• '-- f 3. •-•-•"---•"‘" aes I`7-: ;-• brow rittafth craidia Abaci% , „,,,,, . ..,::,. knipy t Intl CIIIIJILIX .0r IIIMIIM) •. :lea' . 1010•1/11101i thine 141416irLeid ! Now. eaddoisouthirnid at - thy word. ..:...• Tbe Illnli withdraws his rape ..; , :iielondi.seitsleanneals his sight, 1' , .7 - Aad 144 griming, feeble, tight;' • ••• , .. , 111r4enout the stinted dap... .: The raildirissami now is gone; . :..-.7 - Afd thnitiii:Mistieeiionurripg on. b l i. ...ilitkiatost l Anisin a ir heads taut burrs: 4or antintneseolde brenthogit doer 4 ST!” o ff er the and dolls— ..., . linntlessen. . and Of ins; .. . , • f _ . • , ,!or hareest-blessings greet oaroyes, " ; ••. - -- t.... Oar ail the 44,4m0 plan: . I bow ars therieveli fields laid ruts: ".:;'''Aitil'iiatoni:tiorn with ten, makes haste , •.., '••••• v . the 'rioter rest to gala ' The (We 92101 y the trate ware, Fit bier/1442pda standee steer. ,:...Fer . oveheadlind flood: • • , c :. ; ;Titt dild, sondreet their flitting hosts, t. , . . findirdietihe Oath to destined matte, . .'••‘... ..-- And sat 4, with needful food. =MA MEE ~.,,,,,,•• .'. - . •,:,-. 1.:i..--!:;1'.'-•:::;!-;:;,.!?.,!:. , Mk-, =." , ;'il: a •- , 1!--;; , ..:-. , !. • ff:'4'lM"4o44 - - - ;3i,;0 . 7, 4,.7'...;-..•:,,,1.-.: .;•: , 1•, - .- , !:!: - 'e. 5 .:-.0' . q.• .- ! 7: , ,,!; , :- . ;•-;: , ..1:;::: ; iii-, -_... - .- . ...., •'!;• , :i ,- 'f;',..1.:; , ;,".. , t, .-.:.;i;..-.'4;::4:::::;.-4:'. y - L 4 $} ti ~ lLrl., Lai.;~n-!.: , I ti.. - , , 1'4747;;Y;% , :;7;: , .'.. •: •>.-..1;4•;:z4- 1 44:;:zi. 4. • itN;'4' , :r . r . ! 4 l , ,i l ;" • ...,.. 1 , 1 ,i ,, , .1 ,- -,,,'"7'140 , • - , " m attflA. , l,l; ,;',7,-4;:g1.•;;;. - .41:.,s1: - .k...:;: , Yi 4. C,fl,:i.fi'i i':;- - 1 1 ,: ! .... 1 :, il;:i.VTi.' • ;;;',..:;;;;;I'4;:;;,;:;:.L•: - :::111.* ; ,.. t ii, ...... : ::..,- i. z .. :: . , ,, ...,;,:*;,.' •-• , :; , i''' i - 41;;;:14',4 , : ; ,,:,.,.:11 r,. , 1i , j 1 41 1. -...Ri•i-4-'. , ~.;;.. ' 11 1.40 4.1'. 4 . ''• 7 4 , ; i,..,, , , N !;kii::, , 3 4i ')V; io,' =';Ar kl* :11 4 1 q --.;'.;„ . t , : , .: , • 4 . t=: N' l' l' ! , . kr +.o ,. .. 4 )WlSt•k?''' & t, ', 4:,1,: : :•?1 , '"%.* . ' , .:•, , -. - 4: . : v0-14+;:47 * . .4. VY • ' : ' IN. : V.,; l ttitVa . . 7 k :4 l `.4fi-A..1:., ,p, Nte 2 l / jefn,:ioi . ' . ' tii§,i;-44.:*,•. 4 ;:4V,k ~:i tit* - 4--'7 . 3 . 4 ` .1 .N4,7'• ' --,.. ''..:". 4 'i .1%. , • '• .hq't `,.-.*5.t4 . -, S4-- -I Z , 7 • ..-.***-,:_; r ',': . .:. • :r . : 4:;;;1 :3'.i.,;, ~, c,..,1 0,,., I'vt,.,flA. . Z sl:.!';"iik ‘, ;'.;' - ‘ .: ~ lAOA, 1 , ;:.:,:?!.•.: , ; , 1:94 , , ,, :..4".;,:: 1 , - .-...,:•i:::', .: , ,:',‘i ~ -,.:,'.4:'', (-,- r:-..,•‘,,,,,-,;;;,;,.:4;;; opskl .41.1rf:L'af— AO •' study told dosing width time be mod wore poossoo time _ asaiiies - 65.1tiikolot7f s7y Pemolq=p,...) %IWO . od It os-orookto midi Wilma tit* &Ikea dimness:sod 0/111semes pima *mktg.: ' 7 Itnroryk road mks= ton allots! wilt, pfosur • - dasosostodual.komibessomekroolobythooos sawn -sal by the of dos comma mom= of toot ISM dial Abate ems bondteally kw too • - earsol,los Yang Welt kis otosooon to ' • trisitetitat siekeshosooll 50cw. , .06.1 Is Inmdmis • . disown kt Clain 'woos inflosooke of ko nook ether bisider, toil kindred doom orkoolkolko rest „ "-eliatinos ors whore Won hoos it pookosiodY la= bast bookinfliko oitimeemiday ussOld altos to coo -2sithismiloastiory suoistkesmoo milks Osman" and • ; tots ossoiskaskoloo assooka,dososskOZd mug.: • uosionr.polsookost-by keg sold& ilso_kmono arts . ] t: I==l „ilcioluusirsein'of the Icy North . ~ , • Prime w, Migrating wanderers, forth, -- ' -.......- FrOit"oes warm dwellingi tarn; ' .11-ire'disi lima kill our food piepare, si lent And in . .. t hy guardian care each winter morn. Ws' ' hind • - today. - ---' ' • . ..own y from day . • -- ‘ #ibiii*xlin -winds amend us ;du, - - ' y And wiMMter .mdely Man ; • .; i.goe tir e y . tdprovidence ordains,' - _ '' '7',- That both - mart and 'boast attains,...- " . ...,'.•.:-.'"ik:ith tor:garnered stores. - '. , . .;'olr.l Urn !armrest thereto& from hums; 7 Aiiirova4 the pier dust throw thine ninon, .::,• Almighty Helper, that ! . ^..-. Rapport i t, es aar strength decamp, - And let 'in our wintry days ,-, ..........;.thili s ahlie thy lore an now. -, s ,",11Vitli life-taniblieriirg: S wilt than bless,. It we with':plaus carefuhresa To siei thy grace engage ; end he, thakdore his works in truth,. '... Will trek* have cams to curie his youth, ' "'kids declining age. ITNEVER FAILS! li.cutian INDIAN lEGITIBLIPUICEI: voirasoss afilieted with Scrotal*, Xing's - Evil ; CllSClrrtßriiipdas, Old SOTISS, Ulan, Totten 'llCrzeihiallowsiges, or any other complaint, enitin# Hess impurities of the blood, are requested to read Abe totioartisrmnimosisM M. proof of the grander! ad properties of tb• Mom soloed MAD! READH RFAD!!! Weeks. having - Visited Mr. lease Weeks. Jr. at thti elks - at Metwls. Bewared and Whit, 3$ blviest Meet, Philadelphisi consider Ma'am* the mart nwearteible one we have ever wit, seisedorliwula.: gin dime was SCROFULA. and tenable mat :lane Wass kit twelve yeaue'shatliet with the de 7 1 Ntafilate,ite entire rocd'ofilia mouth ,Nose,Up, I ot theie ten n e e flat part hareaheit: Ww.1167. carried sway. otebane. ? mot yet we can can se • .lEr. B. Weems is that in Amery test; the who's kilesier et his mouth, m well u most of his flee was a man of deep mid paintal deem: Os the 14th anomaly last be emmeneedtakias Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE ?ANA. CEitiorhieh dented the disease in a law days, sin from that time the eve meowed without in New lose !applied tbe place of the deep al -earssad im times badly Mimed, bin We is mount, tad hie bunk is restored. We ue mimed that in the treatment of Mr. Drools' caos,iso bf erclubls t - Oistmeats, or Caudle appinatiom More bleS fast. the PANA . CEA ALONE, has wooed this wondierhil chugs Dared Saab, Back, eoulyyl. Chides L. - BesreM; Mead ville„ Crawford cope •J W Jams. M D SouthStreoed greet; nits Jamb Los, Pemberton, N J.i • ' • ZW Can ,640 Ntioarth; above Poplar at, N. L. '3 IWeelloyeal, - Latecamer, Pa.- - R M Maddor.k, El North Eleventh it. Phila. , c Appian's, D 46 Sattlt st. do - • TheethiCaldwoll, Maim co. Mismorri. • . Doled_yeakal,_ • _Meant HELPhiNdelphia co.,Pa. • • , Join .13assod,Melibli stneet,Pkda.. MMus Steehtsy.ol I), Camden, 1e..1. Willi= =Ha 3 ' lB . ill Potter,Maufactsser of Miami Teeth, NS 9 LA - Wolleisreber ErL' - MOIL DiMsocrat 177. N dPast 'SV Menu _ Maker. 317 Nahei s t. ' Irma • , 169 Climmat street, ; ' A D Dillette;lNlNWol Eleventh Baptist Church, - Ben,EnO (North Amer; Await ends, Street, Phila. • Heide MerthdepAmeier's Alley, do ' Amlorw Sweats., Consden,'N J. R H sum, menus. Illehard R. YaappsL,, Gilder, 409 Market st. Phil. ' Joho,W Aahmad,6o South Rath street, do TB Wiper, Llthoirnmber, 116 G'besamt street, do ,B J lard, IM Eleven* street, • do Pets, Slum Smith. Editor - Rather er, do Jord Bodbi, alma manufacturer,- rolizaiume wifilma Steely,Fundagton,l7in Boren co: tovrs Coles,M D, Boston,Maas. RiraslCsalleld Phisiologurt,*Pluladelphie. ' Tholusr f 3 8C4114 D, Harrisborgh, Pa. pew Wright. .Whet street, MN. Ames W Newlin, 103 Filbert at: - do jobs Gerd, 174 Spmee at. - _do . • .; Wn Wm Une„PastorSt,PanVe M. E. Cir. Catherine ' John Llmadmor, Putorlet lodep. L'hereb, Brood Sondem Malibu or.PIMIge and Standaid, P I' - Sellers,. B&W Olme 13-wwb, Doileatown; Wbcdosalit and Rend by ftowand Ac Waltos, Pr0.376' .376' Marta St. P Philadelphia; elp Philadelphia; R E Sellers, 7 Wood tinetore, A. Pittla i Pa4 Wm. Tho 1 1 ,. .ket st. do.; E P Marietta, Oblottmatoa & Skup,Maymille,ll_l4 ohs W Dumbower,Cia., Oldopidell & Reeves, Medians lit;C Noble, Loam. lt Y; Deveroeck & Yellows, St. Loms, Ho- H M Wraw, , Natches; Misr, Hardaway & Ykl*Flit i e chsr/ o . l Oftkim, New °fleet OFFICE ,coves, • ...Orem regularly ed. _catad so tlinmadscal pta jennaa,nnd been Ear :ems dant tax . eral practice, WSW:Wail= triasurnai of nape and delicata crank fLlU.&maw H.... if : Elmira uss son _ omess allecog wick Berm to e.. 1.1, o be Mu pa. IltiomNals 1110,11/41.7, eared MOl/logi. riaina e( caber s 11. fair ox a Cause< ~ stab* Ono= la 'mita.. straw the imp *big. seellafx. ,c . t.?.. 2 saw. by adarboulg 11R01471, K. D. poet pa..l bol cub Dmeasi 81}/Y. 4 .1. 68 vr"sr? ; sew, • Climamptivs. Cosombglies. Dr lackarra.eigliermon'yetar I.eant .. • - P7 . 4ll.lliipt pow ens r Jnf /37.74 ' t .14%11 ,k.nd • • D... 4.17117f1s And 76.7777 0177.0. 7 7 1 77.7 7 .. 117 . 1 7 7. 7.7 77W.. Illas v r4 l77 now 479.5.17 t • : /OW 17 aim. of boal Iru IA th• ASA .777701 777 . 1 . ,7 17 7 77 tiogr=77. r..,) • . • - - Wm. Ikm.l W.ltM 471.4 ir Dr. Ankaset aft ...r• Med ipte. aturcatveM.cwwwogme *N, {¢..7.377197.;.1.76!4.ria=b14 Mit is):=ltiryWlL - MCKIM . wawa 44 1~~~ • : . 441 i % .1 DEL way 10101 t teßefuer the palmed dayptelimidest to l trir -Preipmeerirell3leld ihistrelthe pall urommiod .plemas of_ heir-does or woo= wild" , N,atirr„whis:astnitimmeed by, the Wanes et civilised 6fe, tat ended shoeld be (odor. teed orpeditiowd with Rule psi', and without lab. iiq eat lii Bonfeloose darkihis tomato iaArrto. Macre* ed this tionedudde fact. ~That the wows It those cosstries Bare perilliarly differeat trom , all: Clair lards, is this respect—thatobey yes Croatian LIM pains and thews which make tag pitied of P.mg. sexy as ablest el Comma taticipmed adhering sod rids. Curiosity sad the isaf forlicilitiOde discover. 7=tri him telemetiplethe Came el Ode Mr ...step to lbs severe totals to lobed the warned .wain are immorally rabjeeted,. and Me result was the dierameary al the feet that the soma of those ematnes west in the habit of mug Midas the last ante- of lPrepsitcy, costal* plow oddest have the focally lamming that A legree: one*, and elakiiity to the arras andblood vessels the Utanis, or Womb which citable' It to:patfpna its functions in all their freedom from , native simplicity of action sad et. a aiaptar ,lact, also, that W. ladies iremei of Ranh America are is a morterkable 'NOON' from Mom pains sad diagels of piquancy sad child birth to , which the white wooed* an enbjected.—. Whether they use the wee plaale as do Mamma el Asia we cannot tall. - Calais ills that the feet le no Iron remediable than' lore . This Remedy know ettemvelj med throughout Prance with the moot mated maws and many fel males who were once single through apprebensione of the dawn to the mate of marriare are now by the ass conompest siediciee, -perfonstart the duties of wives and mottles with comfort sad tm at this time reward, presented to the on. mon of :America, by Delientelorion, tho o ogo/ sole Dr: agent,. A C MORTIMER; and be fee Mem that independent of its Intrinsic meita recratineed - Modf to the Mond port - of the atty. as it. folly relegated •to do away with that horrid crime ot mhirA.some , feat of poi of child birth, are guilty; OA production of prima. •f methane i. also roundtable lor that hitherto ism:retie disease - Barreeseispeart its 2 1 1 1mit POstini noommellimegg.flear • Albes.L ' . a fact that Inland -. er`auu;id.the Womb which accompudes this drams le mese lilt diet We shortest me of Das tamfmMe.. , • • This medicine is prepared is each way as to be agreeable andpleasant to the taste. , :Dr A C MORTIMER No 36 14 Lispenard New York, be his. roasted sole agent for the_ United States, by . Dr Rosedale'. eat ts the only pereou)a this country th irbo, red shows authotitad to' reis th is* medicate. is the !hilt:mill letter will (limuictirafrote Mc Fr ash.) .. Patuidtme 10th 1047. Dr A C avellintrati—peer gaunding Fos the .agreement attend into between us, .I..wish by. tha letter to 'eve you that watt n" authority to well themes! the Witted Statesaray Remedy for re, tiering the pains and dasgept„brideat to 3.regesicy ana staid both, ) which. it ra.occemart you 'to have tosatwfrt Pnhtia Grim genuiseness 'ad Pto. nty. Asyut ore aware the exposure of the saradli rim to the manence of the ma. air obliged and it to you ia air tight *Motels..* , ,l hove ales lent with it. a epecdoen of Me manner in whighlt le pot op in Para. la like main., I Medd wish it td ap- pear is the United States. Str,with great Impact 1 remain yeas, BORDELO , QUE, P S-1 also seed you a copy of a tatter readout Ayala. from the Royal Academy of Seism:ern' r Iste 11.0 . 1,3. : Me Paula.) * • • • Park; Jan 13,1846. , L T . M. Boaninceem—The—The - communion. en of, the Acsamny bale appointed the undmemeed frorktbetr number, as a committee to lepottnecudi rag to. merits at the needy laid heirs, is by you par relieriog the pains end dampen reddest to peg; sandy mid child birth.) .- Several eminent Sutphen having sobatitted to the 'Academy the miens .04 their esperiece is the use of 'yoer remody,arie bar to allay it befont you; believing' It •to be Me beat deciden regarding its claim to thatisition, and el its great value, them either mary the public coekl ham , wished. Whatever Mecum this body may pm.; I seas on the members al the profeesioe will ended to further that adoption of this remedy .» gemast me, which u %antennae rhocovery and as a afaihog remedy, it to richly 'deserves. Eight rhymers; having seed this usechThine,each in litty come of: de. livery. found it entirely. miscesahil promotiag •mmaritable sale .aed easy delivery, free from pais and damer. With. the ateiptilla of three 'patient* of Dr Briquet Oars was a perfect riantualty heti soy adowereent wasksese. or dhow, sea of these three a Ishoriaigwoetan who hid met with Lament fall a week previous to delivery, was latent mina& ately after that moot with a If ONO whkh sots with. difficulty anet. The other two malformations al the *mei were in no wise refined °fade. These tee etorprois is so great a 'Leather d cases as tear hundred, dam the nadoebted ea. eacy of yokr remedy, and bate - &Wearied give it that veceenneatation end spore.' which is . dee to it; and the firtherance: of . acientilic mode. etas (Signed) : M BRESCHET,.. ad D. , I. MAGEHDI6.)I Com of the Cowl:M.6oam of the R. Academy or sham. .The pablie are cantiimed *visit perrhosialt W. medicine from any pesos* exceptof the srde spool Dr A Mortimer.flo 36 14 Lapemid st, New York, where this ateificiserts put up la pubes, Imitable for being siat by mail to any part of the Price Two dollam a -Package mistaken( full di rections. Pen." desirous of 0h1 , 4k. , .4 this Croat Remedy who reside at a distance, so by forwardiog Two Dollars, post paid. to - DR A C Sole Ageat for tbe U S eep:37 9w No 7614 L aspenud M.,9lew Yen. STANTON'S SZTLO.NAL sucaisny, • HUNT'S LINIMENT, - Tallow aniersally senionledged to' be the IN FALLIBLE. REMEDY for Mmenatisui, Spi sal Alfenion, Contractionsof the Muscle., Sore Throat sad fantasy, lesues, OldUlesss, Puns lo the Beck sad Chest, Anis in the Binat and Fete, Tooth Ache, Spans, Brans, Salt Ethan, Barna; Croup, Fiona Fen. and all Hereon Dame& The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at- tended the spediaatiop of this nost‘VONDk:RFUL MEDICINk.in caring the most severe cases alike different Disernes dare namod,—end the HIGH ENCOIIIIOII3 that hoe bean bestowed op. !, when's/X.l bas bees intredeced, glees me the a' =Woo the AFFLICTED to resort at otai to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED 07The fanny unite lit ronnmending the tele- Med Elter" l ftemadT , Inns Litman The followiag leder. from the highly eminent Physicians who han been attached to the Mont Hernia SUlll.rnsog for masy:yeare is the beet indents of the raise of this celebrated ment. Silo Stha, December %,1845. `MY 'Dear Sir—l manned your note ot Yesterday, nking my:opinion is relation to 'Hunt's Liniment, as prepared 'by'hfr George E Saone. KBOWillg its composition,sad haring frequently, and it. I can recommend it to you au a safer_Esterial Reme dy, and in my opinion, the nit Lthinsiat sew le an. Very - truly and respenfalli Joel Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. fully caeca a the above Opsion. - ' •W Iv BELCHER. . Y011i70111,Jas:14, 1815.1 Sir—ln reply to pear Letter,' would say that I have seed your Eeterad Remedy, calla Henri Lathan, la my - practice sins pi made me ace quadded with its composition, ea. ashaeltadegly say that I believe lit° be the but Eateran Rime dy sow in nee for the completed! for which you nr , corm aA.. TomaarcUelifL Eß, cormacct the lIIILVII4 Mean and homage that are peered ford:tat the punt day epos the coun try ,it m sully ,iefranlog Whin someddinof real practiaal anasthing Mai pie, speedy sad edectual it Its opernion, sad at the sense time free .from thoseinane alas which' ensrally attend pone:fel remediev2 : Hans Laciest, prepa red by Geo. E ' Station _of Sint his been but snot tin. beam the tobl l rts,elready abased the consisace, on carol oar monarealthy and attuned alien, but oar snit .cnatioent Oriente All 'anal. edge it to be a nompeap balm fbr many of the Ms that flesh is heir to, soothing:the asking limb, and by the rains stionalalleg ialliance,binishiag ease from thespian. - - Mr. - Stanton—Str—Seelpg your athertiannest of Hunt's Liniment, was Jansen:l to trY its elects ovi my sae who had nee applied, with • 111011 back finnan Wand Ind Ina lab .gratitade I best leartimay to its wendaill healing properties. My child, who is now In yens al age, is now in •fa way of recovery, • - -YOlllll, Mx. , nichnfortc Ni*ssorc moths Co. ' I eertiTy the I sin personally acquand with the abovenamed child. and think the haw would be sale in 'spitz that his son Is almost wall. ' . . FAS w TWlCTditk iipTiseaTtwicri Meer, tomato the Nov 6, 1815. Monty Pont Master. V. S. 1 would alnostila that I lova been far amber of yeah osbyect to Implant atluka of the Rbematim, Erica In many Instracen revolted my *Madre' 1 my Malmo. Ihro or !brae Micas or the Moment 'amiably roan an al. ratio= of the bled In neon of braise", spans' aid swim, too inime,or to mention, It las la Una vicinity proved a arta'. remedy.' Its atlas en oaly ba antisltad by !bone olho km even It a fan • • . Tido Ludnest la sold 112 , 6 and 60 teats per bot tle, b WI die Primo* Dreditete aid tderraero aee liroadtthe coorrtry. Wham& Agent* in New York. HOADLEY, PHELPS ek Co, le6 View RUSHTON de Co, 110 broad - way. ,A R & LI SANDS, eerier Massed Mika. ASPINWALL, 110 Minim !meet. Opens *dimmed ta se at Slag Sieg„N_Y, 'no be eftaaded GEORGE E STANWN, • Preprudor. For ale la Piadoergh by L WILCOX', Jr, sad J LIDO Or. Co. Allepeati,JOHN SARGENT Eirnietteno.JOHA febl9 CROVULit - AND SCREW LUAUS SWELL, SINGS.-6etroltta. is ill Ho ntaltiptiod forms *heir, 4 dal of Utter Emil, oaLuToottets o Alf = am, Galin, Mato Nrollisp, Chronic ,Llisiorr, ileum. of llbe Sirs or Splay, • 'or or hommily Coonuoptioa, mum, Dom Doi sod llto *moo two, witch lo a poiamost prioriplo MOM or 1f iratorrit to Ow hon. drum. 'Moro. fore, MOPS Ude priscipla cal tri dortroyod, so Wrli• 1 cal ewe cos be dieted, but if tiro prim:4lo ipso. Adria as Ciao, dyads,' Is ds noDamd, a can Poor alecenityMew, me satin In r whet Wm OadiNowo dock( lassitoot tura • TL.. Umusfora lithe RIMS elpi Jarrs's Aliftaaorva S • so mai VWW/ 1 7 .1 webooftl It moods" imo way asallguat atmoui. It Arotror Um • virmsgm.iplo l'root *al? UPS: !draw inn Ilmrlf bi• Ndm tr.ty col 1611111 w iv e= .w.W.W.I Um* remortog nosy Wick. of 'N. , tlts MUNN. Y sari oal.ist IC Tiara Snort, _ at las Evian TooStoro,/40,711Paorth oil ct:' .. ...': - . - .4.. - 44. —, , - ..a.'4L Ci , ... . .•-,1 , ,1 , - * O- 7 Tr'.. - ...: 7 . '1.. ,*) .':... .....:.. ... P. , . . '.:. ;!.r.eti.,...,‘Fra't 4.....4"..,-, V::', 4 ';'''''si': ,, rc;:;- . .;: , .' , -4;, , t alt. To wReEN S.X.RS AT_ _ _ _-,kR . : I I: L.A. - mat .frimii. s f mead in acwora , r 1.1.,..and 4; instills us ;Cart - *tee Ate esi teat d•taii. tr. bitemester, &AA eetrebbui b.P.nbt i• TYI .. 14 -. , " cb.r der miasteste.tetins WOW. Ati=r• bt a. . , ' . ZiT MT IPIII9 0/11PAIDICEIRr lles 'nit tritely and berwietiq it We tarriisine !ma all .airs Yelidese ie, iskibta Zeatieetei Bletut it burst us ties Body. It is or I the trybeit AMMO ANTI 1111=841.191C131:11este . Isom; ft sof bay pm* dr stet. mine ' N = o"r 3 4%P m .a 4 rs" o.u. t r Kraidli t t e n is g t sb; i alrap dr o jer r I parses ese ite eTlnt A sem. lsbee. AMbt&Simi leeretims i bya C e e l a = s n es d: ietbgeselradoft = 5,00 b a tbsie were latent& ' Wet lime ; • Ilogl tam of e;llll.lsebirtitt ; . :-' : , ; •Vsasret a l 1 3tbsebilN9'anti Emu i 1 , VD ors or aim( Foe* o , .*bi.ai • I . IAIIO see dams Lim Ce. s , Mores of Dim. or the Übe, ad people AtTlbstradsot temesel'Doesee Oat Bib* riss Moen. Dpieelm,llllllllbess; Hoppa IA 'bells, it, te. Tee , rither -NB 11381101.1111 ere at Sick liberimitA. tea o est beli.aChbb4 tied Affection, W_b. my .. an snets., mil epree• betbstelske Pm .*li.st MU* boss piersisiese aldose has 01, pub of ibp Vatted isontiest u. of me. R. V* Bubia, Esq.. moo f r the most revel:tett. it Ile, miry N. J., ibibrees es tint be tea Wee te.bess WA LP et. mat_lbal pm Om: Theo en theopeols of amiss Op Cl Or thw Tort, Wilds se wilt rder,lo eritipiettere, ,and, to:swig' elearteesre It is ems best atilleite for dr yesnre4tite etdisetesbaina. It seesioalotrilpAred ebe bib: . - • CCUlLirrisrual ris itiT Swot i ' ' Jo it roma tbe came Pr o disme, net fevered. them fe; . . . . Norse Oulu .C•re.434Vie.hlataiii,or Wire= Snits N•nr. sad .Saba or the !UV kart Legigilase; boo tlidb seat the, 6lknrlateatillcati4.l ktallkita ova . . yoki dory nriki tuns &mug .balp lea • d4illtdectslabi wairiiduced •to txj . Pt Tsnrlbitta NW tie Ilskiaglun or three' bot.i. Ur, I . vary =dinl'er.d . Vittnbale d..ibel7 to 04 161110 . apirglia. I ban =Miami tAkig It,ised And. Via tre4o . t l ittier l MI" l ' ia) '". "' ' ' " O. W. Nklut.iii, ads" Tiatatiltat....whay a thd tingarnpartlls hi. min antral ane ars man Annan gams et - th• bkrlt k!...• bi.lowomi—Door. Sir ; I bar. the *wore to abed jos Mot tiro of a* eliblion biro beef rural of thriller* fob dsbyal LLo tor of. your osottkat Ttiry Were very moral, prick hod...trio karo only tokat four bolting; It took !km troy,- for width - 1 ilod,rryolf lob! lf.wl7rgotlOS..it . T.F. 1 4 3 . 16 !* . ; ::,.oarars*tur.vpiems;• Dr. TownseliiiiSariopiri . Us La • senran mil gamily vire Commoptam, WLitr e obitnets4 facimerualimOsiliatiamace otdisitiorp thirsof, aim' for Cho pa iiral prolusion at UN maw et imilimoit imamss, mos, prodoesil irnwthrity, hu :ratan Li:. ~adgDa 1.1 tiwi.Mow from ReWnn Midis at ow timer roinnizail a n Asia , its iiiitrate. • di einstitmets an was ti the vast cum atAni4 /I 1:1 - i4spleut May fek cam M dalleals ii• Ause,lo eatikows of tem rammed, OM vs cam armatoll7.l7.letea, Imadnth Mara hare look'npoord 167161 , limed am whav Amain hantbges viiilbost chi* rooDst.sdag . An. bidtleß , al' this bare boating In* •l• • • • • DK 1171770 d, NT. 71... k ing gme.l7,4lstnami'l7 - ludas mad 477.1 Mak), . 11,1 . 11 10.F47 0 . 1, 1 17 pda , Nsul • .wasktioa , bakrft don', bung. M. 117 wil/. faiber Camba * m•gl haTiag:knows am aas~, 7171a77a les 407m:dung mu; Moololuasai itnarmsded for nth aorm 1 hoe teeribedjokitaitt ' od - • Wait of vac Utle•Ct AerspaiDa, .foDowil direditp. gmr so . In.a Oat pupal it nac7.l ,Yez eamilats awl mg.* ha bald, Debi 1171•11.1 the Wales reesireHl, I Ws *owe in dm sakra .1.17 kind svcommoulayr it 1h ' D. Mawr. .0107 y, /117.17.1744., Cot. of Gila Lytim W. . . . liongoas* &IC 5110545., • Dr Toomondi To on atm this my ogoom—Thio 6 to mad} noi waif. owl bodk of Ifoo Sam ailla mass lokormikomon, mica Momat Malang owl artmostatm menlatorakko &my, ling of taloa, soma oink.% ood w 7 mon endow 44; with ram% ad tho rommealloo of Wm who Maen adohs woo Mooed by it. all islako or so oolao Jigs ap, how ikiwo Marry of doing gfogo,onoolly no loam( oodamart; lod oke tLo o=o of a* oak of kg meoloo army .11 to aim POTolo b lit= trog%iao dMakl og maw to yew og lay am lola both' Os mime ye. Imaginal wiser - I ovlberao mail you mg Malta alido!!gask • ATOTHICILI AND ULM= 1.11)118.- - The gene of ettsponitt km ler airway petrol to Mimeo to Sorb eatipieath hulk who Om no- Om to sgrom hoproothirg the eitheeul,- pow 4/ isfio. Amid 8.0.1 1. mho • tt, le Ittow meth oterahho ie ay of the awnar mil amnia. Aim= la which &mho tro t.ljoestthU tioa bh. Ileoperio' bo *kite Oar onenl ran hy odor thhoirlitiat. are it it hirreekte to thaw Woo on toymethoi to it b atteolthe Ot omit New by. letknoe7= motiotioorene Ow tree. Wee, hittedirot is.hont• maybe - alloollie /other 'dame tt width ear on • • .• W ater tho whet rpOteworm otteknotey ebosot. oo n1 11:= Ur it at =ow= loseheoridelater toot ofeeet Inelicroo tem he tomb Yoimb• Ism Ms mil Pant a -," •• .at Sanamai" •11 MU ei••••• yews bk., mum Oa Maim likaa. ga• ...maim, but ityey fa* mitam complatae—aU to Ot IYeoe teiw b valar rad baba • •_ _ - • • • Wep 16. Ithithise het ewe hiele dimmed Wed . . ea meetly restailes he Itllo . lllloll Or sakes la thesopsiag faala&eemntMsii the ore eflicesther,or this preps; nti.s of YaaE Dlrerrittlee, AnnyAre7 %BIS lirthrtherirth • thr—; bsis bath diithet the errant sere with appgsis is its sera hthis, Werth' with sour Dm et smelt, kr or . •Vprths, .am. Iheardneyoma rest sthreies to all Inethsf thud, sad es weeks Mut I scald sat) IWe b.. cid& to nuts bats moll sorties at thy seneerth. 1 trial Mewed meat, bat they bad seib eraeats is armor* the ectelphat wee la thosei,thoost ewe 111C•61,1606. to try Lams aSsres. perthth,thi I soot as with With bet Or thin bales, I berg sy monk. restated, andthe MrtYma age* men* adsouth_ esthestly maw yO4 do me of. b them with hese Um afflicted se base• ' • Yoths, W. W. VAN ZAsor. - W, WO. ' ARAMs Weak OST 1 gad tie Witham east Sothe 'ifs.... an, thet eathemer. tire be eerseL ease( the essasiksalosi Tothiessi's Sr send t • Dr linossiest—Dm. As. 1 tem Wm. • Ws roses year, with? s ems "NS !est psis is my side. it th ee ne nory .r t , sum . 1 ens 1.1.11•0131.1.1 by pip shims boer' the " sothsthpersw sloth Imp sea. Sties of lid thaw, W siske rrNthis, and thekiss my s o ft my aster nil be amid do fir am I west We he h.dd *bora thin bra pthiessad there th•tls.•_ I Nth sow spray of the lase md email leanly Smith; soon beams ensthaellosi astir; mescaline& to my bell, sot wit °Wise = seeders thaw& I canal grs. sew rosy Emeriptios: that do juirhee to my ma. Img Nipped bymy Moth she mes rsthrasi ttieLe mei mamba of thseds, BM all mined kilo ft wpm I nail of lOW seed rt. trthrithary verde palmed - hy jeer eee to etil son Oa 'truth. I osseetsd then vs boYaf i Asa Sat I sr toasted to tryl did so, _tsar ms thrs thetthfel is Iligt • I moot thy ht I sin non! sot, led so sr eothrti lofta3wt thy_ Smiths, mil hese tole akin !, mil is si few sloths: filremei pus ea ride W Pima, mots San kit We, mi miss bat m y time, Eta ON piON , ig sod thessrth. esaybpo ... kit ty gith uarAt... OplNltems or ritydlttlabb Dr Tomlarsd is obistMlymorisd: Miens tbst ..our is diforest tarn a - Ilfer ie tomtit, M, ondennamad, Plmiciese of dm City of Albm, bre I. mono, ow. yoscribel Dr. Tomo:ors aanspoills,)esd Wage It bb mot be am nimble permatim of maarmerdia IbMineML. . Yousson J Wawa its . . kllßausim t D,L Art.M.aprill.lslll. ,' t T ,FE,lxivn flocs: - - • nit in .10 ratify thstore, poets Thomoniie Idemirom of be City Of Alimy. boo Anemone yameribed Dr Tomad's Compood Donor of Dom made, nod Dm its Isom golitiMmoold recommend it to poblie arrOklosmind_o th err Mamma dis numb whom* to mayor dr . Join resecolanom in A W ari.114., ri A aw Apifis, ' •NW D ersartono. • _MOcipd 4E021 hind et., DafOd:_fl Y; Red. ad. GSM. M Rotolo Dr.DynO.. dam IN Nook Der mid D 5 kfaseA=l,term gt vanish Wm pot op f.ll larp mime . Mtdo, wlbalf orbs s edayf eirtef adta be bibs mdmista of a rrowaszava,mtbuip* bkeers on Ur Glem Pan ballot rat DelkDorliw N April A Nrtti.thitad samosa Abe Moor, yeaterdsy -It ime siak Sumplib breed of De Toirmemd. Thewsm tot op is mod larb f nom of b. orb ' p. oa'hw.WW.whih,4pti.rtitb Mama mark, soil, is 1.0, made Mom 'rarely meidlol Idroodmy. • N tab this syreasiti to em, mbediors this.otractof o Morns be 0.7 grad pOpiderity itbs - • lingua Oda. zit y. .• • • Nur. Tose, ItenikEGl47 Toirmetl,l boo its* .{herd tee et, 1.3 yams with • 61461 Atkin be lie rhea, idsa the L ee, too weetrto, pas le the liabooted r elent iddity, leteutil rtiosit lry tir e s oil aid mil to • hiel, an rekpel tole syledema sob dyer. A*. las etlur ertiotieo4 lee otemette me•lke, bei with Wiser sm ear. I net Weald kry ! taw bitumen , le try ibauh, elm Dompuills,Otsewhet wild, I bud pee rilK • lien la& iies word mere Who, eel I ere erieeitalbey It r 6. lett ea/kir he. or. Wu.- . 6. -- duel l• yew, awl IDJ opele • Wheat we re i• I ben Wee yew Iltruptrtie. I ion• sene • oppeet• Una reel het Illy .J hr bikes lt with Ur MN kW. eta matt, I wadi neensoll it rads. Mort 0•1 1 1161 arrisesd tkat Up•seti doe emit eel ' do stelneele lhor• to, OA etemputegy Me le wry nester mem+ genets,a she ern se dr iamb N. lereei lira ropier taw it k ire hied •• • Weill stabe,oe Del lima it mot elckly attukthe opera Led le JI duo who N. in • lieePay eltie, Imy try Dr Tutetosors lieeued3o.. , • Totalt•O tocrra, 111 ins A. • • CaNkkairlo u. N•istb: . • &km Yea itioniermalier mid. Di Tamed% avid Ow Item el &made at •41:14.. tir l l ...In Ms milk& Y !do:toil boo • gnu swam New Tat, Aprilll,llll7. teirreaml: Der siir—Ore d rialaren rr, del with Cum Is Ur MO* wol Moe. alwaleg Irl ll l pod Dom ow dfic elotakral ranee( per. esedror•lrnir. sal Dora inloreay, Itor vlaelt I ea arm yea 1 Ira ••=l , hi, Tom nupect4Dy, • nit Ifowtax, 97 Deimos by 1 r, 411. 64.1.128 Dr.u*, Dom wool +: Wore .11/ art SDI Nth *Jo 100 l Imet Appairdwi 107 Dr Tormum.e. *gal Ibr 41110. m y jallfvlyr , Ihibud's Celelated FlEd tun a% r : •=114.6• 1 / 6 elquol rot/. mid ymtierr, It prirt rolorlaa clarcloDy per• aprlmallt et •2 do ordlol yobllor 11. Lam pre. =nprl. warn* Rabb Ed. araer. o byname lima u. table/du rest' Our War oresehlor 1.1 wool. Ir or& god r.uay r W hl..r+.4ldM.cwd. - r ma. 17 A WINENTOCI. CO, come NM rod. d. ...I Ina woo • - • • di*: cormart zrnemor ) :2 ;.4.,4c ... 's-' "go : ilwiltzeak IIeOSTERIIaisi 'NV PeariliNrifasig .IWs4ch MAMMA toOnetia/iaireelly of altdineep• %ion, yttalides acd Mks, c,P6011 all tha .nkla Clocks, Dixon iro Dnnutlitt:us ilithrwraid Shirr pined lezets Sheffirli and aniels, gadgets k. &ost's ark ha t ierprasorsocissom enaers,dair "[Wm, /4., hll•labitenbis eniksTArt lie Imotomedlut mod taw Fecal bed 4 *tar eats t sold jirs, pc& waulesamtpier inaelwatid poixesd4nry varkw sad gWhis,a ,iwfited.yales;plel •waselt wee and gem rats at 41 #enceptilesisca• ismom a. kemusg meentintineibLian ma lute and entemellbee inbelimemelineetty, weselai A y mums_ Asians' & Dem eaittleore metteelly Ambient & Peammeneybee torrent latent:Wmtn Donn, Bombers and Weans Maxidants est mien . nal tley Amen banters* an these en maim= of Oasis of atm importation * minty rime beam; nand roam une Irmo nen: • “.., • ,'- • • I:l7Every amatim.sUl. be paprio tkirpsdlair . of Cladikilad is We eneesika et ordefilhet tudides sal pness.in• NUY , PanknANt *Pi".l" •J JU EL.,• 411TwItaL 2, 1 1 141PRII. , 111W111110111014' No::158./TortALTairg", ',Shed - aits_ ri v i titzwirsizrr, 'Gres ix hind, and egautiatuesle other; ATUdeial JUL norers, Feathers, TariaiX4.oll Face Cap. dliss , Draw Cap.. Dordass,CeLlatsu,ltia ‘. • • • Andeverydeseriptiosa Fancy 13,411F0* whist'. he val eel at %sloven market Flaw: , N EL—Fasthers dyed, end Stathe4, asw on.. rronz. LCDaWI 31 PP. Wh., klat. FPER for We at LP anima gmaphill,tas anieles of the OBTrade. • Thairsaca /a pried addeatta alp, and the y feel esaidaatedeable ~b7Bdßda tam pip Ttey hap aaw 011 hatid " lands. Wlaut asid•Fantkiiir. l ßrepab illefthdl• Wiaer RaPadaad COMNICIIIMIII4 Oil. Tamaars , MIK lawn Caaales;.Gapd,te..... N. 8.1111 pad. daii.ap4 to IP tat. aNdtai aur - • EDWARD ,TRYOM , '!• sia.atiancrigniadi • • MANUIreCTURER aad IMPORTEgai tibottiaa., Raft =I Pi.toly Paga' /Usti: dbx Yk: t Pa.darr, 1 2 0 F . ;,"" .1 . 1 "_ r Ale l7. alßenitin`.PittoVind'~oattlal. (05 Gas Itateen ...WU= wade ia order, wed eitiraia , 4 ,2 o 2lll44 . M./my - Grimaldi I sell will pewee, Ittedlredi o°Oka ktasuacer,Avnem, frnUSlhinsaer ponsesae r s iresay " LOWE:1'10AI). athers..among whialtmaybe mamba , , In Illaaageablenesa7The rapidlitly sad - ellen M 7 be - eardrollad with the.eseams ague, viola nal ; - Manner' to la operanal, anIF and naanaer_asay ish;. study Invested, nod suspeaded at gal *SOL to Ualvarsanty, or eapaeny to ammo mocha $lll Sinai; from the lasted ea idsausahaat r isadlet nos. hasaner. - • ha tlimplietq,Compaemte sad Cheadasend Aeseauaday ulna lallsa s tas dba anallshlw• • Alhhe hammer. are wade ;. - • The salnertnerieindana euesurordera Wei lawmen, or alhismaynn naussasales (amts . . - • i'orhrlMrpargealan, air. e(.: ...AisigneeseitlienuattionlioUnitedruites, . deelnl nosakmat Fosadry,l'ainadUst. -:11011014 • • • WAGON COVERS ANGOLA/IN 3.4011 .r D 4 VLL No. 354 loath Werol 150544, i.kel C Wore illassif - 4 PIULADIALIPULI: A, LL orders Irlds 8. 8. nowhAi u*.airier A IdercamPa 143181,,: , 35551 .r ar i. 0b1a11 r 5 5 5 3 5 . ,„,pukny . N/OKNOWON • mum aims: :DU z,ei COACT/ -SIND ILAIRATN3SIGIV6I,9IO Chant vt • Phthetalpthiet, lath et the e th e et Zei , • Warm. rowel* isdimmo A l i t the palie, the: hth set trallfiteep e=e Wel ad the. vele, h Vhsookiere IMIROMIII et thervie g ie.: Panto ef•Elthilee de to arieret thvithaethat paOkfMiw t rttaethei ei the eth7 Ire therver,oreeiethatheetrill " .110111.01 r !Olt. PAIIIIIJITIo O1 1 1:Nitl C. MEM niewtoniwiF rwerwri Agootlto prourrjot come, win 'c.f.i.-4M .e • Drawing Pape. or ApOuroosi. rav cum ad trammera •11 altar Wipers WWI lbw or luo ...aim es W P•uas a11e.. - 111scso W reambod ea all q.v.... Warm; ink. PM. Lori •.11. in+ stook tie United low OC Huy" !Sum at • Cranes 6orinrs•of.l..BB •••••••19.• rig cliff. Poe* Orku• ni ... ,44.•= ei rearlan for a 98.1.11 - rwi ( I. ielaln, pr. Aosta...Ll or Uwit erso, what hamodisa aut. OW - 1611 b• pm Waouipn ytu mill be obrolaal bra 7141T0r the ia panel P Vlruan or Imo..rs law 10p0.1.111. meta. • naltable kw. brali9 *roma COMM MI reporal- Orierio• r opporha w Punt 1111 bat the bawd fehTTOr, by petalasin, How Mewed Waro•,Conalorimerraf 941 1 .1115 11 Earsies.llsebla Talostoll.4. Jade Unimak 89.4 1 / 8 91.,D r . Hsu Mrs, D ; 100, &aster, . • - 11.68 9 Bow jhuoval..ll, * •." • : • new. Sawn *with. 141 C, Maws;. • • • • Hi. Brea, U 8 1 9...0rs Ho., Xelll• =i; Capt.ll II Mom, -Erasta•Bneks,EN, Iltubersl.- .718 - - EL,CULLEPI'S VEGETAIMS D FlSMEDY—Wareasted to ads, or the mos. rettned. Ma mations isprepared hair as la. daft haunt, Obtained trout ose of them to the Vat West as area saps.. Those who have 'has familiar the lediaue, tsar that they as mad do ems Visored without the korsatedp,allea an. Balsam, or warps; of Me of has now as amadasity . ol beim and widest 'the as of Bans. The manes le ta i mrsat ttithelams; and lea** emell.ea the Prepared biROWAND isAiihel'ON: MO sold 'rhetoric Ned ated,ll4,..Titowaid, 316 Maria for male isPreabeigh.by E '9ldia . 07 'wsod must. lad by Waa Thi*Ntd Mate st. ocSd.T ' CO A C+ll AA I N. a meat the sehmen err Urkas • received Jahn be leas liiested himelr. hlrelrheeTl Mu behead lan to tato • leme,for term •( dean. rear impend he now /reveres, .1a Beaver Mat, Isseedlitety Wile the PreebyrersaoCharea— Yam the load at wholes ail rho above bemoan and a &vire W 0... he here Mem. k and tem:sleet 'lamb of public Now oil handooll Waded or ill o=eiraread Boa. ale; open aad by thatch and e.eep.del , el4llo.l Or ftrnages adder order (see aidotatplivo doders II leolo Want , ;'.JOHN • •T. Jones! Italian .obetedeAt Nap. Mit ell tirade of croptiatie arid diseeite e( the hhh4 L' smelt he PhapinAgebaj, Fan Ithemilkenry, flew BMA ehewl et Greeted liNhAehArtit dihea• eee of the sloe, TAO mon wan) Tmehm,this . Romp itandiAspetellal: WM. dispels Ilschtee, Liao- hlorpheln Tee. sal Abeam the what of dad, yellow, et &aimed skii,•te a Ana, Matti, youthful. elem..' 'Abed etastemed Ananias, mid At sale 'be Waded pies ef ri eekwiteehist Mee weeircA. peak Mt *ale by A FAHNIAMEg. VA, corset het zed wtod LAI elhe al Ate Meet of emit and Wang pp ntrerllFlNlEZ°"" 44 l4( l " 4 = ld'ucor *P= " 4 Catiarga . Pani*gehotle io :oar or ai./ nal ashksable gook ain odor, wirmald sib& old era .4.lwa )Fail4 cAU time *loam of Imer.kmen nol k map r o men qta ear Ol'irsia• No I Twy takat nerbst g5... 80 . 44 .0 0 405er with un VW. sof tblipll demiptio• owl quality, with Kiwi," osikpaiiretq' u. ...than,. of 01910 Taft' Ivrald Joiss{ aloomp L ik. IkupebdersjotAaposal •lih toruarl 0:614 molicit the nib of perchien whe ja habit et raw trir tba arixadain.lir . 4:!.4l=l. Me* der vo rplidend , plea or. ar oused, as iabloi Wit tolook YOUNT' an 4,101.- Miasma Mot.Dreier Ti..ng • IbIICWLY INVENTIDIFot dui rilbfand Penni:tent ,LN Care of 111211 1A sr RUPTURE: OWN to •11 'The nberiet dfithisaf Doi Trine exia•i•l in the ••••• earati•• 1•311 I. la 10114 A 14 may be vim Th• pod of tined balm Deady WWceam era*, 1(416 rhea. w on any pet of it, and tioroubly .depth Waif to movement made hi the aroma It to be .ore witina latentabale•, walla an to titeoutd. The We. tiellbers haw wade IMISMIeIIi let the manafitetant of them mantel' Trion, la • 11111tri. Mkt, le phda, 11•1•10., and have them ea. $llll at their alias, Na TT, ftiallekt a. ow SL9h,fi m aM nr had D. W. ICAUI4IIIAN: RWOO, 1111165—Ja nal 34a Pawn Vat. amused India tabby Lop. Tape Lap or b....ban lb , Plmthinle.d pagan and parealsatermy lanertptios—la ea foram aro us tar pampa mod a pokes of own baldltei lam km at am same arm, elloralas of arldJtkat orndettlaa witkoal 10.41.01 . roatrattnem. I II . . at 4 dead it • . Dr. Mb III•rso Nyman* IfllllB le comfy am, by takingi ma viol of Doe* Ito Lam'a Wens Promle, eloblat Junes limes Alais of 7V worm, ludi by dm ore of "old • elald of my aro yawed Lum, bi.trely Ms bent soMeMMlY*7oll,Mbfiabe man. I met kayo two MOM ou/d. . WK intaolte ‘- . ..• • - KI • "- " I.winde. TO•111111. POI sais by J DD & W..d etive..4 tat es OPNICRIVIS 11111.11111P44ert *!yeller e3lPeekei Imp earsiek, 4 oath "emcee am FINKIAlltik Yesi Petrel aserrevera Thee= IC Ulaseetm aehrresmorma t ly le Wire& Loamirmol ivrova PATTIIOIII_s rosiuma-mam fa Wiwi; P Wks, Allarisay Oft Ott WU. WI salmi Ow Iligne• ma hull - auks la weed R Ira SOUS. s MIMI Mamas sells le "Oa. . . • 11161Znaanue43% - • 40 1 4 11 1 . 40/11111rAVAIIIILI. . rlSM.PitUOrl i m, ITJ MAIMS *ID 1.1/3L WINXIII/11-411Ads Um .% re...144a IWO. ow 164 0= No l' Wei oil 'Usti ..1.1 1 theW be sots of • • „, , .., , , 1.4001 W/LAYEIL ~ IRO ; - . ' ..' '. , - 1 0 1 1 411111elan 4 ewe ow i,. , _:. - MISCELLANEOUS, k` l " l4 '1.1 , 1411 . ) 4 . , . LIogr%BTRBST4 4 III:I: ,1310114 ~bmttau1169414110011411.1401.ii.. , ' , " ' Of no mosiemasoOkss Stile eltyorßolelantei undrapme oerf mmaldiiisatiaas volt ialomoolool. miss Sao beta Wad, eimpialit= and sort sleoplagisionississoss Tbeisollao'depormsatkas @LeibMa oostlsbel tate sad food op is allolollPitololis a vid mild, lunlogimootofsho Ma bon smodollit, midis ids& cleat Or INT% of dm smosto coalbst *awe of dig/ conlidomly -mum mill ail, mitt asy Hold-sidle treks: .1. .9! suPPliod omlisserroob- Modal sod lomayinios thommilsot allorismsvidl up loszrior Siblirla Aka miro&Wina, tos Asosooladostlir pfopeinors beg is mrsoliii nott Esodiatoollholspan,oad on Om poser Mir loader this Eloielmtbooostinsed of their flamid. =I the generally. • botoLliasombo rodent re tho . 11 7 7112 a- 71. .1 11-7115 BoWstii. Waggon of Om Haim mill wTe tit llslat at dm Caraml..Bloombossidandlagh Airlock winsome,' bliglpso Wald fait the lizArlim P.0 1 2% 1 1. i'lrdL Bo 4=; sll 3" , =. aiiikalaiell Ca Willualloo, late of tall 'welt idelaablidosant.biaileara state to that? Ilia& o Pew RooloalllVOiat they hays takaallds caataxialoas Wel folr a teem ot yaws cod.will elan thalt WO moil's to Mae it . a ddirableletekall. , Thalkail epieheip aohl adieltably alaaho aasholeth anti* of pagan otaninaFbaatiroanst.Faina..smntl st9se4oss - esadpardsimi WWl* the expermeaof prude aollelarallioahw they will ba able Mi.lieliOnt Una aderakM to aloe Pm aollatala ta the 1101110 : , ThelmaOw of Out Pearl Street HowwWietetiewealy ellyible. haring hews= Ptall;Waint owlOW It% SO &IA 11 -13 equelly,dearable in view Odle tooted alCe. of, bestow tom orzatiretieettot_ prinne,bwodete t temn by the Stake, tee restOnft, the Manaus, tien t Oddrellews hall; and billow square &neat h e Wall greet' awl two them the Clity , N hal 4 dow elittteylie Vetoed oceine=eielly_to wiretry = l f". '7 1111.' • :" 91-P l , eterw - — JOHN A MILK Chutes tired, between Matt aid Umbel Tre maturity, Meg taken the shoes mush. -.- Wned. aide Na aerviem m the ebbed. and - .ziogiblie !MOW): 7lt is noneeniestly situated 'as' the. Steamboats atulltai !road Depot—din the dst at the dare estinsive imponing Iteeses—and ftet;thelarattna ofeento those Tilling the altriee dm. theeyealeittes . ynliemototte a. thdi Mbar pnyetpal. Ter been. to new being fitted to wits rens (inhale, pfd tame sod etyle, - and ha eyea to the pablie no Waif dap et 4r11.1911: , i11te ptoprietoe mune that hls serealmag eftrlytppieue, will mewed, him 11 lemma' et }he gafille , galtionagei. Resident - as mall as Lunn of the Snake' Du /firms t - , syjedda_. EZ=ll a ftALLEUHANY mums° dalpida—The aakneallset to the Washlngwa ) totes Has nankal al it,. tones kis old Mends awl ttosodobeenwaHTikkatia kas Wont ike above Wood ROW, rile flow tI air/ sad tadostabla.sad ka Nan entenslsaly muted sad 'm 110 Prom"' h0P , .14,1s WHO' shawl= W. "NW" Sal "Li/WM tan kcal. ollku Sid waive a alms of pablia patraciaga Cteta IS MILO niapt.for IS Trate" =PablloOnzad 04 modems above the thanking Dena, Ind wain tard astautes walk of aka =wad - Wad's, Dem( BTABLIpIi at twkdroLe Alinglialav Monk IldPa. Awn Ekl9l7wpildnar, JOSINAP HOTißla : fa.lol asinaravr gram, PICILLIDWZIII. k . =llllr.ill e£. Vga . masa' and bapi tan Intioniat.'aninition II ihe wawa aad easaldt•Olkirpelill. an media connassusea of the Oral pannagnitarainfankjidiaiyai by ita image =L.bNbaea WlOaßbh iennanbid, ainDaPai , - 41; we thendwe awned. we CSSI welteme, PAT elan& and iba palate o unaninicalationa naiad. in any in W rare( P fd N W inuoook.., , GAM! 11011.114 VIMISIIT.MIIII peg Wiz* 'Clananlanth T.insertr=trnrini"7.`"TVV:= done.a llama& rispair,dag owl *inlet, and Ming thrum ozperieneed wen imam way in the mines *gammons.- I -Mawr if that all Ina be Mowed Thlecidwalsenntial,wwwwlew ontiplemans, Faro el per der, ••• - • perononVkaseb . W E MARA. .- N. 11.*A1 ablessadly a now Brown, if is am oar is—lt sow en the ell bawl. • = mad* -... ',RADII-0 1 N ROTEL, .. . Tuts Pogirrio.wihisliogensbutamm,m4ica a Day awn la acmes am thew afartsaugla ux ianabl sad rill spat faiseW he mat aril isb• ma lairsAariella la rarall . : -.-. . . This prairie It W . samara eas iris li lik• lioariat Milan. al ariU,ta mars prompt a lannsiala be iiperreas ran ffiri Gs earkaa. Alle .gail lad r I . l \ Garr tapas labl 11.4 0 1Mrarias ram. twRMaR . . Tuamixorrows ea.tr..llo4lllZ, . A. IDS TII GO OX IitORTIN bags la la eipalai its Ja. Maids rat a Is mar Lame .a; Or 0 A LT liOVDE, IsmairillA Ap..aters a bra risen all la WS Moab, *maned, Ora ad lb arlicithal a abierliall leopard miliria earawalile Maras ISDI~~Lr bent it6eq known foe eleaniss mind whimsies .L 1 an Teat =Nam the domo k ;seetentan 11. t="ettloo honk lad s =Lon' vat vat en heading lii.thermonng: Wee tho bosh aria wenn maw; at *At Inn afenrer, drabn it ah. aa pate, wben eeftcalt will is hi camas at localh, it kamo c.a... hullo is via orank,sail pots a.oet dellsktdol thyme toile btu& astandi anricalled as a pleasud, dik.ekv.s ...caul add mile dental., tt la sarrente4 mina udaniUto teeth,., bale ny axon it regaintiy ‘ em .111... e the tanhi and peanut . tut accauolouno---preeent the toothache ImicOm Plot and p, all Comes amen ChnimSts, pliistOtea, and the eau moon.. it • a decidedly- ettpcnor to chary _lltof nig and Ask., Shersaaastesepound Too. Pas., and oboefestio aattabace is abet bed. each pot. • acerronotokoS by Dr. Castle, ad arawaray, one of ow best. Dentists, and by wort of Os old .enabliaed eats io tha Magid Son.., and eves Zwininqy reel .b) the *bay of Endland and Ffe 00 , • , A Wee proportion of I/iodise...l bat ItSeintsakini ailse icon was dertolaNrett of the nicauteleebowels stick'. tiller ik.e of the Cuba no Lozenges would MUNI *Ma. amens of alio. habits Woo.' al. I ere. ba. ab. at hood, mad take 'a dose wan.. they fool the lean derangement umbel, !wild,: Ajoal. tilogi .2 of the. Isnoncgoe. yoga proven thou.. JACK... 4 OaII, eotioaltir Wood and decti . . Perml4..l Libor/•b T.•DIZII Wbo C Commas Prepaemepa/k, are LI *Roo we swam be. ingittlerly misname '1 to to lb stile km mane. bmi tweib, bow aallow,.setkar, and .MRIII .O IIB abla amen a ft er amok prepttroll chalk: D am 'ilia *num, cattotteiblealame alum ws of . • he,. prepand 111444011 yeamabte smelt. artielt ant <at JONES'S ISPAY4IS4I LILY W KITE It Is perfectly ionment, being periled of all deleienesa osal.tbes; sod It imposts to the MI6 • sat. atabastor, elear, Leto/ wake, utbuae lOU as a ommute oo lath, maiimi DOI sod Dr.-Jame• Anaemic, lrysetisel Quaid of Kassa rburue. mym asalyialos loess►Semalala 11.1111 Mho, I Cod It cameras tbe meat bea•tdal and cat. tali, et Om same lima loaccaot mbar I ever atm email& y esa atocamamodmety rosoccacts4 it to• 11 yew Wit maims bawl(' late : „ • ific=e etas, bar. by WM. J *COON. at Ca Boot and Shoe Sum. Llbmry street, ► ltea4 of elfood at dm aero of dita Bei Dot* , Ladles, tadica.,Ne Wielded. Wbs y•• lam WU pall an prorlaad • ♦eaura4l.k.lika, intamy mbar., . • ' • Tat yoe male.. ammo. cb g le, • ' ' • Am! Waifs desettr Yall•er 1 : 1 ; ( lib t 44 k If Yes, mald 5141 a Iva &NON LtUreibilleal afeeU pee you at an elatlaater'yet NOMA lebitet and at tbe Asa elie elm met Impmbeelit. JACKCIONII, be Liberty in. rifts ISpernsprtbilli. . . Gonanarrloa muipairkavreukiimi. millets* sill* Elloosaos.611:011 Apakik —RU le to wary Is Jae 0 4 4 0WL 0. list Pi' monitory wooers. et Oonsseptioo, ilst 14r.. Len Sassing fat sermLyests with • broacbq sorsoess of Os thalami bosneassa. I SseS may modJolrstsi bat Plod os relief Is .op pespassllos gf Mediclae, mode• moo of DIL DUNCAN'S ,F.XPFX7'OIIANT DIKIIEDEd I doe bed Wag 11!is vsled . lioodionr oe moral yids, de throe toe Ste Aline oboe. alsf I ..b. en or S. Illy aro opatioo as sa Adds , ed,OSlti keeps me Woos diddelyleopeolkedoe my dimase, demo, to become very Waster, end , Odds/owed Dee wedithat. I Dereiers tali pks: lan es osk,in Olen orroii• N with adios." of the lop sod deodorize organ isy IseDO . ile viresee et LLD .1111 Odes ready,. sal say be cud 1 doe neeesocoded Dr. Ddcalea Endorsee liesiedy Y Ossy of or Abode, roe el wDloorers Deis Eve o oundas .• • • , Door red.Oeio,Ool 12, ISIS. . YASUO lIRWIT, The - proposes/ .r Ike um omtiooo ookt; refugia." eaderalgoed podos, ohs mole fa. Peres rosdeola otos lis7 Perms mat sell wpm de be eseddel dot OM us senses feed la Dr glossa ode:id ALL cued% eseeDol: DavieCslionmse.DeftergeO Dr. D. Ras, Prez - deDelarrr, /Woo to Dr. loremer.Os Doe robin. Si/elok @t Jerre' Dada., lideeroll tp • DI, DUNCAN'S ViltertElp .CIVE/CE, 1013 gr ow. wool, emelassul, Okee: eoil Penteseil. by WEL J•AC EDO dIi L t l e b T y bseelWoooreo. • •: 47 ••r• leyny Vale (Id,wiltts • sad dislag the day • /flags Inman,' ewe Um a ten la • • II" abets is Ws ebild. idta plies loalperea . i i• o llellar tat eta wee swarm!, erelF, end - 7 • ' Waiellybaier,ftwaku Pimping spa ddby D'A'FALIMMUCIrr t 'earner farina 0411.4. and arned and NU eta • • tee TOO 11.11111ILLAR1111011111 LL I 111 MOSE mambos con eclat! roue t :Leak 14 lags Iktryoug wire, witk her Ittrietnaml tied lAA ss per own, pod with enria i to owitt.l•lotO Yet ow. ate goo mat w rye cantiOrit take of the (MU WWI alallikei *MN w twAld antsy (tee you num thew, amtd asks roar yellow tads rim and Oct at gm, to Jultsocht ewes, aWbetir leak. NB - hulas. lathe only plaee loPtualtattr i ore _ OVI VINO 10 be otuloa. Oman of Wt. GO% itrumEll Bff Bast staid, a tie doorwor TT: JI/AOlO =VIE /OAP— Far m = • wpwo, Cry it, 4.4 c S marring Um apop, *We Is led akar, I,awra., sad Rmadra sod .61a dinefloos. • e 9.1 a aata. by VW. JA ,111Lthcrry lase, lout (Vi l lltia Doer am! Shibir OWL aP of tho.Lf . . I'VXI: Or VANUA, 001 1 / 4 011171111119 mo preparstse tenuallealaa a wallas or ='"7,644Verit=trilikr.,4- =MEI =MI Clll P0111 , 411:LX saw! LIM. roam ‘rw PITTSBURCiII AND VIE RASTEILN - CITIES; alllt6CT Traratnantog. "•`-• sealpdso afgadssemasLL 'Gab oreaaloothodialltbe reduesdlos all aresbapeollidassatrollsadllog wall. .' . llre Boles ago of POI draisgld di d po w . una. , o to ham dates our mac . _ ows wimp wi.kowe. asap aamiCallelegb ss- Reisiviagooliag, sad BeiasNV to make dolts of radiate; pre to of atalate Flow. lima. Laid. Sallot,Clattae, Wasel.reaa/stra ea:dab:a fat Sa le, rabaci lieeM agnates will be ands wad ealher oral faelllasos alluded, pledging car , pasts dal . soy badness maraud lei■a oball be as rowdy mecum:dud aeon as fair arms ea by say other bout; I PlOBlerantlEN it . Canal Baas; Pdabealt" - • • 1815.111 /*ATM /t. Co . • 94.9 widEi Marta ad. Mali . PIT TSIIOIIOIII POIRTRI M0M 18 47. of to tango:union of Freiffitbconsta aw* adtan ALL. u • CLL., y, 4o oa hie •, y, Ili coroottot ruk. of &lay, daage, trycatie Lod saparauon Pita • CEEB . Naha &makMad atpita - '• • . TAAFFE &O'CONNOR Oar Pa an asdi 'Mai; ins, Plu.b.Sh • 41 i inat b y . : 1 4= rl. A P" by moot Wis.. tie Plopriaton Inge " ::111 . gair rock and astistad IbOh sems deriag tha 'AW, s»aem P.P.." .iud [micazankinin . mai 414410,...../ Watt list The is. lam capenatee carn.s, the p.y bb soperiorky of rM Ponabl&iMo 15341.4 sad to you eaptult aid ammo tococtf the wan• bout each sad to we, are poc•loull.••••••• sod lo cute dr patrician a Mild 11141 T tOrtjtiliPOUl and accoonsodsco ttic dosComent—con4deadl cdfc••• &at./ •• • (Witt tbsy rintachtfaill &Wan a coottananee of Lam puroosiyo sena lacy no. le U m 7 ugamem M u 7. 1 5 , L &atom 'hill be, teed sad trim dhcashboat <boat paid td Blis 04 Wog Crissithod Cm of any anti .for Ohnnuathoot advancing at toragat Having cto twit directly or Indloccily to si.ooatisbaltarca ado aoistort tots osochatily immary soros titatyani tat. and *bey p4fte Ihmosolvestr tannid pea. cosigned to ten ainstaly sad Go to mot 841164, gems terms to to oin?cra. Mama I. I ot7• . • ailliNga 1847' pie imurz.v.a la CANAL t ILA 1111.0 AD • _ ram rAcirr .• • 11'17981.1R071 TO FM LADA: ad DALTIIIO46 Mitorarlifis Pasamaim.: 'TM pi telo retpeutally Idohar, nes Mei 1,124 eoemoesee Mau* ipa or about ths late lasisati and mains! Mye pow Owed a sa pe nor of hearts au hail , cbo rn,...;,oritb tit!" Notmaie Trlaelt five ewer comfort to trarelata. • A Paean Boat.lilalarapbo in port, am on aw. an( pablier sly regained call •13 , 1cloanom LOA FT".". '"FIV4iS Err Trgrat."l.• - Thseref Use Pedro will leave the heave, taypeode do United Strwe Ho 41 'earner Pens sates god the . vs " L "" 7 tc• • • Fat aeforeaulaa sdplV at tsa eilletiianerva Hew. Water street. or &a • • • D mein tor Penn wen ueael• TO TIM POOLIO. HE BoomOenh. Poreabto Hoer Company being A. so/voL rbs C0a9.41 oto.o W..i.0. , ...V.k . ..‘ C. : T porinorobiplingee the num .( LH .flosisoest's User .od Lao... WOO boll OM d bd. GO 1. ID hoot: member of Sous lOT . this nary.* of ammo' w•(.' ihroogb In from an I. el& ~as, with ensvlnly —sal Ws eneneraged by Jge bberimy of bur year'. penult aim,' We =MD inlolllo , o orrangernemin for tio o We ward Juniors eltopeelfilty •onco of oar forum patroza.and refer so tboao we bus Yew boo.oess fat. - MAN 1847. - „ / O/VI.M•111111.,L . • • . ..... e.... rat allt trampartavon ill , fakir dr./matte*. Dm, . linkeduikaillamosk New I( • Corocr Liberty greet ood Canal • ' AL. aim PioDtg, Market., :..:, .ELDzit,LIELTrom • RFST.I.E.Nen.t. P UltoH—Jos. !Wally. I W. eCally&C. !I A P.M...0n& PI ILADELPIIIII.—SIorrie rimer Ye &Co, Flame k Bub . N j1V871.31t.14,17.1.6 teas C o q te—Rae(, Hog & Cq 1 UIN,III-414010e & . . . . PLISASAWT• 14.4 A:alse Pi wet . kkekhg:- - - - N All ameskokiller lien Pm N mod 1.4 Lrlktebut &Op, Pin neenoptty imoseggipsitt -- • PO i . BOAT tINE A8:47. imbed 'U U NdtPuiTATION OP PelonucK AND AIERCIIANDISE - TO AND FROM PITT do , BURGH, PHILADKLPHIA AND aaLTIMORK • [DloWnhart Trasslalyment.CY Gookeenalased bassoon min he Ibirmarded wok uoartdalsy,at Yawl carat ram BUM a babas manatees" sad aU unmans. Ormanly attended .o free f.e a .ay extra Atm Dr mama or osearalasta. Address, arapply to 0 NeANULTY fr. Os • Cana Elanairisabargb ISTORAGIt Ilnaax s .. ae lards and commodoma wantons ,e •/11 are to wore do addition to 6e.gla foe aulawan a not of Pak, oo Sunspot law ram {oars) C A ANULTY AO! '---- #2 - 0 - 11.1 - 141/:Tila • LINZ. AWE .1'847. sonny Holaidaylbersh. W FRRIGIIT ater &r at, Pctersbaryk and all unea mediae places • gin &myna leant tite warehouse of C A Ile Anulay to., Pansimmb, overly nay, leacept Padaya) and sliammeadawaysdopernt oa Santos thew good• for manta unions delay Illerd at fat rata. Ton Lane Ira Wand for the special accommodations a assay lisasas, mad the maancsana malwafall -when& Sacral Mama patronage. JOIIN DAN% II BARNES ROBERT WOODS ' WILLIAM rot,Ty. JOHN MILLS& ItalltaMbansb , RII CONAN, Mann. Agron. . CAMaANULTY &Co, Mabee! J J aleDeas, Marsala, Robert Moore, Rasta Saab, Pittsburgh. . 1111:111C1111311 LI7II. 1847. tibia r7 aP V i dlly s bt :PittAt Erie 8; rod l4a.er.aed (“iight and ININICSIffe CUM romnimibennva Be...and Erie, and eftintettng wadi AI Ltlse B(.l , 4mwbostrrapellersAndllwwels ae th e will 1.141 pnputtepa eariiIMOIX4 2polZ a P"Igl td P"."gt " ItaTl4:wey convoying 14ighl nal wnl. prompownw &Ad dwpate, propnewr " n‘ arftts " mpectrollywdwk Ilvet shalt eail .. k 1;;I atoll thew luro 14 161 n a,Propinwr REEDS, rimy; Co, larcr.Are JUIIN A CAUGHEY, Car, danikll.J.l Wain Sts..oppwata tlos Mpunga. saheb. Ham. , RRRRR TO. • Wheeler, Croekee A Us; New Vott Geo Dam, Haile • • M Parks Co,Clevelud • • ins A Ammonia Oos Deueit Weal.A W Mims. 1110 wast rl.tol a Pueter; Menge W. Ponren;Powersinves, resinn (ho Mactotonyrre, Evankniasec reran Join Ya Anhui Dantsaladal, • • Ile Wk 4 Aeltar,GroaamiDalt cla • Craig &,FransMn. andisnals, .On Gay. Plumb r gbarpitilygOOPA . .* tY C lawn, ; nin. • W Canahalan: New Csilk% dlo • • MUM* CLETPLAND: . . . . ',. .. Y0‘.184) 7 4 ' ..1- . .1111111111 t. ii• ' C4iC lief' . ..r T- 11 **5 1 4 0 0. , . .-.io. - :i 0.‘A.W=0...: ~ : i. ;.....;.'. -"-. ~... BrIVZIUPA.:.. , ./. , ~ TIM Agents awl Prepriiiimirolirddi id6W4llllllOl. ...L. ly loose atie patklithsro/ be proiervi ere Ille . Sidle <volts et canal savisadeas. receive say Plarreelle and Seaver,. nod delver Ibsen:l3s os tie .040 cum* andoboon /ado 0 M belefee, solo We prawn derpaleb art,l , at caw': stable rates , . ne sooprieton at Jot Coo eolith tile bashrese et des boost venom , ISSiirealdeeter, kaorna. dm their reeillties ase seems, lo none. t•,.: : , • A t oly to or sigmas . . ~ OAt ItASTON; ArPittetwart. • 'CLARKS k Co, Beaver..• Isere T RICHMOND k. Cr C vrrnall. TORIPRICKII TgIANSPORT/ITIONICO. MOW IB 4I. . ICROSI OLD ESTABLISDED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITT•DU RON, PHILADELPHIA; DALTIMORP. AND NEW YORE TOE next of due line eonetaie or doable daily Use of De la sod Quo, (owned bT theemelve•J •rbielr•to In good Older. The ealnenbor• ara prim ••d i. imnel • lame quantity of Nerebandlle ••/ Pexl•oe eI <enemy tad eligmaidg" • • . Prodocow Nlochandlsomaliped w.y. of tae to. datvised.la tolorark4 for spilyohoge Ortommie. Len or unrest. INlNtowbastrumAlßod asidnnsulte•oaspromptty . • The benison of We Use le conducted en 'Wetly Sun bal&iOnddS Vt& i , At . 14V0 71° &I,ESCH,Proeiclees, No 13 South Tina one; Pldnacipbie j :JOS. TAYLOR &..50t1SAucon, . . No IA Nirtioitnn3 rive • ' Ns 7 Wea Now Sw► He LICIFIEJ.AND NE or CANAL PACICETEEND irreoM :17:1 7 % 1841. A 'A MAN) Ant aBW ELL° W L . 147.7=611:VitMinzt arel med Witten. next' Morning In' ethos RE 8 e *Web meth Clevehred Wort MOE, • h. • .• .nlOll be reee4pted ittmegt,i4Vbeito ea the Psalm, sad h•4O et the ; Etss, en Imp ea beard hheashoel Beaver. Deem% !Nommik 9 o'clock, 4.144 et to the agents:* • • ChM HAErO Os; nth*PlEiherst. • • , .CLEPRE • BMW rag ilit•OWigariVOWil ribialCige X to NV= tb 5 ., 1 At imp a==alllll9%lll Xamtr.147,64,f7, AqUom Will bp - 1074aOffOsia 'inxa • • - ‘ .ar - 1 , 4= a 4 6 ;41 ;.= • ?"-°) lisertaii4scacinrilopinty "RIR . . . . .zgatame r • ' Ca: Oak. Sm.. commences ha r.Pla ono 'bare, D oretOci... Beate a awooecune.a.4l Pleas sod Cereal Line of Cad sal BMWs daily O.; Raw, Werra ad Clareland Lae of Cad Psekema Rape Omp,.. New Warrsi.ied Clanhoor. 016111 Punt Lam 1.1 New Cade ad • Onandle.-Ps.• Era Enaleo Lies to SIMON, ad KM, ,_ ISCb's Lima Stage OcaSe. kiv Orrelsad sall Worm. Ma Hos. wee dolly a do anal of lasabold Beam fiso ?tanbark.' Apply., • • • .P It HASSON & Co; Pitlobairsimh • :,• USION,JIDr liffiaZt oe ess souvusx. itnr atria BETIVEOUPIMBURGII ANDaznuato... P. N PARED detexAmadhark • It 0 PARRS, Baset,Par•••_.• T ATHER, Lloe Wm any le tampon J. Freidda POVltageli anel Can= land. and . •lo paimsnalPearsylmis 01a. • • 1110 Militia or aid line on y is 1 odd Cm* la ambers sod osparnfof flea Spa - . rime of (Spam ad pnmemiaas *UAW:nada. Une awes PM.De nod Chmodad bos alas to cowman on. do miasma.. Alichiga . sod . Late . Eailmnmtliardit..l 4 .. , fle,zier4.....ldbl•rs=iokoelNSh•llora.ti ropeny formdedtosay_post Use* IM adm milawel. N PARES & • REED, PARRS & rCo,,Base. A /as ,W . w MATHER. tt. , !. • ••/1111111111121. "611 ":"'• . . 1847 °Rom/gym:is AilnWrientatirglNßlAL-: AND 11111.016LCRIAF Tow to Ralmoreso. • tool, T 4161. Biost4.l . 'pHs ..mothd lalallaot oeuserlocoal. low ID bleLsne a dAta nn. Mann. has kocuseaed qudai doilbee duly nip.. CM bra kme Alemeara bels orarf• asre amine sanely a X Vedestr-' root by sle mom line sill ma !Mishima root maps 11. Um for Models. Nail lbs. sr'. Rail Road em. Tbs smose• 800 .in Mo. la' Mod ally as ilortloet, map. andsys • •Passarto by eine boa 5i lodgo so board, la Womfortalma Oa. nom lem Itrowania eon amorsell 7.lsek; eross tee mauls. Inds. Wu; up imp.. WM. TIM saidisg soW traet•.•. - 110t paparalions comenlooplo;ond mare*. Omplee; OD Ihlt chappladaiso no, barn spa It. . • • . . • .. fames. ad lap a de rata' ansiimo'olo , WM awls Ipleaure soda. ChM. If 111d1.110•4 or tkesaboal Wow* ad Pliakipla." , I C.Mboto sham. to travel es dot Mast Seem Ins uMlllllllllolalalsilliomad.d.Roar4 ye Cbasteg 11101.: . . . • J e Liar Tr. . . TO OFt/M12.112 •Tfau.NWARMAZ . , • - rtututaull IN SHI HOUMA!: 'DAMN'? Bean Strallew eel Teer.pt. 'Vs.+ var dal_ly, et 3 o'clock v. le, Sa 11111 , nd at-IhAJ morale( Nold from Ihttabarlt, end errIVW Warftain time fie the Kell Lt. el therm; ILIA leave 1mm , d1... etely tliennaltetoind snivel et Cleveland at 70vbxt,?.. This mate is the neva expedathes end eiteedirteide ens ft the Laza • • • • • . OCITEB LEFFINOWELL. Warren, ?me. - REZA AIMS Co, See. 40 0 4 JOHN A.CANGIINS,... , .nd Ea , • Oppesint the etanonreleth Ham. Ptuthan .- • 1 BURG 0 •lID Walla* ' 1847.- pAumeAsrivo.4o7ll 6 F lE N i n ns fle4htwo4p.maaims A. ma, vbil ma. molar ly dame the ocaboo Boma and Orebotolta, Pa, by virieb tre rood warm bravoes Obenrobpalatboril/ba munW promptly NV ICY • • Rciirn, _GrOrnrint, - . MAIO aIItAMPTON, Clartsvil • IlelßMill..AhlD & Hap .. • lIA va .1 PLUMB. amp/001lb • . 4 , 4 • tir• C MALAN. leamm,.. • WIC MUMMA Ford, RICED,Taltaa a ClOkoner_ .da )0111 . 4 • CAUGHEV, mbar 1 Oar Oppm4a. lia...ratala Wlass.flalaath Ei!ES vo pro RRor Are Hrrroa' lAN & Co, A rear Palleaetpail.. ex,„ arm, Dahlman, Md. ea. Marren a. Co. • , M Ahead • • Co, Reprolde Peter yrlyt., h. e. Pony C. - OITA i •-PO Taft n L_ 111111111184,741M0, ref iota' rousrintrriliterint• ALLCINDS OF lIERCHANDLS62OI Philadelphia, Bedo.terta, sm. i n MRS eueoo raceme et tbre Hoe bas rectified ..a assts . ..llA tm emenneneetaent, has I sdneed dmigirigole ton to increue the stock by adding • netaber,olfr, ' climbed.; lad batand ofd . ving nmeipte es borate!. Ben as arms,. ere grin gm* oar ogre retelph for (might dapped by this hoe. The boats on all portable, coasenueetly la takes the 'thole &steam without tralithipmeat., thereby prove atiog damage from het:pent Inddltng on the mete, sod et each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, 'which is e mahatma gent antra that there will ben delay on the maim,' • MI Produce hiercheedme consigned to lb oiderviguni will be forwarded iIIMOB.COIi- MISSION, ant adnaeiag end forwarding, sad will be 4,t, ',wad ..,I,thost the'lorma - gatis of •• 44.1.4 not SaANIV...... • Winetryteetfully riolieit a Ave ot ~On nage. WALtalftWOßDlnViti. , • CRAIG, BELLAS=I.XL • Broad Street, Pluledrilphie z "... F MILLER, Apet; • - • ' • •, ' Boaters Wharf, Belttmcett: • Pittebaigh? Fe b.. 18.1847, EEC= ladelpbta, enll be • • lebl3 1846. 431 D " 847 : • ' • TO THH OUT 141188O8OlBELI VIA 'BROWNSVILLE a cumErentAmv TIIE aodataigood ate sett ptspated *ewe prar , dam* c., to the EaltotiXorkela dotes tho caw inv t WiAlled.ell the most favorable tem., by this cape diem, Hate. 1 All *party tamped to as will he imbatelitoi . .aldto lowan rases aad *fib autpaseh. Aletehabdtso ramrod by are teats pweartely vratiod.."' • . • .1 C BIDWELL, AV-, Phbetetrith O W CADS.Browurvilfe. . IF:EGERTON A Co,Catoberlarl 1846 AND 1847 • ~EiL OMR TO TIED 'OAST UT sAz.rsaoktit Asa OHIO R AIL Will!. sit' tveriben teee.* Cos as* .1 dace la Ilblimsne by iba yorabobbs. at [be Miming pmts.- - Allies, Paean, Batt,. Lead. Lard, bib. Tallow, Wbistey, • sod Obis.-471 cis pry Inns: , • • Tohacesi 3 Oste4 Fla/ aad IVlLeat—N cis pet 1111114. Asbie. (M) Apples Cheese, rt•l•rkt Umber-101as yent) lbs. spb, a k i m seeds. Wool-110 cis Faille ' Iferwsrazystaiers, Fbro, //intent, lied . I . lsialrillost -.111 els per , • -• • -• , ••• • All paperer camped lo cuber °Ma lablartipesi wlll be (onwards.' 'cabal delay, fits of Cossmibidat, at above 1.114. CLARX.Beaanrrdk.• FIANNA is WATERMAI4, .•irPellt • - - INTL. 121001..D88TS PUN .‘ • as Lohmalpsh LS eenteie end niniesliwre;wiwieneewerwel, mem binge( cie bendoelso, 4 Pegs etthe ewiL eter, pine le the leek inel Nine, helps! , nowe .rep Verbs beep GP Wr eveihnewest ant Piebiel• with eigen.ipenee of the Poch esentwww. se wale, the pats. t.. 1 each awe ale Spite Pe he teineYnnt bet alai, on is PP* este . The tweak it sett peep**, sod ia ea eatite4 POW ape tido eitgwebep wekepee et ip...np,3 Omni hannbeep,the wen &Web : The i kited:ooot I knew Divivirtiliiitia r iav, tie. • •••... eel id. Tenigy itrin rii• its 1410, Y limn! awe, unapt my me mop lhata ersie ntite nnee, utsnerel et* lewd ape( the when it ' Y WIIITSAILD.r • 7111 ' irw 734 !ley, .34 Meth Piet deit i Lit;!7r4l VIZ th 's,..ll:Wrbr.": “ uweals elemiJa, iahldh; Wig us* winnower Is Pere own • YIN lb& Pp.) unwp. CEATIVICATLY. ' , inifYtot eai . , Mr. BesloLDeer — Div-I.PN the:peener e, moist .m 1 pe, Dr. bendieleelast Sp.cide,,lkes pee hp , Fed care ir a te eon as y ....roma orrtzt. rt. my wont thet I km Pe Newnan et it, 10 It IMO iD peat. lon. her. Hmrr •I w vo• 1.14% a themed genie ea Wan kEnlibleptaid lo PIP n1:1 ethers whew Alittel thel.le purr, to penes thoutiett tette, Pip Ipwl • T. web, • , • , . .Weet Chester, N. Y., Mer. 13.1145:: • p r . Dew 14n—Thini r nay leant mbar •• ee te, the Indite& See broeni I Wit denten how the ewe Of pp "ha& Ilpe . 'eine. I map!, wig pen repeel,end um*, Pe wet 'Pi • troy Is srer et it:Wing Peeved et • sewn Mica el the Ma alter herlapetst after reentla "lOW rms. PSI r Yam • ! en e nineis ind n nen IT J se Us hi • att Workaval ha. Mil Orr • N.M. Lamy. Ural of Yelp 30_note DELJAIIIIIIII{ CAJUILINATIVIM BALSA*. VROM than. AIIta.SHINN, • well barare sad pop. r et. Ciertpntmahoflba Pecithideaddetbedlit Musk. The &a hums tiocialicustdatizac theput Talon, with • &mum cafe. mostach, omen pen !mii 'em path Its Wws.el atea frt Preece Mare anthem' lacinaladonond thact baying tried track= remedies with lltUe edit a Ina loccia with • bonni olltr R.litmte's Canolitaciee Balm. The Mufti at =to the Crocthme, and Mcad thaarlabtl Wit e massed the Ws to abate in three m Romig. Mae, end la. kiss] Of twenty miasma every enemy sentlilio/1 arm ended, alsietad• Thtt saataaancan Cr. tennuduaed wheat vet indicatkine of the asp/maa path Iwo perceived, sadae pun tau thereby preveat. ed., He cootinoed to see th e medicint um Annan and accartintes la the inertias; mod le , L • *tote health We. far manned; Au de millinumna.mlier ed ?mae, • lenge maul of oppensice pale. Pam's: peliese therefore. he au coatidcody Dinettes Wadded. Balsam. u • athrtaryneneant for Manama afthe inthnich end bowels. A mum; A1.m31 Foe Ml* lo PluiLUPIt ti• PetrfiristolE p i . m p etwiet.,:•ear Wad, sad QM din•Deas SW ofll P SCHWARTZ. Federal Weft. Alkelmety TIIARRN7IIUSE SELLERS. V RRAIIPUOIp...pppg POPULAR RVERYAVtIERE:— • • . astrrasn'Ya .Joly PA, 1617. Kt. Ir Gratam—DearPte—lnilortroul of pda tiro •ianka of Pellets' Ve.raifor• gad wads too of na bto.. 0.. two o f .y cutd.s, widob Oros, from atm ICU moms, moms, and Alm As tabor stand Is la in ea ity as one arida boo tosedieo I hareaveramo or oaed fordo removal of worms. ', : 1 1.11 , treir 8 71 . . 1 a c N Inane W Prnitdd aisd y , andand a b nikatly 4. Dian.44.l Wog* .o.llL.DarniAlkainchasy.r . - • qua J 2 flr mi Cattampleik. imoi odor llesempement. araa u, ikanry•• Vitt? mei rimmink.ohe IV POW/01 Oa* Mg Weedy al sr roc 1111111instes.,." stitoicasio inzimum•ANDl.coa save • . . DlL;jummut itn=ota auldna = h. ofTweb eatta tart of .als o , liat4 L . 11111.411AB•S COLICI3 11 . 1 ZLIl0/3 . , Thee Law - ree en the whel, alai t n n eat Wawa tea .4***.th ......=1.,...cts etc lakteretef t h asp • elo, a. 1 .,4".„. hewerit lames twain Ware dry did at gay paled I eulearow - . SWIM thowned hew, erre beat gold alai a the tea pacre pewee ta we we * amyl elatradwearddhaew • two bear &eat bd area Ws wa Law:ant 0"..10b 7 b7"wd. 0 .."1.P4..14N. ea Woke Itesay,pware reptwwwo, alley the hafts at% They an olda eon ate , lawne,e , l4:Wrel k elit‘t hawor sash maiesaft wren badly eclat.ele W e few be lbw oawbbet.• llteeltede woe an ryk blew: Wan WA Wu ef chsle anderfelw. we, boa Mee We Wat boa aa eatielmea. lad reamel leashed Meta hyleiey Wm. . • -• •• - Mare awe • web ;Wale the trawar sidcwe altar ense% lbw Moab lbewelpriee way 114 wees,) should be a,,ofel We EL. wae ale rowed. If ..t,...4 eeelawac SW wawa yr Waite Wag* othe • , oe/II IWO", deddi sad at wawa nva. •• LAIZLNOEII • Them vow !were brill Wee pawl tame thee 1,41 a =law to te wawa MI sally ratale aim wawa'. • whownerdwewnel. Nay .Geweeeeine faaa an oedema= keg eed wawa dealt, with • .lei walla; wiped*mow wow *re ary6Oes salmi thew ad oa•Wieuel SW wine dowAtab Whoa ow /weft ahaellettelear ilre Lampe wadi • . . 1 art• li the jobb or limb, OW ,111eodd% Sas wet, vied/mg of . the teeth derma mil law traWeeelost ...la WWI Warta datianotprerina watate el Ibtamach, bah • eleteloted ddd.T.id Mae died ak , • Wow- leakithe, daenewaa wage, wive., daunted dame, waist seal' lease,. ~ t fright al anaelar satiwestaehherate marl, Waidtamak, thltec Nage% ted heft ia are* , pre 6 • the Ariel. sr law* &taw .._i, -two eleatypellea Wow, Willed want or hats please: Jaws jwa eenaa lee eflhe lady, were of wo. ;ilieweebs bale Woe, atchlw OW lasi Wiwi( 3.l,eat Wawa dabs lhaterchywah otat 11111:0.1111/I 11 COMM I.I3I:CAOTS: • - • • Weeptitee War la anew. wad hadarla • W t , laws etthedeawantcy ar parid tare awl, bowl ea ware toe Wiet, cpweedoe •• awe af of t • choir, wow, cm • the • aawleat oe Awe aaatedra, WI ell wawa elleweg Lomb. Omagh•the • . day, ad velabbtee Ihroedlt be attar Ward ta, inlanima4 teaLtale or • wee d - hr. r aw bun ar Weed* Wye . wr /lad a ••••Ylld ,Illa tTerlleall . efter awn late Ala erten pal .el.WWW4lrthe allWeWdPha,tete to We tromp iracas Wee bele.teme fdleagt lie W as, tt..46.,airrawiworipm e t , Nal Melt • =Mt MLITT& Tldelistanerthathiphwer le We d. weak% Ibipaw IMILSON id the beet, bac adc newaikleee badapt,/le. the.• Abe adhoe • wy lha dewed: They maim bate wes Weewaphadew• -Werneded wertor banal...oW abe rawer the awlwhin Weekrar lat Witawet Orbs ia tbe wad. le arta Med ha • few .17,=== i41 alated le har • ad It 6, Wiwi gr.* ad • alit( /a aecia rebb, tarelty • =oppreasta of the West • wart, der mall he , eaelheted=ly Wald =l.heltfes tehhe . ht iat m ittreraire eappore Wm ate 6f tray l ea. -Illtraseas pray twarred thew at yerlaso. l• • ddiNN,l4enss day Skim Owe ***woad diatd reed la ther elaaiac shw, sad . nal eft d . entirely diflated moat elb Doe deli Whet, bele We wrerieseted holarta, hew we lbw ea Wan the leaded WaLeey el ea oho Wafted ad ..,.. datearehel ." = . ll plry/eterwa be the wet wig ead t. ar.. tha vardrair• • iet; hed Wpm ad dub, d tie dradoureshod tend ae Pba'm • dkOW. . `11::=0;t: sheep adt foe Waratai few Maes Ileac elm. age ye% ged dor reddneole am en way evlblea *Wien • Welted Owe eel aid Sr the tree Wawa% ltertacty m lbMWelowiwed Mad W.J agitate Piro S i r • OL 11/11114 FOUND ?J"—Statas., • . pommeriotfcaa es cotuD BY IMMO Da. u inmc.2I7taII:GTORLINVIEMIDY. Nay Sktt-Tbis b so mu) Is a. law: t.N.,kifs" a.. iiii.tk trni a .......m. Lawsa c...a.p... marts Os sip* 0 Ism 1.. l smticsisssm odd Mathias' her Notint wasa my isms, ibSstas .B 4s , smsystmo of m.myssmbim Cissomiss.. My momb rs tilt ssissaisms, sumastablumism Mom swam 1 .pi sip Akarkeie waft of liali, and 4641 • Milmlbsbmillimi NM sibmiimilsams edam sod elm. 4 Ille'r.DalW6ltime/Mat by mg er ~.. ... Vail 111,61.11 tOmpill Ilm . lismaltditim si,jim bilibeftWthilia 4 A hgei a7....igi iatTrig mellstayipemsmomitibi . ass* =Or . saiikspooikineit me* I Ins tkm _lty iiiiiidlistle mil sidimt . issiumm:y4*Nir. l isiiiilliai bitilifi MY . il.th" SPA M,. lititals mbildebbmilil:4l4i mimssill - MaLsME las Is mr acmCg. I fill - m .ii..thiCifsilf bsp, ial Msi it roost Mist O. imMi, (mbititsieVei• dem to Raj than well to assilag 1 . 2 , Pii: 1 40 11 64 CimiestiOfilar ad gear 8 taxi...t akamtrystpi M. m.tia., misumusod lig imillirS 'lll,4lll 11 ...0.u.b.hi1iat4144N:u wil. pm ma nlitol i id Ermlem lbstmmilimism NM swim a. *lid. kW:* Piero. , a. lib mu miss„ Mild= ALM aboa opt. YU rtidm dieliiial liiipilimit, MIA it ed wial eamori. a& t:tai ....i. lanai bin. lharinisailiss 0 + 0 . 4 .c U.Tb...•=.oilmaitl7.*.)V.CMY:. bobby alkl*lA: I ban iweneemala Dr. DaiadoVi4- peentitAsedly la may laws to that siaihrlyfakiliol sad klio amyl pond samemdal No fire, I Use Idliiiimi it. ants. My ilk, 1 aug 0.......... t peak Mee Assad Lissr sm. la ..40.4...w.r. i l ikii,:adai, Os 1.1 iiikrof Aka* ...... limy siss ims 'mei mound by Mr isistaisssMisiss, osi I ......a.: a. afiras. *di lati 416 sir te.:67 .13.14dycs. b.,. Iowa ! • ban, Mill than an iimagaab at 'lambi& user moth; Ini 'l4ll thia lnadhl IlLatroycr—COMlUMPTlOrt. Wall it ono ...11. f. ass MI pram aft smibiss is IMOsibm it st, too bah msmilsesmisbt be poised .M thilAhmthst sal sassier mob smisseit -Itsym.*,lls. iidriiii win ..e.t....t...hfam.ai own.. the.... ti.i.kiet p..fa I Cask IMAM ths MstmilsibsCbm gissiiMMith l a. auakikaii ~....at it.i..., di. Was., lam arta* mai poor: • i.“. 4 ...... „-- • Ationsw J. swami. : ,- limmliam fun% 001 11.11.—Ttfoss vie mymot biampoidni Mil 0. I rally I. Ms mimmisi. sit .t illowymery, limeißeuuu. 11, 0 On 141.1.2/ time wietutantotfueetuftlemsels, .- ~ Hui. Itsmonssii?,' ma:Dinc onset, imiszoi alb niieslladiciai en J.: be etudsic Odd La Piastwap‘liy.WKlACNlK/N. cossieiat tatrawcurr Taw LaDigip-cm.4. J.11111.1r Cream; astralmi•ardele foe Alai Gilded, Sraltlyand nemorathini of diri Bad. Ttaa.Creaw, wad arrea..gami, omeordo all otter arde da or the 41.14 or. med. When Om hair la dead, hard,rlds. an. goallay or teddy r:;L: . applleatkrat radio 11.• h ai r ml an d give It • beam MI treaty • eopearamee addeaf/1 make 11 wad au liveliness and Moldy odor mica at long as all do' *wadess weld me rowdily med. Every lady load gemawa •who an u INkadt damsel!. m dad 11 air, Nadi armee madam • boula.or da Clilome.HairCreara, m d m rammed it will nor Mime the bairAita tea Mbar premmione, Dal will beautify it, mad gieri perfect .1.6.6. la mar, imairma. • • ,•-• •• • • Poe mammy id very. 11ellf . graham, ses.tho ilrollowim Jame from Jirse. r. I. Memo. Hamadan 2 gum* IVUNBie, Gmattakagrali fer mks Wawa !atm . • Leper dim Me Res. It: Caldwall,pime: ref by - emu Camel: !Vara I. ' altamni. dearderalwat a eireleb—Cmidelatar I . I *lemma is addlag weidaway famtd des 'a Adk., ormandar mired Us. Parrid'a Mmes.-1 Omsa—fer WN (so punk ago my Ma rely ..t* Mdim W med lo coma out: bat Mir riniin., g grasp. , b o Trial d e * . Cwom, and madh Otrerdiog ,the e ra. ar{ ,ay Mir Is inem tiaabelind "Deep bawd and old weft marlied eau Wee• edge , /bal. la • ware. Amu drio heave _. pram , firwmar. Imlay azprieratmas. • . "aa as An. aria* ?Wm, ary , wrap fe... it 'peke,. Awesome Wielded, belagdeliemely perliword, ead oar &Mimed la daddy. _TM ladles e rre marry van dal thelarioare Cream robe a dealif,rduoa Weir prep.. tbaledel, Rt!ipostiralli k 6e.' eLt, ' • I . J r: aa.r.b... cscr ily ad, Rola /gertrin • met. sad Joe I &idler :26 . laarraf.W.Mid 37 P.4.d4r • . jai lir artu :Q LAIL!. A It 1111111.1eAll ITVAIXTAUFia RENOVATING rtt.jut NFolumst....-mt 1111t,{0411 to a* iipora of Mr. %Nes Ildseiraung YiUa, I San wirere4 eer Pawl, Elfer•Pem. amd an acid Saaalieb.. I lan :awls pia rd Irma vprtaty of acacias widow receiving pmeiial base Is. ..abl Ibra• Nimbi meg I eaaraipaced paing *(..Bears u. 4 .4a.„ nulnly frau aridity ai iay alosisep, and renewed rae to poem.- • tabia beat*. &amide try faesisaadaegualatimees ' , ataxia& *la Or kbe NU, sad nutted ireatirkenat fraiikeiVj sia •1311ixolkMisea rioammoetalitifia. ' .I •NE • LES,3I7 Mids. v 4 rain, by II • F•JINESI OCR COollabilf iSlabil.Waridoill_WOilkildallg DOWDlCUlDWlMiiiii4: l llleiafcf Fast • : MOW IKlweed.Ks PITTSBURGH GAZ EXT E. etniumpanaaux,simwesaaor wouly ,is•OfakomagAp, ad 4 0 '`or 06 1 0 6 wa g e s or solo i st& ‘OrniillOgition of 15 bees, Cl - _ , • 6TeWielemtlosswilloet altentloss,.meeewmoSill OW West " " meeib4.4:n 00 . Weeks " " mmoo - eiVe«.ll so, T wo laweg " ..••••‘•ila OD Ow Month, " •-• 00 Tw oo Than " • ' 7 60 t? mom io,Vt a er 6la gm. ;;,•' p.m= 01e molommediesetbs, Inchon altenuon,... 10 CO -15 kaH md‘lieiSel seam for 6 ameba 600 "" • IS " '1000 . ; Oissipeee zweelw, rwoewebbm et ploomwmr,• 16 00 Bxh ediltbmeal neer fool! wombs. 10 00 Two emtworee, 6 smoethm, rsNmeble at pleamars,lo 00 fed. mealtime sememm,6 =webs 6 00 'x+ 1/2111MY Ca 1.11-1111AILLT 17/ LULA lillB.ll. OM .gaarw.3 hwartioes,.sl 50 seek widliiessl . 31 ICCIZICIS CALS. t the Ilea - or Ism, ose yea. ` - 4 00 ' • .le mamba, " ore year, daily ft weekly, YlOO % ••• mix moans " • .. 00 ovvrertmseewrs ler waxxsy ramose.. .111, t :1 * For SO llama, mw Isms, Chia iammetloi, ....... 6013 Tee, " .. . " " " Tlese "loathe, 43 re • -_•. 13.ALlemteertlweasobi W oistrwt 4mj it zeje - vide Lowliest *CO pcm cost to be slum- the . 0r 4 : 131 0 4 4.1 Mewl. 60 11•00.4 R yr pa. ~ •• suites* Mmeee. , * J • ' t • , r 1p 1 . • "1" --- 1C
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