; M .~ < .:. -~ '1 • .ir.' L :-,%,::!', . -- ;' .l / 4 •:;:-' ..:''.?';',;.,,..•:-,.,, ='z.~_ MEE :iii - ,..:•;; ; ;; , :*: , -,.- - ::. , ..t:', - ; , - :•:::' , •:;; , :,_'.. -- -4,,:i.f . .;'.;:'' . ; : .;•.e.'...:, - :::::,:,.. , ,....: - :1' . .!:1] - .::. , 2:;? . .--..•:;7•:::::: , l':i.-"!:''-'-j ,- ;:;. 4... ,. -- 1.:•;;, ,, ' . `Ii..., • . ... ... - •,; , ';'::::' - :; , ; - f- .7- ..•:.'.', , ..:•::- 'IOISITILIEWSLIF.-7 belvainw.isst It Alg ir al+ WILLI/01S trtgAwtt'le • ;WIIITSIIIIO nag - -sale by • C ARBUTHNOT [ 1 :..i' . .'i . :;.: - ...- -- ,•:,': . '-';` . :; . _i . :;'.: r.."...:..,N;C•-..:!• : i!•!•-: 4 ' ).-.._;.t!!inV'';'-'-'•-::'::••'-'-''''; i:_,: , . ~:::•„.;:•::- . :. , ::- -' ,- ; :, : ., , - . . .,, ; . - ,..,.:_i11'•" ' . :: • -"....'.... , T.'"- , ;.".:.,-"':::.:......! ‘ 4. ' ,. %!:`.:::.:. • .:‘: ; ~ ; - • ..;,..., , - . ..,.,......-. . .ri; : •,, , ;. . ., : .* .. .. .. F411'4 4 ', .4.4cort - 44.t ••• • • , ..'-'.!'",';!.,..:;'.-:•.:,-,'.,::.{!1:i:;.:.i;,!-, •:; ile ' ::. 4l og 4' :!Oft l I . 4 . ) fAl'4oiii 1 • • : ! . r .' .i4V.l .' ' t • ~.,, . r? -lNiPe; t44 7- s Me- 4.ii:LtAtlV-.:,, ,' , :riA * .k lq i i 4l. ViM 7, 1 P.:41E• 2 1.--,,,,_ 'Z:Nit.:41 . 1::6 , , •..t i e ~ ' . ; ,titt. ,.. ri:1, f ,V.;•:1 * ,1 . :1 tqA, .o'! l. ,riti4V:Arlokiiiii 4i: l k' V" ,1 141€40.4V-1, 011 4.— ils: . ; 4 •::1: - :' , 1:1f:i :!t.' k : ••=, 4,1ui 1 ., 4:4 'i• ,*:. • :,* ir ,, ,,:, , , f( 1 , T 4:"4: rIlt" 4 k - W.Z3Ai. , 4: - . ' in % r• , 'mFigiitimq k - . ,-,—, T - -,1-,01 01%-"FAI soma Frame 020.1 Awash lintag a o:lt , • isiowzr.o44. 4 t" 4 - I ' s ' s larVitrEa. ••• ;PV-; u r l c anni t :11 octantl,6We • • nCroittAN:co. x'k` ;`ll‘l= - :` . .C -- ! • .•• -1 7 74 - IZ , .4.:'••::;:"'kt . t4 . - .2 MEE MELI SEGI ~~: , ~-. ;~,;:-. :'-" , i...',-'...:• : .'.. - :';' . .'......i.:.:...,:- .:,-...:,i''..5.-il.':,^.','?:'.i;?'::':':.''. !!. r rel:evtf.l4 lkil r i l lss 7 •93 ' e rataaa la 417-1111. LI, ....-' : .. i: '..• . l'•'.''' -f.. - . ..! . ''.. , .-. 1 4 ~. r .'..‘....: TAM AP Pries go 11 0' . • Ilm" T lana . T A ". IM I APTIT is I= 014 washmeinis. LOW" 1hae".!,...11..1 • trit,lffsaa put.." • , :v a, ourrrZt4 di. Si 71111.10V0N swank tbor.•GropaigNab. istaa currEav -Marla= iusvoiassivist views 4,4 isoegitin"r"ritn. the (Law urtaror w a'fa s n i u m m 4=:"44l4wast bUclagiss) 1 • 0 W w for i Hoop am c• ' • -.olfreat A IWO @son* e i n ns ll % . . rAVA Timm *Me; .11 oeii .deirs,ZtegyZ2l6*rfasey ta.l". „Aeon the piny of tiesiltineJ: mg Off by eepeel , • EIMMUFS. • LOVfl beefl tuittyMeer Ibr br. Itio•ICEV)IUM oety libett7 St. !tithe beat Llk6dd, - SOOML—A tew:Wwl. esta NAL fat oda ffi===m 11011•CCOS kereNe buti km emon, a .do mat Itkrnifra Usk! LA . nr s Vaduz ' l2 l4l3""bbiLwi'm ar rioo,bidia 4ktbbisrlo pre (nsi pedineatißia Red; , • V ' = ftsm riposemorP-m bzwisvp,4%. l 3q al, e. ors e ra- Uvll- I— ` b!!"1"`""4:71' u.stketaapantioviV,l„, I°VoT ..• St., ANCIIRIPACTIIIIICD 101111LINIXII--150 bozo . salt -forwaler - , 1411 1, 1 trirarlanYVVr orrort:.s. U.SiaT--17 t . 01 ., Illiatre Oak , VANDLIC4-1 6 bit Gal baliblielas yea arql. tnusCuitionatb• Axial. by . -•- • • • - • .o.l3tiliall s tlart-lly.ligg i bel*.,E! 4 *! l !! ! ! klb !! spat .2 JAS Lan2.4lll ' ;min. . A F L/AE{-1 tad *has * tq „., cc•L.ll". ea"'"7""'; ; i t 101(0,01 . , C UI L A i II , "MI 7 1 =11{7 4 . 5 D MORGA• W`9 l P"' - ""'"-' DIADTI6II.- 3 - eases spread Adbasha basso, ',Valilila siabe;firt sale by D DOIDAN. teLtovunox . IrDebene ibUit /10000 14, MO; is Om•iylQy for yak by .nn__ • • • • JAOOBWRAVEIL 1100013. dork Bready,lA . proot, A is halt Appesoor akle , by : WI34.VEIL. 1(; 111 . On= 1 , 10“...ums Sae .1,20/1 3) Wit___l_lls WAIIIiII.SOARDS - 4 011 os . 1 7 - .4P4 wobd st. v aA n--obbyreb - xmcbii..,ibi4b r ioyed.by S..wma.issy=..ybby pla—Mltaluijanweemodosall WICK & MaCANDLESK CO4W/Copsa dut• &way; 4th inaWhi ;igftbrale AODB.WEAVEL lAMT.Ctullotta Cooqlamlivo for umvkiar u,t-wt-LacoavvusvEss. , .41VBAJID.ihiry AWE Bandies:la MV tuitiori i woffAzA, fee oikß krt. JACOB MUTE& , _ _ Oresek..- otti".eisVoVA4k.reL • ". rEzw - . t twu, ,0111,11Arraillat—A ow dad eery licadsona Beta; 12 , / plarOoetdica paaplauy as band and las dale kw. <wit " •JOH2IH TdELLOZ 314 c taa *aisle 14 110141--11 bales fresh ptr .191. E " P"1 11.0A st -T rrioA-61brehsuCiVa mm ic, `..a.'reeds k'sfa k ,Yr torliburs &Wise ' rnErr.. 4 .MP%. ‘5 P ll 4 4 =h , t " .e i tf b jrEji WOA ClUssiir.-44onum.rit awn; 0 „- 'T.LIS /glair oMtlittl6BT si.nr..jurt tiztreleilt•Ck"." • CHlDbrf,m prealbe ree43lbr Tiszeeksfirsh Tho :_se4 -4611011.111C-.4 5 bit% rd kroasTsrrlaa &gift -ir, 11Xair guar tinostots HOT-3i <x No!lii WAWA tr. -141"441 F11."1113111"1%Ztri 114, ea LW a Er r "' iforrin___—_,ExTra co - Intstrl gitrbiliums -'4" ; masais 441 g bola itaial;•for currin IJI & 00,103wsoloC w o gs-A) MOW - hag" T. -• g " 'd P H " lA% OVNbi LOA! OrtASl,O saioned assbe i rs, "tA.I Utl= 11)11L011 1/VASTICD-10,000 I62:04111 tine Nap. AmortateA lor ...bock the larbrlplog iamb .44 he Sat 14 - J W CHADWICK 4 a U r W l° ' • y ...ciyog -71 f St limetagslineetratremyv, 4-4 4hr . a• • e•aminea. smusly,lguicereoPi bu"'""Werliftral'ato - A - 6.E0A11 ,40 •' ' -eA UTNE 34. 1A74.001.-nee loghels pneor et* .6cgisan , wi.thed wo GE o" aa n iaA . O muy saA, przr utori-ia bor r , gale for mile Di invoi rum sumr.oocnutt. ecms, *." &els ' ruts =Strata nistesat QALEROI/15-27 4 olis wxrrt 400 by • • •' '" ej übuir ~, t~~ Fril I.)to_rrs_.,s—sawod .aereao _..,11....11111t10111110114 Maxim mil/ pI W I INc& Fs: 111111DE111141, nnovnn rldPl6d4libtdar dna b" 16 . 1 4821 ' gaiddead easdiadll aa Mad LOO wont. twos, Ibr ode km all Masao lAut , ri oiscui; mar „ w ow.. 37 (K:K gm f aticic,.. T .,,,,=brJ me r ..p.. rim arlSidi. mensj silo by- .111 AWL M VIEJL Drs sirossu.iebbis Wed tOrirdt • fatrooa.6Flodips tar side bTT 1111111111-41,Ca1l Roane 1100114 . • • • 19,01X1Csamon • -11ramtacky, just reed; Ibr sok by -WICK tideCANDLEISS DILLIII-109 Ilialaule's Line Pills. Cooatiy arrelialrolia de '«W istak•how• a supply attheas celebrated Pdb, Joy itse won Yawn and oatireisally vgnova a by theft wre haleaed ties. '.floir vale by • ENCKINIZIL—Vi IbJNolllntenl •• , • 132 ' , • jisiniceined Lisa fm saltbz :" • T-1111STS—S eatielew):> - aealm. wool 011011u311, Woes. Neetimvand br.4l4lby, , MAL leVilurn kW bbisNo3larpti iebbis Me mi• iIIaXELTON,ust side Uncid 40MIRDXL-4 03 bets ma 1. 1 . tor gale bY :,,„47A11.=aa.7.4 ic 4 .4 . . beet Ito. devmoiled• formileby N(JT&IL•ON'L CO -01.11119191144113111-81 1 tahlo 64 . Ro..ol• o. ways Ns band sal Pof 4414.0 t N 0944 Libertyiutot, war ft 0.1 ., • ••,• • lota - NT 111 , WALLACE 7 ia10.1110"7 boa Sat We ft= BLIFTIIIII 6 i lkol i bb ir ls Roll I cekecebet ireasri, "70 bblsCranbenicar,l4,.ala A"*""'L''',"`''lrulArZtx , =7-10 bbla llytraithe CementWirOmind male try. , • GORDON' - • owe . - - , meter ft. IN hoot 4u. norntsr V,. -- arri= l , r i ab g •kruk by • • • girIIWYDO 9 / liberrfst rpze.s-75 Vela. y U. 0 P mud Penrchorqt; lei bib Y 0,0 P . sad Imperial; jar nab by "olisti - 7' • ' . .1.1-EFLOYD TCLlB.Ae=7:ZaacFed_ Tabu:, "7,ti°Dl7t 8 ii. 016 F family Doan WaU'anad; isoire.Mi tir, oa9DG too sals Casseerei. l JI NiZi=l2aMffln $ f• ,V. f , , toed awl pr Ws • 01111 • IIILLER:k lIICSEMON TbZIACCO.,I9 bxol4,Eis and 1 lb lamp rea'• Mit.LEi(e/116101TkON. 5.1, mod IdsaOrt nods" r 1— ts= Z 0 . 1" ; .1,17 tiow i.ft K..1LA:04 for n'eldinir? sod , - _ J.TORDAN it 90r. BAlllNSTS—ttiziou of 6-4,14,164 sal-114 W l =se Gamy a* nrilkdoaddis end hone SLR sea PHACICLEIT & WRITE (1811M-10Intes orepired Calk lest reed and krt ki - sa• bY " EIISLI.LII2 Duiran-1 bda lopes blarabed laasaid Diaper Joist rue'di toe arra by • • " aims , VIVICILETT ArAVIITIT. fort We by . MORGAN mans-4 cu. PO, ba aid e.kna Jag oaf SHACICLETT*WILITE by .111 1 ,101140 in per- angel colors iiad clearable style*, e eagle atie deal& weealeal arelerla eat ataCKLISITcIa warm S!==ME4MEi BAOO3I-41 tin Wu 'S"thi"*.".I,"oRDAN BCON • XLTRICIES gall:kiln:mow for We by • • • .1 .IMdkilt co T o_sAcioo-ne bzi Wild•WIW qsallty • - taciarr'i vavrairsoca bags bf u*LIMA 77:0Pa..4 6gMl CIVININSet teed: fortuas by Wiiiam;!3!!rq NZAM;r 4 o co ' • pPT I L T e Z9I " 7I3 I . , • ,t re a . ta* .. lob alpe; Ws . by oetlll .. .1 DA TROD-Maol6.Jntuilliea Loa in m.o. am- J. siymesA far Ask by 0111'1am Noi AI I.4rni_fro lll mai; fouls by JAI, DALZELU bibworst —tube Gonad% ' , eat& Ens frva t.ada mash: Okada by . !IDALZ P DS* ant!.B..lllY •• Loo:IrOoD-teobbleadi c Attai i • I PI R" .pdo pOWDII4IV-6:oolrege of Ow Tarim Mode dada, Clai66l/. owl Maeda, Powder la Idaeortwa red az. thaw. wasb7 . tool) J 0-BIDWELL . J JOYD t INN } I{l[Wr4HWdo[mlilfe4 tots ri• wimps vial k,tral Lwow po . wa;riwnm sal . Pin . p i to r inrATLIIze: F. , ~-r,-r , ^: r. Crs~+~r.. r=~~cg„i'-. lTr'Sl maguisizo-s bawl wenn a leb .~L --•• • -••-• IS ••• II odeimq he _ _ • JAI! DALZE_L,It 8111141411-110bookIkatil u lMf o r r alW,60 Id las Ism oito and good quint 01,111 .BIAZ 11 .!/Olg . : 1, r 0 . 2 ; fw 4.14 . ap ' malt—a, 'bout Ned; sm.& by CO DPULALASUI f segtllooX ATLI k 00, waft L utv ----- Cr"eossos—uslti•(l#llpstnfzioorico'by t at o .70171117.-Ite HO. fis* Ws en WOICARI bbts lassp• g ligjgto , !`"":R - ROW % a Ci) Rololl do ! Vltrai k ogilt o rib-SWAM -1M Rap prime Rio DR by %.) "wroo. Mrolll-40bal•Jestin; tat salOy - • Jaltdr, . 0 oLaczauart & 00 r s -1“113 flowers Ilobsda JoareAr • ogur Wok,' 11E6 bbiscmartri odr bisi Mawr Loud Oil ! " ana 84""ir regu t i lli At We "cry GlLingli"l"l"°*i stal.lng hffl .a y brisUAlle" 4l4 f° ' Ps itilOO - kAKKa a co *toy lspg—ti btp rsera:mrs, •.. • -1Vb."31 lot b°l & CO As T r " ba r ns - I T:" - - 'zebu Y p spAolesoeuVri "tail Or - TILL -0 0 Cow H. 4T ,_ . 40 r ; br sal* bY cog b 0 W 00.1001. riltrlL- 11 bbts while Olselintreed; ex tX Del V_ )k ' ? " l. lLlol.asis*s--toobb_ , -0'• • Rama.. DLASIZR-111alegiren ed cow!' cbin P ~-75 4 , 1 -kr. 1 -!17 ,- swam- m.ee. ~ea,e.w., a!Mri'VIM mm, : ie. , • =tar". , , ted • • b,10.!!! • • -7 THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE.; ,PRAVES, : O II3 RR.ENT ,AND" RATES .OF MARINE !NSURANPE, FREIGHTS, &C.., Aidass • IP lb. • Po remis.-• •'••• b. 6/1 7 1. • Alrflbi.. • • ..7. 1 441 1,0) 1114301,- ,0 - sautag-fv 2.- Sgrperor :s. • Beams-, Wit Small •• 113 1. Common is aged.-s a lssM /o • .... Blom. - pd~yadpyc., ;ice frt • Minna Oak—. Bilek Hemlock 4 Ottal-4 , At the Kiva. ....... Fami.wason --" TouOnn and Alatee-1 4 1 41111 •00011 1 . — .0 . Kele 4:ll her Th.• • ... Chem rel... Ceadle•-41 ,11 . ... :7413 th Phzdeugh kes .... Itro, boa thindi IPeand.LlPeLtrara Ibp-441 Veskalestee • •••• tnx. am ira4i—• 4° were thel item IF 1 3 a It FLOYD_ •-Calesiss Slam reel-, lb ' N 0.6 to 1011111- .... 18 14 : 80 In ifilserit I lb to No. 84. leingirel - IP dor. - No.loo- ...... • . • 4 7 ..710; 7 - re 800,- 600.1.010-'' Condos Yarn 1b...--4113• CarperCtials. ..... • . • - I .O Cotton Tsrins .. ....... "Ss Camila Wink ..... to. 00., .14 whoa .--18 ... Lagsayto . ... • copirsarlr lb: Brasiers' —4IBS Sbasilitag -10 8 8 . . lo litmus 0 t 0 tarred IlarobßsdCrds,c.B ol BaraLoad• .... L. ( ........... lIPIXP Cosiason— •••••-•- -8,412 Ilanlllaßederrirbr -, dais 40 yillitbread•-- • ••-4 8 6 118 SO do Mash mes 8.10 do ..... -U'. Diaarsottee,Plua• tio a ‘i Thbale, Nedem. Appleton,ko. .... . • 8 13Lueelit Brens'ek• LIP le Fens Mee. A. No 1. Allegheny Ei• - • • Orogen D.Vedoo Samna Be temelingriu Mill 7 1 u t 4 A l b ro l t;;i:Lits Ti.ldosionrkWaleldwo - O --' Bleached. 1104-i• 4013 P.ll-linisermßidoe - .^ SI • do -41-- Tleldego - - Methemos .417 EOM i. Grime A. Ct.& Sodomites Melt Visit Billea•••• ... •••-1171 Bloom dnits••-• . • .... 31 4 / 1 0 Bleached ...... Common ...... • • •• • 4110 Good Sadden • • • ..... CB. mee t m,p,isiserSZ'sleGOLBl • DrioSOlK.tb. Aloes Atom Ambedda•• ••.. • . • • le 093 Arrow R00t... •''-^' • — Olt 13 10 ell date . . DB= FRUIT--TM sap Le amid. a TOW I Hand, and ooiig to the pleatifel supply of leal bait, Pied is very little Is demand. We soles nearnael loin fen store of reacher at 31,210 1,31 r ben of Apples at 45 to De._ : FEATHEES-Onag to the swat scarcity Is 4 - 1 water, ea *deuce has taken Face sine oar last 6 3 Hisinly sant, We Weer MOM ef 11011,the.F ' ***** 1 6 41 Dom 30 to Do Ils Ilr-Un honest notridlora hems 16 5 the sinnilint price for s pawl lonic. ••• 16 6 FLOG R-TM weasel 'apply is mon hill Das st '" 6 7 , I th e Due el oar less wan k O, weakly report. le the any en ' 8 B I° IA I 5 18 1 1--.- 'part of the week, micas seemedie ally a shade. sad odes were readily one tram lest hush at $5 tne; !Ili ber . t , d imdd antrjer d tf i riw ir lys4 .B i pr: , wit WI ICUI tibia es ne deer etc. negieg from SIAM OP NM IP bbl, with ael tenancy downs/du- TY sato 44 Ile week amensted to one 12911 - Oble Wm lot nods at f 5,90 to 5,12.1 p sod legato nom seta at Sit to 5,30. ass FISH-Tht pretest supply is the modiet mom r is gaits suAlcient to the demand, sad ins at foram quotation cootinne ono inin We non so iol karo-Balmos 1116,50694 . 6 had, 9 to-10; blacher. et el fre 3,7 to 7:4, sod Hems" at 6,15 ',Dbl. Sall FREIGHTS-Tanta East ad West amiss .1" withoet neap dome our bat noel othiati F '' -To Wheetiog. 99 0124 rma Ito fail To Canaan Sisal To Leonine 80545 do De To St Loue 25650 do He Fee D gaa d Lit t ? boo Pittabargh to rhilsOdpbia, see C be The foliowin are the ran tram Phdadelphhi - to bee in ?inherit: Colise, per ICO Ms _ •OM ~. It. ' Dry Goods do 11501 ' , Ili Groceries de 7Chi 7s ' Hardwars do . WOO on lassesenre do '. '. ~ ... Brown Moslla, per bile 75 e. i dsnes .... nro noeo ., ... a ......" ) , iiim, s ftoo md l3.l . lnom n ...I to pittthoot , Fs Sonentasa _ asd Do otTid, it Fele ° is ___TY ligthed t i 3 " I " . .Dei Geode, Hats, Shoes itc, soao•rial Ito 1.3 nerd ot more, w• an meat" to Mk" Me te at,, na,s 4.• • red the lints of regales er rind Wall-non a tT7 ..__„_. rsi Ms fellows" ratort-Salorstsa 7b ?earls 7c; Son „D'OT '..!.....0_0.,,..., 0 0 11 r e doh, rot• om soodoogr, al 4} r ax• • I V::::::::7 ''''' 0.63 - do Ili ALE-Oacßmweries ars doing s felt besiares, aiti r i - 05C1 do- 49 obb 1110100 Woo st tits soot locostloos , Iril: 8 70 Medan and WPM is blds, lAD P nod Benin, •do 1,13 do eh ARIOLI3I.-The moldy M Grasmown limited w.,,,,. s v..i.k ti _irk, o , orroberkod wed wo 10, than at oar nit report. Ws once odes auessatiag codo - oii e fia;iii rails:. Fr om coodir,.rd to 20 Obis ra 87331,23 p dd, words( to qutity. to Ey,..,,„„ai. 10; sod fk . dre . e nti o so 0 ., Di la w9e9ll_do° ~.,_ A&S.4'zicce re 'Anson couidereldy mace tia llsorm- ,..d a re rd. receilttli t of the wen locatehue bees e r s : hor d b uL me. sleet to tbo woad for o. .4 0 4 444 31 044 . .44. NV hat waxy tenet, ad the ens es tressentals ales el this pre week emot ed te 505e30941 lbs hue , moo pmts fi e . oe our Aghwin 'swan,' at 6 ° dud n it°, T i °4. ____ __..l/8.8 9 td _,,,... 181 _, 8W11 (din rano-1 4 1 0 : laity areselectsredl $4 p es; 1002 Bo; ShoolOotio. Pith ooro° °° " ...••• Para . 4* 10:14925. 8110 (Instils hind) 3Xr, 10512 •.1 lat mato r lb. , . GAO. SOW (country nasal ND 19 bl.; - ' 511 i BEESWAX-4 40 WD lon Ins V , *id Wo ?LINT GLASS-4400mila from Mona the 1 apply le limbed. Ws satlceseleil of ~ lbs el 15 ne w * h a of rim, .. •, • tie 1 coati r 18 ' _ .. '__ 1 1 • Tooddav-eou , 6 dots Um, rbia. , 118 P . c 1 Brooms-woo emu owe or Igo dog, MI TIMMS do' ~ , . de do and imia, , 7AD .ii 1 10 % 1 Idiom nark". . 140 0 12 1 1,0 4 11,1 1itb frolo ' .do rlaismearted FM, room ft Idle to 1 . 31 _ _ .9' dol. Denslate7llest any calActst, r dos , PM t 1 BinTllll-Ge atisstine hen "indeed _do ', de , ?DC 10 . 00 _ _ al dada. Ike week, bat It is manly dewed fee the do Double Hag, ' not, gg nil eutera market. Sala of some 900 Ds kin st 9190 ' • do . Triple de do 104; salmi is OW at 938190 rib. • do , do do ~ plats, ~ .1 35 do Cocaine d net snit% sy BLICKCIS.;:nIe 12P181 28 PM" 11111111 11 Wlas olooso-looi - stem, avid sink Is dm, VI quite marina tone donned, with nee ef 90 dos do n i l. 11, 1 3 tAt II 0 5t,3.333.00 P dos. VIM Misdeals. bars occur. do .. rom ria (imam, , i 2 " a 2381°11M " th. 1 ' 1144 ' . do Best ri ) ot ea, . 1.236 1 A 13140- 4441144 ‘ 10 14 " CM* 1 ". It 909 4 4,- eitribroo-Pido or etch *bbed,PititS, r des:, , 8,.,„„P0 O sapply light. - do db mans. 1 - or,o r BATTING -Sa l a biro boon Wok 'mom r do do do d woo 6CO . ' do reoot, . . , ' 6BlB /r URIC la isles -at former quotation. Crum le is-G ill arch Inn r dos .. 1 t do alf plat do DlD'"'F= lti g 3,68 12 8 / 1 1, 128 221222" do do do. red, 39003,80 . eat 11C"T"-Ws oar d as ' does sin loot p°7 dduo OBOVERI6S- 710 madirt le at Finest shim& roPort. 170 0914, Whlch le to limsted, le held at 10611 c. ~ ; - , &fitly ooptlod with all Hods, sad pine Fr uniform ham Onion mi d 0 3 0 * and without change from our tut report. :Too goo• 1 i hi: r. z.T.Abriakitrill""4. at time " followift MISIE . rionoololeotedoludth:r week Mn rd.d Om i t thd Den_ . Dahlt od ol soo tt r o no aco 10 Caws YOril, 16 ell P . ib - abuse. v"'". - .-- it to 13 . 'do 19 _ da.,,,.• - GRJIII4-T46 receipts of all Hada coddle up 500 ' dO 9 chi P din A seance, hen .... - dog d o g, do welly rt, ad mica. is apse t . . te do @lightly nand. Is consomme of the Immo St 10 Iv 781128 181:13 44 181 d2 se ie ' . 1214,1110Y.WhileloPelivabl:-W6 only to9o gated It la 45 e; In a = a ? 1 aimed no • c van CeC2 r 2 on aTataildia.leitll2llClWY t ile ot l oo "d d o d: ' " 1,5 8118 eta Bd de .6B.- 43wR"Ebiltood453Pewne-mTStareassties°"4:clitheiands mark ra Ch te ms ef t4ll ll . l l l3l 7 4: 4l. , 3o IF: tit - do "Ila do do_ ' II do , HAY-Contlases hi Dingman at [utast:ft I rt .ccrriord scuesurras-4itodolh okuoros• with sides el nom p3 bus at 5550 t0 11. WOO BrOw Jo ors Is good d4 1443 d , Wl"' "ad/aad, l al !" HONICX--Salel 15 bee from man , st IS to 'loo 11" el ran to 90 IF lard• - tXHIDACIE--lbe damn for ..r. continues Ho ps+u rr i er ero sales c. 0." et me. _ e IS • Wl.SatetteUltolsoliVitamtlimr "nr" its iri gala ba lm s, g ri mnii ik NAILS-S iit d ale: wdrirgidg!thilidieniodi It; d t ir e : Idnll C la tops, by cod . 170 r lb rr n moil ttieihiCh . a roe a Do cot : B 3 - : :..: , Flat ',. trot" sto6by 1 to I inch .4 do 1 White Ellfor ti 9 soil . VI " p o nd, Tee, armlet Ida' r ed;. d° Do Cat i TA adiDo ued iaga ToPe ir. r . b n.. ."_ .. " 4l .. 1 2 . 1 „ a Road ad snare fr om 1 trrl4 loch ' 3 do. IQ o o dd , frolp Ilgto li • 1 .t Do common go o do do sio - do do Sts 4 i ' , I ; dia4 d:, a I J "EPSOM'S. !Id io m. -0-... e...--p dos. n o, d - , 316 b do __ - Wll. ALIMXAMBIO2I. & liitsein, i [ ' De per coil ' d. 46 I glOnritt 144XILBAANDItlitril31 1 11sti UNDFII-: - 1* t h Ban Iron I •3 do 4.0 TAX6341,40nr efTenri sad St. =Sadirons, 4 Hemp ...... .... I,6zesprzsga.r dm 'MI, AMSPMII,II der , ' *none Ow EralananHolel, owns as Pan suer& j De per esil Ile lb neptiendy Lan din Mons an' *iv ltebdoi dot 1 . ?noon tun, ..- Hoop !roe .. .. . 310 _do day aro plipt 4?1,13014 04 Laud to eserriloretind , Hanle '. non. Hemp.... $1 ~dot din ' Nails, cut, 10, 12, 16, 33 ' .23.7 6 P.lll tee besot - 17 ii"Mt Always ow lane line Mh , 7 asd 9 , d - ~ --,SAO do eserunt at reedy madithauth corernrilito l sod lA . clams-The receipts of thi week two feu do 8 ' 4. 6 0 _d o . , BOLTS yak -- w i n , my; DL! idol %wpm , / Iwo moooroaloood ood alrm: l i 1 re d. (al, mid sake mosinating to sow 600 hoses do 6 , LI •.: • ~ : d m- d o i __ _ -... _ T. _ - , ludo Munn of Ansel, Casibriehrualowslision as d ~, Ono sods a oppto4ol2olo. Wo 40. o lwft NI- 1 lil ta4coq*, 1!"'!" Nosed i'dr i 'l " her .' d° ' 4d: , rf . _.i .„ : Ba ' i i.„;.4. 4 _.,.. : .. , ,_. , - ' 6.w e. • . ssEliiir. , .- -1 - :...- . .. ' ',--, oblo he pit/ 44003 lid moontor, door, coP, twi• W 2 " la In n e B It nkr --- Luedosity the reemit; inn the Alleghen, -- 313A6C48V1L1.V iditts'ii s'4,l iotir,s, , ler l / 4 .. a .uisTerf add l e .,, weim Pl o. ,, oro ft l o . d r u tt i gt er °- • d i rd; TAO romp Om-- -Also 0401011 Tani' . --- . - ...am 0111414 f . ~r lit, ~ g..,,, ...- + -1 ~ . ..,_ , y , ~, ..,,.. , ~, --Ili- lbewn t zr..:„..4)4:::::: I W ale ' " Wi e... Gdal l.a d e " "d " 14111 V •.: 11.. 11•• trAr sil in w i4es 4 18411 M ed Min im" ' b" :01 ." 17 -- abmelast al . ' BEAVER PA ' .. at : __ at i to* ii;itt: It o :73:11_ .., Its dro do sod mar t *. tooooordwaa as*lekne l i 11 " " w a tm ills edriors. - --,... - lima ; -•• ' 7 , be r, d4Pild .: - 7.- 11 --- H-ppi,wc i-rl 7 -1-" m arl"' .80 1 . 0-0.4 /11°59"Allia ' A - : CrrilLrAcllll79; ,,,,v?: i ffr al 't •- hinsNoossorodaalisisom°".ecood66yenbellelialeyi• :: afar Matsle i r joig7 C lirrair ai r= 4 *ll ; ora . .: "" : "L eakar .." l"lindhe"i" .. ll 4 4 7 a rataa cip t 4- " 1. 711P. d r' n lr rh. = c.""'- smisui do -": w : ouoi :4' :soodo uahtkr L- .I '', ::. PLII H. - :620 1 : 0,0 1 . . 11''' ; ‘ ,0 414 ; . . :i : -.;•• • ;: iitim :PCIL111:41:21 5i ..": '''' '''ll4ll- ,. ~.,, 0 1 . 4;‘.: :. : ;„ 'i i e. of #::: !" '''4 : - 1,: " . 2 ,1 ' 1'1n77 / 13 ,b u ditko di z sillelawV i000v iirMadli : A1 0# .' (k k ait ABMW . 40,0 0r,..,600: 4,16' -ii I - a n sue • L 30,143,0 4' ''''''' ' Y - '''''-`z• ,- - - 1 '. - .'.: ,- .3 i ' raselinm"'... -. ' .......;?.:!'11W: - "..` 1144 4 / 3 0.7 0• 0 .0000ONIP ;.-„, A.SW • ', l ' ' $ 1 4 4 4 116; , , e•: ) !` Y - , , f , '' ••,:: , , -ran VOlM4i4Art,\';'::•- ..,2_ ~ . ~ i,', ',...,! 1 !5,1!!, 41 , 4 , , ,, - -,,:;!!t ; 7,5,1. ~-.2 , ,- . ' ."-': . - • • '-!-*- !. ,? -,.-',, .• - - --:-.‘' . - 1, •:';...e;1r' V.-.:,.`itiVi;3:::lifs'-'24.r•''.;".4.14,1g7--tOi,:i--.3.,Z7:45,, ,45:7,•,A . ...2, - ,ji . ~, • .3:. , •-:: vi• fz.., , • , :::: , , , , , ;.', , , 5 1 .4,„,.,,,i'• itiQ, , -, 4- •/*.,•:„; :::,.,,,-,„;, , ,, , ,:ik.,4,4%. ^.-,...-- • - •:.1..4.7` . : . !. - ff•th„..,...i5,,,piia1„,t,•:#44.„ ' '',•',--ItH;d4 ktION. I Ati m I. 7 - Ttrandan 6133 419 8 Friday b :12 415 Smies3 47 10 &sudsy. , 619 Ge'Xl 1a 11 bloaday SSI 661 II Tuesday 5 . 55 7,31 13 Wediestay t. O 5248 13 casette Mee t , Rica ef th-Ildrietfof a. War entree WOW. &lib( the Pest !ak;l u poseata pest saitity,sad la the pass, Orig 7 Us tle nriatios W accused' slacwavar last Veal, The river Is (adult, alias via Dos Me bhp lamb toodoch it was raised by the acware ad" bet u it nasal hard oil day , y . eiterday, we may anti- Mate a lather rise is a. law days.' TM, trade is that arum/ bas passtsd ,eate aniadah, with nebula is the nag .or freight s The Coil Merebaste of the eity sad vicinity, ending thalami's* of the seal* rise la the hare sent down • Umber el bade busily teased with Coal, and from the paut WO pica of the snuck is the West. tbsy will &adieu mein a handsome rotors for their labor. , The Lumber lama ol tin AllePolly, too, bars bees active Is seratmgat their YoU applies tops. Western markets: Large aistities ben bused dews,' intended partly lie mu market, bet iodide fa the WISIteM trade. - , • BAWL:MEER by Wl= /11, MaOANDLESS cAsso - N t mesmotr? Tomo? k co OUEZ wart a . . (4/11...1P p e0 ,11P.71 ,_. 413 • apaviva• •30 1•73 i ....... P CUPP.% ... • 40 OF Moeda L.,. cask.= onus . ... .... I 14° . .... .:as rye Cabs n0 . . 111 megh•lb- 18 4120 : • I/Si", V. dfooolb. Tiswit • •-• 7,1700 LW • ' .. . . . Po. icipmf .1,3i,:ip0 t• 1.03 bkreank. .•••,19110130. eni V... A ....:^ 010 7 .7 - -2 11071 1a tV! ' .::..13 015 . Iwo 01.75 -.us .. . }... ... ••• . 11 ; m u l.0 v i tnt, &pow ......... . 10w -2,3 0111 • 3 * r;tl74; ............ gal dmosse. , . ..... 00 041toda.- .. • .. 40 13 1 Sault . . ....... • . .110 016 TortarieA63.-•••••• Pori., Blom 1010111 Dro iw..d-4 , r u d e .......:.: .... . 1 17:1 3 14%-4 "" ic . .• geolow=;; 10 Mot. • ;;;;93 Im AlsoodeeSeo4-• ". . . ... • . 013 Had , - •.. . irt a e • Maw ............ -ek Geowolauto ...... 460 101.13 r ro= ......... MIA twe . lo . ::-:;;;; 5 - = Moos, • -.0- Crantrenieo,•••••- - • IP Lamm vely,bz..- 3 P 040 E=,k . .. 3/004.00 "1 1..• 674 ,1:14 Applos dry A l.lo VitirTok.ir ..... . . .. .. • moo bbl. LoWs bawls* ••• 7: " 41045 seporiew .... . —0423 10.90 itisiriti;;;••• snondwati,VP ... . etas ... . —seas reoa-qp powbol. gran ....... El • ...... Vlll'dtif - t1it..1;1.1 . ..• No. 3- ••• •••• 7 0 00, No. 1. tins ••••••• •'•' l- GemefNol.•••••en Oe ' hiooO . N 6 i. old 100100 New Me • 00 -A l 0 Cleel. I. lb. P-7,4. • n Dia -' indigo-by ',mtg._ - --1 A 50 ° 5 Bar /Maui t Noel • 4 - .; , 310, 1 whirr:sue— ---- 4 0 --- 5 Tivoit Muss-, .4100 3 19214 0 51 Rusk. - •° ' Leallmo-0 1 5, Mle, Bel amore • • 2°.. New., y0ik....••••151 . sins.,, Meet.7_l° o 21 . 001 „„ . "h b " r 1wk ' 1" 5,00035, 74 . Uppor finished 43,500 0 40 Tms, liidehnd .... ......... Calfskin dor • ./4 00 ° , 0 Lase Leather; . 2. dd . 33 000- L p - tro (mu _ . 4no * Plos,e sr, comes -010,001 C 1..., 11 ". -74000 I Cooft -11 • *--0 1 W 5 m ar " , 0444 - 4 4 31 nowt e7vl io. do. -!'lO7D 1 in. 00111 Moil —a , OM do do -5 11 . a , 340 3 , 50 1 InnoSidagiver 105 Leas, smnd, / 004- 4 -50- 0, 1 Lia& 14440-17 'Mess 1. Orem &Calves—lo l Sheep .4 100 ~ m ed.r. 4 0 70 1 0 MIAMI •107011-- itosin,f .... 4700 7 0 5 28143,5° 10001/0 Temeettae,To-- lO vankisa,9 o a.l. .... 1,7311 .". was-. aga,loolbs.; ler Mel sells revel sdrsarre 10411 5 0 11 . • " . .Wrj 50 7, 4d. .. 7d /50 °et=...... 4111 7.r Ban Rivets e-44 7, OakuM- 4 00 , . !inst.:4s go Mowed ...... , 110 • Lard, lv 175 Out,. 177 01.4 apenn, wag.bia blembed•-::- _ 4 -441 40 . 's Tamers. P ltd o. • • 4 5 . 1 7 4 0 Patmta-17 Pm, Moe 70 0 00 " 1„gk1,ek••.••.••.. 5 4 0 a troie Omen 78 •di 'fellow No 0•, 33 N 0413• Bents Met Oreeo , ..l* • 10 WlLMLestobl- -00 ai 7 I:n?•rii:4 fed Leerl....• -••• r a Yellow ()etre •-• -4 • 3 shd 1 • II Verdigris-. 39 • Kt pt x y a~w - i on. o *o N• rrd;:l , 7;7• .-3'1030: Fara— lad Yez-Mot. 2 —4141/ geskrat 100 1.1 —• 1111 ituscan Mink —IISS Dow sees, lb••••• 14 II Black _ lis4ftwiaht.C. lo P l•4l Wledelrul..,4 l, b.x. Ombra:W. . —4l'4a ..... —• tie Ltus. OW_ PIM% Ilia, laza--a _. -- omm bad. „ kg, 4, 73 05486 1).m: sosiatin•--.. 7 , 00 ...... AMP Pyle do: la koisk-- NM Rock P 7 . 6 .1 1” •.** "PM" liloklik—rbubd• Wbess-••—•• ...... Male Cora Atria.? CAMS '~" -.- _r M==== ' / - I•King 71 ;e 7 .2+ :0 . .. ' m k s , Neal: FroaserP!• --- p . Fooadry rig - • -- r. FoaadryFit - 71 414.9 ' 1.1.4ar -.4 0 4 00 111 12 . 06 Pavrewesa - ~. - Saxon lisis..- ..1i 110 -" . ,illionliierne.e - •-• 7 illit . .... 72 ...,. °63 2 0 T . ;Ijl 3 Lard, ili - n. - 1: - Iii gegio 5. at 1 .U. :1. WO la W: , ••••-• • 7 ii,,, i ; ii. i inkfts• -duo,. ." .sr ~,..u.• to au ( :ar..,, w.s.; ••,• 7 3. II br.i.kers. 1 0 11 0 -Wv es. r bet- . - ..... •• -Oa giLllener“-- ----4- • - • Potenteloe-i• 6 6 . 661 * Conionoltede - • - ien Fieshtoelis--- . • 1- -47‘ 70 Country mixed- -e- 740 7i p..- goon welts-. i• -4 1 0 6 . Itiee lik . ....-! t :: .... i• -: ell Cl -1014-4 1' 0 4. 1 ' I Ckrrer- •••••• . ! ....- • ' - 717 . ( kg . ••• .. - • • - • - ::int inii:5vp....p ,. , ,e ,...: . E., ....: .. . " ' . ....._...4 : 74 .11 40:0_ 41 : •••• 7 101014 .: - 11plooL--71n: - • Clara '.. .; 3 •"- aw; folds's. . 14 4110 , Alisiles•-• .. .. . -•••••• 14 0 14 liaskerees - P In• 'Seneca... - , llosPP , ' 1 4. ' ' . ' Final:mei No. 1.- --,-,41 Cisenalati i• sad - Stool-ig lb- Foreign. aist ile 41nett . II 14.17 i Do min ..g ..... , • ” . - • • BettFe le •• ,-. ;1 - 1. VI. - p ii Him 1.” , •.... , -... , ,, ~,,bek r ee tisangskere4 - a 1 orioan Neel ... - . "- - i - • 66 English bllsser...” -70 114 Anietitan blineerwr. -17 , Bpring --- r ---....-•••• , 1 llipte•*-•4 o3 yr¢ Stiolle o ßoniteez•Lo i e •0 0 . L. , a ikeithp AO 01 , 76 " A.:- w• - : ..., .11 N b. ~...... ..... ei .., Glio,Uoilaisd --.- i ' - '7l IPIM Illutax-I tb• • 21.0., t tgae, bb liihiP'- - -71 1 11 2 , ibrnmiwbit4,lb... 9 7 9b B.li - ~...4_. tb,-1414 1, U Patenting: Sansi . • - I" , ` , Ilat.-"bat. • Na l. alleel- . -- ---i ' • -1 ". • keg , . .. . ...... l' aliiii;s - rit. - . g a tipitre..........•.4arioi Sys--.1b..00 0'40: rrid. off toiciat be manufacan• Igat Leaf- ..... Matas,:l"ml de , 44,11"-".. • 41114 4 • 2 41 / / 41 4144 710 14 WI 7 11 • 11/ 17 • UM 14 • 440 10 . . Plagin ker. Flag ta444 , 01"" 4 7vic•..., 12i la.t2 lima ....... Cat fr. OrtAMPIP Ts•—• ib , 10 es. ...1...0411• 70 Goa , Woos Hymn. Poachearr- Tlieeklie-IP bolt ;•,.:- Balinanaccli-=----• Tialiww-f' u, FLeadoull•-;* ....... -41 a, • --It a amy, .. . a sad lb. box., LPsaule• • L P Womb. DO' Ma l 4l l fr• liarsettles— • 40 30 •LCO • • •Th ....II • 711 • •••• •• _...y • 73 • lei / •••73 LEATHER—Thin MIN Of ON p:lo..iiii have bees vits _ best , sod th ere is se iseressieg *wed for all Wads it the followier rates: • . Battlement soie,..: .. ....'....D3sele. p lb. Dew York d0...4. ... :. . ...10tcal do Steashter ' ' ' ' 130019 , -de Upper Utah p doi Calf Shim • Black Mears' - ' 19ue1 . 11 , lb itheth ' .3e .'. ... .. ... .....rnote do ' ur Fl LEJUS—SI • yediaileiel line 0111" lilt M. VIDd In give sepia We el rig still, sad' LEAD P IP Mee are with* chasm aed sales CORtillge at the folkeristntee: .. .loch ,No 1 lead pipe .641 e! p bet, do , do ~ „do :I. do 110 -,,d0,1- - . . do, , .de ~ do -do . ' de -- All _ - de., do •. 1 ski' 65 , . MBAR MiLiii• =Milo olds modeXately applied .. with tide mod des °Hy le a mall way at . 43 m 300 OILS-3 se el 9 bbla witear 'Weed Lin! du atl3le. euh, with pa y for bolo: - Naha of 10 do Lia ised, et 30 60e, is pl.. Taitteeh Oil hiselliarg et $131016 , PID 11kT L'll'a ludas , Me fatioariaa maga al Hates —l9 too Llet . ftecie 331,6 at 100 toile E et at 36,6 am . Osire Id 139 WE of PURL Y , Kj, at 54a34 , 25•1300 p. was' PM, ea the Wil s: Small Ws of Het Blast were 'metal, kw, falser, re, st 34, 6 mos.. Of Mediu, metal, we,,hear of ao sew sloes Ott Isatimelds es, pests, all the choke water, lanes bees posstoody . takes; The seppko ea Med eseprteelpg4. et( ea brdei tplidityi let is leWseeessoy at 30 hr ttie.—;' Areal made le ikleirdainead at W... r ., _ , KoWdet — t-'-ithew Risk *pia liiiineGo— au itgs rusits—si. ppiei :cote moist. j 6,13, aad ffiffie Eamasky itilo,'.:aajPlp, he. ;,., Taw II a f # 11 ! 414., 6 M m 0TP,05 , 1 .4 . 101 . 01 . 4. ' .. 'RAGS—Magalar ilaaafvusyose,ueonfiag • SALT;-:Sti rairataii al Ito 1p at $145, or Na It 10. • • • .• TOBat.lll}-3dat regsliarifroar oar laanuflre tato at thapiara "laud la as dare tibia. - • TAR.4l6dans oder boo 'store at $484A0 WHITE LEAD-'M silo or UM wok ewe sails SOS atjl,SS the, No 1, sad !Id ita nue. ar j papcsai as ler • WHISKEY-..Sahli arS3o6lllmtlihitlallle, sad el IS MU ran al al Her , WOOL....Sea tabliihr prima - . _ The Mohr , MUM ill US gill; thing the ,peet Week, has bees. good Mil disterbsd by the Ade& meow& Giteriusent Swam ied TreweilietAw hoe bet - reeedisc for Clitoral weeks, wells the setielpetke ef a Prretteriecetice el Oilier, will fall brim per yU.. ' OtheeSsficks his. alio fklr the *bets •ofthe ittoke' sad receded, bit sot la propartlos to the M . nzeliiWat Woe. The at. West certain coallstasce et the mu mho ly Cattle that DOW WWII "IUI b* . imbed. .It way I be faint Willing sad It May: he for ate heeded; own Wei le tlui 11411,004 Weaved /Mho rest at onell!alstY• _..,W—flb Pr me ..... •—• M;;B bkod At Comsa...- Kew • ......„.... 4111.011 LIPIAldl•••• Gag irked-- - ••• zuse—rit , !Y." ' • ''''''' - • ,-.5117D - • 7 Ellab••••.—••••-• - ----- Ifrelliglits-411.00/br re . , Airdiode. .............. HEM .. ~r Dry Glooda•••:—.4 . . ann n Zarisailbrip Dry Gaols •• • • •• • '•••••• • Tr aegis Pmbee.,lla (sp).••••- 2111/1 . - - " 2. —0 „7- 01 f • • " —311•311 ...... • IS Ola • Heavy ••••••.• lanadas. . ' Hey Hoode.. - .. .. 1„. . . - ..:.,-,-,..51 • ti unia ...... ~......1........-.:•- • 3111 INT 6414. '•:'. ...: - . .p l _ . 1 2!" . 1.r m odor. • - : N e w ? Goods • ..••• ..... • _ 61 "":7:Av... a. / 1 / 4 ...0...4. c.., 'a" ..... Ea.,. , , " "xi" ea Mai tsu pu tee d A 2r,IVIZt rvi, .. so ; Hauer 111501 km., :, r• ~ 00" 1 1 l sae &a, rotesaliballs. 40 do V , D..... • ~.- Break " ' 0 coo Cheese, •d o jol Mill Rollerg I ds sr C4,. 4 th *41142°1 / 2 di 100 , . I =to ;I . tali :1 Irk4l P.* bb,t,kl a a. , la Piss aaa l'ellefOr I°T . do ~ _ I've Fanatara , ' d o TS Otaannue. ' ' booty Cam . Wiaaw 1' oat:Dila • 13 3= - ' . 1 , f; Hardman/ - os -oi 71t, 0i1..4 ... d.i 0 . 1 Hidee,(new a . n o =641400 One s o a : , 4 i t ir On, Can* -:_ •____, ,o, va LVe.s. MI ua7l l .... =, 1 .1 0 , - ' 1 ' P t do a LH" ILI ' do TS 0 1000 1 Par sod 911/1 " a. aoo . I,l ' - de He ' 11 7,r, 7 dimeaketetall. to ; Whoa% 1 1 , L . .. 01,26 ;dy , pat leol. 1 • ~ lb eha ' Bail via /601•01 1 shda. Ciao N. z—Ailes, 1111‘ nu. 1.,T Omer pool, Tease" c it'swaiabq 4!100 Ma SO - Clavette, Rex 4•1 - - CI h a iNIV. I O - a 4.4 re ei t. : -.., Clue Ns. 4-Bleavvai, d oe.;4loC4le 2 S 1- - 'hiavi ac argoes eV Mama at keel Sam "1 v. lc _ 1 114119 Ter b Clue Paa.,ol II 4 . 1 1 0. Y: . i • 4 . ~.....w.,.. ...... - . . 0.4 Itt. • • ••14•11 0 e ..., • e, Oka. - lel • 4 N. 1.8 , 11 , .• , 1 011 flOllll. 011.4410 ET.1.0 4, 1 1.. " ) 011 ..,a. ..'16 . 111 E x .l Bk, No:111Y, stl)cte a2li, svelltzea rpm** EtelTite has manhood WU% of le only a trigs boinr Via poiat toe, the shipment of Specie, The lot lea‘ior romps brought ody $ 12 ,K0, 'atm t!si 110 1ths U 8 anted mil aaaa thia tap ia i , Wi busy dectiA• of simile for Muhl° is cosiroasto od the owls• taxa of the MT. - , rue= 'or rrocits. *nos 101 r gitil"l44 U 611 30 1 K i At ,6 ) 1 , - : 1 7 0 : Readisi Boiie 6slikitA:gh 6's • 9311 EXCHANGE M4BI l• , Na eh*, his oiciiied is tie mast sloes cat last Term_ C.art,ty pits,blve sattrialtatly Uttirl• ast,,iti keep am nags at Pa last lisotatlies. • • The rollowtog . ato the Mtp . ttot Etebtate I IN *lid wbtin • Dean e mire* ' ti met wllPi,Og" twt . ll "%lar: • PhD. 1: 1 1101. slilu . „pa! o t p Gaspe muttisof Ctinelimad ' i t et 'n ail , - 1 or 111 - Yaras . . Wipr:ll _ , _Beat atttat—:Tkant Want at the yanlat MoMi 40:11tead, nealy, au 9 r which well wail: ,Pgt 4 i lba Nett; ithichla a alight fallhig a woos ~duwoar last report, + Sbasp—Abest 400 ROM mat Indy sale $ to 2,60 r had. t i n" ! k _ l i at4Qaa ' 1 - ETIEfEI.= • PORY-OF.Prrt ;• TA 21T1Lt.,, ARRIVED Miehigut No.2;Gilson, - Elkavet. Loot totetame. Sennett. 8r05:44 Dmimsb..Neleoi:l,lo4:ljiipi its trill.' • • Beater `. Cope. Moore. • . Camel, Bowedm- ' Loeb MeLase;Deteett:Srowearide; - Mal; . Womilmel, * .edivrodvilli:, Digeteh, Neleoe;'Bronneville... , Beater. Hooter, Reediar.l Lake Ede; dieeteldil, Bearer. No. 1., Gilson lßmrit Wslli 'fauna. Weliirllle. peetegleseid,.44l*T.:On.:. Rhode ludead,.Dawsoi4 Brhigepaut Wellreille,Serees;Welleviik , Rhode lelind. woo. s•abk, Tiotittie; cedes. se , towel lalt:Toreoe. • —cotuttany4py: • it , "Ow . Marli.et siktet, t i PAM OP =SWUM 111110:21derN MCG Da sasylvants. ' ..' otPlyaboret ;;-•Pat f A IL Pisa. Bank. ;par ilk siSelplasi•;•pu Glfard'llfutb•-• •••••••• •Par I Bank o(Gennwinvoli t I • . Cbeator Comity. • ;par I nilawabo'Cra• "Psi' 1 " 1[ oal10. 61 7CI" -, P a z Plonhazbeflanil• •Init • Cbloinb' Lallii66. .00 t .• “Psr Boylan:on Mat .. ' . 'Par Farmers'l3lr:Readlng•pal Pamela' alc; Boca. Vo. Plw. Ameba BlLlnell'l•Par Lanotwer Co: M.'. : t •Pfir Lama/tar BIL••=-;.t:. • par 'U. ewes Bank. r '"W Brownsville Bk;••• . ; ..... rx., washing= Da: •-••• .. . i G etlyenot *8k.... - • Il Qiembersburg- t • • • - ; " I Onsquebanna Ca. ; 6 Lebrgh Conant,.; •• • I 'MElddlelowli.••'••-- -• " Carlisle fr . Erie Bt ••J ;.. •• • .• • " Farmers` and , vers• Bank, Wayncoboof- " flasuibara .... . - f. -•-• " Honesdale ' Lebanon Bourvllle o York .... ..t.. -.. o BIC .. • Wen Manch Pik " kali ef. r.4.?"1- INstark' klirtnelies”li I•Pme/34111i - • -•.• :•'• " . 1 ' ; 111ilelsilm1 -'• - ; Exehiage; US. of .Fm. • I Farmers M. OfVe ' ," ; Bk. of the Valley,. --- *; or Virsirris••• . • .. • " ' If k i fr. M. BS.,' ineMlng I - do" Frorginunni•?• • 11 Dl.' W:Barik Va...... ^... I/ .do , WoUstmrd• . ••'-' 2 ''d6 Pariserstml• — .* .-- Teal Blc:of Tennessee-- - I . Fat. 4., Itemleis r ; 3 phwurs , 3 Union gate Bt of Missouri-- • • .io . rtikiii.xousksw Ilk; of C.app Fear.-- I Nerds'. Mr.4 . 6sw,berni• 1 9cate Bank—,•••• ... A I avian Carats& &islet ..... • ••• •le Bk. or Cluulasiaa...; 1 ,Cammareial .... • I ink of Georterain I Bt.of Hamburg... Merchants St • Minters a Blt of Sontb Quaint.; Max:visit& ••• Bahama ISM ..... •••rr &hada t.O BRBeap. • y Crinberland BSc( Alla ...thug - Far. Bk. Maryland.• Masan , a Marauder" -Bk. Frederick Fraderlek ex Bk.. ... • . Ilagernorm St • •. Mtoesal Bk••••• . . . Mt MI Ble.Titta.de. City k axmir '3evip• emus z0i...1 Breaths, LI Mown Flaunt. Swaim cattle ...... • • ClairreN .... . a New Clue lanai Banks. •••• 7 u . Caimbas olc!. • ...... IWZrreoilk esuahnter.e,: • • ikWon. Bk. of Bt. Cher •----, Bk. of i 115... Innenw- , ..- Iduldrus les. Co.- ' -IS Fink. lleehls)lk . Wisconsin Toradep kliddr.FirslnColllho4 th' ill solventllsako 6 Bonk of Bellsodnkses ' —sl 704E4 fen I r • a 110wels Vela% Napoleons - 3 SO, Diens. 1166 11.1 0 Ingle, old • ... I ••• 1010 Foes, new - • •• • 10 011 i 117 . = . 1111 . ? . .1!1i: n o , . ontnew Fredericksdiars... -117 SI iTVnerteders • - - 7 93 en Guilders • •, • X 00; Lesisdkos. ..= • ••• 4 SO, ' - IlraekalFige. • flew Yetk ... -••• 17 111 iphilsdelphni ~ Pne rilaltinswe • ' • Pew tsar. , Wen or Wks-- M :. • . •• • • : , " ab thn ~ . ! at Columba : Wl • ** ' ..... fr - 0 ik. Unaraiger 1 1 Wanton , 13 Granville so Parents Illr Caatea—'4 o I.ltbiroa lik ol' ICentmety t Uzi' lanzisvale Nethers Mc KeistnlT. .• lifiew Torig--nn B MISCELLANEOUS I C BIOKO W lITS BF tolioakki tlo patronage of pablie ?ilia snick, it it bat roglit owl pimp. JAM Ps mails im Wittman. Ike tap [stood am& lo Cully lad Lw anima& al okrono gsninano be. gins tlnt akeaas powiwynl4 mot be Anwato upeaby tio:ag it. 113• inn plan it n wok katans tiat the (cattail of blooklittkiew aro totaprod of a procipitato,.bele. together by wimple/n..11 whoa tko orator, ad. fa .MM wt. port otspornotlitutiwn no! precipitin an Mau a potty maw tato. pat or inkonetwhitkeintina ia Anton.* to ei& Mop' lak tanant. it wake it man MA I Midi imam ito wrilb Do* nano joy if a noslooo, 0t014 1 .1 it Woos% is anti obooktion., Bar Wn tigab Rua thee saitiattn..l. mem:wed. at ni atinnioat toidow notaisio ilia tacit minor to hold it logyabom.M•rdar• Mil arm gm thiclouyi Mix; ray AM tannvirtiwibinnitoot the poa ism aanntopon ?antra. nag &vet kit tin Leo ollnto nokynn non litml gut asil kw roily 10.0111 W by thy. ji ..4 awl sword Ea ti.sarrico.l “1•14,1130 WWI( don boo kenton li e inn, &onion *atm wands rapper—it wianot nottlai oat okhoogli' koona, of a India pas kolot riles in, boon kaftan/in a deep Wit talk *stun fot vim It i. mainlandArai aims, to tM lbeetpirtie• Mom anow.af 0•l , i Writing : nooakira mn gins too the Am mim As • gmaim•Moot is/MM. of my kiwi Mils MiamMl faumity. ik•Mmm.,..M p d so , al mot M •••••,that mom Wm wom maid MA.. Um da. Mira tipsy war be so amanly parrot. , . - . L W• rommotad " Ilibbert , samaresl Writlyg. Ride L ey P•L"""P d tho P 01.1". aloe Ne will. us all mi. p••••it Ilank•• Den do pm 41 Oven 'l4, up azi tlis ram 4.• /mimes •ama1•1•1•0 • doe? btetallha. 11l Ala Co. WEIL asi Maticollem Jobe Lippilusi•Lela svvvi c ia..l& C.. .• Ireg•••••• IL Anew: Pease• &Um • Bab. IlleT•11.111oite• C • ,11•20.1114 Co. ; : for W Atasi MiDs dog ShlBo. Tim 1111bee—Dear bey. 1, •••••Pg Menial Wsilise Shid&• . : 4l • 4 it • um na. One Winn freely I.lk!Ona awl Wawa is s - ' ! TUTTLE loOk.issisr Par Wasik ileseple.. • • .I.llWisret, se;l/147,' kir T. I•llAbsrt—Ltdar , Fa: waist procured . • Indigo! year Writissi Flail; soils ikris sneaks gni warder It fa. V ivi if swAsserior is .iirsoli:fMordier acno is WILLLY, for Millar imo it Cs . Pit2olswo.B9% 1 6. 1 .d t ! Ttiblpkwi--tiess Sin 1 so utrig • row ' Wfldisi and fad ikts ksi mat oak Lest wick fol. Orel pops, so kiss& soislog tissup like U. grairsiityof aikarislos it Alm kelp iwcoossa 4 p~eq2lllack la • kw " - 4 - :'W1111711111,11.1.40rr . • in,Slossis mid ST;rbwo.s =Demi" sirl anwhs: soma ofski Skeels; PWASSMS, Ps. .Tht r AND araurvoicE OFFICE. ' PERSONe bon& oat bT ammo? irriel w Ae ' rree ' . l :4 llL td7r: ,s - WalesouidnaPaelteibhipeonly. Foreign mseependesni. sod agents' of the Otiush government lave liegamtly cute:mad Fanietants at Home aidtheir Mends ia Amalie.MUM the Pasch that me condos• O l t epartaenkand have always teemed to the welt how* beam or arapan & - CA, MI the' right place (grab to apply", it theymtsbed to be totaled wiur pence...lb/ end kin dness. Patties who advents* Meoteetwee &obi Agents roe the 131aeb 13.11 Line, Mato nettat' i te erne, and this deceive the pebite,u profess IA be Agents net ofOnlydui 13 Elsa .11 Idlebet every other geed Lb* m Ind el bDra fig mihte to any mtnoant payable at say or the btenettes et the nowloclal ler National Deets a( Ire. mod; ltegland, Scotland, Alt IVe draw earewe ettenes,we do notate money and send tt to the East to RE some ens chola remit, thereby cueing mistakes sodelel7s.joalifet;7llllotonikensoM,*:,.ocauvrea ef, nropem Aclod, will accommodate Mete at New York tams. meat CM et.on* door below eamd . . NEW LISBON, 01110: 49 THE ITorietara of Cm Union Num.') harslet% I 011.1" art or Et J. nrCelly ,Floor Korth...4 Wog t 4proatargh,7o emolsen varieties odeboire tlrTrU l ltd i t i t ° ,:j:gr:Att e,l' dmltt eu ta. all no varieties whhosttelabfig the Aft. Coavapteoll T r all uses warranted tuna the Newsy. They will Woo ship to Capt. John W00d.4 'below btalw.rot m r.mig ...moo. , Poach, Plum, bear. Vetu sad Apulian awes. al amorally grafted ;dated rnses as 41 figkl. ll —Prneb Lei et.; A 010 6, A Oven ligt, threat Alratiod . s se, Worn niti, boa .gtong 671. Pear 60. All order. faun a dlstinee.. directed , to C. 0., J. Wood.. attended.* with dUpaleb. C.p6 J Weed. win attend the Pituhargli and All. poop Merchnnw regolarly,dannt the seam, SW set ting wor. with a good asoonment. Abet,aholee sal WWII.' 0 iv. blur* eenthesuilt. Malaga.. . air to all who apple aura T A EgkOIIitANCEE & BROTHER eetawtrrdseo3 —.weal; • • ../Jar t !&11: 1 11 . 1 11116111' VTR. T H ige i r k.,rteir(llNd z°l4,tf. DA thcioneeri Cathw and ann..., rte. gniter the nrevinumbaca o(' him INDIAN,' fotiagely.reineipal et do lionehwalt Datum. • • Mn. lvaker, this 'opmxtunliy 'oLthankuill all those (f ey haw Nohow peutathud her, wilhopes Chet they will Wombwell to wallow their rampage W her caw taduriskiug wathe( Awe that no Papil wailed , to her URN Nall ' fall to receive tottrato atteatiou to army booth of hi, allocatn., • • ; •. , • New bat expetieuee4 Te io ach./ ata ilifqa a Al ' Circulars can be obtained at Parke & Thulium% on. Wood th i lnwhargh, oral the - Waite& &venter 1.,l • ICLIrot)T---1.---.:M60-7-;777.7,' v 1 A n eIe OOHtOeV . own awl Beacom or —e Yourilloch_eny Nerionon Caary win be held or Au tumult of Roves Ratans, oa orhesy the Titankl ekedftof .B:IObiI'IMCWVAI the boo& of ID o' M aud 4 The ekbohlere are hirebr notisi;a w .ttenajn as pen await Intake by pony & not remitted by the women ALEXANDER 111,1JERIER; JODEPH MARELTh- - ':" • ' DUFFY, ••• • NOSES ROUNDS, JAMES MAV • JOI1N: r..C.aaniThellattece., • . NICIV• ' • ! AstAir:OLOITH I NO' 'STOitt; A 14!CSER MOYER d leveed:are samomeo to 'eivisese Pladalfmo odd washy Lbw they can promoted is *mime of Joan illaredpaadaelady el laroadwayal yorl,aafealietiodfabat& new. Tao aetalcaaa Waif badAellklNN l l.. ll / 3 : 1 1 44.11 thesemwel badoma, exclusively; ba dari cot tbe Isar tam yeah, is wait kriteara by that lashWealoe toossouity wad fa - entvertilly.aelleserydlsee to to a tenor el flCLlsegoltereata. • •••• • : • . • • We tent ha Inegadal wolu,d PaciUaa fuhk.s arida will dire se the way wage of effenkg Par ,C iao. wen Oa Lugar sod 0,411111141 Iva . Gewletwe laaa API dealrosa of adomiavi Wait awrooo coo, by calling att die (Wilmot Btax. be aceoodal . All or frost Ufa mtabllabssent will be Wens.: ad la over" paramdar,la so Dosba at earn. will be onWoo nor part so sand gamma! osarfoctioe. • • • Ww We Jam received aploodad wank of Daub sad Eettd , W•Pll,RfokwfaMberesdeOr.P UTl ' ..l ‘ l.• lel Maas. • . • , Mock ilw Hydfai A x ßroott and Toe fdarclaika awl Clothd fag fladsews Preach Doe Skier,plein dellieeted t , • • • 'litedbeil do do. . Aloha large let • of deserve. Coda end csaakketta Plea& =pm est Yelvera for .eat p. " Meek sod Coley Na : 'do . do aCoWAstero, sad all ...tele,. pertwaiag w oar bash:ow Ws Wars. advsatado am low boozes in slam Wert )op, betel wannected arld . l hoax, bo th le New York 'sad Vowon'arbo Intl keep o• mmbarly sapplled the lawstibtrapato wales of geode. . • ...111.611-11 1 111baa kept adamantly oat bead a general Togeth er er with kilns. Drown. samba B . L . M . Ilosows, Cobsa, acadfa, entwas, (norm asependem Ike AA • fiaNCICEW A. NAYIIII. be podded Swee,79 woods N.D. All °Wiwi veil be p • amended to. ' aPff • viLarwrir • GIOODL. PCII. LIES BY THE CAPE OR PACKAGE. TODD lave pig reelre4 daeSl tam tie '• f cue. lee, B. end 113 fuse 1.e7 Climbs, Weis case. tionlis ben fal.cred Kooks sad Eyes, incla-. died all dot ;amber& ' • . I ewe Carplaßagboodadootoral from liso awn await) . Wiluto,liaacay ud 13ot wt. tUrOotioa• Atwitter can of thaw patent ..leer) ;of titoyand• entafaxt cyanid alut tar gall% at Parnofictoreor paves o clonecoodlownt, by H 4 K TODD. M. ofavarow Arena, as Wood a, op atm, adores Mho. and at. au dsandosOon of tab pada and pi.. ut mire, toUy solicited. . • spa, QTI/1,1 Liparta Loam; 1.? neared biota Alpacas Loan% • . . Baal. do mottos do; , Fmk& tordbd Parausatta Cad: • Stack Indium Casbooen..; • Boyar Fronts Cuomo. 17EdonG • Flea may . Rick aoay cells Amy do: Iletof cad nob Pasta Moymbollabp . Latoo Roo Waido sal fain do • do, • osurood mortoydol ofindrro ens owning and *t owed '''. t be ditreKair. & omen a • ErrßJl4,l l 4ffitllVAND DILAWEILS—ege Mlhe Wipe. Sleeking, Flflh , Potsherd —Mete* Daly bees leave gelatine **Anneal; of Peahen. Alleglway,eed ibe Weialty t tlet belie lOW Teethed frame the Weaven is Uerataeleern. in addl.:aria hi. 011,2 suaufaelete. a nip 11,1019beAlWean* end Mateo tlederelerw, Drawee. Le, ea wilit • Feat va riety of recluses,.~ glove., heeds and meow. ram end eylped midday tech ild cm ekedgelYs sada pr. ems of evert deaenydo ,will ea wen , len fecibe ready eaah;es elms sire et the striped cent. *. Deal knee am fate* between Wood and MetteL eetetil nne.Te.• • — PALL DRY OOODI.. • 111.7.1tIXTT f. WINTE.P, Weri.es leen stare ODlsonsed AllaT,Pitobtrabotala Stoned. mamma Ochs and mow bars to their wess lean sod flesh 'met et EITAYLA.. AN FA.NCY Dal 6.01)04.1neb Sow arse ',essay pentagonal at las Nose trset ib lass Plamdlanorest. . OssIMINA Ismer tell sad eamplest, coausauot less ad dasinthle !heeds lAN/tare dithesh to Sad elm-, i s lio( *ad Inaba geld amatory small ohm.. sad low as key eaa be parch:soh of the Eut,ro Jobbers: . • • sprit DRT GOODS /111LRCHANTS. • A . m AVM It 00,5111.nd IS. In who, Ile WWII . .uos or Dry Ooodo Merriam to their extrasive Moot o , Emir, Rod Ikrotestic Gcodo,oakO Wed 1* Mkt ittb l ( Om*• o:ll6mM.*** Acme. . WIDE WIJCZTUIGE , i. attra u s ir till mimosa of sorter ‘ Rifj4 . r. rio rod TIE loans& wide.. AlosaDirw saw usoillas, '4 land .- • slop . 0( tbiess linty eelebrated Brawn desedert etteretemly on Led abil iter rale et esetrefee. bllerlelteeebb ; • -". StjAcELETrk. wHirE tr — ASIEDNXECHnSrIeiiaIIe !ordered Lin • 'l7.:elltuatris kfs she; a huge oweival eir lampneet, maims de, eadod tuotbenlasi NW), :• •• • Mel • :W•lt 141,1123.1.11 f :LNRINOUS — AII WOnlitlli4104:31004 01 Prters et digertet irettio, fat WINN" ter mak tow by lbs atebokele dit plebViese or .0.4' • • • • -,04111.111111PHY QTZZEiIISAIP WO . t 'IIP err•simitr et and lindiest !lure, !meta weeNvritl. Jideserelsor.larsthel•hhaKoß Mr sad prow, ibr mks lyettLY*Tramiavuore, mart rt. ord prossrap • .. nik••• ..• TV Oath Pebertacs, Cuftoa.CAps, apeza.nirrixi—or and pananscae be 1111..1 • • .• .; Esse n EATON'S ==tB=a=3d 11r es =rstr41:411i0164:5 1. she: tar se4 Meat asw,apitel fir/ 11106. omtor • -• ' rusammue-W.A. MURPHY Ims weeds am. Amore Dow Me °Lugano' ler *Mel b. !Gybe+. the .eee,Mnt Eaten.. • . eedl vrATErev-10.-on. veid•roseio. eks use wursapeelee sel; ralstS•Perlat bikl ellk &hat V( SNIAPHTS. at ell PHISTS—.3. oopply of newest rffla Joel:oh:g iome loiteb-wort pottering. well adored to Wit Gosabdo, try Boole hosoe of • . • - IL MURPHY VLANNYLL—He.Blegth'isit lapel .I:" addatimat soppy rceemr4 aO6l the otanefse teen. *boot rev recce by pried Othebsen% pc _ .bleb OKO ODOIRAN fewethl • •• ' • VU' R. 111,111111111 r lulawraproa Call ascausei . el Os. &gable bratabrarrabbl at:Ovando- Me; alaa,lalk ca bbed *bea de, abd a lard* mar. curd ablate sa dabeada de. • 'pad. EINGB—A Mak E 1144 of Rabb** sad Thread ER0414 nesting soon nay its. Hiles, Wit; nd hi • • R MURPHY •• 'K6 cor 40 rule. us - 01111111:11RIIISF‘Drab PAU itnpedCagisisreu kir 1. Lease Drams int met of W R soeS • .• R %I t•RRV GROCP.IO.6B, fio 130 BS LifttrOUS— E dof pore thud Ormady; 4 co pipe Uinn Y";" ° 1:q4 P gr 1 ..41), 7 s ue Psa% QsMJ ay . • t ♦.lacutie; Oli•rn Ow; • Bleck tom 0112; ' 1 • • no act do;, • • ' 'Sodom h ws; • •1 • • Swat Wadden dos Lobo Bramdr.of dtdefauldadodi Sal PM 12 1, h 000 mon atram condi...Fah $1 sad all eantalta whorl btldaarelf la the Nalo:ltiok mat!. kat; Tor sad 11 tholdpa or gallon to Itivir i te r i m o ac.is -•• boat.,ti 4141tAred 140 % 1Ntik 'ma . 7"4 2. 4 *4°' ( I Bar" . Von . .o . a w i re. • • i i, re•. 114 • •. de - . doable,do 4 ClenoseWe ; „.• vrac, • •do . I MI, mum . Dom &Co • : de' ..,- color. rich. 1 Dagal Grope *lngle do • n. and fnalty I Dearaney • • de' .- Clopio, pak riea and vell Wane , . Lnanta, i anbn, 0a... 4 dlonedalof dam yawn sal O. boot ka intedkial par pernousy oi then toree ken thDivictiaf the apP- , On.. ready Read tq age doca seaday of mamma. " lain eeelelag, I a sore utd &a Feta by dad otipul pant. age s and afro on dreaded at ile Wiria more of the IWO- Knott. • JACOR WEAVER Hider mute, & Nat et• G OlLOSltUtlhami4—; , i • • 1 2 14 bbill rlni l l ° 3 ~uoak bblc . z IS Lost Ones; - • Ulla elms V 14 Tsc '. -. • hit bib° P And Y it Tau lobby@ breesdros; • 44b/ bbls Whiskey; _ ; • ; • 80 . 0$ blesucgabela 'Masker !. Irk\ as IMlLlMateffireet tn.: Wipes and (Awl' us sac.; Or subs by W k AI MITCHELTUM .codlos '.. • • • Igo nen/ iveti- . , aoSIMEIZne n 81-151 1 randy ( dot Playing 06zila; I n; • • I 5 do walnut ICcisop; • • II do 7411.04 doi ' 3 can do;' • 4 dozen Lanooo Syraz . 19 do Pardinos • 6 blank Wive • LS do Chnomagate, Coo 6 dozen Popperolot: • end plank). • 6 do Samara Marra.. • alya,ernabod and cal, tetrad Bopro io t lola by P C MARTIN oc.l im setwribes wOold CALI inenttoo to Mir tied. Tee asweroseat a fordo. W. Lkeall k es,: brael w og all destoription*M4o..lZ.4. , .h wholesale es retail at law mew Nis watt was select penesetle,na rows, Armies; bat No lmpanee. how plates eg' growth. ' Mote tou the 'scab. brands am lola. flesples'faatabed and forgranlial - wha die. Wet. • • l*oo3 WEAVER, t • • - taper mutat sad leaf wrests. • SPI i OLt-is b taS b•ZPrtr. •.. users Camiai •". • ' • •.i b 7j a IL pun.° Yew-- ebb), Hun, D H Won iON brinn.t, • ; • Eau* Rye do • • • . reiNl ix sale by • aoarrustoa co , - ...uyy übeyty H:eypadLe bend or sedallald TIMA STOUS. • • v. • .. ?Cher* anstoassi Wad. • ASAPI - . 'Alen Cot Tekliefea.lb §TAIIiCILI FOWLS—Mum= sea U.. Tot • tyWing tivankik midges la Aqineglil MA -6i Ow calm; cbcb Affil Oa meal mum, *ad•• WO's. 10 13,e woe. pdm 14 as for • c•k• ‘l4 demi' fin etts by -, • •R'O !r 4 F4JE114 CY weed W. -- - --- i — tair , — immen:! , ,-' : : ",:c• _ , I '!' 1 t '..". "AP,Ft mean: t6i . r . rib= Dow asisi.erZ. jtIINDIMIse fold Wm. . • :'he sabveritier • ed basset: in the stems tuitional:a tido am sal bid now wool for tholoorpootem the Plibilli.'.44 3lll ll o _, sad core:folly selteted luso =pent of 11 ate Aiso vi it. every dioome:itootedot sea sloomirisisi. bp' ""' Eike eery lowest cook vices. - ' • ". Meier made tinletdattaViliti AP* ay Costa Oxier,of Nor Nok, be bond a rail copply o( *Mir eelebrawil Nevi. •Also; Nosola: Calooosiess.o. Ashiood rattus siod ...bleb he trill at all tit". lake pleortio to ahoaLa4_ flo teals *sea red that airiest. will 9451,11011111.0411311GRM. MO Ws plus .At Oa most ecooooreal. lie (s deuirmi oed Ikea raa.aaa. ma us be. boom. Do wit. stunelore, Sorigot gabela Ilooso t• - ieledusori • - • 0 WiIIeCALLAK A". • FISSION 1011:10111111. -- 1847.; • M C Oita 'er' .. .ki'N'df ' • • • InTrb.R.F. • • Corse Of 'Zia and Aftb Smith,: • HAVE. received th eir Auussonotyki of Usti lit let theysesoecifeby Uteibi the auesokso of dike ono. users and citmene goateed,. , • • rytt t PATF-NT AIII. CIRCULATrit AIIAT TillerECTol.—Tbierabieriber ielgodece est Saterdsv,.oet Geiuleerm waking • bat crud with this !Suitable Israel° wa/pleeee call sad examine. • • , ALFRED LXIIVIC, Peseued Hasq !eV) . 15e. bead of mewl a a .acionxlm received • bace Neer Yelit,AbleTal aped' lieu vat lehle leineleee de,. ISeterden, All dove ix IMO Ilf• oat endaeperier: Uri wotaJdo 'sato cell Wig 75, Weed . &reds, 3 , 6 dot above doh. 4.111 be lotredsurd ea August LL ' Iolmm •••111.6 • awl s :. • awhhf iaaablall A aten n sbarg ka. at &slm salt, Mete Impartedtil p• ••••••• b 7 . gee of the ttadc pleue aall at • *• [EH VIL use , .. • -, tl4. 1.04 a(.,)11,011. A 117213181/ rAosioei OMR UAW. .1 uer rvetivca fans Novi Vafk, ia• rim A mar t.isia for ilati. co Aiming of Wads stayer, Paul and Mahe Prrarh llasehiefella:4andi Vamilatora • TlNre in anima a Isea•Fl . ifal Walla; an tenpreilkdli limed lo call. S MOSE gaVA .1 1 and a 4 :doers _ &rote Ildi • ----,----- t WILLIAM - DOUGLAS boo mu neared • frrilh fluent) , of llinitpld, and Buena Yulut elint (Mated Ows, claw style. • ' • Ezus koefgvneh ynleflkia Iltu a von tow VVILLIJOI D 01.3011.06 CONTI?. U hll o osaufwan, Yd emosatlyos Lanai fury mad Capp of *a Mut sad Dfoo it . sq WI 711 Wood ftreal,Kaande ' ' ' . . EXCHANGE BROKERS, 1101115M1r, HANNA . s CO, - siosszax; sacimaidas 113101111/11 1 i AND DEALERS INITIREION AND._ - , ; DOMESTIC EXCIIANGE, maim/ass OP DE POSPCR, DANE NOTE 3, AND SIT= Feet* et, needy oppwite the Ito kite Piheltetitt. CURRENT -MONEY received cat lloccoele-4501 Cheeks the sale, and calk ;made on meaty all the priecipal men is the Celled Suttee. .. • The kiglenmetelso pale foe Eareip sad Aele Advances =aim eenxgieseMe of Prgehtee.,=ol I WILLIAM A. OA NIL RIR EXOPIANORI 11111.011=Rms . •-• • ••• • POREKIN AND 00.131:2511D17411Mii pi % arrIPICATIM OP DEPOSITS, DANZ • a AND.•SPECIE._. •••••••• • No. 64 Weed &mg. ems *or •boas Zee* iii k 6 aesg) IPlttalaarigh. Pa. • FL C S=lsua a: the dna eV* .. tomc od j sad WM: C. CU KIM, Odle orarld, Pal have rever mu • CpasinershiP, - swim the nano el ‘,ILL a. CURRY. (0, the upee* of tallYthil sato Peak lag and Exchange &nieces la ell Ees bienediea, at Tie 6 Weed myth Wan doors below • Forth. emu • aide —here !hey eaten Oa datum or their Meade gad the &Wig generally. • JlleEkil HILL g.t.Ll WM. C CURRY Jon.rm - ma, Am-. • waif. cigar. HULL _ _ _ RANKERS EXCEANGE REOREILS,DEALEL. IN FOREIGN AND DosC•TFIC IM RE MONT ROAD OF EICILANGE, CERTIFICATES *OF NiVrarceTt2 K r: g ronelZMl N ,;;;.; , .. ' p ak Fonds , and Cerre made ~ x j u rt:ve , l *a P.m:sl i t Sip! . Exchnogo off Plaldepiaakyr* Y.;;;;,;121- WNW, , Ohm, Indium, ragiarrtnids• Mme,: ,.. : D.k POMP., • • • hi WING. on !Movab • - =NIA Ell/1111211: •• - • 'SDW/1111 , 11141011k: • IMILLINICE Bintran st? *" n l ailL U a l reb=tl i s i dln i t cause Deposane, Sank Nana and Coin, nommen Ind Weed suncla, dismay oppisins.in. Chutes • ' • .• • WAWA. 010&.14&&& Konule&l. away sotaq Opko &a mambas% tedurenasfOws&4ll.l 1401.109 & lON • • . Eitbattio &iolteronlisasisi. VXCIIAX62 ooNew.York,ftalsdetphla mad .C. ems, be . .sals le map to sali, bi o . • • "Oft fAREV kp‘ VOR ck a Carat a...wooer-0M ameiat lasol,looafsafklt C is etcared and. miaowed, au Lathan , Witsmadig meek, withal 8 macadam Oiria rivar.3 Wes bola at leataty seat of Reiman 130 3 mlias hem • I . the Nadi:nal leas, sad on the name selected for ‘ a 411 , Road (o ta Wheeling, westward. Oa dos fans ISadm mill le operation; s grist mill arid Catlin mai, my Neer • to entre; 26.'6116003We; meessary nahliagOßS el axe; and a foactoot sasing,evith a spying loose+ Oa a Ism °tabard al gmard frail tippes) a( Masa IRO Imes, see of the bestarciards in Usetioastf)t ROM alsimads with !heal. which might be podaaldp snake! This aahla poperty. h e teMsrid mad voila heraold any law. perhaps fot loathe prim that soaßat property 1 / 1 Mid for, to locaticamseally as beads.. - losateetate pesicaslaa soma& be giver if isohl 11111 ha a mouth. ran ate parelmeer *mad. be, desired ha 7 emp of re sted an tbe dreamt •• Latent &Wre to Me saloieritet reathimi to the alrOVil Mal mattes pratispianetaiO4. " ' • • D %YID ALLEN, Rea raenti Bodgetion. 0.. Septemloo 30M. , 'nrp. :For ode, large Amsted edit Mikes ba mem semer.--as it.gedrod—A Kw mat add obooLla AIM t Or Yolosblel Ind swab good improormote sberum es „Mahmed creek, St Co, U. .woad ha saki p, gad iak• 11 A Aot 4.7,,11111- Ono U • • .Saiildesir . LPle ai .11seillaa IN LL.VILLE, 01110, . • • • ar.darso nut oral a.rer tot lento as s.daa die !taunt. of Well•viiir, wk 441Tue.1111 . Vol= •••.411' tM MA and iloadat•of Oirabo , , lei • •••• seals, aligaly shaded 'saw tiny taw' Sal Mad • ' BOIL • Fr ralt nwdmerr, 0111 F ..Jill: a avail& an apatite lam River. • : , . (Gaeta:* and arelealoa A•Nrills to 0100111141. • • .:rap, ad - twain/ to pale:ban mon .Mle ml IM a- Ps areas...elated alta at.e r ienrfn eke, laic a 'halal cantlelion •to for 07a1 tt•atcer la ' upper pan IK)oN, linearga. rthe Foadria andabiar' mausfaosoors now la oser:aria' operation. • ; :r I,7•Terna rarr—orly erao I.lroila ..( the pardan mooay b., TopunPO se be paul imeardlataly. wad far •. tba raids, ware Oa amount of wpm:luxe Lao ant • • ' - tiered EOM the poerbaher wale 1 0a Lo argeak Noma bestial loan:a-KW Pal•bla b oria arm or tanye•n (ran day of ale, .lareas=inil grants/ an Va.c.h., clertilAna 11300,ii d Deals of eareyanaa wlllbs prepare& 'abaft datay,anlarbia d.haated re an ractagarestooreigara well a taloa sa aa.paporrr sal en moon as Yam lemma. in4jaiatablo and free of sit liens oresonesarantea. • lUIIN W ItO1IIC1171301 , 1,.;:;, .IAOOIIgEiPPIZIT. PARK ROA LIRA, . . • 1 WILL ecll at Nei' on 1 'wedgy, .. es. ell Hastens's SlWOORessillist 5T1. 31 eintetedin Elam tirernahlp, Allecßoy ealy'Jlits •repeny Matthew Abu, Zemmol, ea.iel ebeen RII •eich a eon isprone—olt .1.1.11 met ed% =Womb , * Derelleg benne siet . lBam—ille eny chant 01 mike Rom Phnbeigh; mad Um rt.. *ugh and New AtrianAns MAAS,. puttee Amok It. One, brand. Tenle creek pares Onnolksell • ad RAM Jail zits for ...lit on atrusit{. • Tense, poo-Oled 10 hand; sae thcal 0.C.7.../ wIA Mateo; 1212k the halasetln be pa/A en des* Os Wove of the deeel.with Inteten payable aassißT 11108E3TT CAROTHERS, FiKaer orAtlChlnenie of Tim email • FOE SALE OIL 1111111T.1111.. r . / b Milrllrll.ll .4k rr_ "ins— astmiserriaty;ra ,oa ittorsiegabela rms.= Oa samddllit Gams Ci icipsoirrateot celt.. It scaliness a um Alf Srogsooilohbsooil , Tito )i at obi:o4 saw iriLciutusit satariatoo. Alla *re pm op bdm bra Inaba= aad AS • •, PO W Thre ars y also iti4okoingtais •Iltimi Haase, Mar tssouti , Mops sot abed Good .Darilltaillocat soda good boatyard- Tb. Wpm esti be pat le Root ardor or a cootastratirdy sail ex pense, and is lova WOWS rtu 1141.116111111% till(100 wading to coma to milling sad iambs. • For tanker particidarsapply to 15A111366 DILLI TUFft aFTiew GOUTS,* B•IIIM.S•VAIMmftai. . PROP/LETT /POLL 11/1.1.13. ns &p.m. hea met odes byte:4 km • %Jelly. about okiles above Lock No 3, nett wd e . con tainieg tie sew. .m. .Y beeeDiellY ilwereel • 0.0.1 bp.K.N. ba. • 84.1••• 1 _ era X* a<l and deep water at the !ardfied • TeWele eneti.e spa eaalma an plate. SO fee •••7P 01 • 10 .T.T.a I•Perk• quality- As we keve It epes trenilomen arber'w Id a eseseve an judge of to quality. Ills worm, 1,,b 0• the east prewny el Ur lotus Herres dee !icy, cod will bet eelortei gLirT42!e 4e abets Yagaas on prena•CO, • dmase• Bawtett 111.11 ' • ',YAS WWoOuppyliym= • ' • Statillali BAULKY', ...1 lad at between weed 4 wedlea_' TILE lloom oo M.Kct 111. IMAINcen prataloonypled by tlio 11. hole et of ble.n. Memod . tor badmen. Pos.n.siou von Ono..4Lialy. • Iso—Tbo Ka, ii,;..tonsae by Flaw Hall winray. • /We room L. morl sal is my sznabto for earxdr--.lltzat Almra. luaus. sAto ova tl.P.It ea • I ; • Oilleamstbain Wefts bre 'TO LET,A tam, _Cmo*.diest, God la. th tem Mktg ea }an au, hall yin belweeptlirmim alley said v a r. Pooemen illerlsO•O.• pew mamas , . aw °dice ef • - • • WWAITALIA • - BothoIIGIATI r• - r-•••• ' , TN KrANCIIEWER.4OIIIII se ma . I.Deast. lit BaliAlai butler imuKulbe Ferry,. KI I ea hew by IS feet Ker.:ll ure:Plid as secomaktalin roma, ism. ;.mill. • JAM g /.11 BLAKELY. Ku ..--.. ....: ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers