. , . . . - • . ~. . . • . At -- • • - ' . - . . • . . . .._ __,,, „....,..„„,•-:•-•..- - -- , -i•'--- , -- - -,-- -.- _ •._ ' :7' 7 , -. . 7 -Y ,. .7.*; , .1.- - : ' - ~...- '..... ..• . - ••• . . ... ••• - - _..,-. ; , " • - .., •••• ^---;: . e. . . • • 1 , - ..• ~.- • - 1 • il' t • ~,, , •• „., ~. ~... . •-• .. . • . • • - t ••• . "- ~ .., .. ~ ...,.., -.-• ••••••-- - '. ' - , _. • , . , ~ •,. „ —. ' ... „ H .. . ' .'. ' .- ' •' . ~, - - -.-. • : ••• 4-s- t _ ' ... . . .. r Ell.Al___LY , . .. ... r.....____, ...,_ . ~.i• .... . ....,., ... BUSINESS CARDS. : Lzif.ANISZlt GORISIIIN, Commission and AFor viarding Merchant, Si Water and los ['tonight, Pittsburgh. ambit A Tumor), JosEs 4 co, CottituisUon and Jca. Forwarding Merchants, havo returned 10 their cern old stand. NiNter and Faint tame., Pittsburgh. retention. eases. . 61011211Wts. I[AV/el k !LET T ER , \Wholesale sad Retatl iiDruggists, curlier of Liberty and EL Clial eleceoi Pittsburgh, lbs. ~_, easyl4 A. PAIIIRIIISTOCK & CO.. Wholeeale & B. eetadTruggisen tomer Wood sod bib ste. irl AGALEi onvrii, Wholesale Grocers, IS LP and 2.lWond Aireet, P ulureh. - fOISITH. BAGALE , & CO.. Wholeude Oro ten and Predace dealers,. No. 1e2.3 Marker weft. be• wean uid nth:North e Philadelphia. need tZfAZULIift OOq fr t'd . Meut. Pa =n MI P. ORLANDO Loons's, Aum,1.31......f - I - • five meth mere Lateen Smithfield. shiny GI - - Wm. Colmnan. John F. Jenninas. las. W. Hallman. eIOLS.3IAI3, 11/111 , 74A31 A CO, Manufacturers I.J of Cordage spttods and Attica, A. 13. and Spong Merl, and dealers nit Loath Tniurninds dream deli. tripling, manufacto on Cll,ll. WlreglUSO 41 ry CWWIGOMM. ARSON dr, gIOKNIOU T , (suedessora ~.anal a 1 Wholesale Grocer, Osinnusscon and Forseanting Alerehants, Ocean la 'Produce and Pittsburgh itlnimist 3121.1 street, balsam. Wood and eello r , YEAGER, a n d wholesale and roan . • dealeg to Fan, y and Wrap}' Vssiett , oods, troi or Ise Gill Cohlto, Ildstlet el, new labeny, ourgh, Ps. i Jaws Dunlop. 3.llareseteas hewed. DVIVILOP t. SEWELL, Attorstis at Law, Wheel, on thrtiMfield, heweeen 3d and Silt sta. lINAZhILTON. Wb!omoile Groooi. Jla .0 auk of 01: Momon4. occoood Ma from Dm amoo4 " ' '• • • U. • WAL . • ---4---- MIN - •Utlllti. V • 01/ AL • & GIEBII4IITs Wholesale tiro- SAL rater. In produce and Pittsburgh annte.se. tires,cutruic of Liberty sonl. Hand en., Pittsburgh, l'a fetal I ---- 2,1 n 'a ; .; k ' 7 e. ' l3 NPt ITT . 5 ' (11 .. : lin'grsil,'rjii x.• !agile. r & en 7 Vint:nester : romp. Cammostan and Fantranhe 'Merchants, an. Dealers in Produce and Puteroursth I anuFectures, Ni 37 Woad street between ./ Second an Third scores, ac n .-----•' ASAC/111. LW . 1 / 4 PI olliftlOHT4Attorneya at 1..., INI oirw l reatovoaa foot Om nearer lirtnl.o.l 1 orl• 0, Int Fourth.. Rah evoel I a Old i los,. 11.1113/ 1 , Ceawiuu & IiWAUTZ VVEI•DEII.. Anat. V oloys at Law, have roamed thou 01100 to the tooth aide of Youth aueo.botaven Cherry Alley .d o=l Urea. j. fof ap Pll File.. .- ' —llrea—Rhey. James Wood. LNYIE.ISIIIIO, 11.11E1(.10 00. WhOlealtha ErOCent, X and Gaon:woo/a Moan., and Agents Or Brighton Cotton Varna, riOsi7 Water and 103 Front atreota Vins hargh. l'a. ‘, • ' fob!? T _. 411A1E• Piano Foon M turer aninafacAdeal. F.or in Motion! Instrainerna,ll2 Wood Curet neat .Fill.h. ; 'O• t.,:irn !WM VORSTVI & CO, COM11&&06 and Famaluding ?4,•rehauts. No: 30 ‘Vnter st, Pitsburgh.' mayl7 HMLLEII2, (hater, Commissiaa 3lerehant and dealer at Produce Cordar, Ods, Ite.lrs, No. 'l7 Liberty la. 12,11 . Casall3'asi, - Patsburgh, N.. 1.1. Oakum, Pitch, Manilla RODO; &C, always or my"-:1 • EATON, Denter in ,thores, Hosiery, and rll4l h n . Sn.nd Staple Trienentign, 63 Market street, tf i l u • anti - - - • • GIO. E011.0•7f. Ir•TC/X.O.N PALM' O. fIEOROZ MOROMI & CO, Wholesale Gm- T nets and Coretnismon ilerchants, 105 Wood street Pittsburgh GO. A.'DERRY Wholesale Groceramdeems• mission Idderellant. and Dealer in Produce and Tntsbergh .71Ihnninctures. 1019 Wood n, Plusborah. U .--- Tor. -- 1:' , 1% Shinn. ---14711. Brown. ILO. W', d4lTfl & Coy Breororpr 4.17 T . .d dealers its hope, u . do vies, ?rah and Pot s rood. GZGIS 06011 RAN, Cedninteslon and For. ardint Merchant, NO:18 .odatrcei, Pl.bargX. Irnalf. WOODS, liticlustaker, Olononasuela itl • Ali orders punctually filled. .Ad dreas 'by - otter Stoma the Post Odle. ' ATS & o. snaLirt - , Dealeri in Dry GOods,Gro.• elca .LL cones. Wols, liaocs, Pi nabargit utauttractured ShertY r.n.tltab. ffilett : • *amt. G. Mill. Geo. G. litowatt. lu L BROWNE, lauccesiors to liold.hip lbeirraal Importers ma manufacturers of Wall Paper and General Paper Warehoase, tea .Wood strect.Pituburcb. 'IjA 6Ad naocILWAN, Druggists, Plo.l Court J.J. artGebatiLtar, near the canal bum, Pittsburgh - umbal-dly WiARY ITILVIVOT, WHITE 'RED LEAD .1:1 M Pram & Oil Merchan, tomer of Lib erty and Olt era sta, Pittsburgh. tebta 1111,1111 =CV. , 11.011IRT WRIT, aa. ( AIA_U,DICKWAr hCo; Wholesale Omer, TS Comonnions Merril... , and dealer.. in inodoee, Nos 63 Winer and IU3 Fmm sueeta, Pmsbmick , T BL;ACK,lilereknat Tailor, Exchange 160. . dine, 6. Clair weed, Pdtaborgh. jellOrf • TOSCPIII MAINE, Ancancy at Irtiri Pirtsbargti, al Pa, has martml the practice or hnlproreasion litiortee. 7, Bakewell'a /hold." trrant arceboc. copied damn hia absence by T. J. Iligham and J. Christie, OHM. Yhdd wtrrP 1011311 I D101:13.1.N. ho, rale Drde.vy, cod dealer' m Die oda., Vono.kra. Je Ne Wi Wood Ertel, not dal t wadi of Diamond A !ley Pidoborrir. }not ABLES:K/11.1111, JR. &Co.. [succesors to Jo pr U.Darlsj Stitt) Coltstolers,33 Water st. or:11 TORN n. Jtli LLOR, Wholesale and Barad deld al or in Rosman.' al.ionl Incr.:lents, School Books, Paper, Biatar,Steel Pena Quills, Printers' Cards, and Botionerf IS...rally, No. el Wood at, Pittsburgh.' _P-Badsi Ja r tneht es taken is trade. TORN 'COTT & Co , Wholesale °meets, ras a, warding and CMSlM,liall Marchaws, Beale.. in Pro. duce and fittsbargh Manafactorea, No 7 Commercial Bow, Libery a t, ne ladle Canal, Yiitaboryb, Pa. Vi al T SCllOOlOl' AILEIL £ CO. wholesale Donk kir a. N0..24 Wood et. l'itsbutyli. lOSZPII JORDAN Comm:mon 1.0 Formailing Dlerchlots, No IS Llbeny (okpostte 4!ralthfield knnoon'. ROY, 1% L. GALLATIN. Alt ontey at Law, °Ate J4th ei,ibettoren Brent and BolltSetd, 000th .i pin sbaro, ra. w id. aura plomptly to bow 1 TON: 11 R. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, comet Firth 4 1__ TOIIN C. BIDWELL, Age ot. Wholegale tiro, if !era 4 C0111M10140(1 Alerrhauti Water_ etre., :TA door sltorg the Mouttogabela Bridge, Poutongh. iry- rop, Nide, Blowy /cc. at manage ewers , p'" novi _ ---I°"°N a"l"'4lers rp""".1NPII ' No 91 M xe arke _ (mtgs._ _lper rixantrfactir! r. T 14SCAD•N I:anlC;Store., acar hl , a/ Classlcul.Taccdosical, llirtancat. School, 111114,0. gihees..a Se (1.11 , 1 nooks and titationcrT. Tg7.l%j r enn of ZTidses thlerchatcaltet lteldegs) Pthbugh, .....erency purchased at the.Getal rates. octal CY'lletaillElt., Wholesale Goseer,desler Jdoce,Piitelosrgh ussnufuetures, Tin Plats, as. he, ' Nelgg Liberry et, _Pittsburgh. , . 4sitS JohnFbyd. RSchard • j K. sioiroo.t. I. Floyd tr, Co.) Wtoleaal. al OrObets. No.l9lLiberty TABUCIIDALZELL, WinSles&ournecrAConsma aP 'ion Merchant, and dealer to Prcalace and Ping/Ann saanufactaret. No 24 Water at. Paubstrals_il, Ouyissauta Iron Works. . • Ce,—Manufacare all Tliit• 01051msleet, Itir Iron and Nails of the hest (palmy. Otters 101 l at the weryboase of It & Co., liberty It. or - I, 8 Waterman, water st. will rteelre _ • T n Ss r- Wholesale Grocer. Po Jan wardtog and Corenumion Merchant. Meier in Pitisbarit Mufacturcs and Produce, Nos. al Water and Ikt Front a sic • • 113W114 'Hui% insole a. G0., - Wholesale 14 Grocer. Forwarding lid and Ponunisnion Merchants, and defers in Pittsbur& anuthetures, &e., No. 43 WatalendiftEront MS. 1.1.7N11. gitrit ISHIPTON,Wrelle%P'"e'' la Forwarding. and 031.111.14011 Merchant, healed to Produces ad Pittstanigh, mannfantwes, No 13 and =Wood sr. Pnwbarah. : febiZl irritate. w urn c. rm. 16/Te.aill111111;liielliLD a', aza Whiltlab tirocera Comunimion hletchants, ' Pto IR lib erty npilnhurgh. • DCAXem7 Alec. Nlauck.- WW. KN' ick rr ALLEN & co., Coomaiision and FocZd‘cg .Alr;chatail, Water and Flynt au,bevaccal Wood and "na" _ mum. • Mr!sED. it RICIGSTIO , ettrsima Commission Merchants, N. 170 Lilting skMm. Ping...h. P. 1.14 eGOII.III k KING, whoterale nod fowl' IlAu Martd Cap manufsetarefo, and dealers la Pant) Fars corner of Wood and rift], sto. /a.? & AN Wl° roee , Deal, , ith il l i ee awl ...4111 and Fo'rtin-Gtrdlni"ond Com ma. den Meittumts, Nos Y/ Liberty and 253 Wood &Net; ri&A•orOk. POlrz . 17 , ILSON & CO., balm& Dry' , No. Wood meet, ntl.hiligh • . p & EON, Market Welt, loo m comer of Fourth, Doak. For t 81. of 'Exchange, Cortleam of Oland Specie. .rode on all do principal cities Wooer tiol/ 11.017 !awl& i Co» Pradv , Forward. 11116i011 Merchants, NO. 5 C05555,5j51 •. Pittsburgh. Pa, . , . soft , Cll On and CommirsiG"and FOllVBllliPEMembano. • OBERTSOti ar. IthPl Prgxbacc. Dra • AL ens in Cotunr,s.o. orierclowt4r raJur :!stand, pica Aux) LIDECII, Jr., Irritant , and Penlaiin FOITIYII, and Dotothoo Eaddlety *are. a n d Carrier Izilmainga,of all dercriptlobai No • Ardoohlooet.riostakrg PCS b. A -- • • ICITCHAUR BARD, wboltsa7...in.d.retpul deter- M A b . 1 4= Le ,r.r1.17,,4%.°41-o,:rzt,?Tannlrs.6.'ll:o. •----- . .. - sown 'alnico , saN'L. I. IOstION. 11 4.61, ROI:1150N Ifi Col, Wboleade Unwell: Pro. educe and Commod - on Ate clomp, and Deafen , in Idantrfactuchrio..l9o L:berty 'half PIE& „ L ;•a. -• . -- - - -- fa/ . . BUSINESS CARDS. Ituic—r:A r I.A.otzltt alc*" C,clf.tp„l7. ars tn rroduee and Pittsburgh hianotabtur as, wurrty arena Pittsburgh, Po. _tehtA 1) U. lELAWKLIPS, Attorney al Law, Grant st, /.1.• IlakewelPsiSoildulgy, wearly opposite the New CObilllolll, ap D Wake OUEUT MOQUE. Wholesale Grocer, Weld) It tag Oiwillcr dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Mum. imbues. and all kin ds of Foreign mid Dornesuc Wines ,NolllAbetty sweet, Pittsburgh. CrN. U. On hand n very large week of superior Old Monongahela Whiskey, which will be sold low tor ca.!, may`M.ly L. O. Reynolds. J. L. Mire. fl EYNOLDO t MILER. Forwarding and Corn. tema ?demi:lists, fur ibaAllegheny Direr Trade, dealer d.is Gronenen.Prinditur,Fistb"o hlanufacturrr and Chloride of Lune. The hi hen priors, in cash, paid at all tiara foi Cnantrylts,n. Corner of Pena and Irwin stn.' OAJL.FORD Coy . Commission Merehnnis, n.....tw0-Ida Smhfield, Dealers in Flour in nod dada; aka, Dannir, it lArd, R7)IPT A. CUNNINGH AM, Wholesale Grocer. Dealer, la Pmdoce and Pittsburgh MeAullicturre Liheni•st. B C Sbeekietti non- R Wine , QUACKLETT WELITS, Weoletaie Des 4.3tarsto Foreign and. Domenic Der Coeds, No, 99 =EZE te W. HA11.113/1.13611i. Wool blerchaul.; deal -0 . ere io-Paour and Produce generally and Forward mg and Coronciatiori tderchauds, No all Wood Isatreat,' SAIIIVICL PALMER, Attune: y at Law. Mee in Ilteed'a . hilefet Faunt greet, between Wood end emithfield. e. ca..wml l< o.GrorerF vorwardold and Commie... Merchanri, Dealers ut P.debroglt nanniuntufer and Western Pro duce, have removed In dictt new warehouse, (old Mandl No 3.1, corner of From at and litancen Lone. 00°7 QATIVEL KIER. Forwardton and Comm. 10 sum Merchant, Dealer to Salt, Produce and Pals 'burp lama lectured mane Canul Dastn, nrat Mit et dal Q Al. W ICKERS 'IAA. Dealer An Seed s , 1 7 bdor LI • en, Fruit Tree-dolma Adrldoliotal Implement., No 122 Wood %wort i'doboneh. - MASSEY & BICET—W holecile tiroceat Stbavaisnon aletchanta, anddealt:Kin Produce.— No Si NVood ab ret. Pansba‘ah• ' apV. - - - ----- • • qpilos. KENNEDY, .fr., lookang ukas, I'donotactu E'er, and Dr aler Clocks, Combo, and Vorlety I.:nods, corner of Wood and Fnarth jIV • • — T r Forsyth. It .1 Forsyth. TPo FORSYTH &CO, Commotion Merchants. . dealers to tats. Lumber, 'menet, efodof C not 'otthurith Manufactures, Canal Basin, ',bony street, ,Itargh• el.lB Wra itesietreesis Ruben bleCutebrus Wr& EIeCLITOR&ON. Wholesale .Gro cent. Dealers le Prase, broa.Nettn,litats and Pittsburgh Mans (Stems, general iy, Il:lll.,berts-i Veit; rittsborsh. • W& . MITCIIKLTREE. Wiege.ste . Acetifying Distillers, and We. end Leis. , Merl basts, No. 160 Liberty greet, [oppssite &slit street, ritstbsretb Pen ;Oi; 13. WICK- PATIO X GAXDI.XIM n .i tlr 3 .ss 4 l7. l ! .. ,esecx o t L . : d Commission Merchants, dealers at Irani Nails, Gloss. Calton Yarns and Potsbotith blanofuttires generolly, corner of Wo o d and Water 14., rinsitureh. mebl • WR. RIVILPHY innten tho ladtee to coil and . east:ohne bin stock of French lVorked hll some to by as aS tams. me 1;.1 °imam., Who leaate Grocer,Fortrarding and V✓. Comm as:on 'Merchant, and Dealer in Prodace and Pausourgh Manufactures, earner of Water and &Intl:field sta. Pil.b.mk. Pa. apts WIIITMOMIC & WOLFF, Importers and Wholesale Dealers m Hardware, Cutlery. Pad , dlery, Oxon..* U.beny and V. Clair streets, Pao. borer 4Pt• & DtLWOILTDs Wholcsaa . timers, Prodtee and Commtstion :slerchentav woe,' st. 1. •poo WAl.l4,4,CrtiMiliatone anaingniarit—tia v• . left ostablrmotent, tll4 Libeny sift, steer the canal. mar.Pr TIT ar. 1L otrrc g usvramE, Wholoud. Gra ,ltccu Distil le n. aad Wm,. and La,. Merchants, hio.,loory on Liberty meet, (oppaMta goa Pittsbargh. , may 1.2.41 y VA t O, - 0. nOBILNISONt Attorney at Law. h.. . removed hi. 6thee the Ihschttage Deil4gs, St Clam Atte., rteZt doo/ tO Aide, n WII:GAB.LIALIELDi Dealer us Fancy and Sup • Dr 7 Goads, No 79 Market areal, ?Makurdi,. IVTILLIAMS Pc lfrera the burnt VV Dnnriey)lc rfrorerrothe now !waled at Die. lie 'Wood et, yawn, they offer formic a lance amai, mentor Gracenes and Yntabargh Nianothenthea, at km riots and on favorable terara.l mold_ Wr WiLson, Dealer to "Notate*. Jewelry Silver Ware, !Kildare Gcods, toe, No. 57 Mor ita street. . ncra li. LlUBPllY,nholnala .4 mull deahrt W •Fotslgn and Dontemic Dry Goods, north e. cor new( Blaskst .4 Faun. sin. angll eth ate V Dca 1 1 :.4 re of I , 4e:r n centfe : re re " rt ' u d en.l Hand . +tree., ill seep a cheat-set supply Gl . the beet matheines, p perf u mery, tte. rbynclatt'a preacnptenta carefully catnpouattea.— Medici:tea Can be had at all tetanal the eight. (chit/dial' jl72Voiringford. John Singer. LLINOPORD & Co., Conuniwion and For warding Nerd:lama, Second, near Wood 'wnett, Pigaborgb. Po. ferild DARLINGT.)St. Azzorit, Low I Irc ro, ..ornat...oner tale looortedotoroi an - proo ol Deed., Loon., Contract.., Del..ion% of fly loader se.al or ont,) to be se-d or heonled in The f3iote of Ohio. Office on Third arreeLabove Stan:kohl. 'VAT C. AILIGIIINBAUGII, Attorney at L V V rtith street, near Sootittleld. Coneettag, agen e'en and other halloo, atter.dcd so with pone waist), ils k Semple, Cringfutn, Erg., B A Fahnestoct k Cu, John lirrron, Pert, Grad; Lindsey k Co, John dhiht. E. James McCully, Esq, Ma.r. jcl4-ly ESCEM3I RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID WHOLI,ALL Di/JM IX FOREIGI & DOMESTIC , WISES& LIQUORS, No. 114 Liltaly al, and 53 Diamond aiky, I'ITTSIIUII6II, PA. . 1T17.411. WAItHICK MARTIN dr Co.. Emile., Pastas in Excitant., Eva Nair. and Cain, Comer of Third And Wt.d snort., ntorattalt • Pittsburgh, P. I 1 RI - . Vern. el Steno. ' iSeeseetor &WTI. Iraiaoll.l WILLIAMS b. lIIIINN, ATTORNEYS ANL/ COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Mpettare' North side of Fourth st, shove StaitAftekl.-O0 febOdicerlyF Olarer Blackburn- Viewer U. Jane.. 0. BLACKBURN & CO lATUOLESAI.V: Una er... and Ile:arra m o,la, Rote V add, and Pat:Omagh Slant...mad aruc lea. bane O had at all mars • fall and general .11.YUSIcul Of o V 1 , C41 . / m 11 1, 11.! . ent line, %yater atrect, near Cherry,:ol,l2., ZIWAINZINGTON.tend Surveyor, rerdl attend 4a rveyin g, e, laying out, and dividing lands, ffIll• ktne . ta t U n of 11011 fits., .11te. Vase, Peon At. above Mod, test door to the Ofßee of the Rdenfdrog Hegurutor, Pdtrburgh. sir,drrdlot T'OM7IIIIiND, Dinggist and ',pod, '“ , 7. NO 4$ blorkm ars three doors abort Third se; Pittsburgh, will hate constantly on hand • well select ed as rOmmen t of the best and freMestMedie ides, which he wilt ma on the Men reasonable lertn, sending orders will be promptly attended so, And sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. iirPtrysielitos' Prescriptions will be see rawly and neatly prepared from the beet maierials, at any bout of the day or night. Also for sale, a large stuck of fresh and good A Pe nttra- IAT• -- W. WILSON, Watch Make; A. Jeweller, VT . cornet 4th and blather us. A large and wen selected meek of watches, Jewelry, sfiret•ware and Military Gosda 'Always on band and at regular eat- tern amps, Ordd Pates Leret,rfoll Jewelled watches, as low as /erg 1411trardo 'runtime,. low nllB.. Genaine Copper, roboo,Johnson and other approved maker,/ watches may baled at a email ulnae° and warranted. . • ID — ftne watch weak dems In the very best manner. J. B. SiX'EtTZER, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, ,, 003 c• 3d 3t, opposite . it. Camera Hotel, W/1.1; mho auend promptly to C i al l eetlon U & R m G Asb ••• ingtort,Fayetto andUreen Coanues, Pa. Runs TO • QT Blacks:net, Bell & Oo March & Carothers Pittsburgh: D. T. Morgan iIUNT. Dontig, .ditnsia: to s• la n' t ear dT:o i t'a" t i t,time the duties of hi. proles n ;,i. once, - of.l b 4th and Dere y imring Jay, irofromB 0. x.till 6r. . ,Y .'"!2rT hour y 1 y E. J. lI&NRY, A TWOMEY ard Counsellor at Low, CINCINNATI, 1 - 101.110. COIICCIIDAS In Southern Ohto and in Indian. din Kentucky, promptly and carefully attended to. Commissioner for the Sage of Pennsylvanta; tot tot tng De poutioury acknowledgements, &c. Kum ro—llon Wm Sell k Son, Curtis, Church k Carothers, Wm hays, Esq., W knock JO Paola O 2 LKDOUX A CU.. • NO 77 CANAL tt, te CREL - Ti NEW ORLEANS. .A (TENN for J U Armnt's Enrieere Stearn r‘itar .11. Refinery, Always on hand.. lore° ' , bock of Loul. Powdered, ...Yarned, .ClasiSed and Bastard Sugars, in Tierces and Darrel& Also, Sugar Mouse Afoluree. Primes liberal and a fair nilowmeo rondo on all sole. .r,or atm ve,so banclo. mo _ O&O. W. SMITH. & Co, MOWERS. AIM-STEM' 'AND nor DEALERS PITTSBUiIGH AND POINT BROWBBIES. Corner Datktff Alley apd.Entin St, and foot of Pin St • F., 1 i .1.:1. (to bltglit. W. Ifonbrigits. . ' EI - . lq. BON 11311 T, 1 FJO. " " It 0 1111 1+ STARC 11, P n AN flfig VVrett . . t it i l E lo l l'lTi q u"tet t ,O i nrseqlg r iteTsv o rd , Torme "' of allbor Prices and on good Terms, Binaver. Pa _oe23lyr . . ..... . 111. P. k B. FICLISONf k CO.. 11/rAN PACTURERS of Ilannnered Slloss.s sod . Mt , i .1 , •eo. Noes, limy sad folsonfe Forks, dm., tse. Ware sic; Nn 11 Wood strest,Finsbsfirk• 1f11413 DH: JOAN 5. CHAPMAN, .Orncu.nambrgeldttreei t oppo.ite Mcrchents time 10 .44* llopongsbela je4tt j—C" WEAVAPR. Wine Btore, coma of Mu • Tio*Ci. in FORIVARDING & COMMISSION. A. M. Wallingford. JD°. F. 15mger. wm.iugoiono co.. =Lummox & FORWARDItiO :amen/Kra TN HEAVY HARDWARE AND _ PITTSBIIIIGH NIALNUPACTUFLZIO. IAEtIIIICU u2 " ?.41= " 11 "r t, " llivela r :I• V t7l d al i 2211 sale 100,000 lb. warted !heel, vlr Naylee fr. Co'. Cast She., kilAter and German W.I. Jolts & Chngg's An Shaw Spring and Fork X 0 dog Shovel., Spades and Forks , Carnage ,ortngs and Axles, A.vngs,(....e. boas) Vices, (patent and coanoon, ) Sledges, liJedge Alealds,Crosrbars, Furnace IL ugers.(Juntata Ilona Alaueeke,Clay and Coal Ptekr, Ales,tleythes,Slckles , Log Chants, lee., IrrSalansander Fire Proof Intro, 11011, Nallt, Glass and ether Pdobargh hlanulletures sold at the lowest (alb C R DallenbOlver, J Renaldo Sauk. CHARLES B. DANIENIIOI7VER £ CO. TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS et , No, gg Soude PßlL es,Nbekry and No 1117louth Water ADELPHIA: DEIS to inform the trade anit dealers generally of Pittsbutgh, that they have made such arrangements with the Virgulla Illanoblelaiers and the Growers 01 the Wee", West Indies, and other places a. will insure a large and constant supply of the following descrip tions of Tobacco which will beaold upon as scrum. - oxidating ten. as any . other house la dna city or else where, where, and all goods ordered rano them will he war rant.' coital to represenlaUline— Havana; St.Tomutgo; Conn. • Yore; Porto Rico; Penn . .., SerdLeaf To Cob.: !gum; 'mid Florida, bacon; , ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands, sod qaalides of pounds, 5s Ps 12n ids and 225 Lampt Si dry. and Ids Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virgin,. Twist. .ke, sweet and plain, to whole and half bones, wood and on, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. .1. S. VICIKEV, • FORWARDING It EMISSION MERCHANT, .East Bearer Paint and Briilgttrater, COO•Tri Proprietor .4 Agent of maniere LAKE ERIE AND IMICIIIGAN, MOLT NATIVIMI PITT.• 01011 AND BRANTS, tVI IX be psepased on rashest opening of eonal na.- YY suasion to recesve property at his twister boat or Cwarehouse, for all yomus ou Erie Extension, L'Auns ut, and °ate Canals, for all ports on Lake Elie and upper Lakea. as Moo to Durward pnAloce, lc .14 Posen. Imovements. Apply to or address* pr fets2l,llf J. U. W. Lestwseb. JAS DICICEX, Seaver • J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., RECEIVING, FORWARDING, ' And Commies'.... Y•robants, DiRTICULA summon paid cousionments of 1 Sugar ills, Ellipses, or other arLic les for Opelousas sod Anakspas. REFER TO—Memn. Shelled & Lights's, Mr. Tho mas Limerick; New Orleaos. klessrs..Larlou&. gettersog Me. Z. M. Shelley; Lou. u Ile. Mews.' 11111 & Speer. SO. Wm.! Meaty, Robson Wmhtman. Armslsong & Ntebolsour Purabmgh. klesms.lteran,Toeld & Co.; Clumussu. Messrs.; Hynes & Craugbead, Mews. Edwards & Whiteall i lloo. Zenon Lathan., Ilou. Bohn Dutton; Plaquemine. La. . «16,1 y HA TDEN & COALS. FLOUR,. IPRODUtX AND UENERAL COMMIS SION •NERCHANTIS. No. 10, andith , a la harry Bklifinkki• O'PPM the,' *emcee to Merchants and Partners the sale of Floar.Graut and Produce generally, in the Dalt:more Market-and (MIS Oa et extensive auquain. Liner tumor purchasers and shippers, can itately war. runt .atisfietory nate.. Correspondents will constantly kept advired of the elate of the Markers, &o. Ryas in—Meaws. Wu, Wilson &Sons, Daze Rey. colds &. Son, Day nltion & Saunders, Reynolds & Pnuth, King k Carey; Baltimore Tingley, Caldwell & Englithi Philadelphia. • J }lawny Draper & Jones, New Vatic: • Dattimoreane 4 1,1417. CaAlO. 13E/LAI £ Co.! FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM. - - - MISSION MERCHANTS.- T IBERAL out& ady.ciroi made on receijd a ton .lLd sir - menu , noire stunning totter address viral be rdtto threvroorths runic in advance in Cann, by aPPIY tog to our (nv tt% htessri. %Tanni-Ord &Tenho". Pintberiii. Messrs. Thos. lied*. Co tindgeport„Otuo. • Phitadvlnhta., May 3, 1t.41. vonriVdr 3. 1.1. Ail produce contigned too. I inntret when to the orarehoom of Wrolllngfonl lt - Tap tor. riusburptb, or at our mote to Phdadelpluo. C. b. t Co. NEW SIDDLEHE'IIIIIDWIRE STORE. • R',. T. LEECH, JR.. NO. 133 WOOD ST, PITTOBIJROII. i LAAV! NU repleuntted my 'noel , Iron lb ,. best se , ref I I l both dnemeate and toreleu I tale pleasure in an • femme to coneurnem and dealer* that I asppared to funnel% Om. with ail prods to my line on mil re better terms than heretofore. . litayeneerill neolleenhatdcaltneexclutovely" in Seta e r e tiariwars and Carnage Trimmings, I oh tam thrby adesnmee• that enable me to defy commune. Call, tee .ernd judge for yourselves spt7 kTeESTIIII7 - 7FORTA I lUfitO Ale HA killiViiitt -1 It °GAN & KENNEDY, iniftlyryhygn up AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nAIALMAILIO, CUTLERY. Lc., . 1 No. 1M Wood II P TTIBORGII. A HE twin the coulees( reenving large atldrunne to iticir extrustee met of lianivrare, chased o Cutlery. Pad .ryi er.., othme, having__b<o.ll, purn the man advent...gentle tints in England, aad /meet from the SilllaliChlf t. Mt this country, enables them to a fer *Winn term. ennoteKed by non• and equalled by r.,.. p.i v t,. ‘ ",, ~,, ~...,.., 'Nile Inetted or mill. nit at r -- : GEollti IC COCHRAN , * COM'ISMON & FORWARLING MERCHANT, NO. tG Waco STREIT, PITTMIOXOII, CONTINUES to tramact a general Commission Rumness, mpeetally in the porthole and sale of American Maneleettree and Prod.e. and In receiving and forwarding Coeds etmaigood to Ms care. As Agent for the Alanulseturins, he will be constantly supplied stab the prinetpl artielm Of Pittsburgh hisnufselum at the lowest wholesale pnees. t Orden and consignments are reepectfully solletted. _ ...-P 7 . 1. L. I.{pKin, C. A. 4.1111110)., Late oc Ptanbemh, Pe Late of :Mslnnlle, Teen. LEHMgR & ANDERSON PEALEILS IN conotv. PURN ARDING AND COMAILMION MERCHANTS, Ve Front Owl, ein R.z.hony. Cmnonan, aka. Ref, in Merchants: goon - any Pntmonhyinu • I WALT PC It & CO., YWCA •trt outs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A:II/Jar:ALCM IN PROW:CI. GENERALLY, :Co. .2a, /Mal ifamord-vt , Maur Ararat, Baltimore. Bursa so-11 Soria, Fp , Cato', T Crtaa, Fa , Crohiarp Land•occi a .on. lima a. Dougherty. Sling. Ind Is Frey, W & a Wyman, Minato( & Deena. adl I3den* eIOWAII A. KUICLINO, ---- [IT MO{ TO aeoustms & sassn,) RaffM,T,S, pameatalinr, C0mm.....'. Mecca., and Venda Asia.. -Itta,n-ml, I dour South of Plantar. Bost. M•mphls. Rene. r. — r.—hl A Oen O. Cu, Ktng, Pennock fil CO. ddm ... -. 1,1 - C 'e.U.......7------.____ 1. Rf0.i.,... B. P. CONWAY & CO., • P V . Zhtlf,':: I,l'd ;.':',:,7;.:.'''''l7 .V.'". 2'.,"7:',1',!. rachaa, Sala •ndTtopment of Pig Ison,Coal, Le. 1 ItErce TO, Atwood, Jana &Co Ilrown Bailey & Co Lamar. Stalling &Co Mewl ' Omir Crag' Lindsey & Co D Latch & Co Lyon,Sborb& Co Clarke & Thaw mariOdlY Mau Moss 1 .1011111 V. PlGB.ltlf. • gook , of the fins el Malcolm Leech & Co] Wholesale Oroeer, Coostaleloa & Flour i Merchant icALEa In all kinds Mna C: ury Produce, COT. . pet, Tin, Tin Plate., Thar,' Toole, Zmo, Lead, Ro.ie Almei Iran, Icon and Nails, lVhlie Lead, Dye Stuff*, Comm Varna, Salt, &a and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corner of ILbealY ..4 /..I. atraiaTittabarah,Ta. I;:(74..dberal almanac., in Chat or Goal*, made On tOn• "pinatas of Prodae, &a. anall — 1 • i AUCTIONEERS. • COM MISSION•PAERCHANTS. :ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI Sh, ST. LOUIS 0141.1 t m sell at tither establishment, all kinds of Merchandise lithe lowest rates of Commissions and are algayspotpared to mate adraeces. The hest of references green If reqbired. Letters addregsed either Meese wil l promptly attended to. ilkMl3' rote . 7114. ITHOIIIIIO.. • W. IL 1•111711 THOMP II SON & CAMPBELL, I )PAMISSION MFRCHANTS Aid Hassafacturers of Linseed Oil, 1 No. 20 Columba &red, ' CINCINNATI, OHIO. larum PAID 102 YLLSADLD..CD .0p25-ly . ~...---- —.._. f _- WALLINOPOILD & CO., COMMISSION & EMMY A,RIHNLi MERCHANTS, , ~ Second 8 111/11 Wood. DEALERS uo Paugballa 'Motailiotoros and Heavy Mardarare—will keep contaanSy on band a stook or corsage rpoingg and axle., hamet,•eythro and lock. lea fire proof safes, anode, elect ,blacknolthY bellows, 11141113. &C., 141:,_ ....._:__. _ 130011 arark•wil. MATUMWIII & PATCH, COIIIIIIBBION No. C 3 'Water filrect PT. Lo b ls,MO. Wril give parll.l. attention to the .994 of Pro dune, awl to order. for narcbo.l.j. karma yo-George blots. /kr., Phlsbanho Pa. nkll Joh'nYiPcilflobaliT JOHN IVCCILLOOOII & CO. Coanduian and Forwarding dfferellants; NOS. 93 & 95 800111 i•nrpy• BOWLINCPSI WHARP.l3•lo , n — ore. - • THOS:4; - CATT9ONT, - / r7C 1,7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nom: S and 9 Ll9ht ' LIALTIMOOM. My-Cash advances will be mad., on eorougnment to he Alwyn address, by 1.. 9 1Y CARSON M elf NIGHT, Pia lb rAcrms, AND CHAIN ANL! PROIRCIt Commleallonkklervararaes• 71 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPIII& A TIE now prepared to receive and forward all kinds Merchandise In nnv landing on die .Itudala,Noriti •nd West Branc h. ono Tidedraler Canal.. 'Pdbf TATti 0 L EH A I,E GROCER AND COMMIBMON, VV MERCHANTNo 591 Voter areal.. ST. LOUIS ' Reim' to: L' Fimthanc; on. Shod. & Co. and Anthony Reeled, • • la1Bho• J. arzwrron• Jonus STEAAIDR IAT IIIERCHA AGF.NT AND CONNIFSION T. 160NONGAHELA 7i OUSE, rilt;fmrlibr P 4, MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES W. I,IIOOOWIGLI9 errmotou ranarro*. wing 'maim, NU 55 TUIC.D sTREgr. A LARD Sand splecoLd antortmenl of Famnort,' ...hie Mr Smumbonta r lintels. and private Dora lines, constantly on hand and made mender. Urns-tentmock on had cancel be excelled Ivy any manufactory In the western emmtry. Persoos crshiXt to purchwie would do well he givmst me seal. to 1 ton detcrooned my prices shalt plea.. Part f Inc. stock <ll/1111116 Ia— Se Sofa* with Plush and Halsolulh covers; 2 doh Mahogany NUM! CLOUT.; IC pair Divans; 12 duo fine mahogany Chaim 12 mahogany Work Stands; 3 dm mahogany finebniral.l.; 1 t ramble top Dresumg Bureaus, pair to 8 marble top Work Stands;. In cherrry Work titundm • Mahogany, Maple, Cherry and Pohlad Bedstead. of all descripunnsi and a large assortment of Common Furniture and Chit., too numerous to tonalf NEW H A EDWA 11011 SE. JOFEPII WOODWELL. • Corner of Wood mod 2d MA; Pittsburgh, HAVINI: withdrawn from the old GM Of Walter Wondwill, on the In of January, lorl, I take pleasure:a announcing to my &tend, in the city and country, that I have opened inn now ewe. at the above named place. Having purchased my grimly for caah, and made %madmen. with manolainuters In this tnatlM , Yend tit Europa inlet, erinromily molted, I am fully prepared to furneth hardware or ell fonds, on to granl tome and as law va any honer Kam or Weo.— Merchants and Miter. are re•pectfullf invited to cal -andVIRIIIII3O say stock, betoro pnrehardue elsewhere. The f allowing Minnow , a pallor my cowl, titeamboal and tindttlert Ilardwiwei tlun Tnnintinta, Naylar's Steel. Vatter, Klee Toole. A.lll. VI. mot, Leeks. Lao hes. Stetice, Sel . thrtt, Welt hinges, Screw., Union ltictotY Plasterhgawa klkhollany lad veneers. and all other word, convicted Imilr Hardware Imatnesa. - - aMIZZAIIIII PATIENT 1111COST1iAlls NVTWITHSTANDIND a an interested opposidon to thin turen3 s tion or a ettisburgh blechante, n nim )only of the Cabinet makers of Wu • mot Allegheny nay. •nd their citimeL • ---- oosrustouterslitts'eshown theenuelvel above the vulgar premilim against kosasiornaams, and they give Gamins's Bedstead the preference, Mustily stuntmen &arm it, bolOg Lila bait, sPOngot, ma am samontisat Bedstead In use. The following tcatlmenial streaks for itself:— We, the subtenberopratateal cabinet makers of the mum of Plusburith and Allegheny, P., do bere6Y . xer tiff that we hare bought the right to manufacture bed steads with Garcareta Patent Fastenings, and consider Use mow M 6 yriot Mane thatetalma with which 's* arc acquainted. Junes Leann pert T 11 Young & Co Robert Furman 11. Ilastley JameiD Barr John Liggett, Jr. Jas Lowrytr. Fan Lowrie & arton Kiddie tr. Drennan Thomas Farley n age 11 Wallace , David Luker Bannety k d Ilagh Wallace Mows Buller. David Lukey For Rights to makelnd sell as ahem Bedsteads aptreT•ll; EBE N EZER F LIAZZAAL Patentee DAti t ENT PRESS nateK BgACIYYNId 11 c sulwenbera tonic obtabed a patent ! May 16 '1.616,6 t• Pleas Brick Machine, and baring tune then I Moro . gh/y mated its ability, we aow prepared to sell rights and contract to tieliser =ma'am. to any part of ' the II mad Slams The machine a demoted to make Brink fromcrude clay s and vI6II make 30,000 good rtnoto' 6rtn back reeds) .. . sufficiently hard to ftilGi L op to the kiln; Boss avomliog Me expense and labor ofpm pane the clay, dry mg and handl,ng the. brick after belreg troulded It tastsuple. mons. not liable to getout °mot steam, and meonstrueted that it eau be taken to pieee• and put umether with groat Mentity,tkus render ing it ramble We are now building machines, tad nun tumiatithern on short ortme For • full tlest Option we we old refer na maelony now mecca/qui opera tion, a Mill meek bottom. bear Me Wr it end of L:rhib atmet. where we shall he happy in expla in evermiong connected ooqi it to all who may cal, We horn at present no 11.11fiOnted Agent All letters to our address will be promptly amended to CULBERT:SOS, 610111.1.6::6 co. viitier:uaxcrui: — • -- L,XTF.N.SIVELV and appenand donna Me w a is t LA Iwo l'eoro.by the pnneipal i ron atanufanctriown the westem meetly, and Inntombnat the internr of Pr.nn.ylfutz, wif be randy Inc deltas ry to Month-Mail of Alaymatton. The teat,-tab tot which theadantbilt.y and eurenonty depends, is aelt-teted eaperienced at,. nem, brought from Maryland, 'ChM! a.< emotively was his; made fus:blo matter. with which tt Is ;cubed. dad. a earefolly wpatated Tbey will ho thoroughly named audcornpactly. per ,L.ed by rumbaer y, and Eno M e ese, Barley k Co toe al all le-Teets etasnam their wariowledard !taper ion (ardent ley mail smother:trite. will he peomptiv cierct• ted. on spot:cot:on to 11 , 11.13 V Nt ACI.A HES Ken.lovoit Iron Work. w FOUliifl STII. aLlr OLI Mak 11 INEIFECFII.IN ART ii PAND FRUIT Sltrkfr. open on Monday, A pro :oh. P oor doom from Wood ad nest door to A Jayne , eksts Tea Sure. A splenda assonmeut of racy Coke,Oonfeersonal, Frust.'ke heoh rustle coarrevery day; aura' wls.c b tbe olmang— Aloes:ono, Pound Cake; Lemon Inmost; Pastry; ;Tone do; Pepper Noll; Jelly Coke; Almond At. Ala P. Coke; 'Anger Neu; W atm Jamb les; Sponge Ulwmf Federal ("eke; A. P's, So anse do; Orders for Ire Create. Jetty, Endo , Cake, Farr Coefeemossm, ne... executed a mare, nue quelled ill qualEy ad Mousy IH soy, other essanth rnen: inMr city. Fonds Brod. Twist, Rork, At. marrofactored solely from Whoa Wheat Far, and free roast/ drug, every morntsm. op 3 ANDREWS., 1306T0 31 MOUE OF ORATING 110V JOYSES..—Alt Dexter, or Ilona, hey •Dormrd and parented • pion for besting boon, leach hao been are. cro•suDy used Don., Vest Or whrmoor urpue.l. has reee.vsJ toe decoled pr.ietcore oevr Sm., Furnace, Se Ito oilosomes , s or. - rod (Freesiaslsrity of TemyeriSure from Soak, 3rd No unpleasant Deo nee. . Itts Easily intended in, soil nor hable In net not or order. 51b Great Ouratolsty. A Model and hpresErabon mas s l a t.mn, tar ale parrs..obtained al the Copper and Tinware imam of WM. SCAIFE. Fleet street, nry'l9f Let Wood and Market op Itar4wure Cutlery, Paddlery, /Le. Jdnx W 1.11.1 CR, IMPORTER AND DEALER In roman and Meuse 1 tie 'lsidro:, resold reepectfally attoon Ate ts,end• •nd the pub!e g e nerally, that he is now rece , meg los Spring supply or Hardware, at the &dared of Wusker A Wood well. No Wood street, whoslt Ise esti'. Mope. of on the rmm reap nale tertn• Ile 1,11 be mammoth, mire/nand fresh monism dim , from tbe Mosufact sssss Europe and .thst country. 'abseil will *Stahl...tuns to compete oak say eotadsoli• mat, either East or WeaL Western Merchants It, Invited to roll ad examine Oa mock hear , Narbonne elrwhere Copartuenlelp. a ship o ' r n te " ;U ' po d ee h0 0 0 ; °Tu t" zi e lrgOtt " ,:... Csamiasan and Forward's', acne., under the style of °ROM. DlettRICW • CO.. serf lisee Erten the ware/sour. No 6 Cootruerei•l Row. Liberty sheet, (westerly cwcapiYA by MY IV 11 Puo,Y— where all business entrusted to our charge will be promptly and tsithiully attended to MORRIS ORUAL formerly of Phtladelplos TM'S II MeriliEW " nuithfirld, Ohio rtNnt.in• MetiREW &orals. Alomb 21, lOU, TIIOI44AS () F late Arm of titlteopte & Kennedy, Looktng 51amdaeuirer and dealer in Clocks. Comb., and V.rnrty Good., keepscon•tantly on hand, of hi• maaufactare, ram, dearriphon of Gill. MahOgany nod CommonLooktna Glasses; I, •17.4, ink sds avert Toilets; plain and ornamental porn all frames All kinds at Cloaks. Trays, and W atter, In *rim or dozens . Combs, Threads, and 0 Ilene 4ol 060,4000 ." of Fancy ' Goody wholesale. at a mall advance on con. Pedlars and others supplied with Pnelp's Marts, Cur rier's Print., and lb by II frames at New York priers. nwinn Noel. car "rood and ltb Monongahela !Avery Stable. aaROD'E' H. PATFERFON • o as opened the Inrge amble ,;tl•n Vara at., runiong through ihgr A aL in Seeeind nt , between Waal and Smithfield atreets, to the tear of the Monongahela Ham, with an enure new rock at ROMA and Ca ages of the hem quality and intern styles. Horse. kept lit livery in the best manner , 1)L ACKSON Ye FOUNTAIN. Tensorial ?Wk.', haw reprdatad zed foo.d up their Shifting, Mir Dressing and Shampooniog Saloon intpW...rm,lint, the a...km.l.y], end we pm st d to TOOoredeem. strawy, with ease, comfort and polite... They San prepared to wait an all that any call without delay Thankful for put favors, we solicit • coationsoca lhe mat, st our Sawa, corner of Unioostr.et cad (her.lr of Alexander 4. Mee Dry (tondo Stare.) all DRUGS, DRUGS, TOM WHILES, Drum.% and Apothecary, G, W, deoliner of W ood and 516 llinaburgh, will keep conalandy on band, Drugs, Paints, • N. 13 —Phymrian'n preemptions enrefolly rompenn.l - from the beet mum ale, al :my hour of the duy or night. Alm,. an mmorfinem ofTe_rfninevy; fine Tooth. I late, and Cloth Brothes, the. wtoeh he m il l Fell low for ensh.' may_ I EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. MANUFACTURH carroN YARN, Candle-Wick, Batting, Twine Coverlet YARN, CARPI-7f CI I A IN, 1V Aftl'N, An. KING, PENNOCK A t'o (Yinkelmn. of Arbuckle , . A Avery.) PrOpTIVIOO COMMINSIONER OF DgEDN A T CINCINNATI—I toleuthorised by din of /I.of Pennsylvania te nelnlattledgmints of nil in mrnments of writing, nlso of/Manic sod depositions of prreenn in Ohio, to be steed or recorded in l'enniSlva• Orricg, I dooms East of dte nfavor's Orrice, Ctn. einnntb.Oloo. EDWARD P CRANOII orrandkvelyW • Atterney at Law --_. - RAGS WANTED. LUS COUNTRY i nIIXRD ItAtIS wanted, 100,000 for which Ma highest price In CASH will be plod. t_ Aiwa'', on bond, every dederrntlon of Writing and Wrapping Paper and Cntoride Limo. ' REYNOLDS k RIME Cornnehl tsr_ pcnc_ttnl Irwin sta. Pittsburgh ViNIND MoTility hoses end Ever: greens, de , imitable for planting In Cemetry's on be furninhed en aMincation the unit:more, from Malmo. of Jas. Wardrorb Manchester. Et TS WICREIL S IIAI II No UM per wend and grn sito olden ( wetch.,Futtable Air Ladies and ONOlenien —of the LoLever co and bandromeet warn. and of die nem manufeauro—veareanted and foe vale RI very larepei• ern Into_ W (V WILSON F. IL }GATOR., TAY:ALEX in Trimming. and YarietyCno.l. , Tannie 1./ Tbell, 1.0. y and Ikon combs, Woollen Yana and Waived., Dwain, Needle., Pis, Tapes, Braills,A.e., No 03 Markel So between Diamond and Ith inreci• Pittsburgh. 17CallY 131100 CAGES and Founts ;I' various/0:e. aeorotant i tgrtgAbt3Z radteto,rNrr3l'd%="ated. 6 je ' .l " on a e t ; h o e ( 1011 woo. 07 N WICKERSHAM ICE CREAM FREEZERS—Jam reed. a lege !wart meat of Johnson's excellent Paient lee Cream Free ems, andable Rd Hotels etralaboAt. and private ram, 1182. at • JOHN DUNLAP TATI Pio IT =TYE It • • MORNING, OCTO LITERARY PITTSBURG& PRILILE. INSTITUTE. HIS Instfustionj under the cue of Rey. J. 151 GoSivOLV awn IsaMT. in which ell the solid and or nantentol branches of a finished education are might is town pen for the reception of Mils at IrsHss B.oir, LBWS' , Street. between3d and Ith streets. lhe Scosnd Session it ' s wll ridinewnee on Monday. the 50th of August. and emporium that any who may design entering should he present as fares practicablehy that time. They have secured the services of Professor DOCK as teacher of Music en the Piano and Guitar, who Is wet well known to need recommendation. A coos- Omen: french teacher will be employed. Prof. BINGIIAhI will have charge of the Department Of Vocal Hume. Prof. SUMINSKI will hage dirminen of the Artistic Department, and will give lessons, in drawing. sketch- MA, and pointing, both in oil sad wirer colors. Prof. s. to a competent teacher, and Su commendations from the first men in Europe and the Upited Suttee lie bas also been 11 teacher to the dist institutions of the country. ! For Tense apply to the Principal. . attlif I SIRS. LAND'S BOARDING SCHOOL. 1N0.195 Arch Strad, oboes Thirteenth, South site, Titlritrif"":° to t i ps IniTtA t tion,p , j ubmces all tig iteitroctimi in the c 4lsc o h, ' llifit g ani i t ' Latt u ntirli;a w ge i s. The nervier! of the moot eminent Professors ate per. manently secured, sod every facility given pupils for acquiring the different Languages, together With other accomplithmnts. The year is divided late two terms of five months etch, enuencncirg on theist of September, and eachog I Off the 30th of Jane. ,Ths charge Car the Scholastic Your of ten monde., in 1E250, payable half yestly in elsance; withoat cotton, eleept Merle and Dancing, whirr e re at Prolethor's priers. Those comrocricing any time within the tenn i will be charged accotdifigly.- . if it Is thought desirable by parent. or goardisna of pupils from a distance, they ran reinant during the rilattorwr vacation, when all flue attention will be paid. • • Ilofll Elliott, Erg, pr Pattergon , hicaellont Son. (teaser WL'I °lust, Philndelphlo—F II Morgan, Esq, St LIMIS, Ilan JlOl Re Ife, W mThompann, St Lou„ 111 w, Than htrkotan EN, Florence, Ala—%Vuh Jock , son Ecni, N O--Gulch C Noreen E.y N s.lor Ole, Tenn— Ilan Etched It Call, Tallahasw l rondo—Dr Thomas Legate. Charleston—/ F Oster Fig, N C--Thomas C Netbrt Eng, Savanals, Goo—Rer Ih Snalgrassr, New York. alO-0m YOVNO LADIES' ALLENIIENY CITY. *u°PC! 7:',1;:t":',"2.1 . .. Ip7i; at the Corner or Sandusky and Strawberry et.. • The Second SCH 110“ will commence on Monday, Sept Throe deugning to miler will End it to their intereat Undo so as near the opcmog of the sorties as possible, though pupil. will he !ermined at any tune daring the session. The services of eomjiment Tender. will be necured elmiwa that- nay with to rbeetve tottructions ut 'Drown's, Painting and bionic. . For particular. :rimier to the eoure of instruction, terms, Le. cumuli eireular or a pp l y to the 1121119.0 t. Allegheny. July to, 0817. '- ITALVAIIILE BOOKltTaPubliah. by J A V & Jam.. Walnut street, betvreen Fourth and Fifth, Clucleinsiti. Guard's Gibbon—The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Enq. A new F.ditioa, reused and corrected throne, onl,preceded by a preface, sod accompanied by note. critical and histoncal, minting principally to the peopagation Of Christianity. by M. F. Grusin, Munster of fublie Instruction for the kingdom of France. The prefsce, note. and correction., trans. fated from the reeneh eeptrathy ley this edition. With a notice 01 the Lite and character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to Gibbon. In T. role. imp, 8,0.1013 pages. Napier. Penman. War--Complete. I rot. imp. ten.93o pages. Hallam'. Middle Ages, Chernhce. Rebellion in Scotland, Robertaop's Virginia and New England, Rusaell'a French add English War in America, and Kiiansiyb American Resolution, I vol tin. Ltorary rii American Illstory—r:rintaining aelec lions from the best author. op Antencan History, Bingraphy;Trarele, Commerce, Stettatice,lndia., Rerolutiolury Battles, hie. he Sc. Alan, Anen• dote., Poetry and Miscellaneous article. Illuetra ted with more than:gal cograuega. I not. cop boo 8 40 Pat. , • llnisersal Pictorial lahrery—l'ontaining vale:ll3le papers on Salton. sublects, comprising Natural 'History, Natural Science.. Agriculture, Rural Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientate,. T...., Geography, Botany ' Miscellaneous reading, 6.c.. ice. I eel imp B,oe 6411 pp. fall abeep. • The Family Medical Library—A'ltreatise on the Preninnuon and Cure ill Disease., by regimen and !temple leedielnee. New edition, reined end enlar ged telth the addition of a Vegetable hlatena Med. ca, pointing mit lye sine. preparation. and tiers of our coot valuable n tune estate.tl plants, and an , outline of Anat.., and Phyliologr. Illustrated with ono hundred Eograe logs. ell of which arc colored. By J C Noreeomi, M tr—Orri pages On. American Flower Garden Conipenioe—Adapted en the United States; by Edward Sayer., Landscape and Ornsateotal Gardener. IS me, third edition. reins., enlarged and illustrated. Palmer'. Oregon, hooky Mcmotains, &v. So. Family 'restament, octavo, with and without .Polyglot notes,and Psalms in metre. Rice nerd Vingree's Debate Burn's Works Lady of the Lake. Leila Itnokhl More. Private Den... liar. ..bsumilei Rook.. thaap edition. of various Protein pamphlet funn. Me WI./ faleable Klandard %arks. DRANDE'S ENCYCLOIVEDIA— A I/ ovary Hrs. I,llo,,,,lyHyabory bud bet voopeFtny Ittoory,dua-rHayoo sod aneoLfyyprtuctrobe of brwayl. of homyn wYle rJge, with the deriwaleuty an* dellottloo a 411 the. to general w, edlo4 lry - to T Beauty, F H H,4r 111,ot:turd by oo tat rosy ryaruy blur - ye% Yu 006 Ataericut , Atlas, ear tallong fally rob and cosy. of Nora), Arorrtra,Cotaola !earl tamale Noy, Scot., No. Dna...owl, NY nyill•fo Tryo, Noe Stley. yeo, ralaiatois, blew..., Central Allt•nr, 11'.o lelyaoly bo.l .11 the 5L...1i unJ Toryt.o. tots In the Voiou Nobl'a rarilans , —Tbe Maury of the ran.. from the Riffllati ol 3 tv i517.a Ow 11•0411... of 17m, c.' yy oxbow/1d Ibbir probany.k, Ae. Ae, by fhyotel Ntul, NI A, 1.0.4 by Johu 0 Ctuutary,Ny la, Ye 116 Lase twat...oou steel, In two The owe of Oye ISAJI in rel... to lanyadthA, by I ;tor,. M saernhrr of the royal cull,W.ll'll,ylacmuy, Ay =WO= • Wield. told tr.rrth whvat make, the m.<.• vrry pP uiar Juvettile work. ?era. al the SeA,lvelogefferttog tarrattoot of ohpwrrris gumlr. %prober—The Juiretahle Spesler, ewnprain, •Irmettary flOr• and meet.... in .terbanraltn. wk. • pore El. of pars pr Isssn.ssT 11.u.•17, note uc for /t. *lni.on at I . raw•bm T. .boe gratin nevivv4 abd smbe by 401INNTON a •.+TOCK TON all 6...tpearn, maYrk N11°,44 2% . De'slnaiPanm of Mrthrsnt , llorner'a Anomy, Ferris's Nlatena 6l alley's Neu nit or Phcolthsyy, Eiltntsota's Pracnce, Wawon's do. • Rhos lie . * do. ameba on remsles: Cooper on Ilernea' Itanwlmilorno's Procure of Pattontwn; Ptout on the Ouxuach, Vuuthe on DIMIM• iividrcu, Itooper's htsdiral Inetnnear).. Clyruerott Fevers; Cowed Site. Otepensatory—new cdttion. • The abore arab rneralasetnoncut of Clawleal and Itliwelltuteous llooksj tiet,recele Mg and tor sale I.w • ELLIOTT A ENGLISH spori 16 mat het •1. between :hd stol.thlt PUB AT ON Webstr Cs Roma Cconntny and Cooed, coping. hfoldoch`e AlO,lOlOl laddell and Pct. , Greek and English Lexicon. Draper's Natural Philosophy. rtmekley's Geometry. Jost reed and for emir by - wag hIeDONALD le BEESON.... market st 1101)1ES—,Mabry of the Greek goy olution, and of the wow ond rompoign• analog Porn the struggles of the Greek Patr•ots in Emonmpa• ling their country front ktah fake—iti two vol umes—splendid copy whit mney.. 1131111. and engem. mac Isettora' illustrative of the reign of Wllham 111, horn MS to IltS—with fine portrait., no It vols. Companion to the study of the Holy Sermtures Harry Mowbray, thralng TORIOI.IICC, with Id enters. •Logs P m " 'loot to the Holy Lund, neFA s , tage, and Sketches in China. Jutt wed and fo Mer Laic he DONALD EIEFON , mark , t .item New Stock of Mamoru J ORN IL MELLOR. !•I \Vocal et., ka now recomng an egrellern assortment of Boston Sad New York Pontos, armed to.day and now open for sale. Two oplondid Rwavvond nano, as orlnveN 8110 One spirmlid carved Rosewood. oil °Troyes. ROO Ono aplemhd mahogany Pomo, PI I and hulfoc• lave. One grand Poo Fort, made m the far , my n( Henri Ilers, rons. and fully equal to the one used fly ban al LieConcena. • GOO One mahogany aucond hand riesm, made by Sin. dart, Worcester te Mohnen New York. 215 ',further simply will be received diiring this week. .poi eiir Lot of Edna.. Pianos. , 1.1 KLEUER has at thr. following new 11. Fiume., which will be sold lower than con he bought in the eon. One elegant mahogany. 0 octave. made ler Nunn. & Clark, New York, of great power and sweetie. of mile—clorniely low priced. One elegant toacwood Nano, made by Chickering, Ronan, and selected by him . die beat instrument of the clean tains factory—price very moderate. Ikaides, number of otlicts of all priers and style, forming the moat este. , ye .lection evct edited born, fn NI. Jed-at at J IV Worelwell , . Audi , .. . notion nod New York Plano.. il ipp o JOHN 11. MELLOR, No H Wood has recetved and effete for sale— One rplendtd Rooewood nano For • with di octet., iron frame and u. scale. ?lade be Cluckeong, of Down. One elegant Rorewood Plano Forte, with 6 o,la and iron frame. Made by Chickerter. One elegant Mahogany Piano Forte—made by 0 Co&, New York. • , Phe above will ho !told at manufacturer'. price•. Alto. fir vale SA shove, • second hand Piano Fo with 5 octave.. lel HISTORY OP MEXICO — Just publibhea, by .1 Ale U. P Jame, ellle THE lusTonv IlEXICO: her Civil War. and Colonel' and Itevoltetretery Annele, from the peen° of the. Nemeth Conquent. IMO. to the pte,ent onte,D-17; °telltale' an stecnent of the War evith the Vetted Mato, , Catty.. and 51 ihtery itehtevemeetv. 1.1) Young. M. D Wuth twe Copperplate Mom 01111.1,C , Eng, twinge of Diane of nettle tirounde, ate. Coe ume octavo, of five bandied end et/q.t . ..NW. inli i AP UV Migitico—Wargt Je In, Estado: , Mi -1 h l% doa de Pickled, Clcaun In las d v n aria• aut.:a l euncia a i m d a e ac&ha R efindop : oc carlida par 15a aucrciaulorPladea. pub y A fr'' Jta ' S r: Wil o t Ai n gTVN, Bookscller car el A 3d au ^I,IIE-PILINCIPLEA.OF NATURE:, lie r Divine Be, chow., and • Votoo to Almikaali by and through Amircer Incloton Davis. /Loudon lot of them Wood coral Boob has been reo'd by 191271 WM g CALDWELL ER 21. 1847 MANUFACTORIES DUQUESNE SPRING, &KLE, - STEEL & IRON WORKS VOLFALAN, & Co., having completed V their New works, are now prepared to meaufac tore every description of Coach and Mimic springs Dan axle+, American Blister, spring sod ;Sem& Steel, and all Mara of small squire and round Iron which they oiler for sale on liberal terms, at their Vearshorass N 0.43 Wood street; where they also keep unhand a. cemplete and handsome assorunent of Coach trim. minim, Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nall. and Iron, C. ILA, Co, have nsiinanangernents with Messrs Day & Cron., manufacturers or Shovels, Sped. Forks, Sc., and will keep coo on hand even article made by Mein. Dealers are respectfully ail' eked to callow prices and terms will be made liberal.' tv2hiciTar PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Prroatinutt, Ps. JOHN WRICSIIT & A RE prepared to build Caton and Woollen Mach.. err or every deverrphoo, each chin., Spinning Frames,.Speeders, Draveng PUS., Railway Heads., Harpers, Twillers,Ppomet Dressing Frame Loam% Card Grinde Wmtighl Don Shorties turned all Hs. of Cast Iron. Paths' and Hunt rs.,f the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of aids. Camino of every description furnished on abort no. nee. Patterns made to orderfor Mill Gearing, Iron dm &e. Slant Pipe for beating gene s, C../ Iron Window Sash, and fancy Castings generally.— Ordersl eft at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt attention. Rosa 10 Blacknock, Bell I Co., J K Moorhead & Co., 0 B Warner, John Irwin & So.; Pittiburgh. GCAJ II Warner; Steubenville.. JOHN CARTWRIGHT , IMPORTER and Planufnentrer of Callen'. Sargkn , and Dental Instruments, Saddlers and 'Pinner , ' hand tools, Taylors , Pateat Shears. &e. Ste. Al. manufac tures Trusses, Supporters, de , in great variety. J. C. Manufasuiter and 1m... of Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Rasors,SeISJOIS, Fdes, Sawn, Tools, aei hasremoved to WD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door he. low Diamond Alley, And has late) y received a large assortment of Pen A heeket Kniveit, Rekhres t Perks, Also Rodgers' and Whostenhohns' FINE CUTLERY, Elbotts,Rodgers,:Wadi. & Butch... Itanors,S. issors, Ram. Cltrop...ke.. Dania... and Win, Twist GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen's Colt's and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder Flasks Shot Belts. Game Bags, Walker'. A Coo's Ella Per- CUSSIOn Caps, Boyne. Thrk and Hunting Knives. Tuot...uch as Callipers, Dividers, Flyers. Niptreiv, Hand Vices. Squares, Rules, Brae., Bum, Spoke Share., &ticks und Dim Wire and Iron Ouagr., Math. umntica. Instruments, At, In very grant variety pr Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. pe& CO-PAIITNERNIIIP NOTICE. E.w. uTF:PIIENII of Who Veg. F. Shoe b, obel. liar cia l y j," enrrel n l i nt j o . A. pa ‘ rtn k eNi o p. r o P oVer %ft; and Inn of Stephens, • Shoersherser Co, at the Anchor Iron Works, Wheeltng Va.. for the purpose of roanafaciorgne iron and nada of everydemepturn. E. W.S THeEN U. F HPnEowBnRGER. A . CO T } ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Wheeling, Va. Mumfacture all korda of boiler. skeet, ban eoni and earls, A 13 steel eloore apt tags and vol. Bei con nected wok Shoenlicrger's Old Juniata Works, we ran offer an ...tile of Juniata Iron (branded Sheenlwlf el/ , equal to any glade in ,be country. All sof whreb will be W'mate Pittaborgb prices. Warehouse of the Works eornerof Monroe and %Teter streets __mill ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOUN A. BROWN 111 TAKES this method to Inform ins friend . an .n th d the piddle at large that his FactorY ', ow in full °pennon. on e Root side of the Dianalrui, Allegheny; where a eon/ scant supply of Blinds. of enema. rifICIIS also are constantly kepton band, also at No .5 ' Wood at. Pittsburgh, at J.& 11. Phlll.Wollckah waxeroom. I'm Snutters mute to order in the best style. Clint.. removed at Me armorer notice. N. IL Ills Meals sad. he r an , Deed ny adds linos l esepe•ean that they be remo in a Mo.' mem in earn Mitre or 10e seartlong, and rearmed the Ma ellerreor At e octrdlybvirtarety A. FULTON, (bill and Bows F '" ound- . 4-. 1.1% 0 h .7 sr " a b n o .l l , l ;l:e d r w ti m e e will be please d ' 11: -Z.- - • wee hut old Co,lorner a and roma. s l --- Cemeh, liteamlmat, and Bella of every ..f. oree. an.n in ,c, 0,000 pound, ewl from ....-.........- - pmtern• of tbe most approved models, and warranted to he of the best materials. Mimes. '' Water Pauly, Counters. Railing, An. km. ogether real cTery variety. alarms. Cal - tangy, tf reds.- ed. tamed and firsis6hr.l in the neatest Manner. LU - A• F. is she sole sirormetor of Ilaaares Ant- ATTICTIoN Mrrat., 0' rustiy r e haled for the reale. uon of ruction in ennehtnery. The Bones and Corapo %Mon can be had of lout rti talon/es. Janl.ly W. W. WALLACE. PITTSBURGH STEAM AIARBLI . : WORKS, Nor. Ili ena 446 LaNerry wee, wee Ida Corsa A t.w AY, on hand and made to order, a large Tit/it -a. ty of Marble Mantels. Pler,Centre Tablet, and Bateau Top, Tomb Stones. Monuments. Ax.; all which, 0.3 nc made of the choicest read+, and manancoued or inmpally be Cuirhinery. will be laved low for cash. N. II Persons Irtobiog to parchstm• Mantels, are informed that It .1 hencelorth ypne,efaff for them in go Kam. a. I can ferntsli them with an antele in all respeetv•s good. and ltreightonsaranee• de, consul."' ea l• 4 cbrup 1.4 they ran knrchaie . thcn3 tor in the Kest. (WI eml toe seta --- COPPER: SIIILICT IRON. AND TIN : WARP: MANUP ACV/RV, Pio I Market ...ea, Pittsburgh, Penne: TdRF auh•enten having made great teoprovemontl - ,n the construetton of tholf COOK/NO tarOVP, r spectrally ay. proem. betiding Steamboats to call • c kaoline before purehasmg,aa we can .apply than wah Deck Suter. row, •nd every other kind of Copper. Tin an i Shea Iron work neereeary in furn,sp , ,ca • stekreanat. . We ca. make m order on the shorte•t notice Sal Tubea and Charm, r, Copper work far memo Engines and every .emery a await an our line. fete? SiIP:RIFF .t. 51111 K• IIIeCULLY a co., Manufatturen of Bottles and VAlau Nn. IJ %%00E) N tit Ern' L. ' CI UR factartra I.e,ng no.. an futl operanon, we are prepwed to 'arr.'. orders In out law, promptly. Durong ate I. •nanner w r hr.- adopted /a new ratan al 41.11c111,, Wlmit. 1i1a... tat, avow al,pluvedi.lan 1301./ u.rd rut,) by w h.ch we turn nu, a •uper tor •rti• c le I.lau flattenrd nn Into plan LA perfectly kvel and true w:th • rer) fine Warn ?miner. and dealtra gen natty, are requeated to call and exasuann Int . then, •p, _ - , • BENNETT & BROTHER, QFEF:NSWARF MANUPAcTURERS. Mrsztlnemen,inear Pllt•burghti P. NarrAms,e, Nu. lai, W.. 44 arra, Pittsburgh. iiißWlll.con , Ltantt, l rep on [LAW a sucal avadtt mew ot {Yarn, of our own 111:•111..r111.111, and a upetow goal.). Whole.ale and country M. fa are respectfully Inv drd to roll and ea amine for thetroelvea, as we are determined to *nil ettroper thin has ever briore been paired to the pub Orders item by mail, tie companted by the cub Or coy referent., will be prumptl) to. tY I,I Great Wtlitril Butt Hinge lailatactory,. cieeciamAire.o. AcaRDNEtt a Co., would taunt" the wade thit .11.. they err now manutarturote the ben Butt hug ever mad to the Unard State, A is onr protm ple tommem. we intend to send out as complete on at tiele am can pomMly be made. Those engaged in IL - Imola-3,1m1, we thmk, witl find it 10 0011 lettere. MI to we T 111.111. 1 1 All ardemproroptly attended to. mys A I:ARDNID! LO. cora mete ete JOIIN 11101CRIFF Co., Nos 03 and 94 Front ala, Bus. Ricansar and tins FIX- Tout; BerdA of all rise r Cut from the lutes tmptoved pat terns and warranted equal to any Also, Brass Carrungs, 6n shed ordered, liar ku tunas put up promptly and on rearonoble terms. novladly P/TTSRUROII STEEL AXLE WO FACTORY. RKS AND SERINO AND 111/14C 1010:1•.10101 V. 44C1041• JONES JAVIGIO, MANUFACTURERS of Spring and Maier Ewes!, Plough :reel, Steel Plough Wing - % Conch and Winne Springs. Hammered Iron Ante*, and deniers in Malleable Camino, Vac Engine Lamps, and Coned Triumvir geneinlly corner of Roo and Front streets, Pittsburgh. En. WS: LIPPINCOTT IRON WORKS. IRON and Nod., Shoed., Am. for sale at our n W orrhou., No. 32 Water street, none Wood, ma no .a to Front Al , n nolortment at the old rand, McMaster' Row, I.ll.lertY mwet- Ilaylng toad[ great additions to the Rolling Mill, al orders can be filled promptly. n n ,f GRAFF, LINDSAY & BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY. CAMPBELL 4 CIIESILL FLIMIFACIORIIRS OF rINISIIIN6 NAILS, 1100 K READ DRAM Iron and Copper Tacks. IRON AND COPPER 8110 E NAILS. AIM ''attern 'Makers' Points, of every description (knee No. 2 S. Chart. Hotel, Third wee. ft.b.l • Pittsburgh. • • _____ P. Id lILVANI. LOW/ E. Lanus. FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. ULVANIf k I,IIDLIE manufacture and keep con. annoy on Mind Cut, alouldad and Plays Flint Olmsware. M all to varieties, to theirtheir‘Varelation ear. /ter of Market and W streets, Water stree, Plusbumn. Our Works,contme in full operation. md wro aro constan ly adding to our eloek. which enables us to 611 orders wok primpuiess. I'urcha.er• are. recpacrfnuy solicited to can snit examine prices and term. mylOdly Orlato . al "Bolivar Brießat" Elcif.."2,:',2';`l4l, l ",,Z.".`.."°ll l Vg:lne d ut h s:r if • perm d for durability in the coustrucnon of all kinds of Furnaces, Price fia3,75 rash for beat loads of 10 Be guiruntred nine months ea, Order* for a second quality ltalivur Brick• will be executed at ISO per AI, it so de sired, without guarantee. A stock of the first quality is now receiving and for sale at the warehouse, 0 5 10001 Wand... Canal Vann, I ' 1 fillAW MACLARF.N I.:erten:lion Iron Waste HA RD W Alt Jun received; Warn.' New Volk Axes and Adam mougehole Anala, Sledge} Hammer', Vtana, Trace Champ, annuahaNails,Carpent ten tools, mill, ern. cut and pit yaw., Filo. ke, sale 1.211 by JOS WOODW ELL RAISINII-511prour Minch and 5 cad Zoom C Tonto iced per code; Inc lair by epeZ WILLtSI it DILWORTH, IS irnod It HOWITTS AND THE PEOPLES JOURNALS for September devoted to prove., or sale by Wrrl S CALDWELL sed27 3rd st apposite the Post Office (111ALK-25Ca11111 Whae. Qull . ry ~qw" fine andd and JOEL MOHLER Gm N nor wood 3 sth me TIONICY. DEW TOBACCO— IA no lan Ira Hunt's 6s: 23 di bra Ira Ilunee 5.; receiving from the canal for rale by 14423 JA MEd giAllitELL, Im warmer MEDICAL • 11/11/1111 0 BLOOD And Consthaptiera Pain In the Side and Night Sweats, Asthma Whosplag Congh, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver ComplaLat, Ebonithilm, and all diseases of Li tho throes, Inv and liver, cured by thee man's AB.Helling_ .Rathing Blood add CottniMplittn. IN& MILN Builder, in, Brooklyn, was winked with razing blood, followed by a cough, pain in the aide.and all the weal symptoms of consomritiom lie employed two of the beet physician; they did him no Rood, wad told hue e COULD NOT LIT& ... lie; . anag: , l3l . w . on o tle . rful o c q u=tnorr it il d hlib d e r .r: Rages, 1311 Faltonat, and got • bottle; it operated like a chasm, stopped the blee&ng and cough! Before he bad taken one boats be was able to be about bin work. It bed SAVED MUM. Ilia dugter, median at 1 . 17 Jdynle Ammo, cut anest it. Mitt Ann blazon, of Willlaresbunsh, living in Tenth wear tenth Fbarthde. semi—Tat stoked been troubled with a hacking comb, stratpain In the chest, fora long time . , which at lath before so bed th at nee was obliged to mire up her school for more than a year. She then .cornateheed aking the All-Heal s Balsam; which own alleviated her nmthoma. BM is now fammerreeting, and has renmed her lebothats occupation.. a teacher, I 4 YEARS. Mr. John O'Neal, 10th avenue and Slut or, sacred with a cough, Telma of lohlthm and pain in his side. He could get NO HP` vOF W ho nod the All.Healieg 'Balsam, which drone the then from his aide, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; end before he had malt three botdesoras entirely cared. Pleurisy and Consurption. Mn. laws,. lady upwards of 70, residing 93 Sher iff, has tor years been subint to attack. of Pinner, Raising of Blood, severe Dotugh, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and noon pain of her body. fler friends believed her PAST RECOVERY. The All- Healing Salaam relieved her at one of ail her alarm ing ey mp Mita and ehei”ow able to attend totter work. Asthma and Whooping Cough. Mn Lennie Walk Pi Christie-at; L S Beals, 19 Delancey-st, Wm 1114=1„111 Walnut-et know the die Caine of this great y. Ask for Slierman'i Delwin, arid see that his written signature i.e. each bottle. Price 21 cents and SI per honk , Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough Lounges sold we above. Principal Mee Ste Nesemeat., N. Y. Wad lawless/a and retail by Wm. /Won ; at his Patent Moines Warenseend &sot widens atm ; We ■Liter gent; had of Wood esnet,Pftliegle. Pros $1 pin bie Jyl7-tf L 7 DOPIPIOIIII COXPODBD STRUPDIP TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA.-71e Portland Ode) Advertiser says Thu remedy has been mon successful than any wiedielna ws have ever known for lot numerate ow . es Consamptkin,Spitting Blood, pain in the Rile and Brent. Brendan, Althros.Obannate Coughs, H 01.01100; Sara Throat, Palpitation of the Bent, Whooping One , . Comp, Nervous Tremors,te. Individuals of the highest respectability in this city bear o! tesumony to its power and canny in this class dLseues. Anions the testimonials to the rain of the above sued. iefrie, assn several from distingthahed phythetans of Phil adelphia. Bead the folbsring tats Dr. Young, the eminent wallet Pandnanna, Jan. 18,1847. Having used in my przeuee, as as in to own faintly, Thomp .e n 's Compound Symp.( Ter and Wood Naphtha.' I have no heatathon to saying that it is the beat preparation oldie kind to use for parents suffering born Consemption, Cough% Colds, and all affections of the Throat, Breast, to., so prevalent at this waxen of the?eer. Wet Tonna at n.,132 Spruce st We have sent within a few days the pence who ern the following certificate. Be remain well, being per fectly carol of his disease : Penannews, Jenny 3,1317.. From a sense of gratitude, and a doubt that the elle ted may have MM. to a Indy mvaluable medicine, I would sue that the benefit 1 have experienced from thenee of Tbompoon's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha. Persevere year. 1. have been afflic ted with a dinnesthgracking awn, en... Penni with great *pannier, arid diffieuhy of breathing with a son. satin of tightness at the chest Becoming ready alarmed, • friend who had been mnh beiseSued bythis. medicine, recesethended ma to 1.7 11,1 did no, and in a eery abort nine eveignianning symptom disappeared; my expectoration became free, all oppression left me, my cough ceased, arid in • fine dnal was able us go out and wind to my Writhe:es a well man. Any farther ,nfarotaton will be ehenantly an.n the allicted, by calling et my tnidence,No. DLL S. Front st. • JOS. fideldANA6l9. • This nvalh aide medicine Is prepared only by AND BEY & DICKSON, PM corner of Filth and Span , ds, Philadelphia • Sold In Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. Price sat mots or SI per bottle. 1 CAUTlON—Bearers of the many counterfeits that irenow • Seat The ansempalona are ever ready to del'renre the sinner. 01 • • 01 ASTOUNDIIIIte DISCO v st Malt —A Blesaine AMiraclell A Wonder!: —To care Erupuons and Dieburements of the Skin, Purples, Freckles, Scuba, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Heads, az., tie- • Fur years ago last Aagnst,the capital of Prance was astonished in eonsopence of a discoveryrnade by an (tabu Chelsea. Huy doubted—hi seemed almost an wepassibility dun wept:keg made by the Ands of main could have each ungidar poems aa thee claimed by Antonia Vestniel for his invention. Sluy clawed hied and his 101/e.llOOll as a humbog, [and. abut many foolish persons rowboat mug do theunit now,l at length, after maim it in tbehospitals, the Medical See cattyof Paris (the best chemists !tithe vrorldidelcrered the following repartee Sirear We have now mingtely sod Cllftfulll examined the singular invention of Vesprini. We have analyzed as 'ponent parts—we have used It In several cases,end Ire hesitate oat to puneauce it (the Italian Chemical Soap) as a great blessing, and a truly wonderful Tome dr for any cataneous <run= or diallgovment of th, skin. Its Inventor we consider tie true philanthropis of strffsting mankind. (Signed) ..FOLD DUPREY President" CarIZE From the snorer hanself to he present Preprints, Pol., Noy. 4, IRO In consideration of the sent al Slunk I have Man- Nd to Mr. T. Joneuresiding city of New York, . A., the whale proem of matinfacturiag, together with a statement of the ingredison compockg my hal ian Chemise! Way. He is to manofactere n for sale in the United thate•only, and to haws the privilege of na ming it"Jones` Chemical Snap. , Want.: henry J. Holdover:nth. ANTONIA VaIPHINI in-Sold by W JACKSON, et bin Patent Mediciee Wanitome, EIS Liberty street, head of Wood, n'the Igo of the Hu ßoot. 'rhe only plane in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE ,• r pi. ~K°cm~ea. eiio;n;n.reco;m;ich AOREATCUIie, performed by the orienaland only rrue turd parries Lime MS, prepared rod sold by It E SEL Mormus'Faceoar, Westmoreland Co., Pe.,! July 10.6,1517. $ • Mr. R. E. Salerv—A seam of duty tayouud thealllicted seduces me to add my hatable tertiormy m Imo, of your/roily celebrated Line fins I have deterred doing so for par, %diverge, to easy Crockett's maxim, 'the mire 700 0 right, Men to ahead." Mort of the emay preperatims of e rap • ics andmancha leaded to the Area bare sunk into althorn mom your Lou havllwan offend ur the public, amt. Indeed, 'behove they ero 'aunt. dem ell," as they an juet what soe represent 1111•04 to be. I hare Men lailettli with Liver Complairm from my youth; Save mimed ranch; employed many .mooot pbvIICIARD.IG whom paid much moat); ham am alma blood; bern vomited end phvAlcked alma. to death; sahvated So, slama earl Madly wen up mr incurable. la tglk.',7 I was induced to try your Lime Pills, and 50015 GOT IV ELL. the but of which Warm suecient to keep me clear of paio ra the eide,rowl W tbf other aympboars. for at Meat 0 =oaths. Your Pills meals" the best Wham/clever usedt being auld, out griping or gi.og uch skasser at the acts, Int Mee are much rebel' I have lent them as my mare for 0 sr 7 years; sold hundreds of bears, wad ha mem beard. mop ma plaint uttered ky say me who 5 .. used this". "'bey ham eupereededahmel every °them pill is this neighborhood, ia a abort time. will banish them all. I muesli recommend them to all peruses endue physic, whether •Lsr Liver Complaint tar altioum Affection. .eon 'der side. Mem far remain to Caireasl or the rill. Respect fully route, Llitbaits LAirripri—As Mare are other Pilla beim, th e public cskasoLmer rills, persons who ward theDENUlNEshordd elk km zed take soother there More prepared . wed mold by It E SELLERS, Ito 57 Woodat between Third sue fourth armee. Bold by DrAtasect., Filth Ward, D M Cixtr, Apegimay city. LIE. JAYNES ALTERATIVE. , We have been inforined by Mrs. Ripe of score pee• formed onher byDrs Jayne* Alterative, which proved its superiority over averpether remedy of the kind. She hos been allictitl for the last sixteen years with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with' ulceration, and-aoroltation of varicose bones. do• ring 7/Mich time many piecubare been discharged from the ironed bone of the cranium, from both her arm., wrists and kande, and from both legs, and from the loft a far oral bone,nd from the , right 'knee, besides painful ulcers on other parts of her person, which have belled the skill of a smother of the moat eminent OhYsicienu of our car —during moat of the time her sufferings have been excruiatmg sad deplorable. Abom Ilene maths since she was induced to try Dr. Jayne'. Alterative which has had as utoalehlngly happy elect upon her, , by removing all pam and swellings, and calming the ulcers to heal, while at the same time her general health has become campletely teemed, so that she now notelets 25 lb. more than she did before she comenceeed the use of this May valuable. prepanon.—lttet. Eve. Poet. For further information, meters of Mrs. Row, No. ISS Filbert st, Philadelphia Fee eelo is rituommb, at the PERIN TEA STORE, 72 Foono sr near Wood. iss Yon, whore teeth is fbiland yellow— You, whom skin is dark and sallow— You, whale hair is berth and witty, • Rumy,dirty red or Rem— You, whose vile offensive breath Unp!mutant is as putrid diathl— You could have—boy, man or girl— Teeth as white as snow of pearl Breath a rpm, evreet, add auntie • Pure and white and smooth and beartufal, And hair sok saki, dash ...Wet • Byreading what le said below. READERS, any of you tan have the above by c mind this is molting bet troth.) sting • 3 . hottleofJonee • Co ral flair RealOrative—a Rs boo of Jones'. Amber Tooth Paste—end 4s cake of the• genuine JOaea , a Irak. Chemical Soap. The articles , cost but little, and you ere assured that the following Kra their reaLquebtlest The tooth patio gives the breath • sweet odor, white teeth. and preserves the teeth, Ac. The heir stuf all know in be the moat extmisite thing ever made for dres• sing, beauulying, and causing the growth of-hair,- and. the waft, (get the genuine Jones% Soap, Wed) will cure all eruptions, freckles, he: and make dark yellow ar white, clear and fair. All these things are sold (only) W JACKSON'S Soot and Shoe Store mad. Patent Medicine Warehouse NO Liberty at: • aryl hts Care Xs ' yf • Dr. leek ... , Jaissuries /Wm Fade - THERE are Pew' iseases More common or trpe blesome than the Piley sod yet. noorithitand- . ing great edorts have beasisiade to cure by thews. of pills,.electuuiei, linimente, Az., all were futile and of little benetit. Now the Eimbrocattrin is the only mediae* used. . A poem who has been sfer} mg with the Nee at the worst bred came fmm . Sa lem, New Jamey, almost on purpose to expteei his gratitude forth. speedy Sere that this medicine had effected in his caue..—Phila. Sot. Post. Error sale in Pitteburgh at the KEEN TEA STORE, 7P Fourth st and also el the Drug Store H P. Schwartz, Federal Mt Allegheny Cit &LIST r•in in ni• aniche • rLrlr—"lr""nL"--li ttnL •ZioeiraitallogranP% A r b. 7W itran. ea—na Mt aren, at say mem. en. 6r hr minions a& ierrerrotin of an Man Lair. Vlie Mom of &mow Minns Morn& by Mai Mooed blinds ptawl& yearn nod in dank mean* dm e &or Um to eiromme to all riarnateers who as 4, 4 mein Lair, to mks a tinier this Toile intraninsly &me Maa. inanimniu tbsloakia Taa:Beose,'No r Tl Fontein...rt. arar lL ord , MilidkarT 11001111113 HAIR ' mindy dyeing Light, Red • Brown or DI wok .rolor, 'MOE akin. Sold with ditogliaso. ivspid by WM- JACID10111; grobon4lll tactry euesc. DTIA—Fat onus Oray Halt a Dart Mtei os isOriet the MO SO Os" or Q. *sitliiPatent kledi4los bud of Woci, atth6 Mil INSU;RAN.C`E! JOHN FINNEY; JR., uonr ♦T rnrnarson vox vs* . • DELAWARE MUTUAL • Safely Itememance Company of Philadenem. FiRERISKS upon buildings and merchandise of every deaciiptfon, mod MARINE RISKS. upon hullsor cargoes of retial., taken upon the mom lavorable termer Office in the ;Warehoues of W. B. tiOlmes Sr Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market strait, rut.- , . L. The sneerWor this Company sines. tharestab. 1. ewer the Jimmy-in tidy city; with the rompmem end lament" wnh whmh every Mann open them foe lea, km been admtled,•telly wp,ntin In viting the conideneeand pLuonage of his (needs augt the coonnunny at large to We Ihottware M. B. 4.1 a. ranee Cowpony, while at has the additional uproot:gra u an institution among the most Iloanahnig in PhilidU—as having an ample patifin capital „which by the openttionofitenhartensanimantlyincrouing. u yielding to each parr= immured his dee *hue of the profit' of the cempany without invoicing hie in any reeponsihilfty whatever,' and thereinto es pausing (be Mutual principle divested of every obnosiou 'feature, an fin its mom attractive form. 17RE.AND MARINE INSURANCE: MBE Insurance Company or North America, through its duly authorized Ageot, the subscri ber, elan to make permanent and tanked lour mace on property, in this city and its vitality, arid ou shipments by the Canal and Rif**. DIRECTORS. John C. Smith Preset., Sampel Brooks, Mel. Beery, iCharles Taylor, Semi. W. Jona., Saud. F . Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, . Jacob M. Thomas, Jan White, John R. Ned, • Tbus. P. Cope, ' Richard Wood, Wan. Welsh, ' Arthur G. Calks,Sec. This is the olde.t Insurance Compa n y he the United State., having bee. chartered in IBC, Ile Charter is perpetual, and from its high long 'super/once, ample means, and aro= „ mks of an sutra hazardous chancier, it may be considered u Miming ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD, At Comities Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Water and Front stases, Pittsburgh. aptS4 INDEMNITY Ag tint Lon by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Inn ranee Company of'Philadelphia, WILL make Insurance, permanent and limited, on oven donription dr property, In PITTS BURGH nd the SURROUPODING COUNTRY, • on livorabla Linn. Thu company hasa perpbtnal charter. CAPITAL 5400,000 paid la. CONTINGENT FUND, 8500 , , Offiell corner of Third end Market sts CCO „Pittab'gh, ap 28—tf WARRICK MARTIN, INSURANCE. •marleaa WIZ. LIAMMc* Company PiIiLADELPIIIA. • - . ellArtEl Ocrriez 6 50 QAOG , ATO Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 nalnue Stmt. • WM. DAVIDSON, final. Faxon= Furze, Seel. THIS old and well-established Company *nun* us Humor Buildings, Merchandise, Furruture and prop, dny=tams egos hill'aniatt• character, against loss or amage by fire. Applications for insarances in Pittsburgh And . ns netghborhood. snit be received, and risks taken ei ther perpetually or for limned perio d., on favorable tamps by . . GEO. COCHRAN, Agent. No ste Wood MISCELLANEOUS. • UND HILL WATER CURE ROTAS. LINIMENT —NONTLIAIIPTON, Man. Accrlains ar nuns.. AI. wear.rae , Propri.w• 1){. EDIVAILD E. Duannsaa, Mail. _ mats delightful establishment is situated about half a mile 1 wed of the !mindful 'huge of riortliamptott, at an eleva tion of about 9el feet above the Couuecticut River, which i credo*. The gromels eurrounding the Catabliehment, comprise about fortyacres, which arc entirely appropriated lode use alt 4 pleasure of the Patients. Amidst ste beautiful remand primitive foresltremarenumerous Retpathaomen pleat. akaded, and affording healthful end pleasant make for nosey fn." miles. The =pm:ow and commodious building. of the ealablied, meat an loca ted open the flatten brow ot the bill, andover look ons of die scud enchanting landscapes isthe world Immiediately in front, te the village of Northampton, with its numerma and handsome de !tie r , amide[ the dram soilage of lofty and overbare elms , k either on ta tha east are the tide so:adman( ortimoptonand Hadley, dressed in the velvet verdure of Spring. or the variegated hal:Emend of Sommer and Autumn. Midway, Or taiks, north and south, I. &eft the roxruth and glassy =hem of the Coomecticist, slowly wuridegeta way to the ocean. Ou the north, in Mune dime proswa is the'village of Hatfield with its each awl be g at fer fermi; mthe east hi the flourishing village of Had ley, and alma( Asahent with its Caries while to the die m., w Wade aid of • gime, may be seen m south -re met greatly Lid Zeit ramp of country. On the ,am, at about 4k . nw.,n distmscr, Mount Holyoke, de dress of • - Isenig pent' ad • little beyond, as seen the lt of• bomb Hadley; ow titer we behold at about 4 distance, th e mosaic Mo I Tom, ind the chemise wit • • of EMI. Hampton, with i elegant school ediScesi— the • peacetime •combination of natural emery • a • • red, perhaps unequalmd, by my other ist the world. It remarked by a . .mat, who has tpent mow thirty or hie life in lino. parts of Europe, that he never kb • • weds do Perfectly hciatifel and cochantiag. T • accommodetioru at Rotted Hill angvery airy mad spa cious and are amply eudlcent for upwards of one hmdrei ty pktients. It provided with an abmdance of the purest grimy. ter • mwry other requiaite 4ir the &timid poi. appleml tica • f tbM poplar and wonderfelly metassful medium of re • ring boat or impaired health. Dr Demists% who redder in the eitablatotent, k • geatle. man f enbuged esperseme, was <chimed is Europe. when he en dyed the advantages of several year. practice • in de mkt led hospitals of 1d burg and Dublin, and be. been a • - reed Practimer ha the vicinity be sacral yam diPall • e easy therefore repose entire eoegdneaimha &Wend tion. prorisiaa ia mode 6x attends:am. !Ai:1.411.7=- d aro sacral welt instanctedOermainarses. •of Boorditg, ascloding modital advice • .10. Pa art II bo syyphed vita every ankle packing, ft. at of the wales. • rtaxasylaa, Masa , ',Tad 501.1947. • a17,1n RUST PROOF IRON Fill ROOFING, WINDOW SHUTTERS, Le. T 1 E subsenbers beg to call the ants - E. or ell those I wrested to roofing, to their tIALWANIZED TIN PLA En, and to the many advantages which they poe - a over all metitlic.d other substances hither. used us nits purporse,posseming as they do, the strength and I gtotness of iron wlthout it. lability to root, broad mw. an tested teTeilial )eal..tiottr in slits causing Ind in Eu ape. They are also loss *unmet to expansinv and e , ntrseuon from sodden chutes or the aurumpliefe than =mot Tin Flew, Iron. Zinc, k• our any other meta now used tor irrling, and consequently'torn is • tour better ..I tighter roof, receiving tar lesafroceent rep: r, whilst the drat coatis bat a into mot*. Th. subscribers would also call the attention of al deal in and worker. in metals, to the many other put pas, to which Iron thna protected, can be applied.-• to g• coal teem. It ts applicable to &tissue'. of iron whir . it is deastable to protect from the action of Ma mese -here. And they would especrally call the at- Wanda of thou interested ruTELLUILAPIIIC LINL, to thatrCiehratmed Wire, which m now almost entira• 17. .1.2 in Europe, and which answers every. perpose as a onductor of electrrcuy, costing only 0,001 one half 00h..m copper, and possessing equal derablh ty with that metal. !hinny lately erected works ill this City far the per pose at galvartmitur nails, macs, bolts, wsre, be May will be able to furnish any article which madesr red. i Anupply of Plates (manufactured in Europa,] constantly on hand r from id to .T.l wire gcage. GEO. D. hIUREWOOD &Co Ronda andl6l3cave”t, NEW YORK. The Patent Right for this vttale has been seemed' GIII for United States as well as Great Britain,and other PA .n countries, and all legal wearier* will be le- I prevent any infringement by imports°. Stotts . . i' , Wholesale Drug Warehouse. /IN TN CITY Oli. NEW YOILICs • piA. rAHNESTOCK dr Co., No. 49, Johnwt. • New York, offer I or.isale a large and genera. aaiortment of Dings and Medicines, Dye Stull Mats and Oil. of every deseription, which they are prepared and determined to sell low. Loantry Merchants and Druggists err requested to call and examine their articles. Orders executed with farthlalness and despatch. B. A. ralmestockW Vermilage constantly on hand. . • , ,B. A. lehneatock, , , H. L. Eahneitock, ~ , Pittsburgh. G. W. lahnestoek, . A. B. Hall, New York, Ruh • PAPER WAREHOUSE sco. 9.*818U.12161 BMW. BMW YORK. IYHUS W. FIELD offers for ado at the lowed Manufieutrera' p rice,, a very crenaiva moot of PAPER, domprieing ortry.poadde vd*ty , adapted to the wawa or consumers 4,11 section, of non country. Paper of all Alas made to order at abort not ea. I Lori:wk. of PRINTING PAPER is tannin) haze pa not which is offray_ superior quality PAPER ICIARw.E MATERIALS of every . description, ins . ported and kept constantly on ne Cloth; Founirinter NV ire.; Bleaching Powder,Blee Ultrzseartne, Twine, Ike, tec RAGS 4. Omens, Bale Rope, Grose Rope, notifies ae . :, purchased, for , which the highest pile., to Ce ' sh will be paid i Par Neer Vert. Je!ykleißt. Hardware Stare Alamo veg. WThIORE WOLFF haring removed from Ric corner of Liberty and St Clair meets, be No 80 Wood lomat, three doors above St Medea Hotel, Resold reartictfully mit the attention of buyers to Ma iratoett of HARDWARE:, CUTLERY aed SADDLERY; meld per ship. Sammak, Plonortgebeht and Ramie, threat mm the [lll6.lfaCtUrCtS of England and Germany. Also, applies of Amerieanillardwana from the prin. manomentrortiof the Eiman 81114. Their mock, being enttrely new, and parehmed open the beetierma they feel great einihdenee in betog nble melt radially to meet emepetition from any snarbar, whether canoe west. - MM=4l Cs ALERATUS AND GLUE FACTORY FOR SALE! ID—The Adminturamnof the late James llacLanghtin, oder tor sale the establishment to to Ninth Ward, formerly earned oo by htm, h bm lite time, ea • Were tas sad Ohre Factory. The warts art in complete order for ow) Mace the balance., with birares,lte and weal Cr ...acing IA any thee. A Itbcral ereen real be give., and ell panmalan made known by astir no either of Co.andamigned. JA hILD BLAKELY, Nth, JOHN 2dITCHRIAt . • PR!CH FLOUR.larsatt: at the Masten! ead , Taee eeterV No i tio little Nero to be Inman is the eoemenitrof the ralue.of Mot ia P.m) . iesehirm,aad ae a wholesome &hewn'. its th e invalitt,'that we have coecladest to fared. , a far et pnasnl reciter [ hich"oar earim J. ers can ..Mil ' ) the flakier Flier Flour Dread to Lee._hnnY waltles.!tuffs, epoese cake, retze4 ear.:7Mterje•ei 'tr,ea;'at YO RHOD DAVIS'S EXTRAPAMIIS PWps — P~millp ems:. at .11 taw. besuppli•d ledo of Nam:tad MUT mast* 80 4 . 1 4 1 0/111., hikte JOHN TjAr‘ e...60.1,ttik5; van. • atismog : ; •‘. •.!4: • • MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers