%I=. MECELLAn __You base itopoieed that through life 'We shall journey heart-united, Ilakand fond, and faithful wife. - Audi - trent the Tow thus plighted, -Hand p'l hind, and side by side, Through lire's storms and annny.wehtlier, -We will oar one fortune bide, And at matt grow old together. %Vhat if Tinte's.unspariuiwing dreicime pleasures has bereft MO_ Let us sot by irtunnuring , Lose the mauy that:aro left us, What though youth and bloom depart, Swift Ss birds ert Tightest feather? Why, repine with feeble heart? Shall we not grow old together? Few indeed hive been our yowl, Yet enoukli, our hearts to bind, love; -.And to chow how iitany tears F - In HIV. , bright - eta cup we find, love! Since in our united youth, We - twain 'ported ou the heather, Dearest:. it is meet, in truth, • That we should grow old together BARON HUMBOLDT ON OUR WAR ITR Maxice.—Tbe Transcript says " The N. Y. Literary World contains an inter.; . ' outing account, by an American, of a re cent Interview with the celebrated Alex ander Von Humboldt,' in _Berlin. We presume we are violating no confidence in remarking, that the writer of this cc • count, is our friend;, John L. Stephens, Es.j., rim well knows author of the best book . of travels in Cential America, that haa.ever appeared. But we will not de . tain our readerslonger from the interest ing notes of his interview."—Ercharte. 'Baron Humboldt. was keenly affve:to. the present condition of Mexico; he wits full of our Mexican war ;• his eyes were upon General Taylor and the American army. I was well aware thaq in the conduce of this war, Pen. Taylor Was _drawing upon himself the eyes of all Europe, and - that whatever might be the differences of opinion as to its necessity • or justice, it was producing everywherk in monarchical and anti-republican coun tries, a strong impression of our ability --and powi for war—which, in inlighte-n -ed (?) Europe, even at this -day, more' , than all the fruits of peace, industry, and extended commerce, more than the ei 7 . ,hibition of twenty -millions of pee l e abounding in all the. comforts of life, r sex us to the rank of a • first rate power,' . - and makes us _' respected.' "Baron Humboldt said that with one of ,his own maps before them, the King and his _military council had followed Gen, Taylor from his encampment at Corpus . Christi, to Palo Alto and Resaca de la I Palma, through the storming of. Monte rey, and the bloody scenes of Buena • Vista. They had fought over all his battles,und with his positions all marked on the map, were then - looking for fur ther tidings. they had seen and appre ciated all his 'difficulties at Buena Vista: In Prussia, war is a science, and accord ' ing to the, leading pOlicy-of -- Etirope, to be always, ready for war, every ,male in ' Prussia, the highest nobleman's son not excepted, is compelled to serve his reg 'War term in the army. "In the teeth of all settled opinions, and, as it were, upsetting the whole doc trine of standing armies, Gen. Taylor, . with a handful of regulars, and a small number of° volunteers who had never been in battle, had stood up for a whole day against a murderous fire, and had fi nally defeated four times his number, Field Marshals and Generals of Prussia, among them veterans win; 'had studied ' the art of war on the great battle-fields of Europe, were !muck with admiration at - the daring and skill displayed , at Buena Vista ; and this admiration, Baron Hum • boldt said, they expressed without re -....serve, freely, publicly, and everywhere. ' Amid the bitterneseand malignity of the English! Press, -it was grateful to hear from such lips, that, the leading military men of! is military nation didjustice the intrepidity and firmness of our colon. ' teem, and to the courage, skill, and high military! talents of • Gen. Taylor: while Baron -linailioldt's comments upon his dispatches nod:Tiorders, and in fact upon . what -related to him personally in the conduit of the war, were such as no . . 1 American could listen to without feeling ' proud. " It is said that the sailors of the Chi nese Junk, in Nere York, keep in their room it the !mho's' house, an idol, whieh they worship dail3. 'lt is mentioned, al so, that some Chinese iri New Orleans maintain' faithfully the worship of their country. k .1111LAIRI—ADVERTISENtisit Dictcsoar & 36.80 ikaas.&/ . 7 doom TAW, S. , th 1414 PlLLl.delph .01-PORTERS and , .W hoteuie IMJc rs in Watches, - J.Watch Gleams and materials. J e welry oral! dese Scala, qualities and IRV., comprising all the snide. . oxineesed with the trade. Clocks, Diana a. Son's Bothnia, Venus. Silver and Myer plated wares Sheffield and Ihnanteheutt plated 2 , !lacy articles, godgenl Son's and Wonteuholm'aiat lery,samrs,xunts, erasers. desk Knives, fr.e., Ivory • „handled table cutlery of the, finestonediont and eom- ZOO qualdies.. -A large asanntrient of gold pees. p e rt • Axel, seeientstra, papier macho. imif JefAntled t, • , marinas shapes and qualiiiesott r educed rates, gold - ,wateheasea and sibser ware of all descriptions roan- After:an:din order. ; • . • • DICKSON k CO. having recently removed into the W_ and commodious wasetiorme formerly oecapied by N.. lohltuist At' Sao. and more recently by ...Atakora re-Pennington, Leg leave td ink= K melt -.- Draders,Southern and N%estern Maseiranu and others that - may design having in all times ap acsonment oh Cicadae( their awn Imortation which/they are delet ion:mid to sell at the lowest roles. , j • ErEvety aneittinn will be pad to the packing of goads sod in the execution of orders, the noon nes and patal will he My guarauticd against all competition. J. JOEL, AQTLFICUL FLOWitE ILINUFACTURER IV(r4 156 Xfith Third Sired, , /1.10•1 NOW rtZEIT, a n d ni n e • . 11)CIS on band, and asanafactinve -to order, Artificial AL Flowers, Feathers, Madman, and Face Caps, La. dies' Dram Caps, Border., Cabarets, Sc. • Andevery description of Fancy Goods, which ho Will sal at the 'wont market price, . . hi B.—Feathers dyed, cleaned, altered, and dialed. Ditag3T.,ter stint STEW LIAMI4I2I. • • ' . • ea over all ' TOIL S ""''''r arsl i .rti:lrra . asT.t u s i tsf d"'" i , .. Mastageabloess—Thrapidltity.sad foreeet,hlOor ha m her eanualled with the greatest ease, while the • hammer in in operation, and the hammer may be in. ataW./y artested, and surpended at coy height. _• Its Universality, or eapaeiry to execate conk or . all kinds, ham the lessen to the eeriness, ante the same Ita Sinanlleit, Compactors. and Cheapness. ItiAcenadttlity.opon. all lode% by the workmen.' Ike hammers are made Belf-Acti Pg. The subsesslsery continue to execute en ate. tree for then hammers, ol.allsines, apes. reaaenable " . F o r 6.!11 . 1i .p" ! '''' , " !=ge f &TiAVN4 .41.5*S Or the Patent for the United Ettuet . ... -. • -; DERRY. ik - • Idannfneinverg of - :• •- • 111111161% 101106, • •• NPVI6 I IS COVERS AND'ORAIN DADS ••• ,]-• • • of Ar.t.irzecntrneurc,_: • 310111 Vouth. Front ,Otreitt, ) 111141 7 4 -A: Cabind.Warc Neale y • rib' 1111: 8 .2tVw° , ,;r 1 u!tee° 9 Amended to. .'ll% G. - UR& •01041 yr :A : C.. NICK-R.9130N 0 ABRIAOKS - cm jaw WM.'" a'2 2:;:tkmatel i pkitaddi 4 .o o • lly ~.,...,4 , fi„Z sill hal' 1 inr:' n. . m s 6.. L. ... 4 io r i M, k a -.21.1 be ...k,.. h..d.e..... ar". -.. toutistlir *Alan ordt:l . . 1 ....,, 4 ' . addiW ..a.Tiketita.P... l4. ' ox-ly 1. ' .... 46 0 *44 of selfttai Na_ t _ ite tj , A r tingTk,fonutbrd 1..; HtS iad . "" 1.,.1 Ltd rte. P.n..' cr, 4„„„,.,. ~..... ;ik ..., „„, ,„, rene z , an .., rat . ' . ....c. coatnil....n 0 n.c.10, orthe daf• swag 4) ... 9....4gy AM Trani a, phip ..1•1•Tal . Cl irg k raM*46l-'....;;-111*.' kiirl"Wrni.r.o"".°l"ll " Le% Ink lia: . ...bis.roo . F- 01 . 1 . 1- • --- i II pgiusql • - , sun* 11.1 •• 'h. Lateind . ....agrapeaceil" ..tairsai. .:•-- i! • .7: moini—sithil'wlviicae=',D,ol.,.&c.2L., I„,l°6 lgelLuwe b " . " 4 lr,...l ?...., sitealizi, ~,,hisso--r..,19.-_, ~, ,E,c...-42.1.13144.411.4.0. ogr, ..71: ,7 .ibrpa 4.01,“ l aW k- - dJAKI* ...(.4-11: - ' liesiiiihisPl?., .• -,. •,_ '- ..,..,*'--;.,.- - ,:' '0 411 , 1 ` • • ' • 7,1-.17. _ .....„. lEEE= DID WWNSEND'D SARSAPARILLA. expat:Tdinary Medicine 'in me Was:M. ' This extra:atm pub up ti quart braes re tern cheap er, plemanter, and warraated =piper to Any aold.„1 , Pure diorite walkout romithog, portray, admire MIL . bilkers Jeep, -.rt. GIEAT SPRING Mil) 411)11Eli lISDICIIOI The grist beauty and eeperiority of this Sonaparilla PM all otherlardicine is, wkiht it readteree Distrait Intim. .tee the Body. 1t is one of the very best SPRING-AHD SUMMER MEDICINES ever knows , it ma w only purils the whole mum Sad .800 , the person, ht Crolas New,.ood BIM; aporiir par needkry other Medicine. "Acid in this hoar vend rent of im ma ma derfal mere. It het performed within' the _peat two years, am than 3S,Ott co oa r &TIM Cosei'of Linea ; loot 5,000' of thew were red ineuntile. More thao ~two ear of Omer Ithsomattim ; 2,LX earn of Ityryieleit; acheinn of Garret Daintily and Wallt . of Erergy; 7,u1n1 cm of differ.. Emends Croplainta ; 7 2,1410 aues of &rattle I,stkr men of the Lirin ' Complaiat ; . 2,5a1 ewe of Dream of the Slop and °ropey ; e ;KO cm at rod Thomas of amm Comuni oDeer of the Blood, eh: Ulee ni cryrpelmi Salt Rheum, Pimples= the Face, is.; ke. Td .igewir with sonorous mom of Sick Ilculirhe, Plan reload Cher, Elpiml Affections, Le.; Lc. Thr,ble are .ware, moat appear isecredible, but re ham letters from phyrcita Wow agents from oh lima of the 'United Statehenhurag tut of extraordinary men R. Eno Buskirk, Req. one of the meet respectable druggire in Re+ .ark, N. J.,io.fOrms m AMA he eau refer to tome than W ea rs In that place trooLl . There are thermals of am in Ur City of New York) which ra rill thrint pl. um!, and. to men of chareeta. .I.t h the her tonfitittie fora. Prematie• of dhow known. it madotaitedly saved the livir of roe than • 6,00 b.ranaill • on Pm Stem ! de it mimed theeeme of arose, and plepared them L the Sumer actrool9 Vomit ST/113 Orrtcra. Cl/T. 0. W.lllcemer, 0/ T 6. UNEY/ofh/071.1 Nan, mid member of tha New Jong, awe, boo kindly mull • m the Following certifiers. It tell own shoty. . Reswen, Jar tri, Altar gm 1 eras taken with the Inamtra, Moly whole system ha in a debars/Id rate. I was induced to try' Dr. Tormoird's Sarno:M . lh, M. &Dar taking two or three bot tles, 1 ram eery mil& ~bree d, aJ numbute it entirely Mar mid Sanoparilla. .1 hare ainnered takinp it, ark food that 1 novoi every day. I Mbar it wed toy life, and would oat be sithout it wider my 0. W. IlicLame late U. S. N. . . , . . • /77 ' . . . IchstssCiSinlno. This eurtincli.e conclusively proves UM this Ssrsaistrills . Des perfect esonol over the oadt obeinste ai......r the blind. Thine persous cored its ono house is unpritcnikated, • Timms Cittirsculs. D. Toortutrun—Dear Sir: 1 bans the pleasure to inform you that throe of my childrco ha. been cured of the Sem liki Of the use of your excellent asedicine. They went alietsul my scrently with bed sons; hate ly AA= kur balks; It nick thissi m for winch I feel .1 y r ast:ski. deep obligation. Ya msupinfolly, Levi W. C 11412,105 Wismar st. 1 ' New York, Mud. 1. MU GREAT REMUS MEDICINE. ' • Dr. Tountund'a Barsoporkihi It a sorstrign and speedy cure Pr buil.. Consumptioca Ilarrennius, Lancorrts. or obstructod er &Scott hf earvualiau. Inconinotance of time, or inctionuty din:harp tharsof, and for the gra m] prostration of the splain—no witetion the molt of killers. now or cum, produced by irregultrity, glans ae accident Noshing not be more sturising than its inrigoratmg af fects bit Ust Inman frame. Peron., all wok.. and tuts, from from Wang it, at WM 11.0.0. robust and full of arorgy under na Mom. It innuatiately somitracts the 10.3 Tit luontai of the kook frame, lb. gruit Mlle of Ear; Itlt will Dot be expected of in, tot nixes of ow delicete • ete. tare, In ethibit craci.odet of Cons performed, but we can wore the edict., that hundrede of non hate ben reported tow. Several eases where *nil. ha ss been witlsoot after wit[ a few boale of this onehiehle medicine, lace been bleat nth Isealthy offspriug. Of Ttnessued: My wife be.; gently distressed by urea.. and general .ring ..l willering coatinuelly by pain and a wassation of bori down, tailing of the whenand with other difficult., wad haring Instwo ear. where yostr usedr . We paddled great nves ; end also hew lag it recootoutadal for doult nose as I hbre drecribed,l obtain ed a bottle of your Extreet of Sarsaparilla, and farmed the dirt:dims you gm we le a oho. ponod It rem.. her complain. and tutor. her health. Being grateful fir the bona. she rewired, I take plea.re in th..kooodedg lag it, and reasameadiog it the pablic. N.D. Moo., Cor. of Gruel end' Lydia. on. •••• COMCIIIIN &ph V, AC. Tannemnd: To whom this mgmocan--This is to certify that my wife land one bottle of your Sarmparilta predate to her amfmetnent, tamertbe amahrentag end delede eirtmenatereht beteg troubled with the &pi, seal ing of Ina At, nerrom ima, and very morn debilna ted , AM my perm:mem, mai the. rememetdativa of AA ho had AN d, dut erea mimed to try at, with lattle or no Gina; and ealLee it to my, the rtednee had de happy and denred vlfeet, not only in the hound emfinement, hot 04.0 rho explation *tame Ask of ita .3e, the dvemty aad nar rate annals gare Ay to an astanulang doper, ad bar Imelda is DOW 6ett.:l tlmn it bad Anten A a hog woe pre noue If Ons mall be of any amine to you or ney: one vaho daubta the aomirmof the AAA, T., are entirety AAA to it I solourile stpulf your mut ob./lig:mina:n.o'7;7 4 !. • TO MOTUE&S AND DiJARMO LADIES: • Titia Editnet of Sarawak& has. beau expresaly prepared to team. to (mak crespWata. No kaiak also has rat sou to Kipp/ gm is appeoachiug that Waal pericd, " TA, turn of iYi, ' abodd antra to take it, as it a* rattan Fertility for &ay of the enactors :ad ticerible disease. t latish (mule are subject at this timed hie. Thle period son be drii.yed for swat me" by Wig this =did.. Nor is it k.. raluabli to dare who are appeatichictic . srowahood, as it is 111 ...La eakire b saickeasn; h. t blood awl inrkpiratiai dm "jam. Judea!, sib oaribicfar is iamb uabia Car all of the &bobs limn to which Imam are It braces:rile spatm4rettems paussainitly the mato. . to elteeipati—kii rumoring the &awakes of the hody—eot to tar doe the arum. to produce • sublawst ea , laliva;vatich is the ease o[ mu ettedickaa takat far female eak.. sad Oseaaa _ 0111411 READ THIS. Y. who here pale ,1m eyes, blotAws ea the Care, weigh shin' , of Cr..., out of *rits;" a bottle or two of LW Tow,— o Sarmpon .al elcuse your Mood, remove 4!... ond bloteltee, and give yon ...ion, sparkling ....% Th.., bemdiful comp. - S.—oil of which are .1 isimesse Na in kismet 'Med DYSTSS'SI/1. No third ev isedicim. has m i boat dimootred whohh Jo nearly vereables the vatic juice 'or Wino io dectempookg, Lad ad stmacthmin the asp& of diglations, as this prep, ; ration of SanomeaMs Ams...DesawstmOri, 10, MM. Dr Toarmendtr Sir=4 lam been aft.. for memal massy& dyspepsia in its wont foo ms, attended with sour, oast of stomach, h of appetite, esker. locartburn, .4 a great mangos to all of food, and for woks (slat 1 amid sat) /ham been unable wren& kat a soak pennon on my atomach. 1 tried thu lI rm.., K bad but little moo elk. in mowing the coraptaint. I was in doced,aboul two moot. aims, to ay yom Attn. of &cow parilla,m4 I matsy wt. /it& moldeure, oßer unag „nearly two bodies, f.todoinyappette restored, .4 the h.... Morn entirely remmalt and 1 'toad .rmaly rammo mast the use of it to those who ham bun algieted as I bare Yours, 4-c., 1. W. W. Volt Satan. Nov V,18413. . - ; Statatlibind. ALMOST di MIRACLE. llrid the knowing,and doulp if Teou otttti tlnl coo.® ties moon. eu.d. This a oily ose or the &mai Moans thst.Tmnactiol's Stmts.& Ms comd - r T e m.:nil—DorS¢. 1 was taken, • lin e. It is- k over a ; year ago, with • macre onagh wad pain in my. creased os toe veal fadonitees. Ima pros... by phy sicisss to has. thu quiet masoaptiowl raised Imp quan tities of had same bad osght sweats, a. &kir; very fast: my Comm e said h Cis& do maks fw me. I we. onto tho hoopla! Saw. of ben3g beeadtlen, Ist petemamd &re as incurable. I'vois now gmolly date.. at the lungs snd could hardlyhmolbe 0 mon became emaciated, and cape.. to die • was milked & my bed, laid was obliged to have watcher.. indmod 1. cannot pre you .7 dewription that woold do justice to my cam 4 wao summed try my that to to pat recovery ; 1.1 tried o great bomber of mond.' , and WlN:ma to to to so pumas I iced of some mat ea traordisary coo performed by moor toed:eine, and to tell you the truth, 1 onspeete4 time was some humbug in them. But I was induced to try it , I did so, and sot very thank ful 1 did. I ann. my M. las mainly well, but am ra far reetwered as to bit about sly ysifea, .d hope to la entisw ly wall in • few weeks. My tough and pus in the side .4 night weals Ware left ma, sod raise b. nay little, mod ittl;lP 6 .4 td, u.al Morenett. I bit dwy to give you a stotesneut of mfeSee, Mai& if you pk.eg in= IStows, 47 Little st,llevahlya. Opinions of Physicians. Dr Torendrand is almost daily remain orders Dom plar, mins la diffatid pub of tra Doke. Dia is brava, dad ws, d.. cordteripsedvPhybeions 1b al Ciryof Anon, late la-asserain eats prescribed Dr. Torosemdb Sorapscirbo;tod belies it robe one of &armor robable papa-atom of too Dadospreilk re PUiho maker.. Ll/10, 11, J Ntuo.,a V, 88=0115,01 0, f ammo.. it v. *lb.7, April 1,1645 This la to oodofj that we, ths nadersigned, practicing Thussouien Phyocose alba Riled Albany. haw frequent ly perwri . 2rl Dr T Gape .r.D2.9...d„, Earner of Barw- We..^3,L.l.4""abLotheorld r' mmead sztameos. dir wry in prekr Wan akse to any of Ow aderWired otliediaor war in ow. A'W Itcuu.b,z r, Albany Aki} 9;1E44. Wet B Skarros, r. Iktistipaloffico, 03 Fallon et, N Y• lted di Cu . piste at Downs Dr Liyott t . 5....1.72 North Ike pgdodelphis; 8 El Han., Palturre; and by pprrm~c~~ppll ,p a thane ere the theta Ntetee, wed helmeted the Comeau*. NOW genuine, mks, pot op in the hrp Rosso . bottle*, hia cootaln s qtart and sped enth the driatta spews of r TOWNdEND, nod humane Weis 00 From th e New York May Eaprrat if dpnl 9,1r47. pretty.thiew wowed tha emu`, yesterday. It ens due odes...wog tab, or Sans walla Eapreas of Dr TOTRY , 6II. Tht wig& thug is goo up in good taus :wow of the orris. sonde! , in laadeespopoinionge ore ,flee benotifutotklei with tho scrol work an sad, glideujni in the Straw rarely'rqluelled Droadeggy. We Wks Ohio opportunityt to may whelk's, this astlacTof tho Eareaperillo disarm We wry great perdwill itkiss ooquired. Nervous Debility. new Yams, kdarch47, Dr, 'ramrod hare bremblkicted same or los far 3 yean, Md. • dreadful iksbl//g is Ma elm!, kiddiami in 11.1 Load, low of globes yam in tba limb% sad gearral brought no no doubt by Ma ceadiaaal bra! and cold lo which I me 'abyss to le my lariness as • dyer.. I bare takes other asceticism, too numerous to enesbou, bat wit/Oink or nomm en. 1 Ins Induced by vigil sag in rpm to try•boltle of yonr earoyarlll% from whirl! found 'mat Mist. !bars dm tam smaral mom Wilkes, midi eo mbelitatingly say -It Is the bed madicias 11m. mer tekam—lbs pm us my heath gonr, and I feel gidtn•diferenl man a/log.llm dm I ban takes your Elarsof.ilia. I hoes DOW • btu.• a=t• dm marl had. mfa bas takes lt with thcasem • 'Mal mamba would mogriand it is .• dandy inalkisks mmallyond feel coorinced Mal If madam. would ard, Le balf dle Man. Wen is, and musqucally 1201 many tacterfil Di* fin .60e liftmen amide, it alm OM to lba Mum& and bomb. tbinr molar tom It km. Ow blood m healiby Adds, ia Mat Maim besot goldenly to attack dm spina: . And to all Mom who are not in abadthyslated my try Dr TewartenStretertle 'KNOX. Pinnr, 70 Abettt. °maker Is Um If outb. 1347. I. on wooing af coiner child and. Dr Townsend' tionorporiDa to wood ino tires of doomed. of children - Tbe bllotmi lowan& is atoned from n pat wenn! reecho! Das yak. dn. Tess Apr 114,15 4 Dt '. ToMesest DM' 0. or., eh4dren wu 0 7 -sick with Owed:Wm in the mornb and thrad, auccdcd wild . Items tare yonr, obtaierd soma mar 17 ,morkat '4" modicir, Lod neva it dummy,, for which I no Yours normstrolly, 1"6"14'111"."21.1= ToirM!,27 Daimons M. Drown, N 057 wood e n Prer Mk% BELLEBS D be 31 'AM Mb who ban bare oppototsd by- r TOW N REND sols ascot tor A 1411237 a• 1 1p do' Olatra do Pa7l Most Ppoo t Dr octanes Embrocation the only modlcom that youi. cum'. sib op von , common' ond ' cronblemina doom. It um wily im...d , o^lia l 'PP 4 l::,llT a ti muke.,nornalinhealmiabdru atin tp. proms trim.a""blvt=reclargyae_ able for yearn— Ito soinicatioarodoceo no pont, Cm nulerlin wont ble and pleasant Onsanam . POW" mu Cali mni beat of the great number of cams .11.1 ye .boco otoolokorottfl be sesoolohmkr. an of, 'MK ettyinebb bad beennolor tbd tidal dos =neon Ybrtwoth ikrect Ow. cnrsd,lmo JIM noonesof Embroostion.boonotsthindlimun . .!..M.b.PomikOmoodesiH—(POLL 1144,111.191 1 r T om.. • YAM. For 4a/i la • VinMantb 44. STollE,ll.EmenksMat. ssan and " Mt oflitt Mins% Pedant M.o=6 CHILD BIRTH. D BORDILLOGMEiffiI CMI.MISICATI3 F CM "1 rmy ng e/ b d e t t ra Vl"evttre easy and unprotracted process of the Innetions of woman which Netere, when uninfluenced by the 'dunes of cinliscd life, intended should be perfor med expediuonaly, with little pain, end without sub sequent indisposition. for Bordeleque during di tneels in Ana, observ ed this remarkable fact. That the women of those coontriee- are pecoliuly different Irom all other lands,in this respect— y are free from the pains and dawn which make the period of Prep. nanny an object of so much anticipated sell:ring and risk. Curiosity nod the seal for Scientific deco'. ry prompted him to invintigatethe cause of this re. narkable exception to the severe trials to which the mined females are generally aubjected, and the result was the discovery 01 the fact that the Women ol those countries were in the habit of smog Mang the last stage, of Pregnancy, certain plants which have the faculty of imparting, that degree of tone and elasticity to the nerves and blood vessels of th e Uterus, or Womb which enables It to perform its functions in all their native simplicity of action and freedom from pain. It if a enrolee fact, abut, that the Indian women of North America are in a remarkable degree free from th ose pains and dangers of pregoency and child birth to which the white women are subjected.— Whether they use the SUMO plants aids the women of Ana we cannot tell. Certain it is that the fact is no lees remarkable than we. ThigMemedy le now extemnely used throoghoat France with the moat marked success and 111111 fe. males who copsemace aingle through apprehensions of the dangerquent to the data of marriage are now by the um of this medicine, psrforming the Odin of wine and mothers with comfort cad ha p inch. It is at this time now fint presented to the wo men of America, My Dr Etordeloque, through his sole agent, Dr A C MORTIMER, and he feels con fident that independent of its stannic merits Ilw,ll recommend itself to the moral part of the comma. nay, as it ieSully calculated to do minty with that horrid crime el which some, through fear of pains of child birth. are guilty, (the production of prema ture delivery.) m e medicine is riiio mmarkableafor remedying that hitherto incurable diseue Bsrtenness, and in almost constant accompaniment Fluor Jabal n fact that reined and faith* state of the Womb which accompanies this disease is never felt otter the aborted use of this medicine. This medicine is prepared in such a way as to be agreeable and pleasant to the taste. Dr A C MORTIMER 'No 36 14 Limenani M New York, has been sppoioted sole agent for the United States, by Dr Bonieleque. and n the only peewits in this- country who a authorised to vend this invaluable medicine, as the following letter will I shorn (Troulated /hem the Ffair/t) P, Ras, June 11 .) Jane MAC Moirrriguo---DearSir—Acuardiug lathe agreement catered Um between tie, I wish by this I letter to give you that venttea authority to Dell throughout te United State. (my Remed for re- hewing the p a ins and ins and dangersincident to rire y gnancy and chdd lath,) which it is necessary for you to have to satiety the 'ebbe of its geouinenees and pn.. nty. As you are aware the continue of the Medi cine to the influence of the en air obliged me to nod Imo you in air tight "ends. I have also not with it, a specimen of theimanna m which it is pat op in Pam In like amairinir Ithould with it to ap pear in the United Sttes. l lir, with deal RDELOQUE, respect 1 i remain yews, F E RDELOQUE, IN D. P S'—l-alscl send you a, copy of e letter received by mn from the Royal Academy. of Science, in Tarn. ' (Tnmsketed from the French.) Paris, Jan fd,1846. ~TO M. flonuzgogur—Sir—The COUIMISMIOI2- els of the Academy have appointed the underagned Inektheir number, no a committee to report regard. ins the merits ot the remedy laid before us by you (tor relieving tbe paid and dangers meident to preg nancy and mild birth.) Several eminent Surgeons bowing submitted to,the Academy the rends or their esperince in the use of your remedy, we tar ten to lay it before you, believing It to be the beat declaims regthiingita debate distinction, and of ins grew nine, that either You «the public could have knelled. Whatever influence this body may pon gen on the indsberso the profession will exerted to further that adoption of On remedy into general usewhich as a scientific discovery sod an unfailing ,it so nehly . deserve.. Eight Physicians haying useirthui medicine, each in fifty cue. of .de. livery, found it entirely succeadol ma promoting a 'damnable sale and easy delivery, free from pain and danger. With the exception of three patients dip, Briquet there was a perfect Immunity from any subsequent weakness or digesee,• one of then three a laboring woman who had met with a were fall a weekgrektoug to delivery, mu taken immedi ately after that event with a profuse hemorrhage, which was with difficulty arrested. The other two mallormstforn of the pelvis, woe in no wise relieved of pain. Vine lee, exceptions in so great a somber of emim no tear hurolina, show the undoubted effi cacy of your r emedy.and hare determined us to give it that recommendation and approval which is die to it. and the furtherance of ecientific mad,. ale (Signed)- 31 BRT.SeIiF.T, 31 D. L MAGENDIE.3I D. Com of the Comminioners of the R. Academy of Science. The public are cautioned against purchasing this medicine fron any persons except of the sole non' Dr A C Mortimer, No 36 I-2 Limed:id at, New York, where this medicine is pat pip in packages suitable for being gent by mail to any part-of the meant. Price - Two dollars a package eantsieing 1911 di. rectums. ' Persons desiroes of. obtaining this Great Remedy Who reside at a distance, eon do so by forwarding . Twit Dollani,pon prid. to DR A C 31ORTIINIER . ,Sole Agent for the U Sr sene.77 6w No 36 1.1 Lupenard st,.New York. iNEDICAL AND NiIIikaCALIAFTWE • No. fdi DI ONS). AL LEY n few• iciest . - Wood street, wards to • 'l'm matket. %.. pa.. pun war, Daring Men regelat . lied• Watten,thdVelgr "*.e Zr ° i =cs " Va r gten ti jrs% •f In th e treatment of those . . private and delicate coat ' • \\ .• plaints for which his oppo, • unutimt.and experience soul. ° • "peenliatly qualify him.— Eleven yearn aairi• sans y devoted• to the end) and unaware% of those comet. atr, Oaring which time hi has hadmorr. prudent and Lass ared more patients than `east ever fall to the hsa of a• - . 1 private Pe...Uteri an i'leyttiratttliVati° °I :ff'sl;lt"avetedie= ditieuea, and wouldeases milting therefrom. Dr. Drown infant dose argicted with pirate diseases which have become chronic by time auger. vs ted *rinse of any of the common nogreens of the ddl , that their complaints canes radically and their ugh', curcd,he haute given metal attenmsa to the treatment of sueh cues, and unneeded in hundreds of Instanees In caring persons of intanistion of ho peck of the bladder, and kindred diseases whichenteolesalt row those eases where others have consigned them to hopeleas deapair. Ile parucelarly invites oath as have bee:agog and ansecekafally treated by others to eon stilt him, when every satisfaenon will be given them and their cues treated in a earefni,thotengh.nlid uttalautt manner,Pointed oat by long experience, itady in; lesugation, which it in aniximnble for Oen engaged in general practice of medicine to two any one clue o difEane. hernia or Reptate,—Dr. Drown Mao Into pentane afflicted with Henna to call, an he hes pai particular attention this diPennti Elkin Diseases; alma Piles, Palsy, etc'. Need;) eared N. o.2lCerg.of either sin living gall dietetic° .by stating their &owe ta writing, giving the 'imp tow, ean ebtain medicines with directions for ase, by addresstner DODWN, D. post pa'. I and end° " Jflkallio: e. e. 5 Damned . alieg, ‘ appetal 4 the WnaerrY Er Nouse. N . o don, n. rail della EVERAIL REASONS WHY DR. LEI-. DY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS are becoming so universally popular First, Because they are prepared by Dr N B Lei dy himself,. regular Druggiat, Chemist end Vhysi cian of Phil.delphin; who know. the actor., the quality and character of•lho Medicine+ used in ble pills and their sdaptatlan to disease. Second, Beeman the public coo take them with gmater confidence than most other pill. which are prepared by persons ignorant both of medicine arid isease+. Third, Bereave al their combined edema, proper', ties not tontenied in any other pills; namely, purg ing from the stomach and bowels all unhealthy:sub. staace.. and at the some time purifying the blood and fluids of the body. Fourth, Because they are ',the -cheapest end best medicine knoirn—a single hot coding hot IA coots, and coutilning 40 pills, oaring to person. as 'Many dollars obi time. in Doctor's bills, sod numerous medicine . bought & tried on the recommendation of others, ADVICF.. Whenrier you have occasion to take any medi cine, do not be trifling with your conatituiloo by trying all tied.of pills or other medicines you sae published and recommended by one and another but take at mice Dr; Leicky's Da — raaparilla Blood Pills and you will not hone orsaidon to tube anything else. They will &holy. he found good in almost all warm of disease, I odamation of the stomach, bow. el., liver mid intestine. ; • cramps of the stomach; colic, Waterbrash inward levers, fool breath, bad taste in the mouth, Sour eroctationa mid acidity of the stomach, costiveocsa and indigestion , . want of atite, billiou. stlection., disea.e. of the slees a p nd pe kidney', &seam of the skin, scaly erupt p iOnd dry - and watery pimples or blotches of the face eau body, tetter,rash,prickle beat and salt ihtieva,head. ache, giddineu, leo:does& pain. over the heart, of the breast, sides, along the hack and opine, rheum.- dam and goat, fevers of all kinds, small pot. mirio. loul. weasel., sr.rolbla,ery.ipeles, and in ehort they ere good le ail disesseeharing their origin in the stomas/4' hirer, add intestines, and impurity of the blood Errony Bills in a 1171henty.Sre cents a Box. Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fahnestock & Co.,eomer of First and Wood, also corner of Sisal and Wood .treets. septH O,CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS *SWELL., INGS.—Screials in all its multiplied forms whether in that of King's Evil, eulargements n the glands or bones,Coitre, White Swellinp, Cnrenir Rheumatism, garner, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or of Nelmenary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle more or lee. inherent in the human system. There. fare. unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be effected, but if the principle upon Which the disease depends,' D removed, ra cure muster necessity follow; no matter under irhatlorm the disease should 61110Sitill itoell. - This, therefore l• the repos why 11T1104 ALTZIUTIVI IB SO nni venally in secomarl In removing so many malignant diseases.lL destroys the virus or principle from which th ee'- deduce have their origin, by enteric,/ into the circelation • and with the bleed, le conveyed to .the 'oriental. ' Aire, reasoning e!Ail. Wilde el aim* aYEIS‘ ".Freved mid sold at No. Solder the eidi Tea Strite,Fo. littocrUr awe: ..- • . • • DDL SIVA TWIG% COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. " A certain and safe cure for - coughs, colds, asthma, h.? oompiatnt, spitting blood, odes in the aide or breut,lienanusdebility.whoopmecough- broken constitution, CONSUM iTION or any disease or the leogs see _ _ • breast. Reader are you sefreneg - • with a cold or duane of the - • lanai try this remedy, - •• - you will not per haps regret it. • . It will west all those disagreeable sYniptoma which strike much tenor tio ! the and, & proloogleordh* Beware of all preparation. purponing .to contain. Wild ChertY, a:mot that beanug the avatars of Dr H SRATRE as the ornsidA wrapper of each bottle, is they ore quite likely deititoth of the snide rem whith they borrow a num. • Raul what it kat &tad 5O DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION . . Would perhaps be small intimate for the range, of this dreadful disease in • single year; then add the fearful catalogue of than eat ad totinhautv Doe of the Leap, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Cough. •;lateens.. Bninchitis,and other diseases at tfae . . . Lunge and Liver. And tire limit would present an appalling Proof of 'Mir latality of these two cremes of disease.. Rut It is important to know that nearly. all of this dread waste of human life Mien have been prevented by • timely use of Dr. MAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OE WILD CHERRY. Thu medicine has now been belorethe public i sdme eight years, and Is the .miginal preparation from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a remedy for Congbe, Cold. Bronchitis, and Con •sumption of the Longs baied entirely upon its Da tprill.= merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper . tt, recomm w en b ; c i it geir tfial uelti n o g re, be ard fi llms gradually and surely bona gained an enviable repo , tenon and worked its way into general use. One bottle never fads to cure • recent cough or cold, while with strict attention to the directions that an. company each bottle,its rise in pulmonary dieemsee • of long standing and of the mud alumni charac ter. has lisreys given relief, and in very many instances ,has elected complete and permanent CUM& SWAYNE'S Cel . qTate:ll Compound Syro _ uaof w,q,cherrY• Read the most remarkable COI; of Consumption over placed upon record— Dr SwayrieDear Sir: I feel it a debt of gratitude due to you—and a duty to the afflicted generally to' offer my bumble testimony in favor of your Como pound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Some then yea= since, I woo violently attacked with told and inks =Sonar the longs, which woe accompanied with a very distressing cough, pain in the breut earl bead very couiderable discharge of offensive mans from the lungs, especially upon change. of weather however slight. At find 1 telt no alarm about my condition, but was pretty soon convinced that I Will rapidly.going into consumption. I raw daily weak. et, and at length was scarcely able to walk about or v .* „ whisper, neh was the esteeming' weakness of my thugs. Donngths. bon 1 had tried various preparations midime presempines, but tonal no all the t worse. Just here 1 was ionised and persuaded by a dear friend in Miming. tea to make a trial of your Syrup of Wild Cherry. I t mint coerces that previously I had been preitultc a against patent medicine., and I ma still against dine coming out of the hinds -of empiric, hat underameding your claim@ to ,the profession and practice of medicine, and baying impheite faith in the saying of my finals, I torthwith parthased of Dr Shaw, one of your ageing, a few bottles and commenced it. ose. My disease at this time was of twenty or twenty flee I d. months" stanhowding, er, co CCM n- - quently was deeply se ate found, ev siderable relief from the brat tour or rive bottles.— But being apublic speaker I frequently attemPted to pouch with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured those vessel. mat hod already beige t o heal' in this way. doubtleu, my cum was greatly retarded. fin conaequence of acting thee impu dently 1 bad to use It or 15 bottles herons I war perfectly restored. I have' no question, a much nailer number of bottles would have rude me smand, but for the above itdiscretion. The Syrup allayed the leverish habit, did away the distrentsg , pet a atop to the discharge of matter Dom the lungs, :League them and the entire sputa good health. I have deterred offering this undicate till now, for the purpose 01 being perfectly madded with the permanency of the core, and now that I feel perfectly well, I ell RE er it with pleasure. V. J. P. JORDAN. Dublin county, N. C. CAUTION! CAUTION! Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild Cherry, each,. Bailouts, Bitters. Syrups of Wild Cherry, Pill. vaporous to contain Wild Chevy, du, Sc, as they are all bctitioos and counterfeit, and contain °Gee of the virtue. of the original and genuine pre paration as prepared by Dr. Swayee,end the first ever pneparti r, this country. Doctor Swayne's Compouod Syrup of WILD CItERIt i is composed of vegetable ingrodients,the Wild fry, and nth. er medical mdrstances emdly as eff mow, if not more se; the whole are no effecteally[covecutrated as to reuderst beyond all doubt the teat piewraut, strengthening, nod effectual remedy everr , discover , ed for the core of Pulmonary consumption, end all diseame of the Lungs and Breast. The very tact, from its baring inch a train :at spurious imitators, stands to prove its great colitis* properties. Therefore, ievalids, inim p tfor the coal prep' ration, each bottle of which is eliveloped inn beau. tiful wrapper, with a likenese of William Pen, en-. graved thereon; also bearing the signature of Dal. &mune, the eminterfeiting of which will be pun. , taped as forgery. Piepared only by Dr. 141 Swaten,N W corner. of Erases and Race Streets, Philadelphia. For ale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by - WM. THORN, Martetatrect, • OGDEN & SNOWDEN, comer God & Woodsti. B. A. FAHNESTUtIi & Co.. earner of lot and Wood nod 6th and Wood streeta. S-JONES, IM Liberty street -.- • JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. And by all respectable Drogue. and dealers in Medicine. throughout the United States and Cane s. oept'S -7— IT NEVER FAILS! Dr. CULLEN'S 1110111 VEGETABLE PANACEA ERSONS afflicted with Serofels, Kin's Evil P Caveat, Erpipelas, Old Roma, Ulcers, Tette, Mermaid! Dmemes,or any other complainth tram impamtim of the blood, artirequested to read the following temialonlala,th prool of the wonder fol properties el the above named Medicine. READ! READ!: READ!!! W. the undersigned, having visited Mr. lathe Brooks, Jr. at thh .office of Mean. Rowand and Walton, 375 Market street, Philadelphia, consider hi. rase the molt remarkable one we have ever wit. . nessed Tir beard of. His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must have been . hit twelve years' conflict with the de strayer! Hiaralato,l he entire roof of his mouth,Neee, Up per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye have been destroyed, Me Face needy eaten up, and part of the Jaw - Bone carried away. Add yot we can give ea , duenption of his cue. • Mr. EL inform* tie that in Jimmy last, the whole interior of his mouth, as well as most of his bee was • mass of deep and paisfal talus! ba the 14th °Elam:Sri list.be commenced taking W. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA CEA, which checked Ithe disease in'a few days, na Irma that time the cure hu progressed without in • terminates. New flesh has sepplied the placed the deep of ten, and though badly , disfigured, his lace Is sound, and his general health Is restored. We are assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooke' rase no Mentaitals,Omtments, or heutic spplicetionit bare beet usedTV-stifeet, the PANA CEA AIRNE, has weight this wonderful change Dared Smith, Bucks minty, Pa. Charles L. Rbwand, Meadville, Crawford col's.. J W Jonep. $ I) South Screed stieet, Jacob Lee, Pemberton, NJ; ' EIV Carr; 410 N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. L. S fil'eullough, Lancaster, Pa. . Ithl Maddock, SS North Eleventh U. Phila. C W Appleton, MD 46 South at. • do 71mothy haldvrell, Marion co. Missouri. Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut Hill, Philudel phin co. Pa. John Blued, 390 High street, Phila. William Steeling, ht I),CartidetstiVJ. William Halo 370 High spirit, Phila. • J FI Patter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth, 109 S I Ninth street. Phila. L A Wolleoweher, Ed. Phila. Demo'crat 077 N 3d street, do George W bliss Bosh Maker, 317 Market SL Ears Carr, 159 Choust street, Phila. A D Gillette, Polar of Eleventh Baptist Church, Phyla John 808, En Street, Philadelphia, (North Amer; eat office.) Alm Sands, IN Catharine Street, Phila. Daniel McGinley, Keeeler's Alley, do 'Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N,J. R II Evans, %VesePhlia. Richard It. Posing,' Chide', 409 _Market et. P bile John W Aehutoad, 60 South Sixth street, do rir S Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Cheroot itreet, do B J Kewil, 1M Eleventh street, do Peter Shea Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do Joel Bodine, Glass manufacturer, Williamstown William Steely, Farmington, Van Baru co. lows L B Coles, M D, Buten, AI cus. Banal Canfield, Phisiologiar;Philailelpliia. Thomas P S Roby. 51 El, Harriliburgh, Pa. Peter Wright, tall Market street, Phila. James W Newlin, 103 Filbert at. do • John Good, 174 Spruce at. do William Une, Pastor 4t. Paul's M. E. Chkeatharine SL John Chamber', Putor lot lade* Church, Bread at, do T L Sander', Publiaber of Pledge and Standard, Phila. P Seller., Editor Olive 13 , nch, Doylestown( Wholesale and Retail by Remand Walton, Pro.. prietos,376 Market St. Philadelphia: It E Seller', 57 Wood, et. Pittaburgh, Pa.; Wm. Thu n, 51 Mar ket do.; E B Peanut Marietta, Ohio; !Teuton des Sharp, MaysrDle , KY; J obe W Danenboner,Clu., Ohio; Sadell & Reeree,Midison I a(C Noble,Lous. villa, K V; Deverouck & Pellets, St. Lais, Mo. P H McGraw, Natchez, Mime; Hardawas& John stop Vielsburgh, do; CharluJimkina, New Orlean Lai ocs MOROI Celebrated Fluid Moeda. mina mild, lafe sad depot aotl.moid Ind voriook ing • rgett sciatica of elmmielly pun rortomato of fdadomis; ;ammo .11 the medial looldirs of Om finest pno Pats of Alagonia, onthootlod+liabk, to form mars Coto is dm boordNor Moot iod‘mi opoo th e coax th• *beach Ow tato spomfolof the oid Matmosio imp& Moat ia strength to balk tompomfolof eitoait Fro ale ITS A FIaINIMTOCIC & CO, carom lot mod Wove and Wood and dU . MI AIIEAPAILM,, A—Bristol's Comp. Plod EU 0 Sarsaparilla. 'limbos''. Comp. Mil Ext. Porsopay1111; Cavalier's do do; Comstock'sdo • do, • Toorfoond's do do; . • Constiday on band , azd far sole by D A PATINE. , TOOK & Co., corner of bra ood wood and .rood aid •troh ill • st i dendrii c o liter m a 7 M. E. t d —Encloced f or od thelimemilmr medicine odd - I lune eeld she .Imperiel aelcir m .eymptand Mvin mdenieuen &limns sued in • Mead =duce cie Rim dozen mons • . Pr it icaTieen n'sP" to 13"1". F . prcpued sad sold by E tts. 67 wood' Akin by Dm Oiicce; nth Weld, mid D MI Ca, AI- Ondd! . . irotarrsii,noTim. LIGHT STREET'; BALTIMO,RE; ' FOGG 16-111115T011, , Proptittort. Tars eitablishatent long and widely krown sabered triteref. themes% commodious in the eityof Daltitholei . has eschntre anderioneyery extensive alterations WM nannivetnent, An entire .new orb:lg has been added, 'contaiainguthaereus and airy sleeping apanticals,aao extensive bathing roues. : • TheLadles , departatetdhas alas been eompletely te caroused sad fitted up eta moat unique and beautiful thylet--111 feet the whole arrangement of the Heath has been thcoodeled, with a single-eye IM. the part of the Oroprieters towards the comfort and pleasure of their 'Cinema, and wtheltibej . confident/7 athen will chai r 4rttur s =rir. Ill i aya l" ti l e k Tp l pTierw i l io e n 't;e stantisi and latch watch them . tract affords, sere ' eet op tea =parlor Any e, while to theway of Mate., gte:i they wiu aot be surpuaol. In oottelesloit the propnalori beg to say, that notlang Will be left endow, on their, pan, and netlike put of their widen% ter render Oda lintel reonliy the continued patronage of their friends and th e public generally. Tbo • Kees Inc board bare also been reduced to the snowing rates:— - • Ladies , Ordinary, It 75 pordart • (katlemene' . ---• SO • ' N. 11.T1te Bow* Waggrat or I ;be Some will al way. be (mod at the Car and Steamboat Lot:Wiese, taluott will convey bakryga to and from the Hotel, free of ebante- • _ • _• meld. 1 'DiCAEL irriggrir HOUSE. Croat .itlr .1 - 01110—The eabeeribere having crocheted the en tire Intortet of Col.° P .Wilhemson, late of,tho, well known establiahment.beg leave to two to their friends and the public generally, that they here taken this commodious HOW do a term of years and will exert their best energies to nuke it dashv ellers and City Boarders. 'The Hotel a spacial= and admirably planned for coo venienee, light and air, having a number of pastors adjoining chambers, cremating ',nogg aurae:tons to 1 The present croptietors having bad the expenence of years in this may and elaewhere,bapejley vrili brt able to glee general•iliehtliart, bete`` determined IA glee undivided attention to the house alene. ThB{otlltiOU attic Pearl Street House tsancoesonly eligible, kering floats on Pearl, Walnut and Third vas, es that It is equally deurable in view of the °antral aco of Maims moor retirement (*cerise. boarder. Ito near by the Banks, the Poe Ocoee, the Masotti: Hall,Odd Pellagra Hall, and burone square distant from Main street and two Neves from the City Wharf, thus offering the greatest ineneements, especially to country ' , chants and generally to all persons visiting Citent-• JOHN NOBLE rachtl7 JOHN A DUBLE OOLUHUTII . OOSI4 - --- Charles street, between Market and Lombard 111Mteta, Italthaere.: Tel mbseriber having taken the above estab lishment, offers his services to the citizen. and public generally. It is cotiveniently situated as regards the Rismaboaut and Railroad Depot—is In the midst of the mere ostensive Importing Houser—and in (set, the location odors to those visiting the city,,as ma conveniences and conform a the either pineipal lintels. .The house to now being fitted up !slat neve furniture, la good taste and style, and will lid oped to the public on the>b day of April, 1617... The Pliprietos moue that his unremitting adorn Irr please, will secure to him portion Of the public patronage, qesideni as well se transient. W DI X. Late of the Rim Of Dix & Fpsg Halumore, Apn R, 1647. . ALLEUHANY HOUSE, OM Market n, Pkitr delphia—The subscriber (late of the Washingtori Hotel, Havtisbargh, Pa.) takes this method of in. forming his old friends and the public generally, that he has taken the above named HOTEL The Hose is airy and condonable, and has been extensivelysliered and imProved, and the pomnatos hopes by &Strict attention to business, and • proper ram. for the comfort of Ins Ct "'en.''r ift Uc g 'staet rrananled veryeoventertelav II ng Public, being only two doors shore the Harrisbing and Pittsburgh Depot, gad within two minutes walk of the Baltimore and @mutton Depots SPABLINti at tached to Me mouses. Terms It nedsy. 6P H UGHPS, Proprie tor Alleghenv !louse, Aagatt V,,1647-Mtttlate 301111511 , 110TE , L0 tat. 152 Mortara Maw, Bealnalauta. TUE Sobactbersoteder the hem *Mathes. lc Wart, .1. have patchatiWiir./ooeseintereaVa this dublish meet, and hope by the nekton attention to the wants and eattanta of their gneata, to merit a continuance of the libetel patronage heretofore melee/16y Ito former proprietor. The house has beett tboroagbly renovated. and repair ed; are therefore feet named we eon welcome our friends and the piddle to aecomettodatlons equal to any in the coy of Philadelphia N W BRIDGES, JNO WEST. - - O A CIALT 1100111 L. Corner Mahe and Moth ets, Olnetinath caubttshment le now In the best cadet for the reception of the Traveling Public. Having' ander. gone • thorough repair, durum the past winter, and having the atom . experienced men in the west,iin the retinae departments, I dotter myself that all will be pleased who call. The locmmnlacentral,comrtmdmoa and pleasant. Fen 51 per day. Cincinnati, Idarchl3,le47. E MARE N. IL—Although not exactly • new Broom, it la the some—a new Whist on the old handle. nadir 111•DISON .110 TEL, MADISON, INDIANA. • pmprictor °Ohio long established house, respect— folly offers his serve. so Use citmens of Pittsburgh, and will exert himself to render eonsfonable all who MST ISTOrIIIO with their company. This pawn which has long beets a favorite one with the Provision Dealers or .famberthovill, the cooling season, present a larger held • for their operations than betatotore4 from the completion of the Hail frond to InAlanapolts,3omiles fortberhato Mellott raising region. • nekblei GD FTITHUGH, P roprietor ---- THROCKDIORTOBPS GALT HOUSE, Louisville, Ky. ARiST II ROCK AlO RT ON begs to negation!. friends that be la again lessee a the O •LT HOU RE, LoairrUle,Ky.oittere he hopes to meet all his old friends, asannug them and the publie, Mat oo diem shall be spared to make an eoinfortable wherever him with their patronage. ptoltdly_ MEDICAL: 1131111ITINABIll 100T11 Jemmy:. PIM best intly Intern ' tor cleaning and whitening 1. the Teeth, breath, be. It = l lr E4 .e . t.:il t il e v y ary brush, and the teeth andsmath willonly melte • sligh erasion/ in the morning. Wet the brash with sew water, or cold will answer, and rats it • few times cm the paste, when enemgh will adhere for e.eaning the teeth. It leaves. delicious taste in the mmith,aoll tat panes most delightful fragrance to the breath. Ostend. sturmalird es a pleasant, efficacious. convenient. and_ safe deranfice. It is warranted not minium the teeth, 'butte preservethern Ry using it regularly, it will remove the term and jr2Vera its acearaulation—prevent the 1001haChC Ere vben the (Opt, sad prevent all &se.es of bitla Chemists, physiew, and the clergy mamma 0 • decidedly r to every thing ot the kind in me.— Ask for ShermanleCoupound Orris Tooth Paste, and observe his signatore is attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle, 3E4 Broadway, one of ear best Dentlms.,Ond by mon.of the old established once fa the UninalOtates, and even ' suasively used by the Nobility of &aloud and Fr.• ro. A Imp proponum of the t hmaffliet mankind arise boat W. derangement of Om it tomuehoe bowels, which • timely use of Me Clubs tee LosengOs groa cannel y obviate. Pero. of bilious behlts Mould al ays have • boo at haul, and take a dove whenever they feet the least derangement in their health. *Judi. cipa• ore of these LOIMOS 'Maid prevent thousands Of caws. Pbriale at Whl. JACREIONR, comer of Wood and Marty au • dim= .1 ALUMS Who U. Comfier Prepared Chalk, one I.loften not aware how frighttally Intonate ts .to the skin! boar coarse, bow rough, how sallow, and unhealthy the akin &posers alter sling prepared 'elosil o kt Beside., it is injurious, contabatalnige mhos :rielL 4 r3ierW: e. e7lFltia l A b aAZA V l l6l' ':WHITE'It is peretly Innocent. being purified id all. deletenem•qualitlea; and it imparts to the akin a tem. ral, healthy, alabaster, clear.living *bite, at theta/tie time acting as a eowneue on the skin, making it ton and anscoth. Err. Jame. Antietam, Practical Chemist of Massa. chasetts. Jaya, .After analysing Jones's dwinlah Lilly White, I and it poems.; the most beitatifel And neut ral, at the songs time innocent white I ever raw. I certainly eau mmetenuously recommend its me sal whom Pricn ski req ce uires nts a blox. , beautifying.° e 23 PSold by W )(JACKSON, at his Boot and Shoe Bare,® Liberty street, head of Wood, at the WI. of the B,g heat. . • Ladies, ladles, Pm astonished:— • When yes knew that yea are promised A annual, life-like, aoowy white, That you will still use common chalk, And look a deathly Yellow 61 04 The theme of laughter and of talk. I( yen Weald use a box of JONE' Lilly-white, it areaLl rise Viet skin an alabaster yet natural white, and at the same time elear and implore it. Sold at lACIfBON'S,N Libery Price 23 cents per box. ova ONOVIIPTION AILHEITICID-To those C afflicted with Dl•eaSell of the Lhasa.. —This is to certify to those tinkled with the Eau pre monitory symptoms of Consumption, that I have been laboring for several yew" with a bronchi, lameness of tba throat and bummer,. I need many medic:neat bat Mand-no relief In any preparation of medicine, until I made use of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT. REMEDY. I have been using this valuable medicine for aeveral • yea., and alway• find it to relieve when ever I mans one of 11. My occupation van A.M.- • • which keeps me my Macaw, at times, to become very alarming, when at ones procure this medicine. I therefore take plea lens In making this public statement, that others adeet ed with a disease of the lungs and expeemwmt organ may know the virtues 'pf 'this healing remedy,. and may be anted. I hav recommended tor. Duncan' whom owe their lives to tills medicine. • Somenet,Ottio,Oet.l3. IfAl. JAMES HEWIT The proprietor ef the above medicine would, also niter to the nettersigned Trenton., eilio,reade Part county, on whom any person may call upon and be committed that there are virtues found in the above otedmine that cannot be excelled : Darid Celbenson, Somerset; Dr. B. Stone, do; Fan. ids Gollher, Jackson to; Mr, Latimer, do; Deo, Pelbert, Settle* to; Jeered Deviser; Hopewell tp. DR- DUNCAN'S. WESTERN OFFICE, 130 Bye more street, Cincinnati, Ohlo. Sold in PauSumh by WIC JACRSON,EO Liberty of Wood street. a ladmwT • Fineman, Mi ,l 17,1877. T AST' Saturdar ova a lettermen fell f B A. Fah. LCdo Vendifodts mmy little girl, who Is between lour and Ave yews old, and during the day.the P IDS large worms, aromas mom than • foot e Seeing its effects on this child, I then Rana tenrmen full to her younger sister, who MU spomendy well, and the pit aed 37 worms of equal eire. HENRY CIMIOTTI • Watehtneker, Smithfield street Smeared and sold by - It . • PAIINMUCK & CO, earner In and wand. end wed add ath aLL led YOU PUSILLANIMOUS'SCOUNDREL I HWOSE meannessean equalynum I Look at your Y Y fair panto wife, with her broght sonny Orel loot XI your corn, pluod with eruptions and bloteheal Yet you are too manic; glee Aft cents Mr • cake of the great Italian Chemical Soap, which would euurely flee you from Mans, and make your yellow skin cleat and healthy. Goatenee to Jackson's Store,®Liberty at. Plush arab, and get a cake. N B +Jac:bon% lathe 6nly place la Pltuburgh whom the GENUINE ism b. amine& Ileararo of Connter.. faith 000BSERVII this Ilia Boot stands on the doorway no Mg BIAGIO LRASIVIC 50A.P—For ran. • LytegrOreasa spots, Staleajor Narks Seta Clothes, Woolkers,CuPew. kevr4 tendering the spots where tr Is appliwielear,br want, and spor ess . Sold Whi Coll directions ries *Scents* eake. le by WM. JACKSON, en Merl)' Meets proud h.A. his Bart and Sipa . blare, 410101'0e Big v.. XT. yyrttt OF VANILLAORE CONCENTRATED— giprem peculiar NW do. &ma.. as u a , Ftthrd*Zigs, Wan tea JOHN D AO= =~_ , SPORTATION 1111GX•111.NCIP , PORTABLE% BOAT LI4E. 1847 . TWEEN, PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN cieses, WllllOl,l TnanstiOnlSlTi Tllg method of carrying used by this long Established ldne,lat now so well known that de. actiptionts and:Tess/ay. Goods atonal touched °nth, roam, thus all transhipment or taint handling is saved. .n.r. Boats arc of light draught nod perform their trips in from six Leuven days. Ttie capacity of our Mention...es cAbles us to store 'eery cansignmeats made toss. Recenring i storiug, sod denotes -free of charge. Being fully prepared to snake sales of Prodeee we respectfullysolicit consignmeam of western Bacon, Lard, gutter, Cheese, ilrad,Feathers, mid other articles for sale, on which liberal advances will be made and other natal thallitica afforded, pledging our selves that say business entrusted to us shalt lie as promptly executed and upon as fair trims as by any lifter house. JNO McFADDEN & Co Canal Buin, Pittsburgh JAB fd DAVIS re Co 249 andllsl Market at, Philada PITTSBURGH IPORTABLIL Sae 1847. F?lltreviallT^ctz f f:gin4 b lz , '. l,,P "e": l7l the way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and acparate= of goods. 13Or=iits CASH No rid Market street. Phliadelphia TAAPPER O'CONNOR • • ' Oar Penn and Plage Ms, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR A p M4rth street, lemon , t AN.writa ,‘, & T 73South st, N. Y. k—. Encouraged by . inetrased businem the Proprietors have added to their mock and extended their arrange ments during the winter, and are now prepared to Or ard freiga with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed w by any other line. Their loan exportation os earners, the palpable superiority of the Portable Doir System, and the great capacity and convenience of the ware houses at each ender the hoe, are pectiliarlY entealw ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate their etenomers—confideuilforenng .be tas a guarant for the fume they respectfully , Wiest pas &continuum y of tam patronage whieh they new' gratefully acknowledge. All consigments to boo h. O'Connor will be reed undforwatdeil. Steamboat eharges paid and Rifts of Lading transmitted free of any Charge for Commune., advartung or storage. Having no interest directly or indirectly in athatubmits, the nuenst of the common Mon: necessarily be their primary mom; in snipping , west, and they pledge themselves to forward all goods oonaigned to them promptly and on the most advent. gonna terms to the owners. - Much 1.1E47 mare Mid= 1847 ' PZINITLVANJA CANAL t RAILROAD =PRE FAST PA,CKE2 lOOM PrWBUURG Fi TO PIIILADA. axe BALTIMORE. li:cdusioar,fir Pnnsng s. rplis patio are respectfully Informed - that ala LIeS j Witt commence running o'oral:loot the lid, mush hld condom throughout thughout Mecuon. The pravnetor• ave now placed a supecior clan of Packets am Weil road Carl an the roam with extra aeuoamosauoaX, witch will give greater Canton to traveler.. A Packet Boat will always be in per,, MO WO Me eting, public are rogoested to call sod alum.. Om., P""" 4llr4ETA l VirD ' oti.. l .... ' One of the Packets will leave the Lasuotomppeade the United testes 110051,1 corner Penn street wad tha Canal, every night at 'o'clock. TIMF. Sk DAYr, For tokinnatlon apply at the office nonentenala Dense, Water street, or to I) LEECH &to can car Penn a _ swam:ad TO TUE PUBLIC. THE Boatmen . . Ponsble Bast Company beiog diw mired, the Company again went into erueles of Co. partnership under the name of the "BOatmen's Liner and likewise agreed to refit the Stock so an to hares .amber of Boats for the purpose of carrying goods through io from six to mght days, with cennery—end feel encomansl by the liberality of last yeu's patron age, to make more ego:naive arrangements for the en. ntaX.lettr. We would therefore respectfully solicit a conting ence of our formerpatronaand refer all new customers to thou we , have kMEII 1 done haleness 847.f0r. • lall3ldlia HOATMANS , LIRE, Per theeransportation of •LL KIND. OP IILECHANDDIE, TO AND ANON PIOLANZLIVIA, DALTONONN, New You, an Bassos. SAMUEL WIGHTM&N A Co, Corner Liberty street aud Canal Bum. Pittsburgh. A L GERHART &Co, N 0363 Market street, Philadelphia . ELDER, CI ELSTON &. Co, Agents, , • • Baltimore: M. REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH—Jas. McCully, Gee. Morgan fiCo. W McCully &Co, B A Sampson& Co, M Allen &Co. PHILADELPHIA—Dorris Panerson k. Co, Reynolds McFarland & Co, Fleming & Booby, Peter Wnght & Pon, J Mayhem, Joseph Comm .` NEW 5 oak—co.:4ms a, Co, Theo. P.M & BOSTON—Reed, Hotd & Co. CINCLIINATI—Adams & Cruet, W W Seethe; • Ve. PLEASANT, VA—P A filachler— NASHVILLE—F Fleming. Nora—All merchandise from New Yot . and Boston, pokkd f o o r w A a Lde Gd free ortf &o O m r m Pmheil o ad . elpha, robin prompty k INDEPENDENT PORTABLE BOAT LINE. now 184 7. dstakal • FUR niv. TRANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Erwummt out G o deola.y c, o a : t m dm an ' e O d w m eat Ga u c r o re n n , t rwtle b B rw s arded 'nth. of Lama tronsanned, and all ;summers:to promptly ansnded to, Gee from any eaun anoxic for name_ emansiwno.- Addle., or apply to C A SIeANISLTY &Co Canal Basin, Pittsburgh . • t3TOILAGE. (Junius(iLej large and command:out erareboage, me . ace p to rece ive (in, addition 10 neiahtlor aluraneat) erne amount of Produce, ..te- on Storage at jlawmen. (mare) C VdcANULTY &Co .PICSilkilaTEI s CO'S LINE. . Xl.B 47 .nig= irl f e,Tab A ns- Y torn, llollidayaborgh. Water Street, Petembergh and all totetmediate Oat Dont Intl bate the watch.. of O A Ilk A a sly k Piltaburgh, every day, [except Sundays.] nd ithippCrlle. always depend DO hamog their goods for warded without delay and at fair roma. This Line was formed for the arterial accommodation of the way boalneu, and the proprietor* respectfully tolicit a liberal share of opatpriassrs.ronage. Pr JUIIN PICKWORTII JOHN MILLER PAWL II BARNES....‘tIOI.EAT WOODS WILLIAM FULTY • JOHN iiii:callidiZiyit;argh IL 11 CANAN, Jolownown I Agent& C A AIcANU LTIi . A Co, Pinewel • • tttttt J J liteDevlu, John Parker, lkonert M e re, Bartley • mere LIRE ER AND RICRIGIN LINE. l a r v a . 1847. TIV lel b g, c =r4l:ifr s T.7: — ..„'-krb. E6 4 l and Heaver, and (might •nd passenger Canal Boats, winning between Heaver and bare and connecting with C PI '&led's Wee ofSteamboat Propeller. and Vessels the Lakes,mdl be prepared upon the earliest open eigafien cony Freight and Passengers to '2,81%04..4 a;,l pa. semen with promptness and dispaleb, the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit horn their friends and he public generallz their pa!tonagri• bt HEED, Erie, Ploprietor It BEM riot KS Beaver, alto JOHN A CAUGllEV,•Vitistilth dr Cor. Smithfield and Wider a le. Opposite the blearier gabela Room ttttt To Whoakm Croaker Co,& Now York Geo Davis, Buffalo E N Parks & Co, Cleveland , Jas A Armstrongk Co. Detroit breCtore & Williams, fililwankie Bristol& Porter, Chicago Wm Powers, Powerszown, Penns Coo lilachalmyre, Esaushurgh, Penns John fdatinhor, Iluntsiown, do Wick & Acker, Greenville, do Craig & Frampton, Clarksville, • do Hays & Plumb, Aharprbusgh, W C /Bolan, alarms, do W Cunningham, New Cutle, do PITTs iii & CLEVPLAND; 1846. '''' IL Clarke. A. Ilaap. T. Rehm - id a Co. CLARKE i. CO., Porwardlng a Casaadulas BRAVER. PA. TIE Agente and Proprietors of this-Line (so favor. ably known to the public), will be prepared on the earliest opening' of - canal navigation to receive prop any at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver the acme at any point on the Oh lo 'canals, andsmon Lakes Erie and Michigan, with the greatest destch and at Re.' enable ratite. The proprietqrs of Wu tine solicit the business of then former customers with confidence, knowing that their facilities ant aecond to nose. Apply to or address G M BARTON, Agt, Pinstough. • CLARK a Co, Beaver. • T RICLIMOND k. Cr C eve.land. WAISTS:MN TRANSPORTATION CO. OLD ESTABLLMEDTRANSPORT.TION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORE. TBE stock of this line consists of a double dolly Line of Boats and Can, (owned by theraselves,l Which are in geed order. The substribers are pen.. red to forward a large quantity of (dacha/Arm anti ['redone with certainty and dispatch' Prothro., or Merthandise consigned to any or the on dersigned.ls forwarded free of any charge for cutossiti- Wooer stamp. Bills Lading trantonined and all instruebont 14=114 attended to, TEc;iainess of this Lino Is conducted on strictly Sabbatlkeeplogsinciples. Address, oF sooty in LEECH & Co, rnsorieLors. Canal Buts, Pilubarsla BARRIS *. LEECH, Proprieums, No 13Sosth Third etrest, Phiiadel ' JOS. TAYLOR & SONS„Agents., No 1W North Howard strcet, Baltimore W B WiLSON; Ageni, No 1 Wssi strew Now York DEAVER, WARREN & CLEVELAND LINE O F CANAL PACKETS AND ISTAOLN. 1847. • Mitrrs TELEI 'APB AA DALLOW LRAVE Renee , doily 41, .r &elect - , x., after the ardente! the iteartaantiiiEAV}3 l, from Pittsburgh, and' arrive Warr. next alOreirla ama, for e Saws stltleh reach Cleveland before rught. Passengers will be recciptedikrough,seesoiag beaks Gaston Packet. and seats la the PEW, application board sacniaboat Berner, Veering Plusbargh o'clock, a. sajarla the Wale: 0 U BARTON*. Co, Plusbergh CLARKE& o Braver B.TA . YIA)I4 Watrea Lamson & cots Packagell4 lE - as to nl i k i Is p las a . c.. boos Express =gob os ras e = so igffl illin ooeonveynee of =hal= pastas= of wooed noseband= spon ools bank iyours,&as nxh: VuosdaY, Easel& .An bon Cow will be dispatched ailly Mal= Ca,* "Ulial t s sCaI ! L D LSECiIIOe! ackllll7 Ilsr has ttWCnal UEUULAR 110111IIIING rAczczT VOL si gat e The awx new andalendid lititillet • . 1.. . • .. • Clip I:ailliit• Hcops romeheneeh her 1 r e gular tugs-this dxy, leaving Pats burgh at 0 o'clock. A. an 4 Beaver at _ o'clock, r. x.,- cenneetingwith Putsbangh and Cleveland Line of Cad nal Boats daily toCleveland: 0.; Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and Nape .Coaches daily to Warren and Cleveland; Came Packet loos to New Castle and Greenville, Pa.; Erie EllentiOn Liao to Meadville and Erie. Neil, Moore it Co's Lino. of Stage Coach. ki e r Cleveland - we Woester. leave Bea.' ev • deity on th arrival of ateamboat Bearer front Pittsburgh. Apply G.to • M BARTON &CAN Pittsburgh .14 • • CLARKE &Co, Beaver • _ off THE. OHIO CAOAI.Z BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E N PARKS*. CO.Clevolandra EL 0 PARKS, _l3eaver, Proprietor. W MATHER, Pittatrargh, Pd THE above . Lino la now fogy prepiroitoiransport Freight and Passenger. from Pittsburgh and Cleve , I.d, to any point. theyermeyleanta k Ohio and Ohio Canals. Thnfacilities of said L.. are aot equalled by any 013 said Qualm •in nombers and el:manly of Boats, clan none, of Captain. mod promptness of Agent., Lo. One Boat lessee PM:Murat, =ld Cleveland deli: tan ning in connection with the Steamers.' - Michigan and Lake Ens, between Pittsburg.. and Beaver; and a Lino of first. class Btomnboats, Propcl:. lets, Brigs and Sehootterm om LateltEtilt,,Buton,*. chic. and Ontario. Property forwarded to any part of the Union with, decanted E N PARKS A. Cleveland, Agra •• • REED, PARES k sft, EVVG Art.. W T MATHERRAttbargh, Agt • • tpti• Cor Water nodtlml2Ueld swum TO OLMITMLANW via.; WAMISZI: 1841' THILthUiNI IN 441Iousa. - . ACKETIliata !Wallow . .4 Talerripe lea. Bea verr daily,.? at leek e. 14 after the arrival of the mernlar Boar (minuet...li, and salve at Warren in time for the Mail lane 01 Maps, which leave thaneedi• amly thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland .3deleek, P. .114 Tbis mulls we mon expedniou e,ootionside one to the Lake. etYrES L LEFFINOWELL, Wane*, hope. REED rmucs& Co, Beaver, Agents JOHN A CAUCHEY, nowt amr mad desithield Oily °Praia. the la Masa Pitoburgb ' PITTSBURGH 'AND 11/Z51M.1.1411 184 MET AND FREIGHT UN T IIIS Lim corinlngege , rit 241 pawner r a k, Bennet and Oreennllrnsa., fraialitrad vu. amen a t; , irritr M P e tympana, * awned pimply WICK tAtCHEß.Creearilla All CRAIG k. FRAMPTON, Clan snille, McVARIAND a KING, Big Bend, doi BA C td TH di PLAN. LUMB; Plum Bhaat', t ue,ptbmah, dm • W . MATNEWI3. Pnbmal, do; R WM EED, PARRS & Co, Baum do; 'JOHN A CAUOIIEY, manarWatm P 000.10804 nts, pair • OpPiemllin Mminaplala noise, Pianbarth CITIZE3IIIPOR.TATILZ.BOAT LUIZ. aligin 1847! AM! ) FOR TOR raimirowiregion OF ALLIINDO OP MERCHANDISE:TO AND FROM Philadelphia, sew Reale . and liaataa. . THE encouragement W. five has received tines its commencement, has induced the proprie tom to increase the stock hy adding a number of Br eau boatr,and instead afgiving receipt. as hereto fore ',agents, we will gore one ovin. receipts for freight shipped by this line.. The boats ase all portable, consequently Beira is taken the wholedistariee without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from frequent handling on the mute, and no each boat is owned by the Captain who mos them, which is • eutkient guar antee that them will bine delay on the route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undersigeed will be forwarded FREE OF .COM MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will be gimped without delay, at the 'lowest rams of height. . . We respectfully solicit a share of. public patio nage. • 'WALLINGFORD & Co., Canal Ruin; Pittsburgh . CRAIG, HELLAS & Co., Agt. • • Belied Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER, Agent Bovoley's-Whalf, Baltimore. Pittsburgh, Feb. It, 1847,. • 1846 AND 1847 . - Malta . . TO THE EiltßY MORONOIREiI ROOTH; 916. BROWNEWIL,LE & CUMBERLAND: TFIE undersigned .ra now prepared to forward pm. dace, he., to s the Eastern Markets dozing tho ens.. ing Wisner, on the oast favorable terms, by this exc. anions route. ' ' •• • • All progeny corrupted ions will be forwarded nittie kmen rues and ends despot:ch. - Merchandise recessed by thus motepromptly fur warded. 7 C BIDWELL, Airt..,Pitmborgh. Gs W.. CABB, Brownsville. nosl7 E EararroN L c0,cn0...h.d . 1 1846 - - , 100 s; 1847. • • • TO TIM EAST • OHIO. RAILROAD : MIRE ssbseribeisWlll loseiptforthddeliverf of Pr. 1. duce 10 Banda= by thallosorigatteda 81ackwater at the 'knowing prams.— • - . Ashes, /armory Jrullei,,Lead, 'Lard, York. Tallow, Whiskey, •• a, and Glass-871 an per 100 lbs. Touseer,Hasip, Flan and Wheur-04 els peel% lbs. Ashes, (Pot) Apples. Ckeess„Flax-Soed, Ghia, and Leather-106 eta peril* lbs. Oils, Skins. Seuds,Weeki-110 ins per 100 Deeswaa,Feathers, Pun, Ginseng, sod Sitaiti-Eriot —ISO et. per II:1110s. All property consigned to or lb. undersigned will be forwarded without daisy, rather free of COOMIIiiIIOII, at above rates. W H CLARK.Brownteritle. HANNA WATERDLAN, Pittsburgh. • t BEELIZTII CfIXXCAL WRIITI i H FLUID-1a toliciting tits ,pervaare pat& Sir this's:tier, it is bat right sad prayer that Ps merits ea :shish the awn kw seplant :shwa Would le fully ly set Whale alsotiow: itotriaten b. Ow, tkat We 1 :aity milt ast be imposed apoe by wing it la the drat plus it is mall known that the tweak or i black alma ' s ant eampostil et • precipitate, held toy by gut Arabic ,snd when thewater e ithher hi whole or part ereptrated the gam an_precipithe its left as a playa:am I la the parer talitand which hada* it aka owas•oa to add rhugar to tbe lot mrstwe to wake it wore flaidr inesesses the ero irysetimy an the pea, if • *eclat.. etontlias it through itt awry Worttiiee Now it...Wri t:am Mod" tiara hew Owe Warns. in earrY respect ts sk i attiesical telitsiareai as, timid maker to hold it togeher, tbstrkz nemeLye tirkkoteheing wry doe tintrerr I:2llAbrel ' ttl= 4 = ' wh wassand one Ism esuly Wore( byttai ow than if it that way plastered oa in lit atio weed., rie oaths that has en dimity for atetalie inn, Umiak. sill ml anode etre pens—,t mid - not Ewald, and of. Wish gremiseeiyetia Ye:shws it becomes • du. p black sad., far "gm It is martantedbapusor tik• forria artiea Warn by the limo Arnoe't ch.'4,ti and one-third son slaw tar the maw price.. ''.ks a IPPlest. hapetitheiaf say lead Wing •Watpted the ddlowinx reticadmadations auine,ka .a/1 mar be aware, that (81111.11.41 that gins mod ant haw tows ob • Word by fay sews , as anwonby pen • We nicinntorna 4 tHibiert'sclinnariil Writing. Blaid" l the paring. of the polakor a lint nos. atria la all kn.' Nein; it &Infra, from tnii pp without dogging • it 'op snit or the marmot • fritkonniUmgni a deep trniit •trein. II • fiamplinn k C 0... . VI r Jek uad MaCasam Robeit John hiker , " - Wm Lippincott It B. 8 Wight= 4,, 4C. bfriiitiernutr A Driers Bonen rietierr Bebt U WWI. BoAer C' it lideAnidry k. Co. crwww.lrm Janiiita Ko!lip( May Ate Mi4 847 % Mr Thor K litibbrrt—Duran I ban teen wirirgew Chemical Writing Maid, awl &Wit • itnt le wird.. kw thecae*, it Sows Grey from UM and bales:lst black lie • few hour.. MaliEM •-• • , rittabargat A. Q 9, IN; • Mr T Hiblidra-;rnar Sir. Hniq procured • Itoitirof , a.r W ritiq blvd,— throe treela moil maiden it ful ly sepalkm:m if sot a supirior togireold% or atig War Ink sum is use • - • - 'Respectful:y r - I %WILIAM STEWART, Bunk-keeper , I Cotor Arta. Nielio4oa * Co Pitalnugh, Sagal,lsl7. 51r T IlibbriV-13car vs.' , par Christ/cal Writing Fluid, sad tlail it la bc • don CM.Ltat article for getia aa liddin not 04 Mem opliko tM'goarndity of other mks; it dam dreg WILLIAM"MiO4.4.«. . • • t.l7bn - iir r iar. Previred end obi -Wbsionds Aiid IWOby.Thosess K 11=Drsigig sod Qom* tors. of Liberty sod &rods. Pm t Po. . Ciettadat F T , ,j LE 8, a. 1800=1 'Paha Spoon, au Wawa no 1.1 • cortsia old natal no, whoiher otonal, atdoso at blind,day for /minnow of the Won and Ued a; plums in the bock tad Off, - kabala costiroos, orop: Boo; Lc Parsedett bd. tad after caudnownd are ettei noble& with kontipaisko of the knoll or eentlecous, sa waft as the Mika, bk oft oth ere. Not Specific on to tank with per r.t old es a certain naked . The Spada. is on% partaisa, wad bk as manly , without ape ads of posboto,cokcynator to 'eluded poi folly harmless io the mode/Oda twee. t. This io to <wag that know Dr. layolitelo PA. Soak; I. IN a adtaia cora and safe raid). Hanng wo oleo, horn's] ataes:entongst roy fts2 l eausesicas,la woolen* woo sod nano,. of Ow when it rd. la can can in York, noe. - Y WHISPJITAD. Now May, Mal • RA Sixth ottol, ar pi a pat fine my moo opoinle7Fai obscreshea, to be balada; bona wok It awl oink succor Osmond colvfailA . ..N, If f eTtorkdday,lB4.s. . BOA Arco LAMES , CERT/ WATER . New York, !dr. Ban boa as pisw. b.y, tiat. ...aid., Dr. Impair 'rasa/ode, late andaaprw in cure is coo of ot aster, end I wan* yams word abet I ban boa wowed at It, al it ow kat ore panlble bore her. Hoover, lnc saw btLavad. who ashen( kaiak, and do akkiiso W Alen whoa* all Wed /a the lake moo. ttlynorro tha Nikko, flood ma a certain ore Your( with moot. Wad Choler, R. Y., Tdaj ALM. ' - etro-AA Na toy ban& ethos 1,7 mfo — rat, as wa as an worm my gotta& kr dm Molt has donna Booths ow of your a m Apo eidq I cooly with icor rocoutoad moat grr, sway io moo 411, Wing boo anal a • ware PM* of tho PBu .L.r hooka rOesiler roodies without soon. Yours with Bold wham& sad retail by Wid..fd=rl Aha t eat btediclost WarebotarLeat Boot awl Rho 114 ' any No. . Liberty Arad:bad of Wood, Pithio* to DAKENTB UNE BRLLER/P VEIUMPUOIS 8 .L POPULAR EVERYWHERE: t • - . Ilmannua, V 5,714 25,18171 :Mr. B. Ir. Orstra—Der,r *Th. redotroa , bottler et Pam' Ventsfiricr.and made roof *no" ; =, , , ,m r , rre n. rr e f ray c atom t lgdzt r .trb i bliought ft trrmmm:do Ile; community as one of the best rezierlisalkare *Tar • - or ailed Dr therremore of rrornol • . . • ....loPrOrriootrODY. Pripaie — an . Coold by A 257 and th us. DoW DT. Carooliiik D. &QM AD:04 11 7 k . 1 =MEM DIEDICATO . LOZENPES , AlirD MOIL )lANI • Dairl6nTMett arglmt. "ik4. soLos. Soo >mood saeo biit &rll ot of 'Faith fasts ea 66, -back .1 tack • hA of Dirielisoo.. ' . . _ . • • SHERMAN/3 CCLUCH LOZENOSS. Thee Lategh are eke Mea t mots. ad ahead rem pfy cab, COISMID= wheoteight,, wh ta,tighlnan of the bags.' Me el. me Ingmar by aver Mama an Mow when they did mega. perk.. eatisamiat, Semal Wimand bore hem been mild head yes% "Mang to health pawns in altniod meg sage . ofamenspenanand Wet Ishatog ender the met enemas adds and evagtio. May do not check and dry op ammo,. AM render it easy, promote expected...44g the ticese,. irritilki t levi• MOM the proximate or embed meet. ray ars evade Gum • combine'® ofa met 'Moak shpt . torn ONO 1•0116611., 11(0 mdotabtettly aperice in every thing in wee thea comphieto Hundreds elm hau • • Mea ofeatificatee have beta offend of their wouderful tem, hot than orbe has ban awed from m amend,, ray and roared ®pedal lailth by using Wm. Where to 11 much pain in the brow or Whom of :her ow% hlaa's Wasters Wake only IS/ cm%) Moult be epplied over the part, and waver till Wm% If headed costarecm, n aw mitlanie or lasatim Meg% oven mild mthatic medicine, Weld bueed °awn moms • _ ItIIERMAN ' S WORM LOZENGES ram worts Magee We We proved to more Wm LW • SOO ma la ter inhifibles Ib euly want worm emerging memos madded:tared. Kay diatoms/ha fran wow and Wham king sad intim ealering, sal men daub, with out their ear ben mammal; grown plum are very oltes glided With Gem, end am doctored for terms coteplaiuts 'tkmt..y beam WU% ant hoot of Mae Largo meld ! 4 1=p . of Feast .--Taisa th!. jobati or tinily oiGia arelireatb, aella' al thou.:awed/4 of . as teak demi slapond Lima spelettamsboid the lipsmait Lofted cheeks, likating at the nm,o wawa, masties at the Weasch, flesh es of bat omr he meta et the body, - digit Mille or Mir cringe, besilmb% drowslai%. nage, oar disturbed dream, Fadden starting is sleep, with fright ma wawa; emeamew • troublame coagb, kanas, thing hs% Cu, bad We in the mouth, di &tilt hrg, rue h the humeri - or limel% Wpm, hatate, 'oranialtnee, vora: 6.2N/oak% bloated stomach or linasjgripisys. . theaves.penu m tames parte of ths body, e sone of Awe thing mug in the thmst, mhos of the ma towards eight, a Mips. pre , to pm Kenthing from the barb, upia Ww tines diabase , of dim sediment. . ennuuews CAkiPHOLLLOZENGEIL they . gird immediate relief in scram or sick hesdarlies!.: , pipit.= di la beat, loweasef the spina, dapandang ndantimiary or rata sore tbiott, a somata rod - : phistAkinting, oppreseb Una' et or • sesesef asking of the Wei Mai% ewe., gimp of the Maack or batch, hyste ri cal olitetimmoed MI warm dimes, droweinea 'through the ' Mg, and wakehlasi thmagh the : nighO dolma or doll ere wiles, .diarrhow, 'Wadeiaerhow, or a no. of fatigu ter saes travelling or Wang lugs peaks, will dad Ste Iwo ps really nespiaril Impatieg Mobocracy etyma% turd AIM dialled.% will:Mere the twain. mum reel Way, owl ream the maplamat symptoms awn ma kW fret living. Terme who We been tau hhutghh livasond alembeteltbek dammed bait% hell dad ths7meotm stly Wentle nom palas of the ottrren ! SLIERM • MOIL DUN'S PLASTER. . . The beet strpiStitattgplasteeia the mid, aka 'events Moody fur paws, or wares the beck, taint, side, ash, tistile,smda, rheumatism, lumbego, he.•b.r. One million • yes, WM easel* the demand. They rapine allot. warm mg before mammas ilferraated "perms to a/lothert,m4 . forma morter the moat price,makrag Cooly the bee, but the` t oboist St the wort& It affseda Mkt is • feW bolds, so& awkessetosithiag emus la Um rolayialat sad dpiereis, it should be woro err S t ethe . lner or stomach, it will afford greet sad awmi• l id la emits., m o ldyasthma, diZmlty breath*, monition of the attest m stomach, limy will im Imiliately moth awl greatly basalt lb. pulmt. Smote se sedentary habits, or lbom obliged to wand emit, receive derided support Om am of time truly strengthening Ms ay.. Phystramegmersayl these, in preference le rllothem,betaoss they stkk or adhembeurs,ardeffordirne• are em er Is their t hey ate wouldrot, too., sad modyste. -They a of mile* diffferest was Sweeny Miter, sad Saw the ter:rime.; of mil .1 lima who have wed Sava, b wdl u the mita tro.basey of thetalAireled sad deStithed emu physirleat, be the mod useful mul ' =dialed to . 6ererst Renew have al the warehouse to me their eas=iodthaalts,at thealwdet soiramben mom One DireCtlCOf Ise use ant of the bosh of ..eh piesteroith • fee shoal. of Dr.flberema sae.. lt la important you shauhl amp ash for Stemma's /roe No's thrter mad ere , that tw at:zeal:lnz tert:Lire smtu n3.o. tautalsois i t magrioripled &arm • - Sold wholewle and Mad by W. JACKSON at hit felts Wardsoare, No. , latterly street, Sir of th BIG BOOT. CONBUiISTION CAM" BE CURED BY USING DR DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. Cimino:oi, 0., March 3d; 1847. D. Ilin—This i• to eertity to Th. publie, petimbaly to thong aided entla • Manias Of Car longs,ar Conmaption that in the Spring of 1801 was snicked with • rosin old whisk Mom' two seta kiem my Ings, thawing aU apieptom al aa approolior thomsesptioa. My 'COUgik 1•12 tight and Muthlmona, anemia with avian night nos% 1 spit up daily a oassidenAl• flantitput blood, mixed with hick dark matter. My at:Micelle:ono scrim and alarm ing. Dating this tima I was thanded. by two of oar awl MAIM Thysiciamt; they did do liMithay mold for me, mem if Dogth they gam up all limpet of my isowery,stantiag io that aothing mane:mad h• door—chit my lungs wan th tally.diammd, and boimod remedy. I was thin pernmdad by • Meal of or.. to make • tritla:Dr. Duman', Erpacto nut AMON .7.41 that tin maid. would do ma geed, aid Mold MUI add mom to my sulfoing. I taittalimi it won salt lasi sad only hope, mod that if 1 mini 6re of the tame, (width was eri• dmtta me,) the. woad Di nothing loot. 8. 1 out to the CineimatiOtkeLa ma obtained frbeftlea of this truly Pam Medirina, and sampliag to the dine thots, Miieh, inked orMdiq he my soloing, immadialay it.. morel:4 M men Mariano thi troublesome . Cog wing itat pakt and tightmem is any Chear, giant; as• • maw I/4MM strwollt,Which soon .roiled ma to he abort agaa. This =IDI . eoutimml its fool work, Minh it WI MbIJ Minatata, Instil 1 els mode must man. _More sineaboo • mending to my Maim% (ispwardi of 3 years) and leel healthy as I wink.. 11:am nmonmeoled Dr. DOINIW• pk pottemißtmaykiiminy inamtiolhaterimiLaty :aka and it ha diem pond owitiMul sin Dr m I Doe witelood Itaafkala. Bly riom b .tag thin Medicine at Present, kw • Diesnad Lima and m Afintionik the Long,, which oh. had named with Dr NM. twarly Tamara by the am at this emliamOod 1 Ma oaf:dant the 6 bade. that IDM with nee noday willeuthelyeare her. lam wkry know that there are thomaandeol Mbiable venom 'rutin wey with this dreaftit dee4iger—CONSUhtPTION.- 7. 7 it only possittlelor tYtti4 to Faure this eteitietwe lbws, before it be toti,hle,wiery liewmaight ingrained end their familia W reltaineit ageiite Foulard hapiiyr' 11;0 "aches wig give ingot relief, had al the oche time /OM thaw! se& paiedo I Coaghl into:tie the tightnew in the Chu gtie eter:reitkia theetifeelded . etid:reserieted frame, mai ix reed ewes, wet mid", vat jaioria perfect are. • AItDAF.VIFELTED.. . MootdomorT e MmileMCoeudy, Ohio. id. B.—Thomld/oils/T=4 be boldabded with soc I refer to the stodulipod, athops et blootrolory, Mundt= coop- CkethoY =II= tor time sobstastodo the doom dabordedoe • DS- DUNCAN'S WINTENNOFiICi, lOSy mm. y nosf, when this Walk Siodifino ahnkys to labooL Sold in Ibusbasib, by WM. 'JACKSON. carnal of Wood and Litany sta. ayll44kw. —.----- 1111POILTRNT TO THE. LADlRNl—Clunese .I. Hair Cream.: 'or atettleSS Article for the Gitronh. Scour and Remorationof. the DM , . Thu cream,when once known, will supersede all other ertieles of th. kind now need. Where the bolt Is dead, harsh.thin, On- . healthy or mming grey. a few applications will make the her 'soft trod dar t and 'alTO it e beautiful lively appearance; and will also make it retain its liveliness and healthy color twice salons , as all the preparation. witch are generally used. Emil lady ntul gentleman who are Inthe habit of asininity on their herr, shooLl at epee purchase 4 bank of the Chine. flair Cream, as h M so =emoted that it anti not keure the hair like the ether preparauenta, buterill bemmfyi; and give perfect sausfaction In every intlanteii Pot tesonnony to its very . . ' ior qualities, see the &nowise later from Rev: l-Caldwell, to Messrs. Readenhon .te threlek, • Nubvllle, General Agents fan theWestent State.: ` .. Lever from the Rev. R. Caldwell, pular of the Prat byterran Church, Roland.. . • : •_. • • !doors. Hendenhott es Rtratcli•-Gentlemern 1 a pleasure in adding my tesuagony,in favor of the, c len preparation called Ds. Verrieles Chinese 1 Cream-for About two yeantagomy her on. acrid .brittly, and disposed to memento. hot having procure. • a bottle of the Cream, and unedit according to tha pm. . seription, My halt in now MA, -elastic sad firm to the ". 4 . heed.' Many . balsares sad 0 -Mere applied easklelt • eing my kair In a womesta thet before-This Craw' however, lostmedlar e dm • As an article for sheffotlet, lode gives It prefer. epee ever ell ethers, helog delicately perfumed, aml sot dtsposed to rancidity. Theledies especially will And R e m the Chinese CM= to be wd era= in their prepa 'Midas harem toilet' • , ty, fse. Palest ,i Jaey.7,1817. ' ..'. R CALDWELL -, Slorfloldwhelesale and: In Pittstatsh by Jobs! AL Townsend, No 4.11 kLerltet,mreet. and Joel Mohler corner of Wood andllAlt sts., , .. 1.1411 ,QY. AR'S AREA a i C,CII gIINOVAT 41.-PILLS. For abed one year,' p loot to waking ore of Mr. Watered extremely from Dyspepsia,.and an acid Swipe& 1 have wade are of a gnu variety of atidiehhiswitVent veeeiweg benefit. • About Ikea htendpisnwe I ewaneneed using Mr: Swift Idedletne,' widthh has entirely relieved too from acidity at my stontsep, andstwomd me w motor table health. Severaletsay bias!' and atioaantanees have made ore Of the POW and teeeived mueb benefit ftenallens. 1 eon with toilful..., hp= thes Iladron l. iold. wholesale ind ' reVbf . :/L E N I ALI N .eco,, , man of Ist and Wood, end Wood and nth am DOWDICTLED 11111118A1L8..- 81 z eases East hub% Jam receiyedluse Sae sale by • . • • . • - • 1341FAIINFSCOC 6 &Co mien ..• , canter. ist & wood au . . PITTSBURG GAZETTE, .PUSLIBgEbe AMIN., ~,..: i iwy.,I3KLY tr. WEEKLY .1115s.66.idYJNOAMIN AO." A. F. e s Win • . _ RATS. _OP 61330VICEITISING. One finnan or. 1.511n4,0r.1wi5, 80 50 Two butertionwithent attentions 0 75 . ' Three .ri . -" ;11', ii .... ..... . 180 One Week " • i;" -: I 1.50 Throe " :. • .. , .......... - 2 50 mei ". • " . .1—',,.. ~.... .. 300 °nobler , * • "• ' - .. . : .... .4 CO Two " " r, • ........ :6 CO Threel • ; , ... ... .'.... 50 Er Longer atm '.l,lreinetti liewne proportwo. One nnare,6 manna, Without alterabon,... 15 10 00 Each additional equaieitpr 0 tents, ....... 500 • ..'" '" ~ .. 1 , i 2. ...... 10 00 wee mare, o Inontne, renewable at pleasure; IS 00 I • " " 12. .i , i ".- 53 00 tietbdAitionl itinilte4 12 Oaths ........ 10 CO :Twos quares,6 otonths,irontlie at pleasure, 30 00 Each additionl teptare:linnilw, 800 .orbinit ea .wnr,ws Kit tx Dana Nazis. On. •quare. 3 inseetta ,i. ............. , . ,4 . 1 50 . „ ...,,,,,,,figk.A : . . . -- 9;01101 . tA.1.0. roe listen leelLWrie Par.. t 6 OU .44 1 ii • g y, 4 , 0 1 a. SCO , a a, . . a' one wri.r.tply 64 'weekly, 10 tO . w .w . el' tonne " w Bco A . vniB i ire 'ieurpo i ni_wwerzx ring. '• rorP''n!'"l" - 'rfro l ' il , , ,!''''' . . 8 ° ) 42 ~.. ." :a ~ Tio" a ..••••4. ll 00 350 - :;• ~. 0 a ! . Su . ..:1..... 600 . - •'- " ' i TiE6l7l , "' ' . ' "10 00 1 t r i A BB,B,Biturnietle peteabargedby`the square, •end I eisesonticKS 'Ol emir* be Gives when the weeste OLllll.llswilLfeetilltikt6o dollars per year; r, ,-t.i ;:..--- intiiimi Irrgar...;.;-•• • •••.5 6 ai ,• • ...: SOInal,••••••••••••0 .. A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers