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' We ate told that biascertain he hopitimate will, the safest course in adoubtful case, is to consider the old law, the madder and the remedy; end it is proper to prentim . that as we never had. strictly speaking, any previous statute on the subject of quo wamourt, the remedy stood, with us on the toot of tho common law modified, in s measnre by our own customs founded in analogies, drawn from the 9 Anne c. 20, which however was not attended, ' u a swan to Pennsylranii. What dam was the old law 1 The greatEnglishcornmentator tells as that the writ of quo wamusto lies at the common law for the usurpation of a franchise in violation of the right of the King ; and that it 6 in the nature of a writ of right for the King: consequently that no one elm can sae it out. The judgment on it i. =chain of the right even tusk= the King himself; and this, together with the slow and unwieldy mare of the remedy, had made it give place, in practice, to the note mammal& end lore • decisive method by promotion by information In I the nature of a qao warrant° filed by the Attorney - General in the King's Bench. Thus studs the common law proceeding the English coots. In our own the maim= law writ of , quo woman - to ham never been attempted; bat in plus of it, recourse has been had to the information Witte mann of a quo warrinto as It stands in England at this day, notwithstanding the tenth section of the ninth article of the Constitutioa, which 'de- .. :.clams that, "coo , person =all, for any indictable offence, be prcocedad "gaunt criminally by rotor- NUM= except in cues arising in the land oraa 0. val threes, of in the militia when in actual service is time of war or public danger." In the CoM- Monwealth en. Brown, 1 Bent. & Rawls 882, it no bald that an information in the nature of a quo warranter, being not a criminal but • civil pro • aiding to try a right, was not within the toostita atonal prohibition. Though this decisionwas au• renstionably founded in a =and coutraction, it still appeared to coincide with the letter. These informatics in the nature of quo war. unto were found to bees convenient in England that they were allowed by the 9 Anne to be filed 'by leave of the Court at the suggestion of a pd. Ovate relator for the determination of prints di. • pros between patty and • party in which the cao. roman) wee not involved, and in which the name of ths Attorney General was retained only far the sabi of forma That statute, se I have said, vies not exumded to Peruisylvania by adoption, and sanctioned as a binding enactment by our act of 1777 to nun the laws in force before the Re v n 010:1100, though the substance of Its provisions wee assumed as parrot our own common law, for the heath of such aninformatioa. Thus Owl the law at the enactment of the statute before us which !supplanted it; and what were the defects it was intended to remedy! I will not say that the incompatildity of an Information with the !letter of the constitational probibitiothwas one of them, for the Commisdon. as who reported the have not said it was: still it may have leen= object withthem in pro. vi&ng &statutory writ, to amid even a found la =amok'', ,Bat the substantial defect/ were the , want of statutory authority to gin remedy in aim identical with, or similar to, those -provided for by the statute of Anne—the want of power in the =mann court to try noes of feet in the country, and the delay produced by the remedy to it. Did the Legislature go farther than merely to remove theml ani bound to takithre law from the statute tool, we are at Itherty, in ewes of &Otte! intent, to go behind the scene for the motives and objects whidt led to the enactment; inT in tin induce we have not to deal with mere fetnedelq and =ejectors. The Cittalltisioo6 , ll who admitted the ill= of the law proposed to give the Brun= Court power not only to pro , • COlld by writ, but to send is of fact to the crud) court"; and for greater. despatch to gin . dna courts concurrent jorialieslou in mom of usurpation. or forfeiture of county, township or ' corporate franchises, °tikes, or battle.: but they , proposed no provision for an allowance of the writ t at the suggestion of a private relator. That was sada, howerse, while the bill was under discus. ono in the chamber', but limited as we shall me, =those cues of which the county courts sitordd -,hue concurrent jurishabn. - ,The foot section of the act authorises the So. prams Court to thaw =Us of quo warrento air " der the damns wherever they her been betted at do amnion l a w; and consequently in coos Blunt= prune Bo much of the second seed= es glom rise to the quiaton, is in them wads,— dint of quo =manta in the manner and form hter provided, may also be head by the "..1 several Crum of Comm= Pitts concurrently with the thsumos Court in tba followiog PM. to fib lo was any ream shall usurp, intrude into, or unlawfully hold or exercise any c o unty or WWII. office wittthi the respective comity. 2.14 case any pens= duly elected or:appoint= to any such ado& gall have done su ff ered, or omitted _to do, In/ act. Matter, atilt:vs whereby a forfeiture of his ars doll by law be wasted. 2. In case any . question sfiillelJn concerning the curd= duty voce in any,. conetatirms =rood by authority of Iset,:and bob* the chief pleat of bunion; within - the respeolivo• county. And In any sue? eau tbs 1 writ aforesaid may he is upon the, suggestion , of the Attorney Gomel, or his deputy in the reelisetiv • county, [or of any paean or persons& skip' to prosecats the mans.”] Now what are we to understand by the words ' 4 207 each waif' - upon: every principle of obviate imaming, and grawsucal Maim, we must intend that the legislature had in view be cues contained in Os same section and 9.capi imusallately pre. ", Coding the flast4thuse. „The words in brackets wets judiciously added the Legislature to provide for cum in which the pablirointesest might not to Medved. and in which the Antonin General might not , be bound sW. , For all cases within the exclusive jn of the Sununu oZurt, the wand= of auth i provide= is evinciniof a design to leant the kontrulo, n of the writ to the regulatiou of the Cream= law,xind to pat the control of it enclu. deity Withicithepower of the Attorney General. - An te. remain for inch a dispatiske of do mat _ ter le an donut one. In the usurpationof *mu. Mein' or corporate office, or retainer of one at. tar forfeittina Of the expiration of the ineambeat's term, no fro:whim or libertyof the Commonwealth • is knead or withhabLead the prerogative is not to be Invoked for the redraw of a grievance not bre over, bat es then may be invasion of private eights of a corporate or municipal nature, it was mosestry to lotroduci the provision of the stat. Ws of ABDOr modified and enlarged for their pro. action by writ of quo warrant° subject to the di• Medan and control as well as the risk of the taldnitn t 'l 4 de a remedy for lin assumption of an rune. • tin (demo* in other wards, an office which can be logithithely NW only by llar smointmerit of the florintor, or by the choke of the people of the "Ifteticelfes statutory wilt of quo wimnto dandy : ern may thing but the Gem of it, stood the writ of goo innwito at the common law. The the lawlas wasmortal by the Com. mi pi asionate put It upon the same footing even Ws a raoady fa the laud= of e private right; end do Intornation of a,p ale prosecutor woe not exthaded toll u • remedy thr public Wroar ' The Commonwealth has her own law officer, mho'is =mod with the protedion of ha pro - man siebtm , and abedid not allow ,bet fano. don to be meamsdpy • piing pecoicakt. , What Induces the mind to pima as to the tea. • sonal&nem of this coodualon, is theitamidention • - that as the Governs ' , controls in awn omen. , she lied= el the Attorney Gaseed, who 6 &Pot' dent = him foe in hisAfflearan Oa: COolltketigall appointment by that Executive may be without renal whale the law officer of the '" - Stele to bemanness of his duty. The 'however, that 6. will not disregad - and that Undo, the House of Riipmentabo will Imparh. and the Benito cement him. This priewmption itifart of the theory,of oar 0011/12t mat, miff it k Woe in '6d, it vim gni:wow= svila that framed tho Cooatitation ikeLegidstwithl ifi a gwa th '' ,4 " o - 1 " INT;rlOilttrlikkt 'lt is our basimu, ~l'o'Pt.'Vet.'"l..****lisliki• rutieglo 4 sE,cts,lFal pro ' 4, 4 ; Jew as we find it; end meting whblit • xx r tolitt*Okt ml 1 0 1 ":.• f,fith klartenteinlhist writ. =then Imam ait Po' V.e,t,7,44,1{11.,-aieisfraittion a Pam kw oreit -rt4111,,,e,20,„-712:27e -'",!".2764glisehlllitsitelki the Coaniotstaslth to Pow. 190, at cars nay much like the corer 411,7 7 / 9 1/Mtfr Yes•"" , • - - , • `4' .; . ~ {~ . .~,~ • ~`'R' 4 fit!. •~'~ s+`'~,Y~'. • "'”:.:,2:- ; ! , ;-‘;• •:.:4! . .a.:',':40:Y•'...4; '; V ..., , :,.... :1•451:11,I.V . •It • 11 ' 'l':. :- (,....1.... .' ::',.,;:, 4,...,1' .: -. i.:! f • ~: ' 1 . ,- .' l ,;;;' :'.-..• :•ii.: : -,z 4 ''':.:' ii .,,' ''' ; 1 , :tift . :+ , • 7 :%'. -, . . e.;:q. - $. . 1 .• i -4 ,: i i : r • ;• oli,' it, ,- 'co,: ..... it• -. '.: , t'.! 4 1 4 (M , . 4 :' ' 41 .1.: C .'• - • -,'; 'ilt. ~. ~,•. , f ,1;.i.: . ...f ~ ,V 4-4,, .., .i , : l j . 1.1:, , ''',:ll; , :‘ ... ~,..: ‘ ,.i . : F •,, . .i.', • N 1V. 11 0,1 4 -:'.- 1.- : •:', l * . g 1; t : Af. , 14- 1 r 4:%, +v. , . < =',:.'Nkit.e..l7,o, .-• 1: 1--•., i .‘ -.No* II L ,. `lli , -;-=.'• , v , . F , V :.1.*; , : 1. :t . ::.i ..It' ' :st. .•.&1. , "•.,: . 5. ) 01... ~ ', , J* 0 •K1.,:..*;• rt t • ,:i. ,; ,,;r:: Y',,,,ttV. L .1.P . 4:0 '`'l ,, t t k., . ~,Ikc 4:"V'' :tw ::,4 `VietA.-e-A - - .C•,- , t .. , 44-1.5.4 ‘.v.4tiio' kek. , , , vx*- cc'4, s . 4 , . ~J t :::: =EI .:'.._-: .i,. i-M. - • THE PIITSIIIIIIdt eriZEITi BY ERASIVII Bltc*KB &OW Dsn.y ♦ el publisu slid Weekly.—The Daily iv Seven Sikkim per =lug thetri-Weetly in Five Dellaraper ashram the weekly I* Twe Dollars per amain unsay roam= ComaleiVtal Wel/ 4mce, D 0610.6 lid tion,lapons; limey +lllutel. if, Fags far i Wmalammous *ECM 0.111A1M;OP40D0111 111011111aLL. We bed designed to all. further aturation to the tali declaim of the .Bopreme Comt, irt oat of the Judge of the ; Taut Judicial Medd, bat the vety aide , anitment of Jelp, Quainter'. dire itWoueeeesary. Old se same of theeJUder as, imps they will lire Ibni mouth tone the emir they hoe committed. he4ed,we the &dice wpm*. es much for the disrespect It is calculated to cream towards the Judiciary mkt the wino( drum by the illecon IteelL ,`,``~`' aseraird the pow* . a odiehl deem in Maas awed* the -Haws - of asymmattativest of that &am adopted I mariaffim equidne kfc.fail Geostal crab' &kiss Oscura4o file sultrier Markin giblet him in: U name of 91 0 Wm' canto. The Bolicitm General tiled such an infoo melon; rearing the tea:anther lie it, and_denisiing that he acted in obedience to its mandate. On a unction to quash, the question was whether the in formation wearies set of the law, officer, or the set of thenopular tan* end the Court very proper. ly held theta the forma was bound to set an his own resgithriffilY, the informal= wet his set sod the mega' I mem outplusege. ' • It le nieffierie to ay that bad it been deemed the Act of the "'Boos of Bapresentitives, it would bus ban quashed., Bring an encutive officer, it would have been a legislative ariripstioli of his funutioirs, to direct the course of his action. To say no more of that, thedseision shows Val deem ly that a ease like tbs 'prim* in' the 'bones of sped& mrsritoseat, stands cm the regidation of the Common law. Wealthy first section of mutat. at. refers for the extent °gibe jurriedietion of the ildriprome Gaut, to the Common law. But it is very far from eaudn, that, an equal or greater de. ,grse of inemivenienee would not be sufficed by exposing every adoisterriatur judicial officer of the State to a writ of quo warrant et the suggestion of any one who might choose to test the validity of his commission by menial experiment. As the judgment In a previous instant:, would not be a bar to Bah prosecution at the augpstirm of • dif. fereHot relator, if the writ were a matter of private right, the incumbent °eighths bemused to death. In the Commonwealth vdDirlingum who died be. 1 foie judgment, and in theCcaumonwealth vs Cot. lies, B Watts al, in which there was judgment of ouster, the writ lamed at the suggestion of the Attorney Genera nit reported by the Com. mbeioners was bated on the law as it then stood; and the amendment of it in . the Chambers, was limited tospecific atamerf which the present is 'not one. It could be ithad only by a snit sued out at the suggestion of tte Attorney Gentral. Writ quashed. . I DIRSZNT The writ of quo sustain° was anciently lamed at the instance of the King through his attorney gaunt 'for the purpose '\ of 'sizing a franchise, office or estate, to the use of the King. Some time terns the English *dation informations In the nature tithe - writ of quo warrento were de• wind by the Engible lawyers, which were putted and allowed by the Kiwis:rich upon the religion of • private individual, - who was made liable for costs, If he failed to establish that the defendant wax a usurper of the office or franchise. There is a cue reported int Lord Raymond 496, where the. Court of Kings beach allowed Sir Samuel Miley to file as information in the nature of the writ of quo wanento spinet the Mayor and Alden men orde city off( utted. The 9th of Queen Anne subsequently to , this provided\ that the informa tics in the nature of • ink of quo warrant.) should hue epon the relation of any indisidua who chose to prosecute the slime and give security for costs. against any persafilistaping an office in any Borrengb, City or town *pinata co:pennon for the purpose of declaring it void. Thor writ of quo waminto wooled probably still be the NOW, in England, to be leered by the attorney metal in order that the franchise might be seised for the Kan. The Menne* in the jiulunent in the two cans to, that in the writ of 4110 wairaato the office or fnuichiee' is declared forletted and is seined for the one of the King. The judgment an the Warn. don of a writ of quo warranter is that the delete. dent be ousted from the office so that it may be Mod in the manner appointed by law. Thelust geoceeding nom was used in Pennsylvania pre. tons to our Act of emembly. The litter was used although the Statute of Anne wee not con eidaredm force, but the proceeding we adopted to try the right to an office merely as a civil roma• dg, either u a remedy at 60215011 law, or under the provisions of thi act of May PAL In some hutenne the writ was issued in this - t herend the name of the attorney punt med. he re. fused to take any put in the proceeding; it not being his dray, and no fee being allowed; and tbe Coast enstained that: cower; and in the use of Ibifutdica vs Griffith 2 Dallas If% the Court said the name of the Attorney General must be used profornea,lxit the private relator must carry tithe prosecution. It was declared by Court in theme of Republica vs Prior LYests 906, that where the ado - roey general officiaLty. moved for an informa trod, it would be Ironed of ammo without.hie =toting into reequissom for coma but where it wu =red for by an batiks!, security for caste most be flub. •In the Stale of Ohio, it bat been risked by the Supreme Court, that if the attorney gegenl or hie deputy declined to Make the unfit* Lion in a proper cue, that tbry will makes per. amptly order for him to proem' or appoint some other puma to do it. Hammond 24 9 . It MN rated inn& /kat, aniondy to meta• the, that granting leave toile a quo warrant° in. formulas weediseutionary with the Coon, I S. tad R.. gm But ths.. --met of this =don walla mum to establish -ines our statism, as well, as before it: le and is. in the diseriettenof the attorney general. In this, stets offices are edges fished for the bettedlt of We people, end ere called the servants and semis of the people, end hence it would appear unzip and incongruous, If they are not allowed to say, that they ere filed and occupied acisording .to the Constitution. But it sumo power must strike at prime, emanating from the same snorts. The people are incompetent to move, and must trust to the attorney general as the consecrator of their eighth. Before the peewee of our act of Aswan* of the 14th Jane, 1839, there Engirt hare been doubt whether tLe name of tbri &mousey general ought not to have been used. es • mattes of form, but dote the plow of that act, all difficulty bee venideed from my mind.— Mte must suppers that the authors of that acetate (the mimes of our statuary =de) ware aware of the thfileuldee in pearlia. from our having no well deriSed wane applicable to our political ht. stilatkina and that they Intended to supply that Want. .The statute, being in fawn of pubbc right and liberty ought to be liberally expounded for the acciesplithselat d that end. The let Amnon of tha actprovides that,omits of quo warreitto . may he boned by the Bauer Court, in the fors and miaow hatelter pleaded in all cues where the writ of. quo warrantees Common. law may have been issued; or where the said Courthay hereto. fowl premed the power a( panting inkinnations In the attire of quo:wernaito.". The sumod wee lion eases that othe 'mute of common Pleas shell have power to hue write of quo remnant* in, the form widisarintrAereinafterprovitkaconaurient ly wiskiithp suptipe,Court, in the following cues," and then enumerate the usurpation of Ley ma te or township office, or any dike inany comorn does created by authority of law,end then pros wide that in any such ease the Ait afonisald may be leaned !spots ttie nureestiou of the attorney gem oral, or his deputy io the respective county, or of any *rows or person/ damns , to poseeate the same. waken father provides that the writ may be loaned spar any corporation, who ham no laid authority or have feria* their haa t:hies, which writ shall be prosecatird,lgthe attor ney gentoil; his deputy in the county, Or itny perms mho shall desire to prosecute hie same. . The third action mum the dray of the eau: raj piteritto persecute the writ against a cape rata, when be believes it has no lawful suthon. or' haw.forfelted its charter. The foem of the writ le then eet Intlb lathe fourth section. Other section! provide thit the writ shell be issued only upon application to the Ursa Court in tams time, et by the Casson Plea during Wm, or to soar Judge oldie Burnam Court, or the Pr.: slant oldie Common Pleas them:ado* In which r'application the facts tithe ease shall be folly set forth en verified by the alb of the applicant; pro. vision is made for ousting the psnoa who maps office, if Judgment is readered spina him. The writ of Woodion Ls directed, which, If disobeyed, shall be enforced by wilts ofaltachmeat or seqoeis aka. These are the_materid provisions of the act. It le manifest that the legislature intended to rondo an entire alba ad by the eet-of 1806, m ell care. where a MOW/ PrO or say thing directed to beaus by any act l ed, semb :.the direct em of said ect shall be aMetly panned. • Now, when the fiat section d the act states that the Boras. Coast shall an the write of quo waminto ha all CUP In the MOM herithalise provided, what is mural Does it not mid to the mob end manner dating the writ enjoined In the after random of the sett That manner is that it shall be Wad at disbuds.= of the At. tom, General, depty, or arty person who shall be desfraris of permuting the same Bat the - argument of the defendant is, that the words any pawn deoirwisofprweeuting thesarea,i. fere to aunty ',Sees and wep_otations only, which leaves the writ, ae to blether tame, that can be Weed by he Supreme Court alone, without any direction as to form or manner of burin tiwo, when the mestion positively leovideeithat they shall be hued In the /OM Opt manner sp. aid in the ad. We ought sotto impute to the . Legislature a, vein an act, es to provide minute Induictions - for issuing the wit as to =all cdfi., cem: but as to the more Important, lease them at Jugs o the remote analogies Rant from the royal pteintratire: But by tide eoustsudion. the feat and leading Mare of Ibli Meats is madam! `toothy makes, merely adenine on the Court the power which it aye they possessed before, and earthing from:, It the redly, operative w o rds that the power shall be necticed sat the sienna Art. Rq inernekte. • The winds In the first section. 1d du. ortood tind fano lioviodom provided.' and all the prosisioneln the sampan Oita set a 'Saito "Abe form ad manner; mutually connect themselves, and *Mate each Woo, and plena tbe manes; in whichlhe Setheeme - Gotta shall ttofitdsme° 0 1 ; oak "69 the powse coo' find - : - ,Nat ortiookfier a teatient to the pada= hi. roirblehlhe'seueseantetidad for by tectiefend• ant's eoonsiioeld dim &peopled Weikel. No Information could beessepinit the AVOW) , Goad himself, no maw by what Wool won he haki his Am And, pethapi, r in essay Of the cases where the validity of the appointnant,, in tended tube enquired into, he blinalf, is. the k. gel wisher of tbeCkhernar, may .. bave ciamedied the appointment. If a judge, should hold over his tam of office; micifiten, nor all the cinemas of his district, could Tuition his right,ly &meow= end rocas of law.; If the Governor appointed an individual during thonmees, his commission would bat until the aspiration of the swam Of the Sap ate. There would, therefore, be no octant vacancy in the office until the Senate had Tian. lf, in snob me, the Gamut= declined to nominate to the Senate, and filled the office Unroll atter the expiration of tbe amino, in such case the people of the district could not question the constitution. slily of Mho appointment. That power or privis lege Is reserved to the Attorney . General of the Governor, who_ made, the appointment. Or it a Judge stioidd be Impeached, and the Smite find him guilty end deprive him of hie office, how Is he to te exclodedl The Senate have no power; their sentence is on paper only. It le the Supreme Coast alone who can issue a ,quo wartime, Issue a writ of Injunction and attach- and sequatrate the usurper. If, however. the Attorney Genetal, who gm no fee for his trouble, should omit to file the information and pursue the Writ, no other cit izen can do it. it may be aid these cues will never occur, and probably they may not. Bat all laws are made upon the supposition that men and officers may do evil. and made for the purpose of restraining them. In the workings of ambition, the exacerbstions of party and the tendency of corruption in all governments, we canna tell what men may not do or attempt to deq and the safest comae is to have vigorous law in . full vitality to prevent encroachments on the tighta of the people. It gems to me that the construction contended for would strip not oily the people but the Senate of important rights, by taking from them the means of their enforcement. I cannot perceive any valid reason why the free citizen of a free State should' not be shandy to question the lawfulnesi and constitutionality ofjodp's cffice, who exudes' power over the lives, hattnes and teputatice of the people, as well ache may di; bin the case of a Piottionotary, Sheriff, Commissioner, Tcamibip officer, if henbooses to encounter the trouble and the hazard of payment of costs.. I can very well perceive the tenon why the writ of quo warranbe in England could only be sued oat by eke Attor ney Genera; becalm there the whole proceeding was foritie benefit of_the Men, who seized Abe office, fiencbiee or setae. Sot here the proceed ing is for the benefit of the people to oust officers who hold spinet the Constitution and law, so that they may be constitutionally filled. Ina free state, ever citizen ongtit be allowed to vindicate the dastitotion and law,by doe course and process t pf law; and as in.my hamble Judgenteel, the Legislatatc, when they teamed the statism under con sideration, Wended to give that power, I would not ithnW it. The armee-et so strongly erred, that high ine th e The Lastest are not above the law here, nor the lowest lir o n i s Irtt " and brtry:el ' ae t i tACellifr Does annyanee. The writ eon only be granted by this I Court, In arm time, or =oj:dr , i t: 11 ;mo.; sod I ' ZriTeTi n bytt c l7fooot believe eh:T i e:l% l or any Judge of it. would grant the write xcept on col orable Orres.nablegroanda Thu Cain is a branch of the government to which the people look for the tale pendent administration of the law, so well from the stability of their °lace, as from their removal above the local, and wasdone excitement of the people. !ditch the Mamma as to unisons the w elt, t. more safely lodged hero Dan IS the aboralute will of the Attorney Genesis %Without intending to intimate the slighest opinion on the Consolations! ensestion involved, 1 may say, that as the meadow regards the learned Judge whose case is before Con, , he hoe my good . I .14 think him amply emopetent te tbeonice. At is only when teeny-loot/re eptashiagthe writ which was duly allele al by the Court, bitillite it ill Dot atoned on the appli canton of the Attorney General, as an authority and iTe 'd ' a l=l l 4 "l er:e s lit y ab I I try IVelv: denss of the won tmesses. I==l= - Bowen In Nieitle—.Pn Cdrituni One nrdkt in ILO OilCllninir in whkh duo question was vmortage or no motleys, and payment," is not =elusive, ' bot the frame quad= may be tried to a ejectment. The set of = let April, 1846, relative to welt of ejerszaents fa enforce the payment of pn mooey„is confined to eases vwherein time bee of the Mende of Abe finding of the jury; ' the spa& case of a plaintiff vendsr,who haß v end a verdict for the land, and whom the Jury givenths defendant time. to redeem. lioniOsm to Kerr (Mersa tio.) Judge Be : Judge Burnaidee dissentients rAt a 111E481 ale by the Sheriff, tho bidda is not bound by hi, bid after an adjournment of the sale' on the Sit ' • MOM motion, although each bid woo not sap Indy retracted before the adjournment. . . Bricker o Briiiker.—Chief Rustics Gibson. 1 1. petition iumained by affidavit, filed in bum in the Common Pleas of Westmorebnd county, for the purpose of ea:yelling' the ramondents to in ane an oath tooehing the eupproplon of' their father's itill, isananiftely a petition in' the Or phana' Gant. Although the Orphans' Court cannot • bill efdtmorirr, it can reject an an. ant to it petition containing the inbetitaes f bill in equity. An agnemeat to convey an smite by will, not within the letter of the maws to edam deck, denuteentraets, but being wi l thin the. Naiti and spirit of it, will be embraced. - The infante of frauds, is no bar to the intention Of such a tea foe, although postnatal was noaa ken in Puma= of it, it wool tat In writing, Mod although loot, its contents may be proved—C: P. Wins. 242.) Prayer of the Petition—"that the bill inayl be ' answered wording to the Una meaning and i b; same thane!, wee equi.eatinn or mil ''end that the Coati y do what equity shall era , join," is in Raglanee a prayer for general relief, end the most compnitiondn that can be imagin- Hnosy Clark To George Thearpron—Jody F Itogem—One exception to the rule. that a team may not dispute his landlord's this, occurs where `such meant has the legal this, and senate mother, hens fide, and without notice of the trnancy,wpw. kicilY where the landlord hue by.same time, with• out salartlng !delights, and valuable implements havaitimin made by.the lama. Another, Is when the term has expired —Port. RUM RAIL ROAD. The Daily News, at Philadelphia, rightly arg. the application of individual snosprise to the coommunation oldie greet - wort, and farther the connibitionof the Peannylvanis road to Pittsburgh, and beyond Mahan& to the West, before the Beltimore aid Ohio Ifni ihill be under way.— The News adb: • Rona fact is somswhat that Phila. &lob's blembants it this time dependant up , on a rival city, for the means of transpotting goods to their western' antoriers. Surely they will has. ten to improve their position by a liberal and Prompt application of. a small portion of their wealth, to the constrection of • road that every day lemma more and mote' work of necereity.. In. diffsrence note Om. such a eobject se this, will inpors us setio . uslp In Mon ways - than one. It 'Will not may 'retard great improvement which the West is act slalom to see completed, bat it Will encourage the opinion in that quarter, that our biplane men are destitute of that enterprising spin. it which is 00,68" O tqadvantsports and succue fur trade, and without which our city will mem to present 'attractions to dealers from other States. The Paineybania roacisfssuldbefinished before Me Battinsore roost reaches Me Ohio ricer, that we may be able Mascara the first connexion with the Ohio immorements, by preventing to - Molt ptiOctors superior inducemems, to any. Mat can be offered by the Bathroom and OblieVotepimy." . , The way to scrumping: thbr is easy enough, U there is any unity of purpose inning the Medd phis aphelian. That city has • the means of building the read from Nudge:eh to thie city, without *lists lt, and the only manner in which it mould ever be felt, would be in the inmeasect resources it would bring to the city. Public prom pithy and individual wealth are the certain re. wards of a wise expel:dime In our public inn , prinements. The Philadelphia Bulletin &mum es eguonably upon this branch of the subject, In the following paragraph: . - When all we striving for the ,palm, we need not point oat the danger of trade and um/feet. ding down in the. new &tangs thee finned, through the want 4 this very identical gork, the great baek4one lint of the Tar West. The o m iersiu Market, Srocradatiird and Front street., the fang stores in Chestnut greet,. the owners of shipping, and though lag net bag, the landlords, lore severely by this 'ratan:mate • state of grain.— The remedy. is pliable. Let all porn in their emeributions, sou to litable, gui Board te place this entire line of road to Pittebrugh ander con. tract,Nxinditional jar its compietion by the'lefof January, 11350. Look at Boston and New York, and the Inference is Jingoish's, that their sag poi, putty is solely owing to their wise policy In di-. vetting Soto our market the tradethat once was an. Follow their example, before it le toolate, and the retired eapimliet may enjey ample dig. decide, while oar mamma and real estate will at oneepalize a magic rejanintion through its his giving lagagnee. Sloes wilting the above, we hen converged with cue of the Engineee of the Railroad, who mom then nail= our modes rata statements of last Elatordey. Thus we fled that the miles of the road, belied *lnn, are now. wady fat the rails, and eat thi completion of the Susquehanna bridge will alooOmment the bathe lbw between Hargsburgt: and. Lewistownrig , weeded over by the middle of mut eammir. . , . , .•. It hum beeti mil the. vigil lamed u p; .4, 'fora odd BanlWAnnee faw,,dist kfr.TME-coo 'elndiel to let Panatela whittles ass.--/Ibto or. *am Natioud. xxoWit.wrs or Tat WAR. ; drew 'az errs of =lnca When Gen. Bravo to presented to the Annul. an Ostiseal•beZhisf he was thus tainted. - NI deeply rani meeting the anent Gen..llravo, in misfortune, I have long and favorably known bim by time. I trust we may won be friend's. II honor and respect him as an enemy.". 1 Gen. BM° uprising hie thanks for the ear. , esy extended to him by the • Geneill-in-ebiat, the' flar. latter directed that the fanner be taken in the dudel and furnished with se comfortable q , is the eonanienses of the building weak! admit - . 7 0n the 171 h 'of September Gen.fieett tepublish ed his puma orders, proclaiming mental law in' pieces occupied by our troops with impormosted• ditkers. From these orders we copy 'that portion' by which coittritrations our levied upon the espial; and the reasons therefor . assigned: 14. For the sue and safety of both parties, In all cities and town. occupied by the American army, a Mexican polies shelf be established and day harmonized with the military pollee of the said forces. 15. This splendid capital, its churches and re. Woos worship, ile convents and monarlmia, its inhabitants and property, are moreover, placed under the special safeguard of the faith and honor of the American army. le. In cornideration of the foregoing proms"-, Son, a contribution of $150,000 is imposed on this capital, to bo paid in four weekly ismtaimente of thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars each; beginning on Monday next, the 211th Institut, end terminating on Monday the 11th of October. 17. The Ayantaminnto, or corporate authority of thanity, is specially charged with the collection and payment of the normal instalments. 18. Of the whole contribution to be paid over, to Mammy twenty thousand dolkm shall be appro. printed to the purchase of extra col:dons for the 'wounded and sick in hospital ; ninety thousand dollars to the purchase of blankets 'and shoes foi gratuitous distribution among the rank and file of the army,.and forty thousand dollars reserved for other neemeasy military purposes. The next coder we findls dated the 19th, and assigns to the troops their different gelatine in the I city. That portion of the order would possess no interest hew bat the following. pareVaphs are of a 'ratifying characters . . 7. No private house shall be occupied by any core or officer until all soluble public Imildidge within the above ranges shall be first fully mot. pied; and all officers attached to troops shall be quartered with or near their trams respectively. 8. No rent shall be paid by the United States for say buildings occupied by troops or dames witiont a spedellidirection from general headgear teri: nor shall any private bonne be occupied Oa quarter. without the consent of the. owner, or orders from general headquarter,. No deviation from these injwctions will be tolerated. 9. The collection of customs or duties at the several gates of the city, by the civil authority of; the same, will be continued atleretafore until modified by the civil and military governor, (Maj. Gen. Quitman,) according to the views of the Clenerat.in-Chief ; bet supplies belonging to the Qurtimnaster's and Commissary's Departments will at once be exempted; from all duties. According to the Moniler &pub ficano of the 27th Ultimo it was intimated by the civic autborl ties to Gen. Seen on the 25th that the contribution of $150.000, levied upon the popnlatioe. wee reedy for him. The amount was raised bye loin, so as not farther to distress the inhabitants. liero aunts or Ciuromnrse.--Oni. Bravo' in hie official despatch to the Mexican . Minister of War, while a prisoner tutdei Scott, dated Sept. 14th, says his whole, flow in poison at Choy pultepec on the 12th and 19th init. amounted to 892 men, rink and 61., end ten pieces of Artilk ' ry—three of heavy calibre, five snail and two mounted Flowitum,-387 men were stationed to keep the lower points and the roads of the hill. end the Wince kept the heights. The enemy nommeoced their fire on the mem ing of the 12th, and continued with Out laden:Wenn until 71 o'clock in the evening. At first owing to ,Imperfect aim, little injury was dare, bat so Cor reeling this, the edifice was much injured and the "artisan 'lessened by killed and wounded. The wood work of theron was too fields to resist the artillery of the Enemy. . In reference to neinforemonts prondadl by Banta Anna, (len. Bravo says: olle offered to send ms sootier WW ll= that very night, in order to maintain the position In. the wood, and Wanes the genie= should they aged it. I Insisted clothe onoemity of its being procept. ly done, gating to his Excellency that , with the troops then there, it was impossible. to wee w the battalion from Tabus had nearly all denoted, and that the smell form remaining badlost al word courage, from the. easels of tbestuthe on that day. But the President concluded by eating that he would not .sod them Immediately. es he did not wish to crmeintiite too large a body of troops in the fonnere, and thus remits Plater body mike power of the enemy's u. awing me, Wwww, that we would be succored in time." The premised aid was nct seat. Daring the night of the 12th desertions cmtiousd. sod out of one battalion of 450 men but 92 retained on the rimming of the 13th. So that on that day there were but .500 men in the principal part of the fortress to resist the assault of the column' of the Eneiny from 9000 to 4000 strong. After the repeated offers of tmothonsand troops, by Santa Anna had been violated,Gen. Bra•o, called upon Gen. Rangers brigade which was stationed mar the Frei, but mu artswird that they could not move without orders from Santa Anna., - At g o'clock, on the morning of the 131 h, the Enemy protected by an active fine from their ant. lay, commenced entering the wads on the side of Moline del Rey, and advancing by the Tantba• ye road. The enables; of the forces that Cover , al the abundant trenches towards the wood.-for. as that had bent diminished by desertiono the night befori—let the enemy advance with Blight angels' and take possession of the outer white— n being proper to observe hens that' the koops who had been batten at these points did not fall back on the fortune so ordered. • A mina had been prepared; and an Engineer stationed to set dm to the train 1 . 111 soon as ordered; bat he left his position and tine frusratedl their intended effnt. This circanntanas on the one band and the large member of the enemy on the other, and the want of-all help and the falling back of. the troops that defended the outer erorks, spread tans emit:gat the edifiers - men who had not been woundell, and they fled from their Finns, and sonfaslon shortly communicated to the fiw soldiers who had kemakied, so that no earthly ef fort could canal them, and 'make the enemy's triumph dearer tri him. The enemy, hder, .ever sustained a propellents loss to the rWstebee th at was made, and though It and the remembrance without doubt. of that they experienced in the action of the Stir—the malt of which hul considerably dishautental his troons--tte,was men toe acilitate in the aeaoult, notwithstanding the manliness of outings and the advantages he had 'gained. Therefore It a n be amend, that with a little more help In the way of reliforcement, with which vie could. have Koko! gad the defence fog MUM time, the anon. baton, would hll.O retained to his camp in Tecabeya to put in execonon Oho retreat which • kw dike be. fore it woo reported had been determined upon. We give all this for Whet it is wortl4--not doubting the brainy of Generni Bravo foe that bag been nankin•tly tatted. Nor do *doubt the deoratioas mentioned, oe the broken promises of Banta Anna. ; All those are In character. It is certain - however, that if all had remained at their paste, the.kneticans would have gone ahead and occupied die place, though doubtlen at • much greater Ices of life. - Erratum: so nn nn .—At Philadelphia on Friday, information was lodged before Mayor fiwift,.by Mr. Geo.l'litt, a resident of Wotan reonsylrania, that he had been robbed on the pre. show night of his pocket book, calming bani notaslo the sakoe of $4,700. He went lo the National Theatre, and after the pertormance,"while in the crowd at kba front door, wu robbed--hie breut.pocket Wing cut, and his pocket book, con tattling the atFe amount, unused b3t some adroit 'Man. bile in the crowd, he felt him. self, as be thoug t annecessanly crowded, sod was at one time nearly thrown down. Hedkl not die. corer his lore until about half a square on hie way home. The money consisted, u near as Can be iscolleeted, of einem $lOO Dolts, chiefly en Pit* burgh banks; 'ab?ut twenty $5 notonon Pntiburib and Williannp(nt banki; fifty notes of $ 2 O each,. one hundred and twenty eight $lO notst '9 O the Waynesburg,. Fattaborgh and Erie 'bank., and about $3OO In Pbiladelphia notes . CIIANITIre,it lady at Bann, (KO liesatly called upa lha ‘ies'y of Ow FaauJa Orphan : lam and turnlati him • Wu conufalg twaildd lab, with a shigle Has awleanelas that it ra &madam" 'The lady wu dandy vailid, • • yak unknows!,:, . . , .. Mi. Wage= left BOODU an Thanday - • him for biaimuiiireinklia, N. H. Ha 'tom tangy had • Plight touch of lumbago, which glum Mit to a report that he mai guile Old 1 .. y.,~..ty Isreaszenzon.—An the installation of the Bev. Nathaniel Wed u Puler of the StliPreeby: hided &arch, Nathaniel, Bay:Mr. Spark, preached ibe Onal mum Rae: Mr. Toner presided, and put the eonnhutional quest*/ to padar and people. The Rev. Dr. Waddle &divined the cheep to the Pastor; and the Rim Mr: Mow the thole to tier Chareh and Coaennpitican NSW BIOWINTRII Picetsr.-1b fi sBWm Boat Danube, as will be !perceived by nifwercie to our advertising coldinna, b to ply se s niedit Tradie biterein ebb 9'o end Brotnasville. Addle dons' fiehitiee of ine*ourei his • been of lite Muth wanted on thiinierigation and we brio" &ablaut the Danube will meet with &full shire .of patronage. • Kinaaa Irsiona,—A, trio of Kamm Indians— Sd &Mr of the tribe; Pa.baroa let Captain, and Costal-.b, Interpreter, anived hare yeataday iM the Lady Medina.— Ttury are on their way to %Abington City—and an rappmed to be a delegation, from their tam to Our Government. Dear! or A Vostrizes.—A Nita received in Ws City yesterday, from New Orleans, stiles that Mr. Josiah Jewell,. Son of David Jewell, d this City, died at:th at place of Intendant fever. He was we of the Ksittach7 Voloateanforaler General Taylor, and tithes rigour by the Meal. cans at Entalmseire—eiueschsapd, and so his way home whist be was tabs dd. Bazar. sr IRS EsM Ermarow.—We ham that a easy anima break haa weaned in the Erie Enellli01:1 canal ow ete place wham that lm. prose:mut Mamba tram the Ohio cm= cat. ;featly a mile has basal washed away by • heavy final produced by tho late mlni.—Aascricms. The Common Coa4il postponed the coOds, mien of th. Ordinance authorizing the Water Committee to amply the higher pmtiona of the eity with water. Taxan was nine ciao before the Mayor on Wodneaday morning. Six wars cotmnittad far want of bail, and the balance ciirchugad upon payment of Muria emu. ...FIRM' . Ben," IS the title of a daily en• nisei papa about to be established in this eity, by W. A. Kindos. The Ant utunber will be ismsd on Monday oszL BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAM: • Geresspistlesee et Pittstratab awls« Correspondence or tie Patsburgli Gunge itirrattras, Oct. 27. 3 P. N Col. John B. Painner, fat many years Poet Muter of this city. and Assistutt Poettoutte Gun. oral under John Tyler, died tait night.. Mr. 8. hem been In many ways coonected with the pub. lie Prue, end win at the tints of his death editor of the ttFarner's Journal ^ and the ..Sporting Magazine." Me was widely known and respected. Relent J. Turner, who was Indicted for de. trending the Mechanic's Bank of Balthnore, hut been tried and acquitted. Correspondence or OH Panderret Genoa (Need News hew Florida. • Riduhood, Oct. ST, It A. M. The Southern Mail has arrived, bat bdop us new. from the Army. The Whip have carried ■ olejority in both breathe" of the Pkeidit Legidatore. Exelows Clurespottdate of the limber& Gana. PRILADEiRHIA. MARKET. Parisi:Liana, Oct. 27, 4, p. Flour—Moderata 'saki of Western brands at 16.76 per bbL There its more ethers than bay. en at Otto figure. Cornossal—Sate at 13,50 per bbL Res Flour—Lieorted oilsn 25,25 per bbl. Wheat-80u of Southern Firms Red at 135 e per bu. Corn—Prime Tallow at 76,77 e per bes-Lcian. kit drooping. Oa False at 45e per bu. Whiskey—Wu at 20e per pd. - . , 41016,--15sher of 1000 seeks Rio et 7467/ per pormd.‘ Prosidows—Theer is lags Inquiry in the mu, ken , Thu market generally L without change. taut en am boldbm oft' fea the foreign calm Shebal. Certespeadmee of the Peubarah Gamut • BALTIMORE MARKET. - Baltimore. Oct. 27, 3 r. x. ' Floor—Sales of 000 bid-Howard et brands at 116,875, and 9000 at Ciiy Wale at $0,12$ per bbl—beld generally t $0,25 per bbl. Wheat—Prim White la selling at 194191 c, std at 136a139e per bn, is in quality and germ- Sales of 5000 be at 123a1310 per bu. Mat. ket =may. Cam--Balss of white, sot. strictly pima at 64a66e; prime Yellow is selling at 70a per date—Moderate sales at 40c per be. Rye—fiales so 115 c pm • Whitley—Regular aalie at 31e per gal. Groceries and PrOvilkalill c aetlaae without 'chugs. - Ezell:me o;rramoodenea of Ike Pittsbarytt Gazette NEW YORK MARKET.. Oct. 97, 9 r.. K. • Flom—Owing to the Eastern demand the mar ket is filmy with some activity. Wheat—The mean is active for - good, but rather doll for an oidioary quality. Balls of prime White at 1500 per Inn Cron—There is a seedy demand in the man kit, sad holders an trying to force an improve.. nat. saw of prime White at 790 per ba; prime Yellow is wilting at 76578 e. per ba. Previsions—Then is We inquiry lot Provisions, and the market is limey. Widdrey—Etaln at 323 c pm pl. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. :IX:A(1W In, 1547. Cottaia—Tba marital la qulot. with • ellibt4•• • In prim. Elogsa—flalo of N.O. fair at Thc pet lb. Motaaso—Rosalar males at laja pot gat. Coro—.l3aloa pans Tallow at 6So par ba Hymns emu or limmass-7Thi.Hoston Ttamapit mykthit soma instamem 'of alma. tion otanhod produced by needing dist details of the Pmelin gamier, are mentioned In IM Fameh papers.. Oos young may, mostly amnia& bolds tbs husband of her tholes la molt dead, Mat ohs barricades herself in her chamber by AP, and repels all his advances by day es so many at. tempts at amaadamiota and their honey mow is not yet, ended. A magmata' EIL Eames was suddenly attielan with madams altar reading the horrible amounts if the Partin tragedy. Placiug Unveil before a Mirror with • pistol, he shot at the relliellan of hbi Mem, azelaimilm, going to kill myself." Then et tha report of the pistol, and mewed with fragmental of glees, he LH to the loot, crying ormltlead." He has sea sines been ander the delodod, that be be In the land of spirits; and when food le offend him, he aPpelelt, with the roatult;" the dead do not eat." A foreigner. ia letter addramed to a comas , eied house. and Warted In the Pianism, maths* the AlSiefiellA 113111etime the army quarrel Puebla. Is about 4000 teen and 170 comadadoaed aims GerteraloPillow and 813iikbr were both merely, wounded, elthough by Mr. Kutdall'e hair of the nth, the Sumer mu add to be nearly recovered. Tart Rsersgs Tarec.—Twalve parson 4,were this morning moan se jurors for the purpose of loins Madam 1461411. The crowd of expect*. tors wu greatly incrsased; sad the excitament,se the we procuds,',will probably be say pest.— The primer mskes her personal appearance la the cant room richly &weed In black esans, wad with boanet.—..N.: Y. Expos. Roane Data Owns, ths War of tha Danko critic party, has written • long lona igoindtha admission of any now ear. tertiary into the Union. The English summer Maim, from Yemen; hiving on board 0140.000 'ln yetis antved at Sams on the 7th Into, ocy- lialgare etneestg Posattese—Mitottat Tostneons—We beg tease to call public attention to the following, from Ur. Wm. Mao, of Walnut:settle Clermont Co., and tine of the veep lest practitioner. la the atom ut which he tutees, and boo flettabt - e In the gum Legislature. It a cheering ties to Pee the toad ies MO if the proftostod, bonnet the binds of prates. song {melodic., and giving isent its dee • "flirt I have in tey peewee been lining sew of goir Ginseng Panacea, ;old, ao ger. ant srelloleased in its elantit Catinbal anal Bronchial Contoktrap Rem se.nd n hate • doses bottleSinat then u lost as TIM vin; u I elpeei It It I:Dammam reader as mend aid Ideation as it has heretofens to heap It consauttly ea hood. Respectfolly,, 1447 Deane i . , Or. nitrite sad Properly Ilellen, Pica: PO I ' 6 l:lllnat i h e = tl LI U = mum ibt a id meaner a imitable Oa OW Regeely__ of +Wilt beep a lease will be teteb. JOHN F I N , Jr. Clen 1 Amps Wigan, actor y . . l a.~. 1,~~ PITTIBUROII VERILY GAZETTE °ember Si—coamys u• Pali Farther from Matien—Santa Acne-4I edam? Coenomalon--Basiners of Pittairtunh—romian Miscellany—New, York CorrespoiNlence—Qoo - Wuranto—Seal Estate—Lc Irons—lncidents In the recent battles—Governor Shank's ProClams tkm—Decitions in the Supreme Cant—Court of Quarter Smaions—Scientific Association of Western Penmylvonla—English Specolaticm— eneral Afannfactafmg Law—Texas—Baai toss Itentr—Binninaham—Oh for a Railroad— New counterfeits—The Bight Spirit Abroa-In clans from the Army in Mexico--List of the killed and wounded in the Pennsylvania regiments —Character of a young Lady—New Invention— Llama Law;—Britiak Lon Manufacturers—Ye. rarity' of the Post—Further naves in Europe Latest Telegraphic news, Foreign and Domestic. Commercial—A carefully complied Review of the Mutate for the part week—The prices' i n 'hp local city marketa—The Cattle Market—The pries.* of American Prodoce in various parts of the Union —Amazed of Floor, Wheat, Corn' &c., received sines the' opening of the Mal—Canal bulimia and morementa of predate—Mutat in Louden. City Nion—L 4 parit ol thePress—Copimi Extracts host the leading joorsals on the interesting topics nt thistle). • For ale at the desk, singly or In wrappera Pries 6 cents single copy. Subscriptions two dollars a year in sd•snce. ETNetles—Tbs You Yens Yeassitar Unary Antiorieuie's altd Xrckanicr banal:ate beang now looser. , tionossodd respectrally solicit &wok= of books, coo. =Y. mineral specimens, models, tte..; the public morally. All dottatioas will be dal yaoltnowlaigoil. eel! JACOB WEAVER; AactSFY pa-kuseaatrt dionau.—Persons having business with the Alit:away neaten, will please eltu at the aka of .1 FINNEY, Jr., &emery, Nos.W Water et. a ft* • On Wednesday rooming, the 27th imn.,?dARY ANN daughter of John and Lydla Mospare. The friend , of the gamily are invited to attend the Amend from their residence on Front. between Wood and Smithfield this morning, at 101 o'clock. C== MBE subscriber has commenced In the city of Pitts .l. burgh, the manufacture of Primus Ink, in all as various branches. Printers throughout the country who ace to want *f lats, would do well by calling on the subscriber peed - cos to !emptying themselves, as they will be sold at eon. Indeed% rodoettem faint eastern, prices. They cannot Its egeelled in point of beauty, richness, or the-excel lence of material bum which they are manufactared. The subscriber cannot bat believe where a superior ankle is offered fora lass price, that a saffiehmt indoor. mem Is advanced to secure the Patronage of all who one Printing Ink.. He is also satisfied that bis Inas open trial will corregpeod with the above reoresentation,end weld there fo re solicit the custom of those who feel disposed to encourage the onnufactoring of th e article to this city. Orders directed to I BIRD, or Wright k. CLarnon, Printers, comer of Dimmed and Market eat, will be • • madly discharged. occglif SELLEIiP VERMIETIOS, nonc er bent, limo all other." Itydparidtd/regleup C., ia.,/ c lobar and, 1847. S Mr. E E. Bellew—My eon 91 month. old, being very wallava at night, and hang much fever at umcal con cluded he had Immo, and baying heard a peat deal about yoar Yertaltho, I bought a vial and rave hies Il dose. which expelled 59 vary lame worms. 1 eonaidor your Vennifode better than Sine P. Byroad.' Prepared and told by R. E. BELLES(, 37.1Vwd nL I Sold by Dr. CSllla, oth wart and D. M.-Carl e. therm ehy. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! I WE havo.2rg .Fleudid Cot o( Clothing', which T wj ondDTfßlookrov lakaer Cloth, Coor and Business - - orm; Blsek C, broom blue and green Seek and Bedew Coats Doper Cloth tfaa. and ?alto Come; Blank min Moe CUM Make- - Pilot and blanket Vane of all khan, shone sad forms; Footrace. of all desenpuonis and everything pertain ing to nos twines. . occen • ANCKER k. MAYER WALLETIF-311 dos India Rubber Tobacco Wel. leis, wholesale and rend—a splendid ankle for rentlenten—Dtet wed and for tale at Indian Rubber Depot. I t it PHILLIPS li. B. We eon sepal! the Wallets to any anoint. oe.kl LOOS OIL CLOTHS -15000 yds 44 Oil Cloths; " I yards wide, teary article; 3ao # ^ Irak bolder, of amain, pal laratiaal reed glom the Pelladelptia newsy; be cats at per ware now, S wood at. mete Er EME3 V/AALITLAtaI BLINDS—Jam received aa ■ aon. ment of best article of Venetian Muds horn the well lawns istabliaturiam of J A Broven,.Alleabisny city, on tonsignmenn for sale al our wan men, 6 wood at. bode] J& H PHILLIP'S to American copy. JDTVIT TINES-6 pc. super Reach Mayan, Inman, Clothes, Violet. and Bucks, at a staall ad vance, plane or yard, ellrect earn saandsztaterai 11.0131N00N, 'option, oedEld3g IPtal at, 2 4 1:&1 4. 11.AGIE—Tbe sabseriber Mei eg leaxd the large oecaplad by Dr. C. G.Hateey, Na mental lbw _, are paw prepared to store ea (Imitable Mal Ocala eland era* UM are coiniantly armed by luatrabee. , J JORDAN & SON oar la bbeny el, camomile bead of muddied . FRCINGIIIM—BIack BoEon, a ti, 3,31,4 and to is•-dk teed; lot eale by oel2lll , - C ARBUTHNOT rOLLZOIONs—Drafts. Noy, e...C7lthht . 2. 7 Pot of the U the nun werable Wm. N 14012d m 1 '23 & I' 130 "41 " N «as 77 marker st VXolWlNaltiNoiff York, Philadelphia sad Hal timore constantly for gale. Deed HOLMES & SON J U X= EI ZIIt . jrt =n2 ~e.n➢e. occo A:Wittig t if Aggikft wood* CLOTBY— Just veeelved thab Blue Pik, 00111% yrbleb will be made, lo order by oete9 ANCKER i:MAYER .FtiPBOOT-111:06 lb. !Amalie tem= or Pent; st for We by Itti PHILLAPS 6 wood Meat 1711dITIINGIL-' Another Lot of Damao dat NNW- V mtgobret received, wtkA will tn made to order by oevio ANCKE3C4 MAYER • 17,L1T.C . 2 splendid lot of French Caney Ve V newton reed, which be made to order by Beat ANCIOER le MAYER AIIIIMIEELIES-4Vacy =I plain CaoMmorrajost todeolood, which will bo oxide to order by rte ANCILER & MAYER ST RECEIVED—P.ney end plain Doe Skin Caw ewes, eybielt wee be made to etderby cede , ANCKER t MAYER 411/IJIZILIG-4 lot or Imlemhd Cashmere Vet C drisjost reed, winch Intl be made to order by may ANCKER - d. MA ER I"-60 bee superior perior bloc and black, rec' for sal C ARBUTHNOT cvaisear diamond ay } wood st DLACHLING-3 tibia blames CU name; br U beas b C ARBUTHNOT SSPSII IMMI-200 dodimet Gm the mseafse eerie% for sale by 0w23 EM=I HOODS, to-11110:: Intsloo Hood. 140 "black Wadding; forsale by oettfi C ARSUTIINC/r QIIIRTS and Drawers of Lambs Wool breaks by la ocHS • C ARBUTHNOT TIISPY.IITIdm-16 bbl a apiria m good bided aalo by JECHOONMAKEK & CO onoxl at DIBPPIPAS—Ahiem Bud Peppers to Do- - en far pickling or poppet sauce—for sale by peril • - BCHOONMAKEEt CO OAP-10 bud's! qualirt Palm S cat3/1 ' • J tICHOONMAKEK k CO OLOON WATICJI-11 bra ratite 'Patin' tad Oakes Anna; for Ws b tern 1 ykIiIOONISAKER k CO SROT —lO Yep Shot, No. I, II and ;jut road; for .40e by LEWIS kIIIIMIISON't CO °eta 43 water tl26omW F LOOR—I 4 extra Rye door an de by F VON DOANHOLST IL CO oeVO 35 flow street lITTII6B-5 bbl. Tall for sale by eet27 9P VON bOeullillOßST CO SUGAR AND MOLANANA -17 bbis prime N 0 Sjsgar,: 35 !Ads N 0 Molasses, in good order; for sal 'on usammodailag terms by WIM MITCUELTREE oat* 160 liberty west (14111111.11MILE11-11' use new style Macy Plaids, •J Nei opened; fel sale 1 , eau! SUACICIA.IT is WHITE, N ;mei a4lll-6 paws any balm ;and fide doable a7cdavool black Beaver Cloth., Jacl reed; (prue by Imtfd]` BHACILWIT I ;WHITE • , rece*nefor,k b 2 , ,y S n oet2B -1° kgi ri IMTALZE. MI, y 121111:13-40Da 'l)sootiy In i ttneilLik: i t co 1..3 *call CH=EID-4Olzf Wain; for Wei by oesls N DALZELL it CO HVTOPS-6 bah, lot T . .red.m emowstment; for ode by mcrml MILLM M. MIGRATION BLIRRZLIA-1111 Oak lei:dames Barrels jut reeM orL eorksiammeat; for oath by Gone • MILLER! RICKETSON SZIIIII-4 be Clover Seed; - ba litilailly-Aleed at. onsienmeot and fa Web . Mt. CXETSCIN cor ATI le liberty vs • WIIIIULMY—Boostsin 'Whiskey for ule lOW Wecr Mali by oslll . MILLER R RICERTEON ISOLA/IMO-00 Obi. N 0 ID non; for rile by DA. Dan • MILLER lt RICKETISON VA.11.11111/1-4 OW Ewers Copal. Vann* , N 9.1 and I for sale 11r JOHN D . MUICOAN 0c913 9311999 d st • SP. TI = M 3 TINZ-10 bbleldst rooldt for We bone b SP. Baownr-1 yak (IN lb.) mita by muM , J D MORGAN CO PPERAI-12 bt!..fapialer b J D MORGAN LOO W00A93 MA. ebi 6:1? silo toy I D kIOROAN CIAXIWOOIII-6 bbls me! iLs sada 11111/13111AT-4 peas Nim sallow [Jammu oalil kr sale by: JD MORGAN LAO Dlllll—i. bbl 'roma for nle 7DMO.NOLN HIM—L P Madan WWI 9n &might and in Ebb Wlot sals et tie wurtvicm JAOOS WEAVIR =m u . S~oeP..;~ r. Emagajaziagami Hy Jena D. Davi Auctioneer 5 hhds N. O. Sam tlanore and TwO NOM Carriage, at Anetnul. 117 ILL Ls added to the sale of yore ries quesalwar ST bossehold foniture at al, P. 114: on Thurs day, th e Oath iust.lit dos Coro oral Pales Roam, cor ner of Wood sad Oh Us— d ands good nashry New lea lo second hand two bone Coon Oaleanle Battery, consisting after Its manner of Um Telegrspho or? JOIO ..Dry Goods. On Tearsday mantas the fah 11121, al 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Oaks Rooms corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, willbe mid without reserve,melose a.coneem: • An extensive •Agottmeril of seasonable - fared. and . dontestio Dry Goods, Iltm de. Ai 2 Varlet, P. M. 24 Obls New t*leans hlolassesi 1 ' ld " n Sugar, goad natality; 4hf claw Young Al ton Tea; , .. I 'erste awned china queenaware; A oilman, of Mien', hardware, Ircapping bad bones, =tete., sturrels, kn. A gerteral sugar. mint of new and monad hind hog id and kitchen furniture, among which are mahogany bareinsoprtng seat mahogany sofas, chairs, bartalmds, mblm, Lathe.' .101't $llll4, venetian window blinds, Re. Al elk (Meek, P. M. t . • A retail amok of dry goods, ready, made clothing, fine shots, gold and silver watches vsolins, main hooks, doable barrel shot awn : a handatims tamostosent of Ger. ot man fancy manta o. <m. Water linen Propeny at ARCLIOO. ON Wednesday eeenlng, November Ird, 119 o'clock, at th e CommeretalNales Room, comer of Wood and nth sm. will be sold flat valuable Mt of Ground situate on Water st,be• tween market and ferry see. having a front of 35 It, and extending back 80 ft, leas ton 10 Mabee by4o feet off the back outer tke lot, adjoining the warehouse of Joe. Tide mdeble. Terms. one-Mini emit, residue t three. end am isp TVJaeninterem, payable easy. eta • /OLIN D UAVLS, Attet I 7:133321711 ---, Fifth night of MRS. FARMS—Fourth tight of MR JAISMON. • ' Thursday, Odder RBM, 1847, Will be pnenenied the thrilling Drum of Lucretia Borgia. Lucretia Borgia— ...... • •• Faroe. Gowen. • • .44.7amrari. I Selma& •• • • •Alr. Oxley. ever whieb,a Macy, by AlistiANNA MALVINA— To conclude with the petit comedy or the . ernErrs Clermont ••• • • • • Ur. /ma'am: Andrew Kr. Dona •. Lady Charlotte . yin Petra. 111.110011 oven at 7. and certain will rise at 71. CATHOLIC 1216TITUTH LECTOHILI. LECTURE, being the seeend of the come, will be 21. delivered by ERASTUS BROOKS, Esq.,on Thurs day evening nest, Mt inst.in the Hall of tblnaiunion, St Paul'. &boot Readings, Mb et, at li t o'clock. Robjecs- 0 The Morale of iles Press, Its alas, abews, duties, &a" Tickets of Admission ma* be procured at all dm prin cipal Book cores, and at the door. Single Tickers, 211 cents. Tickets *demons two la dies and a gentleman; SO cents.. oet4s WINTZ.I3. ABRANOWLENTS. m at 18 . 47. gliAla 1110IIONGIAUZLA 113OWNSVILLE AND OUMBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND TEILABELPHIA. Time so 8e11111201 . 0... • ..... •• • - SR lulro. 'nut o PhiladelplaVi.• • • • *.-- ... .40 • [[OnlyT3Miles Steglag.) HE .endid and lielmmnieg ineamers Comet, Lou M - ' is MeLane . and tilitasars, have commeneed tusking doable daily Imps. One boat will leave Me !Beacom halo wharf every moming precisely at B Passengers by the sorinumg Ime will *moo In BalLitdOrti neat everting to time for Ow PkdadelPtua Mail Boat, or Rail' Road ow. Thwomaing Boat will leave the wharf daily at 0 otlock,oirseptßanCam. Passengers by thie beet will lodge we Weld, mcomfortable state mow; leave !Melamine Best stomp; at 0 o'clock; cross um mountains Misty lekt; sup and lalge The balked. Um &readies st& travel el:owner. The papaw/mu ort this fOOll9 imple,and the connection complete; to this disappiestwito or delays will be on . known upon Passengers can stop on the roam and resume their ems again at plemore,and have choice of Rail Road or Showboat between Baltintoraand Philadelphia. Poach. chimera! to pintos td.aravel as Mel dense Bemire yoar tickets at the offee,Morummthela Rouse, met ,Itarlee Hotel. ; I . Alrat MEN 8A11411113 Engiati Synonoines,l yell, It ma; 81,00 G 011muimrs Gem= Gnat= I 1,50 Adler's Darman Ream I,ou Cidenins , Helms Grammar; by Rodger (hum , . Himmy oy Civihmuon, I rat. iSI mm. I,oe Artugd's (Antilles an modem kartory 1,95 011endorrs Framb Grammar Bowies modem Freed, Mader 75 .. .. . Colbert Dramatic" 1,00 Pim" elementary o o oo Sorenna's French Dictionary 1,30 Kayo to French oad German Gramm— Moods. Wet; Coarse of readm 75 Beath o , Enalish Dictionary , - ?ayes wort of modern history ' IAo atteient o 1,, , o o to I vol,complmo • V. 25 Arooid'a amiss of and and Greek Elook ylost reed; br Wary ,', ..lonN It id9e. - oetifk - .:. • - .FI mood at: PRINTS ONLY: . . EDAFI. BT.,.NEW YOR LEE & BREWSTER Fatah •INILISIMIEC an the year tga.lkir the par pose of sapply lag the sat,' and taterierTnith, with POINTED CALICOES ExcLuarm.Y, at kne pnces—and entailing, at all seasons, of thajpir_ t the L. Amortment fa THE WORLD, They are now opening Several Hendren Packages, ernapnenar every.new style of Foreign and Demesne pnarectsent, many of which are nor to be round el•e :here, and which have just been parehased, and are feted tbr sale ter Cuh and abort credo, at PRICES REDUCED FROM Nialigaaft . iA per yard - below the prices of Apr if and Mai, no per pointed coal ado& are corrected daily for the mforalanon of baTers. PRISM' WAIMIEWIIIIE,I Noe York, Anss,l9l7. 5 RAW 11111./01011111EINT11. , • EXPRE6B PART PACKEF bINF. Wl.• rung DA 1' 81/a to . rlifilleillatan t' d Roid barn:oe= repair...dilate the meant 'WO water. diefsabacribers 'u n. mance on kleivelay,l6l October, to ran two of those packets, carrying passengers to the above and all inter mediate podua on the Canal and Rad Road; gearing Pinsbaro ovary Monday, Wednesday and Friday Eve ning at 6 o'clock, and Ilialidaysburg every Monday, "Wedneaday and Friday morning.. Foipusage apply le W. Satan, aloamohela House, or to . D LEkCII & CO iS Canal Basin New York, Havre, shad Porte Altellso7. , rpHIS Ageney now fully organised and co:Oilseed, has offices in New Yort, Mao and Paris, and will COCOON oh ostler., no matter how lop Of small may be the amonci, for the hlerchants,Tradeonen, mamas, &e. of Piusborgh. • BOoks, Clothing, mole. fumiture, pima, ra0...6.- vingsdkc. Os, purchased by oar &put to Paps, at the lowest rates; hut pommel aaention being Arisen to our heal:leo Lamm, redo:enc. mut perealsforwerd. od with eqtal care and dispatch. Leggageot canoe to the U. S. particularly , attended to. All pods to am, loused at the New Taft Caulom Hoare. Orders should be accompasued by romittences to the moot or nearly _of tVINGSTOhe via. of the CIVCIG reiolred. - LIN; WELLS &CO., mains" No.lo Wall a ., Nevi Vert. tIRSU ANVto pnblie miles, a meeting of minters P and directors of &cheats of the cities of Pittsburgh And Allegheny anis held elf Thenday morning, the girt lost , le tbe Chapel of the University, when, after tan interchange of wenn:tent, It was Resolved, But Prolesaor Thompson, Mr hi B' Kr /eke Kelly and Mr Daniel C Holmes, be • Coonsitme ioloquitc into the mode or orprozing and conducting leachers associations and immune* m other aides andantes. mid report to the next meeting. Resolved, That each member of this mentor be a Committee Id inane mCh practical teachers and - direct. on WI are not presentoo attend the next meeting IbndroaXhot Ws moues winner, to meet spin e in the mime place on Thursday. the Ith of November next. HERMAN DYER, Chairman. Koemtera• octZttd. WABITED—PIaces for wade. and. to hire out to town and country, for n large =abet of Boys of all ages. AIM, for several agents, clerks, salos men, la. boring meo,lostiert, coachmen, and men ktr work In town and country. A 1..•, wanted several suns of too. nay mbonow, wanted place. for a number of colored menandwrcien, boys and girls. Wanted meant farms and brows to rent. Property to rent, recorded tow. l)p.All IMAM; of .deenems atteaded es. at moderato charges, (Mice boars from t pail 7.1 n the tohrolng tik 6 every evening. Charges moderate and to be generally paid at the time of applicatoo. All Leman (post paid) pnunptly clouded to. Ofice,Sth at.., near the Keelung. Bank and Wood at ISAAC BARRIS ocendlt • Alwacoaa uH Ciaahoseees. •• • OP . = this morning at Uri Goods Loose of W. R. MURPHY, corner of nth and market eaa one lot of low 'priced primed Cashmeres, vary cheap; also, r. Blank Alpsecarl - Satioamped Perenial; Barred black Alpaccas; • . Patin Bonnet Ribbons. . .• •• Rich Plaid Unwiring do, rec. .. , 114prw reitelving Boyery will please AL. ocitt7 OITIZICEIS' BATH. Fix;rl bdivien Woodard Motel, nearly • Wasik Larina F's Exchange .. Vet. sabeerthes 4tenlitade the awes ample arrange -1. meets for the comfort:of these who wish the tunny of bathing deriah the Witllfil 1110L604. Stove, of ample dimterions have been placed in the Mime of the Oath Heuer. foetlai FOR MUST. A Handsomely dumbed keens ouldarket strut, lately occupied es a Hadriernotypo estabWh• meat, by blormtd & Co. Alro, a welt detailed and well (crumbed Room, nail• . L ble for wartles, adjoining the Hall of the Mereartillz Library Awomatioo. ntUsuta at PhUollialt. . . E D OAZZAM Office market at. betwaen are ac Elactio • alto Telogliaplu A PAldeliMihruitat bur a braf andlimple expla• nutrition of , the mode or num:awns ocvq - by ma= of AU new rerrention,ilhodnued with cdu and. dia. roma by lame* Johnson, Telographishlrmiw 6r sale H lb. counter of the °Men of the Werern•TelecrePb • and by Ma office messenger. .oeCl7ddt- B • ROADCLOTHi—W. B. MURPHYianIa the attention of baser. so one case black and OPV. Moths for Cloak iagdast seed. Alsoott hand, riper Paul Clo th o, rich black, for WM ; lbws, twilled French Caseloteres, plain and batted &Wish do. lhese ;clods baying been beaghtwery law Mllbe add 'accord.' for sale by -• aD MORGAN • Mamas% • . Forwarcring blereiscost. Braintniac. Pi* a .. Att.& {l,iruisdthiOrATM Fur suy_fanktu , mk rt autli u apply se ocg . DuNcAmmster H tiff bo Whew, boar. y Al" ba oley, for masint pries in cub will be_ wad ' < zi,Wa • wwll7, W ItatElsk.uu • airaitz*Bilana in es ow. 00, br ., Ourispartllos, fro NIA rolteleralo or rraol w'w store ea= 'JACOB WEAN/ ER JACOB VIZAVYJI iffi ClNollifaT/ AjNID PITTSIIIILiQ DAILY - PACKET LINE rutin well known lino;of iptendi4 . tancoger Swan ere ia clew compewed, .( Ike I t f • Waned end hateeked, and soott pewee al boa. 4. 0.6 ewers of the Wen. . peer) , eery:macadam and cow. fan teat 10000 CM Prer?rel hal t Pr e nape. WPM.. Tiro Li= PM ea Jo opetatee ter De* years —have carried • mill ea of people . tt wit he hout AD leant . 1 4= r th eel ' are r - re r rav At k*"l yy P of tion of freteht and . et conT ea IWO*. ter.' la all ems the paavage money anal be in advance. • ( six cups, got IT tit . l. DAVIS, Acct MONDAY I PAIDIitET. The MONONUAIIELA,papt. Moncariltleaaa Pala. Inagtievery Monday soonunit at tO o'clock{ Virbenpas every Monday a remit al i 0 Y.. M. - • • TUESDAY PACKET , . . The HIBERNIA, NO, a. Capt. J. Eli Aerator, mein leave Pittabaigh every Taerday - morning at IQ etkiek; Wheeling every Tuesday evening .110 P. DI. The NEW ENGLAND. NO. Se CapL G. AOlll, Rs. leave Pntabarsh every .Wedneeday morales at It O'clock; 'Pitmans eve, ylVednesday evening .t IS P. THVBSDAT PACKET The WISCONSIN. Capt. R.J: Onsee,valli kWh! Plat birth every TharadAy panting at no'clotkt Wtteensg carry Thotaday ev.mag at II) P. M., =LI • • • The CLIPPER, 110.2 i Capi Crecleoltill leave Piro borgh every Frielqmornlng at 10 o'clock; WheelioS every Friday evening mule • 11:7 - : . • P 41.17 The MESSENGER,' eget—L*l'lrd, will leave Pais buret every Saturday marrungu lOotlock Wheelie; every Saturday evening at Id P. N. SIINDAY. PACUZI. The Vitae NEWTON,• Ow, A. G. K., „ill leave Pirrebrugh every &tarty warning at lir 'clock Wheelieg every 134.4. Y 0...h6 el 110 P. M. Mey 21, 1817. MEIECEI3 BEAVER PACKE7B.:NEW AERANGEmENT3 The sear _Lt CALIE COPE, will leave kir Bearer, Glasgow and Wellsville; ea (Tuesday, and Saturday of each week, at .on Moday, Wednesday and Friday. She has a beat at the handled bemoan - Wood street sad the bridp pre pared to remelt Seethul at ny_tiare.. W 1161/11AU011, Mt. octl2 • . :No Zterced : ai Messner : BEA for Beaver, clasgawoing Wellsville, on, Monday, 'Wednesday, end Friday or each week, atlr O'clock, a at, returning on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. the has a boat M ihe laadtag between Wood awed and the bridal prepared to receive freights at any time. • CI WHARTON, A" • . Mon Stoat. • FOR ST LOCI& Th*r" ilo.l3 " al rJRRIS, . Campbell, mamea, valllleave a: *mays due mommg at 10 o'clock. Fa Fre peueee cool, onboard.. • CletAig FOR LOUISVILLE. 111 71' (. . "'' 1.7151;g. Campbell, owner, will leave at atom hill rooming at 10 o'clock. For fra: 2 l44 or paaaaao apply to board FOR ST. LOINS AND ILLINOId RIVER—DIRECT Tho sp:adid aus mum • . MT. VERNON, Parkinson, muter, will leave as aboui this morning u lOo'cklck. For freak or passage apply on board... • ' neva, . FOR ORLEANS AND MOBILE. 1 • The new and itabstential suer ALLEY GLOVER, John N Dania, muter, will leave in the al ova and all Intermedotte port. ea • Thsusday. at-10 o'clock. Yor f. l 6ta or p eaaa lhauwg eopenor eeetttetoda. Oats apply= board. Ate ta oeW GRO D AgILTENBERGER. A. ... - FOECBT. LOUIS. ' The fart mount anur li la , mown' ,imuo;;INA.. Devinney. master will leave us above Fu Thursday availing, al 4 &cloak.— or freight or p.uast opply 00 board, or to I NSWTON JONES, earn - Mee, hrouongstiela House REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN PITTSBURG& • • ' AND BROWNSVILLE. ' • - • The fine new awe DANUBE, it` "'":7_,A• Geo. D. pnk, maze, .11 leave hue --burgh 'every Tuesday, Tamale) and ay e Trauma. at 9 o'clock; and Brownsville every ydonday,Vrednesday, and Friday morning* are o'clock.: For nalghtor passage nook on beard, or. to ocoMer / SW.TON JONES . . FOS Z4IOIISVILLE. Tae Sae - MINGO CHAFF, - Car, wager all! Ivrea for the abate. sad all interioedlate parte au Thareilar ramming, at 10 &caret. Par frefeet• pa...laa apply elfltleata. • oe I , Fort NEW ORLEANS, l Columbia, Monticello;Jew-hail. ColAirge , and ' iniermediais Portoon Pearl Rie. ' . The new cad fan rennin; emr t ; CAROLINE, Baposeller, will leave for tie abeve: ea all icartmedisse prose.' or Miami: sz Ittleleet. Flu trelgla or bo Or 10 - 1 P .. 'r 71..11. on. "I I GEO MILTENBEROER • . . . . .. . TUG' new I•l•lckdid stmt • tv'i am DIADEM, andll n 3evan. maka r , will lardv, I. b • k , ermeOatep a or•onPat.Mande! =OP:rftvght• p•u•hALLFlkCO'j • , lint reviler packet lL . , ~ ' • r gralt i, Ttarnev, master, will leave Pittebarg4:4 very 2301111111 r, igandayi excepted) arll a o'clock, non kavea Wel IeVIIIV every enema. at , I we,* For freight or passtlie .P 9 17 ee load. e=o",4 .FOIL klteal OLIN—KW/SLAB 241C.1(k.T. . - 1 Pl7Wifie'' ,„y ASII.OIVIINE, i ...!,,,,....„....- as above thas„ . ., ng alo ereloek. •For freight o 'passage •••ly on bd. • , Gale I • '" . 'REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET • „Tile new,bght draught and Vast eati-. . 5 . . ning steamer • EUREKA, A .Crinia, master, will 1 . 911 al Il . f *clot b etween Piusborgh and 1,014 Mlle, daring the mason. re leases Friday, October .4 .. at 10 &elm* . .. _ For freialt;Or puma,' Mgt on inelrd.. " 009 A 7..caliezretter,,se.. lrAtraTil • Arts, ataNUACIAA. FIRLA - CITY PACKET. 1 - ' • ' . The new Mesmer . . ~ DIESPATCII, . N,elsou.sauter,willron maborcilea2 ; = Frastrargh.orveyy Eloadiry, Wed . - t nesday and Friday, sleek o'clock, A. M., and Kummer*, belt City every Tuesday, Thursday and Satardayou o'clock, A:M. For fres& or passage apply on bee. d ).:. • • Trieffsalar islttsbargh and 7"32011,111/10c3. Paokot, . • TAB !neat dnught aliamOr ti RICW..FLEC, Bard, kluter,mlll make weekly argil ' to the above port durieg am Sea an....-,..V., Fee freight or imasaeo apply on boa rdr. orb - ap7 . D. WILKINS, Anon,., FOR CINCINNATI-4=I34AR PACKET. ", a . • The nem and iEtht draftbt guar ti' 1 - 111 -01 . • LOYAL HANNA, ; `.i. JP4ack, mules, v ,li Ira h en at:MN . arld Intenmilalet ports o•Thursday,loco Mt Awn in 10 6'010014a mt. • Fix freight ar Osage, taoinktuperior eme ON asomxbr' r4 11000 , 0 P 14.9 to J _ %VTON JM ma . : • . • .onmicahela llama FOR WHEStaNO: . -. v 4 The 13.1,4.1,4141 e steamer ,• ' dak i . •:- . 1,10113103 N, ' • - 1. :. Poe, master, has resumed her abut trips oed selll leave Pia, ~ • • ea above every Thursday sad Mene 4 l '- day at 3 ii , ekrek, P.M. Far (pawn or p....xee wto f on beard,Or hi: . , : •• • • D WILKINS • . EXI'IIEiS LINES, &c. F•DiellPHildl TRW, gIED4TA.T.IMM LLNEe . 1847 1 : For tie gaickdopeocket Mirehaadiss and Predate Benwiuts my/1106On Aslxins &OVUM CITII ari • BROWNIRVILIR AND CO lUREft LA ND. 27.1128, THROW/120 BALTIMORE, FIRS' DAYS • Title athlete opus all Ilmagosta orate Voter. HB famliiier, Wary; ant Lam able rues .1 by Ws Line, are each thart. the Agents can 'confidence ftcommend it le the Pe...0 pf Ma p • The establlibotem of Two . hey Line of W between Brownsville and Camberland, renders it most expeditious and tellable route between the • and West. Manhandle. from the Eau le delivered Pittabanth matte eveningaif We third day Dean Qin hernia. the Ageemwill glee iecelpta ad in time eel and ell property consigned to them vull he for at the lowed current ntea Of Lading tm end all instructions prompt i l, attended to. siftwgrx. Ascot, aternt, V doors abate Del ' Monongahela House, Vltttbough: • GEO W!C4.s3,Bletermente. • PIeKATO k MAGWILE, Mahe rind. " '• 1 I g p0p1NE4331,1.N0 3 Listen, above Prat:anew oetlidint • • . . • . • • . • .MOlll I' . rrt IlEsoblle,and ail those wading goods Emma. A , to Fasabarah, am Infamsed that we base Imo pa on uevr line or emus aralyousoarlsiirly tilt Brow* .• Ile: to transport Roods far rinsmosh only, sod will famish receipts at oar awe la Baltimore to debeet reeds ie thlny aU boats at.:Pnv.bargh.;t•Mays nai railroad delay. only excepted. Receipts for thus Yorkalso be famished by Adams & Co,s, Booms, New York Mid Philadelphia. As we not OstieolY expreie by mall trains westjahippers ate isfartned that Mat - mot procare reeetpoot & CO, Offiee /I &OltßAela4 Pratt at. mameit Me, VICEP.J2EIi, Agee; St Chw;es How. Hustle*. • - . IL/EMDEN A Cob - . PASSAGE AND RENITEANCE OFFICE pAILiONn branch on: by thas Ate • . . - 3 ,, open the mist reansaable terms. from ~ 4 1 '•O V ' irstgattrl lL ser:tgl i Pstry b . ,saugtleals 424 mews , of the ,- Erinsh Gorernetwat y.,,,;•ii a , a heasty eindweed Emigrants in Horne and . fr .,. i . A ota rtes,Spellittfte 'reeds dm we Gonda .117 p,sutised epee Were. and have always Wand thalweg; karats . bowe of 11•1013 A Go, Re Ma sui fit WOO apply, If they welshed to be treated • pOnetaility sad kindness., •; . . , i • . Pun. Wba edseruse themtelses Sole Agentsferlltg - ~.,,, 2 0,Lio e , UM 'Prim% is =rile, and Um de7TA r palt i ss u e: . Ze i w ur to . b i zt r r . 4. d . mould , Cesard's Stews Line. . .-• •• e ' • I 1 1 Xheeefr Par s ' orN imirnbi ettotatt e ll .. k n a r ef a lte 464 • land,..EnElataL sews edi se -. we dra ow owe EA.. asap. we Ille ant DEO IsteesE end *cern to go Este to so wane one else to IWO. thereby causing wheals ond delays, Let the Broken, #W- ealLopoo es, ad , will mewl:modem thee er Now i azt rates. •• L . - --. • EcEIWANOBIN Metopes. AgesC. •• 1 : • oegtt( - , , : •_•; elk close behrw weall. ~~ h~, c ~r~ _,„ -~«mss: MIME ==E==i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers