mrrenat.Tass =es ISO bbeny street nUSZIIJC-100 bin ree'di We by. •- • • VWO • WtR eCUTP . MON uiss—e. plenty d . lO by 13,10 by 1$ by 111 G b7lO an abet tarp nun band aid fm sale BAOI-1111dentraled Bizre a ttePd: *Male by oft, & 00 it. 77 wood ■ kiit..ll 0 .1 1 1 caastrrapor attrticat Sitkr • FRIDAY PACRIAT.• , The CLIPPER, NO. 9, cap*. lerre Pitts I laugh every Friday morning at ICI igaliseki Wheeling I every Friday evening lull) - • • The MESSENGER, Caul: LGlrnd alit kiViiPMB bg,gh every Bataan' morning at 10 teelock; , Pheeta kt every Satarday evening at 10 P. M. 1 SUNDAY PAOKST.. • The . ISAAC NEWTON,. C.p. 4. I leave Pittsburgh amp Bandar. telovning t ID' 'clock Wheeling every Salatay,eveautg at 10 P. 01. • • Mar S. 1017., • • ' IMIKEM HEAVER- PACkETS.—NEIV - - ARRANGEMENTS I • , . • C LEN COPF., • will leave an Beaver, Cilanoir and Wellnille.. nn Tot Way, lannday. and Paturday of each weak. u D o'clock, a at r mamma sga Ildosulay, Waiaaalay tad Friday.the has a poll at the latadag between %%, God saect aid tae bake pa" . pared to mama IC/bas al aa* • - r - W kIAREtAUGII, Acis. . .. . . a dEL Th" 4" BEAVER, will leave:kw Roarer, Glweew,and Wallavillehns Aboday, Wednesday. and Friday or each week, at 1 o'cloelti a 0, rearming on Toesday,Tharsday. and Saturday. the has boat nt the landuir between Wool' street and the bridge Muted to recervelreiltati at .A 5 lit". . - oaz EASTON', AA.I„ , 'nail! . • ' - • . Hon HOLLY. REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE. • The Sae new D stray I. . ANUBE.- • . • Geo. D, Ceek,maaver, will leave Plus , bush carry Tuodav, l'borsday sad Imaintey ervaaga at ti &dock; and Brovratvilleenap klooday, Wednesday and Friday awnings al ga , a:oak. . Fel freijili Or , pump apri on board, or 0 J NEWTON JONES, Aat FOR NSW OBLBAN6. 6 .166. = :1 no now and timr DIADEN, eawnt., tamer, will leave brabowl and lirtnnediato ports on Iltosidly,SW 11;;;;I ar wskt'iwpawwie apply on board, tn ow:* " • 14 ALLEN Z CO -1 , . . FOR &L WOW AND ILLINOIS RI VEIV-:2111/EArn . The splendid atm sus, 1 ,• . I art. VERNON. - Pa . rkinsaa,ara.ter, ...di leave as above this soma( at 10 o'ciock • For'freiaAt ataazaap aPPIT =baud , : aal . -- • FOR ST. LOUIS. • ; • • The new and fast mooing steamer - MARY ! IFFY /A, • m ilaiLLl .l4 3eas,roaster, wilt leave no shove this 1 at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage_apoly on board. . oft FOR 8T... L01;18.' ' • • • ilit fast manta 'learner • ' igia. 11113EllNle, :. I reonlee, inasterorill leave as &Doan 1 morning at RI Wolper. • For Galen Or Oaaaalea aproy on board. .. . . nal , FOR SIT. LOUIS. : -,- . • ,- .The opleadid steamer .- , AVALANCHE. _ ls ' ', Williams , master. will trave above this day at 10 o'clock. For (might or pampa appl you board., , • iml • --- FOR NEW ORLEANS; . • 401 1 - r7 ' The splendid new meow, GENERAL JESSUP; Fora, master, will 1 . 211 Va as • adwreen I the Sle.IL inst. For freight. or postage ape on heart not . . • rue WEI44VILLE—DAILY .PACICET The - rl'lNA Oer LLE,: Barnes, master, will leave_Flttsbargb, , l 7 (iNsedays excepted) at I 9 o'clock, and leaves Wellsville every evening at 4 . defect For Widmer passage apply on board. emu • • El. Nit Fite `a LlN—rar..4ll)l AK YACKEV. - '''F'I A S IiIOrLINF.,.' • ' Skiller,muter, Will leave wrabovatbra tog rola 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 , ek.„ For Gelato . passage apply on board. oesll2 • ra The neer,ltigta dratted and flua ran airsg Ste2.l.lr , RISBEXA, Crozier, inaeui, arB3 ran aa.a rgal= total between Pisratrargh and Loa*, villa, daring the selialf.a.o.3.Tell Ftiopty, °zither 8, • . at lOoleleo ' - ' For or.thior puiairs avoly on bd. d. ' ' .. ~. oet9 , .' • .---... .1.4 ~- it'.4',61., AA/Stll AND *.J 1 .0•041.• ' ..LA CITY PACKET. r 7 , This sew steamer ~ - , - ' DESPATCH, NelmAriaser, will nm as abserr ir lefe . : lasyPiribargh every Monday, ea neads_y And I , May, at al o'clock A. LL, mut Mamas s- beta City every Tuesday, Thursday to d Satarday.st IS weioa, A. M. For fret& err:swage apply ea bond . ~ /TM. dfAillolos !Mob= toad Samos. Ins. mkt'. . THE logittdrooem steamer • ._ Iti 'SWAIM,' .• , • Hord, nleahn, will make oreekly revs • to the Move po nd uring the sem on.— For frei,s4 or pptsare apply on hoard. or to , 7. , D wILRINEI, Agen FOR CINCINNATI—REGULAR PACKET. , Tho',wand . lif . h=f i bt Itmr makilia, ma& InII Icairtifilt a b ov e sod iota:merlin* pomp oh Thursday, the 74h istat at 10 o'clock, • 10. For freight, or puns', hall m g 7 0 7,1rd.' rims, apply lo • FOR WHEELING. • •• - • The new and fine steamer , • HUDSON, Poe, master, has re:annod her mg alar nips and mai learn Plttaberyis as above every. -Thunder and Moo- day at o'ekelr, P. M. for &Wu or passage apply on board,orte LY WILKINS •: - EXPRESS: LINES, sowing :TrIA3INPORTATIO.II Per Ad vrfa, dap.ald Merriaxdire and LProdlat • 1111111 iii PITNIMGII AND TOL ILITZILN 1 BROWNIWILLE AND CUD BERLAND. I TIME 2711101713 H 10 BALTIMORE., FIP'S DA YS ! - This notate open ad! Saassono of the Year.' filtlll (saddles, safety, add farm able tart .;0 1.,.1itt , Lbas, ate Int i tt p th e a *t o ut: f at ilk !, Tie erte Ga loilabioest of a Tara DIY Lion 'ivi W' beiersen.Brwnevale and Catabertand, renders s the I stost erpedltioastand tellable route between the East ', end West. Iderebandize ham the Ewa is delivered as II Fltuburgbi au the 'erasing of the tbitd day Ism Cu. 11 berthed. .. . • The Agents wiU Ewe receipt. as le tithe end rates I ' sad idl Invert) potatoes:l to tam snit he fansardad I : at the invest eanent ram aillii of Ladiog trantadral 1 1 sad all lastesedons t o t, aUended so. . _.: . : 1 I C BIDWELL, Avd, Water stot doors ener e E Momagaltela Boma, Putsborgh. -•- :: ' ino w cAs, imi.mwula. . ~ • , • , I Ide/CAIG tllstOVlßE,Catabersand. : • ' ' J B BOBINSON'No 3 Light st, abbe. POW, Bea-, , , • •Ner HEr icE„. _pi th ...sebatattende fn. the Eye imbenle. Ara Inirroul that me hare pun put oulmw igenyrets weggreatrielsbrely for Thelma nenspart geode for Pinwale only, and ere term itt ow' afire Baltimore to deflect • , goods in Way els boors at Punbiuglkidaudeye eat Witted delays only excepted., Realm for dun line will aloe be dantizhed by Adam & ant, bonne, Ner York and neladelplua. Au.* ten the ea ly exprear by mil trains leer!, iddypen are Inhumed dm they meat mews mega at theCerra elves ant.. GREENE & CO, Mee 13 LOB a Der Prat tn. Itealinore. HG VICIEREY, Airenn Elt Mules Meal, Pittsburgh • 'AERIE 'ARILAWGRRIENTIL • --7 ' -.EXPRESS' FR ST PACKET LUNE • • so ANDO= • . pi/ EC ... And Rad Reed OttnD(~been repaireEHan J. • the reenal• high fir, ike inbSeliberS ;Watt:. mote on Monday, !Rh October, 1 o ran eon of theta packets, taming passengere to the above sod ail mem mediate points on tbe!Canal and Rail Road; leaving Pill.bevatt ever/ Reader. Wednesday sod Fvulay Eve ning at s o'clock ..ad Minds salmi; every Redder. Wednesday and Endst motalreas.•, • • For pausal apply to W. Utah. Mooongabelalloasef arm •DLEkCR& Ea' • .oetlS ....110NO/lIGAUIIIOI. ILOUTZu - '. —' . , , c . . . _., . MP" ' • . • . BALll.ll6P.F;eibilb PHILUDELP/1 114 . • - . I e l'I T =Lel Leith ilin_6 U . 8 et ; ' lie i'' : J. eirsuats. are ." nea , Wing doubts Deity tripe bro Mena Pittsburgh and linsurorriPu' Te., eme e4ne NM . : . leaves daily at 8 &elect, WOW,: tee evening at 4 • o'clock. Potegsszeepied• Preen foneergh so ►B&W moos Ol borrile—Pere 41CL F. pi ll ows', se pielagetplds;•l o bears,Fare Ma. B, the Igecausg beat Passengers vitt ledge on Leese, le comfortable thaw Mmes . the first night.—ettes the. amain, us &plight...mg sup and lodge to.Coreber. wag the ha Alit; Ana nein* night travel altogether. Coulon eltarteree so Panne so travel es sliegge t eg d e _ 9144ex .. e; you tickers at tie Ofters ikieWougeliels :• Boom. Water et., ar &Pada Una. Weed eti• DNA , , EMILIDOLO ALMITAPIfIritivE6 b . of Eger wape pis 1.1.4, sad. Oki aaargairlent ros4 Also,sa *W. use, Wash Cada tic! block, Ale Dress Volys,Awifiled Freaeli Ouslabals4Plals sad taialtigsaUsti as: mew nobliquilbsern 6iWgirtnrkietll l l6oo#ltieeni, . . • ,L,*4-11t; _ fr .- ,:7"7.7' ..-:.-. . ..,,..:,-.-....-... t.,;,.. STEAMBOATS. „Mt la cascrthissw iaitDPITT/tithe. :DAILLPAGKET LINE ITWIS Men hoe of epleuhd Pneenge J. ors is nerciosposod of ea ream; eri test, b e e, futisbott and Cherished, and most power alv py, IM waters or the West.' Eery aereautte.adon and ore tort the muse cm procure, bus been provided tem. aenderc.l•The Les has been in operaumfor beams. ‘-have osnied a million of people *Moot the inrVl 'as 7, ;.h.g ZIT." Titt.t7Carf:el: Lter. Ilan of freight nod the entry of passengers on the mph. ter. In all cases ea passage rarecrunut bo paid la • AONDAY PACKET. _• - TbeADNONGAIIELA;O / 5 mt• ...; win Ms' burgh every Monday mornings/ In ertoeki :Meeting every Monday coneurrg at 10 P.M. • • - - - TVIMISDAY PACKET. - HIIIIPRNIA, NO. 2, Capt..). Ellwedur, will leas, Piasbargb every Tuesday !rooming .110 o'clock; , Woaellag eve 7 Tuesday 'yentas as 10 P. N. WICDNEADAT PACKET. ; I Ms NEW ENGLAND NO. Ai Capt. s.llang, art.' leave Porthargh every Wedrie.Ley mamma at 10 ee100,14 Inimlug . eveiy Weduesday elle6loo at 10 P. THURSDAY PACKICT, The WIOCONSIN,Capt.R..T. Gran, will lezie Pith. burgh eieryThalidaymortsiagatlee'etoelc iVheetiftg 'eery Thursday C•Cning •t 10 P. ht. - - - VD g ; C ' ' • , ,,..' - ?4 , 4 7 , =,.,,,, r ..itAZ:;-acegpre,f A '''ua,u,+*" •"'"-*"
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